HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1045 • � , :, .. . . _, • , ' , Y - , � + , . . .,. � �t ? i• ' � ; �� t1_ , , ��t.��� .�,,t. �,r',� ..��,,�„� / �+� �� OI;.�I�vr_T��CE I�,?0. 1045 1':�� ORDI1?11.1�C,� QF TH� CITY OF r�.���dT0I�1, ',�:��SriIi�1GT0I�:, Fr�GiiL1iTING ThL :��it�TrOD Ta Bf� FOLLGt:�D II�; TH� FTI�II�aG OF F�..�rTu .�.VD ��T::.L��LISr-��- TI`dG ItULES i��D R�GT.lI�:.�'TGi'�1S I?': F:l�Lr.TT()i? TFIEIiETO� _'n?D R�:�'F��.LT��Cr Oi,l�IA?��..PiCES TaO. 30� wl5 tiND �:4,'.�,. The City Council of t'r:e City of :��nton Do Ord�-in �.s Fol.lov°ss: S�CTSC�rJ t� PF�OC i,Ut;.E�L. G�nera.l. �°��,�nlic��.tion by the o���r_er, or his ;4uthori�,ea r::presnnt��- tive, for �.p�roval of ��, plan of subdivisian of l�nc� sh��ll be r��de in w�iting to the City Council. The pl.�n o.f subdivis�.an shall be such as to meet tl�� ninir�i�iil r�ci�ire�!ents us c�etailed herein under Section B. E� prelinin�.ry 1ol��t sr��ll be s��bm�tted for exa�ir�ation; ' :�..nd to receive consie�er�:�tion ��t the next subsecL�ent r�e�tin� o�' the council, sh��ll �P filed rrith the city cl.er.li not lAss tr_�.n five d<<ys �rior to such meetir_g. Pr�viaus to submission of a �reli�in�try rlat, st�b- divid.ers �.re irvited to c�.isct�ss va2th �he city en`ineer �?''@�7.IIl- in�ry studies o.� sl�etch�s or ?�roblems. .�.ny �?�at s��bmitted to the council sr��.ii conta.in n�me and address of ti� person to °�:izom notice of �. hery.rin�; sl�all be s�nt; ��.nd no �1�.t s�=a�1 'pe �.cte�. ori by the coi�nci� +:Y�thout affording a he��.rzng thereon. iVotice sl�all be s�nt to the s�.id �.ddress by i��il o� the tir�e �nd pl.�.ce of such hearir;g not less th��n seven d�.ys before the da.�e fixed trPrefor. Si�ilar nctice sllall be r::��iled to the o��.mers oi l��.nd i�r�edi�.tely �c�joining the platted l:.nd. Tant�.tive I����rov;::.l. .�tfter refer�nce o�' the cre�imin;:�r�T �1��t to the city en�;ineer for rPvieti� cwnd report as to street ��i�d lot l::.yout, and other fei:.t��res of the �1.�n, anc� as to com�lzance -l- � ' i . 1 + ' • . . v�ith tr�,�se reg:zz�tions, ��nd ��.fter such negotiations 9rztr the �,px�lica.n.t for c�ianges in ti�e plat <�.s t'rie city en�3neer f�:,�.y desr� advisable, the csty COLlT1C1� sr�.l?_, �.1�.thin a re_:son�.��le t�n�e, p�_ss u�on the preliniin��ry �l,�t �;.s ori��in�.�ly sL���.itted or �aoriified c�nd, if a�.�,r�rUved, sL�:,.11 exyoress its tent��.tive a�aj�rovt:l ��hich is to be considere�. �.s mez•?1.y a �ener�:.I a�-r�rav`�l af th.e l�yout submitted, and, if ciis�i.ppr•oved, shall_ e::press its disapy rovul �.rid its reasons th�refor. If such �.ction be one of approval, such �p�rov�.l sr�all not constitute a f�i.nal acceptz..nee of t�le ul�.t -,na s:�^ll not be notPd on tr.e pl��t, but s��:_.11 be deemed �a�rely �n BX�,�3.'SSS1�T1 of approv�}.1 in gener�a.l of the l��yo�t suLmitt�d on the nreliL:inary plat. The fin�.l upproval of trie fin��l plt�.t for reco�°d �+ill be considered only ufter the rer_�.ire=~�er�ts outli��ed hercin v!�ucr S'�ction C ss=�.1I i�.��.ve b�en fvlfillec3. Prelimina� Plat. 7 Copi es of tY:�e �}reli�in�.ry �l�..t st3al' accom�any the stirritten �;.�plic�+tion st���ittec2 to tn� city. The plat sn.�.11 ca:�ply :�e�ith the rrovisioris, contuin the in�'o�m�:.tion, �.nd be �:.cco�.�unied by the r��.t�ri��.l re�:uired zu�der tl�� iorc�visions of S�etion i�, ��nd ��s may be recuirec� by tre city in purszi��.nce of sL�ch grovisions. Fin��:l Pl�zt. �'he final or recorcl s?_ibdivi sion �1�1.t sh�•.l� be pren��red �nd sz�bLnitted to the coun.cil in tr3.plic<ate by tlie o��.ner of tnE �:iopei�ty �r i�is ��.uthori�.ed re;�resert�.tive iaithin one ye��.r a�ter the �.p�:�rov�til of tr�e �r•eli�.in_�r•y pl��t; oth4�r�.�ise thP ::,.p-�rov;i,I of thQ prelim�r_.�ry _pl��.t sh�.11 beco�e nul7_ :�nc� voia unless an ext�nsion af time is ap�.7lied for. ��nd the ct;�>::lication is gr��.r.tea by the council. The final plat shall comply v�rith ��nd sl�ull cont�..in the complete d�ta as reru�.red under Section i�. unu sr�.�l� k�e dcco�p�niecc by such other datG. or m.��terial �.s is d�scrribed in Section J. -> —2— i i ii i MF • � t . ' • - . . . � . . . R��x°o�.uctions of all fin�l c��y r�cUrd �l;�.ts ���d a�' t��e inc�e�. sh�e�, if a.ny, sh�ll be ft�rnis:n.�d. En�orserlent. t-��_Z for�s, s�.,�ch :a.s en�arse��ients, d��:icat�ons �.nd certific:�t�s, insofb.r �.s rec�uir. e�. to b� entQred on ti�e pl�t, sh{�1.1 be in accord�:�nce �ith ��le st�..nd�rds of t��e city couneil, �.�s c�n fil� �.n tl�e office o�' �hQ city c1�r� �n�., exee�� :'�':�ez°e oth�r���:ise rec��zi�.�er� �r �?err�itted, sh�11 b� ��.�n��. b� tr�� o��ner of the praperty. The duplic�t� °{nd tr3:plic�te af the fin�:,.I plat shall cant.:��.n al3 s�.�n�htv.res, ����orser�ents, ae�.ic�.tians �:nd cer�Gifict:�es �,.nd s�-�all be lef't .rT2tl� tre ci�Gy clerk for iais files or �r�nsr�a:ssian to c��her ��par��ents. netrne�.ctive, In �Ghe c�.se of tr:.cts wrrhich h�ve b�en s��b�.ivided and pla�ted �nd ��or.�ions c�f ta�e� sola from an zznrecard�d �?l�_t pra.or ta t;he timP t:h��.t Cr��:�pt�r �!�36, L:.ti;rs of I��`7, �Pc��n� �ffeet�.ve, �t s��.11 be necess,�ry far tr�e a,iners a� those �ortions orevioi�sly conveyed. �c� join Sn the nlatting and ded:ic����.on of ��-�e �r��ire tr�.ct. �C`CTIOid �-a. �i�il`;��N.c� ii��ij��:C�`ii�,).i��;�� �:� !;:'.�l�j.t.le�i��'� �T.�ivllx=�.:�Li��� �F D�Si�I� Tne fal�?o��:�rt� shv:l� be cc�nsid�reci ��.s �s�.ni.�Un� r�c��ire- �ents �nd ti��i�_�. orcl�na,rily be v,^�i,ed "�y t��e c_ity cc��lcil Qnly �.znder tiie coriczitioizs �.na circum.st�:nces s�t far�h in t��.es� re�;ul��tions. Conforr^�.tv �a (�ffic�al Pl�.n Or :.°ia . rlh�re r�. �:�.st�r ;l�n ;i.rd/ vr =.�r1 oifici�zl r�t�.p ej>ists, sa�bd�.v3sic�n s��_+11 b� in h_=.r.na;l,y :^�3th s�iu m�.st�r pl:.n ��nd/or aff�.ci��-.1 mr,p of tY�.e cify. Helation to ��aioinin� �treet Svst�m. Zn�o�'��r ��s the r��ster plan or af_fici��? ?��ip r�o��s �not �.nrAic°:.t� �k�e �.+.��, loc�.ti�n, t�irec-�ion 4tind e�.t�n� of a str�et, a�zd s��bject �a the reoz�.I:�tz.o�s ���r��.n- ��fter s��c�.fied reg��rdin�� d�f:in3te ��,n�.mur� v���.dtr:s, th� �.rr�.���e- _�_ � �� y nent of streets i.n a subdivision sn�.l1 provid� for t�ae cc�nti�tz<<— tion of the princi.?�al stre�ts existin�; in the �.Ct�Olil�i.'_`l�; sl�b— divisions, or af ti�eir 1 roper projection �,To�n a�join�ng i�ro��rty is rot sz,bdividea, �,nd sh�11 be of ��. :a�idt'n °.�.t 1e��st ws t;rL�.t as tli..t af such el:ist�n�; streEts. (a) �:he.r�, in the on7ni�n of the city pn�ine2r, tapo�:i��lahic�.1. cor�c�itions �n�.ke such continu�;nce or conforr�ity im?�r��ctic�z�l�, or (b) in c�.ses ti�.i2ere the city co��r:cil ario,�:ts � �l��.n or p�at of a �e;�:hborhoocl or ,�.��e:�. of .:y�ich t���� st�'�.�division is �. ���s�.rt and tris plan �r pl�t pz avid�s caor��.znaticns Y�itY� tkie str�et system of' trie city d�iffe�•ent froni th._..� oz s�:;.id co.r�tinu�.tions or ;�roj�ctiar�s of e..istiri�; str�eis �n� tnp sub— ciivider� s pl�;.t co1l:�aru s to sucYi neighborhoaa or �.reu �lat or plan of t��e city, the cit� ��-y �r�rc�ve t�P s��rdivi.�zer� s �7.�:.t. '�tl1��ere thp r�I.�.t s��nzuitt�:a covers only �� �: rt of t�:�e subdivicier� s tr�:ct, �,. s��etch of the i ros���ectiv£. itltur� street syste� of the unsz�binitteci part s1�a11. be f�:-rnisl�ed �,nd the str�et system of the part s��.b�itt�d sh��l1 be co:�sid�red in the li�ht ci adjustm�nts and connecti.ons ��itr the str_eet syst��m of t_ne pr:,rt r.ot sub�ittpd. >�here �. tract �s s??bdividPd i nto lots of ur_ ucre or i;IOI'E� ��?E? COU21C1.1 Illcey reciil7.:t'E �=ziZ �;.T"�'^,ii�,:'�''_i;�t c'.�'� ���5 'iii:.� 5tI"!�F'tS s��ch �.;s to i pr�it a l��ter res��Udivision in con.forra-�t�r �rith the str��t rPr�,irQ.ae�zts sl�ncifi c� in these regul��.t�.or�s. nccsss. There shall be no res�rve str���s controll�.ng access to street5, e�.ce;.�t t�.�:��re t��e ccntrol o�' suc�i stri���s ys uef�nitel;T pl�..cn�.� in thP ci t�r »nd�r cond� ti�ns �y.�;�rov��. by t�e ci ty cauncil. �'he su.bdiviu�ng o� t�!e 1�nd s���lll pe s:�.cl�. �_s to �ar•avidP each lot, by ��e�.ns of eitizer a p��l�Iic str�et or �Y�,JT or .�:�r�~+:.r�-At euse:!�ent, V�ith s:�.t�.sf�..ctory �zccess to ��n existin� r;u��lic �zi�.l�.tvay or to a. thoro�_��hfc�re �:.s s��o�::n on <�n offici�.1 ��:� or r�:a.st�r �l�.n. The counci.l ;:Z�,.y nrovi�.� by �len�r�_Ll ora:in�xnce t�l,..t no w3�.r�it —4— _ i ia far the precta.on of ;_.��y bti�i?ain� s��.�.1_1 b� 3ssu�d un�.ess u, st;rLet ��.vin� ��ccess i,o s,_�c'ra r}��opas�c3 l���il.d:i��� �<�istecl una c•,-t�s astr-zbl3she� r�y 3�L�.ti�v �zs ,z ��i����.ic sf;reRt V�t t�ie �i�se a.r t3le �st4:k�l�.sr�E�c:nt of t:��e off�.ei.�.Z m�_� c�r sf?s:.11 ��?�.ve b�=en c't���!y l�l�:.c��. an ti�e off':�ci...�l ?���_�. ��r;:e� �:.i�.tl�. T'r�q �1i:�iriu�l ;:�idth i:or ruu�in thorau�i�f��.�es si,��1_1 be as sho��-��n on th� ci�y� s rs,:..st�r y�±�.n t�r off�ci�.l ��1��� �ana s�.a.l�, vyn�n �c�� sndic��t�d on s ch ��..s-��r ����n ar oifici�3.. m-�-;�, be not ��cs �h�.n ..-�-t-� __��,�_� ft� �o�� �~�i��cxy ��r�ets, .�„� "� �, -w��� T e=t; � n�. �cr 1ocw1 s�yrvict s�Lreets not ov��r f r Y�un�.rea (40v} fe�t in l�ngt:�,icrty {40� f:�e�. Th�s� aric�ths s:r1ck11 be �.��,su���c� �z�or�1 �?ot �'_ine to lot 1inR. In c�s�s �.v'r_¢r� t��� topo�r«�,?y or ot?��er f,I,-ysi e�?1 conditians ��.��e t� str��t o� th� rec�vired mini.rri��m �:��.dth im�r�.;;t�c:.lale, t��e ca.t�T �?z��.neer r�.:.y ::zaciify t�.e .��.bove rec�i� empn�s, r� h�:�I.f s�;r:��� �.lon`.; 4.d jainin�; pra?�prty r;�;�.� be �}.:��rav�d. �ounain�; StreUt �orners. r,re.rever ��cess.�.ry to ;��rr�a.t �:�.�: constructian c�f ci�.rbs l�y.�.V�.T�; �� �inim�.�m r°:�di.�}s af tyoen�s-fa.vp (<:;�i} fe�t :�.� s�r�et ear��urs t�k��t��a=�.t ci.zrt��il�.n� t'r3� s�de��.-:�k �o l�ss than normL�l 4�ia�h, �he a�x�as��7•�y lin� �.� s��ch str�ret cc.�rn::�.�s s�ir�ll 1�e rounde�. or o th�rj�i s e s et b:tick s�.x�'fi c�.ent�..y �a a��r�i t s��ch cons�;ruction. Tyor�ri�1�_5� thQ r��dit�s on t?�e p�.°ap�rty 1�.n�: s��4.I1 Y�e not �l_ess t�x�i� t^n (l�} fe�t. L�,r�er r�dii ��.y be recnljired by the ci�;� en�ineex, t.dy.en� in 1�.�s oz��nio�-�,, such des��;r� �.s �.c�vi s�.,�le. �:�.s�r�ents. �xc��t ,�f��_�re c�l.leys o� r�ot i 4�s t�<;;�. �'ift�en (I�>} fent a.r� prav%�ecz fo.r the 1��rpas�, the cc�unc:�l r���.�y rec;��ire e��se�.ents, no� e�:ceedan� s�,;� (6} fe��, �n ��_�ch s�.d� of �11 re�:� la� ?ines, t}�Z� o�� si�.� Zot �.:in•:� �,�h�r� 7�ecess,-.ry or, �+r� ti7<� r_.n�i�ion of �h.e citti en�ineer, �.avis 4kale, �'ox� pol�as, �,:ir�s, :onc�uits, s�orn ��nd s�.ni`�a.ry s�°��rers, g�.s, �rt�ter and ��.��c ;�r�;.�,n� -5- i ii i4 or ot�inr �,ztility lin�s. ��?s�i:nents of the s��me or �r��..ter ti��idt:� m�.y be re�uired �.Zong the lines of or across 1.ots vrhere necessary for tlle extension of exis ting or pl�lnned utili ti��s. If in the opinion of th� city en�;ine�r tre rnos� suit�.ble �..n�. reascn�y.lal� 1oc�.tions for wny of the utilities, s�_ich as s�t-rers, storm �ar�,;�.i�is, y�c..ter ��nd g��.s �i�es -wnd electric pole lines and conduits, �,hich �re li��ely to be rer�.ir�d :.Tithin �:, subczivision, eitlier .�or the service �hereof or ior service of �.re<�s in the surrounding territory, do not .:+.ie �vholly ti��,ithi.n the streets, incluaing �lle�js, if �xny, sho���m �����on tlle �3 ��.t, tne council ;ziuy rec�.ire, insof,��r ��.s reason�'ul�, :provision �o b� -r�wde for the loc��tion of svch utilities on roiates ��_se�•r��ere ti��,n �°Jit�in s�:�i�. str��ets, �ither b�T t��P �.edic_.:t:zon of 1aublic e��se�i��nts for tl:e s�;.m� as p�.rt of the Nl:.t or by the filing of sup�lementary instru:��nts trhich �°�ill a�.e�_�aately �rotect the p�ablic int�:rest in thA �ro�er loc:�.tion of s�.�id utilities. Dead i�nd Str�ets. Streets desi�,ned to hav� one enci p�rra�nently c�osed (Culs de sac) shall 'ae �roviaea �yt ti,e closed end with a t�arn-3round ro���.����y having c� minimL�s!i r�<i�ius for tY��e outsicte ,.._ s� � curb of at least ,+��U'��� � - - �, feet. Gr��ds of Streets. Street gr�des sh��.Il not exceed � pPr cent for i�i::in tiiorou;hf�:res �:nd dx, ��er cent f or m�.nor streets; nor be ?ess tiaa�. oz�.�-r�.lf of one ��r cent �..t the gutter. V�.riation from these �;r�:.c�Ps �ay, hoV���ev�i•, bA �a.�mitted by the council ��yhere �.avis��,ble to adjust to topo�;r��phical conditions. I�.tersection .�n�les. las fcar �?.s Pr��ctic��ble, �c�ate �i��;l�s bstti�een streets at their intersections �a.re to be �:..voided, ��nd I�ere �. deflection wn�le af �ore th�.n. t�n degrees in �. street _line occ�_�rs at any point betti�een two interseeti.ng str�ets a curve of rs�.son��.bly lon�, rc,.dius is to be introduced. _g_ Block Len�.ths. Intersecting streets s��_alI be so i�<,id o�.�t th��� blocks bet•.�,�een str�et I.ines s1��11 b� nat r:i�rv t���:n one tl�ous�ind t��oo hunc3.r�d (l,`��0) feet in Ien�ti�; exce�,t t���.�:.t ��:r��er. e, in the opinion of the city engineer, extr�.ordinary con��titions unc�aestian- �,bly justify a de�::�rtl�kre from this minimum, ti�e counciJ_ �.ay .rec;uire or pprmit gre_.t�r ciis�nces betti;een stre�t Iines. In blocks over six hunared (6�0) feet in lengt�?, the council may re�uire, �.t or rec�.r th� t��idc�le o:f tr�e blocic, « �t:bl.ic cross- ti.rali� not less tn�.n fi�'teen (15) fuet in v�.��idth for f'oot tr��ffic. :�loek �t;idths. The �::�idths of blocks prefer:. �ly srall_ be s��ch as to �Lllod�r t4:o ti�rs of lots, unl�ss excepti�n�.l canc�itions ".re, in t�e oyoinion of t'rie cc�uncil, sucY! as to rVnder this ree�a.ire�n�:nt undesir�.ble. Lot i�rrLzn�e�Pnt. In all cut�dru.n.�;ul�.r lots, c_nd so f�.�r ��s pr=�cta.cabl� all other lots, the side linss snall b� ��.t r3ght angles to straight str�et lines or r�.di���_1 to curved street linPs. An �.rr_,nge;�ent plr�cing adj�.c�nt lots ��.t ri�ht �an�,les to one �nother shall be 4�.voided vahere practicable. Lot Sizes. The ininimum dimensions �'or resid�nce Iots sr��.11 b e ', �' �' (��� �'e e t f o r ��;d th ��d ,�i��st,��l(���.��--'�� � feet for � epLh, ��nd in no case s��.3.11_ a residerlce lot contwin lsss tha ,�. �=,�„��� sc;u�.r� feet. Corner lots n�� sn��_J_ h�.ve s�,ch extr:.�, �didth �i.s .rtrill ��rmit i;he est:1�1.ishment of builcring lin�s on both str�ets. �.:h�re `-�,lle,s are sro�:m, the council m��y limit the de�nth of lot for ti�� plarpose of preventing future alley lots or builuinos or �:�.y reruirP the 4stab?ishment of builaing 1.ines alQlib the �.11ey aderuate for the conv�rsion of such alley ilzto a minor street. Buildin� �.estrictions. If thc s}?bdivision do�s not lie ;:ithin the force ��.nd effect of �n existi7l�; .oning ort�inance, th� council -7- i i � may rerz?ire provision for �inimum. front, side and reAr ynrds. T3�i�hborhood Unit. These regulµtions concerning minor and Ioc�41 street ��nd court �Tidths, dead-end streets, block lengt�s �:-�d . zFf-idths, ::nd the size of lots� n�.y be modified by the council in the case of a plat for a net� to:an or other large tract of land ti.�hieh provid.es a cor�munit�r pl�:,.n ,�,ith u building-dev�Iopment pl��n �nu recre�,.tion�l or other corn�unit;� open spaces a.de�u��te, in the opinion of the council, for the circulation, recre���.tion�,I, light �nd air needs of t�1e tr�ct tzhen fully develope3 •u.n�. popul��.t�d and ��hich provides for such leg��l restrictions or other legal status as ti�il1 a.ssure the c��rrying ou� of the plan i.n �.ts entirety. Tree Plantin�. The plantin� of street tre�s is option.«l �:��lith tne subdivi�er, bat if done planting p1�.ns in duplicate must be submitted to the council �.nd receive its ap�rov�,.I before pl_:nting of street trees is begun. Public 0 en Sp��.ces. L`�here a s�nall park or otner nei�hborhood recrp��tional o��n sp�,ce s'r�ov�n on an off3.ci�1 m�p or on a plan made and adoptea b;�T tne council is loc«tec.� in t^rhole or in part in the applic�zntis subdivision, the council �nay re�uire the asdzc��tion or reserv�.tion of such open s�ac� ti°:-ithin the s�„b- division for purk, playgrouna or ot�:er recre��tion,�I. p�arposes, in those c�ses in i:�l��ich tt�e council dpems such rec::uirement to be rea.sona.ble. �rliscellaneous. Unless toz�ogr�}phy �.nd ground canditions �prev�.�tr �11 subdivisions of property bordering on publicly o���ed or cont.rollea bodies of Yr�.t�r snall �rovide one or more high���ays not Iess t�z��.n fifty (50) fe�t :^�icle to the lor�l 1"J�tter ��rk at one-h;�lf mile interv�,ls as r�1e._sur�ed alon� such body o�' tia�,ter. -8- ' . [ • �"aherA a rail��ray gr�:cie crossin� is invalved, the �l:a.n of subr�ivision �dill be considered drith referLnce to t�e prob�.- bility of a f��ture gr�.de sei��.�r::.tion or other tre�>.t�ent af t:ne crossing, a.nd t�ie �lattin� rnay be reGuired to canform to r��e- liminai°y genQral plans of s��ch gr�de sep�rat�_on. `�:hen th� s��;b- division is a��acent to a railro€zd rignt-of-:�ray �.nd t�ie topo- gr�phy or zoning pl�:ns indicate i,h�,.t such property Y�ill be used for industrial purposes, high�^v��.y*s runnin� in the s��.me g�n�ral riirection �vi11 be re�uired ta be as �:e�:r.lg p�.r�31.e1 d�ith such ri�r�t-of:��r;�.y :��.s ;�r.�ctic:�.ble �.nd zt le�.st one lot d�;�tii �ist�nt therefrom. In �.11 subdivisions aue regard �ust be shovm for alI n`�,tural fe�.tz?res, such as l�::rge trees, r���.tur��.l �rov�s, ���_�.ter coarses, scenic points, historic spots ana siaiil:;r co�.r,iunity �.ssets� �-:hich ��ril1 a.a.d a.ttractiveness anci v��,lue to tt�� prop�rty if preserved. SLCTIQN C i?�V�LOP�.�'�1TS 1'KL;RLt:�i1I�ITE TO FIl��>>.L �-�t�'�;,OV.�L Fina.� �:.p�roval. The council �rill consider a��rov«,l of the final plczt for recar�. anl.y after monur�ents h�.ve baen inst�,l�ed in �.ccard��nce �,rith ths scecifie�..tioiis �iven hereunder and •�.fter there shall h.ave been filed ��itn the city clerk: (a) A certific�te fro�n the city engin��r Lhat all strQets sho�^m on the c�lat h�:.ve been br��ded and improved and se���er���,_�e �n�. ti�rater utilities �ind facilities have been ir_st�.11ed in accordar_ce Vrith the cit�Tt s specifications; th� health officer i�rill ascertain the av�.ilable cuantity of �^rG.ter supply ^nd submit a st�tem�nt relating tnereta to t�-ie council; or (b) �n assess;.�~��nt petition, appraved by tils city attorney, �r�!ereby the city is �t�t in ��n �.ssure� �osition to m�.ke these improver�ents and install these utilitias wnci facilities at any time and �zrithout cost to the city; or -9- d (c) � duly complsted and e�ecuted bond� certified by the ci ty attorney as v:�lid �nd e7iforceab3e by ths city ��nd in �n umount and ��:ith surety s�.tisf��ctory to the council, securin� thA making _�.nd inst�,ll�ytion of these ix�provements, uti�ities ana facilitiPs �rithin the perio� i fi�ed by the council; or (d) h certifiea check� draYYn on an �.p�roved bank ��nci available to the city and ader�i��,te for thQ compietion of th�se improvements, utilitiQs and facilities. (e) Certific��tes s�iall be obta.ined �or the items given belord and shall be att�.ched to the fin��.l plat. l. Parties necess;ury to pass clear title. sti. T�.xes or assess�ents. 3. Special or pending snecial assessnlants. 4. Bond filing. 5. Name. 6. �cce�tance of. street i��provements. 7. Ex3minztion �;.nd reco�nrnendation. 8. Surv�yor �,rho mar3e survey. 3. Filing date. I0. Ap_^rov��l and accept�.nce of streets. (f) �"r�ienever in the judg�.ent of the council it is unduly burdensor�s to re�ui.re that ;�rovisi.on be made for tivater, street gr::.ding u.n�. se�xrers prior to the makin� of s�1�s in thQ plat or subdivision, it m�y �,s an alternative to any one or to all of t��.ese improv�raen�s provi�.e, in lieu thereof in its accentance of th� p�at and to be endorsed thereon, that t}ze c�ettic::.tor s7:all first �ia�e the improvem�nts designateci by tl�e platting a.uthority upon � �iven str�et or stre�ts selected by �lim and Glong �:arich he intends to make h�s first off�rin� for s�.le to the l�ublic� �rith tlze furt�er �rovision th�t be�ore making sales on any other street or streets, �:.s to e.Ach such s�rert ne shall 1ikG- .�rise inst�,ll th� rec�uir�d iraprove�.�nts. The covPnant of the ded3.c�.tor so to m�ke s�a.bseuu�nt a,��provements shall bs deemed r�ad� bv� him for the ben�fit of any �urchaser of �ny lot or lots in said adclition and if, in viol�:;tion of , such coven�j.nt� any lot or lots �-�re sold� tY�en in that �vent st,ch purchaser sha11 be entitled to enforce s��id coven�nt so r���de for his beneiit a�ainst the de�.ic«.tor or �ny inter��di�.te v�ndor thereof. �Ionumnnts. �ionuments sh�Nll be placed �,t all bloci� cornArs, ��.ngle points, points of c�arv�s in str�ets, and .:Lt such inter- �edi�.te points as shall be reruired by the council, or ;t -10- I i A rel�zte�. ?�oints apy,roved by the counciZ. �he monuments shc�ll be of such m�.terial, size ��ncl Ien�th us may be fixed as �� standard by, or approved by, the council. SEC'�'TCI� D F��.L�LSi.i.i:����,.ttY �.'L�:.T Sc<zle. �The sc�le of tne �relimi*�: ry pl��.t is opt:�on�.l, k�ut s��.11 not be sm�.11er than two Y�.unctred (�00) feet to c�ne (1) inch. Informc�,ti�n to be ShoiRm. The �reli�;�in;=ry pl<<:.t sr�all sho���: (a) Tiie loc�7.tion of then e:istino �roperty 7..ines, stre�ts, bui,ldings, s�r`�,ter c:;urses, railroads, utilities �ynd other simil.<=�r fe�.ttires. (b) Tlie ��ames, locations, �,tiridths, �.nd otller dimen- sions of pro�osed s�re�ts, ��,lleys, e��se��lAnts, parks, ��nd otlzer a;��n sbaces, reserv^.tions, lot lines, b��ilding lines =:;.nd utiliti�s. (c} The a�proximate location in tre <<djoinin�; streets or �aroperty of existing sevre.rs �.nd G^��:.ter mains, culverts �nd drain pipes, electric conduits or linss proposed to be used on the rroperty to be subdivided, �.nd invert e].evc�.tians o��' se:��rs , at �oints of proFosed connection. (d) The ti t]_e under ��Thi ch the propos,d subdivi sion is to be recorded, ���ith the n��mes �,nd �.ddresses of the o�+mPr �:.nd tYie technic�z? a��thc�r of the plan; �nd �. not�.tion st��ting thP �creage. (e) The numes oi' sv.baivisions i�7nec�i�at�ly adj�.cent; also the loc�tion aizd names of' a���acent streets and other pub�ic s���ces on. i,~;��!edi�tely �;.d�oining properties. (f) 1'�11 p�xcsls of 1`nd �roposed to be dedic�.ted to pl�blic use ��nd tne conditions of s�zch dedic:tition, �f any. (g) i��zen recuested by the city �ngineer, contours at vertical intvrvals of not �ore th•�n fivp (5) feet ��'r�ere the slope is grsater t�lan ten �er cent u.n.d not more than tv�o (2) feet r�here the slo�ae is l�ss than ten per cent. Elev�.tions shall be r�arked on such contours based on a datum plane approved by the cit3r engineer. (h) Date, north point, and sc�.le. (i) `�.�he�1 reuuired by the city enbineer, tl�e pr�lim- inary Flat shall be acco�upa.nied b� x:rofil_es shoYding eYis�zng �round surf<:�ce �.nd proposed street grades, includin� extensions for a -11- I�I � reasonablp distu�,nce beyana the lin�a.ts of tx3e proposed subda.v3sion; typic_41 ez°as�-secti.ans of the proposed gr��;:iing� ra��.dway and s�.d���ralk; �,nd prelimin�iry �lan af �r,roposed suni t��.ry �Lnd starm �.::a,t�r se�i�rs �.ith gr�,des <�nd s�zes �.ndicated. �11 el�vations shal� be ba�a� an � d�,tum plane �.�?l,roved by t��e ci�y engineer. (j� 2he prelim�.narY �l:�t shall be �.ecompU.n.ied b� a pl�n indic��.�ing the use of tne Iots prc�pased by the subdivider ��het�ier .ior one-far�ily d�r�elZin�s, mult3-family housin� business or inc�us�r3.al purposes� and copies �hall be submitted caf t��e proposed dacuments crr instrv�nents ��hereby the use, building Iine, open s��.ce and other restrietioz�s �.r� �ropos�ed by the subdivider to be im�Qsed. �ECTIC}N E I�'I.i�1�3L PL�:T Dr;.a.ftin� Standards. The fin�.:.�3 p1.at Sha11 be dr<x�-�n u?�an tr:.cin.g , f-,.� cic��h �.n s?��eets_�,inches ::�ide by o�.°,��'�r _� ���?r1, un7_ess the counei�. �F:rmits a less�r sc�,.le, �o a sc,:le c+f not ��ss �;��.:y,n c�ne h�zndred �1�0} feet to Qne �l} inch; �rc�v�.ded, t��?wt t;l�en mare than one sheet is recsua.r��1, {:,n index s��eet of t��e s�.�ne size s�iall be fa.Ied s1�oTs�in�; the an�ir.Q subaivision an on� sh�et �rith b1ac� ;:�na lot numb�rs. t��.t�. Heruirea On Pl� . The fin�;.I, pl_�.� sr��.Z 1 camvl_y �.ath �.nd sh�ll cont��in �he d�.t� specifsed in the follo���.ng: (�} �he �.ines �nd n��mes of all �ro�osed streets or other Y���y's or easeraents :a.nd other open spaces i�tended to be dedicate�. t'or .public use or grant�d for use af inhabit�.nts of the subdivisian; also Iin�s of all �3.d,�oinin� str�ets. {b� T�e lsn�th of aI2 s�Grai�ht lines, de�"lectic�n an�les, and rL dii, �.res �n� ce��r��.l �ngl�s af �ll curves, along the nroperty 1.ines of each street. .�11 c�3m�nsians c:.lnng the lin�s of e��ch 1ot, yj:ith t��� tru� be�.rinQs ancl angles of int�rsection �'��?1.Ch they s��.ke r�,ith �a.ch other ~.nd a1.so �.ny oth�r d��.ta nec�ss�ry for �he lac�.�ion of �.ny 1at 1in� 3n the f3eld; alsa the lflcation of �.11 build.:i.ng lin�s proposed t� be fix�d by �he subdiv2�er. If more con- venien�, calc�alVsted be:.rin�s �ay be used inst��{.d of ��n�;l�s, -1�- . , , � (c) Suitable primary control points, a�prov�d by the city en�ineer, or descri�tions and ��ties'r to such control points, to yrhich all dimen— sions, angles� be�rings and similar data given on the plat spa.all be referred. AIl �imensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of �, foot. (d) The location of all perm��n�nt �nonu��nts. (e) The names oF all s�abdivisions irn..rnedi-�.tely �.ajacPnt; or, ���hen �.ajoinin� �roperty is not �� recorded subdivision, the names of the oa:ners thereof; and the book �,.nc� p�r.ge v.�here ��d�oinin� subdivisions or tr�;cts are recorded. (f) Date, title, north point and sc�.I�. The title shall inclu�.e the nar�e of the subdivision under t�rl�icr it is to be r�cordec�. The north point srlall indic;�.te true north and be so designated on the pl�.t. (g) The bound�ry of the subdividsd tract, urith courses �rd c�istances m�.rked thereon. Such bound«r;� sh�.11 be �eterm3ned by survey in the field� v�;hich sh211 be bala,nced and close�, made by a rebi�ter�d ctialified engineer or a registerect l�.nd surveyor ��nc3 certified to be correct. Other Dat� Reruir�ed. (�.) ��11 rec�uired forns, such as en�orsemer�ts, dedi— cations anci certifica.tes. (b) � certificate of title shoa�ing the o��nersrip of t'ne l�.nd to be in the subdivider or his �rinc3pal or oth�r a��lic��nt for a�prov��.1. (c} rrofiles of streets sho�rin� gr�.des 2p}�roved by the city engineer. S��ch �:rofiles sY�l��.l? be dr���n to city st�,nd�.rd scales c,.nd �lev�,.tions sh��ll be b�sed on a d�.tum pl�ne ap�roved by the city eng�.n�er. (d) If the s�,ibdivision does not lie u�ithin the force ��nd effect of an existing zonin� ordinance, a plan shoi^��ng the �roposed use, y�.rd, are� �:nd oth�r restrictions on e:.ch lot u�T� thin the subdivision; and a st��tement of the provisions and instrunents v.hereby such bti?ildirig l.ines, mir_imum y2rd �.nd use restrictions �:iZl be imposed. —13— _. . SECTIOiv F DEFI��.iTSON� For the ��.zrpose of these regul�ta.ans, cert�.in �A�c�rds used herein ure defined, as foll_o�s: PLI�,T. The m�.�, dra��:ing or cl�art c�n vrl�ich the s��bdl.vitz.e�'t s pl�.n of subdivision is �resented and n�hich ��� submits far �.nprov�t�_ ��nd a.ntenas in f'�i.na�. form to recorc�. A�STi�R PL�:N. The cQmprehensive pl�.n if and ��r_�en made by the pl�.:nnin� com�.lission or oth�r offici�.Z pl�:,�nn�ng or��:�n :lr�ich inai��:�te� the g�ner��l locG�.tions recor;�ended for the var�.a�?s func�i�nal cl�.sses of public �rQrks, �I�.ces �.�a. s�rizetures (streets� parks, publi.c b�.aildin�s, etc.) . 0�'FICI�:L i�i�'�1. Tx�e ��a.p an ti�rY�lich the p1�:nned loc.,.tions, p�:_�ticularlg of st�eets, �.re ind�.edted ��ith detail and exaetness so as to furnish the b��sis for prc�perty accuis�.tian ar builaing restr�.ction. BLTILL3ING L NE. z� line on a g1�.� �.ndics:.ta.ng �he �_imit beyond ��hich bu3.ldings or structures m�y nat be �rected. S�GTTON G Before fina.l. ap�rov�l of the pl�.t a, pub2a,c he�:ring shall be held, ��thich is �.nnounc�d by not less than thr�e nratiees post�d adjac�nt to the land in ��.?estiQna and �.f %t is bel3eved necess�ry ad�.itional no�ice may be gi�ren by ma.il to adjac�nt land oc�mt�rs. �EC'TIG�T �I Plats must be agproved, �isapproved ar returned to the a�plic�.nt for mo�.ific�.tion or correction ti�rithin s3xty d�ys froM date of fil�.r_g, vnless the tine �.s ext�nded by ��ra.t�en consent of the applic�.nt. -14- i i i i ii i 7 , � ' ♦ s�c�rza�� x ��ny persan ��.�grieved by a�aprov�.l or d:i.s�.�r�rov�+l of any pla�, subdivisic�n or ded�c��ic�n has th� r�.�I�t af revie:^� before the superior court of the coun�y. .�p�lication for such reviez�T must be submitt�ci to the caurt tiF.ithin th3.rty d�.ys fram the date af the deci�iQn tc� be reviewed. SLC'�I�)I� J Th��; Ord:in�:nces ��o. 3C}, �15 and ,^:�`� s:��l� be �nd the s�t�e are hereby expressly repealed. S�;�TION K This Ord3.na.nce shall be in full. farce �.nd effect five (5} days fran and after its pass�.�e, ap�rov�.l and 1eg�1 publicatian. xp�rvved thi s 15th d�y of ��u.gt�s t, 1939. _s�,� ;� r %' � / ,/�!� _ ��1/lL> iVIti.Y�R Passed by the City Cauncil of �he Ci�y of Rentan, v�in., this,_,,,���day of �!�.�us-�, 29U9. � CIT L"L �L� �I'PROVEp 0 FG1,.�I: � ���� ��_�� CTTY i,TT(� �h'NUY `� � l�ate of Publication: August 17th, 1939. -15-