HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1253 �...* - ��- ' p,� , , . . , �R1GIN _ . _ . � RESOLUTIOPd NO o f�- " WH�REAS� the City of Rentonq a mun�cipal �orpora�ion of the sec-� ond class under the laws azad s�atutes of the State of Washington� dem sires to provide for a planning study contributing to an overmall p�o�. gram for f�ture community developmen�9 tYae preser��rat�.on of community values, the prev�ntion of conditions tending to cause urb�n bli�ht9 and the promation of the general health, safety and welfare of its citizens ; and W�iEREASg the C�ty of Renton through its City Council did here- tofore adopt its Resolu��on Noo 1148 to th�t effect, under date of June 18s ],962g but now d�sires to amend the Urban Planning Assistance Project Budget9 wh�.ch was therein adoptedg . �nd WHEREASfl the State Dep�rtment; of Commerce and Economic Develope �nent� t�nder autho�ity o.f Chagte�s 157 and 215, S�a�kutes 1957 g Regul.ar Sessionfl ma.y provide �1ar�nir�g assis�ance for such a program and receive financial assis�anc� from �he Urban Renewal Adminis�rati�n9 as a�thor.� �.zed by Section 701. of the Housing Act of 1954 (Public I�aws 860� 83rd �ongress) g as amended by the Housing Act of �.959 (Public Laws 86m3729 86th Congress) ; and WHEREASg the John Graham and Company as part of said Project has performed� and i� stil.l �erforming soine of the work required under said grants and WHEREAS9 it has been determined to rEvise some of such worke and WHEREAS� John Craham and Company has requested an extension of t�.m� �to complete su�ch w�rk9 and � WHEREAS� �he presen� contract calls for �he completion of al.l such work on or abou� July 16s 19649 NOW9 �HERE�ORE9 BE IT RESOLVED �"HAT �rbe Ca.t� of Rentor� h�reby requests the State Dem partment of Commerc� ana Econonic De�elo�ment to prc�vide glannin� assism � tance under autharity oF Chapt�rs 157 ancl 215 � Statutes 19579 Regt�l�� Sessione wi�h such finar.�ial ass�.starace as may be pravided by the LTrban Ren�wal Administration� �nder authority of Sec�ion 701 of the Housa.n�� Act of 1954 (PoLo 860� 83rd Congr�ss) 9 as amended by the Housin� Act of 1959 �im � ,_ ,� � , (Pa�o 86m3�2 � �6th Congress) o T�at such planning assistanC� is more particularl� describe� in a Proj�ct De�cription and Amended Planning Assis-�anc� �rojec� Budg�t that is attaehed here�o and mad� a part of this Re�olution as if full,y set forth hereino T�IAT"s the City of Rera�ons hereby agrees to allow a1n amendm�r�t to t}�� afores��.d pro��et by al�owing a �time �x�kension to the aforesaid con� sultant� John Grahar�fand Comgany9 of not to exceed three (3 ) months bem yond th� present comple-�ion da�e of J�ly 16� 1964 � and `�HA'T a i�� h�s b�come apparent that it wo�7.d be in the best public in�erest �o make cer��air� r�visions and amendments 'to portions of �he Cen�kral ��s�,ness Dis�ri�� Plar�9 aaad its imnediate environs9 as more parm ti�ul.arly evidenced by �xhib�.� °°A°B � 99Scape of Service°P attached hereto and which i� a pa,rt her�of� arad THAT9 the ��,ty of Rera�on9 subject to appr�oval of such p7,anning assistance by the Stat� and Fed�ral author�t�es9 hereby authorizesa (a) paymez�t to �th�. S�a�e bepar-tment of Commerce and Economic be� , ve�,opmen-� of �a ta�a1 sutti na� ta �5tceecl $3 3 ,5 3 6 0 00 0 THA'T9 the total �stimated cost of the City of Renton° s project as :,plannecl zs $100�0710000 THAT� the authori��d offici�l of the City o� Rento� bes and he hereby is� authori�ed �nd empowere'd to execute in the name of the City all nece�sary con�ract� and agreemen�s to implement and carry out th� purposes spec�.fied in thi� Resolutiona ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Renton and effective 'this ].5th day of June� '1964 0 � - � ATTESTe � e �� � � - . . He�,�inie Ne�,sona City erk Donald ln�o �Custer9 Mayor ' APPROVED AS TO F°ORMo �� � � /, .�///% �er�`�?1-. o e ari e_ �'ity�torr�ey m2m RESOLU�I Oi�. V�'�►� 1�5.3 . . . EXH�BT'T '�Aa° �, S�OPE 0,� SE�?VICE The �a�Zowing professional services, are required to rev�.ew and . am�nd work, wh�cYa was prepared in conjunction with. the Central Business '� District �'lan� the Urban Planning Assistance Project9 Washin�ton P�38s City of R��i�on o 1, The geraeral design of Ren�on° s Cen�ral Business District will. be revi�ed �o accommodate t��e new Civic Cen�er site� the general CBD l�and Use relat3.orships will be reviewed and modified where� necessarya 2o The g�neral design of th� Arterial Circu3atian Plan will be re- vxewt�d and modified as necessar� to accommodate revisEd CBD and Civi� Center d�signso 3.o The or�.entatinn s-tudies ar�d design criteria pol�.cies s which have been p�epared for th� c�"ic center9wi11. be reviewed and rnodified wher� ne�essary� 4 , GrapYiics �ncl,ud�.r�� �o�or separation plates anc� p�:rspec-�ive r-enderm irags wl�ich hav� be�n complet�d wa.3.1 b�: modifi.ed c�r x�edone as necesm sary tc� r�fl��t th� revised CgD and Ci�ic Center designso Als.oA the t��c� of the prel�minax�y dr. afts of reports w�.11 be revised as necessar�F� 5D Capital Impro�em�n..�- P��agra:n w�.11 be re=evaluat�d and modifiAd as necessarey �o acecrnpl�.�h the re���se� ps�.ano 6 o Formal mee�izags � p�.bTic *�r�eseYltati�ns as n��esssry for the review and corisidera��.�n and �ppr�v�1 af 4hc r_ew materi�l prapared in conjunction w�.th the -rev�sed plan will be �ttended by the consul-� tanto �his w�ll consis� only of inee�ings � whz�h Will be r�qua.red in addit�.on �a �eq�ir��:n�h�s of th� nxis�ing contrac�o ��t is anti��pa��� �h�'L all wor�k pro�:}o�;�d ��bov� will. be performed �I� [ � �?��#7�IT °BA°� S�OPE 0� SERVICE (Con�inued) ��� b�r �1�� �o�#;�ul�a�a�a J'ohn Graham and Company�, Al.l work proposed constim t�t��� ri�w s�x�v�c�s 9 s�hi�h are xn additio: �o th� requirements of the ��t��t�ng �ora�k�a���o H11 w�rk previously prepared will be utiZi�ed to the ful�.��t exter,t possible o m2m