HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/2005 - Minutes City of Renton $� � Park Board Minutes City Hall 1055 South Grady Way 7th Floor—Conferencing Center September 13, 2005--4:30 p.m. In Attendance: Members Staff Others Michael O'Donin, Chair Syl�ia Allen BiEI Clary Ralph Evans Leslie Betlach Hector Gonzalez Ron Regis Kelly Beymer Michael O'Halloran Troy Wigestrand Terry Flatley Ker� Rogers Jerry Rerecich Michel�e Rogers Sandy Pilat Terri Zura Absen# Bill Rasmussen Cynthia Bums Marge Richter Tim S�aring CALL TO ORDER Michael Q'Donin called the Se�tember meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ralph Evans made a motion to appro�e the August minutes as submitted, Ron Regis second�d #he motion. All were in favor; t�e August, 2D05, minutes were appro�ed. CORRESPONDENCE Sylvia Allen re�iewed a letter from Engene E. Lemcio, President, Ukrainian American Club of Washington, thanking V. J. Orduna for the services extended to his group using Carco Theatre. His cIub �alu�s the support and assistance they receive. CONSENT 5yl�ia Ailen, Recreation Director, reviewed the consent agenda. A. The AWC requested use of the Cedar Ri�er Trail from Logan A�enue Souti� to the Cedar River Boathouse for the uWalk Across Washi�gton" on 5aturday, October 15�h. Staff recommends approval of this event and wi�l assist in coordination. Ci�y af Renton Park Baa�d Minut�s September 13,2005 Page 2 of 4 B. Hector Gonzalez, President Azteca Boxing Club, requested fee waiver to hold a boxing �ournament at the Renton Commur�ity Center o� October 8t". The fee would be $1,15� for two basketball courts. This event is a fund raiser. Staff does not r�commend appro�al of a fee wai�er. C. Racia Martinez requested to ha�e an inflatable at a birthday party at Highlands Neighborhood Center on September 24, 2005. Staff recommends approval pending on submittal of a certifica#e of insuranc� and coordination of lacation of t�e inflatable with our parks maintenance staff. D. Phyllis Domingo requested to ha�e a holiday sing out at the north shelter at Coulon Beach on 5aturday, December 17t", 2005, for approxima�ely 8D people. 5he requested a reservation for�he s�elt�r and planned to have each attendee bring a gift da�ation for a local charity. Normaliy we do not take reservations this t�me of the year and no fee is chargedf howe�er, staff recommends appro�al of this request. E. Candace Spradling requested waiver of fees for use of the community center for a fund raising event on Qctober 21, 20Q5, from C:QO p.m. to midnig�t to b�nefit tfie �ictims of Hurricane Ka#rina. Staff does not recommend wai�er of fees. F. CoRsulado De Mexico representative, Sequoya Hinma�, requested use of the north shelter at Ger�e Co�rlon Memorial Beach Park and to host a walk-a-thon on Oc#ober 15, 20D5, from 10:D0 a.m. until 2:QQ p.m. for the Hispanic community. Staff recommends approval. There is no charge for the si�elter during aff-season. G. Highlands Commurrity Church requested to �eserve the norti� picnic shelter on December 10, 2005, from 6:30— 9:00 p.m. to enjoy the II�FltS, sing, and have hot cider ana a fire. No fiees are charged during off season and the group F�as been advised ot�er members of the public may be there also enjoying Clam L�ghts. H. Ukrainian American Club of Washington requested to reserve the grassy area behind Carco Theatre and the area between t�e theatre and the community center, in additio� ta the theatre and banquet facilities, for t�eir celebrat�o� of Ukrainian [ndependence Day. This event is planned for August 26, 20�6, witi� an expected attendance of 300. Staff explained the park rules and regulations and no additional tables can be brought in a�d the access by the pUblic can not be restricteo! on the park grassy areas. Staff recommends appro�al contingent on compliance with guidefines. City of Renton Park Board Minutes September 13, 2005 Page 3 af 4 I. Mike Sullivan, Head Golf Coaci� Li�erty High School, requested use of tY�e golf course on Friday aftemoons for range and putting practice. They alsa requested a discount rate for course play after practice. Staff recommends appro�al of dri�ing range use only, with a limit of $200 in tokens. All play must be coordinated witn Golf Co�rse Manager, Kelly Beymer, or Golf Pra, Michael Toll, prior to use. Hector Gonzal�z, President Youth Praject Azteca Boxing Club, addressed thE Board to request assistance for his upcoming e�ent by requesting a fee wai�er for use of the Community Center. He ga�e an oveNiew of the arganizatEon explaining it is a non-profit organization working to address the needs of the community's youth. The Ciub off�rs the youth a place to gat�er and practice the sport af boxing in a controlled, su�ervised and safe environment. Currently 54% of the club members are Renton residen�s. The October Boxing Toumament is planned for October 8, 2005, and will serrre as a fund raiser to purchase equipment and operate the Club for extended hours. This e�ent is anticipated to draw 700 spectators and have approximately 2Q bouts. This e�ent will be televised and admission will be charged. Ralph Evans, Board Member, acknowiedged tne merits of the program and the Club's objectives, howe�er, noted their request did not fal! under the guidelines for a fee wai�er. Troy Wigestrand agreed and commended Mr. Ganzelez's effarts and time investment. A su�gestion was made to look for alternative sites, such as the school district, to hold future events. Troy Wigestrand noted there have been multiple requests to reserve sheltera during the non-season, perhaps we should look at extending #he s�asan in order to co�lect revenue for those requests. Ralph E�ans, made a matian seconded by Troy Wigestrand, to adopt the consent agenda wit� guidelines set forth by staff. All were in favor, motion carried, consent agenda approved. OLD 6USINESS Leslie Betlach, Parks Director, introduced Jim Brennan, Consultant, for the Heather powns Project and Capitai Project Coordinator, Bill Rasmussen. 5he explained we had a total of four meetings/open houses for the public to re�iew the proposed design and �ive their input. A presentation was made to the Baard se�eral months ago to review the preliminary plans and the suggestions made at that time were incorporated into the pla�. Lighting concems were voiced by the communfty that use of lig�ts after dark would encourage �tndesirab�e activities. The majority of the neighbors attending the meeting did not want lig�ts on after park closing at dusk. Staff sugges#ed installing conduit now in the event lighting would be wanted in the future. City of Renton Park Board Minut�s September 13,2005 Page 4 of�4 Jim Brennan recapped the preliminary design re�iewing various issues and opportunities, such as planting events for t�e community to participate in, Th�re were par�cing concerns voiced due to the s�all parking lat size and that th� area is now used as a dumping site. Lesfe indicated we would address t�e naming of the park in October. AdditionaUy we will decide where to put signage. Ron Regis made a motion, seconded by Troy Wigestrand, to adopt the Heat�er powns Mas#er P4an as presented, all were in fa�ror, motion carried, plan appro�e�. OTHER Leslie Betlach announced a public meet�ng wil! be held at City Hall on Wednesday, September 28, 2005, from 7:00-9:�D0 p.m. �or the Burnett A�enue Linear Park play equipmen#, ADJOURNMENT Troy Wigestrand made a motion to adjoum the meeting at 6:00 p.m,, Ron Regis seconded the motion. All were in favor; th� September meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p,m. l' SIGNATUR NEXT REGULAR MEETING 4CTOBER 11 , 2005 CITY HALL---FIFTH FL4�R 4:30 P.M. -- R�OM 511