HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/10/2005 - Minutes City of Renton �� � Park Board Minutes City Hall 1055 South Grady Way Sth Floor May 10, 2005--4:30 p.m. In Atten�ance: Members Staff Others Michael O'Donin, Chair Sylvia Allen Patricia Evans Cynthia Bums Leslie Betlach Ralph E�ans Kelly Beymer Ron Regis Terry Ffatley 5andy Pilat Absent Jerry Rerecich Marge Richter Tim Searing Troy Wigestrand f. CALL TO ORDER Michael O'Donin, Chair, called the May 2005 mee#ing to order at 4:40 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ralph Evans made a mo#ion seconded by Cynthia Burns to approve the minutes as submitte�. All were in fa�or, mation carried, minutes approved. I�I. AUDIENCE COMMENTS IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sylvia Allen, Recreation Director, reviewed the following upcoming me�tings: o Public Information meeting on play equipment replacement Tuesday, May 24, 2005 a# Highlands Neighborhood Center 7-9 p.m. City of Renton Pa�k Board Minutes May �0, 2005 Page 2 af 4 IV ANNOUNCEMENTS (CONTINU�D) n Public Information meeting on Heather powns Paric Wednesday, June 1, 2005 at Highlands Neighborhood Center 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, June 28, 2005 a# Highlands Neighborhood Center 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, July 26, 2005 at Highlands Neighborhood Center 7-9 p.m,. Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, noted t�e first meeting wou�d be to discuss the play equipment at Kennydale Park. T�ere are three options for layou# input from attendees. The next series of public meetings has to do wi�h Heather powns and deve�opment� The consultant will attend the park board meetings on June 14"' and A�gust 9th and share the input from the public meetings and master plan. A council presentat�on and adoption is �stimated around August 22, 2005. Jerry Rerecich, Recreatton Manager, discussed milfoil applications occurring a# Coulon Park and Kennyc�ale Beac� Park. V. CORRESPONDENCE Sylvia noted the request from Radio So1, #o use I�iberty Park for thear anniversary celebration with anticipated attendance of 3,000-4,000, was wi#hdrawn due to concerns regarding insufficient parking. VI� CONSENT Sylvia reviewed the following submittals: a. The Ukrainian-Greek Catholic Parish has requested the use of Philip Arnold Park on July 17, 2Qa5, at 1�:00 a�m. for a mass and parish picnic. Staff recommends approval. b. Jacqueline Casey requested to hold her wedding ceremony at Jones Park an August 24'h, 2005, from 4:00-fi:00 p.m. Staff recommends approval cantir�gent on compliance with park rules and regulations. c. Gene Sens, Renton Farmers Mar�cet Comm�ttee Chair, requested assistance for the 4'" year of the Farmers Market. This year's , schedule begins Tuesday, June 7'h, 2005, and runs through September 13�h, 20D5, �rom �:00 p,m. until 7:00 p.m. Tf�ey ar� requesting waiver of fees for use of the Piazza. The fees are estimated at $1,280,:00, Staff recommends appro�al of this event and fee waiver and reques�s no dumping of wastewater on turf, in shrub beds, at trees or in fountains. Boxes, car�s and other items should be kept off the grass and shr�b beds. City of Renton Park Board Minutes May 10, 2005 Page 3 of� d. Lisa Mitts, One New Ma� Ministry, requested to use Liberty and Coulon Parks on a Saturday or Sunday in July to do a short drama presentation and then pray with those who need prayer. Per a phone conversation with Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Manager, a date of July 30, 2005, at Gene Coulon Memorial Beac� Park was agreed upon. Staff recommends a smali area b� set aside for mem�ers to conduct their play while others will solicit people to attend. Ministry members wi11 then pray with those that wish to. The City Attorney sugges#s that we com�ly wit� this request and advises that they do not impedE the pedestrian flow, stay within t�e area agreed upon and those that view the play or pray do so of their own free will. e. Christine Courtright requested to hold her church picnic on July 23, 2005, #or approximately 50 people from approximately 3-S:OQ p.m. at Earlington Park. Sf�e also requested one sanican for th� weekend. Staff recommends approval of the event contingent on com�liance with park rules, completion of paperwork and the group will ha�e to supply and pay for their own sanican. CyntF�ia Burns made a motion seconded by Ralph Evans to accept the consent agenda as presented. All present were in fa�or, motion carried, consent items approved. VII. OLD BUSINESS Syl�ia re�iewed the Council decision an keeping the park rufes as they are by not allowing dogs at Gene Caulon Park or Kennydale, also the discussion af an interim dog park at Fire Station #i 5. 5he also asked everyone to re�lew t�e Recreation sponsorship policy and let her know if there are any changes or suggestions prior to the June meeting. She reported on the success ot the fitness pass sale initiated the first of the year ta boost attendance at the community center. Exclusion of dogs request from Piazza Group and �endors for Farmers Market The park rules have been revised and appro�ed by Council to reflect groups can request to have animals {except service animalsy out of certain e�ents. VlII. NEW BUSINESS Naming of park (current[y referred to as Heather powns) One request has been submitted to name the new park "Heritage Park". Leslie indicated w� would have forms and the policy available at the public meeting(s} and wouid accept applications through the end of July. Ralph Evans suggested naming the parK after a person, perhaps #he Barfield City of Renton Park Board Minutes May 10, 2005 Page 4 of 4 family who previousfy owned the property. The policy outlines name suggestions would be accepted from those that made significant donations, and this property was purchased. Ron Regis suggested naming the park after two former park board memb�rs, Naf and Esther Weathers. Leslie indicated all submittals would be recorded and brought back to t�e park board for a recomme+�dation to council. IX. OTHER Michael O'Donin thanked Leslie Betlach for�isiting the quarterly meeting of t�e North Renton Neighborhood Association. X. AUDIENCE COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT Ralph E�ans made a motion seconded by Cynthia Burns to adjoum the meeting, All were in fa�or, motion carr'ted, Mike O'Donin adjoumed ti�e meeting at 5:3� p.m. � Tt � Signafure NEXT REGULAR MEETING J U N E 14, 20�5 @ 4:30 P.IVI. 7r" FLOOR-CITY HALL CONFERENCING CENTER