HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1427 « - �► RES�Lt1TI0N No. 1�� 7 A RB9QIIJTION OF TH8 CITY COUI�CIL OF TF�E CITY OP RENTON, WA3HING'IUN, DSCLARING ITS INTEI�TTIpN Z�0 CANSTIBtCT AND INSZI�ILL SANITARY S�GTF�R LINBS AND APPi78T8NANCBS ZN Ti� RSI�fYDAL� AB�A OF 'TNB GITY OF RSi�'I�L}N AND '3t} CRBATSuA IAGAL IIMPRODIIdSNT DI$-• TRZCT TO ASSESB TH�s {X?3T AI+ID FXPBNSB 4F 3AID iMPR0Y�2 AGAINST TfiB PROPSRTi83 IN SUt�i DI3TkICT SP�CIALLY B�I8FIT8I} THE�tEBY; NOTIPYING ALL PBRSON3 W�10 M!!Y D8SIR8 ZO !?BJSCT 'lU SAID IMP'ItAVEMSNT 10 APPBAR AND PRBS$NT 'I1�EIR C18JFCTIONS AT A MEETiNG OF T�tB CITY COUNCIL 7A BE HES7+D ON AUGUST 7� 1967. �B IT RE9C)LVBD BY THE MAYiDR AND TH� CITY ODUNrCIL OF THE CITlt OF �NZ�ON, WA3HINGIDN, A� I�LIAW3: SBCZTQp Z: That it is the intention of t�e CiLy Couacil Qf the Csty of Renton, Washington, to corustruct and insta2l the following sanitary sewer lines, ir�cluding trunk I sewers, accessoriea and appurtenances th�treta� in the Kennydale area af the Citq end j more particulariy deacribed aa fallowa: i AFF• Pips S ize Qn Fr+aa► Ta I 8'• La'ke Wsahington Shore Line Approx. 250' N. o� S.B. 96th 3t. � s.�. ��na st. 8" May Creek Lake Washiagtan 3hare Lake Waehingtcn Bivd. , Line � � 6" May Creek Lake Washington 3hore Metro Trunk Lins ' I Lias � �, There shall be iacluded in tt� �oregoing the acquisitian ecu� inetallation �f all , I necessarp vaives� f ittings, caupl ings, coattectiona� equ ipment and�ppurtenances, and the ', acquisition of any sasemrents, rights-of-way and 3and that map be �ceqnired; arcd ih�re sha31 � be i.ncluded the performance of such work aa may be iacideatal and necessary to ths fore- going constructioa and installatian. ; The City Council may modify the details of the foregoing deecribed improvQment where in its jadgmeat it appear� edvisable� provide8 anch modificatians c2a not eubstan- �' tially alter the plan of said improveme�t. A11 ot tt� foregs�ing sl�all be in accordence with the plans ar�d specificetfone therefor ta be prepared by Jack Wilson, the City Engi- neer� and those of the City'e Consulting Engineera e�ployed for said purpoee. I SI3CTION II: 'xhat the entire cost a�d expense of said i.mproveasent, un2ess ti.a�ely fic�ancisl assistance i.s availabls by and thraugh a�y Federal project, sb�►11 be Dorae by and assessed ageinat the property apecially benefited bq such iaaprovement to De included in the local improvement district ta be established� embracing as near as maq be all pro- , perty specia2ly benefi.ted by such impravem�nt. That tt�ere sha12 be inciude�i in the eost ( � and expense of said improvement a12 csst itRms apecified in tt.C.W. 35.44.42Q. � - 1 - , _ � -- - - - - - - - - - - - - __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ � .. -- -� I SFC'I'IOH 3: That a12 persons who may desire to object to the improv�ent herein described are herebp aotified to appear er�d present such objections at a �neeting o� the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Itenton, kTashingtan, at 8:00 o'clock p.cn. {PDT) an August 7, 19b�� which Cime anci place are hereby fixed far hearing all matters rela ting to s$id proposed improvement snd a21 objectivas thereto and �or detenafning the method of payment for said improvement. 38C'1'i0N 4: Jack Wilson, City Sr�gineer, ie hereby directed to submit to the Ci.tq Council, on or priar to the Tth day of August� 196fi� alI data and inf�rn►ation required by law to be sui�itted. The foregofng Resoluti.on wss ADOPTED by the City Council o�' the City of Re�►tan, Washington, at a regular meeting thereof this ����dey oi March, 1967. �f � � ���/ ' .��C cti Donald W. Custer� Mayor � ATTEST: �� � „^�mie Nelsott, Ci#.� C erk APPROVBD AS "N FQRM: ,I r:- t r f r'� { / r �%�,C/ ''/r C.�t_.-�..,ti,r„t /�,;erard M. She2lan, Ci.ty Attarn�y � DiAATSsOF PUBLICATION: ,lU� G �?' ,�UL 13 1gfi7 ., 2 _ �_�..�a` .._- —-