HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1420 RS30Li1TI0N NO. � ' W�RSAS a petition hes been f iled wfth the City Clerk of the City of Renton on or ebout February � ].967, petitioning for the vacetion of a certain etreet. as herefnafter more particularly described, And said petition heving been aigned by the amera of more than twa-thirda of the property ebutt£ng upon said street sought to be vacated, same being described as follows. ta-wit: All that portion of 106th kvenue Southeast i.n the Southwest 4 of Section 20� Township 23 North� Range 5 Ea.st� W. M. lying Southerly of Puget Drive . NOW THERBFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY T� MAYOR ANID TE� CITY CW1�IL � THE CITY OF BIs�iTON A3 FOLLQaS: SBCTION I: That the 13th day of Mareh, 1967 at the hour ot 8:00 P�M. at the Citq Council Chaa+bers i.n the City Hall ot Renten� Washin�ton, be snd ia hereby f ix�,d as tlue time and pl�ce when the atereaeid petitien for vacating th� atoresaid strest ahall be heard and determined. SECTION IIt The City Clerk is l+ereby �uthorized 4nd direeted to give notice of aeid time and hearing s�a previded bq laW; �nd snq and ell parao�s interasted therein or ob�ecting to aaid vac�tien nsey then appear snd be heard thereon� or they maq f fle their written objectiona therete with the City Clerk prios to �:r �t tha t�me of t he hea r ing on sa id ve c.�t ion. SECTION III: The City o! Renten re�erves the rf�ht te ret�in an eassm4nt for ntility and other public purpo�es within aaid right-of-�way seught to be vecated. PASSED BY TE�S CIZY COUNCIL thia 2pth day o! Febrnary, 1967. � �.�G�� Ii�e2mie Nelaon� City Cierk APPROVED BY THS MAYOR this 2pth day e! February. 1967. � , r � ���r-� •F c.✓ ,C.:f� /'�n/' J r�' (�v���- �� Dorald W. Custer, Mayor Approved aa to formr Gerard M. Shellan. City Attorney