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1993 Annual Budget
• enton +r fi ff b } 3 d 4 x RIF- AP: e e > w 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington 9805 �� Irr 1r 1993-94 CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUDGET: Slow No Tax' Retlucetl' Medical Govt'1 Capital Social Citizen Economy Increases Sales Tax' Increase Mandates Needs' Needs Demands TRYING TO HOLD THE LINE Mayor: Earl Clymer Council: Bob Edwards Nancy L Mathews Toni Nelson Timothy Schlitzer Richard M. Stredicke Jesse Tanner Kathy Keolker-Wheeler �r Yw w City of Renton ❑ 200 Mill Avenue South ❑ Renton,WA 98055 ❑ (206) 235-2558 it CITY OF RENTON 1993 -1994 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS hem Paae INTRODUCTION City of Renton Mayor and City Council Picture..:............................................................................................................................ 4 Boards,Commissions and Committees......................................................................................................................................... 5 City Organization and Reporting Relationships,and Mission Statement........................................................................................ 6 Mayor's Letter of Transmittal.......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Budget Related Fiscal Goals and Policies...................................................................................................................................... 18 Reader's Guide to the Budget........................................................................................................................................................ 23 BudgetCalendar............................................................................................................................................................................. 25 ; BUDGET SUMMARY Table1: Budget Comparison by Fund........................................................................................................................................ 27 Table 2: Departmental Operating Budget Comparisons,Capital Improvements,and Designated Funds................................... 29 Table 3: Revenue and Expenditure Summary for All Funds....................................................................................................... 31 Table 4: 1993 Revenues,Expenditures,and Fund Sources-All Funds.................................................................................... 33 Table5: Revenue Detail-All Funds........................................................:.................................................................................. 37 Table 6: Expenditure Detail-All Funds...................................................................................................................................... 39 Table 7: Staffing Comparisons by Department........................................................................................................................... 41 Table 8: General Governmental Revenue and Expenditure Summa Table 9: General Governmental Funds Budget Changes........................................................................................................... 45 Table 10: 1993 Capital Improvement Plan(CIP).......................................................................................................................... 48 Table 11: General Governmental Funds Revenues,Expenditures,and Fund Balance 1988-1998 Projected............................ 51 Table 12: Utility Rate Analysis and Projections for Sample Residential Customer 1986-1997................................................... 53 Table 13: Comparison of Renton's Taxes and Rates................................................................................................................... 54 Table 14: Local Construction,Building Permits,and Retail Sales Activity 1988-1997............................................................... 55 Table 15: General Purpose Limitation of Indebtedness,Tax Rates, Property Tax Revenue 1988-1997.................................... 57 Table 16: City of Renton Retail Sales 1989-1992....................................................................................................................... 59 Table 17: Largest Taxpayers and Principal Employers................................................................................................................. 60 Table 18: Economic and Demographic Statistics 1982-1993 Estimated.................................................................................... 61 OPERATING BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,WORK PLAN,PROGRAM ACTIVITY,BUDGET CHANGES, STAFFING AUTHORIZATION,EXPENDITURE SUMMARY,AND ACTIVITY TRENDS Department/Division Name LEGISLATIVE(City Council)-Organizational Structure............................................................................................................... 62 City Council Committees(Committee Members,Meeting Times,Example Topics)....................................................:............... 65 EXECUTIVE-Organizational Structure......................................................................................................................................... 66 Executive-All Divisions.............................................................................................................................................................. 67 ExecutiveAdministration(Mayor).................... .......................................................................................................................... 69 Judicial(Municipal Court)............................................................................................................................................................ 73 LegalServices(City Attorney)............................................................................................................:........................................ 75 HearingExaminer........................................................................................................................................................................ 77 Personnel/Civil Service Commission . ....................................................................................................................................... 79 Community Relations Publications.............................................................................................................................................. 83 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES-Organizational Structure........................................................................................................... 84 Administrative Services-All Divisions......................................................................................................................................... 85 Finance....................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 CityClerk.................................................................................................................................................................................... 89 DataProcessing.......................................................................................................................................................................... 91 Non-Departmental(Miscellaneous Services)............................................................................................................................... 93 t; Insurance..............................................................................................................:..................................................................... 95 ,a Administrative Services Actively Trends...................................................................................................................................... 97 Ali POLICE-Organizational Structure................................................................................................................................................ 98 Police-All Divisions.................................................................................................................................................................... 99 Administration.............................................................................................................................................................................. 103 b OperationsBureau...................................................................................................................................................................... 105 SupportServices Bureau.............................................................................................................................................................109 PoliceActivety Trends.................................................................................................................................................................113 FIRE-Organizational Structure..................................................................................................................................................... 114 Fire-All Divisions........................................................................................................................................................................115 Administration.............................................................................................................................................................................. 119 JIM Operations(Suppression,EMS Life Support,Hazmat,Dive Team)............................................................................................121 Prevention...................................................................................................................................................................................125 Training ......................................................................................................................................................127 EmergencyManagement/Safety..................................................................................................................................................129 FireActivety Trends....................................................................................................................................................................131 1 rr CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page OPERATING BUDGET-Continued ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,WORK PLAN,PROGRAM ACTIVITY,BUDGET CHANGES, STAFFING AUTHORIZATION,EXPENDITURE SUMMARY,AND ACTIVITY TRENDS PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS-Organizational Structure........................................................................................... 132 Planning/Building/Public Works-All Divisions........................................................................................................................... 133 Administration............................................................................................................................................................................. 137 DevelopmentServices................................................................................................................................................................. 139 Transportations Systems-All Divisions...................................................................................................................................... 143 TransportationSystems/Street Fund........................................................................................................................................ 146 TransportationSystems/Airport................................................................................................................................................. 146 Planning/Technical Services....................................................................................................................................................... 147 1 he Utility Systems-All Divisions...................................................................................................................................................... 151 Water,Sewer,Storm Utility Systems........................................................................................................................................ 152 SolidWaste Utility Utility Systems............................................................................................................................................ 153 Maintenance Services-All Divisions.......................................................................................................................................... 155 StreetMaintenance Services..................................................................................................................................................... 159 Water,Sewer,Storm Utility Maintenance Services................................................................................................................... 159 Solid Waste Utility Maintenance Services................................................................................................................................. 160 EquipmentRental Services....................................................................................................................................................... 160 1992 New Equipment and Replacements..........:...................................................................................................................... 161 1r COMMUNITY SERVICES-Organizational Structure................................................................................................................... 162 CommunityServices-All Divisions............................................................................................................................................. 163 General Services/Parks and Recreation-All Divisions/Park Fund............................................................................................. 165 Administration........................................................................................................................................................................... 167 GeneralServices/Park Facilities............................................................................................................................................... 169 SeniorCenter.................................................................-......................................................................................................... 173 CommunityCenter.................................................................................................................................................................... 175 RecreationalServices............................................................................................................................................................... 177 GolfCourse................................................................................................................................................................................. 179 HumanServices.......................................................................................................................................................................... 181 Community Development Block Grant Program(CDBG)............................................................................................................ 183 Library......................................................................................................................................................................................... 185 CommunityServices Activety Trends.......................................................................................................................................... 187 THE BUDGET BY FUND FUND DESCRIPTION,REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY AND DETAIL,AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE IN General Governmental: General Fund 000........................................................................................................................ 189 Expenditure Detail: Legislative Services(City Council)........................................................................................... 195 MunicipalCourt........................................................................................................................ 195 ExecutiveAdministration.......................................................................................................... 196 Budgetingand Accounting....................................................................................................... 197 CityClerk................................................................................................................................. 199 Printing and Duplication Services............................................................................................ 199 Information Systems................................................................................................................ 200 Non-Departmental(Miscellaneous Services)........................................................................... 201 Legal Services(City Attorney).................................................................................................. 202 Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services.......................................................... 202 Police....................................................................................................................................... 208 Fire.... ....................................................................................................................................... 213 HearingExaminer..................................................................................................................... 217 Personnel/Civil Service............................................................................................................ 218 Irrf Planning/Building/Public Works Administration....................................................................... 219 Planning/Building/Public Works Planning/Technical Services................................................. 220 HumanServices....................................................................................................................... 223 GeneralFund Totals................................................................................................................ 226 ParkFund 101 ............................................................................................................................. 227 StreetFund 103........................................................................................................................... 238 Planning/Building/Public Works Transportation Systems(103/16).......................................... 240 Planning/Building/Public Works Maintenance Services(103/19)............................................ 244 bwLibrary Fund 106.......................................................................................................................... 261 2 it ,M CITY OF RENTON 1993 -1994 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page THE BUDGET BY FUND-Continued FUND DESCRIPTION,REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY,AND DETAIL,AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 100-Special Revenue: Arterial Street Fund 102...............................................................................................................236 Community Development Block Grant Fund 104..........................................................................247 Impact Mitigation Fund 105..........................................................................................................253 Reserve for Paths and Trails Fund 118........................................................................................265 1%for Art Fund 125.....................................................................................................................266 Cable Communication Development Fund 127............................................................................267 ContingencyFund 107.................................................................................................................289 200-Debt Service: Limited General Obligation Bond Funds Combined 207/212/215.................................................268 1978 Limited G.O.Bond Fund(Senior Center)207.................................................................269 1989 Limited G.O.Refunding Bond Fund(City Shop)212......................................................270 General Government Miscellaneous Debt Service Fund 215...................................................271 Unlimited General Obligation Bond Funds Combined 213/219....................................................272 1983 Unlimited G.O.Bond Fund(Coulon Park)213................................................................273 1989 Unlimited G.O.Bond Fund(Senior Housing)219........................................................................................................274 Local Improvement District Debt Service Funds Combined 220/221 ...........................................275 Local Improvement District Debt Service Fund 220.................................................................279 Local Improvement District Guaranty Fund 221 .......................................................................282 300-Capital Project: Open Space Construction Fund 302............................................................................................283 Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Fund 316(Multi-Department/Parks CIP).....................288 Transportation Capital Improvement Fund 317............................................................................292 Street Forward Thrust Fund 301..................................................................................................308 Senior Housing Construction Fund 319.......................................................................................309 Local Improvement District Construction Fund 320......................................................................311 400-Enterprise: Water/Sewer/Storm Utility 401 (Planning/Building/Public Works Utility Systems).......................313 UtilitySystems 401/18..............................................................................................................316 MaintenanceServices 401/19..................................................................................................320 Airport 402(Planning/Building/Public Works Transportation Systems).......................................325 Solid Waste Utility 403(Planning/Building/Public Works)............................................................330 Solid Waste Utility Systems 403/18.........................................................................................332 Solid Waste Maintenance Services 403/19..............................................................................332 GolfCourse 404...........................................................................................................................334 Water/Sewer/Storm Construction 421................................:..................... .. ........................ ..........338 500-Internal Service: Equipment Rental 501 (Planning/Building/Public Works Maintenance Services)........................343 InsuranceFund 502.....................................................................................................................347 600-Fiduciary: Firemen's Pension Fund 601........................................................................................................353 ; APPENDIX RegionalMap P.................................................................................................................................................................................356 Cityof Renton General Information................................................................................................................................................357 Cityof Renton Long Term Debt Information...................................................................................................................................358 City of Renton Outstanding Debt as of December 31, 1991 ..........................................................................................................359 1 1993 Salary Schedule-Index of Positions and Pay Ranges: ElectedOfficials and Non-Union...............................................................................................................................................360 Local21-R.................................................................................................................................................................................361 3. Fire Commissioned...................................................................................................................................................................364 f PoliceCommissioned................................................................................................................................................................365 PoliceNon-Commissioned........................................................................................................................................................366 HourlyPart Time.......................................................................................................................................................................367 1994 Salary Schedule-Index of Positions and Pay Ranges: ElectedOfficials and Non-Union...............................................................................................................................................368 Local21-R.................................................................................................................................................................................369 FireCommissioned...................................................................................................................................................................372 PoliceCommissioned...................................................... .......................................................................................................373 PoliceNon-Commissioned....... ................................................................................................................................................374 HourlyPart Time.......................................................................................................................................................................375 BudgetGlossary.............................................................................................................................................................................376 Acknowledgements-inside back cover ky I� 3 ire CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET City of Renton Mayor and City Council hrr } } Y �' �e lyl iii ii �yy :fib•^• Left to right,seated: Council Member Kathy Keolker-Wheeler and Mayor Earl Clymer. Standing: Council President Bob Edwards,Council Members Nancy Mathews,Tim Schlitzer,Toni Nelson,Jesse Tanner, and President Pro-Tem Richard Stredicke f 4 it CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Boards, Camm�ssrons,.acrd Committees . ';'BOARD OFAt7JUSTMEMS HORIZONSCOMM/TTEE MUNICIPAL ARTS;COMMISSIOLV: 4th Wed,8pm,Council Chambers Jan-July,3rd Tue,7pm,RCC 1st Wed,8am,6th fl.conf.room (4-year terms) Corrie Starwoski No meeting July&August Ellery Brown Jr. Ernie Tonda (3-year terms) James Jacques Ed Yaguchi Lois Anslow Albee Lee Connel Harley Holt,City staff Marghee Baldridge Dennis Dochnahl 'M.B. Escher William Anderson HUMAN SERVICE CMZENS Diana Hitch Rosemary Ouesenberry ADVISORYCOMMn7EE Dr.Stephen Saunders 'Barbara Lally As needed,8:30am, 1st fl.conf. room Karen Lunder Rolf Dragseth Dianna Manning Dixon Long Sharon Newbury BOARD OFEFHICS Mary Jo Rouse Michael O'Halloran Meets as necessary Tony Ladner 'Ronald Ringwood (4-year terms) Juanita Grant Connie Tajon Joy Poff Leslie Huberty Virginia Corder Mary Mattson Ron McDonald Donald Jacobson (2 POSITIONS VACANT) HUMAN RIGHTS&AFFAIRS PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSION Every Wed,7pm, 1st fl.conf. room CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. ! 2nd Tue,7:30pm,3rd fl.conf.room (3-year terms) POLICEAND FIRE (2-year terms) Donald Jacobson 4th Tue,5pm,6th fl.conf.room Mark Fristo Jr. 'Glenn Garrett (6-year terms) Vern Nichols Jeffrey Lukins Barbara Little Peggy Robinson Eugene Ledbury Margaret Ellison Glenda Williams Herbert Postelwait Darrell Igelmund (3 VACANT POSITIONS) Mary Reed Lorna Thompson Patrick Texeira Robert Stevenson LIBRARYBOARD; Richard Wagner Diane Bates,City staff 2nd Wed,3pm,Highlands Library (VACANT POSITION) (5-year terms) Phillip Beckley FIREMEN S PENSION BOARD Marian Larsen SENIOR CITIZEN ADVISORY 3rd Tue,4pm,5th fl.conf. room Wanda Strugar-Thompson COMMITTEE Earl Clymer,Mayor 'Daniel Sullivan 1st&3rd Mon, 10am,Sr.Center Nancy Mathews,City Council Judith Milligan (3-year terms) 'Marilyn Petersen,City Clerk Dovie Sherrill Ray Barilleaux,Fire Dept. LEOFFDISAB/t ITYBOARD Hosia Towery Bill Henry,Fire Dept. Law Enforcement Officers/Fire Fighters 'Jim Denzer William Larson,Alternate 2nd Wed,8am,6th fl.conf.room Bob Larsen Nancy Mathews,City Council Selma Fitting Toni Nelson,City Council Louise Graham HOUSINGAUTH013I7Y Wally Hume,Police Dept.-Retired Ray Browning 2nd Mon,10am,970 Harrington Ave NE 'Bob Deines, Fire Dept. Frank Cenkovich (5-year terms) Jim Phelan,Member-at-Large Dale Merritt Edna Bagnariol Ann Kooser Thomas Trimm PARKBOARD Mary Burns John Webley 2nd Tue,4:30pm,LPCB Louise Mathias Kay Johnson (4-year term) Martha Mirro Ernest Tonda Robert Larsen Dale Forbes "Tony Ladner, Housing Director Robert Logue Vivian Towery Paul Houser Sr.,Legal Counsel Joan Moffatt 'Ronald Regis 'Chair/Contact 1993 Esther Weathers 5 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Corporate Organization & Reporting Relationships RENTON'S MISSION STATEMENT RENTON The City of Renton,in partnership with residents, CITIZENS business,and government,is dedicated to: Providing a healthy atmosphere in which to live&raise families: Encourage responsible growth and economic vitality; Create a positive work environment; Resulting in a quality community where people choose Councilmembers: to live,work and play. Bob Edwards, President Earl Clymer Nancy Mathews Toni Nelson Mayor Tim Schlitzer Richard Stredicke Jesse Tanner Kathy Keolker-Wheeler PLAN/BLDG/PUBLIC WORKS EXECUTIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Lynn Guttmann Vacant Administrator City Attorney Executive Assistant Administrator Larry Warren Jay Covington Development Transportation Cit Clerk Accounting& Services Director Systems Director Municipal Court Marilyn Petersen 4 Budgeting Director Jim Hanson Mel Wilson Hearing Examiner Judge y Iwen Wang Fred Kaufman Roger Lewis 51anniSnglTech Utilities Information es DirectorSystems Director Systems Director houdy regg Zimmerma Personnel Director Phil Jewett everly Nelson-Glod Maintenance Services Director Jack Crumley FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES Lee Wheeler Alan Wallis Sam Chastain Chief Chief Administrator Jim Mathew Garry Anderson Don Persson Parks d Rec Director Library Director Deputy Chief Captain Captain Bill Hutsinpiller Clark Petersen Suppression Operations Support Services Human Services Ray Barilleaux Prevention Facilities Director Glen Gordon Gary Gotti Bureau Bureau Jim Shepherd Manager Battalion Chief Ron Shelley Larry Weiss Battalion Chief Investigation Crime Prev Patrol/Traffic Adm SvlTrainraining Animal Control Staff Sery Gambling Enforcm Jail Safety/Emerg Mgt Training Jack McLaughlin Larry Eager Battalion Chief Captain 6 CITY OF RENTON "LL Mayor Earl Clymer Renton Council and Citizens March 30, 1993 City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA 98055 RE: Transmittal of 1993 - 1994 Budd Dear Council and Citizens: The 1993 budget before you could best be described as "holding the line." 1992 has been a year of slowed economic growth combined with increasingly pessimistic projections and public perceptions. It seems we hear news of companies and governments everywhere cutting back and reducing their budgets to balance them with declining revenues. While Renton has also been impacted by these economic conditions, the 1993 budget does not include dramatic cuts in services or programs. It provides for most services to continue, although with fewer resources. Where necessary, we have either allocated limited new resources or shifted existing resources to address critical, unmet needs, and to implement actions taken in 1992. This is the third year in a row that we have pared the budget back, cutting expenses wherever we could, without eliminating programs. In each of the prior two years, we eliminated positions and laid people off. I am proud to say that the 1993 budget does not require tax increases or layoffs. I feel the 1993 budget is prudent, responsive to economic conditions, and one that will allow the residents of Renton to continue to live, work and play in a quality city. As will be discussed in more detail later, we have become increasingly concerned with the rate of personnel cost increases, particularly those associated with health benefits. With the 1/4% Real Estate Excise Taxes you adopted last year we are starting to address some deferred capital needs. But at the same time, we realize the needs are of overwhelming proportion to this restrictive and limited resource. Areas that need immediate attention include bringing City Hall into fire and building code compliance, developing needed park properties, replacing aging fire equipment, and providing permanent office space for our municipal court and police department. While the 1993 budget does not address these areas financially, it does include a process for developing a solution. Biennial Budget This budget marks the first time the City has included a two year work plan in a budget document. Earlier 1992, the City Council gave approval for my staff to develop a two-year budget plan for 1993 and 1994. The biennial budget is not official. We have prepared it so each year will be adopted individually. The City Council adopted the 1993 budget last December, and the figures for 1994 are informational and will be used as a baseline for the development of the 1994 budget. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2580 1993- 1994 Budget Message We anticipate there will be a moderate level of modifications required but there will still be a net time savings in budget preparation during the off-budget years. Budget Overview The 1993 budget totals $96.4 million, a 5% decrease over the 1992 adopted budget. Changes in major funds break down as follows: General Governmental Funds, including limited general obligation debt services, will increase by $796,013, or 2.3% in 1993 and $1,340,252, or 3.8% in 1994. Special Revenue Funds include Arterial Street, Block Grant, Impact Mitigation, Reserve for Paths & Trails, 1% for Art and Cable Communication. These funds show a $4.7 million decrease in 1993, reflective of the $4 million Metro Mitigation fee budgeted in 1992 and not in 1993. 1994's decrease of$35.5,220 is because Community Development Block Grant Programs are not appropriated yet for 1994. Debt Services include voter approved general obligation bond issues, one for Coulon Park acquisition and improvement and one for Senior Housing construction; and Local Improvement District (LID) debts. Budget amount is expected to increase by $743,479 in 1993, due to LID pre-payments, which will level off in 1994 for an increase of$37,431. Capital Projects decreased by $5 million in 1993 mainly due to substantial completion of the Senior Housing construction project by the end of 1992. Projected 1994 programs will increase by $11 million, primarily in transportation improvements. rir Enterprise Funds consist of a Water/Sewer/Storm Utility, Solid Waste Utility, Airport Fund, and Golf Course Fund. These are primarily funded by user fees and have a combined increase of 8.5%, or $2.9 million for 1993, and 6.3%, or $2.3 million for 1994. The two Internal Service Funds are the Insurance and Equipment Rental Funds. The total budget will decrease by 1% or $75,668 in 1993 and is expected to increase by 7.5% or $564,827 in 1994 as a result of an expected $352,632 increase in the insurance fund, and $212,195 increase in equipment purchase financing. In addition to the above, the City makes contributions to the Firemen's Pension Fund from property taxes which will be $246,000 and $265,000 respectively for 1993 and 1994. Other sources for the pension fund are investment income, and fire insurance premium state shared revenue. The 1993 change amounts to $79,781 or 3.1% increase over 1992, and 1994 will increase by about $80,166 or an additional 2.9%. General Governmental During the summer of 1992, the City revised revenue forecasts for future years, based on the latest economic indicators. Most City services are budgeted within our general governmental funds, whose major sources of revenue are property, sales, and utility taxes, business license fees, permit fees, and charges for parks and recreation services. hr 1993- 1994 Budget Message Our general taxes provide about 82% of our general governmental revenue, and licenses and permits account for 3%. This 85% of our general resources is particularly sensitive to economic and employment changes. The projected reduction in Boeing and overall employment in the City, and a general economic downturn have resulted in general governmental revenue growth of only 2% in 1993. Unfortunately, the City cannot easily reduce expenses to match revenues. We have contractual obligations with other governments, agencies, and employees. We need to meet the demand for basic services which usually increases during an economic downturn. We also face increasing Federal and State mandates that we must meet. These mandates and contractual obligations have increased dramatically over the past ten years, while funding from Federal and State sources has diminished. Approximately 77% of the general governmental budget consists of personnel-related costs, largely governed by four different union contracts. Health care costs alone are slated to increase 25% in this budget. For the 1993 budget, I have assumed a full maintenance of benefits package with no cost-of-living increases. This approach will provide employees with the same health care and other benefit provisions as previous years. Under this proposal, increases in compensation are different depending on the employee group, but approximately equal to the consumer price index, as directed by Council. The City is currently negotiating two union contracts. Should the outcome of those negotiations be greater than the amount budgeted, it will be necessary to reduce program expenses by either eliminating positions or instituting a furlough to offset increased costs. Budget ChrnWes Original general governmental revenues were projected to increase by only 1.3% with expenditure requests increasing by 4.5%. This resulted in a preliminary budget-shortfall of over $1.5 million. In order to bring the general governmental budget into balance, departments cut approximately $671,000 from their preliminary requests, which were very conservative to begin with. The budget includes an increase in the amount of indirect service fees charged to other City funds for general services (utilities, finance, personnel, administration) to 75% of actual costs from approximately 60%. This will offset the shortfall by $337,000. In addition, fee increases in development services and our recreational services totaling $105,000 will be presented to you in early 1993 for approval. At the same time , departments were asked to hold the line on expenditures for the last half of 1992, in an effort to save approximately 2% or $680,000 from 1992 appropriation. $570,000 out of these savings is used to balance the 1993 budget. J7 This combination of expenditure cuts, increases in fees and charges, and using the fund balance allows us to continue providing services at 1992 levels through 1993. However, using 1992 budget savings to help cover part of the 1993 operating deficit only defers the problem to next year. I plan to start early in 1993 working on more comprehensive solutions to balance our budget in 1994 and beyond. 9 J, 1993- 1994 Budget Hessage filr Despite these tight times, there are several programs that must receive additional resources. I am recommending that we increase efforts in the five areas listed below. Where possible, these changes will be paid for with cutbacks in other expenditures, or new revenues: 1. Bring us into Legal Compliance: • $44,568 for an additional jailer position. This position is necessary to maintain the required ratio of inmates to jailers. Our only other options are to release prisoners early or house them in the King County jail and pay much more than the cost of the jailer. • $13,400 for a required blood borne pathogen program of training and supplies. We will try to fund this program with existing Fire Department funds. 2. Implementing Actions taken in 1992: • $48,265 to fund a Surface Water Plan Review/Engineer Specialist II. This position is part of implementing the comprehensive surface water management program presented in 1992. The position will be funded by reimbursement from the Surface Water Utility. . $77,699 for a limited term position to implement the new financial system (hardware and software) the City purchased in 1992. This position will be financed from funds set aside in 1992. 3. Expand our Youth at Risk/Prevention Activities: • $14,298 to create a teen program specialist. The position would develop our youth-at-risk programs and assist in the planning and implementation of self-sustaining activities. I have been very concerned that we have not provided more programming for our youth, and irr believe this is a reasonable start. • $68,057 for an additional DARE officer to develop a middle school program. This program is funded for two years with drug forfeiture monies and donations. 4. More Effective Tax Collections: • $10,000 for Revenue Auditing professional services. This program will audit for business compliance and correct coding to the state to ensure that Renton is receiving its fair share of sales and business taxes. The program is estimated to pay for itself and then some. 5. Preserve our Educational/Culture Heritage: i • Increase a librarian position from 0.8 FTE to full time. The Library continues to receive more patrons, particularly in tougher economic times. This addition will help to address the increased demand. The increased cost will be funded through attrition. • $21,078 for a new Museum Supervisor. For a number of years, the volunteers at our museum have requested staff support. A full-time supervisor would enable the museum to become eligible for grants and other resources that it is not currently eligible for. The City already invests considerably in the museum through our maintenance and overall supervision. The volunteers cannot continue forever without additional support. There will probably never be an easy time to make this commitment. I believe we should make it now. The position would be hired mid-year to lessen the 1993 impact. I want to again emphasize that most of these changes are made possible through tightening other costs, and as a result, the net increase to the General Governmental budget is only 2.2%. V 10 1993 - 1994 Budget Message Revenue Projection and Assumptions 1992 1992 Current %over 1994 %Over Revenue Item Original Actual Est for 93 92 Actual Estimate 1993 Property Taxes -General Levy $10,246,424 $10,162,253 $10,932,402 7.58% $11,916,619 9.00% 1992 actual was $84,000 lower than budgeted. 1993 Property Tax projection was based on 1.5%new construction, and no annexations. 1994 Property Tax assumes 3%new construction. Sales Tax $9,632,290 $9,173,394 $9,392,625 2.39%$9,815,293 4.50% 1992 Sales Tax receipts were revised downward by $460,000 due to lower new construction and weak auto sales. 1993 and 1994 projections were based on lower revised estimate and increased by consumer price index of 3.5%and 4.5%. Criminal Justice Sales Tax $555,000 $575,458 $593,000 3.05% $611,000 3.04% These taxes are collected by the State and distributed according to population. Projections are based on expected total taxes and Renton's population growth. Electrical Utility Tax $2,386,100 $2,259,505 $2,513,000 11.22% $2,638,000 4.97% Gas Utility/Use Tax $376,000 $379,939 $394,000 3.70% $412,000 4.57% Telephone Utility Tax $950,000 $1,055,886 $1,050,000 -0.56% $1,102,500 5.00% Cable TV Utility Tax $213,000 $211,993 $232,000 9.44% $238,000 2.59% City Operated Utility $1,172,051 $1,247,910 $1,250,400 0.20% $1,375,450 10.00% Utility tax estimates are based on projected rate increases and new construction. Low increase in Cable TV taxes is due to low residential construction activities. Other Taxes $1,672,500 $1,597,125 $1,554,500 -2.67% $1,580,000 1.64% 1993 Change in other taxes is primarily due to the closure of Longacres Race Track. Building & Street Permits $747,200 $740,182 $591,700 -20.06% $640,200 2.40% 1992 estimates include $140,000 for Boeing Longacres project with offsetting expenditures. 1993 and 1994 projections are based on historical base and trend. Business Licenses $2,147,110 $2,424,865 $2,038,000 -15.95% $2,038,000 0.00% Overall business license revenue is projected to decline significantly due to the ailing air line industry in the next two years. A $386,865 decrease in revenue or 7,000 in employment is estimated. This projection does not reflect the lay-off announcements that Boeing made during the first two months of 1993. At this time we see that the employment projection for 1993 is still valid, and that Renton will lose an additional 3,000 jobs in 1994. Intergovernmental Revenues $2,041,586 $2,274,171 $2,050,860 -9.82% $2,080,299 1.44% The decrease in 1993 from 1992's actual revenue is because grants are usually not budgeted. 1994's figure includes $92,000 in Criminal Justice Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, which the 1993 State legislature may discontinue in 1994. Other Miscellaneous Revenues $3,066,310 $3,673,870 $3,145,120 -14.39% $3,202,332 1.82% The change in miscellaneous revenue includes: 1.) A reclassification of$123,000 reimbursements for shop acquisition and construction from interfund rental to expenditure credit,to be consistent with other interfund reimbursements, 2.) One-time transfers, and other increases which we do not expect to continue. We will also continue to credit investment interest earnings on business licenses to general operations. 1993- 1994 Budget Message City Utilities The City's utility budgets represent the implementation of work programs presented to Council in 1992. The funds incorporate the implementation of our aquifer protection and surface water programs. We will continue in 1993-94 to streamline our operations to ensure that rate increases are as small as possible. 1993 rate increases for all utilities are projected at 7.5%, which includes an 8.3% increase in to water rates, a 9.5% increase in waste water rates, and a 3.9% increase in solid waste charges. Metro is also increasing their rates from $12.30 per month to $13.62 per month, or a 10.7% increase. For a typical single family, these changes represent a $4.15 increase from 60 approximately $55 per month to $59.15 per month. The original required increase was 5.6% for 1993 and 9.8% for 1994. We have smoothed the required increases between 1993 and 1994 so the impact can be lessened in 1994. The increase to commercial customers is largely the IN same proportion on all of the City's utilities, but varies significantly in the Metro charge. Commercial customers currently paying $12.30 on every 900 cubic feet of water consumption will now pay $13.62 for every 750 cubic feet of water consumption. That is approximately a im 33% increase. The City's rate changes will provide approximately $1 million in additional revenue to the utilities for the programs listed below. These rates, coupled with a $5.3 million revenue bond issue and $1 million in grants, will provide funding for approximately $10 million in capital programs. A summary of rate increases is provided on page 21, table 9. Budget ChangeI ib s The utility funds reflect the increase in indirect service charges from the General Fund. As mentioned above, the budget includes funding to implement the following: • $97,298 for 1 FTE Civil Engineer II and 0.5 FTE Office Assistant II to implement our i, Aquifer Protection Area program, • $76,195 for a Civil Engineer III supervisor and equipment as part of our implementing the surface water program presented at the time new rates were adopted in mid 1992; imp • $80,863 for a Maintenance Worker, equipment, and operating costs for the surface water program; to • $17,029 to bring the Office Assistant I to full time in our Solid Waste Program, • $247,000 increase in indirect cost reimbursement to reduce the level of subsidy by the ko General Fund and bring the reimbursement to 75% of actual costs, • 1994 requests include $59,080 to provide for a Water Treatment Plant Operator for wells #11 and #17. Other Enterprise Funds iN The Airport will continue lease negotiations with its tenants and the revenue is expected to continue improving for the next couple of years. The only budget change is adding an 12 1993- 1994 Budget Message Engineering Specialist and equipment to provide needed technical assistance and airport management support to our Airport Manager at a cost of$56,753. The Airport continues to obtain substantial grants for improvements. A $432,000 FAA grant is expected for a $480,000 seaplane facility rehabilitation, and another $421,200 FAA grant in 1994 is expected for general improvements at the Airport. The Golf Course operation has stabilized, and is continuing its planned improvements. $217,462 estimated green fees will be dedicated for capital purposes in 1993, and a $4 million revenue bond issue is proposed in 1994 to construct a new club house and a driving range. The revenue generated by the driving range plus the capital green fees are expected to provide sufficient funds for the repayment for the proposed revenue bond. Capital Proiects Funds As mentioned earlier, the City's needs in capital improvement and renovation projects are largely unaddressed in this budget. Out of the $9.5 million requests in general facility improvements only $562,500 will be funded in 1993. We will continue to dedicate the $380,000 from the second 1/4% Real Estate Excise Tax to the municipal campus rehabilitation project started last year. In addition $76,000 in business license fee revenues are allocated to provide a youth detention area in the jail facility; provide replacement of a failed heat pump at the Highlands Library; provide HVAC for an area at the City Shop office; and to provide air-conditioning at the Liberty Park building. $109,500 from the Cable Communication Fund will provide funding for phase two of the council chamber remodeling project which is expected to continue with a temporary resolution of the fire code compliance issue. The 1993 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (TCIP) totals $4.9 million and is funded by $1.7 million in Business License fees, $1.2 million mitigation/LID, $1.2 million grants, and $670,000 in fuel tax and vehicle registration fees. Over $16 million in projects is planned for 1994, which includes $13.5 million in grants, mitigation and LID funds and $2.5 million from business license and transportation taxes and fees. $700,000 increase in 1993 in Local Improvement District debt service fund balance is projected based on current experience. Other changes in debt service include the additional interest and principal for the 1992 general obligation issue for approximately $100,000, and estimated $76,000 increase in principal and interest in 1994 for proposed vehicle and equipment replacements. The balance of debt service will remain mostly level in the next couple of years without any new general obligation issues being proposed. Insurance Fund A series of large losses and continued escalation in health care costs will keep the reserve below our policy targeted level in 1993 and 1994. The premiums charged to each department have increased substantially over the last two years, but the current premiums are still lagging behind actual claim costs. We are taking a number of actions that we hope will reduce the amount of claims the City pays each year. 13 111110 1993- 1994 Budget Message Some of these steps include: 1.) Insuring that LEOFF I retirees that are working elsewhere are using the City's insurance as a secondary policy only; 2.) Reconvening the Health Care Task Force to focus on cost containment; and 3.) Emphasis in preventive training such as defensive driving training. 1992 Accomplishments 1992 was a very busy year. Despite limited resources, we worked on some very important projects. Most of these are detailed within each department's budget narrative, and a few are mentioned here. This is only a summary and is intended to provide a sense of our level of activity. • Conducted Intensive Staff and Council training last Spring that confirmed the City's mission and defined.our 1992-1993 priorities. 66 • Continued tradition of recognizing the tremendous volunteer assistance the City receives by holding second volunteer recognition night. im • Hosted Sister City Nishiwaki, Japan delegation in October. • Hosted another successful Renton River Days. • Selected Comprehensive Plan Land Use alternative - prepared EIS and accompanying zoning. • Adopted an Aquifer Protection Area Ordinance. Program implementation will begin in rr 1993. • Adopted Wetlands Ordinance and established wetlands mitigation bank that balances need to lift preserve critical habitat with responsible economic development. • Completed plan for more comprehensive surface water management programs, with implementation scheduled for 1993. • Continued work on downtown revitalization plan with Downtown Renton Association. • Kenworth truck plant proceeded to construction. Completion is scheduled for April, 1993. • Boeing Customer Service Training Center at its Longacres site received permit approval to proceed with grade and fill, and foundation activities. • Developed new City-wide capital project and new program prioritization process for recommendation to Mayor. • Refinanced $4.6 million in revenue bonds which will result in a $20,000 annual savings. i 14 6W 1993- 1994 Budget Message • Through revenue auditing, corrected discrepancies which resulted in a refund of over $100,000 and $20,000 in additional revenue. • Completed selection of new hardware and software to replace the existing Wang system. • Completed conversion of land use files to microfiche. • Standardized paper size and converted official files to letter size. • Received water permits for wells 10, 11, 12, and 17. • Parks department acquired properties to help preserve critical areas and open spaces in Black River, May Creek, Honey Creek, Cedar River trail, Lake Washington vistas, Springbrook trail and other areas. • Continued construction of Senior Housing project, with completion in early 1993. •. Fire Department successfully negotiated the purchase of a new ladder truck to be delivered in early 1993. They also successfully renovated their existing ladder truck that had been heavily damaged in a building fire earlier this year. • Began intensive work with METRO and others on regional transportation planning. Strategies for 1994 and Beyond In last year's budget message, I encouraged all of us to recognize that "we are in this boat together," and we have done many things this year toward our goal of working better together. The future presents even more challenges and opportunities for us to collectively chart a course that moves us closer to fulfilling the City's mission. Early in 1993, I intend to provide opportunities for City staff, Council and the community to become informed and provide input that will help us decide how to deal with the following issues: 1. We must develop a plan to bring operating expenses in line with available revenues, and to make ourselves less vulnerable to fluctuations in construction activity. I plan to develop some recommendations with the help of Council and community representatives, and then take them to the community for their recommendations and approval. 2. Reduce the spiraling cost of health care. I have called the Health Care Task Force back into service. They will begin meeting this fall and I am confident they will develop recommendations that will help contain costs now, and slow the rate of increase in the future. 3. We need to develop a capital financing strategy that addresses several critical needs: 15 Iri 1993- 1994 Budget Message lir • Bringing all of City Hall into code compliance; Providing permanent office space for our court and police personnel; • Developing needed parks properties, such as the Cedar River Park complex and o neighborhood parks; • Replacing aging fire equipment. 4. We need to develop a financing strategy to fund infrastructure improvements that will be needed in order to redevelop downtown. 5. In conjunction with the Growth Management Act and in compliance with our Comprehensive Plan, develop a strategy to expand our City boundaries to those areas within our sphere of influence. Closing Comments The future will be challenging. Every day brings new and greater complexities and obstacles, but each day also brings new opportunities and solutions. Our challenge is to collectively match the solutions to the obstacles. I am committed to ensuring that Renton emerges from 1993 in better fiscal condition and more ready to meet the future than before. I believe that as a community working together, we can ensure the fulfillment of our mission: r„ The City of Renton, in partnership with residents, business and government is dedicated to: • Providing a healthy atmosphere in which to live and raise families; • Encourage responsible growth and economic vitality; • Create a positive work environment; • Resulting in a quality community where people choose to live, work and play. to Budget Award The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and GOVERNMENT FINANCE OMCEM ASSOCIATgN Dzstin 1S�'f�d Canada (GFOA) presented an award for c Distinguished Budget Presentation to Budget Presentation the City of Renton for its annual budget Award for the fiscal year 1992. In order to PRESENTED TO receive this award, a governmental unit City of Renton. must publish a budget document, as an Wuhington operations guide, as a financial plan and For the Fiscal Veer Beginning as a communications medium. January 1,1992 ,6 1993- 1994 Budget Message AcktiowledMents Preparation of this budget could not have been accomplished without the professional and dedicated services of the entire staff of the Administrative Services Department and the various department heads and employees who assisted and contributed to its preparation. Staff who had a direct role in preparing the budget take great pride in their work and the entire team who worked on this project are recognized on the last page of the budget. I would especially like to acknowledge our retiring Budget Analyst Joan Pringle, who, for over twenty years, has been Renton's "Budget Central." She has assisted many administrations with exceptional integrity and hard work. Her dedication and keen accuracy has earned national awards for Renton's budget. More importantly the budget is Renton's most utilized financial document. Sincerely, Earl Clymer, Mayor EC/j c 1993- 1994 Fiscal Goals&Policies CITY OF RENTON BUDGET RELATED FISCAL GOALS with POLICIES GOAL POLICY STATUS/NOTES 1.) Keep the City in a fiscally A.) Ongoing operations of the City This policy is also applicable to on- sound position in both the shall be funded from ongoing going costs associated with capital qtr short and long terms. revenues. improvements and rehabilitation. B.) Budgets for all funds shall be Current practice. flexible in nature,with expenditures expanding and contracting based on actual revenues,authorized by periodic budget adjustments. C.) Six year budget projections and rate Current practice projections are for five increases for all operating and year period. capital funds shall be prepared annually. D.) Budget initiatives shall be evaluated Current practice projects costs for five as part of the six year budget years. This practice avoids "bow-wave" projection, budget impacts. E.) Revenues should be conservatively Current practice is more toward projected, and expenditures realistic approach. budgeted at 100%to help ensure budget solvency. F.) The City should accept new Not currently addressed requirements for service delivery Mlr only when adequate funding is made available. 2.) Maintain sufficient A.) Maintain fund balances equal to The fund balance decline in 1989 and financial liquidity to meet one month's(or 8%)operating 1990 has been mostly recovered by the normal operating and expenditures for general gov't end of 1992. Current forecast indicates contingency obligations, operating fiends. continued decline in fund balance up to 1997, if no changes are made. B.) Maintain an insurance reserve for There is one combined rainy day and (rri property, casualty, and medical catastrophic loss reserve. At the end of claims in an amount equal to 1992 the reserve had a balance of$1.4 consultant or actuarial million. The City does not have an requirements. acturially determined loss reserve level. C.) Termination benefits shall be Three positions, or$100,000 allocated budgeted in non-departmental each year. Any remaining balance will budgets in an amount equal to be carried forward to cover future average termination costs. termination costs. The City's liability on accrued leave banefits increase at approximately$250,000 per year. 18 1993- 1994 Fiscal Goals&Policies GOAL POLICY STATUS/NOTES D.) The insurance reserve portion of The premiums charged lag behind the "rainy day"fund must be actual claims at this time. Higher replenished in the following year by premium in property and liability will either transfer or premium. be required in 1995 and 1996. E.) If the rainy day fund is used Not currently addressed beyond the insurance reserve, the City's next fiscal budget shall contain a plan for restoring the fund to appropriate levels. 3.) Protect the City from A.) Maintain a "rainy day"fund equal The combined reserve of the insurance j catastrophic losses. to 8%of general governmental fund currently equals approximately 4% operating expense without grants of total general gov't expenditures. and non-recurring transfers. B.) Purchase excess medical, property, Renton carries excess coverage in all and liability insurance to cover areas. major losses,as deemed appropriate by the City's risk management program. C.) "Rainy day" reserve may be used for Current practice. The reserve could be either unusual fiscal conditions or reduced as a result of actual operation catastrophic losses outside insured as premium revenues lag behind claim limits, with any expenditure costs, as is the current situation. requiring five Council votes. Premium and fund balance levels will be reviewed in 1993. 4.) Have service users pay A.) City utilities and the airport shall Utilities and airport meet these goals. their fair share of program be 100%user supported. costs. B.) The City's golf course operations Golf course currently funds 100%of shall be self-supporting, with the operations, with general funds original acquisition paid for from providing approximately$380,000�vear general governmental revenues. or 85%of acquisition debt service support. C.) User fees shall contribute an Users of recreation and Community average of 50%towards all Center services fund approximately recreation services and operations, 50%of the direct costs of these with the exception of the senior operations. center. D.) The City shall pay 100%of the cost Current practice of senior center operations,with the users paying the fiill cost of special events. E.) Developers shall pay at least 60%of The proposed 1993 fee increases will the cost of reviewing and recover approximately 60%of cost. processing their permits. 19 1993- 1994 Fiscal Goals&Policies in GOAL POLICY STATUS/NOTES F.) Inter-fund charges for service shall Current practice with the exception of occur only when needed for building permits. enterprise, external chargeable, mitigation,or grant related services and capital projects. G.) All City fees, charges,and rates Current practice. shall be reviewed annually to determine whether they meet targeted cost coverage. Adjustments shall be made in conjunction with the budget process. o 5.) Operate utilities in a A.) Utility rate studies shall be con- Current practice. responsive and fiscally ducted at least every five years to sound manner. update assumptions and ensure the long term solvency and viability of City utilities. B.) Utility rates should be reviewed Water, sewer, storm, and garbage rates annually and adjusted, if necessary, are adjusted as required. The proposed to reflect inflation, construction 1993 rates also reflect the policy of goals, maintain bond covenants, averaging the increases in the projected and avoid major periodic increases. period. C.) The cost of utility contractual Per current practice, metro, dump fee, services over which the City has no and hazardous waste charges are control shall be passed through to handled in this manner. rate payers in a manner consistent with Council direction. D.) Rates for the Water/Sewer/Storm This was a policy set fourth in 1989 Utility shall include an annual Water/.Sewer/,Storm rate study. Actual capital contribution equal to 1.5% transfers are based on the amount of of net assets. excess fund balance available. The proper amount will be reviewed again in 1993 as part of rate study. tr E.) Fund balances in enterprise funds 1993 utility operations fund balance is shall be maintained at levels increased from$500,000 to$630,000 established through rate studies,or level to reflect increase in operations at levels necessary to meet and additional contingency operating, capital,and contingency requirements. requirements. F.) Excess fund balances shall be used Current practice. to off-set rate increases where possible, with any remaining balances being used for approved capital purposes. ittr - -- ------- - -- ------- - -- 20 - - —- - --- 1993- 1994 Fiscal Goals d,Policies GOAL POLICY STATUS/NOTES 6.) Maintain existing A.) When capital funding decisions are Current practice. infrastructure and capital made, priority shall be given to assets. maintaining existing capital assets over the acquisition or construction of new facilities. B.) Financing for the majority of capital Capital acquisitions from the water, assets other than infrastructure sewer, storm, equipment rental, and shall normally be made over the life general fund generally use bonding, of the asset,or twenty years, rather than "pay as you go." whichever comes first. C.) Revenue bonds and LID'S shall be Current practice. used to finance improvements when applicable. D.) Councilmanic bonds and lease Current practice. financing shall be used to fiord infrastructure where positive cost/benefit ratios exists, or where there is no other source of funds. E.) Voted general obligation bonds and Current practice. special levies shall be used to finance infrastructure improvements for public benefit that support quality of life, and do not necessarily generate cost savings on revenue streams. 7.) Establish accountability in A.) The City Council shall set total Appropriations are adopted at fund budget monitoring. appropriations at the fund level, level in the budget. B.) Department heads are responsible Current practice. for managing their budgets within the total appropriated budget. C.) Any budget adjustment between Current practice. funds shall be approved by the Council in budget amendments. D.) Budget adjustments within a fund Current practice with Council shall be approved by the Mayor, approving budget amendments. and reported to the Council. Adjustments affecting program implementation require Council approval. E.) Departmental expenditures shall be Current practice. t made from appropriate BARS accounts, not accounts where an excess of fiends may exist. 21 — 1993- 1994 Fiscal Goals&Policies rr GOAL POLICY STATUS/NOTES 8.) Establish consistent A.) The City's compensation policy Current practice established by 1991 compensation standards shall be to set minimum pay levels Class and Comp Study is 75%for non- for the City. at a 60%level when compared with public safety personnel. Public safety median pay of comparable personnel are at 90 to 95%range. 1r jurisdictions. B.) Reclassification requests shall be Reclassification requests are reviewed reviewed by Personnel on a quarterly and any reclasses approved imp quarterly basis,with all by Council are effective at July 1,for recommendations being approved the first two quarters and following by the Mayor prior to January ],for the last two quarters. implementation. Reclassifications involving a change in pay grade shall be approved by the Council ka prior to implementation. C.) New hires may be placed up to step Current practice. "C" without Council concurrence. Placement on higher steps shall be approved by Council. 9.) Provide financial reports in A.) Monthly budget reports outlining Monthly budget reports have been a timely and understand- the status of revenues and submitted able manner. expenditures shall be provided to all departments,Mayor,and Council. B.) Quarterly financial reports Quarterly reports are prepared and discussing major trends, the status submitted to interested parties. of Renton's financial operations, and other related information shall Wrr be distributed to all managers, Mayor. Council, and available to interested public. C.) A Comprehensive Annual Financial CA FR is prepared and audited annually Report, prepared in accordance and submitted for compliance review. with Generally Accepted ter Accounting Principles, shall be distributed to all interested parties and to GFOA for certification. D.) The City's budget document shall Current practice. be presented in a format that provides for logical comparison with prior years wherever possible. tYrl ' 22 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Readers Guide to the Budget Overview: The budget is a financial plan for the City. This plan is communicated first, in summary through the Mayor's message and the Budget Related Fiscal Goals and Policies, and second, through a variety of financial tables and narratives. The budget is presented in several different ways including: the basic fund level; by operations, capital improvements, and other designated funds; by department; and a more detailed line item or object level. Accounting and Budgeting Svstems are organized and operated on a fund basis. Funds are accounting entities used to record revenues and expenditures. Each fund is balanced with total revenues and beginning balance equaling total expenditures and ending balance. Funds are budgeted in accordance with the Revised Code of Washington 35A.33 on a cash basis. Budgets are established for all funds with the exception of three Agency Funds, including Special Deposit, Advance Travel, and Deferred Compensation. There are 30 budgeted funds classified within seven basic fund groups,which are described as follows. General Governmental Funds include General, Park, Street, Library, and unlimited debt services funds, which provide basic City services such as public safety, parks and recreation, street maintenance, transportation systems. planning, building, zoning, library and associated support functions. The resources to support these activities are primarily taxes. Limited (council-voted) general obligation bonds are also included in this category to calculate general governmental revenues and expenditures, since these funds are also supported by general taxes. .Special Revenue Funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources other than special assessments, expendable trust or major capital projects. These revenues finance particular activities or functions as required by law or administrative regulations. There are six special revenue funds including: Arterial Street, Community Development Block Grant, Impact Mitigation, Paths and Trails, 1%For Art,and Cable Communication. Debt Service Funds accumulate resources and account for the payment of principal and interest for the City's general obligation long term debt and special assessment debt. The City of Renton pledges its full faith and credit for payment of these obligations. Resources for redemption of council-approved (limited) issues are from the general property tax levy and the 1/4%real estate excise tax. Revenue for voter-approved (unlimited) debt service obligations originates from a special property tax levy. Resources for payment of special assessment debt are from assessments levied against benefited properties. There are three limited and two unlimited general obligation bond funds; a Local Improvement District (LID)Debt Service Fund and a LID Guaranty Fund. Capital Project Funds account for the acquisition or development of major capital facilities, except those projects financed by enterprise funds. Sources of revenue to these funds can include general obligation bond proceeds, federal and state grants, mitigation fees, general tax sources, and interest earnings. The City has five capital project funds: Open Space, Municipal Facilities,Transportation, Senior Housing, and LID Construction. Enterprise Funds are established for government activities that are financed and operate in a manner similar to private business. Costs of providing services to the general public are primarily financed by user fees. Capital improvements can be funded by general obligation or revenue bonds, grants, operating transfers, and other applicable resources. There are five enterprise funds: Water/Sewer/Storm Utility Operations, Water/Sewer/Storm Construction, Airport, Solid Waste Utility, and Golf Course. Internal.Service Funds account for the financing of goods and services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the City. The City's internal service funds are Equipment Rental and Insurance. Fiduciary Funds include Pension Trust, Expendable Trust, and Agency Funds which are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units, and/or other funds. The Firemen's Pension Trust Fund is the only budgeted fiduciary fund. 23 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Readers Guide to the Budget Budeet Format: The Reader's Guide is provided to highlight the kinds of information contained in the five sections of the budget, described as follows: The Introduction section includes an overview of the entire budget in the Mayor's letter of transmittal. Other information provides the City organizational structure, and the City of Renton mission statement. A budget preparation calendar outlines the budget process and time schedule. Budget Related Fiscal Goals and Policies begins on page 20. Ir The Budget Summary Section provides a variety of tables and graphics that support the budget plan in more detail. Tables I through 8 display comparisons of the 1992 budget with 1990 and 1991 figures, for the total budget, the operating budget, general governmental funds,and staffing levels. Revenue and expenditure detail can be found in Tables 5 and 6. Table 9 contains a list of 1992 new programs and budget changes for general governmental funds. A detailed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will be furnished in a separate document, and a summary of the 1992 budgeted CIP plan is provided in Table 10. Tables 11 through 18 deal primarily with past, present, and future projections for general governmental funds, utility rates, assessed value, limitation of indebtedness, property tax rates, retail sales, tax revenues, and largest taxpayers and principal employers in the City. jj The Operating Budget Section is organized into the six operating department sections, including: Executive, Administrative Services, Police, Fire, Planning/Building/Public Works, and Community Services. Each department section begins with a detailed organizational chart, and a summary of the department as a whole. The next level of information is by major departmental division which includes narrative describing the basic objective, program activity, a 1992 work plan, 1991 accomplishments, new programs and budget changes. This is supported by a staffing and budgetary appropriations table which provides prior year comparison data. Activity trends or other related information is provided at the end of each departmental section. The Budget by Fund Section displays each fund's revenues, expenditures, and fund balance in summary and in line item detail, for 1990 and 1991 actual figures and the 1992 budget as adopted. Revenues and expenditures are assigned an account number in accordance with the State Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System (BARS). Budget expenditure summaries are based on the account object level such as 08.00 Expenditure Credits, 10.00 Salaries, 20.00 Personnel Benefits, 30.00 Supplies, 40.00 Other Services, 50.00 Intergovernmental Services, 60.00 Capital Outlay, 70.00/80.00 Debt Service, and 90.00 Interftind Payments. Revenues are summarized at the basic account and element level. Example revenue and expenditure accounts are shown below: Revenue Account 317 027 00 333 20 20 00 Fund Number(Transportation Capital Improvement Fund) W Program Number(SW Grady Way/Rainier Avenue Improvements) Department Number(Not in use at this time on the revenue side) Basic Account(Type of Revenue/Federal Grant) Element(Source of Grant/Department of Transportation DOT) llr Object(Division of DOT/Federal Highway Administration) Expendilure Account: 317 027 16 595 10 67 00 Fund Number(Transportation Capital Improvement Fund) Program Number(SW Grady Way/Rainier Avenue Improvements) Department Number(PBPW Transportation Systems) Basic Account(Type of Revenue/Federal Grant) Element(Engineering) Object(Capital Outlay) Sub-Object(Capital Project Number) The Appendix provides items such as a general information page,a quick reference for City information and fees, a budget ordinance index; long term debt information, 1992 position and salary schedule; and a glossary of commonly used budget terms begins on page 376. 24 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Budget Calendar Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Au Se Oct I Nov Dec Item Weeks 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 The budget process and time limits are established by state law The City of Renton adheres to the following procedures: 1.)The Mayor,Council,and staff meet to set priorities(Council/staff Retreat.) _> 2.)Budget instructions,salary and benefit computations,and forms are prepared and distrubuted to departments on or before July 1. .)Departments prepare and submit requests for new operating programs,new positions and reclassifications,and six-year capital improvements. 4.)Departments prepare line item(base line)budget 1 requests and submit to Finance by second week in August. Base line budget requests,revenue assumptions, new programs,and capital improvement requests are compiled into a document for the Mayor's review in September. 6.)The Mayor reviews budget requests with each department during first two weeks in September Decisions made on adjustments to department requests by end of September. <__> 7.)The property tax levy is established by ordinance, the first Monday in October or when available. <_> .)The Mayor's Preliminary Budget is prepared and filed with the City Clerk by the first working day in November;available for public review. 9.)The City Clerk publishes a notice of filing the preliminary budget,and also designates the date, time,and place of the public hearing on the final budget. <_> 10.)Council Committee of the Whole conducts budget hearings with department heads during the month of November.The hearings are open to the public. <__> 11.)The final hearing on the proposed budget must begin on or before the first Monday of December, and may continue until the 25th day prior to the next fiscal year. . <=> 12.)The City Council approves amendments to the proposed budget,and following the public hearing adopts a final balanced budget,by ordinance,no later than December 31 st. <==> 13.)The final budget as adopted is published, distributed,and made available to the public during the first three months of the ensuing year. 25 BUDGETSUMMARY L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L26 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Table 1:Budget Comparison by Fund Millions of Dollars $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $34.81 is$35.6 General Govt Funds $3545 $6.2 Special Revenue Funds: $1'43 '::$1.13 $5.17 Debt Service Funds: $5.92 $7.45 $10.52 Capital Project Funds(CIP). `. 54 ::... $16.46 $34 76 Enterprise Funds $37.71 •'i :•i:•tiiii:•:$}i:::�i:::::::$::h:•i::•:'\•:•vi<:i:•+:•�.}•'i� • $7.56 Internal Service Funds. $7.5 $8.06 $2.59 Fiduciary Funds: .: "'$2.67 $2.75 1992 1993 1994 Budget Composition Comparison General Govt General GOO 34.3% 36.9% Fiduciary Special Rev Rducla $35 6 Special Rev $34 81 2.8%ry 1.5% Irrtemal Senna 6.1% on Internal Services 7.5% $2 59 fr $6 2 7.8% $2 67w 1.4 5.17 Debt Service $7 5 - - $5.92 Debt Service $1062 5.1% 554 $34 76 CIP . 71 CIP 5.8% 10.4% Enterprise 34.2% � Enterprise 39.1% 1992 Adopted Budget$101.6 Million 1993 Proposed Budget$96.4 Million 27 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 1: Budget Comparison by Fund .1:991 1992 Adopt 1992 1983 Change. *A Change 1994 $Gtiange b Char�pe Item lkctuai .; Budget. Actual Budget 82 AdopE:'. 92 Adopt Budget 93 Budget 83 Budget'. GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS: -000/General 22,414,552 23,081,696 24,721,996 23,129,433 47,737 0.2% 23,986,516 857,083 3.7% 101/Park 5,598,362 5,916,835 5,899,890 6,239,718' 322,883 5.5% 15,446,283 206,565 3.3% _ 103/Street 3,213,069 3,316,858 3,427,090 3,657,779.; 340,921 10.3% 3;831,225 173,446 4.7% 106/1-ibrary 1,129,730 993,980 1,212,690 1,060,797: 66,817 6.7% 1,1901003 129,206 12.2% 207/1978 Limited G.O.Bonds 133,515 137,689 138,718 138,314: 625 0.546 138,78.0 466 0.3% , 212/1989 Limited Ref.G.O.Bonds 327,931 340,149 338,758 351,500 11,351 3.3% 344,633 (6,867) -2.0% 215/Gen.Govt.Misc.Debt Service 964,407 1,020,385 999,746 1,026,064 5,679 1 0.6% ;1,006,417 (19,647) -1.9% SUBTOTAL 33,781,566 34,807,592 36,738,888 35,603,605: 796,013 2.3% 36,943,857 1,340,252 3.8a/o SPI SIAL REVENUE FUNDS: 102/Arterial Street 665,508 379,536 387,437 342,534: (37,002) -9.7% 354,238 11,704 3.4% 104/Community Dev Block Grant 0 262,671 188,649 318,467 55,796 21.2% 0 (318,467) -100.0% 105/Impact Mitigation 2,695,186 5,144,662 8,885,692 469,760 (4,674,902) -90.9.5 569,760 100,000 21.3% 118/Reserve for Paths&Trails 11,191 14,668 15,204 18,891 4,223 28.8% 22,741' 3,850 20.4% 125/1%For Art 45,621 38,831 39,981 39,157 326 0.8% 1,500 (37,657) -96.20A 127/Cable Communication 398,497 356,052 354,811 294,618 (61,434) -17.3%, 179,968 (114,650) -38.9% SUBTOTAL 3,816,003 6,196,420 9,871,774 1,483,427 (4,712,993) -76.1% 1,128,207 (355,220) -23.9% DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: .......... 213/1983 Unlim.Ref_G.O.Bonds 1,317,704 1,250,853 1,206,242 1,266,408 15,555 1.2% 1,290,383' 23,975 1.9% 219/1989 Unlimited G.O.Bonds 781,320 857,798 813,680 858 495: 697 0.1 866,898 8,403 1.0% . .. 220/L.I.D.Debt Service Fund 2,686,652 2,299,168 3,401,579 2,997,508 698,340 30.4% 2,962,561 (34,947) -1.2% 221/L.I.D.Guaranty Fund 729,544 766,657 764,363 795,544: 28,887 3.846 835,544 40,000 5.0% SUBTOTAL 5,515,220 5,174,476 6,185,864 5,917955'; 743,479 14 4 5,955,388: 37,431 0.6% CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS(CIP): 302/Open Space Construction 590,736 0 2,094,850 0, 0 N/A A 0 N/A 316/MunicipalFacilities CIP 46,510 877,493 2,719,292 615,083` (262,410) 29.9% 452,583 (162,500) 26.4% 317/Transportation CIP 5,651,835 3,563,081 7,053,037 4,929,642;1 1,366,561 38.4%,:,, 16,006,922 11,077,280 224.7% 319/Senior Housing Construction 6,217,499 5 899,071 6,036,069 0. (5,899,071) -100.0% 0 0 N/A 320/L.I.D.Construction Fund 3,676,323 180,000 3,136,843 0 (180,000) -100.0%::,:10 0 N/A 1 SUBTOTAL 16,182,903 10,519,645 21,040,091 5,544,725 (4,974,920) -47.3% 18;459,505: 10,914,780 196.8% ENTERPRISE FUNDS: 401/Water/Sewer/Storm Utility 14,586 331 14,068,674 20,480,929 17,811,770 3,743,096 26.6% 17 769 147 (42,623) -0.20/6! 421Mater/Sewer/Storm Const. 10,292,556 10,673,867 12,911,167 10,093,303: (580,564) -5.4% 8,620,140' (1,473,163) -14.6% 402/Airport 1,125,270 1,251,129 2,125,960 1,504,620. 253,491 20.3%,,::., 1,476,103- (28,517) 1.9% 403/Solid Waste Utility 5,354,884 7,493,184 6,471,738 6,967,656 (525,528) -7.0% 6,816 643x' (103,013) -1.5% 404/Golf Course 1,158,268 1,276,446 1,420,895 1,332,7661: 56,320 4.445 5,338,673' 4,005,907 300.6% SUBTOTAL 32,517,309 34,763,300 43,410,689 37,7101151: 2,946,815 8.5% 40,068,706 2,358,591 6.3% INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: 501/Equipment Rental 1,494,522 1,986,470 1,932,310 1,867,654; (118,816) -6.0% 2,079,849- 212,195 11.4% 502/Insurance 5,511,795 5,589,228 5,614,254 5,632,376 43,148 0.8 51985,008< 352,632 6.3% SUBTOTAL 7,006,317 7,575,698 7,546,564 7,500,030- (75,668) -1.0 '81064,857' 564,827 7.5% FIDUCIARY FUNDS: 601/Firemen's Pension 2,476,049 2,587,557 2,636,448 2,667,338 79,781 3.1°16 2,747,504 80,166 3.0% iTOTALS 10'1;295367`_104,624;688 11.74430,318 96,427,195 <;(6.107;493) =6.1 111,368,022 14,940,827 15.5�1ti I 28 .u� CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 2: Departmental Operating Budget, Capital Improvements, and Designated Expenses Millions of Dollars $O $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 52.13 Legislative/Executive Department: 52.2 <; $2.35 $7.33 Administrative Services: '$?.86 .. ; ;:>:;:$8.31 .> $7.98 Police Department: $8.32 $8. 78 —%---- I j $5.97 Fire Department: $s.a2 ...... ' $6.78 $28.88 Planning/Building/Public Works: $32.12 :.":Y:: `';'fi...:,_, < r„� 8.621tw, x:.:,. $32.59 $ Community Services: :,::: < $9.1 � S9.26 1992 0 1993 1994 Composition of Expenditures Millions of Dollars Culture/Recreation Culture/Recreation Health &Welfare 1.7% 12.5% Health &Welfare 1.7% 12.1%General Gov't General Gov't 13.6k 0 0 13.3/o S8 3 $g g 428::91: :..::::.':=>:;:<::<: .�&... 47.4% ................. 48.7% S Physical/Eco 22.9°k 22.2% Physical/ Environment Public Safety y Public Safety Environment 2% 2% Debt Service Debt Service 1992 Adopted Operating Budget 1993 Adopted Operating Budget 29 . CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 2: 1993 - 1994 Departmental Operating Budget, Capital Improvements, and Designated Expenses J. 891 1992 1992 1993S Chow %CUWC 1994 S G6ar{ge %C6er}ge;: Department Actual ;: Adopted Actual Budget 92 Adopt 92 Adopt Budget? 93 Budget 93 Bu4t;; 11W LEG ISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE: Legislative(City Council) 90,674 103,760 102,362 106,882 3,122 3.0% 112,166< 5,284 4.9% Executive Administration 338,970 381,035 405,161 395,324 14,289 3.8 419,453! 24,129 6.1%' Judicial(Municipal Court) 624,941 695,929 675,811 716,589 20,660 3.0% 778,407' 61,818 8.6% Legal(City Attorney) 410,292 460,000 480,111 472,000 12,000 2.6% 496;060 24,000 5.1% Hearing Examiner 106,433 118,754 114,176 120,747 1,993 1.7 124,830 4,083 3.4% Personnel/Civil Service 319,590 372,453 395,421 391,160 18,707 5.0% 4171507 26,347 67% T,TWEEGLSLATIVE/EXECUTIVE 1 890,900 2,131,931 2,173,042 2,202,702 70,771 3.3 '2,348,383 345,601 6.6. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: . Finance 1,061090 1,171,922 1,200,187 1,259,001 87,079 7.4 1,325,742 66,741 5.3% City Clerk 356,179 416,999 410,567 461;451 44,452 10.7% 4601077 (1,374) -0.3% Information Systems 463,898 553,751 577,790 589,864 36,113 6.5% 607,574 17,710 3.0% Sub-Total Admin Services Operation 1,881,167 2,142,672 2,188,544 2,310,316 167,644 7.8% 2,393,393' 83,077 3.6% Insurance 3,679,939 3,206,743 4,225,1554,376;186 1,169,443 36.S% 4,967,080' 590,894 13.5% Limited G.O.Bonds 1,206,787 1,207,822 1,141,450 1,306,699 98,877 8.2% 1,266,471 (40,228) -3.1% Non-Departmental 792,692 777,595 863,418 (131,675) (909,270) -116.9% (337,722) (206,047) 156.5% TOIALADMINISTRASERVICES 7,580,585 7,334,832 8,418,567 7,861,526 526,694 72% ,8,289,222 427,696 POLICE: Administration 767,219 876,040 869,599 963,560 87,520 10.0% :1,060,354 96,794 10.0% Operations Bureau 4,969,446 5,307,373 5,317,517 5,355;120 47,747 0.9 ;5,626,134' 271,014 5.1% Support Services Bureau 1,572,086 1,792,249 1,759,192 1,997;877 105,628 11.5% ::2,094,477 96,600 4.8% _.. TQTAL.PQt1.GE7,308,7. 7 975,6621 7,948,308 8;316,557 340 895 4.3 8,780,965 46440$ $ S•b_ FIRE: _ _ ............_ Administration 431,226 491,240 484,868 522,647 31,407 6.4% ' 567771 45,114 8.6%: .. Operations 4,319,667 4,782,157 4,661,490 5,020,963 238.806 5.0% 5,361,972.: 341,009 6.8% Prevention 417,174 507,325 480,781 518433 11,108 2.2% 578,342 57,909 11.2% Training 60,156 101,111 147,647 169,231 68,120 67.4% 180,118 10,887 6.4%' Emergency Management 68,567 84,233 75,572 88,570 4,337 5.1% 914307: 1,737 3.1% 7QTAL Flfi@ 5;906 ,85 .38 6, 19,84 35377 :0, 7 , e57,660 72 PLANNING/BLDG/PUB WORKS: ........... _. Administration 159,502 196,604 204,030 211,598 14,99W 7.6 219,321 7,723 3.6%: Development Services 1,746,684 1,867,213 1,803,588 1,807,872 (59,341) -3.2% 1,931,X79 123,707 6.8% Transportation Systems 1,934,688 2,301,984 2,186,793 -2,377,079 75,095 3.3% 2,506,606 129,526 5.4% Planning/Technical Services 653,951 784,147 825,195 840,690 56,543 7.2 853,871 12,981 1.5% Utility Systems 11,695,067 13,933,685 17,601,475 16,167;393 2,233,708 16.0% 15,729,304' (438,089) -2.7% .......... r Maintenance Systems 8,475,041 9,792,785 9,064,479 10,717,163 924,378 9.4 .11,350,328 633,165 5.9% IT :24664;833 28,876,418 31.685;580 32,121,795 3,245,377 71.2 32,590,81f8 469,013... I5 COMMUNITY SERVICES: General Sery/Parks/Recreation 5,191,347 5,603,515 5,557,132 5;949,050 345,535 6.1 6,188,764 237,714 4.0% ( Human Services 660,703 750,699 762,417 802,058 51,359 6.8 863,189 61,131 7.6% CDBG Block Grants 172,404 262,671 238.46831 8,467 55,796 21.2 0 (318,467) -100.0% Library 850,557 943,235 936,452 1,008,644 65,409 6.9 1A 18,864 110,220 10.9% Golf Course1,011,083 1,060,139 1,098,853 1,017;449 (42,690) -4.0% 1,098.'.582:r71,133 7.0% 1111 TOTALCOMMUNITYSERVICES 7,886084 8,820,259' 8.593,322 9,095.668 475,409 S.5 91257,399 361,731 1,8:. TO'T'AL OPERATIN.GSUDGET 54,608,004 60,905,168 64.667,167 65,918,092 5,011,914 8.2% 6810441267 2,126,175 3.2' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(CIP): Transportation/Airport 1,821,876 3,936,949 3,700,052 5,371,600 1,434,651 36.4% 16,474,660: 11,103,0160 206.7% Community Dev/Multi-Department 606,404 4,467,550 6,424,868 779,962 (3,687,588) -82.5% 3,950,000' 3,170,038 406.4% LID Construction 2,465,636 180,000 1,427,336 0 (180,000) -100.0% Oa' 0 N/A Senior Housing 428,454 5,899,071 5,359,533 0 (5,899,071) -100.0% 0 0 N/A Water/Waste Water/Storm Water 5,349,500 10,573,839 4,131,125 9,946,323 (627,516) _5.9% S9 8,463,209 (1,483,114) -14.9% T07ALGIP PROGRAM 10,871,870 25,057,409 21,042,914 16,097,885 (8,959,524) -35.8 28,887,869 IZ,7$9,984. 'r; 79 S OTHERDESIGNATED'EXPENSES ;3,978,253 3,393,139 3,548,433 3,241,154 051,985) (D)l 3,921,420 680160 D' TOTAL EXPENDITURES 89208,1713 88;355,716 88,258,504 80,257,131 j4,098,S8S) -4.6 100,853556 I359d,42S 1&3� Table 2 separates expenditures into the cost to operate City programs, the allocation for major capital improvements, and other expenses for specific designated purposes, such as local improvement district (LTD's) or voter-approved general obligation bond debt service costs. 77% or $65.9 million of 1993 expenditures is for operations, 19% or $16.1 million is allocated for capital improvements, and 4% or $3.2 million will provide for other designated expenses. The bar chart on page 29 compares 1992 and 1993 adopted operating costs and 1994 requested operating costs, and the pie charts show the 1992 and 1993 expenditures for the several kinds of City Services. 30 i�r CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 3: Revenue and Expenditure Summary -All Funds Millions of Dollars $-60 $-30 $0 $30 $60 t Revenues: Opening Balance ;3 533 -x Tax Revenues t30 $36 Licenses/Permits ' $3 $3 $4 Intergovernmental $6 $13 22 Charges for Service `$ s2e s1 ' Fines&Forfeits s1 51 ss Miscellaneous sa sa st1 Non-Revenues $10 $13 Other Financing $2 S-31 Expenditures: Wages &Benefits $ -3 s- 2 Supplies y. Service Charges s Intergovernmental S -26 Capital Outlays 3 19 $ Debt Service $41 s to Interfund Payments S-4 aTIME1 53 Expenditure Credits S6 s1 Ending Balance s I Revenue and Expenditure Composition Other Misc Exp Other Sources 2.5% 6.4% Non-Revenue 12.3% Service Charges 'vg 0 .: 21.5/o Misc 10.4 x Taxes 36.6% :-;.;'`'x� %:::'t•?#:ii30.43;::;,,:: :<: 518.36::?c Wa es&Benefits : : .......... g 39.3% o /o Intergov't 5.7°,6 $2.i•'`` ? > Supplies _ >:>: x 17.6 za.z 2.7% Ss os License/Permit 3.3% Charge for Service 29.2% Capital 06tlay Debt Service 9.5% 1993 Revenue Budget$83.07 Million 1993 Expenditure Budget $85.26 Million 31 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET TABLE 3. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY-ALL FUNDS 1991 1992 1992!' 1983 :I $ °�5 1994 $ % ITEM Actual Adapted Actual: Budget Change. ' Change: Butlget Change< Change; REVENUES: Opening Fund Balance 29,773,391 17,826,881 32,037,689 13,361,567 (4,465,314) -25.0°r6 11,170,064 (2,191,503) -16.4% Taxes 27,632,216 32,775,137 33,630,694 30,424,903 (2,350,234) -7.2% 34,650,443 4,225,540 13.9% Licenses&Permits 3,133,464 3,044,462 3,342,761 2,778,000 (266,462) -8.8% 2,795,650 17,650 0.6% Intergovernmental 4,042,817 4,405,786 6,413,238 4,719,237 313,451 7.1% 13,049,363 8,330,126 176.5% imp Charges for Services 20,008,752 22,033,894 22,448,922 24,217,875 2,183,981 9.9 25,620,223 1,402,348 5.8% Fines&Forfeits 803,175 771,200 884,692 765,800 (5,400) -0.7% 771,800 6,000 0.8% Miscellaneous 8,965,660 8,323,362 11,863,812 8,623,123 299,761 3.6% 91059,856 436,733 5.1% Non-Revenues 2,490,938 10,763,314 13,235,467 10,199,796 (563,518) -5.2% 12,584,036 2,384,240 23.4% Other Financing Sources 4,444,954 1,680,652 3,573,043 1,336,894 (343,758) -20.5% 1,666,587 329,693 24.7% FtJB-TOTAL REVENUES 71521876 83;7&7,807 85382:628 83065,828 (732,979)`; -0,9 100,1'97,9581?,132,330 2Q;696 REVENUES&BALANCE 101;295,367 101,624688 127,430;318 86,427,195 (5197,493)jl -5,1. 111,368,022 14,940,827 16.5% EXPENDITURES: Salaries&Wages 20,384,843 22,686,181 22,469,520 23,404,191 718,010 3.2% 24,216,658 812,467 3.5% Personnel Benefits 7,442,827 7,993,936 8,602,728 10,058,814 2,064,878 25.8% 11,501,307 1,442,493 14.3% Supplies 1,982,063 2,125,146 2,106,220 2,330,700 205,554 9.7% 2,471,491 140,791 6.0% Other Services&Charges 16,003,104 18,509,372 17,824,746 18,357,423 (151,949) -0.8% 19,037,707 680,284 3.7°x6 Intergovernmental 5,190,823 5,064,153 7,391,849 6,585,642 1,521,489 30.0% 5,437,996 (1,147,646) -17.4% Capital Outlay 10,708,591 25,474,034 19,762,313 17,551,346 (7,922,688) -31.1% 29,785,257 12,233,911 69.7% Debt Service 8,204,746 8,144,673 12,256,490 8,081,539 (63,134) -0.8% 9,504,367 1,422,828 17.6% Interfund Payments 2,082,595 2,585,390 2,637,134 3,521,903 936,513 36.2% 3,975,870 453,967 12.9% Expenditure Credits (2,741,914) (3,227,169) (3,792,496) (4,634,427) (1,407,258) 43.6% (5,077,097) (442,670) 9.6% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES' 69;257,67$ 80355,x18 89,268;504 95,257:131 d x88;585}: 4,6.:.; 100.853,656 15,596.4-SA: Ending fund Balance 32.037,699 12 268,972 38 171;814 y 1 170 084 (1;088,908) -9,0 10,514;486 (655,588) EXPENDITURES&BALANCE.: 101,29067 7Q1,624 88$ 127,430;318 96,427,195 (5;197,493) -5.1 191:368,022 14,940,827 15.5. Table 3 summarizes the entire budget by basic revenue and expenditure categories, and compares the 1993 adopted budget and 1994 budget iAV requests with 1992 adopted and actual figures. The 1993 budget is 5.1% less than the 1992 adopted level primarily due to a decrease in beginning fund balance. Also see Table 5, Revenue Detail Summary on pages 37 - 38, and Table 6, Expenditure Detail Summary on pages 39 - 40. The bar chart on page 31 compares the 1992 and 1993 adopted allocations and 1994 budget requests for revenue and expenditures, and the pie charts show 1993 resources and the basic expenditure categories. REVENUE CHANGES: 1.) Decrease in 1993 beginning fund balance reflects prior year continuing capital project funds included in the 1992 beginning balance. 2.)Tax decrease of $2.4 million primarily results from a decline in impact fees for new development projects. 3.) Change in Intergovernmental Revenue results from completion of funding for open space projects. 4.) Increase in Charges for Services represents adjustments in utility rates, several service fees, and recreation program charges. 5.) Non-revenues and Other Financing Sources are mainly bond proceeds, utility contributed capital, and transfers between funds. EXPENDITURE CHANGES: 1.) Salaries increases include: 4.5°x6 for Fire commissioned employees, and 3% increase for Police Non-commission personnel. Salary increases for all other employees result from step and longevity increases only. 2.) Personnel Benefits include a 25% increase in medical and dental insurance. 3.) Other Services and Charges reflects a $1 million decrease in payment to the solid waste contractor as a result of lower tonnage fees due to recycling by commercial customers. 4.) Capital Outlay provides for a $17.551 million 1993 Capital Improvement Program (excluding salaries and professional services); and operating capital includes $323,000 in general governmental funds, $512,000 for equipment replacements and additions, and $416,000 for all other operating capital items. 5.) Interfund Payments/Expenditure Credits: general governmental funds provide services to the proprietary and capital improvement funds. Payment for 60 these services is made by means of reimbursements between funds in the form of interfund payments from the proprietary funds and credits to expenditures in the general governmental funds. The $1,113,000 difference between interfund payments and expenditure credits is primarily the reimbursements made directly from capital improvement projects. lr 32 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 4: 1993 Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Sources - All Funds General Government 000 101 103 106 207/212/215 Total Revenues Genera! Parks Street Library Lim G.O. 1993 Beginning Balance 843,033 417,163 252,399 77,497 272,906 1,862,998 Property Tax 9,825,930 0 0 0 860,472 10,686,402 Sales Tax 4,792,625 2,400,000 2,236,000 0 0 9,428,625 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 593,000 0 0 0 0 593,000 Admissions Tax 86,000 0 0 0 0 86,000 Utility Tax 1,582,400 2,513,000 358,000 950,000 0 5,403,400 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 380,000 380,000 EMS Levy Funds 273,500 0 0 0 0 273,500 Gambling Excise Tax 631,000 0 0 0 0 631,000 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 184,000 0 0 0 0 184,000 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total Taxes 17,968,455 4,913,000 2,594,000 950,000 1,240,472 27,665,927 Business License Fee 287,000 0 0 0 0 287,000 Building Permits 591,700 0 0 0 0 591,700 Other Licenses/Permits 126,300 0 14,000 0 0 140,300 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Federal/State Grants 35,900 0 0 0 0 35,900 State Shared Revenue 1,290,580 0 723,380 0 0 2,013,960 w Other Intergovernmental 1,000 0 0 0 0 1,000 Charges for Services 843,308 511,755 64,000 13,100 0 1,432,163 Fines and Forfeits 751,600 0 0 14,200 0 765,800 Interest Earnings 300,000 6,000 10,000 5,000 2.500 323,500 Miscellaneous Revenues 79,557 391,800 0 1,000 0 472,357 Non-Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources 11,000 0 0 0 0 11,000 TOTAL REVENUES 22,286,400 5,822,555 3,405,380 983,300 1,242,972 33,740,607` TOTAL REVENUES/BALANCE 23,129,433 6:239,718 3,657,779 1,060,797 1,515,878 35,6031605' Expenditures Legislative 106,882 0 0 0 0 106,882 Executive: 0 Administration(Mayor) 395,324 0 0 0 0 395,324 Municipal Court 716,589 0 0 0 0 716,589 Legal Services 472,000 0 0 0 0 472,000 Hearing Examiner 120,747 0 0 0 0 120,747 Personnel 391,160 0 0 0 0 391,160 Administrative Services: 0 Finance/Clerk/Data Proc 2,290,316 0 0 0 0 2,290,316 Non-Departmental/Misc (545,505) 0 0 0 0 (545,505) Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service 67,436 0 0 0 1,306,699 1,374,135 Police 8,316,557 0 0 0 0 8,316,557 Fire 6,319,844 0 0 0 0 6,319,844 Planning/Building/Pub Wks: 0 Administration 211,598 0 0 0 0 211,598 Development Services 1,807,872 0 0 0 0 1,807,872 Planning/Tech Services 840,690 0 0 0 0 840,690 Transportation 0 0 1,910,522 0 0 1,910,522 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance Services 0 0 1,457,864 0 0 1,457,864 Community Services: 0 General Services/Parks 0 5,949,050 0 0 0 5,949,050 Housing&Human Services 802,058 0 0 0 0 802,058 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 1,008,644 0 1,008,644 Golf Course 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Transfers-Out 366,394 0 0 1 0 0 366,394 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 22,679,962 5,949,050 3.368.386 1,008,644 1,306,699 34,312,741 Ending Balance/Designated 0 0 0 1 0 209,179 209,179 Ending Balance/Undesignated 449,471 290,668 289.393 52.153 0 1,081,685 TOTAL EXPENSES/BALANCE 23,129,433 6,239718 ( 3 657779 1,060,797 1.515,878 35,603,605 CITY OF RENTON 1993 1994 BUDGET rrr Table 4: 1993 Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Sources-All Funds r Special Revenue Debt Service 1021 104 1.015 ': 118 125 127 213!219 220 >s 221 Arter Str CABG Impact Mit Paths 1%Art :Cable::00m. Unlim G.Q.. LID Debt Sv LID:Guar REVenLBS _. _ .... . 10,724 0 369,760 15,041 37,657 283,768 695,777 1,8 068 760,544 BeginningBalance 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,400,126 0 0 Property Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice _ 0 _0 0 0 _.0._ 0 _ 0 0. 0 Admissions Tax 0 0 _0 0 0 0 _ 0 _0 0. Utility Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 _ 0 0 EMS Levy Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 850 0 0 0 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0: 850 1,400,126 :' 0 0 :: Sub-Total Taxes' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Business License Fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Licenses/Permits 0 318,467 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Federal/State Grants 329,810 0 0 3,500 0 0 0 0 0 State Shared Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Intergovernmental 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fines and Forfeits 2,000 0 100,000 350 1,500 10,000 29,000 50,000 35,000 Interest Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,087,440 0 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources 331,810 318,467 100;000 31850 1,5M 10,850 1,429,126 1,137440 35,000 .TOTAL REVENUES 342,534 318,467 469,760 181891 39,157 294,618 2,124,903 2,897,508 795,544 TOTAL REVENUES/BACANCE _ _. Expenditures to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legislative Executive: 0 0 0 0 39,157 0 0 0. 0 Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 0. _ 0 0. __ 0 0 _ 0._ Municipal Court 11111111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 0 _ _0 0. 0 0 .. Personnel Administrative Services: to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finance/Clerk/Data Proc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-Departmental/Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,330,353 926,630 0 Debt Service to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Police 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Planning/Building/Pub Wks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administration 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Development Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning/Tech Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance Services Community Services: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Services/Parks ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing&Human Services 0 318,467 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Golf Course 330,000 0 0 0 0 120,500 0 0 0 Transfers-Out 330,000 318,467 0 0 39,157 120,500 11330,353 926,830 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,534 0 469,760 18;891 0'' 174,118 794,550 1 2,070,878 795,544 Ending Balance/Designated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Balance/Undesignated 342,534 318,467 469,760 18,891 39,157 294,618 2,124,903 2,997,598 795,544 TOTAL EXPENSES/BALANCE 34 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 4: 1993 Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Sources- All Funds Capital Improvement Enterprise 302 316 317 ::319 320 401 A21 Revt3nues pen Space :Mu Pac Gen Gov GJp Sr Ftsing LIQ Constr WIS/S Utit WISIS Consf< Beginning Balance 0 52,583 129,042 0 0 1,870,896 38,713 Property Tax0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax 0_ 0 _ 0 _ _ 0 _ 0 0 0 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Admissions Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 380,000 0 0 0 0 0 EMS Levy Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees 0 0 732,000 0 0 0 0 SgtTPfalTaXes 0 380,000 732,000 0 " <0 0 0 Business License Fees 0 73,000 1,678,000 0 0 0 0 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 8,000 0 Other Licenses/Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Federal/State Grants 0 0 1,179,600 0 0 0 1,018,590 State Shared Revenue 0 0 360,000 0 0 0 0 Other Intergovernmental 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 0 0 1,000 0 0 15,543,000 6,000 Fines and Forfeits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ................ ... Interest Earnings 0 0 10,000 0 0 277,000 300,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 37,874 25,000 Non-Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 5,918,000 Other ........ .... ther Financing Sources 0 109,500 840,000 0 0 0 2,787,000 TOM_REVENUES. 0 562,500 4,800:600 0 6. 1:5;940,874. 10954;590' TOTA REVENUES/BALANCE 0 615,083 4,929,642 0 0 4701:14776:. :10.093,303..' 1 Expenditures Legislative 0 109,500 0 0 0 0 0 Executive: Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _. Municipal Court 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ...... .. Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s Administrative Services: Finance/Clerk/Data Proc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. ................ Non-Departmental/Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 3,494,241 144,000 Police 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fire 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning/Building/Pub Wks: Administration 0 0 0 0 0 57,759 0 Development Services 0 0 0 0 0 327,049 0 Planning/Tech Services 0 0 0 0 0 140,713 0 Transportation 0 0 4,891,600 0 0 43,540 0 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 5,353,791 9,946,323 Maintenance Services 0 0 0 0 0 7,604,904 0 Community Services: General Services/Parks 0 453,000 0 0 0 0 0 Housing&Human Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers Out 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 562,500 4;891,800 0 0 17;021,997; 10,090,323' Ending Balance/Designated 0 0 38,042 0 0 789,773`` 2,980 Ending Balance/Undesignated 0 52,583 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSESIBALANCE 0 615,083 4,929,642 0 0 17;811,770' 10,1093,303 35 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 4: 1993 Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Sources- All Funds Enterprise Internal Service Fiduciary Total All Funds aoz 403 404 501 502601 Total Airport Sol Waste Golf Cis l:q Rentai Insurance Fire.Pension 1953 HeVerfue5 _ ............... 585,780 209,684 111,472 540,071 1,670,651 2,256,338 13,361,567 Beginning Balance lip 0 0 . 0 0 0 246,000 12,332,528 Property Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,428,625 Sales Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 593,000 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 86,000 Admissions Tax . 10 0 0. 0 0 0 0 5,403,400 Utility Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0760,000 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 273,500 EMS Levy Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 631,000 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 184,850 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 0 0 0 0 732,000 Mitigation Fees 0 0 i' 0 D> 0 246;000 30,424,903: Sub'-Total Taxes. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,038,000 Business License Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 599,700 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 140,300 Other Licenses/Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 318,467 Community Dev Block Grants 432,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,666,090 Other Federal/State Grants 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 2,752,270 State Shared Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 Other Intergovernmental 3,840 6,377,972 833,900 734,437 0 0 24,932,312 Charges for Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 765,800 Fines and Forfeits 38,000 20,000 8,000 0 60,000 120,000 1,384,350 Interest Earnings 445,000 0 13,000 551,596 3,892,069 0 6,524,336 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 360,000 0 31,550 9,656 0 6,394,206 Non-Revenues 0 0 366,394 10,000 0 0 4,123,894 Other Financing Sources 918;840 8;757,972:: 1,221;284 1;327,583 3,961,725 411,000 ;83,085,628: TOTAL REVENUES 14504;820 8;967,856 >1 332,7B8 1;867,654 5,632,376 2,667,338 88,4271195: TOTAL REVENUES/BALANCE Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 216,382 Legislative Executive: 0 0 0 0 0 0 434,481 Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 716,589 Municipal Court 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 472,000 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,747 Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 391,160 Personnel Administrative Services: ill 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,290,316 Finance/Clerk/Data Proc 26,907 201,846 20,208 74,354 0 350,514 128,324 Non-Departmental/Misc 0 0 0 0 4,376,186 0 4,376,186 Insurance 51,563 63,000 464,777 232,840 0 0 8,081.539 Debt Service 0 0 .0 0 0 0 8,316,557 Police 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,319,844 Fire Planning/Building/Pub Wks: 3,078 9,000 0 0 0 0 281,435 Administration 0 560 0 0 0 0 2,135,481 Development Services 0 5,990 0 0 0 0 987,393 Planning/Tech Services 863,009 0 0 0 0 0 7,708,671 Transportation 0 6,469,904 0 0 0 0 21,770,018 Utility Systems 21000 66,632 0 1,280,569 0 0 10,411,969 Maintenance Services Community Services: 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,402,050 General Services/Parks 0 0 0 0 0 0 802,058 Housing&Human Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 318,467 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,008,644 Library 0 0 749,926 0 0 0 749,926 Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 816,894 Transfers-Out 848;557 8;836,832 '1;234,911 1,587.763 4,376,188 350,514 85,257,131 TOTALEXPENDITURES PAM 0 13,261 0 1,256,190 2.316,824 9,482,524 Ending'Balance/Designated LLL 38;063 150,724 84,594 279,891 0 0 1,687,540 Ending,Balance/Undesignated 1,504;820 61967,656' 1,332,766 1 1,867,854 1 5.632,376 1 2,667.338 96,427,195 TOTALEXPENSESBALANCE 36 .......I................... _ _ CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Tall/e 5 fevenUe L7etafl Afl Funds 1991 .4992 Adapt .4992 1993 96 Change 1994 9b change ...... .. REVENUES Actui l Bvdgei Ac ual Bud et 92 Adopted Budget 0Budget OPENING BALANCE 28,773;39# . .17,826,88f $2,437,889 13,361,567 -25.0% 11,170064 -16,496 TAX REVENUES: Property Tax-General Levy: 000 General Fund 5,817,399 6,776,661 6,637,527 9,825,830 45.0% 9;772,788:, -0.5% 101 Park Fund 1,148,584 1,300,000 1,282,471 0 -100.0% 1,000;000N/A 103 Street Fund 815,045 945,000 928,092 0 -100.0% 0 N/A 105 Impact Mitigation Fund 0 0 9,376 0 N/A 0 N/A 207 1978 Limited G.O.Bonds 74,064 79,445 79,445 76,635 -3.5% 74;380 -2.9% 212 1989 Limited Refunding G.O.Bonds 284,802 301,641 301,641 297,138 -1.5% 280!798 5.50 .... .... 215 General Govt.Miscellaneous Debt Service 558,382 508,077 508,077 486,699 -4.2% 522;973 7.5% 316 Municipal Fac CIP(Multi-Dept) 252,666 107,600 187,624 0 -100.0% 0 N/A . 601 Firemen's Pension Fund 206,000 228,000 228,000 246.000 7.9% 265;680 8.0% Total Property Tax-General Levy 9,156,942 10,246,424 10,162,253 10,9321402 6.7% 11,916,619'' 9.096 Property Tax-Special Levy/Coulon Park 707,519 694,682 691,062 847,116 21.9% 812,283 -4.1% Property Tax-Special Levy/Senior Housing 778,716 547,090 545,048 553,010 1.10 520,448 5.9% Total Property Taxes 10,643,177 11,488,196 11,398,363 12,332,528 7.3% 13,249,350 7.40/4 Local Retail Sales/Use Tax 9,019,761 9,632,290 9,173,394 9,392,625 -2.5% 9,815,293' 4.5% Natural Gas Use Tax 0 0 46,939 36,000 N/A 36;000 0.0% Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 547,192 555,000 575,458 593,000 6.8% 611,000 3.0% Retail Sales and Use Tax 9,566,953 10,187,290 9,795,791 10,621,625 -1.6% 10,462,293 4.40A0 Utility Tax-Electricity 2,139,917 2,386,100 2,259,505 2,513,000 5.395 2,638;000< 5.0% Utility Tax-Gas 381,536 378,000 333,000 358;000 -4.8% 376;000' 5.0% Utility Tax-Telephone/Telegraph 938,599 950,000 1,055,886 1.060.000 10.5% 1 1402>500 5.0% . Utility Tax-TV Cable 204,729 213,000 211,993 232,000 8.9% 238:OOQ 2.6% InterfundTax-Water/Sewer/Storm/Solid Waste 1,040,835 1,172,051 1,179,827 1.250,400 6.7%' 1,375;450., 10.0% Total Utility Taxes 4,705,616 5,097,151 5,040,211 5,403;400 6.0% 5,728.4950> 6.0% Real Estate Excise Tax 304,091 730,000 710,471 760,000' 4.196> 800;000 5.3% Emergency Medical Service Levy Funds 270,427 272,000 275,437 273,600 0.6% 275;000 0.5% _. . Gambling Excise Tax 615,720 630.000 618,677 631,1)00 0.2"/0' 634;000 0.0% Impact Mitigation Tax 1,152,430 4,000,000 5,385,206 732,000 -81.7% 3228;000.:: 341.0% _._ Admissions Tax 196,142 200,000 211,210 86,000 -57.0% 90,000 4.7% _ ..... Franchise Fees 109,953 107,500 127,245 124,850 16.1% 124,850 0.00Po Leasehold Excise Tax 67,707 63,000 68,083 60,000 -4.8% $0,000 0.0% Total Other Taxes 2,716,470 6,002,500 7,396,329 2,667;350. -55,696 5,208;854 95,3.E TOTAL TAX REVENUE 27832,218 '32,775,137 33,630,694 <;30,424,903 -7.2".6 34,650;443 13996 _. LICENSES AND PERMITS: _. Per Capita Business License 2,312,825 2,152,110 2,424,865 2.038,000 -5.3% 2,038,000 0.00 Other Business Licenses and Permits 95,958 114,600 116,631 106,800 -6.8% 109,450 2.5% Building Permits 689,306 747,200 753,587 596,700 20.196 611,700 2.5% Animal Licenses(Dog and Cat) 16,204 16,352 15,863 15,500 -5.2% 15,500, 0.0% .. ....._.. .... Other Non-Business Licenses/Permits 19,171 14,200 31,815 21,000 47.9% 21;000 0.096 TOTAL LICENSESAND PERMITS 3.133;484 %. 044j02.:.::::::3,342,761 2,778,000 -8:896 2,795,654 77740.6 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Federal Grants 754,968 372,414 1,023.016 997,000 167.7% 3,688,500 270.0% Federal Criminal Justice Grant 37,158 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A Federal Community Dev Block Grants 213,782 262,671 219,241 318.467 21.2% 0 N/A State Grants 8 2,98 4 831,400 634,079 650,500 -21.8% 6,532380 904.2% State/Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 621,911 713,800 684,508 710,000 -0.506 741,950 4.5% State/Local Vehicle License Fee/Transp 105,169 350,000 362,095 360,000 2.9% 360;000 0.0% Criminal Justice MVET 79,388 87,290 86,033 88,150 1.0% 92,117 4.5% State/Motor Vehicle Tax Equalization 11,039 10.000 60,634 27,750 177.5% 21,833 -21.3% State/Street Fuel Tax 700,148 712,570 715,370 709,130 -0.5% 730,299 3.0% State/Arterial Street Fuel Tax 327,312 334,540 334,446 329,810 -1.4% 339,704` 3.0% State TIA Transportation Grants 0 120,000 0 0 -100.0% 0 N/A State/Fire Insurance Premium Tax 52,894 54,675 44,536 45,000 -17.7% 45,000 0.0% State/Liquor Board Profits/Excise Tax 566,796 486,760 472,707 473,430 -2.7% 487,600 3.0% Interlocal Grants/Open Space/Conserva Fut 476,865 0 1,764,659 0 N/A 0 N/A Other Intergovernmental Revenues 12,403 69,666 11,914 10.000 -85.6% 10,000 0.0% TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 4;042;817 44405,786 6,413.238 4,719,237 7.1% 13,049,363 176.5 37 CITY OF REN TON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET .................... .. . .... Tabs :5 . revenue betail-All Funds :1991 1992 Adopt 1992, 1.993 9b Change 1994 96 Change [REVENUES Actual ., Budget Actual: Budget92 Adopted Butlgei 93 Budget CHARGES FOR SERVICES: General Government Service Charges 77,317 54,000 87,112 56,400 4.496 58,950: 4.56 _.. Police Private Security Overtime 217,659 158,100 155,573 207,108'' 31.096 216,968' 4.8% Other Public Safety Services Charges 74,292 32,500 85,564 91,200 180.696 94,400 3.5% Irl1 _. _ ... .._ .. Water Collections 5,009,500 5,507,040 5,600,741 6,147040 11.6% 6;664040 8.4% Sewer Collections(City) 2,123,949 2,446,000 2,567,482 2,$03,000 14.6% 3,078,0 1.00>: 9.8% . Metro Revenue 3,576,742 3,831,000 3,726,506 4,293,000' 12.1% 4;551,000` 6.0% Garbage/Solid Waste Fees 5,212,523 6,955,454 6,128,141 6,377,972` -8.36 6,638,919` 4.1a/o Storm Drainage Fees 1,069,569 1,104,000 1,509,742 2,145,000 94.3.5 2,177,000 1.5.6 .......... Other Inspection/Approval Fees 200,090 181,850 480,685 270,000 48.5% 280,500 3.9% Airport Fuel Charges 1,634 4,000 12,123 3,500 -12.5% 3,500 0.0% Plan Checking Fees 273,444 250,000 322,691 250,000 0.0.5 250,000 0.0%6 Planning/Zoning/EIS Fees 982,557 227,500 311,814 210,000 -7.7% 215,000 2.4% Golf Course Green Fees 592,273 600,000 643,640 616,438 2.7% 634,931 3.0% Additional Green Fee/Capital Improvements 120,015 216,900 239,862 217,462 0.3% 230,000 r 5.8% All Other Parks/Recreation Fees 446,388 455,550 537,375 509,755 11.9% 507,015 -0.5% Other Charges for Services 30,800 10,000 39,871 20,000 100.0 20,000:: 0.0% TOTAL CHARGES PGR SERVICESi:; 20 008,752 22,033,894 .';22,448,922 24,217,875 9.9% 25,620,223' 5.8 FINES AND FORFEITS: Municipal Court Revenue 655 152 756,500 725,319 725,600 -4.1% 755,600 i 4.1%fr _ _. Confiscated Narcotics Money 38,045 0 14,874 25,000 N/A 0, -100.0% King County Narcotics Seizure Fund 93,962 0 124,664 0 N/A Q N/A Library Fines 14,932 13,700 17,306 14,200 3.6% 151200: 7.0% Other Fines and Forfeits 1,084 1,000 2,529 1 000 0.0% 1.000` 0.0% TOTAL'FIN£S AND FORFEITS 803,175:; 771,200 884,692 765,800 -0.7% ;771,800° MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: Interest Earnings 2,495,256 1,810,259 2,030,315 1,456,498 -19.5% 1:;158,826' 20.496: L.I.D.Interest/Principal/Penalties 2095,901 1,325,000 4,081,430 1,087440 -17.9% 866683> -20.3%. Equipment Rental Charges 643,945 1,266,588 1,208,767 1,245,485 -1.7% 1,259864 1.2%. Airport Leases 502,134 423,549 561,780 465,500 9.9% 475,500 2.1% .... .. ... ............... .... _ _ Parks Rents/Leases/Concessions 382,516 366,803 425,991 397,800 8.596 409,600:; 3.095 Interfund Rentals 155958 123,118 123,118 0 -100,096 0 N/A Property/Liability Insurance Premiums 648,525 689,045 689,045 757,948> 10.0% 833,743. 10.0% Medical Insurance Premiums 1,319,499 1,627,000 1,752,144 2,246,290 38.1%b 2;866.122 27.6% _... __.. . :. Dental Insurance Premiums 283,063 351,000 366,379 388,400 10.7%6 427,240 10.0%6 Unemployment Compensation Premiums 29,916 30,000 30,000 38,150 27.2%5 43,150' 13.1%5 Industrial Insurance Premiums City/Employee 184,065 184,000 349,889 382,555 107.9%S 410,179' 7.2.6 Contributions from Private Sources 27,509 26,500 32,441 76,057 187.0%5 ;227,949'' 199.7.5 Other Miscellaneous 197,373 100,500 212,513 81,000 -19.4 81,000: 0.0%6 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUSREVENtlE A 06.158if:> 8,323,362 11,863,812 8,623,123 3.6�i6 9;069,856:: 51 6 NON-REVENUES: Water/Sewer/Storm Revenue Bond Proceeds 0 4,001,000 8,635,000 5,628,000 40.7% 1,0:221,000' 81.6%6'. Utility Contributed Capital 225,754 5,263,600 1,522,468 1,668,590 -68.3%6 711.160 57.4% Residual Equity Transfers-In 1,447,275 740,000 1,959,405 2,312,060 212.4%6 ;977,000'. -57.7% Miscellaneous Utility Fees 709,997 642,500 998,704 550,000 -14.4%5 630,000 14.5%6 Interfund Loan Proceeds 0 0 0 0 N/A Q N/A Interfund Loan Paymts Received(Princ/Interest) 107,912 116,214 119,890 41,206 -64.5% 44,876 8.9% ft TOTAL NON-REVENUE& r 2;490 938' 10,763,314" 13;235,467 10,199,796 -5:246 12'„b84,036 23.49"0 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: 1992 Lim G.O.Bond Proceed s/Com ptrs/Eq 0 648,050 1,365,694 510,000 -21.3% too.°700 96.2% L.I.D.Bond Anticipation Notes 3,200,000 0 0 0 N/A 4'I N/A Sale of Fixed Assets 15,104 10,000 17,774 10,000 0.0%6 10,000 0.0% Operating Transfers-In 1,229,850 1,022,602 2,189,575 816,894 -20.1%6 :'655,887< -19.7% TOTAL OTHER F1N�INGING SOURCES 4;444,954. 1,680,652 3,573,043 1,336,894 -20.5% 1;688,5$7 24,74ti SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 71,521,976 83,797,807 95,392,629 83,065,628 -0.9 100,197,958! 20, TOTAL<REVENUES AND BEGINNING BALANCE 101;295,$67: 101,624,688 127,430,318 96,427,195 -5.1 111,368,022 tb.59hi 38 r CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Table 6 Fxpendrture L1eta!l All Funds 1991: 1982 Adopt 1992 1993 %Change 1994 %Change EXPENDITURES Aetua#. EiudgeY Actual Budget 92 Adopted Budget 93 Budgeta EXPENDITURE CREDITS (2741;$1 d} '. 3227,169) (3,792,497) (4;634,427) 43:646 (5;077,097) 9;;89hi SALARIES AND WAGES: ..... ...__.. Regular Salaries 18 395,985 20,584,967 20,435,239 21,302,333 3.5% 21*671,174: 3.1% . Part Time Salaries 954,688 1,087,868 1,100,637 1,116,045 2.6% 1;156,016 3.6%' Overtime 1,034,170 1,013,346 933,644 885,813 -2.7% 1;089,488: 10.5% TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 20 384;$43 22 8861$1 ;22,4$9,520 231404,191 3.20A 241216,656'' 25 PERSONNEL BENEFITS: Retirement/PERS 896,865 1,035,458 997,461 1,089,0825.2% 1;129,283 3.7% Retirement/LEOFF 385,860 429,667 404,965 424,819 -1.1% 435,6101 2.5% FICA 1,249,219 1,382,949 1,379,121 1,435,776 3.8% 1,466,815 3.6%: 1 Medical Insurance 1,441,242 1,858,958 1,838,753 2,418,861 30.1% 3,031,926' 25.3%' LEOFF Retired Medical Insurance 103,733 130,322 129,077 172,280 32.2% 215,353 25.0% Industrial Insurance 169,986 196,624 345,013 427,867 117.6% 461,298 7.8% Life Insurance 74,706 85,602 82,290 84,793 -0.90/0 87,289 2.90 Dental Insurance 282,777 357,288 357,647 474,739 32.9% 598,590 25.7% LEOFF 11 Disab Ins(Fire'91/Disb Ins/Defer Comp) 1,910 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A Deferred Compensation 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A Unemployment Compensation 29,916 30,000 30,000 40,150 33.85 46,150 14.9% w Uniform Allowance 51,893 64,388 9,180 44,620 -30.7% 44,820 0.0% Fire Pensions 282,038 313,057 314,065 341,504 9.1% 365,410 7.0% PERS Prior Service Liability 8,122 8,123 7,410 8,123 0.0% 8,123 0.0% Narcotics Grant Misc and Other 40,989 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A Self-Insurance Medical/Dental 2,125,203 1,900,500 2,426,576 2,823,200 48.6% 3,292,340 16.6% Self-Insurance Workmen's Compensation 271,102 171,000 210,932 165,000 -3.50x6 181,500< 10.0% Self-Insurance Unemployment Compensation 27,266 30,000 74,234 108,000 260.0% 119,000' 10.2% TOTAL PERSONNEL BENEFITS 7,442:827 7;993,'936 8,806,724 10,058,814 25.895 11,501,307' 14 3% SUPPLIES: Office/Operating Supplies 1,986,465 2,096,200 1,967,979 2;129,840 1.6% 2;263,898, 6.3% Small Equipment 144,581 172,946 136,498 197,360 : 14.1 .198,793. 0.7% TOTAL SUR?LIES2131:;046. 2,269,148 2,104.477 2;327,200` 2.60A 2:482,891: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES: Professional Services: Municipal Court(Public Defender/Probation/Other 116,514 129,500 124,747 140,500 8.5 167,000'' 18.9% Executive(City Report/Graphic Artist/Misc) 47,010 44,150 38,136 40,300 -8.7% 42,700 6.0% _.... _.... _ . Legal Services 408,468 455,000 476,241 465,000 2.2% 489 000 5.296 Human Services(Social Services/H&CD) 186,152 169,346 198,585 177,593 4.9% 151,720' -14.6% Police Department(Health Officer/Special Funds) 120,904 103,751 104,276 94,588 -8.8% 103,113 9.0% Fire Department(Physical Exams/Miscellaneous) 30,378 41,500 20,773 36,090 -13.0% 40,794 13.0% Personnel(NegotialTrng/Classifica StdylCiv Serv) 40,732 60,000 102,636 47,000 -21.7% 51,900 10.4%. PB/PW Development Services(EIS's,Suppl Devi 359,159 164,050 524,404 161,086 -1:8% 115,103 -28.5% P/B/PW Technical Sery(Comp Plan/N Soos Creek 106,103 93,350 156,835 130,295 39.6% 99,815 -23.4% PB/PW Transportation(Studies/1-405/Airport) 113,027 63,150 29,472 50,580 -4.8% 52,180 3.2% PB/PW Solid Waste Contr/Progr Implementation 4,395,499 6,096.'577 4,925,010 5,049,768'' -17.20 5;154,841 2.1% 196,90 Insurance Professional Services 201,109 200,100 176,498 182,660 -8.7% .. 7.8% Other Professional Services 607,063 381,250 575,512 568,037 49.0% 872,127 53.5%' Sub-Total Professional Services 6,732,118 7,991,724 7,453,125 7,143,497 -10.6% 7,537,193 5.5 Postage 96 9 108,224 117,640 118,960 124,390 5.7% 136,380 9.6% Telephone 150,778 208,170 156,673 159,118 -23.6% 167,224 5.1% Travel and Training 124,898 195,644 161,765 187,875 -4.0% 192,457 2.4% Volunteer Travel/Meals 7,805 9,740 9,195 9,875 1.4% 10,315 4.5% Advertising 38,283 39,556 41,440 42,993 8.7% 46,070 7.2% Equipment Rental 643,600 1,263,304 1,219,521 1,249,123 -1.1% 1,263,410 1.1% Other Rentals 123,899 119,254 123,413 118,334 -0.8% 111,741 -5.6% Property/Liability Insurance Premiums 655,900 701,639 698,395 766,641 9.3% 842,755 9.9% ......... .. ....... Self-Insurance Property/Liability&Airport 983,433 835,000 1,173,267 975,000 16.8% 1,050,000 -7.7% "1 39 w CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Table E pendrture Detail-All Funds 6 x 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 tlb'Cltangtt 1984 9hiChange' EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted: Budget 93 Budget OTHER SERVICES 8 CHARGES-Cont. Utility Services: Electricity 1,068,749 1,297,660 1,168,801 1,225,577 -5.6% 1,302,273 6.3% Water/Sewer/Garbage 143,019 152,272 190,590 168,922, 10.9% 177,565 5.1% Natural Gas 43,156 72,280 52,749 72,062 -0.3% 78,057; 5.5% Purchased Water 7,787 20,000 9,567 15,000 -25.0% 1:5,000; 0.0% Dump Fees/Other 30,380 44,360 38,985 46,680 5.2% 50 120 7.4% Storm Drainage Fees 104,853 124,760 139,803 208,000 67.5% 218,406 4.5% Metro 3,681,433 3,831,000 3,529,953 4,293,000, 12.146 41551000.: 6.0% Sub-total Utility Services 5,079,377 5,542,332 5,130,448 6,030,241' 8.846 6,aw'.A U1: 6.046 Repairs and Maintenance 681,138 703,372 767,877 785,340< 11.7% 821,709'' 4.646' Memberships and Registrations 52,329 61,358 49,217 60,187 1.9% 62,4061 3.7% Vandalism 15,573 15,668 11,827 13,735' -12.3% 13,821 0.6% Parks Self-Sustaining Programs 324,243 358,500 365,938 412,760 15.1% 412,760 0.0% Other Miscellaneous Services 281,506 346,471 333,438 369,314 6.6% 3624046' -2.0% TOTALOTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 16,003,104 18,509,372 17,814,499 18,448,423 0.3% 19,420,707 5.34 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES: Payments to Other Governmental Units 1,152,239 1,340,230 1,350,239 1,423,535 6.2% 1,513,410 6.3% State Tax 320,624 794,410 725,976 729;686 -8.1% 931,557 27.7% Interfund Taxes 1,040,835 1,166,911 1,179,827 1,303;527 11.7% 1,360,142: 4.3% 317 Trf to 316/Fund Split 0 0 746,675 0 N/A ) N/A W/S Operations Trf to W/S Construction 1,447,000 740,000 1,209,8052,312,000> 212.446 977,000 57.7% Arterial Str Trf-Out to CIP(Overlay Prog) 488,143 290,000 340,000 330.000 13.8% 330,000 0.0% W/S&General Funds Trf to Golf Course D/S 364,715 364,715 364,715 36696x ;394 0.5% 325,887 -11.1 . . _ . - General Fund Trf to Insurance Fund 300000 300000 300,0000P, -100.0% 0 I N/A Trf to Property Acquisition 0 0 1,106,726 0 N/A 0 N/A - _ ... Cable Communications Trf to Gen/CIP 58,692 67,887 67,887 120,500' 77.5% 0 -100,096 _. _ .. _ Other Transfers-Out 18,575 0 00' N/A 0: N/A TOTAL 1NTEROOVERNMENTAL SERVICES -5,190,823 ;5;064.153 7;391,860 6,5#51642 30 44fi 5,437,1196 '> 17 4,,,: CAPITAL OUTLAY: General,Parks,Street,Library Funds 319,074 292,332 367,765 323,189 10.6 394;488 22.1.6 Housing 8 Community Development Grants 10,460 116,316 65,675 166,565' 43.246 0 -100.096' Multi-Department Capital Improvements(317) 223,220 832,550 815,886 5621500 32.446'. 0 100.046 Police and Fire Projects(317) 0 0 478,211 0'' N/A 0 N/A Library Renovation(317) 7,155 0 15,072 0 N/A 0 N/A Municipal Facilities/Property Acquisition(316) 0 0 0 0' N/A 0 NIA Parks/Open Space Projects(105/302/317) 386,703 3,500,000 4,450,567 0:: -100.0% 0 N/A . Community Center(317) 0 0 00< N/A N/A g; . Golf Course Improvements/Equipment(404) 19,578 135,000 39,774 ,1462 61.1%, 3 950 000 1716.4% Senior Housing Construction(319) 84,339 5,442,417 5,165,720 0 -100.0% 0:> N/A Water/Sewer/Storm Operations/CIP(320/401/421) 5,405,423 10,618,889 4,177,740 9,991!;823' -5.9% 8,498,209 14.9% Airport Improvements/Equipment(402) 59,295 604,249 872,600 498;200 -17.6% 0$4,200 -2.8% Transportation Improvements(102/301/317/320) 3,732,695 3,351,400 2,920,005 41806;600 a 43.2 116.62%G60. 225.5% Equipment Rental Replacements/Additions(501) 304,801 398,050 391,135 512;350 28.7% 4681000 10.6% All Other Capital Outlay(125/127/403/502) 6,865 38,831 2,164 3910 59 ,157 907.3% 116 99.644' TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 10.5 .808 25,33,034' 19,762,314 17,463,$46 -31.1 29,41:1:,057 68,4° DEBT SERVICE:(Principal and Interest) Limited General Obligation Debt 1,915,244 1,982,839 1,847,624 2,004,316' 1.1% 24084;468 4.0.6 Unlimited General Obligation Debt 1,336,196 1,680,169 1,337,669 11330;3531 -20.8% 1338,031 0.6% L.I.D.Debt Service 2,358,544 1,494,283 1,577,211 92616w 5, -38.0% 1,7281389 86.5% Water,Sewer,Storm Debt Service 2,542,418 2,933,682 7,444,455 ` 3,768.;677 28.546 4,353,499:. 15.5% Airport Revenue Bonds 52,344 53,700 49,531 511563 -4.0 0 100.0% TOTAL DEBT<SERVICE 8,204.748 .8.144.673 12.256,490 8,0$1;539 0.8.. 9,604..;W1,.. 17.84 INTERFUNDPAYMENTS 2,082;595 2,585,390 2,645,127 3,521.;903 36241+ 3,975,$7(1 12,9% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 89,257,678 89,355,716' 89,258,504 '' 85,257;131446;,:, 100,853,45.56 18.3% ENDING FUND BALANCE 32,037,689 12,268,972' 38,1,71,814 11,170,064 -9 .... 10,514,466 58 TOTACEXPENDITURES AND ENDING BALANCE 101,295,387 101,620;688 127,430,318 96,427;195 -5.1% 111,36$,022 If.56% 40 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Table 7: Staffing Comparisons by Department Total Staffing in FTE's t 0 50 100 150 200 31.9 (�1982 Actual Legislative/Executive: 1993 Budget 32 ®199a Budget r 32.2 �a Administrative Services: 32.6 33.5 --; 33.5 Police Department: 105.7 107.7 107.7 Fire Department: 92 92 T� t 92.3 Planning/Building/Public Works: 169.8 174.5 r 175.7 Community Services: 138.4 140.3 1993-1994 Staffing Changes 1993 1994 2-Year Limited Term Senior Financial Analyst for Financial System Testing-Admin.Services 1.0 Police Officer for DARE program-Police Support Services 1.0 Engr Spec II for Surface Water Plan Review-PBPW Development Services 1.0 Recreation Spec I for Teenage Programs-Parks Rec Services 1.0 Increase.8 Librarian Position to full time-Library Services 0.2 Sub-total:Positions Funded with Expenditure Cuts or Special Resources 4.2 Jailer Position-Police Support Services 1.0 Museum Supervisor for Renton Historical Museum-Library Administration 1.0 Total General Government Positions 6.2 Engr Spec I-Transportation-Airport Technical Assistance 1,0 Civil Engr 111 and Office Asst II(.5)for Aquifer Protection Program 1.5 1r Civil Engr IIVLead-Allows Full Time Supervisor for Wastewater and Surface Water Utility t.0 Increase.5 Office Asst 11 to Full Time-Solid Waste Utility 0.5 Maintenance Services Worker 11 for Surface Water Facility Inspection Program t.0 Water Treatment Operator for Wells 11 and 17-Water Maintenance 1.0 Total Proprietary Fund Positions 5.0 Total Increase in Regular Full Time Staff - 11.2 1.0 2 positions were added during 1992 budget adjustment 1 tore fighter to equalize platoon strength,and one Signal Electronics Technician for Valley-Com system maintenance. t 41 fir CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 7.• Staffing Comparisons by Department JIM 1991 1.92 Adopt 1992 1993:: C snge %CiSange : 1994> Chgr{ga %Chvnge> Department Actual Budget Aauat Budget 92:9dvpt 93 Adop[ Budg.el 93 Budget 93 Badgct Regular Full Time and Part Time Staff.- LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE: Legislative 7.6 7.6 7.6 7 I 0.0 0.0% 7.6 0.0 0.0% .... , Mayor 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0,: 0.0 0.0%, 4.0> 0.0 0.0% Municipal Court 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5:1 0.0 0.0% 11.5 0.0 0.0% Hearing Examiner 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 2.0 0.0 0.0% Personnel 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0% 5.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL LEG ISLATIVE1EXECUTIVE 30.1 30.1 30.1 r 30.1 0.0 0.0% 30:1 0.0 0:0 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: Finance 22.0 22.0 22.0 23.0 1.0 4.5% 23:0 0.0 0.0% City Clerk 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 i' 0.0 0.0%< 5.5' 0.0 0.0% Data Processing 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0< 0.0 0.0% 5.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 32.5 32.5 32.5r 33.5 1.0 3.1 33!5 0.0. 0.0% POLICE: Administration 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 50.0%' 3.0' 0.0 0.0% Operations Bureau 75.7 75.7 75.7 75.7 0.0 0.0%t 75!7 0.0 0.0% Ili Support Services 28.0 28.0 28.0 29.0 1.0 3.6 25.0; 0.0 0.0% TOTAL POLICE 105.7' 105.7 105.7 107.7 2.0 1.9 107.7 0.0 0.0% FIRE: Administration 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0% 5.0.' 0.0 0.0% ko Operations 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0< 0.0 0.0% 75.0.' 0.0 0.0% Prevention 9.0 9.0 9.0 9,0; 0.0 0.0% 9.0' 0.0 0.0% Training 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 100.0%' 2.0 0.0 0.0% Emergency Management 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0. 0.0 0.0% (W TOTAL FIRE 91.0 91.0 92.0 92.0 1.0 1.1% 92:0 0:0 : 0.0 PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS: . Administration 4.0 4.0 4.0 I' 4.0 0.0 0.0% :4.0! 0.0 0.0% Development Services 34.0 34.5 34.5 34Q (0.5) -1.4%.:, 34;0 0.0 0.0% Tranportation Systems 29.0 29.0 30.0 31::0: 2.0 6.9 31;0: 0.0 0.0% Planningrrechnical Services 14.1 13.1 13.1 13;1 0.0 0.0%.:::'. 13:1_ 0.0 0.0% Utility Systems 15.5 16.0 16.0 1 19;5; 3.5 21.9%, 19:5 0.0 0.0% Maintenance Services 53.0 54.0 1 54.0 55.0 1.01 1.9% 56`0> 1.0 1.8% TOTALPLANNING/BLOG/PUBLICWORKS' 149.6 150.6 151.6'' 1566 6:0 4.0%,` 157:6 1.0. 0.6 COMMUNITY SERVICES: General Services,Parks,Recreation 66.8 67.0 67.0 65:0 1.0 1.5% 68.0- 0.0 0.0% Senior Housing 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 0.0% 1`5> 0.0 0.0% Human Services 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.0 0.0% 18 0.0 ao% CDBG Block Grants 1.5 1.2 1.2 12. 0.0 0.0 1t;2'< 0.0 0.0% Library 14.1 14.1 14.1 15Z. 1.2 8.5 15.3:: 0.0 0.0% Golf Course 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 40''r 0.0 0.0% IN TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 89:4 89.6 89.6 9118 2.2 2.5 91i8 0.0 0.0 Total Regular FullTime Staffing 498.3 499.5 501.5::, .5117::L. 122 2.4 3127 1.0 0.' Temporary Part Time Staff.• Executive(All Divisions) 1.0 1.7 1.8 1.9 i 0.2 11.8% 2.1< 0.2 10.5% Administrative Services 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0' (0.1) -100.0% 0:0 0.0 N/A Fire Prevention 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.3' 0.3 N/1 Planning/Building/Public Works 13.9 17.1 18.2 17.9`' 0.8 4.7% 18.1 0.2 1.1% Community Services 50.9 45.9 48.8 48.3' 2.4 5.2% 48;5 0.2 0.4% Total Temporary Part Time Staffing 65.9 1 64.8 i 68.9 68.1 3.31 5.1% 69:0 0.9 1.3% TOTAL ALL STAFFING 564.2 564.3 1 570.4 1 15.51 2.7 5817: 1.9 0.3% 42 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 8:General Governmental Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balances Past and Projected General Govemmental Fund Balances M $4 $3.7 $3.6 I $3.4 I $2.8 i o n s $2 $1.7 o $1.2 $0.95 f $1 $0.63 $0.29 D 0 1 $-0.08 a r $'1 S 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Projected > Future fund balance projections are based on the following revenue and expenditure assumptions: Revenues: The 6%projected future tax revenue growth includes 8%for property tax,4%increase In sales taxes,and 5%Increase in major utility taxes. Charges for service are projected to increase 2%annually,which represents fee adjustments. License and permit revenues are assumed at 2%,slightly under the historical 3%;and increase in other revenues are assumed at 6%. Other changes included in the proposed budget and future projections are the closure of Longacres,and alternative funding sources will be provided if criminal justice funding is discontinued in 1994. Expenclituresm Expenditure projections are based on the assumption the service level stays the same,without new programs added,and the consumer price index stays within the 3%to 50/.range. Overall personnel costs including benefit increases are at the same rate as overall revenue increases. Fund Balances: The changes of fund balance are the result of the differences between actual revenues and expenditures. The fund balance declined during 1989 and 1990 by about$2 million,due to expenditures exceeding revenues in these two years. As one of the objectives for the 1991 and 1992 budget preparation,the administration cut back expenditures and raised new revenues to bring revenues and expenditures into balance. As a result, 1991 and 1992 fund balances show Improvement over 1990. Approximately$1.7 million in 1991's fund balance was reappropriated during 1992 for continuing projects. As the chart shows,with the revenue and expenditure assumptions above,we expect the fund balance to continue to decline and become negative by 1997. The reason is that 1993's budget is balanced with approximately$600,000 from fund balance. It is the administration's goal to devote 1994 to find long term solutions to resolve the imbalance. 43 t CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 8. General Governmental Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balance 1991 1992> 1992 1993; 1994 Protected" Parameter Item Actual Adopted Actual Request f)equest'< 1995 . .: ;. 896.. .; .. 1987... 92-93 93-94 95.:-. OPENING BALANCE 1,711,519 1,737,621 3,451,106 1,862,998 1,290,864 952,958 626,660 289,882 7 -31% -26% i REVENUES: Property Tax/General Lev 8,698,277 9,910,824 9,737,254 10,686,402 11,650,939 12,583,014 13,589,655 14,676,828 8% 9% 8% Retail Sales/Use Tax 9,019,761 9,632,290 9,173,394 9,392,625 9,815,293 10,207,905 10,616,221 11,040,870 -2% 4% 4% Sales Tax/Criminal Justic 547,192 555,000 575,458 593,000 611,000 629,330 648,210 667,656 7% 30/i 3% Utility Tax/Electricity 2,139,917 2,386,100 2,259,505 2,513,000 2,638,000 2,769,900 2,908,395 3,053,815 5% 50 5% UtilityTax/Gas 381,536 376,000 379,938 394,000 412,000 428,480 445,619 463,444 5% 5% 4% UtilityTax/Telephone 938,599 950,000 1,055,886 1,050,000 1,102,500 1,157,625 1,215,506 1,276,282 11% 50A 5% Utility Tax/TV Cable 204,729 213,000 211,993 232,000 238,000 245,140 252,494 260,069 9% 30A 3% Interfund Tax/Utilities 1,040,835 1,172,051 1,247,910 1,250,400 1,375,450 1,457,977 1,545,456 1,638,183 7% 100.5 6% Other Taxes 1,564,040 1,672,500 1,597,125 1,554,500 1,580,000 1,611,600 1,643,832 1,676,709 -7 296 2% Sub-Total Tax Revenue 24,534,886 26,867,765 26,238,461 27,665,927 29,423,182 31,090,971 32,865,388 34,753,855 3 6 694 Building Permits 689,306 747,200 740,182 625,200 640,200 653,004 666,064 679,385 -16 2% 2% Business Licenses 337,000 347,110 347,110 287,000 340,480 405,171 482,154 573,763 -17% 19.6 19% Other Licenses&Permits 131,333 145,152 163,800 106,800 109,450 111,639 113,872 116,149 -26% 2% 2% Intergovernmental Revenu 2,624,899 2,041,586 2,304,763 2,050,860 2,080,299 2,101,102 2,122,113 2,143,334 0% 1% 1% Charges for Services: 2,090,392 1,240,650 1,577,983 1,438,663 1,453,033 1,482,094 1,511,736 1,541,970 16% 1% 2% Fines and Forfeits 803,175 771,200 884,692 765,800 771,800 779,518 787,313 795,186 -1% 1% 1% Miscellaneous Revenue 841,617 898,921 988,306 789,357 834,549 884,622 937,699 993,961 -12% 6% 6% Other Financing Sources 17,439 10,387 59,089 11,000 0 0 0 0 6% -100% .0% TOTALAEVENUES 32,070,047 ',33,069,971 1 33,304,386 33,740:607 35;652;993' 37;5013,121 39.;486,339' 41,597.604 2 6 5% REVENUE AND BALANCE"33,781,566 34,807,592 36;755,492 35,603;605 '36;943,857 38AW: 79 40;112,999' 41,887„485 2 40 4% EXPENDITURES: Regular Salaries 16,418,863 18,320,276 18,888,903 18,812,702 19,425,936 20,008,714 20,608,976 21,227,245 3% 3% 3% Part Time Salaries 836,250 942,833 971,454 1,004,298 1,034,427 1,065,460 1,097,424 3% 3% 3% Overtime Salaries 951,928 929,905 1,170,839 902,204 1,003,323 1,033,423 1,064,425 1,096,358 -3% 11% 3% Personnel Benefits 4,187,036 4,903,821 4,935,105 5,777,148 6,581,685 7,371,487 8,256,066 9,246,794 18% 14% 12% Total Wages&Benefits 22,394,077 25,096,835 24,994,847 26,463,508 28,015,242 29,448,051 30,994,926 32,667,820 5 6% 5% Supplies 1,165,582 1,261,551 1,131,389 1,324,621 1,408,599 1,471,986 1,538,225 1,607,445 5 6% 50.5 Professional Services 1,602,466 1,333,371 1,791,194 1,374,609 1,380,852 1,449,895 1,522,389 1,598,509 3 0% 5015 Postage/Telephone 242,638 303,392 260,911 264,640 283,864 303,734 324,996 347,746 -13 7% 7% Travel/training 111,858 176,554 144,664 168,565 173,024 178,215 183,561 189,068 -5% 3a 3% Equipment rental 459,136 911,488 871,565 880,157 853,484 896,158 940,966 988,014 -3% -3 5% Other Rental 115,910 100,954 115,056 99,634 95,419 97,327 99,274 101,259 -1% -4% 2% Insurance 463,270 495,700 495,700 545,300 599,830 689,805 793,275 912,266 10 10% 15% Public utility 1,097,317 1,295,472 1,234,859 1,331,522 1,405,043 1,503,396 1,608,634 1,721,238 3% 6% 7% Repairs&Maintenance 431,722 488,077 453,261 547,974 577,439 608,488 641,207 675,685 12% 5% 50% Parks Selfsustan.Prog 324,118 386,860 121,440 412,760 412,760 412,760 412,760 412,760 7 0% 0% Misc Services&Charges 343,898 352,428 611,633 390,796 405,245 420,228 435,765 451,877 11 4% 4% [Total Svcs&Charge 5,192,334 5,844,296 6,100,283 6,015,957 6,186,960 6,560,006 1 6,962,828 7,398,423 3 3 60/a Intergovernmental Service 1,152,239 1,340,230 2,031,554 1,423,535 1,513,410 1,604,215 1,700,467 1,802,496 60A 6% 6% Capital Outlay 478,518 436,332 527,575 463,689 565,688 577,002 588,542 600,313 6% 22% 2% Debt Service 1,282,383 1,279,339 1,212,965 1,374,135 1,329.827 1,369,722 1,410,813 1,453,138 7% -3% 3% Interfund Transfers 683,290 664,715 7,993 366,394 325,887 325,887 325,887 325,887 -45 -11% 0% Expenditure Credit (2,017,964) (2,359,279) (2,837,770) (3,119,098) (3,354,714) (3,522,450) (3,698,572) (3,883,501) 320 8% 5% Expenditure Savings I 1 0 0 N/A I N/A N/A Total Expenditure 30,330,459 '33;564,019 330168,836 34,312;741 35;990,8992 '37,834',419 .39;823,1171 41,922;021 2 59b 5 Ending Balance 3,451,106 1,243,573 3;586,656 1,290x864 952,958:; : 626;660 2$9,882'. (84,538) 4 -28 -34 EXPENSES&BALANCE 33,781.566 34,807,592 36,755,4924:1:3.51003.605::: 361943,8571; .3$,461:;079 40;112,999; 41,887:485 2N 4N 4% General Governmenatl funds include the General,Parks,Street,Library,and Limited(Council approved)General Obligation Bond Funds,which account for all basic services except for utilities. These services include police and fire protection,parks and recreation,planning,zoning and building code enforcement,libraries,transportation planning and street maintenances. 1993 General Governmental operating budget totals$34.3 million,which represents 52%of all City operations. 44 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 9: General Governmental Funds Budget Changes and Enterprise Fund New Programs 93 1993 1993 94 199a 199az:::: , _., . i=TE iBudget New F7 E Budget New, heti Description Chg Cuts/Adt Programa Chg GutslAd) Programs: ... LEG I SLATI VE/EXECUTIVE: ..1. Legislative/Cut Travel from$4,000 to$3,500 (500) (500) 1 2. Mayor/Cut Renton Report Postage from$13,450 to$11,450,based on 1992 cost (2,000) 0 3. Mayor/Defer Intern(Full Time 3 mos.)to 1994(Cut in 1993 Base Budget) 0 0 4. Mun Court/Cut Public Defender from$110,000 to$105,000 (5,000) 0 5. Mun Court/Cut Probation Services from$25,000 to$20,000 (5,000) 0 8. Add RecTas(s ttst Court Clerk io Lead Court Clerk(Approved 1992/Salary Study Recomm) 0 : 2.701 0 2 745 7. Hearing Examiner/Cut Pro Tem 1993:from$5,000 to 0;1994 from$8,000 to 0 (5,000) (6,000) 8. Legal/Cut Other Legal Services from$60,000 to$54,000 (8,000) (6,000) ........ _......... _..............._._ _ ._................ _ _..-. 9. Personnel/Cut Position Recruitmt$10,000;Add$2,000 to Labor Consultants (8,000) (81000) TL�TAL LEC��I.A311IEXJA?CiKCUT1VE O.G (31,500) 2703.; oo {2o,5QUj 2745: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: .... ......... ........ ... __ .. .... .. .. _.__. ...__... 10. Finance/Cut Central Office Supplies from$9,500 to$2,000-,uts service (7,500) (7,500) 11. Finance/Cut Utility Billing Postage 93/548,600 to$43,000;94/$52,000 to$49,450 (5,600) (2,550) ........ ......_.,.... ._........ ...__ _ _ __. ...... ...._...... ..__..__ 12. Finance/Cut Rentals-Utility Billing Pagers$1,500 (1,500) (1,500) __.. _. -11 13. Finance/Cut Travel from$5,500 to$4,000 (1,500) 0 . _ 14. Finance/Cut Utility Billing Other Miscellaneous from$1,000 to 0 (1,000) (1,000) _...... ......... ..._._. _ _ _. ...._ ._ 15. Finance/Cut Capital Outlay(Partitions)from$5,000 to$4,000 (1-000) 0 16. NEW/Elnance/Add Revenue Audit Contract(State Auditor) 0 10 000; 0 Fund with.lncrease.in Business License Fees 0 r(10,000) 0 ....._ , ......_ . 17. NEW).FlhancelNew Financiai Software Testing/2 Year Limited Term Sr Financial Analyst 1.0 9 77 899:; 0 57,30] ......... ..... . _..... >a ) ... FURd by.1992Carryover(New Financial Systems 1992 Project) 0 (77,899): 0: {57,301x . _ ::. i 18. City Cierk/Cut Microfilm Supplies 93/55,304 to$4,304;94/55,570 to$4,570 (1,000) (1 000) 19. City Clerk/Cut Small Equipment 93/$1,560 to$660;94/$1,638 to$738 (900) (900) 20. City Clerk/Cut Regular Supplies from$4,500 to$3,800(2)Windows Software (700) 0 ........ ....__... _ __. _ _ __. 21. City Clerk/Cut Capital Outlay$4,000(Cut 2 Computers,Leaves 1) (4,000) 0 _.... ._....._...... .. .... .... ........_ ._ _ - _.. ... ._....__.. ..__. .. _..... ..... 22. info Serv/Cut Telephone 93/$120,000 to$111,000;94/5126,000 to$117,000 (9,000) (9-000) Tom::ACMINI.STRATIVE SERVICES OPERATIONS _... ADMIN SERVICES NON-DEPARTMENTAULIMITED G.O.BONDS: _. .... .. 23. NEVY/iri"46 Wdlreot Allocation(Relmbutsement/Expenditure Credit to General Fund) «, „ . ..; Regt►aet 1983/1Q941094 increase 1993 Budget 7594 of Indirect Allocation 1994 Budget 859b of lgdtrect Alloc..... 19921661M bou"m$W61ak 19.93*rim=over e+t$137,071,-.19N Armco ever iw; ..49.23[ Eouiotne R4hW *2/530+147 93/$33162 to$74,354 94/x38 47810 X78 072 t) (+ti 182} Q t41 �' _. .. Airpcti 921; a18,93/531;808 to$26,907:44434 989 to S32,o20 0'. <: 4,#01.;' (! Firemen s Penviwl 92/52 26 93/42 888 94!52,938 . 0 a 0 A> .. Solid ilV66k 92132 986.9315146,285 to 201,848 94/St80,914 to 5231,938 0 .(55 5131). 0 (71 p241 _. .: -- - WaterHSewetXStoem 92I;672 298;9315739 628 to$M.583;94/5813,481 to$1.307112 d {181 06fi D (2D3 631} G ..:,,, ........ GWcolla 62fS9,28U:93IS10 208:o s20 208:941x11.229:q 521.229 0 '(14,000} (ni3ur8n Ce.0 IS48.183 93/554 312 to ,278 941559 523 to$103190; O. ::(d4,1t34j :; {43,887) Shop<O rf�MlE ent92/Revenua:5123.111;83/m 132;94/584 45to$77,132 A A Q 7,7.13. . . 24. NEW1lnoreetae Futget Sound Regional Conf 93/t12 000 to$15.500;941532 00o t4 t18 275 0 3 fk. a 275.: 25. NEWXA0d Bank-iges Invest all funds in lieu of compensating bank baleufce end fio lea 0 23000 0 �000> IiiJ- .... .... „ . Interest mare than offsets bank fee. a (a3 ot>Oj; 0 {aa 000); ............... ... . .:.. .... 26. Cut Suburban Cit Ie9/Govt Summit Assessmt 93/520,310 to$9,224;94/$20 310 to S9 700 (11'08 6) (10 at 0) 27. Reduce Downtown Renton Assoc(DRA)from$20,000 to$15,000 (5,000) (5,000) _... .. ......... 28. NEliiffAdd tQr iVationat League of Cities Q.. 2.40G 0 2 400; .. . .. . 29. Limited G.O.Bonds/Adjust 1992 Issue-Lower Interest Rate (18.736) (20,915) TOTAL A.DMll�i`SERViCES NON--DEPARTMENTAULIMITED G.O.BONDS 0 0. :(34 822}:{331-X71) POLICE: 30. Adm .... ......_.-...... .. _ _ _._ 31. Invesdga/Cut Salaries$38,000-Grant Reimb for Police Officer Partial Salary (38,000) (38,000) 32. Investiga/Cut Overtime from$50,778 to$40,778(Cut$10,000+$987 Benefits) (10,987) 0 33. Investiga/Cut Vac Payoff from$2,500 to 0(Cut$2,500+$246 Benefits) (2,746) (2,746) 34. Investiga/Cut Technical Assistance 93/515,000 to$5,000;94/$15,000 to$7,500 (10,000) (7,500) 35. Patrol/Cut Overtime from$195,175 to$185,175(Cut$10,000+$310 Benefits) (10,310) 0 36. Patrol/Cut Vac Payoff from$7,500 to 0(Cut$7,500+$233 Benefits) (7,733) (7,733) 37. Patrol/Cut Earney Overtime from$3,000 to 0(Cut$3,000+93 Benefits) (3,093) 0 38. Patrol/Cut Operating Supplies 93/$17,050 to$15,050;941$17,678 to$15,678 (2,000) (2,000) 39, Patrol/Cut K-9 Supplies from$4,800 to$2,800 (2,000) (2000, ) 40. Patrol/Cut Professional Services/ESU from$4,000 to$2,000 (2,000) (2000), .. 41. IC ase(2)Comm Program Coord(Approved 1992/Salary Study Recomm) ` ::V: 8887 4. 7,183;', y 45 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 9. General Governmental Funds Budget Changes and Enterprise Fund New Programs «. 93 1993 ' 1993 94 1994:: 1994 FTE bud et MOW:: FTE, BU0g0 New g Item Description Chg :cute/Adj Pr r" Ch g Cuts/Adj Programs POLICE-Cont. 42 NE IAdnt SoNVAdd PARE MiddfB Schon(Ptog(Police QfficedQperatingCosh) 1 0 68,057 D 89 949< ... 00440A 70Benefits$13681 Other.$13900) (94/Salaries$42;484Benefits$15,865,Other$12,00.2) „.... Funding 111-111 1.11 Confiscsi$25 000 Gontnb S43 057:64/Contributions$69 949 9 {68,Ob7) <0 (69,849) ..._...: .. _..-.. -- ------------- _._._-----: 43. Adm Serv/Cut Prof Sery 93/$5,050 to$3,050 94/$5,300 to$3,300 (2,000) (2,000) 44. Adm S9rv/Cut Travellrraming 93/$33,607 to$30,607;94/$33,623 to$30,623 (3,000) (3,000) 45. Staff Serv/Cut Overtime 93/$15,184 to$10,184;94/$12,000 to$11,000 (5,000) (1,000) . ...... .......... ............-----_ __...... .........__._......_.. __.. __...... _._ ... 46. Staff Serv/Cut Opera Supplies 93/$14,393 to$12,393;94/$22,608 to$20,608 (2000), (2,000) 47 NEIN/Jad/Add JAtler".8al$30 872 Bent$13 89t3:Sal$32;884 Benf$18,226 1 d 0 44.588 D 48:890; .: ,.... 48. Animal Control/Cut Overtime from$7,100 to$2,100 (5,00. 01).- (5,000 49. Cut Capital Outlay-All Divisions (13,200) 0 TOTAL POLICE 2 0 (121,368) 51,235 0,0> (77.279) 56;053 PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS: go PBPW Adminiatretion: 50 Cut Part Time WBenefits 93/$22,090 to$21,100;94/$22,821 to$21,830 (990) (991) 51. Cut Overtime from$500 to$100 (400) (400) 52. Cut Supplies 93/$5,795 to$5,650;94/$5,980 to$5,700 (145) (280) 53. Cut Other Services 93/$9,860 to$8,550;94/$10,430 to$8,815 (1,310) (1,615) Total PBPW Administration 0.0 (2,845) 0 0.0 (3,286) 0 Development Services: 54. Salary&Benefits Adjustment/Transfer Civil Engr I to Surface Water Utility (52,455) (57,289) 55. Cut Overtime 93/$19,600 to$19,350;94/$19,890 to$19,640 (250) (250) 56. Cut Part Time WBenefits 93/$97,088 to$80,869;94/$100,028 to$82,665 (16,218) (17,362) ._. . 57 NEWJAdd:Enpmea 1 Speci'alisVS idace.Water Plan Rewew/Cut Profess!ona{Semces 10 (48;265) "1651 (52 832) 52,832 Fuhdlh ...rough. 04pe Water Utility. 0 (48 285) D (52;832) .. 58 NEWA reasfli¢gnerat;Pund DevelopmentFees 0.:; (100,000) 0 (100,000) ............ _. .._ ....... _.::: .. __._.. 59 Council Amendment. Cut Limited Term Building Inspector (1.0) (52,571) 0 Increase Professional Services 52,571 0 60 Cut Supplies All Divisions 93/$37,957 to$35,300;94/$38,849 to$36,173 (2,657) (2,676) t 61. Cut Profession.al Services.... ..93/$. 1.67. ,.005 to_$156.,.780;. 94/5179_ ,740 to, _$167,935 (10,225) (11,805) ...._ .. . ._. . ._ .... . _ .. . ._ _ _...__.. ..... 62. Cut Travel/Training,Repairs/Maint,Misc 93/$40,088 to$39,678;94/$42,922 to$42,320 (410) (602) Total Development Services 0.0 (130,480) (100,000) (142,816) (100,000) Tmaspoltaticn.- 63. Cut Part Time WBenefits 93/$117,809 to 101,515;94/$123,969 to$107,006 (16,294) (16,963) 64 Cut Overtime 93/$15,355 to$15,030;94/$15.990 to$15,730 (325) (260) 65. Cut Supplies 93/$139,185 to$132,240:94/$145,200 to$134,990 (6,945) (10,270) 66. Cut Travel/Training 93/$9,820 to$9,610;94/$10,315 to$9,890 (210) (425) go 67 Cut Rentals 93/$6 160 to$6,000;94/$6,470 to$6,100 (160) (370) ........ ......... .__....... - .. ._ . 68. Equipmt Rental/Rate Adjustments and Move Vehicle Cost from Utility 3,045 3,100 69 Cut Street Light Electricity 93/$480,000 to$461,000;94/$600,000 to$490,000 (19,000) (10,000) 70. Cut Repairs and Maint 93/$34,675 to$32,725;94/$36,680 to$34,455 (1,950) (2,225) 71. Cut Miscellaneous 93/$15,165 to$12,690;94/$15,925 to$13,420 (2,475) (2,505) 72. Increase Reimbursement from TCIP (50,000) 0 .. Total Transportation(Street Fund) 0.0 (94,314) 0 0.0 (39,918) 0 Plann*lTechnical services: 73 NEW1Add Qrowih Management:Program ta; 35,900 p Funded try Growth Management Grant Q {35 900 0 74 Cut Overtime 93/$7,000 to$6,650;94/$7,270 t-o$6,995 ---- (350) - (275) _... 75 Cut Supplies 93/$34,115 to$33,315;84!$35,710 to$34,790 (800) (920) 76. Cut Prof Sery(Excludes Growth Mgt)93/$95,845 to$94,395;94/$101,715 to$99,815 (1,450) (1,900) 77. Cut Travel/Training 93/$7,025 to$6,520;94/$7,420 to$6,940 (505) (480) _.... 78. Cut Miscellaneous 93/$16,005 to$13,875;94/$16,920 to$15,265 (2,130) (1,655.) Total Planning/Technical Services 0.0 (5,235) 0 0.0 (5,230) 0 Street Maintenance Services: 79. Cut Overtime 93/94$33,900 to$25,900 (8,000) (8,000) 80. Cut Benefits per Overtime Cut (1,510) (1,447) 81. Cut Supplies 93/$149,160 to$148,660;94/$174,633 to$174,133 (500) (500) 82. Cut Postage from 93/94$250 to 100 (150)1 (150) Total Street Maintenance Services(Street Fund) 0.0 (10,160) 0 0.0 (10,097)1 0 TOTAL PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS(General and Street Funds) 0.0 (243,D34) (1001000)!; 0.0 (201,347) (100,000) its 46 LA I T Ut- HtN I UN 1 VV3 - 1 yy4 ULIUtat I Table 9. General Governmental Funds Budget Changes and Enterprise Fund New Programs 93 19f;3 1993 94 1994 Total ....... _...: . FTE Budget New FTE Budges New Item : ... Desctiptillil C.hg C.... .. l . P►ogramia: Chg CutslAdl Programa: FIRE: ............... 83. Fund Bloodborne Pathogen Compliance from Existing Budget 93/$13,400;94/$14,131 0 0 84. All Divisions.Cut Travel 93/$34,017 to$16,229;94/$35,696 to 517,122 (17,788) (18,574) s 85. All Divisions:Cut Mbrships/Registra 93/$17,838 to$8,550 94/$18,748 to$9,005 (9,288) (9,743) 88. All Divisions:Cut Capital Outlay 93/$68,736 to 0;94/$30,066 to$88,802 (68,736) 58,736 87. Suppr/1993 Overtime Cut$46,605 in Base Budget to Fund Fire Fighter added 1992 0 0 ..._ _. 88. Suppr/Defer Replacemt of F032/Command Vehicle to 1994(Capital Recovery) (3,708) Budgeted .... 89. Prev/Defer Replacemt of F029/1985 Sedan to 1994(Capital Recovery) (3,456) Budgeted 90. Prev/Cut Part Time Help in 1993;Budgeted 1994 (5,762) Budgeted _.........._..... .. .................. .--_........ _.. _ .. 91. Prev/Replacemt of F023&F024(Sedans)with used rental cars in lieu of _._. i new vehicles($5,000 cut)included in base budget,Total 1993 Reduction 92, Training/Cut On-site Training 93/$8,160 to$4,000;94/$8,568 to$4,200 (4,160) (4,36581) OT# AE .... Q COMMUNITY SERVICES: 93. Cenral Services/FacXtics/Rccrestion(Park Fuad): 94. Parks Administration/Cut Capital Outlay-Copy Machine Replacement (13,000) 0 95. Gen Services/Cut Operating Supplies 93/$127,227 to$122,227;94/$133,589 to$128,589 (5,000) (5,000) 96. Gen Services/Cut Rentals 93/94$9,555 to$8,555 (1,000) (1,000) 97. Gen Services/Cut Electricity 93/$258,814 to$248,814;94/$271,755 to$261,755 (10,000) (10,000) 98. Gen Sorvices/Cut Gas 93/$54,818 to$52,710;94/$57,559 to$55,451 (2,108) (2,108) 99. Gen Services/Cut Part Time 93/$12,000+$2,147 Benf;94/$12,000+$2,239 Benf (14,147) (14,239) 100. Landscaping/Cut Supplies 93/$14,838 to$12,836;94/$15,527 to$13,527 (2,000) (2,000) 101. Landscaping/Cut Rentals 93/94$2,578 to$1,078 (1,500) (1,500) 102. nd Lascaping/Cut Part Time 93/Cut$2,276+$412 Benf;94/Cut 52,276+$430 Benf (2,6818 (2,706) 103. Facilities/Cut Opr Supplies 93/$148,433 to$139,666;94/5155,695 to$146,928 (8,767) (8,767) 104.1. Facilities/Cut Eq Supplies 93/$48,553 to$46,553;941$50,981 to$48,981 (2,000) (2,000) _.. 105. Facilities/Cut Gas 93/$14,022 to$13,022;94/$14,723 to$13,723 (1,000) (1,000) 106. Facilit.... ......... _.. - _ _ _ _.. __.._... ......... _. 107. Facilities/Cut Part Time 93/Cut$1,000+182 Benefits;94/Cut$1,000+$189 Benefits (1,182) (1,189) 108. Comm Ctr/Cut Repairs&Maint 93/$16,720 to$15,720;94/$18,392 to$17,392 (1,000) (1,000) tog Comm Ctr/Cut Tax Liability93/94$12,000 to$6,000 (B 000) (6 00.0 t 10. NEW/Rap Services Add Recreation Spec i Ycxtth-at Risk/Teenage Programs 1 Q O 42 208 0 48 371 ,. ... .."'F <:jl;ut Rec;Part Time$20.800<Sal 54,304 Benf,.$2 801 SBH-SUBt Rev. Q (27,805)' 0 94 Ftuidtng trot Rac Part Time$21 386 Sal $4 493 Benf 32,801 Self Sust Rev Q Q (28 880) Counci#Amend Reinstate Rec Pari Time Cut as Budgeted/Funded by56 400 PartTime f O 18 704 0 ... Increase Sel►-Suetaiaing Revenue b ;.(18 7oa), ...... . ....... .........................>. ........ 111. Rec Services/Cut Band Concerts 93/$6,458 to$5,000;94/$6,781 to$5,323 (1,458) (1,458) _. 112. NE1NtFae roarivtmn+ing pool Fees 52,750,Swim Lessoris 51,800,Batt team Fees$1,300 0 (5,850) 0 (5,850) Total General Services/Facilities/Recreation(Park Fund) 1.0 (74,850) 8,648 10.0 1 (61,967) 12,041 Library: 113. NEV1ftAttd Mue9imt Super(lire 7 A-93414,676 Sal$6;252 Sf;941WA10 661$13 848 Bf 1_,Q Q 21 07B:: 0 45,113 --::: ----- ---- _ - tt4 Services/Cut Library Books 93/$158,000 to$144,000;94/$201);000 to$180 000 (14 000) (20,000) 115. Services/Increase Librarian from.8 FTE to Fu1I Time(Retiremt Replmt at entry level) 0.2 0 0 0 0 Total Library 1.2 (14,000) 21,078 0.0 (20,000) 45,113 Human Services: 116. Cut Overtime 93/$512 to 0;Cut Supplies 93/$1,835 to$1,790;94/$$1,928 to$1,835 (557) (93) 117. Cut Social Sery Progre:931from 10%over 1992 to 9%;94/10.6 over 1993 Adi Amounts (1,046) (1,150) 93/5130,849 to$129,803;94/$143.934 to$142,784 118. Cut K 1.Co 1.Human Services Roundtable 93/$8,576 to$8,230;Cut Training 9315825 to$500 (671) 0 119. Cut Capital Outlay(PC Replacement)93/$2,500 to 0;94/51,000 Budgeted,Add$1,500 (2 500) 1 500 Total Human Services 0.0 (4 774) 0 0.0 257 0 TOTAi CS>MMUNITY SERVICES 2 2 (93,824) . ta1,710) T'OTA�:GENERALGOVERNMENTAL FUND BUDGET CHANGES:.:.: r2 (670 947) ;(347,5(F7) 001-:14.14,7 taze,eo7j ENTERPRISE FUNDS-NEW PROGRAMS: 1. increase Indirect Allocation/Enterprise Funds 0 337,071 449,234 2. Water Util/Aquifer Protection-1.0 FTE Civil Engr 11,.5 FTE Office Asst II(Approved 1992) 1.5 0 97,298 0 101,467 3. Waste Water Utility/Civil Engr III Lead(Supervisor)and Equipment 1993 1.0 0 76,195 0 66,181 4. Surface Wtr Maint/Inspection Program-Maint Sery Worker Ill and Other Costs 1.0 0 80,863 0 83,689 5. Water Maint1water Treatment of Wells#11/17-1994/Water Treatment Plant Operator 0.0 0 0 1.0 0 59,080 ...... ............................ ... 6. Airport/Technical Assistance-Engineering Spec I and Equipment 1.0 0 56,735 0 57,244 7. Solid Waste/Waste Reductn-Recycling Prog Assistance/.5 FTE Office Asst I to Full Time 0.5 0 17,029 1 0 18,114 TOTALENTERPRISE FUNDS-NEW PROGRAMS s.o a ees,1o1 ::J(A 0 834,eas 47 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Table 10: 1993 Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) Wo/Priority I Project Requested Funded {ren Govt Transport User Fees Grants:i ConFrt ...Unfunded Division:317/016.0 P/B/PW-Transportation Systems 12108 1 Steet Overlay Program 440,000 440,000 110,000 330,000 0 0 0 0 22 2 Oakesdale Ave SW-SW 31th to SW 16th 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 40,000 60,000 0 12081 3 Park Ave N/Lake Washington Blvd 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 25 4 Houser Way Relo-Sunset Interchg N 8th 269,000 269,000 0 0 0 160,000 109,000 0 8 5 Park Ave N-Bronson Way N to 10th St 316,000 316,000 0 0 0 316,000 0 0 12135 7 Transportation Demand Management 74,000 74,000 30,000 0 0 44,000 0 0 9 8 Walkway Program 70,000 70,000 70,000 0 0 0 0 0 12138 9 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 12111 10 CBD Transportation&Streetscape 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 12109 11 Transit Program 166,000 145,000 25,000 0 0 120,000 0 21,000 12109 12 North Renton Transit Program 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 106 13 Bridge Inspection&Repair 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 16 Traffic Sinal Loo Re 1 Signal P P Program 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 14 12113 15 Traffic Sign Replace Program 20,00u 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 91 16 Light Pole Replacement Program 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 60 12140 17 Interagency Signal Coordination 60,000 60,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 56 18 Sidewalk Inspection and Repl Program 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 12141 19 N 8th St-Garden to Houser RR Xing 120,000 120,000 0 0 0 120,000 0 0 29 21 Arterial Circulation 1,020,800 1,009,600 659,600 350,000 0 0 0 11,200 12117 22 Monster Road Bridge 270,000 270,000 50,000 0 0 0 220,000 0 12150 23 Project Development&Pre-Design 90,000 90,000 90,000 0 0 0 0 0 12146 24 WSDOT Coordination 29,200 29,200 29,200 0 0 0 0 0 32 25 Sunset Blvd 1405 to SR 169 81,000 81,000 0 0 0 81,000 0 0 12114 26 Bronson/Houser/Main-SR 169 to Grady 56,000 56,000 11,200 0 0 44,800 0 0 28 27 SR 167/SW 43rd St Loop Ramp 250,000 250,000 0 0 0 100,000 150,000 0 12121 28 Lk WA.Blvd-N Park to N 44th Devp 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 33 33 Sr 169 Channelization(WSDOT) 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 12126 35 Talbot Rd S-S 43rd St To S City Limits 168,800 168,800 60,000 0 0 108,800 0 0 12107 36 TBZ Project Development 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 12106 37 Missing Links Program 65,000 65,000 65,000 0 0 0 0 0 12116 38 Oakesdale SW-Monster Rd to SR 900 90,000 90,000 0 0 0 0 90,000 0 12115 40 Misc Traffic Safety Program 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 0 0 0 0 12128 43 Burlington Northern RR Xing UD 110,000" 110,000 0 0 0 0 110,000 0 .. ........ 12153 44 SW 7th St/Lind Ave SW Signal 18,000 18,000 0 0 0 15,000 3,000 0 12122 1 46 1 Monroe Ave NE-SR169 to Sunset BI NE Pr 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 1111111111 Division Total: 4,923,800 4;891,600 ,;],780,000 680;000 0 >1,179,600 1,242;000 :32,200>- Fund 317 Total 4,923;800 4;891 B44 .f,790,000> 680,400 0 1 it79,60Q 1,242;004 32200 Division:421/018.D P/B/PW-Surface Water Utility 65005 1 Comprehensive Surface Water Mgmt. 23,000 23,000 0 0 23,000 0 0 0 65095 2 Lower Cedar River Sediment Management 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 1.0 0 65025 3 Eastside Green River Watershed Plan 116,000 116,000 0 0 116,000 0 0 0 65065 4 Black River Water Quality Plan 20,000 20,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 65090 5 Lower Cedar River Basin Plan 160,000 160,000 0 0 160,000 0 0 0 65120 6 Maplewood Ck Sediment Pond/Fish Habit 41,000 41,000 0 0 22,410 18,590 0 0 65085 7 Lower Cedar River Non-point Action Plan 6,000 6,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 0 65100 8 Lake Washington Pollution Abatement 2,000 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 65125 9 May Creek Basin Plan 175,500 175,500 0 0 175,500 0 0 0 65130 10 Utility Developer's Manual 20,000 20,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 65060 11 Panther Creek/P-9 Channel Project 1,208,000 1,208,000 0 0 208,000 1,000,000 0 0 65015 12 Small Drainage Problems Program 74,100 74,100 0 0 74,100 0 0 0 65135 13 Windsor Hill Storm/Street Improvement 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 65045 14 NE 27th Aberdeen Drainage Improvement 15,000 15,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 0 65140 15 RTC Storm System Upgrade 50,000 50,000 0 0 25,000 0 25,000 0 65145 16 Mission Hills(NE 10th)Storm System 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 65020 17 Panther Creek Wetland Mosquito Abatmt 28,600 28,600 0 0 28,600 0 0 0 65160 18 Lake Washington Blvd/NE 44th Exit 75,000 75,000 0 0 75,000 0 0 0 65150 19 SW 7th Capacity Problems 25,000 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 0 65155 20 Paccar 72" Storm Interceptor 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 65115 21 Flood Control/Glacier Pk Wetland Acq. 101,000 101,000 0 0 101,000 0 0 0 65055 24 Cedar River Flood Hazard/Monitoring 7,150 7,150 0 0 7,150 0 0 0 65080 26 Stream Flow/Water Quality Monitoring 20,000 20,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 65119 28 Wetland Mitigation Bank Plan I 45,000 45,000 0 0 45,000 0 0 0 DivisiortTotal: j 2.492,350 2,492,350 0 0 1,448,760 1,018,590 25;000imp 0 48 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 10: 1993 Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) Wo/Priority Project Retlyested `::handed Ren Govt Transport User Fees Grants Contri. Unfunded Division:421/018.S P/B/PW-Wastewater 45035 1 CBD Sewer Replacement 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 45125 2 Honey Creek Interceptor Ph IV 320,000 320,000 0 0 320,000 0 0 0 45120 3 Honey Creek Access Road 140,000 140,000 0 0 140,000 0 0 0 45135 4 CBD Sewer Replacement Ph II 280,000 280,000 0 0 280,000 0 0 0 45140 5 CBD Sewer Replacement Ph III 220,000 220,000 0 0 220,000 0 0 0 45050 6 Inflow/Infiltration Testing 160,000 160,000 0 0 160,000 0 0 0 45165 7 Engineering Design Manual 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 45160 8 Replace Telemetry&Data Logger 262,000 262,000 0 0 262,000 0 0 0 45075 9 Park Ave Interceptor 200,000 200,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 0 45145 10 Sanitary Sewer Main Grouting&Rehibilita 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 45055 11 East Kennydale Interceptor 52,000 52,000 0 0 52,000 0 0 0 45150 12 Highgate Lift Station Elimination 210,000 210,000 0 0 210,000 0 0 0 45170 13 Central Renton Sewer Replacement Ph II 320,000 320,000 0 0 0 0 320,000 0 45180 14 East Maplewood Collection System Predes 70,000 70,000 0 0 70,00u 0 0 0 45185 15 Aquifer Protection Area Septic Tank Surve 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 45065 16 Sewer Project/Emergency Construction 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 45190 17 Kennydale Lakefront Sewer System Study 55,000 55,000 0 0 55,000 0 0 0 45200 18 Talbot Crest Lift Station Elimination 52,000 52,000 0 0 52,000 0 0 0 45175 1 25 Central Renton Sewer Replacement Ph III 320,000 320,000 0 0 0 0 320,000 0 Division Total: 2,971,000 ;2,971,000 0 0 2,331,000 0 640,000 0 Division:421/018.W P/B/PW-Water 55005 1 Maplewood Supply 2,365,000 2,365,000 0 0 2,365,000 0 0 0 55025 4 Houser Way Pump Station(Windsor Hills) 3 00,0 00 300,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 0 55110 5 Wellfield Protection 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 ................ 55225 6 Well 5 Quality Remediaton 100,000 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 55170 7 Steel Pipeline Replacement 143,500 143,500 0 0 143,500 0 0 0 55175 8 AC Watermain Replacements 180 000 180,000 0 0 180,000 0 0 0 _...... 55135 9 Aquifer Awareness Program 27,500 27,500 0 0 27.500 0 0 0 55020 10 Water Quality Investigation 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 55080 11 Water Supply PlanninglRegional/Reuse 150,000 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 55200 12 Water Conservation Plan 33,473 33,473 0 0 33,473 0 0 0 55230 13 GMA Planning 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 55235 14 Highlands 565 Zone Storage 48,000 48,000 0 0 48,000 0 0 0 55240 15 Rolling Hills 480 Zone Reservoir 48 000 48,000 0 0 48,000 0 0 0 55245 16 Park Ave Watermain Replacement 250.000 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 55085 18 Groundwater Management/Modeling 27,500 27,500 0 0 27,500 0 0 0 55250 19 Utility Developers Manual 20,000 20,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 55255 20. Water Rate Study 20,000 20,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 0 55260 25 Reservoir Recoating 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 . _. .. 55265 26 Emergency Response Projects 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 0 55270 27 APO Sewer Study 10,000 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 0 55275 28 Talbot 12"/24"Water Main 500,000 500,000 0 0 300,000 0 200,000 0 55280 29 Large Meter Replacement 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 Division Total: 4482 973:.:-4,482,873 0 0 4,282,973 0 200,000 0 Fund 421 Totaiz' 9;9?►632$ 323 0 0 8,082,733 1,018,590 865,000 Wo/Priority ProjectR9_tlesked ;:f=uf►ded Gen Govt Transport User Fees Grants Contri. Unfunded Division:016.1 Airport 402 1 Rehabilitate Airport Seaplane facility 480,000 480,000 0 0 48,000 432,000 0 0 402 2 Renton Airport Rehabilitation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402 3 Renton Airport Rehabilitation-South 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402 4 Airport Overlay/Reconstruction Taxiways 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Division Total: 480 000 480,000 0 0 48,000 432,000 0 0 Fund 402 Total: 480 000 00 0 0 48,000 432,000 0 0 49 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 10: 1993 Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) Wo/Priority Project Requested Funded Gen Govt Transport User Fees Grants, Conal, Unfunded: Division:316/020 Parks 316 2 Duvall Glenco Park Acquisition 440,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 440,000 316 31 Boeing Trail 890,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 890,000 1 Heather Downs Park Development 370,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 370,000 3 Cedar River Sports Complex 135,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 135,000 7 Landscaping Program 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 8 New Picnic Shelter for Kiwanis Park 30,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,500 10 Outdoor Volleyball Courts 19,680 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,680 20 Industrial Recreation Site 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 21 Gene Coulon Beach Turf Replacement 18,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,000 33 Gene Coulon Play Equipment 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 37 Gene Coulon Asphalt Overlay&Patching 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,000 39 Liberty Park Restroom Maint&Roc Bldg 270,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 270,000 40 Highlands Park Picnic Shelter 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,000 41 Reader Board-Carco 15,000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 Division Total: 2,313,180 0 0 0 0" 0 0 2,313,180 Division:316/020.05 Multi-Department 316 1 City Hall Rehabilitaion(1) 1,874,648 385,058 385,058 0 0 0 0 1,489,590 316 2 Municipal Campus-Youth Detention 14,942 14,942 14,942 0 0 0 0 0 316 10 Liberty Park Air Conditioning 22,000 22,000 22,000 0 0 0 0 0 316 35 New Air Conditioner/City Shops 21,000 21,000 21,000 0 0 0 0 0 316 36 Council Chamber Renovation 109,500 109,500 0 0 0 0 109,500 0 316 17 Highland Library Maint.(Allow Heatpump) 33,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 23,000 1 Police Annex Carpet 9,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,500 3 Police Detention Facility 336,204 0 0 0 0 0 0 336,204 3 Kiwanis Park Window Wall 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 4 Repaint Senior Center 10,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,700 4 Municipal Campus 966,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 966,600 7 ADA Compliance 62,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 62,000 8 City Hall Lobby 11,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,500 9 Coulon Bathhouse Roof Replacement 14,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,500 11 Repaint Doors at City Shops 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 14 Automated Sprinkler System Cal City Parks 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 16 Add'l Air Cond.in RCC Weight Room 14,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,700 12 Senior Center Improvements 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 18 Purchase Power Facility-Cedar River Pk 102,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 102,000 Dvtston Total 3,690,784 562,500 453,000 0 0 0 10:9;500 3,128,294' Division:316/020.09 Fire 1 Valley Station#14&Training Center 2,242,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,242,000 7 Improvements to Station#12 60,850 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,850 2 Fire Pumper Replacement Schedule 275,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 275,000 3 Life Support Vehicle Replacement 70,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 5 Improvements to Station#11 29,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,760 4 Improvement to Station#13 38,420 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,420 6 Communication Equipment 315,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 315,700 9 Fire Station#11 Addition 34,560 0 0 0 0 0 0 34,560 .. ............. .... . . Divtstvn Tgtal; 3,0662900 0 0 46 0 3,466,290 Division:316/021 Library 1 1 Library Automation Project 383,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 383,000 2 Library Security System(Video) 37,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,800 3 Highland Library Door Repl-ADA 11,000 0. 0 0 0 0 0 11,000 Division Total,. 431,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 431,800 Fund 31S Total 9,502,064 562,500 453,000< 0 0 q 109500 8,939,564' Wo/Priority Project Requested Funded Gen Govt Transport Use;FeesGrants l Cohtri. Unfunded' _. Division:404.20 Golf Course 404 1 30 1 Improvements to Maplewood Golf Course 400,000 217,462 0 0 217,462 0 0 182,538 Fund 404 Total: 400,0002'17,462 0 0 217,462 0 0 182,538 1Grano Total:: 25,252,187 116,097,895 "43,000 1 680;0.00 1 8,32871915 :12,630,190 2,216;500 I 9.154,302 (1)The City adopted the new 1/4%Real Estate Excise Tax as the primary resource for Municipal Building Rehabilitation project in 1992 budget. This multi-year project will continue into 19%. 1993's funding will allow the completion of Police Department level and make fire protection upgrade at first and second floor to meet code requirement for council chamber remodeling. 50 CITY OF RENTON 1993-1994 BUDGET Table 11: General Governmental Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balance Personnel Costs as a Percentage of Expenditures M 460 i Expenditure Perconnel r $44.3 0 $42 839.8 a 840 $37.8 $34.3 436 `` 834.5 $33.2 1:832.7............:.. 0 $29.8 430 2 $2 $29 4 33 1 f 526.7 S25 426 5 522 9 522.3 D ;;` $20.3 O $20 :::::516 518.1 I a r 70.7 67.8... 6H.1 73.8° 75.3° 77.3 .77,6 77;8 77,8 77 9 77:9° s 40 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Projected fl 1988 1989 1990 1991 7992 ITEM ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL REVENUES: Taxes $18,836,955 $20,653,357 $22,258,242 $24,534,886 $26,238,461 Licenses and Permits 717,366 689,286 854,558 1,157,639 1,251,091 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,461,860 1,650,855 2,080,920 2,411,117 2,274,171 Charges for Services 530,192 1,276,108 1,288,865 2,090,392 1,577,983 Fines and Forfeits 653,325 650,059 742,446 803,175 884,692 Miscellaneous Revenues 673,469 856,115 784,140 841,617 988,306 Non-Revenues 0 41,727 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources 68,368 116,325 537,904 17,439 59,089 SUB-TOTAL REVENUES $22,941,535 $25,933,832 $28,547,075 $31,856,265 $33,273,793 Comm Dev Block Grants 175,611 248,917 304,582 213,782 30,592 TOTAL REVENUES $23,117,148 $26,182,749 $28,851,657 $32,070,047 533,304,385. EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Wages $13,344,986 $14,860,443 $16,403,068 $18,157,640 $20,059,741 Personnel Benefits 2,852,267 3,247,996 3,854,162 4,171,518 4,931,108 Supplies 947,404 1,173,768 1,085,327 1,305,191 1,292,942 Other Services and Charges 3,830,096 5.110,297 5,717,830 5,121,287 6,110,531 Intergovernmental Services 1,193,598 1,441,345 2,153,212 1,170,815 1,366,838 Capital Outlay 407,335 452,311 831,986 319,075 367,765 Debt Service 1,083,444 1,135,349 1,229,488 1,282,383 1,212,966 Exp Credits/Interfund Payments (749,016) (712,685) (1,448,838) (1,353,249) (2,173,054) SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES $22,910,114 $26,708,824 $29,826,235 $30,174,660 $33,168,837 Comm Dev Block Grants 195,369 257,020 324,752 172,404 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $23,105,483 $26,965,844 $30,150,987 $30,347,064 $33,168,837 REVENUES LESS EXPENDITURES 11.663 (783,095) (1,299,330) 1,722,983 135,548 BEGINNING BALANCE January 1 3,782.281 3,793,944 3,010,849 1,711,519 3,434,502 ENQINQ$ALANGEDecembsr3l 53,793,944 $3,010,849' $1,711,599 $3;434,502 53570.050> ENDING BALANCE%OF EXPENSE 16.6% 11.3% 5.7 11.4% 10.8% Revenue assumptions include a 6%growth in tax revenue:8%for property tax,based on the 6%statutory increase and 2%in growth,4%increase in sales taxes,and 5%in utility taxes. Charges for services is projected to increase at 2%annually, which represents growth and fee adjustments. License and permit revenues are estimated at 8%,anticipating recovery of fees all due to the new 1993 Revenue Audit Program:and the increase for fines and forfeits is projected to increase at 11%. St CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET yr Table 11: General Governmental Funds Revenues, Expenditures, and Fund Balance �r Past and Proiected Fund Balances M 53. i $4 $3.4 $3.6 :. $3 53 0 n s 52 o j ` f $1.3 iw S 1 D 1 $0.6 ::<<;<. :; .:. ° $0.3 IW I SO a S O 1 S 5-1 40 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Projected ANNUAL 1993 1994 PROJECTED` RATE BUDGET REQUEST 1995 1996 1997 1988 1995-1998 $27,665.927 $29,423,182 $31,090,971 $32,855,388 $34,753,855 $36,839,086 6.0% 1,019,000 1,090,130 1,169,814 1,262,090 1,369,297 1,478,841 8.0°x6 2,050,860 2,080,299 2.101,102 2,122,113 2,143,334 2,164,767 1.0% 1,432,163 1,453,033 1,482,094 1,511,736 1,541,970 1,572,810 2.0% 765,800 771,800 779,518 787,313 795,186 803,138 1.0% 795,857 834,549 884,622 937,699 993,961 1,053,599 6.0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 11,000 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% $33,740,607 $35,652,993 $37,508,121 $39,486,339 $41,597,604 $43,912,241 N/A N/A $33,740,607 $35,652,993 $37,508,121 $39,486,339 $41,597,604 $43,912,241 N/A $20,697,984 $21,433,557 $22,076,564 $22,738,861 $23,421,026 $24,123,657 3.0% 5,765,524 6,581,685 7,371,487 8,256,066 9,246,794 10,356,409 12.0% 1,468,621 1,588,599 1,660,086 1,734,790 1,812,855 1,903,498 5.045 6,015,957 6,186,959 6,560,005 6,962,827 7,398,422 7,842,327 6.0% 1,423,535 1,513,410 1,604,215 1,700,467 1,802,496 1,910,645 6.0% 319,689 385,688 393,402 401,270 409,295 417,481 2.0% 1,374,135 1,329,827 1,369,722 1,410,813 1,453,138 1,496,732 3.005 (2,752,704) (3,028,826) (3,196,562) (3,372,683) (3,557,612) (3,735,493) 5.0% $34,312,741 $35,990,899 $37,838,918 $39,832,411 $41,986,414 $44,315,257 N/A N/A $34,312,741 $35,990,899 $37,838,918 $39,832,411 $41,986,414 $44,315,257 N/A VW (572,134) (337,906) (330,798) (346,072) (388,810) (403,016) N/A 1,862,998 1,290,864 952,958 622,160 276,089 (112,721) N/A $1.290;864 $952,958 $622,160 $276,089 {$1:12.721) ($51:5,737) NIA 3.8% 2.6% 1.6% 0.745 -0.3% -1.2% N/A Expenditure projections are based on the assumption that the service levels stay the same,without new programs added,and the Consumer Price Index stays at 3%to 5%range. Salaries and wages change include 1.5%CPI and 1.5%to cover steps and other adjustments. Fund balance change results from the differences in revenues and expenditures. The Administration's goals for the 1993 and 1994 budget years are to improve the fund balance by focusing on strategies to reduce expenditures while continuing to provide 6W services at 1992 levels. 52 4 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 12: Utility Rate Analysis & Projections for An Average Residential Customer Rates for Water, Sewer, Storm, Metro, & Solid Waste Past & Projected Rate Increases What Is Causing 1993 Rate Increases 25% 25,6 55 T 20°6 18,6 L S4 ar age S0 35 . o Metro $1.32 15% $3--� 1 1 h 1 1°i6 d CL 10 6:. 10 1% m Sewer SO 88 10 h 7% 759.5%, 7.8% o Water 51 6 5% S1 ...... 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Projected $4.15 per Month Increase The 1993 utility costs for an average residential family consuming 750 cubic feet of water per month, and using one can garbage services, will increase 7.5%, or $4.15 per month, and a similiar percentage increase will be effective in 1994. The City is averaging the required increases over the two year period to provide a more even rate increase over time. The rate increase will provide revenue for maintenance and operations of the utilities and management and administration of existing utility programs. Additionally, the rate increase will allow: the Water Utility to carry out various water quality testing investigation programs and to implement the aquifer protection program; the Wastewater Utility to implement the newly adopted comprehensive plan and complete capital improvements; allow the Surface Water Utility's new private facility inspection program; the utilities' emergency response programs; multi-family and commercial education and recycling programs in the Solid Waste Utility; and the 1993 rehabilitation and construction of capital projects as indicated in Table 10, Capital Improvement Plan. A similiar amount of capital projects are planned for 1994 as well. Metro lowered their rate in 1992 from $13.80 to $12.30 and will increase their rates to $13.62 effective January 1, 1993. The comparison is based on current rate of $12.30. A 10% annual increase for Metro is included in 1994 and future year projections. 53 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Table 13:Comparison of Renton Taxes and Rates How Renton's 1993 Taxes& Fees Compare with NeIghborIna JurtsdIctlons Highest 1 Renton Renton 2 Renton 3 Renton The chart to the left shows h,,w Renton ranks with neighboring cities in some of the fees and charges levied 4 by municipalities for 1993. 5 6 �I► 7 Renton Lowest Property Electric Golf Animal Water Tax UtilityTax License Rates l� 1r 1993 Comparison Renton's' ITEM Rank Renton Auburn Bellevue Kent Redmond Seattle Tukwila Population -April 1, 1991 3 43,090 34,260 88,580 40,300 39,040 522,000 14,650 Tax Rates: Property Tax/$1,000 AV 3 $13.0808 $13.5168 $10.9900 $13.5375 $11.4894 $10.6575 $12.7304 Electric Utility 1 6.0% 4.5% 4.5% 3.5% 5.5% 6:0% N/A Cable TV 2 6.0% 4.5% 4.8% 5.0% 5.0% 10.00/0 N/A B&O 3 N/A N/A 0.15% N/A N/A 21.50% N/A Admissions 1 5.0% 5.0% 3.0% N/A 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 60 Licenses&Fees: Business(1) 4 $55/FTE $50 $21 $75 $70/FTE $65 $10/FTE Golf(18 holes) 2 $15 $14 $15 $20 N/A $14 $15 Dog License(2) 7 $12 $55 $55 $55 $55 $22 $55 60 Overtime Parking 2 $10 $5 $10 $20 $10 $20 N/A Utility Rates: Water(750 CF)(5) 1 $21.13 $10.22 $13.50 $12.30 $7.05 $8.39 $11.47 60 Waste Water 3 $10.15 $10.20 $6.38 $18.64 $6.30 $21.08 $4.00 Storm(3) 2 $5.00 $4.50 $6.46 $4.78 $3.00 $3.04 $2.50 Solid Waste(4) 5 $9.25 $7.90 $11.75 $7.55 $10.71 $17.98 $9.80 Notes:(1)Renton is on a flat rate basis,Bellevue is a one time fee,Redmond and Tukwila use a regressive rate structure,rates shown are for businesses that employ less than 5 employees with gross income in excess of$1500.(2)All cities surveyed use King County Animal Control except Renton and Seattle.(3)Storm water rates are based on average single family residence.(4)Recycle and yard waste collections are included when available. (5)Based on summer rates when applicaple. 54 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 14: Local Construction, Building Permit, and Retail Sales Activities Building Permit Valuation vs Taxable New Construction 5024 B $0.24 $022 5022 .23 50 — $021 1 $0.19 $02 1 $0.17 7 $0.18 $0.18 .1 . 0 $0.16 .1^.15$0.16 $0.1 $0.17 n $0.14 s $0.12 o $0.12 SD.1 f D 0 $0.06 a $0 s 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Taxable New Construction F--] Perrrllt Valuation 7 Description 1988 1989 1990 1991 Building Permit Valuation $150,789,305 $100,199,675 $144,338,071 $173,866,147 % Change in Construction Activity 88.08% -33.55% 44.05% 20.46% Building Permit and Plan Check Fees $750,379 $795,540 $987,783 $962,750 Change in Permit and Plan Check Fees 15.93% 6.02% 24.17% -2.53% Auto Sates.Reported on Local Sales Tax $170,092,074 $182,956,469 $217,949,409 $216,493,853 Change in Taxable New Construction 11.52% 7.56% 19.13% -0.67% New Construction Reported on Local Sale $156,918,159 $158,182,198 $119,601,825 $165,891,153 Change in Taxable New Construction 17.86% 0.81% -24.39% 38.70% Total Retail Sales(Also see Table 16) $928,847,520 $996,062,581 $1,031,421,509 $1,070,607,085 Change in Retail Sales 8.30% 7.24% 3.55% 3.80% Sales Tax Revenue $7,845,306 $8,584,036 $8,704,271 $9,019,761 Change in Sales Tax Revenue 2.06% 9.42% 1.40% 3.62% Source of Information: Building Permit and Sales Tax Revenue:City of Renton Finance Department. Auto Sales,New Construction,Local Retail Sales:State of Washington Department of Revenue Sales Tax Report. r 55 rr CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Iti Table 14: Local Construction, Building Permit, and Retail Sales Activities Past&Protected Sales Tax Revenue M $14 I $1o.E2 $11.04 512 I s10z1_.--- I $9.17 $9.39 $8.58 38.E =�-- 51 G n 7.B5 � s � s8 0 s6 t $4 D 0 $2 a $0 r 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 3 Projected 11 ..BUDGET .... PROJECTED 1992 ;I 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 ij $,210,500,686 $216,815,707 $223,320,178 $230,019,783 $236,920,377 $244,027,988 21.07% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% $973,563 $875,200 $890,200 $908,004 $926,164 $944,687 1.12% -10.10% 1.71% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% $203,162,657 $210,273,350 $219,735,651 $232,919,790 $246,894,977 $261,708,676 -6.16% 3.50% 4.50% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% $165,021,967 $170,797,736 $179,337,623 $184,717,751 $190,259,284 $195,967,062 -0.52% 3.50% 5.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% $1,088,683,738 $1,126,787,669 $1,177,493,114 $1,236,367,770 $1,298,186,158 $1,363,095,466 1.69% 3.50% 4.50% 5.00% 5.00% 5.000 $9,173,394 $9,392,625 $9,815,293 $10,207,905 $10,616,221 $11,040,870 1.70% 2.39% 4.50% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% Assumption: Future projections are based on 3%growth in new construction related activities, 6%increase in auto sales,and an overall 5%annual growth in retail sales. Building permit and plan check fees increase reflects rate adjustments averaging 3%per year. 56 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 15. Projected Limitation of Indebtedness for General Purposes City and Overlapping Tax Rates, and Property Tax Revenue City of Renton Past& Projected Debt Limit M I I $1201 tib Non-Vote $103.7 ° Vote Ses. n 588. s $90 $83 578, 0 588.1 Sse. f $60 S 60. '. 4 D $4 S 6 0 I I $30 S 6- 511.8 <S11 8 . :: : : : : : :...: i.S 3.3; 5 .... :: S ... $O 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 YEAR 1988T. 1989 1990 1991 INDEBTEDNESS FOR GENERAL PURPOSES: WITHOUT A VOTE: Assessed Valuation(AV) $2,030,493,796 $2,286,728,734 $2,421,280,465 $3,031,467,775 Legal Limit:0.75%of 1%AV 15,228,703 17,150,466 18,159,603 22,738,008 General Obligation Bonds Outstanding 11,660,646 12,866,861 12,060,000 11,250,000 Installment Notes/Contracts Outstanding 364,135 223,370 950,377 71,545 Total Outstanding Debt 12,024,781 13,090,231 13,010,377 11,321,545 Lose Amount Available for Debt Service 123,453 189,448 199,654 219,066 DEBT MARGfJN WIT-HO JT A VOTE s3$27,375 54,249 883 55 348.880 $11;833;529 WITH A 315%VOTE: Legal Limit:2.50%of AV $50,762,345 $57,168,218 $60,532,012 $75,786,694 Outstanding Debt 5,975,000 11,205,000 10,915,000 10,455,000 Less Amount in Debt Service Funds 500,000 31,853 595,377 762,827 DEBT MA$ktz1N AVAILABLE WITH VOTE $45 28?34s_ 5?[6 99&;07:1 $50.212,389 368 0114:521 . .... _ _ _......... .......... . ......... TOTAL:A MARGIN.AVAILABLE X48,8#4,72II $5ii,2dd 754 :;;55,58#:;269 $77;728.051 CITY AND OVERLAPPING TAX RATES: (Per$1000 of Assessed Value) City of Renton General Levy $3.48761 $3.41746 $3.55659 $3.09203 City of Renton Special Levy 0.40764 0.34177 0.54768 0.50809 TOTALCfTYOFRENTON TAX RATE 3389525. $3 75923 $410427 $3.69812 ? King County 1.89387 1.96262 2.05464 1.73030 Port of Seattle 0.43275 0.42940 0.45367 0.32332 Hospital District#1 0.23166 0.21891 0.21743 0.17485 Renton School District#403 2.02323 2.41016 2.43657 2.07349 State of Washington 3.84221 3.74197 4.04611 3.38348 Emergency Medical Services 0.25000 0.24829 0.25000 0.19911 TOTAL PROPERTY TAX RATE S 1.'2,58887 ;12 77068. ;#3:56289> $11.48267 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE:(1) General Levy $7,080,001 $7,848,076 $8,595,523 $9,156,942 Special Levy 833,999 788,025 1,314,910 1,486,235 TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES $7014,000 S8 836;ytf;1 39 910;933 510,843.177 Source of Information: i Assessed Valuation,and Property Tax Rates: 1988-1992:King County Department of Assessments. Debt Margin:City of Renton Finance Department. 1 57 1w CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Table 15:Projected Limitation of Indebtedness for General Purposes City and Overlapping Tax Rates, and Property Tax Revenue 1w 1993 Proverty Tax Allocation Emergency Medical $24 0-177-7 Renton School $328 City of Renton $365 W Port of Seattle t e S31 King County $214 State $330 Hospital District $16 i� Projected 3992 1983 1994 1995 1996 1997 $3,107,851,400 $3,409,487,114 $3,648,151,212 $3,903,521,797 $4,176,768,323 $4,469,142,105 23,3008,886 25,571,153 27,361,134 29,276,413 31,325,762 33,518,586 11,750,000 9,535,000 8,715,006 8,715,000 8,715,000 8,715,000 64,004 55,709 46,584 46,584 46,584 46,584 10 11,814,004 9,590,709 8,761,584 8,761,584 8,761,584 8,761,584 335,772 209,179 223,359 223,359 223,359 223,359 571,830654 $181$9623 318F$22909> 52073&,188 $22,387.537 $24980,341 $77,696,285 $85,237,178 $91,203,780 $97,588,045 $104,419,208 $111,728,553 9,955,000 9,420,000 8,830,000 8,830,000 8,830.000 8,830,000 682,253 794,550 819,250 819,250 819,250 819,250 88,423 638 $78 81 jT28 $83;193030 ;: 89A 7M85 $98,408.458 $103,717.803 580,254;f82 $92,801;351 $102;015939:: S1#0,318;d83.> $119.195,995 $128,898,143 $111 $3.28917 $3.23416 $3.26648 $3.32754 $3.35864 $3.39002 0.40324 0.41577 0.40591 0.37935 0.35454 0.33134 $3 69241 $3.tl4993 S3 El7239 70689 $3 7:.1317 53.72137 1.79973 2.14039 2.26881 2.40494 2.54924 2.70219 1111 0.34421 0.30518 0.32349 0.34290 0.36347 0.38528 0.17781 0.16238 0.17212 0.18245 0.19340 0.20500 2.13257 3.28279 3.47976 3.e8854 3.90986 4.14445 3.54132 3.30069 3.49873 3.70866 3.93117 4.16705 0.25000 0.23942 0.25379 0.26901 0.28515 0.30226 S11 83805 $13> 8Q78 $13 68908 Std 30.339 $1494546 316.62780 $10,162,253 $10,932,402 $11,916,619 $12,989,115 $14,028,244 $15,150,503 10 1,238,110 1,400,126 1,332,731 1,332,731 1,332,731 1,332.731 311.398,383 $12,332,528 $13;949360:: $14,$21;$48 .. 515.380,975,. $16,483.234 Rate Increase Assumptions: Property Tax Rates:6%statutory increase on general levy,and 3%decrease on special levy due to new construction and annexation. 111 58 118 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 16. City of Renton Retail Sales Auto Sales Construction, and Total Taxable Sales M $1,200-1 $1,071 $1,089 I $996 51 031 i o n $900 s 0 f $600 D $183 $216 S203 o I $300 5158 "` 5166 $165 :5120 a r 1989 1990 1991 1992 0 Total Taxable Sales EDAuto Dealers CConstruction 1988 „1994 1991: 1992 Source Amouni`' 9k Amounl % Amount % AmottRt Auto Dealers $182,956,469 18.4% $217,949,409 21.1% $216,493,853 20.2% $203,162,657 18.7% y Services 166,214,673 16.7% 175,258,202 17.0% 205,344,625 19.2% 219,756,164 20.2% Construction 158,182,198 15.9% 119,601,825 11.6% 165,891,153 15.5% 165,021,967 15.2% General Retailing 160,122,585 16.1% 172,599,420 16.7% 173,571,056 16.2% 173,849,279 16.0% Wholesale 108,000,573 10.8% 111,106,472 10.8% 108,917,193 10.2% 101,766,928 9.3% Food and Restaurants 92,073,714 9.2% 90,450,234 8.8°x6 88,251,688 8.2% 89,099,772 8.2% Manufacturing 65,229,324 6.5% 70,538,997 6.8% 53,115,356 5.0% 81,873,770 7.5% Transportation/Utilities 33,860,174 3.4% 44,096,031 4.3°x6 42,604,599 4.0% 42,214,037 3.9% Finance 9,137,116 0.9% 18,443,029 1.8°x6 9,283,700 0.9% 9,800,944 0.9% Other 20,285,755 2.0% 11,377,890 1.1% 7,133,862 0.7% 2,138,220 0.2% TQT.ALS $996,062,581 1000° $1,031,421,509 '1fl00°F $1,07Q,607,085 100:0°l° 1,0 .$; 8s738lil>100%: Source: City of Renton Finance Department 59 lrr CITY OF RENTON 1993 — 1994 BUDGET to Table 17.• Largest Taxpayers and Principal Employers 11NII 1�r rile 1992. %of Assessed Total Largest Taxpayers Typebf Business Value AV The Boeing Company Aerospace&Computer Services $279,198,800 8.98°x6 Pacific Northwest Group Telephone Services 41,824,900 1.35% it Glacier Park Co. Property Development 41,356,500 1.33% Renton Talbot Delaware Inc. Property Development 40,932,600 1.32% Puget Sound Power&Light Electric Utility 38,069,318 1.22% L-O Renton Inc. Property Development 29,915,600 0.96% Pacific Car&Foundry Heavy Manufacturing 21,761,600 0.70% Sunpointe Associates Ltd. Property Development 21,318,700 0.69% First City Equities Property Development 21,010,100 0.68% Lincoln Properties Property Development 21,712,000 0.70% Total Assessed Valuation -Largest Taxpayers 557,100,118 17.93% Total Assessed Valuation -All Others 2,550,751,282 82.07% Total 1992 City of Renton Assessed.Valuation $3,107;851,400 100.00% 1,992 ow Number of %of Total Principal Employers Type of Business Employees Employees The Boeing Company Aerospace&Computer Services 25,392 62.65% Wt Valley Medical Center Medical Services 1,859 4.59% Federal Aviation Administration Federal Government 994 2.45% Renton School District Public Education 873 2.15% ift Pacific Car&Foundry Heavy Manufacturing 716 1.77% City of Renton City Government 596 1.47°x6 Group Health Cooperative Medical Services 388 0.96% Emerald Racing Association Horse Racing 342 0.84% am Puget Sound Power&Light Electric Utility 279 0.69°x6 Sound Ford Automobile Dealership 224 0.55% US West Telephone Utility 221 0.55°x6 ft Container Corp Paper Products 213 0.53% Total Number of Employees- Largest Employers 32,097 79.19% Total Number of Employees-All Others 8,436 20.81% Total Employees Working within Renton 40,533,, 100.00% Source: Assessed Valuation: King County Department of Assessments. be Number of Employees: City of Renton Business License Records. i 60 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Table 18. Economic and Demographic Statistics population and Staff Growth 50000 600 40000 480 Z c 0 30000 360 `-° 5 d 20000 240 0) 120 10000 0 0 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Population -ff-- Number of Staff MISCELLANEOUS COMPARISONS Number of Number of'r Population Full-Time/Regular Land Area...::.:, Business Building Permit Year Official',April 1 City Employees Square Miles;! licenses Value Bank Deposits 1982 33,100 345.5 15.52 2,132 $37,926,080 $386,264,598 1983 32,700 334.5 15.62 2,164 55,038,370 442,521,457 1984 33,342 345.5 15.67 2,480 76,697,478 503,083,000 1985 34,030 388.2 15.90 2,753 116,609,898 548,263,839 1986 34,460 400.1 16.00 2,778 104,209,475 572,339,374 1987 35,360 414.7 16.30 2,277 80,171,902 623,806,785 1988 36,940 436.7 16.49 2,495 150,789,305 653,566,247 1989 38,480 472.5 16.20 2,645 100,199,675 660,210,400 1990 39,340 498.5 16.20 2,779 144,338,071 655,825,782 1991 43,000 498.3 16.20 2,438 173,866,147 764,378,440 1992 43,090 501.5 16.20 2,614 210,500,686 801,079,773 1993 Est. 43,100 511.7 16.70 2,600 216,815,707 833,122,963 UTILITY TAXES Telephone City Operated Year Electricity . Gas Telegraph TV Cable, Utility; Total t 1982 $968,961 $548,372 $609,762 $15,944 $359,326 $2,502,365 1983 1,072,863 527,434 657,358 21,619 367,036 2,646.310 1984 1,363,994 646,358 755,626 30,254 261,347 3,057,579 1985 1,259,531 573,025 . 614,444 51,467 364,805 2,863,272 "71 1986 1,394,646 423,111 674,548 58,743 419,888 2,970,936 1987 1,469,387 333,637 764,273 60,638 583,836 3,211,771 1988 1,569,753 381,385 738,227 68,272 -606,215 3,363,852 1989 1,687,100 351,464 735,164 78,147 637,511 3,489,386 1990 1,766,519 322.875 753,315 94,746 795,809 3,733,263 1991 2,139,917 381,536 938,599 204,729 1,040,835 4,705,616 1992 2,259,505 379,938 1,055,886 211,993 1,247,910 5.155,232 1993 Est. 2,513,000 394,000 1,050,000 232,000 1,250,400 5,439,400 Utility Tax Rate Changes: Electricity and Gas 1981-6%;1985-5%.'1991-6%;1992-6%. Telephone 1981-6%.1982-7.75%;1983-7.4%;1984-7.225%,1985-5%;1991-6%;1992-6%. Telegraph 1982-1984-6%;Other years same as Telephone. TV Cable 1981-1%;1982-3%.1991-6%:1992-6%. City Operated Utility 1981 in lieu of tax based on utility value;1984-6%;1985-596;1991-6%;1992-6%. Source of Information: Population: State of Washington Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. Bank Deposits: Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce,1992 and 1993 amounts are estimated. All other information: City of Renton Finance Department. 61 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Legislative Services/City Council Bob Edwards Billie Dunphy Council President City Council Secretary Richard Stredicke Nancy Mathews President Pro Tem Toni Nelson Tim Schlitzer Jesse Tanner Kathy Keokler-Wheeler w MAYOR&CITY COUNCIL-TERMS OF OFFICE ELECTIVE TERM EXPIRATION MAYOR Earl H. Clymer 4 years 12/31/95 COUNCIL MEMBERS Robert Edwards 4 years 12/31/93 Nancy L. Mathews 4 years 12/31/93 Toni Nelson 4 years 12/31/95 Tim Schlitzer 2 years 12/31/93 Richard M. Stredicke 4 years 12/31/95 Jesse Tanner 4 years 12/31/95 Kathy A. Keolker-Wheeler 4 years 12/31/95 62 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Legislative Div: 001 Legislative Services/City Council OBJECTIVE - The City Council assesses the needs of the public and sets priorities; develops and adopts ordinances, resolutions, and policy alternatives to meet those needs; and provides coordination and evaluation of program and service objectives. PROGRAM ACTIVITY - The City Council has all of the powers delegated by the State Constitution which are not specifically denied by state law. Renton operates under the "Optional Municipal Code" as a Non-Charter Code City, and is responsible for all basic City services, plus other services as directed by Council. City Council meetings are held each Monday at 7:30 p.m., with full agendas, including public hearings. The Council has six working committees, and all Council and committee meetings are open to the public. See pg 65 for Council Committees, meeting days and times, and examples of topics addressed by each committee. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE- The 1993 Legislative budget is up $3,122 or 3% over 1992 adopted figures, and 1994 is $5,284 or 4.9%more than the 1993 budget. BUDGET CHANGES: Salaries - The increase in salaries in 1993 over the 1992 adopted figure is because the classification/compensation study adjustments were not distributed to budgets until the 1992 mid-year adjustment. The 1992 actuals include the study's recommendation for the Secretary, who also had a longevity change during 1992, included for a full year in 1993. There is no salary increase budgeted in 1993. 1994 includes a 1.4%cost-of-living adjustment for the Secretary. Council salaries remain the same until revised by resolution. Personnel Benefits- 25%increase in medical and dental premiums, and a 7.5%adjustment in industrial insurance rates for both 1993 and 1994. Supplies- 1993 reduction due to a one-time cost in 1992 to replace Council's desk chairs. 1993:operating supplies $572, small equipment $500; 1994 operating supplies $600, small equipment $500. Professional Services- Includes $800/1993 and $1,000/1994 for contract clerical services to cover vacations, $200 increase in each year. Travel - Reduced $500 from the requested amount of $4,000 in both 1993 and 1994. Repairs&Maintenance- No increase. $150 provides for office equipment repairs. Miscellaneous- Includes $600 for hospitality in both 1993 and 1994, a $100 increase over the 1992 allocation, based on anticipated need. 63 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Legislative Services/City Council Person Responsible: Bob Edwards, Council President Item 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 Gh+rge %:Gftar{ge';> 7994;::; E7tttge Change Actual Budget Actual $udget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted Budget P$R ct 93 Budget POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade, Title -- City Council Members 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0` 0.0 0.0% 7.0 i 0.0 0.0% (Part Time) 11 City Council Secretary 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0 6 0.0 0.0% . .. Regular Part Time: (24 Hrs/Week;1,248 HrsNear) TOTAL STAFFING 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6' 0.0 0.0% 7:6 0.0 0.0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 65.767 71,382 72,291 72,528 1,146 1.63F 72,816 288 0.4% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0` 0 N/A ss 0 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 0 0' 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 20,878 25,078 24,165 28,232 3,154 12.6 i 33,000 4,768 16.9% Supplies 1,459 1,950 1,675 1,072 (878) -45.0% 1,100 28 2.6% Professional Services 0 600 0 800 200 33.3% 1,000; 200 25.0% Postage/Tefephone/Other 0 0 0 0 0 N/A0' 0 N/,1 Travel 1,849 4,100 3.597 3,500 (600) -14.6 3,500 s 0 0.0% Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0: 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0' 0 N/A Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0>. 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 150 150 154 .150> 0 0 0 0.0% .. . .. Miscellaneous 571 500 480 600 100 20.0 600 0 0.0% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A i0 0 N/A Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0' 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0: 0 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 1 0 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 01 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 90,674 103,760 102,362 106,882 3,122 3,0% 112,166 :5,284:1: 4W 1W rll 64 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET City Council Committees COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (Meets each Monday-6:30 p.m.) Example Topics. Regional Issues Monitoring proposed Local,State and Federal legislation Labor Negotiations Joint Meetings with Boards and Commissions Budget Review Other Items referred by Council Emergency Ordinances and Resolutions FINANCE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays- 3:00 p.m.) (Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays-4:00 p.m.) NANCY MATHEWS,CHAIR RICHARD STREDICKE,CHAIR JESSE TANNER,VICE-CHAIR KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER,VICE-CHAIR TONI NELSON,MEMBER NANCY MATHEWS,MEMBER Example Topics: Example Topics: Financial Reports Building Regulations Computer/Information Systems Zoning Insurance issues Planning Claims/Vouchers review Annexations Organizational/Personnel issues/reports Land Use Appeals PUBLIC SAFETY TRANSPORTATION(AVIATION) (No established time) (Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays-4:30 p.m.) TONI NELSON,CHAIR JESSE TANNER,CHAIR NANCY MATHEWS,VICE-CHAIR TIMOTHY J.SCHLTTZER,VICE-CHAIR JESSE TANNER,MEMBER RICHARD STREDICKE,MEMBER Example Topics: Example Topics: di Fire-related issues Streets Police-related issues Airport Emergency Communications HOV/Mass Transit Public Safety Facilities Signals/Lighting UTILITIES COMMUNITY SERVICES (Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday-3:00 p.m.) (Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays- 10:00 a.m.) TIMOTHY J.SCHLITZER,CHAIR KATHY KOELKER-WHEELER,CHAIR RICHARD STREDICKE,VICE-CHAIR TONI NELSON,VICE-CHAIR KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER,MEMBER TIMOTHY J.SCHLIITZER,MEMBER Example Topics: Example Topics: Water Utility Parks and Recreation/Golf Course Sewer Utility Community Centers Storm Water Utility General Services/Facilities Garbage/Recycling Library Flood control Senior Services Human Services Appointments to Boards/Commissions 65 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET 60 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Executive Department Earl Clymer Mayor 22.5 Total FTE Y�r Sandy Chastain Jay Covington Char Baker Executive Secretary Executive Assistant Community Relations to Mayor Specialist I i i Municipal Court Personnel Hearing Examiner Legal Services 11.5 FTE 5.0 FTE 2.0 FTE I Warren & Kellogg, P.S Fred Kaufman Roger Lewis Beverly Nelson-Glode Judge Personnel Director Attorneys at Law Examiner Darlene Allen Peggy McDowell Wanda Britts Court Services Director Personnel Analyst Secretary Brenda Allred Diane Bates Susan Schirman Personnel Supervisor Lead Court Clerk Civil Service Examiner i Court Clerks Sharon Riggins 7.5 FTE Personnel Assistant I Lisa McMartin Office Assistant II lhr IN L 66 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Executive Department-All Divisions The Executive Department has five divisions described briefly below. Budget summaries and descriptions for each division are provided on the following pages. -Executive Administration includes the Mayor's office,Community Relations,Municipal Arts Commission,and the Local LEOFF Board. -Renton Municipal Court handles criminal,traffic,and parking violations,and domestic violence cases. -Legal Services-contracted with an outside law firm. r -Hearing Examiner function provides a land use regulatory system. -Personnel/Civil Service Commission is responsible for human resource policy and direction. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE-The total 1993 Executive Department budget is projected to increase 3.3%or$67,649 over 1992 adopted appropriations and 1994 is$140,377 or 6.7%more than the 1993 budget. $31,500 was trimmed from 1993 department budget requests,and$20,500 was cut from the 1994 request. No new programs were approved. The following table provides a summary of the Executive Department budget by division. f Summary by Executive Department Division }t (t1 18911992 iAdopt, 1992 1993 cbA1894 4�aagc 15 Ch+?agc Actual> Budget Actual Budges 92.Adopted' ;92AdopteA Budget 93Bur(re[;; 93 Budget:; BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION cut Exeive Admin(Mayor's Office) 338,970 381,035 405,161 395 324 14,289 3.8 '-449'.4W, 24,129 6.1% _.. . .. Judicial(Municipal Court) 824,941 695,929 675,811 716,589,` 20,660 3.0% 61,818 8.6%. Legal Services(City Attorney) 410,292 460,000 480,111 472,000 12,000 2.6 496 000: 24,000 S.1% Hearing Examiner Services 106,433 118,754 114,176 120,747 1,993 1.7 124830 4,083 3.4% ... Personnel/Civil Service 319,590 372,453 395,421 391,180 18,707 5.0% +117,507 26,347 6.7% TOTAL EXECUTIVEDEPARTMENT 1,800,226 2,028,171 1 2,070,680 1 2,095,820 1 67,6491 3.3 21238,197: 140,377 6.7% NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Six new programs were requested as follows: -Executive Administration: Full time Graphic Artist. Cost 1993/$19,952, 1994/$21,774(see pg 70). -Municipal Court: Court Based Domestic Violence Advocate. Cost$15,000(see pg 73). -Municipal Court: .5 FTE Court Clerk to Full Time. Cost 1993/$23,283,19941$24,644(see pg 73). -Municipal Court: Lead Court Clerk Position 1994. (Reclassification for Court Clerk to Lead Court Clerk approved 1992, effective 1993.)(see pg 73). -City Attorney: Attendance at Additional Scheduled Meetings. Cost 1993/$30,000,19941$31,500(see pg 75). -Personnel: Safety Analyst Position 1994. Cost 19941$57,310(see pg 80). 67 k .......... CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS +rtr Executive Department- All Divisions Person Responsible: Earl Clymer, Mayor iYr item 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 . 1993 Chang %Clwr{�e 1994 Q>+nge 'Chsr{go' .: .. . Actual $udg etActual udget 920doped 92 A'dopcdBudget>. 93BudgeC93Bidg ; POSITION ALLOCATIONS: 1110 Grade Title -- Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0' 0.0 0.0% 43 Executive Assistant to Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% fAw 39 Municipal Court Judge 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 38 Personnel Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% 1,0: 0.0 0.0% 35 Hearing Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1.0< 0.0 0.0% 1,0: 0.0 0.0% 23 Court Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.Of 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 21 Personnel Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 .11-00.0 0.0% 10: 0.0 0.0% 18 Personnel Supvr/Civil Sv Examnr 1.0 1.0 1.0 .0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.03F 17 Community Relations Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 13 Executive Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 : 0.0 0.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% 8 Lead Court Clerk(1 Reclass 1993) 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 100.0% ' 2.0 0.0 0.0% 5 Court Clerk 9.5 8.5 8.5 7.5: (1.0) -11.8% 7.5 0.0 0.0% 7 Hearing Examiner's Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' 0.0 0.0% 1,0>`> 0.0 0.0% 7 Personnel Assistant 1_0 1.0 1.0 1.0 a 0.0 0.0% 1.0J 0.0 0.0% 3 Office Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL,REGULAR STAFFING 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5: 0.0 0.0% r: 22.5 0.0 0.0% TEMPORARY PART TIME 1.0 1.7 1.8 1.9' 0.2 11.8 2.1>> 0.1 10.5% TOTAL STAFFING 23.5 24.2 24.3 24.4:: 0.2 0.8 24:6< 0.2 0.8 PART TIME HOURS 2,080 3,544 3,752 3,939 395 11.1 4,459' 520 13.2% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 841,402 910,159 896,358 942,560 32,401 3.6% 9751581< 33,021 3.5% Part Time Salaries 25,685 31,315 39,972 32 938 1,623 5.2% 38,710: 5,772 17.5% __. Overtime 2,492 3,336 1,727 3,336 0 00 .3,383_ 47 1.4% ... _ _. Personnel Benefits 199,183 236,497 225,195 263807_::: 27,31011S 298,322: 34,515 13.1% Supplies 15,518 19,850 17,201 20,6W: 80o 4.0 20,900. 250 1.2% Professional Services 612,723 693,650 741,760 692,800 (850) -0.1 750,600 S7,800 8.3% Postage/Telephone/Other 9,359 13,450 10,175 11,450'' (2,000) -14.9 13,450'' 2,000 17.5% Travel 6,791 9,800 11,719 12,250' 2,450 25.0% 12,400' 150 1.2% Training 0 7,000 21,658 7,000 0 ao% 7,000 0 0.0% Tuition Reimbursement 5,199 6,000 0 6,300 300 5.0% 6,900'' 600 9.5% Advertising 20,243 17,000 17,113 18,000 . 1,000 5.9% 19,000 1,000 5.6% Rentals and Leases 5,415 7,100 7,537 7,100'' 0 0.0 7,250 150 2.1% Equipment Rental 2,556 2,964 2,964 3,009.; 45 1.5% 3,081 72 2.4% 11111111 Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 O N/A Repairs&Maintenance 4,295 6,800 6,683 6,850' 50 0.7 61900 f 5o 0.7% Miscellaneous 46,968 53,250 52,757 :.64,270 11,020 20.7 67,720' 3,450 5.4% lw Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0: 0 N/A Capital Outlay 2,397 10,000 19,436 31500: (6,500) -65.0% 5,000 1,500 42.9% Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 (1,575) 0' 0 N/A 01i' O N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,800,226 2,028,171 2;070,680 1 2,095,820 69649 > 3.3 2!236,1971 140,377 6.7 tla 68 Yrs CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 003 Executive Administration OBJECTIVE-To represent the citizens' interests; and provide executive and administrative direction and management for City of Renton Government,according to the policies and guidelines of the City Council. J7, PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Mayor's Office-Much of the activity involves directing and overseeing the affairs of the City,participating in regional organizations, other intergovernmental relations, working with local community and business organizations, overseeing external communications, special events,and responding to citizen complaints. Community Relations-Works to preserve and improve the City's image,and promotes communication and cooperation between City departments,the business community,and the citizens. Other activities-Include staff support and funding for the Municipal Arts Commission and the Law Enforcement Officers'and Fire Fighters(LEOFF)Pension Board operations. 1993-1994 WORK PLAN: Executive Administration: Continue to provide executive leadership and administration to the City. Work with the Downtown Renton Association(DRA)to develop a revitalization strategy and implementation plan for the downtown. -Promote Renton's objectives regionally through membership on regional councils and organizations. Improve working relationships with business and community groups. -Organize an annual Council and senior management retreat. Publications: Continue production of the Renton Report(3 issues),the Mill Avenue Messenger,Senior Newsletter(12 issues), Special Populations Bulletin(4 issues),and other departmental publications. -Produce the Volunteer Yearbook. Utilize the services of the graphic artist more effectively and efficiently to produce brochures,presentational materials,and other publications. -Produce a biweekly Speeds Memo for Council and departments that updates current activities in the City. Community Relations: Continue to build a sense of pride and commitment to making this community a better place in which to work,live,and play,both in-house and in the community. -Improve the Citys image by marketing its strengths. Coordinate and produce the Eighth Annual River Days Festival. -Coordinate the annual Volunteer Recognition Banquet. -Respond to citizen inquiries and complaints with a format that gives a consistency to responses from each department. Continue to serve as the liaison between Renton and our sister city Nishiwaki,Japan and establish a Citizen's Committee for Nishiwaki sister city activities. -Work with the Personnel Department to continue development of an Employee Recognition Program. -Continue to serve as liaison for the Council chamber remodel project to include television capabilities that will eventually allow us to produce in-house service videos,and broadcast on television(Channel 28). 69 it CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 003 Executive Administration wr 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Publications: wr Produced 3 issues of the Renton Report, 6 issues of the Mill Avenue Messenger, and coordinated with the graphic artist in producing other brochures and publications for various departments. Produced the second Volunteer Yearbook. Yr Worked with the Community Services Department in developing a City of Renton brochure and map that can be used as a marketing piece by several organizations. Community Relations: Coordinated responses to concerns of citizens generated by the "Think Tank" section of the Renton Report. Coordinated Renton River Days Festival for the seventh year. Coordinated the fourth Volunteer Recognition Banquet. r Coordinated and conducted tours of City Hall for several groups and expanded the annual third grade tours of the Museum which includes the Municipal Complex. -Coordinated the visit of Nishiwaki delegations with the Renton School District, the Renton Lions Club, and City Hall. go NEW PROGRAM REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: iW Graphic Artist Services: This program would take the place of the service that is currently being contracted out at $16,000 a year. Requests for graphic artist services have increased over the past year. There are departments and programs that do not fully utilize the more cost effective in-house services, because the artist works only part time. A full time graphic artist would perform all, or almost all of the City's graphic needs, thus lowering the costs of %1 professional services. The $10,000 donation that the City provides for Renton River Days each year could be reduced to $5,000, because much of the money is used to pay for graphic artist services. A full time graphic artist would also assume greater responsibilities for the Mill Avenue Messenger and the Renton Report. A full time Graphic Artist position would cost $19,952 in 1993, and $21,774 in 1994. 1993: Salaries/benefits $40,952, less contract for service $16,000, less $5,000 Renton River Days allocation reduction, equals $19,952 cost. 1994: Salaries/benefits $44,055, less contract $18,000, less River Days cut $5,000 equals $21,055 cost. irr irr aw it it 100 70 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 003 Executive Administration BUDGET CHANGE: The 1993 Executive Administration budget is up $14,289 or 3.8% over 1992 adopted appropriations, and 1994 is $24,129 or 6.1% more than the 1993 budget. $2,000 was cut from the 1993 budget request (Renton Report postage) and the allocation for an Intern (full time 3 months) was deferred in the 1993 base budget to 1994, due to budget constraints. Regular Salaries- Class/Comp study recommendations were not distributed to department budgets until mid-year 1992, which is the reason for the increase in 1993 over 1992 adopted level, along with salary step progression. The 1992 adjusted budget includes Class/Comp recommendations. 1994 increase provides for a 1.4% salary increase, and salary stepAongevity adjustments. Part Time Help - 1993: Cost overruns in 1992 will be about $3,000, since the Office Assistant II has been working more than 85 hours/month, due to vacations and additional workload. In 1993, the Office Assistant II is budgeted at 85 hours/month (1,020 hours) @ $9.00. The workload indicates that another full time secretary is needed. The summer Intern (3 months full time) will not be budgeted in 1993, deferred to 1994. The part time Intern is budgeted at 415 hours @ $10.50 in 1993. 1994: Summer Intern 520 hours (3 months full time) @ $10.50; Part Time Intern 415 hours @ $10.50; Office Assistant ll, 1,020 hours @ $9.00. No reimbursement for the Intern, from the University of Washington is budgeted, but if received, part will be used as a raise for the Office Assistant. Professional Services- (See list on next page.) Miscellaneous professional services was reduced due to tight budget. Renton Report small increase. Graphic Artist: 1993 no increase ($16,000); 1994: $18,000. Increased demand for services in 1992 may cause an overrun. Full time position requested, not approved. KC Citizens for Improved Transportation not budgeted in 1993 or 1994. Municipal Arts professional services $1,300 (no increase) to cover expenses for the City art collection. Postage- Postage for three issues of the Renton Report, cut $2,000 in 1993 as an economy measure. 1994 budgeted at the 1992 level. ;' Travel- 1993: Executive staff $3,550, LEOFF Board $1,000. 1994: Executive staff $3,600, LEOFF Board $1,000. Training- $7,000 for Council/senior management retreat. 1992 retreat was more costly since it was held out-of-town. In 1993, it is expected that the activity will be held locally. Additional funding is desired, but budget constraints will not allow. Rentals/Leases- Copy machine - no increase in 1993, however the equipment should be replaced in 1994. Repairs and Maintenance - 1993: $550 covers cost of repairs and maintenance for office equipment. $500 is for Municipal Arts to cover expenses for repairs and maintenance of the City art collection (these funds are used in conjunction with Municipal Arts professional service funds). 1994: $600 office equipment repair; $500 Municipal Arts. Miscellaneous- (See list at bottom of next page.) All items are close to the 1992 level. Small increase for memberships/registrations and publications. Hospitality covers costs for the volunteer recognition banquet and yearbook; and the Nishiwaki reception and gifts. Municipal Arts miscellaneous account includes: printing and binding; memberships and registration; and performing arts programs. Capital Outlay- No request. 71 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ,., Executive Administration Person Responsible: Earl Clymer, Mayor tr Item :1991, a 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 [aiiraga %Ghsrr , 1994: .... ..Chat{ga % Actual Budget Actual Butlgei i 92 Adoptaf 91_Adopled:. Budget 93.Budget. i93 Budge# ill POSITION ALLOCATIONS: ' > ` Grade Title Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 _ 0.0 0.0% _._ ._ 43 Executive Assistant to Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 17 Community Relations Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 a 0.0 0.0% 1,0: 0.0 0.0% 13 Executive Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 : 1.Q 0.0 0.0%. TOTAtREGULAR STAFFING 4.0; 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0:0' 4.0 0.0 O Q _. _ _ _.. TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.1 16.7 .0,9.:; 0.2A36- N TOTAL STAFFING 4.3 4.6 4.6 4.7' 0.1 2.2 4.9. 0.2 TOTAL PART TIME HOURS 624 1,248 1,248 1.435< 187 15.0 1,955: 520 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _. . _ . ill Regular Salaries 203,222 220,578 232,805 238,150 17,572 8.0% 245,284 7,134 3.0% Part Time Salaries 9,545 14,700 17,969 13,538 0,162) -7.9 : 18,998 51460 40.3% Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0' 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 39,073 45,993 46,499 51,427' 5,434 11.8 57,990'' 6,563 12.8% be Supplies 2,063 2,650 2,927 2750. 100 3.8 2,900 150 5.5% 1)Professional Services 47,010 44,150 38,136 40,300 (3,850) -8.7% 42,700 2,400 6.0% Postage(Renton Report) 9,359 13,450 10,175 11,450 (21000) -14.9% 13,450' 2,000 17.5% ..... .. Travel 4,350 4,500 3,492 4;550 50 1.1% 4:600'' 50 1.1% Training 0 7,000 21,658 7,000 0 0.0 71000:; 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 1,883 2,100 3,765 2,100 0 0.0% 2,250 150 N/A Equipment Rental 2,556 2,964 2,964 3.009"` 45 I.S% 3,081 72 2.4%. Repairs&Maintenance 236 1,000 2,339 1,050: 50 5.0% 1,1.00 SO 4.8% _ ..._._ 2)Miscellaneous 19,673 19,950 19,931 20 000 So 0.3 20;100;... .... 100 0.5% Capital Outlay 0 2,000 4,076 0 (2,000) -100.0 0. 0 N/A Expenditure Credit 0 0 (1 575) '' 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 338,970 381,035 ::405,161 395,324' J4;289 3$ 4Y9;453 Y4 129, 6 J Item 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 t�rgc %Gha.kgo 1994 C7r nge Char{;e' Actual Budget Actual Budget 92Adoptcd 92Adoptcd Budget 93B6dget 193 Budget; 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 41.28 Misc Professional Services 8.217 5,000 567 2,000 (3,000) -60.0% 2,000'' 0 0.0% 41.59 Renton Report 20,939 20,850 18,734 21.000 150 0.7% 21,400 400 1.9% 41.121 Graphic Artist 16,829 16,000 18,131 16,000 0 0.0%' 18,000 2,000 12.5% 41.129 KC Citizens for Improved Transp 0 1,000 00;. (1,000) -100.0 (j_ 0 N/A (WA Transp Policies Institute) 41.91 Municipal Arts Prof Services 1,025 1,300 704 1,300 0 0.0% 14300 0 0.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 47,010 44,150 38,136 40,300' (3,850) -8.7 42,200 Z4001 6.0% 2) MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES: 49.08 Renton River Days 10,022 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0.0%.", .1.0!109P 0 0.0% 49.12 Memberships&Registrations 2,710 1,700 1,631 1,750 50 2.9%> 11800 50 2.9% 49.16 Publications 1,440 1,000 1,167 1,000 0 0.0% 1,050 50 5.0% 49.38 Hospitality 1,435 2,000 2,193 2,000 0 0.0% 2.000'> 0 0.0% 49.06 Printing/Binding(Municipal Arts) 66 250 70 250 0 0.0%' 250' 0 0.0% 49.45 Arts Programs(Municipal Arts) 4,000 5,000 4,850 5,000 0 0.0% 5,000 0 0.0% 49.69 Municipal Arts Workshops 0 0 20 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 19,673-T--19,950T 19,931 20,000 50 0.3 ? 20,100'1 1001 0.5% IWb 72 IN CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 002 Municipal Court OBJECTIVE -Adopt the National Trial Court Performance Standards of: Access to Justice; Expedition and Timeliness; Equality, Fairness and Integrity;Independence and Accountability;and Public Trust and Confidence. PROGRAM ACTIVITY-The Municipal Court filings are misdemeanors,gross misdemeanors and infractions charged under portions of State law which have been adopted by the City and City ordinances. The court also has jurisdiction in civil domestic violence orders. The court holds hearings Monday through Friday. Procedures include motions,arraignments,pre-trial conferences,and trials both to the bench and to juries. The division is responsible for recording,docketing and tracking all cases,as well as the collection and disbursement of all monies collected on bail, bail forfeitures,costs, penalties, and fines assessed by the court. Monthly statistics reported to the State are complied and published in the annual report titled"Caseloads for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction". 1993-1994 WORK PLAN: -To continue to enhance the administration and operation of the court by evaluation and implementation of all Trial Court Performance Standards as published by the National Center for State Courts and the Bureau of Justice Assistance,U.S. Department of Justice. -Provide and promote continuing education for court personnel. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -The court's use of DISCIS statewide criminal history has provided a valuable tool to the Judge for bail release hearings and sentencing. The court collection of traffic and parking infractions has been successful,having collected$31,228 in 1990,$84,180 in 1991,and$74,514 in the first six months of 1992. The court began using collection for criminal traffic and criminal cases in November 1991. All court staff including the Judge and City Prosecutor,attended an education session"Responding to Domestic Violence:a Coordinated Approach,"funded through the King County Proposition 2 funds. NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Court-based Domestic Violence Legal Advocate recommended by the Washington State Domestic Violence Task Force. This is a joint request with Human Services, for a community advocate and a legal advocate. The legal advocate would provide assistance to all victims of domestic violence involved in court proceedings. The cost is$15,000 for either contract services or a.5 FTE employee. .5 FTE Court Clerk to Full Time in 1993 - Position monitors all time pay accounts, setting cases for hearing or referring to collection for non- payment. The increased caseload has required additional work days to keep current. Issuance of warrants for non-appearance have been backlogged some six months;current average is two months behind. Cost 1993$23,283;1994$24,644. Lead Court Clerk Position.1994 - Responsibility for training and supervising a wide variety of technical operations. Staff size and workload requires more than one trainer and added supervisory assistance. Currently, a Court Clerk is performing these functions without compensation. Reclassification for Court Clerk to Lead Court Clerk Approved 1992,effective 1993. Recommended by the Ewing Class/Comp Study. BUDGET CHANGE: The 1993 Municipal Court budget is up$20,660 or 3%over 1992 adopted appropriations,and 1994 is$61,818 or 8.6% more than the 1993 budget. A total of$10,000 was cut from the division 1993 request;$5,000 from public defenders and$5,000 from probation services. Salaries and Benefits-1993 salaries reflect some decrease from the 1992 adopted budget,the result of implementing the Class/Comp study in 1992 which redlined several of the Court Clerk's salaries;and the termination of a top grade Court Clerk,with replacement at the entry level. There are still three redlined Court Clerk positions in 1993,since there is no salary increase. The reclass for Court Clerk to Lead is also budgeted. A 1.4%salary adjustment is included for 1994. Benefits include a 25%increase for medical and dental and 7.5%for industrial insurance in both 1993 and 1994. Professional Services-(See list at bottom of next page.) Pro Tem:increased$1,000 in both 1993 and 1994 to accommodate increased vacation accrual for the Judge. Public Defenders: 1993-$110,000 requested,cut to$105,000,$5,000 increase over 1992. 1994-$120,000. Probation Services: 1993-$25,000 requested,cut to$20,000,$5,000 increase over 1992. 1994-$30,000. Miscellaneous-(See list at bottom of next page.) 1993 Publications reduced by$500,as full set of Revised Code of Washington printed in even year;increase to$1,300 in 1994. Witness Fees increased$1,000 in 1993 to$9,000; 1994 to$10,000. Capital Outlay-$3,000 for PC upgrades in 1994. 73 60 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Judicial (Municipal Court) Person Responsible: Roger Lewis, Municipal Court Judge� item 1991 1992:Adopt 19921.19931 1 ............. .............. ................... Qiagge .............. .................. ActualBudgeu. A6toil I Budget:: 92Ado ZAdo'pf got... POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title ...... ......... 39 Municipal Court Judge 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 23 Court Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% a Lead Court Clerk(1 Reclass 1993) 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 0 0.0 0.0 irllf ..... ........ 5 Court Clerk 9.5 1 8.5 8.5 (1-0) -11.81:..' 5. 0.0 0.0%: ....... ...... ... ......... TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING'' 41.6 X . ...... '0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL STAFFING 12.0 12.4 12.4 1214 0.0 00 4240.0 0.0 PART TIME HOURS 1.040 1,880 1,880 so.. 8801. 01 0.0%: 0 0.0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 371.513 403,962 396,103 402 (1,385) -0.3 415,934 13,357 3.3% Part Time Salaries 13,140 13,450 15,040 A3,160 (290) -2.2% :13,160 0 0.0% Overtime 1,899 3,336 1,727 .,3,336 0 0.0%, 3,383 1 1 '. 47 1.4% Personnel Benefits 97,637 115.281 109.082 128,116 I2,835 11.1% -.1451= 17,414 13.6% Supplies 8,319 9,100 7,838 8100 0 0.0% 9100 0 0.0% 1)Professional Services 116.514 129,500 124,747 140,500. . 11,000 8.S%:: .1,67..O�O.01 26,500 18.9% Travel 183 1,000 652 :1*,,000 0 0.0 ]000 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 3.532 5,000 3,772 .-:,.:5'000- 0 0.0% .:::6.000:. 0 0.0% Repairs&Maintenance 2,089 3,000 2,274 3 000 0 0.0%'�: .;)Qd: 0 0.0% ............. .......- 2)Miscellaneous 10,116 10,300 10.192 .::::A0.8'00 Soo 1,500 13.9%� ------- ---- ---- ---------------- ... ... Capital Outlay 0 2,000 4.384 (21000) 3,000 NIA TOTAL EXPENDITURES 824.941 i695,929 475,811,f::,:�716,589 ZO d60 J 0 778,+107 .. ...... ........................ .............. ... ........ ....... ... ............... ............... Item 1991 1992:Adopt ;*...... 1894 ........... ......... ........... ..... .. ............. Actual Budget Actual ABU4ge"t. $1Ado W :PZAAjOW�� ���Suddo...t.: ... ...... e:::: ... ......... 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 41.26 Judges Pro Tom 10,940 11,000 12,640 1,000 9.1% X-13,000`: 1,000 13% -------------------------- ....... 41.61 Public Defenders 97,362 100.000 91,448 10500> 5,000 5.00,:::::120,000 15,000 14.3% 41.83 Interpreter/Diagnostic Fees 2,200 3,500 2,634 .31,600 0 0.0 X.4'.000, Soo 14.3% A Probation Services 6,012 16.000 18,025 5,000 33.3 -W. 0 10,000 50.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 116,514 129,500 124,747 :;140 WT. 11,000 8.5167,00*0.126,500 18.9%] 60 2) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.12 Memberships&Registrations 828 1.000 1.250 1,000 0 0.0 1,000. 0 0.0% ........... 49.16 Publications (500) ]:'11=1 783 1.300 1,065 :800 -38.5 ..... Soo 62.5% .......... .... .. .49.34 Witness Fees 8,504 8,000 7,877 919,00 1,000 12.5 00.1 1,000, 11.1%, to 0,192 10,800;:� 5W --ii TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 1 10.1151 10,300 1 1 I'sw 13.9 iw 74 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS y Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 006 Legal Services (City Attorney) OBJECTIVE- To provide day-to-day legal advice and misdemeanor prosecution to the City, including ordinance drafting, review of contracts, representation at administrative appeals, and other legal services as necessary and requested. The City Attorney's office also provides legal representation to the City in all court actions. PROGRAM ACTIVITY-The City Attorney's office provides consultation to the City Council, City boards and commissions, and the City staff as needed. A member of the attorney's office is always available by telephone to answer pressing questions. As a routine matter, the attorney's office reviews contracts, covenants, interlocal agreements, and other legal and quasi-legal documents. A significant portion of tim- in the City Attorney's office is expended defending lawsuits. The pace of litigation growth appears to have accelerated. 1991 was an extremely busy year and 1992 has been even busier. In general, the lawsuits that are being defended are not those that could have been avoided by risk management. 1993- 1994 WORK PLAN: Most of the City Attorney's office work is scheduled. For example, one lawyer is assigned full time to the Municipal Court. Approximately one full time equivalent lawyer is assigned to defend lawsuits. A third lawyer spends approximately three hours per day in scheduled meetings and two to three hours routinely dedicated to answering telephone inquiries and reviewing contracts, covenants and similar documents. The primary 1993 goal is to dispose of the extraordinary litigation load and keep current with day-to-day inquiries without significantly expanding staff. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS - The majority of lawsuits filed in early 1992 have been terminated with little or no cost to the City. The remaining suits are in positions to be disposed of in a similar manner. Extraordinary land acquisitions have been accomplished with the Black River purchase being finalized, the Glacier Park purchase, and the wetland bank donation completion. As part of a multi-departmental effort, a Wetlands Ordinance and Aquifer Protection Ordinance were passed. NEW PROGRAM REQUESTED-NOT APPROVED: Attendance at additional scheduled meetings with Utility Systems Director, Development Services Director, ERC and the Police Department. Cost 1993 $30,000; 1994 $31,500. BUDGET CHANGES-The 1993 Legal budget is up $12,000 or 2.6% over 1992 adopted appropriations, and the 1994 budget is 5.1% or $24,000 more than the 1993 budget. The request was reduced by $6,000 in both 1993 and 1994, in Other Legal Services. Supplies-Includes $3,000 in both 1993 and 1994 to provide operating items, no increase over the 1992 adopted amount. Other Legal Professional Services - Provides for legal services beyond the base retainer such as: services rendered in representing the City in any court action; negotiating and acquiring property for the City; obtaining easements and rights-of-way; time spent on general obligation bond issues; services in connection with the establishment of any local improvement district, etc. The budget request for 1993 and 1994 is $60,000, which is the same as the 1992 adopted allocation; cut to $54,000 in 1993 and 1994. $100,000 was requested in 1992, cut to $60,000. Municipal Court Prosecutor- From $110,000 in 1992 to $114,000 in 1993 (3.6% increase over 1992); $120,000 in 1994 (5.3% increase over 1993). This is an ongoing program to fully fund the prosecutor's position. Regular Legal Services - This is the base retainer for contracted regular legal services relating to governmental capacity, as distinguished from a proprietary capacity such as: attending all City Council Meetings; attending board, commission, and committee meetings as requested; preparation/review of ordinances and resolutions, leases, instruments of conveyances, contracts, and agreements; rendering legal opinions; participation in the settlement of claims against the City, etc. $297,000 is requested for 1993, an increase of $12,000 or 4.2%, primarily for benefit increases such as medical insurance. 1994 request is $315,000, an increase of $18,000 or 6.1%over 1993. Travel and Training- New request in 1993 and 1994 in the amount of $2,000 to help fund continuing legal staff education for the three lawyers who dedicate their time almost exclusively to City related issues. Miscellaneous (Publications) - $2,000 in 1993 and 1994 (no increase) to reflect a portion of the library and publications expense necessary to keep a current and adequate library for the benefit of the City of Renton. 75 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Legal Services(City Attorney) Person Responsible: Larry Warren, City Attorney ....... . Item ------- ------- 19..9. ------ 1992Ado p( 1992t 1993..................... . . 1.9, 94: G7uinge 'X Change .... ----- ----- Actual Budget: Adu 1Budget :92A 192Af' U Budget:: :BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 0 0 0 O�: 0 NIA 0 NIA Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 NIA .............. Overtime 0 0 0 0, 0 NIA 0 0 NIA Personnel Benefits 0 0 0 :.:.:0., 0 NIA 0 NIA Supplies 1,529 3,000 2,615 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1)Professional Services 408,468 455,000 476.241 �:.:..'.46.5,000 10,000 2.2% :'::::409A000.: 24,000 . ................... 0 Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 0 NIA Travel/Trammg 0 0 0 2,000: 2,000 NIA ZINO 0 ao% Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 NIA o NIA Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 NIA .0 0 NIA Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 4 o NIA Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 r 0 NIA Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 01 0 NIA Repairs&Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 NIA Miscellaneous 295 2,000 1,255 2,000 0 0.0 2,000 0 ao% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 0, 0- NIA Capital Outlay 0 0 0 OI 0 NIA 0 0 NIA Debt Service 0 0 0 :0 0 NIA 0 0 NIA .............. Expenditure Credits 1 0 0 0 0 0, NIA 0, NIA .............. TOTAL EXPENDITURES j:410,292 -F.40,000. 480.111 472 em 1991 92:Ado 1999 1993 .... C ........... ................. V ij!111V* :�:. W. 'Pw: V A* A al :Ac. I PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: .. ..... . ...... . . ...... .. .. ............... 41.37 Other Legal Professional Sery 68,468 60,000 81,241 54400 (61 _10.0%...:,.: 54 00()::: 0 0.0% 4 41.50 Municipal Court Prosecutor 80,000 110,000 110'000 114-090:: 4,000 3.6% .�.:120 000 6," ..5.3% 41.90 Regular Legal Staff Services 260,000 285,000 285,000 297,000 12000 4.2%, 18,0001 6.1 X. TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 408.468 455,000 476,241465,000`,1 ':�000 24,000 5.2 11" tiff itir ttil lMt 76 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 011 Hearing Examiner OBJECTIVE -The Hearing Examiner function provides a single, efficient, lawful, integrated land use regulatory hearing system which implements the adopted comprehensive plan and City ordinances. PROGRAM ACTIVITY - The Hearing Examiner is responsible for the administration of the City's land use regulatory hearing process,and acts on behalf of the City Council in considering and applying land use regulatory codes; receives and examines all available information; conducts public hearings and prepares a record thereof, entering findings and conclusions. The Hearing Examiner also conducts other hearings as delegated. The new growth management legislation has increased the workload. Appeals are also increasing as the public becomes aware of their rights to challenge City policy. Areas involving appeals have been water and sewer latecomers,drug forfeitures,and illegal parking. BUDGET CHANGES-The 1993 Hearing Examiner budget is up$1,993 or 1.7%over the 1992 adopted appropriation,and 1994 is $4,083 or 3.4% over the 1993 budget. The 1993 request was reduced$5,000 and 1994 was cut $6,000, which eliminated the Hearing Examiner Pro Tem allocation. Salaries and Benefits-Class/Comp study recommendation on the Hearing Examiner position was not implemented until mid-year 1992,which accounts for the 1993 increase,along with step progression. No general cost of living adjustment in 1993,and a 1.4% increase is estimated for 1994. Supplies-Office operating supplies:$800 for 1993 and 1994,no increase over 1992 adopted allocation. Small equipment: 1993- $500;1994-$600;allows for replacement of small equipment items. Professional Services - Provides for Hearing Examiner pro tem for conflict of interest or appearance of fairness issues, and vacation/emergency relief. The requested amounts of$5,000/1993 and$6,000/1994 have been cut,with the hope that hearings can be scheduled around vacations and other commitments. A budget adjustment will be required if this is not possible. Travel-1993-$800;1994-$900. Will allow attendance at one major land use conference. Repairs and Maintenance-$150 1993 and 1994-no increase. Provides for office equipment servicing and repairs. Miscellaneous-Memberships and registrations$1,000 for 1993 and 1994. Publications$400 for 1993 and 1994,for updating the land use and law library and other related items. Capital Outlay-1993: $1,500 for a Laser Printer to free-up a serial port to permit the Secretary to hookup to the main computer. No request for 1994. 77 i CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Hearing Examiner Services Person Responsible: Fred Kaufman, Hearing Examiner `r1 i. Item '-i 991 1992 Adopt <1992 1993 Charge %.Changa,:: 1994 G7innge ... Actual Budget Actual Budget! 92 Adopted 91 Adopted: Budget 93 11641a: >93 Budget POSITION ALLOCATIONS: 1x11111 _.... ___......_ .._.. _... .. _.. _.. . _. . _. Grade Title 35 Hearing Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,010.0 0.0% 1,0 0.0 0.0% _ _e 7 Hearing Examiner Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 19.. 0.0 0.0% 1.0: 0.0 0.0% `.:.:.:.:TOTAL:FiEGULARISTAFFING 2.Or 2.0 2.0 2';0 O.0 D.O% 2.0 D.0 f D:0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _ _ . Regular Salaries 85,984 88,224 90,327 93,396 5,172 5.9 96,496 3,100 3.3% __. Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0> 0 N/A 0 0 N/A to Overtime 0 0 0 00 N/A 0'' 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 16,535 19,880 19,936 22,201 2,321 11.7% 24,484 2,283 10.3% Supplies 118 1,300 350 1,300 0 0.0% 1.400 100 7.7% Professional Services 0 5,000 0 0 (51000) -100.0% 0' 0 N/1 Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/1 Travel 70 800 0 800' 0 0.0 900 100 12.5% Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/.1 Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/11 Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A ....... Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 01, 0 N/A 0 O N/A Repairs&Maintenance 73 150 73 150 0 0.0 150 0 0.0% bw Miscellaneous 1,256 1,400 1,500 1,400 0 0.0 TA00 0 0.0% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/1 Capital Outlay 2,397 2,000 1,990 1,500: (500) -25.0% 0 (1500) -100.0% Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0:: 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES «106,433 118,754 1 A 14,176 120,747 1,993 1.9 124';830 4 083 ::: 3.4 iii I 11 m an 11111 11111 78 aw CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 014 Personnel/Civil Service Commission OBJECTIVE: Personnel Administration provides policy and direction for human resources within the City, through the administration of recruitment, testing, and selection of personnel; salary and classification program; employee benefit program; staff/organizational training; labor contract administration; safety and wellness program coordination; unemployment compensation;affirmative action; equal employment, and the facilitation of various employee committees and programs. Civil Service Commission's objective is to provide and administer fair, impartial and practical selection procedures for all classified civil service personnel; and to act as a quasi-judicial board to hear and resolve disputes over application of the civil service rules. 1993- 1994 WORK PLAN: Personnel Administration: Provide employee training and education programs in the areas of team building, basic supervision, safety, customer service and valuing diversity in the workplace. Conduct salary surveys for maintenance of the classification and compensation system. Review the performance appraisal system and affirmative action plan. Continue automation of personnel systems. Screen 5,000- 7,000 applicants. Develop/administer 75- 100 examinations and test 2,000- 2,500 candidates. Negotiate labor agreements with Fire Fighters Local 864, and the non-commissioned unit of the Police Guild. Develop comprehensive safety and loss program. Continue review of personnel policies and practices. Civil Service: 1993: - Conduct entry level Police Officer recruitment and testing. Promotional examinations for Police Lieutenant and Captain, Fire Captain and Battalion Chief. Validation of police and fire medical standards for new hires, to ensure ADA compliance. 1994: - Entry level Fire Fighter recruitment and testing. Promotional examinations for Fire Lieutenant. Entry level recruitment and testing for Police Officer, Jailer and Police Services Specialist, and promotional examinations for Police Sergeant. 79 ,. CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 014 Personnel/Civil Service Commission 1992 DEPARTMENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Personnel Administration: Participation in the Eastside Cities Training Consortium has provided training classes in the following areas: supervision, y transformational leadership,working effectively with citizen groups,managing organizational change,effective writing skills,team building and facilitation,managing multiple priorities,strategic planning,making meetings work,and understanding the budget process. -Training sessions have also been provided in these areas: Back injury prevention,self defense for employees,worker's compensation procedures for supervisors,floor captain procedures,sexual harassment prevention for employees and the City Council,and CPR training for all employees provided by the Renton Parks and Recreation department. -Currently scheduling multiple sessions of training on occupational exposure to blood born pathogens. fr -Recruitment and Selection: 64 recruitments completed,resulting in 46 new hires and 25 promotions by year-end. Drafted policy on ADA,formed ADA committee,revised applications to reflect ADA requirements and developed and distributed ADA survey. -Reactivation of the Human Rights Commission. Continued with development and implementation of Employee Recognition program(retirement plaques,service pins ordered, policy drafted). Participated in the acquisition of a new third party administrator for the City's workers compensation program. w In 1992,the Wellness Program sponsored cholesterol testing,influenza vaccinations,aquatic fitness classes,aerobics and stretchersize programs,subsidized use of various community center activities,smoking cessation reimbursements,and participated in AWC fitness games. Workshops addressing medical self-care,nutrition,working parents,and dealing with difficult people. Distribution of the HOPE newsletter. Civil Service: Development of a criterion related,validated physical agility test for entry Fire Fighter. Recruitment,testing and establishment of eligibility registers for Fire Fighter,Fire Lieutenant, Police Officer,Police Sergeant,Staff Services Manager,Jailer, Police Services Specialist,Police Secretary and Community Program Coordinator. rr 4W NEW PROGRAM REQUEST NOT FUNDED: Safety Analyst position in 1994-Federal, State and industry standards and regulations have progressed to a point of complexity requiring more detailed attention than the average city manager can provide. This position would focus on reducing the City's exposure to safety related claims by prospectively addressing areas where losses are likely to occur. Since there is a direct link to between health and safety issues, this position would assist in design and evaluation of health and wellness programs. Other activities would include accident and claim reporting requirements, training on proper utilization of the City insurance program, compliance with S iW tate workers compensation,as well as providing a means of comprehensively evaluating and planning in the areas of safety and risk management. Cost$57,301 1994. up ■r 80 i.. CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Executive Div: 014 Personnel/Civil Service Commission BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 budget is up $18,707 or 5% over 1992 adopted appropriations, and 1994 reflects an. increase of $26,347 or 6.7% over the 1993 budget. The budget request was trimmed by $8,000 in both 1993 and 1994 by eliminating a position recruitment allocation. Salaries - 1993 increase over the 1992 adopted level includes step progression for all positions, and the former director's salary was included in the 1992 adopted amount. 1992 adjusted salary budget reflects Personnel Director vacancy for four months; savings was reallocated to director recruitment costs. Part Time Help - Additional clerical support required for Civil Service work in progress and during periods of heavy recruiting and testing. 1993: 624 hours @ $10.00; 1994: 624 hours @ $10.50. Professional Services- (See list on the next page.) Overall decrease in 1993 of $13,000 from the 1992 adopted level; and $46,037 less than the adjusted figure, due to one-time items in 1992 such as Personnel Director recruitment, recruitment brochures, and fire physical ability test. 1994 overall increase of $4,900. Entrance/promotional exams 1993: $10,000 to provide for Police Officer recruitment/test and promotional testing for Police Lieutenant and Captain, and Fire Captain and Battalion Chief. 1994: $14,000 for Fire Fighter recruitment/test (higher level of applicant interest), and testing for Police Sergeant, Jailer, and Fire Lieutenant. Offsetting revenue ($15 exam fee) supports entrance exam costs. Labor and Personnel Consultants 1993: $10,000; Fire and Police Non-Commissioned contract open, and possible re-opener on Police and 21-R. 1994 $10,400. it Advertising- Increased $1,000 in both 1993 and 1994, based on historical expense and recruitment needs. Miscellaneous- (See list on next page.) Human Rights Commission - $1,000 added for educational materials, supplies, memberships and registrations (commission reactivated). Central Safety Committee account moved from Insurance Fund for more efficient management 1993- $6,000; 1994- $7,000. Employee Recognition program expansion $5,000 1993 and 1994; increased to include awards banquet and purchase of recognition items. Capital Outlay- 1993: PC replacement $2,000 Civil Service. 1994: Inkjet color printer $2,000 Administration. 3, l 81 �. CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Personnel Services/Civil Service Commission Person Responsible: Beverly Nelson-Glode, Personnel Director irr item 1991 1992 Adopt 1992,:: 1993 M49c %:Change 1994 'I CU w, 'Cha29e' ...... . Actual $udgat,! Actual $udget' .: P2 Adopted 92Adoptcd $udgetl 93 ki4c4 93Budgct POSITION ALLOCATIONS: till ....... .... Grade Title 38 Personnel Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0% 21 Personnel Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0% _._ 18 Personnel Supvr/Civil Sv Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0:. 0.0 0.0% (.5 Personnel/.5 Civil Service) 7 Personnel Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' 0.0 00 1i0' 0.0 0.0% 3 Office Assistant 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 .0 0.0 1;0 0.0 0.0% _._ _._ _... .... _ _ .0... ...._ (.6 Personnel/.4 Civil Service) TOTAL'ST.AFFING 5.0 .i 50 5A 5.0 00 0.0 5:0 0.0 0.0% TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3'' 0.1 50.0% 0',3'' 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.3 0.1 L9% 5;3 '0.0 0.0% PART TIME HOURS 416 416 624 624'' 208 50.0% 624``' 0 0.0% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 180,683 197,395 177,123 2081437: 11,042 5.6%:::::""217,867 9,430 4.5% Part Time Salaries 3,000 3,165 6,963 6,240; 3,075 97.2 6,552 312 5.0% Overtime 593 0 0 0:. 0 N/A 0. 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 45,938 55,343 49,678 62,063; 6,720 12.1% :::1:.1:..70 31& 8,255 13.3% Supplies 3,489 3,800 3,471 4,500 700 18.4 4.500: 0 0.0% 1)Professional Services 40,731 60,000 102,636 47,000 (13,000) -21.7% 61:900:: 4,500 10.4% Travel 2,188 3,500 7,575 3,900.' 400 11.4% 0 0.0% Training&Schools 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Tuition Reimbursement 5,199 6,000 0 6,300 300 5.0% :6.900,, 600 9.5% Advertising 20,243 17,000 17,113 .18.000:, 1,000 S.9% 19 000 1,000 S.6% Repairs&Maintenance 1,897 2,650 1,9972 65.0, 0 0.0% .2.115W 0 0.0% 2)Miscellaneous 15,629 19,600 19,879 30 070 10,470 53.4% 31 920 1,850 6.2% Capital Outlay 0 4,000 8,986 21000 (21000) -SO.0% s 2,000 0 0.0% Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 .0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 60 1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 319,590 372,453 395;421 391,160': 18;707 5.0% 417,507 26,347 6,7_ :It 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 G7tange %L7iange 1994 <: Clumge %'Changc Actual Budget Actual $udget 92 Adopted 92:Adopted '.Budget: 93 Budget 93 Budget 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: i 41.18 Director Recruitment 0 0 18,630 0, 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 41.19 Psych/Polygr Exams/Uniform 6,305 7,500 4,235 7500 0 0.0% 7,500 0 0.0% 41.20 Entr/Promotional Exams/Uniform 4,125 12,000 24,597 10.600 (21000) -16.7% 1 14,000 4,000 40.0% 41.21 Physical Exams/New Uniform 6,610 7,000 3,976 7,0001: 0 0.0% 7,000 0 0.0% 1111110 41.73 Fire Physical Ability Test 0 6,500 6,500 0` (6,500) -100.0% 0 0 N/A 41.49 Labor&Personnel Consultants 4,438 15,000 31,094 10,0001 (51000) -33.3% 10,400 400 4.0% 41.69 Employee Health/Wellness Prog (Insurance Fund) 0'' 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 41.97 Classification Study 8,730 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 41.123 Employee Training/Development 10,523 12,000 13,604 12,500 500 4.2% 13,000 500 4.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 40,731 60,000 102,636 47,000. (13,000) -21.7% 51,900: 4,900 10.4% 2) MISCELLANEOUS: ...... 1W 49.12 Memberships&Registrations 3,918 2,730 2,925 3,100 370 13.6 3,200 100 3.2% 49.16 Publications 1,691 1,950 1,926 2,050' 10o 5.1% 2,150 100 4.9% 49.25 Human Rights Commission 0 0 19 1,000 1,000 N/A 1000' 0 0.0% 49.56 Central Safety Committee (Insurance Fund) 6,000> 6,000 N/A '< 7,000 1,000 16.7% 49.62 Employee Recognition Program 0 2,500 4,025 5,000 2,500 100.0 5,000 0 0.0% 49.70 Employee Assistance Program 10,020 12,420 10,984 12,920` 500 4.0% 13,570' 00 S.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 15,629 19,600 19,879 1 30,070 1 10,470 53.4%1 31,920 1,850 6.2% lo 82 No CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET City Publications Graphic services are provided by the Executive Administration office(Community Relations),in an effort to produce publications that will enhance the City's image,by creating consistently high quality printed materials with good visual impact. Graphic services provides City departments with consultation, publication design, typesetting, word processing/desktop publishing, and layout/pasteup. Samples of newsletters produced regularly by various City departments are pictured below and described as follows: The Renton Report is an official City of Renton publication intended to establish and enhance communication between City government and the Renton business and residential community. The goal is to inform the community of current issues, answer questions, and provide a forum where citizens can be recognized 1, for outstanding service. The Report is published three times a P �yqM s t" year, and over 25,000 copies are mailed to businesses and „rt ;• . citizens. :: `gena The Mill Avenue Messenger is the City of Renton employee newsletter. It is designed to enhance communications and lift morale of City employees. The goal is to inform employees of tTE9ie4►p" , . �� � � personnel changes, announce honors, awards, up-coming events, and provide information on programs of interest. It may educate by providing computer information or data to help make a person's job easier and more efficient. Information on health benefits and safety .", topics is also featured. It may also entertain through cartoons, anecdotes,etc. About 500 copies of the newsletter are distributed on a bi-monthly basis,to all City of Renton employees. Vital Signs, featuring information from the Stay Well Awareness Program (SWAP), has been incorporated into the Mill Avenue Messenger. The wellness program provides tips on staying Y healthy,information on using health pre services more wisely,and _ articles on fitness and wellness programs. A SWAP ,v Announcement, is a periodic flyer used to notify employees of specific health and wellness programs scheduled throughout the year. y Renton Senior Center Newsletter is a monthly newsletter directed to the senior populations in the Renton area. The 16-page newsletter is a complete listing of special events, classes, up- coming activities, trips and tours, and all special programs of the ti Senior Center. The publication also lists the daily luncheon menus, as well as nutrition tips. Nearly 2,000 of the newsletters are distributed each month. The Special Populations Program Bulletin lists classes and activities scheduled through the Special Populations Program of the Parks and Recreation Department. It carries information on Special Olympics events, and Teen and Young Adult activities for the developmentally disabled. Nearly 1,000 of the newsletters are published each Winter,Spring,Summer and Fall quarter. Speed's Memo is a bi-weekly bulletin originating in the Mayors office. It is specifically designed to inform City Council members and City staff administrators of up-to-the-minute issues which may be brought before Council for action. Departments use this communications tool to notify Council of departmental concerns and actions. The Parks and Recreation Department Quarterly Program Book lists leisure time programs,special activities,and a broad range of classes of interest to all ages. 15,000 copies of the program book are distributed in the community. 83 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Administrative Services Vacant Administrator 33.5 Total FTE Cindy Kartes Finance Assistant Iwen Wang City Clerk Information Systems Accounting&Budget 5.5 FTE 4.5 FTE Director �Irr Records Services Phil Jewett Budget and Marilyn Petersen Information Systems g Cash/Operations Director Financial Fanning 15.0 FTE City Clerk 5.5 FTE _ Programmer Analyst II L Cindy Anderson — -- -----_ i Eric Iverson Hugh Simpson Deputy City Clerk _ Vacant Cash/Operations Dan Enslow Financial Planning Supervisor Microfilm/Printing Rick Schwarz Supervisor Services Clerk Programmer Analyst I ■r 1.0 FTE Paula Henderson j Accounts Payable Assistant Analyst Senior Analyst Lead- 1.0 FTE Office Asst III .5-FTE 1.5 FTE WWi Senior Analyst Account Asst III-1.0 FTE 11 1 2 Yr Limited Term Ij j Assistant Analyst 2.5 FTE Accounts Receivable \ Printing Services Account Asst III-3.0 FTE Debbie Willard Reprographics Tech itr — Pa}roll -7 Lead-1.0 FTE Information Desk i i Utility B/llinq and Volunteers Meter Readino 9 j Lead-1.0 FTE i Account Asst III-4.0 FTE aw Meter Reader-2.0 FTE aw I i Cash Management I Lead-1.0 FTE aw I � i Yr 84 #AW +y. CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Administrative Services-All Divisions An overview of Administrative Services Divisions is provided below: Finance Administration-Provides management of the Citys financial affairs,and includes financial planning and cash and operations functions. City Clerk -Activities are legislative support, City-wide records management, voter registration, and printing and microfilming services. Information Systems - Maintains central computer systems to support City-wide activities. Also provides management and operation of the City telephone system. Miscellaneous Services(Non-Departmental) Provides for miscellaneous General Governmental Fund expenses,reserves,General Fund reimbursements for services(indirect cost allocation- expenditure credits),and transfers-out. These are primarily expenditures that are not classifiable in other department budgets. Limited General Obligation Bonds-Provides for Council voted general obligation debt requirements. Risk Management(Insurance Fund)-Administration of the Insurance program,including property and liability,and the employee benefit program. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1993 Administrative Services Department budget(all divisions)is up$526,694 or 7.2%over the 1992 adopted budget. 1994 is up $427,696 or 5.4% over 1993. Administrative Services operating divisions (Finance, City Clerk,and Information Systems) 1993 budget requests were cut a total of$33,700,and 1994 requests were trimmed by$23,450. The majority of the increase is in the Risk Management program. Miscellaneous Services will decrease due to raising the indirect cost allocation. Descriptions of budget changes are provided in each division section. The following table provides a summary of total expenditures by division. Summary by Administrative Services Division it 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 ... 1993 G G3agge;I 18$4 Cep. . %e6arigc BtJOGETAFtY APPROPRIATION: Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted i Budget 93 Budget 93 Budget 11 Finance Administration 1,061,090 1,171,922 1,200,187 '1,259001 87,079 7.4 1328742 66,741 5.3%. City Clerk 356,179 416,999 410,566 481,451 44,452 10.7 4,w.''1 (1,374) -0.3%' Information Systems 463,898 553,751 577,790 589,864 36,113 6.5%.:,:.:,:607.6.7. 17,710 3.0%I $119-T4'rAL 1,881,167 2,142,672 2,188,543 2,310,316 167,644 J �8:. 2393393 83,077 3.6 Miscellaneous Services 792.692 777.595 863,418 (131,675) (909,270) -116.9 (337 T22) (206,041) 156.5% Limited G.O.Bonds 1,206,787 1,207,822 1,141,450 1,306,899 98,877 8.2%:1,266471 > (40,228) -3.1% Insurance Fund 3.679,939 3,206,743 4,225,155 4,376,186 1,169,443 36.5% 4MT080 590,894 13.5%' T07ALADMIN SERVICES 7,560,585 7,334.832 8,418,566 7,861,526 526,694 72 8,289;222 ;427,096 7777777a f=, 85 :; .... ._.._ ... . ......... ... _..__...._... ........ . CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Administrative Services-All Divisions Person Responsible: Vacant 1w aterrt 1991 1892 Adopt 1A92 ..`; 1993 . 1A94 Cbergo C/uA&k ...::.. Aatual >: .Eud9et Actual ?:Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adoyrod Budget 931 ardgee ;:93 Bodge .. .. ITIONPOSALLOCATIONS: _..._. � Grade Titte 43 :Administrative SeryAdministrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 .11,10, 0.0 O.0 1,0: 0.0 0.0% 33 Accounting&Budgeting Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3 A 0.0 0.0% 28 Information Systems Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 O.0 0.0 #;0 0.0 0.0% 111r 26 City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0% _...... _...... _ __.........._...._ 25 :Financial Planning Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1;0; 0.0 0.0 lA 0.0 0.0% __..: _ __ 25 Cash&Operations Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.Q, 0.0 0.0% 23 Sr Financial Analyst(2 Yr Lim Term) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.T 1.0 N/A 1 A 0.0 0.0% iwo 21 Sr Budget&Financial Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% _ . ...._ _.__ ............ 20 Programmer Analyst 11 0.0 1.0 1.0 1;0 0.0 0.0 1..0 0.0 0.0% 18 :Programmer Analyst 1 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 15 Deputy City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10 Asst Budget&Financial Analyst 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0%: 3.0; 0.0 0.0% 10 :Lead Accounting Assistant 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 3.0 0.0 0.0% 10 Cash Management Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0d 0.0 0.0%. 9 Finance Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 60 9 Reprographics Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 O.0 0.0% ......_ ... ....... ......... ..... ._ _. _. 5 Accounting Assistant 111 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 1.0 14.3% $.0: 0.0 0.0% 5 Meter Readers 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0`. (1.0) -33.3 2.0 0.0 0.0% _.... _ .__. ._ _............_.... _ 5 Office Assistant I11 1.5 1.5 1.5 1:5 0.0 O.0 1.5 ao 0.0% __ 3 Microfilm-Printing Services Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0. 0.0 O.0 10 0.0 0.0%: T.O. STAFFINq . 32:5': 32.5 32.5 33;5 1:4' 3.1. U.5: TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.1 0.1 0.1 O: .1) -10 .0 0.0 N/A _... TOTAL STAFFING 32.6 32.6 32.6 33:6':: 0.91 2.8%:.:::__w::-. 6 0.0 0.0% PART TIME HOURS 311 311 311 100:: (211) -67.8 1©0 0 0.0% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: . Regular Salaries 1,077,284 1,422,982 1,484267 ]339838 (83,044) -5.8 1386351 45,413 3.4% Part Time Salaries 2,800 2,955 1,400 1,000 (11955) -66.2 1:U00 0 0.0% ..... _....._ . ...._...... _ Overtime 3,797 2,500 6,285 1.500.: (11000) -40.0%1,11:500 _ - 0 0.0% Personnel Benefits2,746,553 2,463,477 3,096,009 .3,526,558 1,063,081 43.2%:A082: ,233 555,675 15.8%. .. __ Supplies 116,866 126,466 112,920 119 064 (7,402) -5.9%-: 124'484 5,420 4.6% Professional Services 259,637 256,600 241,158 250,3471 (6,253) 2.4 258,777: 8,430 3.4% Postage/Telephone/Other 206,525 257,570 220,389 214,000 (43,570) -16.9 2294450 15,450 7.2% Travel 6,080 6,900 14,699 13,234.. 6,334 91.8 14;270 1,036 7.8% Training&Schools 1.690 4,500 3,914 7,500 3,000 66.7%1::" 6 7 „8690 (11000) -13.3% Meal Ail owance/informa Desk Volunteers 2,310 2,600 2,725 2,675 75 2.9 2.756j; 80 3.0%: Computer Training 7,235 10,000 7,631 5.000 (5,000) SO.0 5;000 0 0.0%I __........_..__.... .....__.. . __ _ _ .. __ ... Freight Charges28 0 30 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A IIS Advertising 6,996 10,000 11,075 10,290' 290 2.9 10'jaw:: 310 3.0% Rentals and Leases 29,940 29,951 28,201 729.131 (820) -2.7 23,731 : (5,400) -18.5% Equipment Rental 9,558 20,064 17,438 16,854' (3,210) -16.0 : 16,546 (308) -1.8% Insurance 1,446,703 1,330,700 1,668,967 1,520,300 189,600 14.2% 1,649,830 129,530 8.5% Repairs&Maintenance 92,427 104,876 125,558 168,500 53,624 51.1% 168,800:: 10,300 6.5% Miscellaneous 107,644 132,474 144,623 163.917 21,443 16.2 154,869 952 0.6% Intergovernmental Services 43,521 58,716 177,743 94,843 36,127 61.5 72,552 (22,291) -23.5% Capital Outlay 24,584 23,500 68,694 67,744 44,244 188.3 33,000 (34,744) -51.3%' Debt Service 1,282,383 1,279,339 1,212,965 1,374,135 94,796 7.4 1329,827 (44,308) -3.2% Transfers to Other Funds 664,715 664,715 664,715 366,394 (298,321) -44.9 32507 (40,507) -11.1% Interfund Payments 1 46,212 1 49,193 1 49,362 98,276. 49,083 99.8% 103,190 : 4,914 5.0% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,185,487 8,260,078 9,360,768 9,371,200 1,111,122 13.5 I10,000,1 5.2 628,952 6.7% Expenditure Credits (624,902) (925,246) (942,202) (1,609,674) (584,428) 6.3.2%i(1,710,930j (201,256) 13.3% TOTAL EXPE#VDtT{JFtES 7;560,585 7,334;832' 8,418,588 7,861,526 526,694 7:2 8,289,222 927,696 5.4% 86 isi CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Administrative Services DIV: 004 Finance Administration (Budgeting & Accounting) OBJECTIVE-To optimize the City of Renton's economic resources while complying with applicable Federal, State, and Local Statutes. PROGRAM ACTIVITY - The Budgeting and Accounting Division was reorganized in 1992 into two areas. Financial Planning is responsible for the preparation and monitoring of budgetary and financial information. Associated functions include internal services and user rate analysis; revenue forecasting; preparing operating and capital budgets; analyzing optimum fund balance levels and reserve requirements; and preparing internal and external financial reports. The Cash and Operations section is responsible for day-to-day accounting activities. Tasks include receipting and billing of over $10 million in utility, local improvement district, and other account receivables; making over $34 million in vendor, contractor, and service payments; processing wage, benefit, and taxes for over 600 employees belonging to four unions, with five separate bargaining agreements; and managing a cash and investment program with a portfolio over $30 million on a daily basis. 1993- 1994 WORK PLAN: - Implement a revenue audit program with emphasis on per capita business license fee and cellular telephone utility tax. - Institute quarterly financial position updates with the Budget Committee. - Examine division service efficiency and facilitate City-wide program and service delivery evaluation process to achieve long-term fiscal stability. - Promote staff training, coaching, and risk taking. - Participate in beta testing activity in financial programs as agreed with Eden Systems. - Conduct utility rate analysis with Planning/Building/Public Works Department. - Participate in a pilot program with the Department of Revenue to provide State business licenses to Renton businesses. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: - Facilitated City-wide capital project and new program prioritization process. - Refinanced $4.6 million revenue bonds which resulted in a $200,000 savings over the next ten years. - Requested clarification from Department of Revenue on various tax issues, and consequently filed a refunding request for over $100,000 in prior year taxes which will result in future year savings of over $20,000. Conducted equipment rental operations review. - Assisted the State Auditor's office in their annual audit, resulting in an unqualified opinion for 1991. - Received National awards from the Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in financial reporting and the budget document. NEW PROGRAMS: Revenue Audit- Contract with the State Auditor's Office to identity areas of revenue loss due to incorrect filings, non-filings or evasion of taxes. Funded by an anticipated increase in business license fees, which is potentially the largest area of loss, since the State does not audit employers on a regular basis. Cost $10,000, 1993 only. APPROVED. Financial Software Beta Testing and Coordination - Senior Financial Analyst position - 2 year limited term, to coordinate and test our new financial system. 1993 cost $77,699 including salary, benefits, training, equipment, and local area network (LAN). 1994 cost $57,301. Funded by a carryover from the new financial system project approved in 1992 (see Expenditure Credit). APPROVED. Word Processing Support- Office Assistant III position. NOT APPROVED. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Finance budget is $67,079 or 5.7% more than the 1992 adopted level, and the 1994 budget is up $66,741 or 5.4% over the 1993 budget. $18,100 was cut from the 1.993 request, and $12,550 was cut from the 1994 request, described below in the appropriate category. Supplies- 1993 request decreased $5,200. $1,500 added for new position. $7,500 cut in Central Office Supplies in 1993 and 1994 which will eliminate this service. 1993 decreased $11,200 from 1992 adopted level, and 1994 is down $1,300 from 1993. Professional Services- (See item 1 next page.) Includes new revenue audit program $10,000, and inflationary increase in City audit costs. Postage- 1993 request cut $5,600 (no postage increase); 1994 request cut $2,550. 1993 up $750 over 1992 level; 1994 increased $6,450,for possible postage increase and growth. Travel- 1993 request cut $1,500. 1993 down $1,000 from 1992 adopted level, and 1994 is up $1,000 over 1993. Training&Schools- Includes $1,000 for new Senior Analyst in 1993 only. Provides specialized staff and supervisory training. Rentals and Leases- $1,500 cut 1993/1994 for Utility Billing pagers. Also provides for rental of a small copy machine and postage meter. I Miscellaneous- (See item 2 next page.) $1,000 cut from 1993/1994 request in Utility Billing miscellaneous account. Memberships and registrations increased primarily for special staff training. Utility bill collection fees reduced based on 1992 projected cost. Capital Outlay- 1993- $30,744: PC/printer/partitions for new position $6,000; $16,744 LAN; $4,000 for partitions ($1,000 cut from request)to eliminate interruptions and increase productivity, $4,000 for PC and printer. 1994- $8,000 to eliminate vault walls for more office space. J, Expenditure Credit- Reimbursement for all costs involving new financial system coordination, from 1992 approved project in Multi- Department CIP(New Senior Analyst, supplies, equipment, and LAN). 87 aw CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ar Administrative Services/Finance Administration (Budgeting & Accounting) Person Responsible: Vacant Item -:1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 Pwngc %Change 1994 Chwe;_ %Char{Qc ................................. . : .... .. .. ..... . Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted' Budget;. 93Budget 93 Budget POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade. Title .......... 43Administrative Sery Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0% __._.._. .trati... .. _. .._ - 33 Accounting&Budgeting Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0 0 1:0: 0.0 0.0% 25 Financial Planning Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0 ,; 1,0 0.0 0.0% _ _. 25 Cash&Operations Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 :.AJO: 0.0 0.0 1,0' 0.0 0.0% 23 Sr Financial Analyst(2 Yr Lim Term) 0.0 0.0 0.0 i0,< 1.0 N/A 1:0 0.0 0.0% 21 Senior Budget&Financial Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0>: 0.0 0.0% 10 0.0 0.0% .... . 10 Asst Budget&Financial Analyst 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.00.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% (.5 Asst Analyst/Information Systems,to assist in Budget and Financial Planning) 10 Lead Accounting Assistant 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0%'' 3.0 0.0 0.0% 10 Cash Management Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 9 Finance Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.6 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 5 Accounting Assistant III 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 1.0 14.3%, 8.0 0.0 0.0% 5 Water Meter Readers 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0' (1.0) -33.3% 2.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL:REGULAR`STAFFING'' 22.0 22.0 22.0 23.0< 1.0 4,s 23:0 0.0 0.0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.1 0.1 0.1 O.Or (0.1) -100.0 00: 0.0 N/A ow TOTAL STAFFING 22.1 22.1 22.1 23.0: 0.9 4.1 .23:0:: 0.0 0.0% PART TIME HOURS 311 311 311 100i' (211) -6R8 1001' 0 0.0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 700,054 772,718 776,729 841,616 68,898 8.9% 872,756, 31,140 3.7% Part Time Salaries 2,800 2,955 1,400 1,000 (1,955) -66.2 1,000' 0 0.0% Overtime 872 1,500 3,355 1,500 0 0.0% 1;500: 0 0.0% Personnel Benefits 188,755 226,711 227,564 276,518 49,807 22.0% 5,597 39,079 14.1% Supplies 22,296 28,000 19,751 16,900> (11,200) -40.0 15,500 (1,300) -7.7% - . __ 1)Professional Services 56,004 51,500 59,747 64 600 13,100 25.4 t#;70. (51900) -9,1% Postage/Telephone/Other 42,833 42,250 46,199 43 000 : 750 1 8 A0.450:. 6,450 LAO% Travel 3,329 51000 3,742 4 000 (11000) 20 0 5,000 1,000 25.0% Training&Schools 1,690 4,500 3,914 7500' 3,000 66.7%.:::.:. 6,500:. (11000) -13.3% __. Advertising _ 0 t) 0 0' 0 N/A i 0 0 N/A _ _ _... ................... Rentals and Leases 3,511 3,370 1,603 2,550'' (820) -24.3 2,550 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 6,606 16,368 15,642 15,622 (746) -4.6%:: 15,240 (382) -2.4% Repairs&Maintenance 1,960 2,500 3,480 2,500 0 0.0 2,500. 0 0.0% _ _ _. 2)Miscellaneous 9,207 9,550 27,682 28,750' 19,200 2010% 28750 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 21,173 5,000 1 9,379 30,744 25,744 514.9%F 8,000: (22,744) -74.0% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,061,090 1,171,922 1,200,187 1,336,700,1', 164,778 14.1% 1,383,04a: 46,343 3.5% Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 (771699) (77,699) N/A :, (57;301) 20,3981 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1.061,090 `:1,171.922 1,200,187 1,259,001> 87;07.0 1 7.4% 1,325,742 66,741 S.3ij Item 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 Game %MtVIe 1994 :,I clange %Change Actual Budget: Actual Budget 92Adopfed 92Adopted ::Budget' 93Budget 93 Budget I' 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 41.08 Revenue Audit 0 0 0 j10.1000. 10,000 N/A A (10,000) 100.0% 11w 41.13 Annual City Audit 30,130 31,200 41,376 ':34,600:: 3,400 10.9 -:. 37,500': 2,900 8.4%. 41.33 Utility Bill Processing 22,526 16,500 14,571 16 000 (.500) -3.0 17,000 1,000 6.3%. . ,. 47.56 Utility Audit 3,348 3,800 3,800 :':'4,660:. 200 5.3 4,200 200 5.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 56,004 51,500 59,747 64,600 13,100 25.4% s 58,700:'' (5,900) -9-1%1 2) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.12 Memberships&Registrations 4,115 2,000 2,879 31500` 1,500 75.0% 3,500 0 0.0% 49.16 Publications 2,357 2,050 2,337 2,250 200 9.8% 2,250 0 0.0% 49.43 Utility Bill Collections 2,735 4,500 22,466 3,000 (1,500) -33.3% 3,000 0 0.0% 49.86 Other Misc/Utility Billing 0 1,000 1 0 0 (11000) -100.0% 0' 0 N/A TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 9,207 9,550 27,682 8,750: (800) -8.4% 8;750 0 0.0% trr 88 w CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS 40 Fund: 000 General Dept: Administrative Services Div: 004 City Clerk OBJECTIVE: To provide legislative support; City-wide records management, printing, and microfilm services; voter registration and election information;and to oversee the City Hall lobby information desk volunteer program. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Legislative support includes preparing the Council agenda, posting and legal publication of public hearing notices, providing staff support at Council meetings, preparing Council meeting minutes, index, and meeting calendar; preparing and distributing referrals to Council committees and staff, initiating correspondence advising Council action, and ensuring that all legal requirements are met. The City Clerk's office also administers procedures for annexations, local improvement districts, street vacations, release of easements, land use appeals, claims for damage, bid openings, contract execution and compliance with bid laws, ordinances and resolutions, etc. Staff serves as City-wide records managers, assuring updated file maintenance in the records center; and records legal documents with proper county offices, implements retention and destruction schedules, and updates the records index. Voter registration and election information services are provided to elected officials and the public by staff. The microfilm program converts documents onto film or fiche to retain and retrieve permanent records; and operates the character generator, the government access television channel: The print shop provides central copying services; prints a variety of City forms and publications, letterhead, envelopes, and business cards, providing two-color press capabilities; and administers central paper and envelope supply. The City Hall lobby information desk is staffed by nine senior volunteers who receive a meal allowance of $5.00 per shift. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN: Convert Renton Municipal Code to computer software for PC network. Refine and standardize electronic records index; publish key-word index. Develop training programs for use of resources: microfiche records; electronic records index; Council minute index; records management retention and destruction schedules. Update training manual for Council agenda process. Provide walk-up copy service in Print Shop for City staff. Develop volunteer appreciation award program for lobby volunteers. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Completed conversion of land use files to microfiche for use by staff and the public. Standardized paper size and converted files to letter size City-wide. Managed substantial increase in work load while maintaining high level of service and productivity with existing staff. NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED, NOT APPROVED: Office Assistant III to Full Time. Reprographics Technician Assistant. Central Color Copy Services. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 budget increased $44,452 or 10.7%over 1992 adopted appropriations, and 1994 is $1,374 or .3% less than the 1993 budget. The major increase in 1993 is for election expense charged by King County(Intergovernmental Services). The 1993 request was cut by $6,600, and the 1994 request was trimmed by $1,900, described below. Supplies-Clerk's operating supplies: 1993, $4,500 requested, $3,800 approved, cut $700- (2) windows software; 1994 $3,676. Microfilm supplies: Cut $1,000 1993/1994; $4,304 (1993), $4,570 (1994). Small equipment: Cut $900 1993/1994; microfilm and other equipment replacement $660 (1993), and $738 (1994); and printing supplies $53,500 (1993), $58,000 (1994). Total 1993 $62,264;total 1994 $66,984. Professional Services- Decreased microfilming contract in 1993 by $2,000, added in 1992 to fund filming of land use maps by outside vendor to complete conversion of land use files to microfilm. Repairs and Maintenance-City Clerk Increase for inflation on copy machine, and decrease of $1,436 (1993) and $1,608 (1994) for maintenance agreement on microfilm rotary camera replaced in 1992 with planetary camera. Printing 3% 1993 and 5% 1994 increase for equipment maintenance agreement. Total Repairs and Maintenance $39,000 (1993) and $41,300 (1994). Miscellaneous- (See item 1 next page.) Includes annual WMCA dues and conference for Clerk and Deputy, ARMA, IIMC dues and conference. Codifications (1993) increased $3,000 commensurate with increase in volume of ordinances adopted and additional $2,600 for purchase of Renton Municipal Code on disk ($2,000) and annual supplements $600; State printing tax eliminated. 1993 overall decrease $1,105; 1994 decrease of $1,429. Intergovernmental Services- As reported by King County Records and Elections Department, 1993 election expense (for 1992 primary and general) increased by $26,000 to $40,000; 1994(for primary and general)decrease to $17,000. Voter registration costs ($1.35 per registered voter paid to King County) increased by $5,000 for 1993 and 1994 to $25,000. Capital Outlay: (1) PC approved- $2,000. Requested (3) PCs for Winword software, (2) PC's were cut ($4,000). No 1994 request. 89 10 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS #„ Administrative Services/City Clerk Person Responsible: Marilyn Petersen, City Clerk ri. Item . 1951 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 G %:;C1e 1894 Gh.gge %Cbar�ge ... ..... .. .... ... _. Actual Budget: Actual Budget .,i 92atdopted 92 ldapted Budget 93 Bu*ct 93 BudgU POSITION ALLOCATIONS: to Grade Title 26 City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0 c 10 0.0 0.0% 15 Deputy City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1;0 0.0 0.0% 9 Reprographics Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0` 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 5 Office Assistant 111 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 is 0.0 0.0 15 0.0 0.0% (.5 added and cut in 1990) (.5 cut in 1991) 3 Microfilm-Printing Services Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0%. 1.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING i' S.5 5.5 5.5 5.5;:1 O.b 0.0% 5.5 0.0 0.0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 172,492 177,458 182,839 183 989? 6,531 3.7 194.023 10,034 5.53F Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 O N/A 0 0 N/A Overtime 223 0 861 0.: 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 41,237 49,568 48,993 53,688: 4,118 8.3% 61,171 7,485 13.9% to Supplies 52,802 58,466 51,793 62 264: 3,798 6.5% 68,984 4,720 7.6% Professional Services 2,523 5,000 4,313 3,087 (1,913) -38.3% 3,177 90 2.9% Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0'' 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Travel 230 1,200 825 11,234 34 2.8 x1,270 36 2.9% Training&Schools 0 0 0 „0 0 N/A 0 O N/A Meal Allowance/Info Desk Volunteers 2,310 2,600 2,725 2,875: 75 2.9% 2,755` 80 3.0% Advertising 6,996 10,000 11,075 10,290_; 290 2.9% 10,600: 310 3.0% Rentals and Leases 20,579 21,181 21,198 21,181:; 0 00 21;181 O 0.0% Repairs&Maintenance 22,926 35,376 30,058 39 000' 3,62.4 10.2%.::.::,:_41.300 2,300 5.9% 1)Miscellaneous 15,691 18,150 11,269 17045; (I,IOS) -6.1 .15,618 0,429) -8.4% Intergovernmental Services 18,170 34,000 39,492 65,000;: 31,000 91.2 42,000 (23,000) -33.4% _. ._ . Capital Outlay 0 4,000 5,125 2,900.` (21000) __V.0% 0 (2,000) -100.0% Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0: 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTALEXP!`NDITURES 356.179.f., 416,999 410566 461,451:;:: 44;452 It0.7. ? 460,077 :(1,374) -0.3 tem 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1995 Q4agge 19" chaw S CIMWC> ,, Actual Budget;; Actual <Budget .; 9Z Adopted 92Adopted : Budget 93Badget93BuQzer' 1) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.12 Memberships&Registrations 2,052 1,600 1,434 1637.: 37 2.3 1,676 39 2.4% _... .........- 49.14 Legal&Recording Fees 1,044 2,000 795 2,05&;: 58 2.9 2,090 32 1.6% 49.19 State Tax(Printing Services) 71843 7,000 0 (7,000) -100.0 0 0 N/A 49.16 Publications 87 150 113 1W. 0 0.0 150 O 0.0% 49.39 Codifications 4,213 7,000 8,588 12600 5,600 80.0% 1100 800 0 (1,600) -12.7% 49.40 RCW Supplements 452 400 339 .. ;; 200 50.0 700 100 16.7% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 15,691 18,150 11,269 17046::: (1,10S) -6.1 15;618 (1,429) -8.4 Yr 90 iAr CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Administrative Services Div: 004 Information Systems (Data Processing) OBJECTIVE: To provide centralized computer systems that support departmental functions and recordkeeping, and supply technical support services to all computer users in the City. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Develop and maintain central computer software and equipment to support the following department functions: utility billing; financial accounting for revenues, expenditures, and annual budget preparation; payroll preparation and recordkeeping; personnel records; local improvement district (LID) and other billings; building permits and inspections; animal licenses; business licenses; police incidents, citations, jail operation, pawned items, and parking tickets; Planning/Building/Public Works water utility inventory control; map catalog; mailing lists; work order and job cost accounting; Parks maintenance inventory " control; Fire Department work schedules; Fire Prevention business inspections and infractions; underground and aboveground tank permits; Renton Public Library catalogs for children's books and Pacific Northwest books; Renton real property database; City Clerk's records index; and Council committee referrals and actions. Support services include: ordering, setup and installation of personal computers; technical support for 200 personal computer users; central purchasing of computer supplies; repairs and maintenance of equipment; organize and coordinate on-site and local training classes; management and maintenance of the City's telephone system. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN: Second and third years of a four-year project to replace the old Wang computer equipment and software. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: An RFP for new financial software and hardware was issued and vendors were selected. A new Hewlett-Packard minicomputer was purchased and installed as the first phase of the Wang conversion project. The division upgraded several older personal computers for departments. In April of 1992 the division took over responsibility for the management and maintenance of the City's telephone system (previously in General Services Division of Community Services Department). NEW PROGRAM REQUEST NOT APPROVED: Central Personal Computer Network and Support- PC Support Specialist position. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 budget increased $36,113 or 6.5%over 1992 adopted appropriations, and 1994 is $17,710 or 3%more than 1993. $9,000 was cut from the telephone account request in 1993 and 1994. City Telephone System Operation-The requested amount for 1993 was $120,000, $126,000 for 1994, a reduction in 1993 from the 1992 adopted amount, originally budgeted in 1992 at $163,320 in General Services, reallocated to this account in the mid- year budget adjustment. 1991 actual and 1992 adopted columns on page 92 have been adjusted to include telephone expense (from General Services), to reflect a better budget comparison. After the $9,000 cut, there is $111,000 for 1993 and $117,000 in 1994. Information Systems Travel/Training- Added $5,000 for staff training necessary for new financial hardware and software. Computer Training/City-Wide- Reduced $5,000 from 1992, based on actual usage and more training to be done in-house. Repairs and Maintenance-Computer equipment repairs/maintenance 1993 $67,000- no increase over 1992 adopted level; 1994 $70,000. Added item for telephone system maintenance $50,000, not included in the 1992 budget as adopted, but a decrease from the 1992 adjusted budget amount of $89,229; 1994 telephone maintenance $55,000. Capital Outlay: 1993 total is $35,000; 1994 total $25,000. Telephone equipment requested includes TDD devices (for hearing impaired) as well as general upgrades for growth. 1993 Computer Equipment- $20,000: 5 ea Laptop PCs for training/loaners- $15,000; City-wide PC replacement fund - $5,000. 1993 Telephone Equipment- $15,000: Upgrade to central system- $10,000; 3 ea TDD telephones- $5,000. 1994 Computer Equipment- $15,000: Upgrade central computer disks- $10,000; City-wide PC replacement fund - $5,000. 1994 Telephone Equipment- $10,000: Upgrade to central system. 91 i. CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Administrative Services/Information Systems(Data Processing) Person Responsible: Phil Jewett, Information Systems Director ire Item. ... ...... ....... .......... : 1991: 1'99ZAdopt: ;1993 x:Chn 1994 Gha ----------------- ................................................................... ............. ---------- ......... fge----- ................. udget Actual ��::BuddOV�:::::�s1Z.Ad.c*i 1 ::9 . . .............. ..................... Actual 8 Ad6p lod Budget: 93 i3dgel 93 Budget POSITION ALLOCATIONS: errGrade Title 26 Information Systems Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 11.00.0 0.0% 1�0 0.0 0.0%: 20 Programmer Analyst 11 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0. 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0% 18 Programmer Analyst 1 3.0 2.0 2.0 2 0 0.01 0.0% 2.0 0.0 0.0%: 60 10 Asst Budget&Financial Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.4 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% (Asst Analyst to assist half time in Budget and FinancialPlanning) TOTAL STAFFING 5.0 6:0. XdAo. .0: 5. :BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 185,054 201,806 210,503 214 11 333 12,527 6.2% 218.572, 4,239 2.0%, ............ Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 NIA Overtime 2.468 1,000 2,069 0 (11000) -100.0% 0 0 NIA Personnel Benefits 48,463 55.725 55,860 62,031 6,306 11.3% 69.602 7,471 12.0% Supplies 41.768 40,000 41,376 40oo 0 a0% 42,000 2,000 5.0%: .......... Professional Services 0 0 600 0 NIA 'O 0 NIA Postage/Telephone/Other 111,109 163,320 112,307 111000' (52,320) -32.0% 117,000 6,000 5.4%' Info Systems travel/Training 168 0 340 5.000�: 5,000 NIA 5,000: 0 0.0%. .............. Freight ft C farges 28 0 30 0 NIA 0 0 NIA ... ............... .................... Computer Training(City-Wide) 7,235 10,000 7,631 5,000�: (5,000) -50.0% 5,000. 0 0.0% Advertising.. 0 0 0- 'c 01 .0 NIA 0 NIA Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 NIA Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 NIA ::0 0 NIA Repairs&Maintenance 67,541 67,000 92.020 117.060; 50,000 74.6% 125.-000 8,000 6.8% Miscellaneous 64 400 864 SOO'% 100 25.0%::::: :::.'ZOO0 0.0%: Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0, 0 NIA 0. 0 NIA Capital Outlay 0 14,500 54,190 16,009: 20,500 141.4% :::21C000:: (10,000) -28.6%. ............... Debt Service 0 0 0 jo 0 NIA :0 0 NIA Expenditure Credits 0 0 1 0 0 0 NIA 0 0, NIA :TOTAL,*EXPENDtTURES 463'899553,7511577 ,790. '589,864 601,674. Itll 92 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Administrative Services Div: 005 Non-Departmental (Miscellaneous Services)&Limited G.O. Bonds 1991 1992 Adopr 1892 1893a % a8e X894 ;;t;G7rsc: I +IpIT1lfl 5UINMARY ................. SudgQt > AClual BuAgei 9x'Ado�ted PZ Adopted Eittdget 93 Budge; 93 Bul9et Salaries .. _. Ret irement/Termination Payments 19,684 109,000 314,196 10000Q:; 0 0.0 i00 Q00; 0 0.0% ............... ......... .......__... _ _. Reserve Class/Comp Study 0 171,000 fl:: (171,000) -100.0 0. 0 N/A TOtAi S4iarlea 10484 271,000 314.198 1011 Q00 I7(fJ00) -63:1 109000 0 0.0 Personnel Benefits: .. ... _.._...._ PERS Prior Service Liability 8,123 8,123 7,410 ,8,123: 0 0.0 s, 23 O 0.0%I ... 9 _ _ _ ......_ _ __ ...,._.. .. _. Retirement&FICA/rerm/Balloonin 14,554 In Salaries Ir salaries In Salarle8: 0 N/A 10'5alat" t+, 0 N/A Unemploymt Compensa/Paid to Ins Fund 21,850 21,850 21,850 30 000 8,150 37.3 �$000 S,000 16.7%, lotalf+erswlna/Bene>fita 44,527 29.973 29,260 38#23 8,Li0; 27:2 43123 3,Ot7U I31 Fostape(C,enerdl�ovemmental Agids: b2;583 52,000 6#,883 60,000.. 8,000 . 1S,.. 83,000 3OOD 0... ltainAL9riu,s Ptwp�rlyFi9t3tal. 5;850 5,400 5,400 5,400 0 Qft Acg Prop (#;400) 1di0.o` Equlpmt/39nta1 otolPpo/(✓ehide 2,952 :3 ON 7,798 1,232 (2464) 667 1,300 ?4 6,0 Liab/IltylPropsrly is/Patd to Insurance Fund 463,270 495,700 495,700 545,900 49,600 IO.fi 589,830 54,530 10.0 Miscellaneous: Association of Washington Cities/AWC 16,578 18.684 18,684 19,059 37S 2.0% 19,500 1 441 2.3% (1992/.4423 x Pop 43,090) FICA Administrative Costs 393 600 188 500 (100) -16.7 600 O 0.0%' Puget Sound Regional Council 2,951 12,000 11,802 151500 3,500 29.2 36,275:' 775 S.0% Administration of CATV Franchises 10,781 12,000 14,425 11,789 (211) -1.8 12,37$.`: 589 5.0% Miscellaneous State Tax 87 100 174 }00 0 0.0 100 0 0.0% .. . Seattle-ting County Economic Council 7,782 0 4,300 4.60014,500 N/A 4300 0 0.0% __... Govt Sumit AssesemUSuburban Cities 2,828 20,310 0 9,224: (11,086) -54.6 9;?00:; 476 S.2% _._ ..... Downtown Renton Association(DRA) 20,000 20,000 20,000 15,000: (5,000) -25.0 #5,0(10; 0 0.0% Bank Fees 0 0 12,264 13 000 13,000 N/A 13 COQ O 0.0% Property Tax/Drainage/Wetlands 416 430 471 500. 70 16.3% 0 0.0%. National League of Cities 0 0 2,382 2400;:; 2,400 N/A 2 d4A 0 N/A ..... ......... _. .. ($2,382 paid in 1992) __ ..... .. . WA Korean War Veteran Memorial 1,250 0 1 0 Q 01 N/A 0 0 N/A ldalM/scapalretw& 63;086 $4,}24 84,890 91!,672 T,448; 8 9 93 853 ;: 2,281: Intergovernmental Services: _ _ .. PugetSound Air Pollution Control 14,750 14,980 14,980 15 373: 393 2.6 35,809'; 427 2.8%' Alcohol Program/20A Liquor Rev$473,430 10,601 9,736 10,992 9.470 (266) 2.7 $752 282 3.0% Totat Mtegnvamr+lsrrta/Sevvices 25,35# ;23,776 25,972 24,843 i27. O S 25 652... 7D9 2 9 C1Q302/df4Pr.410.7at&lnte est 75,596 71,517 7#,516 671438 (4,081) -5.7 68,358 (4,0810).: 6.I Limited G.O.Bonds: 1978 G.O.Bonds(Senior Center) 74,993 77,288 77,288 74 414 (2,874) -3.7 ?t3 380 1,966 2.6 .1989 G O Refunding Bonds(City Shop) 291,061 285,149 284,953 288,165 3,016 1.1 286,533' (1,632) 0.6% General Govt Miec Debt Service 840,733 845,385 779,209 844120: 98,735 11.7 1�03,65t3 (40,562) -4.3% Total Itrited GQ :Bonds1,2012,787 1:447,822 ??.1�F#,450 1,308 899 98 877:: 8<2 1,266;471 (40, 8) 1 Transfers to Other Funds: ._._. Trf-Out to Insurance Fund 300,000 300,000 300,000 0:: (i01D 000) -100.0 t1 0 N/A _. _ _ Trf-Out to Golf Course/Debt Service 364,715 364,715 364,715 .368,394 1,679 0.5% 325,887" (40,SO7) -11.1% 7ota1 irrarsters-(fat884:715 884,775 66+1.715 3813 394 (248,3x ai:9 . ..325 887:: (40,507) SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 2,624,381 2,910,663 2,896,578 2,6081999: (303,664) -10.4 :.:::Z5$ 378: (24,621) 0.9 General Fund Expenditure Credits/Reimbursements for Services: From Equipment Rental Fund (27,840) (30,147) (30,995) (74,364) (44,207) 146.6 /8 0723 (3,718) 5.0%i From Airport Fund (8,281) (28,916) (29,085) (20.907) 2,009 -6.9 (32 020) (5,113) 19.0% From Firemen's Pension Fund (2,284) (2,426) (2,426) (2 689) (243) 10.0 (2 936) (267) 10.0%. From Solid Waste Utility (74,621) (132,986) (125,530) {201,846) (68,860) 51.8 (231 838); (30,092) 14.9% From Water/Sewer/Storm Utility (457,035) (672,298) (685,355) (930.,683). (258,285) 38.4 {1;107,}1 (176,529) 19.0% Shop 08M/Rent From 401/402/403 Revenue Revenue Revenue (77!1,32), (77,132) N/A {77132) 0 0.0% From Golf Course Fund (8,629) (9,280) (9,449) (P,0;208) (10,928) 117.8 (21.229) (1,021) 5.1% From Insurance Fund (46,212) (49,193) (49,362) {98,278) (49,083) 99.8 (103#80J (4,914) 5.0% Total"eratFutidEiondituro*edits (624;802) (925.246) (832202) (1,431,975) {506,729) SaB (1;653.629) (2zl.,Fi34) rs5 TQTAL EXPENDITURES . '1,999:479 1;985,417 1,984,376 1,175,024 {8X0,193) -40.8 928 749 (2dd 213) -31.0 93 7 aw CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS wr Administrative Services/Non-Departmental (Miscellaneous Services and Limited G.O. Bonds) Person Responsible: Vacant wr Item 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 Claw: %Change 1004:: - Gh4r{ra %C6sage'". Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 9221doptcd Budget 936irdger:. '93Buc{Qet ;; BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Retirementrrermination Payments 19,684 100,000 314,196 100,000;' 0 0.0 100,000 0 0.0%: Reserve Class/Comp Study 0 171,000 0 0 (171,000) 100.0 0 0 N/A Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0- 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 44,527 29,973 79,754 38,123 8,150 27.2% 43,123 5,000 13.1% Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 N/A -0 0 N/A Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 52,583 52,000 61,883 60,000 8,000 15.4 63,000 3,000 5.0% ow Travel 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0' 0 N/A Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 5,850 5,400 5,400 5,400 0 0.0 0'' (5,400) -100.0% Equipment Rental 2,952 3,696 1,796 1,232 (2,464) -66.7% 1,306 74 6.0% Insurance 463,270 495,700 .495,700 545,300 49,600 10.0% 599,830 54,530 10.0% Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Miscellaneous 63,066 84,124 84,689 111,572 27,448 32.6%- 113.853 2,281 2.0% Intergovernmental Services 25,351 24,716 25,972 24,843 127 0.5% 25,552 709 2.9% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 N/A <0 0 N/A Debt Service 75,596 71,517 71,515 67,436 (4,081) -5.7% 63,356 (4,080) -61% Transfers to Other Funds 664.715 664,715 664,715 366,394 (298,321) -44.9% 325.887: (40,507) -11.1% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,417,594 1,702.841 1,805,620 1,320,300 (382,541) -22.5 ;4,335,907: 15,6071 1.2 Expenditure Credits (624,902) (925,246) (942,202) (1,431,975) (S06,729) 54.8 '(1,653,629) (221,654)1 15.5 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 792.692,1 777,595 1 863,418 1 (111,875) (889,270) 1.-114.4%:i (317.722) 0(16,047] 184.5 Limited General Obligation Bonds Item 4991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 ' CLatlge %:G7iarga 199d: G7tete GBat{8c Actual Budget Actual $udget 92 Adopted 42 Adopted is Budget: 93Budget. <93Bodgel 1 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Debt Service: Principal 634,388 666,481 623,393 765,017 98,536 14.8 785,032' 20,015 2.6% Interest 572.399 541,341 518,057 1 541,682' 341 0.1%, 481,439 (60,243) -11.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,206,787 1,207,822 1,141,450 1,306699 9s,`877 8.2% '1,266.471 (40,228) 3.I TOTAL MI SC SERV/LIMITED G.O.BONDS 1.999,479 1.985,417 2,004.868 1,195,024 1 (790,393) -39.8 948,749 1 (246,275) -20.6x6 itrlr OBJECTIVE: To account for expenses not classifiable in other department budgets,and to administer limited general obligation debt. To provide General Government Funds'retirement/termination payments,unemployment compensation,property/liability insurance,and postage. YI11 GENERAL BUDGET CHANGES: The Miscellaneous Services 1993 budget will decrease by$790,393 or 39.8%over the 1992 adopted level,and the 1994 budget is$246,275 or 20.6%less than 1993. This reduction is primarily the result of increasing the indirect allocation to the 75%level in 1993,and to 85%in 1994. This is a reimbursement(expenditure credit)from proprietary funds to the General Fund for indirect costs(see bottom of page 93 for detail). Increases:include a 37.3%increase in 1993,16.7%increase in 1994 for unemployment compensation paid to the Insurance Fund for General Governmental departments,based on prior year losses;a 10%increase in property/liability rates paid to the Insurance Fund;a new item for banking services$13,000- instead of using compensating bank balances and not paying a fee,we are investing all available funds to gain the maximum interest earnings possible,which IN more than offsets the bank fees;added item for National League of Cities$2,400. Reductions: A one-time$171,000 reserve for implementing the class/comp study was included in the 1992 adopted budget,allocated in the 1992 mid-year budget adjustment. $11,086 decrease for Government Summit Assessment/Suburban Cities,1992 included startup costs, 1993/1994 may have to be adjusted when assessments are finalized;$5,000 decrease from rr 1992 for Downtown Renton Association;$300,000 transfer to the Insurance Fund in 1991/1992 to help recover prior year losses,eliminated in 1993/1994. Limited General Obligation Bond Funds-1985 equipment bonds repaid in 1992;1992 issue revised to accommodate Black River and Glacier Park property acquisitions,fire ladder truck,and increase in City Hall rehab project(computer equipment financing originally included). 1994 decrease due to declining interest as principal is paid,and no new issues. rtr 94 (rr CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 502 Insurance Dept: Administrative Services Div: 004 Non-Departmental/Risk Management OBJECTIVE: To protect the City from catastrophic losses, analyze loss records and provide recommendations to reduce the frequency and severity of losses,and develop financial and coverage plans that insure the City receives the most coverage for the dollar spent: PROGRAM ACTIVITY: The Citys self-insurance programs include: property,liability,medical,dental,workers compensation,and unemployment compensation. The risk management program is accounted for in the Insurance Fund. The Administrative Services Department is responsible for the property/liability programs and overall integrity of the risk retention and excess coverage levels,while the Personnel Department coordinates and administers the employee benefit programs. Administrative Services published a 1991 Risk Management Report in early March 1992, which analyzed claims activity and presented recommendations. Two of the recommended actions were a drivers training program and changing the third party administrator(TPA)for property/liability management. As part of changing the TPA,the City began processing small property/liability claims internally. The City began self-insurance in the areas of liability, property, unemployment compensation,and workers compensation exposures in 1984. The City became self-insured for health care in 1985,and in 1988 a dental plan was implemented. The Insurance Fund charges City departments to finance their risk,based on claims history and cost of.excess insurance coverages,using the moving average method. The following table provides risk retention and excess coverage levels for each program in 1992. City o/Renton Risk Retention and Coverage Summary Risk Retention Third Party Type.of Coverage Occurrence CoverageA Aggregate Carrier(Excess) Administrator: Property $100,000 $77,100,000 N/A Afilliated F.M. Giesy,Greer&Gunn Liability 250,000 9,500,000 N/A Coenesis Insurance Giesy,Greer&Gunn Public Officials 25,000 2,000,000 N/A International Insurance Giesy,Greer&Gunn Worker's Compensation 200,000 2,000,000 425,000 Safety Mutual Johnston&Culberson Employee Health 80,000 N/A N/A Safeco HMA,Inc. ANTI-RECESSION (RAINY DAY) RESERVE: In addition to regular insurance activity,the City attempts to maintain a reserve equal to 8% of General Governmental expenditures(exclusive of ending balances,one-time transfers and grants),as a protection against economic downturns. A $500,000 insurance reserve above the 8%rainy day fund was no longer required in 1992. A shortage in the rainy day reserve has resulted from higher than expected levels of medical,dental,unemployment compensation,and workers compensation costs,and several liability claims settled in 1991. The reserve is expected to suffer another$161,000 decline in 1992 (expense exceeds revenues), even after a 25% increase in health insurance rates,7%in property/liability premiums,and an operating transfer of$300,000 from the General Fund. Rate adjustments are proposed for all programs in 1993 and 1994: 25% for health; 10% for property/liability; 7.5% for industrial insurance; and 27% for unemployment compensation. 1993 revenues are less than projected expenditures by$414,000, and in 1994 the difference will be reduced to $238,000. The 1992 adjusted ending balance(rainy day reserve)is projected to be 5%of General Governmental Fund expenditures;1993 4%,and 1994 3%. EXPENDITURE CHANGES: In 1989 and 1990,the City went through a higher than normal vacancy level and as positions were filled in the later part of 1990 and 1991,the impact started to show on actual benefit claims costs. Rates are based on historical experience, and there is a lag between the current years claims and the rates charged. The fund balance will eventually be restored,as prior year losses are recovered through rate adjustments. The table on the following page compares 1993 with 1992 adopted expenditure appropriations. 1992 allocations will need to be adjusted at year-end. The Intergovernmental category includes a$110,000 transfer in 1992 for Black River property acquisition, and a State self- insurance tax began in 1992. Interfund Payments are made to the General Fund for accounting services and program administration,increased to 75%of the indirect cost allocation in 1993,and 1994 reflects the 85%level. T The table below compares total 1993 programs(major cost centers)with 1992 estimated actual expenses, and also shows the percent increase over 1992 adopted program totals. 1994 programs are compared with 1993. See Fund 502 - Insurance Fund in Fund Summary Section for revenue,expenditure,and fund balance summary detail. Expenditure Comparisons by Insurance Program . .. ;::1991 1992 1993 s C h, 2 'X LhS192 Clg/92< 1994 t C714/93 %09/93 1992: _- ..... Item >Actual Adopted Actual Butlget Eat Act Est Act Adopted Budget Budget llndgu Properry/I.iability 1,084,631 934,143 1,243,453 1084328 (159,117) -12.8% 16.1% 1,164,340 80,014 74% Health Program 2,236,701 2,007,500 2,544,998 2 945,200 400,202 15.7 46.7 3,419,340: 474,140 16.1% Worker's Compensation 329,807 233,700 232,225 238,310'' 6,085 2.6 2.0 264,000 25,690 10.8% Unemploymf Compensation 27,266 30,000 1 74,233 108,000'1 33,7671 45.5%, 260.0%, 519,000 11,000 10.2 I 95 wo CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Administrative Services/Insurance Person Responsible: Vacant 1991 1992 Adopt 1592 1993 ' p�at;'e %',Change 1994`: G7untga %C�iirgc ....... ... BUDGETARY:APPROFRIATIOfJ: Actual Budget Actual Budget::. 92Adopted 92AdopteJ BUdge1 938irdgel :<:97Budgct"' Overtime 234 0 0 O;I 0 N/A 0' O N/A aw 1)Personnel Benefits 2,423,571 2,101,500 2,683 838 409620Q 994,700 47.3% 4,662 840 496640 16.0% 2)Professional Services 201,110 200,100 176,498 182,860.;:: (17,440) -8.7 196,900: 14,240 7.8% Travel/Training 2,353 700 9,792 3,000::: 2,300 328.6 3;000 0 0.0% _ __ 3)Insurance 983,433 835,000 1,173 267 975,000` 140,000 16.8 :I 1,050,000 7S,000 77% 4)Miscellaneous 19,616 20,250 20,119 16050; (4,200) -20.70 16,150 100 0.6%' Intergov/Transfers-0ut/Black River Prop 0 0 112,279 0 N/A 0 0 N/A ... _0 Intergovernmental/State Tax 0 0 0 5,000 S,000 N/A 5,000 0 0.0%'. Capital Outlay 3,411 0 0 0. 0 N/A r 0 0 N/A Debt Service 0 0 0 0:. 0 N/A 0 0 N/A _.. Interfund Payments 46,212 49,193 49,362 98 2713'; 49,083 99.8% 103,190< 4,914 S.0%' TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,679,939 13,208,743 4,225,155 4,376,186( .1,169;443 36,S%>4,967;080 590, Item '1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 Changc %'.Ial a 1994 Mange X Qhar{ge' Actual Budget Actual Budget ; 92 Adopted 92 Adopted( Budget 93 Budget 93 Budget', 1) PERSONNEL BENEFITS: Medical Claims 1,666,689 1,477,000 1,941,344 2,300,700 823,700 55.8% 2,710;800 410,100 17.8%. Medical Excess Coverage 86,558 72,000 110,539 112,100` 40,100 55.7% 132.300 ZO,ZAD 18.0% aw Employee Rebates 10,892 7,500 0 ]0,000' 2,500 33.3 10,000 0 0.0% Dental Claims 361,064 344,000 374.694 ;400,400::: 56,400 16.4 439,2.40'' 38,840 9.7% Worker's Compensation 271,102 171,000 183,028 165,000 (6,000) -3.5 '' 181,500 16,500 10.0% Unemployment Compensation 27,266 30,000 1 74,233 1Q8 000; 78,000 260.0 119,000 11,000 10.2% TOTAL PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,423,571 2,101,500 2,683,838 :.:.3096,200:;: 994,700 47.3 3,592,840: 496,640 16.0 .__. _ _ . 2) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Gallagher Bassett Services 41,876 42,000 20,894 01 (42,000) -100.0%r 0 O N/A __. 000 1 IS Health Ins Administrative Costs 90,240 85,000 94 448 100 000: , 7.6 105 000 5,000 5.0% 8111 _ _.__.. Medical Benefits Consultant 0 0 500 :» 0 N/A 0:` O N/A Health 8 Wellness Program 8,346 8,000 10,218 - ;.. 8,000: 0 0.0%:::::; 8,000' 0 0.0% ._ _ ....... Industrial Ins Administrative Costs 58,704 62,700 49.197 10,610 16.9 82,500; 9,190 12.5% _.. _ Other Miscellaneous Services 409 1,000 891 1 0 [000:' 0 0.0 ,000 0 0. » 125 Plan Enrollment Fee 1,535 1,400 350 350' (1,050) -75.0 r 400 50 14.3%. TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 201,110 200,100 176.4N >182,860:; (17,440) -8.7 196,900;:; /4,240 7.8 3) INSURANCE: to Property/Liability Claims 583,881 410,000 760 366 550 000; 140,000 34.1 660,000 50,000 9.1% _... _ _ ......:,... __. Arthur Gallagher Ins Program 399,552 425,000 412.W1 425000> 0 0.0 450,000 25,000 S.9%. TOTAL INSURANCE 983,433 1 835,000 1,173,267 975,000': 140,000 16.8 1,050;000 75,000 7.7 4) MISCELLANEOUS: Memberships BRegistrations 1,327 1,000 223 100:1 (900) -90.0 900 0 0.0% Publications/Miscellaneous 1,598 1,750 1.693 1,950!; 200 I1.4 2,050 100 5.1% Safety (3,500) -/00.0 .: 0 0 N/A Central Safe Committee 4,012 3,500 4,949 0: Broker Fees/Charles Group 12,679 14,000 13,25414000;; 0 0.0 : 14,000' 0 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 1 19,616 20,250 20119 16,050:: (4,200) -20.7 € 16,150, 1001 0.6 _. Insurance Fund Rainy Day Reserve Item 1991 1992 Adopt i982 Eat 1993 GLange %Change 1994 C3agge taiarge _ .... .. ift Actual Budget Agtbal Budget 92 Ed:Act 92 Est Act Budget 93`$adgel 93 Budget OPENING BALANCE January 1 2,416,866 2,070,703 1,831 856 :;x;389097' (442,7S9) -24.2% 974,636 (414,461) -29.8% Add Revenues 3,094,929 3,518,525 3,782 398 ,3,961,725! 179,327 4.7% 4,728,818 767,093 19.4% Less Expenditures 31679,939 3,206,743 4,225 157 4,376186 151,029 3.6% 4,967,080 590,894 13.5% ENDING BALANCE December 31 1,831,856 1 2,382,485 1,389 097 974,836;_ (414,461) -29.8% 736,374 (238,262) -24.4 Antirecession/Rainy Day Reserve 2,337,840 2,659,520 2,765,120 2,743,520; (21,600) -0.8 2,879,280 13S,760 4.9%. _..- Interfund Loans Receivable 138,782 49,099 49,099 39,889; (9,210) -18.8 29,898 (9,991) -25.0%' _... Unreserved Fund Balance (367,202) (227,936) (1,328 924) (1:;728 895) (402,071) 30.3 (2,113,008) (384,013) 22.2% TOTAL ENDING BALANCE 1,831,856 2,382,485 1,389,097 .:. 24;836 (414,461) -29.8% 736.374 (238,262) -24.4 General Govt Expenditures 29,223,000 33,244,000 34,S64,000 34'MOW (270,000) -0,8%, 35,991,000 1,697,000 4.9% 8%ot'Gen Govt Exp=Rainy Dsy Fund 2,337,840 2,659,520 2,765120 1.12,743,320 1 (21,600) -0.8 2,879,280 135,760 4.9 ..::.......... Iitlt 96 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Administrative Services Activity Trends Item 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Finance Activity Trends Treasurer's Receipts Issued 5,000 8,335 9,641 9,452 9,688 Claims Checks Issued 8,211 8,898 9,379 10,115 10,680 Treasurer's Checks Issued ' 1,000 1,132 1,090 1,159 600 Payroll Checks Issued ' 14,000 10,623 10,346 9,694 9,174 General Business Licenses Issued 2,495 2,645 2,779 2,709 2,799 Amusement and Special Permits 485 377 325 314 325 Animal Licenses Issued 3,213 4,270 3,035 3,209 3,426 Utility Billings 153,800 156,700 160,700 163,602 165,126 Solid Waste Utility Accounts 10,354 10,364 10,987 10,562 10,556 Water Utility Customers 11,989 12,261 12,465 12,477 12,329 Sewer Utility Customers 9,741 10,005 10,178 10,179 10,154 Storm Drainage Utility Accounts 10,186 10,532 10,410 10,750 10,699 Risk Management: (Claims) Property/Liability $344,000 $166,000 $319,000 $584,000 760,000 Worker's Compensation 68,000 114,000 135,000 271,000 183,000 Medical 796,000 956,000 1,265,000 1,667,000 1,941,000 Total Risk Management $1,208,000 $1,236,000 $1,719,000 $2,522,000 $2,884,000 Payroll Checks decreased in 1989 with implementation of direct deposit,and Treasure's check were eliminated after July 20, 1992. City Clerk's Activity Trends Ordinances Processed 76 58 48 33 49 Resolutions Processed 46 29 49 46 68 Contracts Processed 84 91 115 112 121 Contract Addenda Processed 43 58 37 123 175 Wang Index Cards(new) 827 Wang Index Cards(amended) 3,714 Printing Volume: Offset Press 777,504 870,702 789,525 1,122,423 1,659,000 Central Copiers 1,956,940 2,159,788 1,932,986 2,379,014 2,150,000 Total Printing Volume 2,734,444 3,030,490 2,722,511 3,501,437 3,809,000 Wang Index Cards were added in 1992,no data available/or prior years. Data Processing Major Work Areas: Work Hrs Work Hrs Work Hrs Work Hrs Work Hrs Administrative Services: Budgeting/Accounting 1,309 1,859 1,873 1,967 1,769 Utility Billing 648 860 1,009 703 704 Payroll 354 280 332 1,179 696 Business Licenses, Other 519 516 762 200 319 Municipal Court Parking Tickets 146 428 436 590 192 Police Records,Jail 307 427 273 305 417 Fire Work Schedules, Prevention 236 553 473 211 258 P/B/PW Permits, Geographic Info 605 398 366 49 355 Library Catalogs 10 23 64 34 53 Miscellaneous Assistance/Training 9 17 61 212 362 97 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE w„ Police Department Alan Wallis Police Chief 107.7 Total FTE Sherry Smith Admin Secretary II Dawn Nottingham Police Secretary Operations Support Bureau Services Bureau 75.7 FTE 29.0 FTE Garry Anderson Don Persson Captain Captain Patrol Services Patrol Operations Investigation Auxillary Services Staff Services Admin Services 10.7 FTE 4 7.0 FTE 17.0 FTE 10.0 FTE 11.0 FTE 7.0 FTE Rick Stoddard Dennis Gerber 11 Joe Peach Rob Sofie Penny Bryant Brian Wilson Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Staff Sery Mgr Lieutenant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant/Jail Sandy Sanders Police Officer 1.0 FTE 4.0 FTE 2.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Staff Sv Supvr DARE-2.0 FTE Training 1.0 FTE Traffic Officer Corporal Detective Jailer Police Sery Spec 6.0 FTE 6.0 FTE .12.0 FTE 7.0 FTE 9.0 FTE Comm Prog Traffic Controller Police Officer Police Sery Spec Evidence Tech Coord 1.2 FTE 36.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 2.0 FTE Police Secretary Animal Control Police Secretary Officer 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.5 FTE lip Volunteers to 27 i10 98 i1w CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Police Department-All Divisions The Police Department has three main divisions,briefly described below. Budget summaries and descriptions are provided on the following pages for each section. Administration-Provides overall supervision and administrative guidance for the Police Department. Operations Bureau-Includes Patrol Services and Patrol Operations,Investigation and Animal Control Services. Support Services Bureau-Provides Administrative Services,Staff Services,Crime Prevention,and a Jail holding facility. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1993 Police Department budget increased$340,895 or 4.3% over the 1992 adopted level. The 1994 budget is$464,408 or 5.6%more than 1993. The 1993 budget request(all divisions)was cut a total of$121,369,and the 1994 request was trimmed by$77,279, due to budget constraints. The increase in criminal justice funding will support ongoing programs and the increased cost of operation. There are two new positions approved for 1993 including a Jailer, and a Police Officer for the DARE program (two year funding commitment from narcotics confiscation funds and outside contributions). The largest increase is in Personnel Benefits in both 1993 and 1994. The 1992 Adjusted Budget includes the Narcotics Task Force s Grant 1992 carryover,and special funds such as the City Narcotics Confiscation fund,King County Narcotics Seizure fund, DARE contributions and sales,and Inmate Commissary funds. Other information on budget changes is provided on pages 101 and 102. 99 No CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Police Department- All Divisions Person Responsible: Alan Wallis, Police Chief Item 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1893 r is{qe $ haggs:: 1994: Chang¢ . POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual Budge Acual ;Budget 92Adgpted 9AQopted $udget 93,Bidgd3i4udgU: Grade Title ._. 'Commissioned Officers: 43 Police Chief(Non-Union Sal Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1 0 O.0 0.0%::::: 14 0.0 0.0% 37 Captain(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0< 0.0 0.0%:1:1 2.0 0.0 0.0%. 33 Lieutenant(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 5.0 5.0 6.0 5 0:: 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 61 Sergeant 8.0 8.0 8.0 8:0 0.0 0.0 S::8.s0: 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Corp Asa.ynments) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0; 0.0 0.0 t30„ 0.0 0.0%' _.. _. 60 Police Officer(Detectives) 11.0 12.0 12.0 12.0: 0.0 0.0 12.0. 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(DARE)(1 New) 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 0I! 1.0 100.0 2b 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Training) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0i; 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Traffic) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0: 0.0 0.0% 6.0 0.0 0.0% 60 Police Officer(Patrol) 37.0 36.0 36.0 36 01' 0.0 0.0% 36.0 0.0 0.0% Total Commissioned Officers 78.0 ' 78..0 7810 79.0': 1.0 1.3% 79.0 0.0 'j9 O Non-Commissioned Personnel: 30 Staff Services Manager(Non-Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0> 0.0 0.0%, 1'>.0 0.0 0.0% 65 Crime Prevention Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0::: 0.0 0.0 2i0 0.0 0.0%. 65 Evidence Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0; 0.0 0.0 .1:0 0.0 0.0% 64 Animal Control Officer 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5f 0.0 0.0 1:5: 0.0 0.0% 64 Jailer(1 New) 6.0 6.0 6.0 7:0 1.0 16.7 70 0.0 0.0% 11 Admin Secretary 11(Non-Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0` 0.0 0.0%:. 1:0 0.0 0.0% .... _ _ 63 Staff Services Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1_0 0.0 0.0 10.:i 0.0 0.0% 63 :Police Service Specialists 13.0 13.0 13.0 10,0 (3.0) -23.1%:., 10.0 0.0 0.0%. 66 Police Secretary 0.0 0.0 0.0 SA 3.0 N/A 3.:0 0.0 0.0% 62 Traffic Controller 1.2 1.2 1.2 4 2. 0.0 0.0 :12::. 0.0 0.0%i r ... 0'TotaFNon-Commissioned 0.1 TOTAL STAFFING 105.7.4:.: 105:7 105 T. 107 7 Z� 1 fa 197:7 O O 9 0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 4,315,216 4,615,940 4,613 205 4;6$2,042: 66,102 1.40-4,7 110,044 2.43C Overtime 518,042 474,273 425,786 . :;:485 053:; 10,780 2.3%-:1-:692.?05 37,652 7.8% Personnel Benefits 1,168,226 1,284,736 1,321,481 1;525,1.40.:; 240,404 187 >1,731,577: 206,437 13.5% .__.. _ . Uniform Allowance 16,922 29,208 22 643 12,220::: (16,988) -58.2 12,220 0 0.0%I ... .. Supplies 206.063 217,006 212,166 276,431: 59,425 27.4 290182 13,761 5.0% Professional Services 120,902 103,751 104,276 94,58s: (9,163) -8.8 103 1;13 8,525 9.0% Postage/Telephone/Other 10,222 10,810 10,57310,$1 0 0.0 111;10 300 2.8% Travel 33,893 39,413 43,160 39,807: 394 1.0 40,183 376 0.9% t _ - _ _ _ Police Books&Tuition 600 6,500 0 5,000; (1,500) -23.1 5.000 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 39,453 22,752 40,169 22,752:: O 0.0 22 752 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 101,946 294,444 274,555 26%3$0 (25,058) -8.S ;; 276438.:: 7,052 2.6% Repairs&Maintenance 10,372 21,006 9,575 20,328;:: (678) -3.2 20;415 87 0.4% imp Miscellaneous 16,961 7,372 37,150 8,603::; 1,231 16.7 8603. 0 0.0%' Intergovernmental Services 580,825 673,401 676,111 689,90$:: 16,507 2.5 I' 753,$1:7 63,909 9.3%, Capital Outlay 206,087 175,050 1 55,73 4 174 489;: (561) -0.3 190754. 16,165 9.3%. Expenditure Credits (36,979) 0 (278) 0; 0 N/A 0 0 N/A i1w TOTAL EXPENDITURES .. 7;308,751 7,975,662 7,946,308' 8,316,557:;: 34Q 895 4 3 8,780,965 464,408 tli 100 frr CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Police Department-All Divisions BUDGET CHANGES: Salaries and Benefits- 1993: includes a 3%salary increase for non-commissioned personnel per union contract(80%of CPI-W mid-year index, with minimum of 3%), and no increase for commissioned staff. 1994: includes a 1.4% salary increase for all personnel. Benefits 199311994:25%increase for medical and dental;7.5%increase for industrial insurance. Uniform Allowance- Decreased from 1992 adopted amount due to implementation of quartermaster system for non-commissioned staff implemented after budget adoption-related increase in supplies. Overtime:The table below shows that all 1993 regular overtime decreased from 1992. The increase is in private security overtime which has offsetting revenue. 1991 1992 Adopt 1992":_ 1993 Change %Change 1994 Thames %Change OVERTIME/SPECIAL PAY: ALL DIVISIONS, Actual Budget :. .. Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted Budget 93 Budget 93 Budget Administration 0 500 0 0 (.500) -100.0% 0 0 N/A Investigation 40,223 45,628 35,576 40,778 (4,850) -10.6% 53,316 12,538 30.7% Patrol 149,640 195,175 171,687 185,175 (10,000) -5.1% 195,175 10,000 5.4% Street Projects 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0' 0 N/A Earney Overtime 1,274 3,000 652 0 (3,000) -100-0% 3,000 3,000 N/A Park Security 8,372 10,000 7,077 0 (10,000) -100.0% 0, 0 N/A Gambling Tax Enforcement 7,703 7,087 5,691 6,500 (587) -8.3% 6,500; 0 0.0% Narcotics Task Force 4,763 0 1,668 0` 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Animal Control 4,112 7,100 1,673 2100 (5,000) -704% 2,1,00, 0 0.0% Administrative Services/Training 7,770 9,330 10,021 91693 363 3.9% 10 187 494 5.1% Crime Prevention 1,312 5,0001,422 5,000' 0 0.0% 5,00.0 0 0.0% Staff Services 8,238 15,533 11,359 70,184`« (5,349) 34.4% 11,000 816 8.0% Jail 22,370 17,820 19,379 :48.515:1 695 3.9% 19,459 944 S.1% SUB-TOTAL OVERTIME 255,778 316,173 266,206 277,945' (38,228) -12.1 305737! 27,792 10.011 Private Security(Revenue Offset) 262,264 158,100 159,580 207,108 49,008 31.0 216.968 9,860 4.8% _. Vacation Payoff 0 0 0 0 0 N/A O J 0 N/A TOTAL OVERTIME/SPECIAL PAY 518,042 474,273 425,786 485,053 10,780 2.3 522105' 37,652 7.8 Supplies-Increased for jail food due to rise in average daily jail population. Protective vest replacements: 1993-replace(31)1987 vests for Patrol/Traffic divisions$16,275; 1994- replace(14) 1987 vests$12,600. Varda alarm replacements: 1993 (1) $3,500; 1994(2)$7,000). The supply account also includes quartermaster costs. Professional Services-Most accounts have not been increased for 1993 or 1994. Health Officer Services and Subpoena Services show some increase. The table below identifies all department professional services. 1891 19.92 Adopi 1992 1993 [7yirtge %Chauge 1994 C?ueage' %chagge PAOF58SIONAIJSERVICES Actual Bud ei g Actual:: Budget 92 Adopted' 92 Adopted Budget 93 Budget 93 Bu*a 41.05 Medical Services/Prisoners 905 1,236 234 11284 48 3.9% 1,S40 65 5.1% 41.06 Health Officer Services 44,221 45,304 35,511 50,496 5,192 11.5 53,071 2,575 5.1% 41.07 Emergency Vet Services 105 750 315 550 (200) -26.7 5501 0 0.0% 41.16 Investigative Fund 15,090 15,000 6,688 15,000 0 0.0% 15,000; 0 0.0% 41.17 Investigation Vehicle 4,601 2,400 1,508 2,400 0 0.0% 2,400 0 0.0% 41.25 Psychological Exams 750 1,000 0 1,000 0 0.0% 1,000 0 0.0% 41.27 K-9 Vet Services 818 21500 683 2,500 0 0.0% 2,500 0 0.0% 41.36 Large Animal Impounds 0 200 0 200 0 0.0% 200 0 0.0%: 41.45 Police Training Professional Services . 3,500 5,000 3,221 3,050 (11950) -39.0% 3,300 250 8.2% 41.55 'Confiscation Funds(city) 18,490 0 24,479 0 0 N/A 0' 0 N/A 41.55 Confidential Funds/Grant 23,000 0 9,513 0 0 N/A 0' 0 N/A 41.67 'Outside Agency Computer Interface 0 4,608 4,543 4,608 0 0.0% 4,833> 225 4.9% 41.77 Professional Services/ESU 4,636 4,000 2,663 2,000 ('1.000) -50.0% 2,000'' 0 0.0% 41.94 Tech Asst/Pol Investigation 3,879 19,653 6,481 5,000 (14,653) -74.6% 7,500 2,500 50.0% 41.95 Emergency Tow Services 0 500 0 500 0 0.0% 5000 0.0% 41.142 Contract Clerical Help 0 0 2,027 0 0 NIA 0 0 N/.9 41.152 Subpoena Services 907 1,600 6,409 6,000 4,400 275.0% 8,910 21910 48.5% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 120,902 103,751 104,276 94,588 (9.163) -8.8% 103,113 8,525 101 �+ CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Police Department-All Divisions tw BUDGET CHANGES-Cont. Intergovernmental Services-2.5%increase in 1993,and 9.3%in 1994. illi itetTt 1991 X692 Adopt 1692 7... X fxugga 1684 C . a e .... INTERGoVE NMENTAL SERVICES: Actual Budget Actual $ud06V; 92�4depte4 92 VW. Budget it3.Brdgel ::031rir u 51.07 :Police Dispatch/Valley-Com 525,557 592,951 596,636 607,953:; 15,002 2.S 668;7481: 60,795 10.0% 51.14 Harbor Patrol 19,900 23,000 18,405 90,700 t. (2,3oD) 10 0 20,700 0 0.0% ..... i6p 51.01 Humane Society Fees 9,003 9,450 6,898 378 4.0 10,319 491 5.0%: 51.12 King County Jail Services 26,365 48,000 54,172 51,427: 3,427 7.1 54,050 2,623 S.1% TOTAL INTERGOVERNMTAL SERV 580,825 673,401 676,111 6$9,908:; 16,507 2.5 'i 7b3,817' 63,909 9.3 Itis Miscellaneous: The table below shows all items included in the Miscellaneous category. 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993gge.. Z GL.tge : 18941 G3uggc G7,artge: MISCELLANEOUS: Actual Budget Aoival Budget 92Adoptad 91AAplad Budget it3 93Bucigst 49.05 Inmate Health/Welfare Commissary 3,054 2,275 7,071 0': (2,275) -100.0%:..::::::.::1 0 0 N/A 49.12 Registrations 430 730 300 730:: 0 0.0%< 730 0 0.0% 49.16 Publications 2,335 1,602 2,338 2,153:: 5S1 34.4%::::: 2,153 0 O.0% 49.29 :Memberships/Dues 1,066 1,765 1,430 1,97.0.; 205 11.6 :: 1,970 0 0.0% 49.51 Miscellaneous Pol/Adm 422 1,000 11000 1,00.0.!. 0 0.0 1,000..: 0 0.0%' 49.58 Operating Expenses/Grant 493 0 413 " 0:: 0 N/A 0 0 N/A _... -. 49.88 Narc Task Force Seizure Fund 9,161 0 24,5980 O MA 0 0 N/A 49.90 Re-accreditation Fee/GALEA 1 0 0 0 2,750: 2,750 N/A 2,750' 0 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 16,961 - 7,372 37,150 9;603;: 1,2311 16.7 &BQ3' 0 0.0 tier 1993-1994 Police Department Capital Outlay: ter 193 f7tK Total....1'894 Qtv T ... otat, Division C:apitalOutlayltem $udget:: 1993 Budget 1994 Investigation:g (1)New Computer,(1)Cut2,000. 2,000 4,000 4,000 Patrol: (7)Vehicle Replacements @$18,000 each 132;448 139,071' (1)ESU Tactical Vests.(1)Cut 1,400 <2,100 1. (2)Regularly.Scheduled Vehicle Radio Replacements,(1)Cut 8400 10,080 (5)Portable Radio Replacements @$980 each 4,900: 5,145 (8)Vehicle Graphics @$245 each 2,058 (1)Computer Replacement,(1)Cut2,000 4,000 (1)M.D.T.,(1)Cut 5,000'' 153,708 10,5001. 172,954 Staff Services: Replace Security Cameras 4,281: 4,281 51000;1: 5,000 i Crime Prev: (1/1993;2/1994)Varda Alarm Replacements 31500': 7,000 (1)Computer Replacement 0 3,500 x.1,800 8,800 Jail: (2)Video Cameras @$1,000 each 2,000:1 0>s (1)Multi-Plexor 5.000 0 irll (1)Cable 1,000 (2)Alarms @$1,500 each 3.000 11,000 0 r 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY < 174,489,'.' 174,489 190,754. 190,754 102 t� a CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 008 Police Div: Police Administration OBJECTIVE: To maintain a safe community and provide quality police services through effective education programs, caring assistance to all citizens,and impartial enforcement of the law. To provide a conscientious response to the personal and professional needs of all department members. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Overall supervision and administrative guidance for the City of Renton Police Department. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN: Provide law enforcement services recognized nationally as meeting the highest standards established by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. Maintain existing service levels and relate community policing philosophies to enhance citizen satisfaction and support of local law enforcement. BUDGET CHANGES: The Police Administration budget is up$87,520,or 10%over 1992 adopted figures. 1994 is $96,794,or 10%over 1993. Budget changes are described below: Salaries and Benefits-Increase reflects moving a Police Secretary position from Staff Services to Administration. Benefits include a 25%increase in medical and dental insurance rates,and a 7.5%adjustment in industrial insurance in both 1993 and 1994. LEOFF retired medical insurance is also budgeted here. Overtime-$500 deleted in 1993 and 1994. Supplies-A 66.7%increase in 1993 reflects moving some division supplies to the Administration,an inflationary factor,and purchasing supplies no longer available through central supply. Includes regular office/operating supplies and items such f as copier supplies,bottled water,etc. 5%increase in 1994. Police Books and Tuition-Reduced$1,500 based on 1992 expense level. This program is a contractual agreement with the Renton Police Officers Guild. Equipment Rental-Reduced due to Finance review of rates. Intergovernmental Services-A 2.5%increase in 1993 for Valley-Com Police Dispatch,and a 10%projected increase for 1994;based on the contract with Valley Communications Center;1992/$592,951,1993/$607,953;and 1994/$668,748. Harbor Patrol decreased from$23,000 in 1992 to$20,700 in 1993 and 1994,a reduction of$2,300;contract with Mercer Island for service. 103 *r CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS rlr Police Administration Person Responsible: Alan Wallis, Police Chief ltem 1891 1992 Adopt 1992 Y993 C7iartge %ZLango 1894 gKoga %( mvge; t°OSITI N ALL OCAT10NS, Actual Budget Actual Budget : .9ZAdoptad 92ldopted j; Budget 93:Budget "93 Badger;;; Grade Title Commissioned Officers: 43 Police Chief(Non-Union Sal Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%:: 1;0 0.0 0.0%I Total Commissioned 0lfcerc 1.0 S 10 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 d 0 _._. to Non-Commissioned Personnel: ... 11 Admin Secretary 11(Non-Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 I.O 0.0 0.0% 1:0 0.0 0.0% 66 Police Secretary(Trf from Staff Sv) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0`; IA N/A 1'.0: 0.0 0.0% otal,hton»Conmissioned d 1 i; 1'0 1.0 2.0 10 IOD O 2i0 0.0 3 O D TQTALSTAFFING 2.0: 20 2.0 3.0 1.0 50.0 !: 30 0.0 0.0 ........... BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 98,771 105,736 109,829 138,377' 32,641 30.9%z 142,536 4,159 3.0%: Overtime 0. 500 0 0 (500) -100.0% 0 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 102,588 117,990 120,983 161,796;1 43,806 37.1 193,174 31,378 19.4% Uniform Allowance 370 370 370 3700 0.0 370 0 0.0%: Supplies 4,797 4,500 5,594 7,500 3,000 66.7% : 7,875 375 5.0%' Professional Services 750 1,000 0 1,000'1 0 0.0%' 1,000 0 0.0% ------------- IID Postagefrelephone/Other 202 150 553 150> 0 0.0 150: 0 0.0%I , Travel _ __ 1,965 2,000 2.664 2,000` 0 0.0 2,000 0 0.0% Police Books&Tuition 600 6,500 0 (I,S00) -23.1 55,000 5 000 .'.;0: 0 0.0%- . Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 'I 0 0 N/A _ w Equipment Rental 2,849 6,912 6,912 4.283.. (2,629) -38.0 4,370: 87 2.0% Repairs&Maintenance 8,018 12,701 6,353 12,701x. 0 O.0 12,ZCI 0 0.0% ... _... Miscellaneous 852 1730 1,300 1,730` 0 0.0% 1,730 0 0.0%' _ g _.._ _ . Inter overnmental Services 545,457 615,951 615,041 628,653': 12,702 2.1 688.448. 60,795 9.7% _ _ _ _. _... _.. .. _. Capital Outlay 0.. ... 0 0 01 0 N/A O 0.. N/A Expenditure Credits0 0 0 0:; 0 N/A 0 N/A TOTALInXPEMQITu:FE� T6721g: . $76.040 88$588. 963,560 87320 100 ; 060,354 96,79+1 100 iw rtr Ylr 104 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 008 Police Div: Operations Bureau (Patrol Operations/Services, Investigation, Animal Control) The Police Department Operations Bureau has three sections as described below: OBJECTIVE: Patrol Operations/Patrol Services - The objectives of Patrol Operations are to provide a timely response and courteous service by aggressively preventing criminal conduct, enforcing laws and ordinances, thoroughly investigating criminal offenses, detecting and preserving evidence and property, and lawfully apprehending offenders. Patrol Service's objectives are to provide efficient traffic control, target problem traffic areas,and investigate traffic accidents thoroughly and efficiently. Investigation-Objective is to conduct criminal investigations,collect and disseminate intelligence,gather evidence,recover property,and arrest and prosecute offenders. Animal Control-Objective is to effectively deploy animal control units to address animal oriented complaints. 1993-1994 WORK PLAN/PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Patrol Operations/Patrol Services-Work Plan and Program Activity. Respond to an anticipated 46,295 calls for service(4% increase for 1993)in a professional and efficient manner with existing personnel. Utilize community policing philosophies to resolve neighborhood problems and implement permanent solutions. Investigation: Work Plan:Respond to major crime scenes;conduct follow-up investigations on an estimated 1,500 felony cases;conduct background investigations on potential new hires. Program Activrty: The Investigation Division consists of 13 members whose primary responsibility is follow-up on reported crime activity. The division will respond to major crimes and crime scenes(homicide,robbery,felony assaults),and begin an investigation that results in the filing of criminal charges against the perpetrator of the crime. As of July 1,1992,the division has responded to 6 after-hours callouts to major crime scenes. During this same time frame,4,580 cases have been forwarded to this division. 712 cases have been assigned for investigation and 150 cases have been filed with the prosecutors office. Animal Control: Work Plan: Respond to the ever-increasing demand for animal control services in a prompt and professional manner. Add additional animal traps to meet the increasing demand to capture and re-locate wild animals such as raccoons,coyotes,opossums, and foxes. Program Activity: Respond to animal complaints such as abused or abandoned animals,vicious animals, and animal bites. Resolve community conflicts created by pets annoying neighbors and wild or exotic animals that are loose. Animal control officers will handle approximately 1,875 calls for service in 1992. These officers return an average of over 30 phone calls per shift. NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED NOT FUNDED: Increase Part Time Animal Control Officer to Full Time-$24,849 is requested to increase the part time(.5 FTE)animal control officer to full time. This will allow Animal Control to better meet the demands for service,as the population increases and the conflict between animals and human beings escalates. A 29%increase in animal related calls for service has been experienced over the past year. An additional vehicle was also requested. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1993 Operations Bureau budget is up only$47,747 or.9%over the 1992 adopted level,and 1994 is $271,014 or 5.1%over 1993. The 1993 budget request was cut by$107,109,and the 1994 request was trimmed by$66,979. There is no salary increase budgeted for commissioned personnel in 1993(currently in union contract negotiations);a 1.4%adjustment is included for 1994. Regular salaries show a decrease in 1993 from 1992 due to vacancies filled at the entry level,and moving staff between divisions. The largest increase is for benefit rate adjustments(medical/dental 25%,industrial insurance 7.5%). Budget changes for each division are provided on pages 107 and 108. 105 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Police Operations Bureau (Patrol/Traffic, Investigation, Animal Control) Person Responsible: Garry Anderson, Captain fir nem 1991 1992 Adapt 1:992 x993 G75egga :C?unge 1994 G;yai e O..... _ ..... ;: POSMO.N ALLOCAT4ONS Actual Budgot Acfuiil,.. Budgsf 92A: pplod 92 dapted Budget:. 93.Budgel 93 pct Grade Title .......... :Commissioned Officers: __. 37 ;Captain(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 fd 0.0 0.0% _..._ _ 33 :Lieutenant(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 3.0 3.0 3.03.0 0.0 0.0% ! 30. 0.0 0.0% _ . 61 Sergeant 7.0 7.0 7.0 „7 Q 0.0 0.0 70 0.0 0.0%: 60 Police Officer(Corporal Assignments) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0'' 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0.00 _. _.. _.._ 60 Police Officer(Detectives) 11.0 12.0 12.0 12.0' 0.0 0.0% 12:0 0.0 0.0%I ......1 ............ _._ 60 Police Officer(Traffic) 6.0 6.0 6.0 8:0 0.o 0.0 .I e.'0: 0.0 0.0%: 60 Police Officer(Patrol) 37.0 36.0 36.0 36.0;, 0.0 0.0% 36.0 0.0 0.0%' Tota[;Commissioned O.fficers 71.0 71'f0 71.0 71.0'i 0.0 0.0 71:0 0.0 O.0 _. _ _ Non-Commissioned Personnel: 64 Animal Control Officer 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5. 0.0 0.o%s' 1:5: 0.0 0.0% 63 Police Service Specialist 2.0 2.0 2.0 1;0' (1.0) -50.0% : 1;0 0.0 0.0%' 66 PoliceSecretary 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 N/A 1i0 0.0 0.0%' ......_ ........ _ _. 62 Traffic Controller 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2:. 0.0 0.0% 12 0.0 0.0% TotaINW14Comissiuted 4.7; 47 4.7 4.7 tl.fJ 0.0 4T 00...;:I �o TOTAL STAFFING 753 75;7 75.7 75.7: 00 0.0 75;7 00 0.U% :BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: r _ . ...... _. __ _.. Regular Salaries 3,253,405 3,421,374 3,452,843 .3.',401,283: (20081) -06 ;;3478,678 75,386 2.2% Overtime 470,917 412,990 379,687 435,843.' 22,853 5.5 470,9.4.5.. 35,102 8.1%1 Personnel Benefits 826,950 873,096 911,939 997,727: 124,631 14.3 ;1,125,850.; 127,923 12.8% Uniform Allowance 10,042 22,058 11,643 6 955: (1S,103) 685 .6,955 0 0.0% ._ .. ... ,, _. ._...__ Supplies 42,409 51,099 35,927 4830 ;; (4,794) 9.4 47937:: 1,632 3.S%: Professional Services 70,620 45,003 52,331 28,150:; (16,853) -37.4 30,850: 2,500 8.9% ... _ __. Postage/Telephone/Other 3,960 4,000 3960 4,000;; 0 0.0%:: 4,OdA:; 0 0.0% Travel 2.188 0 3,022 0 N/A 0_ 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 26,618 10,532 27,05110,532::: O 0.0 14.532.. 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 94,525 276,996 258,011 253779:: (13,217) 8.4 260,315 6,734 2.7% __.. .. _ _ .. -- Repairs&Maintenance 1,149 5,725 1,289 5,000; (725) -12.7 S,OQO 0 0.0% Miscellaneous 9.654 0 25,011 0 N/A 0, 0 N/A .. Intergovernmental Services 9,003 9,450 6,898 9,828;:; 378 4.0 10,31..9. 491 5.0% Capital Outlay 184,985 175,050 148,283 155,703 (19,342) -11.0% 21,246 13.4 Expenditure Credits (36,979) 0 (278) 0 N/A 0. 0 N/A TOTALEXPENDITURES 4;909,446 5,307,373 5,317,517 5355,120 47147 0.9 :;5,626,184 Zy1.014 S.l; 1111 I�r 106 1111W CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 008 Police Div: Operations Bureau (Patrol Operations/Services, Investigation, Animal Control) BUDGET CHANGES-are provided below for the three sections of Police Operations Bureau. POLICE PATROL OPERATIONS AND PATROL SERVICES: Uniform Allowance- 1993 and 1994 includes uniform allowance for the 1 Captain and 2 Lieutenants. Other uniform allowances were transferred to quartermaster system during 1992;cost budgeted in Administrative Services supplies. Overtime: 1993 regular overtime requested at 1992 level of$195,175, cut $10,000; 1994 back to 1992 level. Vacation Payoff request 199311994$7,500 was eliminated,and Eamey Overtime$3,000 was also cut in 1993,included for 1994. Park security overtime was not requested in 1993 or 1994. Private security overtime increased,offset by reimbursement for the service. Supplies-1993 and 1994 requests for operating and K-9 supplies were cut$2,000 each. 1993 small equipment allocation same as 1992, with a 4.3%increase in 1994; provides for regularly scheduled replacement of radars, maintenance and equipment for the bicycle patrol, A and tactical equipment additions for the combined Valley Emergency Services Unit. Professional Services-ESU requested at 1992 level of$4,000 for 1993/1994,cut$2,000 in each year. Allocations for K-9 and emergency tow services remain at the 1992 level in 1993 and 1994. Equipment Rental-Reduced due to Finance review of rates. Capital Outlav: Total 1993 request$164,908,$153,708 approved,$11,200 cut. Items cut in 1993 include(1)ESU tactical vest$1,000,(1) vehicle radio replacement$3,200,(1)computer replacement$2,000,and(1)M.D.T.$5,000. See All Police Divisions summary for items allowed. J POLICE INVESTIGATION: Salaries and Benefits-1993 reduction due to narcotics grant reimbursement. Overtime: Regular overtime requested at$50,778(Investigation 11.3%increase),cut$10,000 to$40,778 which is below the 1992 level; 1994$53,316. Gambling Tax Enforcement$6,500 reduced from 1992. Investigation increase requested for anticipated additional emergency call outs and follow-up. 1993/1994 request for vacation payoff$2,500 was cut. Private security overtime reduced from 1992 level by$15,000. Overall 1993 reduction of$20,437,1994 increase over 1993 of$12,538. Professional Services-Includes investigative funds;City Narcotics Fund(no allocation,remaining balance to be carried over to 1993); Technical Assistance-request reduced from 1992 level,cut from$15,000 to$5,000 in 1993,and from$15,000 to$7,500 in 1994. Fquioment Rental: Rate adjustments and vehicle replacements. Capital Outlay-(2)new computers$4,000 were requested for 1993 and 1994;(1)computer was cut in 1993. ANIMAL CONTROL: Overtime-$7,100 requested for both 1993 and 1994;cut$5,000 each year to$2,100. J Uniform Allowance-Transferred to quartermaster system in 1992. Intergovernmental Services(Humane Society Fees)- 4%or$378 1993 increase;up 5%or$491 in 1994. 107 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Police Operations Bureau (Patrol Services/Operations, Investigation, Animal Control) Person Responsible: Garry Anderson, Captain POLICE PATROL OPERATIONS AND PATROL SERVICES: 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 ABe L75at{ge 1994 a C7i1w. , BUQGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Budget: Actual Budget 92Adpy►ad 92 rtdoplcd Budget:; get. f?3$udget Regular Salaries 2,334,809 2,580,475 2,535,210 2,603,225: 22,750 0 9 ,;2,863,049.: 59,824 2.3 ....... Overtime 394,179 328,175 324,681 378,466- 48,290 14.7 399;029; 22,564 6.0 Personnel Benefits 578,001 658,465 670,395 783,367 104,9102 15.9 a0,60::' 98,298 12.9% Uniform Allowance 3,694 15,590 5,046 1 i10. (14,480) -92.9% 1.110` 0 0.0 Supplies 37,323 43,311 28.139 38,871: (4,440) -10.3 40 4.03" 1,532 3.9 Professional Services 5,454 1,000 3,347 5,000.. _.. ..... (2,000) -28.6% 0 0.0 Rentals and Leases 4,448 5,026 4,421 x 5,0261: 0 0.0 5,026: O 0.0 ills Equipment Rental 65,332 208,428 192.861 196.920 (11,308) -S.S 187,$09 (9,111) 4.6 Repairs and Maintenance 1,149 5,725 1,289 5,000;: (725) -127 ; 5,000;: 0 0.0 Capital Outlay 183,153 173,550 140,600 153,7081. (19,842) -11.4 172,954 19,246 12.S Expenditure Credits 0 0 (278) ,.. 0 N/A '0 01 N/A lift TOTAL PATROL OPR/SERVICES 1 3,607,542 4,025,745 3,905,712 4,148,692>s' 122,9471 3.1 4;341.04511 192,3531 4.6 �t POLICE INVESTIGATION 1991 1992 Adopt. 1892 1993 CSegp e %GLarWC 1994 .%Lhdr}ga„ BUOGETARYAPPROPRIATION: Actual Budget Actual Budget 91A:`': 92.'Adopted.; l3udge2 93Bwdgel io Regular Salaries 757,145 787,814 754,987 744,240; (43,574) S S 758,2y4 13,974 1.9 . ... . Overtime 67,863 77,715 51,565 :57,2 70 (20,437) -26.3%-::.. 9981:.6: 12,538 21.9 Personnel Benefits 175,209 197,711 176,480 212,177 14,466 7.3 238 833.: 26,656 126 Uniform Allowance 5,450 5,820 6,070 51845; 25 04 6;84x; 00.0 Supplies 4.203 8.788 4,568 8,444`: (384) -S.Z .................... ...... . ......... 6 54M1 100 1.6 ... ... _ ..... ... ...... - Investigative Funds 19,692 17,400 8.1960 0 00 17.400 0 0.0 City Narcotics Confiscation Fund 18,490 0 24,479 » 0: 0 N/A 0[ O N/A _. _ .... . ._._..__ _...... _. Technical Assistance 3,879 19,653 6,481 5,000: (14,653) -74.6%.: y;504 2,500 50.0 Po stage/TelephonsMASIC 3.980 4.000 3,980 0_ _ 4,000:: 0.0 4,000: D 0.0_% Rentals and Leases 2,770 5,506 5,1695 v09> 0 0.0%::::: b 506;_ 0 0.0 ... Equipment Rental 21,921 53,364 50,12844438:: (8,926) 167 : 59'869 15,431 34.7 Capital Outlay 1,832 1,500 7683 2000 500 33 3 4000 2,000 100.0 _ . Expenditure Credits (36,979) 0 0 0 N/A0. 0 N/A SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,045,435 1,177,281 1,099,765 11;1049328: (72,953) -62 :;1.177, 27:; 73,199 6.6 NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT 221,791 0 195,085 :.,.,0:, 0 N/A ; 0: 0 N/A is K C NARC TASK FORCE SEIZURE FUND 9,161 0 24,598 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL INVESTIGATION 1,278,387 1,177,281 1,319,449 1;104,328:: (71953) -62 ?1.177,527: 73,199 6.6 ANIMAL CONTROL: 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 ri ( ar{te .G6ar{gc 1994 Lliat{ga %:C7w4>' F _. „ . l :BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted Budget: UBgdget 93 Regular Salaries 50,394 53,085 51,831 53,828. 743 1.4 55,416 1,588 3.0 Overtime 4.112 7,100 1,673 2,100 (5000) -70.4 2,140 0 0.0 Personnel Benefits 13,714 16,920 15,777 22,183' 5,263 31.1 25 152 2,969 13.4 Uniform Allowance 648 648 225 01 (648) -100.0 0, 0 N/A Supplies 269 990 613 990; 0 0.0 990 0 0.0 Professional Services 105 950 315 750 (200) -21.1 750.: 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 7,272 15,204 15,024 12,421 (2,783) -18.3 12,835: 414 3.3 Intergovernmental Services 9,003 9,450 6,898 9,828:' 378 4.0 10,318,. 491 5.0 TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 85,517 104,347 92,356 102,100: (2,247) -2.2%_:::::107M9.. 5,462 S.3 TOTAL POLICE OPERATIONS BUREAU 4,969,446 5,307,373 5,317,517 5,355,120 47747 0.9 >5 826,1341 271,014 S. lit 108 flrYi CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 008 Police Div: Support Services Bureau (Administrative Services, Staff Services, Crime Prevention, Jail) The Police Department Support rt Services Bureau has four sections as described below: P OBJECTIVE: Administrative Services-To provide department personnel services;effective crime prevention and community relations programs;personnel and departmental equipment needs;administer a volunteer staff of 27;and planning and research. Staff Services-To accurately record and disseminate information within the department,to other agencies and the public within the legal limitations of public disclosure and rights to privacy;provide various services to the public;and assure the safety of female jail inmates. Crime Prevention-To educate individuals,business and community groups in various aspects of the Renton Police Department;form partnerships with the community to decrease crime and increase the quality of life;and initiate,develop and coordinate a variety of p,,ice-community programs. Jail-To provide for the safety,and general welfare of sentenced inmates and arrestees;provide a contraband free environment;and provide health screening and necessary medical services. 1993-1994 WORK PLAN/PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Administrative Services: Work Plan - Expansion of the current DARE and volunteer programs; develop equipment replacement schedules for future budget needs; complete grant process for Victim/Witness Assistance unit; maintain current eligibility lists for all department positions. Program Activity - Provides training and equipment needs for all department members; conducts recruitment processes and background investigations;coordinates all department training;develops departmental policy and procedure;provides the DARE program throughout the Renton School District;represents the department on Citys Human Services Panel;writes government grants;and coordinates community/police programs and activities. Staff Services: Work Plan-Professionally respond to the public,police officers and other City employees'requests for police department services. Continue to accurately record and disseminate confidential information within legal limitations. Program Activity-24 hours a day,the Staff Services section is responsible for receiving in-station and telephone inquiries;responding to police radio requests;referring individuals to appropriate offices and agencies;maintaining confidential files;transcribing narrated officer tapes;collecting bail and licensing monies;monitoring closed circuit security systems;and responsibility for the care,custody and searches of female prisoners. Crime Prevention: Work Plan-Continuing effective crime prevention efforts by maintaining the highly successful Block Watch Program,Volunteer House Check Program, and State recognized Citizen's Academy. Expansion of the McGruff safe houses. Provide auto theft prevention training, preside over Local and State Crime Prevention Officer's Associations. Attend advanced training to investigate development of extraordinary service bonds,victim/witness assistance unit, and E-911 ordinance implementation. Pro-gram Activity-Two Community Program Coordinators currently: identify community needs for crime prevention; develop and implement community programs; administer volunteer program; evaluate proposed construction projects and determine potential impact;install and maintain residential and commercial panic alarms;oversee programs such as Block Watch,Neighborhood Speed Watch,McGruff Safe Houses,Citizen's Academy,Super-sitter and many more. Jail: Work Plan-Provide additional security including courtroom and prisoner transport security;provide backup for the single evidence technician position;provide a self-relieving jail facility;and provide coverage for the electronic home detention jail system. Program Activity-24 hours a day,six jailers (1 added 1993) are responsible for the security and welfare of jail inmates. Responsibilities include: taking into custody and booking, searching and medically screening; removing contraband and weapons, issuing clothing, fingerprinting, photographing and placing into cells; processing court documents,coordinating pickups and releases with other jails;transporting and escorting inmates to court;responding to jail alarms and emergencies. Renton Jail is a 31 bed facility averaging 254 bookings per month,3,043 bookings per year,with an average daily population of 36.71 people. NEW PROGRAMS: DARE Middle School Program-Police Officer and operating costs 1993/$68,057, 1994/$69,949. Two-year funding commitment from narcotics confiscation funds and outside contributions. The DARE program is taught in two Renton School District middle schools reaching about 800 eighth grade students each year. APPROVED. New Jailer Position - 1993/$44,568, 1994/$48,890. Currently, jailers are required to work overtime to cover another's time off. Our jail will participate in an electronic home detention program in 1993,requiring additional personnel monitoring and recordkeeping. Added staff would allow for Evidence Technician cross-training and backup. Alternative is lowering the daily jail population and sending the excess to King County Jail which could cost in excess of$136,000. APPROVED. Non-Commissioned Jail Supervisor-NOT APPROVED. Sergeant,Administrative Services-NOT APPROVED. 109 1111110 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Police Support Services Bureau Sri (Administrative Services/Training, Staff Services, Crime Prevention, Jail) - Person Responsible: Don Persson, Captain �rlr hem 1991 1992 Atlopt 1992 9993 Qisrrga ib i994 CSeq�a % Lsggc' POSITION ALl CATIONS:OActual Budget: Aofual Budget < i►2Adbpfa 92A 13utlgdt " 93 Birdgrrl Grade Title OIf1 _ _.. _ .. _ _...... __ Commissioned Officers: 37 Captain(Non-Union Salary.Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0. 0.0 0.0% 1:4 0.0 0.0% _. _.a . _ . 33 Lieutenant(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2._0 0.0 0.0 2;9 O.O 0.0% 61 Sergeant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0.0 0.0 1;p O.O"" 0.0% 8111 _ _. .. _.._.._. 60 Police Officer/DARE(1 New 1993) 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 lOD.O 20 O.0 0.0%. __ _ 60 Police Officer(Training) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0 » co. 0.0 aox Total Commissioned Officers 6.0 60 6.0 x0 i0 167 70 ; 00 Non-Commissioned Personnel: 30 Staff Services Manager(Non-Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1-0 0.0 0.0% 1,0. 0.0 0.0% ..... . 65 Crime"Prevention Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0` 0.0 0.0% <` 20" 0.0 0.0% 65 Evidence Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0% 64 Jailer(1 New 1993) 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 16.7 70 0.0 0.0% 63 Staff Services Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0' 0.0 0.0 1 i0: 0.0 0.0% 63 Police Service Specialists 11.0 11.0 11.0 9.0i (2.0) -18.2 90 0.0 0.0% (1 Pol Secretary trf to Administration) 66 Police Secretary 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 N/A 1;0' 0.0 0.0% Toto on-Commissioned 22.0 fl.0 0.0 22:0 00 00; TOTALSTAFFING 28.0 28.0 28.A 29.0:: f 0 3,6 2910 00 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 963,040 1,088,830 1,050,533 1"1.42j'372]: S3,542 " 4.9% ;A72W 30,499 2.7% 92 . Overtime 47,125 60,783 46,199 410: (11,573) 19.0 51,760. 2,550 5.2% ..... . . Personnel Benefits 238,688 293,650 288,559 365 8i7. 71,967 24 S 412 750 47,136 12.9% _.... .. Uniform Allowance 6,510 6 780 10,630 4 895:: (1,885) 27 8 _.. _ _ 4,$95 0 00% Supplies 158,857 161.407 170,645 322 B21i 61,219 3z9x 234,384 I1,7S4" S.3%: .... ....... ...._ .... Professional Services 49,532 57,748 51,946 65438: 7,690 133 71.4$3. 6,025 9.2% _. Postage/Telephone/Other 6,060 8,660 61060 6680: 0.. 00 6;A60 300 4.5% Travel 29,740 37,413 37,475 37807 394 376 1.0% It11 _..... __. __... Rentals and Leases 12,835 12,220 13,118 ::12.22.0. 0 0 0 ' 12,220: 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 4,572 10,536 9,632 11 324= 788 7S 1 t,555.: 231 2.0% Repairs&Maintenance 1,205 2.580 1,933 2827; 47 /8 2 714 87 3.3% Miscellaneous " _. 6,455 5,642 10,839 6,87$;:: 1,231 21.8%:: 8.873: D 0.0% _ .. _.. Intergovernmental Services 26,365 48,000 54,172 51 427; 3,427 71 54,050:. 2,623 S.l%' . Capital Outlay 21,102 0 7,451 18 781.: 18,781 N/A 13;$00:" (4,98I) N/A - _.: Expenditure Credits0 0 0 C; 0 N/A O:_ 0 N/A TOTi4L EXPEWDITl1RES 1.572.088 1,792,249 1,759192 1:897 877.:: 2QS,628 i# 2,094,477 81r irr Ste iter 1111 110 iii CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 008 Police Div: Support Services Bureau (Administrative Services, Staff Services, Crime Prevention, Jail) GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1993 Support Services Bureau budget is up$205,628 or 11.5%over 1992 adopted appropriations,and 1994 is$96,600 or 4.8%more than 1993. Budget changes are provided below for the four sections of the Police Support Services Bureau. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESITRAINING: Salaries and Benefits-Includes new DARE officer. Supplies-Includes quartermaster allocation and expanded DARE program operations 1993/$13,900,$1994/$12,000. 1993:Small Equipment includes replacement of 31 protective vests(acquired in 1987)@$16,275;1994 small equipment provides for replacing 14(same age)vests @ $12,600. C.erall 1993 increase over 1992$35,534,1994 decreases$830. Professional Services/Police Training-1993:$5,050 requested,cut$2,000 to$3,050;1994 cut$2,000 to$3,300. Travel and Training-1993:requested$33,607,cut$3,000 to$30,607;1994:requested$33,623,cut$3,000 to$30,623. Provides for all department training,and CALEA Re-accreditation Conferences 19931$4,284,1994/$4,300. STAFF SERVICES: Salaries and Benefits-Police Secretary transferred to Administration. Overtime-Request cut$5,000 in 1993,and cut$1,000 in 1994,leaving$10,184 for 1993,and$11,000 for 1994,well under the 1992 level. Professional Services - Outside agency computer interface - no increase in 1993/$4,608, small increase in 1994/$4,833. Subpoena services (transferred from Patrol-prior year history reflected)increased from$1,600 in 1992 to$6,000/1993,and$8,910/1994. Capital Outlav-$4,281 in 1993,$5,000 in 1994 to replace security cameras. CRIME PREVENTION: Salaries and benefits-Includes reclass for the two Community Program Coordinators-$6,667/1993,$7,163/1994. Recommended by the salary study. Coordinator filled vacant Staff Services Supervisor position,and the Coordinator position was filled at entry level. Supplies-Total of$6,500 in both 1993 and 1994;$2,000 decrease in 1993 from 1992 adopted level. $500 increase for Volunteer Recognition Program in operating supplies;$2,500 decrease in small equipment. Capital Outlay-1993:(1)Varda Alarm replacement$3,500. 1994:(2)Varda Alarm replacements$7,000,and(1)computer replacement$1,800. Currently 10 alarms are in service,4 of which are used for City facilities. Seven of the machines are between 15 and 20 years old. JAIL: Salaries and Benefits-Includes new Jailer position. Uniform Allowance-Jailers and Evidence Technician in quartermaster system. Supplies-32.9%increase in 1993 over 1992 reflects additional food costs due to the increasing daily jail population;1994 5.1%increase over 1993. Health Officer Services-Increase based on anticipated usage and contractual costs with Seattle-King County Public Health Department. t Miscellaneous-Includes the Inmate Health and Welfare Commissary,supported by miscellaneous revenues such as telephone charges,etc.,. received from persons held in the jail. This account is not usually included in the budget as adopted,since the actual balance is carried over each year. Also includes CALEA re-accreditation fee$2,750 1993/1994. King County Jail Services-Increase based on anticipated usage and contractual costs with King County Jail. Capital Outlay-$2,000 for(2)video cameras,$5,000 for multi-plexor,$1,000 Cable,and(2)alarms$3,000. 1993 total$11,000. No 1994 allocation. 111 M. CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Police Support Services Bureau (Administrative Services/Training, Staff Services, Crime Prevention, Jail) Person Responsible: Don Persson, Captain tIr ADM/NISTRATI VE SERVICES✓TRA/NING: ]991 x992 kdopt 1;992 1993 11!1 ge %!'12114 a 199a. L7urgt #G7iar{ ;BUDGET ARYAPPROPRIATION Actual Budget Actual 'Budget': '92A ed 92Adopted Budget 93 et ;93 et: Regular Salaries 151,658 179,924 177,2601.1::,::1.12117,110:: 37,186 20.7 222220! 5,110 2.4 Overtime 9,509 11,830 12,203 12,290' 460 3.9% 12,916 626 5.1 Personnel Benefits 32,900 46,868 41,18864,564 17,696 37.8 73,2.62 8,698 13.S -- Uniform Allowance 370 370 370 370 0 0.0 370 0 0.0 Supplies 60,281 55,180 60,145 r: 90,71435,534 64.4 89,$84 (830) -0.9 Professional Services 3,500 5,000 5,249 3,0501 (1,950) -39.0 3.300' 250 8.2 Travel/Training 24,245 30,273 31,005 301607' 334 1.1% 30,623 16 0.1 Repairs and Maintenance 0 1,180 357 1,200 20 1.7% 1,250 50 4.2 Miscellaneous 3,401 3,367 3,768 4,123 756 22.5%, 4,123; 0 0.0% TOTAL ADMIN SERV/TRAINING 285,864 333,992 331,534 424,028 90,036 27.0%' 437.944:,j13,920 3.3 STAFF SERVICES: 1991 1.692 Adopt 1992 1993 C700ge %,ch"We 1994'' Clw4o %cbmwe BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted< Budget 93 Budget 93 Binet Regular Salaries 436,983 470,384 451,942 448,3481 (22,036) -4.7% 459,717, 11,369 2.5% Overtime 10,936 23,033 11,859 10,184 (12,849) -55.8 11,000' 816 8.0% M Personnel Benefits 109,975 126,030 116,405 139,107 13,077 10.4% 156,682' 17,575 12.6% Uniform Allowance 3,610 3,610 5,770 3,615;, S 0.1% 3,615, 0 0.0% Supplies 16,925 15,350 9,167 15,928 578 3.8% 22,930 7,002 44.0% Professional Services 907 6,208 10,952 10,608, 4,400 70.9%: 13,743 3,135 29.63r Telephone/WASIC 6,060 6,660 6,060 6,660:: 0 0.0% 6,980: 300 4.S% Other Rentals 12,835 12,220 13,11812,220 0 0.0 12,220 0 0.0%' Capital Outlay 9,476 0 0 4.281., 4,281 N/A 5,000 719 16.8% TOTAL STAFF SERVICES 607,707 663,495 625.273 650,951:; (12,544) -1.9 691;867: 40,916 6.3 CRIME PREVENTION y 991 1992 Ikdopt 1992 1993 a,„, .x diat�e 1994 iGiwgga 1F 41Sarge: Bt1t7GETAR..Y APPROT'RIATION. Actual T3udge# Actual Budget` .92Adopted 92A4o0ted Budget 93$udget 9l Bt+dga6 SII Regular Salaries 71,629 76,235 68,362 78,660; 2,425 3.2 81412: 2,952 3.8%. .......... Overtime 1,312 5,000 1,422 5,000` 0 0.0 5000 0 0.0% Personnel Benefits 19,095 22,538 20,012 27,594s 5,056 22.4 :' 31,1Q0,; 3,546 12.9%! _.. .... Uniform Allowance 540 540 990 540 0 0.0 540: O 0.0%' 10 Supplies 6,513 81500 4,427 6,500 (2,000) -23.S%: 6;500 0 0.0% ---- Volunteer Meal Allowance 5,495 7,140 6,470 7,200_ 60 0.8 I: 700 360 5.0% Equipment Rental 3,948 5,220 5,220 5,314:: 94 1.8% 5,487 173 3.3% Repairs and Maintenance 652 700 65 700: 0 0.0 700 0 0.0% lir Capital Outlay _ _ _ 0. -0 3,292 3,5001 31500. . .. N/A I; .8,800. 5,300 N/A TOTAL CRIME PREVENTION 1 109,184 125,873 1 110,259 136t,0108:1 9,13sl 7.3 147,339': 12,331 9.1 . ..JAIL: irrl ------------ ]991 1992 Adopt Y992 1993 ,I; G7tagge 1 i',:hange„ 1994` GhimeIc:.. %G7lenga BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Actual Budget Actual' Budget:i 92 Adopted 91Adopted. Budget 93:Bpdget '93 Budget:::. Regular Salaries 302,770 362,287 363,610 398,254' 35,967 9.9 409,322: 11,068 2.8%. Overtime 25,368 20,920 20,716 21,736 816 3.9% 22,844' 1,108 5.1%' am Personnel Benefits 76,718 98,214 101,584 134,352 36,138 36.8% 151,669 17,317 12.9% Uniform Allowance 1,990 2,260 2,240 370" (1,890) -83.6 370 0 0.0%' Supplies 75,138 82,377 96,906 109,484 27,107 32.9 ' 115,066 5,582 5.1% Medical Services/Prisoners 904 1,236 234 1,284 48 3.9% 1,349< 65 5.1% Health Officer Services 44,221 45,304 35,511 50,496 5,192 11.5 53,071?: 2,575 5.1% Equipment Rental 624 5,316 4,412 6,010' 694 13.1% 6,068' 58 1.0%' Repairs and Maintenance 553 700 1,511 727 27 3.9 764 37 5.1% Miscellaneous 3,054 2,275 7,071 2,750 475 20.9 2,750 0 0.0% Capital Outlay 11,626 0 4,159 11,000' 11,000 N/A .0 (!1,000) -100.0% Intergovernmental Ser,/K CO Jail Services 26,365 48,000 54,172 61,427r 3,427 7.1 IS : 54;050 2,623 5.1% TOTAL JAIL 569,331 668,889 692,126 >787,890' 119,001 17.8 817.323 29,433 3.7% TOTAL POLICE SUPPORT SERV BUREAU 1;572«086: 1,792,249 11,759;192::11,997,877 205,628 11.3 '2,094,477 9!6,600 4.8% 6W 112 ow CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET Police Department Statistics DESCRIPTION 1986 1987;: 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Actual Crimes Reported(Class I,II,III) 7,836 8,568 8,662 9,237 9,290 9,662 10,472 Adult Arrests 1) 4,734 5,528 4,602 2,294 2,256 2,064 3,003 Juvenile Arrests 1) 605 609 270 341 267 379 424 Actual Jail Bookings Jq-d Bookings nor available 1985- 1989 3,021 2,857 3,094 Traffic Fatalities 4 4 2 1 4 8 2 Criminal Homicide 0 2 3 3 3 2 5 Traffic Accidents Investigated 1,537 1,764 1,422 1,391 1,629 1,609 1,859 All Other Traffic Violations 2) 8,595 8,404 10,600 8,617 8,558 14,871 14,327 Auto Thefts 264 337 344 418 364 351 434 Robberies and Burglaries 811 931 873 770 588 765 685 Total Calls for Service 27,299 28,412 29,128 37,254 40,555 41,230 43,542 1) Warrant arrests and commitments are not included in Adult and Juvenile figures. 2) 1992 includes 3,115 warning citations. ISTAFFINGIN17ORMATION 1.9$8 19891 1;990 1991 11 1992 1993 1994 Commissioned Police Personnel 68.0 71.0 73.0 78.0 78.0 79.0 79.0 ; Non-Commissioned Police Personnel 25.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 28.7 28.7 TOTAL POLICE PERSONNEL 93.7 98.7 100.7 105.7 105.7 107.7 107.7 113 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Fire Department Lee Wheeler Fire Chief 92.0 Total FTE ur Pat Ross Julie Bray Admin Secretary If Office Asst III Jim Mathew Jeff Morton Deputy Fire Chief Veh/Eq Mechanic I L cLaughlin Kris Hanson Emerg Mgt Training Captain on Chief Lieutenant 1.0 FTE Prevention Suppression 9.0 FIE 75.0 FIE ow Gary Gotti Fire Marshal Battalion Chief A Platoon B Platoon i tft io Marian Thrasher Admin Secretary I Larry Weiss Ray Barilleaux n Julie Shumer Batt Chief/Shift Co Batt Chief/Shift Co iCo Office Asst 11 Jim Gray Asst Fire Marshal Larry Eager Greg Bergquist Tally Hall Captain Captain Captain Hazmat Specialist 1.0 FTE Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Fire Code Insptr I-111 3.0 FTE 3.0 FTE 3.0 FTE 3.0 FTE Fire Plans Reviewer Fire Fighter Fire Fighter Fire Fighter 60 1.0 FTE 20.0 FTE 20.0 FTE 20.0 FTE w 114 ow CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Fire All Divisions The Fire Department has five divisions described briefly below. Budget summaries and descriptions for each division are provided on the following pages. The department has 81 commissioned fire fighting positions and 11 non-commissioned personnel. Refer to the position allocations and the Fire Department budgetary appropriations on page 118. -Administration provides overall direction for the Fire Department. -Operations-Protects life and property from the effects of fire and hazardous materials,performs rescues,and provides life support services. Sections include Fire Suppression,Facilities,Hazardous Materials Team(Hazmat),Dive Team,and Emergency Medical Services(EMS). -Prevention-Responsible for fire investigation,monitoring of hazardous materials,public education programs,and Uniform Fire Code inspections and plan reviews. -Training-Coordinates the department training program. -Emergency Management/Safety-Responsible for emergency preparedness and department safety programs. NEW PROGRAMS: J Bloodbome Pathogen Compliance -$13,400 for mandatory compliance with Federal regulations governing the extent of training and protection that employers must provide for EMS providers. FUND WITHIN EXISTING BUDGET. Six Additional Fire Fighters-would allow the daily staffing level to be raised to 19 and enable a third life support vehicle to be staffed and put in service. The annual number of aid calls is dictating that a third unit is needed. Cost $156,627. NOT APPROVED. Urban Rescue Program-Recent disasters caused by the earthquakes in California and the storms in Florida have pointed out the need for additional skills in the,area of urban rescue from confined spaces. Techniques such as shoring and rope rescue are needed in order to deal with the types of situations that are present in a major catastrophe such as an earthquake. Cost$21,170. NOT APPROVED. Will Part Time Office Assistant-Fire Prevention-To assist office support staff(640 hours, .3 FTE),answering telephone/counter inquiries,filing,copying,light typing/computer input,mail processing,and other duties. Cost$5,760. PROPOSED IN 1993 BASE BUDGET-DEFERRED TO 1994. Fire Department Computer Network-Implement a computer network proposed in-house by Signal Communications and Data Processing to connect fire stations, Fire Prevention and Headquarters. Cost split over a two year period. Cost$16,000. NOT APPROVED. ,t Public Education Specialist/1994 - Provide community education in fire safety techniques, disaster preparedness, injury prevention,evacuation planning,fire extinguisher training,etc. Cost$49,111. NOT APPROVED. Fire Services Contract with King County Fire District#25 -City of Renton entered into a contract effective 4/1/93 to service K.C.F.D.#25 with fire and EMS services. The cost of services will be fully supported by contract fees and no net cost to the City A 115 60 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Fire All Divisions BUDGET REDUCTIONS-The 1993 budget request was cut by$117,898. The major areas of reduction are in travel and training and memberships and registration. Capital outlay was totally cut from 1993,but reinstated in 1994. The table below lists all budget adjustments for 1993 and 1994. i� 93 1993; 1993 94 1984 1994 I' „Budget Cuts attd fi f)ustct�onts IIIIFTE Budget Total FTE Budget Total ... Item Chg ;Cuts/Adj Cuts/Adj Chg Cuts/Adj Cuts/Adj FIRE DEPARTMENT: 1 Fund Bloodborne Pathogen Compliance from Existing Budget 0 0 (1993/$13,400;1994/$14,131) 2 Admin/Cut Travel 93/$3,090 to$1,250;94/$3,245 to$1,400 (1,840) (1,845) 3 Admin/Cut Memberships/Registra 93/$1,925 to$1,000;94/$2,021 to$1,050 (925) (971) ........ ...... 4 Admin/Cut Capital Outlay 93/$10,500(3 PC's,3 Printers);94/Add Back (10,500) 10,500 5 Suppr/Cut Travel/Training 93/$5,284 to$2,284;94/$5,548 to$2,400 (3,000) (3,148) AW 6 Suppr/Defer Replacemt of F032/Command Vehicle to 1994(Capital Recovery) (31708) Budgeted 7 Suppr/Cut Memberships/Registra 931$5,200 to$2,200 94/$5,460 to$2,310 (3,000) (3,150) 8 Suppr/Cut Capital Outlay 93/$47,536;94/Partial Add Back-High Pressure (47,536) 37,536 _. .__....... ............... _...... . Breathing Air Compressor Sta,Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) 11111110 9 Facilities/Cut Capital 93/$1,000(Refrigerator Sta#12)94/Add Back (1,000) 1,000 10 Hazmat/Cut Travel/Training 93/$7,923 to$2,500;94/$8,320 to$2,625 (5,423) (5,695) 11 Hazmat/Cut Memberships&Registra 93/$3,120 to$1 100;94/$3,276 to$1,155 (2,020) (2,121) 12 Hazmat/Cut Capital Outlay 93/$4,500;941Add Back (4,500) 4,500 110 (Air Quality Monitor and Fax Machine) 13 Dive Team/Cut'M9mberships/RegIstra 93/$2,652 to$1,300,94/$2,784 to$1,365 (1,352) (1,419) 14 Prev/Cut Travel/Training 93/$8,450 to$4,725;94/$8,850 to$4,950 (3,725) (3,900) 15 Prev/Defer Replacemt of F029/1985 Sedan to 1994(Capital Recovery) (3,456) Budgeted r<I11r 16 Prev/Cut Memberships/Registra 93/$1,905 to$1,500;94/$2,020 to$1,600 (405) (420) 17 Prev/Cut Capital Outlay 93/$4,200;94/Add Back(PC and Printer) (4,200) 4,200 18 Prev/Cut Part Time Help in 1993;Budgeted 1994 (5,762) Budgeted 19 Training/Cut On-site Training 93/$8,160 to$4,000;94/$8,568 to$4,200 (4,160) (4,368) 1W 20 Training/Cut Travellrraming 93/$3,600 to$1,700;94/$3,780 to$1,785 (1,900) (1,995) 21 Training/Cut Memberships/Registra 93/$1,250 to$500;94/$1,312 to$525 (750) (787) 22 Training/Cut Capital Outlay 93/$1,000;94/Add Back(Video Camera) (1,000) 1,000 23, Emerg MgUCut Travel/Training 93/$1,030 to$530;94/$1,081 to$560 (500) (521) flr __ 24 Emer M UC _g _9.., ut Memberships/Registra 93/5286 to$200;94/5300 to$210 (86) (90) 25 EMS/Cut TraveUTraining 93/$2,600 to$1,200;94/$2 730 to$1,260 (1,400) (1,470) _ ......... .__._... _ _ __._..... .......- _..._ 26 EMS/Cut Memberships/Registra 93/$1,500 to$750;94/$1,575 to$790 1 (750) 1 (785) TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 0.0 1 (112,898) (112,898) 0.0 26,051 26,051 1993/1994 BUDGET REQUEST 16,432,742 11 6,751,459 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADJUSTED BUDGET 0.0 1 6,319,844 (112,898)110.0 16,777,510 1 26,051 NOTE:Replacement of F023&F024(Sedans)with used rental cars in lieu of (5,000) new vehicles($5,000 cut)included in base budget,Total 1993 Reduction (117,898) lr 116 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGETA NALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Fire All Divisions GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE-The 1993 Fire Department budget reflects an increase of$353,778 or 5.9%more than the 1992 adopted level. $368,009 of the 1993 increase is for personnel costs,and operations shows a decrease of$14,231. The 1994 Fire budget is up$457,666 or 7.2%over the 1993 budget. Salaries-Include a 4.5%increase in 1993(cost-of-living plus 1%)for fire commissioned personnel per union contract. There is no 1993 increase budgeted for management and 21-R staff. 1994 includes a 1.4%increase for all employees. Overtime-Cut$46,605 in 1993 base budget to fund a fire fighter added in 1992,to equalize platoon strength. Actual 1993 reduction from the 1992 adopted budget is$27,235. 1994 reflects an increase of$60,018. Personnel Benefits-Include a 25%increase in medical and dental premiums,and a 7.5%increase in industrial insurance. Supplies-Increased$9,545 to provide for inflation in costs,and to maintain protective clothing and small equipment items. 1994 increased by$7,655. Travel/Training-1993 total request was$34,017,cut to$16,229. 1994 request$35,696,cut to$17,122. Equipment Rental-Increased to provide capital recovery for four vehicle replacements. (2)Fire Prevention sedans to be replaced with used rental vehicles in 1993,and in 1994(1)Fire Prevention sedan and the Suppression command vehicle are scheduled to be replaced. All replacements were requested for 1993,two were deferred to 1994. Repairs and Maintenance-Increased$8,536 for breathing apparatus needs,station repairs,EMS equipment repairs,and inflation in costs. Miscellaneous-Includes Memberships and Registrations 1993:cut from a total request of$17,383 to$8,550;1994:cut from $18,748 to$9,005. Also includes publications and laundry. Net reduction in 1993 is$8,632,1994 increases by$925. Intergovemmental Services-Valley-Com assessment reduced$2,881 in 1993,based on dispatchable call statistics and Valley- Com's budget needs. 1994 includes a 10%estimated increase. Capital Outlay-Items are described in the several division narratives. The total 1993 request of$68,736 was cut and all items were added back in 1994 along with 1994 requests-1994 total$88,802. 117 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Fire Department-All Divisions Person Responsible: Lee Wheeler, Fire Chief w Item 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 0.mge %C6m{ge 1994' G7rarge G7ugge a; Actual Budget Actual Budget " 92Adoptcd 92Adoptod Budget 93BL*61 ,!:93 Bad t POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title Commissioned Officers: 43 Fire Chief(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 75 Deputy Chief 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 74 Battalion Chief(Shift Commander) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 30 0.0 0.0%' 74 Battalion Chief(Fire Marshal) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 74 Battalion Chief(Safety/Emerg Mgt) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1'0 0.0 0.0% 73 Captain 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 3.0 0.0 0.0% 73 Captain(Training) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1';0 0.0 0.0% 71 Lieutenant 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.0% 10.0` 0.0 0.0% 70 Fire Fighters(2)9/1/91;(1)1992 60.0 59.0 60.0 60.0 1.0 1.7% 60.0 0.0 0.0% Total Commissioned Officers 80.0 80.0 81;0 81.0 1.0 1.3% 81.0 ao OA% Non-Commissioned Personnel: 23 Assistant to Fire Marshal 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% 20 Hazardous Materials Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 20 Fire Code Inspector II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 18 Fire Plans Reviewer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 16 Fire Inspector l 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 20 0.0 0.0% 13 Vehicle&Eq Mechanic 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10 0.0 0.0%. 11 Admin Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 10 0.0 0.0% 9 Admin Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1i0 0.0 0.0% 5 Office Assistant Ill 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0; 0.0 0.0% 3 Office Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%' Total>Non-Commissioned 11.0 11.0 11.0'; 11.0 0.0 0,0% 14;0 6.0 00 TOTALSTAFFING 91.0 91:0 92.0 92.0' 1.0 1.1% 92.01+: 0.0 D'0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 0.3 0.3 N/A TOTAL STAFFING 91.0 91.0 92.0 92.0 1.0 1.1% 92.3 0.3 0.3 PART TIME HOURS 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 640 640 N/A BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 3,868,442 4,271,248 4.243,857 4;509,020 237,772 5.6% 4,602,211 93,191 2.1% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 5,760 5,760 N/A Overtime 339,143 333,299 322,105 306,064. , (27,235) -8.2 366,0$2 60,018 19.6% Personnel Benefits 715,058 882,178 868,217 1,039,250' 157,072 17.8% 1,216,407 177,157 17.0% Uniform Allowance 32,000 32,000 33,200 32,400 400 1.3% 32,400 0 0.0% Supplies 110,683 131,379 116,634 140.924a 9,545 7.3 148,579' 7,655 5.4% Professional Services 30,378 41,500 20,773 36,090; (5,410) -13.0% 40,794' 4,704 13.0% Postage/Telephone/Other 1,952 3,000 2,689 5,060 2,060 68.7% 5,274 214 4.2% wM Travel/Training 9,534 28,875 12,877 16,229 (12,646) -43.8 17;122 893 5.5% Rentals and Leases 4,548 5,028 3,908 4,278 (750) -14.9% 4,313r 35 0.8% Equipment Rental 25,764 25,740 24,414 33,187 7,447 28.9% 33,538> 351 1.1% Repairs&Maintenance 85,097 101,185 93,675 109,721 8,536 8.4 120,724' 11,003 10.0% Miscellaneous 13,614 26,670 20,899 18,038 (8,632) -32.4% 18,963 925 5.1% Intergovernmental Services 61,133 72,464 72,914 69,583 (1,881) -4.0% 76,541 6,958 10.0% Capital Outlay 0 11,500 22,320 0 (111500) -100.0% 88,802 88,802 N/A Expenditure Credits (555) 0 (8,125) 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,296,790 1 5,966;066 '5,850,358`1 6,319,844 353,778 5.9K6.777,610 074665,:1. 1.2 twr flrr 118 o CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 009 Fire Div: Fire Administration OBJECTIVE: To provide management and direction for the City of Renton Fire Department,to maintain a safe environment for the . citizens of Renton. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Fire Administration provides staff services to all divisions of the Fire Department. Activities include personnel administration,payroll,budget management,shift scheduling,policy development,apparatus maintenance,long and short range planning,inter/intra-governmental relations,and facilities oversight. 1993-1994 WORK PLAN: There are a number of capital improvement programs that will need continued updating and/or review in 1993. These include the development of fire pumper apparatus specifications, acquisition of a new life support vehicle to replace an older unit, and preliminary site evaluation and design of the Valley Industrial Fire Station and Training Center. If approved,the department will be implementing a services contract with it's neighboring fire district, King County Fire District#25. Delivery of a new aerial ladder in the fall of 1992 will be outfitted and placed into service early in 1993. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Specifications were developed and contracts awarded for the purchase of a new aerial ladder and life support unit. The purchase of the aerial ladder was the result of an emergency appropriation approved by the City Council as the result of a fire involving the Citys only ladder truck in 1991. At the request of our neighboring fire district the City studied the feasibility of a proposal to contract fire services. The Department continues to respond to the needs of the community and to provide the type of services that are desired. Development of a Fire Mitigation Fee Resolution that is designed to offset the impact of new development on fire services and to eventually fund much needed capital improvements. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Fire Administration budget is up$31,407 or 6.4%over 1992 adopted appropriations,and 1994 is $45,124 or 8.6%more than the 1993 budget. Professional Services-Decreased as not all fire fighters were required to have yearly physical examinations. Telephone-Increased to cover costs of additional mobile phones and personal pagers. Travel-Request cut$1,840 in 1993 and$1,845 in 1994. Repairs&Maintenance-Small increase to cover annual maintenance cost of copier. Intergovernmental Services-Decreased by$2,881,based upon call level and annualized Valley Communication Budget. Capital Outlay-$10,500 to replace 3 older model PC's and 3 dot matrix printers used for fire reports at the stations. Cut in 1993, and added back in 1994. 119 No CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS be Fire Department- Administration Person Responsible: Lee Wheeler, Fire Chief fir Item 1991 >; 1992 Adopt 1'992 1993 Cheiivrt %;CXiange'; 1994: [ar�gge ................ Actual Budget Actual 8udge[I 92Adopled .92At1opted; Budget 93;Bud8et 938ud9gt' POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title Commissioned Officers: 43 Fire Chief(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 75 Deputy Chief 1.0 1.0 1.0 11101' 0.0 0.0 1.0.. 0.0 0.0% TotalCommissioned Officers 2.0; 2.0 2.0 2:0 0.0 0.0' 2.0:. 0.0 0 0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: 13 Vehicle&Eq Mechanic I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 11 Administrative Secretary 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 < 1.0' 0.0 0.0% 1.0, 0.0 0.0% 5 Office Assistant 111 1.0 1.0 1.0 ;` 10 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% Total.Non-Commissioned 3.0<' 3.0 3.0 3:0 0.0 DOS 3.0 0.0 :0.0 TOTAL STAFFING 5.0 9 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 '5.0 0.0 0.0 11111 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 226,384 244,400 252,410 258,181 13,7815.6 260,328, 2,147 0.8% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 -0, 0. N/A 0:. 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 249 0' 0 N/A 0: 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 96,632 115,576 117,031 142,351 26,775 13.2 167;365; 25,014 176% Uniform Allowance 800 800 800 800. 0 0.0 ;800:; 0 0.0% _. Supplies 6,647 6,000 5,236 6 240 240 4.0% 6,550 310 5.0% Professional Services 23,963 29,200 15,871 27,784 (1,416) -4.8% 29,273 1,489 5.4% Postage/Telephone/Other 1,952 3,000 2,689 51060 2,060 68.7% 5,274.. 214 4.2% Travel/Training 3,167 3,000 1,238 1,250: (1,750) -58.3 1,400 150 12.0% Rentals and Leases 202 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Equipment Rental 4,500 4,500 4,500 5758: 1,258 29.0% 40,745:: (2,013) -35.0% Repairs&Maintenance 3,444 3,000 3,789 3,120 I20 4.0 3;352 231 7.4% _ __ . Miscellaneous 2,404 3,300 4,072 2,520: (780) -23.6 2.643: 123 4.9% Intergovernmental Services 61,133 72,464 72,914 Ba W: (2,881) -4.0 76"ti 6,958 10.0% 111r Capital Outlay 0 6,000 4,069 0> (6,000) -100.0% 10.500 10,500 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 0 N/A t1, 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 431,226:1 491;240 484,868 522,64] 31,407 6.d . 567,771. 4814 .:I 8.¢ Y11W 60 Y1� Yn 120 11111 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 009 Fire Div: Fire Operations (Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat, Dive Team, EMS Life Support) OBJECTIVE: To protect life and property from the effects of fire, medical emergencies, accidents, and hazardous materials incidents. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: There are five sections in the Fire Operations division as follows: Suppression: Suppression personnel work a 24 hour shift on a three platoon format with each platoon being commanded by a Battalion Chief. Each platoon has 25 personnel assigned with a minimum of 18 on duty on each shift. This staffing allows three engine companies,an aerial ladder company,and two life support units to be in service at all times. Facilities: Provides operating supplies and repairs and maintenance for the three fire stations. Hazardous Materials Team(Hazmat): This team is staffed by 30 fire fighters and officers who have shown a desire to be involved and receive specialized training beyond the routine fire fighter first response skills. The team is required to train with identified SARA Title III facilities and to exercise emergency response plans on an annual basis. Dive Team: The Department maintains a 15 member dive team that is available to respond to water related emergencies. Their skills include underwater search and recovery, river rescue and water support services. The members of this team are required to train on a monthly basis and to maintain certification above the routine fire fighting skills. This team has provided support assistance to the Parks and Police Departments for underwater beach surveys,clean up,and evidence search and recovery. Emergency Medical Services: All fire fighters in the Department are EMT certified and 95% have received a defib certification allowing them to use defibrillation equipment. Average response time in the City for life support calls is 4.0 minutes. The City receives Kng County EMS basic life support funds;$272,000 in 1992 and$273,500 projected for 1993. 1993-1994 WORK PLAN: Fire Operations will provide the City with quality service in the areas of fire extinguishment,emergency medical and rescue, and hazardous materials response that it has been accustomed to in the past. The full implementation of regulations protecting EMS personnel regarding "Bloodborne Pathogens." To reorganize those select operational teams such as Hazmat,Dive and Rope rescue into one,more efficient and cost effective"Special Operation Team." 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Suppression division responded to 5,552 calls in 1992, including 3,805 aid, and 1,747 fire, hazardous materials, and other types of incidents. All Department hose was tested according to prescribed standards, apparatus ladders were inspected and tested, City hydrants were checked, and all required training requirements were met. CPR classes were provided monthly for the public by certified department instructors, numerous blood pressures were taken, and station tours were conducted. Specialized training for the Hazmat Team and the Dive Team was held to a minimum. The dive team was utilized on a variety of water related incidents. The aerial ladder was refurbished by a truck repair company and fire personnel contributed by doing the outfitting work for the compliment of portable fire appliances and tools. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1993 Fire Operations budget is up$238,806 or 5%over the 1992 adopted budget,and 1994 is$341,009 or 6.8%more than the 1993 budget. Most of the 1993 increase is in salaries and benefits. 121 ,. CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Fire Department- Operations (Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat, Dive Team, EMS Life Support) Person Responsible: Jim Mathew, Deputy Fire Chief .. Item 1997 1992Ado t 1'992 1983; C6aggeGTurge 1994 a %Clia�{re: ...;, p .. ar ...... ........ Actual Budpei Actual Budget.: 92�YdopWo fed :92Ado.ed Budget 93Euc�et 93 8udga;;: POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title Commissioned Officers: 74 Battalion Chief(Shift Commander) 3.0 3.0 3.0 :341 O.0 0.0% 3.01" 0.0 0.0% 60 73 Captain 3.0 3.0 3.0 3:0 i O.0 0.0 3,0 0.0 0.0% 71 Lieutenant(1 Trf,,o Suppr 1992) 9.0 10.0 9.0 9c0 (1.0) -10.0 9.0 0.0 0.0% 70 Fire Fighters(2)9/1/91(1)1992 60.0 59.0 60.0 60:0 1.0 1.7 50.0: 0.0 0.0%' Total Commissioned Officers 75.0 75.0 7010 75.0 fl.0 0,0 75.0 0,0 O.Q TOTALSTAFFING75.0'i 25.0 70 .:i 754 O.O O.Q' 75,0 0.0 OU BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 3,233,715 3,534,087 3,471,329 3693 21;7 159,124 4.5% 3,766,393 73,182 2.0% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 0 NIA Overtime 327,498 316,620 300,585 289,011 (27,609) -8.7% 348,705:' S9,694 20.7% Personnel Benefits 534,379 657,344 636,718 760,651: 103,307 15.7 893;765 133,114 17.5% Uniform Allowance 30,000 30,000 30,400 30 000 O 0.0 30 000 0 0.0% lull __. Supplies 91,723 107,254 99,600 11024 8,770 8.2 122;014; 5,990 5.2% Professional Services 0 0 0: 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0: O N/A 4 0 N/A . _.. Travel/Training 2,880 13,823 7,730 b"4. (7839) -S6.7%: 6,285, 301 5.0% Rentals and Leases 1,001 1,450 554 700': (750) 51.7 735::: 35 S.O%: Equipment Rental 11,328 11,304 11,32812;579:; 1,275 11.3% 13J0 564 4.5% Repairs$Maintenance 80,672 95,910 88,291 104,02] 8,111 8.50: 114.507: 10,586 10.2% _.. Miscellaneous 6,471 14,365 9,149 8?S2 (5,583) 389 1i 283 441 5.0%' Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0:; 0 NIA 0; 0 NIA Capital Outlay _ 0 0 13,930 >I 0> O _ NJA ........... .57:102'; 57,102 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 (8,125) 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES4;319,867, 4,782:157 4:861,490 1;5,020,963 ' 238806 S D:. 5;36f972 341,009' :; 78 1991 7992.Adopt 1992 7993 Gage (3>*t{ga : :-::.1994 CLarge %'CSlto. SUPPRESSION OVERTIME: Actual BudgetActual Budget; 92Adoptbd 92AJopted Budget 93:Budga 93ie IN 10.02 Overtime/Special Project 13,176 5,500 2,667 5,000:: (500) -9.1 6;007< I,057 21.1% 10.03 Disability Replacement 106,438 56,850 73,597 2918$8 (26,964) -47.4% 62;617 32,725 109.5% 10.04 Acting Pay 53,015 51,000 49,254 541060. 3,060 6.0 58;16$ 2,108 3.9% 10.05 Holdover 25,482 21,500 29,905 20,000 ,... _ (/,SOD) -7.0 23;678 3,678 18.4% 10.06 Training 29,317 52,770 31,839 551935:: 3,165 6.0 58.1181 2,183 3.9% _.. 10.09 Military Leave 4,262 3,500 389 2,109 (1,400) --40.0% 1,755 83.6% 10.10 Hazmat 12,163 18,000 13,239 18,080. 1,080 6.0 10,824 744 3.9%' 10.11 Payback Straight Time 63,912 77,500 74,890 711150• (6,350) -8.2 85;354: 14,204 20.0% dill _. 10.12 Holiday/Double Time 13,341 17,500 16,436 18,550 1,050 6.0 19,273: 723 3.9% 10.16 Dive Team 4,377 9,000 6,465 9,540: 540 6.0 9,912 372 3.9% 10.17 Fire Prevention/Straight Time 2,015 3,500 1,903 3,710 210 6.0 3,855 145 3.9% TOTAL SUPPRESSION OVERTIME 327,498 316,620 300,585 289,011` (27,609) -8.7 348;705` 59,694 20.7 W 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 is Cfigt{�e %Cbarge 1994 G3arge %Chwe ,,,,,, FIRE OPERATIONS DIVISIONS: Actual Budget Actual Budget:;. 92Adopted 9"2:Adopted Budget 93jk*et 93 Budget Fire Suppression 4,252,537 4,673,172 4,592 452 4.611%56Z: 237,390 5.1, 5 225;683 315,121 6.4% Fire Facilities 19,833 25,233 18,987 30,260; 5,027 19.9 33;535 3,275 10.8% Hazmat Program(Including Overtime) 18,768 41,333 20,320 35,885 (5,448) -13.2% 42,024' 6,139 171% Dive Team(Including Overtime) 8,466 19,904 8,562 79 608 (298) -1.5 34;620' 15,014 76.6% IN EMS Life Support 1 20,063 1 22,5151 21,168 24 650. 2,135 9.5 26;110' 1,460 5.9% TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS 4,319,667 4,782,157 4,661,490 :5,030,963,:; 238,806 5.0% 5,361,972 341,009 6.8 122 tWl CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 009 Fire Div: Fire Operations (Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat, Dive Team, EMS Life Support) BUDGET CHANGES-for Fire Operations are summarized below for each of the five sections included in this division. FIRE SUPPRESSION OPERATIONS: Overtime: Special Project, Disability,Holdover,Military Leave replacement and Straight time payback accounts were all reduced in order to cover the cost of a fire fighter hired in 1992,to equalize platoon strength. Remaining overtime increases are due to salary increase for suppression personnel. Supplies: $3,357 overall increase in 1993, and $2,673 increase in 1994. Provides for all supplies necessary to maintain suppression activities, except for Hazmat, Dive Team, and EMS supplies, which are in separate sections. Breathing apparatus supplies $3,680 ($944 increase); apparatus fire extinguisher maintenance, transferred to repair and maintenance section; small equipment repair$520($20 increase); personal safety equipment$9,793; $2,593 increase in order to maintain protective clothing sets and replacement items;and small equipment items$20,800($800 increase). Travel/Training-Requested funding level($5,284)would allow attendance for suppression personnel at Command School, Officers School, North Bend Training Center, and for interested Captains, the California and Washington State Training Officers conferences. This account was cut to$2,284 in 1993,and$2,400 in 1994. Equipment Rental-The increased amount allows for the replacement of F032,the Command Car,deferred to 1994. Copy Machine Rental-Decreased because 2 leased machines are now department owned. Repairs/Maintenance-$1,260 added for breathing apparatus compressor system filter changes and associated breathing apparatus repairs. Small equipment repair$1,660, increased to cover fire extinguisher repair and maintenance; all other accounts at 1992 level plus inflation figure: general repairs$3,300;and fire apparatus$83,000. Miscellaneous-Memberships& Registrations- Cut from$5,200 to$2,200 in 1993, and from$5,460 to$2,310 in 1994. Provides for class registrations and dues for professional organizations. Laundry-$3,432;$132 added due to possible increase by vendor. Capital Outlay-$25,000 for High pressure breathing air compressor station-Needed because of the changing demands for quality breathing air and the use of self-contained breathing apparatus is rapidly rendering the present unit unserviceable,increasing the potential for a major breakdown. $12,536 for Self Contained Breathing Apparatus-needed to outfit new aerial ladder with sufficient number of units. 1993 request of$47,536 cut,reinstated in 1994 at$37,536. FACILITIES OPERATIONS: Operating Supplies -$7,650 for all operating supplies at three stations including cleaning supplies, kitchen ware and office supplies(increased$1,125 due to inflation in cost). Small Equipment -$16,050 for replacement of small equipment and furniture items for the stations(increased$2,842). Repairs and Maintenance-$6,560 for all three stations repair of major appliances,furniture,and equipment (increased $1,060). Capital Outlay $1,000 for purchase of refrigerator at Station#12 (Cut 1993,reinstated 1994). HAZARDOUS MATERIALS(HAZMAT)OPERATIONS: Overtime-$19,080,$1,080 increase. Funds are for required SARA drills and 12 required monthly classes. Equipment Supplies Increased$465. Travel Training-Cut from$7,923 to$2,500 in 1993;from $8,320 to $2,625 in 1994. Repair and Maintenance - Increased $100. Memberships & Registrations - for specialized training classes,cut to$1,100 in 1993,and to$1,155 in 1994. Capital Outlay-$4,500 for air quality monitor and fax machine, deferred in 1993,added back in 1994. DIVE TEAM OPERATIONS: Overtime.-. Increased $540. Su lies- Increased $281, for all supplies necessary for dive team operations. Equipment Repairs and Maintenance-Increased$131. Memberships& Registrations-Cut to$1,300 in 1993, and to $1,365 in 1994. Capital Outlay-$14,066 for a utility boat,motor,and trailer. Deferred in 1993,added back in 1994. EMS LIFE SUPPORT OPERATIONS: Supplies-$700 increase. Funds provide for all supplies needed to outfit the aid vehicles. Travel/Training-$1,600 increase requested to send EMS liaison officer and aid personnel to specialized classes being offered in the local area,such as bum treatment,pre-hospital treatment and King County Emergency Medical Services classes. Account cut from$2,600 to$1,200 in 1993,and from$2,730 to$1,260 in 1994. Repairs and Maintenance-$1,000 increase;repairs for all EMS related equipment, defib machines, batteries, chargers, etc. Memberships and Registrations - $985 increase requested. Would allow for aid personnel to attend specialized classes. Cut to$750 in 1993,and to$790 in 1994. 123 . ... . .. ..... ...... ..... ... .. ........... . ..... ... . it CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Fire Department Operations (Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat, Dive Team, EMS Life Support) Person Responsible: Jim Mathew, Deputy Fire Chief 1981 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 Qugge C6er{ge 1994 e %LBanyger: F/RE SUPPRESS/ON OPERA7l�ONS Actual Budget Actual Budgef 92aoprev 92 Adoplert Budget 93; et...93 Btref `BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: - _.. _ Regular Salaries 3,233,715 3,534,087 3,501,729 <3,693,211 159,124 4.5 3766;393.; 73,182 2.0% Overtime 310,958 289,620 280,881 ' 260,391 (29,229) -10.1 318;968 S8,S78 22.S% Personnel Benefits 534,379 657,344 606,718 760.651 103,307 IS.7 893,765 133,114 17.S%I . 1111110 Uniform Allowance 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0.0 30,000 0 0.0%. _..._ Supplies 49,836 51,337 45,278 54,694 3,357 6.5 RA87 2,673 4.9% Travel/Training 1,816 5,130 2,002 2,284' (2,846) -55.5 2,400 116 5.1% Rentals and Leases 1,001 1,450 554 700 (/50) -51.7% 735 3S 5.0%: Equipment Rental 11,328 11,304 11,328 12,579 1,27S 11.3% 13,143' 564 4.5%' Repairs&Maintenance 74,443 84,600 83,332 90,420 5,820 6.9% 99,462 9,042 10.0% Miscellaneous 5,061 8,300 5,120 5,632 (21668) -32.1 5,913 281 5.0% Capital Outlay 0 0 13,930 0 0 N/A 37,536 37,536 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 (8,125) TOTAL FIRE SUPPRESSION 4,252,537 4,673,172 4,572,748 1,4,910,562 237,390 S.I% 5,225,883>: 315,121 t 6.4 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 Gh`aq;e %Qmq,e 19941 Charge %taidrgc, tiler FAC/L!T/ESOPERAT/ONS Actual Budget Actual Budget> 92Adopted 92 Adopted Budget 937r1gtK .:9313ug8t[` BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Supplies 15,041 19,733 16,790 23,700 3,967 20.1% 25,135 1,43S 6.1% Repairs&Maintenance 4,792 5,500 2,198 6,560` 1,060 19.3 7,400 840 12.8%; 1111 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 1;000„ 1,000 N/A :TOTAL FIRE FACILITIES 19,833 25,233 18,987 30;260:' 5,027 19.9 33;535; 3,2751 10.8 », .. i 991 1982 Adopt '1982 3883 L3agge %able a 1994 C]Saige �tea: AZMATOPERAT/ONS Accost .; 8ucrget_ Actual Budget: 92Aeoptad 92Adop(ed Budget 4 . u. 11 +aj�et. BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Overtime 12,163 18,000 13,239 19,090 1,080 6.0 19,824= 744 3.9% .. . . Supplies 5,647 11,640 11,926 12,1051 465 4.0 14710. 605 S.0%: Travel/Training 658 7,693 5,197 2,500 (5,193) -67.S 2;626 125 S.0% Repairs&Maintenance 0 1,000 728 1,100 100 10.0 1;210.: 110 10.0% _.._ _. Misc/Memberships E�Registrations 300 3,000 2,469 1,100' (1,900) -63.3 1155.: SS 5.0% Capital Outlay _ _ 0. _ 0 0 0 O N/A 4 f00 4,500 N/A TOTAL HAZMAT RESPONSE 18,768 41,333 33,559 35,885 (5,448) -13.2 42024. 6,139 17.1 1891 1892 Adopt 1992 1993 ChaW %4ILWC' 1.904- X DIVE TEAM OPERAT/ONS Actual Budget Actual Bud9 et 92A :92 Adoptul Budget ,0114 A .91 Budget::' BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: ........ ... Overtime 4,377 9,000 6,465 9,540` 540 6.0 88:12: 372 3.9%; Supplies 2,179 7,044 6,829 7,325 281 4.0 7;692 %- 367 S.0 4W Repairs&Maintenance 910 1,310 723 1,441,' 131 10.0 1,585. 144 10.0%: Misc/Memberships&Registrations 1,000 2,550 1,010 1,300 (1,250) -49.0 1;36 1 5 65 5.0% Capital Outlay 0 1 0 0 1 01 0 N/A 14;066.: 14,066 N/A 1W f TOTAL FIRE DIVE TEAM 8,466 1 19,904 1 15,028 1 19,606 (198)1 -1.5% 34,620' 15,014 76.611 1991 : 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 G7ngge... .x': e:>.. .... ... _.._. EMS LIFE SUPPORT OPERAT/O/VS Actual Budget Actual. Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted;' Budget 93:Budget t3 Budget:; BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Supplies 19,020 17,500 18,777 18,200 71)0 4.0 19:110 910 5.0% Travel/Training 406 1,000 531 1,200 200 20.0 1,260 60 S.0% Repairs&Maintenance 527 3,500 1,310 4,500 1,000 28.6% 4,950 450 10.0% 111111111 Misc/Memberships&Registrations 110 515 550 750 235 45.6 790 40 5.3% Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL EMS LIFE SUPPORT 20,063 22,515 21,168 24,650 2,135 9.5% 26,110`1 1,460 5.9 TOTAL FIRE OPERATIONS 4;319,6671 4;782,157 4,661,490 5,020.9631 238,806 5.0 5,361972 3¢1,009 6.8; ow 124 11 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 009 Fire Div: Fire Prevention OBJECTIVE: To provide a fire safe environment for the community through services such as annual Uniform Fire Code business occupancy inspections, construction plan reviews and field tests, public education, fire investigation, hazardous materials monitoring,and legislation adoption. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Conducts business occupancy fire code inspections and re-inspections of over 1700 businesses,reviews over 800 commercial plans a year and conducts field inspections to assure compliance of the Uniform Fire Code. The Bureau develops and presents public education programs reaching over 10,000 people each year,conducts fire investigation of fires with a dollar loss of more than$5,000 or fires of a suspicious nature,and maintains internal tracking of all hazardous substances regarding quantity,location and type/toxicity. The Bureau is also responsible for monitoring SARA Title III occupancies to assure compliance of Federal requirements. The Bureau maintains accounting records for Uniform Fire Code permits, reinspection fees, plan review lid fees,and construction fees with a projected revenue of about$70,000 in 1992. 1993 -1994 WORK PLAN: Maintenance and enhancement for division operational procedures as they apply to code enforcement, and continuation of a very successful fire prevention safety and inspection program. Where possible to provide the community with public education opportunities through the distribution of fire safety hand-outs and brochures, hazard awareness displays and fire safety talks with local civic and educational groups. Continue to enhance education and skills of the talented personnel who comprise the Renton Fire Prevention Division,through the Fire Code Certification program established in 1992. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Adoption of the Uniform Fire Code-1991 edition. A new Fire Code Inspector Certification program which will provide an educational structure for growth. Acquisition of enhanced computer capabilities providing the ability to develop typeset style brochures,handouts,mailers,etc. A considerable amount of time and effort was expended developing and distributing educational pamphlets to alert the community of the fireworks revisions. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 budget is up$11,108 or 2.2%%over the 1992 adopted level,and 1994 is$57,909 or 11.2%more than the 1993 budget. New Part Time Position-$5,760 increase requested in 1993,deferred to 1994. (640 hours @$9.00) Overtime-Regular Overtime increased$74. Uniform Allowance Inspectors-Taxable and is included in salaries. Supplies-Overall decrease$180. General Supplies-$4,680,$180 increase. Public Education Supplies will provide for handout materials,fire safety videos,and Fire Safe House insurance for the public education program($850 increase). Personal Safety Equipment-no increase. Small Equipment $850 decrease. Fire Prevention Travel. $8,450 requested in 1993,cut to$4,725;$8,850 requested in 1994 cut to$4,950. Covers continuing education to keep informed of changes within the profession,and fire inspector certification program. Equipment Rental-Replacement of F023,F024 and F029. Miscellaneous-Memberships and Registrations-$1,905 1993 request,cut to$1,500;1994 request$2,020,cut to$1,600. Request would cover higher membership fees and reinstatement of workshops and classes not allowed in prior years. Publications -1993$1,000;$1,900 decrease primarily due to the fact that code books were purchased in 1992. Capital Outlay: $4,200 requested in 1993 for Computer Enhancement-386 PC with Windows and Laser Printer. Deferred to 1994,along with$16,000 for office partitions. Total 1994$20,200. 125 1W CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Fire Department- Fire Prevention Person Responsible: Gary Gotti, Battalion Chief hem; 1991 1892 AdoI.pt 1992 1883 C6dgge %t7iangc_ 1994 L7ipnlga A CSet�e Actual Budgot Actual $udget 9Z�ldopted 92,Adopted: Budget 93 Budget 938udget POSITION ALLOCATIONS: f61! Grade..... ................ ....Title Commissioned Officers: _. ..::.- 74 Battalion Chief(Fire Marshal) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0A.0', 0.0 0.0% Tota[Gontttiiesioned OfficeYs 1:0> 1.0 1.0 1';0 0.0 0,0 1,0 Non-Commissioned Personnel 23 Assistant to Fire Marshal 1.0 1.0 1.0 to 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 20 Hazardous Materials Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 to 0.0 0.0 1,0 0.0 0.0%' it 20 Fire Inspector Ill 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 18 .Fire Plans Reviewer 1.0 1.0 1.0 10'' 0.0 0.0% 1:.0 0.0 0.0%' 16 Fire Inspector 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0% 2.0 0.0 0.0% 9 Admin Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 3 Office Assistant 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0%. 50tal NoM;Cornmissioned 8.0: 8.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 0.0% 8.0 0.0 0 0 TOTALREGt1:LAR STAFFING 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.00.0 o.a 9.o ao vo' TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 0,3 0.3 N/A TOTAL STAFFING 9.0 9.0 9.0 90' 0.0 0.0% 9.3 0.3 3.3 PART TIME HOURS 0 0 0 0 0.0 N/A 640` 640 N/A BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 314,782 365,174 352,124 368,178 4,004 1.1 384,1-.,. 9 38 14,960 4.,[% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 5,760 5,760 N/A Overtime 8,988 11,679 10,043 11,753 74 0.6% 11,871 118 1.0%' Personnel Benefits 71,559 90,623 88.806 103,432. 12,809 14.1 117 182 13,750 13.3%: Uniform Allowance 400 400 1,600 400:: 0 0.0 400:;: 0 0.0% Supplies 7,727 9,250 6,361 9,430` 180 1.9%::.: 905 905 9.6% Professional Services 60 300 136 306. 6 20 321 IS 4.9%' Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 Iib Q 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Travel/Training 565 7,240 2,445 4,725; (2,515) -34.7 4950> 22S 4.8%: Rentals and Leases 3,345 3,578 3,354 3,578. 0 0.0 3,578: 0 0.0%_ __ .._.._ Equipment Rental 7,476 7,476 6,126 11,701 4,225 56.5% A3 467.:: 1,756 15.0% Repairs&Maintenance 578 1,375 1,186 1,430 SS 4.0%. 1,500 70 4.9%: Miscellaneous 2,249 4,730 4,279 2,500`' (2,230) -47.1% .2.550 150 6.0% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 O! 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Capital Outlay 0 5,500 4,321 0' (5,500) -100.0%`` 20200: 20,200 N/A Expenditure Credits (555) 0 0 0 0 N/A •O. _ ..0. N/A TOTAI EXei=a;IDITURES 417 174::: '507,325 00,701:1518,433 IJ>108 2,2 r 576,342 579(!9 tl be 126 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 009 Fire Div: Fire Training ii OBJECTIVE: To develop training programs and coordinate in-service training throughout the Fire Department. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Coordinates department training including: monitoring the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (JATC)program for new fire fighters;oversees and coordinates EMT and Defib certifications and recertifications; EMTCE and CPR instructor program;driver training programs;and Hazmat SARA drills. The division conducts the semi-annual Chiefs drill,monitors monthly company drills, and arranges a variety of other training programs for suppression and staff. The Training officer is a member of the King County Training Officers and attends monthly meetings,training classes and seminars. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN: Maintain essential programs of EMT/Defib, CPR and EMTCE instructor recertification, engine operator's recertification, EVAPP,monitor JATC and the Chiefs drills. A major goal in 1993- 1994 will be instituting urban rescue training as part of earthquake preparedness and continuation of the rope rescue training. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 36 EMTs, and 36 auto defib technicians will be recertified. Pump operator, ladder testing, wildland/urban interface and rope rescue training were also accomplished. Personnel participated in Chiefs drills, hazmat and dive drills,incident command,and staging officer filming. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Fire Training budget is up$68,120 or 67.4%over the 1992 adopted level. This is for the most part due to the transfer of a Lieutenant from the Suppression Division to the Training Division as EMS liaison officer in 1992. 1994 reflects an increase of$10,887 or 6.4%over 1993. Overtime-Standby Overtime$3,710,increased$210. Training Division Overtime$1,590,increased$90. Supplies-Office/Operating$1,248,increased$48. Provides for VCR tapes for recording training exercises,camera film and processing,VCR camera batteries and other necessary supplies. Small Equipment$3,536,for the rope rescue training program, foam for training exercises,file cabinet and VCR. $136 increase. Professional Services-EMT Instructor-$4,000,no change. Instructors/On-Site Training-$8,160 request cut to$4,000. Provides for outside training vendors for Team Building,Art of Leadership, Development of Positive Organization,and Train the Trainer classes. a Travel-$3,600,$1,788 increase requested,cut to$1,700. Requested amount would allow for increased attendance at Training Officer Conferences and Seminars. Miscellaneous-Memberships and Registrations-$1,250,$650 increase,cut to$500;for Training Division Washington State Fire r Chiefs'dues,registration for three training officer conferences,and other local seminars and classes. Publications-$3,120,$120 increase. Funds will provide necessary publications related to fire fighter responsibilities and training. Capital Outlay-$1,000 to purchase a new video camera. Deferred 1993,added back 1994. y� i 127 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Fire Department- Fire Training Person Responsible: Larry Eager, Captain item 1991 1992 Ado k 1992 .993 C5e %Chi a 1994 47m eCh g ;p 744.: Actual Bud et: Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92:jAdopted' : Budgei` 93. et 93 Budget:; POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title Commissioned Officers: _._ ..::. _...._... 73 Captain(Training) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.A': 0.0a0% 10 0.0 0.0% 71 Lieutenant(Trf from Suppr 1992) 0.0 0.0 1.0 to 1.0 N/A 1`0 0.0 O.0% TATAL STAFFING 1.0 1:0 2.0 2.l) 1.0 lOD 0 'i 20 ' 0,0 OG. BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 36,609 60,711 101,782 118,198 57,487 94.7% 120 128 1,930 1.6% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0:: 0 N/A > 0 0 N/A Overtime 2,657 5,000 11,228 5,300' 300 6.0%:. 206 3.9%. Personnel Benefits 6,088 10,128 17,289 23,0801: 12,952 1279% < 27,023 3,943 171% Uniform Allowance 400 400 400 800' 400 100.0 840 0 0.0% Supplies 2,399 4,600 5,360 4,7841 184 4.0 5;0221: 238 5.0%' Professional Services 6,355 12,000 4,766 8,000 (4,000) -33.3 1.,200 3,200 40.0% Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0:' 0 N/A 0. 0 N/A Travel/Training 749 1,812 1,104 1700: (112) -6.2 1785 85 5.0%: Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0> O N/A 0>: 0 N/A Equipment Rental 2,460 2,460 2,460 3..49` 689 28.0 3,1.93 44 1.4% Repairs&Maintenance 89 400 409 600: 200 SO 0 i tiGQ: 60 10.0% Miscellaneous 2,350 3,600 2,849 3 620> 20 0.6% 3'lig4 181 5.0%I __.. _ ._. Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0: 0N/A 4 0 N/A Capital Outlay 0 0 0 ...0. .. _ N/A ...._.. 1,000 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 bis O N/A :' O' O N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 60.156 101,11:1 147.84 189,21180;1;1:8. ,, f0,88f 4:.. t1r Will 111 128 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 009 Fire Div: Fire Emergency Management OBJECTIVE: Provide direction and control over City activities that are essential to saving lives, protecting property and restoring City services during and after a major emergency. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Provide training and exercises designed to promote emergency preparedness; and test and evaluate our emergency operations plan,procedures and facilities. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN: Update the Emergency Operations Plan and expand safety awareness within the fire department in order that the safest work environment relative to the job required can be provided. To provide at least annual training for key City personnel in their responsibilities during a man-made or natural disaster. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: This division coordinated all State and Federal mitigation grants resulting from the 1991 floods,and our participation in Operation Fire Storm in Spokane Washington. The Safety Officer responded to all major incidents and is responsible for safety operations at the emergency scene. The Emergency Management Coordinator/Safety Officer reviews all injury reports, serves as Chairman of the Labor/Management Safety Committee, coordinates annual Department physical examinations,and serves as Chairman of the Accident Review Board. Training and instruction was provided to insure all personnel are aware of safety standards as mandated by law. Defensive Driving Instruction and Rodeo also accomplished. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Emergency Management Budget is up$4,337 or 5.1%over the 1992 adopted level,and 1994 is $2,737 or 3.1%more than 1993. Supplies-Overall increase$171. Provides for operating,emergency operations center,field disaster,and small equipment supplies. 1993$4,446;1994$4,658. Travel/Training: Staff Training-1993 request$1,030,cut to$530. 1994 request$1,081,cut to$560. Emergency Management Key Official Training. 1993$2,040,1994$2,142. Miscellaneous: Memberships and Registrations. 1993$286 requested,cut to$200, 1994$300 requested,cut to$210. Publications. $416 allocated in 1993,$436 in 1994. f� t 129 1 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Fire Department- Fire Emergency Management Person Responsible: Jack McLaughlin, Battalion Chief it . .tem 1991 1992 Adopt 19921993 chow, %Qier{gc 1994'' L>Sa e Actual BudgeActual $udget 91 Adopted 92.Adopted. : get:4 93:... W. 93. POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Grade Title Commissioned Officers: __. _ __. 74 Battalion Chief(Safety/Emerg Mgt) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0';! 0.0 0.0%.''. .1,0 0.0 0.0% TOTALSTAFFING 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,04 0.0 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 56,952 66,876 66,212 70,252' 3,376 5.0%> : 71,224 972 1.4% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Overtime 0 0 0 '0 0 N/A ' A 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 6,401 8,507 8,373 9.736 1,229 14.4% 11,072 1,336 13.7%: Uniform Allowance 400 400 0 400 0 0.0 400 0 N/A Supplies 2,186 4,275 77 4,446 171 4.0% 4,658 212 4.8% Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Travel/Training 2,174 3,000 361 2,570> (430) -14.3% 2.702. 132 S.l% Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 O N/A Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 'r 0 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 314 500 0 550: 50 10.0 605 SS 10.0%: __.. .. Miscellaneous 140 675 549 616 (59) -8.7 646: 30 4.9% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A D 0 N/A Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0'I' 0 N/A 4 0 N/A .. _0 _ Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0: 0 N/A I' '0. 0 N/A TOTALEXPENDITUR.IrS 68,567 84;233 75,572 1 88,570::, 4;337 S.1 91,307. iAl iW 130 CITY OF RENTON 1993 — 1994 BUDGET Fire Department Statistics D£SCAIPTION 1987 1988 1.989 1990\ 1991 v 1992 FIRE RATING(Washington Survey&Rating Bureau) 4 4 4 4 4 4 NUMBER OF FIRE STATIONS 3 3 3 3 3 3 _........ ........_. ._........ _ RESPONSES LIFE SUPPORT RESPONSES 3,092 3,167 3,287 3,181 3,278 3,805 BUILDING FIRES 145 150 102 148 90 97 VEHICLE FIRES 118 88 109 92 84 78 OTHER FIRES 174 135 121 101 142 144 OVERPRESSURE RUPTURES 7 2 4 18 35 50 HAZARDOUS CONDITION RESPONSES 172 186 217 231 187 196 SERVICE RESPONSES 178 153 240 528 354 328 GOOD INTENT RESPONSES 211 255 343 383 292 264 FALSE ALARMS-MALICIOUS 42 46 74 70 58 79 FALSE ALARMS-OTHER 421 456 524 618 503 504 ALL OTHER RESPONSES 921 162 1 12 11 7 7 TOTAL RESPONSES 4,652 4,800 5,033 5,381 5,030 5,552 TOTAL FIRE LOSS $1,398,891 $1,373,925 $2,497,131 $1,195,637 $307,690 $576,240 S AFFING INFORMATION1988 .> 1989 1990 1.991 1992 1993 1994 _ Commissioned Fire Fighting Personnel 78.0 79.0 80.0 80.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 Non-Commissioned Fire Personnel 7.0 9.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 TOTAL FIRE PERSONNEL 85.0 88.0 91.0 91.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 131 to CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 0'1' Planning, Building, Public Works (P/B/PW) Department Lynn Guttmann Administrator 156.6 Total FTE -n "a Pierce Pat Porter Judy Wafter AdminscillAnalyst Admin Secretary 11 Office Asst I Development Planning/Tech Utility Transportation Maintenance I Services Services Systems Systems Services 34.0 FTE 13.1 FTE 19.5 FTE 31.0 FTE 55.0 FTE Jim Hanson Kay Shoudy Gregg Zimmerman Mel Wilson Jack Crumley Dev Services Dir Ping/Tech Sv Dir Utility Sys Dir Transp Sys Dir Mtc Sery Dir Admn Sec I- 1.0 FTE Secretary 11-1.0 FTE Adm Sec I- 1.0 FTE Adm Sec I- 1.0 FTE Office Asst Il- 1.0 FTE Secretary I- 1.0 FTE Office Asst 11- 1.OFTE Dt Bs Sys Tech - 1.0 FT Dev/P/anninoPlno/Spec Mtc Buyer- 1.0 FTE Proi Don Erickson Transp Planning purch Asst- 1.0 FTE Principal Planner Ma L Myer Water Util Sys Mary Lynne Y Sandra Meyer Zoning Admin Principal Planner Ron Olsen Supervisor Secretary 1- 1.0 FTE Supervisor Asst Trsp Plnr- 1.0 FTE Street/Storm Maint Office Asst II- 1.0 FTE Sr Planner-2.6 FTE Civil Eng 11- 1.0 FTE John Stein- Manager Civil Engr III• 2.0 FTE Sr Planner-3.0 FTE Assoc Planner-1.0 FTE Mtc Svc Spvr - 2.0 FTE Engr Spec- 2.0 FTE Design Harold Adams Lead Mtc Wkr-3.0 FTE Public Info Counter Civil Engr 11 - 1.0 FTE_- Transp g Spvr Engr S Mtc Sv Wkr - 15.0 FTE Craig Burnell Technical Ser v Office Assist II- .5 FTE Bldg Plan Reviewer Lee Haro Sol Wst Wkr- 1.0 FTE Dave Tibbot Prog Dev Coord Assoc Plnr- 1.0 FTE Manager Eng Spec III- 2.0 FTE Dev Sv Rep- 1.0 FTE Bob MacOnie Waste Wtr Util Sys Water Maintenance Civil Engr I-III-3.0 FTE Survey GS Supvr Dave Christensen Ray Sled- Manager Office Asst II- 2.0 FTE Engineering Lead go Arlene Haight Wtr Mtc Supvr- 1.0 FTE Eng Spec- 2.0 FTE Transp Operations Plan Review Prop Mgt Spvr Mtc Svc Spvr- 1.0 FTE Karl Hamilton Wtr Qual Tech- 1.0 FTE go Neil Watts Eng Spec 1- 1.5 FTE Manager Supervisor Office Asst III Storm Util Sys Civil Eng I- 1.0 FTE Wtr Mtc Tech- 1.0 FTE Eng Spec 11-111 2.0 FTE Ron Straka Lead Mtc Wkr- 2.0 FTE 4.0 FTE Supervisor Engr Spec 11-2.0 FTE Mtc Sv Wkr-9.0 FTE Dev Sv Rep- 1.0 FTE Civil Engr-3 FTE Transp Maint -- Ted Pebworth 4aste Water Maintenanc Eng Spec- 1.0 FTE Supervisor Gary Morrison-Mgr Consrr Field Sery Sip/Ele Sys Tech-4.0 FTE Mtc Svc Supvr- 1.0 FT Jim Chandler Solid Waste Trafffic Sign&Pnt Building Official Linda Knight P Su ervisor- 1.0 FTE Mtc Sv Wkr-5.0 FTE Secretary 11-1.0 FTE Coordinator Sip/Ele Sys Asst-2.0 Office Asst 11- 1 FTE Engr Spec 1 .5 FTE Vehicle& Lead Bldg Insptr- 1.0 FTI Equipment Maintenance Bid/Ld Use Inspector Trf Mtc Wk 11 -2.0 Rod Pfeifle 7.0 FTE Supervisor Lead Fid Eng Sp- 1.0 FTT Airoon Mechanic- 3.0 FTE Field Eng Spec-4.0 FTE Gail Reed-Supvr Mech Asst- 1.0 FTE Ills Util Locator- 1.0 FTE Secretary 1- .5 FTE Eng Spec I- 1.0 FTE Maint Wkr- 1.0 FTE 132 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS M Planning/Building/Public Works Department - All Divisions The continuing goal of the Planning, Building,and Public Works Department(P/B/PW)is a commitment to service. The department's organization was established after major reorganizations in 1990 and minor organizational adjustments made in 1991. In order to react to unprecedented demands for building and land use permits,growth management,and other concerns,the department was reorganized into six divisions to meet the department's goal of providing the best possible customer services. Division responsibilities are briefly described below to provide an overview of department services. Each division's operating program activity and budget information is provided on the following pages. Administration-Provides overall support and management of the entire department,ensuring coordination between department divisions. Development Services-Oversees all construction within the City limits,from land use application through final construction inspection. The division also handles current planning Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)processes and the Public Information Counters. Transportation Systems-Responsible for transportation planning and administration,project design and construction management,operation and maintenance of the City's traffic signal,signing,and street lighting systems, and the Renton Municipal Airport operations and capital improvements. Planning/Technical Services-The Planning Section is responsible for long range planning issues such as the Comprehensive Plan and Growth Management. Technical Services provides property management,records management for the Department,and mapping for the City. Utility Systems-Plans,designs,and administers the City's water,wastewater,storm and surface water,and solid waste utility functions. Maintenance Services-Maintains streets,alleys,sidewalks,bridges,equipment,and water,wastewater,and storm drainage utility infrastructures. Operates and manages the City s Litter Control Program. FUNDING SOURCES - The Planning/Building/Public Works department operations are financed by eight funds including: General, Street, Water/Sewer/Storm Utility, Airport, Solid Waste Utility, Equipment Rental, and Transportation and Water/Sewer/Storm Capital Improvement Funds (reimbursement for planning, design, management, and inspection services). In 1993, $6,228,546 will come from the General and Street Funds which are general government funds, reflecting over $200,000 in reductions from the original budget request. The balance of $25,893,249 is generated by proprietary and capital improvement funds, for a total operating budget of$32,121,795 in 1993. The budget increases $469,013 in 1994 for a total budget of$32,590,808. The divisions in the General and Street Funds provide goods and/or services to the proprietary and CIP funds. Payment for those goods and services is made by means of reimbursements between funds in the form of interfund payments and credits to expenditures,which are listed in each division's budget summaries and in the total departmental budget. Only operating funds are shown, including Equipment Rental new and replacement vehicles on pg 161. Capital fund expenditure summaries are shown in Table 10,beginning on page 48. NEW PROGRAMS: The table on the next page lists the new programs requested for the biennial budget. UTILITY RATES Rates: With this biennial budget,the rate increase for the two year period is levelized for all city operated utilities. BUDGET CHANGES: The overall 1993 P/B/PW budget increase of$3,245,377 is very similar to the 1992 increase of$3,294,383 from the 1991 budget. This equates to an 11.2% increase with all funds, and a 2.7% increase in General Fund. With the classification and compensation increases included in the total (adjustments made during mid-1992 in General Funds; Enterprise fund costs show in 1993 salary difference), and other mandatory increases,such as meeting utility fee increases,the budget provides the same level of services as in 1992 with the addition of the new programs. The 1993 and 1994 General Fund budget requests were reduced over$200,000 each year,as part of the City's budget balancing measures, with an increase of$50,000 in Transportation expenditure credits, for a two year budget reduction of over$400,000. In addition, over $20,000 was reduced each year in Water Utility Maintenance. 1994 budget increase of 1.5% for the entire department is essentially minor for inflationary and cost-of-living/benefits increases,with one new Water Treatment Operator in Water Maintenance. Other variations are as follows. 133 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Planning/Building/Public Works Department - All Divisions f 1993- 1994 New Program Requests General Fund A�por( Surface other CIP.. Tofai:... Water UtiUUes Funds ;reallocate naw Fund Pr ram [oved: oD APP RANK FUND SOURCE Utility, existi-116 request Cost ByY� YeelNo 1993 NEW PROGRAM REQUESTS UTILITY&CIP FUNDS "1 Aquifer Protection Program 97,298 97,298 Yes _. _ ............. ...........I... .... 2 Surface Water Plan Review 48,265 48,265 Yes 3 Wastewater Util.Engineering W-59 57,537 76,195 yes1. ........... 4 Surface Wtr FacilityInspection 80,863 80,863 Yes 5 City CIP Project Inspection 29,586 29.586 No 8111 6Recycling Prog.Assist.Coord. 17,029 17,029 Yes GENERALFUND _... ........ ...__ _ ... . .. _........- "'2 Growth Mgmt.Compliance 35,900 35,900 Yes 3 CADNapping Services 15,798 15,798 No AIRPORT FUND 1 Airport Technical Assistance 56,735 56,735 Pending ................... 1993 Total 129;128 >132,986 87.123't -o 61:898 66.735_;:: 457.8801:: ... .... 1994 NEW PROGRAM REQUESTS UTILITY OPER.FUNDS 1 Water Treatment Wells 11&17 59,080 59,080 Yes 2 Maintenance&Pavement 11,018 6.900 10,000 5,137 33,055 No ......... .................................... Mgmt.Systems Data Process. GENERALFUND 1 Replace Xerox Copier 3,750 3,750 No ......... ........ ..._. _ __... ..._ ......_...... ..._..... ._... 2 Property Mgmt.Remodel 5,000 5.000 No .................... 1994:Tota1 : 0 70.098 6,900> 10.000 13;887 0, :::::100;885` Notes _. Included in Council deliberations during rate review May,1992. _. Approved by ...... .. _. ...... Grant funded. Reduced due to State budget deficit from$44,900 to$35,900. Salaries and Benefits-Class/comp,normal step progression,longevity,and benefit increases for existing staff account for a majority of the increase. In 1993 there Is a change of 7 positions from the 1992 Budget as adopted(2.5 approved in 1992,and 4.5 in 1993)including: 1 Signal/Electronics Technician for Valley-Com systems maintenance agreement(approved mid-year 1992), 1.5 positions for the Aquifer Protection program(approved late in 1992),1 Engineering Specialist for surface water plan review, 1 Civil Engineer Ill to allow full time supervision for Waste Water and Surface Water Utility sections,1 Maintenance Worker 111 for surface water private facility inspection program,1 Engineering Specialist at the Airport,and.5 In Solid Waste to Increase the Office Assistant II to full time. There is 1 new position in 1994,a Water Treatment Plant Operator. Council Amendment cut the Limited Term Building Inspector position. Part-time - Increases include the following: $14,000 in Surface Water Utility for Comprehensive Plan wok; $3,400 in PW Administration for assistance in project cost monitoring and invoicing;$12,000 in Surface Water Maintenance for safety workers for private facility Inspection program; illo $12,000 transferred mid-1992 from PW Inspection professional services to part-time and rebudgeted there for 1993 and 1994; $9,400 budgeted mid-1992 for Plan Review to cover Customer Service Counter,4th FI=,while staff is managing the 1-405/S-Curves Coordination Project,funded by reimbursements. Part-time accounts,primarily in Transportation and PW Administration were reduced by 1.2 FTE equivalents in 1993 and 0.2 FTE to in 1994 for budget balancing purposes. Overtime Reduced in both Planning Sections as staff typically take comp time rather than overtime pay. Also reduced in Plan Review Section with anticipated lower overtime required with approval of the new position. Over$10,000 reduced department-wide, primarily in Street Maintenance,in 11181 1993 and 1994 for budget balancing purposes. Supplies- 1993 decreased$7,463 for budget balancing purposes. 1994$25,000 increase in Street Maintenance for streets,seawalls(Cedar River),and sidewalk supplies;Utility Maintenance increases$22,670 to cover rising costs in copper tubing,chemicals,and other materials; Equipment Rental increases$7,047 for various equipment repair materials;supplies increase 2.196 for inflation in 1994 for Transportation Division. 134 ow 94 BUDGET ANALYSIS- 1 CITY OF RENTON 1993 9 Planning/Building/Public Works Department - All Divisions Professional Services-1993 decreases include the following:$162,000 reduced in Solid Waste Utility since Coordinated Prevention Grant Program is funded by 1992 appropriation,also reduced professional services$3,000 for total reduction of$165,000;Solid Waste Contractor payments reduced approximately$800,000 from 1992 budget due to decrease in commercial roll-off tonnage paid to the hauler;Wastewater Utility reduced $5,000; Construction Field Services reduced$62,000 from 1992 due to the Boeing Customer Services Site inspection budgeted in 1992; Supplemental Development Fees were reduced$6,500 in 1993 and$5,000 in 1994 as an economy measure;Plan Review was reduced$2,890 in 1993 and$5,585 in 1994 as an economy measure. 1993 increases included:$40,000 in Surface Water Maintenance each year for new Private Facility Inspection Program;Utility funds will be used for rate study update in 1993; 1994 has$80,000 increase in payments to the Solid Waste Contractor for CPI. $52,571 was transferred from salaries and benefits to this account by Council amendment by cutting the Limited Term Inspector position. Training-Reduced in 1993 as economy measure. Increased in 1994 to return to 1992 level with inflation included. Advertising-Increase in cost in Development Planning is due to increase in volume of notices required to keep public informed of all land use and environmental actions. Increased in 1994 for estimated column inch cost increase. Rentals and Leases-$2,000 increase in Transportation Maintenance used to perform signal repair work; Cellular phone rentals increased$600 in PW Admin;$9,000 moved from repairs and maintenance in Technical Services for lease of plotter for mapping. EE uioment Rental-Rates based on equipment rental charges which were reviewed and updated by Finance. There are 2 new vehicles and 4 replacement vehicles in 1993 and 3 new and 2 replacement vehicles in 1994. Insurance-Increased by Finance estimates of claims/cost to Insurance Fund based on past years'experience and exposure estimates. Public Utility Services-In 1993 payment to Metro increased$460,000 which will be paid by commercial customers due to the unit of measure change from 900 cu.ft.per single family equivalent to 750 cu.ft.;Street Maintenance payment to Surface Water Utility increased$105,000 due to mid-1992 rate increase. Reduction in electricity costs in Transportation for street lighting in 1993/1994 offsets some of the increases listed here. 1994 Metro rate increase estimated at 6%or$260,000. Other utility costs such as electricity(for pumping)also increased for inflation in 1994. Repairs and Maintenance-Inflationary increase in 1993. 1994 increased for inflation and building,crack sealing,and line painting maintenance work at the Airport. Miscellaneous- Department of Health operating permit required in both years,$9,000. Each Utility added a microfilm account for processing records through the City Clerk's Office. Airport increased$2,000 for anticipated permit fees. Intergovernmental Services- $166,056 increase in Water/Wastewater/Surface Water Utilities for City interfund taxes(based on estimated revenue), transfer to capital fund increases$1,572,000 in 1993 and reduces$1,335,000 in 1994;Solid Waste Utility increases$74,000 for King County Hazardous Waste Assessment(50%increase). Capital Outlay-In 1993 replace and upgrade 5 computers,one new computer and laser printer for new Wastewater Utility position,replace one laser printer in Solid Waste Utility;install a departmental computer fax modem for more staff time efficiency, upgrade memory and software for one computer each year,and purchase network server back-up components each year($10,000)for increasing integrity of the system. In 1994 replace 3 computers,replace two laser printers;purchase a portable computer for staff work outside of the office. Also includes all City departments new and replacement vehicles$512,350 in 1993,and$458,000 in 1994. Debt Service-Increase$660,559 in 1993 and$577,902 in 1994 for the Water/Sewer/Storm Utilities for capital improvements; increases$352,000 in 1993 for Solid Waste Utility for payment of yard waste carts as part of renegotiation of Solid Waste Contract; Airport decreases in both years as prior debt service is paid off in 1993; Equipment Rental increases in 1994 to finance new and equipment replacements. Interfund Payments-Original budget request reflected 5.4%cost-of living estimate increase for allocation to P/B/PW Divisions providing services to the Enterprise Funds. Additional$473,962 increase in 1993 is for increase to 75%of indirect cost allocation to enterprise funds; the indirect cost allocation increases to an estimated 85%of total allocation in 1994,increasing an additional$207,930; $6,000 increase from Solid Waste to PW Administration to reflect accurately the utility benefit from that division. Decreases in Maintenance interfund payments for operational adjustments partially offset these increases. E_penditure Credits-Accounts generally offset interfund payments above. Another$120,000 increase in soft capital estimates in the Utility Systems for increased capital project work to be completed with increased staff. 1994 increases reflect cost-of-living/benefits increases. 135 11w CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS as Planning/Building/Public Works-All Divisions Person Responsible: Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator to 1961 1992 adopt 1e02...... 1893> Chatga %:fhagga 1994': %C7iaggy': .. . Item Actual Budget Actual Budget 9 .Adopt 92 Adgt Budget 93 Budget 93 Budgcr` POSITION ALLOCATIONS: PB/PW Administration 4.0 4.0 4.0 4,0 0.0 0.0% 4,0' 0.0 0.0% Development Services 34.0 34.5 34.5 34.0 (0.5) -1.4% 34,0 0.0 0.0% Transportation 29.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 2.0 6.9% 31.0 0.0 0.0% Planning/Technical Services 14.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 0.0 0.0% 13.1.' 0.0 0.0% Utility Systems 15.5 16.0 16.0 19,5>s 3.5 21.9%' 19.5:. 0.0 0.0% Maintenance 53.0 54.0 54.0 (Y, 1.0 1.9 56.0' 1.0 1.8% TOTALREGULARSTAFFING :149.6 150:6 151.6 156.6 6.0 4.0% 157.6 LO c liG TEMPORARY PART TIME 13.9 17.1 18.2 17.9 0.8 4.7%, 18.1 0.2 1.1% TOTAL STAFFING 163.5 167.7 169.8 174,5 6.8 4.1% 175.7 1.2 0.7% TOTAL PART TIME HOURS 28,912 35,568 31,859 37,247 1,679 4.7 37y802'' 555 1.5% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 5,208,206 5,948,185 5,818,370 6,340,165 391,980 6.6% 6,680,918 340,753 5.4% Part Time Salaries 268,233 331,280 310,295 354,329 23,049 70% 366,649 12,320 3:5% Overtime 138,740 161,806 134,960 148,530 (13,276) -8.2% 152,380 3,850 2.6% Personnel Benefits 1,395,259 1,716,344 1,688,136 2,068,051 351,707 20.5% 2,373;986' 305,935 14.8% Supplies 11068,480 11138,708 1,001,627 1,131,245 (7,463) -0.7% 1,191;888: 60,643 S.4% Professional Services 5,097,803 6,543,877 5,859,042 ' 5,641,579' (902,298) -13.8% 5,693,489r 51,910 0.9% Postagerrelephone/Other 29,235 39,327 30,146 39,8501 523 1.3% 42,7300 2,880 7.2% Travel 15,902 24,520 14,724 24,564 r 44 0.2% 25;172 608 2.5% .. .. . Training&Schools 32,207 41,040 24,228 39,495 (1,545) -3.8% 41;406:: 1,911 4.8% Advertising 8,686 10,000 11,598 14050 2,050 20.5% 13;860; 1,610 13.4% Rentals and Leases 17,552 25,090 30,067 % 351340 10,250 40.9 35,812 472 1.3% Equipment Rental 397,611 795,672 779,906 797.710 2,038 0.3% 795,786 (1,924) -0.2% Iw Insurance 187,181 195,941 196,865 214,928 18,987 9.7% 235;871:' 20,943 9.7% Public Utility Services 4,521,585 4,917,945 4,527,456 5.382;600 464,655 9.4% 5,709,115 326,515 6.1% Repairs&Maintenance 264,696 277,395 291,678 281185 4,500 1.6% 2921860 10,765 3.8% Miscellaneous 39,241 92,510 39,893 1100,f$24, 8,114 8.8 104;201 3,577 3.6% to Intergovernmental Services 2,808,460 2,701,321 3,113,329 i 4340 218 1,638,892 60.7% 3,263;899x, (1,076,514) -24.8% ... Capital Outlay 419,968 520,782 530,149 985,850 465,168 89.3% 5681430 ss (417,520) -42.3% Debt Service 2,742,855 3,111,537 7,479,171 _,1,841,644:,: 730,107 23.5% 4,449;868: 608,224 15.8% Interfund Payments 2,025,326 2,524,480 2,583,890 3400,916: 876,439 34.7 3 849:851 447,932 13.2% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 26,687,226 1 31,117,760 34,465,330 35;181,681:; 4,063,921 13.1%''35,88601 704,890 2.0% Expenditure Credits (2,022,293) (2,241,342) (2,779,770) j(3058.886) (818,544) 365 (3,295,763). (235,877) 7.7% TOTALEXPENDITUFtE.5 24;884933 18476,418 31.;885560 ;32;121;795 3;243,377 i1,232,590;808 1 469013 1.3 iwr Summary by Planning/Building/Public Works Divisions 1991 1.992 Adopt 1992 1993 C.hs lgo %'Chwwo 1994 Cbmwe PB/PWDIVISIQN: Actual Budget. Actual Budget 91 Adopt ;92Adopt` Budget 9-T Bad :93Bu0ger Administration 159,502 196,604 204,030 211,598 14,994 7.6 219;321 7,723 3.6% Development Services 1,746,684 1,867,213 1,803,588 1,807,872 (59,341) -3.2% 1,931.579' 123,707 6.8% Transportation Systems 1,934,688 2,301,984 2,186,793 2,377.079. 75,095 3.3% 2,506,805 129,526 5.4% Planning/Technical Services 653,951 784,147 825,195 840,690 56,543 7.1 853,671' 12,981 1.5% . Utility Systems 11,695,067 13,933,685 17,601,475 16;167,393 j 1,233,708 16.0% 15,729,304 (438,089) -2.7% Maintenance Services 1 8,475,041 9,792,785 9,064,479 :;10,717,1:63 924,378 9.4% 11,350,328 633,165 5.9% TOTAL PB/PW:OPERATIONS 24,664,933 28,876,4]8 31;8$5,560 1 ;32,121,795 3W377' 11.2% 32,590;808 469,013 1.5 Summary by Planning/Building/Public Works General Governmental Divisions 1991 1992 Adopt 1892 1993 t Tia ge amore 1994 GSu{ge %tagge PB/PW DIVISION: Actual ;Budget Actual Budget; 92 Adopt 92 Adopt Budget 93 Budget 93 Budget Administration(General Fund) 159,502 196,604 204,030 211,598.: 14,994 7.6 219,321 7,723 3.6 Development Services(General Fund) 1,746,684 1,867,213 1,803,588 1,8074872 i (59,341) -3.2% 1,931,579 123,707 6.8 Planning/Technical Sery(General Fund) 653,951 784,147 825,195 840,690 56,543 7.2% 853,671 12,981 1.5 Transportation Systems(Street Fund) 1,572,132 1,888,193 1,767,899 1,910,522. 221329 1.2% 2,089,566 159,044 8.3% Street Maint Services(Street Fund) 962,694 1,328,665 1,149,004 1 1457,864' 129,1991 9.7% 1,518,965 61,101 1 4.2% TOTAL PB/PWsGEN GOVT FUNDS 5,094,983 6,064,822 5,749;716 j 6,228,546 1,63,7241 2.7% 6.593,102 364,556 5.9% t� 136 CITY OF RENTON 1993 -1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 015 Administration OBJECTIVE-To provide management and direction for the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: The Administration Division provides managerial direction for the Citys Water, Sewer, Surface Water, and Solid Waste Utilities; Development Services; Planning and Technical Services; Transportation and Airport Systems; and activities related to the maintenance and improvement of the public works infrastructure. The Division ensures responsive and efficient performance by establishing and implementing priorities,policies and procedures;providing managerial oversight;and by working with the City Council,Executive and other departments,and outside agencies. Activities include financial management,support for the Board of Public Works,department wide training, and all personnel related actions of the department. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Continued tracking and invoicing Supplemental Development Fees in cooperation with the Finance Department; developed procedures for using the project cost accounting system and provided staff training in the system's use; refined contracting procedures for engineering and planning services and provided staff training in contracting matters; implemented a training program to enhance and maintain quality staff and services focusing on project management and communication skills; and assisted in renegotiation of the solid waste services contract. Reviewed fees and rate levels of various sections of the department; coordinated financing and grant funding for utility capital improvement projects. Provided support to the Board of Public Works. Working with several other departments, coordinated the development review of the Paccar Truck Plant and Boeing's Longacres site; managed development, presentation and implementation of several new policy initiatives brought to Council including the Critical Areas Ordinance,the Land Use Plan, new Surface Water Utility programs,and the Aquifer Protection Ordinance and Program. Represented the City in regional planning efforts for compliance with growth management regulations. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN: Continue supporting the Board of Public Works, providing representation on organizations concerning regional growth management policies and issues, designing and providing training programs, addressing personnel issues, invoicing and purchasing for other Divisions needing secretarial support;and,overall management, policy and procedures development for the department. Coordinate Transportation and Utility CIP plans to the Citys maximum benefit; provide assistance in financing utility capital improvement projects and updating the Utilities rate study. Continue monitoring fee revenue and services expenditures for compliance with Council policies. Provide strategy, management and oversight to development and presentation of Comprehensive Plan elements including the Housing Plan, Utilities Plan, Transportation Plan and the Capital Facilities Plan and oversee coordination efforts for concurrency of all plans and policies with the Citys Comprehensive Plan. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Planning/Building/Public Works Administration budget is down$1,126 from the 1992 adjusted budget.This equates to a 7.6%increase from the 1992 adopted budget. 1994 increases reflect estimated cost of living and inflationary increases only for an overall 3.6%increase over 1993 requests. Salaries and Benefits-Increase from the 1992 adopted budget includes classification/compensation study adjustments,cost-of-living adjustments in benefits and normal step progression for existing positions. Part-Time-Mid-year budget adjustment in 1992 transferred funds from Development Services Administration to PBPW Administration with responsibility of invoicing supplemental development fees and providing project cost monitoring. Although$990 was reduced from the original request for both years as an economy measure,the$3,410 increase for 1993 is to fully fund this increasing workload and is offset by increase in expenditure credits. Overtime- Reduced$400 from original request both years as an economy measure,based on historical low use of this account. Supplies- Reduced to the 1990 budget level as an economy measure. Travel and Trainino- Reduced to 1992 budget level which is lower than 1991 appropriations. Funds are planned for Cascade Training Center programs for management position(s). Training budget is also used for department-wide trainings and resources. Rentals- Cost of cellular phone monthly expenses. Repairs and Maintenance-Reduced$350 in 1993 and$400 in 1994 from original request as an economy measure. Miscellaneous-Board of Public Works recording fees allocation increased$50 based on recent history. Publications increased$200 to purchase department-wide resources. Other miscellaneous accounts reduced$210 in 1993 and$175 in 1994 as economy measure. Expenditure Credits-Reflects benefits cost increases. The increase from the Solid Waste Utility more closely reflects benefit from this Administration Division. 137 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF 8t FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Planning/Building/Public Works- Administration . ... ... .. ........... Person Responsible: Lynn Guttmann, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator rlr POSlxlof�ALtOCAttON3� 1691 1992 Adopt 1892 1993 Ghrggt x L7iar{a 1994 . ::. rase .:... Tide Actual Budgei Actual Budget: 92�1 92 A $ud et 43; ..9s .... 48 Ping/Bldg/Pub Wks Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 f 0 0.0 0 0 1.G 0.0 0.0% 181! _. ..... .._. _.... ... . ........ 21 Administrative Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0 0 ......... as0 i 0.0 0.0% _..... 11 :Administrative 1.0 1.0 1.0 1;:0 0.0 O.0 0> 0.0 O.0%: ..... _... - _ _....__. _..: 1 Office Assistant 1 1.0 1.0 • 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%; TOTAL REGIt i O STAFFING 4.0 4:0 4.0 4;0 d d 0 glow ..0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.4 0.8 0.9 1;Y' 0.3 37S 110 tD.l) -9.1 TOTAL STAFFING 4.4 4.8 4.9 0.3 63 5 0 (0.1) -2.0 PART TIME HOURS 832 1,664 2.073 2242: 578 34 7 2;1:64:; (88) -3.9 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: _ .. . ...... __. ........ _.. __ ..__..... . Regular Salaries 169,417 182,879 189,000 192,432 9,753 S.3%, 198,t88:' 3,73( 1.9% Part Time Salaries 5,714 11,240 13,990 18,450 7,210 64.1 19;000 550 3.0 Overtime 0 500 0 100 (400) 80 0 100 0 0.0% _ .. Personnel Benefits 42,301 49,055 49,575 58253 7,198 14.7 62,868. 6,615 Supplies 4,868 5,650 4,811 5,650 0 0.0 5;700: SO 0.99 Professional Services 0 0 143 0 0 N/A zo. 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 O N/A 0 0N/A .. .. Travel 2,480 2,000 1,108 2.0001 0 00 ,x.4w:. 0 0.00 Training 6 Schools 2,501 4,450 728 4.450 0 00 4 55Q 100 22% ..... .._ . _ ._..._......_.. Rentalsand Leases 0 0 438 800'> 600 N/A 700: 16. 100 7% __...... 00 ._ ._1 ...... Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 N/A0 0 N/A Insurance 0 0 0 0> 0 N/A s 0 ......... ......0 N/A __ Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0: ._. .........0 N/A Repairs b Maintenance 893 850 454 500 CM) -41 2 1 sw: O O.0% P _ _... _ _ _ ._..... ...... ilrr Miscellaneous 517 900 508 1000 IOD ... 11I i,a45: 65 6.S% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 4 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 Capital Outlay 2,063 0 3 382 0 0 N/A 0` 0 N/A . Oebt Service 0 0 0 0 01 N/A 0 O N/A IVA SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 230,552 257,324 264.137 2811,435 24,1111 11,214 4.0ij Expenditure Credits (71,050) (60,720) (80,107) i:; 0,837): (➢,117) 15.0 (73328) (3,491) S.D% TOTAL EXPI'Np17URES 759,502' 198,804 204.030 211,5!)8 149l�4 76. 2119;321 fi,723 3.6 11tH 111th 138 ilr CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 007 Development Services OBJECTIVE-To ensure compliance with codes and land use regulations by providing a public information counter and plan review of new construction, issuance of building permits and inspection services, and overseeing environmental and land use planning issues related to development. FUNDING SOURCES - General revenues are the major sources of support for Development Services. The division generates building,electrical,and mechanical permit fees,plan check,plan review fees, and land use and environmental review fee revenue. Inspection,counter and plan review services are also performed by Development Services for City capital improvement projects with reimbursements credited back to the Development Services section budgets. Supplemental fees will fund staff for large projects. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Development Planning-Responsible for the processing and administering of all current land use actions as well as subdivisions, the State Environmental Policy Act, including environmental impact statements (EIS), and the City's Shoreline Master Program. Also provides staff support to the Environmental and Site Plan Review Committees, the Hearing Examiner and the Board of Adjustment. This section will participate with the Long Range Planning Division in writing the new zoning regulations to enact the new land use comprehensive plan. We anticipate a somewhat lower number of applications while the City is in this change process. Plan Review - Reviews construction plans for compliance with City codes including Utility Regulations and Transportation Standards. A public information counter is located on the 4th floor to handle inquiries for utility and transportation items. Construction Field Services - Performs building, electrical, plumbing and related inspections for projects under construction, along with inspections of utilities and streets, dangerous buildings and housing, to ensure compliance with the Building, Energy, Electrical,Plumbing,Mechanical,Sign and Land Use Codes;and Utility Regulations and Transportation Standards. Public Information Counter- Located on the 3rd Floor for addressing building and planning issues. All building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits are issued there along with land use applications. Plan review for compliance with building and energy codes is included in this section. Administration - Provides overall management and oversight of the Division. Handles problems and issues arising from development applications. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -Land Use plans processed in 1992 include Boeing Longacres CSTC Building;the Orchards mixed use project;,Pace/Homeclub; Rabanco;and numerous moderate sized projects. EIS's processed in 1992 include the DEIS for Longacres,and EIS's for Forrest Crest,East Renton Sewer Interceptor, East Side Green River Watershed and Oakesdale Ave. -Building mechanical and electrical permit values in 1992 are estimated at$210,500,000 generating$1,090,000 in revenue. -Inspections have stabilized at approximately 2700 per inspector per year. 139 wilt CITY OF RENTON 1993 -1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 007 Development Services �1r 1993-1994 WORK PLAN: -Plan Review and the Public Information Counter will process and review an estimated 3000 permits annually,valued at approximately$121 million,plus public street and utility improvements. Plan review regulations concerning utilities and transportation improvements will be reviewed and modified to provide more efficient service. -The Development Planning Division will process approximately 200 land use applications annually. The zoning regulation modifications to enact the new comprehensive land use plan will need to be completed and refined. Part of this process will be to propose methods to economize the review of applications. 191 -Construction Field Services and PW Inspection will perform an estimated 12,000 inspections annually for private projects plus an increasing number of inspections for Utilities and Transportation CIP projects. Procedures-methods and programs of this section will be reviewed during 1993. Builders,community leaders and staff will review our present activities and propose more qW efficient and responsive methods of operation. We are committed to provide the best service possible given the resources provided. 11111110 NEW PROGRAM: Plan Review Engineering Specialist II -To provide Utility and Transportation plan review services to address the work overload in a V0 more efficient and reasonable way than all through professional services. This position is covered by Utility reimbursements ($48,527)because it will free Utility staff to complete capital improvement projects. 1r to (1111 9r 1191 140 CITY OF RENTON 1993 -1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 007 Development Services BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Development Services Division budget is down$59,341 from the 1992 adopted budget or a 3.2% decrease. The 1994 budget is$123,707 or 6.8%above the 1993 budget. Several budget changes are described below. Regular Salaries and Benefits - Cost of benefits increases, normal step progression and classification/compensation study adjustments for existing positions for both 1993 and 1994. Engineering Specialist II position for Plan Review is included with reimbursements from Surface Water Utility. Council Amendment cut the Limited Term Building Inspector position. Part-time Salaries-Increase in Plan Review from 1992 appropriation due to covering the fourth floor Counter while permanent staff manage 1-405/S-Curves issues. This is a limited-term situation needed through the end of the 1-405 project. Inflationary increases are also included. $12,000 transferred from PW Inspection professional services mid-1992 to use temporary part-time inspectors rather than consultants. Three Sections' cuts combined totaled $15,000 each year from the original request as an economy measure. Overtime-1993 request is lower because staff typically has been using comp time rather than overtime. Change reflects recent history. $250 was reduced from the original request as an economy measure. Supplies - Inflationary increases and $1,050 for water cooler supplies for one year on the 3rd floor were cut as an economy measures. Professional Services-$500 to Administration for professional assistance on special projects assigned to the Division; Plan Review increase$52,000 1992 mid-year due to Boeing Longacres review and professional assistance while Plan Review staff finalized 1- 405 design phase and to cover staff turnover due to promotions; $20,000 added to Plan Review in 1993 and 1994 supported by increased revenue projection; $65,000 reduction in Construction Field Services in 1993 due to Boeing Longacres inspection budgeted in 1992; $12,000 transferred to part-time in mid-1992 in PW Inspection; $9,640 reduced in 1993 and$10,925 in 1994 as economy measures; $52,571 was moved from salaries and benefits to this account in lieu of the Limited Term position cut by Council Amendment. Telephone-Inflation and increase in use of cellular phones in PW Inspection. Travel and Training-Inflationary increases. Advertising - Increase of$2,000 is due to growing volume of public notices, required by Council, to keep public informed of all actions related to land use and development. 1993 request is in line with 1992 actual expenditures. 1994 level anticipates column inch charge increase. Equipment Rental-Decrease due to Finance review of rates. Miscellaneous-Kroll maps updated in 1992. Not necessary to update again until 1994. Recording fees to be paid by applicants, budgeted amount removed from budget request in 1993 and 1994. Capital Outlay-Replace three computers in 1993 and one in 1994 necessitated by failing and out-dated computers. Upgrade one computer memory and software for one computer each year. Pay share of computer fax modem in 1993. Two printers and a portable PC in 1994. Expenditure Credits-Reflects increase due to additional Plan Review resources provided by Surface Water Utility rate increase and increase from other utilities. Also,the lead in the 1-405 workload is transferred from Transportation Planning to Plan Review with the associated reimbursements. t 141 °i" CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ...... . Planning/Building/Public Works- Development Services _.. _ Person Responsible: Jim Hansen, Development Services Director POSITION;ALLOCATIONS '1991 1982 Adopt 1992 1993; C35iagga % e 1994 %Qrar�e: _... :. fade TiNe Acival Budget' Actual Budget 92Adopt 92 AOolc Bndget ±r 93litualgct 38 .Dev Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1 0 0.0 0.0 1 0 0.0 0.0% f _ ..... ...... . .. 9 Administrative Secretary I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0€ 0.0 0.0 _.. 1.0,. 0.0 0.0% Total Development Services Admin 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0,: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32 :Zoning Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:,Oi:' 0.0 0.0 1,Q' 0.0 0.0% 23 .Senior Planners 4.0 3.0 3.0 3 0 O.O O.0 2 3 0; 0.0 0.0%'. to ... .._.. 5 Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 _::,j.0 0.0 0.0 1 0; 0.0 0.0% _.. 3 :Office Assistant 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 A 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% Total Developmt and Planning 7.0 6.0 6.0 8.0:10.0 0.0 ` 8.0.:' 0.0 0.0 23 :Bldg Plan Reviewer 1.0 1.0 1.0 T.0 0.0 0.0%< 1.0 0.0 0.0% lilll _. ......... _ _ 19 :Associate Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 11.0 0.0 0.0 'i 1.0 0.0 0.0%. 18 Dev Services Representative 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% . 3 Office Assistant 11 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0: 0.0 0.0%,: 2.0 0.0 0.0% 1W1 Total Public Information Counter 1 5.0 5.0 5.0 :5.0'' 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0 33 Plan Review Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0. 1'.0'' 0.0 0.0% 1.03 0.0 0.0%. 23 Engr Specialist 111 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 19 Engr Specialist 11(1 New 1993) 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 50.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 11tH 19 Civil Engr I(Trf to Storm Util'93) 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 (O.S) -100.0 0.0. 0.0 N/A 18 .Dev Services Representative 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% Total Plan Review 5.0 5.5 5.5 8.0:' 0.5 9.1 B,Q: 0.0 0.0 32 :Building Official 1.0 1.0 1.0 : 14: 0.0 0.0%.-- 0.0 0.0% _. 10 21 Lead Building Inspector 1.0 1.0 1.0 11;Q 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0%; _.. 18 Inspectors 6.0 7.0 7.0 8:0 (1.0) 14.3 8 0 0.0 .0.0% .. _ _. ... ..._. __. __..... 21 .Lead Field Engr Specialist 0.0 1.0 1.0 1:;Q. 0.0 0.0 Q.; 0.0 0.0%. 18 Field Engr Specialist g .. ....... 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 --.0; 0.0 0.0% _ _._ rtar 12 Util Locator-Inspector 1.0 1.0 1.0 1;0 O.O 0.0%:.. ..... - _ 7 :Secretary ............II 1.0 1.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% Total Constr Field/inspection Services 15.0 16.0 16.0 15:0:: (1.0) -6.3%::: 15 Q> 0.01 0.0 TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 34.0 ............... ... 60 TEMPORARY PART TIME 1.1 2.3 2.9 :: 2:6; 0.3 13.0% ;2,5; (0.1) -3.8 TOTAL STAFFING 35.1 36.8 37.4 38.6: (0.2) -O S :38 5;; (0.1) -0.3% PART TIME HOURS 2,288 4,784 5,530 Z.297+i 513 10 7 5,242:: (55) -1.0 111r BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 1,218,227 1,382,341 1,357,731 1,408,091 25,750 1.9%,: 1 509,510 101,419 7.2%'. PartTime Salaries 41 .10,794 68,777 79,518 71,974 3,197 4.6 J 73;--1W. 1,495 2.1% __ __ .:. .. .._. ._..... Overtime 21,518 21,810 25,364 19,350 (2,460) 113 19;8401 290 I.S% Personnel Benefits 318,225 387,233 376,147 444,328 57,093 14.7 520,035 7S,709 17.0%: Supplies 13,407 35,500 17,557 35,300 (200) -0.6 38,173 873 2.S% Professional Services 359,159 164,050 524,404 161,1)88 (2,964) 1.8 3 115;1:03 (45,983) -28.5% _.. Postage/Telephone/Other 10,884 8,650 11,634 12,760 4,110 47.5 13,830; 870 6.8% Travel 3,424 4,750 2,690 5,014 264 5.6 5:1:48,: 134 2.7% .. Training&Schools 6,007 8,750 5,118 81895 145 1.7 9;IN: 301 3.4%: Advertising 8,564 8,000 11,265 10,000 2,000 25.0% 111500 1,S0o 15.0% Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Equipment,Rental 43,800 63,132 62,491 55,9 1' (7,161) -11.3 53,583 (21408) -4.3%' Repairs&Maintenance 14,011 15,700 15,531 16,010 310 2.0 16,825: 815 S.1% .......... Miscellaneous 5,389 11,750 6,756 9,759 (1,991) -16.9 11,161 1,392 14.3% Capital Outlay 2,798 11,000 18,472 11000 0 0.0 1100Q 0 0.0% INV ., Interfund Payments 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0: 0 N/A SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,066,207 2,191,443 2,514,678 :2,269;536:: 78,093 3.6%12,405,943;: 136,407 6.0 Expenditure Credits (319,523) (324,230) (711,090) ; (461,664) (137,434) 42.4 (4741384)' (12,700) 2.8% ;> ;TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,746,684 1,867,213 _1,803,588 1,807,872 (59,341) -3.2 1,931,579 47U. 07 6.8 Yr 142 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund:103/16 Street; 402/16 Airport Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 016 Transportation Systems OBJECTIVE:To plan,design,construct,operate and maintain a transportation system that provides safe and efficient movement of people and goods; enhances environmental quality;and is compatible with local and regional mobility goals and development objectives. FUNDING SOURCES: This Division includes the Transportation portion of the Street Fund and the Airport Fund (see pg 144). Resources to the Street Fund are fuel taxes and general tax revenues. The Airport Fund is supported by lease revenue and grants. Capital improvement projects are funded through business license fees, grants,arterial street gas tax,local vehicle license fees,and impact mitigation fees. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Transportation Design - Prepares the Six-Year Transportation Capital Improvement Program(TCIP); writes and manages grants; and coordinates transportation improvements with other agencies. Provides project management, design and construction engineering for roadways,walkways,traffic signals,street lighting,signing,channelization,and bridges. Transportation Planning is responsible for all transportation planning and related input to local and regional comprehensive plans and Growth Management Act processes. Work includes, development of the Renton Arterial plan, sub-area transportation plans, transit planning, and Transportation Demand Management(TDM)planning. Transportation Operations and Maintenance — Operations manages the signal system; compiles, maintains and analyzes traffic records and statistics; develops and ensures proper application of signal, signing and street lighting standards; and investigates and resolves requests for assistance. Signal Maintenance is responsible for approximately 100 signals,2,600 street lights,over 500 radios,and associated equipment, 15 miles of signal interconnect and the Valley Communications Center emergency dispatch system. Sign Maintenance maintains 6,355 signs and 65 miles of pavement markings. The signal and sign shops are also responsible for installing and removing the banners and providing and setting up the traffic control devices for Renton River Days. Renton Municipal Airport-Management of the third busiest airport in the State, serving both the Boeing company and the general public. There are about 150,000 landings per year,85 hangars,250 tie-downs,and 16,500 linear feet of runway and taxi way. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The Transportation Systems Division continued its emphasis on public involvement in planning, capital improvement programming and traffic operations and its emphasis on solving problems and developing programs through a partnership approach with other City departments/divisions,other agencies and the community. Transportation Design -- Further enhancements were made to the Project Management System including preparation of a Project Management { Manual that can be used by all departments and divisions within the City. Projects constructed and completed in 1992 include: the 1992 Overlay and Slurry Seal Program,the S.43rd St Widening and the Maple Valley Wye Signals. Design will be substantially completed for the Park/Lake Washington Blvd and the SW 16th St—Monster Road to Oakesdale projects. Substantial design will be completed on Park Ave N-Bronson Way to 10th St,the Lake Washington--Bike/Rehab Study and the SR 167/43rd Loop Ramp Study. Design was started on the Houser Way Relocation--Stage 2 project and the Oakesdale Ave SW--16th to 27th St project. Grant activities resulted in the award of$3,500,000 from the Transportation Improvement Board and $3,000,000 from the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act and placed Renton first in the four-county region for a $965,000 Economic Development Administration grant. Transportation Planning was responsible for managing and coordinating a successful program for the development and implementation of commute trip reduction strategy. This section completed calibration of the transportation planning model and will complete a first draft Arterial Plan for the City. Also continued to coordinate and develop the Citys Transportation Plan by identifying the transit, arterial street, non-motorized and transportation demand management(TDM)elements as well as working with the Puget Sound Regional Council,METRO and other jurisdictions/agencies to pursue the City's multi-modal objectives. The section improved the transportation computer modeling product and produced results used to evaluate the City's comprehensive plan, ramp metering alternatives, the Boeing/Longacres development EIS, the downtown plan, and other transportation planning studies. TDM opportunities were addressed including an evaluation of appropriate locations for park and ride lots and continued activities related to implementing the State's Commute Trip Reduction law requirements. Operations and Maintenance continued their emphasis on community response and City department needs, answering approximately 3600 citizen requests and work orders and coordinating with WSDOT on the 1-405 S-Curves project in an effort to reduce the impact on City streets and neighborhoods. This section has completed safety improvement projects including the Houser Way N Pedestrian Signal, installation of a new traffic signal display at the Airport Way/Logan Street S intersection and continuation of the sign replacement, loop replacement and the pole replacement programs,which help ensure the safety and protection of the public. Also added a position in the signal shop by entering into an interlocal agreement with Valley Comm that would fully fund the position and meet the maintenance needs of Valley Comm. Airport continued its emphasis on the development of FAA funded capital improvement projects and the involvement of the Airport tenants in the project planning and development phases. Improvements which will be completed during 1993 are the installation of additional security fencing and gates,the upgrading of the Visual Approach Slope Indicators to Precision Approach Path Indicators, an upgraded energy efficient rotating beacon, improvement of the entrance roadway,and the asphalt overlay of 3,100 feet of the runway. The airport layout master plan and mapping components will be completed and will lay the foundation for future improvements. 143 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Planning/Building/Public Works-Transportation Systems Person Responsible: Mel Wilson, Transportation Systems Director rr DIV.• 103/16-STREET FUND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 1991 1992 AdoOt 1992 1993 Ctil�agga 1994 awe BtJl1G61A£iYAPPROP[ilAT10N. AcWal Budget A6tns1 Budget:: 92Adopt, 9ZAdvp¢ 13udsr Ps,�dger . :9811gcc:: Regular Salaries 942,064 1,099,883 1,069,207 ,186,663 86,980 79%!!;; 924344B;; 56386 4.8% . .................... a Part Time Salaries 76,069 96,892 76,324 86,060: (10,842) 11 2 9Q,4u , 4,400 5.1% Overtime 10,780 14,900 20,924 15,030 130 0.9 fi5.?30: 7AD 4.7% _._. Personnel Benefits 225,249 301,635 297,727 358,725 57,090 55,835 15.6%' Supplies 110,530 133,830 123,655 132,240 (1,590), 1.2 134;890:: 2,750 2.1% .. Professional Services 94,687 24,000 12,697 24,080 80 0.3 25,880;: 1,600 6.6% _ _. _ Postage/Telephone/Other 1,703 3,800 4,211 3,900, 100 2.6 4,0.00:: 100 2.6% Travel 137 2,750 2,546 i,661' 260 9.5%,' 3,210 200 6.6% .._ Training&Schools 6.848 6,200 5,187 6,600 400 6.5 6,680 80 1.2%to ' ,- Rentals and Leases 3,682 4,000 5,595 6,000 2,000 50.0 6,100 100 1.7% - .. Equipment Rental 33,186 60,744 59,341 60,321 (423) -07 5a 298 (5,023) -8.3% y y _....__ (69,000) -13.0 4900.00:: 29,000 6.3% Publit Utility Services 427,435 530,000 473,472 481,000 Repairs&Maintenance 24,937 35,375 31708 32726 (2,650) 7S 34455 1730 S.3% Miscellaneous 6,992 15,080 5,432 12,x: (73A0) IS 8 > #3$20; 730 5.8% CapttalOutlay 37,586 33,482 33,805 30,900: (2,582) 77 2923!#: (1,670) -5.4% Interfund Payments 0 0 0 0.. 0 N/A Q O NJA SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,001,885 2,362,371 1 2,221,8312419.934; 57563 24 1:2566,862? 146918 6.1 Expenditure Credits 1 (429,753) (474,178) (453,932) : (509A.14; (35,234) 74 (4s 288) 12,126 -2.4% TOTAf_TRA(JSPORTAISTREETFUND 1,572,132 1,888,193 1,387,899 1,910322 22;329 12 . 2fl69588 .>,159044 8.3 _...... ............ _ _.. _ _.. _:.-. _ ....... _.... __..._.:.......... __. .._......... DIV.•402/16-AIRPORT FUND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS(OPERATIONS) 1981 1992 Adopt 1992 1893 {2tr Cta 1994 4 BC)(iE1A#iYAPPRC3f3tIATlOf1. Actual Budget Actual Budget: 9ZAdopt 9ZArlopl: 13udgel; 93get 938udgar:: Regular Salaries 92,554 100,249 103 347 ..: 137,527 37,278 372 7713187 5,630 4.1% ._........_ _..... _...._ .. Part Time Salaries 13,866 26,250 15,516 23040: (3,210) -12.2% 0 0.0% _.. .. 111w Overtime 1,753 565 2,172 Q; (565) -100.0 ls:` 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 24,370 32,175 30,828 50,357 18,182 S6.5 66;386: 6,029 12.0% Supplies 8,701 11,325 6,394 12300: 175 1.5 11390 0 0.0%i Professional Services 18,341 29,150 16,775 26309. (2,650) -9.1% 0 0.0% am Postage(relephone/Other 470 1,652 599 1,565 (87) -5.3 9;585. 0 0.0% _.- Travel 664 1,625 0 1.800 (lf) -1.5 #,800> 0 0.0%' :.Training&Schools 86 800 20 500 (300) -3Z5% 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 1,225 1,750 1,337 2 750' 0 0.0 #;750.:.. O 0.0% .... Equipment Rental 4,582 7,824 7,824 1030 6,306 80 6 24843 513 3.63r Insurance 9,437 10,097 11,021 10504; 403 40 247100 500 4.8%: Y. _ (535) 2 5 1 00 20... 0.0%. Public Utilit Services 11,669 21,535 14,344 22,000 Repairs&Maintenance 107,157 29,300 110,139 44900 15,600 532 571,807). 6,000 13.4% Miscellaneous 45 11,900 310 13,900. 2,000 16.8 .900,: 0 0.0% __. _ .... Operating Capital Outlay 225 18,700 9,352 18,200 (500) 2 7 16.200:: (2,000) 11.0% Debt Service 52,344 53,700 49,531 51,563 (7137) (51,563) 100.0% _.. Interfund Payments 15,067 1 55,194 39,385 38,025, (17,169) -31 1 43398: 5,373 14.1% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 362,556 413,791 418,894 466,557::: 52,766 12.8 437,0..... (29,518) -63 Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 A 0 N/A 0 0 N/A COT7(( Al#il?ORTOPE.RATlONS 382.558 413.791 418,894 486,557 SZ;766 12.8 43iw 7438 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 1,934.688 2,301,984 1 2,186,793 2,377,079 75,095 3.3%1:...250t?y805; 129,526 5.4 Wllr 144 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund:103/16 Street; 402/16 Airport Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 016 Transportation Systems 1993-1994 WORK PLAN: Transportation Design—The TCIP will continue to emphasize infrastructure,mufti-modal/TDM,neighborhood protection and economic development. Planned construction includes: Park/Lake Washington Blvd.intersection,the Overlay and Slurry Seal programs,Walkway Improvements and SW 16th St—Monster Road to Oakesdale. Major design projects include Park Ave N-Bronson Way to N 10th, Oakesdale Ave SW-SW 16th to SW 27th St, and Houser Way Relocated as well as other projects in the adopted TCIP. Transportation Planning will continue to actively work with other jurisdictions to develop transportation programs that emphasize multi-model solutions, increase the amount of high occupancy vehicle travel compared to single occupancy vehicle travel and increase the effectiveness of existing facilities. The Renton Arterial Plan will be refined including transit, shuttle systems, and TDM components. Transportation Operations will continue their community outreach program, responding to the needs of the neighborhoods,businesses and motoring public. Our emphasis on quality maintenance of signs,signals,and communication systems will continue. A major project for 1993 will be to coordinate traffic signals through the Green River Valley with the cooperation between the City of Kent,City of Tukwila, WSDOT,and King County. Some goals of our department will be participation in increased neighborhood protection and cooperation with WSDOT on multimodal solutions to the Citys transportation/traffic operations problems. Airport will continue its efforts to improve Airport safety, operations and management of the lease activities. The 1993 AIP project is reconstruction of the seaplane ramp. 1994 is improvement of safety areas. NEW PROGRAMS: Airport is requesting an Engineering Specialist position to assist with increasing technical workload. Work will include research and legal description preparation for lease agreements and construction projects,implementing maintenance projects and procedures,conducting building and lighting inspections. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Transportation Systems budget is up$75,095 or 3.3%from the 1992 adopted budget. The major budget increases are for class/comp and benefit adjustments and inflation. Regular Salaries and Benefits-Includes the addition of an Engineering Specialist to the Airport staff in 1993 to assist in issues and projects of a technical nature. This position was deferred by Council Amendment,pending future Council approval in 1993 or 1994. Normal step and longevity adjustments for staff are included for existing positions. Overtime-Reduced in 1993 in Design and Transportation Maintenance as an economy measure. 1994 increases for inflation. Supplies-Decreased as an economy measure. Increase slightly in 1994 for inflation. Part-time Salaries-Cut$15,700 in 1993 and$16,350 in 1994 as an economy measure. 1994 increases slightly for inflation. Professional Services-1993 allocation decreases from 1992 reflecting recent historical experience and projected needs at the Airport. 1994 increases for inflation. Rentals and Leases-Increased$2,000 in Maintenance to cover anticipated expenditures for equipment necessary for maintenance functions. Equipment Rental-Rates adjusted after Finance review of rates. 1993 increase due to replacement oflift truck in Maintenance. and transfer of one pool car to Transportation Operations where a majority of the vehicle's use occurs. Public Utility Services-Reduced$69,000 in electricity line item to reflect historical spending and account for possible increase in 1993. 1994 increased for inflation. Repairs and Maintenance-Increase in pavement sealing and line painting at the Airport. Reduction of$700 in the Street Fund in 1993 as an economy measure. Increased in 1994 to 1992 level plus minor inflationary adjustment. Miscellaneous-Increase of$2,000 in Airport for permit fees. Street Fund/Transportation use is for publications,memberships and registrations,and EMME/2 annual licenses needed for transportation modeling software. Decreased in 1993 as economy measure. Inflation added in 1994. Capital Outlay-Reduced as an economy measure. In 1993 Transportation Operations is$16,900 and Maintenance$14,000 for the following items: 1 sealant machine to seal traffic signal detection loops,3 packet radio and modem sets for traffic count transmission,one fax machine for the 5th floor for more efficient use of staff time,two 486 computers for basic traffic engineering functions which cannot be performed on existing equipment,and general traffic counting equipment to replace existing obsolete traffic count units and parts. In 1994 Transportation Operations is$19,898 and Maintenance$9,332 for the following items: (3)820 signal controllers to replace aging 911 signal controllers;2 Data bridges to interconnect Transportation Maintenance with the MMS and PMS of the Maintenance Division;6 packet radio and modem traffic count transmitters,and general traffic counting equipment to replace existing obsolete traffic count units and parts. Airport 1993 totals$18,200 for$10,000 riding mower,$5,000 computer and software,$2,000 office furniture and$1,200 aviation frequency radio. 1994 is$16,200 for$12,000 towed sweeper,$1,200 digitizer, $3,000 for software. Debt Service-Reduced because no new debt issued for the Airport. Interfund Payments-Airport interfund payments reduced to Street Maintenance because they will be paid out of repairs and maintenance,crack sealing account,if Street crews perform work. Expenditure Credits-Most accounts are increased over the 1992 adopted level,reflecting labor cost increases for TCIP project work and administrative support to the Airport. Expenditure credit for 1-405 transferred to Development Services. This transfer was done as part of the 1992 mid-year adjustments. 1994 was increased 5%for inflation in original budget request. 1994 appears as a decrease from 1993 due to one time increase of $50,000 in 1993. 145 IMP CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ilii Planning/Building/Public Works-Transportation Systems ...................... Person Responsible: Mel Wilson, Transportation Systems Director ............. ...... ............... ........... .. .... t+l ALLO�C .... ......................... .........Adapt... ..- ..... .... .. .... .. Cha go . .............................................. ............ ............ . ...... ............... ........... ........ ......... ............... .................. ........-.... ............. MV*d a�� 93:A t: 16 Actual Budget;:. 38 'Transportation Systems Director 10 1.0 1.0 11t ...... ilp .....................................................- 0.0 ao%: 0.0 0.0% .... .......... 0.0%:... 33 transportation Planning Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% ............ 33 :Transportation Engineering Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1 40. 0.0 0.0% 27 'Civil Engineer 111 1.0 1.0 1.0 TA.. 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 25 :Program Development Coordinator 1.0 0.0 0.0% tw 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 0: 2 :Civil Engineer 11(2 Now 1991) 3.0 -:.3 G 0.0 0.0% 3 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0% 23 Engineering Specialist 111 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.01: 0.0 0,0%::::::,:. 2.00.0 0.0% ............. 20 Assistant Transportation Planner 1.0. 1.0 1.0 to, 0.0 0.0%:_x::- 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1W 9 Administrative Secretary 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 ao% to, 0.0 ao% ....................... % 0.0 0.0% 3 Office Assistant 11 10 1.0 1.0 D.0 0.0 Total Transportation Adm/Planning/Design 13.0 13.0 13.0 13;0; ao 0.0% 13.0 0.0 0.0%1 33 Transportation Operations Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 -A.. 0.0 0.0% 1,0: 0.0 0.0% irll 27 Transportation Maint Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 10: 0.0 0.0% 1.0' 0.0 0.0% 23 Civil Engineer 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0% _110, 0.0 0.0% 21 Signal/Electronics Systems Tech 11 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.10: o.o ao% 2.0 0.0 0.0% ..............- 19 *Engineering Specialist 11 2.0 2.0 2.0 2`.0 0.0 0.0% 2,0'1 ., 0.0 0.0% 17 Traffic Sign Paint Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0. 0.0 0.0% 1,0, 0.0 0.0% ............ ....... ....... 17 .9..._... ....__... y.__ Systems Tech 1 1.0 1.0 2.0 -Za- 1.0 100.0% 20. 0.0 0.0% (1 New'92 Mid-YearNalley-Com) 13 SignaUElectronics Systems Asst 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1>0 0.0 0.0 1,p ao 0.0% 0.0 0.0% Arlt 11 Traffic Maint Worker 11 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 aox ....................... 9 Signal/Electronics Systems Asst 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 J., .0:: ao 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 5 Office Assistant If 0.5 0.6 0.5 Q 5 0.0, 0.00.15: 0.0, 0.0% Total Transportation Operations/Maint 13.5 13.5 14.5 1.01 0.01 0.0% ft 32 Airport Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 00 -:X,A,: ao% 0.0 0.0% ...................-....... ...... ...... 13 Engineering Spec I(Now 1993) 0.0 0.0 0.0 6* 1.0 NIA 0.0 0.0%, ........... ....................... 0. ....... 11 'Airport Maintenance Worker 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 ........................... . .....- ... ... 5 Secretary 1 0.5 0.6 0.5 .... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% ....... as Total Airport 2.51 2.5 2.5 IS 1.0 40.0% 0.0 0.0% ............ ...... ........ .0T_A 4 EGVj-AT V: .0.... 1i 0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 5.2 7.0 7.1 ...... (1.1) -15.7%.::::: &V 0.2 3.4% TOTAL STAFFING 34.2 36.0 37.1 a9 2.5 37..1 0.2 O.S% iter 1071' (2,189) 15.0% :TOTAL PART TIME HOURS 10,816 14,560 10,856 #2 221; 351 2.8% *BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 1,034,618 1,199,932 1,172,554 4.324.:194 124,258 10.4% ................ 62,016 4.7% Part Time Salaries 89,935 123,142 91,840 . % 4,400 4.0% 111 . ..... (14,OM) 114 Overtime 12,533 15,465 23,096 (435) -2.8% .46.7 0 700 4.7% Personnel Benefits 249,619 333.810 328,555 02 75,272 22.5%::::::�:A70A 61,864 15.1% ........... ......-....... Supplies 119,231 145,155 130,049 (1,415) -1.0% -4.40 2,750 1.9% ....... _ ............. ....... Professional Services 113,028 1,600 3.2% 53,150 29,472 (2,570) -4.8%4::4:1:...... ...........- Postagerrelephone/Other 2,173 5,452 4,810 13 02%..: 100 1.8% Travel 801 4,375 2,546481:0 235 40:: 4A.10. 200 4.3% :� 5. ............. Training and Schools 6,934 7,000 5.207 7,�100 100 1.4% so 1.1% ................... 10 Rentals and Leases 4.907 5,750 6,932 ..7,750: 2,000 34.8 7 850 100 1.3% Equipment Rental 37,768 68,568 67,165 74,451 5,883 8.6 69;941:: (4,510) -6.1% Insurance 9,437 10.097 11,021 10600..: 403 4.0%.::::,-:.:.:.UjOft. Soo 4.8% Public Utility Services 439,104 651,535 487,816 482,0001:: (69,535) -12.6% 29,000 6.0% Repairs Maintenance 132,094 64,675 141,847 77;625 5.1.1 12,9SO 20.0% .85,355:. 1 11� 7,730 10.0% ............... ..................... Miscellaneous 7,037 26,980 5,742 (390) 730 2.7% Operating Capital Outlay 37,811 52,182 43,157 -5.9% (3082) (3,670) -75 Debt Service 52,344 53,700 49,531 :51.5.6;x: (2,137) -4.0% ¢ (51,563) -100.0% ............. Interfund Payments .15,067 , 55,194 39,385 1:� -31.1% 5,373 14.1% [SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2.364,441 2.776,162 2,640,725 :2,"4,49V110,3291 4 0 3003,991.. 117,400 41%1 Expenditure Credits (429,753) (474,178) (453,932) (509,412) (35,234) 74 (497,286): 12,126 -2-4% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,934,688 2,3011,994 :2,186,7032�377,610, 0 ,2 1 �:: j$06: 1�19,326 5.4 Yllf - :1 0 146 aw CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 017 Planning/Technical Services OBJECTIVE: To address long range planning, land use,economic and growth management issues, and assist other divisions in the implementation of the Growth Management Act;to maintain property information and other records,manage automated mapping systems and data analysis,and maintain survey monumentation. 4, FUNDING SOURCES: General revenues are the major source of support to Planning/-Technical Services. Technical Services also receives interfund reimbursements for support services from the Water/Sewer/Storm and Solid Waste Utilities. s PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Programs for the two sections of the Division are described as follows: Planning-Responsible for comprehensive plan development;implement Growth Management legislation and assist other Departments with compliance;analysis of policy issues and SEPA review on legislative actions;preparation of zoning,development and environmental ordinances;and processing major annexation proposals. Technical Services-Responsible for management of property data base and property information services;automated mapping and data processing support;and maintenance of survey monumentation. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Planning: Assisted Planning Commission in forwarding Draft Land Use Element(policies and map)to City Council. * m -Staffed City Council review process of draft Land Use Element including briefings and public information. -Prepared vacant lands inventories for residential and commercial/industrial uses;prepared population,and land use estimate forecasts. Supervised preparation of Final Environmental Impact Statement for Comprehensive Plan land use alternatives,policies,and maps. -Prepared final interim land use element as directed by Council. Completed data analysis and mapping to support development of land use and transportation elements of the Comprehensive Plan. -Worked with City Council to hold public workshops on the Land Use Element,prepared public information,and notified public about Comprehensive Plan process. Completed wetlands ordinance and other preliminary critical areas inventories;held citizen participation meetings and public hearings,finalized SEPA for these issues. Prepared area-wide mailings for notification of property owners of land use designation changes and area-wide zoning changes. -Provided staff work on downtown plan,coordinating with Downtown Renton Association,Mayor's Office,and supervising consultant work. Continued to work with King County staff on designation of Urban/Rural Line,Urban Growth Areas, Urban Centers,and environmental areas and population allocation;organized citizens committee to participate with Planning Commission growth areas. -Provided staff liaison work with surrounding jurisdictions as required by GMA. rk Technical Services Division: -Began providing maps on request to Police and Fire Departments. -Completed 1992 Zoning Map books. -Successfully installed a Norval network linking 48 computers on the 3rd,4th,and 5th floors. -Installed"ORACLE"relational data base manager software on the Network to provide data base services to the Planning/Building/Public Work users. 147 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 017 Planning/Technical Services 1993-1994 WORK PLAN: Planning: -Complete adoption process for final Land Use Policies by July, 1993. -Continue and finalize Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan. -Prepare CFP element of the Comprehensive Plan. -Complete Subarea Plan for Central District(Downtown Plan). -Continue to work with King County and other jurisdictions on Urban Growth Areas and County-wide Planning Policies. -Assist in developing mitigation fees associated with the Comp Plan. -Assist in development of Transportation and Utility Plans. -Finalize zoning code revisions consistent with Comprehensive Plan;and develop concurrency system for development permits. -Assist other departments and divisions with SEPA review for plans and ordinances. -Assist in implementation of wetlands mitigation bank. am Technical Services: -Prepare new zoning map reflecting the land use established under the comprehensive land use plan. -Develop and institute a plan for the upgrade and maintenance for the horizontal and vertical control networks. -Establish and/or verity at least the first order control points for the control networks. -Get our AM/FM system up and running. -Work more closely with the planning groups to provide them with maps and facilitate their use of the spatial analysis and query y aspect of the AM/FM. -Expand our parcel level base map to include the areas encompassed by our sphere of influence. -Develop our parcel database to include the areas referred to above. -Continue to provide computer support to the department. -Continue checking the coordinate geometry of final plats,short plats, Lot line adjustments and Binding Site Plans as submitted for review by utilizing the capabilities of AM/FM system and thereby update the parcel base data when documents are recorded. rr NEW PROGRAM: Growth Management - The State Legislature funding of Growth Management Act activities has been reduced from the original $44,900 to $35,900. These funds will be used to conduct SEPA review of the documents to be issued in 1993 for Comp Plan adoption and Growth Management Compliance. 60 la top 148 6111111 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 017 Planning/Technical Services BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 budget increases 7.2%over 1992 adopted figures, primarily because of the $35,900 grant for Growth Management. Without the grant the budget increases 2.7%. The 1994 budget is increased 1.5% over the 1993 request. _ Budget variations are described below. R2gtlar Salaries and Benefits- Class.and comp.,step,longevity and benefit increases for all existing positions for both years. Part time Salaries-1993 includes a$2,424 increase,which is offset by a decrease in supplies. Cost-of-living increase in 1994. These funds are used for internship assistance on Growth Management and Comp Plan elements. v rtim -Decrease due to staff taking comp time rather than overtime for overtime worked. 1994 increases to pre-1992 level. Supplies-Decreased in 1993 and moved to part-time for more efficient use of funds. 1994 increases to pre-1992 level. Professional Services-$35,900 increase in 1993 for Growth Management grant. Other 1%increase in 1993 is for inflationary increases to provide same level of service in surveying and technical computer problem response. $800(10%) increase in Technical Services in 1994 offset by$1,000 decrease in capital outlay. Growth Management grant is deducted from 1994. Travel and Training-Reduced in 1993 as an economy measure. Increased in 1994 to 1992 levels. F Rentals and Leases-1992 accounting adjustment to move lease cost of plotter to Other Rentals account from Repairs and Maintenance account. Offset by decrease in repairs and maintenance. jguipment rental- Decrease due to Finance review of equipment rental rates. Repairs and Maintenance-Reduced amount moved to Other Rentals account. Same equipment maintenance agreements covered for both years as those covered in 1992. Miscellaneous-Reduced$1,670 in 1993 as an economy measure. 1994 increased to pre-1992 level. Capital Outlay-Two computer replacements requested each year for Planning staff to upgrade to department standards. One old (surplus)computer will be used as Fax server for fax computer modem. One back-up file server for the network are required each year in the Technical Services budget for protection in case of system failure. Expenditure Credits-Reimbursements increased for labor cost increases. 149 9� it 0w CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS 4010 . ....Planning/Building/Public Works- Planning/Technical Services: Person Responsible: Kay Shoudy, Planning/Technical Services Director .......... 99V -:1992 Ad Achan 0 Change 46 Chan ...... opt,� 1992:! ................ .......... . ..... ........... .............. ........... ....... ........ ......... ... . ......... .... ... . . .. . ......... . . .......... .... .... opt:.- got: SIBud get. ........ :. ... .1 1 W.B- tuAl:::1., Budget: Acta:%-. udget..::x 38 Ping/Tech Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%:::.:::, 0.0 0.03K it ........... ..... 7Secretary 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0.0 0.0 ....... - 0.0 0.0%: ..... ... ... 1Total Planningrrech Services Admin 2.0 2.0 2.0 . ..... .0 0.0 0.0%::::*::::;*:!::::::::::::.:-:::.:.::2 0 0.0 0.0 32 Principal Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 ':1.0: 0.0 0.0% :,�*�:.:.,�::::::::::",I:.O: 0.0 0.0% . ......... 23 Senior Planner 1.6 2.6 2.6 :18 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% ............ ('91/1 Trf to Dev Sv;'92 Trf Back) . 19 Associate Planner 1.0 1.V 1.0 -1:. 0. 0.0% 0.0 0.03F 0 Total Planning&Special Projects 3.6 4.6 4.6 ,40: 0.01 ao%:.:�,*..:.:.::.::::.,...,.,..4 0.0 0.0%1 32 Technical Services Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 fw .................. .-I.-...... 0.0 0.0% 0.0 .0 0.0% .............- 20 :Mapping G/S Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% ............................ 19 Property Mgt Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.o 0.0 0.0% 1,0 0.0 0.0% ::::,: 13 Engr Spec I(Property Mgt) 1.0 1.0 1.0 .1.0 0.0 O.O 1 A 0.0 0.0% 13 Engr Spec I(Survey)(2 Cut 1992) 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0: 0.0 NIA D.0 0.0 NIA illi .......... 13 Engr Spec I(Mapping) 0.5 0.5 0.5 04.: 0.0 0.0%:�::,:�:, 0.0 0.0% 5 'Office Assistant Ill 1.0 1.0 1.0 . 1.0 0.0 0.0%::: 1.0:, 0.0 0.0% .................- 5 .Office Asst Ill(Wd Processing) 1.0 1,0 1.0 0.01 0.0%:::�::�., 0.0, 0.0% Total Technical Services 8.5 6.5 6.5 0.0%:::,- 0.0% 0.0 0.0 its 0.0 0.0% : 13.1:: TOTAL.REGULA.F.1 STAFFING 14.1 13:1 :TEMPORARY PART TIME 2.3 1.4 1.4 .J. a3 21.4 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 16.4 14.5 14.5 0.3 2.1 V: 1.44.8> 0.0 0.0% PART TIME HOURS 4,784 2,912 3.488 3,538: 623 21.4% (92) -2.6 .. ........... ...... ....... ........... .......... BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 467,595 523,437 526.803 548 347 24,910 4 8 5731451. 2S,104 4.6%, 'Q4 V .... Part Time 53,145 35,621 42.393 2,424 6.8% 1,650 4.3.V ..... ...... .............. 2. 34S S.2% Overtime 3,881 7,600 4,073 (950) -1 S% ...........- .......- ........... PersonnelBenefits 120,946 149,958 140,067 8,109 S.4%`:.::::.-:*:-479 19,996 127%: ----------- .......... Supplies 29.220 36.695 31.040 1 fi.. 2,380) -6.7%:.�xx:-:�I ii*-M.1W 1,475 4.4% ........... Professional Services 106,10393,350 156.835 36,945 39. (30,480) -23.49: ............ Postagefrelephone/Other 245 5,000 78 ::5,000..: 0 0.0%::z:�:. SO- 2SO S.OX Travel 1,690 3.125 1,410 0: (755) 170 5.9% Training&Schools 3,839 3,790 1.526 (140) -3.7% 2SO 6.8% ........... ............. it Advertising 122 2,000 110 S.4% .50 zs% Rentals and Leases 0 0 8,974''. .9:600.;, ..., 9,900 111.1 NIA ...... 0 0.0% .............. Equipment Rental 6,156 9.420 11,077 (6,354) -67.S%:!:::,::�.:, .,:-31 3.8% 83. 117 Insurance 0 0 0 ...... NIA 0 0 N/A 0, .................... ........... 6010 Public Utility Services 0 0 0 NIA 0 0 NIA . ......... Repairs&Maintenance 8,038 26,145 14,305 16,$W" (9,585) 36 7 17`500 9N0 S.7% Miscellaneous 3,186 15,545 5,562 11.976::� (1,670) -10.7%::::*Ix:::::-16�2G5. 1,390 10.0% .......... Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 NIA 0 NIA ........... -.....-..... 11100 Capital Outlay 13,307 14.500 27,388 18,000::: 1,500 10WOW .3%.- -6.3." (11000) .f Interfund Payments 0 0 0 0: 0 NIA 0 i 0 NIA SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 817,473 925,186 971,864 .997.60., 62,SO4. b.8 1,008;007: 20,317 2.1%1 Expenditure Credits (163,522) (141,039) (146.669) ..::,(l47,P00)- (5,961) 4.2%.:*�::;;(,154.,3w* 3M) S.0* 4110 F::*77. . _ : (7, , 'TOTAL EXPENDITURES 653.951 794,147 825,195 $40,690.-., ::X$W IN; ISO 150 IMP CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 401/18 Water, Waste Water, Storm Water Utility; 403/18 Solid Waste Utility Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 018 Utility Systems OBJECTIVE: To insure Water,Wastewater,Surtace Water,and Solid Waste systems that are characterized by exceptional planning, engineering, operations,financial integrity,and customer service. FUNDING SOURCES: The utilities are self-supporting enterprises who receive their income from user fees and rates. 1993/1994 rate increases are proposed to be levelized for the two year period: City Water 8.2%,City Wastewater 9.5%,Metro 10.7%, Surface Water Utility 0%,and a 3.9% rate adjustment for the Solid Waste Utility. The overall 1993 rate increase for these Utilities is 7.5% for the average residential customer. 1994 overall rates would be the same if Metro's increase is the same. Page 152 displays the two section budgets in Utility Systems. Page 154 provides a combined staffing and expenditure summary. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Water, Wastewater (Sewer), and Surface Water Utility Systems - Each section provides overall programmatic management through direct services such as engineering, capital improvement project management, policy development, system planning, plan review, and by working with staff of other divisions and agencies for services such as development and plan review, maintenance and operations, billing, and legal advice. Solid Waste Utility - Develops and manages the recycling, waste reduction, and hazardous waste control programs; administers the garbage collection contract; provides regional coordination and legislative review and compliance; and resolves customer service issues. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Water Utility System - Major work items include completion of the water comprehensive plan, final draft of the Aquifer Protection Ordinance, completion of the monitoring well installation project which involved installing monitoring wells at nine locations critical to gathering data for our understanding of our sole source aquifer, completion of the drinking water quality reports summarizing existing water quality conditions within the ` water system and recommending improvements necessary to meet upcoming regulations. This report also involved development of a water quality database. In addition a feasibility study was started for a pilot project which will explore the use of non-potable reuse water for landscaping irrigation and other purposes. A cross connection control program was initiated,as was a water conservation plan. Construction projects include beginning of construction on the Maplewood Booster Pump Station and Treatment Building, completion of the North 33rd Place and North 36th Street transite water main replacement,and completion of Phase 2 of the Sierra Heights steel water main replacement program,as well as design and construction of the 12 inch water line on Lake Washington Blvd. North. Wastewater Utility System-Major work items include the acquisition of a Centennial Clean Water Fund Grant and Public Works Trust Fund Loan as well as construction for the Sierra Heights LID 335 project; initiation of an extensive inflow and infiltration study throughout the Citys Wastewater System; and a completion of the predesign report and final EIS for the East Renton Interceptor project. Construction projects include the Cottonwood and Lake Washington Lift Stations as well as the Maplewood Interceptor Relocation project. Design work was completed for Central Renton Phase I, Highlands Sewer Replacement Phase I and II, and Renton CBD Sewer Replacement Phase II and III. In addition,the 1992 Long Range Wastewater Management Plan was adopted by the City and a program to review all restaurant tenant improvement projects for compliance with the Citys code requirements for grease in the waste stream was implemented. Surface Water Utility System -Major projects included: The Cedar River Delta Project (Lower Cedar River Sediment Management Program) which consists of dredging the Cedar River Delta. Secured State appropriated funds($80,000)and local match funds from Boeing($50,000)for the project. Planning,engineering completed and construction will be completed if the project permits(DOE, 404, Fisheries, HPA)are issued; Phase I of the Surface Water Utility Comprehensive Plan was completed which consisted primarily of conducting a needs assessment which allowed for a rate increase approved by Council;The North Fork Springbrook Creek Regional Bypass Pipeline Project's construction was completed;The Panther Creek Wetland Mosquito Abatement Project was conducted again this year;The draft Black River Water Quality Management Plan was completed; The Valley Drainage Study Project Summary with preliminary flood control alternatives was completed along with the current and future conditions hydraulic analysis for the existing system and flood control alternatives. Lake Washington Pollution Abatement Plan grant agreement ($88,125) through the Department of Ecologys Centennial Clean Water Fund grant program was awarded and approved with work started on the project in September;Participated in the initial development of the Cedar River Basin and Nonpoint Pollution Plans with King County. Solid Waste Utility-A Solid Waste Systems Audit, initiated in 1991 was completed. The results showed approximately 35% of residential waste stream consists of food waste. This information will be used in the 1993/1994 work plan. The Spring and Fall Collection Events included bulky yard waste, used motor oil, oil filters, and antifreeze. Participation from residents in the spring collection event doubled from the previous spring, while tonnage tripled. The Utility was awarded a$108,595 biennial grant from the Dept. of Ecology to implement special recycling events, used motor oil collection, multifamily recycling education, and a commercial recycling study. The City's curbside recycling/yard waste collection continues As success with a mid-year residential diversion of 53%. Collection of PET and HDPE plastics is expected to begin in the first quarter of 1993. The Utility staff continued to represent Renton interests and south suburban cities as the Suburban Cities representative on the Technical Planning Committee for the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program. 151 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS so Planning/Building/Public Works- Utility Systems Person Responsible: Gregg Zimmerman, Utility Systems Director DIV.,401/18 WATER, WASTE WATER, STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY 1991 1992 Adopt 69z 1993: Chew %i s 1964 Cbwc CBuge .: Item Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopt 92 Adopt; Budget 93 Budge; 931gcr; 110 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: .... _. Regular Salaries 646,196 619,894 582,879 787,018 167,324 27.0 827,958:: 40,940 3.2% Part Time Salaries 260 2,500 12,664 ' 16;500 14,0010 560.0 17;325 825 S.0%. _..__ Overtime 16,487 11,003 14,898 . 12,250 1147 11.3 SIS 4.1%' _... _.. _._. _._..: lYlf Personnel Benefits 126,708 152,751 146,867 ` 226,444 73,694 48.2 258;350;: 29,90S 13.2% _.... Pp..............._. - _ .. _ _. Supplies 14,146 13,890 11,809 14,590 700 S.0 14;695::; 405 2.8% Professional Services 92,152 62,500 87,628 67,800: 5,300 8.S 78;400: 10,600 1S.6% Postage/Telephone/Other 14 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Travel 3,779 4,500 3,258 4,270 (230) -5.1 4,340' 70 1.6%' Training&Schools 4,270 5,400 21199 " 5,200 (200) -3.7 5;350: ISO 2.9% Advertising 0 0 0 0. 0 N/A.. .. 0 0 N/A . Rentals and Leases 0 4,000 0 2,000 (2,000) -S0.0% 2,000 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 10,116 9,084 12,768 7,866 (1,218) -13.4 8;129 26.3 3.3% __. _ . Insurance 53,692 57,450 57,450 63,195 5,745 10.0%' 69;515 6,320 10.0%i Public Utility Services 0 0 401 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 1,847 5,275 3,985 5,200 (75) -1.4 5:270: 70 1.3% IYlfl _. _ _ _ _ Miscellaneous 6,933 11,300 5,002 24;475 13,175 116.6 23:720; (155) -3.1% State Tax 207,814 275,948 237,033 242,360 (33,588) -12.2 348;819: 106,459 43.9% Inierfund Taxes 715,207 749,584 808,601 915,640, 166,056 22.2 965181: 47,541 5.2%: Transfer to Construction Fund 1,447,000 740,000 1,209,805 2,312,000 1,572,000 212.4%:, 97T,000:1 (1,335,000) -37.7% Capital Outlay 35,736 15,350 33,142 'I 16,500' 1,150 75 : 0; (16,300) -100.0%i .. Debt Service 2,532,586 2,833,682 7,274,411 ,3,494A41 660,559 23.3% 4,0721143 577,902 16.5% _. Interfund Payments 1,574,347 1,944,672 1,916,761 2,714,872 770,200 39.6 3,105;804.; 390,932 14.4% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,389,290 7,518,583 12,421,561 !:10,932;422:: 3,413,839 45.4 1079 :084:: (139,338) -1.3 Expenditure Credits (707,611) (867,890) (932,787) (1,516,329)1 (647,439) 74.6 (1722.384) (107,055) 13.7%: TOTAL WATER/SEWER/ST.O.RM UTILITY 8,881,679 6,650;893 11,488,774 I- 9,417;093 2;?iT6y400 41,6,, . ................ ... ......__.. _ __. ............... - DIV. 403/18-SOLID WASTE UTILITY ... .... 1691 1992 Adopt 1892 1993 Chrige S6 t7iarge ! 1984 G3sgge %Cbage ttem: Actual Budget Actual 8u get 9ZAdop4 92 AdopC Budget 931iiuiget >93 Budget BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Re ular Salaries 39,039 51,700 48,504 66,530 14,830 28.7 70;888. 4,338 6.5%. ho Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 O N/A Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 9,961 14,088 13,610 18,440 4,352 30.9 20.... 2,SS6 13.9% Supplies 4,623 3,200 3,123 4,390 1,190 37.2%, 3;465 (925) -21.1% _ ___.. Professional Services 4,395,499 6,096,577 5,012,638 5,117,668 (979,009) -16.1 5,233;241 11 5,6 73 2.3% Postage/Telephone/Other 3,100 4,500 23 4500 0 0.0 4.800 300 6.7%. ... . . Travel 885 1,000 866 1.030 30 3.0 1;Q$0:: SO 4.9%: Training&Schools 492 800 355 800 (ZOO) -25.0 i 850 SO 8.3% Equipment Rental 0 0 0 Oa 0 N/A 0< O N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 ....... 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 0 500 0 500 0 0.0 550; SO 10.0% Miscellaneous 1,533 1,850 1,335 1.6m, (200) -10.8 1,760 100 61%Imp ' KC Hazardous Materials Assessment 34,649 143,500 178,081 148,000 2,500 1.7 2.20;000.. 74,000 SO.7% State Refuse Collection Tax 0 274,845 226,842 245,708 (29,137) -10.6 261.;.753,: 16,045 6.S% State Excise Tax 78,162 100,117 81,741 90;1318. (9,499) 9.S% 95.,9$5: S,367 S.9%' Interfund Tax 325,628 417,327 371,226 387,887 (29.440) -7.I 398,961 9.074 2.3% Capital 3,265 0 0 352,000 352,000 N/A 0 P Y (352,000) -100.0% Debt Service 0 0 0 83,000 63,000 N/A : 63;000 0 0.0% Interfund Payments 116,752 172,988 174,357 249;879` 76,891 44.4 283;525 33,646 13.5% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,013,388 7,282,992 6,112,701 6,750,300> (332,692) -7.3%,:_:6.e59,624: (91,676) -1.4 Expenditure Credits0 0 0 0'. 0 N/A ;J 0, 0 N/A TOTAL SOLID WASTE UTILITY 5,013,388 7,282,992 6,112,701 6,750;300 {532,692) -7.3% 6,658;824 (93,676)'; -1.4 400 TOTAL UTILITY SYSTEMS 11,695,067 13,933,685 17,601,475 16,167,393' 2,233,708 16.0 15,729,304 (438,089) -2.7 152 4� CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 401/18 Water, Waste Water, Storm Water Utility; 403/18 Solid Waste Utility Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 018 Utility Systems 1893-1994 WORK PLAN: A Utility rate study is planned for the biennial budget period, g usin combined resources from all utilities. A few of the CIP projects to be completed or initiated in 1993 and 1994 include the following: Water Utility - Aquifer Awareness Program; Maplewood Transmission Lines, Steel Watermain Replacement; Water Supply (resource) Development. Wastewater Utility - Sierra Heights Sewer Improvements,CBD Sewer Replacements,Park Ave.Interceptor. Storm Drainage Utility-Valley Drainage Study; Storm Drainage Comprehensive Plan; continuation of the Cedar River Flood Control Study and Sediment Management Program, Windsor Hills Drainage Improvements, Small Drainage Problems Program. Solid Waste Utility-Initiation of multi-family recycling;two special collection events will occur each year. Under the Coordinated Prevention grant,work will progress to site 2 used motor oil collection facilities. Research will begin on food waste composting programs to address the 35%residential food waste component of the solid waste stream. Coordination will continue with King County Solid Waste Division, the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program,and the Department of Ecology. BUDGET CHANGES AND NEW PROGRAMS: The 1993 Utility Systems budget is up 16%from the 1992 adopted level. Increases include labor cost adjustments, addition of Aquifer Protection staff and resources, a Wastewater Utility Engineering Lead position, changing the Solid Waste Coordinator Assistant from half-time to full-time,and increasing two positions in Surface Water Utility from half-time to full-time,for the equivalent of one full position (the Supervisor and a CIP Engineer). The Surface Water and Aquifer Protection staff and resources were part of Council deliberations for the rate increases approved in mid-1992. These and other budget adjustments are described below. Rea lar Salaries and Benefits-Normal step progression,longevity,position class./comp., and benefit increases for existing positions. Addition of 1.5 positions for Aquifer Protection(end of 1992),a Wastewater Utility Engineering Lead position,changing the Solid Waste Coordinator Assistant from half-time to full-time,and increasing two positions in Surface Water Utility from half-time to full-time,for the equivalent of one full position(the Supervisor and a CIP Engineer). Part-time-In 1993 addition of$14,000 to cover mapping and inventory work for the Comp Plan,and funded by CIP reimbursements. Overtime-The 1993 increase is in response to increasing workload and reflects anticipated need. Supplies-Increased in 1993 due to new programs described above. 1994 reduces by 2.7%. Professional Services-Reduction in water/wastewater/surface water and solid waste professional services as an economy measure to keep rate increases down. Wastewater reduced$5,000. Utility rate study will be conducted with combined resources. Solid Waste reduced$165,000 from 1992 as Coordinated Prevention Program is a biennial funded program and is funded through 1992 appropriations. CPI and other contractual increases paid to the garbage contractor increase the garbage contractor payments slightly above 1992 projected actual,but below the 1992 budget level. Commercial roll-off garbage tonnage is down,reducing City payments to the contractor. Yard waste cart monthly payments to the contractor are also removed from the Solid Waste contractor payments as part of the contract renegotiations. The increase in 1994 is for CPI. Travel and Training-Reduced as an economy measure. Increased slightly in 1994 for inflation;still below 1992 level. Rentals-Surface Water Utility reduced based on historical needs. Used for stream flow monitoring and other specialized equipment. Eguioment Rental-Rates adjusted per Finance review of equipment rental rates. Insurance-Utility insurance cost increase per estimates developed by Finance,based on property values and liability exposure. Miscellaneous-Addition of Dept.of Health operating permit requirement: 1993 is$8,500,1994 is$9,000. Microfilm accounts added to water/sewer/storm budgets as required by the City Clerk to cover cost of microfilming records. Some membership and registration accounts increased slightly for inflation. Reduced by 2.5%in 1994. Intergovernmental Services-Operating transfer to construction fund increases$1,572,000 in 1993 and decreases$1,335,000 in 1994. State taxes increase as rates increase due to higher revenue receipts. Interfund taxes paid to the General Fund also increase proportionately. King County Hazardous Materials Assessment is up 50%in 1994 over 1993,based on estimates of the Local Hazardous Waste Mgt.Committee. Capital Outlay-One-time financing for the unamortized value of the yard waste carts in the Solid Waste contract increases this account by$352,000 in 1993. 1994 the cost is removed. Also in 1993:one engineering CAD computer station for Wastewater Engineering Lead position in 1993, J1 $14,000: one laser printer in Solid Waste to upgrade outdated printer for more efficient use of staff time and more professional printed images;a similar laser printer requested for Wastewater Utility,each @$2,500. Debt Service-Increases both years to pay for new bond issues for capital improvements and to continue paying existing debt service. Interfund Payments-Payments to other divisions/funds for goods,services,and space provided to Utility Systems and Utility Maintenance. Indirect cost allocation of these services to the Utilities reaches 75%of estimated cost in 1993 and 85%in 1994. In addition,the Water Utility will continue reimbursements for a portion of the 1-405 staff time spent on coordination of the project to account for aquifer protection provided by proper project management at the City level. Other reimbursements remained at the 1992 level or were increased for labor cost increases. Surface Water Utility's reimbursement to Plan Review increased$55,000 for Engineering Specialist ll. Expenditure Credits-1993 CIP reimbursements increased to cover additional staff time available for CIP work. Other increase is paid into Utility Administration from Water/Sewer/Storm sections for indirect cost allocation increases to 75%in 1993 and 85%in 1994. 153 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS tir Planning/Building/Public Works- Utility Systems Person Responsible: Gregg Zimmerman, Utility Systems Director POSITION ALLOCATIONS 1991 1992 Adopt 1982 1993 Cbar3ga %::C yqe 189777 - 4.1 t7rerge: s Medd TitlA Actual et Bud!t Actual Budget;; 92dopt2 Adopt Budget 0;likwo :Py.AU 0C., 38 Utility Systems Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 ti0.'.' 0.0 0.0 1 0 0.0 0.0% tltsi _ _ _ _. _....__. __..... _ _. . . _. 9 ::Admin 1.0 1.0 1.01'A. 0.0 00 1.0: 0.0 0.0% 5ry Secreta 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 14: 0.0 0 0 1.4 0.0 0.0% Total Utilty Administration 3.0 3.0 3.0 3:0: 0.0 0.0% 3.0 4 0.07NIA 33 :Utility Engr Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0 0 1.0 O.O27 Civil Engineer 111 1.0 2.0 2.0 2!0 OA 0.0 2.0 0.0.....23 Civil Engineer11(New 1993) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1;0 1.0 N/A 1.0: 0.0g 9Spe . .23 En ineerin ecialist lli 1.0 0.0 0.0 0:0 0.0 N/A '0.0 0.0 19 :Engineering Specialist II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0 >1.0 0.0 ao% 13 :Engr Specialist 1 New 19 92) 0.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0 1,0 0.0 0.0%' 3 Office Asst 11(Now 1993) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 O.S N/A : 0.6 0.0 0.0% Total Water Utility Systems 4.0 5.0 5.0 6.5; 1.5 30.0 8.5s 0.0 O.0 33 Utility Engr Supvr(CE IIULead 1993) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 (0.5) -100.0 0.0 0.0 N/A 27 :Civil Engr 111/Lead(New 1993) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1:0 1.0 N/A 1.0 0.0 0.0% 23 :Engr Specialist III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 23 :Engr Specialist 111 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% Total Waste Water Utility Systems 2.5 2.5 2.5 :::,:.:3.0,.: 0.5 20.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 33 Util Engr Supvr(.5 from Wst Wtr 93) 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.01 as 100.0 1.0 O.0 0.0% -._. .............. - _._. 23 Civil Engineer 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 O.o ao 1.0 0.0 0.00 23 Civil Engineer 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 10: 0.0 0.0 1.0; 0.0 0.0% _. 19 Engineering Specialist 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 0.0 1 0 0.0 0.0% 8811 ._._ _ _ __..... 19 Civ Egr I(.6 Dv Sv 92:1.0 Storm 93) 1.0 0.5 0.5 i;0 O.S 100.0 1.0' 0.0 0.0%: Total Storm Drainage Utility Systems 4.5 4.0 4.0 5:0> 1.0 25.0 :1.0.1 0.0 0.0 21 Solid Waste Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 ti;0 0.0 0.0% 1:ff 0.0 0.0% _. ......... .......... .. ........... _ _ _ ___._...._.. 3 .Office Aset 11(Full Time 1993) 0.5 0.5 0.5 10 O.S 100 0 f.0: 0.0 O.0% Total Solid Waste Utility Systems 1.5 1.5 1.5 20; 0.5 33 3 2.0' 0.0 0.0 TOTAL REGULAR 1ST`AFFING 15 5 A$ 18.0 .19:5 3 S 119 18.5:;: 0.0 0.0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.0 0.1 0.1 D 8: as so0 o f1.8 0.0 0.0 to TOTAL STAFFING 15.5 16.1 16.1 4.0 24 8 20.1'" 0.0 0.0 PART TIME HOURS 0 208 1,054 1;289: 1,061 Slat 1:283:: 14 1.1 ..... ... .. __ _... _. .. BUD BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 585,235 671,394 631,383 853,548 181,154 27.1 898..828: 45,278 5.3%. .. ... PartTime Salaries 260 2,500 12,664 16,500 14,000 560.0 17,325 82S 5.0%! Overtime 16,487 11,003 14,898 12,250 1,247 11.3 12,7" 515 4.2% Personnel Benefits 138,889 166,839 180,477 244,885 78,046 46.8 277,348 32,461 so Supplies 18,769 17,090 14,932 18.980 1,890 11.1 18.480 (520) -2.7% Professional Services 4,487.651 6,159,077 5,100,266 6,185,388: (973,709) -IS.B 5,31'1,841 126,273 2.4% Postage/Telephone/Other 3,114 4,500 23 4,500 0 0.0 4 800 300 6.7%. Travel 4,464 5,500 4,124 5,300 (200) 3.6 5,420.' 110 2.3% 8tlr Training 3 Schools 4,782 8,200 2.554 5.800 _O __ -6.S 8:000 200 3.4%I . ......._ _ ..... __ Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 0 4,000 0 2,000 _. ........ .......... (2,�0) -50.0 2,000 - D 0.0% Equipment Rental 10,116 9,084 12,768 7,9 1363 (1,218) -13.4% .; 8 T28 263 3.3% ' Insurance 53,892 57,450 57,450 83,195 5,745 10.0 69,5115 6,320 10.0% Public Utility Services 0 0 401 0 0 N/A 0'. 0 N/A Repairs A Maintenance 1,847 5,775 3,985 6,700 (75) -1.3 5,820 120 2.1% Miscellaneous 8,488 13,150 6,337 28,125 12,97S 98.7 26,470 (658) -2.S% Intergovernmental Services 2,808,460 2,701,321 3,113,329 4,340,218 1,638,892 60.7 3,283699 (1,076,514) -24.8%i Capital Outlay 39,001 15,350 33,142 388;500 353,130 2300.7 0 (368,500) -100.0%'. Debt Service 2,532,586 2,833,882 7,274,411 3,557,241 723,559 25.5 4,135,143 577,902 16.2% Interfund Payments 1,691,099 2,117,660 2,091,118 2.964,751 847,091 40.0 3,389:329 424,578 14.3% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 12,402,878 14,801,575 18,534,262 17,682,722: 2,881,147 19.5 17,4511;688'' (241,[134) -1.3 Expenditure Credits (707,611) (867,890) (932,787) (1;515:328) (647,439) 74.6 .::(1,722.384) (207,055) 13.7%' TOTAL EXPENDITURES 11,695,067 13,933,685 17,601,475 16,167,393 2,233,708 16.0 15,729:304 (438,089) 2.7 154 8� CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 103/19 Street, 401/19 Water Waste Water, Storm Water, 403/19 Solid Waste, 501/19 Equipment Rental Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 019 Maintenance Services OBJECTIVE: To operate and maintain the City's infrastructure including,streets,alleys,sidewalks,bridges,equipment,and water,wastewater, and storm water utility systems. FUNDING SOURCES: Maintenance Services is supported by four funds: 41%of the Street Fund;51%of the Water/Sewer/Surface Water Utility Fund;0.7%of the Solid Waste Utility Fund;and 100%of the Equipment Rental Fund. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Maintenance Administration-Provides managerial direction to the operations staff by establishing and implementing priorities,policies,and procedures;by collecting and using data to preserve the investment made in the City's infrastructure. Also responsible for inventory control,the pavement management program,division safety management,and oversees response to citizen requests. Street Maintenance-Maintains over 159 miles of streets and alleys, 11 bridges,sidewalks,and provides miscellaneous construction services to various City departments. Surface Water Maintenance-Repairs and maintains the surface water drainage system to control property damage and environmental deterioration. Water Maintenance-Responsible for furnishing a consistently high quality and adequate supply of potable water,at a reasonable pressure to customers. Provides maintenance and repair of the water system;and electrical and telemetry operations and repair. Wastewater Maintenance-Provides operation and maintenance of the sewer system,from the point of discharge until sewage enters into the METRO system. Operates and maintains 23 utility stations. Solid Waste Maintenance - Controls litter throughout the City by routine patrolling,litter collection and disposal. Equipment Maintenance-Maintains and repairs 220 vehicles/equipment;provides fleet administration,and coordinates annual vehicle replacements and additions. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Street Maintenance - Patched or repaired 51,000 square feet of City streets; sealed 400,500 feet of cracks; mowed 725 miles of streetside vegetation;swept 9,000 miles of streets where 3,020 cubic yards of debris was picked up and removed. Staff also responded to 75 emergency service requests ranging from earth slides blocking streets,to helping the Police Department control and clean up after traffic accidents. Surface Water Maintenance-Cleaned 85,000 lineal feet of storm line;refurbished 130 catch basins;repaired 2,700 feet of ineffective drainage pipe, and constructed 1,400 feet of new storm water line. In conjunction with street crews, storm maintenance personnel responded to approximately 20 incidents where petroleum and chemicals accidentally entered or threatened Renton's drainage systems, which provide protection to the City's streams, river and lake,an important part of the Surface Water Maintenance job which helps protect the environment. Water Maintenance - Installed approximately 420 temporary or permanent meters; conducted leak detections on 48,200 lineal feet of water main;replaced 3,400 lineal feet of main;repaired 450 fire hydrants;and tested 1,100 samples of City water to insure continuing high quality. Wastewater Maintenance (Sewer) - Cleaned approximately 110,000 lineal feet of sewer line; ran the television inspection camera through - 25,000 lineal feet of sewer, locating and repairing 32 defects; made 18,200 system inspections to locate and remove potential sewer flow problems before those problems affected customers-as a result,there were under 11 emergencies,of which 5 were sewer line blockages. Solid Waste/Litter Control Program - Collected over 365 tons of trash and numerous abandoned appliances along City streets and greenways. Cleaned areas along train tracks for the opening of the Spirit Of Washington dinner train. Worked in response to citizen calls andf complaints as well as scheduled maintenance. Provided assistance to other Maintenance Sections as needed. Equipment Services-The mechanics at the central garage kept the equipment in good operating condition,allowing maintenance sections and City departments to accomplish their tasks. 155 60 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 103/19 Street, 401/19 Water Waste Water, Storm Water, IN 403/19 Solid Waste, 501/19 Equipment Rental Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 019 Maintenance Services to 1993-1994 WORK PLAN: Administration-Nfaintain and use Pavement Management System(PMS)and Maintenance Management System;continue implementation of safety programs,and coordination of response to emergency situations. Street Maintenance-Overlay 10 miles of streets,seal 94,300 square feet of cracks;mow 1,520 miles of streetside vegetation;sweep 5,120 miles of street. Surface Water Maintenance-Clean 126,700 lineal feet of storm lines;8,400 lineal feet of ditch cleaning;clean 580 catch basins;construct ANN 675 feet of new storm lines. In coordination with the Utility engineering section,begin inspection program of private surface water facilities. Water Maintenance-Install 130 water meters;repair/replace approximately 720 meters;repair/install 1,800 services;clean 8,000 lineal feet-of water main;repair/replace 1,000 lineal feet of water main;routine inspection/maintenance of fluoride,chlorine,and pump stations;implement to cross-connection program;conduct routine/special water sampling. 1994 begin treatment operations as required by state regulations. Wastewater Maintenance-Clean 66,689 lineal feet of sewers;root cut 19,050 lineal feet of line;make over 2,000 inspections of pump stations; fir repair/replace lines and manholes as needed;conduct over 10,000 manhole inspections;TV Inspect 30,080 lineal feet of sewers. Solid Waste-Continue litter clean up program and assistance to other Sections as needed. 10 Equipment Services-Maintain over 220 existing City vehicles/equipment;and replace vehicles as requested. Continue pursuing installation of compressed natural gas pipeline and station for duel fuel vehicles,as required by the Clean Air Act. 1110 NEW PROGRAMS: Surface Water Inspection Program-One full-time Maintenance Worker in 1993 to upgrade inventory and begin inspection program of private facilities. Maintenance of facilities will be evaluated on a case-by case basis. Assistance from increased part-time worker(s) is necessary to it meet underground enclosed space entry requirements. Water Treatment Operator-1994 begin treatment of Wells 11 and 17 as required by State regulations. Certification for a Level I Operator is required for the position. IN BUDGET CHANGE SUMMARY: The 1993 Maintenance Services budget increases 9.4% from the 1992 adopted budget. Several non-labor accounts have not increased significantly over the 1992 appropriated level. With the local consumer price index increasing an average of 5.4% illo over the past three years,that means there are actual reductions in the amount of supplies and/or services these accounts can purchase. Those accounts with increases are due,for the most part,to cost increases beyond the control of this Division(cost-of-living,equipment rental charges, public utilities.) Account changes are described on the next page. The primary adjustments in the 1994 budget request are for inflationary toestimates. Other 1994 estimated changes are also described below. Page 158 provides a combined staffing and expenditure summary for Maintenance Services. Pages 159- 160 show the four section budgets that make up Maintenance Services. Illli ilillr 156 nr CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 103/19 Street, 401/19 Water Waste Water, Storm Water, 403/19 Solid Waste, 501/19 Equipment Rental Dept: Planning/Building/Public Works Div: 019 Maintenance Services BUDGET CHANGE DETAILS: Regular Salaries and Benefits: Reflects normal step progression,longevity,class.and comp.and benefits increases and includes a Maintenance Worker II in the Surface Water Maintenance Section in 1993. For the Division as a whole,a decrease in Wastewater salaries and benefits due to retirements of staff at higher salaries offsets the increase due to this new position in Surface Water Maintenance. Water Maintenance adds a Water Treatment Operator in 1994. Part time-Reflects additional staff needed for the Surface Water Inspection program for meeting safety requirements. 1994 increases for inflation. Overtime-Decrease$9,500 both years in Street Maintenance as an economy measure. Utilities sections decrease slightly based on the past four year's experience and projected needs for 1993. 1994 increases slightly for inflation,still below 1992 level. Supplies-Reduced$6,000 from Water Maintenance as an economy measure,staying at 1992 level.Inflationary increases in other sections offset this decrease slightly. In 1994 supplies increase$25,473 in Street for various materials for street,sidewalk and seawall repairs;$22,670 in the Utilities for various supplies,increase in the cost of copper,and chemicals;and$7,750 in Equipment Rental for equipment repair supplies. Professional Services-1993 and 1994 include$50,000 for EPA testing and 1-405 water quality tests(same as 1992 level);$24,000 for other water maintenance outside services and special water testing in 1993,reduced$6,000 from request as an economy measure; $40,000 added to Surface Water Maintenance in 1993 and 1994 for services to be provided as part of private facility inspection program. Telephone/Telemetry-Water Maintenance reduced$3,120 due to change in operations. All telemetry costs are now associated with Wastewater Utility and paid from that account. Training and Schools-Slight decrease from 1992 level based on anticipated need and as an economy measure. Equipment Rental-Increase reflects rates as adjusted by the Finance Division and include several equipment replacement requests. Equipment replacements and new requests are listed on page 161. Insurance-For Equipment Rental,increased as estimated by Finance and based on estimated exposure. Public Utility Service- This is the division's largest expense. 1993 allocations are up over$400,000 for Metro service charges due to the change in unit measure for commercial customers from 900 cu.ft.to 750 cu.ft.. 1994 estimates are 10%for Metro. $15,000 for purchased water as in 1992(reduced$5,000 from 1992 level as an economy measure). Several account decreases offset a portion of the 100%increase($105,000) in storm water fees paid by the Street Maintenance Section. $320,000 for electricity primarily used for pumping,reduced$10,000 from 1992. Repairs and Maintenance-Slight(0.8%)increase for inflation in 1993 and 0.7%in 1994. Miscellaneous-Provides for memberships and registrations,publications and recording fees/permits,and laundry costs. These line items were reduced as an economy measure in 1993. Slight increase in 1994 keeps funding level below 1992 appropriations. Capital Outlay-In the Equipment Rental Fund there is$512,350 for 1993 City-wide equipment replacements(see list on page 161). This is a $114,300 increase from 1992. A$700 decrease is requested for equipment needs in the storm,sewer,and water maintenance sections. 1994 request includes$10,000 for a Maintenance Management System software upgrade,and two computer upgrades. Equipment Rental replacement requests are lower in 1994 than in 1993. Debt Service-Cost of financing 1993, 1994,and past years'equipment replacements and additions. Increases in 1994 to finance new and replacement equipment requests for 1994. Less financing is needed in 1993 than 1994 to meet new equipment and replacement requests. Expenditure Credits-Reimbursements for patching to Street Maintenance from the Utilities has been reduced to reflect programmatic changes in street patching now to be done as part of routine maintenance activity by Surface Water Utility crew. Wastewater Utility patching increased slightly to partially offset the difference. 157 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Planning/Building/Public Works- Maintenance Services irr _ Person Responsible: Jack Crumley, Maintenance Services Director P+D. ...N,ALLOCATit NS : 1491 1892At1o}lt 1892 1993 Ike %:G3„fgge 1994. fYiar a %(Irat e: "rade :.... : Title Actual Budget:'. Actual Budgef2A ►2A Buri et 93Budgel 93 ot 38 Maintenance Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 i 0 0.0 0.0%: Q.: 0.0 �0 0% 13 .Maintenance Buyer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 C 0.0 0.0 1,0 0.0 0.0%: 7 Purch Asst(Trffr Wtr Mtc.P92) 0.0 ..1.0 1 0 1 0 0.0 0.0%:., 1 Q 0.0 0.0% 7 Data Base Systems Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 i; '1:0; 0.0 0 0 1 0::: 0.0 0.0%: 3 :Office Assistant 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:Q 0.0 0.0 1.Q: 0.0 0.0% Total Maintenance Administration 4.0 5.0 5.0 S 4 0.0 0.0 5 0: 0.0 0.03F 28 :Street Maintenance Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0. 0.0 O 0 1.0` 0.0 0.0%--------------- : 20 Mama Sere Supvr(StreeUStorm) 2.0 2.0 2 0 2 0. 0.0 0 O _ _.. __ 2t).: 0.0 0.0% 15 Lead Maint Services Worker 3.0 3.0....... .. 3 0 3 0 0.0 0.039 3 0' 0.0 0.0%. _.. 11 Maint Services Wkr Il/tll/Street 10.0 10.0 10.0 160 0.0 00 0.0 0.0% 11 Mtc Sv Wkr IUM/Storm(1 New 93) 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 25.0%1:::: 5 0: 0.0 0.0% IiW _ _ _ 3 :Solid Wet Mtc Wkr(PT Convers'92) 0.0 1.0 1.0 A.O 0.0 0.0% ;:1 Q:. 0.0 0.0% Total Street/Storm/Solid Waste Maint Sery 20.0 21.0 21.0 1.01 4.8% 0.0 0.0% 26 Water Maintenance Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% ;jb: 0.0 0.0% 20 Water Maint Services Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.01:0 0.0 0.0% 1.0: 0.0 0.0% 20 Water Utility Maintenance Supvr 1_0 1.0 1.0 TO 0.0 O.O 1.0. 0.0 O.0% .. .._ __. .._. .._. i _...__. 15 Water Quality Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 11;0 0.0 0.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% _ 15 Water Utility Maint Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 #;0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 15 Lead Maintenance Services Worker 2.0 2.0 2.0 2s0 0.0 0.0%:-, 2.0:, 0.0 0.0% _.. _... .: . 15 Wtr Treatmt Plant Operator(New 94) 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 0 0.0 N/A :1.0;: 1.0 N/A _......- 111. Maintenance Services Worker III 9.0 9.0 9.0 Q 0 0.0 0.0% 9.0. 0.0 0.0% 7 Purchasing Asst(Trf to Mtc AdmP92) 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A Q.Q. 0.0 N/A Total Water Maintenance Services 17.0 16.0 16.00.01 0.0 00 17 D._ 1.0 6.3% 26Waste Water Maintenance Manager 1.0 1.0 1 0 10; 0.0 0.0% A.Z. ; 0.0 O.0% __. ......... 20 Mainte.nanceService.sSupervisor. 1.0 1.0 10 1`0: 0.0 00 1Q;, 0.0 0.0% 11 :Maintenance Services Worker III 5.0 5.0 5.0 3Q: 0.0 0.0%::::-::::::::::. 50 0.0 0.0%: Total Waste Water Maintenance Services 7.0 7.0 7.0 .78 0.0 0.0% T D; 0.0 0.0 26 Vehicle&Equipment Mtc Supvr 1.0 1.0.. 1 0 y,lt' 0.0 0.0%...,:: 1:>Q:: 0.0 O.O%. .. _. . .. 13 ;Vehicle&Equipment Mechanic 1 3.0 3.0 3 0 ;Q O.0 O 0 _...... .. __......._......... ... 30 0o 00% 9 :Mechanic's Assistant 1.0 1.0 10 1;,13;: 0.0 O.0 :;1:Q. 0.0 0.0% Total Equipment Maintenance 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 D 0%`: $:Q;; 0.0 0.0% Tt.T.4TECaULARSTA TING 534 b;0 ::;: TEMPORARY PART TIME 4.9 5.5 5.8 8i!_; 0.5 91 $ 0.2 3.3 TOTAL STAFFING 57.9 59.5 W.8 81 Q: LS 1.2 2.0 PART TIME HOURS 10,192 11,440 8,881 12333:: 1,093 9.6% 42;954< 42S 3.4% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 1,733,114 1,9U,402 1,940 899 2 013 5,57 ZS ISS 1.3%: 21#6,3x$.; 103,102 5.1% _.. _ -.. Part Time Salaries 78,385 90000 69890 10076 10'270 114 103874 3,400 3.4% _ _. Overtime 84,321 105 428 67,529 $5150 (I0,278) -9.7 97,1:50 2,000 2.1% _ - Personnel Benefits 527,499 629,449 633315 7 +t38 125,989 20.0% 109,290 14.S% Supplies 882,987 899,618 803.2-M 8A4,28t3. (S,3S8) -0 6 850;275;: 56,015 6.3% Professional Services 31,862 74,250 47,922 114;25Q 40,000 S3.9 1#!t75Q 500 0.4% Postage/Telephone/Other 12,819 15,725 13 601 72126 (3,600) 229 (3,+485: 1360 IL2% Travel 3,043 4,770 2.848 4X70: 0 0.0 4 G4 i 06) -0.3% __ Training&Schools 8,164 10,850 9,095 9 SfiO (1,250) 11 5 #Q 580 980 10.2% Rentals and Leases 12,645 15,340 13 723 1b,Q$4„ (250) 1 6 .45=:L272 L8% EquipmentRental 299,771 645,468 626,4058563513; 10,888 1.7 880t3T0 4,614 0.7% Insurance 124,052 128,394 128,394 141233 12,839 100 165'd58; 14,113 10.0% Public Utility Services 4,082,481 4,366,410 4,039 239 :,4 900 800 534,190 12.2% 5,19#115: 197,5I5 6.1% Repairs Maintenance 108,013 164,250 115 558 18550Q 1,250 0.8% A #Ot3,t38Q 1,160 0.7% Miscellaneous 14,846 24,185 14 788 23275: (910) -3.8% 23930.; 655 2.8% _.. _... __.._ ... Capital Outlay 324,988 427,750 404,W8 Sof 35Q 113,600 2,6.6 497;400,.: (44,350) -8.2% _. Debt Service 157,925 224,155 155,229 232,440 8,685 3 9 3#4 725: 81,885 35.2% !.... .: Interfund Payments 319,160 351,626 453,387 398143; 46,517 132 4161 4; 17,981 4.5% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,805,875 10,166,070 9,539,w ,539 6641?47W7+.: 907,737 8.9 ::41 724;393 650,586 5.9 Expenditure Credits .....(330,834) (373,285) (475,185) (356,844): 16,641 -4.5 (3740135) (17,421) 4.9% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,d75,041 0,792,785 9064,479 40,717,183 424;378 9 ....:11,350,328 633,1655.9 158 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Planning/Building/Public Works-.M Services ............... ............. .. Person Responsible: Jack Crumley, Maintenance Services Director DIV.• 103/19-STREET FUND-MAINTENANCE SERVICES - 1991 1992 Adopt 1892 1993 e t$stlgc 1894 G3agge %lfge .. ; ... BtJRGETAFiYAPPROPRIATION. Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopt <92Ad0p4. Budget 0:044at.:: 93Budget> Regular Salaries 606,696 731,984 705,961 733,003 1,019 0.1 759187 26,184 3.6%' _... _ _. Part Time Salaries 38,150 45,300 39,855 45570 270 0.6 47570 2,000 4.4% Overtime 21,802 35,655 9,517 25900 (9,755) -274 25904 0 0.0%. Personnel Benefits 191,591 227,367 232,068 265593 42,226 18.6% 35,777 13.3%' Supplies 147,916 152,238 95,175 1-08,880 (3,578) -2.4 /74133 25,473 17.1% Professional Services 265 250 0 250 0 0.0% 250 0 0.0% Postage/Telephone/Other 38 100 87 100 0 0.0 100 0 0.0%' Travel 838 950 1,157 950 0 0.0% 4000 50 5.3% Training&Schools 3,051 2,400 2,493 2,400 0 0.0%, 2,550 ISO 6.3% Rentals and Leases 6,001 3,590 7,390 3,340 (250) -7.0% 3,590 250 7.5% Equipment Rental 144,334 336,156 322,828 337,217: 1,061 0.3 3110w.000, (26,317) 7.8% Public Utility services 121,538 149,360 168,630 231,600 82,240 5S.1 243,005 11,405 4.9% 4 Repairs&Maintenance 1,363 10,000 5,055 10;000 0 0.0% 10.500 500 5.0% Miscellaneous 692 4,780 8,600 4,039 , 5. (675) -10.2% 5,975 5 5 0 0.8%: Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 3 000 3,000 N/A Interfund Payments 0 1 0 7,993 1 0 N/A Q. 0 N/A SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,288,363 1,701,950 1,602,248 1,814,508 112,558 6.6%:.111.493A30.893A30. 78,5221 4.3% Expenditure Credits (325,669) (373,285) (453,244) {3x6,844) 16,6414.5 (374065): (17,421) 4.9% TOTAI:STRE :MAINTENANCE 962,694 1,328,885 11149,1004:17,457.884 129,199 9.7, 1,5 8985 .> 61,1(li 4.2: DIV,401/19- WATER/SEWER/STORM UTILITY FUND MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1991 1992 A! e BUDGf: IIRYAPPROPRIA710N: Actual Budget Actual $ud0et 92 Adopt 92 Adopt Budget 93Bugf 93.8pdget: Regular Salaries .948,780 1,043,763 1,019,198 i 065522 21,759 2.1 1 1:33$81 : 68,339 6.4% Part Time Salaries 27,618 36,500 26,803 48500 10,000 27.4% 47 500 1,000 2.2% Overtime 62,261 69,523 58,848 85000 (573) -0.8 71000 2,000 2.9%' Personnel Benefits 290,653 338,111 342,066 4918,244` 80,133 23.7% 1083784 65,540 15.7% . Supplies 428,976 423,000 384,543 422,500 (500) -0.1 44&j.1:70:, 22,670 5.4%' Professional Services 31,597 74,000 47,922 114000 40,000 54.1 1}4500 500 0.4% Postage/Telephone/Other 12,752 15,600 13,485 1,2 000 (3,600) -23.1 13 380 1,360 11.3% _. Travel 2,168 3,220 1,679 3220 0 0.0 3,154 (66) -2.0%' Training&Schools 4,643 7,450 6,259 A200_ (1,250) -16.8 7030 830 13.4% Rentals and Leases 6,255 6,750 6,333 07$0 0 0.0 8772 22 0.3%i Equipment Rental 151,045 298,164 292,429 310421 12,257 4.1 340,899; 30,578 9.9% Publity Utility Services 3,958,534 4,214,050 3,867,070 4,684000: 449,950 10.7 4,549110: 285,110 6.1% Repairs&Maintenance 104,283 151,500 106,997 151,500 0 0.0 i52,160 660 0.4%' Miscellaneous 8,510 13,550 8,335 13,900 350 2.6 14355 4S5 3.3% Capital Outlay 20,187 29,700 13,473 29000, (700) 2.4% 7,000 24.1% Interfund Payments 249,242 1 284,959 374,799 272,147' (12,812) -4.5% 284 1.120:', 11,973 4.4%' SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,307,504 1 7,009,840 1 6,568,239 1 7,604,904 1 595,064 8.5 8002875;: 497,971 6.S% Expenditure Credits (5,165) 0 (14,055)1 01 0 N/A 0 01 N/A TOTALUVTR/SEW/STORM'MAINT 6,302,339 7,009,840 6,554,184 7,804,904 $9S,064' 8:5 8,102875 497,971 65 r 159 0w CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS rlir Planning/Building/Public Works- Maintenance Services ...... .. ... ._.. Person Responsible: Jack Crumley, Maintenance Services Director so DIV.,403/19-SOLID WASTE UTILITY FUND-MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1A9f 1892 Adopt 1&92 1993 Marga 19&t % g [ZIDGETARYAPPROPRIATION. Actual BUd 9t: Actual Budget 9zA rt :02.: ii ot .<931Axa er Regular Salaries fl 23,568 21,050 24512: 944 4.0%,: 26;706;; 1,594 6.5% ---------------- ISOPart Time Salaries 8,893 0 0 0 0 N/A 0: 0 N/A _... _ Overtime 54. . 0 433 0 ...... 0 N/A.: Q 0. N/A __.. Personnel Benefits 1,000 10,431 5,329 7.55Q (2,881) 276% 8,476 926 12.3%' _ _.. - Supplies 0 4,100 0 4 100 ""...........0 0.0 4 222 122 3.0% Professional Services 0 0 0 (}_ O N/A 0 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 fl O. N/A p. 0 N/A Travel p p p Q 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Training$Schools 0 0 0 ! 0: 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 fl 0 N/A 4: 0 N/A Equipment Rental 4,392 11,148 11.148 87y8:: (2,430) 21.839 353 4.0%, Pubhty Utility Services 1,444 2,000 2,997 4 OQ0 2,000 100.0 SA00 1,000 25.0% Repairs&Maintenance 0 0 0 :< 0 0 N/A _ _ Q.i 0 N/A to Miscellaneous 0 1,000 0 1� O 0.0%': 1.950,: 50 S.0%I Capital Outlay 0 0 0 i; 0 0 N/A0 N/A __. Interfund Payments 10,821 11,020 1 13,206 5,732 S2 0 17;332.:: 580 3.5% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 26,604 63,267 54,163 96832 3,3651 S.371:25 ;:; 4,625 6.9 Expenditure Credits 0 0 (7,828) fl: 01 N/A 4: 0 N/A 48337 AL.00L WASTE MAINTENANCE 26 604 83;287 ;.:: S 3:. 74;257 4,625 6.9 Jtir _.._. ... DIV,*501119-EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND-EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1881 1882 Adopt 1882 1A93` C#ug9 .tea, 48!74 C +ttge..... % G BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: A6tua1 9>id et Jlctual $ustget 92:;dvpi ""9,3A�rxpt 13udgat 93Bucr et 93 6,.Wt Regular Salaries 177,638 189,087 194,690 IttQ:$2Q 1,433 0.8 1B1;8Q5 7,085 3.7% Part Time Salaries 3,724 8,200 3 232 ,20ti; 0 0.0 9;600: 400 4.9%I - -_... Overtime 204 250 731 250 O 0.0Z. 250 0 0.0%' _. _ ......... Personnel Benefits 44,255 53,540 53,852 8a 9$1 6....... Supplies 306,095 320,280 323520 319000 (1,180) -04 328750 7,750 2.4% Postage/Telephone/Other 29 25 29 ;25: 0 0.0 25. O 0.0% Travel 37 800 10 8Q0 0 0.0600 0 0.0% ..... ....... Training 6 Schools 470 1,000 343 a 0Q0"" O 0 0 1:904 0 0.0%' __.. .. Rentals and Leases 389 5,000 0 Q00` O O.0 5;flOD 0 0.0% _ .: Insurance 124,052 128,394 128394 - 141.233! 12,839 100 155356! 14,123 10.0% _ _. .... IN Public Utility Services 965 1,000 542 1, Q._ O O.O 1:7900 0 0.0% Repairs$ anenance 2,367 2,750 4,004; 1,ZSO ;900: 0 0.0% _. Maintenance 3504 45S 4 _.... __. -..._. ..::.... Miscellaneous 1,356 3,035 2,414 2.450 (585) 19.3 2,550 IAD 4.1% Capital Outlay 304,801 398,050 391,135 512,350 114,300 28.7%? 458 000 (54,350) -10.6% _,- fi� Debt Service 157,925 224,155 155 229232$40 8,685 3 9 314:725 81,885 35.2% _.... Interfund Payments 59,097 55,647 57389 1119.244 53,597 96.3 4 114872 5,428 5.0% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,183,404 1,391,013 1,315014 >;158T...0&: 196,750 141 18-..231! 69,468 4.4 Expenditure Credits 0 0 (60) Q; 0 N/A 0< O N/A 60 TQTAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1.1$3,404 <:1 391,x13 1;314954.: t 5H7+?6�` ' `'06t7S0 �4� : 1,857;231 '69,468 4_4l TOTAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES 8,475,041 9,792,785 9,064 479 i+1%71 924,378 94 ;:11,$x4* 328. 633,165 5.9% 160 City of Renton 1993 - 1994 New and Replacement Vehicles and Equipment Central Osage r Yehick Caoditiav Cod Needy Eq Department Good Feir Reel No 1993 Fire: X F023 REPLACE 1980 Ford Fairmont Sedan with 4-dr Chev Caprice size 10,000 t (Recommend to replace with used rental car/410,000) 0 X F024 REPLACE 1980 Ford Escort with 4-dr Chev Caprice Size 10,000 0 (Recommend to replace with used rental car/410,000) X F029 REPLACE 1985 Chev Celebrity with 4-dr Chev Caprice size 0 20,000 (31,000 miles;4,400 mileslyear,•could last at least 2 more years) X F032 REPLACE 1987 Chev Surburban Command with similar van 0 21,500 Fire Department Total 20,000 41,500 Parks-General Services: X C115 REPLACE 1/2 ton pickup SIO,Ext Cab with same 13,300 X C121 REPLACE 1/2 ton pickup S10,Ext Cab with same 13,800 X C120 REPLACE 1/2 ton pickup S10,Ext Cab with same 13,800 Parks-Goll Course: X G008 REPLACE Trim Mower with same 17,000 X G013 REPLACE Sand Trap Rake with same 8,000 X G002 REPLACE Utility Vehicle with same 11,000 X G004 REPLACE Greens Tee Mower with same 14,000 X G014 REPLACE AerifierNertidrain with same 15,000 Parks-Facilities: X C116 REPLACE 3/4 ton Pickup with 1 ton Flatbed Truck 21,500 �s X C102 REPLACE 1/4 ton S-10 Pickup with 1 ton Hi-Cube Van 20,650 X C110 REPLACE 1/4 ton Toyota Pickup with 1/4 ton Pickup 12,500 X C111 REPLACE 1/4 ton Toyota Pickup with 114 ton Pickup 12,500 X C112 REPLACE 1/4 ton Toyota Pickup with 1/4 ton Pickup 12,500 Parks-Administration: X A202 REPLACE 1982 Fairmont 4-door with Passenger Van 21,900 Community Services Department Total 102,350 105,100 Police X M035 REPLACE 1989 Kawasaki with 1993 Harley/Dav MC+Radio 9,500 X M036 REPLACE 1990 Kawasaki with 1994 Harley/Dav MC+Radio 9,700 X E079 REPLACE Cushman Parking Scooter with 1993 Cushman 10,000 X A218 REPLACE 1985 Chev Camero with 1993 Chev Lumina 17,500 X A229 REPLACE 1986 Chev Celebrity with 1994 Ford Taurus 18,100 X B045 REPLACE 1983 GMC Van with 1994 Ford Aerostar Van 22,000 X A252 REPLACE 1988 Chev Celebrity with 1994 Ford Taurus 18,100 Police Department Total 37,000 67,900 P/B/PW-Airport: NEW Bronco/Blazer-type 4WD It truck,87w fiberglass mold board, rubber blade,w/mtd strobe It&It duty hitch,w/2"ball 20,000 P/B/PW-Transportation: X C096 REPLACE 1980 GMC Cube Van,hyd lift with Boom Truck 31,000 P/B/PW-Equipment Rental: NEW CNG Conversion 11,000 X D042 REPLACE Dump Truck with same 65,000 X E065 REPLACE 1982 Backhoe with same 52,000 X D038 REPLACE 1974 Dump Truck with same 65,000 P/B/PW-Stormwater Maintenance: X E066 REPLACE Eductor with same 135,000 NEW 1 Ton Flatbed 20,500 P/B/PW-Sewer Maintenance: X C075 REPLACE TV Van with TV Inspection Vab(Upgrade) 50,000 P/B/PW-Street Maintenance: NEW 1 Ton Flatbed 19,500 NEW SP Paver 50,000 1 P/B/PW-Water Maintenance: NEW 1 Ton Flatbed with same 19,500 NEW Van 12,000 PB/PW Department Total 334,500 216,000 Reserve for Future Replacement 18,500 27,500 TOTALS $512,350 1$458,000 161 No CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE wr Community Services Department Sam Chastain Administrator 91.8 Total FTE Senior Housing Vince Lee, Coord IMP OpVacS ace Leslie Betlach Sandy Pilat Off Asst II-III Off Asst If - .2 FTE Resource Coord Admin Secretary II 1.8 FTE aw Facilities Parks& Recreation Library Human Services 24.5 FTE 43.0 FTE 15.3 FTE 3.0 FTE im Jim Shepherd Park I C Bill Hutsinpiller Library Clark Petersen Citizens' Ron Shelley Director Board Director Board Director Advisor Human Sery Mgr 7-7 Board to CIP Proj Coord: Gen Recreation Randy Berg Marilyn Pederson Carolyn Sundvall Recreation Mgr James Paxton Terry Higa n Mgr Asst Asst Dir Hum Sv Off Tech 40 1 Rec Supervisors: General Services Jerry Rerecich Museum SupervisorLynn Rothlisberger Larry Sleeth Vacant 1.0 FTE Housing Repair Worker Building Mtc Mgr Prog Coord- 2.0 FTE Vacant Building Mtc Supvr Spec 1-II-4.0 FTE Judy Haykw ward Kevin Bradley Dsktp Pb Opr-1.0 FTE Secretary tl Custodial Sery Supvr Community Center Warner Curl Prog Coord-2.0 FTE Librarian HVAC Sys Tech Bldg Mtc Wkr Spec 11 - 1.0 FTE 3.3 FTE 3.0 FTE Off Asst I -111 2.0 FTE Library Spvr- 1.0 FTE Lead Mtc Cust Libr Tech Asst am 1.0 FTE Senior Cent]FTE 1.0 FTE Mtc Cust-8.0 FTE Sr Sv Coord- 1Library Asst I-II Roo Spc 11- 1. 5.5 FTE Lead Cust- 1.0 FTE Secretary I- 1. 10 Custodian-3.5 FTE Office Asst II Goff Course .5 FTE Randall Leifer Golf Crs Spvr Grd Eq Mach - 1.0 FTE Mtc Wkr 1-11 - 2.0 FTE VA I Park Facilities Dennis Frink Maint Mgr to Park Mtc Supv: Al Dieckman Ricki Weiss Roy Beanblossom to Veh &Eq Mach 11 Ld Mtc Wkr 2.0 FTE Park Mtc Wkr 1-111 No 14.0 FTE `This organization reflects reorganization changes approved February 15, 1993 for Parks and Recreation and Facilities. 162 illw CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Community Services-All Divisions The 1990 reorganization brought together the Parks and Recreation department with the Renton Public Libraries and Human Services to form one larger department called Community Services. The Community Services Department's work program for 1993 includes a major emphasis on maintaining current service levels through an aggressive approach to revenue generation,service delivery system efficiencies,and redistribution of current resources to reflect the City's priorities. This will also include adjusting our short and long term commitments for capital improvements and program expansions to more accurately reflect current and future estimated resource levels. The maintenance of existing infrastructure including identified deficiencies will receive high priority and exposure along with re-evaluation of current programs, practices and standards. The net product of this process should result in a sustainable system of facilities,services,programs and staffing for the foreseeable future. Each division's program activity and budget information is provided on the following pages. Division responsibilities are briefly described below to provide an overview of department services. The staffing and financial summary on page 164 indicates that all Community Services division budgets will increase by 5.5%in 1993,and 1.8%in 1994. There are 2.2 FTE new positions in 1993: Recreation Specialist I,Museum Supervisor,and a part time Librarian was increased to full time. General Services/Facilities/Parks and Recreation: Administration-Provides all administrative functions for the department. Also manages the Senior Housing and Open Space programs which are not included in the operating budget,since they are capital improvement programs. General Services/Facilities-Includes General Services and Park Facilities. General Services operates and maintains City buildings and Park Facilities,and maintains all of the City parks and landscaped areas. Recreation-Provides a wide variety of leisure time activities for Renton citizens. Budget sections include the Community Center,Senior Center,and Recreational Services. Human Services-Manages social and health services funded by the City,and the Community Development Block Grant program. t Community Development Block Grant Program(CDBG)-Federally funded program to help improve living conditions,primarily for persons of low and moderate income. Libraries-The Renton Public Library and the Highlands Library provide information,materials,and services to the community. Golf Course-The operating portion of the Golf Course budget is included in this section. The facility is an 18-hole golf course, added to the recreation program in 1985. ( r 163 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Services-All Divisions IIIc .. 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 LZegga %!Q+ange;' 1994+ Changa %Ctrange POSITION A _.LLOCATIONS; �gctual Budge[ Actual <:BUd96t Adopted 92 Ado 4: Budget, 93 Widgetto 93 Budget General Services/Parks Recreation 66.8 67.0 67.0 68,0. 1.0 I.S 68.fl 0.0 0.0% Human Services _ _ 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.0 0.0%:' 1!:8 0.0 0.03F Community Development Block Grants 1.5 1.2 1.2 1:2 0.0 0.0%'i 12 0.0 0.0% Senior Housing 1.5 1.5 1.5 1,5 0.0 0.0%:.:. 1.5 0.0 0.0% Library 14.1 14.1 14.1 15.3 1.2 8.5 i 15.3 0.0 0.0%' _ _ . Golf Course 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 44 0.0 0.0%' -TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 2.22.5 91:8 O.O O.0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 50.9 45.8 48.8 48.3 2.S 5.5% 48;5 0.2 0.4% TOTAL STAFFING 140.3 135.4 138.4 140.1i<' 4.7 3.5 '! 140E3`' 0.2 0.1% PART TIME HOURS 105,626 95,355 101,408 102,849>I 7,494 79% 101,140" (1,709.0) -1.7% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 2,962,475 3,283,545 3,177,278 3,394,620:: 111,075 3.4%,3,462,211 67,591 2.0% Part Time Salaries 657,970 722,318 767,478 749,238 26,920 3.7% 743,897 (5,341) -0.7% Overtime 31,953 38,132 42,785 41,330 3,198 8.4%'' 43,418 2,088 5.1% Personnel Benefits 849,037 991,439 1,042,889 1:,2 21,652r 230,213 23.2 1,355,752 134,100 11.0% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0'`` 0 N/A 0> 0 N/A Supplies 463,779 490,837 483,829 493,464`< 2,627 0.5% 505,198 11,734 2.4% Supplies/Library Books 148,983 144,000 159,810 144,000 0 0.0 180,040 36,000 25.0% Professional Services 324,911 320,246 355,399 316,263. 10,047 3.1% 306,420 i (23,873) -7.2% Postage/Telephone/Other 1,710 1,653 1,659 2,338! 685 41.4% 1,600.: (738) -31.6% Travel/Training 9,385 14,136 9,995 15,196 1,060 7.5%:' 15,564 368 2.4% _.. Advertising 2,357 2,556 1,653 2$53`- 97 3.8 2 8.1'1 158 6.0% i Rentals and Leases 26,991 29,333 22,50529$33> 300 1.0 27,783 (11850) -6.2%. Equipment Rental 106,165 115,920 111,270 199077 3,157 2.7 128,121 9,044 76%' Insurance _ _.-..5,449 5,830 5,830 6,4#3' 583 10.0 7,06c: 641 10.0% Public Utility Services 557,791 624,387 602,993 $47,643; 23,254 3.7 681,295 33,654 5.2% 10 Repairs 8.Maintenance 224,104 200,300 203,391 207736; 7,436 3.7 211,900. 4,164 2.0% Miscellaneous 450,845 470,801 467,072 509,944` 39,143 8.3%? 496,076 (13,868) -2.7% Intergovernmental Services 485,336 535,649 552,349574,201' 38,552 7.2 615,500 41,299 7.2% Capital Outlay 63,704 129,616 85,292 186,1211' S6,SO5 43.6 18,702 (167,419) -90.0% 1 Debt Service: Principal 295,777 318,343 318,343 256,076: (62,267) -19.6%' 232,478: (23,598) -9.2% Debt Service: Interest 254,755 232,519 232,602 208,701: (23,818) -10.2% 191,194< (16,907) -8.1% Debt Issue Costs 0 0 0 0'r 0 N/A 79,000 79,000 N/A Interfund Payments 8,629 9,280 9,449 20,208: 10,928 117.8% 211229 1,021 5.1% Expenditure Credits (46,011) (60,581) (60,549) (64,867) (4,286) 7.1 (70,404) (5,537) 8.5% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7;886 094 `.:1,820,258 8,593,322 1 9,995,6681 475,409 I S.5 ,91257,399 1 161,731 1.8 Summary by Community Services Division 1.9911992 Adapt, 1892 9993 GMgge %Chwe 1994 < Changes %iCT+agQe I' Division ActualBud et Actual Budget 92 g g Adopted 92 Adopted Budget' 93 Budget 43 Budge r, General Services/Parks Recreation 5,191,347 5,603,515 5,557,132 5;949,050 345,535 6.2% 8,186,7$4 237,714 4.0% Human Services 660,703 750,699 762,417 "802,958 51,359 6.8 863,189 61,131 7.6% Community Development Block Grants 172,404 262,671 238,468 318,467 55,796 21.2% 0 (318,467) -100.0% Library 850,557 943,235 936,452 .1 008,644 65,409 6.9%'1,118,864 110,220 10.9% Golf Course Operations 1,011,083 1,060,139 1 1,098,853 11017,449 (42,690) -4.0%>1,088,582' 71,133 70% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,8861094 ,1;420,269.1.41603,322 1 9,095,668 475,409 5.5 ''91257,399 161,731 1.8' 164 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Community Services - All Park Fund Divisions OBJECTIVE: The basic goal of General Services/Park Facilities and Recreational Services, through its Park board is to maximize the potential of all available resources to provide leisure time programs, activities, facilities, and leadership that meets the needs of the community and the standards set forth in the Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, and to provide the best possible maintenance and operation of all parks, municipal buildings, and landscaping for municipal facilities. The General Services/Facilities and Parks Recreation division of the Community Services Department has five divisions whose responsibilities are briefly described below. Each division's operating program activity and budget information is provided on the following pages. Administration- Provides overall support and management for the department. General Services/Park Facilities - General Services maintains and improves all City buildings, and Park Facilities maintains and improves all of the City parks and landscaped areas. Community Center-Provides a wide variety of fitness and leisure time activities for the community. Senior Center- Offers social, health, and recreation programs for senior citizens. Recreational Services- Provides a diversified recreational program for all age groups. FUNDING SOURCES: This division is accounted for in the Park Fund, which is supported by taxes, park fees, and self- sustaining or self-supported programs. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The 1993 Park Fund expenditure budget totals $5,949,050 which is up 6.2% or $345,535 over the 1992 adopted amount. 1994 totals $6,186,764, an increase of $237,714 or 4.0% over the 1993 budget. The 1993 budget request was cut a total of $56,146, and the 1994 request was trimmed by $61,967. Swimming pool fees, swim lessons, and ball team fees will be increased in 1993, expected to generate an additional $5,650 in revenue. The largest increases are in salaries and benefits. There is one new position in 1993, a Recreation Specialist I, to coordinate youth-at-risk/teenage programs, and assist with self-sustaining activities. 1993 part time is increased by 3.4 FTE, or 7,014 additional work hours, primarily for special events (1.3 FTE for Facilities, .5 FTE for Community Center, and 1.6 for Recreation Services). The total 1993 part time allocation is $12,651 more than the 1992 adopted level primarily due to the addition of a part-time Harbor Master position funded by an increase in self-sustaining revenues. 1994 part time increased .7% over 1993 level. Overall 3.7% rise in public utility services. The major increase in the miscellaneous category is for self-sustaining programs, offset by revenue. Following is a summary of Park Fund expenditures by division. ,yt Expenditure Summary by Park Fund Division 1891 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 fC *:C:64 1994 C6atge: $Ghatcy�a ivtstonActual Hudget Actual Budget. 92Adoptad 92AdipteQ budget 931ger 938uBgd Parks Administration 444,115 482,889 456,143 „51$G83 33,394 6.9%: 536 67 20,494 4.0% General Services 1,316,083 1,433,083 1,402,874 1,485$76 52,793 3 7 1.,551 75 65,87.7 4.4% ._ .4: __. Landscaping 127,422 138,023 137,948 143,514' 5,491 4 0 150 074.2 6,560 4.6%' Parks Facilities 1,448,070 1,532,352 1,536,479 1,601,261 68,909 45 1,669022 67,761 4.2% Community Center 688,198 748,106 727,322 820,235 72,129 9.6% 853 759 33,524 4.1% Senior Center 422,620 451,649 448,178 463,401: 11,752 2.6 476822: 13,221 2.9%' Recreational Services 744,839 817,613 848,188 918,680 101,067 12.4 948,957 30,277 3.3% TOT AL'EXPENo1TURES 5,191,347 5,603,515 5,557,132 5,949,050 345,5356.2 @,.186,164;: 237,714 4.0 165 3 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS 101 - Park Fund ........... Community Services-All Park Fund Divisions Person Responsible: Sam Chastain, Community Services Director rtlr 1891 1982 Adopt 1992 1993 %: ,etteo< 1994. C7isggc » e .....; Qiat{q Item Actual Budgsk Actual sudget 92Adopred 92rtdop[�d Budget Si3Budget ,93u, POSITION ALLOCATIONS. 66 Parks Administration .......8.3 8.5 8.5 8.5 0.0 0.0 $.b 0.0 0.0% General Services/Park Facilities 37.8 37.8 37.8 37.8: 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% _... _.. Community Center 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7:' 0.0 0.0% 7;7 0.0 0.0% Senior Center 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 4:0 0.0 0.0% _.... . IN Recreation Services 9.0 9.0 9.0 10,Os 1.0 11.1 10:0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL REGULAR,STAFFING66.8 `i 870 67A 88,0; I tl 1.5 8$i0 0.0 0.0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 41.6 36.2 39.5 .:38.15: 2.3 6.4% 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 108.4 103.2 106.5 106.5 3.3 3.2% 0.0 0.0% PART TIME HOURS 86,528 75,319 82,049 82,:W 7,014 9.3%:: 801086 (2,238) -2.7% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 2,288,765 2,538,279 2,436,415 2;611,129 72,850 2.9% 2,681,888; 70,759 2.7% Part Time Salaries 519,109 563,917 614,172 576,568' 12,651 2.2%; 580,644 4,076 0.7% Overtime 28,998 31,428 36,226 35,221< 3,793 12.1%s 36,576'' 1,355 3.8% Personnel Benefits 665,243 775,071 821,192 1960,696 185,625 23.9 1,070550 109,854 11.4% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0`«. 0 N/A Supplies 384,410 388,054 389,554 :392,495. 4,441 1.1 412,123 19,628 5.0% Professional Services 23,123 7,400 9,734 7,400 0 0.0 7,500:' 100 1.4% ........: ... .: Postage/Telephone/Other 500 500 572 1000 500 100.0 1,000 0 0.0% Travel 5,844 7,301 6,282 8,431 1,130 15.5 81954 523 6.2% Advertising 2,357 2,556 1,653 2,853> 97 3.8% 2,81:1 158 6.0% Rentals and Leases 17,735 17,433 11,983 14'im.. (2,500) 14.3% 14;933 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 87,991 87,228 84,387 88,380' 1,152 1.3%;' $9,818 1,438 1.6% _.... .. . Public Utility Services 548,343 616,112 592,758 8389221 22,810 3.7 672,038 33,116 5.2% -- Repairs&Maintenance 185,136 168,296 146,741 170 347! 2,051 1.2%. 173 728 3,382 2.0% 1)Miscellaneous 427,147 449,521 433 877 485 58B 36,065 8.0 487,802 2,216 0.5% - ._ _.. Intergovernmental Services 18,991 400 17,100806;: 200 50.0 600 O 0.0% Capital Outlay 33,666 10,600 15,035 � 19 556:; 8,956 84 S 16 202 (3,354) -17.'1% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,237,358 5,664,096 5,60-7,681 6;013,917: 349,821 62 '8,2b7,i68_ 243,251 4.0% Expenditure Credits (46,011) (60,581) (60,549) (64,867] (4,286) 7.1 (70,444] (5,537) 8.5% ;TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,191,34? ;;5,803,515 5,55?;132 5949,fl50> 345;535 6.2 6,1$6,784 737,714 4.0 )tem 1881 1'892 Adopt 1982 1993 t7iagit %G7ug8c 1994 `' Gh3gge CLsogc _,... Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted '! Budget 93 BuJgct 93 Budge,'. 1) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.06 Printing&Binding 17,732 19,630 16,021 25,376:' 5,746 29.3 26,594 1,218 4.8% 49.12 Memberships&Registration 8,443 7,113 7,504 7,185.:: 72 1.0 7,403;: 218 3.0% 49.14 Legal&Recording Fees 34 265 98 0 (26S) -100.0 p 0 N/A 49.16 Publications 84 63 163 63 0 0.0% 83 0 0.0% _ 49.21 Band Concerts 5,438 6,210 5,399 5000 (1,210) -19.5 51323 323 6.5% 49.22 Teenage Programs 10,221 4,786 4,788 4977: 191 4.0% 1 M- 249 5.0% 49.24 Scripts&Royalties 2,111 2,761 2,020 2,440:: (321) -11.6 24562; 122 5.0% 49.26 Developmentally Disabled Program 7,704 6,905 5,550 7,00Q> 95 1.4 7,000' 0 0.0% jo 49.35 Renton Centennial Committee 3,149 0 8,104 0!: O N/A 0 0 N/A 49.36 Misc Awards 0 50 0 50> 0 0.0 50 0 0.0% 49.37 Vandalism 15,184 14,668 11,656 12,735` (1,933) -13.2% 12,$21 86 0.7% 49.48 Nutrition Program 1,558 500 0 0' (500) -100.0% 0 0 N/A I 49.53 Community Band 1,316 2,000 2,222 2,000: 0 0.0 2,000 0 0.0% ------------------- 49.61 Sr Cit Self-Sust Progrs 58,336 56,500 55,631 58,760 2,260 4.0 58,760 0 0.0% 49.84 Tax Liability 29,928 26,070 4,394 6,01 100 ('20,070) -77.0% 8,000>s 0 0.0% 49.85 Comm Ctr Self-Sustaining Progr 169,354 182,000 188,887 234,000:1 52,000 28.6 234,000> 0 0.0% 49.87 Senior Extended Travel 96,555 120,000 121,440 120,000 0 0.0 120,000 0 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 427,147 449,521 433,877 485,586: 36,1765 8.0%1 48,802 1 2,2161 0.5% 166 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 101 Parks Dept: 020 Community Services Div: Parks Administration OBJECTIVE: To provide management and administration for the Community Services Department and Parks and Recreation Division, including the Open Space and Senior Housing Programs. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: This element contains the overall administration of the Community Services Department and the management of the Parks and Recreation Division including Parks Facilities, Recreation, General Services, Senior Center, and Community Center. Parks and Recreation has an annual attendance at their facilities and activities of approximately 1.8 million per year, maintains 646 acres of park land and golf course, and performs maintenance and custodial service for 260,000 square feet of municipal space. GENERAL BUDGET CHANGE: The Parks Administration 1993 budget is up $33,394 or 6.9% over 1992 adopted figures, and 1994 is $29,494 or 4%more than the 1993. BUDGET CHANGES: Part-time Salaries and Wages - Provides for summer assistance, vacation and sick leave relief. Same level as 1992 (1993/293 hours @ $7.00; 1994/293 hours @ $7.25) Professional Services- Used for title reports, wildlife assessments, hazardous waste assessments, etc. Equipment Rental- Increased in 1993 for replacement of a 1982 sedan with a passenger van. Miscellaneous- See list (bottom of next page). No increase for printing and binding; used for brochures, bid documents, etc. Memberships and registration - no increase in 1993, and inflation adjustment in 1994. Renton Centennial project completed in 1992. Capital Outlay- $13,000 requested for copier replacement in 1993 - cut due to budget constraints. �r Expenditure Credits- Reimbursement from Open Space Capital Improvement Fund for Open Space Coordinator and .2 FTE Office Assistant salaries and benefits. 167 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS IN Community Services/Parks Administration' Person Responsible: Sam Chastain, Community Services Administrator itirr 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 4983 :: ChiFgga %Clunge 1994: Char{�c Change PCtSITIf?f�llkLif?CATIONS .... i�wal Budget Adwal Budget 92Ari5iP :92.! Budget 93 ct .93 et; Grade Title .... 43 :Community Services Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0. 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0%' 39 Parks and Recreation Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 33Recreation Sery Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0.0 0.0 $.0 0.0 0.0% _. _. .......... 33 Parks&Facilities Manager 1.0 1.01.0 -4.0:: 0.0 0.0%::.:, yra,. 0.0 0.0%: 25 Capital Improvmt Proj Coord 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3:fl: 0.0 0.0% _.. _._ 23 Open Space Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0: 0.0 0.0% :. 0.0 0.0% 11 Admin Secretary Il 1.0 1.0 1.0 LO 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 5 Office Assistant III 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0% 0.5 0.0 0.0% (.5 Senior Housing/Ends 1993) -.: 3 Office Assistant 11 0.8 1.0 1.01.0'< D.D 0.0 ...4 0.0 0.0% (.2 Open Space/Reimbursed) TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING'' 8.3 8.51 8.5 8.5 D.0 D.0 . 8.5 O.0 0.0' :TEMPORARY PART TIME 0.4 0.1 0.2 O.i'.: 0.0 0.0%z 0.1 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 8.7 8.6 8.7 8;6' 0.0 0.0%!' 8.�' 0.0 O.0% PART TIME HOURS 832 293 351 293> 0 0.0 283` O 0.0% .BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: .Regular Salaries 357,830 409,982 366,326 431,825 21,843 S.3 443,799 11,974 2.8% jo Part Time Salaries 5,205 2,000 2,399 2,951 Sl 2.6% 2,J24 73 3.6% Overtime 316 1,067 1,251 1,094` 27 2.5 1,.136 42 3.8%' Personnel Benefits 84,203 98,458 91,631 417065' 18,607 18.9% 131,807 14,742 12.6% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Supplies 1,899 5,000 5,044 5,200;. 200 4.0%' 5,460 260 5.0% Professional Services 285 500 500 50Q 0 0.00 _ _. 100 20.0%i .... _ .. Postagefrelephone/Other 0 0 0 0. 0 N/A 0 N/A Travel 1,087 1,000 570 1,000: 0 00 1,100 100 10.0% _. Advertising _ _. _...,9 414 486 32 5510' 14 2.9 550 5o 10.0% Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0;. 0 N/A ;: fl.: 0 N/A Equipment Rental 11,699 13,080 13,200 16215 3,135 24.0 14,705 (1,510) -9.3% __... ... „Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0i, 0 N/A 0..; 0 N/A .. . to Re airs&,Mai.ntenance 21829 2,932 1,904 3,000: 68 2.3 3,1510; lOD 3.3%' p 1)Miscellaneous 5,784 2,765 9,875 2,500 (265) -9.6%, 2,600- 100 4.0% ..... __ _ Intergov Sery(Transfer-Out) 18,575 0 16,600 0'' 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Capital 0 6,000 5,968 0'' (6,000) -100.0 9 0 N/A I Expenditure Credits 4 - p (46,011) {60,581) (59,155) (64,887). (4,286) 7.1% : (74,404): (5,537) 8.5% :TOTAL EXPENDITURES 444,115 482.889 458,743 51H,083` 33;39420,494 4.0 Item 1891 1992 Adopt 1992 4993 L3anc 1G Chtegc 1994: #tea 1a Actual Budget „ Actual „ Budgec � 92 Adopru! 42 Adi*W ;` Budget; 93 8i dget 93 s dgei 1) MISCELLANEOUS: .... 49.06 Printing&Binding 0 1,000 0 1,000 0 0.0 i 000 o N/A 49.12 :Memberships&Registration 2,601 1,500 1,673 1,500 0 0.0 1,800: IDO 6.7% _. 49.14 Legal&Recording Fees 34 265 98 0< (265) -100.0 0 0 N/A ._ ..... _ _... 49.35 ;Renton Centennial Committee 3,149 0 8,104 C 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Ila I :TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 5,784 2,765 9,875 2,500 (265) -9.6 2,6001 100 4.0% 168 Ilrt CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 101 Parks Dept: 020 Community Services Div: General Services/Facilities Maintenance OBJECTIVE: Park Facilities Maintenance and General Services Division provide a safe, healthful, pleasant environment for the conducting of City business and the public's enjoyment of leisure time activities. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: The Park Facilities Maintenance and General Services Divisions provide maintenance and operations for City owned buildings and grounds including all City park land. The divisions also performs minor improvements to City facilities when time and resources permit. Responsibilities include maintenance for buildings and grounds of the municipal campus (City Hall, City Hall Annex, Historical Society, Liberty Park Community Building, the main Library, and Liberty Park), three fire stations, Cedar River Park (including Community Center and Carco Theatre), Senior Activity Center, City Shops, Coulon Beach Park, Cedar River Trail, Highlands Library, and numerous community and neighborhood parks. The type of facilities maintained are office buildings, libraries,fire stations, shops, recreational buildings, athletic fields, trails, beaches, and a swimming pool. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN: -- Clean and maintain 260,000 square feet of municipal space. -- Maintain 838 acres of City parks and open space. -- Maintain City street trees and landscaped areas around municipal buildings. -- Perform minor renovation and improvements to City facilities based on City priorities and departmental needs. -- Emphasis in 93-94 will be on maintenance of infrastructure and keeping service levels at current levels. Moderate increases will be required to accommodate growth in supported programs and new facilities that will be developed/acquired in 1993-94. -- Work on the municipal building rehabilitation and the campus plan will also continue. Implementation of an automated maintenance management plan is planned in 1993. - Numerous maintenance and improvement projects will be completed in 1993-94. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: -- Implemented initial phase of City hall rehabilitation plan. -- Installed new ballfield lights, replaced fencing and shrubbery and installed new reader board at Liberty Park. -- Renovated and improved sailing and rowing club floats and storage at Coulon Park. -- Resurfaced/refinished courts at Liberty Park, Philip Arnold, and Talbot Hill Reservoir. -- Improved picnic facilities at Maplewood and Maplewood Roadside Park. -- Replaced log boom at Kennydale Beach. -- Completed improvements at museum (carpet, paint and vinyl flooring). -- Installed UPS and new air conditioning in data processing area in City Hall. -- Installed lighting modification at Carco Theatre. -- Completed City Council Chamber remodel design. - Completed Cedar River Park parking lot design. -- Replaced carpets at Fire Station 11, 6th floor at City Hall and Senior Center. Re-roofed parks maintenance shop and City Hall annex. -- Installed new electrical service at Fire Station #12. NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED, NOT FUNDED - proposed for General Services and Park Facilities are primarily aimed at maintaining current service levels in city facilities. Parks General Services: Convert two .75 FTE custodians to full time 1993 - one General Services and one Community Center. Custodian Services Supervisor 1993- Provide supervision of evening/night custodial/maintenance activities at municipal facilities. Three new custodian positions 1993 - Responsible for maintaining cleanliness in city buildings. New blinds in City Hall- 1993 floors 3 - 6; 1994 Police- floor 2. Multi-Service Center Operation 1994- Provide operation and maintenance for the Renton Multi-Service Center. Parks Maintenance: Park Maintenance Worker 1994- Responsible for maintenance of park landscaping, trails and playfield areas. Performs routine grounds maintenance duties required at new recreational sites. Greenhouse Supplies- Purchase of supplies and small equipment needed for operation of new greenhouse. 169 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS wr Community Services/General Services and Park Facilities Person Responsible: Jim Shepherd, Parks&Facilities Manager POSITIOti1 i4L LOCA f10NS 1891 1682 Adopt 1992 x993 .:' L7lagge :C7regge 1984:: +Chagge %c7r.rge Grade' Title ;Actual Budget Actual Budget ; 42 A 92.: Sud e[ 93 Brxlget 93 Bucjger 25 Capital Impry Proj Coord1.0 1.0 1.0 1>0, 0.0 0.0 1 Q, 0.0 0.0% 25 Building Suporriendont 1.0 1.0 1.0 7,0 0.0 0.0 ].0 0.0 O.UA 19 HVAC Systems Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.Oi 0.0 0.0 fcQ: 0.0 0.0% 17 Custodial 11 Services Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% x 0.0 0.0% 15 Bldg Maint Wkr II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0: 0.0 0.0 TO 0.0 0.0% 13 Bldg Maint Wkr I 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0::: 0.0 0.0 2Q 0.0 0.0% 10 Lead Mtc Custodian 1.0 1.0 1.0t.0. 0.0 O.D :I :- 0.0 0.0% 7 Maintenance Custodian 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 6.t): 0.0 0.0% 4 Lead Custodian 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 0 0.0 0.0 1.Q 0.0 0.0% 1 Custodian 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.$; 0.0 0.0% 0.01 0.0% Total General Services 17.8 17.8 1 17.8 17.9: 0.0 0.0 : 17,13 0.0 0.0% 26 Park Mtc Superintendent 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0i 0.0 0.0% 1'.0 0.0 0.0% 20 Park Maint Supervisor 2.0 2.0 2.02 0' 0.0 0.0% 2 Q 0.0 0.0% 15 Vehicle&Eq Mechanic 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.00.0 : ;Q 0.0 0.0% 15 Lead Park Mtc Wkr 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0%f 2 0 0.0 0.0% __ _ . 11 Park Maintenance Worker 1/111 14.0 14.0 14.0 14,iD 0.0 0.0%. 14:0 0.0 0.0% Total Facilities 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.13; 00 00 2010 0.0 0.0% ;TQTAL REGULAR STAFFING'I 37.8 ? 37<8 37.$ 37.&;: a?f) Qta.. 37:8:: 0.0 0.0% TEMPORARY PART TIME 15.4 12.8 13.2 14 1; 1.3 10.2 f41; 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 53.2 50.6 51.0 51 8` 1.3 2.6 fiti8 0.0 0.0% TOTAL PART TIME HOURS 32,032 28,624 27,476 28 243:: 2,619 9.809 29 334. 91.0 0.3 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 1,245,584 1,380,764 1,341,637 t,384254 3,490 0.3% -1414,807. 30,653 2.2% _.... .. Part Time Salaries 183,417 194,884 201,122 199246:' 4,362 2.2 207 t$9 7,913 4.0% __.. . Overtime 19,532 15,127 18,591 #$510 3,383 22.4 711 3.8% _.. _.... Personnel Benefits 359,622 418,289 447,749 511,200_: 92,911 222 `: 572 780.; 61,580 12.0% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 ...... .,.... 0 N/A SI,:: 0 N/A Supplies 319,668 326,131 327,010 ::321 2$2 (4,849) 1.S 33$,025 16,743 52% Professional Services 22,838 6,900 9,234 6 900> O 0.0% 8,600 0 0.0% .. __..- .. Postagelrelephone/Other 500 500 572 1000::: SOD 100.0 1,000: 0 0.0% Travel 249 971 839 0 00 1.x71_ 200 20.6% Training&Schools 0 1,000 839 c 2000: 1,000 1000 2;400.: 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 17,735 17,433 11,983 14833;; (2,500) 143 .................x4,0330 0.0% - __.....__... .. _ . Equipment Rental 76,292 74,148 71,187 72165 (1,983) 2 7 751.13 2,9W8 4.1% _..... Public Utility Services 460,327 510,748 503,514 52071. 17,923 3.5 555,475 26,804 S.l% Repairs&Maintenance 147,958 135,529 118,627 6135 529 O O.0 135,529 0 0.0% Miscellaneous 19,075 16,434 15,328 74 434. (21000) -12.2 14,434: 0 0.0% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0:' 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Capital Outlay 18,778 4,600 9,069 19,556: 14,956 325.1 12.202;: (7,354) -37.6% do Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0' O N/A p 0 N/A TQTAL EXPENDITURES 2,891,575 s 3,103,458 9,077,301 3230 651< x27;1 4 1 `:3370,$48 140,798 4.3 1891 1992 Adopt 1882 x893 aamws 1664 [�sA4c. %t�urge ilrr PUBUc UTILITY SERVICES Actual Budget:; Actual Budget . 92Adppted t+2.AA+�p1cd' Sudga#' O3Budgct 93Bu*ct 47.01 'Electricity 291,260 304.2291 297,501 ::307648: 3,419 1 1 329 467 IS,819 5.1% _,.. _ .,, ._ . 47.02 Water/Storm/Metro/Garbage 127,732 137,146 154,431 15211x1.<: 14,965 10.9 159,654% 7,543 5.0% 47.03 Gas 40,569 66 193 49 520 65 732 (461) -0 7 $0.- 174: 3.442 5.2% 47.05 IGng Co Transfer Station 0 1,080 0 0.0 1,080.. 0 0.0% 47.06 Maint For RR Signals 766 2,120 2,061 2,120; 0 0.0 2,120 0 0.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 460,327 : 510,748 503,513 528,871 17,923 3.5 555,475 26,804 5.1%j i 170 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 101 Parks Dept: 020 Community Services Div: General Services/Facilities Maintenance BUDGET CHANGES- 1993 Budget (all sections) is up $127,193 or 4.1%over 1992 adopted level, and 1994 is $140,198 or 4.3%more than the 1993 request. Most of the increases are in salaries/benefits, supplies (1994), utilities, and capital outlay. Telecommunications ($163,320) was transferred to Administrative Services in 1992; summaries on pgs 170 and 172 reflect the telephone transfer for better expense comparison. BUDGET CHANGE/GENERAL SERVICES: The 1993 request was cut a total of $32,255. Reductions include: Part Time $14,147 (with benefits), Supplies $5,000, Rentals $1,000, Utilities $12,108. Overtime-increase based on anticipated need and $1,000 for special events (River Days, weekend rentals, etc). Training and school-increased $1,000 (from 0 in 1992)to provide training opportunities for maintenance staff. Equipment rental- replace (1) pickup in 1993, (2) in 1994. Part time- requested increase of $1,000 for special events and $8,162 for additional help and rate adjustments. (1993/4,678 1994/4,749 adjusted part time hours after cut.) Capital Outlay- increase $14,956 in 1993 (total of $19,556) for second sewage pump at City Hall, office area addition at Senior Activity Center, new floor machines, new carpet extractor, new 24" vacuum cleaner, new sewer cleaner. In 1994 capital outlay falls to $12,202 to purchase an additional heat pump at the Highlands Library and one more floor machine. BUDGET CHANGES/PARKS FACILITIES: The 1993 request was cut a total of $21,137; 1994 cut $21,162. Reductions include: Landscaping- Part Time (with benefits) 1993/$2,688, 1994/$2,706; Supplies $2,000; Rentals $1,500. Facilities- Operating Supplies $8,767; Equipment Supplies $2,000; Gas $1,000; Vandalism Repair $2,000; Part Time (with benefits) 1993/$1,182, 1994/$1,189. Water, sewer, Metro and electricity- Requested increased of $2,500 for additional utility costs at newly developed Cedar River Trail extension and Cedar River Regional Park. Also requested rate adjustments. Part time- $3,000 increase requested for special events. (Adjusted part time hours after cut of $1,000: 1993/24,565, 1994 24,585). Overtime increase $1,000 to cover special events. Il ( 171 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS r Community Services/General Services and Park Facilities .......... Person Responsible: Jim Shepherd, Parks& Facilities Manager 1991 1992 Adop 1'992 1993 (urge %Charge 1994 e .._. ...., .. .. Gfiang e Chang,,,.. �rfVAt 5ERV1G�5. 4ctual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted Budget 93 Badger ,93 Burt BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 565,459 635,249 610,224 -63"3'*,357 (1.892) -0.3 649,155 IS,798 2.5% _.. Part Time Salaries 33,658 36,164 43,971 33 326 (2,838) -7.8 34;966 1,640 4.9% .. ...... _0 _ Overtime 5,364 3,942 7,940 ...... 6044 2,102 53.3 8308 264 4.4% _ Personnel Benefits 163,266 193,403 198,203 226 644 33,241 17.2 2$8,240:; 19,596 13.1% Supplies 126,630 122,334 120,658 122 227 (107] -0 1 128;589.; 6,362 S.2% .- Professional Services 15,080 0 10 0. 0 N/A 0 0 N/A PostagetTelophonelOthor 111,609 163,820 572 1,000 (162,820) -99.4 1;000 0 0.0%im ' Travel 61 600 170 800 0 0.0 800. 100 33.3% _._ Training&Schools 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 N/A 1,000 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 9,779 9,555 8,884 8,b55 (11000) -70.5 8;555 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 20,651 19,272 20,448 22,911 3,639 18.9% 24,819 1,908 8.3% is Public Utility Services 291,365 333,950 314,786 337,142 3,192 1.0% 354,605 17,463 52% Repairs&Maintenance 64,406 70,000 69,441 70,000 0 0.0% 70 000' O 0.0% _._. __0 Miscellaneous 6,234 3,514 2,967 3;514 0 0.0 3;514' 0 0.0% _.. Capital Outlay 13.630 4,600 4,600 19,556, 14,956 325.1 12;202 (7,3S4) - 37.6% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,427,192 1,596,403 1,402,874 1,485,876" (110,S27) -6.9% 1,551,753':, 65,877 4.4 Less Telephone Trf to Informa Sery (111,109) (163,320) 0 'o 163,320 -100.0 01 0 N/A TOTALADJ EXPENDITURES 1,316,083 1,433,083 1,402,874 >1,485;876' 52,793 3.7 1,651,753'a1 65,877 xxxx ]891 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 t�egge f6 Chu{ge 1994. Charge t>bagge f f SC74f3/N.: Actual Budget Actual Budget ; 92 Adopted 92 Adopted Budget 93 Bi dget 93 Bulger BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 66,169 73,064 70,507 72 034 11 (1,030) -1.4 73,6 1 19 11 1,585 2.2% Part Time Salaries 21,225 20,780 20,832 20,780 0 0.0% 21:553; 773 3.7% _.-Overtime 1,176 1,694 624 1;741 47 2.8 1,807 66 3.8% Personnel Benefits 19,859 20,244 26,334 29544', 9,300 45.9 32,895` 3,351 11.3%I _.._ .. Supplies 15,208 14,265 16,159 12 836 (1,429) -10.0 13 527 691 5.4%. _ _. Rentals and Leases 2,552 2,578 2,232 1.078 ...... 015w) -58.2 11078 0 0.0% _ . Equipment Rental 898 4,320 588 -::A323 3 0.1 4;380? 37 0.9% Public Utility Services 335 1,078 672 1 -1 100 9.3 1,235 57 4.8%' TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 127,4221 138,0231 137,948 143,514> 51491 4.0 150;074'1 6,5601 4.6 _.. 1991 1992 Adppt 1992... 3>i93. <. x C]iar{ge..: 1994 PARKFAClL/TfES: tictuaI Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted Budget 938>rr(get 93 Budget BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 613,956 672,451 660,906 678 863 6,4121.0 892,133 13,270 2.0% .. Part Time Salaries 128,534 137,940 136,319 1'4S.1-4-0, 7,200 S.2 150;6..40 S,500 3.8% Overtime 12,992 9,491 10,027 10,725 1,234 13.0 11,108 381 3.6%Will ' Personnel Benefits 176,497 204,642 223,212 265,012 50,370 24.6 283645 28,633 11.2% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 N/AO 0 N/A 86 Supplies 177,830 189,532 190,193 1219 (3,313) -1.7 195,909 9,690 52% Professional Services 7,758 6,900 9,224 6,900 0 0.0 8;900> 0 0.0% Travel 188 371 669 371 0 0.0 371 0 0.0% .... ...... Training&Schools 0 1,000 839 1,000 0 0.0 .. 1,000 0 0.0% Rentals and Leases 5,404 5,300 867 5,300 0 0.0% 11.1 5,3. ..-1 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 54,743 50,556 50,151 44,931 (5,625) -11.1 45,934 1,003 2.2% Public Utility Services 168,627 175,720 188,056 190,351 14,631 8.3 199,635.' 9,284 4.9%' Repairs&Maintenance 83,552 65,529 49,186 65,529 0 0.0 65,529 0 0.0% Miscellaneous 12,841 12,920 12,361 10,920 (1,000) -15.5% 10,920 0 0.0% _. Capital Outlay 5,148 0 4,469 0 0 N/A 0 01 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,448,070 1,532,352 1,536,479 1,601,261 68,909 4.5%1 1,669,022 67,761 4.2% TOTAL GEN SERV/PARKS FACILITIES 3,002,684 3,266,778 3,077,301 3,230,651 (36,127) -1.1% 3,370,849 140,198 4.3% Less Telephone Trf tolnforma Sery (111,109) (163,320) 0 0 163.320 -100.0 0 0 N/A TOTALADJ GEN SERV/PARKS'FACILITIES 21891,575 ;3,103,458 3,077,301 3,230.651 127,193 4.1% 3,370,849 140,198 4.3 172 1993 - 1994 CITY OF RENTON BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 101 Parks Dept: 020 Community Services Div: Senior Activity Center OBJECTIVE: To provide social, health and recreation programs for Senior Citizens. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: The primary emphasis for 1993 - 1994 will be directed at increasing the awareness of Renton area senior citizens toward activities and services available at the Renton Senior Activity Center. A more aggressive approach will be taken to make people aware of our excellent senior program. Included in our new approach will be an organized newcomer's group, where new participants will tour the center and meet staff; an open house will be held, so that people can tour the facility and see our programs and staff in action; and visits will be made to local retirement homes and senior housing facilities to encourage and promote our senior program. Emphasis will be on current trends and needs in regard to programming, with trips, exercise classes and special events topping the list. 1993- 1994 WORK PLAN: - Focus on drawing younger or newly retired seniors to the center. Pay special attention to first time visitors to the center. Make them feel welcome so that they will return. Keep a feeling of caring alive in the center, between staff, volunteers and participants. Keep a positive approach to all problems that arise and assess them from a point of view that the solution should be for the good of all concerned. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: - Increased health services for senior population. Contracted with health counselor for individual and group counseling as part of our health services contract with visiting nurse services. Extensive disaster drill training/evacuation procedures. Building was also made safer in case of an earthquake, with funding secured through a grant from Washington State Department of Community Development. Secured private sponsors for additional recreational programs and services. Updated computer capabilities. Expanded outdoor recreation programs. Changed name to "Renton Senior Activity Center". NEW PROGRAM REQUESTED, NOT APPROVED: Recreation Specialist 1 1994. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Senior Center budget is up $11,752, or 2.6% over the 1992 adopted level, 1994 is $13,221 or 2.9%more than the 1993 budget. y9 Part time Salaries and Benefits - Same level as 1992 (1.3 FTE, 2,672 part time hours). Public Utility Services- Overall 5%increase in 1993, 5.7%increase in 1994 for rate adjustments. Miscellaneous- See table at the bottom of next page. The self-sustaining programs and senior extended travel are fully funded by offsetting revenue. 173 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Services/Parks Senior Center Person Responsible: Bill Hutsinpiller, Recreation Services Manager 1991 1092 Ad ]992 1993 t qqe X. C e 1994 4Tiar{ge %G7ragge f�i3SITION ALLOCATIONS, Actual Budget Actual Budget: 92 Adapted 92 Adapted Bud'of 93 Bua et 93 Budget Grade Title 20 Senior Services Coord 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 14 Recreation Specialist II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1;0 0.0 0.0% 7.0 0.0 0.0% 7 Maintenance custodian 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 0.0 O.0 t 0 0.0 0.0% 5 Secretary 1... _ _ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 _ 0.0% 1.0 - 0.0 0.0% TQTAL HQijLAli;STAFI=IN(3 4:Q: 4,0 4.0 40 0.4 4.0 4 Q O.O QQ TEMPORARY PART TIME 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.3< 0.0 0.0%:: 1.3. 0.0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 5.4 5.3 5.7 5:3 0.0 0.0%:, 5.3: 0.0 0.0% TOTAL PART TIME HOURS 2,912 2,704 3,4802,872' (32) -1.2 2;072 0 0.0% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular.Salaries 137,460 147,488 145,811 147,825` 337 0.2%,. 150,559 2,734 1.8% Part Time Salaries 17,498 19,000 24,452 ' 19,787 767 4.0 19,840 73 0.4% Overtime 2,130 1,765 1,953 1,809 44 2.5 1,880: 71 3.9% Personnel Benefits 42,296 48,955 48,320 54 881 5,926 12.11 61,291 6,410 11.7% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Supplies 15,301 10,000 10,089 10,466. 400 4.0% 10:920 520 S.0% Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 0 N/A t) 0 N/A . _. Tr ave llfraining _,, 272 535 298 55 `` 16 3.0 579 28 S.1% .. Advertising 0 0 0 0. 0 _ N/A 0 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A _ _. Equipment Rental 0 00 A 0 N/A 0 o N/A Public Utility Services 28,239 32,576 28,526 34 189. 1,613 S.O% 38,729.:: 1,940 5.7% _ _. _. Repairs&Maintenance 15,895 12,441 11,290 13 885 1,744 10.0 15,054.. 1,369 10.0% I1ffM _. _ 1)Miscellaneous 156,729 178,889 177,439 180,294 1,4050.8 780;370 76 0.0% 0, .: Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 O 0 N/A 0,, 0 N/A Capital Outlay 6,800 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Expenditure Credits 0.. 0 _ 0 :. 0.. 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TQALFI(PENDITUEIES 422.620 +t51;849 448,178 463,401 17,752 2.6 478.822221 2.9 liem 1891 199,2 Adopt 1992 1993 %G7rar{ge 1994: L7wrge %l7raage e Actual Budt eActual Budget ., 92Ado ed 92'Ado ed Bud 93 get: 9 pt p[ g et „„BudSet 43 Budget 1) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.12 Memberships and Registrations 280 336 368 349 13 3.9 366: 17 4.9% __ .. 49.24 Scripts and Royalities 0 414 0 0. (414) 100.0 0 0 N/A 49.37 Vandalism 0 1,139 0 1,185 46 4.0% 1;244 S9 S.0% 4948 NutrlbonProgram 1,558 0 0; (500) -100.0 0 0 N/A 49 81 Sr Crt Self-Bust Programs 58,336 56,500 55,631 58,760' 2 260 4.0 58 760 0 0.0%i _ 49.75 Senior Center Donations 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A __. 49.87 Senior Extended Travel 96,555 120,000 121,440 120,000 0 0.0 1201000 0 N/A TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 156,729 178,889 177,439 180,294 1,405 0.8 186,370 76 0.0% 174 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 101 Parks Dept: 020 Community Services Div: Community Center OBJECTIVE: To provide an opportunity for the public to participate in a diversified program of recreational activities designed to meet the needs of all age groups who live and/or work in the City of Renton. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: Responsible for providing comprehensive fitness and recreational activities, as well as providing space for special events such as weddings, workshops, and meetings. 1993 - 1994 will emphasize quality service and expanded programming of self-sustaining activities. In addition, we would like to improve our brochure, which is critical to advising the public of program and activity offerings. Community Center programs and aquatics activities are managed by the supervisor assigned to this complex. 1993- 1994 WORK PLAN: 10 - Expand special events offered at the Community Center, i.e., youth and teen nights. Update and improve policies and procedures regarding rentals at the Community Center. I Complete policy and procedure manuals for the Community Center and Carco Theatre, started in 1992. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: - Purchased computer system for recreation programming and facility scheduling. Expanded programming at the Community Center with attendance up 30%for January- August with 135 dates booked and 150 events. Carco Theatre had 218 dates booked through August with 208 events. Improved fitness room program through purchase of new equipment. Added new treadmill and crossover cable piece enabling the Community Center to increase attendance in fitness area by 30% over 1991. Expanded fitness/wellness program for the City and public by adding 6:00 a.m., noon hour, and afternoon fitness classes. Approximate enrollment for year was 95 City employees. Also started nutrition and message therapy programs which were utilized by 30 City employees. Added summer and fall Carco Theatre family concert series with 14 scheduled events. NEW PROGRAM REQUESTED, NOT FUNDED: Recreation Specialist I -Programmer 1994- Provide assistance in maintaining and developing new leisure time fee based recreation classes, and assistance for special events and publication preparation. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Community Center budget is up $72,129, or 9.6% over the 1992 adopted level, and the 1994 budget is $33,524 or 4.1% more than the 1993 budget. Part time Salaries and Benefits- Increased .5 FTE in 1993 (14,509 part time hours.) Supplies- Supplies for Resale added in 1992 budget adjustment $2,000. Recreation Supplies inflationary increase. Facilities Supplies increased $3,340, adjusted for actual spending level. Total 1993 increase $5,816, 1994 increase $618. ' Repairs and Maintenance- Requested 10%increase; cut $1,000. Miscellaneous- See list at the bottom of next page. Tax liability reduced (prior year refund requested from Department of Revenue) - cut from request of $12,000 to $6,000. Self-sustaining programs increased by $52,000 in 1993, fully funded by offsetting revenue. 1 175 . ....... .. CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Services/Parks Community Center Person Responsible: Bill Hutsinpiller, Recreation Services Manager 1 ast 1�2 Adopt 1992 1993 QiangG %C�agge 7994 t7iagg� Qugee: POSITION i4LLQCATIONS: Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 A4*ftd: Budget 3 93 Budget: Grade Title 18 Recreation Program Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _..0.0%. 14 Recreation Specialist II 1.0 1.0 1.0 7:0 0.0 O.O ;A' 0.0 0.0% _.. _... 7 Maintenance Custodian 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0. 0.0 0.0% 5 Office Assistant III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1,0 0.0 0.0 . 1 a: 0.0 0.0% 1 .Custodian 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7: 0.0 0.0 ,_07 0.0 0.0% 1 Office Assistant l 1.0 7.0 1.0 '; 1.0: 0.0 O.O t 0 0.01 0.0% ...AL Fi�f�l1L�i 57AFf 1NG 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7. TEMPORARY PART TIME 6.4 6.4 6.4 7.0 0.6 9.4% 70 0.0 0.0 TOTAL STAFFING 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.7 0.6 4.3 )47. 0.0 0.0% TOTAL PART TIME HOURS 13,312 13,250 13,366 14,509>, 1,259 9.5 14;509: 0 0.0% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 224,328 240,016 244,739 251,879 11,863 4.9 201,.923. 10,044 4.0% Part Time Salaries 92,315 102,659 103,560 105,963 3,304 3.2 108,840 2,877 2.7% Overtime 1,419 2,134 1,855 2,188'' 542.5 2,273 85 3.9% Personnel Benefits 68,201 79,493 84,117 94,572 15,079 19.0 -1041029 9,457 10.0%' Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A xx:.1.--:1::1::0x 0 N/A Supplies 20,678 20,053 21,152 25,869 5,81629.0 26,48.. 618 2.4% Professional Services 0 0 0 0. 0 N/A 0 O N/A Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0 0 N/A0:. 0 N/A Travel/Training 1,525 2,000 2,014 2,060 60 3.0 2;1133: 103 5.0%: Advertising 1,943 2,070 1,621 2,753 83 4.0 2;281 108 5.0% _..... _ . Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0__ 0 N/A 0 N/A Equipment Rental 0 0 00 0 N/A ....... .... 0 N/A Public Utility Services 59,777 72,788 60,718 76..062 3,274 4.S $0 434: 4,372 5.7% __. Repairs$Maintenance 16,741 15,200 14,266 ::15.7M 520 3.4%::: 17 382' 1,672 10.6% 1)Miscellaneous 199,600 211,693 193,280 243,769 32,076 IS.2 243;857: 188 0.1%: Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A fl O N/A __.. Capital Outlay 1,671 0 0 0 0 N/A 4,000: 4,OOD N/A _... Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 ... 0 N/A TQTALEXP:ENDITURES 688,198 748;106 727,322 820235> 72;129 9.6.. $53,?59 It 1881 1992 Adopt 1892 7993 Qui�ge %G7iangq 1994` C7iegse $LTianga Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted ! $udgel 93...: t Sf38udgu 1) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.06 Printing&Binding 445 3,105 0 3 230> 125 4.0 161 5.0%: _.. 49.37 Vandalism 0 518 0 539 21 4.1 566 27 5.0%. __ _. 49.84 Tax Liability ......... 29,928 26,070 4,393 6,000. (20,070) -77.0% 6000.. 0 0.0% 49.85 ;Self-Sustaining Programs 169,227 182,000 188,887 234,000 52,000 28.6 -: 234;000:: 0 0.0%; TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 199,600 211,693 193,280 1 243.789 1 32,0761 15.2 243;957:. 188 0.1 176 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 101 Park Fund Dept: 020 Community Services Div: Recreational Services OBJECTIVE-To provide a diversified program of recreational activities designed to meet the needs of all age groups who live and/or work in the City of Renton. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: General: To conduct activities and manage facilities that provide leisure time activities as requested by the public. Increased athletic events will tax existing facilities. Revenue support will be needed to assist future athletic use. Increased coordination with area youth athletic associations will be necessary to insure playing space for everyone. Hiring and training of competent part time employees is crucial. Computer training for full time staff will be needed to provide access to the system presently being used. Activities are managed by a Recreation Supervisor. Special Populations: The developmentally disabled program is split into athletic events (Special Olympics) and social activities (i.e. classes, day trips, Dine-Out Program, etc.) An increase in the extended travel program and continued training for new volunteers will be needed in 1993. It is anticipated that medical personnel may be needed to administer medications as needed. A part time PERS position will help to ease the load of the Recreation Specialist. Also, in 1993, the North Highlands Neighborhood Center will see more use as an area for social programs. Community Programs: Community centers and neighborhood school programs will continue to be a mainstay of the recreation division. Fund raisers will provide the financing for many programs which would otherwise be unobtainable to many children. Self-sustaining programs are anticipated to equal those of 1992. The desktop publisher's capabilities have provided additional marketing and advertising through athletic flyers, brochures, etc. which have increased the program participation. 1993-WORK PLAN: Improved athletic scheduling effectiveness due to new computer program. - Develop an athletic field/facility use policy. Continue to update/train part time employees. - Develop Interlocal Agreement with School District for use of facilities. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Successful fund raising efforts to provide $2,200 in scholarships for the less fortunate. -Twenty-five percent increase (136) in day and sport camp participation. - Adopted form for Park Department/Police Department discipline procedure. - Revenue increase ($1,800)due to rentals at the North Highlands and Highlands Neighborhood Center. - Completed Park and Recreation and Open Space Comprehensive Plan. NEW PROGRAM REQUESTS: Mailing of Recreation Brochures. NOT APPROVED. Teen IAt-Risk)Program Recreation Specialist II. NOT APPROVED. Recreation Specialist I-Coordinate youth-at-risk/teenage programs, and assist in planning and implementation of additional self- sustaining programs and activities. 1993 cost $42,203, 1994 cost $46,371; partially funded by part time reduction 1993/$25,104 and self-sustaining revenue increase $2,801, 1994/part time reduction $25,879 and self-sustaining increase $2,801. APPROVED. Council Amendment reinstated the recreation part-time cut as budgeted. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Recreation budget is up $101,067 or 12.4% over 1993 adopted figures, with the addition of the new position, and the 1994 budget is $30,277 or 3.3%more than the 1993 budget. Part Time Salaries- Increased 1.6 FTE or 3,168 additional hours of work for special events (35,616 total part time hours). Supplies- Increased for inflation and need. Miscellaneous- (See list at bottom of next page.) Printing and binding is increased for additional marketing efforts. 1993 request for band concerts was $6,458, cut to $5,000. 177 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Services/Parks Recreational Services Person Responsible: Bill Hutsinpiller, Recreation Services Manager ttr 1991 1992 Adopt1992 1993 Llasq�e %E7i4e 1984 f7isgG PQSITION ALLOCATIONS; . : ; pg .. ..9CS3mgg Aee1 -- Actual ctu3 Grade Title hill _ ,.. 25 :Recreation Supervisor 3.0 3.0 3.0 0 0.0 O.0 - 3Q 0.0 0.0% 18 Recreation Program Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0 0.00.0 2Q:: 0.0 0.0% 14 Recreation Specialist It 2.0 2.0 2.0 20 0.0 0.0 20 0.0 0.0% 11 Recreation Specialist 1(1 New) 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 0 1.0 100.0 fl, 0.0 0.0% 8 Desktop Publishing Operator 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% {Q.. 0.0 0.0% TD.T.AL 138GULAR STAFFING i 9.u': 9:0 90 10.0 .104: 11 1 104 OO O TEMPORARY PART TIME 18.0 15.6 18.0 16,0. 0.4 2 6 #6Q,.: 0.0 0.0 TOTAL STAFFING 27.0 24.6 27.0 26.0> 1.4 O.0 0.0% .TOTAL PART TIME HOURS 37,440 32,448 37,376 Z15,616, 3,168 9.8 33 28T> (2,329.0) -6.5 BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 323,563 360,029 337,902 395346' 35,317 9.8 :410.7,00 15,354 3.9% Part Time Salaries 220,674 245,374 282,639 249 541 4,1671 7 24 ;681 (6,960) -2.7%' __. ............. .. Overtime 5,601 11,335 12,576 11,820 28S 2.S 12;pB8.. 446 3.8% Personnel Benefits 110,921 129,876 149,375 182,978 53,102 40.9 200,843. 17,665 9.7% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 OI 0 N/A fl.. 0 N/A Supplies 26,864 26,870 26.259 29744 2,874 10.7%:,: 1,487 1,487 S.0% Professional Services 0 0 0 0! 0 N/A 0. 0 N/A Po stage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 0' O N/A O N/A Travel[Training 2,711 1,795 17221849: 54 3.0 1,941; 92 5.0% . Advertising 0 0 0 Qr 0 N/A ,' =;Q.. 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 0 0 0 0. 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0< 0 N/A a 0 N/A fWPublic Utility Services 0 0 0 Q:; 0 N/A Q; 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 1,713 2,194 654 219 100 $.65d.. 241 10.0%i __...- 1)Miscellaneous 45,959 39,740 37 955 44 589:: 4,840 12.2% 46 441 1,852 4.2%: __. .. . Inter overnmental Services 416 400 500 800': 200 50.0 <6GIr: 0 N/A Capital Outlay 6,417 0 0 '0' 0 N/A 11,:: 0 N/A P Ex enditure Credits 0 0 (1 394) 0; 0 N/A Q 01 N/A :TOTAL EXPENDITURES 744,839 817,8.33 848 188 918880::: 1D1a67 124 948 957 30,277 33.. Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 AJapted $udge> 93 Burger S3 BM* 1) MISCELLANEOUS: 49.06 Printing&Binding 17.287 15,525 16,021 21 i 48 5,621 362% 1,057 5.0% - - „ ....49.12 .Memberships&Registration 1,755 1,967 1,955 2028:;: 59 3.0 2,4.27:: 101 5.0% 49.21 Band Concerts 5,438 6,210 50399 5000:: (1,210) -19.5% 5;373 323 6.S%I 49.22 Teenage Programs 10,221 4,786 4,788 49Th 191 4.0% S 228 249 5.0% .... 49.24 Scripts&Royalties 2,111 2,347 2 020 2440; 93 4.0%. 2,5$2:< 122 5.0% _ „ _... 49.26 Developmentally Disabled Program 7.704 8,905 5550 7000, 95 14 7000; 0 0.0% 49.53 Community Band 1,316 2,000 2,222 2,000: 0 0.0 2,00.0.. 0 N/A -, 49.59 Self-Sustaining Programs 127 0 0 0' 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 45,959 39,740 37,955 441589: 4,849 12.2 48 441- 1,852 4.2% 178 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 404 Maplewood Golf Course Dept: 020 Community Services Div: Golf Course OBJECTIVE: To maintain a viable, well managed and self supporting golf course facility for the enjoyment of the public. PROGRAM ACTIVITY: This facility is maintained by the City and operated by a concessionaire. The maintenance staff of four includes a Golf Course Supervisor, Assistant Supervisor, Golf Course Mechanic and a Greens Keeper. Priorities for 1993 are reconstruction of holes 10 and 11, design of clubhouse and driving range, adoption of transition plan during construction of clubhouse and driving range, and installation of irrigation system. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Reconstruction of tees #11 and #16. Additional irrigation installed on greens #1, #15 and #18. Continued improvements of cart path system. Architectural firm selected for clubhouse and driving range design. Continued turf program to maintain quality greens, tees and fairways. Dredging of Maplewood Creek and retention pond for flood prevention. BUDGET CHANGES: 1993 Golf Course expenditures excluding the capital improvement program (CIP) are down $42,690 or 4% from 1992 adopted appropriations. 1994 operations will increase by 7% or $71,133 over the 1993 budget, due to debt issue costs for proposed bond issue; without this item, 1994 operations would be less than 1993. A $4 million revenue bond issue is proposed in 1994 to fund Golf Course improvements, including two new holes, new irrigation system, new driving range, new clubhouse and parking area, new asphalt cart paths, renovation of existing tees and greens, and renovation of the maintenance shop. The capital reserve and a possible fee increase will provide for debt repayment which would begin 1995. Salaries and Benefits- Includes step and longevity adjustments, and a 1.4% salary increase in 1994. Part time increase provides for an hourly rate adjustment, no increase in hours of work. Benefits increased due to 25% adjustment in medical/dental insurance premiums and 7.5%rise in industrial insurance rates. Equipment Rental- Increased in 1993 for replacement of equipment including a trim mower, and sand trap rake. A tractor, requested to be replaced in 1993 will be acquired in 1994. 1994 replacements include a utility vehicle, greens tee mower, and aerifier/vertidrain. The Golf Course maintains their own equipment and the equipment rental costs are # for replacement or acquisition only. Debt Service- Decrease in 1993 due to full debt repayment in 1992 for the Golf Course bridge. 1994 includes $79,000 debt issue costs for the proposed revenue bond issue. Interfund Payments-The indirect cost allocation (reimbursement to the General Fund) has been increased in 1993/1994, to more fully reflect actual services provided - $10,928 increase in 1993. 179 an CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Services/Golf Course .................................. . Person Responsible: Bill Hutsinpiller, Recreation Services Manager 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 06agge % Change 1994 47isr�ge %(Stange ,__. POSITION ALLOCATIONS; >Actual Budget Actual Budget 91 Adopted 92 Adapted Budget 93 Budget 93 Budget Grade Title 20 Golf Course Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1;0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 11 Grounds Equipment Mechanic 1.0 1.0 1.0 1'0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% __... 11 Golf Course Maintenance Worker II 1.0 1.0 1.0 ` Y0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 7 Golf Course Maintenance Worker 1.I 1.0 1.0 1.0 ' 10 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% TOTAL RErjuLAA STAFFING 4.0.; 4 0 4A 4a0 0.0 0:0 4.0 0.0 0.0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 3.3 2.9 2.9 2;9. 0.0 ao% 2.9, -0 0.0% TOTAL STAFFING 7.3 6.9 6.9 691 0.0 0.0% 8.9, 0.0 0.0% PART TIME HOURS 6,864 6,107 6,124 6,167< 0 0.0% 6,107 0 0.0% s BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 115,721 131,595 132,597 139,536 7,941 6.0 145,683 6,147 4.4% Part Time Salaries 47,474 51,060 51,199 53,726 1,666 5.2% 55,253 1,527 2.8% Overtime 1,249 2,100 1,926 2,109 9 0.4% 2,130 21 1.0% Personnel Benefits 38,934 48,172 51,936 61,340 13,168 27.3% 68,282 6,942 11.3% Supplies 53,603 70,000 64,861 72,800 2,800 4.0% 76,440 3,640 5.0% Professional Services(ProServ) 105,191 123,800 133,260 123.800:. 0 0.0 123,800 0 0.0% Travel/Training 1,195 1,335 1,306 1,375 40 3.0% 1,444 69 5.0% Advertising 0 0 0 0. . 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 120 800 687 800 0 0.0 800 0 0.0% Equipment Rental 14,328 25,596 23,787 .':27j83 1 1 1,235 8.7% 37,084 9,253 33.2% Insurance 5,449 5,830 5,830 6,413 S83 10.0% 7, 5054 641 10.0% . - . Public Utility Services 9,448 8,275 10,235 8,719 444 5.4% 9,257 538 6.2% Repairs A Maintenance 33,762 25,810 52,825 28,393:: 2,581 10.0% 31,230' 2.839 10.0% Miscellaneous 5,870 5,624 6,928 5824 0 0.0% 5,624 0 0.0% Operating Capital Outlay 19,578 0 1,082 A,. 0 N/A 0 0 N/A - ....... _ . Debt Service: Principal 295,777 318,343 318,343 _256076 (62,267) -19.6% 232,478 (23,598) -9.2% Debt Service: Interest 254,755 232,519 232,602 208;761 (23,818) -ia2% 191,794 (16,9107) -8.1% Debt Issue Costs 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 79,000 79,000 N/A Interfund Payments 8,629 9,280 1 9,449 20,208' 10,928 117.8% 21,229 1,021 5.1% TOTALOPERATINGEXPENDITURES 11;011083::; 1,060,1:39 1,098,853 ;1,017,449 (42b90) -4.0%T1,088,582 71,133 `7:0% 180 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 000 General Dept: 020 Community Services Div: Human Services OBJECTIVE - To plan and manage a network of programs to enrich the lives of Renton residents; providing opportunities for people to help themselves and one another in an effort to prevent future problems from occurring. PROGRAM ACTIVITY - Through an appraisal of needs and conditions in the community, the division coordinates with service providers to deliver services for primarily low to moderate income households. Emphasis is placed on education and prevention. The Division also operates as a source of information and referral. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN - Emphasis will be on the management of the Community Development Block Grant program (see pg 183) and the continued implementation of the recommendations of the Human Services Policies and Plan. As proposed, the General Fund work plan for 1993 includes contracting with service providers to deliver services and initiate contracts with proposed new providers. The following providers are core to the City's network of providers: Community Health Centers of King County, Domestic Abuse Women's Network, Friends of Youth, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, Renton Area Youth and Family Services. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS - Ongoing General Fund programs are anticipated to have the following accomplishments: Domestic Abuse Women's Network - 204 crisis line calls, 615 hours of counseling, and 105 individuals will receive community education; King County Sexual Assault Resource Center- 48 teen and adults counseled, 15 children counseled and 12 victims will be helped through legal and medical advocacy; Renton Area Youth And Family Service - 200 residents will receive counseling, 48 teen parents will receive support services, 280 Royal Hill and Renton Housing Authority residents will receive community education, 160 residents will receive new parent education; Friends Of Youth- 4 boys will receive residential treatment, 4 clients will receive emergency shelter, 20 clients will receive counseling, and 48 shelter placement calls will be made; Community Health Centers of King County(Renton Clinic) - 6,930 patient visits and 2,800 unduplicated users of services. NEW PROGRAMS REQUESTED, NOT FUNDED: 11994 recommendations for human services programs will be determined through 7 an application cycle conducted in mid-1993.) Human Services Manager's Position ($10,810) - Restoration of the position to 100% General Fund (from .8 FTE). Domestic Violence Community Advocate ($15,000) - is a position that could be either contracted or .5 FTE staff. The advocate works with the victim to assess the victim's safety, provide referrals and ensure that basic needs of the victim are met and, in coordination with the legal (court) advocate, assists in documentation of cases. Domestic Violence Legal (Court)Advocate $15,000) - a companion position to the Community Advocate that could also be contracted or .5 FTE staff, helps victims by giving immediate, short term assistance with specific legal issues and assists in expediting court proceedings. Washington Women's Employment and Education ($7,500) - Program provides job readiness training to low income single parents. Domestic Abuse Women's Network Shelter ($5,000) - Help support the operation of a confidential shelter for women and children. Child Care Resources ($5,000) - Provides information and referral for parents and training for child care providers. Senior Volunteer Transportation ($3,060)- Provides free transportation to isolated, frail low-income seniors. BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Human Services budget is up $51,359 or 6.8% over 1992 adopted figures. The 1994 budget is $61,131 or 7.6%more than 1993. 1993 budget cuts totaled $4,774. Professional Services- Allocation to human services agencies will be increased as shown in the table at the bottom of pg 182. A 10%increase was requested, as recommended in the Human Services Plan, cut to 9% in 1993, and 10% over the 1993 adjusted amounts in 1994. King County Human Service Roundtable allocation requested to be increased by 4.2%based on Roundtable recommendation to the suburban cities, was cut back to the 1992 level. Intergovernmental Services/Seattle-King Co. Public Health- estimated 7.2% contract increase in both 1993 and 1994. Capital Outlay- $2,500 for (1) personal Computer replacement requested in 1993, deferred to 1994. 181 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF&FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS Community Services/Human Services Person Responsible: Ron Shelley, Human Services Manager as 1991 1992 Adopt 1992 -1990- -------------- L7iaige %Q►ange 1894; L9iaq........ e %G7tange POSITION ALLOCATIONS: ActualBudget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92Adaptod: Budget 93.Bua(�et 93 Budget Grade Title 23 Human Services Manager 0.5 0.8 0.8 0,8 0.0 0.0 0.8. 0.0 0.0% _.. _......_ _... 7 Human Services Office Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.01 O.O%. 1.0 0.0 0.0% _..,,,.'.,TOTAL STAFFING 1.5 1.8 1.8 18 0.0 RP 1,8 0,0 0,0 _.._.. _. BUDGETARY APPROPRI„1"ION: _. Regular Salaries 45,831 62,718 62,037 68,03$ 5,320 8.5 70,752 2,714 4.0% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 O N/A Overtime 0 500 0 10 (500) -10x7.0%' 512 512 N/A Personnel Benefits 10,014 13,696 13,426 15,6471 1,951 14.2% 17,194 1,547 9.9% Uniform Allowance 0 0 0 0! 0 N/A 0'' 0 N/A Supplies 1,567 1,790 563 1,790 0 0.0% 1,835 45 2.5% 1)Professional Services 130,430 128,620 142,091 138,033. 9,413 7.3%::::151,720 13,687 9.9% Postage/Telephone/Other 0 0 0 :0, 0 N/A0 0 N/A _. Travel/Training 0 800 655500 (300) -37539 866 366 73.2% Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 2,141 1,000 1,226 1 000:;; O 0.0 3;050 50 5.0% Equipment Rental 3,846 3,096 3,096 2 86B (230) -7.4 7,219: (1,647) -57.5% Insurance _ 0 0 _ 0 O _ 0 N/A. 0 0 N/A _. _.. Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 1)., 0 N/A ».. Repairs&Maintenance 530 530 574 583; 53 10.0%: 6411',: 58 9.9% Miscellaneous 0 0 00 0 N/A 0 0 N/A - -- Intergov Services(Sea-KC Public Health) 466,345 535,249 535,249 673,0:1...:. 38,352 Z2%:: 614,800 41,299 7.2 % --- . Capital Outlay 0 2,700 3,500 Q (21700) -100.0 2500 2,500 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 660,703 l 750899 76.2 41717 80205$' 51;339. 6.8 $69,.3..88 61,131 76 r Item 1991 1:002:m, opi 19921993 8e% gSange 1994': flange %L7�age Actual Bud"tit _.. g Actual Budget 92Ad(jued 92;:1dopted $udgei 93 Budget 93 Budget 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 41.011 Domestic Abuse Women's Netwk 15,000 16,500 20,250 779$5 1,485 9.0%, 18,7$4: 1,799 10.0% 41.024 Friends of Youth/Services 7,800 8,580 10,530 7,832' (648) -76 81725 793 10.0% 41.084 KC Sexual Assault Center/KCRR 21,872 24,060 24,060 26225` 2,165 9.0 28,848 2,623 10.0% 41.086 Renton Area Youth Services 46,098 55,540 59,741 60,638: 4,998 9.0 : 66,592 6,054 10.0% imp 41.109 Human Sery Plan Consultant 15,000 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 41.112 Meals on Wheels 6,000 0 0 0: 0 N/A 0 0 N/A .. ... 41.122 Renton Comm Clinic 10,710 15,710 19,280 17,123' 1,413 9.0% 18,835 1,712 10.0% 41.128 K Co Human Services Roundtable 1 7,950 1 8,230 1 8,230 8,230 0 0.0%I $,836' 706 8.6% me TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 130,430 128,620 142,091 138,9. 9,4131 7.3% 151,720 13,6871 9.9% fiw 182 �I CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 104 Community Development Block Grant Dept: 020 Community Services Div: CDBG Block Grants OBJECTIVE: To provide housing, a suitable living environment, and expansion of economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income, through the Federally funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs. x In 1992, the Community Development Block Grant program was transferred from the General Fund to a new special revenue fund (104),to simplify budget reporting and preparation. There is no appropriation for 1994, since the scope of the program is unknown at this time. The 1993 CDBG Program is described below. 1993 Community Development Block Grant Program Item Amount BLOCK GRANT-HUMAN SERVICES Apple Parenting Program $3,438 „ Community Service Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 3,000 Connections(Respite Care for Seniors) 4,000 Northwest Aids Foundation 1,200 Renton Area Multi-Service Center,Renton Clothes Bank 4,588 Senior Services(Senior Activity Center): Visiting Nurse Services 13,500 South King County Multi-Service Center-Van-Go 13,500 Sub-Total $43,226 BLOCK GRANT CAPITAL PROJECTS City of Renton Housing Assistance Program $90,332 King County Sexual Assault Resource Center 1,700 Liberty Park Playground Equipment 46,245 Renton Area Multi-Service Center Renovation 74,620 Senior Activity Center Roof 44,000 Sub-Total $256,897 BLOCK GRANT PLANNING &ADMINISTRATION Planning&Administration 18,344 46 Sub-Total $18,344 TOTAL 1993 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS 1318,467::. 183 10 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS v Community Services/Community Development Block Grants(CDBG) Person Responsible: Ron Shelley, Human Services Manager, ---L1991 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 ---- c Q.. . 1994 GLagge %grange; POSITION ALLOCATIONS: Actual Budget AcWal Budget: 3!2 A,. ,td 3- A0optuf; Budget 93Budget .93Buc�ct.` Grade Title 23 Human Services Manager 0.5 0.2 0.2 :i 0 2 0.o 0.0% 0.2 0.0 0.0% ... 7 Housing Maintenance Worker 1.0 1.0 1.01<0 0.0 ao 1.0 0.0 0.0% 7 Human Sv Office Tech(Gen Fund) 0.0 0.0 0.0 f)0 0.0 N/A 0.0 0.0 N/A TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING" 1.5 1,2 1 2 1 : 0 0 Q 0;, 1.2 10.0 0.0 TEMPORARY PART TIME 1.1 1.4 1.3 TOTAL S.AFFING 2.6 2.6 2.5 (0.1) -3.8 2.5 0.0 0.0 PART TIME HOURS 2.101 2,912 2,826 2,7781 (136) -4.70121778 0 0.0% BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salaries 49,400 43,509 41,342 42007 (1,502) -3.5% 0' (42,007) -100.0% Part Time Salaries 16,603 20,525 18,508 21,480 935 4.6% 0 (.21,460) -100.0% Overtime 0 0 0 D 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Personnel Benefits 12,146 9,548 12,639 13 159 3,611 37.8% 0 (13,159) -100.0% Uniform Allowance0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 O N/A �4,SS1) _26.'1%. p, Supplies 10,468 17,400 18,6. 32849 (12,849) -100.0% Professional Services 55,722 40,726 56,494 39$80 (1,166) -2.9 9 (39,560) -100.0% Postagelrelephone/Other 769 641 585 778 137 21.4% 0 (778) -100.0% Travel/Training 1,397 400 210 5w 190 47.5 . 0 _ (S90) -100.0% Advertising 0 0 0 Q_: 0 N/A Ol' O N/A Rentals and Leases 0 0 02,4UID N/A. 0. ! - C2,400) 100.0% Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0, 0 N/A 0 0 N/A Insurance 0 0 0 0. 0 N/A ' 0 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0' 0 N/A Repairs&Maintenance 0 0 0 2,715 N/A 0 , (2,715) -100.0% Miscellaneous 15,439 13,606 24,345 16384 2,778 20.4 0 (16,384) -100.0% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0; O N/A 0 0 N/A Capital Outlay 1 10,460 1 116,316 65,675 166 665::: 50,249 43.2 0 (166,565) -100.0% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 172,404282,671 23$,468 318,487 SS,796 21.2% 0 (318,467)' -100:0 i IW/ irll Ii1I 184 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ANALYSIS Fund: 106 Library Dept: Community Services DIV: 021 Library Services OBJECTIVE - To provide Library materials and services to help community residents obtain information that meets their personal, educational, and professional needs. PROGRAM ACTIVITY - There are two City Libraries; the Renton Public Library and the Highlands Library. The Renton Public Library is open 64 hours per week, and is a 22,236 square foot facility. The Highlands Library operates 43 hours per week and provides 6,592 square feet of space. The Libraries serve as a community information center for popular materials and reference. In addition, the Libraries support students at all K-12 academic levels. Basic activities include: administration, informational services, children's programs, circulation control, technical services, and facilities operation and maintenance. The Library stock includes 146,452 books, 108,480 titles, 8,077 audio recordings, 537 newspaper and magazine subscriptions, and 5,312 other library materials. 1993 - 1994 WORK PLAN - To create an environment which motivates staff to achieve high levels of performance and productivity. " Expend public monies wisely and utilize physical resources. Plan for long range space needs, develop alternatives, review options. Provide input to comprehensive plan. Monitor changes in the community, anticipate growth, participate in library service planning with neighboring cities. Maintain existing facilities. Keep the Renton Public Library open to the general public 64 hours per week and the t Highlands Library open 43 hours per week. Inform the public and promote library use. Select, acquire, and process books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, maps, and audio cassettes for public use. Catalog and classify library materials. Add about 9,000 volumes and 6,000 titles in 1993. Keep collection current and relevant by weeding 5%in 1993 prior to automation. Develop a high quality staff with special skills, knowledge and abilities to help library users. Maintain circulation service functions at level necessary to adequately serve the general public, including control of circulating materials. In 1993, the goal is to check-out more than 300,000 items. Provide reader's advisory help and reference services. Plan for the use of information processing equipment to assist with labor intensive tasks, enhance bibliographic and database access, and improve public service. Convert bibliographic records (book titles/catalog) to machine readable copy (MARC) format using Western Library Network (WLN) LaserCat technology. Goal is to download 20,000 titles in 1993. Over 75,000 titles have been added to the WLN bibliographic database. 1992 ACCOMPLISHMENTS - Circulation increased by nearly 10%. The summer reading program "Back in Time" involved over 560 youngsters. Weeded adult and children's collection. Developed several book lists. Continued Retrospective Conversion project. Contract with a commercial agency for collection of past due library materials and fines provided good results in 1992. NEW PROGRAMS: .5 FTE Library Systems Specialist (hire 9/1/93) Cost $6,749/1993; $21,143/1994). NOT APPROVED. Museum Supervisor (Hire 7/1193) Cost $21,078/1993; $45,113/1994. APPROVED. .8 Librarian Position to Full Time- No cost (retirement replacement). APPROVED. a BUDGET CHANGES: The 1993 Library budget is $65,409 or 6.9% more than the 1992 Adopted level, and the 1994 budget is up $110,220 or 10.9% over 1993. Overtime- Reduced since new Secretary has less vacation time off. Part Time Salaries- $10,668 increase in 1993, and $10,516 increase in 1994, to provide wage increases to adjust for cost-of-living, to be competitive with market and to retain experienced staff, and handle increased workload due to 25,000 more items being checked out (about a 10% increase in circulation). 1993: 11,633 hours @ average hourly rate $8.38 equals 5.6 FTE; 1994: 12,162 hours @ average hourly rate $8.88 equals 5.8 FTE. Supplies/Library Books - (Formerly classified as Capital Outlay.) 1993 request was $158,000 to restore allocation to 1990 level, cut $14,000 to $144,000 0992 level). 1994 request was $200,000 ($42,000 increase), cut to $180,000. Professional Services - Includes Library Programs $500 for both 1993 and 1994 (no increase). LaserCat $19,800/1993 and $21,700/1994 ($1,800 increase 1993; $1,900 increase 1994) - to insure database project completion in 1993, and for maintenance of on-line services. Also includes $1,200 1993/1994 for past due collection service. Training & Schools - $4,300 (no increase) to provide knowledge and skills necessary to acquire, operate, and support information processing systems-automation. Rentals - Public use equipment: two copiers, and microfilm/microfiche reader/printer will generate about $13,000 in revenue in 1993 versus costs of approximately $9,000. Repairs & Maintenance - Small increase for fire alarm monitoring contract at the Highlands Library; $1,20011993, $1,400/1994. General repairs and maintenance $4,500/1993, $4,900/1994. Miscellaneous - Includes Memberships and Registrations $1,500/1993, $1,800/1994 ($300 increase in both 1993 and 1994); and Printing and Binding $850 for both 1993 and 1994. 185 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 STAFF& FINANCIAL APPROPRIATIONS ilrl Community Services/Library Person Responsible: Clark Petersen, Library Director tir 1981 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 Gtrar{ge %l3iaggG 1994 t3iangc )� St POSITIf)N ALLOCATIONS, Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopfad $..udget 93 Budget, ;93 Binet;:; Grade Title 37 Library Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0%' 23 Assistant Library Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1:0 0.0 0.0 3 0 0.0 0.0% 12 Museum Supervisor(New 1993) 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 1.0 N/A #A. ao 0.0% 7 Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0%'. Total Library Administration 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0> 1.0 33.3 a0>: 0.0 0.0 17 Librarian(.8 FTE to 1.0 FTE) 3.1 3.1 3.1 3:3! 0.2 6.S 33 0.0 0.0%i _ _ _._. 12 Library Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% S.0 0.0 0.0%' 9 Library Assistant 11 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 .0 0.0 O.0% _ .._ 3 Library Assistant 1 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.0 0.0% 4.5. 0.0 0.0%' 7 Library Technical Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1.0 0.0 0.0% 3 Office Assistant It 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 6.5 0.01 0.0% Total Library Services 11.1 11.1 11.1 11;3 a2 1.8 11,3: 0.0 O.0% TOTAL REGULAR ST:AFFING'; 14.1 14.1 14.1 15.3 1.2 8.5% 15,3 00 D.Ob TEMPORARY PART TIME 4.9 5.3 5.1 5.6 a3 5.7 58.. 0.2 3.6 TOTAL STAFFING 19.0 19.4 19.2 20.9 1.5 77 21 lis 0.2 1.0% PART TIME HOURS 10,133 11,017 10,609 11,633 616 5.6 y2jte2:> S29 4.5 _ _...._ BUDGETARY APPROPRIATION: Regular Salanes 462,758 507,444 504,887 533 910 26,466 5.2 563,888 29,978 5.6%I _. Part Time Salaries 74,784 86,816 83,599 97 484 10,668 12.3 #08 000 I0,516 10.8% Overtime 1,706 4.104 4,633 4,000 (104) -2.S 4;200 200 S.0%: Personnel Benefits 122,700 144.952 143,696 170;810 25,858 17.8% 189,728: 28,916 16.9%: Supplies 13,731 13,593 10,181 13 530 _ __.8,9 _ ... ..........._.: _.... _ (63) -0.S 14,800.: 1,270 9.4% Capital Outlay/Library Books 148,983 144,000 159,810 144 000 O O.O 1$0 w. 36,000 25.0% 1)Professional Services 10,445 19,700 13,820 21,500 1,800 9.1 23.400, 1,900 8.8%: .... _.... _ _ Po stage/Telephone/Other 441 512 502 b60 48 9.4 640,:, .........40 7.1% ... _ _. Travel/Training 949 4,300 1,542 4300 0 0.0 „4 0 0.0% _ Advertising 0 0 0 0a 0 N/A #1:< 0 N/A Rentals and Leases 6 995 1.0,100 8,609 10,500 400 4 0 11,000:; 500 4.8%I .._ __ __......_._. 4 ... Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0' 0 N/A 0 O N/A ... _. ...... ..... .... Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 N/A Public Utility Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A 0: 0 N/A __.. Repairs&Maintenance 4,676 5,664 3,251 5,700 36 0.6 ? $,300 600 10.5% 2)Miscellaneous 2,389 2,050 1,922 2,350 300 14.6 2%650, 300 12.8% Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 N/A <0 0 N/A Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Q 0 N/A Expenditure Credits 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 N/A 0:. 0 N/A :TOTAL FJfPENDITUFiES 850,557 943,2351 936;452 1,008,644 65,409 69 1,11$,864 1111,220 109,.. Item 1991' 1992 Adopt 1992 1993 0wgc %''Chagge 19G4 TQungt ' L7tsnge Actual Budget Actual Budget 92 Adopted 92 Adopted l Budget 93 -k-*. ' 93 Budgot. 1) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: 41.54 Library Programs 100 500 591 500 0 0.0 500 0 0.0% 41.93 Professional Serv/Laser Cat 10,345 18.000 12,182 19,800 1,800 iao% 21,700 1,900 9.6% 41.178 Past Due Collection 0 1,200 1,047 1,200 0 0.0%, 1,200 0 0.0% TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERV 10,445 19,700 13,820 21,500 1,800 9.1% 23,400 1,900 8.8 2) MISCELLANOUS: 49.06 Printing&Binding 33 850 279 850 0 0.0 850 0 0.0% 49.12 :Memberships&Registration 2,356 1.200 1,643 1,500 300 25.0% 1,800 300 20.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 2,389 2.050 1,922 2,350 300 146%12,650 300 12.8% ills 186 CITY OF RENTON 1993- 1994 BUDGET Community Services Activity Trends Attendance ParkS�Recreation Facrlities✓Activilies 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Renton Community Center(Opened April 1989) N/A 89,000 213,400 260,000 226,198 Carco Theatre 24,673 36,732 57,230 58,487 29,500 Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 1,000,560 1,000,752 1,000,989 1,000,432 989,000 Picnic Shelter Reservations 20,481 22,695 29,520 26,959 30,482 Senior denier(650,000 is Capacity) 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,123 148,000 Developmentally Disabled Programs 3,120 3,050 3,427 3,516 3,843 Athletic Programs 57,840 58,170 59,695 61,439 62,997 Afterschool Programs(Fall/Winter/Spring) 50,911 59,113 78,400 76,930 73,112 Summer Programs 65,488 67,232 71,966 68,892 70,183 North Highlands Neighborhood Center 65,966 59,433 24,752 33,627 35,626 Summer Only 11,624 5,217 7,104 9,210 8,325 Highlands Neighborhood Center 76,116 63,413 48,192 53,789 53,010 Summer Only 13,123 13,000 8,064 8,888 9,119 Recreation Services Special Events 5,169 5,917 6,065 6,948 19,253 Total Attendance 1,545,071 1,633,724 1,758,804 1,819,240 1,758,648 Note: 1988- 1989 attendance figures are estimates. Community Development Block Grant Programs 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Housing Repair Assistance Program 86 102 145 131 123 Van-Go Transportation 200 134 151 341 401 Senior Center Health Clinic 188 570 310 369 152 Renton Clothes Bank 1,018 2,589 1,749 1,850 1,961 Renton Community Clinic 223 542 1,796 2,425 5,251 Renton Housing Authority Program N/A N/A N/A N/A 161 Catholic Community Services, Homecare N/A N/A 158 N/A N/A Child Care Resources N/A N/A N/A 828 N/A Catholic Community Services,Shelter N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 __ General`Fund Human Services Agencies 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Renton Area Youth&Family Services N/A 456 557 692 424 KC. Sexual Assault Resource Center N/A N/A 99 115 134 Domestic Abuse Women's Network N/A N/A 463 353 536 Renton Community Clinic N/A N/A 4,470 3,334 5,251 Seattle KC. Dept.of Public Health 16,201 17,478 1 16,784 1 17,092 18,241 r> ..: F293,838 menton Public Library 1988 1989 1990 1:9.91.1 Total Circulation 236,593 250,666 264,891 290,329Registered Library Card Holders 8,751 8,867 9,203 9,986Total Library Book Budgets(Adopted Appropriation) $120,000 $132,000 $1.58,000 $144,000 , Total Volumes Purchased 7,548 9,202 9,746 10,011 7,746 Total Titles Purchased 4,854 5,888 5,764 5,992 4,945 Total Volumes 141,253 140,456 140,392 143,641 146,403 Total Titles 108,210 106,798 105,337 106,933 108,480 Titles Borrowed from Other Libraries 328 462 599 563 640 Renton Library Titles Loaned 10 46 201 481 789 Special Program Attendance 1,746 1,856 1,958 1,957 1,827 187 BUDGET BY FUND L L l L L L l l L L L L L L L � 188 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET FUND: 000 - GENERAL FUND DESCRIPTION The City of Renton's General Fund includes all financial transactions which are not specifically accounted for in other funds. It is the largest accounting entity in the City and provides for most of the general operation except for Park and General Services, Transportation and Street Maintenance, and Library functions which are in separate funds. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program was included in the General Fund in prior years, but was transferred to a new special revenue fund- 104 in 1992. 1993 General Fund revenues, excluding the CDBG program, are projected to decrease by $173 thousand or .8% lower than the 1992 originally adopted budget, and $443 thousand or 1.9°x6 below 1992 actual receipts. The 1992 mid-year budget adjustment ordinance added $1.7 million to the General Fund 1992 adopted budget (excluding CDBG carryovers) and included items such as adding fund balance for uncompleted projects, and allocating grants not approved in time to be included in the 1992 adopted budget. The major resources to the fund are property tax, sales tax, and utility tax. The 1993 allocation to the General Fund for these major tax sources is as follows: 66% of the general property tax levy; 75% of projected sales tax revenue; and 44% of all utility taxes. The table below left, shows the 1993 basic General Fund revenue categories and the percentage of support. All tax revenues will provide 77.7%of 1993 resources. 1993 estimated expenditures, excluding the CDBG program, are up $251 thousand or 1.1% over 1992 adopted figures, and are $63 thousand or .3% more than 1992 actual expenses which included budget adjustments such as carryovers and allocation of grants. The major areas of increase are salaries and benefits which include cost-of-living and personnel benefit adjustments. 323.5 FTE or 56% of the total regular City staff are in the General Fund. Staff increased by 6.2 FTE over 1992. The table below right, displays the 1993 services provided by the General Fund. Over 63% of the expenses are for public safety services. .. 1983 9b of 1893. %of 1993 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Budget Total 1903 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES Budget Total Opening Balance $843,033 3.6% Legislative Services(C ity Council) $106,882 0.5% Taxes: 17,968,455 77.7% Executive Services 2,095,820 9.1% General Property Tax,Sales Tax, Mayor's Office,Municipal Court, Admissions Tax,Franchise Fees, City Attorney,Hearing Examiner, .._ Utility Tax,EMS Levy,Gambling Personnel,and Civil Service Excise Tax,Leasehold Excise Tax Administrative Services: 2,178,641 9.4% Licenses and Permits. 1,005,000 4.3% Budgeting/Accounting,City Clerk, Fire Permits/Plan Review,General Records Management,Printing,Data Business Licenses,Amusement Processing,Misc/Mandatory Expense Licenses,Animal Licenses Pdica Services. 8,316,557 36.0% Intergovernmental Revenue: 1,327,480 5.7% Law Enforcement,Crime Prevention, Grants,Motor Veh Excise Tax(MVET), Jail,Animal Control,Support Services Criminal Justice MVET,State Shared Fire Services. 6,319,844 27.3% Revenues and Entitlements Suppression,Aid Services,Prevention, Charges for Services. 843,308 3.6% Emergency Mgt,Support Services General Government,Public Safety, PlanningBuilding/Public Works. 2,860,160 12.4% Ping/Zoning/EIS Fees,PW Inspection- Code Enforcement;Building Permits; Approval Fees,Plan Check Fees Plan Review;Inspection Services; Fines and Forfeits: 751,600 3.2% Public Information Counter;Current Municipal Court,Narcotics Confiscation and Long Range Planning;Property, Misc Revenue/Other Financing Sources: 390,557 1.7% Mapping,and Survey Services, Investment Interest,Rents,Contributions Administrative Support and Donations,Other Miscellaneous, Human Services Programs 802,058 3.5% Sales of Fixed Assets,Transfers-in Ending Balance 449,471 1.9% TOTAL GENERAL FUNO!RE VENUES 1$23,129,433 100.090 TOTAL iGENERAL'Ft1ND EXPENDITURES $23,129,433 106.0 189 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET irr _ FUND: 000-GENERAL FUND REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE ... ......... ...... _ 3991 1992 Adopt 1992. 1993 S a 3994 Qiange: R.EVEfU O ActuaE E3ud et: Actaal Sud : 9... .A 92 �#ujir Bud of 93r. ,... at 96'}1ie�get:' Opening Fund Balance 857 707 621,856 1,962 116 $43 033 221,177 35.6 449;471.; (393,562) 46.7%i .. _...... ............ _ .. _._ «. 40 Real&Personal Property Tax 5,817,399 6776,661 6,637 527 9825 930' 3,049,269 45.0 $77+ 788 (53,142) -0.5%' _ .. ... .. .. .. Sales Tax 6,158 685 7 072,111 6,735 956 :; 4x792 62s�. (2,279,496) -32.2 5;8]5,293; 1,122 668 23.4% _... Sales Tax/Criminal Justice ...... 547 192 555,000 575,458 38,080 6.8 6I I,D(10:: 18,000 3.0% Utility TaxfT V Cable 204,729 213,000 211,992 282 000 19,000 8.9 2;i$000 6,000 1.6%I Itis Utility Tax/Telephone-Telegraph 932 65,001^ 170,896 : 100;000' 35,000 53.8 b. (100,000) -100.0% UtilityTax/Electricity 686 914 781,100 725 301 0 (781,100) -100.0 fl 0 N/A .. Interfund Taxes/Utility 1,040 835 1,172,051 1,179 827 1,2b0 A00: 78,349 6.7 9,37b 450:::: 125050 10.0% EMS Levy Funds 270,427 272,000 275.,U7 273 500; 1,500 0.6 X75,000: 1,500 0.5% Gambling Excise Tax 615,720 630,000 617,806 631000. 1,000 0.2 631.000:: 0 0.0% Other Taxes 373,801 370,500 406 552 270;000 (100,500) -271 274,000;; 4,000 1.5% _. _ _ Gen/Prof/Occup Bus Licenses 337,000 347,110 347,110 287,000 (60,110) -IR3 37$,4$0: 88,480 30.8%' Building Permits 689,306 747,200 740,182 591 700 (155,500) -20.8 '606 700;' 15,000 2.5% __. _ Other Licenses&Permits 117,058 135,152 139,550 20,300:: (8,852) -6.5 83,950;. (32,350) -256% Criminal Justice Grant 37,158 0 0 0 0. N/A 0 0 N/A State/Motor Veh Excise Tax 621,911 713,800 684,508 710;000: (31800) -0.5 741,850 31,950 4.5% Criminal Justice MVET 79,388 87,290 86,033 88,150 860 1.0 92,11? 3,967 4.5% tiW _ Other Intergovernmental 927,483 507,760 772,643 529,330 21,570 4.2 507,600.: (21,730) -4.1% _. Plan Checking Fees 273,444 250,000 322,691 250,000; 0 0.0 250,000' 0 0.0% __ Other Charges for Services 1,333,476 509,600' 645,599 593,308 83,708 16.4 613,868. 20,360 3.4% _._.. _ Municipal Court Fines 655,127 756,500 866028 750800 (51900) -0.8 755600 . 5,000 0.7% 1ltir _ _ . Other Fines,&,Forfeits 133,116 1,000 1,358 1,000 0 0.0 j,000 0 0.0% (30,000). _9.1 300,000 ._ _._ 0 0.0%. Investment Interest 182,328 330,000 326 583 3009.. Other Miscellaneous 230,942 156,618 204 306 78557 (77,061) -49.2 106,44$; 26,892 33.8% Trf-In/316 Phone DP Equipment 0 0 45,W9 0 O N/A fl o N/A frlli _ Trf-In/Cable Comm;Contingency 8,692 10,387 10,387 1)+OQO;; 613 S.9 .; (11,000) -100.0% SUB-TOTAL REVENUES 21,343,063 22,459,840 22,729 288 22 286,400 (173,440) -0.8 23 537 045<: 1,250,645 5.6% Comm Dev Block Grants(CDBG) 213,782 0 30 592 0: O N/A fl 0 N/A Tt7AL#tEVENUE 21,556845 _ 2459,64f7 22759880 22'286,400 (17440). dk$,. 23,537,0/#5.:: I+ZSddri Sfi% 1s928udget Adltj§tm0ttf.. 1,917 382. 1 OTAL f� WENU1:3:8,gALAf CI:' 32 414552 24 998 8$H 24 721,9W.: 23129,433 {1,869 455} 73 23 988 518 857083:: 3.7 _.... EXPENDITURES: - _ .... _ 08.00 Expenditure Credits 1,21.6,53150.8%:,:: ( ) .(1,451,235) (1,870 044) (2188 175). (736,940) _. F.. _ .._. _ _. (2 412,958} (124,783) 10.3% 10.00 Regular Salaries 12,069,181 13,442,886 13,495 413 <'13 762,996 320,110 2.4 14,[77,924.:: 414,928 3.0% 10.00 Part Time Salaries 128,138 149,908 177,272 :162 407 12,499 8.3 177 634" 15,227 9.4% 10.02 Overtime 888,641 843,818 785,337 822,053 (21,765) 2.6 920,917; 98,864 12.0% 20.00 Personnel Benefits 2,966 735 3,451,616 3,436 425 ::4 005 700. 554,084 16.1 4,$ 1 479;: 585,779 14.6% 30.00 Supplies 499,649 575,286 514,567 837,696 62,410 10.8 67,2,553:: 34,857 5.5% 41.00 Professional Services 1,418,224 1,282,021 1,754,943 ;1,321,379: 39,358 3.1% 1,324,022 2,643 0.2% 42.00 Postage/Telephone/Other 128,078 135,160 255,539 259,080. 123,920 91.7 278,164:. 19,084 7.4% _.. _.... _ _ _ tititi 43.00 Travel (raining 92 797 152,653 125 455 142,$74 (9,779) -6.4 346,380: 3,456 2.4% _ _. _ . 44.00 Advertising 35,926 37,000 39,787 403.40 3,340 9.0 43,260:" 2,920 72%' 45.01 Other Rentals 81 496 65,831 81 478 64,863 . .. _...... .,_.._... (970) -1.59798] (5,065) -78% 45.02 Equipment Rental 193,626 427,360 405 009 394,239 (33,121) -7.8 397468 3,229 0.8% _. _. _- to 46.00 Insurance 463,270 495,700 495,700 646,300:: 49,600 10.0% 54,530 10.0% 48.00 Repairs&Maintenance 215,611 268,742 266,508 329,202 60,460 22.5% 352,455:: 23,253 71% 49.00 Miscellaneous 175,234 228,211 248,617 254,012 25,801 11.3% 1.3 262,086: 8,074 3.2%' 51.00 Intergovernmtl Services 1,816,538 2,004,545 2,014,453 1,789,329 (215,216) -10.7 1,83$;697; 49,368 2.8% tti11 60.00 Capital Outlay 247,823 248,250 318,925 269,233 20,983 8.5% 337;256 68,023 15.3% _... 70/80 Debt Service 75,596 71,517 71,516 .! 67,436 (4,081) -5.7 63;356: (4,080) -6.1% SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,280,032 22,429,269 22,616,900 22,679,962:" 250,6931.1 23 830�269<; 1,150,307 5.1%1 Comm Dev Block Grants(CDBG) 172,404 0 0 0 0 N/A 0::: 0 N/A tititi TarAL EXPENa[rtEs 2Q 45z 436 22 4zse 22 66 900 '22,679,962 250,693 l z: 23,#30;269 1,150 1=riding:Fund Balance 1 962116 652 427 2,105,096 449,473 C2o2 956) 31.f`.: 156;247 ]293224} -63.2 i982Budgei Adfustment <1,917,192 TOIALEXPENDITt7f;ESefcBALANCE 22,414552 :2±1998,888 24,72:1,996 23,129,433 (1,8.69,455) ,: -T.S% 23,988,516. < 85 ,083 3.7% Reserve/Budget Resource 621,856 0 843,033p. 0 0 N/A 0 0 NIA . Est Carry Forward/Rev&Exp 875,000 0 820,837 A 0. N/A A 0 N/A Undesignated Fund Balance 465,260 652,427 441,226 4491471 (202,956) -31.1 156247.:: (293,224) -65.2% Total Ending Fund Balance 1,962,116 652,427 2,105,096 449,471'' (202,956) -31.1% 156;247;:; (293,224) -65.2% 190 it CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 X 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE 308...00...OQ..O.O..BE.G INN.I.NG...FUND..BALANCE..........................857,.706...85.......1,9.62,.,962,1.16.49..........8.43.,.033.......5.7..0-.......... 49,471.......46...77.. .............................T.AXE.S................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3.1.1...1.0..00...00..REAL...&..PERSOMAL-PROPERTY...TAXES....5,.8.1.7..399.34.......6.,.687,.260...93.......6,637.,527...4.4.......9.825.930.......48...0......9,.772.78.8............5.. 3.1.3...1.0..0.0 00...LOCAL-RE.LAIL-SALESIUSE-TAX.............6.15.88,.684..80.......7,.072,..11.1...00.......6,.735,955..90........4.792.625.......28..9-....5..9..15,293......23.4... 3.1.3...1.0..Q0...01...SALE.S..TAXLCR.I.MIMAL..JUSTI CE..................54.7.,192.24..............................00..............................00.........................Q.........................................0.................. 313.70.00..00-LOC...SALE...WYCR.I.M.INAL..JUST.LCE..........................00._.........555.,000..00 ..........5.75,457...5.7_........5.93,0.00........3...0..........6.11.,000 _.._.3.,0... 316..20 QQ..11..ADM.LSSLON.TAXLLONGAC.RES.. _..1.1.9,.053..25 . 110.,000...00 1.27,326...85_ ...... ...Q....1.00.0- 0...._ ..... 316.20....00...12-ADMISS.LON...AX/MOVIE THEATER .... . .77,088.83_ ...90,000.0.0 ....83.883.06 86,000 ...2.5. .. 90,000 _ 4.7- 316-30.. 7316..30..00..00_FRANCH.I.SE.FEES..... ......-- ... 1.09,.953.43....... 1.07.500.0.0 ....126,386.75 124,000 .... 1.9- 124,000 316...41...00-0.O..UT.I.L I7.Y..TAX/ELECTR.I.CI T.Y.........................W,913..45...........781.. ............. 316...46...00..0..0..UT.I.LI T.Y..TAX/TV..CAS.LE................................ 0.4,.728...93...........,.000.........9..4...........238,.000.........2..6... 316...47...00..0.0..UT.I.LIT.Y..TAX/.P.HONE/.TELE.GRAP.H.........................931...69..............65;0. 00.0.0...........170,.885..90............MAW......4.1...5........................0..... 1.00...0-. 316..52...0000..NATER/.SEWER..DI$TR.ICT..U.TIL TAX.... .... ..... ...00..........................0.0 .................00........1.,.250.,.400.......................1,375,450 .....10.,.Q... 317 00.00 00_IN.TERFUND. TAXES/UT.ILITY . .__... 1,040,834.66 1,172.05.140 1,.179,827.19 .Q 100.0. ._.... 317 20 00,00.LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX __.___ ...............00 _ ....63.000.00 6.8,0$2..60... _...60,000 .. 11..9-. ......60,000 _ ....... 3.1.8 20 00. 00 LEASEHOLD..EXCISE. TAX...... ...... . .67,706.39 .....00 __ .........1.11-.100. 1......... .....0 . _..... 0 ...... ...... 318.40 00.00 EMS...LEVY...FUNDS/KING...CO . 270,427.19 272,000...00 .275,437..25__. 273,500_ .7- 275,000 . 3.1.8..5.0..00...00...GAMBL I N G-EXC.LSE...TAX................. . .........,,00-0-00...........617.,805..5.9.... ...630.0.00.........2..0...........63..0,.00.0.................. 319 81 00 QO PENALTY ON GAMBLING TAXES3,609.2Q QO 871.60 14-7 .1.000........ ........ "** TAXES 15,716,634.19 17.818,022.93 17,536,741.12 77,968,05 ; 2.5 19,092,531 6.3 ......L.I.CENSES..A)ID..PERM.I.TS.............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................ 32.1...30...00..0.1...UN.I.F....FIRE...CODE..PERMI TS...........................18.,.850...00.............34.000.00.............35.975.,.00..............34,.Q00.........5.5-............34,.1.00..............3... 32.1...30...00..02..F.I.REWORKS...STAND...PE.RMI T.S..................................800...00....................8.00..0.0....................9.0.0..00.....................900.....................................900................... 321...30-0.0.03..RE.-.I.NSPECT.I.ON...F.OLL.QW-.U.PS/U.FC..... ........3,200...00. ... ........2,.500........1.8..0........ .....2,500................ 32130.00 04..FIRE.PRO.SYS..P.ER/PLAN REVIEW .. . . 28,326.,70.... ._...30.000.,0.0 . 31,57$...41 . .-.25.1.000-. 0.$-2 . 27,000......$.0 321 30. 00.,Q5,MISC.S.ERVICES .............. ............_.. 79.,.7.1 ......__...... ......... ...199..41 ... __. _. 100... 49..9- ......... 1.50....._50..0... 321 30.00 .07.CONSTR.PERMI.T...FEES/FI.RE. ........ _..____.8,635..35 _ ..9,.500.00.............10,293...18........ . ..9,000._....12...6- ........9,500..._.5.6... 321.30.00..08_CONSTR.RE-INSPECTION.FEES_.. _.00 .Q0 195..00 300 53.8 _ _ 300 _....... 321...7..0 0.0..00-AMUSEMEN.T.110ENSES.....................................36.065,50. _ ..39.,.000...00 .34,4.40..59 30 5. .0 1. 0. ...... ..6.. 35,000 ........... 321..9.0..00...13...GENERAL-BUSINESS...LICENSES. . ...........337.00.0.00..........347,11 DAD...........347,.1.10...00...........287..0.00.......17..3-. ......340.480......1.8.6 . 3221.0..00...1.1..BLDG..PERM I.TSICMLIRES.I.D...........................383,.60.6..68............427,.OQO...QO...........447,321...65...........3.60.000.......19..5.-..........370,00.0.........2..8... 3.22...1.0..00...12..ELE C.T.R I CAL..PERM.I.TS....................................24.1.,.,.000...00...........215,316...06..........,.00.0.........3.,0... 322 10.00 13_MECHANICAL PERMITS ... __5.1.,452.79 ...67,500.00 . _73,605..90 __..65,000.. 11.,.7- 322 10 00 14 GRADING..PERMITS. ...... ........... ...... 39.0,.0.0 .500.00 . .. 967,00 0.. 100.0- 0.. ........ 322 10 00.15_SE.WER-P.ERMITS... _ .. _ 9,841..00 ._ ... .. ........ 16.0.00 0... 100_0- _ 0 .... 322 10.00 1.6..S.IGN.PERMITS........ .... _2,.118...60 _..1,200.00 . ...2,814.50 . .... 1,700_. 39_5- _ 1.,700 322..30...0.0...01...ARI.MAL...L I CENSE.S/CAT......... ....................2,.686..5.0. ........ .............2,.46-50..............2,.500.......3..1.............2.,5.00................... 322-30...00..02-AN.I.MAL...LICENSE.S/DO.G....................................13.,488...00.............9.4.052 0.0..............13.377.50..............13.,.000.........2.8-............13,000................_ 322...40...0.0..0.0..STREETI.CURBI.HOUSE..MOV.IHG...........................4,.896...1.5................,.Q00........43..3-.............. 4,.000................... 3228T 000.0. PENALTY-ANIMAL-LICENSES .---30.._q.o . .. .0.0 6.0.00 . . 0. 100.0- 0 *** LICENSES AND PERMITS 1,143.363.3'0 1,221,462.00 1,226,$41.70 lLoo5,000, 1$_17 1,076,130 7.1 .......-....................I.NTERGOVERNMENTAL..REVENUE...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 331...1..6 57..00...FAMILY..VIOLENCE...GRT/.DEPT...JUST.............................00................8.,.635...00..............................00.........................0.........................................0.................. 333 14.20 01..HCD/C5Q7-91. PLAN.NING...& ADMIN_.. .......10,882,23........... _2.,.252.24 _.2,252,74 0. .100.9- 0... 333 1420 Q2-.HCD/C75.1-.91 .HQU$I NG..PROGRAM.._.. 81..'M,0.3 ..16,994...24 16,99.4.24- 0.. 1.00.0.............. . 0 . 333. 14.20-03..HC0./C776-9...RAMSC.PRGR.SUPPORT..........10,245..00 ..... ....00 .. ....................00 . . 0..... .... .. .0 .... 333 14..20...1.0..HCD./C8447.9.1...CHI.LD/.FAM..REScREF..__..........1,.770...00.................... 100.0-.............. ..0.__ _....._.. 333...14..20...12..HCD1.677-.9.1...SEN.I.OR...SERVI.CES.......................4,.1.25...QQ............................0.0............................00.........................0.........................................0................... t 333...1.4..20..34..HCD.L 19.91..PROG...SUM...(SEE..10.4.).................1.0.4,.984.3.9............................0.0............................00.........................a........................................0... ......... 333...14..21...8.7...H.CO1C842-9.1...HEARIN.G..CEHTER....................................OQ..............1.Q.46Q.9.O.............1.Q.460.Q0.........................9.....190.Q-.......................Q.........,......... `. 333...1.6...80..O.Q..NARCOT.I.CS...GRAN.T]..JUST I CE..DEPT.............236,531...1.6...........3.4..4.725.0.1............171..082.15.........................0.....10.0.0-.......................0................... 333..1.6 8001...CRIMINAL.JUSTICE-GRANT.. ........ .. ........37,1.58,49 _ . ,QO ....QQ _ ... 0.. 0...--........ 333 8350 00_FE.MA.1.990-1991. FLOOD.DAMAG.GRT ....21,466,.00 _...............QO 13,510.50 0 100.0- 0 . 334 03 10 .00.DOE/.GROWTH MANAGEMENT. __ 15,000.00 .00 ... ...AD _0. __ 0 334 0..4 20 DO..DCD/GROWTH..MANAGEMENT _... __ 64,247.00 58,574.00 .58,574...00 _ 35.900. 38..7... ... 0 _100.0- JA 191 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE 335...00...81.0.0..GENE RAL...............................................................10,.069..33................,031..23................9,.000........1.0.3-..............94.000................... it 335...00..83..0.0..MOT.OR...VEHI.CLE..EXC.I.SE..TAX..-...REG.........621,.910...69...........,508.02...........7.10.,.000.........3.7.............7.41,.950.........4...5... 336...00...82..0.0..CR.I.MI NAL...J.UST.I.CE..MV.ET................................79,388..30............................O.O...........................AQ.........................0.........................................Q................... 336...00...63..0.0..MVET-CR IM.INAL...J.UST.I.CE................................................00..............,.033..4.1..............88.,.150:........,2..5..............92,1.17.........4...5... 33600 .85...0.0 Mo TQR..VEH.ICLE .TAX-EQUALLZA.TIQN........ .11,.038.Z4. ._......10, .,.44,.857.06...... .....10.,.000 .....77,7-...... . ..... 336.06.94..00.11QUOR .EXCJIW TAX.......__._.._ ........._-1.41,956.66..........142133.0-00. ........1.4.8,2.01,.05............138.,460 116,6-._....142,600 _..3.,0... 336-06-95. 00..LIQUOR..BOARD...PROFITS ......_. ............424 83.9.69....... ..344.,.430..00....__..324.,506...].0 .........334,9.70........3..2 .........345,000 .......3.0_. 337.0.7.01._00...I.N..L.I.EU_TAX...HOUSING-AUTHORITY...............1,124.32...........1.,.00.0...00 . _....................00........................0............._.........._..... 0 ............. 3381-3100...00..HEARI.NG EXAMINER...FEES 1,21.0-00 1-000-00 1 8.81 80 46.9-- x.000 *** INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 1,879,722,43 197519375.99 1,573,777.30 1,327,480 13.7 1,341,667 1.1 .... _._ _....CHARGES_FOR SERVICES....._. ......... ..__...:._.......... ._......._ ........ .. ....................__. _. ... ... . ...._... .............._._.-..._ __........... 34.1...20...0.0..O.O..RE.CORD.IAG/.LEGAL..I N.STRUMENT.S..................................00............................0.0........................3.00.........................0.....10.0.0-.......................0................... 34.1...26...00..0.0-DOMEST.I.C..VI.QLENCE...FILINGS..............................414...93............................0.0....................38.7.69.........................0.....10.0.0........................0................... 34.1...32..00..0.0..WARRAN.T-ADM-FEE.............................................18,467....1.9.............,20.0.00,0.0..............1.8,.065,.22.............18.,.500..........2..4..............18,500................... 34.1....42...00..0.0..LATE COMER..ADM.I N I.STRATI VE..FEE S..............................00............................0.0................ 341 4300.00_VALLEY COMM.CENTER/ACCT SERV.. ......1.7,188,58____ -.00.. .....__........."DO...... 0 ........ _ _._0...__..__. 341.50 00 00 SALE.OF..MAPS AND..PUBLICATIONS _ ... . ._..676.04.___ _ 1,5.00.00_.......... ....424..25..._ ._ 0. ..100,.0-.. 0 .. .. 341 60 00 01..CERTIFICATION/CERTIF.I.ED...COP.IES._.. _ ....53-00.......... .........._...00...... ... ...1.27..50-__ .. ......0-400,07, _.__.._.... _.... 341 60 00 24 DUPLICATING.SERVICE/PRINT-SHOP. _8,.8.14.42 .__6,000.00_ __11,.727...05 . . _8,000.......31.8- _ ..8100.0 ____.. 341.62-0.0..00...COURT-COPY..FEES....................................................261..48..............................00....................275..22.........................0.....1.00...Q-........................0.................. 341-70 0-0. 00...CONCESS/.VEND...MAC.H/PHONE..................................884.43..............................00................1.,.1.18...71.........................0.....1.00...0-........................0....-............ 1r 341..71...Q.0...00...I.NMATE..H.EAL.T.H..#...WELFARE/.CQMMI.S..............3,.15.5...25................2.,.585...00................6,.835...00.........................0.....].00-0..........................0.................. 341.72-0.0-00...INMATE-H.EALT.H.4...WE L FARE/PHQN.E...............2,.473.05................2,.430...30.................4..222...60.........................0.....1.00...0.........................0.................. 341 910Q 00 ELECT ION.CANDIDATE.FILING.FEES........_ 3,28.7.76 . __ __........11 1,00. ...... ......I.. 1.0.0...... ....... ...0.. _ __ ...._...... _ Q 341 96 00. 00 .UNI FORM.EXAM. FILING.-FEES..... _._.... 15,000.00 .. . ...191210-00, 342.100000 LAW ENFORCEMENT_SERVICES_..___-.........23.,501.50......_....8,0.00..00.---_..26,.3.72.25 ...18,000 3.1.7....._ _18,.0.00 342 10.00 01 POLICE..PRIV..SEC...OVERT.IME. ........ ___158,100.0.0.._.......155,.572.51 207,108 33.1. ..._.216,968 __4.8_ 342..20...0.0..0.0..F.1 RE..P.ROTE.CTION..SERVI CES................................1.00...00............................00............................00.........................0.........................................0................... 342..20...00..0.1...F..I RE..HAZMAT..SERVICES....................................6.,.014..34............................00............................00.........................0.........................................0................... 342...20...00..0.2-RE.I.M6/.F 0.2 -.PR.OJ...O.V.ERT.I.ME..............16..461..30............................0.0.............................OV.........................0.........................................Q................... 342...33...00...0..0..PROBA.T.I.ON-AS SE.SSMENT....................................2...822...00................,.OQO........16.6...............5,.000........... ........ 342 90 0000 FALSE. ALARMS. ... .. ----4,573,00.......... 3,0.00,00 .._ ......4,.275...00 _4,200. _ .1.8-. .....4,.200. 343 20 00 00_P/..W..INSP APPR FEES.. _ 19.,.044.43........ .81,000.0.0 .-. . 74,.973..98. .._115.,000.....5.3.4 118.,000. 2.6 343 21.00 00 HOUSE/MOBILE..HOME INSPTN..._. .........1.40.00........ _..00................. ...60...00.. ....._0.....1.00.0-- 343 83. .00.0 343.83 00 00 STORM..DRAINAGE..FEES, .......00. . .. _ .........00 .........2,.864.33_ ..... .0 .1.00.0- __ .__ __.0. 3.43..90..00...00...LATE.COMER..HAND L.ING..FEE...............................2,29.4.92.............................00....................294...92.......................-0.....1.00...0-.......................0.................. 3-45.11 0.0..00-P LANX-20N I N.G/.SUBD.I V...FEES........................................00..............80.,.000...00................1,275...00............ 1.00.0.........2.9... 3.45..81...00...02..ANNEXAT.I.ON..FEES....................................................30.O..QO..............................OQ..............................00.........................0.........................................0.................. 3.45..8] 00...03.APPEALS .A..WAI.VERS................. ... ............15.O.OQ............... ... OQ ............ .... ..00. .................Q........ ............. . .0. 345,810Q 04 BIND.ING.SI.TE.PLAN/S}10RT PLAT.__ ..... 2,089100_ 00 6,050.00 0400.0- .. __ 0 ........ 345...$1 00.05 CAMP.REHENS.IVE..PLAN..AMENDMENT.... .................QQ......... .--_...,00..........._1,400,00....... ... .......9....1.00..0- ......... 0 __ _.... 345_.81..00 06..COW ITI.ONAL.USE..FEES............--- ....._. ._.11,.722...06_..........__. ..00...........1.4,08.7.50..... . ._.......0.....10.0.0- ................. 0-...._...... 345-81-00 0.7.11tV.IRONMENTAL..REVIEW FEES..........-........-20.,.998..20... _._............. .0.0..._.._.._23,95.0.00......................_.0_..10.0,.0........... ''0_ -_.. ..... 345...81-00...0.8-PRELI M1.NARY..P.LAT.............................................2,816..40............................0.0................ ,M-00.........................0.....10.0.0-.......................0................... 345...81...00..0.9..50X...EI NAL..PLAT...(GENERAL..FUND.)....................250...00............................0.0...............2,804.9.4.........................0.....10.0.0-.......................0................... 345...81...00...1.0..FINAL/P..REL.I.MI NARY..PUD..................................1,200...00...........................,,0.0................4.575..Q0.........................0.....100„Q-.......................Q................... 345...81...DO...1.1-GRADI N.G..B...FILLING...FEES.............................10,380-0.0............................0.0................4.8.12..50.........................0.....10.0.Q-.......................Q................... 345..81.00...12_LOT.LINE-AD.JUS.TMEN.T ....... .. 1,209.00 ......_ ....___. ,O0................4,500-0.0 __.. ..........0.....10.0.0- .._.... .........0. 345 .81..00..14 REZONE _.._ .......... ......... ........... ..... .......0.0__.. ..............0.O............. 0 ........... ....... 345.8.1..00._15..ROUT.I.NE...VEGE.TAT.ION.,MGMI...FEE.S . ... .......... ..........00. ........ .......750...00__... .........0.....1.00..0-........... 345 8.1...00..16.SHORE LIRE..SUBSTANTIAL.DEV..FEES........11.7,76.0.00.__..... ............00..........-..10,212..50........ . .........0....1.00..0- .......... ......0. _ Ilwr 34.5..8.1...00...17...SITE...PLAN-APPROVAL.......................................1.8,65.6.00..............................00..............67.,260..88.........................0.....1.00...0-.......................0.................. 3-45-8.1...0.0..18...SPEC.IAL/.T.EMP.ORARY..RE.V.IEW...F.EES-..............1., 345..8.1...0.0..19..VARIANCE...FEE.$...................................................3.0,20.0..0.0..............I............1.00................2,238...40.........................0.....1.00...0-........................0.................. 345..8.1...00...20..OT.HER..M.I.SC..PLAN N.I.NG/ZON.ING..FEE..................50.0. QOQ.............................QO..............................O0..........................Q.........................................0.................. 345 83 00 00 PLAN CHECKING FEES 273,443.80 250,000.00 322,690.60 250,000 22.5- 250,000 192 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 X 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE 345...84...0.0..0...0..GENERAL................................................................2,.000-0.0-...........80,,.000...............................40,.000......... ....... 345...84...00..0.1...SUPPLEMENTAL..DEVEL.OPMEXI..FBES..............................00............1.07.. 345...84...00..0.4..DE.V..F.EES/TALSO.T.-.HOP-POIL I C.I.ES.....................1.25.,.00............................0.0.............................00.........................0.........................................0................... 345-84...0.0..05..BOEING-EXPANS.I.ON..E.I.S....................... ....31,,2.43..38. ...... ...AD ..................00.........................0................................... 0................... 3456400-0.9. BLACK...RIV PK PHS 711$/1ST CTY ... 34,983..68. ,00 2,338..95 .. 0 _ T 345.84..00 12 FOREST CRE.$T EI.S/DQMINION DEV . ..1$,682,62 ._... ,0.4 .... .00 0.... 0 ....... 345.84.00...13..MOB...I.I..E.I.S/VALLE.Y_.MED.ICAL. .......... ....42,1.15..35. .... _......00.. ....... 4,.642...77. ......._ .....0....100..0- ...... .... ... 345..84.00...14...FORREST...CRES.T..EI S/LABLANC.................._....4,86.6.10........................ .00..._...........1,.076...00. ............._....0.....1.00...0-... ........... . 0.... .... ... 345..8.4..00...15...ORCHARDS...SUP.LMTL..EISlNRT.HWD..D.V..........................00................9.,.289...75..............10,.79$...65.........................0.....1.00...0-.......................0.................. o- 3.45..84..00...18..KING-CO...CORF...EIS...REVI.EW..............................1..589.26..............................00..............................00.........................0.........................................0.-............. 345..8 ---00...57..RABANCO....WASTE..RE.CQVERY/E.I.S....................,.1.90-4.0.........................0.....1.00...0.........................0.................. 345.14 SEWAGE...PLANT/.E.I.S....................................862..50..............................00.................4,401.,.91.........................0.....1.00.,.0.........................0.................. 345 040Q.60,METBO_SEW PLANT.EXPN.$1PRE-APP 27,972 50. ,00 .00 O.. _ 0 345 84 00 61 .BOEING/LQNGACRES MASTR PLN/ETS ...... . ,.00. _24,802...82 47,522,00 _ _ 0....... 0 _ 345 84 .0.O.61...BQEING7LONGACRES/PRE7APP .... .... ...480,350..00 __ __. .0.0 .00 _ 0.... _. 0 _.. 345.84 00 62_VAL MED_CTR..MST.R.P.LAN/P.RE:-APP. ._.13.,218..23 __ ..___..00 _......1.,.387.50.......... ._ ....0.. .10.0.0 __........ 0- 345...84...0.0-6.5..SEAT TLE 345...84...0.0-65..SEATTLE JJMES/PRE-APPL.I.CA.........................8,.887..50............................0.0............................00.........................0.........................................0................... 345...84...00-66-RENTON...CEN.TER/PRE-APP........._.......................2,.4.37..5.0.............................0.0.............................,00.........................0.........................................0................... 345...84..00..68..PACCAR...TRU.CK..FAG/E.I.S...............---..............32.,.977....25............. 345...84...00-6.8..PAC..CAR..TRUCK...F.AC/.PRE-APP.........................2,.077...5.0.............................0.0............................00.........................0.........................................0................... W.90 00.00.MVNICIP.AL..ARTS..WORKSHOPS _.... ._ .......100,_ ..........533.00............. ....53.3..00_..._._ .. 0.. 10.0..0- _. ........0...__.. _.. 349 12 00 00 COURT FILING FEE 80.68 .00 250.00 0 100.0- 0 *** CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,606,920.07 886,306.12 968289.04 843,308 12.9- 863,668 2.4' FINES ANO FORFEITS ........ . .... ............................_ 352 30 04 00_14.ANDATORY INSURANCE .COST .. ... 00 .... 00 _.1,370,48 0. 100,0.- 0 353 00.00 00_NOX PARKING IN.FRACT.PENALTIES. 484.45 ... 0.0 _... ......... .00 0 _. ....... -.0.... 353 10 .000.0_TRAFF.IC..IN.FRACT.ION PENALTIES_ . 281,92$..06 275,004.0.0 _.277,. 290.,.000 4.3 _ 310.,000 6.9... ` 353...70...00..0..0..IN.-.FIA/.FIR..FEE...(4.7).....................................................00............................0.0................1..05.0.38................:........0.....10.0.0-.......................0................... 354...00...0.0..0.0..PARKI N.G..I N.F.RAC.T ION...PENALTIES.............. ......95,0.00.00..........10.4.545.56 .........100.,.000........4.3-........1.00.,000........ ........ 355-20-00-0.0..DNI...P.EXALT.I.E S..................................................34,.979...82.............25.0.00,.0.0.............4.6,.625...1.1..............40.,.000........1.4..2.............40,.000................... 355...80...00..0.0..OTHER...CRIMI.NAL...TRAF.F..PENAL.TI.E$ ... ...9.4,337..75 .....120,000„0.0 .........122,.682,17 ....120,000.. 2..2............1.20,000...... ...... 356 .... 87,435.97 ...120,000,00 _ 97,4.4.0,94 ....95,000.. 2,.5 .100,000 5.3... 357 2700.00 DEFEN$E_PROSECUTOR .COST ..... .. 147.,37 .... ,00 .. 6,786,12 b,000_ 11,6- .._.6,000 357 30 00 .00.MUNICIPAL COURT. COSTS_. ........ 17.312.24 ....... -.00 51,341.65 60,000. 16..9 ..65,000 8.3. }° 357.31.00.00_JURY_FEES . _.... -- _ _ _ ...........492.12 ___ _.0.O 174...91 _. _Q 100...0- 0 357-32-00...00-WITNESS.-FEES........................................................... 357..33..00...00..PUBL.I.C..DEFEN.$E..RECOUP..MEN.T.......................1.4,.93.1..86..............10.,.000...00..............15.,988..42.............. 3.57..35...00...00...COURT..INTERPRETER-COSTS................................73.0.44..............................00....................400...05.........................0.....1.00.,.0-........................0................... 35.7..36..00...00...T.RA F.F I C....WARRANT...COLLECTIONS..._............................00..............7.1.,.500.,.00..............................00.........................0...................._...................0.................. 357 38.00 90 QTHER COSTS/COURT .... _. ...24,325,60 40,000.00 .... ..00 .... 0. 0__ _. 357.4.0.04 QO .CONFISCA.TED.NARCOTICS..MONEY- ..._38,045.,38 6,529.00 ......14,874...00 25,0.00. . 68.1.. . ...... .0 100.0-. 357_40..00.02.K..C.T...F.-NARCOTIC..SEIZURE...FUND _..93,961...62 .....20, ... -124,664.36 ..-_. . _..0. 100.0r ..._.- 0 _.._ 35750,00 OO..IRANSITIONAL COSTS_(COURI)_ . 25.05 . ..00 ..28.36 0 104.0- 0 _ 359-90...00.0.1...NS.F..CHECK...FEE...................... ........ . ........1,.083...7.5 ......... .........1.,158.50...............1.,.000........13.7..-..... . .1,.000........ .. ... 359 90 0003 VIQLATIQN FEES-VICTORIA HILLS 00 00 200 00 0 10Q.0-.- 0 FINES AND FORFEITS 788,243.06 .7841539:00 867.385.74 7'i1,6U0 _ 13.3r 11 756i6Q0 .7; .....................MISCELLANEOUS-REVENUES............................................................................................................................................................................................ ........... 3.61...1.1...00...00...INVESTMENT-INTEREST..................................182.327..80............362,.023...00...........326,583..47............3.00,000.........8...1.7......... 3.6.1..4.0..00...00...INT..ON...C.ONT,...NOTES..&..ACC..TS..REC............3,W..44............................,.00..............................00......................... 0.........................................0.................. 3.61...40..00...02...COURT.:...INTEREST...INCOME...............................,.000..00..............10,25.4...89..............1.0.000.........2..5-............ ....... 362.50.DOD 0__RE NT.SILONG-T.ERM _..._._..__ _......21.,.88.7..58 .........2.1.,500.00 ..........21,049,54 ...........21,5.04.........2..1. ._.... .21.,500 366,20 OQOO...I.NTE.RFUNO RE.NTALS._.__... ..................155,95.8..00.._. ....123.,118.,.00...... ...1.23,1.1840........... .......0. ..1.00..0 0 367 00 00 02.CARE.BEAR.DONATIONS/FIRE _ .. . 1,000-00.. 00 ..000. 0 367 00.00 35 K9.TRAI.NING __. . ... 800-00. 00 . . .00 0.. . .0-... 367..00...00..4.4..CONIRIBUTIONS/P..RI VATE/.D.ARE...PRG...........5,.062...48....... .......21.3..18..........19.6$8.46.............43.,.057.... .. 69,.949.......62..5... 369...20...0.0..0.0..POLICE...UNC.LAI MED..PROPERTY.............................213..29............................0.0........................5.00.........................0.....10.0.0.........................0..,................ 193 wo CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET a REVENUE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL ON 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE 369..40...00..0.0..GENERAL.................................................................8.420-0.0...........................„0.0....................68.1..00.........................0.....100.0........................0................... it 369..81...00..0.O..CASHIER!.S...OVERAGES...B..SHORTAGES.....................31...49............................0.0......................3.0.06.-.......................0.....10.0.0........................0................... 369..81...00..0.1...COMM...S.V.C..CASH/.OVERI.SHORT............................7-0.2...........................,.0.0......................20.05.-.......................0.....10.0..0........................0................. 369..8.1 0.0..02..COURT/..CASN.I.BR.:.S..OVER/SHORTAGES.....................21...00............................0.0.......................1.1..2.0.-.......................0.....10.0..0........................0................... 369..81..00..0.3..BV..I.LO.ING/CASH.I.ERS_.OVERISHORT.............. 9..99-.... -.0.0... ........ .1..35-.... __. 0....1Q.0.0-....... __0 _._ ..... 60 369 81..00....05.PO.LI.CE PET.T.Y..CASH/.OVERISH.ORT.......---.................,00.1---- _ .. ,0.0.._ .... _....15.99 __._.._0...10.0.0 ........ _0 3.69.81..00. ............................2955.-.___. ........._..00 . . ...._..........00. ....... 0.. .. __ .0 _ _... 369 90-W 00_.SALE..OF JUNK..OR-SALVAGE._- .. ................. _..._ .............00 ___......288...70.... . _ .. ...0-11.0Q.0- _. _0 _...... 3.69..9..0 0.0..02...CQURT._.OTHER..MISC.....REVENUES...........................46.1..99..............................00.....................647..5.0.........................0.....1.00...0-.......................0.................. 369-90.00..03..POLI.CE..AUCTI.ON..PROCEEDS..........................................00..............................00................6.,.696....88.........................0.....1.00-0.........................0............ ...... 3.69..9.0..00...04..PQL.I.CE..SALE..0 F..S.U.MUS..O.AS....................3..50.7...55..............................00................6..856...90.........................0.....1.00...0.........................0.................. 369..90..00...18...OT HER..M1.SC..REV.EN.VE-......................................9,.69.6.69................6.,.000...00..............10..231...75................5.0.00.......53...4..............5..00.0................ .. $69 9.0-00.37,DARE..PROGRAM-ISAL.ES............. . ..................2,9..73.35_........ 255..00 __..1.11,61.150..... ..__._. 0.....10010-. .0 _ 369 90 01 02 COURT: SMALL OVERPAYMENTS 20.39 .00 38.06 0 100.0- 0 *** MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 404,522:72 519,109.18 527.754.94 379,557 28.1- 406,449 7.1,; _.._...OTHER.FINANCING.SOURCES... ..... ........... _.. .._... __. _..._.. 391 20 00..0.0 POLICE_LINCLAIMED.PROPE.RTY..... .. .............86.95. _......00 694..48.. _ .... 0.....10..0.0- .. ...........0 395 10 00.00_.SALE..OF..GENERAL...FIXED ASSETS _ .....8,66.0.10, .00 __ .....2.,.438...47. __ -.01 ___ 0 397 0.0 00 02.OPR..TRF-.IN/3.16 PHONE.-DPEQ __...___.............._.00 . __ __45.,569.32 _ ....45,5,69.3Z __.. .....0__100..0- __. 0 397..0.0..0.0..20...TRF-IN/CABLE COMMUNICATION &692.0Q 00 10,387,00 103.87-0.0 1.1-0.0.0 5-9 0 100.Q7. OTHER FINANCING SOURCESF 17,439.05 55,956.359,089-27: illOO 81.4 "0 '100.0- GRAND TOTAL 22.414,552.07 24,998,888.03 24,721,495.60 23,129,433 6.4- 23,986,516 3.7 iw rw w ow +rr r ow 194 D CITY OF RENTON 1993 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 001 511 060 DIV: LEGISLATIVE SERVICES (COUNCIL) PERSON RESPONSIBLE: BOB EDWARDS TITLE: COUNCIL PRESIDENT 10 00000 LEGISLATIVE SERVICES (COUNCIL) 65,766.51-1........72,063.00-......172 291 11 72.52& 1-6 72,81,6-- 4. * SALARI.ES..ANQ WAGES. : 65,766 53 T2,flb3 fl072,291 11 721528 b 72,.816 .4::. 20 ..000.01..RET I REMEN.TI.WPERS............. .. ...............2,.5 08...25.............2..816...00 ............2.77.0„09... .........2,.853........3.3 ......... ...2,.876. ..1.8... 20 00003 F_I.CA. ........... ............. .......... .... .4..875.71 .._ 5,514-0.0_.. ....... _5,550 ....1 6..... ..5,.572 ,.4... 20 00.004. PAID.ME.D.ICAL..._. .... .. .... 11.,.000,52 .1.3,.977 00... 12,384.24.. 15,394 -10,1 19,243 25.0._ 20 00006...INDUSTRIAL...INSURANCE- ........ ...6.Q5.67. ... .1.,1.15 00... 1,.097.7.4 1.,201.. .95 6 .1,285 7.0. 20. 00007.11fE.INSURANCE.._. __. ._... .. _. ....._.81.56 ... 91.00 ..................91.29 . .. 90 .. 1.1 .. .... 94 4,4. 2000009 PREPAID DENTAL 2,172M 2,536.00 ......... 3.144 4.4-8 . ..3.930 ....25...0.. .. . ........PERSONNEL.`.BENUITS:..... . ................. .....20.,'577.71..... ......25,685..00...::... ...24,'164.36:'..........28'.232... .:;.9.9.. 33,:000.....16.9:.. 31 00000 OFFIC..E]OPERAT.ING_SUPPLIES.......... _ 491...95.. . .....550,00__ _ ..........348,21., ... 572 .. 4.0 ... ..600 4.9- 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 967.31 1,400.00 1 326.53 500 64.3- 500 .0 ... ..SUPPLIES.::...; . ........ . ... .. .....1.,.459...26....... ...1.,950..00.::.. .......i f 674.74........ ..::7,072....::45.0._::z .._.1.,:#00..:...2.6,.. 41.....00.151..C.QN TR..CL ER/VACATION:.C.QVERAGE................................00.....................600...00............................0.0....................80.0......33.3.................1.,.000.......25..0... 43.....000.02..LEG S.LAT.I.VE..TRAVEL. ..... .................... ......1.,.849.,.47......... ...4,100-0.0...............3.5.97..2.8...............3,.50.0.......1.4..6.-........... .3.,.500 ........,.0... 48.....000.00..REPAIRS-&..MA.I.NTENANQE.......................................1.50...00.....................1.50.,.00.....................15.4.,.1.9....................15.0............Q....................1.5Q.............0... 49 00038 HOSPITALITY 570.51 500.00 479.67 600 20.0 600 .0 * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 21569.98 5 350 004231 14 S 050 5.6- 5.250 4.0 *** LEGISLATIVE 90 673.48 105 048.00 102,361.35 106.8a2 1.T 112,166 4.9 **** LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT 90,673.48 105,04$.00 11124361,35 > 106,882 1.7 1121156 4:9 ACCT: 000 000000 002 512 050 DIV: MUNICIPAL COURT PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DARLENE ALLEN TITLE: COURT ADMINISTRATOR 10_00000 MUNICIPAL COURT . __ __ _ ....__....371, ..403,173.00 _..__396.,.103...41.. _..__402.,577.... . .3-._ _ 4.15,934 3..3 10 00002 OVERTIME 1,89.9.33-.1.1-1.3,336.00 1.326.54... ...3,336... ..0..._ ...3.3833 __1.4 . *... .SALARI.ES..AND MAGES 373,:412 19 406.,509-100 397,829 95` 405,913 1 419,.317 ...3.3.:. 20 .00.001..RETIR.EMEN.YPERS....... ........ ......... 27,.637..21.... .. .32,340...00 . ..30.3.35,93....... ....32,.23.0 ... .3 _.........33,.296 .3.3... 20 .00003 FICA _ ___ _ __27,877,20. ._ -30.1268-00 ..29.472.,74__......30,235 .. .2- 31,310 3,6 20 00004 PREPAID MEDICAL.. 32,42,8,88......... 41,13940 .__36.336,5.6_ ......50,333 22..3_ _ 62,916 25.0_ 20 00006_INDUSTRIAL. INSURANCE _ _942.63.... ...1,800.00 _ _..1.,.741..08 1,955 85.7 _ .2,105 7.7. 20 00007_LIFE INSURANCE___ _ 1,523.78 .. 1,724.00__ ...1,594.89 . .....1,640 4 9 __ 1,684 2.7 20 00009 PREPAID DENTAL...............................................-6,177.0.0 7,632 00 7,359.1.00.............. 9-9.84 30.8 12.4.80......25...0.. *.......PERSONNEL...BENF-fITS.......... ........... . .....96,586,.7.0..... ...114,923..:00 .......1.6.840.20::..... ..126,.377:::...1.0 0...........1143.,.791.......13.8.1. 31 00000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES. ___ 4,464,32__ 7,100.00 6,941.55._ 7,100 _ _ .0 .. 7,100 __ .0_ 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,855.00 2 000 00 896.98 2,000 .0 2.000 .0 ...:*.....::..SUPPLI.ES................... ....................8,.319.:32................9:,:100..00.:. ........7.838.53..... . 9,100:::... .0........ .....9,:100:._ _ .:.D.. 41.....00026..J.LIDGE.S..PRQ..TEM............. ..................................10.,.940...00..............11,.000...00..............1.2,,.000..........8.3... 41.....000.41..PUB L.I.C..DE.FE ND.ERS........................................9.7.,.362,.12............1.00,.000.00.............91.448„5.0......:..105,000.........5..0............120.,.000........14..3... 41.....00083...IFITERPRETER/D.I.AGNOST.I.C..FEES....................2,.200...00...............3,500.,.00... ..........2.633,.75................3,.50.0...........,,0................4.,.000 .....14.3... 41_001.20_PR.ORATION.SER.VICES. ......._. _.......___ 6,012.00.... .....1.5.,000,00 . .......1.8,024.84....... .20,000__ 33.3 30,000 50.0 43.. 00017.MUNICIPAL COU.RT_.T.RAVEL... . .......182.,.55 ... __1.100040.__...._.....65.1..,98. ........ 1.,.000. .. .0_.... . .......1.,000_.... ,.0... 45 ...00007..PHO.TO.MACH..RTL/MM CT.._.. _ .....3,531.5.6.. 54000.00.- . 3,772.18.. . 5.,000 ..0 5,000 .0. 48 0.0000. REPAIRS .&..MAINTENAN.CE. . 2,089.29.- .. 3,000-00... -2,274.03--,_ __-3,000-1--.1-0.1 3,00.0- .0 49...0.0.012..MEMBERS.HIPS...&..REGIS.LRA........................... ....828 0.0..............1.,00.0.00............ 1.,.250..-. 1,.000..............0..............1.000 ..0.. 4.9....0.0016...P.UBLICAT.ION.S..........................................................782.77................1.,30.0„00.................1.,.064...88....................800.......38..5-..............1.3.00......62..5.. 49._..0..034..WITNESS...FEES __..... .......... ..............._..__.8 5.04..1.6.............. .0.00..00.............7 827.26... ...._..9 000 .._12,5 ...... 10.2DO 11.1 OTHER SERVICES-AND-CHARGES 132,432 45 .: 1:48,800..0 `: 141,637.42; 160,300 7 7 1$8,UD 17.5 64.... OQ00 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT00 2,000.00----...43U..08.. 0 0 . 3.0.00 .0 . CAPITAL OUTLAYS .00 M00.00 4384.08` fl 1fl0.0- 3 000 .0 ** MUNICIPAL COURT '' 610,750.66 681,332.00 658,530.18` 701,690 3.0 763,508 8.8 195 to CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1r1 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ii ACCT: 000 000000 002 512 051 DIV: MUNICIPAL COURT/PART TIME HELP PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DARLENE ALLEN TITLE: COURT ADMINISTRATOR 10_..0.0000 MUN.I.CIPAL.C.OURTIPART._T.IME HELP 13 450 00 15-03931 13-1.60 2.21- 13-160 0 ....................S.LARLES.:AND..J AGES. ......: ......... .......13,.139..63::.........13,450..00 1:5.039,5:1 ;.13,160:!.....2.2; .......130.160.:_:.:....:.0:.. 20.....000.0.1...R.ET I REMEN.TIPS.RS.............................................................00..............................00....................949.8.0....................578...........,,0.....................578..............0... 20 00003.FICA ......... .......... _.._... _ ......1.,005..22 .......1,.029..00 . ........1...150.,60. .......1.,.007.........2,1- ........1..007 _ .0 20 00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 45.17 118.00 141.08 154 102.6 154 .0 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,050.30 1 J47.00 24:241 48 1,739 51.6 1 739 0 60 ** MUNICIPAL COURTIPART TIME HELP14J90.02 14,597.00 1�,Z80 99 14.899 2.1 14,,8W 0 **'"* JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT 624,940.68 695,929.00 675,811.17 7161589 3.0 778,407 8.6 00 ACCT: 000 000000 003 513 010 DIV: EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: EARL CLYMER TITLE: MAYOR 10 00000 EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION 171,098-01 190 907.00 192,136.921......196 858 9.7--- 20.3-428, -1.3 Wry *.......SALARI.ES.,AND..iiAGES 171;098..01:: . ....190.,907..00 .......1.92..136.92.. ......196,858::: ..3.1.::........203,.428.......3.3.. 20 ...00001 R.ETIREMEN.T./WP.ERS.......... ...................7,.382..71................8,393...00................$.24.2..9.8................8,.762..........4„4................9.,.187.........4..9... 20 00003_F.LCA .... _11.65.1..57_ __ 1.1,$$4,00_...........12.0.31..7$...__._ 1.2.308_.....4,4 _ _12,6$8 3,1 20 00004.PREPAID MEDICAL. ....7,320..00_ 10,080.00..... ._. 10,0$0.00. .1.2,.600 .....25.0 _.15,75025.0 20_00006 INDUSTRIAL_INSURANCE __ _ _260.42. ___462.00. .. ......_43.1...77....................497. ..9.0.4. .... 523 . 5.2 10 20 00007 LIFE INSURANCE _ ....... __ 565.64. . .....74.9.00. 590,67....................772....._..3.1 . ---.....803 4.0 20....00009...PREPAID...DENTAL............................ 1.79.3-0.0 2.196-0Q 2,196-00 2-7.60 . 25.7.... . 3 450. .25 0 ..:*: PERSONNEL...BENEFITS....... . .... ::::.. ...._.28:,.973,34. .........33.,764..00 . .......335..3.20 ........37.,699::!...1.1.7... .......42:,.401 .....12.5.. . 31 00000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1.999.25 2,550.00 2:779.68 2 650 3.9 2,800 5.7 ra * SUPPLIES 1,999.25 2,550.00 2,779.68 2,650 3.9 2,800 5.7 41.....00028..PROFE.SSI ONAL...SERVI.EXE.C...............................8.,.216...58................5.,.000...0.0....................5.67 0.0...............2,00.0......60.0-..............21.000.............0... 41.....00059..C.I.TY..REPORT/NEWSLETTER.............................20.,.939...28..............20.,.850...00..............).8.734.5.0.............21.,.00.0...........,.7..............2.1...400......:..1..9... 41.....00.1.21...GRAPH.I.C..ART I.ST................................................16.,.828..7.0..............16,.000...00..............1.8..130..68..............1.6,.00.0...........,.0..............18.,.QQO.......1.21.5io ... 41.....00.129..WASH...TRAN.S.P..P.O.LIC.I.ES...I.NST.I.T.UT.E...........................00................1.,.000...00...........................AD.........................0....1.00,.0.-.......................0..............Q... 42 _00001 POSTAGE_ __ _ ...... .._ __ 9,358.54. 1.3,450,00 ._.10,010.,50....... .11.,450_ .14.9 _ 13,450___17.5 Q_ 00002 TELEPHONE..__.... ....00........... ... ....00. ..1.64.20 _ 0 . .0 0._ .0_ _ ......_ ........ .. 43__0.0007_EXECUTIVE.TRAVEL ._........ .._ .... .. 3,41.5.64. _...3,50.0.00 .2,930.34.. ..........3.,550 ......1..4 . .......3,600_ 1.4 43 00026 LEOFF..B.OARD .TRAVEL __. . ..........934.40. .. 1,000.00. ...... .......56.1...23 ___1.,000__._. .0_ __ _1,000_ _ _ .0 io 43....0.005.1...TRAINING..........................................................................,0.0.............21.,.65.8.00...............2.1.,.65.7..93................7..,000..............0................7.0.00..............0.. 45....0.0002-EDUI.PMENT..RENTAL.............................................2.556.00...............2,.96.4.00................2,.964...00................3.,009..........1...5................3.0.81.........2...4.. 4.5....0.0008...COPY..MACH I N.E..REXTALAXE.0...........................,.10.0..00................3.,.765...36................2.,.1.00..............4................2.25.0.........7...1... 4.8....0.0000-REPAIRS...VMAIN.TENARCE.........................................73,04....................50.0..00.....................939...26....................5.50.......10...0....................6.00.........9.1.1... 10 49__00008..RENTON.RI.VER DAYS F.ESTIVAL.._.... .... 10,021.9.7 __10,000..00....... ....1Q.,000.00 10 ___10.000 ,0. 49....00012.MEMBERS.H.IPS_&..R.EGiSTRA.............. ..._....1,377.11.................1.,500,00. . ..........1,4$0...62................1,550... 3...3.... .........1..600...__.3..2.. 49._ 00016 P.UBLI.CATLONS.......... ..........-......... .......1.,.440...08... ...--.11000-00---l-...1,167.30 ........1.,.050 5.0_ 49. 00038 HOSPITALITY _--. ......... _.. ..... 1 434.85 Z.000.00 --2_193.11-- , --.2 000 0 2 000 _0 ......*........OTHER..SERV.ICES-AND..CHARGES......... .......78.478.87a .......102.522.010 ........:95.,.266.:03 .......::82.,209...:..19..8..:!.........17,031. ...:::5..9:: 64 0.0000_EXECUT.I.VE.MACH.& EG.UIPMENT. .00 2 000.00 4 075 90 0..100..0- 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAYS .QO' 2'000.00' 4,015.10: 0 0 --** EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION 280,549.47' 331,743.00 327,831.73 319,416 3.7-' 335,660 3.1 t ACCT: 000 000000 003 513 011 DIV: EXEC COMMUNITY RELATIONS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: EARL CLYMER TITLE: MAYOR 40 10....00000..EXEC._COWWNIT.Y..RE.LATIONS......._.. 37 740.15 40 656.00 40,667.95-. ........41,292 5 41 .856 1.4. _ .......SALARIE.S..AND.WAGES. .. .._;: 37,740.15.........40,656.00, ....§0,.667..95 . ......41.,292..:. ...1...6. ........41,856_....:;!1..4:: 2.0....0000.1...RET.I.REM.ENT/..WIPER.$.............................................2.91.2.,6.0...............3,.22.8..00................3,.11.1...87.................3,279..............5...............3.323.........1...3.. 2.0....0.0003...FICA.................................... 88 ....................................2. 72.1................3,1.1.0..00................3.,.11.1...05................3,.1.59...............4.........:......3.202.........1..4.. 6a 20 .00004 PREPAID.MEDICAL,. _.._.......___._. ...3,235.86. .........3,552,.00. ........ 3,604.,.56..... ... .4,325.. .21.,8 __ 5.496 25,0 20 00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 78.26 158.00 135.03 170 95.4 183 7.6 �r 196 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 X 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 003 513 011 DIV: EXEC COMMUNITY RELATIONS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: EARL CLYMER TITLE: MAYOR 2000007.EXEC COMMUNITY RELATIONS .159 O8 .163-00- .17737. 167 ...5 6 .. 171 _2..4. 2000009 PREPAID DENTAL 500 00 612 00 612,00 768 25-5 9.60. .25...0.. RSONNEL'BENEFITS 9,773.01 M823.00 10,751.B8 11868 9.7 13,945 11.6 *' EXEC COMMUNITY RELATIONS 47,513.16 51,479.100 51,419.83 53;160 3.3 55.101 3.7 ACCT: 000 000000 003 513 012 DIV: EXECUTIVE ADMIN PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: EARL CLYMER TITLE: MAYOR 070.0006. EXECUTIVE-ADMIN-PART.TIME. .00 . .00 .. 1 .574.26-. . ..0 ...0 0 .0_ INT£RFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT ,00 .100 1.574.26 0 0 0 .0' 10 00000 SALARIES..& WAGES 3,928.50 14 700 00 117,968.5Q.. 13,53$ ...7.9 ... 18,998 40.3 . .....*.-.....SALARI.ES..AND..WAGE.S ... .... ......... ....3:928..50...........14;.'M-0.0............17 !M.5.0........ ::13,538::::.....7.x?. ........18.,:998 ...40„3... 20..... ... ......... ........ ... 00...... .........506 .00... .....641.3.0. .......7.2.9.......44 .1...... ........729 ..... ..0... 20 .00003_FI.CA __ .. __ 308 10 _ 1,125 .00 . __. 1..350,48. 1.,016 9 7- 1,454 .43..1... 20 00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 18.71 55.00 132.09 115 109.1 161 40.0 * PERSONNEL''BENEfITS 326.81 L686.:00 2:173.87' 1.860 10.3 2.344 26.0 ** EXECUTIVE ADMIN PART TIME 4,255.31 16,386.00 18,568.11 15,398 1 6.0- 21,342 38.6 -10 ACCT: 000 000000 003 513 021 DIV: MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: EARL CLYMER TITLE MAYOR 31 ,00000 MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION64 47 100.00 14736 ]00 .0 ......1.00 ........0.. .................SUPPLI.ES...:::....... . .......... ........ ........64 47..:.......... .»100..00.... ......... 147.36:. ......... 00..1 .0 100 ......>;0::. .. 41 .D0091..MUN..A.RTS/P.ROFE.SSLONAL.SE RV_............. .1.,025.,.00 ... ..._..1,.300.,.00. .704.15 1,300._ 0._ _1,300 _ .0... 48 00000.R.E.PAIRS.B..MAINTENANC.E ..... .....163.16... . ........ 5.00,100 .. .....1,399.31.. ... 5,0,0_ ... 0 .._. ......500 .0... 49 00006.PRINTING..&..BIND.I.NG .......... ... ...._66.00 . .......... .250.00_ ......... 70.44 250. 0 .... 250 .0 4900012 MEMBERSHIPS A REGISTRA_.... . 1#333.40..... 200.00_ .......150..00 .... 200 .... _.0__....-- 200 .0 . 4.9....0.0045...PERFORMI.NG..ARTS...PRO.GRAMS...........................4,0.00.00...............5,.00.0.00................4.,.850...00................5.,.000..............0................5.0.00..............0.. 4.9....00069...MUN.I.CIPAL..ARTS..WORKSHOPS.. ......... ....... ..0.0 ... ........533..00.... ......... 20...00. .... . . ..0.. ... 0. .. ..... ... 0 .....0... OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 6 587 56 7 783 00 L193.90 90 7 250 6.5- 7,250 0 ** MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION 6,652.03 7 $63.100 7,341.26 7.350 6.8- 7.350 .0 **** EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT 3381969.97 407,491.00 405,160.93` 3959324 3.0- 419,453 6.1 ACCT: 000 000000 004 511 070 DIV: ELECTION COSTS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MARILYN PETERSEN TITLE: CITY CLERK 51 00009 ELECTION COSTS 29 98 14 000 00 .........-16,217.13 404000 185-7 17,00057.5- ** ELECTION COSTS 29.98 14.000.00 16,217,13' 40,1000 185.7 17,000 57.5- ACCT: 000 000000 004 511 080 DIV: VOTER REGISTRATION COSTS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MARILYN PETERSEN TITLE: CITY CLERK 51....000.1.6.VOTER...REG.I.STRATION.COSTS.... ................1 .140.09._._........2 00...00...........23 275.29 .........25.,000.. 25 o.. ...25-000 .0 ** V10TER REGISTRATION COSTS .11&,'140.09 20'1000 10023 275 29 25.000 25.0 25, 0 ,0 *** LEGISLATIVE 18,170.07 34,000.00 39,492.42 65,000 91.2 42,000 35.4- ACCT: 000 000000 004 514 010 DIV: BUDGETING & ACCOUNTING PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 10 00000..BUDGETING..&.ACC.OUNT.I.NG.....rr r_ . .......435,906.73 49.0,78.7.00. _.._..487,.424...84_..__. .841.,.616.......73...5. r ...8.72,75.6 __ .3..7 10 0.0000.SALARIES.& .WAGES .... _..._............._... .266,9.47.09. ......28.9,9.12.00 . ....289.,.304...45. __....._..........0.....100...0-. . ._ .._.. 0 .0. 1.0....0.0002..OVERTIME...................................................................,.136.32.........................0.....100...07:.......................0..............0.. 197 to CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ro EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL to 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE so ACCT: 000 000000 004 514 010 DIV: BUDGETING & ACCOUNTING PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 10__0.0002..BUD.GEIING..&.ACCOUNTI.NG......_. 328.51 .1,00.0.00 218-63 1 500 50 0 1 500 0 .................... SALARIES-AND--AGES........ ........7.03,.725.,:69 .......782.,.199.:00... ...:780.084`.24.....:>;.843,.11C.......7'8 ........874,.256.........3.7.. 20.....000.01...R.ET I REMEN.T/PERS.............................................20.,.12.7..79..............23..019.,.00.............22.820„33.........................0.....1.00.0.-.......................0..............0... 20... 00001.RETIR.EMENT./WP.M........_. ....................._..33.,.482.66 ............39.,048.00..... -.. 36.950,82 _. . ..66,.943.. 73.,5. _._..69.,418 3.7 20 00003 FICA_. .__.._. . .. ......32,228..39.........._.36,321.00.__. _...35,.434.90__ _ 63,308. .75.4 . 65,417 3.3 20__00003.FICA _.. .......... _ ... ..._..........20,524.63_ ''.1-122,179.00..........-22,341-22 20.._00004..PREPAID...MED.I.CAL ..........................26,0.61.20......... _3.4,443.00_.........33,806.52, __. 0. 100...0- .......... ._0_ .0 20..-0.000.4..PREPAID...MED.I.CAL.............................................37.8.78..0.0.............5.0,.,.719...00............1..13.,374.....126...7............141.71.8.......25...0... 20....0.0.006...IND.USTR IA L...I.N SURANCE........................................9.84.27...............2,.00.0.00.................1.,.809...90................7.,.477.....56.1...1................8.0.43.........7...6.. 20....0.0006...IND.USTR.I.AL...INSURANCE.....................................1.8.40.,4.8...............4,.50.0.00................4.,.046...40.........................0.....100...0.........................0..............0.. 20....0.0007..LIFE..IN.SURANCE..................................................1...,.235..0..................1.,.265...1.3.........................0.....100...0-......................0..............0.. 2,000007 LIFE INSURANCE .._ .. 1,746..75 _ .2,.050.00 _ .1.,907,10 _ _.3,394 65.,6 ___ _..3.494_....2..9 20 00009._PREPAID_DENTAL _ 0.7,647. .0 .. . _ 9,576.00 9'."5-00 _21,.436............ .._ _ ...129..1. .. 27,420......75..0 20 ..00009-PREPAID.DENTAL.. ...... ._ 5 128.00 4,288-00,11, 6,648.00 0 100.0. 0 0 * PERSONNEL-BENEFITS 188,755.0.9 230,675:00 .227,414 32 .276,432 '8 19 315,51.0 14-1... 3.1....OOOQO...QEE.I.GEL.OPERATIN.G.SUPPLIES......... ... ......8.420.,84 .... .....11,40.0.40. ...........6.,.503...27..... ......9.,540......13..6 5..3.. 3.1.....00000...0E F.I.CE/.OPERAT I N.G..SUPPLIES.........................2.0.02.,4.8...............5,.00.O..QO................3.,.8.48...63................2,.800.......44...0-..............2.5.00....... 1.4...7-. 31_ 00002 CENTRA.L..OFFICE. SUPPLY. _ .......... .....9.393.16 _ $,.500...00 _ _ 8,789..93 . . 2,000..._76.5-. _......2.000_ .0 35 00000..SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT..... _..._ _1,4.21.81___ ...... 11000.00 --- 609..34__.... _2.,500 .150.4 .1.,000 . 60.0-. 35 00000 SMALL._TOOLS.& .MINOR.EQUIPMENT 1-058.14 .00 00 .0 100.0- 0 .0 ...... *..........SUPPIIE.S ........ .... .....22,296.43 .......:25,500.00 ....... 19.,.75.1.:17............16.,800 ....34.;1............. ..-7.7- 41....Q0.013..PRUEU..S E RVY W TY..AVD.I 7:..7-41.....0.0013...PR.O.FESS...SER.V/C.I.TY..AUOI T............................30..130..0.2.............3.1.,.20.0..00..............4.1.,.375...65..............34.,600.......10...9.............37.5.00.........8..4.. 4.1.......0.033...UTJ I.TY...BIL.L..PR.OCE.S.SI.N.G...........................22.5.26..3.9..............1.6,.50.0..0.0..............1.4.,.57.1...07..............16,.000.........3...0-............ 6...3.. IN 41_ 00056 UTILITY_.FINANCIAL AUDIT__ ............... ..3,347,78 ..............3,.800.00..........._.3.,$00..00..... _ __..4,000__..5..3_._.. ...4.200, 5..0. 42 00001 POSTAGE. .. _ Q,614-15-- 42,250.00 46,189,91.... 43,000 1.$. ... _ .49,450 15.0 42 _00001.POSTAGE __ __ 18.99 ._.. .........00 ....9.02....... __0 __ .0 0_ . 43 .00016.UTIL BILL.I.NG.TRAVEL/TRAIN.I.NG. _ .......1,500...00 __... 1,491.3.9 - __1.,.50.0. _ _....0........._.._1,.500__ __..0 43.....000.1.9-B.UD.GE.T.IN.G...&..ACCT...T.RAVEL.............................3.,.329...17................3,500...00................2.250.95...............2,50.0.......28:6.-..............3.,.50.0.......4.0.0... 43.....000.60..TRAIN.I.NG...&..SC.HOOL.S......................................................00................2,000..00................,00.0.....TWA-.............3.,.500........12.5-. 43....00.0.60..T.RAIN.I.NG...&..SC.HOOL.S......................................................00................2.,500.,.00................1..3.40.,0.0...............3,.50.0.......40,,.................3.,.000........14..3-. 45.....000.0.1..0.THER...REN.TAL.S.....................................................1.,.37.7...34................1.,.000...04................1...1.05.,..7.........................0.....190...0.-.......................0..............0... 45. 00002 EQUIPMENT.REN.TAL .. __ 6,606,00.._._. ...16,368..00 ____..1.5.642.00 15..622 __ 4.6- 15,240_ 2,4- 45 000.13 COPY MACHINE. __ _... . .. _ 1,394,3Z. _........ .1.,.600.00 _ ...113.62 _._.1..750 ...9.4 _.__ 1,750_ .0_ 45 000..15._POSTAGE...METER RENTAL_ ____ _...__..._...740.0.8 . ... 770.00 ........_.... 383.03 __ 800 ... .3.9...........__.800_ .0 48 00000 REPAIRS_&.MAINTENANCE ..... . ...... 1,661.69__ ..._ .1,5.00.00 __.. ...2,99.1.76 .. ...1.1,500. . ._.0 . .1,5.00 _ ___..0. 4.8....0.0.000-REPAIRS..&..MA I NTENAN.CE......................................298.0.4................1.,00.0 AQ....................488...14................1,.000..............0................1.0.00............0.. 4.9....0.0.012..MEMBERS.H IPS,-&..REGI S.TRAT.I.ONS......................... 4.9....0.0012...MEMREUKIP.S...&..R.EGIS.TRA................................3.7203.4................,0.00.....100...0................3.0.00..............0.. 4.9......0016...PUBLICATIONS......................................................2.. 2,000.....1.11-1................ 49_.000.16-PUBLICA..TIONS.... __....._. 1.86.,5.8 ...........25.0,.00.... ...........1.80,04..............._...250 .0 .....__- .2.50..... _..0 io 49 00043 UTIL BILL COLL/BANK FEES 2.734.55 22.895.00 22 466.25 23,000 411.1 23.000 .0 _.... *.......:.OTHER..SERVICES..:AND..CHARGES...._ .......125.139.74 ........152,433.0. ......:`162,.008'..71 ......A."4522. ...10.6............158.690..... ..J... 64....0.0003...FI NANCE..ADR..MAC.H.A..EQU.IPMEN.T..............................0.0............................00.....................204...50.........................0..............0.........................0..............0.. 6.4 0.0003...BUD.GET/ACCT...MAC.H..&..EQU.IPMT.......................6..4.1.5,,.1.8...............3,.000. ..0.................7,.675...17..............28,.744.....858...1................8,0.00.......72.,2-. ja 64 00035 UT11I.TY.-81Lt,ING-MACH.4,EQUIPMT 14 757.40 2 000 QO....-....-1-499-00, ..........2 000 Q 0-.1.00.0- CAPITAL OUTLAYS 100 0- CAPITAL>OUTLAYS 21,172,58 5.000.100 9,178.67 30.744 514.9 >8.000 74.0 ** BUDGETING & ACCOUNTING 11061,089.53 1,195,807.00 1,198,637.1b 1,257,915 5.2 1,324,655 5.3 198 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 004 514 011 DIV: FINANCE PART TIME HELP PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 10 00000 FINANCE PART TIME HELP 00 2.955.00--.-.......1-400.25. 1 000 -66-27:-- 1,000 __ .0. 4 *. SALARIES AND AGES OO 2.95'5 fl0 : '1#00 25 1,000 66 2 1,Q00 .....:..:fl... 20....000.03 .... ..... ......... ... ...... ............ ... ... ....00..... .........226...00.. ........137..1.0... ... ........77....65..9. .... ........77 .........0... 20 00006 INDISTRIAL INSURANCE .00 13.00 12.02 9 30.8- 10 11.1 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS .00 239.00 149.12 86 64.0- 87 1.2' "* FINANCE PART TIME HELP .00 3,194.00 1,549.37 1,086 66.0- 1,087 .1 ACCT: 000 000000 004 514 030 DIV RECORDS/ADMIN SVC/CITY CLERK PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MARILYN PETERSEN TITLE: CITY CLERK 10 00000 RECORDS/ADMI.N SVC/C.I.TY...CLERK..._... ..140,015.91 _ __145,688.00 ._.147,.809..95... . 148.,.985..... 4..5..........158,551 _4.4- TO- ..4 .10 00002 OVERTIME 329.,25 .00 861.27 . 0 ...........0........................0..............0.. . *.... ..SALARI.ES..ANA WAGES ... 140,345..!6..... ...145..688 00.... .148.671.22. ...148,985 ... 2.3. 158,:551.... .::b.4 20 00001 RETIREMENT/WPERS_ __ 9,662.29 _ 11.1568,.00. 11,25$.,92 11,$30 ._ 4,5 _. . .12,.589 ¢.4 20 00003 FICA _. 10,742,12_ . _ .1.1.1146.00 ..11,341.21 __...._1.1,397... 4.5.. ......._12.,130 __61.4 20 00004 PREPAID .MEDI.CAL_ _ _ _ __1.1,174.00_ 15,.984.00 _14.,594.00. __17.,892_..11.9_ __ __22,3.65 25.0 . 20_00006 INDUSTRIAL_INSURANCE448 98 800.00 _ 846.07 765 _95 2 _ .823 __ 7.6 20 .0.0007.LIFE..IN.SURANCE .... .... __. . .....553 84... _ ....... . .. .. 624..36. . .....607 TA ..627 .3..3.. 20.....00009..PREPAID...DENTAL..................................................2,090.00.... ...2 868„00 . . ......2.806...00.... . .....3..1.56.......10...0 .. ......3 9.45.....25-0- I. 5.0.._.* . _PERSONNEL_BENEFITS _ 34,.671.23 42.,980.00 41,49D.56 _..43,647 6.2.:. 52,479_ _15,0_ 31 _00000_OFFICE/OPERATING_SUPPLIES _._ .__3,.223.60._. _3,3.66..00.............2,314,22 ._..3,800.......1.2,9_ __..3,676 _ 3.3-. 31 00019 MICROFILM_SUPPL.IES __ 4,675.62._ _5.,10.0.00..............2,184.09 .4,304. -15-6--- .4,570 _6.2 35 00000_SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPMENT 775.19 1,500.00 .... ...00. 660 ...56.0 __1 738 11.8_ .. ...*. ....SUPPLIES........ ......: ........ ... ....:: .......8.,:674.41..... .......9..966.0.0... .. ......4,498.3.1.. .......:8,264...::.1.2..1::.... .....:8,:984.. ...2.5... 41.....00046..MI.CROFI.LMI.NG...CONT.RACT......... .. ....... .....2.522.74..... .........5,000.,.00................4.313-07. .... ..3,.08.7 . .38.,3-..........3.,.177 .......2..9... 43 00018 RECORDS SERV TRAVEL _.230 16__ 1,200JO __ $25.29 11.234 2,61 1,270 2.9 43 00047 MEAL ALLOWlINFO DESK VOLUNTEER.... . 2,310,00... 2,600.00 2,725,.0.0. ._.2,675 2,9 2,755 . _3.0_ 44 00002 ADVERTISINGICITY CLERK__ _6,996.01 _ 10,000.00. 11.,075.18 __ ..._.10.,290. _ 2.9_ 1.0,600 _ _3.0 45 00001 OTHER.RENTALS...._ _........... ......_ ..... ..220.8.0 _. ... _.00 _ ___.00 _...._ 0 __ ..0 4.8...0.0000..REPAIR..S...&..MAINTENAN.CE.................... .........3.847„0.4... .......4,. .. ......3.,.173...29................6.,.000.......23.1...............6.300.........5...0.. " 4.9._..0.00.12..MEMBERS.HIPS._&..REGIS.TRA........_.._._..............1.765.9.4................1.,.30.0.00.................1.,.344...94...............1.,337.........2..8................1.3.76....... 2...9_ 4.9. ..0.0014...LEGAL..&.REC.ORD.I.NG....EES................................1..043..5.3................2..00.0..0.0.....................795...02................2...058.........2...9..............:.2.0.90.........1.,.6.. 4.9....0.00.16..PUS.L I.CAT IONS............................................................$7.0.0....................150..00....................1.13.,.30.....................1.50..............0.....................1.5.0............,.0 I.Q. 49 00039 CODIFICATIONS 4,213.19 7,.000..00 $,58$,1.1 1.2,¢00 80 0 11,000 12.7- 49 00040 RCW SUPPLEMENTS 452.04 400.00 338.56 600 50.0 700 16.7 11 ...*. ....OTHER.SERV.I.CES..AND...CHARGES ...............23,246.85..... .....34,526.00... ........33,291.76'.. .....40,031--.15-9.. ........39,418.......`1.5?. 64 00004 CITY CLERK MACH & EQUIPMENT .00 2.000.00 . ... . 3..792..23................LOW.............0....................--0.....1.00...0-. CAPITAL OUTLAYS DO 2,000400 3 792 23 2,000 0 O 100.0- RECORDS/ADMIN SVC/CITY CLERK2fl6.937.65 235.160.fl0 231.744.08 245.427 4.4 259,432 5.7 *** FINANCIAL AND RECORD SERVICES 1,268,027.18 1,434,161.00 1,431,930.61 1,504,42.8 4.9 1.585,174 5.4 ACCT: 000 000000 004 518 070 DIV: PRINTING AND DUPLICATION SERV PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MARILYN PETERSEN TITLE: CITY CLERK 10...0.0.000 PRINIIN.G.AND_DUPLICATION SERV....... 32,4.76.55 ......35,00.4.00.. .........35.,.029..23........_..35.,004..............2 35,4.72... 1.3 1.0..... 0002 OVERTIME 106 21 00 .00 0 O 0 ... .0.. ........... .........SALARIES..AND RAGE:&......................................32,!370.34.... ....35,004-0.0... ....35;029.23': ....35,004....:. .0 . ..35,1472. . ..I.J.. 20 00001 RETIREMENTlWPERS . 2.1.517.00... 2,.7$O,QO.. 2.729,16 _2,779 _. ..2 .. 2,816 1,3 20 _00003 FICA. _ __ _.2.,496..43 _ .....2,678.00_ ___...2,679.,73. ........2,.67$.. . ....,2...._.. ...2.,.714..........1.,.3 20 00004.PREPAID .MED.I.CAL... 1,090 00 1,500.00. 1,500-00, _ 1,872 24..8 _ 2,340 .. 25.0 20 _0.0006 INDUSTRIAL..INSURANCE ...... 72.79__ _ 150.00 . 13237 . 1.70, 95-4 _ ..183 7.6 20....0.0007..11 FE..I N.SURANCE............ .. ... ......... .........133.9.6........... ..143,.00.. ...........148...80. ......... ...1.44. ..... .7...... ......144... ......0.. 199 t r.. CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET r EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL iw 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE to ACCT. 000 000000 004 518 070 DIV: PRINTING AND DUPLICATION SERV PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MARILYN PETERSEN TITLE: CITY CLERK 20. 0.0009...PR.INTING AND..DUPLICAT ION SERV...................256.00 .... ... ...3.12.00.. _.............312..00 ........ ......396. __26.9......._...........4.45...__25..0 *.............PERSOAIMEL..6ENEFITS.....: 6,566..:18 .......:....7..,563:.00 ..............7..501.2 26....... .......8 039........6.3 .......>.8,.692::.....8.'1.: 31. O0000.OFFICE.QPERATLNG SUPPLIES ...44-127-25_1-1....48 500.00 ......._._47 294,29............5.3.500._....10,3. ....._.58.000 8.4_ * SUPPLIES 44.127.25 48,500.00 47,294.29 :53,500 53,300 16,3 58,000 8.4 45_...00001..O.THER..RENTALS... ............... ........... ....._20.,799...38.... .....21.,.1.81...00 ..... ....21,1.97.70. ..........21.,18.1..........0...... ...2.1.,.181... ._._.0 48.....000.00..REPAIRS..&..MA.INT.ENANCE................................19.,.078...68..............30.,500...00.............26.884.4.9.............33,00.0.........8,2.............35.,.000..........6..1... 49.....000.1.2..14EMBERSH.IP..S..&..RE&1.STRA....................................286...00....................300...00.......................89.0.0....................30.0............0.....................300.............,0... 49. 00,049..STATE TAX _.. ...7 842..98 Z..QQQ..00..._.... _......0.0..... ....... 0...1.00.0- ...__..........0.... .0... * QTHER ERVICES.At CHARGES 48.007..04 58,981:00 48,171.19 54.481 7.6- '56.481 3.7: 64 00008 PRINTING MACH 8 EQUIPMENT .00 2 OQ0 00 1 332 99 0 100 0- 0 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAYS .00 2,000.00 1 332.99 0 100.0- ** PRINTING AND DUPLICATION SERV 131,070.81 152,048.00 139,329.96 151,024 .7- 158,645:' 5.0` ACCT: 000 000000 004 518 080 DIV: INFORMATION SYSTEMS to PERSON RESPONSIBLE: PHIL JEWETT TITLE: INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIRECTOR 10.....000.00...INFORMATION..S.YSTEMS..................................185.,.053...95...........210..410...00...........,.333.........6.2...........218.,.572........2.0... 10_..00002.OVERT IME 2.467.68 1 000..00 2.068.97 . 0 100.0- 0 .0 . * SALARIES ANO.WAGES 187,521,63 .211,410::00 212,571:48 .E14,333 1.4 218,572 2.:0 20_..00001.RETIREMEN.T/WPERS ......_ 14,.476.11 ...... 16.,786..00 ....._.._16,560.$6... _....1.7,0.1.8_._....5.7.__........17,354__ _.2.0 20_00.003 FICA_ _. ._ _....... . . 14,355-52_1-_ .16,173..00.__1....46,109.05__ _......1.6,39.7___5.7 ___ 16.,.721_ 2.0 20.....000.04..PREPAI.D..MEDT CAL.............................................15.,.044...12..............18.,.619...00..............,28.............21.,6.13.......1.6..1..............27,.016.......25.0... 20.....000.Ob...I NDU.S.LR I AI..I N.SURANCE.........................................37.9...94.....................790...00....................704,93....................85.0......95.4.....................915.........7.6... 20.....000.07..11 F E...I.NSU.RANC.E......................................................779...80....................853...00....................8.97,64....................86.1............,9.....................88.1....:....2..3... 20. 00009_PREPAID.DENTAL 3 .428..00 4.200.00 4 Z.QQ.OQ ...5,292... 26.0 __6,615 _ 25.0_ * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 48,463.49 57,421.00 55,859:75 62.031 8.0 69,502 12.0 31__00000 .OFFICE/OPERATI.NG SUPPLIES ....41,034.24___...40.,000.00 __ _.41,3.76.41.. ....4.0,000_ _ _0 .42,.000 ....5.0 to 35.....000.OQ..SMALL...TOO.LS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 733 33 OQ 00 0 0 0 0 *...... ..SUPPLIE:S ... ......41.767,.5:7 ...... ::40,.000.00 . .....::.41,.376.41.. ...40,000 ........:0 .... ..42.000..... .5..0.. 4.1 _0008.0 PROF..SERV/DATA..PROC.ESSING . . ..... ... .. _...__,00 _ 0.0__ ... ..k00AP..... _............0_ _ ....0 -_ ..._0 .. ._.0 4200001 POST.AGE.. ,0.0 ...... ..00 18...28 _0 .0 .. _..... 0 io 42__00002..TELIGHONE 43 .,00003 FREIGHT.. _ 1.20,000..00 11.2,289_18 111,000 ....0. 1.1.7,000 5.4... HT.CHARGES. _ ..0.O... 28.02 .. 00 .. ... 24 77 0_ to 0 0 _ ...0 43.....000.09..DATA..PROCESS.ING..TRAVE.L.............. ........168...00 ......... ........O0. ...............3.40.13 . ...... ....... .0.. _ 0 .043 DATA..PROCESS.I NG/TRAI N.I.NG...........................7,.235...00..............10.,.000..00................3..455.92...............,.Q00.............0... 43.....QQO.6O...T.RAI N.I.NG...&..SC.HOOL.S......................................................00..............................00................4..1.75,.0.0...............5...00.0.............0................5.,.000..............0... 48.....000.00..REPA.I.RS..&..MA.I.NTENANCE................................67,.540...69..............67,.000...00..............46,0.48..29..........:..6.7,.00.0...........,0..............70.,.000..........4..5... 48. 00003,TELEPHONE...SYS.TEM..MAlNT. ........... 00 . ....... . .. .45,95.1.51 .._.......50,.00.0... ...._.0......._. .55.,000 _.10.0 49 .0001.2.MEMBE.RSHIPS..&...REGISTRA...... .... . 45...00 ..........,0.O..... . .248,.75...... .11.. 0.... ...0. 0 _..0.. 49 00016 PUBLICATIONS,,..._ 19.4.8 .400.00 615..25 .. .500. . .25.0............. 500.... ..0 * ...OTHER...SERV.ICES.:AND CHARGES 75,036 19 286,629..00 213,792.0.8 238,300: 16 8; 252,500 5.9_ 64.....00009.DATA_PROCESS.ING..MACH..&.EpUIPMT ......... ........0.Q .........22,.669..32 1.7 ......... .3.73,82 ..........20.00.0......37.,,9.. ........15.,000......25..0-. 64.._.00070.P.HONE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT. .00 ... . ..37 4OQ...00..... ...1.6,81.6-67... ......15.000. _. .._.0... ._....10 .000__ 3.3.,3 * CAPITAL OUTLAYS 00 60A69.32 54 190 /.9 35,066 41 T 000 28 b ** IAfORMAT.ION SYSTEMS 352 788 88 A55,529:32 517,190J2. 5891864 10 6 607, 74 3_0 *irk T 8 5 712,12 3.4. **** FINANCE:DEPAR1*11T 1770 056.94 2 275 738.32 2 188 543;;21 2 310 316< 1,5 2343 3113 3.6 1r wr 200 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 005 517 020 DIV: WPERS PRIOR SERVICE LIABILITY PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 20 00035 WPERS PRIOR SERVICE LIABILITY 8 122.44 8 123.00 7,409.59 .--8-1.23 ..... .O. .. 8,.123 .0.. *** EMPLOYEE BENEFITPROGRAMS 8,122.44 8,123.00;' 7,409.59' 8,123 .0 8,123 .0 ACCT: 000 000000 005 519 090 DIV: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES . PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 08__.00001 MISCELLANEOUS. SERVICES__ .... . ....5.,.737,00- . ........6.,.093.00- _ _.6,0.93.00-_...... 74,35.4-].120.3............_78,072-__ 5.0.. 08.....,.103...59-............24,,.054.,00-..........24,9.01.5..0-........................0.....1.00..0.-.......................0.............,0... 08..... ...................3.,,860.,00-...........24.,.105,,,00-.........24,105.0.0-.............26,90.7-,.....1.1„6............32,.020-.....1.9.0... 08....009.02..REIMB..FROM..A.LRPOR.T.........................................4.,.420...21-..............4.,.811...00-..............4.4.80,3.0.........................0.....1.OQ,...O.........................0............,.0... 08.....000.03..REIMP.-FROM..FIREMEN'.S..PENS...FUND..............P,.284.,00-..............2.,.426...00...............2.426.0.0-..............2..66.9.......1.0.0................2,.93.........1.0.0... 08_ 00015.REIMS FROMSOLID WASTE.._................ ._66.,.310,77- 22.,161,00 _..74,704,50- ............0 100.0 __ 0__.. .....0... 08 00015.R.ELMB FROM SOLIR WAST.E_UTILITY_ __$.,310,00-. .....k0.,825,00 _.....60,825,00-.__ ..201,846- 231..,$ _ _231,938- .14,9. 08 00025_REIMB FROM.STORM UTILITY. ..... ..75,152.20 _81.,782_00- ..._.84.,.665.1.1- _.. 0...100..0-- 0 ........0'' 08 .00025 REIMS FROM.WATER.UTILITY ....... 190,090.87 20.6,862.00- 2.1.4,.152..92- .. 0 _100,0-.. _ 0 .0. 0.&...0.0025...REIMB.FROM...SEWER-UT.I.LIT.Y.........................75..152.20.............8.1.,.782.0.0.-............84,.665.,.11-.......................0.....100.,.Q-.......................0..............0.. 0.8....0.0.025...RE.IMB-FROM..WTR/.SEW/.STORM..UT.I.L............1.].6.640„0.0...........30.]...872.0.0.-..........30.1.,.872,.00-..........930..583-...208,,3.......1,.107,.1.1.2-.....19.,.0.. 0.8....0.0026-RE.IMB-F.ROM...GOLF...COU.RSE...FUND.....................4.420..72................4,.8.1.1.Q.Q.-. . ......4,980.,.30-............ .....0.....100,.0- .. ...... 0 ............Q.. 0.8....0.0026-RE.IMB_FROM...GOL F...COU.RSE...F.UND--...............4.208,,0.0.................4..46.9..00.-..............4.,.469.,.00-............20,208-...352,.2.............21..229-.......5...1... 08 00027 REIMB FROM INSURANCE FUND 4,420,72-_ _ ..._4,811...00 ..__4,980,.30-_ ......... 0 100.,.0- 0 .0 08 00027 REIMB FROM INSURANCE FUND 41,791.00- 44,382.00- 44,382.00- 98,276- 121.4 103,190- 5.0 * INTERFD...RE.IMBURSMTSlEXP .CREDIT.........624,901 78 .. +/25,246 00 942,2{12 04- 1,431.975 54.8 1.653,629 15.5.. 10 00050 RETIREMT/TERM PAYMENTS 1.9.684 38 415,762 00 3.1.4-196:46::..........IMAM.:.... 0 .. ....1.00.000........ ..0.. SALARIES AND WAGES 19,684.38; 415,762.:00._ 314.196.46 100,000 75.9........ 100,000 .0.. 20 00001 RET/PERS RET/TERM/BAL.QON PYMTS..__....12.,894,.70.... _...._.00_......_.26,$24.54 0... ...,.Q . __ _ 0 _ ___,0 20 00003 FICA/RET/TERM PAYMT S.. ...1,659.22_ _00.. 23,669.65 0 ,0 ... 0 .0 20 .00010 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 21,850.00 21,850.00. .21 850 00 .30-000 37.3 35,00016.7_ .........*.........PERSOML..BENEFITS ...............36403.,.92..............21.850..00::. .......72.344,.19'..........:::30,000......37.3. . .....:.35..000.....:16..7::. 42.....00001...POSTAGE/GENERAL..G.OVT...FUNKS....................52.,.582...75..............52,.000.,.00..............61.8.$2..95..,...........6.0.,.00.0.......1.5.4..............63.,.009........5...0... 45 00002 EQ RTL/MOTOR POOL 2,952,00 ..3,696,00 . 1.796,0.0. 1,232 66 7-.. 1.,306 6.0 45 .00015 MAIN AVE .PROPERTY RENTAL 5.,850.00... 5.,400,00 5,400 00. 5,400.. 0 _ 0 100.0- 46 00000 INSURANCE/LIAB-PROPJGEN.GOVT ..... 4.63,270.00... 495,.700_00 495,700.00 545,300 10.0 599,830 .10.0. 49 00001 ASSOC OF WASH CITIES__ ._ 16,572.8.8... 18,684.00_ 18,683.50 .19.,059 2.0 __ _ 19,500 2.3 4.9 ..0002..FICA ADM..COSTS................. ........ . .....3.93,.,1.6... .......600.,00.....................187.96. .............5.00.......16._7-..................500... ....,0.. 4.9 . .SD...RE.GIQNAL_COUNCIL . ..................2.951,.0.0..............12,00.0..00......._.....1,1...802,00..............15..500.......29.,2 ..1.6.275 ...5..0.. 49.....0.001 Q...CAT.V......................................................................1.0.781.0.0..............12,.00.0,.0.0..............14...425.,,00..............11.1.789..........1.,.8-............ 4.9....".ISS.I.ON........................................................&6.,82....................10.0..00.....................174.,..47.....................1.00.............A-..................1.00..............0.. 49 Q0030_SEA-KING..CO...ECONOMIG.COUNCIL._._. .....7,782,0.0__ 00.......... 4,30Q.00-. . ..4..500. 10..............4.500 _ __.0_ 49 00043 BANK FEES_ _. _. _.. 0.0. . 12,264,00 12,263-73 _ 131000..... .lq .......13.000 .0 49 00054 GOV SUMMIT ASMT/SUBURBN..CITIES .....2,827.77--. ...20.,310..00. ..... ...0.0 ..9,224.....54.6--- ..9.,.700 _5.2. 49._.00.057-DOWNTOWN RENTON..ASSOC..(DRA).-....... ......20,.000..00.... 20.,000...00_ _.. .20,000.0.0 ......15,00.0.....25.0-... .15.,.000 _.0- 49..... 0..49.....000.60..PROPERTY...TAX/.ORA.INAGENETlAND.S...................416.,.37...................430.,.00.....................4.70.53....................50.0.......1.6„3.....................500.............0... 49....000.72.NATIONAL..I.EAGUE..OF..CI.TIES ......... ......... ..00.... ..... ....00.. ....2.3$2„0.0 .....2,400 ... 0...... .......2..400 ......._0... 49 00074-WA-KOREAN-WAR VETERAN MEMORIAL 1-25Q..00. .00. .O.Q 0 0 . 0 .0_. OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 587.720,77 653184.00> 649 466,14 703.504 7.7 751_989 7,7 **# OTHER GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 18,907.29 165,550.00`' 93,806.75 598,471- 461.5- 7604640- 27.1 201 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL iw 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 005 531 070 DIV: POLLUTION CONTROL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 5.1_...00003...POL.LUTION..C.QNTROL. ................. 14 750.00 14 980.00 14...98D..00 15 373 2.6 15 800 2.8 *'* NATURAL RESOURCES 14,7M G0 14,960.00 14.980:00 15,373 2.6`>:>: 15,800 2,8 ACCT: 000 000000 005 567 002 DIV: ALCOHOL PROGRAM PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR INr 51.. 000.0.5 ALCOHOL..PROGRAM ..... _. 10 600.55 9736.00...........-10,992.14--...... 9,47.0. 2_7- 9752 3.0 ALCOHOLISM 10,690.53 9,736.00 10,992.14 9,470 2.7» 9,732 3.0 b ACCT: 000 000000 005 591 041 DIV: GEN LONG TERM DEBT/LID ASSMTS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 73 0.0001_GEN...LON.G..TERM.DEBT/.L1D..ASSMTS.. ........1.0,784.3.7 ........1.0,785..00 _- 10.,.784..37.1_......10.,.785............0..._.......1.0,785 ._ ..0 it 73....0.0002..LID...314...ASSESSMENT/.EARL.I.NGT.ON................8,525.85...............8,526.00................8.,.525...85................8.,526..............0................8.526..............0.. 73....0.0003...LID...314..ASSES SMENT/WETLAND S.................. .. 24.492„00 24,49Z.18 24,492.............0...........24.4.92..............0.. *** REDEMPTION OF'GENERAL L-T DEBT 43,80Z.40 43,803.00 43,802.40 43,803: .0 43,803 .0 Nw ACCT: 000 000000 005 592 041 DIV: INTEREST/LID ASSESSMENTS PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 83.....000.01...I NT.EREST/.L ID..ASSESSMENT.S...........................6.,.163...27.................4.,.9.31...00.................4.930.,62...............3,69.8......25.0.-:.............Z,.466.......33.3.7. 63.....000.02.11D..3.1.4..ASSES.SMEN.TI.EARL I N.GTON................6.,.618...20................5,883...00................5.882„85...............5.,.1.4.8.......1.2.,5.-..............4.,.412........14..3 83.00003 LID 31.4..ASSES.SMENT/WETLANDS 19,01 Z.06 16.900.00 16.899.61 1.4-787- _...12.,.675_.....1.4..3 *** INTEREST& OTHR>DEBT SVC COSTS 31,793.53 27,714.00 27,713.08 23,633;. 14.7- 19,553 17.3- ACCT: 000 000000 005 597 019 DIV: CURRENT FUND-OPR TRFS-OUT PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DAN CLEMENTS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 5.5....0.001 Z...CURRENT...FUND.-.OP.R..TR.F.S-OUT....................3.64,.7.1.5„0.0...........364,.Z.15..Q0. ...........3b4,.Z15...QQ...........36b,394..............5...........3.25.887.......1.1...1.7 55 00041 OPR TRF-OUT/INS FUND 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 0 100.0- 0 .0 io *** OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT 664,715.00 M.00 664715. 366,394 44.9- $25.887 11.1- *"** NON-DEPARTMENTAL 792,691.21> 934,621.00 863,418.96 131,675 114.1- 337,722- 156.5 ACCT: 000 000000 006 515 020 DIV: LEGAL SERVICES/CITY ATTORNEY PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LARRY WARREN TITLE: CITY ATTORNEY 31 .000.00_LEGAL..SER.VI.CE.S C.I.TY..ATTORNEY..................1-522-25-... J000...00................2 .1.4.93.._..._......3.00.0...... ..A......._......3..000.... _ ... 0. * SUPPLIES' 1,529.25 3.fl00.00 2,414:93 3,flOfl'' .0. 3,000 10' 41.....00037..OTHER_LEGAL..PROP.SERV... 6$.,.468...30. ._.._.60.,.000...00 .........81,240.62............5.4,00.0. 10..0- ........54.,.000.. -.0... 41.....00050..MUN I C.I.PAL...COURT..PROSECUTOR....................80.,.000...00............1.10.,.000.,.00............!,,00.0........3.b...........120,.000.........5.3... 4.1.....000.90..REG..LEGAL...STAF F..SERV................................260.,.000...00...........285.,.000.,00...........Z85.000.00...........247..00.0..........4.2...........315.,.000..........6.1... 49 _.000.1.6-P.UBLI.CAT.IONS............... .. ............295...00 _.......2..000,..0 _.._..1 255„63 _.........2.00.0.. ....,.0... .........LOW- .. ..0 * OTNE 7 k 1 **** LEGAL DEPARTMENT 410,292.55 460,000.00 1.80,111.#$ 472,fl00 2.6 496.000 S.i INN ACCT: 000 000000 007 532 020 DIV: PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION SERV PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM CHANDLER TITLE: BUILDING OFFICIAL 0.8....0.005.1...PUBLIC..WORKS..INSPECTION..SERV.................77..649.9.7-............61.,50.0„00..............b.1.,.500...00.............64,.821-.......5...4.............68.0.62... .....5...0.. tW 0.8....0.005Z...RE.IMS..FROM...SEWER..UT.I.LI T.Y.........................4.8..1.76,92-.............4.7..40.0.00 . .4.7.,..4 .-........... 00...00-............49.,.960-.......5...4.............52.458-.......5...0.. 0.8....0.0.053...REJMR..FROM...STORM-UT.I.L I T.0.........................4.7...,.400...00-............49,.960-.......5...4.............52..458.........5...0.. 08 00055 CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT 38,986.52- 18,000.00- 75,394.28- 35,000- 94.4 36,750- 5.0 * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 212:,213.41- 1 174,300.00- 231,694.28- 199,741- 14.6 209,728- 5.0 202 CITY OF RENTON 1993 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 007 532 020 DIV: PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION SERV PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM CHANDLER TITLE: BUILDING OFFICIAL 10. 00000...PUBLIC.WORKS INSPECTION_SERV 227.016.21 228,560.00 227,310..56 242,67$ 3 .2 250.203 10 00002 OVERTIME 6, 3,225-00 7,504.39 3,300 2.3 .3.500 ..6-1... .....,*.........SALARI.ES..AND...WADES.. . .... ...............233,370...88::........231 785..00i' ....... ......245,978..... ..6.1...........253,7.03 . ...3„1... 20 .00001. RETIREMENT/WPERS.._........... ............. ......17,$64.,50.... .. _.18.404,00.._. 1.8,.3.62,71 .........19,.26.9.........1..$...... .19.1.866 __ 3.1 20 .00003 FICA__...... 17,949,88... 17..732,00.. 17,932.,71 1.$,5¢.6...--LO-.. _.19.,.142 __3.1. 20 0.0004 PREPAID_MEDICAL._.. ... ..... . _15,278.62... _20,820.00 . ..20,914..00 27,216.._ 30.7 ... ._34,020 ...25.0 20 00006._INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE _. .2.957.28.. .......6, ......6.,.518.61 . ...8..154 _144.4... .8,766 ___7..5 20....0.0007..LIFE-INSURANCE......................................................827..15....................979.00.....................986.,.11....................974..............5....................9.98.........2..5.. 20 00009 PREPAID DENTAL 3.A.6-00..... 4 452 00 4-65.0-00 b 060 36-1 7.575 . ..25...0.. * PERSONNEL';BENEfITS 58,533-43... 69:,287.00. 69,3¢9.:14 80,239 15 8 : 90.,367 .12.6- 31 00000 OFFICE/OPERATING_SUPPLIES _505,14 1,750.,.00 378.51 1,700 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,96.9.30 6,650.00.............2,978.69...............6.500 2..3-_ ._......6.500...... _...0.. SUPPLIES..... ........ .......2,474..44 .. ...... $.;400..00.. ..........'3,357.20 . .. ...:;8,200...... ..........8,200............0 41.....00051..P.ROFE.SS..S.ERVICES.............................................4...205...00................7.,000.,.00................3..4.20.,32...............7..00.0......63„2-..............7,.200.........2..9... 42.....000.Q2..TELEP.HONE.............................................................5.,.930...23................2.,.650...00................,.030..........4..0... 43 00059 TRAVEL. ....... ..... 106,18........ ....350.00.............. . __..,0.0 364 .. .4.0 __ ....383 5.2... 43 00060_TRAINING & SCHOOLS _ ....... .2.,052.50_. _2..100,00 $85..00 ___ ...2,.19.0. .4,3... _._.2,.307 .....5..3 45 00002 EQUIPMENT.RENTAI. .. .25,080 00. .31,596 00. 42,151..00 32,346 _ 2.4 129#199 9.7- 48 00000_REPAIRS.I.MAINTENANCE 00_ 300 00 229.7711 310 .. 3.3 _ 325 __.4..8 4.9....0.0012..MEMBERSNIPS...LREGIS.TRA.T.I.ON ......... ........4.69,.9.6... .. ......90.0.00.. .. ...............00... ... ......935..... .3.,.9.... .. ......983 ......5..1... 49 00016 PUBLICATIONS 69.62 .100.00.......................69.,.14.....................1.04..........4...0.....................1.09.........4...8.. OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 37,913.49 44,996.00 52,0332 $0,000 11.1 47,536 4.9- PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION SERV 120,078.83 180,168.00 12$,300.33 184,685 2.5 190,078 2.9 ACCT: 000 000000 007 532 021 DIV: PW INSPECTION SERV PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM CHANDLER TITLE: BUILDING OFFICIAL 10 00000 PW INSPECTION SERV PART TIME .00 11 000.00 3,624.00 8,200 .0 8,500 3.7 * SALARIES AND WAGES .00 11000.00 3,624.00 8,200 25.5 8,500 3.7 20....0.0.003...FICA..... .... ....................................... ........... ..0.0.... .. . ......84.1..00...................277...21.... ..... ........642............0.................65.0........1..2.. 20 .00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 00 159 00 118,22. 359 ......0....................3.80........5...8.. * PERSONNEL BENEFITS OO`- 1,000.00 395 m 43 1.001 ,1 1:030 __2,9 ** PW INSPECTION SERV PART TIME .00 12,000.00 4,019.43 9,201 23.3- 9,530 3.6` ACCT: 000 000000 007 532 022 DIV: PUBLIC INFORMATION COUNTER PERSON RESPONSIBLE: CRAIG BURNELL TITLE: BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER 10..00000. PUBLIC_LNFORMATLON COUNTER 12$,842..50. 1¢.9,63$.DO. 1.69,043..1.$ . 1.77,.128... 9,4 1$7,91$ 6.1 10 00002 OVERTIME 505.21 1,000.00 72.38 750 25.0- 750 .0 .......... 000.1...REI.TREMENT/PERS..............................................1.0..1M 6.9..............13,5.4.8.,00..............13.,.17.1..93..............14,.1..43.........9...5..............1..4.921.........5..5.. 2.0.....0.0,003...FICA.......................................................... .........9.9.00..0.1...............13.055.00.............12,937,.30...............13..628.........9..5.............. 20....0.0.004...MED.I.GAL....-............................................................,00..............13.,.060...00...............17...5.32.......5.7...6.............,.0.. 2.0.. ..0.0.006...IND.USTR.LAL...LNSU.RANCE....... _ .. ...................3.35.,67....... ......_.75.0..00..... ..............677.48....................850._..95.,.4....................91.5 _.7..6.. 20.. 00.007 LIF.E..INSURANCE._ .................................. ...__.542.,76...................629,.00.. ................723...79..................714........5...2..................... 34.........2.,8 20 00009 DENIAL 1780 00 2 520 00 3 015.00 4 008 59 0 5 010 25 0 ............ . .... 30,169.3.4Al.t676.00.: 43,585..50 5#1,875 22 1 57,872 3.1....0.0000...OFF.I.GE/.OPERATIN.G.SIJP..P.L.IES ......... .........1,.4.1.8,.34...............2,00.0.00. .........1.,.822..45 ..........2,.000.............0... ........2.0.00.. ... ...0.. 35 .0000.0..SMALL_T.00LS MINOR.EQUIPMENT...................._...!,2.4.9.._... ._.. ...... .......524.75............ .000_...........0... ........2 000._....._.0. * SUPPLIES 1,46D3 4,000.00 2,347 20 4,000 0 4,000 0 41 00148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16,353 96 28,000.00 24,505-50-- 20,780 3 9 21,840 5.1 43....0.0059...TRAVE L........ .. ....... ....... .... ....... ....... ....90.8.9.. ...........50.0.00.. ............294...29. .............5.00............0 .........5.00............0.. 43.... I N.G-&...SCHOOLS.............................................339,.75.................1.,10.0.00.................1.,.07.1.,.00................1..1.00..............0.................1..1.00..............0.. 203 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 007 532 022 DIV: PUBLIC INFORMATION COUNTER PERSON RESPONSIBLE: CRAIG BURNELL TITLE: BUILDING PLAN REVIEWER 48...QOOOOD..PUB.LIC_.I.NFORMAT.I.ON...000N.TER......... .........-. ......0.0. ......._ .....40.0.00 __-... .....78...86 _- ..........400... ...-A...................4.00__ _ .0 4.9....0.0.012..MEMBERS11I PS...&..REG I S.TRAT.I.ON S......................... +>�+ 4.9....0.0014...LEGAL/RECQRD.INCi..FEE.S/PERMI.T.S......................... 4.9....0:0016...PURL ICAT ION.S............................................................5.0-7.9................1..40.0..00.................1.,.285...96................1.4.55.........3...9................1.5.29.........5...1... 4.9_..00089 OTHER.MI.SCELLANEQUS........ ............. ..... .. ...00. ..00 ......... ......00 __ ...... * OTHER SdRVICES AND C11AR6ES 17-393.1,; 31 900 00 27,947.r6_1 24.7n 22.3-.: 25,929 4.7 rrr ** PUBLIC INFORMATION COUNTER 178,371.27r r 248,214.00 242,995.87 257,528 3.8< 276,469 7.4 ACCT: 000 000000 007 532 029 DIV: PUBLIC INFO COUNTER PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSON TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER 10...000OO.PUBLI.C..INFO.C..CUNTER PART TIME_. ....._3...00.7..25 4,500.00 2,666.25.. 11 ---4 0001 1 1111.1.. 4,000 ....0- .11 ......*.........SALARIES.:AND.WAGES ......... ... ..... .........3,007.25::. .._..>4,500.00 ...`.2,666,.25 ...4,#10011-17! ......4,000 .:.:.....0' 2.0....O.OQ0.1...RETIREMENT/PM...........................................................0.0............................00.....................156...87.........................0..............0.........................0............1.0.. iIr2.0....O.OQ03...F.ICA...............................................................................71...15....................345..00.....................203...97....................310.......10...1.-..................3.1.0..............0.. 20 00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 7.02 17.00 216.06 46 170.6' 50 8.7 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS r. 78.17 362.00 576.90 356 ' l7- 360' 1.1 ** PUBLIC INFO COUNTER PART T114E 3,085.42 6,862.00 3,243.15 4,356 10.4- 4,360 .4 ACCT: 000 000000 007 532 030 DIV: PLAN REVIEW PERSON RESPONSIBLE: NEIL WATTS TITLE: PLAN REVIEW SUPERVISOR 08. 0005.0 PLAN-REVIEW__r ... _... --500-00--r....... 530.00-. ........530.00-. . .........56.0- _ 5.7...... . .. 590- r 5.4 08.....0005.1..RE IMB.-FROM-WATE R..L14 I L.I.TY.........................35.,.000...00.............37..,200...00-............77..,.20.9-.......1.8.8..............46.,.169.7........4.4... 08.....00052..RE IMB...F.ROM..SE.WER...UT I L.I.TY.........................35.,.000...00-............77,.990...00.............37..ZOO.0.0-............44,20.9-......1.8.8..............46.,.170.-.......4.4... 08..... IMB-FROM..S.T.ORM...UT I L.I.T Y.........................35.,.000...00.............60,.000...00..............60.0.OQ.0.0..........12.2,.155.-..249..0............129.,.917-.........6 4...08 000.55_CIP PROJECT REIMBURSEMENT .00 -94231,41- 20 000- 0 ._.... .11. 000- 45.0- * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 105,500.00- 175,720.00- r 184,951.41- 261,923 49.1 264,636- 1.0 10. 00000 SALARIES &.WAGES. 21.1,479..08 .r r...247.,333..00 _ ...260,0.63.20 26.8,43.6 8.4. _280.,.7.19 4.6 10....00002..0.VERT.IME................................................................1..682..75................3-000-0.0................6635.4.0................1. 80.0.......40..0.-..............1..890.........5..0... ...*.........SALARIES..AND..WAGES....... ::..... .........21.3..161.83::........250,333A.0...........266,.698..60...........270,236.........8.0...........282.609.........4.6.. 20_.00001 RETIREMENT/PERS __ .. ... %J33 2.94.. I .......1.9,.9.0.8,.00 _ 1.$11.32...1.0 _.__21.,458 7.$ _. 22,440 4,6 20...O0003_FICA _ _ . ._..15.954,19._ 19,.181.00. ....... 19,.980..1.1....... 20'.6.73..... 7'.0..... 21..621 _..4,6 20_ 00004 MEDICAL_ _ __. ...__ _ ........ _ .....16,.585...29_..._.._.24.,222.00.. .._.._20,,377... 37.8 r 41.,.721 25.0_ 20__00006._INDUSTRIAL_INSURANCE__. ............ ........_369..2.1.... _.._........869.00..._.._..........779.84.............1.,020__1.1.2.9._ . .. 109 ....7.6 20.....000.07..L.I.FE...I.NSURANCE.......................................................842..33................1,053...00....................9.71,.92................1.,06.9.........1.5................1,.104.........3..3... 20.....Q00.09..DENTAL......... 3-498-00 4,626-0.0 432 39.0 8,,040 25..0 ::* . PER.soNNEC BENEFITS S3 $81.96: $59 DO..:: _44, 46. 84,029 >: 20..3.::: 86.024 14.3 : 31 _0.0000 OFF.LCELOPERAT.IN.G.S.U.PPL.IES _.......860.,9.3.. 1.,75.0..00. .........1.,.21$.,.84 ........._1,.200.. 31.4-_ ..... ..1..2.60 .. _5,0 35 .0000Q.SMALL..TODLS/MLNOR EQUIPMENT 00 2 400 00 --367.06-r. ---2,950 .22.9 3-098 5 0 SUPPLIES :: ...: ;: 860.43;` 4',15#1 00 1,585.90. 4,150 :' 0 4,358 8.0.. 41.....0.0148...RUB. WKS..PROFESSIONAL-SERVICES................9.756..12.. ....... .........10.,.8513..1.8 42,.235....15.1...4......... ..45.668.......6..9.. 4.3.... ilr 43 r.00060_TRAINING..&.-SCHOOLS...._.__ _...... ...._...836,09 _............250..00 __._......555..00. ....... ..1,.250 . -"'0 ___.1..250 48 r.00000_.REPAI.RS...&.MAINT.E.NANGE.._....... ....... _..........81..1.5. ..........3.00,..0.0 ............. .._..0,O...... ...... _.300.... _...Q... ......._300__ _,.0 49._..000.1.2..MEMBERSHIPS..&..RE GISIRATIOHS........ .........58.1..46 ............800..00 . ___....r 766.28 ._. _.60.0_...25.0-... ........625..... 4.2_ 49:_ 00014.LEGAL/REC.ORD.IMG..FEES/PERMITS...... ..... ....-00.. ..........100...00. _........38.0.0.. _. ....0.....1.00.0.... .. ...........0.... _.0_ 49.....Q00.1.6-PUBLICATIONS...................................................................00................1,800...00....................,.500.....20.0.0... 49.....000.89..O.THER...MISCELLANEOUS....................................................00......................50...00............................0.0......................5.0...........0.......................50.............0... * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 11266 7373`800 00 12 1'30 71 45,0$ 37 8 49A93 8.6 ** PLAN REVIEW 173,371.45 222.422.00 160,299.26 142,427 36.0 168,248 18.1 irn 204 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 007 532 031 DIV: PLAN REVIEW PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: NEIL WATTS TITLE: PLAN REVIEW SUPERVISOR 1000000 PLAN REVIEW PART TIME 00- ..........- 20 797.00 9384 ... ...0...... .......9.384,.__ _....0. .....:*.........SALARI.E S-AND-VAGES.... . ..:: ..............00 ... ........8,590..00 .........20,N.7.00. .......;9,384....::..9.2...`!........9.. ...::::.,0... 20 I REMEN.TIPERS.............................................................QO....................682...00...........................,,0.0.........................0...........,,0.........................0.............0... 20 00003_FLCA.._...1-1.1--.-...... ......_ ........ .... "00'' 457..00.... . .....1..683.,3.3 ......7.1.8.... ....716 __ ..0... 20 00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE .00 71.00 86.38 96 .0 103 7.3 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 00 1,410.00 1,769.71 814 42.3- 821 .9 ld ** PLAN REVIEW PART TIME .00 10 000.00 22,566.71 10.498: .0 10:205 .1 *'r* ENGINEERING 474,906.97 ', 677,666,00 561,424.75 608,395 "10.2- : 658,890 8.3' ACCT: 000 000000 007 558 013 DIV: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTR PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSON TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER 1.0.....000.00..DEYEL.OPME.NT..SI RY.I.CES..ADM.INI.ST.R.._......85.,.510...50 ...........94.,.117.00..............92..„0............105.,.388.........5.,,5... 10 00002 OVERTIME 1,008.00 500.00 .00 500 .0 500 .0 * SALARIES AND WAGES 86,518,50 94,617.00 92,133.26 100,352 6.1 105.,888 5.5 20.....000.01..RET I RENE NILPERS...............................................6...603...20................7.,5.23.-00................6,797.04...............7,928.........5.4................8.,.368.........5..5... 20.....000.03..F.LCA........................................................................6.,.589...12................6.,.981.-00................6.708.8.0...............6,.977.............1.7...............7...216.........3.4._ 20.....,.822...00................7.,.860...00................,.29.1.......Z5.:Q... 20.....000.06...I110US.TRIALARSURANCE.........................................132,.73....................300...00....................252.,.4.4....................3.4.0.......95,.4.....................366..........7..6... 20. 00007 LIFE..I.NSUR.ANCE.... . ... .. 320...32.. . ......... _398.00_ ...........340.,2.1. _---398............0_ . ......._.:406. _ .2..0. 20 00009 PREPAID DENTAL 1,293.00 1 584 00 1 533.00 1,9912 25.8 2,490 25.0 *........PERSONNEL:::BENEFITS ........ ......... ......20,:760..:37..: .......24.,646...10:: .._...! ...........2.,468...;>.1.1.5..............31,137......13.4... 31.....000.00.,OFF I CELOPERAT.I.N G...SU PP.L I E S..............................617..39....................700...00....................6.46.24....................70.0............0.....................725.........3.6... 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/KI NOR EQUIPMENT 414 b8 1.500-0.0 823.87 1,500_ _ .0 1-640. ___93_ * SUPPLIES. 1,032.07 :: 21:200.00` 1..47D.11' .:2.200..::: 0 ...: 2,365 7.5. 43..00039 DEV.S.V..ADM..TRAVEL. _........ ._ .... _.971..35 . ......1,000.00 _ 632.5.4 ....1,.000 . .0 ... .1.,.000 .0.. 43._00060.TRAINI.NG & SC.HOOLS _ .... _ . _.......466..00 .............600.00.. ............142.6.0 . _.............60.0 .......0. . __._620_ 3.3 48.....000.00..REPA.I RS..&..MAINTENANCE................................13.,.692..79..............13.,200..00..............„53.............13,.70.0.........3.8..............1.4,50.0........5.8... 49.....000.1.2..MEMBERSH.IPS..&..REGAI.STRA....................................30.7...00....................5.00...00.....................125.,0.0....................50.0............0.....................525.........5..0... 49 00016 PUBLICATIONS 460.12 1 000.00 25,97 _. ........500 .. 50-0----............_.525 ___5.0 ,r * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 15,897.26 16,.300.QQ... 15:,500.64 16..$00 3.1. 1.7.695 5.3_ 64 .00000.MACH.INERY..&.EQUIPMENT 2747 95 13 223.00 .48.472.32- 11.000 .0 11.000 :0 * CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2,791.95 13 223 00 18 472.32 11 AGO 16.8- 11`000 .0 ** DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AD14INISTR 127,006.15 150,986.00' 150,891.24 157,820 4.5 168,085 6.5 ACCT: 000 000000 007 558 014 DIV: DEVELOPMT SERV ADMIN PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSON TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER 10 Q000Q DEVELOPMT SERV ADMIN PART TIME 3...839...00 .4.200.,00 1*,.20.0.......47.,,5.-..............4...300.........2..4... .._..SALARIES 'AND.WAGES 3,839.00 . 4,200.fl0`. 1...363...00.. 4.4,200 ..0..: 4,:304 12.4 20 0.0001-RETIREMENT/FM........... ..0.0... ..........472.00.. .......... .86...47 Q ...100,Q-_. _ ...... 20.....00003.11CA. ........ ....... .._289.73.... 321..30.. _....11.3.54 .... .320....47.7. .. ...330 ..3.1... 20...00006.INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE ..... 144.62.... ... 31.00 . .... 162.42. . 41 ....32.3 ... ..48......17.1, PERSONNEL B€NEfITS 434.35 824.30' 362.43 1 5 . <378 4.7 ** DEVELOPMT,`SERV ADMIN PART TIME 4,:273.35 : 5,024.30 1,725.43 4,561 9.2- 4,678 2.6 ACCT: 000 000000 007 558 015 DIV: DEVELOPMT & PLANNING PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSON TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER 10 .0.0000.DEVELOPMT..& PLANNING PART TIME... .30 283.88 47.277.00. 47.022.36...- 3.9 050.._ 17.47 .... 40 .085 2.7_ * SALARIES AND WAGES 30,'.283.88 47,277.fl0' 47,022.36 !39.05E1" 97.4- ' 40,085 2.7 205 s. CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ow EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 4w 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE Ylf ACCT: 000 000000 007 558 015 DIV: DEVELOPMT & PLANNING PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM HANSON TITLE: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER 20. .0.000.1_.DEVELOPMT..&.PLANNING..PART.TIME.......-.........,755.0.0 ......._....2,.094...38_............2,382.......36...6- .......-2,382 ____.0. 20....0.0003...FICA........................................................................2.4.75..7.0...............3,6.1.8„00................3.,.710.,.12................2.,.988.......17,..4-..............3..125.........4.,.6.. 2.0....00006...INDUSTRIAL...I.NSURANCE.......................................224,.70 ...............132„00 .................783.,98..................1.28......34...8. ..............250.......40..4. * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2 914 8$ 7' 505 00 6,588.48 5 548 26.1 5 757 3.8 ** D£VELOPMT & PLANNING PART TIME 33,198.''6 54,782:00 53,610.84 44,598 18:6- 45,842 2.8 ACCT: 000 000000 007 558 061 DIV: DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON ERIKSON TITLE: DEVELOPMENT PLANNING SUPERVISOR 07 00004 DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING .00 .00 206,126.46- 0 .0 0 .0 to * INTERFD REIMBURSMTS/EXP CREDIT 00 .00 206,126.46- 0 .0 0 .D 0.8....0.0055...CI P...PROJECT...RE.IMBURSEMENI........ .. .......1 809:94 ..................... 00............10..286...56. ...................0..........0 ......... 0... ........0. . . ......... INTEKFD..REIMBURSMTS/EXP..CREQ.IT.......::..1.,.809::94 .-..... .......',00. ..........1.0,286 56......: ......:;0 .......A ........ .....0:.: ......0... 10 OOOOO SALARIES & WAGES..... __ . ..... 232.,876,21 .236,055_00 ....2.36,255.65 _.... 2,4$,628 ...6,6.. ...259,.804_ 4,5. 4w 10 00002 OVERTIME 9.627.04 11 000.00 4,871.59 10,000 9.1- 10,000 .0 . .::_SALARLES ANO :WAGES .... ........242,.503.25 .........247,055.00 . -241,127-24...........258,628.... ..4 7 269,.804:.. ...4.3... 20.....000.01..RET I REMEN.T/WPERS...........................................25,.302,.92..............19.,.617..,.00..............1.5,9.65.29.............20,534.........5.8..............2.1.,.422........4.3... 20.....000.03..F.I.CA......................................................................18.,.454...42..............1.8.,.900...00..............,2.6.............1.9..78.6.........5.,9..............20.1.639...1....4..3... wo 20.....000.04.MEDICAL...............................................................16.,.342.,.78..............17.,301.,.00..............1.7,775..0.0.............21.,.43.8......23..9..............26.,.799... ..25..0... 20 0.0.006 INDUSTRIALL INSURANCE . _. ........ ....542,07 ....._......948.,00_._. LL._...._.8.37 71.. ._.... .1.,020 95,.4. ...._. 1.,098 7,6 20 00007_IIFEL.INSURANCE _ 1.,016..22. _ ._ _ 980,00 .. . .1.,.0.14,16_ 993 .. ...1_,3 1,017 2,4 20 00009 DENTAL . __.. _. 3 4.94.00 ._.... _3.852.0.0 .... ... _3..852.00.. ...�4.860.......26.,.2 __ _ 6,075 .25.0 * PERSONNEL.:BENfFIT.S...._..... . .:i . 65.,.152.:41 ........61.,598.110 ....... .57,8.47.42......::....68,631 .....1.1.4 .....:...77,.050:: 12.3to .. 31.....000.00..0.EFIC.E/OPERAT.I.NG...SUPP.LIES.........................2,.302...31................3.,500...00................1,759 88...............3,.OA.O.......1.4..3-..............3...00.0..............0... 35 000.00 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 185 023.000,010 2,970j.6 3-500 1.6j 4 000 14,3., * SUPPLIES 2,487.33 6,500..00 4,730.74 6,500 .0 7,000 7.7 41-00043 00043 MOB_LI. EIS/VALLEY...MED.ICAL. . _ .22,855..91 1- 1,.759..44 _...3,924.69 .... - 0 .0 irr 4.1....000.85.CONSULT.AN.T..SERVICES....................................................00................2,.650-00-.....-..................,0.0...............2,35.0.......1.1.3................2,.460..........4.7... 4.1....00.135...1.989-.1.990...BOE.I.N G-EX PANS I ON-E.I.S.............5.,.009.,.05..............................00.............................0.0.........................0.............0.........................0............0... 4.1.....00.142...CONTRACT...CLER.I.GAL...HELP.............................................00................1,400.1.00.............................09................1.,.40.0.............0.................1...400..............0... 41....001.56..T.HE..BLU US..E.LS.......................... ........6,549,.00 ....... .......00... ..... ,0 0.... ..0.. io 41 00157 BIACK.RIVER CORP L PK P.H VI.1...EIS .58,204.,.59. 11,630,04 __..__11,630,00 ......, 0 ,......0 0. .0 41 00160 FOREST CREST EIS/DOMINION DEV ,00 5,872.62 __......2,2.1.2,62 0 .0 0 .0 41. 00165 ORCHARDS SUPLMT.L..E.IS/NRTHWD_DV _24,427.25 ....... ......_.00 _ _1,877.90 _. _0, .0 ..0 0._ 41_ 00166 FOREST CREST EI.S/LA..BLANC__..... ....... _..8,6.92.50 ___.3.1,673.60.... ......37,.92.7.36..... __.. _0 _ _..0 0_ ..0 io 41.....79256...PU.GET..P..OWER..TRANS/E.I.S.............................................-.00...........................00................4.,.63.1.,.25.........................0..............0.........................0..............0.. 4.1 .......79257..RABANCO..WAS.TE..RECOVERY/E I S.....................7Z 4.]. 79260...METRO..SEWAGE.PLANT/EIS...................................747.5.8..............4,985.88..............56,303.81.........................0..............0.........................0.......................................000...... ...........0.0........ ......862„50.............17,369,10 4.7.....7926.1...BOEINGLA9 ........................0..............0.........................0...E .. .. I .......................... . ...........4 . . . . 0........... . . 1............ 0 .0 . 0 41. 79268 PACCAR._TRUCK..FA.0/E.I.S..... ..............53,197.,75........... 00 '50- ... ......0_.......0 0....__.,0. 43 00059_TRA.VEL. . _ 1,843.,8.7 _......1.,550.00...L ........1,440...13...... . ..1.1.800 _.16..1 ...1.8.90 5.0 43.. 000.60..TRAIN.ING & SC.HOOLS ._.. _._.1,044..50.......... ...2.,300...00__..._. 1,4.43.65. .... ....2,300 _. -.0--_......2,.39.0 _.3.9_ 44.. 00.004..AD.VERTISING....._ _..... ......_. .8,.563...83..__._..11,500...00.....LL ....1.1,265.0.4......_....0,00.0_._25.0_..... .1.1.,.50.0_ _15.0.. 45.....00.0.02..EQUI PMENT...RENTAL.............................................2,940.,.00................3,552.,.00................3..158.0.0....................98.1........72,,.4.-...............1.,.0.40..........6.0... ow 48.....000.00..REPA.IRS..&-MAINTENANCE......................................209...91................1.,000.,.00....................491.44....................80.0......20.0.....................800.............0... 49.....000.06..PR I.NT.I.NG._.A-BIND I NG......................................................00................1,.000-0.0........................-.0.0................1.,.00.0...........,,0.................1...000..............0... 49.....000.1.2..MEMsfRSHTPS..B..REGI.STRATTON.......................1,.286...00.....................700.,.00....................6.7.6„0.0................1.,20.0.......7.1,..4.................1...250.........4..2... 49 00016 PUBLICATIONS 254.59 500.00 534.03400 20.0- 420 5.0 err * OTH1R S£RViCES AND CHARGES 272 826 33 533 286 08 404 430'13 22 231 .%.:6 24 150 8 b ** DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING 581,139.38 848,439.08 491,442:51 355,99#! .8.Q- 378,004 6.2 iw 206 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 X 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 007 558 062 DIV: SUPPLEMENTAL DEV REVIEW PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON ERIKSON TITLE: DEVELOPMENT PLANNING SUPERVISOR 07 0.0003 SUPPLEXENTAL.DEV REVIEW . 00 00 31,;031.75--.... 0 A. 0 .Q.. .... ..IFITERFG..REIMBURSMTS/EXP I~REDIT 00 OQ 78,031 0 0 0 41 .00.1.64..0EV..REVI E.W..GOlISUC.TANT... ......10...306...40 ...........20,.000.,.00............„5.1............13.50.0... .32.5..... .......15.,.000.......1.1. 1... 41._.79260.METRO_SEW.PLART..EXPN.$I.PRE.-.APP............ .._... .00.............27,972..50._.......27.9.72.,5.0 .......... .. 0 ...... 0, ..... ........Q .0 . 41 79261_B.QEING-LONGAC.RES/PRE APP.._ __.. 54,.$02..$2 .... Q0 __ .0.4... 0 0 _ _ __ .Q .Q.. 41 79262..VAL.MED_CTR MSTR.PLAN/PRE-APP..... ...... .00 .._. 13,2.18.23... . 14.,.250.00.... _..__0.............0_.. . .... 0.- 41 41 _,79265..SEAT.TLE..TIMES/PRE-AP.PLI.CA_, ........ .. ....._..0.0.... ......._.8,88.7.50__...........8,887..50,-_....._........ .0............0......... .... .......0_.._ _...,0.. 4.1.....79266...REN.TON---CENTER/PRE-APP..............................................0.0...............2,43.7.50..............23.,.506...75.........................0..............Q.........................0..............0.. 4.1.....79268. PAC...CAR.TRU.CK.FAC.PRE-AP..P.. ................6,222.25.d............ ..... ...00..... ..:..3., 15.00 ....... 0........ 0.... ... ....Q ..0. OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 72 031 47 72 515 73 91 481 26 133,$0 81 4- 15,000 11.1 ** SUPPLEMENTAL DEV REVIEW 72 031 47 72,515.73 1.3.."9.51 J3,500 41.4- 15.000 11,1 *** PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVE'LOPMT 817,669.11 1,131,747.11 711,119.53 576,469 49.1- : 611,609 6.1 ACCT- 000 000000 007 559 060 DIV: CONSTRUCTION FIELD SERVICES PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM CHANDLER TITLE: BUILDING OFFICIAL 10. 00000 CONSTRUCTION FIELD SERVICES 332.502.51 410,258 00 _ 372,925..55 371,369 9-5 425,4.78 14..6 10 00002 OVERTIME 3,085-0.0 6-28.0-10 3.000 2A -3-0.0.0 ,.0.. * . _:SALARIf$..AND.WAGES... ....... ... ....... 334..:843..34.:: ....413..343..00...........379.205.65. .......37.,369.....;:.9..... :...428.,:478.... .1..5:.. 20. 00001 RETIREMENTLPE.RS... _ _ _ 26.,089,09 _.32,820,00.. ......$ _ _..2.9,.725.._ 9.4-..... ...34,020 .._14,4 20 00003 FICA ___ _ _ _ _ 25,.31.8,.17_..__..31,061,00. __ ..2$,5.20,4.9 . ..._ 2.8,641... .7,8- . 32.,780 14.5_. 20 00004 PREPAID.MEDICAL .._ _25,830.68__ ..3.8,360.00 _ ...34,.585..24 46,872 22.2__ 66,6.00 42..1. 1 20_00.006_INDUSTRIAL_INSURANCE _2,8.82.77..... .....9,50.0.00._ _7,.28.1...25.. ....._..8,664......87.5...... 1-10,7.76 ...24..4. 2Q....00007..LIFE..I N.SURANCE..................................................1.4.80..7.1.................1.,74.1..,00.................1.,.560...13................1,.467.......15.,.7-..............1.65.8......:13...0.. 20 0.0.009 PREPAID-DENTAL 4 685 00 7,260.00 6-498-00 ...8-820 21-5 1.2.555 ..42..3.. * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 86,287.22... . 120.742..00.. 107:,810.89;: 124,189 2.9 158,.389 27.5 31 00400._OFFICELQPERAT.ING..$V.PP,LIES 908.21 .._ ......3,.250,00.... 1.,234.4.$. .._.. ....3,250. ,0.. .......... 3.,.254 .... ,0_ 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 4,183.46 7.000.00-.. ......2..830.87. --7,000 .Q 2..000 ___..0.. ... SUPPL.I.ES:...:.._. . ':..... .... _.... ......5. 091...67.. .........10.,250.-00;:::.. ......4,0.65.35... ......10,25:0.:..:::.. .0....::.._..10.,:250 :::..._.0>: 41.....00039..P.ROFE.SSI ORAL...SERV.I.CES......... ........ .. .... ....128..57.............69,.000.,.00.... . .. ......$21........16.2-...........5.,.510.......90.5 41.....000.96-M.I.CRO.F ILM...NEW..BLD.G..PLANS.......................... .............00..............15,.000...00................,0..............15...500.........3..3... 42_ Q0002 TELEPHONE__ ........_ _ ......... ......__........ _.4,954,00- _ ...6.,000.,00. .......5.9.36.,26.. _ ......61000-- ...0. .6..600.. .10.0_ 43 00032 CONSTR .FIELD SV TRAVEL .._ ____..... 399 39 .. _$50..00__ _ ....._.3.23.35... .. _.$5.0 ,4 ._ _ _..$75 .2,9.. 43 00060 TRAINING_&_SCHOOLS _ ..._.__1,268.50.____.....1,400.00... __ 1.,.02.1...00 . . ___1,.455... 3.9 .... __1,529 5..1... 45_.O0002.EQUIPMENT_RENTAL... . . _ . __ .15,780-00.. . 27,984-00, _ _ 17,182.00. .22,644__ 19..1- . 23,324_ _-1.0'. 4.8...0.0000...REPAIRS...&..MAINTENAN.CE............ ....... ......27.05.............. ....500.00............ ..156.,.48...... .......5.00.............0...... ...... ...5.00..... .....0.. 4.9....0.0.012..MEMBERS.HIPS...&..REGI S.LRA................................„0.0................1.,40.0..00.................1.,.508.,.66................1.,.455.........3...9................1.529.........5.,.1... 49 .0.0014..LEGAL..&..RE.C.ORD.I.NG..FEES...... ....... 0.0..... .......5.0.0-0. ....... .1.00.. ...... ..0.....100 0...... ......... Q ..0.. 49 0.0016 PUB.LI ATION.S 39 11 500.00 502.00 520 4-0 .. 546 . 5.,0 . OTHER SERVICES AND CNAR&ES 23 909 62 123,434.00 35 626.73 106 245 13 7 SS.913 47.4 ** CONSTRUCTION FIELD SERVICES 450,131.85 667,469.00 526,708.62 6159053 7.9- 653,030 6.2. ACCT: 000 000000 007 559 061 DIV: INSPECTION PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM CHANDLER TITLE: BUILDING OFFICIAL 10 .00000 I1lSPECTIOM.PART.T.IME 3,664-27 9..000..00 . 4- 7-140 20.7 7-200... 8 * SALARIES 1iNfl MAGES 3,664 27 9 00.0 00 4,045 00>: 7,140 20 7 7,200 .8: 2..0 0.0003...FICA........ ......... .... . ........ ...... ......... 27.1.37....... ........68.9„40...... ....... .25.4...36... ........ ..550......20...2............ ..55.0...... ....0- 2.0_.00006. INDUSTRIAL...INSURANCE ._.. ....... .. _._ .41.,5T- ..........97..00... .03... .... .265 ...173 2.... _3.00 13.2 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 3j2.94 78640, M-39 815 3 7 E50 4.3 ** INSPECTION PART TIME 3 9 977 21 786 00 4335 39 7.953 8.050 1.2 ** HOUSINGIT T454. O 511 1 +�*** PLNG/BLDG/PUB WKS DEV SERVICES 1,746 685,14 2,48616M.li 1 803 588.29 180? 872 27.3- 1,931.579 6.9 207 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET rr EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDG9EET 92 1YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 010 DIV: POLICE ADMINISTRATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: ALAN WALLIS TITLE: POLICE CHIEF 10._.0.0.000. POL.I.CE..ADMIX ISTRAT.ION... _............ ......_.98,770.5.0.... .....10.9,215.0D.......-.110.,.198...78 1........1.38.,377.......30...9..........1.42,536 .....3.0 1.0....00002..OVERTIME 00 500 00 00 0 10.0-0 Q 0 lir *........SALARIES-AND...WAGES. ..... '. . ... 913,.TZ0...50. ......109.,715..00............1! ........138,377......26.1...........142,.536.... 3:.0... 20.00001 RETIREMENT./WP.ERS __ . 2...231..80.__ _.....2...612...00 . .........2,5.65.,63 ........ ._4,7$1.......$3.0_ __ 5...02.6. _ 5..1 20 00002.RETIREMENT/LEOFF.. _.....3.,.339,79.... .........3,406.00...... _ .. 3,4.05.$$..... 3,46.3.. 1.,3.7 ......._.3,.511.__ 1,.4 . _. 20._OQQ03_FICA .. _ _ ......6,5.41.03 _.7,077.00 ......6,884.,.43 _ .... 9.,309.......32.6.. 9,561 _Z.7- 20 .00004_PREPAID MEDLCAL.. ....... ... _. ......6,798.0.0 .....8,58.0.00 .....8,.670...00 .....17.,136.. 99..7.. ...21,420 25..0. 20....0.0.005...UN.I.FORM.MED.I.CAL..............................................1.9.,5.00.00.............:1.9,50.0.00..............19.,.500...00..............19,500..............0..............1.9,5.0.0..............0.. 20....0.0006...INDUSTRIAL...I.NSURANCE........................................5.75.,.1.9....................94.6.00.....................904..19................1.,337.....106...3................1,438.........7..6.. 2.0....0.0007.1I FE..I RSURANCE......................................................334..4.$....................4.4.7..00.....................359...21....................5.54.......23...9....................5.73.........3.,4.. 20....09.009-PREPAID...DEN.TAL..... .. ........ ....1,293..0.0. ........1,584..00...... .........1.,.599..94 ...........3„216.....103...0................4.020.......25...0.. 20...00012 1FOFF.RET POE/PR.EPAID-REDICAL.. 61,929,4.3 74,090,00 771093.5$ 102, 00.. 3813 126.125 __.25.0. 20 .00014 UNIFORM.ALLOWANCE ...... _. ... 370.AD. .... . .370.00 ..00 ........... 370...........I'D . . ....._.3.70.. .._...0. 20_.000.1.6..LEOFF .11 DISABILITY .INSURANCE_ .............45..00 _...._ 06 _...-............00......................0...........0.............. ._...0..........0 -.1--*.-.....P.ERSONNEL BENEfITS ....:.......302,957.72: ......1.18,6.12.00 . _120,.982.!86...........1.62.,AM.......36..7...........193,5.........19..3:> 31 OOOOO OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 4797 28 4.5,00-00 5 593 79 7,500 66.7 78875 5A * SUPPLIES_ 4,797.28. ...:4,500.:00 5,593.74. 7,500 66.7' 7,875 'S.O'. 41 _0.0025.PSYCHOLOGICAL_EXAMS-.. ......750-00 ........ 1.,0.00.00 _. _ ......0.O ......... 1.,.QQQ.__.........7 . __ _1,000_ _ ....0 42_.00001 POSTAGE_ . __ _. ....20.2.30 __150.00 _. ...._. ...55338 _ ....1.50..............0_.._.......... .150 .. .....0. r�II 43....O.OQQ4...POL.I.CE..ADM...T.RAVEL...........................................1.9.65,.24...............2,00.0,00.................1.,.088.,.40................2.,.000..............0................2,0.00..............0.. 43....,500.00.................1.,.575...17................5,000.......23...1...............5,OOQ..............0.. 4.5.....0.0002...EQU I.PME.N T-R.EN T AL.............................................2.849.0.0................6,.9.12..0.0................6,.912..00.................4.,.283.......38...0................4.370.........2...0.. 4.8.....0.000.O...REPA I RS...&..MA I.N.T.ENAN.CE..................................,3.6.............12,.70.1..00..1.............6.1.353...00..............1.24.701..............0..............1.2.701............1.0.. 49. 00012_MEMBERSHI.P$A.R.EGISTRA. _ .........430.0.0..__..........730 AO ............. _300..00 __ __.730...........0 _ . .... 730_ .0_ 49 00051 MISCELLANEOUS/POL ADM 421.98 1,000.00 1 000 00 1,000 0 1,000 0 * ...OTHER..SERVICES..AND..CHARGES ..................15,236.88;. ........30,993.00. ...........13,.781..:95...........::26.,864.......13.3-......... 26,951 , .... 5.1......00007..POL.I.CE..D I SPATCHIVAL.LEY-.COM..................525.,.95.1..0.0............596,.636...OQ............607..,.953.........2..5...........6.68.748.......10...0.. 51 _00014_HARBOR PATROL _ .... 1,91900..00.. 2.3. 000.00. 18,405-00 20,700 10.0-. 20,700 .0 * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV & TAXES 545,456.90 61S,951.00 615 04100 62a.453 2.1 689448 9.7 ** POLICE ADMINISTRATION _ 767,219.28: 879,771.00 869,598.38 963,560 9.5 ' 1,060,354 10.0. ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 021 DIV: POLICE INVESTIGATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARRY ANDERSON TITLE: CAPTAIN 07 00005 POLICE INVESTIGATION 36.979.06- .00 .00 0 .0 0 .0 * INTf-RFD..RE.IM8URSKTSlEXF` CREDIT. 36,97906 :00. ..00 0... 0 "`. Q .. 0;. 10.....0.0.00..0-SALARIE.S..AND...WAGES ......... ...... .........631,3.96.93.... ....65.4,69.8.00. .. ...6.12,.687..28...........610.,.884.... .67. .. ...........622.998 ....2...0.. 1.0....0.0002...OVERTIME............................................................40.222.93..............45.,.628..00..............35.,.17.4...23..............40,.77.8.......10...k- ...........53.31.k.......30...Z.. 1.0.....0.0.013...PRIVATE...SECURITY..QTOT................................... 62.............25..00.0..00..............10.,.298..13...............10,.Q00.......60.,.Q-............ 10 0*021 AUCTION OVERTIME .00 .00 401.42 0 .0 0 .0 SALARIES AND MAGES 691,556.48` 725,326.00 658,561.06 661,662 8.8- 686,314 3.7 20....0.000.1...RET.I.REMENTIWPERS................... ..........................,638.00.................1.,.288....13................2.,.1.39.......18..9- 2 .............. ,3.0..1.........7..6.. 20....0.0002..RET.I.REMENT/.LEOF.F..........................................33.890.92.............3.6,726.00.:............3.1.,.16.1...52..............3.4,.853.........5...1-...........35,666.........2..3.. 2.0....0.0003...F.ICA.....................................................................5.2..1.1.7„4.8.............55,76.2.00..............50.,.338,.39..............53.5.97.........3...9-...........55..430.........3..4.. lirir 2.0....0.0004...PREPAID...MER.I.CA1...............................................44..162.42.............5.6..034,00..............50.,.Qb8...75..............66.341.......18..4.............82.927........25...0.. 20.. 00006.INDUSTRIAL_I.NSURANC.E......... ...... .. ........3.1.$5.2.2... ...._..5.,6.00..00........_...5.,.542..99 6,.602....12$..3..... .......7.099.__.7.5. 20_ 0.0007 LIFE..INSURANCE...... ..... .._ ......2,5.35.,2.6... .__.....2,76.5.,.00.. ........2...k22...35 2.5.91..... .6..3 _.......2.639.. 1.9 20 00009-PREPAID DENTAL..... ...... ......_. .......8.,.530...05... ..._..10.,.488...0.0 __....._.9,550.1.7..............12,660......20.7.............15.,825_ 25.0 20 ..0001.4_UNIFORM..ALLOWANCE 4.,.440...00.............4.,.810..00 ......... . ._.0.0. ......... 4,8.1.0.---..0.... ......4,20.....00016 LEOFF II DISA810.. .......0., 00 0 0 0 0 _....P.M.ONNEL-BENEFITS ......:::.. ..............152, .1.4.99':: .....174,823.00.... ..150,.572..30. .......1'.83.,593...f!...5...0..::.......206,692 12..6:. 31 00000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,576.79 2,420.00 1,972.19 2,946 21.7 3,046 3.4 208 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 021 DIV: POLICE INVESTIGATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARRY ANDERSON TITLE: CAPTAIN 35 00000 POLICE INVESTIGATION 2,62628 4 378 00 2396.19. 3.498---2.0-1 3 498 0_ SUPPLIES ... >. 4,203 07 6,798 00 4,568 38::. 6,44.4 5 2 6,544 1:.b... 41. .0QQ.1.6...INVES.TI.GAT.I.VE..FUND..... ...... ..............15.,.09.1....49.. .........15,000 00...... ........6,688..00... ........151.00.0 .........0..... .....15.,.000 . ...-0- 41.. .,Q...41._ 00017 INVEST.IGATION_.VEH.I.CLE.......... __. 4.,609...51... _2,400.00_ 1..5.0$..30 _. ..._...2,.40.0......._.0.._.. ....2.,400 ....... .0- 41 00055 ..NARCOTICS.CONF.LSCATIQN-.FU.ND .......- .18.,490.43..... 64,559,44... 24,478 $1... 0._-... Q ._.. -.. ..-_.0 .0 41 00094 TECH ASSTLP.OL_.INVESTIGA.._ ...._ .._3,8.79.38_.. ..19,.653.00.... 6.,.481.19.. 5,000. ...74 6 7,5.00 50.0 45. 00001.OTHER-RENTALS... ......... ....... _ .....2,770.20.............5,.50.6.00 _ ......5.,.169..46.... . ....5,506 -I. .0 .... 5,5.06 .....0 45 00002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 18.11A.82 47 664 00 46-876-00 42.244 ..11-47..... .57.543.......36..2_ *........OT.H£R...SERVICE.S..ANO..MAKES..... . ........62.996..83..::.....1.5.4...7.82.,44...:.......91 N.1.76.. ..70,'!50......5.4.7.... ......87,.949.......25.4... 64 00015 POLICE INVESTIGA MACH 8 EGUIPM 1,831.77 1 500.00 7,682.59 2,000 33.3 4.000 100.0 * CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,831.77 1,500-00 7`682 59 2,000 33.3 4.000 100.0 ** POLICE INVESTIGATION 875,924.08 1,063,229.44 912,586.09 923,849 13.1 991,504 7.3 ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 022 DIV: POLICE PATROL PERSON RESPONSIBLE• GARRY ANDERSON TITLE: CAPTAIN 08 .00060_POLICE-PATROL...._ __ ..... _ ..00 __.._.00._ _._.. .277..84- 0.... ,.0. . ...... 0- .... ..0 *. i ITERFA..RE'INBURSM?.S/EXP CREDIT.. 00 .: 00 .. .!277 $4r. 0'.. . 0 ...... :0 . :....0... 10 ..000OQ..SALAR.I.E$..AND WAGE.S. . ....... ..........2.,334.,.808..77. ...2,5$0,475.,00......2.535.2.1.9..33.....2,.603,.225.......... 9.....2,693.,.049 2..3.. 10 00002 OVERTIME_._ __ __ 149..640.26 .... 1.95,175,00 __171..6$7,02 185,175 _ 5,1- .__195,175 5.4_ 10 00013 PRIVATE.SE.CURITY OVERT.IMEIPD_ .... 234,892,60.___ 120,.000.00_ ..... ..191.,29.0.... 59.4 . 200.,854 _ 5..0_ 10 .00015 EARNEY.OVERTIME/PD .......... _ 1.274.22_. .3,.000.00 _ .....652.44. ..... 0..._100 0-.... 3,000 .0 10 00018 PARK/SECURITY OVERTIME 2,371.87 10 000 00 7-07.26 ._ 0 ..100 0 _ 0 _.0 * 690 ;::. .2.4 ..::3.,.062,.078.........2.8... SAI:ARI.ES.:AND.WAGE:S... . .:..: :2,728..987..72.:.. 2,908,650.00.... 2,859,891„27 . 2,.4.79, 20.. 00001..RET IR.EMEN.T./WP.ERS............. ... 1.,.776,12...............1,.876.00.......... .....1.8.70.,8.4. ....... .I W.7...... ...6.. .....1,.912 .......1...3... 20 00002_RETIREMENT/LEOFF 1.32,880.07_ 144.,606,00 136,543.67 ___ 14.0,233 _. 3,0 143,802 _2.5_ 20 00003 FICA _ 203.,816,09__......21.$,.691.00_ _.214,700.89 22.21993.__ 2.0 226,358 2.4 20 00004 PREPAID MEDICAL.___ . __ _ _ _......72,024.10..__...2.16, _._ 226,.067..65 285,307-.32.1-- 356,635 _25..0 20 .00006 INDUSTRIAL LNSURANCE_ __ __ _ 21,5.72.33........ ..3.9,.2.10.00. _ .35,517.67.__ --.45,011- 85.2 - _48,397___ 7.5 20....0.0007..LIFE..INSURANCE................... ..... .... ........9,539.02............1.0,.829.00.... . .....10.,.623.,.43.......... 10,348..........4,.4-...........1.0.576.........2..2.. 20....0.0009...PREPAID...DENTAL...............................................34.768.0.0.............42,.14.4.00..............45.,.07.1...00..............57,588.......36...6..............71.9.85.......25...0.. 2.0.....0.9014...UN.I.FORM..ALL.OWAN.CE/C.LEAN.I.NG.......................3.6.94,28..............15,..1.1.0. .9 .00................5.,.045...99...............1,.1.1.0.......92. -..............1...1.1.0..............0.. 20. 00016_LEOFF..I.I_DISABILITY. INSURANCE . ......_101625-00 .00 .00 .. 0.. .0. ... __ 0 _..0 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 581,695.01' 688,477,00 675y44i.14 764,477 11.0 862,775 12.9 31 00000 OFFICE/OPERATIN.G.SUPPLIES 13,066 03. 1 17,490.0.0 10,962.77. .. 15,050 ...14 0 15,678 . . 1,934-65 .4.2 31....00007..K-9...SUPPLIES.......... .... ........ . .....4,800.00..... ...... ... .......2,800......41...7.. .........2.8.00 ........0 .. ENT3S 00000 SMALL TOOLSIMIN 1844 b7 21 021 QO 15 242 00 21,021 .0 ... .....21.925 ......4..3.. SUPPLIES 37,'.323.26 43,311.00 28,139.42 38.871 :.10 3- 40,:403 3.9 41 00027 K-9 VET $ERVICES_ . _.W-10. 21500 .. .Q 21500 0 41 00077..PRO.FESSI.ONAL..SERVICES/E.SU . .................4,635.73 . .. .4,000.00 2,.663.48 2,000......50.0- . 2.000 .0.. 41_..D0.095EMERG..TOW.SERVICE S. ....... ............AD. ......._.......50.0.00_ _............_....00 _........ ..500......_..0....... .....500 .0. 45....0.000.1...OTHER-RENTALS....................................................4.44$.4.7................5,.026.00.................4.,..42.1...31................5,.026..............0................5,026..............0.1. 45.....0.0002..EQU.I.PMENT-RENIAL..........................................65.331„71............20.8.428.00............192,.86.1.,.00............1.96,920.........5.,.5-.........1.87..8.09....._..4...6- 48 00000 REPAIRS &. INT ANCE .._ 1 48.73 5 .725.00 . 1. 89.16. .. .5 00... 2 7 .. 5 000 .0 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 76.:383 21 226,179.00; 201,918,05; 21:1,446 6 3 2#1 ,:835 4.3- 64 00016 POLICE PAIROL MACH $ EQUIPMENT 1.83,153.25. ..173,35.0.00 140,600,12..... ....1.53-7.08, 11,4 ... 172.954 12.5 * CAPITAL OUTLAYS 183 ;153 25: "''.171,550.00 1404606 12 153 Joe 11.4- 172,954 12.5 ** POLICE PATROL 3,607.542.45 4,040,167.00 3,905,712.16 4,148,692 2.7 ;4,341,045 4.6 209 .. CITY OF RENTON 1993 -1994 BUDGET war EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 X ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE YNB ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 025 DIV: GAMBLING TAX ENFORCEMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARRY ANDERSON TITLE: CAPTAIN 1.0....0.0000-GAMBLIN.G..IAX ENFORCEMENT _..... ......125,747.53....._...133,053.00....... ..142,300...18...........1.33.,356 ....._.....2...........135,21.6 ....1...4 1.0....0.0002..OVERTIME . 7 70.3 A.0.7 7,087.00 Lb91 18 6,500 8.3. 0 ....................SALARI.ES.AND..WAGES...... ;.. .......:4........133,.450...6.0.. ....1.40..1.40..00 w........147..991.36 ........139,856.:: ......2.:' ......141>,.716 . ...1.3... 20 000:01.RET IR.EMENTIWPERS. . ........ --- . .__....2..644..16. __ .....2...650.00 ... ......3.258.,96. _.1 1 11....2,.6.1.8_.....1...2-. ...... .2.,.654 _ _ 1.4 20 00.002 RE.T.IREMENT/LEOFF........_...___ ............. ......5.,509.,09......._......6.,.244.40..... _.....6,.15.0.81.... ...._.6,243...._....0.._.........6.,332 __ 1,1.4 . Z0-_.0.0003_FICA._...... . ........... ........1.0.234..12...... _..1.0,28.9.00.. 1.1.,.292..12__. ......10.,.778. ....4...8........._..1.0,921__ ..1.3 20 .0.0004.PREPAID...MED.I.CAL......._. _.. ._....................7,11.3.53..__ .___.9,037.00........ . .9.,06.1..32...........1.1.,1.18_.._.23...0.............. .25-01, 20....0.0406....IND.USIRIA L...I.NSUIiANCE...........................................77.8.7....................15..0.00.....................14.1...86......................1.7.0.......95....4.....................1.83.........7...6.. 20....0.0007..E 1 FE..I N.SURANCE....................................................... 2.0....0.0009-PREPAID...DENTA L..................................................,.536...00................1,.932.......25...8................2.4.].5.......25.,.0.. 20 .0.0014 UNIFORM...ALLOWAN.CE _.... --.1,00.00...............1. 010.00 _..-.00. .........1,0.35--... 2..5............._1 035.._.....-..0.. * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 28,343,81 I' 31,479.00 31,978.02 34,429 9.4 " 37,981 10.3> 42__00004.WACIC.. _ . _ _ ...._ ._. ......_._.. _..3, ....4,00.0.00 _._.......3.,.960...00.........__...4.,.000...... . ...0.. .........4,0.00............0- 45....0.0002..EQU.I.PMENT..RENIAL.............................................3 .1.94.......6.1.,.5-..............2 326.........6.,.0.. * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 7716.00 9,700.00 7 210.00 d 194 36.1• ::6.326 2.1 ** GAMBLING TAX ENFORCEMENT 169,510.41 ; 181,319.00 187,179.38 180,479; .5 186,023 3.1' ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 030 DIV: CRIME PREVENTION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON PERSSON TITLE: CAPTAIN 1.0....0.000.0..CR.I ME-PRE VENT I ON...........................................71.629.0.0.............76,.235..00..............68..36.1...62..............7.8..660.........3...2.............. 10 00002 OVERTIME 1,312.28 5.000.00 1,422.17 5,000 0 5,000 0 • SALARIES AND WAGES 72,941.28' 81,235.00 69.783.79 83,560 3.0 86,612 3.5 20....0.000.1...RETTREMENT/.WPERS.............................................5,624.3.6................6..45.0,0.0................5.,..42.1.,.30................6.,.6.43.........3...0................6.8.77.........3..5... 20.....0.0003...FICA........................................................................5..4.61..1.1.................,.173...45................6,.463.........4...0................6,6.90.........3.51. 2.0....0.000.4...PREPAID...MED.I.CAL................................................5.3.89,.0.0...............6.85.2 QO................6.,.439...83................9...M-.....38...2..............1.1.835.......25..4.. 2.0....0.006-INDUSTRIAL...INSURANCE....................................1..0.61-0.6...............2,.70.0.00................2.,.333....43................2...718.....144...4................2.922.........7.,.5.. 20_ 00007_LIFE..INSURANCE.._ ....... ........ . ............305.,5.8_ ..._._ ...325..00...................296...34.____._... ....310. . 4.6._ ...........326 5.2 20 _00009 PREPAID-DENTAL. ... _ ...... __...... ...1.2.54..00 . ........1,584..00....._.... .1.,.337..35 _._ 1.1992 -25,8-1.. 2.490_ _ 25.0 20__00014.UNIFORM..ALLOWANCE. 540.00 -540..00 ... 00 540 0 540 0 PERSONNEL.B£NEF:J.TS 19,635 11 24,666 00: 21,001 70 28,134 14.1 ..31,680 ..12 6.: io 31.......0000...OF.F.I.CE/..OPERATIN.G..SUPPL.IES ......... ........ ........5..40.0.00.. ..4...395...48 .........5,.900........9..3..... ....5.9.00 ........0.. 35 ,0.000..0-SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,43.6.6,2.. 3,100-0Q 31 24 600 80-6- 600 0 ' SUPPLIES 6,'513.27 8,300,00 4,426.72 6,500 23.5 6,500 .0 43 0.0023 VOLUNTEER TRAV/MEAL ALLOWANCE . 5,495.00 .7,140.00 .6,47.0...00 _ __.7.,200___....8_ 7,560... 5.0 lo 45....0.0002..EQU.I.PMENT..RENTAL.............................................3.9.48,.0.0...............5.,.220,00................5.,220.,.00................5.,314..........1...8................5,4.87.........3..3.. 4.8..... ..REPAIRS...&..MAINTENAN.CE......................................651.46.................... .....0.. 49_ .00064 FAMILY VLOLENCE_.GRANT...... _... 0.0..__._......8.6 .,.00 ..00 .... _ _ ..0. .... ..0......__... ......0. OTHER SERVICES AND.CHARGES 10.:094.46::: 27:.695.00:: 1'.1,754.69 13,214 39.1--- 73,:747 4,0 64 0.0056 POLICE .CRIME PREY MACH & EQ .00 .00 3,291-62.- 0 . 0 ,0.. CAPITAL OIitLAYS 00 00 3,291.62 3,500 0 8,$00 151 4 CRIME PREVENTION;. 109,184.12 136,096.00 110,258.52 135,008 .8 1474339 91 ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 040 DIV: POLICE ADMIN SERVICE/TRAINING PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON PERSSON TITLE: CAPTAIN 1.0.....0.0000...POL.I.CE,.AD.M l..$ERVICE/.TRAINING............151#65.8„08...........179,924„00............177,.249...79...........217,.1.10.......20.,.7............222,220.........2...4.. ilr 1.0....0.0002..OVE.RTIME...............................................................7..770.3.4................9,.33.0.00..............10...02.1...26................9.693.........3...9..............1.0..187..........5...1... 10 00013 PR.I.VAT . SEC.URITY..OVERT.IME PD_.... .......1. 739.23 ........._.2 50.0..00.. .........2 18.1...28. .... ....21591. ....3..9.._......_...2 729 _5...1.. SALARIES AND WAGES 161,167.65 197,754.00 189,452.33 229,400 ' 19.5 235,136 2,5 20_00001_RETIREMENT/.WPERS . 1,781.66 .......2,577.00 ...1,417.59 2.,.095__ 18..7......... . 2,176 3..9 20.....0.0002..RE TTREMEN I/.LEOF.f.............................................4,8.92,4.1.................8,45.6„00................7,.894...52..............10,.027........18...6..............1.0.258.........2..3.. 20...00003-FICA......................................................................1.1..4.91„0.0..............1.4,.479.00..............13.,.094...30..............17.,314.......19...6..............1.7.701.........2..2.. +rr 210 CITY OF RENTON 1993 1994 BUDGET �A EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 040 DIV: POLICE ADMIN SERVICE/TRAINING PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DON PERSSON TITLE: CAPTAIN 20_0.0004 .POLICE..ADM.IN..SERVICE/TRAINING........ 11,965.50.. .....16,215.00-. . 13,760 .00__ ..25,704 .58.5 32,130 25..0 7 20....0.0006...INDUSTRIAL...INSURANCE............. ......... .......1.0.8.,8.4-............ 1,90.0.00..................1.,.806...49................3.,345.....17.b...Z...............3.5.9b. 7..5.. 20....00.007.11 fE..I NSURANCE......................................................5.95„0.9....................7.64.00.....................660...51....................87.1.......14...0....................891.........2..3.. 20....0.000.9..PREPAID...DENTAL..................................................,.16.8..00................2,.925...00................517.08.......64....4................ 2.0....0.001.4 UN.I.FQRM-ALL.OWAN.CE...............................................3.70 0.0...... .........37.0„00.... ......... ......00. ......37.0....... 0........ .......3.70 ........0.. 20 00016 LEOFF II DISABILITY INSURANCE 45.00 .00 .00 0 0 0 .0 * PERSONNEL BINEFITS 33,269.82 47,929.00 41,558.41 64,934 35.5 73,632 13;4 3.1.....0.0000...QFf.I.CE/.OPERAT.I N.G..SUP..PLIES.......................1.7..195,,.4.7..............19.200.00..............2.1.,.15.1...60..............19,200..............0..............1.9.275..............4.. 3.1._..0..014...QTR..MSTR/CLEANING/P.QL..NON 7COMM...........................0.0................6,01.8.00..............4.,.55.1..91...............4.,.600.............0 ...............4.834 ....5...1.. 31._..0.0015...DAR.E..PR..OGRAMlCONTRI.SUTI ONS.......................1..554..8.2................4,.171...07....:...............247..98.................. .......Q..............0.........................0..............0.. 3.1.....0..026...QUARTERMASTER..S.Y.STEM.................................28.9.62..1.9.............2.8..32.0.00..............25.,.77..4...97.........................0.....100...0........................0..............0.. 31 00049 DARE PROGRAM/SALE S __ .. 2.433.94_........ 1.,432.41_ 1,535..97 ....... .. ...0. ..0_ 31 0.0.060 DARE PROGRAM _. .. 9,0.14.42_ ....5.,620..00 _5,.109..30...__.......1.9,.91.5....25.4..4.. ---151150 _...8.9 35 00000 SMALL TODLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT .1-120.05 2-040.00, 1,773.38 17 575 Z61 5 16.700 5.07 .*. .. :SUPPLIES....... ....... .......... ..60,280.89......._..66,801.48.... .....50.,'.145..11' . ....9A',.714 ..::35.8......::....89.884 .....;..9 4.1.....0.0.045...PROFESS...SER.V./PO.L I.CE...TRAINING..................,.00.0..00................3.,.22.1...28................3,.050.......39...0................3.3.00.........8..2.. 41 ..0.01.42 CON.TRAC.T...CL.ERICAL..HELP ...... .......... ........ .Q0.................... .0.O. ....2,.027..33 . ........0........ Q.........................0 .........0.. 43 00005 POL TRAVEL/..TRAINING ... ..... 24,244,70 .- 30,.273.00__ 3.1.,004.79.. 30.1607 -.1.1 ...... 30.623 48 00000..REPAIRS &.MAINTENANCE . . ....... .O0...._ _ 1,.180.00 _ __._. ....357.06... __.,.1.,.200 .......1.7..... . _..1...250 4,2 49 ..00016 PUBLICATIONS... ..._.. .......__. .2,.334.48___, ......1,602.00.. ..-2,338.05-- ._..2,153......34.4__ _.._2,153... .0_ 49 00029 MEMBERSHIPS/DUES 1 066 46. 1 765 OQ 1,429.79- 1,970 11.6 .....1..970 .. .0 * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 31,145.86 %9.820.00 40,378.30 38,9W 2.1- 39.296 .8 ** POLICE ADMIN SERVICE/TRAINING 285,864.22 346,304.48 331,534.15 424,028 222.4 437,948 3.3 ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 090 DIV: POLICE STAFF SERVICES PERSON RESPONSIBLE: PENNY BRYANT TITLE: STAFF SERVICES MANAGER 1.0....000.00..POL I C.E..STA F F...SE RVI.CE S..............................436.,.983...38.........-.465,W40...........45.1.94221............44.8,.34.8.........4..7-..........459.,.717........2..5... 1.0.....000.0.2..0YERT.IME...............................................................8,.238...35..............1.5.,533...00.............10.6.83..25...........:.1.0,.184.......34..4..............1.1.,.000..........8..0... 10 00013 PRIVATE SECURITY.OVERTIME/PD __._ 2,697.90..... 11 7,500,00_ 500.00 _ 0 1.00 0 .__ _ 0 0 10 00021 AUCTION OVERTIME 00 .00 675.69 0 0 0 .0 ...* .SALARIES..AND-WAGES ...... .....:. .447#919-63........... 88:,:417.00:..'..__463,801.'15_1 ......458,532.........6.1.:...,...470.,.717... 2.7. 20.....00.0.01..RET I REMEN.T./WPER S...........................................29.,.543...44..............33.,287...00.............,36.1..........5.8.............3.1.,.937.........1..8... 20.....0000.2..RET IREMEN.TLLEO.FF......... ................ .......3.,.878...28.... .......4,.1.49..00........:.. . ........:4,.264........2„8........ ......4.,.322 .......1..4... M.. 20.....000.43..f.LCA......................................................................33.,.6.5.7....19..............36.,,,.0.-............35.1.600:.........1...6. 20 00004 PREPAID MEDICAL. _....... ...........33.,135..01....._.._..40,.272.,0.0. ......42,744.3.0 _.......5.3,94.1..... 33.9.. 67,427. 25.0 20 00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE........ _..................1,.34.0.75.... ......1.,982..00 __.......1..714.,67 20_00007 11fE INSURANCE...__ ............. .... ....1.$OZ 66 ...1,966.00 1,831.61 1,804 -8-27--- .1,838 1.9 20 .00009.PREPAID...DENTAL..._...... .. 6,6.13 00 7,896.00 8,471..21 .. 10,836 .37.2 13.545 .25.0 2000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ......,610.00.............. .............00.. .......3,415...... ...1 ... . ..3 6.1.5 ..........0.. *........PERSONNEL...BEIMA£ITS. ..............113.:585...33............129.,640..0.0...........122,.174.87...........142,722......10..1 ..........160,292......:12.3... 31 00000 OFFICEIQPERATING SUPPLIES 13,457 QO 13,762,00 7.901.24. 1.2,393 9 97- 20,60$ 66 3.. 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,467.77 1 588 00 1,265.50 3,535 122.6 X.322 34.3- *........SUPPLLES....>........ 16,!424..77. .......15.,350..00... .......9,1 66.74.... ...15,428...::...3.8....:......22,:930......44.0,.. 41.....000.67..OUT$I D.E..AGN CY...COMPT R...INTERFACE...........................00.................4,.608...00................4.543.25................4,608............0................4.,.833..........4.9... 41.....00.1.52..SUSPE.ONA...SERUCES................................................907..29................1,.60.0....00................6.4.08,.93...............6.00.0...:275„0................8,.910.......48.5... 42.....000.04-WACIC ......... ......... ....... ......... ......6.,.060..00..... .......6,660.,.00... ....... ....6.660...... 0....... ..6,.960.......4.5... 45 00005 COPY MACHINE RENTAL/POL 12,834.44 12,220.00 13,118.40 12,220 0 12,220 .0 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 19;801.73 25,1188.00 30,130.58 MASS >17.5 32.923 11.6, 64 00017 STAFF _SERVICES/MACH_& EQUIPMT 9-475-38 OQ 00 4 281 0 .5.000........1.6.8... * CAPITAL OUTLAYS 9,475.38 00 00 4,281 .0 5.000 16.8 ** POLICE STAFF SERVICES 607,706.84 65$,495.00 , 625,273.34 650,951 1.1- 691,867 6..3 211 to_ CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET ift EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL im 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 092 DIV: NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JOE PEACH TITLE: LIEUTENANT 10_0.000.O.NARCOT.I.CS..TASK...FORCE..GRANT..................1.1.1,056.5.8..........264,721.75 ........117,.274..65 ..... ......--0 ...................0 __.0 w 1.0....00002..OVERTIME.... 4.7,63.27 00 .1-668-06 0 O 0 0 ...:*.......SALARIES.AND.;WAGES .....:::: ...............115!,.8'19..85: ........26$..721..75t1 ..1.0.0-0.-!: 0 ......: U:.. 20 _000.02 RSTIR.EMENT./LE.OEF......__. ...... 4..947.28. .. ......... ......00 ...3.964-65- . ......._0 ........... _.,0 _......_.0 .0 _ 20 00003 F I GA .. _......6...472...72. .0 20...00004..MEDICAL.._. _ 6,443.4.7 .00........... .5.,.033...27 _._...0. ..........4 . ..._..___......0___.__...0 OW 20 _0.0006.-INDUSTRIAL_INSURANCE _ ....276.1.1.. _ . ...00 ....._. .__.215...95 0.._.__.....0. _0 ... ...0 20....0.000.7..LIFE-I N.SU RAN C E.......................................................181.0.4............................00.....................179...74.........................0..............0.........................0..............0.. 20....0.0.009-DENTAL.......................:........................................ ........ 6.66.95............................00.....................617..80.........................0..............0.........................0..............0.. 20....0.00.14...UN.I.FORM..ALL.OMAN.CE...............................................249-7.1........................--.0.0.....................13.7...40.........................0..............0.........................0..............0.. IIS 20__00020.MISCELLANEOUS... 00 27,905.15, -0 0 0 0 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 60,276.02 .00 43,129.61 0'' .0`,. 0 .0 31 _00000_GENERAL_SUPPLIES __ . _ -613.94,111__.. ...8 940.00 2,605-51 0 ... 0 0.........-0- ........... ....... 0. *....... $UPPL.I.ES...................................................... ..........613.,.94 .........8,940..00 .....!2,605.5:1........ ."» 0.!..1i1.0.0.f .......... 0......:.....0. ib 41.....000.5.5..C.ONF.IO.ENTENT.IAL-F.UND..S................................23.,.000...00..............37.,.000...00................ 43. 00057_TRAINING/NARC GRANT .10,$44,94 _3.021..69 __. 0 ,0... . _ 0 .0 43 _00065 TRAVELAARC GRANT 100. 31000,00 45 _0.0,017 OFFICE_RENT/PHONE ._ 6,317.87 1 5,.347.37 .........6.,.757..23..........._ 0_ .0_ 0__.....0. elf 45. 0..0018-EQUIPMENT_. _....... __ _.. .. .13,082.55. .._28,.19.9.13._.........10,702..91 . ........... ..0.. _.0 __ 0.... _....0. 4.9....0.0058...OPERATING-EXPENSES 4.9.2 6.8 00 412 85 O 0 0 0 * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 45081.28 84 391.44 30 407.47 0," 100 0 0 0 ** NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT 221,791.09 358,053.19 195,085:30 0 ' 100.0- 0 .0 No ACCT: 000 000000 008 521 093 DIV: NARC TASK FORCE SEIZURE FD PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JOE PEACH TITLE: LIEUTENANT 49 00088 MARC TASK. FORCE_.SEIZURE_FD._...._ _.......9,160.87.. ....15.0-422..03.... ..24,598-27. . .....0.... .......0.. 0_ _ .0 ** NARC TASK'FORCE'SEIZURE'fD 9,160.87 150A22.03 24 598 27 0 100.0- 0 0 *** LAW ENFORCEMENT 6,653,903.36 7,813,857.14 711151,825.59 7,426,567 5.0 7,856,080 5.8 ACCT: 000 000000 008 523 060 DIV: POLICE JAIL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: ROB SOFIE TITLE: LIEUTENANT 10__00000 POLICE_JAIL . _........302,.769...57 ........366,672...00 .... .:3.63,6.09.85 .... .-398,25.4...__..9.9....... 409,322 _ 2.8_ It 10.00002 OVERTIME.. .. _ ......... _....__ .22,369.97--- 17,.820.00 __ _96,852.57 __......1.8,.5.15 _...3.9_ . __..19,459 10.....000.1.3..PR IVATE..SECURI.TY...OV.ERT IMElPD..................2,.997..84................3,.1.00...00................1.336.6.0...............3.221..........3.9................3.,.385.........5..1... 10.....00020..JA I L...COMMI.SSARY..O.VERT.I.ME.........................................00................1.,352...00................1,340.38.........................0............0.........................0.............0... 10....00021._AUCT.ION.OVERTIME .00 .00... -.A.185.99 0 0 0. .0 . SALARIES AND iIAGES _>: ...328137.38:> 388,944.#10: 384,325..39 419.,990.;.. .$.0.: 432,166 2.9 20...000.01-RETIREMENT/WPERS......_....... ._............_......17,.615...65..........._.21,513...00.._.........20,,279.......1.2.9..............25.,.082.......3.3. 20.. .00002..RETIREMENT/LE.OFF.. _.....................3.,.672.7.1... .... ...7.,.068...00 ...._....6,.182.0.7 .......6,005.......1.5.0.- ._......6.,.119........1..9.. 20.....00003..1CA......................................................................2.4.,.280...90..............29,.091..00.............28.5.85..12.............31..895.........9.6..............32,.774.........2.8... 20.....0000.4-PREPAID-MEDICAL.............................................2.1.,.622..9.1..............28,224-0.0.............31,268.0.0..............4.7.,M. .......69..3.............59,.7.15.......25.0im ... 20.....000.06...INDUS.TR I AL..I N.SURANCE....................................3...3.4.4...6.4................9,5.00...00................8.928„33..............12..40.1.....204„5..............13.,.332.........7..5... 20.....QOO.0.T.L.I.FE...I.NSURANCE..................................................1.,.25.1...67.................1,537...00................1..452.8.4................1..58.4.........3..1.................1...627........2.7... 20. 000.09-PRE PA.I.D..DEN TAL.... .........................4.,.930..00................6,708.,.00.............7,.0.65.,0.0...........1.0,.4.16.......55n3..............13.1.020. 25..0. 20 00014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1,990.00 370.00 .00 370 83.6- 370 0 *.......PERSONNEL .BEI�IIT.S......>: ......>:;......78708..48:::. ....1.04:,011..00! .......103,824.02..........:l34.722.....29.5..i.......152.Q39s._..:12.9... 31.....OOO.00..O.F F I CE/OPERAT.I.N G...SUPPI.I E S.......................65.,.612,.34..............73.,24.4...00..............88,827..62.............99,704......36..1............104,.787........5.1... 31.....000.1.8...OPER...SUP.P.L.I.ESlEV.IO.ENCE.A..PROP................8,.552..25................8,.1.32.,.00................7...45.9,.2.9................8,.7.4.0.........7..5................9.,..186.........5.1... 35_.00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT -973-51 1,001-001.1 619 57 1 040 -L9 1,093 3.1 * SUPPLIES 75,138.10' 82,377.00' 96,906.48 1:09,484 32.9 115,066 5.9 41_.00005_MEDICAL_SERV.I.CES/PRISONERS .........__.....904.51.......__ .1,236..00 __._.. _._...233.76 . .---1,284 _..3.9._. ...........1.,.349..... 5.1 io iI 212 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 X ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 008 523 060 DIV: POLICE JAIL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: ROB SOFIE TITLE: LIEUTENANT 41 0.0006.POL.I.CE_.JAII _. __ .. 44#220.73 45,304.00 35,510.99. __ 50,496_ 11 5__. 53,0.7E_ .5.1_ 45 ...0.0002..EQUI.PMENT..REN TAL............................... .........624.0.0...............5,31.6.00.......... ...4,.412..00................6.,.010......13..1. ....... 6.0.68. ].,.0.. 4.8....0.000.0..REPA IRS...&..MAINTENAN.CE......................................553,.0.7....................70.0,00.................1...51.1...01.....................727.........3...9....................764........5...1... 49 00005 INMATE HEALTH & WELFAREtCOMMIS 3,054A7 14,.871-9Z 7,271-05 0-100-0-.. ........ 0 OTHER,-SERV ICES AND. CHARGES 49,356.78 67.,427.92 .: 48,738.81. 61,267 9.1- 64,002 4,S 51 00012 KING CO JAIL SERVICES 26,364.51 48 000.00 54,172-M 51.,427 7.1 34,050 5..1 ...:*.........INTERGOVERNMENTAL..SERV..&:..TAXES.. ...26;:364 .51:...........48.,000.00:. ....54,1.72.TO:. .... ..;57:,427. 7 1-....... ..'54,:050 ...5.1... 64 00018 POLICE JAIL MACH.A..EQUIPMENT 11.625-93, .00 4.159.2]. . ...1.100.0 ..... .0...... _...... 0 100.0-. * CAPITAL OUTLAYS 11,625.93 OD 4159 21 11,000 0 0 100.0- *** DETENTION AND/OR CORRECTION 569,331.18 690,759.92 692,126.01 787,890 14.1 817,323 3.7:.:. ACCT: 000 000000 008 539 030 DIV: POLICE/ANIMAL CONTROL PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARRY ANDERSON TITLE: CAPTAIN 10 .00000 POLICELANIMA.L CONTROL_ _ _ _ .50.,394.43 .52.,219.00 51.,830.55 _53,.828 _ .1..4 _ _ 55,416 _ 3.0 10 00002 OVERTIME .4,1.12.09-- 7,100.00 1 673.01 __ 2.,.1.00__ 70.4 2,.100 ....0 _* SALARIES.AND WAGES . .... 54,5063Z.... 59,319,00- .53,503 56. .55,928 I 5.71 57516 .2.8... 20 ..00001...RET I R.EMEN.T./WP.ERS_.................. ..2,.952,98....... 4,780...00.. ....2.2.72.,2.6....... ..4,.838..... 12...... ...4,.964 ...2.6... 20....00. 00.3..FICA......................................................................4.,.170...56................4,.604...00................4.0.93.,0.1................4,.66.1..........1..,2................4,.782..........2..6... 20 00004 PREPAID MEDICAL4,510..205,187,06_ __ .6,5.5.8,52 8,54.2 -64,7--., 10,678 25.0 20 .00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE _.. ............ . _._812.11_ 1,700,00 1,669.,04 ....2,304 176,3_ _ _2,477 7.5 20 00007 LIFE INSURANCE _ _ 218.$8 _ 231.00_ .... _228.98 218 5.6- 226 3.7 20 00009 PREPAID_.DENTAL ._. _ 1,049.00 _ ....1,284.00_ _._1.,180-00 _ 1,620 26.2.._ 2.025 25.0 2000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 647,.50. ......................0.0..............................00.........................0.....100...0-......................0..............0.. ....*...._:..PERSONNEL...BENEFITS ......._14.,136.1...23..... ......17..706..:00.........::1.6,001.,8.1.. .........U,183.... 24.7..:::.......25.,.152..__13.4... 31 00000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 268.84 990.00 613.46 990 .0 990 .0 * SUPPLIES 268.84 990.00 613.46 990 0 990 .0 4.1.....000.0.7..EMERGENCY...VET...SER.V ICES....................................104.,.80.....................750-0.0.................... 41.....00036..LARGE..ANIMAL...IMPOUNDS............ ........ ..... ..00..... .......200 .00... ........ ......00 ...... 20.0.... 0... .......200 .........0... 45 00002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7 272 00 15,204.00 15.024.00 12,421__ 18.3- 12,835 3.3_ * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 7,376.80:.. 16,154.00. 15:1339.00 .13.1171--18-5- 13,585 3.1,; 51 00001 HUMANE SOC FEES 9,003.25, , 9.450.00 6,898.2-5, 9,828.......4.0 .. _.10,314 __5.0... * INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV & TAXES 9,003 25 9,450.00 6 898.25 9.828 4.0 10,319 5.0 ' *** OTHER PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 85,516.64 103,699.00 92.3S6.08 102,100 1-5- 107.562 5.3 **** POLICE DEPARTMENT 7,3081751.18 8,6081316.06 7,946,307.68 8,316,557 3.4- 8,7809965 5.6 ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 010 DIV: FIRE ADMINISTRATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LEE WHEELER TITLE: FIRE CHIEF 10.....000.00..F.I.RE-AOM.IN ISTRATION..................................226.,.383...75...........252,278..00...........252,,181..........5,.6............260.,328..1..........8... 10 00002-OVERTIME .,.00. .00. ........249.02. ........ 0 .... 0..... ..... 0 . ......0... SALARIES AND WAGES ... 226,:'583,.75 : 82,278.00 -. 252,659.00 258.,.181 .: 2.3 ,: 260,128 -8- 20 -00001RETIREMENT/ ..... ... 7,04.8,38 .. 8,240,00 8,100.92 8,398 4,5 ...... 8.534 1,6 20.._.00.002 RETIREMENT/LE.OFF..... ...... . 8.,.385.30. .. ...9.,.187...00. ...... ..9,. .... ....9,355........5.1...... .......9.,.507 .......1.6.. 20_ .00003_FICA .... .. 6,996.% 7,940...00 7.963.62 81090 4.5.... 8,.222 1.6 20.....00004..PREPAID MEDICAL .. . 12,586 00 ...........14,.028...00..........1.8,521.0.0. 23.256......:65.8.............29,.070 25..0... 20.....000.05..UN I FORM..MED I CAL...... ..... ............... .....15,.7.00...00..... ......16.,.000..00.............. . .......16,00.0............0.............16.,.000. ........0.. 20.....00006..1 NDUS.TR I AL..I N.SURANC E.........................................597..58................1,525...00................1.360,.73................1..69.9....132..7.................1...827.........7..5... 20.....000.07..L.I.FE...I.NSU.RANGE......................................................812...11................1,.019...00....................874.28................1..021.............2.................1.,.037.........1..6... 20 00009 PREPAID_DENTAL __. _ 2,702.00_ ....2,880,00 ......3.840,00 .....4,752_ 65,0. .. 5.,.940 2510 20 00013 LEOFF RET FIRE/PREPAID_MEDICAL._ _41.,804.00__ _ ..56,232.00, _5.1.,9.84,00 _69,780 _ 24.1__ 87,228 .25.0_ 20 00014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 800..00__ 80.0.00_ ___................00 ___ .800__ .....0__. .800_ .0.. * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 97,431.51 117,851.00 117,831.21 143,151 21.5 168,165 17.5 213 r CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET it EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL irn 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE 10 ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 010 DIV: FIRE ADMINISTRATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LEE WHEELER TITLE: FIRE CHIEF 31 _00.00011 READMINISTRATION _. _... .........6 647.34 .... ..... ....._...5..235...86.... ._.. ..6.240.. ._.4...0.. -6.55.0__ 5...0. t SUPPLi.ES.': 6,647 34: b,tl00.10 5,235. 6 6,240`! 4 0 b,.55A........5.0... 1r 41.....00.124-P.HYS.I.CAL...EXAMS...............................................23...963...00. .........29..,200...00 ......... ........ 42 00002.TELEPHONE_......._.......... ...... _...... 1..95.1..77. .. .......3,000.,00.... __....2.688...8Z__........ .5...0.60. 68.7.. _.....5...274.._...4,.2 43. 00013 FIRE ADMIN TRAVEL__....__.. ......3,1.66..61..........._.3,000,.00__.........1.2.37.,74 _1.,.25.0.. 58.3- ........1,400__._1.2.0. 45 _00002-EQUIPMENT-RENTAL.. _..... ......... .___.4,5.00..00_........ .4,50.9.00__........4,.500...00....... ....5,.758..__28...0 .........3,745___35..0-. 45 0.0004_COPY.MACHINE_RTl/FIRE__ _ ._. . .......... _.. ._...._........0.0 _.......0.O.. 0......._..9. ...... .. ........0_ ..Q 4.8...0.0000...REPAIRS...&..MAIN.TENAN.CE...................................,.08.1...68................1.,320.......10...0................1..45.2.......10.,.0.. 4.8.... L.........................................,80.0.00.................1.,.707..72................1.,.800..............0................1.9.00.........5...6.. 49.. 0.000.6..PRINT I N.G..&.. 1ND.I.N G.............................................5.99.,53....................70.0..00................2,.08.1...76.....................730.........4...3....................767.........5..1... 4.9....0.0012...MEMBER.S.H I.P...&..RE.G I.ST.RATI.ON.........................1...1.38.,.0.0................1.,.85.0..00.................1,.25.1...00................1,.000........45...9................1.050.........5...0.: 49 00016 PUBLICATIONS .61.5.54 700,00 . 682...51__.. ... 730... ...4..3 _ 766 __ 4.19 _.. 49 00055 PROP TAX/EARL FLAT PROP 50.54 50.00 57.11 60 20.0 60 0 .:......OTHER..SERV.ICES:.AND..CHARGES....................39,630.71: ........4.6,000.00 ......32,.139..:39 .........45.,492 1...1=:.. .....45,687............4:. 5.1.....0.0008...FIRE DISPATCH/VALLEY-COM 61, 72.46.4-0Q 72 914 00 69 583 .4 Q- 76,541 10-0.. INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERV:.& TAXES. 6.1033.19 72,464.00 72.914:00 :64,583;:: 4.0- 76,541 10.0: 64 00029 FIRE ADMIN MACHINE & EQUIPMENT .00 6,000.00 4,068.78 0 100.0- 10,500 .0 CAPITALOUTLAYS .00' 6,000.00 4,068.7.8 0 100.0 10,500 .0 ** FIRE ADMINISTRATION 437,226.41 500,593.00 484,868.24 522,647 4.4 567,771 8.6 ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 020 DIV: FIRE SUPPRESSION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM MATTHEW TITLE: DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF 0.8....0.001.7..F.I RE..SUP.PRES.S I ON.........................................................00............................00................8..124...50........................0..............0.........................0..............0.. *..........INTERFD.:REIMBURSMTS/EXP...CREDI:T.........................AD ...... ......O0. .........8,124.50.. ... : ........€1 .0:;'. ! 0 .0... 10 00000 $ALARLES..AND.WAGES......._ _3,233.,715..31 3,492,746.00 _ 3,501.,728.64 .. 3,.69.3,2.1.1 4.5 3,766,393 __2,0. 10 00002 FIRE,SPEC PROJECT OVERTIME _13,.175.74_ _5...5.00..00.__...._ ._2.467,.42 -15,000... ...9..1- ____.6..057 21.1.. kW 10. 00004 ACTINGDISABIPAY_.OVERTIMEIFIRE _ .____.106,438..18...__. 56,.850.00_......73,.596..71___ .....29.,886..._47..4- __ .62,611__109.5. 10. 00004AC7LNG PAY...OVERTIMEIEIRE .... __..... 5.3,.01.5.01 __. 51.,00.0.00 . ...49.,.254.49 .... 1 54,.060. 6.0. _56,168__ .3.9 1.0....0.0005...HOLDOVER-OVER T.I ME/F.I.RE.............................25,4.82..1.7.............21.,.50.0.00..............29.,.905...25..............20,.000.........7..0............23,6.78.......18..4. 1.0....0.0006...7RAIA I N.G..OVERT.IME/FIRE.............................,.770.,00..............3.1.,.838...83..............55,.96. 35......... ..0.............58,.1.1.8.........3...9.. jyr 1.0....0.0009...MIL.I.TAR.Y..LEAVE....OVERII.MEI.F.IR.E..................4.261..8.9................3,.50.0..00.....................389...45................2,.1.00.......40...0-..............3.85.5.......83...6.. 1.0...0.0010...HAZMAT...TRA.IN I.NG..OVE.RT IME/FIRE..............1.2.163-0.9..............la'.0,00,00..............13,239.0.0..............1.9,080.........6.4..............19#824......... 10__.00011 PAYBACK/STRAIGHT TIME... _ .....63,9.1.1.,9.3_ 74,.88 9.,92. 71,150.... 8.2- __ _.85,354 _20.0 10. 00012_.HOLIDAYLDOUBLE TIME... _........ .. . 13.4341X 13,341.30_ 17,500,00 ..... 16,435-82 _ ..18,550. 6..0 _1.9.273 3.9 10 00016 DIVE..TEAK OYERIIMELF.IRE ...4,377.49, ..... ..9,000...09 _ 6.465.4.9 __ .9,.54.0 6.0_... 9,912.......3.9 10 _00017 F.I.RE PREVISTRAIGHT TIME 2 015 00 -1,500-00. ......... 3.710 -6.0---.- 3..855 3 9 ..:...............SALARIES..AND..WAGES ...... .. ...........3.561,21.4.00......3.804,36.6.00'.....3,.802,.313.A5.......3.,982..222.... 4..5..:!...4,1.1.5:098... .;:3..3,. 2.0.....0.0002..RE T.I.REMEN T/.LEOf.F.........................................,.4.1.1...00............183,.349...77............1.94,355..........1...8...........1.99.779.........2...8.. 20 .00003..F.I.CA........... _... .... __._..8.5.28.,.17. ........ 9.891...00 1.1,373.08 _ ._1.1,.669 ....18.0.._ _.... __..3.2.. 20 ...0.0.004.PREPAID MEDLCAL....... _.. _......._...257.911..24.........332,380.00. .....:_327,.154...00 ..._..413,5.32.......23..1.... .._5.. 25..0. 20 _00006 INDUSTRIAL..INSURANCE ... ......_28,.506..18. ........36.,338..00..... ._.36,4.09.06 ._......45,368......35.8._.. ......48.,.77.1.. 7.5 20 ..00007..LLFE...I.NSURANCE...._ _........... _.....13.,.273...82 __......14.,.855...00. - 44.604.88 _ ....1.4,73.9........1.3.-......_...15.,.027__ 2.0. 20.....000.09..PREP.AID..DENTAL...............................................5.1.,.864..00..............64.530..00..............63.827..0.0.............,.235.......25.0... 10 20.....00Q1.4..UNIFORM.. L CE ... ...... 3...000...00........... 30,000.00. ........... :............0.........3 ....... . .......... 0.... .......0... * PERSONNEL:BENI FITS 564,'574.'!?. .683,405 00 .636,717.79 ?"140.1. 15.47..........iF23,765 16.8: 37 04004..OTHER..OPR/REPR/MAINT SUPPLIES ... ....26,6.20,42. .. ..1.9,9.0.1,.00.. 17,070.05 .. ... .19,901.. . .Q ....20.8.96 5...0. 31... 00005..BREAT.HING.APPARAT.US..REPR_..SUPL... _...-2,454-11.. ........2,.736...00.. _.......3,036.5.9 .........3,680......34.5........---J,0211.1-4.1 31 000.06 CITY...FIRE...EXT.LNGULSHERS.._............ ..._...........939...82...............1,.000..00......__.._......15.8.24..................._..0.....1.00.0.............. ..._......0.._.. 31.....000.1.0.SMALL...EQU.I.PMT...REPAIR...SUPP.LIES.....................16.7....44....................500...00......................2.4.35....................520.........4.0.....................546.........5..0... 31.....00028-PERSONAL...SAFETY-EQUIPMENT..............................622..5.1................7,200...00................,.293.........5.1... 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 12,031-46 20-000-00 , 18 146 6S 20,000 4 0 21,800 4 8 SUPPLIES , 494835.78 51,337.00' 45,278.44 154,694 6.5 57,367 4.9 214 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 020 DIV: FIRE SUPPRESSION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM MATTHEW TITLE: DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF 43. 00025_FIRE..SUPPRESSION.......... . .... __ .. . _1, .5,130.00 . 2,002.30. 2.,284_..55.5- 2,400 5.11 45....0.0002..EQUIPMT...RENTAL/.CAP.I.TAL-RECOV ............1.1,328„0.0.......... .1.1.,304.00............1.1.,.328.,.00.... .......12.,5.79 ...1.1.,3. . .... 1.3..143 .....4.5... 45....0.0.004...COPY..14ACKI NE..RT.L/F.IRE..S.TAT.I.ONS..............,.45.0.00.....................554...40.....................700.......5.1...7-..................735.........5...0.. 48....O.QQ OO...RE PA I.R.S...&..MA I N TENAN.CE..................................1.5.87.,64...............,313-77...............313.00.......I Q..Q................3.630......10-0- 4.8...-0.0.005... 0.,.0.4.8. .0.0005...FIRE.EQUIPMT./REP.AIR...&..MTC.. ......... 71.779 77............8.0,000..00... .....79.,.657..05... ....83,000 .....3 8 ...........91.3.00 . .iQ..O.. 48 00035.BREATHING_APPARATUS REPR/MTC 94256.... 1,000,00. 1.,202,10 _ _...2.,460....146 0... _ 2,706 10.0 48 00.036 SMAL.I_E9UIPMT.REPAIR/MA.LNT _..133,.15 ... ......600.00 _..1.58,82.... _ .1,660. ..1.76..7... ._. ....1..8.26 10,0 49 _00012 MEMBERSH.IPS.& .REGISTRATION_ ...........__.1,.313..00..............5,.000...00__ .....1,1.69.87 _ ..._ .2,2.0.0.. ..56.0.-..... .....2,.310 5.0. 49 00017 LAUNDRY....... - -- .. .............. ---.3,748.37,--.........1,300.00 3.950 11... -3,432... -4.9. 3.603 5.0 * OTHER..SERVICES AND...CHARGES93.648 .8 110,784 00 102,336.42.......... ...... ..8............2'.1.65.3. 9:.0: 64 00030 FIRE SUPPRESSION MACH & EQUIP .00 QO 13-930,09- 0 _. 0 ... .0 * CAPITAL OUTLAYS 00 00 M"0 09 0 .0 37.536 .10- FIRE 0FIRE SUPPRESSION 4,269,D78.08 4,654,892.00 4,592,452.09 4,939,182 6.1 5,255,419 6.4 ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 030 DIV: FIRE PREVENTION/INVESTIGATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE: GARY GOTTI TITLE: FIRE MARSHAL/BATTALION CHIEF 08 00016 FIRE PREVENT ION/INVESTIGATLON 555 37- 00 000 .0 ..0 ....0 *.. .IN.TERFD RE.IMBURSMTS(EXP CREDIT ..555 37 ... 00 .. QO . 0 Q ;:0 .0.. 10 .0.0.000.-SALARIES-AND...WAGES....................................314.782.,01 .......36.0,174..00 353.,.724.,.18............369,.1.78..........1. 1..........,.1... 1.0....0.0002...QVE.RTIME....... ....... . . . ........ ... ...... .....2.4.04..422..... .....,2..954 0Q.... ........2,69.1.,.78... ........31.028 .......2.5 ..... 3..146 ....3...9.. 10 00007 STANDBY PAY/FIRE PREV 6,583.87 8 725 00 7,350.89 8,725 0 8,725 .0 * SALARIES AND WAGES 323,770.30 371,853.00 363,766.85 380,931 2.4. 396,009 4.0 20. 0.000.1...RET.I.REMENT/.WPERS...........................................1.8,9.82„3.7.............24,605..00..............22,.654.,.25..............24.,.662..............2.............25.71.7.........4..3.. 20...00002..RETTREMENT/.LEOF.F.............................................,085.00................4.,.016...34................4.,299.........5.,.2............... 20....0,0003...FICA.................................................. ...........,.79.7..00.............22..837..77.... ........23,852..............2. . ...._,24.866 ......4...3.. 20....0.0.004-PREPAID...MEDICAL.............................................20.831..0.8.............2.7,.585.,.00..............26.,052,.24..............34,.294.......24.,.3..............42.8.68.......25.,.0... 20 00006 .INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE _ .... 2,402.03. ..6,.400,00 ..... 6.,063,38_ 7.,.305...1.40.2..... _7,854 7.5 20 00007 LIFE INSURANCE __ .....1..277.12 ____1.,.522,00_ _ 1.,419..18_ _1.,484 2.5-_ .....1,520 _ 2,4 20 00009 PREPAID_DENTAL 4,.598.00 ... 5,.988.00 5,763.00 7,536 25.9 _ 9,.420 -25.0- 20 00014_UNIFORM_ALLOWANCE_ 400.00-- .400.00_ .00_ .,400 _. 0 400 _.0 . . ...*..........PERSONNEL-BENEF.I.TS:.. .......... ...........71,959,.48.::. ...94,382:00........ .....88.,.806..16..... ._..103,832..:...10..:0 .. ... .....12..7.. 31 ...0.O.000..QF F.I.CE/.OPERAT I N.G..SU.PPL.IES.........................3.5.67,.30...............4,.50.0,.00................4.,.750...88................4,.680.........4...0...............4,9.1.5........5...0... 31 00009 LOCK BOXES _ 47.56- .00_ 127,21 _._ 0 _ ,0 . ,0 0 31 00013 PUBLIC EDUCATION SUPPLIES 1,.095.09...._ 1,200.00 .1,.255,52 _2.,050 70.8 2,650 29.3_ 31 00.020 CARE_BEAR..DONATIONS _ .. _.. ....546..43...... . .......453.57 . .. 802.04-- _ .... 0 .0._ 0 .0 31 .00028 PERSONAL SAFETY..EQUIPMENT.._ ......... _ ............00 .. . ..._.....5.00..00.... .... __....O.Q ... 500.. ......0. _ _..500 ____.0_ 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT Z.565-41 3-0.50-0.0 -,LO29.1.1 11 27.9.72,.270 3.2... *.. ....SUPPLIES:'.:. .... .... .... .747u 67 ... .9.,703 57 ..6,:360.68:: .... 9..430 .::2.8 ... 10.335 . ...9:.C.: 41 00046 FIRE INVESTIGATION _- ...59.73 .... 300.00 I.. ...136,24. 306 2,0 321 4,9 . 43 .00011 FIRE PREVENTION_.TRAVEL_.._. 5.65,11 _. 7,.240 00... 2,444.81.. 4,725.......34.7- .. .4.950 4,8.. 45 .00002-E.QUIPMT..RTL/CAPITAL..RECOV . 7,476-00--- 7.,.476...00 6,126.0.0.. 1.1.,701. ....56.5 .... ...13.,.457 15.0_ 45 000.04 COPY.MACHIME..RENTAL/FIRE PREV . 3,344.74 3,578.00. 3.353.64- 3,578 .0. .3,578 .0_ 48.....000.00..REPAIRS.4.MAINTENANCE............ ...................577..75.............1.,375.,.00....... ......1..1.86,.0.9.. ........1...43.0........4.0..............1.,.500... ....4.9... 49.....000.1.2-MEMBERSHIPS..L REGISTRATION....................:..1.,.26.1.,.00................1,830.,.00................2..1.1.0,.0.0................1..50.0.......1.8..0.................1.,.600..........6.7... 49_..Q0016_PUBL.I.CAT.I.ONS. _........ __....... __ .........988...29.__ _ ..9.1900..00.._ ..2 .1.69,.4.8. . ._ ...Lou-......65.5.-... * OTHER,SERVICES AND CHARGES 14,272.6E 24,699.00 17,526,.26. 24,:24#1 1 9 26,456 9.1 64 00031 FIRE PREV MACHINE & EQUIPMENT DO 5,500-00 4.320.89.. 0 100 0 ..20,200 .0_ CAPITAL OUTLAYS 00 5,500.00 4320.89 _- 0 100.0- 20.200 .0 ** FIRE PREVENTION/INVESTIGATION 417,173.70 506,137.57 480,780.84' 518,433 2.4 576,057 10.0 215 aw CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET go EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL o 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE io ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 040 DIV: FIRE TRAINING PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LARRY EAGER TITLE: TRAINING CAPTAIN 10._.0.0000.FIRE_TRAINING.... ...... .... _...16, . ._102,.052.00......_.102,182.15... _.1.18,1.98. 9.4.7--.....120,128 _. 1.6. ................. 1.0....O.OQ02..STAND..S.Y...OVERT.IME...........................................1,752.0.0...............3,50.0.00................4,.687..98................3.,.710.........6..Q................3,85.4 3'.9.. IN 1..0 0.0006...TRAINING..OVERT.IME/FIRE 9.0.4-5.7 1,500-00 .........6_539.72 1 590 6.4 652 3..9.. * SALARI:ES AND.WAGES _.....34,266.:01 107,052.00 123,49.8-1-1.5.4 125,634 .. 1.7 20_ 00002.RETIR.EMEN.T./LE.OFF............. _.I. _... .......... 2.1.376.68 ............6,349.,00........_....6,605..12 .....7,.35.2 ..94.,7... _......7,.472. __.1,.6_ 20 00004..PREPAID. MEDICAL. .. ._.. 3,037.0.0 ...........8,54.0.00..... .......8.,.540...00............12.,.816.....150..1._ ....1.6.020 _.25..0 . iBr 20 OOOOZ LIFE.INSURANCE._ ._ .... . ...... ..157.05 __.............329.00. ..._ __...361...90......._. .......464.._ .82..0 _.....__......4.71 ___.1.5 . ... 20....0.0009...PREPAID...DENTAL......................................................,782.00.................1.,.782..00................2.,448.....15.1...9................3.0..60.......25..0.. 20....0.0Q14...UN.IFQRM.ALLOWANCE ......... .... .. ......40.0.00 ..................... 00... ..............800.... 00..0. ................8.00...........0.. * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 'b,487.73 17,400.00 171289.02 23,880 37.2 27,823 16.5 im 31_..00000 OFFI.CEIOPERAT.ING SUPPLIES _..779.,.97 1.,.200,00 1,.157,0.3___..... .1.124.$_.-4..0....__ ....1.1310 .. . 5,.0 35. OOQOO SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1 619 24 3 400 00 4,203.29 3 536 4-.0- 3 712 5 0 * _ .SUPPLTESr ....... _' : .... .._`2,.399.:21 ... 4.600..:00 ......._....5.360.32 ....i:..._4.784"......4.0' .......5.,.022..::.. 5.0. 41.....000.82..EMT...INSTRUCTOR................................................3...15Q..OQ................4.,.000...00................2,520,.0.0................4,.00.0............,0................4.,.00.0..............0... 41.....QQ0.88...INSTR.VCTORS/QN-.S.I.TE...T.RAI N.I.NG..................3.,.205...QQ................$...000...00................2.246..25...............:.4..00.0......50..0.-..............4...200.........5,.0... as 43.. 00.012 FIRE..TRAINING TRAVEL . 749.27 _ .._ 1.,.812,.00 _. _1,1.03.61 _____1.,.700.........6_,2- . . .1,785. -3.0 45 _00002_ELaUIPMENT RENTAL...... .._..2,460.,00 -2,460.00 __.. _2,4..60,00..... _ 3,.149. .28.0. 3,193. 1.,4 48 _00000 REPAIRS.1, MAINTENANCE _ 89.27 ... _4.00.00 ..... 408...81_ .... 600.__50..0 .... 660_ 10..0 49 _0.0012 MEMBERSHIPS.&.REGISTRAT.ION .............155.00 _ __ 60.0-00..... .........565...00......... ......500.... 16..7.. .........525 __ 5.0 it 4.9....0.0016...PUB.LICAT.IONS......... ........2 .1.94.95. .......3 00.0.00..............2.283..94................3..1.20........4.,.0................3 276.........5..0.. OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 12 003.49 20 272.00 11 587.61 17 069, 15.8- 20,639 20.9 ** FIRE TRAINING 60,156.44 149,324.00 147,646.80 169,231 13.3'' 180,118 6.4 io ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 050 DIV: FIRE FACILITIES PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM MATTHEW TITLE: DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF 3.1.....00QQ0...FIR.E..FAC J.LI.TI.ES................................... .... ... .0.0...................... .OQ .................9...82 Q. ..0 0 ...........Q.. No 31__00021 OFFICE/.OPR... UPPLIES/STA. 11__ ... ... ....4,113.9.2 _.4,50040 _...._.5,$21.1$. _... .._5.,500.. 22.,2 31 00022 OFFICE/OPR SUPPLIES/STA 12 ........ _1.,111.5$..... 1,200,00 . ___..1.,4$9,.16 ... .. ..1,.200 -.09 _ 1.,400__..1.6.,7 31_00023 OFF ICE/OPR_SUPPLIES/STA 13 775.02 _. _.825..00 _ ._.... ...558.03._. 950......15.2 _....1,100___15.8 35 _000.11 SMALL TOOLS/MI.NOR EQ/STA_1.1 4,052.94 .... 5..000.00 . _3,864.99 . 5,200 ......4.0_ 5,460 _ _5.0_ jlo 35.....000.1.2..S14ALL...TOOLS/MI.NOR..EQ/.SIA...1.2....................3,.340...22................5,000...00................3,4.63..0.7...............5,.05.0.........1.0................6,400.....26.7.. 35.....Q00.13...S .ALL...TOOLS/MINOR Eft/STA 13 1-647.44 3_208-0.0 1.583.4$ 5 800 80.8................ 750 1$ 1 * SUPPLIES 15.041._12 19,733.00 16,789..;73 23.700 20,1 25,135_ _ 6.1 4$ 00031_REPAlRSLMAINT/S.TgTIQN 1.1 ..2,9..05.27 . .....31,50-00 _ _ - _ 3,600... 2,9. 3,750 _4,2.. im 48 00032 REPAIRS/MAINT/STATION.12 ...697.97 1,000,009 ........ ......3.41.45. ..........1.,.110_ .1.1.0 ...__1,200 _ _.8.1 48 00033 REPAIRS/MA INTISTATION 13 1-188.39 1,000-00 960 07 1,850 85.0 2 450 32.4 * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 44791.63 S 500 00 2,19 7 51 6,560" 19.3 7 400 12.8 "* FIRE FACILITIES 19,832.75' 25,233.00 18,987.24 30,260 14.9 33,535 10.8 to ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 060 DIV: FIRE/HAZ-MAT RESPONSE PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM MATTHEW TITLE: DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF IN 31 .00011 F.I.RE HAZ-MAT.RESPONSE.. .. .5. 646..85.. ...11 .640...00 ..... .. ..11,925-09...... 12,105.- ..4.0 ......._.1 .710 ..5.0 S'#1PPLIE.S ..............5,646.85. 11.,640..00 1'1,925-69 ..... 12,4059: ..4.41. .......1.2,710 5.0 43.. 00.024-FIRE,_HAZMAT-TRAVEL/TRAINING........ .......658...50.. ._......7.,.693...00............-5,197.23 .............2,50.0... ..67.5........_ ..2,.625_... 5.0_ 48__00037 HAZ-MAT..E.QUIPMT..REPAIR..&..MAI NT..._ .._.._.......00................1,000...00....... ........_728.0.0........._._.1,10.0......1.0.0..:.._._.......1,.21.0__ 1.0.0 49.....Q0033..HAZ-MAT.MEMBERSHIPS &� REliISTRA 300 QO .3-000-M 1r * 21,469.40 1,100 _63.3 1-155- -5-0... OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 958.50: T1 693.00 8394.23 4700 54.84 4990 6.2 ** FIRE/HAZ-FIAT RESPONSE 6,605.$5 23,333.00 20,320.12 16,805 28.0 22,200 32.1 iNr 216 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 X 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 009 522 061 DIV: FIRE/DIVE TEAM PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JIM MATTHEW TITLE: DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF 31 0.0.024 FIRE/DIVE-TEAM 2,179.11 7 044.00 6,829.03 ._ 7,325 4.0 7.6.92 .5.0 . SUPPLIES...................................................... 21179.11 7,044A.0 ,.375 4 0 .7.692 ..5.0.. 48 0094.&.D.I.VE..EQU.IPMEN.T..REPAIRIMAINT ........... ......909..97... ........1,310..00.............. 7.25.43................1,44.1........10.0......... .......1.,585 .1.0..0... 49 00041 DIVE TEAM MEMBRSHIP & REGISTRA 1,000.00 2 550.00 1,010.00 1 300 49.0- 1.365 5.0 * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1,909.0 3 860 00 1,733,43 2741 291.:0- 2950 7.6 ** fIRE IVE TEAM C080.08 10,904-00 8,562.46 %066 7.74 24,708 145.5 **" FIRE CONTROL 5,208,161.81 5,870,416.57 5,753,617.79 6,206,624 5.7 6,660.093 73 ACCT: 000 000000 009 525 060 DIV: FIRE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JACK MC LAUGHLIN TITLE: EMERG MANAGEMENT OFFICER/BATTALION CHIEF 10_00000_F.IRE.EMERGENCY_MANAGEMEN7 56,952.00. ....65.766.00...........66 211,93.. .70 252 5.0 7.1 .224 1..4.. *.. SALARIES..AND WAGES 56,952.00 65,766.00 66.211.43: 70..252 6.8 71,224 1:4>: 20 00.002 RETIREMENT/LEOFE____......__ 3,542.41- ...4,160-00- .4,091.0.0_ .4,370 __ 5.0 ...114,430 _1..4_ 20 00004 MEDICAL ... _ 4,320 25.0 ... _5.,400 25.0_ __.. _ ... _2,582.00 _. 3.,456.00_ 3,456.00... 20...00007. 1FE...I.N SURANCE......................................................19.1...95....................279...00....................21.3.85.....................278............4.-...................282.........1..4... 20.....000.09..DENTAL........................................................................485...00.....................612...00.................... 5.....................960.......25.0... 20 000.14 UNIFORM.ALLOWANCE .QO._ 400.00 _ .O.Q. 400 .0... .400 .0_ ..PERSONNEL BENEFITS 6,801.36... 8,907.00_ 8;.372.85 10,136 13.8 11.472 13..:2 31. 00000.OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 58..90__ 275.00.. ... ...1.5.12 . _28.6_ _ 4.0.. . . .290 1.4 31 00016 EMERG.OPR_CENTER_SUPPLIES __ 70.1.39...... _ ...1.,500..00 _ ...30.8.8__ .....1.,.560 ..4.0 _ _1,638 5.0 31....000.1.7..F.I.ELD...D I SASTER..SUP.PL.IES........_........................69.1...18................2,.000...00......................30.,8.8...............2,08.0.........4.0............_.2,.184.........5.0._ 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EBUIPMEN7 734 68 500-00 00 520 4 0 546 .......5.0... * SUPPLIES _ 2.186,15 : 4,:275.00.. 76.88 A.,446-1_:4.0 4,658 4.8 43 00014 CIVIL DEFENSE TRAVEL .. .... . .00_ ....... 1,000,00_.. ........3,61,16 ...... .. 550_..47.0- _ __ .560 5,7 . 43 _00061_EMERG .MGT..KEY OFFICIAL TRAING_. ___2,173...60 ......2,.000..04 . __ _ _U.Q .........2,.040 .... 2.0.... ....2,142 __5.0_ 48 00000 REPAIRS & .MAINTENANCE .._ _ ._ __ 314.24..... .. .....5.00.00 ........ ... .0.0 . ---550- 10 0 605 10.0 49.....QOQI.2..MEMBERSHIP.S..&..REGISTRATION...........................115...00....................275..00.................... .......210.......5.0... f 49.....000.1.6..P..UBL.I.CAT.I.ONS ......... .................... ........24...89..... ...... ...400..00........ .........1.41,..1.6.. . .. ...... 41.6....... 4 0........ ........436 .......4.8... * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 2.627j3. 4,175,00 910 32 3,736 10-5- 3,953 5.8 *** EMERGENCY SERVICES 68,567.24 83,123.00 75,571.98 88,570 6.6 91,307 3.1 ACCT: 000 000000 009 526 080 DIV: FIRE/EMS LIFE SUPPORT PERSON RESPONSIBLE: JACK MC LAUGHLIN TITLE: EMERG MANAGEMENT OFFICER/BATTALION CHIEF 31 00003 FIRE/EMS LIFE SUPPORT 19,019.76 17,500.00 18 777.24 18,200 4.0 19.110 5.0 * SUPPLIES 19,019.76 17,500.00 18,777.24 18,200 4.0 19,110 5.0 43.....00054..EMS..TRAVE.L/TRA INING....................... ................405...62...............1,000...00...................530.63................1.,20.0......20.0............... 1.,.260. .....5..0... 48.....00.03.4-AID-EQUIPMENT...REPAIR..&..MAI.NT.......................526...61................3,5.00...00................ 49 000.18.EMS MEMBERSH.IP.S.&_REGI,STRA.........................110.. 0.... .. .._...515,.00_. _....... . _ 75.0_..45„6...._ _..790 5.3 _ * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 10W 28 5 tf15 00 2390 9b 6 450 28 6 7006 8.5 *** AMBULANCE RESCUE & EMERG AID 20,062.04 22,515 00 21,168.202/.x650 9.5 26.110 5.9 **** FIRE DEPARTMENT 512961791.09 :5,9761054.57 > 598501357.97 6,3196844 5.8 6,777,510 7.2 ACCT: 000 000000 011 558 060 DIV: HEARING EXAMINER PERSON RESPONSIBLE: FRED KAUFMAN TITLE: HEARING EXAMINER 10 00000 HEARING EXAMINER 85,984.39 91 053.00 90 326.98 93,396 5.9 96,496 3.3 SALARIES AND WAGES 85,984 39 91,053.00 90,326.98' 93,396 :' 2.6 964496 3.3 20.....00.00.1.RETIREMEN.T./WPERS.... ......... . ..............b.,.4b7..56........ ....7,230...00... ........7,034.34......... .7,4.1.6........5.9........... .7,.662......3 3... 20.....000.03..F.I.CA........................................................................6.,.354...88................6,472...00................6..4.43..1.0................6,717.........4„4................6.,.879.........2.4... 20.....000.0.4-PREPAID-MEDICAL...............................................2,.672...52................4,.977...00................4.956.0.0................6..192......24.4................7,.740.......25...Q... 20__00006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE __ __ __ _154.78_. .__.___300.00_.... .274.99... .......... .340 ..95.4.. .....365._ __7.4 217 so CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT. DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 011 558 060 DIV: HEARING EXAMINER PERSON RESPONSIBLE: FRED KAUFMAN TITLE: HEARING EXAMINER 20._.0000.7 HEARING.EXAMINER 1111..... _.._ 3.08.72........ ......-.369.W.- --__...303....6 372 -.8.... ........_.3.83_ 3.0 20....OQ009...PREPAID..DEN.TAL. 5.77.00 ................924.00 ......... .....9.2.4. 1,164....... 6...0..............1 .455......25...0.. wr ..: ..........................:16,335..46 ...... .20.,272:.00 .......::...1.9.935,49 ...........22,.201 .......9,5... ....::24,.4$4.......10.3.:: 1111 31. 00000.O.FF.IC.E/OP.ERAT.LNG..SUPP.L. S....... 1111._._. ..117.94. 800..00.1_.1 11... ...350.,3.3.. .... _...80.0__........,0..._......_.....800.._ .0... 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 00 500 00 00 500 0 600 20.0 * SUPPLIES 117.94 ...........1.,300:OQ.. ..... .350_33...._.........1..300... ......0 1..4fl0:: Z.7_. 41... 00048..PROFE.SS.S.V/PRQ..TEM/VAC.RE.LIEF , � . QO................S.,.QQO....O...........................,A.O.........................0.....1.OQ„0.:.......................0.............0... 43.....00.0.27..LAND..USE...T.RAVEL......................................................70...07....................800..00............................0.0....................80.0............0.....................90".0 ....12..5... 48.....000.09..REPA.IRS.. -MA.I.NTENANCE.........................................73...04.....................1.50...00.......................23...0.4....................15.0........... 0.....................150............,0... 49_..Q0012_MEMBERS HIPS& REG.ISTRA .1111 _ .......816.76..... 1.,000.00 :.. . ....1.,.1.86,25 _ .......1,00.0 ........0 1...000.. ......0... 49 00016 PUBLICATIONS 438.70 400.00 314.00 400 .0 400 .0 * .....OTHER.'.SERVICES..AND..CHARGES.... . :.1.,.39$.:57 .7,350-0Q ....._'>:...1.5.73:29. ... ......2,35:0 ....68.:0 . 2,450;: 4.3 b4....000Q0..CAPITALHaRING EXAM/CAP.I.TALIZED EXP 2 346 63 2 000 00 1.9-89-80 1.510.0 .25-0.7 0 100 0 * CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2 346 63 2 000 00 1.989.80 1 300 25 0 0 100 0 ***" HEARING EXAMINER DEPARTMENT 106 432.99 121 975.00 114 175.89 120,747 1.0- 124 830 3.4 • ACCT: 000 000000 014 516 010 DIV: PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION to PERSON RESPONSIBLE: BEVERLY NELSON GLODE TITLE: PERSONNEL MANAGER 1.0....0.000.O...PERSONNEL-ADMI N.I.STRAT I ON.......................155.430.5.1............145.,.877.00............145.,.745...51............1.77.,363.........b...5............1.85.229.........4...4.. 1.0....0.0002-OVERTIME ......... 332.4.7 ..... ..... ........00 ..... .... ..QO... ...... .. .......0.. . ......0 0. ...0... .. ............... * SALARLES AND tiAGES 155,762.'.48 145,8T7.OQ 145,745 S1 177,363 21.6 185,229 _4.4 20 00001 RETIREMENT/WPERS .... .. 11.,658.56 .... 11.,329...00.... 11.,3$6.6.1__.....__14,08.2 ...6.5 14,707 4,4 20 _00003 FICA__ _. 11, ....1.1,427.00 _ _10.,871..90 13,.1.89. _ ..7.0 13,534_ 2.6 20_ 00004 PREPAID. MEDICAL __11,.76.1.40 _..__13,731.00 _. 73,.730...43 __......18,605___21.2 __ 23,256_ 25..0 20.....0..006 . INDUSTRIAL...INSURANCE....................................... 48 . ....720S3 . .. ..................................................620.4.6....................534.00. ..............598.83.....................722.......1.5..... ............746.........3.3.20 . 00009_PREPAID DENTAL_ 2-11130 -2,349.00 .....2.58.1..24 _ 3.506 18..2 4 383_ _25.0 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 37,762.34 39,465:.00 c:39,696:;42 50,801 2T,1. 57,374_ 12.0 31 00000 OFFICE/OPERATING_SUPPLIES _ ___.. 1,863.30 2,000.00 _ -2,72.1.73. . .......2,700_ 35.0 2,.700 .0 . 35 00000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMT 917 33 -.1,000.00 308 77 1 OQO Q 1-000. 0 Wr * SUPPL.LES. ..;2,.780..:63 ....::3,000..00. 3 03M.10 3 700......23,3'. 3,.700..... ..:.fl.:. .. .1111. • 1111.. ,. 41.....00018-D.IREC.TOR...RECRUITMENT. ... ........ 00 ..18,407...00 .......18.6.30..01 0. .0 0. ... ...0... 1111. 41 _00049 LABOR &_PERSONNEL CORSULTANTS .......' _.4,437.62 1.5,000.00 .... 31,094..11. ...... 10,000.....33,3- 10,400 4,0_ 41 00097 CLASSIFICATION STUDY. _. _.. ...8.,729.,87 .00 ..__ ... ....._,Do, 0. _..0 10 4100123_.EMPLOYEE .TRAINING/DEVELOPMT .___.. _...1.0,523.2.6 12,00.0.00 _. ._.13.,604...00 ..12,500 _4...2 _ _13,000_ 4.0 43 _00028 PERSONNEL ADM..TRAVEL _. _. . ._.._1,973.45. _... 2,70.0.00. ..... .2,279...64.. _111 1.2.,.700. _..0..._.. .2,.700 .0 43....0.0040...TU.I.T ION...RE.IMBURSEMENT..................................5,.1.98.,42................6,802.00................4.,.252..58................6.,300.........5...0................6,900.........9..5.. 4.4....0.000...ADVERTI..CMAINTENNNEL................................1.8.823 75..............15,.00.0.00..............15.,.89.4...63..............16,.000.........6...7...............1.7..0.09.........6..3.. 48....O.OQ00...REPAIRS..&..MA I NTENAN.CE..................................1.751.22............... ................1.,.850...6.1................2.500..............0................2.5.00.......... ....0.. 4.9....00.012...MEMBERSHIPS...&..REGI S.T.RAT.I.ON.......................3.008,.2.8...............2,23.O..QO................2,.285...1.4................2.300.........3...1.............:..2,4.00.........4...3.. 49 ..00016 PUBLICA.TIQN.S..._ 1..598.$4. 49 00025_H _ ...1...$00.00__ _.. _1...802.139 . 1,900_......5.6 1111. ..2,000 5.3 _. UMA...R.I.GHT..S.COMM!$SI.ON _ _.0O ..00 __... 19.00 1,000._ 1.,000_ 49 00062 EMPLOYEE..RECOGNITION..PROGRAM. 0.. . t1w ..00. ..... 4,500..00 ._..4,025.07 5,00.0. 100.0... .. .._5.,000. _ _..0_ 49 _00070.EMPLOYEE..ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ...... 10-020.40 12 420.00 .__.....1.0 920 .......4.0-1..... .13..570 5.0... *.........OTHER..SER1fICES.:AND..CHAkGES.................. ..lb .1.1.5...1.1: ......... .........107,.160.:58 ........79,.12fl:....75...3;:.........83.474::':.....5..5.. 64_00025 PERSONNEL MM MACH & EC.UIPMENT. ..0.0. . 1.1 740..00 .... 8.986.41 ........... ....0... 100...0- 2.000 * CnPITA1 OUTLAYS 00 11,740.00 a 986 01 fl 1fl0 0 2 000 0 ** PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 262,421.06 293,941.00 3044619.02 310,984: 5.8 331,773 6.7 asp r 218 CITY OF RENTON 1993 - 1994 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: GENERAL 1991 1992 1992 1993 % 1994 % ACCT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ADJ BUDGET YTD BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET CHANGE ACCT: 000 000000 014 516 020 DIV: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION di PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DIANE BATES TITLE: CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINER 10 00000 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 28,252 22 31,436 00 3.1,377 69 31.,074 . 8 .. 32,638 .5.,0 1.0..... 0002 OVERTIME 260 79 ... 00 QO 0 0 ...0 0 .....*: ......SALAR.I.ES-AND..AGES.!......... ... ........28.,.513.01............31..436:.00............31 3T7„69....... ....31,07?r.........1.2............32,.638........5.0... 20 000.01 RETIREMENTIWP.ERS.._ ... ......... 2.,.1.95.72.. .. .....2.,496.00__ .......2,442.,3.3..-__...2,.468.. .9_...__..._.2.592___.5.0 _.1.,.938..9. ....._2,405.,..0.. _.... 2.217.68 _2,.377...... .,8.............2.,.497 . 5,0 20 _000.03 FICA .... _ 4,723 11 i 5,904 .25...0. 20._.00004.PREPAID MEDICAL .._ 3, _3,778.00 ... .. 3.,.777..57 . .. ..- 20..0.0006 INDUSTRIAL..INSURANCE ...- __ _._ ...69.26 .. . ...142.00 ......123.40. .......153 .93.7.. ..... _..164 _7..2 20....0.0007..LIFE..I N.SURANCE.......................................................121„26....................13.1...0.......................137..01.....................1.38.........5...3..._..:.............138..............0.. 20 00009 PREPAID DENTAL 650 70 8.75-00, .694.76................ 874 1- ..... 1.0.92 ...24.,.9.. * P€RSONHEL:BENEfITS _ 8,1;75.49 9.,827.00_ 9,392,75_ 10;T33 9.2 12,.387 15,,4 31 OOOQO OFFICEIOPERATING SUPPLIES ____.. 472-89 - 300,00_ __. 438,23_ 30.0: _ ,0 __ 300 _ _ .,0 35 00000 SMALL TOOLSIMINOR EQUIPM7 235 00 00 2.13.... -5.00-__.......0.... _5.00 _ ..0. *.........SUPPLIES...,........... .. .......707,89...... 300..00..... ...::440.36:.. .......'L80.0....166.7 ...... ....::.::800 _r:::A... 41.....000.1.9..P.SYCHI.POL:Y..EXAMSI.NEW...R IAU.....................6,304.,69................8..695..00...............4.23.5„5.1... .........7,.50.0..........,,9....... ....7,.509........1.0... 41.....00.020-E.NTR/PROMO7..EXAMSAN.I.FORM........................4.,.1.25...61..............24.,.850.,.00.............24.5.96x.9..4..............1.0,.00.0.......1.6.7............14,.000.......4.0.0... 41 000.21 PHYSICAL.EXAMSINEW.UN.I.FORM _ ..__ _ 6.,609.84. . 7,585,00 .__ _ 3.975..9.2... 7,000___.. .Q___ 71000 .___ ,0 41 00073 FIRE PHYSICAL ABILITY TEST .. . __..00... 6,500,00 _.__¢.500.00 _.. .. 0 IMO7. Q. -- •0 43 _ 00.029 CIVIL..SERV COMM TRAVEL _ .. _.214.73 _ . 800.00_ .603..11 1.,200__._50.0 11.11.2000 44 00019 ADVERTISING/CIVIL SERVICE _ __ ___.1,369.65 ...2,.000.00... ___1,.218.52 ... 2.,.000... ....0 ___... 2,0.00 ____.0 d 4.8.... I.NTENAN.CE.......................................146.0.8....................15.0..00.....................146.,.08.....................1.50..............0.....................15.0..............0... 4.9......0012..MEMBERS.HIPS...B..REGISTRA....................................9.1.0,...0....................50.0.00.....................640.,.00.....................800.......60.,.0................ ....8.00..............0.. 49 .00016 PUBLICATIONS ___ . .___ 92.0.0 _.. ... .150,00__ .. .......123...55 .. . 150.. ,0 - 1.50 __.0 * OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 19 T72 60 51 230 00 42,039.63, 28 800 43 8- 32,800 13.9 ** CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 57,168.99 92,793.00 83,250.43 73,407 -:20.9 78,625 7.1 �1 ACCT: 000 000000 014 516 021 DIV: PERSONNEL PART TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE: DIANE BATES TITLE: CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINER 10 00000 PERSONNEL PART TIME 00 6,865.00 6,962.63 6,240 97.2 6,552 5.0 "....:....SALAR IES..AND...WAGES. ... .... ...00::.. ........6,865.00.... .......6,:962..63.:. ........6.,240....... 9.1-:.......::_::6,552..:::...5..0.. 20....0.0.003...FICA................................... ...0.... ......526.00.... ........532..66... ..... 478 .....96.7....... 5.02 . ...5.,.0.. 2000004 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 00 55 00 56.58.. 51 183 3 ..55 _.7.8 * PERSONNEL BENEFITS 00 $81.00 589.24 529 9.0- 557 5.3 ** PERSONNEL PART TIME 00 7,446.00 7:551.87 6,769 9,1- 7,109 5.0 **** PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 3199590.05 394,180.00 395,421.32 391,160 .8 417,507 6.7 ACCT: 000 000000 015 532 010 DIV: PUB WORKS ADMINISTRATION 1 PERSON RESPONSIBLE: LYNN GUTTMANN TITLE: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 08: 00049 PUB WORKS.ADMIN.I.STRATION ............-_.-...2,7.50 9.0-.... ._.._.2,.92.0..00-..........-..2..920 40-... .......3,078-.....5,.4. .............3.2.32-__ 08. 00.050-REIMS F.ROM..SOLL4...WA..S7E_... .._....__ .......9.090.....-_. .......3,.000.00.-.... .....3,000.00- . ....... 200.0...............9,450-......5,0.. 08 _0005.1 REIMB .FROM-WATER_UTIL ... _ _ 19,300-007.-. .18.,.800..00- .... .1.8.187..12- ...19,815-- 5.4 ... .20.,.806- _5.0 1 08 _00052 REIMB-FROM..SEWER_UT IL ..... .......... ._.20.,.000.00-. .......18.,000.00-............1.8,000.0.0- .. ....18,972-.......5.4 .. ..19.,.920- _ 5.0... 08 00053 REIMS FROM STORM UTIL 2.0-00Q1.00!! 18 000 00- 18 0,00.10.0. 18 972- 5.4... 19.920........5„0... .....*...........IHTERFD.. MMBURSI�SMP. C&ED[X...::......71.Or0.00.:........60 RO.DO.-!..... ..60:,.107..12:-. .......:6 407 ..;:15. 0....::!...... 3.328...<....5.0.. 10 .00000