HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/2005 - Minutes City of Renton �'s ru Park Board Minutes City Hall 1055 Sou�h Grady Way Sth Floor January 11, 20�5--4:34 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michae2 O'Donin, Chair Sylvia Allen Melissa A�ery Cynt�ia Burns Leslie Betlach Rannie Canda Ralph Evans Kelly Beymer Da�e Moore MargE Richt�r Dennis Culp Joe Puhich Ron Regis Terry Flatley Pat Spiry Tim Searing Sandy Pilat Troy Wigestrand Bonnie Rerecich Jerry Rerecich CALL TO ORDER Michael O'Donin, Chair, called the January 11, 2005, meeting to order at �4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ron Regis made a motion, seconded by Ralph Evans, to appro�e the December minut�s as submitted. AEI wer� in fa�or, motion carried, minutes appro�ed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sylvia Allen introduced Melissa A�ery, Central Washington University st�dent, inteming with aur recreation department with #he youth athletics program. Syivia reviewed winter quarter programs starting inc�uding �asketball, co-ed volleybafl, spring softball, and youth basketball. 5he noted 70� children in grades 3 thru 9 are anticipated in our youth basketball program and over 100 are on a waiting list. The wait�ng list is d�ae to �ack of a�ailable gym space, an issue we will ha�e to address in the future. City of Rentan Paric Board M'rnutcs Jar�uary I 1, 2D05 mceti�g Page 2 oF4 Kelly Beymer, Golf Course Manager, mentioned two current specials at the galf course. November thru January, Mor�day thru Thursday, there is a bucket special. A large bucket normally selling for$6 wilE be $4 and a small hucket that Fs norma�ly $4 wi�l be sold for$2_ Additionally, tY�ere is the Maplewood trifecta: January thru Marct�, Manday thru Friday costing $29 per person includes green fees, cart fee, an� lunch. Seniors pay $4 per person. Michael �'Donin, Ci�air, requested if all members were in agreement we would skip ahead in the ag�nda to Old Business to review the item the audience members were here to comment on, in case they preferred not to stay�or ti�e ent�re meeting. There were �o objections. OLD BUSiNESS Background In 1996, Joe Pucich was granted a discoun#for use of the Ren#on Community Center gym space for his adult basketball league. Tha# discount has been honored every year by staff without further review by the Park Board. Staff felt it was time to bring this issue back to the Board for review. Mr, Pucich explained ti�at he has been running this adult league since 1947 and since the prices for gym space are so hpgh he would be unable to keep t�is league running if he foses his discount, It is increasingfy difficult to secure sponsors and there are additional costs of referees and scorekee�ers. An audience member commented that Joe �oves basketball and just wan#s to see people play. The "Renton Roadrunners" has b�en his #1 priority for many years. Jerry Rerecici�, Recreation Manager, responded to a question answering the rates for the gym �or Renton residents ar� $30 per hour and for non-residents $36 per F�our. Joe's group is the only one who receives a discour�t for gym space, He further explained ad�lt leagues cost $575 for �0-games/per team. Teams typically split the cost per team member. Cynthia Burns, 6oard Member, felt this group was the only one that had ever requested a discount and made the effort to come in and discuss their concems of pricing with the Park Board. Perhaps if we couldn't honor the same ra#e we could consider some type af discount. Michael O'Donin reminded everyone of the City's current financial situation and how will we address the next group that comes in and wants a similar d�scount. Another audience member explained Joe had been runn�ng this league 50+ years and had won o�er 30 championships. These were Pro-Am teams. Joe has kept thousands of kids off the stre�t, away from drugs o�er the years, due to City af Rcn[oo Park Bourd Minutes .lanuury 1 I,20Q5 mceting Page 3 of 4 his in�olvement with atY�letics. Sylvia Alien explained #he leagues Joe is involved with are adult I�agues, not yout� leagues, and Council �as directed staff that programs far adult sports will pay their own way. Mr. Puhich and guests left the meeting ha�ing said all they had to say and to allow staff and board members #o continue their discussion. Tim Searing voiced concerns that someone els� in the community is left to pay for Joe's discounts. This league is for college-aged athEetes a�� aduits, not for youth, the increased costs incurred by na longer receiving a discount could be absorbed by the team members and would not be Joe's responsibility. Ralph E�ans made a motion to concur with staff recommen�ation discontinuing the 50% discount for gym space offered to this league since �996, Tim Searing seconded that motion. A vote was taken, three members were iR favor of discontinuing the discount, two were opposed to the motion and there was one member who abstained from �oting. 5ince the majority were in #a�or of discontinuing the discount, motion carried. Cynthia Burns requested a letter be sent ta Mr. Pucich notifying him af the decisian and acknowiedging �is continued involvement and support of athletics in Renton. CONSENT Dennis Culp re�iewed two letters. The first letter was from Marci Cuykendall requesting to donate a bench and plaque in memory of 6etty and Phil Cuykendail, Renton residents for o�er 50 years. The s�cond letter was fram Veterans far Peace, C�apter 92, requesting to set up a display in Cedar River Park on January 20-30"'. This is a tra�eling memorial display honoring troops killed in Iraq. The group is requesting to spend the nighi in the park and have access to restrooms. 5taff discussed their concerns regarding the display at Cedar River Park. They have checked with the ci#y attorney and will check references from other cities this display has visited. Cynthia Bums made a motion to concur with staff recommendation and approve cansent items A and B. Ralph Evans abstained from voting, all ot�ers were in fa�or, motion carried, consent agenda approved. NEW BUS[NESS Troy Wigestrand asked if any decisions on use of the Piazza had been made. Dennis explained the proposals Council is considering. City of Renton Par�Board Minutes J�nuary 11,2Q45 mceti�,g Pu�c 4 of 4 OLD BUSINESS Mr. C�tp concluded discussing the items under Old Business, including the c�ange �n approved 2005 recreation fees and potential of putting the Park Board agendas on the City's web site. ADJOURNMENT Cynthia Burns made a motion, seconded by Ra�ph E�ans, to adjourn the January mee�ing. All present were in favor, motior� carried The January 2005 meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. � .� ( - �. ,�,.' , .�, Signatt�re NEXT REGULAR MEETING F'EBRUARY 8, 2005 RENTON CITY HALL 4:30 P.M. Fifth floor�Room 511