HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1514 .. , RESOLUTION N0. /,s// ��JHE3rAS, ttce City of Renton has received certain revenues in excess of the estiinated revenues ai� surplus for the calendar year 1967 in its current fund, and t•7HER�AS, a portion oE auch excess revenue is needed in the "City o! i2enton � Urban A,rterial Fund" heretafore created and established by City cf Renton Ordinance and and No���� and such appropriation/expenditure being' necessary/in the public interest and f or the publ ic benef it� No�w. Theref ore� . B�s IT RESOLV� BY TZiE ISAY0:2 AND THE CITY COUN�L OF THE CI'IY �F RF�iZ�ON, '�ASHING't'�N, as f ol l ows: SECTION I: There is hereby appropriated fraa such excess revenue the following amount to the folla�i.ng fund� to-��it: r � 0. UNTO ":�ity of Zenfi� Urban Arterial Fund;' Accour►t No. 3250/6�5 Structures & Improve. $10,000.00 . 1. p . � rec d to make th . SECTION II: The Clty C1era. is hereby..authorfaed aad di te appr opr iat ion above spec if i�d. , PASSID BY'.'THE CITY COUI�LIZ this �/ � day of �cember. 1967. �j�ir�.�c� ��.�Lx./ � Helmie Nelson; 'City�-Clerk APP20VED BY THE T3AYOR this // � d � of IIecember, 1967. . � . onald F7. Custar� I�Sayor Approved as to fortn: Gerard i•;. Shellan� City Attorney