HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 Annual Budget e� Tl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Renton Municipal Bldg. J 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, WA 98055 D U D ems% .. �. 1995 - 1996 CITY OF RENTON Mayor: Earl Clymer Council: Randy Corman Bob Edwards Kathy Keolker-Wheeler w Toni Nelson Timothy J. Schlitzer Richard M. Stredicke Jesse Tanner �r► City of Renton ❑ 200 Mill Avenue South ❑ Renton, Washington 98055 ❑ (206) 235-2558 +* Printed on Recycled Paper TABLE OF CONTENTS IV Item Page IIiTRODUCTION City of Renton Mayor and City Council Picture iv Boards, Commissions and Committees v City Organization and Reporting Relationships,and Mission Statement vi Budget Message from the Mayor vii err GFOA Budget Award xvii Budget Related Goals with Policies xviii Reader's Guide to the Budget xxiii Budget Calendar xxvi 'w BUDGET SUMMARY Table 1: Major Revenue Sources and Assumptions-General Governmental Funds 1-1 Ir Table 2: Expenditure Budget Comparison by Fund 1-4 Table 3: Departmental Operating Budget Comparisons, Capital Improvements,and Designated Funds 1-6 Table 4: Revenue and Expenditure Summary-All Funds 1-8 Table 5: 1995 Revenues,Expenditures,and Fund Sources-All Funds 1-10 ;W Table 6: Revenue Detail-All Funds 1-14 Table 7: Expenditure Detail-All Funds 1-16 Table 8: Staffing Comparisons by Department 1-18 Table 9: General Governmental Fund Projections 1-20 Table 10: New Programs and Budget Changes to Base Budget 1-22 an Table 11: 1995 Capital Improvement Plan(CIP) 1-27 Table 12: Utility Rate Analysis and Projections for an Average Residential Customer 1-30 Table 13: Comparison of Renton Taxes and Rates 1-31 Table 14: Projected Limitation of Indebtedness for General Purposes 1-32 #►° Table 15: Local Construction,Building Permits,and Retail Sales Activity 1991-2000 1-34 Table 16: City of Renton Retail Sales 1-36 Table 17: Largest Taxpayers and Principal Employers 1-37 Table 18: Economic and Demographic Statistics 1-38 OPERATING BUDGET ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,OBJECTIVE,PROGRAM ACTIVITY,APPROPRIATION AND, STAFFING LEVELS,BUDGET SUMMARY, 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND 1995- 1996 OBJECTIVES Department/Division Name LEGISLATIVE(City Council) 2-1 City Council Committees(Committee Members,Meeting Times,Example Topics) 2-2 EXECUTIVE-Organizational Structure 2-5 Executive-All Divisions 2-6 Executive Administration(Mayor) 2-9 Judicial(Municipal Court) 2-12 Legal Services(City Attorney) 2-14 Hearing Examiner 2-16 City Clerk 2-18 Executive/Legislative Position Listing 2-20 60 HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT-Organizational Structure 2-21 Human Resources and Risk Management-All Divisions 2-22 Human Resources/Risk Management Position Listing 2-25 FINANCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES-Organizational Structure 2-27 ,g„ Finance and Information Services-All Divisions 2-28 Finance 2-30 Information Systems 2-32 Non-Departmental(Miscellaneous Services) 2-34 40 Finance and Information Services Position Listing 2-36 POLICE-Organizational Structure 2-37 Police-All Divisions 2-38 Administration 2-40 Operations Bureau 2-42 4W Support Services Bureau 2-45 Police Position Listing 2-49 FIRE- Organizational Structure 2-51 Fire-All Divisions 2-52 +rr Administration 2-54 Operations(Suppression,EMS Life Support,Hazmat,Dive Team) 2-56 Prevention 2-58 Training 2-60 *0 Emergency Management 2-62 Fire District#25 2-64 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET Wo i TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page OPERATING BUDGET(Continued) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE,OBJECTIVE,PROGRAM ACTIVITY,APPROPRIATION AND, STAFFING LEVELS,BUDGET SUMMARY, 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND 1993- 1996 OBJECTIVES Fire Position Listing 2-66 Fire Department Statistics 2-68 COMMUNITY SERVICES-Organizational Structure 2-69 Community Services-All Divisions 2-70 IN Administration 2-72 Facilities/General Services 2-75 Parks Facilities Maintenance/Landscaping 2-78 Community Center 2-81 aR Senior Activity Center 2-84 Recreation Services 2-86 Golf Course 2-89 Human Services 2-91 10 Community Development Block Grant Program(CDBG) 2-93 Library 2-95 Community Services Position Listing 2-97 PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS-Organizational Structure 2-99 40 Planning/Building/Public Works-All Divisions 2-100 Administration 2-102 Development Services 2-104 Transportations Systems-All Divisions 2-107 Transportation Systems/Street Fund 2-108 Transportation Systems/Airport 2-109 Planning/Technical Services 2-112 Utility Systems-All Divisions 2-116 Water,Wastewater, Surface Water Utility Systems 2-117 00 Solid Waste Utility Systems 2-120 Maintenance Services-All Divisions 2-121 Street Maintenance Services 2-122 Water,Wastewater,Surface Water Utility Maintenance Services 2-123 14 Solid Waste Utility Maintenance Services 2-123 Equipment Rental Services 2-123 Planning,Building,Public Works Position Listing 2-126 1995 New and Replacement Equipment Schedule 2-131 40 THE BUDGET BY FUND FUND DESCRIPTION,REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY AND DETAIL, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE General Governmental: General Fund 000 3-1 Expenditure Detail: Legislative Services(City Council) 3-7 40 Municipal Court 3-7 Executive Administration 3-8 Finance 3-9 Printing and Duplication Services 3-10 r00 Information Systems 3-10 Non-Departmental(Miscellaneous Services) 3-11 Legal Services(City Attorney) 3-12 Planning/Building/Public Works Development Services 3-12 go Police 3-15 Fire 3-20 Hearing Examiner .3-25 City Clerk 3-25 Human Resources and Risk Management 3-26 so Planning/Building/Public Works Administration 3-27 Planning/Building/Public Works Planning/Technical Services 3-28 Human Services 3-30 Parks Fund 101 3-32 So Streets Fund 103 3-41 Planning/Building/Public Works Transportation Systems(103/16) 3-44 Planning/Building/Public Works Maintenance Services(103/19) 3-47 Library Fund 106 3-49 Limited General Obligation Bond Funds 207/212/215 3-53 1978 Limited G.O. Bond Fund(Senior Center) 207 3-54 1989 Limited G.O. Refunding Bond Fund (City Shop)212 3-55 General Government Miscellaneous Debt Service Fund 215 3-56 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page THE BUDGET BY FUND-Continued FUND DESCRIPTION,REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY AND DETAIL, No AND CHANGES II7 FUND BALANCE Special Revenue: Arterial Street Fund 102 3-57 Community Development Block Grant Fund 104 3-59 Impact Mitigation Fund 105 3-66 rr Reserve for Paths and Trails Fund 118 3-69 1%for Art Fund 125 3-71 Cable Communication Development Fund 127 3-73 Debt Service: Unlimited General Obligation Bond Funds Combined 213/219 3-75 wr 1983 Unlimited G.O.Bond Fund(Coulon Park)213 3-76 1989 Unlimited G.O.Bond Fund(Senior Housing) 219 3-77 Local Improvement District(LID)Debt Service Fund 220 3-78 Local Improvement District Guaranty Fund 221 3-83 Capital Pr*ct. Open Space Construction Fund 302 3-85 Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Fund 316 3-89 Transportation Capital Improvement Fund 317 3-92 Senior Housing Construction Fund 319 3-101 �w Local Improvement District Construction Fund 320 3-103 Enterprise: Water/Wastewater/Surface Water(Waterworks)Utility 401 3-105 Utility Systems 401/18 3-109 Maintenance Services 401/19 3-112 Fund 401-Summary of Operating Budgets by Utility 3-116 'w Water/Wastewater/Surface Water(Waterworks) Construction Fund 421 3-117 Airport 402 3-123 Solid Waste Utility 403 3-128 Solid Waste Utility Systems 403/18 3-130 40 Solid Waste Maintenance Services 403/19 3-131 Municipal Golf Course System Fund 404 3-132 Internal Service: Equipment Rental 501 3-137 Insurance Fund 502 3-141 ew Fiduciary: Firemen's Pension Fund 601 3-147 APPENDDC err Renton Regional and Neighborhood Maps 4-1 City of Renton General Information 4-2 90 Long Term Debt 4-3 Outstanding Debt 4-4 1995 Salary Schedule-Index of Positions and Pay Ranges: 4-5 Elected Officials and Non-Union 4-5 yrr Local 21-R 4-6 Fire Commissioned 4-9 Police Commissioned 4-10 Police Management and Supervisory Personnel Longevity and Educational Incentive Pay 4-11 Police Non-Commissioned 4-12 'w 1996 Salary Schedule-Index of Positions and Pay Ranges: 4-13 Elected Officials and Non-Union 4-13 Local 21-R 4-14 Fire Commissioned 4-17 ' Police Commissioned 4-18 Police Management and Supervisory Personnel Longevity and Educational Incentive Pay 4-19 Police Non-Commissioned 4-20 1995/1996 Hourly Part Time Salary Schedule 4-21 Budget Glossary 4-22 Acknowledgments-inside back cover +�r aw CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ar CITY OF RENTON MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � w m. •` y y Left to right,seated: Mayor .Earl Clymer. Council Member Richard M.Stredicke. Standing: Council President Timothy J.Schlitzer. Council Member Jesse Tanner. President Pro-Tem Toni Nelson. Council Members: Randy Corman,Kathy Keoiker-Wheeler and Bob Edwards. s� CITY OF RENTON 1996-1996 BUDGET iv BOARDS, COMMISSIONS,AND COMMITTEES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL ARTS 4th Wednesday,spm,Council Chambers HUMAN SERVICE CITIZENS ;COMMISSION William Anderson ADVISORYCOMMITTEE tst Wednesday,Sam,6th floor conf.room Ellery Brown Jr. As needed,8:30am,1 at floor cont.room No meeting July do August err Lee Connel Rolf Dragseth Lois Anslow Albee Dennis Dochnahl Janita Grant Marghee Baldridge James Jacques Leslie Huberty Virginia Corder King Parker Tony Ladner *M.B.Escher ton Rosemary Quesenberry *Dixon Long Diana Hitch Ron McDonald Karen Lunder Mary Jo Rouse Dianna Manning BOARD OF ET.HICSLL Sharon Newbury Meets as necessary-2 positions vacant Michael O Halloran Donald JacobsonHUMAN RIGHTS *Dr.Stephen Saunders Mary MattsonCOMMISSION Connie Tajon to Joy Poff 2nd Monday,6:30pm,1st floor cont:room Mark Fristo Jr. *Vern Nichols NISHIWAKI SISTER CITY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Alvin Reevis ADVISORY COMMITTEE go 44h Tuesday,Spm 6th floor cont:room Peggy Robinson Sylva Coppock *Diane Bates,City staff' Thelma Rowlette Becky Davis Margaret Ellison Charles Thomas Steve Dobson Darrell Igelmund Glenda Williams Wyman Dobson Gerald Nichols Stacey Hendrickson Robert Stevenson Richard Morris Lorna Thompson LEOFF DISABILITY BOARD Roger Richert 2nd Thursday,4 pm,5th floor conf.room Jackie Smith *Bob Deines,Fire Dept. Betty Vaughn FIREMEN'S PENSION Bob Edwards,City Council *Sandy Chastain BOARD Bob Leyerle,Police Dept. tw 3rd Tuesday,4pm,5th floor cont room Toni Nelson,City Council Ray Barilleaux,Fire Dept. Jim Phelan,Member-at-Large PLANNING COMMISSION Earl Clymer,Mayor Every Wednesday,7pm,1st floor conf.room Bill Henry,Fire Dept. Denise Cozza ♦ *Marilyn Petersen,City Clerk LIBRARY BOARD !. *Glenn Garrett Jesse Tanner,City Council 2nd Wednesday,3pm,Highlands Library Donald Jacobson Phillip Beckley Eugene Ledbury im Marian Larsen Jeffrey Lukins HORIZONS COMMITTEE *Judith Milligan Herbert Postelwait Jan-July,2nd Tuesday,7pm,RCC Ken Ragland Patrick Texeira Sandy Chastain Wanda Strugar Thompson Richard Wagner *Steve Elliott,City staff Diane Jacobson Come Starwoski PARK BOARD1-:::ADVISORYCOMMITTEE SENIOR CITIZEN Ernie Tonda 2nd Tuesday,4:30pm LpcE srtr Ed Yaguchi Cynthia Burns Robert Logue 1st&3rd Monday,loam,Senior Center Louise Bertozzi Joan Moffatt Ray Browning HOUSING AUTHORITY Michael ODonin *Mary Burns 2nd Monday,10am,970 Harrington Ave.NE Ronald Regis Jim Denzer Edna Bagnariol Tim Searing Dale Forbes Kay Johnson Esther Weathers Helen Frick *Tony Ladner,Housing Dir. Ann Kooser Joyce Nakashima Louise Mathias Ernest Tonda Dale Merritt Thomas Trimm Martha Mirro 41" Dovie Sherril Dick Tarasuk Ernie Tonda * Chair/Contact Hosia Towery law Vivian Towery CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET ,0„ v CORPORATE ORGANIZATION AND REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS vi RENTON'S MISSION STATEMENT RENTON The City of Renton,in partnership with residents, CITIZENS business,and government,is dedicated to: Providing a healthy atmosphere in which to live&raise families: Encourage responsible growth and economic vitality; Create a positive work environment; Resulting in a quality community where people choose Councilmembers: to live,work and play. Tim Schitzer, President Earl Clymer Randy Corman Bob Edwards Mayor HUMAN RESOURCES&RISK MGMT Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Tony Nelson LRisk erly Nelson-Glade lid Richard Stredicke man Resources & Jesse Tanner Mgmt Administrator PLAN/BLDG/PUBLIC WORKS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT FINANCE&INFORMATION SERVICES Gregg Zimmerman City Attorney Executive Assistant ' Administrator La Warren Jay Covington to Larry y g C4� le r Development Transportation Services Director Systems Director Municipal Court Hearing Examiner Jim Henson Mel Wilson Fred Kaufman Judge Financial Fiscal Roper Lewis Planning Mgr Services Director wine Direct Utilities Paula Henderson Hugh Simpson ISM-1i rvices Director Systems Director ke Kattermann Ron Olsen City Clerk Io Marilyn Petersen Information Systems Directo Maintenance Phil Jewett Services Director Jack Crumley FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES Lee Wheeler Alan Wallis Chief Chief Sam Chastain C i Administrator Jim Mathew Garry Anderson Don Persson Recreation Director Library Director Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Terry Higashiyama Clark Petersen Suppression Prevention Operations Su Facilities Director Glen Gordon Support Services Human Services Gary Gotti Art Larson Bureau Bureau Manager Deputy Chief/ Jim Shepherd g Jack McLaughlin Carolyn Sundvali Battalion Chief Fire Marshal Investigation Crime Prev Patrol/Traffic Adm Sv/Training Animal Control Staff Sery Gambling Enforcmt Jail Parks Director Emerg Mgt Safety Leslie Betlach Ray Barilleaux Larry Eager Battalion Chief Battalion Chief CITY OF RENTON vi 1995-1996 BUDGET it iwr Introduction 6 QW ::R CITY OF RENTON Mayor Earl Clymer r► February 28, 1995 at. Dear Members of the Renton City Council and Citizens of the City: I am pleased to present the 1995 - 1996 Budget. This document represents the combined efforts of the administration and Council to follow priorities established by the City Council for the next several years, and continue to maintain critical services at current levels. The 1995 budget represents the legally adopted expenditures. The 1996 allocations represent a spending plan based upon 1995 service levels with some minor changes as directed by the City Council. The 1996 appropriation process will be limited to reviewing the spending plan to ensure expenditures and revenues will be as planned. The City of Renton has faced some difficult financial times over the past five years. Like residents and business people of our City, we have had to identify our City's priorities, define what we can afford, and reduce services where necessary to meet higher priorities. While these have been arduous decisions, they have also kept us on the path of long-term fiscal integrity. These past decisions establish the foundation of the 1995 - 1996 Budget. As we begin to plan for the next century, we must continue to be clear in our City's goals. In March of 1994, the Council adopted priorities for the City. The priorities are: 1. Strengthen the City's financial condition. 2. Develop and implement an annexation strategy. ' 3. Implement the City's Capital Improvement Program. 4. Improve internal and external Communications. 5. Improve operational efficiency. 6. Implement the Downtown Development Plan. 7. Develop a training/supervisory program for all managers. �I. 8. Develop Youth at Risk programs. 9. Develop and maintain a leadership role in regional issues. 10. Address outstanding planning issues. 11. Work to establish intergovernmental agreements and relations that benefit the citizens of Renton. I have incorporated these priorities in each of my budget decisions this year. 200 Mill Avenue South - Renton, Washington 98055 ® This paper contains 50%recycled material,10%post consumer Message from the Mayor GENERAL OVERVIEW The total 1995 budget is $95,298,009. This represents a 5.0 percent decrease from the 1994 adopted budget. The decrease of approximately $5.0 million is primarily the result of the capital funding. The Golf Course and Transportation capital project spending will be lower in 1995 and 1996 than in 1994. Of the $95.2 million, $42.36 million is for General Governmental expenditures such as Police,Fire, Parks, Street Maintenance,Human Services and Administration. r The 1995 general governmental portion of the budget is 5.0 percent above 1994. The same level of service in 1996 is estimated to cost $44.17 million in 1996, for a 4.3 percent increase above 1995. The water utility budget has decreased by 4.0 percent in 1995 due to an accounting change whereby we no longer double count the indirect charges for services. The base service level has changed very little between 1994 and 1995. Through the prolonged period of slow economic growth in the early 1990's, our City had to redefine the base level of service we could afford to provide. The 1995 - 1996 Budget assumes that 1994 defines our base level of service. In keeping with our number one priority of strengthening our financial condition, 1 have remained true to my promise to you that the reductions taken in 1994 redefined our level of service, and would be permanent. I realize this has meant some hardships. Our streets are not as clean as they once were, brush is not cut as often, and administrative work takes longer than it once did. However, I maintain that on the whole, the City of Renton still looks quite nice. Due to the Herculean efforts of all City staff, we have been able to continue to provide a very high level of service while maintaining reductions. This has been at some cost to our employees, and we need to invest in them to continue to meet that high level of service. Revenues: As I mentioned in my overview, even with a stable level of service we must find new revenue. The growth in base expenditures will not permit us to meet increasing demand. While we have maintained services at 1994 levels, we understand that with new growth we will need to add services. The only way to meet this need is to find new revenues. I want to thank you for your support in investing in our organized program to increase our revenues. In 1995 we expect our tax revenues to increase by 6.8 percent. This increase is comprised of several different kinds of changes. We expect natural growth increases in property tax, a base 2.0 percent growth in sales taxes, and an overall 5.0 percent growth in utility taxes for general governmental purposes. We have proposed some very modest increases for some of the park fees. The utility increases which we have direct control over will remain at or below inflationary levels. Our efforts in the area of annexations and retail sales growth show results. Over the course of the next two years, we will receive over $350,000 in new property taxes from two newly identified annexations and new construction. While the total sales tax growth has increased by 10.7 percent, the base is expected to increase by only 2.0 percent. The remaining growth of$870,000 CITY OF RENTON viii 1995-1996 BUDGET %W Message from the Mayor A. is expected from our efforts in building our base. As will be illustrated in the investment strategy, "" I am proposing we dedicate a percentage of our new revenues to long-term requirements. The other major revenue that we need to be concerned with is intergovernmental revenues. As am more cities incorporate and annex, our share of Motor Vehicle , liquor and gas taxes decreases. In 1995, those revenues will decrease by 22.0 percent. S` Expenditures: As illustrated, our overall level of expenditures will increase a total of 5.0 percent in 1995 and 4.5 percent in 1996. This modest increase is due to many factors. First, we have do finally been able to slow the rate of growth on our health costs. This has been a significant budget driver over the past five years. Next year our health costs will essentially remain at the same level as 1993 levels. +w Inflation is expected to be only 3.5 percent. We have permitted a 2.5 percent increase in base line items. Our labor contracts are tied to the inflation, thus when inflation is low, we can continue to 9W meet basic service levels without reductions. However, there were a few line items that were higher than inflation. As an example, we have King County Metro payments and electric costs that will increase significantly. These types of costs will add over $25,000 to our expenditure ,me base. Contracts with other agencies such as the federal and state government are costing us more than inflation. ow Base expenditures also increased by mandated, contractual obligations. Each year we continue to face the issue that we must spend our scarce resources on federal and state dictated programs. This is taking a larger and larger share of our discretion from us. Our utilities are driven by ow This in the areas of water and sewer treatment. As an example, our citizens will be paying $2.05 more a month to King County for those services. "w In addition, we will have to spend the following to meet other contracted and mandated programs: a • The federal government has mandated new employee programs related to blood borne and airborne pathogens and drug and alcohol training. These programs will require the City to W spend over$45,000 annually. • As a condition of using county and state funding sources to purchase open space and new trail property, we committed to maintaining that property. The ongoing costs of the maintenance w of the new Cedar River Park and Trail will be approximately$76,000 in 1995. • Our calls for service from Valley Communications will increase by 5.3 percent, or $40,000 more than we had budgeted at 2.5 percent inflationary increase. to • Voter Registration costs have increased due to the federal voter/motor requirement. The new federal law permits citizens the right to register to vote as they receive their driver's license. King County officials must change their procedures to accommodate that law. They spread «. the costs of their voter registration efforts to all cities on a per voter capita. They expect the Ow CITY OF RENTON u 1995-1996 BUDGET it Message from the Mayor W SO costs to accommodate that law to increase their costs, and thus have asked for a 6.4 percent increase from each city. The annual increase will be$12,175 for the citizens of Renton. • Finally, as our number of jury trials increased by more than 100 over last year, our prosecutor and public defender costs have also risen. We will need to spend $28,000 more annually to meet the ever-increasing costs, including public defense and probation services. Another $90,000 will be added to the legal budget. Approximately $40,000 will be used for prosecution costs associated with trials. The remaining $45,000 will help us meet our continuing need to address legal issues subsequent to more costly litigation. In addition to these types of programs, we have added to the base some modest increases for safety expenditures. This includes fire fighting equipment and traffic light requirements. The total of these programs is less than $75,000. We have very little in the base general governmental budget for capital outlay. In new programs, I am recommending some long-term plans to meet .r our capital needs. The base budget discussion addresses the current service levels. However, there are new initiatives in this budget. Outlined below is a description of the ways the 1995 - 1996 budget addresses each of the City's priorities. STRENGTHEN THE CITY's FINANCIAL CONDITION The budget contains different proposals to address maintaining our City's fiscal health. wr Fiscal Policies: My first proposal is that each year we should dedicate 50 percent of all new sales tax revenues to the Municipal Facilities Fund (our Capital Fund). While I believe we should establish this as a goal, we have proposed dedicating 62.6 percent, or $545,000, to the Fund in 1995. This amount is a higher budgeted amount because we have assumed HomeBase will be operating in 1995. We are not totally confident about the actual opening date, and have thus dedicated all estimated revenues to the Capital Fund in 1995. The 1996 budget makes the same assumptions. In addition, I propose that in the first year of any annexation, we dedicate property tax revenues generated from that area to the Municipal Facilities Fund. Most annexations come with capital needs. By placing the monies in the Fund the first year, we begin to establish a reserve to meet those needs. Further, we practice conservative estimating by not assuming the revenue until we are more certain of the actual amount. In 1995 we are appropriating $89,000 from these property taxes in the Fund as a beginning point. We are also recommending that new construction ► property taxes in the first year be dedicated to the Capital Fund. We do realize that over time these annexations also impact our level of service, and the revenues generated from that property should begin to meet the needs of that area. However, we have many pressing capital needs from both growth and major maintenance perspectives. We need to build a foundation to meet these needs. err CITY OF RENTON x 1995-1996 BUDGET .W Message from the Mayor ow N. Equipment Rental: We have not had an equipment rental policy for quite some time. In late 1994 we borrowed money to meet the needs of our fleet for 1994 and 1995. At the beginning of 1995 we shall bring a comprehensive plan for long-term financing and management policies. However, ow at this time, we are beginning to put a small percentage into the Fund to begin to create a reserve so that within three years we will not have to use borrowed funds to replace our short-term vehicles. o Replacement of Police Cars: As we examined options for reductions in the 1994 budget, the Police Department evaluated the turnover of their police vehicles. They essentially stretched the to use out a few more months. In the 1995 budget we are proposing to replace ten cars from the Capital Fund. However, we have placed the replacement costs in the 1996 operating budget. we Over the long term we need to replace very short-term equipment from the operating budget. This was one short-term reduction in 1994 that needs to be reinstated. ow DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT AN ANNEXATION STRATEGY In 1995 and 1996 we are redeploying planning staff to place more emphasis on annexation policies and programs. We will also be hiring a contract planner in Long Range Planning to ow ensure the annexation procedural work is accomplished. This is necessary because we are shifting a .6 FTE from Long Range Planning to Current Planning in order to meet time lines for economic development projects. .r IMPLEMENT THE CITY'S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Through the Comprehensive Plan we have had to meet several major initiatives. These include .+� Capital Facilities, Housing, and Transportation Plans. My 1995 - 1996 budget begins to implement the strategies for these elements. ow Housing_Specialist Position: In our Comprehensive Plan we identify maintaining affordable single family housing as a priority for our City. Using Community Development Block Grant funds, we have been able to repair homes for low-income seniors. However, we do not have the resources "' to develop a comprehensive plan stating where the greatest needs are. Currently we have a reactive program, not a proactive program. The 1995 - 1996 budget reallocates CDBG monies to hire a Housing Specialist. This position will help in the development of a comprehensive plan, �` oversee the day-to-day operation of our repair program to provide greater efficiency, and develop a plan to target neighborhoods. This program is an investment in the future of affordable housing in the City. Citywide Connections: While we face many emerging issues, one that is most dynamic is No technological change. This includes many facets, but the one that confronts us daily is the management and transfer of data. In the 1970's, we were able to maintain all information in a central location, the data was controlled, and in some cases, not particularly user friendly. With ON the advent of personal computers, Local Area Networks, and increasing data links with outside CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET Message from the Mayor agencies, the role of Information Systems, and the hardware required to run these systems has changed significantly. We have developed a Citywide Information Program identifying our future needs. This plan calls for$130,000 to be set aside to meet the data infrastructure needs in a logical, long-term way. We will identify the hardware and software requirements to be developed to enhance communications, effectiveness and efficiency. This money will be used to replace old equipment that can no longer match the demands for transfer of information. It will be used to build the communication links between various City locations. This is an investment in our communications infrastructure in the same way we invest in our buildings, streets, and sidewalks. �r► Sidewalk Maintenance: I am proposing a long-term sidewalk maintenance program that will help assign responsibility for safety and care. In 1995 we will inventory sidewalk conditions and identify areas of the City which need attention. In 1996 I am proposing we add a staff position to repair significant sidewalk problems. This program will mirror the type of plan we have for our street infrastructure. IMPROVE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Our budget continues to provide resources for the Citywide newsletter. In addition, we have started establishing an electronic system of communication. We would like to improve on the electronic connections throughout the City, and this is a large part of the Citywide Connections proposal. r IMPROVE OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY As I stated earlier, the City staff continue to produce results with fewer resources. One of the criteria to judge new programs this year was to find ways to have programs be revenue neutral or self-paying. The following programs meet that criteria while providing more customer service and efficiency. EHD Jailer: As you are well aware, our jail population continues to grow. One of the most novel ideas of the budget is to increase our use of the Electronic Home Detention program. This program permits people to remain at identified areas in the community (home and work) in lieu of incarceration. Further, we charge individuals $15 a day for the right to remain at home instead of using manpower and limited space to incarcerate persons convicted of crimes against property. Finally, using these resources, i.e., savings from jail costs, revenues, and downgrading a position, the City can meet the critical needs of the current jail population by providing another jailer. The program costs $40,700 to operate, and earns $30,000 from direct charges. Another $9,000 in salary savings will be used to offset this program. This program permits us to meet our basic needs in an innovative way. Part-time Permanent Business License Coordinator: While we are encouraging businesses to locate in Renton, we also have the Business License Program. Over the course of the last year we have been developing audit programs to ensure consistent handling of all businesses. We believe „ rr CITY OFRENTON xii 1995-1996 BUDGET Message from the Mayor ow this work needs more attention. However, all of this work has been on a catch-as-catch-can basis. Our current Finance Department receives an average of 17 phone calls a day concerning business licenses. Through the development of a small pilot program we believe adding a permanent part- time position will increase revenue by$25,000 annually,covering the expenses of the position. IMPLEMENT THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PLAN We will continue to work with the Downtown Renton Association, Chamber of Commerce, and other agencies to enhance economic development in all areas of the City as well as the Downtown. The Economic Development Coordinator position continues to be funded for 1995 and 1996. DEVELOP A TRAINING/SUPERVISORY PROGRAM FOR ALL MANAGERS ++ We have reduced our overall budget dramatically over the past few years. Yet, with few exceptions, the quality of our work and the productivity of our employees has remained exceptional. The employees are to be commended for their efforts in meeting needs with fewer VW dollars. Nonetheless this has come at a price. Sometimes our employees are so busy doing the work, they are not communicating across departments to find more efficient ways of accomplishing work, or asking the questions of how the work fits within the overall City family. Further, as with all reductions and increased demands, there is a certain amount of stress involved. I am proposing two programs to provide some help for employees. Citywide Staff Training: The Human Resources Department budget includes $10,000 to provide a variety of training for the staff of the City. This training will include supervisor training, communication opportunities, and management training. The issue here is to provide our staff with some time to ensure consistency across the departments in how we address issues, and to permit them to discuss ways to accomplish various elements of their jobs. rr Employee Assistance Program: The EAP funding will be reinstated. We eliminated this from the budget in 1994. I have placed it in the budget to be paid from our insurance revenues. The total ,. cost is $13,000; however, the benefits are immeasurable. As employees are left to cope with a variety of stresses in their lives, it becomes imperative that we have options for them to address those life crises. Providing a safe, off-site environment for them to seek help allows us to develop +• employees to their highest caliber. The Assistance Program provides a benefit for both employees and to the City as an employer. .�r CITY OFRENTON xiii 1995-1996 BUDGET ow Message from the Mayor DEVELOP YOUTH-AT-RISK PROGRAMS My budget proposes the addition of two recreational positions to meet our continued need for at- risk youth programming needs. Highlands Facility: The 1995 budget includes an additional staff person at the Highlands Recreational facility. We believe that investing in a staff person to work with young people in the community will decrease vandalism and provide a positive environment for our youth. The position will permit more evening programming. The net cost of the program is less than $10,000 due to offsetting revenues. General Preschool/Youth Programs: An additional part-time position will be added to meet the growing demand for programs. The Community Services Department has increased its programming and fees generated from this programming by 8.0 percent. The Department.can demonstrate clearly that this position will pay a large percentage of its own way with revenues of $13,500. Further, this programming meets the needs of our young people. In addition, we anticipate continuation of a $30,000 federal grant for the Summer Lunch Program. This will cover the costs of the program. ■r ADDRESSING REGIONAL PARITY You and I will meet the remaining priorities of regional, planning and intergovernmental issues and relationships. We realize we have a as p great deal of work to do as it applies to the Regional Transit work, King County and City relationships, and Growth Management. As always, the City staff stands ready to help us in any way to ensure Renton residents are best served in the regional forums. to OTHER PROGRAMS While many of the projects outlined below also meet the City's priorities, I want to ensure we have given these programs enough attention. Fire Department. While there appears to be a significant reduction in the Fire Department, it is directly related to the contract we have with Fire District 25. With the incorporation of Newcastle, the District lost a station. They no longer provide service in that area. Thus, our contract with them is for 12 fewer firefighters than in 1994. The level of service to Renton citizens has not changed. Police. Approximately one year ago, we applied for grant funding for a community policing project in the Highlands neighborhood. We did set aside money during our planning of the budget for our share of the grant. We were notified in mid October that we are to receive funding for two new police officers. We are working with the Police Department to determine the costs. The funding has been set aside in the fund balance to cover our share of the costs. err CITY OF RENTON ziv 1995-1996 BUDGET "w Message from the Mayor im Utility Funds. The budget includes modest annual rates. All the rates the City is directly responsible for have been increased by inflation or lower than inflation. King County sewer rates are increasing by over 13 percent. We cannot directly change those rates, but they do illustrate the reason we need to work hard with King County and regional leaders in ensuring all needs are met without a hardship for our citizens. While I realize that annual rate increases are difficult for citizens, I also know that good financial management of our utilities translates into,long-term benefits. We have secured water rights for our citizens, kept our infrastructure in good working condition, and have maintained a healthy financial condition. This translates into lower interest rates when we need to borrow for capital purposes. I do encourage you to spend some time with the capital planning for the utilities. We have had to reduce capital planning in order to keep rates at lower increases. I believe we have provided a prudent plan. However, I want to make certain you are aware of the capital plans we are ow proposing. Golf Course. We have developed a long-term plan for the Maplewood Golf Course. It provides ow open space, water rights, and recreational opportunities for our citizens. The plan is being implemented. I encourage you to visit the facility and see the changes that are beginning. �.► The 1995 budget includes one major change in personnel for the facility, a Manager. In 1996, we will be adding several new staff positions to accommodate total management of the course. Once the driving range, clubhouse, and pro shop facilities are completed, we will be hiring a Golf Professional and an assistant, along with maintenance staff to provide a full -service facility. Major Maintenance: In addition to the major capital planning that I am proposing, the budget also includes small major maintenance projects. Projects include, but are not limited to: roof replacement, ADA compliance, and continuation of City Hall rehabilitation. aw SUMMARY low While I realize we would all like to add programs, the focus in this budget is to maintain our current services and establish a long-term financial strategy that will help us meet future 4W challenges. We are living in a time when there is a great deal of uncertainty. We must plan for the unknown. Just as every one of us, in private and business life, needs to build a stable financial base to meet unknown challenges, we must also invest in our future. I have attempted to achieve to a balance between current basic needs, establishing long-term fiscal health, and providing programs for future investment. The 1995 - 1996 Budget includes few new programs. The overall number of employees is lower aw in 1995 because of the Fire Department changes. The new programs all have some revenue 1. CITY OF RENTON xv 1995-1996 BUDGET err Message from the Mayor associated with them. Departments have examined ways to change services in order to meet different demands. While the City adopted a balanced budget that meets our current level of service, I am mindful that we have a substantial number of unmet needs. The departments developed budgets that continue programs within the constraints of a slow-growth economy. They also provided a list of programs that clearly illustrates growing service needs. Over the course of the next year, we will continue to develop efficiencies and ways to meet those needs--especially in the area of public safety and recreational programs. w The 1995 - 1996 Budget is a dynamic work that demands constant evaluation to determine if our revenues are meeting expectations. We must also watch for signs that our identified service level is not meeting the needs of our citizens. I look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of this City in evaluating those needs. to Sincerely, & .1C at Earl Clymer 40 Mayor 40 CITY OF RENTON zvi 1995-1996 BUDGET yrr rrr • GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Distinguished Budget Presentation Award PRESENTED TO City of Renton, Washington For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 1993 President Executive Director err rr The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented an award for Distinguished Budget Presentation to the City of Renton for its biennial budget for fiscal years 1993 and 1994. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan and as a communication medium. arr CITY OF RENTON xvii 1995-1996 BUDGET BUDGET RELATED GOALS WITH POLICIES Policy GOAL Status/Notes 1. KEEP THE CITY IN A a.Ongoing operations of the City shall be funded from ongoing revenues. FISCALLY STABLE POSITION IN This policy is also applicable to on-going costs associated with capital BOTH THE SHORT AND LONG improvements and rehabilitation. TERMS b. All operating revenues and expenditures shall be monitored and,when necessary, adjusted to ensure expenditures do not exceed revenues over time. Current practice. c. Six-year budget projections and rate increases for all operating and capital funds shall be prepared annually. Current practice projections are for a six year period. d. Budget initiatives shall be evaluated as part of the six-year budget rw projection. Current practice projects costs for six years. This practice avoids "bow- wave"budget impacts. t e. Revenues should be conservatively projected, and expenditures budgeted at 100%to help ensure budget solvency. Current practice. f. The City should accept new requirements for service delivery only when adequate funding is made available. 1995-1996 expenditures above the 1994 service level have been prioritized using the following criteria: mandated, contractual obligations,programs with associated revenue,programs that will enhance identified City priorities No and other departmental needs. 2. MAINTAIN SUFFICIENT a. Maintain general governmental and enterprise fund balances equal to one to FINANCIAL LIQUIDITY TO MEET month's (or 8%)of operating expenditures for general government NORMAL OPERATING AND operating funds. CONTINGENCY OBLIGATIONS. Current Practice s, b. Maintain an insurance reserve for property,casualty, and medical claims in an amount equal to consultant or actuarial requirements. The City is working on the development of an actuarially determined loss ft reserve level. At year end 1995, the City projects a reserve of$3,389,296 or 8%ofgeneral governmental expenditures as a catastrophic loss reserve in the Insurance Fund. to c. The insurance reserve portion of the Insurance Fund must be replenished in the following year by either transfer or premium. Past and projected claims are reviewed quarterly. Costs continue to increase. In 1995, the budget includes$1,107,700 for property and liability costs. This is 5.5%above 1994 budgeted levels. d. Termination benefits shall be budgeted in non-departmental budgets in an amount equal to average termination costs. In 1995 and 1996, the budget identifies$215,000 for termination payments. Retirement costs, appropriation for unused sick and vacation leave time, and other liability issues are included in this amount. This is an increase of $65,000 from 1994, and more accurately reflects the anticipated cost of retirements and staffattrition. CITY OF RENTON xviii 1995-1996 BUDGET VW BUDGET RELATED GOALS WITH PoLICIEs (Continued) Policy GOAL Status/Notes 3. PROTECT THE CITY FROM a. Maintain a contingency account equal to 8%of general governmental CATASTROPHIC LOSSES. operating expense without grants and non-recurring transfers. Currently, the City combines its insurance actuarial and contingency requirements in the Insurance Fund. At yearend 1994, the City has $2,577,307, or 6%of general governmental expenditures to meet both insurance actuarial and contingency needs. b. Purchase excess medical,property,and liability insurance to cover major losses, as deemed appropriate by the City's risk management program. r Renton carries excess coverage in all areas. These are found in the Insurance Fund information. c. The contingency account may be used for either unusual fiscal conditions or catastrophic losses outside insured limits,with any expenditure requiring five Council votes. Current practice. The contingency account could be reduced as a result of actual operations. Each year the contingency balance is analyzed. A plan is developed to ensure the balance is maintained per policy. The plan can include transferring savings directly to the account from other funds, increasing future year premiums to repay past higher expenditures or making a budget appropriation from future year revenues directly to the contingency account. 4. HAVE SERVICE USERS PAY a. City utilities and the airport shall be 100%user supported. THEIR FAIR SHARE OF PROGRAM Utilities and airport meet these goals. +�+ COSTS. b. The City's golf course operations shall be self-supporting, with the original acquisition paid for from general governmental revenues. Golf course currently funds 100%of operations, with general funds providing approximately 85%of acquisition debt service support. c. User fees shall contribute an average of 50%towards all recreation services w,r and operations, with the exception of the senior center. Users of recreation and Community Center services fund approximately 50%of the direct costs of these operations. d. The City shall pay 100%of the cost of senior center operations, with the users paying the full cost of special events. Current practice e. Developers shall pay at least 60%of the cost of reviewing and processing their permits. �r Current Practice f. Interfund charges for service shall occur only when needed for enterprise, external chargeable,mitigation, or grant related services and capital +r projects. Current practice with the exception of building permits. g. All City fees, charges, and rates shall be reviewed annually to determine whether they meet targeted cost coverage. Adjustments shall be made in conjunction with the budget process. Current practice. rr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET xix BUDGET RELATED GOALS WITH POLICIES (Continued) Policy GOAL Status/Notes 5. OPERATE UTII,IIIES IN A a. Utility rate studies shall be conducted at least every five years to update RESPONSIVE AND FISCALLY assumptions and ensure the long term solvency and viability of City SOUND MANNER. utilities. A rate study was conducted during 1993. Target a minimum of 1.5 for debt service coverage. b. Utility rates should be reviewed annually and adjusted,if necessary,to reflect inflation,construction goals,maintain bond covenants,and avoid major periodic increases. Water, wastewater(sewer), surface water(storm drainage), and garbage rates are adjusted as required. The 1995 rates for water, wastewater, and surface water range from 3%to 5%for Renton services. c. The cost of utility contractual services over which the City has no control shall be passed through to rate payers in a manner consistent with Council direction. Per current practice,Metro, tipping fees, and hazardous waste charges are handled in this manner. d. Rates for the Waterworks Utility shall include an annual capital contribution equal to the annual depreciation for each utility, implemented over an eight(8)year period,beginning in 1994. Fund a portion of CIP from current year rates and any available excess fund ' balance. e. Fund balances in enterprise funds shall be maintained at levels established through rate studies, or at levels equal to a target of 45 days,with a minimum of 30 days, of O&M expenses which are necessary to meet operating, capital, and contingency requirements. Current practice. f Excess fund balances shall be used to off-set rate increases where possible, with any remaining balances being used for approved capital purposes. Current practice. 6. MAINTAIN AND MEET a. When capital funding decisions are made,priority shall be given to INFRASTRUCTURE AND CAPITAL maintaining existing capital assets over the acquisition or construction of NEEDS new facilities. Current practice. rr b. The City shall adopt a six-year Capital Facilities Plan and a six-year Capital Improvements Plan that identifies all growth-related and major maintenance projects and costs. Funding strategies shall also be identified. gr The City adopted a Capital Facilities Plan as a part of its Comprehensive Plan. It is continuing to work on the development of a Capital Improvements Plan. No c. The City shall dedicate the first year of property taxes generated from newly incorporated areas to the Capital Fund. Current practice. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET xx rir BUDGET'RELATED GOALS WrrH PoLIms (Continued) Policy rr„ GOAL Status/Notes d. The City shall dedicate 50% of sales tax generated from new businesses each year to the Capital Fund. These dollars shall provide the basis for the funding strategy. The practice is to dedicate 50%of known revenues. If projects are expected, but not completed, those estimated revenues are also dedicated to the fund. ' In 1995, 62%will be dedicated to the Capital Fund. In 1996, the proposed Budget assumes 54%shall be dedicated to the Capital Fund. e. The City shall maximize county, state and federal grants, loan interest �r programs and other intergovernmental sources for capital needs, when it is consistent with City plans and policies. Voted general obligation bonds and special levies shall be used to finance infrastructure improvements for public benefit that support quality of life, and do not necessarily generate cost savings on revenue streams. Current practice. f. Prior to undertaking a capital project, all ongoing operational and maintenance costs shall be identified and included as part of the policy rrM discussion. Current practice. 7. PROVIDE A LONG-AND a. The City shall review all forms of funding to determine the least costly `r' SHORT-TERM DEBT STRATEGY method and type of financing most appropriate. WHICH ALLOWS THE CITY TO Current practice. The City reviews each project to determine if Revenue MEET CURRENT AND FUTURE Bonds, LID'S, General Voter Approved or Councilmanic debt is the most 40 NEEDS THROUGH BORROWED appropriate. CAPITAL ATIHOUT IMPOSING b. When bonds are used to finance debt,the bonds shall be issued for a SEVERE FINANCIAL BURDEN.40 maximum of 20 years or for the life of the asset, whichever is a shorter time period. Current practice. c. The City shall evaluate the cost/benefit of borrowing against the same for "pay-as-you-go"for all borrowing programs Current practice. d. The City shall develop a long-term program to meet equipment needs, including vehicles, computers and copiers. The 199511996 budget includes a plan in the Facilities Budget for$130,000 to meet technology needs. e. Councilmanic(non voter-approved) debt shall be used as an alternative to other financing options if the capital expenditure is: urgent,unanticipated, necessary to prevent an economic loss, revenue generating, or the most cost-effective alternative. The 199511996 Budget anticipates funding equipment rental with councilmanic debt. +r. 8. ESTABLISH ACCOUNTABILITY a. The City Council shall set total appropriations at the fund level. IN BUDGET MONITORING. Appropriations are adopted at fund level in the budget. rrr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ,�, xxi BUDGET RELATED GOALS WITH POLICIES (Continued) Policy GOAL Status/Notes w b. Department heads are responsible for managing their budgets within the total appropriated budget. Current practice c. Any budget adjustment between funds shall be approved by the Council in budget amendments. Current practice. d. Budget adjustments within a fund shall be approved by the Mayor,and reported to the Council.Adjustments affecting program implementation require Council approval. Current practice with Council approving budget amendments. e. Departmental expenditures shall be made from appropriate BARS accounts,not accounts where an excess of funds may exist. Current practice. +rr 9. ESTABLISH CONSISTENT a. The City's compensation policy shall be to set minimum pay levels at the COMPENSATION STANDARDS 60 percentile level when compared with median pay of comparable FOR THE CITY. jurisdictions. The 1991 Class and Comp Study established 75 percentile for non-public safetypersonnel. Current compensation is between 60-75 percentile. Public safety personnel are at the 90 to 95 percentile range. +r�► b. Reclassification requests shall be reviewed by Personnel on a quarterly basis,with all recommendations being approved by the Mayor prior to implementation. Reclassifications involving a change in pay grade shall be .r approved by the Council prior to implementation. Reclassification requests are reviewed quarterly and any reclasses approved by Council are effective at July 1,for the first two quarters and following January 1,for the last two quarters. c. New hires may be placed up to step "C"without Council concurrence. Placement on higher steps shall be approved by Council. '` Current practice. 10. PROVIDE FINANCIAL a. Monthly budget reports outlining the status of revenues and expenditures �+ REPORTS IN A TINIELY AND shall be provided to all departments, Mayor, and Council. UNDERSTANDABLE MANNER. Monthly budget reports have been submitted. b. Quarterly financial reports discussing major trends,the status of Renton's financial operations,and other related information shall be distributed to all managers,Mayor, Council,and available to interested public. Quarterly reports are prepared and submitted to interested parties. c. A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report,prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, shall be distributed to all interested parties and to GFOA for certification. CAFR is prepared and audited annually and submitted for compliance review. d. The City's budget document shall be presented in a format that provides for logical comparison with prior years wherever possible. Current practice. ' CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET xxii aw READERS GUIDE TO THE BUDGET so OVERVIEW The budget is a financial plan for the City. This plan is communicated first, in summary 4W through the Budget message and the Budget Related Goals with Policies; and second, through a variety of financial tables and narratives. The budget is presented in several different ways including: the basic fund level; by operations, capital improvements, and aw other designated funds; by department; and a more detailed line item or object level. ACCOUNTING AND BUDGETING SmEms are organized and operated on a fund basis. Funds are accounting entities used to record revenues and expenditures. Each fund is 0 balanced with total revenues and beginning balance equaling total expenditures and ending balance. Funds are budgeted in accordance with the Revised Code of Washington 35A.33 on a cash basis. Budgets are established for all funds with the to exception of three Agency Funds, including Special Deposit, Advance Travel, and Deferred Compensation. There are 30 budgeted funds classified within seven basic fund groups, which are described as follows. go General Governmental Funds include General, Parks, Streets, Library, and limited debt services funds, which provide basic City services such as public safety, parks and recreation, street maintenance, transportation systems, planning, building, zoning, o library and associated support functions. The resources to support these activities are primarily taxes. Limited (council-voted) general obligation bonds are also included in this category to calculate general governmental revenues and expenditures, since these or funds are also supported by general taxes. Special Revenue Funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources other than special assessments, expendable trust or major capital projects. These revenues finance particular activities or functions as required by law or administrative regulations. There are six special revenue funds including: Arterial Street, Community Development Block Grant, Impact Mitigation, Paths and Trails, 1% For Art, and Cable Communication. Debt Service Funds accumulate resources and account for the payment of principal and interest for the City's general obligation long term debt and special assessment debt. The City of Renton pledges its full faith and credit for payment of these obligations. Resources for redemption of council-approved (limited) issues are from the general property tax levy and the 1/4% real estate excise tax. Revenue for voter-approved W (unlimited) debt service obligations originates from a special property tax levy. Resources for payment of special assessment debt are from assessments levied against benefited properties. There are three limited and two unlimited general obligation bond +ir funds; a Local Improvement District (LID) Debt Service Fund and a LID Guaranty Fund. Capital Proiect Funds account for the acquisition or development of major capital facilities, except those projects financed by enterprise funds. Sources of revenue to these funds can include general obligation bond proceeds, federal and state grants, mitigation fees, general tax sources, and interest earnings. The City has five capital project funds: Open Space, Municipal Facilities, Transportation, Senior Housing, and 1, LID Construction. Enterprise Funds are established for government activities that are financed and operate in a manner similar to private business. Costs of providing services to the general as public are primarily financed by user fees. Capital improvements can be funded by general obligation or revenue bonds, grants, operating transfers, and other applicable resources. There are five enterprise funds: Water/Wastewater/Surface Water Aw (Waterworks) Utility Operations, Water/Wastewater/Surface Water (Waterworks) Construction, Airport, Solid Waste Utility, and Municipal Golf Course System. ow CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET xxiii READERS GUIDE TO THE BUDGET 00 Internal Service Funds account for the financing of goods and services provided by one ma department or agency to other departments or agencies of the City. The City's internal service funds are Equipment Rental and Insurance. FMduciaru Funds include Pension Trust, Expendable Trust, and Agency Funds which are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units, and/or other funds. The Firemen's Pension Trust Fund is the only budgeted fiduciary fund. BUDGET FORMAT The Reader's Guide is provided to highlight the kinds of information contained in the five sections of the budget, described as follows: The Introduction section includes an overview of the entire budget in the letter of transmittal. Other information provides the City organizational structure, and the City of Renton mission statement. A budget preparation calendar outlines the budget process and time schedule. Budget Related Goals with Policies begins on page xviii. No The Budget Summary Section provides a variety of tables and graphics that support the budget plan in more detail. Table 1 provides major revenue sources and assumptions for general governmental funds. Tables 2 through 9 display comparisons of the 1995 budget and 1996 spending plan with 1993 and 1994 figures, for the total budget, the operating budget, staffing levels and general governmental funds projections. Revenue and expenditure detail can be found in Tables 6 and 7. Table 10 contains a list of 1995 and 1996 new programs and budget changes for general governmental, Community Development Block Grant, and proprietary funds. A detailed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) will be furnished in a separate document, and a summary of the 1995 budgeted CIP plan is provided in Table 11. Tables 12 through 18 deal primarily with utility rates, assessed value, limitation of indebtedness, property tax rates, retail sales, tax revenues, and largest taxpayers and principal employers in the City. The Operating Budget Section is organized into the seven operating department sections, including: Executive, Human Resources and Risk Management, Finance and Information Services, Police, Fire, Community Services, and Planning/Building/Public Works. Each department section begins with a detailed organizational chart, and a summary of the department as a whole. The next level of information is by major departmental division which includes narrative describing the basic objective, program activity, budget summary, 1994 accomplishments, 1995 and 1996 objectives and as activity and performance measures where applicable. This is supported by budgetary appropriations and staffing tables which provide prior year comparison data. A staff position listing is provided at the end of each departmental section. ON wr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET xxiv READERS GUIDE TO THE BUDGET The Budget Nu Fund Section displays each fund's revenues, expenditures, and fund balance in summary and in line item detail, for 1993 and 1994 actual figures and the 1995 budget as adopted and 1996 spending plan. Revenues and expenditures are assigned an account number in accordance with the State Budgeting, Accounting, and Reporting System (BARS). Budget expenditure summaries are based on the account object level such as 10.00 Salaries, 20.00 Personnel Benefits, 30.00 Supplies, 40.00 Other Services, 50.00 Intergovernmental Services, 60.00 Capital Outlay, 70.00/80.00 Debt Service, and 90.00 Interfund Payments. Revenues are summarized at the basic account and element level. Example revenue and expenditure accounts are shown ®rr below: Revenue Account: 317 027 00 333 20 20 00 Fund Number(Transportation Capital Improvement Fund) Program Number(SW Grady Way/Rainier Avenue Improvements) Department Number(Not in use at this time on the revenue side) Basic Account(Type of Revenue/Federal Grant) Element(Source of Grant/Department of Transportation DOT) Object(Division of DOT/Federal Highway Administration) rrr Expenditure Account: 317 027 16 595 10 67 00 Fund Number(Transportation Capital Improvement Fund) Program Number(SW Grady Way/Rainier Avenue Improvements) Department Number(PBPW Transportation Systems) 60 Basic Account(Type of Expenditure/Road and Street Construction) Element(Engineering) Object(Capital Outlay) Sub-Object(Capital Project Number) err The Appendix provides items such as the City's long term debt information, 1995 and 1996 position and salary schedules; and a glossary of commonly used budget terms M.. begins on page 4-22. err 4W rr +rr rr. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET Ow xxv BUDGET CALENDAR Months Jan Feb I MarA Ma Jun Jul Au Se Oct Nov Dec Rom We1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 The budget process and time limits are established by state law. The City of Renton adheres to the following procedures: 1.)The Mayor,Council,and staff meet to set priorities(Councillstaff Retreat.) r_> 2.)Budget instructions,salary and benefit computations,and forms are prepared and distributed to departments on or before July 1. 3.)Departments prepare and submit requests for new operating programs,new positions and reclassifications,and sb(-year capital improvements. 4.)Departments prepare line item(base line)budget (i requests and submit to Finance by second week in August. 5.)Base line budget requests,revenue assumptions, new programs,and capital Improvement requests are compiled into a document for the Mayor's review in September. 6.)The Mayor reviews budget requests with each eai department during first two weeks in September. Decisions made on adjustments to department requests by end of September.7. <_-> r1P )The property tax levy Is established by ordinance, the first Monday in October or when available. <_> The Mayors Preliminary Budget is prepared and owl filed with the City Clerk by the first working day in November;available for public review. 9.)The City Clerk publishes a notice of filing theI preliminary budget,and also designates the date, time,and place of the public hearing on the final budget. 10.)Council Committee of the Whole conducts budget Val hearings with department heads during the month of November.The hearings are open to the public. <__> 11.)The final hearing on the proposed budget musts begin on or before the first Monday of December, and may continue until the 25th day prior to the next fiscal year. <_> al 12.)The City Council approves amendments to the proposed budget,and following the public hearing adopts a final balanced budget,by ordinance,no later than December 31st. 13.)The final budget as adopted is published, distributed,and made available to the public during the first three months of the ensuing year. ttlf CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET xxvi Budget Summary �r r E TABLE 1: MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES AND ASSUMPTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS 1993' I994 1994 0�! 1995 1996 Chg +Yo Chg r' Mr REVENUE SOURCE Actual Budget Actual Bud e£ Budget 94-95 95-96 PROPERTY TAX: Property Taxes-General Levy 10,481,863 11,493,010 11,566,735 12,375,149 13,098,347 7.71E 5.8$ Fire Pension 246,000 257,000 257,000 277,000 299,000 7.88 7.98 Total Property Taxes 10,727,863 11,750,010 11,823,735 12,652,149 13,397,347 7. 7& 5.91} %of Total Gen Gov't Revenues 26.38 28.58 27.08 29.2% 29.68 N/A N/A The City's regular property tax levy estimate is projected to increase $882,139, or 7.7%, from 1994's adopted Budget. The maximum statutory regular property tax levy for the City is $3.375 per thousand dollars assessed valuation (AV), plus $.375 per thousand dollars AV additionally can be levied for the Firemen's Pension Fund to a maximum of$3.60 per thousand dollars AV. The City's property tax levy is subject to the lesser of the 106%tax lid calculation and the statutory maximum. For 1995, the City estimated its regular property tax levy based on the 106% limit assuming an AV of$3,409,509,631 and 2% delinquency rate. In addition, property taxes for two annexations, estimated AV$24,646,400, and new construction, estimated AV$75,000,000, were included. The 1995 actual assessed valuation for the City as determined by King County was$3,590,619,089 which provided for a maximum regular levy of$12,932,462 based on the statutory rate limit. The 1995 Budget estimate of$12,652,149 represents 98% of the statutory rate limit. The City's 1995 regular levy rate based on Budget will be$3.55 per thousand dollars AV. SALES TAX: Sales Taxes 9,892,932 9,591,293 9,535,779 10,653,100 11,312,800 11.1$ 6.2$ %of Total Gen Gov't Revenues 24.8% 23.89 22.2% 25.19 25.5% N/A N/A Sales tax revenues are dependent upon economic conditions of the local community and overall consumer confidence. Sales tax revenue estimates for 1995 assume a 2% growth over 1994's adopted Budget plus $870,000 in sales tax from new businesses. A new policy adopted this budget process provides that 50% of new sales tax revenues will be dedicated to the Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Fund. For 1995, 62%or$545,000 will be transferred to the capital fund. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SALES TAX: Criminal Justice Sales Taxes 584,519 611,000 609,886 644,000 663,300 5.4* 3.0$ g %of Total Gen Gov't Revenues 1.58 1.58 1.48 1.5% 1.5% N/A N/A RCW 82.14.340 provides for criminal justice sales taxes which must be exclusively for criminal justice purposes and cannot be used to replace or supplant existing funding. This one-tenth of one percent sales tax increase was approved by voters in November 1990. These taxes are collected by the State and distributed to Cities based on a population formula. The 1995 Budget estimate for this revenue source assumes a growth rate of 5.4% rr UTILITY TAX: Electrical Utility Taxes 2,360,512 2,638,000 2,452,644 2,866,000 2,930,600 8.6$ 2.3& kv Gas Utility/Use Taxes 528,787 412,000 545,855 453,200 474,800 10.0$ 4.8* Telephone Utility Taxes 1,134,500 1,102,500 897,714 1,02'7,500 1,124,550 -6.8$ 9.4b Cellular Phone Utility Taxes 155,838 142,000 192,228 190,000 193,800 33.8$ 2.09 1e Cable TV Utility Taxes 240,959 238,000 224,309 245,100 252,500 3.08 3.08' Transfer Station Utility Taxes 0 175,000 141,397 350,000 350,000 100.0$ 0.0$ City Operated Utility Taxes 1,244,709 1,369,554 1,354,435 1,438,000 1,509,900 5.0& 5.09 No Total Utility Taxes 5,665,305 6,077,054 5,808,582 6,569,800 6,836,150 8.14 4.14 %of Total Gen Gov't Revenues 14.216 15.18 13.58 15.58 15.48 N/A N/A The current City Utility Tax rate is 6%. Utility tax estimates are based on projected rate increases averaging 5%. The growth rate for Telephone utility taxes is estimated at 2%due to building vacancies. 1994 actual revenues are 81%of budget as a result of the vacancies. The Transfer Station utility taxes for 1995 assume a full year of operations. The Solid Waste Utility Handling Tax was yr effective August 8, 1994 for all other businesses other than the City owned Solid Waste Utility which has been paying the 6%utility tax on gross revenues since 1991. ow CITY OF RENTON 1-1 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 2: EXPENDITURE BUDGET COMPARISON BY FUND Millions of Dollars $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $40.38 General Gov $42.37t Funds: $44.18 Special Revenue Funds: $0.32 Debt Service Funds: $2'1 $2 Capltal Project Funds(CIP): :... :: $6.37 $2.84 $39 8 8 :':::;wz:::::�:::>::�::::::::>:.....:<»»>::>::::::::»::s:::�,;::::::><:::«•:z:::»>::z:::::::::t<�:.:::::.\. •..• 7.29 Enterprise Funds: $34.97 >:$6.51 Internal Service Funds: $6'13 $6.35 $0.37 Fiduciary Funds: $0•32 $0.33 tk 1994 1995 1996 Budget ComoosRion Com arison General Govt (excludes fund balance) General Gov't 40.2% 44.5% !l 0. 42. Fiduciary Internal Svc 0.4% 6.5% Fiduciary 0. 0.3%6 ' 0. CIP $8.5 1 Special Rev 6.4 1 Internal Svc CIP 2.1. 6.4% 8.5% 1.7% 6.7% Special Rev Debt Service 539 9 Debt Se'1. Z37 3 0.8% 390 2.2% Enterprise Enterprise 39.7% 39.1% 1994 Adopted Bir"5100.3 Million CITY OF RENTON 1-4 1995- 1996 BUDGET to TABLE 2: EXPENDITURE BUDGET COMPARISON BY FUND aw 1993 1994 1994 I' 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg> Item, Actual:: .Budget Actual '' Budget Budget' 94-95 95-96 GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS: 000/General 26,480,497 27,726,708 29,359,907 29,237,508 30,647,046 5.4$ 4.8$ 101/Park 5,696,589 6,107,028 6,122,440 6,396,299 6,693,465 4.7$ 4.6$ 103/Street 4,407,394 4,247,903 4,008,671 4,406,461 4,642,880 3.7$ 5.4$ 106/Library 974,693 1,052,864 1,039,114 1,066,009 1,153,227 1.2$ 8.2# 207/1978 Limited G.O.Bonds 74,502 76,380 76,519 73,270 74,863 -4.1$ 2.2$ 212/1989 Limited Ref. G.O.Bond 288,449 286,533 286,071 290,498 293,381 1.4$ 1.0$ 215/Gen. Govt.Misc.Debt Servic 2,951,555 867,287 866,410 896,154 672,442 3.3$ -25.0$ SUBTOTAL 40,873,679 40,364,703 41: 759,132 42,364,199 44,17-7,304 5,0$ 4.3$ SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: 40 102/Arterial Street 316,068 320,000 53,274 320,000 320,000 0.0$ 0.0$ 104/Community Dev Block Grant 238,232 350,354 321,726 406,541 0 16.0$ -100.0$ 105/Impact Mitigation 242,947 1,000,000 426,345 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 40 118/Reserve for Paths&Trails 0 22,741 20,650 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 125/1%For Art 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0.0$ 0.0$ 127/Cable Communication 122,226 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUBTOTAL 919,473 1,699,595821,995 128,1341 321,500 -57.0$ -55.8 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: 213/1983 Unlim.Ref G.O.Bonds 5,289,882 835,755 831,175 753,363 756,998 -9.9$ 0.5$ 219/1989 Unlimited G.O.Bonds 4,775,297 473,508 470,463 499,750 495,675 5.5$ -0.8# •� 220/L.I.D. Debt Service Fund 1,037,790 1,728,369 1,952,281 842,028 743,213 -51.3$ -11. 7$ 221/L.I.D. Guaranty Fund 303,342 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUBTOTAL 11,406,311 3,037,632 3,253,919 21095,141 1,995,686 -31.0$ =4. 7$ W CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS(CIP): 302/Open Space Construction 3,367,607 0 3,625,326 0 0 N/A N/A 316/Municipal Facilities CIP 169,680 1,293,991 1,488,031 840,500 575,000 -35.0$ -31.6$ 317/Transportation CIP 1,800,460 7,187,378 5,675,229 5,532,620 2,261,405 -23.06 -59.1$ 319/Senior Housing Construction 420,783 0 37,489 0 0 N/A N/A 320/L.I.D. Construction Fund 3,359,154 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUBTOTAL 9,117,684 8,481,369 10,826,075 &,373,120 2,836,405 -24.9$ -55.5$ ENTERPRISE FUNDS: 401/Waterworks Utility 26,387,700 19,646,540 17,440,603 18,865,943 19,956,881 -4.0$ 5.8$ 421/Waterworks Utl Construction 10,232,164 7,837,725 7,860,740 10,327,750 6,256,275 31.8$ -39.4$ 402/Airport 449,108 876,094 359,753 502,557 474,518 -42.6$ -5.6* 403/Solid Waste Utility 6,911,245 6,573,373 6,371,609 6,356,454 6,492,105 -3.3$ 2.1$ 404/Golf Course 3,609,156 4,948,709 3,017,952 1,233,397 1,790,832 -75.1$ 45.2$ + ► SUBTOTAL 47 589,373 39,882,441 35,050,657 35,050,657X),286 10134,970,611 -6.58 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: 501/Equipment Rental 1,636,834 1,547,648 1,261,675 1,863,178 1,905,875 20.4* 2.3* q 502/Insurance 4,449,244 4,967,080 3,809,033 4,265,941 4,443,916 -14.1$ 4.24 SUBTOTAL 6,086,078 6,5141728 51,070,708 6,1294119 6,349,791 5.9$ 3.6$ FIDUCIARY FUNDS: 601/Firemen's Pension 385,648 368,520 298,762 320,288 333,902 -13.1$ 4.3$ TOTALS 1161378,246 =-100,343,988 97,081,248 9$,298,009 90,985,399 =5:0 40 ... CITY OF RENTON 1-5 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 3: DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGET, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, AND DESIGNATED EXPENSES Millions of Dollars $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 19946 19 95 199 LeMPI$2.25 Legislative/Executive Department: 2.41 2.5 :.$5.91 478 Human Resources/Risk Mgt: 4..99 $5.08 Finance and Information Services: 6.18 6.22 8.5 Police Department: 9 1,12 1 8.39 Fire Department: .02 .3 535.91 Planning/Building/Public Works: ..... ....... 35.95 ....................... .. 37.07 ............ 40 9.32 Community Services: .94 10.51 Composition of Expenditures Millions of Dollars General Gov't General Gov't Culture/Recreation 17% Culture/Recreation 17.6% 10.9% 11.51 ..$12.74 • 1.63 Health&Welfare Health&Welfare Public Safety ... Public Safety 22.6% 22.5% ........... -$35 9:::: .................... .................... ..... .. ................ ..... :5 j Physical/Eco3 ............ ................................. Physical/Eco Environment 48% Environment 46.8 1994 Adopted Operating Budget 1995 Adopted Qpeqtvig Budget CITY OF RENTON 1-6 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 3: DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGET, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, AND DESIGNATED EXPENSES I993 1994 1994 1495 #996 eib',Chg %Chg >Iwews beparbment Actual Budget Actual t3udget Budget = 94 45 45-96 LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE: Legislative(City Council) 106,992 121,101 113,214 116,046 117,585 -4.28 1.38 Executive Administration 443,674 458,709 451,819 474,903 494,126 3.58 4.08 1000 Judicial(Municipal Court) 708,141 750,407 764,396 786,994 819,141 4.98 4.16 Legal(City Attorney) 580,840 496,000 610,780 592,300 610,070 19.4$ 3.08 Hearing Examiner 114,419 123,180 123,221 125,067 130,833 1.58 4.68 City Clerk 262,570 299,248 287,259 312,837 326,060 4.58 4.26 so TOTAL LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE 2 r 21.6,636 2,248,645 2,:350,689 2,40. V147 2;:497,815 7,18 3. ?8 HUMAN RESOURCES&RISK MGMT: Personnel Administration 345,742 369,481 361,437 431,086 460,949 16.7$ 6.96 Civil Service 71,911 74,025 67,648 77,585 80,030 4.88 3.28 Insurance 4,449,244 4,967,080 3,809,033 4,265,941 4,443,916 -14.1$ 4.28 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCE S;RISK MGT 41866,897 5,410,586 4,238_118--.::..A1.774,612 9,'989,895 :.-11.8$ 9.98 FINANCE AND INFORMATIONS SERVICES: Finance 1,092,529 1,148,949 1,123,696 1,134,877 1,183,349 -1.28 4.38 Information Systems 685,113 751,219 783,270 787,501 790,110 4.88 0.38 Sub Total Finance&.Info Services 1.1:77:'64 1,900,168 I,906,966 1,922,378 1,973,.4 5 9 1.24 2.78 Limited G.O.Bonds 3,314,506 1,230,200 1,229,001 1,259,922 1,040,686 2.48 -17.48 Non-Departmental 1,849,579 579 1,947,984 2,710,546 2,992,691 3,204,854 53.68 7.18'.7 TOTAL FINANCE&INFO SERVICES 6,;941,727 5j07813.52 5,'&96,513 5;;174,99i 6,218,999 ZI.b8 06 POLICE: Administration 916,193 1,039,654 991,917 1,066,101 1,098,086 2.58 3.08 Operations Bureau 5,503,486 5,418,614 5,906,535 5,752,836 6,230,831 6.28 8.38 alb Support Services Bureau 1,915,858 2,039,623 2,198,641 2,184,754 2,292,714 7.18 4.98 TOTAL POLICE 8,335,537 8,497,891 9,097,093 9,'003,691 9,621,631 6.0$ 6.98 FIRE: Administration 500,54 3 567,266 560,926 643,699 668,874 13.58 3.98 Operations 5,055,628 5,144,852 5,231,457 5,426,652 5,579,483 5.58 2.88 Prevention 505,452 553,718 460,043 480,655 501,769 -13.28 4.49 Training 166,254 172,100 170,387 178,405 184,717 3. 78 3.56 Emergency Management 84,679 90,878 87,100 91,470 95,211 0.78 4.18 Fire District 25 Contract 1,260,189 1,864,929 1,734,764 1,200,000 1,266,796 -35.78 5.68 [TOTAL-FIRE 7;572,.745 8;393,743 8,244,677 8,;020,881 8,296,850 -4.48 3.98 PLANNING/BLDG/PUB WORKS: Administration 276,077 263,380 258,894 251,096 264,006 -4. 76 5.I6 Development Services 2,306,287 2,148,901 2,376,820 2,223,825 2,312,070 3.58 4.06 Transportation Systems 2,706,315 2,956,597 2,765,105 3,045,877 3,174,597 3.06 4.26 Planning/Technical Services 941,679 1,068,689 1,178,071 1,065,727 1,064,395 -0.38 -0.18 Utility Systems 26,133,499 17,600,463 16,146,900 16,507,881 16,724,468 -6.28 1.38 Maintenance Systems 10,847,719 11,866,498 10,496,162 12,350,930 13,534,594 4.18 9.66 TOTAL PLANNING/BLDG/PUB WKS 43,211,576 35,904,528 33,221,952, 35,445,336 37;074,130 1.38 4.68 COMMUNITY SERVICES: Facilities/Parks&Recreation 5,696,590 6,107,028 6,122,440 6,396,299 6,693,465 4. 78 4.68 *4110 Human Services 786,661 813,801 807,068 840,401 870,987 3.38 3.68 CDBG Block Grants 238,233 350,354 321,726 406,541 0 16.06 -100.08 Library 974,693 1,052,864 1,039,114 1,066,009 1,153,227 1.28 8.28 Golf Course 3,134,949 998,709 1,905,832 1,233,397 1,790,832 23.58 45.28 40 TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 10,831,126 91,322,756 10,196,I80 9,,942,647 10;1508,511 6.68 5.78 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET::,.. 83,976,244 74,:856,501 73,195,222 75,770,305 79,202,831 1.28 4.58 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(CII'): em Transportation CIP 1,800,460 7,187,378 5,675,229 5,532,620 2,261,405 -23.06 -59.18 Impact Mitigation 242,947 1,000,000 426,345 0 0 -100.08 N/A Open Space 3,367,607 0 3,625,326 0 0 N/A N/A Municipal Facilities CIP 169,680 1,293,991 1,488,031 840,500 575,000 -35.06 -31.66 err Senior Housing 420,783 0 37,489 0 0 N/A N/A LID Construction 3,359,154 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Airport(CIP Portion) 104,756 468,000 34,144 89,905 38,600 -80.86 -57.18 Golf Course(CIP Portion) 474,207 3,950,000 1,112,120 0 0 -100.06 N/A o, Waterworks Utility 10,106,913 7,757,725 7,781,818 10,229,750 6,186,275 31.96 -39.58 TOTAL CIF'PROGRAM 20,046,501 21,'657,094 20;180,502 16,692,775 9,061,280 -22.96 -45.7* OTHER DESIGNATED EXPENSES 12,355,501 3,830,393 3,705,524 2,834,929 2,721,288 -26.08 -4.06 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 116,378,246 100,343,988 97,081,298 95,,298,009 90;985,399 -5.06 =9.56 Awr CITY OF RENTON 1-7 1995-1996 BUDGET 100 TABLE 4: REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY-ALL FUNDS Millions of Dollars $_60 $-30 $0 $30 $60 go Revenues: Tax Reveinues Licenses/Permits to Intergovernmental ................. .......... Charges for Services 39 Fines&Forfeits Miscellaneous 0 Interfund Revenues Non-Revenues Other Financing Sources Expendftures: Wages&Benefits ............ .................. Supplies ....... ... Service Charges . . ..... ........... Intergovernmental 2 Capital Outlay Debt Service Interfund Payments TMI 994 Non-Expenditures 1995 191 1. 9 Other Financing Uses 1996 1iw Revenue and Expenditure Composition "lls Other Misc Non-Revenue 10.2% Mlsc 9.5% ...... 10.4% ... Service Charges .7 ......................... Other Sources ............................ ..... 21.3% Wages&Benefits ............. ........ 2.5% 10.1 ........... Taxes .......... .............. ............... 38.4% .......... .......... sa3 ss ... ........... .......... 35% .................... Intergov't .1H ............ .......... 4 ...... .. .................... i2 e2 7.8% ............. ................. 7 10 Inteftm Supplies .......... 4% Ucense/Permit 2.5% Chrg for Svc 2.7% Capital Outlay Debt Service 28.1% 18.5% 9.1% 1995 Revenue Budget 596.7 Million 1995 E=292=SO"595.3 Million CITY OF RENTON 1-8 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 4: REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY-ALL FUNDS �r 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg ITEM: Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 REVENUES: wo Taxes 31,747,728 31,689,405 31,647,303 33,845,649 35,496,097 6.88 4.9$ Licenses&Permits 2,867,920 2,417,650 2,901,017 2,619,114 2,650,750 8.3$ 1.2$ Intergovernmental 6,990,585 9,769,363 9,475,663 7,559,682 3,851,237 -22.69 -49.19 sw Charges for Services 23,763,843 26,420,553 25,963,981 27,162,862 29,129,685 2.8# 7.2* Fines&Forfeits 881,016 731,800 1,107,779 746,500 783,700 2.0* 5.09 Miscellaneous 9,131,848 8,805,435 9,870,143 9,351,199 9,731,554 6.2$ 4.19 44W Interfund Revenues 4,671,815 4,883,151 5,136,168 3,840,001 3,950,841 -21.49 2.9* Non-Revenues 23,738,692 11,302,966 13,486,097 9,210,917 6,333,763 -18.59- -31.28 Other Financing Sources 14,337,665 1,559,214 2,659,445 2,373,830 2,470,589 52.2$ 4.1$ wir TOTAL REVENUES 118,131,112 97,579,537 102,247,596 96,709,754 94,398,216 -0.98 -2.4* EXPENDITURES: WAI Salaries&Wages 23,769,074 25,338,128 25,617,979 26,173,224 27,334,825 3.3$ 4.4$ Personnel Benefits 9,652,834 11,710,082 10,088,846 10,424,453 10,888,995 -11.0$ 4.5# Supplies 2,072,357 2,355,865 2,148,609 2,406,296 2,596,398 2.19 7.9* Other Services& Charges 18,525,146 19,406,314 18,995,606 20,261,446 21,537,150 4.41 6.39- low Intergovernmental 3,414,140 3,903,590 3,830,929 3,975,707 4,131,005 1.8$ 3.9* Capital Outlay 17,830,728 22,465,760 20,253,664 17,664,624 10,075,970 -21.4# -43.08 Debt Service 29,823,788 9,377,931 9,116,283 8,621,069 9,108,229 -8.1* 5. 7$ i Interfund Payments 3,420,717 3,869,572 3,793,574 2,748,518 2,838,475 -29.08 3.3& Non-Expenditures 6,507,038 996,041 1,861,638 1,220,842 470,763 22.6$ -61.4i£ Other Financing Uses 1,362,424 920,705 1,374,120 1,801,830 2,003,589 95. 79 11.2$ i` TOTAL EXPENDITURES 116,378,246 100,343,988 97,081,248 95,298,009 90,985,399 -5.0* -4.5$ Revenues Over(Under) 40 Expenditures 1,752,866 (2,764,451) 5,166,348 1,411,745 3,412,817 -151.1$ 141. 79 Fund Balance,Jan 1 38,171,814 14,958,296 39,924,680 17,637,470 19,049,215 17.9$ 8.09 Fund Balance, Dec 31 39,924,680 12,193,845 45,091,028 19,049,215 22,462,032 56.2# +ww Table 4 summarizes the entire budget by basic revenue and expenditure categories,and compares the 1995 adopted Budget with 1994 +�r adopted and actual figures. Also see Table 6,Revenue Detail Summary and Table 7,Expenditure Detail Summary in this section. The bar chart on the preceeding page compares the 1994 and 1995 adopted allocations for revenue and expenditures;and the pie charts show 1995 resources and the basic expenditure categories. irr REVENUE CHANGES: Total revenues for 1995 are$870,000 less than 1994's adopted Budget. Contributing to the decrease is the reduction in Fire District#25 service contract,reduced distribution of state shared revenues,and a change in policy to only budget grants in hand rather than proposed grants. Interfund revenues are less than 1994's adopted figures due to a change in reporting for the 00 Waterworks Utility indirect cost payment to the General Fund. Each utility: water,wastewater,and surface water are being charged directly rather than being charged an allocated portion through Utility Administration as in prior years. Included in the category of non- revenues is bond proceeds. The reduction in this category is due to the Golf Course bond issue occurring in 1994.There are no bond issues budgeted for the Golf Course in 1995. EXPENDITURE CHANGES: The 1995 budget assumption includes all salary increases per labor contract settlements. Salary increases range from 2%to 3.5%. The balance of the increase relates to step and longevity increases. The decrease in personnel benefits for 1995 is the result of lower than anticipated medical and dental benefit rate increases for 1994. Supplies and Other Services and Charges expenditure line items for 1995 were increased 2.5%to allow for inflation. Operating Capital Outlay was limited to$88,300 in General Governmental Funds. The 1995 Budget provides in the Municipal Capital Facilities Fund$130,000 to acquire or upgrade computer equipment, $30,000 for copier acquisitions,and$250,000 for ten Police Patrol vehicles. Interfund payments are reduced due to the change in reporting for Waterworks Utility indirect cost reimbursement to the General Fund. +r CITY OF RENTON 1-9 1995-1996 BUDGET >r TABLE 5: 1995 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES,AND FUND SOURCES -ALL FUNDS ........................... ................................................................. General Govemment aw 101 103 106 307!212215" Total Reuenues Generat Parks street UW Lim GO >1995 Property Tax 10,583,949 881,700 0 0 909,500 12,375,149 Sales Tax 6,814,000 1,693,200 2,145,900 0 0 10,653,100 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 644,000 0 0 0 0 644,000 Admissions Tax 100,000 0 0 0 0 100,000 Utility Tax 2,298,100 2,791,000 453,200 1,027,500 0 6,569,800 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 350,000 350,000 tri EMS Levy Funds 302,100 0 0 0 0 302,100 Gambling Excise Tax 670,500 0 0 0 0 670,500 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 277,000 0 0 0 0 277,000 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 go Sub-Total Taxes 21,689,649 5,365,900 2,599,100 1,027,500 1,259,500 31,941,649 Business License Fee 326,400 0 0 0 0 326,400 Building Permits 656,000 0 18,000 0 0 674,000 Other Licenses/Permits 129,450 0 0 0 0 129,450 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 tta Other Federal/State Grants 0 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 State Shared Revenue 1,097,596 0 697,289 0 0 1,794,885 Other Intergovernmental 1,200,000 0 0 0 0 1,200,000 Charges for Services 764,546 533,650 72,800 14,650 0 1,385,646 40 Fines and Forfeits 730,900 0 0 15,600 0 746,500 Interest Earnings 335,000 20,000 25,000 10,000 6,300 396,300 Miscellaneous Revenues 69,500 475,200 0 1,000 0 545,700 Non-Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Interfund Revenues 2,244,401 0 999,093 0 0 3,243,494 TOTAL REVENUES 29,245,442 6,424,750 4,411,282 1,068,750 1,265,800 42,416,024 Expenditures Legislative 116,046 0 0 0 0 116,046 Executive: Administration(Mayor) 474,903 0 0 0 0 474,903 Municipal Court 786,994 0 0 0 0 786,994 Legal Services 592,300 0 0 0 0 592,300 Hearing Examiner 125,067 0 0 0 0 125,067 City Clerk 312,837 0 0 0 0 312,837 Human Resources 3 Risk Mgmt 508,671 0 0 0 0 508,671 Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 Finance and Information Services: Finance 8 Information Systems 1,922,378 0 0 0 0 1,922,378 Non-Departmental/Misc 1,466,586 0 0 0 0 1,466,586 Debt Service 65,075 0 0 0 1,259,922 1,324,997 Police 9,003,691 0 0 0 0 9,003,691 ris Fire 8,020,881 0 ,0 0 0 8,020,881 Planning/Building/Pub Wks: Administration 251,096 0 0 0 0 251,096 Development Services 2,223,825 0 0 0 0 2,223,825 Planning/Tech Services 1,065,727 0 0 0 0 1,065,727 Transportation 0 0 2,633,225 0 0 2,633,225 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance Services 0 0 1,773,236 0 0 1,773,236 Community Services: General Services/Parks 0 6,396,299 0 0 0 6,396,299 Housing b Human Services 840,401 0 0 0 0 840,401 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 1,066,009 0 1,066,009 Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers-Out 1,461,030 0 0 0 0 1,461,030 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 29,237,508 6,396,299 4,406,461 1,066,009 1,259,922 42,366,199 Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures 7,934 28,451 4,821 2,741 5,878 49,825 Fund Balance, January 1 1,805,757 489,618 1,505,750 367,082 358,689 4,526,896 Fund Balance,December 31 1,813,691 518,069 1,510,571 369,823 364,567 4,576,721 Reserved for: Operations 2,339,001 511,704 352,517 85,281 100,794 3,389,296 Designated 0 0 0 0 263,773 263,773 Undesignated 525,310 6,365 1,158,054 284,542 0 923,652 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,813,691 518,069 1,510,571 369,823 364,567 4,576,721 10 CITY OF RENTON 1-10 1995-1996 BUDGET trlw `o TABLE 5: 1995 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND SOURCES -ALL FUNDS ewr Special Revenue Debt Service 102104 los 118 125 12x 343/219 220 231 Anter Str CDBC Impact Mit Paths 1%Art Cable Com Unum G.O, LID Debt 5v 1JD Guar Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,277,000 0 0 Property Tax so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Admissions Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Tax ,4w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EMS Levy Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees t 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,277,000 0 0 Sub-Total Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Business License Fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Licenses/Permits tale 0 406,541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Federal/State Grants 322,300 0 0 3,400 0 0 0 0 0 State Shared Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Intergovernmental +w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fines and Forfeits 5,000 0 225,000 0 1,500 6,000 15,000 70,000 21,500 Interest Earnings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 950,300 0 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-Revenues atr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Revenues 327,300 406,541 225,000 3,400 1,500 6,000 1,292,000 1,020,300 21,500 TOTAL REVENUES Expenditures 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legislative Executive: 0 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Municipal Court qw 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Human Resources 3 Risk Mgmt 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance Finance and Information Services: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finance b Information Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-Departmental/Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,253,113 821,228 0 Debt Service wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Police 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Planning/Building/Pub Wks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administration an 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Development Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning/Tech Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance Services Community Services: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Services/Parks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing 3 Human Services 0 406,541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comm Dev Block Grants 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Golf Course 320,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,800 0 Transfers-Out 320,000 406,541 0 0 1,500 0 1,253,113 842,028 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES e� 7,300 0 225,000 3,400 0 6,000 38,887 178,272 21,500 Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures 41,097 38,121 100,000 0 0 180,817 855,724 1,311,927 639,009 Fund Balance, January 1 48,397 38,121 325,000 3,400 0 186,817 894,611 1,490,199 660,509 Fund Balance,December3l Reserved for: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 48,397 (38,121) 325,000 3,400 0 186,817 894,611 1,490,199 660,509 Designated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Undesignated 48,397 38,121 325,000 3,400 0 186,817 894,611 1,490,199 660,509 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE +rr CITY OF RENTON 1-11 1995-1996 BUDGET .r. TABLE 5: 1995 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES,AND FUND SOURCES -ALL FUNDS Capital Improvement Enterprise 302 31H;; >3#7 3t9 320 'i 401 421 Revenues Open Space Mun Fac Trams CtP Sr Hsing u0 constr W/S/S UBI WISIS Const Property Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111111 Admissions Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 EMS Levy Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111111111 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total Taxes 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 Business License Fee 0 0 1,475,064 0 0 0 0 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 14,200 0 Other Licenses/Permha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Federal/State Grants 0 0 3,137,556 0 0 0 0 State Shared Revenue 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 Other intergovernmental 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 0 0 1,000 0 0 17,565,974 6,000 Fines and Forfeits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mai Interest Earnings 0 43,000 0 0 0 188,374 300,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 27,000 0 Non-Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 90,000 9,089,000 Other Financing Sources 0 886,349 320,000 0 0 20,800 0 Interfund Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 595,007 0 TOTAL REVENUES 0 1,279,349 5,533,620 0 0 18,501,355 9,395,000 Expenditures Legislative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Executive: Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Municipal Court 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Human Resources S Risk Mgmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finance and Information Services: Finance&Information Systems 0 130,000 0 0 0 0 0 Non-Deparimental/Misc 0 30,000 0 0 0 1,095,897 0 Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 4,305,267 98,000 Police 0 250,330 0 0 0 0 0 Fire 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so Planning/Building/Pub Wks: Administration 0 0 0 0 0 62,162 0 Development Services 0 0 0 0 0 350,965 0 Planning/Tech Services 0 0 0 0 0 143,993 0 Transportation 0 0 5,532,620 0 0 314,422 0 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 4,250,569 10,229,750 Maintenance Services 0 0 0 0 0 8,342,668 0 Community Services: General Services/Parks 0 430,170 0 0 0 0 0 Housing d Human Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so Transfers Out 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 840,500 5,532,620 0 0 18,865,943 10,327,750 Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures 0 438,849 1,000 0 0 (364,588) (932,750) Fund Balance, January 1 69,231 82,065 43,953 0 1,103,102 1,046,798 Fund Balance,December 31 0 508,080 83,065 43,953 0 738,514 114,048 Reserved for: Operations 0 0 0 0 0 742,375 0 Designated 0 508,080 83,065 43,953 0 0 114,048 Undesignated 0 0 0 0 0 3,861 0 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 0 508,080 83,065 43,953 0 738,514 114,048 CITY OF RENTON 1-12 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 5: 1995 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES,AND FUND SOURCES -ALL FUNDS + Enterprise Internal Service Fiduciary Total AN Funds 402 403 502' 601 TOttal' Airport Sal Waste Golf Crs Eq f2ental Insurance Fire Pension 1995 4 RBVenUBS _...._ 0 0 0 0 0 277,000 13,929,149 Property Tax errs 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,653,100 Sales Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 644,000 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 Admissions Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,569,800 Utility Tax sw 0 0 0 0 0 0 700,000 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 302,100 EMS Levy Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 670,500 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 277,000 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 277,000 33,845,649 Sub-Total Taxes 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,801,464 Business License Fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 688,200 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 129,450 Other Licenses/Permits rsr 0 0 0 0 0 0 406,541 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,167,556 Other Federal/State Grants 0 0 0 0 0 65,000 2,535,585 State Shared Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,450,000 Other Intergovernmental 40 3,500 6,324,337 956,812 919,593 0 0 27,162,862 Charges for Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 746,500 Fines and Forfeits 30,000 10,000 86,000 17,399 67,042 162,000 1,644,115 Interest Earnings 723,500 0 13,000 507,419 4,940,165 0 7,707,084 Miscellaneous Revenues sw 0 12,000 0 9,075 10,842 0 9,210,917 Non-Revenues 0 0 316,302 570,000 258,379 0 2,373,830 Other Financing Sources 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 3,840,001 Interfund Revenues 757,000 6,347,837 1,372,114 2,023,486 5,276,428 504,000 96,709,754 TOTAL REVENUES wr Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 .0 116,046 Legislative Executive: 0 0 0 0 0 0 476,403 Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 786,994 Municipal Court 0 0 0 0 0 0 592,300 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 125,067 Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 312,837 City Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 508,671 Human Resources 6 Risk Mgmt arr 0 0 0 0 4,160,171 0 4,160,171 Insurance Finance and Information Services: 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,052,378 Finance d Information Systems 34,600 239,999 29,166 80,024 105,770 320,288 3,402,330 Non-Departmental/Misc DIY 0 57,031 547,937 213,496 0 0 8,621,069 Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,254,021 Police 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,020,881 Fire Planning/Building/Pub Wks: 3,313 9,686 0 0 0 0 326,257 Administration 'r 0 605 0 0 0 0 2,575,395 Development Services 0 6,286 0 0 0 0 1,216,006 Planning/Tech Services 462,594 0 0 0 0 0 8,942,861 Transportation 0 5,987,684 0 0 0 0 20,468,003 Utility Systems +tar 2,050 55,163 0 1,569,658 0 0 11,742,775 Maintenance Services Community Services: 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,826,469 General Services/Parks 0 0 0 0 0 0 840,401 Housing&Human Services aw 0 0 0 0 0 0 406,541 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,066,009 Library 0 0 656,294 0 0 0 656,294 Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,801,830 Transfers-Out 502,557 6,356,454 1,233,397 1,863,178 4,265,941 320,288 95,298,009 TOTAL EXPENDITURES sre 254,443 (8,617) 138,717 160,308 1,010,487 183,712 1,411,745 Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures 1,621,393 135,747 226,053 745,401 2,216,993 2,729,385 17,637,470 Fund Balance, January 1 1,875,836 127,130 364,770 905,709 3,227,480 2,913,097 19,049,215 Fund Balance,December 31 ssr Reserved for: 40,205 136,290 26,431 149,054 0 0 4,483,650 Operations 760,000 0 338,339 50,520 3,370,240 2,913,097 12,015,927 Designated 1,075,631 9,160 0 706,135 142,760 0 2,549,638 Undesignated wsr 1,875,836 127,130 364,770 905,709 3,227,480 2,913,097 19,049,215 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE rrtr CITY OF RENTON 1.13 1995-1996 BUDGET so TABLE 6: REVENUE DETAIL -ALL FUNDS 1993 19941 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Ch9' 00 REVENUES Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-'95 >95-96'. TAX REVENUES: Property Tax-General Levy: 000 General Fund 9,599,023 9,772,788 9,849,077 10,583,949 11,474,647 8.3% 8.4% tt 111111 101 Park Fund 12,952 842,071 840,587 881,700 934,200 4.7% 6.0% 103 Street Fund 9,416 0 0 AM 0 0 WA WA 207 1978 Limited G.O.Bonds 76,635 74,380 74,380 73,900 74,500 -0.6% 0.8% 212 1989 Limited Refunding G.O.Bonds 297,138 280,798 280,798 290,000 295,000 3.3% 1.7% 215 General Govt.Miscellaneous Debt Service 486,699 522,973 522,973 545,600 320,000 4.3% -41.3% 601 Firemen's Pension Fund 246,000 257,000 257,000 277,000 299,000 7.8% 7.9% Total Property Tax-General Levy 10,727,863 11,750,010 11,823,735 12,652,149 13,397,347 7.7% 5.9% Property Tax-Special Levy/Coulon Park 821,275 700,000 702,278 777,000 700,000 11.0% -9.9% Property Tax-Special Levy/Senior Housing 536,874 520,448 521,451 500,000 495,000 -3.9% -1.0% 11 Total Property Taxes 12,086,012 12,970,458 13,047,464 13,929,149 14,592,347 7.4% 4.8% Local Retail Sales/Use Tax 9,892,932 9,591,293 9,535,779 10,653,100 11,312,800 11.1% 6.2% Natural Gas Use Tax 48,245 36,000 66,978 37,800 39,700 5.0% 5.0% Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 584,519 611,000 609,886 644,000 663,300 5.4% 3.0% Total Retail Sales and Use Tax 10,525,696 10,238,293 10,212,643 11,334,900 12,015,800 10.7% 6.0% Utility Tax-Electricity 2,360,512 2,638,000 2,452,644 2,866,000 2,930,600 8.6% 2.3% Utility Tax-Gas 480,542 376,000 478,877 415,400 435,100 10.5% 4.7% Utility Tax-Transfer Station 0 175,000 141,397 350,000 350,000 100.0% 0.0% Utility Tax-Telephone/Telegraph 1,134,500 1,102,500 897,714 1,027,500 1,124,550 -6.8% 9.4% Utility Tax-Cellular Phone 155,838 142,000 192,228 190,000 193,800 33.8% 2.0% Utility Tax-TV Cable 240,959 238,000 224,309 245,100 252,500 3.0% 3.0% Utility Tax-City Utilities 1,244,709 1,369,554 1,354,435 1,438,000 1,509,900 5.0% 5.0% Total Utility Taxes 5,617,060 6,041,054 5,741,604 6,532,000 6,796,450 8.1% 4.0% 1t Real Estate Excise Tax 754,723 700,000 974,898 700,000 707,000 0.0% 1.0% Emergency Medical Service Levy Funds 296,283 285,000 313,548 302,100 320,200 6.0% 6.0% Gambling Excise Tax 640,548 651,000 632,266 670,500 687,300 3.0% 2.5% Impact Mitigation Tax 1,468,323 425,750 322,762 0 0 -100.0% WA Admissions Tax 145,124 100,000 102,146 100,000 100,000 0.0% 0.0% Franchise Fees 134,501 207,850 222,167 207,000 207,000 -0.4% 0.0% Leasehold Excise Tax 79,458 70,000 77,805 70,000 70,000 0.0% 0.0% Total Other Taxes 3,518,960 2,439,600 2,645,592 2,049,600 2,091,500 -16.0% 2.0% TOTAL TAX REVENUE 31,747,728 ' 31,689,405 31647,303 33,845,649 35,496,097 6.8% ` 4.9% LICENSES AND PERMITS: Per Capita Business License 2,040,615 1,735,000 1,835,689 1,801,464 1,831,500 3.8% 1.7% Other Business Licenses and Permits 128,854 109,450 138,890 109,450 109,450 0.0% 0.0% Building Permits 635,620 526,200 853,111 667,200 667,900 26.8% 0.1% Animal Licenses(Dog and Cat) 16,564 29,000 20,379 20,000 20,000 -31.0% 0.0% Other Non-Business Licenses/Permits 46,267 18,000 52,948 21,000 21,900 16.7% 4.3% TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS ' 2,867,920 2,417,650 2,901,017 2,619,114 2,650,750 8.3% ' 1.2% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Federal Grants 642,562 2,033,368 765,674 2,771,956 30,000 36.3% -98.9% Federal Community Dev Block Grants 249,930 350,354 227,716 406,541 0 16.0% -100.0% State Grants 300,949 2,551,210 340,085 395,600 91,405 -84.5% -76.9% State/Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 696,905 710,300 739,205 623,100 623,100 -12.3% 0.0% State/Local Vehicle License Fee/Transp 353,562 350,000 362,233 350,000 350,000 0.0% 0.0% Criminal Justice MVET 185,541 87,282 69,350 0 0 -100.0% WA Criminal Justice MVET-High Crime 0 0 120,527 0 0 WA WA Criminal Justice MVET-Population 0 0 6,295 13,182 13,446 WA 2.0% Criminal Justice MVET-DCD X143 0 0 43,358 53,614 53,614 WA 0.0% State/Motor Vehicle Tax Equalization 63,557 21,833 60,891 7,889 1,972 -63.9% -75.0% State/Street Fuel Tax 664,218 709,900 676,380 692,800 692,800 -2.4% 0.0% State/Arterial Street Fuel Tax 310,515 329,937 316,201 322,300 325,000 -2.3% 0.8% State TIA Transportation Grants 100,255 225,250 0 0 0 -100.0% WA State/Fire Insurance Premium Tax 51,032 45,000 78,893 65,000 67,000 44.4% 3.1% State/Liquor Board Profits/Excise Tax 436,745 455,000 423,324 395,300 390,500 -13.1% -1.2% Fire Service Contract District 25 1,404,495 1,864,929 1,779,468 1,200,1X10 1,200,000 -35.7% 0.0% Interlocal Grants/Open Space/Conserva Fut 1,517,803 25,000 3,452,588 250,000 0 900.0% -100.0% Other Intergovernmental Revenues 12,516 10,000 13,475 12,400 12,400 24.0% 0.0% TOTAL'INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE ': 6,990,566 9,769,363 9,475,663 7,559 682 3,851 237 -22.6% -49.1% CHARGES FOR SERVICES: General Government Service Charges 63,318 58,950 78,484 68,950 49,450 17.0% -28.3% Police Private Security Overtime 138,469 216,968 100,838 224,500 234,600 3.5% 4.5% Other Public Safety Services Charges 113,475 94,400 133,110 141,246 148,599 49.6% 5.2% Water Collections 5,743,631 6,558,741 6,610,401 6,753,590 7,150,919 3.0% 5.9% Wastewater(City Sewer)Collections 2,636,339 3,132,282 3,030,086 3,219,754 3,453,642 2.8% 7.3% 411111111 Metro Revenue 3,870,334 5,086,000 4,632,742 5,204,584 5,944,823 2.3% 14.2% CITY OF RENTON 1-14 1995-1996 BUDGET aw w TABLE 6: REVENUE DETAIL-ALL FUNDS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg'; 9/6 Chg stir IRMNUES Actual budget Actual )3txlget Budget 94-95 95-96 Garbage/Solid Waste Fees 6,223,132 6,438,369 6,153,974 6,324,337 6,407,817 -1.8% 1.3% Surface Water(Storm Drainage)Fees 2,103,713 2,111,880 2,042,356 2,188,046 2,344,732 3.6% 7.2% QUO Other Inspection/Approval Fees 280,554 222,500 402,807 270,100 255,100 21.4% -5.6% Airport Fuel Charges 6,033 3,500 7,608 3,500 3,500 0.0% 0.0% Plan Checking Fees 190,464 150,000 237,199 190,000 190,000 26.7% 0.0% Planning/Zoning/EIS Fees 288,142 215,000 315,157 165,000 165,000 -23.3% 0.0% Golf Course Green Fees 573,026 647,838 633,805 605,109 731,941 -6.6% 21.0% 00 Golf Course Driving Range Fees 0 0 0 150,000 320,000 WA 113.3% Additional Green Fee/Capkal Improvements 211,840 230,000 211,268 201,703 243,979 -12.3% 21.0% All Other Parks/Recreation Fees 599,372 507,015 597,840 532,850 534,100 5.1% 0.2% Equipment Repair/Maintenance Charges 722,001 747,110 776,306 919,593 951,483 23.1% 3.5% +r TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 23,763;843 26,420,553>s 25,963,981 27,162,86229,129,685 2.8% 7.2% FINES AND FORFEITS: Municipal Court Revenue 633,414 715,600 606,677 729,900 762,800 2.0% 4.5% Confiscated Narcotics Money 13,096 0 22,012 0 0 WA WA err King County Narcotics Seizure Fund 216,339 0 460,844 0 0 WA WA Library Fines 16,787 15,200 17,256 15,600 19,800 2.6% 26.9% Other Fines and Forfeits 1,380 1,000 990 1,000 1,100 0.0% 10.0% TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITS 881,016 731,8W 1,107,779 746,500' 783,700 2.0% 5.0% +IIY1 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE: Interest Earnings 1,706,356 1,276,244 2,104,159 1,644,115 1,650,394 28.8% 0.4% L.I.D.Interest/Principal/Penahies 888,499 866,683 1,029,438 950,300 763,400 9.6% -19.7% Equipment Capital Recovery Charges 469,638 535,525 439,057 507,419 549,583 -5.2% 8.3% w, Airport Leases 623,380 514,000 658,951 723,500 749,000 40.8% 3.5% Parks Rents/Lesses/Concessions 410,691 493,600 485,145 502,700 763,274 1.8% 51.8% Property/Liability Insurance Premiums 758,141 1,208,743 1,208,614 1,275,754 1,314,615 5.5% 3.0% Medical Insurance Premiums 2,324,267 2,866,122 2,514,472 2,566,976 2,717,199 -10.4% 5.9% Dental Insurance Premiums 472,019 427,240 504,555 522,359 544,298 22.3% 4.2% so Unemployment Compensation Premiums 40,150 43,150 46,150 46,150 46,150 7.0% 0.0% Industrial Insurance Premiums City/Employee 415,373 410,179 425,058 428,926 450,141 4.6% 4.9% Contributions from Private Sources 669,042 77,949 177,019 46,000 46,500 -41.0% 1.1% Other Miscellaneous 354,292 86,000 277,525 137,000 137,000 59.3% 0.0% "Is TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 9,131,848 8,805,435 9,870,143 9,351,199 9,731,554 6.2% 4.1% INTERFUND REVENUES: Reimb Gen Govt Funds/Shop 03M Rent 77,132 77,132 77,132 74,352 75,054 -3.6% 0.9% Reimb Gen Govt Funds/Waterworks Utility 1,761,568 1,881,022 1,888,797 1,899,376 1,953,361 1.0% 2.8% srr Reimb Gen Govt Funds/Solid Waste Utility 235,557 263,459 262,005 258,613 266,207 -1.8% 2.9% Reimb Gen Govt Funds/Airport 51,125 41,985 45,647 65,129 55,029 55.1% -15.5% Reimb Gen Govt Funds/Goff Course 20,208 21,229 21,229 29,166 30,041 37.4% 3.0% Reimb Gen Govt Funds/Equipment Rental 109,244 114,672 112,270 125,244 138,035 9.2% 10.2% so Reimb Gen Govt Funds/Insurance Fund 98,276 103,190 103,190 105,770 108,943 2.5% 3.0% Reimb Gen Govt Funds/Fire Pension 2,669 2,936 2,936 3,265 3,363 11.2% 3.0% Reimb Gen Govt Funds/CIP Reimbursement 717,131 644,497 781,620 652,579 669,966 1.3% 2.7% Reimb Gen Govt Funds/EIS Reimbursement 74,513 0 26,378 30,000 31,000 WA 3.3% Watervvorks Utility Interfund Revenues 1,486,037 1,733,029 1,729,313 595,007 618,342 -65.7% 3.9% ON Solid Waste Interfund Revenues 6,587 0 5,069 1,500 1,500 WA 0.0% Miscellaneous Interfund Revenues 31,768 0 80,582 0 0 WA WA TOTAL INTERFUND REVENUES 4,671,815 4;883,151 5,136;968 3,840,0011 3,950,841 -21.4% r >2.9% Mw NON-REVENUES: Revenue Bond Proceeds 14,145,000 8,062,000 8,570,000 4,895,000 3,508,000 -39.3% -28.3% Solid Waste Utility Bond Proceeds 350,000 0 0 0 0 WA WA 1993 Lim GO Ref Bond Proceeds 2,823,250 0 0 0 0 WA WA PWTF Loan Proceeds 477,925 600,000 1,637,842 1,232,000 450,000 105.3% -63.5% QW Utility Contributed Capital 2,438,874 1,577,308 1,366,498 1,854,000 1,905,000 17.5% 2.8% Residual Equity Transfers-In 2,502,830 1,018,782 1,273,290 1,210,000 459,000 18.8% -62.1% Prior Period Correction 173,373 0 0 0 0 WA WA Interfund Loan Proceeds 795,000 0 0 0 0 WA WA am Interfund Loan Pa is Received Princllnterest 32,440 44,876 638,467 19,917 11,763 -55.6% -40.9% TOTALNON-REVENUES 23,738,692 11,302,966 13,486;097 9210,917,1 6,333,763 -18.5% -31.21116 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: LID/Lim G.O.Bond Proceeds/Comptrs/Eq 12,670,813 458,000 980,000 560,000 455,000 22.3% -18.8% 40 Insurance Recoveries 185,429 0 69,946 0 0 WA WA Sale of Fixed Assets 18,000 10,000 62,779 12,000 12,000 20.0% 0.0% Operating Transfers-In 1,463,423 1,091,214 1,546,720 1,801,830 2,003,589 65.1% 11.2% TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 14,337 665 1559,214 2,659,445 2,373,830 2,470,589 52.2% 4.1% err TOTAL REVENUES 118,131,'112 97;579,537' 102,247,596 96,7091754 94,398,216 -0.9% -24% nr CITY OF RENTON 1-15 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 7: EXPENDITURE DETAIL-ALL FUNDS 1993 1994 .1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Actual Bu et Budget 94'7-95 95-96 SALARIES AND WAGES: Regular Salaries 21,599,727 23,165,584 23,067,216 23,827,425 24,932,648 2.9$ 4.6$ Part Time Salaries 1,154,261 1,150,091 1,354,124 1,262,426 1,276,338 9.8$ 1.1$ Uniform Allowance 50,497 55,820 56,689 49,895 49,895 -10.6$ 0.0$ Overtime 964,589 966,633 1,139,950 1,033,478 1,075,944 6.9$ 4.1$ TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 23,769,074 25,338,128 ?5,617,979 26,173,224 27,334,825 3.3$ 4-491 PERSONNEL BENEFITS: Retirement/PERS 1,249,203 1,131,459 1,195,388 1,201,302 1,258,286 6.29 4. 7$ 11111111 Retirement/LEOFF 480,961 499,486 553,709 528,923 551,609 5.9$ 4.3$ FICA 1,397,686 1,494,134 1,503,139 1,609,007 1,684,138 7.7$ 4. 7$ Medical Insurance 2,393,935 3,156,227 2,482,346 2,667,777 2,791,648 -15.5$ 4.6$ LEOFF Retired Medical Insurance 153,798 215,353 248,894 183,670 190,098 -14. 7$ 3.5$ Industrial Insurance 398,908 485,865 398,584 406,259 430,216 -16.4$ 5.9$ Life Insurance 82,195 90,764 84,920 90,295 93,472 -0.5$ 3.5$ Dental Insurance 434,552 624,271 495,899 529,756 557,969 -15.1$ 5.39 Unemployment Compensation 40,150 46,150 46,150 46,150 46,150 0.0$ 0.0$ Fire Pensions 283,383 365,410 295,605 310,000 330,000 -15.2$ 6.5$ PERS Prior Service Liability 8,727 8,123 7,389 8,123 8,123 0.09 0.00 Long Term Disability 0 0 48,268 64,641 67,086 N/A 3.89 Self-Insurance Medical/Dental 2,544,415 3,292,340 2,435,734 2,535,800 2,626,825 -23.0$ 3.6$ Self-Insurance Workmen's Compensation 150,707 181,500 245,111 196,500 207,100 8.3$ 5.4$ Self-Insurance Unemployment Compensation 34,014 119,000 47,710 46,250 46,275 -61.1$ 0.1$ TOTAL PERSONNEL BENEFITS 9,652,834 11,710,082 10,088,846x' 10,424,453 10,888,995 -11.0# : 4.,5.]- SUPPLIES: .5$SUPPLIES: Office/Operating Supplies 1,921,075 2,170,892 1,999,158 2,221,789 2,405,163 2.3$ 8.3$ Small Equipment 151,282 184,973 149,451 184,507 191,235 -0.3$ 3.60 'TOTAL SUPPLIES 2,072,357 2,355,865 2,148,609 2,406,296 2,596,398 2.1$ : 7-991 OTHER SERVICES 3 CHARGES: Professional Services 7,389,828 6,940,580 7,309,786 7,043,418 7,178,816 1.5$ 1.9* 40 Postage 112,524 129,940 126,611 138,835 142,785 6.9* 2.89 Telephone 147,353 167,608 154,796 175,415 181,366 4. 7$ 3.4$ Travel and Training 143,267 160,192 158,078 198,254 198,258 23.8$ 0.09 Volunteer Travel/Meals 9,455 10,315 14,495 20,500 21,115 98. 7# 3.0# Advertising 28,357 37,171 28,743 36,599 36,747 -1.5$ 0.4$ Equipment Rental 1,167,660 1,243,655 1,197,575 1,398,815 1,491,518 12.5$ 6.69 Other Rentals 130,480 110,206 135,523 141,291 171,759 28.2$ 21.6$ Property/Liability Insurance Premiums 1,197,146 2,267,114 1,626,210 1,715,754 1,775,115 -24.3$ 3.59 we Self-Insurance Property/Liability d Airport 971,255 0 296,217 676,700 715,300 N/A 5.7* Subtotal Misc Charges 11,297,325 11,066,781 11,048,034 11,545,581 11,912,779 4.3$ 3.2$ Utility Services: t Electricity 1,187,726 1,272,941 1,219,201 1,331,149 1,391,339 4.69 4.5$ Water/Sewer/Garbage 148,704 176,914 189,145 196,457 209,822 11.0$ 6.89 Natural Gas 44,537 76,057 46,076 77,958 80,297 2.5$ 3.09 Purchased Water 10,571 10,000 10,365 11,000 11,000 10.0$ 0.0# 111111111 Dump Fees/Other 33,878 57,000 67,541 54,965 55,974 -3.69- 1.89 Storm Drainage Fees 209,705 104,905 105,130 110,150 116,292 5.0* 5.6* Metro 4,083,234 5,086,000 4,563,854 5,204,584 5,944,823 2.3$ 14.29 Subtotal Utility Services 5,718,355 6,783,817 6,201,312 6,986,263 7,809,547 3.0* 11.8$ 4111111 Repairs and Maintenance 629,077 827,864 629,222 826,677 889,941 -0.1$ 7. 7$ Memberships and Registrations 47,251 63,651 55,130 73,646 77,389 15.7$ 5.1$ Vandalism 16,548 8,263 8,010 8,444 8,667 2.2$ 2.6$ 40 Parks Self-Sustaining Programs 344,128 287,190 293,911 288,690 288,690 0.5# 0.0* Other Miscellaneous Services 472,462 368,748 759,987 532,145 550,137 44.3$ 3.49 Subtotal Misc Services 1,509,466 1,555,716 1,746,260 1,729,602 1,814,824 11.2$ 4.9* TOTAL'OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES " 18,525,146 19,406,314 18,995;608 20,261,446 21,537,150 4.4$ 6.3$ 40 s CITY OF RENTON 1-16 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 7: EXPENDITURE DETAIL-ALL FUNDS 199319941984 1995 1996 %Cho %Chg EXPENDITURES Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 14-95 95-96 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES: Payments to Other Governmental Units 1,398,091 1,470,088 1,44057 1,515,032 1,560,118 3.18 3.Of State Tax 771,340 1,03308 1,031,637 1,039,257 1,052,771 0.58 1.38 arr Interfund Taxes 1,244,709 1,399,634 1,354,435 1,421,418 1,518,116 1.68 6.88 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 3,414,140 3,903,590 3;830,929 3,975,707 4,131,005 1.88 3.;9$ CAPITAL OUTLAY: General,Parka,Street,Library Funds 450,608 142,484 398,072 103,816 82,150 -27.1$ -20.98 arlr Housing d Community Development Grants 91,673 160,482 132,069 122,586 0 -23.68 -100.Of Mufti-Department Capital Improvements(317)(316) 124,569 800,991 33,918 480,000 538,500 -40.1$ 12.2$ Police and Fire Projects(317)(316) 1,837 1,000,000 0 319,405 221,272 -68.1$ -30. 78 110 Library Renovation(317)(316) 14,747 493,000 67,548 0 21,500 -100.0$ N/A Municipal Faciifties/Property Acquisition(316) 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Parks/Open Space Projects(105/302/317)(316) 3,367,607 0 4,534,463 31,595 0 N/A -100.Of Community Center(317)(316) 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000 Golf Course Improvements/Equipment(404) 474,207 3,950,000 1,112,120 0 35,000 -100.Of N/A Senior Housing Construction(319) 354,215 0 35,959 0 0 N/A N/A Waterworks Utility Operations/CIP(320/401/421) 10,137,505 7,793,725 7,801,663 10,278,250 6,212,475 31.9$ -39.68 +111 Airport Improvements/Equipment(402) 109,209 484,200 39,730 13,105 58,600 -97.30 347.28 Transportation Improvements(102/105/301/317/320) 1,826,909 7,177,378 5,815,209 5,522,620 2,251,405 -23.1$ -59.28 Equipment Rental Replacements/Addftions(501) 504,274 462,000 281,010 714,947 653,568 54.88 -8.68 All Other Capital Outlay(125/127/403/502) 373,368 1,500 1,903 78,300 1,500 5120.08 -98.18 aw ITOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,830,728 22,465,760 20,253,664 17,664,624 10,075,970 -25.4$ -43.OB DEBT SERVICE:(Principal and Interest) Limited General Obligation Debt 6,819,041 1,985,089 1,914,828 1,999,514 1,855,577 0. 78 -7.28 Unlimited General Obligation Debt 10,065,178 1,309,263 1,301,638 1,253,113 1,252,673 -4.38 0.08 OWN L.I.D.Debt Service 1,102,493 1,791,725 1,759,036 886,303 756,022 -50.58 -14. 78 Waterworks Utility Revenue Bonds 11,756,411 4,169,518 3,237,761 4,039,008 4,436,574 -3.18 9.88 Waterworks Utility Public Works Trust Fund Loans 29,010 122,336 95,554 287,090 355,300 134. 78 23.88 140/ Airport Revenue Bonds 51,655 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Golf Course Revenue Bonds 0 0 807,466 156,041 452,083 N/A 189. 78 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE' 29,823,788 9,377,931' 9,116,283 8,621,069 9,108,229 -8.18 5.78 001 TOTAL INTERFUND PAYMENTS' 3,420,717 3,869,572 3793,574 2,748,518 2,836,475 29.'08 3.38 NON-EXPENDITURES: W/S Operations TA to W/S Construction 2,342,000 996,041 996,041 1,210,000 459,000 21.58 -62.18 LID 329 Redemption/BANS 3,200,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 400 LID Residual Equity Transfer-Out 156,068 0 256,599 0 0 N/A N/A Street Fund Residual Equity Trf-Out to E/R 4,761 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Golf Course Loan Repayment/Egpllnsur Fund 9,209 0 9,991 10,842 11,763 N/A S.58 Fire Pension Loan Disbursement/Golf Course 95,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A so Golf Course Loan Repayment/Fire Pension 0 0 95,000 0 0 N/A N/A Interfund Loan Disbursement/NARCO Acq 700,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Interfund Loan Repayment/NARCO Acq 0 0 504,007 0 0 N/A N/A esti TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 6,507,038 996,041 1,861,638 1,220,842 470,763' 22.6$ -61.48 OTHER FINANCING USES: General Funds Trf to Golf Course D/S 366,394 325,887 325,887 316,302 318,912 -2.98 0.88 General Fund TA to Insurance Fund 0 252,077 252,077 258,379 266,130 2.58 3.09 100 General Fund Trf to Mun Fac Capital Fund 0 0 339,000 888,349 1,066,947 N/A 20.48 Arterial Sir Trf-Out to CIP(Overlay Prog) 279,500 320,000 53,274 320,000 320,000 0.09 0.09 Parks Fund Trf-Out to Mun Fac Capital Fund 60,000 0 92,000 0 0 N/A N/A 40Cable Communications Trf to Gen/CIP 120,500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A LID Guaranty Fund Trf-Out to Mun Fac Capital Fund 303,342 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Other Transfers-Out 232,688 22,741 311,882 20,800 31,600 -8.58 51.98 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 1,362,424 920,705 1,374120 1,801;$30 2,003,589 95. 7$ 11.2 wr TOTAL EXPENDITURES' 116,378,246 100,343,988 97,081,248 95,298,009 90,985,399 -5.Of -4,58 wrr CITY OF RENTON 1-17 1995- 1996 BUDGET wr TABLE 8: STAFFING COMPARISONS BY DEPARTMENT ' 1993 19" 1995 1996 °Xi Chi %Chg Depart#zeiit Actual Actual Budget Budget 94-9$ ::1:.:::::.:::::95-96 Regular FLIT Time and Part Time Staff LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE: Legislative 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 0.0% 0.0% Mayor 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.0% 0.0% Municipal Court 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 0.0% 0.0% Hearing Examiner 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0% 0.0% 16 City Clerk 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL LEGISLATIVE[EXECUTIVE 31.6 31?6 31.6 31.6 I' 0;096 0.0% FINANCE&INFORMATION SERVICES Finance 22.0 20.0 19.0 19.0 40% 0.0% Io Information Systems 5.0 5.0 6.5 6.5 30.0% 0.0% TOTAL FINANCE&`INFORMATION SERVICES 27.0 25.0 25.5 x5.5 20% I> 0:0% HUMAN RESOURCES/RISK MANAGEMENT Human Resources/Civil Service Commission 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0% 0.0% 00 Risk Management 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.6 60.0% 0.0% HUMANIRESOURCES/RISK MANAGEMENT 6.0 6.0 6.6 6.6 40.0% 0.0% POLICE: Administration 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0% 0.0% io Operations Bureau 75.2 75.2 75.2 75.2 0.0% 0.0% Support Services 29.0 29.0 30.0 30.0 3.4% 0.0% TOTALPOLICE 107.2 107.2 x108.2 108.2 0.9% 50% FIRE: Administration 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.0% 0.0% Operations 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 0.0% 0.0% Fire District#25 28.0 28.0 16.0 16.0 -42.9% 0.0% Prevention 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 0.0% 0.0% Training 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0% 0.0% Emer ency Management 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL FIRE 120.0 120.0 :108.0 '108.010.0% 0.0% PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS: Administration 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.0% 0.0% Development Services 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 0.0% 0.0% Tranportation Systems 31.0 30.5 30.5 30.5 0.0% 0.0% Planning/Technical Services 13.1 13.5 13.5 13.5 0.0% 0.0% Utility Systems 19.5 19.4 19.4 19.4 0.0% 0.0% Maintenance Services 58.0 55.5 55.5 56.5 0.0% 1.8% TOTAL PLANNING BLDG PUBLIC WORKS 159.6 156.4 156.4 157.4 0,0% 0,5% COMMUNITY SERVICES: General Services,Parks&Recreation 69.0 68.5 70.5 71.5 2.9% 1.4% Senior Housing 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 WA WA Human Services 1.8 1.3 2.0 2.0 53.8% 0.0% CDBG Block Grants 1.2 1.7 2.0 2.0 17.6% 0.0% 10 Library 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 0.0% 0.0% Golf Course 4.0 4.0 6.0 9.0 50.0% 50.0% TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES . 92.8 90.8 95.8 99.8' S;5% 4:2% Total Regular Pull Time stafflng' 544.2 537:0 532.1 637.1s: -0.976 0.976 Temporary Part Time Staff Executive(All Divisions) 1.0 1.7 1.0 1.0 -41.2% 0.0% 4w Finance&Information Services 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 WA 0.0% Human Resources/Risk Management 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.0 -100.0% WA Planning/Building/Public Works 17.1 17.0 14.1 14.1 -17.1% 0.0% Community Services 51.2 57.1 48.8 48.8 -14.5% 0.0% to 3btal T*MP*rarV Part 3Rms St 68.9 76.3 84.0 64,0>s 4&1% 0.076 TOTAL.ALL STAFFING 614.1 L $13.3 696.1 60111 -t.8% 0,d76 Mi at CITY OF RENTON 1.19 1995-1996 BUDGET 40 TABLE 8: STAFFING COMPARISONS BY DEPARTMENT 0 40 80 120 160 200 33 1.3 Leg islative/Executive 32.6 1994 Actual 32.6 199 g 1995 Budget 1996 Budget g rr 1 25 996 Budget Finance & Information Services 25.6 25.6 tibia Human Resources/Risk Management 6.6 .............. ........... ............. 107.2 ................................. I Police 108.2 108.2 6,5 6.6 .............. .,....0.4!! !* .................. 120 ................................ ..................... ON Fire 108 108 iYr ................. .. .......... ..... Planning/Building/Public Works .... 170.5 ... 171.5 147.9 ........................................................................... Community Services -- ------------...----------- 148 6 11691 1995-1996 Regular Staffing Chang": 1995 1996 Reorganization/Funding Changes Principal Planner-Development Services 1.0 1.0 Sr Planner-Development Services (1.0) (1.0) Associate Planner-Development Services 1.0 1.0 Sr Planner-Planning&Special Projects (1.6) (1.6) Associate Planner-Planning&Special Projects 1.0 1.0 4w Recreation Manager-Parks Administration (1.0) (1.0) Parks Director-Parks Administration 1.0 1.0 Human Services Manager-Human Services 0.2 0.2 Human Services Office Technician-Human Services 0.5 0.5 Human Services Manager-CDBG (0.2) (0.2) Human Services Office Technician-CDBG (0.5) (0.5) Total ReorganizationlFunding Changles 0.4 0.4 Additions to Stefflng-Revenue Neutral Powifform Jailer-Electronic Home Detention-Police 1.0 1.0 Business License Coordinator-Finance 0.5 0.5 Total Additions to StaMng-Revenue Neutral Positions 1.5 1.6 Changes In StoMng Secretary 11-Human Resources/Risk Management 0.6 0.6 Firefighters-Fire District#25 (12.0) (12.0) 411111111 Solid Waste Coordinator-Solid Waste Utility Systems (0.1) (0.1) Maintenance Services Worker III-Street Mtc Services 0.0 1.0 Housing Assistant Specialist-CDBG 1.0 1.0 Recreation Specialist I-Recreation Services 1.0 1.0 Park Maintenance Worker I-Parks Facilities Maintenance 1.0 2.0 40 Golf Course Manager-Goff Course 1.0 1.0 Golf Professional-Goff Course 0.0 11.0 Assistant Golf Professional-Goff Course 0.0 1.0 Office Assistant III-Goff Course 1.0 1.0 Custodian-Goff Course 0.0 1.0 11111110 FL-W chary In Stamn 7.1 21 Net Decrease In Regular Staffing (6.2) (0.211 CITY OF RENTON 1-18 1995 1996 BUDGET TABLE 9: GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUND PROJECTIONS 1992 1"a a 09 1 1995 item Aetnal Actual1993-1993 Actnal 1993.1994 Bn 19941995 REVENUES: Property Tax/General Levy 9,737,253 10,481,863 7.6% 11,566,735 10.3% 12,375,149 7.0% Retail Sales/Use Tax 9,173,394 9,892,932 7.8% 9,535,779 -3.6% 10,653,100 11.7% Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 575,458 584,519 1.6% 609,886 4.3% 644,000 5.6% Utility Tax/Electricity 2,259,505 2,360,512 4.5% 2,452,644 3.9% 2,866,000 16.9% Utility Tax/Gas 379,939 528,787 39.2% 545,855 3.2% 453,200 -17.0% Utility Tax/Transfer Station 0 0 0.0% 141,397 0.0% 350,000 147.5% Utility Tax/Telephone 1,055,886 1,290,338 22.2% 1,089,942 -15.5% 1,217,500 11.7% Utility Tax/TV Cable 211,992 240,959 13.7% 224,309 -6.9% 245,100 9.3% Interfund Tax/Utilities 1,179,827 1,244,709 5.5% 1,354,435 8.8% 1,438,000 6.2% Gambling Tax 618,678 640,548 3.5% 632,266 -1.3% 670,500 6.0% Other Taxes 1,046,531 1,033,185 -1.3% 1,301,613 26.0% 1,029,100 -20.9% Building&Street Use Permit 771,487 672,167 -12.9% 889,733 32.4% 674,000 -24.2% Business Licenses 347,110 287,000 -17.3% 295,000 2.8% 326,400 10.6% Other Licenses&Permits 132,493 145,418 9.8% 159,269 9.5% 129,450 -18.7% MVET 684,508 696,905 1.8% 739,205 6.1% 623,100 -15.7% MVET/CJ 86,033 185,541 115.7% 239,530 29.1% 66,796 -72.1% M VET/Equalization 44,857 43,835 -2.3% 47,086 7.4% 0 0.0% Liquor 472,707 436,745 -7.6% 423,324 -3.1% 395,300 -6.6% Misc Intergovernmental 1,016,658 2,419,471 138.0% 2,784,446 15.1% 1,939,689 -30.3% Charges for Services 1,577,982 1,446,433 -8.3% 1,543,135 6.7% 1,385,646 -10.2% Fines and Forfeits 884,689 881,015 -0.4% 1,107,781 25.7% 746,500 -32.6% Interest Earnings 379,556 373,826 0.0% 603,498 0.0% 396,300 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 608,748 517,667 -15.0% 662,539 28.0% 545,700 -17.6% Non-Revenues 0 86,648 0.0% 500,000 477.0% 0 -100.0% Other Financing Sources 59,089 2,260,755 3726.0% 87,108 -96.1% 2,000 -97.7% Interfund Revenues 2,837,770 3,173,458 11.8% 3,381,327 6.6% 3,243,494 -4.1% TOTAL'REVENUES 36,142,150 41,925,236 13.8% >42,917,842 2.4% ,42,416,024 -1.2% EXPENDITURES: Regular Salaries 20,081,389 21,262,512 5.9% 23,025,448 8.3% 23,212,696 0.8% 40 Personnel Benefits 4,909,462 5,870,098 19.6% 6,260,914 6.7% 6,388,918 2.0% Supplies 1,292,942 1,315,270 1.7% 1,355,457 3.1% 1,513,867 11.7% Other Services and Charges 6,110,524 6,081,149 -0.5% 6,915,059 13.7% 6,858,343 -0.8% Intergovernmental Services 2,014,953 1,739,485 -13.7% 2,409,235 38.5% 2,976,062 23.5% 1 Capital Outlay 367,766 450,608 22.5% 398,072 -11.7% 88,316 -77.8% Debt Service 1,212,965 3,381,941 178.8% 1,292,356 -61.8% 1,324,997 2.5% Interfund Transfers 16,600 864,019 5104.9% 102,593 -88.1% 3,000 -97.1% Total Expenditures'' 36,006,601 40,965,082 13.8% 41,759,134 1.91 r42,366,199 1.'5% Fund Balance,January 1 3,434,503 3,570,052 3.9% 4,621,611 29.5% 4,526,896 -2.0% Revenues 36,142,150 41,925,236 16.0% 42,917,842 2.4% 42,416,024 -1.2% Expenditures 36,006,601 40,965,082 13.8% 41,759,134 1.9% 42,366,199 1.5% Fund Balance,December 31 3,570,052 4,530,206 26.9% 5,780,319 27.6% 4,576,721 -20.8% Fund Balance as a'%of Exp:; 4.9% 1Y 1% 13.81 10.8% Revenues Growth projections for various types of revenues are provided. Property taxes do not yet assume the normal 6 percent increase or annexation growth. Sales taxes do not assume any new sources. 40 Intergovernmental revenues will remain level as more cities incorporate or grow with annexations. Expenditures In 1997 there is a major increase in public safety expenditures with associated capital.requirements. In 1999 there is a small increase for park increases. There is no assumption that debt service will grow substantially from Councilmanic debt. There is no growth in capital outlay. As our Capital Fund grows,we will review options. 459 Interfund amounts reflect totals of sales and property taxes transferred to the Capital Fund. 40 CITY OF RENTON 1-20 1995-1996 BUDGET 00 00 TABLE 9: GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUND PROJECTIONS 19% arowth 1997 Ge 1"S 1999 owth eD Budget 1995.1996 Projected 1996-1997 ectad 1997-1998 Pro 1998.1999 Projected 10 13,098,347 5.88 13,622,281 4.08 14,167,172 4.08 14,733,859 4.08 15,323,213 4.08 11,312,800 6.28 11,652,184 3.0E 12,001,750 3.08 12,361,802 3.09 12,732,656 3.08 10 663,300 3.08 683,199 3.08 703,695 3.08 724,806 3.08 746,550 3.08 2,930,600 2.38 3,018,518 3.08 3,109,074 3.08 3,202,346 3.08 3,298,416 3.08 474,800 4.88 469,044 3.08 503,715 3.08 518,827 3.08 534,392 3.08 go 350,000 0.08 360,500 3.08 371,315 3.08 382,454 3.08 393,928 3.08 1,318,350 8.38 1,357,901 3.08 1,398,638 3.08 1,440,597 3.08 1,483,815 3.08 252,500 3.08 260,075 3.08 267,877 3.08 275,914 3.08 284,191 3.08 1,509,900 5.08 1,555,197 3.08 1,601,853 3.08 1,649,908 3.08 1,699,406 3.08 Wo 687,300 2.58 687,300 0.08 687,300 0.08 687,300 0.08 687,300 0.08 1,050,700 2.18 1,061,207 1.08 1,071,819 1.08 1,082,537 1.08 1,093,363 1.08 674,900 0.18 681,649 1.08 688,465 1.08 702,235 2.08 716,279 2.08 331,500 1.68 338,130 2.08 344,893 2.08 351,790 2.08 358,826 2.08 ow 129,450 0.08 130,745 1.08 132,052 1.08 133,372 1.08 134,706 1.08 623,100 0.08 623,100 0.08 623,100 0.08 635,562 2.08 648,273 2.08 67,060 0.48 67,060 0.08 67,060 0.08 68,401 2.08 69,769 2.08 0 0.08 0 0.08 0 0.08 0 0.08 0 0.08 4W 390,500 -1.28 390,500 0.08 394,405 1.08 402,293 2.08 410,339 2.08 1,933,772 -0.38 1,933,772 0.08 1,933,772 0.08 1,933,772 0.08 1,933,772 0.08 1,384,849 -0.18 1,433,319 3.58 1,476,318 3.08 1,505,845 2.08 1,535,962 2.08 cilli 783,700 5.08 807,211 3.08 823,355 2.08 823,355 0.08 823,355 0.08 406,400 2.58 414,528 2.08 418,673 1.08 422,860 1.08 427,089 1.08 576,200 5.68 576,200 0.08 576,200 0.08 576,200 0.08 576,200 0.08 0 0.08 0 0.08 0 0.08 0 0.08 0 0.08 41111 2,000 0.08 2,000 0.08 2,000 0.08 2,000 0.08 2,000 0.08 3,330,999 2.78 3,430,929 3.08 3,533,857 3.08 3,639,873 3.08 3,749,069 3.08 44,283 027 4,48, 45,576,.548 2.98 46,898,358 2.99 46,257,906 2'.'9% 49,662,869 2.98 14W 24,203,507 4.38 25,671,647 6.18 26,441,797 3.08 27,706,678 4.88 28,814,945 4.08 6,661,413 4.38 6,794,641 2.08 6,998,480 3.08 7,243,427 3.58 7,533,164 4.08 1,569,882 3.78 1,609,129 2.58 1,657,403 3.08 1,715,412 3.58 1,784,029 4.08 11111 7,169,772 4.58 7,456,563 4.08 7,660,260 3.08 7,949,069 3.58 8,267,032 4.08 3,201,213 7.68 3,361,274 5.08 3,462,112 3.08 3,583,286 3.58 3,726,617 4.08 283,422 220.98 333,422 0.08 343,425 3.08 355,445 3.58 369,662 4.08 1,085,095 -18.18 1,085,000 0.08 1,085,000 0.08 1,085,000 0.08 1,085,000 0.08 Orr 3,000 0.08 100,000 0.08 100,000 0.08 100,000 0.08 100,000 0.08 44,177,304 4.3846,411;676 5.18 4.7,7gB,476 2.9% 49;738,316 4.1% 51,6.80,449 3.98 18111 9,576,721 1.18 4,682,444 2.38 3,847,315 -17.88 2,977,197 -22.68 1,496,789 -49.78 44,283,027 4.48 45,576,548 2.98 46,898,358 2.98 48,257,908 2.98 49,662,869 2.98 44,177,304 4.38 46,411,676 5.18 47,768,476 2.98 49,738,316 4.18 51,680,449 3.98 4,682,444 2.38 3,847,315 -17.88 2,977,197 -22.68 1,496,789 -49.78 (520,791) -134.88 ti1111 10.6% 8.38 6.28 3.0% 1.0$ Year End Fund General Government Fund Balances 4111 6.00 5.00 1 1 ��I I! 'H 4.00 Orr 3.00 2.00 O Act 1.00 Ila Proj 0.00 +1rr -1.00 lLiiM o - N co Ir to z t1- 00 rn o 00 rn rn rn rn CN C+ rn rn ON o rn o rn rn rn M rn rn C% M o 4� Mr CITY OF RENTON 1-21 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 10: NEW PROGRAMS AND BUDGET CHANGES TO BASE BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS 1995 19981995. 1996 ItemFTE FTE New Prorem/Bud et Changes Budget Budget Legislative. 1. Add Cellular Telephone Costs 200 200 Executive: Municipal Court: 2. Increase Public Defender Program 15,000 20,000 3. Increase Probation Services 10,000 10,000 4. Increase Witness Fees 2,000 3,000 ow 5. Increase Interpreter/Diagnostic Fees 1,000 2,000 Executive Adihinistrstion: 6. Add Renton River Days Insurance 10,000 10,000 City Clerk: so 7. Increase Voter Registration Costs 12,175 12,175 8. Add Overtime for Vacation Coverage 1,000 1,000 City Attomey'- ; tog 9. Increase Municipal Court Prosecutor Costs 40,000 41,200 10. Increase Regular Legal Staff Services 43,900 45 217 Tote/Executive Department 135,075 144,592 Human Resources&Risk Management: Administration: 11. Add Blood &Air Borne Pathogen Programs 41,490 43,357 12. Add Managers' City-Wide Supervisory Training 10,000 10,000 13. Add Personal Protective Equipment Training 2,080 2,174 14. Add Drug&Alcohol Testing 2,000 12,000 Total Human Resources&Risk Management 55,570 67,531 Finance&Information Services: Finance: 15. 0.5 0.5 Add Business License Coordinator with Offsetting Revenue 25,514 24,594 16. Increase Postage 8,000 8,000 1II1f 17. Add Part-Time Help 2,000 2,000 Information Systems:'' 18. Generic Equipment/Central Financial System 20,000 20,000 19. Lan Computer Connection Equipment 18,000 0 Non'-Departmental: 20. Add Prior Service Cost for PERS 8,123 8,123 21. Increase PERS Retirement Balloon Payments 65,000 65,000 22. Increase Property/Liability Insurance 9,748 15,085 23. Increase Association of Wash Cities Dues 512 912 24. Increase Tax Commission 147 144 25. Eliminate Sea-King County Economic Council Dues (4,613) (4,751) 26. Increase Suburban Cities Dues 3,057 3,159 27. Increase Downtown Renton Association Dues 4,500 4,885 28. Increase PropertyTax/Wetlands 2,987 3,112 29. Increase National League of Cities Dues 540 466 30. Decrease Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Support (870) (896) 31. Adjust City's Portion of LID Assessments 135 (22,480) 32. Decrease Golf Course Debt Operating Transfer (17,732) (25,143) 33. Transfer New Sales Tax Revenue to Municipal Facilities CIP 545,000 719,000 ow 34. Transfer New Annexation Property Tax Revenue to Municipal Facilities CIP 341,349 347,947 Total Finance&Information Services 1,031,397 1,169,157 410 CITY OF RENTON 1-22 1995-1996 BUDGET wo TABLE 10: NEW PROGRAMS AND BUDGET CHANGES TO BASE BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS 1995 :1996 :1995 1996 +�r Item FTE FTE New Pro rem/Sud et Chan es -Budget Bud et Po/ice: Aafministration: 35. fncrease Valley Communication Dispatch Costs 21,000 21,630 ow Patrol. 36. Add Mobile Data Terminals Maintenance Fees 5,940 12,960 37. Purchase of Eight New Patrol Vehicles 0 205,272 Gambling Tax Enforcement wo 38. Increase in Leased Costs for WACIC Terminal 2,718 2,906 Crime Prevention: 39. Increase Volunteer Meal Allowance 7,251 7,469 Admin SaMos/Training: wr 40. Increase Membership Fees- Firearms Range 4,067 4,162 Staff Services: 41. Increase Regional & Statewide Computer Connection Fees 3,036 4,137 42. Increase in Subpoena Services 2,628 3,958 er 43. Implementation of WACIC State-Wide User Fees 2,016 3,325 44. Increase in Copy Machine Rental Lease Agreements 5,234 4,858 Electronic Home Detention: ow 45. 1.0 1.0 Add Jailer with Offsetting Revenue 41,246 44,899 Jail,- 46. ail:46. Increase Operating Supplies 5,858 8,459 47. CALEA Reaccreditation Fees 2,750 10,250 wr Tots/Po/ice Department 103,744 334,285 Fire: Suppression: wr 48. Add Straight Time Overtime per Union Contract 76,894 79,663 49. Add Equipment Rental Vehicle Insurance 42,310 21,220 50. Add Safety Equipment Requests/MSA Flow Tester for SCBA Masks, Ladder 51. Truck Air System, High Pressure Breathing Air Hose Reel 20,500 0 ow Fire District#25 52. -12.0 -12.0 Staff Reductions & Related Costs due to Station 17 Transfer to City of Bellevue with Offsetting Revenue Reduction (822,177) (841,225) 53. Add Equipment Rental Vehicle Insurance 0 18,345 wo 54. Add Contingency per Contract that was Excluded in Base 120,000 0 EMS/Life Support, 55. Increase Aid Supplies 3,000 3,090 AW Tots/Fire Department (559,473) (718.907)] Penning/Building/Public Works(General Governments/Funds): Development&Planning: rs�r 56. Salary& Personnel Benefits Adjustments- Delete Contract Principal Planner (63,890) (65,950) 57. 1.0 1.0 Salary& Personnel Benefits Adjustments-Transfer 1.0 FTE Sr Planner from Planning &Special Projects & Reclass to 1.0 FTE Principal Planner/Reclass 1.0 FTE Sr Planner to 1.0 FTE Associate Planner 49,615 50,822 Building inspections&Permits; 58. Increase Travel, Training, Repairs& Maintenance- Energy Code Compliance with Offsetting Revenue 11,960 12,138 Technical Services: #W 59. Add Microfilming Contract Services 600 620 Special Projects Pert Time: 60. Add Contract Associate Planner 45,000 0 Planning&Special Projects. 40 61. -0.6 -0.6 Salary&Personnel Benefits Adjustments-Transfer 1.0 FTE Sr Planner to Development& Planning/Reclass 0.6 FTE Sr Planner to 1.0 FTE Associate Planner (54,669) (55,992) VOW w CITY OF RENTON 1-23 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 10: NEW PROGRAMS AND BUDGET CHANGES TO BASE BUDGET 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS err 1995 1996 1995 1996 Item FTE FTENew Pro ram/Bud et Chan esBud et Budget Planning,Building,Public Works(Genera/Govemmental Funds)(Continued): 11f1 62. Decrease Supplies& Other Services&Charges (2,261) (551) $traetlrransportation/administration Part Timer: 63. Transfer Salary&Personnel Benefits to Transportation Design (18,668) (19,040) Strawrmnsportation Systems Operations: 64. Add Equipment Safety Requests/Traffic Counters 4,650 4,650 Street/Transportation systems:Operations Part Time: ` 65. Increase Salaries&Personnel Benefits for Traffic Counts Offset by CIP Reimbursement 10,600 11,000 Street/Transportation Systems Maintenance: 66. Add Training Costs for Maintenance of New Trunking Radio System for Police and Fire Departments 3,200 3,200 67. Increase Electricity Costs due to Proposed Rate Increase 14,210 24,965 68. Add Equipment Safety Requests/1995: One Communications Test Monitor& One Type 820 Traffic Controller; 1996: One Paint Striper&Three Type 820 Traffic Controllers 23,166 19,500 Street/Transportation Planning., 69. Increase Training for GMA, ISTEA, & Other Federal/State Grant Program Requirements 554 535 70. Commute Trip Reduction Implementation 8,500 11,700 Street/Transportation Design Part Time: 71. Add Salary& Personnel Benefits Transferred from Transportation Administration Part Time 20,145 20,555 Street Maintenance Services: 72. 1.0 Add New Program Request: Sidewalk Repair with 1.0 FTE Maintenance Worker III Added in 1996 0 44,848 73. Add New Program Request: Sidewalk Repair-Supplies 25,000 25,000 74. Reduce Supplies-Jurisdiction Tsf/Rainier with Offsetting Revenue (4,240) (10,521) 75. Adjust Other Rentals to Actual 168 173 76. Increase Utility Costs due to Proposed Rate Increases 2,637 5,567 77. Add Interfund Payments to Solid Waste &Waterworks Utilities 3,000 3,000 Street Maintenance/Seasons)Help: to 78. Increase Part Time Salaries & Benefits for New Sidewalk Repair Program 10,000 0 Total Planning,Building, Public Works Department(General Governmental Funds) 89,277 86,219 Community Services(General Governmental Funds): Human Services: 79. 0.7 0.7 Fund 0.2 FTE Manager&0.5 FTE Office Technician Positions Formally Funded by Community Development Block Grant Funding 31,335 33,629 80. Adjust Sea/King County Public Health Contract to Actual (17,842) (18,378) Perks Administration.- 81. dministration.81. Increase Travel & Memberships for National Conference&State Meetings 920 871 Perks/General'Servicesi 82. Increase Training& Memberships to Comply with Mandated Regulations 2,025 1,994 83. Increase Utilities due to Proposed Rate Increases 21,430 30,379 Parks/Landscaping: 84. Increase Utilities due to Proposed Rate Increases 20 37 Parks/Senior'Center., 85. Increase Training& Memberships to Comply with Mandated Regulations 995 995 86. Add Equipment Rental Charges for New Van 3,327 5,919 87. Increase Utilities due to Proposed Rate Increases 1,026 1,981 88. Add Printing&Binding Costs with Offsetting Revenue 4,000 4,120 89. Adjust Self-Sustaining&Senior Extended Travel (2,140) (6,617) PerksZSeniorCenter Part Time: 90. Add Van Driver/39% Funding from Parks Fund, 61% Funding from Community Development Block Grant Fund 8,217 8,662 CITY OF RENTON 1-24 1995- 1996 BUDGET ear TABLE 10: NEW PROGRAMS AND BUDGET CHANGES TO BASE BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND w, AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS 199b' 1996 ; 1995 1996 Item FTE :FTE New Pro rem/Bud et Changes Budget Sud et Community Services(General Governmental Funds)(Continued): Parks/Recreational Services: 91. 1.0 1.0 Add Recreation Specialist I to Highlands Community Center with Offsetting ow Revenue and Reallocation from Part Time 43,625 44,847 92. Increase Training&Schools to Comply with Mandated Regulations 5,040 2,650 93. Add Summer Lunch Program with Offsetting Revenue 30,000 30,000 94. Increase Community Band with Offsetting Revenue 950 888 to 94. Services Part`,Time: 95. Add Community Program Coordinator for PreschoolNouth Programs with 13,500 13,500 Offsetting New Self-Sustaining Revenue 96. Reallocate Part Time to Fund Recreational Specialist I for Highlands (13,500) (13,500) gar Community Center community Center. 97. Increase Utilities due to Proposed Rate Increases 2,103 4,204 w 98. Adjust Self-Sustaining (3,540) (7,894) 99. Add Supplies &Equipment for Weight Room Expansion with Offsetting Revenue 0 24,000 Parks Facilities Maintenance: 100. 1.0 2.0 Add New Program Cedar River Trail Extension- 1995: 1.0 FTE Parks Maintenance Worker I, Supplies $16,121; 1996: 2.0 FTE Parks Maintenance Worker I, Supplies $17,495 53,620 96,072 101. Increase Utilities due to Proposed Rate Increases 2,105 6,863 102. Add Black River Maintenance Fees per Contract 3,200 3,200 tyre 103. Increase Memberships &Registration Fees for Required Re-Certification 5,769 5,671 Parks FacilitiesPart Time: 104. Add Part Time for New Program Request Cedar River Trail Extension Maintenance 23,936 10,824 Library Administration 10 105. -1.0 -1.0 Reclass Museum Supervisor Position to New Museum Division (45,086) (46,303) 106. Transfer Supplies To Library Services (2,000) (2,000) 107. Transfer Other Service&Charges to Library Services (9,848) (10,152) Library Services:, to 108. Transfer of Supplies from Library Administration 2,000 2,000 109. Transfer of Other Services &Charges from Library Administration& Library Facilities 9,883 10,230 110. Add Library Reciprocal Use Program with $3000 Increase to Library Fines 0 49,600 "Library Facilities: 'ee 111. Transfer Other Services &Charges to Library Services & Museum (1,435) (1,478) Museum: 112. 1.0 1.0 Transfer Museum Supervisor Position from Library Administration 45,088 46,301 113. Transfer Other Services &Charges from Library Services for Travel &Training 1,400 1,400 a� Total Community Services Department(General Governmental Funds) 220,123 334,515 General Budget Changes: Salary& Personnel Benefits Adjustments (93,120) (104,329) rrr Increase Overtime by CPI per Salary Agreements 34,423 74,842 Adjust Equipment Rental 133,309 183,140 Debt Service Funds Savings (1,035) (258,100) ow Total General Governmental Funds New Programs&Budget Changes 1,149,490 1 313,145 Community Development Block Giant Fund.• Planning''&Administration. 'tri 1. -0.7 Fund 0.2 FTE Manager&0.5 FTE Office Technician Positions from General Fund (31,335) 0 Add Contract Human Services Planner Funded by CDBG Funds 69,149 0 Housing,,Assistant Program: 2. 1.0 Add 1.0 FTE Housing Assistant Specialist Funded by CDBG Funds 47,178 0 40 Senior Transport'Program. 3. Add Part Time Van Driver/39% Funding from Parks Fund, 61% Funding from Community Development Block Grant Funds 12,720 0 400Total Community Development Block Grant Fund 97,712 0 ow CITY OF RENTON 1-25 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 10: NEW PROGRAMS AND BUDGET CHANGES TO BASE BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND AND PROPRIETARY FUNDS 1995 1996 1895 1996' Item FTE FTE New Prorem/Bud et Changes Budget Budget Propriebry Funds: WaterworksUtility: 1. Add New Water Meter Reading Equipment 20,000 0 2. Add New Program: Water Corrosion Control Offset by $55,000 in Savings 4W from Reduction in 1-405 Aquifer Monitoring/Testing- $40,000, Limit Maintenance Crews Installation of Replacement Water Mains- 510,000, &Reduction in Upgrades of Old PRV Stations- $5,000 0 80,000 3. Add Professional Services for Testing of Solids from Storm Drainage System 2,000 2,500 4. Add New Program: Storm Water Manhole, Catch Basin, &Pipe Cleaning 29,750 31,550 5. Add Mosquito Abatement Program 25,000 25,000 Total Waterworks Utility 76,750 139,050 Municipal Golf Course System: 5. 1.0 1.0 Add Golf Course Manager Position (Hire Date April 1, 1995) 44,678 61,732 6. 1.0 Add Golf Professional Position(Hire Date January 1, 1996) 0 54,583 7. 1.0 Add Assistant Golf Professional Position (Hire Date January 1, 1996) 0 53,073 S. 1.0 1.0 Add Office Assistant Position (Hire Date October 1, 1995) 22,724 40,050 9. 1.0 Add Custodian Position (Hire Date January 1, 1996) 0 37,230 10. Increase Part Time Salaries 0 18,300 ] 11. Increase Supplies 0 50,000 12. Eliminate Professional Services (Pro Serv) 0 (130,000) 13. Add Golf Course Carts Lease Program 0 49,320 14. Increase Repairs &Maintenance Expenses 0 24,000 11i1M 15. Add New Equipment: Utilit Vehicle Rotary Mower, Greens Mower 0 35 000 Tots/Municipal Goff Course System 67,402 293,288 Insurance Fund: 16. Add Employee Assistance Program 13,000 13,585 Total Progdetafy Funds New Programs 157,152 445,923 to to alYi 40 CITY OF RENTON 1.26 1995-1996 BUDGET W vrr TABLE 11: 1995 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) tap 1995 Source of Funds Use of Furrds Caeneral 5esignaied tvldipation Rank Project I Request I Ref om Revenue Revenue Grants i' Fund other Fund/Division:316/005 Mufti-Department a>r Technology Plan 0 130,000 130,000 0 0 0 0 Copier Lease Program 0 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total'Multi-Departmental'Pro'ects 0 160000 160000` 0 00 0 Fund/Division:316/08 Police Patrol Vehicles 0 250,330 250,330 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total'Police Projects 0 250,330 250,330' 0 0' 0 0 Fund/Division:316/020 Parks Roof Replacement/Coulon Buildings 0 31,595 31,595 0 0 0 0 Municipal Space Needs 0 350,000 0 350,000 0 0 0 Fire Station#12 Improvements 0 21,275 21,275 0 0 0 0 Fire Station#11 Improvements 0 27,300 27,30 0 0 0 Sub 00 Total Park P 'ects 0 430,170 80,170`' 350,000 0 0 Subtotal Total-General Facility0 840,500 490 500 350,000 0' 0 0 Fund/Division:104/020A7 Community Development Block Grants �w Library Reading Machine 0 6,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 Lake WA Boathouse Guardrail ADA Compliance 0 122,586 0 0 122,586 0 0 Sub-Total Block Grant Projects 0 128,586 0ss 0 128,586 0 0 No +full TOTAL CITY-WIDE 1w CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS to Parks Multi Dept Surface Wtr ater �rrr Police `ss sssi 3 3sx rr j�.;rill':�?.,•'..,r'..''.5.�^i�•v}•i:•: �r DBG Waste wtr .r Airport Street w w +rr CITY OF RENTON 1-27 1995-1996 BUDGET ftr TABLE 11: 1995 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) Will 1995 Source of Funds Use of Funds �anarat Designated Rank Program Project Requested Recom. Bus Lic Trans.Tax Grants Other Fund/Division:317/016.00 Transportation 1 12108 Street Overlay Program 380,000 380,000 60,000 320,000 0 0 3 00025 Houser Way Relocated-Sunset Conn to N 8th St 1,837,000 350,000 0 350,000 0 0 ttl 4 00032 SR 900 HOV 3 Houser Connection 800,000 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 5 12135 Transportation Demand Management Program 50,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 6 00009 Walkway Program 70,000 70,000 70,000 0 0 0 8 12109 Transit Program 260,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 410 9 12163 Intra-City Intermodal Transportation Program 150,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 10 12160 Arterial HOV Program 49,000 49,000 49,000 0 0 0 11 00106 Bridge Inspection d Repair Program 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 12 12147 Lake Washington Blvd May Creek Bridge Repl 451,200 451,200 0 0 451,200 0 16 13 12117 Monster Road Bridge Replacement 1,156,000 1,156,000 0 0 1,156,000 0 14 12121 Lake Washington Blvd Bike/Pedestrian 930,320 930,320 186,064 0 744,256 0 16 12138 SR 167/SW 27th St HOV 406,000 0 0 0 0 0 ON 17 00016 Traffic Signal Loop Replacement Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 18 12113 Traffic Sign Replacement Program 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 19 00091 Light Pole Replacement Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 20 12140 Inter-agency Signal Coordination 60,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 0 21 00056 Sidewalk Inspection and Replacement Program 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 22 00029 Arterial Circulation Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 0 0 0 23 12150 Project Development 3 Pre-Design Program 90,000 90,000 90,000 0 0 0 26 12155 Bronson Way N-Houser Way to Sunset Blvd 433,600 433,600 88,000 0 345,600 0 40 28 12158 Main Ave S-S 5th St to Bronson Way 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 30 12116 Oakesdale Ave SW-Ext to SR 900 Proj Dev 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 33 12115 Miscellaneous Traffic Safety Program 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 0 0 to 34 12162 Traffic Systems Efficiency Improvement Prog 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 36 12107 TBZ Project Development 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 37 12106 Missing Links Program 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 38 12165 North 8th Street Reconstruction 272,000 272,000 0 0 272,000 0 11110 39 12166 Railroad Crossing Safety Improvements 120,000 118,500 0 0 118,500 0 51 12118 S Grady Way/Rainier Ave S(SR 167)Interchange 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 Sub-Total Street Projects 8,215,120 5,532,620 1,475,064 670,000 3,387,556 0 Fund/Division:402/016.01 Airport 12019 Pavement repair,City Hangar and dust cover 14,905 14,905 14,905 0 0 0 12020 Rehabilitate SE Taxilane 75,000 75,000 75,000 0 0 0 Sub-Total rport Capital Projects 89,905 89,905 89,905 0 0 0 Total Transportation Capital Projects 8,305,025 5,622,525 1,564,969 670,000,113,387,556 0 r> ttlW CITY OF RENTON 1-28 1995-1996 BUDGET �wr TABLE 11: 1995 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) 1995 Source of Funds -J Use of Funds Utility Connection Bond PWTF WQ P ect' Requested.:,:I Recom. Revenue 'i Ch I Grants Proceeds I Loans Fund/Division:421/018.400-Wastewater Utility 45055 East Kennydale Interceptor 362,000 362,000 47,000 0 0 315,000 0 45065 Miscellaneous Sewer Projects 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 45160 Replace Telemetry d Data Logger 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 0 0 0 45175 Central Renton Sewer Replacement Phase III 1,772,000 1,772,000 340,000 200,000 0 0 1,232,000 we 45225 Lift Station Electrical Rehab 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 45230 Main Ave So Sewer Replacement 350,000 350,000 350,000 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Wastevreter'P s 2,639,000' 2,639,000 692,000 200,000 0315,W0 1,232,000 Fund/Division:421/018.500-Water Utility am 55005 Maplewood Supply 600,000 600,000 0 0 0 600,000 0 55020 Water Quality Investigation 70,000 70,000 70,000 0 0 0 0 55070 Tmmiss Main/Maplewood-Highlands 450,000 450,000 0 0 0 450,000 0 55080 Water Supply Planning/Reglonal/Reuse 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 to 55085 Groundwater Management/Modeling 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 55100 Pipe Oversing Costs 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 55110 Well Field Protection 95,000 95,000 95,000 0 0 0 0 55120 Telementry Improvements Phase III 65,000 65,000 0 0 0 65,000 0 am 55135 Aquifer Awareness Program 27,500 27,500 27,500 0 0 0 0 55170 Steel Pipeline Replacement 350,000 350,000 0 0 0 350,000 0 55175 AC watermain Replacements 310,000 310,000 0 0 0 310,000 0 55180 196/490 Zone Pump Replacement 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 0 0 55200 Water Conservation Plan 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 to 55210 Update Fire Flow Analysis 14,000 14,000 14,000 0 0 0 0 55230 GMA Planning 16,000 16,000 16,000 0 0 0 0 55265 Emergency Response Projects 150,000 150,000 50,000 0 0 100,000 0 55275 Talbot 12"/24"Water Main 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 0 40 55290 Downtown Core Rehab 500,000 500,000 0 330,000 0 170,000 0 55300 Water Permits on Sierra Database 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 55310 Water Quality Monitoring 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 55320 Cathodic Protection Monitoring 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 0 0 No 55330 565 Reg Recoat 215,000 215,000 45,500 0 0 169,500 0 55340 Cross Connection Database 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 55350 GUI Monitoring 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0 0 0 55360 GUI Compliance Planning 75,000 75,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 frac 55370 Update Convervation Plan 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0 0 0 55380 GIS Database and Conversion 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 55390 Operating Plan 55,000 55,000 55,000 0 0 0 0 55400 Well 3 Electrical Rehab 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 0 00 55430 Corrosion Control Facilities 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 0 55440 Mt Olivet Water Quality 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total Water Projects 4,169,500 4;169,500 ':1,015,000 340,000 0` 2,814,500 0 Fund/Division:421/018.600-Surface Water Utility do 65005 Comprehensive Surface Water Management PI 125,000 125,000 125,000 0 0 0 0 65015 Small Drainage Problems Program 300,000 300,000 100,000 0 0 200,000 0 65020 Wetland Mosquito Abatement Program 0 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 65045 NE 27th Aberdeen Drainage Improvements 373,500 373,500 1,500 0 0 372,000 0 go 65055 Cedar River Flood Hazard/Monhoring Prog 7,750 7,750 7,750 0 0 0 0 65080 Stream Flow/Water Quality Monitoring Pro 5,500 5,500 5,500 0 0 0 0 65095 Lower Cedar River Sediment Management 600,000 600,000 0 0 300,000 300,000 0 65119 Wetland Mitigation Bank 300,000 300,000 50,000 50,000 0 200,000 0 65120 Maplewood Ck Sediment Pond/Fish Habitat 250,000 250,000 65,000 0 0 185,000 0 t1 65125 May Creek Basin Plan 34,500 34,500 34,500 0 0 0 0 65145 Mission Hills(NE 10th)Storm System 225,000 225,000 0 0 0 225,000 0 65155 Paccar 72"Storm Interceptor 125,000 125,000 45,000 80,000 0 0 0 65210 Storm Water Effluent Decant Station 100,000 100,000 0 0 75,000 25,000 0 o 65215 NE 10th&Monroe Storm Replacement 225,000 225,000 25,000 0 0 200,000 0 65235 Elliot Levee Repair&Hab Enc 725,000 725,000 0 0 667,000 58,000 0 $ub-Total Surface Water Projects 3,396,250 3,424,250 484,250 130,000 1042,000'' 1,765,000 0 Bond Issue Costs 98,000 98,000 0 0 0 98,000 0 100 Total NFdy,Pro ects 10,302,750 10;327,750 2,391,250 670,000 `9,042000'' 4,992,500 1,232;000 eW CITY OF RENTON 1-29 1995-1996 BUDGET aw TABLE 12: UTILITY RATE ANALYSIS & PROJECTIONS FOR AN AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER RATES FOR WATER,WASTEWATER,SURFACE WATER,METRO&SOLID WASTE What Is Causing 1995 Rate Increases Solid Waste Water Surface Water !�� Wastewater Metro $4.10 per Month Increase Past &Projected Rate Increases 11.0% 11.0% INEM 10.0% IL 8.9% 8.9% 9.0% I '000t 7.9% 8.0% V Ik � 7.06 0 7.5% IV 7.7% 6.6% 6.0%-/ 6.3% 5.6% 5.0% Ali 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Projected 00 00 The 1995 utility costs for an average residential family consuming 800 cubic feet of water per month,and using one can garbage services,will increase 6.3%or$4.10 per month. The largest increase occurred in Metro rates. The rate increase will provide revenue for maintenance and operations of the utilities and management and administration of the existing utility programs. Additionally,the rate increase will fund Water Utility Capital Improvement Programs such as construction of the Rolling Hills transmission main,steel main and AC main replacements,recoating the Highlands reservoir,rehabilitation of Well 3A,pipe replacements in the downtown core area,and initiating the large meter replacement program. The increase in Wastewater Utility rates is to caused by unanticipated increased costs on major capital improvement projects and local and state taxes on the Metro pass through rate increase. The Surface Water Utility rate increase is due to 2 1/2 years of inflationary costs,on-going capital improvements,addition of the Mosquito Abatement Program,and increased cleaning of storm drains and catchbasins from once every 10 years to once every 5 years. go A 10%annual increase for Metro is included in 1996 and future year projections. Mfr CITY OF RENTON 1-30 1995- 1996 BUDGET to wo TABLE 13: COMPARISON OF RENTON TAXES &RATES No 110 How Renton's 1995 Taxes& Fees Compare with Neighboring Jurisdictions 00 Highest ...... ............. ............. ............... ..........:J. ........... ............... en on ............ ....... Rentor: .. ....... ............. ......XXX 2 ....... ij JRenton .... ... . ...............:; ........ ................. . .............. . .. .. ............. . ............ 3 The chart to the left shows how Renton ranks with ........ ........... .......... ............ neighboring cities in some of the fees and charges ........... 4 levied by municipalities for 1995. ............ .. .... . ............ 5 ............. .. ......... ........ ........... 4110 ....... 6 ..... . ... ...... 7 . ........ Rento aw Lowest Property Electric Golf Animal Water Tax UtilityTax License Rates 41110 up 1995 Comparison Renton's ITEM Rank Renton Auburn Bellevue Kent Redmond Seattle Tukwila Population-April 1,1994 3 43,970 34,970 99,140 41,880 39,390 527,700 14,690 Tax Rates: Property Tax/$1,000 AV 4 $13.8080 $14.7510 $12.2600 $15.5800 $13.5712 $11.1400 $14.8576 Electric Utility 1 6.0% 4.5% 4.5% 3.8% 5.5% 6.0% N/A Cable TV 2 6.0% 4.5% 4.8% 5.0% 5.0% 10.0% N/A B&O 3 N/A N/A 0.15% N/A N/A 0.215% N/A *10 Admissions 1 5.0% 5.0% 3.0% N/A 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Licenses&Fees: Business(1) 4 $55/FTE $5 $21 $75/$50 $70 $65 $50 Iwo Golf(18 holes)(6) 2 $16 $15 $16 $19/$23 N/A $15.00 $15 Dog License(2) 7 $13 $55 $55 $55 $55 $22 $55 Overtime Parking 3 $10 $5 $10 $20 N/A $20 N/A Utility Rates: VIM Water(750 CF)(5) 1 $23.28 $10.55 $4.15 $12.30 $7.05 $13.29 $15.71 Waste Water 5 $12.05 $5.26 $35.90 $21.05 $6.30 $38.95 $21.95 Storm(3) 4 $5.23 $5.50 $6.63 $2.47 $6.00 $3.83 $2.50 at Solid Waste(4) 1 5 1 $9.801 $8.351 $11.401 $7.931 $17.91 1 $20.351 $10.90 Notes:(1)Renton is on a flat rate basis,Bellevue is a one time fee,Redmond and Tukwila use a regressive rate structure,rates shown are for businesses that employ less than 5 employees with gross income in excess of$1500,Kent has lower fee for renewal licenses.(2)All cities surveyed use King County Animal Control except Renton and Seattle.(3)Storm water rates are based on average single family residence.(4)Recycle and yard waste collections are included when available. Service for Kent,Redmond and Tukwila provided and billed by an outside contractor.(5)Based on summer rates when applicable. (6) Kent fees differ for weekdaytweekend. CITY OF RENTON 1-31 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 14: PROJECTED LIMITATION OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR GENERAL PURPOSES CITY AND OVERLAPPING TAX RATES,AND PROPERTY TAX REVENUE rrlr City of Renton Past& Pfniected Debt Limit M i $200 1172.4 Non-Vote 0 5159..::. ; n 5160 Vote $747. .::;::: ;. s 412 :136.7.::: :> :: .. ..... tib 116. 0 $120-/ ... vii.is::::::::.... 76.5:«5:;;" 'is>:>;;;<; i<;; a;z.... 'i?? >E'i ii'. D $80- $66.1 $68.4 = 550 2 � 553.3 :.358.3 363.6 i 339 8 $43 9 548 5 8 $40 :-::: }:-}}w:- } } 1 `: 3 < mss•: r $11.6 $11.6: 51 •�f}:: ..-: :v::::;i... i« j ria•: f�;:} 55.3.....,..,,.,..-,,..�....:...:... : �:>;:<�:<��:<<;;::::::::-�:......�;..:.:},<•ast•?:;.;:> }»:--' 111 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 YEAR 1990 1991 1992 1993 INDEBTEDNESS FOR GENERAL PURPOSES: WITHOUT A VOTE: Assessed Valuation(AV) $2,421,280,465 $3,031,467,775 $3,107,851,400 $3,429,366,124 Legal Limit:0.75%of 1%AV/1994: 1.5% AV 18,159,603 22,736,008 23,308,886 25,720,246 General Obligation Bonds Outstanding 12,060,000 11,250,000 11,750,000 11,620,000 Installment Notes/Contracts Outstanding 950,377 71,545 64,004 448,603 Total Outstanding Debt 13,010,377 11,321,545 11,814,004 12,068,603 } Lose:Amount Available for Debt Service 199,654 219,066 335,772 354,119 DEBT MARGIN WITHOUT A VOTE':. $5,348,880 $11,633:529 $11,830,654 $14,005.762 WITH A 3/5%VOTE: Legal Limit: 2.50%of AV $60,532,012 $75,786,694 $77,696,285 $85,734,153 Outstanding Debt 10,915,000 10,455,000 9,955,000 10,190,000 Less:Amount in Debt Service Funds 1 595,377 1 2,8271 682,253 918,323 DEBT MARGIN AVAILABLE WITH VOTE $50,212,389 $66,094,521 568,423538 $76,462,476 TOTAL DEBT MARGIN AVAILABLE $55,561,269 $77,728,051 $80,254,192 $90468 238 CITY AND OVERLAPPING TAX RATES: (Per$1000 of Assessed Value) City of Renton General Levy $3.55659 $3.09203 $3.28917 $3.23416 City of Renton Special Levy 0.54768 0.50609 0.40324 0.41577 TOTAL CITY OF RENTON TAX RATE $4.10427 $3:59812 $3.69241 53.64993 King County 2.05464 1.73030 1.79973 2.14039 Port of Seattle 0.45367 0.32332 0.34421 0.30518 Hospital District#1 0.21743 0.17485 0.17781 0.16238 Renton School District#403 2.43657 2.07349 2.13257 3.28279 State of Washington 4.04611 3.38348 3.54132 3.30069 Emergency Medical Services 0.25000 1 0.19911 1 0.25000 1 0.23942 TOTAL PROPERTY TAX RATE $13.56269`1 $11.48267 $11.93805 $13.08078 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE: General Levy $8,595,523 $9,156,942 $10,162,253 $10,727,863 Special Le 1,314,910 1,486,234 1,236,110 1,358,149 TOTAL PROPERTY TAXES 59'910'433 $10,954;866 413'398 363 $12;086,012 Source of Information: Assessed Valuation, and Property Tax Rates: 1989- 1993: King County Department of Assessments. Debt Margin: City of Renton Finance Department. tib CITY OF RENTON 1-32 1995-1996 BUDGET No TABLE 14: PROJECTED LIMITATION OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR GENERAL PURPOSES CITY AND OVERLAPPING TAX RATES, AND PROPERTY TAX REVENUE Nr .r 1995 Prow Tax Allocation OWN Renton School 9352 Emergency Medical 925 Yrr Hospital tal Distric t 915 City of Renton $ t 392 am State 9342 Port of Seattle $29 `r King County 9225 ar Projected 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 WN $3,407,827,283 $3,590,619,089 $3,806,056,234 $4,034,419,608 $4,276,484,785 $4,533,073,872 51,117,409 53,859,286 57,090,844 60,516,294 64,147,272 67,996,108 11,500,000 10,270,000 8,945,000 7,535,000 6,070,000 4,595,000 275,297 37,296 25,505 13,360 0 0 11,775,297 10,307,296 8,970,505 7,548,360 6,070,000 4,595,000 502,226 364,567 373,281 314,000 252,500 191,200 $39,844,338 $43.816,567, $48,493;.520 $53,281,934 $58.329,772 $63;592,308 to $85,195,682 $89,765,477 $95,151,406 $100,860,490 $106,912,120 $113,326,847 9,385,000 8,610,000 7,795,000 6,930,000 6,000,000 5,020,000 866,580 694,611 851,938 693,000 600,000 502,000 $76,677.262 482;050;088, 588;208;344 594;623,4904 aS101,512,t20 11�8;808,847 1�1 $116,521.600 $125,966,646 '::..$136;701,963 $147,905,424 1 $159,841,891 $172 401.'155 $3.48681 $3.55454 $3.52001 $3.60000 $3.60000 $3.60000 4010 0.36282 0.36408 0.34886 0.34536 0.32971 0.30982 $3.84963 93.91862 $3.86887 $3.94636 $3:92971 43.80982 2.21546 2.25288 2.38805 2.53134 2.68322 2.84421 0.30367 0.29482 0.31251 0.33126 0.35114 0.37220 0.14767 0.15084 0.15989 0.16948 0.17965 0.19043 00103.60091 3.52218 3.73351 3.95752 4.19497 4.44667 3.39960 3.41873 3.62385 3.84129 4.07176 4.31607 0.24972 0.24990 0.26489 0.28079 0.29763 0.31549 $13.76666 $13.80797 ; 1314.35158 $ 15.05704 515.70809 $76.39490' 10 $11,823,735 $12,652,149 $13,397,347 $14,603,108 $15,917,388 $17,349,953 1,223,729 1,277,000 1,195,000 1,254,000 1,269.000 1,264,000 $13047,464 $13,929;149 $14592347 $15,857,108 $17186388 318;613,953 Rate Increase Assumptions: Property Tax Rates: 6%statutory increase on general levy, and 3%decrease on special levy due to new construction and annexation. ow to ,a„ CITY OF RENTON 1-33 1995-1996 BUDGET TABLE 15: LOCAL CONSTRUCTION, BUILDING PERMIT, AND RETAIL SALES ACTIVITIES Building Permit Valuation vs Taxable New Construction $235,000,000 $215,000,000 $195,000,000 go $175,000,000 $155,000,000 $135,000,000 $115,000,000 $95,000,000 $75,000,000 rl 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Projected ■Permit Valuation DTaxable New Construction 111 Description 1991 1992 1993 1994 Building Permit Valuation $173,866,147 $210,500,686 $98,385,628 $110,022,693 % Change in Construction Activity 20.46% 21.07% -53.26% 11.83% Building Permit and Plan Check Fees $962,750 $973,563 $862,631 $1,083,688 % Change in Permit and Plan Check Fees -2.53% 1.12% -11.39% 25.63% Auto Sales Reported on Local Sales Tax $216,493,853 $203,162,657 $218,894,515 $236,961,792 % Change in Auto Sales -0.67% -6.16% 7.74% 8.25% New Construction Rprtd on Local Sales Tax $165,891,153 $165,021,967 $212,427,829 $180,473,006 % Change in Taxable New Construction 38.70% -0.52% 28.73% -15.04% Total Retail Sales (Also see Table 16) $1,070,607,085 $1,088,683,738 $1,179,416,742 $1,131,353,671 % Change in Retail Sales 3.80% 1.69% 8.33% -4.08% Sales Tax Revenue $9,019,761 $9,173,394 $9,892,932 $9,535,778 es % Change in Sales Tax Revenue 3.62% 1.70% 7.84% -3.61% Source of Information: to Building Permit and Sales Tax Revenue: City of Renton Finance Department. Sales: State of Washington Department of Revenue Sales Tax Report. go to CITY OF RENTON 1.34 1995-1996 BUDGET to r TABLE 15: LOCAL CONSTRUCTION, BUILDING PERMIT, AND RETAIL SALES ACTIVITIES "" Past and Projected Sales Tax Revenue 00 $14,000,000 i1w $13,000,000 $12,000,000 41r $11,000,000 oee ire $10,000,000 err $9,000,000 r� $8,000,000 Jr- 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Projected 4w PROJECTED_ 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 $97,290,000 $99,136,000 $100,098,720 $102,100,694 $104,142,708 $106,225,562 err -11.57% 1.90% 0.97% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% $846,000 $846,000 $871,380 $897,521 $924,447 $952,180 -21.93% 0.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% $265,852,763 $243,679,503 $263,965,333 $277,163,600 $291,021,780 $305,572,869 12.19% -8.34% 8.32% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% $202,554,486 $209,496,296 $219,971,111 $230,969,667 $242,518,150 $254,644,058 12.24% 3.43% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% ar $1,265,965,537 $1,303,944,503 $1,343,062,838 $1,383,354,723 $1,424,855,365 $1,467,601,026 11.90% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% $10,653,100 $11,312,800 $11,878,440 $12,472,362 $13,095,980 $13,750,779 'w 11.72% 6.19% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% too ow 4w CITY OF RENTON 1.35 1995-1996 BUDGET rrr TABLE 16: CITY OF RENTON RETAIL SALES TOTAL TAXABLE SALES BY CATEGORY-1995 PROJECTED Food and Restaurants Manufacturing 7.9°.% 5.5% Other Wholesale 5.6•.% 11.35% to • Auto Dealers sk ":>•::::<.:::::>::::::::::::::::.:.. 21.0% Alit General Retailing i 13.0'.% � Construction 16.0% Services 19.7% 1993 1994 1995 Projected SOURCE AMOUNT % AMOUNT % AMOUNT Auto Dealers $218,888,294 18.6% $236,961,792 20.9% $265,852,763 21.0% Services 217,646,353 18.5% 223,329,092 19.76 $249,395,211 19.78 Construction 212,427,829 18.08 180,473,006 16.08 $202,554,486 16.08 ski General Retailing 154,632,754 13.18 139,100,163 12.38 $164,575,520 13.09 Wholesale 133,766,573 11.3% 127,984,865 11.38 $143,054,106 11.39 Food and Restaurants 89,258,695 7.6% 89,167,591 7.98 $100,011,277 7.9% Manufacturing 89,920,967 7.68 70,938,600 6.38 $69,628,105 5.58 Transportation/Utilities 38,098,432 3.28 39,442,142 3.58 $44,308,794 3.58 Finance 9,656,059 0.89 9,325,745 0.88 $10,127,724 0.88 Government 14,237,174 1.28 13,551,574 1.28 $15,191,586 1.28 1Ir1 Other 1 883,612 0.1%1 1,079,101 0.1%1 $1,265,966 0.19 TOTALS 1 $1,179,416,742 100.0%1 $1,131,353,671 100.0%1 $1,265,965,537 100.08 Source: City of Renton Finance Department CITY OF RENTON 1-36 1995-1996 BUDGET 40 TABLE 17: LARGEST TAXPAYERS AND PRINCIPAL EMPLOYERS �r 1994 :%OF ASSESSED ASSESSED TAXPAYER TYPE OF BUSINESS VALUATION VALUATION ». The Boeing Company Aerospace&Computer Services $482,884,400 13.45% to Puget Sound Power&Light Electic Utility $92,101,548 2.57% PACCAR Heavy Manufacturing $49,174,000 1.37% Renton Talbot Delaware Inc. Property Development $27,648,100 0.77% wo Washington One Interests Property Development $20,192,800 0.56% Sunpointe Associates Ltd. Property Development $19,367,200 0.54% Renton Village Shopping Center $14,905,200 0.42% Renton Office Realty Property Development $12,934,200 0.36% 'W Lincoln Properties Property Development $11,374,600 0.32% Safeway Grocery Store $6,616,500 0.18% Total Assessed Valuation-Largest Taxpayers $737,198,548 20.53% Total Assessed Valuation-All Others $2,853,420,541 79.47% Total Assessed Valuation $3,590,619,089 100.00$. NUMBER OF %OF rr PRINCIPAL EMPLOYERS 1 TYPE OF BUSINESS EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES The Boeing Company Aerospace&Computer Services 17,451 49.16% Valley Medical Center Medical Services 1,250 3.52% 4W Pacific Car&Foundry Heavy Manufacturing 1,124 3.17% Federal Aviation Administration Federal Government 999 2.81% Renton School District* Public Education 875 2.47% City of Renton City Government 537 1.51% Group Health Cooperative* Medical Services 497 1.40% Olympus Corporation Business Services 251 0.71% Sound Ford Automobile Dealership 218 0.61% Acme Poultry Non-Durable Goods 194 0.55% Total Number of Employees-Principal Employers 23,396 65.91% Total Number of Employees-All Other Employers 12,100 34.09% Total Employees Working,Within Renton 35,496 100.00% Source: Assessed Valuation:King County Department of Assessments. +rr Number of Employees: City of Renton Business License Records. *Based upon 1994 employee figures- 1995 unavailable at press time. wrr +r CITY OF RENTON 1-37 1995-1996 BUDGET 9W am TABLE 18: ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC STATISTICS Population and Staff Growth so 46,000 550.0 44,000 0530.0 42,000 510.0 490.0 0 40,000 470.0 w j 38,000 450.0 a° 36,000 430.0 34,000 z 410.0 390.0 32,000 370.0 30,000 350.0 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Est. O Population -f-Number of Staff MISCELLANEOUS COMPARISONS Population Full-Time/ Number of Official Regular Land Area Business Building Permit Year April 1 City Employees Square Miles Licenses Value Bank Deposits 1985 34,030 388.2 15.90 2,753 116,609,898 548,263,839 1986 34,460 400.1 16.00 2,778 104,209,475 572,339,374 1987 35,360 414.7 16.30 2,777 80,171,902 623,806,785 1988 36,940 436.7 16.49 2,495 150,789,305 653,566,247 1989 38,480 472.5 16.20 2,645 100,199,675 660,210,400 1990 39,340 498.5 16.20 2,779 144,338,071 655,825,782 1991 43,000 498.3 16.20 2,438 173,866,147 764,378,440 1992 43,090 501.5 16.20 2,614 210,500,686 801,079,773 1993 43,470 539.7 16.60 2,860 95,527,041 833,122,963 (W 1994 43,970 537.0 16.80 3,047 110,022,693 842,563,479 1995 Est. 44,370 532.1 17.10 3,237 88,000,000 856,382,146 UTILITY TAXES Transfer Telephone Cellular > City Operated Year Electricity Gas Station Telegraph Phone TV Cable Utility Total 1985 1,259,531 573,025 N/A 614,444 N/A 51,467 364,805 2,663,272 io 1986 1,394,646 423,111 N/A 674,548 N/A 58,743 419,888 2,970,936 1987 1,469,387 333,637 N/A 764,273 N/A 60,638 583,836 3,211,771 1986 1,569,753 381,385 N/A 738,227 N/A 68,272 606,215 3,363,852 1989 1,687,100 351,464 N/A 735,164 N/A 78,147 637,511 3,489,386 go 1990 1,766,519 322,875 N/A 753,315 N/A 94,746 795,809 3,733,263 1991 2,139,917 381,536 N/A 938,599 N/A 204,729 1,040,835 4,705,616 1992 2,259,505 333,000 N/A 1,055,886 N/A 211,993 1,179,827 5,040,211 1993 2,360,512 480,542 N/A 1,134,500 155,838 240,959 1,244,709 5,617,060 1994 2,452,644 545,855 141,397 897,714 192,228 224,309 1,354,435 5,808,582 1995 Est 2,866,000 453,200 350,000 1,027,500 190,000 245,100 1,438,000 6,569,800 Utility Tax Rates: Electricity and Gas 1985 -5%; 1991-1994-6% Telephone 1985- 5%; 1991-1994-6% Telegraph 1985 - 5%; 1986-1994-6% TV Cable 1991-1994-6% City Operated Utility 1985 - 5%; 1991-1994-6% Source of Information: 1W Population: State of Washington Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. Bank Deposits: Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, 1993 and 1994 amounts are estimated. All other information: City of Renton Finance Department. CITY OF RENTON 1-38 1995-1996 BUDGET Operating Budget aw ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Legislative Services/City Council Timothy J. Schlitzer Billie Dunphy Council President City Council Secretary Randy Corman Toni Nelson CC Pres Pro Tem ar Bob Edwards Richard M. Stredicke aaa Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Jesse Tanner arr r. dw MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL-TERMS OF OFFICE ELECTIVE TERM EXPIRATION rr MAYOR: Earl H. Clymer 4 years 12/31/95 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler 4 years 12/31/95 Toni Nelson 4 years 12/31/95 Richard M. Stredicke 4 years 12/31/95 00 Jesse Tanner. 4 years 12/31/96 Randy Corman 4 years 12/31/97 Bob Edwards 4 years 12/31/97 Timothy J. Schlitzer 4 years 12/31/97 ow WOO 00 No am CITY OF RENTON 2-1 1995- 1996 BUDGET CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (Meets each Monday-6:30 p.m.) Example Tonics: Regional Issues ifs Monitoring Proposed Local,State and Federal Legislation Labor Negotiations Joint Meetings with Boards and Commissions Budget Review Other Items Referred by Council Emergency Ordinances and Resolutions FINANCE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT (Meets Voucher Mondays-6:00 p.m.) (Meets 1 st and 3rd Wednesdays-3:30 p.m.) KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER, CHAIR RICHARD M. STREDICKE, CHAIR BOB EDWARDS,VICE-CHAIR KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER,VICE-CHAIR JESSE TANNER,MEMBER RANDY CORMAN,MEMBER Example Topics: Example Topics: Financial Reports Building Regulations Computer/Information Systems Zoning Insurance Issues Planning Claims/Vouchers Review Annexations Organizational/Personnel Issues/Reports Land Use Appeals PUBLIC SAFETY TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) (Meets 1 st and 3rd Wednesdays-3:00 p.m.) (Meets 1 st and 3rd Mondays-4:00 p.m.) JESSE TANNER, CHAIR BOB EDWARDS, CHAIR RICHARD M. STREDICKE,VICE-CHAIR RANDY CORMAN,VICE-CHAIR KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER,MEMBER TONI NELSON, MEMBER Example Topics: Example Topics: Fire-related Issues Streets Police-related Issues Airport Emergency Communications HOV/Mass Transit Public Safety Facilities Signals/Lighting UTILITIES COMMUNITY SERV/CES (Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays-4:00 p.m.) (Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays-3:30 p.m.) 1II1f RANDY CORMAN,CHAIR TONI NELSON, CHAIR TONI NELSON,VICE-CHAIR JESSE TANNER,VICE-CHAIR BOB EDWARDS, MEMBER RICHARD M.STREDICKE,MEMBER fir Example Topics: Example Topics: Water Utility Parks and Recreation/Golf Course Wastewater(Sewer)Utility Community Centers Surface Water(Storm Drainage)Utility General Services/Facilities Garbage/Recycling Library Flood Control Senior Services Human Services + Appointments to Boards/Commissions CITY OF RENTON 2-2 1995-1996 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL (000) W DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATIVE Division: Legislative Services/City Council OBJECTIVE The City Council assesses the needs of the public and sets priorities; develops and adopts ordinances, resolutions, and policy alternatives to meet those needs; and, provides coordination and w evaluation of programs and service objectives. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The City Council has all of the powers delegated by the State Constitution which are not specifically denied by state law. Renton operates under the "Optional Municipal Code" as a Non-Charter Code City, and is responsible for all basic City services, plus other servipes as directed by Council. City Council meetings are held each Monday at 7:30 p.m., with full agendas, including public hearings. The Council has six working committees, and all Council and committee meetings are open to the public. See page 2-2 for Council Committees, meeting days and times, and examples of topics addressed by each committee. BUDGET SUMMARY The 1995 - 1996 Legislative budget remained relatively stable at inflationary levels with the exception of the telephone line item. This line item was added as a New Program for cellular phone usage projected at $200 for both years. +r. % APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 - 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 - 95 95 - 96 EXPENDITUR E BY©SECT ..:.:....::::.:: :..:::.... Regular Salaries 73,201; 80, 916:: 82,217: 81,372:: 81,914:: 0. 6%: 0.7% .r Part Time Salaries 01 4 0 0' 0 0.04s1 0.0$ Overtime 0 0 0: 0` 0' 0.0% 0.0?s Personnel Benefits 28, 1911 33, 835: 26, 903: 27,9641 28,766: -17.4%: 2. 9% +ti+r Supplies 385: 1, 100: 308 1, 1281 1, 1611 2.5$1 2. 9% Other Svcs 8s Charges. 3,0521 5,250: 3,786: 5,5821 5,7441 6.3%1 2.916 +rr Capital Outlay 2, 1631 01 0' 0: 0: 0.0%1 0.0� Debt Service 0: 0 0 0= 0: 0.0$`:, 0.0% TOTAL 106, 9921 121, 101:: 113,214: 116, 0461 117,5851 -4.2% 1.3% ow STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 0. 0 D 0 1 0. 0 1 0 . 0 0 1W Part Time 7 . 6 7. 6 7 . 6 7 . 6 7 . 6 Temporary Part Time 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 . TOTAL 7 . 6 7 6 . 7 6 7 . 6 7 . 6 . w CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET 2.3 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATIVE Division: Legislative Services/City Council 1994 ACCUMPLISH 1�ENTS • Implemented agreement with King County for an optional business recycling program. • Implemented the Renton Emergency Assistance program whereby Renton residents can contribute, via the City's Utility Billing function, to a fund providing financial assistance for those needing emergency housing or help with their utility bills. • Approved the removal of the mid-block planters on South 3rd Street to provide increased public parking in the downtown. • Authorized a citizen group to study funding of a Public Safety Building and directed the placement of a$14.8 million bond issue for construction on the September 20, 1994 ballot. • Directed that the Growth Management Planning Council be requested to modify Renton's urban growth boundary to include the entire Highlands area assessed for connection to the East Renton Interceptor. • Approved the sale of bonds to pay for improvements to Maplewood Golf Course, including a new clubhouse, driving range and course improvements. • Approved two-tiered low-income senior and disabled utility assistance rates. • Held public hearing to consider 102 proposed amendments to the Interim Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and con-current zoning; held numerous work sessions to consider amendments to various elements and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES • Strengthen City's financial condition. • Develop and implement annexation strategy. • Implement the City's Capital Improvement Program. • Improve Internal and External Communications. • Improve operational efficiency. • Implement the Downtown Development Plan. • Develop training/supervisory program for all managers. • Develop Youth at Risk Programs. • Develop and maintain a leadership role in regional issues. • Intergovernmental relations. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-4 lrr it Administration �r kw w stir k. r► �w �w w aw ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Executive Department r.+ Earl Clymer Mayor 24.0 Total FTE Jay Covington Community Relations Executive Secretary Executive Assistant Specialist to Mayor arrr Office Assistant II Economic Development Office Assistant II wo .5 FTE Specialist .5 FTE .r Municipal Court City Clerk Legal Services Hearing Examine 11.5 FTE 4.5 FTE 2.0 FTE rr r Judge Legislative Support Warren&Kellogg, P.S. Examiner Records Services Attorneys at Law Court Services City Clerk Secretary .r Director Deputy City Clerk ,w Lead Court Clerk Microfilm Clerk 2.0 FTE 1.0 FTE as Court Clerks Office Asst III 7.5 FTE 1.5 FTE low Information Desk Volunteers 4w rr .r. .■„ CITY OF RENTON 2-5 1995-1996 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: All OBJECTIVE To represent the citizens' interests; and provide executive and administrative direction and management for City of Renton Government, according to the mission, policies and guidelines of the City. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Executive Department provides overall administration and management of City agencies; maintains community and intergovernmental relations; works to enhance economic development within the City of Renton and provides legal services to Renton citizens. To carry out these functions, the department is organized into five divisions: Executive Administration provides management direction to city departments, community and intergovernmental relations, economic development activities, and staff for the Municipal Arts Commission and the Local LEOFF Board. Renton Municipal Court handles criminal, traffic, and parking violations, and domestic violence cases. Legal Services for city government are contracted with an outside law firm. 46 The Hearing Examiner regulates the land use system. The City Clerk provides legislative support, City-wide records management, voter registration and 16 microfilming services. BUDGET SUMMARY Overall, the Executive Department's 1995 budget of $2,292,101 maintains current service levels. Emphasis on economic development and growth management will continue as the Executive works with the Downtown Renton Association to revitalize the downtown and develop a parking management program. Program increases occur in the Legal, Renton Municipal Court and the City Clerk divisions. The Administration and the Hearing Examiner costs increase only by inflation and employee contract amounts. Legal Services will direct attention to developing city ordinances to further regulatory reform. There is a substantial increase in this Division as it responds to a 50% increase injury trials. To meet this increased need, professional services will be increased by $96,300. Renton Municipal Court will continue to process cases expediently, fairly and with integrity. The City Clerk will take on the responsibility of inputting information into the new cable TV system. This will provide citizens with more information concerning city and public events. In addition, the Clerk's budget reflects the new law that costs more for voter information. iwi► CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-6 s FUND: GENERAL (000) 'W DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: All 6 X10 APPROPRIATION1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change :Change AGttxa1 :Budget 'Actual $+�dget Budget 94 95 95 96 : xi 2'E1YEJ1t` i7 3 1a1! 1Y::.:::..................::.::.... .::.............................:.:::::::. ::..............................::..}.::::::. .:..............................:.:....::..::. Administration ? 443,675: 458,709: 451,819: 474,903; 494,126: 3.5V 9.0% Municipal Court 708,'141 750,907: 764,3.96; 786,994• 819,i91; 4 9$: 4.'1 ow _ City Attorney 580,840: 496,000: 610,780: 592,300: 610,070': 19.0: 3.0% Hearing Examiner 114,1419' 123,180: 1231 220: 125,067. 130,833: 1 5 4.6%' +r. Crt,v Clerk : 262,570; 299,2481 287,259; 312,837: 326,0601 4.5%:: 4.2% P79G H: ::+rn+Y.M44N.CPy .. ..»:e}»oex�t9M1u�.r.7TMooppYAp»eWyp4�a.!L. ra.000aoeva�'.(Aaka990000»arm/v.2uuxavr�Jr:r:hf:xf.}-. 'X'pT,9L 2,109,:695; 2,127,544€ 2 237,474: 2,292,101: 2,380,230: 7 :7%: 3:'8%' r.. Regular Salaries 914,596: 979,526: 979,051; 1,018,111: 1,060,220:: 3.9%: 4.14s Part Time Salaries 14,1644: 22,978: 24,220: J3,420-1 13,688: -91.6 : 2.0% �r Overtime 2,7011 3,383:: 3,012: 4,319: 4,4051 27.7%1 2.0% Personnel Benefits 251,9571 296,262: 267,415: >278,549; 289,396: -6.0%: 3.9% Supplies ` 21,092: 23,050: 16,846:: 27,6111 32,719:: 19.8%: 18.5% Other Svcs 8s Charges :' 860,928: 757,3451894,930: 899,866: 923,285: 18.2$: 3.2%' Intergovernmental Svcs : 31, 6371 42,0001 44,2111 55,2251 56,5171 31.5%:: 2.3% +.. Capital Outlay 13,090: 3,000: 8,289: 0 0: -100.0%: 0.0%;; Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0: 0.0$ 0. w. TOTAL 2;109,695 2;127,544 2,237,474 2,'292,101; 2,380,230. 7.7%:: 3.8 STAFFING LEVELS::: 1993 1994 1994 : 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual'' Budget Budget Administration : 6. 0 6.0 : 6. 0 : 6. 0 6. 0 Municipal Court 11.5 11.5 12.0' 11.5 11.5 City Attorney : 0 . 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 Hearing Examiner Svcs 2 -0. 2. 0 2. 0 2 0 2 . 0 City Clerk 1 4 .5 : 4 .5 5.0 4 .5 4 . 5 aw TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 24:.:0 , 2 4,0 24.0'' 2 4 0 24.0 Temporary Part Time 1 . 0 1 0 1.7 1. 0 1. 0 TOTAL STArrnm 25 .0 2 5 0 .2 5.7 2 5 0 25 . 0 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS "W • Late last year, the Executive branch began a concerted effort on economic development. In 1994 this effort has shown significant efforts. Due to the work of the Economic Development Specialist, Renton will be the home of a new Ikea store, Brittania jeans, and City University began a branch within the City. These efforts are expected to translate into an additional $650,000 of new resources for the City. • The Legal Department worked with Boeing and various City departments to resolve the numerous environmental and permit issues to complete the first phase of the Boeing Customer Service and Training Center on the area known as Longacres. The efforts of the Legal Department ensured Renton is the home for international and national training on the new planes that Boeing will be building in the new decade. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET vr. 2.7 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: All • In addition, the Legal and Court Departments had to react to a number of land use appeals, is claims against the City, and a significant increase in court cases that involved jury trials requested by the defense. • The Hearing Examiner heard 96 cases in 1994. • The Clerk's Office began training on the new cable system, helped develop the Public Safety Bond ordinance and distributed information regarding changes in the voters'registration laws. 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES • Work with property owners to find tenants for approximately 200,000 square feet of vacant office space. • Work to bring business to Renton that will ultimately increase sales tax revenue by$1 million. • Expand circulation of Renton Report to potential annexation areas, and increase issues of Mill Avenue Messenger. • Continue volunteer appreciation program and volunteer training. • Continue to develop staff depth so as to handle increased demand for legal services and defense of lawsuits without significantly increasing legal budget or legal staff. 10 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-8 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: Administration OBJECTIVE:'. To provide executive leadership and administrative direction and management for the City of Renton, according to the mission, policies and guidelines adopted by the Renton City Council, and to carry out the specialized functions that reside in this division. This division also directs the work of the other divisions of the department. PROGRAM ACTIVITY Much of the activity involves directing and managing the affairs of the City, representing Renton's interests through participation with regional organizations, other intergovernmental relations, working with local business and community organizations, overseeing external communications, special events, and ensuring Renton business and citizen concerns and interests are addressed. Functional activities within this division include: COMMUNITY RELATIONS Works to preserve and improve the City's image, promote communication and cooperation between .. City departments and the community. A major work program in this area includes overseeing the annual Renton River Days Celebration, and other community-wide events. rrr ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Works with the business community and city staff to promote and develop economic activity in the City with the goal of strengthening our tax base and quality of life. A significant amount of time is ,.,. spent as a business liaison working through potential conflicts with local City regulations or processes. OTHER ACTIVITIES: ar Staff support and funding for the Municipal Arts Commission and Law Enforcement Officers' and Fire Fighters' (LEOFF) Pension Board operations. The City's employee and community newsletters, informational brochures and other pieces are produced from this office. BUDGET SUMMARY The budget for this division remains relatively unchanged. The City's $10,000 contribution to Renton River Days, cut from the budget in 1994 (and later added back through supplemental appropriation) has been restored to help pay for special event insurance. % , APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual,', Budget, Budget . 9+.-95 95 - 96 ::.::::::::::::::::.:::.:...:..:::.:::.:.::..::....:..... ..........................::..:::...::....:..:::.:.......::::::::....................:. ..................................................... ................ Regular Salaries 268,897: 308,545: 297,908: 322,903; 337,033; 4.7%:: 4.4% Part Time Salaries11,168' 9, 8.18: 12,969: 0' tl';-100.0$: 0.0$ .. Overtime _ 0, _ 0 0: 0: 0: 0.0% 0.0% Personnel Benefits,' 61,448; 73,769•. 71, 823, 75,766" 78,883; 2.7$: 4.1 Supplies 4, 023:: 3, 900; 3, 607:: 3, 998: 4,118; 2.5%: 3.0% Other.Svcs 8v Charges 92, 139: 62, 677: 63,5871 721 236: 74,092! 15 3%: 2.6% Capital Outlay 5,980 0: 1,925:: 0 0: 0.0% 0.0% ,■. Debt Service' 0 0: 0 0%: 0.0% To'r.9t 443,675458 709 451,819 974, 903' 494,126- 3.5%: 4.0% CITY OF RENTON 1995• 1996 BUDGET 2.9 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: Administration STAFFING LEVELS 1993' 1994 1994. 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 6.'0 ; 6.0 ! 6.0 Part Time 0 0 _ 0. 0.:. •>0 ; 0. 0 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 0 4 '' 0. 4 �. •,} s�+"+ {d9f0iM/H/1,:4.rlf'S�nf,..;.i TbTAL i6.2 > 6. 4 7.;0 6 4 6. 4 1994 AcCoMPLISHMENTS • Planned and directed three (City Council, Department Administrators, and all management staff workshops to develop and refine the City's priorities for 1995-1996. • Participated in regional organizations as Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board member, Suburban Cities Vice President, King County Regional Policy Committee member, Association of Washington Cities Legislative Committee, Washington City/County Management Vice Presidency, Chamber Blue Ribbon Panel member, Downtown Renton Association Board and committee member, and other organizations. • Successfully produced three issues of the Renton Report, six issues of Mill Avenue Messenger, Downtown Renton Report monthly newsletter, and various informational flyers and brochures, without the graphics support that was cut from the 1994 budget, by retraining key staff and re- prioritizing existing workloads. • Worked with property owners and real estate community to attract new commercial and industrial development, resulting in eight new commercial projects representing $29 million in new development and 800 new jobs locating in Renton. • Coordinated 1994 Pride in Renton Awards, and worked with the Chamber of Commerce to implement a program recognizing new businesses locating in Renton. • With Long-Range Planning, produced the City's first Economic Development Policies. • With Renton School District, local businesses and community groups, successfully organized and staffed the Renton Communities/Cities in Schools program. • Coordinated with the Chamber to produce investment guide for use to market Renton to local, regional and national businesses. • Directed an effort to revise and improve the City's annexation procedures. • Coordinated 9th Annual Renton River Days Festival, which brought over 60,000 participants to ib Renton. • Coordinated the 5th Annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner for over 350 participants. • Established Sister City Advisory Committee per City Council Policy, and successfully hosted (with Renton Lions Club and Renton School District) 42 Nishiwaki, Japan citizens and youth orchestra during Renton River Days Festival. • Coordinated annual Renton School District third grade tours of municipal campus and museum in May for over 900 students. 1.995 -'1996 OBJECTIVES • Through various organizations, workshops, and committees, develop action plans that keep us on track to make Renton a better place to live, work and play. • Complete annual Senior staff, management and Council strategic planning workshops. • Assist City departments in meeting their goals and objectives by providing appropriate leadership, coaching and monitoring functions. • Develop and implement (with Personnel Department) City-wide supervisory training program. • Work with property owners to find tenants for approximately 200,000 square feet of vacant office r# space. • Successfully direct and coordinate 10th Annual Renton River Days Festival, Volunteer Recognition Banquet, Employee Recognition Program, Sister City activities, and other community 40 events. • Work to bring business to Renton that will ultimately increase sales tax revenue by $1 million. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-10 wo FUND: GENERAL (000) off DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: Administration • Develop a long-range Annexation Plan and coordinate all requests for annexation. • Work with the Renton School District, local businesses and community groups to ensure the success of the Renton Communities/Cities in Schools program. • Work with Chamber to update Investment Guide. *W • Expand circulation of Renton Report to potential annexation areas, and increase issues of Mill Avenue Messenger. as ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES " 1993 1994 1994 1995... 1996 Actual Projected Actual Projected Pro ected w Renton Report 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 36,000 Mill Avenue 550 copies 550'copies 615 copies 550 copies '_, 550 copies Messenger 6 issues 11 issues, 11 issues 12 issues 12 issues Volunteer Yearbook 500 copies N/A 350 N/A N/A Renton'liiver Days N/A 1,100/1st issue 1,100/1st issue 1,500list issue it 1,500/1st issue Newsletter IS 30,000/2nd iss : 30;000/2nd iss : 1,500/2nd issue 1;500/2nd issue �► N/A MA NIA N/A 1,500 3rd issue' Uptown News N/A N/A 8 issues 12 issues 12 issues ■r .r �r aw r.. �.r r CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET Iwo 2-11 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: Court OBJECTIVE The City's judicial activities are to implement the National Trial Court Performance Standards of: Access to Justice, Expedition and Timeliness; Equality, Fairness and Integrity; Independence and Accountability; and Public Trust and Confidence. PAQGRAM ACTIVITY The Municipal Court filings are misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors and infractions charged under portions of state law which have been adopted by the City and City ordinances. The Court also has jurisdiction in civil domestic violence orders. The Court holds hearings Monday through Friday. Procedures include motions, arraignments, pre-trial conferences, and trials both to the bench and to juries. The division is responsible for recording, docketing and tracking all cases, as well as the collection and disbursement of all monies collected on bail, bail forfeitures, costs, penalties, and fines assessed by the Court. Monthly statistics reported to the State are compiled and published in the annual report titled "Caseloads for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction." % APPROPRIATION' 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 - 96 EXPY'f3. ;::;:;:X: : ::::::.::::.....s>::::>::;:::::::>:::::::.;.;}:>::>::>:::<::.: Regular Salaries 405,580:: 415, 9341 434,524 436, 169: 451,126: 4.9%1 3.4% Part Time Salaries 11, 660: 131160:: 11,251: 13,420: 13, 688:' 2.0%1 2.01 Overtime 1,264: 3,383:: 2,737: 3,451: 3,537: 2.0%: 2.5% Personnel Benefits f 125,319: 145,530:: 12,8,822 132,318 136,943: -9.1%: 3.5% Supplies 5,148! 9, 100: 6,9871 13,3111 17, 991: 46.3% 35.2% Other Svcs & Charges 155,850: 160,300: 180,0751,: 188,325' 195,8561__11.:5$: 4.0% Capital Outlay 3,320: 3,000: 0: 0 0 -100.0%1 0.00 Debt Service 4 0 0 0 0.0%:, 0.0% :.; _ :. TOTAL 708,141. 7501 407 764,396; 7861 9941', 819,141:: 4.'9 4. 1% STAFFING LEVELS 1993< 1994 1994 1995' 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget t Full Time 1 Z 5 11 . 5 11 . S 1 Z` 5 Z 1 . 5 Part Time 0. 0 ! 0. 0 0. 0 _ 0 . 0 _ 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time 0` 9 0 9 0 7 0 9 0 . 9 ` ........ ...::. .... ......r.. n......+ .. ......... r... ..nfl J.ru} h \...}}k4 r...:. } k\.....:. .AAk r}YrF +YY x.....m} ..\n TOTAL 12'. 4 : 12 . 4 € 12 .2 : 12 .4 . 12 . 4 BUDGET SUMMARY' New program increases were made to the following budget line items: Public Defenders increased by $15,000 due to increased contractual costs per case assigned and s increased case load. Interpreter/Diagnostic fees increased by $1,000 to handle the increased need for non-English and hearing impaired interpreters to secure the rights of the defendant; as of June 1994, the court has already provided services to 70% of the 1993 total. Witness fees have been increased by $2,000 to cover the added costs that have been generated by more defendants requesting jury trials than in past years. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-12 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: Court Probation services were increased by $10,000 in order to handle the additional cases. that are expected to be generated by the regulations, evaluations and treatments required under the new Driving Under the Influence law. W The increase in jury trials requires additional staff to handle jurors before, during and after the jury trial and with two courtrooms in session additional staff are required in court, at the counter and on the phone. Qualifying and summoning jurors must be in compliance with the law, and with a we compiled source list of jurors from driver's licenses and registered voters, court staff must screen eligibility of jurors for jury duty prior to summoning. COURT BASED DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LEGAL ADVOCATE - This program has been submitted the past three 'W years. A court based advocate would help domestic violence victims through civil and, or criminal court proceedings. The pattern of violence is difficult to interrupt without legal advocacy support. 41W 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Provided education for staff and implemented all legislative changes that impacted the court in 1994, specifically, the Omnibus Drunk Driving bill. aw • The ongoing court collection of infractions continues to be a success having collected: $84,180 in 1991, $153,990 in 1992, $157,700 in 1993, and $145,904 in 1994. • The continued enhancements to the Judicial Information System (DISCIS) provides valuable statewide criminal case history compiled from Superior, District and Municipal courts. • Timely case management of numerous jury requests and trials, staying current with caseload by holding more than one jury trial in a day. • The court enforces its judgments by consistently monitoring for compliance with conditions of "" sentence by scheduling Thursday AM calendars of 100 cases or more. 1995 -1996 OBJECTIVES OW • To continue to enhance the administration and operation of the court by evaluation and implementation of all Trial Court Performance Standards as published by the National Center for State Courts and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U. S. Department of Justice. aw • To provide and promote continuing education for court personnel. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 �• Actual Projected**' Actual Protected Projected _.._. ...m,��.. r... u...... JURY TRIALS SET 435 396 523 JURY TRIALS HEARD 3 6 4 6 56 NON-JURY TRIALS SET 604 536 718 NON-JURY TRIALS HEARD 153 113 164 _. rrr COURT INFRACTION $157, 700 $110, 483: $145, 904: COLLECTIONS INTERPRETERS USED 70 * Forecast figures for 1995 and 1996 are not available *" 1994 projected are a 9 month actual wr +Irr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-13 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: City Attorney OBJECTIVE To provide day-to-day legal advice and misdemeanor prosecution to the City, including ordinance drafting, review of contracts, representation at administrative appeals, and other legal services as necessary and requested. The City Attorney's office also provides legal representation to the City in all court actions. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The City Attorney's Office provides consultation to the City Council, City boards and commissions, and the City staff as needed. A member of the Office is always available by telephone to answer pressing questions. As a routine matter, the City Attorney's Office reviews contracts, covenants, interlocal agreements, and other legal and quasi-legal documents. A significant portion of time in the office is expended defending lawsuits. The pace of litigation growth appears to have accelerated. The filing of administrative appeals has expanded rapidly in the last few years. In general, the lawsuits that are being defended are not those that could have been avoided by risk management. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 19941 . 1995 1996 Change Change' Actual Budget Actual Bud et Budget 94 - 95 95 -96 :;:.....:::::.:::;: :::.. .:;..............:......:::.::;;::. ...:.::. .:..:::..: 8::.::.:.:;.:.:::::::::::::..............::..::. ......... EXP11�XB3'i~33E�T< : > : ::::::> : > :»'.;.:>:. .: .... . _ __ o; 0 o o 0 :0.0� 0.0% Regular Salaries . Part Time Salaries 0: 0: 0: Q€ 0: 0.0%: 0.0% Overtime 0: 0 0 0 0: 0 0% 0.0% Personnel Benefits 01 0 0: 0 0: 0.0$ 00 Supplies 1, 690:: 3,000; 156: 3,075:: 3,167:: 2.5%:: 3.0% :. Other Svcs & Charges : 579,150: 493,000: 610,624: 589,225' 606,903: 19.5:: 3.0% Capital Outlay o o 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% Debt Service 01 0 0 0 01 0.0%:: 0.0% TOTAL 580,840: 496,D00 610,780; 592,300 610,07,0 19.4%. 3.0% ,t BUDGET SUMMARY The City Attorney's office budget will increase by 19.4%, or approximately $100,000 in 1995. These monies are necessary because: There is rapid growth injury trials. Thirty-four trials were held in 1993. Through six months of x 1994, 33 jury trials have already been held. The current prosecutor is working more than full-time to keep up with the court. Changes in the laws concerning driving under the influence and domestic violence will lead to substantially more requests for jury trials. Recent Supreme Court decisions have made the procedure for municipal courts more time consuming and therefore more costly. ,a CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-14 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: City Attorney ..._..._.__.. .... .... _ _ __ _ ___ _.. _...... ..... ....._ .... __ . _ _..... _ . .. 1994 AcC4]KPLI[SHMENTS • The litigation on the Customer Services Training Center for Boeing at Longacres was largely concluded. ,,. • The EIS for the Boeing office proposal at Longacres was issued. • The City closed major real estate acquisitions at NARCO and Blackriver. • The City's litigation load was handled without significant unanticipated loss. aw • Regular attendance at police staff meetings to consult with police management and answer questions. • Regular attendance at Environmental Review Committee meetings. • Regular attendance at Utility Department meetings. '°'� • Special issues such as Bryant Motors, Parker PUD, and the Master Site Plan Ordinance where there is a need for rapid action, cross-departmental organization of an issue, or existence of an issue that is both legal and political in nature. vr. 1995 - 1996OBJECTIVES • Develop City ordinances to further regulatory reform. 'w • Assist in drafting development regulations for growth management. • Close Park Department real estate purchases on Springbrook Creek and May Creek. • Continue to develop staff depth so as to handle increased demand for legal services and defense so of lawsuits without significantly increasing legal budget or legal staff. • Regular attendance at police staff meetings to consult with police management and answer questions. Y.r • Regular attendance at Environmental Review Committee meetings. • Regular attendance at Utility Department meetings. ow r aw aw �r. r wr 4W w CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 4W 2-15 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: Hearing Examiner OBJECTIVE The Hearing Examiner function provides a single, efficient, lawful, integrated land use regulatory hearing system which implements the adopted comprehensive plan and City ordinances. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The Hearing Examiner is responsible for the administration of the City's land use regulatory hearing process, and acts on behalf of the City Council in considering and applying land use regulatory codes; receives and examines all available information; conducts public hearings and prepares a record thereof, entering findings and conclusions. The Hearing Examiner also conducts other hearings as delegated. The new growth management legislation has increased the workload. Appeals are also increasing as the public becomes aware of their rights to challenge City policy. Areas involving appeals have been water and sewer latecomers, drug forfeitures, and illegal parking. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Changeto' Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 96 < :`......:::..... . ::: :> Regular Salaries 88,401: 96,4961 93,751: 96,751; 101,339: 0.3%:: 4.7% Part Time Salaries 01 01 01 0' 0 0' 0$1 0.0% Overtime 112: 01 01 01 01 0.0%1 0.0% a Personnel Benefits 21,0371 29,484: >24, 856: 26,060' 27,1691 6 01 9.3% Supplies 1,990; 5501 2,050; 5641 581: 2 5C 3.0% Other Svcs & Charges 1,252: 1,650: 2,563: 1,692: 1,744'1 Z.58: 3.1%' Capital Outlay 1,627; 01 0 0 01 0.0%:: 0.0% Debt Service 01. 0 b 0 0 0.0%:: 0.0 TOTAL 1 114,4191 123,1801 123,2201 125,067: 130,833: 1' 54s, 4.6% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time2 0 2 0' 2 0 2 0 2 0 Part Time _ ; - 0 . 0 _ 0 •0 . 0 . 0 0 , _ 0 . 0 ,_ 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time A 0 1 0 0' 0.`0 0 0 0 . 0 Y,::.::.. ..:..... .... .:.:. {..:::.:. ...:A.... ....:..:.. ..\.:..%. •t.\C...i... ......::. { i{..h.:.:.. ......:kM%+n ...F.i:... .:.:^.\q.r.{S fi... .....f.IX n. .. TOTAL 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 2...0. BUDGET SUMMARY. There are no significant changes to the budget for 1995 and 1996. The increase in personnel costs have been included. All other line items were increased by 2.5% and 3.0% for 1995 and 1996, respectively, to provide for cost increases due to inflation. CITY OF RENTON 1995. 1996 BUDGET 2-16 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: Hearing Examiner r. 1994 ACCO 'LWH=NTS • There were 7 appeals, regarding SEPA or Administrative decisions, during 1994. • The Hearing Examiner heard a total of 59 land use matters in 1994. • Other jurisdiction matters totaled seven cases. • Police matters, such as property forfeitures and vehicle impounds, totaled 23 cases for 1994. 1995- 19WOBJECTIVES • Consider and apply land use regulatory codes. • Hear appeals regarding SEPA or Administrative decisions. +r ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Projected ; Actual Projected Projected �,. TOTAL CASES 79 86 96 90 90 CASES FILED: Property Forfeitures 0 4 5 6 6 ""• Vehicle Impounds 30 11 1'8 15 15 SEPA Appeals 4 5 5 8 8 s„ Administrative Appeals 4 5 2 5 5' Other Jurisdiction Cases 0 7 7 4 4 Conditional Use Permits7 5 5 6 6 +rw Preliminary Plats , 1 2 3 _ 4 _ 4 Final Plats 6 3 3 4 4'' a.r Site Approvals 3 9 9 4 4 Short Plats 10 15 '' 14 15 15 Variances 11 15 18 15 15 ry Special Permit for Fill'& 2 5 5 4 4 Grade Waiver of Street 1 0 2 0 _ 0- rrr Improvements aw 1w ow 'r up CITY OF RENTON 1995.1996 BUDGET W 2-17 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: City Clerk OBJECTIVE To provide legislative support; Citywide records management, microfilm services; voter registration and election information; maintenance of cable television public announcements; and to oversee the City Hall lobby information desk volunteer program. to PROGRAM ACTIVITY Legislative support includes preparing the Council agenda, posting and legal publication ofpublic hearing notices, providing staff support at Council meetings, preparing Council meeting minutes, index, and meeting calendar; preparing and distributing referrals to Council committees and staff, initiating correspondence advising Council action, and ensuring that all legal requirements are met. The City Clerk's office also administers procedures for annexations, local improvement districts, street vacations, release of easements, land use appeals, claims for damage, bid openings, contract execution and compliance with bid laws, ordinances and resolutions, etc. Staff serves as City-wide records managers, ensuring updated file maintenance in the records center; and records legal documents with proper county offices, implements retention and destruction schedules, and updates the records index. Voter registration and election information services are provided to elected officials and the public by staff. The microfilm program converts documents onto film or fiche to retain and retrieve permanent records; and operates the character generator, the government access television channel. The City Hall lobby information desk is staffed by eight senior volunteers who each receive a meal allowance. APPROPRIATION 1993 1.994 1994 1995 .11,996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 96 1lh' l CIE ` .... :... . ............. ........ Regular Salaries 143,514; 158,551: 152,867; 162,288`:, 170,722; 2.4%:: 5.2% Part Time Salaries 0 0 Q 0 0 6.'0%: 0.0%' _. , Overtime 1,325; 0 275' 868; 868' 100.0% 0.0% Personnel Benefits 43, 65`1: 52,479:: 41,9151 49,405 46,401: -15.4%: 4.5% Supplies ': 8,241:: 6,500' 4,047; 6, 663; 6, 862; 2.5%: 3.0% Other Svcs & Charges 32,038: 39,718:: 37,580:; 43,388: 44, 690: 9.'2%: 3.0% Intergovernmental Svcs 31,637:: 42, 000: 44,2111 55,225:: 56,517:: 31.5$; 2.3% Capital Outlay' 2,1641 0 >6,364: 0 0:` 0.0$: 0.0% Debt Service 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0. 0%:: 0.0% TOTAL262,570; 299,248, 287,259 312, 837 326,0601 4.5 5: 4.2� STAFFING LEVELS 1993' 1994 1994 1995 1996 s' Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 4 . 5 4 .5 4 .'S 4. 5 4 . 5, st► Part Time 0 . 0 0. 0 0. 0 1 0. 0 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time 0 0 ` 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0. 0 :< s TOTAL 4 5 4 . 5 A . 5 4f 5 4 . 5 BUDGET SUMMARY' The primary change in the City Clerk Division has resulted from acquisition of upgraded character generator equipment for the government access channel. The new equipment offers expanded capabilities for broadcast of videos and meetings, scanned photographs and other materials, and additional technical features for scrolled data. To assume these new duties, the micrographics technician can no longer assist in the Print Shop (Finance and Information Services) on a half-time CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-18 FUND: GENERAL (000) so DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE Division: City Clerk to basis. Although the Clerk Division budget will not be impacted by the assumption of the new duties, the Finance and Information Services Department will be required to shift workload among existing employees to provide assistance in the Print Shop. Voter registration costs were increased by $12,000 in the 1995-1996 budgets to fund the fee increases charged by King County per registered voter, and projected increases in the number of registered voters as a result of Federal'Motor Voter' mandates. Funding for the 1995 lobby volunteer program has been increased from $2,725 to $5,500 to cover a $5.00 increase in the per-shift meal allowance approved in 1994. 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Redesigned and standardized electronic records index for conversion to HP mainframe; published or key word index for use by staff and the public. • Provided staff training and assistance in use of micrographics records and equipment, Council minute index, Renton City Code on diskette, records retention and destruction schedules, Council agenda process, and contract process. 4W • Implemented program to distribute and respond to Council correspondence. • Issued quarterly reports to the City Council providing information on quantity, total cost and purpose of contracts executed by the administration. *W • Implemented volunteer appreciation program. • Upgraded character generator and reformatted information for broadcast on government access channel; trained staff on use of new equipment; solicited input from City departments and other w agencies for broadcast on the channel. • Distributed information and new forms in response to change in voters' registration laws. .... .. .............. . . .. ................... . .. .. . 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES • Continue to provide responsive service to the public, elected officials, the administration and staff. • Develop and coordinate claims processing procedure for records disposition index. • Submit quarterly contract status report to City Council; develop contract procedure handbook and conduct training sessions. • Perform annual records audit for destruction; microfilm permanent records. aw • Convert City Clerk's records index to HP mainframe; train staff to access and retrieve information on index; convert RCC, WAC and RCW to HP mainframe. • Issue weekly minutes for regular Council meetings before the next regular meeting. No • Document legislative history upon approval of ordinances and resolutions; coordinate codification of ordinances and distribute bimonthly updates to staff and outside subscribers. • Continue volunteer appreciation program and volunteer training. 1W • Continue staff training on records management, supervisory skills, micrographics media, and computer applications. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 ntu:�zamii�nut�u:o,�,oi,»um+xztzt�„aur»„t:tteoinr:z: :n::::eeA�izoo i :::n:r.�idoo:oanPrOiecte :u PI O�ectedPr�o,�7e�cte�d Ct Ordinances Processed 43 57 60 60 65 Resolutions Processed 83 90 73 95 99 ,, New Contracts 125 's 154 ' 148 `•. 160 175 Contract addenda 164 12`2 124 150 200 New index cards 889 684 690 800 900 (mainframe) WW :Amendedindexcards 6 833 8, 640 6,593 9, 000 10, 000 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET No 2-19 DEPARTMENT: EXECUTIVE/LEGISLATIVE Position Listing i'993 1994 1994!! I945 1946 Grade' Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget di Legislative Services/City Council -- City Council Members 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 11 City Council Secretary 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 TOTAL LEGISLATIVE SERVICES, 7.6 7.6 7.«,6 7.6 7.b Judicial(Municipal Court) 39 Municipal Court Judge 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Court Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8 Lead Court Clerk 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5 Court Clerk 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 TOTAL JUDICIAL11.5 11.5 11 '5 11.5' 11.5 Executive Administration -- Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 43 Executive Assistant to Mayor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21 Economic Development Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 17 Community Relations Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13 Executive Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 Office Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0' 6.0 Hearing Examiner Services 35 Hearing Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Hearing Examiner Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL'HEARING EXAMINER 2.0 2.0 2:0 2.0 2.0 City Clerk 26 City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 Deputy City Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Office Assistant III 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3 Microfilm Clerk 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL CITY CLERK 9.5 9.5 4.5 9 5 9.5 TOTAL EXECUTIVE LEGISLATIVE 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 r IIS CITY OF RENTON 2-20 1995 -1996 BUDGET r Will ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Human Resources and Risk Management Beverly Nelson-Glode Human Resources & Risk Mgmt Administrato rrr. 6.6 Total FTE +r Risk Human Civil Service Management Resources Commission 1.0 FTE 3.1 FTE .9 FTE Human Resources Civil Service Examiner Coot Safety Officer .5 FTE Services Coordinator Personnel Assistant .4 FTE IWO L.6 ry II Personnel Supervisor E 5 FTE w Personnel Assistant .6 FTE �r Human Resources Office Technician rr` rrr Organization Chart reflects Committee approved changes from 1/24/95. irr +wr •rr CITY OF RENTON 2-21 1995- 1996 BUDGET ;_ FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT Division: All OBJECTIVE To provide policy and direction for all human resources within the City. To control the City's financial exposure to risk claims through employee training and risk management. PROGRAM OVERVIEW HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION Provides policy and direction for human resources within the City, through the administration of recruitment, testing, and selection of personnel; salary and classification program; employee benefit Id program; staff/organizational training; labor contract administration; safety and wellness program coordination; unemployment compensation; affirmative action; equal employment, and the facilitation of various employee committees and programs. Ali CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Provides and administers fair, impartial and practical selection procedures for all classified civil service personnel; and to act as a quasi-judicial board to hear and resolve disputes over application of the civil service rules. RISK MANAGEMENT Provides comprehensive loss control services by organizing, coordinating and directing all activities j related to insurance, safety, workers' compensation and tort liability claims against the City; and by identifying, analyzing and controlling exposure to financial, personnel and property losses. HUMAN RESOURCES/CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION b/o APPROPRIATION 1993 ;1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actuall Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 -I95 .9....5. - 9...6 I SCP 1 f't3 811 Regular Salaries 217,970: 258,223: 249,6731 275,124 289,227: 6.5%1 5.1% Part Time Salaries 6,398:: 6,5521 6, 829: 6, 683 6,817: 2.0$1 2.0% Overtime 471 01 5'01 01 0 0.0$1 0.0% Personnel Benefits 62,3481 86,331:: 70,255:: 78, 630:: 81, 957:: -8.9$1 4.2% Supplies 3,4931 3,900i 4,629€ 3,978. 4,0191 Other Svcs & Charges 1 125,1901 86,500: 96,621; 144,256:: 158, 959:: 66.8%:: 10.2% Capital.0utlay 2,2071 2,0001_ 1,028; D 01 100.0%: 0.0% Debt Service 0 01 01 01 01 0.0% 0.0% ri%vv x+.}} v {x,:. •q4:.}::•%{{4:': {•yr{{{{:.i:•:::•�{{4:^isi•:{ti':tri:^tii'•i:•ii%{ni�ii:•ii:•i%^i ;p;};w:::m;^:{•;i:9iiiii:0ii:tr:^i:•::{.,v.vr•:r ....: .:....... .. ..... ,.u.....rYi'/_.X+f..YY::.vi'vrw...nX.•M.•.• ., .....x3'r" .:.........�. .... ...... •. a:• 2:9< {;:? {?: .••.y ....v TOTAL 417,653 443,506 429,065 508,671 540,979 14.7%: 6.4% ..:i:.. ......... ........^,}F.{:.t FN..... ....fr...JC{. ne..t F...r. ..r.•..•...\ .v r:.....•. ......r:•k+.?.r .......... ......r... I...{....r... ..:F....}:•.{ ...�...r:. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2.22 FUND: GENERAL (000) No DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT Division: All rw HUMAN RESOURCESIRISKMANAGEMENT APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 199A 1995 1996 Change 'Change Actual Budget Actual Budge Budget' 94 95 95 96 ? 13 'REQ. 'Lr3" ::::::::.:::::.:::::::::::::::::::::.::::.:::.::::.;:.;}:..::.......:::::::::....::.:.:::::::.:::..._:::::::::::::::::::...::::::::.:::::: :.;}:.;:.;:.;::.; :: Salaries 0 0 3,354, 100 fl%;, NIA r. Personnel Benefits 2,729,137: 3,592,$40 2,727,567 2,778,55012,880,200: -22.7%`: 3.7% Supplies 0 0 572€ 0 Oi NIA:' N/A Other Svcs& Charges 11, 620,606; 1,266,0501 962,574:: 1,379,12111,451,773: 8.9%: 5.3% Intergovernmental Svcs 1,225; 5,666 11,175: 2,5110: 3,000; --50 fl% 20.0% Interfund Payments 98,2761 103, 190: 103,190:: 105,770: 108,943: 2.5% 3.0% 1rr wxx,.......:xu xx%u.:} xaa ceaa rrx»a ssxseu{w,•a«xx:a«xg soa �}»}..... , }}x.�} f�a0000-»} �•zw»out......, }rn�oc :000000rrc ma}w>o}erix<o»sceeoxmo-wr�•xx r :..,nw}.••:N. TOTAL 4',949,24.4'A'967,080i3 809,033:: 4,265,941- 4,443, 916- -14.1%:'' 4.296 ....................................::.�:::::::::::::n,•::::v::;:.,•:::::.;:�}}}:RT:j4.}\ vfi..,�•.�::.:.::,,,:,.:.,:,:.»„....:..:. :::::: .v.,...•.•:.::::::::.r:4:y ':'f.?:4:ti{.}:ti:.}:•:K!•}rr; :}•}}}:}}i:4}:.r:!iL::::. No STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget ActualBudget Budget'' wr. Full Time 6. 0 b Q 6 0 b 6 6 6' • . Part Time _ ; _ 0. 0 , 0 . 0 0. 0 0. 0 , 0>•,0,> Temporary Part Time. 0. 3 0 3 0.5 0 0' 0. 0 TOTAL 6 3 6.3 . 5 . 6. b . 6. 6 BUDGET SUMMARY The 1995-1996 Human Resources/Risk Management budget increases include funds to provide for mandated training, testing and inoculations as required by OSHA/WISHA and the WSDOT. These 4W mandated items include airborne pathogens, bloodborne pathogens and drug/alcohol testing for commercially licensed drivers. Additional funds are also provided for personal protective equipment and supervisory training. M Overall increases to the Human Resources/Risk Management budget are 14.7% for 1995 with an additional 6.4% for 1996. Wo 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Development of bloodborne pathogens training and documentation program. Development of City Risk Management program as central resource for liability and safety issues. • Received, reviewed and processed over 2,000 employment applications. • Completed 35 position recruitments and filled 21 position vacancies. No • Completed 13 reclassification studies. • Conducted 10 employee training programs. • Received and processed 161 claims through Risk Management program and settled 130 claims in 1994. aw as err CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET err 2-23 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT Division: All 1995 - 1996 Objectives • Re-establish Employee Assistance Program. • Recruit and establish lists for uniformed police and fire positions. • Enhance and expand the employee training program. • Recruit and establish eligibility lists for an anticipated 15-20 positions. • Continue development of the risk management program. • Revise delivery of employee medical insurance program to meet healthcare reform. • Expand bloodborne pathogens employee training. • Automate recruitment statistics. _ • Complete revisions to Affirmative Action Plan. • Begin development of a manual for supervisors. • Develop safety training classes. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 .1996 Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected }......... ........ ........K .......x.r` ..........} .r...n. .4.....ti. ........n r.... ...r..... .... t .......r. . r..r ............xrnr}ylFfFr nF....c n..vF.vri i{ Bloodborne Pathogen N/A 320 320 300 300 Training Drug Alcohol Testing N/A N/A N/A N/A25 Applications processed N/A 2, 000 2, 000 2, 500 2, 500 New Employees Hired 70 21 21 25 27 Risk Management Claims N/A 161 193 156 151 Processed * 1993 actual figures not available at press time. •ii Illi #A# CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-24 r DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT ar Position Listing 1'993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Grade Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Human Resources/Civil Service Commission/Risk Management er 43 Human Resources/Risk MgmtAdministrat 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Human Resources Services Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 Safety Officer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 No 18 Personnel Suprv/Civil Sv Examiner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (.5 Personnel/.5 Civil Service) 9 Human Resources Systems Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1W 7 Personnel Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (.6 Personnel/.4 Civil Service) 7 Secretary II 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6 ISO TO'TAL'HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MGMT 6.0 6 `0 6.0 ''' 6.6 6-6-1 •Position listing reflects Finance Committee report approved 1/24/95,dollars will be moved as a 1995 Budget Adjustment, 4 MY aw 4 1W we to 00 aw rrw ON CITY OF RENTON 2.25 1995-1996 BUDGET rr wr err rY�I CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-26 rr ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE rtrr Finance &Information Services Victoria Runkle AdministratorBus Lic Coord-.05 FTE 25.5 Total FTE rr Financial Planning Fiscal Services I Information Systems rr 4.0 FTE 13.6 FTE 6.6 FTE Manager Director Director 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Senior BudgetFin Analyst Payroll Prin Analyst- 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Payroll Tech- 1.0 FTE Systems Analyst 3.0 FTE Assist BudgetFin Analyst Assist BudgetFin Analys 2.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Printing Services Reprographics Tech Acctg Supvr- 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Accounts Receivable Account Asst - .5 FTE Account Asst II/III 3.0 FTE Accounts Payable err Account Asst III/IV 2.0 FTE ilk UtilIFTE Utility Billi 1.0 Accoun i 3.5 it i ow 1w 410 CITY OF RENTON 2-27 1995- 1996 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Division:All OBJECTIVE To provide for fiscal, financial and information resource allocations which comply with applicable Federal, State and local statutes and policies. Program Overview The department is responsible for the day-to-day and long-term management of the City's financial and data information resources. This includes cash handling, operation of data management, preparation of the annual audit and budget, utility customer service and central printing needs. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 - 95 95 '- 96 R . ... :: ......................................................... . ....................... ........................ ......................... ..................... Finance 1,092,527; 1,206,250:: 1,123, 696; 1,134,713 1,183,1851 -5.9%2: 4.3% Information Systems, 685,110* 751,219:' 783,270: 787,501: 790,110':. 4.8%: 0.3% Miscellaneous Svcs 1,849,579:: 1,947,984:: 2,710,546:: 1,677,6911 1,718,854:: 13.9%: 2.5% Limited GO Bonds € 3,3I4,505: 1,230,200: 1,22.9,0011 1,259,922-: 1,040,6861 2.4%: 21.1%' ...... .. .., TOTAL' - 6,941,721: 5,135,,653: 5,846,513@ 4,859,827: 4,732,835,_I 5.4%, 2.6% ......:......,.......................................................:.............................................. Regular Salaries 1 953,422: 1,130,256. 1,223,798:: 1,102,363 1,144,363: -2.5%: 3.8% Part Time Salaries 0 0: 0 1,836: 1,836; 100.0%€ :0.0%' Overtime € 10,522:: 0 14,269; O1 0 0.0%: 0.0% Personnel Benefits 604,940': 393,8551 527,2041 ' 4Q-5061 474,178; 17.4%1 3.3% Supplies 98,5011 110,500; 119,2711 111,213:: 115,000:: 0.6%1 3.4% Other Svcs &Charges; 1,108,3161 1,578,9701 1,582,7921 1,645,561:: 1,700,293! 4.2%€ 3.3% Other Gov't Services 1 24,356: 25,552:: 26,019: 25,321: 26,08V -.9%1 3.0% Capital Outlay 93,1330i 25,000:: 1-00,4261 40,000: 20,000:: 60.0%: -100.0% Debt Service € 3,381,940:: 1,293,556:: 1,292,355:: 1,324,997:: 1,085,095:: 2.4%1: -18.1% Operating Trfs Out 366,394 577,964 960,379 ; 146,030 165,989 74 1% 13.7% TOTAL' 6,641,721i,5,135,6531 5,8466,513: 4,859,827:: 4,732,8351 5.02.6% STAFFING LEVELS 1993,11:11994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget. . Budget Finance 22.0 19.0 20.0 19.0 19 0 Information Systems 6. 0 6. 0 5. 0 6.5 6.5 TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 28.0 > 25:."0 25.0 2 5.5 25 .5 ! Tem or Part Time 0.3 0. 0 0.0 0. 1 0. 1 TOTAL STAFFING 2 8.3 2 5.0 2'5.0 2 5 . 6, 25 . 6 Budget Summary The 1995-1996 Budget includes approximately $25,000 for a permanent part-time Business License Coordinator. Salaries in the Finance and Information Services Division decrease by 1.1% because we propose to replace a Director with a Systems Analyst position. The cost saving between that shift actually decreases the overall budget, including adding a part-time employee. We have also shifted all funding for the Finance Analyst from the Information Systems division to the Finance division. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-28 FUND: GENERAL (000) av DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Division:All err This, again, reflects actual work being accomplished. An additional $20,000 has been added to the 1995 Budget to meet the needs of designing and implementing wide area network systems. 1,994 ACCUMPLTSHMENTS • In 1994, the Department received a clean audit for the 1993 financial operations. • The Department implemented the central financial system, using the Hewlett Packard computer. Yrr This work included thorough Beta Testing of the budget, accounts payable and accounts receivables module. This work required over 600 staff hours to enter data twice and "run parallel.' • The Department began to develop new applications for central systems that currently operate on ow the WANG central computer. Business licenses, council actions and vehicle maintenance record systems have all been designed using different technologies than the WANG. • In 1994, the Department conducted several different analyses to respond to changing economic conditions. The Department provided financial data to review annexation impacts, bond financing for various city purposes and a thorough review of financial considerations of space needs. • Working with various departments, the Finance group issued over $9.0 million in revenue and limited general obligation bonds. This work included working with Moody's in the review of our rating. 1995 -`1996'OBdECTWES • In 1995, the Department will develop a general year end report along with its Comprehensive sr Annual Financial Report. The general report will focus on the general financial information. The CAFR will, as usual, focus on the audited records in the City. • The Information Systems Division will continue to develop new systems for the Hewlett Packard. By the end of 1995, all data programs on the WANG will be operating either on a local area network or on the Hewlett Packard. • The Department will put increased focus on Business License activities within the City. The emphasis includes: ensuring all vendors with the City have a business license; working with the various state agencies to identify evasion of taxes; and working in the field to help develop relationships between small business people and City services. • In 1995, the City will complete the implementation of a new central financial system with the testing and implementation of the payroll module. • The Department will coordinate with all other departments in the development and implementation of a City-wide Computer Plan. The Plan will ensure City-wide standards are identified and that all Departments have systems that ensure consistent communication. `r so +Nr err CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-29 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Division: Finance OBJECTIVE To provide financial information and fiscal management which helps optimize the City of Renton's financial decisions while complying with all applicable Federal, State and local statutes. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The Financial Planning section is responsible for preparation and monitoring of budgetary and v financial information. This includes internal services and user rate analysis; revenue forecasting; preparing operating and capital budgets; analyzing optimal fund balances and reserve requirements; and preparing various financial reports and analyses. The Fiscal Services section conducts the day- to-day accounting activities, culminating with the annual audit and preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Other tasks include receipting and billing over $10 million dollars in utility, Local Improvement District, and other receivables; processing over $50 million dollars in vendor and contractor payments, processing wage, benefit and taxes for over 600 employees and managing a cash investment portfolio of nearly$45 million dollars. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 'Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 96 - :. : .................. ........ . .::.. Regular Salaries 659,826; 776,212 669, 929 733, 127': 768,571; -5.6� 4.8% Part Time Salaries 0: 0: 0: 1,836: 1,8361 100.0 ? 0.0% Overtime 6,219: 0: 8,889: 0: 0: 0.00%: 0.0% Personnel Benefits 212,217; 272,538: 207,757: 227,950: 237,684: 16:4� 4.3 Supplies 16,133:: 15,500: 19,788: 13,838: 14,703: -10.7% 6.3% Other Svcs 8s Charges 159,634: 142,000: 167,034: 155,962: 160,391t 9.B%: 2.8 Capital Outlay 38,498: 0: 50,299: 2,000: 0: 100.0%:! -100.0% Debt Service 0: 0: 0 0= 0 0.0C 0.0% TOTAL 1,09'2,527: 1,2 x 0 x 6 250 1,123,696 1,134,713; 1,183,185 5'..9V 4.3% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 22 . 0 1 20. 0 20. 0 19. 0 11`9. 0 Part Time 0. 0 : 0. 0 : 0. 0 : 1 .0 1. 0 Tem or Part Time 0 3 ' 0 0 0 0 >1 0 1 P:. �' TOTAL22 3 20 0 20.0> 20. 1... 20 1 BUDGET SUMMARY The division will have several major changes. First, an additional $25,000 has been added to the budget for a Business License Coordinator. This position will place more emphasis on ensuring compliance with the Business license regulations. Further, the position will earn $25,000 in new revenues. The Utility Billing section of the division will be reduced by .5 FTE. This .5 FTE will be moved to the Print Shop to accommodate the reduction of staff due to requirements of the new cable television public access programming. No dollars have been shifted in the budget to meet this need. This division will eliminate a Accounting and Budgeting Director. The position will be transferred to Information Systems division as a Systems Analyst position, reducing overall personnel costs. CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET 2-30 FUND: GENERAL (000) tw DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Division: Finance o 1994.ACC0MPLISHMXNTB • The Division provided detailed analysis on the options for additional space. The analysis included: developing several financing alternatives; analyzing additional space options on the ft operating budget; and proposing debt structure options for a new Public Safety Building. • The Division wrote an investment policy adopted by the City Council. The policy guides the City in ensuring investments are prudent and fiscally conservative. it • In 1994, the Division developed the cashflow plan for the issuance of $5 million dollars in revenue bonds for the Golf Course improvements. The Division managed the sale of the bond issuance. • Working closely with the Public Works Department, the Division helped formulate various rate "'r"' models that meet current and long-term financial needs in the areas of utility and latecomer charges. • With the finalization of all labor agreements, the Division had to change all personnel payroll No records, complete retro payments, and make all other changes to implement the new contracts. This required over 80 hours of staff time. :1995,- 1996 OBJECTIVES • With the addition of a .5 FTE as a Business License Coordinator, the City will begin a concerted effort to ensure equity among businesses. The coordinator position will help develop automated processes to identify City businesses that do not have a Business License. The coordinator will also conduct field work to identify businesses and inform them of the requirements. The position is expected to generate $25,000 in additional revenue. ow • In 1995, the Division will develop a new Annual Financial Report that will outline the financial activities of the past year. This will be in addition to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). • The Division will complete the implementation of the central financial system. The 1995 work +err will include testing the Payroll module and teaching and using all other modules with user City Departments. • In 1995, the Division will prepare a Capital Improvement/Facilities Plan which identifies all the City's infrastructure needs. • The Utility Billing section will reduce its overall resources by .5 FTE to accommodate needed help in the Print Shop. The section's workload will be monitored carefully to ensure customer service requirements continue to be met. so ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected Treasurer's Receipts Issued 9,750 10,000 1 10,033 ':, 10,000 10,000 ' Claims Checks Issued 11,363 1, 12,000 111 279 = 12,000 12 000 Payroll Checks Issued 8,914 9,000 8, 821 9,000 9,000 General Business Licenses Iss, 2,860 3 040 _ 3,047 3,100 3,200 Amusement and Special Permits '•. 318 320 288 290 300 Animal Licenses issued 3,512--l' 3 500 2,860 2,9 b b-1 3,000 ow Utility Billings 164,927 165, 000 166,584 167, 000 168, 000 Solid Waste Utility Accounts :101743 10,800 10,922> 10,900 11,000 Water Utility Accounts 12,394 12,400 12,549 12, 600 12,700 Sewer Utility Accounts 10,311 10 320 10,462 10,500 10,600 Storm Drainage Utility Accts ` 10,773 10, 800 10, 957 11, 000 11, 10 0 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-31 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Division: Information Systems __. OBJECTIVE ! 4 wri To provide communication and data support to meet departmental functions and record keeping, and supply technical support services to all users in the City. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The Information Systems division is charged with ensuring all primary computer systems function and data is transferred as effectively as possible. These systems include, but are not limited to: central financial systems; police incidents, citations, jail operations and parking tickets; judicial records; Fire Department work schedules; City Clerk records, and the Council referral system. In addition, the Division is charged with designing systems that will operate within the parameters of the new technologies that include storing data in different locations, while permitting appropriate access to various departments. All print communication is published in the City's Print Shop which is a part of this division. This division is also charged with cable television rates regulation analysis and recommendations. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change ::.: Actual Budget' Actual Budget Budget 94 ':95 95 96` Regular Salaries 246,1161 254,044; 278,041: 269,236: 275,7922: 6 0%. 2.4% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 o 0 0.0$: 0.0% Overtime 9,303: 0 5,380; 0 0 0.0%: 0.0% Personnel Benefits 681 217: 78,194: 76, 671: >'76,433; 78,3711 -2 3%: 2.5% Supplies 82,368: 95,000; 99,483: 97,375: 100,297; 2.5%: 3.0% Other Svcs 8s;Charges; 229,274; 298,981; 273,567; 306,457= 315,654; 2 5$: 3.0% Capital Outlay 54,832: 25,000: 50,127: 38,000: 20,000: 52 0%:: -47.4% Debt Service 0 0 0: 0:` 0' 0.0%: 0.0 . a TOTAL 685,110 751,219 783,270 787,501 f 790,110 4 8%: 0.3% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget >Full Time51.0 5.0 5 0 6 0 6. 0 Part Time 0. 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0. 5 0 . 5 Temporary Part Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 5.0 5 D 5. 0 65 6.5 BUDGET SUMMARY The 1995-1996 division budget will increase by $36,282, reflecting the change of staff from a Budgeting and Accounting Manager to a Systems Analyst position. This change is to accommodate changing priorities. As the City meets the technological demands, we must have staff that can help develop the links between different programs and data. In addition, another $20,000 has been added rr11 to the division's budget to hire consultants to help install the new local area network, when necessary. s The division has lost .5 FTE in the Print Shop due to the new requirements of public access programming. This .5 FTE will be replaced from the Utility Billing section of the Department. rr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-32 til FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Division:Information Systems r,. 1994 Acccv�slkivTs • The Division developed a long-term Computer Plan that identifies where data will reside and how it will be transferred to different users, using newer, more decentralized technology. so • In 1994, the Division completed the transfer of the utility billing, council referral, and business license systems from the obsolete WANG central computer to different platforms. Applications for each system were evaluated to determine what best met the needs of the users. • The Division dedicated .5 FTE entirely to the Beta test program to ensure communication between the main frame and end users. The result was a thorough trial of the new system that tested the parameters of the Informix database. • The Division installed ten new phones and eight new lines to respond to the ever-increasing s' data/voice communication needs of the City. • In 1994, the Division dedicated over 900 programming hours to meeting customer demands in the payroll and utility billing system. The programming hours included, but were not limited to: am limiting payroll access for security reasons; changing utility rates; programming for senior rates,- and programming payroll to meet the labor agreements. • The Print Shop produced over 50 separate layout types of materials in 1994. These included aw utility bills, public meeting notices, informational cards about City services and parks publications. In addition, the section began to use a publishing software to layout different types of documents. ........................................ . 1995 - 1996:OBJECTINTS • The Division will implement a new computer plan to address the data needs of various to departments. This will include identifying appropriate software for all applications and determining access requirements to data which resides in various places in the wide area network. • In addition to its normal workload, the Print Shop will evaluate ways to implement an overall No copier system that will bring about efficiencies. This work will include both reviewing departmental needs and evaluating central copier needs. • In 1995-1996, the Division will continue to provide technical support on evaluating cable aw television rate and regulation proposals. • The Division will offer help to City departments and public agencies in using the new cable communications to provide information to the public. • In the course of the next two years, the division will help install at least two new local area networks (LANs). One will be for the Parks Department and another will be for public safety use. In addition, the Division will help the library install its new automated book lending system. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES .............. ... ... ...... 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 dw Actual Projected'r Actual Projected Pro,Jected Budgeting/Accounting 1 635 2,000 2,24 2,::40 0 2,000+ Utility Billing ; 1,169 1,100 1,170 1,200 1,200 Payroll 438 500 820 1,400 1,000 Business License, Other 339 400 945 500 600 Municipal Court Parking Tkts 215 200 ` 135 200 200 yr _ Police Records,Jail :` 942 900 348 200 € 200 Fire Prevention Work;Schedules 299 200' i26 200 A 100 P/B/PW Permits, GIS Info 434 375 207 100 100 Misc Assistance/Training 592 450 1 259 400 500 Telephone System Support 779 750 ' 431 N/A ; N/A to Print Shop Vol/Offset;Press i1,584,127 1,752,181 , 1,917,826 2,000,000 2,100,000 Print Shop Vol/Central Copies 1,928,360 1,881,977 ? 1,811,643 '•, 1,800,000 1,800,000 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 60 2-33 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Division:Nondepartmental OBJECTIVE arf To provide for the accounting of miscellaneous expenditures. PROGRAM ACTIVITY This accounting division is managed by the Finance & Information Services Department, and includes payments that benefit all City departments. The payments include property and liability payments to the Insurance Fund, other interfund payments, intergovernmental payments, limited general obligation debt payments, and employee termination payments. 3 APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change ActualBudget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 96 Regular Salaries/ 47,479; 100,000: 275, 826: 100,000: 100,000 0.0%t 0.0% Termination Payments: Part Time Salaries 0 0 O: 0 ©: 0 0%: 0.0% Overtime _ 0, _ 0 0' 0: 0 0.0$ 0.0% Personnel Benefits/ 324,506: 43,1231 242,776: 158,123: 15.8,123; 266.7$: 0.0% Retirement Payments Supplies 0: 0 0 0 0 0.0$. 0.0% Other Svcs&Charges 719,408: 1, 137,989:: 1,142,1911 1,183,142: 1,224,252 4.0%:: 3.3% Oth Gov't Services 24,356: 25,552i 26, 019: 25,3211 26,081: -0.9%:: 2.9% Capital Outlay 0 0 O: 0€ 0' 0.0 C 0.0% Debt Service 67,435:: 63,356: 63, 354: 65,075: 44,409: 2.7%:: -46.51� OperatingTrnfr Out 366,394 577,969 960,379 146,030 165,989' 1.5 8� 11 61 TOTAL '__ 1, 849,579: 1, 947,984: 2,710,546, 1,677,691t1 718,8541 53.6$; 6.6% LIMITED GENERAL % % ' 1996 Change ' Chan OBLIGATION BONDS 1993 1994 1994 1995 � e g Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 - 95 95- 96 Debt Service: Principal ; 2,788,663 609,582 809,288 901,421 731,787 11.38 -23.28 525,843 420,618 419,713 i 358,501 i 308,899 -14.88 16.19 _Interest Total Misc-Service/ ....... 3,314,505 1,230,200 1,229,001 1,259,922 : 1,040,686 2.4% -•21.1% LimitedGO Bonds . i CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-34 FUND: GENERAL (000) + + DEPARTMENT: FINANCE & INFORMATION SERVICES Division: Nondepartmental BUDGET SUMMARY The most significant change in this division includes a higher allocation for retirement/termination benefits. We have been budgeting$160,000 a year for these categories. The 1995-1996 budget assumes another$90,000 is required. This is based upon both historical actuals and an examination of the demographics of our employees. The termination payments will decrease as the employee base changes and the new labor agreements take effect. However, the next few years will rrr illustrate employee retirements at a higher pace than the past few years. Service Years Analysis a5 6-10 war 11-15 $ 16-20 w 21.25 26-30 31-35 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 nrr Number of Employees �r Another change is the appropriation for the City's portion of the Lake Washington Boulevard Local Improvement District. We assume we will make the full payment in 1995. This will cost $5,800. to There were small changes to intergovernmental organizations including Association of Washington Cities, Suburban Cities, and National League of Cities. me No wr rrr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-35 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES Position Listing 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Grade Title Actual Budget Actual j3udget Budget Finance 43 Finance&Information Services Admn 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 33 Accounting&Budgeting Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 30 Financial Planning Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 30 Fiscal Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21 Sr Budget&Financial Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 Assoc Budget&Financial Analyst 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 Business License Coordinator 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 13 Accounting Supervisor 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 13 Utility Billing Supervisor 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 10 Asst Budget& Financial Analyst 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 10 Lead Accounting Assistant 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 10 Cash Management Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 10 Payroll Technician 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 9 Accounting Assistant IV 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 5/7 Accounting Assistant II/III 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.5 7.5 44 5 Meter Readers 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL FINANCIAL PLANNING&;FISCAL SVC 22.0 20.0 20.0 19.0 19.0 Information Systems 32 Information Systems Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 27 Principal Systems Analyst 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 24 Senior Systems Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 20 Systems Analyst 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 9 Reprographics Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Accounting Assistant III 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 TOTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.5 6.5 TOTAL FINANCE&INFORMATION SERVICES 27.0 25.0 25.0 25.5 25.5 CITY OF RENTON 2-36 1995-1996 BUDGET to Police arr ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE to Police Department Alan Wallis Police Chief 108.2 Total FTE Admin Secretary II are 1.0 FTE rrr Police Secretary 1.0 FTE ■rr Operations Support Bureau Services 75.2 FTE Bureau 30.0 FTE Deputy Chief Deputy Chief 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE aw err Patrol Services Patrol Operations Investigation Auxillary Services Staff Services Admin Services 10.2 FTE 4 7.0 FTE 17.0 FTE 11.0 FTE 11.0 FTE 7.0 FTE Wir Commander Commander Commander Commander Staff Sery Mgr Commander 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Jail Supervisor Staff Sv Supvr Police Officer 1.0 FTE 4.0 FTE 2.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE DARE- 2.0 FTE Training 1.0 FTE Traffic Officer Corporal Detective Jailer Police Sery Spec 6.0 FTE 6.0 FTE 12.0 FTE 7.0 FTE 9.0 FTE Comm Prog Traffic Controller Police Officer Police 0 F Spec Evidence Tech Coord 1.2 FTE 36.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 2.0 FTE Police Secretary Electronic 1.0 FTE Police Secretary Animal Control Home Detention 1.0 FTE Officer Jailer 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Volunteers • 32 wr CITY OF RENTON 2-37 1995- 1996 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: All OBJECTIVE To maintain a safe community, to provide quality police service to the citizens and enforce laws and ordinances. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Police Department has three main divisions, briefly described below. Budget summaries and descriptions are provided on the following pages for each division. Irr ADMINISTRATION Provides overall supervision and administrative guidance for the Police Department. Wi OPERATIONS BUREAU Includes Patrol Services and Patrol Operations, Investigations, and Animal Control Services. 6! SUPPORT SERVICES BUREAU Provides Administrative Services, Staff Services, Crime Prevention, a jail holding facility, and Electronic Home Detention. % %o APPROPRIATION1993 '' 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget „ 94 95 95 - 96 .......................................... .I............... ......................................................:.............................................................................. ADMINISTRATION 916,193:: 1, 039, 654:: 991, 917:: 1,066, 101:: 1, 098, 086! 2.5 3.0% OPERATIONS' Patrol 3, 969,447: 4, 173,5454,201, 9984,458, 871' 4, 875,778; 6.8$ 9.4% � Investigations 919,780:: 976,004; 1, 033, 900' 1,059,511:: 1,108,224 8.6-�: 4.6% Narcotics Task Force 249, 940:: 0 215, 475:: 0 0: 0. 0?: 0.0% Grant Narcotics Task Force 100, 429:: 0: 386, 392 0: 0€ 0.0%:: 0.0% 'Seizure Fund Gambling Tax 179, 554:: 183,703: 168, 484 155,209:: 162,386: -15.5%: 4. 6$ Enforcement Animal Control 84, 3381 85,362: 68,7701 79,2451 84,443:: -7.2%: 6.6% SUPPORT SERVICES Admin/Training 418,408:: 415, 190: 459, 047: 453,252: 472, 027: 9.2% 4.1% Staff Services 564,.500:: 669,76T 616, 693 710,163 750, 600: 6.0%: 5.7% Crime Prevention 133, 148:: 141, 093: 132, 951: 141,353: 146,300: 0.2% 3.5% Jail 794,852!; 813,573:: 811, 180; 838,740:: 878,8681 3.1%: 4.8% Elec Home Detention ! 4, 950: 0 10,286: 41,246: 44, 899: 100.0$; 8.9% TOTAL 8 335,539: 8,4,97,891: 9,097, 093: 9,003,691; 9,621, 631; 6.0%: 6.9$ to CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET 2-38 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: All do APPROPRIATION-::-. 1.993 1994, 1994 4995 1996 Change Change irr :Budget Actual Budget :��: :Budget 94 95 95 - 96 � Actual : . ...... . ..... ...... .............. ................................................... ... .....................- .......................... ... ......... ................................... ................. Regular Salaries 4,749,407:: 4,787,512 5, 126,226 5,246, 94915,502, 161 9. 6%: 4.9% Part Time Salaries 0 0: 0� 0, 0: 0.0%� 100.0$ :: Overtime 425,868: 492, 459; 4 62, 045: 509,696: 532, 634: 3.5% 4.5� Personnel Bene:(its ' 1,438,3575: 1,726,171:: l,574,99811,637,984: 1,706,969: -5. 13.4% Supplies 245,986; 268,692:: 282,538:: 280,5651 288,502;: 4.4%:: 2.8% Other Svcs&Charges 634,1321: 457,686:: 907,8 87:: 556,052- 590, 4751 :21.5%:: 6.25 Intergovernmental 666,513:: 733,117:: 722, 6731 772,445:: 795, 6181 5.4%:: 3.0% Svcs 272::-100.0%:: 100.0% Capital Outlay 175,276:: 32,254:: 20,726z 0:: 205, 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: rrr Debt Service 0.OC: 0.0$ TOTAL 8,335,539: 8, 497, 891: 9,097, 093; 9, 003, 691!: 9, 621, 631:: 6.0%:: 6.9$ STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Administration 3. 0 3. 0 3 . 0 3 . 0 3 . 0 Support Services 29. 0 29. 0 29.0 , 30 . 0 30. 0 Operations 75 .2 75 .2 75 . 2 75 . 2 75 . 2 TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 107 . 2 107.2 107 .2 108 .2 108 . 2 W Temporary Part Time 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0 . 0 0. 0 ToTAL STAFF12VG 107'.2 107 .2 107.2 108 . 2 108 . 2 BUDGET SUMMARY The 1995 Budget has an overall increase of 6%. The increase includes a new Electronic Home Detention position which will allow for full-time implementation of the EHD program, and decrease the population in the jail. Also, 1996 includes $205,272 for eight new patrol cars. The remaining increase is included to maintain the service levels of the department. irc so to to CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET 4W 2-39 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Police Administration OBJECTIVE 16 To maintain a safe community and provide quality police service through effective education programs, caring assistance to all citizens, and impartial enforcement of the law. To provide a conscientious response to the personal and professional needs of all department members. 16 PROGRAM ACTIVITY Overall supervision and administrative guidance for the City of Renton Police Department. o/Q' % APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 - 96 E7i' Y£ 7"......::::::::::::::.:..::..::. ...........'..... ...... ....... .. . Regular Salaries 137,500: 142, 906 148,745: 152, 643: 159, 676; 6. 8%: 4.6% Part Time Salaries 0: 0: 0: 0 0 Overtime 1, 088: 0: 609; 0 0 Personnel Benefits 144,937' 193,174:: 191, 6631: 170,426; 175, 987': -11.84s: 3.3% Supplies 8,426: 7, 8751 9, 573: 8, 950: 9, 174:: 13.7%: 2.5% Other Svcs&Charges` 20,490: 26,951: 19,765! 27,615; 25,568: 2 5$: -7.3% Intergovernmental Svcs : 603,752: 668,748:: 618,275: 706,467: 727, 661: 5. 6%: 3.0� Capital Outlay 0: 0: 3,287: 0: 0: Debt Service 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: TOTAL 916,193 1,039,654 991, 917 1, 066,101:: 1,098, 0861 2.5 3.0� STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 14 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 3 .0 3'.0 3.0 3. 0 3.0 Part Time 0. 0 0. 0 0 . 0 0. 0 0.0 Temporary Part Time 0. 0 0.0 0 . 0 '' 0. 0 0.0 TOTA 3. 0 3.0 3 . 0 3. 0 3. 0 BUDGET SUMMARY The overall 1995 and 1996 budget is increased by the inflation rate of 2.5% in 1995, and 3.0% in 1996. No additional programs have been added to this division. r rr F CITY OF RENTON 1995•1996 BUDGET 2-40 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Police Administration irr 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Addressed the space needs within the Police Department, resulting in a Bond issue to voters for a new Public Safety Building. • Maintained national and state accreditation. • Administrative oversight of the South King County Narcotic Task Force (one case resulted in the confiscation of cocaine with a street value of more than one million dollars). • Successfully submitted for State grant funds in the following areas: YOUTH-AT-RISK The goal of this program is. to reach at-risk children who are economically disadvantaged and reside in low income housing. It will provide an atmosphere within which the children feel safe to play, allowing them to learn a new attitude towards the police and the communities they live in, thereby helping to reduce crime in their neighborhoods. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAM This program will provide domestic violence resource information and support resources to the domestic violence victim. This will be accomplished through an information brochure, assistance �r in obtaining police reports, information on location and accessibility of services, advocacy and counseling. This will result in reduced domestic violence calls and help victims break the cycle of violence. rr. INNOVATIVE PROGRAMS Block Watch is a group of citizens who are concerned about the safety of one another, who organize to prevent burglary in their neighborhood. The Renton Police Crime Prevention Unit has currently organized 52 percent of our City into Block Watch neigborhoods. Block Watch has increased communication between and cooperation among neighbors, and reduced residential burglary. err 1995 1996 OBJECTIVES • Adequately provide space needs for Department. • Design a community program to reduce crime. • Coordinate the implementation of the 800 megahertz (MHz) county-wide radio system in Renton Police Department vehicles by December 1995. rr stir `r CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET +fir 2-41 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Operations OBJECTIVE The Police Department Operations Bureau has three sections as described below: PATROL OPERATIONS To provide timely response and courteous service by aggressively preventing criminal conduct, enforcing laws and ordinances, thoroughly investigating criminal offenses, detecting and preserving evidence and property, and lawfully apprehending offenders. PATROL SERVICES To provide efficient traffic control, target problem traffic areas, and investigate traffic accidents thoroughly and efficiently. The Animal Control Unit which is assigned to Patrol Services Division has the objective of prioritizing animal complaints and resolving animal issues in a timely manner. INVESTIGATIONS To conduct criminal investigations, collect and disseminate intelligence, recover property, and arrest and prosecute offenders. PROGRAM ACTIVITY ilk PATROL OPERATIONS/PATROL SERVICES Respond to calls for service with existing personnel in a professional and efficient manner. This Id section includes the reporting and investigation of crimes. Utilizes community policing philosophies to resolve neighborhood problems and implement permanent solutions. Identify and apprehend criminal law violators; recover stolen property; investigate traffic accidents; conduct traffic stops. INVESTIGATIONS Respond to major crime scenes; conduct follow up investigations on serious felony crimes; file serious felony cases in King County Superior Court; conduct background investigations on potential new employees. The division will respond to major crimes and crime scenes (homicides, robberies, rapes, felony assaults) and begin investigations that results in the filing of criminal charges against the perpetrator of the crime. ANIMAL CONTROL Respond to increasing animal control service demands with one animal control officer. Services include capturing and relocating wild animals; investigate abused or abandoned animals, vicious o animals, animal bites, and other complaints. The animal control officer will handle the most serious of animal complaints. oho' ojo APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change ;,::.... Actual Budget' Actual >' Budget. Budget 94 -,95 95 - 96 EPiY.. ... ;............. ........ .......................................... . Regular Salaries 3,399,737: 3, 331,624: 3,737, 315: 3, 693, 613: 3,868,700: 10.9161 4.7% Part Time Salaries 0: 0: 0: 0= 0 0.0 : 0.0 Overtime 356, 616: 443,445:: 382, 610; 458, 966:: 479, 620:: 3.5%:: 4.5% Personnel Benefits '938,426:: 1, 082,263:: 1,009 759: 1,043,884-: 1,:088,469: :-3:.5%:: 4.3 Supplies 34, 115: 37,937: 40, 894: 36,773: 35,561: -3.1%: -3.3% d/1 Other Svcs&Charges` 442,590: 298,869i 717,278: 353,814; 379,929; 18 41�: 7.4 Intergovernmental Svcs 6, 101:: 10,319; 5,774; 10,.577:: 10, 894; 2.5%:: 3.0% Capital Outlay 146,348: 30,4541 12,9051:, 0 205,2721-100.0%! 100.0% Debt Service 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0. 0� 0.0% Tordc 5,323,933; 5,234,911; 5, 906,535; S,597,627: 6,068,445 6 9� 8.4$ CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET 2-42 1 FUND: GENERAL (000) aw DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Operations rr STAFFING LEVELS' 1993 1994 1994'' 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Tull Time 740 74.0 7� .0 74.0 74 .0 Part Time 1 .2 1. 2 1.2 1.2 1 .2 Temporary Part Time 0 0 0. 0 0.00. 0 0. 0 TOTAL 75 2 75.2 75 .2 75. 2 75 .2 rr BUDGET SUMMARY ..r The overall Operations budget has increased by 6.9% in 1995, and 8.4% in 1996. The major change in 1995 is due to a settlement of the Police Guild Commission contract resulting in a salary increase of 100% of the CPI, which is 3.5% in 1995 and estimated at 4.5% for 1996. The operating expenses go in 1995 represent a 2.5% increase and 3.0% in 1996. In 1995, ten patrol vehicles will be purchased through the Capital Improvement Plan. In 1996, eight vehicles will be purchased through the Patrol divisions capital outlay. +rr 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS PATROL OPERATIONS In addition to responding and resolving an increased number of calls and increased Class I, II, and III crimes, Patrol Operations accomplished the following: • Enhanced training and supervision of recruits by Field Training Officer assignment. • Researched cost and equipment for Civil Disturbance Unit preparedness. • Obtained Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission - Supervisory Certification for 2 supervisors. • Researched and developed an alternative reporting process for vehicle prowls and thefts. • Researched and prepared proposal for implementing "Drug Dog" program. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 ACTUAL PROJECTED ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED TOTAL CALLS 42, 568 46, 092 44,451 47,494 48, 918 ACTUAL CRIMES 10,282 11, 836 9,659 12,072 12,313 PATROL SERVICES • Provided trainer resources for Renton School District and businesses regarding traffic and pedestrian safety issues and legislative changes to rules of the road. • Provided minimum of 4 hours enforcement effort and evaluation for citizen generated traffic complaints. • Provided Crisis Communication training including hostage phone usage for Emergency Services Unit members. • Utilized specialty trained unit for high risk warrant services and entries. • Designed and initiated equipping mobile command response vehicle utilized for major crime incident command and natural disaster response. as INVESTIGATIONS • Standardized detective work stations (computer systems) and increased access to intelligence information linking direct access to Seattle and King County data bases. to • Established formalized training program for newly assigned detectives. CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET lir 2-43 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Operations • Obtained (surplus fire department aid) vehicle, designed and began equipment installment of Mobile Crime Scene response vehicle. • Narcotic Investigators made 62 seizures with an estimated street value of$184.879. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 ACTUAL PROJECTED ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED CASES ASSIGNED 1,245 1,335 1,315 1,383 1,440 CASES FILED 452 429 500 444 462 1995-1996 OBJECTIVES PATROL OPERATIONS Patrol personnel responded to 44,451 calls for service, a 7.25% increase over 1993. This is an increase of 1,883 calls over last year. Given current staffing levels, we are challenged to provide comparable levels of service in 1995 and 1996. The International City Management Association recommends that patrol officers time committed to calls for service should be approximately 33%. In 1994, patrol officers committed time to calls was 52%. Goals for 1995 and 1996 reflect increased service demands with current staffing levels, requiring a re-prioritization of services provided: • Implement alternatives to a handwritten reporting system, including phone reports. • Develop additional partnerships with multifamily housing units requiring disproportionate police services. • Implement Narcotic Dog unit as additional resource for street level narcotic investigations. PATROL SERVICES • Coordinate traffic unit evaluation and enforcement response to citizen generated traffic complaints. • Maintain total accident investigations of 50% completed by traffic unit personnel. • Implement call out procedure ensuring traffic unit response to critical investigations during "off hours." INVESTIGATIONS 46 • Develop and implement a plan that improves the business community's perception and understanding of the Investigation Division process. • Cross train all detectives in advanced crime scene techniques, allowing greater versatility and response to major crimes. • Complete the Major Crime Scene response vehicle project. • Increase the success ratio of crimes cleared/filed by division investigation. CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET 2-44 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Support Services ....... .......................... . OBJECTIVE;' The Police Department Support Services Bureau has three sections as described below: dw ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/CRIME PREVENTION To provide department personnel services; effective crime prevention and community relations programs; personnel and departmental equipment needs; administer a volunteer staff of 32; and no planning and research. To educate individuals, business and community groups in various aspects of the Renton Police Department; form partnerships with the community to decrease crime and increase the quality of life; to and initiate, develop and coordinate a variety of police-community programs. STAFF SERVICES err To accurately record and disseminate information within the department, to other agencies and the public within the legal limitations of public disclosure and right to privacy; provide various services to the public; and assure the safety of female jail inmates. ,w JAIL To provide for the safety, security, and general welfare of sentenced inmates and arrestees; provide a contraband-free environment; provide health screening and necessary medical services; provide No alternative options to incarceration, including Electronic Home Detention. PROGRAM ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/CRIME PREVENTION Provides training and equipment needs for all department members; conducts recruitment processes and background investigations; coordinates all department training; develops departmental policy it and procedure; provides the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program throughout the Renton School District; represents the Department on the City's Human Services Panel; writes proposals for government grants; and, coordinates community/police programs and activities. gr The two Community Program Coordinators currently identify community needs for crime prevention; develop and implement community programs; administer the volunteer program; evaluate proposed construction projects and determine potential impact; install and maintain residential and commercial panic alarms; oversee programs such as Block Watch, Neighborhood Speed Watch, "' McGruff Safe Houses, Citizen's Academy, Super-sitter, and many others. STAFF SERVICES DIVISION w To assist the Operations and Support Bureaus by specializing in specific activities by: accurately recording and disseminate information within the department, to other agencies and the public within the legal limitations of public disclosure and the rights to privacy; professionally provide to miscellaneous services to the public, and ensure the safety of the jail. Twenty-four hours a day the Staff Services division is responsible for receiving in-station and telephone inquiries; responding to police radio requests; referring individuals to appropriate offices and agencies; maintaining confidential files; transcribing narrated officer tapes; collecting bail and licensing monies; monitoring as closed circuit security systems; and responsibility for the care, custody and searches of female prisoners. JAIL to Protect the public and staff by lawfully providing for the safety, security and general welfare of inmates in a humane and efficient manner by: Maintaining a safe, secure and contraband free jail 60 environment; provide efficient in-house health screening and necessary medical services; provide earned commissary privileges; and, evaluate and respond to inmate and staff-generated complaints. No CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ow 2-45 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Support Services APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual` Budget Actual Budget Budget 947:95 95 96 $ ` EC '......... Regular Salaries 1,212,760; 1,314,017 1,240, 166. 1,400,693 1,473,785; 6.6%1: 5.2% r Pact Time Salaries 0: 0 >0. 0: 0: 0' OSS: 0.0 Overtime 63,219; 49,014:: 78, 826: 50,730:: 53,014:: 3.5%1: 4.5$ Personnel Benefits 359 348: 449 669 373,576 423 674: 442 513; 5.8$; 4.4% Supplies : 203,444: 222,880: 232, 071; 234,842: 243,767: 5.4%: 3.8% Other Svcs &Charges : 1-71,052-t 131,,866:: 170,844: 174,623: 184,958; 32 4%: 5.9% Intergovernmental 56,659: 54,050: 98,624: 55,401 57, 063: 2.5%:: 3.0% Svcs Capital Outlay 28,9281 1,800: 4,534:: 0 0; -100 0: 0.0% Debt Service ' 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0 0V 0.0% TOTAL 2,095,410 2,223,296 2,198, 641 2,339,963 2,455,100 5.2% 4.9% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Fu llTime 29. 0 29.0 29. 0 30. 0 30.0 Part Time 0. 0 0. 0 : 0. 0 : 0 . 0 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 0 fl 0.0 fl 0 0 ;0 0 0 rr TOTAL 29 0 29.0 : 29. 0 30. 0 30. 0 BUDGET SUMMARY The major change in this division is an increase of$41,246 in 1995, and $44,899 in 1996, to provide for an additional jailer for the Electronic Home Detention program. This position will allow for full- time implementation of the EHD program, which will both decrease the jail population and produce additional revenue. The budget changes are also due to cost of living increases and inflation. The firearms line item in Administrative services was increased to meet the substantiated cost of instructors and services at the firing range. 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/CRIME PREVENTION • Conducted three Citizen Academies. • Conducted three Advanced Citizen Academies. • Established 454 Block Watch neighborhoods. • Established 599 Business Watch members. • Distributed, tallied and reported findings of Renton Police Departments Citizens Questionnaire. • Distributed, tallied and reported findings of Renton Police Departments Business Questionnaire. • Updated computer hardware and software for Training, Police Secretary and Community Coordinators. • Organized the Highlands area of the City into a more effective Business Watch Neighborhood. • Conducted a summer session of the Youth at Risk program at the Royal Hills Housing complex. • Completed the D.A.R.E. program at eight Elementary schools. • Completed the D.A.R.E. program at McKnight and Nelson Middle Schools. • Implemented Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) at the Middle Schools. • Raised $16,116 in community contributions and grant money for D.A.R.E. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-46 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Support Services STAFF SERVICES • State Patrol. Achieved the highest possible rating for compliance. We also developed a new process for maintaining officer safety files as a result of the audit. • WACIC Reject Rate - Successfully reduced our system reject rate to the same amount or amount lower than that of the system average. • Cross Training - Increased specialist skill level and exposed them to a variety of tasks making for a more efficient work flow. • Full Staffing - In June 1994, the last specialist vacancy was filled. This is the first time since September 1991, that the division has been at full staffing. JAIL • Jail Overcrowding - Successfully maintained operation of our Jail, despite problem of extreme ' overcrowding (#1 overcrowded jail in the state) and employee turnover; 3,201 bookings in 1994, or 266 month; 18,207 Jail Days; Average Daily Population was 49 prisoners per day (31 bed capacity). • Electronic Home Monitoring - Completed first year, with 1,938 EHD days, averaging 161 days per month, often #1 in the states WASPC EHD program, utilizing existing personnel on a part-time basis; Net revenues of approximately$29,000. • Accreditation - Successfully completed year 3 of the 5 year reaccreditation process in the international CALEA program. Also successfully completed year 1 of the 5 year reaccreditation process in the Washington State WASPC program. • Juvenile Holding Area - 2 newly developed holding rooms were constructed, meeting Juvenile Justice Act requirements (sight/sound separation, sight/sound observation), and providing ADA considerations. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1993 1995 1996 ow ACTUAL PROJECTED ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Bookings 2, 976 3,015 3,201 3, 055 3, 100 Jail Days 14,',892 16,000+ 18,207 17, 000+ 18, 000+ Avg Daily Population 40.8 44.3 49.6 47.8 51.4 to EHD Days 675 1,926 1,938 2,,714 2,993 1995 -1996 OBJECTIVES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/CRIME PREVENTION • Conduct three Citizen Academies and three Advanced Citizen Academies. r • Conduct 12 Block Watch meetings. • Conduct 24 Business Watch meetings. • Distribute, tally, and report findings of Renton Police Department Citizen's Questionnaire. irr • Distribute, tally, and report findings of Renton Police Departments Business Questionnaire. • Obtain a CAD terminal for the annex. • Conduct a summer session of the youth-at-risk program at a high crime rate, highly populated apartment complex. • Complete Middle School G.R.E.A.T. programs at McKnight and Nelson. • Raise $50,000 in community contributions and grant money for D.A.R.E. • Update training records on all employees. STAFF SERVICES • Achieve 72-hour submittal requirement on fingerprint cards. RCW 10.98.050 requires us to submit fingerprints to WSP Identification Section within 72 hours of arrest. We achieve this for new arrests but not on individuals previously arrested. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET irr 2-47 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: POLICE Division: Support Services • Achieve five-day entry on warrants in order to meet WACIC/NCIC requirements for warrant entry. ori • Develop integrated computer system plan. • Develop a more efficient front counter schedule that meets the needs of the department by providing for maximum coverage during peak hours. • Maintain specialist training at the same level as commissioned officers (30 hours per specialist per year). • Expansion of the volunteer role in the division. • Continue ACCESS training and assist in achieving 100% certification for those using the system. • No backlog in case entry. • Achieve six-hour entry of warrants. • Accessible archives and current microfilming. • CAD training. il( • All specialists trained in arrest files. • Reference for technical questions. JAIL Id • Non-Commissioned Supervisor - Successfully justify, test, background, and appoint a non- commissioned supervisor for the Auxiliary Services Division. • Commissary - Review program, updating SOP AUX-011 to incorporate program maintenance, scheduling, regular and unannounced audits of revenues received, seeking to enhance and improve the overall program. • Evidence Disposal - Review process as a result of changing requirements in legislation involving firearms, bloodborne pathogens; update SOP AUX-005 regarding procedures for vehicles impounded for processing, forfeiture, and otherwise. • CALEA Accreditation - Review & determine feasibility of a changeover to the 3rd edition of standards; effect changeover if feasible. Staff attendance at 2 of 3 conferences. • WASPC Accreditation - Continue reaccreditation process, year 2 of 5-year plan. Staff involvement in outside agency on-site assessments, training, and standards development/updates. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-48 DEPARTMENT: POLICE Position Listing 1993 19941994 1995 1996 Grade Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Administration Commissioned Officers: 43 Police Chief(Non-Union Sal Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 go Total Commissioned Officers 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: 11 Admin Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 w ML Police Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Non-Commissioned 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION'' 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 +�r POLICE OPERATIONS BUREAU: Patrol/Traffic err Commissioned Officers: 38 Deputy Chief(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 36 Commander(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 61 Sergeant 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 60 Police Officer(Corporal Assignments) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 60 Police Officer(Traffic) 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 60 Police Officer(Patrol) 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 +r Total Commissioned Officers 56.0 5 6.0 56.0 56.0 56.0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: 62 Traffic Controller 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 ow Total Non-Commissioned 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Total Patrol/Traffic 57.2 57.2 57.2 57.257.2 ow Investigation Commissioned Officers: 36 Commander(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 wrr 61 Sergeant 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 60 Police Officer(Detectives) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Total Commissioned Officers 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 +rr Non-Commissioned Personnel: 63 Police Service Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 66 Police Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Non-Commissioned 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total Investigation 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 17.0 Animal Control `ON Non-Commissioned Personnel: 64 Animal Control Officer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Animal Control 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ar Total Commissioned Officers 71.0 71.0 71.0 71.0 71:0 Total Non-Commissioned Officers 4.2 9.2 4.2 '' 9.2 4.2 to TOTAL OPERATIONS BUREAU 75.2 75.2 75.2 75.2 75.2 CITY OF RENTON 2-49 1995-1996 BUDGET ar DEPARTMENT: POLICE Position Listing 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996010 Grade Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget SUPPORT SERVICES BUREAU: 10 Administrative Services/Training Commissioned Officers: 38 Deputy Chief(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 to 36 Commander(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 60 Police Officer/DARE 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 60 Police Officer(Training) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 go Total Commissioned Officers 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: 66 Police Secretary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Non-Commissioned 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Administrative Services/Training 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Ali Staff Services Non-Commissioned Personnel: 30 Staff Services Manager(Non-Union) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 63 Staff Services Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 63 Police Service Specialists 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Total Staff Services 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.011.0 Crime Prevention Non-Commissioned Personnel: 67 Community Program Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total Crime Prevention 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.02.0 Jail Commissioned Officers: 36 Commander(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 61 Sergeant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 s Total Commissioned Officers 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: 65 Evidence Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 sr 64 Jailer(1 New 1993) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Total Non-Commissioned 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Total Jail 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 to Electronic Home Detention Non-Commissioned Personnel: 64 Jailer(new 1995) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Total Electronic Home Detention 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Total Commissioned Officers 7.0 7 0 7.0 7.0 '' 7.0 Total Non-Commissioned Officers 22.0 22.0 22.0 23.0 23.0 TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES BUREAU 29.0 MO 0 29.0 >30.0 30.0 to TOTAL COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 79.0 79.0 79.0 79.0 79.0 TOTAL N014-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 28.2 28;2 28.2 29.2 29.2 TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 107.2 107.2 107.2' 108.2 '' 108.2 CITY OF RENTON 2-50 1995-1996 BUDGET 46 srr ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Fire Department Lee Wheeler Fire Chief 108.0 Total FTE Admin Secretary II Office Asst III 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE rM PREVENTION DIVISION OPERATION DIVISION Illi Deputy Chief/ Deputy Fire Chief Fire Marshal 108.0 FTE 9.0 FTE Admin Secretary I TrainingSupport Services illy 1.0 FTE Suppression pp 3.0 FTE 90.0 FTE 2.0 FTE Office Asst II 1.0 FTE i A Platoon BPlatoon C Platoon Asst Fire Marshal 1.0 FTE Battalion Chief Battalion Chief Hazmat Specialist Emergency Mgt Batt Chief/Shift Co Batt Chief/Shift Co Batt Chief/Shift Co Safety 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Fire Code Insptr I & III 3.0 FTE to Fire Plans Reviewer TrainingCaptain p Captain Captain Captain FVeh/Eq Mech 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE FTE 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 2.0 FTE Lieutenant 1.0 FTE Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant 4.0 FTE 4.0 FTE 3.0 FTE rlrw Fire Fighter Fire Fighter Fire Fighter 24.0 FTE 24.0 FTE 24.0 FTE CITY OF RENTON 2-51 1995- 1996 BUDGET FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: All OBJECTIVE The Fire Department's 1995-1996 budget is divided into five divisions described briefly below. The budget summaries and descriptions for each division are provided on the following pages. ADMINISTRATION Provides policy direction for the Fire Department. OPERATIONS Primary service area for accomplishing the mission of protecting life and property from the effects of fire and hazardous materials, rescue and life support services. Sections include: Fire Suppression, Facilities, Hazardous Materials Team, Dive Rescue and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). PREVENTION This division is responsible for Code Enforcement, Fire Investigation, Plans Review, Fire Code Inspections, Hazardous Materials Inspection and Community Public Education. TRAINING Coordinates the Department's training programs, Firefighter training objectives, EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) training, drivers training and specialized training areas. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT/SAFETY Responsible for community emergency response plan and Department safety. PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Department is responsible for the protection of life and property from the effects of fire and 44 hazardous materials, providing emergency medical services, and providing training to Fire Personnel. This is accomplished through the activities of the Departments major divisions, as identified above. 11 APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change :Actual Budget Actual Budget' Budget 94 95 95 - 96 . .::.::......... .::.....:: .:..::.:...<:.:... __.. Administration 500,543: 567,266: 560, 926: 643,699; 668,874; 13.5$; 3.9% Fire District#25 1,260, 18911,864, 929:: 1,1314,76411,200,000: 1,266,796: -35.7$: Fire Prevention 505,452: 553,718:: 460, 043: 480,655: 501,769:: -13.2$: 4.4% Emergency Management 84,6791 90, 878: 87 100: 91,470- 95,2111 0.:,7%: 4.1% Operations Suppression 4 987,880 5,063,071 5,152,434 5,344,0965,492,40: S.,6%*: 2.8% Facilities 18, 955: 30,260: 25,642: 24,225: 27,510: -19.9$: 13. 6% Haz-Mat Response 14,099: 16,805: 16,126: 17,150: 17,250: 2.1$= 0.6$ Dive Team 9,728; 10, 066; 9,248: 10,383:: 10,821: 3 1$: 4.2$ EMS Life Support 24, 966: 24, 650: 28,007€ 30,798:: 31,413: 24 9$: 2.0$ Training 166,254; 172, 100:: 170,387: 178,405: 184,71T 3.7$: 3.5$ TOTAL ' ': 7,572,7018,393,743:: 8. ,244,677, 8, 020,881. 8,296, 850, -4.4%: 3.4.% CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-52 FUND: GENERAL (000) do DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: All wry APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget ' 94 - 95 95 - 96 rrr :ZXXEBf QB�TGT Regular Salaries 5, 503, 174:: 5, 981, 825: 5, 915, 653: 5, 705, 729 5, 920, 222: -4 . 6%: 3.8% Part Time Salaries 0: 0 0: 0: 0: 0.0% 0.0% war Overtime 369, 028: 284, 013: 469, 074: 326, 256: 337, 905; 14 . 9%: 3. 6% Personnel Benefits •. 1, 223,`085: 1,532,233 1,401,489: 1,295,287:: 1, 347, 196: -15.5%: 4 .0% r Supplies 142, 139: 179, 730: 148, 376: 156, 495: 161, 514; -12. 9%: 3.2% Other Svcs & Charges 261, 535: 298, 679; 205, 754: 429,853: 440, 649: 43. 9%: 2. 5% Intergovernmental Svcs 73, 784 90, 763: 73, 696 86, 761': 89, 3641 -4 . 4 3.0% .w Capital Outlay 0 26, 500: 30, 635: 20, 500: 0: -22. 6%1 -100.0% Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0` 0.0%:: 0.0% TOTAL 7, 572, 745: 8,393, 743; 8, 244, 677; 8, 020, 881: 8,296,850: -4.4% 3.4% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Administration 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6. 0 Emergency Management 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Fire District #25 28.0 28 . 0 28.0 16.0 16.0 Fire Prevention 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8. 0 Operations 75.0 75.0 75. 0 75.0 75. 0 r Training 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 120.0 120.0 120.0 108.0 108.0 Temporary Part Time '..:..:.:............0..'. ........'•...................0.'..0........ ................0.0 0.0 : 0. 0 TOTAL STAFFING , 120.0 120.0 120.0 108.0 108.0 BUDGET SUMMARY The overall Department budget has decreased by 4.4%. As a result of the Newport Hills incorporation, the area of responsibility for Fire District #25 has decreased in size. This will result in one fire station beingremoved from the Department's jurisdiction, and the loss of 12 Fire p j personnel. This will decrease the Department's staffing from 120 personnel to 108. In comparison from 1994 budget to 1995 budget in divisions, the original 1994 adopted budget did not include salary increases as negotiated. .�r err CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET +ir 2-53 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division:Administration :OBJECTIVE. To provide management and direction for the City of Renton Fire Department and to assist the City in meeting its mission regarding maintaining a safe environment for the citizens of Renton. PROGRAM ACTIVITY Fire Administration provides staff support to all divisions of the departments. Activities include personnel administration, payroll, budget management, shift scheduling, policy development, apparatus maintenance, long and short range planning, inter/intragovernmental relations and facilities oversight. r APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change`' Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget > 94 - 95 95 - 96 . 7............................................................................................................................,......................... Regular Salaries 259,075; 261, 128: 267, 963; 348,880 360,086; 33.6%: 3.2% Part Time Salaries 0: D 0: 0=. 0 ' O r01�: 0.0$ Overtime 0 0: 0: 0 0 0.0 : 0.0$ Personnel Benefits >' 133r649[ 167,365: 186,572: 159,9:05:: 164,825: -4.'5%: 3.1$' Supplies 8,187; 6,240: 6,153:: 5,200: 5,356: -16.7%: 3.0% Other Svcs&' 37,528: 45,492: 32,972; 50,064' 56,5671 10.1% 13.0% Charges Intergovernmental Svcs; 62, 104: 76,541:: 59f476:: 79f650:: 82, 040: 4. 1%:: 3.0% Capital Outlay € 0: 10,500: 7,790; 0: 0: -100.0%: 0.0 Debt Service 0 D: 0: 0 ' 0: 0 0%: 0.0%' 66 TOTAL 500,543, 567,266, 560, 9261 643f699:: 668, 874:: 13.5% 3.9% STAFFING LEVELS _ 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 5 .'A 6. 0 6.0 6.`0 6. 0 Part Time 0. 0 s 0.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 0 0 ..0:: 0 0.0 _ 0. 0: 0.0 TOTAL 5 0 6.0 6. 0 6. 0 6. 0 BUDGET SUMMARY The overall budget for 1995 has an increase of 13.5% over the 1994 budget. This increase is mainly due to the transfer of a Battalion Chief from Prevention to Administration, including personnel costs from salary and benefit expenses for safety. �r CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-54 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division:Administration 1994 AcCOM USHMENTS • King County Fire Protection District #25 service contract renegotiated in response to the incorporation of the Newport South area into a new city. ore • Agreement worked out with the City of Bellevue and firefighters bargaining unit on method of personnel and rank reductions to accommodate modifications to services contract with KCFPD #25. rn • Valley Fire Station #14 design committee formed to begin process of site plan review, space needs and architect selection. 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES • Construction of Valley Fire Station #14, through utilization of mitigation funds. • Review and implementation of long term fire service agreement with KCFPD #25. irr • Implementation of region wide radio network within the department in conjunction with other public safety agencies. • Begin design work on Kennydale Fire Station #15 and relocated Fire Station #12. rrs irr as w rr CITY OF RENTON 1995. 1996 BUDGET � 2-55 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Operations (Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat, Dive Rescue, EMS Life Support) OBJECTIVE The protection of life and property from the effects of fire and hazardous material; to render medical assistance to individuals and to perform rescues whenever the need arises. Ali PROGRAM ACTIVITY The following are the five sections in the Operations Division: SUPPRESSION Personnel work 24-hour shifts on a three platoon system. Each platoon is commanded by a Battalion Y Chief. Total personnel on each platoon is 30 and there is a minimum of 20 on duty each day. There are four staffed engine companies, two staffed life support units and one staffed aerial ladder truck available to the City of Renton and King County Fire District #25. FACILITIES Provides the needed operating supplies, small tools/appliances and repairs and maintenance for all fire stations, three City stations and one King County Fire District #25 station. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE TEAM This team is comprised of approximately 30 individuals, both officers and firefighters, who receive additional training in first response skills. The team works with the SARA Title III facilities to develop and exercise their emergency response plans on an annual basis. DIVE RESCUE TEAM This team is made of 20 members who are both officers and firefighters and receive additional training and are available for water related emergencies. They train year round in underwater search and recovery, river rescue and other water support functions. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES All Firefighters in the Fire Department are required to be Emergency Medical Technician Certified and 95% have received DeFib certifications. The Department response time standard for EMS responses is 4.0 minutes. The Department receives Basic Life Support funds from King County based upon anticipated service levels for both the City and King County Fire District #25. APPROPRIATION 1993'' 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget'' Budget 94 95 95...-....9... .:.......::... .. ' 1YL?l'T�'Rt�81CT..::.::.. ' .:: ....... . ................ .. ...... Regular Salaries 3,745,454; 3,796,393: 3,857,995: 4,003,570 4,146, 640; 5.5%1: 3. 6$ Part Time Salaries 0: 0: 0 0- 0, 0 0$ 0-0$ Overtime 316,042; 194, 804: 363, 174: 273, 943 283, 818: 40. 6% 3.6% Personnel Benefits» 761,'2261 893,765 799,503; 834,245' 865,9451 -6.7%: 3.8% Supplies : 100,246; 116,024: 103, 063: 113, 985: 118, 080: -1.8%: 3.6% Other Svcs &Charges > 132,659; 132,066: 89,077: 180,409; 165,0001 36.6$:: -8.5% Capital Outlay 0 11,800: 18, 645: 20,500. 01 73.7%:: -100.0% Debt Service 0: 0: 01 0: 0: 0.0%: 0.10 TOTAL :* 5,055,627:: 5,144,85215,231,45715,426,652: 5,579,483:i , 5.5%:: 2..8$ -_ CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-56 FUND: GENERAL (000) "" DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Operations (Suppression, Facilities, Hazmat, Dive Rescue, EMS Life Support) STAFFING LEVELS' 1993 1994 1994; 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 r�rr € ;i Part Time 0. 00 0. 0 `/0�'0. 0 0. 0 `• 0. 0 Tempos«..... Time } :.7 MQ} 00.0 aw •fl 75.0 75.:0 75,0 75 BUDGET SUMMARY The overall operations budget increased by 5.5%. The recommended increases in the budget are for safety and contractual reasons as follows: $71,750 for Straight Time Overtime (this was not budgeted in the adopted budget, but we did add it to the adjusted budget); $13,000 for MSA Flow Tests for scuba masks to ensure safety; $4,000 for suppression ladder truck air system, which will provide breathing air to the top of the ladder at twice the volume; $3,500 High Pressure Breathing Hose will provide breathing air from the air system on the ladder to fire personnel; with the settlement of the Firefighters Local #864 contract, the salary increase is 80% of the Consumer Price Index for 1995 and 1996, which translates into a 2.8% cost of living increase for 1995, and 3.6% for 1996. r 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • In response to a need for additional fire fighters to combat wildland fires in eastern Washington, strike teams were formed from King County resources and Renton provided two three-person teams as part of a regional response to this disaster. Each team was deployed for approximately one week. • All SARA Title III facilities exercised their emergency response plans under the supervision of the department's Haz-Mat Response Team. • The Dive Rescue Team conducted necessary drills and training to keep current needed certifications. ,W • All required inspections and tests of apparatus and auxiliary equipment were conducted. All adjustments and/or corrections were made to meet safety standards. • Fire fighter training standards of achievement were met and all Suppression personnel completed to Combat Challenge performance standards. 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES rr • Strive to maintain acceptable response time standards with ever increasing service demands. • Maintenance of specialized team certifications (i.e. Dive Rescue, Haz-Mat) and quality performance standards. • Meet all required training and drill standards for Fire Fighting, Emergency Medical Technician, DeFib. and Driver Training. • Improve the quality of Officer preparatory training available on the job. • Increase the ability of Command Officer's to access premises information through use of mobile data terminals. • Occupy new fire station in Valley by 1996. rrr CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET 2-57 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Fire Prevention OBJECTIVE �i11 To provide a fire-safe environment for the community through services such as annual Uniform Fire Code business occupancy inspections, construction plan reviews and field tests, public education, fire investigations, hazardous materials monitoring and enforcement, legislation adoption and administration. PROGRAM ACTMTY Conduct annual business occupancy fire code inspections and reinspections of over 1900 businesses, review over 900 commercial plans a year and conduct field inspections to assure compliance of the Uniform Fire Code. The Bureau develops and presents public education programs reaching over 10,000 people each year. Fire investigation is conducted on fires with a dollar loss of more than $5,000 or fires of a suspicious nature. Internal tracking is provided of all high hazardous occupancies that contain hazardous substances such as quantity, location and type/toxicity. The Hazardous Materials program is also responsible for monitoring SARA Title III occupancies to assure compliance of Federal regulations, construction review and installation of aboveground and underground storage vessels and other chemical types of installation; hazardous materials release investigation and Department training. The Bureau maintains accounting records for Uniform Fire Code permit fees, reinspection fees, fireworks stand fees, plan review fees, construction and construction reinspection fees. °lo APPROPRIATION 1993` : 1994 '' 1994 1995 1996 Change ,Change Actual Budget Actual' Budget Budget 94 95 95 96, :::. Y :.;::.:.::.. pF ......... :::::: >:;>:.>::;;.>. >;::>::.;. .... ... ..::::.:.......................................:........................:::.::::::::..:.:.:. ....::............................... ........... ...... Regular Salaries 365,616:: 384,538' 317,264 332,053; 347,471; -13 6% 4.6% Part Time Salaries 0: 0 0: «01 0 0 0$: 0.0 VA Overtime 10, 1441: 11, 871:: 9,783; 9, 969: 10,317:: -16.0%:: 3.5% Personnel Benefits 1 102,141: 116,657! 96,131 98, 628' 104,647; -1'5.5$: 6.1% Supplies 8,369: 9,736; 9, 667: 9, 900: 9, 134; 1 7% -7.7$ Other Svcs & Charges 1 19, 182: 2617161:: 22,998: 30,110. 30,200: 12 7%: 0.3% Capital Outlay 0: 4,200: 4,200 0: 0 -100 0%: 0.0% Debt Service' 0: 1 10: 0: 0 0: 0.0%: 0.'0$ TOTAL 505,452 553 718f 460,043 480, 655 501,769 -13.2%: 4.4� STAFFING LEVELS 1993 - 1994 1994' 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 9 0 8. 0 8-0 8.0 8. 0 Part Time 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 Temporary'Part Time 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 TOTAL .D 8. 0 8.0 8 0 8. 0 BUDGET SUMMARY The division's 1995 budget has decreased by 13.2% due to personnel costs for the Fire Marshal that are included with Fire District #25, in order to comply with the Department's contract. The 1996 budget has increased by 4.4%, due to the cost of living increase and inflation factors. r CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-58 FUND: GENERAL (000) "" DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Fire Prevention rrr 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Implementation of the Sierra computerized interdepartmental software for tracking of plans review and permits. • Inclusion of the plan review/inspector into the Inspector Certification Program. • Three employees accepted and received continuation training in fire science at the National Fire Academy in Emmittsburg, Maryland. • Two employees earned ICBO Certification as Fire Code Inspector and one employee received the certification as plans review/inspector. • Fire Code Inspectors continued education in the Uniform Fire Code Article 80/Hazardous Materials. aw • The Bureau became proactive at the level of the Building Code Council as it relates to 1994 Code adoption. • Entered into an agreement with the State to conduct all Boarding Home inspections in the city. • Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal has been designated as the Design Team Chairman for the construction of Station #14. ........................ .. . .. 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES • Adoption of the 1994 Uniform Fire Code. • Update of the Inspector's Fire Code Manual. • Reduce plans review turnaround time. • Develop and implement new programs directed to the elementary-age student. • Develop more effective programs for the senior citizen community. • Offer more training in fire evacuation, etc. for businesses. • Classes for the community in the use of hazardous materials inventory statements. • Encourage employees to continue education in all facets for personal growth. ni ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCEMEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 ACTUAL PROJECTED ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED UFC Inspections 1, 717 1,725 1, 731 1, 7.30 1, 740 UFC Reinspections 1, 040 1, 045 1, 046 1, 050 1, 055 Fire Protection/Plans 8 3 2 800 671 820 840 Reviewed Haz-Mat Plans Reviewed 85 100 120 110 115 Public Education 7;0 75 70 100 115 Programs Fires Investi ated 49 53 € 54 5353 ACTUAL AND :..:. :.:_:.... PROJECTED REVENUE $57,:806 $100, 0001 $92, 010 $120, 000 : $140, 000 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-59 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Fire Training OBJECTIVE I' The Training Division coordinates, tracks, updates existing programs and develops new training programs for the ongoing training and certification of Department members. 9 PROGRAM ACTIVITY Provide training required for certification of suppression personnel, including the training of new recruits and annual recurrent training of regular uniformed personnel. Participate and monitor Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee activities. Oversee the continuing education program for EMT and EMT-DeFib certification. Provide Public Information Officer support to Fire Commanders. Provide EMS liaison to the King County EMS system and private ambulance companies. Oversee the personal protective equipment inventory and control system, to include evaluation of new equipment that will provide a higher level of protection at reasonable cost. 1W APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 > 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget' Budget 94 ` 95 95 96 Regular Salaries 117,786; 120, 928: 126,28V 131,785:: 136,500 9 0%: 3.6P6 Part Time Salaries 01 0: 0 0: 0: >0.0%: 0.0% Overtime 6,302:: 2,296 2,370: 2,360: 2,445 2.8%: 3. 6% Personnel Benefits 22,722: 27,023: 23, 9461 25, 060:: 25,994: -7.3%: 3.7% Supplies 3,718:: 4,784: 4,717:: 5, 000; 5, 1511 4 5$ 3.0% Other Svcs&Charges 15,7216: 17,069: 13,073: 14,200] 14, 627; -161.8%1 < 3.0%' Capital Outlay 0: 01 01 01 0 0 0%:: 0.0% Debt Service, 01 0: 01 0' -011 0.0C 0.0% TOTAL 166,254:: 172, 100: 170,387: 178,405 184,717 3.7%': 3 ..5� STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 2. 0 1 2. 0 2 .0 2 . 0 1 2 . 0 Part Time 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 1 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 0' 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL_ 2.0 2. 0 2. 0 2 0 2. 0 rrf BUDGET SUMMARY In 1995, the overall budget increased by 3.7%. Salaries are increased due to the transfer of position changes. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-60 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Fire Training ....................................... .. �. 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Pumper driver/operator certification for qualified personnel. • EMT instruction and annual certification for Suppression personnel. • Multi-company drills involving search and rescue, ventilation, salvage and overhaul, and live fire training. Other agencies involved were Tukwila, KCFPD #40, and Boeing Fire Dept. • Maintained inventory of personal protective equipment. 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES • Continue to improve and deliver established training programs. aw • Strengthen the emergency medical training within the Competency Based Testing program. • Implement the new OSHA airborne pathogens program. • Provide ladder driver/operator training and testing aimed at certification. to • Participate in the design of the new Valley Fire Station/ Training Center. 1W arr err M go No ar err err err CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 4W 2-61 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Emergency Management OBJECTIVE 16 Provide direction and control over the City's activities that are essential to saving lives, protecting, property, maintaining order and restoring City services before, during and after a major emergency. PROGRAM ACTIVITY Provide training and exercises designed to promote emergency preparedness and test and evaluate our Emergency Operations Plan, procedures and facilities. Coordinate vital agencies and resources into a program of disaster preparedness, response and recovery. °lo Alli :APPROPRIATION 1993 ' 1994 ' 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 - 95 95 - 96 ..::.... .. . :::::::::::::.... .:..::.:.:....:::.. . ;.. ::.. ....:: :::::::::::::::::::.....: ERCP 1V7J?71 C)B�T C . .. ......... ...... . ............... Regular Salaries 70,302 71, 624:: 72,099: 74,396: 77, 067: 3 9%: 3.6% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0' 0 0.0%: 0.0% Overtime 0 __ 0. 829: 0: 0: 0.0%: 0.0% Personnel Benefits 10,756: 11, 072: 9,8331 10,224 10,59V -7.7% 3.6% Supplies 2,993; 4,446: 3,386 4, 000 4,830: -10 0%: 20.8% Other Svcs&'Charges : 628 3,7361 953: 2,850] 2,323! -23.7%:: -4.5% Capital Outlay 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0 0%:: 0.0% Debt Service 0: 0: 0: 0 0: 0.0%: 0.0$ TOTAL 84,67 91 90, 878 87, 100, 91, 470 95,211 0.7%: 4.1% STAFFING LEVELS1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 'i Actual Budget Actual' Budget Budget FullTime 1:'0 1. 0 1.'0' 1:'0 1. 0 Orli Part Time 0 . 0 : 0. 0 : 0. 0 : 0. 0 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time 0. 0 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 TOTAL 1. 0 1. 0 .... 1 .0 ; ... 1. 0 1 1 . 0 BUDGET SUMMARY The overall budget for this division is up by 0.7% over 1994. Line items were cut in this division for 1995, in order to provide appropriations for other divisions of the Fire Department. isF CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2.62 1 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Emergency Management 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Continued coordination for reimbursement of funds from FEMA dealing with 1993 windstorm. • Review and update of City's disaster plan including vulnerability analysis and Emergency Operations Plan. • Developed information for training of key City personnel in their responsibilities during man- made or natural disasters. W • Developed public awareness handouts and program for delivery to private citizens and community service organizations. • Provided periodic updates on ongoing weather situations that might have posed a problem to the various city services. • Coordinated the Fire Department's response for help requested in regards to the wildland fire in Eastern Washington. • The Renton Amateur Radio Emergency Team was formed and recognized. It was created to assist and provide emergency communications in association with the City's EOC and to be available during extreme emergency/disasters. 0W 1995 1996 OBJECTIVES • In response to the many requests for presentations to the public, an increased emphasis will be placed on development of training props and materials. • Provide in the Emergency Operations Center all necessary equipment to maintain at least a 72- hour capability. • Continue to promote improved disaster management capabilities among key city officials and other first responders. • Conduct group table top exercises to test E. O. C. operations. +rr to trr err air tr tr urr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 1' 2-63 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Fire District#25 OBJECTIVE The Renton Fire Department and Fire District #25 renewed the contractual arrangement to provide fire and EMS services to the District for 1995. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The commitment to the Fire District for 1995, through this contract, is to provide staffing and resources for one engine company assigned to its fire station located at 156th Ave SE and SE 128th Street, and to provide such additional resources as may be necessary to provide for fire and EMS emergency situations rlfi APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 `. 95 95 96 Actual C7 ?'............ .... r Regular Salaries 944, 942: 1,347,214: 1,274, 051: 815,0451 852,458 -39.5%z: 4.6% Part Time Salaries 0: 0 00 0.0% 0.0$ 36,5401 75,0421 92,Overtime 918; 39,9841 41,325:: -46.7%:: 3.4% Personnel Benefits 192,590: 316,351: 285,504' 167,230; 175, 194: -47.1% 4.8% Supplies 18, 625 38,500: 21,390 18,410: 18, 963: -52.2%: 3. 0% so Other Svcs & Charges 55,8121 73,600: 46,681i 152,220: 171,532-. 106 8 12.74s Intergovernmental 11, 680:: 14,222:: 14,220 7,111: 7,324: -50.0% 3.0$ Services Capital Outlay 0: 0: 0: 0 0: 0 0C 0.0% Debt Service 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0. 0%: 0.0% :.:t•:: TOTAL .: 1,260,189:: 1, 864,929:: 1,734,764: 1,200,000:: 1,266,796:: -35.7%:: 5..6.%. STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 28 .0 28 . 0 28 0 16 0 16. 0 so Part Time 0 . 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 0. 0 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 0.0 TOTAL 28-0 28 .0 28.0 16. 0 16. 0 .fi BUDGET SUMMARY The overall 1995 budget has decreased by 35.7% due to a renegotiated contract which resulted from the Newcastle incorporation. Fire Station #17 assets have been transferred to Bellevue, which reduced the staffing level by 12 fire personnel. In Other Services and Changes, the contingency fund changed from $59,800 to $120,000, due to 1995 contract negotiations. CITY OF RENTON 1995. 1996 BUDGET 2-64 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: FIRE Division: Fire District#25 60 1994''ACCOMPLISHMENTS • In 1994, the Renton Fire Department and King County Fire Protection District #25 renegotiated the services contract as the result of a new city incorporation vote in the south Newport area. #W The combination of the new city and annexations to Bellevue resulted in an asset transfer of the Hazelwood Fire Station to Bellevue and the scaling back of services in KCFPD #25 for 1995-96. In 1995, only one fire station will be staffed by a single engine company. +rr 1995= 1996 OBJECTIVES • Work with King County Fire Protection District #25 commissioners on a long term agreement for wr fire service to take both agencies into the next decade. r wr ww wr wo to ww aw ar am 40 aw �r CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-65 DEPARTMENT: FIRE Position Listing 1993 1994 1994 1995" 1996 a Grade Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Administration Commissioned Officers: 43 Fire Chief(Non-Union Salary Matrix) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 75 Deputy Chief 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 74 Battalion Chief(Safety) 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Commissioned Officers 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: 13 Vehicle& Eq Mechanic I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11 Administrative Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Office Assistant III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Non-Commissioned 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6:,0 Fire District #25 Commissioned Officers: 74 Deputy Chief(a) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 73 Captain 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 71 Lieutenant 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 70 Fire Fighters 21.0 21.0 21.0 12.0 12.0 TOTAL FIRE DISTRICT#25 28.0 28.0 28.0 16.0 16.0 Fire Prevention Commissioned Officers: 74 Battalion Chief(Fire Marshal) 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75 Deputy Chief(Fire Marshal) (a) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Commissioned Officers 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Non-Commissioned Personnel: I 23 Assistant to Fire Marshal 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 Hazardous Materials Specialist 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 Fire Inspector III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 18 Fire Plans Reviewer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 16 Fire Inspector I 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 9 Admin Secretary I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 id 3 Office Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Non-Commissioned 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 TOTAL'FIRE PREVENTION 9.0 8.0 8.0 8 0 87 �1 Fire Emergency Management a Commissioned Officers: 74 Battalion Chief 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL'FIRE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1.0 3.0 1.0 1 0 1.0 41 Id CITY OF RENTON 2-66 1995-1996 BUDGET DEPARTMENT: FIRE Position Listing 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 GradeTitle Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget OPERATIONS: cession, Facilities, Hazmat, Dive Team, EMS Life Support) Commissioned Officers: 74 Battalion Chief(Shift Commander) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 73 Captain 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 71 Lieutenant 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 70 Fire Fighter 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 TOTAL OPERATIONS 75.075.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 to Training Commissioned Officers: 73 Captain 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 gr 71 Lieutenant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL TRAINING 2.0 2.0- 2.0 2.0 2.0 r TOTAL COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 109.0 109.0 109.0 97.0 97.0 TOTAL NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 11.0' 11.0 11.0 '11.0 11.0 TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 120.0 120.0 120.0 108.0 108.0 rrrr stir aw aw tier err rrr w. CITY OF RENTON 2-67 1995-1996 BUDGET DEPARTMENT: FIRE r Fire Department Statistics Description 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Fire Rating (Wa Survey& Rating Bureau) 4 4 4 4 4 Number of Fire Stations (Includes Dist #25) 3 3 3 5 5 Responses Life Support Responses 3, 181 3,278 3, 805 4,778 5, 150 Building Fires 148 90 97 111 100 Vehicle Fires 92 84 78 101 110 Other Fires 101 142 144 100 210 Overpressure Ruptures 18 35 50 60 54 Hazardous Condition Responses 231 187 196 215 177 Service Responses 528 354 328 495 474 Good Intent Responses 383 292 264 295 283 False Alarms - Malicious 70 58 79 116 21 False Alarms - Other 618 503 504 595 690 All Other Responses 11 7 7 97 6 Total Responses 5,381 5, 030 5,552 6, 963 7,27 5 Total Fire Loss 1, 195, 637 307, 690 576,240 1,231, 300 1, 804, 003 1994 Fire Loss Vehicle/Mobile Home Fires Other 15% 1% Structure Fires 84% x CITY OF RENTON 2-68 1995-1996 BUDGET Community Services ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE wtr Community Services Department Sam Chastain Administrator IN 99.8 Total FTE irr Park Board Open Space Off Asst III � Off Asst III- .2 FTE Resource Coord Admin Secretary II 1.8 FTE Facilities Recreation ParksMaintenance Library Human Services 23.5 FTE 19.0 FTE 29.0 FTE 15.3 FTE 4.0 FTE Wrlr Director Director Director Director Human Sery Mgr i arr Recreation Services Golf Course CIP Proj Coord: Library Citizens' Advisor 2.0 FTE Recreation Mgr Golf Course Manager Board Board Rec Supervisors: Golf Crs Spvr 2.0 FTE Golf Professional General Services Prog Coord - 1.0 FTE Grd E Mach- 1.0 FT Asst Director Eq Hum Sv Off Tech Building Mtc Mgr Spec 1-11- 5.0 FTE Asst Golf Professions L Building Mtc Supvr Dsktp Pb Opr- 1.0 FT Mtc Wkr 1-11- 2.0 FTE I Office Asst- 1.0 FT Museum Supervisor CDBG Custodial Sery Supvr Community Center J1 Housing Assistant Prog Coord- 3.0 FTE Specialist HVAC Sys Tech Spec II - 1.0 FTE Park Facilities Housing Repair Bldg Mtc Wkr Off Asst I- 111 2.0 FTE Maint Mgr Secretary II Worker 3.0 FTE Park Mtc Supv: Lead Mtc Cust Senior Center 2.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Sr Sv Coord- 1.0 FTE Veh& Eq Mach 11 Librarian Mtc Cust- 5.0 FTE Rec Spc 11- 1.0 FTE Ld Mtc Wkr 2.0 FTE 3.3 FTE Secretary 1- 1.0 FTE St Ctr Mtc Cust park Mtc Wkr 1-111 Library Spvr- 1.0 FTE lir 1.0 FTE 15.0 FTE Jj Libr Tech Asst 1.0 FTE Comm Ctr Mtc Cust 2.0 FTE Library Asst I- 11 rar 5.5 FTE Lead Cust- 1.0 FTE Custodian- 2.75 FTE Office Asst II .5 FTE Comm Ctr Cust .75 FTE Golf Course Cust 1.0 FTE moo " .5 FTE General Services Custodian is temporarily vacant due to 1994 budget cuts. rr •` Organizational Chart includes position adds for 1996- Golf Course Expansion w CITY OF RENTON 2-69 1995-1996 BUDGET FUND: PARKS (101); COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS (104); LIBRARY (106); MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTEM (404) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: All OBJECTIVE To provide to the citizens of Renton quality of life opportunities through recreation and Human Services Programs. This includes maintaining parks, trails, facilities and providing information and referral programs. PROGRAM OVERVIEW APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual> Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 -95 95 - 96 .. 5:B7�'1 . :.:.::::...:.:.::.::::......:...:.....::.:....:..:.. .::.:..::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.:::.:::..::::.:...:.:::::::::::....::::::. .:::. .. ...... ...... :::::::.::::: ..................... Community Services Administration 537,698:: 603,0651: 600,933:: 624,323: 660,916: 3.596 5.916 Facil/General'Srvcs 1,376,503:: 1,505,983:: 1,449,390; 1,591,017 1,661,367; 5.6%: 4.4% Parks & Recreation: Recreation Services 814,343; 11023,9381 933,305; 1,052 3411 1,085,505: 2.84s 3.2% Parks Facilities 1, 661,902: 1,738,228: 1,714,959:: 1,858,6471 1,954,404; 6.9%: 5.2% Senior Center 484, 669: 472,977: 500,0351: 503,652' 516,336:: 6.59: 2.5% Community Center 821,475:: 762,837:; 923,817:: 766,319:: 814,937:: 0.5%:: 6.3% TOTAL Facilities/Gen Seru : 5, 696,5901 6, 107,028:! 6,122,439! 6,396,299: 6, 693,465! 4.7%:: 4.6% Human Services 786, 661: 813,801: 807,068: 840,401_ 870,987; 3.3%: 3.6% CDBG : 238,233: 350,354: 321,726: 406,541: * 16 0%: -100.0% Library 979,693: 1,052,864: 1,039,115: 1,066,009:: 1,153,2271 1.2%:: 8.2% Golf Course € O erations 3,134,948: 998,709:: 1,905,832:: 1,233,397:: 1,790,832:: 23.5% 45.2% ..p. TOTAL :10,831,125: 9,322,756:10,196,180: 9,942,647;10,508,511: 6.6%: 5.7% * CDBG proposed amounts are not available x��rrrrE s�as.� cx ... _..._ ........ .... ... ......... .. .. _. Regular Salaries 3,206,092 3, 484,406: 3,363,221:: 3,741,364:: 3,944, 671:: 7.4%:: 5.4% Part Time Salaries 784,897' 824,683:: 933,521; 869,114:: 923,008:: 5.4%:: 3.2% Overtime 31,598: 35,563:: 42,852: 35,969:: 39,906: 1.1%: 10.9% Personnel Benefits 1,114,5411 1,361,707: 1,223,3321 1,373,891:: 1,474,304: 0.9%1 7.1% Supplies 619,194: 624,415: 621,314: 628,610: 695,081;: 0.7% 10.0% Other Svcs&Charges> 1, 691,579: 1,811,520: 1,782,873 2,001,8681 1,881,9281: 10.5%: ,. -6.0% Intergovernmental Svcs 636,801: 578,656: 670,258:: 575,280: 592,538: -0.6%: 3.0% 166,982: 201,859: 128,586: 69,000: -23 0%: 60.3% Capital Outlay 124,769: Debt Service 2, 601,451: 413,595: 1,331,721:: 558,779: 858,034: 35.1%:: 53.6% Interfund Payments 20,208 21,229: 25,2291 29,166 30,041: 37.4%-' 3.0% ,ry TOTAL :10;831, 125: 9,322,756110,196,18.0 9,942,647:10,508,51V 6.6%: 5.2 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-70 FUND: PARKS (101); COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS (104); LIBRARY (106); MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTEM (404) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: All STAFFING LEVELS 1993 2994 1994 2995 1996 ActualBudget Actual' Budget Budget Community Services 9 :'5 9. 0 9.0' 9 0 9. 0 W Administration Facilities/General Svcs 17 . 8 18 . 8 18 . 8 18 . 8 18 . 8 Parks& Recreation: Recreation Services 10 . 0 9. 0 9. 0 10 . 0 10 . 0 Parks Facilities 2 0 0 2 0. 0 2 0 . 0 21 . 0 22 . 0 Senior Center 4 . 0 1 4 . 0 4 . 0 4 . 0 4 . 0 Community Center 7 .7,.,:.:, 7 .7 7.7' 77 7.7 Golf Course 4 . 0 4 . 0 4 . 0 6. 0 9. 0 Human Services 1 . 8 1.3 1 . 3 2 0 >2 . 0 Community Development so Block Grants 1 .2 1 . 7 1 . 7 2 . 0 2 . 0 Senior Housing 1 .'5 0 . 0 0. 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 Library 15 . 3 15 . 3 15. 3 15. 3 15 . 3 TOTAL REGULAR STAFFING 92 . 8 90 . 8 90. 8 95. 8 99. 8 Temporary Part Time 51 .2 48 . 8 57 . 1 48 . 8 48 8 TOTAL STAFFING 144 . 0 139 . 6 147 . 9 144 . 6148 . 6 BUDGET SUMMARY Overall Community Services budget is $9,942,647 for 1995 which is a 6.6% increase over the 1994 budget and $10,508,511 for 1996 ora 5.7% increasf er 1995. New programs are being requested which would increase , staffing by 5 FTE's in 1995 and 4 FTE's in 1996. Five of these positions are in the Golf Course and will correspond with the opening of the new facilities. The remaining positions are being added in CDBG, Recreation Services and Parks Facilities/Landscaping to either replace positions given up in prior years or to increase services and efficiencies of programs offered. �w +rr r.r CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET +rr 2-71 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Parks Administration OBJECTIVE To provide management and administration functions for the Community Services Department and Parks and Recreation Division. This includes the Open Space and Senior Housing Programs which are not included in the operating budget, since they are capital improvement programs. PROGRAM ACTIVITY This division contains the overall administration of the Community Services Department and the management of the Parks and Recreation Division including Parks Facilities, Recreation, General Services, Senior Center, and Community Center. Parks and Recreation has an annual attendance at their facilities and activities of approximately 1.8 million per year, maintains 646 acres of park land and golf course, and performs maintenance and custodial service for 260,000 square feet of municipal space. APPROPRIATION 1.993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget .94 95 95 96 vxrx �y oar _ . Regular Salaries 397,537. 443,799; 444,465' 471, 915:: 500,341:: 6.3%:: 6.0% Part Time Salaries 2, 634; 2, 124:: 2 467• 2`,166: 2,210' 2.''0$ 2.0% Overtime 2 3 4 0: 0: 0: 0: 0.0%: 0.0% Personnel Benefits 106,243: 131, 8071 113,970; 120,622: 126,712:: 8.5%s 5.0% Supplies : 5,180:: 5,460; 5,249: 5,597.: 5,7651 2.5%:: 3.0% Other Svcs& Charges 22, 670: 19 875: 24 983: 24,0231 25,888' 20.9% 7. 8% Intergovernmental 3,200: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0.0%: 0.0% Services Capital Outlay, 0. 0 9,7 9 91 0`: 0 1' 0.0% 0.0% Debt Service 0: 0: 0: 0: 0 0.0%: 0. 0% TOTAL 537,698; 603, 065: 600,9331 624,323;, 660, 916: 3.'5% 5.9% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time9.5 9. 0 9. 0 9 . 0 9. 0 Part Time _ 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 :: 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time 0' 1 0 1 0. 1 0 1 0 . 1 s TOTAL 9. 6 9 11 9. l 9 1 9. 1 BUDGET SUMMARY' Overall the Parks Administration budget remained stable for 1995 - 1996 with inflationary increases. No new programs requests are included for this division in this budget. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-72 FUND: PARKS (101) ON DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Parks Administration o 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENT'S • The King County Open Space Bond Issue Program approved by the voters in 1989 provides the opportunity for the preservation, protection and enhancement of natural areas in an urban environment. Public access to these areas is afforded. However, many of the sites will remain relatively undeveloped while less critical wildlife and habitat areas will be improved. Leveraging the bond monies for additional grant monies is a key factor to the success of this program. Accomplishments to date include the following: As ♦ Cedar River Trail - Acquisition of 40 acres in the Natural Zone and acquisition of the 52 acre NARCO Brick Plant complete. One (1) mile of asphalt paved trail from Cedar River to 149th Avenue SE complete. Pedestrian bridge over Cedar River is under do construction, development of 11 acre interpretive park - substantially completed in summer 94. In progress are the construction drawings for Phase 1 of the Cedar River Regional Park. rrr ♦ Honey Creek/Pacific Coast Trail -Acquisition of 15 acres along the Honey Creek Corridor complete. ♦ May Creek Trail -Acquisition of 20 acres along May Creek complete. Future trail development will extend from Lake Washington to Cougar Mountain. ♦ Lake Washington Vistas - Identification of acreage for acquisition overlooking Lake Washington. ♦ Springbrook Trail - Execution of Purchase and Sales Agreement to acquire 23+ acres we along the Springbrook Creek Corridor. ♦ Black River Riparian Forest -Acquisition of 49 acres of riparian forest and habitat areas complete, for a total of 84 acres in City ownership. 1995 1996 OBJECTIVES Cedar River Trail - Complete asphalt paving of remaining two (2) miles of trail from I-405 eastward to WSDOT's paved portion of the trail. Complete pedestrian bridge construction over the Cedar River from Cedar River Park into the north side to the trail extension on the south side of the Cedar River. Regrade and hydroseed the recently acquired Narco Brick Plant and install chain link fencing along f the south side of the trail and the brick plant. Complete construction drawings for the Regional park site. err Honey Creek/Pacific Coast Trail - Identify additional land for trail acquisition. May Creek Trail - Complete acquisition of two (2) 10-acre parcels along the May Creek Corridor. w Lake Washington vistas - Commence acquisition process of 12 acres above Lake Washington. Springbrook Trail - Complete acquisition of 23+ acre parcel along the Springbrook Creek corridor. wr rr CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET ■r 2-73 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Parks Administration ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES OMPLETED ACQUISMONS P1203ECTED ACQUIsrrION PItOC}12AM .COMPLETION 1991 1992 1993 1994 1 1994* 1995 1996 Total Actual Actual Actual Actual :Projected Projected Projected Black River Riparian -3.5 Acres 14 Acres 14 Acres Acres22 Acres 76 Forest Cedar River Trail s 40 Acres 52 Acres! 92 Honey Creek 15 Acres'_. 2 Acres' 17 May Creek 20 Acres! 10 Acres 20 Acres E 40 LakeWashington 12 Acres 12 Vistas Springbrook 23 Acres 23 Acres g 23 TOTAL :75 Acres=35 Acres'S2 Acres I4 Acres 47 Acres 62 Acres 22 Acres 260 •May Creek and Springbrook Acquisitions were in process at year-end but will not close until 1995. s� i <sk 1 3 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET T' 2-74 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Facilities/General Services OBJECTIVE Facilities/General Services Division provides a safe, healthful, pleasant environment for the conducting of City business and the public's enjoyment of leisure time activities. rrr PROGRAM ACTIVITY The Facilities/General Services Division provides maintenance and operations for City owned buildings. The division also performs minor improvements to City facilities when time and resources permit. Responsibilities include maintenance for buildings of the municipal campus (City Hall, City Hall Annex, Historical Society, Liberty Park Community Building, the main Library, and Liberty to Park), three fire stations, Cedar River Park (including Community Center and Carco Theater), Senior Activity Center, City Shops, Coulon Beach Park, Cedar River Trail, Highlands Library and numerous community and neighborhood parks. The type of facilities maintained are office building, libraries, ba fire stations, shops, and recreational buildings. The division also includes the Capital Improvement Program section. This group provides planning, design and construction management services for City building projects. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change_ Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 - 95 95 - 96 EXPEIVDI?EWE..BY f1 lECT ... Regular Salaries 582, 634; 636, 628; 600, 827; 685,202: 717, 908 7.6%:: 4. 8% Part Time Salaries 36F470:: 34,966: 71,267€ 35, 665-:- 36,3791 2.0%: 2.0% Overtime 3,586: 6,308; 6,867:: 6,435:: 6,595: 2.0%: 2.5% to Personnel Benefits 203,256! 249, 823: 222,191; 249,046; 259,297- =0.3$:'' 4.1% Supplies : 103,278: 118,589: 118,051; 120,554; 124, 1711 1.7% 3.0% Other Svcs & Charges ! 419,271: 459,669; 418,997; 494,1151 517, 017- 7.5%:: 4.6 Capital Outlay : 28,008: 0 11, 190: 0 0 0.0%! 0.0$ Debt Service 011 0: 0 1 01 0: 0.C),%:: 0.0� rr TOTAL :: 1f376, 503:: 1, 505, 983:: 1,449 390 1,591,017! 1, 661, 367: ,591,017 1,661, 367 5 6$; 4.4 STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time17 . 8 '1 18: 8 18 . 8 18 . 8 18 . 8 Part Time 0. 0 _ 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time 3. 4 3.'b 4 . 5 3 . 6 3 . 6 TOTAL ' : 21 .2 22. 4 ; 23. 3 22 . 4 22 . 4 BUDGET SUMMARY Overall, the Facilities/General Services budget remained stable for 1995 - 1996, with inflationary increases. The only increase is seen in the utility accounts which is a result of projected rate increases. so No other new programs requests are included for this division in this budget. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET +w 2-75 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Facilities/General Services 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Completion of Phase I Municipal Building Renovation. • Completion of updated Municipal Campus Master Plan. • Construction of Senior Center Greenhouse. • Installation of Liberty Park playground equipment. • Implement ADA modifications. • Replace Highlands Library roof. • Installed air conditioning at Community Services administration building and City Shops. • Replacement of carpet at Highlands Neighborhood Center. • Replaced Kennydale Lions Park roof. • Replaced Kiwanis Park building front. • Painted exterior of Senior Center and Parks Administration building. • Renovated kitchen at Fire Station 11. 1'995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES ORGANIZATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS • Study current organization and develop recommendations- 1995. • Implement approved recommendations- 1996. • Implement automated maintenance management system- 1995. • Install computer network- 1995. • Complete hardware upgrades- 1996. • Transfer City Hall campus plans and River Days maps to Autocad - 1995. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS • Continue ADA improvements - 1995-96 survey, construction at City Hall, Carco, Community Center- 1995. • Municipal building Rehab Phase II first floor- 1995. • Phase III second floor and external work- 1995-96. • Phase IV floors 3-5 design - 1996. • FS 14 design - 1995, construction - 1996. • Municipal Campus/Public Safety Building design- 1995, construction- 1996. • Boeing Boathouse - 1995-96. • Cedar River Regional Park buildings - 1995. • NARCO building improvements - 1995. • Ivar's Remodel - project management- 1995. MAINTENANCE PROJECTS • Replace one of the three heat pumps at Highlands Neighborhood Center - 1995, remaining two - 1996. • Replace building front at Thomas Teasdale - 1996. • Replace bathhouse roof Gene Coulon Park- 1995. • Replace Station #11 roof- 1995. • Replace roof on south beach restroom and three picnic shelters- 1996. • Replace building front at Philip Arnold Park- 1995. • Build roof over trellis at Senior Center - 1995. • Replace Highlands Library carpet- 1995. di CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-76 FUND: PARKS (101) to DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Facilities/General Services is ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES TRENDS to • Increasing demand for maintenance services • Increasing regulatory requirements for construction and maintenance services. Over 500 employee hours will be devoted to these types of activities in 1994. 10 • Declining service levels in some areas due, in part, to staff reductions. The following chart shows historical trends for some selected indicators. r 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected Work orders processed 1,449: 1,559' 1,202' 1,500; 1,600 Vandalism (in dollars) $7,393;' $6,000; $7;35?; 8,000 9,000 Square feet/custodial staff 15,800: 16,250: 15,800: 16,470 17,647 rrr rr �r or rr rrr +v 4r so CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET wr 2-77 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Parks Facilities Maintenance/Landscaping OBJECTIVE Parks Facilities Maintenance Division provide a safe, healthful, pleasant environment for the public's enjoyment of leisure time activities. This includes the maintenance of all City parks and landscaped areas. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The Park Facilities Maintenance Division provides maintenance and operations of all City park land including the landscaping of the City Street Tree Program. The division also performs minor . improvements to City facilities when time and resources permit. Responsibilities include maintenance of the grounds of the Municipal Campus (City Hall, City Hall Annex, Historical Museum, Liberty Park Community Building, the Main Library and Liberty Park), three fire stations, Cedar River Park (including the Community Center and Carco Theater), Senior Activity Center, City Shops, Coulon Beach Park, Cedar River Trail, Highlands Library, Street Tree Program and numerous community and neighborhood parks. The types of facilities maintained are athletic fields, trails, beaches, tennis courts, basketball courts, beaches, fishing piers and a swimming pool. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change' Actual' Budget '; Actual _ Budget Budget 94 - 95 95 - 96 EXPEII�IITUR BY©B�TE CT ;..... Regular Salaries 742,592: 765,752; 735, 938: 806, 661:: 859,715: 5.3%:: 6.6% Part Time Salaries 149,168: 150, 640; 159,396; 173,575:: 166, 112:: 15.2$: 4.3% Overtime 12,092:: 6,106:: 6, 781:: 6,2281 6,3841 2.0%:: 2.5% Personnel Benefits 270,700: 311, 688:: 280,249; 313,764; 337,243 0.7%: 7.5% Supplies 198,1351 186, 967; 195, 335: 207,363: 214,474 10.9% 3.4% Other Svcs &Charges 289,215:: 317,075: 337,260: 351,056: 37,'0,476: 10:7%: 5.5$ Capital Outlay 0 0 0: 0: 0: 0.0%:: 0.0% Debt Service 0: 0: 0 0: 0 0.0$: 0.0% TOTAL 1, 661, 902:: 1,738,228:: 1,714,959:: 1, 858,647:: l 954,404:: 6.9%:: 5.2% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 20. 0 20 . 0 2 0.:0, 21 . 0 22 . 0 Part Time 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time 9 9 10 .5 11 . 9 10 . 5 10 . 5 TOTAL 2 9 9 30 . 5 31 . 9 1 31 . 5 , 32 . 5 2 5 BUDGET SUMMARY' New Program requests for the Facilities Maintenance/Landscaping budget are being recommended for maintenance personnel to maintain the Jordan LaRue Park, Cedar River Trail Extension and Cedar River Regional Park. We will be adding one full-time Park Maintenance Worker I, one PERS position and temporary part-time staff in 1995 for the Jordan LaRue Park and Cedar River Trail Extension or a total increase to full-time salaries of 5.7% and part-time of 15.2%. In 1996, the PERS position is expected to go to full-time when the Cedar River Regional Park is completed resulting in a total 7% increase to this account with a corresponding decrease to part-time salaries. Slight increases are seen in the utility accounts as a result of projected rate increases. g CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-78 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Parks Facilities Maintenance/Landscaping m The equipment rental accounts also show a 39.6% increase as a result of equipment owned by the parks fund will begin to be accounted for in the equipment rental fund to build a reserve for future replacement purchases. rrr In 1990, the City entered into an agreement with the Black River Business Park for the maintenance of the trail running through this complex. The agreement was finalized in late 1993 and therefore has not been budgeted previously. The 1995 base cost of this agreement is $3,200 to be adjusted annually for the CPI. In 1995-1996 the City will be examining and renegotiating the agreement with the possibility of the City taking over the maintenance. 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The following 1994 accomplishments were completed by Park Maintenance crews in addition to their routine maintenance tasks (i.e., mowing,Turf Programs, bal fields). +rw • Landscape new parking lot (overflow for Carco Theatre) at Cedar River, an increase of 4,500 sq. ft. • Replace 3,200 sq. ft. of concrete pavers around 200 tree wells downtown. • Start Turf Program at Coulon Park (South Beach) consisting of 150,000 sq. ft. or 3.5 acres. • Erect Greenhouse at Community Garden located at North 1st and Williams Ave. North. • Remove bark beds and increase lawn area to 13,500 sq. ft. at Glencoe Park. 1995 -'1996 OBJECTIVES • The Parks Department owns 1,268 acres of land, of which 209.65 acres (an increase of 28.5 acres so from 1993) are maintained at our present level of service. ♦ Cedar River Trail Extension, 7.27 acres. ♦ Cedar River Greenway Interpretive Park, 11.0 acres. ♦ Cedar River Regional Park, 8.25 acres. ♦ Park Avenue Landscape Improvement, 2.0 acres. • Install a 30 ft. X 40 ft. picnic slab at Kiwanis Park. • Landscape around new restroom and play equipment at Liberty Park totaling 4,660 sq. ft. • Re-landscape Cedar River Trail entrance at North 6th totaling 6,000 sq. ft. • Replace chain link backstop fencing at Cedar River Park&Teasdale Park 800 linear feet. • Start Turf Program at Coulon Beach Park (North of Ivars and South of Picnic Shelter) 30,000 sq. ft. or 3/4 acres. • Re-landscape area around existing play equipment at Coulon Beach Park. ♦ Remove 10,000 sq. ft. of sand. so ♦ Add 10,000 sq. ft. of sod. • Assess surfaces and equipment at 17 playgrounds. • Purchase two computers and applications for maintenance crews and garage. • Start training for computers for 20 employees. '� • Remove 1,000 sq. ft. of concrete sidewalk and replace with sod at Burnett Linear Park. • Continue landscaping by play equipment to meet ADA standards where funds are available. • Continue to replace playground equipment as funds become available. err +rr �r CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET i.. 2-79 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Parks Facilities Maintenance/Landscaping ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES ........... 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 .. ..........- J Actual' Projected Actual Protected Protected oiecte oJec: .......... . . .......... .. ........ ........ .......... X .......... ...................... XXX, .................... ... ........................ ............ ... .... .........2............................. .. . .... ....... .......... X ........................................ . ... . .... ... .......... . ............................... ...................... ... ........ ............ I ....................... ....... .. .................... 209.65 209.65 Acres Maintained 192.13 09.65 Maintained 29, Taiks26 26 ::26 Trails Maintained (miles) Cedar River Trail 1.5, 4.5 4.5 4.5 Cedar River Extensions 3.0 r Longacres (Boeing)Trail 1 .25 .25 .25 Metro (Black River) 1.0 1.0 1.0 ................... . .... ..... .... ... . .... ..... ..... . . ......................... .............. .................. ............ iddl:d .......................... .............. ............... ...... ........ ....................... ................................ ................. . .......................... ............. ... ....... ........ ....... . . ......... ................ ............... .............."...... .................. LANDSCAPE(mileslacres) Park Avenue North 0 1.25/2 1.25/2 MOWING (Acres) :105 105 132 117 , 132 BARK BEDS (square feet) 208,657 222,307 242,307 232,307 242,307 BALLFIELDS 12 12 14 13 :14 W A6 II CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 4 2-80 to FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Community Center 1W OBJECTIVE . To provide an opportunity for the public to participate in a diversified program of recreational activities designed to meet the needs of all age groups who live and/or work in the City of Renton. err PROGRAM ACTIVITY Responsible for providing comprehensive fitness and recreational activities, as well as providing space for special events such as weddings, workshops, and meetings. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 ' Change Change ActualBudget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 - 96 1` ..:....................,.........;.,:::::.::::::::::.::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::::::::::::..::::::::;::::::.:::::::::::.:::..:::::::::::::::::::::. Regular Salaries 252,475: 261,923: 261, 054: 275, 611: 287,657: 5.2%1 4.4% Part Time Salaries 2 142,7011 111,480: 182,565: 92,290: 94,135:- 17.2%s 2.0% Overtime 2,868: 2,273: 4,534: 2,318: 2,376: 2.0% 2.5% Personnel Benefits 95,337: 102,881; 214,``555 110,248: >114,549: 7.2 3'. 9$ Supplies 25f487: 26,487: 26f324: 27, 150; 35f965:: 2.5%:: 32.5$ illi 258,& Charges 242,607: 253f7931 216,218: 258,702: 264,255; 1.9%: 2.1% Intergovernmental Svcs 60,000: 0: 92,000: 0: 0 0. 0%' 0. 0% Capital Outlay 0 4,000€ 26,5681 0: 16, 000 100.0$: T00.0 Debt Service 0: 0: 0: 0 0 0.0%:: 0.0$ TOTAL 821,4751 762,837tz 923, 8171 766,319 814,937 0.5$. 6.:3%': rMr STAFFING LEVELS 19.93 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual BudgetActual Budget Budget Full Time7 .7 7 .7; 7-7 7 . 7 7 . 7 Part Time 0 . 0 0. 0 - 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time 7 8 7 . 3 9. 1 7 3 7 . 3 ToTaL 15. 5 15. 0;.. 16. 8 15. 0 15...:o.;::;:;:::: BUDGET SUMMARY The Community Center budget remained stable for 1995 with only a .5% increase overall. Increases rrr are seen in the utility accounts as a result of projected rate increases. This is more than offset by a decrease in part-time salaries where the appropriations for Community Center Instructor accounts were reallocated to Recreation Services. as In 1996, renovations and expansion of the fitness/weight room is projected to result in an 18% increase in attendance for that year. The 1996 budget provides for expansion expenses of $8,000 (32.5%) in supplies and $16,000 (100%) in machinery and equipment. +rr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET aw 2-81 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Community Center 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ■i COMMUNITY CENTER PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Major rentals such as banquets, trade shows and meetings number 254 year to date 1994. This is approximately a 3% increase over 1993. If this trend continues through this year and into 1995 and 1996, a plateau of facility rental usage could occur. An aggressive marketing plan has been outlined to meet the goals in our revenue producing rental areas for 1995-96. • Fitness room usage has reached a plateau with 40,000 users a year since 1992. The plan to expand the fitness room in 1996 should bring an increase of 18% in attendance that year. • Maximizing the RCC space is the goal of this department. All usable program hours are used to meet the community needs as outlined below in our Life Enrichment Programs. Other areas of expansion research have included the spa room and game room alternate use studies. LIFE ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS • Self-sustaining program enrollment is up 8% from 1993. More staff and community's need are a major impetus of the department. • The addition of the play equipment outside the Dorothy Donnelly room has greatly enhanced its usability. The Creative Kids Preschool program doubled in 1994 and has reached a maximum for staff and facility availability. We offered 206 preschool classes/workshops in 1994 an increase of 14% over 1993. If involvement continues at the expected rate, space limitations will be a major factor in limiting program enrollment. vi • Cooperative programming with such organizations as the Pacific Science Center, New Horizons, Overlake Hospital, etc., enabled us to expand our youth programs. The use of off-campus trips and tours also created an opportunity for more programs bringing the total program offerings for SII youth to 250 year-to-date (up from 218 in 1993). Space and transportation constraints are limiting the addition of new programs and tours. • Adult programs offered year-to-date for 1994 number 335 (up from 262 in 1993). Because prime time user hours at the Renton Community Center are at a maximum, alternative locations need to be found to allow additional programming and to help meet the community's need for increasing adult programming. • Outdoor recreation programming will greatly increase with the addition of the new greenhouse, the Boat House at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and the Jordon LaRue property. Family trips and tours seem to be the trend but transportation constraints limit availability. • Special Events for 1994 included the State Pitch, Hit and Throw, Renton River Days Kid's Day, Creative Kids' Fair, Fishing Derby, Bike for Life and others. Attendance for each of these events was up over 12% from 1993. Continuing to provide these quality programs at this capacity will require sponsor and volunteer support from alternative sources. PICNIC SHELTER RENTALS • Over 429 groups rented picnic shelters in 1994. Projections for 1995 are 435 and for 1996 are 450. • Attendance in 1994 was 31,000 as compared to 28,000 in 1993. New shelters opening at the Jordan/LaRue development will add to attendance in this area for 1995 and 1996. GENE COULON MEMORIAL BEACH PARK • Gene Coulon Beach Park continues to be a major Lake Washington boat launch site for the south end with over 50,000 boaters using the launch facilities in 1994 as compared to 38,000 in 1993. • Over a million will visit Coulon Beach Park in 1994. Adding activities such as Ivar's Summer Concert Series (25,000+ in attendance); Clam Lights" winter festival planned for December 1994, and continued improvements should see an increase of visitors in 1995 and 1996 making it a true destination attraction. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-82 FUND: PARKS (101) to DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Community Center 10 1995 -1996 OB-JECT: of • Expand on-line use of computerized facilities scheduling program. • Initiate family and couple fitness passes at Community Center. • Remove spa from Community Center and implement RFP for concessionaire or replacement 10 project. • Design plans for Weight Room Expansion Phase I (1995) and plan Phase II for 1996. • Implement feasibility study for new swimming pool and initiate structural study of Henry Moses Pool. • Increase rental usage of gym and banquet room by expanding marketing strategies and surveying users. • Increase all area programming focusing on preschool,youth fitness and cultural opportunities. • Expand outdoor aquatic programming and outdoor recreation activities. • Establish first phase of greenhouse activity programming working with maintenance division. • Work with rowing and sailing organizations to develop long range plans for new boathouse. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES go 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected sir Fitness 40,000: 40,000` 34,054; 40,000: ^^47, 000 Gym Programs 55,0001 55,000: 60,177: 56,,000-: 58,000 Racquetball/Wallyball 8,000; 8, 000: 10,556: 8,000: ^5, 000 Spa/Shower 11 500: 2,500: 1,963: 2,500: 2,500 Classroom Rentals*** : 4,300' 4,500: 6,200:: 4,500 4,500 Banquet Room Rentals 27,.000:: *21,000: 18,:215' 21,000: 21,000 o' Fitness Classes : 12,000; 15, 000: 12,7601 15, 000: 15, 000 Game Room 6,0001 8,000: 71'!315: 8,000.' 81000 Classes : 56,000: 68, 000; 64,600; 70, 000: **74, 000 to * Decreased attendance due to more program offerings in that area. ** Increased attendance due to increased staff for program development. rr ***Classroom rentals include the Kids'Korner and City Use Rentals. ^Decreased attendance due to fitness room expansion. ^^ Increased attendance due to fitness room expansion. wr to so wr ar CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ow 2-83 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Senior Activity Center OBJECTIVE rW To provide social, health and recreation programs for Senior Citizens. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The Senior Center provides health, welfare and recreation programs for Renton's senior citizen population. Popular programs include meals on wheels, medical and foot care clinics and lunch meals served at the center. Additionally, transportation is provided for seniors to and from the center so that they may participate in the programs offered. The center is utilized by 450 senior citizens daily who participate in the lunch program, health services, dances, trips, pool room, cards, arts 8s crafts, special events and socializing with other seniors. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual BudgetActual Budget Budget 94 >95 95 - 96 ..................................... ..:::::::.::: Regular Salaries 145, 924; 150,559: 151,675; 155,440; 159,617; 3.2% 2.7% Part Time Salaries 42,062: 49,840: 64,313: 63,013: 63, 905: 26.4% 1.0 Overtime 2,575: 1,520:: 1,553:: 1,550:: 1,589: 2.0%:: 2.5% 4. Personnel Benefits 51,465:: 64,447: 59,564: 64,664: 66,6971 0.3$`• 3.1$ Supplies : 8,281:: 9, 880: 9,714:: 10, 128:: 10,4321 2.5%; 3.0% Other Svcs & Charges: 234,362" 196,731: 213,216, 208,857 214,096: 6 2%: 2.5% Capital Outlay 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0.0%: 0.0% Debt Service 0: 0 0! 0' :01 0.0%:: 0.0 TOTAL 484,669 472 977• 500,035: 503,652: 516,336 6.5$_ 2.5% ori STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time4 0 4 . 0° 4 . 0 4 0 4 0 Part Time 0. 0 0 . 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 . 0 Temporary Part Tune2 2 1 3 2 $ 1 3 1 3 TOTAL 6 5 3 .:8 3 5 . 3 BUDGET SUMMARY _- sl The Senior Activity Center budget includes the purchase of an ADA equipped, 21-passenger van for transporting seniors. This new program will result in increases to the part-time and equipment rental accounts or a net increase to this divisions budget of 6.5% for 1995. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ; 2-84 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Senior Activity Center 1994 ACCOWUSHMENTS For senior citizens, 1994 seemed to be a changing of attitudes and lifestyles, which affected our recreation programming at the Renton Senior Activity Center. Senior travel and Senior Fitness programs saw significant increases in participants while general drop-in activities saw a slight decrease. Travel and fitness seem to be at the "top" as current trends. s. • Served lunch and entertained a record number 650 senior citizens at Senior Day during Renton River Days. • Expanded travel programs to include overnight trips (1-3 days) which proved very successful., senior participants now have the opportunity to choose the trip that best meets their need--day trip, short overnight trips (1-3 days) or extended trips (5-10 days) • Increased weekend rental (senior rentals and wedding receptions) by 20%. • 15th anniversary celebration-over 200 volunteers helped us promote this special open house with demonstrations, exhibits and tours of the center. • Raised funds through donations and fund-raisers to purchase a 21 passenger van. This van will meet ADA requirements and will be used primarily to transport senior citizens to and from the „w Renton Senior Activity Center. In addition, with the new van we will be able to expand our recreational programs, i.e. trips, outdoor recreation, evening events, etc. 1995 1996;;'OBJECTIVES • Create and publish rental information brochure for seniors and non-seniors. • Create and publish "newcomers" service oriented brochure. • Van acquisition. Increase recreation activities that utilize usage of van, i.e. trips, outdoor programs, special events and evening events. • Implementation and evaluation of a Comprehensive Senior Activity Center Survey. • Increase participants having medical information cards on file. iI • Complete part-time and volunteer manual for those working at the center. • Expand computer capabilities and implement facility scheduling program. • Increase solicitation of sponsorships for special events. ow • Keep essential services (health, transportation, etc.) available to those in need. Provide services and activities in an atmosphere that encourages and supports senior life to the fullest. • Establish a closer working relationship with area retirement homes and nursing homes. an ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected Senior Center 146, 000 146,000 142,000 '• 148, 000 150, 000 arr Total lunch meals served 35,354 ` ; 34,000 31, 077 34,500 35, 000 Medical clinic 898 1, 000 ' 1, 0380 050 1, 100 Foot care 1,174 1,150 1, 131 ' 1, 150 1, 150 Blood pressure by 4,950 4, 800 4,820 4, 850 4, 900 volunteer nurses Meals on Wheels 15, 654 11, 000 13, 086 11,000 11, 000 Mental Health 324 350 364 : 370 355 4W aw CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET No 2-85 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ad Division: Recreation Services OBJECTIVE '; s To provide a diversified program of recreational activities designed to meet the needs of all age groups who live and/or work in the City of Renton. PROGRAM ACTIVITY GENERAL f To provide recreational opportunities to the public through the use of available resources and facilities. Athletics, travel programs, special events, youth activities, camps and drop-in centers combine to form a nucleus of recreational programming. TEEN(AT-RISK) PROGRAMS After school programs at the City's two middle schools provide valuable opportunities for young teens. At risk youth programs have provided a vehicle to reach many children who, due to a variety of problems would not be able to take advantage of many programs. Teen nights, travel and social interplay have been especially popular. APPROPRIATION `1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change' Actual' Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 - 96 R . ;a c ..:.:::::::.::.:::::: ...:..:...:.::::..::..:.:..... .::.:::::.::::::::::::::.:.:....::..::...::.:::.:::.::::::::.::.::.:.::::::::.......... :.:.::::::: ..... ...................... ..................... Regular Salaries 306,773! 410,700 342,814: 400,423:: 420,902:: -2.5%': 5.1% Part Time Salaries 267,931; 306,523; 291,87.0' 332,435j: 337,445' 8' S$ 1.5%' s Overtime 7,5651 12,066:: 19,1331 12,3081 12, 615: 2.0% 2.5% Personnel Benefits 145r:813! 210,948:: 158,625€ ::185,791- 193,048 : -11.9% 3.9% Supplies 36, 967; 31,231:: 31,4321 31, 612:: 32,560; 1.2% 3.0% Other Svcs & Charges' 44,212: 52,470: 73,99.6; 89,772: 88,935: 71.1% -0.91 Capital Outlay 5, 082'• 0 15,4351 0 0 0 0%; 0.0% x Debt Service 0. 0 0: 0'° 0 0'.0%: 0.0% TOTAL 814f 34811, 023,938:: 933,305@ 1,052 :341. 1,085,505, 2 8%; 3.2$ 3 STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 10 0 9 .0 R. 0 10. 0 10 . 0 Part Time 0. 0 0 . 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 . 0 Temporary Part Time 17.5 !16 .0< 18. 9 16. 0 16. 0 •:::: :.;: .•}: ......,. +ria,...SY4 'ahw...: .knE.•:4... .t ..f'.4. .•:•,'.:+a..>::t1G:. .ataf.!:..... t/ •' TOTAL 27 5 25 .0 27 9 f 26 0 26. 0 s BUDGET SUMMARY Overall the Recreation Services budget increased 2.8%. New Programs requests included in this budget are the following: Highlands Neighborhood Center Staff Person - Recreation Specialist I. This position will be responsible for organizing and coordinating recreational and cultural arts activities at the Center. The positions' funding will be partially offset by a reduction in part-time staffing at the center and will 4 add consistency to the program here. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-86 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Recreation Services +rr Preschool/Youth Programs - Temporary Part-Time Community Program Assistant. This position will be responsible for assisting the Program Coordinator in scheduling, administering and marketing new programs. A request to move this position to a full-time Recreation Specialist I position in 1996 is not included in this budget. Summer Lunch Program - This program is added for the 1995 and 1996 budget in the amount of $30,000. The program will be offset by revenues received from the USDA. to 1994 A.CC.owuSHMENTS ATHLETIC PROGRAMS Yr • Field rentals numbered 1,687 in 1994 with field use 100% of capacity May through August and at 91% of capacity for the year overall. If this trend continues, additional facilities will need to be added to meet 1996 rental needs. • One thousand children participated in ten Youth Sport Camps, up 272 participants from 1993. • Adult softball, youth and adult basketball and adult passball programs are at a maximum usage due to lack of facility space. wr CARCO THEATRE/CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAMS • Summer Teen Musical Production -"Fiddler on the Roof'- played to a capacity crowd for each performance, an increase of over 11% from 1993. • Summer Teen Musical Program won the National Recreation and Parks Association Regional Award for innovative programming in the area of Arts& Humanities. • King County Hotel/Motel Grant was awarded to Carco Theatre in the amount of$14,000 and was used to upgrade the stage and lighting instruments. • New events such as weddings, bodybuilding shows and teen pageants are now using the facility and projections indicate an increase in 1994 revenue of 133% over 1993. • Ivar's Family Series Concert drew over 2,100 people to Gene Coulon Beach Park. • The 4th of July Celebration at Liberty Park attracted over 1,500 participants although there were 2 fewer displays and 2 fewer vendors than in 1993. TEEN/YOUTH AT RISK PROGRAMS • Teen night programs continue to grow in popularity with over 150 participants for each event No which is over a 100% increase from 1993. • McKnight and Nelsen Middle School programs are growing each day and have proven to be a success in all aspects. Youth participation at both sites number over 200. Lack of adequate staff and space inhibits further development. 'o • Teen Adventure programs are at a maximum due to limited transportation. The hope is to increase this program by providing more transportation. • The Annual Halloween Party at Highlands Neighborhood Center has been widely attended in the ,m past with 450 attending in 1994 and more projected.in 1995 and 1996. • Two Summer Lunch Programs were started this summer. One at Royal Hills, serving over 4,500 lunches and one at the North Highlands Neighborhood Center, serving over 3,000 lunches. Both to programs were extremely successful and these programs are expected to grow 10% to 20% in 1995 and 1996 which may require additional staff. • A Late Night Mini Basketball Tournament was held in conjunction with the Seattle Parks Department. Over 100 players and spectators attended. to DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED/SPECIAL POPULATIONS • The Developmentally Disabled Social and Dine-Out Programs served 1,050 participants. Those 4W programs requiring transportation are at a maximum due to limited space and van availability. • The Special Olympics programs include Track & Field, Soccer, Softball, Bowling and Volleyball. A new"unified" program is being formed and there is need for expansion into that area. • Special Events & Parties continue to be very popular. Pep rallies, barbecues, holiday parties and �.r other social events are well attended by both participants, friends and family members. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET Yr 2-87 FUND: PARKS (101) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Recreation Services NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS • Programs and attendance at North Highlands Neighborhood Center and Highlands Neighborhood Center continue to grow with over 36,200 visitors to North Highlands and over 53,194 visitors to Highlands. These figures show an increase in attendance of over 1,000 over the 1993 attendance. New programs and classes include 4 on 4 Floor Hockey, 3 on 3 Basketball, Wiflle Ball Leagues and Flag Football. These programs experienced a 10% to 20%growth rate in 1992 and 1993. The same is expected in 1995 and 1996. • Facility rentals through outside organizations continue to increase. Total rentals during non- programmed hours numbered 49 for 1993 and for 1994 totalled 106. If this trend continues, both Neighborhood Centers will be rented to maximum capacity by 1996. ad AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS • Programs continue in popularity at Kennydale, Sierra Heights, Tiffany Park and Talbot Hill Elementary Schools . These programs provided recreation opportunities to over 70,000 children in 1994. This is an increase of over 1,000 participants from 1993. If these programs continue to grow at this rate without additional staff or facility space, the quality of these programs will be greatly effected. 1995 - 1996 OBJECT1VEs • Implement program to upgrade signage for city tennis courts. • Continue part-time staff training for bloodborne pathogens. • Review Youth Symphony status as a Parks Department program. • Continuation of summer lunch program working with Renton School District, Salvation Army and Human Services Division. • Explore co-sponsored adult athletic leagues with neighboring cities. • Begin to program activities specifically designed for youth at risk of high school age. • Implement select girls basketball program. • Develop a manual for all part-time employees and volunteers who work with developmentally disabled participants. • Expand Summer Concert Series with Ivar's to a larger venue to accommodate more patrons. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 '' 1995 1996 Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected' Athletic Programs 64,114 70,182 70,182 78;382 81,539 Carco Theatre/Cultural 38,821 1 38,195 ` 36,551 38,500 ' 39,000 Arts Programs Teen Programs 7001 801 .950 1180 Highlands Neighhd Center 52,874 ':, 53,194 ` 52,640 : 53,339 ' 53,569 Summer Only 10,11211,212' 11,212 11,396 11,469 N. Highlnds Neighhd Ctr 35,888 : 36,200 36,200 : 36,433 36,699 Summer Only 7,939 8,443 10,123 8696 9,011 After School Programs 69,106 70,000 68,477 71,289 : 71,563 Developmentally Disabled 3,691 3,043! 2,948 5,018 5,018 Community Center 211,120 : 222,000 247,743 : 225,000 : 235,000 Special Events 17,000 : 170001 18,700 ' 20,570 Picnic Shelter Rentals 28,573 25,461 25,461 25,820 26,700 ;Gene Coulon Beach Park 997,000 1 '> 1,066,790 : 1,066,790 's 1,100,000 : 1,120,000 Kennydale Beach Park 3,500 : 3,500 : 4,000 4,500 Henry Moses Pool 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 `T CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2.88 Id FUND: MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTEM (404) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Golf Course !OBJECTIVE To maintain a viable, well managed and self supporting golf course facility for the enjoyment of the public. The operating portion of the Golf Course budget is included in this section. The facility is an 18-hole golf course, added to the recreation program in 1985. PROGRAM A,CTI VITY sr This facility is currently maintained by the City and operated by a concessionaire. In late 1995 and early 1996, it is anticipated that the new driving range, clubhouse and pro shop will be opened. At that time the City will either take over operations or re-negotiate the concessionaires contract. arr % % APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 :,A:995:: 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95' 95- 96 ..............:,.::.::::.:. . ..............................::::::::.::...........................:......::::.::::::.:::::::::::..:::::::::.: ::::; Regular Salaries 137,223; 139,536: 135,722:: 192,073: 317,215: 37.7 : 65.2% Part Time SalariesS4,'908' 61,'110: 59,441: 59,810: 84,`810: -2.1C 41.8% Overtime 1, 687:: 2,5781 3,7531 2,630; 5,734 2. 0%' 118.0% Personnel Benefits 56 808' 62,967' 58,814: 88,007€ 153,'496: >39.8%' 74.4 70, 149: 77,300; 77,942: 71,904: 130, 195:: -7.0%:: 81.1% Supplies Other Svcs &Charges' 192,514:` 220,394: 217,210: 231,028' 176,307 4.8$' -23.7% 0` r Oper Capital Outlay 0: 0 0: 35,000- 0.0%: 100.0$ Debt Service 2,601,451: 413,595: 1,331,721: 558,>779: 858,Q34: 35.1'$ 53.6% Interfund Transfers 20,208; 21,2291 21,2291 29, 166: 30, 041: 37.4$' 3.0% aw TOTAL 3, 134,948: 998;709 1,905,832, 1,233,397. 1,790,832: 23.5 45>.2$ ow STAFFIEVG LEVELS 1993 , 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget'' Actual Budget Budget , , Full Time 4 .0 4 .0' 4 .0 6. 0 9. 0 Part Time 0. 0 0. 0 _ 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 3. 4 2 . 9 2 5 2 9 2 . 9 + r TOTAL 7 . 4 6.9 6. 9 8. 9 11 . 9 BUDGET SUMMARY 1995 - Overall budget increases are projected at 23.5%. rr In late 1995, the Golf Course anticipates opening the new driving range facility. This facility is a part of the $5 million capital improvement revenue bond issue sold in 1994. The opening of this facility will result in a 38% increase in salaries and benefits with the addition of the Golf Course Manager (projected hire date April 1995) and an Office Assistant (projected hire date October 1995). a Debt Service will increase 35.1% as the fund begins making payments on the 1994 debt. However, this figure includes only one interest payment as the first payment was a part of a reserve established per the revenue bond covenants. aw CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET Or 2.89 FUND: MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTEM (404) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Golf Course For 1996, overall budget increases are projected at 45.2% over 1995s budget. Ali By early 1996, it is anticipated that the new clubhouse and pro shop will be opened. Included in this increase are three new positions projected to be hired January 1996. These positions include a Golf Professional, Assistant Golf Professional and Custodian in addition to the two new positions hired in 1995. Also projected are increases to part-time salaries (41.8%) and overtime accounts (118.0%). Supplies are projected to increase 81.1% over 1995, $20,000 of this appropriation is to provide additional funds for stocking of supplies for resale in the new pro shop. Other Services and Charges are projected to decrease -23.7% as the result of an on staff Golf Professional, eliminating the need to hire outside services. Debt Service will increase 53.6% over 1995 as the first full interest and debt service payments are due. 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS _ _ • Opened holes 10, 11 and 18 for play. • Paved cart paths on holes 10-18. • Began site work on driving range and clubhouse. a • Maintained acceptable level of play through construction. • Continued turf program on existing greens, tees and fairways. • Continued to update irrigation system. • Began reconstruction of holes 3 and 9 on the master plan. 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES • Open driving range. • Open Clubhouse and banquet facility. • Begin construction of maintenance building. • Complete irrigation renovation. ► • Open holes 3 and 9 for play. • Continue turf program on greens, tees and fairways. • Accept reservations for 1996 banquet year. • Reconstruction of greens 2 and 5. • Reconstruction of tees 4 and 6. • Continue turf program on green, tees and fairway. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES REVENUE AND GOLF ROUND 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 " PROJECTIONS Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected # of Rounds 68,2491 70, 000; 66,2351 70,000; 70,000 w Revenue from,green'fees $863,684: $900,000; 865,939; $900,0001 $1 000,000 Revenue from driving range $0 $0 $0 $150,000 $300,000 Revenue from banquet S 0 $0; $0 $0 $80,000 facility q CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-90 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Human Services ow OBJECTIVE; To plan and manage social and health services funded by the City and the Community Development Block Grant program. Enriching the lives of Renton residents; providing opportunities for people to help themselves and one another in an effort to prevent future problems from occurring. PRO ACTYVITY ' w" Through an appraisal of needs and conditions in the community, the division coordinates with service providers to deliver services for primarily low to moderate income households. Emphasis is placed on education and prevention. The Division also operates as a source of information and rr referral. % APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94'` 95 95 - 96 XXX .........:.....4' Ft't :*0-:0 T.:.: .....................................:......::.::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..........................................:..::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::.::::::::: . ;.:,::::.:..:.:::...:.;.:: . ` Regular Salaries 56,094: 54,313:: 46,347 72,1151: 78,069; 32.8 8.3% Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0= 0 0.0�: 0.0% Overtime 0 512: 0 216: 222: -57.8%:: 2.8% ar Personnel Benefits' 11,827: 13,156: 13,2191 22,867: 241 207: 73.8%: 5.9 Supplies `: 995: 1, 835:: 535' 1,8811 1,937:: 2.5%: 3.0% Other Svcs 8s Charges 14 162,8 29:: 157,912 168,0421 174,01C 3.2$: 3.6% Intergovernmental : 573,601: 578, 656: 578,258:: 575,280: 592,538: -0.6%:: 3.0% Services +w Capital Outlay 0: 2,500:: .6,797t 0'• 0-100.0$: 0.0% Debt Service : 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0.0%: 0.0% •}}: ..l....... F ti.{Ah.....:.P.} ...5.}J.K•..........;.}}:::}k• ..•+/x.r.F } }}\ \}}:•}}•.. }:i:..... ... }::•} ....;v•;y:•.•.•....v...:. TOTAL 786,6611 813,8011 807,068` 840,4011 870 967€ 3.3%: ' 3.6% ow STAFFING LEVELS' 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 s Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 1 8 1. 3 1 . 3 2 . 0' 2 . 0 *W Part Time _ 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 . 0 . 0 : 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 0 0 0. 0 Q 0 0 0 0. 0 TOTAL : Z . 8 1 . 3 ; 1 . 3 ' 2 . 0 2 . 0 Ow BUDGET SUMMARY 1W In the early 1990's in an effort to reduce general governmental expenditures the Human Services Division began funding a portion of administrative salaries out of CDBG funds. With the 1995 - 1996 budget these salaries have been reinstated in the Human Services budget, which will free up CDBG „r„ funds for other uses. This shift resulted in an overall increase of 3.3% to the Human Services budget as all other line +rr items remained relatively constant at inflationary levels. ow CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET Ow 2-91 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Human Services 4 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • The Renton Emergency Assistance Program helped 40 Renton families with housing and utilities. • The HOME Program assisted 15 Renton families with permanent housing. • Interest free loans were provided to seven Renton low income families for weatherization, health and safety needs. In addition, Activity and Performance Measures below, lists ongoing contracted human services agencies providing services to Renton residents. 1995- 1996 OBJECTIVES • Plan, facilitate and coordinate the delivery of human services. • Continued funding of programs and projects that provide essential services and fund new programs that meet demonstrated needs to Renton residents. • Maintain and upgrade current housing for low and moderate incomes. • Remain a regional partner with other jurisdictions and agencies in the coordination and planning of human services programs. • Provide community awareness on emergent issues through education with emphasis on prevention. • Serve as a source of information and referral on all human services planning and programming. • Identify and assess the human service needs in the community. TRENDS • Emphasis on Health Care Reform, Youth-At-Risk, and Homelessness Prevention. • Increased awareness of regional human service issues with a coordinated funding approach. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES r x 1993 > 1994 1994 1995* 1996* Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected Renton Area Youth & 547 : 796 : 1,147 1,150 1,200 Family Services r KC Sexual Assault 8b 93 124 235 : 280 : 300 Resource Ctr a Domestic Abuse Women's 685 : 566 : 665 500 550 Network Renton'Community Clinic' 5,393 ': 7,340 7,315 7,500 . 8,000 E Friends of Youth 295 287 : 119 : N/A N/A Renton Area Clothes Bank l N/A € 2,784 5,840 5,900 :`• 6,000 Seattle-KC Dept. of Public 19,342 19,465 19,465 20,000 N/A Health ori Summer Food Service N/A 6,750 6,049 6,049 : 6,049 `. Program •Friends of Youth and KC Public Health are not funded for 1995/1996. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2.92 FUND: CDBG (104) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Community Development Block Grant Program OBJECTIVE; To provide a suitable living environment, and expansion of economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income, through the federally funded Community Development Block aw Grant (CDBG) programs. PROGRAM ACTIVITY Each year the City of Renton receives federal Community Development Block Grants that are used for activities which principally benefit low and moderate income people. Funds support programs that provide basic needs such as health care, transportation, emergency services and family irr counseling. Through capital funds, improvements to public facilities, local parks, libraries, and community centers have benefited. Funds also support a housing repair assistance program that maintains and preserves Renton's existing affordable housing. % APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 ' 95 95 96 Regular Salaries 59,8501 57,308:: 69,5791 101,543; 77.2%1 so Part Time Salaries 0'•, 0 0 0•` ** 0.0$ ** Overtime 0 0: 0' 0 ** ** 0 0%:: Personnel Benefits 12,5331; 14,264: 19,131; 29,1771 ** 104.5C **': aw Supplies 11,591:: 37,866: 15,776: 20,400; ** -46.1%: ** Other Svcs & Charges= 62: :585' 80,434; 85,170: 126,835 **- 5'7.7$': ** ,W Capital Outlay : 91,674: 160,482; 132,069: 128,5861 ** ** 19 9$`: Debt Service 0 0` 0` 0 *'* 3.0% TOTAL 238,233:' 350,354; 321,726! 406,541, ** 16 0%, **_ to **CDBG proposed amounts for 1996 are not available. Due to fluctuations of Community Development Block Grant Funds,actual dollars appropriated to CDBG Programs are subject to change throughout the year and may require mid-year budget adjustments. STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996. err Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time1 .2 I . 7 1'' 7 2 01 2 . 0 .r Part Time : 0. 0 0 . 0 : 0 . 0 : 0. 0 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 1 3 ` 1 .3 0 0 1 3 1 '3 R; ........ ......... ........x ....?e:fJ :o-.. ..{+F+wr...K...... TOTAL 2 5 €' 3. 0 , 1, 3 3 3°3 r. BUDGET SUMMARY up In the early 1990's in an effort to reduce general governmental expenditures, the Human Services Division began funding a portion of administrative salaries out of CDBG funds. With the 1995 - 1996 budget these salaries have been reinstated in the Human Services budget. This shift freed up aw approximately$30,000 of CDBG funds. These savings are used in part to fund the new Housing Assistant Specialist position. This person 00 will be responsible for the administration, coordination, public information and monitoring work related to the Housing Repair Assistance Program. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET aw 2-93 FUND: CDBG (104) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Community Development Block Grant Program 1994 ACCOMPL1SHMENTSI The Community Development Block Grant Fund provides services to low and moderate income individuals. The accomplishments of the program are best based upon the services provided, these are outlined below in the Activity and Performance Measures section. 1995- 1996 OBJECTIVES Item Amount BLOCK GRANT-HUMAN SERVICES Apple Parenting Program $5,000 Connections (Respite Care for Seniors) 9,888 Emergency Feeding Program 5,888 Senior Services (Senior Activity Center): Visiting Nurse Services 16,370 Senior Transportation 16, 960 Sub-Total $54,106 40 BLOCK GRANT CAPITAL PROJECTS City of Renton Housing Assistance Program $152,100 go Library Reading Machine 6, 000 City of Renton Lake Washington ADA, Phase I 122,586 Sub-Total $280,686 s BLOCK GRANT PLANNING &ADMINISTRATION Planning &Administration $71,749 Sub-Total $71,749 TOTAL 1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS $40.6,541 ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK' 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996* GRANT PROGRAM Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected Housing Repair Assistance 87 131 126 1 135 150 Pgm Van Go Transportation N/A N/A N/A N/A Senior Center Health 165 113 152 155 1 160 Clinic Renton Clothes Bank*** 1,142 N/A N/A N/A N/A N.W. Aids Foundation 785 N/A `: N/A N/A N/A Apple Parenting 144 280 128 128 128 Connection 9 5 8 8 8 Emergency Feeding N/A � 491 671 671 671 V.I.P.Shuttle/Senior N/A 233 52 500 500 Transportation** While not yet appropriated 1996 projected figures are based upon past history and anticipated future funding. **In 1995 the City will take over the Sr Shuttle services as well increase services offered. ***Renton Clothes Bank services are provided for in the Human Services Division for 1994-1996. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-94 ow FUND: LIBRARY (106) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Library Services 40 OBJECTIVE To provide Library materials and services to help community residents obtain information that meets their personal, educational, and professional needs. The library budget section includes the Renton Historical Museum. PROGRAM,A.CTxYITY There are two City Libraries, the Renton Public Libraryd the anHighlands Library. The Renton Public Library is open 64 hours per week, and is a 22,236 square foot facility. The Highlands Library operates 43 hours per week and provides 6,592 square feet of space. The Libraries serve as a so community information center for popular materials and reference. In addition, the Libraries support students at all K-12 academic levels. Basic activities include: administration, informational services, children's programs, circulation control, technical services, and facilities operation and maintenance. ,W The Library stock includes 146,628 books; 106,904 titles; 5,312 maps; 7,530 recordings, and subscription to 21 newspapers and 420 magazines. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual ...Budget,.. Actual Budget Budget 94 - 95 95 -96 r EXPEN11fJi2E BY37GT . <:. Regular Salaries 524,990: 563,888`• 574,799 580,381, 603,247' 2 9%: 3.9.. Part Time Salaries 89 024; 108,000: 102,202' 110,160: 138,012 2.0 •` 25:3 Overtime 9911 4,200. 233 4,284: 4,391; 2 0%` 2.5% Personnel Benefits 160;559: 199,726`:. 183,014' 189,705; 399,055' -5.0% ; 4.9% Supplies 159, 131: 128,800; 140,956: 132,021: 139,582: 2.5% 5.7% as Other Svcs & Charges i 391 998; 48,250: 37,911a 49,4581 50,940; 2 5$ 3 '0 ' Capital Outlay 0: 0: o' 0: 18,000€ o.0% 0.0% Debt Service 0: 0 o`•. 0' o 0.0%-: 0.;.0%.' TOTAL 979;693 1,052,864 39, 1,0 115 1',066,A09 1,'153,227 1 2$' 8.24r 4W STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 5. 3 15 3 15 3 15. 3' 15.>3 Part Time 0. 0 0. 0 0. 0 _ 0. 0 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 5 6 S 8 (5- 3 ......... .:.....:. n...xx '{\ ..{:{'M.} r:.:Yi{.k{..J..}%..}%• .nv...,}]L{{4'::rik.v.' •.{n.r }•.} 5 5 q 8 0 }} 2 1 7 s.... .rr..... �.... ......... ........,. ....... .a......w:..::} ?bTAL , 1 21 . 6 ; 21 . 1 21 .1 No BUDGET SUMMARY Overall the library budget remained stable at inflationary levels. An offsetting increase/decrease is to seen in the repairs & maintenance and other rentals accounts. This shift in funds is a result of the libraryautomation project. Once this project is completed in the Spring of 1995, the rental of check machines will no longer be necessary; however, this will be offset by an annual maintenance fee on the new hardware/software. rr While there is no budgetary impact to the library division, the salaries and travel expenses for museum operations were separated out for 1995-1996 from library services to allow for better tracking of the expenditures of this department. owCITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-95 FUND: LIBRARY (106) DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Division: Library Services 1994 ACCOMPUBHMENTs • Participation in children's programs increased by 300 percent in the last two years. Renewed emphasis on service and new librarian working with children one more day per week has greatly improved program. • Interlibrary Loans have grown from 70 items borrowed in 1987 to 1,011 items borrowed in 1994. The net result is a substantial savings to citizens and library since materials do not need to be purchased. • Retrospective conversion project completed. Over 95,000 titles added to the WLN electronic bibliographic database since 1987. 1995 - 1996 OBJEcir"S' • Library Automation Project will be completed in 1995. Increased check-out and tracking of library materials will be done in a highly efficient manner. • Introduce the public to and train on public access computer terminals for effective use of library collections and services. • Reciprocal library use agreement with the King County Library System is proposed for 1996. • Museum Supervisor, new program, works with the Renton Historical Society to operate museum. Increased public service hours, rotating exhibits, more publicity, and update of Master Plan are in the works. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected Total Circulation * ** 281, 647 's 290, 000 282,100 300,000 360,000 Registered Library Card Holders 9,982 10,'000 91879 11,000 13,000 Total Library Book Budgets 114, 000 1 114,000 123,554 180, 000 200, 000 (Adopted Appropriation) Total Volumes Purchased 10,169 7,800 7,449 1 12,000 13,000 Total Titles Purchased 6,026 1 4, 800 4,487 6,000 7,000 Total Volumes 146,628 1 145,000 145,800 150,000 155,000 rrYi Total Titles 107, 851 102, 000 102,400 108, 000 114, 000 Titles Borrowed from Other 707 800 1,011 900 1,000 Libraries; Renton Library Titles Loaned 1, 094 2,000 2,466 2, 500 3,000 Special Program Attendance '51988 6,'000 6,210 7,000 8,000 *Reciprocal agreement with King County Library System in 1996 will increase usage. i **Strike from November 9-24, 1993, had an impact on usage of libraries. CITY OF RENTON 1995.1996 BUDGET 2-96 yr DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Position Listing 1993 1994 1994 1995. 1995' Grade Tlt1e Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget as Community Services/Human Services 23 Human Services Manager 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 7 Human Services Office Technician 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 TOTAL HUMAN SERVICES. 1.8 1.3 1.3as 2.0 2.0 Community Services/Parks Administration 43 Community Services Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 it 37 Recreation Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 37 Parks Director 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 37 Facilities Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 29 Recreation Mgr * 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 or 25 Capital Improvmt Proj Coord 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 Resource Coord 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Open Space Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11 Admin Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Office Assistant III 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 (.2 Open Space/Reimbursed) Recreation Mgr to remain vacant until funding is available. TOTAL PARKS ADMINISTRATION9.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 9:'0 Community Services/General Services iw 26 Bldg Mtc Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 25 Capital Impry Proj Coord 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 20 Bldg Mtc Supvsr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 to 19 HVAC Systems Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 17 Custodial Services Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 Bldg Maint Wkr II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13 Bldg Maint Wkr I 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10 Lead Mtc Custodian 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Maintenance Custodian 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4 Lead Custodian 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 `rr 1 Custodian (2) 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 TOTAL GENERAL SERVICES 17.8 18.8 18.818.8 18.8 Community Services/Parks Facilities/Landscaping o► 26 Park Mtc Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 Park Maint Supervisor 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 15 Vehicle&Eq Mechanic II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ow 15 Lead Park Mtc Wkr 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 11 Park Maintenance Worker III 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 3 Park Maintenance Worker I 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 TOTAL FACILITIES/LANDSCAPING 20.0 204020.0 21 0 22.0 Community Services/Parks Community Center 18 Recreation Program Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 14 Recreation Specialist II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Maintenance Custodian 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5 Lead Office Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 Custodian 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1 Office Assistant I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 7.7 ' 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 Or up CITY OF RENTON 2-97 1995-1996 BUDGET DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Position Listing 1993 1994 1994 1995,::::: 1996 GradeTitlt Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Community Services/Parks Senior Center 20 Senior Services Coord 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 14 Recreation Specialist II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Maintenance Custodian 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Secretary I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL`SENIOR!CENTER 4.0 4.>A 4.0 4.0 4.0 ' Community Services/Parks Recreation Services 25 Recreation Supervisor 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 18 Recreation Program Coordinator 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 14 Recreation Specialist II 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 11 Recreation Specialist I (1 New) 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 6 Desktop Publishing Operator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTALRECREATION''SERVICES 10.0 9:'0 9.0 10.0 10.0 Community Services/Library 37 Library Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Assistant Library Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 12 Museum Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Library Administration 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 17 Librarian (.8 FTE to 1.0 FTE) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 12 Library Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9 Library Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 Library Assistant I 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 7 Library Technical Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 s 3 Office Assistant II 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Total Library Services 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 TOTAL LIBRARY 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 Community Services/Golf Course 26 Golf Course Manager 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 20 Golf Professional 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 20 Golf Course Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11 Grounds Equipment Mechanic 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 «. 11 Golf Course Maintenance Worker II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9 Assistant Golf Professional 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 7 Golf Course Maintenance Worker I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Office Assistant III 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1 Custodian 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 TOTAL GOLF COURSE 4.0 4 0 4.0 6.0 9.0 a Community Services/Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) 23 Human Services Manager 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 15 Housing Asstant Specialist 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 7 Housing Maintenance Worker 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Human Sv Office Tech 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 111 TOTAL''CDBG 1.2 1.7 1.'7 2.'0 2.0' TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES 91.3 90:8 90.8 95.8 99.8'' CITY OF RENTON 2-98 1995-1996 BUDGET ire Public Works lr bw 60 "IN ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .a. Planning, Building, Public Works (P/B/PD) Department Gregg Zimmerman Administrator 156.4 Total FTE Admin Analyst Admin Secretary 11 Office Asst I nsa 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 5 FTE Development Planning/Tech Utility Transportation Maintenance Services Services Systems Systems Services 34.0 FTE 13.5 FTE 19.4 FTE 30.6 FTE 55.5 FTE rrr Dev Svcs Dir-1.0 FTE Utility Sys Dir- 1.0 FTE Transp Sys Dir-1.0 FTE Mtc Se►v Dir- 1.0 FTE Ping/Tech Sv Dir-1.0 FTE ar Admn Sec I- 1.0 FTE Adm Sec I-1.0 FTE Adm Sec I- 1.0 FTE Office Asst II-1.0 FTE Dev/P/annine Secretary II-1.0 FTE Office Asst II- 1.0 FTE Secretary I- 1.0 FTE Dt Be Sys Tech - 1.0 FT Principal Plnr- 1.0 FTE Office Assist III Mtc Buyer- 1.0 FTE Sr Planner-2.0 FTE 1.0 FTE 11 salt Water Util Sys Transp Planning porch Asst- 1.0 FTE Assoc Planner- 1.0 FTE Supervisor- 1.0 FTE Principal Planners Supervisor- 1.0 FTE p Secretary I- 1.0 FTE 2.0 FTE Transp Plnr- 1.0 FTE Street/Solid Wste Maintenance irlr Office Asst II- 1.0 FTE Sr Planners- 1.0 FTE Civil Engr III- 2.0 FTE Civil Eng II- 1.0 FTE Manager- 1.0 FTE Engr Spec 1-11- 2.0 FTE Mtc Svc Spvr - 1.0 FTE Public Works Assoc Planners-2.0 FTE Design Lead Mtc Wkr-3.0 FTE +sr lncpecfions &Permits Civil Engr 11 - 1.0 FTE Trans Eng Supr-1.0 FTE Mtc Sv Wkr -9.0 FTE Supervisor- 1.0 FTE Office Assist II- .5 FTE Prog Dev Coord- 1.0 FTE Sol Wst Wkr- 1.0 FTE Tachrvcal Sary +rr Eng Spec II - III Eng Spec III-2.0 FTE (Mt Sv Wkr-1.0 1998) 4.0 FTE Manager- 1.0 FTE Waste Wtr Ut/l S Civil Engr III-3.0 FTE Wastewtr/SurfacIFTE Dev Sv Rep- 1.0 FTE Mapping Supvr- 1.0 FTE Engineering Lead-1.0 FT Maintenance Manager- 1.0 qtr Field Eng Spec- 5.0 FTE Prop Mgt Spvr- 1.0 FTE Engr Spec III-2.0 FTE Transp Operations Mtc Svc Spvr- 1. LIN Locator- 1.0 FTE Eng Spec 1- 1.5 FTE Manager- 1.0 FTE Mtc Svc Wkr- 9. rr Office Asst III Surface Wtr U61 Sys Civil Eng II - 1.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Supervisor- 1.0 FTE Water Maintenance Buildi� Engr Spec II-2.0 FTE Manager- 1.0 FTE Inspections & Permits Civil Engr 1-III- 3.0 FTE Transp Maint +ra+ Wtr Mtc Supvr- 1.0 FTE Building Official- 1.0 FTE Supervisor- 1.0 FTE Mtc Svc Spvr- 1.0 FTE Eng Spec- 1.0 FTE Wtr Oual Tech- 1.0 FTE Secretary II-1.0 FTE Sig/Ela Sys Tech-4.0 FT sMr Wtr Mtc Tech- 1.0 FTE Bld/Ld Use Inspector Traffic Sin&Pnt 7.0 FTE Solid Waste g Mr Trtmt Oper- 1.0 FTE Coordinator- .9 FTE Supervisor- 1.0 FTE Lead Mtc Wkr- 2.0 FTE Public Info Counter Sig/Ele Sys Asst- 2.0 FT ser Mtc Sv Wkr-9.0 FTE Bldg Plan Reviewer Program Spec- 1.0 FTE Off Asst III - .b FTE Meter Reader-2.0 FTE 1.0 FTE Assoc Plnr- 1.0 FTE Trf Mtc Wk 11 - 2.0 FTE srlr Vehicle & Dev Sv Rep- 1.0 FTE Airport Equipment Maintenance Office Asst II- 2.0 FTE Supervisor-1.0 FTE Supervisor-1.0 FTE sea Secretary I- .5 FTE Eng Spec I-.5 FTE Mechanic- 3.0 FTE Maint Wkr- 1.0 FTE Mach Asst- 1.0 FTE star CITY OF RENTON 2.99 1995-1996 BUDGET ar 4 FUNDS: GENERAL (000); STREETS (103);WATERWORKS UTILITY (401); AIRPORT (402); SOLID WASTE UTILITY (403); EQUIPMENT RENTAL (501) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division:All OBJECTIVE The continuing goal of the Planning, Building, and Public Works Department (P/B/PV) is a �1 commitment to service. In order to react to demands for building and land use permits, growth management, infrastructure maintenance and other concerns, in 1990 the department was organized into six divisions to meet the department's goal of providing the best possible customer services. Division responsibilities are briefly described below to provide an overview of department services. °lo APPROPRIATION ! 1994 1:99.4 1994 1995 1996 Change Change'' Actual $udget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95 -96 EXPENDTI URES BY DIVISION Administration 276,077; 263,380: 258,894; 251,096: 264,006: -4.7$: 5.1� rli Development Services 287i 2,148,901 2,376,820 2,223,8251 21312,070, 5%: 4.0 Maintenance Services 10,847,719:11,866,498:10,496,162:12,350,930:13,534,594: 4.14s: 9.6% : Planning/Technical Svcs941,6791: 1,068 689: 1,178,071; 1,065,72711 1,064,3 1 95 -0.'3$: Transportation Systems 2,706,315: 2,956,597:: 2,799,249: 3,135,782: 3,213,197: 6.1%: 2.5% 26,133,499 17 600,463 16 970 053 16 454 1666 Utlht}� Systems I < ' , . , , , 39 16 r 5466 5% 13%i n....::: .:•.M:-0.•.-0.4 ........+}.v}}:...-0..:::}Y�.YrvX{ON.{{:({\'N .::{...:i•.�.\:}::...:.. .::...F..{:. {.......{i ......� .rr.f.IX.:. } .....�. .:....::. }}• n..,...F k{•.r....:: ..r:.....JF.:A.ti TOTAL'' 43,211 576-35,904,52834,0'79,249:35,966,336::37,531 205:1 0.'219`' 4.0 % % APPROPRIATION 1994 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change' ActualBudget Actual Budget Budget 94 ->95 95 - 96 EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION(PuBLIC wom GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL) Administration 276,077; 263,380: 258,894; 251,096; 264,006: -4.7%: 5.18 (General Fund) DwCJeeloep aent Fund�ices` 2,306,287: 2,198,901: 2,376,820: 2,223,825 2,312,0701 3.5% 4.0% Maintenance Services: 2,045,438: 1,699,4001 1,569,176: 1,773,2361 1,904,2012: 4.3%: 7.4% (Street Fund) Planning/Technical Svcs: 941,679:: 1,068,689? 11 178,0711 1,065,72-7! 1,064,395:: 0.3% -0.1% (General.FWtd) Transportation Systems 2,361,957:: 2,548,5031 2,439,4961 2, 633,2251 2,738,679: 3.3£: 4.0% (Street Fund) • ':• fib . rfi ::.:} w : F::.:r TOTAL 7,931,438 7,728,873: 7,822 9571' 7,947,109: 8,283,351: 28%, 4.2$ EXPENDPI'URE BY OBJECT Regular Salaries 6,008,4891 6,570,5721 6,179,8601 6,715,896:: 7,049,545: 2.2%t 5.0% Part Time Salaries 339,89D 286,6991 3891576: 361,785: 321;2091 26,2%: -11.2% Overtime 130,679:: 151,215:: 148,622: 157,238: 161,094: 4.0%:: 2.5% Personnel Benefits = 1,904,0011 2,338,9871 1j572 -1 112,180,9281 2,275;8651 -6.8%: 4.9$ Supplies : 941,479: 1,144,128: 954,536: 1,196,337 1,298,032 4.6%: 8.5% Other Svcs& Charges=12,164,718113,131,254;13,357,295:130187,603:14,373,8751,13.5%€ 8.7% Intergovernmental Svcs : 4,361,5861 3,424,5431 3,380,338 3,614,433 2,968,9651 7.8%: -17.5% Capital Outlay 1,042,418. 561,4301' 509,667:' 881,168: 767 518: 57.0%: -12.9$ Debt Service ::12, 618,756:: 4,553,148:: 3,520,955:: 4,575,794:: 5,142,577:: 0.5%: 12.4% Loans to OtherFund l=. 400,000; 0 of o: o 0;.M o.o Interfund Payments3,299,565 3,742,553:: 3,666,219:: 2, 610,317:: 2,696,1281 -30,3%: 3.3% : xw:{ TOTAL :43,211,$76135,904,528:34,079,249:'35,481,499:37,054,808; -0.2$, 4.4$` CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2.100 FUNDS: GENERAL (000); STREETS (103);WATERWORKS UTILITY (401); V' AIRPORT (402); SOLID WASTE UTILITY (403); EQUIPMENT RENTAL (501) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division:All 5"1,AFFtNG LEt1r5 1993! 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual "Budget Actual; Budget Budget Administration 4 0 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Development Services 3 4:0 3 3.0 3 4.0 l 3 4 0 34. 0 Maintenance Services 58.0 55.5 5 5 .5 55 .5 5 6.5 rr _ Planning/Technical Svcs<; 13'.1 14.1 ;13.5; 13 5 13.5 Transportation Systems 31.0 3 0 5 30.5 3 0.5 30.5 _ +■a Utility Systems = 19 5 19.5 19.41 19. 4 19.4 TOTAL.REGULAR STAFFINCr ; 159 6 15 6.1 15 fi.4` 15 6'. 4 157.4 err Temporary Part Time i 17 1 14 . 1 17 . 0 14 . 1 14 .1 ..i+.5:4.. .;.!..G.C,•7.:.s.:,£^:,..4'C.•\'Xn'f•.<C:;^:5:,'iai.. .... ',:.',..!•,LichwsSSF`�'.,•%`fiCil.4SS575.s,L;t<;,a,MXx•<,S:;cF:'^k.•F", 4:;*FdG<5.:.^.:.^•.i�Gfi7RFh£:6(G4:4:d9Y" a :::.,xs ff:aiX{f.`:•75F'•9FPf'r ..,•r F<;:%/.•.R.F::r TOTAL.BTAIrial vCi :17-6.1 17 0.2 17 3. 4' 170.5 171.5 yr BUDGET SUMMARY The budget for Administration will decrease by 5%. This savings is caused by a decrease in labor costs which is a result of changes in staffing. Other personnel cost changes have been included. �= The budget for Development Services increased by 4% in total. There is a 6% increase in salaries due in part to the movement of a planning position from Planning/Technical Services to Development Services. An increase in consultant services (Other Services and Charges) is offset by savings in •+ personnel benefits. Other personnel cost changes have been included. All other line items have been increased by 2.5 and 3.0 percent for 1995 and 1996, respectively, as has been granted to all departments. No There are no significant changes to the Maintenance Services budget for 1995 and 1996. Personnel cost changes have been included. The Planning/Technical Services salaries budget decreased due to moving a planning position to No Development Services. This was offset by an increase in part time salaries to cover a temporary Contract Associate Planner position. Other personnel cost changes have been included. The 1995 budget for Transportation Systems increased by 6%. The majority of this is due to an _' increase of$75,000 in Airport Capital Outlay to rehabilitate the southeast taxilane and an increase in Equipment Rental Capital Outlay. Continued repair of various service vehicles is no longer cost efficient and these will be replaced in 1995. Personnel cost changes have been included. 00 The 1995 budget for Utility Systems decreased by 4%. The majority of this decrease is in Interfund Payments and is caused by a change in reporting. Water, Wastewater, and Surface water utilities now pay the General Fund directly for indirect costs rather than paying Utility Administration (also aw part of the Utility Systems department). In prior years, the indirect costs were both reported in each utility as a reimbursement to Utility Administration and in Utility Administration as a reimbursement to the General Fund offset by expenditure credits in Utility Administration. "' The Planning/Building/Public Works Department operations are financed by eight funds including: General, Street, Water/Wastewater/Surface Water Utility, Airport, Solid Waste Utility, Equipment Rental, and Transportation and Water/Wastewater/Surface Water Capital Improvement Funds (reimbursement for planning, design, management, and inspection services). In 1995, $7,947,109 will come from the General and Street Funds which are general government funds, reflecting increases of approximately$218,236 from the 1994 budget. The balance of$28,019,227 is generated by proprietary and capital improvement funds, for a total operating budget of$35,966,336 in 1995. The divisions in the General and Street Funds provide goods and/or services to the proprietary and CIP funds. Payment for those goods and services is made by means of reimbursements between funds in the form of interfund payments. Only operating funds are shown, including Equipment Rental new and replacement vehicles at the end of this section. Capital Fund expenditures for Transportation, Utilities, and Airport are shown in the Capital Improvement Plan Table. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET i.. 2-101 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS 4 Division: Administration OBJECTIVE To provide management and direction for the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. PROGRAM ACTIVITY The Administration Division provides managerial direction and oversight for the City's Water, Wastewater, Surface Water, and Solid Waste Utilities; Development Services; Planning and Technical j Services; Transportation and Airport Systems; and activities related to the maintenance and improvement of the public works infrastructure. The Division ensures responsive and efficient performance by establishing and implementing priorities, policies and procedures; and by working with the City Council, Executive and other departments, and outside agencies to achieve the City's goals. Activities include financial management, support for the Board of Public Works, develop and manage department-wide training, and handle all personnel related actions of the department. . . ........... APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget. Budget 94 95 95 - 96 :.............................................. .. ... ......... it CPir VDI"f`t i .0 '. :<? < `.>'.:°......::>':: > ::.. . .. <: > > > > `><> <> <'::'>;>'» > >> >`'' <„ .....:.................... ..:........ ...................................::::::::::............................. .......... .......... .............::..:....... Regular Salaries 198,554; 181,929; 169,851: 172,327: 182,412: -5.3%; 5.9% Part Time Salaries 10,130: 16,000; 17, 519. 16,320: 16,6461 2:01 2.0% Overtime 0 100; 0 102; 105; 2.0%: 2.9% Personnel Benefits 53,144- 54,836: 50,5261 51,5671 53,7391 -6'.0$: 4.2% Supplies 2,654 3,700 1,791 3,793: 3,907: 2.5%': 3.0% Other Svcs & Charges 5,044: 6,815: 19,2076 6,987' 7,197: 2'.5%: 3.0% Capital Outlay : 6,55V 0 0 OE 0: 0.0V 0.0% Debt Service 01 0€ 01 0 01' 0.0$1 0.0'b' TOTAL 276,077 263,380 258,894, 251,096: 264,006- -4'!W 5.1% >,m STAFFING LEVELS .1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 3. 0 1 3.0 3. 0 3. 0 " Part Time 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Temporary Part Time 0 9 0.1 0.9 0. 9 ....fMrr.{i{4 nv...iY }Y.{i{ST:n... .....0..} K f.kfi:{{�%fi ..r..,... ...r.,.... r!!..\Y r.{{fr r fA}T..rs/ ..... 0/f.-0^Od•}....:.Y ......y.. ........:: TOTAL 4.4 4> 4 3.6 4 4 4. 4 BUDGET SUMMARY. The budget for Administration will decrease by 5% in 1995. This savings is caused by a decrease in } labor costs which is a result of changes in staffing. Other personnel cost changes have been included. All other line items have been increased by 2.5% and 3.0% for 1995 and 1996, respectively, as has been granted to all departments. 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Stabilized the department and operations through a leadership transition period; filled several key management positions. • Reorganized clerical support to accommodate 0.5 FTE reduction in staff. • Implemented new rates for the Water, Wastewater, and Surface Water Utilities. • Revised rates for low-income seniors and disabled customers. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-102 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Administration • Initiated and implemented several redevelopment adjustments to the System Development too Charges to the utilities. • Completed a utility fee analysis. • Continued tracking and invoicing Supplemental Development Fees in cooperation with the No Finance Department. • Initiated monthly invoices for the utility special billings. • Coordinated financing and outside funding for utility capital improvement projects. WW • Provided support to the Board of Public Works. • Managed development; initiated and presented several new policies to Council including the Comprehensive Plan and elements required by Growth Management. r • Represented the City in numerous state and regional planning efforts for compliance with Growth Management regulations. 1995 - 1996',Objectives • Continue designing and providing training programs, addressing personnel issues, providing overall management, policy and procedures development for the department. • Continue supporting the Board of Public Works. ow0 Continue providing representation on organizations concerning regional policies and issues. • With Finance, review revenue bonding procedures to look for possible cost savings. • With a reduction of 0.5 FTE in clerical support, this Division will provide less clerical support to .r this and other divisions in the Department, such as purchasing, copying and filing. • Provide assistance in financing utility capital improvement projects and updating the utilities rate model. Continue monitoring fee revenue and services expenditures for compliance with Council policies. • Continue tracking and invoicing Supplemental Development Fees, Transportation CIP transfers, and utility special billings. • Update Utility Rates annually. .r� • Implement new utility fees. • Update the System Development Charges to 1995 figures. ow ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES " ' 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual ProjectedActual Projected Projected +rr Completed Trans. CIP Monthly 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Transfers ($) $645,185 $575,000 $618,827 $601,500 $617,185 Completed Utility Special NIA 100% 100% 100% 100% Billings Monthly; Completed Supp Dev Monthly 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Billings ($) $66,300 $45,000 $37,481 N/A N/A Support to Board of Public :, 100% 60% 50% 60% 100% Works Regional Representation on 100% 60% 50% 100% 100% Issues vrr +rr CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ■• 2-103 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Development Services OBJECTIVE Create and maintain a safe and pleasant physical environment by ensuring compliance with codes and land use regulations, by providing a public information counter and plan review of new construction, issuance of building permits and inspection services, and overseeing environmental and land use planning issues related to development. PROGRAM ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Responsible for the processing and administering of all current land use actions as well as subdivisions, the State Environmental Policy Act, and the City's Shoreline Master Program. Also provides staff support to the Environmental and Site Plan Review Committees, the Hearing Examiner, and the Board of Adjustment. This section will participate with the Long Range Planning Division in writing the new zoning regulations to enact the new land use comprehensive plan. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS AND PERMITS Reviews construction plans for compliance with City codes, including Utility Regulations and Transportation Standards. Performs construction inspection for public works projects. A public information counter is located on the 4th floor to handle inquiries for utility and transportation items. BUILDING INSPECTIONS AND PERMITS r: Performs building, electrical, plumbing, and related inspections for projects under construction, along with inspection of dangerous buildings and housing, to ensure compliance with the Building, Energy, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, Sign, and Land Use Codes. The public information counter is located on the 3rd floor of City Hall. Land use applications are also accepted at this location. ADMINISTRATION Provides overall management and oversight of Division. Handles problems and issues arising from j development applications. 5 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-104 FUND: GENERAL (000) �•► DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Development Services b/o % APPROPRIA'TIQN 1993; 1994! 1994 1995 1996 Change Change' ! Actual Budget Actual; Budget Budge : 94-95; 95t 96'' :. ................................................................................... . ......... Re ar Salaries 1 1,364,8921 1,402,4541 1,396,103: 1,485,201: 1,544,6231 5.9$ 4.0 PartTime Salanes 71.?21= 54,569 47,074 55,661. 5 6,773' 2.0%. 2.0 Overtime 25,703: 24,140: 34,341: 24,623: 25,239 2.0$: 2.5 Personnel Benefits; 15 i:614! 489,3141 431,9051 460,829: 478#406: -15 8$1 3.8 �+ Supplies : 17,430; 20,773; 10,726: 21,293; 21,933; 2.5$: 3.0 Other Svcs &Charges. 367,;977 157,651 940,809; 176,210' 1$5,0961 13 $$ 5 0 Capital Outlay 42,950: 0: 15,862: 0 0: 0.0$: 0.0 t Debt Service; 0 0 0: 0 0: :0 0$: 00 .,{':....,....Y.t'a:.h}.S.}....}4....3::4+tlOf.OkLti,^.t$ ,F,$...YhKii�{{3^C,,.,' ,.R�9;i$.iif';[•.':•ii55.5f£KSS }:;1ii5^:{$,.IiY,•ir't.$.^C'.:;$ii;iS�:K:$}... '?.;S.i$PSj!:�.'t?;9fi�,xtg%F..w........3vv II{ ....:... .....{... •::.. TOTAL 2 306,2$7,2,'148,901:2,376,820:2,223,825; 2,312, 0701 3.5$ 4.0 +r STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget .Full Time 34 :'0 33.0 34. 0 34 .0 34. 0 Part Time 0 . 0 0. 0 0.0 _ 0. 0 0. 0 Temporary Part Time 2 4 2 0 2 0 2 . 0 2. 0 '� Z:i:..v ... ......... :.,}........{M?S.Fi{.^f,.: ........F.2{Fi'F .:.../.. F ..F...... F!.. ToT,a 36. 4 35.0 ; 36.0 : 36: 0 36.0 a. BUDGET SUMMARY The budget for Development Services increased by 4% in total. There is a 6% increase in salaries due in part to the movement of a planning position from Planning/Technical Services to Development aw Services. An increase in consultant services (Other Services and Charges) is offset by savings in personnel benefits. Other personnel cost changes have been included. All other line items have been increased by 2.5% and 3.0% for 1995 and 1996, respectively, as has been granted to all to departments. General revenues are the major sources of support for Development Services. The Division generates building, electrical and mechanical permit fees, plan check, plan review fees, and land use and �" environmental review fee revenue. Inspection, counter and plan review services are also performed by Development Services for city capital improvement projects with reimbursements credited back to the Development Services section budgets. Supplemental fees fund staff for more complex projects. ow 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Land use plans processed in 1994 include Safeway, Renton Dodge, Willing Subdivision, Imperial Bingo, Cedar River Senior Housing, Summit Park, G&K Services and numerous short plats and other applications. • Building;permit'values in 1994 are up from 1993. Through June1993„the values were $56,448,000'with revenues of$375,898. In 1994 through June, the value is$71,363,787 with revenues Of'$493,662. CITY OF RENTON 1995. 1996 BUDGET +r 2-105 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Development Services 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES • Both Building Inspection and Permitting Counters will process and review an estimated 3,500 building related permits annually, valued at approximately $114 million, plus public street and utility improvements. Plan review regulations concerning utilities and transportation improvements will be reviewed and modified to provide more efficient service. • The Development Planning Division will process approximately 175 land use applications. The zoning regulation modifications to enact the new comprehensive land use plan will need to be completed and refined, along with fee review and possible modifications. • Public Works Inspectors will perform an estimated 12,000 inspections annually for private projects plus an increasing number of inspections for Utilities and Transportation CIP projects. We are committed to providing the most responsive methods of operation and services possible given the resources provided. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Projected;, Actual'; Projected Projected Building Permit Valuation i $98,385,628 $101,400,400 $180,163,156 ? $104,300,000 $107,500,000 Building Permit Revenue $ 812,076 $ 860,000 $1,103,041 $843,000 $ 858,225 Building Permits Processed 3,000 ' 3,500 5,289 3,500 3,500 Land Use Applications 1s3 170 57 170 176 Processed Public Works Permits 218 300 390 300 315 Processed Public WorksInspections', 15,000 12,000 N/A 12,000 12,000 Water Meter Applications 137 195 131 195 204 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-106 FUNDS: STREET (103/16);AIRPORT (402/16) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Transportation Systems wr OBJECTIVE' To plan, design, construct, operate and maintain a transportation system that provides safe and efficient movement of people and goods; enhances environmental quality; and is compatible with local and regional mobility goals and development objectives. _ _ ... PROGRAM ACTIVITY TRANSPORTATION DESIGN - Prepares the Six-Year Transportation Capital Improvement Program (TCIP); writes and manages grants; and coordinates transportation improvements with other agencies. Provides project management, design and construction engineering for roadways, walkways, traffic r signals, street lighting, signing, channelization, and bridges. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING - Transportation Planning is responsible for the development of the Renton ow Arterial, HOV, and transit programs, development of concurrency management systems related to required transportation improvements, local transit service and long range Regional Transit Authority coordination, and Transportation Demand Management/Commute Trip Reduction (TDM and CTR) implementation. Renton has fourteen major employers affected by the State CTR Law, and the 40 section works with major employers to develop and implement programs. The section also manages the travel demand forecasting model which is used to develop multimodal plans and provide a basis for future traffic volumes developed for both planning and design work in the Division. pr TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE - Operations manages the signal system; compiles, maintains and analyzes traffic records and statistics; develops and ensures proper application of signal, signing and street lighting standards; and investigates and resolves requests for assistance. Maintenance is responsible for approximately 100 signals, 2,600 street lights, over 800 types of radio, video, audio, computer, and associated equipment, 15 miles of signal interconnect and the Valley Communications Center emergency dispatch system. Maintenance (signs) also maintains 6,355 �..r signs and 65 miles of pavement markings. The signal and sign shops are also responsible for installing and removing the banners and providing and setting up the traffic control devices for Renton River Days and other special events. rrr RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT - Management of the fifth busiest airport in the state, serving both the Boeing Company aircraft manufacturing, aircraft charter, air taxi, maintenance and instructional aviation businesses located at the airport, and seaplanes utilizing the Wiley Post/Will Rogers Seaplane Base and the general public. The one mile long runway is served by a non-precision instrument approach (NDB/GPS) from the north, a windsock, rotating beacon, Precision Approach Path Indicators and Runway End Identifier Lights. r .r rir CITY OF RENTON 1995- 1996 BUDGET WW 2-107 FUNDS: STREET (103/16);AIRPORT (402/16) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Transportation Systems APPROPRIATION193 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change A #ual Budget Actual Budge# Budget 94 95 95 96 ..........................: .............................: ..................... ..................... Regular Salaries :1,251,720:1,370,186; 1,325,0271 1,415,370: 1,479,434: 3.3% 4.5% Part Time Salaries 110,8241 .10 790= 104,007= 115,8151 118,261: 13 8�,'• 2.1% Overtime 25,471: 24,905; 28,844; 28,402; 29,038; 14.0%: 2.2% � Personnel Benefits 387.9461 464;,197; 398,870: 446,2461 964,031' -3:.,9%1 4.0 Supplies 124,581: 146,490; 124,696: 150,155: 154,660: 2.5%: 3.0% Other Svcs &Charges; 662,582: 760`,201: 69�i,905: 819,8221' 836,549: 7.8%: 2.0% Capital Outlay 56,230: 45,430: 39,196: 27,816: 49,150: 159.1%: -25.5% Debt Service SI,655: 0: 0.'0%, 0.0%' Interfund P3 5,306: 93,398: 47,560: 92,251: 43,474: -2.6%: 2.94s ... .:.}}x.rvt•..:t�:r...xt. ...ttt•� ih.xxo:.:.Mxsx«.wxt<.:r.,x..w:::t.:<,•:ttt..•:t:. :..:::...::::M.:.,•:::::M.::..:::.::::..»...:::::.:..::::.�:x:.�::.:•:.:::.::•.,•:::::::::,•:.•::.:•::.•::•:::.:.:.:..:....�..................... TOTAL' 2,706,315;2,956,5 97: 2,765,105% 3,045,8771 3,174,5971 6.1�. 2.5 STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995; 1996 ActualBudget Actual Budget Budget Full Time 30.0 29.0 29 0 29.0 29.0 Part Time 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Temporary Part Time 6 2 5.5 1 5.5 5.5 1 5.5 w...:•:. '".....r:.x T....:...:.�}:•:.,yx+..aw:u+rf:^x?:x•>xstt:�}....:x ra:gtaxxxt..:F u..tt+.t}.;.+.?.a:}.a. •w ut ..:: ...a F...: .......}:+x t::.::..: •r .:...:::t ��.::t.: .....t..:: :.....:: TOTAL 37.2 36:0 36.0 36.0 : 36.0 EXPENDITURE BY OBJECT BY FUND: APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 96 .......:::::::.......::::::::::....::.::::.:.:::.......................... ............................:..........:.::::.......:::::.:::.:::::::::::.:::.. .....................:..:.................: :.::::.:::::::::::::::::.::::.::tt«<•;:.}:.:.}:.:.xt.}:.}:.}:.;xt.}}:.:•xx<:t•}}:t.::.:.::;.}:.}}:.:.:.}:.;}::::;•:<:t.}>:t.:t.}:. ::t:::>>:>::>::>::>::>::>:<;<:<:::>:«::<::<::::::::: :;:>.<:;;}::.}:.}:.}};}}:.};;;>}»>:::.::;....::»::.... ...... . DEPARTMENT. PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: 103116 Street Fund Transportation Systems BPE11► IT'l :.:...:::.:.::::..:...................................................................................................... Regular Salaries : 1,144,372:1,243,049: 1,208,786 1,281,573 1,339, 656: 3.1%:: 4.5% i 43 988: 78' 750: 85. 699: 92,314: 94,290:' 17.2%1 2.1% Part Time Salaries ' � . >� Overtime 22,5651 24,9051 25,3061: 25,402:: 26,038:: 2.0%: 2.5% n Personnel Benefits 35.2.542: 415,236; 360,913: 395,007: 910,795: -4.'9% 4.0% Supplies 116,148: 134,990: 115,632: 138,367:: 142,518: 2.5%: 3.0% Other Svcs 8s Charges: 580,571:' 622',393; 609,550: 672,746 ' 701,232; 8.1�: 4.2% Capital Outlay 51,771: 29,230 33,610 27,816 24,150:: 8%::-9.8� -13.2 _.. TOTAL 2,361,9 2,598,503: 2,439,496: 2,633,225: 2,738,679:,: 3.3% 4.0% CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-108 FUNDS: STREET (103/16);AIRPORT (402/16) .. DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Transportation Systems w EXPENDITURE BY OBJECT BY FUND(CONVD): .... .._.... . ... _... .. ... ......... ... ..... . ___ __ _ _ __ . 0.1 % APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 C 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Bu et Actual -Bud et Buudgot 94- 95 ::95 -96 DEPARTMENT PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: 402116 Airport Fund Transportation Systems(Operations) rr Regular Salaries t 107,348 127,137 116,241 133,797 139,778 5.2%:: 4.5% err Fart Time Salaries> j 16,836 23,090 18,308 23,s01 23,971 2.0$ 2.0% Overtime 2,906: 0 3,538: 3,000: 3,000: -100%: 0.0% Personnel Benlefits' 35.444 48,96I 37;957 51,239 53,236 4 7�. > 3.9$' +■ Supplies 8,433; 11,500:: 9,064: 11,7881 12,142: 2.5%:: 3.0% Other Svcs&Charges; 82.031; 137,858f 87,3551 1,14 71,,07.1:6.':.,.::, 135,317; 6 7%: -8.0$. Capital Outlay 4,459: 16,200: 5,586 0 25,000: 455 0%: -29.3 Debt Service) 51,655'•; 4; 0= 0 0. U 0 : 0.0'� Interfund Payments 35 306 _ 43,398:: 47,560:: 42,2511 43 479 -2 6% 2.9% 9k.}F{.....n.+G}{l f>.r,.il:>�}h}f{&•ffiCl�Y{{f?YYfFY{frYY/.•:}2:>Y{•'}Y/kYfi!N!r.Yl>'0.27 a.H'�A..1 JL:Y+Yr:;>).•lfff,.•Y{:`yN f34:Y•?:y/.yrf ff]XA^.•4.'Y.r.`} ...Y? r ,r/,r,/?.h ff .YYla.,T,Y, Yf.O.t fffl.•(p'.}y�,•+}Yfff •4 Yf f.....f... TOTAL : 344,358; 408,094 325,609 412, 652, 435,918: 23 1$, 5.6$< BUDGET SUMMARY The 1995 budget for Transportation Systems increased by 6%. The majority of this is due to an increase of$75,000 in Airport Capital Outlay to rehabilitate the southeast taxiline and an increase in Equipment Rental Capital Outlay. Continued repair of various service vehicles is no longer cost efficient and these will be replaced in 1995. Personnel cost changes have been included. All other line items have been increased by 2.5% and 3.0% for 1995 and 1996, respectively, as has been granted to all departments. r Resources to the Street Fund are fuel taxes and general tax revenues. The Airport Fund is supported by lease revenue and grants. Capital improvement projects are funded through business license fees, grants, arterial street gas tax, local vehicle license fees, and impact mitigation fees. 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Transportation Systems Division continued its emphasis on public involvement in planning, capital improvement programming and traffic operations and its emphasis on solving problems and developing programs through a partnership approach with other City departments/divisions, other agencies and the community. TRANSPORTATION DESIGN • $3 million worth of construction was completed in 1994 and included the following major projects: Overlay and Slurry Seal Program; Walkway Program; Airport/Rainier Resurfacing; Garden Ave. N. Reconstruction; Park Ave. N/Lake Washington Blvd. Realignment; S. 3rd Bulb Removal;Talbot Road Rehabilitation; and N. 3rd Livable Street. • Projects designed in 1994 include: Park Ave. N. Rehabilitation and Widening; Bronson Ave. N. Widening; NE 3rd Widening; Houser Way N. Relocation; SR 900 HOV Lanes; Monster Road Bridge Replacement; Lake Washington Blvd Bridge Replacement; and Lake Washington Blvd. Bike/Pedestrian Improvement. • Also completed the 1995-2000 Transportation Improvement Program. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-109 a FUNDS: STREET (103/16);AIRPORT (402/16) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Transportation Systems TRANSPORTATION PLANNING • The section completed the Transportation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan which was adopted in September 1994 and successfully got Renton into the RTA regional transit plan with commuter rail by 1997 ($50 million) and rapid rail by 2015 ($300 million). • The section developed a new mitigation system basis for new developments to assure that adequate transportation facilities are in place as development occurs; developed (with the EMME2 traffic modeling software) a new Level of Service standard; produced results with the model to evaluate and refine the City's transportation element; produced Houser Way design study forecast traffic volumes; confirmed the adopted downtown plan transportation system; and produced other transportation studies. • Implementation related to the State's Commute Trip Reduction law requirements was achieved; worked with fourteen major employers in the City affected by the CTR Law. • Provided support for the transportation section of the Comprehensive Plan EIS. TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE • Continue their community outreach program, responding to the needs of the neighborhoods, businesses and motoring public. Work emphasis on quality maintenance of signs, signals, and communication systems will continue. • With approval, completed the design and installation of a new traffic signal on SR-169 at the Maplewood neighborhood in order to create a safer pedestrian crossing and vehicle access from the neighborhood. • Start upgrading Valley communications dispatch system to,80OMHZ trunking enabling regional communications for our public safety personnel. • Install and implement Citywide computer network in coordination with technical services and information services. • Continue with the Green River coordination program in implementing the upgrade of signal equipment and interconnect in the valley corridor. AIRPORT • Continued emphasis on the development of FAA funded capital improvement projects and the involvement of the Airport tenants in the project planning and development phases. • Improvements completed during 1994 include initiation of the Airport Master Plan project with the involvement of airport tenants and City residents. • The non-Directional Beacon, destroyed as the result of an aircraft accident, was totally replaced. • Complaints of bright strobe lights, as a result of the replacement of the Runway End Identifier Lights power transformer, were resolved by the design, testing and installation of light shields. • Numerous lease addenda and operating permits were prepared for airport tenants. 1995 —1996 Objectives TRANSPORTATION DESIGN • The TCIP will continue to emphasize infrastructure, multimodal/TDM, neighborhood protection and economic development. • Planned construction includes: the Overlay and Slurry Seal program, Walkway Program, Park Avenue N. Rehabilitation and Widening, Bronson Avenue N. Widening, NE 3rd Widening, Houser Way N New Roadway, SR 900 HOV Lanes, Monster Road Bridge Replacement, Lake Washington Blvd. Bridge Replacement, and Lake Washington Blvd. Bike/Pedestrian Improvements. • Design will be accomplished on projects in the adopted TCIP and the 1996-2001 Transportation Improvement Program will be developed. ae CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-110 FUNDS: STREET (103/16);AIRPORT (402/16) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Transportation Systems TRANSPORTATION PLANNING • Continue to take an active role in working with other jurisdictions to develop transportation programs that emphasize multimodal solutions, increase the amount of high occupancy vehicle �. travel compared to single occupancy vehicle travel and increase the effectiveness of existing facilities. • A concurrency management system will be developed as required by GMA, and the �rr Transportation Plan will be implemented including transit shuttle systems, commuter rail station area planning, moving appropriate projects into design, and further development of TDM components. • Staff will continue to implement CTR programs in City Hall and throughout the city. TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS&MAINTENANCE • Continue their community outreach program, responding to the needs of the neighborhoods, businesses and motoring public. Our emphasis on quality maintenance of signs, signals, and communication systems will continue. • A major project will be completion of coordination of traffic signals through the Green River Valley rr with the cooperation of the City of Kent, City of Tukwila, WSDOT, and King County. • Another major project scheduled for completion is the inventory tracking system, Mapcon. • Some additional goals of this Section will be participation in increased neighborhood protection r and cooperation with WSDOT on multimodal solutions to the City's transportation/traffic operations problems. AIRPORT r • Depending upon availability of FAA funding for Airport Improvement Program projects and goals and objectives adopted within the Airport Master Plan, priority effort will be directed toward the design, permitting and initiation of the seaplane base rehabilitation project, first phase of runway safety area rehabilitation, and construction of an aircraft washing facility for use by airport tenants. • Airport funded improvement projects will include rehabilitation of the southeast taxi lane. w Improvement of safety and operations facilities and procedures will continue. • FAA funded Airport Improvement program project priority effort will be directed toward second phase of runway safety area rehabilitation and overlay of west side taxi way. • Airport funded improvement projects will include the sealing and painting of the control tower exterior, and its reroofing. Improvements of safety and operations facilities and procedures will continue. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES, 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 Actuai : Projected Actual Projected Projected Completed Construction of TIP 9, 8 7, 10 16 �" Projects Completed Design of TIP Projects : 3 8 6 8 8 Obtained Nem Funding far TIP 25% 25% 340/( 30%` 35%' 40Projects(%Total TIP) Responded to Customer Requests/ 3,6001 4,000. 6,609 1 4,4001 4,400 Complaints Coordinated Issues with WSDOT 100% 100%` 118: NJA s N/A' Re : 1-405 Construction ' Coordinated Renton's Interests on 100% 100%:: 100%. 100% 100% Regional Transportation Forums +■+ CTR PrOgralri.Uesigned/Implemented IQO% 100% 100% 100% 100%'' Keep Airport Leases Current 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET .� 2-111 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Planning/Technical Services OBJECT To address long range planning, land use, economic and growth management issues, and assist other divisions in the implementation of the Growth Management Act; to maintain property information and other records, manage automated mapping and geographic information systems and data analysis, and maintain survey monumentation. P> oaxalK Arn�TY Programs for the two sections of the Division are described as follows: PLANNING - Management, completion, and implementation of comprehensive planning and subarea plan development; implementation of Growth Management legislation and assistance to other Departments with growth management compliance; analysis of policy issues and SEPA review on legislative actions; preparation of zoning, development and environmental ordinances; and processing major annexation proposals. TECHNICAL SERVICES - Responsible for management of property data base and property information services; automated mapping, geographic information and data processing support; and maintenance of survey monumentation. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget :94 95 95 - 96 Regular Salaries 538,305:: 635,199 564,375 612,187: 638,074 -3.6%: 4.2% Part Time Salaries 52,349: 32,8331 111,1891 72,389, 34,159: --52.8 Overtime 3,070:: 6,995;: 16, 9061 7,135:: 7,3131 2.0%:: 2.5% Personnel Benefits 149,312-: 188,589: 160,537 179,724: 180,811: -4.7%::7� 0.6% Supplies € 34,1911 34,7901 27,979; 35,1611 36,7301 :1.1� 4.5% Other Svcs&Charges 139,8'711 155,203- 198,717: 159,131: 16-7,3081 2.5%:: 5.1% Capital Outlay 1 24,581:: 15,000:: 98,368:: 01 01 -100.0%: 0.0% Debt Service 01 01 01 0 oi' 0:0% 0.0% w »?bTAL 941,679, 068,689* 1,178,071:: 1,065,727, 1,064,395;' 0 3% 0.1% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual :Budget,J. Budget Full Time 12:0 13.0 13':0 13.0 13.0 Part Time 1.1 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 t Temporary2':8 1.4 4 0 1 4 1 Part Time 4 ..4...^f•.{4:{{{M+'{WMOtOMi{{SIX{M{{{{{{<:{{i{•�C�-0C{{K•. 4'{i•%ii{i�:+vt+.'isS{O:{{{•F.{S•%{{K{:M.��{i•XN.•\1.:.{{.{+::..•W.A\Q+%.... { v{..L.++:•%•\1W%RO�Ott{Nf'MC{•..:.}%:KB:b:{2%•Y:•}%•k{•...n\+'i%:.4i .......:} TOTA1. : 1519 ` 15 5 17.5 € 14.9' ; 14.9 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-112 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Planning/Technical Services :BUDGET SxIMA�;RX '; The Planning/Technical Services salaries budget decreased due to moving a planning position to r•► Development Services. This was offset by an increase in part-time salaries to cover a temporary Contract Associate Planner position. Other personnel cost changes have been included. All other line items have been increased by 2.5% and 3.0% for 1995 and 1996, respectively, as has been s• granted to all departments. General revenues are the major source of support to Planning/Technical Services. Technical Services also receives interfund reimbursements for support services from the Water/Wastewater/Surface Water and Solid Waste Utilities. 1994 ACC�IVII'LYSHMENTS r PLANNING AND SPECIAL PROJECTS • Completed all five GMA required elements. • Provided staff liaison work with surrounding jurisdictions as required by GMA. ""' • Staffed Planning Commission and City Council review process of the housing, utilities, capital facility and transportation elements and issues associated with the Comprehensive Plan, including briefings and public information meetings. • • Updated population, employment and land use estimates, forecasts, and targets. • Processed over 100 requests to amend the Interim Land Use Element in response to citizen concerns including notification of property owners and surrounding property owners of land use designation changes and area-wide zoning changes. • Continued rewriting of city code in compliance with the new Interim Land Use Element policies and in support of economic development efforts; included assimilation of P-1 Zone, creation of a Manufactured Housing Zone and an Automall overlay, and amendments to CA, CC, CO and CM ' zones as well as home occupation regulations; also began revisions to Subdivision regulations and PNR and MR Zones. • Assisted in Regulatory Reform revisions to ordinances, development of new Master Site Plan Ordinance, and revisions to parking and street standards. • Amended Shoreline Master Program, including designation of Springbrook Creek, and began rewrite of Shoreline Master Program to comply with revised state model ordinance. • Provided staff work on downtown plan, coordinated with Downtown Renton Association and the Mayor's Office; to include adoption of interim downtown policies. • Addressed annexation issues and boundary issues surrounding the Newport Hills incorporation/annexation. • Provided various levels of assistance or lead on several annexations (Winsper, Marshall/Galusha, Stonegate, and Burnstead). • Continued to work with King County staff on designation of Urban/Rural Line, Urban Growth ++r Areas, Urban Centers, and environmental areas and population and employment allocation. • Managed complex projects through environmental and development review, including Fred Meyer/Renton Center redevelopment, and Boeing/Longacres EIS. Ow TECHNICAL SERVICES DMSION • Developed the means to provide mapping services for this and other Departments, route books, ON rezone applications, annexations, LIDs, street vacations, and other city wide plans with little lead time. • Provided maps as requested for the various elements of the comprehensive plan e.g. utilities, land use, capital improvements and facilities. "" • Developed and documented a half mile density Survey Control Network throughout the city. • Developed several cartographic data sets; 5 meter contours for the southern portion of the city, private utilities, annexation history. No CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET „M 2-113 FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Planning/Technical Services • Finished the parcel base update and validation process and loaded the data into GEO/SQL. • Prepared survey standards for inclusion in the Standard Plans& Specifications document. • Established procedures for the development of mailing lists and labels using the raw parcel base. • Established procedures to ensure the updates to the King County Assessors Data happen each quarter without delay. • Established procedures to ensure the updates to the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries Contractor License information is updated each month without delay. • Converted the Department File System index and table of contents look-up and maintenance system to ORACLE. • Began the process of scanning the Department's 13,000 plus drawing sheets into the computer data base for on-line access. • Assisted DP in bringing the first and sixth floors on to the network and installing their server. • Provided assistance in purchasing and installing the network backbone improvements. • Converted our network to the new 4.01 version of NetWare. • Provided ongoing user support, training and help desk functions to the Department and all Sierra System users. 1995 - 1996 OBJECTIVES PLANNING AND SPECIAL PROJECTS • Complete Zoning Code rewrite, including definitions, use tables, and development standards for consistency with GMA and economic development policies. • Prepare an implementation program for the Comprehensive Plan. • Complete subarea plans for centers and potential high-growth residential areas. • Assist institutions in developing master plans. • Continue implementation of the Downtown Plan, including coordination with other divisions, departments, and the Downtown Renton Association. • Assist in developing mitigation fees associated with the Comprehensive Plan. • Revise GMA related codes to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and develop concurrency system for development permits. • Assist other departments and divisions with SEPA review for plans and ordinances. ' • Work with Mayor's staff and other departments to develop and implement an annexation program. • Prepare interlocal agreements with King County regarding the Urban Growth Boundary, downzoning of properties outside of the boundary, and city review of projects in the county designated rural area. • Continue to assist large complex projects through the environmental and development review processes. • Continue to monitor compliance with GMA, including concurrency and consistency of development proposals, and implementation of policies. • Process annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment requests and revise Plan, codes, and implementation mechanisms accordingly. TECHNICAL SERVICES • Maintain parcel base and other property related data (i.e. zoning, land use, jurisdictions) in GEO/SQL. • Maintain Survey Control Network, emphasis on monument upgrades where necessary. z • Maintain street centerline monuments via tracking of right-of-way development and construction activities. • Continue data development and maintenance of the Geographic Information System. • Develop GIS applications, mailing lists, plat checking, map book production using GEO/SQL. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-114 No FUND: GENERAL (000) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Planning/Technical Services • _ Expand parcel base coverage to include all of the urban growth area. �+ • Develop the scope of work for the aerial mapping project or work on alternative data sources or development. • Work with Development Services to bring the Land Use permits on line in the Sierra System. ,,, • Work with the Water Utility to bring water meter applications and cross connection control on line in the Sierra System. • Install the new upgrade to Sierra systems and continue to work to make the system easier to operate and provide requested reports. Bid, purchase and install the new Data Base server if approved in 1995 budget. • Improve e-mail services and add forms and routing to the system. • Continue providing department-wide training in computer applications. s� CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET "� 2.115 FUNDS: WATER,WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER UTILITY (401/18); SOLID WASTE UTILITY (403/18) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING,PUBLIC WORKS Division: Utility Systems OB CTWR To insure Water, Wastewater, Surface Water, and Solid Waste systems are characterized by quality planning, engineering, operations, financial integrity, and customer service. PROGRAM ACMTY WATER,WASTEWATER(SEWER),AND SURFACE WATER UTILITY SYSTEMS Each section provides overall programmatic utility management through direct services such as engineering, capital improvement project management, policy development, system planning, plan review, and by working with staff of other divisions and agencies for services such as development and plan review, maintenance and operations, billing, and legal advice. SOLID WASTE UTILITY Develops and manages the recycling, waste reduction, and hazardous waste education and collection programs; administers the garbage collection contract; provides regional coordination and legislative review and compliance; and resolves customer service issues. APPROPRIATION 1993 1994: 11994 1995 1996 Change Change'' ActualBudget '> Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 96 t7 'E :...... . Regular Salaries 754,818; 895,167 839,094; 914,735: 965,378: 2.2% 5.5% Part Time Salaries 7.334; 12,326; 8,500': 12,821, 13,107, 4.'0%= 2.2 Overtime 8,3691 7,425' 5, 119:2 7,5731 7 2.0%1:763; 2.0� 2.5% Personnel Benefits 209,232: 272,647: 227,483: 253,497€ 265,3101 -7.0% 4.7% Supplies 11,744: 18,360': 12,192=. 18,820:t 19,385: 2.5%:: 3.0% Other Svcs&Charges: 5,912,232 S. 334,958: 5,131,822: 5,152,625; 5,391,055: -3.45; 4.2$ $' Intergovernmental Svcs 4,356,8251: 3,424,543t: 3,380,338:: 3,668,175:: 3,026,887:: 5.5% -17.5% Capital Outlay 390,077: 0' 9,832! 2,5001 01 100.0%: -100.0% Debt Service ::12,238,954! 4,352,006:: 3,394, 8011 4,362,2981 4,859,943:: 0.2% 11.4% Interfund Payments, 2,743,914 3,283,031 1 3,142,719: 2,114,837 2,175,640: -35.6%' 2.9% TOTAL 26,133,499 17,600,463 16,146,900::1:6,507,881,16,724,468; -6.5% 1.2% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 19.94 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget »'Full Time 19.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 Part Time 0.5 0.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.2 ' ' 0 3 0 0 :Temporary Part Time 0 3 0.3 ..:::. ...>....... ,.:...... ...... ..rv..x:...<..,..r .., .ss,fxn+:+..a::.vrnust..xA. .....,,.e a<......:, ...,..., k. .....: <r ..g.. s TOTAL ` 19 19.4 19.7 19.7 x CITY OF RENTON 1995•1996 BUDGET 2.116 FUNDS: WATER,WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER UTILITY (401/18); Im SOLID WASTE UTILITY (403/18) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING,PUBLIC WORKS Division: Utility Systems s�rr APPR� ' A'1`IO�T 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 ChatYge Change Actual Bu et Acte al Bu et Bddet 94-9S 95 96 DEPARTMENT. PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS w► Division: 401118 Water, Wastewater, Surface Water Utility Regular Salaries 1 699,963: 827,958: 762,302: 840,489: 886,714:: 1.5%: 5.5� rYrF PartTime Salaries anes 12,326; 8,500 121821; 13,'107: 4.04= 2.2 Overtime 8,369: 7,425: 5,119: 7,573: 7,763: 2.0$: 2.58 Persoruael Benefits 192,153`': 259;767} 20b,222: 231;578 242,335: -9.1% 4.6% Supplies 7,222: 12,7951 9,5001 13,115' 13,509 2.5$: 3.08 Other Svcs'&Charges 170,257: 284,894;` 177,277€ 137;651; 303,;641: 13.8 ' 83.6 __.. : Intergovernmental Svcs : 3,518, 614: 2,504,848: 2,458,1791 2,762,226; 2,135,2441 8.14x: -23.0% Capital Outlay 18,435= 0 �,929: 2 $00: 0: I00.04 -100.0% Debt Service :12,173,2211 4,293,828: 3,336,434: 4,305,267: 4,799,680: 0.3%: 11.5% r Interfund Pa�merlts 2,494,782 2,999',506` 2,863,055: >1,835: :623: 1,887;'838 38.84: 2.8%' w:, 4 •.•}}:•. \+f?}.y}}h+}}'}•}:titin..!h^41 ....r..}h •::} 4 ti•:• }}}} /..h44.\v .}:} ..n.:. ^! ....h. Y• ........ IM.!:A/In..... TOTAL 19,29Q,350 11,098;347• 9,834,517:1,0,208,853;10,289,831: 8.54. 0.8% DEPARTMENT. PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS sr Division: 403118 Solid Waste Utility . ...:. : .... . :. .. Regular Salaries : 54,855; 67,209; 71,7921 74,246:: 78, 664: 10.5%: 6.0% o" Part Time Salaries 0. 0: 01 0: 01 0.0$' 0.0% Overtime 0` 0 0: 0` 0 0.0%: 0.0% r Personnel Benefits 17,079; 17 880 21,261: 21i 919: 22,975: 22.64s 4.8% Supplies : 4,522; 5,5651: 2,6921 5,705: 5,8761 2.5% 3.0% Other Svcs'8s Charges: 5,241,975: '5,150,064° 4,954;545: '4,954;'964' S,087,414' -7.9%< 2.3% Intergovernmental Svcs : 838,211: 919,695: 922,159: 905,949: 891,643: -1.5%: -1.9% Capital Outlay 371',642: 01 1,903: 0 0: 0.OV 0.0% Debt Service : 65,7331 58, 178: 58,367: 57,0311 60,263: -2.0$ 5.7% Interfund Payments 299,I32 283,525 279,669 279,214 287,802! -1.5%13.1% <.. ... ,.c {....<..3. oa-rEi.ir. 'xac:3es••.a..g5+:y,�t�<H..y '•.'S^.ccsr�..t.. i x51 sti<s Ss^•^•ssr.t t._.�cts<s.•:.•.a.•tfi'iu..� .::t•..... ..: :rfe:m<f r .:.� •fas....... 502 116 6,312,383 6: 299,:028: 6,434, 63? 3.1 ;' 1.9% rr BUDGET SUMMARY The 1995 budget for Utility Systems decreased by 4%. The majority of this decrease is in Interfund Payments and is caused by a change in reporting. Water, Wastewater, and Surface Water utilities now pay the General Fund directly for indirect costs rather than paying Utility Administration (also part of the Utility Systems department). In prior years, the indirect costs were both reported in each * utility as a reimbursement to Utility Administration and in Utility Administration as a reimbursement to the General Fund offset by expenditure credits in Utility Administration. The utilities are self-supporting enterprises which receive income from user fees and rates. 1995 rate increases are: City water, 3%, City wastewater, 5%, Metro, 12.9%, surface water, 4.6% and solid waste utilities, 6% for single can service. The overall 1995 rate increase for these utilities is 6.3% for the average residential customer. Water consumption dropped 10% in 1993 and appears to �.. be stabilizing to more typical trends in 1994. CITY OF RENTON 1995•1996 BUDGET 2.117 FUNDS: WATER,WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER UTILITY (401/18); SOLID WASTE UTILITY (403/18) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Utility Systems 1994 AtcOMPLIsE11W71 S _. 4 WATER UTILITY • Implementation of the Aquifer Protection Ordinance. • Capital Improvement Construction projects completed include: Maplewood transmission main to Highlands 565 pressure zone and drilling of Maplewood Wells 10 & 12; water main replacements in Park Avenue and Logan Avenue; Windsor Hills Pump Station rehabilitation; Talbot Hill 16 and 24 inch water main replacement project. • Other projects worked on include: design of the Rolling Hills 490 zone reservoir; design of the Houser Way Pump Station; completion of the fire flow map and the updates; continued well 11 monitoring; cleaning of Well 5A; and started the negotiations of the Olympic Pipeline and Seattle Water Department franchises. WASTEWATER UTILITY • Capital Improvement projects completed: Design and construction of Dayton Avenue N.E. Local r, Improvement District and the East Renton Interceptor which both included the use of Public Works Trust Fund Loans; completion of construction of the South Highlands Interbasin Transfer; North Highlands Sewer Replacement; and CBD Sewer Replacement Project. • Planning efforts for this section include completion of the Aquifer Protection Area Sewer Service study as well as a system wide Inflow and Infiltration study. SURFACE WATER UTILITY • The permitting and construction of the NE 5th Place Storm System Replacement Project which was funded in part by Renton Technical College ($75,000). • The design, permitting and construction bid award of the Springbrook Creek Improvement Project ,, (P-1 Channel) between Grady Way and SW 16th Street, which is funded in part by a Federal grant ($475,000) from the Soil Conservation Service. • Significant projects designed, permitted and constructed as part of the Small Drainage Problems Program include the Park Avenue Storm System Replacement (Bronson the N. 4th Street) and the 625 Rainier Ave Storm System Repair. • Major planning/preliminary design projects completed include: the Surface Water Utility Comprehensive Plan; the East Side Green River Watershed Plan for flood control and management in the Green River Valley; the preliminary design of the Maplewood Sedimentation Pond and grant submission to FEMA for approval of the project final design and construction phase. Executed a Feasibility Study Cost Sharing Agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers for the Lower Cedar River 205 Flood Control Project and started work on the project. • Completed the Draft Cedar River Basin and May Creek Basin Plans through interlocal agreements and cooperation with King County Surface Water Management. Completed the Draft Wetland Mitigation Bank Plan that includes preliminary design of the Wetland Mitigation Bank sites and l?P management policies for wetland mitigation banking. • Completed the permitting and pesticide treatment associated with the reinstated Panther Creek Wetland Mosquito Abatement Program at the request of Council. SOLID WASTE UTILITY • City purchases of recycled products increased following implementation of its Recycled Product Procurement Policy. Recycled product purchases of significance included: purchase of recycled concrete aggregate; re-refined motor oil; compost; and paper products. These purchases support markets for many recyclables collected in the City's program. • Spring and Fall Collection Events included bulky yard waste, textiles, select plastics, used motor oil, oil filters, and antifreeze, plus scrap metal, lead acid batteries, refrigerators, freezers, and tires. Participation from residents in the collection events remained stable indicating the continued need for this program. Vi • The Utility implemented programs with funding from the Coordinated Prevention Grant including: a worm bin food waste composting pilot program; continued distribution of the Clean and Green CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-118 FUNDS: NVATER,WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER UTILITY(401/18); SOLID WASTE UTILITY (403/18) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING,PUBLIC WORKS Division: Utility Systems w. Resource Guides; developed a traveling display featuring Renton residents and their strategies for preventing waste; conducted 15 household hazardous waste workshops - 10, targeting children grades 1 through 6, and 5,targeting adults. ..� • The City's curbside recycling/yard waste collection continued its success with a residential diversion of over 50%,wbile the lot year of the multifamily recycling program diverted over 10% of its waste. Education efforts continued with the multifamily recycling program, including development and distribution of the 1994-1995 Waste Reduction & Recycling Calendar and new multilingual education materials. • Grants from King County supported the business recycling program, special collection events, •„ multifamily outreach/education efforts, and household hazardous waste education. • The Utility staff began representing Renton and suburban cities as a Commissioner to the King County Commission for Marketing Recyclable Materials in addition to representing Renton's interests and other south suburban cities as the Suburban Cities representative on the Technical Planning Committee of the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program. 1995.19960m T1WS `r WATER UTILITY • Continuation of the Aquifer Awareness Program. • Development of the Wellhead Protection Program as required by the State Department of Health. aw • Construction of the Rolling Hills 590 zone transmission main, the steel and ACI water main replacements, the Houser Way Pump Station, and recoating the 565 reservoir. • Continuation of the Reuse Pilot Project with Metro and Boeing. rr • Finalize the franchise agreements with Seattle Water Department and Olympic Pipeline. • Rehabilitation of Well 3A. • Continuing the water rights compliance monitoring at the Maplewood Golf Course. 4W • Continue monitoring program for groundwater under the influence of surface water. • Design and construct major pipe replacements and upgrades within the downtown redevelopment core. • Completion of the study and design of corrosion control facilities. • Begin the large meter replacement program. WASTEWATER UTILITY • Design and construction of the Main Ave South Sewer Main Replacement in conjunction with Transportation's Street Improvement project. • Construction of the Central Renton Sewer Replacement and Sewer Main Grouting and MW Rehabilitation projects. • Installation of Updated Telemetry Monitoring System. • Design for the East Kennydale Interceptor. am • Environmental analysis for the Honeycreek Interceptor. STORM DRAINAGE UTILITY • Complete construction of the P-1 Channel/Springbrook Creek Improvement Project, • Complete design, permitting and construction of the Maplewood Sedimentation Pond and Low Flow/Fish Passage Channel, the first phase of the Wetland Mitigation Bank Program, and the NE 27th and Aberdeen Drainage Improvement Project. ''" • Various projects as part of the Small Drainage Problems Program. • Complete preliminary engineering and environmental review of flood control alternatives identified in the East Side Green River Watershed Plan. • Planned projects include: Completing the Lower Cedar River 205 Flood Control Project Feasibility Study with the Army Corps of Engineers; and bringing the completed Cedar River and May Creek Basin Plans for public review and Council adoption. CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ,,,, 2-119 FUNDS: WATER,WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER UTILITY (401/18); SOLID WASTE UTILITY (403/18) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: Utility Systems SOLID WASTE UTILITY • The Business Recycling Program will be a priority, focusing education on increasing business waste diversion through recycling and waste prevention strategies. • Under the Coordinated Prevention grant the worm bin composting pilot project will be completed and evaluated. Work will continue on the City's in-house waste prevention program. • Work will continue on recycled product procurement and the two special collection events. The recycled product procurement program will be extended to the business community with increased education. • Multifamily yard waste collection needs will be assessed and new program levels will be determined. • Coordination will continue with King County Solid Waste Division, King County Commission for Marketing Recyclable Materials, the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program, and the Department of Ecology. • Staff will continue to monitor and evaluate the existing collection programs. ACTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES 1993 1994 1994 .1995 .1996 Actual Projected ActualProjected Projected WATER UTILITY Construction of CIPS"Completed{#)', 4 5 8 6 6 Design of CIP Completed (#) 1 2 5 2 2 Outside Funding for CIP Projects (%) 3$ 4% 0 1.01% _10% WASTEWATER UTILITY Construction of CIPS Completed{#) 1 5 7 3 3 Design of CIP Completed (#) 2 2 3 3 3 Outside Funding for CIP Projects (%) 20% 39% 53$ 20$ 25$ SURFACE WATER UTILITY : '• Construction of CIPs Completed(#) 4 4 4 5 1 Design of CIP Completed (#) 1 3 7 9 3 Outside Funding for CTP Projects (%o) 49$ 22.5$; 25$ 25$ 25$ SOLID WASTE UTILITY Recycled Product Procured Citywide{$) 138,000 250,000 $142,740* 275,0001 300, 000 ('6 mos.) Special Collection Events (#/Tons) 2/145 2/150 2/147** 2/155 2/160 Household Hazardous Waste Workshops (#) 8 16 15 15 0 Food Waste Composting(#Workshops/#Bins N/A 3/50 3/50 12/200 24/500 1 Distributed) Residential Diversion:(%) 54$ 56% 56% 58$ 60$ Multi-Family Diversion (%) 10.2% 10.5% 11% 12% 12% Solid Waste (Garbage Total Tons) 40,090 35,550 34,542 33, 000 30, 000 *Actuals do not include dollars spent on recycled content construction products. Data unavailable at press time. **147 measurable tons; plastics and reuseable household goods/textiles not weighed. �y CITY OF RENTON 1995.1996 BUDGET "t' 2.120 FUNDS: STREETS (103/19);WATER,WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER UTILITY(401/19); aw SOLID WASTE UTILITY(403/19);EQUIPMENT RENTAL (501/19) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING,PUBLIC WORKS Division: Maintenance Services !OatEcrivt;! To operate and maintain the City's infrastructure including: streets, sidewalks, bridges, equipment, i. and water, wastewater,and surface water utility systems. PRoG>utrt AcTivx MAINTENANCE ADmmsTRATION Provides managerial direction to the operations staff by establishing and implementing priorities, policies, and procedures, and by collecting and using data to preserve the investment made in the City's infrastructure. Also responsible for inventory control, the pavement management program, division safety management, and oversees response to citizen requests. STREET MAINTENANCE Maintains over 192 miles of streets and alleys, 11 bridges, sidewalks, and provides miscellaneous construction services to various City departments. ar SURFACE WATER MAINTENANCE Repairs and maintains the surface water drainage system to control property damage and w environmental deterioration. WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE Provides operation and maintenance of the sewer system from the point of discharge until sewage enters into the METRO system. Operates and maintains 23 utility stations. WATER MAINTENANCE Responsible for furnishing a consistently high quality and adequate supply of potable water at a reasonable pressure to customers. Provides maintenance and repair of the water system, and *W electrical and telemetry operations and repair. SOLID WASTE MAINTENANCE 41r Controls litter throughout the City by routine patrolling, litter collection and disposal. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE +w Maintains and repairs 220 vehicles/equipment; provides fleet administration; and coordinates annual vehicle replacements and additions. No No 4W 00 %W CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET ON 2-121 FUNDS: STREETS (103/19);WATER,WASTEWATER,SURFACE WATER UTILITY(401/19); SOLID WASTE UTILITY(403/19); EQUIPMENT RENTAL (501/19) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING,PUBLIC WORKS w; Division: Maintenance Services YC 0 APPRdPRIATIUN 2393 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95> 96'. t& '.. v, Regular Salaries 1,900,2001 2,085,6371 1,890,410::: 2,116,076. 2,239,624:: 1.5% 5.8% Part Time Salaries 87; 69,160; 101 ,28 7 88,779; 82,263; 28.3% -7.3%' Overtime 68,066 87,650: 63,412:: 89,4031 91,636: 2.0%: 2.5% Personnel Benefits 6 11 88,753. 869,404: 702,860: 789j065: .: : 833,568:' -9.2% 5.6%' Supplies 750,874 920,015; 777,152: 967,115: 1,061,417: 5.1% 9.8% O#her Svcs&Charges' 5,577,012: 6,716,346 6,09 6,682: 6,872,820s 7,786,670= 2.3 ' 13.3% Intergovernmental Svcs ; 4,7 61 0: 0 0: 0? 0.0%: 0.0% Capital Outlay', 522,029: 5A1,000; 312,265.; 760,947; 679,768: 51 9= -10.7 Debt Service : 328,147 201,142 126,154:: 213,996; 282, 6341 6.1C 32.4% Loans to Other Funds, 400,000: o.o%: 0.0% Interfund Pa ents 520,345: 416,124: 475,940: 453,229: 477,0141 8.9% 5.2% ���.�Jm .it%.:+.•K.:%•%{rr{ re?'lw,{xrf.::�M::;::;v^%::nw�:.}i:;::r.;rri::v+f,•{C;:•::n:m:::$j:{rn:{::::?::fir,::.:,+N,+,:i{{:^i:;::i:::?{{�'1,.;::,rl,.ri'ri::?:i•?:;:::!;:; f^w:'S•:+ :n'»£":fi:C•K'b$Ci^)f'.c"''.y:•+M{{ %i{::S]'K:�{a,•.EC[.•'.riOON..?Yv44{{aK r{.yM,!%M/•`•i:5< TOTAL 10,897,719 11,866,498 10,496,162: 12,350,930: 131,534,594:: 4.'1%: 9.6% STAFFING LEVELS 1993 19.94 1994 1995 1996 Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget FullTime 55.0 55-0 55 .0 56. 0 Part Time 0.0 0.5 0. 5 0.5 0. 5 emporrary Part Tune. f; 5 3 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 ..Y...6C{+.C.:f Sr..N { .,... Fit+tr..ii.. ..•: {..,.,...?.{ .;... 4 .r. ... v .: ..... .. ....... TOTAL : ' 63.3 59-6 60. 9 59. 6' 60 6 F-xTENDrrUREBYOBJECT BYFIND: is % % APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change Change Actual Budget Actual Budget ::..,Budget 94 95 '95 96 ?': .. g g $ ...............v:;•r:••:.w::::?:.::w:::::::::•:::•:•:::.;...:..............................;..:::::::::::r.....:..::::::nv;•:::::::..:. :....v;'f.::ii:iii:4ii:?i::•};:•ii.v?;;:;:::::;5;;:•:'{'�':yiiiijiiii:;i::iY4iiiiiij: is rti:,:x,.:.:.tti?.rc,r.�r•{?<::.::.. ........r..r..,idh<:.,:dGr....x..................................,•:::r:..{.:::..:::.,.::•..::•:::.,:•:.�.i:•i:•;;o:{;•i:•t:•i:•i;:•;.. ::: ...................,,.... ............... DEPARTMENT. PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: 103119 Streets Fund-Maintenance Services a{ 's { ........................... : Regular Salaries 668,991 721,975:: 667,751 721,180: 786,563: -0.1%: 9.1% Part Time Salaries 59,10$: 2.8,180:' 40,157; 37, 615: 29,319: 33.5% 22.11 Overtime 9,426: 25,9001 13,176; 26,418: 27,079: 2.0%: 2.5% Personnel Benefits Z40,347: 290,222: 243,382:! 264,000: 288,228: -9.0%: 9.2% Supplies 95,799 172,873:: 99,767 197,957: 196,993: 14.5% -0.5% Other Svcs& Charges: 558,5521 457,250:' 475,011: 523,066: 573,019: 14` 4%1 9.6% Intergovernmental Svcs 4,7611 0: 0 0 01 0 0 C 0.0% Capital Outlay 5,598: 31000', 19,339:. 0 0,1 _100.0%: 0.0% 'G Loans to Other Funds:: 400,000: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0 0% 0.0% Interfund Payments 7,856 0 10,593: 3,000 3,000 100 0% 0.0% , :.: . TOTAL ;2,095,438:1,699,400:` 1,569,176: 1,773,236 1,904,201::: -,4 3%: 7.4%' CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-122 FUNDS: STREETS (103/19); WATER,WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER UTILITY(401/19); SOLID WASTE UTILITY(403/19); EQUIPMENT RENTAL (501/19) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING,PUBLIC WORKS Division: Maintenance Services MW EXPENDnUREBYOBJECTBYF M(CONT'D): .r. °la °IO APPROPRIATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Change 'Change Actual Bu et' Actual Budef DEPARTMENT. PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: 401119 Water, Wastewater, Surface Water Utility Fund-Maintenance Services :...:.. :....:::.:.:::::............. .......... ...... ............:...........::::::.::.... Regular Salaries ::1,025,081:1,139,951:: 1,006,101; 1,168,214: 1,216,231:: 2.5$' 4.19 Part T..iume 5alartes 27,957 32,400--152,194. 4219 2; 43,997, 34 89: 3.'89 Overtime = 58,401: 61,500: 49,658: 62,730: 64,296: 2.09? 2.59 Personnel I3+enefits > 389.751 503.60:8; 3924 916 455,036 472,9'13 -9 69 3.8 _. Supplies : 349,690' 416,170 368,395: 429,911:: 514,999: 3.39 19.89 .Other Svcs 8&Charges;4,858,556;6,074,444, 5,,389,012; 6,'133,385; 6 998,669: 1.09' 19.19-71 ' Capital Outlay '. 12,157:: 36,0001 11,9161 46,0001 26,200:: 27.8V -43.09 Interfund:Pa rents 380,757 284,120 336,443 319,922 330,245 12 4% 3.4% :PWw^Ot{IX9PWG{NA:{{p :v:%{:vi. ...{{^..../f .r.:.:...: ... .......}4Y .r...:.: ..�.....{:{ ...{...{{N.O /.rN.{4�ffffi'FiNF/rfif.{.. :: T DIAL ;7,097,350 8,548, 193 7 606,085 8, 657,090, 9, 667,050: 1.3%, 11.7% DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: 403119 Solid Waste Utility Fund-Maintenance Services wr AE E► :.:,;...,:.::,.>:. ;' `";""": :::::<< » »>' <> ` .... < <<'> > < «> <<" '<'<'<>>> '«<<' <><<« < > < «<` <`<` > <>" 1R t31 } CT Regular Salaries 24,217: 26,106:: 20,919: 24,360: 26,2161 -6.79: 7.69 Part Time Salaries' 0; 0 0 0 0: 0.0 9: 0.0 �r Overtime 239 0: 578: ;0 .._ _. t 01 0 09: 0.0% Personnel Benefits. 7,231•. 8,476: 7,052 7,486' 7,920:: -11::7v 5.'8% Supplies : 2,255; 4,222: 2,074: 4,328 4,458: 2.5%: 3. 09 Other Svcs 85 Charges: 13,204' 15,121: 13,019: 15,689' 13,140; 3 8% -16.2% Interfund Payments 1 20, 951 17,332:: 15,584:: 5,563: 5,7341 67 9% 3.1% :h A :;•%{:vAY.{•:{{Q:S:C.}X•�i{C:Fi.{r.bi i:P:.'F i�:..::. ......:. :::.fi. :.+.{.}Y n.....F. :x.; iwr j' qL 68, 0.97 71,257: 59,226 57,4 2 6 57,468: -19,4%. 0.1$ DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Division: 501119 Equipment Rental Fund-Equipment Maintenance Regular Salaries : 181,911: 197,605: 195,639: 202,322' 210,619' 2.49' 4.19 part Ttme Salaries; 5,467: 8,600: 8,986 8,7'72, 8,947: 2 09 2.0% Overtime : 0: 250: 0: 255: 261: 2 09: 2.99 Personnel Benefits 56,424= :67,098: 60,010; 62,543':_:: 65,007: -6.89: 3.9% Supplies 303, 130: 326,750; 306,916 334,919: 344,967: 2.59: 3.09 Other Svcs 8a Charges: 146,700€ 169,531' 169,640- 200,680: 201,842: 18.4%: 0.6 CapitalOutlay 504,274: 462,000: 281,010:: 714,947: 653,568 54.8%: -8.69 ow Debt ServiCe 328,147: 201,142: 126,159; 213,496' 282,634: : 6.1%' 32.4 Interfund Pa�♦/}u�•aents 110,781: 114,672: 113,320: 125,244 138,035 9.2%1 10.29 :r:+::Yl:})r.:/.-0::•::J/.{•}}Y}%trT'i {4Y.x,???{•}:S:{y'rnv::xrx n .......:.:..:f.}f,.,.,}:$:}}:i`!4+?}ir.{•:•'•:+i{?TT}+:::::.;.::.xrx:Y.:•i{{.:.:r,.y+.'i..}}:�i}}:n:{?.v..v.v+:.v::::?:{{vx.:}:n:{:{r.:.:::rn:v::::x::::.'i::rr:::m.r..rv:rxm:•.:r:v:xxm::r:..::.. TOTAL 1 636,834:1,5,47,648: 1,261,675 1,863,17.8 1,,905,875 20 49, 2:39 Ww CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET " 2-123 FUNDS: STREETS(103/19); WATER,WASTEWATER, SURFACE WATER UTILITY(401/19); SOLID WASTE UTILITY (403/19); EQUIPMENT RENTAL (501/19) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING,PUBLIC WORKS Division: Maintenance Services BUDGET SUMMARY There are no significant changes to the Maintenance Services budget for 1995 and 1996. Personnel cost changes have been included. All other line items have been increased by 2.5% and 3.0% for 1995 and 1996, respectively, as has been granted to all departments. Maintenance Services is supported by four funds: the Street Fund; the Water/Wastewater/Surface Water Utility Fund; the Solid Waste Utility Fund; and the Equipment Rental Fund. ACTIVITY&PERFORMANCE MEASURES; In addition to the statistics presented, there are numerous other tasks performed by the Sections of this Division. Also, listed below are some additional, non-routine activities performed. STREET MAINTENANCE Respond to emergency service requests ranging from earth slides blocking streets to helping the Police Department control and clean up after traffic accidents. WATER MAINTENANCE Maintain the water system to provide high quality water and water pressure, meet Department of Health regulations and standards, and respond to customer requests to ensure customer satisfaction. SURFACE WATER MAINTENANCE In conjunction with the street crews, respond to incidents where petroleum and chemicals accidentally enter or threaten to enter Renton's drainage systems, which provides protection to the City's streams, rivers and lake, helping to protect the environment. WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE The maintenance crews are able to locate and prevent most sewer flow blockage problems before these problems affect customers through cleaning, inspecting, maintaining, and repairing the infrastructure, SOLID WASTE MAINTENANCE Respond to community requests for collection of debris. EQUIPMENT RENTAL Provide quality services to vehicles throughout the City's fleet. Assist in repairs to other fleet management sections, assist in purchasing new vehicles. CITY OF RENTON 2-124 1995.1996 BUDGET •£. FUNDS: STREETS (103/19); WATER,WASTEWATER,SURFACE WATER UTILITY (401/19); SOLID WASTE UTILITY(403/19); EQUIPMENT RENTAL (501/19) DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING,PUBLIC WORKS Division: Maintenance Services +rr 1994 Accong►LYs18 NTs 1993- 1996 OBJECTIVES 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 r. Actual Projected Actual Projected Projected STREET MAINTENANCE PatchedJRepaired City Streets (sq, feet) 141, 108 '; 150,'000; 1283,3?6: 150, 0.00` 150, 000 Cracked Sealed City Streets (lineal feet) 161, 393i 180, 000; 247, 365: 200, 000; 200, 000 Street'Side l tion Mowing(swath m les) 1, 647; 600; 47 60Q Street Sweeping(miles) 9, 000; 4,500: 5,676 4, 500 4, 500 Street'Sweeping Debris Removed U.yd') 8 0` 40[. 1,010: _:4' 0. 40 iw SURFACE WATER MAINTENANCE CleanStorm Lines{lineal feet) j' 54,000; 54,'000: 77,834: 105, 6001 105, 600 Refurbish Catch Basins 2411 162 i 14911 0: 180 ;Clean Catch Basins 50' 1,'411€ 3, 298: 1, 412 Repair Ineffective Drainage Pipe (feet) 22 6: 22 6: 8 9 2 4 8 248 Construct New Storm Water Line'(feet) 2,'379: 2, 400: 1, 444: 2, 100: 2, 100 Clean Manholes 18 9 212: 3 4 7 : 3 2 6 326 WATER MAINTENANCE Install Permanent Meters 420 : 1101 981: 130: 130 Repair/Replace Meters 623' 720; 2, 604; 650; 650 Conduct Leak Detections on Water Mains 16,4 3 81 18,385€ 30, 529: 68, 500 68, 500 (lineal feet) Repair/Replace Water Mains (lineal feet) 1,041. 1, 0231; 1, 04 4: 1, 000: 1, 000 Repair Fire Hydrants 316:. 3 6 5: 3 8 9`•. 3?0: 370 _. Test City Water for High Quality(samples) 1, 030:: 1,118 1, 2 0 5 II 1, 2001 1, 200 Repair/Install Services 1 078: 1, 200: 2, 794: 800: 800 .rr Clean Water Mains (lineal feet) 0 8, 0001 21, 9661 9, 000:: 9, 000 Inspect/Operate Hydrants 2,454 4, 200: 4, 880: 4, 4'001 4, 404 Inspect/Operate Gate Valves : 1, 661; 2, 150: 1, 205: 2, 200; 2, 200 4r WASTEWATER MAINTENANCE(SEWER) : f Clean Sewer Line (lineal feet) 124,>.622: '158, 524: 96,528: 90, 5`06: 90,506 TV Inspect(lineal feet) 26, 171: 26, 171; 26, 956; 35, 844':, 35, 844 Locate/Repair Defects 2 8 2 8 13 2 8 2 8 .rr Locate/Remove Potential Flow Problems 1 18, 200:: 10, 4 5 9 534 : 10, 5 00:1 10, 500 Root Cut Lines (lineal feet) 33,,`;`902: 19,050: 26, 536: 16, 196: 16,196 Pump Stations Inspections 1, 839: 2, 000' 1, 722; 2, 300; 2, 300 ar Manhole Inspections 10,'459: 10, 000: 9, 154: 6, 600: 6,600 SOLID WASTE/LITTER CONTROL PROGRAM Trash Collected (tons) :365 : 3 5 0 . :23 350 350 EQUIPMENT SERVICES Maintenance (total#vehicles) 378: 37 6: 380: 3!9 0: 3 8 0 Repairs (# or$) 1, 311; 1, 294' 1, 4271 1, 300: 1, 300 Replacement (#vehicles) 10€ 5 : 8 7 : 8 Outfitted (#vehicles) 4 0 : 12 ` 16 1 12 ' 12 +r +r CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2-125 DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Position Listing 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 GradeTitle Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Plaaning, Building, Public Works Administration 43 Ping/Bldg/Pub Wks Administrator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21 Administrative Analyst 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11 Administrative Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 Office Assistant I 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL ADMINSTRATION 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Development Services Administration Development Services Admin 38 Dev Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9 Administrative Secretary I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Development Services Admin 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Development and Planning 32 Principal Planner 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Senior Planners 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 19 Associate Planner 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Secretary I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 Office Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Development and Planning 6.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Permits and Inspections 33 Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Engr Specialist III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21 Lead Field Engr Specialist 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 19 Engr Specialist II 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 18 Dev Services Representative 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 18 Field Engr Specialist 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 12 Util Locator-Inspector 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 k 32 Building Official 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21 Lead Building Inspector 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 Inspectors 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7 Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Bldg Plan Reviewer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19 Associate Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 18 Dev Services Representative 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 Office Assistant II 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total Bldg Inspections& Permits 26.0 26.0 2 6.0 26.0 26.0 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 34:0 33.0 34.0 34.0';, 34.0 CITY OF RENTON 2.126 1995-1996 BUDGET it DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Position Listing irr 1993 19941 1994 1995 1996 Grade Title Actual Budge€ Actual Budget Budget Planning&Technical Services Administration Planning/Technical Services Admin 38 Ping/Tech Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 se 7 Secretary II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Office Assistant III 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Planning/Tech Services Admn 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 wr Planning&Special Projects 32 Principal Planner 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 �r 23 Senior Planner 2.6 2.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 19 Associate Planner 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total Planning& Special Projects 4.6 5.6 5.0 5.0 5.0 rr�r Technical Services 32 Technical Services Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 er 20 Mapping G/S Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19 Property Mgt Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ow13 Engr Spec I (Property Mgt) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13 Engr Spec I (Mapping) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5 Office Assistant III 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ow Total Technical Services 6.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 TOTAL PLANNING/TECHNICAL SERVICES 13.1 14.1 13.5 13.5 13.5 Iry UTILITY SYSTEMS: Administration 4W38 Utility Systems Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9 Admin Secretary I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Secretary I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 aw Total Utility Administration 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Water Utility Systems rrr 33 Utility Engr Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 27 Civil Engineer III 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 23 Civil Engineer II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6W 19 Engineering Specialist II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13 Engr Specialist I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 Office Asst II 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6W Total Water Utility Systems 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 Wastewater Utility Systems +rr 27 Civil Engr III/Lead 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Engr Specialist III 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total Wastewater Utility Systems 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 +rr �.. CITY OF RENTON 2-127 1995-1996 BUDGET DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Position Listing x 1993; 1994 1994 1995 1996 Grade' Title' ;Actual Budget Actual Budget ;i Budget > . ... Surface Water Utility Systems 33 Util Engr Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 27 Civil Engineer III 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Civil Engineer II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19 Engineering Specialist II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 19 Civil Engineer I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Surface Wtr Utility Systems 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Solid Waste Utility Systems 21 Solid Waste Coordinator 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 46 13 Program Specialist(Reclass 1-1-94) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Solid Waste Utility Systems 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 TOTAL UTILITY SYSTEMS 19.5 19.5 19.4 19.4 .. 19.4 MAINTENANCE SERVICES: Maintenance Administration 38 Maintenance Services Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13 Maintenance Buyer 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Purchasing Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7 Data Base Systems Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 Office Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Maintenance Administration 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Streets/Solid Waste Maintenance Services 26 Street Maintenance Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 Maint Sery Supvr (Street) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 Lead Maint Services Worker 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 11 Maint Services Wkr III/Street 9.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 7 Maint Services Worker II/Street 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3 Solid Wst Mtc Wkr(PT Convers '92) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Streets/Solid Waste Maint Sery 16.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 16.0 Wastewater/Surface Water Maintenance Services 26 Wste/Surf Wtr Maintenance Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 Maint Sery Supvr(Wste/Surf Wtr) 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11 Maint Services Worker III/Waste Wtr 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 11 Maintenance Svc Wrkr III/Storm 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 7 Maintenance Svc Wrkr II/Storm 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Total Wste Wtr/Surf Wtr Maint Sery 13.0 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 4 r CITY OF RENTON 2-128 1995-1996 BUDGET DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Position Listing 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 Grade Tine Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget Water Maintenance Services 26 Water Maintenance Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 Water Maint Services Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20 Water Utility Maintenance Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 Water Quality Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 Water Utility Maint Technician 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 15 Lead Maintenance Services Worker 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 15 Wtr Treatmt Plant Operator(New 94) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11 Maintenance Services Worker III 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 up 7 Maintenance Services Worker II 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 Meter Reader 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total Water Maintenance Services 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 it Equipment Maintenance Services 26 Vehicle&Equipment Mtc Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ar 13 Vehicle&Equipment Mechanic I 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 9 Mechanic's Assistant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Equipment Maintenance 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 TOTAL'MAINTENANCE SERVICES 58.0 55.5 55.5 55.5 56:5 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS: Administration and Design 38 Transportation Systems Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 to 33 Transportation Planning Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 33 Transportation Engineering Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 27 Civil Engineer III 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 sr 25 Program Development Coordinator 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Civil Engineer II 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 23 Engineering Specialist III 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ar 20 Assistant Transportation Planner 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9 Administrative Secretary I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 Office Assistant II 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total Trans Sys/Admin&Design 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 Transportation Operations/Maintenance wr 33 Transportation Operations Manager 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 27 Transportation Maint Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1101 23 Civil Engineer I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 21 Signal/Electronics Sys Tech II 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 19 Engineering Specialist II 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 nr 17 Traffic Sign&Paint Supvr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 17 Signal/Electronics Systems Tech I 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 CITY OF RENTON 2-129 1995-1996 BUDGET DEPARTMENT: PLANNING,BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS Position Listing 1993 ! 1994 1994> 1995 1996 Grade : Tatle Actual' Budget Actual Budget Budget Transportation Operations/Maintenance (Continued) 13 Signal/Electronics Sys Asst II 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 11 Traffic Maint Worker II 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 9 Signal/Electronics Systems Asst 1 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 Office Assistant III 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Total Trans Operations/Maint 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 Airport 32 Airport Supervisor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13 Engineering Spec I 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 11 Airport Maintenance Worker 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 R 5 Secretary I 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Total Airport 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 TOTALTRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 31.0 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 159.6 >156.1 156.4 156.4 157.4 { CITY OF RENTON 2-130 1995-1996 BUDGET 1995 NEW AND REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE rr Veh Vehicle to be New Vehicle Est De meat/DMsion .. Re laced Descrl 'Econ Llf Cosh' Community Swviees pr General Services C120 1985 Chev S 10 1995 5-10 P/U 7 12,120.00 Golf Course NEW ------ 1995 Fairway Mower 5 30,000.00 Golf Course NEW ------ 1995 Fairway Mower 5 30,000.00 H&CD, General Fund A166 1979 Pontiac Lemans 4-door sedan Used Rental Car 7 11,000.00 Park Administration NEW ------ 1995 Chevy Astro Van 7 18,747.00 Park Facility NEW ------ 1 Ton Truck w/Hoist 7 23,263.00 Park Facility NEW ------ John Deere 1145 Mower 7 22,585.00 war Park Facility NEW ------ Goosen Vacuum/Sweeper 7 15,148.00 Park Facility NEW ------ John Deere 6 x 4 Gator 7 8,353.00 Park Facility NEW ------ Sprayer 7 1,731.00 Senior Center NEW ------ 1995 21-Passenger Van 7 30,000.00 202,947.00 Fire Fire Administration F034 Chevy Caprice 1995 Sedan 7 12,000.00 Fire Suppression F032 Chevy Suburban 1993 Chevy Suburban 7 30,000.00 42,000.00 ws P/B/Pw Const Field Services C144 1987 Toyota 1/2-ton pickup 1995 Toyota P/U 7 16,000.00 Development/Planning A216 1985 Chevy Citation 4-dr 1995 Sedan 7 16,000.00 Planning&Tech Svsc A190 1981 Ford Fairmont 2-door sedan 1995 Sedan 7 11,000.00 Public Works Inspection B033 1986 Chevy 1/2-ton Suburban 1995 Suburban 7 25,000.00 Sewer Maintenence C123 1985 Chevrolet S-10 1/2-ton pickup 1995 1/2 Ton P/U 7 11,700.00 Street Maintenence D041 1980 GMC 6-yard dump 1995 6-Yard Dump 10 68,000.00 aw Street Maintenence D064 Used 10-Yard Dump 1995 10-Yard Dump 10 72,000.00 Street Maintenence E069 1985 Drum Roller 1995 Asphalt Roller 10 35,000.00 Street Maintenence E075 1988 Ford Tractor/Mower 1995 Roadside Mower 5 70,000.00 Survey C124 1985 Chevrolet S-10 1/2-ton pickup 1995 1/2 Ton P/U 7 13,500.00 Water Maintenence B044 1988 Chevy Astro Van 1995 Chevy Astro Van 7 14,800.00 Water Maintenence C114 1984 Chevy 1/2-ton pickup 1995 1/2 Ton P/U 7 13,000.00 366,000.00 ear Police Animal Control C162 1990 Chevy 3/4 T 1995 Chevy 3/4 Ton 7 25,000.00 Police Investigation A276 1987 Chrys Labarron 1995 Sedan 7 18,000.00 err Police K-9 A304 1991 Chevy Caprice w/radio 1995 Chevy Caprice 3 25,000.00 Police Traffic M037 1991 Kawasaki w/ radio 1995 Motorcycle 3 11,000.00 Police Traffic NEW ------ 1995 Chevy Caprice 7 25,000.00 104,000.00 TOTAL 1995 BUDGETED PURCHASES 714 947.00 1994 Carryforward Purchases P/B/PW Sewer Maint(15%) D038 1974 Ford 6-yard dump 1994 Dump Truck 10 9,750.00 Sewer Maintenence C075 1977 GMC TV inspection van TV Inspection Van Upgrade 5 50,000.00 St Maint(75%) D038 1974 Ford 6-yard dump 1994 Dump Truck 10 48,750.00 Water Maint 10% D038 1974 Ford 6-yard dump 1994 Dump Truck 10 6,500.00 115,000.00 .. 99. :: �T::1C �i�AS�$ ...<:.`:> >•>::;>;:::>::::::<:;>:>::::>:::..::.:.. ,.:.. ,.....; >`•;'<;:::;:.: ::. 89,5147;00 +wr CITY OF RENTON 2-131 1995- 1996 BUDGET vir ri ail 40 CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 2.132 Budget by Fund Aw C c 6 G L G l L L L t L G G G E rwr FUND 000 - GENERAL FUND DESCRIPTION ow, The City of Renton's General Fund includes all financial transactions which are not specifically accounted for in other funds. It is the largest accounting entity in the City and provides for most of the general operations except for Parks and General Services, Transportation and Street Maintenance,and Library functions which are in separate funds. uw 1995 General Fund revenues are projected to increase$1.6 million or 5.7%more than the 1994 originally adopted budget. 1994 actual receipts are$577 thousand orl.9% greater than 1995 revenue estimates. The major resources to the fund are property tax, sales tax, and utility tax. The 1995 allocation to the General Fund for these major tax sources is as follows: 84% of the general property tax levy; 64% of projected sales tax revenue; and 35% of all utility taxes. Interfund revenues primarily are Hwy reimbursements from proprietary funds for indirect services provided by the General Fund. The table below left, shows the 1995 basic General Fund revenue categories and the percentage of support. 1995 estimated expenditures are up $1.5 million or 5.4% over 1994 adopted figures, and are $122 thousand or .4% less than rw 1994 actual expenses. 332.3 FTE or 62.5%of the total regular City staff are in the General Fund. Staff decreased by 9.4 FTE over 1994 mainly due to transfer of service provided by Fire District 1125 to City of Bellevue. The table below right, displays the 1995 services provided by the General Fund. Over 58%of the expenses are for public safety services. ke 1995 %of 3995 %of 1995 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Budget Total 1995 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Budget Total Taxes: Legislative Services(City Council) 116,046 0.48 General Property Tax, Sales Tax, 21,689,649 74.2% Executive Services: 2,292,101 7.88 Admission Tax,Franchise Fees Mayor's Office,Municipal Court, Utility Tax,EMS Levy, Gambling City Attorney,Hearing Examiner, + Excise Tax,Leasehold City Clerk Excise Tax Human Resources&Risk Management: 508,671 1.78 Licenses and Permits: 1,111,850 3.8% Personnel Administration, Civil irM Fire Permits/Plan Review, General Service&Risk Management Business Licenses,Amusement Finance&lgformation Services: 4,915,069 16.88 Animal Licenses Budgeting/Accounting,Printing Intergovernmental Revenue: 2,297,596 7.9%. Data Processing,Misc Grants,Motor Veh Excise Tax Mandatory Expense (MVET), Criminal Justice MVET Police Services: 9,003,691 30.8% State Shared Revenues and Law Enforcement, Crime go Entitlements Prevention,Jail,Animal Charges for Service: 764,546 2.6% Control, Support Services General Government,Public Safety Fire Services: 8,020,881 27.4% to Ping/Zoning/EIS Fees, Suppression,Aid Services, PW Inspection and Approval Prevention,Emergency Fees,Plan Check Fees Mgt, Support Services Fines and Forfeits: 730,900 2.58 Planning/Building/PuMic Works: 3,540,648 12.1% +err Municipal Court,Narcotics Code Enforcement,Building Confiscation Permits,Plan Review,Inspection Misc. Revenue/Other Financing 406,500 1.4% Services, Current&Long Range Ow Sources: Investment Interest,Rents, Planning,Property,Mapping in g Contributions,Auction Proceeds, and Survey Services, Operating Transfers-In Administrative Support it Interfund Revenues 2,2 4 4,4 0 1 7-7% Human Services Programs 840,4 0 1 2.9 TOTAL REVENUES 29,245,442 100.08 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 29,237,5081100.0% tow to so CITY OF RENTON 1995-1996 BUDGET 3-1 faw FUND 000-GENERAL FUND REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 1993 1994 1994> 1995'' 1996 %Chg; %Chg Item Actual :::Budget ActualBudget Budget 94-95 95-96 REVENUES: Real&Personal Property Tax 9,599,023 9,772,788 9,849,077 10,583,949 11,474,647 8.3$ 8.49 Sales Tax 5,047,918 5,915,293 5,881,055 6,814,000 7,172,600 15.20 5.39 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 584,519 611,000 609,886 644,000 663,300 5.49 3.09 Utility Tax/TV Cable 240,959 238,000 224,309 245,100 252,500 3.09 3.09 Utility Tax/Telephone Telegraph 293,431 142,000 192,228 190,000 193,800 33.89 2.09 Utility Tax/Electricity 0 0 0 75,000 0 N/A -100.09 Utility Tax/Transfer Station 0 175,000 141,397 350,000 350,000 100.09 0.09 Interfund Taxes/Utility 1,244,709 1,369,554 1,354,435 1,438,000 1,509,900 5.09 5.09 EMS Levy Funds 296,283 285,000 313,548 302,100 320,200 6.09 6.09 Gambling Excise Tax 640,548 651,000 632,265 670,500 687,300 3.09 2.59 Other Taxes 359,083 377,000 402,118 377,000 377,000 0.09 0.09 Gen/Prof/Occup Bus Licenses 287,000 295,000 295,000 326,400 331,500 10.69 1.69 Building and Street Use Permits 629,477 520,700 846,489 656,000 656,000 26.09 0.09 Other Licenses&Permits 145,418 138,450 159,268 129,450 129,450 -6.59 0.09 Federal/State Grants 319,791 0 257,243 0 0 N/A N/A State/Motor Veh Excise Tax 696,905 710,300 739,205 623,100 623,100 -12.39 0.09 Criminal Justice MVET 185,541 87,282 286,616 66,796 67,060 -23.59 0.49 Fire District#25 1,404,495 1,864,929 1,779,468 1,200,000 1,200,000 -35.79 0.09 Other Intergovernmental 493,096 475,000 551,042 407,700 402,900 -14.29 -1.29 Plan Checldng Fees 190,464 150,000 237,199 190,000 190,000 26.79 0.09 Other Charges for Services 576,506 555,668 632,947 574,546 568,299 3.49 -1.19 Municipal Court Fines 633,414 715,600 606,677 729,900 762,800 2.09 4.59 Other Fines&Forfeits 230,815 1,000 483,847 1,000 1,100 0.09 10.09 Investment Interest 307,172 320,000 479,252 325,000 330,000 1.69 1.59 Other Miscellaneous 180,411 111,449 213,377 81,500 81,500 -26.99 0.09 Prior period Corrections 26,648 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Operating Tsf-In 11,000 0 10,000 0 0 N/A N/A Interfund Loan Repmt/Narco Acq 0 0 300,000 0 0 N/A N/A 41 Interfund Revenues 2,086,159 2,196,527 2,344,980 2,244,401 2,305,662 2.29 2.79 TOTAL REVENUES 26,710,785 27,678,540 29,822,929 29,245,442 30,650,618 5.79 4.89 EXPENDITURES: Regular Salaries 14,562,008 15,442,992 15,753,289 15,771,478 16,441,285 2.19 4.29 Part Time Salaries 163,445 142,112 206,809 166,309 129,919 17.09 -21.99 q Overtime 831,086 811,602 999,723 872,347 907,823 7.59 4.19 Personnel Benefits 4,243,539 4,797,262 4,524,451 4,496,071 4,665,789 -6.39 3.89 Supplies 566,866 648,070 612,998 643,118 667,422 -0.89 3.89 Professional Services 1,566,047 1,200,456 1,707,252 1,393,537 1,449,450 16.19 4.09 Postage/Telephone/Other 253,392 285,580 294,201 292,967 302,845 2.69 3.49 Travel/Training 113,142 117,371 123,647 149,305 153,733 27.29 3.09 Advertising 26,037 34,360 25,570 33,717 33,778 -1.99 0.29 Other Rentals 91,236 60,261 92,634 77,547 81,699 28.79 5.49 Equipment Rental 377,008 379,177 379,502 479,881 500,984 26.69 4.49 Insurance 545,300 974,830 974,830 1,008,949 1,044,262 3.59 3.59 Repairs&Maintenance 279,934 368,752 263,451 360,591 378,758 -2.29 5.09 Miscellaneous 397,590 246,221 646,830 390,054 418,405 58.49 7.39 Intergovernmental Services 1,736,284 2,048,052 2,409,235 2,976,062 3,201,213 45.39 7.69 Capital Outlay 360,148 106,254 282,131 60,500 225,272 -43.19 272.49 Debt Service 67,435 63,356 63,355 65,075 44,409 2.79 -31.89 Interfund Loans/Narco Acq 300,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 26,480,497 27,726,708 29,359,907 29,237,508 30,647,046 5.49 4.89 Fund Balance,January1 2,105,096 886,378 2,335,384 1,805,757 1,813,691 103.79 0.49 Revenues 26,710,785 27,678,540 29,822,929 29,245,442 30,650,618 5.79 4.89 Expenditures (26,480,497) (27,726,708) (29,359,907) (29,237,508) (30,647,046) 5.49 4.89 Fund Balance,December 31 2,335,384 838,210 2,798,407 1,813,691 1,817,263 116.49 0.29 Operating Reserves 2,118,440 2,218,137 2,348,793 2,339,001 2,451,764 5.49 4.89 Undesignated Fund Balance 216,944 (1,379,927) 449,614 (525,310) (634,501) -61.99 20.89 CITY OF RENTON 3-2 1995-1996 BUDGET r1r REVENUE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL ► 1993 1994 1994 5995 1996 VA96,6hg ' IAcctNo./ xnd000. AccountTitk Actual ;Bud et Actual Budget Budgrt 94-.95 96 96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,105,095 886,378 2,335,384 1,805,757 1,813,691 103.74 0.99 ON 000000.000.3 110.00 10.00.000000 REAL&PERS PROPERTY TAXES 9,599,023 9,772,788 9,849,077 10,583,949 11,474,647 8.38 8.98 000000.000.3130.0010.00.000000 LOCAL RETAIL SALES/USE TAX 5,047,918 5,915,293 5,881,055 6,814,000 7,172,600 15.28 5.34 000000.000.3130.0070.00.000000 LOC SALES TAX/CRIMINAL JUSTICE 584,519 611,000 609,886 644,000 663,300 5.94 3.08 000000.000.3160.0020.00.000011 ADMISSION TAX/LONGACRES 32,984 0 4,890 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3160.0020.00.000012 ADMISSION TAX/MOVIE THEATER 112,140 100,000 97,256 100,000 100,000 0.08 0.04 000000.000.3160.0030.00.000000 FRANCHISE FEES 134,501 207,000 222,167 207,000 207,000 0.08 0.08 000000.000.3160.0041.00.000000 UTILITY TAX/ELECTRICITY 0 0 0 75,000 0 N/A -100.04 000000.000.3160.0045.00.000000 UTILITY TAX/TRANSFER STATION 0 175,000 141,397 350,000 350,000 100.04 0.04 000000.000.3160.0046.00.000000 UTILITY TAX/TV CABLE 240,959 238,000 224,309 245,100 252,500 3.04 3.08 000000.000.3160.0047.00.000000 UTILITY TAX/PHONE/TELEGRAPH 137,593 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3160.0047.00.000001 UTILITY TAX/CELLULAR PHONE 155,838 142,000 192,228 190,000 193,800 33.88 2.08 000000.000.3160.0070.00.000000 UTILITY TAX/CITY UTILITIES 1,244,709 1,369,554 1,354,435 1,438,000 1,509,900 5.08 5.04 000000.000.3170.0020.00.000000 LEASEHOLD EXCISE TAX 79,458 70,000 77,805 70,000 70,000 0.04 0.04 000000.000.3180.0040.00.000000 EMS LEVY FUNDS/KING CO 296,283 285,000 313,548 302,100 320,200 6.04 6.04 am 000000.000.3180.0040.00.000025 EMS LEVY FUNDS/FIRE DIST X125 0 0 98,498 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3180.0050.00.000000 GAMBLING EXCISE TAX 640,238 650,000 632,258 669,500 686,300 3.04 2.54 000000.000.3190.008 1.00.000000 PENALTY ON GAMBLING TAXES 310 1,000 8 1,000 1,000 0.04 0.04 TAXES 18,306,473 19,536,635 19,698,817 21,689,649 23,001,247 11.08 6.08 000000.000.3210.0030.00.000001 UNIF.FIRE CODE PERMITS 41,120 34,100 41,620 34,100 34,100 0.04 0.08 000000.000.3210.0030.00.000002 FIREWORKS STAND PERMITS 900 900 825 900 900 0.08 0.04 im 000000.000.3210.0030.00.000003 REINSPECTION FOLLOW-UPS/UFC 1,636 2,500 1,550 2,500 2,500 0.08 0.08 000000.000.3210.0030.00.000004 FIRE PRO SYS PER/PIAN REVIEW 35,071 27,000 30,470 27,000 27,000 0.04 0.04 000000.000.3210.0030.00.000005 MISC SERVICES 77 150 93 150 150 0.08 0.04 000000.000.3210.0030.00.000007 CONSTR PERMIT FEES/FIRE 19,070 9,500 17,241 9,500 9,500 0.04 0.04 Y� 000000.000.3210.0030.00.000008 CONSTR RE-INSPECTION FEES 135 300 90 300 300 0.04 0.08 000000.000.3210.0070.00.000000 AMUSEMENT LICENSES 30,845 35,000 47,001 35,000 35,000 0.04 0.04 000000.000.3210.0090.00.000013 GENERAL BUSINESS LICENSES 287,000 295,000 295,000 326,400 331,500 10.64 1.68 000000.000.3220.0010.00.000010 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 4,577 0 44,487 25,000 25,000 N/A 0.04 000000.000.3220.0010.00.000011 BLDG PERMITS/CML/RES1D 243,587 250,000 424,715 310,000 310,000 24.04 0.08 000000.000.3220.0010.00.000012 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 299,816 200,000 322,322 250,000 250,000 25,08 0.08 000000.000.3220.0010.00.000013 MECHANICAL PERMITS 73,656 65,000 40,745 40,000 40,000 -38.58 0.08 000000.000.3220.0010.00.000014 GRADING PERMITS 774 0 1,069 500 500 N/A 0.04 000000.000.3220.0010.00.000015 SEWER PERMITS (160) 0 100 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3220.0010.00.000016 SIGN PERMITS 3,650 1',700 3,347 2,500 2,500 47.14 0.04 000000.000.3220.0010.00.000020 ENERGY CODE PERMITS 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 N/A 0.04 aw 000000.000.3220.0030.00.000001 ANIMAL LICENSES/CAT 4,188 5,000 6,252 3,500 3,500 -30.04 0.04 000000.000.3220.0030.00.000002 ANIMAL LICENSES/DOG 12,316 24,000 14,127 16,500 16,500 -31.34 0.04 000000.000.3220.0040.00.000000 STREET/CURB/HOUSE MOVING 3,577 4,000 9,704 3,000 3,000 -25.08 0.08 lam, 000000.000.3220.0081.00.000000 PENALTY-ANIMAL LICENSES 60 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A LICENSES AND PERMITS 1,061,895 954,150 1,300,757 1,111,850 1,116,950 16.54 0.58 000000.000.3310.0016.57.000000 FAMILY VIOLENCE GRT/DEPTJUST 3,673 0 1,400 0 0 N/A N/A vw 000000.000.3330.0016.80.000000 NARCOTICS GRANT/JUSTICE DEPT 276,229 0 186,279 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0083.50.000000 FEMA 1990-1991 FLOOD DAMAG G 0 0 787 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3340.0003.00.000001 ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE/WSEO 0 0 1,664 0 0 N/A N/A to 000000.000.3340.0003.00.000002 ENERGY CODE TRAINING/WSEO 0 0 8,975 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3340.0003.50.000000 SEAT BELT EMPHASIS GRANT 3,969 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3340.0004.20.000000 DCD/GROWTH MANAGEMENT 35,920 0 58,139 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3350.0000.81.000000 MOBILE HM/TR/CMPR EXC TAX 11,316 9,000 12,308 11,400 11,400 26.78 0.04 4o 000000.000.3350.0000.83.000000 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE TAX-REG 696,905 710,300 739,205 623,100 623,100 -12.38 0.08 000000.000.3360.0000.82.000000 CRI MI NAL JUSTICE MVET 97,449 0 47,533 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3360.0000.83.000000 MVET-CRIMINAL JUSTICE 88,092 87,282 21,817 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.000.3360.0000.85.000000 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX-EQUALIZATIO 43,835 10,000 47,086 0 0 -100.08 N/A 10 000000.000.3360.0006.10.000000 MVET-CRIMJUSTICE/HIGH CRIME 0 0 120,527 0 0 N/A N/A up CITY OF RENTON 3.3 1995.1996 BUDGET m REVENUE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL Y. 1993 1994 1994 14995,11996 I' %'Chg '96 Ch g lAcct?10-!Fl d 000. AccountTitic Amal Budget Actual Budget Budget` 94-95 95. 6 000000.000.3360.0006.21.000000 MVET-CRI M JUSTICE/POPULATION 0 0 6,295 13,182 13,446 N/A 2.0# . 000000.000.3360.0006.22.000000 MVET-CRIMJUSTICE/DCD#1 0 0 13,073 13,234 13,234 N/A 0.0# 000000.000.3360.0006.23.000000 MVET-CRIMJUSTICE/DCD X2 0 0 15,141 20,188 20,188 N/A 0.0# 000000.000.3360.0006.24.000000 MVET-CRI M JUSTICE/DCD X3 0 0 15,144 20,192 20,192 N/A 0.08 000000.000.3360.0006.94.000000 LIQUOR EXCISE TAX 145,656 140,000 139,627 131,000 129,400 -6.4# -1.28 000000.000.3360.0006.95.000000 LIQUOR BOARD PROFITS 291,089 315,000 283,697 264,300 261,100 -16.1# -1.28 000000.000.3380.0022.00.000000 FIRE SERVICE CONTRACT DIST X25 1,404,495 1,864,929 1,680,970 1,200,000 1,200,000 -35.78 0.0# 000000.000.3380.0022.00.000001 DCTED/CHELAN FIRE/REIMB 0 0 71,864 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3380.0058.00.000000 HEARING EXAMINER FEES 1,200 1,000 1,167 1,000 1,000 0.0# 0.0# 000000.000.3380.0058.00.000001 DCD GROWTH MGT/SLRY REIMB/M 0 0 42,379 0 0 N/A N/A INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3,099,827 3,137,511 3,515,077 2,297,596 2,293,060 -26.88 a 000000.000.3410.0026.00.000000 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FILINGS 347 0 320 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3410.0032.00.000000 WARRANT ADM FEE 15,768 18,500 6,286 18,500 18,500 0.0# 0.0# 000000.000.3410.0032.03.000000 APPEAL PREPARATION 27 0 162 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3410.0032.04.000000 WARRANT FEES: SWF 4,481 0 15,523 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3410.0042.00.000000 LATECOMER ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 0 0 4,417 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3410.0050.00.000000 SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 72 0 146 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3410.0060.00.000001 CERTIFICATION/CERTIFIED COPIES 155 0 86 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3410.0060.00.000024 DUPLICATING SERVICE 10,383 8,000 9,149 8,000 8,000 0.08 0.08 "1 000000.000.3410.0062.00.000000 COURT COPY FEES 214 0 328 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3410.0070.00.000000 CONCESS/VEND MACH/PHONE 2,843 0 3,339 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.34 10,007 1.00.000000 INMATE HEALTH&WELFARE/COM 5,544 0 5,931 0 0 N/A N/A } 000000.000.3410.0072.00.000000 INMATE HEALTH&WELFARE/PHON 5,500 0 4,537 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3410.0096.00.000000 UNIFORM EXAM FILING FEES 0 10,000 5,395 20,000 0 100.0* -100.0* 000000.000.3420.0010,00.000000 LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES 26,006 18,000 23,403 18,000 18,000 0.0# 0.0# 000000.000.3420.0010.00.000001 POLICE PRIV.SEC.OVERTIME 138,469 216,968 100,838 224,500 234,600 3.5# 4.5# 000000.000.3420.0010.00.000002 FIRE PRIV.SEC.OVERTIME 0 0 4,591 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3420.0020.00.000000 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES 200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3420.0033.00.000000 PROBATION ASSESSMENT 6,914 5,000 8,287 5,000 5,000 0.0# 0.0* 000000.000.3420.0036.00.000000 ELECTRONIC HOME DETENTION FE 10,470 0 29,005 41,246 44,899 N/A 8.9# 000000.000.3420.0090.00.000000 FALSE ALARMS 4,475 4,200 5,625 4,200 4,200 0.0# 0.0# 000000.000.3430.0020.00.000000 P/W INSP APPR FEES 58,739 60,000 89,410 70,000 70,000 16.7# 0.0# 000000.000.3430.0020.00.000001 SDC/LID SEGREGATION FEES 0 0 175 0 0 N/A N/A 000000,000.34 30.002 1.00.000000 HOUSE/MOBILE HOME INSPI'N 150 0 150 100 100 N/A 0.08 000000.000.3430.0083.00.000000 STORM DRAINAGE FEES (1,613) 0 801 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3430.0090.00.000000 LATECOMER HANDLING FEE 2,796 0 1,906 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000000 PLANN 2,ONING/SUBDIV FEES 3,263 175,000 0 145,000 145,000 -17.18 0.0# 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000002 ANNEXATION FEES 850 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000003 APPEALS&WAIVERS 0 0 375 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000004 BINDING SITE PIAN/SHORT PIAT 11,038 0 17,142 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000006 CONDITIONAL USE FEES 21,775 0 14,232 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000007 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FEES 25,481 0 9,301 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000008 PRELIMINARY PLAT 2,419 0 6,944 0 0 N/A N/A l 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000009 50%FINAL PLAT(GENERAL FUND) 8,781 0 1,688 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000010 FINAL/PRELIMINARY PUD 8,700 0 1,084 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000011 GRADING&FILLING FEES 1,200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000012 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 900 0 4,500 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000015 ROUTINE VEGETATION MGMT FEES 1,500 0 450 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000016 SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEV FEE 16,768 0 14,556 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000017 SITE PLAN APPROVAL 40,265 0 41,707 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000018 SPECIAL/TEMPORARY REVIEW FEE 688 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000019 VARIANCE FEES 0 0 3,040 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0083.00.000000 PLAN CHECKING FEES 190,464 150,000 237,199 190,000 190,000 26.78 0.08 000000.000.3450.0084.00.000000 EIS/OTHER PLANNING FEES 731 40,000 1,088 20,000 20,000 -50.0# 0.08 000000.000.3450.0084.00.000001 SUPPLEMENTAL DEVELOPMENT FE 1,613 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0084.00.000004 DEV FEES/TALBOT-HOSP POLICIES 1,013 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3450.0084.00.000015 ORCHARDS SUPLMTL EIS/NRTHWD 0 0 6,369 0 0 N/A N/A F2 CITY OF RENTON 3-4 1995.1996 BUDGET aw REVENUE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL lr 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Ch g; Acct No./Fund OOq.,. Account tYtk Actual Budget; Actual Budgct Budgct' 94-98 95-96 028500.000.3450.0084.00.079256 PUGET POWER TRANS/EIS 6,900 0 2,736 0 0 N/A N/A 028500.000.3450.0084.00.079257 RABANCO WASTE RECOVERY/EIS 6,195 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A to 028500.000.3450.0084.00.079260 METRO SEWAGE PLANT/EIS 20,805 0 6,563 0 0 N/A N/A 028500.000.3450.0084.00.079261 BOEING/LONGACRES MASTR PLN/ 105,021 0 181,226 0 0 N/A N/A 028600.000.3450.0084.00.079262 VAL MED CTR MSTR PLAN/PRE-APP (1,559) 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3470.0090.00.000000 MUNICIPAL ARTS WORKSHOPS 221 0 138 0 0 N/A N/A r CHARGES FOR SERVICES 766,970 705,668 870,146 764,546 758,299 000000.000.3490.0014.10.000007 FIN/REIMB FM 317/EDENS TESTIN 0 0 3,740 0 0 N/A N/A 4s 000000.000.3490.0018.80.000007 DP/REIMB FM 317/EDENS TESTING 0 0 20,567 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0019.90.000001 REIMB FM EQUIP RENTAL/INDIREC 74,354 78,072 78,072 80,024 82,425 2.58 3.08 000000.000.3490.0019.90.000002 REIMB FM AIRPORT/INDIRECT 26,907 32,020 32,020 32,574 33,551 1.79 3.08 000000.000.3490.0019.90.000003 REIMB FM FIREMEN'S PENS/INDIRE 2,669 2,936 2,936 3,265 3,363 11.29 3.04 10 000000.000.3490.0019.90.000015 REIMB FM SOLID WSTE/INDIRECT 201,846 231,938 231,938 237,736 244,869 2.59 3.08 000000.000.3490.0019.90.000025 REIMB FM WTRWRKS UTL/INDIREC 828,058 1,000,814 1,000,814 1,025,834 1,056,609 2.59 3.08 000000.000.3490.0019.90.000026 REIMB FM GOLF COURSE/INDIREC 20,208 21,229 21,229 29,166 30,041 37.48 3.08 to 000000.000.3490.0019.90.000027 REIMB FM INSUR FUND/INDIRECT 98,276 103,190 103,190 105,770 108,943 2.58 3.08 000000.000.3490.0019.90.000080 SHOP O&M/RENT:FROM 401/402/4 77,132 77,132 77,132 74,352 75,054 -3.68 0.98 000000.000.3490.0032.10.000049 PW ADMN/REIMB FM AIRPORT 3,078 3,232 3,232 3,313 3,412 2.58 3.08 000000.000.3490.0032.10.000050 FW ADMN/REIMB FM SOLID WASTE 9,000 9,450 8,663 9,686 9,977 2.58 3.08 10 000000.000.3490.0032.10.000051 PW ADMN/REIMB FM WATER UTILIT 18,164 20,806 19,073 21,326 21,966 2.58 3.08 000000.000.3490.0032.10.000052 PW ADMN/REIMB FM WSTEWTR UT 18,972 19,920 18,260 20,418 21,031 2.58 3.08 000000.000.3490.0032.10.000053 PW ADMN/RE1MB FM SURF WTR UT 18,972 19,920 18,260 20,418 21,031 2.58 3.08 000000.000.3490.0032.10.000055 PW ADMN/CIP PROJECT REIMB 172 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0032.20.000021 PW INSPECT/REIMB FM SR HOUSIN 0 0 228 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0032.20.000050 PW INSPECT/REIMS FM SOLID WST 0 0 0 605 625 N/A 3.38 000000.000.3490.0032.20.000051 PW INSPECT/REIMB FM WATER UTL 64,821 68,062 62,391 117,087 120,600 72.08 3.08 (N1 000000.000.3490.0032.20.000052 PW INSPECT/REIMB FM WSTEWTR 49,960 52,458 48,087 101,093 104,126 92.74 3.08 000000.000.3490.0032.20.000053 PW INSPECT/REIMS FM SURF WTR 49,960 52,458 48,087 132,785 136,760 153.18 3.08 000000.000.3490.0032.20.000055 PW INSPECT/CIP PROJECT REIMS 49,573 36,750 151,630 39,170 40,300 6.68 2.98 000000.000.3490.0032.23.000050 TECH SVC/REIMS FM SOLID WAST 5,987 6,286 6,286 6,286 6,286 0.08 0.08 fav 000000.000.3490.0032.23.000051 TECH SVC/REIMB FM WATER UTL 48,325 50,741 50,741 48,325 48,325 -4.88 0.08 000000.000.3490.0032.23.000052 TECH SVC/REIMS FM WSTEWTR UT 35,227 36,988 36,988 36,988 36,988 0.04 0.08 000000.000.3490.0032.23.000053 TECH SVC/REIMB FM SURF WTR UT 30,619 32,150 32,150 32,150 32,150 0.08 0.08 to 000000.000.3490.0032.23.000055 TECH SVC/CIP PROJECT REIMB 6,688 300 2,953 3,500 3,500 1066.78 0.08 000000.000.3490.0032.28.000051 TECH SVC SVY/REIMB FM WATER U 15,370 16,139 16,139 15,370 15,370 -4.88 0.08 000000.000.3490.0032.28.000052 TECH SVC SVY/REIMB FM WSTEWT 5,586 5,866 5,866 5,580 5,580 -4.98 0.08 000000.000.3490.0032.28.000053 TECH SVC SVY/REIMB FM SURF WT 5,586 5,866 5,866 5,580 5,580 -4.98 0.08 40 000000.000.3490.0032.28.000055 TECH SVC SVY/CIP PROJECT REIM 1,949 0 2,262 1,000 1,200 N/A 20.08 000000.000.3490.0032.30.000021 PLN REVIEW/REIMS FM SR HOUSIN 0 0 49 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0032.30.000050 PLN REVIEW/REIMB FM SOLID WST 560 590 541 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.000.3490.0032.30.000051 PLN REVIEW/REIMB FM WATER UT 44,209 46,169 42,322 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.000.3490.0032.30.000052 PLN REVIEW/REIMS FM WSTEWTR 44,209 46,170 42,323 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.000.3490.0032.30.000053 PLN REVIEW/REIMS FM SURF WTR 73,890 77,085 70,661 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.000.3490.0032.30.000055 PLN REVIEW/CIP PROJECT REIMB 22,730 11,000 21,228 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.000.3490.0032.30.000056 PLN REVIEW/REIMB FM WTR UTIL/l 30,790 30,790 30,790 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.000.3490.0058.20.000055 PLN&SP PROD/CIP PROJECT REIM 289 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0058.61.000004 DEV&PLAN/EIS REIMBURSEMENT 74,513 0 26,378 30,000 31,000 N/A 3.38 000000.000.3490.0058.61.000055 DEV&PLAN/CIP PROJECT REIMB 27,511 0 1,890 5,000 5,000 N/A 0.08 INTERFUND REVENUES 2,086,159 2,196,527 2,344,980 2,244,401 2,305,662 2.28 2.78 000000.000.3520.0030.00.000000 MANDATORY INSURANCE COST 3,199 0 1,513 0 0 N/A N/A 10 000000.000.3530.0010.00.000000 TRAFFIC INFRACTION PENALTIES 253,402 300,000 243,581 306,000 319,800 2.08 4.58 000000.000.3530.0070.00.000000 IN-FTA/FTR FEE(47) 1,121 0 2,696 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3540.0000.00.000000 PARKING INFRACTION PENALTIES 77,855 100,000 81,449 102,000 106,600 2.08 4.58 000000.000.3550.0020.00.000000 DWI PENALTIES 34,489 40,000 32,779 40,800 42,600 2.08 4.48 QW 000000.000.3550.0080.00.000000 OTHER CRIMINAL TRAFF PENAL71E 111,014 120,000 99,037 122,400 127,900 2.08 4.58 000000.000.3560.0090.00.000000 OTHER NON-TRAFFIC PENALTIES 100,881 100,000 100,265 102,000 106,600 2.04 4.58 rr CITY OF RENTON 3.5 1995.1996 BUDGET E REVENUE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 4994 1995 1996a %Chg %Chg;, Acct No./Pond OOO. AccountTitk Actual BudgetActual Budget Budget 94-95 ,95-96 000000.000.3570.0027.00.000000 DEF PROS-TSF TO 357-37 IN 6/93 2,753 6,000 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.000.3570.0030.00.000000 MUNICIPAL COURT COSTS 26,948 35,000 18,732 35,700 37,300 2.08 4.58 000000.000.3570.0031.00.000000 JURY FEES 539 0 543 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3570.0032.00.000000 WITNESS FEES 56 0 249 0 0 N/A N/A 4} 000000.000.3570.0033.00.000000 PUBLIC DEFENSE RECOUPMENT 16,401 14,600 17,685 14,900 15,600 2.18 4.78 000000.000.3570.0035.00.000000 COURT INTERPRETER COSTS 920 0 941 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3570.0037.00.000000 DEFERRED PROSECUTION ADMIN 3,835 0 7,207 6,100 6,400 N/A 4.98 000000.000.3570.0040.00.000000 CONFISCATED NARCOTICS MONEY 13,096 0 22,012 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3570.0040.00.000002 K.C.T.F.NARCOTIC SEIZURE FUND 216,339 0 460,845 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3590.0090.00.000001 NSF CHECK FEE 1,380 1,000 990 1,000 1,100 0.08 10.08 FINES AND FORFEITS 864,229 716,600 1,090,523 730,900 763,900 2.08 9.58 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 307,172 320,000 443,742 325,000 330,000 1.68 1.58 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000001 SEIZURE FUND INTEREST 0 0 18,810 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000025 FIRE DIST#25 INV INT 0 0 16,700 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3610.0040.00.000000 INT ON CONT,NOTES&ACCTS REC 773 0 996 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3610.0040.00.000002 COURT:INTEREST INCOME 10,161 10,000 10,351 10,000 10,000 0.09 0.0# 46 000000.000.3610.0040.00.000302 NARCO INTEREST 0 0 2,404 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3610.0051.00.000401 UTILITY LATE PMT/PENALTY 15,658 0 80,358 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3620.0050.00.000000 RENTS/LANG-TERM 22,551 21,500 38,501 21,500 21,500 0.09 0.08 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000002 CARE BEAR DONATIONS/FIRE 0 0 83 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000014 CONTRIBUTION/STD/BOEING 1,500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000044 CONTRIBUTIONS/PRIVATE/DARE P 42,953 69,949 14,540 38,000 38,000 -45.7$ 0.08 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000047 CONTRIBUTIONS/ECONOMIC DEV 0 0 1,500 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000073 DONATION/NISHIWAKI-SISTER CITY 0 0 401 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0040.00.000000 JUDGMENTS&SETTLEMENTS 100 0 6,315 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0061.00.000000 CASHIER'S OVERAGES&SHORTAG (67) 0 (60) 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000001 CUSTOMER SVC CASH/OVER/SHO (1) 0 7 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000002 COURT/CASHIER'S OVER/SHORTA (30) 0 (3) 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000003 BUILDING/CASHIERS OVER/SHORT (0) 0 (5) 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000005 POLICE PETTY CASH/OVER/SHORT 0 0 (19) 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000006 FIRE PREVENT/CASH OVER/SHORT 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000009 FIRE HDQTRS/CASH OVER/SHORT (0) 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000000 SALE OF JUNK OR SALVAGE 13 0 1,034 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000002 COURT OTHER MISC.REVENUES 286 0 31 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000003 POLICE AUCTION PROCEEDS 6,352 5,000 5,460 5,000 5,000 0.08 0.08 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000004 POLICE SALE OF SURPLUS GUNS 17,246 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000005 LOCAL PORTION: JIS 0 0 6,294 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000018 OTHER MISC REVENUE 21,070 5,000 10,446 5,000 5,000 0.08 0.08 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000037 DARE PROGRAM/SALES 1,123 0 6,624 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000038 PGT PWR WTR HTR REBATE/HUM R 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.01.000002 COURT:SMALL OVERPAYMENTS 39 0 24 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.03.000000 COURT NSF REVENUE 152 0 417 0 0 N/A N/A MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 447,053 431,449 664,949 404,500 409,500 -6.28 1.28 000000.000.3810.0020.00.000302 INTERFND IRAN REPMT/NARCO AC 0 0 300,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3880.0080.00.000000 PRIOR PERIOD CORRECTIONS 26,646 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A NON-REVENUES 26,648 0 300,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3910.0020.00.000000 POLICE UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 0 0 68 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3950.0010.00.000000 SALE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 12,000 0 26,112 2,000 2,000 N/A 0.08 000000.000.3950.0020.00.000011 POLICE ADM/REIMB FM INSUR FUN 5,492 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3950.0020.0 1.0000 11 FIRE ADM/REIMB FM INSUR FUND 23,039 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3950.0020.00.000027 EXEC ADM/REIMB FM INSUR FUND 0 0 1,500 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3970.0000.00.000020 TRF-IN/CABLE COMMUNICATION 11,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3970.0000.00.000502 OPR TSF-IN FM 502/RNTN RIV DYS 0 0 10,000 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 51,531 0 37,680 2,000 2,000 N/A 0.09 GRANDTOTAL 28,815,881 28,564,918 32,158,314 31,051,199 32,464,309 8.78 4.68 T MY OF RENTON 3.6 1995.1996 BUDGET r.r EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acca No./F�utd 000. AvcauiotTitk Actaat Budget Actust Budget Budget`, 94-95 95-961 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,335,384 838,210 2,798,407 1,813,691 1,817,263 116.4# 0.2# aw 000000.001.5110.0060.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 73,201 80,916 82,217 81,372 81,914 0.6# 0.7# 000000.001.5110.0060.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 73,201 80,916 82,217 81,372 81,914 0.6# 0.7# 000000.001.5110.0060.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,755 3,090 2,295 2,348 2,389 -24.0# 1.7# ow 000000.001.5110.0060.20.000003 FICA 5,286 6,193 5,938 6,227 6,266 0.5# 0,6# 000000.00 1.5110.0060.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 15,340 19,243 13,796 14,460 14,966 -24.9# 3.5# 000000.001.5110.0060.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,479 1,285 1,406 1,400 1,470 8.9# 5.0# 000000.001.5110.0060.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 86 94 90 90 93 -4.3# 3.3# 000000.00 1.5110.0060.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 3,245 3,930 3,265 3,336 3,476 -15.1# 4.2# OGOOOO.00 1.5110.0060.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 112 103 106 N/A 2.90 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 28,190 33,835 26,903 27,964 28,766 -17.4# 2.9f 000000.00 1.5110.0060.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 385 600 308 615 633 2.5# 2.90 000000.001.5110.0060.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 0 500 0 513 528 2.6# 2.9# SUPPLIES 385 1,100 308 1,128 1,161 2.5# 2.9# 000000.001.5110.0060.41.000151 CONTR CLER/VACATION COVERAG 0 1,000 0 1,025 1,056 2.5# 3.0# 000000.001.5110.0060.42.000002 TELEPHONE 51 0 219 200 200 N/A 0.0# 000000.001.5110.0060.43.000002 LEGISLATIVE TRAVEL 2,844 3,500 3,206 3,588 3,696 2.5# 3.0# 000000.001.5110.0060.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 73 150 189 154 159 2.7# 3.2# 000000.001.5110.0060.49.000038 HOSPITALITY 84 600 173 615 633 2.5# 2.9# OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,052 5,250 3,786 5,582 5,744 6.3# 2.9# 000000.001.5110.0060.64.000000 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 2,163 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,163 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A LEGISLATIVE SERVICES(COUNCIL( 106,992 121,101 113,214 116,046 117,585 -4.20 1.3# 000000.002.5120.0050.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 405,580 415,934 434,524 436,169 451,126 4.9# 3.4* 000000.002.5120.0050.10.000002 OVERTIME 1,264 3,383 2,737 3,451 3,537 2.0# 2.5# SALARIES AND WAGES 406,844 419,317 437,261 439,620 454,663 4.8# 3.4# 000000.002.5120.0050.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 35,561 33,296 33,114 33,323 34,463 0.1# 3.4# 000000.002.5120.0050.20.000003 FICA 30,311 31,310 32,335 32,566 33,673 4.0# 3.4# of 000000.002.5120.0050.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 45,312 62,916 46,661 48,636 50,338 -22.7# 3.5# 000000.002.5120.0050.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,269 2,105 2,272 2,100 2,205 -0.2# 5.0f 000000.002.5120.0050.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,544 1,684 1,597 1,714 1,765 1.81 3.0# 000000.002.5120.0050.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 8,349 12,480 9,393 9,708 10,116 -22.2# 4.2# f1w 000000.002.5120.0050.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,617 2,033 2,094 N/A 3.0# PERSONNEL BENEFITS 123,345 143,791 126,987 130,080 134,654 -9.5# 3.5# 000000,002.5120.0050.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 5,148 7,100 6,987 7,311 9,491 3.0# 29.8# iow 000000.002.5120.0050.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 0 2,000 0 6,000 8,500 200.0# 41.7# SUPPLIES 5,148 9,100 6,987 13,311 17,991 46.3# 35.2# 000000.002.5120.0050.41.000026 JUDGES PRO TEM 14,260 10,000 15,200 10,000 10,000 0.0# 0.0# 000000.002.5120.0050.41.000061 PUBLIC DEFENDERS 100,234 105,000 104,982 120,000 125,000 14.3# 4.2# Wo 000000.002.5120.0050.41.000083 INTERPRETER/DIAGNOSTIC FEES 4,098 4,000 5,197 5,000 6,000 15.0# 20.0# 000000.002.5120.0050.41.000120 PROBATION SERVICES 18,324 20,000 29,646 30,000 30,000 50.0# 0.0# 000000.002.5120.0050.43.000017 MUNICIPAL COURT TRAVEL 226 1,000 417 1,025 1,056 2.5# 3.0# tip 000000.002.5120.0050.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.002.5120.0050.45.000007 PHOTO MACH RTL/MUN CT 3,767 5,000 4,626 5,000 5,000 0.0# 0.0# 000000.002.5120.0050.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 2,275 3,000 2,056 3,000 3,000 0.0# 0.0# 000000.002.5120.0050.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,100 1,000 1,138 1,000 1,500 0.0# 50.0# Wo 000000.002.5120.0050.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 748 1,300 2,329 1,300 1,300 0.0* 0.0# 000000.002.5120.0050.49.000034 WITNESS FEES 10,819 10,000 14,483 12,000 13,000 20.0# 8.3# OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 155,850 160,300 180,075 188,325 195,856 17.5# 4.0# ift 000000.002.5120.0050.64.000000 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 3,320 3,000 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,320 3,000 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A MUNICIPAL COURT 694,506 735,508 751,310 771,336 803,164 4.9# 4.1# Iw 000000.002.5120.0051.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 11,661 13,160 11,251 13,420 13,688 2.0# 2.0* SALARIES AND WAGES 11,661 13,160 11,251 13,420 13,688 2.0# 2.0# ri. CITY OF RENTON 3-7 1995-1996 BUDGET ,k EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg` Acct No./Fund 000, Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 194-95 95-961 000000.002.5120.0051.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 941 578 840 1,017 1,038 76.09 2.19 000000.002.5120.0051.20.000003 FICA 892 1,007 861 1,027 1,047 2.09 1.99 000000.002.5120.0051.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 141 154 134 194 204 26.09 5.29 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,974 1,739 1,834 2,238 2,289 28.79 2.39 t MUNICIPAL COURT PART TIME 13,634 14,899 13,085 15,658 15,977 5.19 2.09 v TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 708,141 750,407 764,396 786,994 819,141 4.99 2 000000.003.5130.0010.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 191,257 203,428 198,894 219,018 228,990 7.79 4.69 SALARIES AND WAGES 191,257 203,428 198,894 219,018 228,990 7.79 4.69 000000.003.5130.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 8,000 9,187 8,360 9,762 10,290 6.39 5.49 000000.003.5130.0010.20.000003 FICA 12,048 12,688 12,351 13,916 14,557 9.79 4.69 ,_ 000000.003,5I30.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 12,717 15,750 14,093 15,930 16,488 1.19 3.59 000000.003.5130.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 562 523 546 613 644 17.29 5.19 000000.003.5130.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 529 803 525 838 863 4.49 3.09 t 000000.003.5130.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 2,286 3,450 2,750 3,138 3,270 -9.09 4.19 000000.003.5130.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 402 604 622 N/A 3.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 36,142 42,401 39,027 44,801 46,734 5.79 4.39 000000.003.5130.0010.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,832 2,800 1,870 2,870 2,956 2.59 3.09 SUPPLIES 1,832 2,800 1,870 2,870 2,956 2.59 3.09 000000.003.5130.0010.41.000028 PROFESSIONAL SERV/EXEC 225 2,000 833 2,050 2,112 2.59 3.09 000000.003.5130.0010.41.000059 CITY REPORT/NEWSLETTER 23,801 21,400 15,748 21,935 22,593 2.59 3.O9 000000.003.5130.0010.41.000121 GRAPHIC ARTIST 17,215 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.003.5130.0010.42.000001 POSTAGE 9,928 13,450 9,928 13,786 14,200 2.59 3.0# 000000.003.5130.0010.42.000002 TELEPHONE 777 0 989 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.003.5130.0010.43.000007 EXECUTIVE TRAVEL 2,971 3,600 5,952 3,690 3,801 2.59 3.09 000000.003.5130.0010.43.000026 LEOFF BOARD TRAVEL 266 1,000 311 1,025 1,056 2.59 3.09 000000.003.5130.0010.43.000051 TRAINING 6,377 0 374 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.003.5130.0010.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,000 3,081 5,059 1,150 1,173 -62.79 2.0# 000000.003.5130.0010.45.000008 COPY MACHINE RENTAL/EXEC 1,883 2,250 0 2,306 2,375 2.59 3.0# 000000.003.5130.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 154 600 99 615 633 2.59 2.99 000000.003.5130.0010.49.000008 RENTON RIVER DAYS FESTIVAL 10,004 0 10,508 10,000 10,000 N/A 0.0# 000000.003.5130.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 2,748 1,600 1,528 1,640 1,689 2.59 3.0# 000000.003.5130.0010.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 766 1,050 683 1,076 1,108 2.59 3.04 000000.003.5130.0010.49.000038 HOSPITALITY 1,844 2,000 2,267 2,050 2,112 2.59 3.0# 000000.003.5130.0010.49.000073 NISHIWAKI-SISTER CITY/GIFTS 0 0 228 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 81,959 52,031 54,506 61,323 62,852 17.99 1.59 000000.003.5130.0010.64.000000 EXECUTIVE MACH&EQUIPMENT 2,015 0 1,925 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,015 0 1,925 0 0 N/A N/A EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION 313,205 300,660 296,221 328,012 341,532 9.19 4.19 000000.003.5130.0011.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 40,627 41,856 42,180 43,728 45,302 4.59 3.6# SALARIES AND WAGES 40,627 41,856 42,180 43,728 45,302 4.59 3.6# 000000.003.5130.0011.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 3,057 3,323 3,195 3,315 3,434 -0.29 3.69 000000.003.5130.0011.20.000003 FICA 3,108 3,202 3,227 3,345 3,466 4.59 3.6# 000000.003.5130.0011.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 4,074 5,406 4,003 4,200 4,347 -22.39 3.59 000000.003.5130.0011.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 190 183 178 175 184 -4.49 5.19 000000.003.5130.0011.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 162 171 167 165 170 -3.59 3.0# 000000.003.5130.0011.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 926 960 1,245 1,296 1,350 35.09 4.29 000000.003.5130.0011.20.000070 LANG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 146 201 207 N/A 3.0# PERSONNEL BENEFITS 11,517 13,245 12,160 12,697 13,158 -4.19 3.60 EXECUTIVE COMMUNITY RELATIONS 52,145 55,101 54,340 56,425 58,460 2.49 000000.003.5130.0012.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 11,188 18,998 12,969 0 0 -100.09 N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 11,188 18,998 12,969 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.003.5130.0012.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 819 729 998 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.003.5130.0012.20.000003 FICA 856 1,454 992 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.003.5130.0012.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 624 0 938 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.003.5130.0012.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCF 94 161 84 0 0 -100.09 N/A CITY OF RENTON 3-8 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1494 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Ch g lAcct No..:/Fixud 000. AccauntTrtle Actual Budgct Actual Budget ;Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.003.5130.0012.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 36 0 50 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.003.5130.0012.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 132 0 204 0 0 N/A N/A IW 000000.003.5130.0012.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 52 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,561 2,344 3,319 0 0 -100.09 N/A EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION PARTTIME 13,748 21,342 16,288 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.003.5130.0013.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 37,011 54,081 56,834 60,157 62,741 11.24 4.34 SALARIES AND WAGES 37,011 54,081 56,834 60,157 62,741 11.24 4.34 000000.003.5130.0013.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,811 4,061 4,304 4,561 4,756 12.34 4.34 i0 000000.003.5130.0013.20.000003 FICA 2,831 4,137 4,348 4,602 4,800 11.24 4.34 000000.003.5130.0013.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 4,296 5,700 6,518 6,810 7,048 19.54 3.54 000000.003.5130.0013.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 193 259 269 263 276 1.54 4.94 000000.003.5130.0013.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 158 212 223 240 247 13.24 2.94 40 000000.003.5130.0013.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 940 1,410 1,449 1,506 1,569 6.84 4.24 000000.003.5130.0013.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 207 286 295 N/A 3.14 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 11,229 15,779 17,316 18,268 18,991 15.84 4.04 liw 000000.003.5130.0013.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,191 1,000 1,710 1,025 1,056 2.54 3.04 SUPPLIES 2,191 1,000 1,710 1,025 1,056 2.54 3.04 000000.003.5130.0013.41.000030 ECONOMIC DEV CONSULTANT 4,413 3,396 3,762 3,481 3,585 2.54 3.04 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4,413 3,396 3,762 3,481 3,585 2.54 3.04 iIW 000000.003.5130.0013.64.000012 ECONOMIC DEV MACH&EQUIPME 3,965 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,965 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 58,810 74,256 79,623 82,931 86,373 11.74 4.24 wo 000000.003.5130.0021.30.000000 SUPPLIES 0 0 9 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.003.5130.0021.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 100 18 103 106 3.04 2.94 SUPPLIES 0 100 27 103 106 3.04 2.94 jW 000000.003.5130.0021.41.000091 MUN ARTS/PROFESSIONAL SERV 1,106 1,300 606 1,333 1,373 2.54 3.04 000000.003.5130.0021.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 504 500 160 513 528 2.64 2.94 000000.003.5130.0021.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 121 250 25 256 264 2.44 3.14 000000.003.5130.0021.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 116 200 128 205 211 2.54 2.94 46 000000.003.5130.0021.49.000045 PERFORMING ARTS PROGRAMS 3,920 5,000 4,200 5,125 5,279 2.54 3.04 000000.003.5130.0021.49.000069 MUNICIPAL ARTS WORKSHOPS 0 0 200 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 5,767 7,250 5,319 7,432 7,655 2.54 3.04 WI MUNICIPAL ARTS COMMISSION 5,767 7,350 5,346 7,535 7,761 2.54 3.04 TOTAL EXECUTIVE 443,674 458,709 451,819 474,903 494,126 3.54 4.04 000000.004,5140.00 10.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 659,826 735,196 669,929 733,127 768,571 -0.34 4.84 41111 000000.004.5140.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 6,219 0 8,889 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 666,046 735,196 678,818 733,127 768,571 -0.34 4.84 000000.004.5140.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 49,967 58,495 49,976 55,072 57,758 -5.94 4.94 illi 000000.004.5140.0010.20.000003 FICA 50,922 54,893 53,857 55,050 57,511 0.34 4.54 000000.004.5140.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 89,692 113,863 80,157 90,306 93,711 -20.74 3.84 000000.004.5140.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,469 4,755 3,233 3,430 3,610 -27.94 5.24 000000.004.5140.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 2,530 2,947 2,542 2,886 2,978 -2.14 3.24 IW 000000.004.5140.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 15,638 21,300 15,677 17,844 18,645 -16.24 4.54 000000.004.5140.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 2,313 3,362 3,471 N/A 3.24 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 212,218 256,253 207,757 227,950 237,684 -11.04 4.34 000000.004.5140.0010.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 14,078 12,500 11,826 12,813 13,197 2.54 3.04 60 000000.004.5140.0010.31.000002 CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLY 691 2,000 0 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.004.5140.0010.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,364 1,000 7,962 1,025 1,506 2.54 46.94 SUPPLIES 16,133 15,500 19,788 13,838 14,703 -10.74 6.34 ow 000000.004.5140.0010.41.000000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,881 0 7,042 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5140.0010.41.000008 REVENUE AUDIT 0 0 7,022 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5140.0010.41.000013 PROFESS SERV/CITY AUDIT 34,437 37,500 38,040 38,438 39,591 2.54 3.04 000000.004.5140.0010.41.000014 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/FINANC 3,000 0 13,701 0 0 N/A N/A AW 000000.004.5140.0010.41.000018 DIRECTOR RECRUITMENT FEE 22,351 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5140.0010.41.000033 UTILITY BILL PROCESSING 12,542 17,000 8,723 17,425 17,948 2.54 3.04 190 CITY OF RENTON 3.9 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 0/6 Ghg "/o Chg 1A4c(*ft./Fuud.001D.:�::'::: Aocouut'I itle Actual Budget, Actual Budget Budget 94 w95 95-96 000000.004.5140.0010.41.000056 UTILITY FINANCIAL AUDIT 0 4,200 0 4,305 4,434 2.5# 3.01 000000.004.5140.0010.42.000001 POSTAGE 44,176 43,000 49,083 52,075 53,397 21.1# 2.50 000000.004.5140.0010.43.000016 UTIL BILLING TRAVEL/TRAINING 486 1,500 374 1,538 1,584 2.5# 3.0# 000000.004.5140.0010.43.000019 BUDGETING&ACCT TRAVEL 2,304 2,000 3,410 2,460 2,975 23.0# 20.9# 000000.004.5140.0010.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 5,014 3,000 5,385 5,075 4,776 69.2# -5.9# 000000.004.5140.0010.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 0 0 227 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5140.0010.45.000013 COPY MACHINE 909 1,750 1,136 1,794 1,848 2.5# 3.0# 000000.004.5140.0010.45.000015 POSTAGE METER RENTAL 414 800 792 820 845 2.5# 3.01 000000.004.5140.00I0.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 2,321 2,500 706 2,563 2,640 2.5# 3.0# 000000.004.5140.0010.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 0 0 3,159 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5140.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 3,173 3,500 2,916 3,588 3,696 2.5# 3.0# 000000.004.5I40.0010.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 1,533 2,250 3,285 2,306 2,375 2.5# 3.01 000000.004.5140.0010.49.000043 UTIL BILL COLL/BANK FEES 22,891 23,000 21,435 23,575 24,282 2.5# 3.0# 000000.004.5140.0010.49.000086 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 203 0 597 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 159,635 142,000 167,034 155,962 160,391 9.8# 2.8# 000000.004.5140.0010.64.000003 BUDGET/ACCT MACH&EQUIPMT 38,499 0 50,299 2,000 0 N/A -100.0# 000000.004.5140.0010.64.000035 UTILITY BILLING MACH&EQUIPMT 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 38,499 0 50,299 2,000 0 N/A -100.0# FINANCE 1,092,529 1,148,949 1,123,696 1,132,877 1,181,349 -1.4# 4.31 000000.004.5140.0011.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 0 0 0 1,836 1,836 N/A 0.01 SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 1,836 1,836 N/A 0.0# 000000.004.5140.0011.20.000003 FICA 0 0 0 141 141 N/A 0.0# 000000.004.5140.0011.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 23 23 N/A 0.0# PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 0 0 164 164 N/A 0.0# FINANCE PARTTIME 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 N/A 000000.004.5180.0070.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 34,451 35,472 35,535 36,360 37,524 2.5# 3.2# 000000.004.5180.0070.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 269 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 34,451 35,472 35,804 36,360 37,524 2.5# 3.2# 000000.004.5180.0070.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,592 2,816 2,712 2,756 2,844 -2.11 3.2# 000000.004.5180.0070.20.000003 FICA 2,635 2,714 2,739 2,781 2,871 2.5# 3.21 000000.004.5180.0070.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 1,872 2,340 1,878 1,980 2,049 -15.4# 3.51 000000.004.5180.0070.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 173 183 163 175 184 -4.41 5.11 000000.004.5180.0070.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 138 144 139 134 138 -6.9# 3.0# 000000.004.5180.0070.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 363 495 407 420 438 -15.21 4.3# 000000.004.5180.0070.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 134 164 169 N/A 3.0# 11 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 7,774 8,692 8,171 8,410 8,693 -3.2# 3.4# 000000.004.5180.0070.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 37,983 53,000 49,365 54,325 55,955 2.5# 3.0# SUPPLIES 37,983 53,000 49,365 54,325 55,955 2.5# 3.0# 000000.004.5180.0070.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 22,655 21,181 17,026 21,711 22,362 2.5# 3.0* ! 000000.004.5180.0070.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 23,383 35,000 23,165 35,875 36,951 2.51 3.0# 000000.004.5180.0070.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 277 300 846 308 317 2.7# 1.91 000000.004.5180.0070.49.000019 STATE TAX 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A ; OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 46,316 56,481 41,037 57,894 59,630 2.5# 3.0# 000000.004.5180.0070.64.000008 PRINTING MACH&EQUIPMENT 4,882 0 16,407 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,882 0 16,407 0 0 N/A N/A PRINTING AND DUPLICATION SERVICES 131,405 153,645 150,783 156,989 161,802 2.2# 3.11 000000.004.5180.0080.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 211,666 218,572 242,506 232,876 238,268 6.5# 2.3# 000000.004.5180.0080.10.000002 OVERTIME 4,303 0 5,112 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 215,969 218,572 247,618 232,876 236,268 6.51 2.3# 000000.004.5180.0080.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 16,250 17,354 18,762 18,150 18,560 4.6# 2.3# 000000.004.5180.0080.20.000003 FICA 16,522 16,721 18,943 18,319 18,731 9.6# 1.21 000000.004.5180.0080.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 21,112 27,016 22,062 23,016 23,584 -14.8# 2.5# 000000.004.5180.0080.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 906 915 977 875 910 -4.41 4.01 000000.004.5180.0080.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 847 881 945 921 943 4.5# 2.4# 000000.004.5180.0080.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 4,807 6,615 5,907 5,604 5,785 -15.3# 3.2# CITY OF RENTON 3-10 1995.1996 BUDGET +M EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 199611 %Chg %Chg wry lAbefflo,lFund 000. Account TW-c Actual Bud t Actual Bud t B Be Se udget, 94 95 95-96 000000.004.5180.0080.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 905 1,138 11165 N/A 2.49 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 60,443 69,502 68,500 68,023 69,678 -2.19 2.49 40 000000.004.5180.0080.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 44,387 42,000 50,118 43,050 44,342 2.59 3.09 000000.004.5180.0080.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUPPLIES 44,387 42,000 50,118 43,050 44,342 2.59 3.09 000000.004.5180.0080.41.000080 PROF SERV/DATA PROCESSING 2,639 0 27,033 0 0 N/A N/A 6w 000000.004.5180.0080.42.000001 POSTAGE 6 0 250 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5180.0080.42.000002 TELEPHONE 101,979 117,000 105,803 119,925 123,523 2.59 3.09 000000.004.5180.0080.43.000003 FREIGHT CHARGES 16 0 272 0 0 N/A N/A m 000000.004.5180.0080.43.000009 DATA PROCESSING TRAVEL 1,166 0 404 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5180.0080.43.000036 DATA PROCESSING/TRAINING 2,610 5,000 3,655 5,125 5,279 2.59 3.09 000000.004.5180.0080.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 5,105 5,000 6,958 5,125 5,279 2.59 3.09 000000.004.5180.0080.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 56,827 60,000 68,426 61,500 63,345 2.59 3.09 ow 000000.004.5180.0080.48.000003 TELEPHONE SYSTEM MAI NT 10,887 55,000 19,129 56,375 58,066 2.59 3.09 000000.004.5180.0080.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,335 0 333 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5180.0080.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 391 500 268 513 528 2.69 2.99 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 182,959 242,500 232,530 248,563 256,020 2.59 3.09 ow 000000.004.5180.008064.000009 DATA PROCESSING MACH&EQUIP 26,987 15,000 26,329 38,000 20,000 153.30 -47.49 000000.004.5180.0080.64.000070 PHONE SYSTEM EQUIPMENT 22,963 10,000 7,391 0 0 -100.0# N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 49,950 25,000 33,720 38,000 20,000 52.09 -47.41 No INFORMATION SYSTEMS 553,708 597,574 632,487 630,512 628,308 5.59 -0.39 TOTAL FINANCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES 1,777,642 1,900,168 1,906,966 1,922,378 1,973,459 1.29 2.79 000000.005.5170.0020.20.000035 WPERS PRIOR SERVICE COSTS 8,727 8,123 7,389 8,123 8,123 0.09 0.0# ow EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAMS 8,727 8,123 7,389 8,123 8,123 0.09 0.09 N/A N/A 000000.005.5190.0090.10.000050 RETIREMT/TERM PAYMENTS 47,479 100,000 275,826 100,000 100,000 0.09 0.09 411r 000000.005.5190.0090.10.000051 RESERVE/CLASS COMP STUDY 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 47,479 100,000 275,826 100,000 100,000 0.0# 0.09 000000.005.5190.0090.20.000001 RET/PERS RET/TERM/BALOON Py 281,788 0 185,714 90,000 90,000 N/A 0.09 000000.005.5190.0090.20.000002 RET/LEOFF RET/TERM PAYMTS 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A q' 000000.005.5190.0090.20.000003 FICA/RET/TERM PAYMTS 3,991 0 14,673 25,000 25,000 N/A 0.09 000000.005.5190.0090.20.000010 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0.09 0.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 315,779 35,000 235,387 150,000 150,000 328.61 0.09 to 000000.005.5190.0090.42.000001 POSTAGE/GENERAL GOVT FUNDS 56,174 63,000 66,540 64,575 66,512 2.59 3.0# 000000.005.5190.0090.45.000002 EQ RTL/MOTOR POOL 3,068 1,306 1,308 1,161 1,185 -11.11 2.11 000000.005.5190.0090.45.000015 MAIN AVE PROPERTY RENTAL 5,400 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.005.5190.0090.46.000000 INSURANCE/LIAB-PROP/GEN GOVT 545,300 974,830 974,830 1,008,949 1,044,262 3.51 3.51 ow 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000001 ASSOC OF WASH CITIES 19,059 19,500 19,709 20,500 21,500 5.11 4.91 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000002 FICA ADM COSTS 200 500 0 513 528 2.6-9 2.91 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000004 PUGET SD REGIONAL COUNCIL 16,210 16,275 15,992 16,682 17,182 1.51 3.0# 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000007 COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS,INC 0 0 8,000 0 0 N/A N/A IIIA 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000010 CATV 15,087 12,378 12,326 12,687 13,068 2.51 3.0# 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000019 TAX COMMISSION 151 100 309 250 250 150.01 0.09 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000030 SEA-KING CO ECONOMIC COUNCIL 4,309 4,500 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A iw 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000043 BANK FEES 19,356 13,000 7,157 13,325 13,725 2.51 3.01 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000054 GOV SUMMITASMT/SUBURBN CITI 8,655 9,700 11,868 13,000 13,400 34.01 3.11 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000057 DOWNTOWN RENTON ASSOC(DRA) 22,500 20,000 18,000 25,000 26,000 25.0# 4.01 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000060 PROPERTY TAX/DRAINAGE/WETLA 1,363 500 3,473 3,500 3,640 600.09 4.01 ow 000000.005.5190.0090.49.000072 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 2,576 2,400 2,679 3,000 3,000 25.09 0.01 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 719,408 1,137,989 1,142,191 1,183,142 1,224,252 4.09 3.59 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES 1,082,667 1,272,989 1,653,404 1,433,142 1,474,252 12.6# 2.91-1 000000.005.5310.0070.51.000003 PUGET SOUND AIR POLLUTION 15,373 15,800 15,368 15,325 15,785 -3.09 3.01 NATURAL RESOURCES 15,373 15,800 15,368 15,325 15,785 -3.01 3.01 to 000000.005.5670.0002.51.000005 ALCOHOL PROGRAM 8,983 9,752 10,651 9,996 10,296 2.51 3.01 ALCOHOLISM 8,983 9,752 10,651 9,996 10,296 2.59 3.01 w CITY OF RENTON 3.11 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 °r6 Chg %Chg Acct No./Fund 000. Account Title 1,fictw Budget Actual Budget Budget:. 94-95 95-95 000000.005.5810.0010.00.000302 INTERFND LOAN DISB/NARCO ACQ 300,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A INTERFUND LOAN DISBURSEMENTS 300,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.005.5910.0041.73.000001 LID 302 ASSESSMENT/EARLI NGTON 10,784 10,785 10,784 10,785 0 0.09 -100.09 000000.005.5910.0041.73.000002 LID 314 ASSESSMENT/EARLINGTON 8,526 8,526 8,526 8,526 8,526 0.09 0.09 000000.005.5910.0041.73.000003 LID 314 ASSESSMENT/WETLANDS 24,492 24,492 24,492 24,492 24,492 0.09 0.0$ 000000.005.5910.0041.73.000004 LID 336 ASSESSMENT/LK WA BLVD 0 0 0 5,800 0 N/A -100.09 REDEMPTION OF GENERAL LT DEBT 43,802 43,803 43,802 49,603 33,018 13.29 000000.005.5920.0041.83.000001 LID 302 ASSESSMENT/EARLINGTON 3,698 2,466 2,465 1,233 0 -50.09 -100.09 000000.005.5920.0041.83.000002 LID 314 ASSESSMENT/EARLINGTON 5,147 4,412 4,412 3,677 2,941 -16.79 -20.09 000000.005.5920.0041.83.000003 LID 314 ASSESSMENT/WETLANDS 14,787 12,675 12,675 10,562 8,450 -16.79 -20.09 000000.005.5920.0041.83.000004 LID 336 ASSESSMENT/LK WA BLVD 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A INTEREST&OTHER DEBT SERVICE COSTS 23,633 19,553 19,552 15,472 11,391 -20.99 -26.49 000000.005.5970.0019.55.000012 OPR TRF-OUT-GOLF CRS/DEBT SER 366,394 325,887 325,887 316,302 318,912 -2.99 0.89 000000.005.5970.0019.55.000041 OPR TRF-OUT/INS FUND 0 252,077 252,077 258,379 266,130 2.59 3.09 000000.005.5970.0019.55.000045 TRF-OUT 000 TO 316/PHONE CABL 0 0 15,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.005.5970.0019.55.000046 TRF-OUT 000 TO 316/SALES TAX 0 0 324,000 545,000 719,000 N/A 31.99 000000.005.5970.0019.55.000047 TRF-OUT 000 TO 317/BETA TEST 0 0 43,415 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.005.5970.0019.55.000055 TRF-OUT 000 TO 316/PROP TAX 0 0 0 341,349 347,947 N/A 1.99 OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT 366,394 577,964 960,379 1,461,030 1,651,989 152.89 13.19 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1,849,579 1,947,984 2,710,546 2,992,691 3,204,854 53.69 7.19 000000.006.5150.0020.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,690 3,000 156 3,075 3,167 2.59 3.09 SUPPLIES 1,690 3,000 156 3,075 3,167 2.59 3.09 000000.006.5150.0020.41.000037 OTHER LEGAL PROF SERV 129,760 54,000 101,511 55,350 57,011 2.59 3.09 000000.006.5150.0020.41.000050 MUNICIPAL COURT PROSECUTOR 124,000 120,000 131,901 163,000 167,890 35.89 3.09 000000.006.5150.0020.41.000090 REG LEGAL STAFF SERV 323,250 315,000 372,514 366,775 377,778 16.49 3.04 000000.006.5150.0020.43.000008 LEGAL TRAVEL/TRAINING 708 0 1,570 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.006.5150.0020.43.000021 CITY ATTORNEY TRAVEL/TRAINING 0 2,000 0 2,050 2,112 2.59 3.09 000000.006.5150.0020.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 1,432 2,000 3,129 2,050 2,112 2.59 3.09 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 579,150 493,000 610,624 589,225 606,903 19.59 3.09 LEGAL SERVICES/CITY ATTORNEY 580,840 496,000 610,780 592,300 610,070 19.49 3.09 000000.007.5320.0020.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 497,327 530,922 529,704 546,194 567,168 2.99 3.89 000000.007.5320.0020.10.000002 OVERTIME 15,787 9,890 22,569 10,088 10,340 2.09 2.59 SALARIES AND WAGES 513,114 540,812 552,273 556,282 577,508 2.99 3.89 000000.007.5320.0020.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 38,612 42,663 41,820 42,166 43,775 -1.29 3.89 000000.007.5320.0020.20.000003 FICA 38,967 41,107 41,843 42,556 44,179 3.59 3.89 000000.007.5320.0020.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 56,917 7 5,741 60,168 63,036 65,242 -16.89 3.59 000000.007.5320.0020.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 8,210 9,991 7,974 7,872 8,266 -21.29 5.09 000000.007.5320.0020.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,983 2,102 2,086 2,107 2,170 0.29 3.09 000000.007.5320.0020.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 10,754 15,615 12,282 12,756 13,292 -18.39 4.29 000000.007.5320.0020.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 2,017 2,507 2,582 N/A 3.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 155,443 187,219 168,190 173,000 179,506 -7.69 3.89 000000.007.5320.0020.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,029 2,260 1,955 2,317 2,387 2.59 3.09 000000.007.5320.0020.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 6,956 4,448 2,195 4,559 4,696 2.59 3.09 SUPPLIES 8,985 6,708 4,151 6,876 7,083 2.59 3.09 000000.007.5320.0020.41.000051 PROFESS SERVICES 5,454 4,700 4,541 16,470 16,965 250.4$ 3.09 000000.007.5320.0020.41.000148 PROFESS SERVICES 970 11,368 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.007.5320.0020.42.000002 TELEPHONE 4,805 7,030 7,244 7,206 7,422 2.59 3.09 000000.007.5320.0020.43.000059 TRAVEL 356 500 681 513 528 2.69 2.99 000000.007.5320.0020.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 2,552 4,200 5,465 4,306 4,436 2.59 3.09 $ 000000.007.5320.0020.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 32,133 26,499 28,229 31,744 32,617 19.89 2.89 000000.007.5320.0020.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 243 625 602 641 660 2.69 3.09 000000.007.5320.0020.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 1,080 1,308 956 1,341 1,381 2.59 3.09 CITY OF RENTON 5-12 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL fill 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 , %Ch$ %Chg Acct No;/Fund 000. AcoountTiUc Actual Iludwt>s Actual Budget Budget94.95 95.96 000000.007.5320.0020.49.000014 LEGAL/RECORDING FEES/PERMIT 0 0 64 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.007.5320.0020.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 192 1,589 235 1,629 1,678 2.541 3.0$ 000000.007.5320.0020.49.000089 MISCELLANEOUS 0 50 1 51 53 2.04 3.9$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 47,786 57t869 48,019 63,901 65,740 10.44 2.9$ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS&PERMITS 725,328 792,608 772,633 800,059 829,837 0.94 3.74 W 000000.007.5320.0021.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 9,408 9,384 10,721 9,572 9,763 2.04 2.0$ SALARIES AND WAGES 9,408 9,384 10,721 9,572 9,763 2.08 2.0$ 000000.007.5320.0021.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 0 189 0 0 N/A N/A to 000000.007.5320.0021.20.000003 FICA 720 718 820 732 747 1.9$ 2.0$ 000000.007.5320.0021.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 297 103 881 121 127 17 5$ 5 0$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,016 821 1,890 853 874 3.94 2.5$ to F PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS&PERMITS PART TIME 10,424 10,205 12,611 10,425 10,637 2.24 2,001 000000.007.5580.0013.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 96,159 105,388 104,606 108,720 112,247 3.24 3.20 000000.007.5580.0013.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 500 0 510 523 2.04 2.5$ in SALARIES AND WAGES 96,159 105,888 104,606 109,230 112,770 3.24 3.24 000000.007.5580.0013.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 7,236 8,368 7,925 8,280 8,548 -1.14 3.2$ 000000.007.5580.0013.20.000003 FICA 6,898 7,216 7r399 7,687 7,927 6.54 3.1$ 000000.007.5580.0013.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 9,697 12,291 10,177 10,596 10,967 -13.8$ 3.5$ 000000.007.5580.0013.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 342 366 339 350 368 -4.44 5.1$ 000000.007.5580.0013.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 327 406 337 422 435 3.9$ 3.1$ 000000.007.5580.0013.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 1,815 2,490 2,035 2,112 2,201 -15.2$ 4.24 000000.007.5580.0013.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 351 501 516 N/A 3 0$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 26,314 31,137 28,563 29,948 30,962 -3.84 3.44 000000.007.5580.0013.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 381 725 528 743 765 2.51 3.04 000000.007.5580.0013.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,279 1,640 237 1,681 1,731 2.5$ 3 0$ ow SUPPLIES 1,661 2,365 765 2,424 2,496 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0013.43.000039 DEV SV ADM TRAVEL 13 1,000 838 1,025 1,056 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0013.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 65 620 195 636 655 2.6$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0013.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 18,474 14,500 11,737 14,863 15,309 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0013.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 0 1,625 576 1,666 1,716 2.5$ 3.04 000000.007.5580.0013.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 87 1,025 49 1,051 1,083 2.5$ 3.0$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 18,639 18,770 13,396 19,241 19,819 2.54 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0013.64.000000 MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 42,950 0 15,862 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 42,950 0 15,862 0 0 N/A N/A DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 185,722 158,160 163,192 160,843 166,047 1.74 3.24 Ir 000000.007.5580.0014.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 0 2,300 2,295 2,346 2,393 2.0$ 2 0$ SALARIES AND WAGES 0 2,300 2,295 2,346 2,393 2.0$ 2.0$ 000000.007.5580.0014.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 0 123 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.007.5580.0014.20.000003 FICA 0 177 176 179 183 1.1$ 2.24 000000.007.5580.0014.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 0 26 28 30 N/A 7 1$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 177 324 207 213 16.94 2.9$ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PARTTIME 0 2,477 2,619 2,553 2,606 3.14 2.1$ 000000.007.5580.0015.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 54,156 31,685 28,780 32,319 32,965 2.0$ 2.0$ 000000.007.5580.0015.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 23 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES 54,156 31,685 28,803 32,319 32,965 2.0$ 2.0$ 000000.007.5580.0015.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 3,658 2,382 1,970 2,450 2,499 2.9$ 2.04 000000.007.5580.0015.20.000003 FICA 4,143 2,480 2,203 2,472 2,522 -0.3$ 2.0$ 000000.007.5580.0015.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 346 10 173 192 202 1820.0$ 5.2# iw PERSONNEL BENEFITS 8,147 4,872 4,346 5,114 5,223 5.04 2.1$ DEVELOPMENT&PLANNING PART TIME 62,302 36,557 33,149 37,433 38,188 2.40 2.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 240,409 198,056 199,770 241,164 250,949 21.8$ 4.1$ flit 000000.007.5580.0061.10.000002 OVERTIME 3,689 5,000 100 5,100 5,228 2.0$ 2 5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 244,099 203,056 199,869 246,264 256,177 21.3$ 4.D4 CITY OF RENTON 3-13 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1943 1994 1994 1995 1996 �/o Ghg %Chg` Acct IQa./Fund 000. Aocount'£itle Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.007.5580.0061.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 18,343 16,519 15,457 18,668 19,418 13.0$ 4.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.20.000003 FICA 18,631 15,534 15,066 18,839 19,598 21.3$ 4.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.20.000004 MEDICAL 19,103 26,231 19,540 25,320 26,205 -3.5$ 3.5$ 000000.007.5580.0061.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,026 914 876 1,050 1,104 14.9$ 5.1$ 000000.007.5580.0061.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 930 796 837 960 989 20.6$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.20.000009 DENTAL 3,925 5,010 4,332 6,024 6,276 20.2$ 4.2$ 000000.007.5580.0061.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 826 1,137 1,171 N/A 3.0$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 61,957 65,004 56,935 71,998 74,761 10.8$ 3.8$ 000000.007.5580.0061.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,562 2,000 1,220 2,050 2,112 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 492 2,350 755 2,409 2,481 2.5$ 3.0$ SUPPLIES 2,055 4,350 1,976 4,459 4,593 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.41.079256 PUGET POWER TRANS/EIS 2,981 0 2,061 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.007.5580.0061.41.079257 RABANCO WASTE RECOVERY/EIS 1,644 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.007.5580.0061.41.079260 METRO SEWAGE PLANT/EIS 9,731 0 7,351 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.007.5580.0061.41.079261 BOEING/LONGACRES MASTR PLN/ 214,172 0 288,649 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.007.5580.0061.43.000059 TRAVEL 1,201 1,890 1,536 1,937 1,995 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 130 1,120 858 1,148 1,182 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.44.000004 ADVERTISING 7,845 5,500 5,884 5,638 5,807 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 984 1,040 1,032 3,233 4,743 210.9$ 46.7$ 000000.007.5580.0061.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 491 800 243 820 845 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 0 800 0 820 845 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5580.0061.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 1,067 1,250 1,226 1,281 1,319 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007,5580.0061.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 525 620 287 636 655 2.6$ 3.0$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 240,770 13,020 309,126 15,513 17,391 19.1$ 12.1$ DEVELOPMENT&PLANNING 548,881 285,430 567,906 338,234 352,922 18.5$ 4.3$ 000000.007.5590.0060.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 530,998 568,088 562,024 589,123 614,259 3.7$ 4.3$ 000000.007.5590.0060.10.000002 OVERTIME 6,227 8,750 11,672 8,925 9,148 2.0$ 2.5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 537,225 576,838 573,696 598,048 623,407 3.7$ 4.2$ 000000.007.5590.0060.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 40,162 45,701 43,448 45,331 47,255 -0.8$ 4.2$ 000000.007.5590.0060.20.000003 FICA 40,894 44,035 43,833 45,754 97,692 3.9$ 9.2$ 000000.007.5590.0060.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 57,868 80,505 57,899 60,636 62,758 -24.7$ 3.5$ 000000.007.5590.0060.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 9,143 10,357 9,245 9,184 9,643 -11.3$ 5.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 2,131 2,241 2,228 2,292 2,361 2.3$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 10,653 16,035 11,875 12,324 12,842 -23.1$ 4.2$ 000000.007.5590.0060.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 2,202 2,736 2,818 N/A 3.0$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 160,850 198,874 170,730 178,257 185,369 -10.4$ 4.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,663 3,650 1,921 3,741 3,854 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,067 3,700 1,912 3,793 3,907 2.5$ 3.04 SUPPLIES 4,730 7,350 3,833 7,534 7,761 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.41.000039 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 229 5,510 1,010 28,034 28,875 408.8$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.41.000096 MICROFILM NEW BLDG PLANS 1,480 1,900 6,370 1,948 2,006 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.41.000148 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 21,949 21,840 19,275 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.007.5590.0060.42.000002 TELEPHONE 7,981 6,600 8,401 6,765 6,968 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.43.000059 TRAVEL 130 250 188 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.007.5590.0060.43.000032 CONSTR FIELD SV TRAVEL 876 875 3,090 4,571 4,708 422.4$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 2,292 2,629 4,756 5,237 5,394 99.2$ 3.04 000000.007.5590.0060.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 22,608 23,324 23,280 19,816 22,848 -15.0$ 15.3$ 000000.007.5590.0060.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 581 900 734 6,923 6,950 669.2$ 0.4$ 000000.007.5590.0060.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 983 2,089 1,114 2,141 2,205 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.007.5590.0060.49.000014 LEGAL/RECORDING FEES/PERMIT 697 500 588 513 528 2.6$ 2.9$ 000000.007.5590.0060.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 974 1,575 1,463 1,615 1,664 2.5$ 3.0$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 60,780 67,992 70,268 77,563 82,146 14.1$ 5.9$ BUILDING INSPECTIONS&PERMITS 763,586 851,054 818,527 861,402 898,683 1.2$ 000000.007.5590.0061.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 8,157 11,200 5,255 11,424 11,652 2.0$ 2.0$ SALARIES AND WAGES 8,157 11,200 5,255 11,424 11,652 2.0$ 2.0$ 000000.007.5590.0061.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 613 0 246 0 0 N/A N/A CITY OF RENTON 3-14 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 a/o Chg %Chg;JJ Acct No./Fund 000. Acton Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.007.5590.0061.20.000003 FICA 624 860 431 874 8 91 1.68 1.98 000000.007.5590.0061.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 650 350 251 578 607 65.1# 5.08 to PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,887 1,210 928 1,452 1,498 20.08 3.28 BUILDING INSPECTIONS&PERMITS PARTTIME 10,044 12,410 6,183 12,876 13,150 3.88 2.18 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2,306,287 2,148,901 2,376,820 2,223,825 2,312,070 3.58 4.08 to 000000.008.5210.0010.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 137,130 142,536 148,375 152,273 159,306 6.88 4.68 000000.008.52 10.00 10.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 370 0 370 370 370 N/A 0.08 000000.008.5210.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 932 0 448 0 0 N/A N/A iW 000000.008.5210.0010.10.000021 AUCTION OVERTIME 156 0 161 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 138,588 142,536 149,354 152,643 159,676 7.18 4.68 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 4,520 5,026 4,933 5,076 5,368 1.08 5.88 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 3,682 3,511 4,386 4,459 4,619 27.08 3.68 #a 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000003 FICA 9,247 9,561 9,774 10,245 10,730 7.28 4.78 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 14,328 21,420 15,277 15,900 16,457 -25.88 3.58 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000005 UNIFORM MEDICAL 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 19,500 0.08 0.08 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,255 1,438 1,186 1,182 1,241 -17.88 5.OS 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 435 573 459 584 602 1.98 3.18 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 2,455 4,020 2,825 2,928 3,051 -27.28 4.28 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000012 LEOFF RET POL/PREPAID MEDICAL 89,514 128,12 5 132,908 110,000 113,850 -14.I S 3.58 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 370 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000016 LEOFF 11 DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0010.20.000070 LANG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 416 552 569 N/A 3.18 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 144,937 193,544 191,663 170,426 175,987 -11.98 3.38 000000.008.5210.0010.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,426 7,875 9,573 8,950 9,174 13.78 2.58 SUPPLIES 8,426 7,875 9,573 8,950 9,174 13.78 2.58 000000.008.5210.0010.41.000025 PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMS 90 1,000 2,275 1,000 1,000 0.08 0.08 000000.008.5210.0010.42.000001 POSTAGE 207 150 97 150 150 0.08 0.08 000000.008.5210.0010.43.000004 POLICE ADM TRAVEL 1,558 2,000 1,358 2,000 2,000 0.08 0.08 000000.008.5210.0010.43.000010 POLICE BOOKS&TUITION 4,272 5,000 3,506 5,000 5,000 0.08 0.08 000000.008.52 10.00 10.4 5.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,284 4,370 4,368 5,347 2,606 22.48 -51.38 000000.008.5210.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 8,632 12,701 6,950 12,118 12,832 -4.6# 5.98 000000.008.5210.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 710 730 850 1,000 1,000 37.08 0.08 000000.008.5210.0010.49.000051 MISCELLANEOUS/POL ADM 737 1,000 360 1,000 1,000 0.08 0.08 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 20,490 26,951 19,765 27,615 25,588 2.58 -7.38 000000.008.5210.0010.51.000007 POLICE DISPATCH/VALLEY-COM 603,752 668,748 603,089 706,467 727,661 5.6# 3.08 000000.008.5210.0010.51.000014 HARBOR PATROL 0 0 15,186 0 0 N/A N/A INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES&TAXES 603,752 668,748 618,275 706,467 727,661 5.68 3.08 000000.008.5210.0010.64.000013 POLICE ADM MACH&EQUIPMENT 0 0 3,287 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 3,287 0 0 N/A N/A POLICE ADMINISTRATION 916,193 1,039,654 991,917 1,066,101 1,098,086 2.58 3.08 000000.008.5210.0021.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 634,846 622,998 690,263 721,941 756,308 15.9# 4.88 000000.008.5210.0021.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 5,180 0 4,902 4,810 4,810 N/A 0.08 000000.008.5210.0021.10.000002 OVERTIME 29,718 43,316 57,843 44,832 46,849 3.58 4.58 j 000000.008.5210.0021.10.000013 PRIVATE SECURITY OT 5,338 10,000 6,384 10,350 10,816 3.58 4.58 000000.008.5210.0021.10.000021 AUCTION OVERTIME 0 0 146 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 675,081 676,314 759,539 781,933 818,783 15.6# 4.79 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 1,834 2,301 1,822 2,125 2,312 -7.68 8.88 go 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 34,257 35,666 41,004 39,019 40,955 9.48 5.08 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000003 FICA 54,189 55,430 59,232 59,102 61,892 6.6# 4.78 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 63,940 82,927 65,011 67,260 69,614 -18.98 3.58 40 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 7,615 7,099 7,656 6,831 7,173 -3.88 5.08 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 2,591 2,639 2,632 2,622 2,701 -0.6# 3.08 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 10,946 15,825 12,513 13,032 13,579 -17.68 4.28 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 4,810 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A ifs 000000.008.5210.0021.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 195 318 328 N/A 3.18 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 175,374 206,697 190,065 190,309 198,554 -7.98 4.38 im CITY OF RENfON 3.15 1995.1996 BUDGET ,I EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL m 1993 19944 `.1994 1995 1996' %Chg %Ch$ Acct No./Mind 000. Accouzlt Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96] 000000.008.5210.0021.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,695 3,046 2,870 3,122 3,216 2.59 3.09 000000.008.5210.0021.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,130 3,498 3,702 3,585 3,693 2.59 3.09 SUPPLIES 3,825 6,544 6,572 6,707 6,909 2.59 3.09 000000,008.5210.0021.4I.000016 INVESTIGATIVE FUND 2,251 12,000 3,175 12,300 12,669 2.59 3.09 000000.008.5210.0021.41.000017 INVESTIGATION VEHICLE 898 2,400 1,470 2,460 2,534 2.59 3.09 000000.008.5210.0021.41.000055 NARCOTICS CONFISCATION FUND 12,516 0 15,077 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0021.41.000094 TECH ASST/POL INVESTIGA 1,879 5,000 2,081 5,125 5,279 2.54 3.09 000000.008.5210.0021.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 4,424 5,506 4,128 5,644 5,813 2.59 3.09 000000.008.52I0.0021.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 42,002 57,543 49,911 55,033 57,683 -4.4# 4.89 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 63,969 82,449 75,841 80,562 83,978 -2.39 4.29 000000.008.5210.0021.64.000015 POLICE INVESTIGA MACH&EQUIP 1,531 4,000 1,883 0 0 -100.09 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,531 4,000 1,883 0 0 -100.09 N/A POLICE INVESTIGATION 919,780 976,004 1,033,900 1,059,511 1,108,224 8.69 4.69 000000.008.5210.0022.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 2,532,832 2,663,049 2,832,189 2,926,903 3,066,224 9.99 4.89 000000.008.5210.0022.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1,110 0 1,110 1,110 1,110 N/A 0.09 000000.008.5210.0022.10.000002 OVERTIME 198,260 187,175 211,650 193,726 202,444 3.59 4.59 000000.008.5210.0022.10.000013 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIME/PD 118,969 200,854 104,623 207,884 217,239 3.59 4.59 000000.008.5210.0022.10.000018 PARK/SECURITY OVERTIME 625 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0022.10.000021 AUCTION OVERTIME 357 0 318 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0022.10.000022 SEAT BELT EMPHASIS OVERTIME 1,085 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 2,853,238 3,051,078 3,149,891 3,329,623 3,487,017 9.19 4.79 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 1,833 1,912 1,941 1,937 2,003 1.39 3.49 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 138,345 143,802 163,390 165,466 173,498 15.19 4.99 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000003 FICA 212,791 228,358 239,244 254,717 266,758 11.59 4.79 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 283,900 356,635 285,943 305,976 316,685 -14.29 3.59 1 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 39,553 48,397 37,269 37,142 38,999 -23.39 5.0# 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 9,833 10,576 10,307 10,844 11,169 2.59 3.09 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 51,761 71,985 57,302 60,456 62,995 -16.09 4.29 <Fm 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE/CLEANING 0 1,110 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000016 LEOFF 11 DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0022.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 597 973 1,002 N/A 3.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 738,016 862,775 795,993 837,511 873,109 -2.99 4.39 000000.008.5210.0022.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,289 15,678 12,225 12,832 10,781 -18.29 -16.09 000000.008.5210.0022.31.000007 K-9 SUPPLIES 676 2,800 1,979 1,000 1,000 -64.39 0.09 000000.008.5210.0022.31.000012 SEAT BELT EMPHASIS SUPPLIES 2,548 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0022.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 21,510 11,925 19,415 15,219 15,826 27.6# 4.09 SUPPLIES 29,023 30,403 33,619 29,051 27,607 -4.49 -5.09 000000.008.5210.0022.41.000027 K-9 VET SERVICES 495 2,500 492 1,500 1,500 -40.09 0.09 000000.008.5210.0022.41.000077 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/ESU 932 2,000 1,124 2,000 2,000 0.09 0.09 4 000000.008.5210.0022.41.000095 EMERG TOW SERVICES 239 500 0 500 500 0.09 0.09 000000.008.5210.0022.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 5,403 5,026 9,985 8,390 11,078 66.99 32.09 000000.008.5210.0022.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 194,603 187,809 193,412 239,231 249,456 27.49 4.39 000000.008.5210.0022.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 2,680 5,000 6,460 11,065 18,239 121.39 64.89 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 204,353 202,835 211,473 262,686 282,773 29.59 7.69 000000.008.5210.0022.64.000016 POLICE PATROL MACH&EQUIPME 144,816 26,454 11,022 0 205,272 -100.09 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 144,816 26,454 11,022 0 205,272 -100.09 N/A POLICE PATROL 3,969,446 4,173,545 4,201,998 4,458,871 4,875,778 6.89 9.44 000000.008.5210.0025.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 132,633 135,216 121,789 111,248 116,543 -17.79 4.89 000000.008.5210.0025.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 740 0 1,035 740 740 N/A 0.09 000000.008.5210.0025.I0.000002 OVERTIME 8,231 6,500 8,131 6,728 7,031 3.59 4.59 000000.008.5210.0025.10.000013 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIME/PD 0 0 5 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 141,604 141,716 130,960 118,716 124,314 -16.29 4.79 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,535 2,654 2,528 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 4,793 6,332 5,430 6,354 6,654 0.39 4.79 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000003 FICA 10,889 10,921 10,018 9,081 9,509 -16.89 4.79 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 11,115 13,898 10,626 9,852 10,197 -29.19 3.59 CITY OF RENTON 3.16 1995-1996 BUDGET �.r EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1494 1944 1995 19% '', %Chg %Chg Acct No. OW, Account Title Actual;, Bn t Actual Budget. 8 dv ge udget .94-95, 95-961 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 188 183 169 171 180 -6.6$ 5.3$ 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 515 543 450 399 411 -26.50 3.0$ 10 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 1,771 2,415 1,966 1,632 1,701 -32.4$ 4.2$ 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 1,035 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.008.5210.0025.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 31,806 37,981 31,188 27,489 28,652 -27.60 4.2$ O' 000000.008.5210.0025.42.000004 WACIC 3,960 1,680 4,020 4,440 4,680 164.3$ 5.40 000000.008.5210.0025.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,184 2,326 2,316 4,564 4,740 96.2$ 3.9$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 6,144 4,006 6,336 9,004 9,420 124.8$ 4.6$ GAMBLING TAX ENFORCEMENT 179,554 183,703 168,484 155,209 162,386 -15.5$ 776$ 000000.008.5210.0030.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 75,706 81,612 79,361 82,756 85,735 1.4$ 3.6$ 000000.008.5210.0030.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 540 0 540 540 540 N/A 0.0$ 000000.008.5210.0030.10.000002 OVERTIME 6,133 4,754 5,109 4,920 5,141 3.5$ 4.5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 82,379 86,366 85,010 88,216 91,416 2.1$ 3.6$ 000000.008.5210.0030.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 6,158 6,877 6,400 6,645 6,929 -3.4$ 4.3$ 000000.008.5210.0030.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0030.20.000003 FICA 6,343 6,690 6,503 6,749 6,994 0.9$ 3.6$ 000000.008.5210.0030.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 7,380 11,835 7,474 7,800 8,073 -34.1$ 3.5$ 000000.008.5210.0030.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,177 2,922 2,534 2,274 2,388 -22.2$ 5.0$ 000000.008.5210.0030.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 303 326 319 320 330 -1.8$ 3.1$ 000000.008.5210.0030.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 1,408 2,490 1,580 1,632 1,701 -34.5$ 4.2$ 000000.008.5210.0030.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 540 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 24,770 31,680 24,811 25,420 26,415 -19.8$ 3.9$ &A 000000.008.5210.0030.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 5,454 3,400 3,566 3,485 3,590 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.008.5210.0030.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,739 4,100 2,639 4,203 4,329 2.5$ 3.0$ SUPPLIES 9,192 7,500 6,205 7,688 7,919 2.'5# 3.0$ 000000.008.5210.0030.43.000023 VOLUNTEER TRAV/MEAL ALLOWAN 7,040 7,560 10,725 15,000 15,450 98.4$ 3.0$ 10 000000.008.5210.0030.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,304 5,487 5,484 4,311 4,360 -21.4$ 1.10 000000.008.5210.0030.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0 700 0 718 740 2.6$ 3.1$ 000000.008.5210.0030.49.000064 FAMILY VIOLENCE GRANT 4,213 0 716 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 16,557 13,747 16,925 20,029 20,550 45.7$ 2.6$ 000000.008.5210.0030.64.000056 POLICE CRIME PREV MACH&EQP 249 1,800 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 249 1,800 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A CRIME PREVENTION 133,148 141,093 132,951 141,353 146,300 0.2$ 3.5$ ilk 000000.008.5210.0040.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 215,839 222,220 242,733 250,381 262,210 12.7$ 4.7$ 000000.008.5210.0040.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 740 0 740 370 370 N/A 0.0$ 000000.008.5210.0040.10.000002 OVERTIME 10,386 5,187 9,445 5,369 5,611 3.54 4.5$ X11 000000.008.5210.0040.10.000013 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIME/PD 3,338 2,729 2,794 2,825 2,952 3.5$ 4.5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 230,303 230,136 255,712 258,945 271,143 12.5$ 4.7$ 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,018 2,176 2,167 2,204 2,399 1.3$ 8.8$ 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 10,810 10,258 12,468 13,344 13,976 30.1$ 4.7$ 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000003 FICA 17,340 17,701 18,858 19,809 20,742 11.9$ 4.7$ 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 22,935 32,130 24,809 24,900 25,772 -22.5$ 3.58 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,077 3,596 1,836 1,839 1,931 -48.99 5.0$ 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000007 L.IFEINSURANCE 818 891 866 930 958 4.4$ 3.0$ 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 4,677 6,510 5,505 5,520 5,752 -15.2$ 4.20 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 370 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000016 LEOFF 11 DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0040.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 195 318 328 N/A 3.1# PERSONNEL BENEFITS 60,675 73,632 66,704 68,864 71,858 -6.5$ 4.3$ 000000.008.5210.0040,31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 14,755 15,275 14,334 15,657 16,127 2.5$ 3.09 iW 000000.008.5210.0040.31.000014 QTR MSTR/CLEANING/POL NON-CO 3,788 4,834 6,633 4,955 5,104 2.5$ 3.0# 000000.008.5210.0040.31.000015 DARE PROGRAM/CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 4,691 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0040.31.000026 QUARTERMASTER SYSTEM 27,487 30,925 32,574 31,698 32,649 2.5$ 3.0# YYr 000000.008.5210.0040.31.000049 DARE PROGRAM/SALES 0 0 615 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0040.31.000060 DARE PROGRAM 22,971 18,150 18,199 18,604 19,162 2.50 3.0# CITY OF RENTON 3-17 1995-1996 BUDGET w EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 19941994 1995 1996`` %Chg °r6 Chg'' Acct No./Fund 000:; Account Title Actual Budgct Actual Budget Budget 94-93 95-96 000000.008.5210.0040.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 16,174 16,700 15,912 17,118 17,632 2.54 3.04 SUPPLIES 85,175 85,884 92,959 88,032 90,674 2.54 3.04 000000.008.5210.0040.4I.000045 PROFESS SERV/POLICE TRAINING 2,400 1,300 0 5,400 5,535 315.44 2.54 000000.008.5210.0040.43.000005 POLTRAVEL/TRAINING 29,600 18,865 27,831 19,337 19,917 2.54 3.04 t 000000.008.5210.0040.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,265 0 5,508 7,167 7,228 N/A 0.94 000000.008.5210.0040.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 239 1,250 (18) 1,281 1,319 2.54 3.04 000000.008.5210.0040.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 1,461 2,153 1,800 2,207 2,273 2.54 3.04 000000.008.5210.0040.49.000029 MEMBERSHIPS/DUES 1,560 1,970 4,017 2,019 2,080 2.54 3.04 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 37,524 25,538 39,138 37,411 38,352 46.5# 2.54 000000.008.5210.0040.64.000021 POLICE ADM SERV/TR MACH&EQ 4,731 0 4,534 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,731 0 4,534 0 0 N/A N/A POLICE ADM NSTRATIVE SERVICES/TRAINING 418,408 415,190 459,047 453,252 472,027 9.24 4.14 000000.008.5210.0090.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 383,746 459,717 413,044 487,873 516,132 6.14 5.84 000000.008.5210.0090.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 4,205 0 4,205 3,985 3,985 N/A 0.04 000000.008.5210.0090.10.000002 OVERTIME 14,128 8,000 16,727 6,280 8,653 3.54 4.54 000000.008.5210.0090.10.000021 AUCTION OVERTIME 333 0 312 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 402,411 467,717 434,287 500,138 528,770 6.94 5.70 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 24,541 31,937 26,947 32,239 34,156 0.94 5.94 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 4,264 4,322 4,599 4,653 4,824 7.74 3.7# 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000003 FICA 29,755 35,600 31,554 38,261 40,451 7.54 5.7# 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 46,545 67,427 54,947 61,728 63,888 -8.54 3.54 a. 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,826 2,013 1,954 2,100 2,205 4.34 5.04 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,442 1,838 1,520 1,850 1,906 0.7# 3.04 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 8,605 13,545 11,362 12,864 13,404 -5.04 4.24 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 3,615 0 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.008.5210.0090.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 285 618 637 N/A 3.14 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 116,978 160,297 133,168 154,313 161,471 -3.7# 4.64 000000.008.5210.0090.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,445 12,108 12,650 12,411 12,783 2.54 3.04 000000.008.5210.0090.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,255 2,322 2,466 2,380 2,451 2.54 3.04 SUPPLIES 10,699 14,430 15,116 14,791 15,234 2.54 3.04 000000.008.5210.0090.41.000067 OUTSIDE AGNCY COMPTR INTERFA 4,593 2,833 4,650 5,940 7,128 109.7* 20.04 000000.008.5210.0090.41.000152 SUBPEONA SERVICES 7,531 8,910 8,731 11,761 13,365 32.04 13.6# 000000.008.5210.0090.42.000004 WACIC 4,910 3,360 3,840 5,460 6,872 62.54 25.94 000000.008.5210.0090.45.000005 COPY MACHINE RENTAL/POL 12,079 12,220 16,901 17,760 17,760 45.34 0.04 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 29,113 27,323 34,122 40,921 45,125 49.84 10.34 000000.008.5210.0090.64.000017 STAFF SERVICES/MACH&EQUIPM 5,299 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,299 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A POLICE STAFF SERVICES 564,500 669,767 616,693 710,163 750,600 6.04 5.74 000000.008.5210.0092.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 179,024 0 173,619 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.10.000002 OVERTIME 113 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 179,137 0 173,619 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 2,663 0 2,043 0 0 N/A N/A 4 000000.008.5210.0092.20.000003 FICA 2,732 0 2,062 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.20.000004 MEDICAL 2,091 0 3,826 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 150 0 154 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 21 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.52I0.0092.20.000009 DENTAL 991 0 693 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 295 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 8,393 0 8,778 0 0 N/A N/A ;gig 000000.008.5210.0092.31.000000 GENERAL SUPPLIES 861 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A ' SUPPLIES 861 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.41.000055 CONFIDENTEN71AL FUNDS 31,012 0 6,200 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.43.000057 TRAINING/NARC GRANT 3,743 0 1,821 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.43.000065 TRAVEL/NARC GRANT 571 0 2,193 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.45.000017 GOODS AND SERVICES 13,142 0 14,984 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5210.0092.45.000018 EQUIPMENT 13,082 0 7,880 0 0 N/A N/A CITY OF RENTON 3.18 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL �r FUND 000: GENERAL 1993': 1994 1994 1995 i 1996:, 1%Chg. %Chg'' Acct No.JFund:D00. Acooumt Tide ActualBudget Actual Budgct Budget 94-95 95.96 000000.008.5210.0092.49.000058 OPERATING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 61,549 0 33,078 0 0 N/A N/A fm NARCOTICS TASK FORCE GRANT 249,940 0 215,475 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A 000.000000.008.5210.0093.49.000 NARC TASK FORCE SEIZURE FD EX 100,429 0 386,392 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 100,429 0 386,392 0 0 N/A N/A NARC TASK FORCE SEIZURE FUND 100,429 0 386,392 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5230.0022.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 0 0 0 27,932 31,262 N/A 11.98 000000.008.5230.0022.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5230.0022.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 27,932 31,262 N/A 11.99 000000.008.5230.0022.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 0 0 0 2,117 2,370 N/A 12.0$ 000000.008.5230.0022.20.000003 FICA 0 0 0 2,137 2,392 N/A 11.99 t1i1 000000.008.5230.0022.20.000004 MEDICAL 0 0 0 6,780 7,032 N/A 3.7$ 000000.008.5230.0022.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 210 221 N/A 5.2$ 000000.008.5230.0022.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 113 128 N/A 13.3$ ow 000000.008.5230.0022.20.000009 DENTAL 0 0 0 1,296 1,344 N/A 3.7$ 000000.008.5230.0022.20.000070 LT DISABILITY 0 0 0 131 150 N/A 14.5$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 0 0 12,784 13,637 N/A 6.79 000000.008.5230.0022.31.000061 EHD SUPPLIES 29 0 39 530 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.008.5230.0022.35.000014 EHD SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIP 115 0 303 0 0 N/A N/A SUPPLIES 144 0 342 530 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.008.5230.0022.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5230.0022.45.000019 WASCP EHD/RENTAL 3,740 0 9,945 0 0 N/A N/A Yflr OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,740 0 9,945 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5230.0022.64.000000 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 1,066 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,066 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A JW ELECTRONIC HOME DETENTION 4,950 0 10,286 41,246 44,899 N/A 8.94 000000.008.5230.0060.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 398,241 409,322 376,349 434,498 455,898 6.29 4.9# 000000.008.5230.0060.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 370 0 370 370 370 N/A 0.0$ it 000000.008.5230.0060.10.000002 OVERTIME 15,889 18,459 33,706 19,105 19r965 3.59 4.59 000000.008.5230.0060.10.000013 PRIVATE SECURITY OVERTIME/PD 688 3,385 153 3,503 3,661 3.5$ 4.5$ 000000.008.5230.0060.10.000020 JAIL COMMISSARY OVERTIME 1,723 0 1,791 0 0 N/A N/A » 000000.008.5230.0060.10.000021 AUCTION OVERTIME 1,463 0 655 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 418,372 431,166 413,023 457,476 479,894 6.1* 4.99 000000.008.5230.0060.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 22,340 25,082 22,845 23,363 24,533 -6.9# 5.09 000000.008.5230.0060.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 5,069 6,119 4,159 7,021 7,182 14.7# 2.39 it 000000.008.5230.0060.20.000003 FICA 31,728 32,774 30,833 34,996 36,712 6.8# 4.98 000000.008.5230.0060.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 45,270 59,715 39,021 47,940 49,618 -19.7# 3.5$ 000000,008.5230.0060.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 10,977 13,332 10,645 8,966 9,414 -32.7# 5.00 go000000.008.5230.0060.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,539 1,627 1,385 1,640 1,689 0.89 3.0# 000000.008.5230.0060.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 9,108 13,020 8,622 10,560 11,004 -18.9$ 4.2$ 000000.008.5230.0060.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 370 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.008.5230.0060.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 195 318 328 N/A 3.1# till PERSONNEL BENEFITS 126,031 152,039 117,705 134,804 140,480 -11.39 4.28 000000.008.5230.0060.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 90,856 104,787 107,669 113,265 119,088 8.1# 5.19 000000.008.5230.0060.31.000018 OPER SUPPLIES/EVIDENCE&PROP 6,492 9,186 8,736 9,416 9,698 2.5$ 3.0# 000000.008.5230.0060.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 884 1,093 1,188 1,120 1,154 2.5$ 3.0$ aw SUPPLIES 98,232 115,066 117,593 123,801 129,940 7.6# 5.0# 000000.008.5230.0060.41.000005 MEDICAL SERVICES/PRISONERS 1,154 1,349 1,527 1,383 1,424 2.5$ 3.0# 000000.008.5230.0060.41.000006 HEALTH OFFICER SERVICES 46,463 53,071 45,334 54,398 56,030 2.58 3.08 lop 000000.008.5230.0060.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6,012 6,068 6,072 7,944 3,001 30.9$ -62.2$ 000000.008.5230.0060.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 669 764 1,305 783 806 2.5$ 2.99 000000.008.5230.0060.49.000005 INMATE HEALTH&WELFARE/COM 5,965 0 7,077 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5230.0060.49.000052 AUCTION EXPENSE 13,139 0 169 0 0 N/A N/A 106 000000.008.5230.0060.49.000090 RE-ACCREDITATION FEE/CALEA 4,572 0 2,750 2,750 10,250 N/A 272.7# CITY OF RENTON 3-19 1995.1996 BUDGET imp EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994' 1994 1995 1996, Chg %Chg; # IA60 No./Egad GOp,. Acvounc Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94>s-95 95-96 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 77,974 61,252 64,235 67,258 71,511 9.89 6.39 000000.008.5230.0060.51.000012 KING CO JAIL SERVICES 56,659 54,050 98,624 55,401 57,063 2.59 3.09 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES AND TAXES 56,659 54,050 98,624 55,401 57,063 2.59 3.09 000000.008.5230.0060.64.000018 POLICE JAIL MACH&EQUIPMENT 17,583 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,583 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A POLICEJAIL 794,852 613,573 811,180 638,740 878,888 3.19 4.89 000000.008.5390.0030.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 46,450 39,657 35,231 38,849 40,248 -1.09 3.69 000000.008.5390.0030.10.000002 OVERTIME 2,152 2,100 1,645 2,174 2,272 3.59 4.59 SALARIES AND WAGES 48,602 41,757 36,876 41,023 42,520 -1.89 3.69 000000.008.5390.0030.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,916 3,538 2,514 3,040 3,223 -14.19 6.09 000000.008.5390.0030.20.000003 FICA 3,718 3,408 2,821 3,068 3,253 -10.09 6.09 000000.008.5390.0030.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 7,395 8,338 7,126 7,368 7,626 -11.69 3.59 000000.008.5390.0030.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,622 1,746 1,066 1,137 1,194 -34.99 5.09 000000.008.5390.0030.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 176 151 151 155 160 2.69 3.29 000000.008.5390.0030.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 1,111 1,530 1,245 1,296 1,350 -15.39 4.29 000000.008.5390.0030.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.008.5390.0030.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 16,938 18,711 14,923 16,064 16,806 -14.19 4.69 000000.008.5390.0030.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 406 990 703 1,015 1,045 2.59 3.09 SUPPLIES 406 990 703 1,015 1,045 2.59 3.09 000000.008.5390.0030.41.000007 EMERGENCY VET SERVICES 315 550 223 564 581 2.59 3.09 000000.008.5390.0030.41.000036 LARGE ANIMAL IMPOUNDS 0 200 0 205 211 2.59 2.99 000000.008.5390.0030.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 11,976 12,835 10,271 9,797 12,386 -23.74 26.49 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 12,291 13,585 10,494 10,566 13,178 -22.29 24.79 000000.008.5390.0030.51.000001 HUMANE SOC FEES 6,101 10,319 5,774 10,577 10,894 2.59 3.09 OTHER INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES&FEES 6,101 10,319 5,774 10,577 10,894 2.59 3.09 POLICE/ANIMAL CONTROL 84,338 85,362 68,770 79,245 84,443 -7.29 6.69 TOTAL POLICE 8,335,537 8,497,891 9,097,093 9,003,691 9,621,631 6.09 6.99 p 000000.009.5220.00 10,10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 258,275 260,328 267,163 347,880 359,086 33.69 3.29 14 000000.009.5220.00 10.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 800 0 800 1,000 1,000 N/A 0.09 000000.009.5220.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 1 SALARIES AND WAGES 259,075 260,328 267,963 348,880 360,086 34.09 3.29 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 7,840 8,534 8,137 8,318 8,518 -2.59 2.49 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 9,552 9,507 9,867 14,693 15,222 54.59 3.69 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000003 FICA 8,010 8,222 8,221 8,395 8,597 2.19 2.49 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 21,660 29,070 20,782 28,800 29,808 -0.99 3.59 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000005 UNIFORM MEDICAL 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 0.09 0.09 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,488 1,827 1,408 1,487 1,561 -18.69 5.09 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 818 1,037 826 1,292 1,331 24.69 3.09 s 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 3,997 5,940 4,448 6,024 6,277 1.49 4.29 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000013 LEOFF RET FIRE/PREPAID MEDICA 64,284 87,226 115,986 73,670 76,248 -15.59 3.59 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 800 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A 4. 000000.009.5220.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 897 1,226 1,263 N/A 3.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 133,649 168,165 186,572 159,905 164,825 -4.99 3.19 000000.009.5220.0010.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,187 6,240 6,153 5,200 5,356 -16.79 3.09 SUPPLIES 8,187 6,240 6,153 5,200 5,356 -16.79 3.09 000000.009.5220.0010.41.000124 PHYSICAL EXAMS 16,137 27,784 13,227 28,475 29,330 2.59 3.09 000000.009.5220.0010.42.000002 TELEPHONE 4,928 5,060 2,921 5,185 5,340 2.59 3.09 000000.009.5220.0010.43.000013 FIRE ADMIN TRAVEL 1,517 1,250 827 1,750 1,825 40.09 4.39 000000.009.5220.0010.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7,856 5,758 8,215 3,747 8,972 -34.99 139.49 000000.009.5220.0010.45.000004 COPY MACHINE RTL/FIRE 0 0 1,126 4,800 4,800 N/A 0.09 000000.009.5220.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 1,458 1,320 2,420 1,352 1,400 2.49 3.6# 000000.009.5220.0010.48.000011 VC CAD SYSTEM REPL 1,965 1,800 2,051 1,845 1,900 2.59 3.09 000000.009.5220.0010.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 0 730 195 700 700 -4.19 0.09 000000.009.5220.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIP&REGISTRATION 1,395 1,000 1,188 1,400 1,440 40.09 2.99 000000.009.5220.0010.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 2,227 730 733 750 800 2.79 6.79 CITY OF RENTON 3.20 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 4111 1993 1994 1994 2995 1996 ! %Ch g °lo Chg' AcCtrHo./Fuad 000. Account Titk Actual Budget Actual Budget ;Budget 94 7:'95 95-96 000000.009.5220.0010.49.000055 PROP TAX/EARL FIAT PROP 45 60 70 60 60 0.09 0.0# OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 37,528 45,492 32,972 50,064 56,567 10.1 i 13.09 000000.009.5220.0010.51.000008 FIRE DISPATCH/VALLEY-COM 62,104 76,541 59,476 78,450 80,804 2.5$ 3.09 000000.009.5220.0010.51.000017 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS 0 0 0 1,200 1,236 N/A 3.0$ INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES&TAXES 62,104 76,541 59,476 79,650 82,040 4.1$ 3.0$ 1w 000000.009.5220.0010.64.000029 FIRE ADMIN MACHINE&EQUIPMEN 0 10,500 7,790 0 0 -100.0$ N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 10,500 7,790 0 0 -100.0# N/A FIRE ADMINISTRATION 500,543 567,266 560,926 643,699 668,874 13.59 3.9B 10 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 3,714,524 3,766,393 3,827,995 3,974,170 4,117,240 5.58 3.69 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 30,930 0 30,000 29,400 29,400 N/A 0.09 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000002 FIRE SPEC PROJECT OVERTIME 4,768 0 24,890 0 0 N/A N/A to 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000003 DISABILITY OVERTIME/FIRE 53,549 15,644 88,947 18,315 18,986 17.19 3.79 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000004 ACTING PAY OVERTIME/FIRE 69,506 56,168 73,399 57,741 59,820 2.8$ 3.69 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000005 HOLDOVER OVERTIME/FIRE 28,443 23,678 19,835 24,341 25,217 2.8$ 3.6$ 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000006 TRAINING OVERTIME/FIRE 40,615 46,450 41,063 47,751 49,470 2.8$ 3.6B ow 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000009 MILITARY LEAVE OVERTIME/FIRE 2,749 3,855 0 3,963 4,106 2.80 3.6$ 000000.009.5220.0020.10 0000 10 HAZMAT TRAINING OVERTIME/FIRE 21,707 19,824 18,298 20,379 21,113 1.8$ 3.6$ 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000011 PAYBACK/STRAIGHT TIME 69,369 0 71,633 71,450 74,023 N/A 3.60 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000012 HOLIDAY/DOUBLE TIME 14,900 19,273 15,390 19,813 20,526 2.8# 3.68 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000016 DIVE TEAM OVERTIME/FIRE 10,200 9,912 9,720 10,190 10,557 2.89 3.6B 000000.009.5220.0020.10.000017 FIREPREV/STRAIGHT TIME 236 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 4,061,496 3,961,197 4,221,169 4,277,513 4,430,458 8.0$ 3.6t 4111 000000.009.5220.0020.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 202,467 199,779 221,972 218,626 226,929 9.4# 3.8# 000000.009.5220.0020.20.000003 FICA 13,772 12,038 14,905 16,636 17,772 38.28 6.8B 000000.009.5220.0020.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 414,074 516,915 418,454 446,820 462,459 -13.6$ 3.5$ 000000.009.5220.0020.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 42,873 48,771 47,138 49,321 51,787 1.1$ 5.Olt ft 000000.009.5220.0020.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 14,191 15,027 14,297 14,822 15,281 -1.4$ 3.19 000000.009.5220.0020.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 73,849 101,235 82,738 88,020 91,717 -13.1$ 4.2$ 000000:009.5220.0020.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 30,000 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.009.5220.0020.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 4W PERSONNEL BENEFITS 761,226 923,765 799,503 834,245 865,945 -9.78 3.8$ 000000.009.5220.0020.31.000004 OTHER OPR/REPR/MAINT SUPPLIE 14,370 19,901 11,094 19,501 20,086 -2.0f 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0020.31.000005 BREATHING APPARATUS REPR SUPL 4,325 3,680 7,141 5,200 5,356 41.30 3.09 000000.009.5220.0020.31.000006 CITY FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 53 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000,009.5220.0020.3 1.0000 10 SMALL EQUIPMT REPAIR SUPPLIES 129 520 0 575 592 10.60 3.0b 000000.009.5220.0020.31.000028 PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT 12,251 9,793 10,015 10,362 10,673 5.8{I 3.00 000000.009.5220.0020.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 12,991 20,800 11,033 20,892 21,778 0.4$ 4.2$ SUPPLIES 44,118 54,694 39,282 56,530 58,485 3.49 3.59 000000.009.5220.0020.43.000025 FIRE SUPPRESSION TRAVEL 382 2,284 857 2,400 2,472 5.1$ 3.0$ 000000.009.5220.0020.45.000002 EQUIPMT RENTAL/CAPITAL RECOV 12,576 12,579 10,169 36,858 34,500 193.0# -6.4$ 111f• 000000.009,5220.0020.45.000004 COPY MACHINE RTL/FIRE STATION 609 700 455 750 770 7.1$ 1.7$ 000000.009.5220.0020.45.000025 EQUIPMENT RENTAL/FIRE DIST#25 0 0 0 18,345 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.009.5220.0020.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 8,866 3,300 1,815 3,330 3,430 0.9$ 3.0$ 000000,009.5220.0020.48.000005 FIRE EQUIPMT/REPAIR&MTC 90,733 83,000 53,316 83,000 85,490 0.0$ 3.0* up 000000.009.5220.0020.48.000035 BREATHING APPARATUS REPR/MTC 2,573 2,460 2,528 3,000 3,090 21.0$ 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0020.48.000036 SMALL EQUIPMT REPAIR/MAINT 440 1,660 348 1,825 1,880 9.911 3.0B 000000.009.5220.0020.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 884 2,200 2,203 2,300 2,369 4.5$ 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0020.49.000017 LAUNDRY 3,977 3,432 4,309 3,500 3,600 2.0* 2.99 4w OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 121,040 111,615 76,021 155,308 137,601 39.1$ -11.4$ 000000.009.5220.0020.64.000030 FIRE SUPPRESSION MACH&EQUIP 0 11,800 16,459 20,500 0 73.7$ -100.0# CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 11,800 16,459 20,500 0 73.7B -100.0$ FIRE SUPPRESSION 4,987,880 5,063,071 5,152,434 5,344,096 5,492,489 5.60 2.89 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 942,525 1,336,014 1,263,635 808,845 846,258 -39.59 4.6# 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 2,418 11,200 10,417 6,200 6,200 -44.6# 0.0# 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000002 OVERTIME 1,303 0 11,249 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000003 DISABILITY OVERTIME 4,873 10,710 21,806 5,355 5,448 -50.0# 1.711 viw CITY OF RENTON 3-21 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg lAcctNo./FU2id000. Account Tltic Actual Budgct: Actual Budget Budgets 94-95 95'-96` 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000004 ACTING PAY OVERTIME 7,904 13,770 4,609 6,885 7,133 -50.0$ 3.6$ 1 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000005 HOLDOVER OVERTIME 6,456 8,262 6,569 4,131 4,280 -50.08 3.69 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000006 TRAINING OVERTIME 9,001 7,140 12,718 3,570 3,699 -50.0# 3.6B 000000.009.5220.0025.10.0000 10 HAZMAT TRAINING OVERTIME 790 0 2,040 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000011 STRAIGHT TIME PAY BACK-FIRE 1,275 27,000 26,689 15,849 16,420 -41.39 3.6B 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000012 HOLIDAY DBLTIME 4,938 8,160 5,828 4,194 4,345 -48.6$ 3.64 000000.009.5220.0025.10.000016 DIVE TEAM OVERTIME 0 0 1,409 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 981,482 1,422,256 1,366,969 855,029 893,783 -39.99 4.58 000000.009.5220.0025.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 49,133 63,876 72,526 43,044 45,035 -32.69 4.60 000000.009.5220.0025.20.000003 FICA 14,298 20,221 19,524 11,729 12,271 -42.Of 4.69 ad 000000.009.5220.0025.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 91,884 158,640 138,625 81,236 84,971 -48.8* 4.69 000000.009.5220.0025.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 15,156 33,458 21,930 11,933 12,654 -64.39 6.08 000000.009.5220.0025.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 3,686 4,153 4,723 3,120 3,249 -24.9$ 4.18 000000.009.5220.0025.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 18,431 36,003 27,963 16,168 17,014 -55.18 5.29 000000.009.5220.0025.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 213 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 192,590 316,351 285,504 167,230 175,194 -47.1$ 4.8B 000000.009.5220.0025.31.000003 AID SUPPLIES 4,668 10,000 9,976 5,000 5,150 -50.Of 3.0f 000000.009.5220.0025.31.000004 OTHER OPR/REPR/MAINT SUPPLIE 4,976 10,000 1,384 4,000 4,120 -60.0$ 3.00 000000.009.5220.0025.3 1.0000 10 SMALL EQUIPMT REPAIR SUPPLIES 365 1,000 0 500 515 -50.0$ 3.0$ ,y 000000.009.5220.0025.31.000012 OFFICE OPR/SUPPLIES STATION 16 2,223 1,200 1,397 1,260 1,298 5.00 3.09 s 000000.009.5220.0025.31.000027 OFFICE OPR/SUPPLIES STATION 17 1,445 1,200 410 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.31.000028 PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIP 66 2,700 1,983 1,350 1,391 -50.0$ 3.09 000000.009.5220.0025.31.000052 BREATHING DIR SUPPLIES 0 2,400 2,415 1,200 1,236 -50.08 3.Of 000000.009.5220.0025.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIP 4,077 6,000 3,431 3,000 3,090 -50.08 3.0$ 000000.009.5220.0025.35.000016 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQ/STATN 1 62 2,000 386 2,100 2,163 5.08 3.0$ 000000.009.5220.0025.35.000017 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQ/STATN 1 744 2,000 9 0 0 -100.09 N/A 3 SUPPLIES 18,625 38,500 21,390 18,410 18,963 -52.2# 3.08 000000.009.5220.0025.41.000124 PHYSICAL EXAMS 4,499 8,400 1,176 4,400 4,532 -47.6# 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0025.42.000002 TELEPHONE 1,282 6,000 1,156 3,000 3,090 -50.0# 3.01 1 000000.009.5220.0025.43.000053 TRAVEL 355 2,000 0 1,000 1,030 -50.0$ 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0025.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 0 0 18,345 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.45.000004 RENTALS&LEASES 0 500 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.47.000016 UTILITIES/STATION 16 4,803 7,000 9,747 7,200 7,416 2.94 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0025.47.000017 UTILITIES/STATION 17 5,632 7,000 9,058 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.48.000000 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 189 2,000 490 1,000 1,030 -50.09 3.0* 000000.009.5220.0025.48.000005 FIRE EQUIPMT/REPAIR&MAINT 11,696 32,000 15,251 10,000 10,300 -68.8$ 3.0* 000000.009.5220.0025.48.000008 AID EQUIPMENT REPAIR 0 0 0 800 824 N/A 3.0* 000000.009.5220.0025.48.000016 REPAIR/MAINT/STATION 16 1,658 1,000 4,137 3,000 3,090 200.0$ 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0025.48.000017 REPAIR/MAINT/STATION 17 590 1,000 1,881 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.48.000035 BREATHING APPARATUS REPR/MTC 744 1,000 949 500 515 -50.09 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0025.48.000036 SMALL EQUIPMT REPAIR/MAINT 73 400 77 420 433 5.0# 3.19 000000.009.5220.0025.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 1,058 1,800 2,428 900 927 -50.0$ 2.0# 000000.009.5220.0025.49.000017 LAUNDRY 0 3,000 331 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.49.000020 OTHER MISC COSTS 0 500 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.49.000023 START UP COSTS/FIRE DIST 025 23,233 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0025.49.000025 FIRE DISTRICT 025 CONTINGENCY 0 0 0 120,000 120,000 N/A 0.0# OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 55,812 73,600 46,681 152,220 171,532 106.88 12.7# 000000.009.5220.0025.51.000008 FIRE DISPATCH/VALLEY COMM 11,680 14,222 14,220 7,111 7,324 -50.0$ 3.0# INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES&TAXES 11,680 14,222 14,220 7,111 7,324 -50.08 3.00 FIRE SERVICE CONTRACT DISTRICT 025 1,260,189 1,864,929 1,734,764 1,200,000 1,266,796 -35.7# 5.6$ 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 364,015 384,138 316,064 332,053 347,471 -13.6# 4.6# 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1,600 0 1,200 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000002 OVERTIME 2,170 0 427 1,000 1,025 N/A 2.5# 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000007 STANDBY PAY/FIRE PREV 7,974 8,725 8,080 8,969 9,292 2.8# 3.6# 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000032 FP/FIRE ENGINEERING OT 0 151 132 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000033 FP/HAZARDOUS MATERIAL OT 0 606 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A r CITY OF RENTON 3.22 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL r1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 1%Chg %Chg' Acct No./Fusad 000. Acvount Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95.96:1 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000034 FP/PUBLIC EDUCATION OT 0 303 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000035 FP/FIRE INVESTIGATION OT 0 1,935 1,144 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.10.000036 FP/CODE ENFORCEMENT OT 0 151 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 375,759 396,009 327,047 342,022 357,788 -13.6# 4.60 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 22,956 25,717 24,026 25,190 27,284 -2.0# 8.38 lkw 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 4,274 4,412 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000003 FICA 23,550 24,866 25,019 25,427 27,548 2.3# 8.3# 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 36,328 42,868 31,457 31,776 32,888 -25.98 3.5# 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 6,359 7,854 6,060 6,210 6,521 -20.9$ 5.09 gW 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,392 1,520 1,269 1,300 1,339 -14.54 3.09 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 7,282 9,420 7,116 7,176 7,477 -23.8# 4.20 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 400 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,183 1,544 1,590 N/A 3.0# to PERSONNEL BENEFITS 102,141 117,057 96,131 98,623 104,647 -15.7# 6.1# 000000.009.5220.0030.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,429 7,036 6,958 7,800 8,034 10.98 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0030.31.000009 LOCK BOXES 417 0 (382) 0 0 N/A N/A vo 000000.009.5220.0030.31.000013 PUBLIC EDUCATION SUPPLIES 1,423 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.31.000020 CARE BEAR DONATIONS 284 0 11 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.31.000028 PERSONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT 0 500 0 100 100 -80.0# 0.0# 000000.009.5220.0030.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,816 2,200 3,080 2,000 1,000 -9.1# -50.09 or SUPPLIES 8,369 9,736 9,667 9,900 9,134 1.79 -7.7# 000000.009.5220.0030.41.000046 FIRE INVESTIGATION 23 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.41.000087 HYDRANT COMPUTER ANALYSIS 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0030.43.000011 FIRE PREVENTION TRAVEL 1,637 4,725 2,463 4,800 4,944 1 6# 3.0# ow 000000.009.5220.0030.43.000022 CERTIFICATION TRAINING 1,647 2,762 1,855 2,921 3,067 5..0# 5.0# 000000.009.5220.0030.45.000002 EQUIPMT RTL/CAPITAL RECOV 10,048 11,701 10,886 13,506 14,640 15.48 8.4# 000000.009.5220.0030.45.000004 COPY MACHINE RENTAL/FIRE PREV 3,005 3,578 2,802 3,578 4,000 0.04 11.8# dw 000000.009.5220.0030.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 709 1,430 159 830 845 -42.0# 1.8# 000000.009.5220.0030.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 1,416 1,500 1,782 1,800 1,854 20.0# 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0030.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 697 1,000 3,051 2,675 850 167.5# -68.2# OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 19,182 26,716 22,998 30,110 30,200 12.7# 0.3# ON 000000.009.5220.0030.64.000031 FIRE PREV MACHINE&EQUIPMENT 0 4,200 4,200 0 0 -100.00 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 4,200 4,200 0 0 -100.0# N/A FIRE PREVENTION&INVESTIGATION 505,452 553,718 460,043 480,655 501,769 -13.2# >1 000000.009.5220.0040.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 116,986 120,128 125,481 130,985 135,700 9.0# 3.6# 000000.009.5220.0040.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 800 0 800 800 800 N/A 0.0# 000000.009.5220.0040.10.000002 STAND BY OVERTIME 3,559 2,296 2,370 2,360 2,445 2.8# 3.6# gW 000000.009.5220.0040.10.000006 TRAINING OVERTIME/FIRE 2,743 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 124,088 122,424 128,651 134,145 138,945 9.6# 3.6# 000000.009.5220.0040.20.000002 RETIREMENT/LEOFF 7,289 7,472 7,374 7,666 7,972 2.6# 4.0# 000000.009.5220.0040.20.000003 FICA 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0040.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 12,816 16,020 12,968 13,560 14,035 -15.4# 3.50 000000.009.5220.0040.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 0 718 756 794 N/A 5.0# 000000.009.5220.0040.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 395 471 396 486 492 3.2# 1.2# 1w 000000.009.5220.0040.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 2,222 3,060 2,490 2,592 2,701 -15.3# 4.1# 000000.009.5220.0040.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 800 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.009.5220.0040.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 22,722 27,823 23,946 25,060 25,994 -9.9# 3.7# iW 000000.009.5220.0040.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 717 1,24B 1,645 1,350 1,391 8.20 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0040.35.000000 SMALLTOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,001 3,536 3,073 3,650 3,760 3.2# 3.00 SUPPLIES 3,718 4,784 4,717 5,000 5,151 4.5# 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0040.41.000082 EMT INSTRUCTOR 5,617 4,000 3,600 4,100 4,223 2.5# 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0040.41.000088 INSTRUCTORS/ON-SITE TRAINING 3,400 4,000 3,673 4,100 4,223 2.5# 3.0# 000000.009.5220.0040.43.000012 FIRE TRAINING TRAVEL 1,858 1,700 1,365 1,800 1,854 5.9# 3.00 000000.009.5220.0040.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,048 3,149 0 0 0 -100.00 N/A y 000000.009.5220.0040.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 1,329 600 982 650 670 8.3# 3.1# 000000.009.5220.0040.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 565 500 440 550 567 10.0# 3.1# CITY OF RENTON 3-23 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct No./Found 000, AccvuutTitk Actual Budget Actual Budget 13udget'I 94-,95 95-96 000000.009.5220.0040.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 1,908 3,120 3,013 3,000 3,090 -3.8$ 3.0$ 1 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 15,726 17,069 13,073 14,200 14,627 -16.8$ 3.0$ FIRE TRAINING 166,254 172,100 170,387 178,405 184,717 3.7$ 3.5#1 000000.009.5220.0050.31.000021 OFFICE/OPR SUPPLIES/STA 11 4,839 5,500 5,290 7,200 7,500 30.9$ 4.2$ 000000.009.5220.0050.31.000022 OFFICE/OPR SUPPLIES/STA 12 1,741 1,200 1,320 1,300 1,300 S.3$ 0.0$ 000000.009.5220.0050.31.000023 OFFICE/OPR SUPPLIES/STA 13 1,376 950 840 1,050 1,150 10.5$ 9.5$ 000000.009.5220.0050.35.000011 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQ/STA 11 3,693 5,200 5,070 3,375 5,700 -35.1$ 68.9$ 000000.009.5220.0050.35.000012 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQ/STA 12 1,481 5,050 3,996 2,550 3,160 -49.5$ 23.9$ 000000.009.5220.0050.35.000013 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQ/STA 13 4,739 5,800 4,876 1,900 1,750 -67.2$ -7.9$ SUPPLIES 17,869 23,700 21,392 17,375 20,560 -26.7$ 18.3$ 000000.009.5220.0050.48.000031 REPAIRS/MAI NT/STATION 11 507 3,600 459 3,800 4,000 5.6$ 5.3$ 000000.009.5220.0050.48.000032 REPAIRS/MAINT/STATION 12 0 1,110 513 1,100 1,100 -0.9$ 0.0$ 000000.009.5220.0050.48.000033 REPAIRS/MAINT/STATION 13 579 1,850 1,092 1,950 1,850 5.4$ -5.1$ 10 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1,086 6,560 2,064 6,850 6,950 4.4$ 1.5$ 000000.009.5220.0050.64.000033 FIRE FACILITIES MACHINE&EQP 0 0 2,186 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 2,186 0 0 N/A N/A FIRE FACILITIES 18,955 30,260 25,642 24,225 27,510 -19.9$ 13.6$ 000000.009.5220.0060.31.000011 HAZMAT EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 10,677 12,105 14,134 12,150 11,800 0.4$ -2.9$ SUPPLIES 10,677 12,105 14,134 12,150 11,800 0.4$ -2.91 000000.009.5220.0060.43.000024 FIRE HAZMATTRAVEL/TRAINING 782 2,500 775 2,750 3,000 10.0$ 9.1$ 000000.009.5220.0060.48.000037 HAZ-MAT EQUIPMT REPAIR&MAIN 1,980 1,100 722 1,200 1,300 9.1$ 8.3$ 000000.009.5220.0060.49.000033 HAZ MAT MEMBERSHIPS&REGIST 660 1,100 495 1,050 1,150 -4.5$ 9.5$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,422 4,700 1,992 5,000 5,450 6.4$ 9.0$ FIRE/HAZMAT RESPONSE 14,099 16,805 16,126 17,150 17,250 2.1$ 0.6$ 000000.009.5220.0061.31.000024 DIVE TEAM OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,093 7,325 6,786 5,930 4,575 -19.0$ -22.B$ SUPPLIES 7,093 7,325 6,786 5,930 4,575 -19.0$ -22.8$ 000000.009.5220.0061.41.000004 WATER ACCIDENT MGT/WAM CLAS 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A t 000000.009.5220.0061.43.000055 DIVE TEAM TRAVEL/TRAINING 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.009.5220.0061.48.000048 DIVE EQUIPMENT REPAIR/MAINT 1,381 1,441 1,159 1,715 1,851 19.0$ 7.9$ 000000.009.5220.0061.49.000041 DIVE TEAM MEMBRSHIP&REGISTR 1,254 1,300 1,302 2,738 4,395 110.6$ 60.59 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 2,634 2,741 2,461 4,453 6,246 62.5$ 40.3$ FIRE DIVE TEAM 9,728 10,066 9,248 10,383 10,821 3.1$ 4.29 000000.009.5250.0060.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 69,902 71,224 71,899 74,196 76,867 4.2$ 3.6$ 000000.009.5250.0060.10.000001 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 400 0 200 200 200 N/A 0.0$ 000000.009.5250.0060.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 829 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 70,302 71,224 72,928 74,396 77,067 4.5$ 3.6$ 000000.009.5250.0060.20.000002 RE71REMENT/LEOFF 4,362 4,430 4,491 4,578 4,743 3.3$ 3.6$ 000000.009.5250.0060.20.000004 MEDICAL 5,176 5,400 4,354 4,560 4,720 -15.60 3.5$ 000000.009.5250.0060.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 197 282 198 270 278 -4.3$ 3.0$ 000000.009.5250.0060.20.000009 DENTAL 1,021 960 790 816 850 -15.0$ 4.2$ 000000.009.5250.0060.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 400 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 10,756 11,472 9,833 10,224 10,591 -10.9$ 3.6$ 14 000000.009.5250.0060.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 237 286 12 300 330 4.9$ 10.00 000000.009.5250.0060.31.000016 EMERG OPR CENTER SUPPLIES 1,356 1,560 1,522 1,000 1,500 -35.9$ 50.0$ 000000.009.5250.0060.31.000017 FIELD DISASTER SUPPLIES 1,099 2,080 1,519 2,200 2,500 5.8$ 13.60 000000.009.5250.0060.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 301 520 339 500 500 -3.8$ 0.0$ SUPPLIES 2,993 4,446 3,386 4,000 4,830 -10.04 20.8$ 000000.009.5250.0060.43.000014 CIVIL DEFENSE TRAVEL 185 530 277 750 773 41.5$ 3.1$ 000000.009.5250.0060.43.000061 EMERG MGT KEY OFFICIAL TRAING 0 2,040 0 500 500 -75.5$ 0.0$ 000000.009.5250.0060.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0 550 91 550 600 0.0$ 9.1$ 000000.009.5250.0060.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 260 200 274 300 350 50.0$ 16.7$ 000000.009.5250.0060.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 182 416 311 750 500 80.3$ -33.3$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 628 3,736 953 2,850 2,723 -23.7$ -4.5$ FIRE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 84,679 90,878 87,100 91,470 95,211 0.7$ 4.1$ CITY OF RENTON 3.24 1995-1996 BUDGET to Orr EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL Vtilif 1993 1994 1994 1995 >1996 Chg iib Chg Acct No./Fund 000, Acoaumt Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-'95 95-961 000000.009.5260.0080.31.000003 AID SUPPLIES 20,489 18,200 21,468 20,000 20,600 9.90 3.08 %W 000000.009.5260.0080.31.000008 CPR SUPPLIES/SMALL TOOLS 0 0 0 1,000 1,030 N/A 3.00 000000.009.5260.0080.35.000018 SMALL TOOLS 0 0 0 1,000 1,030 N/A 3.08 SUPPLIES 20,489 18,200 21,468 22,000 22,660 20.98 3.08 000000.009.5260.0080.41.000035 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 5,000 5,150 N/A 3.08 go 000000.009.5260.0080.43.000054 EMS TRAVEL/TRAINING 703 1,200 50 1,230 1,267 1.58 3.08 000000.009.5260.0080.48.000034 AID EQUIPMENT REPAIR&MAINT 3,324 4,500 6,415 1,800 1,545 -60.08 -14.28 000000.009.5260.0080.49.000018 EMS MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 450 750 75 768 791 2.48 3.08 io OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4,477 6,450 6,540 8,798 8,753 36.48 -0.58 FIRE/EMS LIFE SUPPORT 24,967 24,650 28,007 30,798 31,413 24.98 2.08 TOTAL FIRE 7,572,745 8,393,743 8,244,677 8,020,881 8,296,850 -4.48 3.48 40 000000.011.5580.0060.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 88,401 96,496 93,751 96,751 101,339 0.38 4.78 000000.011.5580.0060.10.000002 OVERTIME 112 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 88,513 96,496 93,751 96,751 101,339 0.38 4.70 r 000000.011.5580.0060.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 6,662 7,662 7,101 7,334 7,681 -4.38 4.78 000000.011.5580.0060.20.000003 FICA 6,328 6,879 6,767 7,076 7,416 2.98 4.88 000000.011.5580.0060.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 6,307 7,740 8,357 8,760 9,067 13.28 3.58 000000.011.5580.0060.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 340 365 341 350 368 -4.18 5.18 tw 000000.011.5580.0060.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 288 383 303 374 385 -2.38 2.98 000000.011.5580.0060.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 1,112 1,455 1,652 1,716 1,788 17.98 4.28 000000.011.5580.0060.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 335 450 464 N/A 3.18 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 21,037 24,484 24,857 26,060 27,169 6.48 4.38 lo 000000.0 1 1.5WO.0060.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 587 150 700 154 159 2.7* 3.28 000000.011.5580.0060.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,403 400 1,350 410 422 2.58 2.98 SUPPLIES 1,990 550 2,050 564 581 2.58 3.08 go 000000.011.5580.0060.41.000048 PROFESS SV/PRO TEM/VAC RELIEF 0 0 1,392 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.011.5580.0060.43.000027 LAND USE TRAVEL 0 700 549 718 740 2.6# 3.18 000000.011.5580.0060.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 73 50 73 51 53 2.0# 3.98 000000.011.5580.0060.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 786 700 151 718 740 2.6* 3.18 10 000000.011.5580.0060.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 392 200 398 205 211 2.58 2.98 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1,251 1,650 2,564 1,692 1,744 2.58 3.18 000000.011.5580.0060.64.000000 HEARING EXAM/CAPITALIZED EXP 1,627 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,627 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 10 HEARING EXAMINER 114,419 123,180 123,221 125,067 130,833 1.58 4.68 000000.012.5110.0070.51.000009 ELECTION EXPENSE 0 17,000 8,752 17,425 17,948 2.58 3.08 Ym INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES&TAXES 0 17,000 8,752 17,425 17,948 2.58 3.08 ELECTION COSTS 0 17,000 8,752 17,425 17,948 2.58 3.08 400 000000.012.5110.0080.51.000016 VOTER REGISTRATION EXPENSE 31,637 25,000 35,458 37,800 38,569 51.28 2.08 INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES&TAXES 31,637 25,000 35,458 37,800 38,569 51.28 2.08 VOTER REGISTRATION COSTS 31,637 25,000 35,458 37,800 38,569 51.28 2.08 LEGISLATIVE 31,637 42,000 44,211 55,225 56,517 31.58 2.34 ow 000000.0 12.5140.0030.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 143,514 158,551 152,867 162,288 170,722 2.48 5.28 000000.012.5140.0030.10.000002 OVERTIME 1,325 0 275 868 868 N/A 0.08 SALARIES AND WAGES 144,839 158,551 153,142 163,156 171,590 2.98 5.28 ow 000000.012.5140.0030.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 10,773 12,589 11,603 12,368 13,007 -1.88 5.28 000000.012.5140.0030.20.000003 FICA 11,080 12,130 11,646 12,481 13,126 2.98 5.28 000000.012.5140.0030.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 17,016 22,365 13,706 14,340 14,842 -35.98 3.58 to 000000.012.5140.0030.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,071 823 903 875 919 6.38 5.08 000000.012.5140.0030.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 581 627 606 635 654 1.38 3.08 000000.012.5140.0030.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 3,130 3,945 2,839 2,952 3,076 -25.28 4.28 000000.012.5140.0030.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 610 754 777 N/A 3.18 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 43,651 52,479 41,915 44,405 46,401 -15.48 4.58 000000.0 12.5140.0030.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,741 3,000 2,719 3,075 3,167 1.58 3.0# p� CITY OF RENTON 3.25 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1946 oi6 Chg 11,6 Chg. Aacf No./Fund OOU. Account Titk Actual Budget Actual Budget `Budget 94-96 95 9b 000000.0 12.5140.0030.3 1,0000 19 MICROFILM SUPPLIES 3,500 3,000 415 3,075 3,167 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.012.5140.0030.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 0 500 912 513 528 2.6$ 2.9$ SUPPLIES 8,241 6,500 4,047 6,663 6,862 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.0 12.5140.0030.4 1.00DO66 MICROFILMING CONTRACT 1,913 3,177 3,196 3,256 3,354 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.012.5140.0030.43.000018 RECORDS SERV TRAVEL 683 1,270 1,229 1,247 1,285 -1.8$ 3.0$ 000000.012.5140.0030.43.000047 MEAL ALLOW/INFO DESK VOLUNTE 2,415 2,755 3,770 5,500 5,665 99.6$ 3.0$ 000000.012.5140.0030.44.000002 ADVERTISING/CITY CLERK 8,617 10,600 10,686 10,865 11,191 2.51 3.0$ 000000.012.5140.0030.48.000000 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE 3,617 6,300 4,623 6,458 6,652 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.012.5140.0030.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,019 1,376 1,364 1,465 1,508 6.5$ 2.9$ 000000.012.5140.0030.49.000014 LEGAL&RECORDING FEES 649 2,090 531 2,142 2,206 2.50 3.0$ 000000.012.5140.0030.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 122 150 161 154 159 2.7$ 3.20 000000.012.5140.0030.49.000039 CODIFICATIONS 12,640 11,000 11,374 11,275 11,613 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.012.5140.0030.49.000040 RCW SUPPLEMENTS 363 700 319 718 740 2.6$ 3.1$ 40 000000.012.5140.0030.49.000063 VOLUNTEER AWARDS 0 300 327 308 317 2.7$ 2.9$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 32,038 39,718 37,580 43,388 44,690 9.2$ 3.0$ 4 000000.012.5140.0030.64.000004 CITY CLERK MACH&EQUIPMENT 2,164 0 6,364 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,164 0 6,364 0 0 N/A N/A =CITY 230,933 257,248 243,048 257,612 269,543 0.1$ 4.6$ _4 000000.0I4.5160.0010.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 184,480 225,585 214,305 239,130 252,085 6.0$ 5.4$ 000000.014.5160.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 28 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 184,508 225,585 214,305 239,130 252,085 6.0$ 5.4$ 000000.014.5160.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 13,802 17,742 16,231 18,126 19,108 2.2$ 5.4$ 000000.014.5160.0010.20.000003 FICA 13,283 16,624 15,308 17,315 18,132 4.2$ 4.7$ 000000.0 14.5160.00 10.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 19,325 31,266 20,475 23,268 24,082 -25.6$ 3.5$ 000000.014.5160.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 775 931 840 893 938 -4.1$ 5.01 000000.014.5160.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 666 911 748 939 967 3.1$ 3.0$ 000000.014.5160.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 3,263 5,913 3,970 4,534 4,724 -23.3$ 4.1$ 000000.014.5160.0010.20.000070 LONGTERM DISABILITY 0 0 712 1,116 1,149 N/A 3.0$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 51,113 73,387 58,284 66,191 69,100 -9.80 4.4$ 000000.014.5160.0010.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,125 2,100 3,123 2,153 2,218 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.014.5160.0010.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMT 981 1,000 894 1,025 1,056 2.5$ 3.0$ SUPPLIES 3,107 3,100 4,016 3,178 3,274 2.5$ 3.09 000000.014.5160.0010.41.000018 DIRECTOR RECRUITMENT 12,954 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.014.5160.0010.41.000049 LABOR&PERSONNEL CONSULTANT 37,391 7,600 13,868 7,790 8,024 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.014.5160.0010.41.000057 MEDICAL SVC/BLOOD BORNE PAT 0 0 21,051 33,130 34,621 N/A 4.5$ 000000.014.5160.0010.41.000058 MEDICAL SVC/AIR BORNE PATHGN 0 0 0 8,360 8,736 N/A 4.5$ 000000.014.5160.0010.41.000060 DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTING 0 0 0 2,000 12,000 N/A 500.0$ 000000.014.5160.0010.41.000123 EMPLOYEE TRAINING/DEVELOPMT 9,591 13,000 13,331 13,325 13,725 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.014.5160.0010.43.000028 PERSONNEL ADM TRAVEL 2,479 2,700 2,548 2,768 2,851 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.014.5160.0010.43.000040 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 5,804 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.0 14.5160.00 10.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 3 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.014.5160.0010.43.000075 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQP TRAIN 0 0 0 2,080 2,174 N/A 4.5$ 000000.014.5160.0010.43.000076 CITY WIDE SUPERVISORY TRAINING 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 N/A 0.0$ 000000.014.5160.0010.44.000006 ADVERTISING/PERSONNEL 7,682 15,100 6,971 13,000 13,000 -13.9$ 0.0$ 000000.014.5160.0010.45.000020 RENTALS/LEASES 0 0 0 3,200 3,200 N/A 0.0# 000000.014.5160.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 1,761 2,500 3,741 1,000 1,707 -60.0$ 70.7$ 000000.014.5160.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 2,106 2,400 2,363 2,460 2,534 2.5$ 3.0# 000000.0 14.5160.GO 10.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 1,869 2,000 4,462 4,528 4,712 126.4$ 4.1# 000000.014.5160.0010.49.000025 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION 22 1,000 846 1,025 1,000 2.5$ -2.4# 000000.014.5160.0010.49.000056 CENTRAL SAFETY COMM 3,362 7,000 4,183 6,563 6,800 -6.2$ 3.6# 000000.014.5160.0010.49.000062 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PROGRA 3,147 5,000 2,989 4,100 4,000 -18.0$ -2.4# ' 000000.014.5160.0010.49.000070 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 11,895 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 100,065 58,300 76,354 115,329 129,084 97.8$ 11.9$ 000000.014.5160.0010.64.000025 PERSONNEL ADM MACH&EQUIPM 0 2,000 1,028 0 0 -100.0$ N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 2,000 1,028 0 0 -100.0$ N/A PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 338,793 362,372 353,988 423,828 453,543 17.0$ 7.0$ CITY OF RENTON 3-26 1995-1996 BUDGET w EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL II1II j 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Ghg Chg' ACO No./Fund OM Actual Budget,' Actual $udgot Budget;, 94-;95 95-:96 000000.0 14.5160.0020.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 33,490 32,638 35,367 35,994 37,142 10.34 3.24 ow 000000.014.5160.0020.10.000002 OVERTIME 19 0 50 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 33,508 32,638 35,417 35,994 37,142 10.3$ 3.24 000000.014.5160.0020.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 2,495 2,592 2,682 2,729 2,815 5.34 3.29 000000.014.5160.0020.20.000003 FICA 2,378 2,497 2,545 2,754 2,841 10.34 3.24 e, 000000.014.5160.0020.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 4,723 5,904 4,810 4,992 5,167 -15.44 3.54 000000.014.5160.0020.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 157 164 154 158 166 -3.74 5.14 000000.014.5160.0020.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 135 138 140 140 144 1.44 1.94 000000.014.5160.0020.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 796 1,092 893 926 965 -15.24 4.24 VO 000000.014.5160.0020.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 126 165 170 N/A 3.04 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 10,684 12,387 11,351 11,864 12,268 -4.24 3.44 000000.0 14.5160.0020.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 187 300 45 300 400 0.04 33.34 000000.014.5160.0020.35.000000 SMALL TO0LS/MINOR EQUIPMT 200 500 569 500 345 0.04 -31.04 SUPPLIES 387 800 613 800 745 0.04 -6.94 000000.014.5160.0020.41.000019 PSYCH/POLY EXAMS/NEW HIRES 8,322 7,500 5,097 7,500 8,000 0.04 6.74 000000.0 14.5160.0020.4 1.000020 ENTR/PROMOT EXAMS/UNIFORM 8,882 10,400 6,536 10,000 10,000 -3.84 0.04 000000.014.5160.0020.41.000021 PHYSICAL EXAMS/NEW UNIFORM 6,064 7,000 5,976 7,277 8,000 4.04 9.94 000000.014.5160.0020.43.000029 CIVIL SERV COMM TRAVEL 140 1,200 747 1,200 1,400 0.04 16.74 000000.014.5160.0020.44.000019 ADVERTISING/CIVIL SERVICE 1,335 1,000 1,128 2,000 1,500 100.04 -25.04 000000.014.5160.0020.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 73 150 73 0 0 -100.04 N/A 4W 000000.014.5160.0020.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 168 800 615 800 800 0.04 0.04 000000.014.5160.0020.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 140 150 95 150 175 0.04 16.74 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 25,124 28,200 20,267 26,927 29,875 2.64 3.34 to 000000.014.5160.0020.64.000026 CIVIL SERVICE MACH&EQUIPMEN 2,207 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,207 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 71,911 74,025 67,648 77,585 80,030 4.84 3.24 JW 000000.014.5160.0021.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 6,398 6,552 6,829 6,683 6,817 2.04 2.04 SALARIES AND WAGES 6,398 6,552 6,829 6,683 6,817 2.04 2.04 000000.014.5160.0021.20.000003 FICA 488 502 522 511 521 1.84 2.04 000000.014.5160.0021.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 63 55 98 64 68 16.44 6.34 iw PERSONNEL BENEFITS 551 557 620 575 589 3.24 2.44 PERSONNEL PART TIME 6,949 7,109 7,449 7,258 7,406 2.14 2.04 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES AND RISK MANAGEMENT 417,653 443,506 429,085 508,671 540,979 14.74 6.44 it 000000.015.5320.0010.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 198,554 181,929 169,851 172,327 182,412 -5.34 5.94 000000.015.5320.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 100 0 102 105 2.04 2.94 SALARIES AND WAGES 198,554 182,029 169,851 172,429 182,517 -5.34 5.94 Mf 000000.015.5320.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 14,946 14,485 12,817 13,070 13,835 -9.84 5.94 000000.015.5320.0010.20.000003 FICA 13,580 12,265 12,485 12,504 13,010 1.94 4.04 000000.015.5320.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 18,337 21,134 16,750 17,736 18,357 -16.14 3.54 iw 000000.015.5320.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 690 639 634 700 735 9.54 5.04 000000.015.5320.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 629 665 590 681 701 2.44 2.94 000000.015.5320.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 3,223 3,450 3,392 3,408 3,551 -1.24 4.24 000000.015.5320.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 560 809 833 N/A 3.04 1M PERSONNEL BENEFITS 51,406 52,638 47,229 48,908 51,022 -7.14 4.34 000000.0 15.5320.0010.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,273 2,600 1,033 2,665 2,745 2.54 3.04 000000.015.5320.0010.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 381 1,100 758 1,128 1,162 2.54 3.04 SUPPLIES 2,654 3,700 1,791 3,793 3,907 2.54 3.04 000000.015.5320.0010.41.065020 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT PROGRAM 0 0 15,638 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.015.5320.0010.43.000030 PUB WORKS ADM TRAVEL 126 2,000 74 2,050 2,112 2.54 3.04 000000.015.5320.0010.43.000059 PUB WKS TRAINING&SCHOOLS 3,972 2,550 2,458 2,614 2,692 2.54 3.04 000000.015.5320.0010.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 522 700 33 718 740 2.64 3.14 000000.015.5320.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0 500 292 513 528 2.64 2.94 000000.015.5320.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 135 550 295 564 581 2.54 3.04 000000.015.5320.0010.49.000014 BOARD PUB WKS/RECORDING FEE 193 100 101 103 106 3.04 2.94 iur 000000.015.5320.0010.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 97 365 315 374 385 2.54 2.94 000000.015.5320.0010.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 50 0 51 53 2.04 3.94 CITY OF RENTON 3.27 1995•1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acact No./Fund 000. : Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94=95 95-961 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 5,044 6,815 19,207 6,987 7,197 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.015.5320.00I0.64.000027 P/W ADM MACHINERY&EQUIPMEN 6,551 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,551 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 264,209 245,182 238,078 232,117 244,643 -5.3$ 5.40 000000.0 15.5320.0011.10-000000 SALARIES&WAGES 10,130 16,000 17,519 16,320 16,646 2.0$ 2.0$ SALARIES AND WAGES 10,130 16,000 17,519 16,320 16,646 2.0$ 2.0$ 000000.015.5320.0011.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 434 834 1,001 1,237 1,262 48.30 2.0$ 000000.015.5320.0011.20.000003 FICA 649 1,224 1,332 1,248 1,273 2.0$ 2.0$ 000000.015.5320.0011.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 561 0 812 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.015.5320.0011.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 95 140 118 174 182 24.3$ 4.6$ 000000.015.5320.0011.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 33 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,738 2,198 3,297 2,659 2,717 21.0$ 2.2$ PUBLIC WORKS ADM NSTRATION PART TIME 11,868 18,198 20,816 18,979 19,363 4.3$ 2.0$ TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 276,077 263,380 258,894 251,096 264,006 -4.7$ 5.1$ tx 000000.0 17.5320,0023.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 189,293 168,376 169,506 178,676 184,948 6.1$ 3.5$ 000000.017.5320.0023.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 350 458 357 366 2.0$ 2.5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 189,293 168,726 169,964 179,033 185,314 6.1$ 3.5$ 000000.017.5320.0023.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 14,192 13,409 12,973 13,571 14,047 1.2$ 3.50 000000.017.5320.0023.20.000003 FICA 14,432 12,920 12,959 13,696 14,177 6.0$ 3.5$ 000000.017.5320.0023.20.000004 MEDICAL 13,624 11,773 10,077 9,096 9,414 -22.7$ 3.5$ a 000000.017.5320.0023.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 881 730 718 700 735 -4.1$ 5.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 697 674 617 676 696 0.3$ 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.20.000009 DENTAL 3,168 1,980 2,268 2,076 2,163 4.8$ 4.2$ 000000.0I7.5320.0023.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 636 824 849 N/A 3.0$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 46,994 41,486 40,248 40,639 42,081 -2.0$ 3.5$ 000000.017.5320.0023.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 13,351 10,000 12,801 10,250 10,558 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 7,679 10,910 6,479 11,183 11,518 2.5$ 3.0$ SUPPLIES 21,030 20,910 19,280 21,433 22,076 2.54 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.41.000148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERV 1,505 2,000 1,384 2,050 2,112 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.41.000149 MICROFILMING CONTRACT 0 0 5,287 600 620 N/A 3.3$ 000000.017.5320.0023.43.000060 PUB WKS TRAINING&SCHOOLS 1,486 1,520 1,293 1,558 1,605 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.0 17.5320.0023.4 5.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9,129 9,900 9,129 10,148 10,452 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 12,976 15,980 14,509 16,380 16,871 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 561 635 703 651 671 2.5$ 3.1$ 000000.017.5320.0023.49.000014 LEGAL/RECORDING FEES/PERMIT 138 450 105 461 475 2.4$ 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 566 395 797 405 417 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 50 0 51 53 2.0$ 3.9$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 26,361 30,930 33,208 32,304 33,276 4.4$ 3.0$ 000000.017.5320.0023.64.000074 TECHNICAL SERV MACH&EQUIP 17,587 10,000 94,823 0 0 -100.0$ N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 17,587 10,000 94,823 0 0 -100.0$ N/A TECHNICAL SERVICES 301,264 272,052 357,523 273,409 282,747 0.5$ 000000.017.5320.0024.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 13,074 6,918 11,893 7,056 7,197 2.0$ 2.0$ SALARIES AND WAGES 13,074 6,918 11,893 7,056 7,197 2.0$ 2.0$ 000000.017.5320.0024.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 724 547 637 535 546 -2.2$ 2.1$ 000000.017.5320.0024.20.000003 FICA 1,082 527 936 540 551 2.5$ 2.0$ 000000.017.5320.0024.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 153 63 122 75 79 19.0$ 5.39 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,959 1,137 1,696 1,150 1,176 1.1# 2.3$ TECHNICAL SERVICES PARTTIME 15,033 8,055 13,589 8,206 8,373 1.9$ 2.0$ 000000.0 17.5320.0028.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 54,049 59,209 59,470 62,976 64,550 6.4$ 2.5$ 000000.017.5320.0028.10.000002 OVERTIME 171 400 433 408 418 2.0$ 2.5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 54,220 59,609 59,902 63,384 64,968 6.3$ 2.5$ 000000.017.5320.0028.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 4,132 4,743 4,535 4,805 4,925 1.3$ 2.5$ 000000.017.5320.0028.20.000003 FICA 4,153 4,569 4,527 4,849 4,970 6.1$ 2.5$ 000000.017.5320.0028.20.000004 MEDICAL 7,656 10,350 6,452 6,780 7,017 -34.5$ 3.5$ e CITY OF RENTON 3.28 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 3994 1995 1996 o�Chg '/o Chg Aoct.No./Fund DOD, AccouintTltle Actual Budgct Actual Budget Budget 94-.95 95-961 000000.017.5320.0028.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 265 273 264 350 368 28.2$ 5.19 000000.017.5320.0028.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 203 242 173 182 187 -24.89 2.79 000000.017.5320.0028.20.000009 DENTAL 1,210 1,530 1,652 1,716 1,788 12.29 4.29 000000.017.5320.0028.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 269 299 308 N/A 3.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 17,618 21,707 17,872 18,981 19,563 -12.69 3.19 000000.017.5320.0028.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,591 575 2,441 589 607 2.49 3.19 "W 000000.017.5320.0028.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 4,476 2,755 2,752 2,824 2,909 2.59 3.09 SUPPLIES 7,068 3,330 5,193 3,413 3,516 2.59 3.09 000000.017.5320.0028.41.000148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 84,179 79,390 70,984 81,365 83,806 2.59 3.09 im 000000.017.5320.0028.43.000059 TRAVEL 2 350 305 359 370 2.69 3.19 000000.017.5320.0028.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 365 400 155 410 422 2.59 2.99 000000.0 17.5320.0028.4 5.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 816 867 864 2,724 3,990 214.29 46.54 000000.017.5320.0028.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 395 320 0 328 338 2.59 3.09 411 000000.017.5320.0028.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 778 420 741 431 444 1.69 3.09 000000.017.5320.0028.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 118 260 30 267 275 2.79 3.09 000000.017.5320.0028.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 100 0 103 106 3.09 2.99 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 86,654 82,097 73,078 85,987 89,751 4.79 4.49 *'W F SURVEY SERVICES 165,559 166,743 156,045 171,765 177,798 3.09 3.59 000000.0 17.5580.00 10.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 94,578 130,430 92,425 127,405 131,316 -2.39 3.19 000000.017.5580.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 2,027 2,625 2,369 2,678 2,744 2.09 2.59 SALARIES AND WAGES - 133,055 94,794 130,083 134,060 -2.29 3.19 000000.017.5580.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 7,269 10,564 7,071 9,658 10,162 -8.69 5.29 000000.017.5580.0010.20.000003 FICA 6,847 9,474 7,252 9,748 10,256 2.99 5.29 000000.017.5580.0010.20.000004 MEDICAL 8,640 18,810 12,838 18,120 18,754 -3.79 3.59 000000.017.5580.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 362 547 436 525 551 -4.09 5.09 000000.017.5580.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 315 518 343 550 567 6.29 3.19 000000.017.5580.0010.20.000009 DENTAL 1,408 3,450 2,416 3,408 3,551 -1.29 4.29 000000.017.5580.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 342 651 671 N/A 3.19 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 24,841 43,363 30,698 42,660 44,512 -1.69 4.39 000000.0 17.5580.0010.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 40 0 5 0 0 N/A N/A 40 SUPPLIES 40 0 5 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.017.5580.0010.43.000058 TRAVEL 96 300 0 308 317 2.79 2.99 000000.017.5580.0010.43.000059 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 95 680 555 697 718 2.59 3.09 000000.017.5580.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0 200 0 205 211 2.59 2.99 000000.017.5580.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 100 400 418 410 422 1.59 2.99 000000.017.5580.0010.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 121 .100 64 103 106 3.09 1.99 000000.017.5580.0010.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 85 0 87 90 2.49 3.49 406 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 412 1,765 1,037 1,810 1,864 2.59 3.09 PLANNING&TECHNICAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 121,899 178,183 126,534 174,553 180,436 -2.09 3.49 000000.017.5580.0011.00.000000 SPECIAL PROJECT PART TIME 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 4W 000000.017.5580.0011.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 39,275 25,915 99,296 65,333 26,962 152.19 -58.79 000000.017.5580.0011.10.000002 OVERTIME 63 500 2,744 510 523 2.09 2.59 SALARIES AND WAGES 39,338 26,415 102,040 65,843 27,485 149.39 -58.39 io 000000.017.5580.0011.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 1,826 48 4,991 2,083 173.39 -58.39 000000.017.5580.0011.20.000003 FICA 3,009 1,983 7,806 5,037 2,103 154.09 -58.29 000000.017.5580.0011.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 362 175 632 381 216 117.79 -43.39 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 3,371 3,984 8,487 10,409 4,402 161.39 -57.79 SPECIAL PROJECT PARTTIME 42,709 30,399 110,527 76,252 31,887 150.89 -58.29 000000.017.5580.0020.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 200,386 277,184 242,973 243,130 257,260 -12.39 5.89 000000.017.5580.0020.10.000002 OVERTIME 809 3,120 10,903 3,182 3,262 2.09 2.59 SALARIES AND WAGES 201,195 280,304 253,876 246,312 260,522 -12.19 5.89 000000.017.5580.0020.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 14,953 22,247 18,808 18,671 19,747 -16.19 5.89 000000.017.5580.0020.20.000003 FICA 14,688 21,434 18,880 18,841 19,929 -12.19 5.89 to 000000.017.5580.0020.20.000004 MEDICAL 19,980 25,543 17,351 20,676 21,398 -19.19 3.59 000000.017.5580.0020.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 825 1,023 866 875 920 -14.59 5.19 aw CITY OF RENTON 3.29 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 No Chi °r6 Chg` Acct No./F=d 000. Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95.96 000000.017.5580.0020.20.000007 LIFEINSURANCE 793 1,085 858 952 980 -12.3$ 2.99 000000.0 I7.5580.0020.20.000009 DENTAL 3,289 5,580 3,942 4,728 4,926 -15.39 4.29 000000.017.5580.0020.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 830 1,142 1,177 N/A 3.19 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 54,528 76,912 61,536 65,885 69,077 -14.39 4.89 000000.0 17.5580.0020.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,944 6,600 1,901 5,265 6,968 -20.29 32.39 000000.017.5580.0020.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,110 3,950 1,600 5,050 4,170 27.8# -17.49 SUPPLIES 6,053 10,550 3,501 10,315 11,138 -2.29 8.09 000000.017.5580.0020.41.000044 CITY COMPREHENSIVE PIAN 0 5,000 1,398 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.017.5580.0020.41.000085 CONSULTANT SERVICES 12 5,800 0 15,000 15,375 158.69 2.59 000000.017.5580.0020.41.000142 CONTRACT CLERICAL HELP 0 1,635 116 1,676 1,726 2.59 3.09 000000.017.5580.0020.41.000174 GROWTH MANAGEMENT(GRANT) 14,539 0 74,294 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.017.5580.0020.42.000001 POSTAGE 1,794 5,250 138 3,000 3,075 -42.99 2.59 000000.017.5580.0020.43.000015 PLANNING COMM TRAVEL 146 840 416 861 887 2.59 3.09 000000.017.5580.0020.43.000059 TRAVEL 906 1,550 2,146 2,100 2,200 35.59 4.89 000000.017.5580.0020.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 335 2,570 2,175 2,634 2,713 2.59 3.09 000000.017.5580.0020.44.000004 ADVERTISING 559 2,160 901 2,214 2,280 2.59 3.04 000000.017.5580.0020.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,244 2,316 2,316 1,663 2,665 -28.29 60.39 000000.017.5580.0020.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 1,380 1,000 819 1,525 1,556 52.59 2.09 000000.017.5580.0020.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 2,843 9,680 3,740 5,000 6,500 -48.39 30.09 000000.017.5580.0020.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATION 1,270 1,610 1,970 2,250 2,300 39.89 2.29 000000.017.5580.0020.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 416 1,080 968 1,107 1,140 2.59 3.09 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 26,444 40,491 91,396 39,030 42,417 -3.6.9 8.79 000000.017.5580.0020.64.000038 PLNG&SPEC PROJ EQUIPMT 6,994 5,000 3,545 0 0 -100.09 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,994 5,000 3,545 0 0 -100.09 N/A PLANNING&SPECIAL PROJECTS 295,215 413,257 413,853 361,542 383,154 -12.59 6.09 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS PLANNING&TECHNCIAL SERVICES 941,679 1,068,689 1,178,071 1,065,727 1,064,395 -0.39 -0.19 000000.020.5590.0030.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 56,094 54,313 46,347 72,115 78,069 32.89 8.39 000000.020.5590.0030.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 512 0 216 222 -57.89 2.89 SALARIES AND WAGES 56,094 54,825 46,347 72,331 78,291 31.99 8.29 000000.020.5590.0030.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 4,002 4,354 3,513 5,483 5,935 25.99 8.29 000000.020.5590.0030.20.000003 FICA 4,079 4,194 3,546 5,535 5,989 32.09 8.29 000000.020.5590.0030.20.000004 MEDICAL 2,465 3,411 4,360 8,760 9,067 156.8# 3.59 000000.020.5590.0030.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 246 237 231 351 368 48.19 4.89 000000.020.5590.0030.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 198 217 187 289 298 33.29 3.19 000000.020.5590.0030.20.000009 DENTAL 836 743 1,217 2,112 2,201 184.39 4.29 000000.020.5590.0030.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 165 337 349 N/A 3.64 a PERSONNEL BENEFITS 11,827 13,156 13,219 22,867 24,207 73.89 5.99 000000.020.5590.0030.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 574 560 535 574 591 2.59 3.0* 000000.020.5590.0030.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 421 1,275 0 1,307 1,346 2.59 3.0# SUPPLIES 995 1,835 535 1,881 1,937 2.59 3.09 0 00000.020.5590.0030.4 1,000000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 65 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000011 DOMESTIC ABUSE WOMEN'S NETW 17,985 19,784 19,784 19,981 20,887 1.09 4.59 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000024 FRIENDS OF YOUTH/SERVICES 7,932 8,058 8,058 0 8,507 -100.09 N/A 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000034 WAY BACK INN 0 0 0 5,000 0 N/A 100.0# vat 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000058 WA WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT&ED 0 0 0 5,000 0 N/A -100.09 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000084 KC SEXUAL ASSAULT SERV/KCRR 27,925 28,848 27,148 29,136 30,456 1.09 4.59 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000086 RENTON AREA YOUTH SV 60,538 66,592 66,592 67,258 70,305 1.09 4.59 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000110 STD TASK FORCE/BOEING 375 0 386 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000117 RENTON CLOTHES BANK 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,279 0.09 5.6# 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000118 INTERP SVCS-DEAF/HARD OF HEA 0 3,000 0 3,000 3,167 0.09 5.64 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000122 RENTON COMM CLINIC 17,123 18,835 18,835 19,494 19,885 3.59 2.0* 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000126 RENTON EMERGENCY ASSIST PROG 0 0 189 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5590.0030.41.000128 K CO HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTAB 8,230 8,936 8,230 9,159 9,434 2.59 3.0# 000000.020.5590.0030.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 533 866 866 889 915 2.70 2.9# 000000.020.5590.0030.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS/COPY MACHINE 203 1,050 588 1,076 1,108 2.59 3.0# 000000.020.5590.0030.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,868 1,219 1,653 2,392 3,394 96.29 41.99 000000.020.5590.0030.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 433 641 519 657 677 2.59 3.0# `s CITY OF RENTON 3-30 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 000: GENERAL 993. 1994 - 1994 1995 1996 ai6 Chi I%Ch g Acct No.iFumd 000. Aocouut Title Actual . Budget` Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 144,145 162,829 157,912 168,042 174,014 3.28 3.68 000000.020.5590.0030.51.000004 SEA/KING CO PUB HEALTH 573,601 578,656 578,258 575,280 592,538 -0.68 3.08 vw INTERGOVERNMENTAL SERVICES&TAXES 573,601 578,656 578,258 575,280 592,538 -0.69 3.08 000000.020.5590.0030.64.000057 HUMAN SERVICES/MACH&EQUIP 0 2,500 6,797 0 0 -100.00 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 2,500 6,797 0 0 -100.09 N/A aw HUMAN SERVICES 786,661 813,801 803,068 840,401 870,987 3.38 3.68 000000.020.5970.0059.55.000051 TSF-OUT TO 501/SENIOR VAN ACQ 0 0 4,000 0 0 N/A N/A tw OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT 0 0 4,000 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 2,335,384 838,210 2,798,407 1,813,691 1,817,263 116.98 0.28 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 25,814,103 27,148,744 28,395,528 27,776,478 28,995,057 2.38 4.98 to SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 300,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 366,394 577,964 964,379 1,461,030 1,651,989 152.88 13.18 TOTAL 28,815,881 28,564,918 32,158,314 31,051,199 32,464,309 8.78 4.68 ow iii aw 11w iw am Aw err fm iow wo aw CITY OF RENTON 3.31 1995.1996 BUDGET FUND 101 -PARK FUND REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 1993 1994 1994 1995 : i996 96Chg 96Chg, Ieexn Actual ' Budget Actual Bud t Bu t 94 9S 95-96 I' REVENUES: Real&Personal Property Taxes 12,952 842,071 840,587 881,700 934,200 4.78 6.08 Sales Tax 2,527,832 1,526,000 1,517,168 1,693,200 1,785,500 11.0$ 5.58 Utility Tax/Electricity 2,360,512 2,638,000 2,452,644 2,791,000 2,930,600 5.88 5.08 USDA Summer Lunch Program 0 0 17,711 30,000 30,000 N/A 0.08 KC/Cultural Fac Prog Art Grant 0 0 14,000 0 0 N/A N/A KC/Summer Work Training Prog 2,050 0 0 0 0 WA N/A Charges for Services 600,536 508,015 598,682 533,650 534,900 5.08 0.28 Investment Interest 19,796 10,000 31,296 20,000 25,000 100.0$ 25.08 Rents/Leases/Concessions 368,754 459,100 427,005 968,200 998,200 2.0* 6.48 Contributions/Donations 5,713 7,000 55,279 7,000 7,000 0.08 0.08 Other Miscellaneous 119,980 0 566 0 0 N/A N/A Interfund Revenues 21,371 70,404 6,512 0 0 -100.08 N/A TOTAL REVENUES 6,039,496 6,060,590 5,961,450 6,424,750 6,745,400 6.08 5.08 EXPENDITURES: « Regular Salaries 2,427,935 2,669,361 2,536,774 2,795,252 2,946,140 4.78 5.48 Part Time Salaries 640,965 655,573 771,878 699,144 700,186 6.6# 0.18 Overtime 28,920 28,273 38,867 28,839 29,559 2.08 2.58 Personnel Benefits 872,814 1,071,594 949,154 1,044,135 1,097,546 -2.68 5.18 Supplies 377,328 378,614 386,105 402,404 423,367 6.38 5.28 Professional Services 6,641 7,500 11,997 7,688 7,918 2.58 3.0* Postage/Telephone/Other 1,695 1,000 2,520 2,825 2,910 182.58 3.08 Travel/Training 6,358 6,575 10,248 14,056 11,837 113.88 -15.88 Advertising 2,320 2,811 3,173 2,882 2,969 2.58 3.08 Other Rentals 13,598 12,933 14,551 13,257 13,654 2.58 3.08 Equipment Rental 84,393 78,562 80,248 99,241 110,341 26.38 11.28 Public Utility Services 568,595 671,603 613,745 715,077 752,510 6.58 5.28 Repairs&Maintenance 159,965 160,521 167,488 167,734 172,671 4.58 2.98 Miscellaneous 408,772 358,108 380,701 403,765 405,857 12.78 0.58 CDBG Fund Exchange 3,200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A '- Transfer Out/Electronic Reader 60,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Transfer Out/Major Mtc-RCC 0 0 32,000 0 0 WA N/A Transfer Out/Major Mtc-Carso 0 0 20,000 0 0 N/A N/A Transfer Out/Gleno Pk Acq 0 0 40,000 0 0 N/A N/A Capital Outlay 33,090 4,000 62,992 0 16,000 -100.08 N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,696,589 6,107,028 6,122,440 6,396,299 6,693,465 4.78 4.68 Fund Balance,January 1 342,758 126,180 685,665 489,618 518,069 288.08 5.88 Revenues 6,039,496 6,060,590 5,961,450 6,424,750 6,745,400 6.08 5.08 Expenditures (5,696,589) (6,107,028) (6,122,440) (6,396,299) (6,693,465) 4.78 4.68 Fund Balance,December 31 685,665 79,742 524,675 518,069 570,004 549.78 10.08 Operating Reserves 455,727 488,562 489,795 511,704 535,477 4.78 4.68 Undesignated Fund Balance 229,938 (408,820) 34,880 6,365 34,527 -101.68 442.48 The Park Fund is a part of the general governmental funds,since resources are primarily from general tax sources. The fund accounts for the City's parks and recreation programs: operation,maintenance,and improvements for municipal buildings;and the landscaping and street tree functions. Tax revenues will provide$5.4 million or 84%of 1995 resources,and park fees and investment interest will provide$1 million or 16%. Park fees adjusted in 1995 include increases to swim lessons,community garden fees,annual boat stickers and picnic shelter rentals.Refer to Section 2 in the Operating Budget section of this document for Parks and Recreation program and budgetary information. Park Fund revenue and expenditure detail is provided on the following pages. CITY OF RENTON 3-32 1995-1996 BUDGET �,. REVENUE DETAIL FUND 101: PARKS 19931994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %'Chg ow Acct No,/Fu nd 101. Account Tit1F Actual Budget Actual:: BndgetBudget 94-95 95 -04 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 342,758 126,180 685,665 489,618 518,069 288.0# 5.89 No 000000.000.3110.0010.00.000000 REAL&PERS PROP TAXES 12,952 842,071 840,587 881,700 934,200 4.79 6.04 000000.000.3130.0010.00.000000 LOCAL RETAIL SALES/USE TAX 2,527,832 1,526,000 1,517,168 1,693,200 1,785,500 11.09 5.59 000000.000.3160.0041.00.000000 UTILITY TAX/ELECTRIC 2,360,512 2,638,000 2,452,644 2,791,000 2,930,600 5.89 5.09 TAXES 4,901,297 5,006,071 4,810,399 5,365,900 5,650,300 7.29 5.39 iir 000000.000.3330.0010.50.000000 USDA/SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM 0 0 17,711 30,000 30,000 N/A 0.09 000000.000.3370.0007.00.000030 KC/CULTURAL FAC PROG ART GRANT 0 0 14,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3380.0076.11.000002 REIMB/K.C.SUMMER WORK TRAININ 2,050 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 11w INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 2,050 0 31,711 30,000 30,000 N/A 0.09 000000.000.3410.0070.00.000000 CONCESS/VEND MACH/PHONE 385 1,000 730 800 800 -20.09 0.09 liw 000000.000.3450.0081.00.000000 BLDG/ZONING FINAL PLAT FEES 1,000 0 250 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3470.0030.00.000000 RACQUETBALL/WALLEYBALL 31,354 35,000 25,474 32,000 32,000 -8.69 0.09 000000.000.3470.0030.00.000002 SWIMMING POOL FEES 10,432 13,750 12,552 13,750 15,000 0.09 9.19 000000.000.3470.0030.00.000003 BALL TEAM FEES 11,373 11,300 9,873 12,000 12,000 6.29 0.09 +ice 000000.000.3470.0030.00.000005 COMMUNITY GARDEN FEES 600 0 515 800 800 N/A 0.09 000000.000.3470.0060.00.000001 SELF-SUSTAINING PROGRAMS 4 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3470.0060.00.000003 SR CITIZENS SELF-SUST PROG 62,592 54,500 73,103 60,000 60,000 10.19 0.09 aw 000000.000.3470.0060.00.000004 SWIM LESSONS 10,387 10,400 10,089 11,500 11,500 10.60 0.09 000000.000.3470.0060.00.000005 COMM CTR SELF SUSTAINING PROG 273,653 219,565 291,880 242,800 242,800 10.69 0.09 000000.000.3470.0060.00.000006 SENIOR EXTENDED TRAVEL 153,897 120,000 123,529 120,000 120,000 0.09 0.09 000000.000.3470.0060.00.000007 COMMUNITY BAND 2,100 2,000 4,800 3,000 3,000 50.09 0.09 i� 000000.000.3470.0060.00.000076 SELF-SUSTAINING/ADULT SOFTBALL 375 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3470.0061.00.000001 AEROBICS-CC 10,622 30,000 33,240 30,000 30,000 0.09 0.09 000000.000.3470.0061.00.000002 TAXABLE FITNESS-CC 28,329 0 219 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3470.0061.00.000003 MASSAGE-CC 2,601 5,000 5,594 5,000 5,000 0.09 0.09 000000.000.3470.0062.00.000001 AEROBICS-SR 186 3,500 5,354 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.000.3470.0062.00.000002 TAXABLE FITNESS-SR 94 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3470.0062.00.000003 MASSAGE-SR 553 2,000 1,480 2,000 2,000 0.09 0.09 i1N CHARGES FOR SERVICES 600,536 508,015 598,682 533,650 534,900 5.09 0.29 000000.000.3490.0074.10.000005 REIMB FROM OPEN SPACE/COORD 21,371 70,404 6,512 0 0 -100.09 N/A INTERFUND REVENUES 21,371 70,404 6,512 0 0 -100.09 N/A ow 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 19,796 10,000 31,296 20,000 25,000 100.09 25.09 000000.000.3620.0010.00.000001 CONCESSIONAIRE 2,169 1,500 874 2,000 2,000 33.39 0.09 000000.000.3620.0030.00.000000 COULON BOAT PARK FEE 13,344 22,000 20,146 18,000 18,000 -18.29 0.09 IIM 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000000 CARCO THEATRE RENTAL 47,848 21,000 40,037 35,000 40,000 66.79 14.39 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000001 OVERNIGHT MOORAGE 2,042 2,500 2,245 2,200 2,200 -12.09 0.09 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000002 PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL 15,655 14,000 14,718 16,000 16,000 14.39 0.09 Aw 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000004 FACILITIES RENTAL/COMM CTR 84,117 90,000 72,906 90,000 93,000 0.09 3.39 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000006 FITNESS AREA RENTAL/COMM CTR 98,712 140,000 102,183 140,000 160,000 0.09 14.39 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000007 SPECIAL EVENTS RENTAL/COMM CTR 4,000 4,000 2,160 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000008 RETAIL SALES/COMM CTR 972 2,000 703 2,000 2,000 0.09 0.09 tw 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000009 COULON BOAT LAUNCH FEE/NON-RE 20,781 22,000 27,279 22,000 22,000 0.09 0.00 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000010 SR CENTER FACILITY RENTAL 15,600 7,600 21,145 14,000 15,000 84.29 7.19 000000.000.3620.0040.00.000011 RESIDENT BOAT PERMITS 3,511 15,500 7,468 10,000 11,000 -35.59 10.09 40 000000.000.3620.0080.00.000000 VENDING&VIDEO CONCESS/COMM 6,444 7,000 5,109 7,000 7,000 0.09 0.09 000000.000.3620.0080.00.000002 COULON FOOD CONCESSION 53,558 110,000 110,032 110,000 110,000 0.09 0.09 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000008 CONTRIB/DONATN DEV DISAB PROG 4,283 7,000 2,613 7,000 7,000 0.09 0.09 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000009 SENIOR CENTER DONATIONS 0 0 51,570 0 0 N/A N/A a& 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000015 CONTRIB/PRIV/CENTENNIAL COMM 1,430 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000030 DONATION/VALLEY COMM PLAYERS 0 0 500 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000091 PRIVATE CONTRIB/PARK IMPROVEMT 0 0 597 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0040.00.000000 JUDGEMENTS&SETTLEMENTS 3,235 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Yrti 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000000 PARK/CASHIERS OVER/SHORT (1) 0 (0) 0 0 N/A N/A CITY OF RENTON 3-33 1995-1996 BUDGET wr REVENUE DETAIL FUND 101: PARKS 1993 1994 1994 1995 19961 %mg %Chg'' Acct No./Fwsd 101 Account TSt1e Actual Bvi;*t Actual Budget Sudgof 94-95 95-96 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000001 SR.CENTER/CASH OVER/SHORT 0 0 3 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000002 COMM CTR/CASH OVER/SHORT (133) 0 (121) 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000000 SALE OF JUNK OR SALVAGE 0 0 256 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000018 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV 1,755 0 429 0 0 N/A N/A MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 399,119 476,100 514,146 495,200 530,200 4.0$ 7.1- 000000.000.3880.0080.00.000000 PRIOR PERIOD CORRECTIONS 60,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A NON-REVENUES 60,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A A 000000.000.3950.0020.00.000011 REIMB FROM INSURANCE/FEMA 54,261 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3950.0020.01.000011 REIMB FROM INSURANCE/FEMA 863 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 55,124 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A GRAND TOTAL 6,382,254 6,186,770 6,647,115 6,914,368 7,263,469 11.8B 5.08 4. CITY OF RENTON 3.34 1995.1996 BUDGET +�+ EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 101: PARKS 1943 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chgow ' Acct No jivad idi. AccoamYlStle Actual Budget AcWal Budget %Budget 44-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 685,665 79,742 524,675 518,069 570,004 549.7$ 10.0$ ilw 000000.020.5180.00 10.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 582,634 636,628 600,827 685,202 717,908 7.6$ 4.8$ 000000.020.5180.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 2,922 4,480 5,293 4,570 4,684 2.0$ 2.50 SALARIES AND WAGES 585,555 641,108 606,120 689,772 722,592 7.6$ 4.8$ 000000.020.5180.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 43,971 50,906 45,920 52,285 54,773 2.7$ 4.8$ O' 000000.020.5180.0010.20.000003 FICA 44,785 48,951 46,368 52,769 55,279 7.8$ 4.8$ 000000.020.5180.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 71,525 94,506 76,907 89,439 92,569 -5.4$ 3.51 000000.020.5180.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 19,239 25,283 18,500 20,750 21,788 -17.9$ 5.0$ ow 000000.020.5180.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 2,344 2,556 2,500 2,659 2,739 4.0$ 3.0$ 000000.020.5180.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 13,543 19,020 15,939 18,885 19,678 -0.7$ 4.2$ 000000.020.5180.0010.20.000014 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5180.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 2,412 3,152 3,247 N/A 3.0$ 4o PERSONNEL BENEFITS 195,406 241,222 208,546 239,939 250,073 -0.5$ 4.2$ 000000.020.5180.0010.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 103,278 118,589 118,051 120,554 124,171 1.7$ 3.0$ SUPPLIES 103,278 118,589 118,051 120,554 124,171 1.7$ 3.00 000000.020.5180.0010.42.000002 TELEPHONE 1,695 1,000 2,520 2,825 2,910 182.5$ 3.09 ow 000000.020.5180.0010.43.000042 GENERAL SERVICES TRAVEL 0 300 278 308 317 2.7$ 1.9$ 000000.020.5180.0010.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 559 1,000 1,368 2,600 2,600 160.0$ 0.0$ 000000.020.5180.0010.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 9,614 8,555 10,013 8,769 9,032 2.5$ 3.0$ aw 000000.020.5180.0010.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 22,416 21,495 21,339 19,731 20,187 -8.1$ 2.3$ 000000.020.5180.0010.47.000001 ELECTRICITY 250,695 261,755 239,858 275,890 289,685 5.4$ 5.0$ 000000.020.5180.0010.47.000002 WATER,METRO,GARBAGE 40,699 37,399 39,349 52,173 56,526 39.5$ 8.3$ 000000.020.5180.0010.47.000003 GAS 29,829 55,451 31,600 56,837 58,542 2.5$ 3.0# lkw 000000.020.5180.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 56,055 70,000 68,822 71,750 73,903 2.5# 3.0# 000000.020.5180.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 185 600 345 1,065 1,083 77.5$ 1.7$ 000000.020.5180.0010.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 130 63 107 65 67 3.2$ 3.1# to 000000.020.5180.0010.49.000037 VANDALISM 7,393 2,051 3,357 2,102 2,165 1.5$ 3.0# 000000.020.5180.0010.49.000063 VOLUNTEER AWARDS 0 0 41 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 419,271 459,669 418,997 494,115 517,017 7.5$ 4.6# 000000.020.5180.0010.64.000000 GEN SV/MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 28,008 0 11,190 0 0 N/A N/A low CAPITAL OUTLAY 28,008 0 11,190 0 0 N/A N/A PARKS GENERAL SERVICES 1,331,519 1,460,588 1,362,903 1,544,380 1,613,853 5.7# 4.5# 000000.020.5180.0011.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 36,470 34,966 71,267 35,665 36,379 2.0# 2.0# 000000.020.5180.0011.10.000002 OVERTIME 664 1,828 1,574 1,865 1,911 2.0# 2.5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 37,133 36,794 72,841 37,530 38,290 2.0* 2.0# 000000.020.5180.0011.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 1,289 2,382 2,177 2,845 2,902 19.4$ 2.0* 000000.020.5180.0011.20.000003 FICA 2,841 2,815 5,572 2,871 2,929 2.0# 2.0# 000000.020.5180.0011.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,720 3,404 5,895 3,391 3,393 -0.4# 0.1* PERSONNEL BENEFITS 7,850 8,601 13,645 9,107 9,224 5.9# 1.30 PARKS GENERAL SERVICES PARTTIME 44,983 45,395 86,486 46,637 47,514 2.7# 1.99 to TOTAL PARKS GENERAL SERVICES 1,376,502 1,505,983 1,449,389 1,591,017 1,661,367 5.6# 4.441 000000.020.5420.0070.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 70,864 73,619 73,304 74,880 77,006 1.7$ 2.8f Pill 000000.020.5420.0070.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 825 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 70,864 73,619 74,128 74,880 77,006 1.7$ 2.8* 000000.020.5420.0070.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 5,332 5,961 5,614 5,676 5,837 -4.8* 2.8# 000000.020.5420.0070.20.000003 FICA 5,421 5,632 5,671 5,728 5,891 1.7# 2.8# o 000000.020.5420.0070.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 11,355 10,796 13,580 14,148 14,643 31.0$ 3.5$ 000000.020.5420.0070.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,343 2,866 2,300 2,274 2,388 -20.7# 5.0# 000000.020.5420.0070.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 289 298 298 294 303 -1.30 3.1$ 000000.020.5420.0070.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 2,018 2,490 2,490 2,592 2,701 4.1$ 4.2$ �� 000000.020.5420.0070.20.000070 LANG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 280 346 356 N/A 2.99 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 26,758 28,043 30,233 31,058 32,119 10.8$ 3.4# 000000.020.5420.0070.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,779 11,723 11,724 12,016 12,376 2.5$ 3.0# ow, SUPPLIES 12,779 11,723 11,724 12,016 12,376 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.020.5420.0070.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 421 1,078 769 1,105 1,138 2.5# 3.0# CITY OF RENTON 3.35 1995.1996 BUDGET Wr EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 101: PARKS 1 1993 1944 1994 1995 1996 %Ch %Chg Acct N4./]Nmd 101. XcconntlYt1e Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget: 94-95 95-96 000000.020.5420.0070.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,305 4,360 4,416 4,710 4,710 8.09 0.00 1 000000.020.5420.0070.47.000001 ELECTRICITY 0 155 0 163 171 5.29 4.99 000000.020.5420.0070.47.000002 WATER 761 645 329 677 711 5.0$ 5.0$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4,487 6,238 5,513 6,655 6,730 6.7$ 1.19 PARKS LANDSCAPING 114,888 119,623 121,598 124,609 128,231 4.2$ 2.99 ' 000000.020.5420.007 1.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 16,798 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5420.0071.10.000002 OVERTIME 51 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 1 SALARIES AND WAGES 16,849 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5420.0071.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 981 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5420.0071.20.000003 FICA 1,289 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5420.0071.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,304 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 3,574 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PARKS LANDSCAPING PART TIME 20,423 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL PARKS LANDSCAPING 135,311 119,623 121,598 124,609 128,231 4.29 2.99 Sq 000000.020.5550.0008.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 145,924 150,559 151,675 155,440 159,617 3.29 2.7$ 000000.020.5550.0008.10.000002 OVERTIME 2,575 1,520 1,493 1,550 1,589 2.09 2.5-9 SALARIES AND WAGES 148,498 152,079 153,168 156,990 161,206 3.29 2.79 1 000000.020.5550.0008.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 11,174 12,104 11,598 11,900 12,220 -1.79 2.7-1 JA 000000.020.5550.0008.20.000003 FICA 10,978 11,661 11,359 12,010 12,332 3.09 2.7$ 000000.020.5550.0008.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 15,444 22,545 18,831 20,736 21,462 -8.0$ 3.5$ 000000.020.5550.0008.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,679 4,565 3,485 3,566 3,765 -21.4$ 5.0$ 000000.020.5550.0008.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 589 605 605 592 610 -2.19 3.0$ 000000.020.5550.0008.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 3,289 4,980 4,027 4,308 4,489 -13.5$ 4.29 000000.020.5550.0008.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 573 702 723 N/A 3.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 45,154 56,460 50,478 53,834 55,601 -4.79 3.39 000000.020.5550.0008.31.000000 FACILITIES SUPPLIES 1,650 4,940 5,004 5,064 5,216 2.59 3.09 000000.020.5550.0008.31.000051 RECREATION SUPPLIES 6,630 4,940 4,710 5,064 5,216 2.59 3.09 SUPPLIES 8,281 9,880 9,714 10,128 10,432 2.59 3.09 000000.020.5550.0008.43.000035 PARK DEPT TRAVEL 410 300 0 308 317 2.79 2.94 000000.020.5550.0008.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0 0 0 500 500 N/A 0.00 000000.020.5550.0008.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 0 3,327 5,919 N/A 77.99 000000.020.5550.0008.47.000001 ELECTRICITY 25,618 30,417 25,752 32,060 33,663 5.49 5.09 4 000000.020.5550.0008.47.000002 WATER,SEWER&METRO 4,660 5,712 3,451 5,998 6,461 5.09 7.79 000000.020.5550.0008.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 13,704 13,686 16,031 14,028 14,449 2.59 3.09 000000.020.5550.0008.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 0 0 0 4,000 4,120 N/A 3.04 000000.020.5550.0008.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 153 366 125 870 881 137.7$ 1.39 000000.020.5550.0008.49.000037 VANDALISM 0 646 0 662 682 2.5$ 3.09 000000.020.5550.0008.49.000061 SR CIT SELF-SUST PROGRS 41,731 25,604 43,183 25,604 25,604 0.09 0.09 000000.020.5550.0008.49.000087 SENIOR EXTENDED TRAVEL 148,086 120,000 124,674 121,500 121,500 1.39 0.0$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 234,362 196,731 213,216 208,857 214,096 6.29 2.59 PARKS/SR CITIZENS'CENTER 436,295 415,150 426,577 429,809 441,335 3.592.79 000000.020.5550.0009.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 34,940 19,840 31,131 33,013 33,905 66.49 2.79 000000.020.5550.0009.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 60 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 34,940 19,840 31,191 33,013 33,905 66.49 2.7$ 000000.020.5550.0009.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 1,421 1,436 1,651 2,503 2,570 74.3$ 2.79 000000.020.5550.0009.20.000003 FICA 2,673 1,518 2,392 2,525 2,594 66.39 2.79 000000.020.5550.0009.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,437 1,877 1,460 2,646 2,776 41.09 4.99 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 5,531 4,831 5,503 7,674 7,94G 58.89 3.59 PARKS/SR CITIZENS'CENTER PARTTIME 40,471 24,671 36,694 40,687 41,845 64.99 2.89 000000.020.5550.00 10.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 7,123 30,000 33,182 30,000 30,000 0.09 0.0$ SALARIES AND WAGES 7,123 30,000 33,182 30,000 30,000 0.09 0.09 000000.020.5550.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 0 30 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5550.0010.20.000003 FICA 545 2,295 2,533 2,295 2,295 0.04 0.0$ 000000.020.5550.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 236 861 1,019 861 861 0.09 0.0$ CITY OF BENTON 3.36 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 101: PARKS ow 1993 1944 1994 7 1995 1996: 96 Chg AcctNo,JFuud 102, AccotwLTick Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94 95 95 96 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 781 3,156 3,583 3,156 3,156 0.09 0.09 SR CTR INSTRUCTOR PART 71 ME 7,903 33,156 36,764 33,156 33,156 0.09 0.09 TOTAL SENIOR PROGRAM 484,669 472,977 500,036 503,652 516,336 6.59 2.59 000000.020.5740.00 10.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 397,538 443,799 444,465 471,915 500,341 6.39 6.09 000000.020.5740.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 397,538 443,799 444,465 471,915 500,341 6.39 6.09 000000.020.5740.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 29,918 34,357 33,656 35,771 37,926 4.19 6.09 lllr 000000.020.5740.0010.20.000003 FICA 28,713 31,006 31,620 36,101 38,276 16.49 6.09 000000.020.5740.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 36,283 50,873 35,078 35,460 36,701 -30.39 3.58 000000.020.5740.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,751 2,830 2,632 1,575 1,654 -44.39 5.09 000000.020.5740.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,407 1,723 1,503 1,827 1,882 6.09 3.09 1w 000000.020.5740.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 6,933 10,830 7,709 7,512 7,828 -30.69 4.29 000000.020.5740.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,604 2,195 2,261 N/A 3.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 106,006 131,619 113,802 120,441 126,528 -8.59 S.19 000000.020.5740.0010.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 5,180 5,460 5,249 5,597 5,765 2.59 3.09 vjw SUPPLIES 5,180 5,460 5,249 5,597 5,765 2.59 3.09 000000.020.5740.0010.41.000086 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/PARKS 839 600 1,000 615 633 2.59 2.99 000000.020.5740.0010.43.000035 PARK DEPT TRAVEL 895 0 2,074 200 200 N/A 0.09 iw 000000.020.5740.0010.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0 0 370 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5740.0010.44.000010 ADVERTISING/PARKS ADM 0 550 492 564 581 2.59 3.09 000000.020.5740.0010.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 15,405 13,025 15,336 16,081 17,785 23.59 10.69 000000.020.5740.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 2,767 3,100 2,947 3,178 3,273 2.59 3.09 to 000000.020.5740.0010.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 989 1,000 700 1,025 1,056 2.59 3.09 000000.020.5740.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,659 1,600 1,616 2,360 2,360 47.59 0.09 000000.020.5740.0010.49.000014 LEGAL&RECORDING FEES 116 0 447 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 22,670 19,875 24,983 24,023 25,888 20.99 7.89 000000.020.5740.0010.64.000023 PARK ADM MACHINERY&EQUIPMEN 0 0 9,799 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 9,799 0 0 N/A N/A PARKS ADMINISTRATION 531,394 600,753 598,298 621,976 658,522 3.59 5.99 rtr�lr 000000.020.5740.0011.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 2,634 2,124 2,467 2,166 2,210 2.09 2.09 000000.020.5740.0011.10.000002 OVERTIME 234 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 2,868 2,124 2,467 2,166 2,210 2.09 1.09 000000.020.5740.0011.20.000003 FICA 195 163 151 166 169 1.89 1.89 000000.020.5740.0011.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 42 25 13 15 15 -40.09 0.09 000000.020.5740.0011.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 4 0 0 N/A N/A 1�1 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 237 188 168 181 184 -3.79 1.79 PARKS ADM NISTRATION PARTTIME 3,105 2,312 2,635 2,347 2,394 1.59 2.09 TOTAL PARKS ADMINISTRATION 534,499 603,065 600,933 624,323 660,916 3.59 5.99 000000.020.5740.0020.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 306,773 410,700 342,814 400,423 420,902 -2.59 5.19 000000.020.5740.0020.10.000002 OVERTIME 4,503 5,681 5,753 5,795 5,939 2.09 2.59 SALARIES AND WAGES 311,276 416,381 348,567 406,218 426,841 -2.49 5.19 000000.020.5740.0020.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 23,421 33,063 26,407 30,792 32,355 -6.99 5.19 rr 000000.020.5740.0020.20.000003 FICA 23,813 31,853 26,665 31,075 32,654 -2.49 5.19 000000.020.5740.0020.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 34,148 64,024 34,603 43,128 44,652 -32.6# 3.59 000000.020.5740.0020.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 9,105 13,331 8,599 10,406 10,926 -21.99 5.09 000000.020.5740.0020.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,223 1,650 1,373 1,544 1,591 -6.49 3.09 000000.020.5740.0020.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 6,771 12,090 7,841 9,372 9,759 -22.59 4.19 000000.020.5740.0020.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,306 1,848 1,904 N/A 3.09 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 98,481 156,011 106,793 128,165 133,841 -17.89 4.49 000000.020.5740.0020.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 36,967 31,231 31,432 31,612 32,560 1.29 3.09 SUPPLIES 36,967 31,231 31,432 31,612 32,560 1.29 3.09 000000.020.5740.0020.43.000035 PARK DEPT TRAVEL 1,289 1,941 2,029 1,990 2,050 2.59 3.09 1w 000000.020.5740.0020.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 40 0 25 5,040 2,650 N/A -47.49 000000.020.5740.0020.48.000000 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 985 2,654 864 2,720 2,802 2.59 3.0# 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 17,085 22,203 35,531 22,758 23,441 2.59 3.09 yr CITY OF RENTON 3.37 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 101: PARKS 1993 1994 1994 1995 %Ghg %Chg, lAcict.N*4F Wjd 101. Accoant IYUe Actual Budget Avtnal Budget Budget 94-95 ,95 96 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 2,305 2,127 2,528 2,180 2,245 2.58 3.08 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000021 BAND CONCERTS 4,176 5,323 5,260 5,456 5,620 2.58 3.09 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000022 TEENAGE PROGRAMS 8,176 5,226 2,808 5,357 5,518 2.58 3.08 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000024 SCRIPTS&ROYALTIES 2,007 2,562 1,930 2,626 2,705 2.58 3.08 ."4 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000026 DEV DISABLED SUPPLIES 5,394 8,434 6,977 8,645 8,904 2.58 3.08 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000047 SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM 0 0 14,257 30,000 30,000 N/A 0.08 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000053 COMMUNITY BAND 2,521 2,000 1,787 3,000 3,000 50.08 0.08 000000.020.5740.0020.49.000059 SELF-SUSTAINING PRGRS 235 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 44,212 52,470 73,996 89,772 88,935 71.18 -0.98 000000.020.5740.0020.64.000024 PARK REC SV MACH&EQUIPMENT 5,082 0 6,291 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5740.0020.64.000028 CARCO MACH&EQUIP 0 0 9,144 0 0 N/A WA CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,082 0 15,435 0 0 N/A N/A PARKS RECREATIONAL SERVICES 496,018 656,093 576,224 655,767 682,177 0.08 4.08 000000.020.5740.0022.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 260,454 238,599 251,162 243,371 248,238 2.08 2.08 000000.020.5740.0022.10.000002 OVERTIME 2,800 6,385 12,574 6,513 6,676 2.08 2.58 SALARIES AND WAGES 263,254 244,984 263,735 249,884 254,914 2.08 2.08 000000.020.5740.0022.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 2,374 3,235 6,607 5,997 6,118 85.48 2.08 000000.020.5740.0022.20.000003 FICA 20,351 18,741 20,176 19,106 19,501 1.98 2.18 000000.020.5740.0022.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 21,634 23,267 19,142 20,887 21,912 -10.28 4.98 000000.020.5740.0022.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 (10) 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 44,359 45,243 45,915 45,990 47,531 1.78 3.48 PARKS/REC SERVICES PART TIME 307,613 290,227 309,651 295,874 302,445 1.98 2.28 000000.020.5740.0023.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 3,831 7,004 8,266 7,144 7,287 2.08 2.08 000000.020.5740.0023.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 307 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 3,831 7,004 8,572 7,144 7,287 2.08 2.08 000000.020.5740.0023.20.000003 FICA 293 536 656 547 557 2.18 1.88 000000.020.5740.0023.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 272 678 490 595 625 -12.28 5.08 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 565 1,214 1,146 1,142 1,182 -5.98 3.58 DEV DISABLED PART TIME 4,396 8,218 9,718 8,286 8,469 0.88 2.28 000000.020.5740.0024.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 3,646 60,920 32,443 81,920 81,920 34.58 0.08 1 000000.020.5740.0024.10.000002 INSTRUCTORS OVERTI ME 262 0 500 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 3,908 60,920 32,942 81,920 81,920 34.58 0.08 000000.020.5740.0024.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 0 2 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5740.0024.20.000003 FICA 1,218 4,660 2,520 6,267 6,267 34.58 0.08 "1 000000.020.5740.0024.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,190 3,820 2,249 4,227 4,227 10.78 0.08 46 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,407 8,480 4,771 10,494 10,494 13.88 0.08 REC SERV INSTRUCTOR PART TIME 6,315 69,400 37,713 92,414 92,414 33.28 0.08 PARTICIPANT RECREATION 814,343 1,023,938 933,305 1,052,341 1,085,505 2.88 3.28 000000.020.5750.0050.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 252,475 261,923 261,054 275,611 287,657 5.28 4.48 000000.020.5750.0050.10.000002 OVERTIME 1,677 2,273 3,384 2,318 2,376 2.08 2.58 SALARIES AND WAGES 254,152 264,196 264,438 277,929 290,033 5.28 4.48 000000.020.5750.0050.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 19,065 20,977 19,980 21,067 21,986 0.48 4.48 000000.020.5750.0050.20.000003 FICA 19,437 20,211 20,230 21,262 22,188 5.28 4.48 000000.020.5750.0050.20.000004 MEDICAL 22,096 25,930 29,431 32,541 33,680 25.5# 3.58 000000.020.5750.0050.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 6,886 8,765 6,636 6,888 7,232 -21.48 5.08 06 000000.020.5750.0050.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 972 1,059 1,037 1,070 1,102 1.08 3.08 000000.020.5750.0050.20.000009 DENTAL 4,176 5,355 6,091 6,675 6,955 24.68 4.28 000000.020.5750.0050.20.000070 LANG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,003 1,277 1,315 N/A 3.08 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 72,633 82,297 84,408 90,780 94,458 10.38 4.18 000000.020.5750.0050.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 33 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5750.0050.31.000025 SUPPLIES FOR RESALE 1,770 2,000 1,750 2,050 2,112 2.58 3.08 000000.020.5750.0050.31.000040 RECREATION SUPPLIES 12,046 12,987 13,679 13,312 21,711 2.58 63.18 000000.020.5750.0050.31.000041 FACILITIES SUPPLIES 11,672 11,500 10,862 11,788 12,142 2.58 3.08 SUPPLIES 25,467 26,487 26,324 27,150 35,965 2.58 32.58 CITY OF RENTON 3.38 1995.1996 BUDGET ++ EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 101: PARKS 1943 1494 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg l4cc#No.f F11nd lUl. A�ev�wt77tt3c.:: Actual Budget Actual Midget Midget. 94-'95 95,961 000000.020.5750.0050.43.000035 TRAVEL/TRAINING/PARKS 2,053 2,163 2,381 2,217 2,284 2.54 3.0# 000000.020.5750.0050.44.000010 ADVERTISING 2,320 2,261 2,681 2,318 2,388 2.54 3.04 000000.020.5750.0050.47.000001 ELECTRICITY 56,248 66,231 53,937 69,807 73,297 5.44 5.04 000000.020.5750.0050.47.000002 WATER/SEWER/STORM 6,258 7,320 6,878 7,686 8,559 5.04 11.94 000000.020.5750.0050.47.000003 GAS 3,530 6,883 3,867 7,055 7,267 2.54 3.04 000000.020.5750.0050.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 16,641 17,392 18,926 17,827 18,362 2.54 3.04 000000.020.5750.0050.48.000018 RCC REPAIR/REPLACEMENT FUND 0 0 108 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5750.0050.49.000006 PRINTING&BINDING 696 3,391 (191) 3,476 3,580 2.54 3.04 000000.020.5750.0050.49.000037 VANDALISM 0 566 0 580 597 2.54 2.94 to 000000.020.5750.0050.49.000084 TAX LIABILITY 787 6,000 1,577 6,150 6,335 2.54 3.04 000000.020.5750.0050.49.000085 COMM CTR SELF-SUSTAINING PROGR 154,075 141,586 126,054 141,586 141,586 0.04 0.04 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 242,607 253,793 216,218 258,702 264,255 1.94 2.14 000000.020.5750.0050.64.000056 COMMUNITY CENTER MACH&EQUIP 0 4,000 26,568 0 16,000 -100.04 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 4,000 26,568 0 16,000 -100.04 N/A COMMUNITY CENTER 594,879 630,773 617,957 654,561 700,711 3.84 7.14 000000.020.5750.0051.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 98,008 69,900 84,778 71,298 72,724 2.04 2.04 ow 000000.020.5750.0051.10.000002 OVERTIME 893 0 743 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 98,901 69,900 85,521 71,298 72,724 2.04 2.04 000000.020.5750.0051.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 1,408 1,810 4,102 2,995 3,054 65.54 2.04 to 000000.020.5750.0051.20.000003 FICA 7,009 5,347 6,542 5,454 5,563 2.04 2.04 000000.020.5750.0051.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 7,510 6,692 6,037 5,911 6,206 -11.74 5.04 000000.020.5750.0051.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 10 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 15,927 13,849 16,691 14,360 14,823 3.74 3.24 llr COMMUNITY CENTER PARTTIME 114,828 83,749 102,212 85,658 87,547 2.34 2.24 000000.020.5750.0052.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 17,667 20,580 19,916 20,992 21,411 2.04 2.04 000000.020.5750.0052.10.000002 OVERTIME 298 0 54 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 17,964 20,580 19,971 20,992 21,411 2.04 2.04 000000.020.5750.0052.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 1,055 1,404 1,186 1,591 1,623 13.34 2.04 000000.020.5750.0052.20.000003 FICA 1,374 1,575 1,528 1,606 1,638 2.04 2.04 000000.020.5750.0052.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,539 1,742 1,459 1,911 2,007 9.74 5.04 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 3,969 4,721 4,173 5,108 5,268 8.24 3.14 COMM CTR FACILITIES PARTTIME 21,933 25,301 24,144 26,100 26,679 3.24 2.24 000000.020.5750.0053.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 27,026 21,000 77,870 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.020.5750.0053.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 352 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 27,026 21,000 78,223 0 0 -100.04 N/A to 000000.020.5750.0053.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 8 0 232 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5750.0053.20.000003 FICA 1,923 1,607 5,984 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.020.5750.0053.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 677 407 3,066 0 0 -100.04 N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,808 2,014 9,282 0 0 -100.04 N/A aw COMM CTR INSTRUCTOR PARTTIME 29,835 23,014 87,504 0 0 -100.04 N/A CULTURE/RECREATION FACILITIES 761,475 762,837 831,817 766,319 814,937 0.54 6.34 aw 000000.020.5760.00 10.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 671,729 692,133 662,634 731,781 782,709 5.70 7.04 000000.020.5760.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 8,815 2,850 3,079 2,907 2,980 2.04 2.54 SALARIES AND WAGES 680,544 694,983 665,713 734,688 785,689 5.74 6.94 000000.020.5760.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 51,213 55,576 50f323 55,689 59,555 0.24 6.94 to 000000.020.5760.0010.20.000003 FICA 51,809 53,549 50,813 56,204 60,106 5.04 6.94 000000.020.5760.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 74,819 96,043 78f240 91,524 101,774 -4.74 11.24 000000.020.5760.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 20,807 26,297 19,272 21,601 23,873 -17.94 10.54 000000.020.5760.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 2,700 2,786 2,663 2,828 3,019 1.54 6.84 000000.020.5760.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 13,270 19,050 15,418 17,928 20,019 -5.94 11.74 000000.020.5760.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 2,607 3,361 3,584 N/A 6.64 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 214,618 253,301 219,335 249,135 271,930 -1.64 9.14 000000.020.5760.0010.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 139,775 126,263 136,376 145,141 150,386 15.04 3.64 000000.020.5760.0010.31.000029 PARK FAC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 45,581 48,981 47,236 50,206 51,712 2.54 3.04 CITY OF RENTON 3.39 1995.1996 BUDGET aw EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 101: PARKS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 $w big %Chg`` Acct 146.161md 101. Acaoutit TitleActual Budget Actual Budget Budget: 94-95 95 96 SUPPLIES 185,356 175,244 183,612 195,347 202,098 11.5$ 3.58 000000.020.5760.0010.41.000040 PROFESSIONL SERV/PARK FAC 5,802 6,900 10,997 7,073 7,285 2.54 3.0# 000000.020.5760.0010.43.000035 PARK DEPT TRAVEL 99 371 440 380 391 2.48 2.98 000000.020.5760.0010.43.000060 TRAINING 81 SCHOOLS 1,013 500 1,283 513 528 2.6# 2.98 000000.020.5760.0010.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 3,563 3,300 3,769 3,383 3,484 2.58 3.0# 000000.020.5760.0010.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 43,267 39,682 39,157 55,392 61,740 39.6# 11.58 000000.020.5760.0010.47.000001 ELECTRICITY 47,954 61,557 64,562 64,881 68,125 5.4# 5.08 000000.020.5760.0010.47.000002 WTR/SEWER/METRO/STORM DRAIN 89,457 121,175 131,748 124,524 131,657 2.88 5.78 000000.020.5760.0010.47.000003 GAS 11,179 13,723 10,609 14,066 14,488 2.58 3.08 000000.020.5760.0010.47.000005 KING CO TRANSFER STATION 0 1,060 0 1,087 1,120 2.58 3.0# 000000.020.5760.0010.47.000006 MAINT FOR RR SIGNALS 1,707 2,120 1,805 2,173 2,236 2.58 3.08 000000.020.5760.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 69,813 53,689 56,689 55,031 56,682 2.58 3.09 000000.020.5760.0010.48.000007 BLACK RIVER MAINTENANCE 0 0 3,101 3,200 3,200 N/A 0.08 000000.020.5760.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 2,714 2,710 3,588 8,547 8,532 215.4# -0.28 000000.020.5760.0010.49.000036 MISC AWARDS 0 50 0 51 53 2.08 3.98 000000.020.5760.0010.49.000037 VANDALISM 8,160 4,000 4,000 4,100 4,223 2.58 3.08 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 284,728 310,837 331,747 344,401 363,746 10.88 5.6# PARK FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 1,365,246 1,434,365 1,400,408 1,523,571 1,623,463 6.28 6.68 000000.020.5760.0011.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 132,370 150,640 159,396 173,575 166,112 15.28 -4.38 000000.020.5760.0011.10.000002 OVERTIME 3,226 3,256 2,877 3,321 3,404 2.08 2.58 SALARIES AND WAGES 135,596 153,896 162,273 176,896 169,516 14.98 -4.28 000000.020.5760.0011.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 1,588 3,008 2,907 3,458 3,313 15.0# -4.28 000000.020.5760.0011.20.000003 FICA 10,309 11,773 12,372 13,533 12,968 14.98 -4.28 000000.020.5760.0011.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 13,852 15,563 15,402 16,580 16,913 6.58 2.08 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 25,749 30,344 30,680 33,571 33,194 10.68 -1.18 PARKS FACILITIES PARTTIME 161,345 184,240 192,954 210,467 202,710 14.28 -3.7# 000000.020.5760.0080.52.000001 CDBG FUND EXCHANGE/MI 3,200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CDBG FUND EXCHANGE/MERCER ISLAND 3,200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL PARKS FACILITIES 1,529,791 1,618,605 1,593,361 1,734,038 1,826,173 7.18 5.38 000000.020.5970.0070.55.000004 TRF-OUT TO 316/ELECT READER BD 60,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5970.0070.55.000018 TRF-OUT TO 316/MAJOR MCC-RCC 0 0 32,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5970.0070.55.000019 TRF-OUT TO 316/MAJOR MCC-CARCO 0 0 20,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.020.5970.0070.55.000020 TRF-OUT TO 316/GLENCO PK ACQ 0 0 40,000 0 0 N/A N/A OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT 60,000 0 92,000 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 685,665 79,742 524,675 518,069 570,004 549.7# 10.08 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,636,590 6,107,028 6,030,440 6,396,299 6,693,465 4.7# 4.68 SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 60,000 0 92,000 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 6,382,254 6,186,770 6,647,115 6,914,368 7,263,469 11.88 5.08 'y CITY OF RENTON 3.40 1995-1996 BUDGET 400 FUND: 103-STREET FUND REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 2993 1994 1994 1995 1996 9b Chg %Chg Item Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-96 _95 96 REVENUES: Real$Personal Property Taxes 9,416 0 (1,080) 0 0 N/A N/A Sales Tax 2,365,427 2,186,000 2,204,534 2,183,700 2,394,400 -0.1# 9.6# Utility Tax/Gas 480,542 376,000 478,877 415,400 435,100 10.5# 4.7# Licenses&Permits 42,690 14,000 43,244 18,000 18,900 28.6# 5.0# ow Street Fuel Taxes 680,620 718,233 686,803 697,289 691,372 -2.9# -0.8# Charges for Services 65,410 67,200 62,199 72,800 76,500 8.3# 5.1# Investment Interest 16,876 10,000 57,381 25,000 25,000 150.0# 0.0# ISO Other Miscellaneous 74,443 0 54,716 0 0 N/A N/A Interfund Revenues 1,065,928 883,191 1,029,835 999,093 1,025,337 13.1# 2.6# Interfund Loan Repay/Narco Acq 0 0 200,000 0 0 N/A N/A am TOTAL REVENUES 4,801,352 4,254,624 4,816,509 4,411,282 4,666,609 3.7# 5.8# EXPENDITURES: Regular Salaries 1,813,373 1,965,024 1,876,536 2,002,753 2,126,219 1.9# 6.2# 100 Part Time Salaries 148,086 106,930 125,856 129,929 123,609 21.5# -4.9# Overtime 31,991 50,805 38,482 51,820 53,117 2.0# 2.5# Personnel Benefits 592,889 705,458 604,295 659,007 699,023 -6.6# 6.1# 010 Supplies 211,946 307,863 215,399 336,324 339,511 9.2# 0.9# Professional Services 8,469 13,930 4,545 13,724 14,172 -1.5# 3.3# Postage/Telephone/Other 1,384 4,100 3,257 4,203 4,329 2.5# 3.0# Travel/Training 11,067 11,940 9,870 15,995 16,344 34.0# 2.2# till Other Rentals 12,351 9,690 13,878 10,101 10,405 4.2# 3.0# Equipment Rental 377,550 366,198 376,208 499,360 487,171 21.3# 9.6# Public Utility Services 694,001 612,385 625,878 644,542 677,058 5.3# 5.0# so Repairs&Maintenance 24,315 44,955 35,454 46,081 47,463 2.5# 3.0# Miscellaneous 9,985 16,395 15,471 16,806 17,309 2.5# 3.0# Transfers-out 4,761 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 Capital Outlay 57,370 32,230 52,949 27,816 24,150 -13.7# -13.2# Interfund Loans/Narco Acq 400,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Interfund Payments 7,856 0 10,593 3,000 3,000 N/A 0.0# TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,407,394 4,247,903 4,008,671 4,406,461 4,642,880 3.7# 5.4# Fund Balance,January 1 510,188 489,536 904,145 1,505,750 1,510,571 207.6# 0.3# Revenues 4,801,352 4,254,624 4,816,509 4,411,282 4,666,609 3. 7# 5.8# ow Expenditures (4,907,399) (4,247,903) (4,008,671) (4,406,461) (4,642,880) 3.7# 5.4# Fund Balance,December 31 904,145 496,257 1,711,983 1,510,571 1,534,300 204.4# 1.6# Operating Reserves 489,536 339,832 320,694 352,517 371,430 3.7# 5.4# 4111 JUndesignated Fund Balance 414,609 156,425 1,391,289 1,158,054 1,162,870 640.3# 0.4# The Street Fund is a part of the general governmental funds since a major part of the revenues come from general tax sources such as YAW sales and gas utility taxes which will provide$2.6 million or 59%of 1995 funding. The other significant resource is street fuel taxes,$697,289 or 16%of 1995 financing. The 25%balance of 1995 support or$1.1 million will come from reimbursements for service from other funds,investment interest,permits,and a service charge for maintaining Valley Communications Center dispatch equipment There are two partial divisions of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department in this fund which are 410 Transportation Systems(Fund 103/16)and Street Maintenance Services(Fund 103/19).Transportation Systems also includes the Airport(Fund 402/16). Other divisions of Maintenance Services are Water,Wastewater,and Surface Water Maintenance(Fund 401/19),Solid Waste Maintenance(Fund 403/19),and Equipment Rental(Fund 501/19). 1995 expenses in the Street Fund are$2.6 slr million for Transportation Systems,and$1.8 million for Street Maintenance Services. The Operating Budget Section provides program and budgetary information for Transportation Systems and Street Maintenance Services. Street Fund revenue and expenditure detail for Transportation Systems and Street Maintenance Services is provided on the following pages. 410 CITY OF RENTON 3-41 1995- 1996 BUDGET 400 REVENUE DETAIL FUND 103: STREETS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct No.f fmd 103. Account Title ' Actual fudge£ !\dual 13ndget ;budget 94-95 95 96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 510,188 489,536 904,145 1,505,750 1,510,571 207.6# 0.38 000000.000.3110.0010.00.000000 REAL&PERS PROP TAXES 9,416 0 (1,080) 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3130.0010.00.000000 LOCAL RETAIL SALES/USE TAX 2,317,182 2,150,000 2,137,556 2,145,900 2,354,700 -0.28 9.78 1 000000.000.3130.0060.00.000000 NATURAL GAS USE TAX 48,245 36,000 66,978 37,800 39,700 5.08 5.0$ 000000.000.3160.0043.00.000000 UTILITY TAX/GAS 480,542 376,000 478,877 415,400 435,100 10.5$ 4.74 TAXES 2,855,384 2,562,000 2,682,331 2,599,100 2,829,500 1.48 8.98 000000.000.3220.0040.00.000000 STREET/CURB/HOUSE MOVING 90 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3220.0040.00.000003 STREET EXCAVATIONS 42,710 14,000 43,244 18,000 18,900 28.68 5.01 000000.000.3220.0040.00.000004 RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMITS (110) 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A LICENSES AND PERMITS 42,690 14,000 43,244 18,000 18,900 28.69 5.01 000000.000.3360.0000.87.000000 STREET FUEL TAXES/6.92% 660,897 706,400 672,998 689,400 689,400 -2.49 D.04 000000.000.3360.0000.91.000000 MVETTRANSFR RELIEF/RAINIER AV 19,722 11,833 13,805 7,889 1,972 -33.38 -75.08 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 680,620 718,233 686,803 697,289 691,372 -2.98 -0.81 N/A N/A 000000.000.3420.0080.00.000000 VALLEY-COMM/TRAFFIC ENGR 65,410 67,200 62,199 72,800 76,500 8.38 5.18 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 65,410 67,200 62,199 72,800 76,500 8.38 5.18 000000.000.3490.0042.90.000024 MTC ADM/REIMS FM ST MTC 234 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0042.90.000051 MTC ADM/REIMB FM WATER UTILITY 109,411 111,890 106,214 108,500 108,130 -3.0# -0.38 000000.000.3490.0042.90.000052 MTC ADM/REIMB FM WASTEWTR UTL 33,676 35,505 35,194 30,150 30,890 -15.18 2.54 000000.000.3490.0042.90.000053 MTC ADM/REIMS FM SURF WTR UTL 20,148 21,155 22,040 24,200 27,805 14.48 14.9$ 000000.000.3490.0042.90.000054 MTC ADM/REIMB FM EQP RENTAL 34,890 36,600 34,198 45,220 55,610 23.68 23.Of 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000013 ST MTC/REIMB FM STORM/PATCHIN 67,911 5,500 42,758 40,000 45,000 627.38 12.58 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000049 ST MTC/REIMB FM AIRPORT 19,013 2,500 8,162 24,904 13,600 896.28 -45.49 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000050 ST MTC/REIMB FM SOLID WSTE MTC 18,164 15,195 14,577 3,300 3,450 -78.38 4.58 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000051 ST MTC/REIMB FM WATER UTILITY 80,501 48,500 66,315 50,000 50,000 3.I8 0.0# 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000052 ST MTC/REIMB FM WASTEWTR UTL 13,237 24,500 15,911 22,550 23,227 -8.08 3.00 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000055 ST MTC/REIMB FM TRAF MTC 18,861 0 18,756 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000059 ST MTC/REIMB FM CIP/OVERLAY 33,000 34,650 34,650 35,516 36,581 2.58 3.08 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000062 ST MTC/REIMB FM STRM-LEAF SWPG 40,534 38,070 38,048 39,022 40,193 2.58 3.08 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000067 ST MTC/REIMB FM SOL WSTE MTC 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 N/A 0.08 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000069 ST MTC/REIMB FM STORM MTC 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 N/A 0.08 000000.000.3490.0042.92.000086 ST MTC/REIMS/MISC SERVICES 4,571 0 16,782 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0042.93.000055 TRANS OPERS/CIP PROJECT REIMB 24,108 21,275 31,339 32,400 33,460 52.38 3.38 000000.000.3490.0042.95.000049 TRNS SYS MTC/REIMB FM AIRPORT 0 2,000 0 2,050 2,110 2.58 2.98 000000.000.3490.0042.95.000055 TRNS SYS MTC/CIP PROJECT REIMB 12,986 6,000 9,619 6,150 6,335 2.58 3.01 000000.000.3490.0042.95.000061 TRNS SYS MTC/CIP:SIGN REPL PRG 19,158 21,800 0 22,345 23,015 2.51 3.01 000000.000.3490.0042.95.000091 TRNS SYS MTC/REIMB FM WATER MT 683 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A ti 000000.000.3490.0042.96.000090 REIMB FROM FIRE DIST 25 2,371 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0095.92.000055 TRANS PIAN/CIP PROJECT REIMB 118,317 116,703 88,829 116,703 119,620 0.08 2.51 000000.000.3490.0095.94.000049 TRANS ADM/REIMB FM AIRPORT 2,127 2,233 2,233 2,288 2,356 2.51 3.01 000000.000.3490.0095.94.000051 REIMB FR WATER UTIL/1-405 12,750 13,500 13,500 0 0 -100.01 N/A 000000.000.3490.0095.94.000055 TRANS ADM/CIP PROJECT REIMB 4,315 10,390 4,782 10,390 10,390 0.0# 0.0* 000000.000.3490.0095.96.000012 TRANS DESIGN/LID 329 REIMB 6,419 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3490.0095.96.000055 TRANS DESIGN/CIP PROJECT REIMB 368,545 315,225 425,927 380,405 390,565 20.78 2.71 INTERFUND REVENUES 1,065,928 883,191 1,029,835 999,093 1,025,337 13.18 2.68 000000.000.36 I0.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 16,876 10,000 55,778 25,000 25,000 150.01 0.01 000000.000.3610.0040.00.000302 NARCO INTEREST 0 0 1,603 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0081.00.000000 STREET/CASHIERS OVER/SHORT 31 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000000 SALE OF JUNK OR SALVAGE 560 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000018 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 6,502 0 5,289 0 0 N/A N/A MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 23,969 10,000 62,669 25,000 25,000 150.0# 0.08 000000.000.3810.0020.00.000302 INTERFND IRAN REPMT/NARCO ACQ 0 0 200,000 0 0 N/A N/A a CITY OF RENTON 3-42 1995-1996 BUDGET ow REVENUE DETAIL FUND 103: STREETS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 oib Chg %Ghg, Acct No-/Fund 103: Account7Ytic Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget, 94-95 95-96 NON-REVENUES 0 0 200,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3950.0010.00.000000 SALE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 0 0 667 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3950.0020.00.000011 TRNS SYS MTC/REIMB FM INSUR/FE 9,384 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3950.0020.01.000011 ST MTC/REIMB FMINSUR FUND/FEM 18,178 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A it 000000.000.3950.0020.00.000063 TRANSP INSURANCE REIMS 39,788 0 48,761 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 67,350 0 49,428 0 0 N/A WA GRAND TOTAL 5,311,539 4,744,160 5,720,654 5,917,032 6,177,180 24.7$ 4.4$ l im X111 IW to CIT1'OF RENTON 3.43 1995-1996 BUDGET it EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 103: STREETS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg' Acct No./Fund 103. Account Titk Actual Budget actual Budget Budget' 94-95 95 96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 904,145 496,257 1,711,983 1,510,571 1,534,300 204.4$ 000000.0 16.5420.0093.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 172,080 185,171 187,950 198,795 205,634 7.4$ 3.4$ 000000.016.5420.0093.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 73 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 172,080 185,171 188,023 198,795 205,634 7.4$ 3.4$ 000000.016.5420.0093.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 12,948 14,703 14,620 15,069 15,587 2.59 3.40 000000.016.5420.0093.20.000003 FICA 13,151 13,919 14,255 15,208 15,731 9.31 3.4$ 000000.016.5420.0093.20.000004 MEDICAL 20,196 25f245 21,454 21,360 22,108 -15.44 3.5$ 000000.016.5420.0093.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 725 730 678 700 735 -4.14 5.0$ 000000.016.5420.0093.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 661 744 718 772 795 3.8$ 3.0-1 000000.0 16.54 20.0093.20.000009 DENTAL 3,696 5,085 4,350 4,308 4,489 -15.39 4.2$ 000000.016.5420.0093.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 727 922 950 N/A 3.0$ J PERSONNEL BENEFITS 51,378 60,426 56,802 58,339 60,395 -3.5$ 3.5$ 000000.016.5420.0093.43.000059 TRAVEL 4 550 681 564 581 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.016.5420.0093.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 1,025 1,450 1,262 1,486 1,531 2.5$ 3.0-9 000000.016.5420.0093.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 8,544 8,827 8,820 7,426 5,654 -15.9$ -23.9$ 000000.016.5420.0093.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0 600 439 615 633 2.50 2.9$ 000000.016.5420.0093.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 644 500 594 513 528 2.6$ 2.9-9 000000.016.5420.0093.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 62 400 0 910 422 2.5$ 2.9-9 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 10,279 12,327 11,796 11f014 9,349 -10.7$ -15.1$ 000000.016.5420.0093.64.000041 TRANSPORTA SYS OPERA MACH/EQ 9,427 19,898 14,959 4,650 4,650 -76.6$ 0.0$ CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,427 19,898 14,959 4,650 4,650 -76.6$ 0.0$ TRANSPORTATION SYS OPERATIONS 243,164 277,822 271,579 272,798 280,026 -1.8$ 2.7$ 000000.016.5420.0094.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 24,522 27,300 32,944 37,033 37,905 35.7$ 2.44 000000.0I6.5420.0094.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 376 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 24,522 27,300 33,320 37,033 37,905 35.7$ 2.4-9 000000.016.5420.0094.20.000003 FICA 1,876 2,088 2,549 2,833 2,900 35.7$ 2.4$ 000000.016.5420.0094.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,956 2,474 1,794 2,954 3,127 19.49 5.9$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 3,832 4,562 4,343 5,787 6,027 26.9$ 4.1$ TRANSPORTATION SYS OPERATIONS PART TIME 28,354 31,862 37,664 42,820 43,932 34.4$ 2.6$ 000000.0 16.5420.0095.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 385,337 415,750 406,456 424,784 444,227 2.2$ 4.6$ 000000.016.5420.0095.10.000002 OVERTIME 21f230 23,860 24,195 24,337 24,946 2.04 2.5-9 SALARIES AND WAGES 406,567 439,610 430,651 449,121 469,173 2.28 4.59 000000.016.5420.0095.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 30,570 34,906 31,186 34,043 35,564 -2.5$ 4.5$ 000000.016.5420.0095.20.000003 FICA 31,126 33,629 32,944 34,358 35,892 2.24 4.5$ 000000.016.5420.0095.20.000004 MEDICAL 58,545 63,630 58,983 64,380 66,633 1.2$ 3.5$ 000000.016.5420.0095.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 11,479 15,621 11,356 11,545 12,122 -26.1$ 5.0$ T 000000.016.5420.0095.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,587 1,682 1,602 1,681 1,731 -0.1$ 3.0$ 1 000000.016.5420.0095.20.000009 DENTAL 10,185 13,125 11,011 12,000 12,504 -8.6$ 4.2$ 000000.016.5420.0095.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,561 1,975 2,034 N/A 3.0$ PERSONNEL BENEFTIS 143,491 162,593 148,644 159,982 166,480 -1.6$ 4.If 000000.0 16.5420.0095.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,516 1,100 1,491 1,128 1,162 2.5$ 3.09 t 000000.016.5420.0095.31.000042 SIGNALS 16,951 13,400 16,170 13,735 14,147 2.5$ 3.00 000000.016.5420.0095.31.000043 SIGNS,PAINT,PAVEMARIUNGS 50,379 57,100 51,320 58,528 60,284 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.016.5420.0095.31.000044 RENTON RIVER DAYS 2,152 2,500 588 2,563 2,640 2.5$ 3.04 000000.016.5420.0095.31.000045 REPLACE SIGNS&SIGNAL HEADS 3,894 9,200 124 9,430 9,713 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.016.5420.0095.31.000046 STREET LIGHTING 11,043 13,290 13,894 13,622 14,031 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.016.5420.0095.31.000047 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 13,056 11,200 12,820 11,480 11,824 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.016.5420.0095.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 5,839 4,300 6,126 4,408 4,540 2.5$ 3.04 SUPPLIES 104,831 112,090 102,534 114,894 118,341 2.5$ 3.0$ 000000.016.5420.0095.42.000002 TELEPHONE/TELEMETRY 1,385 4,000 3,141 4,100 4,223 2.5$ 3.00 000000.016.5420.0095.43.000059 TRAVEL 0 350 0 359 370 2.6$ 3.1$ 000000.016.5420.0095.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 3,419 1,700 2,268 4,943 4,995 190.8$ 1.1$ 000000.016.5420.0095.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 1,994 2,100 1,922 2,153 2,218 2.5$ 3.09 000000.016.5420.0095.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 49,126 42,612 46,611 62,374 64,378 46.4$ 3.2$ 000000.016.5420.0095.47.000001 ELECTRICITY 470,224 490,000 487,088 516,460 542,283 5.4$ 5.0$ CITY OF RENTON 3.44 1995.1996 BUDGET lrlr EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 103: STREETS 1993 1994 £1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg, Acct No./Fund 103. AcrnantTiUe Actual Budget Actual Budget >Budgct 94-95 000000.016.5420.0095.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 1,410 2,200 2,019 2,255 2,323 2.58 3.08 000000.016.5420.0095.48.000049 RR CR STR PAVEMENT MARKING 2,744 5,300 5,622 5,433 5,596 2.58 3.00 000000.0 16.54 20.0095.48.000050 SMALL SCALE TRFC IMPV/HAZ ELIM 1,442 5,640 1,440 5,781 5,954 2.59 3.OS 000000.016.5420.0095.48.000051 CRSSWLK&ARROW MNT/THRMOPLS 11,160 16,900 17,314 17,323 17,843 2.59 3.08 000000.016.5420.0095.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 40 300 405 308 317 2.78 2.99 000000.016.5420.0095.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 641 350 352 359 370 2.68 3.18 000000.016.5420.0095.49.000017 LAUNDRY 1,983 2,600 2,176 2,665 2,745 2.58 3.08 000000.016.5420.0095.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 5,090 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 545,568 574,052 575,448 624,513 653,615 8.884.78 low 000000,016.5420.0095.64.000040 TRANSP MTC EQUIPMENT 14,932 9,332 9,025 23,166 19,500 148.28 -15 88 CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,932 9,332 9,025 23,166 19,500 148.28 -15.88 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAINT 1,215,389 1,297,677 1,266,301 1,371,676 1,427,109 5.7# 4.08 000000.0 16.5420.0096.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 34,199 31,550 31,138 32,181 32,825 2.08 2.08 000000.016.5420.0096.10.000002 OVERTIME 880 220 170 224 230 1.88 2.78 SALARIES AND WAGES 35,079 31,770 31,308 32,405 33,055 2.08 2.08 ow 000000.016.5420.0096.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 1,293 2,520 0 2,456 2,506 -2.58 2.08 000000,0 16.54 20.0096.20.000003 FICA 2,684 2,430 2,317 2,479 2,529 2.08 2.08 000000.016.5420.0096.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,182 2,790 1,230 2,188 2,298 -21.68 5.08 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 5,158 7,740 3,548 7,123 7,333 -8.08 2.9# TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAINT PARTTIME 40,237 39,510 34,856 39,528 40,388 0.08 2.28 000000.0 16.5930.0092.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 112,844 150,006 126,299 148,437 157,222 -1.08 5.98 4w 000000.016.5950.0092.10.000002 OVERTIME 455 160 0 163 167 1.98 2.58 SALARIES AND WAGES 113,299 150,166 126,299 148,600 157,389 -1.08 5.98 000000.016.5950.0092.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 7,911 11,922 7,816 11,264 11,930 -5.58 5.94 000000.016.5950.0092.20.000003 FICA 8,654 11,345 9,620 11,368 12,040 0.28 5.98 ow 000000.016.5950.0092.20.000004 MEDICAL 10,096 15,553 7,568 10,944 11,327 -29.6# 3.58 000000.016.5950.0092.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 457 542 465 525 551 -3.18 5.08 000000.016.5950.0092.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 426 596 359 531 547 -10.98 3.08 000000.0 16-59 50-0092,20-000009 DENTAL 1,947 2,985 1,524 2,040 2,126 -31.78 4.28 000000.016.5950.0092.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 427 703 724 N/A 3.08 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 29,491 42,943 27,779 37,375 39,245 -13.08 5.08 000000.016.5950.0092.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 8 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.016.5950.0092.35.000000 SMALL EQUIPMENT 0 0 1,239 0 0 N/A N/A SUPPLIES 0 0 1,247 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.016.5950.0092.41.000139 CONSULTANT 1,241 4,280 0 4,387 4,519 2.58 3.08 000000.016.5950.0092.43.000031 CTR TRANSIT/GUAR RIDE HOME 0 0 2,642 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.016.5950.0092.43.000056 TRAVEL 650 230 319 236 243 2.68 3.08 000000.016.5950.0092.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 748 630 233 646 665 2.58 1.98 000000.016.5950.0092.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0 315 0 323 333 2.58 3.18 iw 000000.016.5950.0092.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 622 2,650 1,064 2,716 2,797 2.58 3.08 000000.016.5950.0092.49.000014 LEGAL/RECORDING FEES/PERMITS 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.016.5950.0092.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 237 525 179 538 554 2.58 3.08 000000.016.5950.0092.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 525 67 538 554 2.58 3.08 vo OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,498 9,155 4,504 9,384 9,665 2.58 3.08 TRANSPORTATION PUNNING 146,287 202,264 159,829 195,359 206,299 -3.48 5.68 to 000000.0 16.5950.0094.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 126,617 131,780 122,679 133,214 140,753 1.18 5.78 000000.016.5950.0094.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 265 42 270 277 1.98 2.68 SALARIES AND WAGES 126,617 132,045 122,721 133,484 141,030 1.18 5.7# 000000.016.5950.0094.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 4,056 4,551 3,472 4,269 4,648 -6.28 8.98 am 000000.016.5950.0094.20.000003 FICA 8,626 9,034 8,304 9,316 9,655 3.18 3.6# 000000.0 16.59 50,0094.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 12,600 15,750 10,112 12,360 12,793 -21.58 3.58 000000.016.5950.0094.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 559 539 473 525 551 -2.68 5.08 000000.016.5950.0094.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 412 527 378 505 520 -4.28 3.08 10 000000.016.5950.0094.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 2,178 2,985 2,026 2,532 2,638 -15.28 4.28 o, CITY OF RENTON 3-45 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 103: STREETS 1993 1994 >1494 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct No./Fund 103, AcsOount Titbc: Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-9$ 95-96 000000.016.5950.0094.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 455 604 622 N/A 3.OB q PERSONNEL BENEFITS 26,431 33,386 25,219 30,111 31,427 -9.89 4.48 000000.016.5950.0094.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 9,831 14,900 6,803 15,273 15,731 2.58 3.OB 000000.016.5950.0094.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,486 8,000 5,047 8,200 8,446 2.58 3.Of SUPPLIES 11,317 22,900 11,850 23,473 24,177 2.59 3.08 000000.016.5950.0094.43.000059 TRAVEL 62 350 111 359 370 2.68 3.18 000000.016.5950.0094.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 557 700 160 718 740 2.68 3.18 000000.016.5950.0094.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 3,805 4,000 4,006 4,100 4,223 2.58 3.Of 000000.016.5950.0094.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.016.5950.0094.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 3,011 3,000 4,092 3,075 3,167 2.58 3.Of 000000.016.5950.0094.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 376 670 290 687 708 2.58 3.18 000000.016.5950.0094.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 348 1,050 314 1,076 1,108 2.58 3.0-9 000000.016.5950.0094.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 8,159 9,770 8,973 10,015 10,316 2.58 3.Of 000000.016.5950.0094.64.000045 TRANSP ADMIN EQUIPMENT 27,413 0 9,627 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 27,413 0 9,627 0 0 N/A N/A TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION 201,937 198,101 178,391 197,083 206,950 -0.58 5.08 000000.016.5950.0095.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 15,700 19,900 21,617 4,520 4,610 -77.38 2.04 000000.016.5950.0095.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 15,700 19,900 21,617 4,520 4,610 -77.38 2.Of 000000.016.5950.0095.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 1,182 1,310 472 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.016.5950.0095.20.000003 FICA 1,201 1,522 1,625 345 355 -77.38 2.98 000000.016.5950.0095.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 154 193 177 60 65 -68.98 8.38 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,537 3,025 2,273 405 420 -86.68 3.78 TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION PARTTIME 18,237 22,925 23,890 4,925 5,030 -78.58 2.1$ i 000000.016.5950.0096.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 347,495 360,342 365,403 376,343 391,820 4.48 4.If 000000.016.5950.0096.10.000002 OVERTIME 0 400 450 408 418 2.08 2.58 SALARIES AND WAGES 347,495 360,742 365,853 376,751 392,238 4.48 4.18 000000.016.5950.0096.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 17,276 18,945 19,013 19,026 19,778 0.48 4.08 000000.016.5950.0096.20.000003 FICA 26,219 27,107 27,632 28,502 29,590 5.10 3.88 000000.016.5950.0096.20.000004 MEDICAL 32,584 43,380 33,654 34,296 35,496 -20.98 3.58 000000.016.5950.0096.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,319 1,264 2,233 2,187 2,296 73.08 5.08 000000.016.5950.0096.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,310 1,435 1,398 1,444 1,487 O.68 3.08 000000.016.5950.0096.20.000009 DENTAL 6,149 8,430 7,057 7,152 7,452 -15.28 4.28 000000.016.5950.0096.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,318 1,713 1,764 N/A 3.08 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 85,856 100,561 92,304 94,320 97,863 -6.28 3.88 000000.016.5950.0096.41.000148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7,228 9,400 4,265 9,635 9,924 2.58 3.08 000000.016.5950.0096.43.000059 TRAVEL 370 530 343 543 559 2.58 2.98 000000.016.5950.0096.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 878 1,900 210 1,948 2,006 2.58 3.08 000000.016.5950.0096.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,768 3,859 3,852 4,310 4,373 11.78 1.58 000000.016.5950.0096.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0 500 81 513 528 2.68 2.98 000000.016.5950.0096.49.000012 MEMBERFHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 85 600 78 615 633 2.58 2.98 000000.016.5950.0096.49.000089 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 737 250 0 256 264 2.48 3.18 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 13,066 17,039 8,829 17,820 18,287 4.68 2.68 TRANSPORTATION DESIGN 446,418 418,342 466,986 488,891 508,388 2.28 4.09 000000.016.5950.0097.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 19,567 0 0 18,580 18,950 N/A 2.08 SALARIES AND WAGES 19,567 0 0 18,580 18,950 N/A 2.08 000000.016.5950.0097.20.000003 FICA 1,497 0 0 1,425 1,455 N/A 2.10 d 000000.016.5950.0097.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 871 0 0 140 150 N/A 7.18 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,368 0 0 1,565 1,605 N/A 2.68 TRANSP PLNG/DESIGN PART TIME 21,935 0 0 20,145 20,555 N/A 2.Of TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 2,361,956 2,548,503 2,439,496 2,633,225 2,738,679 3.38 4.08 CITY OF RENTON 3-46 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 103: STREETS 1993 1494 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct No.J Funs 103: A000uut Title: Actual Budget Actual Budgct Sudgei' 94-9$ 95-961 000000.0 19.5420.0090.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 178,058 202,526 182,831 195,838 207,197 -3.39 5.84 000000.019.5420.0090.10.000002 OVERTIME 85 400 69 408 418 2.04 2.54 to SALARIES AND WAGES 178,143 202,926 182,901 196,246 207,615 -3.39 5.89 000000.019.5420.0090.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 13,358 16,113 14,143 14,875 15,737 -7.74 5.89 000000.019.5420.0090.20.000003 FICA 12,936 14,768 13,636 14,412 15,102 -2.44 4.89 000000.019.5420.0090.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 18,253 26,556 21,506 25,236 26,119 -5.04 3.54 No 000000.019.5420.0090.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,395 4,748 3,728 3,761 3,949 -20.84 5.04 000000.019.5420.0090.20.000007 LIFEINSURANCE 643 810 667 774 797 -4.44 3.04 000000.019.5420.0090.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 3,054 4,905 3,954 4,560 4,752 -7.04 4.24 000000.019.5420.0090.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 679 918 946 N/A 3.14 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 51,639 67,900 58,313 64,536 67,402 -5.04 4.44 000000.019.5420.0090.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,852 10,000 7,600 10,250 10,558 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0090.35.000001 PUB WKS MAINT CONTROL SYS 2,082 2,500 2,932 2,563 2,640 2.54 3.00 SUPPLIES 10,934 12,500 10,532 12,813 13,198 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0090.41.000148 PUB WKS PROFESSIONAL SERV 0 250 280 256 264 2.44 3.14 000000.019.5420.0090.42.000001 POSTAGE 0 100 116 103 106 3.04 2.94 000000.019.5420.0090.43.000059 TRAVEL 409 750 12 769 792 2.54 3.04 No 000000.019.5420.0090.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 1,264 1,000 703 1,025 1,056 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0090.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 1,014 1,000 922 1,025 1,056 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0090.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,572 1,671 1,668 3,783 804 126.44 -78.74 000000.019.5420.0090.47.000007 DUMP FEES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.019.5420.0090.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 577 900 765 923 951 2.6# 3.04 000000.019.5420.0090.49.000014 LEGAL/RECORDING FEES/PERMITS 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.019.5420.0090.49.000016 PUBLICATIONS 123 75 85 77 79 2.74 2.64 10 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4,958 5,746 4,551 7,961 5,108 38.54 -35.84 000000.019.5420.0090.64.000059 MAINT ADM MACH&EQUIP 0 0 13,194 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 13,194 0 0 N/A N/A MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION 245,675 289,072 269,491 281,556 293,323 -2.64 4.24 000000.019.5420.0091.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 45,900 18,610 38,730 27,854 19,362 49.7# -30.54 000000.019.5420.0091.10.000002 OVERTIME 61 500 0 510 523 2.04 2.54 SALARIES AND WAGES 45,960 19,110 38,730 28,364 19,885 48.44 -29.94 000000.019.5420.0091.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 590 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.019.5420.0091.20.000003 FICA 3,516 1,451 2,963 2,170 1,521 49.6# -29.94 000000.019.5420.0091.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 3,842 1,762 2,584 2,089 1,720 18.6# -17.74 10 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 7,948 3,213 5,547 4,259 3,241 32.6# -23.94 STREET MAINT/SEASONAL HELP 53,908 22,323 44,278 32,623 23,126 46to .14 -29.14 000000.019.5420.0092.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 490,933 519,449 484,920 525,342 579,366 1.14 10.34 000000.019.5420.0092.10.000002 OVERTIME 9,280 25,000 13,106 25,500 26,138 2.0# 2.54 SALARIES AND WAGES 500,214 544,449 498,026 550,842 605,504 1.24 9.94 000000.019.5420.0092.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 36,648 43,309 37,367 41,754 45,897 -3.6# 9.94 to 000000.0 19.54 20-0092.20-000003 FICA 38,261 41,727 38,035 42,139 46,321 1.04 9.94 000000.019.5420.0092.20.000004 MEDICAL 72,291 90,716 71,095 73,800 83,415 -18.6* 73.04 000000.019.5420.0092.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 16,567 20,453 14,411 15,918 17,906 -22.24 12.54 000000.019.5420.0092.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 2,062 2,096 2,054 2,067 2,253 -1.44 9.04 000000.019.5420.0092.20.000009 DENTAL 13,605 18,475 14,575 14,952 16,924 -19.14 13.24 000000.019.5420.0092.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,861 2,446 2,664 N/A 8.94 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 179,433 216,776 179,398 193,076 215,380 -10.94 11.64 fm 000000.0 19-5420.0092.3 1.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,621 7,000 9,802 7,175 7,390 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.31.000035 STREET/ALLEY 69,374 112,000 55,859 114,800 118,244 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.31.000036 SEA WALLS/CEDAR RIVER 0 5,000 73 5,125 5,279 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.31.000037 SIDEWALKS 0 15,000 7,464 15,375 15,836 2.54 3.04 No 000000.019.5420.0092.31.000038 SNOW&ICE 2,278 4,300 7,400 4,408 4,540 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.31.000039 STREET CLEANING 0 1,740 0 1,784 1,838 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.31.000050 JURISDICTION TRF/RAINIER AVE 0 11,833 2,886 7,889 1,972 -33.34 -75.0# go 000000.019.5420.0092.31.000053 SIDEWALK REPAIRS 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 N/A 0.0* CITY OF RENTON 3-47 1995.1996 BUDGET rn EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 103: STREETS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %.Chg' No.jFuadlb3. Acawnt7itic Actual Budget ActuaY Budget Budget 94-'95 95 96' 000000.019.5420.0092.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 4,590 3,500 5,749 3,588 3,696 2.54 3.04 SUPPLIES 84,864 160,373 89,234 185,144 183,795 15.4$ -0.74 000000.019.5420.0092.43.000059 TRAVEL 158 250 289 256 264 2.44 3.14 000000.019.5420.0092.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 1,524 1,550 637 1,589 1,637 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 5,538 2,590 7,028 2,823 2,908 9.04 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.45.000002 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 314,540 309,229 315,257 366,467 411,962 18.54 12.44 000000.019.5420.0092.47.000002 WATER/SEWER/METRO 818 600 1,077 630 662 5.04 5.14 000000.019.5420.0092.47.000007 DUMP FEES 13,254 16,880 32,584 17,302 17,821 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.47.000008 STORM DRAINAGE FEES 209,705 104,905 105,130 110,150 116,292 5.04 5.60 000000.019.5420.0092.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 4,548 10,500 4,446 10,763 11,086 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRATIONS 211 1,000 292 1,025 1,056 2.54 3.04 000000.019.5420.0092.49.000017 LAUNDRY 3,298 4,000 3,721 4,100 4,223 2.54 3.04 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 553,595 451,504 470,460 515,105 567,911 14.14 10.34 000000.019.5420.0092.64.000051 STREET MAINT MACH&EQUIPMENT 5,598 3,000 6,145 0 0 -100.04 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,598 3,000 6,145 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.019.5420.0092.91.000067 STREET MTC REIMB SOL WST MTC 1,001 0 4,823 1,000 1,000 N/A 0.04 000000.019.5420.0092.91.000069 STREET MTC REIMB STORM MTC 3,899 0 507 2,000 2,000 N/A 0.04 000000.019.5420.0092.91.000088 STREET MTC REIMB M1SC 1,955 0 776 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.019.5420.0092.91.000089 STREET REIMB WTR MTC 1,001 0 3,182 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.019.5420.0092.91.000093 STREET REIM WASTE WTR 0 0 1,304 0 0 N/A N/A INTERFUND PAYMENTS FOR SERVICE 7,856 0 10,593 3,000 3,000 N/A 0.04 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 1,331,559 1,376,102 1,253,856 1,447,167 1,575,590 5.24 8.94 000000.019.5420.0097.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 8,208 9,570 1,427 9,761 9,957 2.04 2.04 SALARIES AND WAGES 8,208 9,570 1,427 9,761 9,957 2.04 2.04 000000.019.5420.0097.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 616 760 0 740 755 -2.64 2.04 000000.019.5420.0097.20.000003 FICA 628 733 109 747 762 1.94 2.04 000000.019.5420.0097.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 84 840 15 642 688 -23.64 7.24 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 1,327 2,333 124 2,129 2,205 -8.74 3.69 MAINT ADMIN PARTTIME 9,535 11,903 1,551 11,890 12,162 -0.14 2.34 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 1,640,677 1,699,400 1,569,175 1,773,236 1,904,201 4.34 7.44 000000.019.5810.0010.00.000302 INTERFND LOAN DISB/NARCO ACQ 400,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A INTERFUND LOAN DISBURSEMENTS 400,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A fg 000000.019.5870.0042.56.000501 RESIDUAL EQUITY TRF TO E/R 4,761 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFERS-OUT 4,761 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A ..y SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 904,145 496,257 1,711,983 1,510,571 1,534,300 204.44 1.64 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,002,633 4,247,903 4,008,671 4,406,461 4,642,880 3.74 5.44 SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 404,761 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 5,311,539 4,744,160 5,720,654 5,917,032 6,177,180 24.74 4.44 ^s tI rl CITY OF RENTON 3-48 1995.1996 BUDGET rr FUND 106-LIBRARY FUND REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 2993 1994 19941995 2996 9b Chg '.6;Chg Item Actual Budget : Actual Bud t REVENUES: Budget 94-!:05 95 .. ... Utility Tax/Telephone 996,907 1,102,500 897,714 1,027,500 1,124,550 -6.88 9.48 Charges for Services 13,514 14,150 12,106 14,650 15,150 3.58 3.48 Library Fines 16,787 15,200 17,256 15,600 19,800 2.68 26.98 Investment Interest 11,237 5,000 10,310 10,000 10,000 100.08 0.08 Contributions/Book Sale 2,271 1,000 1,950 1,000 1,500 0.08 50.08 i Other Miscellaneous Revenue 36 0 500 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL REVENUES 1,040,752 1,137,850 939,837 1,068,750 1,171,000 -6.18 9.68 to EXPENDITURES: Regular Salaries 524,990 563,888 574,799 580,381 603,247 2.98 3.98 Part Time Salaries 89,024 108,000 102,202 110,160 138,012 2.0# 25.38 Overtime 992 4,200 233 4,284 4,391 2.08 2.58 we Personnel Benefits 160,560 199,726 183,014 189,705 199,055 -5.08 4.98 Supplies 12,336 14,800 17,401 15,171 19,226 2.58 26.78 Supplies/Library Books 146,793 114,000 123,554 116,850 120,356 2.58 3.08 Professional Services 21,464 23,400 22,894 24,021 24,783 2.78 3.28 Postage/Telephone/Other 416 600 476 615 633 2.58 2.98 Travel/Training 1,591 4,300 2,077 5,808 5,940 35.18 2.38 Other Rentals 6,148 11,000 5,625 6,275 613 -43.08 -90.28 Ylif Repairs&Maintenance 8,546 6,300 5,399 10,023 16,174 59.18 61.48 Miscellaneous 1,833 2,650 1,439 2,716 2,797 2.58 3.08 Ca ital Outlay 0 0 0 0 18,000 0.08 100.08 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 974,693 1,052,864 1,039,114 1,066,009 1,153,227 1.28 8.28 40 Fund Balance,January 1 276,239 250,894 342,298 367,082 369,823 46.38 0. 78 Revenues 1,040,752 1,137,850 939,837 1,068,750 1,171,000 -6.18 9.68 Expenditures (974,693) (1,052,864) (1,039,114) (1,066,009) (1,153,227) 1.28 8.28 Fund Balance,December 31 342,298 335,880 243,021 369,823 387,596 10.18 4.88 Operating Reserves 77,975 84,229 83,129 85,281 92,258 1.28 8.28 Undesignated Fund Balance 264,323 251,651 159,891 284,542 295,339 13.18 3.88 to The Library Fund accounts for the operation of two City libraries. It is a part of general governmental funds,since the majority of support for library services is derived from general tax revenues. In 1995,96%of the resources will come from telephone utility tax,with 4%from service charges for public telephones and copy machines,library fines,investment interest,and contributions from the annual book sale. 1995 revenues are projected to decrease 6.1%from the 1994 adopted Budget,while expenditures will increase 1.2%over 1994 adopted figures. Budget and program information is in the Operating Budget(Section 2). Library Fund revenue and expenditure detail is provided on the following pages. YrU irll CITY OF RENTON 3-49 1995-1996 BUDGET wr REVENUE DETAIL FUND 106: LIBRARY 1993 1994 1994 1995 19961 %Chg %Ghg 1AcctNo4Fund,106, Accous►LTltle Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 93 96 00000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 276,239 250,894 342,298 367,082 369,823 46.3* 0.7* 000000.000.3160.0047.00.000000 UTILITY TAX-PHONE/TELEGRAPH 996,907 1,102,500 897,714 1,027,500 1,124,550 -6.80 9.4# TAXES 996,907 1,102,500 897,714 1,027,500 1,124,550 -6.8* 9.4* 000000.000.3410.0060.00.000001 PHOTOCOPIES 13,483 14,000 12,106 14,500 15,000 3.6* 3.4* 000000.000.3410.0070.00.000000 CONCESS/VEND MACH/PHONE 31 150 0 150 150 0.0* 0.0* CHARGES FOR SERVICES 13,514 14,150 12,106 14,650 15,150 3.5* 3.4* 000000.000.3590.0070.00.000000 LIBRARY FINES 16,197 14,000 16,173 15,000 19,000 7.1* 26.7# 000000.000.3590.0070.00.000001 UBRARY PAST DUE COLLECTION 590 1,200 1,084 600 800 -50.0* 33.3* FINES AND FORFEITS 16,787 15,200 17,256 15,600 19,800 2.6* 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 11,237 5,000 10,310 10,000 10,000 100.0* 0.00 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000000 CONTRIB FROM PRIVATE SOURCES 0 0 500 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3670.0000.00.000005 CONTRIBUTION/PRIVATE/BOOK SALE 2,271 1,000 1,950 1,000 1,500 0.0# 50.0* 000000.000.3690.0090.00.000018 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 36 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 13,544 6,000 12,760 11,000 11,500 83.3* 4.5* GRANDTOTAL 1,316,991 1,388,744 1,282,135 1,435,832 1,540,823 3.4# 7.3* si I� r i r t Io CITY OF RENTON 3.50 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 106: LIBRARY 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct Na.JFund 106- A Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 342,298 335,880 243,021 369,823 387,596 10.10 4.81 up 000000.021.5720.00 10.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 154,882 181,614 184,551 155,928 163,064 -14.1$ 4.6$ 000000.021.5720.0010.10.000002 OVERTIME 173 1,600 0 1,632 1,673 2.00 2.5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 155,056 183,214 184,551 157,560 164,737 -14.0$ 4.6$ as 000000.021.5720.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 11,672 14,539 13,981 11,943 12,487 -17.9$ 4.6$ 000000.021.5720.0010.20.000003 FICA 11,164 13,266 13,475 12,053 12,602 -9.1$ 4.6$ 000000.021.5720.0010.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 15,613 31,001 21,105 16,176 16,742 -47.80 3.5$ 000000.021.5720.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 579 730 681 560 588 -23.3$ 5.0$ 6v 000000.021.5720.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 545 723 650 598 616 -17.3$ 3.0# 000000.021.5720.0010.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 3,202 6,120 4,980 3,888 4,051 -36.5$ 4.2$ 000000.021.5720.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 651 716 737 N/A 2.9# PERSONNEL BENEFITS 42,775 66,379 55,523 45,934 47,823 -30.8$ 4.1# 1w 000000.021.5720.0010.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,145 4,100 4,889 2,203 2,329 -46.3$ 5.7$ SUPPLIES 1,145 4,100 4,889 2,203 2,329 -46.3$ 5.7# 000000.021.5720.0010.43.000037 LIBRARY TRAVEL 881 1,200 1,289 200 200 -83.3$ 0.0# up 000000.021.5720.0010.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 710 3,100 788 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.021.5720.0010.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 5,369 3,800 2,318 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.021.5720.0010.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 1,304 1,800 964 100 100 -94.4$ 0.0# OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 8,264 9,900 5,359 300 300 -97.0$ 0.00 ww LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION 207,240 263,593 250,322 205,997 215,189 -21.9$ 4.5$ 000000.021.5720.0020.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 370,107 382,274 390,249 391,870 406,785 2.5# 3.8# 000000.021.5720.0020.10.000002 OVERTIME/VACATION RELIEF 818 2,600 233 2,652 2,718 2.0# 2.5$ SALARIES AND WAGES 370,925 384,874 390,482 394,522 409,503 2.5$ 3.8# 000000.021.5720.0020.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 27,123 30,559 28,615 29,111 30,227 -4.7# 3.8# 000000.021.5720.0020.20.000003 FICA 28,247 29,443 29,835 30,181 31,327 2.5$ 3.8# ow 000000.021.5720.0020.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 42,832 50,221 45,562 47,340 48,997 -5.7# 3.5# 000000.021.5720.0020.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,064 2,025 2,036 2,678 2,811 32.2$ 5.0# 000000.021.5720.0020.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 1,440 1,577 1,505 1,506 1,551 -4.5# 3.0# 000000.021.5720.0020.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 6,485 8,385 7,357 7,596 7,915 -9.4# 4.24 6w 000000.021.5720.0020.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 1,614 1,751 1,804 N/A 3.0# PERSONNEL BENEFITS 108,191 122,210 116,524 120,163 124,632 -1.7$ 3.7# 000000.021.5720.0020.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10,002 9,600 11,117 11,840 15,735 23.3$ 32.9$ to 000000.021.5720.0020.31.000026 LIBRARY BOOKS/OTHER MATL 146,794 114,000 123,555 116,850 120,356 2.5$ 3.0# SUPPLIES 156,796 123,600 134,671 128,690 136,091 4.1$ 5.8$ 000000.021.5720.0020.41.000054 LIBRARY PROGRAMS 492 500 368 548 606 9.6# 10.6# 000000.021.5720.0020.41.000093 PROFESSIONAL SERV/LASER CAT 19,934 21,700 21,500 22,243 22,910 2.5$ 3.0# 40 000000.021.5720.0020.41.000178 LIBRARY PAST DUE COLLECTION 1,038 1,200 1,026 1,230 1,267 2.5$ 3.0# 000000.021.5720.0020.42.000002 TELEPHONE 416 600 476 615 633 2.5$ 2.9$ 000000.021.5720.0020.43.000037 LIBRARY TRAVEL 0 0 0 1,030 1,067 N/A 3.6# go 000000.021.5720.0020.43.000060 TRAINING&SCHOOLS 0 0 0 3,178 3,273 N/A 3.01 000000.021.5720.0020.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 6,148 11,000 5,625 6,275 613 -43.0$ -90.2$ 000000.021.5720.0020.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 8,895 15,012 N/A 68.8$ 000000.021.5720.0020.49.000006 PRI NTI NG&BI N DI NG 529 850 475 871 897 2.5$ 3.0$ 11w 000000.021.5720.0020.49.000012 MEMBERSHIPS&REGISTRA 0 0 0 1,745 1,800 N/A 3.2$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 28,557 35,850 29,470 46,630 48,078 30.1$ 3.1$ 000000.021.5720.0020.64.000043 LIBRARY MACHINERY&EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 18,000 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 18,000 N/A N/A LIBRARY SERVICES 664,469 666,534 671,147 690,005 736,304 3.5$ 000000.021.5720.0021.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 89,024 108,000 102,202 110,160 138,012 2.0$ 25.3$ SALARIES AND WAGES 89,024 108,000 102,202 110,160 138,012 2.0# 25.3$ 000000.021.5720.0021.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 1,588 1,856 1,694 1,965 2,004 5.9$ 2.00 000000.021.5720.0021.20.000003 FICA 6,811 8,262 7,819 8,427 10,558 2.0# 25.30 000000.021.5720.0021.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 1,194 1,019 1,454 711 1,135 -30.2$ 59.6# 81 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 9,593 11,137 10,967 11,103 13,697 -0.3$ 23.4$ LIBRARY PARTTIME 98,617 119,137 113,169 121,263 151,709 1.80 25.1$ CITY OF RENTON 3.51 1995-1996 BUDGET I EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 106: LIBRARY 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %,chg lAcct No f F imd 106. Acmrn t Titic Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95 96' 000000.021.5720.0050.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,189 1,100 1,395 1,128 1,162 2.58 3.08 SUPPLIES 1,189 1,100 1,395 1,128 1,162 2.58 3.08 000000.021.5720.0050.48.000000 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 2,413 1,100 3,081 1,128 1,162 2.58 3.08 000000.021.5720.0050.48.000002 FIRE ALARM SYS MTC/LIBR 764 1,400 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,177 2,500 3,081 1,128 1,162 -54.98 3.08 LIBRARY FACILITIES 4,367 3,600 4,477 2,256 2,324 -37.38 3.08 TOTAL LIBRARIES 974,693 1,052,864 1,039,114 1,019,521 1,105,526 -3.28 8.48 000000.02I.5750.0030.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 32,583 33,398 N/A 2.58 SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 32,583 33,398 N/A 2.58 000000.021.5750.0030.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 0 0 2,470 2,532 N/A 2.58 000000.021.5750.0030.20.000003 FICA 0 0 0 2,493 2,555 N/A 2.58 000000.021.5750.0030.20.000004 PREPAID MEDICAL 0 0 0 5,820 6,024 N/A 3.58 000000.021.5750.0030.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 140 147 N/A 5.08 000000.021.5750.0030.20.000007 LIFE INSURANC 0 0 0 132 136 N/A 3.08 000000.021.5750.0030.20.000009 PREPAID DENTAL 0 0 0 1,296 1,350 N/A 4.28 000000.021.5750.0030.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 0 154 159 N/A 3.28 PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 0 0 12,505 12,903 N/A 3.28 000000.021.5750.0030.43.000067 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 0 0 0 1,400 1,400 N/A 0.08 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 1,400 1,400 N/A 0.08 MUSEUM 0 0 0 46,488 47,701 N/A 2.6# i SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 342,298 335,880 243,021 369,823 387,596 10.18 4.88 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 974,693 1,052,864 1,039,114 1,066,009 1,153,227 1.28 8.28 SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 1,316,991 1,388,744 1,282,135 1,435,832 1,540,823 3.487.38 r i CITY OF RENTON 3.52 1995.1996 BUDGET FUND 207/212/215-LIMITED GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUNDS REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 96'Chg °Xo Chg Item Actual Budget > Actual Budget Budget 94,w15 95-96 REVENUES: Property Tax(General Levy) 860,472 878,151 878,151 909,500 689,500 3.68 -24.2# wo Real Estate Excise Tax 377,819 350,000 487,449 350,000 353,500 0.08 1.08 Investment Interest 7,811 2,500 11,508 6,300 6,400 152.0# 1.6# GO Ref Bond Proceeds 2,086,750 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL REVENUES 3,332,852 1,230,651 1,377,108 1,265,800 1,049,400 2.98 -17.1# r EXPENDITURES: Debt Service:Principal 741,060 809,582 809,288 901,421 731,787 11.3# -18.88 Payment to Ref Trustee 2,047,603 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Debt Service:Interest 525,842 420,618 419,713 358,501 308,899 -14.8# -13.8# TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,314,505 1,230,200 1,229,001 1,259,922 1,040,686 2.48 -17.4# to Fund Balance,January 1 335,772 272,046 354,119 358,689 364,567 31.88 1.68 Revenues 3,332,852 1,230,651 1,377,108 1,265,800 1,049,400 2.9# -17.1# Expenditures (3,314,505) (1,230,200) (1,229,001) (1,259,922) (1,040,686) 2.4# -17.4# Fund Balance,December 31 354,119 272,497 502,226 364,567 373,281 33.8# 2.4# Reserved for Debt Service 354,119 272,497 502,226 364,567 373,281 33.88 2.48 Designated Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Council-Approved(Limited)General Obligation Debt includes the 1978 issue for the Senior Center Construction; 1986 and 1993 refunding issues for Community Center construction,wetlands property acquisition,Main Library renovation,Golf Course acquisition and improvements,Waterworks Utility water rights,and equipment rental needs; 1989 refunding issue for the City Shop facility; 1989 issue for short term space needs,fire equipment,equipment rental replacement and additions,and parks and street projects; 1992 issue for equipment rental replacements,central computer replacement, 100'ariel ladder replacement,life support vehicle replacement, Glacier Park wetlands acquisition,Black River open space,and Community Center computer system. Installment Contracts and capital leases outstanding include the 1988 land purchase from King County,the 1989 telephone system lease,the 1990 Holm real estate contract and mortgage,the 1990 leases for two Print Shop copiers,and 1991 Print Shop printing press lease. Golf Course,Waterworks Utility,and Equipment Rental Funds'related debt requirements are included in those funds. to The balance outstanding as of December 31, 1994 for limited general obligation bonds,installment contracts,and capital leases was $11.8 million. The debt is primarily financed by the general property tax levy and real estate excise taxes,except for the debt accounted for in proprietary funds. For additional information on long term debt,see the Appendix section of this document Revenue and to expenditure detail for each limited general obligation bond fund and miscellaneous debt fund is on the following pages. CITY OF RENTON 3-53 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 207: 1978 LIMITED GO BONDS-SR CENTER 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg 0/6 Chg Acct No<JFumd 207, Account Title Actual Rodger Actual SudgB et udgct 94-95 95-96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 61,430 64,151 64,611 63,160 64,290 -1.5f 1.89 000000.000.3110.0010.00.000000 REAL&PERS PROPERTY TAXES 76,635 74,380 74,380 73,900 74,500 -0.6Y 0.84 # TAXES 76,635 74,380 74,380 73,900 74,500 -0.6$ 0.88 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 1,047 500 987 500 500 0.0$ 0.0$ 114 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 1,047 500 987 500 500 0.0i 0.06 GRAND TOTAL 139,112 139,031 139,978 137,560 139,290 -1.19 1.39 EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 207: 1978 LIMITED GO BONDS-SR CENTER a 1993 1994 1994> 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg lAcct No/ftnd 207, Account Title Actual Budget Actual BudgetBudget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 64,611 62,651 63,458 64,290 64,427 2.6$ 0.29 000000.033.5910.0055.71.000001 78 LIM GO/SR CTR/PRINCIPAL 55,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 0.08 8.36 000000.033.5920.0055.00.000000 1978 LIMITED GO BONDS/SR CTR 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A REDEMPTION OF GENERAL LT DEBT 55,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 0.0 8.31 000000.033.5920.0055.83.000005 78 LIM GO/SR CTR/INTEREST 19,414 16,380 16,380 13,170 9,763 -19.6$ -25.9$ 000000.033.5920.0055.85.000000 DEBT REGISTRATION COSTS 88 0 139 100 100 N/A 0.08 INTEREST&OTHER DEBT SERVICE COSTS 19,502 16,380 16,519 13,270 9,863 -19.08 -25.7§ SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 64,611 62,651 63,458 64,290 64,427 2.6B 0.19 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 74,502 76,380 76,519 73,270 74,863 -4.1$ 2.2# SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 139,112 139,031 139,978 137,560 139,290 -1.19 1.3f t ilk CITY OF RENTON 3.54 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 212: 1989 LIMITED GO REFUNDING BONDS-SHOP 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %,Chg Acct No:/Food 212. Atcou>atTitk Actual Budget ;:Actual Budget Budget 94-95 9S-96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 53,805 63,278 64,474 60,149 60,451 -4.9$ 0.5$ io 000000.000.3110.0010.00.000000 REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 297,138 280,798 280,798 290,000 295,000 3.3$ 1.7$ TAXES 297,138 280,798 280,798 290,000 295,000 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 1,980 500 1,338 800 900 60.0$ 12.5$ MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 1,980 500 1,338 800 900 60.0$ 11.5$ GRAND TOTAL 352r923 344,576 346,610 350,949 356,351 1.8# 1.5$ 11i EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 212: 1989 LIMITED GO REFUNDING BONDS-SHOP 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct o./Fund 212: Account Title Actual Budget ?►ctuea Budget Budget 94-95 95-961 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 64,474 58,043 60,539 60,451 62,970 4.1# 4.2$ 000000.033.5910.0096.71.000016 89 LIM GO REF/PRINCIPAL 145,000 155,000 155,000 170,000 185,000 9.7# 8.8# REDEMPTION OF GENERAL LT DEBT 145,000 155,000 155,000 170,000 185,000 9.7# 8.8$ 000000.033.5920.0096.83.000010 89 L1M GO REF/INTEREST 143,035 131,398 131,298 120,348 108,231 -8.4# -10.1$ 000000.033.5920.0096.85.000013 89 LIM GO REF/DEBT REGISTRA 414 135 (227) 150 150 11.1$ 0.0 INTEREST&OTHER DEBT SERVICE COSTS 143,449 131,533 131,071 120,498 108,381 -8.4 -10.1$ SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 64,474 58,043 60,539 60,451 62,970 4.1$ 4.2$ SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 288,449 286,533 286,071 290,498 293,381 1.4$ 1.0$ SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 352,923 344,576 346,610 350,949 356,351 1.8$ 1.5$ Y11 i fIr ow row CITY OF RENTON 3.55 1995.1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 215: GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEBT 1993 1994 1994 1995 19961, 1 Chg f/o Chg Acct No./Fund 2i5. Account Title Actual Budget Actual BudgetBudget 94 >95 95-96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 220,537 144,617 225,034 235,380 239,826 62.8$ 1.9$ 000000.000.3110.0010.00.000000 REAL&PERS PROPERTY TAXES 486,699 522,973 522,973 545,600 320,000 4.3$ -41.3$ 000000.000.3180.0034.00.000000 REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX 377,819 350,000 487,449 350,000 353,500 0.0$ 1.0$ TAXES 864,518 872,973 1,010,422 895,600 673,500 2.69 000000.000.36 10.00 11.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 4,784 1,500 9,183 5,000 5,000 233.3$ 0.0$ MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 4,784 1,500 9,183 5,000 5,000 233.3$ 0.0$ 000000.000.3930.0000.00.000000 1993 LIM GO REF BOND PROCEEDS 2,086,750 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 2,086,750 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A GRAND TOTAL 3,176,589 1,019,090 1,244,639 1,135,980 918,326 11.5$ -19.2$ EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 215: GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL MISCELLANEOUS DEBT 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996< %Chg %'Ch9 Acct No,/Fund 215. Account Titic Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 225,034 151,803 378,228 239,826 245,884 58.0$ 2.5$ 000000.033.5910.0019.71.000008 1985 GGMD GO BONDS/PRINCIPAL (100) 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.033.5910.0019.71.000009 1986 GGMD GO BONDS/PRINCIPAL 235,875 212,500 212,500 223,125 242,250 5.0$ 8.6$ 000000.033.5910.0019.7 1.0000 10 1989 GGMD GO BONDS/PRINCIPAL 76,095 84,105 84,105 88,110 96,120 4.8$ 9.1$ 000000.033.5910.0019.71.000020 1992 GGMD GO BONDS/PRINCIPAL 80,850 88,550 88,550 92,400 96,250 4.3$ 4.2$ 000000.033.5910.0019.71.000046 1993 GO REFUNDING BONDS/PRINC 0 51,000 51,000 34,000 36,125 -33.3$ 6.3$ 000000.033.5910.0019.75.000088 SHOP PROPERTY PRINCIPAL/K CO 8,295 9,125 9,125 10,038 11,042 10.0$ 10.0$ 000000.033.5910.0019.75.000089 89 PHONE SYSTEM/LEASE PUR PRIN 111,413 120,597 120,597 96,928 0 -19.6$ -100.0$ 000000.033.5910.0019.75.000090 HOLM PROPERTY PRINCIPAL 28,632 28,705 28,411 126,820 0 341.8$ -100.0$ REDEMPTION OF GENERAL LT DEBT 541,060 594,582 594,288 671,421 481,787 12.9$ -28.2$ 000000.033.5920.0019.83.000025 1993 INTEREST/LIM GO REFUNDING 28,359 91,208 91,209 89,850 88,550 -1.5$ -1.49 000000.033.5920.0019.83.000038 19861NTEREST/GGM DEBT 126,394 41,187 41,167 25,717 8,842 -37.6$ -65.6$ 000000.033.5920.0019.83.000046 19891NTEREST/GGM DEBT 70,492 65,324 65,324 59,683 53,555 -8.6$ -10.3$ 000000.033.5920.0019.83.000053 19921NTEREST/EQUIPMT 50,929 41,552 41,551 38,695 35,753 -6.4$ -8.1$ 000000.033.5920.0019.83.000088 SHOP PROPERTY INTEREST/KING CO 6,352 5,571 5,523 4,659 3,655 -16.4$ -21.5$ 000000.033.5920.0019.83.000089 PHONE SYSTEM/LEASE PURCH/INT 23,028 13,844 13,844 3,903 0 -71.8$ -100.0$ 000000.033.5920.0019.83.000090 HOLM PROPERTY/INTEREST 17,913 13,719 12,887 1,726 0 -87.4$ -100.0$ 000000.033.5920.0019.85.000000 DEBT REGISTRATION COSTS 338 300 (129) 300 300 0.0$ 0.09 000000.033.5920.0019.89.000007 OTHER DEBT SERVICE COSTS 0 0 21 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.033.5920.0096.84.000025 DEBT ISSUE COSTS/1993 GO REF 39,087 0 706 0 0 N/A N/A INTEREST&OTHER DEBT SERVICE DOSTS 362,892 272,705 272,123 224,733 190,655 -17.6$ -15.2$ 000000.033.5930.0010.71.000025 PMT TO REFNDG TRUSTEE/1993 GO 2,047,603 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A REFUNDING PROCEEDS/TRUSTEES 2,047,603 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 225,034 151,803 378,228 239,826 245,884 58.0$ 2.5$ SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,951,555 867,287 866,410 896,154 672,442 3.3$ -25.0$ SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 3,176,589 1,019,090 1,244,639 1,135,980 918,326 11.5$ CITY OF RENTON 3-56 1995-1996 BUDGET SPEMAL�N,M EMM'. t El s AW FUND: 102-ARTERIAL STREET FUND REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE r 1998 .1.994 1994 1995 1996 'h Chg !L Chg Item Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 9t-96 4~ REVENUES: Federal Grants 43,959 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Arterial Street Fuel Tax 310,515 329,937 316,201 322,300 325,000 -2.3# 0.8$ Investment Interest 2,475 2,000 8,446 5,000 5,000 150.0# 0.08 TOTAL REVENUES 356,950 331,937 324,647 327,300 330,000 -1.4$ r EXPENDITURES: Trf-Out to CIP/Overlay Program 279,500 320,000 53,274 320,000 320,000 0.0$ 0.08 Capital Outlay(Transportation C 36,568 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 316,068 320,000 53,274 320,000 320,000 0.0$ 0.08 4 Fund Balance,January 1 38,778 40,588 79,660 41,097 48,397 1.3$ 17.8$ Revenues 356,950 331,937 324,647 327,300 330,000 -1.48 0.8$ 'W Expenditures (316,068) (320,000) (53,274) (320,000) (320,000) 0.09 0.0$ Fund Balance,December 31 79,660 52,525 351,033 48,397 58,397 -7.9$ 20.7.9 Designated Fund Balance 79,660 52,525 351,033 48,397 58,397 -7.99 20. 7$ 10 The Arterial Street Fund was established pursuant to state law allocating the one-half cent State Gasoline Tax revenue to cities and towns for construction,improvements,and major repair of streets. In order for a project to qualify for funding,it has to be a part of the 4W City's Six Year Transportation Improvement Program and must be approved by the State Highway Department's District State Aid Engineer. This fund allows the City to accomplish approved projects using either City forces or contractors,and provides the capability of matching L.I.D.participation and outside agency grants. In 1995 and 1996,$320,000 will be transferred to the Transportation to Capital Improvement Program(CIP)Fund 317,to provide funding for the continuing street overlay program. Revenue and expenditure detail is on the following pages. Wr era Ora �wr dwr CITY OF RENTON 3-57 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 102: ARTERIAL STREETS 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct No/Fund 102. AccounLTltle Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 38,778 40,586 79,660 41,097 48,397 1.3$ 17.8$ =" 000064.000.3330.0020.20.000000 BRONSON WAY N/RAILROAD CR/FAS 43,959 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3360.0000.88.000000 ARTERIAL STREET FUEL TAX 4.61% 310,515 329f937 316,201 322,300 325,000 -2.3$ 0.8$ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 354,475 329,937 316,201 322,300 325,000 -2.3$ 0.8#1 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 2,475 2,000 8,44 6 5,000 5,000 150.0$ 0.0# MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 2,475 2,000 8,446 5,000 5,000 150.0$ 0.0# GRANDTOTAL 395,728 372,525 404,307 368,397 379,397 -1.1$ 2.70 EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 102: ARTERIAL STREETS r 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 '10 Chg °/6 Chg Acct No./Fund 102. Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-961 ? 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 79,660 52,525 351,033 48,397 58,397 -7.9$ 20.7$ 000064.016.5950.0050.68.000000 STRUCTURES 36,568 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A BRONSON WAY N RR CROSSING 36,568 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 0 12108.016.5970.0095.55.000007 OVERLAY PROG TRANSFER TO CIP 279,500 320,000 53,274 320,000 320,000 0.0# 0.0# STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 279,500 320,000 53,274 320,000 320,000 0.0# 0.0$ SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 79,660 52,525 351,033 48,397 58,397 -7.9$ 20.7$ SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 36,568 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 279,500 320,000 53,274 320,000 320,000 0.0# 0.0$ TOTAL 395,728 372,525 404,307 368,397 378,397 -1.1$ w.� CITY OF RENTON 3.58 1995.1996 BUDGET to FUND 104- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 1 3 1994 .1994 19 5 i9 9�o Chg SYo.Chg IEem ,9ctua3 Budget Actual Bud t Eu t 94-95 95-96 an REVENUES: Federal Comm Dev Block Grants 249,930 350,354 227,716 406,541 0 16.0$ -100.08 TOTAL REVENUES 249,930 350,354 227,716 406,541 0 16.08 -100.0$ 'w EXPENDITURES: Salaries 59,850 57,308 69,579 101,543 0 77.28 -100.0$ Personnel Benefits 12,533 14,264 19,131 29,177 0 104.58 -100.08 W Supplies 11,591 37,866 15,776 20,400 0 -46.18 -100.08 Professional Services 50,572 50,945 70,508 121,535 0 138.68 -100.08 Postage/Telephone/Other 407 518 490 600 0 15.88 -100.08 Travel/Training 544 1,472 963 2,700 0 83.48 -100.08 Yi9 Rentals&Leases 1,200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Repairs&Maintenance 0 2,715 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A Miscellaneous 9,862 24,784 13,208 2,000 0 -91.98 -100.08 Ca ita]Outlay 91,673 160,482 132,069 128,586 0 -19.98 -100.08 140 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 238,232 350,354 321,726 406,541 0 16.09 -100.08 Fund Balance,January 1 (49,819) 23,775 (38,121) (38,121) (38,121) -260.38 0.08 dw Revenues 249,930 350,354 227,716 406,541 0 16.08 -100.08 Expenditures (238,232) (350,354) (321,726) (406,541) 0 16.08 -100.08 Fund Balance,December 31 (38,121) 23,775 (132,132) (38,121) (38,121) -260.38 0.08 Designated Fund Balance (38,121) 23,775 (132,132) (38,121) (38,121) -260.38 0.08 Prn Amount BLOCK GRANT-HUMAN SERVICES Apple Parenting Program 5,000 Connections(Respite Can for Seniors) 9,888 Emergency Feeding Program 5,888 Senior Services(Senior Activity Center): Visiting Nurse Services 16,370 Senior Transportation 16,960 VAW Sub-Total 64,106 BLOCK GRANT CAPITAL PROJECTS City of Renton Housing Assistance Program 152,100 tw Library Reading Machine 6,000 City of Renton Lake Washington ADA,Phase I 122,586 Sub-Total 280,686 41W BLOCK GRANT PLANNING&ADMINISTRATION Planning&Administration 71,749 Sub-Total 71,749 TOTAL 1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS 406,541 ilr ow 'v Ow aw CITY OF RENTON 3-59 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 104: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 1993 1994 1994 1945 1996'' 1/6:Chg 96 Chg Acct No.f Fund 104d►cx ount'I itlr Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-99 95-96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 OPENING FUND BALANCE (49,819) 23,775 (36,121) (38,121) (38,121) -260.34 0.04 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000013 C776-92 RAMSC PROGRAM SUPPORT 2,374 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000014 C852-92 RENTON HSNG AUTH TRAIN 856 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000015 C677-92 SENIOR SERV PROGRAM 9,270 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000016 C751-92 HOUSING ASSIST PROGRAM 28,897 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000017 C507-92 PLANNING&ADMIN 500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000021 C751-93 HOUSING ASST PROG 64,434 0 34,015 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000022 C856-93 APPLE PARENT PROG 3,063 0 375 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000024 C858-93 CONNECTIONS 2,958 0 1,042 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000025 C776-93 CLOTHES BANK 3,441 0 1,147 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000026 C859-93 VISITING NURSE SVC 9,983 0 3,517 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000027 C677-93 VAN-GO 10,125 0 3,375 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000028 C860-93 NW AIDS FOUNDATION 600 0 600 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000029 C507-93 PIANNING&ADMIN 13,782 0 3,979 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000030 C507-94 PLANNING&ADMIN 0 31,092 27,014 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000031 C751-94 HOUSING ASST PROG 0 109,700 76,795 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000032 C856-94 APPLE PARENT PROD 0 5,000 3,835 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000033 C858-94 CONNECTIONS 0 9,640 8,080 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000034 C859-94 VISITING NURSE SVC 0 15,300 12,891 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000035 C863-94 SR TRANS SUPPORT 0 13,500 8,022 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000036 C865-94 EMERG FEEDING PROG 0 5,640 4,230 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000040 C856-95 APPLE PARENTING PROD 0 0 0 5,000 0 N/A -100.09 g 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000041 C865 95 EMERGENCY FEEDING PROG 0 0 0 5,888 0 N/A -100.04 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000042 C858-95 CONNECTIONS(ADULT DC) 0 0 0 9,888 0 N/A -100.04 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000043 C677-95 SR ACT CTR TRANSPORT 0 0 0 16,960 0 N/A -100.04 A 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000044 C859-95 VISIT NURSE SVC/SR CTR 0 0 0 16,370 0 N/A -100.09 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000045 C751-95 HOUSING ASSIST PROGRAM 0 0 0 152,100 0 N/A -100.04 000000.000.3330.0014.20.000046 C507-95 PLANNING&ADMIN 0 0 0 71,749 0 N/A -100.04 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000002 C777-85 HIGHLANDS WALKWAYS 14,249 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000009 C777-87 N HILND WLKWY PHASE IB 11,870 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000024 C853-93 LIBERTY PK PLYGRND 0 0 695 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000025 C854-93 SR CTR ROOF REPL 35,555 0 8,445 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000026 C855 93 KC SEXUAL ASSAULT 0 0 1,700 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000027 C000-93 MULTI SERVICE CTR 17 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000028 C862-93 LIBERTY PK RESTRMS PHI 0 0 19,533 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000029 C864-93 MULTI SVC CTR ROOF REP 0 0 2,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000047 C000-95 LIBRARY READING MACH 0 0 0 6,000 0 N/A -100.04 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000048 C000-95 LK WA 13THSE-GR ADA 0 0 0 122,586 0 N/A -100.04 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000080 C777-88 N HILND WLKWY PHASE II 595 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000081 C846-92 SENIOR CENTER GREENHSE 19,221 0 6,427 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000082 C847-92 LIBRARY LANDSCAPE PROD 14,900 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000089 C845-91 N HILND CTR PHASE 111 3,239 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000095 C862-94 LIBERTY PK RESTRMS 0 70,000 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000096 C867-94 6TH FL ADA RESTRMS 0 63,450 0 0 0 -100.04 N/A 000000.000.3330.0014.21.000097 C866-94 N H HILND LIB ADA 0 27,032 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 249,930 350,354 227,716 406,541 0 16.04 -100.04 GRAND TOTAL 200,111 374,129 189,594 368,420 (38,121) -1.59 -110.34 A't CITY OF RENTON 3.60 1995-1996 BUDGET �r EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 104: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 /6 Chg %Chg Acct No./Fund 104., Account Titk Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-9S 95-961 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE (38,121) 23,775 (132,132) (38,121) (38,121) -260.3$ 0.0$ to 000000.OA7.5590.0001.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 0 0 21,506 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 21,506 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0001.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 0 1,630 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0001.20.000003 FICA 0 0 1,645 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0001.20.000004 MEDICAL 0 0 3,689 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0001.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 0 125 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0001.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 88 0 0 N/A N/A to 000000.OA7.5590.0001.20.000009 DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 818 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0001.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 80 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 0 8,075 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.0A7.5590.0001.43.000020 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 0 400 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 400 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C507-94 PLANNING&ADMIN 0 0 29,981 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0002.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 600 0 N/A -100.0$ SUPPLIES 0 0 0 600 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0002.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 0 0 69,149 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0002.41.000079 CONSULTANTS/EMERGENCY REPAIR 0 0 0 2,000 0 N/A -100.0$ 4w OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 71,149 0 N/A -100.0$ HCD/C507-95 PLANNING&A-DMN 0 0 0 71,749 0 N/A -100.0$ as 000000.OA7.5590.0004.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 0 15,300 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 15,300 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C859.94 VISITING NURSE SVC 0 0 15,300 0 0 N/A N/A to 000000.OA7.5590,0005.41.000010 RESPITE CARE 0 0 9,640 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 9,640 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C858-94 CONNECTIONS 0 0 9,640 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0006.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 0 0 16,370 0 N/A -100.0$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 16,370 0 N/A -100.0$ HCD/C859-95 VISITING NURSE 0 0 0 16,370 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0007.10,000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 10,303 0 N/A -100.0$ SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 10,303 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0007.20.000001 RETIREMENT/WPERS 0 0 0 781 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0007.20.000003 FICA 0 0 0 788 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0007.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 848 0 N/A -100.0$ PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 0 0 2,417 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0007.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 0 0 4,240 0 N/A -100.0$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 4,240 0 N/A -100.0$ HCD/C863-95 SENIOR TRANSPORT 0 0 0 16,960 0 N/A -100.0$ to 000000.OA7.5590.0008.41.000009 CONSULTANT/EMERG FEED PROG 0 0 0 5,888 0 N/A -100.0$ OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 5,888 0 N/A -100.0$ HCD/C865-95 EMERG FEED PROG 0 0 0 5,888 0 N/A -100.0$ to 000000.OA7.5590.0010.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 0 0 0 91,240 0 N/A -100.0$ SALARIES AND WAGES 0 0 0 91,240 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 0 0 5,058 0 N/A -100.0$ IV 000000.OA7.5590.0010.20.000003 FICA 0 0 0 6,980 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.20.000004 MEDICAL 0 0 0 8,760 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 3,679 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 0 0 0 259 0 N/A -100.0$ 4W 000000.OA7.5590.0010.20.000009 DENTAL 0 0 0 1,716 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 0 308 0 N/A -100.0$ Ow CITY OF RENTON 3-61 1995.1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 104: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT I 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg' Acct Na:%Fwuud iU4. Acxnuntluk Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 ,v PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 0 0 26,760 0 N/A -100.Of 000000.OA7.5590.0010.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 17,800 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.35.000000 SMALL TOOLS/MINOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 2,000 0 N/A -100.09 SUPPLIES 0 0 0 19,800 0 N/A -100.0# 000000.OA7.5590.0010.41.000079 CONSULTANTS/EMERGENCY REPAIR 0 0 0 11,000 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.42.000008 COMMUNICATIONS/CD 0 0 0 600 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.43.000020 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 0 0 700 0 N/A -100.0$ 000000.OA7.5590.0010.49.000046 DEFERRED HOME IMPROVEMENT LO 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0010.49.000050 LONG CO SOLID WASTE FEES 0 0 0 2,000 0 N/A -100.0# OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 14,300 0 N/A -100.0# HCD/C751-95 HOUSING ASST PROG 0 0 0 152,100 0 N/A -100.0# ii 000000.OA7.5590.0011.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 0 33,358 48,074 0 0 -100.Of N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 0 33,358 48,074 0 0 -100.Of N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 0 2,649 2,374 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.20.000003 FICA 0 2,552 3,678 0 0 -100.Of N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.20.000004 MEDICAL 0 2,340 1,894 0 0 -100.0* N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 0 182 2,446 0 0 -100.0f N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 0 136 131 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.20.000009 DENTAL 0 495 407 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 127 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 0 8,354 11,056 0 0 -100.Of N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 37,388 15,473 0 0 -100.Of N/A SUPPLIES 0 37,388 15,473 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.41.000079 CONSULTANTS/EMERGENCY REPAIR 0 7,000 10,409 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.42.000008 COMMUNICATIONS/CD 0 500 490 0 0 -100.0f N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.43.000020 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 600 563 0 0 -100.00 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.49.000046 DEFERRED HOME IMPROVEMENT LO 0 20,000 0 0 0 -100.0f N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0011.49.000050 KING CO SOLID WASTE FEES 0 2,500 1,398 0 0 -100.Of N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 30,600 12,860 0 0 -100.04 N/A HCD/C751-94 HOUSING ASST PROG 0 109,700 87,464 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0013.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 0 0 5,000 0 N/A -100.Of OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 5,000 0 N/A -100.0# HCD/C856-95 RENTON APPLE PARENTING 0 0 0 5,000 0 N/A -100.Of 000000.OA7.5590.0014.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 0 0 9,888 0 N/A -100.0# OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 9,888 0 N/A -100.Of HCD/C958-95 CONNECTIONS 0 0 0 9,888 0 N/A -10D.0# 000000.OA7.5590.0015.41.000074 HEALTH CARE/SENIOR CLINIC 1,574 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0015.41.000075 VAN GO SENIOR TRANSPORTATION 1,040 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 2,614 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CD/C677-92 SENIOR SERVICES 2,614 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0016.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 68 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUPPLIES 68 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 77751-92 HOUSING ASST PROG 68 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.31.000000 OFFICE/OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 78 0 0 0 -100.Of N/A SUPPLIES 0 78 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 0 7,831 9,732 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.41.000047 INSURANC 0 534 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.42.000008 COMMUNICATIONS 0 18 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.43.000020 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 40 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.48.000070 REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE-VEHICLE 0 2,715 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.49.000058 OPERATING EXPENSES 0 1,216 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.49.000086 MISC/INTER-AGENCY SUPPORT 0 1,068 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A CITY OF RENTON 3-62 1995-1996 BUDGET irr EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 104: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg 96(hg,. lAcct No./t#ttiud 104. Acc�ou tt'Ittic Actual budge Actual pudget Budget 94-95 95,-96 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 13,422 9,732 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0018.64.000092 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 2,981 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 2,981 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/0863-94 SR TRANS SUPPORT 0 13,500 12,712 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0019.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICE 0 0 5,000 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 5,000 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C856-94 APPLE PARENT PROG 0 0 5,000 0 0 N/A N/A low 000000.OA7.5590.0021.10.000000 SALARIES AND WAGES 44,267 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 44,267 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 2,437 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A to 000000.OA7.5590.0021.20.000003 FICA 3,386 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.20.000004 MEDICAL 1,872 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 2,070 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 127 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A low 000000.OA7.5590.0021.20.000009 DENTAL 363 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.20.000070 LONG TERM DISABILITY 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 10,255 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 11,523 0 303 0 0 N/A N/A so SUPPLIES 11,523 0 303 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.41.000079 CONSULTANTS/EMERGENCY REPAIR 5,429 0 58 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.42.000008 COMMUNICATIONS/CD 390 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A W 000000.OA7.5590.0021.43.000020 TRAVEL&TRAINING 544 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.49.000046 DEFERRED HOME IMPROVEMENT LO 8,117 0 11,810 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.49.000050 KING CO SOLID WASTE FEES 1,745 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 16,226 0 11,868 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0021.64.000084 HOUSING ASST PROG EQUIPMENT 720 0 3,288 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 720 0 3,288 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C751-93 HOUSING ASST PROG 82,990 0 15,459 0 0 N/A N/A iw 000000.OA7.5590.0022.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICE 3,438 5,000 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,438 5,000 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A HCD/C856-93 APPLE PARENT PROG 3,438 5,000 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0024.41.000010 RESPITE CARE 4,000 9,640 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4,000 9,640 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A HCD/C858-93 CONNECTIONS 4,000 9,640 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0025.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 4,588 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4,588 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C776-93 CLOTHES BANK 4,588 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0026.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 13,500 15,300 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 13,500 15,300 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 40 r HCD/C859-93 VISITING NURSE SVC 13,500 15,300 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0027.41.000001 CONSULTANT SERVICES 13,500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 13,500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C677-93 VAN-GO 13,500 0 0 0 0 WA N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0028.45.000001 OTHER RENTALS 1,200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1,200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C860-93 NW AIDS FOUNDATION 1,200 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.0A7.5590.0029.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 15,512 23,950 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A w SALARIES AND WAGES 15,512 23,950 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0029.20.000001 RETIREMENT/PERS 480 1,901 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 40 CITY OF RENTON 3-63 1995-1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 104: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT N 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996' tiro Chg %Chg Acct No./Fund 3U4. AcaoAmt Tit3c Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94;-95 95-96 000000.OA7.5590.0029.20.000003 FICA 1,417 1,832 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0029.20.000004 MEDICAL 187 1,599 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0029.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 110 124 0 0 0 -100.00 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0029.20.000007 LIFE INSURANCE 23 96 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0029.20.000009 DENTAL INSURANCE 33 358 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 2,250 5,910 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0029.31.000000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 400 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A SUPPLIES 0 400 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.OA7.5590.0029.43.000020 TRAVEL&TRAINING 0 832 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 832 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A HCD/C507.93 PLANING&ADMIN 17,761 31,092 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A pc 000000.OA7.5590.0031.41.000009 CONSULTANT/EMERG FEED PROG 0 5,640 5,640 0 0 -100.08 N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 5,640 5,640 0 0 -100.08 N/A HCD/0865.94 EMERG FEED PROGRAM 0 5,640 5,640 0 0 -100.08 000000.OA7.5940.0002.10.000000 SALARIES&WAGES 72 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SALARIES AND WAGES 72 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0002.20.000003 FICA 11 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0002.20.000006 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE 17 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A PERSONNEL BENEFITS 28 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0002.65.000052 CONSTRUCTION 14,177 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 14,177 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C77-85/HLDS WALKWAYS 14,277 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A to 000000.OA7.5940.0003.65.000006 CONSTR/LIB PK RSTRM PHII 0 70,000 15,863 0 0 -100.08 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 70,000 15,863 0 0 -100.0# N/A HCD/C862-94 LBRTY PK RSTM PHIL 0 70,000 15,863 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0004.65.000111 CONSTR/SIXTH FL ADA RMDL 0 63,450 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A ' CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 63,450 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A HCD/C867-94 SIXTH FL ADA RMDL 0 63,450 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0005.65.000026 CONSTR/N HGLND LIB ADA RMDL 0 27,032 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 27,032 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A HCD/C866-94 N HGLND LIB ADA RE 0 27,032 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0006.64.000000 LIBRARY READING MACHINE 0 0 0 6,000 0 N/A -100.08 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 6,000 0 N/A -100.08 HCD/C000-95 LIBRARY READ MACH 0 0 0 6,000 0 N/A -100.08 000000.OA7.5940.0007.00.000000 HCD/C000-95 LK WA BTHSE-GR ADA 0 0 0 122,586 0 N/A -100.08 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 122,586 0 N/A -100.08 HCD/0000-95 LK WA BTHSE-GR ADA 0 0 0 122,586 0 N/A -100.08 000000.OA7.5940.0009.65.000062 CONSTR/N HIGHLANDS WALKWAYS 8,815 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,815 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C77-87 N HLD WALKWY PH 1B 8,815 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0024.64.000078 LIBERTY PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIP 0 0 72,980 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 72,980 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C853.93 LIBERTY PK PLYGRND 0 0 72,980 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0025.63.000099 SENIOR CENTER ROOF REPLACEMEN 35,555 0 8,445 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 35,555 0 8,445 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C854-93 SR CTR ROOF REPL 35,555 0 8,445 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0026.63.000098 KC SEXUAL ASSAULT SEC IMPROV 0 0 1,700 0 0 N/A N/A CITY OF RENTON 3-64 1995-1996 BUDGET >M 6w EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 104: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 1993 1994! 1994 1995 1996 iib C hg 96'Chg Acct No./Mnd 104.' AccountTitk Actual Budge Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95 96' CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 1,700 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/C855-93 KC SEXUAL ASSAULT 0 0 1,700 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0028.41.000001 CONSULTANTS/PURCHASED SERVICE 3,503 0 14,730 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,503 0 14,730 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0028.65.000007 CONSTRUCTION 0 0 20,387 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 20,387 0 0 N/A N/A C862-93 LIBERTY PK RESTRMS PHI 3,503 0 35,117 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0029.65.000052 CONSTRUCTION 2,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A C864-93 MULTI SVC CTR ROOF REP 2,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A l 000000.OA7.5940.0080.42.000008 COMMUNICATIONS/HCD 17 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 17 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A HCD/777-88 N HIGH LDS WLKWYS 11 17 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0081.65.000018 SR CENTER GREENHOUSE 19,221 0 6,427 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 19,221 0 6,427 0 0 N/A N/A 40 CD/C846-92 SR CTR GREENHOUSE 19,221 0 6,427 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.OA7.5940.0082.63.000005 LIBRARY LANDSCAPE PROJECT 11,186 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,186 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 00 r CD/C847-92/LIBRARY LANDSCAPE 11,186 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE (38,121) 23,775 (132,132) (38,121) (38,121) -260.3$ 0.OB SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 238,233 350,354 321,726 406,541 0 16.OF -100.0# iow SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 200,111 374,129 189,594 368,420 (38,121) -1.5* -110.3E ow or aw to CITY OF RENTON 3-65 1995-1996 BUDGET FUND: 105-IMPACT MITIGATION FUND REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 9'o Chg %Clog Item Actuat Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-% a REVENUES: I Community Developmt Mitigatio 14,016 0 2,043 0 0 WA N/A 1� Comm Dev Projects/Metro'91 Ex 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Transportation Mitigation Fees 330,457 0 112,632 0 0 N/A N/A Fire Mitigation Fees 123,849 0 208,086 0 0 N/A N/A Investment Interest 198,735 100,000 277,109 225,000 225,000 125.08 0.08 Transfer In/317/Grady Way 0 0 232,688 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL REVENUES 1,667,058 100,000 832,558 225,000 225,000 125.08 0.08 EXPENDITURES: Transfer Out-LID329 0 0 1,129 0 0 N/A N/A Transfer Out-Park Fees 232,688 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Park Mitigation Projects 0 0 1,821 0 0 N/A N/A Transport Mitigation Projects 8,422 0 414,279 0 0 N/A N/A Fire Mitigation Projects 1,837 1,000,000 9,116 0 0 -100.0# N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 242,947 1,000,000 426,345 0 0 -100.08 N/A <�a Fund Balance,January 1 4,513,861 1,254,494 5,937,972 100,000 325,000 -92.08 225.08 Revenues 1,667,058 100,000 832,558 225,000 225,000 125.08 0.08 Expenditures (242,947) (1,000,000) (426,345) 0 0 -100.08 N/A Fund Balance,December 31 5,937,972 354,494 6,344,185 325,000 550,000 -8.38 69.28 Designated Fund Balance 5,937,972 354,494 6,344,185 325,000 550,000 -8.38 69.28 �r Ordinance No. 4021 (October 1986)established the Impact mitigation Fund. The purpose of the fund is to collect fees paid by developers to offset impacts created by their projects;and to account for and administer expenses to fund the development for which the fees are paid. Expenditures of project mitigation fees must be approved by the Environmental Review Committee(ERC),the State Environmental Protection Act designated officials.Mitigation fees are also received in the form of letters of credit or assignment of funds,not included in this budget Revenue and expenditure detail for the fund is on the following pages. �a x j# CITY OF RENTON 3-66 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 105: IMPACT MITIGATION 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 96 ch g %Chg. Acct Nm/Fund 105::. Account Trtk Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget: 94-95 95,-96 5<96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 4,513,862 1,254,494 5,937,972 100,000 325,000 -92.08 225.09 tw 000025.000.3180.0070.00.000125 N RENTON/E&H GARDEN&PK PLAZA 0 0 60,334 0 0 N/A N/A 000400.000.3180.0070.00.000000 SEPA/PARK MITIGATION FEES 6,616 0 2,043 0 0 N/A N/A 000400.000.3180.0070.00.000122 JONES AV SHORT PLAT/ROB WELLS 0 0 450 0 0 N/A N/A iw 000411.000.3180.0070.00.000102 PARK AG/DV/G BORDNER CONSTR 2,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000411.000.3180.0070.00.000104 PK AG/DV/RVR RDG/LAKERIDGE DE 5,400 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000411.000.3180.0070.00.000127 PARK/SUNSET HILLS/JOHNSON CON 0 0 4,070 0 0 N/A N/A 000464.000.3180.0070.00.000901 FIRE MITIGATION/MULTI-FAMILY 32,692 0 56,026 0 0 N/A N/A low 000464.000.3180.0070.00.000902 FIRE MITIGATION/SINGLE FAMILY 28,304 0 43,432 0 0 N/A N/A 000464.000.3180.0070.00.000903 FIRE MITIGATION/COMMERCIAL 62,853 0 108,629 0 0 N/A N/A 000464,000.3180.0070.00.000904 VAL FIRE STA 14/METRO EXPANS 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A to 000500.000.3180.0070.00.000120 FM 604/FAITH COVT CHRUCH 0 0 506 0 0 N/A N/A 000500.000.3180.0070.00.000121 FM 604/RIVERTECHASSOC 0 0 880 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.000.3180.0070.00.000106 TRANSP/SW GRADY WAY TBZ 22,950 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.000.3180.0070.00.000118 BONNELL PfNSHP/705 RAINIER 0 0 1,575 0 0 N/A N/A vw 000590.000.3180.0070.00.000009 E RNTN TBZ/RTC-SCH DST/BUS BLG 91,296 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000590.000.3180.0070.00.000093 E RENTON TBZ/DEV SERV CORP 43,233 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000591.000.3180.0070.00.000108 BLACKRIVER REC/TRNSFR STATION 172,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000591.000.3180.0070.00.000111 VALLEY TBZ/IMPERIALS BINGO 0 0 4,400 0 0 N/A N/A lr 000591.000.3180.0070.00.000119 LANCE MUELLER&ASSC/SA-058-87 0 0 23,460 0 0 N/A N/A 000591.000.3180.0070.00.000123 FAA DAYCARE/1601 LIND AV S 0 0 1,320 0 0 N/A N/A 000591.000.3180.0070.00.000124 G&K SVCS/LUA 094-004 0 0 9,728 0 0 N/A N/A iw 000591.000.3180.0070.00.000126 ]KEA-NWCP BUILDING 3 0 0 5,908 0 0 N/A N/A 000592.000.3180.0070.00.000099 NE 44TH TBZ/INTLK CHRISTN CHRH 979 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TAXES 1,468,322 0 322,762 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 198,735 100,000 277,109 225,000 225,000 125.08 0.08 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 198,735 100,000 277,109 225,000 225,000 125.08 0.08 000572.000.3970.0000.00.0001308 OPR TRF/317/GRADY WY/EVRGRN H 0 0 736 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.000.3970.0000.00.0001329 OPR TRF/317/GRADY WY/RVILL MGT 0 0 16,858 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.000.3970.0000.00.0001341 OPR TRF/317/GRADY WY/BLUME DIS 0 0 147,242 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.000.3970.0000.00.000863 OPR TRF/317/GRADY WY/BLUME 11 0 0 67,852 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0 0 232,688 0 0 N/A N/A GRAND TOTAL 6,180,919 1,354,494 6,770,530 325,000 550,000 -76.08 69.28 11U W� SMI CITY OF RENTON 3-67 1995•1996 BUDGET EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 105: IMPACT MITIGATION 1993 1494 1994 1995, 1996 !i Cjzg 'A.Cyd Acct No/FSmd 105 Avevunt Tint Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 5,937,972 354,494 6,344,185 325,000 550,000 -8.39 69.29 000012.020.5940.0076.65.00OA81 WETLAND ACQUISITION/METRO 1,837 0 1,821 0 0 N/A N/A 000464.009.5940.0022.61.000001 ACQUISITION 0 0 292 0 0 N/A N/A 000464.009.5940.0022.65.000064 DESIGN 0 0 8,681 0 0 N/A N/A 000464.009.5940.0022.65.000066 PRWECTADMINISTRA71ON 0 0 143 0 0 N/A N/A 000464.009.5940.0022.65.000901 FIRE MITIGATION/MULTI-FAMILY 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000464.009.5940.0022.65.000902 FIRE MITIGATION/SINGLE FAMILY 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A !1 000464.009.5940.0022.65.000903 FIRE MITIGATION/COMMERCIAL 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000464.009.5940.0022.65.000904 FIRE MITIGATN/METRO EXPANSION 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 -100.09 N/A FIRE MITIGATION PROGRAM 0 1,000,000 9,116 0 0 -100.04 N/A i) 000501.016.5950.0010.60.000000 ENGINEERING 0 0 1,108 0 0 N/A N/A TRAFFIC/DISCRETIONARY 0 0 1,108 0 0 N/A N/A 000503.016.5950.0010.60.000000 ENGINEERING 0 0 3,273 0 0 N/A N/A TRAFFIC/GREEN RIV VALLEY PLAN 0 0 3,27 3 0 0 N/AN/A 000551.016.5970.0098.55.000030 TRF320/LID329/CONNERHOMES 0 0 1,129 0 0 N/A N/A TRAFFIC/LID 329 MATCH 0 0 1,129 0 0 N/A N/A 000552.016.5950.0030.60.000000 ROADWAY 0 0 2,259 0 0 N/A N/A TRAFFIC/TALBOT ROAD SOUTH 0 0 2,259 0 0 N/A N/A 000571.016.5950.0011.60.000000 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING 0 0 (560) 0 0 N/A N/A 000571.016.5950.0030.60.000000 ROADWAY 0 0 560 0 0 N/A N/A 000571.016.5950.0090.60.000000 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 0 0 530 0 0 N/A N/A TRAFFIC/LK WA BLVD N/PARKAV N 0 0 530 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.016.5970.0040.55.00OA08 OPR TRF/317/GRADY WY/EVRGRN H 736 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.016.5970.0040.55.00OA29 OPR TRF/317/GRADY WY/RVILL MGT 16,858 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.016.5970.0040.55.00OA41 OPR TRF/317/GRADY WY/BLUME DIS 147,242 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000572.016.5970.0040.55.00OA63 OPR TRF/317/GRADY WY/BLUME II 67,852 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A GRADY WAY TBZ 232,688 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000582.016.5950.0000.60.000025 EXIT 7 ASSOC 0 0 1,444 0 0 N/A N/A e,4 1717 NE 44TH ST 0 0 1,444 0 0 N/A N/A 000590.016.5950.0010.60.000032 ENGINEERING 0 0 10,193 0 0 N/A N/A t EAST RENTON TBZ 0 0 10,193 0 0 N/A N/A 000591.016.5950.0000.60.000080 BOEING TRAINING CENTER 0 0 115,231 0 0 N/A N/A VALLEY TBZ/BURLINGTN N IND PK 0 0 115,231 0 0 N/A N/A 000594.016.5950.0000.60.000038 BOEING 0 0 200,000 0 0 N/A N/A 000594.016.5950.0010.60.000000 ENGINEERING 5,042 0 1,424 0 0 N/A N/A 000594.016.5950.0011.60.000000 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING 3,381 0 78,817 0 0 N/A N/A N RENTON/BOEING/ARTERIAL MITIG 8,422 0 280,241 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 5,937,972 354,494 6,344,185 325,000 550,000 -8.39 69.29 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,259 1,000,000 425,216 0 0 -100.09 N/A SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A WWII SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 232,688 0 1,129 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 6,180,919 1,354,494 6,770,530 325,000 550,000 -76.09 69.29 CITY OF RENTON 3.68 1995.1996 BUDGET ] wr FUND 118-RESERVE FOR PATHS AND TRAILS FUND REVENUES, EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 1993 1994 X994 1998 99G !' °loChg %Chg Item Actual :! Budget :I Actual Bud et Bud et 94.'.-95 95-96' REVENUES: Street Fuel Tax/1/2 of 1% 3,321 3,500 3,382 3,400 3,400 -2.98 0.06 Investment Interest 366 350 201 0 0 -100.08 N/A TOTAL REVENUES 3,687 3,850 3,583 3,400 3,400 -11. 78 7 0.08 EXPENDITURES: Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 N/A WA Intergovernmental Services 0 0 0 0 0 WA N/A Transfers-Out to CIP 0 22,741 20,650 0 0 -100.08 N/A Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Interfund Payments 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 22,741 20,650 0 0 -100.08 N/A Fund Balance,January 1 15,204 19,054 18,891 0 3,400 46.38 0.78 1W Revenues 3,687 3,850 3,583 3,400 3,400 -6.18 9.35 Expenditures 0 22,741 20,650 0 0 1.28 3.58 Fund Balance,December 31 18,891 163 1,824 3,400 6,800 10.18 17.48 Designated Fund Balance 18,891 163 1,824 3,400 6,800 13.18 21.68 This reserve for paths and trails was established under authority of State Law(Sections 2,3,4 and 5,Chapter 103, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1972)for the purpose of accommodating,establishing,and maintaining certain paths and trails. One-half of one percent of motor vehicle fuel tax revenue distributed to the City by the State,is allocated to this fund each year. Accumulated funds must be used within a ten-year period. r +Itr +w VW ow 4W CITY OF RENTON 3-69 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 118: RESERVE FOR PATHS AND TRAILS 1993 s 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chi %Chg lAcctft./Fund 118. Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 15,204 19,054 18,891 0 3,400 -100.09 N/A 000000.000.3360.0000.87.000001 ST FUEL TAX(1/2 OF 1%) 3,321 3,500 3,382 3,400 3,400 -2.99 0.09 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 3,321 3,500 3,382 3,400 3,400 -2.98 0.0$ 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 367 350 201 0 0 -100.0$ N/A MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 367 350 201 0 0 -100.09 N/A GRAND TOTAL 18,891 22,904 22,474 3,400 6,800 -85.29 100.09 EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 118: RESERVE FOR PATHS AND TRAILS 1993 > 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg',' Acct No./Fund 118. Account Title Actual' Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 18,891 163 1,824 3,400 6,800 1985.99 100.09 000000.015.5970.0041.55.000015 C/R 2755 SP PATHS/OPR TRFS-OUT 0 22,741 20,650 0 0 -100.09 N/A OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT 0 22,741 20,650 0 0 -100.09 771 SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 18,891 163 1,824 3,400 6,800 1985.99 100.09 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A as SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 22,741 20,650 0 0 -100.09 N/A TOTAL 18,891 22,904 22,474 3,400 6,800 -85.29 100.09 �w vo i r CITY OF RENTON 3.70 1995-1996 BUDGET w FUND 125 - 1%FOR ART FUND REVENUES, EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 °1oChg %C119ilr Item Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-'95 95,96 REVENUES: Investment Interest 1,216 1,500 1,587 1,500 1,500 0.09 0.09 io TOTAL REVENUES 1,216 1,500 1,587 1,500 1,500 0.09 0.09 EXPENDITURES: Other Art Projects 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0.09 0.09 m TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0.09 0.09 Fund Balance,January 1 37,817 0 39,033 0 0 N/A N/A Revenues 1,216 1,500 1,587 1,500 1,500 0.09 0.09 +Ir Expenditures 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0.09 0.09 Fund Balance,December 31 39,033 0 40,620 0 0 N/A N/A Designated Fund Balance 39,033 0 40,620 0 0 N/A N/A The 1%for Art Fund was established to account for art expenditures in municipal construction projects. Guidelines for determining art expenditures are as follows: 1.) The project cost must exceed$10,000. 2.) The project must be either new construction or a significant renovation of an existing structure which would allow an expanded or different use of the facility. Routine or periodic maintenance expenditures have been excluded. 3.) Land acquisition is not included. 4.)Acquisition of equipment,vehicles,or machinery is not included. 5.) All funds specifically limited to the construction and improvement of the transportation system have been excluded, such as federal aid,forward thrust,and 1/2 cent gasoline tax. It is anticipated that the appropriate contributions to the art program will occur upon development of the facilities on public property. tIr ow w No YID ililf+ to 0 CITY OF RENTON 3-71 w 1995-1996 BUDGET r.� REVENUE DETAIL FUND 125: 1%FOR ART 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %a'Chg %Chg Acct No./Fund 125. Account Title Actual Budget ActualBudget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 37,817 0 39,033 0 0 WA N/A 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 1,216 1,500 1,587 1,500 1,500 0.0$ 0.0# MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 1,216 1,500 1,587 1,500 1,500 0.0* 0.01 R. GRAND TOTAL 39,033 1,500 40,620 1,500 1,500 0.08 0.0# y EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 125: 1%FOR ART 1993 1994 1994' 1995 1996 0/0 Chg 0/0 Chg s Acct No./Fund 125. Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 Iw 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 39,033 0 40,620 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.003.5940.0090.64.000065 OTHER ART PROJECTS 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0.0$ 0.0-9 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0.0-9 0.0* SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 39,033 0 40,620 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0.0-9 0.0$ 44 SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 39,033 1,500 40,620 1,500 1,500 0.0# 0.0* ,1 3 v 1 3 s CITY OF RENTON 3-72 1995•1996 BUDGET 14 wry FUND 127 - CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT FUND REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE rr 1,993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Item Actual Budget Actual Budget :Budget 94-95 95-96 � REVENUES: Franchise Fees 0 850 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A Investment Interest 9,719 5,000 7,052 6,000 6,000 20.0$ 0.0$ 410 TOTAL REVENUES 9,719 5,850 7,052 6,000 6,000 2.6$ 0.0� EXPENDITURES: Transfer-Out/General Fund 11,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A to Transfer-Out/Multi-Dept CIP 109,500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Capital Outlay 1,726 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 122,226 0 0 0 0 N/AN/A NOW Fund Balance,January 1 286,924 174,118 174,417 180,817 186,817 3.86 3.3.9 Revenues 9,719 5,850 7,052 6,000 6,000 2.6$ 0.0$ Expenditures 122,226 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 40 Fund Balance,December 31 174,417 179,968 161,469 186,817 192,81-7 3.8# 3.2$ Designated Fund Balance 174,417 179,968 181,469 186,817 192,817 3.89 3.2* 410 The Cable Communications Development Fund was established to provide promotion and development of cable communications. Franchise fees formerly received in this fund,were shifted to the General Fund in 1990,along with a transfer of$70,500,used for education programs.The City has been using a character generator since 1987,to issue public information over a municipal access to cable TV channel(M28). The City Clerk's office is responsible for gathering,formatting,and programming the information submitted by City departments and external organizations for broadcast. iW 410 Yfll YAW wrr w to wn ar 410 CITY OF RENTON 3-73 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 127: CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT 1993 1994 1994: 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct No./Fund 127. Account Title: Actual ; Sudget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-961 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 286,924 174,118 174,417 180,817 186,817 3.8-9 3.3.9 000000.000.3160.0030.00.000000 FRANCHISE FEES 0 850 0 0 0 -100.0$ N/A TAXES 0 850 0 0 0 -100.0# N/A 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 9,719 5,000 7,052 6,000 6,000 20.09 0.0$ 46 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 9,719 5,000 7,052 6,000 6,000 20.0# 0.0d GRAND TOTAL 296,643 179,968 181,469 186,817 192,817 3.8$ 3.2& EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 127: CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT nl 1993 a 1994 19941995 1996 %Chg %Cbg Acct No./Fund 127. Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 174,41 7 179,968 181,469 166,617 192,817 3.8$ 3.29 16 000000.004.5940.0071.64.000084 CABLE COMM EQUIP 1,726 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,726 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5970.0015.55.000008 CABLE COMM TRF-OUT/CIP FUND 109,500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.004.5970.0015.55.000042 CABLE COMM TRF-OUT/GENERAL FD 11,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OPERATING TRANSFERS-OUT 120,500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 174,417 179,968 181,469 186,817 192,817 3.8$ 3.2$ SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,726 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 120,500 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 296,643 179,968 181,469 186,817 192,817 1 x CITY OF RENTON 3.74 1995-1996 BUDGET �� �� � � ;�tau r �. * � ?. .rte $' r 4 w��+i���i..riKw.r��i it 9; +� �. ;a "��; =z� ^... :� &� a �,:. �� g� a" FUND 213/219- UNLIMITED GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BOND FUNDS REVENUES,EXPENDITURES,AND FUND BALANCE 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 °lq'Ghg %Chg Item Actual Budget Actual .Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 wr REVENUES: Property Tax(Excess Levy) 1,358,149 1,220,448 1,223,729 1,277,000 1,195,000 4.69 -6.49 Investment Interest 13,099 30,000 26,166 15,000 15,000 -50.0$ 0.09 GO Unlimited Ref Bond Proceeds 8,930,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL REVENUES 10,301,248 1,250,448 1,249,895 1,292,000 1,210,000 3.39 -6.39 im EXPENDITURES: Debt Service:Principal 535,000 800,000 805,000 775,000 815,000 -3.19 5.29 Payment to Refunding Trustee 8,751,806 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Debt Service:Interest 778,372 509,263 496,638 478,113 437,673 -6.19 -8.59 to TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,065,178 1,309,263 1,301,638 1,253,113 1,252,673 -4.39 0.09 Fund Balance,January 1 682,253 951,026 918,323 855,724 894,611 -10.09 4.59 4W Revenues 10,301,248 1,250,448 1,249,895 1,292,000 1,210,000 3.39 -6.39 Expenditures (10,065,178) (1,309,263) (1,301,638) (1,253,113) (1,252,673) -4.39 0.09 Fund Balance,December 31 918,323 692,211 866,580 694,611 851,938 0.39 -4.89 to Reserved for Debt Service 918,323 892,211 866,580 894,611 851,938 0.39 -4.89 Designated Balance 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Voter-Approved(Unlimited) General Obligation Debt includes the 1993$4.7 million taxable refunding issue for Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park development;the 1989$5.5 million issue to provide housing for low-income elderly residents and the 1993$4.3 million refunding issue for the same bond. The balance outstanding as of December 31, 1994 was$9.4 million. The debt is funded by a voter- approved excess property tax levy. For additional information on long term debt,see the Appendix section of this document. Revenue and expenditure detail for each unlimited general obligation fund is provided on the following pages. tw M11r rYle aw 4W %W 4W to to CITY OF RENTON 3.75 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 213: UNLIMITED GO REFUNDING BONDS-PARK 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg' Acct No./Fund 213. AccoantTitle Actual Budget Actual>s Budget Budget 94-95 95-961 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 385,389 613,197 586,592 469,739 503,376 -23.48 7.28 000000.000.3110.0010.00.000000 REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 821,275 700,000 702,278 777,000 700,000 11.08 -9.98 TAXES 821,275 700,000 702,278 777,000 700,000 11.08 -9.98 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 9,810 25,000 19,157 10,000 10,000 -60.OB 0.01 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 9,810 25,000 19,157 10,000 10,200 -60.09 0.0# 000000.000.3930.0000.00.000000 93 UNLTD GO REF BOND PROCEEDS 4,660,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4,660,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A GRAND TOTAL 5,876,474 1,338,197 1,308,027 1,256,739 1,213,376 -6.18 -3.58 EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 213: UNLIMITED GO REFUNDING BONDS-PARK 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct No./Fund 213. Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 586,592 502,442 476,852 503,376 456,378 0.29 -9.39 000000.033.5910.0094.71.000004 83 UNLIM GO REF/COULON/PRINCPL 370,000 600,000 0 545,000 575,000 -9.28 5.58 000000.033.5910.0094.71.000044 1993 UTGO REF/PRINC 0 0 600,000 0 0 N/A N/A REDEMPTION OF GENERAL L•T DEBT 370,000 600,000 600,000 545,000 575,000 -9.29 5.58 000000.033.5920.0094.83.000013 83 UNLIM GO REF/COULON PK/INT 230,164 235,755 0 0 0 -100.08 N/A I^' 000000.033.5920.0094.83.000044 1993 UTGO REF/INT 30,840 0 229,353 205,363 178,998 N/A -12.88 000000.033.5920.0094.84.000044 1993 REFG UTGO DEBT ISSUE COST 75,708 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.033.5920.0094.85.000006 G O BOND DEBT REGISTRA COST/EQ 393 0 1,793 3,000 3,000 N/A 0.08 000000.033.5920.0094.89.000007 OTHER DEBT SERVICE COSTS 0 0 30 0 0 N/A N/A INTEREST&OTHER DEBT SERVICE COSTS 337,105 235,755 231,175 208,363 181,998 -11.68 -12.7$ 000000.033.5930.0010.71.000045 PMT TO REFGD TRUSTEE/1993 GO 4,582,777 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A REFUNDING PROCEEDS/TRUSTEES 4,582,777 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 566,592 502,442 476,852 503,376 456,378 0.28 -9.38 SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,289,882 835,755 831,175 753,363 756,998 -9.98 0.58 SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 5,876,474 1,338,197 1,308,027 1,256,739 1,213,376 -6.18 -3.5$ xa k CITY OF RENTON 3-76 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 219: UNLIMITED GO REFUNDING BONDS-SR HOUSING 1993 1994 :1994 1945 1996 96 GLg °/a Chg' Acct No./Fund 219.: AccouniTltk : Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 296,864 337,829 331,731 385,985 391,235 14.3$ 1.4$ It 000000.000.3110.0010.00.000000 REAL&PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 536,874 520,448 521,451 500,000 495,000 -3.9$ -1.0$ TAXES 536,874 520,448 521,451 500,000 495,000 -3.9$ -1.0$ 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 3,289 5,000 7,009 5,000 5,000 0.0$ 0.01 *0 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 3,289 5,000 7,009 5,000 5,000 000000.000.3930.0000.00.000000 93 UNLTD GO REF BOND PROCEEDS 4,270,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4,270,000 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A GRAND TOTAL 5,107,028 863,277 860,191 890,985 891,235 3.2$ 0.0$ Ir• EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 219: UNLIMITED GO REFUNDING BONDS-SR HOUSING 1993 19941994 1995 1996 %Chg %Chg Acct No./Fund 219. Account Title Actual Budget Actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-96 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 331,731 389,769 389,728 391,235 395,560 0.4$ 1.1$ 000000.033.5910.0092.71.000006 89 UNLIM GO/SR HS/PRINCIPAL 165,000 200,000 175,000 190,000 200,000 -5.0$ 5.3$ 000000.033.5910.0092.71.000047 1993 UTGO REFG/PRINCIPAL 0 0 30,000 40,000 40,000 N/A 0.0$ REDEMPTION OF GENERAL L-T DEBT 165,000 200,000 205,000 230,000 240,000 15.0$ 4.3$ 000000.033.5920.0019.89.000007 OTHER DEBT SERVICES COSTS 0 0 55 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.033.5920.0092.83.000006 89 UNLIM GO/SR HS/INTEREST 351,545 273,008 17,070 65,295 52,620 -76.1$ -19.4$ 000000.033.5920.0092.83.000219 93 REFG UTGO/INTEREST (7,983) 0 187,764 203,805 202,405 N/A -0.71 000000.033.5920.0092.84.000219 1993 REFG UTGO DEBT ISSUE COST 97,573 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000000.033.5920.0092.85.000000 DEBT REGISTRATION COSTS 132 500 574 650 650 30.0$ 0.0$ INTEREST&OTHER DEBT SERVICE COSTS 441,267 273,508 265,463 269,750 255,675 -1. ow 000000.033.5930.0010.71.000219 PMT TO REFG TRUSTEE/1993 GO 4,169,030 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A REFUNDING PROCEEDS/TRUSTEES 4,169,030 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A SUB-TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 331,731 389,769 389,728 391,235 395,560 0.4$ 1.1$ SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,775,297 473,508 470,463 499,750 495,675 5.5$ -0.8$ SUB-TOTAL NON-EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A ON SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING USES 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL 5,107,028 863,277 860,191 890,985 891,235 3.2$ 0.0$ ow fr/ Ilr CITY OF RENTON 3-77 1995.1996 BUDGET FUND: 220 - L.I.D. DEBT SERVICE REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCE 1993 . 1994 :: 1994 ' 1995 1996 : °!u Chg %Ghg''' Item Actual Budget; Actual Budget; Budget 94-95 95 REVENUES: LID Assessments&Interest 888,499 866,683 1,029,438 950,300 763,400 9.6$ -19.7$ Investment Interest 70,005 25,000 81,245 70,000 75,000 180.0$ 7.1$ Residual Equity Transfer-in 24,706 0 1,129 0 0 N/A N/A TOTAL REVENUES 983,210 891,683 1,111,812 1,020,300 838,400 14.4$ -17.8$ EXPENDITURES: Transfer Out 131,362 0 256,599 20,800 31,600 N/A 51.9* Debt Service:Principal 571,000 1,426,000 1,326,063 546,000 470,000 -61.7* -13.9$ Debt Service:Interest 335,428 302,369 369,619 275,228 241,613 -9.0# -12.2$ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,037,790 1,728,369 1,952,281 842,028 743,213 -51.3$ -11.7$ Fund Balance,January 1 2,004,507 2,070,878 1,949,927 1,311,927 1,490,199 -36.6# 13.6# Revenues 983,210 891,683 1,111,812 1,020,300 838,400 14.4$ -17.8$ Expenditures (1,037,790) (1,728,369) (1,952,281) (842,028) (743,213) -51.3$ -11. 7$ Fund Balance,December 31 1,949,927 1,234,192 1,109,458 1,490,199 1,585,386 20.7* 6.4# Designated Fund Balance 1,949,927 1,234,192 1,109,458 1,490,199 1,585,386 20. 7# 6.4* The Local Improvement District(LID)Debt Service Fund accounts for assessment collections and debt service payments for the LID's located within the City. A LID is created to construct public improvements deemed to benefit the property owners such as sidewalks or sewer lines. The City sells bonds to finance these projects.The benefited property owners are billed for their share and given an # extended period of time to repay their assessments plus interest ppp In the past,LID revenues and expenditures were not considered a part of the budget because the City merely acts as the agent for the property owners,borrowing the money to complete the project and then repaying the debt with the assessments. Beginning in 1988,the City was required to budget this activity pursuant to a a new Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement(N6)mandating inclusion if there is any possibility that the City will become liable for any portion of the debt In case of a default by a property owner included in an LID,the City takes over ownership of the affected property and the related assessment (See following pages for revenue and expenditure detail.) i t CITY OF RENTON 3-78 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 220: L.I.D. DEBT SERVICE 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 %Ghg %Chg'' Acct No./Fund 220. Acxouilt line Actual Budget actual Budget Budget 94-95 95-961 000000.000.3080.0000.00.000000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 2,004,507 2,070,878 1,949,927 1,311,927 1,490,199 -36.6$ 13.6$ to 000000.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 68,764 25,000 77,860 70,000 75,000 180.0$ 7.1$ 000302.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 51 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000313.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 0 0 1 0 0 N/A N/A 60 000314.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 889 0 2,934 0 0 N/A N/A 000326.000.36 10.00 11.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 16 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000330.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 20 0 57 0 0 N/A N/A 000332.000.3610.0011.00.000000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 266 0 392 0 0 N/A N/A wo 000285.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 285 PENALTIES/LID ASSMTS 163 0 151 0 0 N/A N/A 000291.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 291 PENALTIES/LID ASSMTS 567 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000302.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 302 PENALTIES/LID ASSMTS 1,310 0 12,059 0 0 N/A N/A 000313.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 313 PENALTIES/LID ASSMTS 0 0 36 0 0 N/A N/A I 000314.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 314 PENALTIES/LID ASSmTS 6,365 0 3,303 0 0 N/A N/A 000320.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 320 PENALTIES/LIDASSMTS 69 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000322.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 322 PENALTIES/LID ASSMTS 41 0 41 0 0 N/A N/A Ow 000324.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 324 PENALITES/LID ASSMTS 0 0 494 0 0 N/A N/A 000326.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 326 PENALTIES/LID ASSMTS 0 0 74 0 0 N/A N/A 000331.000.3610.0051.00.000000 LID 331 PENALTIES/LID ASSMTS 395 0 132 0 0 N/A N/A 000285.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 2851NTEREST/LID ASSMTS 1,711 1,075 1,017 500 0 -53.59 -100.0$ wo 000291.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 291 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 1,968 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000302.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 302 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 23,784 26,164 41,860 19,900 0 -23.9$ -100.0$ 000313.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 3131NTEREST/LID ASSMTS 204 164 164 100 0 -39.0$ -100.0$ 000314.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 314 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 79,006 71,020 68,716 79,800 47,900 12.4$ -40.0$ 000320.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 320 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 114 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000322.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 322INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 245 0 52 0 0 N/A N/A 000323.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 323 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 2,814 1,407 1,367 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 10 000324.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 324 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 4,045 2,022 2,023 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000325.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 3251NTEREST/LID ASSMTS 1,572 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000326.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 326 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 7,358 5,374 3,979 3,100 1,900 -42.3$ -38.7$ ow 000328.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 3281NTEREST/LID ASSMTS 352 235 125 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000329.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 3291NTEREST/LID ASSMT 0 0 99,244 89,300 79,300 N/A -11.24 000330.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 330 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 10,098 8,146 8,147 3,200 1,900 -60.7$ -40.64 000331.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 331 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 1,787 592 556 200 100 -66.2$ -50.09 to 00332.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 332 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 187,737 181,709 100,270 145,100 87,100 -20.1$ -40.0$ 000335.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 335 INTEREST/LID ASSMTS 0 0 0 6,900 6,600 N/A -4.3$ 000337.000.3610.0055.00.000000 LID 337 INTEREST/LIDASSMTS 0 0 0 0 4,900 N/A N/A 000285.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 285 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 6,607 5,975 5,602 4,700 0 -21.3$ -100.0$ to 000291.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 291 CURB PRINC/LID ASSMT 16,039 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000302.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 302 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 66,302 114,453 129,413 65,900 0 -42.4$ -100.0$ 000313.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 313 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 606 605 1,019 400 400 -33.90 0.0$ 000314.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 314 CURB PRINC/LID ASSMT 133,197 137,237 126,946 143,000 143,000 4.2$ 0.00 000320.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 320 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 571 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000322.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 322 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMf 1,767 0 199 0 0 N/A N/A 000323.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 323 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 13,798 13,415 13,031 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000324.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 324 CURB PRINC/LID ASSMT 18,991 18,990 18,497 0 0 -100.0$ N/A 000325.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 325 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 15,724 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000326.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 326 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMf 35,602 23,203 20,612 13,600 10,000 -41.4$ -26.5$ 000328.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 328 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 2,280 1,175 624 500 0 -57.4$ -100.0$ 000329.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 329 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 0 0 165,406 165,400 165,400 N/A 0.0$ 000330.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 330 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 21,156 21,155 57,334 10,300 10,300 -51.3$ 0.0$ 000331.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 331 CURB PRINC/LID ASSMT 8,116 2,555 3,908 900 900 -64.8$ 0.0$ i 000332.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID/332 CURR PRIN/LID ASSMT 216,038 230,012 126,924 183,600 183,600 -20.2$ 0.0$ 000335.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 335 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 0 0 16,113 13,900 13,900 N/A 0.04 000337.000.3680.0000.00.000000 LID 337 CURR PRINC/LID ASSMT 0 0 0 0 6,200 N/A N/A MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 958,505 891,683 1,110,683 1,020,300 838,400 14.4$ 1�1 000329.033.3870.0000.00.000320 TRF RESIDUAL EQUITY TO DEBT SV 24,706 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A CITY OF RENTON 3-79 1995-1996 BUDGET REVENUE DETAIL FUND 220: L.I.D. DEBT SERVICE 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996' °r6 Chg Chg Acct No./Fund 220. Accauut retie Actual Budget Actual Budgct Budget 94=95 95-96 NON-REVENUES 24,706 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A 000329.000.3970.0000.00.000105 TRF-IN FM 105/TRFC CONNER HM 0 0 1,129 0 0 N/A N/A OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0 0 1,129 0 0 N/A N/A GRAND TOTAL 2,987,717 2,962,561 3,061,739 2,332,227 2,328,599 -21.39 -0.2$ I I CITY OF RENTON 3.80 1995-1996 BUDGET i ow EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND 220: L.I.D. DEBT SERVICE *I11993 1994 1994 1995 1996 *i6 Chg %Ghg Acct Nci4 end 220. Account lktic Actual Budget lictual Budget Audget 94-95 95-9b 000000.000.5080.0000.00.000000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,949,927 1,234,192 1,109,458 1,490,199 1,585,386 20.7$ 6.4# to 000284.034.5870.0000.55.000221 LID RESIDUAL EQUITY TRNSFR OUT 13,737 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A LID 284/309 13,737 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A aw 000291.033.5920.0095.89.000003 OTHER DEBT SERV COSTS/PUBLICA 0 0 98 0 0 N/A N/A 000291.034.5870.0000.55.000221 LID RESIDUAL EQUITY TRNSFR OUT