HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2504�.- . � ( + � . . . •�; ,Y� - . , .�,�L -. �, ' < .�. � iE���,,1 � � ; , � +Y " f{a ��� � +++ },���� � % ORD�IdANCE NC1 m �� 7" '�; C:�'� b��8'.r�-7�� � �' � �.� � �-- �}"l�d� �� � � AN OR�2NXI�TCE ��` TFt� CITY QF RENTON, WASHINGT4N, ESTABLISHING �$��"����`��� AN�f CRE��'IN� � "S�Gi� Gt3E}E'� �O SE HE��NAFTER",KNOWN AND DESIC- 3�iA'�E'� A$ '�$�E "�ENT{3N S��SI�i CC9DE" A8 Cii.APTER 29, TZTLE IV (BC3Z�,D- ��iG �tEGU�A'$Z4}1�S} G1F �A33�NARiGE N{3. 162$ KNOWN ;AS THE "CQDE OF GENE�AL Al�?INRNCES tiF THE CITY OF RENTON"' REUULATING THE LC�CA- TIQN, SIZ�;, T�t`PE AND �+iAINTEIdANCE C?E' SIGNS ANI� RELATED MATTERS, I PR�HIBITItdG TKE QSE E3�° �ERfiAZN SIGNS, PRESCRSBING PENAS,TIES FOR •-I TI�E V�t)Ld�;��ON THER�OF Ai�ID REPEAZ,ING CHAPTERS 11 AND 12, TI7CI,E Il IV (BUZLbING RE�ULA�ZONS) O�` iJR1JZNANCE NO. 1628 AND AIVY .AND �LL I flRUINANCES t3R gIt�RTS OF ORDYN�NCES �N CONFLZCT THERE�IITK. SECTION 4-2901: Title, Scope �cnd Enforcement . � 4-19t12: Defini'�fons and Abbrevi�tions 4--1903; Pexmit�, Bonds, Applica�ic�ns, Fees ar�d In�pections , 4-1904a Design and Construction ' 4-1945: Fin Signs Q�-1906: Pole Signs 4-1907: Ground Sigms �,I 4-1908: Roof Signs 4-1909 : Wa11. Signs 4-1910; Projectinq Siqns I 4-1911: Combination Siqns , � 4-1912: Marquees 4-I913: Electrie Signs 4-1914: Prohibited Signs and Device� 4-1915: Temporary Siqns II 4-1916: Special Permit Signs and Displays 4-1917: 5igns on Public R9.ght-of-Way � 4-1918; � Land Use Zones I 4-1919: Liability � 4-1920: �eve�abilitY I 4-1921: Repealing Certain Chapters a� Titl�+ IV . � 4--2922: Eff�ctive Date 4-1901: �'ITLE, SCOPE AND ENFORCENIENT l. This 4rdinance shail be herei.nafter knawn as the "Reanton Siqn Code" . may be ci�ed as sucho will be hereinafter refer�ed to as "Thi� Code" ' and same �hall be �nd constitu�e Chapter 19, Title I'iT 48u�.Zding Re ulatio�s of Ordinance No. T628 known a� "Cade of Gene�a�l �t7rdi�- I g � � nances of the City af Renton" . 2. Purpase .. Z� is the purpose af This Code to provide a means af �egu- lating sign� so as to promote the health, safe�ty, morals, gene�al welfare �nd esthetics of the City af Renton. 5igns are erec�ed to i pravide informatian for the benefit and corx-venience o� pede�trians and motori��s �nd should not detract froan the qu�lity af urb�n en�tirs�r�nent by being comp�titive Qr garish. �igns should complement a�nd chatractesci�e the environmen�k �rhich they serwe to give their resp+�+ckiv� areas a unique and plea�ir�g qualit�o No sign �hall be • " a � r , ' , , • • •l ,T ` �t • � � • � x • ^ ♦ , t. ■- ;;' - '�+'�' .�� erected �n such a m�nn�r a� ��e�� ���f�n� o� cbsl�r��� th� view or interpreta�tion of any o�fi��al tsaf�3c ��,ga�, s�gna� o� dev�.ce o The regulations of Thi� Cad� are n��. i��and�ci �a pe�rni� any violations of any other lawful ord�.�ax��e o T�a�.s Cod� da�� not apply to any signs or 9° sign atructures 1oc�.�ted w,x.th�n a �uild�.ngo 3. Enforcement: Ae Authorit�o The Bui�.ding Officiai i� fiereby authorized and directed �o enfarc� al�. �he ��°ov��s.��s of Thi� Codeo B. Board of Ap ealso Tn ord�r �o prov�de for a system of appeals from administ�ca��ve d���.s��n� �,n the �easonable int�rp�'etation of the provision� o� This Cod�o the "Be�ard og ,�d�ustment" pro- vided in Section 4-731 B C�.�p�ear '�o T�.tle IV BHtxildia�g Regulations) of the Code of G�nera? �Jrd�nanc�s of �h� City of R�a�tot�, shall, upon proper a�p�.i�a�.iono r�nder a decision consi�gent with the p�ovisions of Sect.�on 49731a � C. iliolation and Pena�.t�.es o Tt shall be uralawfu$ for any person� firm or corporation �o e��cto �on�t�txct, �nlarg�, altex, repair, move, improveo cQnvert, �qui�� u�� or maintain �ny sign or strueture in the Cit� o� cause or permi� �h� s�e �o be done contrary to or in violatg�� of a�ay of the provi��.c�ns ,of This Code o Any person, firm o�° �o�po�rats.c�n viola�ing ar�y of the provisions of This Code �ha�.l �x�on cor�viction be gua.lty of a � misdemeanc�r, and each su�h person shall b� deemed quilty of a separate offense for each �.�:d every day o� portion thexeof during which any v�.olat2on of aray o¢ th� p�ovi��ons of Thi� Code i.s committed o c�ntinuecl oar germ�.tted� and up�n cor�viction of any such violat�o:� �uch pe��o�. shall be punishable by a fine of not more than �h�ee hundred (300) dollarsr o� by imprisora- ment for not mox°e th�an n�.n�t� (90) day�, or by k��th �uch f ine and impr�.sonanent� D. Alternate Provi�ior�so Th� pro����.oz�� of Th�.s Gode a�'e �ot ir�- tended to prevent tl�e i,ase of �a�y mate��al, met�od of �on�truc- tion or design not specifi�al,ly ��e��ribed by Th�� Codeo � � . � , ' . _ —' — _ _— __ � ( 3 I � � .. , .�t • T + • y t t. I • � } , �T:i' a.�+. The Building bffic�a�. m�y �ppx��re su�h alterna�e� grov3.ded � •. that he finds the propo�e� sign �.s �ati��actc►�y �or the pur� ipase intended and is �.he ec��aivalex�� �f tha�. pre��ribed an I� Th�.s Code �r� quali�y p �trer�gth, ���ec�a�������� fi�e re�i��.an�e, du�rabzla.ty and safety o The Builda.ng Official shall �eqt��re �.hat s�ffi�ien� evider�c� �rr I! proof be submitted �co srab�teantia�e any cla�.ms that may be made �I rega�d�.ng zts u�eo � . __ .. __ _ . _ _ _ ____ ___ _ _ ___ _ ��S 4-1902• LDEFINITIOIVS AND ABBREVIP.T� , For �h� purpose of Thi,� Cc�c1e, c�r�aa.n abbre�ri��iaan�, terms e phxase�o II wards and their derivats.ues shall be ec�n�tx��ed as �pecified in �hi� Sectione Words used in the �inqu�ar i.n�l,�.de �h� pl�.a:al, and �he plura3 the singulare Words u�ed in th� ma�culine gemder include I the feminine, and the feminine �h� mas�ulinea 1. Anim�.ted Signm A sign �azth act�.on �r ma�ion, flashinc�, o� � color changes requi��.ng e�.e�ta��.c�l ene�gy. e2�ctr�nic or m��2ex- factured source of supply, bu�t not �.nc�.uding x�evolva.ng sfgn� t�r wind a�tuated e�.ements �uch as flags o� bannersm 2. Ap�aroved PTa�tics. Approved plasti.� mater�.a�.� �h�11 be �h�se �pecified �.n JeBeCv Standa�ds whi�h have a flame-��re�d �ating af two hundred twenty-��.ve C225} o�r �.ess and a �anc�ke density mo� grea�er than that abtained f�°om the burning c+f untx�e�ted r�r�ad under �imzlar canditian� �,vhen �.e�t�d in accordan�e w�.�h U:.B.Ca 5tandards in the wa� iritended fo� v.se e Th� produ�ts e�f �ombusti�n I sha11 be no more tc�xic tha� the b��n§.ng of untreated v,7ood under sirnila� conditionsm (See Sec�ion 4�-1904.a ) 3, Backgrai�nd Areas The ent�,re face upan wha.ch �opy �a�1d b� placedo 4. Bu�.ldinq F�cade Q �°ha� po�t�.on of �n� ������.�a�° ele�at�.�n ct� � bui.lda.r�g ex�enda.nq ��o�n �:he g��de �fl, �h� ��� e�� the p�,rape� wal.l or eaves, and �,h� �n��.r� ca�.d��i �� �he bv��ld�.a�c� el�v��ic�n. 5 e Bua.ldiric� �'acac�e F'ar.a.rac�� .�. �e�u�f��ing o� �� �xist�.a�g �ae��� �nri�kh approv�d mat�e�a.�.1 s �.11��.na��d or z�a�.-�.�.l�m��ated. , . • , ,' . ' � , �; ' . , . • �� ' • ,. ^�. r �� t� � _4_ � +++ , 6 e Building Of f a.cia� n 'I�s Of f��:�� or ���?�� ���°��n ���rged w:�.th the adm�n�st.ra�.s.on and enf�:c�emen� c� Th�.� C�de; ��, ha:s duly au�hor- ized d�put�� 70 �ombinat�.on ��.gn<, An� ;�i.gn in���°����:��.ng any ��mb�raa.tian of the _. _ feature� of p�ieb ����ec�:+..ng� a�d ��of s�gn�<. I 8. Cur� "Line a The T�.ne at th.e ��.�e o� rhe cu�cb neares� to the street ar ro�c�raayo �n the a���nce afi a cux�b9 the �urb l�.ne shall be � e��tab�s.shed I�y �.he C�ty Eng.�.raPe� � t5ee Lega�. Setba�k, item 15 follawing� z � 9e Display Surface> The area made available b� the s�gn strueture for the pu�g�os? af d?�p.laya,r�.g �ch.� �dve�tis�.ng mes�age. , 10 a Ele�tric S�gnm �.ny sign c�n�ainz.ng o�� u�il��ing e�.ectrical �' wixing, but not �nc'luding s:ign� �I�.�zm�.na�ed by an exter�.or light saurce- 11 o Fin S�.gn� Any �ign wh,�_ch ��. supported whaS,ly by a ane (1 j stary j building of an open-�d�� hus�n��s. or by po1e� pl��ed in �he , ground, or paz�ly by �u�h a p�le o� pole� a�d part�y by a � buzldi.ng c�r s�:�•���.ure k ' 12. Ground Sign� Any type af s�gn �rh:s.ch i� supported by one t�-) or rnore upright.�, pa1e�, or bra�.e� �.n �x upon the g�°ound other than a cs�mbi.na�i�n �zgn, �ir: �ign, �r po�..e s�.gn .a� defined by ' This Codec 13. Height� The d��tance measured fr�m grade, unless otherwi�e designa��d, to �.�i� tap :�f �h� si.gn or s.igrA stru�t�.�e o � 14 e �ncombusti:b3.e Ma�eria�o Any mate��.al wh�.ch �a�,1:1 n�t ign�.te at, or below� a temperawure �f e�ne ���u�and twe� hun.dred C�.2Q4) degree� Fahr�er.hezt during a.n e�p�sure �f f:a.ve (5� m�.nutes� and wh�.ch tiv�1.�. no�. cont.�.nue �a bu�°:� ar �.I.ow a�. �hat tempera- ture. Te��� �hal�. be made as specif���. �n ��B _C. Standardsb 15. Legal Sa�b�ck L�.ne£ The line �s uab�F�.�h�d by ord�naz�ee bey�ond. ' whi�h na bu�,.Td�ng may be �1x�.�.t<: A legal �etback. l..ine may be a properfiy Ii.ne., ' 16 . Marqueee A p�rmanent �°ac�fed ��.����.u�e a��.�ched to and �upported by the bu�.�d�ng arad. px����c�..in� fl�.7er pabl;�c ���per�y , I . .� . i ` ; � ` I v • + f . ' + •�+ ' � r C" h T�T _5_ n ca s nai�in stri s 17 . Nonstructural Trimo The moldingp b��te s, p , g p , latticing, cutouts or letters and wa3.k�vays which are attached tq �Ghe sign stz°ucture. Il 18. �n-Premise Sicrn. A sign which d.a.splay� onl�y adve�tising copy I strict3.y incidental to the ]�awful use of the _premise on which I� it is located, including �igns or sign devices indxcating the I� 'business: transacted at, services rendered, goods sold or pra- duced an the immediate premises, name of the bus�ness, person, firm, or corgorati.on occupying the premises. 19. Off-Premise Sign. Any sign which cannat be classified as an j on-premise sign as described abovee II 24. Flastic Matezials. Materials made whal.ly or principal.ly from standardized plastics listed and descr�.bed ian Unifoxm Building Code Standards. (See Approved Plastics, Section 1904, 2, G, � 2�1.. pole Si�ne A sign wholly supported by a sign stzucture in the ground. 22. Partable Disp2ay Surface. A display surface temporarily affixed to a standardized aduertising stxucture which is regularly moved �ram structure to structure at periodic intervals. 23. Portable Sign. A sign which is nat permanently affixed and de5igned for or capable af mavemen�, except those signs ex- plicitly desiqned far people to carry on their persons or which are pe�manently affixed ta motor veha.cleso , ` 24. Projectinci Sic�n. A sign othe� th�an a �rall sign which projectt� � from and is supported by a wa31 of a building or structure. 2�5. Projection, The distance by which a ��.gn extends over public praperty or beyond the building line. 2:6. Raof Siqn. A siqn erected ugan og above a roof ar parape� af a bu33ding or sstructu�e. 2 7. Siqn, Any medium, in�lud�ng mercYaaaadiee, its structure and component parts, which 3.� us�ed o� ir�tended to be used to attract attentia� ta th� �ub�ect anat�ex for adver�isinq � puxposes, I� � �i - - - - - i ' . . � � , - � '. . � t . ', 1 1 ' "`'�T i ! ��� 28. S�.gn. _S�axr�tur�m�� Ar��r �tru��.��.�.�rh�.ch. .�ug��a���.�--ar ��� �apable of � s�ipportir� a,a�y ��gn a� de�i�aed�- �a...T��- .C.ad�-o : .� ,A �ign structure I may b� a s�xa,g�,� p�1.e �nd m�y �r may ���: ba �ar�- i�ategral part of the b�ild�ngm I 28. Stru,�tu�eo That whi:ch �s bui�.� o� c�r�����a�ted, an ed�.fice or j � � building -�f �ny k�.�d� or any p�.�c� o� wo�]c a�°t�.£3cia11y built up ar �amps�s�d of pax�i�s jain�d tog��her i.n ��me definite manner. � � 30, Tempo�a�y �i,ga�fl An� siqn, �ar�ner, p�n��nt� v�2�n�e, ar adver�- tising di�play� cor�s�ru��ed of cloth� ��nv�s, ligh� fabri�, card- board� w�l,lb�ard, os� r��thea� 7�igh�. anatarial�.s w�,th c�r without. fra�es, intend�d �o be d�.�pl�yed fo2� a 3f,�n�.�ed p�riod �f time ! � on1.y. 3Il:. Uniform. Su�.1.d,�ng Code p �h� adop�d ed�.t�,or�_ of t2ae uniform -__ ... __ ._ Huilding Cod�, puk�lis�eda by. th� I���rna��,oaa;� Congererace o� ' Build�ng Off�e�also 32.. U.B a.0 e Stand�rc3�m °�h� _�dcap�ted ed�t�rati �of �he Un2 t��m Buildiag _.. _ -�---. ._.,.. _. � Code S�t�ndard�, publi�h�d by �h� Inte�ra����.onal Con�eren�e of I Building Offa.ci�l�. 3�:. Under Marc�uee Sic,�n,e R l�ghted car unligh�ed d�.�p7.�� �tta�ehed to the unders�.de �f a ma�qu�� prca�trud�.a�g �rver p�xb�.ic or, priv�.te ' . . S1C�@i�t��.�Sa�a ' � i 34 . Wall Siqn o An�r �igr� ga�.n��d p ��t�►ched, .c�r �reGted ac�ains�t the wall o� a b�'�lding or �i�xu��tc�r�, �ei�h the �aspo�ed f��e of the sign i� a p��ne p�xall,e�, t� �lae pl�a�� �� .��id t�vall o 4-i90.3.: PEF�kM=�6.o.. 8�9I�IDS.Q.. .,�1P�I���1�'.I.fJI�I�•A-: .F°EE�- .�I�ID--�SREG�IONS 1. Permits and Bon . .. ._._. --.---,--- _____�_..__�_,._ _ I - -- ..._ds A. Permit�_ �Ze��.�e�a �tc� ��gz� ��a��,l he�e�fter .be ereeted, re-ex�e�ted, I can�tr�z��ed, �� ��,�e��cl, e�s�ep� as� p�e�vided by Thi� Code and a . permit fc�r �he �� heas b���a. i��a��d by �h� B�i�dinq 4ffi��.aT.. A sepax�ate p����t �hal� b� ��qu�.�°ed �'�� � ��g�a or �igns �or each b�s�,���� . e���.t�� a��je�r � �ep����e g�erm�.t for each graup � � ' , J � • ! . • �. � � • ...,.f!t,.. � +++ _7a of signs on a single ��pgost��q �t�uc�ur�.- �� �di�ion, ... . - electrical permit� _�hall b� ab�ained for el������° s�gns« B. Revocable Pexmits. A�i p�xm�ts issued �fox �ny �i9n project- ing ov�r a public right-o�-way shail be � ���� ������e� ��vocable at any time by the City of Renton, •acting �h��ugh fts Building ' Official, upon writ�en nQti�� eto �he .p�r�,i.�t�� of no� less than � ; ten . (10) days, or without aoti�e �in �ase tthe p�cmi�t�d use �ha11 becc�me dangerous or such siqn shall becom� insecu�e or unsafe o�' shall not be -cons�.�ucted,. �ma�.n��ined -o�_ -used i.n �ecore�a�,ce with the provisians of This Coc3e. Llpan �evoking su�n pexmftf ar at any time therea�ter, the eu�lding O��`icia3. may x�equeat t�.he per- mittee to discontinue o� �eme►�e �u�h 's3.qn ar�d .aupporti�c� ��taruc- � ture; and i� �,t be nrst so discontint��d ��� removed as �equested within the time specif�,ed, the Bui2.ding Offici.al m�Y z�emove � such sign .o= structure, all �t t�ie expen�e af �the p+�rmittee, payment for which may �e enforced �.n any mannar perm�tted �y �.$w• , C. Surety Bond. The app�.�.cant for a g��m�.t for any sign �rv�ecting over a public right-o��wag shall, befa�e the permit is issued� � file with the Cxty Clerk a �on�inuing 9ure�y� Company Bond v� • the amount listed in �ables 3=,A �ollowing �o .be approved �y the . City Attornay and cond3:L�o�ed �c�r. fai�h£u3.. .ab�sruasn�e of '�e provisians at This Ct�c3e a��3 a�ztea�c��aent� -ther.eof a�d aZl appli- cable laws and ardixa�nces i�el�a�i.rag t� ��igns and -a�dverti�ing � stsuctures, and further eond�tiorned .�m. �.nd�mni�y �nd �ave � } harm2ess the City of �enton �'ra�► �c��s, dam�ge,, �t�dgments, costs or expense which the C�.tty may i.ncuxp ct� s���er, by r�a�on of granting of said pesmfto A publ�.c li����i�y insur�►nce policy �.�sued by �tzi i�nt�u�rar��+� campaxay author�.�ti�d �a c�� �S��ine�� in ,�.. �he State af Washi�c���sn, �p�propriate�.y. conc3�.t�»c�n�c� �.r� �on- I I formity with the ca���ctiue� of �hi.s �e��icrr�, '����� b� germs.tted in lieu of a bond w��h liani�s of ors� ��and�e� �kr���tand t 100,000) I ., I dollars - three �a't�dr,s� thousand (�t�R3 0 004) dto��:�►�e� p�a1,�c liabf;iit� and f i���* t2���asand ��t3,t}t�8� dol�.ar� ���ope�'t� damaga coveraga. � � �.� — - - , , • • ) � � y � r (-#�-f-�-� _8_ TABLE 3-A Bond Requirements Sign Area (Square Feet) Bond 0 - 25 $ 500 26 - 100 1, 000 101 - 200 5, 000 201 and more 10,000 2. Application .Procedure A. Application for a sign permit shall be made in� writing upon forms furnished by the Building Dfficial. Such application shall contain the locati.on _by street an�.- number of the pro- posed sign structures as well as the name and� address of the owner and the sign contractor .or erectoro The Building Official may require the filing .of. additional plans or- other pertinent information when in hi-s opinion such information is necessary to insure .compliance with� this Codeo 5tandard plans may be filed with the Building O.ffi�ial. B. When applying for a -permanent= .sign,� a drawing, sketch, or photograph with a superimposed drawing, accurate as to scale, shall be submitted� shdwing how the proposed sign shall look in the environment. A vicinity map at a scale of one (1) inch representing twa hundred (200) feet shall be required showing the property on which the proposed sign is to be. lo- cated, the street, and the nearest intersection, tagether with a site map of one (1) inch representing twenty (20) feet, or a larger scale, showing the location of the sign, . . • . , � . " , . +++ -9- structures, rights-of-way, .easements.,.. .and .pr.o�er.ty .1.i.nes. Elevation projections of the proposed s_a�gn shall .also be submitted with the appl.ication and sha11 .include, but not be limited to,- the fo-l-l�awing: the sic�n.'s relationship to the pr.oper.ty lines,._ .easements, setbac� .lin.es., �nd structures. 3. Exce,ptions The following shall not require a per.mit.. . •These except,ior�s shall not be construed as r.el.ieving the owner of any .sig,n from the responsibil- ity of its erection and maintenance, and its �c,ompliance with the provisions of This Code or any other law or ordinance regulating the same. A. The changing of the advertising copy or. .message on a painted or printed sign, thea�er marquee, and similar signs specifi- cally designed for the use of replaceabl.e copy� B. Painting, repainting, or cl.eaning .of. -an�..advertis%ng. .structure or the changing. of the adverti,s%ng .capy. ..or- me-s.sage thereon shall not be. considered an erection .or. al.terat%on wY�ich re- quires sign permit unless a structural -or.. -elect�rical_ ,change is made. C. Temporary .signs �nd decoratior�s custamary. for. speci�al, �holidays such as Independence Day and Christmas �r-ected entirely on private propertye D. Real estate signs six (6) feet square or less in area offering the immediate premises for sale, lease, or renta E. Signs of not over two (2) square feet advertising that credit is available to members of monetary �.nstitutions. � F. One (1) on-premise sign, not electrical or illuminated, two (2) square feet or less, which is affixed perananently on a plane parallel to the wa1�1 -on the wa11 ,located entire],y on private pr.operty� G. Non-electrical and .non-�.1lumi-x�ated par•kir�g and. -tr•af�i�c control signs two (2) square -feet or less on .private .p�°operty. � � � " . � ( . ' .,.. I +++ 'I �10_ I I H. �Sullet3.n -board, not ov�x tw�Lve- . (�.�)� �����e--€eet--�n ar•ea for each public, �char.�.tabl.eo or- ���e�.�.s��o�•�•�,s�3.�u#�..i,on •when th,e same is..l.ocated �on ti�e p�em�,�es. .ca�. .��,d� •�stitu�ion. I I. Temporary signs denoting ��he .a��k��.�t,�� •�gi�ne+er.,� .o� cantraetar �' .. when placec� .upo�- •wor•k.-.undex: .a�n���u���.a�n- -a�xd. nat� -exceedinq twel.ve (12), squa�ee feet in_ �area e J. Memora.al. signs or tabl�ets, .name� •a£ _b�iZd3,�ngs, and d��es of erection, when cut int� any masanry �t�r�aee or. when constructed of bronze or other incombustibl� mate�ial�a K. Signs of public service compaaies ind�ca�irag danger and/otc I� 'service or safety informatione ' -�. Permit Fees _ z At the time of issu3.ng a permit to erect or �,�stall -a af�gn or c�evlce controlled by This Coc���, �.he Bu3.ld3,nq Of�ici�tl, shall collect A fee .computed .an the �basi� ot the f+�l�.owing: A. For permanent signs ].oaat�ed .entir��,y u�on �pri,vate property, compute the .totai •�r•ea o� a1�1, -£aae� �upeata �wh�.oh copy may be placed and use Table 3-8 belaw: _ �TABLE 3-B M Fee fra� Siqns or�- ,Pr•3.vate P�oi�e�t� Up to but not including fift� (50� squ��e ���� ' $ 5.40 Fifty (5q) square feet to but rao� �.a���,udir�� one hundred £ifty (150) square fee� 10.�0 One hundred fifty f15a) square f�et t�o }aut ��t inc2uding three hundred t300� �t����a f�e� 15•00 Three hundred {3Q0} square f�e� �nd e�t��� x�•QO . hich i� wi�h�.n the ublic ns an a�t��sa� �09�- � P B. For permanent s3.g , y p right-of-way, eompu�� the ��t���l ..�r�a •�� .�a3.1 .faces upon which cogy may be glaced an� u�� .T�l�le �-� �ollot�ing: I � II ' I f - L-- — - • ' a . , � '�'"�"'F" _�y — �. TA.BLE 3-C Fse Far Si:.gr�s Wzth-in Bublic R�:qh�-of-Wa� Up to but not including fifty (50� square feet $ 7.54 Fifty (50} square feet to but not includ�.ng one hundred fifty (I50) s_quare feet 15.00 One hundred f�.fty {150} square feet to but not including three hundred (3Q0'} square feet 22.50 Three hundred (300) square feet and aver 37.5Q A fee for peri.odic re-inspection may be required by the Building Official in the interest of public safety yn the amaunt of one-half (�} of the original permit fee, payable wi�h�.n ten (10) day� of bi3ling. Such a �ee �hall not be charged more than ance a year, except in those instances when the property -owner fails to camply with correctian notices issued by the Building. Official, C. For the temporary installation of signs, banners,• streamers, etc. on special permit as provided in Sectian- 4--191b of This . Code, the permi� fee shall be twenty-f�ve. (25} dallars. D. For the temporary installation of clath signs over the public right-of-way on special permit as provided i�n Sect�:on 4-1916 of This Code, the permit fee shall be twenty-five {25) dollars. E. For the purpose a�' computing the max�.mum permitted s�ze .and permit fee, free standing letters ar characters, where na background is specially provided, the area sha11 be considered as that encompassed by drawing straigh� line� �t the extremitie� of the shapes to be used. F. Real estate directional s�.gn permits an the public �ight-of-way I of a temporary na�ure .shall be ten (10) do7�lars per sign for a six (b) month period with a renewal fee of.. fiue (5} dollars for a three (3.) .inonth period w�.th anly ane {1} renewal allawed. A �'i�teen (15) dollar depos3.t per sign. shal-1. �lso be paid to the Building �fficil�� which sha11 be forfeited i£ the developer fai2s ta remove the sign when the permit expires. Upon demon- I stration th�t a sign has be�n removed, the deposit for the sign shall be returned, All confi�cated ��.gns shall become the property of the City of Ren�.or}a I r � � , i � (+++) I -12- G, In addition to the_ abave fees, the Build�ng. Official may collect � a plan check fee equal to one-half (2) the sign .permit fee if special engineering checks are .requirede Such fees sha11 be 'I paid at the time of applicatiano Fi. Where wor-k fox whicY� a permit is requir•ed by Th�:s Code_ -is �started II or praceeded with prior to .obtaininc} s�aid per.mi�, the fees above I specified shall be doubled; bu�. the payment of...�uch •c�ouble fee shall not relieve any persons �rom fully comply%ng- with the re- quirements of This Code in the execution of t.h�- �or.�. nor from any o�her penalties prescribed herein. T. The fee for the inspectian. o� refurbished, used� ele.ctr%cal signs I and field-assembled electrical s�:gns, which is �.n addition to th� above fees, shall be ten (1Q) dollars, provided �Y�at the signs j do not possess a seal from an appraved test�.ng agency. 5� Maintenance ' All signs, together with all of their supparts, br.aces, guys and anchors, shall be kept in repair and .in proper state af preserva- tion. The surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or II posted at all times. The graund area shall be neat and orderly , '' �,- Tnspections I A, All signs control.l.ed by .Thi�s Code shall_ be. subject to. inspection and ,periodic re-inspect�an by �h�e Bui-lding. �afficial. B. Foating inspections shall be made _by the. Bu.ilding Off.icial for all szgns having f.aatings. C, A1.1 welding on signs or sign st�ructures shall be .done by � certi£ied welders holding a valid cert.�f�:ca�ion from King County ar other governmental jurisdiction acceptabZe to the Buildi.ng Of�icialo D, Al1 signs cantaining e].ectrical wiring sha11 be subject to the I governing eZectrical cade and shall .bear ,the 1:abel -of an ap- proved testing agencyo. Refurbished, used eZectriaal, .signs and field-assembled el.ectrical .signs without .a seal .of .an approved testing_ ag.ency �shal.l be ir�spected �by the Builc�.ir�g. Official. L_ - _. -_ _. _ -_ r - - - - - - . . , +++ -13' , I I E. . Th� Bxuild�.ng Officsal, may ��de�. �h� removal of any sign that is not maintained a.n acao�danc� with the prov�.sions of Section 4.-190'3, 5 m �f Tha.� Ccsde o � 4-19Q4: DESIGN AND GONSTRUCTIQN I 1. Desiqn A. General. Signs and. sign structures �hall be designed .and con-. I structed ta resist wind and se�.sm3c forces as speci�ied in this Section. All bracing systems shall be designed and constructed to transfer lateral forces ta the foundat�.on�se F'or signs on buildings, the dead and lateral loads sha]�l be �ransmit�ed through the stz°u�tural frame of �he building to the ground in such manner as not to a�re�st�°ess �ny of the eletnents thereof, The overturning moment produced from lateral forces shall in no case exceed two-thirds (2/3) a�f the dead-load resist�.ng moment. Uplift due to aver�urning shall be adequately resisted II by proper anchorage to the qround or to �he structural frame o£. the building. The weight o� earth superimposed over foot- ings may be used �n determining the dPad-load resisting moment. Sueh earth shall be thoraughly eompa�ted� B, Wind Laads. 5igns and sign struc�.u�es �ha11. 3�e designed and canstructed to re�is� wind fo�ces as spe��.�fied �.n the adopted edi�.ian o� �he Uniform Bu�ldinc� Godeo C. Seismic Loadso Sign� and. s�gn struc�ures shall be designed and constructed to resist sei�mic forces as. specified in the I � adopted edition of th� Un3�os:m, Building Cadee D. Combined Loads. Wind aand �e�.smic loads need no� be combined in the de�i.gn af siga�s or sign �t.ructure�; �nly that 2oading `��. producing the larger s�re�se� need be used8 I Vertical design load��p ex�ep�G rQof l�.ve loads, shall be assumed to be acting �imultan�o��ly. w��:h tTze w�.nd or seismi�: loads. E. Allowabl.e Stres�e�o The de��,gr� a� waad, �oncrete, or steel members shall confo�zn �o the ��qua,remes��s of the adopted . R '' . t • � A, � � '� � F II +-I-�- II -14- edition o€ the Un�.form Bua.lding Codea , Loads, •both vertical and horizontal, exerted on the sail -shall� not produce stresses exceeding those specified in the adop�.ed. ed�:tion of the Uniform Building Cadee The working stre�ses of w�.re rope ancl z.�s fastenings shall not exceed twenty-five {25� per�ent of �he ultimate strength af the rope or fasteners. Warking stresses far wind or seismic Ioads cambined with dead loads may be increased as specified in the adopted editian of the Uniform Building Codeo �. Gonstruc�ion A. General. The supports for al1 signs or sign structures shall be placed in or upan private property and shall be securel.y built, constructed, and erected in conformance with the re- quirements of This Codeo B. Materials. Materials of construction for signs _ar�d sign structures shall be of the quala�ty and grade as specified �for buildings in the adapted ed�t�.on .o� the Uniform Building Code. I In all .signs and sign s�ruct�ures the materials and details of canstruction shal2, in the absence of specified requirements, � conform with the fallowing: (1) S�ructural steel shall be of such quali�y as to conform with UeB.C. Standard�o Secondary members in contact with or directly supporting the display surface may be formed ' of 1.ight gauge steel, provided such members are designed in accordance with the specifications o� �he de�ign of light gauge steel as speci�ied in UaBaC4 S�andards and, in addition, ferrous metal� shall be ga2vanized. Second- I a m m rs when formed inte raZl with the d.is la ry e be , g Y P Y sur£ace, shall be no� less than No. 24 gauge a.n �h�.c�Cness. When not formed integrally with the display surface, the minimum thickness af the seconda�y members shall be Noe 12 gauge, . J _ , ' � ' .� � � � � ` I ,, .• , � +++ � �-�,�- �����, �n�r���� ��r �� �s����.����� ����a ��e ��.� g��.va�sf�ed or� �������.��� �a��.t; ����r�.cx�c� ��� �a�r����,ic�� �s �dequa�e �4� "��'a"�FY�a���' °�.�l.c� ���'°�a��� �.�'i ��2� IC?�'IYI���'�� II {2� Ar��h�s�� a�.a s�.�p���� �h�ra ¢�f v�ood ar�� �znY��c?dec� �.n the � scr�..�� c�� �ai��a�.n ��� �6� i����� o� �h� �c��l.F �fia�.l b� of a.:�i �c����w�aa�d eaf a d�$�b�.� s���ie� �r �h.al�. be �re5sure- �xe�ted ���h a� ap�a�ov�d p��s�rva�ive� S�ach member� shall , b� ������ �� ��a��e�. �� axa �.�p�c���d �s���cy e C. Rest�i�tit��� �rs ��►�������e 1������,�I�m ��,l ��.g�.s a:zd s�.g� _.... . ___._._._....._- -__. . _ .. -- _--- - - -- ___ ��ru�t�are� �r���.�e� �� F�r� Zc��� bda�a �. �Y�al�. �a�� �t��ac�.u�al �lemb�r� a�f �.a��c�a���t���1� �teri��.�o Gr��xr�c� ��,��s� r��� ��� �����ru�t�d c�� a�� ma�t���.al m�et�.ng �hE � I s+Eq�ir����� �f x��� ���3�� ����:p� �.� p�e�v�e�ecl ��vea Comt��.n�t���a ��.�r��� �°c�a� ��.g:��, �a�.� sign�, g�����i�ing ��.gns t I ana s�.gn� �as� rn�rqu��� ��i�1i be c�s�����,���d of �.nco��as��.ble ; '" m,���er�.��.�o ���e�� �� p��>�id�d �z� i�em Do �elc��r«, �o cr�mk�j.�s- , ���.��.� �����.c��� ��l�e� ���� �����'ed �rl���ics sha�l be u�e� in �he �������ct�.o� o� ��.e��,��� ��.c�r��m D. �3ons�rtx�ta���� '�ri�� ����n��ru����a�. �r�� �.nd portable d�splay ���ace� �y �� o� ��c�c�� ���a�o ���r�°av�r� pl����.�ss, �� an� �ombina��.on ��+�����'£ E. Anch����eo M���� s�p�o���a�z� u��x���d ��.��� �h�l.l }ae sc� pro- - I portionec� ��a�� �he �+����.s�c�� �.��.ds� �a�g�s�c� o�a ��i� �oi�. �.n �it�,er I d�.���t.1.o�o h����a��t�1 �� ���:��,���, ����1 r��� �x�ee� �1ne �afe v�Y��s.m l�r�+��� c���ur�� ����� ��aa�3 �� ���h�csred �c� ���a.�� the �pecif�,� r��� �r sei�z��� ��aa3 �c��.�g a�� �ny dir�citione Anchor� r I anr� s�u��r�� s�ia�..� �� d���.g�aec� f�:� �af� bea��ng loads on �.he � sail arrt�'' fs�� �n e���c���e r���s��a��� �.cz nu:��.-���t aare�ot�ntinc� to a fc���� ���r����-��v� Q�.�� �s�r���z� g���,��� �hax� �ch� requ�r�d re-- �i��an�� �� �v���.����r��o ���h��� ��� �����ts ��a�.�. p�ne���te to a cY�g��.h ��c�� ���u�n� g������ ��� �h�� �� tk�e f�ro�t �.ine o Sig�as �t�.��Y��c� �� �s�;������ ���s�����a �� ����x �ha�3 be ��fely and ���ure3.� �a������ �h��e�� ��r r���.�e� o� �n��.�� a�a��a�r�� �olts, i . ' . II ± _, • , � ' . ,� . , � � z. k ��T ����. or appro�r�d. ���p�ns.���. �������rs r�� �°>�:L.��.��.en�. si�e �nct ar�ehorage �o suppa�� ��,��:��r �h� �caad� �.�p�.�ed� No woode�. b�.��ck� ��� p:��a.c�� o� �.n�"ha.r.s eaith tia�c�d u��d �n �onnec- ti4n wifh ���°��,�s r�� ��i:t� �h��.�. �ae ��an�a�de��ed p�°a�e�` an�horage, excep� in �he �a.s� �� �:.�n� ��:�:.��n�d ��� ��r�d f�aming a No ancho� �� ��pp���� �f �.�rz� �.�.�r. �1�a.�� be aonne���ed t�, or supported �y� �n �nb�����d �arape� �alle unle�s su�h wal�. is designed �.n �.��a��dance �a���.h �he ��c�ui,�ement� f�x° par�pet wal.i� spec�.fied �� -�h� �.dop°��d ed.z�-��.c�n �� �h� Uz��fa�m Bua.�.dzng Code. F. D�spTa� Su�f�ce�a D��p:l�.�r ,��r���es �.�. �.�1 �ty�es of signs may be made of inet�aZ.o c�l.a�s o� �.pp���red p�.ast��s� c�r o�ther approved non-combusti�le m�,����.a�.a ����� �h�.��ne�s and area �imitations sha11. be as se� fr���,h zrz zab�e Nr�a �-A belawa TABL� NO o 4°�A Size, Thi�k�.es� and. °�vA� ��f. .G1a,�.s Pa��:��, �,n S�._qns _ . _ _ __. _ ..__.._ _.. _ . . __--____ ___ _ .__. . _ . ._ MAXZMUM STZE Q.�' EX���ED GT�.SS �'ANEL M�N��'IUM __ _.. _ __ ARE1� � '.L'T�ICKN�SS ' ANY DIMENS�ON �In �qt��,�� O� C�Z.�SS (Sn Inches) Zn�h��� %:�n �nches� TYPE OF GLASS _ ..____ _.___-__ _ ___ .__ _.. ____. . _ ._--...._.. _. _... . 30 I �00 �.,�°'�8 _ P:Laxn P Fla-�e ar Wired 4� `�'�� 3,�16 Pl.a.�n, Pla�.e or Wired �4�; �3��(� �.,,,�� P�,cl.lrir Plate or Wired Over 144 � O�re� 360G �,,�'4 W��ed Gla�s . _ . --_ _�...._.___.�„__ .. ---�---_______ _�_—. ___.. ..__...... _ . . _ _ . G. Ap�ro���. P:�ast�,��<� �`he B�z1d�,�xg C�����:�a1. sha�.l ��qu3re that su�fic�.en� ���h��cal d��;� be subm�,��ed �o sub�tantiate the pra- posed use of any �las��.c nta�.e��.�.;�.. �.z�d� �f i�. �.s deter�rined that �he evide��e subm:i�:��d �.� sa��s�a��et:.oxy �a�° the u�s intended, he may app�°oue �t� u.��� 3. Ciearance j . j A. � General o A�1 �,��p�� o� ��gz��� �:Yaa;l'.�. ������zn �ca �th� �.lea�°ance and . prajection �eq�a��e�►�n�;s o� t.h:�� �����.�n;� B. Glea�a�ce f���n �I�.�� Ver��:aqe �o°w�� 3:,�,�.��� ��.gn� �nall s�e l�ca�ed not l.ess �h�n �.�n �.:��;� ������n .�c�x°����z��.�,'�.� o� ��a�l�re C12� feet � � - • : . ' ' ! I ��T -�J vert�,cal.ly fram ovexhe�d elect�a�c�l �o�du��,��� which are energi�ed in exce�s of �e�ren hua�d�ed fif�,�. (750) voltsa The �erm "overhead condu�toxs" as us�d in �.ha.s S�cti�on .means any �I elec�rical canductaro e�.ther b��e c�r insulated, installed abo�re. the grat�nd ex�ep�. �uch aond�z�to�� as ��°e en�losed in iron pipe or other mate�ial �over�ng o� eg�aal �t�ength. C. Clearance frQm Fire Escapes, Ex,��s a ox° St�and�ri�. No sign or _ - _ _ i sign structure sha].l be erect�ed in such a manner that any portion of its surface� or suppo�ts will. interfere i,z� �ny way with the �ree use af any fire escape, exit, or .standpipee '� D. Obstruction of Open�.nqs� No sign shal�. obstruct any opening �o i such an extent. �.hat l�.gh�. o� ven�ila�,a��n_ i� reduced to a poa.nt below that required by �he appli�able C��y bu�,�ding codes. Sign� erected within �ive �5) feet of an ex�e�ior �wall in which there are openings wi�hin the area of the ��.gn, shall .b� c�on- �tructed of incombu�tibl.e material ar appraved plas�icse � E. Projection over Alle�sa No sign ar s�gn s��uc�u�e shall. pro�ect � _ _ � into any public alley belova a height of �'ourteen (14) feet above � grade, nor pro�ect more than �welve (�.2� 2�ches where the sign I stru�ture is Iocated fourteen (1�} feet to. six�een (16) feet o ° ct not mare I above gradeo The sign or s�.gn structure may pr �e. � than thi�rty-�ix (36) i.nches in�o the publ.�� �11ey �vh�re the sign or sign structux°e is lc,ca�ed more �han �iact�en (16) feet I above grade. j F. Su porting Membarse The ��x�pc��'�ing memb��.s of � s�gn shal.l 3�e � I � . _. free of any unneces�ary bra.�ing, angle ironr guy wires, . aables, I and similar deva.ces a G. Glare from. Si n�so All �,13.uxn�.r�ated s�a,gn,s �ha1.l be de�a.gned and located in such � manner as �ca avc�id ua�due g3:a�°e or ref lection of lighta H. View from Rear. If a s3gn is v.�s�ble froir► more than one `1) dire�ta.on, alI areas noi� a.n�:ended a� disp3�ay �ux�faces �,nclud- ing the ba�k �nd �id�s �hal:l b� de��.gned �o �h�� such ��eas . ` i � 5 ri.._ '�'"�"�" � ���� are gi�r�n a �'�r��h�d ��d p����ing �.�p�a�°a�zca wit�h the display � su�°fac�e� va.�,a�kr�e onl,y f�o�►t .�h� d���c��.az�s �h��, �.h�y a�e in�ended I I' to be seen. I il 4-1945: FTN SIGNS _.. 1. Fin Signs sh:all be co�astru��t�d �f �,ncombus�2b1.� mater�.al ex�ept as I I prov�.ded in Sec��.on 4--�.904 m i 2.• AIl supparts of f�.n ��.gn� sha�Z �,e p1,�.�ed �p�n p��.vat� property and , sha11 be se�urely bu�l.�, �c�n�tru�ted and e�ected to confoxm with. ' requirements sp�c�.f�.ed in Se�tion 4-19040 ' 3, Specificat�.ans A. General. . F�n s3.gns may pra�ee�t }�ey�nd the property or legal setback_ l�.ne in ac���d���e v�s�th -gr.o.�e���or�� �pecif ied in Section 4-�914. � B. Tha.ckr�ess Limita�tiono The thickness of tha�t port�on of a fin I sign wh�.ch pra�ects over pub7.ic prc+per�y shall not e�cceed �he I , maximum �pec.�fied in Sectis�n 4-19i0 0 C. Clearancee I�o ��.gn or s�.gr� st�u��ure shall be erec�.ed �.n �uch ; II a r�anner �hat an� portican o� �.�s ��ar�ae:e aac �upport� will inter- I fea�e ir� any �aay w�.th the f�ee u�e of any f�.re escape, exit, or I j standp�.p�e 4 Nc� �3.gn shall ab�trtxct an� �t�.�tdow tca such an extent I t_hat any I�ght o� �renti�a�a.on .i� �educed to a goia�t below that .��. � required by any l�w� ox ordinancea 4-1906z POLE S�GNS l. Pole signs shall be eonstr�acted of �ncombustib:Le ma�era.al except a� provided in Sect�.on 4-1904e 2. All suppor�� of pe�l�: sign� �ha11 be placed upon priva�e praperty and sha�l be secu�e2� b�z�2t� c�nstr�ct�dP �.�d ez�ec�ed to canform tnri�h requirement� spe�if�.ed i� 5e�ti�n 4-�.9040 3. Pro�ecltion of pa].e sic�ns �ria7.3 cc�n�o�m �v ��.� �°equi��rnents of �ectidns 4-1909 a�id ��-1910 0 4. Pole s�.gns sha21 ��t prs����t with�,r� �he publ�.c �igh�-of-wray. . . � � +++ !1�_ 4-i907: GROUND SIGNS 1. Ground signs may be constructed af any materia]. meeting the require� ments of This Code, except as provided in �ectipn 4-1904. 2. Ground signs shall be designed in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 4-1944. 3. Ground signs shall not project within the publ�.c right-of-way. 4. Ground signs may have display surfaces of combustible materials except in Fire Zone No. 1, with further exceptions as provided in 5ection 4-1904. 4-3.908: ROOF SIGNS l. Roof signs shall be canstructed of incombustibl.e ma�erials �except. - as Sp�C].fl.8d in Section 4--1944. 2. Roof signs shall be thorough]�y seeured and aMchored to the frame of the building over which they are constructed and erected and - shall be designed in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 4-1904. 3. �ecif ications A. Pra�ection. Roof signs may praject over the public right-of-way beyond a legal. setback iine complying with the requirements specified in Sectian 4-I920. B. Clearance and Access, �assage clear of all obstruetions shall be left under or around and immediately ad�acent to all signs exceeding a height af four. (4) feet abave the roof �hereunder. Such passages shal:l. be not ].ess than three (3} feet .w�de and 5 four (4) feet high{: and shal�. b� at parapet .or roof level. There shall be one : (1) such passage or . ac�ess opening as fol- lows: (1) For each roof ';sign upon a building, � (2) An access op��ing far every fifty (50) l�.nea1 feet of , horizontal rc�of sign extension. (3) Within twen�y (2Q) feet o� wa1l� � and parapets when roof. sig�s ,are a� right angles to a fa�e. of �he buildinge j f • If '� ! �..�'.�' -20- 4-1909; WALL �IGNS 2. Wa11 signs shall. be con�tructed of incombust�:ble materials, except as provided in Section 4-19040 2. Wall signs shail be designed in aceordance wa.th the �equirements sp�ci�ied in Sect�.on 4-19040 3. Wal.l �signs shall not project_ wi:tha.n the public right�of-wray oz beyond a I.egal setback line greater than the d�.stances �et forth in Table Naa 10-A fo2lowing nor shall extend above any �d�acent parapet or roof af the suppor�i.ng buildingo No sign or sign structure shall project into a public alley below a height of fourteen (14) feet above grade, nor more than six (6) inches when over fourteen tl4) feeto 4. T�e thickness o� that portion of a wa3l sign which projects over pu�a].ic property or a legal setback line shall not exceed the maxi- mum as set forth in Tab1e Noa 10-B fc,l�owinga 4-2910: PROJECTII�G SIGNS � �,. Projecting signs �hal1 be constructed of incombustible materials except as specified in Sectian 4-19040 TABLE NO. IO�A Proiect�on -of S�.gns Clearance Above Grade Maxi.muan Pro�e�tie►n Less than ten fee� No� p��m�,�ted Ten fee� ar over S�,x f�et . I . . � TABLE tNC?. �.0-B ,, Thickness of Projectinq Siqn . ,_. . . . . .. . _ . . _. . ..... . . . . Projection Maximum Tl��.cknes� I . . ..... _.._. ...._ . . .. . 6 , 2' � 5� 2' I 4' 2° 6" 3` �° I _ .y� �9L11 . I G 'D y / �1 . 1 - � �� : " � � � � +++ ..�i_ � 2. Projectir�g ��,gn� �ha��, lae de��gned �n a��c��d�r��e ���h th� require- ments sp����ied ir� S��t�c�z� 4�-1904 � 3. Proj ectioa� and. C�eara��e. _ __. ._ _._.. __.__ ----- _ � A. S�gns ma� �ro�e�� ����x�d a �:�c�ai, �e�����C ��,n� �aa �c�o�d�nca v�ith �.abl.�� Ns�� T.0-�A �nd �J-� v�hen �����ec� ����i�°�ly an private pxoper�y, o�° a.s �the�w�,se p�rmi��ed in Se�ta.on 4-1.91:8 0 � B. Signs may pro�e�� over a pub1,�,� �ic�ht�of-wa�y� �n a�cordance with , . . tables Noo lfl-A:�and 10-8 �h��°� such �r�ght-�f-way is impraved for pedestrian ��affi� and protected by �t�ee� cu�b�.ng, �ut no sign may proj��� �los�r than t�+ao (2� f�et tc� the cugb line. �C. Whexe �. �.ec�all� ��r��t�ru�ted rna�quee ex�.�t� wh�ch in itself �amplies wl�h the gro°visions of th� 1��ntc�n Bu�,lding Co�e, an � "unde�° marqu�e" ��gn, no larger �.han tw�elue {3.�} a.nches hiqh by seventy-two (`��� in�h�� long k�y ter� (1Q� �n�he� thick, may be su�penc�ed bel��v �he ma�qu�e s pra�v�,ded th� bo�tom of the siqn ss a� l�a�t e�.gh� {£t} feet a�c�v� t�� surface of the s�.dewalk _ and the �ig�, d�es n4�, ex�.e�.d b�yond th�e ma�qu�e o Unde� marquee ' sigx�� shall be la:m�.tcd �ca one ��� �zuc� ��.c}n per er�trance for each business e��abl�.shm�n�o � D. 5�.gns anay p�s�je��t in�o an �,��.e�r ca�' ���er �pubri� right-of-way wh�.�h �s a�ts�. �.mp��v�dg as �,n 4-�.93Q8 3s � �bc�ve, a ma.ximum of � thr�� 43�� ��e'� p����ded �h�� �he e�.ea�an�e �rom the bottom of the sign �r� iche g�ade b�low �.s ncst �.�ss �han s3x�een (16) feet. E. All prajec�ting ��.gx�� �ha�.�. h��r� paint�d thereon the name of the sign �����.o� ��n�. �.he da�e c�f °�Y�� e�e�t�.�n� F. All s.�gn� �re��e� ak�ove or belc�w a marquee cah�.ch do not meet the requ�,remer�t� o� Sec�ion 4-i�i2, _1, o� Tha.s Code �ha11 comp�y �a�t�h the r�q�air�m�n�s of �h�,s S�c��,c�n o G. Po2e s�gn� sha�l rso� p�o�e�t �ai�tha,n �.he �a�bli� ��gh�-of--way. 4-1911: COMB�NATxbI� S�GNS l. Combination ��.gn� �h��.� be �on���u���d �� �.n�on�hu�tik�2e maters.als except as spe�if��d �� 8��i�n 4-,1�040 � — L�.�. �..�����.., + j � , , f j . . . T�T �za- The zndiva.duaZ requa.rements of raof, paro�ecting and pole s�.gras � shal.l be applied for combxnation �igns incorparating any or a11 of the requirements spec�.fied in �hi� Sectiona 2. All support� of combanatian signs sha�l be placed in or upon private property and shall be se��.rely built, constructed, and erected to conform with the requiremen�.s specified in Section 4-1904. 3. Pro�ectione Cambinatian s?.gns may project o�rer publ�.c property or beyand a legal setback line as specified in Section 4-19�.0. 4. Thic�kness. The thickness of that portion of a combin�tion sign which projects aver pubia.c property �hall not exceed �h� maximum as specified in Section 4-1914. 4-1912: MARQUEES � 1. 5igns may be placed on, attached to, or constructed in a Marquee�. Such signs shall, for the purpase of determini.ng projection, clear- ance, height and material, be conside�ed a part of and shall mect the requiremen.ts �or a Marquee as spec�.fied in the adopted edition of the i7niform Building Code. 4-1913: ELECTRIC SIGNS l. Elec�.ric signs shall be constructed c,f incambustibl.e materials, e�cept as specified in �ection 4--1904. The enclosed shell of e�.ectric signs shall be watertight, e�cepting that serva:ce holes f itted with covers �1�a21 be pr-o�rided �.n-t�a each campartment of � �uch signs. 2. �nstallation � A. Instailation. Elect�ical equigment used in connection with . display siqns sha].l be in�sta7:].ed an accordance w�.th local Qrdinances regu].ating e].ec�x�.ca��. in�tallatiane B. Erectar' s Name. Every el��t�°a.e �ic�n projecting over any street or alley or publa.c pl.ace shall h.ave the name of the sign erector and date of erec��.ans Suoh name and date shall � _ _ I , , � , _ . , +++ -23- be of suff%cient size �nd cor�t�a�t to be. readabl,e fr.om a reasonable distance. Failur� to prav�de such •name _a�nd date shail be gr.our�ds .far .rejection of the sign by the Buil.ding O�ficial, C. Label Required. All electric signs sh��1�1 bear the label of an approved testing agency; except that the Bui7,ding �££icial may accept, after application and the receipt of the inspection fee speci�ied in Section 4-19Q3, 4. Ia and inspec��.on pr�or to erect�.on, a refur.bished, used elect�ic sign or a f�e1d-assembled electric sign. 4-1914: RRQHZB�TED �SSGNS. •AND. .IIEUICES 1. The following signs or- �dev3..oes. are. -speaa:fical,l�y._•��-al�.,�b.ited: i A. Al1 signs not complying with the Washington State Highway ' Depar�ment regulations adjacent to 5tate roads. B. Any sigr� ussing the wards "stap" , "look" , •"rlanger" , ar any other ward, symbol car. character which might canfuse traffic or detract from any legal traffic cantrol devicee I C. AlI of the following signs within seventy-fi,ve (75) feet o£ the public right-af-way with any af the folZowing features: animated, , revolving more than eigh�. {8) revolutians -per minute, blinking , , i and flashing. Exceptions are public ser.vice sign�, such as those which give the time, temperature and/or .huznidity. D. Strings of pennants, banners or streamers, festaons af lights, clusters of flags, wind-animated objects., :bal.l.00nsl and simi- lar devices of .a. carniva.l .nature except as speca:fic-a11y pro- I vided in. .Sections 4-19�15 ancl 4--191.6 of Th�s Cade. �Not. pro- h�.bited are _natianal, stata- �and insta:tutional fl�ags pr.operly I displayed or ternporary �signs and decor.a_tians cus�omar.y for special halidays, such as Independence Day, Chris�mas, and slmiiar events of a publ-i,c nature. E. Portable signs or any sign which is not .ger.manently mounted. F. There shall be no .s�.gns a1]�ovsed .wi:th,�n :��aenty : (2D) -feet of intersectior�s or driveways which shall obscure •visian between 1 `-._..-._.... _ • � A (+-F��i-� -24- the hea�ght of three (3J feet and �en ��.0) f�et of the street or driveway gradeo G. Stationary motor vehic�.es, trai�er�, and related devices to circum- vent the intent of �hi� Codeo 2. Unauthori�ed signs or other advert�s,�ng devices ea.ther wholly or par- tially suppo�°ted on or p�o�ecting over the pub�ic right-of-way may be removed by the Building Offi�ial or his representative �aithout notice to the owner o Su�h. sign� or dev��zs ��iall b� ��or�d af �:he Ci��r garage for a period not to exceed th.irty (30� days, du�ing wh�,�h t�.me the owner may redeem su�h s.�gn or de�ice by payment to the City Treasurer an amount equal to the City c:as� f�r �he �°emaval and st�rage, but in no event shall the fee be less than ten (10) dollarso After expiration of the thirty (30) day storage period, the sign not having been re- deemed, it shall be destroyed �r otherwz,se disposed of, 3. Removal -of Non-Conforming Signso All- non-conforming sign.s- which have a repladement value of 1es� than five hundred (500) dollar.s shall be brought up to the standards af this Code or sha11 be removed within two (2) years from the effective date of this Codeo Al1 non-c.onforming signs which have .a replacement value of five hundred (5-00_) dolTars or more shall be brough� up to the standards of. th�.�:- Code or shall be removed within four -(4y years_ from the effe�t�ve date of this Code; provided, however, for the purpose of thi� subparagraph, a sign that is otherwise fully xn conformity �with a11 other provision� of this I Code shall not be considered in violation t�ereof by reason of non- compliance with the density provis�.on relating to off-premise signs as specified in subparagraph Fo of Sec�ion 4-.�918 , 3a For those areas annexed or rezoned subsequent to ��e enactment of �h�.s Code, the ef- I fective da�te for the removal �r causing �ompliance of then non-conform- ing signs sha11 be �he date of ar�ne�ation or rezoninga 4 , Closure of Bus�,nesse Upon the cla�ure and vacat.�on of a bu�iness or act�.vity, the owne� of said bus.�ness or act�.vi�.y. �ha1l. have .ninety (90) days from the da�e of. �losure to remove all signs relating to said business or activity, If' �the awner of said busine�s o� act-ivity fails to remove said signs within �he designated time period, then .the owner r . � - � � � . . (+++) _2�_ of the proper�y upon wh��h sa�.d sign� a�e lo�ated �ha�.�. r�emove said siqns within one hundred �wen�y (320� d�.�� af said c�.osur.e a�d vacation of premisee 4-I915: -- -'I'.EM�.�RARY...-SIGNS l. No temporar°y sa�gn shal,l� ex�eed ane hundr�ed ��.00) squar�. �eet a.n area o Temparary sign� of r�.gid material shall nat ex�eed twen�ty��our. (24) square fee�. in area or six (6� feet in heigh�� Temporary �ig_ns may remain �.n place far a pe�°�.ad no�. ex�eeding sixty (60) clays, excep� directiar�al �eal e�tate �igns whi�h may remas.n for ��.x -(6) manth.s and subaect to one (1) renewal fo� a three (3� mon�h periode 2. Specifications Ao Suppo�te Every tempora�y clo�.h sign shal�. be �uppo��ed and attached with wire rope of th�ee-eighths (3f81 in�h min�.mum diameter, or o�her ma�erial of equivalen� breaking strengtho No �t��.ng�, f�.ber ropes, or waod slats shall be permitted for suppor� ar anchorage purposesa C1.oth signs and panels shall be pex�fo�°ated over at least ten {10� per�ent af thea.r a�ea �.o reduce win.d .re�istance, (1.) -'-EXCEPTION.e Temparary �lath .�ign� over private property not exceedirig s�.xty (60} square feet shall be sup.ported and a�tached with c�are rope whi�h �wi11 meet �he require- ments o� Sect�.on 4�19U4 af this Codeo B. Pr.ojec�.ion� Cloth sign� may extend aver public propertye Such signs, when extended over- a pub�.i� �treet, sha7.l maintain a minimum �learance of �wenty {2p} feet, C< Clearance4 Cloth sign� may extend ac�ass a public street anly by permissian of the Cit�r Cour�cil and �hall . be subjec� �.o a1.1 related law� and o�°da.nance�e Temporary signs� other �.han �Io�ha `ahen eight {8} feet or more above the g�ound8 may projec�t not more �han �ix (6� �.nches over publ..a.c property o� be�ond �.he legal. setback line d 3 _ _ __ . _ . _. _� _ V . R�a1 Esta�te D�,�°ec.t�.onal Siq�.�� on. .the Pub��..c Ra.c�h-�t-a �Wa . Ao Real estate directa.ona�l s�.gns s�aaZl have a maximum. s�.ze c�f twelve i (12�) square feeto - 5u�h d�.rect�.onal ss�gn� shall. not be placed closer than fc�u� �4� fee� to �he edge of �.n �mp�°oved .�oadway and �hall no� be pla�ed in su�h a manne� a� �to constitu�te a publ:ic safe�y h�zardo . Y � a 1 'f"'"�. _26_ B a No more than tv�o (2� such s�:gns shal�l, �be •a1,�ov�ecl°�a�. any one �1} in�tersectlon and onl.y ons � (1�� sa.gn .per• �de�elapment �is allowed at each intersect�.on. . C. Between intersecta.on�, real. estate direct�c�na1, sa�gns �or the same� developmez�t shaiJ. be plac�d no �closer. than five hundred (5U0) feet to �igns of the same deve�.opment, 4, All temporary signs sha3.1 have the s�.gn p��°mit number placed in tY�e upper Ieft-hand corn�r by the pe�mittee. 4-1916 : SPECIAL PERMIT SIGNS AND DISPLAY5 1. Strings of pennants, banners or streamers, festoons of l,ights, . �I clusters of flags, balloons� and similar devic�s of- a carnival nature, or a grc�u�a of temporary sigus, may- �he da�sgl�ayed or� private property oinly, Y� special permit. Such a permit sha11 be issued for a period riot to exceed ten (LO) days� �and shal7. be issued only II to a new bus�.ness opening, or ta an existing business moving �o. an. entirely new location, 2. Cloth signs may be ex�ended over a public �s�reet in accoxdance I with the provisions of This Code for a geriod not to exceed ten {1p) days. 4-1917: SIGIdS ON PUHLXC RIGHT-OF-WAY, ' 1. Nothing in This Code shall be interpr�ted as cQntrolling public and informational signs p�aced on the publ�.c r�,ght-of-way by any governmen�a�. agency or public ut�.lity having ur�derground or over- head installations.. � 2. Public service directi.onal sign� for public bnilding� such as public schools, libraries, ho�pitals and ather sa.milar publi� service facilities, may be �pl�ced enta�zel,y on th� public right- of-way. Such sign$ are limited to one (1). of the �olloraing at sit�es approved by the Huilding (7fficiale A. Sign must be of s3.xe, height, color, de�ign, anc� mountinq and so locat�d as to corngly in all respects w�th the Cit� of. Renton street sign �tandards. �� - - -- - -- — , � . .t , . . ' , t � * A ��� ��.�� B. Sign shall no� be over twelve (l2) -squa�e f.eet in total back- I ground area far any one (l} faCe� no port�on of the sign closer than four (4) feet to any curb line or improved roadway sur- face, and nat illuminated. 4-1.91,8 : LAN.D. �USE. .ZONES � 1.. General. Al1 signs are further. l�mited an,d �estr%cted as ta height, II clearance, size,. .tYP�� ��PY, des�.gn and l�cation in the land use i zones as such land use zones are defined and. es.tablished by Chapter I 7, Zaning, Title IV (Building Regul.ation�) , Code of General Ordin- ances of the City of Renton, as amended, or any. ather ordinance per- j taining ta or regulating zon�.ng. flnly those sa.gns specifically designated are perm�.tted; a11 others are. -�rohibited. In those zones I which do not have a height limitation, the height limitata.on for fin, I po1.e, projecting and combinat�.on signs shall be sixty {60} �eet, vwall signs may exceed this lz.mitation and roof signs may extend twenty {20} �eet above the parapet wall. 2. In a11 residential, commercial, and industrial zones, the following shall apply: A. Home .Occupation. Only one .{-L} home OCCllpd,tlari: S1�JI1� not �.11umi- nated, not exceeding twca (2) s.quar.e �eet �n �rea, attaohed to the wall af the building .with the face of th-e .sign in a plane parallel, to the plane of the wall is per.amittede II B. Churches, s�hools� apartment buildings., subd�.vis�.on develnpments, and similar occupancies located in residential zanes may have two I (2) identifying s�.gns of not aver tha.rty-two (32) square feet ian I I I area. The signs may be illuminated but not animated, shall be for locatian identification anly, and shal3. display no copY, I symbol� ar device other than that in keeping with the develop- ment. Free standing signs shall be no�. higher than six (6) fee� abave any established grada and shal.l. be no closer than ten (10) feet to any street right-of-way or five (5} feet ta any side property line. II C. Real estate signs nat over six (6) squar.e feet in area af£ering j the imznediate premises for sale or 1,ea�e, t - --- - - - - -- , • . . � , _ � �� . . . , . .. . ., . • Z ' i t } (�--I-+) -28- D. Real estate- direc�ional signs are al�owed. 3, In all commercial and industrial zones., th.e. fo].lowing.-sha1.1, .apply: A. Under Marquee signs shall be limited to one (1,) such sign per entrance for each business establishmer�t. B. Each individual business establishment may have only one (1.) sign for each street frontage of any one (1) of the following types: fin, pole, roof, projecting, or combination. Each sign , shall not exceed an area- greater than one and one-half (12) square feet foz each lineal foot. of property frontagc which th� business occupies up to a maximum of three- hundred (300) square feet; or i,f such sign is multi-faced, the maximum a11ow- ance shall be not more than .three hundred (300) square feete C. In addition to the signs in A. and B. above, Wall _.Sign,s are permitted with a total copy area not exceeding twenty (20) per- cent of the building facade to which it is appliedm D. Special permit signs as provided in Section 4-1916 of this Code are permittede E. Signs on marquees conforming to Section 4-191.2, 1. of .this Gode are permitted. F. Off-premise signs up to a maximum of three hundred (300) square feet in area shall be permitted provided that said signs shall not interfere with or impede means of ingress, egress, and traf- €ic circulation and/or adequate access to light and a�.r,. .or con- stitute an -unreasonable interference with the proper. us.e -or �njoy- ment of surrounding properties. Off-premise signs- greater- -than three hundred (300) squaxe feet in area shall requi�e a special .�ermit subject �o approval of the Board of Adjustment. A .permit for an off-premise sign may include a time 1.imit and a- .-thirty (30) day notice of removal. Three (3) off-premise sign str.uetures with either a sing3.e face or with back-to-back faces shall. be permitted within six hundred sixty (660) lineal feet al.ong a I public right-of-way, provided that no off-premise sign structure is _ located closer than one hundred fifty (150) feet to any other off-premise sign structure. Off-premise signs shall not block 1�---------__.. _. � . - ..� ,, . " - . . � . . . ; ` � 1 (-h-4--I-) -29- � i the vis�.bility of on-premise sign�a Off-premi-se s�gns are pro- hibited as fallows : (A-) .along publa�c ,r.ights-of-way ].e.s.s than six hundred sixty (660} feet in length; tb} al.ong. publ.ic rights- of-way less than six hundred s��cty {660} feet in length in a per- missib]._e zone; (c� � w��.�thiz� seuenty-five (75-�.. feet .of r.e.sidential zones and resident�,al land uses a.f. designed to be viewed from said � res�dential area�. I 4. B-P (Business Parkinq) Da.s.trict A. Off-premzse signs are proh�.bited. B. Subject to the limitations. af this Sect�.on, any sign. .permi�.ted in ! Section 4-1918� 3. of this Code is permitted in this dis�rict. I 5. M-P (Manufacturing Park} District I A. Signs. shall be located no closer than twenty (2Q� feet to any property line, w�.th the exceptian of entrance, exi�.,..•and-..d.irec- I� tianal signs. B. Special permit signs as pr.avided in Section 4-1.916 of this Code and off-prem�.s� signs are_ prah�bitede C, Subject to .the l.imitations af thi� �ection, any sign. permit_ted in I Section 4-Z918, 3. of this Code i�s- permitted in �ha�.s district. ¢, P-1 {Public Use} District p,. Signs may be illuminated and sha11 be for 1.ocat�on identif�cation only and shall display no copy, symbol, or device other than- that in keeping with the principal occupanto i B. Only wall and ground signs are al�.awedo C. Na wa11. sign shall exceed ten (14� percent af the building facade to which it is affixede D. Graund signs higher than six (6) feet above grade ar. closer than ten {10} feet to any public ,ra.ght-of-way must be approved by the Buildinq Officiala 7. Airport. Zon�.ng A. Any sign permitted in Section �4-1918 , 30 of this Ca,de is per- � m°itted in- this districte I � ._ —. � r 6 . " ., ' ' � . .. ' •� r a f '�• • .,r `r . � k � , • J ? 'i'+'I' -30- 4-1919: LIABTLITY 1. City Not Liablee. This Code shal.l not be canstrued to relieve fro� o� lessen the responsib�lity of any person owning, bu�.lding, alter- ing, constructing or moving any sign in the City for damages to anyone injured or, da�naged ei�her in person ox property by any defect therein; nor shal.l the City, or any .agent thereof, be held as assuming such liability by reason of perm�.t ar inspection au- thorized herein or a certif�,cate of inspection is�ued by the City � or any of its agent�. 4-1920: SErVERAB�LITY 1. If an� par� or portion of this Ordinance is detiermined to be uncon- � stitutional I�y a Court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinancee �-1921: REPEALII�IG CERTAIbI CHAFTERS. OF TITLE IV � 1. Chap�ers 11 and 12 of Title ZV (Building Regulations) o.£� Ordinance No. 1628 entitled "Code of General Ordin�races of the City of Rentori" and any and all Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealeda 4-1922: EFFECTINE DATE 1. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its I passage, approval ancl legal publication, I PASSED BY THE CI'�'Y COUNCIL THIS ,3''�`�da of��=e�u�-`'y� 1969 . � y �... ..:. _ . - � .J Helmie Ne �on, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE NlAYOR THI��,73'=�day of . L 1969 . G��'`(i G��O, ,�i,�� iG�/� __ . �onal� We Custer, 'Mayor Approved as �p form: � j� ��`�`r"�, Ger�rd M. Shellan, City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION SEP 2 6 �g