HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2005 - Minutes City of Renton � Park Board Minutes City Hall �055 South Grady Way St�' F�oor—Room 5� 1 February 8, 2Q�5--4:30 p.m. in Attendance: Members Staff �thers � Cynthia Bums, Chai� Pro Tem Sylvia Allen Joe Drazich Ralph Evans Leslie Betlach Lynn Drazich Marge Richter Dennis Culp Brian Sykes Ron Regis Terry Flatley Tim Searing Sandy Pilat Absent Michae[ O'Donin Tro Wi estrand CALL TQ QRDER Cy�thia Bums, Chair Pro Tem„ called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ralph E�ans noted the cost of the senior rate for the Maplewood TrEfecta was listed as $4, instead of $24 in t�e announcement section. Ralph also wanted to clarify that when Consent [tems A and B were voted on he had abstained from voting. It was �is �ntention to on�y abstain from Item B, t�e Veterans for Peace request to set up a display at Cedar Ri�er Park; he was in fa�or of the memorial bench request. Marge Richter made a motion, seconded by Ralph Evans to approve the minutes with abov� clarifications. All present were in fa�or, motion carried, minutes approved. AUD�ENCE COMMENT Leslie Betlach introduced guest Brian Sykes, Non-Motorized Transpor�ation Committee member. City of Rcnto� Park Baard Minuies February 8,2005 Page 2 of S C�RRESP�NDENCE Dennis Culp re�iewed a lei�er from Veterans for Peace thanking us for use of Cedar Ri�er Park f�r their memorial display. CONSENT Dennis Cuip re�iewed the following consent items: a. The Loy�f Companions �-H Dog Club requests fhe use o# Ri�erview Park and Cedar River Trail for a dog waIk and fundra�ser on Saturday, May 14, 2005, from 8•00 a.m. untii 3:00 p.m. They requestEd a fee waiver for th� use of the shelter. Staff recommends denial of$50 fee waiver for picnic s�elter but permission to host this fundraiser. b. Sharon Kenyon, Renton CROPWALK Co-coordinator for REACH, requested fee wai�er for the E,iberty Park and Riverview Park sheiters on May 1, 2005, for#he Renton CROPWALK. This is the 22"d walk and the group has raised over$296,000, with 25% ($74,000) going to Renton hunger agencies. Staff recommends appro�a� of this annual e�ent and fee wai�ers for two shelt�rs Q $�0.00 each for a total of $1 D0.00. c. Liberty High School girfs' golf team requested t�e use of Maplewood Golf Course and facilities far their Spring 2005 season. They would like to use tt�e course on Mondays and Tuesdays and �he driving range on Wednesday and Thursdays during March, April and May. Estimated fees would be approxima#ely$4,330.00. This request was approved an 2004. 5taff rEcommends approval of this request for the 2005 season contingent on caordination with Kelly Beymer.T d. Telecom Pioneers requestea use of the Renton Senior Acti�ity Center on March 26, 2005, for theif annual Easter Egg Hunt for#he blind. This e�ent will be from 10:D0 a.m. until 12:00 Noan with an anticipa#ed attendance of 100-120 adults and children. Staff recommends appro�al of this rental. Staff suggests rather than charging the minimum 10-hour rate that the fee would be actual usage utilizing the non-resident rat� of $85 per hour for 3 hours for a tota{ of $255.00. e. Kathleen MacLeod, Adult Transition Program at Sartari Education Center, requests student/senior rate for 11 young adults enrolled in the Adult Transition Program in ti�e Renton School District at the Renton Community Center fitn�ss room. Current drop-in fees for adults are $3.00 and studendsenior rate would be $2.00. Staff recommends approval of this fee reduction for this school year only. Ci[y of Renton Park Board Minu�es February 8,2005 Pagc 3 of 5 f. Pam Whitemore requested to hold her wedding ceremony on the lawn adjacent ta the Cedar River at the Renton Senior Activity Center on August 5, 2005. Staff recommends appro�al of this reques# conting�nt on compliance with park rules and regulations and coordinatian with Shawn Daly, Senior Center Coordinatar, #wo weeks prior to the event. g. Piazza Renton group is piannin� their yearly events for 2005. These would include the Jazz Festi�al, Chalk Art on Saturday, July 23; Harvest Festi�al on Saturday, October i 5; and the tree lighting on Saturday, December 3b. 5taff recommends approval of this request. h. Doug McAlpine, VFVII Post i 2fi3, requested to hold an Easter Egg Hunt on March 26, z005, for all local c�ildren at Teasdale Park. They expect 70-150 cF�ildren. Staff recommends approvai of this �vent. i. �fulie Brewer, Comm�ni#y Relations Manager, requested use of Gene Couion Memorial Beach Park to host the 2005 Freddie's Club of Renton Fabulous Fourth of July on Monday, July 4, from 6:00 a.m. unti� 1�:59 p.m. Staff recommends appraval. j. Sally Cummings and Capt. Christine Giffey-Brohaugh requested use of the Gene Coulan Park north shel#er for an Easter Sunrise Service an 5unday, March 27, 2005. Additionally, they requested to have wine for communion during the service. No fee wai��r is required, and staff recommends appro�al of allowing wine to be served for communion during the service. k. Susan Richards requested wai�er of $45Q.0� fEe for use of the Renton Seniar Activity Center on May 4, 2005, for the Annual Communities in Schools of Renton Benefit Dinner. One hundred percent of the money raised is retumed to the commu�ity in the form of the Family Liaison and Mentoring Program within the Renton School District. Staff recommends appro�al of this request. I. Terri Davila, Fairwaod Elementary School, requested a donation for #he Spec#acular Spring E�ent (annual auction) held by Fairwood Elementary PTSA. Staff does not recommend approval of this request. m. Bob McBetE�, Chairman o� Rotary CAPER 2005, requested wai�er of usage fees far the Renton Community Centar on Saturday, March 19, 20�5, for the 2005 Renton Rotary CAPER Auction. This wai�er of fees maximizes the amount of mor�ey raised each year to pro�ide assistance and support throughout the community, Staff recommends approval of this fee waiver�alued at approximately $3,050.00. Cily of Rcnton Park Boarcl Minutcs February 8,2005 Aagc 4 of S Ralph E�ans made a motion to appro�e Consent Items A thru M with staff recommendations. Ron Regis seconded the motion, alI present w�re in favor, motion carried, the consent agenda was approved. OLD BUSINESS Changes in park r�les and regulations Dennis Culp r�viewed the two proposed changes sugges�ed by staff and asked if #he Board members had any other changes they would like to submit to the City Attom�y for review, prlor to making a recommendation to Council. There was dEscussion regarding enforcement of not ailowing dogs at special events and possibly pro�iding signage #o a#ert the public of events that would r�ot allow the presence of animals. Memorials Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, circulated a map of all the current Iocations of memorial trees and benches at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park, There F�as been a moratorium on accepting appficat+ons for trees at Caulon Park until the waiting list had be�n fulfilled. After o�er three years the list is now complete and a decision ne�ds to be made if we should keep the current policy, modify it and possibly eliminate the plaques, or encourage expansion of tF�e donation policy to includ� other items. The City of Kirkland's program had been dis#ributed pr��iausly and includes picnic benches, supplies for programs, etc. We would ha�e to come up with an altemate way to acknowledge these gifts, other than plaques. Leslie indicated that staff would return with a proposa� a# a future meeting. NEW BUSINESS Joe Drazich was in attendance a# fhe meeting with a request #o christen �is new boat at Coulon Park. ThE christening would take place at r�oon on 5aturday, May �4, 2005, and approximately 100-150 people would be present. Mr. Drazici� would host a barbeque ar�d give a tour of his boat to his guests. He also woutd have a steel drum band for approximately one hour. Mr. Drazich assured staff and the Board he would encourage carpooling and comply with all park rules and regulations. Staff recommended appraval of this request and will coordinate the details with Mr. Drazich. Tim Searing made a mo#ion seconded by Ron Regis to approve the request, all present were in fa�or, motio� carriedr request appro�ed. OTHER Dennis Culp enco�raged the Board to watch the Comm�ttee of the Whole meeting �ideo. Sy�via Aflen, Recreation Director, had done an exc�flent presentation at#he last meeting, and it would be rerun on Channel 21 throughout the week at various times. � City af Renton Aark Boarc!Minutc� Fcbruary 8,2005 Pagc 5 of 5 AUDlENCE COMMENT ADJOURNMENT Ralph E�ans made a motion seconded �y Ron Regis to adjourn the meeting at 5:35 p.m. All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjourned. � Sig ature NEXT REGULAR MEETING MARCH 8, 20�5-4.3D P. M. CITY HALL-F���M 511