HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/2009 - Minutes City of Renton Board o�' Park Cornmissioners .:�' ;. i � J * �� � ��� Meeting Minutes November 10, Z009 4:3U p.m.—City Hal!—7th flaor Conferencing Center I. CALL TO ORDER Chair AI Dieckman called the November 10, 20U9, meeting#o order at�4:30 p.m. In Attendance Members: AI Qieckman,Tim Searing, Cynthia Burns, Mike 0'Donin, Ron Regis, Troy Wigestrand, Larry Reymann Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Sandy�ilat, Leslie Betlach,Jerry Rerecich, Kelly Beymer 11. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A mation was made by Mike Q'Donin and secanded by Larry Reymann to appro�e the agenda as presented. A!I were in favor, motion carried,#he IVo►►ember 1Q, 2009, agenda was approvec#. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Troy Wigestrand made a motion seconded by Mike 0'Donin to apprave the October minutes as written. All were in fa�or,the Octoloer 2009 minutes were appro�ed. IV. BOARD COMMUNICATION l.arry Reymann commented on the succes5ful informational sessions held at Ri�erview Park by the King Caunty Extensian Watershed Stewardship P�ogram. Ri�erview park was the venue for ti�e last session and thgy recruited three new people for the Board. V. DISCUSSIQN ITEMS Leslie Be#lach, Parks Planning and Natural Resources Di�Qctor, discussed t�e Park Impact fees. She explained park mitigation fees were originated in Renton in 1994 and SEPA based. New development warrants new parks. This process is also utilized by Fire and Transportatian. We will have a consultant working on number of acres by park type, and facilities by type and their amenities, including�elds, tennis courts and tying costs#o `per square foot'. The average cost per person is $576 per family re5idence. The City of Bellevue doesn't charge mitigation fees but have 6een �ery successful passing levies. The fees should probably be updated every five years. City o#Renton Park Board Minutes Na�ember 10,2009 Page 2 of 3 Kelly Beymer annaunced the extension of ti�e concessionaire agreement for RiverRock at Maplewood Golf Course. They have been doing well and had no late payments. This agreement wil! remain in effect for six years. Ke�ly alsv noted the dri�ing range would be cl�sed effecti�e Monday �No�ember 16] for approximately one week. VI. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT Terry Higashiyama noted Jay Co�ington, C�rief Administrative Officer, was ser�ing as a memher of the Dow Constantine transition te�m. Fairwood did not pass becoming �ncorporated on the balla�. Several people were interested in "what are the next steps?" in the annexatian process. Terry noted she would invite Marty Wine ta attend the January meeting and discuss t�e issues at greater length. We do not anticipate ar�y change in serrrice for Recreation since many residents af t�e �airwood area currently use our serrrices, and pay higher rates as non-resident(sJ. Terry re�iewed where we were in the budgei process noting Cauncil was very comfortable with the staff submittals, The Community S�rvices Department took the biggest hit in part time funding. The Museum lost one part-time person as weli as #heir tra�el allocatian. The Library is at a sta�em�te until#he ballot in February when it will be decided if they rema�,n independent or ga with King County. In Recreation we will lose the teen musical and close several recreation buildings. Staff is working on a solu�ion to minimize vandalism in the unaccupied buildings Troy W�gestrand inquired if the City had con5idered utilizing Twitter or Face Book to recruit community involvement. Terry noted it has been a difficult time for all city staff. The Muman Resources Department has been working very hard to assist the transition for furloughed employees. There will be a two year recall list. The manual being used for employees explaining their option5 and to assist them in job hunting was circulated. The members were asked to RSVP if they had not done so for the Board and Commission Training beEng held an Navember 30, afso the WRPA mid-year conference. Vlt. OTHER INFORMATION The December meeting wi{I be at the Museum. Liz Stewart, Museum 5upervisor, wiA review the Master Plan and that w�ll be followed by a haliday social; spauses are welc�me to attend. We will be laoking at new topics and locations for aur 2010 sched�ule. H;\Boards and Commissions�Parks Cammissian�2017 PK BD and earlier yrs�2009 ParkBoard111 r�ov mins.dac City of Rentan Park Board Minutes 1Vovember 10. 20D9 Page 3 of 3 Jerry Rerecich, Recreation Director, announced he will be retiring at the encf of January. Vlli. ADJOURMENT Larry Reymann made a motion seconded by Ron Regis to adjourn the meeting. All were in fa�or, motian carried. The November meeting was adjaurned at 5:59 p.m. Signature NEXT REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 8, 2409 - 4:30 P. M . MUSEUM H:�Boards and Commissians�Parks Commission�2017 PK BO and earlier yrs�2009 ParkBaard\il nov mins.dac