HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 Annual Budget tv OFFICE OF THBldg.CLERK Renton Municipal 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98055 I 200 WW.4"aue Soutk. �e"t°"• ZfJ`t i``gt°"' 98055 7e&gjome (206)235-2559' rrr err ow ap +mr r 111 o- aw ow aw mv 7_1te ITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS _—Ease INTRODUCTION ayor and City Council Picture...........................................................................................................issions and Committees...................................................................................................................................... n and Reporting Relationships,and Mission Statement................................................................................... 6 fTransmittal....................................................................................................................................................... Budget Related Fiscal Goals and Policies.................................................................................................................................... 20 ........ 25 Reader's Guide to the Budget........................................... .................................................................................................. 27 Budget Calendar.............................................................................................................................. ............................................. BUDGET SUMMARY Table 1: 1992 Budget Comparison by Fund....................... ..................................................................................................... 29 Table 2: 1992 Departmental Operating Budget Comparisons,Capital Improvements,and Designated Funds.................. 31 Table 3:Table 4: 1992 Revenvenue ues, Expenditures,and Fund Sources-All Funds.................................................................................. 35 ........... 39 Table 5: Revenue Detail-All Funds.......................................................................................................................................... 41 ........................... Table 6: Expenditure Detail-All Funds............................................................................................... Table 7: Staffing Comparisons by Department......................... ............................................................................................. 45 Table 8: General Governmental Revenue and Expenditure Summary................................................................... .......... 47 Table 9: General Governmental Funds Budget Changes.............................................................................................. Table 10: 1992 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)........................................... .......................................................................... 50 Table 11: General Governmental Funds Revenues,Expenditures,and Fund Balance 1987-1997 Projected...................... 53 Table 12: Utility Rate Analysis&Projections for Sample Residential Customer 1985-1996.................................................1 55 Table 13: Comparison of Renton's Taxes and Rates..................................................................................... Table 14: Assessed Valuation and Associated Statistics 1987-1996....................................................................................... 57 Table 15: General Purpose Limitation of Indebtedness,Tax Rates, Property Tax Revenue 1986-1996............................... 59 Table 16: City of Renton Retail Sales 1988- 1991..................................................................................... .............1. 62 Table 17: Largest Taxpayers and Principal Employers......................... . . Table 18: Economic and Demographic Statistics 1982-1992 Estimated................................................................................ 63 OPERATING BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,WORK PLAN,PROGRAM ACTIVITY,BUDGET CHANGES, STAFFING AUTHORIZATION,EXPENDITURE SUMMARY,AND ACTIVITY TRENDS Department/Division Name LEGISLATIVE(City Council) ............ ......................................................................................................................... 64 67 City Council Committees(Committee Members,Meeting Times, Example Topics)............................................................. ........... 68 EXECUTIVE-Organizational Structure............................................................................................................................. Executive-All Divisions.............................................................................................................................................................. 69 71 Executive Administration (Mayor).............................................................................................................................................. 75 Judicial (Municipal Court).......................................................................................................................................................... Legal Services(City Attorney)................................................................................................................................................... 77 ................................ 79 HearingExaminer....................................................................................................................................... Personnel/Civil Service Commission........................................................................................................................................ 81 Community Relations Publications................................................................................................. ........... 84 .......................................... 83 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES-Organizational Structure.............................................................................................. Administrative Services-All Divisions....................................................................................................................................... 85 Finance ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 CityClerk ................................................................................................................................................................................... 89 Data Processing.......................................................................................................................................................................... 91 .............. 93 Non-pepartmental (Miscellaneous Services)............................................................................................................................ 95 Insurance.......................................................................................................................................... ............................ Administrative Services Statistical Trends............................................................................................................................................... 98 POLICE-Organizational Structure................................................................................................................................ 99 Police-All Divisions..................................................................................................................................................................................101 Administration............................................................................................................................................................... OperationsBureau................................................................................................................................................................I....103 Support Services Bureau...........................................................................................................................................................107 ...........................................111 Police Statistical Trends.................................................................................................................. ......................................................................112 FIRE-Organizational Structure.............................................................................. ...........................................113 Fire-All Divisions..................................................................................................................................................................................................115 Administration....................................................................................................... Operations(Suppression,EMS Life Support,Hazmat,Dive Team)........................................................................................117 .................121 Prevention.................................................................................................................................................................. ...............123 Training.......................................................................................................................................................................................125 EmergencyManagement/Safety............................................................................................................................... FireStatistical Trends.............. ...............................................................................................127 1 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Pa e OPERATING BUDGET-Continued ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,WORK PLAN,PROGRAM ACTIVITY,BUDGET CHANGES, STAFFING AUTHORIZATION,EXPENDITURE SUMMARY,AND ACTIVITY TRENDS PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS-Organizational Structure...................................................................................... 128 Planning/Building/Public Works-All Divisions........................................................................................................................ 129 Administration............................................................................................................................................................................ 133 Development Services.................................. ................................................................................. ............................ 135 Plannin ............••• 9/Technical Services..................................................................................................................................................... 143 Transportations Systems-All Divisions................................................................................................................ Transportation Systems/Street Fund............................ ............••"'••• 139 .......................................................................................................... 141 Transportation Systems/Airport......................................................... ..................................................................................... 141 Utility Systems-All Divisions................................................................... Water, Sewer,Storm Utility Systems....................................................................................................................................... 149 to Solid Waste Utility Utility Systems........................................................................................................................................... 149 Maintenance Services-All Divisions.............................. 151 WStreet Maintenance Services................................................................................................................................................... 155 ater,Sewer,Storm Utility MaintenanceServices................................................................................................................. 155 Solid Waste Utility Maintenance Services............................................................................................................................... 156 to Equipment Rental Services.............. ....................................................................................................................................... 156 1992 New Equipment and Replacements..................................... 157 COMMUNITY SERVICES-Organizational Structure................................................................................................................. 158 Community Services-All Divisions............... ...................................... 159 .................. General Services/Parks and Recreation-All Divisions/Park Fund.......................................................................................... 161 Administration................................................... ................................................................................. 163 CGeneral Services/Park Facilities.............................................................................................................................................. 165 Sommunity Center................................................................................................................................................................... 169 Renior Center........................................................................................................................................................................... 171 ecreational Services............................................................................................................................................................... 173 Human Services........................................................................................................................................................................ 177 Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)........................................................................................................ 179 Library............................................................... ............. 181 ............................................................................................................. aw Golf Course................................................................................................................................................................................ 183 Community Services Statistical Trends.................................................................................................................................... 185 THE BUDGET BY FUND irr FUND DESCRIPTION,REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY AND DETAIL,AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE General Governmental: General Fund 000........................................................................................................................ 187 Expenditure Detail: Legislative Services(City Council)......................................................................................... 193 MunicipalCourt....................................................................................................................... 194 ExecutiveAdministration........................................................................................................ 195 Budgetingand Accounting..................................................................................................... 197 City Clerk.......................................................................................................... . ...................... 198 Printing and Duplication Services.......................................................................................... 199 DataProcessing Services.......................................................................................................200 UtilityBilling.............................................................................................................................201 Non-Departmental (Miscellaneous Services)............................................... ..........................203 Legal Services(City Attorney)................................................................................................205 Planning/Building/Public Works Administration...................................................................233 Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services......................................................206 Planning/Building/Public Works Planning/Technical Services...........................................235 Police.......................................................................................................................................214 on Fire....................................................................................... . .................................................. 223 Hearing Examiner....................................................................... ............................................230 Personnel/Civil Service...................................... .....................................231 HumanServices......................................................................................................................239 General Fund Totals................................................................................................................240 ParkFund 101.............................................................................................................................241 StreetFund 103...........................................................................................................................253 Planning/Building/Public Works Transportation Systems(103/16)...................................255 Planning/Building/Public Works Maintenance Services(103/19).......................................262 Library Fund 106.................................................. .......................................................................265 iW irr 2 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS page Rem THE BUDGET BY FUND-Continued ilk S IN FUND BALANCE FUND DESCRIPTION,REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY,AND DETAIL,AND CHANGE ... .......................................................................................270 ; 100-Special Revenue: Arterial Street Fund 102..................... Community Development Block Grant Fund 104......................................................................272 Impact Mitigation Fund 105........................................................................................................285 ContingencyFund 107................................................................................................................289 Reserve for Paths and Trails Fund 118.......................................................................................290 1%for Art Fund 125....................................................................................................................291 Cable Communication Development Fund 127........................................................................292 200-Debt Service: Limited General Obligation Bond Funds Combined 207/212/215..........................................293 1978 Limited G.O.Bond Fund (Senior Center)207...............................................................294 1989 Limited G.O.Refunding Bond Fund (City Shop)212................................................... 295 General Government Miscellaneous Debt Service Fund 215................................................296 Unlimited General Obligation Bond Funds Combined 213/219...............................................297 1983 Unlimited G.O.Bond Fund (Coulon Park)213..............................................................298 1989 Unlimited G.O.Bond Fund (Senior Housing)219........................................................ .W Local Improvement District Debt Service Funds Combined 220/221 ......................................300 Local Improvement District Debt Service Fund 220..........................•.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••301 Local Improvement District Guaranty Fund 221 ....................................................................307 300-Capital Project: Street Forward Thrust Fund 301.................................................................................................308 Open Space Construction Fund 302.................... .....................................................................309 Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Fund 316(Multi-Department/Parks CIP)...............312 Transportation Capital Improvement Fund 317.........................................................................316 Senior Housing Construction Fund 319.....................................................................................320 Local Improvement District Construction Fund 320..................................................................322 400-Enterprise: Water/Sewer/Storm Utility 401 (Planning/Building/Public Works Utility Systems)................324 UtilitySystems 401/18............................................................................................................327 Maintenance Services 401/19.................................................................................................334 Water/Sewer/Storm Construction 421.......................................................................................339 Airport 402(Planning/Building/Public Works Transportation Systems).................................. 344 Solid Waste Utility 403(Planning/Building/Public Works).......................................................349 Solid Waste Utility Systems 403/18........................................................................................351 Solid Waste Maintenance Services 403/19............................................................................352 GolfCourse 404...........................................................................................................................353 500-Internal Service: Equipment Rental 501 (Planning/Building/Public Works Maintenance Services)..................358 InsuranceFund 502.....................................................................................................................362 600-Fiduciary: Firemen's Pension Fund 601 ......................................................................................................368 APPENDIX j Regional Map................................................................................................................................................................... ..............370 ........................................................................................371 City of Renton General Information..................................................... ........................................................................................372 Budget Ordinance Index....................................................................... City of Renton Long Term Debt Information................................................................................................................................374 ...........373 City of Renton Outstanding Debt as of December 31, 1991............................................................................................ 1992 Salary Schedule-Index of Positions and Pay Ranges: ...............375 Elected Officials and Non-Union.................................................................. Local 21-R.................................................................................................................................................................................377 ............379 FreCommissioned.................................................................................................................. 80 ...............................................3 PoliceCommissioned............................................................................................................... PoliceNon-Commissioned......................................................................................................................................................381 ..........................................382 HourlyPart Time............................................................... ......................................383 Budget Glossa Acknowledgements-inside back cover 3 rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET �' Cit�of RettQn Mayorard City council �r. ar tw z 1W to g 10 rw► , �.r• ilii x. Left to right,seated are:Council President Kathy Keolker-Wheeler and Mayor Earl Clymer. + r Standing:Bob Edwards,Nancy Mathews, Tim Schlitzer, Toni Nelson,Jesse Tanner, and Richard Stredicke. ow r yrs 4 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Boards,;Commissions,and Committees BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS HUMAN RIGHTS&AFFAIRS PARK BOARD 4th Wed,8pm,Council Chambers COMMISSION J 2nd Tue,4:30pm,LPCB (4-year terms) 2nd Tue,7:30pm,3rd fl.conf.room (4-year term) Ellery Brown Jr. (2-year terms) Robert Larsen James Jacques Mark Fristo Jr. Robert Logue Lee Connel (POSITION VACANT) Joan Moffatt Dennis Dochnahl (POSITION VACANT) Ronald Regis William Anderson Barbara Lansing 'Esther Weathers Rosemary Quesenberry (POSITION VACANT) *Barbara Lally Peggy Robinson Glenda Williams PLANNING COMMISSION Every Wed,7pm, 1st fl.cont. room BOARD OF ETHICS (3-year terms) Meets as necessary LIBRARYBOARD Donald Jacobson (4-year terms) 2nd Wed,3pm,Highlands Library Glenn Garrett ri John Dubois (5-year terms) 'Jeffrey Lukins Mary Mattson Phillip Beckley Eugene Ledbury (3 POSITIONS VACANT) Marian Larsen Herbert Postelwait `Wanda Strugar-Thompson Bill Taylor Daniel Sullivan Patrick Texeira CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: (POSITION VACANT) Richard Wagner POLICE AND FIRE Joan Walker 4th Tue,5pm,6th fl.conf. room (6-year terms) LEOFFD/SABILITYBOARD Barbara Little Law Enforcement Officers/Fire Fighters RENTON HORIZONS Margaret Ellison 2nd Wed,Sam,6th fl.conf.room COMMITTEE Darrell Igelmund Nancy Mathews,City Council Jan-July,3rd Tue,7pm,RCC Lorna Thompson Toni Nelson,City Council Corrie Starwoski Robert Stevenson Russ Olson,Police Dept. 'Lew Innocenti *Diane Bates,City staff Bob Deines,Fire Dept. Ernie Tonda Jim Phelan,Member-at-Large Ed Yaguchi Harley Holt,City staff FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD 3rd Tue,4pm,5th fl.conf. room MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION>s Earl Clymer,Mayor 2nd Wed,Sam, 1st fl.conf. room SENIOR CITIZEN ADVISORY Nancy Mathews,City Council No meeting July&August COMMITTEE "s 'Marilyn Petersen, City Clerk (3-year terms) 1st&3rd Mon, 10am,Sr.Center Ray Barilleaux,Fire Dept. Lois Anslow Albee (3-year terms) Bill Henry, Fire Dept. Marghee Baldridge Dovie Sherrill William Larson,Alternate 'M.B.Escher HosiaTowery Diana Hitch 'Jim Denzer Sarah Elboom Bob Larson HOUSING AUTHORITY > Karen Lunder Selma Fitting � 2nd Mon, 10am,970 Harrington Ave NE Dianna Manning Ernie Tonda (5-year terms) Sharon Newbury Ray Browning Edna Bagnariol Michael O'Halloran Frank Cenkovich Thomas Trimm *Ronald Ringwood Dale Merritt Ace Jones Connie Tajon Ann Kooser Kay Johnson (POSITION VACANT) Mary Burns Louise Mathias Ernest Tonda Martha 'Tony Ladner,Housing Director tant ine Paul Houser Sr.,Legal Counsel 'Chair/Contact 1992 Bill Constantine 5 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Corporate Organization& Reporting Relationships ilia FThe NTON'S MISSION STATEMENT RENTON f Renton,in partnership with residents, CITIZENS ss,and government,is dedicated to: hy atmosphere in which to live&raise families: Encourage responsible growth and economic vitality; Create a positive work environment; LRIchard embers: Resulting in a quality community where people choose eolker-Wheeler, to live,work and play. dent Earl Clymer ards athews Mayor lson litzer Stredickenner PLAN/BLDQ/PUBLIC WORKS EXECUTIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVK ES Lynn Guttmann Administrator City Attorney Executive Assistant Dan Clements Larry Warren Jay Covington Administrator Development Transportation Accounting& Services Director Systems Director City Clerk Hearin Examiner Municipal Court Maril Petersen Budgeting Director Jim Hanson Mel Wilson g Judge m Iwen Wang Fred Kaufman Roger Lewis �Pla�nni'ngl7ech Utilities eDireor Systems Director Information y Sho Dick Anderson Personnel Director Systems Director verty Nelson-GI Phil Jewett Maintenance Services Director Jack Crumley FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES Lee Wheeler Alan Wallis Chief Chief John Webley Administrator Ji Mathew ch of Garry Anderson Don Persson Parks&Rec Directo Library Director Deputy Captain Captain Sam Chastain Clark Petersen Suppression Ray Bariileaux Prevention Operations Support Services Facilities Services Human Services Glen Gordon Gary Gotti Bureau Bureau Manager Mana r 9e Larry Weiss Battalion Chief Jim Shepherd Ron Shelley Battalion Chief Investigation Crime Prev Patrol/Traffic iic Adm Svrrraining Animal Control Staff Sery Gambling Enforomt Jail Recreation Services Safety/Emerg Mgt Training Manager Jack McLaughlin Larry Eager Bill Hutsinpillar Battalion Chief Captain IBII 6 CITY OF RENTON MAYOR Earl Clymer March 30,1992 Renton Council and Citizens City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,WA 98055 RE: Transmittal of 1992 Budget Dear Council and Citizens: We are all in this boat together. Much like the new Harold Balazs sculpture shown on the cover, our many city constituents are all in the same boat: buffeted by the same elements, pushed and tugged by the same currents. We are able to reach our safe harbors only after we have decided where we want to go, chartered a clear course on how to get there, kept a firm hand on the helm, and worked together to keep our ship on course. I sincerely hope that the 1992 budget will serve both as a beacon, illuminating where we want to go, and as a navigation plan,showing the courses we will take to arrive at our destination. The 1992 Budget In the fall of 1990, the administration and the council grappled with downsizing the City's budget as financial projections indicated a slowing economy. While the effort was painful, our foresight in making the adjustments earlier allows us to approach the 1992 budget with less difficulty than some of our neighboring communities. As the changing economic currents continue in 1992,our ability to steer through them improves. We have attempted to chart a balanced, stable path towards four central goals: 1.) Maintain the level and quality of basic municipal services; 2.) Maintain our basic infrastructure and capital equipment; 3.) Stabilize both our short and long term financial position; and 4.) Develop tactics that will enable us to more successfully manage and navigate through the hidden shoals and obstacles we will face in the future. Renton's 1992 Budget, including capital projects, totals $101.6 million, a 14.6% increase over the 1991 budget as originally adopted, with total revenues including grants and bond proceeds for capital purposes growing at a 26.5% rate, and expenditures expanding at 17.4%. The 1992 budget will increase only 0.3% over 1991 actual figures, primarily due to continuing capital projects carried forward from year to year until completed. General Governmental Funds which provide basic city services are estimated at $34.8 million for 1992. Revenues total $33.1 million, up 9.4% over the 1991 adopted budget, while expenditures totaling$33.6 million reflect a growth of 11.6%. A$1.2 million ending balance is projected. The 1992 General Governmental budget reflects a 3.0% increase over 1991 actual figures,which includes 1990 items carried forward. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2580 tier 1992 Budget Address im Budeet Hiehli hts Developing strategies to meet the four objectives outlined above has not been easy. The City's baseline budget has had to absorb significant cost increases just to maintain current service levels. We have absorbed: 1.) A 14% ($65,553) increase in the County health contract; 2.) A 13.4% ($78,455) increase in Valley Com dispatching costs; 3.) A 25% ($425,893) increase in employee medical and dental costs. We have also been able to absorb $470,000 in equipment rental increases caused by last year's one time rate reduction, and higher than anticipated wage increases, the result of a surprising 6.7% increase in the consumer price index. As outlined in the remainder of the budget, I have chosen to balance the 1992 budget primarily through cost containment, and by adjusting various user fees to close the remaining gap. I am also recommending an increase in the Real Estate Excise tax to help pay for capital projects authorized by new growth management legislation. Basic Services The 1992 budget maintains existing police, fire, parks, recreation, and support staffing levels. Additionally, the budget calls for implementing the recently completed classification and compensation study on January 1. In order to maintain our current staffing levels I am proposing to increase non-represented wages in an amount equal to bargaining contracts, but with half the increase effective January 1, and the remaining half July 1. Basic Capital Renton's budgetary and financial policies call for maintenance of existing capital equipment and facilities. The 1992 budgeted Capital Improvement Plan totals $24.9 million and contains $3.4 million for transportation projects, $10.6 million for utility projects, $3.5 million for wetlands acquisition, and a $5.9 million continuing appropriation ow for senior housing. Other capital improvements include $586,000 for airport projects, $344,000 for city hall plumbing repairs, $250,000 for replacement of the central Wang information system and a new parks/recreation package, $105,000 for park projects including the Boeing trail and design of the Cedar River complex, $135,000 for the golf course master design and construction of two new holes, $65,000 to replace a fire aid vehicle, $11,000 for police and fire office remodels, and$57,500 for council chambers audio/visual renovation. irr In order to fund 1992's capital plan I am recommending a three fold strategy. These elements include: 1.) Increasing the 1/4% real estate excise tax to fund qualifying capital facilities projects; 2.) Medium r term financing (five to seven years) to fund computer and vehicle replacements; and 3.) Appropriate a total of$10.6 million in utility capital projects to be funded by grants, LID's, Public Works Trust Fund Loans,operating transfers and$4 million in revenue bonds. w. 8 w �1 1992 Budget Address Fiscal Stability As mentioned, maintaining existing service levels has been accomplished through cost containment, trimming expenses, and by adjusting user fees, where possible. The 1992 budget includes the following recommendations: 1.) Update indirect rates charged to proprietary funds; 2.) Increase Fire Department service fees and adjust park fees; 3.) Increase collection of traffic warrants; 4.) Improve enforcement of traffic violations; 5.) Credit allowable interest earnings from the General Government Capital Improvement Funds to the General Fund; and 6.) Transfer $300,000 in 1991 and $300,000 in 1992 from General Fund to our Insurance , Fund to rebuild our Rainy Day Reserve. Future Strategies As part of the administration's 1992 work plan I am requesting that the Council meet with the administration early in the year to: re- establish the City's long term vision; clearly establish both long and short term goals and priorities; begin to develop fiscal strategies to meet those goals and priorities; and establish roles and responsibilities of the community, Council, and administration in achieving our vision. The 1992 new year will see newly elected officials join our crew. The recently completed campaign has provided us with an excellent opportunity of assessing our community priorities and concerns. It is appropriate that we spend the first part of the year charting our future course. In order to simplify future budget reporting and preparation, two additional modifications will be done in the 1992 budget. These include establishing a Community Development Block Grant Fund and moving associated revenues and expenditures out of the General Fund. Second, the multi-departmental capital projects will be moved into the existing Municipal Facilities Fund (316) and Fund 317 will account for transportation projects only. rri Budgetary&Economic Assumytions When a ship's navigator estimates the time at which docking will occur, assumptions about wind speed,currents, and other vessels in the area are part of these calculations. Municipal budget preparation is similar,only the assumptions used are economic, rather than physical. Starting in June, staff looked twelve to eighteen months into the future to predict economic currents. The information below will provide you with the economic trends and assumptions used to prepare Renton's 1992 Budget. Employment City employment during 1991 was stronger than anticipated. It was projected that business license fees would reach $2.27 million by the end of 1991, actual receipts were $2.31 million. For 1992 we see a 2,000 person (5%) decline in overall employment. This drop stems from the slowing general economy, the proposed transfer of Boeing 9 rrr 1992 Budget Address No W 777 project personnel to Everett, and possible defense program impacts. 1992 business license revenue is estimated at $2.15 million, close to the original 1991 estimate,which is 6.9% less than 1991 actual receipts. Inflation For the coming year staff have used inflation and GNP growth figures from official State forecasts. These call for a 33% inflation rate and 2% GNP growth. Real and nominal personal income are projected to grow at 1.8% and 6% respectively. �r Propeny Tax The two most significant factors affecting property tax revenues are '■" new construction and annexations. Information from King County shows assessed value for new construction totals $90 million without state public service construction, and annexation additions total $3 million. Based on this information, plus the 6% increase allowed on base value, the estimated 1992 property tax receipts will be $10.2 million, or 8.8% over the 1991 adopted level, and 11.9% more than actual receipts which were less than anticipated. 1992 property taxes have been allocated as follows: $9.9 million to general operations, $228,000 to Firemen's Pension, and $107,600 for general governmental capital projects. Sales Tax $10.2 million or a growth rate of 6.6% over 1991 adopted figures has been used for retail sales tax projections. This includes a 2% growth in auto sales, 15% increase in construction related activity, and 6% growth in all other taxable sales. The retail sector has been hard hit nationally by the current recession, and we have yet to see tangible signs of recovery. For the first nine months of 1991, taxable sales wr without construction increased by a mere 1.5%. Auto sales have historically constituted 20% of the City's taxable retail sales. There was an overall decline of less than 1% in 1991 auto WN sales. If the new Honda dealership is subtracted, sales show a decline of 8.6%. We expect the sales to improve slightly in 1992. " New construction accounts for approximately 15%of Renton's taxable sales. The City is anticipating an increase of over 30% growth in new +rr construction for 1991. Up to September, the sales tax revenue from construction activities was 46% over the same period of 1990. This increase is due to major commercial additions and renovation projects, and public works projects. There are several major commercial projects in the planning stage at this time, with several expected to commence in 1992. Based on this information, our rw aw 10 1992 Budget Address r forecast for 1992 includes a 12% increase in building permit activities ir1 and a 15% increase in construction. Utility Taxes Utility tax estimates are based on historical growth rates and rr proposed utility rate changes. For electric, gas, and telephone utilities, tax rate changes implemented during 1991 were not effective until mid-February, so we will generally see a higher rate of increase in the coming year. Puget Power is proposing to annually adjust the electric utility rates by the consumer price index. When combined with growth and delayed tax rate effect,we project 1992 revenues will show an 11.5% increase over 1991 actual receipts. Cable TV receipts,which have been expanding at an average rate of 10%, have declined in 1991. We believe this is attributable to the slow-down in multi-family construction. The 1992 estimate is a 1.2% decrease from the 1991 original estimate and 4% more than 1991 actual receipts. Natural gas revenues are expected to decrease from 1991 figures,even though there was a delay in implementation of the 1991 utility tax • increase. No significant rate change is expected in the coming year. Telephone taxes were estimated to increase by 3.9% over estimated actual figures primarily due to the tax rate change discussed above, plus 1% growth. The 1992 estimate is 1.2% more than 1991 actual receipts. Taxes on City operated utilities are expected to increase by 14% over the 1991 projected amount. This is based upon rate increases of approximately 11%, and 3% from growth. (12.6% over 1991 actual figures.) When all utility tax revenues are combined, staff are projecting a 1992 aggregate increase of 9.6%. (8.3%over 1991 actual receipts.) Real Estate Excise Earlier this year a legislative change was made to Real Estate Excise Tax statutes. Real estate transfers through corporate stocks or ownership transfers will be subject to the same excise tax as out-right property sales. The $400,000 figure includes an estimated $70,000 reflective of this change. As mentioned earlier, we are also recommending Council adopt an additional 1/4% Real Estate Excise Tax, as authorized by the 1990 Growth Management Act. The new 11 wr 1992 Budget Address tax, estimated at $330,000 will be designated for qualifying capital facility purposes only. wr Other Taxes Other taxes include leasehold excise, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy,gambling,and admissions. In 1991 a change of use in one of Valley Medical Center's office buildings substantially increased the leasehold tax revenue, which is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Increases for EMS levy and gambling tax are .6%, and 2.3% respectively over 1991 actual receipts, with a 2% projected for admissions tax. Licenses&Permits Permit activity for the coming year is expected to increase primarily ' due to a limited number of large commercial and public works projects. Looking at our base, however, we expect new development in general to be lower. Remodeling and renovation activities are "" estimated at the same level as 1991. The per capita business license fee has been projected at$1.8 million for transportation projects, and $347,000 is allocated for general governmental purposes. The 1992 to $347,000 is lower, based upon possible transfer of Boeing employees to non-Renton domiciled programs. Intergot7 Revenues There are four major changes in intergovernmental revenues. These include: 1.) The completion of a one-time criminal justice grant. 2.) The City utilized the new half cent fuel tax receipts during 1991 for "" street maintenance and operation purposes. The estimate of$712,570 for 1992 is 14% greater than this year's adopted amount. The 1991 ""' budget estimate was set at a lower level due to the uncertainty cast by the Gulf war and fuel prices which was happening during the budget development. 3.) Liquor profit revenues of$344,430 are close to the to 1991 estimate. 1991 receipts will actually be higher due to a special one-time distribution from the State. 4.) The new vehicle registration fee designated for transportation improvements is estimated at go $350,000 for 1992, based on estimates provided by the State. At this juncture we do not have sufficient experience about this revenue source and it would seem prudent to leave some fund balance No unappropriated to cover possible revenue short falls. Fees& Utility Rates The 1992 budget recommends an overall utility rate increase of 11.2%, of which 1.9% is attributable to the King County tipping fee increase. Other factors include an increase in capital projects; emergency response programs; and an increase in indirect rates charged by the General Fund. These figures are consistent with rate increases projected in last year's budget.The budget also includes two categories of fee increases: first, Uniform Fire Code and construction • .r 12 1992 Budget Address inspection fees; and second, various park and golf course fee adjustments. Misc Revenue Fines and forfeits, emanating mainly from traffic and parking infractions, are expected to increase slightly from 1991's level. A proposed new police revenue is collection of outstanding traffic warrants,estimated at$71,500. Interest earnings not tied to a specific source in the Multi-Department and Transportation CIP's will be credited directly to the General Fund. The estimates for parks rentals and concessions in general are higher than the 1991 original budget due to the proposed rate change,otherwise the base is projected to be lower due to the volatile nature of the income. Personnel Costs The consumer price index for 1991 was much higher than anticipated. CPI increases incorporated into collective bargaining agreements, when combined with step increases and implementation of the new compensation and classification study,result in overall wage increases of 10.7%. An average benefit increase of 18.5% has also been included in the 1992 budget. This represents a 25% increase in medical and dental coverages, and a 4% increase in the City's portion of PERS retirement contributions. Higher health care costs are due to an increasing number of claims, and several large losses. In order to maintain the fiscal integrity of the Insurance Fund in light of both health and property/casualty losses,a two pronged approach has been incorporated into the budget to rebuild the fund balance by 1993. First, a rate increase similar to this year's is scheduled for 1993. Second,a two-year$300,000 per year cash transfer from General Fund will also help to restore the rainy day reserve. Program Changes As mentioned earlier, program modifications have been supported err either by expenditure cuts or new revenues. By and large 1991 service levels are maintained through 1992. Some changes worth noting are: 1.) Intern in Executive Office; 2.) Civil Services fire physical ability test validation; 3.) Assessment for the newly formed Suburban Cities Association; 4.) Fire code inspector certification program; 5.) Addition of a limited term building inspector if required by the project load and revenues achieve the projected level; 6.) Elimination of two surveyor positions, with use of contracted services; 7.) Increasing a Park office assistant to full time (.2 FTE) to provide clerical help for the Open Space program; and 8.) The State's Department of Transportation is transferring the responsibility of maintaining a portion of Rainier Avenue to the City. As Table 11 on page 54 illustrates,our long term revenue and expenditure projections 13 ■r 1992 Budget Address indicate very little ability to finance new or expanded programs for the next four years. Moderating personnel cost increases through adherence to our fiscal goals and policies will better ensure fiscal +r• solvency through this period. In our proprietary funds, new programs are as follows: 1.) Conversion of a solid waste litter control worker from temporary status to a permanent position; 2.) Addition of an engineering specialist for the Water Utility's cross connection control program; and 3.) A multi-family recycling program and a plastic collection program. Debt Issuance For the coming year it is recommended that two debt issues take place. The first is a $4 million utility system revenue bond for utility capital projects. The second is a $648,000 issue which would include $220,000 for central computer equipment replacement, $30,000 for parks and recreation computer equipment, and $398,000 for vehicle r replacements. This second issue might take the form of a tax exempt lease, councilmanic bond, or other financing source. A formal recommendation will be based upon the most favorable financing �. terms. The 1992 budget is built on the assumption that a modest recovery has begun,and we will see a variety of revenue increases. We are quite concerned, however, about personnel costs expanding more rapidly than our revenue base in future years. While the economic outlook is moderately positive at this time, the coming year should be approached with a keen eye. The rate of growth in our region has slowed, and if the national economic picture continues to be depressed,then the local economic environment may drop below our projections. Budget Process During the 1991 Budget process, the council requested that the administration undertake several tasks in preparation for the 1992 budget process. Those requests, and staffs response follow: Council Request Administrative Action rr 1.) Develop fiscal goals and Beginning in May, the administration and City Council policies governing the use of developed "Fiscal Goals and Policies" around nine fund balances and fees for general areas. The 1992 budget document includes a airport and golf course "General Fiscal Policies" section beginning on page 20, operations. that incorporates the fiscal goals and policies the ++� administration and council adopted this summer. .r err 14 1992 Budget Address 2.) Begin the process of In May the City initiated a process of developing a at developing a comprehensive comprehensive capital improvement plan that will capital improvement plan for satisfy the requirements of Growth Management Act all City capital needs. (GMA) and become the basis of a capital facilities plan element required under GMA by 1993. Staff expects to have the 1992 version of the plan to council for adoption this year. 3.) Develop a priority list of The 1992 Budget includes a list of prioritized programs programs and items not and items for council consideration should additional included in the budget due to funding become available. lack of funds. Designate whether the item is a one-time 4 or on-going expenditure. 4.) Provide appropriate staff Previous staff turnover and increasingly complex issues support to the LEOFF board. before the LEOFF board require more staff attention. Staff support for 1992 will include dedicated clerical support from the Mayor's office, and technical support from Administrative services. 5.) Develop a plan early in In 1991, criminal justice funds were allocated to 1992 for the use of Criminal maintaining existing police service levels and funding Justice Funds. the bicycle patrol, as well as several capital improvements. The long range budget projection included in the 1992 budget document assumes that these monies will either be re-authorized or replaced by some form of long term funding plan in 1994. 6.) Develop a consistent policy In the first quarter of 1991, Council adopted revised on consultant bid awards, policies and procedures prepared by staff which review of scope of work,etc. clarified the process for bid awards, consultant review, and contract approvals. as 7.) Provide quarterly reports City staff produced written quarterly financial reports from all five departments at in 1991 that highlighted key revenue and expenditure Committee of the Whole changes or issues. In addition, internal monthly meetings including progress financial reports are produced. While all major issues reports on revenues, were brought to the Council's attention during the year, expenditures, necessary quarterly operational reports by the department ,illi adjustments,problems and administrators were not scheduled. successes. w 15 1992 Budgel Address rr 8.) Establish a policy for Currently, all grants must be officially received by City +� informing Council of grant Council action. The 1992 budget includes projects funds not anticipated at the which staff anticipates will be partially funded through time of budget adoption and a grants. In those cases, general revenues have already process for reallocating funds been reallocated to other projects. These revenue replaced by grants. sources will be highlighted for Council during the rrr budget review process. All grant monies must be appropriated through Council authorization prior to expenditure. 9.) Study the concept of The City currently allows regular part-time employee part-time careers and employment. In some cases, a job position is suitable how they might enhance for job sharing and this has happened. Within the productivity, assist in staggering bounds of our current labor contract agreements, work hours, and reduce peak counter service and minimum staffing requirements, hour traffic. the City also offer-, some flexibility in work hours. Additional work in this area will be undertaken in 1992. 10.) Review and revise the Early in 1991, City staff from all departments met to budget document and process discuss ways to improve the budget document and the to address more understand- budget process. Those suggestions are incorporated in able and consistent presen- this document. In mid-July, the Finance department tation,more efficient use of produced an analysis of the City's long range revenue Council's time in review, and expenditure projections for the general purpose "" improving interfund service funds. (That analysis is summarized in Table 11 in this charge calculation,and creating document.) This budget attempts to present historical a more useful document. information that is consistent with the 1992 format. w Revenues and expenditures are presented both comprehensively and by fund, and position counts have been corrected for "apples to apples"comparisons. Our to interfund service charges have been recalculated. The budget review process this year was completed before Thanksgiving. `w 11.) Explore options for Finance has worked with seniors and low income assistance with utility bills for families on 1.) Rescheduling their payments on a low income households in payment plan that they can meet, and that does not addition to the existing rates for violate public gift statutes; and 2.) Refer needy low income seniors and the customers to local social service agencies who can assist rrr disabled. with delinquent utility payments. 16 1992 Budget Address �i 12.) Provide timely notification The 1992 budget maintains 1991 levels of service, to Council if budget reductions although budgets are extremely tight. No reductions in will require cuts in service service levels are anticipated. levels,and provide options for Council to consider. As in past years, I have attempted to have an extremely open budget process. Staff have met on several occasions with the City Council and with such diverse entities as neighborhood transportation groups, the Chamber of Commerce, builders, developers, and annexation committees. I sincerely hope that by increasing communication about our budget process, and involving all segments of the City, that we will continue to forge a strong community partnership. 1991 Accomplishment Despite the tight budget of 1991, the City still completed many important projects. Most of them are detailed in the departmental narratives within the body of this budget, but the following are worthy of note here: Executive Department • Community Relations-produced the first volunteer yearbook. • City Attorney-concluded several major lawsuits against the City. • Personnel -completed a City-wide Classification/Compenstion Study. • Personnel -Completed transition to a new health care administrator. Administrative Services Department • Completed major changes to monthly and quarterly financial reports. • Revised the City's method of monitoring,reporting,and analyzing insurance losses. • City-wide training program for on-line access information awareness. VA • Established a voter registration-by-mail program. Community Services Department • Acquired substantial open space and sensitive area for future development or preservation. • Broke ground on the$5.5 million senior housing complex. • Completed a major portion of the Boeing trail, scheduled to be open to the public in 1992. • Completed the Human Services Policies and Plan. Police Department • Completed the Police accreditation process,with approval November 16, 1991. • Implemented bicycle patrol program. • Increased the DARE Program from four to eight schools,at no extra cost. wi r 17 wr 1992 Budget Address Fire Department ' Implemented underground storage tank regulations and process for notification and removal. • Participated in a task force deployment of 50 fire companies from Western Washington ■ to the Spokane wildland fire in October 1991. • Implemented training for key City officials in responsiblities during declared disasters. Planning/Building/Public Works Department • Reached agreement with Metro to provide the City with over $11.5 million in improve- ments and funding to offset the impacts of the treatment plant expansion in Renton. Participated with the community, Paccar, State and Federal agencies to promote $3.5 million funding for the Houser Way relocation project in the House version of the Federal Surface Transportation Act. Successfully completed emergency repairs to sewer systems such as Devil's Elbow and NW 7th,damaged by winter storms and other natural disasters. • Actively assisted several quality development projects in the City such as Seattle Times, PACCAR,Boeing Longacres,Renton Village,and Valley Medical Center. • Started operation at the new Well #5. • 5,108 tons or 54.9% of the residential waste was diverted from the waste stream, by yard waste and recycling programs,through September 1991. • Comprehensive Plan: developed critical areas inventories, and worked with the Planning Commission to complete land use alternatives and draft policies. Closing Comments As I mentioned, there are many other accomplishments completed in 1991. I am proud of the professionalism and productivity of City staff. Much has been accomplished, but City staff and I are committed to improve our performance in 1992. �I BudgetAward The Government Finance Officers r Association of the United States and GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Canada (GFOA) presented an award for Distinguished Budget Presentation to the Distinguished City of Renton for its annual budget for Budget Presentation the fiscal year 1991. In order to receive Award this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document, as an PRESENTED TO operations guide,as a financial plan and as City of Renton, Washington a communications medium. The award is For the Fiscal Year Beginning valid for a period of one year only. We January 1,1991 believe our current budget continues to J2(/7`��` conform to program requirements, and we E.�u�.D.— are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. .r 18 1992 Budget Address Acknowledgments A municipal budget is a document that focuses an entity's economic power on a number of key action plans. The 1992 Annual Budget constitutes a re-alignment of basic service demands with available revenues, and will concentrate our energies on activities which will bolster Renton's basic operations and make Renton a quality City where people choose to live, work, and play. The coming year promises to bring new challenges and a very ambitious work program. I look forward to a progressive and successful year. Preparation of this budget could not have been accomplished without the professional and dedicated services of the entire staff of the Administrative Services Department and the various department heads and employees who assisted and contributed to its preparation. so Staff who had a direct role in preparing Renton's 1992 Final Budget take great pride in their work and the entire team who worked on this project are recognized on the last page of the budget. Should you have any questions about the City's budget, my staff and I will be happy to respond to them. as Sincerely, Earl Clymer,Mayo EC/dc v 19 1992 Goals& Policies BUDGET RELATED FISCAL GOALS & POLICIES to GOAL POLICY STATUS CITES 1.) Keep�position City in a fiscally A.) Ongoing operations of the City shall This policy is also applicable to on-going sound in both the be funded from ongoing revenues. costs associated with capital short long terms. improvements. B.) Budgets for all funds shall be No flexible in nature,with expenditures expanding and contracting based on actual revenues,authorized by Wperiodic budget adjustments. C.) Six year budget projections and rate increases for all operating and capital funds shall be prepared annually. res D.) Budget initiatives shall be evaluated This practice avoids "bow-wave"budget as part of the six year budget impacts. projection. r E.) Revenues should be conservatively projected,and expenditures budgeted at 100%to help ensure 4W budget solvency. F.) The City should accept new 40 requirements for service delivery only when adequate funding is made available. of 2.) Maintain sufficient financial A.) Maintain fund balances equal to one Current practice is to maintains a liquidity to meet normal month's operating expenditures for general govt7fund balance of 8% of all operating and contingency general govt operating funds. expenditures. The balance was dropped w obligations. in 1991 and is projected to be restored in 1994. [Ref GFOA fund balance bulletin.] ON B.) Maintain an insurance reserve for The City currently maintains an property,casualty,and medical insurance reserve of$500,000. [Ref claims in an amount equal to Annual Report risk management note �r consultant or actuarial requirements.eq (#18), on page 26] +rr C.) Termination benefits shall be Based on past history, three positions, or budgeted in non-departmental $100,000 should be allocated in 1992. W budgets in an amount equal to This parallels 1991's costs. average termination costs. w 20 w 1992 Goals& Policies GOAL POLICY STATUS[NOTES D.) The insurance reserve portion of the "rainy day"fund must be replenished in the following year by either transfer or premium. E.) If the"rainy day"fund is used beyond the insurance reserve,the s City's next fiscal budget shall contain a plan fop restoring the fund to appropriate levels. y1Y 3.) Protect the City from A.) Maintain a"rainy day"fund equal to The "rainy-day"portion of the insurance catastrophic losses. 8% of general governmental fund currently equals approximately 81,''6 operating expense without grants of total general govt expenditures. and non-recurring transfers. B.) Purchase excess medical,property, Renton carries excess coverages in these and liability insurance to cover areas. [Ref Annual Report risk major losses,as deemed appropriate ntanagentent note(#18), on page 26.) by the City's risk management program. C.) "Rainy day"revenues may be used for either unusual fiscal conditions or catastrophic losses outside insured limits,with any expenditure requiring five Council votes. 4.) Have service users pay their A.) City utilities and the airport shall be Utilities and airport meet these goals. fair share of program costs.. 100%user supported. B.) The City's golf course operations Golf course currently funds 100% of shall be self-supporting,with the operations, with general funds providing original acquisition paid for from approxintately$380,000/year or 85% of general governmental revenues. acquisition debt service support. C.) User fees shall contribute an average Users of recreation and Contntunity of 50%towards all recreation Center services fund approximately 5017c, services and operations,with the of the costs of these operations. exception of the senior center. D.) The City shall pay 100% of the cost of senior center operations,with the users paying the full cost of special events. E.) Developers shall pay at least[percent The proposed 1992 fee schedule will in committee]%of the cost of recover approxintately 60% of cost. reviewing and processing their permits. 21 �r 1992 Goals& Policies ■r GOAL POLICY STATUS/NOTES 4W F.) Inter-fund charges for service shall occur only when needed for enterprise, external chargeable, ■r mitigation,or grant related services and capital projects. �r G.) All City fees,charges,and rates shall be reviewed annually to determine whether they meet targeted cost coverages. Adjustments shall be made in conjunction with the budget process. 5.) Operate utilities in a A.) Utility rate studies shall be con- responsive and fiscally ducted at least every five years to sound manner. update assumptions and ensure the r long term solvency and viability of City utilities. B.) Utility rates should be reviewed Water,sewer,storm,and garbage rates ' ` annually and adjusted,if necessary, are adjusted annually. to reflect inflation,construction goals,maintain bond covenants,and *a avoid major periodic increases. C.) The cost of utility contractual Per current policy, metro,dump fee, and services over which the City has no hazardous waste charges are handled in control shall be passed through to this manner. rate payers,in a manner consistent with Council direction. #r D.) Rates for the Water/Sewer/Storm Current policy set fourth in 1989 Utility shall include an annual Water/Sewer/Storm rate study. go capital contribution equal to 1.5%of net assets. 0 E.) Fund balances in enterprise funds shall be maintained at levels established through rate studies,or at levels necessary to meet operating, .r capital,&contingency requirements. F.) Excess fund balances shall be used to ++� off-set rate increases where possible, with any remaining balances being used for approved capital purposes. aw �r 22 am 1992 Goals& Policies GOAL POLICY STATUS/NOTES 6.) Maintain existing A.) When capital funding decisions are infrastructure and capital made,priority shall be given to assets. maintaining existing capital assets over the acquisition or construction of new facilities. B.) Financing for the majority of capital Capital acquisitions from the water, assets other than infrastructure shall sewer,storm, equipment rental,and normally be made over the life of the general fund generally use bonding, asset,or twenty years,whichever rather than "pay as you go." comes first. ■1t C.) Revenue bonds and LID's shall be used to finance improvements when applicable. D.) Councilmanic bonds and lease financing shall be used to fund infrastructure where positive cost/benefit ratios exists,or where there is no other source of funds. E.) Voted general obligation bonds and special levies shall be used to finance infrastructure improvements for public benefit that support quality of life,and do not necessarily generate cost savings on revenue streams. 7.) Establish accountability in A.) The City Council shall set total Appropriations levels are adopted in the budget monitoring. appropriations at the fund level. budget. [Ref Annual Report, budget note, RCW 35A.33.] B.) Department heads are responsible for managing their budgets within the total appropriated budget. trl C.) Any budget adjustments between funds shall be approved by the Council in budget amendments. y/iil D.) Budget adjustments within a fund shall be approved by the Mayor,and reported to the Council.Adjustments affecting program implementation require Council approval. 23 �tirr 1992 Goals& Policies M 7consistent POLICY STATUS/NOTES 'r" E.) Departmental expenditures shall be Ref. RCW 43.09.200 made from appropriate BARS accounts,not accounts where an toexcess of funds may exist. 8.) EstA.) The Citys compensation policy shall cobe to set minimum pay levels at a the60%-75%level when compared with median pay of comparable jurisdictions. wr B.) Reclassification requests shall be reviewed by Personnel on a quarterly 4r basis,with all recommendations being approved by the Mayor prior to implementation. Reclassifications involving a change in pay grade shall be approved by the Council prior to implementation. C.) New hires may be placed up to step "C"without Council concurrance. Placement on higher steps shall be r approved by Council. 9.) Provide financial reports in A.) Monthly budget reports outlining the a timely and understandable status of revenues and expenditures manner. shall be provided to all departments, Mayor,and Council. B.) Quarterly financial reports discussing major trends,the status of Renton's financial operations,and yr other related information shall be distributed to all managers,Mayor, Council,and available to interested public. C.) A Comprehensive Annual Financial CAFR is prepared annually and 40 Report,prepared in accordance with submitted for compliance revieiv. (Ref. generally accepted accounting RCW 43.09.2001. principles,shall be distributed to all interested parties and to GFOA for 60 certification. D.) The City's budget document shall be presented in a format that provides for logical comparison with prior years wherever possible. err 24 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Reader`s Guide to the Budget Overview: The budget is a financial plan for the City. This plan is communicated first, in summary through the Mayor's message and the Budget Related Fiscal Goals and Policies; and second, through a variety of financial tables and narratives. The budget is presented in several different ways including: the basic fund level; by operations, capital improvements, and other designated funds; by department; and a more detailed line item or object level. Accountine and Budgetiniz Systems are organized and operated on a fund basis. Funds are accounting entities used to record revenues and expenditures. Each fund is balanced with total revenues and beginning balance equaling total expenditures and ending balance. Funds are budgeted in accordance with the Revised Code of Washington 35A.33 on a cash basis. Budgets are established for all funds with the exception of three Agency Funds, including Special Deposit, Advance Travel, and Deferred Compensation. There are 30 budgeted funds classified within seven basic fund groups, which are described as follows. General Governmental Funds include General, Park, Street, Library, which provide basic city services such as public safety, parks and recreation, street maintenance, transportation system, planning, building, zoning, library and associated support functions. The resources to support these activities are primarily taxes. Limited (council-voted) general obligation bonds are also included in this category to calculate general governmental revenues and expenditures, since these funds are also supported by general taxes. Special Revenue Funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources other than special gt assessments, expendable trust or major capital projects. These revenues finance particular activities or functions as required by law or administrative regulations. There are six special revenue funds including: Arterial Street, Community Development Block Grant, Impact it Mitigation, Paths and Trails, 1% For Art, and Cable Communication. Debt Service Funds accumulate resources and account for the payment of principal and interest for the City's general obligation long term debt and special assessment debt. The City of Renton pledges its full faith and credit for payment of these obligations. Resources for redemption of council-approved (limited) issues are from the general property tax levy and the 1/4% real estate excise tax. Revenue for voter-approved (unlimited) debt service obligations originates from a special property tax levy. Resources for payment of special assessment debt are from assessments 1111 levied against benefited properties. There are three limited and two unlimited general obligation bond funds; a Local Improvement District (LID) Debt Service Fund and a LID Guaranty Fund. Capital Pro iect Funds account for the acquisition or development of major capital facilities, ori except those projects financed by enterprise funds. Sources of revenue to these funds can include general obligation bond proceeds, federal and state grants, mitigation fees, general tax sources, and interest earnings. The City has five capital project funds: Open Space, Municipal Facilities, Transportation, Senior Housing, and LID Construction. Enterprise Funds are established for government activities that are financed and operate -in a manner similar to private business. Costs of providing services to the general public are primarily financed by user fees. Capital improvements can be funded by general obligation or so revenue bonds, grants, operating transfers, and other applicable resources. There are five enterprise funds: Water/Sewer/Storm Utility Operations, Water/Sewer/Storm Construction, Airport, Solid Waste Utility, and Golf Course. Internal Service Funds account for the financing of goods and services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the City. The City's internal service funds are Equipment Rental and Insurance. Fiduciary Funds include Pension Trust, Expendable Trust, and Agency Funds which are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units, and/or other funds. The Firemen's Pension Trust Fund is the only budgeted fiduciary fund. to 25 rrs CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET low Reader's Guide to the Budget F7 F mat: The Reader's Guide is provided to highlight the kinds of information contained sections of the budget, described as follows: uction section includes an overview of the entire budget in the Mayor's letter of transmittal. Other information provides the City organizational structure, and the City of Renton mission statement. A budget preparation calendar outlines the budget process and time schedule. Budget Related Fiscal Goals and Policies begins on page 20. The Budget Summary Section provides a variety of tables and graphics that support the budget ow plan in more detail. Tables 1 through 8 display comparisons of the 1992 budget with 1990 and 1991 figures, for the total budget, the operating budget, general governmental funds, and staffing levels. Revenue and expenditure detail can be found in Tables 5 and 6. Table 9 contains a list of 1992 new programs and budget changes for general governmental funds. A detailed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will be furnished in a separate document, and a summary of the 1992 budgeted CIP plan is provided in Table 10. Tables 11 through 18 deal primarily with past, present, and future projections for general governmental funds, utility rates, assessed value, limitation of indebtedness, property tax rates, retail sales, tax revenues, and largest taxpayers and principal employers in the City. The OoeratinQ Budget Section is organized into the six operating department sections, including: Executive, Administrative Services, Police, Fire, Planning/Building/Public Works, and Community Services. Each department section begins with a detailed organizational chart, and a summary of the department as a whole. The next level of information is by major departmental division which includes narrative describing the basic objective, program activity, a 1992 work plan, 1991 accomplishments, new programs and budget changes. This is supported by a staffing and budgetary appropriations table which provides prior year comparison data. Activity trends or other related information is provided at the end of each departmental section. The Bud et bv Fund Section displays each fund's revenues, expenditures, and fund balance in summary and in line item detail, for 1990 and 1991 actual figures and the 1992 budget as adopted. Revenues and expenditures are assigned an account number in accordance with the State Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System (BARS). Budget expenditure summaries are based on the account object level such as 08.00 Expenditure Credits, 10.00 Salaries, 20.00 Personnel Benefits, 30.00 Supplies, 40.00 Other Services, 50.00 Intergovernmental Services, 60.00 Capital Outlay, 70.00/80.00 Debt Service, and 90.00 Interfund Payments. Revenues are summarized at the basic account and element level. Example revenue and expenditure accounts are shown below: ■r Revenue Account: 317 027 333 20 20 00 Fund Number (Transportation Capital Improvement Fund) Program Number (SW Grady Way/Rainier Avenue Improvements) 4W Basic Account (Type of Revenue/Federal Grant) Element (Source of Grant/Department of Transportation DOT) Object (Division of DOT/Federal Highway Administration) No Expenditure Account: 317 027 16 595 10 67 00 Fund Number (Transportation Capital Improvement Fund) Program Number (SW Grady Way/Rainier Avenue Improvements) Department Number (PBPW Transportation Systems) Basic Account (Road and Street Construction) do Element (Engineering) Object (Capital Outlay) The Anoendix provides items such as a general information page, a quick reference for City r information and fees (page 371); a budget ordinance index; long term debt information; 1992 position and salary schedule; and a glossary of commonly used budget terms begins on page 383. 26 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Budget Calendar' ------------------------------------ Months janl Febl Mar A r Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec Item Weeks 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------ The budget process and time limits are established by state law. The City of Renton adheres to the following procedures: 1.) Departments prepare and submit requests for new operating programs, new positions and reclassifications, and five-year capital improvements in May. 2.) The Finance Department prepares revenue estimates. New program and capital improvement requests are compiled into a preliminary document in June. 3.) The mayor, council, and staff meet to set priorities in June (Council/Staff Retreat). 4.) Budget instructions, salary and benefit computations, and forms are prepared and submitted to departments on or before July 1. 5.) Departments prepare line item (base line) budget requests and submit to Finance by second week ■Ili in August. 6.) Base line budget requests, revenue assumptions, new programs, and capital improvement requests are compiled into a document for the Mayor's review, in September. 7.) The Mayor reviews budget requests with each department during first two weeks in September. Decisions made on adjustments to department requests by end of September. `--' 8.) The property tax levy is established by ordinance, the first Monday in October or when available. 9.) The Mayor's Preliminary Budget is prepared and filed with the City Clerk, by the first working day in November; available for public review. 10.) The City Clerk publishes a notice of filing the preliminary budget, and also designates the date, time, and place of the public hearing on the final budget. <-� to 11.) Council Committee of the Whole conducts budget hearings with department heads during the month of November. The hearings are open to the public. 12.) The final hearing on the proposed budget must begin on or before the first Monday of December, and may continue until the 25th day prior to <-> the next fiscal year. 13.) The City Council approves amendments to the proposed budget, and following the public hearing adopts a final balanced budget, by ordinance, no <==> later than December 31st. 14.) The final budget as adopted is published, distributed, and made available to the public during the first three months of the ensuing year. --------------------------------- ---------------------- 06 27 BUDGET SUMMARY 6. 28 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 1:Budget Comparisi�r►by Fund Millions of Dollars $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 General Govt?Funds: $33.31 $29.27 Special Revenue Funds: $6.2 -$2.18 Debt Service Funds: $6.67 $6.39 Capital Project Funds: $10.52 $15.06 Proprietary Funds: $34.76 26.55 Internal Service Funds: $7.54 $6.81 Fiduciary Funds: $2.59 �•4 � 1992 Budget 1991 Budget General Revenue Supported Activities vs User Fee Supported Activiites 36.1% f 37.4% User Fee r, User Fee '' 1991 Adopted Budget$88.7 Million 1992 Adopted Budget$101.6 Million 29 J'A CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table.VBudget Comparison by Fund 1990 1991', 1991 1992SChange 94 Change S Change 46 Change .............: Actual Adopted Actual Budget Bt;Adopteda 91 Adopted 91,Actual 91 Actual GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS: 000/General _. _... . .......... __ . 21,166 584 20 119,619 22,414,552 23 081606 2,962 077 14 7% 66...7..,1.I 4.4 3.0% r 101/Park ... . ..... .. .... .... _ .. - 5,172 290 5 403,839 5,598 362 5,016,835. 512,996 9.5% 318.473 5.7% 103/Street - ........ ..__...........__ _... 3,036 273 2,881,359 3,213 069 3 316858: 435,499 15.1 103,789 3.2% __. _ 106/Library __... 875,389 868,818 1,129730 993'980; 125,162 14.4% (135,750) -12.0% SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: - --.- 102/Arterial Street - _ 584,231 366,296 665,508 378 536 13 240 3.6% (285,972) -43.0% 104/Community Dev Block Grant 0 0 0 262 671 262,671 N/A 262,671 N/A 105/Impact Mitigation _ _. ... ............ f) _ 1,472,692 1,369,184 2,695 186 5 144 662: 3,775,478 275.7 2,449,476 80.9% . 107/Contingency 262 504 0 0 0' 0 N/A 0 N/A 118/Reserve for Paths&Trails 7 368 10,604 ..- !4868 4,084 38.3 3 477 31.1% 125/1%For Art .... a8.23i a7,896 _.....45 621 38 831 (9.065) 18.9 (6,790) -14.9% 127/Cable Communication 451,712 390,090 398 497 356 052 34038 -8.7 (42.445) -10.7% _..... .......) ....__........ .....f.............. _ DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: - - -- 207/1978 Limited G.O.Bonds 130,587 132,993 133514 137688. 4,696 3.5 4,175 3.1% 212!1989 Limited Ref.G.O.Bonds 339,027 330,939 V7 932 340149 9,210 2.8% 12,217 3.7% 215/Gen.Govt.Misc.Debt Service 879,850 950,068 964,407 1 020'3$5 70,317 7.4% 55,978 5.8% __- 213/1983 Unlimited Ref.G.O.Bonds � 1,409,095 1,410,848 1,317,704 1.2W 853 159 995 -11.3% ............ _ . �. -5.1% 219/1989 Unlimited G.O.Bonds 570,611 854,218 781 320 857 798 3,580 0.4 76,478 9.8% 220/L.I.D.Debt Service Fund 2,289 323 1995,955 2,686 652 2298 168 303 213 15.2 .,,, .�. .......(387,484).. -14.4%: 221/L.LD.Guaranty Fund 676 657 717,051 729 544 766 657' 49,606 6.9 37,113 5.1% CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS(CIP): ___ _.....__. ....... 301/Street Forward Thrust.. _ 146,8380 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A ........ 302/0pen Space Construction 401,768 2,998,608 590 736 ty (2,998,808) -100.0 (590 736) 100.0% 316/Municipal Facilities CiP 372 255 42,902 4..510 877 493 834,591 1945.3 830,983 1786.7% 317/Transportation CiP 4,842,963 3 355 600 5,651 835 ..3563 081: 207,481 6.2 . .._. (2,088 754) _37.0% 319/Senior Housing Construction 6,120 559 5,877.195 6,217 499 6 808 071 21,876 0... (318,428) .-..% 320/L.I.D.Construction Fund 524,439 2,788,039 3,676 323 180 000 (2 608,039 . ..... .... _-.. _.). 3,496,323).. -95.1% ENTERPRISE FUNDS: .. __.. ...... ......... we 401/Water/Sewer/Storm Utility 12,426 454 14,061,63'2* 114,586,331 ::14;068 674 7,042 0.1% (517,657) -3.5% _ . 421/Water/Sewer/Storm Construction 10,150 034 4 524,564 10,292 55610 673 887 6,149 303 135.90A 381,311 3.7% __.. 402/Airport 830.089 1,452,959 1,125 270 1251,128 (201,830)* 13.9 125,859 11.2% .... 403/Solid Waste Utility - 5 014 560 5 286 213 5,354 884 7 493 184 2,206,971 41.7 2,138,300 404/Golf Course _ __ 1.345 247 ...1,227,312 1,158 268 1 276 448: 49,134 4.0 118,178 10.2% INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: _ _... .....; 501/Equipment Rental 2,065 172 1,474.163 1,494 522 1988 470 512,307 34.8 491,948 32.9%, _. _ _. _.. 502/Insurance5,282,248 _ ..._.....-. 8338,097 „ 5,511 785 5588 228 251,131 4.7% 77,433 1.4%. FIDUCIARY FUNDS: - - - --- 601/Firemen's Pension 2,286,992 2,401,242 2,476,049 2,587,557 186,315 7.8 111,508 4.5%' irr TOTALS 91,182,042 88,678,303 101;295,3671101,024,698:112,946,385 t: 1a(6% 329,321 A.3�h i Renton's accounting and budgetary systems are organized and operated on a fund basis,within seven broad categories. Funds are accounting entities used to record revenues and expenditures, and each fund is balanced with the opening balance and revenues equaling expenditures and the ending balance. The 1992 budget is projected to be 14.6%more than the originally adopted 1991 budget, Aw and is up only.3%from 1991 actual figures,mostly the result of capital improvements carried forward from year to year until completed. The bar chart on page 29 displays the fund group totals for 1991 as adopted,compared with those approved for 1992. The pie charts separate the funds into those supported by general revenues such as property tax, sales tax, or revenues associated with basic City services;and those funds whose activities are financed by user fees or assessments such as water,sewer,storm and solid waste activities, ow or local improvement districts. General revenue supported functions represent 63% of the budget in 1992, while 37%will be financed primarily by user fees. 30 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET tit Table 2 Departmental Operating Budget, Capital Improvement% and Designated Expenses Millions of Dollars $O $7 $14 $21 $28 S35 Legis/ative/Execudve Department: $2.13 $1.91 $7.17 Administrative Services: ?<<" Police Department. $.188 �;:;;��: ;�.< •$7.15 v F.•'`6.f6'' $5.97 Fire Department: . $52 Planning/Building/Pubilc Works: G � v;:4'.V':•'}:r:•Y.b,•+;: rif?•,+E'o.}`.`..tieFF v Community$eN/CBS: $81 1992 Budget �• }� 1991 Budget Composition of Expenditures Millions of Dollars Health&Welfare Culture/Recreation Health&Welfare Cutture/Recreatiion 1.8% 13.4% 1.7% 12.8% General Gov't General Gott m y 3 13.3% � a. 12.3% �:572� =58� tili X6.7 S81 ,.' '3' M 'v E G � ? Y •}� •ham•' '.. $25.5 ��. ����G w« $28.9E. �••���.��kFr. t1� 47.3%ical/Eco Ph } 23% Physi I/Eco 3 ` 22.9% Environment Public Safety Environment Public Safety 22% 2% Debt Service Debt Service 1991 Adopted operating Budget 1992 Adopted Oneratina Budget 31 rrr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET P p g ,..,. 9... p to pr Tab/e 2 1992 De arfinenta/p erat�n Bud et, Ca rtal Improvements, and Designated Expenses 1990 1991 1991 1992 1992 $Change %Change item Actual Adopted Act:: Request OPERATING BUDGET. Budget 91 Adopted, 91 Adopted LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE: Legislative(City Council) 93,452 91,607 90,674 103,760 103 780 12,153 13.3% Executive Administration 335,077 360,703 338,970 395 875 381 035 20,332 5.8% _.. Judicial(.Municipal Court __ ) 570,219 828,520 824,941 899929 695,929 87,409 10.7% 4n Legal(City Attorney) 442,026 401.250 410,293 500,000 460,000: 58,750 14.6% _. Hearing Examiner 105,334 107,185 106,433 123,033 118,754 11.569 10.8% Personnel/Civil Service 348,902 317,372 319,590 410,503 372,453 55,081 17.4% TCTALtEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE « 1:895,010 1,906,637 1.;890,901 2.233,100 ?,731,931 tin ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: 225.294 11:8 Finance 591 799 623,162 619,017 690 848 690,848 67,688 10.9% City Clerk 434,403 390,232 358,179 418 999 418 999. .... .. 26,767 8.9% Data Processing _. __ .... _.. 351,963 346.688 352,789 4...I 390,431 43,743 12.6% Insurance _ _ 2 865,382 2,515,139 3,679,939 3,206,743 3,206,743 891,804 27.5% Limited G.O.Bonds - - 1,148,811 1216,000 1,208,787 1,146,031 1,207,s22 (8,178) -0.7% Non-Departmental 1,465,872 898,685 1,234,763 1,319,827 1,258,669 359,984 40.1% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 8,859,230 5,989,906 7;449,474 7,204,879 7,171,512 1;181;606 ;19.1 n+ POLICE: ._.Administration 670,053 787,056 796,181 904,360 904 380 117,304 14.9% Operations Bureau 4,477,794 4,743,526 4,970,353 5,351,883 5308 973 565 447 11.84f, Support Services Bureau ....:.. 1,503,465 1,820,050 1,542,217 1,801,806 :1,762,329:' 142,279 8.8% TOTAL POLICE 8,651;312 7,150,632 7:308,751 '; 8,058;029 !7.875,662 825,030 1135 FIRE: _ Administration 99!644. 431,018 431,227 498.068 491 240' 80.222 14.0% Operations ...-- 4 093,838 4 231,862 4,319,667 4,885,3 18 ....,1,782 j57 550,495 13.0% evention 382,030 442,995 417,174 513,750 507 325 84,330 14.5% Training 73,778 85,078 80 156 117,361 101 191 16,033 18.8% Emergency Management 2,845 78,337 88,567 84,233 84,233 7,896 10.3% TOTAL FIRE 5,031,931 ;:5.287,090 5,298.791 8,098,728 5.968,066 X8,976' - 13;3 PLANNING/BLDG/PUBLIC WORKS: Administration _ _. . __.. 210,825 122,149 159 502 200,554 '198 604 74 455 81.0% Development Services .... _. 2,007,377 1 395 258 1,746 884 1 750,802 1887 213 471,965 33.8% Transportation stems S..... 1,855,720 2 203 518 1,934,689 2 298,544 2,301 984 98,466 4.5% Plannin !Technical Services 9 710,928 859,022 653,951 827,244 784147 (74.875) .. -8.7% Utility Systems 9,686,819 12 122,932 11 705,888 13 724,705 13 944 705 1,821 773 15.0% Maintenances stems -- y 8,112,031 8,879,156 8,484,220 10,086,520 9,781,765 902,609 10.2% TOTAL PLANNING/BLDG/PUBLIC WORKS 22,583,498 ?5,582,035 24,664,934 28,888,169 28,878,418 3;294,383 12. COMMUNITY SERVICES: General Serv/Parks/Recreation 4,932,978 5,347,639 5,302 458 5,766,835 57�835 499 108.. 5.8% 19,196 Human Services 832.706 651,691 880 703 750,6gg SO gg9; CDBG Block Grants / .2% salt 324,752 194 747 „172 404 262,671 262 671 87,924 34.9%' Library 804,379 858,818 850,557 942,035 943,235 84,417 9.8% Golf Course 1,099,557 1,042,013 1,011,083 1,060,139 1;060,139 18,126 1.7% TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 7,794,372 .8;094,8081' 7,997,203 8,782,379 8,783,579' 688,771 8.5 rrr TOTALOPERATlNGBI/OGET 50,815.353 53,991,108> 54,608,054 61.265,284 . 50,905,168 6,914,060 12.8 CAPITAL/MPROVEMENT PROGRAM.• Transportation/Airport 2,217,424 5,567,316 3,791,765 3,936,949 3,938,949 (1,630 367) -29.3% CommunityDev/Multi-Department 1,735,057 3,361,208„ 805,905 12,531,630 4467550 1,106,342 32.9%' trllt Senior Housing 339,848 4,265,233 428,454 5,899,071 5;899 071,: 1,833 838 38.3% Water/Waste Water/Storm Water 2,381,028 4,522,620 5,349,500 11,265,814 10;573,839: 8,051,219 133.8% TOTALCIPPROGRAM 8,673,357 17;716,377 10,175,624 33,633,464 24;877,409` , 40.4 OTHER DES/GNATEDEXPENSES 3,919,941 4.,M,U 4,474,000 3,573,139 3;573,139' 271g6,032 TOTAL'EXPENDITURES $1,408,851 713,911,1721 .69;257,878 88,471;8$7 89;355,776' 544 17.4 Table 2 separates expenditures into the cost to operate City programs,the allocation for major capital improvements,and other expenses for specific designated purposes, such as local improvement district LID's or voter-approved general obligation bond debt service costs. 68%or$60.9 million of 1992 expenditures is for operations, 28%or$24.9 million is allocated for capital improvements,and 4%or$3.6 million will provide for other designated expenses. The bar chart on page 31 compares 1991 and 1992 adopted operating costs,and the pie charts show the 1991 and 1992 expenditures for the several kinds of City Services. 32 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET rrli7 Table 3:Revenue and Expenditure Summary-All Funds Millions of Dollars S eo =o $80 $ns Revenues: Opening Balance SnA Tax Revenues =29.7 Ucenses/Permits 322 $4.4 Intergovernmental $3•+ : t22 Charges for Service 18.6 $0.8 Fines&Forfeits i0.7 $ea Miscellaneous ! $8.6 $+0a Non-Revenues $1.7 Other Financing $3.1 Expenditures: Wages&Benefits 6-272 ,, sx.t Supplies f,22 les � Service Charges S-15.8 Intergovernmental us sass Capital Outlay s-+e.t "A -: Debt Service s-2e Interfund Payments $32 Expenditure Credits f28 Ell 992 Budget S-+2.5 si(l Ending Balance s+26 1991 Adopted Revenue and Expenditure Composition Tax Revenues Other Misc Exp w� Service Charges Other Financing X99 f96 :. Supplies 34.3%:,., Wages&Benefits t_icenses/Permits Non-Revenues a 9.9% Intergovernmental s9G 0 28.3%' 9196 Miscellaneous Capital Outlay Mfi Fines&Forfeits Charges for Service Debt Service 1992 Revenue Budget S83.8 Million 1992 Exnead&O Bidtaet 589.4 Million 33 .............. ...................... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 3 Revenue and Expenditure SummaryFunds 1990 1991 1991 7992 S Change %Chartpe S Change %Change Item Actual Adopted Actual11 Budget 9t Adopted:91 Adopted 91 Actual :: 91 ActU I . REVENUES: Opening Fund Balance 24,642,278 22,442,530 29,773,391 17 826 881 (4,615 6491 -20.6% (11,946,510) -40,1% l Taxes ... 25,244,475 26,670,994 27,632,218 ;32 775 737 6,104 143 22.9% 5,142,921 18.6% Licenses&Permits 3,065,872 2,879,692 3,133,464 3,044,462 184,770 Intergovernmental 5.7 (89,002) -2.8% 3,347,680 3,125,902 4,042,817 4 406,786 1,279,884 40.9 362,969 9.0% Charges for Services 17,364,818 18,610,180 20,008 752 22 033 894 3,423,714 18.4 2,025,142 10.10A iW Fines&Forfeits 742,446 694,500 803 175 - _ _ 771 200, .....76.700 11.0 (31 975) -4.0% Miscellaneous -- -.. 9 228,432 8 561 834 8,965 660 >8 323 362 (238,472) -2.8 (642,298) -7.2% Non-Revenues 6 609,574 2 642 968 2,490 938 ...... 10 763 31.4 8,120,348 307.2 8,272,376 332.1% Other FinancingSources -- 936,467 3,049,703 4,444,954 ;:1,68o,ss2 (1,369,051) -44.90A (2,764,302) 42.246 Nlut SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 66,539;784 66,235,773 77,521,978 83,797,807 7;562,034 'i 28_545 12;275,831 ` ;7.2P� 91 ._ TOTAL REVENUES&BALANCE ,182;042 88,678,303' 101,295,367 101,624,688 12,946,385. > 14.644 320 321 03% EXPENDITURES: Salaries&Wages 18,372,358 20,488,809 20,384 843 82,686 181 2,1 97,3 72 10.7% 2,301,338 11.3% Personnel Benefits 6.459,046 6,744,706 7,442,827 7993,936 1,249230 18.b 551,109 7,4g4' Supplies 1,965,080 2,182,841 1,982 063 2125 148 (57 695) -2.6 143 083 7.2% Other Services&Charges 15,527,614 15,770 776 16,003 104 18 508 372 2,738 596 17.4 2,506,268 15.7% Intergovernmental __ ..... g 3,826,162 4,901 461 5,180 823 8 084153 182 692 3.3 (1.26 670) -2.4% Capital Outlay 7,780,986 18,053,355 10,708,591 2b 474,034 7,420,679 41.1 14,765,443 137.9% Debt Service 7,522,057 8,642,890 8,204,746 8 9dd 873 498,01 -5.8% Interfund Payments ....... �. (80 073) -0.7% Y 2 141,586 2,120 371 2 082 595 2585,390: 465 019 21. 502,795 24.1% Expenditure Credits (2,186,238) (2,793,837) (2,741914 (433,332) - - (8.227 189) 15.5 (485,255) 17.7% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES'i 61,408;651 76;111,]72:! `89,257,678 >89,355,718 93,244 544 17.4 20,099.63A :' :.29.0% > Ending fund Balance 729,773,391 12567,131 '32,037;589 12,268,972 12 ; -2 d (19,768 71 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&BALANCE ``91,182,042 88;678,303 101.295,367 101,624,688 12,948,385 ]d.6,, 329,321 0.34& rrt Table 3 summarizes the entire budget by basic revenue and expenditure categories,and compares the 1992 budget with 1991 adopted �rtr and actual figures. The 1992 budget is 14.6%more than the 1991 adopted level primarily due to an increase in capital projects. Also see Table 5, Revenue Detail Summary on pages 39-40,and Table 6,Expenditure Detail Summary on pages 41-42. The bar chart on page 33 compares the 1991 and 1992 adopted allocations for revenue and expenditures,and the pie charts show 1992 resources and the basic expenditure categories. REVENUE CHANGES: 1.) Decrease in 1992 beginning fund balance reflects prior year continuing capital project funds included in the 1991 beginning balance. 2.) Tax increase includes $4 million in impact fees from the Metro expansion project expected in 1992, and 'o growth in the major tax sources.3.)Change in Intergovernmental Revenue is the result of additional transportation grants,and a full year of the new local vehicle license fee revenue for transportation improvements.4.) Increase in Charges for Services represents adjustments in utility rates, several service fees, and recreation program charges. 5.) Non-revenues and Other Financing Sources are mainly bond proceeds,utility contributed capital,and transfers between funds. EXPENDITURE CHANGES: 1.) Salaries increases include: 7.7% for Fire commissioned employees, 4% increase for Police Non- commission personnel,and 6.7%for all others,except that management and supervisory non-union employees will receive 3.35%for the ar first six months of the year with a 6.7% effective July 1, 1992 on the 1991 base. A Classification/Compensation Study will also be implemented. 2.) Personnel Benefits include a 25%increase in medical and dental insurance. 3.)Other Services and Charges reflects a $1.5 million increase in payment to the solid waste contractor for the pass-through fling County tipping fee and hazardous materials surcharge,and the reinstated equipment rental rates,after a one-time reduction in 1991. 4.)Capital Outlay provides for a$24.421 million 1992 Capital Improvement Program (excluding salaries and professional services); and operating capital includes$436,000 in general governmental funds,$398,000 for equipment replacements and additions,and$219,000 for all other operating capital items. 5.) Interfund Payments/Expenditure Credits: general governmental funds provide services to the proprietary and capital improvement funds. Payment for these services is made by means of reimbursements between funds in the form of interfund payments from the proprietary funds and credits to expenditures in the general governmental funds. 1992 interfund payments include a $250,000 adjustment in indirect costs reimbursed to the General Fund from proprietary funds. The$642,000 difference between interfund payments and expenditure credits is primarily the reimbursements made directly from capital improvement projects. irr 34 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 4: 7992 Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Sources-Al/Funds General Government i 000 101 303 908 207/2121215 Total Revenues General Parks Street Library 1 im 6b. 1992 Beginning Balance 621,856 25e,61 1 575,914 79,280 204,060 1,737 621 Property Tax 6,776,661 1,300,000 945,000 0 889,163 9,910,824 Sales Tax 7 , ,072111 1,817 971 642,208 0 0 9,832,290 __.. __ Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 555,000 0 0 0 0 Admissions Tax 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 Utility Tax 2,231,151 1,605,000 376,000 885,000 0 5,097,151 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 400,000 400,000 .. EMS Levy Funds 272,000 0 0 0 ___ 0 _..272.000 Gambling Excise Tax 630,000 0 0 0 0 630,000 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 170,500 0 0 0 0. 170,500 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub4To4al Taxes - 17.907;423 4,822,971 1,963,208 C 885,000 7;289,163' 28,887,765" Business License Fee 347,110 0 0. 0 0 347,110 BuildingPermits 747,200 0 0 0 0 747,200 . Other Licenses/Permits 135,152 0 101000 0 0 145,152 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 Other Federal/State Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 State Shared Revenue 1,308,850 0 709,070 0 0 2,015,920 _._ _. Other Inter_governmental 2,000 0 23,666 0 0 25,868 Charges for Services 759,600 458,550 10,000 12,500 0 1240,650 Fines and Forfeits 757,500 0 0 13,700 0 771,200 Interest Earnings 330,000 7,000 25,000 2,000 5,000 369.000 Miscellaneous Revenues 156,818 371,803 0 1,500 0 529,921 Non-Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources 10,387 0 0 0 0 10,387 TOTAL REVENUES 22.459,840 15,680,324: 2.140,844 834;700 1,294,163, 33 069,971: IOTAL REVENUESISALANCE 23,081;688 6,998,835; 3,33!3,858 893.880 1,498 223. 34.807,592 Expenditures 1111 Le islative 103,780 0 0 0 0.. 103780 0 0 _.Executive: 0 0 0 _ _ Administration(Mayor) 381,035 0 0 0 0 381,035 _ Municipal Court 695,929 0 0 0 0 _._.,,._895,929 Legal Services 460,000 0 0 0 0 Hearing Examiner 118,754 0 0 0 0 118,754 Personnel 372,453 0 0 0 0 372,453 Administrative Services: 0 0 0. 0 _ 0 0 Finance/Clerk/Data Proc 1,498,278 0 0 0 0 1,498,278 Non-Departmental/Misc 522,437 0 _....0_ 0 0 522,437 Insurance _ 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service 71,517 0 0 0 1,207,822 1,279 339 Police 7,975,662 _.._.__.. ..0.......__ .. 0 0 __..0 7,975,862 Fire 5,966,066 0 0... 0 0 5,968,066 PlanningBuilding/Pub Wks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administration 196,604 0 0 0 0 198,604 Development Services 1,867,213 0 0 0 0 1,867,213 Planning/Tach Services 784,147 0 0 0 0 784,147 Transportation 0 0 1,888,193 0 0 1,888,193 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance Services 0 0 1,328,665 0 0 1,328,665 Community Services: 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Services/Parks 0 5,768,835 0 0 0 5,766,835 Housing A Human Services 750,699 0 0 0 0 750,899 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 943,235 0 943,235 Golf Cours 90 0 0 0 0 0 ........... Transfers-Out 664,715 0 0 0 0 664,715 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ; 22 429,269 5,766,836. 3 238 858 : 943,235 1.207,822 33 564 Ot 9, Ending Balance/DesignatedD 36800 0 0 290 401 307,001 Ending Bal ancellJndesign$ted 852.427 133,400 100,000 50,745 0 936,572 �p TOTAL EXPENSESBALANCE 23,081;886 5,916,835 3,316,858 993,880 9,498 223 34,807,592: tti 35 ss► ............... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table a 1992 Revenues,Fxpendiiures, and Fund Sources. ,4liFunds Special Revenue Debt Service 102 104 105: 118 125 127 213/219 220 221 Arter Str Impact Mit Paths 146 Art Cable Com Unlim GA, LID Deb1Sv LID Guar }�eVU 0 1,144,662 10,968 37,831 336,052 821,879 934,188 721,857 Beginning Balance 0 -p _. 0 _. G. _ 0. 0 0 0 0 .._ 0. _. . 0 1,241,772 0 0 Property Tax _.. 0 0 _.. 0 O Sales Tax _. _.. srr - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 0 p p ._ 0. _ _ 0 0 0 0 Admissions Tax 0 0 0 0 0. _ 0 0. p .0 Utility Tax _... . 1. 0 _ 0 0. 0 0 0 0 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 - p 0 0 _. 0 EMS Levy Funds..._ _ 0 0 p 0 p _ o.. 0 0 Gambling Excise Tax - 0 0 0 0 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 4,000,000 p 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees ili 0 0 4,000,000 0 0 0 1.241,772 777777T D. Sub-TatsiTaxes i 0 0 0 0 00 0 Licen 0 0 Business se Fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building Permits 0 p 0 p _.. _ _. 0 0 0 0 0 Other.Ucenses/Permits 'titin 01 262.671.. p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comv munity DeBlock Grants 00 . 0 0 �. 0 0 _ -- 0 0 Other Federal/State Grants 540 0 0 .3,500 0 _ 0 0 0 0 State Shared Revenue Vw 0 0 0 0 p p 0 0 0 Other Intergovernmental 0 0 _ _p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services -.- 0 0 0 0 Fines and Forfeits 8,000 0 .. _ _ _. .... .. ._. 0 200 1,000 20,000 45,000 40,000 45 .000 Interest Eamin gs _.. _. 0 0 0 0 1,325,000 0 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 Non Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 (1 0 _. 0 Other Financing Sources 342,540 262,671 4,000,000 3,700 1,000 20,000 .1,286772 .::1,366.000 45,000 TOTAL REVENUES: 379,536 262.871 8.144,882 34,888 58,831 358.052 2 108.651 ,:2.299,168 788,857 TOTAL REVENUESIBALANCE sat . _ EVenditures _ 0 .p 0 0 Legislative 0 o p 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 Executive: ANY __0 0 0 0 38 831 0 0 0 0 Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 _ 0 p _ _. 0 0 0 0 . Municipal Court . 01. 0 0 0 0 0 .0..._.. _.. Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ _. ....-_ _..._ 0 0 0 Hearing Examiner D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...Personnel - 0 0 0 Admmistrativ9 Services: 0 0 0 na l) _ p _.� 0 0 0 FinCice/ erk/Data Prot 0 0 0 _ _ _. 0 Non-Departmental/Miec 0 0 00 0 0 0.. 0 0 Insurance 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 1,337,851 1,242,768 0 Debt Service 0 _..-.. 0 _..-... __. _... __..-. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Police 0 p..._. _.0. 0 0 0 _... _...-.. . ._ 0 0 0 Fire r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning/Building/Pub Wks: _.._ _... 0 0 _.. .. _ _ _. __. 0 0 0 Administration 0 0 00 0 0. 0 0 0 Development Services 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 PIanning/Tech Services itll� 0 0 _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation 0 0 _ p _ _. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance Services 0 0 0 0 0 0Community Services: 3.500,00 � 0 p .... 0 _.0 _ 0 . .. 0. 0 _. 0 0 General Services/Parks 0 p .. p p _ 0 0. 0 -_p p._.Housing&Human Services _.. 0 282,671 _ 0 0 __... or rim p ... 0 0 Com Dev Block Grants 0 0 ._... 0 .._ . __. _ 0 Library hill p 0 __... _._ _ _. 0 0 0 p p 0 Golf Course 290,000 0 0 0 0 67,987o 0 0 TransfersOut 290 000' 262 671 3500 000'I D 38831 67 887 t,337,85t 1'242 788 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 89 : D 9,844 862 14 868 0 ;288 185 771,000 1056 402 766 85T Ending 8aiartce/Desipnated ■i 0 „ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ending SalancefUndesignated 379,536 282;671 .5',144,862 14,868 38,831 358,062 2,108,851 2,299,168 r 766,657 TOTAL EXPENSES/BALANCE . ...... .............. . CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET: Table d: 7992 Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Sources-,All Funds ... Enterprise Capita!Improvement 302 316 317 $19 320 401 421 1?ev@nU@S pen SpacMun bac Gsn Gov CIP Sr Using Lib i^•onstr WIS1S Util WIS/S Const Beginning Balance 0 57,193 205,681 5,579,071 150,000 .744,824 „(34,833) Property Tax0 107,600 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax _.. 0 0 0 _. 0 0 0 0 _ _. 0 Ifi� Sale 9Tox/Crimin al 0 0 0 Justice 0 _..0 0 Admissions Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Tax.... 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 330,000 0 __._ _ _ - _. _ 0 t� EMS Levy Funds 0. 0 0 00 Gambling Excise Tax 00 0 0 __ . 0 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 0 01_.__ 0 _..._ __ . Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total Taxes 0: 437,60D 0 0 0 O fl Business License Fee 0 0 1,805,000 0 0.1 0 _ 0 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 __ 0.. _.0.. _.. Other Liconsoe/Permits 0 0 0 0 _ 0 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 Other Federal/State Grants 0 75,000 911,400 0 0 0 1,125,000 State Shared Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Other Intergovernmental 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 0 0 1,000 0 0„ 13,005,850 0 __. .. Fines and Forfeits 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Interest Earnings 0 200 0 300,000 30,000 198,000 300,000 u Miscell aneos Revenues 0 0 0 20,000 0 20,000 500,000 Non-Revenues 0. 0 0 0 0 100,000 7,501,000 Other FinoncIing Sources 0 307,500 290,000 0 0 0 1,282,500 TOTAL'REVENUES O'' 820;300 3,357,400 r. 320;000 30,000 13323,850 14,708,500' TOTAL REVENUESBALANCE 0> 177,403: 3;363,081: 5,899,071 18DA00 14088,874 19;873,887 Expenditures Legislative 0 57,500 0 0 0 0 0 Executive: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Municipal Court 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0.._ 0. -0. Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 _ 0 Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Administrative Services: 00 0 0 _.�_ __. 0. _ 0. Rnonce/ClerklData Pro.c 0 220,000 0 0 0 370,426 0 Non-0e part mental/Mise 0 0 0 0 00 0 Insurance 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 - . ..Debt Service 0 0 0 0 180.000 2.833.882........ 100,000 Police -0 3,750 _ 0 0 _ 0 0 0 Fire 0 71,900 0 0 0 _ 0 _ 0 PiannmgBuilding/Pub Wks: 0 0 0 0 0. -- 0 0 Administration 0 0 0 0 0 54,800 0 Development Services 0 0 0 0 0 265,700 18,000 Planning/Tech Services 0 0 0 0 0 135 359 0 Transportation 0 0 3,313,400 0 0 63.790 0 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 2,928,936 10,555,839 Maintenance Services 0 0 38,000 0 0 7,009,840 0 Community Seryices: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Services/Parks 0 479,400 0 5,899,071 0 0 0 Housing&Human Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 Library _ Golf Course _ _.. 0 0 0 _ 0 _0 0 .. 0 Transfers Out 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 13 832.550 3,351 400. 5 899,071 $0,000 13,860 533 10 873 639 Ending BalancelDseignated0 O 211,681: 0 0 O 28 Ending 8alance%Undesipr►eted 0 44,943 A 0 0! 408 141 fl' TOTAL EXPENSES/BALANCE 0 877;493 3;563,081 6,899,071 180,000: 14,068,674 10,673,867 r ......... ....... ........................... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 4 1992 Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Sources-All Funds �.. ... . Enterprise Internal Service Fiduciary Tota/AlI Funds 402 403 404 501 502 801 Total AirportSol Waste Go11Cre Eglaental Insurance l=tre Pension 1992 _ . .. . 414,626 383,130 79,831 239,739 2,070,703 2,154,882 17,826,881 Beginning Balance __. _.... 0 228,000 11 488,196 Pr 0. .- 0 - Property Tax 0 0 0. 0 8632,290 Sales Tax 0 p p 0 0.- 0 555,000 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 0 0 200,000 Admissions Tax _. 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 097.161 Utility Tax _. _.._ 0 0 p 0 0 __0 ... .. _.. - 730,000 Heal Estate Excise Tax 0 p _.. 0 _. - - 0 272,000 EMS Levy Funds 0 0 0 0. 0 - 0 630,000 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 _ 0- 0.. .. _ --- 0 170,500 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 p 0 0 0 4,000,000 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 225,000 32,775A37 Sub''-TotatTaxee 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,162,110 Business License Fee 0 0 0 _. -- 0 0 747,200 Building Permits 0 0 145,152 Other Ucenses/Permits 0 p 0 0 0 _. - - - - 0 262,671 Community Dev Block Grants 372.414 _ p 0 _ 0. 0 _ --0 _._... ..... .... 0 0 0 _ 0. _ _ 2,493,814 Other Federal/State Grants 1. 0 54,675 2 408 635 State Shared Revenue 0 138,600 - 0 0. _ 0 -- 0 514 288 Other intergovernmental 4,040 6,955,454 816,900 735,078 p _.. 0 22,768,970 Charges for Services 0 0 0 0 __ _ _.. _. ..... _ 0 p _.. - 771 200 Fines and Forfeits 36,500 16,000 2,000 35,562 207,797 160,000 1,804269 Interest Earnings 423,549 0 13,000 541,512 2,921,045 p 6,294,027 Miscellaneous Revenues so _ 0 0 0 _ _. 28,531 89,683 - 0 7,717 214 Non-Revenues 0 0 364,715 408,050 300,000 0 2,963,152 Other Financing Sources, 836,503 7,110,054 ;1,196,816 1:746,731 3,518;526 432,675 53797,807>TOTAL REVENUES 1,251,129 7,453,184 ;1 276,448 1,988,470 5589;228 2,587,557 101,624,688. TOTAL:REVENUES/BALANCE ra< __. _ Expenditures 0 0 -o o 0 0 161,260 Legislative 0 0 0 _ 0 _... .. ...... 0 0 Executive: + 0 0 0 0 419 888 Admirilstration(Mayor) 0 __ 0 _ 0 G _ _ _. - - 0 0 895,929 Municipal Court 0 0 p 0 Legal _.._ 0 p _..._. 460 000 L al Services 0 0 118.764 Hearing Examiner aw 0 _0. _ 0 0 0 0 372,453 Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 - _ Administrative Services: 4,811 72,161 4,811 24,064 0 0 2,194 641 Finance/Clerk/Data Proc 24,099 60,825 4,469 6,093 p 316,004 933 927 Non-Departmental/Misc 0 0 ... 0 0 3.206.743 0 _ _.... -. 3,206 743 Insurance 0 0 550,862 224,155 p __ .. 0 7,748,455 Debt Service 0 0 _... 0 0 7,879 412 Police 0 0 0 0 6,037,9W Fire tis 0 0 0 - 0 0 Planning/Building/Pub Wks: 2.920 3.000 0.. p 0 . 0 257,324 Administration 0 530 0.. 0 _0 p 2.151,443 Development 0 5,880 0 __.opment Services 0 0 0 925,186 Planningfroch Services si 953,704 0 p 0. _ _ _ _. 0 0 6,219,087 Transportation 0 7,140,796 0 0 0 0 20,623,571 Utility Systems 13,806 63,267 0 1,136,711 0 0 9,590,289 Maintenance Services 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 Community Services: ssy 0 0 .0 _ 0 0 0 15,645,306 General Services/Parks 0 - p _0 0 0750.6W _ .. 0 750 699 Housing 3 Human Services 0 0 0 __. 0 0 0 262,671 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 943,235 Library -0 0 634,997 p - 0 0 634.997 Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,022,602 Transfers-Out 989 340. 7346 259 1,195 139 1 391 013 3 206 743 316004. 89 355 716 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 251 789 0 ii 719 0 2382 485 2,271 553 10 665 346 Ending Balance/Designated> a1�1 „ Oi 146.925 71,588 595;457 U c' sid 1,251,129 7,493,184 1;276,446 1,986,470 5,589 228 2,587,657< 101,624,1388 TOTAL EXPEN ESBALAN hated sir 1M CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ... ....... . .. . :Table 5. Revenue Detail-All Funds 1990 1991 1961 1992 S Change %Change S Change %Change REVENUES Actual Adopted; Actual Budget et Adopted 91 Adopted 91 Actual et Actual 29.773,391 17,826,881 (4,615,649) -20.8 (11,946,510) -40.1 OPENING BALANCE 24,642,278 22,442,530 TAX REVENUES: PropertyTax-GeneralLevy: 000 General Fund 5,481,658 8139,697 5,817,399 8,778,861 636,964 10.4 959,262 16.5% 101 Park Wnd 1,136.852 1,2 00.000 1,148.584 1300,000 100,000 8.3 151.418 13.2% 103 Street.Fund 962,355 859,000 815,045 "5. W 0 86,000 ...10.0, 129,955_ 2071978 Limited G.O.Bonds 71,270 74,064 74,064 79,445 5,381 7.3 5,381 7.3% 212 1989 Limited Refunding G.O.Bonds 296,112 284,802 284,802 ..- ''1 . 16,839 5.9... .. 18.839 5.9% 215 General Govt Misc Debt Service 157,576 404,427 558,382 W8'077 103,650 25.8 (50,305) -9.0% _._. _57.4 (145,066) -57.4% 316 Municipal Fac CIP(Multi-Dept) 298,700 252,668 252,666 107,800 .._ (145,066) _ _ _ 601 Firemen's Pension Fund 191,000 206,000 208,000 228,000 22,000 10.7 22,000 10.7% Total Property Tax-General Levy 8,595,523 9,420,656 9,156,942 19 246,424. 825,768 8.8 1,089,482 11. Property Tax-Special Levy/Coulon Park 760,524 730,524 707,519 894,682 (35,842) .74-9i (12,837) 1.8% __ _... Property Tax-Special Levy/Senior Housing 554,386 803,686 778,716 547,090 (256,596) -31.9 (231,626) -29.7% Total Property Taxes 9,910,433 10,954,866 10,643,177 11,488,196 533,330 4.9% 845,019 7. iq Local Retail Sales/Use Tax 8,704,271 9,126,000 9,019,761 .9,632,290 506,290 ....__.5.5% 612,529 6.8%' Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 435,000 547,192 555.000 120,000 27.8 - 7,808 1.4% Retail Sales and Use Tax 8,704,271 9,561,000 9,566,953 10,187,290 626,290 6.60A 620,337 8.5 UtilityTax-Electricity 1,766,519 2,209,316 2,139,917 2,388,100 178,784 8.0% 246,183 11.5% Utility Tax-Gas 000 (67,566) -15 2 (5,536) __.. 322,874 443,568 381,538 378 Utility Tax-Telephonw7elegraph 753,315 749,676 938,599 950 000 200,324 P6 7 11 401 1.2% -1 2 8.271 4.0% Utility Tax-TV Cable 94,74 6 215,590 204 729 213.000 (2,590) _ _ _. Interfund Tax-Wtr/Sewer/Storm/Solid Wet 806,909 994,380 1,040,835 1.172,051 177,871 17. 131,216 12.8% Total Utility Taxes 3,744,363 4,612,528 4,705,616 5,097:351 484,623 10.5 391,535 8.3 Real Estate Excise Tax 565,979 400,000 304,091 730 000 330,000 82. 425,909 140.1%: _.... ... _..... Emergency Medical Service Levy Funds 250,157 259,000 270,427 272,004 13,000 5.0 1,573. 0.6% 0 ., Gambling Excise Tax 567,385 679,000 615,720 630,000 51 000 .8-8% /4 260 2.3% _. __ . ... Im act11 Mi' tion Tax 1,199,923 0 1,152,430 ! 4000,000 4,000,000 N/A 2,847 570 247.1% __. Admissions Tax 183,382 180,000 196,142 200 000: 20 000 11 1 3858 2.0% ...... .. Franchise Fees 97,421 91,500 109,953 107 500 18,000 17.5 (2.4W) -2.2% t� Leasehold Excise Tax . .. .. .. .. ........41.181 33,100 67.707 63.000` 29.900 90.3 (4.707) -7.0% Total Other Taxes 2,885,408 1,542,600 2,716,470 $,002,500 4,459,900 2891 1;286.030:: 121 TOTALTAXREVENUE. 25,244,475 26,870.964 27,632.216 32,775,137 8,101,143 22. b,142,921_ 98. LICENSES AND PERMITS: _. .. Per Capita Business License 2,211,314 2,153.704 2,312,825 2,152.710 (1,594) -0 1 (180,715) Other Business Licenses and Permits 100.557 84,800 95.958 114,500 30,000 35.5 18,642 19.4% Building Permits 713,626 548,388 689,3W 747,200 198.812 38. 57.894 8.4% _.._ Animal Licenses(Dog and Cat) 14,775 14,000 16,204 : 18 352 2,352 18.8 148 0.9% t� . .... Other Non-Business Licenses/Permits 25,800 79,000 19,171 14,200 (84.x) -82.0 (4,971) -25.9% TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS 3,085,872 2,879,892 3133.484 3 044.482 164.770 _5. (89.002) -2.8 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Federal Grants 380,067 0 754,968 372 414 372,414 N/A (382 554) -50.7% Federal Criminal JusticwGrant 36.544 38,000 37,158 0 (38,000) -100.0% (37 158) -100.0%' Federal Communi 11 Dev Block Grants 304,582 194,747 213.782 282,671 67,924 34. 48.889 22.9%; State Grants 112,198 79,000 82,984 831 400 752,400 952.4% 748,416 901.9% State/Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 587,461 597,850 621,911 713,800 115,950 19.4% 91,889 14.8%', tI� State/Local Vehicle License Fee/Tran9.p 0 0 105,189 350;000 350,000 N/A 244.831 232.8% Criminal Justice MVET 39,590 87,000 79,388 87,290 20,290 30r.3.% 7902 10.0% _.. State/Motor Vehicle Tax Equalization 11,715 30,000 11,039 10;000 (20,000) �8 7 (1,039) -9.4% State/Boast Fuel Tax 809,584 623,100 700,148 71,2,570 89,470 14.4% 12,422 1.8%: > State/Arterial SUeet Fuel Tax 323,193 290,000 327,312 334,540. 44,540 15.4% 7,228 2.2% State TIA Transportation Grants 0 675,000 0 120,000 (555,000) -82 2 120,000 N.A.. State/Fire Insurance Premium Tax 48,865 48,125 52,894 54,675 8,550 13.6% 1,781 3.4% State/Liquor Board Profits/Excise Tax 451,934 472,080 566,796 486,780 14,680 3.1% (80,036) Interlocal 1.Grants/Open Space/Conserva Fut 401,881 0 476,865 0 0 N/A (476,865) -100.0%j Board and Room of Prisoners 20.615 0 0 0 0 N/A. 0 N/A Other Intergovernmental Ir Revenues 19,451 11,000 12,403 69,888 58,668 533.3 57,263 461.7%' TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3,347,680 3,125,902 4;042,$17 4,405,786 1,279,884 10. 362:969 9.0 30 aw ......... ....... ............................ CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 5- :R6 ........... venue Detail-All Funds 1890 1991 1891 REVENUES 7892 S Change %Change S Change %Change` Actual Adopted Actual Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 91 Actual A CHARGES FOR SERVICES: 91 ctual General Government Service Charges 73,545 31,2981. 77,317 54 000 22,702 72.5% (23,317) -30.2% Police Private Security Overtime 76,080 90,118 217,658 158,100 87,982 75.4% Other Public Safety Services Charges 45,251 33,500 74,292 g2 500 (59•x) 27.4% Water Collections (1,000) 3.0 (41.792) _56.3% _... 4542,228 5,115,038 5,009,500 5,507040 392,004 7.7 497,540 9.9% Sewer Collections(City) 1 817,746 2,_016,000 2,123,949 2448 000. 430,000 21.3 322,051 15.2% Metro Revenue 3,081,718 3,543,250 3,576,742 .3,831,000 287,750 8.1% 254,258 7.1% Garbage/Solid Waste Fees 4,804,083 5,022,000 5,212,523 6,!165454 1,933,454 38.5 1,742,931 Storm Drainage Fees 9 _ 1 072 652 1,089,580 1,089,589 1 104 000 14,410 1.3 34,431 3.2% Other In ection/ f. $P Approval Fees 103 858 253,380 200,090 181 850 Airport Fuel Charges ____ (71,510) -28.20A (18.240) 6,673 10,500 1,634 4,000: (13,500) X1.9 2.368 144.8% Plan CheckingFees1. _ 274,157 175,000 273,444 250 000 75,000 42. (23,444) -8.8% Planning/Zoning/EIS Fees 473,271 129,000 982,587 _ 227 500 98,500 76.4 (755,057) -76.8% Golf Course Green Fees - - 547,186 570,000 582,273 800 Additional Green Fee/Capital 000 30,000 5.3 7,727 1.3% Improvements 116,848 132,000 120,015 218 900 84,900 64.3% 96,885 80.7% _... All Other Parks/Recreation Fees 1. 298,936 378,528 448,388 456550 76,022 20.0 9,182 2.1% Vehicle/Equipment Repair Charges 30,608 20,000 30,800 10,000 (10,000) -50.0 (20.800) X7.5% Yrr TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 17,364,818: 18,610;180 20,008,752 22,033,894 3,423,714 18.4 2,025,142 y0.1 FINES AND FORFEITS: 04 _.. _.. Municipal Court Revenue 852 016 680,000 655,152 758,500 76,500 11.3% 101,348 15.6% Confiscated Narcotics Money 27,888 0 38,045 O 0 N/A (38,045) -100.0%' irrr IGng County Narcotics Seizure Fund 47 067 p 93,962 O 0 N/A J193,96.2.). library Fines _. 13 511 ...13.60.0. 14,932 13 700 200 15% (1 232) -8.3% Other Fines and Forfeits 1,964 1.000 1,084 1,000 0 0.0% (84) =7.7461 TOTAL FINES 11ND FORFEITS` 742,446 894500 803,175' 771,200 76.700 110 (31,975) err :MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: '4 Interest Earnings 9 2,357 511 1,963,015 2,495,258 - _.. .... 1 810.259 (152,758) -7 8% (684,997) -27.5% L.I.D.Interest/Principal/Penalties aUPenalties P 1.818.475 1.450,000 2,095 901 1325000: 125.000 _ -8 6% _. ( ) 0.901) • 8.8% Equipment Rental Charges -- - -... _... 9 _ _. 1,174 033 700,368 843 945 1288 588 588.220 80.8 622,843 96.7% of Airport Leases 369,209 890,664 502,134 423 54�' (467115) -52 4 (78,585) -15.7%': Parks Renta/. aseslConceasions 348,530 357.403 382 518 388,80.. 9400 2.8 Interfund Rentals (15,713) -4.1%. 148 532 148,532 155 958 123 718 ) s_ (25 414) -17 1 .._ (32 840) -21.1% Property/Liability Insurance Premiums 841,425 855,900 848 525 689'046 33,145 51 40,520 6.2% Vile Medical Insurance Premiums 1,228188 1275,107 1,319499 1627,_000 351,993 278 307,501 233% Dental Insurance Premiums .... _ 267,362 277,000 283,083 351,000 74,000 28 7 67,937 24 0% Unemployment Compensation Premiums 30.000 30.000 29,916 30''000 0 0 .. _... 0 84 0.3 Industrial Ins Premiums City/Employee 168 945 188,017 184,085 184 QOp rsa -. _. _ _ (4.017) -2.1 ( -0.0% Contributions from Private Sources 110 909 506,000 27,509 28 500 Other Miscellaneous _ (479,500) -94 8 (1,009) -3.7% 365,335 119,828 197,373 700;500 (19,328) -161 (96,873) -49.1% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 8;228,432 8561834 8,965,860 8,323,362 (238;472) -2.8 {842;298) -7; NON-REVENUES: Water/Sewer/Storm Revenue Bond Proceeds 4,100 000 0 0 4001,000 4,001,000 N/A 4,001 000 N/A Utility Contributed Capital __ . __. 788 098 155 000 225,754 5,283,600 5,108,600 3295.9% 5,037 846 2231.6% Residual Equity Transfers-In 458,238 1,447,000 1,447,275 748000 (707,000) -48 9 (707,275) -48.9% Miscellaneous Utility Fees/Prior Ad'ustmts 1,030 5 1 931,7800 709,987 842,500 (288,280) �1 0 (87187) -p.5gb ty I Interfund Loan Proceeds 0 Q 0 N!A 0 N/A Interfund Loan Paymts Rec(Princ/Interest) 194,193 109,188 107,912 718,214 7,028 6.4 8,302 7.7% TOTAL tJON-FIEVEMUES $;808,574 2.b42,9t38 2.480.938 10,763,314 8.120:346 307 2 8;272.378 332.1 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: 1882 Lim G.0. Bond Proceeda/Comptrs/Eq 0 0 0 648.050 848 050 N/A 848.050. N/A L.I.D.Bond Anticipation Notes - P 0 2 250 000 3,200,000 O (2,250.000) 100.0 (3,200 000) 100.0% Sale of Fixed Assets 155,317 10,000 15.104 10,000 0 0.0 (5104) -33.8% rtr Operating Transfers-In 781,150 789,703 1,229,850 1,022,602 232,899 29.51 11(207,248) -16.9%. TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES X36 99 ,467 ::3,049,703 4,#44.854 1,680,852 (1:;369,051) (2784,303) SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 88,538,764 66,235,773 71,521,978 .83,797,807 17,582,034 28.5 12;275,8311 77:2 TOTAL REVENUESlOPENING BALANCE 81,1.82,042 88,878303101,295,367 '101,624,688 12;848,385 14.8 328,321 03 rrt rsr 40 ... ................... ............................. CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 6: Expendiwre Deia/l'-All Funds ; . 1990 1991 1991 1882 $Change h6 Change ;Change %Change EXPENDITURES Actual Adopted Actual Budget 91 Adopted 1 Adopted 91 Actual 99 Actpal EXPENDITURE CREDITS (2,186,238) (2,793,837) :(2,741;914) (3,227,169) {433.332) 16.5% 1485,255) 77.7 SALARIES AND WAGES: __ _.._ Regular Salaries 16,727,465 18,682,643 18,395,985 20 5$4967 1902,324 10 2 2,188 882 11.9%, _.._ Part Time Salaries 873,057 970,866 954,688 1 087 868 117,002 12.1% 133,180 14.0%' _. _. Overtime 771,836 835,300 1,034,170 1AI3,346' 178,048 213 (20,824) -2.0% TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 18,372,358 20,488,809 20,384;843 221188,181 ;'2,197,372 10.7 2,301,338s 1 :3 PERSONNEL BENEFITS: --- -- - -- Retirement/PERS 775,380 886,173 898,865 1035 458 149,285 18.8 138 593 15.5% _. Retirement/LEOFF 347,885 391,223 385,860 ::.4.29,669799 38,444 9.80A 43,807 11.4% ... FICA 1.127,713 1,264 065 1,249,219 1,382949'. 118.894 9.4% 133,730 10.7% Medical Insurance 1,369,719 1,520 340 1.,.44+11,24.2, 3 858 958 338 618 22 3 417!71.6 29.0% LEOFF Retired Medical Insurance 88,535 88,728 103,733 130 322 41,594 46.9 28 589 25.6% ...... ..... Industrial Insurance 163,743 197,075 169,986 196.624:1 (451) -0.....299 28,638 15.7% Life Insurance 68,196 76,3300 74,708 99 85 602 9,212 12.1 10,896 14.6% _.. Dental Insurance 280,631 290,211 282,777 167,289 67,077 23,1% 74,511 26.3% LEOFF II Disab In (Fire'91/Disb Ins/Defer Co"p) 7,050 14,560 1,910 0 (14,560) -100 0 (1 910) -100.0% _.. Unemployment Compensation 30,000 29,916 29,916 30000 84 0.3%,,.. 84 0.3%: Uniform Allowance 48,864 47,270 51,893 64,3N! 17,118 36.2% 12,495 24.1% Fre Pensions252,197 270,900 282,038 313057: 42,157 15.6% 31,019 11.0% PERrr S Prior Service Liability 8,122 8,123 8,122 4,123 0 0.0% 1 0.0% Narcotics Grant Mise and Other 55,554 81 732 40,989 0: (81 732) N/A *.089) 100.0% _.. Self-Insurance Medical/Dental 1,672,682 1,464,600 2,125.Z 1900,500 436,900 29.8 ..... -(224.,7.03.), Self-Insurance Workmen's Compensation 135,210 104,750 271,102 171000: 66,250 63.2 (100 102 ... ..... _. _) Self-Insurance Unemployment Compensation 27,565 28,650 27,266 30.000 1,350 4.7% 2,734 10.0% TOTAL PERSONNEL BENEFITS 6,459,046 8;744,706 7,442,927:17893,936 9,249,230 18 551,1063 7 4. SUPPLIES: office/Operating Supplies 1,817,884 2,017,258 1,837,482 1 952 200 (65,056) -0 2% 1.1471'S 6.2.% _- Small Equipment 147,196 165,585 144,561 1 2,948 i 7,361 4.446 28,365 2 6 TOTALSUPPLIES 1,965,080 2,182,841 1,982,063 2,125,148 (57;695) 943.083 7 IVA OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES: Professional Services: _.... Municipal Court(Public De fen dor/Probation/Other 108,744 124,500 116,514 129 500 5,000 4.0% 12,986 Executive(City Report/Graphic Artist/Miec) 86,983 54,800 47,010 14150: (10,650) -19.4% (2.860) Legal Sery(City Attorney/Mun Court Prosecutor) 439,775 398,000 408,468 455 000 57,000 14.3% 4a,632 11.4% Human Services(Social Services/CDBG) 158.660 153,547 186,152 :::::169,348: 15,799 10.3% (16 806) -9.0% _ _.. Police Department(Health Officer/Special Funds) 80,422 91,650 120,904 103759: 12,101 13 2 (17,153) -14.2% Fire Department(Physical Exam elMiscellaneous) 36,602 36,800 30,378 41 500; 4,700 12.8 11,122 36.8% _. Personnel(Negotia/Trng/Claseifica Stdy/Civ Serv) 77,925 38 500 W,7,U 60 000: 23,500 84 4 19 268 47.3% PB/PW Development Services(El S's,Suppl Dev) 475,217 58 975 359,159 $49.05 0 107,075 187.9% (195.109) -54.3% PB/PW Tech Sery(Cornp Plan/N SoosCreek) 97,400 81,405 106,103 93350 11,945 14.7 (12,753) -12.0% PB/PW Transportation(Studies/1-405/Airport) 125,392 58,900 113,027 53150 (5,750) -9.8% (59.877) -53.0% PB/PW Solid Waste Con tr/Progr Implementation 4,177,751 4,458,029 4395,499 6096 577 1638,548 36.8% 1,701,078 38.7% ....... .. . Insurance Professional Services 190,074 178,150 201,109 :20011.00 21,950 12.3% (1,009) -0.5%' 6. _..._. __ ' Other Professional 61 Services 564,028 771,940 607,063 381,250 (390.690) (225,813) -37.2% Sub-Total Professional Services 6,618,973 6,501,196 6,732,118 7.991,724; 1,490,528 22.9% 1,259,606 18.7 Postage 85,924 109,190 108,224 117640> 8,450 7.7% 9,416 8.7% Telephone 193,885 198,880 150,778 208170 9,290 4.7% 157,39238.1% Travel and Training 124,470 156,062 124,898 195 644 39,582 25.4% 70,746 56.8%: -_. _... Volunteer Travel/Meals 8,510 9,740 7,805 9740; 0 0.0 1,935 24.80A Advertising 35,652 35,186 38,283 39 558 4,370 12.4% 1,273 3.3% Equipment Rental 1,178,291 899,108 843,600 1;283 304 564,196 80.7% 819,704 Other Rentals 159,709 122,743 123,899 119 254 (3,489) -2.8% (4.645) -3.7%' .. _.. Property/liability Insurance Premiums 839,105 646 463 655,900 :.-7011,09 55,178 8.50A 45,739 7.0% I--...... Self-Insurance Property/Liability&Airport 713,801 679,437 :11136.000 000 155,563 22.90A (148,433) -15.1% 41 e.r CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ow Table 6 Expenditure Detail All Funds 1990 1891 1991 1882 S Change 94 Change S Change %Change EXPENDITURES Actuat Adopted Actda) Budget 91 Adopted 1 Adopted 91 Actual 91 Actual OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES-Cont. Utility Services: Electricity _ __. 1,170,372 1,283,502 1,068,749 1297860 14,158 11% 228,911 21.4%' Water/Sewer/Garbage 117,172 208,263 143,019 152272: Natural Gas - _ (55.991) -28 8... - 8.253 8.5% 51.109 77,280 43,158 72,280: (5,000) -8.5 29,124ow 87.5% Purchased Water __...... ....__......._......._.. 4,842 30,000 7,787 20000 (10,000) -03.3 12,213 156.8% Dump Fees/Other 25,937 52,980 30,380 Storm Drainage Fees �, _(8.820) -18 3 13,980 48.0% 105,026 113,420 104,853 124 780 11,340 10.0 18907 19.0%' Metro _ _ _ ;, 3,018,670 3,543,250 3,681,433 3,831,000: 287,750 8.1 149,587 4.1%I Sub-total Utility Services 4,493,128 5,308,695 5,078,377 S b42,332 233,637 4.4 462,955 9.1% Repairs and Maintenance 538,759 641,180 881,138 703 372' 82,192 9.7 22,234 3.3% Memberships and Registrations 51,506 58,409 b2,329 Vandalism 8f,358 1,949 3.3 8 029 17.3%' s1� _ 16,702 14,611 15,573 16 668 1,057 7.2 95 0.8% Parks Self-Sustaining Programs 209,245 301,500 324,243 358 600 57,000 18. 34,257 10.8% Other Miscellaneous Services 259,954 287,376 281,508 346471 59,095 20.6 84,985 23.1% TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 15,527,614 15,770,778 ''16,003.104 18,509;372 2,738,598 17,4 3568,288 15 s INTFRGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES: Payments to Other Governmental Units 1,486,073 1,183,873 1152,239 1340230' 156,357 13.2 187,991 16.3% State Tax _. _. _... _ ......... 295,794 492,885 320,624 794 410 301,525 81.2% 473,788 147.8% Interfund Taxes . 806,908 988,000 1,040,835 1,166911 178,811 181 128,076 12.1% go Contingency Fund Transfers-Out 262,504 0 0 0 0 - _.. _ N/A. 0 N/A *IS Operations Trf to W/S Construction 310.237 1,447,000 1,447,000 740 400 07,000 -48.9 ) ..-4 (707,000) -48.9% Arterial Str Trf-0Out to CtP(Overlay Program) 0 366,296 488,143 290 OpQ 8296) -20.8 General Fund Trf to Golf Course D/S (�. ...... ...._....- _ (198,143) 40.6% 372,000 384 715 384,715 $84 7;5> 0 0.0 0 00% ow General Fund Trf to Insurance Fund 0 0 300,000 300 000 300,000 ___... N/A. .. p Municipal Fac Trf to Gen Govt Debt Sery 0.0% 76,146 0 0 _. 0: _. 0 N/A 0 N/A Cable Communications Trf to Gen/CIP - -.. 70,500 58.692 58,692 87 887 8,195 15.7 9,195 15.7%i Other Transfers-out 146,000 0 18,575 .. 0 N/A (18,575) 100.0%' TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL'SERVICES 3,826,162 4,901,461 :5,190;823 5,064 153 162,W2 3.3 X128,670) -2;4 CAPITAL OUTLAY: General,Parks Street,Library Funds 831,985 439 338 468,687 436332 (3 007) -0.7% (31 725) -8.8% Community Development Block Grants 173,752 46,578 10,460 ire 318 89,738 149 7% 105,856 1012.0%. +rr Multi-Department Capital Improvements(316) 919,563 362,600 230,375 832 550:; 468,950 128.6 802,175 281.4% Municipal Facilities/Property Acgwsition(316) 251,566 0 - - 0 0, 0 N/A 0 Open Space/Comm Dev Prol(105/302) 287,988 2,998 608 388 703 3 500000 501,392 16.7 3 113,297 805.1% Golf Course Improvements/Equipment(404) 268,783 25,000 19,578 135 000 110,000 440.0 115,422 689.5% Senior Housing Construction(319) 137,368 3,774 490 84,339 5442 4171 1 667,927 44 2 . 5 358 0781. 6353.0%. Water/Sewer/Storm Operations/CIP(320/401/421) 2,443,103 4,629 820 5,41 05 423 10 818,889 5 989,269 129.4 5,213,468 86.4% Airport Improvements/Equipment(402) 42,802 363 602 69,295 E04 249 240,647 86.2 544 954 919.1% Transportation Improvements(102/301/317/320) 2,125,663 5,069 364 3,732,695 3351 400 (1,707,964) -03.8 (381,295) -10.2% Ylt� Equipment Rental Replacements/Additions(501) 246,335 3081258 304,801 398 050' 81 792 30.0 93,249 All Other Capital Outlay(125/127/403/502) 52,078 47,896 6,865 39-,_831 (9,065) -18.9 31,968 468.6%i TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,780,986 18;053,355 10,708,591 25,474,034 (:7,420,679 41.1 14,765,443 137. DEBT SERVICE:(Principal and Interest) t�1 Limited General Obligation Debt - -- 2,032,355 1,982,179 1,915,244 1982839 (9j94 340) -0.5 67,595 3.5% Unlimited General Obligation Debt Q 11369,109 1,522,211 1,336,196 168016858 10.4% 343,973 25.7%: L.LO.Oebt Service _.. 1,808,031 2,315,175 2,358,544 1494 28392) -35.5% (864 261) -38.6% Water,Sewer,Storm Revenue Bonds 2 262,572 2,760,781 2,54.2,4-118. 2 833 68201 6.3 391.264 15.4% Airport Revenue Bonds 49,990 52,344 52,344 5370058 2.8 1,356 2.6% TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 7,522,057 8,642,680 $,204,746 8,144,6731073)' -0JINTERFUNDPAYMENTS .2415813 2,120,371 :2,082,595 2;585,39018 2L9 502,795SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 61,408,651 76,111,172 69,257,678 89,355,716 4 17.4 20,098,038 29.0ENDING FUND BALANCE29,773;391 12,587,131 32,037,689 122689728) -61.TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND ENDING BALANCE 81,182,042 88,678303 101295 14.6 329,321' 0,3 +irr 42 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 7:Staffing Comparisons by Department Total Staffing In FTE's 0.0 40.0 80.0 120.0 160.0 200.0 31.8 Legislative/Executive: t^F; 31.1 32.6 Administrative Services: r 32s wi 105.7 wi Police Department: :105.7 91.0 Fire Department: :69.0 167.7 Planning/Building/Public Works: �F �f'AF F , s� e � 1672 • ;S, �f }Y.}F'�h �PR<. ori fi; F��. 135.5 Community Services: 139.5 to 1992 Budget 1991 Budget Staff Coinposition by Function General Gov't General Gov't ■ri Culture/Recreation 11.3% Culture/Recreation 11.4% 23.9% 232% 0.8% Health&Welfare ' Health&Weffare1ytq� ��� 196.7 34.9% 34.5% :167 7go 187,2 Public Safety ' Public Safety 29.7% 29.6% Phys/Eco Phys/Eco Environment Environment 1,991 Total FTE 565.1 1992 TnLI FTE 564.a 43 err ................ ........................................ CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 7 Staffing Comparisons 6y Depan»lent .r 1990 1991 1981 1992 Position % Department ....: Actual Adopted Actual Budget Changs Change Regular Full Time and Part Time Staff LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE: Legislative 7.6 7.6 7.6 7 5i 0.0 0.0% Mayor 4.0 4.0 4 0 4 4 I. 0 0 01. .0%_ Municipal Court 11.5 11.5 11.5 11 5: 0.0 0.0 Hearing Examiner 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 Q 0.0 0.0% 1WI - Personnel 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL LEGISLATIVE/ ECUTIVE 30,1 30:1 30 1 30.1 0,0 D.0 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Finance 22 0 22.0 22.0 ' - 22 0. 0.0 0.0% City Clerk 6.0 5.5 5.5 5.5.'; 0.0 0.0% Data Processing 5.0 5.0 5 0 5.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 33.0 32:5 32.5 32,5i' OA 0.0 POLICE: Administration 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 Q 0.0 0.0% Operations Bureau -- 69.7 74.7 74.7 74.1 0.0 0.0% Support Services 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL POLICE' W1 100.7 105.7 105;7 105.7 :01 4q .0 0.0 FIRE: Administration -- -- 5.0 5.0 _ 5 0 5 Q: 0.0 _.. 0.0% Operations 75.0 73.0 75 0 75,4 0.0 0.0% Prevention _ 9.0 9.0 9 Q _... _ $0 0.0 0.0% Trainin __. _g 1.0 i.0 10 10i 00 0.0% Emergency Management 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0%i TOTAL FIRE 91.0 88:4 91 0 91.4 ww PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS: _... ._ Administration 4.0 4.0 4.0 d Oi; 0.0 _ 0.0%: Development Services 34.0 34.0 34.'0* .34.5:: 0.5 1.5%' Tranportation 28.0 29.0 29.0 29 0 0.0 0.0% Plannin /Technical irY g .......... 17.1 14.1 14 1 13 Y (1.0) -7.1%: Utility Systems 15.5 15.5 155 I8.0 0.5 3.2% Maintenance Systems 53.0 53.0 53.0 5d,0 1.0 1.946 1. TOTAL;PLANNING/BLOGJPUBLIC<WORKS 151.8 149,6'i 149.6 x50,8 ': 4:0 0.7D ow COMMUNITY SERVICES: __.... General Services,Parks,Recreation --- 63.0 68.8 66 8 67 0.:; 0.2 0.3% _.... Senior Housing - - 1.5 1.5 1 5 1 5 0.0 0.0%' Housing 8 Human Services 2.0 1 5 1 5 _.... 18 0.3 20.0% IN CDBG Block Grants _ _....; 2.0 1.5 15 12. (0.3) -20.0% _. Library 14.1 14.1 14 1 14 1 0.0 0.0% Golf Course __ 4.0 4.0 4 0 4.0 0.0 0.0% 7OTALCOMMUNITY<SERVICES 88.8 89,d` 89.d 89.6 42 0.2 ititr Total,Regular Full Time Staffing 493.0 496 3 498.3 499.5 1:2 p 2 Temporary Part Time Staff, Executive _ 1.1 1.0 1 6 ►7 0.1 8.2% 4tr _ _. Administrative Services - --- 0.2 .o.i 0.1 Q 1` ..._... .0.0 0.0%: Planning/Building/Public Works 11.1 17.6 13.9 17 7 3.2 23.0%i Community Services 54.8 50.1 50 6 _.__... . __..... ... ....... 45.9 (4.7) -9.3% Total Temporary Part Time Staffing 67.2 68.8 66.2 sgs (1.4) -2.1% TOTAL ALL STAFFING - 560.2 565.1 564 5 364.,3,; (0.2) 1992 Regular Full Time Staffing Changes: FTE Chancre itrr Add Building Inspector(Limited Term)-Development Services 1.0_. Increase Office Assistant 11 to Full Time-Community Services Open Space Program 0.p Add Engineering Specialist l-Water Utility Cross Connection Control Program i p _.. _ _. Convert Solid Waste Maintenance Worker from Temporary to Regular Full Time 10 Cut(2)Engineering Specialists-Planning/Technical Services Survey Section (2•0) NET INCREASE IN REGULAR FULL TIME STAFF 1.2 ire 44 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 8:General Governmental Revenue&Expenditure Summary Millions of Dollars S 40 $-20 to $20 $oo =1.7 Revenues: Opening Balance .5 tea s 4.7 1 Tax Revenues 12 Licenses/Permits $1.1 s2w Intergovernmental $2.1 $12 Charges for Service $0.9 $02 Fines&Forfeits $0.7 $ot Miscellaneous $0.7 $0 Other Financing $0 Expenditures: Wages&Benefits $-22 , x 1a' Supplies $42 Service Charges $.5.1 11M Intergovernmental $42 Capital Outlay $4.3 Debt Service S-1.s $2.4 Expenditure Credits -$2.1 Operating Transfer $-0.4 1992 Budget Ending Fund Balance i-0 6' 1991 Budget General Govemmenta/Revenue and Expenditure Composition Other Revenue 8.8% 1.3%Capital Outlay Other Taxes 5.1% . 17.4%Service Charges Charge for Services 3.8% Property Tax " f Intergov t 6.2% 2.7%Other Misc Exp 3.8%Debt Service FF t• ':•}:i ,F Utility Taxes 15.4% 74.8% Wages&Benefits Sales Tax 30.8% 1992 General C2ovT Revenue S33.1 Million 1992 General CotT EAamdlt=S33.6 Mtlllon at 45 rrr .................. _ ........... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 8; General Governmental Revenue& Expenditureaw Summary 1990 1991 1993 1992 S change 9b Change S Cfiange 46 Change REVENUES Actua! Ad ted Actual op Budget 91 Adopted>91 Adopted 91 Actual 911 Actual Opening Bal(Gen/Park/Str/Libr) 2,836,273 213,266 1,511,868 1533,561 1,320,295 619.1 21,695 1.4% Opening Bal(Limited G.O.Bonds) 174,576 244,107 199,653 - 204,fl60 (40,047) _16.4 4,407 2.2% 111 TotaliOpening€und Balance 3,1)10,849 457,373 1,711,519 1,737,621 1,280,248 ! 279 % 26,70277715 Tax Revenues: Property Tax/General Levy_ 8,105,823 8961,990 8,6981277 9 810 824 948 834 10.6% 1,212 547 13.9% Retail Sales/Use Tax _... 8,704,271 9,126,000 9,019,761 9832290 506,290 5.5% 612,529 6.8% +Illr' Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 435,000 547.192 655 000. 120 000 27.6% 7 808 1.4% UtilityTaxes .. .. _ ..... _. 3,744,363 4 612,528 4,705 616 5097 751 484 623 10.5% 391,535 8.3% Emerg Medical Services Levy 250,157 259,000 270,427 212,000 13 000 5.0% 1,573 0.6%' GamblingExcise Tax.. 567,385 579,000 615 720 830 000 51 000 8.8% 14.280 2.3% Real Estate Excise Tax 565,979 400,000 304,091 400 004 0 0.0 95,909 31.5% Admissions Tax 163,362 180,000 196142 200000 20,000 11.1 3,858 2.094 Other Taxes - 156,902 124,600 177 660 170,500 45,900 36.8 Taxes Sub-Total (7.160) -4.0% 22,258,242 24,678,118 24,534 886 28 867,78b 2.189.647. 8.9 2,332,879 9.5% Building Permits 713,626 548,388 689 306 747 200 198,812 36.3 57,894 8.4% Other Licenses&Permits 140,932 514,600 468 333 492 262 _.. (22 338) -4.3 23 929 5.1% Comm Dev Block Grants 304,582 194,747 213 782 0 -- (194,747) -100o (213,78'2) -100.0% Intergovernmental Revenues 2,080,920 1,914,930 2,411 117 :2 041 686 126 656 6•g 1111 -- „ ,,.,,. (369 531) _15.3% Charges for Services 1,288,865 944,384 2,090 392 .1:;24.0,6w 296 266 31.4 (849,742) -40.6% Fines and Forfeits 742,446 694,500 803175 .. - _._ 771200 76,700 11.0% ,.,(31,975) -4.0% Miscellaneous Revenue 784,140 731,903 841,617 ` 898 821 167 018 22.8 57.304 6.8% Other Financing Sources 537,904 8,692 17 439 10,387 1,695 19.5 (7 052) -40.4% SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 28,851;657 30 230,262 32,470 047 33,069,97.1 2,839 709 8.4:... 999,924 31 TOTAL REVENUE$&BALANCE 31,862;506 30,687,835 33,781,568 34,807,592 179957 13.44b . 1,028,026 3:0 EXPENDITURES: Salaries&Wages: ...... ..... aw - Re ular Salaries 2, .9_.... 15 033,834 16637,530 16,418,863... 1$,320 276 1682,748 10.1 1,901,413 11.8% Part Time Salaries 741,367 806 566 852 853 .... . . 942 833 [38,287 16. 89,980 10.6% Overtime 700,631 784,845 951,928 929,805 145,080 18.5 ) Salaries Sub-Total (22.023 2.3% 16,475,832 18,228,941 18,223,644 20,193,0114:. 1,964,073 10.8 1,969,370 10.8 Personnel Benefits 3,868,035 4,286,143 4,187,036.... ?3903821: 617,678 14.4 716,785 17.1% _. . _ Supplies 1,099,187 1,209 871 1 165,582 1;361 551 51 680 4 3 95,969 8.2% Other Services&Charges: " •• Professional Services 1,856,414 1,174,927 1,602,466 1i 333 371 158 444 13.5 r� _ ;. (269,095) -16.8%' Postage/Telephone/Other 263,552 287,300 242,638 343 392'j 16,092 5.6% 60,754 25.0% Travel/Training,_ 117,589 141,992 111,862 176 55d. 34,562 24 3 64,692 57.8% Equipment Rental .. ..... P_ 820.... 499296 459,136 911488 412,192 82.8 452,352 98.5% Insurance 531,434 463,270 463,270 1495 700 32,430 7 0 32,430 7.0% Public UtilityServices . - 1 096,967 1,307087 t 097,317 1,285472 (11,615) -09 198,155 18.1% All Other Services&Charges 1,082,115 1,215,622 1,215,646 1;328,319 112,697 9.3 112,673 9.3% Other Services/Charges Sub-Total 5,768,333 5,089,494 5,192,335 5;844,298: 754,802 14.8 651,961 12 6 Intergovernmental 1,518,708 1,183,873 1,152,514 1.;340234' 156,357 13.2 187,716 18.3%' Capital Outlay _ ..... Y 1 005.738 485 917 478,518 438 332 ,, . (49.585) 10.2 (42,186) -8.8% Debt Service 1229,488 1,291,596 1,282,383 i;z79339. _.._ _.... (12.257).... ..... -0.9.. _..(3,044) -0.2% Expenditure Credits 1 448,838 -- ( ) (2.060.841) (2 017.964) (2;359 279) 1298.438) 14.5 (341.315) 16.9% Other Financing/Transfers-Out 634,504 364,715 683,015 864,715< 300,000 82.3 (18,300) -2.7% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30,150,987 30;079,708: 30,347083 33j584,0t8::77 3,484;310 11.8°ifi 3,21$;958 10.6% Ending Bal(Gen/Park/Str/Libr) 1,511,866 409,926 3,215,437 953 772:; 543,246 132.5 (2,262,265) -70.4% Ending Bal(Limited G.O.Bonds) 199,653 198,000 219,066 290 4101 92,401 46.7 71,335 32.6% Total Ending Fund Balance 1,711;619 607,926 3,434;503 1,243,673 635;647 104,89ti (2,190;830) -63.8 TOTAL EXPENSES&BALANCE 31,862;506 30,687,$35:I:33,781.666 34;807,592 4,179;957 13 49b 1,026;026 3:0% Table 8 provides a comparison of revenues,expenditures, and fund balance for the General Governmental Funds. This group of funds represents about 34%of the total budget in 1992 and includes the General, Park, Street, Library, and Limited (council-voted) General Obligation Bond Funds. Basic City services are provided by these funds including: public safety, parks and recreation, building and grounds maintenance, planning, zoning, building code enforcement, libraries, street maintenance, transportation operations and planning, and associated support functions. In 1992, the Community Development Block Grant program has been transferred to a separate special revenue fund and is not included in this calculation. The pie charts on page 45 display 1992 revenues and expenditures. tttn 46 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 9. General Governmental Funds Budget Changes wi ..... FTE Expense JVew Total ExpRevenue Total Item Description Chg Adj Programs C.... j New/Incr Exp/Rev J slil EXECUTIVE: ------------- 1. Mayor/Professional Services from$12,000 to$5,000 (7,000) Mayor/Add Temporary Intern 0 2. Ma 9 000 Y P 3. Mayor/Graphic Artist from$20,000 to$16,000 (4 000) 4. Mayor/Add Washington Transportation Policies Institute 1.000 .. S. Mayor/Cut Renton Report from 4 to 3 issues (9,000) 6. rave Board or/LE Ma OFF Bd Tl from$1, , 035 to$1000;Mayor Travel from$5,500 to$3,500 (2,03`� Y y _. _. 7. Mayor/Executive-Council Training from$8,000 to$7,000 (1,000) S. Mayor/Mbrships b Registra from$1,550 to$1,500;Rprs&Mtc from$520 to$500 C/o) ------ tz� 9. Mayor/Publications from$1,035 to$1,000;Hospitality from$2,500 to$2,000 o35) ._ 10. Mayor/Municipal Arts Professional Services from$1,500 to$1,300 (200) _ __. 11. Mayor/Capital Outlay:Allow(1)386 PC$2,000,Cut$1,000 (1,000) ;(14,840)' 12. Personnel/Labor Consultants from$20,000 to$15,000 (5,000) 13. Personnel/Employee Health A Wellness move to Insurance Fund,allow$8,000 (12.000) 14. Personnel/Employee Training&Development from$25,000 to$12,000 (18,000) 15. Personnel/Central Safety Committee:move to Insurance Fund,allow$3,500 (6,000) t9Wi 16. Personnel/Employee Assistance Program from$13,000 to$12,420 (580) _.- __. 17. Personnel/Civil Service Travel!Training/Memberships/Regisfra from$10,000 to$6,230 (3,770) _ _. 18. Personnel/Publications from$2,000 to$1,800 (200) 19. Personnel/Capital Outlay:Allow(1)386 PC and(1)Printer$4,000-Cut(2)PC's (a,000) „ 20. Civil Service/Fire Physical Ability Test Validation 0 6,`'00 (3840 , % -- 21. Mun Court/Witness Fees from$9,000 to$8,000 (1,000) 22. Mun Court/Capital Outlay:from$5,000 1.to$2,0001Allow Printer;Transfer 286 PC,Cut$3,000 (3,000) 23. Hearing Examiner/Capital Outlay:from$3,000 to$2,000:Allow(1)386 PC-Cut (1,000) 24. Hearing Examiner/Salary&Benefit savings-fill Secretary Position-Cut (3,279) (4,279), 25. City Attorney/Other Legal Services from$100,000 to$60,000-Cut (40,000) (40,000) TOTAL EXECUTIVE 0.0 (118,669) i?15,500,;(101,169) 0 101:,169' ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: 26. City Clerk/Cut Training,use Data Processing Training account (1 000) 27. City Clerk/Capital Outlay:from$4,000 to$2,000 for Printer;Transfer(1)286 PC (2,000) (3,000) 28. Data Processing/Central Training from$20,000 to$10,000 (10,000) 29. Data Processing/Capital Outlay:from$35,500 to$14,500(Leaves$4,000 Central PC Acct, (2)Loaners;$4,000(2)386 PC's DP;$4,000(2)Laser Printers;$2,500 Gandalf Card) (21,000) (31X00) 30. Non-Dept/Increase Proprietary Funds Indirect Costs/Reimb to General Fund (250,000) _... Non-Dept/Reserveto Implement Classification/Compensation Study 225 000 - . 9. 31. Non-Dept/Non-Union(Excludes Clerical)3.35%1/1;3.35%7/1 (54,000) _. 32. Non-Dept/Cut Assessment to Seattle-t(ing Co Economic Council (4.300) . 33. Non-0epUlncrease Alcohol Program per Revised Liquor Revenue Estimates 1,832 34. Non-Dept/Add$20,310 for Suburban Cities Assessment 0 20,310 (61,158) TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 0.0 (340,468) 245,310, (95,158) 0 :95,158' } POLICE: _.. 35. Cut Vacation Buyback-All Divisions (12,048) 36. Investigation/Capital Outlay:Cut$1,750 for Regular Replacement/Portable Radios (1 750) -. _ .. 37. Patrol/Street Project Overtime from$2,500 to-0- ....(2.50.0) 38. Patrol/Park Security Overtime from$15,000 to$10,000-Cut (5,000) 39. Patrol/Subpoena Services from$6,600 to$1,600-Cut (5,000) 40. Patrol/Capital Outlay:Cut(10)Portable Radios$8,350&(3)Vehicle Radios$9,600 (17 950) . 41. Staff Services/Capital Outlay:Cut Dictaphone System Replacement (18,720) _ 42. Jail/Cut Small Equipment from 53,600 to 51,001,Cut 52,599 for Jail Camera Replacement (2,598) _. 43. Jail/Capital Outlay:Cut Mechanical Shelving (16,800) 44. Add New Revenue for Traffic Warrant Collection 0 71,500 TOTAL POLICE 0.0 1 (82,367) 0,: (82.367) 71;500 153 867 s� FIRE: 45. Equipment Rental Capital Recovery:Cut all replacements/(2)sedans,Aid Unit (16,560) 46. SuppressioNCut Overtime:Training$13,248;Hazmat$2,000;Dive Team$1,478 (16,726) 47. Supplies:Cut Dive Team 51,300;Hazmat$3,300;Fire Station$5,099 48. Suppression/Capital Outlay:Cut Dive Team Boat/Trailer (12,780) _ . 49. Suppression/Capital Outlay.Cut Air Compressor (22,500) 50. Suppression/Capital Outlay:Cut Rescue Tool (15 000) 51. Suppression/Capital Outlay:Cut Radio Replacements (14,000) stli 52. Prevention/Capital Outlay:Cut Work Stations/Furniture (13,000) to 47 rrr .................. . _ . .............. ...... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 9: General Governmental Funds Budget Changes Item FTE Expense New Total Exp Revenue Total . . Description Cho AdJ Programs Cuts/Adj Ww/lncr tExp/Rev FIRE-Continued 53. Training/Capital Outlay:Cut(3)Multi-Station Gyms (16,250) 54. Administration/Capital Outlay:Cut Microfilm Reader/Printer (5,700) 55. Prevention/Add Hazmat Training/Med Exam/Protective Clothing for..3 personnel(RCW 49.7) 0 3,150 __ - Will 56. Suppression/Cut Disability Overtime - - - 57. Add Fire Permit Fee Revenue$21,800;Add Fire Code Inspector Certification$9,563 (3 150) _. .. TOTAL FIRE.: 0 9,563 21,800: OA (145,375) 12,713 (132,662) 21,800 154.462 PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS: PBPW Administration: 58. Small Equipment/from$3,900 to 53,100-Cut (800) 59. Training/from$4,950 to$4,450-Cut (500) - 60. Repairs&Maintenance/from$1,500 to$850-Cut 61. Capital Outlay/Cut/Cut Com uter U P Y P Upgrades 52.000 _ ) Development Services: 4 ( ,000 {3,950) 62. PW Insptn ServAncrease Profess Sery$12,000;Revenue Offset/PW Ins to Approval Fees 0 12,000 12A00. VAW 63. Public Info Counter/Training from$1,350 to$1,100-Cut (250) 64. Plan Review/Increase Profess Sery$12,000;Revenue Offset/PW Ins to _. P Approval Fees 0 12,000 12,000 65. Plan Review/Training from$1,500 to 51,250-Cut (250) 66. Plan Review/Repairs&Maintenance from$800 to$300-Cut QW 67. Dev/Planning/Travel from$1,850 to$1,550-Cut (500).. (300) 68. Dev/Planning/Training from$2,500 to$2,300-Cute 69. Dev/Planning Part Time/Increase from$30,000 to$50,000-Add (200) 20,000 . 70. Supplemental Developmt Fees/Salaries from$40,000 to-0- (40,000) 71. Constr Field Serv/Add Limited Term Inspector Position/Building Permit Revenue 1.0 0 50,311 7p,p0p 72. Constr Field Sery/Increase Profess Sery 564,000 Permit Revenue 570,000 64.000 ($6,000 additional revenue applied to Budget Cut Target) 1!0 000 73. Constr Field Serv/Training from 51,600 to 1,400-Cut (200) 118,811 Transportation: 74. Systems Operationw7ravel from$3,000to$1 000-Cutj2,000) ---" 75. Systems Operations/Training from$1,500 to$1,200-Cut 76. Systems Operations/Repairs&Maintenance from$2,000 to$1,000-Cut O (1,000) W 77. Systems Operations/Miscellaneous from$1,000 to$500 Cut (500) 78. Systems Maint/Training from$2,100 to$1,700-Cut - 79. Systems MainURepairs&Maintenance from 54 000 to 53 000-Cut _(�) 80. Planning/Training from$600 to$400 Cut (1�) (200) aw 81. Planning/Repairs&Maintenance from 51,000 to 5300-Cut 82. Administration/Small Equipment from$8,950 to$7,750-Cut (700) _ _. (1,200) .. 83. Administration/Cut South County TBD Support - _ (4,000) 84. airs Administration/Repanenance from$6,000 to$4 500-Cut -. &Mit (1.500) to 85. Design/increase CIP Reimb from($314,830)to(5317,830) _. (3.000) 86. Design/fraining from$2,160 to$1,900-Cut - (260) 87. Design/Repairs&Maintenance from 51,000 to$500-Cut (50) (16,580) Planning/Technical Services: to _.. _. 88. Technical Services!Repairs&Maintenance from$24,140 t77777 o$23,140 Cut "` ...-- .(1,000) 89. Planning/Special Projects/Repairs&Maintenance from 53,100 to$2,600-Cut " 90. Planning/Special Projects/Printing&Binding from$10,650 to$10,350-Cut (50U) (300) 91. Survey Services/Program Revision-Total Cut$41,297: srw Cut(2)Engineering Specialist I Positions •• - - (2.0) (106,771) Add Overtime - 1,000 Cut Supplies - (2,600) Add Professional Services - - _ 75,150 Net Reduction/Other Operating Accounts (8,076) (43,097) Maintenance: 92. Street Maint Services/New,item:Jurisdiction Transfer/Rainier Ave 23,666 23.M 93. Street Maint Services/Street&Alley Supplies from 596,000 to 5 -89,642 Cut rill! (8,358) .. . 94. Street Maint Services/Eq Rental from 5337,176 to 5333,444 Purchase Used Dump Truck (3,732 95. Street Maint Services/Water/Sewer/Metro Charge from$48,972 to$600-Cut __ ) TOTAL PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS. (48,372) (34 7g6) - (t A) (58,103) 74,311 18,208 187 666 1 69,458 1W 1W 48 CITY OF REN TON 1992 BUDGET Table 9: General Governmental Funds Budget Changes .. FTE Expense New Total Exp Revenue Total .. Item Description Chg AcJ] Prog Cuts/Adj New/Incr! Exp/ReY COMMUNITY SERVICES: - IIW Parks Administration: 96. Add.2 FTE Office Assistant/Open Space funded 0.2 11,030 11.030 97. Printing A Binding Cut$1,000;Memberships A Registrations Cut$500;Total Cut (1.500) 98. Professional Services from$1,000 to$500-Cut (`'00) _._ _ tM11 99. Tax Commission(Move to Community Center) (9,189) {159) General Services: 100. Operating Supplies from$124,564 to$120,834-Cut _ (3,730) 101. Equipment Rental:Do not replace C116/1984 Pickup Truck-Cut (3,108) 102. Repairs&Maintenance from$80,000 to$70,000-Cut (10,000) 103. Water/Sewer/Metro/Storm Charges from$34,380 to$32,380-Cut (2,000) . Capital Outlay:Cut(3)Heating Unit Replacements/N Highids,Cut 2nd Sewage 104. Lift Station(City Hall,Leaves Refrigerant Recovery/Recycling Station$4,600,Cut (13,848) (32 686) Park Facilities/Landscaping: - 105. Professional Services from$11.900 to$6,900-Cut (`'0�) .._ .... - 106. Operating Supplies from$/43,666 to$139,666-Cut (4,000) 107. Street Tree Program from$1,081 to o-Cut (1,081) a1 108. Equipment Rental:Do not replace Cl6/1984 Pickup A PE61/Mower-Cut (7.�) P P. .. 109. Repairs&Maintenance from$70,529 to 565,529-Cut (5,000) 110. Water/Sewer/Metro/Storm Charges from$123,831 to$103,831-Cut (20,000) 111. Capital Outlay:Cut(2)PC's for Maintenance Management (4,000) _ 11rf1 _. 112. Landscaping Part Time from$23,444 to$20,444-Cut N Renton Traffic Circles Maint (3,000) (49 449) Senior Center. _. .. 113. Travel from$1,035 to$535-Cut _ (500) _ 114. Electricity from$31,855 to$27,855-Cut (4,000) f4 ) Community Center: 115. Recreation Supplies from$13,369 to$11,893-Cut (1.476) 116. Repairs&Maintenance from$18,200 to$15,200-Cut (3 0�) --- _.. - 117. Electricity from$54,651 to$60,651-Add 6,000 118. Self-Sustaining Programs from$125,000 to$182,000-Add 57.E -. 119. Tax Liability from$2,070 to$26,070-Add 24,000 120. Part Time from 577,600 to$83,900-Add 0 8,300 `88 824 Recreation Services: 121. Travel from$2,795 to$1,795-Cut 122. Operating Supplies from$28,870 to$26,870-Cut (2,000) 123. Part Time from$227,300 to$239,300,Life Guard Hourly Rate Increase-Add 0 12,000 i-9000 124. Park Fund Revenue Adjustments/Charges for Services 77 550 125. Park Fund Revenue Adjustments/Miscellaneous(Rentals) 17 703 Library:Collection Service _ _ _ _... 1.200 1 200 1200 Housing&Human Services: 0 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.2 (18,300) 30,530 12,230 107,483 119,713 LIMITED G.O.BONDS: 126. "Add Debt Service/Main Computer&Community Center Computer 0 61.7911.:61.791 TOTAL ALL DEPARTMENTS (0.8) (759,282) 440,755 (319,727)' 450.240 N/A 1 49 rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET .r Table 10 1992 Capital Im rtavement Plan CIP . Tnta► �otat 1992 Budgeted Resources Fund Dept 9992 CIP General WaterlSwr Council Other Det Rank P Pr ram Title ....... . °9 Request Budgeted Govt Grants Storm Sonda LID's 11 Revenue 316 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP PROJECTS: Multi-Denarfinent: __ .:. 316/05 1 Municipal Space Needs - 1.391,300 344400 344,400 0 0 0 0 0 (Plumbing Improvements) 6 flnduder 539,000 c.>s m Pdim�(mamj�mcom v/pmjoa) 316/05 3 Replace Central Wan Computers 9_ P 220,000 220 000 0 0 0 220,000 0 p 316105 Community Center Computer System 30,000 30 000. 0 316/05 5 Council Chambers Renovation 0 0 30.000 0 0 57.500 57 500 _ 0 0 0 0 .- _.. 0 57,500 (Tnarfer-1n1ableC.miatioa) _... : _. - _. 316/05 7 New Air Conditioner at City Shops 18,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Police Department: 316/08 1 Police and Jail Improvements 27,000 3 750 3,750 0 0 0 0 _. _.. (Rowrds RO-IS3,730 .. ....." _ Q - appmed;lau7 Kitdim/516,300... . and 1+u7 Movitormg Sysre�/S6,750 nor l�mdai) 11181 Fire Devartment: - - - - 105/09 1 Valley Sta.14&Training Center 4,742,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Prrridly Mitig.rim Fm) 316/09 2 100'Aerial Ladder Replacement 650,000 0 - - 0 0 _ 0 _. 0 0 0. low 316/09 3 Life SupportVehicle Replacement 65,000 65 000 65,000 0 0 0 0 _.. 011, 316/09 4 Improvements to Fire Station 12 58,5001. 0 0 0. _ _. 0 0 0 0 316/09 5 Improvement to Fire Station 13 - - 36.900 0 0 0 0. _ 0 0 0_. 316/09 6 Improvements to Fire Station 11 - - - 28.600 8;900 6,900 0 0. p 0. 0 (ont_R-Idd/56.900) -. . . ... ... . ._ Community Services/Parka Projects 316/20 1 Heather Downs Park Development 370,000 0 - -11 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 316/20 2 Duvall Glenco Park Acquisition 320,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _. (Requeu:$100,0017 MitigAtim Propw.tt; <: _- -........ _. - -.. $107191 $112,809 - „.C+rr!'oaer:SI 12,809 ddadl __... -. -... 316120 3 Cedar River Sports Complex 30,000 30 000 30,000 0 0 _ 0 0 0 316120 4 Gene Coulon Play Equipment 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 316/20 5 Liberty Park Play Equipment 20.000 0 0. 0 0 0 0 316/20 7 Landscaping Program 10 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 316/20 8 New Picnic Shelter for Kiwanis Park 30 500 0 0. _0 0 0 0 0 316/20 9 Gene Coulon Asphalt Overlay 30 000 ... Y811 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 316120 10 Outdoor Volleyball Courts 19,680 �. 0 0 0 0 p 0 316/20 12 Boeing Trail(ALEA/Boeing/Grant Match) 90,000 75 D00 0 75,000 0 0 _.... _ _ _ _ 0 0 (S75,000 AL,Fi1;$IO,000 Mrtd,/L�bor P,vk F�md) __ .. .__ _ -.. 4W (SI51000 Propcwed Mk gsdw Foo/not budaued) ................. .. - _ _ _ _ 316/20 13 Non Motorized Boating Facility 45,000 Q 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 316/20 14 Renton Parks Comprehensive Signage 10,000 . - _...__ 0 0 0 0 0 0 316/20 21 Gene Coulon Beach Turf Replacement 18,000 0 0 0 0 0 _. 0 0 W 316/20 39 Cedar Riv Park-Electrical Transformer 475,000 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 316120 40 Reader Board-Carco 15.000 a p p 0. -0. 0 Community Servicea/Llbrary Proiecta - 1a111 316121 1 Library Automation Project 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 _O_ 0991 P%tear Carryow) ... ..... . 316121 2 Library Security System(Video) 38.000 > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL MUNICIPAL FACILITIES GIP 8,870,980 832,550 450,050 >: 75,000 0 250,000 0 57,500 go Genera/Government Sources Include:$I07,ti00 Genera!Property Tax;$330,000 additional 1/4%Real Estate Excise Tax,and$12,450 Beginnigg Balance. The additional 1/4%Real Estate Excise Tax will be used to rmance the Multi-year Municipal Space Needs and Renovation program,identified in the City's Intcnm Capital Facilities Plan. The 1992 phase involves Renton Municipal Buildigg plumbing improvements,estimated at$344,400. 1� 1811 50 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table'10: 7992 Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) �++ Total Tota! 1992 Budgeted Resourcesso Fund Dept 1092 CIPGeneral Water/Swr Council father Dept Rank Program Tills Bequest $udgefed Govt Grants Storm Bonds LID** Revenue 317/16 TRANSPO"RTATIONCIP PROJECTS: _.. . 12108 1 Street Overlay Program 440,000 440,000 440.000 0 0 0 0 0 : { (5290,000 Trmwfer-1n1Arterial Smw F md) 022 2 Oakesdals Ave SW-SW 31 st/SW 16th St. 615,000 177 40010 177,400 0 0 _0.. 0 .... ($437,600 Mid8adm Propaaed or Cerryo )' ....... ....- - 044 3 North Renton Livable Streets635 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t _. .. .. ($63-1'OW Mirrgad=Prop-ed or Cveyoarr)' ' ..._ ... ...-. ..... .-. __..... 12081 4 Park Ave N/Lake Washington Blvd 570,000fi0 000 70,000 0 0 0 0" 0 -($500,000 Maigad=Proposed or Carryo e) .. ... "' ..... .__ ..... .. .. 320/32 5 S.43rd St.(LID329) 1,145,700 D 0 0 0 0 D 0 Will (51,145,700LJDCarryo`er)'__. _ _ 008 6 Park Ave N-Bronson Way N to N 10th St 1,459,000 i 459 000 880,000 579,000 0 0 0 0 070 7 Mill Ave S Rebuild W/1-405/WSDOT Proj 283.00 283,000283,0001. 0 0 0 0 0 024 8 Main Ave S/S 4th Street 22,000 22000 22,000 0 0 0 0 . 0_: 111111i025 9 Houser Wy Relocat-Sunset hrchg to N 8th 390,000 60;000 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 ($330,000 Midgatroa NOP-dd or Car YO-)' ..... . .... 12135 10 Transports Demand Managemt Program 60,000 60 000 60,000 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 009 11 Walkway Program 50.000 50.,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 do _..._ - .. ............ 12109 13 Transit Program 50,000 50:000. 50,000 0 0 "" 0 0 0 016 16 Traffic Signal Loop Replacemt Program 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0" 0 0 ..... ......... ... .. __ . 12113 17 Traffic Sign Replacement Program 20,000 20;000 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 091 18 Light Pole Replacement Program 25,000 26,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 lil __. __... 058 19 Sidewalk Repair/Replacemt Program 15,000 15.,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 0 ... . ........ . .... _.. .... ....- 029 20 Arterial Circulation 160,000 150 000 MON 0 0 0 0 0 g 12117 21 Monster Road Bride 100,000 50;000 50 000 0 0 0 0 0 ($50.000 Midgad=Proposed or Cvy-) 023 23 SW 16th St/West City Limit to Lind Ave SW 219,000 80:000 80,000 0 0 ... 0 0 0 ..._ _._.. __. __ ($159,000 Mirigad=Propaeed or Curyoeer)"• _.. 12083 32 N 4th BI/Logan Av N to Monetery Dr NE 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 12116 36 Oakesdal9 Av SW/Monster Rd to SR900 50,000 70.000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 _. .... ($40,000 Mrtrgadoa Propa d a Cerryo )• _.. ...._ ... .... -.. .. 12118 38 8 Grady"WyiRainier Ave S Proj Dev 30,000 so boo 30 000 0 0 0 0 0 __ _ _. 12115 39 "Miscellaneous Traffic Safety Program 50,000 50;000 .....50 000 0 0 0 0 0 _. _._ _. 073" 40 Guardrail Program 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 .0 0 0 0 j 09 _..... ._ _.... .. ... .. _-. .__ _. 075 41 S 192 SVS 200th-SR Proj Dev 155,000 165;000: 0 120,000 0 0 0 35.000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION CIP'' 8.648,700'. 3,351,400 2:440.000 I' 878,400 0 0 0' 35;000 •Proposed or Carryover Mitigation fees and LM's are not included in 1992 fnuWodation projects as adopted,but are included io the request. General Government Sources include:=5,681 Begins*Balance $1,VS,Ooo Per Gpiti Business License Fees;5350 OW Local vehicle Lieease Feu, $290,000 112 Bent Gas Tas/OverLy Program:51,00D Plan Fees;less$211,681 Fading BAlance;=17,440,000. 0r6er Revenue is$35,000 from Kug Cormry. 105/20 OPEN SPACE CIP PROJECTS: 400 35 JWefland Acquisition 3,500,000 3.500 000 _...0 0 0 0 J UJ-6,500,000 (1 991 Metro&PONim Ad;4&i=) TOTAL OPEN SPACE CIP 3.500.000 3,500,000 0'" 0 0 0 0! :3.500,000 319/20 SENIOR HOUSING CIP PROJECT: 000 - Continuing Project/Voted G.O.Bonds 5,899,071 5,899,071 0" 0 0 0 0 5,899,071 ($5,442,417 Construction;5456,654 Other TOTAL SENIOR HOUSING CIP . 5,899,071. 5,899,071 0'' 0 0 0 0` 5;899,071'' 404/20 MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CIP PROJECTS: 000 30 Improvements to Maplewood Golf Course 135,000 135,000 0 0 0 0 0 135,000 (523,000/Mauer Dwiga $!10,000/1 N_Hde,) TOTAL GOLF COURSE 135.000 135,000 0> 0 0 0 0[7135.x" 402/16 AIRPORT CIP PROJECTS: 702 1 Drainage System Planning 38,255 38 255 0. 0 0 0 0 38.255 . _ - ..."" __. - 711 2 AIP Grant Projects/Taxiways 547,294 547,294 0 372,414 0 0 0 174,880 TOTAL AIRPORT CIP<' 585.549 585.549 0< 372.414 0 0 U 213;1351' 51 rs1 . . ................ . .. ............... ........ . ............ . CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 10 1992;Capital lmprovemenl Plan(CO) Total` Fund Total 1992 Budgeted Resources wo Dept 1992C1P General Water/SWr Councd Other De Rank W Program Titte Request Budgeted Govt Grants Storm Bonds LID's Revenue 421/18 WASTEWATER CIP PROJECTS: 45000 1 East Renton Interceptor 4.000,000 4,000,x00 0 0 500,000 0 0 3,500,000 . ($3.5w.000 P.Ni.wu Tiau Fund) __.. . ... ._.. ..... .._ ....._... 45095 2 Sierra Hpts Sewer Interceptor(Grant DOE) 800,000 650 000 0 300,000 0 0 350,000 45120 3 Honey Creek Access Road _ _ 0 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 0. 0 0 45125 4 Honey Creek Interceptor-Phase IV 105,000 1U5,000 0 45025 5 Central Renton Sewer Replacemt Ph 1 220,000 226,:060: 0 0 105,000 0 0 0 0 220,000 0. 0 0 45015 6 Maplewood Interceptor Relocation - 210,000 2y000.0 0 0 210,000 0 0 0 45130 7 Lake Wash No 2 Lift Station Replacement 275,000 275.000 0 0 275,000 0 0 45135 8 CBD Sewer Replacement Phase 11 53 ppp ppp 0 45140 9 CBD Sewer Placement Phase 111 0 53'000 0 0 0 31.000 31000 0 p 31,000 0 0 p 45050 10 Inflow/infiltration Testing 80,000 $0 000 p 0 80,000 0. 0 p 45089 11 Sanitary Sewer Comp Plan Supplement 50,000 SO 000 0 0 50,000 0 _ f . ...... 0 p 45155 12 South Highlands interbasin Transfer 315,000 315,000 0 0 315,000 0 0 45160 13 Replace Telemetry 8 Data Logging - 0 System 52.000 b2 000: 0 0 52,000 0 0 p 45020 14 Highlands Sewer Replacement Phs 1811 485,000 4135000 0 0 485,000 0 -p 0 45065 15 Misr Sewer Pro'ects/Emer Constr1. _. _ 1 g 200,000 200 000: 0 0 200,000 0 0 p 45145 16 Sanitary Sewer Main Grouting _ 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 No 45150 17 Highgate Lift Station Elimination 26,000 28,000 0 0 26,000 0 f; M,000(-)TOTAL WASTEWATER CIP0 7,052,000 6.902,000 0`' 300.000 2.752,000 : 3,500.000 421/18 WATER CIP PROJECTS: 55005 1 Maplewood Wells Nos 11 817 1,269,000 1!,269000 0 0 1,269,000 111 _.. 0 55065 2 Mapiewd Transmiss Pipeline/Rdlinp Hills 200,000 200,000 0 0 200,000 p _ . 55070 3.. Maplewd Transmiss Pipeline/Highlands 200,000 200 000 0 0 200 000 0 p . ..... 55080 4 Regional Supply Project 0 _.. 50 000 50 000 0.. _._0 50,000 -.0. _....0 0 55200 5 Water.Conserva Program Implementation 38,800 36 800 0 0 38,800 0. 0 0 55135 8 Aquifer Awareness Program 27,500 27,500 0 0 27,500 0. 0. 0 55205 7 1-405/Mill Avenue __. _.. 100,000 106,070 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 p 55210 9 Update Fire Flow Analysis_... Y ..._ 35,000 35000 0 0 35,000 0 0 p 55085 10 Aquifer Management 27,500 27 b00 0 0 27,500 0 0 0 11111 55170 11 Steel Main Replacements 260,000 260 000 p _. _. 0 280,000 .0. 0 p 55175 12 A C Waterman Replacements 180,000 180 000 0 0 180,000 0 p _.. p 55025 8 Windsor Hills/Coulon Pump Station 35,000 35,000 0 0 35,000 0 TOTAL WATER CIP 0 0 ytr 2,420.800 2420,800 0'' a 2,420,800 p 0' 0 421/18 STORMWATER CIP PROJECTS: 85000 1 N Fork.... Spnnpbrk Bypass Pipeln(Grant KC) 52,000 52,000 0. 25,000 -27,0.00.. 0. 0 p _... 85005 2 Comprehensive StormwG Managemt Plan 152,039 152,039 0 0 152,039 0 0 0 +ilii 65025 3 Eastside Green River Watershed Plan 74,666 62000 0 0 82.000 0 p 0 65095 4 Cedar River Dredging(Grant Dept Nat Res 937,000 937,x00 0 800,000 137,000 0 0 0 65_ 5 Lake Wash Pdlution Abatemt Program 34,875 p p p 0. - __. _ 0 -. _ ...0 0 I. _.. _.12, 65030 6 Bronson/Houser Storm Rehab Project 12,000 12000- 0 0 12000 0 _. .. _ 0 0 _. _.. 1111 65072 7 P-1 Wildlife Habitat Planting Project 1,000 x;000 0 0 1,000 p p 0 65085 8 Lower Cedar River Non - .. -point Action Plan 6,000 0 0 0 0 p 0 0 42010 9 SW 18th Street Bridge Project 1,000 1{000 0 - - _ Project _ 0 1,000 0 0 0 65042 11 P-1 Box Culvert/1-405 Pro' t 1,000 1000 0 0 1,000 0 0 p 65065 12 Black River Water Oualit Plan :0,000 - - y._ 6.000 0 0 6,000 o p p 65_ 13 Park PI N/Storm Water Pipeline Project 76,000 0 0 0 0 p 0 p 65055 14 Cedar Riv Flood Hazard/Monitoring Prop 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 65090 15 Lower Cedar River Basin Plan 202,500 p p p 0 0' 0 0 s1r 65080 16 Stream Flow Monitoring Program 9,600 0 0 p p 0 0. 0 65020 17 Panther Creek Wedds Mosquito Abatemt 26,000 28,000 0 0 26,000 0 0 0 65060 18 Panther Creek/P-9 Project 64.000 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 65076 19 Panther Creek Wetlands Acquisition 1,000 O 0 - - sr _ _. 0 0 0 p p 65045 21 NE 27th Aberdeen Drainage Improvements 25,000 4 0 0 0 p 0 0 65073 1-405 Renton Village Culvert 1.000 7,000 0 0 1.000 .0 .. 0 65_ 23 Unidentified CIP/Opportunity Project 108,000 0 0 0 0 00 0 TOTALSTORMWATERCIP 1,794MT 1,251,039 0 82b,000 426;039 4 0' p TOTAL WATERtWASTEWATER/STORMWATER CIP ` 11.266.814 10,573,839 0 11.125,000 5,598,839 O 350,ppp :g,500,t100. TOTAL 1992 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 36,906,114 24,877,409 2,890,050 12,448,814 5,598,839 250,000 350,000 13,339 706 lilllt 52 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 11; General Governmental Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balance Personnel Costs as a Percenta9f of EWendftures M S60 Will I E3 Expenditure 0 Persornel 1 $43.9 I $41.5 139.2 0 7.1— k n yW S33 6 536.1 .N x$34 2 sx532.1 $302 $30.3 x •2 $27 S2B 6 E26.4 . ' f 5'118 5231 sxa X5224 16.3 '5162 X520.3 D $20 r'S15, 0 1 � I e 66. 70. 67.5 67.b 73. 74 76.3 76.5% 77.09A 77.6 77. r s 1987 1986 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Projected s 1887 1988 1889 1990 1991 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL REVENUES: Taxes $17,845,537 $18,836,955 $20,653,357 $22,258,242 $24,534,886 Licenses and Permits 810,094 717,366 689,286 854,558 1,157,639 Intergovernmental Revenue 2,001,472 1,637,471 1,899,772 2,385,502 2,624,899 Charges for Services 447,208 530,192 1,276,108 1,288,865 2,090.392 Fines and Forfeits 625,639 653.325 650,059 742,446 803,175 Miscellaneous Revenues 488,524 673,469 856,115 784,140 841.617 Non—Revenues 0 0 41,727 0 0 Other Financing Sources 66,667 68,368 116,325 537,904 17,439 SUB—TOTAL REVENUES $22,285,141 $23,117,146 $26,182,749 $28,851,657 $32,070,047 EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Wages $12,193,489 $13,444,186 $14,940,759 $16,475,833 $18,223,644 Personnel Benefits 2,761,968 2,871,942 3,264,053 3,868,035 4,187,036 Supplies 862,578 954,469 1,184,740 1,099,187 1,165,582 Other Services and Charges 3,315,647 3,881,180 5,178,166 5,768,332 5,192,335 Intergovernmental Services 1,348,326 1,193,598 1,441,345 2,153,212 1,835,529 Capital Outlay 522,893 425,680 534,117 1,005,738 478,518 411111111 Debt Service 1,239,052 1,083,444 1,135,349 1,229.488 1,282,383 Exp Credits/Interfund Payments (454,262) (749,016) (712,685) (1,448,838) (2,017,964) SUB—TOTAL EXPENDITURES $21,789,691 $23,105,483 $26,965,844 $30,150,987 $30,347,063 REVENUES LESS EXPENDITURES 495,450 11,663 (783,095) (1,299,330) 1,722,984 BEGINNING BALANCE January 1 3,286,831 3,782,281 3,793,944 3,010,849 1,711,519 ENDING BALANCE December`31 53,782;281 531793,944 $3,010;849 311711,519 $3,434,503''' ENDING BALANCE%OF EXPENSE 17.4%1 16.446 11.246 5.7x6 11.346 Revenue assumptions include a 7%growth in tax revenue:9%for property tax,based on the 6%statutory increase and 3%in growth,5%increase in sales taxes,and 7%in utility taxes. Charges for services is projected to increase at 5%annually, which represents growth and fee adjustments. License and permit revenues are assumed at the City's normal growth rate of 4%;and the increase for fines and foreits is based on past history of 4%. Other changes in revenue include Longacres terminating operation in 1993,and alternative funding will be provided when criminal justice sales tax is discountinued in 1994. 4r+� 53 err CITY OF REINOTN 1992 BUDGET Table 1 f;General Governmental Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balance �lr Past and Protected Fund Balances M $4 53.8 rr11 I I $3.4 I I $3 o n $2.6 s $1.7 1.8 +1111 f $1.4 D 512 51.1 51.1 o S1 wr ' 1 e S 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Projected ANNUAL:. els 1992 PROJECTED RATE BUDGET! 1993 #994 1995> 1996 1897> 1893-.- : $26,867,765 $28,648,509 $30,653,904 $32,799,677 $35,095,655 $37,552,351 7.0% 40 1,239,462 1,289,040 1,340,602 1,394,226 1,449,995 1,507,995 4.0% 2,041,586 2,102,834 2,165,919 2,230,896 2,297,823 2,366,758 3.0% 1,240,650 1,138,683 1,195,617 1,255,397 1,318,167 1,384,076 5.0% 771,200 802,048 834,130 867,495 902,195 938,283 4.0% 898,921 907,910 916,989 926,159 935,421 944,775 1.0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 10,387 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.0% 40 $33,069,971 $34,889,023 $37,107,161 $39,473,852 $41,999,256 $44,694,237 N/A $20,193,014 $21,253,630 $22,422,579 $23,655,821 $24,956,891 $26,329,520 5.5% 4,903,821 5,394,203 5,933,623 6,526,986 7,179,684 7,897,653 10.0% 1,261,551 1,305,705 1,351,405 1,398,704 1,447,659 1,498,327 3.5% 5,844,296 6,072,511 6,376,136 6,694,943 7,029,690 7,381,175 5.0% 2,004,945 1,805,192 1,895,452 1,990,224 2,089,736 2,194,222 5.0% 436,332 453,785 471,937 490,814 510,447 530,865 4.0% 1,279,339 1,267,770 1,267,770 1,267,770 1,267,770 1,267,770 N/A (2,359,279) (2,500,836) (2,650,886) (2,809,939) (2,978,535) (3,157,248) 6.0% $33,564,019 $35,051,961 $37,068,017 $39,215,324 $41,503,342 $43,942,284 N/A allr (494,048) (162,937) 39,144 258,528 495,914 751,952 N/A 1,737,621 1,243,573 1,080,636 1,119,779 1,378,307 1,874,221 N/A <51,243573 51,080;636 51,119,779 $1,378,30751,87A;221 $2,626,174 N/A 3.7% 3.1% 3.0% 3.5% 4.5% 6.0 N/A Expenditure projections are based on the assumption that the service levels stay the same,without new programs added,and the Consumer Price Index stays at 3%to 5%range. Salaries and wages change include 4%CPI and 1.5%to cover steps and other adjustments. Ilbl Fund balance change resulted from the differences in revenues and expenditures. In 1989 and 1990,the expenditure levels were over revenues resulting in a total decline of$2 million. One of the goals of the administration's 1992 budget proposal is to stablize the declining trend and start improving the fund balance. Ills 1rs 54 lir CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 12:Utility Rate Analysis &Projections for Sample Residential Customer Rates for Water Sewer Storm. Metro &Solid Waste Past&Projected Rate Increases What Is Causing 1992 Rate Increases 25% 25% Garbage y1.40 20% 1 BX L C O metr 7. $0 8p 15% 13% 11% 11x" n Sewer 51 57 ox , 1 ox 10% 10% rn 10% 7X 7% -. O $2 AJ l water O 5% 2% 0% $0 85 88 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 88 - $5.32 per Month Increase Projected � The 1992 utility costs for an average residential family consuming 750 cubic feet of water per month,and using one can garbage services,will increase 11.2%,or$5.32 per month. s The rate increase will provide sufficient revenue for maintenance and operations of the utilities and management and administration of existing utility programs. Additionally,the rate increase will allow the Water Utility to carry out various water quality testing investigation programs; implement the Cross Connection Control program; and the utilities'emergency response programs;the Solid Waste utility's plastics and mufti-family recycling programs; and the 1992 rehabilitation and construction of capital so projects as indicated in table 10,Capital Improvement Plan. Metro increased their rate from$13.20 to$13.80 per single family equivalent unit,or 4.5%in 1992. of The 1992 water rates do not include any costs for water conservation or aquifer protection programs. The Storm Water Utility is currently operating under a five year rate cap and a rate study will be performed as part of developing the storm water comprehensive plan to analyze capital and operational .rt needs of the utility. The results will be brought for Council consideration in the first half of 1992 for a possible storm water rate increase in July 1992. An update of the 1989 Water/Sewer/Storm and Solid Waste Utility rate studies will be conducted in 1992 to take into account more recent developments such ,i as new legislative requirements and changed field conditions. A 10%annual increase for Metro and an estimated 6%annual increase for Garbage are included in the ow future years projections. The 13% increase for 1993 includes projected debt services for capital requests. 55 dw CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 13:Comparison of Renton Taxes anal Rates err i� How Renton's 1992 Taxes&Fees Compare with Neighboring Jurisdictions rr Highest � 1 � Renlon p 2 Renton The chart to the left shows how Renton ranks 4 Renton with neighboring cities in some of the fees and charges levied by municipalities for 1992. 5 Renton - r 6 7 Renton ;14- Lowest Property Electric Goff Animal Storm Tax Utility License Water 1992 Comparison Rentows ITEM Aank Renton Auburn Bellevue Kent Redmond Seattle Tukwila 'r" Population-April 1, 1991 3 43,000 33,280 87,900 39,650 37,460 518,000 14,630 Tax Rates: Property Tax/$1,000 AV 5 $11.9402 $13.8360 $11.2492 $13.5830 $11.5290 $12.1125 $12.1531 41111111 Electric Utility 1 6.00/6 4.50x6 4.596 3.50A 5.50A 6.00x6 N/A Cable TV 2 6.00A 4.50A 4.80A 5.0016 5.0% 10.00x6 N/A B&O 3 N/A N/A 0.15% N/A N/A 0.27% N/A 111111111 Admissions 1 5.0% 5.0% 3.0% N/A N/A 5.0% N/A Licenses&Fees: Business(1) 1 $55/FTE $5 $44/FTE $50 $10/FTE $35 $10/FTE Golf(18 holes) 2 $15 $14 $12 $20 N/A $13 $9 No Dog License(2) 7 $12 $30 $30 $30 $30 $22 $30 Overtime Parking 2 $10 $2 $10 $10 $10 $20 N/A Utility Rates: to Water(750 CF) 2 $18.15 $9.87 $12.68 $12.30 $18.28 $9.52 $14.00 Waste Water 1 $9.27 $5.64 $4.86 $5.40 $5.24 $5.40 $4.00 Storm(3) 4 $2.50 $4.00 $6.03 $2.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.50 go Solid Waste(4) 5 $8.90 $8.97 $11.75 $7.10 $12.12 $15.75 $7.10 NOTES: (1) Renton and Bellevue are on a flat rate basis;Redmond and Tukwila use a regressive rate structure and rates shown are for businesses who employ less than 5 employees. 110 (2) All cities surveyed use King County Animal Control except Renton and Seattle. (3) Storm water rates are based on an average single family residence. (4) Recycling and yard waste collections are included when available. 1992 solid waste collection rates for Kent and Tukwila are not available. IW 56 11111 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 14: Local Construction, Building Permit,;and Retail Sales Activities' .ti ��^►•••son ys Taxable NewCnnstiuctfon f3 $0.25 I *022 *022 $02 *021 I $0.2 *02 *02 *021 0 *0.17 *0.18 *0.18 n $0.18 *0.18 17 *0.18 S *0. 14 �.y 4 $ � Ililri o : r $0.1 0 z i IIW $0.05 a r $0 Ili s 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Q Taxable New construction Perritt Valuation 416 lira Description 1988 1989 1990 1991 Building Permit Valuation $150,789,305 $100,199,675 $144,338,071 $173,866,147 %Change in Construction Activity 88.0806 -33.550A 44.050h 20.46% Building Permit and Plan Check Fees $750,379 $795,540 $987,783 $962,750 %Change in Permit and Plan Check Fees 15.930k 6.020h 24.17% -2.53% � Auto Sales Reported on Local Sales Tax $170,092,074 $182,956,469 $217,949,409 $216,493,853 Oib Change in Taxable New Construction 11.52% 7.560rb 19.130 -0.670/a New Construction Reported on Local Sales Tax $156,918,159 $158,182,198 $119,601,825 $165,891,153 iib Change in Taxable New Construction 17.860/b 0.81% -24.39% 38.70% Total Retail Sales(Also see Table 16) $928,847,520 $996,062,581 $1,031,421,509 $1,070,607,085 Change in Retail Sales 8.300A 7.240A 3.550A 3.80% Ili Sates Tax Revenue $7,845,306 $8,584,036 $8,704,271 $9,019,761 iib Change in Sales Tax Revenue 2.06% 9.42% 1.400h 3.620h Source of Information: Building Permit and Sales Tax Revenue:City of Renton Finance Department. Auto Sales,New Construction,Local Retail Sales: State of Washington Department of Revenue Sales Tax Report. at 57 rrr +� CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 14:Locelconstruction, Building'Permit. and Retail Sales Activities r� .�r Past&Projected Sales Tax Revenue M =14 � 8. $1228 11.71 do $1062 (11.15 t12 1 $10.11 $858 $6.7 $9A2 X10 -47.95 0 f �$2 y ' $0 r 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 $ Projected rl. -PR WECTM 1992 1993 1994! 1995 1996 1997 LL $179,082,131 $184,454,595 $189,988,233 $195,687,880 $201,558,517 $207,605,272 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% o 3.00,6 3.00% $990,000 $1,049,400 $1,112,364 $1,179,106 $1,249,852 $1,324,843 2.83% 6.000.6 6.000h 6.000/6 6.000x6 6.000h $218,432,743 $231,538,708 $245,431,030 $260,156,892 $275,766,305 $292,312,284 0.90% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 0 6.00.6 $191,262,589 $197,000,467 $202,910,481 $208,997,795 $215,267,729 $221,725,761 15.29% 3.000x6 3.000x60 0 3.00 x6 3.00 x6 3.00% $1,146,701,150 $1,204,036,208 $1,264,238,018 $1,327,449,919 $1,393,822,415 $1,463,513,535 wr 7.11% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% $9,632,290 $10,113,905 $10,619,600 $11,150,580 $11,708,109 $12,293,514 6.79% 5.00%1 5.00% 5.000/6 5.00016 5.00°x6 ar Assumption: 3%growth in new construction related activities,6% increase in auto sales,and an overall 5%annual growth in retail sales. Building permit and plan check fees increase reflect rate adjustments averaging 3°x6 per year. ww +rr 58 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 15;Projected Limitation of Indebtedness for General Purposes City and Overlapping Tax Rates, and.'roperty Tax Revenue ani of Renton Past&Projected Debt L..IMIt M I I 1 $120 $103 1 . Non-Vote $95.7 0 ED Voce $90 i7e $ See.t ices 0 f $60 =502 P5.3 146 D 0122.7 424.8 I 318.1 419.7 42oa 1311.6 6122 a $3.3 $4.3 $5.3 s $0 138 69 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 40 YEAR 1988 1989 1990 1991 Ol INDEBTEDNESS FOR GENERAL PURPOSES: WITHOUT A VOTE: Assessed Valuation(AV) $2,030,493,796 $2,286,728,734 $2,421,280,465 $3,031,467,775 Legal Limit:0.75%of 1%AV 15,228,703 17,150,466 18,159,603 22,736,008 General Obligation Bonds Outstanding 11,660,646 12,866,861 12,060,000 11,250,000 Installment Notes/Contracts Outstanding 364,135 223,370 950,377 71,545 Total Outstanding Debt 12,024,781 13,090,231 13,010,377 11,321,545 Less:Amount Available for Debt Service 123,453 189,448 199,654 219,066 DEBT,MARGIN WITHOUT A VOTE $3,327,375 $4,249,683 55,348,880> $11;633,529 WITH A 3/5%VOTE: Legal Limit:2.50%of AV $50,762,345 $57,168,218 $60,532,012 $75,786,694 Outstanding Debt 5,975,000 11,205,000 10,915,000 10,455,000 Less:Amount in Debt Service Funds 500,000 31,853 595,377 762,827 DEBT MARGIN AVAILABLE WITH VOTE $45,287,345 $45,995,071 $50;214389 566;094,521: TOTAIL DEBT MARGINAVAILABLE $48,614,720 $50,244,754 `I $55;561,269' 477,728,051' __ _ CITY AND OVERLAPPING TAX RATES: IIIIi (Per$1000 of Assessed Value) City of Renton General Levy $3.48761 $3.41746 $3.55659 $3.09203 City of Renton Special Levy 0.40764 0.34177 0.54768 0.50609 TOTAL CITY OF AENTON TAX RATE $3:89525 $3,75923 54.10427; 53.59812 King County 1.89387 1.96262 2.05464 1.73030 Port of Seattle 0.43275 0.42940 0.45367 0.32332 Hospital District#1 0.23166 0.21891 0.21743 0.17485 Renton School District#403 2.02323 2.41016 2.43657 2.07349 111111111 State of Washington 3.84221 3.74197 4.04611 3.38348 Emergency Medical Services 0.25000 0.24829 0.25000 0.19911 TOTAL PROPERTY TAX RATE 512..b6897 $12.77058 $13.56269` $11.48267`. , e1� PROPERTY TAX REVENUE:(1) General Levy $7,080,001 $7,848,076 $8,595,523 $9,420,656 Special Levy 833,999 788,025 1,314,910 1,534,210 TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES 37;814,000 58;636,101 $9:910,433` 510.954,868'' Source of Information: Assessed Valuation,and Property Tax Rates: 1986-1991:King County Department of Assessments. Debt Margin:City of Renton Finance Department. 59 at, CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table'15,Projected bmitation OfIndebtednessfor General Purposes Ci and Over/a ty Aping Tax Rates, and Property Tax Revenue irr 1992 Proms jjyr Tax Allocation Renton School$213 tea + ity of Renton$369 Emergency Medical$25 1yr1 Hospital District$18 Port of Seattle$35 or State$354 Feng County$180 a• Projected 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 1997 $3,107,851,400 $3,387,558,026 $3,624,687,088 $3,878,415,184 $4,149,904,247 $4,440,397,544 23,308,886 25,406,685 27,185,153 29,088,114 31,124,282 33,302,98-2- 40 11,385,000 9,535,000 8,715,000 8,715,000 8,715,000 8,715,000 64,004 55,709 46,584 46,584 46,584 46,584 11,449,004 9,590,709 8,761,684 8,761,584 8,761,584 8,761,584 290,401 290,401 290,401 290,401 290,401 290,401 tat $12.150 283 $18.106.377 $18,713,970.: 320,616,931 522,653,099524.831;799'' $77,696,285 $84,688,951 $90,617,177 $96,960,380 $103,747,606 $111,009,939 9,955,000 9,420,000 8,830,000 8,830,000 8,830,000 8,830,000 40 771,000 771,000 771,000 771,000 771,000 771,000 $68512,285 $76,039,951 $82,558,177 588,901;380' $95,688,606 $102,950,939 580,662 668 $92,]A6,328 5101,272,147 S109,518;310 $118,341,705 $127,782,737 $3.28917 $3.29695 $3.35857 $3.42135 $3.48530 $3.55045 0.40324 0.40730 0.38065 0.35575 0.33248 0.31073 53.69241 53.70425 53.73923 $3,77710 $3$1778 53.86117 a111 1.79973 1.90771 2.02218 2.14351 2.27212 2.40844 0.34421 0.36486 0.38675 0.40996 0.43456 0.46063 0.17781 0.18848 0.19979 0.21177 0.22448 0.23795 2.13257 2.26052 2.39616 2.53992 2.69232 2.85386 3.54132 3.75380 3.97903 4.21777 4.47083 4.73909 0.25000 0.26500 0.28090 0.29775 0.31562 0,33456 $11.93805 $12.44462 513.00403` $13.59779 $14;22771 $14.89570'i 1111 $10,246,424 $11,168,602 $12,173,776 $13,269,416 $14,463,664 $15,765,393 1,241,772 1,241,772 1,241,772 1,241,772 1,241,772 1,241,772 $11,488,186 $12,410.374 $131416.548` S14,fi11,788 $15,705,436 $17;007,165': 4w Rate Increase Assumptions: Property Tax Rates:6%statutory increase on general levy,and 3%decrease on special levy due to new construction and annexation. f111 " ar 60 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 16: City of Renton Retail Sales Auto Sales Construction and Total Taxable sales M 1,147 $1,200 $1,071 l $996 $1,031 I C $900 n s o $600 f 6216 5218 $183 $218 _ D o $300 1x188 $191 l $158 $120 r $0 s 1989 1980 1991 1992 Prod 11� FE5 Tota!Taxable sell, Auto Defilers Constrtx.'tion 10 1989 1990; 1991 1992 Projected Source Amount % Amount IDAAmount I % Amount Auto Dealers $182,956,469 18.40.6 $217,949,409 21.1% $216,493,853 20.20r6 $218,432,743 19.1° Services 166,214,673 16.7% 175,258,202 17.0% 205,344,625 19.20ib 216,035,605 18.80A Construction 158,182,198 15.9% 119,601,825 11.6°,6 165,891,153 15.5% 191,262,589 16.7% General Retailing 160,122,585 16.10A 172,599,420 16.7% 173,571,056 16.2% 185,814,783 16.2% Wholesale 108,000,573 10.80A 111,106,472 10.80k 108,917,193 10.206 112,322,869 9.80r6 x111 Food and Restaurants 92,073,714 9.2% 90,450,234 8.8% 88,251,688 8.20A 90,546,384 7.90do Manufacturing 65,229,324 6.5% 70,538,997 6.8% 53,115,356 5.0% 70,776,712 6.2% Transportation/Utilities 33,860,174 3.4% 44,096,031 4.3% 42,604,599 4.0°x6 44,353,729 3.90A Finance 9,137,116 0.9% 18,443,029 1.8% 9,283,700 0.90A 9,929,735 0.9% Other 20,285,755 2.0% 11,377,890 1.1°k 7,133,862 0.7% 7,226,001 0.6-hi TOTALS $996,0621581' 100.0° $1,031,421,509 100.00 $1,070,607,085 ;100.0°ib $1,14fi,701,i56 100:0 11111 source:state of Washington Department of Revenue. 61 ow CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table 17.- Largest Taxpayers and principal Employers �r rr 1991 jY6 of Assessed Total Largest Taxpayers Type of Business Value AV The Boeing Company Aerospace&Computer Services 3279,198,800 8.98% Pacific Northwest Group Telephone Services 41,824,900 1.35% +rr Glacier Park Co Property Development 41,356,500 1.33% Renton Talbot Delaware Inc Property Development 40,932,600 1.32% Puget Sound Power L Light Electric Utility 38,069,318 1.22% r L-O Renton Inc Property Development 29,915,600 0.96% Pacific Car&Foundry Heavy Manufacturing 21,761,600 0.70% Sunpointe Associates Ltd Property Development 21,318,700 0.69% First City Equities Property Development 21,010,100 0.68% Lincoln Properties Property Development 21,712,000 0.70% Total Assessed Valuation-Largest Taxpayers 557,100,118 17.93% Total Assessed Valuation-All Others 2,550,751,282 82.07% Total 1989 City of Renton Assessed Valuation $3.107,851,400.: 100000i6 as 1991 Number of %of Total Principal Employers Type of Business Employees Employees The Boeing Company Aerospace&Computer Services 25,863 57.87% Valley Medical Center Medical Services 1,913 4.28% Renton School District Public Education 813 1.82% arr Pacific Car&Foundry Heavy Manufacturing 606 1.36% City of Renton City Government 568 1.27% Sound Ford Automobile Dealership 458 1.02% Group Health Cooperative Medical Services 446 1.00% Longacres Race Track Horse Racing 379 0.85% Puget Sound Power&Light Electric Utility 263 0.59% Renton Votech Public Education 228 0.51% Total Number of Employees-Largest Employers 31,537 70.57% Total Number of Employees-All Others 13,154 29.43% Total;Employees Working within Renton 441691 100:000/0 Source: Assessed Valuation: King County Department of Assessments. +rr Number of Employees: City of Renton Business License Records. 62 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Table'18. Economic and Demographic!Statistics �► Population and Staff Growth soo 50000 a0000 40 z� 380 `0 30000 - $ 20000 �, g 240Cn IL =:k do s ' R 120 10000 - „ 63 64 85 88 87 88 89 90 91 92 Population -f- Number of Staff l MISCELLANEOUS COMPARISONS Number of Population Number of Land Area Business Buil ding Permit Year Official April 1 City Employees Square Mites Licenses Value Bank Deposits' 1982 33,100 345.5 15.52 2,132 $37,926,080 $386,264,598 1983 32,700 334.5 15.62 2,164 55,038,370 442,521,457 1984 33,342 345.5 15.67 2,480 76,697,478 503,083,000 1985 34,030 388.2 15.90 2,753 116,609,898 548,263,839 1986 34,460 400.1 16.00 2,778 104,209,475 572,339,374 1987 35,360 414.7 16.30 2,277 80,171,902 623,806,785 1988 36,940 436.7 16.49 2,495 150,789,305 653,566,247 1989 38,480 472.5 16.50 2,645 100,199,675 860,210,400 1990 39,340 498.5 16.50 2,779 144,338,071 693,220,920 1991 43,000 498.3 16.50 2,438 173,866,147 727,881,966 1992 Est. 44,290 499.5 16.50 2,600 179,082,131 764,276,064 UTILITY TAXES Telephone City Operated Year Electricity Gas Telegraph TV Cable Utility Total 1982 $968,961 $548,372 $609,762 $15,944 $359,326 $2,502,365 1983 1,072,863 527,434 657,358 21,619 367,036 2,646,310 1984 1,363,994 646,358 755,626 30,254 261,347 3,057,579 1985 1,259,531 573,025 614,444 51,467 364,805 2,863,272 1986 1,394,646 423,111 674,548 58,743 419,888 2,970,936 1987 1,469,387 333,637 764,273 60,638 583,836 3,211,771 1988 1,569,753 381,385 738,227 68,272 606,215 3,363,852 1989 1,687,100 351,464 735,164 78,147 637,511 3,489,386 1990 1,766,519 322,875 753,315 94,746 795,809 3,733,263 1991 2,139,917 381,536 938,599 204,729 1,040,835 4,705,616 1992 Est. 1 2,386,100 376,000 950,000 213,000 1,172,051 5,097,151 Utility Tax Rates: Electricity and Gas 1981-1984/6%:1985-1990/5%;1991/6%. Telephone 1981/6%;198217.75%:1983f7.4%;1984/7.225%;1985-1990/5%;1991/6%. Telegraph 1982-1984/6%;Other years same as Telephone. TV Cable 198111%;1982-1990/3%;1991/6%. City Operated Utility 1981-1983/in lieu of tax based on utility value;198416%;1985-1990/5%;1991/6%. Source of Information: Population: State of Washington Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. Bank Deposits: Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce,1991 and 1992 amount are estimates. All other information: City of Renton Finance Department. t 63 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Legislative Services/City Council Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Billie Dunphy Council President City Council Secretary �n Bob Edwards Nancy Mathews CC Pres Pro Tem 7 Toni Nelson Tim Schlitzer Richard Stredicke Jesse Tanner 6 6 MAYOR&CITY COUNCIL-TERMS OF OFFICE ELECTIVE TERM EXPIRATION MAYOR Earl H.Clymer 4 years 12/31/95 COUNCIL MEMBERS Robert Edwards 4 years 12/31/93 Nancy L.Mathews 4 years 12/31/93 Toni Nelson 4 years 12/31/95 Tim Schlitzer 2 years 12/31/93 Richard M.Stredicke 4 years 12/31/95 Jesse Tanner 4 years 12/31/95 Kathy A.Keolker-Wheeler 4 years 12/31/95 6 6 64 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000 General Dept LegJstate Div041Lve ServlceslCJty Council OBJECTIVE - The City Council assesses the needs of the public and sets priorities; develops and adopts ordinances,resolutions,and policy alternatives to meet those needs;and provides coordination and evaluation of program and service objectives. PROGRAM ACTIVITY-The City Council has all of the powers delegated by the State Constitution which are not specifically denied by state law. Renton operates under the "Optional Municipal Code" as a Non-Charter Code City,and is responsible for all basic City services,plus other services as directed by Council City Council meetings are held each Monday at 7:30 p.m., with full agendas, including public hearings. The Council has six working committees,and all Council and committee meetings are open to the public. See pg 67 for Council Committees,meeting days and times,and examples of topics addressed by each committee. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE-The 1992 Legislative budget is up 13.3%from the 1991 adopted amount,and is 14.4%more than the 1991 actual figure. BUDGET CHANGES: Salaries- Include a$75/month increase (from $550 to $625/month)for five City Council positions whose terms expired December 31, 1991. The recent Council Salary Study recommended that the Council President receive an additional $50/month, which was not approved by Council. ,Also includes cost-of-living and longevity adjustment for the Council Secretary. Personnel Benefits-Increase is primarily due to 25%rise in medical and dental premiums,and a retirement rate adjustment. Supplies-$1,400 is for replacement of Council's desk chairs,which are in need of repair and are too large for the space with two people sharing an office. $550 will provide for normal operating supplies. Professional Services-Includes$600 for contract clerical services to cover vacations. Travel-Increased$600 in lieu of a$50/month adjustment for the Council President,so that all Council Members would have the opportunity to utilize the additional funds. Repairs&Maintenance-No increase. $150 provides for office equipment repairs. Miscellaneous-includes$500 for hospitality,no increase over the 1991 allocation. 65 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS iegislatwe ServrceSICrtyC.vgq l Person Respo�srble• Ka*Keolker YVhee/er, Council President ---------------------- 119901991 -775F77-11992, 1992 Change %Change Item Actual Adopted AcWal Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: r Grade Title Old/New Old/New City Council Members 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7 0 0.0 0.0% (Part Time) _ 5/11 Admin Sec/City Council Secretary 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0 8 0.0 0.0% ..Regular Part Time: r (24 Hrs/Week;1,248 Hrs[Year) TOTAL STAFFING 7.6 7.6 7.8 7.87.6 0.0 0• BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _ _ _ - A" Regular Salaries 64.411 65,205 65,767 71,382 71 382' 6,177 9.5% 0 0 N/A Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A __ Personnel Benefits 25,104 21,152 20,878 25,078 25 078: 3,928 18.8% 592 500 1,4591.950 1950 1,450 290.0% .. Supplies _. - - _ 600 800 0 0.0% Professional Services 0 800 0 t) 0 0 0 0 N/A Postagerrelephone/Other _ - 1.849 4.100 4 100 600 17.1%. Travel _ 3.272 3.500 _ _ _ _.... 0 0 0 N/A Advertising ...._ _ 0 _ 0 0 t). 0 _ 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 0 0 .. _._ NIA 0 0 Equipment R1.ental __ __ 0 0 „" 0 0. - 0 0 0 0 N/A Insurance _.... __.. p 0 0 0 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 _._ 150 150 0 0.0% 73 Repairs 3 Maintenance 150 350 __ 0 500 571 500 500, Miscellaneous _... _ 0 _.. N/A __. 0 0 Intergovernmental Services 0 N/A +str Capital Outlay _ 0 0 0 _ 0 U -_. ... 0 0 0 _-o. N/A ..... 0 . Debt Service _ _ .. 0 0 Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 52 93,4 : 9#;807 90,fi74 103,780 103,760 ]2,153 13.3 sr . rYs rw► 110 w rw w as 88 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET CityCouncil Committees COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (Meets each Monday-6:30 p.m.) Example Tonics: Regional Issues Monitoring proposed Local,State and Federal legislation Labor Negotiations Joint Meetings with Boards and Commissions Budget Review Other Items referred by Council Emergency Ordinances and Resolutions FINANCE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Meets bi-monthly-3:00 p.m.) (Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays-4:00 p.m.) NANCY MATHEWS,CHAIR BOB EDWARDS,CHAIR TONI NELSON,VICE-CHAIR RICHARD STREDICIE,VICE-CHAIR JESSE TANNER,MEMBER NANCY MATHEWS,MEMBER Example Topics: Example Topics: Financial Reports Building Regulations Computer/Information Systems Zoning Insurance issues Planning Claims/Vouchers review Annexations Organizational/Personnel issuestreports Land Use Appeals t PUBLIC SAFETY TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) (No established time) (Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays-4:30 p.m.) TIM SCHLITZER,CHAIR NANCY MATHEWS,VICE-CHAIR RICHARD STREDICt�,CHAIR JESSE TANNER,VICE-CHAIR TONI NELSON,MEMBER BOB EDWARDS,MEMBER Example Tonics. Example Topics. Fire-related issues Streets Police-related issues Airport Emergency Communications HOV/Mass Transit Public Safety Facilities Signals/Lighting UTIL/TIES COMMUN/TY SERVICES 46 (Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday-3:00 p.m.) (Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays-4:00 p.m.) JESSE TANNER,CHAIR TONT NELSON,CHAIR BOB EDWARDS,VICE-CHAIR TIM SCHLITZER,VICE-CHAIR TIM SCHLIIZER,MEMBER RICHARD STREDICKE,MEMBER Example Tonics Example Topics: Water Utility Parks and Recreation Sewer Utility Community Centers Storm Water Utility General Services/Facilities Garbage/Recycling ad Library Flood control Golf Course Senior Services Human Services 67 u CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Executive Department Earl Clymer Mayor 22.5 Total FTE la do ffExtecutive astain Jay Covington Char Baker ecretaryExecutive Assistant Community Relations to Mayor Specialist to 7Roger pal Court Personnel Legal Services Hearing Examiner FTE 5.0 FTE 2.0 FTE go Lewis BeverlyNelson-Glode Warren&Kellogg,P.S. Fred Kaufman ge Personnel Director Attorneys at Law Examiner r� Darlene Allen Peggy McDowell Wanda Britts Court Services Director Personnel Analyst Secretary WA Susan Schirman Diane Bates Lead Court Clerk Personnel Supervisor rr Civil Service Examiner Court Clerks 8.5 FTE Sharon Riggins of Personnel Assistant so Lisa McMartin Office Assistant II am am �r +r 68 CITY OF PENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Executive Department-.All Divisions The Executive Department has five divisions described briefly below. Budget summaries and descriptions for each division are provided on the following pages. -Executive Administration includes the Mayor's office,Community Relations,Municipal Arts Commission,and the Local LEOFF Board. -Renton Municipal Court handles criminal,traffic,and parking violations,and domestic violence cases. di -Legal Services-contracted with an outside law firm. -Hearing Examiner function provides a land use regulatory system. -Personnel/Civil Service Commission is responsible for human resource policy and direction. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE-The total Executive Department budget is projected to increase 11.7%or$213,141 over the 1991 adopted appropriation and is$227,944 or 12.7% more than 1991 actual expenses. $116,669 was trimmed from 1992 department budget requests,and approved new programs total$15,500,a net reduction from the request of$101,169. NEW PROGRAMS-Two new programs are included for 1992,funded by cuts in other areas. -Temporary part time intern for the Mayor's office-$9,000. Fre Physical Ability Test Validation-$6,500,in the Civil Service budget. 69 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ExeCuUve Department All Drvsrons Person Responsrble Ear!Clymer, 1Naiw . #990 1991 .. .... 1991 1892 .. 1992 Change %Change' .. Item Actua{ Adopted _ Actual iiequest Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade __.... .._._..__. Old/New _ _ ..Old/New ..._ wo _... Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .:4.0 0.0 0.0% _ 20/43 Executive Assistant to Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 IA: 0.0 0.0% _ _. _ __.._ _ ._. 20!39 Municipal Court Judge 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% ow 18/38 Personnel Director 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 #.0 0.0 0.0% __...0-0. mer _ 17134 Hearing Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% 10/23 Court Administrator/Court Sery Dir 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 f,0 0.0 0.0% 10/21 Personnel Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0% _.. 9/17 Community Relations Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 7/13 Executive Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 t.0 0.0 0.0% 7/18 Personnel Tech/Civil Sv Examiner/ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1A 0.0 0.0% Personnel Supvr/Civil Sv Examiner ■s (.5 Personnel/.5 Civil Service) _ .. ' _ ..... 4!7 Hearing Examiner's Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 i.0. 0.0 0.0% _ _ 4!8 Court Clerk/Lead Court Clerk 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 f.t)' 1.0 N/A _ _. _.. 4/5 Court Clerk ll/Court Clerk 9.0 9.0 9.0 9 0 $4' (1.0) 11.1% _ __ asi 3/5 Court Clerk I/Court Clerk 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3;: 0.0 0.0% 3/7 Secretary/Personnel Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 #.0; 0.0 0.0% _.... (.6 Personnel/.4 Civil Service) 2/3 Admin Clerk II/Office Aset If 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0? 0.0 1 0.0% TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 22.5'i X2.5 22.5;' 225 . 22.5'' 0.0 0:0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 1.1 1.0 1.6 1.4 4.71 0.7 70.0 TOTAL STAFFING 23.6 23.5 24.123.9 . ?j 241 0.7 3.0 _ _ ....... ............... , too BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _..._..... __ _ _......._ Regular Salaries 747101 840,207 841,402 914,935 9]0#59: 69,952 8.3% Part Time Salaries 15,215 15,590 25,685 221980 $1,315. 15,725 100.9% Overtime 2 289 3,336 2,492 3,336 33361 0 0.0% girl __ _ _ . Per Benefits 171559 198,281 199,182 234,335 236,497:1 38,216 19.3% _... _. _. __._......_... ... .._...._ Supplies 22,436 22,260 15,518 19,850 #9,850 (2,410) 10.8% _..... Professional Services 720,211615,800 612,725 774,3001. 893,650:: 77,850 12.6% Postage/Telephone/Other 1 82 11,200 9,359 15,500 13151) 2,250 20.1% ON Travel 5,493 9,150 6,791 12,035 9,800, 650 7.1% Training 17,344 8,00 11,000 7000: _.. _._.00 (1,000) 12.5% Tuition Reimbursement 4,709 6,000 5,198 8,000 6,000ji 0 0.0% _ _. _.. Advertising 23136 16,500 20,244 17,000 #7,000 500 3.0% ... .... _.. Rentals and Leases 6,792 9,600 5,415 7,100 7,#00 (2,500) -26.0%. Equipment Rental 2,740 2,556 2,556 2,964 2,96d'; 408 18.0% _ _ 8 Insurance 00 0 0 0' 0 N/A _ _. _ Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Repairs 3 Maintenance 2,477 6,375 4,295 6,820 6,800> 425 6.7% Miscellaneous 47,455 47,175 46,968 62,185 53,250 6,075 12.9% _ _ Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 O' 0 N/A Capital Outlay 12,540 3,000 2,397 19,000 10 000;; 7,000 233.3% __. __. Debt Service 0 0 0. 0 ......: 0 0. N/A _ _._ Expenditure Credits 0 0 .... .. ......0 0 0' 0.. .. N/A _TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1;801,558 '> #,815,030 ",800,227r 2,129,340 2,028,171 213,141 11. > srr 70 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000 General. Dept.• Executive Div.• 003 Executive Ao'ministraf on OBJECTIVE- Executive Administration represents the citizens' interests,carries out Council goals and policies, and directs and oversees City activities and operations. PROGRAM ACTIVITY-The Mayor is the City of Renton's chief executive and administrative officer who represents the City in all matters involving other governmental agencies and bodies,and in all official and ceremonial functions. The Executive Assistant works under the Mayor in carrying out and directing many of the intra-governmental and administrative activities. Community Relations works to preserve and improve the City's image,and promotes communications and cooperation between City departments,the business community,and the citizens. Other activities are the Municipal Arts Commission and the Law Enforcement Officers'and Fire Fighters(L.EOFF)Board operations. 1992 WORK PLAN: Executive Administration: Continue to provide overall administration and direction of the City. Organize a Council retreat to build a better working relationship and formulate an overall policy direction for the City. -Organize and carry out a senior management workshop with the Intent to clarify the direction the City wants to take and to develop productivity tools. Form a better working relationship with the Downtown Renton Association and help them develop and meet goals. Publications: Continue production of the Renton Report,the Mill Avenue Messenger,and other departmental publications. Produce the Volunteer Yearbook. Utilize the services of the graphic artist more effectively and efficiently to produce brochures,presentational materials, and other publications. Produce a biweekly Speeds Memo for Council and departments that updates current activities in the City. Community Relations: -Continue to build a sense of pride and commitment to making this community a better place In which to work,live, and play,both in-house and in the community. -Coordinate and produce the Seventh Annual River Days Festival. -Coordinate the annual Volunteer Recognition Banquet. -Respond to citizen inquiries and complaints with a format that gives a consistency to responses from each department. Continue to serve as the liaison between Renton and our sister city of Nishiwaki,Japan and establish a Citizen's Committee for Nishiwaki Sister City Activities. Work with the Personnel Department to develop an Employee Recognition Program. Continue to research the feasibility of Council chamber remodel to include television capabilities that will eventually allow us to produce in-house service videos,and broadcast on television(Channel 28). 71 .rs CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL PSIS s� Fund.' 000 General Dept: Executive Div l 003 Executive Administration rr 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Publications: Produced three issues of the Renton Report,six issues of the Mill Avenue Messenger,and coordinated with the 7 graphic artist in producing other brochures and publications forvarious departments. irr Produced the first Volunteer Yearbook. -Worked with the Community Services Department in developing a City of Renton brochure that can be used as a marketing piece by several organizations. +ir -Compiled information from all departments and used it in the first 1991 issue of the Renton Report as a State of the City annual report to citizens. Community Relations: Coordinated responses to concerns of citizens generated by the Think Tank section of the Renton Report. -Coordinated Renton River Days Festival for the sixth year. Coordinated the Volunteer Recognition Banquet. UK Coordinated and conducted tours of City Hall for several groups and extended the annual third grade tours of the Museum to include the Municipal Complex. Coordinated Mayor's Neighborhood Meetings with the Police Department. Coordinated the visit of Nishiwaki delegations with the Renton School District,the Renton Lions Club,and City Hall. -Worked with the Parks Department in touring council chambers of other cities and preparing remodel proposals for Renton's Council Chambers that will include television capabilities. err NEW PROGRAM APPROVED: A temporary p ry part time Intern was approved in lieu of the requested analyst position described below. The cost for salaries and benefits is$9,000 for 640 hours of work. This program is funded by a cut in professional services and other budget areas. +ri NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Executive Administrative Analyst The position would serve under and assist the Mayor and Executive Assistant to +rr help relieve the heavy workload the Executive Department bears,and would deal with more routine tasks and work on the more detailed portions of executive assignments, leaving the Mayor and Executive Assistant more time for the overall direction and administration of the City. Duties would include: high level and detailed analysis;representing the Mayor and/or Executive Assistant at certain meetings; assisting in policy formation and intergovernmental relations; w doing economic development analysis;and assisting in other projects and administrative duties as requested. The cost for the position is$48,250. No additional supplies or equipment would be needed. err Graphic Artist Services: This program would take the place of the service that is currently being contracted out at $16,000 a year. An in-house graphic artist would allow the extension and expansion of services to all City departments, and materials would be produced at a highly professional level and on a timely basis. The duties would include the production of: brochures,flyers,program covers,forms, presentation materials,and similar materials. Responsibilities ww would also include production of: the Renton Report,a Populations Bulletin,the Mill Avenue Messenger,and the Senior Center Newsletter. The new position would be part time at 24 hours a week (.6 FTE). The cost for the program would be$10,078($26,078 for the position's salaries and benefits,less current contractual services$16,000 equals$10,078). as wr w do 72 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund_ 000 General 17ept Executive iv. '003 Executive Administration BUDGET CHANGE: The 1992 Executive Administration budget is up $20,332 or 5.6% over 1991 adopted appropriations,and is$42,065 or 12.4% more than 1991 actual expenditures. $24,840 was cut from the 1992 budget request and $10,000 was added (Intern $9,000 and $1,000 for Washington Transportation Policies Institute) net cut of $14,840. Professional Services-Miscellaneous professional services was reduced from the request of$12,000 to$5,000,to partially fund the Intern. Four issues of the Renton Report were requested,cut back to three. The contract for graphic artist services was requested at$20,000 in order to expand the hours and services,but was out back to the 1991 level of $16,000. $1,000 for Washington Transportation Policies Institute was not originally requested,but was added after research of the services provided. $1,300 is included for Municipal Arts professional services(cut$200 from the request) to cover anticipated expenses for repairs and maintenance of the City art collection. Postage-An additional$4,300 was requested to enable the production and delivery of four issues of the Renton Report as well as a possible postage rate increase. The 1992 budget includes postage for three issues. i Travel and Training-Travel remains at the 1991 level;Executive$3,500,and LEOFF Board$1,000. Training has been cut by$1,000 to$7,000 for Council and mid-management training and retreats. The$8,000 allocated in 1991 was not spent,but will be carried over to 1992 for a scheduled training retreat. Rentals/Leases-This account is reduced by$3,900 to$2,100,due to an overallocation for rental cost of the copy machine and also because of keeping the copy machine an additional year without replacement. The rental/lease agreement includes a service contract. Repairs and Maintenance-$500 covers cost of repairs and maintenance of typewriters and other office equipment. $500 is for Municipal Arts to cover anticipated expenses for repairs and maintenance of the City art collection(these funds are used in conjunction with Municipal Arts professional service funds). Miscellaneous-All items are budgeted at the 1991 level as shown in the table at the bottom of the next page. Hospitality covers costs for the volunteer recognition banquet and yearbook;and the Nishiwaki reception and gifts. Municipal Arts miscellaneous account includes:printing and binding;memberships and registration;and performing arts programs. Capital Outlay-$3,000 was requested for replacement and upgrade of computer hardware and software. $2,000 is allowed for(1)personal computer replacement(386 PC). $3,000 budgeted in 1991 for the same use was not spent. 73 rr ....................................... CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS .� . ....... . Executwe Admmistrat�on Person Responsible; Earl Clymer,Mayor -1890 1991 11991 ;_ 7992 'i 3992 I' Change 4G Change: I E #tem.. ... Actual I: Adopted -Actual Request :'.:Budget H1 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title .__. Old/New Old/New __ _ __ Mayor 1.0 1.0 '.0 10 10. 0.0 0.0%' 20/43 Executive Assistant to Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% _.... 9/17 Community Relations __ Y . rY 1.0 1.0 Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1A 0.0 0.0% 7/13 Executive Secreta ,...0 _ 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 4.0 4.0 4.04.0 4.0 0.0 D.O TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.3 100.0 TOTAL STAFFING 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.3 4.8' 0.3 7.0% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: g. 167,830 201,084 203,222 220,578 220,678 16,494 9.7% Regular Salaries Part Time 1.Salaries 3,780 5,550 9,545 6365 14 700 9,150 164.9% Overtime __ _ 231 0 l). I 0 O. 0 N/A irr Personnel Benefits 31,042 40,563 39,073 45,328 45,993 5,430 13.4% __ _ Supplies 2,432 2,600 2,063 2,6 2 650 50 50 1.9% 1)Professional Services86,983 54,800 47,01081,300 44,150 _ (10,650) -19.4% Postage(Renton Report) 62 11,200 9,359 15,500 �3 454 2,250 20.1%' ire Travel 2,892 4,500 4,350 8,535 4,500 0 0.0% _...9 17 344 8,000 0. 8.000 7000' Trainin (1.000) 12.5% __. Rentals and Leases ... 3,578 8,000 1883 2,100 2 11)0` (3,900) -65.0% Equipment Rental 2,740 2,556 2,556 2,964 064 408 16.0% . 216 800 236 1,020 1.000 100 11.1% � Repairs 8 Maintenance _.. _ 2 Miscellaneous 15,849 18,950 18,673 20,535 78950' 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 0 3,000 0 3,000 2000' (1,000) X3.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 335,077 360,703 338,H70' 396,975 -381 A35 _20332 5.8 as .1990 1991 1981 1992 1992 S Change 44 Change Item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91Adopted' 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 41.28 Misc Professional Services 8,271 10,000 8,217 12,000 5,000 . (5.000) -60.0% rir 41.59 Renton Report 46,640 26,800 20,939 27,800 20 850 (5,950) 22.2% 41.118 Director Recruitment 15,8120 0 0 „pa 0N/A 41.121 Graphic Artist 15,685 18,000 16,829 20,000 18,000 0 0.0% _. . 41.129 WA Transp Policies Institute 0 1,000 0 0 1,000; 0 0.0% (KC Citizens for Improved Transp) _._ . ......... -41.91 Municipal Arts Prof Services 2,595 1,000 1,025 1,500 1,300' 300 30.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 86,983 54,800 47,010 81,300 44,150 (10,650) -18.4 rr 2) MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: .....,.i .49.08 Rnton River Days 10,000 10,000 10022 10,000 10,000' _. e , _. 0 0.0% 48.12 Memberships A Registrations 426 1,700 2,710 1,750 1,700 0 0.0% 49.16 Publications 695 1,000 1,440 1,035 7,000 0. 0.0% _ . as 49.38 Hospitality _ 778 2,000 1,435 2,500 2000 0 0.0% 49.06 Printing/Binding(Municipal Arts) 0 250 88 250 250' 0 0.0%' 49.45 Arts Programs(Municipal Arts) 3,950 5,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 1 15,849 19,950 19,673 20,535 19,950 s 0 0.0% irr 74 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Fund: 000 General Will Dept: Executive Div. 002 Judicial{Munreipal Court}. OBJECTIVE-Adopt the National Trial Court Performance Standards of: Access to Justice; Expedition and Timeliness; Equality, Fairness and Integrity; Independence and Accountability; and Public Trust and Confidence. The Municipal Court filings are misdemeanors,gross misdemeanors and infractions charged under portions of state law which have been adopted by the City and City ordinances.The court also has jurisdiction in civil domestic violence orders. PROGRAM ACTIVITY-The court holds hearings Monday through Friday. Procedures include motions,arraignments, pre-trial conferences, and trials both to the bench and to juries. The division is responsible for recording, docketing and tracking all cases as well as the collection and disbursement of all monies collected on bail, bail forfeitures, costs, penalties, and fines assessed by the court. Monthly statistics reported to the State are complied and published in the annual report titled Caseloads for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction. 1992 WORK PLAN: -To enhance the administration and operation of the court by evaluation and implementation of all Trial Court Performance Standards as published by the National Center for State Courts and the Bureau of Justice Assistance,United States Department of Justice. -Provide and promote continuing education for court personnel. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -The installation of the new statewide computer system DISCIS was successfully converted from the old Wang system on July 20,1991. Considerable staff time was devoted to verifying data reports prior to and after conversion. -The court collection of traffic and parking infractions has been successful having collected$31,228 in 1990 and$40,575 the first six months of 1991. NEW PROGRAM REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Request for court-based domestic violence legal advocate as recommended by the Washington State Domestic Violence Task Force. A joint request for a community advocate and a legal advocate was presented by Human Services Division. The legal advocate would provide assistance to all victims of domestic violence involved in court proceedings. The estimated cost is $15,000 for either contract services or a.5 FTE employee. BUDGET CHANGE: The 1992 Municipal Court budget is up$67,409 or 10.7%over 1991 adopted appropriations,and is$70,988 or 11.4% more than 1991 actual expenses. A total of$4,000 was cut from the division 1992 request; witness fees$1,000 and capital outlay$3,000. r Salaries and Benefits-The normal step increases and cost-0f-living adjustment represents a 9.4%increase. Part time funds were cut in 1991,restored to 1990 approved level in 1992 plus an increase for leave of absence and vacation coverage. Supplies-The 1992 allocation has been reduced by$3,000 for small equipment. Professional Services-Public defense costs restored to 1990 approved level for appeals/jail calls. No increase in regular public defense services. No increase for probation services$15,000 and interpreter costs$3,500. Travel-The reduction to$750 in 1990 disallowed attendance at the 1991 National Conference. Increased to$1,000 for 1992. Rentals-Photo machine rental-upgrade increases account by$1,400. Miscellaneous-1992 publications increased for two sets of the Revised Code of Washington. Witness/jury fee was reduced from$13,000 to$8,000 in 1991;$9,000 was requested in 1992,cut back to$8,000. Membership and registrations remains at same level. Capital Outlay-The$5,000 request represents a personal computer and laser printer. The printer will upgrade the parking receipt/report printer. $2,000 is allowed for the printer,and a 286 PC will be transferred to the Court from another area. 75 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS . Jud�c441(Mun�cipaflCourt) Person Res ons/b/e fto er Cew�s Munfci ai Covrt Judge P 9 P s� 1940 1991 1991 1982 1992 Change 9b 5hange` item 7k tuaf Adopted iActual 1Reduest Budget 81 Adopted 01 Adopted' POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Orr Grade Title. Old/New Old/New 20/39 Municipal Court Judge 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1 t)' 0.0 0.0% .... saw 10/23 Court Administrator/Court Sery Dir 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Y.. 0.0 0.0% 4/8 Lead Court Clerk 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 1.0 N/A 4/5 Court Clerk IUCourt Clerk 9.0 9.0 _ 9.0 _ 9.0 �o (1.0) 3/5 Court Clerk UCourt Clerk 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 5 O.fi' 0.0 0.0% TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 11Z 1115 11.5 11.6 11.6 0.0 0, TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.9' 0.4 1 80.0 TOTAL STAFFING 12.1 12.0 12.4 12.4 12.4'1 0.4 3.3 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries -. 332.772 369,187 371,513 403,962 403962' 34,775 9.4% Pad gime Salaries -- 8,935 7.040 13,140 13,450 13 450! 6.410 91.1%' Overi;me 1,895 3.338 1,899 3,336 3338 0 0.0% Personnel Benefits 84,553 95,207 97,637 115,281 "115281 20,074 21.1% Supplies 6,548 12,100 8,319 9,100 9,140' (3,000) _24.8% 1)Professional Services 108,744 124,500 116,514 129,500 129 500'. 5,000 4.0% Travel 356 750 183 1,000 1000 250 33.3% err Rentals and Leases 3,218 3,600 3,532 5,000 5000; 1,400 38.9% Repairs✓9 Maintenance ..... - 2,045 3,000 2 089 3,000 3000 0 0.0% 2)Miscellaneous 10,816 9,800 10,115 11,300 10,300' 500 5.1%. __ Capital Outlay 12,540 0 0 5,000 2000: 2,000 N/A a� TOTAL EXPENDITURES 670,219 628 520 824,941 699;929 695,929: $2,009 10. srr 1690 1991 1881 X992: 1982 :Changs 46 Ohange' item Actuaf Ad ted .Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: w 41.26 Judges Pro Tem 8,440 11,000 10,940 11,000 f 11,000` 0 0.0% _.. . 41.61 Public De(endere -..... 87,889 95,000 97,362 100,000 100 000 5,000 5.3%' 41.83 Inter reter/Dia nostic Fees - - - P... 9 3,145 3.500 2.200 3,500 3600: 0 0.0% __. 41.120 Probation Services 9,270 15,000 6,012 15,000 15,040 0 0.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 108,744 124,500 116,514 129,500 329,500 5,000 4.0 2) MISCELLANEOUS: - 49.12 Memberships 3 Registrations 1,591 1,000 828 1,000 1000` 0. 0.0% 49.16 Publications _. 539 800 783 1.300 1300 500 62.5% 49.34 Witness Fees - 8,685 8,000 8,504 9,000 8,006 0 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 10,815 9,800 10,115 11,300 10,300 500 5.1 rrr aati wr qw 76 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund .00 General Dept' EXecutilre Div: OOS Legal Services City Attorney) , OBJECTIVE- To represent the City in all court actions, provide day-today legal advice, misdemeanor prosecution, ordinance drafting,review of contracts,representation at administrative appeals,and other legal services as necessary and requested. PROGRAM ACTIVITY - The legal staff defends all lawsuits brought against the City, but spends an appreciable amount of time trying to avoid litigation. Administrative appeals of environmental determinations have grown at a rapid pace, but court actions have not grown at the same pace. The number of lawsuits filed in other areas was very high in 1991 and would appear to be high again for 1992. The Municipal Court prosecution requires additional court appearances because of new requirements imposed by state and federal law. BUDGET CHANGES-The 1992 Legal budget is up$58,750 or 14.6%over the 1991 adopted budget,and is$49,707 or 12.1% more than 1991 actual expenditures which were $9,043 over the appropriation. This deficit was covered by underruns in other General Fund accounts. The department request was out by$40,000 in other legal services. Supplies-Includes$3,000 for operating items,no increase over the 1991 approved amount. Other Legal Professional Services-Provides for legal services beyond the base retainer such as: services rendered in representing the City in any court action; negotiating and acquiring property for the City; obtaining easements and rights-of-way;time spent on general obligation bond issues;services in connection with the establishment of any local improvement district,etc. The budget request'for 1992 was$100,000. The account was cut$40,000,leaving a balance of$60,000,which is an increase of 3.4%over 1991. Municipal Court Prosecutor - Increased from $80,000 in 1991 to $110,000 in 1992, an added $30,000, as part of an ongoing program to fully fund the prosecutor's position. Regular Legal Services - This is the base retainer for contracted regular legal services relating to governmental capacity,as distinguished from a proprietary capacity such as: attending all City Council Meetings; attending board, commission, and committee meetings as requested; preparation/review of ordinances and resolutions, leases, instruments of conveyances, contracts, and agreements; rendering legal opinions; participation in the settlement of claims against the City, etc. $285,000 is approved for 1992, an increase of$25,000 or 9.6%, to cover cost-0f-living, overhead increases,and additional time demands. Miscellaneous(Publications) increased to$2,000 in 1992 to reflect a portion of the library and publications expense necessary to keep a current and adequate library. The law firm continues to pay the majority of these expenses although a large percentage of the publication purchases are for the benefit of the City of Renton only. 77 OWN CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS rr . Legal Services(City Attorney) Person Responsible Larry Warren, City Attorney ■r 4890 1891 1981 1992 1992 $Change %Change; ...... ; . Actual Regvest Budget 91 Adopted 81 Adopted ltem "Actual Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries _ 0 .._ _ 0. 0 _ 0 0 N/A Part Time Salaries _ ... 0 _ 0 _ 0 0 O 0 N/A _. . Overtime _ __ .- _ 0 __ 0 0 _ 0 Q. .. ...0 N/A Personnel Benefits0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A arrr _ __. . .......... Supplies 2,251 3,000 1,529 3,0003,000 0 0.0% 1)Professional Services 439,775 398,000 408,469 495,000 45500 :000: 57, 0 14.3% Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 .,0 ....... 0 N/A eyr Travel --_...0 _ 0_ _ 0 0 D 0 N/A Advertising 0 00 0 0 0 N/A __ Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 II 0 N/A Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Insurance 0 _ 0 0 0 0 _ _0. N/A. Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 D 0 N/A Repairs 3 Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A _. Miscellaneous 0 250 295 2,000rZ,000 1,750 700.0% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 <D 0 N/A .. __... _ _ -----1.----------- -__._ _... Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0` 0 N/A __. Debt Service..... 0 0 0 0 0: .. 0 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 N/A TOTAL'EXPENDITURES 442;028 901,250 410293 500,000 460,000 b8.750 14: _. _ ss 1990 1991 1991 iH92 4992 a Change %change ----- Sem Actual . Adapted Actual Request Budget<. 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 41.37 Other Legal Professional Sery 104,933 58,000 68,489 100,000 1WA001, 2,000 3.4% trr 41.50 Municipal Court Prosecutor 80,000 80,000 80,000 110,000 410,000 30,000 37.5%' 41.90 Regular Legal Staff Services 254,842 260,000 280,000 285,000 285,000' 25,000 9.6% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 1 439,775 398,000 408,469 495,000 !;:: 455;000 57,000 14.3 Wr to +rr air ow ear +sr ww 78 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: V00. eneral Dept Executive Div. 011 Kearing.Exammer OBJECTIVE- The Hearing Examiner function provides a single, efficient, lawful, integrated land use regulatory ] hearing system which implements the adopted comprehensive plan and City ordinances. PROGRAM ACTIVITY-The Hearing Examiner is responsible for the administration of the City's land use regulatory hearing process, and acts on behalf of the City Council in considering and applying land use regulatory codes; receives and examines all available information;conducts public hearings and prepares a record thereof,entering findings and conclusions. The Hearing Examiner also conducts other hearings as delegated. It Is anticipated that the new growth management legislation will increase the workload. Appeals are increasing as the public becomes t aware of their rights to challenge City policy. Meas involving appeals have been water and sewer latecomers,drug forfeitures,and illegal parking. BUDGET CHANGES - The 1992 Hearing Examiner budget is up $11,569 or 10.8% over the 1991 adopted appropriation,and is$12,321 or 11.6%more than 1991 actual expenditures. The 1992 budget request was reduced by the salary savings from the secretary replacement and$1,000 was cut from capital outlay. Salaries and Benefits - The small increase in 1992 salaries is due to the termination of the Hearing Examiner Secretary and filling at a lower step. Benefits will rise over the normal level due to an increase in dependent medical and dental coverage for the new secretary. ttllf Supplies-Office/operating supplies increased from$360 in 1991 to$800 in 1992 for windows software and other normal operating needs. No increase in small equipment;$500 allows for replacement of small office items. eo Professional Services - Provides for Hearing Examiner pro tem for conflict of interest or appearance of fairness issues, and vacation/emergency relief. The account has been restored to the originally requested 1991 level of $5,000 before being cut. The 1991 appropriation of$2,000 was not sufficient to adequately cover hiring a pro tem. Travel-$200 increase. Will allow attendance at one major land use conference. 1991 travel will be underspent due to lack of time available to attend conferences. Repairs and Maintenance-No increase. Provides for office equipment servicing and repairs. Miscellaneous-Memberships and registrations increased from$800 in 1991 to$1,000 in 1992,to cover inflation in costs. Publications increased by$100 for updating the land use and law library and other related items. Capital Outlay- (2) 386 personal computers were requested $3,000. (1) 386 PC is allowed $2,000. A PC was purchased in 1991,covered by underruns in other accounts. tttt� til 79 +�w CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS wtr Hearing Examiner Services Person Responsible Fred Kaufman Hearn Fxammer �.....: w 1990 1891 1891 1802 1992 Change %Change< stem Aduat Adopted :Actual Request Budget 81 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: _. w Grade __ - .Title Old/New Old/New 17/34 Hearin Examiner Hearing _ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 4w 4!7 Hearing Examiner's Secreta _. rY 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0` 0.0 0.0% TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 2:0 0.001,14 t), BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: +rr ------------- Regular Salaries 81,312 86,112 85,984 93,000 88,224 2,112 2.5% Part Time Salaries _... __. 0 0 0 0 O1 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 15,041 16,363 16,535 18,383 19,890 3,517 21.5% Supplies 570 860 118 1300 1,300 440 51.2% Professional Services 6,784 2,000 0 5,000 5,000 3,000 150.0% Postage/felephone/Other p _ 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Travel 396 600 70 800 800' 200 33.3% wa Advertising _ 0 . 0 0 0 0 0' N/A Rentals and Leases _. .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 WA Equipment Rental 0.. 0 0 - 0 ..... ...0.. 0 _.. WA Insurance _ 0 _ o O 0 _ 0 _ WA wr _ _ - Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0; 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 70 150 73 150 450 0 0.0% Miscellaneous 1,161 1,100 1,258 1,400 1,400 300 27.3%' Intergovernmental Services 0 - - rar 0 0 0 0 0 WA Capital Outlay _ _ ... : ..... ... ... y 0. 0 2,397 3,000 2000 2,000 WA Debt Service ...._. __.. 0 0 p 0 Expenditure Credits 0 WA 0 0 0 0 0: 0 WA ws TOTAL EXPENDITURES I' 105,334 'I 107,185 106,433>s' )23,033 118,754 x1,569 19.8 sr we ■r irw so w wr as. 80 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000 Genera! Dept: Executive Div., 014 Personnel/Civil Service Co emission Illlr OBJECTIVE - Personnel Administration provides policy and direction for human resources within the City, through the administration of recruitment,testing,and selection of personnel; salary and classification program;employee benefit program; staff/organizational training; labor contract administration; safety and wellness program coordination; unemployment compensation;affirmative action;equal employment,and the facilitation of various employee committees and programs. The Civil Service Commission's objective is to provide and administer fair, impartial and practical selection procedures for all classified civil service personnel; and to act as a quasi-judicial board to hear and resolve disputes over application of the civil service rules. 1992 DEPARTMENT WORK PLAN - Personnel Administration: Provide employee training and education programs for team building, prevention of sexual harassment,continued basic supervision,and customer service; salary survey and classification maintenance; negotiations with non-commissioned unit of the Police Guild and 2111;development of a Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual; performance evaluation program review;continued automation of personnel related records and statistics; administer 75-100 exams, screen 5,000 - 7500 applicants and test 2,000- 2,500 candidates. Civil Service: Validation of fire physical ability test;entry level police and fire recruitment and testing; and promotional exams for Police Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain,Fire Lieutenant and Battalion Chief. 1991 DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS- Personnel Administration: Completion of the following training programs: basic and advanced supervision, prevention of sexual harassment, presentation skills, conducting meetings, etc. Completion of recruitment and selection programs resulting in the promotion or hiring of 70 employees. Coordinated a wellness and fitness fair, and other successful health and fitness programs. Completed a City-wide classification and compensation study. Established ongoing employee programs, such as employee recognition, longevity and retiree recognition programs. Completed transition to a new health care administrator. Enhanced health care incentive program for employees. Assisted in establishing an Eastside Cities Training Consortium. Enhancement of 24 hour jobline;developed a new job announcement and application. Transition of Police Department to City's performance evaluation program. Civil Service:Developed and distributed a Civil Service Handbook for commissioners,and updated Police and Fre Civil Service rules and regulations. NEW PROGRAM APPROVED-Validation of Police and Fre Physical Ability Test. The purpose is to ensure that our agility tests are both job-related,non-discriminatory and would meet any legal challenges. Estimated costs are a total of$13,000. $6,500 is included in the 1992 budget for a fire physical ability test validation. NEW PROGRAM REQUESTED NOT APPROVED-New Personnel Analyst position to help with continuing increase in workload in all areas such as testing, classification compensation, labor relations, assistance to the LEOFF Board, and to provide direct assistance in safety,training,and civil service testing. Estimated cost is$51,665. BUDGET CHANGES-The 1992 Personnel/Civil Service budget is up 17.4%over the 1991 adopted amount. $44,550 was cut from the department request;one new program was added$6,500(Fre Physical Ability Test Validation);total net cut$38,050. Professional Services - See summary on page 82. $7,000 increase for testing entry-level police officer and fire fighter, and promotional testing for other police and fire positions. $10,000 increase for labor and personnel consultants. Two contracts must be negotiated in 1992 (Police Guild commissioned and 21-11), along with preparation for Fre negotiations. Health and Wellness program is included in the Insurance Fund $8,000. $25,000 was requested for employee training and development, i based on department requests,cut back to 1991 level of$12,000. Miscellaneous-See summary on page 82. Publications: with limited staff,publications are a cost effective method of gathering job-related information and research,$875 increase. Central Safety Committee budgeted in the Insurance Fund$3,500. $2,500 is allocated for employee recognition program to purchase certificates and recognition items;program concept was established in 1991,won't be fully implemented until 1992. Employee assistance program reflects a slight increase based on the contractual amount. Capital Outlay-Requested $8,000 for (3) 386 personal computers to standardize equipment,and (1) laser printer. (1)386 PC and printer are approved for 1992,$4,000. 81 . ...... ..... . ......... .. .. .............. CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS . .. .. Personnel Serv/ceslCiiv/l service Commission Person Responsible BevedyNe/son-- de, Personnel Director 7990 1981 1891 1992 1992 Change 94'Change' Item Actual Adopted Actual Request ::Budget 91 Adopted 9t,Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Titie _ _ _ __ ------ ow _ - _. Old/New Old/New 18/38 Personnel Director 1.0 1.01.0 1 0 1.0. 0.0 0.0% _. _ _... ss. 10/21 Personnel Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 7 0 0.0 0.0% -- 7/18 Personnel Tech/Cavil Sv Examner/ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 10. ..... ...0.0 0.0% _... ...__._ ........... - Personnel Supvr/Civil Sv Examiner (.5 Personnel/.5 Civil Service) ........ s� 3/7 Secretary/Personnel Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% ___ __ (.8 PersonneU.4 Civil Service) 2/3 Admin Clerk It/Office Asst 111.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.01 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 5.0: 5.0 5.0> 5A 5.0 0.0 0.0 sir TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 2 0.0 0.0 TOTAL STAFFING 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.2 0.0 0.0 I BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _._ No Regular Salaries 165,087 183,824 180,883 197,395 797,395 13,571 7.4%' . Part Time Salaries 4,500 3,000 3,000 3,165 3,166 185 5.5%i ___ __.:. Overtime 363 0 593 0 . . 0, 0 WA Personnel Benefits 40,923 46,148 45,937 55,343 55,343 9,195 19.9% ar Supplies 10,634 3,700 3,489 3.800 3800 100 2.7% 1)Professional Services 77,925 36,500 40,732 83,500 ::: ..60 000<: 23.500 84.4%' - Travel 1,849 31300 2.188 3,700 ...:;: $.500 200 6.1%' Training&Schools 0 0. 0 3,000 0< 0 N/A _- er Tuition Reimbursement 4,709 6,000 5,198 8,000 8,000; 0 0.0% Advertising 23,136 16,500 20,244 17,000 17,000: . .._500. .._. 3.0% Repairs&Maintenance 148 2,325 1,897 2,850 .2,650: 325 14.0% 2)Miscellaneous 19,630 18,075 15,829 26,950 19,800 3,525 21.9% P y _ 0 0- ...0 _.....8,000 4,000', _ .4.000 WA srr Capital Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0: 0 WA TOTAL,EXPENDITURES 348,902: 317.372 419,590 410;503 472.453:1, $5.081 17.4 ...__.....:...............--.... 1990 1991'< 1991 7992 1892 $Change 95`Change' „ < „': item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted er+ 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 41.19 Psych/Polygr Exame/Uniform 9,552 7,500 6,305 7.500 fi,500 0 0.0% 41.20 Entr/Promotional Exame/Uniform 4,132 5,000 4,126 12.000 12,000` 7.000 140.0% _... _ _ ._ .. 41.21 Physical Exams/New Uniform 8,850 7,000 6,610 7,000 7,000' 0 0.0% sw .41.73 Fre Physical Ability Test 0 0 0 0 ' 8,600.. 6,500 WA . ... 41.49 Labor&Personnel Consultants 13,404 5,000 4,438 20,000 15,000:' 10,000 200.0% Program 0 0 - 0. 12,000 01 _ 0. N/A 41.69 Employee Health/Wellness ---<- 41.97 Classification Study 30,320 Carryover 8,730 0 0 0 N/A rrr _ . 41.123 Employee Training/Development 11,667 12,000 10,523 25,000 12,000' 0 0.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 77,925 36,500 40,732 83,500 80,000` 23,500 64.4% 2) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.12 Memberships d,Registrations 3,243 3,000 3,918 3,300 (270) -9.0% _ _. .. 49.16 Publications 2,605 1,075 1,891 2,150 1.. 1. 875 81.4% 49.56 Central Safety Committee 3,066 0 0 6,000 __.. 41.62 Employee Recognition Program 0 0 0 2,500 2,500,: 2,500 WA 49.70 Employee Assistance Program 10,716 12,000 10,020 13,000 12,420` 420 3.5% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 19,630 16,0751 15,629 26,950 19,600 3,525 21.9 err 82 in CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET City Publications Graphic services are provided by the Executive Administration office (Community Relations), in an effort to produce publications that will enhance the City's image,by creating consistently high quality printed materials with good visual impact. Graphic services provides City departments with consultation, publication design, typesetting, word processing/desktop publishing,and layout/pasteup. Samples of newsletters produced regularly by various City departments are pictured below and described as follows: The Renton Report is an official City of Renton publication rn i� "?�"_ ' " .-•� intended to establish and enhance communication between City government and the Renton business and residential community. The goal is to inform of current issues,answer questions, and provide a forum where citizens can be �g4 recognized for outstanding service. The Report is published quarterly, and over 25,000 copies are mailed to businesses and citizens. The Mill Avenue Messenger is the City of Renton employee newsletter. it is designed to enhance communications and lift morale of City employees. _ The goal is to inform employees of personnel changes,announce honors,awards, h fTAt SNrTP tth'lf+tzA'CLAtEi'T up-coming events, and provide information on programs of - interest. it may educate by providing computer information or data to help make a person's job easier and more efficient. Information on health benefits and safety topics is also featured. it may also entertain through cartoons,anecdotes, etc. About 500 copies of the newsletter are distributed on a t-; bi-monthly basis,to all City of Renton Employees. Vital Signs, featuring information from the Stay Well lj o Awareness Program (SWAP),has been incorporated into the Mill Avenue Messenger. The wellness program provides tips ..+.+. ," on staying healthy,information on using health care services more wisely,and articles on fitness and wellness programs. �--� A(SWAP) Announcement, is a periodic flyer used to notify b . -- employees of speck health and wellness programs scheduled throughout the year. Renton Senior Center Newsletter is a monthly newsletter directed to the senior populations in the Renton area. The 16-page newsletter is a complete listing of special events, classes,up-ooming activities,trips and tours, and all special programs of the Senior Center. The publication also lists the all daily luncheon menus,as well as nutrition tips. Nearly 2,000 of the newsletters are distributed each month. The Special Populations Program Bulletin lists classes and activities scheduled through the Special Populations Program of the Parks and Recreation Department. it carries information on Special Olympics events,and Teen and Young Adult activities for the developmentally disabled. Nearly 1,000 of the newsletters are published each Winter,Spring,Summer and Fall quarter. Speed's Memo is a bi-weekly bulletin originating in the Mayor's office. it is specifically designed to inform City Council members and City staff administrators of up-to-the-minute issues which may be brought before Council for action. Departments use this communications tool to notify Council of departmental concerns and actions. The Parks and Recreation Department Quarterly Program Book lists leisure time programs,special activities,and a broad will range of classes of interest to all ages. 15,000 copies of the program book are distributed in the community. 83 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Administrative Services Dan Clements Administrator �r 32.5 Total FTE Cindy Kartes Finance Assistant • W Finance [::5.51 Clerk Data Processing 20.0 FTE FTE 5.0 FTE +sir Budgeting/Ac counting Records Services Phil Jewett Iwen Wang Marilyn Petersen Information Systems Accounting&Budget City Clerk Director Director Nancy Mills Programmer Analyst 11 Marie Mosley Deputy City Clerk Eric Iverson Fund Accounting 1111111 Supervisor Dan Enslow ' Microfilm/Printing Rick Schwarz Joan Pringle Services Clerk Programmer Analyst I Budget Analyst 1.0 FTE rr Jim Block OffiAccounting Tech Margie Doohan �Asst 111 Linda Dixon Maryi Mar 1.5 FTE Arlene Workman Accounting Tech Accounting Clerk 4.0 FTE Printing Services Debbie Willard Reprographics Tech +rr Utility Billing Paula Henderson Information Desk Utility Accounting Supervisor Volunteers 9 Elloyce Sumpter rr Cust Sery Rep II Enola Christian Accounting Tech 4111111 Customer Sent Rep 1 3.0 FTE Water Meter Reader 3.0 FTE res 84 lid CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Administrative Services--All Divisions An overview of Administrative Services Divisions is provided below. 11W -Finance-Provides management of the City's financial affairs,and includes budgeting,accounting,and utility billing. This division also has responsibility for business and animal licensing. -City Clerk-Activities are legislative support,City-wide records management,voter registration,and printing and microfilming services. -Data Processing-Maintains central computer systems to support City-wide activities. -Miscellaneous Services(Non-Departmental)-Provides for miscellaneous general governmental fund expenses, reserves,General Fund reimbursements for services(expenditure credits),and transfers-out. These are primarily items that are not classifiable in other department budgets. -Limited General Obligation Bonds-Provides for Council-voted general obligation debt requirements. rli -Risk Management(Non-Departmental)-Administration of the City's Self-Insurance program,including property and liability,and the employee benefit program. 117 GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE-The 1992 Administrative Services Department budget (all divisions)is up$1.2 million or 19.7%over 1991 adopted figures(including expenditure credits). The majority of the increase is in the Risk Management and Miscellaneous Services programs, including a $692,000 increase in the Insurance Fund and $360,000 In Miscellaneous Services, which accounts for almost$1.1 million of the increase. An explanation of budget changes is provided in each division section. NEW PROGRAMS APPROVED: Miscellaneous Services-Classification/Compensation Study:Reserve to implement the study for General Governmental Funds;$225,000,less salary adjustment for Non-Union Personnel-$54,000,a net increase of$171,000. to Miscellaneous Services-New Suburban Cities Assessment:$20,310. There are no new programs in Finance,City Clerk,and Data Processing Divisions. NEW PROGRAM REQUESTS NOT FUNDED: City Clerk: Additional Records Services and Printing Services Support- Increase half-time Office Assistant to full- time $19,678 (would replace half-time position cut in the 1990 mid-year budget reduction). Add full time Printing Services Assistant to assist Reprographics Technician with increased production $15,221. (Microfilm Clerk has been 7 diverted to working half-time in the print shop since 1989). Total Cost$34,899. Data Processing: Central Computer Support Program to provide prompt and cost-effective support to over 200 personal computer users. This program would provide the City with a consistent and organized approach to personal computer functions; timely response to user requests for assistance; up-to-date training and technical support; plus coordination in the use and management of personal computers throughout City departments. Cost: Personal Computer Specialist position salary and benefits$44,611,computer$5,000,furniture and supplies$2,000,total$51,611. SO 85 ..r CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS +r. Administrative Services-All Divisions ' Person Responsible Dan Clements,Administrative Services Administrator, e>rr 1990 1991 1991 7992 1992 S C e %Change -- - ttem Actual Adopted ActualRequest Budget 91 Adopted SITION ALLOCATIONS: 91 Adopted Grade Title _ _. Old/New _ ..__Old/Now 22/43 Administrative Sery Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 L0 0.0 0.0% 16/33 Deputy Fin Dir/Acct 3 Budgeting Dir 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0%' 12/26 Data Proc Supvr/Informs Sys Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0% 11/21 Budget Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:4 0.0 0.0% 11/26 Cit Clerk ' _. City _ _ _ 1.0 1.0 1.0 _ 1.0 110 - 0.0 0.0% _._ 9/25 .Fund Accounting Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ..0 ......... 0.0 0.0%' _ __ . 9/23 Utility Accounting Supervisor 1.0 _ 1.0_ _ 1.0 _ 1.0 _ 1.0 0.0 0.0%. 9/20 Prog Analyst/Programmer Analyst 11 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 1.0 1.0 N/A..0 _. 9/18 Progr Analyst1./Programmer Analyst l 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 (1.0) -33.3% . .. .. _ .... .. _.... ._ 1 - 7/15 Deputy City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0%' _. ow 5/9 Admin Secretary/Finance Assistant 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% _. _ 5/10 Accounting Technician(Fund) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.02.0 0.0 0.0% 5/10 Accounting Technician(Utility) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.011 1n 0.0 0.0% 5/10 Data Processing Opr/Accounting Tech 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% . . 5/10 Buyer/Accounting Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 D 0.0 0.0% _ _... 5/9 Printing Sv Tech/Reprographics Tech 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1A:, 0.0 0.0% _. ! _.. 5110 Customer Sv Rep/Customer Sv Rep 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10 :Payroll Clerk/Accounting Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%' _.: 3/5 Admin Clerk IIUACcounting Clerk 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 411 (3.0) -42.9% 3/5 :Admin Clerk Ill/Customer Sv Rep 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0.: 3.0 N/A 3/5 Meter Readers 3.0 3.0 3.0 3 0 3 4 0.0 0.0% _... _ .. 2/3 Microfilm Clerk/Microfilm-Printing 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1.0 0.0 0.0% Services Clerk _.. . .............. 2/5 Admin Clerk II/Office Asst 111 2.0 1.5 .... 1.61 5 15 ...........0.0 0.0% 70TAL STAFFING 32.5 0,4 0: TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 rrI TOTAL STAFFING 33.2 32.6 32.6 32.62. 0.0 0.0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 965,001 1,047,303 1,077,284 1,251,982 1:422,9821 375,679 35.9% Part Time Salaries 3.204 2,800 2,800 2.955 2,955; 155 5.5% Overtime 10,047 5,000 3,707 2,500 2500 (2.500) -50.0% _.... .. Personnel Benefits 2,137,791 1,907,119 2,748,552 2,483,477 2.46314 556,358 29.2% Supplies 126,931 124,800 116,866 126,488 126,486'> 1,868 1.5% _. Professional Services 267,332 258,650 259,636 256,800 258,800` (2,050) -0.8% Postage/Telephone/Other 85,551 93,400 95,418 94,250 94,250 850 0.9% _ ....._ .Travel 6,133 7,200 7,770 6,700 8 900: (300) -4.2% _ _. __. Training&Schools 0 0 0 6,000 .4,5001: 50 4. 0 N/A Meal Allowance/Informa Desk Volunteers 2,505 2,800 2,310 2,600 2,600: .......... 0 -- ...0.0% _._. Computer Training 6,334 8,000 7,235 20,000 1010002,000 25.0% Freight Charges 546 0 28 0 0'I 0 N/A Advertising 6,144 10,500 6,996 10,000 10 000 (500) -4.8% I Rentals and Leases _._49,598 30,084 29,941 29,951 29,951`. (133) -0.4%' Equipment Rental 19,212 10,308 9,558 20,(M 20,084 056 94.6% Insurance 1,235,234 1,133,270 1,446,703 1,330,700 1,33o,700> 197,430 17.4%' Repairs S Maintenance 79,464 95,070 92,427 104,876 >104,878 9,808 10.3% 4r• Miscellaneous_ 92,345 116,047 107,643 116,164 :1132,474 16,427 14.2% Intergovernmental Services 554,026 68,192 43,521 58,884 38,718 (9,478) 13.9%' Capital Outlay 97,863 11,500 24,583 48,500 23,500`: 12,000 104.3% Debt Service 1,269,9871. 1,291,596 1,282,383 1,217,548 1;279 339P (12,257) 0.9% r Transfers to Other Funds 372,000 364,715 864,715 664,715 664,715 300,000 82.3% Interfund Payments 43,406 46,489 46,212 49,19349,193 2,704 5.8%' SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,430,654 6,634,443 8,074,376 7,880,125 8,096,758' 1,462,315 22.0 Expenditure Credits (571,424) (644,537) (624,902) (675,246) (925,246) (280,709) 43.6% It :: TOTAL EXPENDITURESr 6,859,230 5,989;908 7:449,474 1 7,204,879 7;771,512': 14181,808 e.:.:19-7 1111 88 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL PSIS Fund., 000 General Dept., Administrative Services Div., 004 Finance(BudgetinglAccounting& Utility Billing) 1111 OBJECTIVE: To optimize the City of Renton's economic resources while complying with applicable Federal,State,and Local Statutes. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Budgeting and Accounting-(Staff of 13.0 FTE.) Prepares and monitors budgetary information for all City funds and departments,and assists the Mayor and Council in financial planning and budgeting. Other activities include accounts payable which issues about 10,000 checks in 23 runs,at an average of$1.5 million per run;the accounts receivable function; payroll which processes close to 10,000 checks annually; the license operation which processes approximately 2,700 business licenses on a quarterly basis, and about 3,000 animal licenses annually; and the cash management program, risk management program,and local improvement district (LID) billings. Utility Billing - (Staff of 9.1 FTE.) Provides proprietary fund accounting for Water/Sewer/Storm Utility, Solid Waste Utility, Airport, Golf Course, Equipment Rental, and Insurance Funds. The division processes over 13,000 utility bills monthly, collects meter information on about 6,200 meters per month,and provides customer services. 1992 WORK PLAN: - -Aggressive collection of unpaid utility accounts and miscellaneous accounts receivable. -Emphasis on sales tax auditing. ad •Conduct rate analysis for all utilities. -Audit per capita business license hours reported against State Labor and Industries reports. Participate in evaluation and selection of new central computer information system. 40ii 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Continued City-wide training for on-line access information awareness program. -Revised method of monitoring,reporting,and analyzing insurance losses. -Prepared request for proposal (RFP)and bid banking services. -Coordinated with Data Processing in refining budgeting and accounting programs. -Established internal audit programs for various cash receipting and disbursements. -Implemented full size utility bill showing comparison of usage, which will allow more messages and inserts. - Installed a drop box for utility payments. - Produced quarterly financial reports to Council and departments;major changes completed. -Efforts to improve the 1992 budget process. BUDGET CHANGES: Budgeting and Accounting's 1992 budget is $690,848 or 10.9% more than the 1991 adopted appropriations.The Utility Billing 1992 budget totals$481,074,4.2%over 1991 adopted appropriations. The Utility Billing budget is reimbursed 100%from other funds(see expenditure credits). The total 1992 program cost is$1,171,922. Salaries and Benefits-In 1991 the Administrative Secretary position was not filled until March as an economy measure. 1992 includes step increases for 10 of 22 positions;$2,400 for the$20/month longevity increase;and the cost-of-living adjustment. Benefits reflect the rate increases for retirement and medical/dental. Professional Services-(See item 1 on the next page,for a breakdown.) Overall decrease of$26,000 due to charging a pro rata portion of the annual audit costs to Utility Billing,and printing utility bill statements in-house,rather than externally as originally proposed. Postage-Decrease is change from first class presort to carrier presort,and adding 4-digit zip code for utility billings. Travel-Decreased$1,000. Will provide for attendance for two at a national conference (GFOA),and staff attendance at state/local conferences and meetings;Budgeting and Accounting$3,500,and Utility Billing$1,500. Training and Schools-New account. $2,000 for Budgeting and Accounting,and$2,500 for Utility Billing;includes CPE for Utility Accounting Supervisor and emphasis on other specialized staff training. =' Advertising-LID bond calls. $500 eliminated,to be charged to LID account. Rentals and Leases-Postage meter,small copier for Accounts Payable,and an increase for Utility Billing lock box rental. Equipment Rental-Increased for replacement of 1986 sedan with a used vehicle for the meter readers. Capital Outlay-Printer/Utility Billing$2,000,and a higher speed printer/Budgeting and Accounting$3,000. Total$5,000. Expenditure Credits-Reimbursements for utility billing and proprietary fund accounting provided by Utility Billing to other funds$481,074. 87 yrr CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Administrative ServiceslFinance(Budgeting/Account�ng, Ul/lity B�ll�ngj Person Responsible: Iwen Wang,Accounting i& Budget'hector ow 1980 1691 1991 '1992 1992 Change %Change. . .......:;. ttem Actual Adopted :Actual Re -...Budget. quest get .91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: ..... .... _. __ Grade Title Old/New Old/New 22/43 Administrative Sery Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.fl 0.0 0.0% ..: _ ... .._. ___._ 16/33 Deputy Rn Dir/Acct&Budgeting Dir 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1sG 0.0 0.0% 11/21 'Budget Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .10! 0.0 0.0% 9/25 Fund Accounting Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% 9/23 Utility Accounting Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 a0 0.0 0.0% 5/9 Admin Secretary/Finance Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%' 5/10 Accounting Technician 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3 G 0.0 0.0% ...... _ __ ....... __......_ _. 5/10 Customer Sv Rep/Customer Sery Rep II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% 5/10 Buyer/Accounting Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0i;0 0.0 0.0% 4/10 Payroll Clerk/Accounting Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 315 Admin Clerk 111/Accounting Clerk 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 (3.0) 42.9% _ _. 3/5 Admin Clerk 111/Customer Sv Rep 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3;0. 3.0 N/A ... ................... ill! 3/5 Water Meter Readers 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3:0.:: 0.0 0.0% TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 fl.0 Oi TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 .0.1 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 22.2 22.1 22.1 22.122:1; 0.0 0.0 rile _ ....... BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 627,215 688,170 700,054 772,718 772,71$: 74,548 10.7% Part Time Salaries 3,204 2,800 2,800 2,955 2;655 155 5.5%: Overtime 4.174 3,000 872 1 500 1500 (1,500) .... -50.0%. Personnel Benefits 179,347 189,448 188,755 226,711 228 t>1 37,263 19.7% Supplies 27,723 27,800 22,296 28000 28,000: 200 0.7% __. ... ......... ._....... ._........._.....__ _...__..__.... _...... ........: 1)Professional Services 55,588 77,500 58,004 51 500 51,500;: (26,000) -33.5% Pgstagelfelephone/Other 38,811 44,500 42,833 42250 42,250::; (2,250) -5.1% _ ._ _._....._. ....__._ ........:: ..... .....:..:. ... ..... . ..... Travel 5,443 6,000 5,019 5,000 5,000::: (1,000) -16.7% __.... _.. . _....._... Training&Schools 0 0 0 4,500 4.500: 4,500 N/A Advertising 0 _ 500. 0 00 (500) -100.0%. air Rentals and Leases 3,196 2,540 3,512 3.370 3,370.;: 830 32.7% Equipment Rental 14,352 7,358 6,806 WWI .16,368` 9,012 122.5% _. _ _ ......................... .. ............. ...... Repairs&Maintenance 1,804 2,500 1,960 2,500 .2,500: 0 0.0% 2)Miscellaneous 12.058 11.250 9,208 __... 9,550 ::4.56D.: (1,700) -15.1%. _.._.. _ .. __.... . ........._ ..1 ...... ........_._...0 _... _ ..... __......... Capital Outlay 18,023 11,500 21,172 5,000 5;000': (8,500) -56.5% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 990,738 1,084,864 1,061,0891 1,171,922 1,171,922 87,058 8.0 Expenditure Credits (398,937) (461,702) (442,072) (481,074) (481,074), (19,372) 4.2% TOTAL EXPENDITURES.. 591,769 823,162 819,017 690,848 890,848 87,886 10;9 _ rrsli __.. _......__ ................ 1990 1961 1991 1992 1992 S Change 4b Change` asr item Actual Adopted Actual Request " Budget 91 Adopted 81 Adopted 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 41.13 Annual City Audit 33,076 35,000 30,130 31,200 31,200 (3,800) -10.9% 41.33 Utility Bill Processing 22,510 38,700 22,527 16,500 18.500 (22,200) -57.4%' 41.56 Utility Audit 0 3,800 3,347 3,800 3,800 0 0.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 55,586 77,500 56,004 51,500 51;600` (26,000) 2) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.12 Memberships&Registrations 5,146 5,000 4,115 2.000 2,000 (3,000) -60.0% 49.16 Publications 2,010 750 2,357 2,050 21050 1,300 173.3%' 49.43 Utility Bill Collection Fees 4,902 4,500 2,7344,500 4;500'; 0 0.0% 49.86 Other Misc/Utility Billing 0 1,000 0. 1,000 1,000: 0 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 12,058 1 11,250 1 9.2061 9,550 61550 (1,700) -15.1% rw 88 CITY OF RENTON 1992,BUDGET ANALYSIS fund .0 [3eneral " Dept::::A dministrati veServices Div. .04Glty Clerk OBJECTIVE-The City Clerk's objectives are to provide legislative support; City-wide records management, printing, and microfilm services;voter registration and election information;and to oversee the City Hall lobby information desk volunteer program. PROGRAM ACTIVITY-Legislative support includes preparing the Council agenda, posting and legal publication of public hearing notices, providing staff support at Council meetings, preparing Council meeting minutes, index, and meeting calendar; preparing and distributing referrals to Council committees and staff, initiating correspondence advising Council action,and ensuring that all legal requirements are met. The City Clerk's office also administers procedures for annexations, local improvement districts, street vacations, release of easements, land use appeals, claims for damage, bid openings, contract execution and compliance with bid laws, ordinances and resolutions, etc. Staff serves as City-wide records managers,assuring updated file maintenance in the records center;and records legal documents with proper county offices, implements retention and destruction schedules,and updates the records index. Voter registration and election Information services are provided to elected officials and the public by staff. The microfilm program converts documents onto film or fiche to retain and retrieve permanent records; and oper#tes the character generator, the government access television channel. The print shop provides central copying services; prints a variety of City forms and publications, letterhead, envelopes,and business cards,providing two-color press capabilities; and administers central paper and envelope supply. The City Hall lobby information desk is staffed by nine senior volunteers who receive a meal allowance of$5.00 per shift. 1992 WORK PLAN-Convert land use files to microfiche for use by staff and the public. Standardize paper size and convert files to letter size City-wide. Refine and standardize electronic records index. Continue training programs to apprise City staff of agenda process,contract execution process,Renton Municipal Code,and Council minute index. Provide responsive service to staff and the public. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS-Completed audit of two off-site storage facilities,established cross-reference log for off-site records, authorized destruction of over 200 boxes of obsolete records. Developed training manual for Council agenda process and conducted training classes for City staff. Devised damage claim incident reporting form to replace six existing forms in use by City staff. Instituted voter registration and absentee ballot campaign,holding weekend registrations at local food centers throughout the summer. BUDGET CHANGES: The City Clerk's 1992 budget is up$4,767 or 6.9%over 1991 adopted appropriations. Supplies - Provides for the Clerk's operating supplies $3,366; Microfilm Supplies $5,100; small microfilm and other equipment replacement$1,500;and printing supplies$48,500;total$58,466,an overall 2.9%increase. Professional Services-For microfilming contract, increased$2,000 to fund filming of land use maps by outside vendor to complete conversion of land use files to microfilm. Training&Schools-Requested$1,500 for staff computer training;Item cut,will use Data Processing training resources. Repairs&Maintenance-0ty Clerk: Increase for inflation(copy machine increased$500),and fax machine repairs;total City 8 Clerk's allocation $4,876, increase of $1,376. Printing: 4% increase for equipment maintenance agreement. In 1991, 3 months maintenance was free on the large central copier,a savings of about$5,100;total Print Shop$30,500. Total Repairs and Maintenance$35,376. Miscellaneous-(See list at bottom of next page.) Includes annual WMCA dues and conference for Clerk and Deputy,ARMA, IIMC dues and conference. Codifications-decrease as estimated by codifier. Intergovernmental Services-For election expense and voter registration costs,decrease of$10,000 per King County. Capital Outlay-City Clerk:Requested one PC with WinWord software,and one laser printer,$4,000. Two Office Assistants and one Microfilm Clerk are currently sharing a single PC;five employees are sharing one laser printer. Efficiency and cost- effectiveness would be improved if employees had access to required equipment. Printer is funded$2,000; (1)286 PC will be transferred from another area to the Clerk's office. Print Shop: Numbering machine (one-time cost$2,000) to print receipt books to eliminate annual cost of$2,000 for outside printing. $2,000 allowed. 89 ao ar ........................ CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ....... .... ..: . . INNAdm/n/strat�ve Serv�ceslC�ty Cierk Person Responsible Marlyn Petersen, City Clerk 1990 1981 1991 1992 1992 Change %Change Item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: air Grade Title _ _ - Old/New Old/New 11/26 :City Clerk 1.0 1.01 0 1.0 _f.0 0.0 0.0% _._.... ..._ .... 7/15 Deputy City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 5/9 Printing Sv Tech/Reprographics Tech 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 lA 0.0 0.0% 2/5 Admin Clerk 11/Office Asst Ill2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 7�s 0.0 0.0% __. _ (.5 added and cut in 1990) _ . (.5 cut in 1991) 213 Microfilm Clerk/Microfilm-Printing 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7A` 0.0 0.0% Services Clerk TOTAL STAFFING 6.0, 5.5 5.5`! 5.5 .5.5' 0.0 0:0 11111 _ BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: . Regular Salaries 167,564 165,364 172,492 177,458 177,458 12,094 7.3% Part Time Salaries 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 223 0 0: 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 49,048 41,929 41,237 49,568 49,568 7,639 18.2% __.... Supplies 57,605 56,800 52,802 58.466 58,468 1,666 2.9% _.. Professional Services 8,814 3,000 2,523 5,000 5,000`' 2,000 66.7%' Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 0: 0 N/A __.. Travel 505 1,200. 230 1.000 1,2Qp, 0 0.0% Training 3 Schools 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 N/A _. .. .__. Meal Allowance/Info Desk Volunteers 2,505 2,600 2,310 2,800 2,600 0 0.0% _ ......._ _._._.... `rr __.... Advertising 6,144 10,000 8,996 10,000 10,000 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 41,002 20,344 20,579 21,181 21,781 837 4.1% _.... _.__.....37 ... _.. - .1% Repairs 8 Maintenance 7,316 25,570 22,926 35,378 35,376': 9,806 38.3% 1)Miscellaneous 27,240 19,425 15,691 17,850 18,150 ir1 ...... _(1,275) ... -6.8% Intergovernmental Services 23 517 44,000 18,170 34,000 34 000' (10,000) Capital Outlay 43,134 0 0 6,000 4000; 4,000 N/A _. 0...... 0. 0 Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES', -434,403 390;232 356,179: 419,999 416,999 26,767 6.>7 7990 1991 1891 7992> 1992 $Change %Change tfem Actual AdoptedActual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 1) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.12 Memberships 6 Registrations 1,321 1,875 2,052 1,300 1,600' (275) 14.7% _. _. _.. 49.14 Legal rh Recording Fees 1,396 2,000 1,044 2,000 ?,000 0 0.0%' .. . 49.19 State Tax(Printing Services) 7,642 7,000 7,843 7,000 7,000 0 0.0% 49.16 Publications 115 150 87 150 150 0 0.0% 49.39 Codifications 16,381 8,000 4.213 7,000 7,000` (1,000) 12.5% 49.40 RCW Supplements 394 400 452 400 400 0 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 27,249 19,425 15,691 17,850 18150 (1,275) -6.8 11r 1111 4� 90 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Fund.' 000 General Dept Administrative Services Div. 004 Information Services OBJECTIVE: To provide centralized computer systems that support departmental functions and recordkeeping,and supply technical support services to all computer users in the City. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Develop and maintain central computer software and equipment to support the following department functions: utility billing;financial accounting for revenues,expenditures,and annual budget preparation;payroll preparation and reoordkeeping;personnel records; local improvement district(LID)and other billings; building permits and inspections;animal licenses;business licenses;police incidents,citations,jail operation,pawned items,and parking tickets; Planning/Building/Public Works water utility inventory control; map catalog; mailing lists; work order and job cost accounting;Parks maintenance inventory control;Fire Department work schedules;Fire Prevention business inspections and infractions; underground and aboveground tank permits; Renton Public Library catalogs for children's books and Pacific Northwest books; Renton real property database; City Clerk's records index; and Council committee referrals and actions. Support services include: ordering, setup and installation of personal computers; technical support for 200 personal computer users;central purchasing of computer supplies; repairs and maintenance of equipment;organize and coordinate on-site and local training classes. 1992 WORK PLAN: The Data Processing Division will prepare and issue an RFP for new central computers and core financial software packages with initial installation in 1992. These new computers will provide industry-standard flexibility and a wider range of available software packages for government agencies. The complete transition to the new computers is expected to take three to four years. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The division upgraded several older personal computers for departments. A new uninterruptable power supply and a new air conditioner for the computer room were purchased and installed. The division completed cross-training for critical systems(payroll and utility billing). BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Data Processing budget is up$43,743 or 12.6%over 1991 adopted appropriations,and is 11111111 $37,642 or 10.7% more than 1991 actual expenses. The major 1992 increase is the transfer of the central computer replacement account from the Multi-Department Capital Improvement Fund to the Data Processing budget. The 1992 budget request was cut by$31,000,in central computer training and capital outlay as explained below. Supplies-Central computer supply account. $40,000 no increase. Computer Training-Centralized budget for computer-related training for all departments. The 1992 request of$20,000 represents requests by departments and the increase in demand for training in the use of the new windows-type software. The account cut back to$10,000 for 1992. Repairs&Maintenance-Provides central repairs/maintenance services for the main computer system,and all other City computer equipment$67,000. No increase in cost is anticipated in 1992. Capital Outlav-$35,500 was requested for 1992,$21,000 was cut,leaving a balance of$14,500 to fund the following items as shown below: Item Amount so 2 ea Windows-capable PCs w/software $4,000 2 ea HP Laserjet printer w/memory 4,000 1 ea Gandalf data network card (16 ports) 2,500 r ei City-wide PC replacement fund 4,000 Total 1992 Capital Outlay $14,500 aW 91 do it ........ .. .. .. .......... ... ......... ..................... ........................... ...... CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS s Admrnrstrabve 5erviceSlinformation ms Person Responsible PhilJewett, lnformabon Systems Orrector 4890 1991 1991 1992 1992 S Change 96 Change ttem Actuat AdoP ted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: ___. _ __ Grade Title ...... Old/New Old/New 12/26 Data Proc Supvr/Informa Sys Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 0.0 0.0% 9/20 :Progr Analyst/Programmer Analyst If 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 N/A . _ 9/18 Progr Analyst/Programmer Analyst l 3.0__ 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 _. 5/10 Data Processing Opr/Accounting Tech 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7,0` 0.0 0.0% TOTAL rrn STAFFING 5.0 S 5.0 5.0: 0.0 0.0 __ BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 170,222 183,769 185,054 201,808201,808' 18,037 9.8% .. ,,00 _ _ Part Time Salaries 0 0 0. 0 O 0 N/A _.._ Overtime 5,435 0 2,468 1,000 1,000` 1,000 N/A _. Personnel Benefits 43,966 47,769 48,463 55,725 55,725 7,956 16.7% _ _._ Supplies 41,603 40,000 41,768 40,000 40,000 0 0.0% ..... Professional Services 12,858 0 0 0 0' 0 N/A ------------- Postage/Telsphone/Other 33 0 0 0 01' 0 N/A Travel _ 185. 0 _ .'68 0 ..... 0, 0 N/A Freight Charges 546 _ _ p _._ . 28 0 0.' 0 N/A irr Computer Training(City-Wide) 6,334 8,000 7,235 20,000 10000: 2,000 25.0% .. . Advertising 0 0 _ _ 0. __ 0 0, 0 N/A _ _ Rentals and Leases p 0 p 0 0 0 N/A __._ Egwpment Rental 0 0 0 0 00 N/A irfr Repairs 3 Maintenance 70,544 67,000 87,541 67,000 67,000: 0 0.0% _ _ _ _. Miscellaneous 237 150 64 400 400 250 166.7% _ _._ _ Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 .. 0 N/A - - P Y 0 __ 0 _ 0 35.500 74,5W:: 1a;� _.... N/A Capital Outlay ,:__.. err Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0: 0 N/A _ 0 0 0 O ... N/A Expenditure Credits TOTAL'EXPENDITURES' 351,983 346,888 352,789 421;431 390,431 13,743 12 arr +rr itrr ow rrrr 92 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Fund. 000 General „ Dept. Administrative Services „» .. Div. 1005 Non-Departmental{Miscellaneous Ser►nces}& Llm/ted'G O Bonds 1990 : ]891 1981::: 1992 j 1892'1 $Change %Change _.. - -- - ;EXPENDITURESUMMARY: Actual Adopted Actuaf Request Budge! Adopted Adopted Salaries: Reserve Class/Comp Study 0 0 0 0 171,000 171,000 N/A Retirement/Termination Payments 0 0 19,684 100,000 100,1)00 100,000 N/A Total Salaries 0 OS: 19;684 100,000: 271,000 271,000 fl/A Personnel Benefits: PERS Prior Service Liability 8,123 8,123 8,123 8,123 $123 0 0.0%. _._.. _.. ..._ _...... _.........__ Retirement 6 FICA/Term/Ballooning 0 0 14,553 0 In Salaries 0 N/A __.. .. ... - - Unemploymt Compensa/Paid to Ins Fund 21,850 21,850 21,850 21,850 21,$50: 0 0.0% Total Personnel Benefits 29,973 29,973 44;528 29,973 29,973 0 0: Postage/General:Governmental Funds. 46,707 48,800: 52;583 52000 52,000 _:3,100 8.3 Main Avenue PropertyRenta/ .5,400 7,200 5,850 5,400 5,400 11,800) -25. Equipmt Rental/Motor Pool Vehicle 4.860 i' 2,952 2;952 3,698 3,696 744 25.2 Liabilily/Property;JnsJPeid to Insurance Fund 531,434 463,270 463,270 495,700 !: 495,700 32,430 70 Miscellaneous: ............ .. Association of Washington . : _Cities/AWC 15,308 16,578 16,578 18,884 18,684 2,106 12.7%' _ (1992/.4345 x Pop.43,000) FICA Administrative Costs 465 600 393 800 800 0 0.0% _.._ _ Puget Sound Regional Council 11,544 11,810 2,951 12,000 12 000; 190 1.8% Administration of CATV Franchises 10,078 11,300 10,781 12,000 12,000 700 6.2% .._. .. _. _ _ _._._. . Miscellaneous State Tax 115 100 87 100 100 0 0.0% Seattle King County Economic Council Carryover 3,934 7,782 4,300 ! 0 (3.934) -100.0% (Est.1992/.10 x Pop.43,000) Govt Sumit Assessmt/Suburban Cities 0 0 2,828 0 20,310; 20,310 N/A _.._.. .. ....._ _..... .. ......... .._ ....... --:. _. ...__ Downtown Renton Association(DRA) 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0.0%: __....._ _......__ __.....__. _ _ _ __.._ ....... ._.._._ ..._......... ... _. ..................................... ._. ._..... ._ .. ......__ Property Tax/Drainage/Wetlands 308 400 418 430 A30: 30 7.5%I _._.............. .... _.. _ _ ........_. .._..__.: WA Korean War Veteran Memorial 0 0 1,250 0 0? 0 N/A 1986 Federal Withholding (18) 0 0 0 . 0 N/A Total Miscellaneous 37,800 84,722 83.066 48.11484,124 18,402 30. Intergovernmental Services: Seattle-King County Public Health 474,744 0 0 0 C 0 N/A _ ...... ._.......... ...._....__... __ ...._ _........_.. _. ......-.._.._......_ (See Human Services Budget) State Use Tax/Excise Tax Audit 32,635 0 0 0 _._....._..._ _...... 0'. 0 N/A Puget Sound Air Pollution Control 14,238 14,750 14,750 14,980 14,980 230 1.8%1 Alcohol Program/2%Liquor Rev 1488,760 8,892 8,442 10,601 7,904 91738' 294 3.1%j Tota/Intergovernmental Services530,509 241192 25,351 `22,884 2x,718 E24 8.2 LID 3021314 Principal Interest 79,676 75,586 75;696 71,517 71,517 <(4,079) -5,4 Transfers to Other Funds: .. .. -.1-1-1. ... ._ _ .. .. .1. 11 . _........ _ .. _.... ..........- ......... ... ....... .......... Trf-Out to Insurance Fund 0 0 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 N/A Trf-Out to Golf Course/Debt Service 372,000 364,715 36 4,71 5 364,715 364,715 0 0.0% Tofal:Tianslere-0ut 372,000 311x,715'. 464;716 864,716 664 715 300,000 82:3 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,638,359 1,081,520 1,417,593 1,513,999 1,702;841' 621,321 57.4 General Fund Expenditure Credits/Reimbursements for Services: From Equipment Rental Fund (5,412) (5,737) (5,737) (6,093) (8,093) (356) 6.2%' _. ... _... _ __. __... ._ .... . ...._... .. ...... From Airport Fund (3,646) __. (31865) (3,860) (4,105) (24 106)' (20,240) 523.7%' From Firemen's Pension Fund (2,155) (2,284) (2,284 (2,426) j 12.426) (142) 8:2% t From Solid Waste Utility (7,840) (8,310) (8,310) (8,825) (80;825) (52,515) 631.9% _... _ .. _ _.._.. __.. _.. .__..._. ...__.. . .. .................. __.. From Water/Sewer/Storm Utility (110,038) (116,640) (116,640) (123,872) (301;872) (185,232) 158.8% From Golf Course Fund (3,971) (4 208) (4,208) (4 489) --------------- .(4.,N9) „ (261) 6.2% From Insurance Fund (39,425) (41,791) (41,791) (44,382) (44,382) (2,591) 8.2% ila Total General Fund Expenditure Credits (172,487) {182,835): {182;830) (194,172) ; (444,172) (261.337)j:::::::::142. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 'I 1,465,872 898,685';' 1,234,763 1;319,827 1;258;669 359,984 40.1 ad 93 td CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS w Administrative Services/Non Departmental(Mrsceiianeous Services]&Limited G O Bonds Person Responsible Dan Clements,Administrative Serwoes Administrator r Non-Departmental(Miscellaneous Services) 1990 1991 1991 #992 1992 S Change 9b Change ,... to it Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget` 91 1ldopted 91 Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Retirement/Termination Payments 0 0 19,684 100 000 100,000 100,000 N/A _. _ . Reserve Class/Comp Study 0 0 0 0 :> 171,000 171,000 N/A Part Time Salaries _ 0 0 0 ...0 - N/A Overtime 0 _ 0- 0 0 110:: 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 29,973 29,973 44,526 29,973 29,873 0 0.0% Supplies r» Professional Services. 0 0 0 0 0.' 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 46,707 48,900 52,583 52,000 52,000 3,100 6.3% Travel 0 0 0 ... 0 0 N/A Advertising _ 0 0 0 .... 01. 0: 0. _.. N/A _. Y1ti Rentals and Leases 5,400 7,200 5,850 5,400 r: 51400 (1,800) -25.0% Equipment Rental 4,860 2,952 2,952 3,698 ` 3;698 744 25.2% Insurance 531,434 463,270 463,270 495,700 495,700 32,430 7.0% Public Utility Services 0 _._ _.0 0 0 0 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 0 0 0 0 .' 0 0 N/A Miscellaneous 37,800 64,722 63,088 N,1 1494,124: 19,402 30.0% .. Intergovernmental Services 530.509 24,192 25,351 22 884 . 24,718_ 524 2.2% - .. Capital Outlay 0 0 ...._ 0 _ _. 0 00 N/A _.... ........_ .__.......... to Debt Service 79,678 75,596 75,598 71 517 ]1,517:: (4,079) -5.4% 66 Transfers to Other Funds 372,000 364,715 4,715 664,715 86+[,335; 300,000 82.3% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,638,359 1,081,520 1,417,593 1,513999 ::;1,702,841.:; 621,321 57.4 Expenditure Credits (172,487) (182,835) (182,830) (194,172) :.:.4444.11M: (261,337) 142.9%' TOTAL EXPENDITiJRES 1,465,872 $98,885 1,234.763 1,319,827 1,25$;869 359.984 40,7 :._........ ....... __ __......_... Limited General Obligation Bonds 1990 1891 „ 1981 3x92 1982 . ;i Change %Change ElamActusi Adopted Actual fiegaest ;Budget; 91 AAOptedt Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Debt Service: Principal 560,879 641,843 634,388 623,440 666,481 24,838 .... .......3.8%' Interest 588,932 574 157 572,399 522 591 541 ,341 (32,818) -5.7% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,149,837 1,218,000 3,206,787 1 1d6 031 1,207;822 ]$,178) r0.7 OBJECTIVE: To account for miscellaneous and mandatory expenses not classifiable in other department budgets, and to ,ar administer limited general obligation debt. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGES: The Miscellaneous Services budget will increase $621,321 or 57.4% over 1991 adopted sir appropriations,excluding expenditure credits. The major increases are: $171,000 to implement the Class/Comp study($225,000 less$54,000 which is the estmated savings from the non-union salary adjustment);$100,000 for a retirement/termination payment reserve, added in the 1991 budget adjustment; $32,430 (7%) increase in general governmental fund liability/property insurance No premiums; $20,310 for a new Suburban Cities assessment; and a $300,000 transfer to the Insurance Fund. The assessment for Seattle-IGng County Economic Council was not approved. The increase in expenditure credits(reimbursements from other funds)is an adjustment in indirect costs charged to the proprietary funds by the General Fund. VW The 1992 limited (voter-approved)general obligation (G.O.)bond expenditures show some decrease from the 11991 adopted level, and are almost equal to 1991 actual expenses. The 1984 equipment bonds and the IGng County real estate contract were fully redeemed in 1991,and$61,791 principal and interest was added in 1992 for computer equipment financing. The debt requirement irr for 1992 vehicle replacements and additions is budgeted in the Equipment Rental Fund, along with prior year equipment issues, and limited G.O.debt for golf course acquisition and development is accounted for in the Golf Course Fund. 84 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS fund: OOO.General Dept Administrative Services Div ;DOS Non-1Departmental--Risk Management OBJECTIVE: To protect the City from catastrophic losses,analyze loss records and provide recommendations to reduce the frequency and severity of losses,and develop financial and ooverage plans that insure the City receives the most coverage for the dollar spent. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: The City's self-insurance programs include: property,liability,medical,dental,worker's compensation, and unemployment compensation. The risk management program is accounted for in the Insurance Fund. The Administrative Services Department is responsible for the property/liability programs and overall integrity of the risk retention and excess coverage levels,while the Personnel Department coordinates and administers the employee benefit programs. Administrative Services published a 1991 Risk Management Report in early March 1992, which analyzed claims activity and presented IIS recommendations. The City began a comprehensive program of self-insurance in 1984,when the City modified its approach to risk management. Major risk retention in the areas of liability, property, unemployment compensation, and worker's compensation exposures were self-insured through a protected program. The City became self-insured for health care in 1985, and in 1988 a dental plan was implemented. The Insurance Fund charges City departments to finance their risk,based on claims history and cost of excess insurance coverages, using the moving average method. The following table provides risk retention and excess coverage levels for each program in 1992. City of Renton 1992 Risk Retention and Coverage Summary ftisir RetentionRisk Sha�)np, e> Type of Coverage Occurrence Aggregate Clalrns Adm Coverage Carrier _. Property $250,000 N/A Gallagher $65,000,000 Lloyd's,Firemen's Fund Liability 250,000 N/A Gallagher 6,000 000 Chubb,Lloyds,Int'I Surplus Public Officials 25,000 N/A Gallagher 1,000,000 National Union Worker's Compensation 175,000 400,000 Gallagher 2,000 000 Safety Mutual Employee Health 80,000 N/A HMA,Inc. N/A Safeco ANTIRECESSION(RAINY DAY) RESERVE: In addition to regular insurance activity,the City attempts to maintain a reserve equal to 8% of General Governmental expenditures (exclusive of ending balances, one-time transfers and grants), as a protection against economic downturns. A$500,000 insurance reserve required by the exoess carrier for risk retained by the City,was formerly maintained in addition to the 8%rainy day fund. As a result of a 1992 contract amendment,the reserve is no longer required. The negative fund balance shown in the table at the bottom of page 96,indicates a shortage in the rainy day reserve. The total fund balance declined by$585,000 in 1991,the result of higher than expected levels of medical,dental, and worker's compensation costs, and several liability claims settled in 1991. A two-prong approach has been adopted to rebuild the fund balance: 1.)Increase 1992 medical and dental insurance premiums by 25%,and liability/property insurance by 7%. A similar increase will also be charged in 1993 for medical and dental,and we will re-evaluate property/liability and worker's compensation programs in 1992;2.)Operating transfers totaling$600,000 from the General Fund,$300,000 in 1991 and another$300,000 in 1992. EXPENDITURE CHANGES: The major causes for health care increases are: In 1989 and 1990,the City went through a higher than normal vacancy level and as positions were filled in the later part of 1990 and 1991,the impact started to show on actual benefit claims cost. Personnel Benefits-31%increase in 1992 benefit programs include: 32%in medical claims,22%in dental claims,63%in worker's compensation,and 4.7%in unemployment compensation. Professional Services-An average of 12.3%increase includes: 10.5%for worker's oompensation managed through Gallagher, 24%for health care management,and a reduction in the health and wellness program. Insurance-Increase reflects claims history in past years. 1991 actual expenses included major claims such as Springbrook and Mt.Olivet. Interfund Payments-Payment to the General Fund for accounting services,and administration of the programs. 95 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS r Adminlstrative ServiceslRisk Management Person Responslble Dan Clements,:AdmiNstrati Services Admrn/strator `1990 1981 1991 7992 1992 S Changs %:Change ....... item Actual Adopted Actual iiequest , Budget 9LAdopted 9f Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: rre Regular Salaries 0 0 00 0 0 N/A Part Time Salaries 0 _0...._.. 0 0 0 0 N/A Overtime 438 2,000 234 0 0 (2.000) 100.0%' _ 1)Personnel Benefits 1,835 457 1,598,000 2,423,571 2,101,5002,101,600 503,500 31.5% sr• 2)Professional Services190,074 178,150 201,109 200,100 200,700 21,950 12.3% Travel/Trainin 9 0 0 2,353 700 700 _. 700 _ N/A 3)Insurance 703,800 870,000 983,433 835,000 835,000 185,000 24.8%' 4)Miscellaneous 15,001 20,500 19,616 20,250 20,250< (250) -1.2% Capital Outlay 36,706 0 3,411 00:. 0 N/A Debt Service _ 40,500 0 0 0 0,.....__. 0 _ N/^_ Interfund Payments 43,406 46,489 46,212 49,193 49,193 2,704 5.8% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,865,382;; 2,515,139 3,679.939: 3,2013743 3,206,743 691,604 27.6 1) PERSONNEL BENEFITS: _ ._..... Medical Claims 1,264,792 1,116,479 1,866,689 1,477,000 1',477,000 360,521 32.3% _. . .. Medical Excess Coverage 61,292 66,621 86,558 72,(= 72,000' 5,379 8.1% 00 . Employee Rebates 25,832 0 10,892 7,500 7,6 . 7,500 N/A _.. _ Dental Claims 320,765 281,500 361,064 344,000 344,000' 62,500 22.2% _ _. _.. Worker's Compensation 135,210 104,750 271,102 171,000 171,000; 86,250 63.2% _....... ........ - Unemployment Compensation 27,565 28,650 27,266 30,000 30,000'; 1,360 4.7% :TOTAL PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,835,457 1,598,000 2,423,571 2,101,500 2,101,600'' 603,500 31.5% 2) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: .. __. ... Gallagher Bassett Services 38,441 38,000 41,876 42,000 42,000: 4,000 10.5% _ _..... _....... ........... ............ „ __.. lels Health Ins Administrative Costs .67,258 68,400 90,240 85,000 95.000. 16,600 24.3% Medical Benefits Consultant 15,604 0 0 0 _..-.. ._..... 0> 0 N/A Health S Wellness Program 11,478 10,000 8,345 8,000 ............... (2,000) -20.0% Industrial Ins Administrative Costs 57,357 60,250 58,704 62,700 $2700 2,450 4.1% iI1R Other Miscellaneous Services 986 1,500 409 1,000 1000'- (500) X3.3% _ .. _ . 5 _. 125 Plan Enrollment Fee 950 0 1,535 1,400 1,400 1,400 N/A TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 190,074 178,150 201,109 200,100 200,700'.: 21,950 12.3 _. _. _ _..._ _....._.......... __.._..... ..... _........_ ... ._ _._..._. 3) INSURANCE: Property/Liability Claims 319 371 245,000 583,881 410,000 `47D,000`' 185 000 87.3% _. __. Arthur Gallagher Ins Program 384,429 425,000 399,552 425,000 <425,0001 0 0.0% TOTAL INSURANCE 703,800 670,000 983,433 835,000 835,000 165,000 24.8 4) MISCELLANEOUS: Memberships 8 Registrations 35,31. 1,000 1,327 1,000 1,000' 0 0.0%' Publications/Miscellaneous 0 0 1,598 1,750 1750> 1,750 N/A Central Safety Committee 0 3,500 4,012 3,500 3,500 0 0.0% ieb Broker Fees/Charles Group 14,648 1 16,0001 12,679 14,000 14,000 (2,000) -12.5% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 15,001 20,500 19,616 20,250 20,250;' (250) -1.2% Insurance Fund Rainy Day Reserve 1890 1991 199t 1992 3982 $Cha%nge %'change . . Item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted OPENING BALANCE January 1 2,311,295 2,598,015 2,416,866 2,070,7032;070,703: (527,312) -20.3% _... Add Revenues 2,970,953 2,740,082 3,094,929 3,518,525 3;518,525 778,443 28.4%wM ' Less Expenditures 2,865,382 2,515,139 3,679,939 3,206,743 3,206,743 891,804 27.5%' ENDING BALANCE December 31 2,416,866 2,822,958 1,831,856 2,382,485 2,382,485'; (440,473) -15.6% Antirecesslon/Rainy Day Reserve 2 308 080 2,390,800 2 337 840 2 659 520 2,659,520; 286,720 11 246: sr Interfund Loans Receivable 221 439 ! 138 782 138 782 49,099 49 099; (89 883) -84 644 - Lnreserved Fund Balance 330,225 570,940 (367,202) 1227,936) {227,936) (788,876) X139.996: TOTAL ENDING BALANCE 2;416,866 2,822,958 1;831,856 : 2,382;485 2,382,48b (440,473) i-15.8 General Govt Expenditures 28,851,000 29,885,000 29,223,000 33,244,000 1 33,244,000; 3,359,000 11.2% 8%of Gen Govt Exp-Rainy Day Fund 2,308,080 2,390,800 2,337,840 2,659,520 '- 2,659,520 ss1 268,720 11.2 ser 96 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET Admmrstrat/ve Sertnces Activrty Trends ------------ liem < 1987 1988 1989; 1990 1991 _. Finance Activity Trends Treasurer's Receipts Issued 5,000 5,000 8,335 9,641 9,452 Claims Checks Issued 8,094 8,211 8,898 9,379 10,115 Treasurer's Checks Issued 850 1,000 1,132 1,090 1,159 Payroll Checks Issued ` 14,229 14,000 10,623 10,346 9,694 General Business Licenses Issued 2,277 2,495 2,645 2,779 2,709 Amusement and Special Permits 429 485 377 325 314 Animal Licenses Issued 3,380 3,213 4,270 3,035 3,209 Utility Billings 121,900 153,800 156,700 160,700 163,602 1j Solid Waste Utility Accounts 10,240 10,354 10,364 10,987 10,562 Water Utility Customers 11,735 11,989 12,261 12,465 12,477 Sewer Utility Customers 9,542 9,741 10,005 10,178 10,179 Storm Drainage Utility Accounts 10,209 10,186 10,532 10,410 10,750 Risk Management:(Claims) Property/Liability $93,000 $344,000 $166,000 $319,000 $584,000 Worker's Compensation 31,000 68,000 114,000 135,000 271,000 Ali Medical 599,000 796,000 956,000 1,265,000 1,667,000 Total Risk Management $723,000 $1,208,000 F$1,236,000 $1,719,000 $2,522,000 Payroll Checks decreased in 1889 with implementation of direct deposit. City Clerk's Activity Trends Ordinances Processed 81 76 5848 33 Resolutions Processed 33 46 29_ _.._. 49 46 Contracts Processed 82 84 91 115 112 Contract Addenda Processed 45 43 58 37 123 Printing Volume: at Offset Press 1,056,596 777,504 870,702 789,525 1,122,423 _... _..... _ _ . _.. ...._.... .._ . ._ ..... ......._ ......_.. ....._ _.. ... _ .._ ....._.... Central Copiers 1,679,256 1,956,940 2,159,788 1,932,986 2,379,014 Total Printing Volume 2,735,852 2,734,444 3,030,490 2,722,511 3,501,437 Data Processing Major Work Areas: Work Hrs Work Hrs Work Hrs Work Hrs Work Hrs Administrative Services: Budgeting/Accounting 1,004 1,309 1,859 1,873 1,967 . ._ __._.. . ......_ ..._. ...__._.._ _ .... _. .... _.. __ .. ......... . Utility Billing 831 648 860 1,009 703 Payroll_. _._ 95 354 280 332. 1,179 Business Licenses,Other 251 519 516 762 200 Municipal Court Parking Tickets 160 146 428 436 590 Police Records,Jail 95 307 427 273 305 Fire Work Schedules,Prevention 252 236 553 473 211 dd P/B/PW Permits,Geographic Info 427 605 398 366 49 ......... . Library Catalogs 24 10 -- .23 _ 64 _ _. .. ....34 Miscellaneous Assistance/Training 0 9 17 61 212 97 1 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Police Department Alan Wallis Police Chief 105.7 Total FTE arN Sherry Smith Admin Secretary II ew Operations Support Bureau Services 74.7 FTE Bureau 29.0 FTE Garry Anderson Don Persson 1rf Captain Captain s� Patrol Services Patrol Operations Investigation Auxiliary Services Staff Services Admin Services 10.7 FTE 47.0 FTE 16.0 FTE 9.0 FTE 14.0 FTE 5.0 FTE Rick Stoddard Dennis Gerber Joe Peach Rob Sofie [tStaff da Hicks Brian Wilson Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Sent Mgr Lieutenant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant/Jail y Sanders Police Officer 1w 1.0 FTE 4.0 FTE 2.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Sv Supvr DARE 11.0 FTE Training 1.0 FTE Traffic Officer Corporal Detective Jailer Sery Spec 6.0 FTE 6.0 FTE 12.0 FTE 6.0 FTE 2.0 FTE Comm Prog so Traffic Controller Police Officer Police Sery Spec Evidence Tech Coote 1.2 FTE 36.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 2.0 FTE Animal Control Officer 1.5 FTE Volunteers 27 rrs rr 98 kill CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Police Department-All Divisions The Renton Police Department has three main divisions,briefly described below. Budget summaries and descriptions are provided on the following pages for each division. -Administration-Provides overall supervision and administrative guidance for the department. Ifs -Operations Bureau-Includes Patrol Services and Patrol Operations,Investigation,and Animal Control Services. -Support Services Bureau-Provides Administrative Services,Staff Services,Crime Prevention,and a Jail holding facility. tib 1991 DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Completed the police accreditation process,which was approved on November 16,1991. -Implemented a bicycle program. -Increased the DARE program from four to eight schools,at no extra cost. 1992 CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUNDING: 1992 projected funding totals $642,290. The teal 1992 Police Department budgetary increase is$825,030. Criminal Justice funds will support ongoing programs added in 1991 and the increased cost of operation. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1992 Police department budget is up 11.5%over the 1991 appropriation. The increases are primarily in Salaries and Benefits, Equipment Rental (one time savings in 1991), and Intergovernmental Services, which includes increases for Valley-Com dispatch,and King County Jail services. The 1992 budget request was cut by$82,367,and a new traffic warrant collection program was added,projected to generate$71,500 in additional revenue. The table below provides,a breakdown of the various items included in Professional Services and Miscellaneous accounts for the entire department. 1990 1001 1991 7992 1992 Change % ... PRt)K£SSIONAt SERVICES Actual Adopted Actual Request Butlget : 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 41.05 Medical Services/Prisoners 3,261 1,200 905 1.238 1,23f3, 38 3.0% 41.06 Health Officer Services 26,568 34,775 44,221 45,304 45,304 10,529 30.3% .. ... 41.07 Emergency Vet Services 323 750 105 750 :::-:'::JW 0 0.0%. 41.16 Investigative Fund 5,e60 15,000 15,091 15,00015000'; 0 0.0% 41.17 Investigation Vehicle 848 2,175 4,601 2,400 2.4001 225 10.3% .... _ 41.25 Psychological Exams 395 1,000 750 1,000 A 1 000 __.._ 0 0.0% 41.27 K-9 Vet Services 1,603 2,000 819 2,500 2 500' 500 25.0%. 41.36 Large Animal Compounds 0 200 0.. 200 200 0 0.0%' 41.45 Police Training Professional Services 2,32e 5,000 3,500 5,000 5 000 0 0.0% 41.55 Narcotics Confiscation Fund 18,781 0 18,490 0 0 N/A 41.55 Narcotics Grant Confidential Funds 10,000 0 23,000 0 0 0 N/A 41.67 King County Computer Interface 0 0 0 4,8081. 4 W- 4,808 N/A 41.77 Professional Services/ESU 3,478 4,000 4,636 4,000 4,000` 0 0.0% 41.94 Tech Asst/Pol Investigation 4,901 18,450 3,879 19,653 19,663 1,203 6.5% _. _ _. 41.95 Emergency Tow Services 299 500 0 500 500 0 0.0% 41.152 Subpeona Services 1,981 8,800 907 6,600 1,600 (51000) -75.8%' TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 80,422 91,650 120,904 108775-1-t- 103,751 12,101 13. ... ;990 1991 1991 1992 1992... .. Change %Change .: . MISCELLANEOUS...::...: ketual Adopted ::Actual Request >Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 49.05 Inmate Health/Welfare Commissary 6,483 0 3,054 2,275 2,275 2,275 N/A _.... .: .... . 49.16 Publications 1,893 1,558 2,334 1,602 1,602 44 2.8% 49.29 Memberships/Dues 1,890 2,379 1,49e 2495 2495 116 4.946 49.51 Miscellaneous Pol/Adm 519 1,000 422 1,000 1,000 0 0.0% ' .. ...__ . . :49.52 Auction Expense _ _ 833. 0 0 0 0 0 _ N/A 49.58 Narcotics Grant Operating Expenses 760 0 493 0 0 0 N/A 49.88 Narc Task Force Seizure Fund 1,955 0.. 9,161 0 01: 0 N/A tlrli TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 14,133 4,937 16,960 7,372 ;7,372< 2,435 1 49.3 till 99 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS .rr Police Department Alt Divisions .. , Person Responsible Alan Walls Police Chfef . , xtt� 1990 1981 1991 1992 1992 Change %Change' . ..... item Actual Adopted /Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title ........... Old/New. Old/New ......... _Commissioned Officers: 22/43 Police Chief(Non-Union Sal Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 19/37 Captain(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 63/33 Lieutenant(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0% 61 Sergeant _ 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Corporal Assignments) 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 e,0 0.0 0.0% .. _. _. 80 Police Officer(Detectives) 10.0 11.0 11 0 12.0 12.0, 1.0 9.1% _. ... _.. 60 Police Officer(DARE Program) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10 60 Police Officer(Training) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1A 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Traffic) 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 e.0 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Patrol) 34.0 37.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 (1.0) -2.7% Tota}Commissioned Officers 73.0 78,0 78.0; ::78,0 78.0 0,0 0.011 Non-Commissioned Personnel: _....._ _ ..:c ._ 30 Staff Sery Manager(Non-Union Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 i.0 0.0 0.0% 65 Crime Prevention Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 65 Evidence Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 tXi 0.0 0.0%' _..... ..... ..I .,... 84 Animal Control Officer, 1.5 1.5 1 5 1.6 1.5': 0.0 0.0% 64 Jailer 6.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 0.0'. 0.0 0.0% 5/11 Admin Sec/Admin Sec II(Non-Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0:' 0.0 0.0% 63 Police Service Specialists 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0' 0.0 0.0%' 62 Traffic Controller 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 i. 1,2 0.0 0.0% Total Non-mCommisemi ed > 27.7; :27.7 .27,7 27.7 27.7' 0,0 0.0 TOTAL STAFFING 100.7; 10b.7 105,7' 105.7 105.7: 0.0 0.0 _... BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _ . Regular Salaries 3,941,193 4,301,794 4,315,216 4,615,940 4,615,940 314,148 7.3% ........... Overtime 337,469 398,778 518,042 493,821 474,273' 75,495 18.9% Personnel Benefits 1,069,125 1,139,551 1,168,225 1,284,736 11,284,738 145,185 12.7% _.... _ _ .. . _. .. Uniform Allowance 17,215 18,600 18,922 29,208 29,208; 12,608 76.0% ._._.... .: Supplies _ _ 183,357 208,100 206,063 219.805 ;217008: 8,906 4.3% Professional Services 80,422 91,650 120,904 108,751 103,761 12,101 13.2% __. _ _ Postage/Telephone/Other 8,766 9,850 10,222 10,810 10,810> 960 9.7% _. . Travel 28,342 37,446 33,893 39,413 39,413., 1,967 5.3% Police Books B Tuition 4,237 3,900 600 6,500 6,500 2,600 68.7% _.. arlll Rentals and Leases 40,128 20,228 39,454 22,752 22 7fi2` 2,526 12.5% Equipment Rental 272,038 125,052 101,946 294,444 294,444 169,392 135.5% Repairs&Maintenance 10,571 15,682 10,372 21,008 21,008 5,324 33.9% ...: .. ..._ _. Miscellaneous 14,133 4,937 16,9W 7,372 7,372 2,435 49.3% -: syM Intergovernmental Services 487,338 584,382 580,825 673,401 ;673,401? 89,019 15.2% Capital Outlay 176,847 192,684 206,086 230,270 175,050 (17,634) -9.2% Expenditure Credits (19,867) 0 (36,979) 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL'EXPENDITURES' 8,651,312 7,150,632 7,308,751' 8;058,029 7,975,662' <:825,030 11 s5 Asn t 100 . CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund.• 000 General Dept.' 008 Police t3iv Police Administration wi OBJECTIVE: To maintain a safe community and provide quality police services through effective education programs, caring assistance to all citizens,and impartial enforcement of the law. Provide a conscientious response to the personal and professional needs of all department members. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Overall supervision and administrative guidance for the City of Renton Police Department. 1991 WORK PLAN: Provide the best law enforcement services possible within the resources provided. Continue to implement changes as needed to improve service and efficiency. Research and involve the department in the community policing concept with the goal of totally adopting the community policing philosophy. BUDGET CHANGES: The Police Administration budget is up$121,154,or 15.5%over 1991 adopted figures. Budget changes are described below: Overtime-$500: Periodically the secretary works overtime on special projects. Personnel Benefits-Increase in benefit rates,and in LEOFF I retired medical insurance due to additional retirees and a 25% increase in medical insurance rates. Supplies-Quarter Master System: $3,700 increase is based on actual usage and is a contractual agreement with the Renton Police Officers Guild. $250 decrease in other accounts. Overall increase$3,450. Police Books and Tuition-$2,600 increase is based on a survey of officers planning to attend school in 1992. This program is a contractual agreement with the Renton Police Officers Guild. Equipment Rental-Increase due to the one time reduction of equipment rental rates in 1991. Repairs and Maintenance-$4,134 increase is created by the addition of maintenance contracts on the parking ticket 'TICKET MASTER SYSTEM'and maintenance of the Computer Aided Dispatch system. Intergovernmental Services-Police Dispatch/Valley-Com: $67,394 increase is based on the contract with Valley Communications Center. No increase in Harbor Patrol. rr 1r 101 dw CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS it Police Administration ..... ... .... Person Res onsfbie. AJan Wallis, Police Chref .. P .. , 1990 1991 1991 1982 f992 Change %Change . >:.: item Actual Adopted ActualRequest Budget 91/Adopted 91 Adopted iY1Y POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title .... - - - Old/New Old/New sett Commissioned Officers: ............ 22/43 Police Chief(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0 1;0 0.0 0.0% Total Commissioned Officers 1`.0 x 1.0 .10 0.0 0.0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: _. ._.....-._. 5/11 Admin Sec/Admin Sec 11 -Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% TotalNon-Commissioned 1.0 1.0 ]:0 7.0. 4.0 0.0 0. TOTAL STAFFING 2A 2.0 20 2.0 2.0 0,0 0.0 �r BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 85,342 96,834 98,771 105,736 105,736 8,902 9.2% _. Overtime 130 0. _0 500 500 _.. So0 _ WA go Personnel Benefits 83,917 85,468 102,588 117 990 #17,980 32,522 38.1% Uniform Allowance 370 370 370 370 370 0 0.0% Supplies 30,536 29,370 33,759 32,820 32,820 3,450 11.7% Professional Services 395 1,000 750 1,000 1,0001 0 0.0%' Postage/Telephone/Other 186 150 202 150 150 0 0.0% Travel 604 2.000 1,965 2,000 > 'x,000 0 0.0% _. ... .......... ..... Police Books h Tuition _ _....__ 4,237 3,900 600 .__. _.6500 ..... ......... .. ............. 8,500; 2,600 68.7% Rentals and Leases 0 0 00 .. 61 0 WA Equipment Rental 3,055 5,340 2,849 8,912 8A2: 1,572 28.4% Repairs 3 Maintenance 6,063 8,567 8,018 12,701 12,7c31 4,134 48.3% Miscellaneous 1.184 1.850 852 1,730 .1,730: 80 4.8% Intergovernmental Services 454,034 548,557 545,457 615,951 815,951 67,394 12.3%' Capital Outlay... - 0 0. ..... ... .. ..0 0 >0 0 WA Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0; 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES >s 670,053; 7133,206 786,181 904,380 904.360 121,154 15.3 fir Its 1990 1091 1891 1992 1992 Change %Change .. INTERdOVERNAAENTALSERVICES Actual Adopted Actual Request `Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 51.07 Police DispatchNalley-Com 417,776 525,557 525,557 592,951 692,951 67,394 12.8% 4 51.14 Harbor Patrol 36,258 23,000 19,900 23,000 23,000' 0 0.0% TOTAL INTERGOVERNMTAL SERV 454,034 548,557 545,457 615,951 815,951 67,394 12.3 6W to W to 4011 102 CITY OF RENTON 1,992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000 General Dept., 008 Police: Div.- Operations Bureau(Patrol OperationsJServices,Investigation, animal Control rtr The Police Department Operations Bureau has three sections as described below: OBJECTIVE: Patrol Operations/Patrol Services-The objectives of Patrol Operations are to provide timely response and courteous service by aggressively preventing criminal conduct,enforcing laws and ordinances,thoroughly investigating criminal offenses,detecting and preserving evidence and property, and lawfully apprehending offenders. Patrol Service's objectives are to provide efficient traffic control,target problem traffic areas,and investigate traffic accidents thoroughly and efficiently. Investigation-Objective is to conduct criminal investigations that result in the lawful arrest and successful prosecution of offenders. 1 Animal Control-Objective is the effective deployment of the Animal Control personnel to address animal-oriented complaints. 1992 WORK PLAN/PROGRAM ACTPATY: Patrol Operations/Patrol Services-Work Plan and Program Activity. Respond to the needs of the community in an efficient and professional manner. Evaluate programs within the division to better provide the service the community wants within new budget constraints such as,merging of the E.S.U.team with the Valley cities,and evaluating bicycle patrol services. Work more closely with the community and make the officers more readily available to the citizen. Establish ways to make the officer on the street able to work more efficiently using technology rather than additional man power. Investigation: Work Plan: Respond to major crime scenes; conduct follow-up investigations on an estimated 1,700 plus felony cases. Program Activity: The Investigation Division consists of 13 members whose primary responsibility Is follow-up on reported crime activity. The immediate response to major crimes and crime scenes (i.e., homicide, robbery, felony assaults), and investigations that result in the filing of charges against the perpetrator of the crime. As of August 1, 1991, the division has responded to 12 after-hours callouts to major crime scenes,and has filed 40%more felony charges than in 1990. Animal Control: Work Plan: Respond to the ever-increasing demand for animal control services in a prompt and professional so manner. Add additional animal traps to meet the Increasing demand to capture and re-locate wild animals such as raccoons, coyotes,opossums, and foxes. Program Activity: Respond to animal complaints such as abused or abandoned animals,vicious animals,and dog bites. Resolve community conflicts created by pets annoying neighbors and also wild or exotic animals that are loose. In the first four months of 1991,the animal control officers returned an average of 30 telephone calls per day,and responded to 697 calls for service. During the same time period,they impounded 365 animals. X11 NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Cellular Telephones-$35,100 for installation of cellular telephones in all police vehicles so officers can more efficiently use their time and be readily available to the public. sal Additional Vehicle-$8,076 to obtain a new vehicle to allow sex crime detectives to more efficiently handle the increasing load of child abuse and sex crime cases. Increase Part Time Animal Control Officer to Full Time-$39,109 to increase the officer to a full time position. This will allow s animal control to better meet the demands for animal control service as the population increases and the conflict between animals and human beings escalates. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1992 Operations Bureau budget is up$565,447 or 11.9%over 1991 adopted allocations. The major areas of increase are: salaries and benefits to accommodate the cost-0f-living increase; private security overtime which has offsetting revenue;and equipment rental,reinstated to the prior year level after a one-time savings in 1991. The budget changes are n described on pages 105-106. 4 103 no rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ow ................ .................... .......... ...... ............. .............. ................... .................. ............... Police Bureau : ........... ........ ............... .................- (P Mce rations, Investigation, Anirnal Control) atiblService .................................... ........... ......... ....... P6tson Responsiblia. GarryAn&mso Captain .................... ........ ................................................... 1990 1991_ :1991 1992 1992 Change %Change 1�1 ............. ..........-................. ... ........ ......... ....... item :.:A6tual :Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title Old/New Old/New ---------------------- Commissioned Officers: ................... 19/37 Captain(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 t.0 0.0 0.0% 63/33 Lieutenant(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 61 :Sergeant 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 0.0 0.0% W Police Officer(Corporal Assignments) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Detectives) 10.0 11.0 11.0 12.0 ......... 42.0, 1.0 9.1% W Police Officer(Traffic) 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0% 4W ........ -- --------------- ------- 60 Police Officer(Patrol) 34.0 37.0 37.0 36.0 36.0 (1.0) -2.7% ToW Commissioned Officers :66.0 71.0 :7114 71.0 71.0 0.0 0.0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: 4W ...... 64 Animal Control Officer 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 0.0 0.0% 63 Police Service Specialists 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 62 Traffic Controller 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.0 0.0% Mils Total Non-Commissioned 3.7 73.7 3.7 _:.:3.7 3.7 0.0 0. TOTAL STAFFING:::.:: :: 69.7 14.7 ..74.7 74.7 74.7 0.0 0.0 .BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: ...... rill Regular Salaries .2,1897,01.7 .3,198,340 ...3,421.,.374.. 233,034 7.3% Overtime 289,658 340,7e4 470,917 431,180 412,990 72,226 21.2% Personnel Benefits 743,549 795,344 826,9" 873,096 $73,096 77,752 9.8% Uniform Allowance 9,925 9,830 10,042 22.058 :::,22,058 12,228 124.4% OW Supplies 31,195 49,909 42,409 51,099 1,190 2.4% --------------------- Professional Services 47,872 49,675 71,528 51,603 :::,A6,8N (3,072) -6.2% .............. Postage/Telephone/Other 3,480 4,000 3,960 4,000 4,000 0 0.0% Training/Narcotics Grant 1,957 0 2,188 0 0 NIA Rentals and Leases 28,897 7,600 26,619 10,632 3,032 40.4% ........................ Equipment Rental 260,837 115,764 04,525 276.996 276,996`''1 , 161,232 139.3% Repairs&Maintenance 4,010 4,850 1,149 5,725 5,725 875 18.0% Miscellaneous 2,715 0 9'853 0 0 N/A Intergovernmental Services 7,852 9,000 9,003 9,4509,450 450 5.0% - ---------- Capital ------- Outlay 1".697 168.550 184,985 194,750 17S,050., 6,500 3.9% Expenditure Credits (19,867), 0 (36,979), 0 A E TOTAL EXPENDITURES .4,477,794 1 4,743,526 4,970,353 5,351,8631 . 5308,9731 565.447 srl sir ass sill 104 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000 General Dept: 008 Police Div.• Operations Bureau(Patrol Operations/Services, Investigation,Anima!Control) BUDGET CHANGES-are provided below for the three sections of Police Operations Bureau. POLICE PATROL OPERATIONS AND PATROL SERVICES. 1990 19sa1 1991 1992 1992 Chane 95 Change Si 9UDCETARYAPPROPRIATiON: : Actuat Adopted Actual Request lgudget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Regular Salaries 2,096,457 2,441,094 2,334,809 2,580,475 2,680,475 139,381 5.7% 34 Overtime 232,6 277,118 394,179 343 568 328 175 51,057 18.4% Personnel Benefits 517,023 616,647 578,001 658,465 658,485 41,818 6.8% Uniform Allowance 3.680 3.900 3.694 15.590 15,590 11.890 299.7% _ _ _ _ Supplies 27,736 42,899 37,323 43,311 43,311' 412 1.0% _. _ Professional Services 7,361 13,100 6,362 13,600 8,600 (4,500) -34.4%' .. No Rentals and Leases 3,297 4,500 4,448 5,026 5,026 526 11.7% Equipment Rental 195,673 84,384 65,332 208,428 208,428 124,044 147.0% Repairs and Maintenance :,010 4,850 1,149 5,725 5,726 875 18.0% Capital Outlay 155,894 186,850 183.153 191,500 173550 6,900 4.1% Expenditure Credits (19.867) 0 0 0 0 _ N/A TOTAL PATROL OPR/SERVICES 3,223,898 1 3,655,142 3,608,450 4,065,688 4,027,345 372,203 10.2 Salaries and Benefits-Includes transfer of one officer to Investigation in 1992. Uniform Allowance-Increased for uniform cleaning per union contract. Overtime: Regular overtime is u $10,175 based on Reg p projected need and the salary increase; Private Security overtime was substantially more than originally estimated in 1991 and is increased$50,882 in 1992 over the original 1991 adopted amount. This increase is based on the extra work generated by 1-405 construction. Private Security overtime is funded by reimbursement for work performed. Street Project overtime was eliminated ($5,000 reduction);and Park Security overtime was out from$15,000 to$10,000 ($5,000 reduction). Overall increase$51,057. Supplies-The small increase in this account is due to the increased cost of supplies,i.e.,flares for accident scenes have increased W because they are a hazardous product. Also includes the cost of parking stickers for the City,not budgeted in the past. No increase in K-9 Vet Supplies,and slight decrease in small equipment. Professional Services-Decrease is in subpoena services,requested at$6,600,cut to$1,600($5,000 reduction);$500 added for K-9 Vet Services;net decrease of$4,500. The account also provides for Emergency Services Unit(ESU)and emergency tow services. Equipment Rental-Increase is due to the one time reduction of rates during 1991,and adjustment for 1992 vehicle replacements. tW Repairs and Maintenance: Increase of$875 is due to maintaining bicycles for the bike patrol. Amount is based upon Seattle Police Department's experience in yearly bike maintenance. Capital Outlay-Approved: Total Approved$173,550. $170,100-Regularly scheduled replacement of ten patrol vehicles. $2,000-(2)E.S.U.Tactical Vests needed for use when the team members have to confront or arrest an armed suspect. $1,450-Portable radio replacements. Capital Outlay Requested Not Approved: Total Cut$17,950. $9,600-Regularly scheduled replacement of three patrol vehicle radios. $9,800-Regularly scheduled replacement of portable radios. Replacement of 10 portable radios was cut$8,350,leaving$1,450. a> 105 rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000>General Dept: 008 P I" l7iv: Operatlpns Bureau(Pati t Omratipns✓Sen�ices,!ns%estigatian,An,ma1 Cvntrfllj +r POLICE INVESTIGATION F1990 1981 'I 1991 1982' 1992 Change %Change . .. BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Regular Salaries 637,139 698,085 757,145 787,814 1 787,814': 89,72912.9% _. Overtime 53,004 57,967 67,863 80,512 77,715 19,748 34.1% ftV Personnel Benefits 148,200 163,201 175,209 197,711 497,711 1 34,510 21.1% _... Uniform Allowance 5,450 5,450 51450 5,820 5,$20' 370 6.8% Supplies 2,386 6,340 4,203 6,798 8,798 458 7.2% Investigative Funds 6,506 17,175 19,692 17,400 17,400' 225 1.3% stir _ _ _ _ . . City Narcotics Confiscation Fund 18,781 0 18,490 0 0" 0 N/A Technical Assistance 4,901 18,450 3,878 19,653 191653: 1,203 6.5% Postage/Telephone/WASIC _ 3,480 4,000 3,960 4,000 4,000' 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 2,322 3,000 2,770 5,506 $,506 2,506 83.5% Equipment Rental 54,990 24,240 21,921 53,364 >53,364'I 29,124 120.1% Capital Outlay 12,803 1,900 1,932 3,250 1,500 (400) -21.1% .... ., Expenditure.7edits 0 _ 0 (36,979) _ 0 0 _.. 0. _ N/A s� SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 947,962 999,808 1,045,435 1,181,828 1,177.281' 177,473 17.8 NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT 227,075 0 221,791 0 q,'; 0 N/A K C NARCOTICS TASK FORCE SEIZURE FUND 1.955 0 9,181 0 0;' 0 N/A TOTAL INVESTIGATION 1,178,992 989,808 1,276,387 1,181,828 :1,177,281.1 177,473 17.8 Salaries and Benefits-One officer transferred from Patrol in 1992. Overtime:Regular overtime increased by$2,748 and Private Security overtime is up by$17,000 based on the extra work that is VW generated by the!-405 construction,offset by reimbursement for services. Professional Services-Includes investigative funds;City Narcotics Fund,remaining balance of$58,030 to be carried over to 1992; Technical Assistance-increase of$1,203 due to more photo lab work required by the King County Prosecutor on major felony cases. crr Rentals/Leases: Increase of$2,506 is for additional pagers,and an increase in the cost of our kfenti-Kit. Capital Outlay Approved-$1,500 agent alert devices used by undercover officers when contacting informant and drug dealers. rrrr Allows the officer to alert a backup team N help is needed. Capital Outlay Requested Not Approved-$1,750 for regular scheduled replacement of portable radios for detectives. Currently not all detectives have radios that scan all police frequencies and at major crime scenes(homicides,assaults)radio calls are missed. ANIMAL CONTROL: 1990 1991 1991 7992: 21792 Change Bb:Change; .................. ,,,,, Bt)DGETARY APPROPRIATION Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted s Regular Salaries 43,88949,161 50,394 53,085 53 085; 3,924 8.0% _.... .. ........ _.._... .. ............ .... .. Overtime 2,004 5,679 4,112 7,100 .7,3007 1,421 25.0% Personnel Benefits 12,182 15,496 13,713 16,920 16,920, 1,424 9.2% Uniform Allowance 480 480 648 648 6" 168 35.0% Supplies 0 670 269 990 990 320 47.8% Professional Services 323 950 105 950 .950: 0 0.0% _. ..... Equipment Rental 10,174 7,140 7,272 15,204 15 204 8,064 112.9% _.__ .. .... ............. . ._..__.... _.. ...... ...... ........ __. Intergovernmental Services 7,852 9,000 9,003 9,450 9,460:' 450 1 5.0%' TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 76,904 88,576 85,516 104,347 104,347; 15,771 17.8 TOTAL POLICE OPERATIONS BUREAU 4,477,794 4,743,526 +1,970,353 5,351,863 5,308,973 565,447 11: Overtime-$1,421 increase due to number of late calls for emergency animal control service,we are currently experiencing. sirs Operating Supplies-$320 increase for additional animal traps. Currently,citizens wait up to two weeks for an animal trap. The wait would be longer,however one of the animal control officers is currently using his own traps. *a Intergovernmental Services(Humane Society Fees)- $450 for anticipated increase in contract fees. ■r 106 lei CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 008 Police Div. Support Services Bureau(Administrative Services,Stab Services,Crime Prevention, Jail) ------------- The Police Department Support Services Bureau has four sections as described below: No OBJECTIVE: Administrative Services Objective is to provide department personnel services; effective crime prevention and community administer a volunteer relations programs;personnel and departmental equipment needs; lunteer staff of 26;and planning and research. encies and the Staff Services-Objective is to accurately record and disseminate information de varoious services to the public;ce department,to other g and assure the public within the legal limitations of public disclosure and rights to privacy; p to safety of female jail inmates. pects the Renton Police Crime Prevention -Objective is to du tlo decrease s, business crimeceand increase the quality of 1 fmmunity groups in various e; and initiate develop a d Department; form partnerships with th community coordinate a variety of police-community programs. Jail-Objective is to provide for the safety,security and general welfare of sentenced inmates and arrestees; provide a contraband free environment;and provide health screening and necessary medical services. 1992 WORK PLAN/PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Administrative Services: Work Plan - Expansion of the current DARE and volunteer programs; develop equipment replacement UV schedules for future budget needs;complete grant process for victim/WitnessAssistance unit;assume responsibility of department siti ns. Program t PO accreditation program; maintain current eligmembers;ty con'sts ductsrall recruitmentmprnocessesoand background investigations;e�dine eing s Hall equipment needs for all department me 'Iand procedure; provides the DARE program throughout the Renton School department training; develops departmental policy District;represents the department on City's Human Services Panel;writes government grants; and coordinates community/police programs and activities. Work Plan - Professionally respond o the public, police officers and other city employees' requests for police 40 Staff Services: department services. Continue o accurately record and disseminate confidential information within legal limitations. Program Activity 24 hours a day, eleven members of the Staff Services Division are responsible agencie;'n-station and telephone maintaning confidential inquiries; responding to police radio requests; referring individuals to appropriate ems; and files; transcribing narrated officer tapes; collecting bail and licensing monies; monitoring closed circuit security systems; responsibility for the care,custody and searches of female prisoners. ing Crime Prevention: Work Plan - Continuing de�a recognized ctive crime revention efforts citizen's academy. Expansion of thehighly McGruff safe hsuccessful ouses. Provide program,volunteer house check program, auto theft prevention training, preside over Local and State Crime Prevention Officer's Associations. Attend advanced training o investigate development of extraordinary service bonds, victim/witness assistance unit, and E-911 ordinance implementation. so Program - Identify community needs for crime prevention; develop and implement community programs; administer volunteer program; evaluate proposed construction projects and determine potential impact; install and maintain residential and commercial panic alarms; oversee programs such as Block Watch, Neighborhood Sped Watch, McGruff Safe Houses, Citizen's Academy,Super-sitter and many more. rtroom and prisoner rt ty; provide for the single Jail: Work Plan - Provide additional security includingfco I ty and prov de cove age forthethe electronic home detention jail system. evidence technician position;provide a 9 Proora� m Activity-24 hours a day,six jailers are responsible for the security and welfare of jail inmates. Responsibilities include: taking into custody and booking, searching and medically screening; removing contraband and weapons, issuing clothing, ting r jails; fingerprinting,photographing and placing into cells;processing iacourt ms and emergencies. Renton Jail is a 31 and releases bed facility aver ging frit transporting and escorting inmates o court; responding 1 243 bookings per month,2916 bookings per year,with an average daily population of 29 people. 107 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS .r .................. .1111..: U_ Pobce SvQport 5erv�ces Burea jAdmrnistcahvs 5erwrcesvrra/ning, Staff ser+aces, rrme Prevention, fall) Person 14esponsi Don I'ersson,`Captafn <1990 1991 1891 1992 1992 I' Change %Change 1111 .. NOWitem ::.Actual Adopted Actual Request :Budget 81 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: .,..... GradeTitle _... .. .._. Old/New Old/New Commissioned Officers: 19/37 Captain(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 fA 0.0 0.0% ,OW331. Lieutenant(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 20 0.0 0.0% _. 1111. 1111. _1111 _ 111110 61 Sergeant 111_1 _ ...__ _.. 1111_ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 fA 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(DARE Program) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Training) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.01 0.0% ;3otal Commissioned Officers &0 e.0 8,0 6.0 0.0 esr ........... ............. Non-Commissioned Personnel: _........_. 30 Staff Sery Manager(Non-Union Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% _._ _ ,.;;, 65 Crime Prevention Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 20 0.0 0.0% ......... _.. .__ so 65 Evidence Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% _111_1. 64 Jailer 8.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 0.0 0.0% __ .. ........, 63 Police Service Specialists 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 1310 0.0 0.0% totai 3lon-Commissioned 23.0 23.0 2310 23 0 .23.0 -0.0 0:0 TOTAL STAFF}NG 280` 29,0 29:0 29.0 29.0 0.0 0. _ .. . BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _... Regular Salaries 958,834 1,018,820 963,040 1,088,830 11098,830s 72,210 7.1% . 1 6 _1111 _.. Overtime 47,681 58,014 47,125 82141 80,783' 2,769 4.8% ____... _ .. _ _ _ _ ...__ .__. ... ..__. _. Personnel Benefits 241,659 258,739 238,888 293 850 293,850` 34,911 13.5% _. 6,92 .__._. _ _ _. .. __1_11_1 ... _........... Uniform Allowance 0 6,400 6,510 6,780 0,780 380 5.9% _1111_ _ _ _. _ _. Supplies 121,626 128,821 129 895 135 688 ._:433,097 4,266 3.3% 11W _ __1111. _. Professional Services 32,155 40,975 48,628 58148 58,148' 15,173 37.0% _........ Postage/Telephone/Other 5,100 5.700 6,080 6,660 6,880 960 16.8% ...__......_._1111.._ _ ___....._....... ........_. .._......._ ,..,., ,,,,,,,.._................. _ .........._, Travel 25,781 35,446 28,740 37,413 37,413 1,967 5.5% Rentals and Leases 11 229 12,726 12 835 12,220 12 220 (506) -4.0% __ ... Equipment Rental 8,146 3,948 4,572 10,538 10,538'' 6,588 166.9% _ _............... ........_.... _ ... . Repairs&Maintenance 498 2,265 1,205 2 580 2;680'' 315 13.9% .. _ __.. ..... _. Miscellaneous 10,234 3,287 6,455 5.642 5.642 2,355 - 71.8% No Intergovernmental Services 25,452 26,825 26 365 48 000 48 000 21,175 78.8% _1__111 _. _. .. .. _. Capital Outlay 8,150 24,134 21,101 35,520 0`> (24,134) -100.0% P .. __1111 _1111. _..._ ._ _. Ex enditure Credits 0 0 0 0 tt 0 N/A 70TAL EXPENDtTURE81.503,465' 1,823,900 1542,217 1.801,808 1,7e2;3291::::.:138,429.1 8:5 rer NEW PROGRAM APPROVED: so Contracting collection services to collect on approximately 2,107 traffic warrants totalling an estimated $715,249. The collection service would retain 50%of bails totalling less than$1,000. The estimated revenue to the City is$71,500 per year. NEW PROGRAM REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Additional Jailer position$41,020. Currently jailers are required to work overtime to cover another's time off. Our jail will participate in an electronic home detention program in 1992 requiring additional personnel monitoring and reoordkeeping. Additional staff would allow for evidence technician cross-training and backup as well. - 4W GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1992 Support Services Bureau budget is up $138,429 or 8.5% over 1991 adopted appropriations. Increases are primarily for salaries and benefits; and Jail health officer and IGng County Jail services. Budget am changes for each section are provided on pages 109-110. QW 108 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 008 Police Div. Support Services Bureau(Administrative Services, Staff Services, Crime Prevention, Jaif) BUDGET CHANGES-are provided below for the four sections of the Police Support Services Bureau: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/TRAINING: 1990 1991. 1991 1992 1992 Change %Change; ,BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Adopted Actual Request :Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Regular Salaries 136,342 169,844 151,658 179,924 179,924 10,080 5.9% _ ... , . fly Overtime _...._ _........ _. 8,274 11.830 9,509 11,830 11;830 0 0.0% Personnel Benefits 35,366 42,545 32,900 46.86848,865 4,323 10.2% Uniform Allowance 180 180 370 370 370 190 105.6% Supplies 30,154 25,983 31,319 26,860 :26,860 877 3.4% 111111 Professional Services 2,326 5,000 3,500 6,000 :: S'lw 0 0.0% Travelrfraining 19,776 28,306 24,245 30,273 30,273 1,967 6.9% Repairs and Maintenance 89 1,180 0 1,1801,180 0 0.0% Miscellaneous 2,918 3,287 3,401 3.367 3,387 80. .. 2.4% � TOTAL ADMIN SERVICESITRAINING 235,405 288,155 256,902 1 305,672 305,872 17,517 8.1% Supplies-$2,988 increase in operating supplies provides for ammunition and weapon costs,including training. Also includes the DARE program supplies decreased by$1,280,and small equipment also decreased by$831,resulting in a total account increase of illi $877. DARE program sales and contributions are also included in this account,not included in the budget as adopted.The remaining balance is carried forward from year to year. The balance at the and of 1991 was$3,958/DARE contributions,and $1,177/DARE sales. Travel and Training-Increased to provide for additional animal control officer training,jail training and department-wide cultural awareness/sensitivity training. 'STAFF SERVICES .. ]990 1991.: 1991 1962 1992 Change 4b Change BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adapted 91 Adopted Regular Salaries 441,758 438,668 436,983 470,384 470,384;' 31,716 7.2%' Overtime 17,405 20,884 10,936 23,033 23,033 2,148 10.3%' Personnel Benefits 104,271 108,384 109,975 126,030126,030 17,646 16.3%i Uniform Allowance 3,880 3,300 3,610 3,610 3,610 310 9.4%' Supplies 12.712 15.188 16,925 15,350 151350` 184 1.2%. Professional Services 0 0 0 4,608 4,808 4,608 N/A ------------ Telephone/WASIC 5,100 5,700 6,060 6,660 6,660:' 960 18.8% Other Rentals 11,228 12,726 12,835 12,220 506) 971 ... .. -4.0%' Capital Outlay 8,150 10, 9,475 18,720 0 (10,971) -100.0% TOTAL STAFF SERVICES 604,505 815,799 606,799 680,615 .4561,8951 46,098 1 7.5 Professional Services-(Ming County Computer Interface): The$4,608 increase is due to the 1991 hook up between Renton and IGng County computer systems. Access line rental is$375 per month and there is a 6 cent charge on each inquiry. WACIC-Increase of$900 for computer line hook up and rental fees charged by the state. Capital Outlay Requested Not Approved-$18,720 to replace the Dictaphone system. The current Dictaphone machine was bought tit with grant monies in the 1970's. The machine is in need of repair and is so obsolete that parts are no longer available. 109 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS r l=ured• 000 General Dept.• 008 Police Support Services Bureau(Administrative Services, Staff$eCime Prevention, Jail). CRIME PREVENTION .... . 1990 1991` 1991 1992 :11992 Change 00bChange ;BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget ` 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Regular Salaries 65,963 71,089 71,629 76,235 78,235;, 5,146 7.2% Overtime 5,062 5,000 1,312 5,000 5,000 0 0.0% _. .. Personnel Benefits 17,192 18,791 19,095 22,538 22,538 3,747 19.9% _ _ _ Uniform Allowance 540 540 640 540 40 5 0 0.0% __.. Supplies _ 5,151 7,800 6,513 8.500 8,500:. _ _ 700 _ _ 9.0% Volunteer Meal Allowance 6,005 7,140 5,495 7,140 7,140- 0 0.0% Equipment Rental _ 8,146 3,948 3,948 5,220 5.220 1,272 32.2% Repairs and Maintenance 0 450 652 700 __:.__.700 250 55.6% .... Capital Outlay. .. .0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A srsF TOTAL CRIME PREVENTION 108,0591 114,758 1 109,184 1 125,873 .126,873 11,11-91 9.7% Supplies-$500 increase for the purchase of a slide projector for presentation purposes,and$200 increase for regular supplies. ste Repairs and Maintenance-Increased to reflect actual needs. 'JAIL: 3990 1991' 1991 1982 1992 Change %Change _ »> >..s�i •...»iii ..»..:: »...-: { .....:i /> >..i. .: •..i .; ...:. .� .. {+....... .. `BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION; Actual Adopted Actual Request i3udget '.91 Adopted,91 Adopted Regular Salaries 314,771 337,019 302,770 362,287 362,287 25,268 7.5% Overtime 18,940 20,300 25,368 22,278 20,920'' 620 3.1% Personnel Benefits 84,830 89,019 76,718 98,214 0. 98,214: 9,185 1 .. Uniform Allowance 2,3202,380 1,990 2,260 2,2W (120) -5.0% _..... ....._......._...- __. _ _. __....... _ _... .... ......_ ........... _. .. . ....: _.....: Supplies 73,609 79,872 75,138 84,976 .1 82,377 2,505 3.1%' Medical Services/Prisoners 3,261 1,200 905 1,236 `1,236 36 3.0% _... __. Health Officer Services 26,568 34,775 44,221 45,304 45,304 10,529 30.3%' -------------------- .. Equipment Rental __......._ __ _ 0 _....0. 624 5.316 5,318 5,316 WA .... ...... _ . Repairs and Maintenance _. 429 635 553 700 700 65 10.2% Miscellaneous 7,316 0 3,054 2,275 2275 2,275 N/A Capital Outlay_ 0 13.163 11.628 18,800 0 (13,163) 100.0% intergovernmental Serv/K CO Jail Services 25,452 28,825 26,365 48,000 48,..... 21,175 78.9% TOTAL JAIL 555,496 605,188 569,332 889,648 888,889 63,701 10.5 TOTAL POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES BUREAU 1;503,465::: 1,623;900 1;542,217 1,801AN 1,762,329> 138,429 8.5 Supplies-Operating supplies increased$2,265 to cover increased food prices. Small increase of$240 in evidence and property supplies. Total Increase$2,505. $2,599 was requested but not approved,to complete the jail cell monitoring camera replacement +r program and add additional cameras to interview rooms and juvenile holding facilities. Equipment Rental-Formerly charged to another division,was moved to the Jail budget during 1991. Also reflects reinstatement of rates after a one-time savings in 1991. �r Health Officer Services-$10,529 increase based on the 30%contract increase presented by Seattle-King County Public Health. Miscellaneous-Accounts for the Inmate Health and Welfare Commissary,supported by miscellaneous revenues such as telephone charges,etc.,received from persons held in the jail. This account is not usually included in the budget as adopted,since the balance is carried over each year;account balance at the end of 1991 was$11,209,and an adjustment will be made. King County Jail Services-Additional$21,175 is based on increased contractual services with King County Jail. sr Capital Outlay Requested Not Funded-$16,800 is requested for a mechanical shelving unit to be installed in the property room. This unit would double the capacity to existing evidence storage,would be a more efficient means to track evidence and property, r and keep up with future storage needs in our existing space. r+sr 110 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ..< ... .! Pobce DepartmentStatistics' DESCRIPTION, -.., X85 t986' „ 3987 1988 3989 1990 3991 Actual Crimes Reported(Class 1,II,III) 7,612 7,836 8,5688,662 9,237 9,290 9,662 Adult Arrests 1) 2) 4,588 4,734 5,528_ . _.4,602 2,294 2,256 2,064 Juvenile Arrests 2) 497 605 609 270 341 267 379 Actual Jail Bookings Jail Bookings not available 1985-1989 3,021 2,857 Traffic Fatalities 3 4 4 2 1 4 8 Criminal Homicide 0 0 2 3 3 3 2 Traffic Accidents Investigated 1,527 1,537 1,764 1,422 1,391 1,629 1,609 All Other Traffic Violations 3) 8,755 8,595 8,404 10,600 8,617 8,558 14,871 Auto Thefts 177 264 337 344 418 364 351 Robberies and Burglaries 697 811 931 873 770 588 765 Total Calls for Service 25,105 27,299 28,412 29,128 37,254 40,555 41,230 1) Years 1985-1988 include arrests from other agencies housed in the Renton Jail. This service was not provided 1989-1991. 2) Warrant arrests and commitments are not included in Adult and Juvenile figures. 3)1991 includes 1,584 warning citations and 8,410 infractions. Prior years do not include warning citations. ...,>. STAFFING INFORMATION 1986 19871 7988 1989 i 7990 3891 . 1992 Commissioned Police Personnel 64.0 64.0 68.0 71.0 73.0 78.0 78.111.10 Non-Commissioned Police Personnel 24.7 24.7 25.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 rill TOTAL POLICE PERSONNEL 88.7 88.7 93.7 98.7 100.7 105.7 105.7 No rw so Ng NO til im CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Fire Department Lee Wheeler Fire Chief 91.0 Total FTE er Pat Ross Julie Bray Admin Secretary 11 Office Asst III aw Jim Mathew Jeff Morton Ow Deputy Fire Chief Veh/Eq Mechanic I r Jack McLaughlin Larry Eager Safety/Emerg Mgt Training Captain Battalion Chief Lieutenant aw 1.0 FTE Prevention Suppression 9.0 FTE 74.0 FTE Gary Gotti Fire Marshal Battalion Chief A Platoon B Platoon C Platoon Marian Thrasher Admin Secretary I a* Larry Weiss Ray Barilleaux Glen Gordon Vacant Batt Chief/Shift Co Batt ChieUShift Co Batt Chief/Shift Co Office Asst II w Jim Gray Kris Hanson Greg Bergquist Tally Hall +� [Asst Fire Marshal Captain Captain Captain Hazmat Specialist 1.0 FTE Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Fire Code Insptr i&III 3.0 FTE 3.0 FTE 3.0 FTE 3.0 FTE Fire Pians Reviewer Fire Fighter Fire Fighter Fire Fighter 1.0 FTE 20.0 FTE 20.0 FTE 19.0 FTE tnr 112 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fire Department—All Dh signs The Fre Department has five divisions described briefly below. Budget summaries and descriptions for each division are provided on the following pages. The department has 80 commissioned fire fighting positions and 11 noncommissioned tui personnel. Refer to the position allocations and the Fre Department budgetary appropriations on the following page. -Administration provides overall direction for the Fire Department. -Operations-Protects life and property from the effects of fire and hazardous materials,performs rescues,and provides life support services. Sections include Fire Suppression,Facilities,Hazardous Materials Team(Hazmat),Dive Team,and Emergency Medical Services(EMS). to -Prevention-Responsible for fire investigation,monitoring of hazardous materials,public education programs,and Uniform Fre Code inspections and plan reviews. } -Training-Coordinates the department training program. -Emergency Management/Safety-Responsible for emergency preparedness and department safety programs. so GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE-The 1992 Fre Department budget reflects an increase of$698,976 or 13.3% more than the 1991 adopted budget. $616,085 or 88%of the increase is for personnel costs,and 12%of the increase or$82,891 represents a rise in costs for operations. The 1992 Fre budget is up$669,275 or 12.6%over 1991 actual expenses. $145,357 was cut from the 1992 department request,and$12,713 was added for new programs,for a net cut from the budget request of$132,662. NEW PROGRAMS APPROVED: Two new programs are included for 1992,funded by budget cuts and proposed fire permit fee increases that will generate$21,800 projected additional revenue. The new programs are as follows: its Fire Code Inspector Certification program-$9,563(see Fre Prevention). This is a structured incentive training program. Hazardous Materials Requirements -$3,150 for a mandatory program required by the Department of Labor and Industries. The program involves three Fre Prevention staff, and costs include: $1,200 for medical examinations (Fre Administration professional services);$1,350 for training(Hazmat training account);and$600 for protective clothing(Hazmat supplies). NEW PROGRAMS REOUESTED,NOT APPROVED: Six Additional Fire Fighters-would allow the daily staffing level to be raised to 19 and enable a third life support vehicle to be staffed and put in service. The annual number of aid calls is dictating that a third unit is needed. Cost$271,092. 40 Apparatus Maintenance Officer - One additional fire fighter would allow assignment of a lieutenant to oversee the fire apparatus maintenance program and to coordinate Emergency Medical Services. Cost$45,182. Urban Rescue Program-Recent disasters caused by the earthquake in California have pointed out the need for additional skills in the area of urban rescue from confined spaces. Techniques such as shoring and rope rescue are needed in order to deal with the types of situations that are present in a major catastrophe such as an earthquake. Cost$12,770. 46 FIRE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - The 1992 Multi-Department Capital Improvement program (CIP) includes $65,000 to replace an aid vehicle,and$6,900 for Fre Station#E11 office remodel. (See Municipal Facilities CIP Fund 316,page 312.) e1 113 .rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS "' Fire Department' All Divisions Person Responsible Lee Wheeler, Fire Chef rtrr 1990 1981: 1981 1992 1982 Change %Change . , #fem Actual Adopted ::Actual Request . Budget ` 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: No Grade Title Old/New Old/New Commissioned Officers: 22/43 Fire Chief(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' 0.0 0.0% 75 Deputy Chief 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1A; 0.0 0.0% 74 Battalion Chief(Shift Commander) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 74 Battalion Chief(Fire Marshal) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1.01 0.0 0.0% filer 74 Battalion Chief(Safety/Emerg Mgt) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 lA 0.0 0.0% 73 Captain 3.03.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% . ' - _ ..... 73 Captain(Training) 1.0 ..__. ..1.0. 10 _._.. 1.0 .... . �A 0.0 0.0% 71 Lieutenant 10.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 11.1% 70 Fre Fighters(2 reinstated 9/1/91) 59.0 58.0 80.0 59.0 59.0" 1.0 1.7% ;Total Commissioned Officers 80.0 78.0 80,0 80.0 80.0 2.0 2.8 Non-Commissioned Personnel: torr - 12/23 Assistant Fire Marshal(Non-Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 lA; 0.0 0.0% 10/20 :Hazardous Materials Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.01A' 0.0 0.0% 9/20 !Fre Code Insptr ll/Fire Inspector Ill 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.01,0` 0.0 0.0% 9/18 Fre Plans Review Inspector/ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0> 0.0 0.0% r __.......... ....._ __ .... __._ _ ._.. Fre Plans Reviewer 9/16 Fre Investigator/Fire Inspector 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 f 0' 0.0 0.0% 7/16 Fre Code Inspector UFrs Inspector 1 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.4 0.0 0.0% 7/13 MechanicNehicle A Eq Mechanic 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 i 0`: 0.0 0.0%' _..: _._ 5/11 Admin Secretary/Admin Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0..1: 0.0 0.0% 5/9 Admin Secretary/Admin Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1A 0.0 0.0% 2/5 Admin Clerk ll/Office Assistant Ill 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1;0:. 0.0 0.0% 4W1/3 Admin Clerk VOmce Assistant 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1:0 0.0 0.0% TotalNott-Commissioned 110s 11.0 11.0 >11.t1 11A. 0.0 0 !; TOTALSTAFfING 91.0`: 89.0 91A> C1.0 9tAs 2,0 2. tr BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries3,603,674 3,835, ,86 ,49 780 38,442 4,2669 4;27'1,248:1 435,468 11.4%. Part Time Salaries 1.60 0 __ .0 ..__.. 0 4; 0 N/A Overtime 266,728 269,920 339,142 353.175 333.298 63,379 23.5% 4err Personnel Benefits 693,698 784,740 715,459 881,454 882,178 117,438 15.4% Uniform Allowance 33,800 32,200 31,600 32,000 32,000- (200) -0.6% Supplies 105,393 110,457 110,682 140,478 ;131,379 20,922 18.9% Professional Services 36,602 38,800 30,378 40,300 4L500 4,700 12.8% _... _ _ _- tNr Postage/Telephone/Other 1,839 3,000 1,9523,000 30001 0 0.0% TraveUTraining 14,824 10,150 9,535 23,435 28,876 18,725 184.5% Rentals and Leases 7,989 4,750 4,547 5,028 5,028 278 5.9% Equipment Rental23,512 25,740 25 - . _ VOW Repairs 8 Maintenance 87,454 98,710 85,098 101,185 101,185 2,475 2.5% Miscellaneous 18,222 13,440 13,614 26,670 26,670' 13,230 98.4% _... Intergovernmental Services 56,870 81,403 61,133 72,464 72 484 11,061 18.0% Capital Outlay 81,266 0 0 110,740 71,500 11,500 N/A ar Expenditure Credits 0 0 1 (555) 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,031,931''' .5.267,090 >5.296,791,>1 8,098;728 l.966,068 898,976 13.3 we iter for 114 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund.• 000 General wit Dept: 009 Ffre Div., fire Administration OBJECTIVE: To provide management and direction for the City of Renton Fre Department,to maintain a safe environment for the citizens of Renton. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Fre Administration provides staff services to all divisions of the Fre Department. Activities include personnel administration,payroll,budget management,shift scheduling,policy development,apparatus maintenance,long and short range planning,inter/intra-governmental relations,and facilities oversight. 1992 WORK PIAN: There are a number of capital improvement programs that will need continued updating and/or review in 1992. These include the development of apparatus specifications for an aerial platform/ladder apparatus,acquisition of a new life support vehicle to replace an older unit, and preliminary site evaluation and design of the Valley Industrial Fre Station and Training Center. Will 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Hazardous Materials Specialist position was filled,and two firefighter positions were also filled that were not funded in the 1991 budget but were approved for hiring in September. The Department continues to respond to the needs of the community and to provide the type of services that are desired. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Fre Administration budget is up$60,222 or 14%over 1991 adopted appropriations,and is $60,013 or 13.9%more than 1991 actual expenses. The 1992 budget request was cut by$8,028;$2,328 equipment rental 611111 for a vehicle replacement,and$5,700 in capital outlay. $1,200 was added for Hazmat examinations. Net reduction from the 1992 budget request was$6,828. Professional Services-$2,000 increase for physical examinations,and$1,200 added for Hazmat medical examinations. Travel-Increased$1,500 to the 1990 approved level of$3,000. Will allow attendance for the Chief and Deputy Chief at the Washington State Fre Chiefs'and Western Fire Chiefs'conferences,and quarterly State Chief Roundtable seminars. Rentals and Leases-Copy machine rental transferred to Fre Suppression. Equipment Rental -Replacement of a 19W 4-door sedan (F)23)was requested, but deferred. The equipment rental rate increase would have been$2,328,and the cost to replace estimated at$12,500. Repairs&Maintenance-$1,200 for repair of typewriters,computers,printers,microfilm reader/printer,calculators and other office equipment. $1,800 for maintenance of the Valley-Com computer system for apparatus dispatch. $900 total increase. Miscellaneous - $700 for printing and binding (no increase), used for special printing projects. $1,850 for conference registrations,and memberships in professional organizations ($450 increase to 1990 approved level). $700 for publications which increased in 1991 ($50 increase). $50 for Earlington Flat's property tax ($10 increase) based on 1991 cost. Overall increase$510. Intergovernmental Services-$11,061 increase for Valley-Com fire dispatch assessment. Capital Outlay Approved-$6,000 was approved for replacement of three older model personal computers. Capital Outlay Requested Not Approved-$5,700 to replace an older,hard-to-repair microfilm reader/printer-$5,700. rr 115 as CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ...................... t"" Fire Department Adminlstra6 Person ResponSlble Lee Wheeler,ire Chref .. , 1.990 1981 1991 :1992 1892 Change %Change item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget : 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: _ .. Grade Title _ _ _. _.__ .._. __ New/Old New/Old Commissioned Officers: ----------------------- +Ilr 22/43 Fire Chief(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 _ 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0% 75 Deputy Fre Chief 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1?0 0.0 1 0.0% Totaf Commiseloned Officers :2.0 2.0 2,0 2,0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0/4 IIIb . . ........ Non-Commissioned Personnel: 7/13 MechanicNehicle 3 Eq Mechanic 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19 0.0 0.0% _...__. . _. .. _ _. .... .. 5/11 Admin See/Administrative Secretary 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0% 2/5 Admin Clerk II/Office Assistant III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00.0 0.0% Total Non-Commissioned 3.0 3.0 3:0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL'STAF19NG 5.0 5.0 5:0 5.0 0 0.0 0.0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 207,754 223,576 226,384 244,400 244 400 20,824 9.3% Part Time Salaries0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 .. . N/A Personnel Benefits 95,406 98,849 96,632 115,576 115 578 16,727 16.9% Uniform Allowance 800 800 800 800 800 0. 0.0%. .. _ Supplies _ __._. 8.005 8000 8,647 8000 8,000; 0 0.0% .... _ ... _. __ Professional Services 25,613 26,000 23,963 28 000 28 200 3,200 12.3% Postagerrelephone/Other 1,839 3,000 1,952 3.000 3000 0 0.0% TraveVTrainI.ng 2,031 1,500 3,167 3,000 3 000 1 500 100.0% Rentals and Leases....._ 4,500 500. ...... _ 202 .... .._ 0 0 tom) ..... 100:096 Equipment Rental 4,505 4,500 4,500 6.828 4,500 0 0:0% atls Repairs 3 Maintenance 1,217 2.100 3,444 3,M 3,000, 900 42.9% Miscellaneous 3,004 2,790 2,404 3,300 3,300 510 18.3% _.. Intergovernmental Services 66,970 81,403 61,133 72,464 72 4ti4 11-061 18.0%1 Capital Outlay _ _ _....__ __ ._. 0 0.. 0 11 700 $000 6,000 N/A III1 Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 409,644 431,018 431,227 498 0681. 491,240 80,222 14. +rr sis IIr rlle arI +IIIb s>Ir 116 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dt. 009 Fire Div: Fire Operations(Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat, Hive Team, EMS Life Support) OBJECTIVE: To protect life and property from the effects of fire,medical emergencies,accidents,and hazardous materials incidents. rel PROGRAM ACTIVITY: There are five sections in the Fire Operations division as follows: Suppression:Suppression personnel work a 24 hour shift on a three platoon format with each platoon being commanded by a Battalion Chief. Each platoon has 24-25 personnel assigned with a minimum of 17 on duty each shift. This staffing allows three engine companies,an aerial ladder company,and two life support units to be in service at all times. Facilities: Provides operating supplies and repairs and maintenance for the three fire stations. Hazardous Materials Team(Hazmat): This team is staffed by 28 fire fighters and officers who have shown a desire to be involved and receive specialized training beyond the routine fire fighter first response skills. The team is required to train with nine identified SARA Title III facilities and to exercise emergency response plans on an annual basis. Dive Team: The Department maintains a 22 member dive team that is available to respond to water related emergencies. Their skills include underwater search and recovery,river rescue and water support services. The members of this team are required to train on a monthly basis and to maintain certification above the routine fire fighting skills. This team has provided support assistance to the Parks and Police Departments for underwater beach surveys,clean up,and evidence search and recovery., Emergency Medical Services: All fire fighters in the Department are EMT certified and 95% have received a defib certification allowing them to use defibrillation equipment. Average response time in the City for life support calls is 4.0 minutes. The City receives King County EMS basic life support funds;$270,427 in 1991 and$272,000 projected for 1992. 1992 WORK PLAN: Fre Operations will provide the City with quality service in the areas of fire extinguishment,emergency medical and rescue,and hazardous material response that it has been accustomed to in the past. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Suppression division responded to a total of 5,030 calls in 1991,including 3,278 aid,and 1,752 fire, hazardous materials, and other types of incidents. All Department hose was tested according to prescribed standards,apparatus ladders were Inspected and tested,City hydrants were checked,and all required training requirements e were met. CPR classes were provided monthly for the public by certified department instructors,numerous blood pressures were taken, and station tours were conducted. The outfitting of a new Hazmat van was completed and the vehicle is in service. Due to a decrease in the budget, specialized training for the Hazmat Team and the Dive Team was held to a minimum. The dive team was utilized on a variety of water related incidents. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1992 Fre Operations budget is up$550,495 or 13%over the 1991 adopted budget,and is$462,490 or 10.7%more than 1991 actual expenses. Most of the 1992 increase is in salaries,overtime,and benefits. The 1992 budget request was cut by$104,509 including:$19,876 overtime;$9,099 supplies;$11,244 equipment rental for vehicle replacements;and all capital outlay requests were cut$64,290(explained below). $1,350 was added for a Hazmat program. Net change from the 1992 request is a reduction of$103,159. Budget change are described on pages 119-120. rtal Capital Outlay: (Total Request$64,290-All Items Cut) Rescue and extrication equipment-$15,000,fuel powered,hydraulically operated rescue tool needed for third aid unit. Two mobile radios with siren -$9,000, to replace older outdated equipment. Four portable radios - $5,000, to replace older outdated models. High pressure breathing air compressor station-$22,500,needed because of the changing demands for quality breathing air and the use of self-contained breathing apparatus is rapidly rendering the present unit unserviceable, increasing the potential for a major breakdown. Utility craft/trailer-$12,790,to provide the dive team with a water craft in which to conduct surface operations necessary at search and rescue incidents. 117 e� CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS nr Fire Department Operations {Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat, Dive Timm,l EMS Life Support) Person Responsible: Jim Mathew, Deputy Fire Chief ....: 1980 1991 1991 1992 1992 Change 96 Change' . item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget i ' 91 Adopted 91 Ad POSITION ALLOCATIONS: _. __..... Grade Title Commissioned Officers: 74 Battalion Chief(Shift Commander) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 73 Captain 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 71 Lieut(1.0 assigned to Training in 1992) 10.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 11.1% 70 Fre Fighters(2 reinstated 9/1/91) 59.0 58.0 60.0 69.0 1.0 1.7% Total Commissioned Officers 75.0' 73.0 75:0taw 75,0 76.0 2.0 2.7 TOTAL STAFFING ": 76.0. 73,0 76:0 :'75.0 175.0 2,0 2.704 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 3,009,552 3,163,107 3,233,715 3,534,087 3 534 087 370,980 11.7% +arils _.. ----------------------- Part Time Salaries0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A _. Overtime 256,265 260,140 327,498 338,498 316,820 56.480 21.7% Personnel Benefits 520,914 572,344 534,379 657,344 657,344 85,000 14.9% Uniform Allowance 30,400 29,200 30,000 30 000 30,000 800 2.7% .... _ - .... . .... _ .......... _ _..__. _.._.... _.: _.__._ ._ .__. Supplies 90,118 89,607 91,723 116,353 107,254' 17,847 19.7% Professional Services 5,927 0 - __..0 0 0. 0 WA PostagerTelephone/Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A _........_ _ _ _ _ . .__.. _..__........._ .._,:. ........._..._.._.._... Travel/Training 8,493 3,850 2,880 12,473 13,833' 9,973 259.0% Rentals and Leases 904 950 1,001 1,450 1,450.; 500 52.8% _...._ _..... _. _..._._... _ .__.._ _ ... _.......: Equipment Rental 10,038 11,304 11,328 22 648 11,30li: 0 0.0% ....... .. _ .. ...__...... ....._ ___ »; .......__....... .... .......__, Repairs 6 Maintenance 85,203 94,710 80,672 95,910 95;9101 1,200 1.3% Miscellaneous 13,143 6,450 6,471 14,365 14,365 7,915 122.7% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 4 0 N/A . ..................... . Capital Outlay62,879 0 0 64,290 0 WA Expenditure Credits _..0 0. ... 0. ... _... 0 0 _ ....__...0. ._ - N/A +Iw1 FIRE OPERATIONS :4,093,836 4,231.662 ;4,319,687 4,885,316 4,782,157 550,495 73.0 _...._:. ....._... ........... __ __. ............... 1990 1991 1991 7982 1'192 $Change 9b Change'' --,- , »„ „- FIREOPERATIONSOIVISIONS. Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91`Adopted Fire Suppression 3,985,295 4,186,187 4,252,637 4,770,203 4,673,172. 606,985 12.2%I Fre Facilities 17,421 20,175 19,833 25,233 25;233 5,058 25.196 Hazmat Program(Including Overtime) 28,928 15,800 18,788 44,883 41,333 25,5 161.6%' ar1M _ 33 _ .........: Dive Team(Including Overtime) 24,977 8,600 8,486 22,68279,904 11,304 131.4% ---- _ __ EMS Life Support 39,215 20,900 20,063 22,515 22,515 ... 1.615 7.7% 'TOTAL:FIR E QPERATIONS 4,093,838` 4.231,662 4,319,887 +4.885,316 4,782,167 550.495 13.0 sir 1980 7891 1891 79$2 1992 Change %Change': air FIRE OPERATIONS OVERTIME: Actual Adopted Actual Request :Budget 91 Adopted 01;Adopled 10.02 ,Overtime/Special Project 3,494 5,000 13,176 5,500 .5,500 500 10.0% _ .. _ _.. .-... _. .._ _.... _ .......... .... ::... .... .... ............_..._: 10.03 Disability Replacement 60,029 54,000 106,438 80,000 66,850` 2,850 5.3% 10.04 Acting Pay 49,403 48,000 53,015 51,000 51,000,' 3,000 6.3% ow 10.05 Holdover 32,457 21,500 25,482 21500 21,500 0 0.0% 10.06Training 35,600 16,000 29,317 86,018 53,770: 38,770 229.8%' 10.09 Military Leave 2,917 6,500 4,262 3,600 3,600 (3,000) -46.2% __.. _.. _...__ ... ...... _. ......... _....._...... _.. ..... .... ..:.._ . 10.10 Hazmat 12,068 8,000 12,163 20,000 18,000. 10,000 125.0% 10.11 Payback Straight Time 37,437 77,500 63,912 77,500 77,500 0 0.0% 10.12 Holiday/Double Time12,425 16,000 13,341 17,500 17,500 1,500 9.4% _ _. _ - 10.16 Dive Team Overtime 8,175 4,640 4,377 10,478 8,000 4,360 94.0% 10.17 Fre Prevention/Straight Time 2,380 3,000 2,015 3,500 3,600 500 16.7%` TOTAL'FIRE OPERATIONS OVERTIME :256,2651 280;140 %i 327,498 338,498 318;820 58,480 21.7 118 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Fund., 000 General tllli Dept: 009 Fire Div: Fire Operations(Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat,t3ive Team, SMS Life Support) BUDGET CHANGES-for Fire Operations are summarized below for each of the five sections included in this division. 1980 1991 7991 2992 1992 Change %Change IFIRESURORESSIONOPERA770NS Actual Adopted.: Actual Request; Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 3,009,652 3,163,1071. 3,233,715 3634,0817 3534087 370,980 11 11.7% Overtime 236,022 247,500 310,958 306,018 289 820 42,120 17.0% _... Personnel Benefits 520,914 572,344 534,379 857,344 $57 85,000 14.9% Uniform Allowance 30,400 29,200 30,000 30,000 30.000: 800 2.7% supplies PP 47.589 50.43249,8W 58,438 let 337 905 1.8% Travel/Training 3,764 2,500 1,818 5,130 5,130; 2,630 105.2% 105.._ Rentals and Leases _.. 904 950 1,001 1,450 1,45p 1 500 52.8% Equipment Rental 10,038 11,304 11,328 22.548 .11,3041 0 0.0% Repairs A Maintenance 79,720 84,350 74,443 84,600 84,890 260 0.3% Miscellaneous8,347 4,500 6,081 8.300 3,800 84.4% _. Capital Outlay 40.085 0 0 84,290 0 0 N/A TOTAL FIRE SUPPkCSSION 3,985,295 1 4,166,1871 4,252.637 4,770,203 4.873,172 506,985 1 12.2 FIRE SUPPRESSION OPERATIONS: Overtime: Overall increase of$42,120 over the 1991 adopted amount The increase is to accommodate the 1992 salary adjustment, unless otherwise noted. Special Project Overtime- 1991 actual expense includes a budget adjustment for reimbursed special one- time services. Disability Replacement - 1991 costs were exceptionally high, and the overage had to be covered by deferring expenses in other accounts. $60,000 was requested for 1992, $3,150 was cut to fund a mandatory Hazmat program, leaving $56,850. Training Overtime - $66,018 requested, $13,248 cut, leaving a balance of$52,770. The cut will eliminate sending two officers as instructors to the Recruit Academy in North Bend. The increase will cover EMT recertification for the majority of our fire fighters. This training is done off duty and off-site. Funds are included for: EMTCE and DEFIBCE instructor program for monthly in- house training,Command School,Officers School,and flammable liquids training at North Bend. Supplies: $905 overall increase over 1991. Provides for all supplies necessary to maintain suppression activities,except for Hazmat, Dive Team, and EMS supplies,which are in separate sections. General supplies$19,901 ($10,031 reduction from 1991 approved level); breathing apparatus supplies$2,736 ($736 increase); fire extinguisher maintenance$1,000(no increase); small equipment repair $500 (no Increase); personal safety equipment $7,200; $6,200 increase for six complete protective clothing sets and replacement items;and small equipment items$20,000($4,000 increase). Travel/Training - Increase of$2,630 will allow attendance for suppression personnel at Command School, Officers School, North Bend Training Center,and for interested Captains,the California and Washington State Training Officers conferences. The approved $5,130 is below the 1990 level of$5,875. Equipment Rental-$11,244 requested for replacement of F016 1978 aid vehicle;item deferred.(Cost to replace$60,000.) Rentals/Leases-$500 transferred from Administration to provide a small copier for Station 11. No increase. Repairs/Maintenance-$250 added for breathing apparatus compressor system filter changes (from $750 to$1,000 for breathing apparatus repairs). All other accounts at 1991 level: general repairs$3,000;fire apparatus$80,000;and small equipment$600. j Miscellaneous-Memberships& Registrations-Increased$3,600 to 1990 approved level of$5,000. Provides for class registrations and dues for professional organizations. Laundry-$3,300;$200 added due to possible increase by vendor. 1980 1981 1984 1992 1992 Change %Change ,, FACILMES OPERf1770NS Actual Adopted Actual Request 8udpet 01 Adopted 9i lldopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _. Supplies 13,718 15,175 15,041 19,733 (9,733 4,558 30.0% Repairs&Maintenance 3,109 5,000 4,792 5,500 5,500 500 10.0% epi Capital Outlay 594 0 0 0 O' 0 N/A TOTAL FIRE FACILITIES 17,421 20,175 18,833 25,233 25,233i 5,058 25.1 FACILITIES OPERATIONS: Total increase all accounts - $5,058. Total program 1992 $25,233; 1991 adopted $20,175; 1990 approved level$19,845. Operating Supplies-$6,525 for all operating supplies at three stations including cleaning supplies,kitchen ware and office supplies(increased$1,375 due to inflation in cost). Small Equipment-$13,208 for replacement of small equipment and furniture items for the stations (increased $3,183). Repairs and Maintenance - $5,500 for all three stations repair of major appliances,furniture,and equipment(increased$500). 11011 119 w CITY OFRENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund, 000 General Dept. 009 Fire Div I<re: peratwns(Suppression,Faalifies, Hazmat, V' Team, EMS Life Support) we 1890 1991 199} }992 Change 1992 94 Change iHAaNATOPER477ONS Iictt,al Adopted Actual Request Budget Al Adopted 91 Adopt etl' rer BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Overtime 12.068 8,000 12,163 20,0001$000. 10,000 125.0% Supplies 7,654 5,000 5,647 14,340 }7,840 6,640 132.8% _..._ _.... . Travel/Training 4,321 1,000 658 8,343 7,883 8,893 869.3% Repairs&Maintenance 0 1,000 0 1,000 f fl00 0 0.0% ......... .__ __........___. Misc/Memberships&Registrations 2,885 800 300 3,000 2,000'.. 2,200 275.0% TOTAL HAZMAT RESPONSE 2-0,9281 15,800 1 18,788 1 44,883 >4}333< 25,533 181.8 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS(HAZMAT)OPERATIONS: Total increase all accounts-$25,533. 1992 program$41,333; 1991 adopted "W $15,800; 1990 approved$38,800. Overtime-$20,000 requested,$2,000 cut,leaving$18,OD0. Funds are for nine required SARA drills and 12 required monthly classes. 12 fire fighters will be trained in the CAMEO computer system. Equipment Supplies were cut drastically in 1991 and large purchases had to be deferred, including four Level W hazmat suits,four lifeguard Level'A'suits and 4ss eight disposable Level W suits. Other equipment includes air monitoring tubes,entry boots,incident vests and a cellular phone for the hazmat vehicle. $14,340 requested,$3,300 cut,$600 added back for protective clothing required by mandatory Department of Labor and Industries program. Travel/Training -Requested$6,343 and$1,350 was added for Department of Labor and Industries r program. Includes training for hazmat team members on railway emergency response,hazmat leak and control,hazmat command, and classes at the National Fre Academy. Memberships&Registrations-for specialized training classes ktcreased$2,200. tg90 1981 2 x9g1 1992 4x92 Change %Change OIYE7FAMflPERA770NS>: ActualAilopted` Aclual Repued f3ulget <91 Adopted 91 Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Overtime 8,175 4,640 4,377 10,478 9,000.: 4,380 94.0% _.... ...__. _ .._ _ _... _.... .._ _ _........ . . Supplies6,665 2,000 2,179 8,344 7044: 5,044 252.2%' _._._.._............. ..__._. ._.... .... ...__._. ..__. _. _.. _. .. _._._._... .... .. .... .. .,.;_. irr Prof Serv/Water Accident Mgt 5,927 0 0 0 _..::;:i. 0 0 WA Repairs 5 Maintenance 549 960 9101,310 9,310::: 350 36.5% Misc/Memberships b Registrations 3,861 1,000 1,000 2,550 2,550 1,550 155.0%I TOTAL FIRE DIVE TEAM 1 24,977 8,600 8,488 1 22,682 19,904;; 11,304 131.4 arr DIVE TEAM OPERATIONS: Total increase all accounts$11,304. 1992 program $19,904. 1991 adopted$8,600; 1990 approved level$21,640. Supplies-Increased$5,044,for all supplies necessary for dive team operations. This budget was cut severely in 1991 and a number of equipment purchases were deferred such as rescue boards, knives,flotation devices,masks,fins,snorkels, boot sets and gloves. Other items include regulators,gauges,a mask with communication,and gear bags. Equipment Repairs and Maintenance - Increased $350; 1992 allocation will provide annual regulator servicing, tank certification, and dive suit repair. Registrations-Increased$1,550 to allow attendance at Dive Rescue I,River Rescue I and II,a Dive Master course,and membership in an international diving organization. 1990 1991 798} }992 1992 9b Change EMS ME SUPPORT OPERAnONS Actual ;Adopted; Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted rtrr BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Supplies 14,512 17,000 19.020 17,500 `]7,500 500 2.9% Travel/Training 408 350 406 1,0001,000 650 N/A Repairs A Maintenance 1,825 3,400 527 3,500 3,500 100 2.9% Misc/Memberships&Registrations 250 150 110 515 ...55 385 243.3% Capital Outlay 22,220 0 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL EMS LIFE SUPPORT 39.215 20,900 20,063 22,515 22AIS 1,615 7.7 TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS 1 4,093,8381 4.231,862 4,319,667 405,316 4,?82,157 550,495 13 wrr EMS LIFE SUPPORT OPERATIONS: Total increase all accounts $1,615. 1992 program $22,515; 1991 adopted $20,900; 1990 approved$21,098. Supplies-$500 increase. Funds provide for all supplies needed to outfit the aid vehicles. Travel/Training-$650 increase to send aid personnel to specialized classes being offered in the local area,such as burn treatment,pre-hospital treatment ssr and IGng County Emergency Medical Services classes. Repairs and Maintenance - $100 increase; repairs for all EMS related equipment, defib machines, batteries, chargers, etc. Memberships and Registrations - $365 increase. Will allow for six aid personnel to attend specialized classes. swr 120 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS fund: 000 General,.tttl dept: 009 Fire ©wi Fire Prevention OBJECTIVE: To provide a fire safe environment for the community through services such as annual Uniform Fre Code business occupancy inspections, construction plan reviews and field tests, public education, fire investigation, hazardous materials monitoring,and legislation adoption. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Conducts business occupancy fire code inspections and reinspections of over 1700 businesses,reviews over 800 commercial plans a year and conducts field inspections to assure compliance of the Uniform Fre Code. The Bureau develops tt and presents public education programs reaching over 10,000 people each year,conducts fire investigation of fires with a dollar loss of more than$5,000 or fires of a suspicious nature,and maintains internal tracking of all hazardous substances regarding quantity, location and type/toxicity. The Bureau is also responsible for monitoring SARA Title III occupancies to assure compliance of Federal brrf requirements. The Bureau maintains accounting records for Uniform Fre Code permits, reinspection fees, plan review fees, and construction fees with a projected revenue of about$60,000 in 1991. 1992 WORK PLAN: Adoption of the Uniform Fire Code-1991 edition which includes a proposed increase in Uniform Fire Code and illlll construction permit fees. The additional revenue will offset the increase for a new Fre Code Inspector Certification program which will provide an educational structure for growth. Anticipated acquisition of enhanced computer capabilities will provide one key person with the knowledge and skills to develop typeset style brochures,handouts,mailers,etc.for the betterment of the entire Fre at Department. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Final implementation of the Underground Storage Tank Secondary Containment ordinance; Hazardous Materials Specialist assisted in the process. Additionally,a change in the Fireworks ordinance provided a more restricted 10 period of fireworks discharge,thereby minimizing additional manpower for this period of time. A considerable amount of time and effort was expended developing and distributing educational pamphlets to alert the community of the fireworks revisions. NEW PROGRAM APPROVED: Fire Code Inspector Certification program. The primary objective of this program is to provide an education climate, whereby Fre Code Inspectors can increase their skills in a structured atmosphere. The results of this type of training program will have direct benefits for the entire community as well as increase staff morale. it will provide the community with a higher level of trained personnel in the ever-changing requirements of fire and life safety. In addition, the program is structured to have built-in monetary incentives upon completion of 288 classroom hours and 4000 hours of continuous employment. Total cost$9,563;$4,749 salaries,$724 benefits,and$4,090 training. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 budget is up$64,330 or 14.5%over the 1991 adopted level. Overtime-Regular Overtime increased$154 for oostof-living. Standby Pay,increased per Union Contract from$1.00 per hour to $1.25 per hour for fire investigator standby($1,745 increase). Uniform Allowance/Inspectors-Taxable and is included in salaries. Supplies-$1,175 overall increase. General Supplies-$4,500,$500 increase. Public Education Supplies will provide for handout materials,fire safety videos,and Fire Safe House insurance for the public education program($1,200,no increase). Personal Safety Equipment-new item$500. Small Equipment will provide computer enhancement for typeset and graphic capabilities for handouts,brochures,mailers and bulletins;a converter for generating electricity for portable fire investigation equipment;and a camera to gather visual evidence at the fire scene(total$3,050,$175 increase). Fre Prevention Travel. $3,150 for continuing education to keep informed of changes within the profession ($1,650 increase);and $4,090 added for mandatory Hazmat training. Equipment Rental-Replacement of a 1980 Escort with a Blazer type vehicle. Deferred. Miscellaneous-Memberships and Registrations-$1,830,increased$830 due to higher membership fees in 1992 and reinstatement of workshops and classes not allowed in 1991 budget. Publications-$2,900,$2,400 increase primarily for the required 1991 Uniform Fire Code Handbooks for key personnel in the Fre Department. Capital Outlay Approved: (Total$5,500) Hydrocarbon tester-$2,000,used in conjunction with fire investigation and hazardous material incidents to detect hazardous and flammable materials. Computer Enhancement-$3,500 to be utilized by the entire Fre Department in the area of graphic and production of educational materials. Capital Outlay Requested Not Approved-Work stationsloffice furniture-$13,000 to replace present office furniture with modern work stations designed around the Fire Prevention office operation. 121 est CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS - - Fire Department-Fire Prevention PersonResponsible Gary Goth, Battalion Chef 1990 1991 1891 1992 1992 ------------ Will Change %Change' --- .. .... #tem Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title ... Old/New Old/New Commissioned Officers: 74 Battalion Chief(Fire Marshal) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% 1.TotalCommissionedOfficers 1.0 1.0 10 1.10 1.0 0,0 0;0 4W Non-Commissioned Personnel: ..... ........ ......... ........ _. „ _.... .. 12/23 Assistant Fire Marshal(Non-Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11,0 0.0 0.0% 10/20 Hazardous Materials Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0% 9/20 Fire Code Ineptr it/Fire Inspector III 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 9/18 Fire Plan Review inspector/ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1;0 0.0 0.0% _ _.... _... ._ _ _ ..... ......... .. . . Fire Plans Reviewer 9/16 Fire Investigator/Fire Inspector 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 t,0 0.0 0.0% _..__ _...... .____.........I....... _ _.........._ .. _ _..... _ 7/18 Fire Code ir Inspector e Inspector I 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% -_._....._....__for I ...._.. ._ __..... ._. ......._... _ _.. 5/9 Admin Secretary/Admin Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0% 1/3 Admin Clerk ItOffice Assistant 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1i0 0.0 0.0% T6taiNon-Commissioned' 8A 8.0 8:0 80 8A 0.0 0. TOTAL STAFFING fiA 9.0 9:0 9A C.0 0.0 0. BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _.. Regular Salaries _ _..._... 278.574 331,085 314,782 360425 365,174' 33,50 .. ..._ __....... Part Time Salaries 180 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Overtime 10,389 9,780 8,988 ___.11,679 11879 1,999 19.4% Personnel Benefits 62,290 76,999 71,559 89,899 90,623 13,624 17.7% Uniform Allowance 1,800 1,400 400 400 400° 1,000 -71.4% Supplies 7.983 8,075 7,727 9,250 9.250. 1,175 14.6% Professional Services 308 300 60 300 300 0 0.0% .. . ... . ,. ...__... ...... ..... Postage/Telephone/Other 0 _ 0 _ _ ..0 0 0 0 N/A Travel/Training 1,423 1,500 51% 3,150 7,240 5,740 382.7%' _ _. _.. . Rentals and Leases 2,585 3,300 3.345 3,578 3,57$ 278 8.4% Ism .. .. _. _._... .__.. . _. ._.. .._ _._ . ....._.. _... __...._ ,, ,,,,.;,._.......... ........ Equipment Rental 6,509 7,478 7,476 10,464 7,478 0 0.0%' Repairs&Maintenance 739 1,000 578 1,375 .6,375. 375 37.5% Miscellaneous 1 422 1,500 2,249 4,730 4,730 3,230 215.3%' Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 N 11r Capital Outlay 7,848 0 0 18,500 5.500 5,500 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 (555) 0 G 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 382;030' 442,995 417;174 :513,750 507,325 44,330 SIN 6411 arr Our i lr 122 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS „ Fund. 000 General Depi.* 009 Fire Div Fire iTixining OBJECTIVE: To develop training programs and coordinate in-service training throughout the Fire Department. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Coordinates department training including: monitoring the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (JATC)program for new firefighters;oversees and coordinates EMT and Defib certifications and recertifications; EMTCE and CPR instructor program; driver training programs; and Hazmat SARA drills. The division conducts the semi-annual Chief's drill, monitors monthly company drills, and arranges a variety of other training programs for suppression and staff. The t Training officer is a member of the King County Training Officers and attends monthly meetings, training classes and seminars. 1992 WORK PLAN: Maintain essential programs of EMT/Defib,CPR and EMTCE instructor recertification,engine operator's recertification,EVAPP, monitor JATC and the Chief's drills. A major goal in 1992 will be instituting urban rescue training as part of earthquake preparedness and continuation of the rope rescue training. ilk 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 16 EMTs,75 auto defib technicians,and 18 EMTCE and defib instructors were recertified. 65 personnel completed aerial ladder certification (road course, rodeo and aerial), 75 attended Accountability Training. Personnel received rapid trauma, extrication, and immobilization training from King County Emergency Medical Services. Pump operator, ladder testing, wildland/urban interface and rope rescue training were also accomplished. Personnel participated in Chief's drills,hazmat and dive drills,incident command,and ladder driver filming. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Fire Training budget is up$16,033 or 18.8%over the 1991 adopted level. Overtime-Standby Overtime$3,500,increased$500 to allow for additional hours of standby. Training Division Overtime $1,500,increased$300 for cost of living. Overtime allocation transferred from Suppression division during 1991. Supplies-Office/Operating$1,200,increased$400 to 1990 approved level. Provides for VCR tapes for recording training exercises,camera film and processing,VCR camera batteries and other necessary supplies. Small Equipment$3,400,for the rope rescue training program,foam for training exercises,a video tape storage cabinet,and replacement of the television in the basement training room. $200 increase. Professional Services-EMT Instructor-$4,000,no change. Instructors/On-Site Training-Increased to 1990 approved level of $8,000 to provide outside training vendors for Team Building,Art of Leadership,Development of Positive Organization,and Train the Trainer classes(increase$1,500). Travel-$1,812,$1,012 increase. Will allow for attendance at the Spring and Fall Training Officers conference and the California Training Officer classes. Miscellaneous-Memberships and Registrations-$600,$300 increase;for Training Division Washington State Fire Chiefs' dues,registration for three training officer conferences,and other local seminars and classes. Publications-$3,000,$900 increase. Funds will provide necessary publications oriented to fire fighter responsibilities and training. Capital Outlay Requested Not Approved- Three Multi-station Gyms-$16,250,will provide full size exercise equipment at the three stations for the physical fitness program. This includes recordkeeping software and instructions. tt rr� 123 tti r CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ------------------ Fire Department-Frre Training - /Orson Responsible: Larry Eager, Captain 1990 1991 1891 1992 1992 Change %`Char►ge --- --- - ----------- -X, am Actual Adopted Actual Request >Budget 'I 91 Adopted 91`Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: tlr Grade _ Title Commissioned Officers: __ 73 Captain(Training) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 110 0.0 0.0% Lieutenant from Suppression ...>.. ........_ assigned to Training in 1992. TOTAL STAFFING 1A< 1.0 1:0 1A 1:0 0.0 o.o ew BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 51,010 55,248 36,609 60,711 5,4 60,711 63 9.9% ................ Part Time Salaries 0 _ 0 _ _ 0 0 0 0 N/A Overtime 74 0 2,656 5,000 5,000 5,000 N/A Personnel Benefits 8,088 8,870 6,088 10,128 10,128 1,258 14.2%' Uniform Allowance 400 400 400 400 400 0 0.0% Supplies 578 4,000 2,399 4,600 4,600 600 15.0% Professional Services 4,754 10,50 6,355 12,000 12,W6 1,500 14.3% Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 :0 0 N/A Travel/Training 745 800 749 1,812 1,812 1,012 126.5% Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Equipment Rental 2,460 2,480 2,460 2,480 2,460 0 0.0%' Repairs&Maintenance 147 400 89 400 400` 0 0.0% Miscellaneous 367 2,400 2.350 3,600 3,800 1,200 50.0% Intergovernmental Services .. .... 0 0 _ .0 0 0 10 .. NSA Capital Outlay __ 5,153 0 0 16 250 - 0. ...._ N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0: 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES ::73,776 85,078 80,156 117,361 101,111 16,033 18.8 air irr 4r +wr rrr 124 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund 000 General Dept: 009 Fire Div: Emergency Management OBJECTIVE: Provide direction and control over City activities that are essential to saving lives, protecting property and restoring City services during and after a major emergency. It PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Provide training and exercises designed to promote emergency preparedness;and test and evaluate our emergency operations plan,procedures and facilities. 1992 WORK PMN: Update the Emergency Operations Plan and expand communication capabilities augmenting telephone services with cellular backup and utilizing amateur communication network,etc.during emergencies 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: This division coordinated all state and federal mitigation grants resulting from the 1990 and 1991 floods and windstorm. The Emergency Operations Center was updated and all OSHA and NFPA 1500 recommendations were enforced. The Safety Officer responded to all major incidents and is responsible for safety operations at the emergency scene. The EMS Coordinator/Safety Officer reviews all injury reports, serves as Chairman of the Labor/Management Safety Committee,coordinates annual Department physical examinations,and serves as Chairman of the Accident Review Board. Training and instruction was provided to insure all personnel are aware of safety standards as mandated by law. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Emergency Management Budget is up$7,896 or 10.3%over the 1991 adopted level. Supplies: Office/Operating Supplies-No change,$275. Emergency Operations Center Supplies-Increased by$500,back to 1990 approved level of$1,500. Feld Disaster Supplies. Increased from$1,000 to$2,000,due to large expense of recent flood,supplies were severely depleted. Small Equipment. No change,$500. Travel[Training: Staff Training-Increased$500 to total of$1,000,to allow for attendance at regional and state Emergency Management seminars. Emergency Management Key Official Training. No change,$2,000 will provide workshops for City officials and updating of our Emergency Management plan. Miscellaneous: Memberships and Registrations. Increased$175 back to 1990 approved level of$275. Publications. Increased$200 back to 1990 approved level of$400,provides for handouts to the public. 10 125 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS era ------------------------------------ ------------ ---------------------- --------------------7-------------- ------------- WeE Aire Department-w F1 Emergency--------- - ------- -----------------Department --------------------------- -----------Person Responsible Jack BanalibnM Chief ---------------------------- -------- -------- ------ -------------------- .......... ..... . wr :::�1992 :A992 Change ----------------------------------- -------- -----------------------— --- -------------------- ------ ------------------------------ item Actual::::: Adopted �:Actual Request Budget. 91 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title . .. . ................. :Commissioned Officers: 74 Battalion Chief(Safety/Emerg Mgt) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 77 ----IL-0-4 0.0 0.0 TOTAL STAFFING 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 A .Io 0.0: 0.0q BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: .................. dw Regular Salaries 56,784 .621,184'.. 56,95. 2 66 878 60,870 4,692 7.5% ..................... Part Time Salaries 00 0 0 G 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 N/A ........... Personnel Benefits 7,000 7,678 8,801 8,607 411,507 829 10.8% ............ so Uniform Allowance 400 400 0 400 400 0 0.0% Supplies 709 2,775 2,188 4,275 4.V5 1,500 54.1% ........... Professional Services 00 0 0 0 0 N/A -- - - --------- Postage/Telephor—i0ther 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Travel/Training 1,932 2,500 2,174 3,000 4,000, 500 20.0% Rentals and Leases 0 00 0 0 N/A Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A ..............- Repairs&Maintenance 148 500 314 Soo ::::::SW 0 0.0% MiscellaneMiscellaneous 286 300 140 676 375 125.0% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A .............. Capital Outlay 5,386 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Expenditure Credits0 N/A 0 0 0 0 JOTA 7,896 LEXPENDITURES 72,645 76,337 68,557t:�:: 94.233 $4,233 10.3 as wr rrt we No 126 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET fire Department Statistics _.. ... .., DESCRIPTION 1988 1887 3988 1989 )990 1991 FIRE RATING(Washington Survey&Rating Bureau) 4 4 4 4 4 4 NUMBER OF FIRE STATIONS 3 3 3 3 3 3 RESPONSES: LIFE SUPPORT RESPONSES 2,946 3,092 3,167 3,287 3,181 3,278 BUILDING FIRES _164 146 150.. 102 148 90 VEHICLE FIRES119 118 88 109 92 84 OTHER FIRES 127 _.. 174 135 .__.._...121.. . 1.01. _ 142 OVERPRESSURE RUPTURES 5. 7. 2 4 18 35 tib HAZARDOUS CONDITION RESPONSES 183 172 186 217 231 187 SERVICE RESPONSES 183 178 153 240 528 35.41. GOOD INTENT RESPONSES 203 211 255 343 383 292 FALSE ALARMS-MALICIOUS 51 42 46 74 70 58 It _................. .. ......... FALSE ALARMS-OTHER 355 421 456 524 618 503 ALL OTHER RESPONSES 23 92 162 12 11 7 TOTAL RESPONSES 4,359 4,652 4,800 5,033 5,381 5,030 TOTAL FIRE LOSS 5633,995 $1,398,891 A 51,373,925 52,497,131 1 $1,195,837 1 $307,690 STAFFING INFORMATION .. (Funded Positions) 1986 1987 1888 1988 )890 1991 1992 Commissioned Fire Fighting Personnel 75.0 75.0 78.0 79.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 Non-Commissioned Fire Personnel 8.0 8.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 TOTAL FIRE PERSONNEL 81.0 81.0 85.0 88.0 91.0 91.0 91.0 ad tri Io 127 14 mtrr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Planning, Building, Public Works (P/B/PW) Department Lynn Guttmann Administrator 150.6 Total FTE r Priscilla Pierce 41 Pat Porter I Judy Walter Admin Analyst Admin Secretary II Office Asst 1 +lrr Development Planning/Tech Utility Transportation Maintenance Services Services Systems Systems Services 34.5 FTE 13.1 FTE 16.0 FTE 29.0 FTE 54.0 FTE Jim Hanson Kay Shoudy Dick Anderson Mel Wilson Jack Grimley Dev Services Dir Ping/Tech Sv Dir Utility Sys Dir Transp Sys Dir Mtc Sery Dir Admn Sec I-1.0 FTE Secretary II-1.0 FTE Adm Sec I-1.0 FTE Adm Sec 1-1.0 FTE Office Asst 11-1.0 FTE itlll Office Asst 11-1.0FTE Dt Bs Sv Tech -1.0 FTE Secretary I-1.0 FTE Dev/Planninp Mtc Buyer-1.0 FTE Pln�pec Proj Don Erickson Transp Planning Pu rch Asst-1.0 FTE Principal Planner Mary Lynne Myer Water UUI$y� Vacant so Zoning Admin Principal Planner Ron Olsen Supervisor Secretary I-1.0 FTE Supervisor A Trsp Plnr-1.0 Streel/Storm Maint Sr Planner-2.6 FTE Office Asst 11-1.0 FTE Civil Engr III-2.0 FTE FTE John Stein-Manager rrll Sr Planner-3.0 FTE Assoc Planner-1.0 FTE Engr Spec-2.0 FTE Mtc Svc Spvr -2.0 FTE !� Harold Adams lead Mtc Wkr-3.0 FTE Public Info Counter Transp Engr Spvr Mtc Sv Wkr -14.0 FTE Craig Burnell Technical Sery Waste Wtr Lid,Svs lee Hary Bldg Plan Reviewer Dave Tibbot Prog Dev Coord Sol Wst Wkr"1.0 FTE Assoc Plnr-1.0 FTE Manager Randall Parsons Supvr-.5 FTE Eng Spec III-2.0 FTE Water Maintenance Dev Sv Rep-1.0 FTE Bob MacOnie Office Asst II-2.0 FTE as Survey GS Supvr Eng Spec-2.0 FTE Civil Engr I-Itl-4.0 FTE Ray Sled-Manager Arlene Haight Wtr Mtc Supvr-1.0 FTE Plan Review Prop Mgt Spvr Storm U61 Sys Transp Qwrations Mtc Svc Spvr-1.0 FTE Karl Hamilton to Gregg Timmerman Eng Spec I-1.5 FTE Office Asst III Randall Parsons Manager Wtr Qual Tech-1.0 FTE Supervisor Supvr-.5 FTE Civil Eng II-1.0 FTE Wtr Mtc Tech-1.0 FTE Civil Engr-.5 FTE Engr Spec II-2.0 FTE 2.0 FTE Civil Engr-2.5 FTE Lead Mtc Wkr-2.0 FTE ow Eng Spec-1.0 FTE Mtc Sv Wkr-9.0 FTE Eng Spec II-III Transo Maint 3.0 FTE Ted Petworth yy t Water Min go Dev Sv Rep-1.0 FTE Solid Waste Supervisor Morrison- jFrE ig/Ele Sys Tech-3.0 Fr Gary Linda Knight Mtc Svc Supvr-1.0Coordinator Trattfic Sign 6 Pnt Constr Field Sery Supervisor-1.0 FTE Mtc Sv Wkr-5.0 F Ron Nelson Office Asst I I-.5 FTE Building Official Sig/Ele Sys Asst-2.0 FTE Secretary 11-1.0 FTE Engr Spec 1-.5 FTE Vehicle Equipment Maintenance +irt Bld/Ld Use Inspector Trl Mtc Wk 11 -2.0 FTE Rod Pfeifle 7.0 FTE Supervisor Building Inspector Airport Mechanic-3.0 FTE Limited Term 1.0 FTE Gail Reed-Supvr Mach Asst-1.0 FTE tUtLead Fid Eng Sp-1.0 FT Secretary I-.5 FTE d Eng Spec-4.0 FTE Maint Wkr-1.0 FTE il Locator-1.0 FTE 128 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Planning/Building/Public Works-All Divisions The continuing goal of the Planning, Building, and Public Works Department (P/B/PW) is a commitment to service. The department's organization was established after two major reorganizations in the previous two years and minor organizational adjustments made in 1991. In order to react to unprecedented demands for building and land use permits, growth management,and other concerns,the department was reorganized into six divisions to meet the department's goal of providing the best possible customer services. Division responsibilities are briefly described below to provide an overview of department services. Each division's operating program activity and budget information is provided on the following pages. Administration-Provides overall support and management of the entire department,ensuring coordination between department divisions. Development Services-Oversees all construction within the City limits,from land use application through final construction inspection. The division also handles current planning Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)processes and the Public Information Counters. Transportation Systems-Responsible for transportation planning and administration,project design and construction management aperation and maintenance of the City's traffic signal,signing,and street lighting systems,and the Renton Municipal Airport operations. Planning/Technical Services-The Planning Section is responsible for long range planning issues such as the Comprehensive Plan and Growth Management. Technical Services provides property management,records management for the Department,and mapping for the City. Utility Systems-Plans,designs,and administers the City's water,waste water,storm drainage,and solid waste utility functions. Maintenance Services-Maintains streets,alleys,sidewalks,bridges,equipment,and water,sanitary sewer,and storm drainage utility infrastructures. Operates and manages the City's Litter Control Program. FUNDING SOURCES - The Planning/Building/Public Works department operations are financed by eight funds including: General, Street, Water/Sewer/Storm Utility, Airport, Solid Waste Utility, Equipment Rental, and Transportation and Water/Sewer/Storm Capital Improvement Funds (reimbursement for planning,design, management,and inspection services). In 1992,$6 million will come from the General and Street Funds which are general government or tax supported funds, and the balance of$22.8 million is generated by proprietary and capital improvement funds. SOURCE FUNDS TOTALS AND REIMBURSEMENTS General Fund Equip Utility Funds Airport Trans Total With Budget GenJStr Fees Rental WJWWJSD CIPJ421 Sol Waste Fund CIP1317 Organization Intra-Dept with Division 000/103 $0 $501 OperJ401 Soft Cap $403 $402 Transfer Budget Reimb Reimb. Maintenance $1,328,665 $1,391,013 $7,009,840 $63,267 $13,806 $38,000 $9,844,591 ($62,826) $9,781,765 Transportation $1,828,193 $60,000 $63,790 $397,065 $397,830 $2,746,878 ($444,894) $2,301,984 Utilities $6,131,044 $245,000 $7,273,782 $13,649,826 $294,879 $13,944,705 Planning $783,147 $1,000 $135,359 $5,680 $925,186 ($141,039) $764,147 DevServiws $553,513 $1,313,700 $265,700 5530 $18,000 $2,151,443 ($284,230) $1,867,213 Administration $196,104 $500 $54,800 $3,000 $2,920 $257,324 ($60,720) $196,604 1992 TOTAL S4i589 622 Si 375 200: #1 391 Z)73 .313;680 533 :$245 txk) :::::$7.346,259 $41.3,791 5453 830 $N,576 248 (5898;8301i $20,876,418. The divisions in the General and Street Funds provide goods and/or services to the proprietary and CIP funds. Payment for those goods and services is made by means of reimbursements between funds in the form of interfund payments and credits to expenditures,which are listed in each division's budget summaries. The fund source table (above)summarizes these funding sources by fund and organization. Only operating funds are shown. Capital funds expenditures are shown on page 51 for Transportation and Airport,page 52 for Utilities, and page 157 for Equipment Rental. 129 1r1 s CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS PZAnningBu#ding/Pub1' Works-All Divisions it BUDGET REDUCTION AND OTHER INFORMATION: $150,000 was cut from the original General Governmental 1992 Department budget request. This reduction included elimination of two positions in Technical Services beginning January 1, M 1992. Additional revenues were also proposed as part of the budget balancing strategies. Another$130,000 was cut from the 1991 projected and 1992 budget request for the Utility's Funds. This reduction was made to accommodate an increase of $230,000 in indirect costs to the Utility Funds. Another$20,000 increase for the same charges occurs in the Airport Fund. NEW PROGRAMS: New program requests requiring General Funds total $74,311. This includes one new limited-term Building Inspector (Combination: building/electrical) and professional services in Public Works Inspection and Plan Review arr sections. Both of these new programs are funded by developer fees. Other new program requests come from Enterprise funds and total $147,245. These include the addition of two staff positions: one changing from two temporary part-time positions to one permanent full-time position in Solid Waste Maintenance; and the other position is in the Water Utility to do implement the Cross Connection Program. Funds will also be dedicated to the Aerial Photography new program for updating our mapping data base on a project by project basis in the Utility's and Transportation CIPS. The program requests are displayed in priority order in a source fund chart below so that it is easy to see which programs require General Funds versus ■r support from other fund sources. 1992 New Program Summary: Planning,Building and Public Works Base 1992 New Fund Sources and Costs Budget General Fund CIP Utility Total Total Rank Program Title Reallocation Supplemental Existing 317 421/401/403 New Cost Cost FUNDED NEW PROGRAMS 1 Building Inspector/Combination $50,311 $50,311 $50,311 2 PW Inspection $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 ar 3 Cross Connection Cntrl: Eng Spec. $43,243 $43,243 $43,243 4 Sold Waste Litter Control(P) $34,002 $34,002 $34,002 5 Aerial Photography $45,000 1 $25,000 $70,000 $70,000 Total Funded New Programs ;$0 " $74,311 $0 $45,000 $102,245 $221;556 $221,556`: UNFUNDED NEW PROGRAMS 6 Engineering Specialist(PMS) $45,079 $0 $45,079 7 Planning Info.Tech.(Limited Term)(P) $20,000 $19,721 $19,721 $39,721 8 Transportation Planner $64,867 $64,867 $64,867 9 Admin Clerk(MMS)(P) $8,870 $1,855 $1,855 $10,725 10 Admin Clerk Transportation(P) $23,604 $0 $23,604 11 Copy Clerk(Public Works Info.)(P) $10,000 $3,670 $3,670 $13,670 12 Signal/Electronic Systems Aide $30,654 $30,654 $30,654 13 Water Conservation Prg.:Eng Spec. $69,279 $69,279 $69,279 14 Earthquake Damage Risk Reduction $20,000 $2,800 $22,800 $22.800 15 Computer Network $33,000 $10,700 $43,700 $43,700 16 .5 FTE Records Specialist Position $15,979 $15,979 $15,979 17 .5 FTE Clerk for Records Management $14,335 $14,335 $14,335 18 Natural Gas Conversion $157,000 $157,000 $157,000 Total Unfunded Now Programs $107.553 $19,721 1$276,493 $64,867 1 $82,779 $443,860' $551,413 Total New Program Requests $107,553 $94,032 $276,493 $109,867 $185,024. $665,416 1$772.N9 W1t 130 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Planning/BOdin g/Public Works-All Divisions GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE-The 1992 Planning/Building/Public Works operating budget totals$28.9 million,which is up $3.3 million or 12.9%from the 1991 adopted budget. There are three general budget category changes in 1992 that apply to all P/B/PW divisions. They are repairs and maintenance,equipment rental,and salaries and benefits. Repairs and maintenance accounts have increased in several divisions for varying reasons. Some increases are caused by increasing maintenance agreement costs for major equipment used within the department (e.g. copiers, printers, plotters, etc.) Maintenance Division accounts were also increased substantially due to emergency repair costs experienced during the past few years.The equipment rental category,which covers maintenance,operation and replacement of City vehicles also increased. In 1991 there was a one-time reduction for almost all equipment rental accounts,including those accounts in P/B/PW. Therefore,the 1992 rates increase substantially, generally returning to 1990 levels. All Divisions experienced a cost-of-living and benefits increase from 1991 to 1992. Increases in other line item categories include the following: Part-time-Most of the increase is in Development Services and Administration as a response to the expanding workload,due to supplemental development and associated fees. This increase is funded by fee revenue. irY Overtime - Increase in this area is primarily in the Maintenance Services Division as a result of the emergency response required in the past few years. Supplies-Decrease is primarily in Water Utility Maintenance as an economy measure,based on past few years experience. Professional Services- Increase primarily due to the following: Solid waste collection contract increase of$1.5 million; Solid Waste Coordinated Prevention Program of $162,000 - funded by $108,600 grant; $64,000 increase in Construction Feld Services and $12,000 in Public Works Inspection and Plan Review each - all funded by developer fees. There were also decreases in Solid Waste and Water Utility Maintenance to accommodate the increase in indirect cost allocation and keep the rates as low as possible. dill Equipment Rental-Increase due to the one-time savings used in 1991. Rates returned to the 1990 level. There are a number of equipment replacements included. These are listed on page 157. Public Utility Services-Increased primarily due to Metro 4.5%rate increase of$287,750. Miscellaneous- Printing and Binding costs increased$10,200 to complete the Comprehensive Plan. Kroll map updates are also funded in the Customer Service Counters and Plan Review budgets. Intergovernmental Services-Decrease is primarily due to the interfund transfer from utility operating fund to the capital fund reduced by$700,000 from the 1991 budget. This decrease is partially offset by an increase in Solid Waste taxes. Capital Outlay-The Equipment Rental capital outlay is approximately$92,000 higher than the 1991 budget. The majority of equipment requested is for replacement. Other capital outlay requests in the department reduced or remained the same, offsetting the Equipment Rental increase. Debt Service-Payments necessary for a revenue bond issue of$4.1 million for the Water/Wastewater/Stormwater Utilities. to Interfund Payments and Expenditure Credits-The balance of the change from the 1991 budget is in these two line items,an increase of$323,974,is due primarily to the adjusted indirect cost allocation to the Utilities and the Airport of$250,000. The balance is due to other interfund payments increasing for cost-of-living. 131 . ........ ................... . CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS irr .... ....... Plannrng/Burldtng/Publrc Works All Divisions .. Person.Responsible Lynn Guttmann, P1annrng/Bur1dmglPub1jc Works Administrator. sw .... ,. 1990 A991 x993 1992 1992 Change %Change'' Item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 01 Adopted 91 Adopted POSITION ALLOCATIONS: PB/PW Administration 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0% Development Services 34.0 34.0 34.0 33.5 34.5, 0.5_ _1.5% Transportation 28.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 0.0 0.0% rte Planning/Technical Services 17.1 14.1 14.1 15.1 13.1 (1.0) -7.1% Utlity Systems 15.5 15.5 15.5 16.0 36.0 0.5 3.2% Maintenance 53.0 53.0 53.0 54.0 54,0 1.0 1.9% JOTAL`REGULAR STAFFING 151,6 149.6: 149.8 151.6; 750.6 1.0; 0,7 TEMPORARY PART TIME 11.1 17.6 13.9 17.9 17.1 (0.5) -2.8 TOTAL STAFFING 162.7 167.2 163.5 169.5 167,71 0.5 0.3 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 4,792,533 5,550,761 5,208,206 5,993,503 6,94 8185 397,424 7.2% Part Time Salaries 192,799 303,123 268,233 354,003 331.280'' 28,157 9.3% Overtime 108,290 121,976 138,740 180,806 161.806: 39,830 32.7% Personnel Benefits 1,299,877 1,503,737 1,395,259 1,726,563 1,716;344 212,807 14.1% Supplies 1,067,091 1,239,812 1,058,450 1,149,200 1 138 708 (101,104) -8.2% _. .. ... .. .... __.. .............. __101 Professional Services 4,971,890 4,830,359 5,097,803 6,404,727 6,543,877 1,713,518 35.5% Postage/Telephone/Other 19,874 31,810 29,235 39,587 39,327 7,517 23.6% -- Travel 19,436 28,680 18,183 26,670 2.4,520 (4,160) -14.5% _.. _. Training 3 Schools 12,674 33,550 29,926 44,200 41440 7,480 22.3% _. . ... Advertising 4,952 4,400 8,686 10,000 10000' 5,600 127.3% .......... Rentals and Leases 34,655 27,350 17,552 25,090 25,090 (2,260) -8.3% . _. Equipment Rental 760,693 416,280 397,611 806,820 795,872: 379,392 91.1% ._ ... _.. Insurance 311,246 187,181 187,181 195,941 195,941 8,760 4.7% _ .. Public Utility Services 3,987,264 4,695,503 4,521,585 4,977,317 4,917,945' 222,442 4.7%I _. . 132,399 209,905 264,696 284,745 277,395 87.490 32.2% Repairs b Maintenance ... . __.. _ .. _............. __.. _... Miscellaneous 56,713 73,313 39,271 94,260 62;510 19,197 28.2% ... .. ......._. _. ... ........ .. __.__.......... _... Intergovernmental Services 1,380,305 2,927,885 2,808,460 2,701,321 2,701,321 (226,564) -7.7% ...... ............. ... Capital Outlay 554,369 473,963 419,969 710,332 520;782 48,819 9.9% Debt Service .. _. _ 2,525,762 2,963.283 2,742,855 3,146,946 3,111;537: 148,254 5.0% Interfund Payments 2,088,051 2,062,893 2,025,326 2,096,480 2,524;480 461,787 22.4% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 24,320,873 27,685,584 28,687,227 30,948,511 31,117,760 3,432,196 12.4 Expenditure Credits (1,737,375) (2,103,529) (2,022,293) (2,060,342) {2,241;342) (137,813) 6.8 TOTAtEXPENDITURES 22,583,498 :25,582,035: :24,664;934 :28;888,169 28,876,418 ,3,294,383 92.8 rr Summary by Planning/Building/Public Works Divisions 1990 1981 9991; 1992 1992 Chan %Chang e Item Actual Ad ted.... 9. ; .. .. opted Actugl Request Budget 91 Adopted 81 Adopted PB/PW DIVISION: ar Administration 210,825 122,149 159,502 200,554 196,604: 74,455 81.096 _.... .... .. ........... Development Services 2,007,377 1,395,258 1,746,684 1,750,602 1,867;213' 471,955 33.8% Transportation Systems 1,855,720 2,203,518 1,934,689 2,298,544 2,301;984 98,466 4.5% Planning/Technical Services 710,926 859,022 853,951 827,244 784;147: (74,875) -8.7%. ss Utility Systems 9,686,619 12,122,832 11,705,888 13,724,705 1 11 3,944;705 1,821,773 15.0% Maintenance Services 8,112,031 8,879,156 8,464,220 10,086,520 9,781;765: 902,609 10.2% TOTAL'PB/PW OPERATIONS 22,583;498 25,582,035: 24,684;934 28;888,169 28,876,418 3,294,383' 12. Summary by Planning/Building/Public Works General Governmental Divisions 1990 1991 1991 3992 1992 Change %Change . Item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted'.91 Adopfed PB/PW DIVISION: ar Administration(General Fund) 210,825 122,149 159,502 200,554 196,604 74,455 61.0% .._ _ _. . Development Services(General Fund) 2,007,377 1,395,258 1,746,684 1,750,602 1,$67213 471,955 33.8%' Planning/Technical Services(General Fund 710,926 859,022 653,951 827,244 784,147 (74,875) -8.7%, Transportation _ __. _sp Systems(StreetFund) 1,585,054 1,834,056 1,572,133 1,904,753 1,888,193` 54,137 3.0% .. _... .. __. Street Maint Services(Street Fund) 1,107,382 1,017,303 1 962,694 1 1,363,461 1,328,865 311,382 30.6% TOTAL , , , s8,064,822 837,034, 16.0 ert 132 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Fund. 000 General Dept.• Planning/Building/public Works Div: 015 Ad►ninish'ation OBJECTIVE-To provide management and direction for the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: The Administration Division provides managerial direction for the City's Water, Sewer, Storm Drainage,and Solid Waste Utilities; Development Services; Planning and Technical Services; Transportation and Airport Systems;and activities related to the maintenance and improvement of the public works infrastructure. The division ensures responsive and efficient performance by establishing and implementing priorities,policies and procedures; providing managerial oversight; and by working with the City Council, Executive and other departments,and outside agencies. Other activities include financial management,support for the Board of Public Works,and all personnel related actions of the department. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In cooperation with the Finance Department, developed and implemented procedures and systems for tracking, invoicing, and receipting Supplemental Development Fees; refined the project cost accounting system; initiated review of t•:insportation mitigation fees; refined contracting procedures for engineering and planning services; implemented a iraining program to enhance and maintain quality staff and services; secured emergency loan funding for unanticipated sewer repairs necessitated by damage caused in landslides during heavy rains in the spring; developed a preliminary draft of a Developer's Manual. Working with several other departments,coordinated and obtained a Memorandum of Agreement with Metro for the expansion of the Renton Wastewater Treatment Plant. 1992 WORK PLAN: Review fee and rate levels and structures of various sections of the department; coordinate financing and grant funding for utility capital improvement projects; completion and distribution of Developer's Manual. Continue training programs,support to the Board of Public Works,and overall management, policy and procedures development for the department. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Planning/Building/Public Works Administration budget is up$21,425 or 9.1%from the 1991 adopted level, excluding expenditure credits. The completion of the department remodel project is reflected in the reduction of utility reimbursements/expenditure credits. Most line items are either increased for cost-of-living,or not increased at all as an economy measure. Salaries and Benefits-Reflects the cost-of-living adjustment and normal step progression. Part-Time-Increase reflects need for additional clerical assistance in project and supplemental development fee revenue cost accounting. Supplies-Reduced$800 from department request for small equipment;$750 below 1991 adopted allocation. Training-Reduced$500 from 1992 department request;$400 below the 1991 approved level. Repairs and Maintenance-Reduced$650 from 1992 department request because Data Processing will cover computer repairs;$150 below 1991 adopted amount. Capital Outlay Requested Not Approved-$2,000 for computer upgrade components cut from department request. Expenditure Credits-Reflects reimbursements from proprietary funds for goods and services. Reduced in 1992 to reflect completion of the remodel. 133 w CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS . ""' Planning/Burld, 91PUblic Works AdministrAtion Person Responsible Lynn Guttmann, P/annin ur/drrig/Public WorkSAdfiin�Str 1 r r� 1990 :i; x991 ......19 1992 1892'. Change %Changel POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual 2 Adopted Actual::,:,,.:. Request Budget 81 Adopted 91 Adopted,. Grade Title Old/New Old/New 24/46 PlanningBuilding/Pub Wks Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I,o 0.0 0.0% _ _ _..... .. . .. .._........ __.. 20 Community Development Director 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0. 0.0 N/A (Position Eliminated 1990) .....> __.... • 11/21 Administrative Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,1T;: 0.0 0.0% 5/11 Admin Secretary/Administrative Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0> 0.0 0.0% __. _ ...... _.-__ 5 Administrative Secretary(Comm Dev) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A (Position Eliminated 1990) go 1/1 Admin Clerk I/Office Assistant 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1<0> 0.0 0.0% TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 40 4,0 d d0 4.0 4.31 0.0 0.0% TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.8 >0.8. 0.4 100.00/0 TOTAL STAFFING 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.8 A.&'> 0.4 9.1% irr .. _ _..__... _... __...... ......... ,. _.......... .. ......__....__, BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 147,530 166,052 169,417 182,679 1$2,679: 16,627 10.0% Part Time Salaries 3,104 5,445 5,714 11,240 >s: 11440 5,795 106.4% ew Overtime 212 750 0 500 $00 (250) -33.3% Personnel Benefits 35,862 42,097 42,301 48,055 49,055:: 6,958 16.5% Supplies 4,479 6,400 4,866 6,450 5,660 (750) -11.7% Professional Services 3,452 0 0 0 0. 0 N/A Ylr _.... _... .. . ._. Posta efrele hone/Other 0 0 0 0 b 0 N/A 9. ... .P _ _.............. Travel .322 2,250 2,480 2,000 2000:; __.... _ .. (25. .. 11.1% Training&Schools 152 4,850 2,501 4 950 ....5 .... (400) -8.2% Rentals and Leases 4,468 0 0 0 Q: 0 N/A e,. .................. ....... Equipment Rental 345 0 0 0 0 N/A Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A ,; ..... . Public Utility Services - 0 0 _..0 _.... .. 0 0 G N/A Repairs&Maintenance 411 1,000 693 1,500. 850 _ (150).. 15.0% Miscellaneous 1,324 1,000 517 900 900: (100) 10.0% .... ....... ........ Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 O: 0 N/A Capital Outlay 117,541 6,055 2,063 2000 05 {t (6 5) 100.0% _.._.. .......... _.... . Debt Service o _._.-...0 0 0 0 N/A SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 319,202 235,899 230,552 261,274 257,324;j; 21,425 9.1% Expenditure Credits (108,377) (113,750) (711050) (60,720) (60,720) 53,030 1 -46.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES ... 210,825 '322,149 tfi9 S02 :200,554 195,804 ::74,455 811044 irr f rr iwli 134 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Fund, 000 General , ill Dept. Planning/Building/Public Works Dili 007DevelopmentServi�es OBJECTIVE-To ensure compliance with codes and land use regulations by providing a public information counter and plan review of new construction, issuance of building permits and inspection services,and overseeing current planning issues. FUNDING SOURCES-General revenues are the major source of support pport for Development Services. The division generates building permit,plan check fees and land use fee revenue. Inspection,counter,and plan review services are also performed by Development Services for the Water/Sewer/Storm Utility, plus capital improvement project inspections, and reimbursements are credited back to the Development Services section budgets. Revised land use fees were established in 1991. Supplemental fees will fund staff for large projects. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Development Planning-Responsible for the processing and administering of all current land use actions as well as subdivisions,the State Environmental Policy Act, including environmental impact statements (EIS),and the City's Shoreline Master Program. Also provides staff support to the Environmental and Site Plan Review Committees,the Hearing Examiner, and the Board of Adjustment. This section has seen a continuing increase in development so applications. For example, in 1988, 133 major land use actions were processed; in 1989 the number increased to 152;the 1990 total was 213; in 1991 the,total is estimated as 159. A somewhat lower number of land use actions is projected for 1992. Because we are frequently seeing larger, more complex projects on more difficult or environmentally sensitive sites,the City has been requiring the preparation of an increasing number of EIS's over the last several years. This trend is anticipated to continue into the future. Plan Review - Reviews construction plans for compliance with City codes including Utility Regulations and Transportation Standards. A public information counter is located on the 4th floor to handle inquiries for utility and transportation items. I Construction Field Services - Performs building, electrical, plumbing and related inspections for projects under construction,along with inspections of utilities and streets,dangerous buildings and housing,to ensure compliance with the Building, Energy,Electrical,Plumbing,Mechanical,Sign,and Land Use Codes;and Utility Regulations and Transportation Standards. A public information counter is located on the 3rd floor for building and planning issues. All building, plumbing,electrical and mechanical permits are issued there,along with land use applications. Plan review for compliance with building and energy codes is included in this section. NEW PROGRAMS: Housing and Dangerous Building Code Enforcement - An enhanced Housing and Dangerous Building Code enforcement program will be formalized and begin in 1992. The first step to such enforcement is the the Civil Penalties Ordinance which should be established in late 1991. Utilities and Transportation Permits-We plan to establish a computerized permit system (similar to that used for building permits) to issue permits for utilities and transportation projects. Inspections will be entered into the system for better monitoring of projects. New Building Inspector (Combination) -One new limited term position will be added for building and electrical inspections for large projects. This position will be filled only when it is certain the Boeing Longacres project Phase I will proceed and revenues are coming in as projected. The position is essentially funded by the Boeing Longacres permit fees. There also are increases in the professional services accounts to accommodate the work load that is ■l created by this large development. Cost$50,311. 135 +rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS " Fund.• 000 Genera! Dept. ka"hhing/Bu, lr gfPublic lyvrks Diw. 007Development Services 1992 WORK PLAN: -Along with the Public Information Counter section,Plan Review will process and review an estimated 3,100 o permits valued at approximately$142 million,plus public street and utility improvements. Construction Feld Services will perform an estimated 14,000 inspection for private projects,plus those required for utilities and streets. The equivalent of 1.0 FTE will continue to be devoted to the review and contract administration of EIS documents issued by the City and the review of other agencies'documents within our sphere of influence. rrr Continue to implement the recommendations of the Development Review Committee(private developers)to improve the City's permit process including items such as,a policies and procedures handbook,and cross- training of staff,etc. -The new land use fees established in 1991 will need to be monitored to make certain that the base fees are at a reasonable level to handle most average projects. err ®r 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Land use plans initiated in 1991 that are under construction in 1991/1992 are Boeing Longacres site;the Seattle r Times proposed printing/production plant;and Metro Wastewater Treatment Plant major expansion. -Nine environmental impact statements were started in 1991,seven currently in process,the Boeing Longacres EIS is underway,and Valley Medical Master Plan EIS is underway and should be completed in 1992. -Permit values and revenue has increased in 1991 to an estimated$689,000 revenue and$174 million in valuation, the highest valuation in the last 10 years,a 74%increase from 1989-91. r1l -Inspections have remained at 2,800 per inspector. dw -3,862 construction permits issued in 1990 were valued at$144.3 million. In 1989,3,814 permits were issued at a valuation of$100.2 million. err w1r 136 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS pond.- 000 Gener&I ©epx PManirlg/Building/.0 7c Works Div: 007 Development Services . BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Development Services Division budget is up $418,735 or 23.6% from the 1991 adopted budget,excluding expenditure credits. This change reflects several mid-year adjustments that were made in 1991,reducing the base budget, including transfer funds for construction liaison to Transportation Planning/1-405 Section, along with the utility reimbursements; and transfer of a Senior Planner in 1992 from Development Planning to Long-range Planning. In addition,there is a new Building Inspector position and professional services expenditure authorization included in the 1992 budget which are supported by additional building inspection fees. There are also increases for cost-0f-living, salary steps, and benefits adjustments. Several other budget changes are described below. Regular Salaries and Benefits- Reflects addition of.5 FTE Civil Engineer transferred from Stormwater Utility to Plan Review for support in plan review activities as was performed in 1991 and is planned for 1992. One additional Building Inspector (combination building/electrical) limited-term position included as new program and funded by fees. Cost-0f-living increases,normal salary step progression and benefit increases for existing positions are also included. Part-time Salaries-Increase in Development Planning from 1991 appropriation due to work load increase from Supplemental Development project work. This cost is paid for by Supplemental Development Fees. Increase in Administration is to assist in record keeping for EIS and Supplemental Development projects. Increase in Construction Feld Services to restore part- time budget to 1990 level (not budgeted in 1991). Permit follow-up work typically performed by part-time help was postponed in 1991 Construction Feld Services due to lack of budget allocation. Overtime - 1992 request is lower than 1991 budget because balance of funds are shifted to part-time for support to Supplemental Development projects and the Customer Service Counter. Professional Services-One-call cost increase projected for 1992 requires an additional$2,000 for a total of$7,000 in Public Works Inspection Section. $15,000 in Construction Feld Services for microfilming building plans was initially cut from 1991 budget request because direction from the records management study indicated the department could reduce level of microfilming and still comply with state requirements. Upon seeking written approval from State Archivist this approach was not approved and the budget request is required to meet state requirements. Other increases are related to large development projects and are funded by fee revenue. Variations between appropriations and expenditures are due to EIS's which are fully developer funded and are adjusted through Council approved budget adjustment ordinances. Travel-Reduced as an economy measure;$300 cut from department request. Training-Overall increase reflects department's continued commitment to training for providing professional quality service. Increase is offset in most section budgets by decreases in other line items. Advertising-Increase of$4,200 over 1991 budget is due to additional advertising required by Council to keep public informed of all actions related to land use and development. 1992 request is in line with 1991 actual expenditures. Equipment Rental-Increase due to one-time savings in 1991. Rates return to 1990 levels. Capital Outlay-$11,000 for three computer replacements necessitated by failing and out-dated computers. Expenditure Credits-New accounting procedures for Supplemental Development Fees (SDF) include expenditure credits in sections of the division that work on these SDF projects. Also reflects decrease due to transfer of the 1-405 Construction Liaison program to Transportation Division along with associated expenditure credits. i 137 +ar CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS wrr► .......... PlanningV U#dinVPub1ie W0rks Development Sery ces Person ReBpon to Jim Hanse», aeveCapment Seryices Director w POSITION ALLOCA710NS 1990 ]991 1991 1'992 1992 Change %Change Grade Title Actual Adopted Actual Request $udgei 91 i4dopted 81 Adopted Old/New: Old/New .... ..... ._ _..__.. ........... _... ... 18/38 Dev Services Mgr/Dev Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0: 0.0 0.0% .............._ .... ....... _.-_... _ _.... __...__.. .....:. ................1.0 5/9 Admin Sec/Administrative Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.O 0.0 0.0% Total Development Services Administration 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 '! 2.0 I: 0.0 0.0% 13/32 Principal Planner/Zoning Admin 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 11/23 Senior Planners 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 (1.0) -25.0% ('91/1 Trf from Ping/Tech;Trf back'92) 3/5 Secretary/Secretary) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% II11� 1/3 Admin Clerk I/Office Assistant If ,,. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ' ...1 ,0. _... 0.0 0.0%. 7 Assistant Planner(Cut 1991) 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A Total Developmt and Planning 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 i. 6.0! (1.0) -14.30/0 12/23 Plan Check Engr/Bldg Plan Reviewer 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 A' 1.0 N/A _....._ _ _.. 9/19 :Associate Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 i 1.0<I 0.0 0.0% 7/18 Engr Spec I(Trf to Plan Review'91) 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 (1.0) -100.0% 4/18 Build Tech Aide/Dev Services Rep 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ' i.0 i 0.0 0.0% 2/3 Admin Clerk II/Office Assistant 11 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ! 2.0''I 0.0 0.0% ................ .. ... Total Public Information Counter 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 'I 5,O r 0.0 0.0% 16/33 Plan Review Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 : 1,0J 0.0 0.0% 14/23 Civil Engr III/Engr Specialist III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% _ _....... __.- __._._ ....__.._........... .. -- _ _ _......._... 12/23 Plan Check Engr(Trf to Counter'91) 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 9:... A.O is (1.0) -100.0% _... _... 10/19 Engr Spec 11(Trf from Transp'91) 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0.0 0.0% 10/19 Civil Engr I(Trf from Storm Util'92) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50.5 0.5 N/A _............. 7/19 Engr Spec I/Engr Specialist 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ;1,0;' 0.0 0.0% 7/18 Engr Spec I/Dev Sv Rep(Trf fr Counter'91) 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 N/A Total Plan Review 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.5 5,5! 0.5 10.0 18/32 Building Official 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 :.to 0.0 0.0% _.. .__._._ . ......._.... _ _....-..... .......... ..... . .......... ._.::.... ...._ _ _..._.....__ 12 PW Inspection Supvr(Cut 1991) 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 N/A 11/21 Lead Building Inspector 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 :i 10 0.0 0.0%' atr 9/18 Inspectors(1 New Limited Term/1992) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7i1 1.0 16.7% 9/21 Constr Insptr/Lead Field Engr Specialist 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 it 1.0 N/A 9/18 Constr lneptr/Field Engr Specialist 5.0..... 5.0 5.0 5.0 :.410 (1.0) 20.0% 5/12 Utility Locator/Util Locator-Inspector 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0.0 0.0% to 3/7 Secretary/Secretary 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 U;i 0.0 0.0%' Total Constr Field/Inspection Services 16.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 18.0:: 1.0 6.7% :TOTAL REGULAR iSTAFFING 34,0 34.0 s 34.0 33.5 34.5 0.5 15 TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.4 1.2 1.1 3.1 2.3 1.1 91.7% • TOTAL STAFFING 34.4 35.2 35.1 36.6 36.8,'. 1.6 4.5% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _..... .. ... _ 9...,,C...,, _. Regular Salaries 1,104,392 1,198,598 1,218,227 1,346,260 1.382,341 183,743 15.3% ............. __. ... _.................... .........:;:........ ....... ...._....... ....._..._ Part Time Salaries 9,078 32,900 40,794 91,500 /38,777`i 35,877 109.0% ....................... ....................: .... ......................... . ntfsr Overtime 9,804 31,322 21,518 21,810 ..21A101 (9,512) -30.4% ......... .. Personnel Benefits 291,602 311,093 318,225 372,080 387,,233 76,140 24.5% .. _ Supplies 35,017 42,775 1 3,40 7 33,700 95,500 (7,275) -17.0% Professional Services 475,217 56,975 359,159 76,050 14M;060: 107,075 187.9% +� Postage/Telephone/Other 2,506 8,140 10,884 8,850 8,650 2,510 40.9% Travel 5,114 6,330 3,424 5,050 4,750. 1,580 -25.0% Training&Schools 1,000 5,550 6,007 9,650 8,?50 3,200 57.7% Advertising 4,647 3,800 8,564 8,000 8,000 4,200 110.5% Rentals and Leases 6,541 1,500 0 0 0 (1,500) -100.0% Equipment Rental 65,431 43,800 43,800 63,132 ;; 83,132` 19.332 44.1% _... Repairs&Maintenance 11,044 15,625 14,011 16,200 15,700 75 0.5%. Miscellaneous 61872 11,300 5,389 11,750 11,7b0 450 4.0%' _ _. Capital Outlay 78,542 5,000 2,798 11,000 11,000 6,000 120.0% _ _ - _ _...........__._._..00 ._.......... ... _ _..............._. Interfund Payments 172,937 0 0 0 _ 0> 0 N!A SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,279,744 1,772,708 2,066,207 2,074,832 `: 2,191,433 418,735 23.6 Expenditure Credits (272,367) (377,450) (319,523) (324,230) (324.230) 53,220 -14.1% 4>r TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,007,377 1,395,258 ":A1746,694 1,750,802 1,867,213 #71,955 33:8% + 138 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund.' 000 General Dept 'PlanningJBu lding/PubTic Works Div.•' 016 Transportation Services(10X 1 S Transportation,;402116 Airport) OBJECTIVE:To plan,design,construct,operate and maintain a transportation system that provides safe and efficient movement of people and goods; enhances environmental quality; and is compatible with local and regional mobility goals and development lei objectives. FUNDING SOURCES: This Division includes the Transportation portion of the Street fund and the Airport Fund. Resources to the Street Fund are fuel taxes and general tax revenues. The Airport Fund is supported by lease revenue and grants. Capital improvement projects are funded through business license fees, grants,arterial street gas tax,local vehicle license fees,and impact mitigation fees. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Transportation Design- Prepares the Six-Year Transportation Capital Improvement Program (TCIP); writes and manages grants; and coordinates transportation improvements with other agencies. Provides project management, design and construction rj engineering for roadways,walkways,traffic signals,street lighting,signing,channelization,and bridges. Transportation Planning -Coordinates the City's interests for the 1-405 project; and is responsible for all transportation planning including, development of the Renton Arterial plan, sub-area transportation plans, transit planning, and Transportation Demand r Management(TDM)planning. Transportation Operations and Maintenance - Operations manages the signal system; compiles, maintains and analyzes traffic records and statistics;develops and insures proper application of signal,signing and street lighting standards;and investigates and resolves requests for assistance. Maintenance is responsible for approximately 100 signals, 2,500 street lights, over 400 radios, 3,500 signs, 65 miles of pavement markings, nearly 15 miles of signal interconnect, and the Valley Communication Center 911 emergency dispatch system. Renton Municipal Airport-Management of the third busiest airport in the state,serving both the Boeing company and the general public. There are about 150,000 landings per year,and 85 hangers,250 tie-downs,and 16,500 linear feet of runway and taxiway. tti 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Transportation Design-The Transportation Systems Division continued its emphasis on public involvement in capital improvement programming,project development,and traffic operations. The TCIP was improved with summary charts and project descriptions to make it more understandable to the public; and neighborhood improvement projects received greater emphasis. Enhancements were made to the Project Management System to assure the cooperative effort between the development of transportation programs and the programs of other departments and divisions. Improvements include the development of an environmental review process for Ci projects; the formation of interdisciplinary design teams; and a partnership approach to problem solving. Projects City P 1 P ry 9 P P PP P 9• 1 constructed and completed in 1991 include:the 1991 Overlay Program,SW 16th St.Bridge, S.43rd (LID 329), Benson Road,Maple Valley Wye Signals,Airport/Rainier,and Grady Way. Design will be substantially completed for: Park/Lake Washington Blvd, North Renton Liveable Streets, and the Walkway Program. Substantial design will be completed on Park-Bronson to 10th, Oakesdale - 16th to 31st, 16th-West Valley to Und,and the 192nd/200th Study. Transportation Planning was responsible for managing and coordinating a successful program for representing the interests of the City and its citizens during construction of the 1-405 Utilidor contract. This section completed calibration of the transportation planning model and will complete a first draft Arterial Plan for the City. Operations and Maintenance continued their emphasis on community response answering approximately 600 citizen requests; installing stop signs and speed limit signs;and removing downtown lights in response to citizen and business requests. This section also developed a Signal and Sign Maintenance Standards and Management Program to assure high safety standards and to protect the public. Airport obtained a grant and substantially completed safety and security improvements for the Airport;completed lease negotiations with Boeing; and completed maintenance improvements to structures and airport paving. Substantial efforts were made recovering from the fall 1990 flooding. r111 139 aw CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund* 000 General Dept., Planningl/Buildingl/PubliC Warks Div. 016 Transportation Services(103/16 Transportation;402/i6Airportj rw 1992 WORKPLAN: r Transportation Design-The TCIP will continue to emphasize neighborhood protection,infrastructure,and economic development, while adding a new emphasis on multimodel and Transportation Demand Management solutions. Planned construction includes: North Renton Liveable Streets, Park/Lake Washington Blvd.intersection, 1992 Overlay program, 1992 Walkway program,16th-West Valley to Lind,and to design Park from Bronson to 10th,Oakesdale,and Houser Way Relocated. Other 1992 projects in the adopted TCIP will be underway. Transportation Planning will take an active role in working with other jurisdictions to develop transportation programs that emphasize multimodel solutions;increase the amount of high occupancy vehicle travel compared to single occupancy vehicle travel; and increase the effectiveness of existing facilities. The Renton Arterial Plan will be completed, including transit, shuttle systems, and TDM components. Transportation Operations will continue their community outreach program, responding to the needs of the neighborhoods, businesses and motoring public. Our emphasis on quality maintenance of signs,signals,and communication systems will continue. A major project for 1992 will be to complete negr.;ations with WSDOT regarding traffic operations on 1-405. Some of our goals will two be WSDOT participation in increased neighborhood protection and multimodel solutions to Renton's transportation/traffic operations problems. Airport-Continued efforts to improve Airport operations,safety,and management of the lease operation. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Transportation Systems budget is up$98,466 or 4.5%from the 1991 adopted budget. This low increase is due in part to additional CIP reimbursements(expenditure credits). The major budget increases are for cost-of-living and tow benefit adjustments,and equipment rental rates(one-time savings in 1991). Regular Salaries and Benefits-Reflects cost-0f-living increases for existing positions and transfer of Construction Liaison position from Development Services to Transportation Planning Supervisor in the Transportation Planning/1-405 Section. to Overtime-Reduced in Design and Transportation Maintenance as an economy measure. Supplies-Supplies increase$6,680 in Street Fund/Transportation Systems and$2,500 in Airport. Street Fund increase is for ro software,office supplies and tools,minor computer equipment,furniture,and inflation. Airport increase is for building and grounds maintenance supplies. Professional Services-1992 allocation reflects a decrease from 1991 appropriation as an economy measure. No Miscellaneous-Increase of$11,000 in Airport for permit fees(NPDES and general permits); Street Fund/Transportation increase is in Planning for publications,memberships and registrations,and$1,000 for EMME/2 annual licenses needed for modeling software. No Capital Outlay-Transportation Operations is$21,500 and Maintenance$11,982 for the following items: (3)820 signal controllers to replace aging 911 signal controllers; (5)traffic counters to replace existing obsolete traffic count units; (1)distance measuring device for inventorying signs and to improve signal timing; (1)manual traffic counting unit and vehicle classifier;and general traffic counting equipment. Airport total$18,700: $10,700 for runway clear zone marker buoys,office furniture,air conditioning,and power mower;additional$8,000 is needed for Airport tower roof replacement. Interfund Payments-Increase from the 1991 appropriation reflects$20,000 adjustment in indirect cost allocation (Airport to General irrr Fund)and other minor increases for cost-of-living/inflation. Expenditure Credits-1992 is increased 34%over the 1991 adopted level,reflecting cost-of-living increases in labor and equipment for TCIP project work and administrative support to the Airport. Reimbursement from the Sewer and Storm Water Utilities for 1-405 rte` project coordination and support is reduced from the 1991 appropriation to reflect completion of the Utilidor portion of the S-curves project in 1991. Water Utility support for 1-405 remains at the 1991 level. Staffing and expenditure summaries are provided on the following pages. rrr 140 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS . P/ann/ng/BOding/Public WorksManspOrtation Systems' Person Responsible Mel Wilson,;Transportation Systems Director 1890 1981 1881 1992 1892 Change %Chang®: .: .......: POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual Adopted Actual ; Request.::: -Bud 91 e]Adopted 91 Adopted' Grade Title Old/New. Old/New 19/38 Transp Sys Managerfrransp Sys Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' 0.0 0.0% 17 Special Projects Manager(I-405) 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 N/A _. . .. _. _.. .................... _. 16/33 Transportation Planning Supervisor 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% _.. _. _. 16/33Transp Engineer/Transp Engr Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 is 0.0 0.0% _ _.. _. _....._... __ .......... ._..._. 14/27 Civil Engineer Ill 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% 12/25 Dev Prog Coord/Program Dev Coord 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.Q' 0.0 0.0% 12/23 Civil Engineer 11(1 New 1991) 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10`: 0.0 0.0% 12/23 Engineering Specialist Ill 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.O:i 0.0 0.0% 1� 10/19/23 Civil Engr UCivil Engr Ull(1 New 1991) 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.Q' 0.0 0.0%' 10/20 Assistant Transportation Planner 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 10 0.0........ 0.0%' 3/9 Secretary/Admin Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 2/3 Admin Clerk II/Office Assistant If 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0%' 111116 Total Transp Adm/Planning/Design 11.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13,0:' 0.0 0.0 16/33 T,ansp Supvrfrransp Operations Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0f.1.0' 0.0 0.0% 13/27 _Transportation Maint Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10` 0.0 0.0% 12/23 .Civil Engineer II(Signal/Ltg Engr) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% .... . 10/19 Engr Spec 11(1.0 Trf to Dev Serv) 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10/21 Sig/Electr Sys Tech III/Sig EI Sys Tech 11 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 100.0% 9/17 Foreman/Traffic Sign 8 Paint Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% _ _..._ 7/19 Engr Specialist UEngr Spec 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10;: 0.0 ...... .0.0% 7/17 Sig/Electr Sys Tech II/Sig EI Sys Tech 1 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1 G; (1.0) -50.0% 6/11 Traffic Maint Worker/Traffic Maint Wkr II 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 20 0.0 0.0% 5/13 Sig/Electr Sys Tech USig EI Sys Asst 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 0.0 0.0%' ___...__ ....._..__ ._ ...... .. VIII 3/9 Sip/Electr Sys Aide/Sig EI Sys Asst 1 1.01.0 1.0 1.0 1. :I 0.0 0.0%. _..... .._ ...... .......... 3/13 :Records Spec/Engr Spec I(Added 1990) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 04. 0.0 0.0% Total Transp Operations/Maintenance 14.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13,5 0.0 0.00/4 14/32 Airport Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 t) 0.0 0.0% 6/11 Airport Maintenance Worker 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1,Q.i: 0.0 0.0% _._.... ........__ ... _ _._. ......... ....... .. 2/5 Secretary/Secretary 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0:6' 0.0 0.0%' Total Airport 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 ..:..>_ 51' 0.0 0.00/4 TOTAL'REGULAR'STAFFING 28A :29.0 29.0 290 29,0' 0.0 0.0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 4.3 7.8 5.2 7.0 7.0 (0.8) -10.3 :TOTAL STAFFING 32.3 36.8 34.2 36.0 36.0 (0.8) -2.2 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _.. Regular Salaries 829,590 1,081,606 1,034,618 1,199,932 1`198 932 118,326 10.9% Part Time Salaries 79,560 123,748 89,935 123,142 123142: (606) -0.5% ._...._..... .. _ .___...... ._..... ......__......__. ... ............ .... .............. Overtime 6,563 25. ,11.4 12,533 15,46515,4851: (9,649) --38.4% Personnel Benefits 224,201 304,761 249,619 333,810 ::=810. 29,049 9.5% _. _...... ................ .. .._.._..... .._........ . .:,,,,,,;.._,:,,,,.,, ...........--_..................... Supplies 123,965 135,975 119,231 146,355 145155: 9,180 8.8%' .._ ...... .._.._ ......... _.__. ....... Professional Services 125,392 58,900 113,028 57,150 53150 (5,750) -8.8% ........ : Postage/Telephone/Other 1,584 5,395 2,173 5,452 i 6,452'' 57 1.1% _ .. Travel _._........_ 11696 6,725 801 6,375 4376 (2.350) -34.9% Training 8 Schools 2,931 5,950 6,934 8,160 7 000' 1,050 17.6% Rentals and Leases 4,799 5,750 4,907 5,750 5 1 7501 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 80,718 39,924 37,768 68,568 ................. 88 588 28,644 71.7% Insurance 10,018 9,437 9,437 10,097 10.0971 660 7.0%I Public Maintenance 23,292 77,350 132,094 69,375 Utility Services 491,811 542,700 439,104 551,535 551,535.:1 8,835 __. _..... ...... .._ .. _ _ (12,675) -16.4% Repairs Z4 64,675 i. Miscellaneous 22,400 12,400 7,037 27,480 26,980;'. 14,580 117.8% ........._ _... _.. Operating Capital Outlay 23,560 36,150 37,812 52,182 52,182! 16,032 44.3% Debt Service 49,990 52,344 52,344 53,700 :1 b3.70G' 1,356 2.6%' Wilt Interfund Payments 25,205 33,349 15,067 35,194 55,194 21,845 65.5% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,127,275 2,557,678T 2,364,442 2,769,722 2,776,162 218,584 8.5% Expenditure Credits (271,555) (354,060) (429,753) (471,178) (474,178) (120,118) 33.9% TOTAL:EXPENDITURES :1,855,720 :2203,518 1.1934,689''. 2298;544 2:301,984! '98,466 -:4.5% 141 181 rrr CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Planninouildin�/PubLc WorksJ7ransportat�on Systems Person Responsible Mel>W/Ison, Transportation Systems Director Will DIV.' 103/16-STREET FUND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 1990': x991 1991 it 92 „ 1692 S Change S4 Ghange'. Item Actual'> Adopted Actual; Request Budget 9)Adopted 91 Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS: Regular Salaries 749,105 986,796 942,064 11,099,1W 1.099,883 112,887 11.4% Part Time Salaries 62,220 90,588 76,069 96,892 96,892 6,304 7.0% iYD _. ........... Overtime 5,930 24,319 10,780 14,900 14 1300 (9,419) -38.7% . ... .__........_...... ..... ..........._._.............. .1111,, 1111,; .... ...... _.... .- Personnel Benefits 201,150 275,967 225,249 301 635 301,835 25,668 9.3% __. _.- .._..._._..__......_._.....: ...........:...... _........ ... __.__._.. Supplies 116,400 127,150 110,530 135 030 133,$30.> 8,680 5.3% Professional Services 119,266 29,000 94,887 28 000 24,000 (5,000) -17.2%: Postage/Telephone/Other 1,107 3,800 1,703 3,800 3,$00: 0 0.0% Travel __. 1,443 _ 5,100 137 4,750 2.750. (2,350) -48.1% Training 3 Schools 2,663 5,600 6,848 7.M 8,200 800 10.7% Rentals and Leases 3,649 4,000 3,682 4,000 4,OOf) 0 0.0%' _ Equipment Rental 69,997 35,496 33,186 60,744 80,7{4.:. 25,248 71.1% _....... ..._ __..... ........__....... _. _.8 ... .: Insurance 0 0 0 0 O> 0 N/A Public Utility Services 480, 3 519,400 427,435 530,000 .530,000. 10,600 2.0%' 44 _. Repairs 3 Maintenance 3,690 38,900 24,937 40,075 35X6': (3,525) -9.1% _. ..11.11.. _.. Miscellaneous 22,128 11,500 6,992 15,580 75.084 3,580 31.1% Capital Outlay/Equipment 17,418 30,500 37,587 33,482 33,482 2,982 9.8% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,856,609 2,188,116 2,001,886 2,375 931 2,362,371: 174,255 8.0 Expenditure Credits (271,555) (354,060) (429,753) (471,178) (474,178) (120,118) 33.9 rrr TOTAL TRANSPORTATION/STREET FUND 1.585,054 1:834,056 ;:;1,572;133 1,904,753 1,888;193 54,137 3.0 DIV.•402/16-AIRPORT FUND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS(OPERATIONS) .. ........ 1990 . 1991 1991 1992 ... 1662 4 Change 9ti Dhange hem Actual Adopted Actual: Request $udget B1 Adopted 91 Adopted sir :BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS: Regular Salaries 80,485 94,810 92,554 100,249 100,2 >i.. 5,439 5.7% __... .. .._ .__...... .. _....._ _..........__ _.._...._. Part Time Salaries 17,340 33,160 13,86626 250 36.250 (6,910) -20.8% Overtime 633 795 1,753 565 585 230 -28.9% 1r Personnel Benefits 23,051 28,794 24,370 32 175 32,175; 3,381 11.7% __ _ _.. _.. Supplies 7.565 8,825 8.701 1132511, 25, 2,500 28.3%. _.__... Professional Services 6,126 29,900 18,341 29,150 29,154 (750) 2 ery .5% _ - _........_. .. .._............... _ _... ._ _.... Postage/Telephone/Other 477 1,595 470 1652 1,652 57 3.6% . . Travel 253 1,625 664 1,625 1,82b 0 0.0% _. _ .. .:..... ......_.. Training 6 Schools 268 360 86 800 800 450 128.8% __. .. Rentals and Leases 1,150 1,750 1,225 1,750 1.750 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 10,721 4,428 4,582 7,824 7,824_ 3,396 78.7% . _. _.. __.. .. ...... rl� Insurance 10,018 9,437 9,437 10,097 10,097. 860 7.0% Public Utility Services 11,368 23,30011,669 21,535 31 535; (1,765) -7.6% ._ ..__ Repairs&Maintenance 19,602 38,450 107,157 29,300 39,300 (91150) -23.8%' Miscellaneous 272 900 45 11.900 < 11.900 11,000 1222.2% err _ _ _ .. - _ --..,, Operating Capital Outlay 6,142 5,650 225 18,700 181700, 13,050 231.0% Debt Service 49,990 52,344 52,3 .700 53,700 11356 2.6% Ex . penditure Credits 44 530 0 0 _ 0 0 _..._....0. _.. N/A Interfund Payments 25,205 33,349 1 15,067 35,194 55,194 21,845 65.5% rrr TOTAL AIRPORT OPERATIONS 270,666 'J369,462 362,556 393,791 413,79] 44,329 12:0 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 1,855,720 1 2,203,518 1,934,689 2,298,544 2,301,984 98,466 4.5% err err sir 142 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000 General. . ;Dept• Plannny/Bui/ding/Public Works Div: 017 Piar7ninglTechnical Services OBJECTIVE: To address long range planning, land use, economic and growth management issues, and assist iYl other divisions in the implementation of the Growth Management Act; to maintain property information and other records,manage automated mapping systems and data analysis,and maintain survey monumentation. FUNDING SOURCES: General revenues are the major source of support to Planning/Technical Services. State grant funds have been allocated through 1992 to assist with Growth Management Act implementation. Technical Services also receives interfund reimbursements for support services from the Water/Sewer/Storm and Solid Waste Utilities and the Airport. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Planning is responsible for comprehensive plan development and citizen participation in planning processes; 10 implementation of Growth Management legislation and assistance to other divisions; analysis of policy issues and SEPA review on legislative actions; preparation of zoning, development and environmental ordinances; and processing major annexation proposals. to Technical Services is responsible for management of property data base and property information services; implementation and maintenance of records management systems;word processing support;and maintenance of survey monumentation and management of automated mapping and data processing. 41111 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Planning: Assisted Planning Commission in completing Draft Comprehensive Plan Policies and Land Use Alternatives. Prepared vacant lands inventories for residential and commercial/industrial uses;prepared population and land use estimates and forecasts. Supervised preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Comprehensive Plan land use alternatives and policies. -Completed data analysis and mapping to support development of land use and transportation elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Worked with Planning Commission to hold open houses on Comprehensive Plan,prepared public information and notified public about comprehensive plan process. Completed draft wetlands ordinance and other critical areas inventories;held citizen participation meetings and public hearings. Worked with King County staff on designation of Urban Growth Areas and population allocation;organized citizens committee to participate with Planning Commission on growth areas. Completed inventories and draft ordinances for geologically hazardous areas,agricultural resource lands,and wildlife habitat areas. Technical Services: Updated Assessor's parcel maps with subdivision and other data;corrected parcel identification numbers and established layer standards;began output on section map books,fire response zones,and utility models. Completed records management study and began implementation of the system. -Produced color zoning maps in various sizes and formats. Completed Standard Engineering Specifications and Standard Plans documents. Completed work on assessment data;resolved issues of unrecorded city-held latecomers;entered all assessment districts and parcel information in main database. 1M 143 +rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000 Gener&l Dept.• PlaniiingIBuildintJP blic Works Dil '017 Planning/Technical Services y� 1992 WORK PLAN: Planning: Complete adoption process for Land Use Policies by April,1992. -Begin Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Complete adoption of Critical Area Ordinances by March,1992. -Continue to work with King County on Urban Growth Areas and County-wide Planning Policies. Assist in development of Transportation,Utility,and Capital Facility Plans. err -Begin zoning code revisions consistent with Comprehensive Plan;and develop concurrency system for development permits. Assist other departments and divisions with SEPA review for plans and ordinances. air Technical Services: Complete routine reviews and data input on annexations,plats,easements and developments. Process latecomer agreements,local improvement districts,acquisitions,street vacations,easement release, assessment segregation and release; implement system for access to data for other users. -Continue implementation of records management program;produce index of documents and upgrade computer index on WANG. am -Manage and maintain property data base,including verification of accuracy and addressing. Develop new levels of data. -Maintain City's horizontal and vertical control system for baseline mapping data. -Develop expanded geographic mapping and analysis capability;provide additional mapping services to other City departments. -Perform third-party facilitation for property acquisition and management. NEW PROGRAM: Growth Management -The State Legislature amended the Growth Management Act in 1991 to require cities to cooperate with the counties in preparing County-wide Planning Policies including urban growth areas,provision of services,facilities siting, economic and job growth. One Senior Planner has been transferred from Development Planning to Long-range Planning to accomplish this additional work load,and annexation work was transferred with the position. air rrr V0 ■r 144 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund 000 General Dept. Pnning/Bullding/Public Works 017 PlaMinglTechnical Services BUDGET CHANGES: In 1992 the Planning and Technical Services staff will reduce by 2 survey chain men positions,cut as part of the required 1992 budget reduction; contractual services have been added (net savings is $43,000). Additional reductions were made as noted below. One planning position was transferred-in from Development Planning. The result of these changes is that the budget is$74,875 or 8.7% lower than the 1991 adopted level. Other adjustments are described below. Regular Salaries and Benefits-Reflects reduction of 2 positions,addition of one Senior Planner transferred from Development Planning to assist in new legislative requirements for Growth Management. Cost-of-living and benefits increases for all positions are included. Part time Salaries-1992 allocation reflects the 1991 approved level plus cost-of-living increase,as an economy measure. 1991 actual expense reflects part time assistance for completion of wetlands ordinance requirements for Growth Management which was supported by grant funds. Overtime-Increase in Administration overtime for support to the Planning Commission;transferred from contract cf;;ical help line item originally budgeted at$5,000 in 1991. 11111 Office Supplies-Technical Services buys supplies for most of the equipment used by nearly half the department ($19,995, $10,745 increase offset by decreases in other sections). Survey-$3,050 total,$2,550 decrease;supplies eliminated in Administration$3,325 decrease;and Planning-$12,650 total,$3,998 increase. Net increase$8,868. 11 Professional Services-Reduction reflects completion of Wetlands and 1st phase Growth Management grant work and completion of draft Comprehensive Plan. Unexpended funds will be carried forward to 1992 for completion of this work. Additional Growth Management funds are expected for fiscal year July 1991 to July 1992. Criteria to set exact amount has not yet been established. This budget will be amended through Council ordinance once the grant amount has been finalized. Also included is an increase of$75,000 in Technical Services for maintenance of horizontal and vertical control systems for mapping baseline data. This cost is offset by the reduction of the two survey chain men positions. Postage and Advertising-$5,000 in postage to accommodate completion of elements of the Comprehensive Plan required by Growth Management and to meet requirements of public involvements and notification. Increase in advertising of$1,600 to provide proper public notice of issues and meetings related to completion of the Comprehensive Plan and Growth Management work. Equipment rental- Increase in costs from one-time reduction level in 1991. One vehicle will be surplused due to staff reductions. Repairs and Maintenance-Planning;$2,600 to upgrade three failing and older computers. Technical Services and other sections;$23,545 for department equipment repairs for copiers,FAX machine,graphics plotters,microfilm reader/printer, and other small equipment. 1992 request was reduced by$1,500. +1 Miscellaneous-Increased for printing and binding to accommodate completion of elements of the Comprehensive Plan required by Growth Management; 1992 request was reduced by$300. The 1992 allocation includes:$10,350 for printing and binding;$2,535 for memberships and registrations;$600 for legal/recording fees;$1,660 for publications;and$400 for other miscellaneous unanticipated items. Total$15,545. Capital Outlay-$3,500 for computer replacement;$11,000 for engineering work station for Senior Survey Specialist to meet legislative requirements for processing subdivisions. Total$14,500. Expenditure Credits-Most reimbursements increased for cost-of-living. CIP reimbursement in Planning Sections was transferred to Transportation. 145 rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS +�+ Planning/BuildinglPublic Works-PlanningiTechnical Services Person Responsible: Kay Shoudy, PlanninglTechnical Services Director err 1990 1991 1991 1992 1992 Change %Chdnge POSITION ALLOCATIONS: ActualAdopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Grade Title Old/New Old/New 18/38 Ping/Tech Sery Mgr/Ping/Tech Sery Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 317 Secretary/Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% Total Planning/Tech Services Admin 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 fri 13/32 Principal Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 11/23 Senior Planner 2.6 1.6 1.6 2.6 2.6 1.0 62.5% ('91/1 TO to Dev Sv;'92 Trf Back) 9/19 Associate Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% �I11 7 Assistant Planner(Cut 1991) 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 N/A 7 Planner Limited Term(Soos Creek) 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A Total Planning&Special Projects 6.6 3.6 3.6 4.6 4.6 1.0 27.8% 17/32 Tech Sery Supvr/Tech Sery Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10 Records Management Supervisor 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A (Added 1990;.5 Cut'90;.5 Cut'91) 10/20 Survey Supervisor/Mapping G/S Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10/19 Engr Spec II/Property Mgt Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% 7/13 Engr Spec I(Property Mgt) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1`.0 0.0 0.0% 7 Engr Spec I(Survey)(2 Cut 1992) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 (2.0) -100.0% 3/13 Records Spec/Engr Spec I(Mapping/Addy) 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ss 0.0 0.0% 3/5 Admin Clerk III/Office Assistant III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 2/5 Admin Clerk II/Office Asst III(Wd Processing) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% Total Technical Services 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 615, (2.0) -23.5% TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 17.1 14.1 14.1 15.1 13.1 (1.t1) 71 TEMPORARY PART TIME 1.5 1.7 2.3 1.4 1.4' (0.3) -17.6% +� TOTAL STAFFING 18.6 15.8 16.4 16.5 14.5' (1.3) -8.2% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 529,435 660,691 467,595 604,836 523,437 (137,254) -20.8% �IIIP Part Time Salaries 27,979 34,590 53,145 35,621 35,621 1,031 3.0% Overtime 3,081 4,330 3,881 6,600 7,600 3,270 75.5% Personnel Benefits 129,942 162,673' 120,946 175,330 149,958 (12,715) -7.8% Supplies 20,024 26,827 29,220 38,295 35,695 8,868 33.1% rtlli _ Professional Services 97,400 81,405 106,103 18,200 93,350 11,945 14.7% Postage/Telephone/Other 0 1,000 245 5,260 5,000 4,000 400.0% Travel 2,215 2,975 3,971 2,975 3.125 150 5.0% Training&Schools 1,538 3,950 1,558 4,390 3,790 (160) -4.1% Advertising 305 400 122 2,000 2,000 1,600 400.0% Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Equipment Rental 13,690 6,156 6,156 16,836 9,420 3,264 53.0% Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0, 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 2,070 9,055 8,038 27,645 26,145 17,090 188.7% Miscellaneous 2,985 5,935 3,186 15,795 15,545' 9,610 161.9% ti�11 Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Capital Outlay 14,893 13,500 13,307 14,500 14,500 1,000 7.4% Interfund Payments 0 0 0 0 0' 0 N/A SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 845,557 1,013,487 817,473 968,283 ';925,186 (88,301) -8.7% Expenditure Credits (134,631) (154,465) (163,522) (141,039) (141,039) 13,426 -8.7% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 710;926 859,022 653,951 827,244 784,147 (74,875) --8.71D �r 146 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund 000 General 4 Dept. Planning/Buildigg Public Works Div. 018 Utility Systems{401/18 Water, Waste Water, Storm Water;403/18 Solid Waste) OBJECTIVE: To insure Water, Wastewater, Storm Drainage, and Solid Waste systems that are characterized by exceptional planning,engineering,operations,financial integrity,and customer service. FUNDING SOURCES: The utilities are self-supporting enterprises who receive their income from user fees and rates. 1992 rate increases are: City Water 10.8% ,City Sewer 20.4%, Metro 4.5%,and there is no rate increase currently for the Storm water Utility, although there will be a proposed rate increase in July 1992. A 19% rate adjustment for solid waste is necessary in 1992 to accommodate a tipping fee increase. The overall 1992 rate increase for these utilities is 11.2%for the average residential customer. Page 148 displays the two section budgets in Utility Systems. Page 150 provides a combined staffing and expenditure summary. to PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Water,Wastewater(Sewer),Storm Drainage Utility Systems-Each section provides overall programmatic management through direct services such as engineering, capital improvement project management, policy development, system planning, plan review,and by working with staff of other divisions and agencies for services such as development and plan review, maintenance and operations,billing,and legal advice. Solid Waste Utility-Develops and manages the recycling,waste reduction, and hazardous waste control programs administers the garbage collection contract; provides regional coordination and legislative review and compliance;and resolves customer service issues. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Completed negotiations for an agreement granting Washington Natural Gas Company a 25-year franchise for the placement of gas distribution facilities within Renton public rights-of-way. Water Utility System- Major Water Projects completed were steel main replacement in Lake Washington Boulevard, N. 3rd St., Houser Way N., Puget Drive S.E. and Blaine Ave. N.E.; Well #8 and Monroe Avenue Pump Station electrical rehabilitation;Well 5-A Pump House; South Talbot Hill Reservoir; Mt. Olivet reservoir interior painting; Highlands Pump Station Isolation Valve installation; Sierra Heights steel main replacement; N.32nd-N.35th AC main replacement;work continued on the Wellfield Protection Study for the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. A water tap sampling program was initiated in 1990. The results of this program will be used to develop system-wide corrosion control programs and determine compliance with new water quality regulations. This program will continue in 1992 with additional tap sampling to meet regulatory requirements. Wastewater Utility System- Major work items include completion and publishing of the Environmental Impact Statement for the East Renton Interceptor;completion of construction of the West Kennydale Interceptor;emergency repair of the Devil's Elbow Force Main; emergency design and construction of the sewer main in N.W. 7th Street from Rainier to Taylor Ave N.W.; design of the rrt Cottonwood Lift Station; coordination with Seattle-King County Department of Health to have an operational check performed on septic tanks in the Sierra Heights area which gave us a recommendation of a severe health hazard; Devil's Elbow Lift Station study and rehabilitation; design for Phase I of North Renton Sewer Replacement; established and instituted a policy that all proposed single family homes must be reviewed by Wastewater for side sewer availability; and continued work on the Wastewater Comprehensive Plan including coordination with the Land Use Plan. Storm Drainage Utility System -Major projects included N. Springbrook Storm Damage/Flood Damage Repair; Bronson/Houser Storm System Rehabilitation; N. Springbrook Creek Regional Bypass Pipeline Project design completion; Lake Ave. S. Drainage System Improvements; Hydraulic/Hydrologic Modeling for East Side Green River Watershed; 1405 Box Culvert (P-1 Channel). The Mosquito Abatement Program was also implemented again this year. Work continued on the small drainage problem program which strives to correct the small yet chronic drainage problems affecting individual citizens. Work continued in coordination with other agencies on the Lower Cedar River Sediment Management plan. Solid Waste Utility - A Solid Waste Systems Audit was initiated in 1991 and will continue through 1992. The audit includes a residential waste stream composition study as well as an operation audit of the City's current service provider. The results will be used to target waste reduction/recycling education campaigns in specific areas as well as used to improve service to local residents and businesses. A Spring Clean and Recycle Day was initiated and proved to be a great success. This one day event collected over 26 tons of recyclable scrap metal, automotive batteries, tires, plastics, and reusable household items. The City's curbside 40 recycling/yard waste collection continues its success with a mid-year residential waste diversion of 56%. The City adopted the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan for Seattle-King County. a 147 .r CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS r,. Planning/Building/Public Works- Utility Systems Person Responsible:Richard Anderson, Utility Systems Director DIV: 401/18 WATER, WASTE WATER, STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY 1990 1991 1991 1992 1.9.92. S Change %Change; Item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 9/Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 488,926 554,668 546,196 619,694 619,694 65,026 11.7% Part Time Salaries 0 2,500 260 2,500 2;500" 0 0.0% Overtime 16,958 8,500 16,487 11,003 11i003'' 2,503 29.4% Personnel Benefits 133,909 133,342 126,708 152,751 152;751 19,409 14.6% Supplies 23,985 13,835 14,146 13,890 13;890 55 0.4% Professional Services 60,396 92,800 92,152 62,500 62;500 (30,300) -32.7% Postage/Te lop hon e/Other (18) 150 14 0 0 (150) -100.0% Travel 4,791 5,000 3,779 4,500 4.500' (500) -10.0% Training&Schools 0 4,250 4,270 5,400 5,400 1,150 27.1% Advertising 0 200 0 0 0 (200) -100.0% Rentals and Leases 0 4,100 0 4,000 4,000 (100) -2.4% Equipment Rental 22,990 10,404 10,116 9,084 9,084 (1,320) -12.7% Insurance 29,211 53,692 53,692 57,450 57,450 3,758 7.0% Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0. 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 2,545 4,375 1,847 5,275 5;275;: 900 20.6% ,rr Miscellaneous 5,734 10,918 6,933 11,300 11;300' 382 3.5% State Tax 188,763 287,555 207,814 275,948 275,948 (11,607) -4.0% .... . Interfund Taxes 519,598 703,740 715,207 749,584 749,584 45,844 6.5% Transfer to Construction Fund 310,237 1,447,000 1,447,000 740,000 7,40,000 (707,000) -48.9% air Capital Outlay 43,951 37,000 35,736 15,350 15;3501 (21,650) -58.5% ............. Debt Service 2,199,505 2,760,781 2,532,586 2,833,682 2,833,682 72,901 2.6% Interfund Payments 1,550,334 1,564,360 1,574,347 1,588,672 1,944,672 380,312 24.3% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,601,815 7,699,170 7,389,290 7,162,583 7,518,583'.' (180,587) -2.3% .rr Expenditure Credits (706,892) (732,996) (707,611) (689,890) (867,890) (134,894)1 18.4% TOTAL WATER/SEWER/STORM UTILITY SYSTEMS 4,894,923 6,966,174 6,681,679 8,472,693 6,650,893 (315,481). DIV.-403/18-SOLID WASTE UTILITY .� 1990 1991 1991 1992 1992 S Change %Change Item Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 9i Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 32,377 45,523 39,039 51,700 51,700 6,177 13.6% .r Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 8,308 14,783 9,961 14,088 34,088 (695) -4.7% Supplies 2,167 7,300 4,623 3,200 3,200' (4,100) -56.2% •" Professional Services 4,177,751 4,458,029 4,395,499 6,106,577 6096,577 1,638,548 36.8%' Postagerrelephone/Other 91 4,000 3,100 4,500 4,500' 500 12.5% Travel 1,141 750 685 1,000 1!000 250 33.3% Training&Schools 145 750 492 800 800 50 6.7% Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0' 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 0 500 0 500 500 0 0.0% Miscellaneous 303 2,8501,533 1,850 1,850` (1,000) -35.1% _ ..., KC Hazardous Materials Assessment 0 130,000 34,649 143,500 143;..5.<00.._<` 13,500 10.4% State Refuse Collection Tax 0 0 0 274,845 274,845. 274,845 N/A State Excise Tax 74,396 75,330 78,162 100,117 100;117 24,787 32.9.6 Interfund Tax 287,311 284,260 325,628 417,327 417,327 133,067 46.8% Capital Outlay 11,423 0 3,265 0 ".0'> 0 N/A Debt Service 103,901 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Interfund Payments 92,382 132,683 127,573 132,008 184,008 51,325 38.7% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,791,696 5,156,758 5,024,209 7,252,012 7,294,012 2,137,254 41.4% rru Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0'' 0 N/A TOTAL SOLID WASTE UTILITY 4,791,696 5,156,758 5,024,209 7,252,012 7,294,012 2,137,254 41.40 sir TOTAL UTILITY SYSTEMS 1 9,686,619 1 12,122,932 1 11,705,888 1 13,724,705 13,944,705 1,821,773 1 15.0% taw 148 l CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS F and. 000 general DeptPlanning/8uilding/Pu61ic Works Diw. 018 Utility Systems(401/18 Water, Waste Waiter, Storm Wa1er; 403/18 Solid Waste) 1992 WORK PLAN: Some of the CIP projects initiated in 1991 to be completed in 1992 include the following: Wells#11 &#17;and Springbrook Creek Drainage Improvements. Water Utility-Water Comprehensive Plan adoption;Aquifer Awareness Program;Steel 4111111 Watermain Replacement; Water supply (resource) development. Wastewater Utility-Wastewater Comprehensive Plan adoption; East Renton Moratorium/Interceptor project design and construction; Initiation of May Valley (Metro) trunk line; Relocation of the Metro Cedar River Trunk line; and Sierra Heights sewer construction. Storm Drainage Utility - Valley Drainage Study; Storm Drainage Comprehensive Plan elements;and initiation of the Cedar River Flood Control Study and Sediment Management Program. Solid Waste Utility- Initiation of Multi-family and plastics recycling collection programs; completion of solid waste and recycling operational audit; and coordination with King County regarding hazardous waste management,tipping fee increases,and possible grant funding for programs. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Utility Systems budget is up $1.8 million or 15%from the 1991 adopted level. Increases include cost-of-living adjustments and addition of a Cross Connection Control position.The interfund transfer to the capital fund is reduced 49%,or$707,000. Solid Waste projects were initiated in 1991 and will carry forward into 1992. In addition,the Solid Waste Utility is proposing a Coordinated Prevention Grant Program through the Department of Ecology and King County for assistance in waste reduction, recycling, public education and hazardous waste programs. These changes are detailed in the account descriptions below. Solid Waste Litter Control has been transferred to Maintenance where work is performed and the program is managed. Regular Salaries and Benefits - Reflects addition of one Engineering Specialist position in Water Utility for the Cross Connection Control Program and cost-of-living increases for existing positions. Also,the Storm water Construction Inspector was reclassed to a Ivlr Civil Engineer and 0.5 FTE is transferred to Development Services Plan Review to reflect support to that section. This cost increase in Plan Review is offset by reimbursements from the Utility. Overtime - The 1991 over-expenditure is due to support of Customer Service and Plan Review sections. 1992 increase reflects anticipated need. Professional Services-Reduction in water/wastewater/storm and solid waste professional services as an economy measure to keep rate increases down. The total,however,is more than 1991 due to tipping fee increases,CPI and other contractual increases paid to the garbage contractor. 1992 includes$5,852,577 in garbage contractor payments; Coordinated Prevention Program $162,000 in ib Solid Waste (60%grant funded); $10,000 for Solid Waste special collection programs/professional services;$70,000 for multifamily and plastics collection start up; $2,000 for billing inserts; $35,000 in Utilities' Professional Services for a rate study update and unexpected consultation needs;$25,000 Eastside Regional Water Association;and$2,500 for temporary clerical assistance. Total is $6,159,077. $10,000 was cut in Solid Waste professional services to accommodate new indirect cost allocation. Equipment Rental-Decrease reflects transfer of charges for one vehicle to Transportation Operations. Miscellaneous-Includes memberships/registrations,publications,legal/recording fees and permits,and miscellaneous items. Intergovernmental Services- State Tax$650,910,up$288,025 (Solid Waste refuse collection tax not previously budgeted,handled as a pass through). Interfund Tax paid to the General Fund $1,166,911, up $178,911. Operating transfer to construction fund $740,000, down $707,000. King County Hazardous Materials Assessment $143,500, up $13,500 from 1991 adopted level due to added customers(1991 actual is for half a year;balance applied to 1992 10%increase. Overall reduction of$226,564. Capital Outlay- (4) computer equipment replacements,including a computer for the new Water Utility Cross Connection Control Program staff person. Total$15,350. Debt Service-No new bonds issued in 1991. All debt service is for previous bond issues and 1992 issue of$4.1 million. Interfund Payments-Payments to other division/funds for goods,services,and space provided to Utility Systems. 1-405 reimbursements were discontinued for Storm Water and Waste Water Utilities as the Utilidor portion of the 1-405 S-curves project will be completed in 1991. The Water Utility will continue reimbursements for a portion of the staff time spent on coordination of the project to pay for aquifer protection provided by proper project management at the City level. Other reimbursements remained at the 1991 level or were increased for cost-of-living except the payment to General Fund,which increased due to new allocation of indirect costs. Overall increase of$431,637. Expenditure Credits-1992 CIP reimbursements($245,000)decreased somewhat to reflect 1991 experience. Addition of$5,000 for staff time spent on Supplemental Development/Pre-application projects. ($617,890)reimbursement to Utility Administration from Water/Sewer/Storm and Solid Waste Utility sections,to properly account for each utilities'costs. Total ($867,890),($134,894 overall increase). 149 rrr CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS �. ; PlanninglBwlang/Publ�c Works IJUQty Systems .. Person Responsible Rrchard Anderson, Utility Systems Director 1990' 1891 1991 3992 1992 Change %Change ...... ; POSITION ALLOCATIONS; ) Actual' Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted'84 Adopted\ Grade Title Old/New: Old/New . .-_...... _. 19/38 Utility Sys Mgr/Utility Systems Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 0.0 0.0% �r 5/9 Admin Secretary/Admin Secretary l 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%' __ _ _ _ - _ _ ... _ ....... _ _ 3/5 Secretary/Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0<I 0.0 0.0% Total Utilty Administration 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 16/33 Water Util Supvr/Utility Engr Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0:: 0.0 0.0% 14/27 ;Civil Engineer 111 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 `2.0 1.0 100.0% 12/23 Engineering Specialist 111 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 A.0 r (1.0) -100.0% - _.._ __... _ _...__..... -- 7/13 Engr Specialist I(1 New 1992) 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 >2.0`„ 1.0 100.0% Total Water Utility Systems 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.05.0 r 1.0 25.0 .......... ...... . . ar 16/33 Waste Wtr Util Supvr/Utility Engr Supervisor 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0% 12/23 :Civil Engineer IVEngr Specialist Ill 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0> 0.0 0.0% 10/23 Engr Specialist 11/Engr Specialist Ill 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% Tail Waste Water Utility Systems 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 „'r 2.5 0.0 0.0 rr 16/33 :Storm Utility Supvr/Utility Engr Supervisor 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5! 0.0 0.0% 12123 :Civil Engineer II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.Qii 0.0 0.0% - __ 10/23 Civil Engineer I/Civil Engineer 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10/19 Engineering Specialist 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0% No 10/19 Const insp/Reclass Civ Engr l(.5 Dev Serv) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0 5 (0.5) 50.0% Total Storm Drainage Utility Systems 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.0 +1.0'' (0.5) -11.1 11/21 :Solid Waste Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0> 0.0 0.0% 1/3 Admin Clerk VOffice Assistant II 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 :0.b 0.0 0.0% it Total Solid Waste Utility Systems 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 0.0 .................... . i OTAL REGULAR'STAFFING 15.5 35.5 35.5 16.0: 16.0 0.5': ! 3.2% TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 .. 0.9 0.0 0.0 .................. .... TOTAL STAFFING 15.6 15.6 15.5 16.1 1 G 0.5 3.2 rr BUDGET.BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _. Regular Salaries 521,303 600,191 585,235 671,394 1371;394 71,203 11.9%. _.__ _ .. _._.. Part Time Salaries 0 .... 2,500 260 2,500 0.. 0.0%: Overtime 16,958 8,500 16,487 11,003 ' 11;003 2,503 29.4% Personnel Benefits 142,217 148,125 136,669 166,839 166;839.: 18,714 12.6% Supplies 26.152 21,135 18,769 17,090 17;0901 (4,045) -19.1% _...- _ _.. ...._ .. _ _...... _ _..-. ._: Professional Services 4,238,147 4,550,829 4,487,651 6,169,077 6,159,..977:' 1,608,248 35.3%INS ' Postagelrelephone/Other 73 4,150 3,114 4,500 <;500: 350 8.4% Travel 5.932 5.750 4,464 5,500 5;500 (250) -4.3% Training&Schools 145 5,000 4,762 6,200 8;2001: 1,200 24.0% Advertising 0 200 0 0 D, (200) -100.0% Rentals and Leases 0 4,100 0 4,000 4:000`: (100) -2.4% Equipment Rental __. z2,9eo 1o,aoa __. 10,116 9,084 9,osa; (1,a2o) -12.7 insurance 29,211 53,692 53,692 57,450 67,450 3,758 7.0% Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A yrr Repairs 3 Maintenance 2,545 4,875 1,847 5,775 $;775: 900 18.5% Okscellaneous 6,037 13,768 8,466 13.150 13150 (618) -4.5% Intergovernmental Services 1,380,305 2,927,885 2,808,460 2,701,321 2,70132 ;; (226,564) -7.7% Capital Outlay 55,374 37,000 39,001 15,350 1b`350, (21,650 -58.5% WIN Debt Service 2,303,406 2,760,781 2,532,586 2,833,682 2833;682: 72,901 2.6% ........................ Interfund Payments 1,842,716 1,697,043 1,701,920 1,720,680 2,128;680? 431,637 25.4% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,393,511 12,855,928 12,413,499 14,414,595 14,812,595:' 1,956,667 15.2 SIR Expenditure Credits (706,892) (732.996) (707,611) (689,890) (867,890) (134,894) 18.4% TOTAL`EXPENDITURES < !1,686,619 ,12,122,932 .11,705,888 13;724,705' 13;944,705 .1,821,773 15.0 rar No 150 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS fund. 000 General Willi flepi PlanninglBuildinglPublic Works; iRiv.- 019 Maintenance Services. 0031Street;401/19 Watarmaste Water/Storm Water;40&Sd id Waste;5 Sq u pmen t IentalJ OBJECTIVE: To operate and maintain the City's infrastructure including,streets,alleys,sidewalks,bridges,equipment,and water, wastewater,and storm water utility systems. FUNDING SOURCES: Maintenance Services is supported by four funds: 41%of the Street Fund;51%of the Water/Sewer/Storm Utility Fund;0.7%of the Solid Waste Utility Fund;and 100%of the Equipment Rental Fund. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Maintenance Administration-Provides managerial direction to the operations staff by establishing and implementing priorities, policies,and procedures;by collecting and using data to preserve the investment made in the City's infrastructure. Also responsible for inventory control,the pavement management program,division safety management,and oversees response to citizen requests. Street Maintenance-Maintains over 159 miles of streets and alleys, 11 bridges,sidewalks,and provides miscellaneous services to various City departments. Storm Maintenance-Repairs and maintains the storm drainage system to control property damage and environmental deterioration. I Water Maintenance-Responsible for furnishing a consistently high quality and adequate supply of potable water,at a reasonable pressure to customers. Provides maintenance and repair of the water system;and electrical and telemetry operations and repair. Wastewater Maintenance-Provides operation and maintenance of the sewer system,from the point of discharge until sewage enters into the METRO system. Operates and maintains 23 utility stations. Solid Waste Maintenance - Controls litter throughout the City by routine patrolling,litter collection and disposal. Equipment Maintenance-Maintains and repairs 207 vehicles/equipment;provides fleet administration;and coordinates annual vehicle replacements and additions. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In the listing of Public Works Maintenance accomplishments it is normal to state the miles of streets Ilia cleaned or the feet of sewer line repaired. While that information is important, it fails to give the reader a true view of what it all means. Perhaps a better way to describe the Maintenance Division's 1991 accomplishments is to link work done to the various budget requests. In real terms the maintenance budgets have not grown over the past couple of years, even though accomplishment has gone up. By way of example;five years ago the decision was made to make permanent patches to all potholes and not to do the temporary patching that is normally done. Permanent patching is slow. In the first months of the program it seemed that nothing was getting done and we would never catch up. But a permanent patch lasts where temporary patches are revisited many times each year,so the results can best be seen over time. In the last two years we have been able to reduce the dollars budgeted for temporary street patching (general funding), and for the patching of utility cuts (enterprise funds). We have applied the labor (time) saved to other maintenance needs, thereby increasing productivity without increasing costs. Renton's aggressive overlay program over the past two years provides a similar savings in labor and reduction in money normally spent on patching. Again,these savings are most notable in the reducing costs in many areas. Sound management has also allowed the Maintenance Division to use"sharper"pencils in laying out its work program and budget projections. In 1987,we instituted a manual maintenance management system (MMS), and in 1990 Renton budgeted for, and installed a computer-based program to assist in the MMS process. Using this system we have been able to establish a true preventive maintenance program and to track exactly where our labor, equipment, and material costs are, and for whom and why the work is done. This information has been used to establish performance standards that most efficiently and effectively meet the needs and expectations of the City. it also helps to eliminate over and under estimation in the budget process. This results in equal or greater productivity without an increase in resources or higher budgets. Perhaps the best reflection of Maintenance Division accomplishment, and a direct compliment to Renton, is the statement the PAVDEX, Inc. technician made upon completing the videometric survey of the City's streets surface condition this past August. He said"in my experience, Renton's streets are the best I have seen". This comes from a professional who has rated street conditions throughout the region and the nation. Better than saying that 30,138 lineal feet of storm line were cleaned,that statement and the fairly static maintenance budget requests reflect the Maintenance division's accomplishments. 151 r� CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 000 General Dept PjAnninglBuildinglPub lc Works; Div.- 019 Maintenance Services (1031, treet, 401113 Water/VVBste WaterlStorm Water;4031Solid Waste;5011Equipment Rental] 1992 WORK PLAN: Administration-Maintain and use Pavement Management System(PMS)and Maintenance Management System;continue r implementation of safety programs,and coordination of response to emergency situations. Street Maintenance-Overlay 14 miles of streets,patch 54,500 square feet of cracks;mow 1,200 miles of streetside vegetation; iar sweep 9,200 miles of street. Storm Maintenance-Clean 31,600 lineal feet of storm lines; 18,000 lineal feet of ditch cleaning;clean 14,000 catch basins; construct 375 feet of new storm lines. Water Maintenance-Install 350 water meters;repair/replace approximately 1,200 meters;repair/install 800 services;clean 8,000 lineal feet of water main;repair/replace 500 lineal feet of water main;routine inspection/maintenance of fluoride,chlorine,and pump stations;implement cross-connection program;conduct routine/special water sampling. Wastewater Maintenance-Clean 104,500 lineal feet of sewers;root cut 9,500 lineal feet of line;make over 2,000 inspections of a�rr pump stations;repair/replace lines and manholes.as needed;conduct over 10,000 manhole inspections;TV Inspect 47,000 lineal feet of sewers. w Solid Waste-Continue litter clean up program with permanent staff. Equipment Services-Maintain existing 207 City vehicles/equipment;and replace vehicles as requested. Continue pursuing installation of compressed natural gas pipeline and station for duel fuel vehicles,as required per the Clean Air Act. ri NEW PROGRAM: Part Time Conversion/Utter Control - Includes changing the two temporary part-time positions for the Litter Control Program to one regular full-time position. The net increase for this new program is$5,261 over the 1991 budget,which is all for benefits costs of the new position. This cost is funded solely by solid waste rates. BUDGET CHANGE SUMMARY: The 1992 Maintenance Services budget is up$902,609 or 10.2%over 1991 adopted appropriations. This Division has experienced a high level of emergency response costs during the past year. The 1992 budget reflects assumptions that this emergency response trend will continue. Several non labor accounts have not increased significantly over the 1991 appropriated level. With the local consumer price index increasing 6.7%over the past year,that means there are actual reductions in rrr the amount of supplies and/or services these accounts can purchase. Those accounts with increases are due,for the most part,to cost increases beyond the control of this division (cost-of-living, equipment rental charges, public utilities.) Account changes are described on the next page. rrr Page 154 provides a combined staffing and expenditure summary for Maintenance Services. Pages 155-156 show the four section budgets that makeup Maintenance Services. No er irs ' 'W 152 1 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund 000 General p Dept. Planning/BuildinglPublic Works; Div.• 019 Maintenance Services- (103/Street,401/19 WaterlWaste Water/Storm Water;403/Solid Waste;5011Equipment Rentaq r BUDGET CHANGE DETAILS: Regular Salaries and Benefits: Reflects cost-of-living increases and change of Litter Control Maintenance Worker from two temporary part time positions to one full time regular position. Part time-Reflects the shift of salary from this part time account to the regular account for the Litter Control Maintenance Worker. Overtime-The increase in overtime from the 1991 adopted budget reflects estimated need based on the 1990 and 1991 1 experience with emergency response. Also included in this line item is scheduled stand by and anticipated call back work, and cost-of-living increase for salaries. 1 Supplies-Water Utility Maintenance supplies account reduced significantly to reflect historic experience. Professional Services- 1992 includes$50,000 for EPA testing and 1-405 water quality tests,$24,000 for other water maintenance outside services and special water testing. $250 in Maintenance Administration for MMS unexpected emergency services,primarily for Maintenance Management and Pavement Management Systems. Total is$74,250. $10,000 was cut from department request to accommodate the indirect cost allocation increase. Training and Schools-Increase of$2,600 is due to telemetry training and state required training programs. Equipment Rental-Increase reflects adjustment back to 1990 levels after using one time reserve in 1991 to keep equipment rental costs low. Also reflects replacement of 2,3/4 ton pick-up trucks with 2 one ton flat bed trucks in water maintenance;a bucket loader,sweeper,a CCTV camera and grouter in sewer maintenance;and a new equipment trailer for equipment rental. Public Utility Service- This is the division's largest expense. 1992 allocations are$3,831,000 for the Metro service charge; $20,000 for purchased water;$40,300 for dump fees;$600 for water/sewer/Metro fees;$124,760 storm drainage fees;and $349,750 for electricity primarily used for pumping; 1992 totals$4,366,410,an overall increase over 1991 budget of 5.1%. The Metro increase alone was 4.5%. As part of the budget cuts,$48,372 was cut from water/sewer/Metro for an operational change and$10,000 was cut from purchased water to offset some of the indirect cost allocation increase. Repairs and Maintenance-1992 increase reflects anticipated rise in costs due to emergency response,based on past experience. Miscellaneous-Provides for memberships and registrations,publications and recording fees/permits,and laundry costs. These line items were reduced as an economy measure. Capital Outlay-In the Equipment Rental Fund there is$398,050 for 1992 City-wide equipment replacements(see list on page 157). $29,700 is for equipment needs in the storm,sewer,and water maintenance sections. The total is$427,750. Debt Service-Cost of financing 1992 and past years'equipment replacements and additions. Interfund Payments and Expenditure Credits-Reimbursements for patching to street maintenance from the utilities has been reduced to reflect programmatic change in street patching now done as part of overlay programs as previously described. Will 163 .r ............... CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS .: ..... Plann/ng/Bu/lcling/Pubbc Works-Maintenance Services Person Responsible: Jack Crumley, Maintenance Services Director 1890' 1991 i991i 1992 1992 Change 96 Change sY ... .......:.. POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 rAdopted 91 Adopted Grade Title Old/New Old/Now 18/38 Maint Sery Manager/Maint Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11,0 0.0 0.0% ir11 - _ - 7/13 Inventory Special ist/Maintenance Buys r 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 7 Sr Records Spec(Added/Cut 1990) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.0 0.0 N/A 417 Wtr Mtc Wkr ll/Purch Asst(Trf fr Wtr Mtc/'92) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 wA _ _ 317 Admin.Clerk lll/Data Base.Sys Tech 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0. 0.0% 3/3 Admin Clerk III/Office Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0.; 0.0 0.0% Total maintenance Administration 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 <5A 1.0 25.0 ...... 12/26 :Street Maint Supvr/Street Maint Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 '1,0 0.0 0.0% 9/20 Foreman/Maint Sery Supvr(Street/Storm) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 0 0.0 0.0% s11I _ _. 7+546/15.Str Mtc Wkr III,(LeadyLead Mtc SeryWkr 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 7/11 Str Maint Wkr III/Maint Sv Wkr 111 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0% 7/11 Storm Mtc Wkr III/Main t Sv Wkr 111 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0% 213 Solid Wst Mtc Wkr(PT Conversion'92) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 N/A Total Street/Storm/Solid Waste Maintenance Services 20.0 20.0 20.0 21.0 I . '21.0< 1.0 5.0 12/26 Water Maint Supvr/Water Maint Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0, 0.0 0.0% 9/20 Foreman/Water Maint Sery Supervisor �.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.Q 0.0 0.0% _. __ 8/20 Sr Utility Tech/Water Utility Mtc Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 7/15 Water Ouality Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0.' 0.0 0.0% 7/15 -Utility Technician/Water Util Maint Tech 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 !1.,0, 0.0 0.0% 7+5%/15 Wtr Mtc Wkr III(Lead)/Lead Mtc Sv Wkr 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0 0.0 0.0% r 7/11 Wtr Mtc Wkr lll/Maint Sery Wkr 111 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 1i 0a ......... .0.0.. 0.0% . ..._... _ __._ ......._. : ......._. 4 Wtr Maint Wkr II(Trf to Mtc Adm/'92) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 g.0 (1.0) -100.0% Total Water Maintenance Services 17.0 17.0 17.0 16.0 r s18.Os! (1.0) -5. 12/26 Waste Wtr Mtc Supvr/Waste Wtr Mtc Mgr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% . . . ._._..... _. ._ _.._...._. 9/20 Foreman/Maint Sery Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%. 7/11 Sewer Maint Wkr Ill/Maint Sery Wkr 111 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 S Q` 0.0 0.0% [Total Waste Water Maintenance Services 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7,0: 0.0 0.0 ciiq 12/26 Eq Mtc SupvrNehicle&Eq Mtc Supvr 1 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 lA;' 0.0 0.0% dw 7/13 MechanicNehicle r4 Eq Mechanic I 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Z 3.Q: 0.0 0.0% 5/9 Mechanic's Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ;1.0 0.0 0.0% Total Equipment Maintenance S.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 is _>5.0 0.0 0.0 ;TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING. 53.0 53.0 53.0 54.0 itr TEMPORARY PART TIME 4.5 6.4 4.9 5.5 5.5< (0.9) -14.1 TOTAL STAFFING 57.5 59.4 57.9 59.5 39.5' 0.1 0.2 :BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 1,660,284 1,843,623 1,733,114 1,988,402 1,988,402. 144,779 7.9%: ifs Part Time Salaries 73,077 103,940 78,385 90,000 90,000 (13,940) -13.4% Overtime 71,672 51,960 84,321 105,428 ?05 1.,428 53,488 102.9%' _ .. . ....... . ... ... Personnel Benefits 476,053 534,988 527,499 829,449 ! 429,449.1 94,461 17.7% _. _ Supplies 857,454 1,006,700 882,957 907,310 .899,818: (107,082) -10.6%' Professional Services 32,282 82 250 31,862 84,250 74,250 (8,000) -9.7% _. _ .. ... _ Postage/Telephone/Other 15,711 15,125 12,819 15,725 15,725: 800 4.0% _._ .. _ ... Travel 4,157 4,650 3,043 4,770 4770 120 2.8% _. Training 3 Schools 6,908 8,250 8,164 10,850 10,850. 2,600 31.5% till _.. __ _ ..... __. .. .. _. .< ,....:...... .....__ __...__. Rentals and Leases 18,847 16,000 12,645 15,340 15,340 (660) -4.1% ............ Equipment Rental 577,519 315,996 299,771 649,200 845;468 329,472 104.3% _.. Insurance 272,017 124,052 124,052 128,394 128,394 4,342 3.5% Public Utility Services 3,495,453 4,152,803 4,082,481 4,425,782 4,388,410: 213,807 5.1% Repairs&Maintenance 93,037 102,000 108,013 164,250 164,250 62,250 61.0% Miscellaneous 17,095 28,910 14,676 25,185 24,185 (4,725) -16.3%' __. Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 WA _.. Capital Outlay 264,459 376,258 324,988 615,300 427,750 51,492 13.7%, Debt Service 172,366 150,158 157,925 259,564 224,155 73,997 49.3% Interfund Payments 247,193 332,301 308,339 340,606 I' 340,806 8,305 2.5% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,355,584 9,249,964 81795,054 10,459,805 '10,155,050 905,086 9.8 Expenditure Credits (243,553) (370,808) (330,834) (373,285) (373,285) (2,477) 0.7% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,112,031 8,879,156I.8,464,220 30;086,520 9,781.765 902,809 3 102 4� 154 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS _ . Plannrng/8u Il 0.9 o c Works Maintenance Services W Person Responsible <.Jack Crumley, Maintenance Services Manager DIV., 103119-STREET FUND-MAINTENANCE SERVICES 19907891 1981 1992 _...1992 Change %Change BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Adopted Actual'' Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Regular Salaries 618,794 664,328 606,696 731,984 731,984!' 67,858 10.2% Part Time Salaries 25,220 35,568 38,150 45,300 ::45.300 9 732 27.4% ............ [ Overtime 21,702 14,900 21,802 35,855 35,655 20,755 139.3% . _.. _ ._ Personnel Benefits 167,151 181,249 191,591 227,367 227;367 46,118 25.4% __.._ .. Supplies 91,605 134,100 147,886 134,930 152,238: 18,138 13.5% ... Professional Services 0 250 265 250350 0 0.0% .. .. _. Postage/Telephone/Other 4 100 38 100 300''' 0 0.0% Travel 330 _ 750 838 _ 950 j 850 _.. 200 26.7% Training&Schools 1,499 2,400 3,051 2,400 2;400 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 9,858 3,250 6,001 3,5190..'..,.,:.:,.:..::.:.36,_590 340 10.5% Equipment Rental 273,898 152,676 144,334 339,888 336,156 183,480 120.2% 1 Public Utilityserviceii 118.264 181,940 121,538 197,732 49360 (32.580) -17.9% Repairs&Maintenance 17,859 10,000 1,363 10,000 10,900 0 0.0% Miscellaneous 4,751 6,800 4,810 6,600 6,600. 0 0.0% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,350,935 1,388,111 1,288,363 1,736,746 `< 1,70E950'd 313,839 22.6 Expenditure Credits E(243.5-53) (370,808) (325,669) (373,285) (373,285) (2,477) 0.7% TOTAL STREET IuIAINTENANCE 107,382 1,017,303 r' 962,694 ..1;363,461 31328,665 311,362 30; Yf61 DIV. 401119- WATER/SEWER/STORM UTILITY FUND-MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1990 1881 9981 1992 1992 Change %Chart e . >.... ..: .. g...: BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION. Actual ; Adopted Actual" Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adapted Regular Salaries 873,971 1,000,761 948,780 1,043 763 1443 763 43 002 4.3% _ _. tt Part Time Salaries 29,520 34,000 27,618 36,500 38;500< 2,500 7.4%' Overtime 49,670 36,810 62,261 89,523 $9;523 32,713 88.9% _ _..._. .. .... ._. ... .. .. Personnel Benefits 261,699 300,785 290,653 338,111 338,7.19 37,326 12.4% _. Supplies 405,274 558,600 428,976 448 000 4231W (135,800) 24.3%: WII Professional Services 32,282 82,000 31,597 84,000 74;000 (8,000) -0.8% Postage/Telephone/Other 15,707 15,000 12,752 15,600 15;800: 800 4.0% _. Travel 3,550 3,000 2,168 3.220 3,220': 220 7.3% _. Training&Schools 4,361 4,850 4,843 7,,W 7450 2,800 53.6% .... Rentals and Leases 3,972 7,750 6,255 6,750 8.7150' (1,000) -12.9% Equipment Rental 297,256 158,928 151,045 298,164 298,164 139,236 87.6% Pubhty Utility Services 3,376,320 3,958,018 3,958,534 4,224,050 4,214,050 256,032 6.5% Repairs&Maintenance 72,441 90,000 104,283 151,500 151,500 61,500 68.3% . Miscellaneous 9,487 19,650 8,510 14,550 13,550 (6,100) -31.0%' Capital Outlay 18,124 70,000 20,187 29,700 29,700 (40,300) -57.6% Interfund Payments 194,881 277,959 249,242 284,959 284,859 7,000 2.5% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,648,515 6,618,111 6,307,504 7,055,840 7;009,840x' 391,729 5.9 Expenditure Credits' 0 0 (5,165) 0 ;01' 0 N/A TOTAL WTR/SEW/STORM MAlNT 5,648,515 6.618,111 "8.302,339 7;055,840 1 7,009,840 391,729 5: Will Y1 No 155 06 .r ............... ... .......... .. CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS rw . PlanninglBuddkWpubllc Works Maintenance Services Person Responsible Jack Crumley, Ma/ntenance Services Manager DIV-403119-SOLID WASTE UTILITY FUND-MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1990 1991 199!'' 1992 1992 Change %Change . --- . BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual' Adopted .I Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Regular Salaries 0 0 0 23,568 23;568: 23,568 N/A e� Part Time Salaries 12,179 26,180 8,893 0 0 (26,180) -100.0% Overtime 157 0 64 00>! 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 1,391 2,558 1,000 10,431 10;431 7,873 307.8% Supplies 0 0 0 4,100 4.100` 4,100 N/A _.. ... ...: .._. ........ ...._ Professional Services 0 00 0 O: 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 00 0 0. N/A _.. . _. Travel 0 0 0 .. 0.. . ......: 0 0 N/A Training&Schools 0 _ _ 0 _ 0 _.__ 0 0: 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 0 0 0. 0 0 0 N/A Equipment Rental 6,365 4,392 4,392 11,148 11;148 6,756 153.8% ..- . ... Publity Utility Services 86910,000 1,444 3,000 2;000 (8,000) -80.0% Repairs&Maintenance 0 0 0 .. _ 0 0 _ 0 N/A me Miscellaneous 0 00 1,000 1;000 1,000 N/A Capital Outlay 0 0 _ _..0. __ .. 0 0: 0 N/A Interfund Payments 0 _ 0 0 0 0 _ 0. -- N/A ... SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,961 43,130 15,783 53,247 :52;247: 9,117 21.104 Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 6" 0 N/A T0TAL1NTR/SEW/STORMMAINT 20,961 43,130. 15,783 -53,247' 52,247 . 9,117; 21;11 to __ __ _ _ _ _ DIV. 501119-EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND-EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1990 1891 1991;: 1992 1992: Changs .;%Change .. . BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual` Adopted Act,u81 Request . Budget 91 Adopted:01 Adopted Regular Salaries 167,519 178,534 177,638 189,087 1$9.087x: 10,553 5.9% Part Time Salaries 6,158 8,192 3,724 8,200 8 200 8 0.1%. Overtime 143 250 204 250 _ ...:1601 0 0.0%i . . _ _ .......... Personnel Benefits 45,812 50,396 44,255 53.540 .3;540 3,144 6.2% Supplies 360,575 314,000 306,095 320,280 ' 320280 8,280 2.0% - ._ _..... .. .._. Postage/Telephone/Other 0 25 29 25 25: 0.. 0.0% X11 Travel : 277 900 37 800 $00 (300) X3.3% _. Training&Schools 1048 .. .... 1 000 470 1,000 7,000 0. 0.0% Rentals and Leases 51017 5,000 389 5,000 5.000 0 0.0% ........ .. Insurance 272,017 124,052 124,052 128,394 128,394, 4,342 3.5% sw Public Utility Services 0 2,845 965 1,000 t 1;000' (1,845) -64.9% Repairs&Maintenance 2,737 21000 2,367 2,750 2,750 750 37.5% ._ Miscellaneous 2,857 2,660 1,356 3,035 3,035. 375 14.1% Capital Outlay 246,335 306,258 304,801 585,600398,050, 91,792 30.0% __ er Debt Service 172,366 150,158 157,925 269,564 224;155 73,997 49.3% Interfund Payments 52,312 54,342 59,097 55,647 55:647 1.305 2.4% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,335,173 1,200,612 1,183,404 1,613,972 1,391,0131 190,401 15.8 Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 10 0 N/A TOTAL'EQUIPMENT MAINT 11 :I 1,335,173 1,200,612 1,183,404 1;813,972 1,391,013 190,401 115. TOTAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES 8,112,031 8,879,156 8,464,220 10,086,520 9,781,765 902,609 10.2 Int 156 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET 1992 New Equipment and Replacements .. ........................................ Depa#ment/Division Veh# Vehicle tobe"Replaced Vehicie ReplacemenDescription Cost Police: Investigation A-288 1985 2-Door Sedan Used Sedan $12,500 Jail C-160 1987 S10 Pickup New 3/4 Ton King Cab Pickup 15,000 Patrol A-243 1986 Sedan New 2W Door Blazer 16,000 Traffic M-34 1988 Motorcycle New Motorcycle 7,800 Planning/Bldg/Pub Wks: Water Maintenance C-106 1982 314 Ton Pickup 1 Ton Flatbed 20,000 Water Maintenance C-107 1982 3/4 Ton Pickup 1 Ton Flatbed 20,000 Street Maintenance E-055 1973 Loader Mid-Size Loader 70,000 Street Maintenance E-070 1984 Sweeper Vacuum Sweeper 112,000 Sewer Maintenance --- 1974 B/W TV Camera Color TV Camera 81000 Sewer Maintenance --- 1974 Pressure Grouter New Grouter 10,000 Transportation Maint E-050 1970 Paint Striper Truck Cab and Chassis 16,000 Central Garage --- None New Heavy Duty Equipment Trailer 12,500 Administrative Services: Utility Billing A-241 1986 4-Door Sedan Used Small Sedan 8,000 Community Services: Facilities PE-61 1985 Mower New Tri-Piex Mower 26,750 Golf Course --- Mower New Mower 13,000 Golf Course --- Rota Mower New Rota Mower 14,000 Golf Course --- Steam Cleaner New Steam Cleaner 3,000 Golf Course --- Fairway Aerifier New Fairway Aerifier 4,500 Golf Course --- Greens Mower New Greens Mower 4 000 Golf Course I Utility Vehicle New Utility Vehicle 5,000 1992 BUDGET'-NEW EQUIPMENT AND REPLACEMENTS .?98,D50 OTHER EQUIPMENT REQUESTED BUT NOT INCLUDED IN THE 1992 BUDGET: Fire: _ . . Suppression F-016 1978 Aid Van Type I Ambulance(Deferred) 60,000 Administration F-023 1980 Sedan Used Sedan(Deferred) 12,500 Prevention F-024 1980 Sedan 2W Door Blazer(Deferred) 16,000 Planning/Bldg/Pub Wks: Street Maintenance D-038 1974 5-Yard Dump Truck Replaced 1991 with Used Dump Truck 53,000 Community Services: General Services C-115 19841/2 Ton Pickup New S-10 Pickup(Deferred) 13,500 . . .......... Landscaping C-116 1984 3/4 Ton Pickup New 3/4 Ton Pickup(Deferred) 20,000 +re Facilities PE-52 1982 Mower New 72" Rotary Mower(Deferred) 12,550 TOTAL 1992 NEW EQUIPMENT AND REPLACEMENTS REQUESTED $585,600 157 1W CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Community Services Department John Webley Administrator 89.6 Total FTE r Park Sam Chastain Willis Roberts Off Asst II-III Board Parks&Rec Dir Admin Secretary II 1.3 FTE +wr ParkslRec Library Human Services Gen Serv/Fac 72.5 FTE 14.1 FTE 3.0 FTE rrr CIP Proj Coord: Senior Housing Libra Randy Berg Vince Lee,Coord ry Clark Petersen Citizens' Ron Shelley Adviso Chris Peragine Off Asst III-.5FTE Board Library Director Board Human Sery Mgr Open Space Marilyn Pederson Carolyn Sundvall Leslie Betlach,Coord Asst Libra Dir ■r Office Asst II-.2 FTE ry Hum Sv Off Tech General Services Parks Ju Hayward Lynn Rothlisberger Park Facilities Recreation Secretary 11 Housing Repair 4 41.5 FTE 22.0 FTE Worker wry Jim Shepherd Bill Hutsinpiller Parks&Facilities Mgr Recreation Sery Mgr Librarian 3.1 FTE go Gen Recreation Library Spvr-1.0 FTE General Services Rec Supervisors: Lary Sleeth Terry Higashiyama Libr Tech Asst-1.0 FT Building Supt Bob Hufnagle Jerry Rerecich Library Asst I-II " Ricki Weiss Prog Coord-1.0 FTE 5.5 FTE Custodial Sery Supvr Warner Curl Spec I-11-4.0 FTE Office Asst 11 HVAC Sys Tech Dsktp Pb Opr-1.0 FTE 5 FTE Bldg Mtc Wkr-3.0 FTE ead Mtc Cust-1.0 FTECommunity Center Mtc Cust-9.0 FTE Prog Coord-3.0 FTE Lead Cust-1.0 FTE Office Asst III-1.0 FTE Custodian-3.5 FTE Office Asst I-1.0 FTE err Park Facilities Senior Center Dennis Frink Sr Sv Coord-1.0 FTE r� Maint Supt Rec Spc 11-1.0 FTE Park Mtc Supv: Secretary 1-1.0 FTE Mike Hansford Al Dieckman Lm:�dEq Course '+ Roy Beanblossom Veh&Eq Mech II pvr-1.0 FTE Ld Mtc Wkr 2.OFTE ech-1.0 FTPark Mtc Wkr 1-111 -II-2.0 FTE 14.0 FTE wr 158 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Community Services—Al/Divisions The 1990 reorganization brought together the Parks and Recreation department with the Renton Public Libraries and Human Services to form one larger department called Community Services. 1f The Community Services Department's work program for 1992 includes a major emphasis on maintaining current service levels through an aggressive approach to revenue generation, service delivery system efficiencies,and redistribution of current resources to reflect the City's priorities. This will also include adjusting our short and long term commitments for capital improvements and program expansions to more accurately reflect current and future estimated resource levels. The maintenance of existing infrastructure including identified deficiencies will receive high priority and exposure along with re-evaluation of current programs,practices and standards. The net product of this process should result in a sustainable system of facilities,services,programs and staffing for the foreseeable future. Each division's program activity and budget information is provided on the following pages. Division responsibilities are briefly described below to provide an overview of department services. General Services/Facilities/Parks and Recreation: Administration-Provides all administrative functions for the department. Also manages the Senior Housing and Open Space programs which are not included in the operating budget,since they are capital improvement programs. General Services/Facilities-Includes General Services and Park Facilities. General Services operates and maintains City buildings,and Park Facilities maintains all of the City parks and landscaped areas. Recreation-Provides a wide variety of leisure time activities for Renton citizens. Budget sections include the Community Center,Senior Center,and Recreational Services. Human Services-Manages social and health services funded by the City,and the Community Development Block Grant program. Community Development Block Grant Program(CDBG)-Federally funded program to help improve living conditions,primarily for persons of low and moderate income. Libraries-The Renton Public Library and the Highlands Library provide information,materials,and services to the community. Golf Course-The operating portion of the Golf Course budget is included in this section. The facility is an 18-hole golf course,added to the recreation program in 1985. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1992 Community Services Department budget(all operating division)totals$8.8 million,which is 8.5%or$688,771 more than the 1991 adopted budget. 159 r. CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET_ Commun/tyServices AffDivision s ter 1990 1991 1991 1892 1992; Change %Change POSITION ALLOCATIONS Actual' Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 81 Adopted ___.. General Services/Parks Recreation 63.0 66.8 66.8 67.0 67.0 0.2 0.3% Human Services 2.0 1 5 1.5 1.8 1,8 0.3 20.0% _. _ ...... . (....). Community Development Block Grants 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.2 !' 1.2 0.3 -20.0% w _ _ _ _....._. Senior Housing 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 >1.5 0.0 0.0% Library: 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 _.. :'14.1!" 0.0 0.0% Golf Course 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0% ;TOTAL REGULAR.STAFFING 86.6 89.4 89.4 89.6 ! 89.6 0.2 z. 0.2 iTEMPORARY PART TIME 64.8 50.1 50.6 46.1 45.9 j42) X8.4 TOTAL'<STAFFING 141:4 139.5 140.0 135,7 135.5 (4.0) -2. BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 2,663,829 2,988,715 2,962,475 3,275,043 3,283;545: 294,830 9.9% Part Time Salaries 661,679 649,353 657,970 707,555 722.318 72,965 11.2%. ..... . Overtime 47,013 36,290 31,953 38,132 38,132 1,842 5.1% Personnel Benefits 766,304 868,458 849,037 I 990,902 991,439 122,981 14;2% . Uniform Allowance 2,959 3,180 3,372 3,180 3,180' 0 0.0% Supplies460,378 476,662 462,687 501,674 489;387; 12,725 2.7% _. ................. .......... .._ Professional Services 347,910 283,337 324,911 324,546 320 246 36,909 13.0%' +rr Postage/Telephone/Other 163,717 158,810 112,819 164,973 164,978.. 6,183 3.9%I _ _ _._. . Travel/Training 9,385 10,856 9,385 15,638 ! 14;136 3,280 30.2% __. - Advertising 1,419 3,786 2,357 2,558 2556: (1,230) -32.5% Rentals and Leases 20,549 30,733 26,991 29,333 28,333: (1,400) 4.8% Equipment Rental 100,096 119,172 108,165 126,396 115,920. (3,252) -2.7% _ ............... .............._. Insurance 6,426 5,449 5,449 SAW 381 7.0%' Public Utility Services 505,864 613,192 557,792 844,387 + $24,387 11,195 1.8% Repairs$Maintenance 226,322 215,128 224,104 218,300 200300;: (14,828) -6.9% 1611 Miscellaneous 314,777 399,554 448,564 398,760 <; 469,:0.71 89,517 17.4%i Intergovernmental Services 420,374 469,896 485,336 535,649 535.849 65,753 14.0W Capital Outlay 619,185 248,678 _ 212,687 291,464 273,616: 24,938 10.0% _. Debt Service: Principal 274,081 295,777 295,777 318,343 318;343 22,566 7.6%' to Debt Service: Interest 274,154 254,648 254,755 232,519 232..5.19;: (22,129) -8.7% _ __. .......::...: ....... ........... Interfund Payments 7,951 8,905 8,629 9,280 9,280;: 375 4.2%. Expenditure Credits 0 (45,771) (46,011) (52,079) 160;581) (14,810) 32.4%' OTAL'EXPENDITURES 7,794,372 8,094,808 7,997,203 8;782,379 'I 8,783;579 T 9 888,771 835 rIM Summary by Community Services Division 18901991 1991 1992 1992 Change 94 Change , 9 Jaivision Actual ::.Adopted Actual;: nest :....:Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted General Services/Parks Recreation 4,932,978 5,347,639 5,302,456 5,766,835 5,766,835` 419,196 7.8% Human Services 632,706 651,591 660,703 750,699 750,699 99,108 15.2% Community Development Block Grants 324,752 194,747 172,404 262,671 262,671 67,924 34.9% Library 804,379 858,818 850,557 942,035 943,235 84,417 9.8% _ . Golf Course Operations 1,099,557 1,042,013 1,011,083 1,060,139 1,080,139` 18,128 1.7% rwr NOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,784,372 9,094,808 7.997,203 8,782,379 i' 8,783,579 888,771 o. 8.6 r 160 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund.' 101 Park Community Services"All Parkl Fund Divisions Person;Responsible Sam;Ghastain, Parks& Recreation Director OBJECTIVE: The basic goal of General Services/Park Facilities and Recreational Services,through its Park board is to maximize the potential of all available resources to provide leisure time programs, activities, facilities, and leadership that meets the needs of the community and the standards set forth in the Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan,and to provide the best possible maintenance and operation of all parks,municipal buildings, illi and landscaping for municipal facilities. The General Services/Facilities and Parks Recreation division of the Community Services Department has five divisions whose responsibilities are briefly described below. Each division's operating program activity and budget di information is provided on the following pages. Administration-Provides overall support and management for the department. General Services/Park Facilities-P-_-neral Services maintains and improves all City buildings,and Park Facilities maintains and improves all of the City Narks and landscaped areas. Community Center-Provides a wide variety of fitnes's and leisure time activities for the community. Senior Center-Offers social,health,and recreation programs for senior citizens. Recreational Services-Provides a diversified recreational program for all age groups. FUNDING SOURCES: This division is accounted for in the Park Fund,which is supported by taxes,park fees,and self-sustaining or self-supported programs. In 1992, taxes (property, sales and electric utility taxes) will bring in $4,822,971 or 82%of total revenues. Park fees and charges will generate in$830,353 or 14%, and the beginning balance and interest earnings will provide$263,511 or 4%,for a total 1992 budget of$5,916,835. Several park fees will be increased in 1992 including: Overnight Moorage (Non-Residents), picnic shelter fees, and self-sustaining programs. Park fees and charges will provide about 41.2%of support for the 1992 recreation program which totals $2,017,368. so GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1992 Park Fund expenditure budget totals$5,766,835 which is up 7.8%or $419,196 over the 1991 adopted amount. The ending balance is projected at$150,000 for a total expenditure budget of$5,916,835. Will 181 � .........:..................... CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS .. ..: 401 Park Fund Commvn�ty Sernces All Park Fund Divisions - Person Responsible Sam Chastain, Parks 1.&Recreation Arrector 1990;' 1881 1991 992 1992 Change 46Charge' ,,,, , „, ......, Item Actual Adopted Actuat Request 8udpet 91 Adopted 91 Adopted' POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Parks Administration 7.5 8.3 8.3 8.5 8.6` 0.2 2.4% General Services/Park Facilities 37.0 38.5 38.5 38.5 38.5: 0.0 0.0% Community Center _ 6,0 7.0.. 7.0 7.0.. 7,0;_.__ _ 0.0 0.0% __. . _ Senior Center 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0: 0.0 0.0% . . _....__. Recreation Services 8.5 9.0 1 0 9.0 ..... 9.0: 0.0 0.0% TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 63.0 66.8 56.8 87.0:: 87.0 .0 Q 3 TEMPORARY PART TIME 45.2 41.1 41.6 36.5 'i 38.3: (4.8) -11.7 TOTAL STAFFING 108.2 107.9 108.4 103.5 103.3' (4.8) -4.3 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 2,005,151 2,290,861 2,288,765 2,529,777 2,538;279`. 247,418 10.8%. Part Time Salaries 524,987 512,785 519,109 549,154 563,917: 51 132 10.0% Overtime 4 1,559 30,032 28,998 31,428 31,428. 1,396 4.6% Personnel Benefits 596,512 687,802 665,243 774,534 ::175,0711.. 87,269 12.7% Uniform Allowance 2,959 3,180 3,372 3,180 3;180: 0 0.0% Supplies 366,161 379,664 383,318 398,891 386,604 8,940 1.8% irr _ _ __ Professional Services 77,202 12,900 23,123 12,900 7,400 (5,500) -42.6% Postagerfelephone/Other 161,955 157,518 111,609 163,820 183;820 6,302 4.0% Travel 6,087 6,921 5,844 8,801 7,301. 380 5.5% __.. ......... Advertising 1,419 2 486 2,357 2 556 2;556 70 2.8%' err _ .. _ .. Rentals and Leases 11,057 17,433 17,735 17,433 17,433. 0 0.0% _ _. . ... Equipment Rental 75,675 92,616 87,991 97.704 $7:228 (5,388) -5.8% Public Utility Services 498,260 605,747 548,344 638,112 816.1:112. 10,365 1.7% Repairs 3 Maintenance 173,076 185,661 185,136 186,296 I 168 296: (17,365) -9.4% _ .. Miscellaneous 286,238 374,504 424,866 377,480 447781 : 73,287 19.6% _ _ _. ... ..... . Intergovernmental Services 300 200 18,991 400 400 200 100.0% Capital Outlay __... 104,380_ 33.100 33.668 28.448 16.$00. (22,500) -68.0% ils SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,932,978 5,393,410 5,348,467 5,818,914 5,827;416 434,006 8.0 Expenditure Credits 0 (45,771) (46,011) (52,079) .(60;581) (14,810) 32.4 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,932,978 5,347,839 5,302;458 5,766,835 5,758,$35 419,196 7 SaA ttiir it ars No atr� 162 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund, 101P0rk :,pop 020 Community$ervices h, Perks Adniinistratton OBJECTIVE: To provide management and administration for the Community Services Department and Parks and Recreation Division,including the Open Space and Senior Housing Programs. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: This element contains the overall administration of the Community Services Department and the management of the Parks and Recreation Division including Paiks Facilities, Recreation,General Services, Senior Center, and Community Center. Parks and Recreation has an annual attendance at their facilities and activities of approximately 1.8 million per year, maintains 646 acres of park land and golf course, and performs maintenance and custodial service for 260,000 square feet of municipal space. NEW PROGRAM APPROVED: Office Assistant to Full Time from .75 FTE - $11,030. This position not only provides general office assistance at the Parks Administration office with specific responsibility for the General Services Division, but also provides office support for the Open Space Coordinator. Assistance from the King County Open Space Bond issue fund has been approved to support the added.25 FTE. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The Parks Administration 1992 budget is up$51,167 or 11.9%over 1991 adopted figures. $2,000 was cut from the request to allow for priority increases in other divisions. BUDGET CHANGES: Part-time Salaries and Wages-$2,000 added for summer assistance,vacation,and sick leave relief (250 hrs.@$8.00/hr). 1 Office/Operating Supplies-$1,944 added to allow for supporting software for upgraded computers. Professional Services-$500 reduction. Used for title reports,wildlife assessments,hazardous waste assessments,etc. Travel-$550 added to reflect actual usage. Provides for administrative staff travel. Repairs and Maintenance-$140 added for general inflation. Miscellaneous-Printing and binding reduced$1,000,funds redistributed. Used for brochures,bid documents,etc. Al other items at the 1991 level. See list(bottom of page 164)of other items in the miscellaneous category Capital Outlav - $6,000 for upgraded computers for Parks Administration clerical personnel to accommodate Windows, MS Word for Windows, Excel, and extended data base for greater department efficiency and compatibility with other City departments. Expenditure Credits-Reimbursement from Open Space Capital Improvement Fund for Open Space Coordinator and.2 FTE Office Assistant salaries and benefits. 163 i.r CITY OF REN TON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS .. .....: . . Commun/t ServlceslParks Administration y Person Responsrb/e John Web/6y, Commun/tyS&Wdes Admrn/strator 1990 ; 3991 1891 1992 1892 Change %Chanpe ......... ......: ....... POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual ` Adopted ::Actual: Request Budget 91 Adopted'91 Ado ted ses Grade Title _. Old/New Old/New __.. ......._ .......__ _...._ _. _ _. s,,,,, _ 22/43 Community Services Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% s� 20/39 Parke and Recreation Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 A 0.0 0.0% 15/33 Recreation Supt/Recreation SeryManager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0< 0.0 0.0% 15/33 Facilities Supt/Parks b Facilities Mgr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 12/25 Fac Designer/Capital Improvmt Proi Coord 1.0 1.0 1.01.0 1,01 0.0 0.0% ill 12/23 .Open Space Coordinator 1.0 10- ..._._1.0 1.0 1.0- 0.0 0.0% _.... 5/11 Admin Secretary/Admin Secretary 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1.0: 0.0 0.0% 2/5 Admin Clerk II/Office Assistant III 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ? 0,5 0.0 0.0% (.5 Senior Housing) 4W 2/3 Admin Clerk II/Office Assistant 11 0.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 'r L0 0.2 25.0% (.2 Open Space 1992/Reimb) TOTAL'REGULARSTAFFING 7.5 8.3 s ::83 8.5 '': 8.5 0.2 2.4 TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 N/A 4r :TOTAL STAFFING 8.1 8.3 8.7 8.6 8.6 0.3 3.8 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 317,614 359,797 357,830 401,480 409,982 50,185 13.9% go Part Time Salaries 9,957 0 5,205 2,000 2,000. 2,000 N/A Overtime _ 83 ._ 1,000 _ 316 1.067 1067 67. _ 6.7% Personnel Benefits 77,302 91,051 84,203 98,458 fl8,458 7,407 8.1% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 fl'i 0 N/A _... Supplies 4.253 3,056 1,899 5,000 5,000 1,944 63.6% Professional Services 1,300 1,000 285 1,000 500: (500) -50.0% Postage/Telephone/Other _ __...0 _ 0 _ 0 _ 0 0 -_...0 N/A Travel 830 450 1,087 1,000 ;i 1;000 550 122.2% Advertising 111 486 414 486 X186 0 0.0% _ _ .. .... ...... Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 O i 0 N/A Equipment Rental 12,900 13,896 11699 13,080 13,080 (816) -5.9%' Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 O" 0 N/A sty _ ...._.. ... __ Repairs A Maintenance 2,227 2,792 2,829 2,932 2,932 140 5.0% 1)Miscellaneous 3,306 3,765 5,784 4,265 72, 65 (1,000) -26.6% Intergov,Sery(Transfer-Out) 0 0 18,575 0 O 0 N/A Capital Outlay 998 0 0 6,000 ::::::0.000 6,000 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 (45,771) (46,011) (52,079) (80,581) (14,810) 32.4% TOTAL'EXPENDITURES 430,881 431,522 444;115 484,689 ` 482,888 :'$1,167 11A w Item 1990 1891 19911,992 1892 !' Change %Change - _... Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 1) MISCELLANEOUS: rill 49.06 Printing 8 Binding 0 2,000 0 2,000 1,000 (1,000) -50.0% 49.12 Memberships&Registration 1,334 1,500 2,601 2,000 :: ::,.:_::1,500 0 0.0% 49.14 Legal&Recording Fees 26 265 34 265 2f36 0 0.0% 49.35 Renton Centennial Committee 1,946 0 3,149 0 fl 0 N/A TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 3,306 3,765 5,784 4,265 2,765 (1,000) -26.6% tri 164 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund, 101 Park Dept: 020 Community Services Div.• General Services✓FacilitieS Maintenance OBJECTIVE: Park Facilities Maintenance and General Services Divisions provide a safe, healthful, pleasant environment for conducting City business and the public's enjoyment of leisure time activities. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: The Park Facilities Maintenance and General Services Divisions provide maintenance and operations for City owned buildings and grounds including all City park land. The divisions also perform minor improvements to City facilities when time and resources permit. Responsibilities include maintenance for buildings and grounds of the municipal campus(City Hall,City Hall Annex,Historical Society, Liberty Park Community Building,the main Library,and Liberty Park),three fire stations,Cedar River Park (including Community Center and Carco Theatre), Senior Citizen Center, City Shops, Coulon Beach Park, Cedar River Trail, Highlands Library, and numerous community and neighborhood parks. The types of facilities maintained are office buildings, libraries,fire stations,shops,recreational buildings,athletic fields,trails,beaches,and a swimming pool. 1992 WORK PLAN-Clean and maintain 260,000 square feet of municipal space.-Maintain 838 acres of City parks and open space. -Maintain City street trees and landscaped areas around municipal buildings.-Perform minor renovation and improvements to City facilities based on City priorities and departmental needs.-Continue City Hall renovation efforts. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Painted metal structures at Coulon Beach Park.-Completed interior improvements at Carco Theatre. -Liberty Park Community Building improvements.-Police Department improvements-Installed new sewage lift pump at City Hall.- Completed renovation of the Cedar River Park picnic shelter along with improvements to picnic areas in other parks. - Added capacity to City's telecommunications system. - Liberty Park Community Building upper level air conditioning. - Improvements to accommodate Park Facilities Maintenance crews at Cedar River Park maintenance facility.-Completed landscaping at Cedar River Park between Cedar River and Community Center. - Completed flood damage repair at Cedar River Park and along Cedar River Trail.-Painted exterior City Hall Annex. NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Maintenance and Repair-$42,000 for safety bracing for ceilings and light fixtures in City Hall,needed to meet current codes for earthquake resistance. tllY 5th Floor Improvements-$2,500 for remodel of one existing storage room to accommodate display materials. Convert two 30-hour per week,Regular Part Time Custodians to full time-$22,518. Full time is necessary to obtain maximum benefit from these positions. 1f Senior Center Roof Replacement-$35,000 to replace. Delay of this project will result in roof leaks and eventual interior damage. Park Facilities Repairs and Maintenance-$5,000,to reflect actual spending levels,increased areas of responsibility,and added special events. Senior Center Improvements-$39,350 for new carpet,improved security for kitchen area,new blinds,and a horseshoe area. The carpet is worn out,creating a tripping hazard. Community Center Improvements-$8,000 for room darkening curtains in the banquet room,necessary to allow user groups, including City departments,to make slide and video presentations. Marketing potential and daytime revenues would be increased. Maintenance Staff Training and Schools-$1,000 to allow employees to improve technical and organizational skills,keep abreast of changes in the field,and obtain certifications where appropriate. Security Lighting -$30,000 for parking lots at Highlands Neighborhood and North Highlands Neighborhood Centers. Vandal-proof Fixtures-$10,000 for installation of vandal proof fixtures and partitions at Jones Park,fixtures at Caroo Theatre and Maplewood Roadside Park,and partitions at Highlands Neighborhood Center. This is a reduced scope of work from the request made last year of$40,000,which was cut from the budget. Security Systems-$16,100 for installation of security systems at Carco Theatre,Highlands Neighborhood Center,and North Highlands Neighborhood Center. Increased break-ins and vandalism have been experienced at these facilities;security systems would also include fire alarms where they don't already exist. 165 t.r CITY OF PENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Commun/ty Serwces/General Services&Park Facilities Person Responsible p e .Jim Shepherd, Parks&Facdihes Manager 1990 1991 7991 1992 1992 Change %Change' POSITION ALLOC ATIONS::: Actual Adopted Actuat Request Budget 91 Adopted H1 AdopFed Grade Title Old/New Old/New 12/25 Fac Designer/Capital Impry Proj Coord 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 11/25 Building SupvrBuilding Superintendent 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.6 0.0 0.0% 8/19 Build Sys Tech/HVAC Systems Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0. 0.0 0.0% 9/17 Foreman/Custodial Services Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0% 7/15 [General CraftworkerBldg Maint Wkr 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 7/13 .General CraftworkerBldg Maint Wkr 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 4+5%/10 Maint Custodian(Lead)/Lead Mtc Custodian 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 '::1.0 0.0 0.0% 1lilY ...............__...... _..__. .._._. _.. . ._. __ .__.. _._ _.. . _.. . _........ ....:.....- _.... _.. _. _... 4/7 ;Maintenance Custodian 6.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0% 2+5%/4 Ciustodian I[Lead)/Lead Custodian 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0% 2/1 'Custodian 2.0 3.5 3.5. .. 3.5 3.5 0.0 0.0% Total General Services 17.0 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 0.0 0.0 III 11/26 :Park Maint Supvr/Park Mtc Superintendent 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 _ 1.0': 0.0 0.0%. _ 9/20 Foreman/Park Maint Supervisor 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 `2.0 0.0 0.0% 7/15 MechanicNehicle&Eq Mechanic 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% rIr 7+5%/15 j Park Mtc Wkr III(Lead)/Lead Park Mtc Wkr 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 7/11 `Park Maintenance Worker III 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0" 0.0 0.0% Total Facilities 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 -20,0 f 0.0A ;TOTAL;FiEGULAR STAFFING 37.0 38.5, :38.5 38.5': 38.5 Q,0TEMPORARY PART TIME 18.2 14.4 15.4 13.0 12.8 (1.6):TOTAL STAFFING 55.2 52.9 53.9 51.5 51.3 (1.6) BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 1,142,210 1,239,349 1,245,584 1,380,784 1,380.764: 141,415 11.4% �i Part Time Salaries 202,661 173,144 183,417 -197,548 1114;884 21,740 12.8%' Overtime 31,342 14,378 19,532 15,127 16,127' 749 5.2% __. Personnel Benefits 344,022 373,441 359,622 418,825 ...418 289> 44,848 12.0% Uniform Allowance 2,959 31180 3,372 3,180 3180 0 0.0% Supplies 299,013 315,501 316,296 331,762 322;951 7,450 2.4% Professional Services 74,786 11,900 22,838 11,900 6,900: (5,000) 42.0% Postage/Telephone/Other 161,955 157,518 111,609 163,820 163;820' 6,302 4.0% Travel 178 971 249 971 971 0 0.0% _... fli Training&Schools 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 N/A Rentals and Leases 11,057 17,433 17,735 17,433 7.4.3 0... 0.0% Equipment Rental 62,775 78,720 76,292 84,624 74:148 (4,572) -5.8%' __. _. Public Utility Services 417,111 506,647 460,328 532,748 510.748 4,101 0.8%' ow Repairs&Maintenance 148,165 150,529 147,958 150,529 135'529 (15,000) -10.0% ...._... -------------- Miscellaneous .._ _ _.....__ 21,631 17,434 19,074 16,434 16,434 (1,000) -5.7% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 p,l! 0 N/A _... Capital Outlay 75,181 18,000 18,778 22,448 4,600 (13,400) -74.4% Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,995046 3,078,145 !' 3;002,684 3,348,913 3,266;778 :188,633 e.1 gal lilt 166 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund.• 101 Park Dept. 020 CommunityServices 91' Div: General Services✓Facilities Maintenance BUDGET CHANGES: Budget changes are listed below for the three sections of General Services/Park Maintenance. rW 1990 1991'' 1991 1992 :::19®2 Chanfla 8b Change, .. . .. ... _.:. .. . ... ...:. GENERAL SERVICES: Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 499,425 546,451 565,459 635,249 635,249 88,798 16.2% Part Time Salaries 51,670 27,893 33,658 36,164 36,164 8,271 29.70A Overtime 8,004 3,742 5,364 3,942 3,942 200 5.3% Personnel Benefits 147,209 162,638 163,266 193,403 193,403 30,765 18.06 Supplies 115,672 123,592 126,630 126,064 122,334 (1,258) -1.0% at Professional Services 68,331 0 15,080 0 0 0 N/A Postagerrelephone/Other 161,955 157,518 111,609 163,820 163,820 6,302 4.0% Travel 128. 600. _61 600 600 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 8,530 9,555 9,779 9,555 9,555 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 16,665 20,136 20,651 22,380 19,272 (864) -4.3% Public Utility Services 294,976 323,338 291,365 335,950 "333,950 10,612 3.3% Repairs&Maintenance 71,977 80,000 64,406 80,000 70,000 (10,000) -12.5% Miscellaneous 4,216 3,514 6,234 3,514 3,514 0 0.0% _ _ _ ...... .. _.... _ _ ..: Capital Outlay 62,603 13,800 13,630 18,448 4,600 (9,200) -66.7% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,511,361 1,472,777 1,427,192 1,629,089 1,596,403 123,626 8.4 General Services 1992 budget is$123,626,or 8.4%more than the 1991 adopted budget. Most of the increase is in salaries and benefits for the 1992 salary adjustment,and public utility services. Supplies and repairs and maintenance have been reduced. $32,686 was cut from the 1992 budget request and reallocated to other accounts. to Part-time Salaries and Benefits-Increased$8,271 over 1991 approved level to help cover additional program requirements and weekend events. Benefits increased for PERS retirement. Telephone-Added 4%for general inflation. WA Public Utility Services-Electricity-increased 4.2%or$10,032. Water/sewer/Metro increased$580 over 1991 adopted allocation, and$2,000 was cut from the request. No increase for gas. Equipment Rental-Replacement of pickup truck deferred. Capital Outlay- roved: $4,600 for refrigerant/recycling station. items Not Approved: $13,848 for replacement of three heating 10i units at Highlands Neighborhood Center,and a sewage lift station(second pump)at City Hall. 1990 1991 : 1991 1992 1992 Change %Change: .. .... LANDSCAPING: Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 59,133 64,365 66,169 73,064 73,064 8,699 13.5% Part Time Salaries 18,129 21,972 21,225 23,444 20,780 (1,192) 75.4%. 111111111 Overtime 966 1,608 1,176 1,694 1,694 Be 5.3% Personnel Benefits 18,392 20,551 19,859 20,580 20,244 (307) -1.5% Supplies 14,369 15,046 15,208 15,346 14,265 (781) -5.2%' Rentals and Leases 309 2,578 2,552 2,578 2,578 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 1,860 2,448 898 4,320 4,320 1,872 76.5% Public Utility Services 372 1,072 335 1,078 1,078 6 0.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 114,530 1 129,640 127,422 142,104 138,023 8,383 8.5 The 1992 Landscaping budget is up$8,383 or 6.5%from the 1991 adopted level. $4,081 was cut from the 1992 budget request in part time salaries and benefits and supplies. Part Time Salaries and Benefits-$3,000 cut from 1992 request,will eliminate maintenance for North Renton traffic circles. Supplies-Regular supplies$14,265,increased 2%for general inflation. Street tree replacement program not funded,reduction of $1,081 from request. Equipment Rental-Replacement of 3/4 ton pickup deferred,plus rate adjustment for existing equipment. 167 W irr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS .Fund. 101 Park 'Dept. 020 CommunZty Services DIW::..General Services/Facilities Maintenance 1990 1991 1991 1992 .1992 Change 9b Chapge .......... ...... ........ ........ ....... ...... IPARKFACILITIES. Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 583,652 628,533 613,956 672,451 672,451 43,918 7.0% Part Time Salaries 131,862 123,279 128,534 137,940 137,940 14,661 11.9% Overtime 22,372 9,028 12,992 9,491 -9,491 463 5.11% Personnel Benefits 178,421 190,252 176,497 204,642 204,642 14,390 7.6% Uniform Allowance 2.958 3,180 3,372 3,180 3,180 0 0.0% Supplies 168,972 176.863 174,458 190,352 196,352 6.489 5.4% Professional Services 6,455 11,900 7,758 11,900 6,900 (5,000) -42.0% Traver 50 371 188 371 371 0 0.0% Training&Schools 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 N/A Rentals and Leases 2,218 5,300 5.404 5,300 5,300 0 0.0% 11111111 Equipment Rental .44,250 56,136 54,743 57,924 50,556 (5,580) -9.9% Public Utility Services 121,763 182,237 168,627 195,720 175,720 (6,517) -3.6% Repairs&Maintenance 76,189 70,529 83.552 70,529 65.529 (5,000) -7.1% Miscellaneous 17,415 13,920 12,841 12,920 12,920 (1,000) -7.2% 01111110 Capital Outlay 12,578 4,200 5,148 1 4,000 0 1 (4,200)1 -100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,369,155 1,475,728 1.448,070 1,577,720 1 1,532,352 1 66,624 1 3.84 ITOTAL GENERAL SERV/PARKS FACILITIES 2,995,046 3,078,145 3,002,684 3,348,913 1 3,266,778 1 188,633 6.1 Park Facilities 1992 budget is$188,633 or 6.1%more than the 1991 adopted level. All accounts have been reduced except for salaries,benefits,and supplies. $45,368 was cut from the 1992 budget request,and reallocated to other priority items. Part-time Salaries-Increased$14,661 over 1991 approved amount which was cut significantly. Benefits increased to provide for PERS retirement contribution. Operating Supplies-$1,183 below 1991 level,1992 request reduced by$4,000,reallocated to other accounts. ill Equipment Supplies-Increased$10,672;assumed equipment maintenance and operations responsibility from Central Garage. Training/Schools-Added$1,000,transferred from memberships and registrations. Equipment Rental-72"rotary mower replacement deferred;Tri-Plex mower approved(replacement). go Public Utility Services-Electricity increased 4.2%$2,226. Water,Sewer,Metro is$8,743 below 1991 level,and 1992 request cut $20,000;redistributed to other accounts. Reduction reflects actual costs. Capital Outlay Not Approved-$4,000 for two computers to assist in management and monitoring of parks maintenance facilities and activities and to improve employees'technical and organizational skills. so A summary of public utility services and miscellaneous items is provided below for General Services/Facilities. ::::.:. Change I :: Change�.... ................. ...... ........ 1Q92 1992....... ItemRequest Actual Adopted Actual budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES 47.01 Electricity 263,196 291,965 291,259 304,229 304,2291 12,264 4.2% 47.02 Water,Metro,Garbage 104,698 145,309, 127,733. 159,11.461. 137,148 (8,163) -5.6% 47.03 Gas 48.568 66,193 40.569 66,193661193 0 0.0% 47.05 ImGng Co Transfer Station 0 1,060 0 1,060 ::::1 p,w 0*W 0 0.0% ......... ....... 47.06 Maint For RR Signals 1 649 1 2.120 766 1 2,120 z 4.120 0 0.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 417,111 1 506,647 460,328 532,748 510,748 4,101 1 0.8%1 1990 1991 199 1: .......... :1992 1992 Change %Change Item Actual Adopted Projected Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS: .............. LL:: 49.12 Memberships&Registration 4,666 4,310 3,807 3,310 -::2,310 (1,000) -23.2% ------------- 49.16 Publications 63 cations 263 63 84 '83 0 0.0% 49.3.6 Misc Awards 9- ......3 59 .....50 0 O.O%L ................. 49.37 Vandalism 16,702 1 ,011 15,183 13,011 13,011' 0 0.0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 21,631 17,434 19,074 16,434 16,1 434 (1,000)1 -6.7N t CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 1'01 Park: Dept. 020 CoMmumv.Services 17iv. Community Center OBJECTIVE: To provides an opportunity for the public to participate in a diversified program of recreational activities designed to meet the needs of all age groups who live and/or work in the City of Renton. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Responsible for providing comprehensive fitness and recreational activities, as well as providing space for special events such as weddings, workshops, and meetings. 1992 will emphasize quality service and expanded programming of self-sustaining activities. In addition,we would like to improve our brochure,which is critical to advising the public of program and activity offerings. Community Center programs and aquatics activities are managed by the supervisor assigned to this complex. 1 1992 WORK PLAN: -Improve marketing of facilities and programs with additional advertising. -Improve the registration process and scheduling of facilities with new computer system. -Complete policy manuals for the Community Center and Carco Theatre. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Increased number of staff attended a variety of training programs. -Expanded bookings for picnic shelters,increased number of program offerings,and expanded usage at Carco Theatre. -Setup and conducted regular joint meetings between recreation and maintenance staff members. -Prepared forms for staff to use in documenting statistics for annual report. NEW PROGRAM APPROVED: Computer System,Community Center-$30,000 for recreation oriented computer system. This is a hard and software computer system to handle registration and facilities scheduling,with possible links to satellite centers. Initial connecting link would be with the Senior Center. Budgeted in the Multi-Department Capital Improvement Fund 316. NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT APPROVED: Fitness Room Equipment-$4,813,one-time cost for weight machine equipment needed to be competitive in the market. Printing and Binding-$9,475 for printing of additional brochures and information flyers to increase public awareness of program offerings. In the long term,new revenue would help to offset this expense. Advertising/Marketing-$930 for advertising to inform,give notice,or call attention to the public of Community Center programs and facilities. The increased advertising expense would be recouped in long-term revenue. Part-time Community Center Training-$6,700 for training due to higher turn-over and inability to recruit highly trained staff. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Community Center budget is up$96,776,or 14.9%over the 1991 adopted level. Ml Part time Salaries and Benefits-Budget cuts allowed$6,300 to be added back to recreation part time allocation(total $83,453). Also includes$19,206 for maintenance part time,reduced$10,794 from the 1991 approved level. Benefits increased to provide for PERS retirement contribution. Supplies/Repairs and Maintenance-Reduced and reallocated to other accounts. Public Utility Services-Reductions in other accounts allowed$6,000 to be added back to request for electricity;increase based on anticipated need. Water/sewer/storm account also increased to cover rate adjustments. Total increase$8,551. Miscellaneous- See list at the bottom of page 170. Tax liability increased based on prior year costs; adjustment to request funded by other account reductions. Self-sustaining programs increased by$57,000,fully funded by offsetting revenue. 189 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS .. Community ServrteslParks Community.Center Person R4wonsI&O Biff HutsihbA16, Recreation Sen c Manager rr 1x. 990 1891 1991 1992 1992 Change +)6 Change' .: . _ .... .: - .:: .. ...... .. ... ;POSITION ALLOCATIONS; Actual': Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Grade Title WIr _ .......... 10/18 Recreation Program Coordinator 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 $.0 1.0 50.0% 8/14 Rec.Spec 11(Promoted to Coord) 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0! (1.0) -100.0% __. 417 Maintenance Custodian 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0: 0.0 0.0% 3/5 Admin Clerk Ill/Office Assistant Ill 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0.1 0.0 0.0% 1/1 Admin Clerk I/Office Assistant 1 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% JOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 6.0 7.9 i> T.0 7,0 7A 00 0,0 TEMPORARY PART TIME (0-9) -122" TOTAL:STAFFING'I 13,9 14,4 13.4 13,5 13.5 (0.9) -8.3 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: ------------------------- Regular Salaries 136,811 228,636 224,328 240,016 240,016 11,380 5.0% ------------- Part Time Salaries 98,722 102,720 92,315 96,806 102,659 (61) -0.1% ........ .. Overtime 2,282 2,000 1,419 2,134 2,134. 134 6.7% Personnel Benefits 46,927 69,241 601 6 'i 79,493 10,252 14.8% _. .... . Uniform Allowance _ 8,2 79,04 0 0 .0 _ 0 >0 0.._. N/A ............. Supplies 22,889 21,107 20,678 21,529 20,053 (1,054) -5.0% Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 _0 N/A _. .......:... ._ Postagerrelephone/Other 0 0 0.. 0 i' 0 0 N/A Travel/Training 2,584 1,800 1,525 2,000 2,000.. 200 11.1% aw Advertising 1,308 2,000 1,943 2,070 2,070 70 3.5% _ .. ... Leases 0 0 0 0 Rentals and LeasQ. 0 N/A _....... _ .... Equipment Rental 0 _ _ _._ .0 0 0 .;0 0.. N/A Public Utility Services 54,180 64,237 59,777 66,788 72,788: 8,551 13.3% _ 8 #W Repairs S Maintenance 8,868 18,200 16,741 18 200 15,200 (3,000) -16.5% 1)Miscellaneous 120,253 139,689 199,600 139,882 211.093 72,004 51 1..5% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0... 0 0 0. _ ..Wq _.. Capital Outlay _... 0 1.700 1,671 _ 0 __....... _..... .- 0 (1,700) -100.0% tale Expenditure Credits 0 _ 0 _ 0 _._ 0 0 _..0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 494,622 651,3W.1 688,198 1 668,471 748,106: 96,776 14.9 Item1990 1991 1991 1.992 1992 I: Change +4 Chan e` 9 Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 11) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.06 :Printing 3 Binding 0 3,000 445 3,105 3,105 ....... 105.. 3.5% arr 49.37 :Vandalism 0 500 0 518 518 18 3.6% 49.84 'Tax Liability 21,521 11,189 29,928 11,259 26,070 14,881 133.0% 49.85 Self-Sustaining Programs 98,732 125,000 169,227 125,000 . 182,000 57,000 45.6% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 120,253 139,689 199,600 139,882 21f,693.. 72,004 51.5 ar +rr 4W ar rr 170 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 701 Park' Dept. 020,Community Services Div.• Senior Center OBJECTIVE: To provide social,health and recreation programs for Senior Citizens. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: The emphasis for 1992 will be on revenue supporting activities designed to broaden the scope of activities offered without increasing costs to the City. These senior activities include: day trips,classes, i�11 fund raising events and a new fitness program for seniors developed by the Community Center's fitness specialist just for senior citizens. In addition, we will be booking weddings at the Senior Center to handle the overflow of these activities from the Community Center. 1992 WORK PLAN: -Improve marketing of facilities and programs with additional advertising. Complete policy manual for the Senior Center. Secure private sponsors for additional senior special programs. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Implemented new coffee bar area,complete with new furniture. -Implemented day trip program for small special interest groups,utilizing new van. -Building was made safer for occupants in case of an earthquake,with funding secured through a grant from Washington State Department of Community Development. -Secured private sponsors for bingo and sports picnic. -Scheduled weddings at Senior Center to handle community needs. New program requests(not funded)are described in the General Services/Facilities budget. The requests are for Senior Center roof replacement,carpet replacement,new blinds,horseshoe pits,and improved kitchen security. I BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Senior Center budget is up$9,028,or 2%over the 1991 adopted level. The increases are in salaries and benefits for cost-of-living,offset by reductions in most of the other accounts. Part time Salaries and Benefits-Salaries increased$1,200 for rate adjustments. Benefits increased to provide for PERS retirement contribution. Travel/Training-Decreased$465 from 1991 level. 1992 request cut$500,reallocated to other accounts. Public Utility Services-Electricity reduced,based on past experience. Water/sewer/Metro increased for rate adjustments. Net reduction of$2,287. Miscellaneous-See table at the bottom of next page. Very minimal increases projected for 1992. The self- sustaining programs and senior extended travel are fully funded by offsetting revenue. 171 irr CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Serv�ces✓Parks Senior tenter ...... ........ Person Responsible Bill Nutsi/7plller, Recreation Services Manager 1890 1981 i99i > 1992 1992i' Change %Change`. . POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual Adopted Actual 1. Request Budget 81 Adopted 81 Adopted' Grade Title rMli 10/20 �Rec Program Coord/Senior Services Coord 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% _ _.._ 8/14 Recreation Specialist II 1.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% _ _ _ _....._. 4/7 Maintenance Custodian 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.096 _. - 3/5 Secretary/Secretary l 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0% 'TOTAL REGULARSTAFFING 4:0 4,0 4.0 4,011 44 0.0 0.0 :TEMPORARY PART TIME 1;5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1,S (0.1) »L1 TOTAL'.STAFFING 5,6 5.4 '. 5.4 5.3 5.3 (0.1) -1. BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 116,494 136,260 137,460 147,488 147,488 11,228 8.2% Part Time Salaries 19,410 17,800 17,498 19,000 19,000 1,200 8.7% Overtime 1,744 1.654 2.130 1,765 1,765 111 6.7% Personnel Benefits 35,261 43,399 42,296 48,955 48.955' 5,556 12.8% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 N/A __. Supplies 11,712 10,000 15,301 10,00010,000 0 0.0% Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0> 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 I! 4 0 N/A 1,00 1,03 Travel/Training 330 0 272 5 535 _ .. .... ( -48.5% Advertising 0. __ 0 0 _ 0 A _0... -N/A Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 4W 4 0 N/A Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 a 0 N/A - - _ .. . Public Utility Services 26,969 34,863 28,239 36,578 :; 32,576 (2.287) -6.6% Repairs A Maintenance 13,873 12,020 15,895 12,441 is 12,441 421 3.5%' 4W 1)Miscellaneous 110,767 178,825 156,729 178,889 178 889 64 0.0%. Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0' 0 N/A ........... Capital Outlay. 5,986 6,800 8,800 0 fl: (8,800) -100.0% ... .. Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0 0.. N/A 'TOTAL<EXPENDITURES 342;546 442,621 422;820 ?156,149 454;649 9,028 2.0 Item 1980 1991 1891 1992 1992. Change %Change rr = Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 1) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.12 Memberships and Registrations 254 325 280 336 338' 11 3.4% 48.24 Scripts and Royalities 0 400 0 414 414 14 3.5% 11 ! 49.37 Vandalism _ 0 1.100 0 1138 39 3.5% 49.48 :Nutrition Program 0 Soo 1,558 500 S00 0 0.0% 49.61 Sr Cit Self-Sust Programs 60,355 56,500 58,336 56 500 58,500 0 0.0% _.. ... _. _. ....0._. 49.87 Senior Extended Travel 50,158 120,000 96,555 120,000 .; 120,000. 0 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 110,767 178,825 156,729 178,889 'I 178;889 64 0.0 err +Ilr 172 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 101 Park w Dept 020 Community Services Div. Recreational Services r OBJECTIVE: To provide a diversified program of recreational activities designed to meet the needs of all age groups who live and/or work in the City of Renton. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: as General: To conduct activities and manage facilities designed to meet the leisure time needs of the public. We anticipate an increase in rentals and self-sustaining activities in the North Highlands and Highlands Neighborhood Centers for the coming year. Day and sport camps will see a considerable increase along with teenage activities, which we hope to develop in close cooperation with the School District and local PTA's. Continued staff training (as funding will allow) and the development of procedures for monitoring part time staff hours will have a major emphasis for the coming year. Activities(as noted above)are managed by a Recreation Supervisor. 1 Carco Theatre is staffed by one Recreation Coordinator, who manages all arts programs for the Parks and Recreation Department. This position is augmented with part-time staff,which are vital to operating this facility and the activities it generates. We anticipate increased bookings and cultural activities for the 1992 season, which includes the youth symphony,adult band,and the teen musical. Special Populations - Senior Center: Staffing for these functions includes one Recreation Supervisor, one Recreation Coordinator,two Recreation Specialists II's, and clerical assistance. The emphasis for 1992 will be on No revenue supporting activities designed to broaden the scope of activities offered without increasing costs to the City. These senior activities include: day trips,classes,fund raising events and a new fitness program for seniors developed by the Community Center's fitness specialist just for senior citizens. In addition, we will be booking weddings at the Senior Center to handle the overflow of these activities from the Community Center. Special Populations - Developmentally Disabled Program is managed by one of the Recreation Specialist II's mentioned earlier and part-time staff. In addition to the staff mentioned, we have a large volunteer contingent critical to the operation of this type of program. 1992 will see an emphasis placed on reaching school age participants within the service area as well as adults,which includes arrangements for transportation necessary for all participants. Fund raisers will provide financing for the majority of these programs, which includes Special rrl Olympics. We hope to get training funds for our staff through the State Special Olympics Board for 1992 and our own budget. r 1992 WORK PLAN: -Improve marketing of facilities and programs with additional advertising. -Improve the registration process and scheduling of facilities with new computer system. tW -Expand program opportunities for the Developmentally Disabled population by utilizing the North Highlands Neighborhood Center and its improved facilities. -Complete policy manuals for the Community Center and Carco Theatre. rriri 173 to CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL PSIS r Fund: 101 Palk Dept: 020 Community Services Div: Recreational Services. w 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Increased number of staff attending revenue management school and spring training institute,as well as conducting numerous training programs related to aquatics,administration,and safety and liability. +rr Expanded bookings for picnic shelters,increased number of program offerings,and expanded usage at Carco Theatre. Setup and conducted regular joint meetings between recreation and maintenance staff members. r� Prepared forms for staff to use in documenting statistics for annual report. rr NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Printing and Binding-$9,475 for printing of additional brochures and information flyers to increase public err awareness of program offerings. In the long term,new revenue would help to offset this expense. Classroom Furniture,Developmentally Disabled Program-$2,000 one-time expense for classroom furniture aw (tables and chairs)for North Highlands Neighborhood Center classes or social functions. There are no chairs or tables available in the Park system due to demands from other,City departments. so Kitchen Appliances,Developmentally Disabled Program-$1,630 one-time expense for kitchen appliances for North Highlands Neighborhood Center remodel. Food programs are not only enjoyable,they also promote independent living principles for this segment of society. NO Program for Success-$1,500 to train staff in computer programs designed specifically for recreation. A professional specialist would be hired to train recreation and clerical staff in specialized computer use. W Advertising/Marketing-$2,000 for newspaper ads and/or booth space at"special interest"fairs. Marketing of Highlands Neighborhood Center and other neighborhood park buildings is necessary to increase revenue from rentals. City,State and Federal laws require advertising for vendors,and this is not currently addressed in this go budget. In the long-term,new revenue would exceed this expense. Part-time Recreation Staff Training-$15,176 for training of recreation services personnel ($3,173),lifeguards ($10,527),and part-time recreation leaders for developmentally disabled programs($1,476),along with benefits art and miscellaneous supplies for a total of$20,922. Rapid turn-over caused by the inability to compete in the job market has greatly increased the time and money required for staff training. Recreation staff training is now three days,pre-season lifeguard staff training is five days,and Special Olympics certification totals seven days. +rtr Special Olympics-$724 increase for training part time staff due to higher turnover and inability to recruit highly trained staff. 174 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund.' 101 Park Dept: n20`Communetvices Div: RBdeativnal Services wr w BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Recreational Services budget is up$73,592,or 9.9%over the 1991 adopted level. Part Time Salaries-Reductions in this and other division budgets allowed$11,574 to be added back to provide for rate increases for life guards($1.00/hour)and other recreation part time staff. This increase is necessary to stay competitive in the market,and to hire and retain top quality staff,especially life guards. r Supplies-Decreased$1,400 from 1991 adopted level. 1992 request out$2,000 to apply toward part time increase. Travef/Training-$905 below 1991. $1,000 cut from budget request,applied toward part time increase. Miscellaneous-See summary at the bottom of the next page. 3.5%inflation included for most items. $2,000 added to reactivate the Community Band account,supported by matching revenue. Teen programs-$4,786,to provide planned recreation programs at Renton Middle Schools for opportunities for recognition and success,to satisfy the needs of this"at risk"segment of society,as funding will allow. Intergovernmental Services-Pool inspection fee increased$200,based on 1991 cost. r ir/ 4W 175 iar . ................................. CITY OF REN TON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ... .. s� Community Services/Parks Recreadon_a1 Services ;> Person Responsible Bill Hutsinpillk'Recreation Services Manager 1990!I 1991 1991 1992 1992 Chante :%Chan .. .. .-: ._... ..... ..:: .:_. ;POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual) Adopted Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted' Grade Title 12/25 Recreation Supervisor 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% _ . 10/18 :Recreation Program Coordinator 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.Q 0.0 0.0% (1.0 Promotion to Supvr/1991) 8/14 :Recreation Specialist II 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 50.0% 6/11 Rec Spec I(1 Reclassed to Rec Sec II . 2.0 1.0 1,0 rlul P ._ P.._ )._.._ 20 ___ _._ .. _ 1.0 _ (1.0).. -50.0%' 3/6 Admin Clerk III/Desktop Publishing Opr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1 0.0 0.0% ..................... JOTALREGULAR STAFFING 8.5 8.0 8,0 9.0 9.0 Q.Q 0.0 :TEMPORARY PART TIME -:15.6t 17.9 :: 18.0. 15.8 'I 15.6 siyr :TOTAL STAFFING 25.5 26.9 27.0 24.6 24.8 42.3) -8:8 ..... _.... BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _ _.. .. Regular Salaries 292,023 326,819 323,663 360,028 380,029: 33,210 10.2% rYsr Part Time Salaries 194,237 219,121 220,674 233,800 245,374 26,253 12.0% Overtime 6,108 11,000 5,601 11,335 11,335 335 3.0%' ...... _ . ....._ _ _. . Personnel Benefits 93,000 110,670 110,921 129,450 129,876 19,206 17.4% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 0:' 0. N/A _. r+ Supplies28,294 30,000 29,144 30,600 28,1300` (1,400) -4.7% ._ _ _ - _..... ..::.. ............... ._-- Professional Services 1,116 0 0 0 : O 0 N/A _ _... _:. Postage/Telephone/Other_ 0.. _0 - -- ---.0. 0 t p: ... _. .. 0 N/A .. ... Travel/Trainmg 2,165 2,700 2,711 2,795 1 T95 (905) -3.5% Ctrs Advertising 0 0 _ 0 0 0 N/A Rentals and Leases ..0 .__. 0 _0.. _. 0 1 O r .. 0 N/A Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 k/A __. ..... .......... ...... Public Utility Services 0 0. _._ 0 0 0 0.... N/A _ .. __.._ . Repairs&Maintenance145 2,120 1,713 2,194 s 2,'194 74 3.5%' 1)Miscellaneous 30,281 34,791 43,679 38,010 ! 38,Q10.:i 3,219 9.3% Intergovernmental Services 300 200 416 400 100 200 100.0% _ Capital Outlay 22,215 6,600 6.417 0 -100.0% Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 869,884 744,021 ;I 744,839 808,613 :'. .:817;813 73,682 9 Item 1990 1891 ..... 1991 1,992 1992 change 46 Change „ ...... Actual Adopted Actual: Request $udgse 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 1) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.06 Printing A Binding 18,087 15,000 17,287 15,525 .16,625: 525 3.5% _. 49.12 Memberships&Registration 1,730 1,900 1,755 1,967 1;967 67 3.5% _ . 49.21 :Band Concerts 5,024 6,000 5,438 6,210 4,210 210 3.5% 49.22 ;Teenage Programs 860 4,624 10,221 4,786 4,788 162 3.5% 49.23 Pool Taxes 0 500 0 518 518: 18 3.8% 49.24 :Scripts d,Royalties 1,382 1,767 2,111 1,829 1.829.'; 62 3.5%' . _ _. 49.26 Dev Disabled Contrib/Donatns 2,513 5,000 5,424 5,175 5,175 175 3.5%--------------- ' 49.53 Community Band 685 0 1,316 2,000 2,000.: 2,000 N/A to 49.59 Self-Sustaining Programs 0 0 127 0 i' 0. 0 N/A >TOTAL'MISCELLANEOUS 30,281 34,791 43,679 38,010 38,010 3,219 9:3 t e 176 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Fund. 000ener&! Dept: 020 Comr»unily Services Div. i5►umarr Services OBJECTIVE: To plan and manage funding for various programs and projects that address the human (social) needs of the community;administer Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)program. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Through an appraisal of needs and conditions in the community,the division coordinates with approximately 12 contracted service providers to deliver services for primarily low to moderate income households; initiates and processes proposals and administers CDBG capital and public services projects,including the City's Housing Assistance Program. 1992 WORK PLAN: Emphasis will be on implementation of recommendations contained in the Human Services Policies and Plan. As proposed, the work plan includes contracting with 10 service providers to deliver services. General funded service providers included in the 1992 budget are shown in the table at the bottom of the next page. The CDBG program description follows this budget. The division's broader plans for 1992 include development of a senior shared housing program and other community based programs. The division will continue participation in local and regional planning efforts. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The most significant accomplishment for 1992 was the completion of the Human Services Policies and Plan document, which shapes programming for future years. Ongoing General Fund programs are anticipated to have the following accomplishments: -Domestic Abuse Women's Network(DAWN): 300 crisis calls,380 support group participants, 12 community education sessions, 40 recipients of legal advocacy. tib -King County Sexual Assault Resource Center: 55 adult and teen victims assisted,55 children counseled,36 recipients of medical/legal advocacy,and 100 participants in community education sessions. -Friend of Youth: 4 boys in residential treatment,3 youths in foster care,6 youths in emergency shelter,25 families counseled,50 1 shelter placement calls. -Renton Area Youth Services(RAYS): 460 residents counseled, 160 residents provided substance abuse treatment/prevention,48 teen parents provided support,80 Royal Hills/Renton Housing Authority residents counseled,280 Royal Hills/Renton Housing to Authority residents participated in community education sessions. -Renton Community Clinic: 2,500 unduplicated users of services,5,500 visits total. NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT APPROVED: Child Care Resources (CCR) -$10,000, would provide information/referral for parents seeking childcare, and training/technical assistance to childcare providers. CCR was funded by CDBG in 1991, and the Human Services Plan recommends that it be allocated general funds for 1992. CCR is a product of the Human Services Roundtable. iraY Domestic Violence Community Advocate -$15,000 to fund a position that could be either contract or a .5 FTE employee. The advocate works with the victim and Legal (Court)Advocate to assess the victim's safety,assist in documentation of cases, provides referrals and ensures that basic needs of the victim are met. A Community Advocate is also recommended in the Human Services Plan and is a part of the Regional Domestic Violence Plan envisioned and endorsed by the Human Services Roundtable. A companion position,.5 FTE Legal (Court)Advocate is also proposed and is discussed in the Municipal Court budget. BUDGET CHANGES: Salaries and Benefits-will increase due to a shift in funding of the division Manager to the General Fund (change from .5 FTE to .8 FTE). Shift was recommended in the Human Services Plan,and will increase utilization of CDBG funds for housing repairs. Overtime-$500 for unanticipated activities. Funded by redistribution of funds. Professional Services-See list of Human Service providers at bottom of next page. 10%increase is included for 1992. Training-New item-$800 to offset decrease in CDBG. Funded by redistribution of funds. Rentals and Leases/Equipment Rental-Decrease of$1,400 in copy machine rental due to buyout,and$1,800 in equipment rental; funds distributed to other accounts and capital outlay. Intergovernmental/Seattle-King County Public Health-$65,553 or 14%contract increase. tiWi Capital Outlay-$2,700 for(1)personal computer replacement. 1 177 a CITY OF REN TON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS „,. ;Community Services/Human Services Person Respons/ble Ron Shelley, Human Services Manager et9 .........1890r< 1891 1991 1892 1992 Change 96 Change' POSITION ALLOCATIONS; Actual' -.Adopted p Actual Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Grade Title Old/New Old/New --------------------- _. .. 12/23 Human Res Coord/Human Sery Manager 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.B,' 0.3 80.0% 3/7 Admin Clerk Ill/Human Sery Office Tech 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ; .. ':3.0'' 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING2.0 1.5 t.5 1.8 1.8 0.3 20.0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 58,42045,149 45,831 62,718 82;7i8 17,569 38.9% _. yls Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 fl p _ N/A - --- Overtime 0.._ 0 0 _ 500 500 500 N/A Personnel Benefits 13,419 9,753 10,014 13 898 13886 3,943 40.4% Uniform Allowance _ _ 0 _ 0. 0.. _ 0 0 0 WA rrrr Supplies 646 1,780 1,567 1.7907,290 10 0.8% 1)Professional Services 132,672 117,387 130,430 128,620 ! 128 B20 11,233 9.6% Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 0'; 0 NM _. .. Travel/Training 80 0 __. 0 0. _ _ 800 500 0.. N/A rer Advertising _ _ 0 0 0 0 O _ .. 0 N/A _. - - -------- ............. Rentals and Leases 2,180 2,400 2,141 1,000 :< 1,000: (1,400) -58.3% _ _ _ ._ Equipment Rental 3,723 4,896 3,846 3,096 3;088 (1,800) 38.8% Insurance 0 0 0 0 G:.O 0 WA rer Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0: 0 WA _ . ...... _ ............. ......_.... Repairs&Maintenance 0 530 SW 530 _;':530:; 0 0.0%: Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 WA Intergov Services(Sea-KC Public Health) 420,074 469,696 466,345 535,249 535;249 65,553 14.0% Capital Outlay 1,572 0 0 2,700 .2;700:: 2,700 WA Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 fl< 0 WA TOTAL EXPENDITURES:; 632,208 651,591 880;703 750,889 :' 750;889 99,408 15"AIJ Item 1990 3987 7891 1992 7982 £hange 96 Change, Actual' Adopted Actual Request Budget 9i Adopted 91 Ado 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 41.011 'Domestic Abuse Women's Netwk 13,750 15,000 15,000 16,50018,500 1,500 10.0% 41.024 Friends of Youth/Services 7,100 71800 7,800 8,580 .8,580, 780 10.0% 41.084 KC Sexual Assault Center/KCRR 15,875 21,872 21,872 24,060 241080 2,188 10.0%' 41.086 Renton Area Youth Services 54,292 50,485 46,098 55,540 55 540 5,055 10.0% 41.109 Human Sery Plan Consultant 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 11 N/A ... _. ...__ .....- _ _ _...... 41.112 Mealson Wheels 0 0 6,000 41.115 Sexual Assault Center 16,500 0 0 0 zo0 N/A eri 41.122 Renton Comm Clinic 17,655 14,280 10,710 15,710 15 710 1,430 10.0% 41.128 K Cc Human Services Roundtable 7,500 7,950 7,950 8,230 I: 8,230 280 3.5% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 132,672 117,387 130,430 128,620 128,620 1 11,233 9.8 GENERAL FUNDS. HUMAN SERVICES-ALLOCATION HISTORY AGENCY 1987 1988 1989 7990 1991 . 9982 _1 _..... Domestic Abuse Women's Network $9,000 $9,000 $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $16,500 Friends of Youth 5,000 5,000 7,500 7,800 7,800 8,580 K.C.Sexual Assault Center 9,000 10,000 17,000 21,872 21,872 .1111 24,060 Renton Area Youth&Family Services 32,760 35,700 47,500 50,485 50,485 55,540 Community Health Centers of K.C. 0 0 13,500 14,280 14,280 15,710 _ _ .. .. .. Seattle/K.C.Public Health 315,059 327,928 420,668 415,074 1 469,696 535,249 err 178 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANAL YSIS Fund: 104 Community Development Block Grant Dept: 020 Community Services Community Development Block Grant Program OBJECTIVE: To provide housing, a suitable living environment, and expansion of economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income, through the Federally funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs. (Refer also to pages 272-284 in the Budget by Fund section for additional information.) In 1992,the Community Development Block Grant program was transferred from the General Fund to a new special revenue fund (104),to simplify budget reporting and preparation. The table below provides CDBG allocation history. 1992 block grants including adjustments total$291,358. The 1991 total below includes adjustments after original budget adoption and therefore does not tie to the 1991 adopted total on page 180. 1990 and 1991 actual totals on page 180 include prior year uncompleted grant balances carried forward. BLOCK GRANT PROGRAMS- 1987- 1992 ALLOCATION HISTORY AGENCY 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Catholic Community Services 6,563 Child&Family Resource&Referral 3,540 Renton Clothes Bank 3,120 1,800 3,120 3,420 3,720 4,748 Renton Community Clinic 3,000 4,223 3,300 3,460 9,940 RHA-Incentiv1.e Training Program _9,500Renton Senior Clinic13,797 7,157 15,373 11,669 12,000 13,500 SKCMSC-Van-Go 5,000 2,500 5.968 5,000 5,500 12.478 Catholic Community Services-Shelter 19,624 Cedar River Trail Development 9.919 City of Renton AM PL Program 1,735 2,400 8,775 City of Renton Housing Asst.Program 86,649 49,646 103,895 112,219 10 3,3 77 91,701 City of Renton Library Landscaping 15,000 City of Renton Rental Rehab.Program 17,136 10,667 12,778 12,386 City of Renton Senior Cntr.Greenhouse 25,650 DAWN-Shelter 15,000 FOY-Griffin Home Roof Replacement 5,000 Good Shepherd Group Homes 52,564 29,289 Hearing,Speech 3 Deafness Center 10,460, - IIIIi K.C.Sexual Assualt Resc.Cntr. 8,950 N.Highlands Wlkwys,Phase IB N.Highlands Wlkwys,Phase II 10,493 N.H.Neighborhood Ctr.Renov.Ph.II 67,400 56,192 N.H.Neighborhood Ctr.Renov.Ph.III 43.443 RAMSC-Climate Control 6,480 RAMSC-Site Acquistion 36,673 RAMSC-Restrooms 7,500 Renton Area Youth Services 4,805 Renton Community Clinic-Restrooms 4,767 RSD Teen Parent Child Care Center 23,400 YWCA 2,007 YWCA-Shelter 28,966 20,000 Planning&Administration 31,959 18,865 11,946 12,045 13,632 14,428 TOTAL CDBG PROGRAM 1987-1992 5282,934 5196,811 5188,067 1 $216,391 $254,438 $262,671 Adjustments after 1992 Budget Adoption: t Housing Assistance Program additional funds 8,687 YWCA Shelter additional funds 20,000 Total Adjusted 1992 CDBG Block Grants $291,358 179 illi r� CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Services/Commun/ty Development Block Grants(CDBG) „, , Person Responsible Ron Shelley, Human Services Manager ... 1990 lest 1991 1992 1992`` Change et,Chanpe' POSITION ALLOCATIONSc Actual Adopted Acivat Request ..-- $udpet 91 Adopted 81 Adopted Grade Title 12/23 Human Res Coord/Human Sery Manager 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 (0.3) -60.0% 8 Housing Repair Specialist 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A (Promoted to Coordinator) _.. 4r7 Housing Repair Wkr/Housing Mtc Worker 1.0 1.0 1.0 to1.0 0.0 0.0% 3/7 Admin Clerk III/Human Sery Office Tech 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 'TO -2.0 STAFFING 2;0 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.2 X0.3) X20.0 iTEMPORARY PART TIME 1.:4 1.1 .i 3.1 1.4 1.4 U.3 :! 27.3% ;TOTAL STAFFING 3,4 2.6 `2.6 28 2.8 0.0 0.0 r18 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 54,269 55,397 49,400 43,509 43,509 (11,888) -21.5% Part Time Salaries 18,496 14,268 16,603 20,525 20.525 6,257 43.9% __. t8r Overtime 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 -- .N/A Personnel Benefits 13,873 13,079 12,146 9,548 > 9,548 (31531) -27.0% _. .. Uniform Allowance G 0 0 0 0 N/A Supplies 13,861 11,665 10,468 17,400 ? 17,400 5,735 49.2% trr Professional Services 25,988 36,160 55,722 40,726 40,726 4,566 12.6% .. ........... Postage/Telephone/Other 1,315 800 769 641 841 (159) -19.9% Travel/Training 1,421 1,400 1,397 400 401) (1,000) -71.4% __._. Advertising 0 0 0 0 :! 0..: 0 N/A ...... rltrf Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ 0 N/A Equipment Rental . 0 0. _ 0 0O .. 0 N/A . Insurance 0 0._. 0. 0 A. .. 0 _...WA Public Utility Services 0 0 0. 0 ; fl 0.. N/A _.. _. Repairs&Maintenance 0 0. 0 0 0 N/A Miscellaneous 21,777 15,400 15.439 13.608 13,808 (1,794) 11.8% __.. Intergovernmental Services 0 0 -.-0..-... 0 �._.___._.....0... ...__N/A Capital Outlay 173,752 46,578 1 10,460 116,316 111"16,. 69,738 149.7% 'TOTAL EXPENDITURES 324:752794,747 172,404 262,871 262,371 87,924 34. rtie rrfltl ctrl 180 trim CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund.- 106 L brat Dept: Community Services .;I. Div' 021 Lr7xry 5ervrr,�es OBJECTIVE: To provide Library materials and services to help community residents obtain information that meets their personal,educational,and professional needs. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: There are two City Libraries,the Renton Public Library,and the Highlands Library. The Renton Public Library is open 64 hours per week,and is a 22,236 square foot facility. The Highlands Library operates 43 hours per week and provides 6,592 square feet of space. The Libraries serve as a community information center for popular materials, and reference. In addition, the Libraries support students at all academic levels. Basic activities include: administration, t informational services, children's programs,circulation control,technical services, and facilities operation and maintenance. The Library stock includes 143,641 books, 106,933 titles, 5,312 maps,7530 recordings,and subscriptions to 21 newspapers and 430 magazines. 1992 WORK PLAN: To create an environment which motivates staff to achieve high levels of performance and productivity. Expend public monies wisely and utilize physical resources. Plan for long range space needs,develop alternatives, review options. Provide input to comprehensive plan. Monitor changes in the community,anticipate growth, participate in library service planning with neighboring cities. Maintain existing facilities. Keep the Renton Public Library open to the general public 64 hours par week and the Highlands Library open 43 hours per week. Inform the public and promote library use. Select,acquire,and process books,magazines,newspapers,pamphlets,maps,and audio cassettes for public use. Catalog and classify library materials. Add about 9,000 volumes and 6,000 titles in 1992. Keep collection current and relevant by weeding 5% in 1992 prior to automation. Develop a high quality staff with special skills, knowledge and abilities to help library users. Maintain circulation service functions at level necessary to adequately serve general public,including control of circulating materials. In 1992 the goal is to checkout 300,000 items. Provide reader's advisory help and reference services. Plan for the use of information processing equipment to assist with labor intensive tasks,enhance bibliographic and database access,and improve public service. Convert bibliographic records (book titles/catalog)to machine readable copy (MARC) format using Western Library Network (WLN) LaserCat technology. Goal is to download 24,000 titles in 1992. Over 60,000 titles have been added to the WLN bibliographic database. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Circulation increased by nearly 10%. The summer reading program'Back In Time'involved over 560 youngsters. Weeded adult and children's collection. Developed several book lists. Held 25th Anniversary 0111i Celebration and Earth Day activities. NEW PROGRAM: Library Past-Due Collection Assistance-Contract with a commercial agency for collection of some past due library materials and fines. $1,200 revenue and$1,200 expense included for 1992. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1992 Library budget is up$84,417 or 9.8%over the 1991 adopted level. Part Time Salaries-$10,516 increase to provide for:wage increases to adjust for cost-of-living,to be competitive with market and to retain experienced staff,and handle increased workload due to 25,000 more items being checked out (about a 10% increase in circulation). Hours have been reduced(79 to 69)per employee. Personnel Benefits-Retirement is increasing due to all 20 hour regular employees and two part-time employees going into the system(by law)as of September 1991. Professional Services - LaserCat: Restore $3,000 (cut $5,000 in 1991) to insure automation project completion in 1993. $1,200 added for collection service. Total increase$4,200. Postage/Telephone/Other-4.1%increase in telephone charges expected. Training - Transfer of $3,100 from memberships and registrations. Greatest need is knowledge and skills necessary to acquire,operate,and support information processing systems-automation. Old Rentals/Leases- No change. Public Use Equipment: two copiers,typewriter, and microfilm/microfiche reader/printer will generate about$12,500 in revenue in 1992 versus costs of approximately$8,000. Repairs and Maintenance-Increase for fire alarm monitoring at Highlands Library. Miscellaneous-Transfer from memberships and registration to training of$3,100. 1992 includes$1,200 for memberships and registrations,and$850 for printing and binding;total$2,050. Capital Outlay-Library Books-hold the line budget at 1991 level of$144,000. 181 r CITY OF REN TON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community 5ervicesJLrbrary Person Responsible::'Clark Petersen, Library Director irr .:_.... 1990 1991 1991: :1992 1892 Change 96 Change; POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual Adopted Actual .:. Request Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted Grade Title .... 11y1 Old/New Old/New __. 18/37 Library Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% 12/23 Assistant Library Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .'0 0.0 0.0%' 5n Admin Secretary/Secretary 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 <:1.0 0.0 0.0% Total Library Administration 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 :.3.0;: 0.0 0.0 8/17 Librarian 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3,1: 0.0 0.0% 4/12 Sr Library Asst/Ubrary Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% a� 4/9 Sr Library AssULibrary Assistant 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ';;tA 0.0. 0.0% _ _. _ _ _: ......_: ..... 2/3 Library Assistant/Library Assistant 1 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5. 0.0 0.0% W Admin Clerk 11/Library Technical Asst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 2/3 Admin Clerk II/Office Assistant II 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 :::0.5 0.0 0.0% s Total Library Services 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11,1': 0.0 0.0% TOTAL'REGULAR STAFFING 14,1 14,1 14.1 14.1:'' 14.1 OAa 0.0% ;TEMPORARY.PART TIME:< 4.7 4,7 4.6 5.3' S.3 0.6 ; 12.8 ;TOTAL STAFFING 18.8 18.8 18.7 19.4 : ;79.4 0.6 32 _. BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 427,853 468,937 462,758 507,444 507,444 38,507 8.2% Part Time Salaries 70,470 76,300 74,784 86,816 88,816; 10,518 13.8%' Overtime 2,247 4,158 1,706 4,104 (54) -1.3% Personnel Benefits 101,468 113,771 122,700 144,952 144;9,621 31,181 27.4% Supplies 12,287 13,593 13,731 13,593 )3,5931: 0 0.0%' Professional Services 10,724 15,500 10,445 18,500 19700. 4,200 27.1% Postage/Telephone/Other 447 492 441 512 512 20 4.1% Travel/Training 266 1,200 949 4,300 4;300 3,100 258.3% Advertising 0 _ 0 _ 0 0 0 .. .. ..0 N/A : Rentals and Leases 7,192 10,100 6,995 10,100 10100> 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 Q 0 N/A _ _ _ Insurance _ 0 _ _ 0 _ 0 0 .8 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Repairs 3 Maintenance 3,609 5,617 4,676 5,664 _ 47 0.8%i Miscellaneous 1,987 5,150 2,389 2,050 2;050; (3,100) -0.2% _ _ ....._ _ ..... . .. .....: .............. _ ........._. Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0:€ 0 N/A Capital Outlay/Library Books 165,829 144,000 148,983 144,000 144;000;; 0 0.0%' .................... .. Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0': 0 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 Q 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES ::804,379 858,818. 850,557 942,035 843;235 84,417 9.8 a� irr �t err 182 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund. 404 Golf Course Dept;020 Community Services Div Golf Course Operations. OBJECTIVE-To maintain a viable,well managed,and self-supporting golf course facility for the enjoyment of the public. PROGRAM ACTIVITY-This facility is maintained by the City and operated by a concessionaire. There is a staff of four including a Golf Course Supervisor,Grounds Equipment Mechanic,and two maintenance workers. Our number one priority for 1992 will be to design and construct two new holes necessary before other plans and improvements can be implemented. In addition,we plan on continuing our certification program for full-time personnel,which is required of staff using pesticides and herbicides. The 1992 capital improvement program totals $135,000, $25,000 for the Golf Course master design and $110,000 to construct two new holes. Green fees will be increased$3.00 per round of golf,effective March 1,1992. 1992 WORK PLAN: -Design holes#10,#11,and tee for hole#18. Construct tees and greens for holes#10 and#11 and reconstruct tee#18. -Prepare conceptual design for new clubhouse and driving range. 1991 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Installed new drains on holes#4,#5,and#18;pruned trees on all new holes,overseeded all tees,expanded#4 tee. -Due to budget restraints,we were unable to complete the proposed cart systems however,we did gravel cart paths from#1 tee to#2 tee and#12 tee to#12 green. -Completed#4 tee,are working on#5 tee,and will complete#18 ladies'tee this fall. BUDGET CHANGES-The 1992 Golf Course operating budget (excluding capital improvements) is up$18,126 or 1.7%over the 1991 adopted appropriation,and is$49,056 or 4.9%more than 1991 actual costs. Regular Salaries-1991 actual salaries reflect a position vacancy and filling at a lower level. 1992 salaries represent a full staff with the cost-of-living increase and normal step progression. Part Time Salaries-$5,060 increase over the 1991 adopted amount to increase hourly rate to a level competitive with other golf courses and other City temporary staff. Benefits are increased to provide for retirement contribution. Supplies-Remain very close to the 1991 adopted level. Based on 1991 actual expense,the 1992 allocation should provide for inflation in costs in the golf course industry as well as additional supplies for new construction. Professional Services-Increased payment for concessionaire to provide services for the golfer. The increased green fee will fund this expense. Equipment Rental-Increased in 1992 to fund replacement of equipment including: (3)mowers,steam cleaner,fairway aerifier, and a utiity vehicle. Funded by green fee increase and adjustment in 1991 due to payoff of prior year equipment acquisitions. The Golf Course maintains their own equipment and the equipment rental costs are for replacement or acquisition only. Repairs& Maintenance-$2,490 increase over 1991 adopted amount to accommodate additional needs. 1991 actual costs include flood damage repairs financed partially by Federal Emergency Management(FEMA)funds. Miscellaneous-1992 includes$3,124 for state tax,$1,500 for memberships and registrations,and$1,000 for vandalism,total. $5,624. Some increase is included for valdalism repairs. Debt Service-Provides for redemption of general obligation bonds which financed acquisition and development of the golf course,and interfund loans for a bridge and equipment. Refer also to the Budget by Fund section on pages 353-357 for additional information. Mill Will 183 CITY OF RENTON 1992 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Services/Golf Course .Person Responsible: Bill Hutsinpilier, Recreation Services Manager rtr 1990 1891 1991 1992 1992 Change %Change POSITION ALLOCATIONS. Actual Adopted Actual Request Budget91 Adopted 91 Adopted Grade Title Old/New Old/New 9/20 Green skeeper/Golf Crs Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 7/11 Parks Mtc Wkr III/Grounds Eq Mechanic 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 (1.0) -50.0% 4/11 Parks Mtc Wkr II/Golf Crs Mtc Wkr II 2.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 N/A 2/7 Parks Mtc Wkr[/Golf Crs Mtc Wkr 1 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL.REGULAR STAFFING 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 0.0 : 0.0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 3.5 3.2 3.3 2.9 2.9 (0.3) -9.4% 1111 TOTAL STAFFING 7.5 7.2 7.3 6.9 6.9 (0,3) -4.2 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 118,136 128,371 115,721 131,595 131,595 3,224 2.5% to Part Time Salaries 47,726 46,000 47,474 51,060 51,060 5,060 11.0% Overtime 3,207 2,100 1,249 2,100 2,100 0 0.0% Personnel Benefits 41,032 44,053 38,934 48,172 48,172' 4,119 9.4% Supplies 67,423 69,960 53,603 70,000 70,000 40 0.1% 09 Professional Services(Pro Service) 101,324 101,390 105,191 123,800 123,800 22,410 22.1% Travel/Training 1,611 1,335 1,195 1,335 1,335 0 0.0% Advertising 0 1,300 0 0 0 (1,300) -100.0% Rentals and Leases 120 800 120 800 800 0 0.0.6 tw Equipment Rental 20,698 21,660 14,328 25,596 25,596 3,936 18.2% Insurance 6,426 5,449 5,449 5,830 5,830 381 7.0% Public Utility Services 7,604 7,445 9,448 8,275 8,2751 830 11.1% Repairs&Maintenance 49,637 23,320 33,762 25,810 25,810 2,490 10.7% Miscellaneous 4,775 4,500 5,870 5,624 5,624> 1,124 25.0% Capital Outlay 73,652 25,000 19,578 0 0 (25,000) -100.0% Debt Service: Principal 274,081 295,777 295,777 318,343 318,343 22,566 7.6% Debt Service: Interest 274,154 254,648 254,755 232,519 232,519 (22,129) -8.7% Interfund Payments 7,951 8,905 8,629 9,280 9,280 375 4.2% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES :1,099,557 1,042,013 1,011,083 1,060,139 1,060,139 18,126 1.7 ilrlt Ab 111E Ila 184 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ................... ...........-------- .......... ............------------ ........ ..............-.... .......... s Activity Trends Community Service ------------- ........................ ................... .......... .......... ...... Attendance .......... --------.................. ............. ............ ....... ------------- ........................ Parks&Recreation Facilities/Activities 1987 1988 1991 Renton Community Center(Opened April 1989) N/A N/A 89,000 213,400 260,000 Carco Theatre 23,428 24,673 36,732 57,230 58,487 Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 1,000,904 1,000,560 1,000,752 1,000,989 1,000,432 Picnic Shelter Reservations 18,973 20,481 22,695 29,520 26,959 S I enior Center(150,000 is Capacity) 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,123 rrl Developmentally Disabled Programs 2,820 3,120 3,050 3,427 3,516 Athletic Programs 57,630. 57,840 580,70. 59,695 61,1439- Afterschool Programs(FallMinter/Spring) 41,010 50,911 59,113 78,400 76,930 Summer Programs 69,1010 165,1488 1 67,232. 71,966 68,892 North Highlands Neighborhood Center 70,100 65,966 59,433 24,752 33,627 Summer Only 13,216 11,624 5,217 7,104 9,210 Highlands Neighborhood Center 90,111 76,116 63,413. 48,119,21 53,789.. Summer Only 15,827 13,123 113,1000 8,064 .8,8818. Recreation Services Special Events 6,411 5,169 5,917 6,065 G,948 Total Attendance 1,554,530 1,545,071 1,633,724 1,758,804 1,819,240 Note- 1987- 1989 attendance figures are estimates. ............. ..... ........ ---------- .---- ....................... ...... Community Development Block Grant Prografts :1987 : . 1988 :1989 :1990 1991 Neighborhood Cleanup Program: Households Served 711 673 490 337 266 Tonnage Collected 132.51 133.88 78.23, 51.87 54.81 Housing Assistance Program: Minor Home Repairs/Households Served 94 46 87 133 14,21, Emergency Home Repairs/Households Served 14 7 22 33 22 Houses Painted 9 6 8 15 12 Summer Yard Care/Households Served 31 55 56 71 55 Deferred Home Loan/Households Served N/A N/A 1 6 1 Weatherization/Households Served N/A N/A 1 2 1 ........................................................................ ............ ................................................. ...... ----------- ............................. Renton Public Library 1987 1988 :1989 11990 1991 TotalCirculation 208,729 236,593 250,666 264,891 290,329 Registered Library Card Holders 8,145.7 81,175.11 .8,867 ..91,.2013 9,986 Total Library Book Budgets(Adopted Appropriation) $84,000 $120,000 $132,000 $158,000 $144,000 Total Volumes Purchased 5,736 7,548 9,202 9,746 10,011 Total Titles Purchased 3,634 4,854 5,8881, 5,17614 11 5.,992 Total Volumes 138,836 141,253 140,456 140,392 143,641 Total Titles 105,641 108,210 106,798 105,337 106,933 Titles Borrowed from Other Libraries 70 328 462 599 563 Renton Library Titles Loaned 4 10 46 201 481 Special Program Attendance 902 1,746 1,856 1,958 1,957 185 lirr BUDGET BY FUND 186 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND' 000-GEN5RAL FUND DESCRfPTiON The City of Renton's General Fund includes all financial transactions which are not specifically accounted for in other funds. h is the largest accounting entity in the City and provides for most of the general operation except for Park and General Services, Transportation and Street Maintenance, and Library functions which are in separate funds. The Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)program was included in the General Fund in prior years,but has been transferred to a new special revenue fund- 104 in 1992(see pages 272-284). 1992 General Fund revenues, excluding the CDBG program, are projected to increase by$2.7 million or 13.6% over the 1991 originally adopted budget. 1992 revenues are up$1.1 million or 5.2%over 1991 actual receipts. The 1991 mid-year and year-end budget adjustment ordinances added$1.246 million to the General Fund 1991 adopted budget(excluding CDBG carryovers)and included items such as reducing the sales tax estimate for a Boeing 1987 audit, adding fund balance for uncompleted projects, and allocating grants not approved in time to be included in the 1991 adopted budget. The major resources to the fund are property tax,sales tax,and utility tax. The 1992 allocation to the General Fund for these major tax sources is as follows:66%of the general property tax levy; 75%of projected sales tax revenue; and 44%of all utility taxes. A revenue change in 1992 will credit investment interest earned in the Multi-Department and Transportation Capital Improvement Funds(316/317)to the General Fund, except for interest directly tied to a project. The table below left,shows the 1992 basic General Fund revenue categories and the percentage of support. All tax revenues will provide 77.6%of 1992 resources. fell 1992 estimated expenditures,excluding the CDBG program,are up$2.8 million or 14.4%over 1991 adopted figures,and are$2.1 million or 10.6%more than 1991 actual expenses which included budget adjustments such as carryovers and allocation of grants. The major areas of increase are salaries and benefits which include cost-of-living and personnel benefit adjustments. In addition,a reserve of$171,000 is allocated in the General Fund to implement a classification and compensation study. 1992 General Fund budget requests were trimmed by$754,000 and$358,000 was added for new or revised programs to improve efficiency,for a net reduction in requests of $396,000. Significant budget cuts were also made in 1990 and 1991. In 1992, indirect charges to the Proprietary Funds were analyzed and updated,resulting in an additional$250,000 being credited back to the General Fund. 312.7 FTE or 63%of the total regular City staff are in the General Fund. Staff increased by .2 FTE over 1991. The table below right, displays the 1992 services provided by the General Fund. Over 60%of the expenses are for public safety services. 1962 46 of 1992: 9A tW GENERAL FUND REVENUES ; Budget Total 1992 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES budget Total Opening Balance $621,856 2.7% Legislative Services(City Council) $103,760 0.4 Taxes: 17,907,423 77.6% Executive Services 2,028,171 8.8% General Property Tax,Sales Tax, Mayor's Office,Municipal Court, Admiseions Tax,Franchise Fees, City Attorney,Hearing Examiner, .................................... Utility Tax,EMS Levy,Gambling Personnel,and Civil Service Excise Tax,Leasehold Excise Tax Administrative Services: 2,756,947 11.9% Licenses and Permits: 1,229,462 5.3% Budgeting/Accounting,City Clerk, _... _ _ g 9 Fire Permits/Plan Review,General Records Management,Printing,Data Business Licenses,Amusement Processing,Misc/Mandatory Expense Licenses,An Licenses Police Services: 7,975,662 34.6 Intergovernmental Revenue: 1,308,850 5.7% Law Enforcement,Crime Prevention, Grants,Motor Veh Excise Tax(MVET), Jail Animal Control,Support Services Criminal Justice MVET,State Shared Fire Services: 5,966,066 25.8% Revenues and Entitlements Suppression,Aid Services,Prevention, Charges for Services: 759,600 3.3 Emergency Mgt,Support Services General Government,Public Safety, PlanningBuilding/Public Works: 2,847,964 12.3 PI9ng/Zoning/EIS Fees,PW Inspection- Code Enforcement;Building Permits; Approval Fees,Pian Check Fees Plan Review;Inspection Services; Fines and Forfeits: 757,500 3.3% Public Information Counter;Current Municipal Court,Narcotics Confiscation and Long Range Planning;Property, Misc Revenus✓Other Financing Sources: 497,005 2.2% Mapping,and Survey 91 Services, Investment Interest,Rents,Contributions Administrative Support and Donations,Other Miscellaneous, Human Services Programs 750,699 3.3 Sales of Fixed Assets,Transfers in Ending Balance 652,427 2.8% TOTALQENERAL FUND`REVENUES $23.481,696 100.6 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENpiTURE$ $23,681,896 100.0 187 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET .... FUND: 000- GENERAL FUND, +� REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE 1990 1991 1991 1992 $Change ,:%Change $Change %Change REVENUES Actual Adopted Actual Budget 91 Adopt '9i Adopt 91"Actual"" 91"Actual' Opening Fund Balance 1,613,679 161,666 857,707 621,856 460,190 284.7% (235,851) -27.5% Real&Personal Property Tax 5,481,658 6,139,697 5,817,399 r 6,776,661 636,964 10.4% 959,262 16.5% Sales Tax 6,355,076 6,256,757 6,158,685 "" 7,072,111" 815,354 13.0% 913,426 14.8% _... Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 435,000 547,192 555,000 120,000 27.6% 7,808 1.4% Utility Tax/TV Cable r 94,746 215,590 204,729 213,000 (2,590) -1.2% 8,271 4.0% Utility Tax/Telephone-Telegraph 0 0 932 65000 65,000 N/A 64,068 N/A Utility Tax/Electricity 923,519 709,316 686,914 781,100 71,784 10.1% 94,186 13.7% _ _ Interfund Taxes/Utility 806,908 994,380 1,040,835 1,172,051 177,671 17.9% 13.1,216 12.6% EMS Levy Funds 250,157 259,000 270,427 ' 272,000 13,000 5.0% 1,573 0.6% Gambling Excise Tax 567,385 579,000 615,720 630,000 51,000 8.8.6 14,280 2.3% Other Taxes 301,965 304,600 373,801 370,500 65,900 21.6% (3,301) -0.9% _ _ Gen/Prof/Occup Bus Licenses 40,864 379,000 373,066 386,110 7,110 1.9% 13,044 3.5% Building Permits 713,626 608,388 689,306 747,200 138,812 22.8% 57,894 8.4% Other Licenses&Permits 79,528 60,600 80,992 96.152 35,552 58.7% 15,160 18.7% Criminal Justice Grant 36,544 38,000 37,158 0 (38,000) -100.0% (37,158) -100.0% State/Motor Veh Excise Tax 587,461 597,850 621,911 713;800 115,950 19.4% 91,889 14.8% Criminal Justice MVET 39,590 67,000 79,388 87,290 20,290 30.3% 7,902 10.0% Other Intergovernmental 731,868 592,080 927,483 507,760 (84,320) -14.2% (419,723) -45.3% Plan Checking Fees 274,157 175,000 273,444 250,000 75,000 42.9% (23,444) 4.6% Other Charges for Services 694,385 362,356 1,333,476 509,600 147,244 40.60A (823,876) -61.8% Municipal Court Fines 652,016 680,000 655,127 756,500 76,500 11.30A 101,373 15.5% Other Fines&Forfeits 76,919 1,000 133,116 1,000 0 0.0% (132,116) -99.2.6 11i Investment Interest 160,540 120,000 182,328 330,000 210,000 175.0% 147,672 81.0% Other Miscellaneous 192,407 179,900 230,942 156,618 (23,282) -12.9% (74,324) -32.2% Trf-In/Cable Comm;Contingency 187,004 8,692 8,692 10,387 1,695 19.5% 1,695 19.5% SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 19,248,323' ,19,763,206 21,343,063 >22,459,840 2,696,634 13:6% ;1 16,T77 5.2% ilrtll Comm Dev Block Grants(CDBG) 304,582 194,747 213,782 0 (194,747) -100.0 (213,782) 100.0% TOTAL REVENUES 19,552,905 19,957,953 21,556,845 22,459,840 2,501,887 12.5% 902,995 4.2% TOTAL IREVENUES&BALANCE 21,166,584 20,119,619 22,414,552 23,081,696 2,962,077 ':I 14.7% 667,144 3.0% EXPENDITURES: r1t11 08.00 Expenditure Credits (1,106,666) {1,290,202) (1,216,531 _ _ ) '(1,d51",235) (761,033) 12.5% (234,704) 19.3% 10.00 Regular Salaries 11,160,165 12,156,943 12,074,797 13,442,8861,285,943 10.6% 1,3.68,089 11.3% 10.00 Part Time Salaries 58,470 91,325 122,522 149,908 58,583 64.1% 27,386 22.4% 10.02 Overtime 629,194 711,436 888,641 843,818 132,382 18.6% (44,823) -5.0% 20.00 Personnel Benefits 2,784,923 3,011,095 2,966,735 3,451,6T6 440,521 14.6% 484,881 16.3% 30.00 Supplies 498,873 543,699 499,649 375,286 31,587 5.8% 75,637 15.1% 41.00 Professional Services 1,623,233 1,081,117 1,418,224 1,282,021< 200,904 18.6% (136,203) -9.6% 42.00 Postage/Telephone/Other 98,725 124,590 128,078 135,160 1. .10,570 8.5% 7,082 5.5% 43.00 Travel/Training 101,374 118,621 92,797 152,653 34,032 28.7°6 59,856 64.5% 44.00 Advertising 34,233 31,200 35,926 37;000 5,800 18.6.6 1,074 3.0% 45.01 Other Rentals 117,694 68,560 81,496 65,831` (2,729) -4.00A (15,665) -19.2% 45.02 Equipment Rental 400,691 218,508 193,626 427,360 208,852 95.6% 233,734 120.7% +Ib 46.00 Insurance 531,434 463,270 463,270 495,700 32,430 7.0% 32,430 7.0% 48.00 Repairs&Maintenance 193,561 242,197 215,611 268,742 26,545 11.0% 53,131 24.6% 49.00 Miscellaneous 170,842 183,064 175,234 228,211 45,147 24.7% 52,977 30.2% 51.00 lntergovernmtl Services 1,890,408 1,548,388 1,816,538 2,004,545 456,157 29.50A 188,007 10.3% ..60.00CapitalOutlay 544,358 231,739 247,823 248,250 16,511 7.1% 427 0.2.6 70/80 Debt Service 79,676 75,596 75,596 71,517 (4,079) -5.40A (4,079) -5.4.6 90.00Interfund Payments 172,937 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A SUB-TOTAL'EXPENDITURES 19,984,125 19,611,146 ;,20,280,032 22,429,269 2,818,123 14.4% r 2,149,237 10.6% Comm Dev Block Grants(CDBG) 324,752 194,747 172,404 0 (194,747) -100.0% (172,404) -100.0.6 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,308,877 19,805,893 20,452,436 22,429,269 2,623,376 13.2% 1,976,833 9.7% Ending Fund Balance 857,707 313,726 1,962,116 652,427 338,701 108.0% (1,309,689) -66.7% TOTAL EXPENDITURES&BALANCE 21,166,584 20,119,619 '22,414,552 23,081,696 "2,962,077 14.7% 667,144 3.0% Reserve/Budget Resource 781,573 0 621,856 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Reserve for Criminal Justice 76,134 52,694 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Est Reserve/Uncompleted Projects 0 0 875,000 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Undesignated Fund Balance 1 0 1 261,032 465,260 652,427 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Total Ending Fund Balance 857,707 313,726 1 1,962,116 1 652,427 N/A N/A N/A N/A +1r1 188 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: 000 - GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL laso 1991 t9s2 <% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETCHANGE 000 000 310 00 00 00 TAXES 311 10 00 00 REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 5,481,657.95 5,817,399.34 6,776,661.00 16.5% 313 10 00 00 LOCAL RETAIL SALES/USE TAX 6,355,076.31 6,158,684.80 7,072,111.00 14.8%' 313 10 00 01 SALES TAXICRIMINAL JUSTICE 0.00 547,192.24 555,000.00 1.4% 316 20 00 11 ADMISSION TAX/LONGACRES 108,955.49 119,053.25 110,000.00 -7.6% 316 20 00 12 ADMISSION TAX/MOVIE THEATER 45,326.01 77,088.83 90,000.00 16.7% 316 N 00 13 ADMISSION TAX/OTHER 9,080.99 0.00 0.00 N/A 316 30 00 00 FRANCHISE FEES 97,420.57 109,953.43 107,500.00 -2.2% 316 41 00 00 UTILITY TAX/ELECTRICITY 923,518.76 686,913.45 781,100.00 13.7% 316 46 00 00 UTILITY TAXITV CABLE 94,746.34 204,728.93 213,000.00 4.0% 316 47 00 00 UTILITY TAX/PHONE/TELEGRAPH 0.00 931.69 65,000.00 6876.6% 317 00 00 00 INTERFUND TAXES/UTILITY 806,908.40 1,040,834.66 1,172,051.00 12.6% 318 20 00 00 LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 41,181.49 67,706.39 1. 63,000.00 -7.0% 318 40 00 00 EMS LEVY FUNDS/KING COUNTY 250,157.06 270,427.19 272,000.00 0.6% 318 50 00 00 GAMBLING EXCISE TAX 566,081.56 612,110.79 630,000.00 2.9% 319 81 00 00 PENALTY ON GAMBLING TAXES 1,303.19 3,609.20 0.00 -100.0% *** TAXES 14,781,414.12 15,716,634.19 17,907,423.00 13.99 000 000 320 00 00 00 LICENSES AND PERMITS 321 30 00 01 UNIFORM FIRE CODE PERMITS 17,315.00 18,850.00 34,000.00 80.4% 321 30 00 02 FIREWORKS STAND PERMITS 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.0% 321 30 00 03 RE-INSPECTION FOLLOW-UPS 5,450.00 3,200.00 1,200.00 -62.5% 321 30 00 04 FIRE PRO SYS PERMIT/PLAN REVIEW 28,081.12 28,326.70 30,000.00 5.9% 321 30 00 05 MISC SERVICES 356.32 79.71 100.00 25.5% 321 30 00 07 CONSTR PERMIT FEES/FIRE 7,690.80 8,635.35 9,500.00 10.0% 321 70 00 00 AMUSEMENT LICENSES 40,863.63 36,065.50 39,000.00 8.1% 321 90 00 13 GENERAL BUSINESS LICENSES 0.00 337,000.00 347,110.00 3.0% 322 10 00 11 BLDG PERMITS/COMMERCURESIDNTL 414,894.76 383,606.68 427,000.00 11.3% 322 10 00 12 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 219,437.26 241,896.72 243,000.00 0.5% 322 10 00 13 MECHANICAL PERMITS 68,433.80 51,452.79 67,500.00 31.2% 322 10 00 14 GRADING PERMITS 598.50 390.00 500.00 28.2% 322 10 00 15 SEWER PERMITS 7,635.00 9,841.00 8,000.00 -18.7% 322 10 00 16 SIGN PERMITS 1,838.60 2,118.60 1,200.00 43.4%' 322 10 00 18 SPRINKLER SYSTEM PERMITS 788.40 0.00 0.00 N/A 322 30 00 61 ANIMAL LICENSES/CAT 2,020.00 2,686.50 2,300.00 -14.4% 322 30 00 02 ANIMAL LICENSES/DOG 12,656.50 13,488.00 14,052.004.2% 322 40 00 00 STREET/CURB/HOUSE MOVING 4,860.00 4,896.15 4,200.00 -14.2% 322 81 00 00 PENALTY-ANIMAL LICENSES 98.00 30.00 0.00 -100.0% 322 90 00 00 OTHER NON-BUS LIC&PERMITS 200.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** LICENSES AND PERMITS 834,017.69 1,143,363.70 1,229,462.00 7.5% 000 000 330 00 00 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 333 16 80 00 NARCOTICS GRANT/JUSTICE DEPT 233,726.90 236,531.16 0.00 -100.0% 333 16 80 01 CRIMINAL JUSTICE GRANT 36,544.00 37,158.49 0.00 -100.0% 333 83 50 00 FEMA/1990 FLOOD DAMAGE GRANT 3,089.00 21,466.00 0.00 -100.0% 334 03 10 00 DOEIGROWTH MANAGEMENT 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 -100.0% 334 04 20 00 DCD/GROWTH MANAGEMENT 0.00 64,247.00 0.00 -100.0% 335 00 81 00 MOBILE HM/TR/CMPR EXC TAX 8,645.74 10,069.33 9,000.00 -10.6% 335 00 83 00 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE TAX-REG 587,460.55 621,910.69 713,800.00 14.8% 336 00 82 00 CRIMINAL JUSTICE MVET 39,589.86 79,388.30 87,290.00 10.0% 336 00 85 00 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX-EQUALIZATION 11,714.57 11,038.74 10,000.00 -9.4% 336 06 94 00 LIQUOR EXCISE TAX 130,384.51 141,956.66 142,330.00 0.3% 336 06 95 00 LIQUOR BOARD PROFITS 321,550.17 424,839.69 344,430.00 -18.9% 337 07 01 00 IN LIEU TAX HOUSING AUTHORITY 1,083.52 1,124.32 1,000.00 -11.1% Ila 338 23 00 00 INTERGOVT BOARD/ROOM PRISONERS 20,615.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 338 58 00 00 HEARING EXAMINER FEES 1,059.00 1,210.00 1,000.00 -17.4% *** INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 1,395,462.82 1,665,940.38 1,308,850.00 -21.4% 189 aw CITY OF PENTON 1992 BUDGET' r FUND: 000 - GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL 1990 1991' 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION l .. ACTUAL .ACTUAL 6UDGET CHANGE" 000 000 340 00 00 00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES to 341 26 00 00 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FILINGS 414.22 414.93 0.00 -100.0% 341 32 00 00 WARRANT ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 41.59 18,467.19 20,000.00 8.3% 341 43 00 00 VALLEY COMM CENTER/ACCT SERV 39,283.00 17,188.58 0.00 -100.0% 341 50 00 00 SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 1,126.16 676.04 1,500.00 121.9% 341 60 00 01 CERTIFICATION/CERTIFIED COPIES 79.00 53.00 0.00 -100.0% 341 60 00 02 COURT TAPE DUPLICATION 320.67 0.00 0.00 N/A 341 60 00 24 DUPLICATING SERVICE/PRINT SHOP 6,831.20 8,814.42 6,000.00 -31.9% 341 62 00 00 COURT COPY FEES 0.00 261.48 0.00 -100.0% 341 70 00 00 CONCESSNEND MACH/PHONE 699.65 884.43 0.00 -100.0% 341 71 00 00 INMATE HEALTH&WELFARE/COMMIS 3,386.11 31155.25 0.00 -100.0% 341 72 00 00 INMATE HEALTH&WELFARE/PHONE 2,077.81 2,473.05 0.00 -100.0% 341 91 00 00 ELECTION CANDIDATE FILING FEES_ 0.00 3,287.76 0.00 -100.0% _ _ ..... 341 96 00 00 UNIFORM EXAM FILING FEES 2,290.00 2,800.00 10,000.00 257.1% 342 10 00 00 LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES 18.165.00 23,501.50 18,000.00 -23.4% 342 10 00 01 POLICE PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIME 76,080.00 217,658.75 158,100.00 -27.4% 342 20 00 00 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES 0.00 100.00 0.00 -100.0% 342 20 00 01 FIRE HAZMAT SERVICES 3,165.20 6,014.34 0.00 -100.0% 342 20 00 02 REIMS/FIRE SPEC-PROJ OVERTIME 0.00 16,461.30 0.00 -100.0% 342 33 00 00 PROBATION ASSESSMENT 1,494.83 2,822.00 1,500.00 -46.8% 342 36 00 00 BOARD/ROOM OF PRISONERS 5,705.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 342 90 00 00 FALSE ALARMS 3,510.00 4,575.00 3,000.00 -34.4% 342 90 00 01 WATER ACCIDENT MGTIWAM CLASSES 6,440.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 343 20 00 00 P/W INSPECTION/APPROVAL FEES 48,248.76 19,044.43 64,000.00 236.1% 343 21 00 00 HOUSE/MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS 391.02 140.00 0.00 -100.0% 343 83 00 00 STORM DRAINAGE FEES 1,500.24 0.00 0.00N/A 343 90 00 00 LATECOMER HANDLING FEE 0.00 2,294.92 0.00 -100.0%' 345 81 00 00 PLANN ZONING/SUBDIV FEES 1,995.00 0.00 80,000.00 N/A 345 81 00 02 ANNEXATION FEES 500.00 300.00 0.00 -100.0% 345 81 00 03 APPEALS&WAIVERS 0.00 150.00 0.00 -100.0% 45 381 00 04 BINDING SITE PLAN/SHORT PLAT 5,850.00 2,080.00 0.00 -100.0%- 345 81 00 05 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT 102.50 0.00 0.00 N/A ry 345 81 00 06 CONDITIONAL USE FEES 10,396.00 11,722.06 0.00 NIA 345 81 00 07 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FEES 15,749.29 20,998.20 0.00 N/A 345 81 00 08 PRELIMINARY PLAT 9,705.00 2,816.40 0.00 N/A 345 81 00 09 50%FINAL PLAT(GENERAL FUND) 1,800.00 250.00 0.00 NIA lr 345 81 00 10 FINAUPRELIMINARY PUD 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 N/A 345 81 00 11 GRADING&FILLING FEES 1,300.00 10,380.00 0.00 N/A 345 81 00 12 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 900.00 1,209.00 0.00 N/A 345 81 00 14 REZONE 5,731.80 4,174.78 0.00 N/A rr 345 81 00 15 ROUTINE VEGETATION MGMT FEES 1,575.00 450.00 0.00 N/A 345 81 00 16 SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEV FEES 12,806.19 117,760.00 0.00 WA 345 81 00 17 SITE PLAN APPROVAL 22,602.20 18,656.00 0.00 N/A 345 81 00 18 SPECIAL/TEMPORARY REVIEW FEES 2,040.00 1,000.00 0.00 N/A t 345 81 00 19 VARIANCE FEES 8,400.00 3,200.00 0.00 WA 345 81 00 20 OTHER MISC PLANNING/ZONING FEE 0.00 500.00 0.00 N/A 345 83 00 00 PLAN CHECKING FEES 274,157.33 273,443.80 250,000.00 -8.6% w do to io 190 I CITY OF PENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: 000 - GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 ... .. .... ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL' ACTUAL'r BUDGET? CHANGE i _ 000 000 340 00 00 00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES-Cont. 345 84 00 00 EIS/OTHER PLANNING FEES 0.00 (2,000.00) 80,000.00 N/A _. _ _ _. ..._ ......... ............. ......_.. 345 84 00 01 SUPPLEMENTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 67,500.00 N/A 345 84 00 04 DEV FEES/TALBOT-HOSP POLICIES 32,388.55 125.00 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 05 BOEING EXPANSION EIS 6,868.91 31,243.38 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 M KENWORTH RENTON TRUCK PLNT EIS 10,969.10 0.00 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 07 ORILLIACENTER EIS/SABEY 120,512.68 0.00 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 08 THE BLUFFS EIS/LINCOLN PROPTYS 40,381.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 09 BLACK RIV PK PHS 7 EIS/1ST CTY 67,785.18 34,983.68 0.00 N/A 34 5 84 00 10 BLACK RV PK N HALF EIS/1 ST CTY 3,007.25 0.001. 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 11 THE ORCHARDS EIS/NORTHWARD DEV 9,550.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 12 FOREST CREST EIS/DOMINION DEV 5,490.00 18,682.62 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 13 MOB II EISNALLEY MEDICAL 10,500.00 42,115.35 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 14 FORREST CREST EIS/LABLANC 35,500.00 4,866.10 0.00 N/A 345 84 00 15 ORCHARDS SUPLMTL EIS/NRTHWD DV 28,300.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 028500 345 84 00 79218 KING CO CORF EIS REVIEW 0.00 1,589.26 0.00 N/A 028500 345 84 00 79257 RABANCO WASTE RECOVERY/EIS 0.00 85,072.41 0.00 N/A 028500 345 84 00 79260 METRO SEWAGE PLANT/EIS 0.00 862.50 0.00 N/A 028500 345 84 00 79261 BOEING/LONGACRES MSTR PLAN/EIS 0.00 450,350.00 0.00 N/A 028500 345 84 00 79268 PACCAR TRUCK FAC/EIS 0.00 32,977.25 0.00 N/A 028600 345 84 00 79260 METRO SEW PLANT EXPNSE/PRE-APP 0.00 27,972.50 0.00 N/A 028600 345 84 00 79261 BOEING-LONGACRES/PRE-AP P 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 N/A 86 0200 345 84 00 79262 VAL MED CTR MSTR PLAN/PRE-APP 0.00 13,218.23 0.00 N/A 028600 345 84 00 79265 SEATTLE TIMES/PRE-APPLICA 0.00 8,887.50 0.00 N/A 028600 345 84 00 79266 RENTON CENTER/PRE-APP 0.00 2,437.50 0.00 N/A 028600 345 84 00 79268 PACCAR TRUCK FAC/PRE-APP 0.00 2,077.50 0.00 N/A 349 12 00 00 COURT FILING FEE 429.90 80.68 0.00 -100.0% *** CHARGES FOR SERVICES 968,542.34 1,606,920.07 759,600.00 -52.7 '000 000 350 00 00 00 FINES AND FORFEITS __... ___._ ___ _ ...... .... _.__ _ ......... 353 00 00 00 NON-PARKING INFRACT PENALTIES 2,001.23 484.45 0.00 -100.0% 353 10 00 00 TRAFFIC INFRACTION PENALTIES 211,204.26 281,928.06 275,000.00 -2.5% 354 00 00 00 PARKING INFRACTION PENALTIES 92,873.77 97,504.58 95,000.00 -2.6% 35 5 20 00 00 DWI PENALTIES 35,262.59 34,979.82 25,000.00 -28.5% 355 80 00 00 OTHER CRIMINAL TRAFFIC PENALTIES 109,151.96 94,337.75 120,000.00 27.2% 356 90 00 00 OTHER NON-TRAFFIC PENALTIES 119,959.03 87,435.97 120,000.00 37.2% 357 27 00 00 DEFENSE PROSECUTOR COST 0.00 147.37 0.00 -100.0% 357 30 00 00 MUNICIPAL COURT COSTS 676.66 17,312.29 0.00 -100.0% 357 31 00 00 JURY FEES 537.88 492.12 0.00 -100.0% 357 32 00 00 WITNESS FEES 346.86 516.90 0.00 -100.0%' 357 33 00 00 PUBLIC DEFENSE RECOUPMENT 9,869.65 14,931.86 10,000.00 -33.0% 357 35 00 00 COURT INTERPRETER COSTS 58.23 730.44 0.00 -100.0% 357 36 00 00 TRAFFIC WARRANT COLLECTIONS 0.00 0.00 71,500.00 N/A 357 37 00 00 WARRANT ADMIN FEE 23,255.16 0.00 0.00 N/A 357 38 00 00 OTHER COSTS/COURT 46,819.16 24,325.60 40,000.00 64.4% 357 40 00 00 CONFISCATED NARCOTICS MONEY 27,888.49 38,045.38 0.00 -100.0% 357 40 00 02 K.C.T.F.NARCOTIC SEIZURE FUND 47,066.48 93,961.67 0.00 -100.0% 357 50 00 00 TRANSITIONAL COSTS(COURT) 0.00 25.05 0.00 -100.0% 359 90 00 01 NSF CHECK FEE 1,450.00 1,083.75 1,000.00 -7.7% 359 90 00 02 NSF CHECK FEE/COURT 513.99 0.00 0.00 N/A *** FINES AND FORFEITS 728,935.40 1 788,243.06 1 757,500.00 -3.9% 191 rrr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET rr FUND: 000- GENERAL FUND REVENUE DETAIL �r 1990 3991 1992 % . . ACCC+UNT DESCRIPTION ACtUAL ACTUAL <BUDGE7 CHANGE' 000 000 360 00 00 00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 361 11 00 00 INVESTMENT INTEREST 160,540.21 182,327.80 330,000.00 81.0% 361 40 00 00 INT ON CONT,NOTES b ACCTS REC 381.78 3,064.44 0.00 -100.0% . ......... 3611.40 00 02 COURT:INTEREST INCOME 2,136.09 8,671.09 6,000..00 -30.8% 362 40 00 02 RENTS/SHORT TERM (25.00) 0.00 0.00 N/A 362 50 00 00 RENTS/LONG-TERM 21,507.99 21,887.58 21,500.00 -1.8% 15 366 N 00 00 INTERFUND RENTALS 148,532.00 5,958.00 123,118.00 -21.1% 367 00 00 02 CARE BEAR DONATIONS/FIRE 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 -100.0% 367 00 00 35 K-9 TRAINING 0.00 800.00 0.00 -100.0% to 367 00 00 44 CONTRIBU/PRIVATE/DARE PROGRAM 890.00 5,062.48 0.00 -100.0% 367 00 00 45 FIRE PLAN REVIEW/BOEING 1,350.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 369 20 00 00 POLICE UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 824.30 213.29 0.00 -100.0% R9 40 0 00 JUDGMENTS 3 SETTLEMENTS 302.10 8,420.00 0.00 -100.0% 369 81 00 00 CASHIER'S OVERAGES&SHORTAGES (1.72) 19.97 0.00 -100.0% 369 90 00 00 SALE OF JUNK OR SALVAGE 173.30 438.10 0.00 -100.0% 69 3 90 00 02 COURT OTHER MISC REVENUES 0.00 461.99 0.00 -100.0% 369 90 00 04 POLICE SALE OF SURPLUS GUNS 0.00 3,507.55 0.00 -100.0% ilrr 369 90 00 18 OTHER MISC REVENUE 6,024.32 9,696.69 6,000.00 -38.1% 369 90 00 35 POLICE AUCTION PROCEEDS 9,539.23 0.00 0.00 N/A _. 369 90 00 36 . MISC CASH 94.57 0.00 0.00 N/A 369 96 00 37 DARE PROGRAM/SALES 638.00 2,973.35 0.00 -100.0% 369 90 01 02 COURT:SMALL OVERPAYMENTS 0.00 20.39 0.00 -100.0% *** MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 352,907.17 404,522.72 486,618.00 20.3 000 000 390 00 00 00 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES IIIc 391 20 06 00 POLICE UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 39.95 86.95 0.00 -100.0% 395 10 00 00 SALE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS0.00 8,660.10 0.00 -100.0% _.. 397 00 00 02 OPR TRANSFER IN/CONTINGENCY 116,504.10 0.00 0.00 N/A 97 3 00 00 N TRF-IN/CABLE COMMUNICATION 70,500.00 8,692.00 10,387.00 19.5% *** OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 187,044.05 17,439.05 10,387.00 -40.4 SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 19,248,323.59 21,343,063.17 22,459,840.00 5.2% Comm Dev Block Grants(CDBG)1) 304,582.20 213,782.05 1. 0.00 -100.0% TOTAL REVENUES 19,552,905_ .79 21,556,845.22 22,459,840.00 4.2% _ SUB-TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 1,613,678.46 857,706.85 621,856.00 -27.5%' ***** TOTALGENERAL'FUND :21,166,584.25 22,414,552.07 23,081,696.00 3.00 1)In 1992,the Community Development Block Grant program has been transferred from the General Fund to special revenue fund 104-Community Development Block Grant Fund on pages 272-284. +Irr rrr wir rrr ,r 192 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE:,. KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER DEPT: LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT TITLE: COUNCIL PRESIDENT DIV: LEGISLATIVE SERVICES (COUNCIL) ACCT: 000 000 01 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1980 1x91 1092 % .. . ... .. " ..... .. ACCOUNT 3>FSCR1PT14N ACTiJAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 511 60 00 00 LEGISLATIVE SERVICES(COUNCIL) 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 84,411.41 65,766.53 71,382.00 8.5% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 84,411.41 65,788.53 71,382.00 8.5 20 00 PERSONNELBENEFITS _. .. __. 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 6,838.35 2,508.25 2,762.00 10.1%__ 20 03 FICA 4,745.76 4,875.71 5,462.00 12.0% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 11,134.33 11,000.52 13,977.00 27.1%' 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 395.42 805.67 614.00 1.4% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE _._ 82.92 81.58 91.00 11.6% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 1,907.00 1,806.00 2,172.00 20.3% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 25,103.78 20,877.71 25,078.00 20.1 30 00 SUPPLIES .... ....... .. .......... 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 324.23 491.95 550.00 11.8% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 268.08 967.31 1,400.00 44.7% * SUPPLIES 592.31 1,459.26 1,950.00 33.8% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES✓A CHARGES 41 151 CONTR CLERNACATION COVERAGE 0.00 0.00 600.00 N/A 43 02 LEGISLATIVETRAVEL 3,271.46 1,849.47 4,100.00 121.7% 4800 REPAIRS A MAINTENANCE 72.97 150.00 150.00 0.0%' 49 38 HOSPITALITY 0.00 570.51 500.00 -12.4% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,344.43 2,589.98 5,350.00 108.2 *** LEGISLATIVE SERVICES 93,451.93 90,673.48 103,760.00 14.4 DIV: LEGISLATIVE CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 01 19901980 1991 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 11 00 00 LEGISLATIVECAPITALIZED EXPENSE 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 64 00 MACHINERY d EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A **** LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT 93,451,931 90,673.48 103.780.00 14.4% � r 193 Wi 1r CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET it FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DARLENE ALLEN : DEPT: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT TITLE: COURT SERVICES DIRECTOR :DIV: MUNICIPAL COURT ACCT: 000 000 02 EXPENDITURE DETAIL A980 1991 _1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 512 50 00 00 MUNICIPAL COURT 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 332,771.87 371,512.86 403,962.00 8.7% 10 02 OVERTIME 1,674.29 1,899.33 3,336.00 75.6% * SALARIES AND WAGES 334,448.16 373,412.19 407,298.00 9.1 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 201.01 _ RETIREMENT/WPERS 22.090.95 _.... ..27,837.21 32,340.00 17.0%`' 20 03 FICA 25,132.95 27,877.20 30,288.00 8.6% 1111 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 28,467.76 32,428.88 41,139.00 26.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 888.23 942.63 1,053.00 11.7% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,382.80 1,523.78 1,724.00 13.1% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 6,002.00 8,177.00 7,632.00 23.6% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 83,964.69 96,586.70 114,176.00 18.2 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,547.67 4,464.32 7,100.00 59.0% 35 00 SMALLTOOLS/MINOREQUIPMENT 0.00 3,855.00 2,000.00 -48.1% * SUPPLIES 6,547.67 8,319.32 9,100.00 9.4% 40 00OTHER SERVICES�CHARGES 41 26 JUDGES PRO TEM 8,440.00 10,940.00 11,000.00 0.5% 41 61 PUBLIC DEFENDERS 87,889.00 97,362.12 100,000.00 2.7% 41 83 INTERPRETER/DIAGNOSTIC FEES 3,145.00 2,200.00 3,500.00 59.1% ow 41 120 PROBATION SERVICES 9,270.00 8 012.00 15,000.00 149.5% 43 17 MUNICIPALCOURTTRAVEL 355.72 182.55 1,000.00 447.8% 45 07 PHOTO MACH RTLJMUN CT 3,216.58 3,531.56 5,000.00 41.6%'- 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 2,044.75 2,089.29 3,000.00 43.6% f111 49 12 MEMBERSHIPSSREGISTRA 159100 ...... 828.00 1,000.00 20.8.% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 538.84 782.77 1,300.00 86.1% 49 34 WITNESS FEES 8,884.88 8,504.16 8,000.00 -5.9% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 125,175.77 132,432.45 148,800.00 12.4 ow ** MUNICIPALCOURT 550,134.29 610,750.66 679,374.00 11.2 DIV: MUNICIPAL COURT/PART TIME HELP ACCT: 000 000 02 1990 y98i 1992 46 to LACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 512 51 00 00 MUNICIPAL COURT PART TIME HELP 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 6,935.65 13,139.63 13,450.00 2.4% 10 02 OVERTIME 21.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 6,956.65 13,139.63 13,450.00 2.4% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS. 20 03 FICA 554.21 1,005.22 1,029.00 2.4% 1w 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 34.02 45.17 76.00 68.3% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 588.23 1,050.39 1,105.00 5.2% ** MUNICIPAL COURT/PART TIME HELP 7,544.88 14,190.02 14,555.00 2.6% vw DIV: MUNICIPAL COURT CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 02 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' 594 12 00 00 MUN COURT CAPITALIZED EXPENSES 11w 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 64 00 MACHINERY Q EQUIPMENT 12,539.88 0.00 2,000.00 N/A * MUN COURT CAPITALIZED EXPENSES 1 12,539.881 0.00 2,000.00 N/A *** JUDICIAL 570,219.05 824;940.88 : 895,929.00 : 11.4% 1111 'w 194 F' CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: EARL CLYMERI DEPT: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT TITLE: MAYOR DIV: EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 000 000 03 EXPENDITURE DETAIL > 1990 1997 1692 % ACCOUNT (DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' 513 10 00 00 EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 134,222.07 171,098.01 179,478.00 4.9%' 10 02 OVERTIME 231.03 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 134,453.10 171,098.01 179,478.00 4.9 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 4,840.65 7,382.71 8,393.00 13.7% 20 03 FICA 9,624.07 11,651.57 11.791.00 1.2% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 5,553.00 7,320.00 10,080.00 37.7% N 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 235.70 280.42 261.00 0.2% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 488.53 585.64 749.00 32.4% 20 In PREPAID DENTAL 1,761.00 1.793.00 2,196.00 22.5% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 22,482.95 28,973.34 33,470.00 15.5S mill 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,818.35 1,999.25 2,550.00 27.5%' 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOREQUIPMENT 595.53 0.00 0.00 N/A * SUPPLIES 2,413.88 1,999.25 2,550.00 27.5 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 28 PROFESSIONAL SERWEXEC 6,271.47 8,218.58 5,000.00 39.1% TY -0.4%' . ' 41 59 CIREPORT/NEWSLETTER 48,639.78 20,939.28 20,850.00 -0.4% 41 118 DIRECTOR RECRUITMENT 15,812.42 0.00 0.00 NIA 41 121 GRAPHIC ARTIST 15,864.70 16,828.70 18,000.00 -4.9% 41 129 WASH TRANSP POLICIES INSTITUTE 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 N/A 42 01 POSTAGE CITYR EPOR62.22 9,358.54 13,450.00 43.7% ow 43 07 EXECUTIVE TRAVEL 1,935.82 3,415.84 3,500.00 2.5% AR 43 26 LEOFF BOD TRAVEL 955.83 934.40 1,000.00 7.0% 43 51 TRAINING 17,343.77 0.00 7,000.00 11 NIA 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,740.00 2,556.00 2,984.00 18.0% 45 08 COPY MACHINE RENTAUEXEC 3,575.76 1,882.68 2,100.00 11.5% 48 00 REPAIRS 8 MAINTENANCE 115.13 73.04 500.00 584.8%' 49 08 RENTON RIVER DAYS FESTIVAL 10,000.00 10,021.97 10,000.00 -0.2% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS 3 REGISTRA 341.50 1,377.11 1,500.00 8.9% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 694.85 11440.08 1,000.00 -30.8% 49 38 HOSPITALITY 778.11 1,434.85 2,000.00 39.4% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1 122,931.34 1 78,478.87 1 87,864.00 12.0% ** EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION 282,281.27 280,549.47 1 303,362.00 8.1% DIV: EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION PART TIME ACCT: 000 000 03 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 513 12 00 00 EXECUTIVE ADMIN PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 3,780.00 3,928.50 14,700.00 274.2% * SALARIES AND WAGES 3,780.00 3,928.50 14,700.00 274.2% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 0.00 506.00 N/A 20 03 FICA 0.00 308.10 1,125.00 265.1% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 18.71 55.00 194.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 326.81 1,686.00 415.9% ** EXECUTIVE ADMIN PART TIME 3,780.00 1 4,255.31 16,386.00 285.1% 195 ar CITY OF PENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: EARL CLYMER ire DEPT: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT TITLE: MAYOR DIV: SEE BELOW ACCT: 000 000 03 EXPENDITURE DETAIL DIV: EXECUTIVE COMMUNITY RELATIONS ACCT: 000 000 03 1990 1991 1992 % of ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 513 11 00 00 EXEC COMMUNITY RELATIONS 00 SALARIES&WAGES 33,708.00 37,740.15 41,100.00 8.9% * SALARIES AND WAGES 33,708.00 37,740.15 41,100.00 8.9% io 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,315.76 2,912.60 3,264.00 12.1% 20 03 FICA 2,578.80 2,887.21 3,145.00 8.9% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 2,937.52 3,235.86 3,552.00 9.8% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 76.66 78.26 87.00 11.2% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 143.10 159.08 177.00 11.3% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 507.00 500.00 612.00 22.4% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 8,558.84 1 9,773.01 10,837.00 10.9% ** EXEC COMMUNITY RELATIONS 42,266.84 47,513.161 c1,937.00 1 9.3% lily _. :DIV: MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION ACCT: 000 000 03 1990 1.991 1992 % ..' .> _. ... _ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 513 21 00 00 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 18.03 64.47 100.00 55.1% * SUPPLIES 18.03 64.47 100.00 55.1% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 91 MUN ARTS/PROFESSIONAL SERV 2,595.54 1,025.00 1,300.00 26.8% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 100.67 163.16 500.00 206.4% 49 06 PRINTING&BINDING 0.00 66.00 250.00 278.8% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA85.00 1,333.40 200.00 -85.0% 49 45 PERFORMING ARTS PROGRAMS 3,950.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 25.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 6,731.21 6,587.56 7,250.00 1 10.17% ** MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION 6,749.24 6,652.03 7,350.00 10.5% *'* EXECUTIVE 335,077.35 338,969.97 379,035.00 11.8% DIV: EXECUTIVE CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 03 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 13 00 00 EXECUTIVE CAPITALIZED EXPENSES ow 64 00 EXECUTIVE MACH&EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 N/A *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 N/A **** EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT 335,077.35 338,969.97 381,,035.00 12.4 1 Y1r wo 196 a CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: [WEN WANG DEPT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: ACCOUNTING & BUDGETING DIRECTOR' DIV: BUDGETING & ACCOUNTING ACCT: 000 000 04 EXPENDITURE DETAIL . 1990 1991. 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRiPT10N ACTUAL ACTUAL:: BUDGET CHANGE 514 10 00 00 BUDGETING&ACCOUNTING 07 02 REIMB/RVTUWORK STUDY PROGR (516.60) 0.00 0.00 N/A 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 393,896.82 435,906.73 485,016.00 11.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 4,107.56 328.51 1,000.00 204.4% * SALARIES AND WAGES 397,487.78 436,235.24 486,016.00 20 00 PERSONNELBENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 39,663.58 33,482.66 38,590.00 15.3% 20 03 FICA 29,672.42 32.228.39 36,099.00 12.0% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 35,523.76 37,878.00 50,016.00 32.0% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 974.11 984.27 1,131.00 14.9% 1 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,577.14 1,746.75 2,050.00 17.4% ' 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 7,161.00 7,647.00 9,576.00 25.2% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 114,572.01 113,967.07 137,462.00 20. 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 13,913.27 8,420.84 11,000.00 30.6% 31 02 CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLY 10,687.64 9,393.16 8,500.00 -9.5% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOREUIPMENT 1,147.55 1,421.81 1,000.00 -29.7%' * SUPPLIES 25,748.46 19,235.81 20,500.00 8.6% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 13 PROFESS SERV/CITY AUDIT 33,075.72 30,130.02 31,200.00 3.6% 42 01 POSTAGE 11.53 18.99 0.00 -100.0%., 43 19 BUDGETING&ACCT TRAVEL 3,525.37 3,329.17 3,500.00 5.1% 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 N/A 44 03 ADVERTISING/LID BOND CALLS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A { 45 13........COPY MACHINE 1,691.99 1,394.32 1,800 00 14.8%' 45 15 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 1,415.37 740.08 770.00 4.0% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 863.51 1,661.69 1,500.00 -9.7%' 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 4,713.41 3,720.34 1,500.00 -59.7% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 1,799.57 2,169.84 1,800.00 -17.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 47,096.47 43,164.45 43,870.00 1.6% ** BUDGETING&ACCOUNTING 584,904.72 612,802.57 687,848.00 12.3 197 wr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MARILYN PETERSEN ow DEPT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: CITY CLERK DIV: RECORDS/ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/CITY CLERK ACCT: 000 000 04 EXPENDITURE DETAIL _ ACCOUNT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET DESCRIPTION CHANGE 514 30 00 00 RECORDS/ADMIN SVC/CITY CLERK go 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 137,300.24 140,015.91 142,538.00 1.8% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 329.25 0.00 -100.0%' * SALARIES AND WAGES 137,300.24 140,345.16 142,538.00 1.6% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 20,336.15 9,662.29 11,318.00 17.1%. 20 03 FICA 10,441.53 10,742.12 10,905.00 1.5.4 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 9,666.24 11,174.00 15,984.00 43.0% : 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 367.29 448.98 392.00 712.7*% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 521.96 553.84 614.00 10.9%' 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 1,725.25 2,090.00 2,868.00 37.2% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 43,058.42 34,671.23 42,081.00 21.4% 30 00 SUPPLIES _.__....._ _.... ...... __.. ._. 31 00 UFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,224.28 3,223.60 3,366.00 4.4%' 31 19 MICROFILM SUPPLIES 4.679.8.5. 4,675.62 5,100.00 9.1%. 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOREQUIPMENT 1,111.87 775.19 1,500.00 93.5%" * SUPPLIES 9,016.00 8,674.41 9,966.00 14.9% :.:... ............._........__..........._.. ........._. ........_...._._.._... .......... ...._...-- ........_..-............... .._...... ..........._._................__........i: I�Ir 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 66 MICROFILMING CONTRACT 8,813.63 2,522.74 5,000.00 98.2% _ .............._..__. ._ _.... _ __................ ..... .... ............ ...._.._._ _........... ......... ....._. 43 18 RECORDS SERV TRAVEL 505.03 230.181. 1,200.00 421.4%I 43 47 MEAL ALL 0W/INFO DESK VOLUNTEER 2,505.00 2,310.00 2,600.00 12.6% _. ... .......... .._..._._....__. _...... _... ..........._............ ............_. ........ 44 02 ADVERTISING/CITY CLERK 6,144.12 8,996.01 10,000.00 42.9%9 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 276.01 (220.80) 0.00 -100.0% _.. .._ _.... ......... .........._..._..._.-_.. ......._. ._....... ......_..... -... ........ ........... -... ....... .......__. .............: 48 00 REPAIRS 8 MAINTENANCE 3,554.51 3,847.04 4,876.00 26.7% ............. ._.__.... _...._.. __..... ... ... .._.._....... ........._ __..................I ... ......_.. ......... ........I.._:: 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,101.15 1,765.94 1,300.00 -26.4%:: __ .... __.......-.. __...... ....._.._._.........._.......... _ _........... ........... ...._..... ...._I..... .. I......... .......... .............. aw 49 14 LEGAL&RECORDING FEES 1,395.90 1,043.53 2,000.00 91.7% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 115.00 87.00 150.00 72.4%' _ ........ ........_ _ ........ .._..... _._.._.. ......._. 49 39CODIFICATIONS 16,380.58 4,213.19 7,000.00 66.1%' 49 40 RC SUPPLEMENTS 393.58 452.04 400.00 -11.5 so * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 41,184.51 1 23,246.85 34,526.00 48.5% ** RECORDS/ADMIN SVC/CITY CLERK 230,559.17 206,937.65 229,111.00 1 10.7%1. DIV: ELECTION COSTS ACCT: 000 000 04 'I 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 511 70 00 00 ELECTION COSTS sw 50 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 51 09 ELECTION EXPENSE 6,279.92 29.98 14,000.00 N/A ** ELECTION COSTS 6.279.92 29.98 14,000.00 N/A IIiD DIV: VOTER REGISTRATION COSTS ACCT: 000 000 04 1890 1991 1992 % _. ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' _.. wr 511 80 00 00 VOTER REGISTRATION COSTS 50 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 51 16 VOTER REGISTRATION EXPENSE 17,237.34 18,140.09 20,000.00 10.3% ** VOTER REGISTRATION COSTS 17,237.34 18,140.09 20,000.00 10.3% *** ELECTIONNOTER REGISTRATION i 23.517.261 18,170.07 1 34,000.00 1 87.1% rr� 198 iw CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MARILYN PETERSENI DEPT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: CITY CLERK DIV: PRINTING AND DUPLICATION SERVICES ACCT: 000 000 04 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1690 9997 9>iG2 9b ............................ -.- ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL 9UbGET CHANGE 518 70 00 00 PRINTING AND DUPLICATION SERV 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 30,264.00 32,476.55 34,920.00 7.5% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 (106.21) 0.00 -100.0%' * SALARIES AND WAGES 30,284.00 32,370.34 34,920.00 7. di 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,080.30 2,517.00 2,773.00 10.2% 20 03 FICA 2,315.37 2,496.43 2,672.00 7.0% 20 C4 PREPAID MEDICAL 1,140.00 1.090.00 1,500.00 37.6% 20 Ob INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 68.89 72.79 87.00 19.5% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 125.80 133.96 143.00 6.7%' 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 260.00 256.00 312.00 21.9%' * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 5,990.36 6,586.18 7,487.0014.0 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICEIOPERATING SUPPLIES 48,588.65 44,127.25 48,500.00 9.9% * SUPPLIES 48,588.65 44,127.25 48,500.00 9.9% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 40,726.24 20,799.38 21,181.001. 1.8%' 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 3,761.17 19,078.88 30,500.00 59.9% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS 3 REGISTRA 220.00 286.00 300.00 4.9%' 49 19 STATE TAX 7,642.50 7,842.98 7,000.00 -10.7% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 52,349.91 48,007.04 58,981.00 22.gqkl ** PRINTING AND DUPLICATION SERV 137,192.92 1 131,070.81 149,888.00 14.4 199 rr ..... ........................................... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: PHIL JEWETT W� DEPT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR: DIV: DATA PROCESSING ACCT: 000 000 04 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1saeoY 19>a2 % ACCOUNT 01=SCRIPTlON ACTUAL _.. ACTUAL BUDGET _ CHANGE'' 518 80 00 00 DATA PROCESSING 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 170,22 1.1.89 185,053.95 20 11 1A06.00 9.1% 10 02 OVERTIME 5,435.01 2,467.68 1,000.00 -59.6% * SALARIES AND WAGES 175,656.70 187,521.63 202,806.00 8.2 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 11,724.48 14,476.11 16,103.00 11.2% 20 03 FICA 13,330.77 14,355.52 15,515.00 8.1% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 14,310.24 15,044.12 18,61900 23.8% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 391.68 379.94 435.00 14.5% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 724.72 779.80 853.00 9.4%' 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 3,484.00 3,428.00 4,200.00 22.5%` * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 43,965.89 .48,463.49 55,725.00 15.0 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 41,603.45 41,034.24 40,000.00 -2.5% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 0.00 733.33 0.00 -100.0% * SUPPLIES 41,603.45 41,767.57 40,000.00 -4.2 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 1�CHARGES +r1 41 80 PROF SERV/DATA PROCESSING 12,858.19 0.00 0.00 N/A 42 01 POSTAGE _ _.. _ 32.61 0.00 - _ 0.00 _ N/A 42 02 TELEPHONE0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 43 01 FREIGHT CHARGES 545.87 28.02 0.00 -100.0% ft 43 09 DATA PROCESSING TRAVEL184.98 188.00 0.00 -100.0% 43 36 DP TRAINING(CITY-WIDE) 6,334.00 7,235.00 10,000.00 38.2% 48 00 REPAIRS i MAINTENANCE 70,544.09 67,540.69 87,000.00 -0.8% 48 03 TELEPHONE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 95.00 45.00 0.00 -100.0%. 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 142.50 19.48 400.00 1953.4% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1 90,737.24 1 75,036.191 77,400.00 1 3.2 ** DATA PROCESSING 351,953.28 352,788.88 375,931.00 8.6 W1Y +Ww to • 200 to r CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: PAULA HENDERSON DEPT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: UTILITY ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR! DIV: UTILITY BILLING ACCT: 000 000 04 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ... 1990 1997 1992 . % ... . ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 538 11 00 00 UTILITY BILLING 00 2004 COBRA MEDICAL FEE (345.29) 0.00 0.00 N/A 00 2009 COBRA DENTAL FEE (63.00) 0.00 0.00 WA 68 20 REIMS FROM INSURANCE FUND (3,980.43) (4,420.72) 08 21 REIMB FROM GOLF COURSE FUND (3,980.43) (4,420.72) (4,811.00) 8.8% 08 49 REIMB FROM AIRPORT (3,980.43) (4,420.71) (4,811.00) 8.8% 08 50 REIMB FROM SOLID WASTE (59,701.46) (66,310.77) (72,161.00) 8.8% 08 51 REIMB FROM WATER UTILITY (171,144.53) (190,090.87) (208,862.00) 8.8% 08 52. ..REIMB FROM SEWER UTILITY (67,662.33) (75,152.20) (81,782.00) 8.8% li 08 53 REIMB FROM STORM UTILITY (67,662.33) (75,152.20) (81,782.00) 8.8% 08 54 REIMB FROM EQUIP RENTAL (19,900.15) (22,103.59) (24,054.00) 8.8% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (398,420.38) (442,071.78) (481,074.00) 8.8% 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 233,317.75 264,147.09 287,702.00 8.9% 10 02 OVERTIME 66.64 543.38 500.00 -8.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 233,384.39 264,690.45 288,202.00 8.9 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 16,094.69 20,127.79 22,844.00 13.5% __.. 20 03 FICA 18,141.64 20,524.63 22,010.00 7.2% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 23,044.09 26,061.20 34,443.00 32.2% ld 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,795.55 1,840.48 2,190.00 19.0% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 985.28 1.1,105.92 1,235.00 11.7% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 4,714.00 5,128.00 6,288.00 22.6%' * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 64,775.25 74,788.02 89,010.00 19.0 66 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,975.12 2,002.48 5,000.00 149.7%. 35 00 SMALL TOOLS&MINOR EQUIPMENT 0.00 1 1.,058.14 2,500.00 136.3.% * SUPPLIES 1,975.12 3,060.62 7,500.00 145.0 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 33 UTILITY BILL PROCESSING 22,509.92 22,528.39 16,500.00 -28.8% 41 56 UTILITY FINANCIAL AUDIT 0.00 3,347.78 3,800.00 13.5%' x 42 01 POSTAGE 38,800.07 42,814.15 42,250.00 -1.3% 43 16 UTIL BILLING TRAVEL/TRAINING 1,917.70 1,689.48 1,500.00 -11.2%- 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 N/A 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 89.22 1,377.34 1,000.00 -27.4% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 14,352.00 6,606.00 16,368.00 147.8% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 740.16 298.04 1,000.00 235.5% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 432.50 395.00 500.00 26.6.6 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 209.86 186.58 250.00 34.0% 49 43 UTILITY BILL COLLECTION FEES 4,902.30 2,734.55 4,500.00 64.6% _. 49 86 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 N/A id * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1 83,953.73 1 81,975.29 91,168.00 11.2% ** OTHER UTILITIES 1 (14,331.89) (17,557.40) (5,194.00) -70.4% 201 rrr __.._... .._. ... ...._... _...... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: PAULA HENDERSON :DEPT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: UTILITY ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR _. ... ... -DIV: UTILITY BILLING ACCT: 000 000 04 lw EXPENDITURE DETAIL . 1990 7991 1992 40 ACCOUNT -.,..DESCRIPTION:: ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 538 12 00 00 UTILITY BILLING TEMPORARY HELP err __. 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 3,204.00 2,800.00 2,955.00 5.540 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 3,204.00 2,800.00 2,955.00 5.50.0 of _ _.....__........- _...__... .._........ __. .. ............ _... ............ 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 03 FICA 0.00 0.00 226.00 N/A 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 13.00 N/A Yrw * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 239.00 N/A ** UTILITY BILLING TEMPORARY HELP 3,204.00 1 2,800.00 1 3,194.00 1 14.144 ** OTHER UTILITIES (11,127.89) (14,757.40) (2,000.00) -86.4% _... _ _. .. . .._.. ... _ _ _ _ ........... . . . DIV: UTILITY BILLING UNCAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT. 000 000 04 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 38 00 00 UTILITY BILLING CAPITALZ EXP I 11 64 35 UTILITY BILLING MACH&EQUIPMT 9,372.72 14,757.40 2,000.00 -86.4.0 ** UTIL BILLING CAPITALIZED EXP 9,372.72 14,757.40 2,000.00 —86.4% *** UTILITY BILLING (1,755.17) 0.00 0.00 —100.046 _. _.__.. ow :FUND GENERALPERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS ...__._.. ... . DEPT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR DIV: CAPITAL OUTLAYACCT: 000 000 04 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 3991 1992 u� . . ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAt BUDGET CHANGE 594 18 00 00 CENTRAL SERV CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 64 03 BUDGETING&ACCT MACH&EQUIPMT 8,649.74 6,415.18 3,000.00 —53.240 64 04 CITY CLERK MACH&EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 N/A 64 08 PRINTING MACH&EQUIPMENT 1,503.81 0.00 2,000.00 N/A 64 09 DATA PROCESSING MACH&EQUIPMT 0.00 0.00 14,500.00 N/A 64 73 CENTRAL COPY MACHINE REPLMT 41,630.40 0.00 0.00 N/A ** CENT SERV CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 51,783.95 6,415.18 21,500.00 235.140 *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 61,156.67 21,172.58 23,500.00 11.0% **** ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPT, 1;378,166.13' 7,327,985.16'' 1,498,278,00' 12.846 No w 202 +rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS DEPT: NON-DEPARTMENTAL (ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES) TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR' DIV: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES ACCT: 000 000 05 EXPENDITURE DETAIL X990 1991 3992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL .BUDGET CHANGE``: 519 90 00 00 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 08 01 REIMS FR EQUIPMT RENTAL FUND (5,412.00) (5,737.00) (6,093.00) 6.2% 08 02 REIMS FR AIRPORT FUND (3,646.00) (3,860.00) (24,105.00) 624.5%- 08 03 REIMB FR FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND (2,155.00) (2,284.00) (2,426.00) 6.2% w 08 15 REIMB FR SOLID WASTE UTILITY (7,840.00) (8,310.00) (60,825.00) 631.9% 08 25 REIMB FR WATER/SEWER/STORM UTIL (110,038.00) (116,640.00) (301,872.00) 158.8% 08 26 REIMB FR GOLF COURSE FUND (3,971.00) (4,208.00) (4,469.00) 6.2% 08 27 REIMB FR INSURANCE FUND (39,425.00) (41,791.00) (44,382.00) 6.2% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (172,487.00) (182,830.00) (444,172.00) 142.9% 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 10 50 RETIREMENT/TERMINATION PAYMENTS 0.00 19,684.38 100,000.00 408.0% 10 51 RESERVE/CLASS COMP STUDY 0.00 0.00 171,000.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 19,684.38 271,000.00 1276.7% 20 00 _ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 PERS RET/TERM/BALOON PAYMENTS 0.00 12,894.70 0.00 -100.0% 20 02 LEOFF RET/TERM PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 20 03 FICA RET/TERMINATION PAYMENTS 0.00 1,659.22 0.00 -100.0% 20 10 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 21,850.00 21,850.00 21,850.00 0.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 21,850.00 36,403.92 21,850.00 -40.0% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 42 01 POSTAGE/GENERAL GOVT FUNDS 46,707.58 52,582.75 52,000.00 -1.1% 45 02 EQ RTL/MOTOR POOL 4,860.00 2,952.00 3,696.00 25.2% 45 15 MAIN AVE PROPERTYRENTAL 5,400.00 5,850.00 5,400.00 -7.7% 46 00 INSURANCE/LIAB-PROP/GEN GOVT 531,434.00 463,270.00 495,700.00 7.0% 49 01 ASSOC OF WASH CITIES 15,307.73 16,577.88 18,684.00 12.7% 49 02 FICA ADM COSTS 465.11 393.16 600.00 52.6%' 49 04 PUGET SOUND REGIONAL COUNCIL 11,544.00 2,951.00 12,000.00 306.6%'- 49 10 CATV 10,078.00 10,781.00 12,000.00 11.3% 49 19 TAX COMMISSION 114.96 86.82 100.00 15.2%' 49 30 SEA-KING CO ECONOMIC COUNCIL 0.00 7,782.00 0.00 -100.0% 49 54 GOV SUMMIT ASSMT/SUBURBAN CITIES 0.00 2,827.79 20,310.00 618.2% 49 57 DOWNTOWN RENTON ASSOC(DRA) 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.0% 49 60 PROPERTY TAX/DRAINAG E/WETLANDS 307.98 416.37 430.00 3.3% 49 72 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 49 74 WA KOREAN WAR VETERAN MEMORIAL 0.00 1,250.00 0.00 -100.0% 49 99 1986 FEDERAL WITHHOLDING (18.36) 0.00 0.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 626,201.00 587,7220.77 640,920.00 9.1% 50 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 51 04 RESERVE/SEA-K CO PUBLIC HEALTH 474,744.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 53 02 STATE USE TAX/EXCISE TX AUDIT 32,635.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV&TAXES 507,379.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** OTHER GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 982,943.00 460,979.07 489,598.00 6.2% f 203 +r ..... ........ . . CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS DEPT: NON-DEPARTMENTAL (ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES) TITLE: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR DIV: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES (See Below) ACCT: 000 000 05 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ............................. 1990 1991 1982 % 7 ACCOUNT. ESCRiPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE< to 20 00 00 WPERS PRIOR SERVICE LIABILITY 20 35 WPERS PRIOR SERVICE COSTS 8,122.44 8,122.44 8,123.00 0.0% *** EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAMS 8,122.44 8,122.44 8,123.00 0.0% go 19901991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 531 70 00 00 POLLUTION CONTROL 51 03 ..... PUGET SOUND AIR POLLUTION 14,238.00 14,750.00 14,980.00 1.1.6% *** NATURAL RESOURCES 14,238.00 14,750.00 14,980.00to 1.8% 1990 19911992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 567 02 00 00 ALCOHOL PROGRAM 51 05 ALCOHOL PROGRAM 8,892.04 10,600.55 9,736.00 -8.2% iw *** ALCOHOLISM 8,892.04 10,600.55 9,738.00 -8.2 > 1980 1891 1992 % ACCOUNT flESCRiPTiON ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDQET CHANGE' GEN LONG TERM DEBT/LID ASSESSMTS fm 591 41 00 00 PRINCIPALILID ASSESSMENTS 73 01 LID 302 ASSESSMENT/EARLINGTON 10,784.37 10,784.37 10,785.00 0.0% 73 02 LID 314 ASSESSMENT/EARLINGTON 8,525.85 8,525.85 8,526.00 0.0%` 73 03 LID 314 ASSESSMENT/WETLANDS 24,492.18 24,492.18 24,492.00 -0.0%' to *** PRINCIPAULID ASSESSMENTS 43,802.40 43,802.40 43,803.00 0.0% 592 41 00 00 INTEREST/LID ASSESSMENTS 82 00 INTERFUND INTEREST EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 83 01 LID 302 ASSESSMENT/EARLINGTON 7,395.92 6,163.27 4,931.00 -20.0% 83 02 LID 314 ASSESSMENT/EARLINGTON 7,353.56 6,618.20 5,883.00 -11.1% 83 03 LID 314 ASSESSMENTIWETLANDS 21,124.51 19,012.06 16,900.00 -11.1% *** INTEREST/LID ASSESSMENTS 35,873.99 31,793.53 1 27,714.00 1 -12.8% *** LID PRINCIPAUINTEREST 79,676.39 75,595.931 71,517.00 1 -5.4% rrn 1990 1991 1992 % "ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 597 19 00 00 GENERAL FUND-OPR TRANSFERS OUT Us 55 12 OPR TRF-OUT-GOLF CRS/DEBT SERV 372,000.00 364,715.00 364,715.00 0.0% 55 41 OPR TRF-OUT/INSURANCE FUND 0.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0.0% *** OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT 372,000.00 664,715.00 664,715.00 0.0% *** NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1,465,871.87 1,234,762.99 1,258,669.00 1.9% itr ow 204 ow CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LARRY WARREN DEPT: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ...TITLE: CITY ATTORNEY DIV: LEGAL SERVICES/CITY ATTORNEY ACCT: 000 000 06 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1690 1981 1992 ................. ................................... ............. ................ ............. ............... ......------- ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION :ACTUAL ACTUAL :BUDGET CHANGE 515 20 00 00 LEGAL SERVICESICITY ATTORNEY 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,251.40 1,529.25 3,0 0 0 00 96.2% SUPPLIES 2,251.40 1,529.25 3.000.00 96.2cY� 46 60 OTHER SERVICES CHARGES 41 37 OTHER LEGAL PROF SERVICES 1.1 04.932.52 68,468.30 60,000.00 —12.4% ld 41 50 MUNICIPAL COURT PROSECUTOR 1 80,000.0 1 0 80,000.00 110,000.00 37.5% 41 90 REGULAR LEGAL STAFF SERVICES 254,842.00 260,000.00 285,000.00 9.6% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 295.00 2,000.00 578.0% OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 439,774.52 408,763.30 457,000.00 11.8% LEGALDEPARTMENT 442,025.02: 410,292.55 480,000.00 12.1% IWA IN 205 .r CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: R.ON NELSON: +1r DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICESTITLE• BUILDING OFFICIAL DIV: PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION SERVICES ACCT: 000 000 07 .... EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 7991 1882 % ACCOUNT )DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE ■1r 532 20 00 00 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION SERV .. ......... ... ............................_.....-......._.....__:_ 08 00 INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 08 51 REIMB FROM WATER UTILITY (74 341.00) (77 649.97) (81,500.00) -20.8% 0.8.52. 1 111. REIMB FROM SEWER UTILITY (49,560.00) (48,176.92) (47,400 ... ....__. 08 53 REIMB FROM STORM UTILITY (49,560.00) (47 400.00) (47,400.00) 0.0% 68 55 CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT (41,165.18) (38,986.52) (18,000.00) -53.8% * INTERFUND REIMBURSMTS/EXPCREDIT (214,626.18) (212,213.41) (174,300.00) -17.9ab res 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 297,686.47 227,016.21 235,158.00 3.6% .. 10 02 OVERTIME _......... ..........__...... 1,435.63 6,354.67 3,225.00 -49.2% * SALARIES AND WAGES 299,122.10 233,370.88 238,383.00 2.1% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 36,919.89 17,864.50 18,928.00 6.0% 20 03 FICA 22,886.46 17,949.88 18,237.00 1.8% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 23,043.11 15,278.62 20,820.00 36.3% ow 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,759.76 2,957.28 3,336.00 12.8% __ . 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,148.36 827.15 979.00 18.4% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 5,747.45 3,656.00 4,452.00 21.8% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 93,505.03 58,533.43 66,752.00 14.0% 1rr .... ...... 30 00 ..- SUPPLIES..... _ _ . _. ............ ........ ...... ........_. ... 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,767.53 505.14 1,750.00 246.4%� 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 6,309.64 1,969.30 6,650.00 237.7% 40 * SUPPLIES 9,077.17 2,474.44 8,400.00 239.5 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 51 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 4,205.00 19,000.00 351.8% . .. .... _. _..... 41 143 INTERIM ENGINEERING SERVICES 14,595.02 0.00 0.00 N/A . ...........-.._. ...... .. 42 02 TELEPHONE 2,505.65 5,930.23 2,650.00 55.3% 43 59 TRAVEL _...._....__ _.. ....... 465.38 106.18 31.50.00 229.6%,' 43 60 TRAINING.&SCHOOLS 849.00 2,052.50 2,10 0.00 2.3% rrr 45 61 OTHER RENTALS... _ ..... 0.00 _ ....0.00. 0.00 N/A 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 35,621.00 25,080.00 31,596.00 26.0% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 300.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 519.54 469.96 900.00 91.5.6 W1 49 14 RECORDING FEES 0.00 9.00 0.00 -100.0% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 60.54 60.62 100.00 65.0% * OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 54,616.13 37,913.49 56,996.00 50.3% 90 00 INTERFUND PAYMENTS FOR SERVICE 91 24 GEN FD REIMB UTILITY ADM 20,839.34 0.00 0.00 N/A 91 25 GEN FD REIMB UTIL PLAN REVIEW 152,097.43 0.00 0.00 N/A * INTERFUND PAYMENTS FOR SERVICE 1 172,936.77 0.00 0.00 N/A rr ** PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION SERV 1 414,631.02 120,078.83 196,231.00 63.4% (1111 YI�I 206 1M1 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSEN DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DIV: PUBLIC INFORMATION COUNTERACCT: 000 000 07 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % .............. „ ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AGTUAL ACTUAL :.::...BUDGET CHANGE- 532 22 00 00 PUBLIC INFORMATION COUNTER 08 00 1NTERFD REIMBURSEMTS/EXPCREDIT 08 50 REIMB FROM SOLID WASTE UTILITY (477.00) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 51 REIMB FROM WATER UTILITY (19,088.00) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 52 REIMB FROM SEWER UTILITY (19,088.00) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 53 REIMB FROM STORM UTILITY (19,088.00) 0.00 0.00 N/A * INTERFD REIMBURSEMTS/EXP CREDIT (57,741.00) 0.00 0.00 N/A 10 00 SALARIES A WAGES 71,621.60 128,842.50 161,638.00 25.5% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 505.21 1,000.00 97.9% * SALARIES$WAGES 71,821.80 129,347.71 162,638.00 25.7 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 5,025.36 10,130.69 12,913.00 27.5% 20 03 FICA 5,481.03 91900.01 12,443.00 25.7% 20 04 MEDICAL4,620.00 7,480.21 11,124.00 48.7% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL IN 135.26 335.67 435.00 29.6% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 282.70 542.76 679.00 25.1% 20 09 DENTAL 934.00 1,780.00 2,520.00 41.6% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 16,478.35 30,169.34 40,114.00 33.0% 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 84.41 1,418.34 2,000.00 41.0% 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 3,733.96 42.49 2,000.00 4807.0% * SUPPLIES 3,818.37 1,480.83 4,000.00 173.8 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 16,353.96 20,000.00 22.3% 43 59 TRAVEL 0.00 90.89 500.00 450.1% 43 60 TRAINING 5 SCHOOLS 151.50 339.75 1,100.00 223.8% 48 00 REPAIRS 5 MAINTENANCE 250.00 0.00 400.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 253.73 540.00 450.00 -16.7% 49 14 LEGAURECORDING FEES/PERMITS 0.00 18.00 25.00 38.9%. 49 16 PUBLICATIONS0.00 50.79 1,400.00 2658.4% will _ 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 25.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 655.23 17,393.39 23,900.00 37.4% ** PUBLIC INFORMATION COUNTER 34,832.55 178,371.27 230,652.00 29.3% DIV: PUBLIC INFORMATION COUNTER PART TIME ACCT: 000 000 07 1980 1991 1982 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 532 29 00 00 PUBLIC INFO COUNTER PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 0.00 3,007.25 4,500.00 49.6% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 NIA * SALARIES 8 WAGES 0.00 3,007.25 4,500.00 49.6% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 03 FICA 0.00 71.15 345.00 384.9% 16 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 7.02 17.00 142.2% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 78.17 362.00 363.1% ** PUBLIC INFO COUNTER PART TIME 0.00 3,085.42 4,862.00 57.6% *** PUBLIC INFORMATION COUNTER 34,832.55 181,456.69 235,514.00 29.8% :i I1� 207 w _. .. . ..._...._ .......... ..... ..... . .. . . ........ CITY OF REN TON 1992 BUDGET ,FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GREG ZIMMER14ANI err DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TITLE: PLANREVIEW SUPERVISOR DIV: PLAN REVIEW ACCT: 000 000 07 EXPENDITURE DETAIL , , _ 1990 !si91 1992 ;ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 532 30 00 00 PLAN REVIEW T . O8 00 1NTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 018-50.111. REIMB FROM SOLID WASTE UTILITY 0.00 _. (500.00) __...._(530.00). _ 8.0% 08 51 REIMB FROM WATER UTILITY 0.00 _ (35.000.00) (37.200.00). _8.3% 08 52 REIMB FROM SEWER UTILITY 0.00 (35,000.00) (37,200.00) 8.3%` 08 53 REIMB FROM STORM UTILITY 0.00 (35,000.00) (35,000.00) 0.0% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 0.00 (105,500.00) (109,930.00) 4.2% 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 0.00 211,479.08 247,723.00 17.1% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 1,882.75 3,000.00 78.3% * SALARIES A WAGES 0.00 213,161.83 250,723.00 17.6 .20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 16,332.94 19,908.00 21.9% 20 03 FICA 0.00 15,954.19 19,181.0020.2% 20 04 MEDICAL 0.00 18,585.29 24,222.00 1. 46.0% 20 Ob INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 369.21 479.00 29.7% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 842.33 1,053.00 25.0% _. 20 09 DENTAL 0.00 3,498.00 4,826.00 32.2% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 53,581.96 69,489.00 29.8% 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 880.93 1,750.00 103.3% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOREQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 N/A rr * SUPPLIES 0.00 880.93 4,150.00 382.0 40 00 OTHER SERVICES6 CHARGES ... .. 41 148 PUB WKS PROFESSINAL SERVICES 0.00 9,756.12 17,000.00 74.2% „43 59 TRAVEL _.... _. ..._ 0.00 12.00 5 00.00 4086.7% .43 W TRAININGiSCHOOLS 0.00 836.00 1,250.00 49.5% 48 00 REPAIRS 3 MAINTENANCE 0.00 81.15 300.00 289.7% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS A REGISTRATIONS 0.00 581.46 800.00 37.6% 49 14 LEGAL/RECORDING FEES/PERMITS 0.00 0.00 100.00 N/A 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 N/A 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 50.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0.00 1 11,266.73 21,800.00 93.5 ** PLAN REVIEW 0.00 1 173,371.45 236,212.00 36.24 �r 4ir 208 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET ,FUND: GENERALPERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSEN DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DIV: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 000 000 07 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1960 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 558 13 00 00 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMIN 07 00 EXTERNAL REIMB/EXP CREDIT/EIS 07 03 SUPPLEMENTAL DEV FEE REIMS 0.00 0.00 (5,000.00) N/A * EXTERNAL REIMB/EXPENDITURE CR 0.00 0.00 (5,000.00) NIA 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 50,161.68 85,510.50 94,243.00 10.2% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 1,008.00 500.00 -50.4% * SALARIES AND WAGES 50,161.68 86,518.50 94,743.00 9.5% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS3,210.24 6,603.20 7,523.00 13.9% 20 03 FICA ..3,778.27 _6,589.12. 6,981.00. 5.9% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 3,567.00 5,822.00 7,860.00 35.0% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 78.05 132.73 174.00 31.1% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 179.59 320.32 398.00 24.3% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 707.00 1,293.00 1,584.00 22.5% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 11,520.15 20,760.37 24,520.00 18.1 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICEIOPERATING SUPPLIES 1,305.27 617.39 700.00 13.4% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 8,033.44 414.68 1,500.00 261.7% * SUPPLIES 9,338.71 1,032.07 2,200.00 113.2 40 60 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 43 39 TRAVEL 2,018.74 971.35 1,000.00 2.9% 4360 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 466.00 600.00 28.8% 4616b.- 800 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 13,692.79 13,200.00 3.e% 49 12 . MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA___. 97.00 307.00 500.00 82.994' 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 897.44 460.12 1,000.00 117.3% ' * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,013.18 15,897.26 16,300.00 2.5 ** DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMIN 74,033.72 124,208.20 132,763.00 6.9 DIV: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMININISTRATION PART TIME ACCT: 000 000 07 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE, 558 14 00 00 DEVELOPMT SERV ADMIN PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 3,839.00 8,000.00 108.4% * SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 3,839.00 8,000.00 108.4% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 0.00 472.00 N/A 20 03 FICA 0.00 289.73 612.00 111.2% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 144.62 31.00 -78.6% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 434.35 1,115.00 156.7% ** DEVELOPMT SERV ADMIN PART TIME 0.00 4,273.35 9,115.00 113.3% ** DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMIN 74,033.72 128,481.55 141,878.00 10.4 209 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSEN DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DIV: DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING ACCT. 000 000 07 wM EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1900 1991 1892 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 558 61 00 00 DEVELOPMT A PLANNING 07 00 EXTERNAL REIMB/EXP CREDIT/EIS 07 03 SUPPLEMENTAL DEV FEE REIMB 0.00 0.00 (35,000.00) N/A * EXTERNAL REIMB/EXPENDITURE CR 0.00 0.00 (35,000.00) N/A 08 00 INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 08 55 CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 (1,809.94) 0.00 -100.0% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 0.00 (1,809.94) 0.00 -100.0% 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 260,652.28 232,876.21 233,321.00 0.2% iYli _. _. 10 02 OVERTIME 5,509.79 9,627.04 11,000.00 14.3% * SALARIES AND WAGES 286,162.07 242,503.25 244,321.00 0.7 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS17,736.81 25,302.92 19,400.00 -23.3% 20 03 FICA _ 20,193.20 18,454.42 18,091.00_ 1.3% 20 04 MEDICAL 19,202.6. I 18,342.78 17,301.00 5.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 818.95 542.07 522.00 -3.7% 0* 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,018.90 1,016.22 980.00 -3.6% 20 09 DENTAL 4,135.98 3,494.00 3,852.00 10.2% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 63,106.28 65,152.41 80,746.00 -6.8%- 36 00 SUPPLIES mw 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,237.24 2,302.31 3,500.00 52.0% 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 2,670.10 185.02 3,000.00 1521.4% * SUPPLIES 5,907.34 2,487.33 6,500.00 181.3 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 06 ORILLIA RETAIL CTR EIS/SABEY111,548.80 0.00 ..... .. 0.00 .......N/A 41 43 MOB II EIS/VALLEY MEDICAL 28,000.00 22,855.91 .0.00 100.0% 41 85 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0.00 0.00 2,850.00 N/A 41 126 MCMAHON/HLCRST VLG EIS/CENTRON 12,168.89 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 135 1989-1990 BOEING EXPANSION EIS 118,755.35 5,009.05 0.00 -100.0% 41 140 KENWORTH RENTON TRUCK PLNT EIS 12,034.89 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 142 CONTRACT CLERICAL HELP 148.54 0.00 1,400.00 N/A i11t THE BLUFFS EIS 33,832.00 6,549.00 0.00 -100.0% 41 157 BLACK RIVER CORP PK PH VII EIS 38,273.18 58,204.59 0.00 -100.0% 41 158 BLACK RIVER CORP PK N 1/2 EIS 13,148.45 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 159 THE ORCHARDS EIS/NORTHWD REZNE 9,072.50 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 160 FOREST CREST EIS/DOMINION DEV 18,300.00 3,880.00 0.00 N/A 41 165 ORCHARDS SUPLMTL EIS/NRTHWD DV 13,640.00 24,427.25 0.00 -100.0% 41 166 FOREST CREST EIS/LA BLANC 0.00 5,032.50 0.00 -100.0% 41 79218 KING CO CORF EIS REVIEW 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A ar 41 79256 PUGET POWER TRANS/EIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 79257 RABANCO WASTE RECOVERY/EIS 0.00 77,747.58 0.00 -100.0% 41 79260 METRO SEWAGE PLANT/EIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 79261 BOEING/LONGACRES MASTER PLAN/EIS 0.00 54,802.02 0.00 N/A inr 41 79265 SEATTLE TIMES PLANT/EIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A ..........: 41 79268 PACCAR TRUCK FACILITY/EIS 0.00 53,197.75 0.00 -100.0%. 43 59 TRAVEL 1,564.92 1,843.87 1,550.00 -15.9% 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 1,044.50 2,300.00 120.2%- ............: N 44 04 ADVERTISING 4,647.17 8,563.83 8,000.00 -8.6% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,690.00 2,940.00 3,552.00 20.8% 45 14 COPY MACHINE RENTAL 6,540.83 0.00 0.00 N/A 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 10,632.27 209.91 1,000.00 376.4% to 49 06 PRINTING&BINDING 689.37 0.00 1,000.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 1,380.15 1,286.00 700.00 -45.8% . .... .................................. .. 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 296.71 254.59 500.00 98.4%' * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1 438,363.62 327,628.35 22,652.00 -93.1% ** DEVELOPMENT&PLANNING 1 773,539.31 635,961.40 299,219.00 -53.0% 210 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSEN 'DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR DIV: DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING (See Below) ACCT: 000 000 07 EXPENDITURE DETAIL G9990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGES 558 62 00 00 SUPPLEMENTAL DEVELOPMT REVIEW 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 164 DEV REVIEW CONSULTANT 0.00 10,306.40 20,000.00 94.1% 41 79260 METRO SEWER PLANT EXPNS/PRE-APP 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 79261 BOEING-LONGACRES/PRE-APP 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 79262 VALLEY MED CTR MSTR PLAN/PRE-APP 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 79265 SEATTLE TIMES/PRE-APP 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 79266 RENTON CENTER/PRE-APP 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 79268 PACCAR TRUCK FACILITY/PRE-APP 0.00 6,922.25 0.00 -100.0% 41 79269 PORT OENDALL FPUD/PRE-APP 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0.00 17,228.65 1 20,000.00 16.1% ** SUPPLEMENTAL DEVELOPMT REVIEW 0.00 17,228.65 20,000.00 16.1% 1990 1991 1992 45 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 558 15 00 00 DEVELOPMT&PLANNING PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 30,283.88 47,277.00 56.1% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 30,283.88 47,277.00 56.1% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 0.00 214.48 3,755.00 1650.74- 20 03 FICA 0.00 2,475.70 3,618.00 46.1%". 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 224.70 132.00 -41.3% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 2,914.88 7,505.00 157.5 ** DEVELOPT&PLANNING PART TIME 0.00 33,198.76 54,782.00 65.0 46 *** DEVELOPMENT&PLANNING 847,573.03 814,870.36 515,879.00 -36.7% di 211 II CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: RON NELSON : ow DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I I TITLE: BUILDING OFFICIAL _-_ DIV: " CONSTRUCTION FIELD SERVICES ACCT: 000 000 07 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 7 992 96 ACCOUNT ' DESCRIPTION G ACTUALACTUAL BUOGET CHANGE 559 60 00 00 CONSTRUCTION FIELD SERVICES 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 424,270.25 332,502.51 410,258.00 23.4% _.... _. __. 10 02 OVERTIME 2,858.26 2,340.83 3,085.00 31.8% * SALARIES AND WAGES 427,128.51 334.843.34 413,343.00 23.4% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 29,341.69 26,089.89 32,820.00 25.8% 20 03 FICA 32,335.96 25,318.17 31,061.00 22.7% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 32,692.67 25,830.68 38,360.0048.5% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,042.12 2,882.77 4,622.00 60.3% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,723.83 1,480.71 1,741.00 17.6%" 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 7,069.00 4,685.00 7,260.00 55.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 106,205.27 86,287.22 115,864.00 34.3% 30 00 SUPPLIES ............... .. 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,507.58 908.21 3,250.00 257.8%' 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 2,367.75 4,183.46 7,000.00 67.3% * SUPPLIES 6,875.33 5,091.67 10,250.00 101.3% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 39 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 42,646.00 128.57 69,000.00 N/A 41 96 MICROFILM NEW BLDG PLANS 9,053.38 0.00 15,000.00 N/A 41 130 CLERICAL ASSISTANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 42 02 TELEPHONE 0.00 4,954.00 6,000.00 21.1% an 43 32 TRAVEL 1,064.94 399.39 850.00 112.8% 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 1,268.50 1,400.00 10.4% .... ...... .. 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 26,120.00 15,780.00 27,984.00 77.3% 8 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 162.15 27.05 500.00 1748.446 __ ... _ 1u11 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,785.00 1,013.00 1,400.00 38.2% _ _.. .49 14 LEGAL&RECORDING FEES 15.00 0.00 500.00 N/A 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 643.12 339.11 500.00 47.4% _ .. 49 20 DEMOLITION/DANGEROUS BLDGS 216.20 0.0. 0 0.00 N/A 49 28 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 17.99 0.00 0.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 81,723.78 23,909.62 1 123,134.00 415.0% ** CONSTRUCTION FIELD SERVICES 621,932.89 450,131.85 662,591.00 47.2°6 DIV: INSPECTION PART TIME HELP ACCT: 000 000 07 ■r 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 559 61 00 00 INSPECTION PART TIME HELP ON 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 9,077.55 3,664.27 9,000.00 145.6% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 9,077.55 3,664.27 9,000.00 145.6% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS r 20 03 FICA 744.87 271.37 689.00 153.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 42.64 41.57 97.00 133.3% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 787.51 312.94 786.00 151.2% ** INSPECTION PART TIME HELP 9,865.06 3,977.21 9,786.00 146.1% ; ILII 212 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSEN DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR' DIV: CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 07 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1890 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 58 00 00 DEV A PLANNING CAPITALIZ EXP 64 07 CITY AERIAL PHOTO 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 64 11 MACHINERY$EQUIPMENT 78,542.29 0.00 0.00 NIA ** DEV&PLANNING CAPITALIZ EXP 78,542.29 0.00 0.00N/A 1990 1991 1992 % . ..................... ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE` 594 59 00 00 DEVELOPMT SERV CAPITALIZED EXP 64 00 MACHINERY 8 EQUIPMENT 0.00 2,797.95 11,000.00 293.1% ** DEVELOPMT SERV CAPITALIZED EXP 0.00 2,797.95 11,000.00 293.1% *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 78,542.29 2,797.95 11,000.00 293.1 **** DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2,007,376.84 1,746,684.34 1,867,213.00 6.9 Ail 213 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: ALAN WALLIS : DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: POLICE CHIEF DIV: POLICE ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 000 000 08 EXPENDITURE DETAIL L---­­­-, ::-­­;f:­;., - 1990 ;1991 1892 % -ACCOUNT., >DESCRIPTION,. ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 521 10 00 00 POLICE ADMINISTRATION e 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 85,342.50 98,770.50 105,736.00 7.1% 10 02 OVERTIME 130.030.00 500.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 85,472.53 98,770.50 108,236.00 7.6% r>8 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 1,784.62 2,231.80 2,612.00 17.0% 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 2,980.74 3,339.79 3,508.00 5.0% 20 03 FICA 5,919.14 6,541.03 7,021.00 11 7.3% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 6,528.00 6,798.00 8,580.00 26.2% - 20 05 UNIFORM MEDICAL 19,500.00 19,500.00 19,500.00 0.0% _._ 210.106.1 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 567.21 575.19 648.00 12.7%' 20 07 _ .. LIFE INSURANCE 322.58 334.48 447.00 33.8% rr� 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 1,313.00 1,293.00 1,584.00 22.5% ..20 12 LEOFF RET POL/PREPAID MEDICAL 44,806.39 61,929.43 74,090.00 19.6% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 370.00 370.00 370.00 0.0% 20 16 LEOFF II DISABILITY INSURANCE 195.00 45.00 0.00 -100.0% y * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 84,286.68 102,957.72 118,360.00 15.0 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,278.57 4,797.28 4,500.00 -6.2% 31 12 BOOKS/POLICE LIBRARY 26.82 0.00 0.00 N/A 31 14 QUARTERMASTER SYSTEM 26,230.33 28,962.19 28,320.00 -2.2% * SUPPLIES 30,535.72 33,759.47 32,820.00 -2.8 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 25 PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMS 395.00 750.00 1,000.00 33.3% ........ .........._ ...__.... 42 01 POSTAGE 185.57 202.30 150.00 -25.9% POLICE ADM TRAVEL 804.00 1,965.24 2,000.00 1.8% 43 10 POLICE BOOKS&TUITION 4,237.00 800.00 6,500.00983.3%:. 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,055.00 2,849.00 6,912.00 142.6% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 6,062.53 8,018.36 12,701.00 58.4% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 665.00 430.00 730.00 69.8% 49 51 MISCELLANEOUS/POLADM 519.48 421.98 1,000.00 137.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 15,723.58 15,236.88 30,993.00103.4% 50 00 INTERGOVENMENTAL SERVICES 51 67 POLICE DISPATCHNALLEY-COM 417,776.48 525,556.90 592,951.00 12.8% 51 14 HARBOR PATROL 36,258.00 19,900.00 23,000.00 15.6% * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV&TAXES 454,034.48545,456.90 615,951.00 12.9% ** POLICE ADMINISTRATION 670,052.99 796,181.47 904,360.00 13.6 ■r +err wr 214 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARRY ANDERSON -DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN DIV: POLICE INVESTIGATION ACCT: 000 000 08 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ACCOUNT .:..:DESCRIPTION AG9Th1 L ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 521 21 00 00 POLICE INVESTIGATION 07 00 EXTERNAL REIMB/EXP CREDIT 07 05 REIMB FROM FIFE/JOE PEACH 0.00 (36,979.06) 0.00 -100.0%. * EXTERNAL REIMB/EXP CREDIT 0.00 (36,979.06) 0.00 -100.0% 10 00.. SALARIES AND WAGES 545,033.42 631,396.93 654,898.00 3.7% 10 02 OVERTIME 39,645.73 40,222.93 45,628.00 13.4% 10 13 PRIVATE SECURITY OT 9,084.95 19,936.62 25,000.00 25.4% * SALARIES AND WAGES 593,764.10 691,556.48 725,326.00 4.9% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,055.69 3,258.64 2.838.00. -19.0%' 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 29,897.79 33,890.92 36,728.00 8.4% 20 03 FICA 46,095.75 52,117.48 55,762.00 7.0%.' 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 41,398.70 44,162.42 56,034.00 26.9%. 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,264.16 3,185.22 2,892.00 -9.2% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 2,320.94 2,535.26 2,765.00 9.1%,- 26 09 PREPAID DENTAL 8,504.01 8,530.05 10,488.00 23.0% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 780.00 4,440.00 4,810.00 8.3% 20 16 LEOFF 11 DISABILITY INSURANCE 825.00 195.00 0.00 -100.0%' * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 134,142.04 152,314.99 172,115.00 13.0 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,208.68 1,576.79 2,420.00 53.5%' 35 00 SMA LLTO OLS/MINOREQUIPMENT 1,177.18 2,626.28 4,378.00 86.7% * SUPPLIES 2,385.88 4,203.07 6,798.00 61.7 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 16 INVESTIGATIVE FUND 5,659.96 15,091.49 15,000 00 -0.6% 1� 41 17 INVESTIGATION VEHICLE 845.77 4,800.51 2,400.00 -47.8%' 41 55 NARCOTICS CONFISCATION FUND 18,780.72 18,490.43 0.00 -100.0% 41 94 TECH ASST/POL INVESTIGA 4,901.18 3,879.38 19,653.00 406.6% 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 2,322.41 2,770.20 5,506.00 98.8%- 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 49,230.00 18,164.82 47,884.00 162.4% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 81,740.04 62,998.83 90,223.00 43.2 ** POLICE INVESTIGATION 812,032.04 874,092.31 994,462.00 13.846 215 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARRY ANDERSON . r DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN DIV: POLICE PATROL ACCT: 000 000 08 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL „ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE __. ..._. 521 22 00 00 POLICE PATROL 08 00 INTERFD REIMB/EXP CREDITS 08 60 REIMB OVERTIMEIGOODWILL GAMES (19,867.04) 0.00 0.00 N/A * INTERFD REIMB/EXP CREDITS (19,867.04) 0.00 0.00 N/A 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 2,096,457.06 2,334,808.77 2,580,475.00 10.5% 10 02 OVERTIME 158,871.06 149,640.26 195,175.00 30.4% 10 13 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIME/PD 68,690.09 234,892.60 120,000.00 -48.9% 10 14 STREET PROJECTS/OVERTIMEIPD 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 10 15 EARNEY OVERTIME/PD 1,848.12 1,274.22 3,000.00 135.4% 10 18 PARK/SECURITY OVERTIME 3,224.79 8,371.87 10,000.00 19.4% * SALARIES AND WAGES 2,329,091.12 2,728,987.72 2,908,650.00 6.6% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 1,565.67 1,776.12 1,978.00 5.6% 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 111,709.72 132,880.07 144,608.00 8.8% 20 03 FICA 176,932.27 203,816.09 218,891.00 7.3% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 161,163.33 172,024.10 216,011.00 25.8% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 16,918.96 21,572.33 24,308.00 12.7% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 8,492.51 9,539.02 10,829.0013.5% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 34,526.00 34,768.00 42,144.00 21.2% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 3,680.00 3,894.28 15,590.00 322.0%' 20 16 LEOFF II DISABILITY INSURANCE 5,715.00 1,625.00 0.00 -100.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 520,703.48 581,695.01 674,055.00 15. 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICEIOPERATING SUPPLIES 12,060.93 13,066.03 17,490.00 33.9% . .. ............ ..................... 31 07 K-9 SUPPLIES 5,290.13 5,912.56 4,800.00 -18.8%' 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 10,385.36 18,344.67 21,021.00 14.6%' * SUPPLIES 27,738.42 37,323.26 43,311.00 16.04 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 8 CHARGES 41 27 K-9 VET SERVICES 1,603.14 818.57 2,500.00 205.4% 41 77 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ESU 3,477.98 4,635.73 4,000.00 -13.7% 41 95 EMERG TOW SERVICES 299.32 0.00 500.00 N/A 41 152 SUBPEONA SERVICES 1,980.50 907.29 1,600.00 76.3% 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 3,296.72 4,448.47 5,026.0013.0%' 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 195,673.00 651331.71 208,428.00 219.0% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 4,009.73 1,148.73 51725.00 398.4% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 210,340.39 77,290.50 227,779.00 194.7 wo ** POLICE PATROL 3,068,004.35 3,425,296.49 3,853,795.00 1 12.5% lw m 216 to CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE. GARRY.ANDERSON.', DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN 'DIV: GAMBLING TAX ENFORCEMENT ACCT: 000 000 08 z EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 9991 1992 °6 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGEt ' CHANGE 521 25 00 00 POLICE GAMBLING TAX ENFORCEMENT 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES92,106.18 125,747.53 133,118.00 5.9% ........................... ....... .. .... ..... 10 02 OVERTIME 4,272.64 7,703.07 7,087.00 * SALARIES AND WAGES 96,378.82 133,450.60 140,203.00 5.1 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,043.67 2,644.16 2,650.00 0.2% 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 2,551.19 5,509.09 8,244.00 13.3% 20 03 FICA 5,627.81 10,234.12 10,289.00 0.5% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 5,585.52 7,113.53 9,037.00 27.0% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 71.75 77.87 87.00 11.7% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 303.88 499.04 563.00 12.8% 20 09 PREP AIDDE NTAL 1,014.00 1,256.00 1,538.00 22.3%' 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 330.00 1,010.00 1,010.00 0.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 17,507.82 28,343.81 31,416.00 10.8 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 42 04 WASIC 3,480.00 3,960.00 4,000.00 1.0% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,760.00 3,756.00 5,700.00 51.8%' * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 9,240.00 1 7,716.00 1 9,700.00 25.7 ** GAMBLING TAX ENFORCEMENT 123,126.64 169,510.41 1 181,319.00 7.0 :FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON PERSSON _.. Old DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN DIV: CRIME PREVENTION ACCT: 000 000 08 EXPENDITURE DETAIL .. .4. . . 1990 1991 1892 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 521 30 00 00 POLICE CRIME PREVENTION Id 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 65,963.00 71,629.00 76,235.00 6.4% 10 02 OVERTIME 5,062.21 1,312.28 5,000.00 281.0%` * SALARIES AND WAGES 71,025.21 72,941.28 81,235.00 11.4 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 4,893.29 5,624.36 6,450.00 14.7% 20 03 FICA 5,448.17 5,461.11 6,215.00 13.8% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 4,488.00 5,389.00 6,852.00 27.1% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,023.88 1,081.06 1,112.00 4.8% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 272.94 305.58 325.00 6.4% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 1,066.00 1,254.00 11584.00 28.3% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 540.00 540.00 540.00 0.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 17,732.08 19,635.11 23,078.00 17.5�h 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,253.50 3,076.65 5,400.00 75.5% 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 897.54 3,436.62 3,100.00 -9.8% * SUPPLIES 5,151.04 6,513.27 8,500.00 30.5% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 43 23 VOLUNTEER MEAL ALLOWANCE 6,005.00 5,495.00 7,140.00 29.9% 45 02 EQUIPMENTRENTAL 8,146.00 3,948.00 5,220.00 32.2%,' 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0.00 651.46 700.00 7.5% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 14,151.00 10,094.46 13,060.00 29.4% ** CRIME PREVENTION 108,059.33 109,184.12 125,873.00 15.3% 217 w CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON PERSSON DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN DIV: POLICE ADMININISTRATIVE SERVICE/TRAINING .11 ACCT: 000 000 08 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1890 3981 1892 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 521 40 00 00 POLICE ADMIN SERV/TRAINING . . .: 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 136,341.79 151,858.08 179,924.00 18.6% 10 02 OVERTIME 4,976.97 7,770.34 9,330.00 20.1% 10 13 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIMEIPD 3,113.99 1,739.23 2,500.00 43.7% 10 15 EARNEWOVERTIME 183.28 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 144,616.01 161,167.65 191,754.00 19.0 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,030.02 11 1,781.86 2,577.00 44.6% 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 8,239.53 4,892.41 8,456.00 72.8% 20 03 FICA 11,078.09 11 1.,491.00 14,479.00 28.0 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 1 11,981.48 11,965.50 16,215.00 35.5% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 632.94 (108.84) 1,209.00 -1210.8% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 586.98 595.09 764.00 28.4% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 2,629.00 2,238.00 3,1 1.68.00 41.6%`' 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 180.00 370.00 370.00 0.0% 20 16 LEOFF 11 DISABILITY INSURANCE 210.00 45.00 0.00 -100.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 35,546.04 33,269.82 47,238.00 42.0 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/0PERATING SUPPLIES 18,752.68 17,195.47 19,200.00 11.7% . _ _ 31 14 QUARTERMASTER/NON-COMM 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 31 15 DARE PROGR CONTRIBUTIONS 1,230.77 1,554.82 0.00 -100.0% 31 49 DARE PROGRAM SALES 0.00 2,433.94 0.00 -100.0% 31 60 DARE PROGRAM. 5,912.86 9.014.42 5,820.00 -37.7% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOREQUIPMENT 4,257.86 1,120.05 2,040.00 82.1% * SUPPLIES 30,153.97 31,318.701 28,880.00 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 6 CHARGES 41 45 PROFESS SERV/POLICE TRAINING 2,325.65 3,500.22 5,000.00 42.8% 43 05 POL TRAVEL/TRAINING 19,776.41 24,244.70 30,273.00 24.9%' 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE88.84 0.00 1,180.00 N/A 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 1,892.73 2,334.48 1,802.00 -31.4% 40 29 MEMBERSHIPS/DUES 1,025.00 1,066.46 1,765.00 85.5% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 25,088.43 31,145.861 39,820.00 27. ** POLICE ADMIN SERVICEITRAINING 235,404.45 1 256,902.03 305,672.00 19.0% IiYt rfG nr Irr 218 � Y CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON PERSSONf DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN DIV: POLICE STAFF SERVICES ACCT: 000 000 08 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1980 1961 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONi :ACTUAL AaUAt BUbOEi CHANGE< 521 90 00 00 POLICE STAFF SERVICES 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 441,757.99 436,983.38 470,384.00 7.8% 10 02 OVERTIME 12,482.05 8,238.35 15,533.00 88.5%.: 10 13 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIME/PD 4,922.93 2,897.90 7,500.00 178.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 459,182.97 447,919.83 493,417.00 10.2 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 24,930.40 29,543.44 33,287.00 12.7% 20 02 RETIRE MEN T/LEOFF 4,106.05 31878.28 4,149.00 7.0% 20 03 FICA __ ..34.497.92 33.857.19 38,478.0011 8.4% ' 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 31,546.80 33,135.01 40,272.00 21.5% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,118.71 1,340.75 1,982.00 47.8% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,789.23 1,807.88 1,988.00 8.8%:' 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 6,302.00 8,813.00 7,898.00 19.4%- 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 3,880.00 3,810.00 3,610.00 0.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 108,150.91 113,585.33 129,640.00 14.1 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 11,654.91 13,457.00 13,762.00 2.3% 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 1,057.32 3,467.77 1,588.00 -54.2% * SUPPLIES 12,712.23 16,924.77 15,350.00 -9.3 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 67 KING COUNTYCOMPUTER INTERFACE 0.00 0.00 4,808.00 N/A _.. .....__... _ __.. __ _.... . _................. .._._ ..._... .. ..... _ . ......... 42 04 WASIC 5,100.00 6,080.00 8,880.00 9.9% 45 05 COPY MACHINE RTUPOL 11,228.84 12,834.44 12,220.00 -4.8% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1 16,328.541 18,894.44 1 23,488.00 1 24.3 ** POLICE STAFF SERVICES 596,354.75 1 597,324.17 1 881,895.00 1 10.8 r j 219 +r. ........................................... ........................... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: ALAN WALLIS ' err DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: POLICE CHIEF DIV: NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT ACCT: 000 000 08 rrr EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 ;3991 :1992 % ACCOUNT t3ESCRIPTiON ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET, CHANGE rr 521 92 00 00 NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT 10 00 SALARIES I4 WAGES 119,531.78 111,058.58 0.00 100.0% 10 02 OVERTIME 2,016.15 4.763.27 0.00 -100.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 121,547.93 115,819.85 0.00 -100.0 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 4,029.20 4,947.28 0.00 -100.0% 20 03 FICA 5,618.34 6,472.72 0.00 -100.0% +rr 0 04 MEDICAL 6,212.47 8,493.47 0.00 -100.0% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 293.87 278.11 0.00 -100.0%-- 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 213.42 181.04 0.00 -100.0% 20 09 DENTAL __ . 399..80 888.95 0.00 -100.0% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 315.10 249.71 0.00 -100.0% . 20 20 MISCELLANEOUS SALARIES/BENEFITS 51,378.28 40,988.74 0.00 -100.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 88,458.46 80,278.02 0.00 -100.0 4r 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,073.20 613.94 0.00 -100.0% * SUPPLIES 1,073.20 613.94 0.00 -100.0 ......................... . ........ __ __. i - 40 00 _OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES -- - - ---- 41 55 CONFIDENTENTIAL FUNDS 10,000.00 23,000.00 0.00 -100.0% 43 57 TRAINING/NARC GRANT 1,957.35 2,188.18 0.00 -100.0% 45 17 OFFICE RENTIPHONE 5,928.928,317.87 0.00 -100.0% 45 18 EQUIPMENT -17,348.88 13,082.55 0.00 -100.0% 49 58 OPERATING EXPENSES 780.22 492.88 0.00 -100.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES35,995.37 1 45,081.28 1 0.00 -100.0 ** NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT 227,074.96 1 221,791.09 1 0.00 -100.0 ■r DIV: NARCOTICS TASK FORCE SEIZURE FUND ACCT: 000 000 08 1. 1990 .1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET....-CHANGE 521 93 00 00 NARC TASK FORCE SEIZURE FUND 49 88 NARC TASK FORCE SEIZURE FD EXP 1,955.25 9,160.87 0.00 -100.0% ** NARC TASK FORCE SEIZURE FD 1,955.25 9,160.87 0.00 -100.0 *** LAW ENFORCEMENT 5,842,064.76 6,459,442.96 7,027,376.00 8.8 iw aw 10 1rr 220 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON PERSSONI DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN DIV: POLICE JAIL ACCT: 000 000 08 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 19911.982 % ACCOUNT „„DESGRiPtjON AC UAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE` _. 523 60 00 00 POLICE JAIL 10 00 SALARIES 314,771.25 302,789.57 382,287.00 19.7%' 10 02 OVERTIME 14,459.58 22,389.97 17,820.00 -20.3%. 10 13 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIME/PD 2,480.15 2,997.84 3,100.00 3.4%' * SALARIES AND WAGES 331,710.98 328,137.38 383,207.00 18.8% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WkFIS 21,859.11 17,615.65 21,513.00 22.1%' 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 4,903.61 3,872.71 7,068.00 92.4% 20 03 FICA 24,826.74 24,280.90 29,091.00 19.8% 20 04PREPAID MEDICAL 22,414.76 21,622.91 28,224.00 30.5% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 4,003.47 3,344.64 4,073.00 21.8% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,313.98 1,251.67 1,537.00 22.8% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 5,403.25 4,930.00 61708.00 38.1% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 2,320.00 1,990.00 2,260.00 13.6% 20 16 LEOFF II DISABILITY INSURANCE 105.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 87,149.92 78,708.48 100,474.00 27.7 3000 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/0PERATING SUPPLIES 64,662.19 65,612.34 73,244.00 11.8 31 18 OPER SUPPLIES/EVIDENCE&P ROP 7,998.29 8,552.25 8,132.00 -4.9%' 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 948.78 973.51 1,001.00 2.8% * SUPPLIES 73,609.26 75,138.10 82,377.00 9.6 40 00OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 05 MEDICAL SERVICES/PRISONERS 3,260.65 904.51 1,236.00 36.e% ................. ...._ .. _......_ _....... _._ ... ........_. __._..__..... ............ 41 06 HEALTH OFFICER SERVICES 26,568.28 44,220.73 45,304.00 2.4% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0.00 624.00 5,316.00 751.9% ..... .....__._. ___... . ...... _ - 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 428.95 553.07 700.00 28.6% 49 05 INMATEH E.ALTH&WELFARE/COMMIS 6,483.13 3,054.47 2,275.00 -25.5% 49 52 AUCTION EXPENSE 833.15 0.00 0.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 37,574.16 49,356.78 54,831.00 11.1% 50 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 51 12 KING CO JAIL SERVICES 25,452.05 26,364.51 48,000.00 82.1% * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV&TAXES 25,452.05 26,364.51 48,000.00 82.1% *** DETENTION AND/OR CORRECTION 555,496.37 557,705.25 668,889.00 19.9 221 trr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARRY ANDERSON _ _ _ _ DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN DIV: POLICE/ANIMAL CONTROL _ ACCT: 000 000 08 EXPENDITURE DETAIL _... 1990 .'1991 1892 % :":.ACCOUNT:: DEBGRIPTiON ACTUAL ACTUAL( BUDGET CHANGE 5391,30 00 00 POLICE/ANIMAL CONTROL 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 43,888.78 50,394.43 53,085.00 5.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 2,004.22 4,112.09 7,100.00 72.7% * SALARIES AND WAGES 45,893.00 54,506.52 60,185.00 10.4 iw 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,331.10 2,952.98 4,780.00 61.9%` 20 03 FICA 3,469.62 4,170.56 4.604.00 10.4% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 4,548.48 4,510.20 5,187.00 15.0% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 721.10 812.11 834.00 2.7% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 205.29 218.88 231.00 5.5% 20 09 PREPAIDDENTAL 906.00 1,049.00 1,284.00 22.4%'' err 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 480.00 847.50 648.00 0.1% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 12,661.59 14,361.23 17,568.00 22.3 30 00 SUPPLIES .......... 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 268.84 990.00 268.2% * SUPPLIES 0.00 268.84 990.00 268.2 40 00 OTHER SERVICES A CHARGES w 41 07 EMERGENCY VET SERVICES 323.37 104.80 750.00 615.6%" 41 36 LARGE ANIMAL IMPOUNDS 0.00 0.00 200.00 NIA : 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10,174.00 7,272.00 15,204.00 109.1% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 10,497.37 7,376.80 16,154.00 119.0 50 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 51 01 HUMANE SOC FEES 7,851.50 9,003.25 9,450.00 5.0% * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV 8 TAXES 7,851.50 9,003.25 9,450.00 5.0 *** OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 76,903.46 85,516.84 1 104,347.00 1 22.0% FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: ALAN WALLISi DEPT: POLICE DEPARTMENT TITLE: POLICE CHIEF DIV: POLICE CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 08 1890 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 21 00 00 POLICE CAPITALIZED EXPENSES 64 15 POLICE INVESTIGA MACH&EQUIPMT 12,803.46 1,831.77 1,500.00 -18.1% 64 16 POLICE PATROL MACH 8 EQUIPMENT 155,894.26 183,153.25 173,550.00 -5.2% 64 17 STAFF SERVICES/MACH$EQUIPMT 8,150.00 9,475.38 0.00 -100.0% 64 18 POLICE JAIL MACH EQUIPMENT 0.00 11,825.93 0.00 -100.0% 64 56 POLICE CRIME PREV MACH&EQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 176,847.72 206,086.33 175,050.00 -15.1% **** POLICE DEPARTMENT6,651,312.31' 7,308,751.18' > 7,975,862.00 9.1 aw 222 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LEE WHEELER ' DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: FIRE CHIEF DIV: FIRE ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 000 000 09 EXPENDITURE DETAIL rlf 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPT70N ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 522 10 00 00 FIRE ADMINISTRATION 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 207,754.00 226,383.75 244,400.00 8.0% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 207,754.00 226,383.75 244,400.00 8.0 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS_ 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 5,863.28 7,048.38 8,037.00 14.0% 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 7,580.48 8,385.30 8,905.00 6.2% 20 03 FICA 6,540.42 6,996.14 7,745.00 10.7% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 12,336.00 12,586.00 14,028.00 11.6% 20 05 UNIFORM MEDICAL 15,700.00 15,700.00 16,000.00 1.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 624.57 597.58 730.00 22.2%' 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 783.88 812.11 1,019.00 25.5% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 2,839.00 2,702.00 2,880.00 6.6% 20 13 LEOFF RET FIRUPREPAID MEDICAL 43,728.79 41,804.00 56,232.00 34.5% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 400.00 800.00 800.00 0.0% 20 16 DEFERRED COMP/DISAB INS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 96,206.42 97,431.51 116,376.00 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,004.49 6,647.34 6,000.00 -9.7% * SUPPLIES 6,004.49 6,647.34 6,000.00 -9.7% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 3 CHARGES 41 124 PHYSICAL EXAMS 25,613.00 23,963.00 29,200.00 21.9% 42 02 TELEPHONE 1,839.30 1,951.77 3,000.00 53.7% 43 13 FIRE ADMIN TRAVEL 2,031.30 3,186.61 3,000.00 -5.3% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,505.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.0% ' 45 04 COPY MACHINE RTL/.FIRE 4,499.93 201.60 0.00 -100.0%- 46 00 REPAIRS 3 MAINTENANCE 1,217.06 1,862.04 1,200.00 -35.6% 48 11 VC CAD SYSTEM REPL 0.00 1,582.03 1,800.00 13.8% 49 06 PRINTING 8 BINDING 300.00 599.53 700.00 16.8% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS A REGISTRATIONS 1,605.00 1,138.00 1,850.00 62.6% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 1,061.73 615.59 700.00 13.7% 49 55 PROP TAX/EARL FLAT PROP 37.38 50.54 50.00 -1.1% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 42,709.70 39,630.71 46,000.00 16.1 50 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 51 08 FIRE DISPATCHNALLEY-COM 56,969.52 61,133.10 72,484.00 18.5% * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV&TAXES 56,969.52 61,133.10 72,464.00 18.5 ** FIRE ADMINISTRATION 409,644.13 431,226.41 485,240.00 12.5 ff 223 ar .: .. ... . ...... ....... ..................... .... . ........ .......... .. ... . . CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET __. . FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM MATHEW : __. DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF DIV: FIRE SUPPRESSION ACCT: 000 000 09 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 .192 % s' ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL "'66 DGET CHANGE iilrr 522 20 00 00 FIRE SUPPRESSION 1000 SALARIES AND WAGES 3,009,552.12 3,233,715.31 3,534,087.00 9.3% _. _ 10 02 OVERTIME 3,493.83 13,175.74 b,500.00 -58.3% _ ... .. 10 03 DISABILITY OVERTIMEIFIRE 80,029.12 108,438.18 58,850.00 -46.8% tilt 10 04 ACTING PAY OVERTIME/FIRE 49,403.04 53,015.01 51,000.00 -3.8%' 10 05 HOLDOVER OVERTIME/FIRE 32,456.54 25,482.17 21,500.00 -15.8% 10 06 TRAINING OVERTIMEIFIRE 35,499.78 29,316.89 52,770.00 80.0% 10 09 MILITARY LEAVE OVERTIME/FIRE 2,917.16 4,261.89 3,500.00 -17.9% ow 10 10 HAZMAT TRAINING OVERTIME/FIRE 12,068.50 12,163.09 18,000.0048.0% 10 11 PAYBACK/STRAIGHT TIME 37,436.90 63 911.93 77,500.00 21.3% 10 12 HOLIDAY/DOUBLE TIME 12,425.42 13,341.30 17,500.00 31.2% 10 16 DIVE TEAM OVERTIME/FIRE 8,175.37 4,377.49 9,000.00 105.8% t 1 10 17 FIRE PREV/STRAIGHT TIME 2,360.12 2,015.00 3,500.00 73.7%, SUB-TOTAL OVERTIME 256,265.78 327,498.89 316,820.00 -3.3 * SALARIES AND V.A3ES 3,265,817.90 3,561,214.00 3,850,707.00 8.1 IfMI 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 162,833.51 174,295.91 197,983.00 13.6% 20 03 FICA 6,605.35 81528.17 9,891.00 16.0% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 257,097.53 257,911.24 335,786.00 30.2% rr 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 28,055.57 28,506.18 33,405.00 17.2%' 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 12,526.79 13,273.82 14,929.00 12.5% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 53,795.00 51,884.00 65,340.00 26.046 4 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 30,400.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.0% Ylr 20 16 DEFERRED COMP/DISAB INS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 551,313.75 564,379.32 887,344.00 ---21.-Siq 30 00 SUPPLIES _ _.. ..._... ..__. _ .._. ..._. ow 31 04 OTHER OPR/REPR/MAINT SUPPLIES 31,558.60 28,620.42 19,901.00 -25.2% 31 05 BREATHING APPARATUS REPR SUPL 3,612.65 2,454.13 2,736.00 11.5% 31 06 CITY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 177.66 939.82 1,000.00 6.4% ............ 31 10 SMALL EQUIPMT REPAIR SUPPLIES 120.00 167.44 500.00 198.6% +r 31 28 PERSONAL ALERT SAFETY SYSTEM 616.17 622.51 7,200.00 1058.8% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 11,483.88 19,031.46 20,000.00 5.1% * SUPPLIES 47,568.96 49,835.78 51,337.00 3.0 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 6 CHARGES 43 25 FIRE SUPPRESSION TRAVEL 3,763.62 1,815.98 5,130.00 182.5% 45 02 EQUIPMT RENTAL/CAPITAL RECOV 10,038.00 11,328.00 11,304.00 -0.2% 45 04 COPY MACHINE RTL/FIRE STATIONS 904.23 1,000.51 1,450.00 44.9% - _ _ 48 00 REPAIRS&,MAINTENANCE 2,994.05 1,587.84 3,000.00 89.0% 48 05 FIRE EQUIPMT/REPAIR&MTC 75,860.75 71,779.77 80,000.00 11.5% 48 35 BREATHING APPARATUS REPR/MTC 728.30 942.56 1,000.00 6.1% 48 36 SMALL EQUIPMT REPAIRIMAINT 336.79 133.15 600.00350.6% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS 3 REGISTRATION 2,168.00 1,313.00 5,000.00 280.8% 49 17 LAUNDRY 4,179.29 3,748.37 3,300.00 -12.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 100,773.03 1 93,648.98 110,784.00 18.37% ** FIRE SUPPRESSION 3,965,473.64 1 4,269,078.08 4,700,172.00 10.1% +Intl ow ow rr 224 C/TY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARY GOTTI DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: FIRE MARSHAL/BATTALION CHIEF : DIV: FIRE PREVENTION/INVESTIGATION ACCT: 000 00009 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 3>a91 1962 % ACCOUNT.. :DESCRIPTION ACTUAL" ACTUAL BUDGI5T CHANGE` 522 30 00 00 FIRE PREVENTION/INVESTIGATION 08 16 REIMB FR BOEING/PLANS EXAMINER 0.00 (555.37) 0.00 -100.0% * INTERFD REIMBURSMENTS/EXP CREDIT 0.00 (555.37) 0.00 -100.0% 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 278,574.08 314,782.01 365,174.00 16.0% 10 02 OVERTIME 3,829.47 2,404.42 2,954.00 22.9% 10 04 ACTING PAY OVERTIM E/FI RE 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 10 07 STANDBY PAY/FIRE PREY 6,559.95 6,583.87 8,725.00 32.5% * SALARIES AND WAGES 288,963.50 323,770.30 376,853.00 16.4 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 14,471.80 18,982.37 24,605.00 29.6%.' 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 41337.94 4,249.40 4,085.00 -3.9% ........... 20 63 FICA 17,118.42 19,219.48 23,797.00 23.8% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 19,166.30 20,831.08 27,585.00 32.4% N 66 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,288.66 2,402.03 3,041.00 26.6% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,148.06 1,277.12 1,522.00 19.2% ' 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 3,747.00 4,598.00 5,988.00 30.2% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1,800.00 400.00 400.00 0.0% ' * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 84,076.18 71,959.48 91,023.00 26.5 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 5,522.61 3,567.30 4,500.00 26.1% 31 09 LOCK BOXES 114.51 (47.56) 0.00 -100.0% 31 13 PUBLIC EDUCATION SUPPLIES 1,242.51 1,095.09 1,200.00 9.8% 31 20 CARE BEAR DONATIONS 0.00 546.43 0.00 N/A 31 28 PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 500.00 N/A 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,103.46 2,565.41 3,050.00 18.9%' * SUPPLIES 7,983.09 7,726.67 9,250.00 19.70/4 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 46 FIRE INVESTIGATION 308.12 59.73 300.00 402.3% 41 87 HYDRANT COMPUTER ANALYSIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 43 11 FIRE PREVENTION TRAVEL 1,422.83 565.11 7,240.00 1181.2% 45 02 EQUIPMT RTUCAPITAL RECOV 8,509.00 7,478.00 7,476.00 0.0% 45 04 COPY MACHINE RENTAL/FIRE PREV 2,584.64 3,344.74 3,578.00 7.0% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 739.02 577.75 1,375.00 138.0% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 1,096.00 1,261.00 1,830.00 45.1% .......................... ........ 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 325.86 988.29 2,900.00 193.4% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 12,985.47 14,272.62 24,699.00 73.1% ** FIRE PREVENTION/INVESTIGATION 374,008.24 417,173.70 501,825.00 1 20.3% DIV: FIRE PREVENTION PART TIME HELP ACCT: 000 000 09 1990 1991 1992 % . ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 522 31 00 00 FIRE PREVENTION PART TIME HELP 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 160.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 160.00 Q.00 0.00 N/A 20 60 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 03 FICA 12.24 0.00 0.00 N/A 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1.34 0.00 0.00 N/A * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 13.58 0.00 0.00 N/A ** FIRE PREVENTION PART TIME HELP 173.58 0.00 0.00 N/A *** FIRE PREVENTION/INVESTIGATION 374,181.82 1 417,173.70 501,825.00 1 20.30 225 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LARRY EAGER ! DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: CAPTAIN DIV: FIRE TRAINING ACCT. 000 000 09 w EXPENDITURE DETAIL ,1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT „ DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL -::,:::"BUDGET. CHANGE' 522 40 00 00 FIRE TRAINING 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 51,010.00 36,809.44 80,711.00 85.8% 10 02 STAND BY OVERTIME 0.00 1,752.00 3,500.00 99.8% 10 06 TRAINING OVERTIME/FIRE 74.20 904.57 1,500.00 85..8 * SALARIES AND WAGES 51,084.20 39,266.01 85,711.00 87.3 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 3,172.85 11 2,378.68 3,777.00 58.9% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 3,900.00 3,037.00 5,124.00 68.7% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 209.06 157.05 255.00 62.4% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 808.00 517.00 972.00 88.0% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 400.00 400.00 400.00 0.0%' 20 16 DEFERRED COMP/DISAB INS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A + * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 8,487.91 8,487.73 10,528.00 62.3 30 00 SUPPLIES 31,00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 486.36 779.97 1,200.00 53 9%` 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 92.05 1,819.24 3,400.00 110.0% * SUPPLIES 578.41 2,399.21 4,800.00 91.7 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 82 EMT INSTRUCTOR 3,235.00 3,150.00 4,000.00 27.0% 41 88 INSTRUCTORSION-SITE TRAINING 1,518.87 3,205.00 8,000.00 149.8% 43 12 RRE TRAINING TRAVEL 745.13 749.27 1,812.00 141.8% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,480.00 2,480.00 2,460.00 0.0% 48 00 REPAIRS A MAINTENANCE 148.45 89.27 400.00 348.1.% 49 12MEMBERSHIPS 3 REGISTRATION 155.00 155.00 800.00 287.1% 49 16 ...... PUBLICATIONS 212.12 2,194.95 3.000.00 36.7% , * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 8,472.57 1 12,003.49 20,272.00 88. ** FIRE TRAINING 88,823.09 80,156.44 101,111.00 88.1 aw 4a No No ow 1w 4r 226 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM MATHEWI DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF DIV: FIRE FACILITIES ACCT: 000 000 09 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1890 ;1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 522 50 00 00 FIRE FACILITIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 238.30 0.00 0.00 NIA 31 21 OFFICE/OPR SUPPLIES/STA 11 4,792.75 4,113.92 4,500.00 9.4% 31 22 OFFICE/OPR SUPPLIESISTA/2 1,255.54 1,111.58 1,200.00 8.0%-- 31 23 OFFICE/OPR SUPPLIESISTA 13 901.72 775.02 825.00 6.4% 35 11 SMALL TOOLSIM I NOR EQ/STA 11 2,537.50 4,052.94 5,000.00 23.4% 35 12 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQ/STA 12 3,366.34 3,340.22 5,000.00 49.7% 35 13 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQ/STA 13 625.85 1,647.44 3,208.00 94.7% * SUPPLIES 13,718.00 15,041.12 19,733.00 31.2 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 48 31 REPAIRS/MAINT/STATION 11 1,304.69 2,905.27 3,500.00 20.5% 48 R REPAIRS(MAINT/STATION 12 592.86 897.97 1,000.00 43.3% 48 33 REPAIRS/MAINT/STATION 13 1,211.28 1,188.39 1,000.00 -15.9% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 13,108.931 4,791.631 5,500.00 14.8 ** FIRE FACILITIES 16,826.83 19,832.75 1 25,233.00 27.2% FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GLEN GORDON ' DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: BATALLION CHIEFI DIV: FIRE/HAZ-MAT RESPONSE ACCT: 000 000 09 1980 f681 1962 46 :ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 522 60 00 00FIRElHAZ-MAT RESPONSE _......__._ _.. ........... ..................._......_....-...... ...._ _... ...... ..._. .... .... _-._ _ __..... __..__.: 31 00 SUPPLIES 31 11 HAZ-MAT EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 7,853.54 5,848.85 11,640.00 106.1% * SUPPLIES 7,853.54 5,846.85 11,640.00 106.1 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 58 HAZ-MAT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 N 43 24 HAZ-MAT TRAVEL/TRAINING 4,321.13 658.50 7,693.00 1068.3% 48 37 HAZ-MAT EQUIPMT REPAIR&MAINT 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 N/A 49 33 HAZ-MAT MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 2,885.00 300.00 3,000.00 900.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES i 7,206.131 958.50 1 11,693.00 1119. ** FIRE/HAZ-MAT RESPONSE 1 14,859.671 6,605.35 1 23,333.00 1 253.24 FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: RAY BARILLEAUXI DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: BATALION CHIEF DIV: FIRE/DIVE TEAM ACCT: 000 000 09 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 522 61 00 00 FIREIDIVE TEAM 31 24 DIVE TEAM OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,664.68 2,179.11 7,044.00 223.3% * SUPPLIES 6,664.68 2,179.11 7,044.00 223.3% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 8 CHARGES 41 04 WATER ACCIDENT MGT/WAM CLASSES 5,926.62 0.00 0.00 N/A 48 48 DIVE TEAM EQUIPMT REPR&MAINT 549.22 909.97 1,310.00 44.0% 49 41 DIVE TEAM MEMBRSHIP 8 REGISTRA 3,661.20 1,000.00 2,550.00 155.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 10,137.04 1,909.97 3,860.00 102.1 ** FIRE/DIVE TEAM 16,801.72 4,089.08 10,904.00 166.7% *** FIRE CONTROL 4,866,410.90 5,208,161.81 5,847,818.00 12.3% 227 �r :... ........ ................................. _ ......................... ... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JACK MCLAUGHLIN DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENTTITLE: BATTALION CHIEF 'DIV: FIRE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT •ACCT: 000 000 1 .09 EXPENDITURE DETAIL „ J991 1992 1990 ACCOUNT 17ESCRIPtION ACTUAL ACTUAL..,. BUDGET CHANGE _. . ■r 525 60 00 00 FIRE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 56,784.00 56,952.00 86,876.00 17.4% * SALARIES AND WAGES 58,784.00 56,952.0066,876.00 17.4 r 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 02 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 3,531.97 3,542.41 4,160.00 17.4% 20 04 MEDICAL 2,748.00 2,582.00 3,458.00 33.8% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 209.40 191.95 279.00 45.4%' 20 09 DENTAL 511.00 485.00 612.00 26.2% 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 400.00 0.00 400.00 N/A 20 16 DEFERRED COMP/DISAB INS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 7,400.37 6,801.38 8,907.00 31.0 w 30 00 SUPPLIES..... 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 39.99 58.90 275.00 386.9% 31 16 EMERG OPR CENTER SUPPLIES 343.32 701.39 1,500.00 113.9% FIELD faw 31 17 D DISASTER SUPPLIES 325.75 691.18 2,000.00 189.4% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 0.00 734.68 500.00 -31.9% * SUPPLIES 709.06 2,186.15 4,275.00 95.5 wo 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 43 14 CIVIL DEFENSE TRAVEL 76.70 0.00 1,000.00 N/A 43 61 EMERG MGT KEY OFFICIAL TRAING 1,855.00 2,173.80 2,000.00 -8.0% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 148.30 314.24 500.00 59.1% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 275.00 115.00 275.00 139.1% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 10.81 24.89 400.00 1507.1% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 2,365.81 2,627.73 1 4,175.00 58.9011 *** EMERGENCY SERVICES 67,259.24 88,567.24 1 84,233.00 22.8 aw FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GLEN GORDON DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: BATALLION CHIEF ' DIV: FIRE/EMS LIFE SUPPORT ACCT: 000 000 09 . .... 1980 1991 1982 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 526 80 00 00 FIRE/EMS LIFE SUPPORT 31 03 AID SUPPLIES 14,511.95 19,019.76 17,500.00 -8.0% * SUPPLIES 14,511.95 19,019.76 17,500.00 -8.0% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 43 54 EMS TRAVELlTRAINING 407.87 405.67 1,000.00 146.5% 48 34 AID EQUIPMENT REPAIR&MAINT 1,825.28 526.61 3,500.00 564.8% 49 18 EMS MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 250.00 110.00 515.00 368.2% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 2,483.15 1,042.28 5,015.00 381.2% *** AMBULANCE,RESCUE&EMERG AID 1 16,995.10 20,062.04 22,515.00 12.2% to 228 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LEE WHEELER ' DEPT: FIRE DEPARTMENT TITLE: FIRE CHIEF DIV: FIRE CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 09 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ]990 1>i01 1902 9b F ........ ACCOUNT 17ESC RIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 22 00 00 FIRE CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 64 29 FIRE ADMIN MACHINE&EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 N/A 64 30 FIRE SUPPRESSION MACH&EQUIP 40,064.81 0.00 0.00 N/A 64 31 FIRE PREY MACHINE✓I<EQUIPMENT 7,848.44 0.00 5,500.00 N/A 64 32 FIRE TRAINING MACHINE&EQUIP 5,152.48 0.00 0.00 N/A 64 33 FIRE FACILITIES MACHINE&EQUIP 594.50 0.00 0.00 N/A 64 34 FIRE EMERG MGT MACH&EQUIP 5,385.43 0.00 0.00 N/A 64 75 EMS/LIFE SUPPORT MACH&EQUIP 22,220.11 0.00 0.00 N/A *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 81,285.57 0.00 11,500.00 NIA **** FIREDEPARTMENT 5,031,930.81'r 5,298,791.09` 5,988,088.00 12:8 229 ....... ....................... .... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: FRED KAUFMAN ' trr DEPT: EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT TITLE: HEARING EXAMINER _.... DIV: BEARING EXAMINER ACCT: 000 000 11 EXPENDITURE DETAIL _ 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL"" BUDGET CHANGE 558 60 00 00 HEARING EXAMINER 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 81,312.00 85,984.39 88,224.00 2.6% * SALARIES AND WAGES 81,312.00 85,984.39 88,224.00 2.6 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 5,586.16 6,467.56 7,005.00 8.3% 20 03 FICA 6,080.55 6,354.88 6,431.00 1.2% 20.04 PREPAID MEDICAL 2,385.00 2,672.52 4,977.00 86.2% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 147.80 154.78 174.00 12.4% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 321.98 308.72 389.00 19.5% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 520.00 577.00 924.00 60.1-% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 15,041.49 16,535.46 19,880.00 20.2 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFIC&OPERATING SUPPLIES 481.18 117.94 800.00 578.3% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 88.47 0.00 500.00 N/A I' * SUPPLIES 569.65 117.94 1,300.00 1002.3 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 48 PROFESS SVIPRO TEMNAC RELIEF 6,784.00 0.00 5,000.00 NIA 43 27 LAND USE TRAVEL 395.76 70.07 800.00 1041.7% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 89.97 73.04 150.00 105.4% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 829.00 816.76 1,000.00 22.4%' 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 332.19 438.70 400.00 -8.8 * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 8,410.92 1,398.57 7,350.00 425.5 **** HEARING EXAMINER 105,334.06 104,036.36 116,754.00 12.2 DIV: HEARING EXAMINER CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 11 1990 1901 1982 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' 594 98 00 00 HEARING EXAM CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 64 00 HEARING EXAM/EQUIPMENT 0.00 2,396.63 2,000.00 -16.5% *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 0.00 2,396.63 2,000.00 -16.5 *** HEARING EXAMINER 105,334.06 106,432.98 118,754.00 11. Ow Or it i1 +1r o 230 vu .............. CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: PEGGY MCDOYELL DEPT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: ACTING PERSONNEL DIRECTOR DIV: PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 000 000 14 EXPENDITURE DETAIL .. , 1980 1901 1092 94 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 516 10 00 00 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 139,988.18 152,430.51 188,575.00 9.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 132.12 332.47 0.00 -100.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 140,128.30 152,762.98 188,575.00 9.0 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 9,721.07 11,658.58 13,226.00 13.4% 20 03 FICA 10,343.64 11,097.49 12,325.00 11.1% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 10,871.40 11,761.40 15,356.00 30.6% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 290.90 313.13 357.00 14.0% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 599.38 820.48 711.00 14.6% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 2.121.80 2,311.30 2,965.00 26.3%' * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 33,948.19 37,762.34 44,940.00 19.0 30 00 SUPPL.c:S 31 00 OFFICE/uPERATING SUPPLIES 7,795.92 1,863.30 2,000.00 7.3% 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMT 2,352.74 917.33 1,000.00 9.0%' * SUPPLIES 10,148.88 2,780.63 3,000.00 7.9% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 49 LABOR&PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS 13,404.06 4,437.82 15,000.00 238.0% 41 97 CLASSIFICATION STUDY 30,320.00 8,729.87 0.00 -100.0% 41 123 EMPLOYEE TRAININGIDEVELOPMT 11,888.79 10,523.26 12,000.00 14.0%' 43 28 PERSONNEL ADM TRAVEL 1,812.51 1,973.45 2,700.00 38.8% 43 40 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 4,709.10 5,198.42 6,000.00 15.4% 44 06 ADVERTISING/PERSONNEL 21,064.21 18,873.75 15,000.00 20.5% 48 00 REPAIRS 3 MAINTENANCE 72.971,751.22 2,500.00 42.8% _._ __.._ _ __ ____ _....._._.. _............... __._................_...1-1-1.1-_.." 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 2,722.32 3,008.28 2,230.00 -25.9% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 2,521.12 1,598.84 1,800.00 12.6%' 49 25 MEMBERSHIPS/REGISTR/HUMAN RGTS 45.00 0.00 0.00 NIA 49 56 CENTRAL SAFETY COMM 3,065.43 0.00 0.00 N/A 49 62 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PROGRAM 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 N/A 49 70 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 10,715.82 10,020.40 12,420.00 23.9% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 102,119.33 88,115.11 ** PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 286,344.48 259,421.08 1 286,885.00 1 10.5% 231 ... . ..... ........... ...... ................ _ ... .............. ................... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DIANE BATES DEPT: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINER DIV: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ACCT: 000 000 14 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1 _ .... 1002 ACCOUNT DESCRiP?ION ACTUAL AC7UAi BUDGET CHANGE _. _ . iw 516 20 00 00 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 25,090.49 28,252.22 30,820.00 .......9.1% 0.0 _ . 10 02 OVERTIME 231.21 280.70 0.00 100.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 25,321.70 28,513.01 30,820.00 8.1 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 REiTIREMENT/WPERS 1,724.64 2,195.77 2,447.00 11.4% 20 03 FICA _ 1,881.99 1,938.90 2,358.0021.8% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 2,837.60 3,199.80 4,252.00 32.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 65.70 89.26 79.00 14.1% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 105.28 121.28 131.00 8.0% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 559.20 650.70 875.00 34.5% Iri�1 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 8,974.41 8,175.49 10,142.00 24.1461 30 00._ SUPPLIES 31 0 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 126.51 472.89 300.00 -36.8% op 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMT 359.22 235.00 500.00 112.8% * SUPPLIES 485.73 707.89 800.00 13.0 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 8 CHARGES 41 19 PSYCH/POLY EXAMS/NEW HIRES 9,552.35 6,304.89 7,500.00 19.0% 41 20 ENTR/PROMOT EXAMS/UNIFORM 4,131.77 4,125.61 12,000.00 190.9% 41 21 PHYSICAL EXAMS/NEW UNIFORM 8,850.00 8,809.84 7,000.00 5.9% 41 73 FIRE PHYSICAL ABILITY TEST 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 N/A 43 29 CIVIL SERV COMM TRAVEL 37.33 214.73 800.00 272.8%. 44 19 ADVERTISING/CIVIL SERVICE 2,071.70 1,389.65 2,000.00 48.0% 48 00 REPAIRS A MAINTENANCE 72.97 146.08 150.00 2.7% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPSAREGISTRA 478.00 010.00 ........ .. 500.00 45.1%'' ilr - 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 84.00 92.00 150.00 63.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 25,276.12 19,772.80 38,800.00 85.1 ** CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 58,057.96 57,168.99 78,362.00 37.1 *** PERSONNEL 344,402.44 316,590.05 365,027.00 15.3 r DIV: PERSONNEL PART TIME HELP ACCT: 000 000 14 1990 1991 1962 % ACCUUN7 :DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET "'CHANGE 516 21 00 00 PERSONNEL PART TIME lo ....... .......... 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 4,500.00 3,000.00 3,165.00 5.5% * SALARIES AND WAGES PART TIME 4,500.00 3,000.00 3,185.00 5.5% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 03 FICA _ 0.00 0.00 243.00 N/A �r 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 18.00 N/A * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 261.00 N/A *** PERSONNEL PART TIME 4,500.00 3,000.00 3,426.00 14.2% DIV: PERSONNEL CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 14 1990 1991 1962 %. ... ti11� ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 59416 00 00 PERSONNEL CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 5 PERSONNEL ADM MACH&EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 NIA *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 N/A **** PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 348,902.44 319,500.05 c 372,453.00 18:5 rM 232 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LYNN GUTTMANN DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS ADMINISTRATION TITLE: PLNG/BLD G/PUB WKS ADMINISTRATOR DIV: PUB WORKS ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 000 000 15 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1892 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET.- 532 UDGET 532 10 00 00 P/B/PW ADMINISTRATION 08 49 REIMS FROM AIRPORT (1,087.00) (2,750.00) (21920.00) 6.2% 08 50 REIMS FROM SOLID WASTE UTILITY (8,061.00) (9,000.00) (3,000.00) -66.7%' O8 51 REIMS FROM WATER UTILITY (33,018.00) (19,300.00) (18,800.00) -2.6% 08 52 REIMS FROM SEWER UTILITY (33,106.00) (20,000.00) (18,000.00) -10.0% 08 53 REIMS FROM STORM UTILITY (33,105.00) (20,000.00) (18,000.00) -10.0% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (108,377.00) (71,050.00) (60,720.00) -14.5% 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 147,529.65 169,416.65 182,679.00 7.6% 10 02 OVERTIME 212.22 0.00 500.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 147,741.87 169,416.65 183,179.00 8.14 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 9,998.64 13,089.74 14,545.00 11.1% 20 03 FICA 10,212.39 11,341.77 12,759.00 12.5% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 12,114.73 13,887.08 16,536.00 19.1% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 296.25 297.42 348.00 17.0% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 543.46 625.10 772.00 23.5% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 2,437.68 2,586.00 3,168.00 22.5% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 35,603.15 41,827.11 48,128.00 15.1 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,162.48 1,565.70 2,550.00 62.9% 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 2,316.04 3,300.40 3,100.00 -6.1%' * SUPPLIES 4,478.52 4,866.10 5,650.00 16.1% ' 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERV 3,451.70 0.00 0.00 N/A 43 30 PUB WORKS ADM TRAVEL 322.37 2,480.25 2,000.00 -19.4% ! 43 59 PUB WKS TRAINING&SCHOOLS 152.00 2,501.04 4,450.00 77.9%' 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 4,468.06 0.00 0.00 N/A 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 345.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 410.69 692.48 850.00 22.7% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 1,136.50 289.24 650.00 124.7% 49 14 BOARD PUB WKSIRECORDING FEES 37.00 108.90 50.00 -54.1% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 150.62 119.05 150.00 26.0% 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 50.00 NIA * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 10,473.94 6,190.96 8,200.00 32.5% ** PUB WORKS ADMINISTRATION 89,920.48 151,250.82 184,437.00 21.9% I 233 w ............ ... ................. . CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LYNN GUTTMANN •r DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS ADMINISTRATION TITLE: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS ADMINISTRATOR DIV: PUB WORKS ADMINISTRATION PART TIME ACCT: 000 000 15 EXPENDITURE DETAIL DIV: PUB WOR KSADMINIST RATION PARTTIME ACCT: 000 000 15 1990 7991 1992 % ACCOUNT bESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETL CHANGE 532 11 00 00 PB/PW ADM PARTTIME 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 3,103.50 5,714.25 11,240.00 96.7%` * SALARIES AND WAGES 3,103.50 5,714.25 11,240.00 20 00PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 03 FICA 237.44 437.13 860.00 96.7% rlr 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 21.88 37.06 67.00 80.8% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 259.32 474.19 927.00 95.5% ** PUB WORKS ADM PART TIME 3,362.82 6,188.44 12,167.00 96.6% *** PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 93,283.30 157,439.26 196,604.00 24.9% DIV: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 15 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE rr 594 32 00 00 P/B/PW ADMIN CAPITALIZED EXP 64 27 P/W ADM MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 117,541.29 2,062.69 0.00 -100.0% *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 117,541.29 2,062.69 0.00 -100.0 **** PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 210,824.58` 159;501,85' 196,604.00 23.3 rr ow im do Yr >r 4r 234 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAVE TIBBOT DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES TITLE: TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER. DIV: TECHNICAL SERVICES ACCT: 000 000 17 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 532 23 00 00 TECHNICAL SERVICES 08 00 INTERFUND REIMS/EXP CREDITS 08 50 REIMS FROM SOLID WASTE UTILITY (873.00) (5,350.00) (5,680.00) 6.2% O8 51 REIMB FROM WATER UTILITY (52,584.50) (45,500.00) (46,917.00) 3.1%' 08 52 REIMB FROM SEWER UTILITY (38,180.00) (34,156.40) (33,422.00) -2.2% 08 53 REIMB FROM STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY (40,785.00) (30,000.00) (29,050.00) -3.2.6 08 55 CIP REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 (1,328.42) 0.00 -100.0% * INTERFDREIMBURSMTS/EXPCREDIT (132,422.50) (116,334.82) (115,069.00) -1.1% 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 176,493.11 188,883.91 207,825.00 10.0%' 10 02 OVERTIME 72.35 0.00 500.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 176,565.46 188,883.91 208,325.0010.30ib 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 11,532.14 13,799.94 16,542.00 19.9% 20 03 FICA 13,815.64 14,422.92 15,937.00 10.5% 20 04 MEDICAL 13,075.47 14,171.31 17,937.00 26.6% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 459.39 396.23 479.00 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 448.22 717.74 874.00 21.8% 20 09 DENTAL 2,955.00 2,891.00 3,540.00 22.4% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 42,285.86 46,399.14 55,309.00 19.2% 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFIC&OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,084.69 10,478.79 14,095.00 34.5% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 11,078.07 2,780.76 5,900.00 112.2% * SUPPLIES 15,162.76 13,259.55 19,995.00 50.8% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 03 STREET VACATION APPRAISALS 202.50 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8,809.55 11,178.35 8,000.00 -28.4% IIS 43 59 TRAVEL 569.43 2,279.83 0.00 -100.0%' 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 1,015.00 418.75 1,750.00 317.9% 45.62 OTHER RENTALS 0.00 0.00 8,500.00 N/A 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 756.87 7,218.30 14,640.00 102.8% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 65.00 542.19 500.00 -7.8% 49 14 LEGALIRECORDING FEESIPERMITS 125.00 171.00 600.00 250.9% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 285.54 460.98 310.00 -32.8% 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 7.14 6.98 50.00 616.3% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 11,836.03 22,276.38 34,350.00 54.2% ** TECHNICAL SERVICES 113,427.61 154,484.16 202,910.00 1 31.3% DIV: TECHNICAL SERVICES PART TIME ACCT: 000 000 17 1990 -1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 532 24 00 00 TECHNICAL SERVICES PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 6,426.25 15,711.51 12,621.00 -19.7% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 6,426.25 15,711.51 12,621.00 -19.7% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 112.75 1,002.00 788.7% 20 03 FICA 433.45 1,221.87 966.00 -20.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 40.87 71.70 59.00 -17.7% - * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 474.32 1,406.32 2,027.00 44.1% - ** TECHNICAL SERVICES PART TIME 6,900.57 17,117.83 14,648.00 -14.4% *** TECHNICAL SERVICES 120,328.18 171,601.99 217,558.00 26.80/b 235 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: BOB MACONIE _. DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB NILS PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES TITLE: SURVEY G/S SUPERVISOR DIV: SURVEY SERVICES ACCT: 000 000 17 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 532 28 00 00 SURVEY SERVICES 08 00 INTERFUND REIMB/EXP CREDITS 08 12 LID 329 REIMS (2,208.77) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 51 REIMS FROM WATER UTILITY 0.00 (14,500.00) (15,370.00) 6.0% 08 52 REIMB FROM SEWER UTILITY 0.00 (27,687.10) (5,300.00) 80.9% .......... 08 53 REIMS FROM STORM UTILITY 0.00 (5,000.00) (5,300.00) 6.0% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (2,208.77) (47,187.10) (25,970.00) -45.0 is 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 38,146.50 96,515.30 36,949.00 -61.7% _ 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 38,146.50 96,515.30 37,949.00 -60.74 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 3,131.41 7,450.30 3,012.00 -59.6% 20 03 FICA 2,942.24 7,389.63 2,904.00 -60.7% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 3,532.00 9,546.00 5,124.00 -46.3% x1181 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 542.89 1,176.22 87.00 -92.6% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 146.84 426.93 156.00 X3.5% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 744.00 2,041.00 972.00 1 -52.4% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 11,039.38 28,030.08 12,255.00 30 00 SUPPLIES 311160 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 418.55 1,650.00 294.2%'' 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 0.00 6,475.48 1.1,400.00 1 . -78.4% * SUPPLIES 0.00 6,894.03 3,050.00 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 665.00 75,150.00 11200.8% o 42 02 TELEPHONE 0.00 245.31 0.00 -100.0% _. _.._ 43 59 TRAVEL 0.00 50.32 300.00 496.2% 43 60 TRAINING,&,SCHOOLS 0.00 0.00 300.00 N/A 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 12,040.00 5,088.00 4,296.00 -15.6%" my 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 150.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 0.00 155.00 150.00 -3.2%' . .................... .. 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 100.00 N/A 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 250.00 N/A ft * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1 12,040.00 1 6,203.63 80,696.00 1200.80.5 ** SURVEY SERVICES 1 59,017.11 1 90,455.94 1 107,980.00 19.40A 11111 11f1 236 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: KAY SHOUDY DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES TITLE: PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR DIV: PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 000 000 17 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 9991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 558 10 00 00 PLANNING/TECH SERV ADMINISTRA 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 78,529.52 89,319.00 13.7% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 1,347.98 1,500.00 11.3% * SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 79,877.50 90,819.00 13.7% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 6,156.99 7,211.00 17.1% 20 03 FICA 0.00 6,082.90 6,544.00 7.6% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 0.00 5,647.00 7,860.00 39.2% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 155.80 174.00 11.7% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 0.00 290.40 382.00 31.5% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 0.00 1,262.00 1,584.00 25.5% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 19,595.09 23,755.00 21.2% 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 726.93 0.00 -100.0% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 0.00 2,018.40 0.00 -100.0% * SUPPLIES 0.00 2,745.33 0.00 -100.0% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 43 58 TRAVEL 0.00 142.57 275.00 92.94/ 43 59 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 82.00 540.00 558.5% 48 00 REPAIRS$MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 255.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 0.00 345.00 400.00 15.9% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 12.95 200.00 1444.4% 49 89 IOTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 100.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0.00 582.52 1,770.00 203.946 ** PLANNING&TECH SERV ADMIN 0.00 102,800.44 116,344.00 13.246 DIV: SPECIAL PROJECT PART TIME ACCT: 000 000 17 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 558 11 00 00 SPECIAL PROJECT PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 21,552.25 37,433.18 23,000.00 -38.6% 10 02 OVERTIME 40.50 311.22 500.00 60.7% * SALARIES AND WAGES 21,592.75 37,744.40 23,500.00 -37.7% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 0.00 1,788.00 N/A 20 03 FICA 1,684.89 2,920.38 1,798.00 38.4% � 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 96.68 114.30 66.00 -42.39/ * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,781.57 3,034.68 3,652.00 1 20.30/o ** SPECIAL PROJECT PART TIME 23,374.32 40,779.08 27,152.00 -33.44/ 237 err CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: KAY SHODDY DEPT: PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES TITLE: PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR ... __.. DIV: PLANNING/SPECIAL PROJECTS ACCT: 000 000 17 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1891 1992 % r ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' I 558 20 00 00 PLANNING/SPECIAL PROJECTS 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 314,796.36 103,667.06 189,344.00 1. 82.6% 10 02 OVERTIME 2,968.22 2,221.83 4,100.00 84.5% * SALARIES AND WAGES 317,764.58 105,888.89 193,444.00 82.7 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 19,657.45 6,312.86 15,360.00 143.3%- 20 03 FICA 23,689.61 7,673.76 14,800.00 92.9%' 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 24,086.72 6,770.21 18,372.00 171.4% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 600.55 203.28 400.00 96.8% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,240.13 388.18 800.00 106.1% ........ .. ..... .................. . . 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 5,086.27 1,132.00 3,228.00 185.2% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 74,360.73 22,480.29 52,960.00 135.6 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 OU OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,410.05 4,953.39 9,350.00 88.8% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,450.88 1,367.26 3,300.00 141.4% SUPPLIES 4,860.93 6,320.65 12,650.00 100.1% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 44 CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 7,502.11 61,677.94 5,000.00 -91.9% 41 85 CONSULTANT SERVICES (278.60) 0.00 2,700.00 N/A 41 110 NORTH SODS CREEK ANNEXATION 52,949.34 0.00 0.00 N/A 41 136 TALBOT HILL COMP PLAN AMENDMT 27,643.75 125.00 0.00 -100.0%- 41 142 CONTRACT CLERICAL HELP 571.46 901.70 2,500.00 177.3%''. 41 173 WETLANDS GRANT 0.00 6,440.02 0.00 100.0% i11r _ , 41 174 GROWTH MANAGEMENT(GRANT) 0.00 25,114.93 0.00 -100.0% 42 01 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 N/A 43 15 PLANNING COMM TRAVEL 239.43 536.44 800.00 49.1% 43 59 TRAVEL 1,919.64 961.45 1,750.00 82.0%'' _ 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 9.00 1,056.92 1,200.00 13.5%' 44 04 ADVERTISING 305.45 122.38 2,000.00 1534.3% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,650.00 1,068.00 5,124.00 379.8%:' 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 1,312.76 819.41 2,600.00 217.3% 49 06 PRINTING&BINDING 724.52 41.28 10,350.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 1,308.50 876.00 1,485.00 69.50A 49 16PUBLICATIONS 469.22 574.83 1,050.00 82.7% OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 96,326.58 1 100,316.30 1 41,559.00 1 -58.6% ** PLANNING&SPECIAL PROJECTS 493,312.82 1 235,006.13 1 300,613.00 1 27.9% DIV: TECHNICAL SERV CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT:11 000 000 17 1990 :1991 1992 ': % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 33 00 00 TECHNICAL SERV CAPITALIZED EXP 64 74 TECHNICAL SERV MACH&EQUIP 14,893.18 9,667.39 11,000.00 13.8% ** TECHNICAL SERV CAP EXP 14,893.18 9,667.39 11,000.0013.8% DIV: PLANNING CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 17 1990 1991 1992 % Ow L ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 58 00 00 PLANNING CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 64 38 PLNG&SPEC PROJ EQUIPMENT 0.00 3,639.85 3,500.00 -3.8% ** PLANNING CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 0.00 3,639.85 3,500.00 -3.8% *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 14,893.18 13,307.24 14,500.00 9.0% **** PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES 710,925.61 653,950.82 784,147.00 19.9 to a* 238 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: RON SHELLEY : DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES TITLE: HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER DIV: HUMAN SERVICES ACCT: 000 000 20 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL :.BUDGET CHANGE 559 30 00 00 HUMAN SERVICES 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 58,420.25 45,831.40 62,718.00 36.8% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 500.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 58,420.25 45,831.40 63,218.00 37.9% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 3,666.24 3,524.14 4,953.00 40.5% 20 03 FICA 4,469.03 3,490.88 4,836.00 38.5% 20 04 MEDICAL 3,727.02 1,934.60 2,646.00 36.8% ✓ 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 392.15 242.14 152.00 -37.2% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 203.63 193.90 263.00 35.6% 20 09 DENTAL 960.99 627.94 846.00 34.7% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 13,419.06 10,013.60 13,696.00 36.8% 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICEIOPERATING SUPPLIES 545.72 589.10 540.00 8.3%. 35 00 SMALLTOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 100.53 977.48 1,250.00 27.9%' * SUPPLIES 646.25 1,566.58 1,790.00 14.3% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 41 11 DOMESTIC ABUSE WOMEN'S NETWK 13,750.00 15,000.00 16,500.00 10.0% 41 24 FRIENDS OF YOUTH/SERVICES 7,100.00 7,800.00 8,580.00 10.0%- 41 84 KC SEXUAL ASSAULT SERV/KCRR 32,375.00 21,872.00 24,060.00 10.0% 41 86 RENTON AREA YOUTH SERVICES/RAYS 54,292.33 46,097.88 55,540.00 20.5%' 41 109 HUMAN SERVICES PLAN CONSULTANT 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 -100.0% 41 112 MEALS ON WHEELS 0.00 61000.00 0.00 -100.0% 41 122 RENTON COMM CLINIC 17,655.00 10,710.00 15,710.00 46.7% 41 128 K CO HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE 7,500.00 7,950.00 8,230.00 3.5% 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 0.00 800.00 N/A 45 01 OTHER RENTALS/COPY MACHINE 2,179.70 2,140.84 1,000.00 -53.3% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,723.03 3,846.00 3,096.00 -19.5% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0.00 530.00 530.00 0.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 138,575.06 136,946.72 134,046.00 -2.1% 50 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 51 04 SEA/KING CO PUB HEALTH 420,074.00 466,345.00 535,249.00 14.8% * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV&TAXES 420,074.00 466,345.00 535,249.00 14.8% ** HUMAN SERVICES 631,134.62 660,703.30 747,999.00 13.2% ail DIV: HUMAN SERVICES CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 000 000 20 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE vi 594 30 00 00 HUMAN SERVICES CAPTIALIZED EXP 64 57 HUMAN SERVICES/MACH&EQUIPMT 1,571.81 0.00 2,700.00 N/A * HUMAN SERVICES CAPITALIZED EXP 1,571.81 0.00 2,700.00 NIA *** HUMAN SERVICES 632,706.43 660,703.30 750.699.00 13.6 go 239 nw ......... ........ . CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE TOTALS EXPENDITURE DETAIL' 1990 1991 1992xx,y!h ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL 13UDGET CHANGE SUB—TOTAL EXPENDITURES 19,984,125.34 20,280,031.35 22,429,269.00 10.6% **** Total Community Dev Block Grants 1) 324,752.06 172,404.23 0.00 —100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,308,877.40 20,452,435.58 22,429,269.00 9.7% ENDING BALANCE 857,706.85 1,962,116.49 652,427.00 —66.7% ****** TOTAL GENERAL FUND 21,166,584.25 22,414,552.07 23,081,696.00 3.0% Irr 1) In 1992,the Community Development Block Grant program has been transferred from the General Fund to special revenue fund 104- Community Development Block Grant Fund on page 272-284. Irr trlr nttr rr am 240 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: 101 - PARK FUND ...... ........ ......._; REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE 1990 1991 1991 1992 $Change' Ifo Change $Change %Change" _;: Item Actual Adopted Actual Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 91 Actual 81 Actual REVENUES: Opening Balance 412,188 36,600 239,312 256,511 219,911 600.8% 17,199 7.2% Real&Personal Property Taxes 1,136,852 1,200,000 1,148,584 1,300;000' 100,000 8.3% 151,416 13.2% Sales Tax 1,901,287 1,892,308 1,886,337 1,917,971, 25,663 1.4% 31,634 1.7% Mitigation-Henderson Starwind 18,300 0 0 00 N/A 0 N/A Utility Tax/Electricity 843,000 1,500,000 1,453,004 1,605,000. 105,000 7.0% 151,996 10.5% FEMA Flood Damage Grant 0 0 17,962 0 0 N/A (17,962) -100.0% State Boating Safety Grant 10,859 0 0 0` 0 N/A 0 N/A DCD/Senior Ctr Earthquake Protection 0 0 3,737 0 0 N/A (3,737) -100.0% iGng County Centennial Grant 8,663 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A :Charges for Services 300,416 382,528 448,629 458;550 76,022 19.9% 9,921 2.2% Investment Interest 26,616 30,000 6,508 7,000 (23,000) -76.7% 492 7.6% Rents/Leases/Concessions 348,530 357,403 382,516 366,803 9,400 2.6% (15,713) -4.1% Contributions/Donations 2,835 5,000 7,847 5,000 0 0.0% (2,847) -36.3% :Other Miscellaneous 144 0 3,926 0 0 N/A (3,926) -100.0%' Sale Fixed Assets/Property Sale to State 16,600 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A Transfer-in/Contingency Fund 146,000 0 0 0` 0 N/A 0 N/A SUB-TOTAL REVENUES'''' 4,760,102 5,367,239 5,359,050 5,660,324 293,085 6.5% 301,274 5.6 TOTAL REVENUES&BALANCE. 5,172,290 5,403,839 5,598,362 5,916,835 512,996 9.5% 1318,473 5.7% EXPENDITURES: 08.00 Expenditure Credits/Open Space 0 (45,771) (46,011) (60,581) (14,810) 32.4% (14,570) 31.7% 10.00 Regular Salaries 2,005,151 2,290,861 2,288,765 2,538,279 247,418 10.8% 249,514 10.9% 10.00 Part Time Salaries 524,987 512,785 519,109 563,917 51,132 10.0% 44,808 8.6% 10.02 Overtime 41,559 30,032 28,999 31,428. 1,396 4.6% 2,429 8.4% 20.00 Personnel Benefits 596,512 687,802 665,243 775,071 87,269 12.7% 109,828 16.5% 20.14 Uniform Allowance 2,959 3,180 3,372 3,180 0 0.0% (192) -5.7% 30.00 Supplies 366,161 379,664 383,317 386,604 6,940 1.8% 31287 0.9% 41.00 Professional Services 77,202 12,900 23,124 7,400 (5,500) -42.6% (15,724) -68.0% 42.00 Postage/Telephone/Other 161,955 157,518 111,609 163,820 6,302 4.0% 52,211 46.8% 43.00 Travel 6,087 6,921 5,845 J,301 380 5.5% 1,456 24.9% 44.00 Advertising 1,419 2,486 2,357 2,556 70 2.8% 199 8.4% 45.01 Other Rentals 11,057 17,433 17,735 17,433 0 0.0% (302) -1.7% 45.02 Equipment Rental 75,675 92,616 87,991 87,228 (5,388) 5.8% (763) -0.9% 47.00 Public Utility Services 498,260 605,747 548,344 616,112 10,365 1.7% 67,768 12.4% 48.00 Repairs&Maintenance 173,076 185,661 185,136 168,296 (17,365) -9.4% (16,840) -9.1% 49.00 Miscellaneous 286,238 374,504 424,865 447,791 73,287 19.6% 22,926 5.4% 51.00Intergovernmtl Services 300 200 18,991 400 200 100.0% (18,591) -97.9% 60.00 Capital Outlay 104,380 33,100 33,665 10,600 (22,500) -68.0% (23,065) -68.5% Old SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,932,978 5,347,639 5,302,456 5,766,835 419,196 7.8% .464,379 8.8% Ending Fund Balance 239,312 56,200 295,906 150,000 93,800 166.9% (145,906) 49.3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES&BALANCE 5,172,290 5,403,839 5,598,362 5,916,835 512,996 9.5% 318,473 5.7% Reserve/Budget Resource 204,412 0 239,911 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Reserved/Mitigation Project 18,300 18,300 0 0 NIA N/A N/A NIA Reserved/Property Acquisition 16,600 16,600 16,600 16,600 N/A N/A N/A N/A Est Reserve/Uncompleted Projects 0 0 78,241 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Undesignated Fund Balance 1 0 21,300 (38,846)1 133,400 1 N/A I N/A I N/A I N/A Total Ending Balance 239,312 56,200 295,906 150,000 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A The Park Fund is a special revenue fund, also referred to as a general governmental fund,since resources are primarily from general tax sources. The fund accounts for the City's parks and recreation programs;operation,maintenance,and improvements for municipal buildings;and the landscaping and street tree functions. Tax revenues will generate$4.8 million or 82%of 1992 resources,and park fees,investment interest,and the beginning balance will provide$1.1 million or 18%. Park fees were adjusted in 1990, 1991,and 1992 to support recreation programs. 1992 revenues are up 5.5%over 1991 adopted estimates and expenses are more than 1991 adopted appropriations by 7.8%. The deficit 1991 undesignated balance ($38,846)is the result of property and utility taxes coming in under the estimates however,there is undesignated fund balance available in the General Fund to compensate for this shortage. Refer to pages 161 -176 in the Operating Budget section of this document,for Parks and Recreation program and budgetary information. Park Fund M� revenue detail is on page 242,and expenditure detail begins on page 243. 241 aw CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET r FUND: 101 - PARK FUND REVENUE DETAIL r1980 199x' 1992 % .:' ......... . ... . .... ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE .101 000 310 00 00 00 TAXES 311 10 00 00 REAL&PERS PROP TAXES 1.138,9 852.00 1,148,584.08 991.1,300,000.00 13.2% 13 10 00 00 LOCAL RETAIL SALES/USE TAX 1,901,286.53 1,886,337.58 1,917,971.00 1.7% 316 4 00 00 UTILITY TAX/ELECTRIC 843,000.00 1,463,0.03.83 1,805,000.00 10.5% 318 71 00 00 MITIGATION-HENDERSON STARWIND 18,300.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** TAXES 3,899,438.53 4,487,925.49 4,822,971.00 7.5 101 000 330 00 00 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 333 83 50 00 FEMA FLOOD DAMAGE GRANT 0.00 17,962.00 0.00 -100.0% 334 02 40 00 STATE BOATING SAFETY GRANT 10,859.16 0.00 0.00 N/A 334 04 20 00 DCD/SR CTR EARTHQUAKE PROTECTION 0.00 3,736.62 0.00 -100.0% .. 337 07 09 00 CENTENNIAL GRANT 8,663.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 19,522.16 21,898.82 0.00 -100.0 101 600 340 00 00 00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4IIs 341 70 00 00 CONCESS/VEND MACH/PHONE 914.67 1,991.88 3,000.00 50.8% 345 81 00 00 BLDG/ZONING FINAL PLAT FEES 565.00 250.00 0.00 1000% 347 30 00 00 RACQUETBALL/COMM CENTER 30,124.00 33,105.42 30,000.00 -9.4% 347 30 00 02 SWIMMING POOL FEES 13,919.74 12,504.08 11,000.00 -12.0% tiM 347 30 00 03 BALL TEAM FEES 6,339.20 9,885.50 10,700.00 8.2% 347 30 00 05 COMMUNITY GARDEN FEES 640.00 475.00 550.00 15.8% 347 60 00 01 SELF-SUSTAINING PROGRAMS 0.00 510.00 0.00 -100.0% 347 60 00 03 SR CITIZENS SELF-SUST PROG 60,180.02 65,827.74 56,500.00 -14.2% 347 60 00 04 SWIM LESSONS 9,003.50 8,315.00 8,800.00 5.8% 347 60 00 0 COMM CTR SELF SUSTAINING PROG 129,490.08 215,021.11 212,300.00 -1.3% 347 60 00 06 SENIOR EXTENDED TRAVEL 47,925.00 98,740.78 120,000.00 21.5% 347 60 00 07 COMMUNITY BAND 1,315.00 1,856.00 2,000.00 20.8% EV 347 60 00 08 DDISABLED FEES ..0.00 348.99 3.700.00 966.3% *** CHARGES FOR SERVICES 300,418.21 448,629.48 458,550.00 2.204 101 000 360 00 00 00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 361 11 00 00 INVESTMENT INTEREST 26,616.46 6,507.59 7,000.00 7.8%' 362 10 00 01 COULON BOAT RENTAL FEES 2,071.98 1,428.95 199 1,500.00 5.0% 362 30 00 00 COULON BOAT LAUNCH PK FEE 21,843.88 23,276.50 25,000.00 7.4% 362 40 00 00 CARCO THEATRE RENTAL 15,470.00 21,286.50 20,000.00 a.0% 1w 362 40 00 01 OVERNIGHT MOORAGE 1,679.96 2,899.00 2,000.00 -25.9%' 362 40 00 02 PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL 10,687.00 12,057.50 13,000.00 7.8% 362 40 00 04 FACILITIES RENTAL/COMM CTR 69,502.50 87,243.10 11 76,500.00 -12.3% 362 40 00 06 FITNESS AREA RENTAUCOMM CTR 147,675.90 150,055.19 140,303.00 -8.5% dw 362 40 60 07 SPECIAL EVENTS RENTAUCOMM CTR 3,430.00 3,650.00 3,000.00 -17.8% 362 46 00 68 RETAIL SALESICOMM CTR 1,820.12 380.12 500.00 31.5% 362 46 00 09 COULON BOAT LAUNCH FEE/NON RES 13,249.00 16,251.00 22,000.00 35.4% 362 80 00 00 VENDING A VIDEO CONCESS/COMM 81482.71 6,528.51 8,000.00 22.5% 362 80 00 02 COULON FOOD CONCESSION 52,817.24 57,859.97 55,000.00 -4.8% 367 00 00 00 CONTRIB&DONATIONS/PRIVATE 187.00 50.00 0.00 -100.0% 367 00 00 08 CONTRIB/DONATN DEV DISAB PROGR 2,496.00 7,796.79 5,000.00 -35.9% 367 00 00 15 CONTRIB/PRIV/CENTENNIAL COMM 151.71 0.00 0.00 N/A IWrii 369 40 00 00 JUDGEMENTS&SETTLEMENTS 0.00 3,893.00 0.00 -100.0% 369 81 00 00 CASHIERS OVER/SHORT (20.35) (43.06) 0.00 -100.0% 369 90 00 18 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV 163.98 76.00 0.00 -100.0% *** MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 378,125.07 400,796.66 378,803.00 -5.50 101 000 390 00 00 00 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 395 10 00 00 SALE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 16,600.00 0.00 0.00 N/A ....... .... ...... . ...... ... ............. . . 397 00 00 02 OPERA TRANSFERS-IN/CONTINGENCY 146,000.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 162,600.00 0.00 0.00 N/A SUB-TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 412,188.18 239,311.90 1 256,511.00 7.2% SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 4,780,101.97 5,359,050.25 5,860,324.00 5.6% ***** TOTAL PARK FUND 5,172,290.15 5,598,362.15 5,916,835.00 5.7 242 sw CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM SHEPHERD .DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: PARKS & FACILITIES MANAGER. DIV: PARKS GENERAL SERVICES ACCT: 101 000 20 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' 518 10 00 00 PARKS GENERAL SERVICES 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 498,424.97 585,458.81 635,249.00 12.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 7,618.37 4,728.36 3,200.00 -32.3% '. * SALARIES AND WAGES 507,043.34 570,186.97 838,449.00 12.0 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 34,751.63 44,038.34 50,693.00 15.1% 20 03 FICA 38,812.09 43,614.14 48,842.00 12.0% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 47,649.87 50,387.50 61,833.00 22.7% ' 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 8,004.42 8,348.67 10,286.00 23.2% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 2,122.78 2,440.34 2,706.00 10.9% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 10,117.00 10,046.00 12,408.00 23.5% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 141,457.79 158,874.99 186,768.00 17.8 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 115,672.01 16,629.48 122,334.00 -3.4% * SUPPLIES 115,672.01 126,629.46 122,334.00 -3.4% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 144 CONSULTANT/LG TERM SPACE NEEDS 68,331.26 15,080.47 0.00 -100.0% 42 02 TELEPHONE 181,954.63 111,808.89 163,820.00 46.8% 43 42 GENERAL SERVICES TRAVEL 128.04 61.26 800.00 879.4% W 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 8,530.59 9,779.49 9,555.00 -2.3% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 16,865.00 20,851.00 19,272.00 -6.7% 47 01 ELECTRICITY 223,580.68 232,020.25 248,880.00 7.3%:'. 47 02 WATER,METRO,GARBAGE 30,410.86 28,659.84 32,380.00 13.0% 47 03 GAS 41,003.90 30,685.18 52,710.00 71.8% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 87,973.90 84,408.32 70,000.00 8.7% 48 17 PARK SHOP IMPROVEMENTS 4,002.88 0.00 0.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,204.87 1,086.70 600.00 -43.8% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 263.00 83.96 83.00 -25.0%- 4 9 25.0%49 37 VANDALISM 2,747.71 5,082.76 2,851.00 -43.9%: * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 626,777.32 519,186.12 600,711.00 15.7% ** PARKS GENERAL SERVICES 1,390,950.46 1,374,877.54 1,548,262.00 DIV: PARKS GENERAL SERVICES/PART TIME ACCT: 101 000 20 ' 1990 1981 :1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET :CHANGE 518 11 00 00 PARKS GENERAL SERVICES/PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 51,669.63 33,657.67 38,164.00 7.4% 10 02 OVERTIME 386.25 635.25 742.00 16.8% * SALARIES AND WAGES 52,055.88 34,292.92 36,906.007.6% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 351.97 2,478.00 604.0% 20 03 FICA 4,014.13 2,782.31 2,824.00 1.5% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,737.14 1,256.97 1,333.00 6.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 5,751.27 4,391.25 8,635.00 51.1% ** PARKS GENERAL SERVICESIPART TIME 57,807.15 38,684.171 43,541.00 12.8% *** CENTRAL SERVICES 1,448,757.61 1,413,561.71 1 1,591,803.00 1 12.60/o ' 1 243 .......... CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS Ir - PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM SHEPHERD DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: PARKS 8 FACILITIES MANAGER: DIV: PARKS LANDSCAPING ACCT: 101 000 20 EXPENDITURE DETAIL . 1990 9901 1992 % ACCOUNT'... DESCRIPTION ,ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ..; CHANGE 542 70 00 00 PARKS LANDSCAPING 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 59,133.00 66,169.00 73,064.0010.4% 10 02 OVERTIME 923.74 1,111.74 1,358.00 22.2% * SALARIES AND WAGES 60,056.74 67,280.74 74,422.00 10.6 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 4,133.85 5,194.06 8%5,910.00 13. - _ 8% 20 03 FICA 4,608.52 5,141.18 5,694.00 10.8% Irlr 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 5,257.00 3,780.52 3,969.00 5.0% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 948.02 956.43 1,112.00 16.0%' 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 250.88 278.42 307.00 10.3%' 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 1,066.00 803.00 924.00 15.1%' * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 16,262.27 16,155.61 17,916.00 10. 30 00 SUPPLIES _ .. 31 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 14,124.70 14,164.17 14,265.00 0.7%' ........ .. 31 07 STREET TREE PROGRAM 244.14 1,043.72 0.00 -100.0%' * SUPPLIES 14,368.84 15,207.89 14,265.00 -8.2 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 309.16 2,551.95 2,578.00 1.0% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,860.00 898.00 41320.00 381.1% 47 01 ELECTRICITY 80.32 9.80 143.00 1389.6% 47 02 WATER 311.93 325.48 935.00 187.3% 48 00 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 0.00 0.00 1.0.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 2,541.41 3,785.03 1 7,976.00 110.71111 ** PARKS LANDSCAPING 93,229.26 102,429.27 1 114,579.00 11. DIV: PARKS/LANDSCAPING PART TIME ACCT: 101 000 20 wlr 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 542 71 00 00 PARKSILANDSCAPING PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 19,129.38 21,224.88 20,780.00 -2.1% 10 02 OVERTIME 41.83 54.69 336.00 419.4% * SALARIES AND WAGES 19.171.01 21,289.57 21,116.00 -0.8% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 4 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 1,162.22 0.00 100.0% 20 03 FICA 1,466.63 1.628.63 1,589.00 -2.4% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 663.28 912.39 739.00 -19.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,129.91 3,703.24 2,328.00 -37.1 ** PARKSILANDSCAPING PARTTIME 21,300.92 1 24,992.81 23,444.00 -0.2% *** TOTAL PARKS LANDSCAPING 114,530.18 127,422.08 138,023.00 8.3% to Irk 244 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE. BILL HUTSINPILLER DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER DIV: PARKS/SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTER ACCT: 101 000 20 EXPENDITURE DETAIL ! rtlll7 1990 3901 „19si2 96 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE- 555 HANGE555 08 00 00 PARKS/SR CITIZENS'CENTER 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 116,493.70 137,460.00 147,488.00 7.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 1,744.05 2,130.01 1,765.00 -17.1% . * SALARIES AND WAGES 118,237.75 139,590.01 149,253.00 6.9 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 8,173.00 10,775.41 11,851.00 10.0%-- 20 03 FICA 9,077.54 10,471.86 11,418.00 9.0% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 11,533.41 13,907.40 17,100.00 23.0% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,444.32 1,539.48 1,755.00 14.0..%- 20 4 0%20 07 LIFE INSURANCE500.12 589.40 625.00 6.0%' .... ......................... 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 2,680.00 2,926.00 3,528.00 20.6%' * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 33,408.39 40,209.35 46,277.00 15.1 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 11,711.68 15,300.45 10,000.00 -34.6% * SUPPLIES 11,711.68 15,300.45 10,000.00 -34.6% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES A CHARGES 43 35 PARK DEPT TRAVEL 330.00 272.24 535.00 47 01 ELECTRICITY 22,951.13 24,029.13 27,855.00 15.9% 47 02 WATER,SEWER✓9 METRO 4,018.20 4,210.16 4,721.00 12.1% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 13,873.35 15,894.96 12,441.00 -21.7% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 254.05 280.00 336.00 20.0%, 49 24 SCRIPTS&ROYALTIES 0.00 0.00 414.00 N/A 49 37 VANDALISM0.00 0.00 1,139 00 N/A 49 48 NUTRITION PROGRAM 0.001.558.08 500.00 -67.9% 49 61 SR CIT SELF-SUST PROGRS 60,354.69 58,335.57 56,500.00 -3.1% 49 87 ISENIOR EXTENDED TRAVEL 50,158.00 96,555.00 120,000.00 24.3% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 151,939.42 201,135.14 224,441.00 11.6 ** PARKS/SR CITIZENS'CENTER 315,297.24.1 396,234.95 1 429,971.00 8.5 DIV: PARKS/SENIOR CENTER PART TIME ACCT: 101 000 20 . 1890 1987 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 555 09 00 00 PARKS/SR CTR PART TIME HELP 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 19,410.50 17,498.28 19,000.00 8.6% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 19,410.50 17,498.28 19,000.00 8.6% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS ' 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 296.59 669.00 125.6%' 20 03 FICA 1,484.96 1,515.16 1,454.00 4.0% ' 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 367.57 275.21 555.00 101.7% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,852.53 2,086.96 2,678.00 28.3% ** PARKS/SR CTR PART TIME HELP 21,263.03 19,585.24 21,678.00 10.7% *** AGING 336,560.27 415,820.19 451,649.00 8.60/]- 245 .6%245 id .................. CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: SAM CHASTAIN DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: PARKS 8 RECREATION DIRECTOR DIV: PARKS ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 101 000 20 __ __ _ ..:........ _. ... ......._ _ ............. __.. ....: EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 >a91 1992 % ACCOUNT „,,,., ...... DESGRIPTIGN ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET . : CHANGE 574 10 00 00 PARKS ADMINISTRATION 08 00 INTERFD REIMB/EXP CREDIT 08 05 REIMB FROM OPEN SPACE/COORD 0.00 (46,010.59) (80,581.00) 31.7% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 0.00 (46,010.59) (80.581.00) 31.7 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 317,613.80 357,830.30 409,982.00 14.8% 10 02 OVERTIME 82.55 315.55 11067.00 238.1% * SALARIES AND WAGES 317,896.35 358,145.85 411,049.00 14.8 w 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 21,894.07 27 745.32 31,953.00 15.2% _..20 03 FICA 23,452.57 28 20748 29.082 00 11.0% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 23,956.25 22,537.00 28,928.00 28.3% __. 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 611.43 919.47 718.00 -21.9% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,293.88 1,402.94 1,005.00 20.81% w20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 5,479.00 5,001.50 5,910.00 18.2% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 76,487.18 83,813.71 98,294.00 17.3 30 00 SUPPLIES 18 31 00 OFFICEIOPERATING SUPPLIES 4,252.94 1,899.22 5,000.00 163.3% ' * SUPPLIES 4,252.94 1,899.22 5,000.00 163.3 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 09 ADJUDICATION FEES/CARCO 0.00 0.00 0.00 .....N/A 41 86 PROFESSIONAL SERVICESIPARKS 1,300.00 285.39 500.00 7b.2% ........._. ....._... _......... .43 35 PARK DEPT TRAVEL 829.72 1,087.29 1,000.00 -8.0% 44 10 ADVERTISING/PARKS ADM 110.75 413.98 486.00 17.4% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 12,900.00 1 1.1,699.00 13,080.00 11.8%' .. ..... __. __. _........._ 48 00 REPAIRS 8 MAINTENANCE 2,226.88 2,829.05 2,932.00 3.8% 49 06 PRINTING 3 BINDING 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,334.13 2,800.60 1,500.00 -42.3% .... 49 14 LEGAL A RECORDING FEES 25.95 34.37 285.00 671.0% 49 35 RENTON CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE 1,945.80 3,148.76 0.00 -100.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 20,673.21 22,098.441 20,763.00 1 -6.0 ** PARKS ADMINISTRATION 419,109.88 1 419.90.631 474,525.00 13.0 ILII DIV: PARKS ADMINISTRATION/PART TIME ACCT: 101 000 20 118 „1990 .1981 1982 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE< 574 11 00 00 PARKS-ADMINISTRA/PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 9,957.50 5,204.50 2,000.00 -81.8% w 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 9,957.50 5,204.50 2,000.00 -61.8 20 03 FICA 761.72 343.00 153.00 -55.4%' iw 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 53.36 45.89 11.00 -76.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 815.08 388.89 164.00 ** PARKS ADMINISTRA/PART TIME 10,772.58 5,593.39 2,164.00 -81.34 *** PARKS ADMINISTRATION 429,882.26 425,540.02 476,689.00 12.0% w Iw 246 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: BILL NUTSINPILLER' :DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER DIV: PARKS RECREATIONAL SERVICES ACCT: 101 000 20 EXPENDITURE DETAIL .1900 19Q1 ':1992 % ACCOUNT „+ #7ESCRIPTION „" ACTUAL ACTUAL;::.:. ::BUDGI CHANGE 574 20 00 00 PARKS RECREATIONAL SERVICES 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 292,022.99 323,582.99 360,029.00 11.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 991.26 1,480.58 5,335.00 260.3% * SALARIES AND WAGES 293,014.25 325,043.55 365,364.00 12.4 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 20,061.90 25,215.23 29,010.00 15.0% 20 03 FICA 22,444.94 24,678.63 27,951.00 13.3% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 18,917.82 26,132.53 32,047.00 22.6%' 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,588. 88 92 3,508.04 4,0 .00 15.9OA _ ... . ._. ...._....... ......... __ _.. _ _... _...._... _......._... .._.....__...._...........__...__. ........._.; 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,172.78 1,365.61 1,526.00 11.7% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 3,695.00 4,800.00 6,048.00 26.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 69,881.38 85,700.04 100,648.00 17.4% 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 26,311.47 26,864.32 26,870.00 0.0% ........ .. 31 48 DEV DISABLED SUPPLIES 0.00 2,279.61 1,730.00 -24.1% * SUPPLIES 26,311.47 29,143.93 28,800.00 -1.9% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 3 CHARGES 41 81 PROG FOR SUCCESS INSTR 1,115.91 0.00 0.00 N/A 43 35 PARK DEPT TRAVEL 2,164.55 2,711.21 1,795.00 -33.8% 48 00 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 145.47 11712.81 2,194.00 28.1% 49 06 PRINTINGiBINDING 18,087.18 17,286.69 15,525.00 -10.2% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,730.00 1,755.32 1,967.00 12.1% 49 21 BAND CONCERTS 5,024.31 5,438.00 8,210.00 14.2% 49 22 TEENAGE PROGRAMS 859.88 10,220.63 4,786 ...... .. 49 23 POOL TAXES 0.00 0.00 518.00 NI./A 40'24 SCRIPTS&ROYALTIES 1,381.55 2,110.90 1,829.00 -13.4%: 49 26 DEV DISABLED CONTRIB/DONATN11.S 2,512.86 1. 5,423.84 5,175.00 -4.8% _... __._............__ ............ 44 49 53 COMMUNITY BAND 685.13 1,316.21 2,000.00 -152.0%' 49 59 SELF-SUSTAINING PRGRS 0.00 126.48 0.00 00.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 33,706.64 48,102.09 41,999.00 -12.7 50 00 GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 51 06 POOL INSPECTION FEE 300.00 416.00 400.00 -3.8% * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV&TAXES 300.00 416.00 400.00 -3.8 ** PARKS RECREATIONAL SERV 423,213.72 488,405.61 537,011.00 10.0 DIV: STATE BOATING SAFETY GRANT ACCT: 101 000 20 I' . . .. .. :1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 574 21 00 00 STATE BOATING SAFETY GRANT 30 00 SUPPLIES 35 00 SMALL EQUIPMENTBOATING GRANT 1,982.51 0.00 0.00 N/A * SUPPLIES 1,982.51 0.00 0.00 N/A ** STATE BOATING SAFETY GRANT 1,982.51 0.00 0.00 N/A 247 ............. ............. .. .. CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: B 1.ILL HUTSINPILLER DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE• RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER !DIV: SEE BELOW ACCT: 101 000 20.. . EXPENDITURE DETAIL DIV: PARKS/RECREATIONAL SERVICES PART TIME 1990 19811992 % ACCOUNT ::DESCRIPTION "ACTUAL .:ACTUAL. BUDGET CHANGE' 574 22 00 00 PARKS/REC SERV PART TIME 10 00 SALARIESAND WAGES 194,237.14 213,410.00 238,874.00 11.9% ......... . do 10 02 OVERTIME 5,116.72 4,120.80 6,000.00 45.6% * SALARIES AND WAGES 199,353.86 217,530.80 244,874.00 12.6% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 619.68 1,610.00 159.8% 20 03 FICA 1.15,157.16 15,899.59 18,274.00 14.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 7,961.40 7,868.46 8,614.00 9.5% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 23,118.56 24,387.73 28,498.00 18.9 ** IPARKSIREC SERV PART TIME 222,472.42 241,918.53 273,372.00 13.0% DIV: DEV DISABLE PART TIME ACCT: 101 000 20 19801991 11992 % .. ACCOUNT DESCRfPT10N ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE. 574 23 00 00 DEV DISABLED PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES ANDWAGES 0.00 7,264.25 6,500.00 N/A 10 02 OVERTIME_._ _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A ctrl * SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 7,264.25 6,500.00 N/A 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 03 FICA 0.00 555.71 498.00 N/A tirW 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 277.39 232.00 N/A * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 833.10 730.00 N/A ** DEV DISABLED PART TIME 0.00 8,097.35 7,230.00 N/A *** PARKS RECREATIONAL SERV 647,668.65 738,421.49 817,613.00 10.7% 6 rr1 1Iw 248 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: BILL HUTSINPILLER :DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER DIV: COMMUNITY CENTER ACCT: 101 000 N EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE'' 575 50 00 00 COMMUNITY CENTER 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 136,810.42 224,327.48 240,016.00 7.0% 10 02 OVERTIME 1,974.83 1,114.67 2,134.00 91.446 * SALARIES AND WAGES 138,785.25 225,442.15 242,150.00 7.4%6 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 9,612.93 17,182.63 19,227.00 11.9%6 20 03 FICA 10,598.69 17,252.39 18,525.00 7.4% 20 04 MEDICAL 11,026.53 14,817.41 20,034.00 35.2% id 20 O6 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,971.79 3,028.96 2,954.00 -2.4% 20 67 LIFE INSURANCE 582.74 895.60 1,014.00 13.2% 20 09 DENTAL 2,184.00 2,927.00 3,744.00 27.9% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 35,976.68 56,101.99 65,498.00 16.7 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 329.39 0.00 0.00 N/A 31 40 RECREATION SUPPLIES 13,194.23 9,588.31 11,893.00 24.0% 31 41 FACILITIES SUPPLIES 9,365.24 11,089.77 8,160.00 -26.4% * SUPPLIES 22,888.88 20,678.08 20,053.00 -3.0 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 43 35 TRAVEL/TRAINING/PARKS 2,584.52 1,525.14 2,000.00 31.1%' 44 10 ADVERTISING 1,308.17 1,943.44 2,070.00 6.5% 47 01 ELECTRICITY 46,566.31 51,172.68 60,651.00 18.5% 47 02 WATER/SEWER/STORM 5,073.12 6,017.84 6,050.00 0.5% 47 03 GAS 2,541.38 2.586.36 6,087.00 135.4%' 48 00 REPAIRS 3 MAINTENANCE 8,666.21 16,740.83 15,200.00 -9.2% 49 06 PRINTING&BINDING 0.00 445.03 3,105.00 597.7% 49 37 VANDALISM 0.00 0.00 518.00 N/A 49 84 TAX LIABILITY 21,521.25 29,928.17 26,070.00 -12.9% 49 85 COMM CTR SELF-SUSTAINING PROGR 98,732.17 169,227.38 182,000.00 7.5% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 186,993.13 279,586.87 303,751.00 1 8.6% ** COMMUNITY CENTER 1 384,643.92 1 581,809.09 1 631,452.00 1 8.5 249 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: BILL HUTSINPILLER' _ ._. DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER DIV: SEE BELOW ACCT: 101 000 20 EXPENDITURE DETAIL DIV: COMMUNITY CENTER PART TIME ACCT: 101 000 20 F77 1990 1981 1992 % ACCOUNT "DESCRIPTION ACTUAL" ACTUA.....< BUDGET CHANGE 575 51 00 00 COMMUNITY CENTER PART TIME ... ........ 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 78,862.21 77,. .093.99 83,453.00 8.2% 10 02 OVERTIME 307.00 127.80 0.00 -100.10 * SALARIES AND WAGES 79,189.21 77,221.79 83,453.00 8.1 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 388.31 1,256.00 223.5% 20 03 FICA 6,049.29 8,855.98 8,384.00 -8.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,591.34 3,097.56 2,916.00 -5.9% * I PERSONNEL BENEFITS 8,640.63 10,341.85 10,558.00 2.1% y ** COMMUNITY CENTER PART TIME 87,809.84 87,563.84 94,009.00 1 7.4 .. .. .. . ........... . . DIV: COMMUNITY CENTER FACILITIES PART TIME ACCT: 101 000 20 - ]980- 1991 1992 % ys ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL - _:,.. BUDGET CHANGE 575 52 00 00 COMM CTR FACILITIES PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 19,859.50 15,221.12 19,208.00 28.2% _ _._ .. 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 177.000.00 -100.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 19,859.50 15,398.12 19,206.00 24.7 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 382.57 1,322.00 245.6% '. ...... .20 03 FICA . 1,519.2626 893.79 1,470.00 84.5% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 789.80 480.80 647.00 1 34.6% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,308.86 1,758.96 3,439.00 95.7 ** COMM CTR FACILITIES PART TIME 22,168.36 17,155.08 22,645.00 32.0% *** COMMUNITY CENTER 494,822.12 686,527.81 748,106.00 9-0-- 250 .0%250 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM"SHEPHERD : DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: PARKS 8 FACILITIES MANAGER DIV: PARK FACILITES MAINTENANCE ACCT: 101 000 N EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 ;1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET :CHANGE; 576 10 00 00 PARK"FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 583,651.81 813,956.41 672,451.00 9.5% 10 02 OVERTIME 18,861.96 10,283.18 7,371.00 -28.2% * SALARIES AND WAGES 602,313.77 624,219.59 679,822.00 8.9 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS41,458.96 48,345.71 53,978.00 11.7% 20 03 FICA _ 46,246.00 47,750.55 52,007.00 8.9% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 53,133.33 45,351.98 54,399.00 19.9% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 7,892.18 8,184.63 10,008.00 22.3% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 2,512.15 2,523.06 2,834.00 12.3% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 10,738.00 8,887.00 10,584.00 19.1%' 20 14 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 2,958.51 3,371.89 3,180.00 -5.7% Ild * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 164,739.13 164,414.62 186,990.00 13.7 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 137,714.29 132,994.90 139,666.00 5.0% ld 31 29 PARK FAC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 31,257.65 41,463.55 46,886.00 12.6% * SUPPLIES 168,971.94 174,458.45 188,352.00 8.8 40 00 OTHER SERVICES 6 CHARGES 41 40 PROFESSIONAL SERV/PARK FAC 6,455.00 7,758.16 8,900.00 -11.1% 43 35 PARK DEPT TRAVEL 49.70 187.80 371.00 97.6% 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 N/A 45 01" OTHER RENTALS 2,217.72 5,403.84 .5,300.00 1.9% 45 02EQUIPMENT RENTAL 44,250.00 54,743.00 50,558.00 -7.6% 47 01 ELECTRICITY 39,574.87 59,229.54 55,228.00 -8.8%' 47 02 WTR/SEWERIMETRO/STORM DRAIN 73,975.08 98,747 46 103,831.00 51%' 47 03" GAS 7,564.23 9,884.30 13,483.00 36.4% _. ................. _ ........_._, 47 05 KING CO TRANSFER STATION 0.00 0.00 1,080.00 N/A 47 06 MAINT FOR RR SIGNALS 649.00 766.00 2,120.00 176.8% 48 00 REPAIRS 19 MAINTENANCE 76,188.56 83,551.58 65,529.00 -21.8% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 3,461.14 2,739.80 2,710.00 -1.1% 49 36 MISC AWARDS 0.00 0.00 50.00 N/A 49 37 IVANDALISM 13,953.98 10,100.52 10,160.00 0.6% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 268,339.28 333,112.00 318,298.00 -4.4 id ** PARK FACILITES MAINTENANCE 1,204,384.12 1,296,204.86 1,371,480.00 5.8 DIV: PARKS FACILITIES/PART TIME ACCT: 101 000 20 1990 1991 1992 % ... .. ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 576 11 00 00 PARKS FACILITIES/PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 131,862.04 128,534.42 137,940.00 7.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 3,709.93 2,729.28 21120.00 -22.3% * SALARIES AND WAGES 135,571.97 131,263.70 140,060.00 6.7% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 0.00 4,955.00 N/A 20 03 FICA 10,371.34 10,041.57 10,715.00 6.7% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 6,269.28 5,412.52 5,162.00 -4.6% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 16,640.62 15,454.09 20,832.00 34.8% ** PARKS FACILITIES/PART TIME 152,212.59 146,717.79 160,892.00 9.7% *** PARK FACILITIES 1,358,576.71 1,442,922.45 1,532,352.00 6.2% 251 `rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET wrr FUND: PARKS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: SAM CHASTAIN DEPT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT TITLE: PARKS 8 RECREATION DIRECTOR DIV: SEE BELOW ACCT. 101 000 20 EXPENDITURE DETAIL F7 ,1900 1991 1992 95 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION „::ACTUAL .: ACTUAL Hi1DGET CFIANGE 587 76 00 00 RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFERS-OUT 57 501 TRANSFER TO EQUIPMT RENTAL 0.00 275.08 0.00 -100.0% ** RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFERS-OUT 0.00 275.08 0.00 -100.0 597 70 00 00 OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT 55 02 TRF TO CIP/MITIGA HENDERSON 0.00 18,300.00 0.00 100.0% ** RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFERS-OUT 0.00 18,300.00 0.00 -100.0 CAPITALIZED EXPi.ENDITURES 594 18 00 00 CENT SERV CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 62 05 HOLM PROPERTY DOWNPAYMENT 50,379.830.00 0.00 N/A 64 00 GEN SV/MACHINERY 6 EQUIPMENT 12,223.57 13,829.80 4,800.00 -88.3% ** CENT SERV CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 82,603.40 13,629.80 t 4,800.00 -88.3 594 50 00 00 COMMUNITY CTR CAPITALIZED EXP 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 64 56 COMMUNITY CENTER MACH&EQUIP 0.00 1,670.55 0.00 -100.0% ** COMMUNITY CTR CAPITALIZED EXP 0.00 1,670.55 0.00 -100.0 594 55 00 00 PARK SR CTR CAPITALIZED EXP 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 63 00 IMPRVMTS OTHER THAN BLDGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A _. .. .. ... ... ............ 64 39 SR CENTER MACHINERY✓9 EQUIPMNT 5,985.80 6,800.00 0.00 -100.0% ** PARK SR CTR CAPITALIZED EXP 5,985.80 6,800.00 0.00 -100.0 w 594 74 00 00 PARK ADM/REC SERV CAPITALIZED EXP 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY ow 64 23 PARK ADM MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 997.98 0.00 6,000.00N/A 64 24 PARK REC SERV MACH&EQUIPMENT 12,253.20 6,416.97 0.00 -100.0%- 64 76 STATE BOATING GRANT EQUIPMENT 9,962.03 0.00 0.00 N/A ** PARK ADM/REC SV CAPITALIZED EXP 23,213.21 6,416.97 6,000.00 -6.5 594 76 00 00 PARK FACILITIES CAPITALIZED EXP 40 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 64 00 PARK FAC MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 12,578.04 5,147.73 0.00 -100.0% ** PARK FACILITIES CAPITALZD EXP 12,578.04 5,147.73 0.00 *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 104,380.45 33,665.05 10,600.00 r8r ... . 1990 1991 3992 . ��► PARK FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE: SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,932,978.25 5,302,455.88 5,766,835.00 8.8% .SUB-TOTAL ENDING BALANCE 239,311.90 295,906.27 150,000.00 -49.3% TOTAL PARK FUND 5,172,290.15 5,598,362.15 5,918,835.00 5.7% 'p 252 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET BUND. 03- STREET FUND f EVENUES; EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE` - - 1,990 1991 : 3991 1992! S>,Change %Change SChange 9b Change;; Item Actual Adopteii Actual t3udget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 91 Actual 91 Actuaf REVENUES: _. Opening Balance 499,063 10,000 343,837 575 91 A 565.914 5659.1% 232,077 67.5% Real&Personal Property Taxes 962,355 859,000 815,045 945;1)00 86,000 10.0% 129,955 15.9% ...........__.._..... __...... __.. ........ .. ...... _ ... Sales Tax 415,464 892,293 890,352 642,208'i (250,085) -28.0 (248,144) -27.9% Utility Tax/Gas 322,874 443,566 381,536 376 000 (67,566) 15.2% (5,536) -1.5% Licenses&Permits 20,540 15,000 14,275 10;000 (5,000) -33.3 (4,275) -29.9% FEMA Flood Damage Grant 59,399 0 26,831 0 0 N/A (26,831) -100.0% KC/Jurisdiction Trf/Rainier Ave 0 0 0 23,66623,666 N/A 23,666 N/A Street Fuel Taxes 606,536 620,000 696,647 709,070 89,070 14.40A 12,423 1.8% Charges for Services 6,771 12,500 20,818 10000 (2,500) -2.01.10.% 752.0% Investment Interest 28,398 25,000 22,972 25.000': 0 0.0% 2,028 8.8% Other Miscellaneous 2,759 4,000 756 _ 0' (4,000) -100.0 (756) -100.04 Other Financing/Sale Fixed Assets 112,114 0 0 0` 0 NIA 0 N/A i. SUB-TOTALREVENUES 2,537,210 x 2,871;359 2,869,232: 2,740.944 {130,415) -45 j1281288) 4:5 TOTAL REVENUES&BALANCE 3,036,273 2,881;359 3,213,069' 3,316,858 435,499 15.1 103,789 :.�,3.204 EXPENDITURES: 08.00 Expenditure Credits (515,108) (724,868) (755,422) (847,463) (122,595) 16.9% (92,041) 12.2% 10.00 Regular Salaries 1,367,900 1,651,124 1,548,759 1,831,667 180,543 10.9% 282,908 18.3% 10.00 Part Time Salaries 87,440 126,156 114,219 1411 2,192 16,036 12.7% 27,973 24.5% 10.02 Overtime 27,632 39,219 32,582 50.555 11,336 28.9% 17,973 55.2% 20.00 Personnel Benefits 368,300 457,216 416,840 529,002 71,786 15.7% 112,162 26.9% 30.00 Supplies 208,005 261,250 258,418 286,068' 24,818 9.5% 27,650 10.7% 41.00 Professional Services 119,267 29,250 94,951 24,250 (5,000) -17.1% (70,701) -74.5% 42.00 Postage/Telephone/Other 1,111 3,900 1,741 3,900 r 0 0.0 2,159 124.0% 43.00 Travel/Training 5,935 13,850 10,874 12:300 (1,550) -11.2% 1,426 13.1% 45.01 Other Rentals 13,506 7,250 9,684 7:590 340 4.7 (2,094) -21.6% 45.02 Equipment Rental 343,896 188,172 177,520 396,900 208,728 110.9% 219,380 123.6% 47.00 Public Utility Services 598,706 701,340 548,973 : V9,360 (21,980) -3.1% 130,387 23.8% 48.00 Repairs&Maintenance 21,549 48,900 26,299 45,375.: (3,525) -7.2 19,076 72.5% ....._._._ _. .... _.. _ _:...... .::...__. _. _.........._... ._ 49.00 Miscellaneous 26,879 18,100 11,803 21;6801 3,580 19.80A 9,877 83.7% 51.00Intergovernmtl Services 0 0 0 0' 0 N/A 0 N/A 55.00 Transfers-Out 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A 60.00 Capital Outlay 17,418 30,500 37,586 33,482 2,982 9.8% (4,104) -10.9% 90.00 Interfund Payments 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 N/A SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,692,436- 12,851;359 31534,827' 3,216,858 365,499 12.8% 682,031 26.9 Ending Fund Balance =343,837' 30,000 678,242' 100,000 :70,000 233.3% (578,242) -85,3% TOTAL EXPENDITURES&BALANCE 3,036,273 2,881',359 3,213,069 ;3,316,858 435,499 ! 15.1% 103,789 3.2� Reserved/Budget Resource 343,837 0 575,914 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Est Reserve/Uncompleted Projects 0 0 26,534 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Undesignated Fund Balance 0 30,000 1 75,794 100,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A Total Ending Balance 343,837 30,000 1 678,242 100,000 N/A N/A NIA N/A The Street Fund is a special revenue fund,also classified as a general governmental fund,because a major part of the revenues come from general tax sources such as property,sales,and gas utility tax which will provide$1.963 million or 59%of 1992 funding. The other significant resource is street fuel taxes, $709,000 or 21%of 1992 financing. The 20% balance of 1992 support or$645,000 will come from beginning balance, investment interest, permits, a service charge for maintaining Valley Communications Center dispatch equipment,and $24,000 from King County for a jurisdiction transfer of a portion of Rainier Avenue. There are two partial divisions of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department in this fund which are Transportation Systems (Fund 103/16)and Street Maintenance Services(Fund 103/19). Transportation Systems also includes the Airport(Fund 402/16). Other divisions of Maintenance Services are Water,Waste Water,and Storm Drainage Maintenance(Fund 401/19),Solid Waste Maintenance (Fund 403/19),and Equipment Rental (Fund 501/19). 1992 expenses in the Street Fund are$1.9 million for Transportation Systems,and$1.3 million for Street Maintenance Services. The Operating Budget Section provides program and budgetary information for Transportation Systems on pages 139-142, and for Street Maintenance Services on pages 151 -157. Street Fund revenue detail is on page 254,and expenditure detail is provided for Transportation Systems beginning on page 255,and for Street Maintenance Services beginning on page 262. 253 CITY OF PENTON 1992 BUDGET rrr� FUND: 103 - STREET FUND REVENUE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 cy6 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 103 000 310 00 00 00 TAXES 11 10 00 00 REAL&PERS PROP TAXES 962,355.00 815,045.00 945,000.00 15.9% 313 10 00 00 LOCAL RETAIL SALES/USE TAX 415,464.00 890,352.25 642,208.00 -27.9% 316 43 00 00 UTILITY TAX/GAS 322,874.52 381,536.43 376,000.00 -1.5% �r *** TAXES 1,700,693.52 2,086,933.68 1,963,208.00 -5.9% 103 000 320 00 00 00 LICENSES AND PERMITS 322,40 00 00 STREET/CURB/HOUSE MOVING 0.00 2,220.00 0.00 -100.0% 322 40 00 03 STREET EXCAVATIONS 20,480.00 12,020.00 10,000.00 -16.8% 322 40 00 04 RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMITS 60.00 35.00 0.00 -100.0% *** LICENSES AND PERMITS 20,540.00 14,275.00 10,000.00 -29.9% 103 000 330 00 00 00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 333 83 50 00 FEMA FLOOD DAMAGE GRANT 59,398.63 26,831.00 0.00 -100.0% 336 00 87 00 STREET FUEL TAXES 606,536.00 696,646.65 709,070.00 1.8% 337 07 10 00 KCMURISDICTION TRF/RAINIER AV 0.00 0.00 23,666.00 N/A *** INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 665,934.63 723,477.65 732,736.00 1.346 103 000 340 00 00 00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 342 80 00 00 VALLEY-COMM/TRANSP MAINT 6,770.58 20,818.08 10,000.00 -52.0% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 6,770.58 20,818.08 10,000.00 -52.046 103 000 360 00 00 00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 361 11 00 00 INVESTMENT INTEREST 28,373.67 22,972.22 25,000.00 8.8% rtrr 361 40 00 00 INT ON CONT,NOTES,ACCTS REC 24.11 0.00 0.00 N/A 369 40 00 00 JUDGMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 369 90 00 00 SALE OF JUNK OR SALVAGE 23.13 756.20 0.00 -100.0% 369 90 00 18 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 2,735.98 0.00 0.00 NIA ow369 90 00 25 PRIOR YEAR REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 31,156.89 23,728.42 25,000.00 5.44b 103 000 390 00 00 00 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 395 10 00 00 SALE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 2,114.37 0.00 0.00 N/A 395 10 00 01 STREET VAC/GLACIER PK/SW 31ST 110,000.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 112,114.37 0.00 0.00 N/A SUB-TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 499,062.87 343,836.66 575,914.00 67.5% do SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 2,537,209.99 2,869,232.83 2,740,944.00 -4.5% ****** STREETS 3,036,272,86 ;3,213,069.49 3,316,858.00 3.2ah rr rw g a No �r 254 CITY OF PENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: STREETS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: KARL HAMILTON DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION TITLE: TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS MANAGER' DIV: SYSTEMS OPERATIONS ACCT: 103 000 16 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 =1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE< 542 93 00 00 TRANSPORTA SYSTEMS OPERATIONS 08 00 INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 08 12 LID 329 REIMB (646.63) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 55 CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT (13,636.69) (8,905.29) (14,000.00) 57.2%'' * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (14,283.32) (8,905.29) (14,000.00) 57.2% 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 132,201.47 154,678.56 170,396.00 10.2%- 10 02 OVERTIME 145.86 0.00 100.00 N/A .: * SALARIES AND WAGES 132,347.33 154,678.56 170,496.00 10.2% N 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 11,338.45 11,564.37 13,538.00 17.1% 20 03 FICA 12,719.75 11,283.06 13,043.00 15.6% 20 04 MEDICAL 14,196.00 8,220.91 13,269.00 61.4% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 621.26 314.26 817.00 160.0% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 643.34 543.94 716.00 31.6% 20 09 DENTAL 2,887.00 1,664.00 2,568.00 54.3% 61111 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 42,405.80 33,590.54 43,951.00 30.8% 40 00OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 43 59 _. TRAVEL _ 389.97 0.00 _ 1,000.00 N/A 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 732.00 1,707.85 1,200.00 -29.7% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 12,355.21 6,978.00 8,028.00 15.0%-- 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 397.27 8.50 1,000.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 301.00 265.00 900.00 239.6% 61111 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 311.19 0.00 0.00 N/A 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 61.56 500.00 712.2% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 11 14,486.64 9,020.91 12,628.00 40.00A ** TRANSPORTA SYSTEMS OPERATIONS 174,956.45 188,384.72 213,075.00 13.1% DIV: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS PART TIME ACCT: 103 000 16 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 542 94 00 00 TRANSPORTA SYSTEMS OPR PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 19,884.25 27,806.00 25,000.00 -10.1% 10 02 OVERTIME 74.25 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 19,958.50 27,806.00 25,000.00 -10.1% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 03 FICA 1,537.84 2,127.15 1,913.00 -10.1% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 99.75 650.49 856.00 31.6% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,637.59 2,777.64 2,769.00 -0.3% ** TRANSPORTA SYSTEMS OPR PART TIME1 21,596.09 1 30,583.64 1 27,769.00 -9.2% *** TRANSPORTA SYSTEMS OPERATIONS 196,552.54 218,968.36 240,844.00 10.0% 255 rr CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: STREETS _. . _ PERSON RESPONSIBLE: TED PE6410RTH DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION TITLE: TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR DIV: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE ACCT: 103 000 16 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUALBUDGET CHANGE 542 95 00 00 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAINT 08 00 INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 08 49 REIMB FROM AIRPORT (6,671.00) (1,658.95) (7,540.00) 354.5% 08 55 CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 (13,504.59) 0.00 -100.0% 08 61 REIMB FROM CIP/SIGN REPL PROG 0.00 (6,909.84) (19,700.00) 185.1% 08 63 TRANSP INSURANCE REIMB 0.00 (494.93) 0.00 -100.0% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (6,671.00) (22,568.31) (27,240.00) 20.7% 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 283,005.35 318,901.86 345,407.00 8.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 5,392.01 10,590.62 13,000.00 22.8% * SALARIES AND WAGES 288,397.36 329,492.48 358,407.00 8.8% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 29,449.18 24,102.53 28,458.00 18.10A _. 20 03 FICA 21,990.14 25,f:;0.86 27,419.00 9.3% 20 04 _ MEDICAL 25,730.15 29,91 x.00 38,496.00 28.7% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 4,204.62 4,369.67 5,187.00 18.7% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 1,360.77 1,350.80 1,480.00 9.6% 20 09 DENTAL 5,231.00 5,972.00 7,368.00 23.4% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 87,965.86 90,801.86 108,408.00 19.4% go 30 00 _ SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 89,662.84 482.13 1,000.00 107.4% 31 42 SIGNALS 0.00 9,773.91 13,400.00 37.1% 31 43 SIGN,PAINT,PAVEMENT MARKINGS 0.00 51,883.04 56,000.00 7.9% 31 44 RLN'TO N RIVER DAYS 0.00 2,029.68 5,000.00148.3% 31 45 REPLACE SIGNS&SIGNAL HEADS 0.00 6,089.36 12,000.00 97.1% 31 46 STREET LIGHTING 0.00 12,454.27 9,180.00 -26.3% 31 47 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0.00 10,493.21 11,000.00 4.8% 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,395.91 3,240.77 4,000.00 23.4% * SUPPLIES -93,058.75 96,446.37 111,580.00 15.7 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 42 02 TELEPHONEffELEMETRY 1,106.62 1,703.20 3,800.00 123.1% 43 59 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 391.61 1,132.17 1,700.00 50.2% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 51,070.00 23,136.00 49,104.00 112.2% 47 01 ELECTRICITY 480,442.57 427,435.17 530,000.00 24.0% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 302.84 409.48 3,000.00 632.6% 48 49 RR CR STR PAVEMENT MARKING 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 N/A 48 50 SMALL SCALE TRFC IMPWHAZ ELIM 0.00 4,366.01 5,175.00 18.5% 48 51 CRSWLK&ARROW MNT/THRMOPLSTC 0.00 14,951.83 15,900.00 6.3% 48 52 3M LOOP RESTORATION 0.00 2,278.57 0.00 -100.0% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 196.00 50.00 200.00 300.0% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 159.00 321.70 300.00 -6.7% 49 17 LAUNDRY 1,842.22 2,187.84 2,500.00 14.3% 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 16,907.40 0.00 0.00 N/A * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 552,418.26 477,971.97 616,679.00 29.0% ** TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAINT 1,015,169.23 972,144.37 1,167,834.00 20.1% till Ow ow sm 256 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: STREETS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: TED PEBWORTH DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION TITLE: TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR. DIV: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE PART TIME ACCT: 103 000 16 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 46 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 542 96 00 00 TRANSP SYS MAINT PART TIME 10 00 SLARIES$WAGES 23,514.07 26,205.50 28,900.00 10.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 232.69 135.38 0.00 -100.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 23,746.76 26,340.88 28,900.00 9.744 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 N/A 20 03 FICA 1,816.62 2,015.11 2,210.00 9.7% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 805.22 921.51 1,030.00 11.8% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,621.84 2,936.62 4,340.00 47.8% ** TRANSP SYS MAINT PART TIME 26,368.60 29,277.50 33,240.00 13.5% *** TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAINT 1,041,537.83 1,001,421.87 1,201,074.00 19.9% **** TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS/MAINT 1,238,090.37 1,220,390.23 1,441,918.00 18.246 I� 257 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET _ - FUND: STREETS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MEL WILSON DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION TITLE: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR' DIV: TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/1-405 ACCT: 103 000 16 r� EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % rr ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 595 92 00 00 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/1-405 08 45 REIMS/SEATTLE WATER/WSDOT 0.00 0.00 1.0.00 N/A 08 51 REIMB/WATER UTILITY (125,048.00) (40,790.00) (40,790.00) 0.0% 1111 08 52 REIMB/SEWER UTILITY (20,841.00) (19,300.00) 0.00 -100.0% 08 53 REIMB/STORM DR UTILITY (10,421.00) (12,500.00) 0.00 -100.0% 08 55 CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT (4,697.84) (43,602.23) (40,000.00) -8.3% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (161,007.84) (116,192.23) (80,790.00) -30.55 �r 10 00 SALARI ES&WAGES 81,519.89 84,544.23 94,094.00 11.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 37.00 300.00 710.8% * SALARIES AND WAGES 81,519.89 84,581.23 94,394.00 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 4,653.09 6,562.77 7,495.00 14.2% 20 03 FICA 5,970.15 6,166.34 7,162.00 16.1% rrr 20 04 MEDICAL 3,439.50 3,618.31 4,689.00 29.6%- 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 308.51 146.28 174.00 18.9% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 313.57 326.59 388.00 18.8% 20 09 DENTAL 894.00 886.00 1,284.00 44.9% r * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 15,578.82 17,706.29 21,192.00 19.7% 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 218.05 482.35 0.00 -100.0% 35 00 SMALL EQUIPMENT 77.70 143.13 0.00 -100.0%. * SUPPLIES 295.75 625.48 0.00 -100.00A 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES Ow 41 139 CONSULTANT 100,000.00 (1,968.54) 4,000.00 X03.2% 43 56 TRAVEL 224.82 132.18 400.00 202.6% 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0.00 1,858.00 400.00 -78.5% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 102.69 0.00 300.00 N/A 48 10 EXTERNAL REPAIR/SEA WTR/WSDOT 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 222.00 1,032.45 2,580.00 149.9% 49 14 LEGAURECORDING FEES/PERMITS 1,351.00 416.00 0.00 -100.0% rrl 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 66.10 157.56 500.00 217.3% 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 8.34 640.62 1 500.00 -22.0% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 101,974.95 2,268.27 1 8,680.00 282.7% ** TRANSPORTATION PLANNING/1-405 38,361.57 (11,010.96)1 43,476.00 1 -494.807A ow (1b Irll 9SR a CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: STREETS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MEL WILSON DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION TITLE: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR' DIV: TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 103 000 16 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 595 94 00 00 TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION 08 00 INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 08 12 LID 329 REIMB (823.33) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 34 METRO REIMB/ART STUDY/EXP CR 0.00 0.00 0.00 NIA O8 49 REIMB FROM AIRPORT (1,200.00) (1,900.00) (2,018.00) 6.2% 08 51 REIMB FROM WATER UTILITY 0.00 (23,000.00) (23,000.00) 0.0%' 08 52 REIMB FROM SEWER UTILITY 0.00 (7,215.00) 0.00 -100.0% . ..... .. .......... ..... 68 53 REIMB FROM STORM UTILITY 0.00 (4,845.00) 0.00 -100.00/0 08 55 CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT (5,590.32) (11,645.00) (9,300.00) -20.1% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (7,613.65) (48,605.00) (34,318.00) -29.4% 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 80,644.93 108,007.73 119,007.00 10.2% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 500.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 80,644.93 108,007.73 119,507.00 10.6% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 O1 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,622.03 3,304.04 4,154.00 25.7% 20 03 FICA 5,910.30 7,483.45 8,416.00 12.5% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 2,343.78 5,549.00 8,412.00 51.6% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 249.50 227.65 261.00 14.6% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 256.78 385.15 510.00 32.4% 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 348.00 1,176.00 1,536.00 30.6% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 11,730.39 18,125.29 23,289.00 28.5% - 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICEIOPERATING SUPPLIES 11,573.32 7,507.86 14,500.00 93.1% 35 00 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 11,472.04 5,787.85 7,750.00 33.9% * SUPPLIES 23,045.36 13,295.71 22,250.00 67.3% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 32 ARTERIAL STREET STUDY 1,230.00 85,649.00 0.00 -100.0% 41 60 MISC CONS ULTANTS/TRANSP0RTATION 1,913.00 0.00 0.00 NIA 41 145 SOUTH COUNTY TBD SUPPORT 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 43 53 POSITION RECRUITMENT TRAVEL 541.64 0.00 0.00 N/A 43 59 TRAVEL 12.00 0.00 750.00 N/A 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 644.00 769.25 1,000.00 30.0.6 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 3,648.68 3,682.59 4,000.00 8.6%' 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 2,467.95 2,669.85 4,500.00 68.5% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REG ISTRA 175.00 725.23 400.00 -44.8% 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 193.00 820.00 1,100.00 34.1% ;. * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 18,325.27 94,315.92 11,750.00 1 -87.5% ** TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION 126,132.30 185,139.65 142,478.00 -23.0% DIV: TRANSPORTATION ADM PART TIME ACCT: 103 000 16 595 95 00 00 TRANSPORTATON ADM PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 11,154.00 14,256.75 17,300.00 21.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 11,154.00 14,256.75 17,300.00 21.3% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 0.00 1,374.00 N/A 20 03 FICA 867.07 1,090.63 1,324.00 21.4% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 76.44 71.74 80.00 11.5% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 943.51 1,162.37 2,778.00 139.0% ** TRANSPORTATION ADM PART TIME 12,097.51 15,419.12 20,078.00 30.2% *** TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION 138,229.81 200,558.77 162,556.00 -18.9% 259 r ................ CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET rrr FUND: STREETS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: HAROLD ADAMS DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION TITLE: TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING SUPERVISOR DIV. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING.-Ii-DESIGN ACCT: 103 000 16 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT .DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 595 96 00 00 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING&DESIGN 8 00 INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 08 12 LID 329 REIMB (16,805.57) (59,202.51) 0.00 -100.0% 08 49 REIMB FROM AIRPORT (2,657.52) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 55 CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT (62,516.16) 174,27'9.96) (317,830.00) 82.4% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXPCREDIT (81,979.25) (233,482.47) (317,830.00) 36.1% 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 173,415.41 275,931.51 370,779.00 34.4% 10 02 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 173,415.41 275,931.51 371,779.00 34.77% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 8,374.83 13,405.78 20,463.00 52.6% 20 03 FICA 13,286.94 21,109.26 28,157.00 33.4% 20 04 MEDICAL 10,670.59 17,132.68 33,308.00 94.4% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 684.40 874.88 696.00 -20.4% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 643.87 1,117.70 1,569.00 40.4% 20 09 DENTAL 2,423.00 3,908.00 6,696.00 71.3% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 36,083.63 57,548.30 90,889.00 57.9 60 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 35 00 SMALLTOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 0.00 162.29 0.00 -100.0% * SUPPLIES 0.00 162.29 0.00 -100.0% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 127 N RENTON HOV LANE FEASIB STUDY 11,553.30 760.70 0.00 -100.0% rtlr 41 148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 570.22 10,245.40 20,000.00 95.2% 43 59 TRAVEL 274.42 5.00 600.00 11900.0% 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 896.00 1,380.25 1,900.00 37.7% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,072.00 3,072.00 3,612.00 17.6% W1rr 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 419.00 252.83 500.00 97.8% 49 12 MEMBERFHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 304.00 158.46 600.00 278.6.6 49 14 LEGAURECORDING FEES/PERMITS 0.00 100.00 0.00 -100.0% ......................... ... 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 92.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 56.72 5.000.00 8715.2% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 17,180.94 16,031.36 32,212.00 100.9% ** TRANSPORTATION DESIGN 144,700.73 116,190.99 177,050.00 DIV: TRANSPORTATION DESIGN PART TIME ACCT: 103 000 16 .1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE YAW 595 97 00 00 TRANSP DESIGN PART TIME 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 7,667.85 7,800.53 25,692.00 229.4% 10 02 OVERTIME 85.50 16.50 0.00 -100.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 7,753.35 7,817.03 25,692.00ow 228.7% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 0.00 1,955.00 NIA 20 03 FICA 472.05 527.35 1,966.00 272.8% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 28.20 72.91 98.00 34.4% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 500.25 600.26 4,019.00 569.5% ** TRANSP DESIGN PART TIME 8,253.60 8,417.29 29,711.00 253.0% *** TRANSPORTATION DESIGN 152,954.33 124,608.28 206,761.00 65.9% rYn 260 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: STREETS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MEL WILSON DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION TITLE: TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR DIV: CAPITALIZED EXPENSE ACCT: 103 000 16 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 :1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' 594 28 00 00 TRANSP SYS MTC CAPITALIZED EXP 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 64 40 TRANSP MTC EQUIPMENT 17,418.16 14,060.59 11,982.00 -14.8% ** TRANSP SYS MTC CAPITALIZED EXP 17,418.16 14,060.59 11,982.00 -14.87% 1990 1991 1992 % . ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE'' 594 43 00 00TRANSP SYS CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 60 00 .CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 9,337.00 0.00 100.0% 64 41 TRANSP SYSTEMS OPR MACH&EQ 0.00 14,189.16 21,500.00 51.5% 64 42 TRANSP ADMIN MACH&EQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A ** TRANSP SYS CAPITALIZED EXPENSE 0.00 23,526.16 21,500.00 -8.6% *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 17,418.16 37,586.75 33,482.00 -10.9% ' **** TRANSPORTATION 1,585,054.24 1,572,133.07 1,888,193.00 20.1 t i f� 261 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: STREETS +rr _ _ PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JACK CRUMLEY DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES TITLE: MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIRECTOR DIV: MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 103 000 19 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 7992 % ACCOUNT ::DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' 542 90 00 00 MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION 08 00 INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 08 10 REIMB FR AIRPORT FD TO STIR (939.31) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 24 REIMB FOR SERVICES/STR MAINT (35.91) 0.00 0.00 N/A 08 51 REIMB FROM WATER UTILITY (62,525.00) (63,700.00) (103,857.00) 63.0% 08 52 REIMB FROM SEWER UTILITY (31,263.00) (31,900.00) (31,900.00) 0.0% N 53 REIMB FROM STORM UTILITY (22,743.66) (18,000.00) (19,116.00) 6.2% 08 54 REIMB FROM EQUIPMT RENTAL (25,010.00) (25,493.00) (25,500.00) 0.0% * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT (142,516.88) (139,093.00) (180,373.00) 29.7 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 143,914.74 152,578.66 190,206.00 24.7% 10 02 OVERTIME 531.80 31.75 425.00 1238.6%" * SALARIES AND WAGES 144,446.54 152,610.41 190,631.00 24.9% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/WPERS 9,718.23 12,334.14 15,137.00 22.7% aw 20 03 FICA 10,865.02 11,335.32 14,113.00 24.5% 20 04 PREPAID MEDICAL 8,019.80 9,116.68 17,088.00 87.4% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,206.58 1,119.62 1,842.00 64.5% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 556.84 603.51 809.00 34.0%' 20 09 PREPAID DENTAL 1,436.00 1,677.00 3,120.00 86.0% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 31,802.47 36,186.27 52,109.00 44.0% 30 00. SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,832.34 4,886.92 10,000.00 104.6% 35 01 PUB WKS MAINT CONTROL SYS 6,100.00 5,916.96 2,500.00 -57.7% * SUPPLIES 12,932.34 10,803.88 12,500.00 15.7% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41 148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERV 0.00 265.09 250.00 -5.7% 42 01 POSTAGE 4.00 37.75 100.00 164.9%" low 43 59 TRAVEL 329.86 316.00 750.00 137.3%'' .. ....... .. 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 679.00 866.55 1,000.00 15.4% 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 7,242.17 1,693.74 1,000.00 -41.0% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,290.00 816.00 2,712.00 232.4% Aw 47 07 DUMP FEES 3,426.93 23.50 0.00 -100.0% 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,153.59 879.23 1,000.00 13.7% 49 14 LEGAL/RECORDING FEES/PERMITS 0.00 0.00 25.00 N/A 49 16 PUBLICATIONS 31.25 10.00 75.00 650.0% rr� 49 19 STATE TAX 6.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 49 89 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A * JOTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 16,162.80 4,907.86 1 6,912.00 40.807/b ** MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION 62,827.27 65,415.42 1 81,779.00 rlw im 262 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: STREETS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JACK CRUMLEY DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES TITLE: MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIRECTOR' DIV: STREET MAINTENANCE SERVICES ACCT: 103 000 19 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE' 542 92 00 00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 08 00 INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 08 08 REIMB FROM CIP/OVERLAY PROG (9,713.27) 11,163.45 0.00 -100.0% 08 09 REIMS FROM CIP/SIDEWALK PROG (3,125.44) (665.00) 0.00 -100.0%- 08 13 REIMS FROM STORM UTIUPATCHING (33,565.26) (57,847.72) (35,648.00) -38.4% 08 49 REIMS FROM AIRPORT 0.00 0.00 (13,806.00) N/A 08 50 REIMS FROM SOLID WASTE UTIL (12,651.00) (11,601.00) (11,020.00) -5.0% 08 51 REIMS FROM WATER UTILITY (38,183.28) (46,413.46) (50,000.00) 7.7% 08 52 REIMS FROM SEWER UTILITY (3,798.03) (4,873.98) (10,000.00) 105.2% 08 59 REIMS FR TRANSP CIP/OVERLAY MGT 0.00 (44,000.00) (38,000.00) -13.6% 08 62 REIMS FR STORM UTIULEAF SWEEP 0.00 (32,338.00) (34,440.00) 6.5% * INTERFDREIMBURSMTS/EXPCREDIT (101,036.28) (186,575.71) (192,912.00) 3.4% 10 00 SALARIES&WAGES 474,879.?, 454,117.06 541,778.00 19.3% 10 02 OVERTIME 20,882.71 20,193.22 34,730.00 72.0% * SALARIES AND WAGES 495,762.10 474,310.28 576,508.00 21.5% 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 33,926.80 50,664.92 45,775.00 -9.7%' 20 03 FICA 38,138.04 36,452.41 44,103.00 21.0%:', 20 04 MEDICAL 42,277.44 45,518.23 56,955.00 25.1% 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 7,067.73 6,780.95 8,697.00 28.3% 20 07 LIFE INSURANCE 2,045.00 2,044.38 2,296.00 12.3% 20 09 DENTAL 9,046.00 9,514.00 11,988.00 26.0%' * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 132,501.01 150,974.89 169,814.00 12.5% 30 00 SUPPLIES 31 00 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 908.55 6,766.70 6,120.00 -9.6%- 31 35 STREET/ALLEY 63.516.14 115,242.66 89,642.00 -22.2% 31 36 SEA WALLSICEDAR RIVER 0.00 486.90 0.00 -100.0% 31 37 SIDEWALKS 3,647.23 7,777.29 10,000.00 28.6% 31 38 SNOW&ICE 4,014.83 3,206.28 4,150.00 29.4% 31 39 STREET CLEANING 1,543.20 544.06 3,100.00 469.8% 31 50 JURISDICTION TRF/RAINIER AVE 0.00 0.00 23,666.00 N/A 35 00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 5,043.06 3,058.68 3,060.00 0.0% * SUPPLIES 78,673.01 137,082.57 139,738.001.9% 40 00 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 43 59 TRAVEL 0.00 522.16 200.00 -61.7% 43 60 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 819.80 2,184.76 1,400.00 -45.9% 45 01 OTHER RENTALS 2,615.73 4,307.43 2,590.00 -39.9% 45 02 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 270,608.42 143,517.75 333,444.00 132.3% 47 02 WATER/SEWER/METRO 429.00 429.00 600.00 39.9% 47 07 DUMP FEES 9,381.73 16,232.93 24,000.00 47.8% 47 08 STORM DRAINAGE FEES 105,025.92 104,852.52 124,760.00 19.0% 48 00 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 17,859.11 1,362.53 10,000.00 633.9% t 49 12 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 281.32 418.00 1,000.00 139.2% 49 17 LAUNDRY 1 3,278.95 1 3,502.80 1 4,500.00 28.5% * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 410,299.98 1 277,329.88 1 502,494.00 81.2% ** STREET MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1,016,199.82 853,121.91 1,195,642.00 40.1% 263 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: STREETS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JACK CRUMLEY DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES TITLE: MAINTENANCE SERVICES DIRECTOR DIV: SEE BELOW ACCT. 103 000 19 EXPENDITURE DETAIL DIV: STREET MAINTENANCE SEASONAL HELP ACCT: 103 000 19 1990 1991 .1992 ... % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET : .GCHANGE; 542 91 00 00 STREET MAINT/SEASONAL HELP 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 25,220.18 38,150.08 36,600.00 -4.1% 10 02 OVERTIME 287.34 1,577.29 500.00 -68.3% * SALARIES AND WAGES 25,507.52 39,727.37 37,100.00 -6.6% ' 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 357.45 0.00 -100.0% 20 03 FICA 2,050.65 2,885.88 2,840.00 -1.6% . .................... . ..... .. .. 0 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 796.70 1.,186.45 1,235.00 4.1% * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1 2,847.35 4,429.78 4,075.00 -8.0% ** PART TIME PERSONNEL 28,354.871 44,157.151 41,175.00 1 -6.8% y1M EXPENDITURE DETAIL DIV: MAINTENANCE ADMIN PART TIME ACCT: 103 000 19 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET :CHANGE 542 97 00 00 MAINT ADMINIPART TIME 10 00 SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 0.00 8,700.00 N/A * SALARIES AND WAGES 0.00 0.00 8,700.00 N!A 20 00 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 20 01 RETIREMENT/PERS 0.00 0.00 662.00 N/A _. 20 03 FICA 0.00 0.00 666.00 N/A 20 06 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 41.00 N/A * I PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 1,369.00 N/A ** MAINT ADMIN/PART TIME 0.00 0.00 10,069.00 N/A DIV: STREET MAINT CAPITALIZED EXP ACCT: 103 000 19 . 1990 1991 1992 % ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 594 42 00 00 STREET MAINT CAPITALIZED EXP 60 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 64 51 STREET MAINT MACH&EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** CAPITALIZED EXPENDITURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** STREET MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1,107,381.96 962,694.48' 1,328,665.00 . 38.0 1990 1991 1992 % STREET FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,692,436.20 2,534,827.55 3,216,858.00 26.9% 11YIr SUB-TOTAL ENDING BALANCE 343,836.66 678,241.94 100,000.00 -85.3% ****** TOTAL STREET FUND 3,036,272.86 3,213,069.49 3,316,858.00 3.2% am 264 . .. ...... ........................................ CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: 106 -LIBRARY FUND REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE' 1990 1991 1991 1992' $Change %Change ;Change %Change` - - - - Item' Actual ::,..Adopted Actual Budget 91 Adopted 91 Adopted 91 Actual 81 Actuat REVENUES: Opening Balance 57,429 5,000 71,010 78 280 74,280 1485.6% 8,270 11.6%. .......... . _..... Sales Tax 32,444 63,222 84,388 0 (63,222) -100.0% (84,386) -100.0% Utility Tax(Telephone 753,315 771,096 937,667 885,0001 113,904 14.8 (52,667) -5.6%' Charges for Services 13,135 12,000 14,024 12,600 500 4.2 (1,524) 10.9% Library Fines 13,511 13,500 14,932 13,700 200 1.5% (1,232) -8.3% Investment Interest 2,480 3,000 4,916 2;000 (1,000) -33.3% (2,916) -59.3% Contributions/Book Sale 3,075 1,000 2,785 1,500 500 50.0% (1,285) -46.1% Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 9 0 0 N/A (9) 100.0% SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 817,960 863,818 1,058,719914,700 50,882 5.9%,::::J1144.019) -13.6 TOTAL REVENUES 8 BALANCE 875,389 868,818 1129,729 993,980 125,162 14.4% 135,749) -12.0 EXPENDITURES: _ - 08.00 Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 fVIA .. __..... _ _. 10.00 Regular Salaries 427,853 468,937 462,758 507,444 38,507 8.2% 44,686 9.7% 10.04)Part Time Salaries 70,470 76,300 74,784 86,816` 10,516 13.8% 12,032 16.1% 10.02 Overtime 2,247 4,158 1,706 :4,104 (54) -1.3% 2,398 140.6%' 20.00 Personnel Benefits 101,468 113,771 122,700 144,952 31,181 27.4% 22,252 18.1% 30.00 Supplies 12,287 13,593 13,731 13,593: 0 0.0% (138) -1.0% 41.00 Professional Services 10,724 15,500 10,445 19,700' 4,200 27.1% 9,255 88.6% 42.00 Postage/Telephone/Other 447 492 441 512 20 4.1% 71 16.1% 43.00 Travel/Traming 266 1,200 949 4,300 3,100 258.3% 3,351 353.1% 45.01 Other Rentals 7,192 10,100 6,995 10,100 0 0.0% 3,105 44.4% 45.02 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A 46.00 Insurance 0 0 0. : 0 0 N/A 0 N/A t� :47.00 Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 NIA 48.00 Repairs$Maintenance 3,609 5,617 4,676 5,ti64 I' 47 0.8% 988 21.1% 49.00 Miscellaneous 1,987 5,150 2,389 2:050:: (3,100) -0.2% (339) -14.2%' 51.001nter overnmtl Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0N/A 55.00 Transfers-Out 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 NIA _. . 60.00 Capital Outlay/Library Books 165,829 144,000 148,983 144,000 0 0.0% (4,983) -3.3% __ ... .._ _ _. _ ._. _ ----- - :_ _ _.. :90.00 Interfund Payments 0 0 0 0'J 0 N/A 0 NIA SUB-TOTAL'EXPENDITURES 804,379 858,818 850,557'' :943,235 :84,417 :9.8% 92,678 10.9 Ending Fund Balance 71,010`.' ;10,000 279.172'a `50,745 40,745 :407.4%:'`s{228,427) -81:8 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8 BALANCE 875,389 <868,818 1,129,729 993,980 125,162 14.4% (135,749) -12.0 Reserve/Budget Resource 71,010 0 79,280 0> N/A N/A NIA N/A Undesignated Fund Balance 0 10,000 199,892 50;745. N/A N/A N/A NIA Total Ending Balance 71,010 10,000 279,172 '' <:' ';50,745 N/A N/A N/A NIA The Library Fund accounts for the operation of two City Libraries. It is a special revenue fund, also referred to as a general governmental fund, since the majority of support for library services is derived from general tax revenues. In 1992, 89% of the resources will come from telephone utility tax, with 11% from beginning balance, service charges for public telephones and copy machines, library fines, investment interest, and contributions from the annual book sale. 1992 revenues are up 5.9% over 1991 adopted figures,and are 13.6%less than 1991 actual receipts. 1992 expenditures are up 9.8%over the 1991 adopted budget,and are 10.9% more than 1991 actual figures. The $199,892 undesignated ending balance is the result of telephone utility tax and other revenues exceeding estimates in 1991. The ending balances of the four General Governmental Funds (General, Park, Street, and Library) will be equalized in the 1992 mid-year budget adjustment. Budget and program information is in the Operating Budget section on pages 181 -182. Library Fund revenue detail can be found on page 266,and expenditure detail begins on page 267. 265 r. .......... . ......................... . ..................... .. . CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET' +r FUND: 106 - LIBRARY FUND REVENUE DETAIL ....,;, . 1990 1991 1992 % ACCLINT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL :..ACTUAL BUDGET CHANGE 106 000 310 00 00 00 TAXES 313 10 00 00 LOCAL RETAIL SALES/USE TAX 32,443.85 84,385.71 0.00 -100.0%' _._ 316 47 00 00 UTILITY TAX-PHONEITELEGRAPH 753,314.63 937,667.34 885,000.00 -5.6% *** TAXES 785,758.48 1,022,053.05 885,000.00 -13.4 106 000 340 00 00 00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES :.... ................ .. . . 341 60 00 01 PHOTOCOPIES 13,039.65 13,883.60 12,500.00 -10.0% 341 70 00 00 CONCESSNENDING MACHINEIPHONE 1.95.96 140.78 0.00 *** CHARGES FOR SERVICES 13,135.61 14,024.38 12,500.00 -10. tlll� 106 000 350 00 00 00 FINES AND FORFEITS 359 70 00 00 LIBRARY FINES 13,511.01 14,932.19 12,500.00 -16.3%' 359 70 00 01 LIBRARY PAST DUE COLLECTION 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 N/A *** FINES AND FORFEITS 13,511.01 14,932.19 13,700.00 -8.3 106 000 360 00 00 00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 361 11 00 00 INVESTMENT INTEREST 21480.31 4,915.96 2,000.00 -59.3% 367 00 00 05 CONTRIBUTION/PRIVATEBOOKSALE 3,074.66 2,784.74 1,500.00 -48.1% 369 90 00 18 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 0.00 9.000.00 -100.0% 369 90 00 25 PRIOR YEAR REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A *** MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 5,554.97 7,709.70 3,500.00 -54.8 SUB-TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE 57,429.30 71,010.48 79,280.00 11.6% _ _ __.. SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 817,960.07 1,058,719.32 914,700.00 -13.6% ***** LIBRARY 876,399.37: :.129.729.80 a93 980:00 -12:0 irr 9r irr rir 4r �r Arlt 266 CITY OF RENTON 1992 BUDGET FUND: LIBRARY PERSON RESPONSIBLE: CLARK PETERSEN DEPT: LIBRARY DEPARTMENT TITLE: LIBRARY DIRECTOR DIV: LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION ACCT: 106 000 21 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1990 1991 199