HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1539, - � ,. , ]► . -, - _ • � • ' , ORIGINAL t. � - v � � L 1 . • . RESOLt11Z4N N0. ��j� � � WHBAEAS the City of Renton, a municipal Corporatioa uader the laws sad statutes II o� the State of Washington, and RENTON SCHOOL DISTRIC? N0. 403, a muaicipal corporation �re desirous to affirm and declare their mutual intentiona to work cooperatively to pr-ovide facilities and services for the beaefit of those citizeeta whom they jointly aerve, to the extent permitted by law, A�1 TEiEQEFORE, BE IT �tESOLVED BY THE 1rWY0R AND ?HE CITY COt1NCIL OF ?H8 CITY �' R8N?ON, ' taASTiI�GTON, AIdD THE SCHOOL BOARD OF xBNTON SCHi00L DISTRICT NoO. 403, JOIIIYL?, AS tOLIAWS: SEC?I0�1 I: A poli,cy ia herebq established by said Municipal bodiea to bCt�edule and hold periodic meetings for the purpose of diacussiag mutusl problema and cooperative projects, to form jdnt committees to study aad make recommeadatioas to their reapective legislative bodies conceraing subject �atters conaidered to be of iaterest aad benefit to both safd muhicipal corporations and to seek additional areas of cooperation which � may result ia monetary saviags aad be of benefit to the public generally, all to the --*p�r permitted under existiag laws or thoae hereafter eaacted for the beasfit of s�id municipal corporationa aad such joint uadertakiags. SECTION II: It is recognized by both parties hereto the mauy serd additional r_seds of our citizens for aew sod improved educatiow 1 and recreatioetal facilities a*.:d services and both parties hereby agree to uee their best efforts to meet these I needs without lacin an uadue burdea u on the tax er. Zn this eonaection both P B Y p P8Y parties emQbasize the aecessity for tho�ough planoiag fot jofnt uae facilitiss aad other cooperative efforts so as to result in the best employa�ent of the resoureea of each muaicipal corporatioa on behalf of aad for tbe benefit of tbe publie. SSCTIOIQ II1: In order to implement the foregoiag, both par ties agree that their flrst effort shall be directed toward the satablishmeat and operatio� o� s joint recreatfonal a�ea 1n the City's Highlaad Park and both part�se pledge themaelvea to work toward the creation of a coanprehensively-planaed, eooperatively finaaced a�d co�structed public facility, to the extent permfttad by lat�. within s�3d area. May 6, 1968 PASSSD A�TD ADOPTED BY THE RE1�I CIT1f COIRiCIL�A�TD ?HE RSNTON SCHOt)L 1�ISlRICT t?0. 403, HUARD OF TROS?EBS, this 23rd dap of M�y, . /s/ Roger I. Lewis �� C:iairmsn,of Board, Raaton School Mayor, �ity of itauton District Dlo. 403 _�- ��� City �l�rk, City of Reaton