HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2424 . � .. F�e� �rr '� '� '�r � ,r i�.i:iC7�t��� ��C�� s�~ ~ a /�L.S7' "7'P> �•' e/ oRn�rr�►r�c� xo. 2 y�� Ar� ORDINANCE �` THE CITY OF RSNT�ON� WASHI1�TdN, Rs�,ATiI� TO AND REGUTATING TIiE SALF: OF Z':��TO�.S IN THE CIT't dF REIvi"�1�T, DE�IIVII�G T8R1�&S AND CBRTAIPT OFi�EPi�ES� PROdIDIIdG NOT�CE, AI3D PRE9CRIBING PENALTI£�S AND REPEALIItG APT�' AND ALL ORDYI�'ANCES II� C�IFLICT THEREt•'"xH, �}E IT U�AINED BY THS MAYO& AND T8E CITY COtT�iC�L OF THB CITY Q� R�:V�'ON AS FO��,!.,":�?�'� SEC2TON I: The fallowing wc��a �r:�i F�.a;E� t����d her��.� s?�;11 h�ve the following m�eninga, ta-wita A. "Pist�l" ma��:� +��.y f iruarm or a`���r weapon for t�+� p�rp�s� of disc�arg:',��g s pra;;��}:.lE �y ct�ar.s of c���r�s:.�Q� �i.r, c:°��^��.^.�I combustion cr otiz�rs�isp �*ac3 haci�g a '�arr?1 �crs t?n�n t�a•ti:v` fnch�s in I��gth, hact s;��ll not i;�cletde ar:•�aqc:ss pi��ola ar , revolvers ma^�:ractu;rtid pr:.or to 1898 and so held as col�ee�or•s , items. g. "Crime of violence" m�a�s �ny of tt�e follawin� criznas or an att���t to c��m*t ur.� Gf L�e �arnea l+�:sr:3Lr, ��filuttghtar, r`�, �a�he�, f:r�: c:^�z�e u���t:3t, r�;':�'�Qry, b�.��gs��y a:�3 kfdt�s����?, (�� t:*4+.�i .. ,..�.``e.� ^�� ''3^$ 'd �S��S:3:1 W�3J �.le��„Sn.g CCIILTA'.t�'F:d .U �3.-.3 �2'd3l �....: C« II.. � ... sI CFi.��� �i;G'S f:CSi^u, ta'u� r::!"i3�E.�+2`'t�r^.I1 W:i3a8 2� W�:y COF�:�'t"'..'.::� to evade ��'T�S�, '•L�w er�o.c2��nt a��:ycer" m�a^s a�ay per�a� s��� by vir±a.�e c� h�.s a`rice or p=�31ic Emp�.�;����t is ves�ed �;� la� with g dt�=y �ma�n•�azz gu3lic order or to m;ke arres?�s f�r oP�en�ss. . SECTION I2a i"� is un2�wf�1 for sny merct�nt� b��s�rt�s9, or seeu�d-ha�d r�ale►°, �t� aay c��r�c, agent, representatis�a or e:�=:_oyee cf any s�;��: m�:r���:�t� businesfl, or �econd-hand dealer, to se12, give a��ay, or di�pes� of ar.y pfstol to anq person �t r���:�I� r �n?e�s auch pereon i� per�onally known to tIts seller or sha11 p���sent clear eviden^� G� h:.s i�entit�, nor wit::�u� co�:p?.���zg a true rec��d, in triplica*p, of every pistol s�b8 ar dispased af. Ssch written r��srd �°�ali b� �rc��al2y s§,gn�c� by the purch�ser And by the person effecting the s�'�, eGch g� t::e pr�^e:-�ce of the a¢�er, st►d sh�ll cants=n the date of said sale, the c�l'i�ar, make, m�de2 and mansfacturer's number of the weapca, the name, address, o�c�pat�.�:�, date and place ef bir�h af the p�:rc:�ser, a�d a stateaAr.a� signed by the parchaser that he is nat a fc�gitive from j���ice and that he h�� aever ���� conv;ded in this state or e2se��ere of a cr:.ms of v:.olen�e, or o� dr�:g addietion or o¢ habit�al drunkenness $nd has ��;�ar beui2 COIIf J!5Ca to a me�tal i^s��.�Lt�r.n. One c*��y of such re�ord she11 wftAin six (6} harrs af�er the aign�a� th�r��f b� se:�t by registered mai! to the Chicf of Polfce of the City of Renton, er �n the altern�ti-;a, may be personallq delivered to the office of the Chf.eE ot' Police with�n said pc3r��d e� time, aad the ChieP of Police shall, within seventy two ('I2) ha�irs, exciusive of Sund�;rs an8 Legal Ho2idaps� fnveetigate the infox�.:�tion coztai7ed fn said rec�rd, and 'I r�port his findfngs to the merchent, bt�s��gsc ✓r �ec��d-h�:�3 da��.�r. Page One � � t � �' ` • — - _ __ s ,4 �I i ' � �, +� i / li ♦� I ' S��rniON 3�I: ?t is unl�wful �or any mera6ant, bnau�ess� ar s+�cond-2�and :��.�ri�r, ar azy eierk, �g��t, repreaent�tiv8 or emplaqse of aap �cerchen�� b�sirress or ae�e:�dwhand de�lt�r, ta del�ver �np pi�tol to at�p puret�aser un�i2 said m�rclx�tnt� bus���s�, Y�>:�:�n+�•�isaced dealer has received a repart from the C�fef oi Poliee that,eaid purel�aser �.s :�;�� a fugitive froa� justice and has never been co�:victed in th£s state or elsewhere j :.� � cr�ne uf vici�nce. or of drug addiction, or h�ba.tual d�un�cennesa and has nerrer I ja�..�� e�:n€i�»d ta � mant.::]. %�st:.tutio:�� , , provided that if snch �rchar�t, busin�ss or , ;.. ,�_ �:..c�:t�-ha:�a d^a3er c�oes �iat rr-.ceive ��c� repa�rt fresas the Chie�' aP Police witt�in seve::��� �Sso G�^) h�:,rs, ex^�=xs��ve o� ����d�ps and Lzgal Halidaps, efter he has mailecl or I �rs+�.ally dGl�vered a c�k� o� the recard �o the Chief of Police as �required by �ec::��n I2� �hen s�.:ch malch�nt, b��si:��ss ar seeand--hand @ealer may d��iver the pistol #� t:�a �+arch�3er; prav�.ded €t�rther t�at th�.s Seet3.on sha3l aot spp2yr to �sales at ta���'•_�:s�le, or to sw�::es t� �rso�ss e�ch�it�.ng a v�.vid li.een�e to earrp e pietol concea4ed �.���.�.=±d pr.r��^:t to R>;W 9��1,0'"0, or �o selQs to lew enforcement afficers as epecified i� RCW 9.�51,.,854, S�a'�"��N �t a �t �s �.R:�l�w£ui for any per�an wha is a fngitive �ran �ustfce or .;.�;� :�e�°.�: cF..��v�c��9 �� t?.�s s;�ta ar elsewhere of a crime af vfolenee, or of drug _��-�:��'==:��: ��= e1: j�:�'�r�t��l urc►nkenne�e or hss been canPir.ed to a a�ental insL£tution to pzretxcse a piato' i^ t;�� Citq of :; �;;�n, and it is further unlsw�ul for sny such per�-:� , ;a f�i3 to d:�claae �fweh irformat�an w�sn app2y�ng for the purch�se af a pfstai, SEGTI01� V: p.n3� p�rson vio2ating or failing tc complp with �t�y of t�e �;:-:�r:,gioa� r,� t��ia ordi:��r�ce shall n��n convfation thereof be fined i.�t 8 a� rtot ta � ' I �e�e�:d Five Httndrec� D�Il�rs (�500.00) or imprisaaned in tt� ctity jail for �s tetm ttot � � r�xce�ding Nir.�ty C98) days, or b�th by snch fine end imp�isc�aent. iSE-.^,T�t��fi VI: The inva2icli�y a� any Seetion, e2ause, gravisian or psr# or �ortion o� ��y s�a�h cltttz�a or prov�.si�n a� this ordfn�n+ce al��,3 not �ffect t� v�2id3.tp I :3f ��ry o�h�r port:.�n of t.�s ardinan�ce; it �ing the intention of the Citp C�ncil af ,' I t�e �ity of Rear.t�� that thie ardi.ns�nce, and every pr^���fan ttbereo�, sbttl2 1� eone3.dered ;,�+�s rable. SE^T�ON VZI: Anp artd e31 crdinanees aztd part8 cf ord�aanc�ts i�t roet��fet f.erewith be a:�d the sa�e are t�erebp repeaisd, SECTION VIII: Thia �rdin�nce ahall be fn fuli force ar�d effect lcan and a�te�r ��e passage, approvai and Iegal pubiicatia�. PAS88D BY T� CZTX Ct3t�+ICIL this�-�?- day af � ��6$, I ` ?.r�,/ '� � �`�+,� lielm' i 1 3.�Y Clerk �. APPROVSD BY THE MAYOR thf� 2a'M�e� 3�y oi , , ,� �� • ,` �/J� _ ' / ,� b. ,..,,,,;.3�3$ 8 �i! t3 • �� ( .. : ) � �� .1 `D�:��id W, Cueter, MBqor ' � � �/� �• ��� , Date af P��;�icatiana l3G 9 1�68 �::ra�d M, S�31Ia�, City Attoraey "'"'� � � ( �—_—_—.