HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0354 . � j . _ i�Resolntion of 7��iLeniion.j ,_ � , RES�LUTION NO. ��_______ BE IT ORDAINEI) BF THF. CITF COti`�CIL OF THE CITF OF RENTON: i: That it ;s tl�e intention of the City Conncil to order the iinprovement of � - ` � � �'��� .�'%�Z� `- i��� � �'�`�"", � � �l L'�� i�//�"�` %'�� � v (Insf�rt :treet��. or porlioi,s t�_,�i'e�ci ?a l�c tu:l;ro�c�cii l�� (specifyiiig natnre af inipi•o�e�n�uti �� u:ci C�, _�, .. .ci� ut!i��t ��or.c <.s ri;i> br _ce=�a�� in ���„ir.ectien U�ete��iii�. ali in �,�;��ur�:;nice ��:itli 7iitut� prepared by the Cit3� �r_gineer. 3. That all pei•sons who niav dt:sire to eb�iect �Lei�eto �u�e liei•eb�� iiotitied to appear xud preseut sucl� obieoi.ions at a meeting of the City Cotincil to be )ield Xn the Council Chaii!ber i�i tlie C;ity Hall in the City ai Reuton at----.--�..-----dcioc's P. li., on the...---�C.�.------ day� of ---����ir�C'-'%L-----------.__192--�. --> �vhich time and place is heieby iised for heariizg ali niatters relatin; to said proposed imgrovement, and all onjections thereto, anci ior determinii.g the nietnod of payment for said iir�provemeiit. o. That ti�e City L+'ug�iizeer sl�all, in the manner provided by la�v, sttbinit to the Citr Couucil, at or prior to said date, �till data and informltiou required by law tc be subinitted. 4. '1'hat tl�e cost and expense of ��,;d ;_�i_�rurcinriti �.>13a11 }ie '�crne }�c ,rn�i atisen�ect u5;i�ust t1�e propert}� Liable therefor, as provided by Ia��. �� =\pproved this.-._�._�---_day of-----��--�_-.----. .�. D. 192-.5-�--• _.. �- - ----- ---------- -- - - -- --- -- - ----- --- - -- :\Iayor. Passed tilis---.-.-`-�----dav of-----��!!�,-- -----• =1. Tl. :;��--5--� -- --- _ -- - - - I C;ity Clerl:, I, �.t�- oi t:r�'. l��ulilicatio�� -- �� - __-�- --__- - -- - - _ � -� � I li:it,� o� ���cou�:� 7�n1�?icutici.----,- i e �-. ti;•:•� r;�..�.-,-� ...:-..-r-: , Lt�.,tJ V L�.'r.1 l�l'v� :v'.i• _ ' buHEREAS a pe�ition of ;�ua,lifieu. ul�:�:��01•5 "ic.iiil `�li•� v ��; =�-�� � ' li��iits of th� City cf Rentan , V�a�hin�ton, ccntaining ���ore thwti tw�nty �er cent of the r�uY�a€;r ofi total vot�� cast at th� l�,st � re�;ular �r�unicipal election hel�. in th� Gity of Renton, �'��:L��::�V;tuj: , ' �rayin� for the sub�r�i�sion ta the voters of �he Cit� of .���i���Il , the queation of the reciuction of the coraorate liii�its of t:�e Cit;;- I of Renton by cuttin� off ariu :ietachin�; theref-ro:�. t'r.e z�ltawin� , ciescri�e�:t property , ta-;�it; "B� ��inning at the nartheast corner of the �. 1�. 1/4 0� -c�:� S. E. 1�4 of Section 8 and ��5 , To��nahip 2�5P7orth , Rann� 5 East , ' :�. �. � th;nce north dlon�� a line runnin� north anc� south bet�r�eii ' the E 1/� of the E. 1/2 anc� the pd. 1/2 of the E. 1/� of the �ai� Section-8 to the nGrtY� line af said Section �; thence west along the n�rth line cf Sectis�n 8 to �n ijltersectic�n with the easterly , :�;arginal line of the ri�;ht of way o� the North�rn Pdcific Belt �,ine Rail�vay; thence southv�:esterly alon� sai�. east�rly r,�ar�inal line af the ri�ht af �xr�y of the North�rn Pacific Belt Lin� Railway to an i:.teraection iYith the east �.n�. �jrest center lin� of Section 8; thence east al�n� �a1.0 east anu ��rest centcr s.i�_� te the ;cint c�f �eginn ir��, and - I ���HEHEAS it i� neces�ary to certify th� s�,:�:e �d tl�e Cour�ty �;i.�ctic�n Board to the eria that the �azi;c :rla�r�e plaeea upc�n th� ��a11ot as a pro�aositic�n to be vated on at tne ���unicip�l election ta be he��. in the City cf �enton, 1�1�,�hin�ton , on the lOth �.ay ot �Iarctz, i;;wo , �:iTlu �'�iit�iu:;AS, ���e �oun:�aries ��-_ �lA� Gity �� h��i�t��n, �,fter the e�clusi�;n of saia ��-rritory, :�iill b� �� �Uyiui'Js: " �3eeir�li�in� u,t �h� C:UI'Tl:;r ec:ruu.an t� Sectier�� 17 , 18 , 15 �.r.d ��, Tot�nshi� �;3 iyorth, R�n;e 5 East , 1�. �i. ; thence east alon�; the southline of S�;ation 17 to the north�vest ccrner �� �al��orths Adait- ion; thence S. 0�9 'E. 514.91 feet; thence �. �i�°51 ' E. 3�0 feet; thex�ce S. 0�9 ' E. 400 feet ; thence T�. �:��51 ' E. 340 feet ; thence I � S. 0�9 ' E. 1�5 feEt; thence N . ��°51' E. C�70 feet to thE southe�.:�t � �orner of said Hi�hl�,nd A�.aitien; then�� north alon� a line eixty , feet �rest of anci p�.rallel to the north dnci south cerlter 1ine��, of �ections u0 �ar.� 17 t� an inters�ctic�n with the ce��ter line oi 'Ceaar River; thence north�aesterly a1on�; the ce��ter line of Ceaar RivEr to an inter�ection with tne east�rl�r r�:ar4ir��a1 line ef the right of `�,` l�ray of the Colurubia and Pu�;et Soun�i Rail�ray; thenc� in �. nortneaster- ly airection along �ai�. ri�ht of v�a,y throu�h tne north onE-half of Seetion 17 and the S, ti'�. 1/4 of the S. E, 1/4 c�f Sectian 8 , To�rr- ship �3 TJorth, Ran�e 5 East. V�. �. to the n�rti� bounciar Jr of sa,iu S. �. 1/4 0� the S. E. 1/4 of Secticn b; thsnce east alr�n� sai�. nc�r��.i bounc�ar3r line to the nc��theast co-rner of the sai�, S. �. 1/4 of the �. E. 1� "r __ ��.,t _<a:__ ;;; -t�__•hc� zacr�:^ c�== �,�; 1.���� � ��_._..�. �_ a��rth U.t�u � <� ���..�_��fJ• �c�u�r between tne �. 1%� �� tA� E. 1%� dnu the 1�leat 1/� af the E�,�� 1/2 of �aid Sectian 8 to the N. E. corner of th� N. �d« 1,14 of the �;. �:. 1%4 of Secti�n 8; tn�nce �.rest d�on� the �ast aTlt7. ��rest cente-r line of' Section 8 to the ea�terly n�ar�inal line o� the ri;�ht of s:r��,� ol the iv`orth�rn Pacific Belt Line Railway; thence in a northeaste-r�.��- u,ire ctian alon�; �aid ea�t�rly L�;ar�;inal line o� tne Northern Paci�i�� �e1t Line Railway to th� narth line o� Sectian 8; th�nc;� west alon�; I the north lin� Qi Sections 8 �.nct 7 to the inner na-rvor line of La��= :=a,�hin��;ton; thence in d southt�re�t�rly an�. �����t�rly uirecticn follc�::�- _.1i� s�i�. inn�r har"�ar "line to the east bank of Black River; th4nce in a ooutn�rly �zirc;etion alon� the ea�t i�ank c�f ��ack Hiver to an int�reectivn vrith th� �nuth line of tn� Cit�T of Seattle Cedar River _ ipe lirc; ri�ht of way; thence ea�t alanj sai�. riUht af :�vay to a �:;:int whicn i� 5N1.'75 f�et nerth anc� -36U f�et west of the northwest :c�:rner af' Block 1 , S��ith�rs, Fiftn Aac�ition to the T�tivn (T�c�� City) � Ll" Hentnn; therlce S. 0 13 ' ti�i. 5�1. '�5 fe�t to tne south line of Tnir�� .�_venue; thence east alon5 the �outh line of Thir� Aver�ue tc� the ��st i.ine o:� Shattuck Street; thence s�uth alan� th� vrest line of' Shat�uck ��treet to the �outh lin� nf Section 18; thenc� eas� �62. 4u fe�t alan� the �aiu south line of Section 1.8; thence south �c0 feet; thenee ea,st .-:�a paral�el t o th;; aoutn lin� �i S�ct i cn 18 t o the �outheast corn�r c:i �ralworths Ac��.ition; t���nce nor�h alon�; the east line c�f S�cti�n i�- to the point of be�inrlinb. n Ai�TD ti°1HEREAS i� is necessa,ry to hav� the c�:atter su�r��ittera li' v ��<..i.l...C'1i �^Y''.. r?.��i 4� �.'L'1i .�.1 t";-r�ii�i� �+��.�r4, �:L��'i,.i:� � I �l � - ,.-.,.. ' -;_;-i�; -f��,� �;._. ._�.,.., , ,;-:� . _ . t;i:, Li''vY� �i, �.1 Yl1:�U�JL'JP�1% :.ijf �,ilr v -G�J" vGi.ilivl.i. U� ��li�; 'i�1�L�t �.� Rentcari, thwt at leact iorty—five days pefor� t�� uate c�� suc: :. _�_ , ���..,;: �:rc�r-,�sition in tne f'crrti ot a pa:ilot title , n�t ta 'I �..,;:-.:.�_:, ��rl '�.: ,; -- =-��:'' ::C�i!.��:j i��'� ;�G.t'��i �..:'�?.. �Ci 7 �lil-.' v�Z.�Zi���Y �i�.+,:C'�1 GY'� .�G.�.:�1'�..,:. � ci Kin�; Count�. � � I �E I1' �'Vrt�l'��k RESuL'�rE-D �nat t'r::; � u�l�:�i-rF �� ���;; �_:r:.. ,_i ��,:� �:�-:.:ic�4� �c i���� `;:• � -ro�osition ta ae subrnittec�: `'j'�r i,h� re;zuction of' tlle ccr��orate li�r,its " 'tye�,n � " �painst the rec3uction of t:n� corr.;��ratc; lir�litsrT n T1or� � I BE IT r,UkTHER RESGLVED that trl� Election Bc�,rd of Ka.:�� Cour.��,, ti'�atc of Waghin�tcn, pe , ana they �re her�ay reKu;�;::::;::.�. �a il�v,: �.�:� :�::.a��e placed upon the ballat at the :��anici��al electicr cc 'ti�,� ��lu in Rento�� Washin�;ton, on the lOth aay of �Iarcn , 19��. PASS�;D by the City Council t�hia 13th da.y of January , 15�5. i�laycr. ATTEST: ' Cl�rk. ���os��J. �... � �>>'��i`�'.0 'Ji� e�L•i„`:i.�,iV�Tl�.ii�l ! �u r,:,-. ,'Cr - __ � .�u ..._ , .._ _-.,,. f T , VJ. J. u�iiliarrls , Cleri� o� the City of Rent�r�, >�w�n.in�tun, ac� herepST certify that the att�,cned Resolution Tvo. 35� �_� a true and corr�ct copy of the Resclution passed by the City �:�cuneil in �, re�ular s��sian helc� in the City Councii Cha�ipera :�1: the City of Rentan, Wa�:2in�;t�n, cn the 13t:n aay of a�nuary , 1�25. �it;r Gicrls. � ( � �; gL ) . .� I