HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-18-215 ��� . ��� �. �r ��1�L�. �li/t�R�S �C��1TFtA�T At�R��N'IEI�#T TNlS A+GREEMEN"f {"A�re�menC"� is made as �f the ....._,.�_._ d�y c�f ...��O�t� �����,; (th� "Effecti�e C�aC�"} by ant� between the �ity c�f Rertton, a n�n-charter cade city �nd�r RCVV �SA, and � ��nicipal corpvrati�r� und�r the la�rs of t�re Stat� c�f Washin�tcsn {"��nt�n"y, thresugh its Commur�i�y 5ervices �epartm�nt anci ����� �:rj��t���r��l �yK�������, ("Cc�r�tractc,r"), wha are �c�llectively r�ferr�c�tc�as th� "Parties", t� ���.�ly�c� ���i(e�d r:��r���s;=r����r��:��il ��r� � ���.>rj ���e° k��r�s��c,��- �t Cir�St�ti��r����, €t�n�c�n�r�d C+�ntract�r�gree as set f�rth b�eli��e. � 1, ����►e of Senri,�+e�: ��r�trect��e wil( p�ov�de all ma€��i�l �t�d labar nee�s�a�y tc�perfc�rm �ll �+vor� describ�d in #t�� Propasa� which is attached an�i full}r incarp�rated into tF�is Agreement by r�ference�s Attachment„A." 2. Ch�n��s in Sc�tt�� c�f Serui�es: Re�tc�n, withc�ut invalidating t�is Agreement, may c�rd'er �hang�s t�tl�� 5cape vf Ser�rices eonsisting of�dditir�ns, deleti�ns c�r ms�dificatic�r,s, the . ,4�re�ment Sum being adjuste�i acc�sr�in�ly by Parti�s mutuai ag�eern�r�t, Such �h�r���s in tF�e wor�st��l1 be�uthc�riaed �y written Change�rder signed by th� Parties. 3, Time r�t Perforrr��nce: Cr�ntractc�r sha(l c�mmenc� perfc�rrrsance af th� Agreement r�o fater th�n ��calendar day�after the Agreement's Ef�ertiw� t7ate. 4. Term pf A r�eme�nt:The Term �f�ttis Agreement sh�ll enr��t c�r�apletiur� a�f the Sc�p� of 5ervic�s,r�o#ater than������frc�rn th�Effective #�ate.This Agreem�nt rnay be extended Crs ��cc►mplis�t chan�e ord�rs, if required, �pat� rrsutual wrikten a�reement c�f Rer�ficsn �and Can�ra��r�r. S. Agreenr�ent Sum: The tcrtal �m�unt c�f this A�r�ement is the su� af��t�����_€�� wh�ch includes Wa�hingtcsra 5tat�Sales 7ax. Thi� amc�unt may be adju�ted tc� a mutu�lly agreec9 �mnunt basec�on chan�es tc,the Scc��ae df�erui�es, 6. Gt�nsideration: On exch�nge fQr �ontractc�r's per�c�rmanc� r�f tt�ae items �rsd responsibilities ider�tified in the Sce�pe c�f Serv�c�s, Rentc�n �gr��s Cr� make payment c�f t�e amount identi#ied�s the Agreeen�nt Sum. 7. Ivteth�d c�f Pa,�rr�er�t. Paymer�t by Re�ton f�r the Services wi{I e�nly b� �n�de aFter th� Servic�s h�ue t��en perf�rmed �nd a va��ch�r c�r ir�v�sice i� su4�m�tted ir� a fc�rrr� aceeptabl�to Rentc�n, Payment c��th� in�tial 9510 will Cae m�de in the n�xt �ay cycle caf the Rentt�n Finance [�e�r�rtment af�er re�ei�rt c�f suc�a vnt�ch�r ar in�tc�ic� {�ay cycles ar� ' bi-we�kly}. Th� rernasnic�g 5%� woll be retairaed it�r the pur{ac�s� caf cc�mplet�csr� �� �k�e prcaject and fulfillment c��' cl�irns anel liens. �entvn sha!( h�ve the ri�ht tc� with�n#c€ paym�nt ta Ccantr�etqr�c�r any w�rk ncrt complet�d in a sat�sfact�rry manner unti� such time as Cr�ntracttrr mo�difie�such wrc�rk scr that the same is satisfactory� 8. Hc+1d F1�rmless: �c�ntr��tor sh�1� in�l�rv��rify, defend ancl hcalc� hart•r�8ess Rer�tc�n, i�s �lect�d offieials, pf�ic�rs,agents, emplr�yees�r�d vc�lunte�rs,frc�m�n� against any ar��# ail clairr�s. �osses csr 6iability, c�r any pc�rtion c�f th� same, incltading but r��afi limited to reasc+naE��e a�tto�neys` f�es, Eegai �xp�nses arad i�tig�tic►n costs, arisin� fram injur�x ar d�e�th to �aersc�ns, including injuries, s�ckr�ess, dis�ase or death of Cc�ntracficar's owrs empl�yees, agent� and �c�lunt�ers, or darr�a�e �c� prvpe�ty caused by �c�ntractc�r'� n��lig�nt act ctr �amissi4�, except for thc�se acts ��us�ed by c�r resultin� from a n�gligen� act�r c�missi�an by�ter►tr�n and its c�ffieers� agen�s, emplayees and volunt��rs. Shc�u�d � ct�urt crf com�etent �urisdi�ti�n det�rrr�in� that this agreemer�t is sub�e�t to RCU114.24.115, {1J�I�dity of agreerraent tv indemnify again�t liak�i3ity�or n�gii�ence r�iativ� tv cvnstructic�n, a�terati�n, improvement, ete., of structure ar impro�vement ��taehed tc� r��l �sfiat�,..} th�n, ir� the event r�f liabflity for darr�ages arising aut af k�c�daly injury tca persc�ns or ��r�ag�s to prc�perty caused �y or resulting #rom the concurre�t negligence c�f the c�ntractt�r anc! Rentr�n, its t�ffic�rs, c�ffi�ciafs�, empic�y�es �nd valunteers, ��ntr�ctc�rjs liability s�ra3l be c�rrly tc�th�extent caf�ot��ractcsr's negligenee. !� es further s��cifical�y an� ex�sres�ly und�rstea��! that the ind�mnificatic�r� prc�vided in this Agreem�nt cc�nst�tu�� C�r�tractor's waiver crf immunity ur��ier t4�e Ir�dustrial tnsurance A�t, RCW Title ��, s�alely fr�r tt�� purpc�ses c�f this inderrtr�ificati�n. Tt�� (��rfi�s have mutua�ly negotiat�d and agreed t+� this waiver. Th� prcae�isic�r�� c�f tFt€s sectian st�aEf �urviv�tt��ex�iratic�n c�r'terminati�n�f this Agreernent. 9. Insurance; �ontr�ctar�hali secure and m�ir�tair�: �. C�mtnercial g�rseral liabiliry insurar�ce in the r�rinimurr� amcau��s c�# �1,C�C�Q,C��3�1 ��r each o�currenceJ$�,Qi?(},�(}t?aggreg�t�fr�r the"f�rm af this A�r�e�nent. b. Prafessicrn�l iiabiEity ins�ar�nce, in the minirnutn amount csf $1,Ct[lD,f��� f�r e�ch occurrence; shall a1sc� �e secur�eti fca� any professic�nal services b�ing prc�vided ta Rentc�n th�t are excluded in the cc�mm�rcial�er�eraf lia�i(ity insurar►ce. c. Wc�rl�ers' cc�mpensatir�n cr�verage, as requir�d by the Industriaf lnsur�nce Iativ� c�f the St�t�e t�f Washingtcan,st�al3 also�e s�cured. d, It i���reed th�t nn Ccrntrac#or's comm�rciai gerrer�l i�a�i3ity�c�li�cy,th�City of Res�tc�n wili k�e named as an f�ciditivr�al Insured nn � �on-�or�trilautc�ry prim�ry b�sis. Re�tton's insurance p�ali�ies shall not be a scau�c� fzar p�yment af any Contra�tc�r ii�kriiity. �. Suk�ject to F��ntc�n's revieuv �r�d �cceptanc�, a certificate �f ir�surar�ce shc�win� the proper endcarsements, sh�11 be deliver�c�tc� Rentc�n befcsre ex��uting the work r�f khis A�reernent. , �;��'� €�ACC 2 t)t C f. �ontr�ctc�r shall prc�vide ��ntnn with written rts�tic� �f any pa#icy c�ncellatican, within twt�(�} busin�s�d�ys caf'th�ir receipt c��'such not�ce. 10. a�scrimin�i�i+�r� �►r+�hibi#ed. Exc�{�t tca the �xter�t permitte�d k�y a bona fide acc�apation�l quali��at(an,th���n�r��c�c�r a�rees�s fd�lc�wso a. Contractsar, �nd Cantractc�r's agents, er�n�lc�ye�s, r�p�eserrtafiives, and volunt�ers wfth re��rd t+� the s�r�i��s perfor�n�d or to be perf�rmed ur�der this Agr�em�nt, s}�all not discraminatr� crn th� b�sis c�f rac�, calc�r, �ex, rel"s�iosr, n�ti�nality, creed, m�rital st�tus, sexuai r�rientatian or pr�feren�e, ag� {except minimur� �g� an�i retirement provisi�ans�, h��c�rably di�char�ed 'ueteran or mili�tary ��tatu�, car the pr�senc� af�ny s�r�sory. rr��r�tal�r phy�icaE handic�p, unless based upc�r� a br�r�� fid� c�ccup�Ci�n�l t�ualific�tion in r�f�ticsnsh�p ta hir�ing �nd err��4oyment, in empl+aymen� or applicatic�n for ern��oyment, the ac3m�n'tstr�tit�n of the delivery csf seruic�s or any ottaer benefits under this A�reement, or pr�scuret�ent�f mat�rials c�r suppli�s. b. The �Contraet�r wil! t�ke affir-rriati�e aetiun �rs insure that appl€car�ts are emplc�yed �nd t�rat �mplaye�s �r� tre�ted �uring �rnpi�ryment withot�t re�ard t� their rac�, cre�*d, calrsr, r�atianal ori�in, sex, a��, sexu�i ari+�ntatic�rr, p�ysical, sensary r�r rr�ental handica�s, ar marital sta�us� Such �ction shall in�lude, but t��at be fimit�ed ta the faifow�ng emplc�yment, up�rading, siemrstion c�r transf�r, recru�tment or recruitmer�t �dvertising, iayoff�r termination, rates of p�y c�r ot�ser f�rr�s c�f ec�mpensatican ar�d selectior�ft��trairiing. c. If Con�r�cfi�r� fa�is to c�mply with any af thi� Agreement's ns�n-discrirr�ir�atic�n prc►visicans, R�ntc�n sha(I have �he right, at its �ptitan, to �ance9 the A�r�en�ent in wht�le ar�n part, d. Cc�ntraetor is responsible tc� be �w�r� c�f and ir� et�mpli�r�c� �nrith al( fieder�l, state and local la�nrs and r���lations that may aff�ct tihe satisfacte�ry cc�rnpletican c�f th� �r�aject, whieh ir�clud��but is nvt[imit�d tc�fair labor I�ws ant!wc�rk�r's compen��t�e�n. 11. Independent Contr�ttor Contractor's employees, while �ngaged in t�� p�rfarm�r�ce caf any c�f Ccsn�tractor's serviees un�er t9�is Agr�emen�, shall k�e ccrnsiciered ernplcsyees vf the Gcantracto:r and not�mpl��ees, ag�t�ts, representa�iv�s �f Rentcst� and as a r��ul�, sha9i not be entitl�c�to a�y cover��ge c�r b�nef��s from th�Ci�y rsf Ren�ora. �tst�tractc�r's r�l�tion to Rer�tc�n shali be �t all times as ar� irrdepen�lent', contr�ctor. Any ar�d �i� V1lt�rkman's Cc�mpensatir�n Act claims on b�half of Cvntracto�, etnployees, and an� ar�d �II claims m�c#e by a tt�irc{'-party as a cr�nsequ�nee c�f any neg(i�ent act c�r c�missic�n an th�e �Sart �f �ontractc�r'� �mplaye�s, v++hil� engaged in services prc�vided tc� b� rendere�! �nder t3�`:s A�reement,shat[be the s�iely Cvntracts�r's at�li��tion and r�spa�nsibil�ty. 12. Prevailin_p Wa,�e;.Rat�s; Contractor mca�t com�ly witl�the Sfate�F W�shingtsan prevailing w�ge requir�m�nts� �r�ntr�ct4r must file an t€rtent To Pay �rc�u�rilrng 4lV�ge at the begir�r�ing af tt�e presj�ct a�nd �n Af�`ir�auit r�f Wa�es Przict at the er�d+�#t�e prc��ect with tla� ; � � �A�e s os� W�shingtc�n �tate C�epa�krner�t c�f L�bor and In�fustries, h� : wwuu.lni.v�a. ov r�desL���t�sirr �'reuW� � ef�ult.as . �.3. Re+�c�r+� iCeeqin� and �e;�►ort�n�. Ccan#raet�r shal! rn�intain acc�unts and recc�rds, +nrhich prap�rly reflect �II direct �nd indirect costs exp�nded and Services provicie� in the perfcrrrn�nce af tt�is Agre�ment� Th� Cantractor agr�ees�a prc�vid� acce�s tc� and capies �f any recc�rds related t� this Agr�ement as req�ir�d by the City tc� audit exp�nc�itures and charges and/ar tcs e�rraply with the �lttashing�or� State Puk�iic Recor�ds �ct (�hapter 42.:5�r RC1N�. 14. I�ubiie,R�ec�rds Cp�mplta�n��. Ta t#�� full extent th� �ity d�t�rmin�s r�ecessary to ��mply w�th the 'Washin�c�n State Public Re��rds Act, Cc��rtractvr sh�f� make � d�� dilige�t s�arch c�f a8! recc�rds in its p�ssessian, ineluding, but nc�t limite�# tt�, e-mail, ea�rresportdence, nc�tes, savec� tele�rhon� messa�es, reec�rdings, phc�Cos, or drav,�i��s and prcauid� therrr tt� the City� frar production. �n the ev�nt C�ntraet�ar bel��ves said i�ecc�rds r�eed��a be prc�tected frc�m diselosure, it shallF at Contractc�r's owrr exper►se, seck�udi�ial prc�tectian. �ontraGt�r shaE( indemnify, defenrl, a�►d �old harrriless the Ci�y fr�r �II cc�sts, including attt�rneys' fe�s, attendant'to any claim csr litigatii�n related t�s a Publi� R��c+rds Ac� request fc�r wh'ich ��ntractc�r h�s resp�nsive recc�rds and fc�r which Contract�r has withheEd r�cords�r informat'ss�n cQntained therein, �r not prcrvid�d th�m tc�th� G�ty in � ' timely marrner. Gc�ntractar �hall pr�duee f�r distrika€�tior� �r�y and a�l r�cr�rds r�s�c�nsive ' tc�tl�e P�rblic R�cc�rds Act request in a tdmely r�ranner, un{ess thnse r�corcts are prest�cted by court order, 15, Uther Provisions: a. Adminastratian and Motic+es. Each individuai �x�cutir��this Agreement e�r► P�ehaif�f Rent�n and �o;ntractor repres�ents �nd w�rrants th�t such individuafs are duly authc�rized tr�execute and detiver this Agreement c�n beh�lf csf Rer�ton �+r Gcartkractc�r. An�r ncatices required tc� be giv�n 6y th� �ar�ies sh�1!b�e de[iv�red at the addresses set farth t�elcsw. Any r�otices rr�ay�re de�ivered �ersbr��lfy tc� the �ddr�ssee of t�e n��ic� ar may be �eposit�d irr the United St�te� mail, pr�stage prepaid, to the �cltfress set forfih bet�w. Any r�tatice s�r posted in the United States rrs�il s�al1 be deerr€ed re�eiued three (3} calendar �ays after the date c�f mailing. �CFiis ,�greerrE�nt shall t�� �dmini�tered by and any nc�tic�s shc�uld be ser�t �a the under��gne� ind'#viduals c�r their d�signe�s. b. Arr�endrnent and N#odi�c��ic�n, This A�reerr�en� may be arr��r►ded c�r�by by an ir�strument in writin�, duiy�xec�ated k�y bath Par�6es. c. Assignment and�ubc+�ntrac�. Contractrar shall ne�t assign or sub��tn�ract ar�y �artEc�n GI'���1l5 1�1�t`�E.'C'Y1�11�W't��"ICJU�'��lE'�i��C�'��iEn�t3#"t�S�"?t'I4Y`�D(��'�SS WI"Ct��t1�L?C1�@fl�. d. �o�piiance vtrmth Lar+v�. Gc��fir���ar and ��� �f the Cc�ntractar°s ert7ploy�es shaCl ' per�oem the services in acc�rr�anc� with all �p�rli�abie f�d�r�l, state, �csunty �nd ciCy ���` PAG[4 OF E laws, cc+des anti c�rdin�nces. A c�py �f thf� lar�guage must be rr��de a part caf an�y ccantractor t�r subcc�ntractor a�reement. �. �or+flict�. In the �v�nt of ar�y inecsnsisteneies between cc�ntracto� prs�p�a�aEs a�rd th't� contract,the�err�s af this c�ntract sh�ll pr�uai�� f. Go+ue�rrtittg l�w. This A�re�ment shall be mad� in and shal! be gc�ver�n�d b}� and ' int�rpreted in��ctar�ar�ee w�t�the l�ws c�f th�'�t�t�c�f Washingt�n. g, loin# C�r�ftin� �ffttrt. 7his A�re�merrt s�aEl b� cc�r�sidered �c�r a[1 ��arp�ses �s �repared !�y the jcsint e�far�s c�f tt�e Partie� and shall nc�t be ccrnstru�d ag�inst Qne �arty c�r th� �ther as a result of �he �sr�p�raticrn, substitutic�n, subm�ss�r�r� c��- �fi�er event�f ne�o#iation, clr�ftirr�c�r exe�ution. �r. �uris�icti+�t� �r�d V�nue, Any (awusui� ar leg�! actic�n bro�a��t by�r�y party ta enfo�ce flr interpr�t this �tgre�mer�t c�r any vf it� terms or cav�n�rtts sha!! be k�rought in the Kirtg �ounty 5uperior Caurt fr�r the State Qf V+Vashin�tcan �t the Male�g Re�it�na� Justiee Center in Ken#, King�ounty,Wa�f�ingtonf�r its replacerner�t c�r successcar. i, �euer�bility. ��ourt aaf campetent juri�dict"scan's det�rmir�ati�n that any �rrc�visic�r�c�r p�rt of this �,gr�eement i� i(legal c�r unenfarceab:ie sh�1� �o�C canc�l c�r inval�c��te the rem�inder caf this A�re�ment,which sh�il retnain in fu9l fc�rc�and e�fiect. �. So�e and Entite Agr�ement. This Agreem�nt �c�ntains th� entire ��reem�nt +�� the P�rfi`re:� anc4 any r�pr�s�nfiatic�ns c�r understandir�gs, vahe�her �ral c�r wr�itt�n, nc�t � ir►ccsr�orated a��`e exclud�d. � k. T�ird•Pa�rty B�n+ef�ciaries. �lc�thing in this Agreemenfi is intene�ed ta, r�c�r shall be construed to �ive any ri�hts crr b�n+�fits ir� the A;�reement ta anyr�ne other th�n the Rarties, and all duti�s anci respc�nsibilitie� undcrt�ik�n �ursuanC to �his A�;�e�rnen�t w#1f be for the sole�n�1 ex��usive benefit af tkre Parties an� r�o an�else. I. Waiv�rs� A4[ waive�s sha(1 �e in w�iting and sign�d by the vvaivirsg party. Eitl��r party'� failur� t� enfr�rce �ny provi�ic�n ca�this Agre�rr�e�t �h�il not be a waiver and sh�ll not pr�vent either Ftent�an or Contractc�r from enfc�rcir�� that prr�visior� or any other prt�vws�c�n nf this Agr��ment in the future. 'UVaiver of breacFr crf any prr�visit�r�of this Agreement shall n�at be deemed�c� be a wa�v�r of any priar or subsequent breach t�nless it is expressly vbraiv�d ir�writin�, 11U WI'�'NE55 WH�RE�F, the Parties have vcsl�nt�ri4y ent�recl intc� this Agreerv���t as caf Effective C�ate. CITY fJF (�ENTON CC��#TRACTCIR .-��" �,,,��.�_� �.-�- — {{elly B�yrr�e pe�n R�stow ' i�55 South�rady Vu'ay 835 N.Gentral Av�. (�entc�n,Washingtc�n�SClS7 Kent,t�iJ,�9�U32 �;;, � PAGE�5+��6 ������� ����� ���� n�x� Apprc�ved�s to Legal�€irrr� ' ��14n� ��:�o-?'. � .._..,..-- 5hane lVlc�loney Rentc�n�ity A#tc�rney Ic���y�w,� �at� ���x��C��-��,�,����,�d�t�a�z�������� ����� �ac;�s nr� � � systems ed ATTAC H IUI E I"�J T A Scope of Work n',-c.g�-A�--� Date:08/22/2018 Principal Office: 835 N.Central Ave.,Kent,WA 98032 a��B �' :1926498 Telephone/Fax: Office: (253)854-8444/Toll free: (888)718-2226/Fax: (253)854-8220 Contractor License#: ACCOESI971DU Corporate Office: Glendale,CA Principal Offices: Sacramento Orange County Santa Clara San Diego San Leandro QUOTATION TO: City of Renton JOB NAME/ADDRESS: City of Renton Fire Station 13 1055 South Grady Way 180Q2 108t'' Ave SE Renton, WA. 98057 Renton,WA. 98057 ATTN: Brian Hammon 425-757-3840 THE-GO�+1DtTIfJN�-�R4AFTE[3€ITkI€F#..F11+�...T��FiEVERS€-SID�OFi...ATFAGM�E7-ARE R.AR.�'._F4€Ft€fl�. �lafs-w e-def -r2rrfeuat-a# , ta�s; � }���as�estes: Brian, Per your request: Scope: ACCO will supply and install (1) new condenser coil for PACKAGE AC UNIT-ACU-2 by TRANE, Model #YCD151 C3LOBB, Serial#7d6101217D serving the fire station. Per customer, the coil has a non-repairable leak and needs replaced. Will recover charge from both circuits, replace both liquid line driers and coil, check for leaks, evacuate circuits, and add new charge of R22 per customer. ACCO will provide Crane for coil removal and replacement. Will nesd to schedule job with customer if approved. ACCO will also dispase of bad coil per EPA guideli'nes. ACCO Engineered Systems proposes to perform the above work for..........................................$9,890.00 plus tax. Note: Coil is approx. 3-4 weeks out. This proposal excludes the following: • Washington State Sales Tax. • Shift or overtime hours if requested by customer. SEE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO BID CONTRACT Rev.09-10-03 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time (253-261-7267) If this proposal should meet with your approval, please return signed and dated copy back to either dristow@accoservice.com or fax 253-854-8220 Page 2 of 3 "Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the Contractors' State License Board which has jurisdiction to investigate complaints against contractors if a complaint is filed within three years of the date of the alleged violation. Any questions concerning a contractor may be referred to the Registrar,Contractors'State License Board,P.O.Box 26000,Sacramento, CA 95826." Yo�r sigr�edaeceptar�ee a##his B�Ga�tra�t w�#h�-3£�days fror�this pr�pc�sa!da#e shat�;_u{xi��e a�cep#a�ce t�€#k+e�elder.:ebnst+tute Seller shall be defined to mean ACCO Engineered Systems or its assigns. Buyer shall be defined to mean the Owner,Owners/Agent, Builder,Architect, lessees,or any person acting on behalf of any of the foregoing. Prepared for ACCO Engineered Systems �• �.'a,.,,.� By: Dean Ristow, Service Sales Date:OS/22/2018 Rev.09-10-03 � � en ineered systems TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO BID CONTRACT JOB # 1926498 Page 3 of 3 1. AII work shall be performed during normal working hours uniess otherwise stated nt:�-rt;s��nsib}I+tp-�rrhatsuever-#cr-eJesit;+a-or--c>�>erative-end-res�4+-ander-aa�y--s�af�tras� herein. , �a,.,...�,�a,, r,,.,t.,..�, ^-Ei+ree� 2. ACCO Engineered Systems agrees to maintain in full force and effect a s�au-se-te-ds Workmen's Compensation Insurance policy and a Comprehensive Liability Insurance 15--Se11e+-+nay-saspencl-#a#l�er-�er#<rrma�c;e-+tnder-!#�s-E3�1-ro��t€acE-tt�at}-ihrc>e-{;�y policy in substantial amounts to protect all parties to this agreement, fumishing c9ays�.�r+-;o�'^'���ia-„^� �"`.��-."��o=:;��;�;ra-k� ' certifcates of insurance,if required by Buyer. tor breaeh-�}ihcir#han ncrf�..��aycxre+�{--Plotle,e-r�eec�-c}oz be-qi+fen-'t€-work-ir;sus}�encie�d�sr 3. 8uyer shall prepare the premises to permit free movement and erection of materials,providing necessary openings,supports,cutting,patching,necessary public #cereis;,--I+'+ihe evenk-�e4ler-{:lacis-#cr-st+si�enci-�>eriormaf+se 5�{ler st��11-be entit4ec!-4o utility and steam services,and pay all fees in accordance with codes and ordinances re�el�ili�aHer� unless otherwise indicated in this Bid CoMract. secr�.wt^' ` ^".,"�'e"�n�rs-Is�t-wc�k--c ,.� , „°,� ^'.-ac;E�+al . .............. r 4. In the event that the Seller encounters any asbestos product or ma[erial in the loss<�s srfs#airac;�i#�y�Sel}ur it�te+m+n2tir�-a�i-res4art+f�work, course of performing its work,the Seller shall have the right to immediately discontinue 16. This contract is entered into upon the understanding that in the prosecution of any its work and remove its employees from the project, or that portion of the project work herein Specified Seller will be allowed sufficient time for the performance of said wherein such product or materials were encountered,�ntil such time as any hazards work on the basis of a normal eight-hour day, and in the event that Buyer or any connected therewith are abated,encapsulated or removed and/or it is determined that subcontractor require Selier to pertorm such labor on an overtime basis, then such no hazard exists;further,Seller shall receive an extension of time to compiete its work additional expense of every kind and character as Selier may be required to incur on and compensation for delays encountered and compensation for any change in the account of said overtime labor,shall constitute an additional charge herein. sequence of inethod or its work occasioned as a consequence of said encounter, 17. It is agreed that Buyer is to provide without cost to Seller, proper hoisting 5. ACCO Engineered Systems extends manufacturer's standard warranties on all conveyances and scaffolding(including the use of engineer)at times so as to not delay new equipment,misuse or abuse excepted,for a period not to exceed one year from Seller's part of the work,unless otherwise indicated in this proposal. date of first beneficial use, which shall be defined as the Start-up Date. ACCO �� Engineered Systems guarantees most,but not all, repaired materials,parts and labor o4 41ae�>rojee;i oceasi«nerJ-try-Flre,#lood-N�rth{}uake win�sl�?c+r+,-ric>4-crr-eFvi1.c3m+r+3tir>s, for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of first beneficial use.�#�ere-are-�e �-�-�f , �4�a#F�-��l3eve-t�ctk}Sss�-K}�ted-kaeceisr wit4� � �(�e�€e-�#•,'� ,���„�`".,,ara�i-fr# �eller sha14 n4t...be-l{abk>-#or-�zng-scrose,q++ent+al._�la+�a�es i+askid+�g,-buE-�t 4i+��i#er}..tn; a+�y._payment-foss-under-any_.susl�paliey as-�o4icies-aecafd+ng.as_Se+4er'.s_it�teres#-c�+ay � -,�,.„a ay.. ':; �F. ^.'-��E��esi--�r �zcH'-ef#�et a{�aF �, ,...,,.,,,. �.,, ....,.,.,� . ..., .. delay_t#amages...t�4...ar+y...kina#-...nature...or._clesc;ripii<>n:__...#...is-e�{xessly..unc#erstu�d_as�d }.g:___.Notw}th;;4an{1inE}..any_.K>rcw}sion..iri..€�aep4ans-s��;i#lea4ioc�s-;-c;oc�sFacf-taetw�er+prifne faaietiaa-as se�E�as�eFaadewaer:^ ^-�,. ,.!���:'.•'••... . -�Y-��� ,.,,.. .,.,�. hec�+n akwve se4#afih. befweera eor�t;racic.>r-aF�e4 ow+�er...l�avi+�q-Fo-�le:r wit#-tkie-sf�k}jec.;t...nc>w�Fa£:�#,-vc-l4er s13a!!nci4 6. ACCO Engineered Systems will not replace any refrigerant loss caused by � ��� defects in the equipment,material,parts,or workmanship furnished under this contract. .:^^��s=n-�rtket °• `,^^^'�5..'^`�. `.,. ^'',.,ri ^"".'"".'^" ^,`"."" ","",,,''."' ��s , �_�� Replacement of refrigeraM due to failure or defects of items furnished by Seller is not s�+�Frac;ior;-tc�-wc�+k--�er#�rrna�#-�r-SeNer---E]etoFe fielier-��eee�Js-w}th-any-sr:rtec;tive included as a part of this agreement. v�-te-feya�r�e, '-`.,�"�:'.�'Wr�te�--e+--�a!='�^-�'�'-n"�-'�+4i# 7. ACCO Engineered Systems shall not be liabie for th�corrosive or erosive action 5eller i�th1s-€3fd-L;c�r�tract;sf�dl-f�ive-Sedler ara-�inqEia+itiad...inst�ueticr+a.t�.-r.�r.a;�e<i with of liquids and/or gases upon the equipment specified and no part of such equipment as-a+-�-e�i�a. shall be deemed defective by reason of its failure to resist physical or chemical adion 2{3--Tk+e-�ueUer-ex��r�ssly-reserves-fhe-rigk�#-#o-assiti��a-alt-or-ar3y-perrtlon-o#-FEs-riqk�ts of such elements or items upon such equipment. *����"�=Gi'��+��- .,,�V��.H'n i.i �J1 In�h,�w..rt,vr.<z••i• ..FI"nivrnmmarrzcr.rc-rr•�� �••F�N>-N�.. .. . . . .. . . ..�. nr ,nr�! ...., ,.... AG£;fl €ng}nc:ere�---SysleFns.. _.No--{mrsor�....#ias-aaE4a<3rity�--i� +rt�ake_af_...elai+�--any ie++�s,�ncl-c�+3clittons-stetecl-:n._t}ae_.p{ans...ar�e}-spe:ci#icallor+s-ea_..at�y �t�ier:.._cafafr�;t ffy3FE� � �F f�l#RfTH�ir. �1��.,..+h�e.���.�(.. ..�e:-.�-�rve.-ch.. ..H-9ViFN:K-3fiE�'�ifiF3&..n.�..,.�vrtc�uc'corz.n.+,�r,+he�T...�;fi3� c>therav+se,;__whish....}s_..f+�i....expressed....hereir3:___.7h1s_.ag+eerrienl....st>r+s4i#a4es-4tae-en4+re o4t#i,-i�id{;on4rael-shaN qoverrx: ""'n"m�"" ti '-'��o^ "".'s , ,. ea w++ttentrf orat,vrii4�-Fes�iee4-4o#he-tabes..and-eyt+ipe�en4-coverec#Jaereby.an<i-+nay-iaoF be sus�>an8-wvrk...a+�d�1e{ivec�les-tfrufer_.4t3is-E:o+�4ra�,7 tinFsf...;t-has-sece4vad-(uf+-F:eitFerx+er�f-w feF#t�k#e��hh+{�a�e�Es- 9. i�..�*�,���. _ tt n r.,,iv �.a, ., ._ ...�i h � �,�,.,e�,.._{�} . ... . . . , , . . ., �r,�, i., .,-, '.8�ynxSF�.�GT- ".^ '��"' � �r-mro � .. �: .",....... PfBE;fiE)fl-641f1@P.f#kN}3R4E+i�-1iMBU(1E�Bf�;-E3f��8fiSfFlg_�H4f3f-iFSfi6l:,-WP�BFfi�F.f37'3-W8Ff8+7tiP.S-n+� �6Y3nURl-C.IUf'-t.FRt�B!F�?IS f.6fi}#idEf-df-Si�K#IlFFiE?;-#E3f-�4c3�tOF...c'1flE)-i778fBKIK?I..�FiE91E1f��4?ijttf�N7i@!}f �,.... .. .,� ..,......;:.a .t,,. �.,...,... ,..�.,,o.��,,... t.,� _Eh��E-�a(ser�e�t+�ii9 #4iti _aEK}�aygylg-acR a„n,�,,,, „Et�„9�,-1k1�slc�k�E .�.. ., w.,, ,..,,.� ...,,.,,, 9 . . ., , .,.,, . .,.. .. ..,...._ . .._ ._._.. ��. ,_, cietee4s in t�3e ey�tipt��ent-or wwkFt+anshi�;or{b)_the-dittererace-1rt vakie...bet�rerc3-the and-..ftie-op4ip�-4�_.4er�r3li�aie...lhis-agreernent.,._-In--#he...evef�f-thaE-a-s�=.F>e+�sian c3#-thfs ��A��e-€#2c! as...i+�..ipe..son�casFdoF:ausr+ents-sei-tcxth:_...Rncd-+r�-neaeaer+4..sk�}I...any_slalms-tae-f��acie-by #or_..4f�e....perff>rcx�an�;e-of--4P�is_.e�r�traet--eqt+al....tc�....4#ae-ti�_.e�....si�r;h-it+s�rens+f:ai.�...s#ra�l �-eal�est+en-st-ar�y-sa�s-�e 10. The Seller shall not be bound by any plans and specifications or conditions, t•^�^ ^�+,�,�-�,�,� c,.u,..<.�.���.,,.,��+��,,,, ;��y}z� �_;;,,_���}����:r. exisiing or otherwise,that have not been presented to or delivered to it for the purpose clar��es-#ot}n�ta�ie�4iiek�rei�nder: of submitting this bid,nor shali the Seller be bound by any city ordinances,State laws or other govemmeMal regulations not in effect at the time of submitting this bid„_-os ,l�E,��.�.7.�.p-#pr�1,JYER- eraasEinc�..4he sa+z�e.- 11. The Seller shali be excused for any delay in completion of this Bid Contract caused by acts of God, including but not limited to,wind,rain,flood,storm,landslide, �_�-- --- -- _�__________ subsidence and earthquake;acts of neglect of owner or architect or by any employee -- �^�t���-ac�E�U'} or agent of either;acts of neglect of separate contractors employed by owner;acts of public utilities or governmental or public bodies or their agents; material shortages; labor trouble, labor slowdowns; strikes; union activity causing a reduc[ion in productivity;fire;casualty;delay in transportation;changes ordered in the work;4ailure ��lElTlt1&1 ------ -- --- -- �+�o , or other causes beyond the reasonabie control of Seller,any of which shall m�a�e�t+salFy entitle Seller to reasonable or necessary extensions of the completion date of the work �a��_��:,_ __ and to an equitable adjustment of the contract price to compensate Seller for all costs — and expenses of additional labor, service, equipment or material and extended overhead resulting from any such delay. I If any of the materiafs specified are not readily available, the Seller may with C:ifv aaproval substitute equally efficient materials or fixtures of generally similar character in lieu of the equipmeM,materials or fixtures specified,antl it shall allow any differential between the original cost of the materials specified and the materials furnished. f '-�R+1e�r aka�vasc�ch-sca4e;Seiler-�ay-<iek�ry{�er#o�+nan<:e�anlil sat}�...shal�-4>e�4:#a+t�able w+lho+tk :�-'��.�-e€ rt�a[e+ia4s..�f_.lat+or-requi�ir�g..ik+�•-t�aY+�+en#...e#-suf;h-e+ce,e�ss c�asF;-buY-upot+-eonc�iticac�-t#a# r�.,,n ..R.,�i.. „t,„ YAH�i(1-Wflf�••••t.,,r�3,.,��. I#-41�-€3c+yef...fe#i�es-tc�-si�..a...wfitter+work-aut�izatiori pr-chan�e_efr��-f�+-.Fhe._e�Era �L C 11 h L { .f .,.tn t4�.s rl. .. .. ..v� nwr e 7.g....�ouki-eifher...�#y-he�eto...l>rinr�._suif-+n courF._}�...ec�foree...11�...fecros-#ereo#.,...any jt�clE�aea�-2v�`8tde�' sucesss4ul-E3ar4y- s c..i�' _.,_....._ ..- �-- -�=�'��•�.�8 .ti...�„c,c�u�p . ���n .�,.,,eni��..��S Rev.09-10-03