HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/2005 - Minutes City of Renton �� � Park Board Minutes City Hail 1055 South Grady Way Conferencing Center-7th F1oor June 14, 2005--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael O'Donin, Chair Sylvia Allen Jim Brennan Ralph Evans Leslie Betfach Justin Wilcox Marge Richter Kelly Beymer Jim Zimmerman Ron Regis Terry Flatley Jim Brennan Tim Searing Sandy Pilat Troy Wigestrand Jerry Rerecich Absent C nthia Bums CALL TO ORDER The June 14, 2005, meeting was called to order by Chair Michael O'Danin. APPROVAL OF M[NUTES Ralph Evans made a mation, seconded by Marge Richter, to approve the May 2005 minutes as submitted. All were in fa�or, motion carried, minutes apPro�ed. ANNQUNCEMENTS Sylvia Allen announced we recei�ed a $15,000 grant from Starbucks to purchase play equipment. Tf�e plaque dedication at Henry Moses pool will be June 18�'' at noon. Kel�y Beymer, Golf Course Manager, gave an update on the parking project and 8t" green. PRESENTATION Jim Brennan, J. A. Brennan and Associates, gave an a�erview of#he public meeting held June 1 to discuss the de�elopment options at Heath�r powns Park. Approximately 70 people were in attendance. Another meeting would be held on June 28�h, an on-si#e open house on June 30'h, and Council presentation on July City of Renton Park Boarcf Minutes June 14,2005 Page 2 of 5 11, 2005. It is anticipated that Mr. Brennan and staff will return to t�e August Board meeting to request approval of the Master Plan. Mr. Brennan reviewed materials distribut�d at the public meeting. Optivns included a chiidren's play area, a boulder area (climbing area), informal ballfield, '/2 court basketball, running trail, volleybafl court, picnic shelter, soft surface trails, barbecues, restrooms, pass�ve lawn areas, and parki�g. CONSENT Syi�ia Allen re�iewed the consent agenda. A. Jeff Stuart, Lindbergh High School Athletic Director, requested a donation of a bucket of go�f balls each Tuesday during the month of May for Ron Keeling to practice for the State Ma#ch. The request wa� r�ot received in time for the May meeting; therefore, staff recommends reimbursing the cost, estimated to be approximately $30. B. Kris#le Marangor�, Newfoundland Club of Seattle, requested use of Teasdale Park on June 1 S, 200�, from 8 a�m. until noon for a fun matc�. This is a dog obedience sY�ow. Staff recommends appro�ai of this requ�st no#ing proof of insurance must be �ro�ided prior to the event and pet owners must clean up after their pets. C, Tr�ch Ad�m, Pinnacle, requested to �oid their company picnic at the north shelter at Gene Cou�on Park on September 24, 2Q05. They Expect approximately 250 to attend and are utilizing a caterer and will ha�e an inflatable. They are pro�iding off-site parking and a shuttle to minimize the ��mpact on the park. Staff recommends approval contingent on coordination with �ark maintenance on the catering truck and pro�iding an insurance certificate naming the City as a co-insured. D. Richard Glaze requested to use Cedar River Trail Park�or a wedding reception for approximately 75-�0� on July 1 Q, 2Q05. He would like to erect two 12x20 awning tents with tabfe and chairs. Mr. Glaze is aware no amplified devices or afcohol is permitted in our parks. Staff recommends approvai of this request contingent on coordination o�tents with aur parks maintenance super�isor and the Fire Departmen#. E. LibertyHouse Financial Group, LLC is hosting a company picnic ar�d so�tbafl game and has requested use of Kennydale Lions Park on Sunday, August 14t" from 9:40 a.m. until 4:00 p.m, They would like to set up a tent for the picnic area, use sound equipment for the emcee and music and have an inflatable slide. Staff recommends the group rent the community building to utilize the restroom and electricity. Amp�ified City of Renton Park Board Minutes ,]une 14, 2005 Page 3 af 5 devices are not allowed and an insurance certificate must be submitted priar to the event naming the City as a co-insured. F. PEggie Hafner requested permission to allow a florist #a string 5-6 strands of twinkle lights on the hedge ou#side the Senior Center at her daughter's wedding recep#ion on August 27�". The florist would also like to decorate the 3 picnic tabfes with 2-3 floating candles. Staff recommends appro�al contingent on requesting they exercise caution removing t�� lights so no damage is done to t�e plant material and �se of cand�es must be caordinated wEth t�e Fire Depar#ment. G. The Ad�anced Mortgage Gro�p requests to hold a fund-raising barbecue for the Salvation Army Food Bank at Liberty Park on August fith• This event would be open to the public, offering a complete meal purchased by Ad�anced Mortgage Group. All donations will be gi�en to the Renton Salvation Army Food 6ank. Staff recommends appro�al of this event. H. Group led by Mr. Luke Wigren, Renton High 5chool, is requesting authorization #o be present at the City's Xtreme Sports Day at Liberty Park on June i 7;h C�? 6:30 p.m., in opposition to the military. They would like to pro�ide information to attendees regarding service in the US military. Staff recommends approval no#ing they may occupy a table and disburse information when it is requested. TF�ey must stay within a designated area, not block people's way and abide by all park rules and regula#ions, including no amplification de�ices. I. Patty Knox, Children's Home Society, req�ested 24 passes to the pool for �oys aged 6 #0 16 years old that ha�e emotional and beha�ioral problems. Staff recommends denial of#his requ�st. J. Katherine MacVeigh requested to purchase a bench and plaque in m�mory of Col. Charles S. MacVeigh at Gene Coulon Park or Liberty Park. Staff recommends approval of this reques# and will coordina#e the location and purchase. K. Michelle, Pacific Trail, requested to use the field adjac�nt to the south shelter at Gene Coulon Park on June 17�h for games during tY�e company picnic. They will ha�e minimal equipment for a short period of time and will clean u� everyt�ing. Staff recommends appro�al; howe�er, the grassy area can�ot be reserved or roped off exclusi�ely for this group. L. Norma McQuiller, City of Renton Neighborhood Program, requested use of and waiver of park fees for neighborhood picnics at Tiffany, Hignlands, Jones, Philip Arnold, Kennydale and Earlington Parks. Philip City of Renton Park Board Minutes �une 14, 2005 Page 4 of 5 Amold and Teasdale Park shelter fees w�uld be $100.00. Staff recommends appro�al of this event contingent on comp�iance with park rufes and regulations. M. Allocation of I�ar's $20,000 contribution 5taff recommends $2,220 to Communit�es in Schools benefit dinner $8,000 to Kidd Vailey Concert Series $9,780 to C�am Lights N. Oleg Pynda, Pastor, Ukrainian Christian Center, requested to use the grassy area north of the norti� shelter at Gene Coulon Park on Sunday, August 14, 2005, from 9:00 a.m, until 1�:00 a.m. to baptize approximately 20 people. They expect an audience of about 200. 5taff recommends approval of the e�ent; the group plans on gathering near the shoreline of the lake. Tim 5earing made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to approve the consent agenda with staff recommenda#ions. Troy Wigestrand seconded the motion, all present were in fa�or, mo�ion carried, consent agenda appro�ed. OLD BUSINESS Syl�ia Allen reviewed the sponsorship/scholarship policy sent out to members last week to re�iew. Marge Richter made a motion to accept the policy as amended, Ron Regis seconded the motion, All were in #avor, motion carried policy ap�ro�ed. Leslie Betlach presented preliminary information an an expanded donation policy sh� is working on. She had secured pricing an a variety of items from equipment to suppties ranging in cost from $5 to $27�,000, This would offer a greater range of items to choose from for those wishing to donate to our park system. Currently#he only option we offer is just a tree or bench with plaque. Troy Wigestrand men#ioned the need to keep the pricing updated, as least annUally. Leslie stated she woUld continue working on this policy ar�d return wi#h the final product for the Board's review. NEW BUSINESS Kefly Beymer, Golf Course Manager, wi�l bring proposed fees for 200fi to the July meeting. Maplewood wants to remain competiti�e with other courses. Currently, Mapl�woad is the highest played go�fi course in the State of Washington. City of Rentan Park Boarci Minutes June 14,2Q05 Page 5 af 5 OTHER There was discussion about ADA accessibility to some of our recreation buildings; the decision to not �tilize the Fire Station property as an off-leash park, and the continued work on the 5am Chastain Trail connection. ADJOURNMENT Ra1ph Evans made a motion, seconded by Marge Richter, to adjaurn the meeting. Motion carried, mee#ing adjourned at 5:55 p.m. � Sign ure Next regular meeting Ju1y 12, 2005--4:3� p.m, Fifth Fioor City Ha11 Room 511