HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2188 _ —' —' —'_ —' _"_. ' S, � � 4 • ' Yd�!V i(��1�� �y . Vv,Il�/'4� •1 _ � + ottUllvArtCE NQ.�?1 �� �d�lru.cuv�.� „ 3 R 3� AN ORDIlaANCE OF �iE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTQN AMENAING SECTION 4..'703 of 'I'I�1'LE IV (BUILDING REGUTATIONS} A1�13 ESTi�BLISHING A NEW SECTION REIA'TING TO "MANUFACTqTRING PARK ` DISTRICT" OF {}RDINANGE NQ� I62£ EN'TIfiLED "CODE OF GENFRAL OF2DZl�Ai�ICES 0� TNE CTTX OF RE�NTt?N", � BE IT ORDAIIVuD BY THE NIAYOR AND 'S'HE CITY C(}U1�IL OF TI�E CITY OF RENTCIN AS FQLL(�JS: SECTZON It Exiating Section 4-�03 of Titie IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 162F entitled "Cade of General Ordinances of tt�e City of Renton" is hereby amended to read as fo3lows: Sectioa 4-703 As Amended: _ , CLASSIFICATIOI� FOR USE AISZRICTS: The City is hereby divided into the £ollawing types of use districts: {3} SR-1 Sub�zrban Residence No. i; SIt-1 is sy�boi on maps. i C2) SR-2 Suburban Residence Na. 2; SR_2 is symbal on �aps. (3? R_I Residence Single Family District; R=1 is sy�bo� on maps. (4) S-1 Suburban Residence District; S-1 is sy�nbol an maps. (5) R-.2 Residence Di.strict; R-2 is symbal Ori maps. �6) R-3 Residence District; R-x is symbol on maps. (7} �,4 Re�ide.nce District; R-4 �.3 sycnbol on� M�ps. � (8) �'-»1 •Pub2i.c {Medical, Health, Fire and Education) District; P-1 ats symbal (9} B-I Business District; B..I is symbol on xnaps on maps. {?0} L-1 Light Industriai District; I.�I is symbol an mags. (1� ) x T Heavy Zndustrial District; H»I is 3�[Tt�B� on maps. t�-^_� T Trailer P�rks; T is symbol an mags. C13) B-P Business Parking {aff-street parking); �-p is symbal on maps. (Ord. 1542; 4--1�-56) . (I4) "G" General Classification District; "G" is symbol an maps. (4rd. 1F69; 2-7--61) (I5} M-.P; Manufacturing Park District; �-�' is symbol o� maps. S�CTI^'� ZI: There is hereby added '�._• new Section entf.tled `}Sectian 4-730,1+3-P, � MANUFACTURIt3G PARK DISTRIG'T"together with subsections,reading as follaws: 4-730�010 PURPOSE OF' CLASSIFICATIQN,� The purpose and objective of this ciaeef-� ficatian and i.ts. application is to establish industrial areas of high operationa?, devel- Mi.n..••..v..�... . opment and environmental standards. The requirements of this classification are intc�nde to pravide standards of intensitq of use and standards of external effects which �,�ilx minimize traffie congestion, naise, �I�'C2y air and water pol3utian, fire and safety hazards. 4_730.020 PERMITZ�D U3ES. The followi.ng uses on2y are gercnitted and as specificelly provided by this chapter: , 1, �ny use €i�rst.permitted in the L-I, Light Industrial District;to�;ether 2, Pub2ic utility facilities, with such machinery and products m{nufacturing 3. Accessory, buiidin s and uses �ses �s spacified 1� �o�a�i��of'tfi� ��5a�� ���' . .,�.... . . customari�.y ineiu�ent ��,2g uses, when lacated on the same site with ttte r*�in �+�ryildin�; 4. Signs, provided the signs are used exclusively to advertise a bnsiness canductedi SST'VI.C2S render�d, gaods produced or sald upon ths premises, or any lawf ul activity eonducted upon such premises, or to identi.f y permitted uses, provi,ded if such sign is Iighted it sha�l be stationary and non-flastiing and sha11 not be located closer than twenty C20� feet , to any property 1 ii�e; � 5, d;her industrial enterprises si�►iiar in operation to those first per- mitted in the L-I' District. 4-730.0�4 LIMI�TIONS ON PERMIT'I�I} USES. Every use permitted shall be subject to the f ollowing conditions and li�itations: 1, �411 uses shall canform to the general provisions and the exceptions and � the off street parl�ing requirements and loading area require�nents set f�rth in Lhis title; 2, � � builciing or structure sha31 be located closer than sixty C60) €eet to any street or highway praperty line. �1 ten {lt3) faat strip ad�acent -I.-� . � , ,y,e. �% to..such �property line shall be apprapriately landscaped and raainta�n�d � except for designated pedestrian, vehicular, rail and utiiity access- ways. The remaindc r of tt�e sixty,C6a) foot rec�u red o en. s ace may be useco�Tu°cef�-�t eet ,a��►e$£t�e �'��ngJ�ar�B°�Sg$�� �ot�s����i��'�uard haus� may be prov��'ec� suc-h �������i� �a�3 na��� more than twe2ve (12} feat ir► height � and shall contain not mare than one hundred {1(301 sc�uare feet of floor s�sace; 3. Iti � buildin� or structure shall be located cl.oser than twenty C20) feet �to any property line not abutting a ��.~�et or highway unless the line is a common property line with railroad right of way or wa�erway. The required twenty C20) foot open snace may be used for off-street auto- �obile p�trking and a gate house or guard hause , provided such building shall not be more than twelve C12) feet in height and shalJ. cantain . �at more than one hundred {100) square feet of flaar space; I tc. �{cept as specified in paragraphs {i) and {2? above, all required open space shall be unoecupied and conpletely unobstructefl except f or meter pits extending not more than six (6) inches above finished grade, la��n sprinklers, roads, walks, landscaping, ordinary and necessary service 2ine conduits, and poles for utilities, lighting fixtures, identifying and directional si�ns within th� limits herein prescribed qr underground installations accessory to any germitted use and railroads. Off-street antoanabile parking s�all nat be construed fio include sales 2ots or auto- � �obi3.e displaZT and storage areas; 5, The outside storage af tIlB�£.'F3.��Sy supplies, products and containers is germitted within the buildable area af the pragerty grovided such storage area is screened from a11 adjacent progerty lines by� a wa1Z or view-obscuring fence not less than five (5) feet in height, pravided such fence shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet; 6. �:zrever a builditt site in an M-P District has a common property line �.,. .. ... with Residentiai , ��x'- classified praperty ar suburban "S" classified property, tifhen such "S" classified property is developed for residential , recreational. or dav nursery uses, then on such common property 2ine � there shal3 he instat:ed and maintained a planting screen not less than ten C10) feet in width, and in such planting stri.g theze shall be ever- green shrubs, or trees, which shalZ be maintained at a height af not less than five (5) feet. Said planting screen shall. be planted according to accepted gardening practice in gaod soil, irrigated as necessary and �aintained in good condition at all times. =Pianting screens herein required shall be planted as a vard improvement at ar before the tic�e of eampletion of the f irst building, ar within a reasonable time there- af ter, giving due consider��.ion to planting canditians anc� future i:nprovements on each affected lot in the M_P District, and sha�l be installed and maintained a� the expense of the aa�ner or lessee af such lot; 7. 'gttere shall not be dumped, placed or allowed to rem�in on any property in an M-P District any refuse, trash, rubbish or other waste material out-, side of a perma�nent building, except in nor►--€iammable , covered ar en- c2osed containers. . 4-?3Q.Q4Q STARtD�RDS OF PEt2FORI�A�ICE. The fol�o�Ting standards of perfor�ance shall be conf ormed to: 1. Noise: (a) Maximum a3.lowable nighttime levels. 'The sound pressure level o£ noise radiated fron any activity lacated in the M-P District shall not exceed the decibel v�lues given in the fa2lowing table in any frequency band during the hours between eight P.M. (��00} and seven A.M. ("7:003 in any residentia3 district. Frequeney band in Soun� Pressure L�vel cycles/secand in db re 0«0002 microbar Be2ow 75 72 75-I54 59 25Q-304 52 30Q.,60Q 46 � 600-1200 42 1200-2400 39 2400-4800 34 above 4�00 �2 I � (b) Maximum a?3owab2e daytime 2evels. I�oises originating from and due j I -2- j — — — — — — — - - • y:. i . � ! . � . ' to normal daytime activities in the M-P District shall conf orca � to the levels shown in the faregaing table at least ninety per cent (90%) o� the time betwe�n the hours of seven A.M. (7:00 A,M,) and eight P.M, C8:00 P.M.}; tc) Exceptions. None af the foregoing provisionsshall apply ta naises resulting fro�t the operation of mator vehic3es. Other ex- ceptions are the oceasional infrequent situations arising out of research and develag�ent wortc carried Qut in the M-P District; the te�nporary constructian earth-moving, road-building and related activities necessary to develop��nt, imprave�ent and maintenance af �at�ufacturing par� facilities, which shall be liriited �o the hours b�t�seen seven A,M, C7:00 A�M,) anci e ight P.M. �$:00 P.M.) and noises incid�nt to operatians in areas surrounding an airport, helipqrt, or landing field whare such areas co�e under th� M�-P District. 2. �make shall nat be er�itted fror� a�y souree in a greater densi.ty of grey th�n th�3t described as No. 1 on the Ringelmann Chart, except th�t visible grey s�►oke of a shade not darker than that described as No. 2 on the Ringel�ann Chart nay be emitted for not more than f our (4) �inutes in any thirty (30) minutes. fihese provisions applicable to visibie grey smoke shall also appiy to visible s�oke of a different coior but with an equivalent apparent opacity. 3. Dust, dirt, fly �sh ar airborne solids �ro� any saurces sha3l not be in a density greater th�n that described as Na. 3, -on the Ringelmann Chart. 4. Odors f ro� g�ses or ather odorous c�,atter sha11 nat be in such quantities as to be unreasonably o£fensive beyond the exterior property lines o� the lot or site. 5. Toxic g+ases or �atter shall not be ecaitted in quantities daaagi.ng to hea2th, animals, vegetation or property or which can cause any excessive sai2ing beyand tfi� exterior property lines of the Iot ar site. 6� Vibration from any Qachirc�, aperation or process which exceeds 0.403 af ane Cl) inch displ.ecee�ent or O.f13 (g)peak accel�ration, whichever �' is greater, as �easured at any point autside the property Zines of the lot or site shall be prohibited. The above shall apgly in the f requency range af zero to f ive thousand CO-5000) cycles per second, Shock absorbers or si.mi.lar c�ounting shall be allawed to permit , co�pl iartce with this specif ication. '7. Glare and heat fror� any source shall not be unreasanably objectianable beyond the exteriar property i ines of the lot or site, 8� Rafl faci2ities ar truck loading and un2oading sgaces shall not i.nterfere with the nse of reqnired of£-street parking areas. 9. A bui2ding site plan shall be f iled and approved by the glanning commission pri.or to the issuance of any building germits and any pernits issued shall be in conf oraance with the appraved site pl�n. I£ the project requires the dedication or widening of streets, such openings or widenings shall be processed and adopted as prescribed by law prior to the issuance of any building permit. 10. Where operatiotts ar processes do or wil2 produce conditions which c�ay be objectionable or otherwise prahibited, the owner ar lessee shaTl be required to furnish design specificatzotts or other scientific evidence of couipliance with the provisians of the I�t-P District. 4�'730.050 PERMI'1"I�D FLQOR AREF1. The maximu� permitted floor area to be con- tained in all buildings on a lot in an M-P District shall nat exceed two and ane-half t2 r/z3 times the build�i�2.e area of the iot. 4-730.060 PERI�IZ'I`TE€} �EIGRT. In �n M-P District no height 2imit is iaposed, provided one t2) 8{'l�l.'C2.qAc'T.� font af kfidth is pravi�ed for each required open space on the periphery of the lot or site f or each f oot in height �ny building or structure on th� premises exceeds forty-five C45) feet. SECTId�3 III: Anq and alI ordinances or parts af ordinances in conflict herewTith ar� hereby repealed. � _z_ . � � , t � � SECTIOIV IV: This ordinance shall be in ft�12 force and effect from �nd after its passag�, approval and legal pub2ication. PASSED BY THE C23�t COUNCIL �his 2�t,h aay of txtoh�.r.y �g65. `�GL��,6c<--�-`�,G%���� Helmie I�el son� ��:ty Clerk { APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 25th�ay of atober,:� 1965._ -r I �-����- ���`� - �. Don'�2d W, Custem;., Mayor� �, Approved as to form: ~ ~ C�rard�M. Shellan, Ci.ty Attorney Date of Publication: OCtObeT 2']� 1965 _[�_