HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1102� - t� (Irnpr�vement Ordinance—Ini�u��iate I'x�ment k'�orn�.) ORDINANCE I�IO. _Zl�� :�\ �)i,'.►)I\<�\CF k'T'�()V�DI\G Fn}i 'l'��E iJ11'li()�"E�iI�:\'I' U�' thut �,�i�tiax� o� Pelly Street from �'ourth t�venue t�iorth to Sixth �.venue North and, that pc;�rtion of Fifth Avenue Iv�orth frc� t�ae �lley between ��;ain Street :�Iorth ar:�d �el�?y s:�;r�et to .���;rk :tr���t ;X�]C�6�8�C7six7�fi'���3[l�'.c�C�3�E����-������'s,��sa�a:x�3�4�� by gr�din� ana oilir,�, the s�e all in ��e�cor��ance �eith Resolntion No. ._`���_._. of the City Conncil of the City of Rentoz�, ereatin� �t local ilu��rov�i�ieut distrie�t therefor, anc� providing that payn�ent for said improvernent be mac�e by special �ssess- iiients upon proper•ty in saicl district payable by the tiiode of. "Iminedi�te Y�yi�ient." 'i'�Il�.' CI'1'Y COti\CIL OI'� '1'III�'. CI�l'Y OP R�E\Tp�\, �3SHI\UTO�\�, ll0E5 ORD��I\ :�S FOLLO�WS: Seetion �: Th�t �hat l�ox°tzo�. o�' d'��.1�� �.tre���: i;.�o�i �'ourth r�v�nue .�ort� to Sigth ravenue i�+arth anc� th�.t �ortian of I'ift�i xv�t��xa Tuortih from the �.11ey b�tween hpain Street ;?orth �ncl :�'elly wtreet tt, .�az'k atreet . � ���Ci�.�'i��i��) be itn�rovec� by (3��S�C����s��,��j �radin� �n� �ilir��; t.le sa�se �ind that sucli other worl� be done as inay be necessary in counection therewith, �ccordin� to the plans and specifications therefor pre}�arecl under the direction of the Cit�� Ena�ineer and on file in the office of the City Clerk. �ection 2: '1'hat the cost and eipense of said improveuient, inclnciing all neeeasary� and incidental ex- penses, shali be borne by and �ssessed abainst the property includecl ii1 the assessment distr�ct hereinafter created in accoidance ��ith law. The City of Renton shall not be liable in <�nti- iiianner for any portion of tllc eost and expense of said i�nprovement, except as herein provided. ������t���a���������� S;x���`;���'�) i'��-thirc�� o� the ao�t of said i::,�roverner�t is to �� car�°�ributed ' from the Cr�r�ral ;�.ind. Section 3: '1'���here is hereby established a local iiuprovement aistrict to be called "Local Iinprove- , ment District No. ___._:______," ��hich said clistrict is described as follows: � "illl the property l�et��een the termini of sai� improvement abiittin� upon, adjacent, ��icinal or prosi- mate to such portion of saic� streets and avenues to a distance back from the marainal lines thereof, as pro- vided by law." Section 4: T'hat the cost and espense of s�id improver�ient shall be clefrayecl by special assessinents payable by the niode of "I�nmediate Yayment" as defined by law and the charter �nd ordinances of the City of Renton. Warrants b�arinb interest at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum tmtil paid, shall be issued to � the eontractor for the redemption o� as many of the �arrants issued on the Local Improve�lent District I�lu��l on estimates of the City Eng�ineer, as niay not be redeemed in cash. . Section �: '1'his ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days froin and after its passa���e; ap�roval and lebal publication. �pproved this -----18th � dny of -Jtuze 194C} --- - - -- � /�� : - , - - - -� - - � GZ/_ - - � - -- � �--- - � .l�Iayor. 1��l�sed tl��s - - 18th �-- --- day of - ....._June----- - --- - �_1940 ------- --- ..... -- -- � A��---� ----- -- - City Clerk. I_)+�tc of fi��st pttbliceltioii _ �TUYIG _ <�.y ..�.��?-�