HomeMy WebLinkAboutMFP17005092DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Franchise Permit: MFP17005092 IVR Number: 17005092 Permit Informaon Permit Name:Comcast Cable Franchise Permit Address/Locaon :10/30/2017Application Date:0423059245Parcel Number:4033 NE SUNSET BLVD Permit Type:04/02/2018Issue Date:Franchise Permit Work Class:04/02/2019Expiration Date:Major Utility Job Number:JT#217256Franchise Type:Cable Description:CONDITIONS OF OVERHEAD APPROVAL: 1. Any existing height violations would need to be resolved at the time of construction. New aerial fiber must have a minimum vertical clearance of 15' 6". 2. Any abandoned or unused cable would need to be removed at the time that construction is taking place. 3. The traffic control plan requires separate approval. 4. The aerial fiber will be required to be installed underground in the future when other utilities are undergrounded. Overlash 5000' and proof and pull 1400' of 144ct fiber through existing conduit and poles. Restoration per City of Renton standards. Contacts Name Address PhoneTypeBilling Comcast Cable Communication Management & Comcast Cable B: (215) 665-1700Applicant Tom Donnelly Comcast Business Communications 1701 Jfk Blvd, 32nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 B: (215) 286-7347 C: (215) 286-7557 Contact Scott Nall SEFNCO Communications Inc 2904 4th Ave NE Puyallup, WA 98372 B: (877) 385-2903 C: (253) 444-9057 Contractor Business License Number: BL.041108Construction Contractor: SEFNCCI850QD CITY OF RENTON ROW 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Owner Laurie Dietz Comcast - Billing 1701 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19103 Specialized Billing X General Condions & Signature Permission is hereby given for the work described on this permit according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinance of the City of Renton. This permit and plans must be posted at the job site at all times. I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. Call (425) 430-7203 or go to: www.MyBuildingPermit.com one working day in advance to schedule an inspections and for ANY work in the Right of Way. Call 8 1 1 to locate underground utilities at least two full business days prior to any excavation. In accordance with RCW 19.122.033(4) the permit holder is required to contact (Williams Northwest Pipeline at 425.868.1010) (Olympic Pipeline at 206.510.0575)(Puget Sound Energy at 425.457.5816) to request a consultation with the transmission pipeline company prior to performing any construction or excavation activities. This requirement to consult with the transmission pipeline company is in addition to the requirement to Call before You Dig as required in RCW 19.122. (Date)(Signature) Page 1 of 1THIS PERMIT AND PLANS MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES 4033 NE Sunset BlvdRestoration per City of Renton Standards.MFP17005092Justin Johnson12-18-2017Scott Warlick12/18/2017 MFP170050929:00 am to 2:00 pm,may require night workmonday through fridayJustin Johnson12-18-2017 FILE NAME TIME DATE DESIGNED BY ENTERED BY CHECKED BY PROJ. ENGR. REGIONAL ADM.REVISION DATE BY SHEET OF SHEETS Washington State Department of Transportation P.E. STAMP BOX P.E. STAMP BOX DATE DATE LOCATION NO.CONTRACT NO. JOB NUMBER REGION NO. STATE FED.AID PROJ.NO. WASHPLOTTED BY Plot 1 RURAL ROADS & URBAN ARTERIALS 35 / 40 MPH 350' 45 / 55 MPHRURAL ROADS 500' 25 / 30 MPH 200' (2) URBAN STREETS 25 MPH OR LESS 100' (2) PCMS 10 550 605 660 105 125 150 205 270 165 225 295 180 245 320 540 115 - - -- - 720 660 780 840 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 10' 60 40 40 65 70 SHOULDER WIDTH (feet) Posted Speed (mph) 160 200 220 170 190 240 150 190 130 170 120 150 MINIMUM SHOULDER TAPER LENGTH = L/3 (feet) 40 60 60 90 90 90 60 / 65 MPHRURAL HIGHWAYS FREEWAYS & EXPRESSWAYS SIGN SPACING = X (1) 25 30 35 40 50 55 12 60 11 65 70 MINIMUM LANE CLOSURE TAPER LENGTH = L (feet) LANE WIDTH (feet) Posted Speed (mph) 8' 55 / 70 MPH 800' MPH 50/70 35/45 25/30 TAPER TANGENT 40 30 20 80 60 40 CHANNELIZATION DEVICE SPACING (feet) RURAL ROADS & URBAN ARTERIALS RESIDENTIAL & BUSINESS DISTRICTS 1500' (1) ALL SPACING MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATE INTERCHANGE RAMPS, AT-GRADE INTERSECTIONS AND DRIVEWAYS. (2) THIS SPACING MAY BE REDUCED IN URBAN AREAS TO FIT ROADWAY CONDITIONS. 500 550 600 495 450 45 USE A MINIMUM 3 DEVICES TAPER FOR SHOULDER LESS THEN 8'. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR WORK HOUR RESTRICTIONS. EXTEND DEVICE TAPER AT L/3 ACROSS SHOULDER. DEVICES SHALL NOT ENCROACH INTO THE ADJACENT LANE. USE TRANSVERSE DEVICES IN CLOSED LANE EVERY 1000' (FT) (RECOMMENDED). DEVICE SPACING FOR THE DOWNSTREAM TAPER SHALL BE 20' (FT). ALL SIGNS ARE BLACK ON ORANGE. LONGITUDINAL BUFFER SPACE = B SPEED (MPH)25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 LENGTH (feet)250 305 360 425 495 570 645 730 BUFFER DATA 155 200 TRANSPORTABLE ATTENUATOR ROLL AHEAD DISTANCE = R 150'100'172'123'100' HOST VEHICLE WEIGHT 9,900 TO 22,000 lbs. HOST VEHICLE WEIGHT > 22,000 lbs. < 45 MPH 45-55 MPH > 55 MPH < 45 MPH 45-55 MPH > 55 MPH 74' PARKINGNO FROM TO NAME OF FIRM 000-0000 PHONE (CONTACT #) TOW-AWAY AREA CLOSED RIGHT SHOULDER W21-5AR SHOULDER CLOSURE FOR MULTI-LANE ROADWAYS "DELIVERING EXCELLENCE" SEFNCO COMMUNICATIONS OFDATEREVISIONBYQCNEW NODE RN54RENTON, WA217256TCP-12 210/25/17PERMITMDBAHCOMCAST UNION AVE NE NTC MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 MFP17005092 SEFNCO COMMUNICATIONS 4610 TACOMA AVE SUMNER WA, 98390 October 31, 2017 To whom it may concern: City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Aerial Variance Request for JT#217256 To whom it may concern, SEFNCO Communications has been contracted to design and engineer this project on behalf of Comcast Cablevision. Comcast is applying for a variance request in order to upgrade their existing facilities. Comcast proposes to over-lash approximately 5000’ of aerial cable along the right of way of Union Ave NE, Olympia Ave NE and SE 100th St in order to meet on going service capacity issues. Comcast is requesting that the City of Renton approve this variance request based on the fact that the requirements for undergrounding this proposed over-lash will not cause substantial adverse impacts to other person or entities in the immediate area and will cause undue hardship. 1. Installation of undergrounding facilities will increase the total cost of construction roughly 15-25 times the amount of an aerial over-lash on the existing Comcast strand. 2. Potential damage to underground facilities will be increased. 3. Over-lash will not cause substantial adverse impact to other persons or entities in the immediate area. Over-lashing the cable will be accomplished in a few days, and the residents will not notice any impact. Comcast will clean up the over-lashed spans as necessary and identify and remove any existing dead cables along this route. 4. The variance is necessary to prevent and undue hardship due to the increased construction costs if forced to install the proposed extension underground. 5. The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare because Comcast does agree to underground the cable system, but they are waiving the obligation into the future when all other utilities are underground to prevent an undue hardship against Comcast currently. Upon the granting of the Variance, Comcast will coordinate construction and traffic control as per your requirements. Comcast and their contractors want to cooperate at the highest level and agree to adhere to all provisions and requirements set forth by the City of Renton to insure safe installation and maintenance of the proposed facilities. MFP17005092 If you have any further questions regarding this project please contact me at (253) 299-8587. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Stefania Spencer Permit Coordinator SEFNCO Communications Attachments: 1. Application for ROW permit 2. 11” x 17” Site plan 3. 11” x 17” Design plan 4. Traffic Control Plan DenisLawMayorCommunity&EconomicDevelopmentC.E.“Chip”Vincent,AdministratorApril2,2018StephanieSpencerSEFNCOCommunications4610TacomaAvenueSumner,WA98390ViaEmail:sspencer@sefnco.comSUBJECT:RequestforUndergroundingExemptionfJT#217256,MFP17005092,4033NESunsetBlvd)DearMs.Spencer:TheCityofRentonhasreviewedyourrequesttograntComcastanexemptionfromRentonMunicipalCode(RMC)4-6-090(C)whichstatesthatallnewelectricalorcommunicationfacilitiesshallberequiredtobeinstalledunderground,pursuanttothestandardsofthesectionofRMC.ComcastproposestohaveSEFNCOCommunicationsoverlashapproximately5,000linealfeetof144-countaerialfibertoexistingPugetSoundEnergy(PSE)polesbeginningonthewestsideofUnionAvenueNEat1415UnionAvenueNE,then1,964feetnorthtoNE2;stStreet(SE104thStreet),west1,624feetalongthenorthsideofNE21stStreet,andnorth1,154feetalongwestsideof126thAvenueSEendingat10009;26thAvenueSE.ANALYSIS:TheCityhasconsideredtherequestforanexemptionfromRMC4-6-090(D)(1)fg)iandii.Ordinance5720grantsComcast,therighttoinstallfiberopticcableandrelatedappurtenancesunder,along,over,below,throughandacrossthestreets,avenuesandalleysofCityofRentonwithintheright-of-wayofRenton.Section3.4ofthefranchiseordinancestatesthatifallofthedistributionlinesallthewirelineserviceproviders,suchastelecommunicationsserviceproviders,asdefinedinRCW35.99.010,autilityserviceprovideroraCableOperator(collectively“ServiceProviders”)inanyportionoftheFranchiseAreaareunderground,GranteeshallplaceitsCableSystem’sdistributioncablesundergroundwithinthatarea;providedthatsuchundergroundlocationsareactuallycapableofaccommodatingGrantee’scableandotherequipmentwithouttechnicaldegradationoftheCableSystems’signalquality.TheproposalwouldutilizeexistingpolesandattachtotheexistingComcastaerialpath.Asminimumverticalheightclearanceof15’-6”wouldneedtobeprovidedfor,andexistingobsoletecablewouldneedtoberemoved;staffrecommendstheseasconditions1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057.rentonwa.gov ComcastJobJT#217256Page2of2April2,2018ofapproval.Therefore,theCityisgrantinganexemptionwithconditions,perRMC4-6-090fD)(1)(g)iandiiwhichallowsforextensionsofexistingoverheadcommunicationfacilitieswhentherearecontinuingrequirementsforpolesanditisnotlikelythattherewillbeundergroundingintheforeseeablefuture;and,whenthereareexistingoverheadelectricalorcommunicationfacilitiesthatwillnotberemovedandthefacilitiesthatwouldhavebeenrequiredtoberemovedareparalleltothefacilitiesthatwillnotberemoved.DECISION:TherequestedexemptionfromundergroundutilityinstallationrequirementsfRMC4-6-090(C)asrequestedbytheapplicantisapprovedwithconditionssubjecttotheconditionsbelowastherequestcomplieswithexemptioncriteriaofRMC4-6-090(D)(1)(g)iandii.ConditionsofApproval:1.Anyexistingheightviolationswouldneedtoberesolvedatthetimeofconstruction.Newaerialfibermusthaveaminimumverticalclearanceof15’-6”.2.Anyabandonedorunusedcablewouldneedtoberemovedatthetimethatconstructionistakingplace.3.Thetrafficcontrolplanrequiresseparateapproval.4.Theaerialfiberwillberequiredtobeinstalledundergroundinthefuturewhenotherutilitiesareundergrounded.Thisdecisiontogranttheexemptionwithconditionsissubjecttoafourteen(14)dayappealperiodfromthedateofthisletterperRMC4-8-110.AnyappealsoftheadministrativedecisionmustbefiledwiththeCityClerk,alongwiththerequiredappealfee,by5:00pm,April16,2018.Sincerely,JenniferT.Henning,AICPPlanningDirectorcc:CE.“Chip”Vincent,CEDAdministratorGreggZimmerman,PWAdministratorBrianneBannwarth,DevelopmentEngineeringManagerJustinJohnson,CivilEngineerIIScottWarlick,EngineeringSpecialistIIHollyPowers,DevelopmentServicesRepresentativePatMiller,ConstructionInspectionSupervisorDannyCooley,Comcastdannycooley@comcast.netFranchisePermits1055SouthGradyWay,Renton,WA98057rentonwa.gov