HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0439 •s -. ,r ., �_ �� - � �x -- t RESOLUTI�N N0. a.: 3. g� BE TT RESOLVE"D B� THP �IT� COUNCIL. OF THE CI"s'Y OF RENT�N, That the Ci ty Treasurer be an d he ie hereby authoriz.ed and directed to ad�ertise and of�er for sale �10�,000.QQ bonds of Rent�n Wate� F�ctension Bonds I93(�' , authorized under Ordinance � 1 Na. 88� , approved. on the 4�h day of February, 1930. In advertising s.aid bonds for sale the City Treasurer shall give notice that s.ealed bids for th� purchase of said bonds will. be received by �ffi at his office address specified therein until the Sth day of �ay ,, 1930, at the hour of 5: P.�. , and will be hy h'+:�t publicl� opened at said place. The n�tice shall state f�hat the denominations of such bonds shall be �500.Q0, vsrhich denomination is herel�y fixed therefor. The notice shall further specify the ma�urity of said bonds and the place of payment and datee of intere.st payment� and shall state tha� the maximum authorized rate of intereat thereon is 6� per annum, payable semi-annually. T11e notiEe shall state th�t the bidders shall be rer quired �� and shall aubmit separate bid� , said bids to be with� 3ut condition, interlination or erasure and accvmp�nied by certified checks drawn up3n national banks �r �rust companies in sums not less than 5� of the amounts of the re�pective bids. Said notice shall s�dte the. che�ks will be returned if the bids be nat accepted, �therwise t� be applied by the City of Renton� upon said b�nds and if any bid be accepted and the bidder tnere- af ter faile to comply with the terms of such 'oid, said deposit shall be f�rfeited to the City of Rentan as and for liquidated damages. Any check deposited shall he returnec� to the success- ful bidder upon hi� dep�sit with the City Trea9urer of one or more checka certified as above described for 5� af the par value of the bonds awarded hi�rc. � � ` � _ ., � t. . ,. t> The notice shall state that the bvnds will be deliQered in l�fe�s York City at the fiscal agency of the S�a�e of Washington or in the �ity of Seattle, or at the office of �he City Treasurer of the City of Renton, at the aption of th� purchaser, and that na bid for mcre than the maximum rate of interest which said � bonda shall bear will be received, and that the right zs reserved� by the Git;� of Renton to reject any an d all bids. The said n�tice shall further state �hat �he said bonds shall be registered as to principal cr as ta prineipal and interest at the option of the purch�.eer.. The notice shall etate that tne bidder9 are re- quired to l�id upon the rate of interest that tkie bonds sha11 bear. Such notice shali be published in a t least �wo (2� issues of the official paper of the City� of Renton, on the same ciay in each week, that ie to say on Thuredayof each week, and two (2} issu�s of the Daily J'ournal of Commerce, the first ad�rertisernent to be at least fifteen (15� days before the date fixed for the acceptance of said bids. �n advertising the said bonda the City Treasure� shall incZude such inf.armati�n pert�.ining to the said isRue of bonds ~ �s shall elearly explain the aame �o the intending purcnaser anc� shall gi�re full information ae tv the desirability of waid bon ds. The notice shall further st�te that no bid �hall be �rith- drawn after the eame shall have been filed with the City Treasurer unless permis�ion so to do is first obtained from the Gity Council.. A�proved this 15th�ay af k�ril 193Q. passe�l this � � d$y of �i�ril, 1930. I+dayor City Clerk Appro�red this ��'�day of , 1930. C���� .� � E�`�! G� .