HomeMy WebLinkAboutECF-02-141 14-. - ~' , radUrin: , , , , " , , , r ,\RI(ING COOr. RMC ~"'QIO 1 6 per 1 b(drQl)lt\ d .... dhnS UIlII; 1 2: prt I bnlroom Of .tu<!l1~ dwdhna unll. R,.\t.T Zue EU-mpUoQ 1 An C'J.cntptlon IU !he ,ur.<b,rd parltnil ratio (annula n'II)' be jT&ntni by the I':>t:'clotnncnt Scn-.cc:s O:rector 1110"""1 I plIlo"i ~c pa'~clhnl W\l1 (Of dc\~lopmmu of leu than S d'tloclhn, WIlli v ... ll'! ! bedrooms Of Ie» pcr urlll pnlvWcd ild~I.IIIC ",Hlfm " ... ..",li1ble 17' VIr VI!;IMY of ~ peT d\r.,t1hni utI.lt ... Mrc undem spaces lIT not pt'O\1t1nt: and at 1.S JKT dwclhnl U/1II ..... ~ L:ondcm patklTli " prO\,.tScd. subJcct to Ihr rnlCTUl round U\ sub~(11Qn FIhl or thIS Sc-ctton. All Otbu bac,: US per d\\:clltnl unit ~~ landenl 'r~C'c.s.~ not Pfo\'lded; and/or d .... ·dhna UnI! .... ·here bndtm p:uldn, it. found on wI! ~ JQ AlffiC\C1\lon'llte ,~hlclc f.uckm, sp..:c lS pravldrd fIX" the hlndhn" of motor vt'hu:lo usm, wch (1lC111t)' dunna peak b\nmtsS hours ursuch:l rllc.llt} as d~lctTmncl b)' Inc l)c;.'(iapnxnt Ser\;cn Dtrc(1or. Saclon, 'I'acct cannot ob,truCl lII&feutt'ifCU 1I:IEDSSP\Tldc !VIBorm!l,lOO} C,* AmI'Kh:~k:lng ("ode 9-1~).dnc . . 13 • , " , , , ' oUlduor rcollU UlIC'~ .rcou. , - -, ' , PARKING COOt RAIC 44-010 Crh r,u)·loc.tkla: f:nttwlCn.nd t'lUtJ, ,htll bt" locatt'd 10 a. noI to n\J~ wr.lltilum 1:1 any nahl-of"'I;~)" Qut'uinl (,om dnw· 'A1t1dO'il.' CAnnot C'Xtend mio lhe publIC' "" ¥!,OU nOOl' att'. aDd no( more than a mulmwn o(o.~ ptt tACh 100 tqU1l't' f«tof pou floor arc .. ('''ccpt whnl JW1 0(' &hoPPInI t'mla.,Jn [lid rn';·l.gnd t ION lima,lbc m!;p.1D1!,!m It( 9.U>tt 100 .. EU fm ,,(gm, floor .rA rTWIY L.lfl1t' be II(,hJc:{.d '" I1b /fHlK'lJH.rui! kmc. Drh-"..p tt ladoM.: S $pOICII::S for Slao:bne (Of .".,. lin II • pl.lkmg 10laoo docJ no! hl\"C 10 comply \/11th dUTlCnuOfUIlrrqui1t:'nlmu.1andscapmg or the bulk ,Ion.gt' .ectlDn rtquircmmu fOl" sdbIK:ks and KTCC1llni, Any amtIgcmcr.1 of motor ,'crucks ".l1o\/l'cd" lone u : • A minimum S' pcnmctcr lan.ds.opmg UCliI. prO\1ded. • They arc ~ displayed In ~red l;md~.p: attn; and • firt access IS prO\1ded f'CT I 1I:\EDNSP'lTlile J\'\Bocin; 2003 Code AmJ'lchs\Parklf., Code: 9·2(M)1.dcw: 14 , , , " , .' _ t • , , " , - " - =1 B o E e ~ L , ,.., "-I', , .. r- I - , I - r; J , - I' , -.. l;; -1 - tl n r; 0 ,.. tJ , '1 - '1 ... . "t~ :J • , - . .. spun, .rna" .. clltorl.!ft~ u.dililbi. Il10'-''' IlInl,n,. ud ".'rtat'mfaf < ... b~: .DY . a \hopplttl realu): drlv .. t.'roulh r.ICUhln: 5qI,laIC arca,......! , .... "fftl.. .... 1~.Ht'IM.'llmlll\ ..MJN.Ws.l!i!.!:t~~...w 0.5 p:r each 100 sqUire' (ttt of IVU" noor ,".:Jritb . ~ s.lUlilrl.lll.ll.aml:'W:-'lb~I\"j.J2i!kuut!Dil k #ffi\?H:~a n(!lwJ$'rJ!~. lim the l 1('N·! \}r..~..:l.L!w. of fNln luthlClf1um or upon mUlmwn O(C"u~nl load II c:!.ubli~d by Ihe adnpltd fh.lllr.hng and Fm: Co.:,kj ord~ City of per lura adJltu)n lU any pulonl' fCqulmnr.'ll. rcr , .pact: I ~Illx 50 localN tluu luffilm:nlon.Jl1c \'C'hlcle sUlc\ung space II THO\;dcd (or the handhng of motor \"Chlcles using 5U(h (acllity dun." peak bUJII"IC"$ 00u."'S of such (3Clliry.s dcl~d by the Dc:\'Clopmcnl 5(1'\'IC« Dlrc:;;tor. S~chni1 1p.lt'O annol ohstruct required puking SP"CC~ or ingrc5!-,ciTC~1 I ~1thln the lItC. U;\EONSPlTnl\' IV"J)Qctna: 2003 Code Amndtl\Pilrkina Code 9-26.()).doc 15 ., ' • ' . .' . • • • " • , , . • • " , '. ~ .. ~~~~~::.~-~,~-,~--,,~~~~~~~~ . .., . .. PAR~J"G COVE IIMe • ....I)8O not to aUiC' COf'i~ 1ft any n&ht.or ... ·.y. Quevinl from drh"t· s.aU m,un prondcd ,tg,l 'J»'-t$ (ot lin)' church Ml:ill nee be ku than 10. For all natin, churchG mWgln/illhc sallllS ca~lty or thtlt audl1onutM. 1 addalCl.,'u! pnl.m£ space shall be ptu\'ldcd (or ~ 5 addlIlOr'..I1 kW prO\'Nkd by u.: n.. .... tONtN..'1IOO. For ,u (h~hc:s rmbn, stnJC'll..In! allnau0n5 or add,~ ",iuch do noIlnCTa~ the-Ktilng "P'CIt)' of the' au;1l1onum. IoCr "Outdoor and !.ndoor 'porti I ludll£ftu. n'IO\"tC thtllcJS. 1 the nJuporuhon of 51i1t:knU; an: ktP' IIW w:hooI, I orr-strff1 p2000nS space: shall be provilkd (or taCh hils 0(, site' sufrl('lC\110 ~~~ .. rl~ ud prlnlC:: tn .d(iltion. lfbusn for the: prw.lc tnlntpOtutlon of children art' ktpt" tht foChool. I ofT'JtrttI p&rirang lpK't ihalllx ptfJndtd for nth bus of'. Sltt WrrK"ICTlIIO .ad s,booh: or ,'onlloul I ~(' rOf nch !i day campus. In addlUon. If U:\EDSSI'\Tllk J\"\)k)CniJ; ZOO) Code: A!l:nda'ht~ ("ode-9·26-O).c1oc 16 • " , • , • .. ' , . , • , - . . • • , • - .' r , . •• -. I r - -, - [ ( -f . - , ~ . J PARJilNC CODE !I.\le ...... "10 It;'£DNSP\Tn!~ lV'8«lnIil2OO) CO&: Amndul.PlflInc Code 9·26-01.doc 11 , " F " -, r- 1 - .., '" -.., , , -- " r ' t 1 -.., ...J , ~ , -, , '1 OJ --. -:.. , -'7' -, i:i - -• , to - - , '., " , , --" .,' , Appendix-S Urban Center·North Airport Compatible l.an1 Use Program • " • - ,,-, , - I .:..J '. o 8 o --, CITY OF RENTON Urban Center -North Airport Compatible Land Use Report and Program 0 , lob .. 6, 2003 Department of Economic: Developmentt Neighborhoods, and Strategle Planning Department , Renton City HaU 1055 South Grady Wly Renton Washington 98055 , • o .., U J ,~ :) TI a 3 Vrbo. C'nrer -l'iurth Illeoion Munlclpal AJrporr Compatible Land Csc Program Table or Conrcnr • I. Jalrodt)~lon n. Re-ruaa r.funidpal Airport .ad Will RO&t'N -Wilt)' Po,1 Mrmorbl Sf.pllltt 8"t' Ct..n.C'lrrilticl A. SlrvlC'r Cap.hUh)' band oa rl!oc:llooal 'ChUilnulioo .,d ONto Type O. Ustr T)'pe C. YolulDr.ofUK O. C'p"dl), 1-:. Pby"IC'1I CbaracltrbtJc, F. Alnp.tt CbU.cltrlstin III. Risk Assnsmtnt A. lOti' RbI.; 8, RJsl.; Putnlld C. PrrC'fpllon of Rbk , D. Avl,IIO;1 EmtrtttDC')' Type' In l-tt1::aClou to Rh" E. Alrpllllc T,'pr.ln Rtl.tHlon 10 RbI.; F. EmttCtDcy ' .• adloE Ch'rlrtrrblirs G. lOC'llloa of AfC'ldrnls II. Collision Spliit Ch.r.C'trrbtJu !. Risk to RnJdrncts and Orbrr 6ulldiuRI J. Rilk .ad Camp.rlblt l..ad U'r PJIIIDlal K. Risk Annunt'"' CoaciudoDs IV. Urban Crain -Nortil Airport Compldlblr Laud Vse l'rocnm A. Go.b B. Gtatul A,'I.lloll Sr.ttt)' C. Nnillct PJ"OlttfloD D. A\'falloD NolSt V. Elblblls A. RtDloa MunldpAI Airport Saftr), 7ADt' Mlp B. RentOD !\Iunldpil ,\Irpurt lad: Urban CtDltr·Nor1b ACLUr Art. C. Billie Spftl), Co/l\p:tlhl'Jf)' QUIUtin D. Ft'dtr'" A\,I.tJv4 Rrcul Hlons Put" Surfarts E. S.fet)' ("..:'!'Ip.~Jblllt)' C, ittrl. Culdd'DtI-l.and Un DUllt'a: aad lattDS'llt'I f. RehtoD Muufdp.f Airport ADDUI' Nnlst ExplK..'1rt for Year 2015 --" , .. , , .. , " , -- . - " • -"' 1 - J ';i ':# ~I J L ,. VrbaQ Cut., -,'Iort" I R_.Uo" ,\tanldpat Ajrpurt CompaUbk tlild VM ',....nm S«Oifl1un&!he lmpon:;mc.e of .1n:abOD <4 the ec:OnomK bf ... lth orthc $lalc and Its bu.QM&C$ W the quality (If bfe of ils (Irizens and "ililon, the: W:u.ftil1pot: Stile TrWportauon CommiuK."J1 h:u m 'cJo;:::d the: W.uh,"J'on $tart' J.mlliOlf PoIjcy. Issues r.UJ.,"CS by d.u pobq. ntch.a.J Lhe polCf'llisJ (or er.aoa.:hmem of In('cm~iblc land usc:s in pt\lXU11lty to.! ~;:poru. ccmidm!J to be css.er.ti:al public (:ac:.:litin under \." .. _i 36. iOA.200. ha\'c ~~ funhn adJt¢ssai. and fonnabLcd. by the Wutunt,1on St.l1C legislature. St-twc Bin 6422..and lhc ~11I1'I1l unplcme,I.t:uion o{thc hill. RCW 36..70.$.\7, aftlendC\l tto.c ero.lh Man:a&cmau Act {(i!\tA) Ul rcq\Jire-C\'ery city plll1lnj"It u~ GUA. alld ha,'CtS il gr'1C:taJ n'<llion ~:pa.' In III Juri~clion. to dlscOl~ra~c lhe ill ina oC land Ust::.'\. thai my be 1I~()m~hbl(' .:uh :mllllon, Tt~ Bc:ring Comp,,:lny't 2002 ~I~hon (or COI\"II'.T\.-htnshc Plan Amendmou •• :rc:ateci the: olppOrtl;.'til!" In InUI:aIC ccrnpli4nCt' <;II Ilh RCW 16, 70S.n. \\, hile ~ruJying potential imPXtlof(U!UJI! mk\'C'Jo~nt u(d~c &\;tn$. Rcnltm PJ:mt "lit on tht R.emon Mwuclp>ll Auport. 'me: ili~ l'cbtt'd to C'ompa1lblhly IlrlWKt llSC in pr(J~lmily to an ,-,rport., par;kuf.ll'ly olle In In urban cont<Xt.1TC cumplc;(. Ir. Renwn. lin Airport Compuhbl~ L.::nd Usc Prognun is bcins, de\'dopc--j Tn f\lo'O phues.. Ph:.LSe Or.c at03lyles lhe" compatibility of existing and fi.lNtel:utd U;tn ini.hc Socm¥ Ccmprcb .. nsJ\ c PI:m Amendment Erwironmc::JUi fmpacl SuumrnllC1S) s.ile Mel. rc(~ 10 hCTan as ahe "Rcr.ton Planl SilC" or lhi "Silo: atQ." £'hue Two. 10 be compl(,loJ u ~ o(the 20Q..& Growlh Mm"gl:'mc'I1l Act Comprchrnsi\'c Plton lfp.!3le procC:f,.l, .'ill be complc!ed by December J. 200.S. The Boane Rtnlon P~t SiTc!'.lhc schittl ora Comprchcns "'e Plar Amcndmer.t request by The 80c:nc Compm),. hu chNacl~~UCS' unique (rom ocha lU'Cat o(the cily, It is .Jjacc:m to !he AJrport. hes bolh WIthin the I\irport InnuaKe Area [f1(Ite: the "Airpor1 lnflueuc(" Atn-u; ~ ~rt' ... delinaJ u being witlun the ollter limil of ~rety Zone: 6~" $« Ex!!ibic AJ.anJ Rmlcn', t.:rlnn Center -NOM, ~ may~ :tu:,jt'Ct 10 "-'ticvcIopmcnl O\'cr tbe arming )"eilrS • Fat lhc-st rc:uo.u tt.C' CIty tw. ~grwod Ihe prorcr1y evaluated in the Boeing Com~htru.i\'t Pba An:l:fIdmcnt ElS Sife un .u subJtt1lo :he: Utb ... Cuter _ Nortb Airport C01L:t_tJblt' !.aDd ~~ Protram (Pbue ODe Procram>. At this time, the polk:n of this 1'b..a-.;c One ~ incl:tded hc:tewith. are intended 10 a;>ply to "Um .. , Center -North" e:xdi.mvc:ly (So« E:thlbll 8). Phase T'oI.'o (l(the ~Itpon Comp",ible 1.3Itd USc PMgr:am (Phase Two Pro8l'b~) will a.Jdrcss compllihk f;u,d usc iuues O\OU the tmlamdc:r or the ... .irpon tnnuc:n.~e: .\ru. an area of north-central Renlon much I.-.tic-r than Ptwt One (the Boeing Renton Plant site). TtlC' :atQ:'of~ City th~1 will be subjttlln the: JeCond ph:tsc crlh: }drpon Compatible , , , • ' o~ ., ; ., , . .. .' i " , • . , u.nd UIC Pro.,.;un llCllCtally runs north-south. cOrTl!1ponding 10 the layout of the airport run .... · .. )'. II exlends from uke Washington on the north beyond tnlcntatc 40510 the lOuth. On the east, II includes Nonh Renton. Southport.!l1ld Gene Co~d(ln Memorial Beach PilIk and eXltltdt bc)'Ond 1-405 to Include por1ions. ofRcnlon JI.II, Kennycb!c •• nd North Y.ennydillc. On the west. the Pha.s< T~'o AClUP arca includn the Rlinier corridor and Welt Jfill and areal' of LakrridiC. Wcslllili. and Eulington. A('LUP portions cf theac ncigi,borbood\ arc in unincurpora:cd King Coumy u we" as in Renton _ Phase Two ohhe clly-wide Airport COntPlliblc Land Use Program will be adoplQ in 2()').$, '" pan orlhe City', GMA ·m:mda:cd Comprchensj\'c Plan up(bte. U. ReD loa Mllaldp.1 Airport aad Will Roecn -Wilty Post Memorl.1 Suplanc BIl~C' ChlUC'lcrlsllcs An ana.I)'~is of airpon eharactcri'lics i$ crilieal to lhc fomlul3tion of a uscfullmd Ui(: c.ompo11ibil ilY program. ~o two airport, h.:a\'e Ihe same dimensions, ,('nice capability, Ind are set in thc same ph)"ical ,iluation. fhc (allowing characteristics arc p3Jticuoo 10 Ihe Renlon Munic ipal Airpon arA Will RoS!.'" -Wilt')' Post Memorial Scaplime Hue ~nd KO'C to define the compatibility Cfllcrj " for land uses in proximity to the Airport . Stn'ic't C.pablllt~, b.~td on Functlon.1 ClluineaUoB and O('dgn Typ(' Renton Municipal Airpon is a "Gencral A\'latlon" (~ilily, Gcncul Avialion ir.dudcs all 1I\'jalion acth'il)' with the exception of ctr1ificd air carriers and military aircraft. Aviation sm icc (or charier nig1l1s, :l\1111 iolllUi service. busines$1corpor.ne, and recte .. tion nying is po)\'idcd (rom Rei1lon Airpon 10 the Cenlr .. ' Pugct Sound region. In addition 10 Gencr',o&! A,;ation. 11vC"t' olhcr aviation cbssifications llpply 10 the Renton Municipli Airport . The Rcnl(l:) Airport is d U $ificd as a Rdic\'er I Tr?nsport Airpon by the N3tiotllll PI;m o(Jn!egr:lted S)"Stcms (KPIAS), The NPIAS c1usHit:S Rclin'cr airports 8$ metropolil.ln al'e3 general a\'iation airpon, that Kr\'e 10 reduce air unicr IUrport congestion by providing (a.:ilities and KT\'ice suitable (or attracting and di"cning general aviation activity away (rom m~jor au carrier airports. A Tnnspon airpon servCl lircraft .... ;th ..... ingsp;ms gre.!tT thllO 118 fct1,and with approach ,:pccds of 121 knots or more, Tr<trupon runways u5u.llly have the catnbility for prccilion approac~ OJl(lation:. The Airpon Rcferttlcc Cooc (ARC) is a coding s)'Stan devcloped by the Fcdc:ral Aviation Atlminislr:uion to rrl.1le airpon design critcr1a to thc opctatiorusl and ph)'Sical ch3racteri~!ia of the airplanes intended to operate ilt an airport. The ARC has lWo components relating the airpon desil.'tllo aircr<tn , The first component, depicted by ~ Iener, iSlhe aireran approach category and relates to Ilireran approach 5pttd. The second component, depicled b)' a Roman nume~lt is the nirplanc design ~up and rel.tes 10 alrpl:ane wingspan , Gcntr<tlly. aircraR approach speed applies 10 run\l,'ays and I'\Inw~y related facilities , Airplane wingspan primarily rel3tcs to sepantion criteria in\'ohing taxiways and laxilAllcs . '. '. , • , ,. , .. • , • • " .' , , . .. r: • c C Q • G -L -, ... .- L -.. r -• ii - , C , • [ , -t:: r t- o !'l .. r:: 0 ' c :J , " ,. .. • • '. " " , -, - -I -I ~ ~ .- • ;1 - ~ , ~ ~ --J '"' , ~ -I '- i"': - - " • , - Airpons t).t'CttN IU .atcommoJ,UC siJ1,lc~rnllJl\e lIirpllUlcs nl)rmally (.all into ARC 8.1. Airports s(''''in, la1'i,tr ~l:ner .. llI\iiUOn ~nd C(i,;)n)uler"l),pe plancs Are usuiLlly ARC B.II or C -II . SINU!O mcdium·s.:.::ed ;urports "IVing air (Ilmm art I.lsu:llly ARC C. m. while 'vx,cr .ur (""IT'II:r 3.irponlo lUI! uu:.ally ARC D· VI . The R :rtlon r-tunicip.:al Air'p('n '. ARC da4riiicM~:.s B-I1. bUI CiUl W:"'C;)~IIC'.h:!:: airc.tilft such as the no.tin, 757. fmatpl;&na; 1!1i1iu the. win Rogen -Wiley Pust Memorial SC;lJ)J:mc DllSC facilities ~<ltC\! at tM noJth md o(Uw ."irport. TIle SC':lpfane Base is the only pubJio:ly-oVo'Tlcd iloarplanc (xlluy 1M Ihl! SC'.tnk lirC"a Similar acllvi:ICi occur at pn\'atdY-Q\\'ncd facilities en Lake l'nlon mJ ~I Kcn,rt'K)f'C'. al Ihe north cnd of La.kC' W:ashington. Thc~ two arca.~ Ale ,,"(,31ly conilnincd tly bo.tl trame h(tIloC1.-cr 10c Pustt Sound lL"':a l11~e JOUI~.:m Icrmin:'\ (or scaplane opctations th3l are vil ... 1 to the CCOOOl1":)' md ~n(nl support of cOmmumllM and businCilt"i up the PaCific Coast rrom WusJUJlztoo Ihrou~ BnTl~h Colamtlla an.J mlo AI:lSk~. The VhU ROGt'rs _ Wiley Post ~kmon~1 Sa;lfane Bas.: an.! ttle l\cnmore r .. 'lhty lite Ih~ only fadhti~s in the Pugc:t Soou.nd Mfi 14l1h haul ....... ' [:I('llllic-s for mal:1ICtWKe and rcpBlf of nOOllpl:&r1cs. T~rc: •• 00 l"f'('cis1oa i ..... sdmJ> __ yslem all~ Rrnton '\,rpon. although theTe is a FAA 10000C'r. a 1~:n-Jlrt'C'fl unl : bc;:;con.:md II oon·prt'Cision GPS approach to Run",,,;,' IS , MO!ii1 uf the based IllrCl'3fi at the Renton Airpon. 90 ~ rcrrent, are single'engine. Multi-c:n~ne illtt'r.ln make up 7 6 pttCenl. hel,copters I . J paC"cnt. and jdS 0.8 percO'lt. Pto]ethons to 1011. inc ludctllO Iht' Rc",on MU"lcIPol/,.fu'p'tm BI45lf1CS:r Plan (2002), Indlc.'e tho: in~~ 111 muhi-ttlglnC' olOdjcllIircr.an will be slight:lOd only resul1 in a 10(31 of 13 perc-e." [or thelle I)'}'«. "1'hc \lit" Roe'ttS-Wilcy Post Se:Jpl~le Bait is desigmt::'d ~ uS Customs l....1Ilding Righu: Airpon. Volume or tst AlthclJ ~ the airpon is uK\! by The lloc:ms Company for take-orrs 0[7)7 znd 757 ain:raft 14 hen productlOn is ..-omJ'lctet.l. pnmM)' Use is by single'engine piston aircJllR . The rugh usc: le\'('1 by single-C't!~In(, .. ircrafl makes Renton Municip.d Airpun Of\(' of lhe: rep 5C'\'rn ,c:n(m aviation bc-il'")" In I~ stale: in ain:l'lIf' landings and takMffs. Approx imately 16 pc:rccnt o[ I~ tol,,1 of bilKd aircraft at the Renton Airport an: ~Iand, This repn:scnts aboul 3J percent of all PugC1 Sound vea seaplanes, Seaplane' lak('-ofT:I and landings represenl a SIgnificant level of IlClivil)' at the Airport. L"omrnmial5e".aplallc businesses pf\lvldc t.ln.cJenlllfld /tr.d seasonal air taxi sen'ices for xnviriCll,uch as SlghtSC(,Ing. efmronmc:nlalle:ling and m(\nilt.lring. contract shutlle SCTVi('('~ phOIOerapl,y • .:md ac:ner,litr;rnsponatl or;. During the four.month. summer "'11'30(19 • -, • , • • ," ,~. ' , . • , • .:.Imon fishing sc;uon (April or MIIY 10 mid·Seplcmbet I mo.m.y nightJ originate .11 R,(nton and n) 10 Onl15h Columb:a. Ahhou~ iutUCiN arc untcliablc. the csti"'.l"1ed number of passcnKCT rnplancmcnlS dunnj this four 10 fh'c month period. from Renton. is almos1 10.000 people, There: is no significant use of the: Renton Aupon ,. I mllit.'U"'j airrrafi. although (ollo .... 'ns Scptnnbn" t I. 2001 • .orne milil;1f)' actl"1lY v.as JC\'otro to "'touch a.'ld go-tJ.erc:ises (or defense PVrpo5CS. C.padl), The rclacion!Jlir of cxistin~ demand 10 eXi sting capacity for both annual ai, opc::tllions and 13nd services was measured at regional alrporu and rqt:)ned in lhe lODI Rq:ional • ..flrpo', S)'JII:m /,/;In (RASP). Airfield. or airsidc. up:acity ii measured as the number or takeoff. aM landmgs an airpon can accommod.alc o\'a II ~vcn lime period gil'en the: byoul of ruO\~'a)'s and tni ..... a)'1. wt"alhcr conditions. and mix of aircnft U$ing the facility. Boeing usc is about 3 JK'rccnt of lolal airsidc capacity. Uncbide capacity iJ: • rnr:awrc of existing supply of parking (tie·downs or hansm), R«ing leo:sCl about 52 percent of lhe landside capaclt)' oflhc airp.1n for their opcra.tions, The RASP Inventoried the Rauon Airpon's Airsidc DemandlCapiICl1y Ratio al .t4 pcrcenl and iu L:mdside Demand,lCopaclt)' Ratio at <)4 percent PhYJlcal Chararlerbtln The Renton Airpon is approximately 170 mcres in !oile (5« El.hibit 0), The asphalt and concr~e run\.\, 3)' has a fulliaxiway par.allcl i!.long tht WC$t side and :. partial wi""IY along the south Iwo·lhifiJs on the cast Side. It is 200 feet ~'ide for moil. of iU length. but a 340 fOOl displacement althe south rCiul15 In 5.0:!? feet of useable run .... -ay length. Most busincu Dircran can conduct nonnal opc1'llions on a field orthis length. larger corporalc j~,. ho~c\·er. rna)' h;1\'C 10 limit ruclloads on t.al:coff durint:; hot weather. The Will Rogen -Wiley Post Memorial S:aplane Buc (acllities rons!ll of a Oo.tl:ing dock. access ramp. and 200 fOOl by 5.000 foot waterlane in Lake Washington. Scplmc traffic oRen turns at midfield and trowels nonh along Ih: Cedar Ri\'Cf (or a wIter bnc!ing just north oflhe runway. Because the Renton Airport tw a tower. the ainp.'\CC' "oo\'C it is classified:as an Air Treffic Control Tower Airspace. }-'or RC'Mlon. the airspX'c is classified as:ol Control Zone o Airspace. The ainp:scC' h.u .a radius o( approxinu.lcly five miles ~it." C'xtensions as. the approiirro:h and departure ('l:tlhs. This ~irspacC' litS benellh tht both the 80cing Field airsp3ce and the Class B Airsp3Ce (Of Ihe: ScaTac: airpon. III. Risk AU(,Slmrol ... ; , .. " . . , .'. • ,. .. ,. , ., . • , '., , ; ' . • ' . • , . ,' , · • • • • .~ C r-~ -•• • L.'i ri - [ [ r - - :- 1-, • C • • · • . . • r . "-; -~ r ... -- t 0-W C U ,. W . .. • Jj. " • ': • • ,. ,. " • I .. - .., ] "1 • ... - " 1 - - L -, . ,. ~ • . , • • • , 'W"hen d;eveto~"& iI program ~CSlg;ntd 10 ensure Ihe sa(~'IY md "ellan: of a community. decit.lOlls mus.: be mild", Ih.:al arc ba5C\.l on \I,n u.v.nmcnl a(the rid; inherent in the actions taken (or InaClIOl1). "RitJ;' r" defined iU "'''p''-'l.irc: 10 the chance of Iou. Ri~k can be yolunl..-y. such:as in h(C'Sf)lc(i)olc~ or in\oluntary. IUCh.iS people at risl: on the around W\llcr .tir,p;.ICC, In lerms of J\ illlK-.n. pCllcntiallou IS often r .. lal OUld un be widespread. "lm> risk" is alR.lQ:ll1 !m~lblc IU aduc ... c. ApUi. an the, C"ol!C of ..... il.IIO:l. if all U~ Ind people wac mlO&)'\'l"iS fnln) W Alrport Jntluroc= Atu .. ri.!i. '0 alf}'12n c occupants ' .... ould Slill exis!. Zero ri,,~ from ~\tolrl(,M 'koul~ Cflly be: pou:blc If 1"11' it\ iation loole place. With tn"o)l~nl#)' mk.i. lh< bn. uut .~) ~ hopeI! r>.lf' 1$ '" reduce risk! to a Ic\'('llh~l is a«epf"bJe 10 tbe: commurUlY T~ dt\t'lopm~1 o(an 4:1'J)On compallblc land USc program is olll altcmpllo reduct "APOW~ to rilk "iI/ii'" the Cit)' of Ittnlon and 10 uscrs or the Renton Munici~1 Airport. lbl$ can be:: Jofle m :.cw,.1 '" .),$, Fim. hmdowncrs and de\ elopC'r1 C~ be made aware or~r:"e;ies to ent.:urc thll J.t\'!lopmrnl proJccts do not incte",u,e h:u:uJs (0 anaJion. P!~. in r('''-I~l"g Sl.I.::h propok'd proJccts. C3.,., UJ( policles:md dc\'dopmen! ~tandws '(I :dS(:U 11K (»1COlillt fur incompalibllity v. jln D\ jll[ion o(>(~lions. Pcopl~ ~'ith Ullctn( rC:lr of potehllal ;1\ lahcm mish;aps or 'I hil:;.h dC'S~ or sensitivity 10 nialion tm~ts can he ~adC' 3\\ Me In vanous \\ ays or areas 10 .woid .... hen choc.sing a residence Of plxc ll) \\ o:!t or feCTrllC' • The prinury roc.u!. of 'JIIS rep'.m is reducing risl.: in Ihe rutUft. \\ ilhin 3 rolrnti31 mk ... e:lopmcnt.are.l. E",i"lni uses. :tllhough In close pro~im:ty or the airpo!'1. should not be amlYlN in Imns of "\'.:ltion !;~k because, in Renton. these uses an: n 'iation- tl~tnL Given ttut nlk c.:mnot be comp~C'1dy eliminated. the goal is 10 rrdUCe the C'onsequences of .accidents. The strategies to achiC\'1" this Include limillng the intensitr ~d densiry or uSC'S and pm\iding protection to 5~'(i:a1 popul:ations in cenain arellS in pro~imity to the Airport. The Feder .... A\'ialioo Administntion (FAA) !'eSUI31C1 (or ure: oper.Itions o(bolh airplanl:$ 3tkI :airports, The F M. ho'\lr~ er. }w no jurisdie: ion O\'er land uses adjac-ent 10 UJ( airport. The A,irpon C"omp.:asible l..lnJ Use Program is intended to incre:asc sa(C1y and land tlJt'eomp:llibilit)' outside the boumtariC"S afthe airpon. LocalRbk What it;lJ\e 1C\'ei of risk in Renlon'! This C3n be calcul.:aled by using narianal stalislics thallUSess risk Also. records of ac:IUII a\'i:'l;on mlergeney incidents in Renton arc nailabk. {The ,a\'i:llion indu"ry dcfines Q('('II/rftts as cmergmcy C\'Cf\ts Ilw result in WaMiC's or seriOU5 injury 10 people either on art airplane or on the: ground. InnJNlts are e\'coru! ~ Ilh lets scnoU5 consequences. }.fullaps lire :tccidcnt, and incidents together,} p,,,, o( 19 j .. 'n '"_, • ~ " , , " , , , ", " , .. " , , --. . , • , '. .' " 1 " • • • , ~ .. The unprcdictaLle n:;altlre or :;a\'iation rid;. howevCf. meiLl1S that only or.: accident can mean dis..u.ICf. OlT·:ajrpon ac('jd~ls and injury 10 people on the ground from aviation emergencies arc \'cry fOlIC . E,'C1l JO, safety is a f:tC1or thlll can be increased. National Traruponalion S:lrdy Board wla indicates thJt Renton Municipal Airport has experienced 64 a,'iatior. misfups since 1961. This is approximatcl)" 1.5 mislups per ye3r. POIC'l1tial hazards to a\'i;uion hnc bee'll regul:ltcd by ordilW1Cc (<>rd . 1 S42) and in the Rm!on Munitip:tl Code since 1956 (RMC 4·3..010). Jfo'o\.C'\·er. the nature of a~~tjon tw changed dnmatically ,ina: adoption or thc5c relulations, The initiation of an airpor1 compatible Imd use program IS pmlcularly !imel)' because of the rccent interest in Renton SOO\o'l1 by the dc\'elopmcnl community, A, mentioned prl:\;ously. the site area js plan!lcd to be redc\'Cloped by the year 2030. As dcrWtyof popubtion and intensity of use inaelUCS adjacent \0 the airpon. tbe potential consequences or an aviation (mC'r~C1lC'y incident also incre;u.c. Adop(jon of an Airport Compatible Land Usc Program ,,;11 ensure that City'S exctllent a\U!ion Dfety record ",i ll be mainlair.ed. In Renlon. record·keepin& or aviation emCT1:aK"r incidcnlS off·airport il somc"wtul unn:liOlblc. due to loss of illronn:uion during Inmsfer to elcccronic rtcord.b-cping. it appears from datil available that on'3.irpon aL:cid:nl' outnumber off-airport ICcidcnls about fh'c to one (there hnc been lineen :lcc idcnls on·.urpon .i:u:c 1982 And Ih~ orr. airport). rusk Polenll.1 With the cxception or rnsurins that obstructions arC' not .:IlIoVo'ed to inlmeTc with .lirspace. compatible land use planning cannot innucnce the frequency of niation accidents. In addition. ofT';l irpor1 accidetlls W'e infrequent. The foundation of the an Airpon Compa.tible Land USC' PrO,bToUn iii an assessment of polt'n,;,,' riJl. Risl: i, measured in SCYcr.t1 w!lys. The basis for risk assessment within the Airpon lnnucncc Area ate g:Jidelines prm'ided by the Stale of California Dcpanmenl ofTnnsporution Dh'ision of Aeronautics. "Calirornia Airpon Land Usc: PI~ing H.andbook;" J ... nu.ary 2002. Airplane 2ccidenl risks h:we IWO nollblc characteristics thai can be: m~ They are physical in nature (as opposed 10 social or financ:i:!.l for cXiU1lplc) and consist or. single C\'tTlt (35 opposed 10 effecls llut C\'uh't: O\'ct an inddinite period ohimc), AsscssmtTlt of risk ( ... ·what might happen") is l'11e;l$urcd in lams of frequcncy. distn'bution. and tonsequel"lCcs. FrC"qut1l('Y:lnd disiribulion:1l'e qU:lOlit3ti\'c assessments.. but consequences are measured quz:liu,lh'cly, The Iypes of risk in ;1\;:uion 0lJ'C accident ri sk. indi\'idulil risl:.. and societal risk~ 1b.c accidenl risk nlle is the: number of airplanc crashes IUllic ip.ated to occur on an annual basis ;"';thin a sh'en arc ... Individual risk is ll\'iDtion hum 10 an individual on 124 hour. 365 dny )"C:lf' basis. The risk of f .. lalily. nol injury. is usually the only consideration in , -, ' . '. • •• -. , • <, • t" • .' • > • , I 1"" .;. [ r .. t [ -L ~. r - , - [. [ , [ I [ r •• ':J ' .. • .' ';; • " . .;; " , ." ,,' , .. 'j - .;; ~ , , - ~ -' ~ -.., , ~ - "' ~ ~ L1 ~ -- --, - ,"" , -- .' , , , , • , • • " • • , , ... . -" , j" ~ini indl\ IdUli1 rilJ-l. A societal rifok IS onc thai hl1li tonSC'quen(cs beyond the K~idclll itself. II may he: "' factor h.llu.:ncai by public rcrccplions such as the belief in a lotd, of wctyu( ~ panicular I)'PC ofairtraR . Ptr<'C'pdon of Rlsk In addition to risks thilt can be mgt\)' nu::tSuroo in onc way or another. the public's pttCcption of risk is. another fa(ll,)t 10 IK considered in :t risk ~stssmcnl. Communication of risk is impon:mt in fCltmut.:mns polic)' to mlUlOlb"C riil;. The prc~nulion of the: City of Renton's Airpon Compaublc land Usc I'ropattl to clcctc:d oflicials. 51:U:choldcrs . and me ttUbhc: shouW ("3isc j\\\-:Ucncn of risk In Renton from :l\'iation accidents and. hopcfull)'o tc:lSSurc.thc communit), that 'he actual ml; is low, A \ lalloo [mC'f"lC'DC) TypC' ID Rtbllon lu RM: In a:;sasm~ polCfltial risk.:utd p!:mning for I.tnd usc cOl1lp31lhililY. a basic understandin~ orme types of ;l\'illiion enlCfl::encics i! n:quir«,1. Gl.':ner.llly. ;1\'I:llioo el1lcrgtr.des are of IWO types. Diles in v.hich the pIlot cre~tl!$lhl.': emergency and those caused by something olher. bUllO \.\hich thc pilot C;ln reolel AI genmi 01\ i:llion airports, Ihl!' mosl comm on occurrence of lhe IirSll)"e is CI1U~ b)' lhe failure to mainta;n air lIpccd. \\hlch in lum re$uhs in uncontrolkd descent. The second Iyl't' i, mosl onen coluscd by ad\ erse winl! and v. e:alhtf conJiliolls and loss of po\.Ol er due 10 eugine failure from mechan icalproblcms or luck of fuel. If airspeed c.~il be m:UntiuncJ. mOil airp\;mcs (e"e:llarge jets) c;an I:md witheul funclioning engines. Alrpl.Dt T)'pt' ill RC'i:llioR 10 Risk Airplanes arC' primaril y of twO typcs. sinslc.cngine and multi -engine . Ob\'iol,sly, multi· engine llirpl:lnl.'S have:l gTQter chance oflanding safely :f one engine fails . Ironically. hOWC:\'Cf, v. hile pilots may be able to l;md mulIi·engine airrlanc:s in ;m emergency. the aircnft .,n: mnre lllfficuh to (onnol due to a.'i)mmctric;althrusl characteristics. Also. pilots tend to think they can m;tl,:e it back 10 the !&irpon and continue 10 remain airborne lonSCT ttwt Ihey should. Wjth single'engine Ilirpl;s.nes. when the engine fails. the pilot is forc:ed 10 descend and land immedia.tely. for these rc::.uons. I (actor of risk to 11 communi!y is the proportion of single.engine 10 mulli..cngine planes that use the :airport. At the Renton Airport. o\'er ninety perccnt of the h;;\scd aircr.afi an: single·engine , airpl:mes. EmC"rll,C'Dcy Landing CharaCiubUcs Pil nU are laughlin follow (ertain procedures in C;lse of;m engine· failure emergency. t .. ~ basic SICflS, if poss,bk. include keeping the airplune under control, determining the problem. attempting to rc slartlhe engine, :and finally jf ncceu:ary. making an emergency l:anding. Pilots will look for a large. Ilat. open are3 without people. buildinss.lll'se Irees, .. , -. ., • • ' . .. -, , , , , " , , ' . ,. , , .. , • .. -.. .. • , ., , " • 1 :J -f , , , .. , , "<"! •• '. • , , - " , .. l i I • , • " . L • .. • • · .. · . , , . , , . . ' , " • -" , •• 1- • • . - , - or othtr ol'ljeclS in v.hich 10 land, Wires or olhcrobsh'UC1ionl rmy be ,j(ficl.llt W KI! aud nighl emctltcnc), landings arc pa.r1icuJa.rly perilous:. Loudon or Accidents As mt'ntioncd aoo\'(', imporunt to the measure of frequency or accidents i, the: addiljOfli/,I factor of 10000Iion of the Incidents. Dilla on aviation acc:idcnt\ is compiled by !he: NaticnuJ Transpon21ion Safety Soard (~'TSfj), Based on NTSB records from 1990 to 2000. 68 pcrcmt of general avialion accidcnls take place on the airpon. Another 29 pm:enl OCCUI within fivc milt'S ohhe: ::irpon C"airpor1 vicinity accidents",. a.~ 3 pcrr:cnt OCC"ur more th;an th·c milc~ from die alrpon . This mfonnalion "'as uK\! by Siale of Califomia Department ofTranspon:llion 10 establish the six "safety Lones" (as ulilil~by WSOOTj for use in 3irpon land use compatibililY ..,bnning eke dl:.cussion below. and Exhibit A), or the general jl\'iarion on·airport Ilr ncar-airport landing ilwdcnts, most (77 pc:r«nt) occur during touchdown or 1011-01.11. The remaining 2J pcrccnlluc: pbce v.;thin the landing p:ltlem. For these reasons, the mosl enlical 53fcl)' zoncs are most that include the "Runway Prolcclion" area, (hc "'nner Safely" area., (he "Inner Tumins" area, tile ''Quler Safety" area, and the .. Si~elinc: SafdY" area, These Ii"e zones iilCcoum fOi only:O percent orille IOlall;md 1lIC3 in til: AIrport Innucnce Aru. bUI mOst oflh~ accidents, In Rmlon, Ihis "high probabil ity" ur "high risk" ;lIea i, loc:u(d over Ihe \I,'cst portion or the Downtown and Soulh Renlon . The Sidelinc S;l.fel)' area runs parallel 10 and ""'01 of Rtlinic:r Avenue on one side amI uJong the Cedar Rh'cr on the other, Slali)'l!cs indicate thai the loe.uions of 1:Ike-orr ;tccidenlS nrc morc .... idely spread than Ihose: during l;andlng. In Renlon. take-orr, occur o\'er Downtown Rerllon or Ukc Washington. depending on wind direction . Collision Spatial Characteristics Whttl planning 10 reJuee risk from off·airport nccidalt" it i, important to knov.· the charnlcristics of emergency landinc.s. Again. "'TSIl daln can be used 10 de-.·clop minimum requirements for ·'Ide;!! Emergency Landing SilCS.-The mt>Jian Olfa dimension for .cenCi,,1 a\'ialion accidents. both ..... lth and ..... ithout $Orne pilei conaol. is .boull00 fed. Pcth.ps lhe key clement in compatible I3nd usc planning in urban 1U'eu. is Ihc abilily to presCT"e open SI'3Ce that could be utiliud by pilots during ;wiation emergencies. SlaliSlics pro\'c that ris\: 10 bolh airplAne occupants and people on ~ ground ca.n be significantly ,edueed by using lhis strategy. RbI.: 10 RHldrntrs atid Othcr Bulldln&:, Both JIoOTSB data for 1982 through 1989, and Ih;at from the Aircraft Ov.llC"rS and Piloa Association ror the )'CATS 19(M through 1982, indicate Ihal few tlvi;alion accidcnls im'ol\'e residences or other buildings. The data avcrage or these 1,,"0 sources resulted in the conclusion tli:Ulhe annual percentage ofbuilding-airpl;a.ne aocidenls over the yem studied equal 0.65 percent oral! accidents . In addition to infrequrnc)'ofthis OlCcidc.nl . - • • , :. , .' , . , .. • • 'p, ., , • • • - • • '. • [ , ( ~ G - i" --L r -,... b ! ' -U , C r. l- I"' ~ -, . . '. [ E \ r L. C 0 C • ~. j " , • • -, • , • ". • , "i'> • • , , .. • '. , . . , , .' . . " • , • , , • '. , ',,, • •• "._ ..... ~.'-'-._,:'-_ .• , ___ .;. , •• __ "c • .:.._.' •••• _.;: •••• , ........... _'-........ , :.~ ~ ')"1'C-o the-wide f;\".C" o( ""n::I.bl~ such as ll in:UI\ silt :and I)~ (design, and residential dcnsityot bwldm" twe (number of'ih.'lOes) m:&kc il difficult 10 predict probability o( ~utntn. A,.in .. in \llb"n milS. provision o( open ,~cc (I);' etntficncy limdinBI lIiar bt thc bI.."$I $Ir~lt&Y. CII,u;;tcr.ng M rC'idl."nlial uni,s. may increase opportunities for the ,,~tion uf such sp;Kt_ , " If n~ is CXpc'lsure 10 ,lance of 10",. 'he .:orresrondmij qUC:ltior. is. "What is the CO,51 of mllKing that c~polutC:?" to developing a cOO'Irallhlc: 1:wI use progTlUll. ten .. in com must be "u'i~ed ,,!!:.in,' the pcn:c.i\cd inctuIC in ss{cly and/or u:ducllOn in incon\ctliencc. ThcrCln hQ the "mk lIs~,",em :' Elich communilY must nt3kc Ihis dcclswn independent o(-w~\ ottKr Jurll(hctluns mllY choose 10 do. Costs in Renlon may include rcduo:m,lt dcoslty In thc l'f'bJll Center, .... hlch li~, within the Auporl lnnucnce ArU. ~ !.he: "'e,\pnlsc" of ultim:'lcI ), In(KasinS density elscv.hCK in the City. . J.!mjla!ifln \'!!l inISll~!I\1 Ilf uc;e, me»urcd by the number of rcople C'(pcctN to be aUraClN 10 the usc on :a pL'T .K're h:15t$. The Umfonn BUilding Cod.e c:an hi: uset! to assess the poletmll OCCUPillKY ofbuiMings as II nle~'iurc of intensity . J.jrnjt3lioD on r~~, mca.-.ured by thc number of d .... 'clling: units pcr nct ,;c"'clopable acn:. AlthoUgh rcsidCflli:al bUIldinp hJ,vc nol been involved in a sig."lific::m1 (X1tcnl~b'C of olf.a.irp?rt xcidmts, ~sidenti31 uses ate Kcnc~lIy rrovidcd more protection than non.n:sidenti:.1 USCI. Intcrtsity of nunrcsidcntial usc' is uwally allowed 3t biglKr nJd Uun density o f rcs i{trr.tial usc in airporl lam.! usc. compatibility pl;mning. Protkflion [in S0t9al ronul4lion:l, such as )'oung people or tltO" \\M ha...-c reduced mobility. sucb u tN: ehletly or III. The theory IS that this group would havc g;tater "iff'~\lhy in getting ;a ..... ay (rom the sceneofan emergenc)'. The uses included in this c;atc.ory ;a,re'lhy C;lK centers. I\.·I::! schools. hosplwls., and I:onvalescent c('1\lm. Control Q(halIDJ9U~ m:tt!erillls, wch as above· wound stonge of large quantities of Oamlmhte 01' other hu.an;Jous malerials. In Renton, the Fire Pre\"('1\tion Bureau uses (ire code rt'gulalions (!t.\tC .s-~..vi('C l7) 10 (011.:1'01 the §tonge of~:vdous m;alcri:lls. Rcc:au$C' ef(ccb\"t' reguillticms:.ve in place Out provide maximum compatibility wilh aviMiun oper.uio~. no :IIdJltional mcasurn ror w:.vdnus matct1:l1 regulation arc intludcd in the PtuseOne Program. PJtycntkm l)(h8.1"~ Oldll, $l!Ch "''1 obstructions orthe airspace, d3llger to :Wlalion from wildlifc. and mlerfctCf1CC to nllviplion or communication . In Renton, obstfUctio"ts h.J"'e b«n pK't'c!'ntcd. based on long·standl1l}l Renlon :.iunicipal Code regulation!! (RMC ,,")"()10). Thc~ "'11t be updlUed during the 2()().l code Updl/C'. 10 inclut.le cul'TC'tll sundards. Of special con(~ L the pro'(imilyof~lmon rearing habit;u in Ihe Cedar (tj ... C' "hkh IS immediOl"o:ly ;adja::cnt to the 3irpor1. 1'he sp:t\.\1ling of salmon alirolCts .... ..,.----,.,---'''~-.. --'~--.,.' -, -_._---, , , " . , • , , , "_. , • , • ! . • I , L " .. "_ . .Jr' t , , , • • . , • • • .. , , , • • • • , • • • . ... • , ' , . • • • , , , , " . '. • prey, most nolably l,(~;al hlu.: hC'ron;.nd h.;:.ld ~a¥It'. which can c.au.sc colhsion ofbirdJ ;md airer1lft The mouln afthc Cedar River conu;.unds 'Pf'JOXim21e1y with the end of the runw.)' where tuC'-offs occur. Imr[Qvc aimi'D D('ClJ;latlll' FIJO·j\'t!hiIiIY.fi!!£'. u discUi~ above, the: provision of ldc:a1 Emergency landing Sites Increases the opportun ity (or pilOl-conlrolled emerEcnc~' landings in the: \'icinilyoflhc airron. Pilots, ira,;l1 pouiblc. wilt dirct:l !heir aircml in order 10 prc\,cntloss of life: both on the: airplane and em lhe ,ground. This stnUCb')' i. parti('ul;uly useful at central aviation Ilirporu primarily Rf\ing ,maIlIJlcnR. suth ar. the Renlon Municipal Airport, thtll nrc used by II huge populalion of rttre:ational pilo" why may ha\"c less C"Xperic:n« a~ truining than professio~ pilots. Rbk Aucumt nt CODd u,lon' A5 discussed in the Introduction 10 this doc:umrnl. th~ pnm:ar)' plllpOsc orlhc C,ty of Renion', Airport (.,omp:llibl: land Usc Program is to incre.1Sc L.,fCly ~ land use comp:lti!>IIily outside the boundari~ of the airport "l~hin lhe Airportlnfluence AIa.. rhase One of Ihis Program looks III nfety .mil cumpi1ibilily issues v. jlhin the Urlwi Centcr·North . 11le Risk Assc:umenl conducted by the CiTY ~'al~te a number of (ilctOrs !,d.~ted to. A(ety, including the nltmbcr, t)PC, :md frc:quc:nc)' of cn anJ ofT.:airport 3\'ialw>n Jl«id:nlJ; in Renlon, nalional $Iallst!c:tI infonn:uion on 1I\;nl;on ir.cidcnls in llencr;J.I, specific land usc and airport opc131ional CMr3Clcristics umque 10 Renton. "ret), principia (e,g.. protecting s~ci:d popubliOlu.limiting density a.."ld intensit)'ofl:&nd usa, pren:onting hazards 10 night). and !\afel)' compatibility crileriD guidelines (or I c1cmlining densit), and intens ily, The Risk Asscs:menlls biscd on the re\jew OC\'MOUS resources, including: I1hc Renton Municipal Airpon Muter rlan Upd:lle (1997); National Transportalio!l Safety Board accident st3tistics; the Washington Stalt' Dcpa.rtmcnl DfTr:ansportal ion '5 Atrpons and Compatible Land Ujl'. 1'01, I. 1999: the Denver RebolOt'.a1 Council of ('.JO\'cmmc:nts' Airport Compatibl .. • J.nnd U5l' nt'slgn lIumll)()()k (1998); the Puget Sound Regjon:al Council's 1001 RI'Kional Airport ~1':J'It'm Plan: and. the State of California Oep31lmcnl Df Tr:msponation's (CaITr.ms) Califorma AIrport IA"d L1sl' Pla""jnK /Iand~ JOO], Nationwide. the ClllTr.ms study is the mos! m:enl and comprehensive study completed 10 date. and is 31$0. the most applinble to the Ci,y DfRcnlon in Uat it :wSdrcucs bnd usc cDmpatibility with airport operations in urb:an ~S , As indicated in Exhibit A, :111 oflhe EIS site IlrU lubject to the proposed Comprchcnsh~ PI:m and 70ning code amendments is loc':lted within Saf,:y Znne 6 (Traffie-Panem Zon\::). with the except ion or.:. small area alon& the nonhwm edp: Dfthe sitl! area, adjXerlll0 the Cedar fth'tt. which is in Safel), Zone S (Sideline Zone). Reconunend:lltions for Safety Zone 5 include A\'oiding residential US($ and Jimiti!!g intensities of nDn-fUidential uses. . . " • • , , '. , • -L E ~ '. , . , , [ V • [ . ' -i ,.. , - ----j -, -' - -- - ., -, - i - , .' • , •• • ., '. " . . .. • • .. .... --, ...... ~........ -......... ~ ...... _-.. ' ..... ,-_ .... -.: __ ...... :..."'-_ .•.. , -" .•. "' ............... ;.;;;. ~ ~ Uk .. ~;( s...(CI) C,~lp;l(tbdll) QU;1hu«" {£duM q and ''COh.-o, G,u..kllnQ-{E\hlblt El ptuc:nlod III the CalTnn~ ,tlr;vtf loJlt.i l..'u Ptll"nJllt lIiJftJJt.~ ,."OO:t,. thae 1$:1; "&<llCntly lu\,\ I:k~hhof.\d of lICi:"hJcnt OC':urrme¢ JJ roost airporu; risk CODC'ent pntmnl,. ,$ l\ Ilh Uw:'S (c,r", hleh potcnll~' ClJ~~es llJ'I: SC"\'et'c" (c g., outt;h"k)r ",.-.11'\ .. '\oJ !.Imll.u' U5C'.S _1m ,cry tu.s-h \t1lmt:ltffs) In S~{d)' bnc 6. rcsiJcnli-\1 !6CS'W tooSI fl(lnl'(;JilJamill U.5CS atQ .tIki" cllloCC E).hlbil E). Then' are no limits on re£Jc:,.JI~J W rtOb·1\."SktI:nILaI iknsatirs tnt:ur.rtl(:f., '" lih thc uC\.~ion .... r .. IUdIW1l$ ;and ilm,t. \lSO:$" (~E'(h.lhit q nK (",i.)1 :t.,u.~1:\ elnptd ltttJCl:II\~. plhc)c" anJ rt!comn~\\kd i!C\d,lpmenllwld:lt\h tot ~;ki't .of tlk :a.fUI'emmuon.cJ ~(C1> pnnnplcs \I, IIh It-C c-"~('pllon (I("(onlrol of houM®os m:kmILl .. -uJre~h fCi,'UI..ted b~ Ihe CII) . 5 tire: c~~d. buN on it" t('yiC\/> aOO .m.lh Ii of Ih;-J.tt .. ~'1J arrh;:~lc 1:mJ usc pbnnlrtt1 m(omlltlon Recommended L\nd U1d..nJ .&$h\("I£N Ikn~lUei iltfOSl. Ihe $l1(' lttU arC' COM1Slnll wllh the CaITra.n' r!'C\ .. mrNt~ b-·\u.tC'ln\d.and t'nlcru. RC'i\Jentlal use If prohlbiced '" lthln S~(C1> Zone S II000lI..I (NI fronl :he c~Im.lnc ofltu: l\1n" It :. I lJ.m1 u~s VIJ deJ\fi\t1("t. proposed for _ ol.irt~ !ooc 0 rdkt\ the C\I,\', pbnnins i(lA:i (~v Itt t 'rban ('rnl~ :and ate consldcrtd .-ornp,mt>fo 1,1. uh 4Sr;')M'I ~'penu\mi b;ucd on the' ht~lurc lIIld Ibu rt\ 1('\to'. ObjC'Cth~. poirc lei.. ~ reC;')!TIIT'(1'.JnI loll ... ('}.)rmcnt j,f,lnJ..trJs ~!rnmg oJ' IDlloo 5.IfClY hoI.h 0!1 the i;flotmd -40"'1d Ii;'! lltpl.:i.llC lX't'Ut"\mtS Me JeJ;:'nt-td ~d..,,,, in ~hoo JV unda Ihe hc~\J!'JSS Ca'lN"..a1 '\ :,zu::m ~ .. i~lr ~O.J .-\UlrlC(, l"n.llc:c.hlm :&lIJ ..arc _,\c0!'f'Or'.lfcd irifO prorost:! f'1!tCId.. l..ming,,m;j .k\·c:k>r:'l'lt~' 51an.!;u-Js 1O.luJcJ ,n Aprcn.!I~ A of thl.li Final EIS. tn <;onclt;,..wn. Impl C1lltt'l~'I('r\.:of lb.: Ph.ia One rr~'g:r.;ull. based en the Ri,k Ancumenl \fcscn~ ~,\~. I' :nlem.'cd lil ff'.ru.:( C'\t'QSIltt Ii,) nslo: Vi ):hin the-L'rb.m Cen:crSorth :tnJ to wkrS o! tltt Reru,)., ~h~nlCli':l1 AI~ .ar.J 11;'1 th" "O)mmunhy. t\r. l ·,b ... Cnlt'f-:"Onr1tt AIrport Comp.ti~k bad L'u Pt'ogrJllm ~ l;'rb"n Cef\lt't-Scnh AII'J'Or\ Comp.l::ble: 1..l..,d t.:sc Pro~ (Pl-.:rse One: Prognm) ~ ltu~ pnnw') ':.1J~~nM oJ(,urpc!ft 1.00 us<co~'Hrzubihl)'. ""Corropa:ihilit)" mduJn \ 10":1:$. (If So1id~ .lr.tJ ~.tK'1~"'.aIKe. 1,;U1lctll.trly \\h(;l the' taltC1' m~y ~fT«1 humm bc.allh. The' .:.aI({;Of\C's of al~ bt\l! usc ('omp.aUblit~· Tn<7fl I1gnific-'lllln the Urbm CCJ'ncr~ ~"nh subm' :art, II SC1tCT.11ItvtolUM saf(1). 2) ai~e: protection. and J) .J\uuon no'~. IJtC"'~ lht' ~omp;a.llt'11t LVIJ \IS,(' c~cpxy of· .. ,,\·ct"iigllt imp;I(U" will be fully.td>JresK\J In Phut T .... o of the RCf\I;:tn Alf1'OM C~m~tlblc LanJ Usc PTogrun . (herf11i-a''lt a rnm..anl~ "cnnc.ertl 1n..ufC1Y l ... mes I Ihmu~ '" 2nd on the hiil. O\;Ui~ of tilt CIZ ~~c: an::tJ V.1uk t.~ m.ty be Wfn( O\t:TUp, a:h h1J dW:lClCTistics partic!.&w to ttl ca1~I')' F"r t~ rc'.no.'f\. c:ch Col~~~" m~I'~c:d In the p~ ()n( Pro~ is Mt.lI)7a! 1ft tenm of tM comp.a\l~tht)' ob}-:<lI ~ ( MId poll(,lefi. eMended to pro\ide .smICg:6 '" m«11ttc obJC't1i\ c. ~ llK'(: .. "llcna mel I:1CJiSUttmC1lts usN 10 tMlJre tJm the ob.JectJ\ (' IS mt1. , , ," • " , h;r 11 "ft9 " ' . • " • , , , , • , Compatibility Objetti\'c: Minimize risk associou:d with polenlial aircnn accitients in the Urban Center -North , Sirategics 10 Meet Objective: Policy. De .. ,c1op pcrfolTn;m-e.h;ucd criteria for land uS( compatibility in the Urban Cenler -North with '\'iation activit)', {)c\'dopmcnl Standard: PubliC' aucmbly may be: conditioned in lams of frequency or usc, lime of usc, and number of people assembled. Dc\'elopmcot Standard: Residential UK'S may be conditioned in relation to n:sidrntial densil), Dc:\'c1opmeill Standard: T"lItTees. bird attractants. and uses that produce smoke, dusk. glare. electronic li3"3ls may be restricted in the Urban CentCf·North . Policy: Create rllOclional open space that mects recommended criteria to $C!'\'C as Ide.a! Emergency undir,g Sites, Oc\'clopmenl Stantbrds: Minimum 7S feel hy 300 fcci Minimum 0.5 acre Relatl\'cJy le\'e1 Free o(trca, pole" o\'erhead lillts, structures Policy. In the Urban Cenler -North . c~ate functional open space in amounts based on recommended standllJ'ds. Oc\'c!opmcnl Standard: III :hc Urbcn Centct·Nw:h. the minimum amount of funclioml open spxc shah be: Altemath'e A -Ten percent oflhe lolal amount or land availlhle: if: dedicated as Ideal Emergency Unding Sites AJlema\;ve B -Dedication of Ideal EmerGency Landing Site:; cVCr)' 0,25 to O,S milc Policy. In the Urban Center·North. adort usc reslriC1ions, as appropriate. that meet or c;:~ceed the basic safel), considcr;uions: PI.£t l1or19 -• '. • - E D [ [ c _. '- -- '1 • --- i • Nil o&c dlllU be rtl4tdc uf illy l;uld tOlll will C~t!se elt'Cu1ca l interference With ml\igutiunal s.1gJ'!;&I, or radio cCI:nmunicJlionf al the airport or wilh I'lMJjI'I Of elcclro."tlo; \:ommunlc&!ions bet", «n Ihe .2if})On and :aircraft. No U$C', building, or structure shall rmit C'migi.)fU of ny 3Sh, dUSl, \"por. puC'S" or other fonn, of missions tMI mily crnnici ..... ith any plllMcd OPCfllior.s of the lil'pOft. No $tM:~. device. or olher object Shilll be: pl.1Ctd CT erected lh.1 makes II dillicuit (Of piJou 10 distingulUJ bcl-.-.CCf1 airpon lighu llnd other lighu, mulls in slarc in Ihe e)'Cs of pllolS Uling the airports. imp"iN \'h,~Ji!iIY in L~ \ kinu)' of the airpon. Or o!herwi$C rndll1gCts the landUlg. lUiing off, or tn.lneu, (rinj of illrcraR. !'nlm:a. Lintil.:tlion (If dcntuY:lf Int~nsily of use in an:.lS most susctplible 10 orr. aupon J;\'i~licm nn(~cy inciQ'etlls. Pro\ ition of Idl'al EnJcrgency bnding AreiU "'ithi" ,he Airpon: lml:lcn~e Arc.:.. MC:.l';:Ulement; Use Uni!'onn BuiIJin& Code for building or structure: O('cup;mcy and d'4'cllin~ unll~ per net ;acre of do;\ elop~lc land for residenti .. l dt'nsity. Usc ;'I.rrsn tt,niJtieJ fQI dimcnliolls of Ide:al Emergrncy Ltnding Areas minimum amOunts of rlaOttiOmllopen space. OiKuss;on: II is UPCClcd lhJI Rcolon Municipal Airpon WII! continue to have ptaJomi,Nlely s;nl'.1e Cf1gir.e aircrat1 "\'n' Ihe n':''\1 few decades ((tom the Renton MU:Licipil Airpof1 BU5iness Plan • .!OOlj. This rcl.1les (0 safet)1 in thar single'engine S1tcT:lil ate mOl't' li1.(1)' ro e'tpnlt'T'CC' vnJirttted crashes. Functional open Sp3Ce may tNUC't ca. ..... alhc.s or propmy d:im.1lKii: frem undirrclN cr.uh.:s. OesignaliM of Ideal fmC'f£rnty landing Sites addrC'sses Ihc objetti\'C' o( enhanc ing U(C1y (or the CX'C"1.If...uJIS of an tirt'r.lft f..>rC'N 10 muc !lIl emergency 'andin, :awa:! from:.l r.mway. Pilots. if.11 aU c~.lIble of doinJ: so, \Io'ill aJlempt5:Jch cmergcn:y I~Jn&s in:a t'I= aru iflhey arc s\'.aiI~Ic. Aitt"ace Proff'C'tiOQ Comp;dibilityOb;CClh"c: In:he U~'IJl Cenlet -Nonh. ~uc('obsllldes 10 .li\ialion in pt'OlCimily 10. RCTI~'lI1 ~funic.ipal Airpon . Obsl4elcs may include built structwn 4tId Iro.."'1. Policy: Require subinllur requimnt'JUs (or 1M-I uS(' actions proposed .... illlin Inc Urban Ccnler~Su"h thai disclok patcrllilll connicts ...... ilh airspace . P'rr tJo(l9 , , • • , • , , • • , " Del.'clopmr:m Standuds: Require rubmittal of tith~ or both o(lhc (ollov.'jnjt: A cmiliea'e (rom an cnginr:er I)( IUld lW'\'cyot,lht clcvfy srrtcs dust no aiBplce ObSIl1Jr lion Will '(lull from the: P'DpoIC,4 usc, 'rlic muil'ilum tln'alion of proposed bUildings: or structures hued on the eSI .. lblishcd airpon Clt'\"alion refetCtlce dalwn, EIt\'ltions wll be dctcmunt1f by an rnginCCT or • 'lInd sut'\"t'yOr. Policy. In the Urbln Center -Nonh. provide muimum protection 10 Renton .i~c (rom obstructions 10 i\juion. De\'clopmcnI Standard: Amend Ordinance 15':2 so .u 10 fe\i sc the Renlon Municipal Code (R.\fC Tille 4-3-020 "Airport Rd:atcd Height and Usc Restrictions") to incorporate the Federal A\iOlt;on Rcgu4uion Part 77 Swfacc"fnu!,-irury Surr:u:cs" mapping (airspace protection Ihmholds. s« Edtibil 0,1. Policy: Prohibit buildings. Ii(ruclurc~. or olher I)bjccts from bcing conslJ'ucted or altere'<! so as to project 0, otherwise pcntc~!e the airs~e surfaces, except as nect'ssary.ltld incid~fallo airport operations. Revise Sile Plan RC\'jN' crile ria 10 incluJ~ projeel conformance v.ith Fcdrnd Aviltion Rc!,'Ulalion PoU1 77 Surface requirements (airspace prolccl •• m tlunholds). Crileria: Use Federal A\'ialion Rq;ul.alion PM 77 Surface rnllpping. Measun:m~1: Compare bnd use master usc applic{Jlioo submittal rnatcriab \\ith Federal A\ialion Regulation PMI 77 Surface nupping v.ilhin the Urban Cmtcr.Nonb. DiKussion: A\ialion accidents ~ not primarily caused by intcrfeml(e from obstacles.. NC"t'enheless., il is imponanllo keep a\'ialion operations free from obstacles . According to the 2001 Reeion:.! Airport SYl'Oietn Plan in\'t'nioryo(Puget Sound Regional airpons, the Renlon Airport runway and the Seaplane base an: lVI'o of 32 NnWa)" (OUI 0(72) that do 001 h.ve obJtruttions v.ithin the approach 3rtas. 1bc: Renton Airport appro.tcil ~a hAS been n:gulated by Ordin4J ;cC 0-;0 . 1542) sin« 1956. and Renton Munic;~' Code {Tille IV Sc:ction 3.020) in regard to Airport approach.lr.msilion nnc.Iluming ZOnes; height and use restrictions. and h~ marking lind ligllling. P're Ih( 19 • , r - [ ... t - c , J '"' , J - ., --" J J .. :oJ , , " ~ ~'tJ;~n}C'll S,U!dws ~uld be modlJied so that the current ~tandard for ddmnirun, .tirpon ObslRtClioos.. fcUeraJ A\ illtion Regul;uions P:ut 77 Surf:ltei applies Id:bc U.mn Crnter·Sorth, The P.u111 Sur(:.ces m3p9ing for L'le Cityo( ReNon hllJ '~ CQm:»et~. A' lado. -SuiM Compatjbltity ""')bj~ivc; In the Urban Caner -North. '-lJ,Itn;u impxts o( .. vi"tion noiie d'.ilt is .I' 11 l(".cl deeMed to b: .. hcal1h h:u:&rd or disrur-li\'( of nolse~scnsiIive .ach \'itid.. , . Policy: Prohibit the: Joc"'lmn O(lt01S('·,enslti\C~ bnd uses hom ~C-.1C of high noise leHIs, • De\'~lQpmcn' Stand.m.l.J: limit potentially noi~5tnsiti\'e land uses (rom locating within the 6' DSL (or higher) noise contour ofthC' Renton MuniciS'31 Aif1)Ort. Polity. Withllll~ Airport Innu('J1ce Area, require disclosure nolice for potential nq;.ui\ e imp3Cl$ from ;I\'IoII\on opcr:ttion noj~. unlcss mitigated by othu mc;;sur:s.. lkveiopmenl SIan.brds: itequire discl""l5U~ nolice De placed on land title ""hen property is subdi\"da1. 01' as piU1 of approval of conclitjQna1 usc: pcm.its. spoci:lIl;SC' pel. nits. bwklini permits. or other SEPA non-exempl projects.. Such notice may relale 10 nois<. low o\'cmeoid nights. 1I\'iation opeDtlofU du( cte:l1e nigh 11:\ cls of noise. or niation operatiOns ill night '" hen tht.-n:: ;s greater smsilmt)' to noise . Policy: Residential usc w 'or t"C'Sidanul density may be limited. when deemed DeCtsUl}'. to red~c: nelative imp~ts on resUJcr.ts (rom il\'iatwn operation noise. Development Sl4ndw: Rnidtntial usc or rcsi~cnljal denSity wI! be limited b:&SCd on rcc:ommend<'J »fety tCInc:s utd on recommendations in S4f~' CompatlNlity emUIIJ (;lIiJ~'",eJ ~ I.a"d UJe: Ikruilics a"tllnf~tiJifiC:J lCalifomi.J Airport Llnd Use Planning Handbook. Jar.uary 2002\, Pou .. y Non·Cdidcnti.l1 use and-or intenSity may be limited. if such uses are dtcm((110 be nuis¢ ~sith'C:.lo reduce ncg:'li\'e impacts on users (rom ""iation optmion noise. • , . ' '. • , , , . • .;;. , ' , • , • , , , , Development Suandard : Non-residential usc and/or intensily ,I~" be limih:d based on recommended safet)' zone, And on H!commend.uioru in Sa/a)' CampOlI/hi/if), Cril(!ria GUidclmrJ -Land Usc DCIUIIU'$ and /nwa/lies (California Airpon Land Usc Plannins Handbook. January 2002,. Po licy: Appro\'lIIl of rcsidcnli:t1land usc or other J1lld uses where noiiC-lCflsili\'c a.cti\'jtics mny occur should require dediclltion of I\'iga.lion cascments and usc of r.cous!ic m:atcri"ls (i.e. insulalion. sound IlIetlUating window gfns) (or s\nJeturcs . It is recommended th;J1 a\'igalion casements and rt:stricti\'c CO\'ert:nts ihould rc3d as (allows: ..... 8y ,inuc of this cascmc.nI, the gnnlor. fot .and on belalf ofhirruclf ;J.nd 1111 succaSOfS in interest 10 any and all of the rcal property above described. wlli"cs. as 10 the public authority only, any and all claims for dam::gc of any kind what5O(\'er as I resull of aircr3n using the "Navigable Airsp.3cc" granted herein. This easement does not grant or con\'cy any surface usc rights. nor is itlo be construed to gront any oghllO rri\'atC' JlC1'5Ons OT corpor:tljons .. , .. The nolice m.:ay include the (allowing disclos:m~: "This property m:l)' be subjecllo considerable noise form the opcnlion of aileran Iltld is. exposed al limes 10 aircraft noise which may infringe upon a person', enjo)11\enl ofrtopcny and may, dependent upon the degree of acoustical treatment of the buik!ing. affect their health and/or well being." Additionally, "Any bi..I1ldmg construeled on the prcmiK' shall be so designed and cor.slructed as to minimize noisc. pollution in any such slr.scture, gi\ing duc considenllion 10 the use (or which such structure is designed ~d buill. This co\'cn.lnl is (or Ihe benefit 0( and pass "'ith said property and shall apply to and bind the succeuors in interest and wyowner Iht..,co[," PoliCY: Encourage master planning o( f:md 10 increase I:md usc compatibility through sound allenu3tion in the environmcnl. P'if'160(19 I , " , , .. " .. L! c [ ~ I - - C IT • D r ,~ , 0 " u :J -', " .. .. !; , , , .. ... • • " • , . .. ., .. '".'" ... ·_._._._·., .... _ ...... _ ... ...:.t;;'O;;'I0 .... ~o-~.~_ ....... 'M ••• • ......... , __ ._.;;. ••• ___ ..... _ .......... "". __ ..:..~'"" .. .,;. __ ~'-.'" .. ;;..., .., J J - - ;;) -I --I .., -, -.., j - oJ ---.. --, - ~, -, ,.. -- "" - - Dcu:'vj'uH .. >::l StandmJ~ Widun the Airport Influence AreJ, mastet pl:umintl can locre.UC' llU\1J use cl)(np:t!lhilil), Ihrou~ utiliJ;;,t,lion of outdoor sotmd ;t1cnUlllion !t.'Cl-.niques., sIKh ~' • P1Q('~ US(:$ '" ilh hi6hes1 SC1lS111\ It)' 10 noise al I:fI!){er dist;)JXC'S. in COloruiden.1ion griM: faclor of distance from the snorce. • Consider C1e:&lion of rnu:ro-c!im;tIC110 ulili1.C" mitipling meteorological conuitiotls (i.e ~ir lempcrillUlc. wind dIrection and "eioci!)!). • C~c soft ground SUI (Kc:5. such as \'cl..>cfauve ground cover, r~her lhln hArd surfxes. • Pro\ ili:;t'! 2ppropn.lIC: he ii;tus structures. lerULn. or olhe1' barriers to provide .l!tOlu~ion of sound. Cr,lcn;t; Federal:and Slotle cntrn .. for maximum 3Ccepuable noi$C levels in differrnl !illu:uions h:a\'C been establiUied iob"'.Ind reGulations, These include Ihe Federal Noise (.onlrol Act o( 1972. the A\ !:alion Safety and Noise Abalctnenl Ael of 1979. and RC"iscd Code-ofW.nhingion Title 70,107, The pnm:lf)' gu idelines. used ftluon:dl)' for.\ I~on land usc eOOlpntiblhly, arc included in the "California Airport L.3h.! Use PI.tnnint; Ibndhook." 2002 edllion. by lhe SI:.tc of Calilomia Jkp3rtmcnl ofT rmsport.nlOn (C.lTr.:msJ 0;\ Ision of AC'I'u_1aulics. The Call r.lns document inc()rpor.u~ lhe !,.ouidclinc-s 10 ".Airports:md Compa.lible Land Usc. \'oLl," by the WmU1j;tun SI.1U: Department of Transponlliion. A "i3Iion Dh·ision. MCJS\.lremenl: Csc the thrt-shold 0(6, D~l as Ihe delcnnimml in rC'Commending limitations On I.md uses Of GllI.bhihmC'1I1 of noiS( ab31emcnl prog:"3ms, N.>isc Fon'ilOO by aviatIon Dp('rJtJons 10. (rom. and around the .urport.:II lC'\'e!s 0(65 DNL or more lltC eOfmdercd 10 ~cf1liitlly cause negOll i,'e impxts, CUnlul.uh'e noise l(Vel. ba,'C bffn mc3S~ around the airport and mapped as a saies of conlour lines connecting points i.lfUn: J<&mc:' noise exposure. fur the Renton Mumcipal Airport, this mapping was done i.., 1001. and cstim'ltro into the future to the year 2015 . OiKussion: The mosl sisni(;c:tnt noise issue h:as b«n repealed!)' idcntified (in M~u P!1n upWtC'S (mm 1978 on):u the imp3C1 (rom jd engine twing by the Boeing Company, This has also bet'O c?nsidcred thc moil adverse Cft\'i ronmental impaa from the :auport, Noise. gmer.lIed by niation ~ions is a (unction of SC\'cnl ("'ClOt'S. the chiUXtm$lics orthe airfield, the Itvel or iI\;OIlion open!iol\S. and the t)1'C of aircraR that U~ the airport life the'" most notable of these:. Airport noise has been subjC"C1 to (C(lcral rtgulation since the: A\'j:nion Safety and ~ojse Ab.ucmcnl Act of 1919 SC1lhe ~and3.n.! (or determining whal are acceptablc 1C'\'cl!l for .. irport noise. It ~l5.o adOPTed ;J single melhod of measurement f'Tom sevml thai ve commonly u5td.. The Day·Night A,'nlge Sound lc\'eI (D~1..) incorporates the: c()fllidcr.ation th2.1 noise il more disturbing lit night ..... hen ambicnlllO;se le\'els are reduced. DSl me3$urcm~tJ aHO':Igc all sound e\'enl. and their dunlion over a 24- hotlr palOO, A penalty is ~ssed f-:;,r nig.hl1ime £.(lunds. DNl hu btcn adopted hy • ....... ~ .. IF.;1 • ~ ; '.' , .. . , • • • --'-~-'--', .... . . .. . . • , . , • • .. • .. .; • • all federal agenclts 10 lUsening Ihe Imp:.lC1 of ~lrpon noj~ and compl ies wilh National En,,;roruncrual Prolt(',ion ACllcquircmcntJ.. • The fAA uses lhc threshold of 65 D!,\L as the: detcrm ilWll in rc:commending comrnunnics to coruader noise _bateman progr.llt15. TIlosc lhil experience noiiC levels of 6S ONL or more iltC considered 10 be negat;\"cly impacted byairpon noisc. Exhibit f shows noise conlOW'i for the: Renion Alrpon projccta110 201S. Tbcsc ntimales '" ert dcrh'cd from a study of a\'Jalion noise 'ssocialcd with the Renton Airport (Airpon Noise While PlljJCt. Prcpvcd by Hanson Profasional Services Inc. and Spiegel and McDi:umid (or the: Cit)' or Renton Airport A,hisory Committtt. Now:mbcr 2001). The: stud)' utilized the FAA's Intcgnltd Noise Model. The model simut.les noisc around the: ;irpon generated by ll\;atlo.l activity. The: flttt mix used for the no;1t 'Uudy ..... as cons:dcrcd rQUtscn1ativc ofthe t)'P'C of aircrnn Ihat USoCi thc RCnlon Airport . It mcluded thc Boeing 737 and 757. a Beech Baron • .3 DtHavilbnd D.uh 6. noil( dt3J1lCtmslies of single engine piston planes represented b)' a compositc • .300 nOISC iimulaled h)' a Sikorsty S-76 helicopter. Based on Ihis stud)'. Ihe rcport concluded th;!1 Rcnlon does not ha\'c 3 cumuJOl,h,t: noise problem :md noise imp3cIs (rom ;wi/stion :lC1h-ily IS CAptr;led 10 remain modet:.te (no significant increase O\'C1 CUlTtnl len:I,) o\'c:r the nc:~t5c:'\'cnl decades. The only area outside of the airport thai is e:,:pcclrd to be arra;tcd by the 6S DNl noise contour is thc Cedar River Tr:JillCity of Renton linCM p.:rl on the: c..tst side of the Ccd8 Rh'c:t) 0116510 iO or 75 D:-.Il (d~ndins on lOCAtion) Mld sIh:m ofl.and adjacenlto the trail on Doein}; ptopcr1)' al6S 10 70 DSL The FAA has dusified land uscs by compatibility b.ttud on Pan lSO Noise Compatihilit)' JlJann ins Program Guidclin~ (also under the Avialion SafC1Y and Noise Abatement Act of 1979,. According 10 the FAA and based on lhc inctnsed noise estimates of 20t 5. outdoor music (\'('(U5 located !)C1ween the 6S and 70 Dl'I."L "'auld no: be compatible and rcsidenti.;)) uses located between thc 6S and 70 D~-r. would not be compatible "ithoul mitigation . Schools. hoSPlIlIts. nuniQg homes. churches.. auditoriums. fanning. mining.;tnd extracti ::," (ofnaturuJ raourcesJ. and ouldoor Spans would only ~ compatible ",Ib noise rrduction measura. Residenti:d uses. outdoor music. and zoos JOQtcd in the 75 _ 10 DSl area "'ourd not be comp3Tibie witb or without milig:ation, All other uses would only be rompatible wilh noise rcduclion rne3surC'S. TIle 2002 Renton Municipal Airport Busi~s PIIl1l Sl31es IMt "'noise problans" ilrC' (rom It combinaTion of ~urccs includins tou.ch·:lrld 'i!o training nights, operation noi~ from jct.s. seaplnncs. tlnd olher Olireran . In ilddilion 10 federal noise ilblllcolI:nt rcguhuions.the FAA endorses ,'oluntaty efforts 3S more eff~th'c than Additional. ncw tC'b'UI:lI ion. TIle Renton Airpon Aih.jSOt). ,,~ -', ,. • , , , • • , , • , , • . • • 8 L [ , -, ' ~ -l ~ -~ --! b --L , -., ~ l ~ ~ ( , c r " , r r, Io E , =.J " • " • . " ., . iJ· " . • . t - , -- - ., - , ;J '. • • , Commlnion has \\'orked kl dc\'clop and lk!opt a voluntary noise llb .. temcnl pr0s,DnI mal IS pn'J"ina 5uccestful This optiGn, how~cr. ia som~'hat due to the congested liBpaCe' abo\ e Ren.on and the kith number of ilincrunl pilots thaI usc the Rmlon Alrpon. T1t~ i"U'.ltd,,,, tI/tl". ell): 0/ R,."lillf In ,,~,t'll)pI,.g Ill. AlrpIITt CO"'JNlribl~ lAnd lls~ Pro,Nm is to ttJJ ID II" sl,,,ljk,,If' ,goft 41/ "tlr,.", t+>fIrM"1 on tlirpon luNa. In i"I,'N'tUllfR 111« lilfety til R''''DIf MMlfkipol Airport ~-iG/WIf "~'.litHIs. r • ,. • • , • , -,. Resourcrs I. ""2001 Regional Airport System P'an," Pugc:1 Sound Regional Coun.:il. Augtlsz 2001. 2. "Airport NoilC While Paper," Prepared by Hanson Profcslion..ll Services Ir.c . and Spi('gd and McDi:umid for the City of Renton Aif'JlOrt Ad\'isory Comminec. ~O\'t'IUber 16, 2001. 3. "Airportl and Comralibl(' Land VIC, \'01.1;" Wa~h int.>ton Slate Department or Transportation, A\'iJtion Ohision; "'t'bruary 1999. 4. "California Airport Land Usc PJll.ning Handbook;" Stale ofC.1Ji(omia Department ofTransponation. Dh'ision of Acron.:.utiCl; Janumy 2001. 5. Leiss, Williatn OUlJ Christine Chociolk0; Ri~1c: end RnponJihili!\'; McGill. Qu('en's Univtrlily Press; Montreal; 1994. 6. "Renlon Municipal Airport ~f:asler Plan Upd:uc;" December 1988. 7. "Renton Municip.11 Airport and Will Rogr:rs,Wilcy POll Memorial Sea Plane Bue Master Plan Updale;" Bucher, Willis &: RalliITCo:p .; August 1997. 8. "Ren!on Municipal Airpon 8usiness Plan ;" Hanson Professional SCf\'iccs. lrn:., February 7, 2002. , :~ • • • ... ," C E r: .. -b [ -h r L [ £ ... J - -... - "" -,. , ... ... . I -- ~ -j ... ,., - 3 • - • , • .. . , '. " •• -. B Renton ~1Ul'1idpa} AifJ'Of1 w erb"!n CC'"Icr -North Airport Compatible Land lise Pro.:run Arc.~a I Plw.e One of City of Renton ACLUP) C. B:,uu; ~(cty Comp.lubilny Quahua (rom ~Ca.h(omla. AUp<ln Land Usc PI;anning Handbook :" St~lt orCahfoml..t Dtp;&rtmttll ofTr3n.<iport.uion. Division of Acron.aubCs. JJ.nu;U)' 2002 D. FedcnJ AnAlia" Rcgul3IJOIU Pan i7 Surf;x:C1; E.. Strccy Compallbilll) COlen", Guidclmt1 -lttnJ Usc Densities and LnIC'nsilics (rom "C31I(Dmia Ajrputt und UK Planning II:mdhouk." Slate' of Cit Ii rom ill Dep;ntmcnt ofTf':lll5pom.llon. O1\'is:ion of Aeronautic,,: hmwy 2002 F, Renton :-.tumtlpal Airport Annual A \(l':lii\.! Xoisc: E~posurt (or )'C'llI' 101 S (Day~ ~jsht A\'(r.I.!lC sound lc\'cJI from "Atrport Noise While Paper," Prepared by lum.on Professional Sen icts Inc . and Spu:gcl and ~1cDi31Tl1itJ (or the Cil), of Ren10n Ajrpon /\dvisory ('ommirtct'. NO\'ember 16. 2001 '. • • , • , , • '. -.' . , , . , , • , , . , • • I -------'- • • • - ,., ", I 1_. . c.....; -~ , . • -J 1, '-:.':'" ' ..... o; .. ·E·· '\ . . , ,. "'~-' • or~ ! ~1-;':1;1 > I L-,._~ I . ~_ ... _~I ~ , l:?f~i i • r I f"..... / .1 1,'!1 --.. L I I I \ \ I \ -:J ~rr, ;:-: ~"""f '-:-.;... \' ~ _ ~:!'JE~_ .. , , .. }' • , - I - • .~ ,·r . • I I: I i I . ~.- I . .. ' .' ", ; , " ~ -:' .... ., '. " . • • ,4. I" ." - - I O • .- • .' , • • • • • • I l. o 0 '"'''. . -. . . -. Slam i17llOfIl -r <., • I r!z,.. I :'i t~· <5-... ~ • . , • ",,: :'" vG ~ • • • • • , ( o • • , • O! ",' • • '" • -- • • • • -" · .' , .' •• • • • oJ - • • • 1 ~. • r' • ,., ... , " • _ f'/:.r. ... • • t; ..... -.... ~ ' . • " -I ',,' -.' '" .' \, ~,.....~ .; ~ .. ~ ... ~ ~ '. ~ . • • , " . , " . f , • 0 , • • '.; ..... . '. ~ "t':- \' ..... , . .. , . '. ----_ . .--... -.,', -I-,v ,. ., -, -.' , , " ' .... ; .. • ", ., , . tf · ~ I ,.. . -. • • •••• , -• .. .. ~: .. '\;:~';?' .~ 1 . •• 1 "'"\ ._,' -"1\: • •• .,." • .~','" -.... ",'" "1'lt. ... •••• .' 4" , .. Ii· \.' ~. '#' ! JI •• "'"":>)\ \. I'.'::'': "" ;,'" I .).~. ," '~I'1' .f .'\~'. I :'..e" • '"., ,~ .-\., . . . ..... :'1' ... " ..... \, • _.'\ .... -.. -- , , ..,' • ". , • , , , , , • • .. . • ~ to • ... .. • • , • l •. , • ": ' ; ,~'<r '-. . .. ~ -.. ', • · -.. ~~~: ~ .. \~t.,:'. i. :.,'r '?-."jr ' h .. ,','" .'to •• \.-t~ .. • -. I." ...... '," "',,,,. _ ... ~ , .~. ' . \. . . ''' . "'.... ',-\" .. • • • • • ... • . '. , . • ,~-. . I ••• " " " , . " '" ".' . _1.,} t Exhibit A: Aircraft Accident Safety Zone Diagram Renton Municipal Airport (J 1·1t 10 :X(HI '=0. ~ ..... . .. . . -'-:::Il!!_ -!'.~-...... -.... -.. - 1 . J Nitto I L (~~ I ,,'''' , .. f •. , ....... ~ ~,.~·' • .'ill ,_, 11, ,-1"1'111<'1\1 ','II hI', ·'fI ... ·11 ,\ "1' U. :" !' "t". • , , - o I I I r • , , ,,,o:,;-~· . f • , 0 • o -' ., '-- , ; I I \ . , , , , • • ,/ ,r f f • .. • • 1 1 , ~~f , ' r _,t ' ~. . -.,.,!.Jo-~''''~.'\.­,.", , , , , ,-.. ", -- , " .. " .. . . ,. . .... " ~ -, • 51dm • , ,,1. :t-\ '-a;;. ' <! ... • ........ :<».,jJ ... '. . , -----.-_.--- , • • • " " ? , • • , , 'v, '0 '" -.' , • • ,- , , -'1 ... }' L ( ," ~-~'j:~.~y=-~ "-,',' ,-_~'-·-i ~'\'~ , .. , , , " t ,' ,'/; \: 0; • i' ",,,''':.\,-' --.J:'" " , '~'" r .,,1,0-" .""',' " ;.. \"t~.~ .. . ~ ..... ~ "'''' .. - ,I " , , ' , • , • , , ~- 1,100 \ " , . \ ' , , , , , - Exhibit A: Aircraft Accident Safety Zone Diagram Renton Municipal Airport I : I (,SOli G;' t'} 1 ~H""'l Ik~d":IIIl~hf ·.clrl,l •. rh ... ..;· :.I.fti . ~I.' ~ M'I~" vc-~ r" I. I"··./';;;;;;';;'~ If",,'\, <')J"~' I I ,.. \ ,.' , L • , , Ilt < 10<'" Sl't!r" ""...~ I, _.. , , - ., ._.,1<00 ....... II., ~ .. .,. ,.... .. , • • • , " , • , 'I .l-~.. .~ ·f ., , , .. ~ . . , • • • • '--~ . '" .. , < , . ' .. ~ , , , , . -" • • , 'I " ~I '. I ~ . • ':) ;' I .' . '. J 'I ~ 'I . , •• d "'I , .:!xoo I l. .. • • I , , i • , " .' '" , , • , '. " , • " - ~ j o 1000 ,., Exhibit B: Renton Municipal A.lrport j Urban Center North Airport Compatible Land Use Program , ·"\iE:.'" ~e n ... ·c " . • " .' , • I <;UI\I1ftI1/' Dtwlo .. ......nI, ~tfht..~ho;o.od.'" Sn:oIq,IC J"I.oM..,. .0. ... ,-.. t ,,'_ 11' ... ..... r' .......... :<O:I1 . .. .. . • . , , . " , _ CIty Il.:<.nl,orr _~c-~~ ~·t_U---- , 1 : 12000 .. , • • .. • 1000 ! . ' • " • • -,. .. • . , ' • • , " • • • - • • • • .' -• • •• '.' .' • .' • • • , r:-_..::.;.._ ... _. __ .. " ......... .;;;; .. _ ..... ,,_. _.' ... -___ ........ ~ ....... « . ...:... __ ... ,,;:.. ... _;_ ..... __ -',,_:=1 '1 1 - ·1 "'I ,J ! J I -J ,.. ... ~ ~ ~ , •• <> , "" I ., --! --J -I --j --' -I - ;j - '1 - - EXIIIBIT C ~ _____ ....;,U:.;a;:.':.;Ic..:S:;:~~ty C~!.tibllity QII.IiIIe; t Zu1l1; 1: ",Ii,,"-. -----.1 rroh~('lkllt 7..un .. RiM F" ..... '.us f Rlu .... ",y Prflf:ilH;ty • Very lugh ru .. • Ruf'l~.lY prol.:cl1on J\ll')(' a.'i Jefi'nai hy 1':,\/\ C'ril~:I JlaJk CMlpudbffuy {h4tJliJ.fn • Airport ,w.tll.*1sb l.l' of r tQpC11Y cocoUt'.1gc:d .. Protubl1 ail new struclUl~ • Protubit re!iJcnti,d lmJ uses • An')iJ oonrt:$uJct'll~~i tW:3i v.cc:rt if,cry In", inlel.si l), III ch;uaclcr:mJ C'C:'Ilinet! to Iht: ~(:1.:znd Oul« ,nd orl~ In'3 LZotIt 2: Innfr .\epfoachJlffputurc l..llDe Risk FII(1,," I llu,.",..,.." PnI,r;Mity • S\:bs.ranu.!1 risl;: RPl.s lO!o~:r ~ ilh il1ila i.'len y 70ne1O cl1«Jmp'\$,s In .... to 50'l:' of r\aT·J.irport .air"raf1. XCidcr.t sit'-'3 (:air c .. I'''ru:-r:m..1 general :ld~li{)") • ZoJ~e c.umds be~~ and. ifRP?" "aml W, .dung SIJL~ of RPZ • En«mIp3SscS :Ut:lS 0\ c.rOQ\\-rl !It 10"' 3htlutles -1)'PK!lIIy only 200 10 ':00 (~'(:I Qbu~.; r.ut"-.:I'" dC'o·.a,liNl BIJ!li~ ClI"p"JibJiJy QUlllilies • Prohibit r=.si l.iI::mia.1 uses ('~CCj)1 on large. 3b'licultur.tI p:m:ds • Umit nooraidcmial u.'OCS to ,x,i\'llics "" hic:h tl l(r'..IC1 (co.'" !'COpl!: (uses such a~ shopping ccnltt'l. l'IlU!t l:.1t ing d13hlish·m ... ms.lhc:ucrs. nleL'liHg h.:llls. multi -story office blllldiu~. an..! I~r·i n!ensi\ c: manUf.K1Unng plant:i un:k:Cl.jH.:Ible) • Prohibit c.iuiJ:m·, schools. \l.:Jy can: l.:cnlCl's. hospitill1. nUfStng homes • Pmt..bll h.a.r.m.JQ1llJ I!!'!! te.g. ~b()\ ~tounJ bulk fud SIOr:.lgc) I j Zaa~ J : IDD~r ·rca",,,,,,,,,iD,,,C,-Z,,,,,,,,.,,.~ __________________ -,1 RiiJ;. Ffl.('ttJ" / RlllfWilY PTo..'C;"u". • Zote pnmarily -"7plicah;o!;0 gc:ncr.al :1\'I3tion airports • E"cY'Olpuscs klc:olions '.I.here :un:raf't Me I}"PII;Z1l1y luming frt'm the base 10 final :rpproxh legs o{thc :;t.uidoud !r.lnic p.mcm ;tnd :Ire dcscentJing from lr:lfJic pallem alt itude • Zone :also inc ludes: the urea "'hc=rc departing airCr.lfi IlOnnally complete the 1r.lJl~i l io n from ukoofTpqwer 3nd n!lf) ICIIJII~ 10" clImb l'Ilode and han: begun to tum 10 theIr C:1 roule heading ..... ----.. --.. ~ .. ,--.~ .. -,~ .. ~ ... ---..• .,' •. --..• '"--""'---.-----.• ,------.... --... ~'"-'.--, .-.~ __ ...J 6 , '. I .::-..:, " • , • ' . • . ,. '. .. , . • • • • , '. , 1 1 'J , I , , • -'" " , . ,. , , , < .,' • .. .. " .,.. ' .. ;. , .. __ ~~ ••• _,_" .... ~ .. " .... __ .... .; •• ' .... :\S .... " ... :.t •.•.• ,1 /llIde ComputlbllllJ' Quuli/it's • LImit r.:sidcntial USC'S to \'CfY low drnsitin (ifnol deemed un!lcccplable because: of noise) • Avoid nonn:sidcnlinl uses" h.wing moder-lie: or hIgher usage illtcnsillC'5 (e.g., major shopping cenlers, (asl food rcstaur.ml~, theaten, meeting h~lIs, buildings wilh morc Ihan threc UOO\'cb'TOumJ hab ilable noors nrc gcnerully unaeceptOlblc:I • Prohibit children', schools, l:u~e day c~rc centers. hospitals. nursing homes • A\'oid halOlfdou~ us(..'s (e ,g, aboveground hulk fuel stor.Jgc) I Zone 4: Outt't Aperoach/lh'parturc 7.onc Rltk Flle/ors / Run ... ,,)' Pro.or:imlty • Situated ;a10ns extended run 'kay cenlerline beyond Zone 3 • Approaching OIircran usuall ;1 :lllcss Ih;1O tr.anic p:utem allitudc • P:u1icul:arly applicOIble for 1 usy gCI1cr.lJ ;I\'I;1110n runways (llcc;auK of etons:ucd Ironic pattern), "mw:J.y~ .... nh straight-in instrument tspproach procedures. aM other runw;ays where siraigi t-in or straiglu-oul nighl ~ths are common • a. Zone can be reduced in size or eliminated for runways \\ ilh \'cry-Iow acti"il), il!\'cls Billie Compalibllit)' QuaUtit',f • In undc\'clopcd urcas. limit rcsidcrlliOiI uses to \tty low densities fif nol decmal IIn3Cccpt~blc ~~usc or noise); if :lllcm3!n'c uses uc impr.Jttic31. allo", higher densities 3S in fill in urnOin area! • Limit nonresidential uses as in Zone 3 • Prohibu children '5 schools. l;:trgc til)' C~ ccnlers, hospitals. nursing hOlllcs 17.ollt S: Sldtllne 7..one Rblc Factors / Runway Pro.dmif)· • EnCOlllp:ts5CS closc·in :1rc3lau:talto runwa)'s • Area not nonn;:tlly o\'erflown: prim3ry risk is with aircl'3n (especially twins) losing dim:tion:d control on takeoff • Arcl is on .!Iirport propcny at most 3irpon5 Bruie CompQtibilit)' QUQIItI~J • A void residemi31 uses unless airpor1 I'tlatN (noise usually :also a r:lclor) • Allow all common :l\'iation·rclaIN 3C1i\'itics pro\'idtXI 111.:1.1 hl:igh1·limit crilm .. are met • Limit other nonresidential uses similarly to Zone 3. bUI with stiglllly hiGher USJge intensities • ~rohibit children '5 schools, large "by carc centers. haspi1:1ls. nursing homes ,.... -- , , . ,', , " • , • , , n n j' ! 1i , I -" I' . ~ j " C i I , , " ~ t: ' .. - r --, ~ , '- -~ , - r I • !.. -I ~ -I 1--L ~ , L t C • " • C • ~ r. > ~ 0 ,. 2l ' , . • , " " - 1 - J J l - '1 - "1 -,.. oJ -, • , " " ;( ~: , • rt_=z-~'-'-.~:~T~.-.Rk~-~pC.'~"-tm~z~,u-.-'------'~------------'----------------'J Rb~ }'fla(lrs/ Ru" ... "J' Pro.:rI"'il)' • G01~ny k1w likeli.hood o';w:cidl!nt occurrence::l1 most airports: risk; concern primarily it with U:;cs ror which polential con~ucncc:s an: sc\'ere co Zone i~JUlks ull other poni(ms of regular traffic P.1ltcrns and p;lIIc:m emry roul!:s 8~ic C.'.pa1lfJiJity Q:Ja/itin • Allow f\!Sid~'nri~1 Uses • Allow mu:t oontrsidt:nu:al uses : prohibu Outdoor stJdiuhU. and similar uses with w:rj high inlcnsiliOl • A\'Oid chiJdml's Sthools.lqe tIdY care centen, ".os,ilals. nursing homrs DtfiaitloaJ As usN in this table. the fOllowing meanings;l.(e inlendctl: • AUII~: Use is .JCcqJl3ble • Li",u: Use is :!Cct'pl:;ahlc only if dent~ty/inIcnsi ly restrictions an: met • .illtlU/: Use gencrallyshouM nOI be p..-nni·tccJ culess no r~~ibh ;lllcmal:~ C ;$ ;tvail:ilifc • PrrtllilJu: b e: moulJ not Pc l>mn illed under Iln)l circumsl:.mces • C"i/J,.,.,.,', 9~"1I6I'f: ThrouSh gr..de J.:! • £11'1:' /)")1 Ctll'e C~fft"': Commercial (;.cililit's as defined in nccon:L'Ulce wilh state law; fur the purposes here. family day c;,rc homes and Ollncommcn:i:al facilities JJlcilury IIl;1 place Mbt:,siness JU'c g~Ir:r."ly :allOWed. • AIH''rgf'flutfd Blliit S(DflI~' Df Fud: rllOk Silt' grt"J(er (han 6.000 gallons ((his suggested criterion is b~llcd on Uniforn. fire Code crilma which ar~ more slrin!;:cnl rot l:trger l..:u1k silCS) . , , • , , • , ~>l -:.:I • , , , , , • • , , ",. • -.,' , . . " '. • , .. ' , . , .' , • ,: , . '.~ .. • . . • , , ~. • It 'J : :::=t ::"::1 __ =. :':::. ::..' ~-~':". , _______ ' --=--=--=-_ ~ _.:::.=-~':: .. i ___ -____ -___ Io . rl , ___ '_'_,_" __ i " Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77 Imaginary Surfaces IsomClr~ View Plan View Not to Scale ------Transitional Surfzce ProdsJon Instrument Approach Surface Horizontal Surface Visual or Non.P~ Approach Surtace Congt Surfaco Primary SUfface '---_._--------'----------'--' -----' Exhibit 0: City of Renton Urban Center North Airport Compatible Land Use Program . - , • .. ", .;: . .. " " 10.-' T>.'tIwr IlfKIOflll/l."t>u",tl j>f au. ........ "' .... tJ· Jii,f'I'rl C'''''('lll!f.k 1.lJ"J u,1' o."II:,.II"~1J. • ~.' , .. • .. .,' -< , .. < < • . , • '. , '. , "f:[ ,""II i '''''' I,. "" • <_~~"-,,"_,, __ :,,,"-:"" ... , _, ~ __ , .,.' • __ ••.••• ,_ •.••• ,., .,'-" __ ....... ,., ... ;':'';;'':'4= .. ,," -J -< -- I - • ·1 - • -I i1 , J --~, I :1 - ...;. -'\ ---- ~ -- •• ----.:: r -- ~ - ~ ':G.. ", " Run •• y Pro*tl~ Zone f.XlII8IT f. Inn.,r Turning Zon. o MilInlaon CUl'l'CflI LOI'I~ lllesl than Def1$Lty czllOn.1lor rurnVS,UtlOfbM letting o Idu pt!t to-lOx tdu.pet 2 -5(\C, • C:...st~ 10 ptM.al\l8 open land encouraged In aJI ~Q5 1 d.u. per 2-5oc. t d.u. per 1-2ac . • See ~(W" 31ar CiscuIl$IOn 01 infid dovelOpmef'lt a ll Oft,,; ,"r~l ls appropnOle only" 1"OIVe5ldef1tiat U$M atilt not lsa~. Runway Protel:Uon lone o· o· , 1 0 • 1.0 10 -25 2S -olO 40-60 II 2.0 .1.5 60-60 00-60 80-100 x 2.0 ,20 Zan. 60-60 80-100 60-60 80-100 eo -100 100-150 ,30 ,20 )II 2.0 ,20 Notimlt Nohml1 \50 \50 No Imit' JC 3.0 x 2.0 • Abo see Table 96 for g.JJdflllnes rC9ar~ing uses whICh snOUkl bO prohibited tOQard:c5S ol 'lsaQe .,ienl1ly 'E;.cepllons eM bt"-;mfnltled lOt ltg(lCUtlurni aefivllios. roadl, Dnd au1()onOOlltt pnrk~g P«h'idod that FAA cnloria WI! Jl)1:sfoea , ~ lat'O't stadium. and .lIT!ilW UM); 5hould bo protllbLled. .. ~s "'8 t;UI'/'IUIatfY6 (0 g m:nmum JI'lIatlSlly per smale ocre ~ ifll'lOf stllety lOflfJ Is 2 0 hmos lhe 8VffI'aQII lfI!eM1f'( ror 1h •• Iie, bUC WIih nsk-1edutt,on bu~d.ng deSign IS 2.0 .. 1 5 • 30 the lMtfilge ntenl4ty). -..,,..--'.'.----, ... -----.. -" ", ,.' .. ". .. • , \ .. .. .. • • .. , < ,. • :1 • , , ~ " • ' . . ' '.~' , , , I , I I , , , , , , l · • I .. - .. " , L r I ~ I .. - I I , -I - - ~ -- --- " - i .. .. I , l ; .. ;r / / , / ..-/ .. . z .. - ~-, t<-" ~. .' '. > , • t I • I -, .. ( r ...::::::...---'~~~~ Exhibit F: Renlon MunICipal Airport· _ [' _._,.J Annual average noise exposure for year 2015 ROO 1600 --Cryllmb ~ • :::-:l ,.. 170t1obcr2002 75 OM. 100Nl --fi~OUl - ----._-_._------~-- L .. .. • .. , , , " L • , • • " , • , .. " . .. .. .. • • ~~. , • ,. .. '- " - , .- . . -.. - • , , , • • , •• , " -, " ' . - -To: r..titI8lumen BU":ttI Con~ G-ouD ~ s,r.a.~ I ..... ~, C,¥cI Re'",)),) • -from: LaWfera ~1jIeOI1 --D&t.: Jl.I!r 30. 2003 -, "bIo<C Nt (l.S:t, ~ let ~ ~ ~dIetI"yt PoMI A.~nl E!S . -' " -! -Introduction • -Tht Boe-tlQ R«ilOn 0Yr .... ~ F'la:l;.rre-.d':lenc p'cooJoU atnenc:tntd d Iroe F\e'.:cn~.1M?WI 1 a.'ld le~ 00 I/kr. lor po!UIoaI hl!UI! feoc~t at k~ PI~ cu:r~/~ d:o-.e ~ ~ -Pl¥t!SI:t. Four ~IM Jleberlgerollua'*dlOar;>le I!'t 'lJ'9!dc¢or.sf-;Y~ ~ -a.'lemat.>cs w.JuOe COII#I!C!'O.1I rede.eIop:tlOlll 8I"d tofWO o! the n.mafl~"~ Ilc.b ~t.3I me~ Df",Mj ~ allhe ~IH:IS p'e~ 41~..e Dr,fl ErS -' Theoreil~1 pot!tItII lor a:t ~ mpaO ~ ~I m.~Sf: f~ ~ frar. Vf:!todt fl'f)3Wl$ -"ml'Ad -.t:l'lau~ ~ CI\INI'4. l..oceU!d Cha'I~" ~ 10 ~b ~$C I ..J rt-:je'oelop.lti~ W.:M:t" .. 1o:rt:an;Tn n ~ar~ neo..-=:.vor btT>etO.lllO ~.~, a by a'k" ~J 10 oc:cu WlN'I C"e ~ Ife, t"~CCoJId O!\et"A'Sb IoU:! 0\t.1:0e of e'le n;)l ~ m~ 11'1 b"9tf -CQIfmJ!-e ~ The rtde. ':'(:i .~1 rnkf rtsuttln 1ocoW n.:Jc:nes ~ ~'!a!ltetn:t~ .-Idn:noas« kn',.,.. p::iW.ant ~s There W\'ItA;;I ~ be k'tnpcr¥Y rae~ in Ont;!:ltt clhe!' ~1u~1 ~.uSlCl"lS 0A'lr9 ~ cor.5t1" .JCtCr\. 1 Backgroynd on land Use and Transportat ion Air qualitv ~ .:..,~ h t.e Ret\t!ltI.-tiI tl ~~ by IitIe U S U\JrQlVl'(.'r.t.aI' ~ ~{EPI.I. t'lI ~'.<n.""~ &ate Oepa1rnf:f\1 ofEc:oIrogy (VJA.OC€1. ana IitIe ~'9H So..on.: C~"n Ai J.t;j«q tPSCU) lk'de! t'.e0Ul AI Ael EP"~ e1ablished 1",. ~:1!o'IaI A.'l'lbierlt ~ ().;&\I)' S~..:..es tl~MQSj.,..ndI!pedt)o m.un:un ~ (;Ojanlnl)QnS b carbon r:"~1de (COl. pa:tcuIa!N:ll!t Ins rl¥Il0 l'rJOal~ r. ~ (FU<tl. ~ , m7.!er Itu 1:1." 2 5 .. ioltntlm In ~ {P' •• b}. ozcne. sub dIo'lCfl,lI!a:1, rd t\I..--q;lH\~ TheUI -pct(Jt.1l1 n ~ DileN poIIua-.cs Stb!M'.lIal CO ar'(j o.."ttIe preanor~.::s N: lead tI ~ k.mIaDon in tie ~l emru:cru CO'I'le h:Itn m;,tor~, The lederal Clean h Ad (eM) e~ ncr~..!tI! na5 lIS 9«\r-.cr~--..r.s r:ut~.1! ~ ~ as not ft'\.leCl'lg one Of fI'IOft of t"Ie NAACS ~ crJJt)' ~ ftllS we ~ Nt tIM te:I!IIlty ~ ~ ~ .. ~ till r(MQS. Rcr:t:n lin ~1lf'IGO"e a'1d CO. ~/I"~ nz ... rtbon, .. ~ e'1'is5om: i'I fie PI9d Sw..c: Regen .t o.mn:y bI!1lg N'IOt.:;ea II'IOeI' :ow ptmlCrIS ~ ,., 0Jny '.tamer1a1a1 -Pa'!' (""CUp) br ~ rod CO PSCAA ~ \'IAOC.e O!'~ til QJ!tr{ pbM. R::e EPA a:occ lie OJ W o:tr'ICt ~,,'996 In:f ht PM opla'ln zm PqrQ7~"" • .c2'lI"ltISOCt"~ P'O!fIC% II'Ik P.;-« "' -SoI.nJ ,.. ~ II~ aus ~ CD"..!o'm b I:'lI! ACJ."'A , • -CcmneroJi toIJrCeS r:A.., pcA.~~ r;v.gor~ e:om ~I'.cuaI c1r)' dIIa-tng ts~~ ID ~ ral4.""a' " -tQ(igelt'S, h regu!a'td I:y PSCAA. The s..~ R!II!Cn PO.ll\S is CUrretl:tyqJttlfrlg ~r ~ pot:k.. .. ..cn pc:._.ts , .).')rI'lIft,1:trN by rtlt "9e.-q My COl., «'011 flCSe~r.t w;:.uIU nt'tt to O:t:L,iI t:) PSCAA ~ .. 1r.Ior.s. - ~ Owt.CfII:6 of E,.hll "'ts • .,(t - ..,.~-'<"" .... -'----.•. -•. -",..-,...~ • • • , .' , • ,,' - , " , " • -' , " • , • • , ' • .. • • , i , I .... • , ". , • M .. , , ". eM •• a"", .. '*' A I."f'~' 111"' •• _·_.· ..... "· ., •• .;.<,;,.~ __ ,;; _____ _ M..-.n; ,...~.111 Icr~ .. ~ IO~. ,~ • ., OJUlft \f!ltlltlt om:UICM."~ w.:!1\ ftdotJl .~ '~~.r4 JXU\1"JIfll" ItWcIl.-MSfOftS &QM <fIIi..auat ~S and by "'~"II ~ ,~ ¥.,j I.Md \oM :Ir~!{.., Jt"¥ltatI t::Ir'Jurnot, t:l1r'A Pv9fC 5JuM ~ AQ.'JP1. P"<II tfYP ~ ct CO oS ~ 1I~ NJ\1Y. 'o\IOJ6 ~ ., ~ tc..ms. )n UItIa'I a;-ezs, 'tIC1Or ~ "~f" ... s.utIi ~018f 9:I}'.Ifm!t1Id flit CC "~UCM NI Q\IW ~ IeYe:s Wl elCeelS,. .. tv..\CS (I.LS EP.t 1m'). Thtet!acsdCO .. ~tc.* ~1'8.ColI'\IU!earoac.ays.wl ~ rU1I'JV ~ ~W"d.tf. iWt:IHW'ad wr:!t Ir;ll ""IIho.'"J A!Iod s:Jt.le ~ c:onQ!.oItS. CO QWJ::ak'm1ll tI'tC'SI iR<I5 ~ QeceMol!d "* b:Tw~ !allOt aJJng!nI ~6I ~ st3l'lcl¥:i b :-. ~Wh9'~~ ~ ci~. f!ICn poiaI'5I WIboIs ~ "hr1l',~1lC: bttIcf O_r;tn a.rJ .Tr~ ~Iot tit ~It\1lJe!nQlIT'~.1't1ll brr" ~-""'~ OltN~l':r(~~ t..:tfu.-*'tly'~fttcKlnte~~I,.NO...w ¥JXJI:cr.s(HC} !l::.:lM II p ~"'l~ II ~ d ~i':Nf 'oi4tI.CrlM tr;6: w p(W.( IOUI't8 arid fu;lwt- W'UM:r'i' of ~ ~::ACJI'~ J.I.&o.1m.,tft CZT41ew!1 ~~0C1:lJr ,":'41 ~ Del'wtan neon kd c.r.r .... '\1.1. IXII.' M~n II'Mt ~VIind ~ fie 10UtCH P~. ~ ro <Itt srnat-plI'X5n d 4'J~ SOCl ¥ld C:tT""MC tnalUll' 1IJsp6r(SM In III a:;-m;MrL Patuest.eu!>iCt 13~s., .:t ... me,....1Id al Pf.!':" Sa.wmcl~:'!6J~tnC-'rr o«Ittel,.na.W"'b::\1en, .::oj ~ 0Pieft tlurmg. JlId aI.IU lrtm ro.ac:s..~, oS)Ij C'tIIIstr.dl!;tl~, "'ott P'.J. .. ~ ... .w:.moc:::.r. ... " a'ld~ lAm; pet'..odsoll/l ~;wId Iw;I tiM of WOOd let he-at, R~ at palutar.! ~S~ 1TICIIOf~' hM ~ C)l'lSldlrolby lI:a 19ia. r-en as YeIude \''''':Ms n::teaMdfac:dy ~. ~ of .. a:'.M.I pc:&..1al'lts dl!::rNSM 1St! tle:'oteSn 19iO;rod ;nil In ~ It .. JIIIS ndcMli1 de¥'et e.. 11\ 1S;O, otna;Jllcn:n poa.:tW .riuloo." fIun!rCItot "'d!s •• !tu IIan Ny.-ere in '911] -~ W.JC1eII r.as 0CNTed ;along! w.tI ~ pt'9datlM. 6C)tOrllC; ~"II\ a'Id ~ nvel The rMtIDII tr.dl ~ ~.lI;:.::fII~ !:'om m:rt'e iOIdt:t1 h eoe ~ is fIh Jo..;.~ kI:-. ~ II'O't ~ « red'JC.tIO some ,'IOII:tlnts tlan orlln Vol .. cr~ ~ f.'OCJ touss:.o:t ~11110 re..'red 10 abPotr.JQ:I ~.attl llne dec:u5e:t:!! ~t """br::l~ (W.hJ CIIIS$lOM r~ ~ 15 pelCII'II. tt:'IIw:r:1 c:I PM10i'.ave deaeoMd 115 ~L a'dCOl'XWiP04«W {CO).r II Cdi~~ 19paolll'l {U S. EPA. ~ ~iI. pc:IIl:tard hWs "~~lIty fl •• 9d~ .. paI".tmt (ltIfJI1III ~~)U'1 i~le:.e I~agt ~'4tIdt~ t'~ JI e-ece:e-aI?-9f'I ~ ~ liB ~\Iied bn 30 miolor'I ':lilts .,1981 tJ as ~ '" 1m lP"-RG. 2!XIOI. ;lQlII;:.rlJ etI'IIIiQI •• ~ ,*,!h ~ .. ti;JCI"~ t:UClI. h3~IB&'1 ~ ~ II flea:1lF'..II polIQrIlmolt d:UeI!:.o:t Ig ~'Il(:tW.Q'I .a tvef 00'* .... ,1 of fie CO ~WI'IS1ft 1'4' P-..IQH ~ ~ ft.h ~ him ~~..-cn b.rCe'S Aego!-,. ~ .lnlqT1JlJl ttIUiSInd COcaQ"ua.~t-"~dIKn~ (hie' !It =-sst 2D J'NfI IF9#4Ii 1J The ~iAAOS b CO It-9 ppm ~ ~ fI9U houn. O!"..er e'3_~...::ot pcI:f.lr1:! ~ilW,I b\o-ed s.rni.Ir tlul 'oilS ~ t"ends. ( r <.; r. ~ t:' L - ~ - ~ -- "" • - c; , - r L r; - C ,.. t. C rJ .. l .. -··~·~-----,···,···I'-_ •. · •. ____ . __ r .... , ___ .......... _ ••• _ .. ~.M ____ '_, ••• , __ -;:-_ .... __ .,..""~_ .... . ~. " .. .. , , • , • • , " , - • , , " --. ' '. l. • jb' B -I u -, , ~ -~ -, , ..., ] ~ -J ~ j ~ --- , , n --" -I -I , - • - ,< -:. ; , " "' , - ~ • - • .' • , • , " ',- .. • . , -' " , " ~----.... __ ~ __ ~ __ ...; _______ =_,., __ ... ___ .. _ .... _ .. ~ __ ... _ ...... __ "If' PI ."" --. -8- " " " 12 • • 3 0 ,,., '93. ~ 1986 ,,.. ,m 1992 Year -t!W'd , ... ,,,. "" Tho trend "". ,opreientt the 8vert1J8 oIlhe caft)cn rTIOfIOU:l1I \'Wet. ttl'" f4I w<:\m 1h4 upper 0'"" Agure 1. Pogtt Sound CO "t"nd The F'uget &l;nd ~ Cou'd (PSRC) ca,fIII;:ed a rec;cn.aI ems5O'I ~ t) MtIuU! toO It q.gl~, ~ d Oestr.&on 2030. hi !.It~:MI T ~ ~ l~ b fie c.\~ Pi.9d So.n:I ffl90I tTw!ih 20ll The trmSGI tudI:)et tcn'l ele tales! AQ.P I'II'\Il N trust ro:o:-J 0'T'I101QI e-end ~ n V.o¥rn 1\ Tatle 1 Tho :bwnward Ite!'od n CO is e:QedeCI t;) COIItN".ue let e-.e F\lQ&! Somdregml!'mr;!'l 4'Jl'tl, b:.:11St.lf!eC'.ld tl beg:n inaUSll'lg a;ain by 2030, For oz:II'\CI,l:wI Mutt U'eI'Id IS not u pcst.'Ie Hpooc.artm r.":'.uIQns (He), Ifthch ta:~ Clrro'e 0!00e ~ in f:'e' oer," Pu;tI Sound ft9C".11lI p~ to 1r.O'tlte ~~ 2!)10 WId 2020 tnd COtIIir.ue kl h:reue ~ 2030 1"lO~, hyaoca'tOl'l en'IImm In e'~ b be tftHf tilt ~ulons ~ If'I'Ou!jh 2000. s.cut. PSRC. 1001 N.:M n."QJP 11-4* ..... Mi;'O'III ~ b fd,Ar.:s t:;rI< D"oI.'C"-"QI'\ ~ ra..: 11\'" P-.qII5t>V'd t4 ~ --- c::~:~ .. ---' ".= .. -,--=----. -'-"------'--'-' --.,. --:::---::j • , , • , , - , .. • • " " • ,. : ~ ..:"'._-'" ..... ~~,.- • I 1 I , 1" 21. Air Pollutant Emi"iqM! AI idt .. M'If ~1lir';';$1ro:n corr./l"oecd;li 1iinar.ts 01 rlCO~ p~ce:, IflIllII\e i/U ~'ld ~ on t .. IIlfI(4 IQ'd)H ~ opII'&t\cIII \!1M: WOI.Iid occ.Q' It Ito.; lfICIMct"aI ,~, Gwlet'ZIy." iII'Id res.dc!tluai rtd("iIIklp,..a JlIIGUid n. .. .,....., ~ kt porIl K.U'QI «M~I tun ifldusL'IM ~eIopmcInl It is ;assumed flaI bIilfI ~ &en; QtIeD:IO." and "'yOf!« WI V'Ict> .. $tnai operations wo.dd ~ 10 PSCAA ~ W pemIt cOh~lDll. ~ !d rtant ~.1 fI'c:m !Id.<du*w.Jdes .. iI funt:Ion of speeG iF q'JI"1) PQlll;:an.t emas~, pet ~ mill .atftd arv ~ dec'aung O~ bInt DeCAI~ ver~ OII'~'SiOn ccr.m hlvt t.oen ftl'pfOWIg ftf cI.:* .....,.~S!O'I w/'IOaes ate grallull, r9p11KeCi '/IIII~:lt0Wlf Iowff..,..:t.ng ~ E.~,;UIon, 01 :;m,Ian:s oN! tflin CO foacw ~ h.m!D CO ;.,. poti..Unl tfT'.oS.ott as~iII!edYll1h ~4t'I~ sa.a'CeS goner,., tIM :tteguHl:polIen~aI b., quau~ ~ads at. mull eI r~MlIIC~!Ie$ 0UtII!I ~11hrI woUd tie Q:)I'ls:n.don 01 wilriou1 .nptrVtu\t!nb, WK:WrIg roajl. oSJiel, r4 ~ ~ ~II"'" ~I' .. em:.S$GlI Iran he:iII\-,.dUry COI'I$!r\rd:otI equ:pT:ttll {sudl H ~. baclhoes, ~ ctiIlet~ ~fueled Il"iOO.Ie 1OUr000S {I\!C'I as !n.Idts. broc:t!IJ. and S'lI'eePIIIsi. cs..na. .. .d gas.fUeIo}:J QM8f1lOrS, Ind on-lind 0II'·,,1t pr¥d~a:ed ~ (sud! as stniCe!niO.s, PC;'IPS. ex) ConIt'llcD:llI ~.:so ~a18 Ng:t.'YfIllIlt FU;:!M ,,",nG'll Ir:m ~:icu!oIl. tI'.at\Of \tis fll/l10 :nc;r(l1";!1«$ In t:,· .• tF't.l,)).-ouI:I be .".ooa!ed tnCt C&mOtIlOn. ,gtlt.1lil bCI~",)flcn, QIf·at\d·fA ~,an1 c::t1stn,d:..n. COn,~ erntSso:nJ WOCId be ~3~~1 oumg e3f!tlwork 0CU"0i~, r«ause troU tnMlklns 'II'QUl!.1C111 ~soaalcd wtltl rno~ dn Il'lIle r!!OOYdo;Imer-l Mea . PM ~ en~UlOIIS M)IJId 'tNy ever N CCU'$t 01 rr.w~.ent. de~dll9 on 1I1.1e~'eI of otC)v:ty, spoof;: operr..oos. and WC3:t:I~ <»d6o\.&, _M i • l I " • -. • i. ! 10 8 ~ ----. ----. --- -' -_.--_. 2'" ---. -... --p . .u _ . ------_._----~ -- -'--_.---. - -'-,-_._'--_.-------- -----'- . -----.-.-.-.----- . . --_ ... _--- ./ ---.-'---'-7 • ~::~ ~~ ---_.-.----1 • • • -" .. • .. UtiD (";0 .. , ...... , FJqu,.. 2. Puglt Sound Veh/d, EmlulOf'l' for V.!1ous 5,)Hd1 and Viars oor.~,~~~~~,~---------------------------------------rllJll!,"'"' mdMc. • L'" [ -• l r .. r -- G Q r; - , ~ : .. ' . -,~""'~.4.''''.'''''~--------.''.''·--"'''-''~''''"?''-~-.-,,,·--··· ................. w •• --..... --""-:o-----.......... . .' L . , . .. • . . • , • '. • '. .. ~ • '. • .. " • • • • .. , • • ,'~ ;- ". J.' , " ' . . -• • . ;' .. \ . ':::J' • , .j" '. . , ..' • • , , r: -. "I • ---•.. ", • _ . .----_ .. , .... ...."". . -;~ , ,,~ ,= • • • • I--., '-' "-PI • -.. , ~ ., " ~--.oo ~ ....... , ~ . . , --Operalionallmpacts of the Altematives . • . ~.I!"'11.:I'ICIet ex!! cf!he .lI'.erna:J1M wout::I (ten IocaWId b'~~ c:em.nf 1'1 t'Ie Re:;t:;fl • -f w:n.1y Ift-~ ~ IS noI ~'rI1tIe RIl!'lIOtI ~ ¥u i: ...oJIdtU!y ~ d..:s:ttIJ~ M -tlSe""'.ete "'l~ 111ft P\q.1~:1 res;cn The l"Dusett It.r.spcr'.r.cn etrr'.3I'tC: ~ 1}J:.u,e t:e d'.s~:tO ese-~e , "" • J TtwI b'.aI rt1tw1a! tf".e::: CI'I"~ ~ poIo,r.ar.1 tm-S5>OtlS ~ ~ 00 In., de~«!: • ~ 6s!l"t:tr.cn If tr"oe de'.'d:pT.en! IS CS~ted Mf'l« IMt e... ~ we &"d doe, I"o<A ~ 01 ~ d ., com.'T~ Jnd r~..ai 11'1' 9~ lVea It. ~ 'l«iida ,'..c gt!nefnd In N P.~I ScuI.;J ~ wcuki be ;:u:er e"IarIl.'\deJ:-.e a::en.t.e\ X h oe-.-t';!p It'l:" CiI!'.~ ~ and ~~ • .J ~ e-.e 111uc, ~ ~U5 n ".0 I~ II: c:oaA: rescn r'I ~ W tr~.,taI 0ema."U ta1 t1e - ~b'TIa!t.t$ Eecat:so al:emalr~ .. rog.tNl ~s tI J'tl"o't ~t'I~1'd be P'Cf.OII':l at I:'atme. r..e ~ IctaIl~ ef.ed on a:t pot.a;on ""!l(lQi'.ed WI!! :t:e 12 naftneeS In Ir~t;on Oetr...n:l ClI'I flC( bit -J cm~J'bl, tui t.1I1 bIl n.umed 10 DI small (U.S, E"4.lIX11j -lOQ.1:£.C poOI.r.tems$lCt!S ~ be CDI"'~~based CtlII'~·,lpCf"r.oo Oei .;a:.d a.!':~ be1~!fIt J a.'~na:r..e! VdIlde M::es Tra-~ (WT) &"d "~age spet1l otUooa'1:dw.!I Ita rt:e,dcp"enlllr.Q!f ead! of t'".e ~~5 wm cab.J!r~ for II"oe PM DOal ~ br T r.lrup:lUrm En;neewg ro::~ llC (TEh"N) (Ta!lie 2) The ~(l(lr'I ~ pc'.l1ant tmlS5Q.'\~ II~ v.-!:h I!x:'! a:.mJ!ue __ • " cMo.:la~ by m.t.!:;l/)Ylg L"le VMT (laSt 2) f.xeac:'l ... .em¥.r.1l 'II('tl t.e lpp'opri.J:C emosso'! bdor F9'A • 2J cooSlOOnng tl':e 1I...era;e ~d 3IlIl)'toll ApprO":-.2'.tiy len ~lcI tr.L'fIcor:=n a~ ~ PM ..I peak~ t.ere!;)re. II ns asSume<! lot ~ZJ't'II pulpcw;s ~~ len pert:en: o! C'J!f:e 1!!T./u..cr.$..oJd J CXQA'dul!ng b! pe:.ll hour • J ,., I -" ,. J .. ~ ~ __ 'n:'1"'~bblUttlfJ!-o.'ItJl'!l!_ ;'C.lO~\V&UM(OIIl'!:!:c6i Iq;:>etf"'_ -~ II "C , ..... ~ o:<tno~ ~ h~.JVI:Ii! , .... '<4...,." '.~ o:oc;.\W!" "" tll""",,1iflCiII ~"r. Cra'l US • 3 The 11M 01 a'o'e!'itgt ~j a'!d the imutt'.p'.on tQt he PM pe.JiI~., em:ss..::m ~e ten pet"tl:"Jcf:-t~ em.'ulons are tdn ~r..'I'e beca-~.,e 1fle1 an.&ne nf..cltltoughOo.lt ~ CJrope:a~ w,:ta.1f In:-t P;.I p"..ak poood. Ovring oll·pe.». Pi!OOCIs. adull t"a~ YGlJI'::es ar.Io.er, .wt!~ ~~ tS 1'I9".er, ~ CXl¥i~ is f~: tleIefure,lhe ~ tn'n:\lO.1S CIr.ny h c~.pe.)k PlI'iOd WCUId "'~ be leu :-.:P'II:'..::s.e ctnootd ~ ..... ill'llilese peal-peric..d ."SIMT'.f«IIS ;.,s a re,ult. t:leto:.t: d .. ..,. ern:won. utlC« tl.:h ~~ woul::l ~tlybl!l les s 'I1I.lf'I1!le '1a\1es s/'.o'lll!l in laUe J, h::we~'fI', ~ re/I!;"l! r~"ng W\)J\::j be fht lintSO ~e ~a::Qnod t:y ~ melhod 60 pcWcfe a "Ito\! ~lJCn cf IoclI ern::u:.c;ns be!wen 'I1Ie a':nrr:.at'm , 1 M " • • ~ Oww'c~:z0' • .., c"'..,.. . .", C't'IJoNtc • f w ~. ---, , --, -.--, . • ~ • • L • • . , . • , . • , -, 1 ---.J • ' . • , • , • . , , , • ••• .c_ , '-, ," , , .. , ...... ,----~,~_F'~.~ ...... " .... __ ~~_,., __ ...;. __ . ___ . ___ '.' ' .. , . .' ! f I . 1 1 , • L • , . . ' '. ,. .. local "'" ~tlcf ~11n::rn It* ... w:~~ ~ .... ~ ... , ~ ~JIJ ~ 0I'i!he year and ~ \MT (T;Df J). ~ 01 tA QIIwvatl ... f)U!'.3:8 cflocal emi!o1KM Iu ud'I d!:t ,.lIrl\at."itl ~ h f\t!Pal ilnll/a'\S ~ IT Q I} fcf txf\ pcA.'f¥Illht'Inltlal !fie ~'ed ~ are t a1 0 ~'" of ~!~ hnifd .. :.on ~ ~r1 8tcauM!JIC ledtt/Clugl .111'1 ". Rer.~ atiU ..c(ItJ ~ '1'C:1iI1h flat ~4 aitl!t'IICM oc:;'.v ~ " cr:e ?ugeI Sound 1'!';O'l. f.:uc:ro; IIxaI ~I "'ChI' Meas no SU~~ ~u:t t1ll1SoOI'illiII QIlai-!y WO'JIO t'f: o,~ IJIldef lWI1 cf the -- Wta~I!,It\det .uuna!ltf 2 ~ ~ at: k;~ b /II 01 \fie ~emK~u ElMSati UI'Idet ~IO!I'a!I~ 2 ...:IUd bt 'WI4I ~ lasl 0I't J"'~ !.'1m ;..t!mIllt." 1. k'temah'ItJ 1 and 4 ~ be bir arod sti1e1ll'l poI!l:&lt~. ~..,. CI'I ... Wt;e t'\<W\ A~al; .... 11\ 201$ INS tr.f!lib:! n:fltI:1'1IN pe:eent ~u'« iI\ 1J)'" At. ".1Jta;e ~k ~ ro.')111;J'f M:1ItIrk c:lI\~<lJiOII3M :rJ,!!oecrt1J13tJcn Wiaoo ~ rtdt~t.ea" SjleC,'i!I'\oe a f'ere:s '10 ~11 ,eoe~"'4!Ir.f;:Q\. Pra ~ "~IUI" ar,tNC:lOn 01 fW,,~;ed "'.Xdo".s I b:3I n'.ersa<:!IOI ,lfroei ~ ... .%"'" 1lI'OtI'Il te CC!IpIe:ed j:I\It1U,m Ii:I WAC 113-120-120, VIitwcft ~ :tr.al5ll cI rewy ~aJ..:21 r~ #I" quatrty r.onJlU3M'!l!1llind m]!r.It1!;ar.a! weas 1}u; anilt'"..a.~ be Q)',;ltled Itt 111. J(IeCik l,'\~ ~ fret'Niy Int!l!ttlat1Q4 e:onfi;u';J\.On II'Id tKJI.aI ~ ~ YQJ;: CO!i~ 'ItII'lde cp&:1t.or!5 anoo.J~ w.:Ill!le ~ ptopoHd IMld uses n 1!Ie IurJfQ RedP\~UII""" 01~.e olI".Ml\a1i~ WOII:;j""" be f!.ped.ed t:I eause ~n~".car:1 oo~erse ~ to rt:;a'\III ar b"..aI a. ~, ~iI till 8l.pICed tx.id«lt ~ ¥IIi fllTT4Wt1 1rend1. IrI~HCtOtHeveI CO ..... r.:a:tatUs WOIIId be :n:Ii!!\e!1I11 ~r" lI'I~all c!ulln; I ~ ,*~se of d!!~I!O ensure ;;iII h"''6~ad ;;G&V.at\1 CQlDr'I:r.a:IOnI....::lllid nee,~ h NMOS Air Qualfty lmp!cts OtIrln9 Construction The p."9!t ~ OtWl Nt ~ IP$CAA) ~I gartlCula'.t trM5IOIIS (n /tit 10m! 01 fu;;' e 0.1' ~~ Id",t!es) ~~ WOUld tOJCe err.tSSloM!rom ct'I'1$~ llehldet m ~ar'l!J '4!'.-e """'loOnl 01 ~~a:. trIb:'JIIIHs M 10 ntlCl'OIf'IlI!l!I$ '" ILlt (Pl.IlC) dllr'lI1g ~ ~~ e'l~atP.YI euI·¥'d·U~.mns, ~ rc;d and bU~ 1;iOO\1!NctlotI. Co:1slrl.d:Jn ¥1JIJIorI'.....::ukI r..gteatt-SJ OUn:l!lIN e.¥tl'OIQI1c phiI~ of eldl rd'~ road.lty rs bI/tdi.'G;lfott'Cl ~M rrotIl!tM"llonl .-..M b. usoal'.ed "" t'lIIlOW'O eM. ........... ---.... .......... Pit. _ .. ..,~ .... "'_'J.' ___ ~'n' "' .• "'"_ .. • .' .. (i r - r - r ,. ~ ,. • • ,.. L -, '- - '--t '- r L • r: , ~ ,... l -I " ,.. L r, - C r ... L. , ::r , '. , • • • , ' , " , , , • . • . .. • .. , , • 'r: " ' • • , • , • '. , -- , -- ., .J '1 -J -J ..l 1 - "" J ,J I 1 ~ - --- , , " • -_._---'--' " .. ,. --'''-'' _. ____ ' .. _, --... -.~-,-".,,'."---.... __ ._,,-'-I p, '00 ...... Tilt quMl~1'f ci ~ erns~' tIIOI.M be p opor1lQn.ll = f'.e na dille to'lW'~t#;fa:cm arid DIt 1e-..eI olecbw:ty. Pfllo)et1'IUICm w,o IIO.iC Cf:;Itnd tJ) lOll! 1:'OS~'e 1M crJi:erd of soil, \WId ~ ¥-d N iJToOIP'.Il1t1d type d ~a!J\g eq~~ Laver em! ~ 'II'O'Jd ~ rut ~ ~.r..e, an: h fiV.,dt, tII!lUI.:1 be~e(I 0* ;re~ c.~~ Vttn h' crr.sll't:CtGn .. loO Eae:1 CifI ~ mAr.lSetMnl5 01 s;n~ CUS! «I't$SoO'I' bm ccr.str\.ICfIDI'I P'c,&eJ ;wi ~~'lIl'.a:t etrnSlCrlliCOt k:t W'lSt'uc:Ol operr..cnl ttCI.IkI De t 2 toM pet ac:e oIo:r,~ ~ mor~af 1II!t.-:tf (U S EPA, fPW) Emu:ons'flOUlcl be 1cQ/ced ~ 1m ~ iWei w.l\ ¢."$~ or ~to::c aM """""" 1II ..... 'taI to ~~ amSlOtlI, MIVt r-...os ¥\dCdSIl"..tWo eq~JQ~ed tJ~ an:! d.nd erv~1 wout:l ger:eta~ S/T'.a1 ~.4I~, CO, rod Ilo. II'! u"l~):erm~. If ~~.c wla:'".e dC~e1 wert' to n::'e~ ¢.f'ge':.oo.wl red.,:e ,:,,e ~ ct c!tler ~ In ~.e;a, etmSiJrq frt)m Ir~ 'IIQAO t'lCfelr..e 1eI1W~/ .. t'1it t'IOW Y!t.oe$.e ~~ These em:~ ~ b! II.'1TlpcfaIl rw;4 itrad 10 h "'i~ i'l'tlltll'tOllndng C'le Cl)f\$tnc..Gll ~ No cn-nbo-'"nI:'I;::I tIitsI'I cr ct:cr Crllns 'IIOUkI be o·,ed MitigatIon of Air Quality Impact • 6e'"~ie r.o s¢ear.t a.::-m1e ~aI !111!!ic II( Q,:a..!y ~ 0" t~peQ'd D'\Ct CXl!l1.~ is car~:e. ro repar1~ ope'OI~;s! tta!!1C t:';~ t'ICUI be rtlqC(ed S~intellt':'~1eI m:'93:m ~ t..e t'tiJia3:ed I'fO' t:I e:ompIe'mn ct I>..ture ~-<:II\ "r.~\li! ccru~ If olIl~r W'.~OJI a:~ lI'Idus!itai ~~I.ons rr.eel PSCAA ,tq:Jrtl'lltnlJ, 1'\O~C1 ~:m:l '9;~QrJ I6eI'H iU ~.,..~ w~ =, Ollrt:l; ~'"'V:li:ln tesl ~I P'~ <:oJId be ftqJrec! 10 I"'..er.,tu t;;.:.w~~ ~s P::!!llIk! tes1~ prJaa!S a."Id m!:!;1Jt.o'I measlJlu ItIlXII'It"ilI FJ..':$, ~ (f; ~'!e n'~ ...0 £mI1$br.s cf co ana NO. dI.:mg a;JtS!\'1,lC;On n bile:! DeIo-.w jks«.ted Ge!'~ Cor:Pc_~dvt~. 'iOn • Sptay:\; ~pcsed SOil ~ wa!!:r or cl:Ief 1WS1 ~ol!MS I¥OU~'~ e"l1::!oW>s d PIJ =:" d!«IV..o'I d ~fr",:er. • ~ ~t"..o.s t'an~ miJ~ -.etn; n'~~ 'i=\ "ucU.OI' ~n;~Jf".e tr~ (Q.Et f::wn !he &:lp of he ;r.a:eN!l tI 0'Ie !cp cf !he ~ I ~ teI!Jce f't.I ..: II'Id 0Q'l5IXn do ~ c1:mg ta"I~5on • ContJ;n~ and ~e.y ISJ;IOSt'l~ 01 a'l)' .~s:CS nI ~-tattC pu.:5 cnmg re.iOt3 at ea~ ~ -o..Id ttdIJOe I:1t' ~ ofe-.ese t!elT"ot'ltJ In!:" !he tflW~'N:;l • PrOVIding ."tIed .as. .. .ers ., f'!It'~ .... pa:tcula:.e ~::er Nt ~ ..o.k ~ ~ o.'!s.-:e WOIi.:i Oecreil~ cstp.».~ o! ~'1e matter en alt. rtI~uys • Remcq ~~::tIf ""POS:.ed en ~~ ~ ~ IMXI'd re4V:e ~ a:l~ ~ ~ oostonna rNCfI'p . • ~ and sOltduI;r.g ecr.s~.::n truds to re:l0I08 CIeIiI)'1 ID Ifllf'!c clUm;~. b7lel ~~ ..a.1:3leC!UC1t ~ air qvJI:ty ~ ca.;~ e,. a r~1n ~a1!c ~ \II~ """!In; b CD'oStru::!.;Y! ~ • P\acitIg ~ ~ ~ ~e t'\ids en!t1 ~ roles would ~ mw Ita.:)!.q.t • Gt~ cr pM\9 ha..! roads 10 rea-Jet e¥tOJa'J,I ~ • ~ appropri!"!:e e:M~ eev.oes on a!I oons:ruc:.on tQ:.>~mm!poIIot:lce by ~!W!Of OeM! fu.!! ~ leooot CO a'ld t.o. emiuq,lll'l vthlCUl.lr tl."la.'St O-'C'"~ot _ E"gtl .. "", b t""""u ---.. --~..,.~_~~., .. '_._....,~ •• ______ • ·v • ,I • , , • " . " , • , " • • " " . ... '. , , .-J " , . • , • " " " r-. , .. . ' , , • • ,- , • - , , " • '. • .' • , .~ ,J • , . ' , , , • Vtni j ~~;ec., ~UIint(l~..ouI<J rtd:.a co WId.No. I17lI$W'I' ?,o,rt;ng 0<~.d»)'UCl:s ., .. ;,y ron:,~ .. ea ~ m.t\IIt!'.ta 1MC)'.¥lQI r.m ct",t. • • --~~~"'''--'.''''-~~""''¥.~ ••• '~'''.''~'··~·~""'.3"~···~-~··.·-'-"'-'"'-'-" .. ----_:,.'.'-~--" . ' '" .•. " " " " .. " , ' .. n n '. C r- i. ~ , " ~ ~ -\ (. • • -, L -, - :J • • • • • • .. • • >.' , , " 1 -.., --- ~ J ~ J J -, :J <'"I W " -J -'. ~ -. , -• -' , I -, , I ~ "'j --l -' - -1 - , - '. • , , • " , , • " .r .... Ref.rences A"ooa!~ CMMa! Con!tidotJ 01 Vla.s.~ GIJd! ,,, ~ FIJ9.IrIW WfI fr.:m ~ Prrit«1, c.~ .... VIA. 1997 Q1)' of Rtn:on, 200J 8:lmg Rtr.:;'JII ~fI:Nt P.an /.trwIIJtrert Dta" EIS RerQI. WA. 2XJ. PuQe! Sa..nd ~aI Courtcl Aur-~! 2000 p.~, ScILn:J T ~ ~" ;-fit"1C r4 Venor II.Ju Tra'l'tled St.l::-.e. YO;., 2000 Pu;el SO'J1'14 Re90naI CouI'lOl f.by 2001 Oe::r..l!DCWllOJO ~ rrr.'..pc.t!1/Jct: PfMI Ir¥t!IIt CAr.traI ~I Sotnd R.v.on Se.a:lle. WA 2001 P!:9rl $o(nj ~iOI'''' Ca.net 2t.\J1 G~tnu ItJt ~ ~tM! U:e or ~ CO A!:JWt CMptA Ftiu for Pr--;«t LMJ Q)n.'om-.ty. 5--A!:Ie, WI. 2001 U 5, EnY.o'\Wl\e1I1a! Protecca A!;enq. 1m. AIit~, IIf'Id Ca-oon 1JoIJc~ f~ Sheet ~ EPMCM,;. F·92-005 A.~ Ar:la'", Moct\Igan 1m. US Errtl."OI'.tMI\taI P:t!\IY.':lcn A.~. 2000 Co.~mg I.'I!~' 1::1 A.ue:: TIMtt;lOr.~JQ(I1!:o' lor Owitllmp«!: of ~ .. Ja: and tJom7 Otve.~ Ora!'~ 2000 US. EnVOOl.7Ief!t.aI ~~. 2(7,)1 1~~1t1g k Cb!;ty ~ L.r.!d Use kt-.~L EPA:2G-R-Ol. 001 ,2001 , us. ElIwOflITIe1\ta/ Pr~ ~ 2002 u·~st Fn1n;s ('., '~.:i M a....I..oy mr SlM'<o!l Mi T~ Rep:r.I N!mDer EPA-l5.&IK-OUOt. Was."IIngbnMni .. i:oLi.oe ~ Iggfj a-~ 17J.,tm Co.':I.JI'mtyrJ T~:o:»1~ k:llot~l 10k O..:aQ;r' I~ PI¥!:. ~,\\'IS.'IIng:en I~ \.,~.!)'I SU2 ~ d E~. G:.:~ fa Con.':::nr.qo IN As ~"Y k..a.l(s.;s An:st ... ~" '~1or!61 Oyrropu, WW~. I~ Wasftlnr(.3'l Sta!e~.: 01 Et::IIo!;y. 20C0-ZOOl AI 0:.W!y TlMts O~1tp.&. W&'lrIgm.. 2OO.J • • r ~.'-~---,.-.-----..,., ""-'--'~::1 , " -, • , • , " .. , " " " " , " • " •