HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-18-258 ��� � � � ENTE12TA1�111�iE�IT A�REEI�11fNT FtJR [Oper�ing I�ight—t3fficial tighting Evenfi for Clam L�ghts on 11j3t�/�:8] Betr�e�n City of Renton and Lirtdbergh Higt��choal Jazz Ghoir This Entertainment Agreement,which is a contract for prpfessrc�nal serrrices for the engagemer�t deseribed below,dated (date} Navember 2,2018 ,is made by and between the C�t}r of R�nton and Lindber�li High�chool tazx Chpir. 1. Name of Professianai�ervic�e Fravider; Lindbergh Nigh Schoa)Jazz Choir(hereinafter,•Provider"j Profsssionai Se�ice:PerFc�rmance during Opening Nighfi-Official lighting Even#for Clam Lights on 11/301�:� 2. Scope af Engagement:Vacal and band entertainmen"t(hereinafter"Engagernent") C}pt+onal:Additional deta�ls regarding Engagement; Perfarmance duratiott wii)be 6:15 -7:25 m with an estimated 25 minute break from 6:55 rn-�:iQ m for the Official Weicome and li�htin�bv the Ma�or and Event Sponsor it additional information is attached,check here;Q Piease describe attachment te.g., "Exh�bit A"ar"Attachment 1,"etc.�: 3. Location of Engagement:Gene Coulon Ih�lemarial Beach Park,stage area in Galleria Just autside Kidd Valley,Renton, Washington 4. Qate(s)/Time of Engagement: 11J30f18 Venuec__._ Performin�area iust outside Kidd Vallev at Gene Caulan Memorial Beach Park Aerformance lime(s):_ 6:15pm-7:25pm 5. Tota!campensation tn Pravider by Ctty of Rentan:$ $30p,pQ Chec�should be made payable tos �^ �'���i�yp�,�".,� E.T_ Check shouid be sen#tcr the fvllowing address:��7,�,.¢ 1���r������'prvt !��%�� Nate: if Pravider is a new vend�r ta City of Rentan,a City of Renton Vendar Set-Elp Form must be corrrnpleted and received by the City of Renton before payment can issue, 6. City of Ren#on wiil make payment as fotlows:One hundred percent on[t�ovember 30,2f�18],af this Enterteinment A�reement and(if necessary,as not�d above)a V�ndor Sef-Up Fvrm are campleted and received by the City of RentQn ai least 30 days priarta such date,and if Pravider provides Engagement in compliance with this Entertainment Agreement. If this Entertainment Agreement and�/endor S�t-Up Form are neat comple#ed and received by the City af Renton at least 3fl days prior to the specif�ed date,the City of Renton wili issue payment within 30 days after receip#if Provider provides Engagement in campliance with#his Entert�inment Agreement. 7. Insurar�c�: The Gi#yof Renton rnay require Prouider to pravide evidence of liability insurance cauerage;with the Ci#y flf Renton being narned as an additional insured,for aetivities that iC deems rnay be a potentiat liab�lity to the City, The�ity afi Renton does nat represent that any required minimum insur�nce,ar waiver of such insurance,is adequate tp protect Pravider from financial liability created by Provider's ac#s ar omissi€�ns. 8. tteservati4n� Subject to constitutiana!or other Jega1 limits,the City of Rsntnrr reserves the right to spec{fy the manner,means and details of the performance ofi service�by Provider as well as mode in which the seruice shail be a�carnplished, 9. Additional Provisians:: a, The City of Renton's primary contact for this Entertainment Agreement is: Name: San'ta Meilaender �`itle: Communitv Relations&Events Phane: 425.430.6514 office� 206.7�4.3271 cell Email:_ smeil�ender a rentanwa�ov b. The�ity af Renton h�s the right to cancel the Engagement andjor this Entertainment Agreement due to inctement weather or far any other reasan,in which case the Pro�+ider is nat entitled ta any compensation. c. Pravidershalt maintain all records relating to the Engagement and retain such reeards for as iong as required by app(icable Washingtan State rect�rds retention laws, bui in any event no less ihan six years after the iast date of the Engagement. Provider agrees to pr4vide access ta and copres of any records related to the Engagemep#as required by the City fctr audit purposes or to comply with the Washington State Public Records Act(Cha�ter 42.56 RCW).The provisions of this sectr`on shall survive the expiration orterrnination af this Entertainment Agreement. d. Ullith respect to this€ngagement,Provider is resportsib(e for obtaining any and all required licenses or other required forms of permission be€ore using any songs,other music, ima�es,ar other rnaterials that are protected by copyright{sj,pubCishing right{sj,or any c�ther related rights. e. Provider,and its agents or assigns,agrees to re)Pase,indemnify,defend,and hold harmless the Gity of Renton from any and all�claims frorn any person or entity which may arise due to any aet c�r amissiern, whether ar not inientiQnal,by Provider or anyane acting on Provider's behaff. e. The nature of the relationship between Provider and tMe City of Renton under this Entertainmenfi Agce�ment shatl be that of an independent con#ractor,not emplayee,consultant,ar agent. f. Ta#he extent a Pravicter-prepared attachment canflicts with the terms in the body af this En#ertainment Agreement or contains terms that are extraneous to the purpease of this Entertainment Agreerrrent,the terms in the body of this Entertainment Agreement shall preVail,and the attachrnent`s extraneous ter�ms shall nat be incorporated herein. g, The laws af the 5ta#e af WasF►ington shall apply to this Entertainment Agreemer►t. h. Provider and the�ity of Renton may execute this Enter#aipment Agreement in any number of counterparts, eaeh of v�rhich shall eanstitute an original, and al1 of which ttsgether constitute this one Entertainment Agreement. This Entertainment Agreement contains the entirety of the agreement 6etween the parti�s. No further agreements have been mad�between the parties. Signe y: � ,.-- r�Nameu $�� �y,�(y�g Kel{y 8eymer,Ad "nrskrator Gommunity Serviees �Address?�j(p�'� �,y,�f�'Th�;� '��Q,t,rt�-pv1 �,�$�� City of Renton «�$Zu iQSS 5outih Grady Way t<Phone�s ��..�,-�,r{�,��(,� Renton,WA 9805? <iErnail7> �rj�^� (��j,�,�y-�,5����SG„—��kr� .� A2S-430-6517�kbeymer@re�tonwa; ov e Date signed; day o# ��f-yY'_��o�.��20 Datesi�neds�day of 2�L 0 a �� ENTERTAtNMENTAGR£EMEN7'(F`AGE2f7f2