HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0577 - .-,,..�..� • - - ... _�_,__,.. �. -w RE�OZITT ION �10.57 7 , _, RE50LUTION RELATING TU �'IDTH AND L;OCATION OF COIa�:�i�ERCIAL DRIVEWAYS. WHE�r:AB, in the intere�t of public saPety, the City Council � deems it necessary to limit 2.nd definitely iix the width and loc�t— ion of commercial driveway$ hereafter constructed, reconstructed o r al t ered, NOW THER�;FORE, BE I'P Ry:SOLVED that from �.nd �,fter the adoption of this Resolution a7.l.:c?rive�avays hereafter constructed, reconstructe�. or altered, which are used or intended to be used for corsmercial purposes, or Where �he public is invite� to use such driveways as a me�ns of �eceas to any commercial enterprise, shall conply with � the followinb requirements. The wfi�dth o� any such drivewa shall not be less �han twelve (12) fPet nor rnore than thirty (30}� feet, ineluding radii, slopes or connections to the normal or establishec� curb gra.de. No drive— �:ay shall be constructed within a �istance of less than five (5) f�et from the extended property line of an intersected street at ar�y street intersection, nor within a distance of less than five ( 5� f'eet fror.z any crosstiFalk as defined ir the traffic code of the City of Renton, 4V�^shing�ton. T'ne total �idth of a.11 the driveways enterin� f ro� �n y street or streets shall not exceed �orty (40) per centw:� of the fronta�e of the �roperty contained in one or�ner— �.zip or le�.se�old serve� by sucn crivetivays ancc frontin� on or �.d,Joinin� such street or streets, provided that this rebulation ehall not �rohibit one drivew�.y ri�,vin�; a width of twelve (12) feet for eaclz suc�l .�vrnership or le�.sehold, a.nd iurther provided that whenever it is possible tiviti�out reducin� the number of car ��arking spaces otnerE�rise avail�,ble under the provisions of this Resolution, an additional five (5) fea 4 shall be al.lowed for each driveway to provide for the con�truetion of radii, slopes or connections to the nor�nal or established curb grade. The spacing betwe�n driT�ev�ays serving one le�.sehold ar ati�ner— �rin sna11. not be leGs tha_n six (6) feet, �.nd if it exceeds eight ( 8)+ feet, it shall be in whole units oP car 1 arking s��ces, as follows; 28 feet, 46 feet , 6� fEet, or any additianal ntiunber of tcventy foot spac�s, provided that the r�linirnu� spacin� between �.nJ tyJo a.d�oinin`, �rivew�;�s �ay be reduced or entirely sli:.iin�.ted wn�r:— ever the co�nbined. !�,ridtY� of such drivev��,ys, �lus t�ze spacin�; 'oetween such driveways, if' �ny rer��a.ins, does not exceed thirty feet . 5ub,ject to the approval of '�he City Engineer and the Tra.ffic En�ineer, the provisions of this Resolution may be varied to the extent oP increasing the allowab2e ��idth of driveways not to exceed « total ���idtn of thrity (3�) feet in an;� one c�riveway, or increasing or deerea.sing the spacinb between the drivewc.ys only ��rhen such in— creased or decreased width or spacing does not reduce the nur�ber of ear pa.rkin; apaces at the curb otherwise available under the pro— visions of this Rssolution. The City En�ineer shall adopt reasonable rules rec�uirin� the �ubmission of "lans with the applicat�ons for a11 drivev�ays in excess of eleven �11) feet six ( 6) inches in wi�.th. A�aproved thi� 17th day o f idiarch, 1942. �, 'JV, eanblossom, �a,yor A�7.o?�tec� this 1'7th day oi T,:�,rch, 19�2 �n s wards, i y 1 erk Date of publication: 1�a,rch 19, 1942.