HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0495 .. ,. (Resolution of Inten�ion - Enlarged Distriat� ' , RESOZUTION No. 495 Be It Resolved by the City Gounai 1 of the Eity of Renton: (1) Tha.+ it is the inten.tion o� the City Counai 1 to order the impro�emen.t�.�of , W�i Vd� t�V�L'NUE, as extended, from Mill Street to Bronsa n Way North, by �ra.d.in� and gravelling the s�une, pro- viding for the neQessary surfaQe drainage, and. by the constru�tion Qf a Bridge across ' Cedar River within the Righ�-of Y�(ayr of said '� Walla Walla Avenue, i and doing sv.ch other wo rk as may be necessary in connection �� therewi�h, all in acoordanc'e with plans to be pregared by , the City Engineer. , (2� That it is praposed to areate an enlarged ciistriot I' to pay the whole or suah portion of the cost and exgense of such imp rovement as shall be chargeable against the property ' w�thin the district. The boundaries of sueh e nlarged distriet are hereby specified and described as follows, to-wit; �11 property between the termini of said improvement, abutting upon, ad�acent vicinal or app roximate to suah portion of said streets and avenues to a distance baak from the marginal lines thereof as provided by law, together with sucsh other property in addition thereto as is includ.ed in the following described limits: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of �hattuck Street and a line dr�,wn midway between 2d Avenue a.nc1 3d gvenue; thence East along said midway line to the West line of Lot 2, Block 4, Smitherfs 6th �ddition to Renton; thence North along said West line to the Northwest Qorner of said lot; thence � East t�,long the North line ther�eof to the Northeast corner of said lot; thenae Northea.sterly to t he most Northerly corner of Lot 1, Bloak 5, said addition; thenae .Southedsterly along the Northe�.sterly line of said I,ot 1 and same produced to the_ Northeast corner of Zot 10, said Block 5; thence Northeasterly to the Southwest corner of Zot 7� Block 1, said addition; thenae Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of sa,id lot _ to a,n intersection with a line drawn midway between 2d aventte, I as platted in Ntator I,ine Addition to Renton, and 3d xvenue; !, thence East along said midway line to the Southeast corner of 'I Lot 5, Block 109 Town of Rento n �ddition; thence Northerly to. , the Northwes� corner of Zot 15, said Block; thenae East to the I Northeast Qorner thereo�; thence Northeasterly to the point of , intersection of the East line of Mill Street and a line drawn midway between VJalla ��Jalla �venue, as extended, and 2cl �venue; , � thence Northeasterly alon� said mid�ay line to the North line of Zot 11, Bloek 2, Town of Rentan Addition; thence �ast along said North line to the No�theast corner thereof; thence South alon� the Last line of said Block to a line 90 feet Northwesterly of an� parallel with said extension of Walla �alla xvenue ; , thence idortheasterly along said parallel line to the Southwesterly mar�in of Cedar River; thence Northeasterly across Cedar River , to an intersection of the Northeasterly margin of Gedar R�.ver ' and a line 120 fee� Northwesterly of and parallel with the North- ', westerly line of Walla Walla Avenue, as acquired; thence North- ea.sterly along said p arallel line to the Southerly line of Bronsan Way North; thence Easterly aZong said Southerly line ', to the Southeasterly 1'ine of the 40-�oot_ Right-of-4V ay of the ' Pacifia Coast Railroad Company and the City lirnits of Renton; ' thence Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Right- o�-4Vay and same produced, to the Southwesterly margin of Gedar River; thence Easterly along said margin t�•� the Southeaster•ly line of the Pacifio Coast �ailroad Cornp any�'s 100-foot Right-of- liiay; thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line of Right-of-v�tay and same produced to the L+'ast line of Block 3, Town of Renton kddition; thence South alon� said Eas� line to an intersection with a line 90 feet SoutYieasterly of and parallel with the Southeasterly line of Walla �aalla Avenue; thence South- I �resterly along said parallel line to the I�Torth line of 3d �venue; n S utherlv to the Northeast corner of I,ot 1 Block 4 said the ae o �, , � f�own of Renton �Lddition; thence South to the �outheast corner of Zot 2, saic� Block; thence �'dest along the South line of said lot ; to the Northeasterly line of the City of Seattlets �ipe Zine Right- of-�ti'a • thence Northv�esterl alon said Northeasterly line to the , y, Y � • �o the intersection f Mill S�reet thence Southwesterl East line o , Y � of the Southwesterly line of said pipe line right-of-wdy and. the Vdest line of Mill Street; thence Northwesterly along said Southwest- =dJav to the Southeasterl line er line of the Pi e Zine Ri ht-of � Y , ly P g T* . t ' � - a ss Bl ek 9 of the l�.iget Sound. �l..eatric Gompany s Ribht of-t+ ay c,ro o , ' Tov�n of Renton �lddi�ion; thence Southwesterly alon� the last des- , cribed Right-of-ti"lay �o the �ifest line o� I,ot 16, said Block 9; thence South along said ti'Vest line a.nd same produQed to the North line of _� e �/est line of 4t �Lvenue • thenae Z�est alon saicl North I,ine to th h � � � a'n Street• thence South alon said '�fest line to the Southeast M i , g corner of Zot 20 , Block 16, said Towri"of Renton �ddition; thence `�`dest along the South line of said lot and same produaed to the Southwest carner of I,o� l, Block 27, said addition; thenee South- westerly to the most Southerly corn.er of I,o� 2, Block 35, Smither's 2d �ddition to Renton thenGe North along the '�Iest line of saicl lot to the South line of Zot 3, saicl Block; �hence 4Ysst along said South line and same produced ta the �il.ley in Block 2, Smither's . 4th Addition to Renton; thence North along said A lle�y and �a.me pro- dueed to the Southeast Qorner of Zot 9 = Bloek l, Smitherts 4th Addition to Renton; thence West a�.ong the South line of said lot and same pro duaed �Go the East line of Shat�uak Street; thenae Nor�h along said East line to beginning. (3} That there be assessed against that portion of the pro- perty within such enlarged distriat lying k�etween the termini of the proposed improvement and extending uack from the marginal lines thereof �o the middle of the bloak on e ach side thereof in the mode prescribed in. Section 13 of Chapter 98 of the Session Laws af the State of Washington for 1911, 7� of the cost and expense Qf suah improvement, a.nri that suah porti€�n of the re- mainder of such oost and expense as may not be borne by aqy gen- eral �.ind be distribu�ed and assessed against all �he property included in the remainder o� such enlarged d.istrict in acoordance with special benefits. , � C4I That all persons wha may desire �o ab�ecst �hereto are " hereby noti�'ied to ap.pear and present such ab�eatious at a meet�► ing of the City Councsil �o be held in the Counail Chamber i.n the City I�a11 in the City of Rentan, at 8;OQ o�elock P. �,tf. on �he 8�Gh day of I}ecember, 1936, w,hieh tims and place is hsreby fixed for heari.ng a11 matters relating �o said propased improve— ment, ar�i. all ob j ections thereto, and for d.eterininin�; the method ' of payment for said improvement. (5 ) Tbat the �ity �gin.eer shall submit ta the Ci�y Couna�.l, � at ar prior ta said dat$_, all data and in�'armation required, by law to be submitted. �6� Tha� the coat and ;expense of said improvement sha11 be borne by arid aSsesBed aga�.nst the property liable therefor, as provided by law. .Adopted by �he Ci�y Gouncil af fihe Gity t�f Ren�Goxi, this � 17th day Of NOvembez'� 1936. � � r� �yor �� � i y er i Date of first publiaation: �'avembar 1J, 1936. I I�at� af secand publication: Novamber 26, 19�b. I �