HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2423� T f i .� � i -�._ �%'� .. r. � �lffilGi('�l�L `� aI r ^ ' � ORDTNANCE NO. ���Z� AN Qi�DIidAANCE 0�' 1� GITY OF RENT�N� WASKING�L7N� ANNEX� CER3Y�ZN TTBRIZt��Y ZO THB CITY Q� RENZt}N.. . . ' . WH�R�AS under the provisions of RCW 35.13.134� as amended, a petit�.on in writing requesting that certaia territory contiguous to the City of Renton� as hereinaf ter more particulacly described� be aruiexed to the City of Renton, was duly presented and filed witte ttie City Clerk �a ar ab�ut September 28, 1967 ; $z� WHE�3 prior ta the �iliag and circu2ation of said petition far annexation the Petitioniag ow�rs had duly aotif ied the City Couaci2 og their intention t� commence such proceedings as provided hy law, assd a$ mote particularly specigied in RCW 35.13.125 and upon p�tb�ic heariag therean, it hsviag beeb determine� atid the petitioniteg owners ttiaving so agraed to assume the pre-existing bonded indebtedness o� the City og &enton as same pertai�►s to the territury petitioned to be annexed; an�d to accept that portioa oP the City's Comprehensive Plan as same pertait►s so the subject territary; and � WHE�EAS the City Sngineer has da2y axamiaed and verigied the sige►atures on sai.d petition for anaexation and determired the assessed va2uatioa of a31 the propertiee, the sacue beiag in excese of 75�b oE the area to be anasxed� fa va2ue, ss provi8ed by 2aw; said petitioa ala� aets forth tAe lega2 description ef the property eccording to govet�m►ent l�gal subdivisioa �r plat, and the Plaoning Comemiasion oE t.he City of Bentoo having duly considered and recc�meaded tbe armexing of said Qroperty to the City; and WHER�AS a proper "Notice oP Inteation" ttaviag beea duly tiled witd the Boundary aeview Board as required by Chapter 189� 1967 Session Lawe, by said petitioaers, and said Boundary Review Boatd , upon publ.ic hearing and notice, duly modifi.ed said annexation by ad�ition of certai.n territory, wk�ich action �.as duly approved by the City of Renton, and WHEREAS the City Counci� fixed July 22, 196E at tbe City Cous�cil Ct�mbers ia xhe City Hall as the time and place for public heariag upan said petition. notice thereof having been duly given as pravided by iaw� and WHERBAS pu�suant to sa ici notice, a public hearin� has been held at the � time and p2ace s�ecified in the agores�id aotice and the Gouncil having duly c�nsidered al� matters in contiection with said petition and f�rther de�ermined that aIl legel� seqnirements and procedures of the law a pp2icable to the petition method for ' annexation as specified in �W 35.13.130 et seq ttave been duly cocnplied witE�� NOW Ti�EREFO�E BE IT ORDl�INED HY 1'N1E MAY02 ANA THE CY1Y CO�NCIL OF THB CITY QF R�[81�DN �S FOtIAWS: SECTION I� �C�e aforesa}fd �indings� re�i.fials �nd determi.nations are herebv i ' ,:��' '� s - -.._._ . . `9 : .c- � . J� � • . � � �. fcut�d to be true and correct in a12 respects; all requirementa o� the law in regard ta the annexation by petiti�n metho�, including the pravisioas nf 8C'W 35.23.125, 130, 1k0, i50 and Ghapter 189, Sess�on Laws cf 1967� have been duly compiied with. It is �urther determined tttat the abovementioned petition f�r annexation to the City of � Renton of the property and territnry hereinbe2ow described be and the same is hereby appr�ved and granteci; the following described property being coatiguous to the City Iimits of the City of Rentc�n, be and the same is hereby aanexed to the City of Rentan and such annexation to be e£fecLive on and agter the approval, passage and pvblication of this ordinance; at�3 on and efter said date said pr�perty shall be �nd constitute a part af the City of �entoa anci sha�l be subject to all its laws and I' ordiaances then aad thereagter in force and effact; said property bei�g deseribed as follaws: I The north 1�0,2 feet of the A�or.thcaest one-quarter of the Southwest ore-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 10, 7.tap, 23 i�orth, Range 5 :ast, W,�1.; ' except t�ie weGt 40� feet; except the east 100 feet. r";nd also th� T�ast lOG feet of the niorth I3:.0 feet of the A'1•7�;, o£ the SW� of the I�:� of Section 10, Twp 23 north, :'.an�e 5 East, �J.M. si�Cuated in the County of iCin�, Sfiate of T�Fashin� tan. and the ownera of the aforedescriDsd property shall assume the pre-existing bonded II indebtedneas of the Citp of Reat�n as prescribed in RCW 35.23.125 and that the City's C�npreheirsive Plan as applicab28 to the abevedescribed property steaii be controliing. 38CTION �i: This Ordie�ance shall be in fu22 force and e£fect grom and af ter ita passege, approval and legal publication as provided by law. A certifiefl aopy of this Ordiaarece shall be filed wfth the Baard af County Comtnissianers of King Con►�ty; 3tate of �nisshsttgto�� as specified bq law. SBCTIOAi IZt: The abovede�cribed acuiexed property contiguous to PreciAct No. .3 g oP the City of �nton shali be apd constitute a parL o£ Precinct Na. �3 � cf said City. � pAS3ED BY THE CITY C4tIHCIL this 22r"�day og July 196 8. " . ��i7/'�'d'L..�.J �/���.-�.� Helmie - sva, City Clerk APPROVED BY 'THE MAYOit thia 22�day of .�uly � . � o Id W.Custer, Mayo Apprcve as to form: �� ,��� Gerar@ M.Shellen, CiLy Attarney nate of Publication: JUL 2 8 ��s8