HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1432� —-- - BSSOLUTION N0. j'��� I W1�S�iS a� petitian for ttre approv�i of a finsi plat �ar tt�e sabdivfsion caf e certain tract af iand as hereitzafter more part3.cularly deacribed, loteted withf.n the City of �entoa, has hsretafare baen prese�►ted ta and filed with the Citq Cauncil � and the Ctty Planning Ceam.ia�sion ar►d it appearing that th� preliminarp plat has heretefore been duly eppraved by the Planning CommissiqrC after �t�lic hearing thereon I` as pravided by l�aw, a�nd � WH8R35A8 �ft�r @ues fmre�tiigation the Planni.ng Cam�ission ha�r con�tidereci az►d recomMaend�d the approval d� said final glat, and said matter having come� on for zeview betore the P2anning Comaaiaafon of the City af Reaton at its public meeting on ar ahotlt Mereh � � 296�. and tltie City Counc£3 havi.ng 8ulq spproved eair3 �'in�a2 p2et st its regnlar meeti.t�g an March 2i�, 1'�67, and such agprova3 beirtg c3eea�ad proper a�d d i bie and ia the blic intere�t, NUW THBREFpRB ( e v sa P� I 8$ IT RE30LVBD BY TE� MAYOR ANID TH6 CITY COUNiCIL C1�' TH� CITY OF RENPON A3 I �o�,t,aws: I BECTi0i+1 it fiha fiasl plet heretoEore. submitted and egproved by the Flanning I Ceam�.ssiori, psrt+pinirkg �o tha i`ol2awing described rePrltyf ta-wit: I Tl�at portion of the 3.8.� af Section Z0, Tc�umahip �3 north, range 5 eest, WtM�, deecribed as follcxas: Beginr►ing at th� oout�ast , Carner of aaid Sectian 20; thence IV OI°50'38" � aicng the easterly limit of ssid Sectian 28 A distance af 606.7U feet " ' to the true paint af begi.nning; tt�ence N 02°50' 3$��E �� b08.9� feet; thanCe N 89°53�55" W 455•02 feet; ChenCe N 43''09•22" W 266.16 f!►et; therece N 46°5i?•38" � 240.U1 feet; th�t►ceN43°09'22 W 561.35 feet ta e point on the sauthe�sterly margin of Puget Drive; thence S 40°00'05" W 1358.03 feet along a�id souiheeoterly m8rgin to poi.nt of curvature; thence along a curv�e to the right with a redius of �01.'75 feet an arc digtance of 51.83 �eet; thettce S �►5'46'dl" E 1I5.00 feet; thence S 4I°12'39" E 50.25 feet; thence S 45t3Qt13" F 60.08 feet; tttiance S 88°4b'I5" 8 98.08 feat; thence S T��44'49" B i27.28 feet; thence N b0°�i0*52•' B b9.23 feet; thence 3 ?0'46•05" E 80.8J feet; t2�ettca N 58'S1'46" 8 b�s.89 fset; thence , 3 52�39•06" � 25,Oa feet; tizence 3 88°46'15" 8 3QO.Of} feet; tttence N 64�31'S6" 8 130.36 feet; tttetue S 13°30'02'" S 57.1+6 feet; tYtenca N 7?'50'OZ'* 8 84.98 fset; thence S 62° 54' 47" E 92.46 feet; thence N 62°38'41" F 100.00 feet; thence S k4'°d3'05'" B 43.10 �eet; thence S 99'31'34" E 55.96 feet; thenc� S 88°46"15" E 305.86 leet; thence S 81°15'44'• F: 3q."�6 feet; t1�8xtC� S 88°09'22" $ 1�►5.08 �'e�t td tt�e trtte pai.at af beginning. be aae3 ttys semn i.s hereby appravGd aa such p3at, sub ject ta tha laws end crd�ereces of the Citp of Rset#n. PASSED BY THE CITY CWNCIL th�s ��th a�y ot Marct�. 1969. :�'-��G � �..�� ���.r..�c-e�` �--,. Helwie NeI son� City Cle=ic APPBOYED BY Tt� 1+�Y�t this 27th d�y of I� c ; 19b1. � � ,,� � � �� L�'C�� �C� �z,__------ Approwed as to farm; Datiald W. Custer, INe�yor Gerard M. She22an� City Attorney , - - - - - - -