HomeMy WebLinkAboutECF-02-141 10+o ICHIDULI ...... aN'lUnwed U. GENERAL PROP~RTY TAX!$ 1M SERViCe CHARGES, .1 follom, together ."nh Int,,..It, penalty and It.tutory farl!CIo.u •• costs. ,t 'ny, .I'lft dehnqutncy: (Ut hllfl delinquent on HIV I; 2nd halt delr'~Utnl on Novtmbtr 1; T •• Account No,l )'t.C I 2002 l.vy Cod.: 082105''11187'06 !aI.II '0.00 As"'Hd V.11Jjf LInd: AJsasHd V.lue Impt'O ... amtnn: 2100 saS8.200.00 $0,00 (CoYers PatnI 12) 14. GENERAL PROf'EIltTY TAXES Ind SERV1CI!: CHAAGES, u 'OIlOWl, 100,..11., With Inttrest. penalty and 'taMory tortdosur'I cost',I, 'nv •• rter drlJoqu.ncy: (111 11.,( delinquent on Hay 1; 2nd h." dtUnqutnt on No .... mbt'r 1) Ta. .\cct)unt No., oen05·9019·C7 !aI.II $0.00 Toti' .motmt dut, not IncJudlng Inter.lt .nd pen,lty: levy Code: "'StSled V.lue land: Assessed V.lul ImpJOvtmontJ : (Covers P,rcel1J) 2100 S 10, 171.900.00 SJ6, 162,~OO,OO •• I.n" fl01.ll0,)9 1301.330,)'11 15, GENEIlAl PROPfRlY TAXES Inc! SERVICE CHA,/{GfS, •• '01101011, together ",itt! Iftle'ut. pen,lty and Ir.tutory foredosure COUs. If .ny. aft.r d."nqUfj\(')'; (lit /\lit d.linqu.nt on H." 1; 2nd "-II delinquent on Novem~r 1) T_IC Ac-count 'fo.1 bar '[!l,d 2002 $10,)98.53 072305-9100-01 !aI.II 10.00 Tot.1 .mount du~. not l"'ftI<h~ Intefe" 'nC! Pf!Ntty: lltVy COd.: AUt,," V,,,,,, unct: Auend V.'ut lmprovtmentl: (Co\'.~ P.l'('el14) 2100 1908,200.00 S··· $10,398.53 , -'. o 16. Gftd!AAL PIl09!ItTY lAXf.S ,n1l S£JI.'t'ICI! C~AAGE5 •• ' ($0 ..... to;ethft~ .. It!'! IN.eflf,l. p4'fMlfty and slall.ltOry fet_dot .. t. tofoU,lt .1\'1', .rt.f <l11.nql,ltncy: (lit Nt' cI.nnQu~nt on ~v I; )nd N~ d4I lt04\.ttl'll on Hovcmbit r 1) , •• A~w"' No,l :t&&l Imd 2o:i2 .U6.~9"'. t.ny COde : 0II2l0S ~91()'4oI)S I!AIII 'Q,O<) U6,S049 .• ' .116,5-'9 "'0 f4""t.e4 Vltu« ul'\d : N.U,:ted V.sue ImpfU'IeIf!fN': •. ~ .. (Co..,..." ,..",1 IS) 17. COVfHAHlS. CONOlTl~4S ",NO M.eSTlttC11OH5 ~iJ DY IMtt'.II'Rlnc tCcol1kd ~no« fi;.coro~". ~Ol. 7596O.u.O 1:10965 . (CO\l~r1 P.rte' 15) 18. COV(N"mS. CONOmONS ,,"0 R£S~IC1IONS 'I'rIttOMd by tr.W\Unlnt rtcordad \fN2.f R.'(H6!n9 fiG 76764. (CO'It" h(~ ''') 19. t"S,(HENt ,utO 'Htf 'ffRMS,viD CONonlottS THERCOF . , ~.Nlf£~ PUIl~: AatA mlCTto: flK9f\OU~G kC).: GRJo.Uftf.J p!JflMSf : ,AAll< Atf'fC"flO j flttOROf-.G no .• " ~1nC~N PAC.lr1C 1lAH.'WA.'t COMPANY AAlutOAO TRI-OC SYSTtl" '0 fOOT STRIP, ,\s OesCIU8EO lufRl!l N )15}219 UNfTtO $t~1tS O' ""'ERlo. tnOf;IIA "'flue H()VSUiv AUTl1()a11"l) l'fORM Sfwtl\ AuD StOlWMJe wKl '0 r,rf 01 PAAC(l ft ].]'11'0 • , .. o ft~/O'IH' No.1 "'01410 :23. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS lliEREOF: PURPOSE: AR.u, ""fCT£D: RfCORDED: RECORDING NO.: SEWER SYSTEM 5 fOOT STRIP AlONG THE WEST BOuNDA.A.Y UHe OF lOTS <C THROUGH 12 AND ~E SOUTH 15 FEET OF LOT liN BlOCK 1 Of SARTORI5V1LLE. WHICH INo..uOES LOT 1 OF SHORT PlAT NO. 282·19, UNDER RECORDING NO. 79071~2 AND OTHER PROPfRT't' )426556 24 . EASEMENT AND THE TEAMS AND (ONOmONS nIERfOf: PURPOSE; AREA AffeCTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: {CO\Icrs P,rctll} SEWER SYSTEM SOUTli 10 FEET 0' THE nOATH 20 fEET OF niE SOUTH JO OF 1l11! EAST )9,) FEET OF THE WEST 8),8 r£fT OF LOT 11 IN BlOCK 1 OF SARlaR1SVllLE .""SOl6 25. RESERYATJON OF EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONOmONS THEREOf: RESERVED BY: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDING NO.: PACIF1C COAST RAILROAD COHPAt4Y. RAILROAD TAACI( TO SERvtCE 8USINESSE5 AND INOUSTRIES AS THEREIN oeSCRIBED "662540 26. EASEMENT AND THE TEAMS AND CONDITIONS 'fli!REO': GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA MfECTEO: RECORDING NO .: COrnrr'II\ment lOt nuc fn~ • -.-- CITY Of REN10N STREET PURPOSES. INCl.UDUiG A GRADE CROSSING PORTION or MRCELS 1 .. AND IS, AS OESCRI&EO 4952098 . :n. EASi.MENT "':';0 rtf£ lfRMS AND COffOrrJONS lHtRfOf: GAAHTef: PURPOSE : ARlA MffCTED : A,fCOROIHa NO.; (Cov.r. PoIrc.r 9'1) em or AENT'Of1 PVauc S'flI;ur AND tHGHWA" 10 'OOl snu',MINC Ttt£ EAS1EALV 10 'EET Of DlO()($ I, If, • ~O lfi. OJ' t.H. ADSIT'S lAU WASttING10N f'IlAT AN\) AlSO Tkf: fASTllU.V 10 n:u 0' THA' PORlJ[)fI OF Gc)VlAHMocr lor 1 IN S£CT1OH 7, LYIHG Wf!aTlRl'l' ~ WIW4MS STRUT HORTW. SAID STRIP OF lANi) fXTtHDJIrfG NORnt 01-la' WUT f'lt0H THE sovrn UHf.: or So\ID GOYtIIHJI1ENT 1.0T, 4 DtsrAHCt 0' 615 fUT :U'~5l 18. EASE"'l,.,. ~o TtiE T£RMS AND c~ornONS THlUO(: CAAmEE : PuRPOSf: MfA A"frno: RfCOflDltlG NO .: HU'fICIPAUN or HEtROJlOUTAN SfAnLf UTlunfS S'f'stfH 11 fOOl &nul" Ik tHe $OV'l'HWfSl C~N!k. OF 'AAcrL e, AS O($OI.J&(O THEREIN 5·4]640 29 . &'SEMENT AND THe TERMS AHO CONomows rHEAlOf : GJWm!f: PURPOSE ) AAf:A ,,"I!:CT(iD: RfCOADING NO .: CJV.HTI!fI Pu~POSt : ARt" "'''rno: I\fCOftOING HO ,: {(Olftll 'olral 7) MUNIClPAUTY Of' H£T~O"Ot.ll'AN SEAnlE $EWEk PIP( Wfts S"ISnM WmllN 'tH! RAlLAOAO A.1GUToQI WAy'I", $tCTIOff • ~sJOa; MO S4S30U CITY or IlOOC)'f UTlurr $Y'SUHISl 10 'oor $1''''1'. AS O£SCR.JtllrD l,..t:,U!IN ~l919S ll. fAS!MfNT AND THE-lE.RM5 AND C.<mctnONS THE 01' ~ "dJI '. $CHIOU ........ ~ contJ",," rla-tonter HO.I ""1410 ll. EASEMENT At'O THE TERMS ANt) CONDmONS THeREOF . GRANT£E: PURPOSE : AREA ArFECTED : REeOA.DING NO.: PUGfT SOUND POWIlR. UGHT COMPANY flECTlUC UHf SYSUM WITHIN A )0 FOOT snu~ IN PARCEL 8, AS DESCRl8ED THEREIN 62762)8 33. EASEMENT AND TtlE TERM S AND CONomONS THEREOF ; GRANTEE: PURPOSE : ARtA NFECTtD: RECORDING NO.: eflY Of RENTON ROADWAY PORnON OF PAACaS 14 AND 1 S. AS DfSCRI6fD THEREIN 7206090451 34. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONomoNS THEREOF : GRANTEE: PURPOSE : AREA AFfECTED : RECORDING NO.: WASHINGTON HAlVIW. GAS COMPANY GAS PIPEUNE OR P'PC.oUNE SYSTfM TWO • FOOT STRIPS IN PARCEL 6. A5 DESCRI8ED THEREiN 7311290292 35. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONOrrJONS THEREOf : GRANTEE: PURPOSE : AREA AFfEtTEO : RE'ORDING NO.: WASHINGTON t4AT\lAAl GAS COHPAN't' GAS PIPEUNE OR PlPEUNES SYSTEM 10 rooT STRIP IN PARCEL 6, AS OESCRJBED Tttf ':ElN 7705020589 36. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONomONS TliEREOF : GRANTEE : PURPOSE : AREA AffECTED : RECOROING NO.: PUGET SOUND pOWER a. UGHT COMPAtf't' UNDERGROUND EUCTlUC SYSTEM 20 FOOT STRIP LYING WlTHIN ThE WEST 60 FEET Of PARCEL 6, AS OfSCRI8ED THEREIN 77(81707)3 )7. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDJTlONS THEREOF : GRANTEE: PURPOSE : AREA ,,"Een.D: RECOROIUG NO.: en ... OF REHTOH PU8LIC UTIUTlES PORnON ~ OF PMal 6, AS DESCRI8ED THER!lN 7710030507 38. EASEMENT MID THE TERMS AND CONDmOH5 Tl1EREOF : PURPOS!: AREA AffECTEO : RECORDING NO.: --• INGRt:SS ANO EGRESS 17 FOOT STRIP IN 'ARaL6, AS DESCRIBEO THEREIN 771025027$ ".pc 20 of JI . . 39. EASE~ENT ,-.N.O THe UkHS .\He COHOrtlOHS THlREOF, ~OfR!NlOH pu8UC U'T1I.t'l'US GMNT!!: IJUR1'OS!~ MEA "''''fereo! fllCORDING NO.: POI''TlON Of 'AR-eEl 6, IS OE5CJUee-o THfRtlN 7711 180iS6 . 40 , ~SEHENT AND Tm T£Af1S AND CONomONS THaror: GAAH'TU : ~~IF1C NOj:I.tHWfst an.&. TnfPHOHl C~P"," PURPOSE: UNOfRGRO'.'HO COMMuttlCAnON Wit SYSTEM AR.!A AlfECn.O; 10 ,OOT ST"'IP. AS CONSlItUCUO IN PARC!I. • RECORDING NO,: 711lOl06l1 4'. MESEAYAnON Of f:AStHI!NT AND '04f UAAS AND C~OfTIONS theIlEOf': RESE-A.VED I!Y: puPJIOSf t AReA. Af1£CUD: RIlCDflOIN(; NO .: (Coyer, p,n:el 7J 42, ~[5Tf\lcrtVE COVf""tnS knPOitd by k'UlIufMnt ,.COfded Of!,t.prii 1. 1980. &mOt1 IlKOrding No. 800(07036). (CO'o"" Plrul 14) 41 £AS!t-t!NT AHO thE nRHS "Nt'I coonrnONS '1-1£"'£0': GAANTfE ! puRPOSE : ..... !A AFffCTtO: RECORDING NO,: (CoY." PafCtl l) CITY Of ~1I!N101i PUaLlC "'II nilS SOUTH t~ f£ET Of LOT l'N 8tOCJ( 11 Of AltlTON ',",-,,4 P\.AT AltO Of THE !to\IT'H 15 Hr:T Of' tHl W!51 0).) ,UT Of LOT 12 IN eLOCJ( 1 0( SAAtOtUsYlllf 8004:1105)& 44 , o.seMfNT ANO 'THf. UAMS "flO cOtIOIllOHS THfA.[Of': RtCORDI~ NU.l _ .. - o o 'lie/a. kit He,1 "'01410 (Cove,.. P'tttll) 45. eASEMENr AND THI! TERMS AND CONOmON$ THEREOF : GRAmtE: PURPOSE: AFU!A AffECTED: ReCORDING NO.: PUCET SOUND POWER. UGHT COMPANY UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEM to fOOT STRJP AS CONSTRUCTED OR. TO Be CONSTRUCTED. !XT!NDED OR RElO~TEO WnHIN T11E SOUTH 40 FEET Of THE WEST 150 FEET Ot-1HE NOkTH ISO fEET OF A PORnON Of niE SOUll(WESl 1/4 OF SECTlON 8, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 8107H0568 (C .. ers ',reel A 0( Shott Piat In P.,.cc11) 46. EASEMENT AND TtlF. TERMS AND COHOmONS THeItED'; GRANTfE: PURPOSE : AREA AFFECTeO : RECORDING NO.: PlJGET SOUND POWI!;t" UGtfT COMPANY. A WASHINGTOpoj COflPOAAnOH ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AHD/OR DISTRI8UTION UHES 15 FOOT STRIP OVER PAACEt 14, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 1:1108140759 47. EASEMENT AUO THE TERMS AHD CONDITIONS TtiEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE : AAfA AFFECTED: A£CORDING NO.: eITV 0' RENlOH PUI1UC unLmEs 15 FOOT STRIP OVER PARCEL lS, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 820.100])4 411 . !ASEHfHT AND THE TtflHS AND CONDITIONS THEREOf : GRANTEE: PURPOSE : AREA AfFECTED: RECORDING NO.: PACIf:IC NORTHWEST aEU TUfPHONE COMPANY UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC SYSTEM EAST 5 f"fET OF THE SOUTH SO fEfT AHO tHe WEST S FEET OF THe: EAST to fEET Of THE SOlI1lI 10 nET O~ lOT 2 IN BlOCK .. Of RENT ON fARM ACREAGE IN PARCel '1 8410260691 49. EASEMENT ANO THE TERMS ANO CONDrnONS THEREOf : GRANll:E l P\IRPOSE : AREA AfFECTED: PACIFIC NORTHweST BEU TfUpt+()N£ CaMPA," UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION UNES ANO "Dave GROUND CABlNETS SOUTH 5 HET Of THE fAST 5 f!ET OF Lot 4 IN 6U.'!O: I 0' SAATOIUSVU.U ADOmON IN p.Ma l 1 h04: 2.1 d" • • , , ! • 1 ' ICHIOUI,l ... •• contll'l .... ReCOftOlNG NO .: 50. tAS!HfNT MD Ttlf TekMS AJlD COtd)ITIOUS T"t~EOf : GAAHTt!!: PUGI!'T SOUND POWER" UGri'f C~~ANY PlIRPO$f: tLtMRle TAANSHIS510H .AUDiO" blStklaUlION lINfS S'l'STtM ARfA AFflCT£O : SOtfTHEIII,l.Y P<mT1ON OF PAAClLS 8 AND 15 AS DUCfU8fO 'tHt:RON RfCOROING NO.: 8.1511004057:1 Sl. EASEMENT #10 THIf TERMS IoND COtfOJOONS THlkEOf : PUGtT s.:ouno POWtfl, • UGHT COMPANY (u;cnuc ntAASMI'SIOH Af.tt)I()4l 015T"I&011OO SVSTEMS GAANTE!: NR!'OS!: MEA AffeCTED : "fC~PtHG fifO.: soutH 10 fen Of pAflC(t. • • .5121~6 51. WEt4£NT ~o T .. I: T(Rk$ NK) COfoiOIT1OHS Tttf.RfOfI: GAANTEE : NRPOSE: MEA A1ffCfEO: Flf.CO~DING NO.: 5). EJ,StMEH'f ANt\ T'Hf TERMS AND COHOmOfiS T"U\£Of : POGET SOUND flOWER. uGH"f COMPANY GU"t' WIReS ~HO .. NCHOkS 5YSTfM(S} Pfl'"()$tOlfiG NO .: (Co".r1 ,.rce\ 9~A) TWO Hi fOOt ~1P5 ON EASTEP4.Y 'IOfmOH Of Sf U" Of ~ 5O\IYhtAST \/. or stcnON' &601170666 ~. !J.'iE~Nl ... .NO '\'He np.,-\S AND CONDrflOHS THfAEOF; GIl: "NTEt:: P\I!\POSf:: UlI.A ,vttCTCO; RKOItDING NO.: f'VRPOSfJ: : MEA An~cn:o: ItECO«DtD: f( COIOIHC No,l CoI'I'otnitfI-~ loll TIt» I~ • 1 ' crw OF RtKlOt' ~UC urnJTlI!S PCjflQN Of' PMttl', M DESCAIBfO MJU!IN ACioUOll"15 , ' ICHIDUI.I".~ ~ conUftUM (CO~.t'! "lUlt Sind 7) o 56. WeHEtiT AHD THE TERMS AHD CDNOmONS THEREO': GRANTEE: PURPOse: AAfA AFFeCTED : RECORott.G liO.: CITY OP RENTON RO-'l)WA.Y AND PV&l.IC UTIUnES WEST 10 fEET Of lOTS 1 THRouGH 13 IN au>CK '1 OF RENTON fARM PlAT IN PARCll. I. TOGEtHER WnH "\.LETS OF CUA.\ltS 8112280:171 51. EJSEHENT ..... O THe TEAMS AND CONDITIONS TtiEREO'; GAANT£E : PUGET SOUND POWI!(' UGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: UNDf,RGROUND EUC'HUC SVS1t:M ~RfA AFfECTED : PORllONS OF PARCEL I, AS OlseiliSED THER~lN R!:COA.OING NO .: &608211055 NoTE: Said ,Isement replatts RtCOIdlng No. '" 10260690. 58. eASEMENT AHD THE TERMS AND CONOmONS THEREOf: PUGfT SOUNO POWER' UGHT COMP,o\NY UNOERGJI,OUND (LEC1fl)C SYSTeM PORTION Of ,ARCfl.. 7. AS DESOUaEO THERE!N GAANTEE: PURPOSE : AREA AfFECTED : RECORDING NO.: 0808)00587 59. EASEMI,;N'T AND THE TtRMS "to (ONOmONS T!'t[REOf: PUGfT SOUND POWER' UGHT COMPANY UhOf.RG~OVND EI.fCfRlC SYSTEM GR.ANTef.: PURPOSE : AREA MffC'TED : RECORDING NO .: 10 rOOf STRIP, AS COHSlRUt:reD OR 10 &E: CONSTRUCTeD. ElOfNOEO 011, R£1.OCAUO wnHJN THf NORtH ]0 ft!fT 01' THE SOUlH .0 ff!T Of PAACEL. 8808]005904 60, E,lSEMENT AND THE TOMS AND CONOmONS THEREOF : GRANTEr·: PURItOS E: AREA AFnCfED : ItECOROlf.iG NO.: efT'( Of RENTDN ROADWAY AND pubUC Ul1U1'1ES AS OESCJuaEO TH[RE 1N 8810210171 ANt) AS eROAOtNED OR EXTENDED UNOEIit REtOADING NO. B9oe2~B' 61 . useHf"NT AND THE URHS AND CONomONS THEflfOf: GRANTEe : CIT" 0" RfNTON 't9$ 1:4 d 31 PUI(POS[: AReA Alfl!crfO: R£COROING NO.: I"UBUC unUTIts 5OVTmfU,v POATION or PARCfL 11, AS Of5Cluaco fil(KtlN 11113001" 61. EASEMENT AND THe TfRlotS AND CONom0H5 TIifIt(Of: GJI.NIlU: CITY Of' RlHfOH I'UbOSE: PU$UC UTlUTIES AAEA Alf£C1lD: IS FOOT STRIP, AS Dl5OU&m TH£RfIIlt RfCOADINGHO,: 1112190204 tCo,,_,. P.rc,1 1) 6). tAS-OtENT AN.o 1, ... n:RM & AND CONDlTIOHS TH£~Of : GAAHTU: NCtPOSf: MEA Alf!"r.T EO: RECOR.bING NO.: (Coven '.,"1 U JlvGfT SOUNO POWt:~ .. UGH'T COMPANY Uff()fJlQR,OOHD flfCTR1C SYSTEM AS OUC1ue~D THERtlH e904240M11 604. f).SEMtHT AND THE 1E1':M5 AkO CONDITIONS Tttr~OF : GRAN'tU: PURPOSE! . AREA AP'ftClEl): RfCO~DIHC HO.l CITY Of Rfr(tOf( POftliC lITtLtTllS POft'fJON OF PARC"fLS 5 AND 1. A5 OE$(:RJItEO TtIEA:£IN MID AS O£UNl'ATeO ~ THe F~CI! 0' THi; SliOAY P\AT" 1190829(M80 6S. E!lSEHENr AND tHe T[I~MS AND CONOrt'lONS "OtVtcOf ) GRANTEE: POR~!: MEA AlF£Clto; Rw':OI!,OING NO.: G~HTfe:: PURPO$f: MEA AlFfCTf.O: RECORDING NO .: CITY OIIUNTON PU.UC UTlUTus POII.ll~ (w PARCEl " AS 0f.SC.A18CO lHeItEIN t91109()041S 67. iEASft-lfH1' AND 'lif T"'M$ AND CONOITIOHS THEA!Of : GfWfTU: ctTV Of" R(NlQN PV"POSf.!" 1'U4t JC U'rll11l l!.! '~rA A~"£CTED : ~llOtf Of' 'A~CI!L 1, ASot!$CRJflED 1"HUfIH ttftCOItOINtI NO .: 9JOi09O?l4 • • • ( " • , I • o ICHfOUl.I".". C'Oftlinloied f11e/Qrdw ffo.l ".01410 68, EASEMENT ANO THE TERMS "~D CONomONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE : AREA AFrECT£D: A;E<;ORDING NO.: PUGET SOUND 1'OW'ER. A UGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC TAANSHJSSION/OISTRIBUTJON SUBSTATIONS AND ONE OR MORi! fL£CTlUC TRANSMISSION AND/OR. DISTlU8unOH UHES VAR.IOUS PORTIONS. AS DeSCRIBED THEREI,.; AND AS OEUN!ATfD ON THE ATTACHED EXHI8ITS 9201130661 69. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GItANlEE : P\JRPOs e: AAfA AfFECTED: RECORDING NO.: PUGET SOUND POWER iii UGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC TRAH~ISSION ANO/O'l DHiTRIDUTlOH SfSlEHS AS OESCIUDED THfJ\£IN, DEUNEATED ON THe A"ACHED EXHI8ns AND WHICH IS AlSO OEUNEATm ON SURVEY RECORDED UNCER RECORDING NO. 95120B9OO6 9201130662 10. EASEMENT AND THe. TERMS AND CONomONS THEREOF: GRANTeE: PUI\POSE: AREA AFFECTEo : RECORDING NO.: em OF RErtTON A MOTOR COHTllOl PANEl. ARCHlTEcruR.Al. CONTROl. WAll... AND RAILING, TOG~HfR WITH All. NECfSSAAy APPURTENANCES PORnONS OF PARCEl 11, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN, AND AS OEUNfATEO ON THE AnACHED EXHIBlT 9607220167 71. RfUNQUISHM!NT 0' AU !A.UMIHTS UISIiI'lg:, Muf'l! or potltflllll, 'or leee:ll, Ughl, \'I.-Ind ~Iir, .nd .U rights oIlngreu. eorell Ind regml lu, 'rom Ind between the lind .NS the hIGhwlV or highw'VlIO be COflSU\lt1~ on l,)ncI conveyed bV dted. TO: DAlEO: RECORDEO: RECORD1HG NO.; (Coven Parcel II) STATE OF WAStllNGTON SEPTEMBER 14, 19S6 OCTOBER 18, 1956 04740681 72. RlUNQUlSHMIHT 0' AU 1X1mHG, 'UTUn! OR POrtHTlAL USIM!PnS 'or Iccess, ~ht. 'flew In" .Ir, Inc! .U rights 0' '''Oren, tgrtu and '!tgren to, 'rom Ind betwHn the land Ind th~ hfghw.1" or hlghwayt conllrvctt<! on 'Ind, condemned by Prottt'dings under KIng Countv ~penor COUrt. BY: CAUSE NO .: ~t,Of TltJt In,uranu • , - STATE Of WASHINGTON 656127 • • o o ICHIOUI,.I: ..... ~'hH"'''' (Co .... " ".rall 11 In(! i l) 1). OtcJ .... llon 0' M.strKtr.-. Coven.nu Imj)O«d bWO kntf'Umtnt ,,"orded on Jury 10, 191i. under R.econuno "0. 790110078). (Cow" S~rt Pia' No . 09)-89, r.corded uMlr Rt(Of'dlno No. 8911149006 In P.'Cel, S .nd ') 7.. AU. Covt.NANTS, COPlDIT1ONS. RESTRIcrtOHS, RES!:RVATIONS. EASEMENTS OR OUtfR SERVITUDES, J, ANY. DISClOS(O BV CITY Of RENTON SHORT PLAy NO. PHI9. RECOROro UNOlR RECOAOIHG NO. 8911l49Q06. RIGHtS OR BENEFns. IF lim, WHICH MAY BE OISa.oSEO av THf. AfCQROfO DOCU"1ENT(S) AbOVE Arf£CTIHG LAND OVTSJOf TtiE aounOARY OtSOUOfO IN SCtIEOUU! It. '15. Rewtalve CbVCNt'lt Impo~ by In~tNrntnt recorded on SePt 2, 1994, ulloi1t! A..Cording No. 9409020504. (Cove", ',reel I) 76. "GREeMENT ANO nce TUMS AND CONDIiIONS nU!A.£Of ; RECORDED : RI!COADING NO.: REGARDING ! NOVEMBER II, J~l ]10..562 RAH.AOAD SPUR lflACl(S) '7. CO\ttN'*'. cot\dr~JOnl iIInd , •• lnctiOns IrI'POl" by IMllUm.,n r.co. dotd on tlovtmbf!r 17, 2Qoo, onet.!' AtcOf'ding No. 200011,700) '54, 1nc;1t.M1lnQ, bllt not '"nlt~ to, 'ljJntJ, Or bfoef\rt whiCh lNy h<t dlJdo.scd ,If.ctiJ19 .. no oould. the lKXIndc/"f d~ .. aibtd In 5chtdu1e A. 79 . AGRUMfkT ANa THf lEAMS A'40 C0'10nsONS THfAlOf: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: R!G4ROINci: (Cove" 'tt(~ 8) SfPTfH8fi\ 15, 1955 .. 616876 DUILDIt.G W4U 80, AGReeHENT mD T ... E TERMS A.Nt) CONOlTlONS tHEREOF : R£COfl[)fO : RlCO~OlfrrfQ NO.: StPTEM8fJ\ U, 1951 04832481 REGARDING ; tiOU> HAAMUSS AGAE01ENT (Coverl 'trtf" S1-A.net 9·B) • ! , " o o IOtI!DUU ...... c:ontJn,*, 81 . AGREEMENT AND THe TERMS AND CONDmOlj$ THERfOl': RECORDEO: ItECORoING NO.: R~GAACING : "'IAV 23, li91 1105211158 AGREEMENT AND UClNSe FOR FIRe MAIN INT!R·l1! 82 , UNRECORDED BRIDGE PERMIT AND THE TERMS ANO CONOmONS THEREOF : DATEO: S£rnMBEA 21, 1960, BETWEEN: CITY OF RENTON AND THE BOEING COMPANY SAID PERMIT WAS AMEkOEO UNDER ReCORDING NO, 92091715S3. BJ, AGREEMENT AND THE TtP.M5 AND CONomONS THEREOf: kECORDED: RECORDING NO.: REGARDING : SEPTEMBER 17, 1992 9209171541 RECREATIONAL TRAlL EASEMEN"r AND AGREEMENT S.1d Agreerntnt w., .mended ~ndtr rtKOtdlng No •. 9606110271 and 9609040765. 84. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS oViD CONDlTJONS THEREOF: RECORDED: RECORDING NO.: REGARDING: fEBRUARV 1, 1m 9402010678 AGREEMENT AND UCEns! FOR EXTENSION OF BOEING DOMESTIC WATER AND COMPA.ESSEO AIR SUPPLY UNES 85. Tenn. ;)nd condition, 0' Non-Opposltlon AgrHment .n~ •• an .lChlblt to Inmumtnt rtC'Otdf'd under RKOrdlno No. 200011 t 700':15)5. 86. COVeflANTS, CONOmONS AND RESTRICTIONS ImpoMd b". kl strvment tecordf'd on Novern~ 11, 2000, under R.c~nllng No . 2000111 7001354. (Covers P'ml 15) 87. MAU.rs OIsclo"d on ~nrccOtd~d $Ul'Vty by 8.llml • Holmbtro Inc., d'lt'd Se~f:mbl,' 8, 1994. under Job NO. 75·066. II fOllow.: b) POUlbft t:oootchrnent 0' cun. CUll onto right-Of'wIY ol Nonh 6" Street. (Covers Parcel )) 88. MAnns DISClOSED ON UNI ,fCORDfO SURVf'( BV BA"iA & HOLMBERG INC., DAoUD SEPTEMUER 8, 1994 AND REVISE D OCTOBER $, 10904. UNDER JO& NO. 75'066. AS FOLLOWS: .) Polilbl. eF)ttOI(t\lflflnt of ,ld'wll~ onto ,ubJeet property.t th' Southnst romer thereof; , o SCHIDUU ... ~ • c.ftU~ b) Curti cut, and CUrbiflO onto fl9ht·O'·""Y of North Gtf'I Stre.t. (Co"' .... ',ruI4) 89. HATTERS srr fOP.TH 8Y SURV(Y : AECOROfO : RlCORDtNG NO.: DISCLOSES : (Cov.,.. Ptrull) ClaMBER 8, 1995 95UOI9006 POSSt&U: (k<:ItOACI1MfNTS 90. . ,,, ... If\.rthl, Covantht ~pot41:t by It\IlfVmfnt rKC Otd on Juttt I, 1001, undtr ~.C'Qtdtn9 No . 200106010000,1;1. 0), OtLneO. ill. O£l£TfO. 9), ftts.tV'UonI ~ In eked from tn. Stat. 0' Washington tec:ordtd u!'Mkf AetOrdl1lO No . 6025859, rnervlf\g co ,,.. grantor II OIl, g.au, coal, Of'ri, ~t ... , toni"', ~~. end ltl.e"9ht oItntrv tot openln9. d .... ~nQ .nd wortUng 'he' UrM, .nd proooldlDg tN:.uch rig"" thalt not. be 4lI.rdHd ufWI prov\wn Mt bt." ~e f()( ~ EJ,Iym.ffl of ,11 d"l~ w,t.ined by ,uson tI f'I(h ."try. Rlgttt of Stat. at W.jNnolon or It, IUCCHsorl, 11IOjett to pitytfl4;nt of (ompen.ptJofl lh"t'OI', 10" acqitlr' nOMs-of-w'Y tOt Mllitt raUrold., .k:Jd fo.ch. "'"'".', QMiS, ¥tlttl couru, or other "'MrntIlU ror tr.".portino .nd mcwltlQ 11mb.,. MOtIf. mtnett{S.nd other prodliCt' from this ~ ~t ~, U tn,rwd In dhd rd.ned (0 above. 95, MV ~stna~, 00\ the un ot 1M lAInd rewttJf\C ftOm ttle riOhli of thl ~tIUc: 0' np,a,n&n Owor1\eA 10 us •• ny rortltln wtllcfl ~ now, Of N t: ".n, OWtl td by "".t«,. 91. Ul'¥lcotOtG k.~.hotcJI. V .ny; rtghts of ¥endOt1 .11d heiden of ~ N'.te.nUI Oft !HItson,l PI ot)ttty If'I4tl!tcl! lipot\ ,"-tfttld : .nd riGhts oIl.Mots to ~'II tr.d. " .. I",," It tht nPlt.UOn of thl: term. 91 . Of LETt{). ".'901)1 o ICHIDUll ...... eanHn~ riM/OnSet "0.1 HtoJ.410 99. MIlt1erl rel.tlng to qu •• Uons of IUrvrt'. riGhts of Pill'"'' In poues\Jon, .nd unrcco~td Iltns lot itbot' or material. An ALTA mUlt be fuml,hed to thl. eotnPi"y whlctllho .... the location of' allimproylmentl .ruI mull all lnaoac.hm,nts, drI'IewaVl and tll.menu whiCh en(\lmber the prop.rty. W. will revi.w the survey and m'''1 an InlPtttton of tM premilu, ~ will report the rtlulLJ ot bOth the ,. ... IIW aneS the Inspection by luppltmlntlll "'--100. RESTRICTIVE COVENANT ImpoHd by l"lt",m,"t rctordtd on JUNf I, 2001, under RHoroing No. 20010601000022. (toYe" PARCEL 1 AND OlliER PROPfRTY) 101. DElETED. 102. UEN FOR LA80A ANO/OA MAlaUAIS. Q.AlMANT: A.GAlNST: COMMENCED: C£ASEO: AMOUNT: RECORDED: RECORDING NO .: MOlA CONSTRUCTION, INC. SUN INNOVATIONS, tNC. NOVEMBER I, :1000 MAR0127,2ooi $25,010.00 MARCH 30, 2001 2oo10l30001690 (Covers 800 PARK AVE , N, 1)1·151 PROGRAM aUII.OING) Note I: n.. Comp,any hu btln .,lIed to Inue .n owner', POlICy without dlKto1ute of the Il,blilty .mount. Thl' commitment wll be effective only wh.n tM Amount of the policy commltt.d for hAt betn Inlerted In $thedule A hereof. Th. for1hComlllg polICy mUlt be "wed In In .mount at , .. ,t .qual to the full "".kI. of the "Itat, Inlured In .ccord.nc. w'th our ,.U~ schedul. on nle In the o~ of the Wllhl~ton Stete In,ur .. nce CommiSSioner. Hot. 21 Not. J: The Comp.ny m.,. ha.", f'I.Irthtr r.qUlramen" If the undl5dOHd .mount to be Inluttd •• ceedt U\e ~"ent .n."ed ."alu.tlon. Title wHl be "'Httd in partin yet undlsdoJed. When utle II; ""e.sl~. Ihelr title witt be subJecl to m.ncn of rCCOfd ao.lni\ their ntmet. The .bove aptioMd deKrl9t'On ma,. be IneofTCd be~UI' lhe app!iullon rot utle Insu,..oc:. contllned onlv.n .ddr." 1M/or paml Humber. PriM to do""Ol .11 partie' to th« lranuction must ""erity theleo.1 de«nptlon. It further d'\e~" 6te ".u" .. ". noUf"( the Company well before doSing 10 that tho .. cha~u an be reyle ...... d, Oosino Inst!'\lctlons musl Indlate l!\at the l.g.1 de,cnptKIn 1'1 .. been reviewed .nd .pproYfd by all partiH. '. lOdll Not. 41 ~vlO.nu .tId tuthOfl(y of tM C>tI'i<etl 0(' The ~InO CumPllny •• Qt~ .. #,. 'Crporal~, to tlItartt t,... 'onhcR~ It!,tI1Im_flt shoYkt be .wl)mlhOd. Hot.'l TM!. ~y bt Unlf()fM C.cm,.".,a.J C~ (LICe) $to(Wfty m..tfals ~f.cf '.(I\h t~ Dc.~T1rT18l'1t Of LiCtnslng In OIyJ'lpl .... ntct~ p.~~ pt~. crops ot ~fi(\lltunl fadHbfl, whld! art not C'CNt!f~ by thilt J'IOII(y to tu~, Hot. I, The fDUowing m • .,. tit Ultd •• ~ .btw .... 1tt.4 14'9CllMiC'~'Oft on tht d\)(VfM'nB to M r.coro.O, 1»1 &.mended RCW 65 04. SAID ,f.a&Ah'I.t,tf.O U!GAl D£SCfll"TlON 1$ NOr "SV8SmVTt: F()IlA (OHPL.fT[ UG.t,t. O£$(.,UPTIQt04 Wnl1l" Tht aooy Of THf OOCUMfNl . P'f'h 0,-SOUTtfEAST CORHEA. sec 5, '. , "HO • tWH 23 H ItHQ S f (fHO 0' UefPT10HS) Inv,.ug.lion ~ tte l'Mo, 10 dfllermlftt tt it,., •• re any l*"""ft' If'atJiMnt CtPt:Cit)o wQ~ eM' tt ttl.,...,. en,. M1Vka, ittJeallttlQtl. ",.lnt.",nre, Of ~ru«16n (hf~ rCtt HW", • .,..t,r Of Itlit(1I1r: It)' • '1\ ,tit tvt!nt tnl. Ir.,\uC\1orl 'I*' ~o .~, • ( .. nc:;tl~tiOtl ,... .. !!t be C.n.f" .. d tot MNICu. f'tnotrH 11\ M'Cunt"nt. WIU\ OW' ,.t" "~d",,,. Unl.tI ot'-""'ise11l:QuH'ed, tM tOI'fftt 01 pob(y to 1M 1UUt'd In (on~iOf\ .... rl'! ~ CGmrtmlTlfnt .It! be ALTA It91 poIlCie.l, 01, In l"* (fl'" 01 .t.!ldttd lender', tcwet.g:t, the o..U, .~td C'.owr'ge polley . 1m. The ooilCY COftIm!Ula'o; Of reQUUltd'!'Ny .bot e.llmm.d by ihq\i!ty lllhe oII'k. th,t In!lett the c01Tu'nltnlfnt. A. 11)ftI1\'\c:1I COf)Y of 1M poll<'( fQfm{.) ,..~tttd to ill WI. tOtflmltm.nt wfll ~ ""'m,.~ oromo!!, upOn rtqulSl Commonw .. Uh LAnlf flU, 1"*,,..,," Companv ... "."ntyllt","I. COrpor.Uott • wh.UV 0.,.,"." .ub.ldl.,.,. of Lil'ld"ftMI,lu 'tn.n~hll ara",,., 1M., and I. In no .. ay .",d.tH." ca"ned." with CommonwlIII.llh Tltlt Com"."" M' ".tt. Caunty, Wa."ln,tt;t CClegg .. ~ )1 til JI - l'rlnk'd: 12·t6-2OOl Payment ~.: • Qrv OF Il.ENl'ON 1055 S. Grady Way Renlon, WA 98055 • --_._--_._----.,-------------- Llln!! USC Actions RECEIPT Pormlt#: LUA02·141 121U!12002 02.30 PM R0201224 To!ill P.,.menl: 2.000.00 P.,oo BOEING REALTY CORPORAT10N - O@*o:r l l )tJ{l1l 50)6 OOO .34!).81.00,OOO!l ca~pr.~tl"llIi lv" I'I,UI M .. nd !l9'f9 9')9.991}. 99. '9. 1)999 Unl,llolofn t'.,.., 11"111 -Payment. m,d. for 'hi. f'KOlpt Trllnl! Method o.t"o tlp\ I n ll • •• -_._, Account B.I,nc" Jail )Ol .OO O,O{l , .~.II'I 5006000.H!I.1I1 .0u .frIlQ,' S007 000. 14 ~,Rl .G~.nOO l !jaDe OoO ,l"!I.Itt.I'{).Il(lO I SOG9 OOO.l "~. 81 .M ,flnnl, 5010 OOO.)4~.~1 .0Q .Oll~1 3011 OOO.J4 !1,S I ,ilO.O{W I! 50U OOO .J45,IfI .QO,th!U 'i SOil 000 •. 1'';,111.00,00 11. SO It 001>,)4',,111,0.0,0'111 5015000.HS .81.00.\HH : 5016 000.345,!H.OG.0'H I SOil OOO.)'~.81 .~~.00 14 ~01' OOO.J 4 S.81 .00 .~O I' S019 OOO.3.5.8I.0Q,on l~ S020 OOO.]'~.lIl.(lO .QO I ' so:n OOO.)4~i.8L Q I).OOIl' ~D22 OOo.3.~.al.OO.OO t~ 502] 0 5024 OOO.34S.61.00.00~4 50l6000.J45.BI.OO.O(i{)S S909000.34 5941 000.) 59S4 60 59S5 OOO.0~.519.90.(2.t 5998000. 599' 99'.'9'.99.99.9999 - 1'.\1' I!I' I '.' r I. I ... , j\),I,.,,,,..) ... I ~ ... Nr ... ·'.,thlt.~' fI ),,,,,,,1I1 ' " "11 1"',/·., YB'IIl; .oo, I.t ,,_ r )tfl l ... -, ... ,1 ,I ~ n ",1 I I~I PIJI III '" '10" • , t t f r ... 1 Ii",. ... ' ·~.f· Nl.J1 I ) .. 11",.., .. , • ~ II .. J rI'\"" 11111)'1,." v,.·,",,,! I nh 'Ii I't t , .. ,l ·,"t· ... \ '" ;", .. "I .. " "'I i.'" HI SI"I~I ~1 1'",,"'1/ ''''t .. , \/,.,I"rll ", ,,,,,, t:'lJflth\I ,,,l o:I ] .11 11 " -.~"J , ..... COI!o.III <'Iilt',I" I 'oj . I', .. n ¥""'~ iloo 10; III ~ 1\ Ot I 'III 'I'V hI! Hilll$ ff • .""hl .. ' tpC!e hl '.loJI)f)Nlt., PO:at lll\!ts T .. UfI .netm .'j)~ J I.f'!:> • • -- ""Ivdl\\ . -', -~ ~. !If!!). flO • Mount 1."00 .00 !JOO.OO --- · • • 1'1) , ')11 , \11\ • I'll Ill) tI·1 .0,\ , ("if' • '10 • 1\', .IHI .i'(\ . ill) .no o. • ,JfI ,0O .00 ,00 o on ••• .0. .00 •• 0 .00 •• 0 .00 , , • , . r -,' .---, I Q a a J 1 .. J j n , . , , , , . . " • • ..:. ft, ' _,, __ 01_ BOEING RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT EIS , • Final Environmental Impact Statement City of Renton, W.tshlngton Octob~r 21, 2003 '. ' , , " , , ..... " , , " • , :J a ,] J ] o o o ~ -: , . October 21. 2003 Deaf R.adOl'. . , .. · ' " CITY OF RE.NTON "llI.lUlin&lUuiill IIlWl'uhl ic Work~ CkpunmC'1II Cirru llnunftlRUI P.':., AdlnlalU'llo, Attaehecl Js a COP.,. of Ihe Fll'Ial Envlronm'f\tal ImpMt Stotomet\1 {FEIS) 101 The 8ot)ng Cornpany'. applcattOn lor Ie,' end map amllOdmonlt to tho City of Renton Cornprehon.rve Pian In DOGGn'b6r 2002. Th 8001011 compan~ lubmlflOd • land UN MD.,or ADploUtJon (LUAIl2· , .. t I f~'II,ng Cornpreh6l'ltVG PIAn ena lonlflg Te);1 I'nd Map .~Mdmtnlt. and ~emenllng Ile\'olopmttnt standArd arnondmetllS The ell), of Renton EnVllOMwllai ReVlClw Comrnllleo inutl(1. OeltrmlnOllOn of Slgnil'lCIVICO on Mere h.t, 2003 The City 01 Ronlon, In accoraanc. WIth Iho State Enw.onmenlDi POiIC)' Att (SEPA) ptOCfl". '"ued • Scopll'lg NotICe and ScoPWlO Documenl on Malth 10.2003. On MftfCh 25. 2003. a pubi" .c.oplnQ mHI;t\Q "II held to Itce~. wrlnon and Gtal comment. on tho PfO\Klled ,cope of .Iudy /II, 0,.11 EnVllonmenW tmPKt Sialomon! IDEI51 waa 'sayed by 11'10 City of Renlon EnvwOf'lmenlai Ro\'!ftw Comtnrttoo on July 9, 2003 A pub1lc hUling wal hold on July 30. 2003 A u,..,)' day Conltl'ltlOl porlOd dond on August 8. 2003 . ThO IIsuol Idltflhf.od ltUOI.I(Jh tho .co~tnu Pl'OCOst And ,,(tdfeueo in thQ DEIS \nC!ooed ullh, water rnDUleet, Il.h ood w,t:t'I" h ab-ltll, htlurdOUI malatilJl., lMd 1.1111 pnUeHl., fe/allon,hip 10 pIAn. and poilCle!l , popull]lJOn, ompk))1'II,ml. attd MUlino, palh Md tOCfeatlOn, ae'ltu!l-elAlQ tll find Ol/Afe, lranlpOfUlltoo , nQI.e, publIC urvicOI, and 41 ~,IItI' Tha FEIS plm'ldes (atponle. 10 convlltnt' arnJ c(IIlClclloru 01'1 the OEIS BII,tId or'! commantl toceiVed 01'1 the DIal! EtS, tho l"utI olll'lrns 1.1.' tomPbhb~!ty Wllh ... IIWJ aile .lee WIth 'IMt~ optS141!on. nUDClatod Wltn the Renton Mun ltJplu Ailpoi'! II d"cuned ltiflhflr III ItIl' Ftnal F.IS Da.td Qt\ tnft FEIS , a D,IIOIOPft1C1/I\ Agloomenl " bell'lg n690h(il~ betweon The 800it'lQ Company and Iha Cdy 01 Renton, Pur.uanllO SEPA RtI!OII101.11),loI1OW1ng Ihe 'nuance ollh" FEIS, A ,.ven d3y walling ptflOd WIll be tIIl.blNled (October n 111101.10'1 October 28. 2003) CkJring ",hlCh Itle C<y 01 Renlon w'tI\ lalle no actIOn on 'h. PfopoMd ComPfeflen'lVa Plan Ind ZonJr'lg Tp,1 WId Map am.n(lmetll. rmd me .,aociIled dctvAlopmonl ,laMard ImendmenlS and develOpment ftgfeorn.nl FnllowlOU It\a publIC tcMaW pefiOd. Ih' City mDy take aGltOO based on Ihtt FEtS, The ptQC)Oled Comprehensive Plan and Zonll'lO TfI~' al\(l M~ 1Ul\8I)dment, ~ De the IUbjocl 01 a Pllllwrio CommissIOn J)\Ib!ic hotmng IthMlu:od lor Nov.rnb., 12. 2003 , .t s pm, til ConIOflK\Qng Conl.r, 7'" floor RenlOfl C~y Hili, 1055 SOU P\ Clad.,. Way, ~enton, WA Tho propotod Comptttlltrl.lve Plan lind ZOOol\O To'" and "'liP omondmtnlS. devl~pmool agreemenl, ond developmont ,tandard ctmendrnent, w~ be the .ub!«' 01 • CIty C~clI ~c healing on Novamba, 17, 2003. at 7:30 pm, al Clly Council Ch&/nbarl , 1" noor R&I'Ilon Cit.,. H,.", 1055 South GladVWey, Renton . WA, Upon lIdoplion 01 the Comprehtnllv. PI.nand lGnIl'lD TC'_I And Map amMdmen,s, devroptntf'll ,14t'I(I1W'd amtndmenll, ond de~pment 19leemanl there Will be II 20 day ISWaal pOfIOd dumQ v-i'Ilc;h the FEIS mly ba appealed. Pl.llluant to SEPA Rutn rNAC lIn·!I) and the ClI.,. 01 Ronlon's Envlronnlontal RaVlOw OrdW'i MCO tRMe 4,fI ·' '0. E 4) ActIOn. lalo;en !Ullod 01'1 ttl, FEIS (/ e .• lhe ComptlttctflSlve p~\ and Zoolt'lg TOll And MalJ emend,mertlt development ,tandafd amendmanl$, and development 1Ig10om.,,!) may b!ao !)o appealed pof$u2nl 10 appUcabla provision, of 1M Renton Code And ,1 0te law. --.. -.... _--RENTO'N-Juj5 S ~,.IlhnnJ} \\'.1). Rrnll'n, \\'uhinJI!'n QSO~~ o " , ,. II y<l1I INIvt JlITY q VU 1!on • .,.. IfquK' d"~'!lon of 111, ,,~ .... p!toU. ~ e.,taQelfl H:po-.n. ~,M.r141gitl, al "n;·.:\o.6~76 The C(~ of RtlOton npw~lt\ ~ tnl4!feft fItUl tnitlIr,,1i )'01.1101' yQ\P' PfJIt~I:on Env:r9flo-n~nhld R4~"" C:~~ -: . ' ... , U FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT BOEING RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT EIS CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Prepared for the Rovlew and Comments of Cittlo"l. Groups and Govommonlal Agoncles . In Compllanco With The Slat. Envlronmonlal Policy Act of 1011 (RCI'\' 43 ,2IC) and City of Renlon SEPA Policl .. and Procedure. - PROJECT TI TLE PROPOSED ACnON FACT SHEET TIlt Booing Ccmpony .. "",.nUy COIIiOIkI'1ing II> COfTIf1",oaI ai(p"ntt oporelionl ,t itt. Rt ntm PIAn!. c...~tJon 0I1loo1ng """"lion. ""y a •• ", 0,,,,,,,,,,,",,,, 101 ao.!ng 10 tooccupy 01' IUf~ JlJ non-t: •• onta( "'-",.. an<! _.no' Boolng.nd "'" CIty oIl1enlon ... • lud)'ioO pot_nUll reoeVek)prnent opponuncrsea JOt QHQJn Rfnlon PiArlI prope~ IMI may be, I'nI'do .vl!la~ 'oc ftcta'ltlopl'flltnl In the f\.1ur.. Tho City " also ltudytrtg pohIofoal f1Kft:~nl oPPQI'tUnI'bIs for .e .... '. proporue$ _tlJ.cent k) lhe R.nlen PM," t!te ConaJd81a~ 01 • bfo.det r1000 0' land ute. tNan ia currelJfJy allowed by '.i'llng c.ot'nt>teNMWe plan .nd lOlling deslgnatlOOS \It" re.qvif. Ch.ngUln ~nd use 'tgu!aliona TIW> Boo<>o C"""",ny " i>«>flO>Ino '" ,mend 1/10 CfIy 01 Rtilion Compt6htnslw! Plan mop dt.lgn.tk>n ott "Ppro'(irnI!.1y 275 act .. of It. ptQOfltty ~ted adllf(en' 10 L.al(~ WlJhlnglon The Ctty 0( Roneon ItaN "8. """""'''''it<l U,., ....... 'U,,"," C.",.,.N<!f1h" (UC·N)III"" InJt tftl/gnetion btl 'POlHld to ttw 8being: pr~rty end af! 4IdOIIIONI HI aal! of c;ontlgO(KfJ Pl'QPtrty ownf<f by oU'tf~ l~tnQ"lAIuon 0# • new LIC·N dedgnttJon Will fllqutf& teom" ,.~tttd C:hanuts So lha C".otnptthln.1vt" P~n. IncIud!ng dlvldlng the ''''1Ing '\ItI)On Co ... ," deotonollOn ,,10 l\tfO ..;~t"'1 "lItbtn C.ntet·NOf1h" (UC.N) and "UrNn Ceol,,·iloo1llown· (UC.O). 1 ... Prorooed Ad!on(.) """"'. • Cor'rI()(t~~1Yt PiIn mtp • .mei'\CD'ne1l1.!. to di'M4t tho en'l~ Urban C.nttf I;n{o two IlIb4i, .. ,: 1.J.rbM Conl.r·~n· (tJC.DI and UrbtIn C4tnttr-Notth' (UC·Ni: • CorrIpr.hens ..... P\.tn \txt •. nwMI'TlertC. kJ ~ .xilltng ·Con",. pq4Icle. 11>01 "'_ _ _*I poi/<:It. aopbbl. 10 ~ e('\l.h'ii UriNtn CenlOt end liltt ttilab!ith Me lUb-areas Wtth'rl the ·Urben Cet'lltlf"', ·Urt:t.ln Ctn1er. Down .... ..,· (UC·Dlf"""UfIlo" Cenl.,.N<!f1h' (UC.N). • CcMcfilhftOlivt PtJn tbl(t Imtl'ldmtntt lhit .I~.h poIielt. IOf • nIIVf UC·N hUld U ... d.,''ONtiOO. • Comptthentlvo Plan map emendnwntl to f,,-deslgnate PfDCtetUel' In the ,lie ern from EmpIo)'mont Alta. lMultrlai, El!IpIoy1n6r.t AI .. ·Otf'ICe. Md (~I ;:. .. ~t=i.~.~M== .. ~.~'~M~H~.~'·.------------------------------------.. -------0, 'I", '.I.iIM. ALTERNATIVES ........... ,.". fin., ell '.or lilt .. , Area·TranslllOn 10 the new UC·N Comprehensive Pltn designation; • Creation of now mhcod·us. zonIng provisiona for lhe silo WOII COfTespondlng to the UC-N Comprehenllvo Plan designation; • Rezones of the ,110 area properties to the new zoning dellgnahon(41. • Development Agreement between the City of Renton "nd The Boeing Company; and • Olher applicabhl modifications to City of Ronton Comprehensive P1an and Deve'lopment Rogu!atlonl. Tne prObable algnlOcant 1mp'C!1 of the propotod Comprehensive Phan amendments and potldes. new zoning provisions. ~d olner 10" amendments and modification. are analyZed wlthin the scope of lhls els. The Boeing Company has proposed entering 1010 • Development Agreement wUh the City of Renton In accordance with RCW 36.700.170. This Development Agreement would not raise new tnWonmentallnuel beyond lhe scope of this EIS. This EtS I, Inlended to provido docislon mP.ef'l with relovant I dorm.aliOn nooded 10 consider odopllon 01 the proposed amendmenl. to tho COmprohensive Plan. zoning code. and OIher ldelltirlOd COmprohenll\le Ptan t.xt amendmentl and modlffCAtIonS. AI indicaled above. the EIS addresses the probable Ilgn lflc.ant Impacts that could OCCUr as II result of the Proposed Action(.). The EIS alao addrelliJS Impacts from potential future ledevelopment 'cllvltles on tho 1110 arell by the year 2030. A ,u~t range of redevelopment I cenaoo" ,nd aocompanylng toveJ of detat! ,nd Dnatysl •• hal been Included and/or oonducted In the EIS IQ or.compliJl'l (hi.. FulUle redevelopment proposel. may be reQu ltd to UndOfgO addUkx\l1 SEPA nnal)'lfl (al Iho lime S,oeCltIc eppllc8«ons for redevelopment arG submitted 10 the City for review and approval), depending on the rolatlonlhlp of .UCh proposals to the anumpttun. ev.lual)d In Ihlt EIS. Howevet. If actuat redevelopment propotal, Me Within the We.t\oIda .nalyzed, It It anUdpetod that further environmenla4 Analysis uodftt SEPA may nOi be required. For purposes of environmental review, four redevelopment scenarloa were developed (MematNt. 1 through 4) Nt encom~" I broad range of land Ute' !hit the .lte could potentially accommodate In the tU1ure, g ..... n existing and proposed ComprehenlMl Ptan poKdo. and zoning designations . The al1emaUvea are Intended to represent an over.all onvelopo ot polentlal redevelopment for analyals In • ,., • tho EIS TtWl), 'UO(.tlOO 10 pr<Nlde (optejetl.tAlrI/O I.e~!, Ill(! typo. 01 '''.velopmon' .ha. -'<I bo od\lom <Mr _. balld on ttMI proposttd land Ute dOt.'OMijon, and pqtIdel, and 1.1\61 UII be evalualed In tho ~,.~ 01 tilt F.IS prQOOt. Two of thfJ allert\lll\l'6S iNo Action and PartJoII o.V'tlopmctnt) lnQuo. Boeing ope,.Uot\, COf'ItOIktotod on ItwJ "" ... , ~ of tM all. '" PIn Qr tne bue6n. ~ ~Uon of BoeIng OWlllons is currently pl6n~ to be c:ompf.l~ by 2004 and ~ COO'Ifd.ttd I .eparAte acUOn undf( SEPA; II ~ not port 0/.110 "'_. ""'no .VI!lu> .... '" IhIS E'S lht' Craft EIS e'l:.luate<J ptelMnin3ty poIOea end toning '''DIN wilh fOUt ftdeYelOpmenl aJ\emaliWs (deacnbed bc:IfooN) In ordor 10 ptO'.'ldt UWt feld8, ~illl an underJlAndlOg Of poIenlJa} k'npaGla lllOCUItod WiU\ redfpytiOomenl lh .... COU'd , .. lUte • mil of lind ute I~s. dens!I ..... nd Inten.lties SubseqUf".nt to D\Ibftc.OUon of the Or.n E15. the re.~ of Ihi JNltytt; ¥rQtC u$od oy the City to oevetap 10(1 rafloe a s~ .. , of Comorlihol'lslvtl P/iln poIide. Ind :to~ leQ(j~lion, Ih*1 "e tnlenUf(l to goo;,l" redC'lYf~'I ... nl of lhe ,ne 8tit., The,. proposed poIk:ie$ and lOOIOQ "e Within the r,nge of Pf.II.~r'f poiH:Je" _1111 'toone lI".tyzod In lhe Drill EtS. no new OflWOfIrI'Iffl'il Issue. 0'" ,,,lsO(l The ptopo.itd ComptehentNt PiIn. poflclot or'ld z'00in0 lor the tlte a:eD rue lutnmlfCltd 10 ChApfO! 1 01 IF\It Final EIS end inctuded ~ tuft .., Aooendh. A f~,.. MId tori' future of 11M uo eutr.nt lana \ie" delllQn'~ lho tit, indUfJe ernp;oymem Alall 'rod",'rIoI . ...,,,,-1,_ (EA-TI IN Cmpktyment CWtftf'l1 aonfng bPI the-~J Is H .. V)' IndUSlt1ll11'i} L~t\llncJ~l .. t.a1 m.).1WS CQo'l"rfnft· .. ttt 0_100). AHerl'\lltve 1 .ssumet A ~I 'ed.~ ~nana"" undt, exl.11t'HJ roning bt lM ye.ar ~t5, .... itl) Sot!"lG ®erlflOn. COtIUnuJng withtn 'h1 rlJle at.,. \\tI~t G1 t.<)Qltn Av.nue N The No-Ad)')", A1rNnabve WOV'd "'M in DpprOl(imalelV 260 .000 .qllal' ~e'!l ~ ""Ii ~ box nt~ ute, and 1,1 tniJljon GqtJ,.,\ffl: to.~ 01 t\4tW HQM tridUM~ laM use on portions of tho ,He at .. ~,~ to be YlQltd by Boeing . CerWn It3nsMalIo!1 6ne utIIit, fnfrftSltuct'lHe -.-1It. "."'011 ~,.., £" ~Hto.., Improvements would be required to 581'VG now redevelopmonl. ~omollYO 2: padlAl Rodeveloornont (2015 Bulldout), A1tornative 2 Is 0 partial rodevetopmont scenario thaI would occur undor the proposed UC·N COmprlhenaivo Plan deaignalion. Uke the No Action Allemallvo. Altornative 2 .nume. continued Boeing operations welt of Logan Avenuo N. On the remainder of the IU, area easl of Logan Avenue N. redevelopment ovaluated undor AlternatiVe 2 Includes big boll and/or strip commerdal U511. low-rise olflco (1·3 stories) and retail Ules, und UIOS e ... aluated under A1torn,!}ve 2 Include approldmately 1.5 miniOn square feel of tNlIed·use r,tad end office uaes on portion. of tho litO assumed 10 be vacated by Booil'lg, Simllar 10 Alternatlvo 1, certain transportation Ind U!i~ty Inhastructuro Improvement. would be required to servo redevelopmont , AIIemattyo 3' Full Red0velopment. low to MI~.r.IIiO 12030 BulldOyIl , Alternative 3 Is • redevclopmll5nt 1010000 renoctlng full redevelopment of tho l ite undor :ha proposed UC·N dallgnaUon at a low to mId ·ris. 10 .... 1 by tht. veDr 2030, Conunued Boe ing ~rationl west of logon A~n\H) ~ within the 1110 a(oa ora olSumecf ill yeftr 20115, howe"", no .lIumpllon 01 continued oporaUoos is made fOl year .. '030. II should be nolctd thai Boeing may chooso 10 funtK\( consolidate or terminata Ita opelatloo, In the site area priOl' to 201.5. ()( on tho other hand continue ill o~r"IIOn' for the fOllluellble futuro (1.0 " to 2015. 2030 and beyond). Land ulal evaluated undar AlleMalivl 3 at luM bulldout InClude approltlmalety 11 .7 rnituon square flt.1 of new mixed· UIO feta ft. office . and rotldenUal land uses, ft40fe extensive transportation and utili ty Infrastructure Improvements would be roquirltd 10 lUppor1 the higher Intonslty UIOS under this seenarto. fU COmptlfed to "'tomaliv"s 1 end 2. AU.rnslNe ,I; fyll Bedo'lQloQf1lIOl. MId 10 HIOb:BIJt. 12Q30 Bylldoull A1tematlve .. (aneCIS tho highest ~vel and Inlenslty 01 redoveiopment under the propoaod UC·N deslgnallOn 01 • mkt 10 hlgh·riso iovel by the year 2030. Uke A1lomallvo 3, thero II no Issumptlon 01 continued Boeing operations by the yeor 2030, Land UStll o ... aluated under AltomatlYo <4 Include approximately 17.7 mU llen square 1001 of new mhled. Ul. row4. olnee. and ,.uldttnl1ol tond use., SlmtIM to Altornallve 3, additional transportatIOn and utility Infrastructure Improvements would be roqulrod 10 support the hlghor Inlensity usos . , ' J J ., . . LOCATION PROPONENT/APPLICANT LEAD "OENCY RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL LEAD AG ENCY CONTACT PERSON PERMIT! AND APPROVALS ... ,,,.Ite .. ,.,. 'Ift-' 'I' '.of aJI .. t • , , ,.. TM •• te a,ea be1no '1{.1~lod In tM EIS inQudes _tlp/oalmal-')' :i!1~ le,e:& of ~Ing property end aPJHO~m8lttty 15 aCt" of con\.louout ptoptny (llJrn'Jtd by oth4r, Th/t Ilto .rea He. moslty ~ilhin 0e City'. detlinall'd U,ban Center. ,nd it IOc:&Iltd adJAcent to ~ t'OUth thOr_ 04 LJl(o wuhinolon. gener.lfy bolWHR the Renton MunidP31 AirpOOand G.ne Couton .. 4en"lOrial £:\each p,~ Tho ,a. area l$ bOUndtd by Lake w.shington aM the Southport dClvelopm&nl on the not1h. Renton MemoN' High School SllIdMJm ell'" N 5~ and 6" SlrNts on tM south. the Codilr fWet ",,'aleM"IY ,ncs trait on the wast; and o.rdtll AwnlJot N on the eas! The ,ilo 81ea 1ncIvdft. dle 80ctlnQ Aenton PI.n!. the IlIl'tJAQ POQet Sourod Enotgy (P5E) lubstJliorI, ~lbQnal Boetng propen les 1n of~ ute Iocelld eait of Logan ~\~nue N III 1M ,~th cnd of &he sito 111101 , aM ,everal pt'C)pertit., ~d by othelf, ,It.o to(.&led .t tho loulh eno of tho lite between Paltl. ,AV'fIO\)tI N and Ga!den A...-.nuo N The Ooa ll'lg COmpany Cit)' of Renlon ECO'lOOlic Oo'/'&lOpmctnl , NeighbOtl~t . #nd Siroteo<- Pi/,onlno Oepannwnt 1055 Sooth Grndy Wey . 6'-FIOO( Renton, Washington Oe05~ En~tOl\meftt.1 Rovt.6w Committee CIt)' 01 Renton E~lobelh Hlf.XI1n,. ~('I1Ot Planl"ttf Clly of ReotCH'\ E~ Development , NDl:or.borhoodt, find Strategic Pilnning Oecartmenl 1055 South Grady W.y. 0 FIOO< RonIOf\. WlthingtOll 90055 p""",' "25) '30-6510 ComP4'fttlensivo P\.an M30 ,,'lei 'fe:d Amoodl'!'leOtl Zoning Code Amendmontl Property Rel.COM Other mod IfiCation. to lJppbble ~k:pment R lt9uto~ • • EIS AUTHORS ANO PRINCIPAl. CONTRIBUTORS ""..lholtICNf ''''ttl £I. '.otA .. , AU otller licenses and permlts required to accomphsh fulure redovelopment of the IltO, EIS ProJoct Manlglr, Primary Author, Land UI'I R.I.tlonahlp to Plana and Pollc! .. , Population, Employmlnt and Houllng, Park, and Rle ..... Uon, A .. thlUcllLlght and GI ...... nd PubUc SeNte .. Blumen Consuillng Group, Inc, 600 108" AWl, NE Suite 1002 Bellevu •• WA 98004 O.otlehnlcll, Groundwater and Huardoua M.t.rlll, Associated Earth Sclence., Inc , (AESI) 911 5" Avenue, Sulle 100 K!lkl~nd. WA 98033 Watlr Quality A,e , Kindig and Co. 12501 BeIl ·Red Rd, Sullo 201 Bellevue , WA 98005 Fish and Wlldllf. Codaroek Consullant$, Inc, 10609 2044'" Avonue NE WoocUn'o'lHo, WA 08072 Tran'portatlon transportation Engineering Northwest (TENW) PO Bo, 652:14 Sealll0. WA 98155 Nol .. BRC Acoustic., Inc, 320815" Ave. W. 5ealllo, WA 08119 Stormw.ta, and UtlIIU .. KPFF Conlultlng Engineers 1520 .... Avenue. Sullo 500 Se.,tIe, WA 96101 VI,uat An.ly,l, (Photo Mont.g .. ) Sasaki Aasoc:iate •• Inc, 900 Nor1h POIn! Sitoot 8300 San Fr.:snd.co, CA 94109 wI I LOCAnON OF BACK · GROUND INFORMATION DATE OF FINAL EIS IS$UANCE AVAILABILITY OF THE FINAL EIS ... Iftrt ItMt.tt , •• ,,11 ,*CtP •• ' Air Qu.llty Person. 6 rinc:ktrhort OutdO' & Oougios. Inc. m 3" A~etlue . Suite 2200 S4loltle. WA 88 t()04 e..K. ... gfOUnd mateoal aod fupponing dowmontt. .rc SoUte<J ai' City of Renton Ec:.onon'k OevtllOprnenl , Nt;gt'lbOrhOoda. and Strategic P~Ming o.partment 1065 SoUt" atttd .. Wev. G" Floor Renton . W.aNngton $80615 ('25) 430,6591 ~ober 21 , 2Q03 'fflls Float EIS h.n beOn d/JUlwltd lO egef'\CtOf, organilallon. end jncil'liduels noIed on the Oittributioo Lkt tonUlI!'\ed l.I'I Chapter 5 AdiJlljoMl coptu ate "voltabte fOf purchase at Renton City HIli at , fepfoaualOn COlt 0' $15.00. plus tttl( COpies of lh& Final EIS are ,1,0 .va~b4e fOl r.vie'.v 1\ tho Renlon ,.~ipat llb'~, [)o;IIn1(Ww"ft and HJohLlr4t BrInehe'S wi , J J ] ] , . ' • BOEING RENTON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT fiNAL EIS TABLE Of CONTENTS FACT SHEET ................ , .... , ........... ,." .... " ..................... ", .. , ...... " .. " ............................. " ............. I TABLE OF CONTeNTS ................ ,,' ..... , .... "" .. , ........ ", .... " ..... , ................... ,.,.,., ................. ,., .. vIII CHAPTER 1 ........................ , .• , .. " .•.. , ..... ,., .... " ....... _ ....... " ~ ...... , ............ , .................................... ,. UPDATED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION(S) AND ALTERNATIVES Introduction •. , ...................... , ............................. " .... " ... " .•..• ,,, .............. ,, ........ , ..... , ... ' 1.1 Oes.criplloo 01 the Proposed Actlon(s) . ., , ...... " .. " ................ " .. ,_,,,.,,', .......... ,"," ....... "" 1.1 Oescnpllon of Alternative •... , ...... " ................................. ,. _ ....... , ........................ " ..• 1.104 CHAPTER 2 UPDATED INFORMATION AND ANALYSIS .. ". ............................................... 2.1 Inttoduction ............................................... , ................................. "" ., .... , ...................... 2,1 ~e'aUonshjp to Ptans and Polus .............. , ....................... ,. .............. ". , .............. , •.. ,.2.2 land Use Pal1etns .................................... , •... , .. " ................................ , ................... , .. ,2 ,~ Popul3tion. Emplo>mont and Housing ., ............ "."." .. " ........................ ~, Aesthetics. light lind GllIre , ...................................... ,., ....................... .. Alr Transpoi'1l1tJo.n ...... , ........................................ ,,, .. ,, .......................... ,,_, Nollo ' ....... , ................ " ........................... , ... , .... , .. ~.... . ........ -................... . ................. 2.6 ......... , ....... 2.7 ............... 2 8 ..... , .. , ...... 28 Air Qualll)' ."." ............. ,." .. " •. , ..... , ............... , ........... , ................... " ......... " .................. 2.9 CHAPTER 3 ERRATA .......... " ......................... , ..... , ..... , ........ , ............ " ...• " ...... " ..... " ........ , ........... t. 3. 1 CHAPTER. RESPONSe TO COMMENTS ... , ...... " ....................................................................... , 4.1 Public Comment lottefS and Respon~es lener 1: StA'to or WAshington Deparlmont of Fish and Wildlife ........... " ....... , ...... _ ..... ,. 04 .3 letter 2: WSOOT Avlalion OMsIon" ............. ,." .............. , .... , ..... " .... , ...• , ................ , ..... 4.7 Leller 3; WSOOT TranSpof1olion DivisIOn ......................... , ................ . .......... , ........ 4.12 loiter 4: Pugcl Sound Raglanol Council ........ .. ................ ,,, .......... ' .. . ............... " ...... 16 Leiter 5: King County. Woslewatet Treolmonl DIVIsion ... , .. "., ... , ...... . ... , ............... 04,21 Leller 6: Seattle Publre Ut~l lles ...... ' .................. , .... ,....... "". , ............ " ................. , •. , .. 4.25 Leller 7: PACCAR, Inc ............ , ....................... , ...• " ................. " ..... ," .......... , .......... 04 28 Lettor 8. Aerodyno Aviallon ............... ' .... , ...................... , ...... ,... .•.... ..... . ...... " .•••.. j ..... 30 Loiter g; South Cove Ventures. LlC ............. " ..................... " .......................... " .... , ... 4 33 leiter 10: Leslie Kodlsh ............................. , ....... ", ... , ......... " ... , ...... , ........... , ..... " ..... , ... 36 Leiter 11 ~ Pat Sado .... ,,, ....................... , ...... ,,, .. , .... ,, ....•. , ............. ,., ..... , ...... , ........ , ....... 38 letler 12: Douglas T ooJo)' .... , .. "." .............. " ... " ......... " .• "" "'"'''' .. ''''' .......... ,," .. , ....... 4.04 1 Lellor 13' 8f ltd NiChol.on .................. ,', .• , .............................. ,. , .... , ...... , .......... " ........... 53 LellDr 14: om Drubaker ...... , .... ,., ..... " ........... , .. , ............. , ......................... "." .. " ......... . He Letter 15. "'''chlJal Rice "" .................... "' .. , ....... " .. "" .... , ...................... " .............. " ... 4,60 leller 16: Keilh Burke ......... , ... " ......... , ... , ...... " ... , .................... ", .......... f ............... , .... 4.6. Cit)' of Renlon Planning CommIulon Moehrlg Mlnutos , ....... ", .. , .......... , ........... "., ...... 4, 7 t < " ' " . ' . • Ctw'T~R & P!&TRI8UTlON LIST APPENOICES App.tI'ldtW: A -Propot;6d P~I. ZOOIOQ, 11M O' .. ·.IQp<t ... nt Standard. App6nthx 8 -Ulbtln Canle,.·North AlrpQ(\ Con'lpAlo04 L"od Ute f'roQllm ApprMdi. C -AIr OuI!lty rechnlCIII Mtt~ndum ==-=:::~=;----'--. _. -------...... --..,-... "" " ... ,." '1M' ,,, I. ~.'Con""h - , ... , , , -J 8 D 0 " J " Q ;, .... 0 J 0 J 0 J ,,' [1 , ] iJ 'I - i.1 ..J J , , h , , Chapter 1 Updated Description of the Proposed Actlon(s) and Alternatives , . " , , , , f , , , , , " , " I ' , ' -,,' , 1 1 CHIIPTER 1 UPDIITI!D DESCRIPTION Of TH!! PROPOSED IItTION(I) AND ALTeRNATIVES 1hl. cnapt9( pro,,1de, uponlod itl'orm:sUOO penll1onllO tI~ 08$UIPIA)O m the PrD(lC$6d Al;t1Ofl(.) ond Allomall',..,s II pfDlOAtl".uwlO HI or PfOf>OSQd C()tllpIWnttVe I~n poIWtl. tufIi!1\l. ana developtTW)nl regul\JUOOs thou WQUtd oppty to the Urban c.mof.Netth are>" dilW~S tho CIt1 Of Honlon 'a ongOing p:aoolnn proc.,., ICQ"tcMo tho propoICtd COO1l'lfUhC)~ ~n a~n~ end now f1'Ib.ed-\lH .coning. and lodud6s 11 JommU/Y of Ina lour ;ift.onr.tliVU tilVi1!\.tJlO<I In tNt Orllln EIS. Bac.kgrouna klJONno1l1on is .utnm.\rlZ~ belOw QI ~kr/o1Of: m.fOf lO Chapf4f 2 of U1C) Drift EIS fOi a dttolded dOW\i)UQn of the PICCOIOd AcllOnls} and Alte T\3~ D1\O~lod in tN Craft EIS Thct Boeing Company is cUl'1l!nU) contolldillmg it, COI'f¥'u~rClm lurpl.,ne opcfiUlQtll al ~lQ Reolon Pianl TIle ~~Uo:\ process 15 Cart (it " company· ..... offen ~ [lChIo\1l COIl QIld ptodoct.lOO r~~lod e!fiQolldlt. for Itt C:Otn"lIlfc;m1 airpl-<lo. oPt'fnuonl ConsoiCaliOrl of 00e1l'O opt,tf'llOn, may UtllHe oppot1Uf\jLI{!:S rOf 6oo!ng lO rooco4'Y Of !lurptUs Ib non-e!"n~ jl(~c. and bUildlnOJ bing and the City of Renton 3/0 .llKIytng potential tOOOY(l!opm@n1 OCJp(M'tunll~S 101 ceflnln RonlOO Pbnt ptOper\IQ::I tNt mnV bo frodo (hrulA~ ''If sa. or tOdlNeiOpmoot k'I I~"', tUtU(\! nle "JUt BUlt! Ilas bfton OAp4/ldOd D'/ lhe City to iJ'ICh.x:". ,.«1I;t!(011 /itdjacet'tt PI'~t1IttS tiS Pi'rt 01 tll1t EIS Tt\t c.t!o uroa ~Ing avnlu.,ted IfI t!lo ~o\Ift EIS \n&:iJdflS appc'o'll)lM:~ 21~ iller-at Ql tl<xllng "rOPilrty Oir.d npprOl.lmnlely 15 8«ItS ol <:on~\IOU1I pt"OCIf:ft\ owl'\ed by othOf$. TJ'1.a .ft~.,ea L~. mosl!Y 'MitWIlJl" CIt)!" (f1),lDn .. Md Ultmn C.nw. oOd tt lOC3!o.d odjMAlnl 10 thO ~111~e Qf L"fla W.,hloglO1'l, gooerally bet'W-uen thtt Rl)nlort M\JfIlqlQI AIlpot' Imd (ie/If(! Coulon t-.II!mofJ4lI Beach rut~. F'\ll.lfft 1·1 iii tJ Yk:lnlly m"p rt"le 1116 "e:t ta bounded lit "'"ke WfI \lltngten and 1I\a ScxIttlOO11 dO'fflfQpflllll\l on tho J'Oflh, Ronlon Mctfl"lOfial HiQh SCbooI S\;tcJIt,f1f1 Hfid U 5"" Qnd 6'~ StrOftI on I~ ~Itl. the C(:cJ1if ftjVe, wl1larwuy Md irati 01\ !he \iL1it. 1\:)\1 OMden Ave 'UCI Non U-.o nat ltMt &lfn .f~ lndudt1l U~ Boeing R.nlon PJ.ant PM) ,,;'l')tY'lO PUOVt SouM i!norOr IPSE) .0000t"I(lr'I. itUd;l~Bt BoeInQ properties ir1 offtCOJ\t'Jb me kItalted o.~t of LO(}M J~veo\lO N at I~ ,00ll" !tm ., U':itt ttl. "04, ef\d $ovo',,) Pl'0C)fIrtl4t1, (IV. 0ieId by Otitot! a t~ k..iCatttd at tho ~If\ .''0 of ttJtt • .te bet-MOIU' Plltlt A","ue) N .,'Id Oamcn A'lQOUoIi N f';UUfe 102 is 0 n\ap Of I.ho Site CIIO.Q 1. 2 JlJ!!.~L1~t!lm~Qf.itlf.!'.!:9I!l!'~.Ac lion!.) TM Prooosod A"l()nt'l'Ot .h~.a., tHO.i rr:CIOde • COt"'meUctntht" Pian '''~ amMdrnrtn{f ~ dlV~j6 lhe o)jf-tnv Uftlan Ce('.J1!t 1019 fNO ,vb, atU"'!' ·Urban r..,,,,nf ~"town· (UC·Ol and I.I1b81'\ CM!ef·NOf1h· (U<;·~1. • Comotehettslvc Pt.., , ... r dmondl1'MHllllO tht,l Qml~ 'Center-poHcn .. fhnl SIfPYidb ~w nort4!1/tl pO!lCid. oppHCDb tt) 1(,) 1M tmfirt IJfI)&n Ct!n14H and thai ,.",till,h two -lutHt'MIi WIthIn tn. ·\h1Jart Cttfll"r'" ·UrbiJfl CMhrr·OOwriltlM'f (UC·O) ~ "Urbt\'f1 C"IlI~·Nvrth· !UC-N), , " .~ ., , , L L ". , FI{I'''!'! ,., VI Cllllty M.111 Bop.llI~ Renton Ctllllllrt.'II(>IlSIVe I'lall AlUllIliJlI1t'LII tiS -"\,...-.. - 'I:'~UMEN !o \llIIlhG "" OU'. flC BOIINO Ffgu/.1-2 51tt Art. Map . . • 66thlg ",oton CCX'1pf.,..nltv. Plan Am.ndm.ot Ell - ~ J iJ J J J , L .. • ComprehonsivG PI;)n toxl omondmonls thol establish 1M!I-ci05 for <I new UC ·N lon::l uso doslgnotlon; • Comprehensivo Ptan mop amondments to rti-dealgM1o prOPQrtltlS In tho silo 'HBO from Emplovment Area.lndustnol, Em>-loymonl AfClO.Qlfico, Dod EmpJoymont Aro.'l-TrantlUon to !.he new UC·N Comprehon5lV~ Pion doslgnallon ; • Creation of new rnb:ed·use zOO/ng proVIsions for tho silO atoll corrosPOnding to lJ\e UC·N Comprehenslva Plan doslQnolron; • Rezones of tho aile area propertios to l1\e new zoning dosignallon(e); • Oe\o1l!opment Agreoment between tho Clly of Ronton and tho Boeing Company; and • Other appllciJble modlrk;atlonS to elly of Renlon ComprOhensive Plan and Oovelopmont Regulations. Tho full lox.!. of tho proposed potlcios ond zoning rogulaoons Is Included in Appendix A of lhl' ,,,,,,, EIS. City of Renton Planning Proc ••• and Envlronmenta. R.vlew ThIs EIS is Intended 10 prQVidG d&clsioo makers wtltl rolevnnl Information nccdod 10 c:oosider adopUon 01 the proposed amondmonts to thG ComptohonstvO Plan, zonIng coda and othor idenlined Comprehenst\'o Plan 10)lt Qmtlndmonls and modlficnHons, ond it Oovelopment Agreement All of the Ptoposod Act10ns Oto scheduled lot considoralion by tho cmd of the year 2003 , The Omft EIS OV<lluatod prolimlnmy policies ond zon1nu ilS!locmtod with (ouf fedoV'Otopmenl aflernDltves (summarized below ilnd described In lull In Chaplor 2 of 1M Orolt EIS) In order 10 provide the render with on lIndorslandlnq of Impt1CIS Qs,ocIrJled wlln polonlfnl rt'4ovolopf'rlOnt that could leBlur. a mix of land uso types, lJonsitlos. and InlenslUes. SUbscqullntlo publicDHon of tho OrG" EIS. th o results of tM evaluation wero used by tho ClIy to de~lop nnd lonna a slngla sot of Compret\enslvtt ptan policies nnd zoning IOQulGtlon, IMI ure lnlendotJ to govt)m redevelopment of tho &lte at03. The preposed Comprehonslve Pion policies ond loning are within lhe range of preliminary poHdos and zoning onalYldd 1n tho Or o:,~IS; no now envtronmonlal issues are raised boyond lhOsa oddrossod In tho Oroll EIS. This Final EIS Indudos additional Information and nnolys\s reli:llod 10 the compatibility of potential futuro new land un, In tho sila .r03 With Renton Munlclpal airport otIOllIllOOI (lee Chapter 2 of this Final EIS). ThO Final EIS also responds 10 commenlJ recoivod on tho Onafl EtS during the 3().day public comment period tMt O)ltonded from JUly 8", 2003 Ie Aug""t "", 2003 (see Chapter 4 of this F'tnal EIS). Planning Commisskln and City Coundl meeling. have boon ongoing UlIQOghoUt the EtS process . FoJlowing publlcatloo of the Final EIS, Oddillor'lalinooting. i)f1d public hearings witl be he)d concemlng the Pfopo$(Id pollcias and coda nmonlimenlt, The Clly Vli n dOClda whother IQ adopt finas Compnthltnslve Plan poflclu ond loolng pfovilOOS for the SIlo arDa by 1M find Qf the year. Future redeYelopll"ent propo1als may bG roqulred 10 undorgo oddilloool SEPA analysis (at tha tlmtI lpeclnc appHcoUons for rec1u ... "lopment are submlllod 10 tho City for rovlew and approval). depondlng on tho reloUonship of suCh proposals to tho anumpllons evaluatod In lOis EIS • ... tn,,...,.tcm ,lit., .,. Ootob« 2f, zoo, • ••• , Vpd.,.d tHu"pflolt 0' '''' "/'OItO"" Actlon(., Md A.ff.m."", • • , - • , -0 , • -• . V, , Ho-.o.1tYOf. If ilctum radoveklpmant propol;fJ 4ro within tho Uue.h<H<J1 I1nutyzod, It it anlldpatOd INallurthctf envirOMl6nto11 on(tlVIl$ undtH SEPA may not be 't!qUltltd Compr.henalve PJan Am-.ndmenta Urban Conlor ,.~ Urban ConllOl ~s two m.,ljOt ora.s located north ot\d .ouln of Ute CI(IN RlVfJf ThO north ar •• klclU!let tnI: Boeing Renton Piant aM "VIUJI aC1,ocalnl &;Iropftrt.it\. am is WtTeIIU'y develOped in pnn..aory tndU5lJ'iOl talld UJes ~th somo commarc~ltotrlC.e UN_, ttMre II turflnay no '"ItQtf\11ill ~nd use in ~ area the south ru," fndudo. R.nton·~ ~~ ~11 and CQfOnliHclAl dlitrtct aM is dt1l'1Op4H:J pttrmllay 10 ,mnIJor .calo ~c.~ and t1tlQ!ct OIIHJ INItI- family reiJdtntlai \and utes The pornon 01 ~ <:tty of nentnn's \Jrban Cel\tor cotfeJpondtng to the sl10 aflUt Is dCisagnate<l empk)~1 Aru-tndoalnal (EA·'). EmpJairnont Aru-T~n'ttJon (EA·T) and E,npJoyrT'lOnt Acea-otr.co (EA4l) Olhel cktSlgnollOn"l ..... lIhin the UrbAn Cent,r (notlh of the COdaf RMN') lnCtode fto,I(Je"II~ OptiOns. in lht "emIt)' 01 logan ",vifI'\UO N ."" N , ... Stf$Ol ~ pQtbon of me Urban Center south 01 tho Cedal RlV'Or 'S dosignatea CenlM· Colon"",", A.IodltDt6d ~., 1ho Propolltd ~Uon(11 WO\.ikl dMOe UIO Urban CenlGf IClto tvr.'O aub-Meaa: Uml'l Conto(·Nortn (UC-N) and Ufban Cf"ltt-Oowokr ... 'f1 (U(>O) A new Cocnprohan.N'I Plan dUlignDlion (UCN) " p1opo,;ud fOt thO JXl(tlon 01 01. UC.N sub-or.., ropl6lOnlOO b}' !nq tile 1JftJ8, Ttle .. It. IVt,j, whk:h 1$ currenlty (Hi.sig~fttd EA·I EA·l . Mel EA.·O. ~ b. r ..... '\j< .. 'od UC.N A II.t/'1'1Im&I)' of J>rOVO$g.d 0_041181 pof/Cil5& Itlill wOtdd .,ppry 10 lno ontlto Urban Cant.. elt pre.onltd below aIortQ wim I~ 1lI~ ~I 'or the t14!W UC.N land uae (htSloQr..atJon NBW n~n'Qtj'iO for tho Ut~ CttnhH wou'<I omond Jin2UDOti in tho UltKI Ute ElerMftt ill the ~ehlin.1Yo Plan. Rofer 1o Ap~t'\ljl.,( A ot tnl, ,IItl:tJ EIS fOf the fun ten of tho ptoposfd Conlpt"Ohonar.ot P.laf\ amorWfMnlt Oonoral Pollcl .. and ObJtctlv •• me lollOw\ng Ial'IQU3gt. .. Pf~td klr Dddl1.1(ln 10 Uta ·(;4)nw.~ ~r of Iht\ land lit. Element 01 tne CompUIMo.-.... Aon Urb_n Cent., indudctt two A/H' Ut1Jllrt CcmtO('Or:M1'IMWt .-11d tn .. lJrtJ,n C,mNr..Not11f. Tognl/W ,tnt,. two Alwt .'1'0 MVfJ.iollqd ro ,,1'01\,. 11111) II \-ll!IilJ1t ,Ify ~ .fH1' pt(tV#dtt, 4"1, f/lttrfnlt1mM', fl}gfOn'" GnlpIOynHlnt 4{.IO&ttitlrlIGJ, f~_'O'ltOtr, .I~ QII8f;ty IirbM '-1~tN' ~iJhbofhood.. rhe RfHlI041 L/rofIJI ContM il enVf~ '" rtwt d)'ffllmlc htort of ., QifO~iJ)9 ffIq1Ona, city. ~.,nton" UrtJan Cfmt.f WtIl tNrwidIf ligtttf/C{U-" ctfUKity lOt tltclW ho4JJing Itt ottIfN to ./nom the Cit'y'l: M1",.. 01 MUfrt IflVlIJrnt/ pfllWffl T'1H$ "uWnflM pt:(Jullt1M wff fltJp tu NJffnce tfI1J City. smnkJymnnt ~tfOtl "l id thftttby ttWot rhO pcJItcy (fIfIW!m"l 01 a 2 , fBI/t) of)oru to /w)l1Jtnt) A now ·U'blln C&nler" aub--&ection Is altO Pf~~ (Of tho ·COo!6ra· dwpttr of \Nt ltnd Use e.16rnenl of lM Compr6h,nll>te Plan ¥rIllh 1M to/i(Mmg obt!ttrwl • . . .. , . , • • .. , . • • - ,. • - ~ J J Implemflnt tho Urbst1 Contor COIlsi5(onr WIlli tho ~U,bnn Contu,s cnfori,," of tl,o CountywkJe Planning PoIides (CPP) to ero% An DrOll of COl1CCnlrOted omplOymont and housing with dlf'tK;t $tllvico by hJgh cap8C1ty transit lJnd a wide rang. 01 othor land UJO$ such as rolan. rocnt81101I. publIC !aoWes. porites and open lpICO. New PcoQ9sod Genoral policies. Urban Centor Now propolld gonoral poIlcJe that 'WOUld bo oppltcablo to tho 'Urban Cenler· Includo! 1. Create Ronlon', Urban Centor by supporting land use doci&lons and pfolocts that accomplish tho following Obje<:tJvoS: a. Slrengthon ell'lstlng commun ltiM b, Promola housing opportunl1l05 doso to ",",playmant. c. Support devolopment of on e.ten1tvo IransportDUon system to roduco dopondency on automobiles, d. Consume loss land with urban development. o. Maximize the beoem of publk: Investment In Inlrostluclure and .orvices . f. Reduce cos" of and tIme required IOf permitting, g. EvllliJOIO and mitigate environment;)1 Impacts. 2. ESlDblish lvI-'O sub-areas wilhin Renton's Uman Centor: a. Urb,n Centtr-North (UC-N) Is ~11ld gonorally belWOltn lake Washington on tho nooh, N 5" and N 0" Streets on the south , thd Ced3r River on lho west, and Garden Avonue N on the east. The UC·N sob-moa also InclUdes" OiUfOW sirip of land along LogttnAvenue Olthtnd lng sOIJih to lho Cedar River. 'The UC-N lub· ar08 " comprised prim.1"ly of the Southport developmont, hoolng Ronlon Plnnt properties imd PugSI SOUnd Enurgy property, b. Urb.n Centef·Downtown (UC-O) II Renton', historic:: commelcbl district surrounded by oalilbUshed rosldnntial neighborhOOds. The UC·O lub-orull is Joealed generally betwean tho Codaf RfYor on the nof1l1 , SW 'f Pl Street on the south, 1-405 on the ealt. and Shattuck Avenuo 5 on lho wasl. 3. Ellabllth zon ing that Clontas ~pDClly for Urban Centor emplO)'fl1ont levels of SO employees por gross <lent and residentiallove ls of , 5 houlehoids per 9rOil nerd wllh ln the Contor, -t, Encourage developments thai utilize Urban Cenler levels 01 capocity. Wher" mBi1tol (i,)nditlonl do nol support Oman Canler employment sod relidflntinl level., support ,Ite ptannlng and/or phas ing allematlvos thol delTlOnstralo how, OVitt limo, Inrill or redovelopment can meet Urban Center ob/ItCIf'l8s, Noh,: Currently. laveral propertioi idenllflOd within lhe proposed Urban Conlor·NOflh subdroa lie outlkte lhO City of Renton's CtllTent Urban Conter boundnry. Thoso Indudo tho PogOI Sound Energy tublt.atlon, Southport devolopmont, ond Ihe poJ1ion of tho Renton Plont propertios well of Logan Avenue N and south or N 6" Streot (Apron 0). The boundory Of 11'10 Urban Conler W\"1t ... ,.... "-nhHt "".1 a,. OO'teNf ,If, 200) ••• fJ/HI.r." ""C~floll 0' ,''' "ropo ... " AoUott(., .ttrI .. ".m .. ,... • . , . ,. > · ' " be IWIUflGd to inch,Kla th6$fl pC(IpOlbO' as part ~ a top'nlle ComCltehOf'I:5i'.-v Pl4n amofldmotU durl.\CJ thO 2004 update (EONSP , 2003) Exh5!!OQ Genoral PoIiCj!{lj E:itillng goneral poflQQS mal litO "ppllGDblo 10 ,,11 Cen(t)rs oll(J lflO!h) rctolil~ to tho lopteac 01 loci:ltlOMl collria. IN!! oOd ,"UUIs.tty of UIIOI, sno and huo.kJlng dOliQn. ~0C3I poKllt, Of'WIahOtl nod p;lfAing and buffets ete ldeollfiod in tfle City of Ron~n CompfthtMiVtI Pl.at'l (e~sp . 2003), PropMOd amonclme!'\. to theao poIiClt11 i're u\CludiKJ In Apponjj~ "Of 1tU fIIut.! EIS. Urb.n Ctnt9r;Nonb Qo,lqnaUg!l FClIkrwklg is D ,urr.m;,l:Y of the proposed !;'llenl and \,.t1Ofl for ttl" Oloa unOef <:QnSldeulton 'W\lh5t1 the UC.N dtlign~t!on Thl fuO ted or the tot«JspondlO9 VISK)I\ &1Il8mc.nt II ptovlCtd 10 Appc;lOObc A 10 lhls FIMI El5 The intent 01 Ul4 UC.N ~'Slgnalion and pobCie. ts 10 pta,"'''', a bNQpftnl f~ \he tr8nsluon 01 kino over the MAl 30 yeats Itlto " (lynam!(. urt»n f1\b:cd-use IMttta. Vl1lIIe fUPQOrtmo omltllO <ilrpltM Il\4IlIJfOCIUM9 aclMIMl6 The \ffiOII '01 the UC-N Is 10 rCdeve!O(l "",ustnai Land lor f'tl1W orr tee, rlsktenUal. itO" c:onvnotCiilJ Vlt. "I a ,ufflCfenl lW&!e 10 unp4emenl lhe Urban Conlor. cOte.,.;a adoPted \n tho Counlywkte PI .. nnmg Pokkls 1M patLol' of the Ureal) Centor is 9n~lO\1 10 a\\r&C.1 ''''Ilge .acalt) redflvillopmeni QtClator than that In thi) UfbM Cenler· QownIo'Nn du\!! 10 tho ~glJ Bva!l.a* land hOId1not under s,~ ownctshlp Itl add.llOtt. me M"" d .... elopment Is O)(rwrtled to In(Iudo 0: wiC$cr group 0' \11.. IOdudll'lO ,.t'f'Ia{olOQ (ntt~~IMf actly,l",lI, nt¥N tt •• "rch ~nd <M .. '8Jopment luclM>e5. l.'I.bQfntcnOl, fetall 1tI1~((llttd ItHo ,ltIdOflrllttl.orkIfllod llhoppmg d!lItrtGl:t. (lOd " range 01 \.IfbQll 'c:.A!ID ITUkOO · I)S. flJ"!dt!nl~t, office ano CQOlOlIrdal 1.J'~1, PeIle!.1 r""lftd III dOv;'llOpmenl would bo It\lctWSnd to COInj)40I1'1tlnl Ine Uftum C.ntiitf.Oo'tf1lt~n P'ubJlc IOVe,ln)4tnl in CUlt',," ond rec:real)Ofl faohllet. 40 D11rttltll r04klW'itY netwcM1!. "00 'sellittO. suGh AS schQolJ "00 gC\l!lrntMf11 ()Itttel II Qf1,n afl11c;ip4\.ed 11$ Ihti "rei Ultn,lliQl1. from af\ Ind~trlal ~rwto)'mGf'it (l1I1r\Ct '"to • thll'MO rnotltd-vso ~.,!nd ""th bo4h a r",'ldtInIiAl popi#atJoo iU'Id a dwell". employment b>l&O Implemeotelion of tho UC.N 't'!Jf(){\ ~ olfp.'I~ \0 ottO' ovef an Jnd.fif\lle I~ 6f III1\!f O~ to malke! factor.. Will)' pll4Wt 01 dall~f\UI\l "Ia~ ,eflect A k)we( Il'lt~f\$!IV 0( UtI! thin 4Ilbe\f)Otod IorIQ lO{JJ\, Tho ~f):t ~~4td for Ut';~N ~.MUnat.'CO pn.'1~' oepottun;tUe, fOl tlgflll1cant 1tf'TlPlO)'mfl1'l\ oM MulinO Cl/paCJ!Y Propo .. d Urban C.nter-North O .. lgnotion Polle". 11 II }ntench1d that lM Pf~~ po4ttJ." flltpond . ftt1(l npply to. 11"0 c!iffu1lJnt t),l»" lot.nJJ~s and c.,naltlu d 1Sf1d u.o.lfYI~ couW rC!tlC')'itlfotl W11hin lho tlf,. or .. 0'1/." I'" ho'i-1t 10 W 26 Y'U". gIVe., ftlIrke\ CQndtlloOJ ond (~ cteonomfc ItIla rogutalOty fR(;tOf. l~ Piopos~ ~, represent. range 0( 1)("'iMo poh(y opuont tOt the ,,10 lfe~ and m&( mlo be 4!_pa,'ld~ u(lQt'I . ftl warmnl,,", The t'In4t V.rJiQfl of t1)8 UC.N pOllc"" VI1R utt:fll.;uety t.I'fI INftrted IntQ thO Land U.e EJOf1lf'Jnl of IhO COOlp"'~n.; ..... p;'n , , '. , , , , - .~ , ] 3 Genoml polic!es Common 10 tho Urbnn CQnler·NQon Ooslcmolion New and existing policies that support tho UC·N vision would be applied to the UC·N tiosigoated area os a wholo (tit. In all ·d'stncls· and/or nil subnroos). New goneral policioillult lnctudo the fOllOwIng : 1. Encourage moeo wbon Intonslty of dovelopmont (e.g.; buildIng height. bulk, londscaplng, parking standards) than wilh land uses In tho suburban oreDS 01 Itll! CII), outside Iho Urban Conler. 2 , Achiovo 0 mix 01 \,ISOS thntlmprovas tho City', 13)( and omployment ooso . 3. Encourttge a (;loge and variety of commercial and office uses. 4. Allow hospitality uses such as hotels. conv()ntion ond conforaoco contors . 5, Co-kx;aIO uses with in a silo and/or buIlding In ordor to Pf04notO Utban stylo, flUxed·usa development 6. Enc::ourngo Incorporotloo of publIc lacilities such DS schools, musoum" medIcal offices. and oovomment olfices Inio rodovolopmont ollorts by doveloplng " public/privato partnership WIth devolopers and other Renton stakeholders such as tho school district. technIcal collego, and hospllal district. 1, Encourage usos thai sustain mlnlmum Urban Canter employmont levels of 50 employees par gross nero and residentiallevets of t 5 housoholds per gross ocro. 8. Encourage uses that $01'\'0 tho region . a sub-reg ional. or cilVNtdo markot as woll as Ihe surroUnding neighborhoods, 9. Provido communlty·scaw, olnco Bnd lervieo uses Including rostaurants. theoters. day cone, art mUfioums and studIos . 10, Encourage tmnsilstations and tronslt usage connocdng 10 0 systom of parle. and rlde lots outsldo tho Urban Centor·North. Encourage park and rldo focllillos wlltlln tho UrMn Center only when thoy are il'!dlJdod In struclurod parking .'IS [I sland·atone UIO or Bro dO'o-eloped as pan of a mixed-use projltCt, AddiHonal policies have bOon dovclOp4!d lor thO foUowlng topics: • InfrnstructUfe • Ounl1ty of Development • Airport CompntiblUty • Surrounding Resldontlal Area (NOC1h Renton neighborhood souul of N 6" SlIeol) • Public Fadlitles The luU . 10)(1 for all posklos appUcollle 10 Iho onllro Urban Canter·North aron Is Included In Append .. A 01 tho Finat EIS , ao.~ If ... toft "".,." Octob., 2', 2003 ••• Upd.,.d o..e",.,''''' 0' 'M I'ropo.'" AeflfJlt(., eItd At",,,,_r,.,._ " , .. : ,',;, .. • , .. . . Urban Conler-North Djslrict:f In 100 OUln E15 , thO CIty of Renton dlVlOOd Iho Urboln CenlUr-North Ille urea tolo IhrIG plannit\g dlstnc:l$ lor tho pUfpoteJ of ~M1ng end on...wonmonlal fOVlCW Subiequtu'il to pubtieDllon of tho Or;R EIS. and to facWlalo policy dO'iOlopmenl. UlO City IGductd the IIlanl\log (2,.tnc1t 'rom three to two . DliSlttcl 1 Is ~Iod e;\M of log.m Avenue N and Ol$lnd 2 Is Iocbted 'II~st of Leogon AvenuD N Figure 1·3 d.tp,c.tl UW) C,(y'l upejolOd planning d,SU'lcl) Each Uls!t1ct WOUld , ~ve " dllleumi ornph .. &la In tortn, of ranoe. fnhlni lty and mi.l of ulQ ~«S UJOI <MWn - eaCh dl'IIke me y,ilhln Ulu rangl! or u.es und gc:liv'liios tlfUllyltd In tho CrAFt £IS. and 0(0 consilient w,Ul ptopoMd poildc, for the ovt)raU UC·N COmPfllMOIIve PSan dfllfgnatJOn The ImplfmenlatJQn of pl.1nnmg COOCtlplS 'or OlJlrk1 2 would be. dependent on deQS1Ot'l1 by the Boeing COfOi~ny regarding its continood t1!rpl..1ne I)Slonlbfy operatK>n5 FOt lhal reason. tho City onvl$ioo, U»II ,~ek>pmtnl in Distnel 2 would ~ety OCQ,If afllu 113n'llion of the 3("0 88S1 of logan Av~nu. N (OtstllCI1) M,S begun p~ 0bJ~' and pcttdes lor DtttJiCC 1 and 2 ato provldod below The lu!1 text of the COfl'eSpondlnQ 'IIsion ,Ialoman". as weIl as thQ pcoposOd obJocUvos and poI~s for each ptanOlno disU,C1 ato cOf1lnlOttd In Append,). A 01 this FIfl61 l:IS DJ.tr!ot 000 Qbloc\lv ••• os! PoIisl., ObjeclMt '·1; Cleal. 4 nWljO( comIt1(lIdQUrelaJ diSltla dcveklped wtlh use. tNt odd 5,gnK"lCantly 10 RltnlOO', tuta:1 IA'( D,1$O, provlI,e oddllton.1l omploymeflt oppot1uflitlot Wllhll1 I1\a City. IIl1ract buslnoues that leM) a btrod markot arca and net as it g.ilhenng ~ce IMlhil'l Itle commlIt1lly. PoIicJos: 1, EntoufDQt !tltall ''''0 5uM<:e actiVities thlll Me syfHtrgist,c wHh OftlQJ US01 r,1df11oN1 'etAnl (Main Stteol), 1,,"I,*nl bu$lnDU and prolftSilONl ael"VlCG5, Dnd oaMrttl ofIiat$ aro f)XillopICl of thQ: typt;t, 0( .,!'tes Ih31 al& enoout.,ged 2. EncourDge UMtS sUppOr!ing t,t;,n-tochnofogy loduSlrlOs sUCh 0' lllOlocn~y. 6re ScioftCO •• and lnfOffMtJon 16CMoIogy by P"~tno 10\311 erMNtfes .nd ,eMe'" ~ tho ""' •. J. Oes.lgn bulkflng. Itllf!OdCld 'or ,ef\'iC<eJotftC .. 1ab or lach Illes 10 accorM1Odale rnoftple user. over time. 4. A. minimum of one fofWlK1o af otft(:eflab t)I' toch bu!ld"':Js :shOuld II'1d\JI(f(!l a pedOS!tiM entry. Otiftnled 10 the ellno! in an urbAA conllOUf,Ulofl 5, Encour:IQ1l: ofl\ce Rnd lD('.tmotooy·W$Od us." Q a rlf " ptltr'ftnee if1 OtsUjct OM, wnh rolall Utes and I"MeGI along POOiQfl!J 01 tno gtOVOd ro(lOf, 10 fkllitalo Itle creaOOtl of #n um.n and pedoalMn onvtrO(lnmnl 8. Aifow for me dftvt!llOpmool 01 dosllnUUon r01JJ11 c.tllelllfJaI ~ro cons'Stefll WllfJ II difllr!Ci· wktt mAllet ~3n 7, Raqufrt'l ~rgo·tOl'm"l r"18 ~ 1.:ngie-tel11lnt. Ilngle-Ilaty UfoattSt than 75,000 IQUl.ltO ,,,,I .' , . . • .. @ u , J J ~ \ • N ~::;BLUMEN ':'CONSUUING ~GWUP.INC .- « \ ...-_J . ' .. !!~~I I I • N \IH~' '-_J (IS Sift Au ... BouuuY -----S..'If. U 'O. h"~.IOO J Figure 1.03 Urban Contor · North Olltrlct' Boeing Ranton Comprehonllvo Plan Amendment EIS - . -~--... to function as fin oneher to I.llger roto rl development; thai It. pl8nt'1e() .tI pan 01 an Tntegralod ond COllOllvo cenlor and 10 bO developod In tn wban rOfffiDt 8, Allow amalltlr-fOtTnilt rell111 Itloppfng cenltt dOli.topmo .... t d~('rnec.t by • common QrCh!to.Glutal thon,. prOVldo<J thai thtt IhopP'1\Q canlot Is onenf." 10 UMI Iff"! In an urban conrrgurallon that Includ., ~ •• trlan eotrlc •. G. Enc:ouraot the plac.munt of bUIlding. lOt llnau (,,! .. II tONnlS J\ong .tnuH, a'lCI ~de'lrian wAt'\way-. 10 e(.olo ",or., Utbon c:onfiuUflltions . 10. Enc()lJfao •• vatloty 01 comp'trntmlary .;arctliloctutal lreslmonll .nd 1t)1e. thot JI' inlegfQled 10:.0 a """,.1., plan that Cfoal., an urban envitonment. 0b}0ctIv0 '·2: Cf.at. M urbAn di'lriclll'Mtltlly Characl'lflzed by hIg~ quality, compact. aow.lise development that can ~I. it rar'I(Jo 0( lndepeoooni (.1"100, fONoltch, or profenioNol COIllP"nlo. with supporting (.I~. Encourage 1M continUing ifMtslment In .nd: lraMlt,on of kwr. rise development inlO mot't Imenllve, \HtutIn forms of deW'opmtnt 10 support It vital mi)fed.un district OVIr lime. PoIJcIo.: 1. Requkl!l pedostrian-otientod dovelopment through mailer planning. buiktiC'IQ IocaUOn and d8~n gWdoIirw.. Pedoslrian..oo.nled development 1~11y MHIS the foAawtng criteri,: D Build ings in sCllIo with tho .lrH', 1-2 'Ioriea along resldtllonballmtnor c:oI!edorJ and 3 or mOfO llan.s along primary nnd tltcondary llnolj;lts 'Il inllantft Yt'hlt. fNric.el eoodllion. do no! ilUpport high« Ittvc1ura5 .Iotlg prlrnafy and &eamdaty anerials dovelopment proposal •• hOuld p,ea~nt affemative rr.eant to add,.,., pedeslrian.(lfiet'lled IClIIIII ol'ldlOf Bilow ph.blod InNllO higher ditnsiUeI_ b. BuBding:5 ~tod dose 10 the struVsidewalk c. AI tell5t ooe podestri:Jn enil')' oriel"tod 10 ~ 'Itool d. Oearly idenllncd oidewsllli aM'O( or.de~«tPOraled miloiW3Yt 2. Requirtl urb:tr1 'Olms 01 Mthack _oct bvttoring InuWnctnt .uch6! e, Street trees ~'Ih 'ldewelk grot .. , b. Paving and sidewalk extensk>nt Of pI.Ut, C, Pfanlltf. lind III!eat fumrtUl'II 3, AppIo" •• phasing ptan fOf devolopmentl a, Pftrt af 1M la. m.n revte'w thai , 8 Plovide it Itrallilgy rOt Mure ,"lid or ,.development with l'I"b:ed-use bulld~., b. P,e,Or\le opportunltiol 'Of fUTuro Ittudur&d P4tki~ '00 mot'" ""'tons. empfoyf\1enl·g()~HU!1lO dovolopmenl. -==~;;-,-... ~ It.MoIt '".all,. 1.ft '00 4 Upd.t." o..c""'I011 of 1M """'''- Ae'IMf.) ."" A,""m .. ,.tv.. 0.'0"'" J', 2003 '. • • • ,,' • • ... Allow parkIng at.grodo In surface pnrtdng lois only when structured Of under.buildlng J)4rking Is not martlel vlabltt , 5. Orient surface pantIng loIS behind buildings. in the centor of blocks. sClunod from the IIroot by slructuros with landscape buffers . 0, EnCOUfDg8 development of pnr1o.lng !Iructurus using private/public PMnol'5hlps. 7. Conslddr public portldpallon In construction costs. to sllmulato additional private ",vostment and produce 0 moro urban environmonl , 8, Encourage shtlred parking by allowing roduced pnrlung mUos Bnd by Clealing both minimum and maximum parttWlg standards. 9. Requlr8 tho co-Ioc3llon of uscs within 11 silo and/or building In order to promote urban style mhntd·uslt (commotcl:)v(otaIL~co) devolopmenlns a firtl proterenco 10, Allow "parolo MCillory pads 01 a phasing I!rntogy whon tho mtlrkOI will not yelaupport mlxed·use within a structure. In those Instancol, silo ptannlng for pads should allow future infUt or rltdovelopmont With miJIQd·u!o bUildings. Di.ldct Two Obloetlvgs ODd PQIlc!Vi ob/&e1fwJ 2·t: Support ongoing alrplano manufaduring arid accessory uses. PoIlchJs: 1. Suppof1 existing airplano manufacturing nnd acco .. sOlY uses while aUowlng for the gradual tmnsitlon 10 other usc. should The Ooelng Company surplus property WIthin Ihe Olstrict . 2. Allow a limilod raf\Qo of eXlsUng IndUlstrt.1' uSGS luch as alrpluno rnonufacWring and relatOd accctssory WIGS, allplane lales and ropair. IDboriIloriel for rescnrth, devc!OPmonland luting, mcdlcotllnstJIuUons and light Induslriilt U60S inCluding IfNII scaJa or Joss intensive Production and t'Mnufodurlng. and rabrfcnllng WIth ocuslOfY offico and support services. ~'Ivo 2·2: If Booing elects to surplus property In District Two, kind uses wilt IranlllUon into on urbDn MOO chaructorized by hlgh-quallty devolopment offering londmaril; living, shoppIng and work anvlfonmonts p1i1nned to take Itdvanto(lG of access ond vlewt 10 tho 3dJacent rivet and shoreline amonities. 1. ShOUld The Boeing Company olect to surplus propertlul In Olstrid Two : a. Encourage tho rodevolopment with a range and vartelY of commercial, Office. research, ond rosldentJal 050S. b. PrcwSde for a mid· 10 high-rise seato nflcl intenlllty of development ao.",. Ite"'.,, "If.' ". October 21, 200.J 1.12 , , , Upd.t.d O .. t:tlplloft 01 'M ",.."..H Acflon(.' .,.d A".m.'Iw. • , , • , • ~ , \ .. 0 D J n , "" .., !.l . ~ . il D r . 1 '. 'L' .. '< .. , , " , .. , . '-; . ' , • •• .' , • • .. , , c Encouraoo Niall 4II:d at!f'1itOl oeuvitMI. a, u04;lIlary \JlCO Ih~1 ora 1.,."*QlIhC WIih C(lounerctal, off,", blOhtth. rliuarch. lotllt\(l!.Qgy . and mSJdenl10i actlV\llft_ Tmdllional rOIDtl (Ma~n StrlfO!). Otn4!ral botd\t)$Io 'It'id pmfUlJOllat aeMcot. ~M gunerll orflCO$ ato 0)I3n\flklS QI tho type. Of \.Ins lhal are encouraged ttl c;cnlbm-'ltlon ¥11th otn.r ac.IMlICIl d RoqwlS UI~n fQllO rUidon,",J dd'~' if\ "",toe.! T",,'O NoM Of U 6 .... 5u ... ItfUClUiad pat'kJrlg It'IOtM boo rtqUltltCf t . AAaw ft 1Im1lo.d range of IO!"iKe IJlet ,ud\ as <:hurcJMI, go\-ornmor.{ otfiat$ ood fnci liUe:s.. o~tlng aod dnnldng eaLJtM.!ltunont$, OJltural , .. dille" dayQto (;enlO" •• aecellQfy 10 oifIotl c~vol~llI . COfN'(\16f~1 pan.1nO 03l'agtt& Qq,rj vehode I~ I. Ptoh;bd now '!OIIWhotilinO. Sl~. loduchl'l9 self ... (or890, vefUCfO laleli, ",pal! and dlSptilY (1IlCPJ<1J1g bealo , cars. 1ruGl..! and l'llOh.""YCydtls). assembt)' and POdq'IJing operAIIOM. fle8",')' aM mccJ:um ITllIl"IVfactu«ng and ';\tme3hot'l unl1!l!a;cd 10 l)foouctioo of new COfM"ie{diJ! atrpls!'\OfO g i':rnphailte c.ompkI~e, of mid 10 h)Qh'fUo otncus cY rt).JI(Scnfit)! de~OfoOfNlnl. feHltrch and deveJopn)onllftCiltt!oJ, .no CQfiIOrn(e hoaCJQu.Wrt Q, Pflnwy u,e,_ h. l:fl«)ur~e d1J'MJOpment of OntOOltlCllo such a' ()U~ ope" 'p"ce. .r~_ l'oc.teal~UlI aM cuft\lC'~1 "QUIrts aM museuma I. Pemltt cQrWhOfch)1 US(t!l tUGh tI, fttl.,11 And tfilNjCGa 11fO>Ad~ tt1u~ IMy 4WPi)()tt lhe Prln\ary OIes of U~ $110 M.o BIB 9rcMecl~ 8(\(l 11Il1C:t4nAlIy IntqQnU~d ll'lto tho UOVttlOptnifll11 I, /IJ'qw ((oavon 01 new d& 1:IIopablclIClJ IOf 11I'Ig:.c lllO'" )f tf4,Y~ 01 tho talltt Dnd ;"lftflsity .nviliOlW(j h'l: OIl IPJ)rOVl!ld "lI:!!.le( plan Zoning TM Ctty Of ilefllon tUlS pt(ipOltd t\ot'O mnad-uu foMng doslQrloll~'1 tNl \Ir'QUkl ba app';etj to the Oistnc:ts ~1thit\ tho UrI)an Ceill.r-NQf1h ,ito an>a ltv. lOOOfle ,i,." am dQttllitcrl ptupOJ,r.i2 '" part of thn ntlW lOOIog d~\grti'UiOnS 0,.., 'M~ Iho '°"011 oll~ l!i'il~lod \lritNn Ihf: Or'91\ EI$ and DI1! C'-Qfllr.tOflt 'Mtttlno Cd~" gQillt t:)t tho uru..n Cctlllm·NPr1h 100"1 dlsttkJ' As PtOPOted. IJte ~I' w\ttWi th& ,lfO OHtlt ,,'OVId be; ft:'l'>f\ed Ii:n'Uttt"fIIOO$1y IJIIrtl IhtJ Cornplohensl'V'l ~n ,..(j~~~liofl.. The prQpOted rnbod·lISO l'O{\Ing dMiUffiIIlJOn' WQOId AIklw lOt I\Plble uu c»mt1if1 .. tlQfl, ond d(ln$MlI 10 fln«lV1*Vlt lfidt'lf}(opm.&nl 10 tI brOOd!H !'loge Of' utes tMtf IIffltI than " ClltrtH1Uy 1I!10W0d undor ~ OJ.it"f~ ll>l'll"" Spo(rllc J1f'O'IfJiDh .. lite Pf~ed for dqv\tloprrtotlt t1anrinldli pcIrtainlng 10 d&nJ4ty . ht'lOhll ~'IIJ .tltbitdl.. OUw IUmdfud. lOCh 8' ~t CO"IftraQ«. )Ot .:, •• JttndlCOtlfng "Wj pedfI'Jul:Jn t'I~""'!f. ~ be dtfined (lU1II'IO """Ie( "'31\ end lit, pl3I\ rl!~"" pr~S for fUlute rtd9'rit'o(H'.,nl iI~11Qn5 TlIO Cry It ptOOOAInQ 8 rttNJ INIJit! pian re'tlf,w lIfOCftt.l. ltMnd''IlCII1U 10 !t\fJ; It4t pf.4In t"~ 1)(OCtrfl. Md nh\&lldfMntt 10 the 'Ion lift.1 pa .... 1ng (~ul.tIk)t1. IMl would apply to trMl I.M"4r'\ Cerllcr·Nol'\tl d(l~l\4tlon. .. ' .... " .. ".. "Mt./t 'fldl III 0. .... , n. 'oo.J = t. fl - ,.~ " . , '. tJ,d_,.fllHaulptloft .r tit. ',tip •• " ~1p1'J Md All.',...',... • • ? 18 w - . • • , . , I • • " .. -~1 , ~, , , , , .' " , , Tho City Is ill50 proposing doslgn guldollna amendment, 10 tho toeMed UtbDn Contor Doslgn CWertay to creale a (lOW District ·C" appUC3blo 10 the sUo oraa. ood to updato Inlonl slalemonls ond dai1fy minlmum ,tandard, for o!dsling Oi'IOds A and 8 in the Urban Conlcr -Downtown (seo Doslgn Ovorta)l Olslricl Map In Appondh( A). ThaSfI: proposed omondtnftnts ore within tho rang" of enal~'Ses conductod lor tho Oroh EIS. as lhoy apply 10 proposod Olstrict C, The amendments for Districts A ond B Implement tho proposed Urban·Cantor pollclel pt'oposed In th. COfllprehont.lva Plan. 'rho Inlont slolemllnl, ~nd omcndmonts for Dial/ids A Gnd B Dt. consislent with prior envirOMlent.11 detcnnlnallonJ fOt tho U/'b:)n Conlor Oollgn Ovortay (lUA- 99.162. ECF NOv<lmOO' 30. 1990.LUA· 02.()31 ECF April O. 2002, lUA 02·121, ECF November 12. 2002). Pro~od zoning rotlvlollons al50 Incorporalo JlandlJlds relal~ to compatibility of US01 wilh ongoing operoUons 01\ the Renton MUOIopal Airport. AU proposed zoning nod dovolopmonl slMdarda afa lnduded In Appondlx A of 1111:0 Flnol EIS, 1.3 ~.crl.tI9" of AII"o!ll!lLU.!!valul!.l.d In lb. Dr!11 Em The Oraft EIS tlddrossod the probDble slgnific..1ntlmpacls of the Proposed AcUon(s) and the No Adlon Allomatr~e. For purposos of environmental rovi6w, four red6volopmenliconnnos wero developod (A1ldmaUVOs 1 truough o1l. consistent wllh tho Proponent 's objectives end Iho Cily'S vision. Alternativos 1 through -4 are intended to rep/osonl on over~1I enve/opo of polOntial rodovolopmenl for anatysl~ in tho EIS. Thoso allemaUV8$ encomp.1's .. broad rango of land uses thaI the silo COl!Id potentlaOy accommodato In tho futuro. given exlsling and proposed Comprohonsl .... Plan poHdes and zoning designations. ThOY function to provide represontativo levels 3nd rypos of todevelopmonl lhal could be achioved avet Ume, b3sod on tho proposod land usa doslgnatlons and policles, and thai can bo ovolunted In Iho contox! of tho EIS prOCO$l . For the purposes 01 analysis, bulldout undor AI1Otnntlv~s 1 and 2 Is aSlumod complete by 2015. Under A1tMnallves 3 ond 4. buildoul is ossumod completo by 2030. BoolO9 Renlon Pion! operations on the site onta a(o anumed as (I continued UfO at yeor 2015. IIlthould be noted however, lha! Booing may ctlOO50 to further consolidate or termlnato Its op.Jrl'llonS on tho sile area pf10r 10 2015 or on lhe ethor hond, contlnue its oporaUonllor Ih" fOl'oseooblo future (to 2015. 2030 and beyond). Oy yeor 2030. tho enllro Slto area Is assumod 10 bo redeveloped undor A1ternaUvos 3 and 4. Square leol of new dovolopmonl assumed fOt tho four ollorrmttvoll would range botwectn 1.8 and 3.S nullion aquote foot at ~'ear 2015 : types and Intona l!y 01 dovolopmenl wouk;t dlffot (aco dosc:riplloill under Allornohves " 2. 3 and 4, belOW). Tho 9(ealest level of rodovolopmont Is assumod to occur botweon yotUS 2015 and 2030. AD ,hown fot AltemaUves 3 BOd 4. Thore is no proferred pmn lot potential redevelopment of tho BoeIng propertlos, ol\'On DfIO<*Ig Boeing operallons and uncertainty roliJled to spcollc 5urplus dtldslonl that OlDy be modo In tho futuro, In add ition. lubseQuent to any dodsionll by Boeing to ,urplus proPQfl lu «nuJ04 buildings for salo or rodevolopl1l'l!nl, il I. likely thaI multiple purchasers would seok to (a\lle Of redevelop portIOns of lhe silo IndopendonUy ovor lime. FoIloy,ing b a summory description of Altom~Uvo. 1.2. 3, and 04 evalU{lltHjln the o,,,n flS Tha alternatives are evaluated 0DIIlnst 8 "basollne oondltlon" which Include' celtall'\ land uao assumptions for the eltlsllng .Ue aroa ; a summary of thoso followS Iho desetlpllOn of Anotnalives. ReIer 10 Chapter 2 0' lh& OrO)rt EISt Oosatptlon of the ProPOSed Ac:1lOn'I) Bod Alternatives for a detailed description o( the lour 3l1ol'Ntf\1J-S a".'alUQtod In tho Orart EIS onlS baseline ccndillon land Ul8 asslJmplkms. e.o"'. "O"tOlf ",..,." Ooto"' 2ft 20(\" • • . • Updo"" a..orlp.101i ., 'M ",.pe,o" Ar:dotl(.' .nd A/lwn.flr •• • . " . -, - '0 -- • - - . , , - • • • • , • , . Allemally. ,; N9 6<:\190 IE .I,lIng Zoolng ) Undel' AltOlnG1IvtJ 1, No Action, CI~\lng C\C)' of ilenlon CompreheMlV1l' Plan e"" ~ do.ignallons woutd gavorn futufO redsve~nl of the litO Cuneol tlnd usc aallQNUOOI lhoal IIppty to the ,110!nctud. EmpklymentlUca'ln<hJlttttl (EA·I). ErnpIo-(lU6nl Are,,·T,lnslllon (EA,') and Empklymonl Nlta·Olflce (SA·O) CUllen! zon~ on thO .!le is Hcu,\'Y lnd\$ltItAI (IH), lIGht IndulttUl\ (ll.) and C~I om", lCO) Boeing Ronlon ~nl opffllllON ",,'OUJ(J c:ont:ouo wOlt of logan Awnue N p,1;rtloll rede'idlOpmont to blg bo.l ,,,Utllalld P'ght ltldU5ttlalla IU\Ift'led, ". CUtTlntly PlllTllllttd urWor ItlO e)'.isttng toNI'lg Figure 1..01 (tOf'lGts po4cntlat re<tc\ll!toptnenl unci., ,6,ll~rniltJve 1 AI(ero.!l vt 2; Port l.1 P9nl9Rml nl A!1emali~ 2 ts a paMI redGvelopmenllCf.nat1o UIo:o 1t\6 No Ae:tlCn An,.-Il3Ii'VO , AAerMb .... 2 l,uume. conlmotd 8oei, J operilllOn"l wClsl Of logon Avenue N Re.ute of ott", clllIbng Boeing buIJIllng. Ita" 01 Log;.\r A~Z(J N rmy occu' P.nlal (t)(JGve:.opment 10 r'..ghet InUIna.ty olflce, f ota~ tnd commeIOolldlCS US6$ IS t:ll~ lOt on U10 rCKr.o1t.odtr of the lit" mill eo" ul LOQ~n A,,'6nUfJ N Ftgvro 1-5 dtplctA poltntial h}devruopment W\Cflt Altema!i". 2 MimI!!" 3; FilII B.dmloorolnllLow 10 Mld:f!luj A1tc,natrvo 311 illedev\lfOpmenl at.narlo rll1&ctlng luJI redch"ok;pr'r.ont of lno alta In otflC$,/CIilt:i. lob. commoldal end f&fklentlll t.1M uses ot \"I 10"", 10 tT\wHisc :ovel by thO ye.a1 2030 For poJpOtltl of aM~I'. (OOti~d Boeing Remon Ptt1(l1 aptItnUOIlS W1!t\tt) tt'll~ site ftr.,a 810 :rl , .. omad II year 20 1~. hoft'9vtr 1'10 OlJumpflof\ of conUnued ~rntlon, 15 o\3aa for yellr 2030 ti II ih(X11d be n()ted tt\at Soe'ing f'1\3y choo,o to further CQI'ISo&:.Qtu Of to:RlKJato II, O(ltf<atl<Jo. pOOr 10 201G . AtternAle!y, Boeing: may continul it" operat~ tOt' Ih8 tOClGOO. tutUI, (I e • to 2015. 2030. Of beyond). TrlinscottatJQn and lItllity InfrafJIructUf1l impto'lC!menls ~ be required to support tM high(u b,UtnJ lly utitlS unt1er thts aU1\I11O ''Duro I~ Cep!GlI PC(~t red.'lttopnltlfll under AJte;nallve 3 AIt.m ll;V,4; Evil Bod.¥.loRro'OJj Mld IQ 1l1Q!!=I!lul Ahf'(oaUve -4 refllaa the h;gtw!ll ~1 OM Intensity III red~l1t In off'~. 18lo!1, lab, c;Qmft1OrrJ .. I, aM: 'e5ldem~ land uIJ,is al II mid to NQh-4l18 Iilvet by me year 2030 A5$ull1PtiQM rOO""100 ~nued flOQino Ront,on ~t op9l1tiont .te IflO WrtlO as. those d4.1tnbed untJilt ,tJ1!JlnllIve 3 Typol and IoclltlCn, of dO'¥elopnwtnl oro 1Ifrit.1f to tI"IOH rJe-1C()bod fGl AAam.aUve 3, hllWovtr htQher dentines "'8 .c,umod As daw1bOd under AAf)mtt.ve.3 , l!"nspol~JOn ohd utility inrr85truct~. irnptovern«!nts woufd tf requtred 10 luppott ~ hIOhE' In llJ'Wty ue •• F1gUle ,·7 dtlp'r.la PQ'~I tOd.voJopnld O! un..Jer Aftemntivtt " lumm.ry of •••• Un. Condition L.nd U •• AliuMption. The (llIltrrntli"1IS ftn41y'LOd In tt'oCJ OUf" EIS Ir" "va,,",l~ against 0 ~tmf.ttj;oe fXlnditton" whlctt Indudft' "ttiln land u.tQ 6stumpblOns. fOf ttJO ,,:d,t1nv tae fttUI! fof'.Q-Nt : • eoolobcS!Won of tile a.o.Jng Corttpofll1y'1 R.,nton Pl8nt GPltDllOOS Jo It\4J ~,l h311 of thfI ,II., ,rea (InIUBt(t(S ;n 2002) ""', beon ~,*t,a 0:-:--:--:-0:-:=---------.-----,---... -, .HI"" f(I,..,.ia f ,f ' u p4I.t •• 0. • .,,*,,'10,. af tI"' "' ... a .... 00''''' If, 200' M tl$it('j .,ul "It,.."."... • • , , • -, , -. . , . • • • • 1'1111111 . iii \1011 SI , . Figure 1 .... ~UILOIHU 5UOAIH.A . Uu . Sf tUNI1!\ A B C TorAI. • 8 1G '0. li,,", lllltlU""14l. llGHI l"OUlI_lAt UltrtllOo QIfIU ....... ,.~ .1',' .. ...... " .. ; ,,,. I ., ,,\,~ ,,~ t,·, ~ .• ........ ,., ----~.----------.------- \10.000 ~'O,OOO .410,000 1,M00.000 . \,. "~' I "k," •. ~. '~~I : 1 .~~, s.Uo,OOO -1I1""U'O'" plull6t ""WoII",.nl."f""'_ ~lIIl1O)n ..... ty, .""<1, poIf~I,1 "tkll"t41>¢W 411<1 O\'tf 'Ul/IIJIMt!.1y 10 "'~J kltrtt: Ih",I.lWIlle, 100) Alternatlvo ",: No ActlonlExllllng ZonlhO 80elng Ronton Comprehonslve Plan Amondm.nl EIS I j , .' .. .. , ~~ , • " " " ~ N .... " , . , I .. • , '-> , , , " , : i, ~. , , - , • , ,. I ,/ J.I.n.4 ...... Uti .. M \'" Sf Flgur.1.S 1- \ 'v r • , A 8 C , ~UIJtC)lAl , 'Hi ..,,./',,,,, (o"''''a(IM 0'"", ·tf~l Ollla hUlL b llli'ft OHIU " ,,, , "' " l"',CkIO ,r.o,OI).'I .. -Uo .• 10.000 UQpOC!. J.,., .... .. I TOUt· .-_~ ____ M~" ~""~M ,.~"'~ p'''' hV t ... ,+<<t ....... lilt~PII'''~"' ",t, lt~I' pt4, ,,'" "''''AIM kIW «It "'~ ",~"~-'.l!r ]1) rIC'_ ~. tt-t'I.tt.i'Uc.. ttXIJ AHom.tive '1: p,nl.1 Rtdl'YtilopMont "Botlng R,nlon -Comf},eh.n.lvlI1 Plan Am,ndfllff1t cia , I TI ] j j;;BlUMEN _CONSllrnNG .,GROUp'.lIIe \ If " .. ,II .. "'" • '",t.1~ VIU"'O( Oll.c:t "lIln ·'A»l~" ()mt( "'U~11 ·r"'1iIII1I1' OmU ". 0.11111 •• 0"'« aUKt lIIu\lH ........ ~,. UrnU MU\1H"""'\' Olll«( Mllt!l'IoUIn' Q.,tU RetAl\ Henri MuUI-l ...... \l ))0,000 HO,GOO \ lO,COO/46th' 1\0,000 UO,OOO/6,uU ltO.OOO 610.000 ....... UO,OOI' )to,OO(.tlO'AI '40,000 )10.000IU9" "0,000 110,OOOf6llU 1.110,000 160,000 160,OOO/1~M 1,0]0.000(1.77011 11.110,0" TOtAL. t,",UIIITt. L __ . _____ -:-:: ... :::..,:::'::~; ... ::::.:J • • 1~1I1oi1.\I¥t pi.,.,,,, ",""OfIlILtflltl ""',, PI"\III~' !WI"'. lI:~t\ pdl'flll,1 ~lU1td 1tIIIId-cwt O¥'C'I ,,,,i!Utlfllt\y n yt_t. llNtf,j tinllllf\d nc, JOO) Figura 1·6 Allomall ... e .3: Full Rodlvoiopmenl(LoW to Mld-RII.' Booing Renton Camp,.h,nll". Plan Amondmant EIS • , ~, ., Ii:~ ,. . -.h~{ ) ,~, , ;W ,' r'. I t ' • , ")II'S, , F*gUfO t.1 \. 1 r ~ • • \ \ .-, A B C o E f G • tOWt'i ('_Ul 'HAll Olliff Omu ..... Omu M"",'NA#III\' bJ ~tlll14 aUKI OIllU AWU,JtA,Wk.T O.NI M~""""I1." OUK. ....Ulfl''U'O' ... Own ~" •• l\ tiOltt MIIlt! f~"t \oo,OI'A I ,IlO,OOO lSO.OOO '10..000 1._'0.000 , ___ ""1,, ....... 1'O.COO "0,000/'6)., , .. -I 910,0001'\411 110,000 19ft.GOO} }'HII fi,flO.QCIl 1 Je),00G l6C,OOO/U!OrlM UIOOOO/J.1I1u 17."t,OOf J,UJWoOT' )f.O...,.,n ICI,. ... ~ c.._:-.~~_ .. __ • "'_Jotl.r'",. ;1M ,.. t'L;I!~ 'Ji!"I~ W""," ",Jr. 1\~lt """~.l;o,,.,..H'" • ..., ....... ~ ...... n \"HI' ~.-Hitl1!.lMUC. 1M} Att'rnMfVellJ4 : Full Redtv.lopmorn (Mktto HfQh-Rile) Booing R.nton Co",pf'tMft.ln PI_" .Amtndm.nt EIS '. • Construction of the Silm ChalStain Waletironl TrUll, connecting tho Cod.n Rtver Trail with Gena Coulon ParK along the Lako Washington shoroUna 'IponJOfod by IhO City 01 Renton), • ConUnulltkm or oltlstiOO utility operutlons and USGS on thu PSE p,op.,ly, • Continuation or cortaln oKi,ting ofnco. tab. Ood commordlll usn at tho south end of tho site ama , ConSOlidation of Booing Renton Plonl operations ood conlJlructJon of Iho City troll 01llenllon ilro bOth separato actions subject to SEPA and rue nol part 01 tho Proposed Aetlon{s) baIng evaluated In this EIS. ao.btfI "-ron ""'aJ.,. Ocrto"'" Jf, ,fOOl . " (- '.20 Upd.,ed o.UrlpftM ., fM hofI'OaH Aa,Ion(.' and An."'." ..... • , " ,,' o o o o " ;'l - -",' 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 · ... 7 lj,-• , , " , , : ' ," " , " , , " " • , " '" • " " ", , " , , , Chapter 2 Updated Information and Analysis .~ .. 'i'I ".04 , • , • " , , ' , " • .; .. , , " , , , " , ' , J J ] J ] 1 . ~ ] ] J .. j J ] J U J I,,: . ~" . . '. . - , Introduction· , ., , CHAPTI!R 2 UPDATI!D INFORMATION AND ANALYSIS Thl, ch3plOf provides addillOnal Infonnallon and analysl, related 10: 1) tho polanUal COI'flp3tlb~ty of the Proposed Actlon(s) and AltemaUvus lh~l WOIO avnluolod In tho Ornll EIS with the Ranton Municipal Airport und tho WIU Rogurs,WllOy Post Momorml Sooplano 80so; 2) the Renton Municipal AlrporIas an essential public (00111'1; and 3) ;)ir quallty . In response to comments received during Iha scoping porlod 101" tho Or;)11 EIS, nod basad on lho City of Ronlon's planning requirement' under Ihe Growth M:magemonl Act (GMA). the CIty conc.ludcd that thero was Iho polential for slgrufle3nt impacts from fulUfO potonli31 redevelopment of the 5\10 alea on allport operations . ar.d requirod tho aSSCS5mon\ 01 Impacts to bnd use , light and gl3ro. noise concMlons 3M alraall flight opornllons (seo Sections 3.5. 3.6. 3,9. 3.11. ond AppendlK E of tho Draft EIS. rospoctlvaly). ConCll"onlly. thO City of Renton iMiated preparatiOn 01 ilO Airport Compatible land Uso Program consistont wilt'!: 1) GMA requirements (RCW 36.70A.510); and. 2) lIs ,ospon5,bi~tios related to rocelpt of granl money from the federally sponsored Airporl Improvomnnt Program . which requilos grant rocipjenls to restricltho use of land 08.xl10 or pear thO .llrpor1 to uses that aro compatible WIth normal airport OP~r.1Uons (I.e .• aircraft klndlOQ and lakooll). A WOC"k plnn for tho Airport Compatible Lond Uso Program and preUrTtIniuy poIicios and dovelopment slondarUs WI3'O Included in Append lK 1 of IhO Oralt EIS . PreparaUon of tho Airport ConlJ) •• l.Jble Land US8 Program has boon on(lolng throughout tho EIS process, Given tho CII)"s Intention 10 arlopt proposod amoodmonls to thO Comprohenslvo Plan nnd zoning IhIll would apply to Iho $::0 aroOl by tho lind of 2003. Iho City Is doveloplng tho Airport CompBllblo Land Uso Progmm in two phases , Tho U,oon COnfer-NOII/I CompO/lbJa Lnnd Use Roport lJnd progmm (PhaSO Ono p,cw(.)m) analyzos 11'10 compatibility of luluro polentiallnnd uses within tho portion of tho ·Alrporllnnuooce Aro"-reprosented by tho sllo area Wllh the Ronlon Municipal Airport Dod tho Will Rogors -Wiley Post Momonal Soaplane Baso operations. Ttao fun ted of tho PhoSO 000 Prognlln is Includod as Append iK B of Ihls Final EIS. PMso Two of tho Airport Compoltbkt Lalld Uso Progmm \\'ill address Ihe romulnder of tho Airport tnnuente Aren and WId be adoptod as part of tM CIty'S 2004 Comprohens lve Pion Update under GMA. In responso to comments received on tho Oralt EIS. oddlUonal discussion of polential impocts ond mtigallOo relaled 10 kind usa compntibillty Issues is provided In this chDpter of the Flnpl EIS lor the following eloments of tho environment: Relationship 10 Plans and polides: Land Ulle Patterns; PopulatJoo Employment and Houslng, AesthOl\cs, Llghl and GlOre; Nolso; nnd . Air Transportation. This chupter also Indudes an analySis of potenllal air qualtly Impolct$. The ClIy of Ronton, as tead agency under SEPA. dotermlnellthat tho Proposed Actlon(s) would not result In probable signlficant imp3C1s to olr quality condlllons. This dotomllnnllon was made during tho scoplng period for tho Orart EIS. Subsequent 10 publication 01 the Orafl EIS, and basod on the fanQe of trip generation numbers prosented In the Ornft EIS Iran,portaUon analysis. Iho City decided to present informlltion on air quality condilions In the Finol EIS to address ort)' polenlla\ agoncy or dillon concerns l1ssoc\aHtd wllh tho Proposed Acllon(,]. A progrommalk annlysla of potontlal , '. ., , , ,. • , , . . . ,. " .' -. , , • < • . .' , . '. '. :.'. , 11." ! I . ,. , .' , , , , '.' L .. • ," , " , , ' air qUOJity 1rr1P.1CU i1ssOCltllod Wllh tho raooc:J of tft(Jovelopmonl otu~mah\lOs Bvatua!tJd in tho Omft EIS was COOduclO<J 10( thIS Final EIS and i, eotI141flCd In fott in Appoodi'll C 1o lOIs F;nal EIS. A summary of 1M tcau]lS of tho on;'llytl$ 15 pJtI!ounlo<l belOw ~ndQr tI~ hoMJtl(I Air Ql)allty RelaUonlhlp to Plana and Pollel •• TM Omft EIS evaluated lhe rolatlonshlp of tho PtOPOliOU AOlon{'!. inc.ludlll9 the PfOPOHd poIk:y ond lonlng tado amondmonll 10 tho Comp'ohUNlvo Plan and olhor proposed amondmoflr.s, with Ol)p~~ble and odoplod lanes us. puma and poIicIoJ . Plans ond poIiJOC' evnli,UJlcd it\ 1M Of art EIS Include tho OtQW1h Managoment Act (OM-A), SnorellClO ~~lnagemenl Act; K!ng Cool1ly CounlyNldc Planntng Polldol, and, tho City of Renton CompiehenliV1l Pr4n. ShOrel!no MM.tor Program, Park. Petroahon DfI(t Open Spaco P\..'Jn . BOd AKWJl "b$I~1 Ptan Thl' .actlOn proV!dllJ GddllJOnOl P1tfUntlnt dilculS'IOn of GMA compi!.anc8 and the COt\slJlency of proposed aIrport compallb:bty poliCIV. With lhe City of RonlOn Allpon "\a110r Plon Tho DraM EIS described plOlllnuwy olOmcnls of lhe CUy's Alrpott ~tibk) Land Use Program In SecllOo 3.6 , Reli\IIOO5hlp to PlAns tlnd POI4des of the Dlalt EIS The preltmlllory .capo Of It\e AApot1 Compatible Lond Use ?foor:.m addrolittd U'MI oyoriU ·Iwporl Influence Areo·, An areo lignillcanuy larger than Ute silO 0(03 subjtttllO tho Propowd ACbon(l) eva:UOIled In thIS EIS (rolot 10 El(Jl!bll A or App4l'ndlx U tor a dePICtiOn of tho Airport Inltuooott Aleo) AJ dcscribod above In tho IntroductiOn, 1M Ctly lS dO'MfOpmg tho Alfport CompallbUt Lllnd Use Program In two ptlas4Il. gr.'en Ihe City's In!onban to ""'opt ptOp05l1d Compnloonljve Pian and zoning amendment. for UMt sflo Dr«l3 by the end 01 2003 Th8 poI~:!O.s 01 lh4t PhnH Ono P'OiJrom would apply to lhO UC·N d06lgntth,d site are .. (I.dUSI'IOI)" nnd ors ,"lcMed to ulltigato My PI obnb~ slgniflcnnt nd\,erlio Impact! on Aviabon opijUl00na lhut COUid occur ftom future redovelopment in tho lilo or"3. The Ptlo$O One P'ogto1m was dovelOped to meel the roqulremenll 01 GMA ustng a numbQr of planning rosources, InCludIng WSOOT~ Almort nnd CCk7fJhltlbfo Land Uso. VOl I (10S9) ThlI document khmlirles OUlhexlzing kl-gr&lalkJO undor GMA for !.'too U$O comp.'IIDiIIly ptOMlng In lhe Sloh) of WashlnglOfl ..... fllch lncJudu RCW 36 70A 510. GOnet,Sl AvtatiOn Mports -St:1I't9 01 Incompotibltf VJI!! and RCW 36. 70A 200. SIting 0/ Euontiltl PlJblic F3Ci1OOs The ptopOUd Phase OM PrGgtilm mtS boan doveJOpftCi r.onli5lanl Vr!'Ith beth at these siaM., SCW 36,7QA,51Q, G!:norql bylij!!oO I\lrn'lu, -Siting o! IOW!JlPallbl. U ... Compliance wtth RCW 36 lDA .51o. Gttnerjll A~'I811C11 Akpons -Sitmg 01 IllCOfTtIUItJbIe U.sDS i5 dl,cusaod In lho Orafl E1S (pogo. 3 61· 3 6 2) The slalulo foquires that ~Ew)ly COUI)ty. tit), 8fld town In wlllch IMfll i! toc4ted 8 Qf]1l(I1ilI 8\11alO1 DIIpOtf IMI is opt1fT1rod fOf tI.o tHmnftt of lhe gf1nt)f'SI {lubItc. wn6l/uJr publitly owned Of ~"t.1f ownod pub.'Ic ute, shn/l, through IfS CQmpff)hellSM! plan lind C1611C1opnroJt1 f'dOUl!tt.onJ. d'$~m!1e tlto aifinl1 of inCompotJbHI 1"0$ ~fHlt tD sUCh Of:ntmJ/ovwtiort IfIJKJft Suc;h pJon~ and rogutntion . may only bff 1f(1Op1ttfl or /ffl!{mdod Snf'tf formal COtl~IJ'1QII witll; Airpoft OWfl(ftS /tIrd mUflOr/1J1', prW~f" 8frJ)otf tV~ml0f3, QOfUuni IJVUtUon pIIoIs, pons, dIld inti nvwrion arri:cfQn 01 t~ (Jt,Pi1rltfWm of IrnJlsportlJtron All propwUd iJl)d adopted pltlnf a()(j regulnfiollf s/l{lfllH) 1110(1 ~tth tIkJ 8\11UrOO dM$.!C)(t 01 t(tv dep4j!ffTI6nt (J/ frttn&poItstion wltllf" If IPlUOtlftlJ#rt /imtt IJhOf Itlltt..1/1f1 lor public tonSif1or.lt;or, lind' commont. Each county. ("Y. dnd low" m;ay OIJfsll1 It}chrncol 8SSlrtlllK't from thJJ av18/lOn dMslon 01 thO dcptJffmtJnt of trnn.,lOtfn/ion to dfh'tJk>p plan" Dna regula"""s e.;~."::f~~::-.... ;:;:".:::/c:.;;,.;---·--'---'.I---U:C •• "".-'-•• -;-;1.-,.'-.. -.;;;;;.,.., Ait*%7.i; Oc;t"" 2 1, tOO) .. • , " , • • , , " " , r I~ , , r-, " ~ • • •• r" , '" .. l.! ,. " - • • .. " -I , ~ " l! £ .' : ; . a o :J J J j J ] J ] ] J , .' .~ '-, \ J : • C'OIlSl.steJ1t WIth th.s Jocrion. Any additoos or ofllonumonls to tomprohon!lvo plans Of developmont rogullJflOl1S roquiNd by Ihl$ ... ;}(lIon mn}' be lJdoptad during tho I]Onnol course 0' land-usu pt'OCUodjngs.· ' , Con:~ISlenl with GMA provisions reg;uding -ganeml aviation ail ports·, the Clly of Ronlon has comploled a land uso compatIbility "Iudy and proposod policlos and dOlJ1llopmont stondards that "dlscouroge rhe Sltitlg 01 incompnlio/{J uses-adjacanllo the Renton Municipal Airpon and .... 'thln the Fodoral A .... !.ntfon ~dminlstrollon Safely 20nas 5 and 6 that cover tho slto Drot) (roler 10 E"hibil A of Appendix B). This proposed Phaso One Program addresses threo ClJlogories 01 airport land use c:ompDubility: guneralaviaUon 5aloly, tlll"5paco protoctlon, and noisu. The primary purpose of tho Phaso Ono Program [s to Increase slifoty and land use compaUbillty outsido the boundaries of tho airpoft. and wiltun tho por1lon of lho Alrpoct Innuonce Aroo to 00 dosignated Urthln Cenler-Nor1h tUC·N). As part of tho EIS scoping prOCOSI. tho City detormlned that there was tho potential lOt slgnirM:nnt Imp.,cts to aIrport operations from full rodevelopment of the s\lo area. The Cuy dOl/oloped tho Phaso Ono Program 10 ol/olualo this potential and proposed policies nnd del/olopment swndards to mlbgntc Dny probable Significant imp.1cts. To this end. tho CIty conductod a RIsk Assessmonl that el/alualCs a nUmbtH olfactOls related 10 safoty. Induding tho number, tyPO. and lroquency of on and off.alrport n\lfation DcooenlS In Renton and on (I Mllonnl basis. spociflc land uso and mrport operaUonaI chmacteristlcs unique to Ronton. safety principles (o.g .. proloctirlQ spoclal populauons. limiting density nnd Inlensity of land uses. prollOnllng halards to night). and safoty comP3bDilily cntoria gu idelines fOl dotormining denSIty and "'tenSity. A. do\i1i[&d dlscu$::'li)O of the Rl;\k Assossment Is contained In SecUon III of the City's Phase One Program. Included In Appendix a of thiS Final EIS. Resources that wore used In developIng lho Rhik Assessmenl Include. nmoog others. W500rs Ailpotts and ComparlbkJ LDnd Uso. Vol. t. 1999 and tho StaiD of Cahfornlo Oopartment or Tronsport.3tion ·s (CorTrans) Caltlomia Airport Land Usa Planmng Hsm1bOOk. 2002 (as referenCCld by WSOOT). Proposed 13nd uses 1lnd 1lSSOCIAlod densitios acroliS lho sUe area ore consistent with lhe CaITrans roocmmof'ldod guidellnos ond crilena (soo Exhibits C and E of AppendilC B). NallOnwido. the CalTrans studv is tho mast roccnt and comprehonsivo Sludy completed to dato. and Is atso the most appllC3blo to lho CIty of Ronton In that II addrosses lond use compatibility with aIrport operotk>ns in urban oreas. Spec:::fic policies and dovelopment Mandards that havo boen proposed to adequately onsuro compatibility of now potenUal uses in tho sIte area WIth the Renton Municipal AIrport ate kiontiOed and discussed In detaIl io Sadlon JV 0' tho Phoso Ono Program (sce AppendIx B of lhls FIIlaI EIS), Tho proposod pol icies osnd dovelOpment standards address public ossembly and concentrations 01 people . proviSion of lunctlonal open space, donslty and Intens ity of residential and non-residential Innd uses . polontlal haight Obstructions \n Federal AvlAtion Regulation (FAA) Part n airspace pl'Oloctlon Ihreshholds. WIldlife hazards, light ond gl;)rG. tmd nolse. Propo50d policies and dovelopment ataf'\d.1rds 3ro included In thu ovorall proposed amendments 10 the Comprehensive PIon. zoning, ond devolopment standnrd! Ihat would apply 10 the silo area (ADpondbr: A of this Final EIS) and oro Intended 10 produdo any slQnlncant ImptlCl$ to the alrpol1 from futuro polenllalredevelopmenl. As ra~uired by the statute . tho City W\1llorrNllly consult with various stakehOldors. locludmg The Boeing Company. the Renton Airport Advisory Committee. elrport ownors and managers, private airport operators, goneral aViaUon pi'ots . the WSDOT A.vlntlon DiviSion, and otMr 114."., If_,." ""aI ~,. 0010"'" 21, JOOJ . .. . , '. , , .. , • . '. • , • , .. - " • • ., , .. • .. • , . , , . -., , , IntatD'lod potties of rOCOrd prior to CIty CounCil deosions on tho proposod: amvodmento to t"" Comprehensivo Plan. 10t\Ing and dQvek)nmenl togullltKlns Idont"'-d Iltlko!loldOJl wilt roce tvet wrilton noUfk;u:ljO{1 01 the public mc\lling on tho Pru:UUt One PtQOtam aJ1\J public tl4'llillg{s) on tho proposed COmpltlhenstve Pion And zoning nmondmontl. RCW 36!7OA 200, smng Q[ t;sseoUol PubM FncililiOs Tho GMA toquitu thol Comp,chMsive Plans Indudo a process; '01 idc"l~ ond arung essonhal pubflc faciltbes. Specd'lcsily. thO '1!lIUIO sUItes lho loHo ..... lfIQ. ~(') Tho C.omprohonJive plan 01 each county and Cffy Ihol n plunnmg tfnc10r RCW . shan tneJudo It procO$$ lot Idonfif)1no lind ~t:sng OSSon/InJ public fiJdlilitls. Essontlal/Jub/ic laalltuJ3 IncJudo thoSD (ncilltitu fhat 0/0 typIcolfy u,H'tCUII 10 &ite. sUCh as fJ/tpOItl, 1I0to educAtion /lJClhtlfl.s u'K/ 5lalo Of roglonlfllmnJPO(tat1oo facJiJ/IO' 4:I.t chtflOlXlln RCW 41 06. '''0, ItatB and IoclJI cOfrO{;(~allltClhfios. so/td WDst. hltldItng (OCi/itIOS. and in·pntront (ac"'",as JncJud;ng .sub.stsflCO abuUJ (ltQ/i'icJ. menIal Manh IlJeiMlf}s. group hOl'tlitJ, ona '{1Curo commumty tnUlSltlOn 'A ciWes It (Jd~ned in RCW 71.09.020. • IS) No local COITlprdhrmsM1 pion or ODVilhJp(ntJnt rogulmlOfl may prtKfUd9lho Sitttlf} 0/ olSontial pvOiic faciltt;os ." A process for ktontlfying and siting of ·ossenlJal public faeililles' Is k1onlJr~d In POfl<:ifI" l.U.23J and LU·234 In tho CIty .of Ranloo', ComprOMn.,[V. fltan (t095). &I~ on d6(;itlOtls by the court (cny or Do! Moinu v PugQl.§ml.Od BqalOnal C~~. 1999) uno the Wosulln WilWington Growth Management Hearing. Bo..'lrd (AChee y !;Io(~ County. 1995) r6gard1flg IhIs GMA ttatult relalivo 10 nilporta , thO rfJqlJit8n',cnl not 10 p,(.'CIUdO -Ihe tiling of euonlllli pYbJic fadlftios· 1$ intorprl!led 31s0 iI$ 8 requirement hOt 10 putc'vde oJcP4nJlOf'l arid/or tOOUnLlC(I operation 01 exl.bng aitports. Opernllonol Bod I'Ixpanlioo C:DpOb~dy can be dollood by itlnd$Jde 3nd a lrllekt (Of ait1lOO) capadty. L8ndaida capaclty Is D mOIlIUt. of Olfi.!1og .uppty Cf ~lIdr1.g (tIC-downs Of hanQttrs) A1rJldo capadty I, measored as !ho numbor oj tM.ootf, Ind lafldings an a llport can accommodate o"or a givei\ lime poliod. The Rogioo .. , A1tpon S)1;rctm Pfan (PSRC 2001) ropor1s L"\e Renton A1rpon 1Dnd.ldo domandlcopaeity IDUo "t 94 porcenl and the illrlide del'NodIcapacity ro!1O at «percent. TNt Ooelng Company Oltl about Ihfee DefCOfll of 1I'le total alrsldo copaCrly and JGasot about 52 pertonl of 1M ROlllon Aitpoi1 Jandllde cap.Wty As ,uch. oppor1ullllios 'or c:onhrlued operallOn and eaPllnllon Ci}troll!fy 0)1", .t!he Renton AJtpcn. For purposes 0( lIrns'YSI" tho OrDft EIS Dltoumed thai Boeing Henion Planl oper,tlons-WOUld conUnutt on the WOllom JlOf1ion of rM site oreo ~iDee"IIO lhe oifport unbl at hI,11 2015 under an rodeveloPfOOnt scenatios; by 2030, the enUre site oroo I ..... utMd 10 be (edeveloped under Alternative, 3 l!U)d 4. It 80eing Wftte 10 tertninnle its opCtall()n. within the slto Area 10 UKt futllro . II I. likely IMI llama or all of the space ~I iJ CUlteolly leased by the Boeing Company 01 UWI Renton Alrpon would no )onger be neoded, od(jJllOnol ,pace wooid boc:oflle ""ftllable At luch. OJIPMlion Of the alrpot1 would nol be preclUded If and whftO tho entk~ .Ife a/it3 's fltd~v.k>ped In thtt tuture . Note : tho Proposed amondments 10 Ina ComJ)renenlfVo Pkln (500 Appendu A) support tho conrlttulnO l'IirplllM rnnnuloclutlng operallO(\s Of lhe Hofo lng Rtlillon PlDnt ~, a com~tlbllJ lond OS(looJacenl to tho RentOf'l Mut1lclpG' Altport ~.~.~.~'·-,~~.-.~,.~.~;~~i ~·---'-·----·------~~~'------~u~ .. ~.i;;~m~~~""~.~,~2.~·~'~"~AA~'~~='~/ Oof.hI U, lOOJ • , .' . ) , • , , ' . , • " • --, - ,. '. ,. L ~ •• , .' • J j J -j '5 !:l -, .i ~ J -. J - -. J ., J 1 -' ~ tj 3 ID .. .. .. .. .. " .. , • , " , , , • , " -" " .. , , , In QdditlQn, ilS identified abovo In the dlscuslilon of ·slllng 01 IncompalJblo usos', tho Phl1so Ono ProQram establlshos poIlcios and development rogUlillioo~ 10 MI.,'qualoly on51JI0 compallt)Jllty of future land uses in tho slte OJreo wllh Glrport opomtions, Continuing oporation of thO airport would nol be produded by tho Proposod Acl!on(s), City of RonlOI) Airport MAster Plan Tho consistency of the Proposed ActJon(I) and rOdovolopmont seenallos INtornallyeS 1 thtough 4) With lhe City of Renton Alrpot1 MilSlet PIM is discussed on pogo. 36,12 and 36.13 oIlhe Orall EIS. Pnmary objectives of tho Airport Master Pion lndudo (in PM): prOVldiflg 100111165 OM StlMccS In a mannor thai ma~zGs safety. elfJdency Dnd opportunity for U$fl, doYeloplng D pig" IOf Ina airpolt thai mo1lumizos elfectivo U50 01 avallablo land and meets dC~'fIlopment sbndllrds promoted by federal. stolo. and tocal agenCies; and onsullng tomlX'lllbilily With ~l kmd uso patlems and pLlns. AlS o1oscnbed In tho Om!l EIS, onvfronnlOnL,1 consldorations idenlrfttJd In tho Airport ~ia'ter Plan pc!llinenl 10 adjacent land usos includo k!onhtied ncX50 IInpacl meas and Quldnl1co for n[rport COf1'\PiItibllity planning, consistent WIth FAR Pari 77. Objects Atro~lng NaVlgnblo Airspace ond FAA Pall ISO. AIrport Noise CompahbiUty Pliil\O\ng. The Phuso Ono Progrnrn indudes proposod policies and development ,tilodnrds contlslont WIth FAR Parts 77 o"d 150 (SI!Il Appendix B. SectJon IV tln~ tho discussion below undor AOSlhotlcs. Ughl ond Glum and Nolso for a(khllonal dotilll). Rofer olso 10 1M di SCUSSion 01 RCW 30 70A.200, SUing of ESS8f1UnI Public Fucihl.,s. ohove for Inlom13lloo regarding futuro illrporl ""Ilanslon oppot1Unlly , Land U •• Patte,ns The proposed Phase One Program would ostabllsh policle, Dnd dovtt1opmu!\l l"9ulZltlons 10 govern land usos adjolconl 10 tho Rentoo Airport. consultant with requitcm6fllS undor OMA. Proposod airport comP31ibtbly polic«ts ond dO~lIlopmonl (egulJlloos oro InCOfJ)Ofalod InlO tho single set of ovorall poliCies and zomng provision. th.1I would apply to fulur" potentlol rodevelopmenl Within lhe onll18 sile moo (soo Apponc1lx A). Ttllt slnfllG sol 01 propoaed pollclos nod lonlng provisJons would 01101'1 redowfopmont of tho sito area to octOr WIthin the ranuo 04 . potentiat redevelopment analyzed In the Draft EIS . Therofore, Iho conclusions kfonltflod In Ihe Droll EIS In Section 3,5. regarding potential Impacts from Ihe Propot'iod Actlon(a} aod AllematlVes, would oppty. As described abovo, Ihe proposed poIk:Jes and dovelopment sland:uds tllO Intended to DClequalely ensure compatIbility between the aIrport and tho silo Otren (Ind Qro ba~od on. I) n comprohonstve ro1liew of relovanl IItora/uro. sludies lind guidelines rotated 10 a1rpott land use compalibillty planning; ond 2) plopnrollon of a Risk Ano55monl. The Risk Aasos~nl conduded by the City as pM of Its Phase Ono Program evoluntos Ihe polenllnl atlfoly risk or rodevetoplna the she aroa, telalive to a number of &afely princlplclS (IDO tho d,acuulon under Rel3l1onship 10 Plans and PolIcies , above). Tho Risk Anonmonl concfuclns thnl tho Inrgost potential fOf Incompatibility ...... thin tho sile Dloa exisls within Safoty Zono 5 (wilhm 1,000 toel of tho cenlertlne of tho runway). In gonftr3!. s.,tety Zone 5 eilsl of tho airport runt' parallel to the Cedar River; a smaU aroa Olong the northwest edQe of the 5110 aroa Is covolcd by Saroty Zonft 5 (refer 10 Exhibit A of ApPOndix B). Proposed poIlclos and dovolopmonl slandiJrds would mjligato any probable slgnlfleDnt impacts by limiting the land uses allowed In Safoty Zono 5 FOf e"ample. residentlal hOUllng, day care services. edut.llion (acllitles. retirement hornetS . convalescent centers. conference conle". sports oronas. oihiblilon halls, aOd hotelS would an ao.l". "."ton R"., I!lS Octo .. , 21,200:1 " " , , , , , " ,. , I: , , , • , ' • " • , , ~ , '. ,,...-- ( , • • , •• ,. • . , • • '. " '. , btl prohibltud (Roltl' to AppundtJ( A and EXt\IQII5 C ond E of App<!!1du( Q 01 Ulis FlOut EIS), SafelV Zono 6, which COVArs ti\t! (1l1ll3 lnlno I'ruIIOt'i1y of lI1e slto ;,rca. mpro5etlll no arOA whero 1110ro II a ·gonorally low h;,:.ohhooo 01 3cddtl(!1 occ:urrollCOIS 01 fllOQt ll!rpof1;: tltk co(lCttm primarily is WIUl US", lor wh1ch poltlnlh:al COtllSUQuonco. aro 'ovuru~ (0 0" ouldOQ( IIladlun\lllnd slmit!)r USGS wllh vory hilJh IntonslI/os) (CaltJortllil Ar'poIf Land U.~fI PUJI)(lIIlQ Ha(l(jbooJt,., 20()2). In SOfoly Z0I1!! 6, tOSltJon!!"i U!l.OS ond most nOIl·tl.!I)donlml U~OIS (WIth the Q-a'lPllon of OU\UOOf stadluml) would bo aliowod . Und", Allam.ul\loli I IIlfOugh ", DoolOg Ranton Pli\nl 0pUIDlion. nro DSlunlloO to tOmato Ofi the poNiOO Of tho ailo nrea WC~I of logM Av\Jl1ue N Utrough 01 le8s1 2015 As noted undo' Rolahonlhip to PIon) aM POlidot, aboV1l. tho proposod ruoondnu:nl, 10 thO ComprehonWI:) Plan (toO Appendix A) support lM conUnulnQ aifplnne manuf;)cluo~ orwationt of the Boeing Ranlon Ptanl ,1S Q compatible lund u,o ndjacenl 10 Ihe Rct/llon MUI'lIClpru AAport There woutd be no change in la'ld U50 In Ihis porlion of the SlUt aron whllo Boelt'lg HonlOn PI{Jfll oporallOtlS conlinuo. Tho poItion of Iho s,lo area o~!l1 of logan A~ntN N (WlII\in Sol'.IY ZOOCJ tI) wouk.I be subJe" 10 pollclos Md dowlopmonl ilandordS pfopo$ad tor ihu UC ·N db~lVflJ)l&d Oft-It as a whole; this portion of 1t\4 slle aroo Is outside Ihe 5.1foly Zona 5 boundary . AlIemativO' 3 af'ld 04 assuf1'\G fLiIl redo-rolopmenl 01 tho .,10 31110 by 203 0 As dO;<;ribod In lne Orull EIS (page 3.!i .l~). rn)W dovolopmonl .utumod on lhl) w"alom porIlOO 01 IUd: site arOR would Includo {I. mill. 01 ofnco, retaIl ROO mutti ·funllty IDsldonlml uaos : tOnS would fllJ)ftlstnt " brODdor rango of usc, and 8 rcnulltng iOOIUl!oQ In the concontrotlon of popufnt ..... m In ttlll portIOn 01 tho silo aroOl. Policies and devolOpmctnl SIOnd,lfds tho11 lifO k10nUlied In lhe Ptm,o Ollf' Program would govem allowed lypOS of &nnd I.Ise, lSll\OUnt 01 functIonal oPon ,~eo (I.e , Id~1 E(T'K)fgency landtog ArMS), bU11dlOO holghVob'tfucl ionel. donlllY Md Inlen,jly 0( use~. haM;)I. Il{)hl and glare. m ~ roqulred nOise allenu.Uion within trIO ,1\0 IIrea, consisleot With plannIng guidelines for SO); Jty Zones 5 and O. Pollclos, zool"9 p(O .... lsiOOI und devok>pmaf\t fegiJlaliof'lS would MtfVIl as ITlItigation fOr any &'gnllialnl incC>fnV3hblllty Impacts lInooalcd wllh futuro rOdevclOpmonl. Pop ... lation. Employm.nt, and Ho .... lng TJIO pt'Uposod amonamon\s 10 tho ComPflmOr'l!iIVG PIM .md toning \\'OU1d cle"la eup~oty for " range 01 uses :tn<J could retU II In 1M Irao.illon of the all, (ift't3 10 D ~Ntt dol"l$ity. hlghttr intenSity muted·use diltrid, With highor orl.lle conconlnaUofla of rosidenhoa' ond empIOymenl popultlllon5 occurring Ovor tho '0 to 25 )'Oar bl,ildoul potio(t. As doscribed ('above under land Use Pallorns, tho l inolo 101 01 p!'o~ policies Mel l'()(\!OQ provisions would allow fod.vQ!oprneOl 01 tho 'llo 0100 In OGClIf v.,lhin the tDngo of PQtet1llDI f048\1olopmeni analyztKt In thO OrO" EJS: allondnnl popoIalJoO and omployment c;a~dW would oliO be within Ihe tMott analyzed In the Droll EI$, Limll;tIlOOI on c:ortaln uses and densities t« !lOW dovelOpment within tho Ille attto oro propoSed Yitlhln 1.000 loel of tho centerl"'Q of lhe runwAY ISarety Zona 5). Proposl)d land LisGS aoo denslllc, ato compall~le ¥/lIn tna C11v', pilJnnlnQ goals 'ot iI$ Uftlnn Conht' and would allow cnpnc:lty tor employmont BM hOusehokts thol moet. tho CflloMa IOf Urban Centors idonUfiad in tho Countywide Planning POliclel, No , • -- , , .~ changos 10 Ihe tonduslon5 rogilldJng lmpnclJ, IdenhlKt<! In SecbOo 31 of Ih" Ornlt flS, ere ... wart;)nlltd . PropoSItd uStJs and fesldenllal dOnilliCS ruG Idenhl~ In J\Dpeltdl)l A of thll FiMl EIS. C '" ' . • • , • • .' , ., " " I J J "' I ~ 0 .L - • ., . '. , 'P-o " -, A •• 'hotles, Light and Glaro In order to conduct an allalysls 01 potont l'" un".,cI, to aoslllttUC conditions in tllO silo O)re3, the Oral1 EIS nmde cenaln assumptions rogouJ lng possible ch:u-uctunstiC$ of Iho redovelopment altern.UNO' tolated to bul:ding heights, coverago, 5ctb;:u:ki. parking. ole. ThO$O oro identified by altcmal1\l6 in Table 2.2 01 tho Oro" EIS. MsurnpUons IOf Al1erna\lv()!> , Bnd 2 includfl cool~ulO!] Boeing oper.1hons on tha west ponlon of tho slle aroll and pc:tuntlal bulldoUI of tho oasl portlon of the silo nrCil In big box rolail. lI!)hl lndustn31 and low-(iso oUice uscs by 2015. BUildu'lg heights under Allcmulivos 1 and 2 woro nuumeo 10 range betweon 30 ond 311 fool. Assumptions lor Alternatives 3 and 4 ind udG cootlnulng Boeirlg oporaUons on tho wost portJon of the SIlo area through yoar 2015: howovor lull redovolopmont of tho $itu oroo In office, tab, t8toll and multi·larrnly rosldonlinl uses is assumod by year 2030. BUIlding hoi9hls undor A1ternativos 3 ClOd 01 woro assumed!o tango between 15 and 123 lefll. Futuro bllllding heights would be required to conform 10 FAR PM 17, Objocts Nflltting Navigablo Airspaco, os discussed below. An airport hazard is dcfloed as any structure Of Iroo or USO 01 10M which obslmcl$ tho airSj)<1CO required fOf tho flJght 01 on aircraft Of which obstructs 01' \nlerforos with UlO control trodllng and/or data acquisition In tho landing, talo.lng olf, 01 night 0\ lin airpor' (Airport M .• 'lsla( Plan, 1997). Airport related height nod us(J rOslr lCllons <lre cunonlly rooultltlt., In Ranton by tho Renton Municipal Codo and ha .... o been In plaeo sinco 1056 (RMe Titlo 4·3·.)20). A1rpot1 hazard ar03S are defined by 1M Fedoral Avlalion Rogulation (FAR) Pmt n, Objects Ar!ectlng Nnvinable Alrspaco, FAR PM 17 dulioos ~mn9 inory su/factls ostabllshed In rolalion 10 civil or military airports. 3nd to oach runwBy. lho sl:o or cHich imwJlnlll)' suriace Is basod on thlll cntegory of oach runway (Of runway onn) according to tho type 01 I)ppronch uvoanbla (OI planned for). Any Iroe or structure that pOl\otrQIt!J ono 01 Ihtlso ImDglnnry surfaClJs Is doOned by FAR Part 77 us an obstructIOn 10 M n:lvig.){lon. ThO Clty's Phoso Ono Program C:llIs fOf updllilng and llmondlng RMC Tillo 4.3·020, 'Airport Related HQlght ood Usa RoslJleoon.", 10 rovi$O the Renton Municipal Code (RMC TlUo 4-3·020 "Airport Rof.,tod Heloht and Use Restrictions") to incorporolO tho FlXleral AlllatlOn ROQulallOll PUll 77. EloV3\tOns of fulUlo buildings In tho silo aroa would not bo QtlOwed to flenotrolo airspace surfaces (elloopt os nocessary for alfPOt1 op1tf3l1ons). and reduvok)pmont PIOPOsn!S would neo-d to be cortlfiod for compllonce by an engineer 01 land surveyor Refor to Secllon IV of tho PhasO Ona Program Includod tn AppendiX B of Ihis FlOal EIS lOt additional dotall. ThO Impact diSCUSSIOn In the Draft EIS slatod that glare impacts from futuro polonllal redevelopment to Renton Municipal Allport opomtions could Incronso :somo .... 'hat from OJdSliflg COnd itionS, Proposed development standards ldon\Jriod ~n SecttOO tV of the Philso One Program would set'\'o 10 m~lignlo polonllal glafo Irnp~cts by prohlbilinO "stluC\wes, device •. Of other objocts· thai interfere with n pilOt's abIlity to dist inguiSh bOMoan airport lights nnd olher I~hl" rGault In glnro in tho pilot'S ey05 . ImpaIr VIsibility In thO vl cmlly cl the alrpot1, Of olherwlse ondanger landing, laking olf. Of mnnou\lorlng 01 nltCfi)I1 , Conclusions regnrding potenllal for signifICant BO$thollcs/lighl nnd glO1o impacts, Id~nllliod In Slltllon 3.9 01 tho Omll £15, would apply. .' • • • , , • ::l I ' • • , ~ 1 " • • , Air Tranlportatlon , , • , , • " The TIOt\SJX)floltiOO IrTlPllct ShKi), 'Of thO EIS (plJIJU GO m ~"lpendll( E of 100 0",1\ J!:IS) .~IC), that untlef tho 1l~I$UfttptlOnt tOt Ah6(n.1II'1A$ 1 lNo A.ct!UO) 300 2 (ranta! R"t10vclopm~ni), the Booing RunIOn Pl<Ul1 would fflrtl(lJn as nn Q(:llve CQfHlf'lDfC4\l ailtfolt 11tt1rMaelUl'l0Q Ute. ~i1t't nl} 1.141\\'0 locfea!i8 In fliOhl opff3bOflS o'lfir tlittDfiC31 \ffvttl~ ~One(~led bv ,mallnO U~Ol ~l Iho Ronl~ A~ (19 2(15) U{~O( AlIC(n:.UVu'ii 3 and 4. ~tuel l ovnfualu pot~lat IJ1'1pO(ts hOllllul( redevelopment of the Ille ilulii. cor'!lIl\eI;;;o! kifCililt manutactunng ~ ulbmalofy tJ. dl$tontltWCd. and, 3s avcn allcraft Ulkoofft at ~ R~llon A!rpot'l would !')refy bo redUCed OWl CUtnH\1 level, No impatt to tho ftttpon O()QrallO"S or II. Ob!tlty to 6)'~nd QS en usenllAl pubbG faCilely woukl OCCur "OIn tho PropolOCJ AclJOll(l} Stlu Rfllahon.1hlp 10 PLLlol 8M PotKt .. , abavo 'Of a dolmied d~!lSiOn ot potl:lnlUtt airport e~pllns}(JO CDPObitily Nol •• The Orun EIS IllCluded Jl d'lcvnlon of Pnn 150 of me fidQraJ A't'JOIIOf'! Rtgul~uonS.. Mpoet ~Ct Coo\p.-l>bIbIY Pl.wlIog . whit,.. kklntl1 .. ,!.V.a UHf colllPtltible wlln vaOOUl ~Is oj oftpon 00'. Alrporl noIfi. at a nelQhb0n09lOC.1uon l5 dl3ractllfi26<i by tnt ~nf\U41 J1o...witQ8 d'f"llIQhl . sound lOvul (ONl). All bod u"c. irlCfudtng cOSidtntJ.al. pvbrlc. CI tttre{lt;OtW U,ft. ,10 cOf'$idtred by the FAA to be ~t.b(e 'Mlh a ONl ~1Ow 65 dOA R~11Al. COI'MMI'Q.III. puollc. and fOl;(e"UOlln! WOI ant conl'lo.1crcd (QIOJ)filll)ie with I}rftaS e:tpeJAtflClOg a ON\. ~ tiS dBA. or lilgher {-il dol,nod by the 65 ON\. COOIOUI .• Ipcctlkld d<iU'lnco rrom airport runway}, 00Iy illl()l~4,.,tdudlOn meo,'Vloi ~8 Itl1plt"'ltntoo CO/TlUkIlJ\'O l'IOise Ie_ ~VQ bOon mensurCtd mound the a~t and nloPppod as n lO~ of Q)nlOU1 GOI$ COfW)~I'no pornts of 1he IMlO noiS& ij.potUCI For tht R611lOO Munu:1paI AIrpOrt. tNi !'MPPIOO wid done In 2001, and .,ti:tnt)!&<i Into til. 'UIUlO to 1M ')ooar ~'IS (8ft E.rubit F '" Ap~OOII( B olltriS Finnl EIS). The Renton Mut'\fcipUI Akpooft M<Uilttt Pt;\A (1997) indtcalM OWl Ihc.t 65 ONL contour OyOJlllps ~ approx,nI.lI !y So-tooc Yrid., strip wlttuo lhe W!lItern bound.aty 01 tNt .fle -,aa. whien Is C\lfrttnlty part of tho 8(M.lng Ronton fltanl lhe Draft EIS w'l(lIau~ Il"Ial unde' Alljf1l;tlJVCS 1 nOd 2:. the kJ,nd usa 41 "'" tocotIon ~;td fl&n'lDln Doelng R.ntoN Plant ~(!1'IJooS H~>(e'. undGr Aflcn\llhVIW 3 000 • tho "'1l'IO IKea ~ b4t ,~~"a/opttd to a ml~ ut Vita, INh4c.h COUld UICh.l!oklIOlktontl,(ll. QJmtflOu;bJltOtad aM orr~ u.tlS Comrnot'WI and ~(IJc\llaf1y res:!dentlnl rftdeVQiopnMl"t at tho wustorn IIII! at(UI boundary WOUld 'Clqwt COtlsiduoallon of Chtsign.:BnG conslruc:tton mblflO(b I!Jp(lOlb/ly dlloae4 towacd .!rtton noIl~ control n~si!l JneI!Ufe' t}'Ptc'~II)' ~ acouSIM»lly-fl1tod W'#ld()«t; and dOOl1. he"~ UlIttpriot r.()lI,~1K)I1. and flCOUil~1 tteatmlnl of G).ltmof buddJno penOf1a!IOf~. lJueh al mech-al'lleal doc,lS and liOnts Tn.) City's Pi\l'l~ 000 Proot .. ", r,tQI"I1Il'lends u~:t'O 1M thlf)St\OliJ 01 CS ONL a, one d610",ltn~nt In t~\)lldlng tm.UlllOOti (Xl J.1nd U,6, Of filllnbi<d'imtjnt of II nOlSG obalQmlnl P'0Qf01nl. Tho porooo 01 Ule tito Dloa wllNn I~ 05 ONL. CQniQUf .,so ~.fJ' Within S4!oty ZOf\e 5, Tl\tfefOfll. U proposed, residenlU;d "nd cltnftll'l non ,.~ftl\ltal ~flt Inti donsltlCl ~JkJ be kNlud In lNi ttftffl based on Cfilenn i(IMIIIJOd I()( 1M a'lp~(' ... bfo 8aMy ZOnflI (flJ!OlIO the dlllcuuion l1bOVe una" land Un P4ItWI1$,.nd .at'! Apptodlw A lOt !uf'tt\c!t dllCussiOO or ptopoHd litl'ld lI$I;J cootJo&s) Otsda.ure oohces. /l"~(1011 e.asemontt and rl!MltGtlv~ coven..1nt:l coo&(! ~ bt ret;Uited for approval of Muro rt!dItYCl:opment PfopotWs ($~~ Appendl:. B. S«tJOfl 1'1/ ot t!)4t PhaM Ono preoral,,) ~ 4_'" _______ . __ ._ ._"... _~_.M "'hI, II.,.,.,. 'Itt., .,, I.' C)., .... ' If, tOO, , " , , .' " , . , . . , • -. -._--.' -. --~. , " . , 1 , . , , .. , .' • -- -\ - ~ " ~ -, • ., j , ---", - - - , , : J ' .~ " • . ,,.. '-, 1 ..., J - \l .J ." j J ] J 3 ] '" 'j ,. '1 J v , • " • " , . , '. - " Air Quality As doscrlbed ilbovo In Ihe tntJoduction to this chapter. based on thO rango of trip gunornllon nl'mbers proscnl<td In the Draft EIS transpot'lQUon unatY'ls, tho Clly docidod to prosonl InfOll1lDtion on olr quality conditions In the FInal EIS to addrosa ony polonlkll agoncy or dUlGO concema a5&ocialad \'11th tho proposed Action's). In goneral. Ihe oreOlosl potential for air quality impocts from most mbted·uso rodovelopmont resutts 'rom vahide omtSllons associated with Increased transportllion d~mands, The City recogrl4ZlJs thot proboblo slgnif~nl 3dvorso air quality ImpiJos from the proposed Comprehensive Plan Dnd zoning codl) omondments would not bo likoly. Locallzod changos In zoning 10 allow for mlr.ed·use redovelopmont WIthin an urban area oro generally neutral Of' bcneftCial to regional rut qua~ly. 35 thoy allow dovclopmenl to OCQJ( dose to employment centers and housing. theroby minimizing commuto timos .md OSSOO\lted "chide emissions, A programmatic analys is 0' potenllal nlf quoMy Impacts a5SOCl<Ued With tho roOOD 01 redevelopment nllemalrves evalualod In tho Droll EIS WDS conduded lor this Final EIS by Parsons Btindu:moff Quade and OouglDs , Inc., and is contained In 'ull In Appendix C to this Final EIS. A summary of the rosults or \1lo analysis Is prosentOd below. Backgrpynd AJ,r qua~ty in tha Renlon orca I!\ rogulatod by Ihu U.S. Enwonmonl{t' Pr~ectlon Agency (EPA), the WaShington Slate Oep3rtmenl 0' Ecology, and Ihe Pugot Sound Cloan Air Agency (PSCAA). Under Ira CleM Air Act. EPA has establlshod tne National Amb ient AI, Quality Standards (NMOS) (or"cnUtrm~ pollul1lnls . Under the fedaral Cloan ~r Act, goographlc regions th;)1 havo rocenUy attained compliance with the NMOS st.'lIl!Jards are known as air quality molnleMnoo areas. Renton lies Wilhlf'l ai' qualify malntenanco areas fOl' ozone and cnrbon monoKido (CO). CO is the Clilcna poIulanl most dosety lted to vehldo emisslons. Nanonwide. air poUutant emissions from motor vehldes havo dropped conskjerably sinl"O 1970. even as vehjcJe travel has Increl1s&d rapldty. Pollutant emissions por vehiclo mLlo lraveled ~MT) are dOaelJ5Lflg due to Improved vehic10 omission controls and replacomonl of older. hlgher·emisslon vehldes WLlh nOYl-er.lowcr-emiltlno whk:fos. RoglOflal air polIulant Ironds tuive genornlly fotlowed national patterns avor the last 20 )'Om •. Regionally. Ihe Maximum measured CO concentrations havo decreased over Ihe Piut 20 year. and are currently below Iho NMOS standl1rd (refor 10 Figure 1 In AppendiX C). Tho downward 1Iend In CO contenlrallon, h (lrpeeled 10 conllnue in the Pugel Sound regiOo lhrough 2020. bul beg\n Inacalilng again by 2030 (refor 10 Tabfe 1 in Appondhc C). Air Quolity Anolnis The air quality analysis esUm4leS ond compmol localizod poOutnnl omlss lon5 from traffic Ihat could bG gone rated by the four redovelOpmllnt scenarios based on IronsportaUon d~mand tMerencos between Ihe redevelopment SeOOMa! {nllornatives). Vehicle m:loB Iravelod (VMT) and averogo speed associated with redovolopmonl uMer onch of lho alternatives were calculated fot .tho PM peak period . AI, poIlulant omissions for oach nltomalive were (hen , , .> • .. • .. • .. " • , • , , , " " , ' .. ~ .. • ' . ., • , . " QJlculllUtd by mu:lt1plyttlg thO VMT With U\O G~Mle Cifnt'UlUfi foetor (CO), COf'\$icttrlng the I DWIlIO' 8p(lltd and ~Ut (2000. 2016. ROO 2()30) PolonUaJ vvhldo emil'lon. (Of euch of tIlo redoVfll()pl't'tW'II nllorO.llII""'.p WfltO ~tei"J ~ fuhiUt rvglono! flmI"loo projectionl p!IIPtlfM by Ihit Pugol SOOnd R'UiOtlal COlIfK)l 'Of 06,IU'IItiOrI 2030, wNch 1$ tho lOng-faOOd MelTopQftlOll TrD(\Ipo1'tatlOn Pill" (MTPI lor trw contr-aJ Pugol Sound region ttvough 2OlQ, t)nd.t each oIlhe aKa/natlvost !oeD! tl'" pollutant flrmlSIOflJ (tom ltQfrlc 8uociatDd ~ill'\ the .lto'oo~u ¥would ICpttlSont IOSi than 0.5 perceol or Ulo rtQlOmll llAhlportlllon omlukln bvdgo1 Bttcauae IOdcYOtoJ)ll'14tnl that oc:curtltd within me RtnlOl'l atH would accommodate gfUNlh tNt ~Id olhef'VilSO occur Cls&wtltre In tho Puge, Sound ~. red'uclng IocolJ ,,,unions tn other .f.as. no IiQnlfk:ool ntpiCI to rogklnal itlJ quafity 'M)Ofd ~ .~td unct.r 9ny 01 the re4avctopmenl Qltotn.1tJve$ Among tho ahlllmalivet. lOC."\I,'ltd "fT1I.SIiOnI gononuoo undel Afte(natlVe 2: ~ bf! \hij 1OWht. EI'nJ"ionI oerMfillod \I~ AJlttmalNe 2 WOu/(J ba l'III\O: ~/COnt Jes . 01'1 '''-,'age, If\fI" undot AJlemahw 1 (No Ac.Uoo). l..oc;.IJlod QlTUllons gCn&f-,fftd under AAltrnat!'vet 3 and " ~ be lour and ahrlaon portent gre<al1tr, ro.pe~, on AVfH'8:0' ihln Allfffi6W. 1 ~ 20'~. 8>·~. localized emlt.aions gef}Ofalod und4tr A1!afn.oUYes 3 Md .. woufd be 30 and 00 P¥!'CfnI gl.a!et' U\III1 Allem.JM 1. Radcrv6~1 under 'l'Iy 01 tho tI~efNf~OS would not 00 1I~p.<;(04 EO CIlUIO sjgnlflCaOl .&dvtwM ImpaCi. 10 reglOO4l or loco! air flU:1 tity CMIkl.eIIC"l9 the 1'I.1f~~ bUitd~ 01.11 schedule and e~ Ittl\d, AI this IllJge. ;poclflC loCal roa(iwDy lind 1ft16"OOlon c:onflQufilllOOS ;)$'" tn'l!rlC clrc'4ftllion (I. • ~ votume •• p$Od and movOt1'\f)'" of ~~. lhr~h If\I.rse~iofUi ,oct "1Of19/~!¥~. Wtl1lln IhcJ ~ rlda .... loomenl Oroa ct)fltlOl be 401Otnllrnk1 AS theft I, no d,;tl«1I1m 1'eQew:!opttWlt\1 plan PrlO! to MUfti con.tIuctJon of now 'igfllJ~led 1n1000'OdloM, 0 Socnllllle!1octlon,Ie.;el confOMiI!Y at\&tYlls would be comploted pUrSioont 10 WAC 173·420·120, 'I\o'hld'! IOQI.t>rel OflO)1ylit. Of 06Wty .tg~.tld i. Inlers~IOfIS irI air QUOltty moiohm.10Ceate.s . :Thli "".IYII!l. would l)O complelo<! 101 u~ spedflc intttlectlon end treewolY Il1lttr'Cha!''lgd In\fHovent6nI •• Md 'M)U!d c.otI~ld.f ""h!d!o operAl;o". ~ al$ocml.d wtlh MUla 'poClfIC ptOpOItld kind U~ In Iho sHo nUl'" r; Boeaul. no .!oMICatII advc/J(t rogiOClat IU1trIG ~It Qua'tly imperu I{e lI,IiJ)4lCtod once con.trucuon '" eompiale. no roglonll operollonollrafflC ml1iO;,t)()n 'MllJ1d btt 'e<tulrOd T'ht Of'" tot lpeClflc intersoctlQO.Jevel fOIlIglhOfl due 10 red.~~lOnl woukf b4t e .... a1uoftd N ~pociflc: applICatlonl ,« redevok)pmAnl 3M lubrnlfted 19 tho ell), 'Of IQ'MIw ;,net opprOValln ltlo future ~ AI apOCdje Itanli~ion lrnprovoment. 10 aI,. to!1tJWQY$. ~ecll(lOa. Of Werc:nange. oro pcopo,ed fot CO(JltructJon. ' . • . . Ii .. r: il 0 ~ g J ~ 3 0 a 1 ..I J -, ! :.. J , 8 , ~ J U g 8 "- , , • ... - ".: ., ~ , . , .. , • , ,. • I ,. , ..:.: • J , Chapter 3 Errata , l , " . , , • - r-; , . . , CIlAPTER 3 I!RRATA • • • TNs aodJon kJentiflo. COlreclklN to lilt) Dial! EIS, iIlduclinS) cangua;e chango •• aAd clonflCQlUol'ls, balO<t Of\ ~ntt rtteelvod UtlIlU •• In Willi" G 01 lilt Pro!! elS, b §JMlI .00 WDlot Jt>'l1Jl>,l1 Rom IIl!I fQ!!g$lg ""'''''''''. IW!lW; ~ • On pagt 6. " ~agfilph 1. lhe third lenience Itotet - , "Oocause both KC $6We11 ere dislgned to COfWOV now OtiOINUnO trom large ./ea. of KIng County and south $n¢hom..h County and tnt .titling eo·li' elUllldo It'lterce.ptOf has \tIO taPldty 10 lt iOSpon 100 mf!IlOn gtIJM. 01 W .... tow-alOf por day (36 5 ~ ~ per )'eQtl, the tmpaet to In. Kin; County ~$lew~tor Iytifllm ftJulung ffOm MI bu~-out of AhemalMt .. ¥til .(COpt~ (Iiel 10 be rel.1lMJty Immaterial, 4'mountlng 10 2 Pfttoenl Or +0$1 Of tho Gov. .. !' atpodly: Thlt ""Ionce Is heroby couocttd to alate "The/a ate two t(C fewers <Ealtf,kle IOlorCClpiOf. So,~on 2 (ESI ·2) and Oryn Mawr fntDn:.eptcw) .efvll"!g the 'lie .area The Oryn Mawr InlolceptOt and £51·2 di.ChArgo Il\to the G~Hn E.sI ~t . >M1ich .~o ,oNe. south SI'\OhomI'1'l COUflty 4n(1 KC otltth ot RenlOfl and easl of llJl. WathlngtOl"l, hAVfflQ tho c.o~oty to lI_napoll O'Ier 200 mUIion gallonl ct \\"3st.w.U~r por d.y (13- billIOn gaftool per )'eAr). The ~1 to ESI .1 resull;ng from tuB buddool of AnomaUVt" W:1, .XJ)OCted to be tclali'o>'$l)' ImrnJiIOl"I, arnounUng to 1 peltON Of tess GItha '&Ner caj)8c1ty,~ • On paoct e.l . pa'&I9r1fph 2. 1M JAIt len!ante atAles ·the irnp.ad 0( p.fI,mati'wft" wa. ealcul.JI!ed to be appraAltniitety 597 milfion O:sIIQ(K t)lr)Uf. which ki )esa IhDt\ 2 p'fU'I»fl1 of tne'lOtal!<C •• nllt'uy .ewer Clpacity (Tab'e I) 1)" Thit ,enterlQ311 tMteby cotrllct~ to Ilal, -The impact 0( AllemAllW" wal Cn!(ulllleiJ to be ilPPfQxlmalety 691 n\fff>Qn gar.oc\. pot' )"elt , whic.h is ,t .. tNtn 1 poteent Of the h>W KC '''MOlIY HW8r capacity (T~ G 1)" • In T~~ 6 t -StJtM1t11y, loIiawtog pogo C 3. '100 MIllions gpcf' 85 Iltfefenccd in Nofe 1 II hetaby Chang04 10 *200 ~ ged' These cNno" ,;,.. COI'fiot1ltvbUQh Table e 3 sUCh t~1 th6 £:tflt'.ng King COlInfy Sctnitdf)l Sewer ('4Jf)ltdty " hefohy Ch4)no-a 1"101\'1 36.5 bKUon gJVyr In 73 billiOn g~~"y,. lQ 5fCiIOO 3, l~, Ulml;!jl. pi UlO 01i!l,f.tiS. tilt '*"YlCl !!miI~j;bQ(!' ilm ~, w • On page 3 13,7. p.,riJOr.Dh " llMa to U\I'OUOh 12 0'0 ""eby changed'fOf'f) -1M exlaU"O 9fl.~ Eastside Jnle'~tOt Mt the ClI~ly to lfInlpott tOO nltl'1Qt\ gi)f/.)(II of Wb,h,walfr i;;;;;, it_flit;';""'; .,,,,-------· ... -u .. ---· OcNb,",IOO' ., • • , .. .. I I .. .. • , , , . . . •. ' "r , -;:-;;]. .::: 'I .,. per do>, (38.5 billion gallon. per YOtU),." to: "ThO exlilino 9O·lnch EUDlside Intorcctptof hoa Q Ihe CDP3c1ty 10 lmnsport 200 mlliion galIOn. of wnstowalar por day (73 bHUon oaVyoar),,," • On page 3.13.0, tho Increase In CU;lacity (k1enllOttd abovo) from JO .~ billion gallon. per yeo, to 73 bllUon gallons pur ynr I, cal"(HI through Tabla 3.13·, such that E:dstlng ClIpachy I, hereby woged from 36,5 bllUon gollyr 10 13 billion Qif1/)lr. Tranlpar1.tlon In Section 3,10, Transoooa!lQn, of tho Prof! ElSe Ih, fOllOWing changos oro modo" • On page 3.10.14, line , of paraoraph I under tho hoadlng PllJnned Flo8wayl1ntorch9nge Impro1l'Oments, "WSOOT's 1-405 Prooram~ I, horeby ct\angod to "WSOOT'. ' .... 05 Con1dOt Project and Sound Tronsll's Phaso I Plan", • On page 3.10.15, paragraph 3, a sonlente Is hereby added to the beginning 01 the paragraph thol roads as follows: "This section dOScribes transportation nolWOf'f( aliumptJons for tho 2003 olCisUng netwotk and throe futuro baseline network"" • On ~ge 3, to.20, paragraph 1. tho fir5t sentonce slalo,: ~ablll 3.1().S Summarizes proj&efod oxlemal AM and PM ~Qk hour trips that woold be general&d by tho silo area At 2015," This senlence Is horoby changtd Lo state: "Tobie 3,1().S summarizos the projectod OJIlom.,1 AM and PM peak hoW' trips Om! COITospond only to the expecled employment rOvol, to( UIO consolidated plant and the rOdevolopment • • On page 3.10.20. poragroph 3, IIno 5, tho word "and' Is horeb~ changed to 'or: • On page 3.10,24. pnragr.Jph 1 under tho heading Yon, 20tS LOS Impacts. Q sentence 11 ~ addod to follow the last lontenco In tho PlImgroph. The addod 5entonca slalos tho following : An Jnlersectlons Wlr. analyzed undor tho 'worst cas." trip generoUoo lcenaflQ (Trip AUoeaUon Scenario 2). • On page 3. to,25. the tlbe 01 Figute 3.1()'S II hef8by changed from 'Srto Are. TlIp OilltibuUon Assumptions" to "RolatIve Silo Ateo Trip 011tributJon Anumpllonl,~ • On page 3,10.28. paragr3ph 1. Ilnel5. 6, and 7 under the heading WONt CaH Scenaoo .... Trip AHocatlon Scenario 2 Ilote tho follOwing : ·Par1( Avenue N loulh of N 6111 Sirool would be near capacity unc,Je-r any redove!opmont 'conaria during the PM poAk tlour, whilo Logan Avonue N nOlih 01 Airport Way would be near capacity undor redevelopment assumed under A1tomativos 1.3. Gnd 4 In Ihe PM peak hour: ;: ~.;:.:.;:I.::.:;_;::;: •• ::.:;,~;,.~.:;/-;;.;;;,.;--'-------;-;l.J '-------------:; .... = ... 00,...,. J t. IOOl • '"' , , j 9 .. ... " • " \':\1$ Mnlonco Is hereby dlanoOd to S1.110 , r , , , , , , • ,- -Par)( Avenue N soulh of N 6" StrCIlU WOdld b6 O4lQr tapaoty lInde! aM fOde'Jt;lopmenl ac.MOO dUllng lhe p~, poa~ IIOW und QlJIU upIGlty untlor AtllHnall't'iI"' t.og:m A ... ~ N J1()f1h of AIrport Way woulu b4 niliir eopl'lcif,( 1I1'1det 'Qdovltlos>n.mlllu~d urtdof AAomPltlllG. 1. 3, and ~ In tno PM peak hour" • 00 pano 31029, PlUegraph 2. Jtno.s 1 {'I~ 2 UOOOf tho ho4CJ1llO Tnp ,l/JOcarton SI:MarlO f. J are MI.by chiOQo<J r,om ~ooe$ 001 offOd tOfecasted caPACIty condiloQt\S en Ihho !.j WOU.hangu· to 'doe, not aJlev!D{o foreCD"lIJd Ov8f·Q1pna!y .01 theu In:etcf\teogtts,' J B J J J .. J :J J ,~ ... • On pago 3.1029. paragl811h 3, In fine 3 undUr rho tlOac.Jlflg AIInm.9t1\t8j 3 ilOO .. -2OJO 8dsfJlirto Nefwo(k (NatworJ. 0). 100 phtOise '\YO\,ld gen8tilty be uMe( al03Cily With MematlVn 1 _no 2" is IWreby ~IM and cnnnged to "WoukI be uodor Ot neat tlIpaoty wllh AJltlmatiV$ 3. aM nbovo COpOCity With AJI&u)l'Il/ve <II • • On page:) to. 30. (he flBl pa~nJph unuut tho ~ad."9 r(Jp AJJoc::#fA'lll Sctm(lnQ , .uat.s u,. followIng ·UndtJf ttm .jII.$Sun~non 1I\i)1 romalruno \'tlltJ\d II\P1i MO translarroa to tedovtllopmctnt (Trip AISoo:Alion s.c.MI1O 1). f:el.\"",a~ $C,ceu WOUld be ObO'lO "'Pi-Ol), y,,1!h (ftd4I'M\O()m4!nl. oxcept \loMf AII.tNtMt 2. in 'Ahl(h "_"woy ecc. .. level, would be Mar cap.')('.lty kl 20Ui UOOcI1 Nifl{'NQfk C: Th)I "n~~ it hC)(I~liY ctlaog(.td I;) ,tale ·unuer the Q$SUI'nptlOO thai rOm8itHng ..-tJtoftd fllpt. ole I/itO:&fclfcd I~ tttdo\lt61rOprnOO1 (fop AlIoc:IIIOn Sttl:nario t). freeway occell itl the Pall. Onvo ~"\Io,chllnge VI"OUSd 'ern4ltl ttl 0V1t., capqdf)' ."Un nKkIvtlOpmenl, 8Jcept unde, Alle1MtrYa 2, N't whlCtJ 'reewa\f £teatiS te.\>ffli £11 P .. ~ 0"'18 WOUld be near c:-p.actly 10 2O'51Jt'1dDr Nef'HOfh C • • 0" PfO' 3 1030. SiX'h P"'DQ'OIPh. thO third a8flIUnc* kt LM I'" buflel paml ,Iales the f,",ow;ng .f-kN, ....... ,. the .. 'Olume of 6atlbounrJlen·tufns 'I'iOVkl olccsod 1.S00 'Wi\h fedQve!oprnctrt( ltl20tlS. 'Ankh could tooiC.'lt. U\l1 An e:lslDouna 10 nortI\bound 600p tam;l WOUkl op~Zlle moro eMI(l.tnny .. tlot\ 1M ,nterGh"nge it rebuilt • lhls Mn!eneo ls. hoceby ch.:mgad to ,tAtt "Wlih an.,. rttdo'f'friopmenl ,,(enMo. oastbound Idfl turn 1 .. 1\0& onto nonhbOuO(l j·<405 Vt'OlM e~&d ramp c:Jp(tdtyby 1015 Vi"1ch could 1ndlc:8r. Ihnl ." ta"lboond 10 northbOUnd loop ramp would \mptOVt op4rltUons of lho IO'orchlngCl \INM( NtllWQf" D ThiS II'~JTlCInl tnly al10 bet neeelS.ory 'frflItn Ute If1t~'cJLflno. I, e»umod IQ t7'Il teCUUI yr'Jdtlr Ntltwot1r. C. in CfdfJr to llcoommodalc, fOtlfCOlted demand • 0', • On Pi1(j1t 3.1031. HCOOd 10 Illlil pm"Q'Aph. krw S. -m OfdfJl \0 mamlotU1 ~J!q\UJ!tI lOve!! Of f'l"IQb&ty ... ~ it hc!rll!lby chllnglt" 10 "In t>fdo( 10 n\4ultnlll lOS e or bOlftt eond1ttQnl ,. ," ... f,;,'"" .;--..::-::-::-,::,:::-•• -.' i.,.'--' ---.---~., 0 ., • ...,. J I. '00') • ,. , " .. , , .-.' " ---,.~-.--~ .. ,~-... -' .naf. , ',' , • ), . .. , ' .. ~ .. • On pogo 3. to.33, Utlt parllOro1ph, line 8, -2015 Basollne Nntwork-Is changed 10 -2015 Bas c14ne NehYOl"k B.-• In APoondlx E. Trno'DOt1gtlon ImpAct Sludy. of Ihp DUm EIS.lhQ fQllowIng changes orR modo; Table 11 (pogo 58), Tobie 12 (pogo 57), Tobl. 13 (pog. 62), ond Tobie 14 (pogo 63) or. her.by ,eploced with tho tablol thai fOlloW th l. J)<)go , ."''''_ It.,.tM 1'1".'." OGtohr Jf, ~oo, " .. < .n.'. -. ' ' . • • • • • ,. ;; .:, = Table I I: 2015/2030 Peak Hour Anerl,1 up"I!}, Threlholdl (Vtsred Trip> Rmlned) liN! ............... _ior , -;,',' • • .. t. -....... 1 • 0 ---' f J Ii , < " -0 . ' e- O , , , .. " , r» \ " , , i, , • , ... ., , " ---, -} ,..., -- , 0 , -'r --' • --,- ,0 --" - , 0 , , .' ---, ...... -.- , , -....:r- " " ---l -. , T.ble 12: 2015/2030 P •• k Hour M.t.red Fr •• way Romp Thresholds (V."ed Trips Rmlntd) " • l' • " , • .. , , ' • , . .... -,-= -c::::: -~ = c:;:-" .. -_. = T~blt III 20 IS· SUmflUry of TrAnspon.uJon Im~1 ANly\h with kfdtWfopmrm (VtUtd Tr%K keutntd) '~:::-_::_-::::::-........ "", "',. , ... -~-." -. ....... --