HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0465 �- . � a kESULUTION N0. 4E5. j �;�::i;REA�, the Deu��rtrnent of ��i��r,cva,ys of ti�� S��a.�e of '�iashin�ton is aesiraus o� cox�s�ructin�; �ta,�te Ro:z.d No. 2 t�roa�h ��e City of Renton �nd zs desirous 4f routing �he traffic of s�.id S�a.�te Road thraugh sa.ia City of Renton over Third Avenue frorn the vresterly cor�uor_�te 1i::�its af �3urnett �:treet ; thence northerly over Burnett �txeet to Secona �,venue; thence ea��erl.y aver Secand Avenae ta Bronson �day; thence nortizeastexly over Bxonson �yay to �ir�t Avenue Narth; �h�ns�e nor�Gheas�erly over First Avenue �?orth to tile easterl�� coxpora.te 111T1].t�� also over �ta�e Road Sdo. �a as ��tablished a,exoss 331ock 5, N���<< Renton Home Sites frarn the. easterly carpoxate li.ni us to =the northexly eorpar�,te lirr,�,t� and crossin� atlier certa.in inter— seeting s�reets and �ublic tB�or•4ughfares, and, �y�H��.�k�, the Departtnent of Highways of ti7e State of �va�hington a.s desirous of receivin� I�';.tional Recovexy Act funds f�or the improve— ment of said hi�nt��ay, and �°dH�RE�1�, the Bureau of Public �oads of tt�e �ep��.rtmen� of A�ri— culture �f t:�e United 5t�.tes of A;nerica wi11 not particin 4te in t:�e constxuction af said hi�;hway un.til and unless the City of Renton wi11 agr�e to :�ef'rain froit� �ertnitLin� encroacnrrlents upon the. right of w�.y of said above tnentiQned stxc.c;ts and until anc� unl�ss i���e Gi�y of Ren— ton �vill a�xee to refrain fro,n pa.s:ing ordina.nces or la��s fixing a Ispeed limit of under twenty—five rniies an i�our on said above rnention�d ; stxe�ts, and until and unless �he City oz Re�3tan tivi11 a�ree to refrain from �-r�cting �i�ns, sema�hares a.nd signals th�.t wi31 give preference � to local routes, or �:}aat .will hinder or delay tx�.f.fic on said a.bove mentioned strec;�s a,nd until a.nd unless tne City o� Renton wi12 agree, I �y suitable ordinanee, to a�c;zc�� the �;rades of t.�e nighvray as t?�e grade� f th ( io e city s�reets tnat are involved and �,gree to �rotec� �he Sta�e , I ' of 1Fdashingtan arid the United Sta�es c�f Arnerica against �,ny and al.l _1_ Ras. :;c. 4�;� , c�t7tinaed. � ciaime �ox darna�es ae�unt any changes of grade� and tl�e;�:construc'Gian I� af �Ghis im,�rovement, II Y�U'��, 'i"ri.'�:':���'�7�-��, i�� IT .4'u50LVED by th� �ti�ia.yor ana City Cour�cil I �� a I • i onsid�ra,tion of �ne L���a.rt- of t�e t�ity of �,en��on, t��at fox and n c m�nt of Highjn�ays af the State oi' ���ashin�tan �.nd �the Burea.0 ox Publ�.c Roads oi 1���e Depar�z�nen�G af A�;ricul�ur� of t��e �ani�ed 5��.�es of A�neri- e� constr�zcting s�,id state roa.d and rauting traffic on the s�.rne thxough the Cit,y of Renton over 'Cnird Avenuc� �rom the w�stc;rly cor�7or.��e li- mit s �o �3urnett Stxe�;t ; uilence narthc:riy over Burnett Street tca �econd A.venue; t�rence eas�erly over �econd Avenue �o Bxonson F;ta.y; thence naxth- eas�erly aver Bronson ':�,ay to rirst Avenue Nor�h; thence nc�rthea.stexly over First Avenue i�Torth to tne ea.ster].y corpar�te limits; alsa over Sta.te Roa.d No. 2 as �s�ablished across Black �, Ptew Renton Horne �ites, fra�n the ea.s�erly earpor�,te liz�its ta �t�e norti�erl,y corporate I.irc7its, and crossin;�, cer�Gain oti�er intersectin�; streets a.�d �uvlic tY�t�xough- fa.res, it hereby �a��r�e� wit;h the Dcp�rtment of Hi�hwa,ys of tl�e S�ate of 1�Vashin�;ton a.nd �cne Hurea.0 of Public Roacis of the Departrnent of Agrieulture of Lhe Uni4ed �tates of Araerica that it will nat� in . , tne f�.zture, �i�e���nit encroach.nents on the ri�ht of x=ay f the said above .nentione� str�et�, nor ��i11 it �a.ss �,ny ordin�.nces or laws fixin� the s�3eed li�nit on the above men�ianed s�reet�s of under tauenty- five r;�iles }�er nour, nor v�zll it allow the erec�ion of signa, serna-- phores and si�;na.ls �r�t �ill give preference t� local xou�es which in�terseot v��ith waici above mentianed strEets or tl7at �vill slo�v u�, � hinder ar delay tr��.ffic or: �s�,id abave mentionc�d str�ets, and th�t it will, by suita,ble ardinance, adant the �r�.des of tize lzi�;iiway as �he c;r�.des of ti-�e cit�r etr�;e�e tl�at are invalved, an� ��ere�y agxee to protect the State of !'4ra,S��in��Gon and tne United S�a�es of America against any a.nd all claims far c.a;iiages �.ccaunt �han�es of gra,des a.na the con- I structian of �nis irlprovernent. �2_ �. I I Res. No. 465. continued. Passed the City Council oi the City of Renton, King Coun�y, '?ashin��ton, this ?th d�,y of November, A• D. , 1933. E. P. �Flilson, P�ayor. Published IvToveraLer 9, 1933, A. D. � I hereby certify the foregoin�f to be a true co�y of tne origina.l resolution No. 4��, passed by the City Coancil of the City of Renton, Kin� C�unty, Pda.shin��on, on ttie 7th day of Nove,nber, A. D. , 1933, in the regul�j.r rne�tin� of said city council. va.ted ti�is 7th day of Alovernber, 1933j A. D. Agnes �d�c�ards, Clerk . ' , _j_