HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1203 < r , . i �- t�RIGiNAI �' - Y .. �, . ,0":���, �� �� , , _ R�SOLUTIOP? I�0„ 1203 � y� n R'LSOLUTIOI�T aF TIT� CITY OF R�r?T0�?, z���1'�SHINGTON, FOR TH� ; r'�OPTIOI�I, Mt�IT?TEA�ARTCE ANB n�MITdIS'TRlaTION OF THE POSITION CIASSIFICATION �1T]D PAY PI.,Ah:S. I - DE�'IP?ITIOPdS Definition of Term.s: For the purposes of these po�icies and ruZes, the follocaing terms shall be defined �s indice�ted. a) �illocation - means the assignMent of 2n individual position to an appropriate c�ass on the basis of the kind, diffa.culty, anc res- �. ponsibility of the work perfor�ed in the position. b) City Council - me�ns the City Council of the Cit;� of Renton. c) Class - means a position or group of positions t�.at involve - similar cuties and responsibilities, require similar qualifica- tions, is designated by a single title indicative of the kind of wortc, and for which the same pay range can be �pplied with equity; d) Demotion - means 2 change in employment status fro� a position � of one cl�ss to a position of another class having a Io�aer sa�,2.ry maxiraum iimit than the original class, � e) E�ployee - �eans those employees in the cit;T service of the City. of Renton. � • f) City Service - meens the employees of the City-of Renton Municipal Government as defined in Section II - 2, g) Promotion - me2ns a change of eu�ployment from a position of one class to a position of another cZass c��hich has a higher maximum ' salary rate. I h) Probation�ry �ipl.oyee - means an emp2oyee who regularly works - for the City of P,enton, but who has not y2t successfully com- pleted the prob2tionary period. i) P�ayor - means the �;ayor of the City of Renton or his du11� author.- ized representative .or subordinate. j) Vacancy - means a position duly created ana not occupied by an incumbent. . II - GENERF�L PROVIS IONS 1 . Purpose : The purpose of these rules and regul�tions is to set forth the principles and procedures that are to be f ollowed by the City of Renton in putting into effect, maintaining and administering its position c2a�ssification anc� pay plans f or the City of Renton, r`Y � ,._ 2. Scope: These rules and regulations appZy to all City of Renton positions, as defined; in the service of the City except the follok�ing: a) Members of the CitSr Council b) The Mayor • , c) The City Treasurer � d) The �ity Clerk � e) Such other employees cs the City Council shall except including but not limiting it to the Police Judge, City Attorney, City He�lth Officer, and Civil Service Secretary. III - THE POSITION CL�ASSIFICATION PLAh� 1 Devel m . op ent of the Plan: The Ma or sha�l re are and maintain a o i- �� _ Y P P P s tion classification plan with shall provide a complete inventory of a12 positions � in the Gity of Renton municipal government and accurate descriptions and specifi- ' . `� cations for each class of employment, which Plan is attached hereto labeled � , ', "Exhibit A" and made 2 part hereof 2s if fully set forth herein, consisting of 66 pages, The plan shall standardize titles, each of *�;hich will be indicative of a def inite range of duties and respon.sibilities and G�ill have the same meaning throughout the city service, The classification plan, and any amendments, revisions ` � • � . . � �tiGit�Q�. ' I , . . .� , �, . or changes thereto; shall becoace effective when approved by the City Council st a regular meeting thereof; 2. Composition of the Classification Plan: The cZassif ication plari shall coneist of: a) A grouging into classes of similar positions which are approxi.mately equal in diff iculty and responsibility, which call. f or the a�e gener�l qualifications; and which can be ,compensated equitebly within ttie same range of pay under siniilar wbrking conditions. b) Class titles, descriptive of the work of the class; which will identify each class. c) �7ritten specifications for each class of positions, containing a des- cription of the nature of work and relative responsibility of the positions in the class; desir2ble requirementa in terms of knowledge, abilities and skills for performance of the work; atid a statement of the trsining and experience considered desirable f or candidates applying for employment in the class. d) Records showing the class to which each position in the city service is allocated as identified by the name of the current ineumbent. 3. Use of the C�assification Plzn: The Classification plan shall be used: a) In recruitment eff orts. b) �1s a guide in preparing any examinations that may be given to measure the abilities needed to perform the work of the class. cy In determining lines of promotion and developing any employee tr�ining program. d) In determining salaries to be paid f or various types of work. e) In determining personal service items in the departmental budgets. f) In providing uni.f orm job terminology understandable by all adminis- trative off icials� employees, and the general public. 4, Class Specif ications: Class specif ications are to be interpreted in their entirety and in their relation to others in the classification plan. Partieular phrases or examples are not to be isolated and treated as a full de£inition of the class. Specif ications� are deemed to be descriptive and explanatory of the kind of work perf ormed and not inclusive of all duties �ahich may be assigned. 5. Class Title: Class titles, or designated code symbols, shell be used in all personnel, accounting, budget, and f inancial records. No person shall be appointed to or employed in a position in the city service under a title not in- cluded in the classif ication plan. Specif ic working titles used in the course of departmental routine to indicate authority, status in the organization, or admfnis- trative rank may be used for such purposes. � � 6. Maintenance of the Classification i'lan: The Mayor is charged with the responsibility for the proper and continued maintenance of the classification pl.an so that it will reflect the duties being perf ormed by each employee in the city service and the class to which each position is allocated. Revisions of class specifications and reallocation of positions wzthin the approved clessification plans shall be made subject to approval of the City Council, as follows: a) The Mayor shall study the duties and responsibiiities of eaeh new position as it is created and on the basis of this study, place the position in the appropriate class within the classification plan. b) Department heads shall report changes in the duties 2nd responsibi- , lities of a position to the Mayor. If they are permanent, and of _.2- . � . . � • • ` .r �� ��IR°Ht „ . - such a nature to req�ire it, the positions shall be realloc2ted to the appropriate class. At the request of a department head or an employee, or on his own initiative, the Mayor may revieo� the daties of 2ny position, and, if warr�nted, may reallocate the position, c) The Mayor shall review the classif ic�tion plan periodically, and upon the basis of his investigations, may determine that classes be com- bined or abolished, or that new classes be established, IV - THE SALARY PIAN . 1. Composition of the Salary Plan: The scl.ary pl.an shall include: a) The Schedul.e of Standard Salary Rates and Ranges as set forth in Schedule I entitl.ed "Pay Ranges i n Monthly �.mounts" as adopted by the City Gouncil, subject to amendments and modifications hereinaf ter enacted which Schedule I is attached as an Exhibit hereto labeled "Exhibit B", and made a part hereof as if fully set forth herein. b) The Officia2 Salary Plan (consisting of minimum and maximum r2tes of pay and intermediate steps f or all classes of positions included in the classif ication plan) as set forth in Schedule IV as adopted by the City Council , subject to amendments �nd modifications hereinaf ter enacted which Schedule IV is attached as an Exhibit hereto labeled "Exhibit C", and made � part hereof as if fully set forth herein., . 2. Development and Naintenance of Salary Ranges:. Salary R2nges shall be: related directly to the position classification plan and shall be determined with due regard f or the following f�ctors: the ranges of pay for other classes, the relative difficu2ty and responaibility of the class, the 2vailability of employees in particular occupationa2 categories, prevailing rates af pay for similar em�- p2oyment in private establishments and other public jurisdictions in the general �rea, cost of living f�etors, the financial policy of the City of Renton, and other eeonomic considerations. The Mayor sha21 make comparative studies of factors affecting the level of salary ranges as often as necessary. On the basis of information derived from the studies, he shall make proposals to the City Council for necessary changes in salary ranges. IVecessary adjustcnents shall be accomplished by increasing or de- creasing the salary ranges by the appropriate number of ranges, but within the basic salary scheduZe. The rate of pay for each employee sha11 be adjusted by the appropriate number o£ steps in con£ormance with the adjustment of the salary ' I range for the class. 3. Appointment Rate: The minimum rate established for a class shall be paid upon appointment, except that appointment rates above the minimum rate mey , be authorized if the department head submits reasons in writing and it is approved by the Mayor. Approval will be based on the exceptional qualifications of the appointee or inability to employ eligible candidates at the minimum rate. 4. Pay Increase on Completion of Probationary Period: A one step pay increase shall be granted each employee upon the successful completion of the probationary period of six months. l+ll subsequent increases shali be provided �s detailed in th� i.maediately succeeding section; If such increase is nAt -3- '�'� � • ,� � � . t��EGINA.. � �� grantied; the employee shall be so notifiec� and his employment terminated. 5. Salary Increases: Employee salary increases to the next higher salary step sha12 be based on meritorious performance at the present salary step auby stantiated by the department he�d and approved by the Mayor and the City Council; This provision precludes automatic step increases in an amployee's salary. Or- dinarily, salary increases shall be Iimitec� to one step, and shall not be granted cnore frequently than once a qear. Salary increases of more than one step or at less thEn annual intervals may be approved f or exceptionaliy meritorious service when supported by written statements of the department head approved by the Mayor and the City Council. 6. [,1hen Pay Increases shall be Granted: The Mayor shall review the work performance of individual employees periodically ar as often as deemed desirable to establish eligibility or non-eligibility for a pay inerease, as provfded in the immediately preceding section.� In �11 inatances, all pay increases shall be f ar a full pay step. No fractional step increases may be made. 7. Pay Rates in 'Transfer, Promotion or L?emotion: If an employee is trans- ferred,. promoted, or demoted, his rate of pay far the ne�1 positi.on shall be deter- mined 2s fo�.lows: a) Tf the rate of pay in the f ormer class is less than the minimum rate established for the class of the new position, the rate of pay shal� be advanced in the minimum for the class. b) If the rate of pay in the former class is more than the maximum rate establishec3 f or the new class, the pay shall be reduced to the maxi- mum rate or an inte,rmediate step of .the new range as determined by the Mayor a-nd approved by the City Council. c) If tr.e rate of pay of the former class fa1Zs c��ithin the new range of pay and at an established step in the r�nge of the new class, the sa2ary � rate shall remain the sacne in the case of transfer; shall be increased one step in case of promotion; and, at the discretion of the Mayor, shall remain the same or shall be adjusted to a lower step in the case of demotion. d) If the previous r2te fa11s within the new range of pay, but does not correspond to an increment in the new range, the rate of pay shall be adjusted to the next higher increment if the aetion is a promotion or transfer, or adjusted to at least the next lower incre�nt if the aetion is a demotion. 8. Travel and Other Officia2 Expenditures: The preacribed rates of pay do not include allowance f or off iciaZ travel or other expenditures incurred in the conduct of City of Renton businsss, or allowances made to emploqees foT the officia2 use of privately owned automobiles. �nployees will be reimbursed f or sueh expenses in amounts determ_ined and established by the Ordinances and Resolutions bf the City of ltenton, and as same may be amended from time to time. 9. Total Remunesation: The prescribed rates of pay includes payment f or alI work perf ormed even though work may be perf ormed in more than one departme�tt, but does not inelude payments for longevity, or special rontinuing assignments! if any. -4- • ' ` � , ' � ��6��tU�.. . �0, �ay £or Part-Time L?ork: ?�Thenever an employee worlcs for a period Iess . . . .. .. . . _ than the regul2r establishec� number of hours a day, days a �eeic, or weelcs � month, the aMount paid shall be proportion�te to the time actually employec� for the cl2ss, unless special circumstances require some upc�Tard revision of th� rate, Such revisions shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor. , 11, Hourly Rates: fihe Mayor may determine that houriy rates of pay be _used for certain classes of positions, or f or certain individual positions within' classes, when conditions of emp2oyment in his opinion a�arrant such action, , �itates set by such action shall be consistent with the est�blished monthly rate a� shown in Schedule I. 12. Overtime: �s a general rule, the requirement of f.requent and consic�erable overtime serv'ices in a department shall be consic�ered evidence of understaffing or improper organization and shall be subject to investigation by the Mayor. Necess- ary overtime work required by emergencies must be authorized by department heads, and approved by the Mayor, and may be compensated by equivalent time off or c2sh payment for all hours u�orked over the specified work e�eek for each position, with the exception of certain designatec� cl.asses cahich shall be compens�ted on a strGight time basis f or all hours on duty. 13, Initial Effect of Salary Plan: �,ffective upon the a.doption of this Resolution, Salary Plan "A" is hereby adopted, subject to uny subsequent amend- ments or moc�ifications thereto, to--wit: : 2) Employees 4�hose sa.lary is below the recomtnended minimum for their class should advance to the minimum, b) �tnployees with sal�ries between the recommended minimum and maxi- mum but not coinciding with the established step in the assigned: range, should be raised to the next higher step, c) Employees whose r2te of pay falls on an established step in the assigned pay r2nge, should be raised to the next higher step. It� no inst�nce should empl.oyee r�tes be raised beyond the maximum o� the r�nge established for the class. d) Except for the following personnel who were employed before August 1 , 1963 2nd did not receive 2 normal increment incre2se i� ` ' salary during 1963 and would receive by Plan � an increase less �han ' one-half of a step. The following employees shall advznce ta the next higher step that provides a minimum increase of one-half of a step, 1. Po2ice Dept. �. Street Dept. Richard Gr2y James Goodwin Lawrence Eriks Raymond Saude Robert Fritsvold 2. Fire Dept. Robert Beattc�y 3, Engineering Dept, Delbert Bennett e) �11 cnniversary dates for purposes of s�lary increases of incumbents in positions on the date of �doption of this resolution shall be January Ist of eaeh year cc:,�rr,enc i ny I�EaS. -5- ' d+ /�±p�� g A , • l� � � ' �L7�l��L II A I .� ' * �I . 'I`itte pravisions af this ssetic�i� �h�2�. not p�euent d�m�ititin tsr raduction far di�ciplittrary reasons or the �pplic�ti.on of �er"vi�e�+wide pay deereases or whenever such is required by the fin2neial condiEi.on of the City of Rentot� or by changing econ�mi,c conditions; it being understoad that all pravisions of th�.� P1�ti; �s sacrie may he�eafter be ame�ded, are subject to availability of �c3eqti�te ft�nds by the City, PASSED BY T'Hi� Ci'I"Y �OUNCI� thi.s 19th t3a�t of �ti�tist; 7.�6*�, /��� ` .1„�r.a/��.,..�r .�'t✓ � Fr" n �1 unen � ayo`r - - - AP�RO'JED BY THE C�TY COUNCIL this 19th day of August, 1963. � �'/�..+� �J Helmie.Nelson, Citq Clerk � �PPROVEI} AS TO FQRM; ' _ . _ _ Gerard P�. Shellan, City Attorney � � I I� � Y ��� � � __ _.- __ -