HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/08/2005 - Minutes City of Renton �'s � Park Board M�nutes City Ha11 1455 South Grady Way Sth Floor—Room 511 March 8, 2005--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff O#hers Michae� O'Donin, Chair April Alexander AI Dieckman Ralph Evans Syl�ia Aller� Brian Sykes Marge Richter Leslie Betlach Ron Regis Kelly B�ymer Tim Searing Dennis Culp Troy Wigestrand Terry Flatley Jerry Rerecich Absent: C nthia Bums CALL TO ORDER Michael O'Donin, Chair, ca�led the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Marge Richter made a motion, seconded by Ron Regis, #o appro�e the minutes as wrEtten. A(I present were in favor, motion carried, minutes approved. AUDIENCE COMMENT Leslie Betlach introduced guest Brian Sykes, Non-Motorized Transporta#ian Committee member. CORRESPQNDENCE Dennis Culp reviewed a (etter from Marcia Cuykendali acknow�edging the commitment and good work of Jahn Slaney (Parks Mainter�ance Supen►isor). John assisted the family with a memorial bench and they wanted the department to know how lucky they are to have such a wonderful employee. CONSENT Dennis Culp reviewed the following consent items: a. Peter Schille, Ciassic Thunder, requested to hold thEir radio-controlled model hydroplane e�ent at Gene Co�lvn Memorial Beach Park on May 1St, June 5ih, July i Qt" and August 14t". There wouid be approximately 15-20 in their group. Ci[y o�Rcnton Park Board Minutcs March 8, 2005 Page 2 ��f 4 They utilize the area in front of I�ar's and have used our facilities for 12 years. Staff recommends appro�al of this request. b. Roger Newtan, Electric RC Unlimiteds, requested to hold "radio-control�ed modei hydroplanes races" on July 9th and August 215t with 10-15 participants at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Staff r�commends appro�af of this request. c. Wayne Gerhart requested to have his wedding ceremony on the grass by t�e river outside the Senior Acti�ity Center on July 30�". His reception is booked there and Mr. Gerhart is aware of the park rules and regulations and will follow all guidelines recommend�d by s#aff. Staff recommends approval of th�s request contingent or� coordination with Shawn Daly two weeks prior to the event. d, Joy Kreick, 5potlig�t on Recorrery, f�as reserved the north sheiter of Coulon Memorial Beach Park for Sunday, April 24, 2005, for a kick-off e�ent for their f�ndraising campaign. S�e has requested wai�er of fees. Staff does not recommend appra�al of this waiver. e. Michael Scott, Sales Manager/Carquest, requested to hold a `"Customer Appreciatson Tool and Equfpment Show" at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park utilizing th� north shelter and host a barbecue for their customers. Staff recommends approval of this eve�t on Wednesday, June 22"�, with t�e following contingencies: ✓ No amplified music at the e�ent ✓ Prov�de proo� of insurance naming the City of Rentan as � co-�nsured ✓ Barbeque must be catered or cooked with an approved barbecue ✓ Event must stay within pre-determined area ✓ No banners of advertising ✓ M�et with Parks Supervisor and recreation staff prior to the even# f, Mark Helgen, Olympic Boat Centers, requested to ha�e an e�en# at Gene Coulon Beach Park on May 5'" tor approximately 1 QO peaple. This event would be an educational, entertaining experience to heighten interest in their company and products. Staff recommends approval contingent on the fo[lowing: ✓ Submittal of insurance certifica#e naming the City o# Renton as a co- insured. ✓ Stay with�n a preµdetermined area ✓ No amplified devices ✓ No selling may take place on park grounds ✓ No bann�rs or other means o€advertising ✓ Meet with parks maintenance and recreation staff prior to the event City of Renton Park Board Minutes March 8, 2U05 Page 3 of�4 g. Deborah Poole requested to hold her wedding ceremony at Cedar Ri�er Park by the river. She already has #he banquet room at Renton Community Center reserved for August 6, 2006 for her reception. Sta�f recommends approval of this request contingent on compliance with park rules and regulations and coordination with Shirley Anderson, Community Center Coordinator. No area of th� park facility may be roped off for this group, it is all open to #he public, no afcoholic beverages are allowed in the park and no chairs from the Cammunity Center may be taken outside. h. AI Sieber�, American Bass Association, requested to hold an American Bass Association bass tournament at Gene Coulon Memarial Beach Park on May 21 st thro�gh May 22, 2005. Approximately 125 people and 50 boats will participate in the e�ent. Mr. Seibert also requested that he be allowed to park his motor home at#he tournament site on May 19th and May 20th, since he is coming fram Yakima. Staff rEcommends appro�al of this request; Mr. Seibert wilf s#ifl be required to pay the 24-hour use boat launch fee for two days. i. Victaria Mills submitted a Memorials and Plaques application tor a tree or bench to be placed at the Lake Washington �nd of t�e Cedar River Trail. Staff recommends appro�al cantingent on coordinat�on with John Slaney, Parks Maintenance Supe�-visor. During the reading of#he consent items, two items were noted. For consent item d., Joy Kreick's name was misspelled (shauld be "Kreick" instead of "Kreic"}. Her name will be corrected. For consen# i#em e., it was requested that the phrase "No selling may take place an park grounds" be added. Ralph E�ans made a motion to approve Consent ltems a. thru i. with staff recommendations, Ran Regis seconded the motion, afl present were in fa�or, motion carried, the consent agenda was appro�ed. OLD BUSINESS Memorials l.eslie Betlach, Parks Director, briefly reviewed the packet of informa#ion that was given to Park Board members regarding other municipalities' practices for donations and memoriais. The city of San Diego accepts major danations in the form of cash, jewelry, etc. The city of Ann Arbor, MI, accepts donations for trees, parks, grills, basKetbafl hoops, and other items. They also ha�e a price listing avai�able for the public. The city of Seatt�e has changed t�eir policy; they no longer include plaques with tree memorials. Leslie suggests that t�e Park Board think about expanding the policy and passibly publish a brochure with �arious items for donation and pricing. She will have a recommenda#ion at the next mee#ing. City of Rcnton Park Board Minutcs March 8,zoos Pugc 4 nf 4 OTHER DISCUSSION {TEMS • Michael O'Donin asked about the progress of the gangways project at Coulon Beach Park. Staff reported that th� project is going smoot�ly and that they are very pleased with the contractor. The project should be completed within the next couple weEks. * Ralph E�ans requested a progress repor� on the Sam Chastain Trail connectian. Dennis reported that Boeing and SECD Development are moving #orward in their coordination efforts, but there will stil� be more negotiations before the project begins. • Ralph Evans asked how many parfcs are owned by the C�ty of Renton. The Parks Inventory was distri�uted listing the different parks and trails with their acreage and miles. • Brian Sykes from the Non-Motorized Trails Committee is concerned about the new streets and traffic flow once the new de�elopment Lalceshore Landing is complete. He requested that a trail be included �around th� backside of the develo�ment so that the bicyclists can a�oid traffic. • Troy Wigestrand reminded everyone that the Day of Gi�ing would be in approximately 6 months. There is the potential for�olunteer projects that wo�ld be benefic�al to the City. ADJOURNMENT Troy Wigestrand made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to adjaum the meeting at 5:13 p.m, All were in favor, motion carried, meeting adjaurned. � Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETlNG APRIL 12, 2405-4:30 P.M. FI I FTH FLQ4R ClTY HALL