HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/2004 - Minutes City of Renton e' � Park Board Minutes City Hall 1055 South Grady VVay St�' Floor December 14, 2004--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael O'Donin, Chair Syl�ia Allen Deborah Chesley Cynthia Burns Karen Bergs�ik Jacab Chesley Ralph Evans Les�ie Betlach Brian Sykes Marge Richter Keliy Beymer Jim Zimmerman Ron Regis Denn�s Culp Tim S�aring Terry Flat�ey Troy Wigestrand Brendan Ndze Sandy Pilat Jerry Rerecich Derek Todd CALL TO ORDER Michael O'Donin, Chair, called t�e December 14, 2004, meeting #o order at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF M[NUTES Marge Richter made a motian seconded by Ralp� E�ans to appro�e th� November minutes as submitted. All were in favor, motion carriad minutes appro�ed. AUDIENCE COMMENT Brian Sykes, Non-motorized Transportation Committe�, was introduced by Leslie Betiach and Dennis Culp introduced Karen Bergsvik, Human Serriices Manager, and Brendan Ndz'e, Intem. ANNOUNCEMENTS Invitations were gi�en out to the RYSO concert being held December 19tn City o�'Rcnton Park B�ard Minules Dcccmber 14, 2004 Pagc 2 of:# CORRESPONDENCE Dennis Culp reviewed the following #wo letters that were recei�ed in No�ember: Mij Charbonneau wrot� a letter thanking the Park Board Members for the use of the S�nior Activity Center for their 3�' annual auctioR. They doubled the amount of money raised from last year and had assistar�ce from the Renton Youth Council in coordinating the auction. Julia Moore wrote a �etter to acknowledge tt�e wonderful job dane by Col�een Heuiser, REc�eation Specialist, who runs our Specia� Populations Program. It was noted by the Chair a�d staff how nice it always is when patrons and citizens acknowledge the efforts of our staff and aur programs and facilities. CONSENT Deborah Chesley submitted a request to hold a benefit concert as a fundraiser at Carco Theatre on January 15, 2005, and possibly a silent auction. The money taken in wo�ald be used to defray medical costs for Jacob Chesley. Staff recommended appro�al of the fundraiser and auction contingent on completion of reservation forms and payment of fees. It was also noted that Ms. Chesley would be responsible to adhEre to any regulation(s) Washington State has concert�ing charitable e�ents and required reports. Cynthia Burns made a motion to approve the consent agenda approving the auction and benefit concErt at Carco T�eatre. The mo#ion was seconded by Ralph E�ans, a!I present were in favor, motion carried. Derek Todd explained the benefits of the treatmer�t Jacob would be receiving and about others wY�o have had success. Sylvia AIlen requested an update when they retum. OLD BUSINESS Council has allocated $1,250,000 to de�elop Heather powns. NEW BUSINESS KeUy Beymer, Goifi Cours� Manager, discussed the success of the annual "Balloon Sa�e." The sale allows patrons to select a helium balloon. Each balloon has a piece of pa�er in it indicating a percentage off any merchandise in the pro shop, This year's sale netted $1,100, whici� was an increase ov�r last year� �THER Dennis Culp in�roduced Brendan Ndze, a grativate student fram UW, inteming in our office. Brendan has been working on expanding the current �olunteer program. With the current budget shortfall there is a need to maximize all City af Rcnton Park Bo�rd Minutcs December 14,2004 Pagc 3 of 3 available resources. Brendan has been working on getting informatian out on the City's web site that would incl�de projects, application #orms, cot�tact information, etc. He explained he had been in toucY� with �arious organizations and the school district #o assess interest le�els. Leslie Betlach discussed poss�ble changes in the park rules and regulations. A couple issues had pr�sented themsel�es tha# could use clarification in the park rules and reguEations. The first was prohibiting dogs from special e�ents, i.e. Farmers Market. Secondly, we need to spell out that all clogs, including service dogs, must be on a leash when at our parks. We had a problem in one of our parks with someone letting their service dog run free w'rthin a t�nnis cour� and not cleaning up after their dog. Tim Searing made a motion seconded by Marge Richter to draft altemate language for consideration to change the park rules and regulations to clarify all animals must be on a leash, including senrice animals. All were in fa�or, motion carried. There was discussion regarding tF�e park property on Carr Road and its use. Cynthia Bums inquir�d about the progress in replacing bulbs in the Readerboard at t�e Community Center. ADJOURNMENT Cynthia Bums made a motion to adjoum the December meeting. Troy Wigestrand seconded the motion, a11 were in fa�or, motion carried, meeting adja�rned at 5:35 p.m. ti .. Signafur NEXT REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 11 , 2405-4:34 P.M. GlTY HALL---ROQM 5� 1