HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2193 1 w = :��r- '! • �,-�cY � � r . . : ��� =-�'7�''.G 1 � v . � ' �'��� '� �lG4RA�. o�nx�.�vc� t�oo 21�� .�`�-�"a�b7 _ . r U AN ORDINANCE OF 1� CITY �JF RENTpN LEVYING A1�ID FIKING A LICENSE FEE �N ALL PERSONS CtJIVT1UCTING OR ENGAGING IN TfiE BUSINESS OF PR4VIDING ENTERTAINMENT OR AMtTSEME�TT ii� ANY HOTEL� RESTAURANT, CAFE, TAVERN 4R {3T�3ER PLACE s.• PUBLIC RESaRT; PR4VII}ING FOR THE PAYMENT A� CO�,LECTIOI3 Or SUCH LICENSE �EE, ANi? PR�SSCR7BING PE�ALTIES FOR VIGIATIONS OF TiiIS ORDII1�A11�E, $E IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY' COUI�CIL OF TIiE C�TY 0� RENTON AS FOLLC�G7S: SECTION I:�.Definitians. Wh�n used in ti�is Ordinance and unless othert�,pe � . 33.stine2y expresaed, the following words and phrases shall hav� the meaning set aut herein� �,., '"Cabaret" means any hotel, res+auran�, ca�e, lunchroom, taver�, or any other place cf �u�lic resart c�pen for service ta the pub].ic or o�er�te�d for gain or grofit where faod and/or refres�� ments are/se�ve�rand where theatric^1 perfarmances, exhibitians� shaws, exhibition dances, d��ncing, c:�ud�ville shaws, or voca2 ar pther music produced by persons �:resent are maintained ar permitted, or where music ,other than vo�al produced by persons present,,is maintain2d or permitted�, or any cambination of the aforssaz8 acts. }�. , "Person" shall i.nclude an individual, fir�, corporatian, company, partnership, assoei.afion, an unincorpora�ted assaciation and �ny person actfng ;in a f•iduciary capacity. � B« Exclusions. This Ordinance shall nr�t ap�ly to any persan conducti.ng ar e�igaging in a busi�ess groviding e�tertainment or amus��cnt where any admission or �aimilar charges there€ore ara ta be used exelusively for charitable, eleemasynary, educationa3 or religiaus purpases. SECTION II; Tt shail be unlawful ta condact, open up, m�n�.ge or a�erate or tnaintaiz� any „cabaret" as hereinabove defined wzthi.n the City o� Rentan withaut a va3�i� . and subsisting 2acense to do sa ta be lcnown as th� "cab,�ret Iicense"; the annua�. li�ense fee therefore shall be the sum af $�(}c�.�0 ; the license fee for a period of 3ess than a y�ear shall be at ths rate of �7�'e{aQ €ar each qGarterly per9.od; each suah Iicense s�al� be non—assignable, nan—transferab2e and the fea paad shall be nan--refundab3e, - SECTIQI� III: An apgl.icant far such cabaret 3icense shall ��ke applieation theref ore on forms provided by the City Clerk, to �he of f ice of the Citp Clerk, who shall thereupon submit such application ta the Chief of P�lice for proper irevestig�tion, ixtcluding the Iocatiorc and size of the premises to be s� licensed ared the personal backgraunc� of the applicant, and that aII informatian submi�ted by said app3icant in his applic�tian are trus and correct. No cabaret license sha21 t� granted to any persan whe� such pl�ce af business is iocated within �QQ feet af any playground ar park, or anp I II elementary ar high schaol, or the graunds thereo£. Af ter suc� investigation by the i � Pc�i�.ee Chiaf, ancl upa� his recomtuemlation ta grant such a 2icense, the City Clert� shali � � issue same to fihe applicant, Al2 license fees sha21 be paid t�..E+:~�;�'.�'"� CY+�r'� �L. the Ci�tte �ny application is submitted, I � — _ � r ' ' , ' ,' � r � • � SECTIOiV IV: Each application for a"cabaret license" or for a ren+ewal or tr��.^?�e� i anade by or an behalf af a corporataon, association or partners�iip, shal� irtcl�tde a lis� � af the numes and addresses af all directors, of�icers and shareholders o£ said cc�r}��ra�=c�., I or the name and ad3ress of a11 partners and associates, as the case may be, arcd i� at any ti�� changes af said personnel occur, said list shall f orthwith be amended by not�...: in writing f iled with the City Clerk, �nd f ailure to eomply with this Section sha7.I be an additional ground for suspension or revocation of any sttch Iieense, SECTIOIV V: It shall be unlacaful for any person ot�ning, managing, operating, candctcting or maintaining a cabaret to allow or permft any persor� employed by him in �I�� capacity of an entertainer, servant ar otherwise, to approach or accast any guest to h.:�ve refreshmen�s with such emp2oyee, as afaresaic3, during the hours af thsir employment, r�� shall anp Ferson in the premises af a cabaret apgraach any person who is an emgloyse cL the owner, manager or c►perator in the capacitp of an et�tertainer, servan� or atherwise; dura.nU tt;� ho�zrs of such employee's employment, Eor the purpose of inducing any such emp2oyea ta h:�v:; refreshments with any guest or patron of such cabaret. SECTION VI: �t sha 2Z be uttlawfu3 f ar any person awning, operating , m4n:Q�_.�; or conducting any +�abaret to have, permit ar �taintain any boxes or booths closed bp �ay door, scre�n, curtain or other device, or to have, permit ar maintain any box or booti� on thL premises o� any cabaret with entrance thereto an any side ather than that which faces the c�ntar line of the main room, SE�TION VII; Zt sha11 be unlawful f ar the owner, propri�tor, or manager in charge o�' any such cabaret, or for any emplayee at said p].ace, to harbor, admit, receivc. or �ermi� to be o� remain in or about such cabaret,ar�y min.or person under the age of eighteen (18} years, or Eor any person under the age of eighteen C28) years to be in or abotzt anp cabaret after being natified by the management or a peace officer to leav� the premises, or to make any misrepresentation as to his own age ar that of any other parsan, f o: the purpase of obtai.ning admission to any cabaret or to remain therein, j The f aregoi.ng shall not a�ply iE' such minor is accampanied by his parents or parent a� his legal gtiardian while within said premises. i ,'� It st�a12 be unlawful far the owner, praprietor or person in � � as char�e of a cabaret to eu�ploy/an entertainer or servant in such place any person wh� �_,^ not .,t least �wcnty ane {23} years of age and of good moral character. SECTiONVIIT; After sunset every cabaret licensed ur►der the grovisions of thi^ ordin.an�e sP:a11 be so lighted or illuminated by either gas, elect�icity ar ather means, that the intensity of such illumina tion shall at no time be less than three ��) f aot c�r_c1�es at a planu three {3} feet above the floar, within ali areas af said cabaret .»�., L.�_ _ — — — — — — — — � . � ' ' ` v � . , premises; it shall be unlawful for any person in charge of a cabaret to admit any patron thereto after sunset until said est&blishment is duly illuminated as provided far herein. Such lighting or iZlumination shall be maintained thereafter throaghout the entire time during which such caharet sha21 be open or entertaining patrons and until such time as same shall be cleared and closed. SECTION IX: It shall be unlawful to give, or permit the giving of, in any cabaret� any enterta inment or exhibition flf a lewd, suggestive, vulgar or immoral type. or nature, or to use therein any indecent, vulgar or abscene language; no female person sha21 f reQuent or loiter within any such establishment with a purpose of soliciting male persons to purchase drinks, and no proprietor or operator of any such establishcaent sha�l a21ow the presence in such establishment of any female person wha violates the provisions of this Section. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police,or his duly autharized representative, to regularly inspect and police all such premises licenaed hereunder to assure compliance with all rules aad regulations of the City of Renton, includi.ng the provisions of this ordinance. In the event that the Chief of Police, or his dulq autharized representative, determines, af ter due investi.gation, that a violation has occurred, then he may cancel, revoke or suspend any license issued heretnnder; any such sus pension, hocaever, shall nat exceed a period of thirty (30) days, and all such actions and noticea sha11 be in writing. The holder of any such cabaret Zicense may, after such suspension, revocatic_:, - his or cancellation, appeal the decision of the Chief of PoZice, or/dtaly authorized representa•_- tive, unto the City Council by f il ing written notice thereof with the City Clerk of the City withia seven (7) days af ter such action. Thereaf ter the Council shall, within fifteen (iS) days after such notice of appeal, fix a date of hearing thereat, which hearing shall be a regular meeting of the City Council. SECTION X; The Chief of Po2ice or his duly authorized represenLative shall promptly investigate all compZaints against any establishment, operator or cQanager holding sach a c�baret Zicense and shall inspect et least manthly all o€ such establishments so licensed within the City of Renton and f urnish a report thereof unto the City Council• SECTION XI: It shall be the duty of each licensee to enforce �I1 standards of decencysnd good taste and that disorderly or objectionable conduct or displays are prohibited; and to take effective and immediate steps to remove a!1 objectionable person� and to stop objectionable practices so that noperf ormance, exhibition, show, exhibition dancing or related activitie.ssha2l be ia any way detrimental ta the public peace, health, welfare or rnorals. SECTION XII: All Iicenses issued hereunder shall be posted ia a conspicuous -3- � ' . y 2 � � I � I � pl.ace in Lhe establishment o€ the 2icensee. . SwCTION XIII; .�ny p2rson, firm ar corparatian violating any of the provisions of this ardinance shail be £ined, upog convictitsu th+�r�fare, in a snm af not more than Five Hundred Dollars C$5L10.t10} or conf ined to the city jail for not to exceed ninety C90} � days, or punished by both such f ine and imprisanment; a separate affense shall be deemed � committed an each day during or on which the vialation occurs or continues, SECTT+ONXI�: All other ardinances or parts of ardinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, SECTION �'X« Thzs ordi�anee shall be in fu13 force and ef€ect fran and after its passage, apprava3 and legal gezblication. PASSED BY THE CI'IY COUIv�CIL THiS �.5�h day of Novpmber.•� 1�65. . ����� � 4 , �^ � � ;��,-,��--- Ye1.�ie I?elson, City��}.ert; µ. _4 , N I � " _ _ APPROVE� BY 'T�IE i-�YCa�. T�lIS 15th day o� T�ovemb�r, 1965 � yw --- -- ,.� I tg"��i�t'�, l'(/. �l'`���"� -.� Donald T3, Custer, rJiayor � ', A�praved to �orm: , � /� II ���/� ���� 'T� � � /�/ rPr�r�3 M I Gerard Pi,� Shellan, Cit�r �.ttarney �ate o� �ublication: Nov�mbe� l'7� 1965 I #��