HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 0105A 5���� ��,�-s,;�i� _ ___, �'-- ,. ... �, � (Resolution of Intention.) �� RESOLUTION N0. __.�,I)�»_�__ BE IT OPllAI\ED BY THE CIT�' COL'\CIL OF T�IE- CIT'Y 0� RE\'TO\T: 1: That it is the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of Th�t por tion Of Burnett �treet,as pl�tt�d and :�ho�vn in the ariginal Pl�c1; �f the 'P�vm of R�ntvn,boundcd on the nort.h by the �outh line► of Fifth Avenuc ,th.�t portion of Fif tr. Avenuc boundcd on tnc �as t by th� j west line nf Williams �tf�et and on the wes t by th� v�est line �7�' Smithers `'treet, that portion. of Sm3t��er� Street baun�led on tY�c nort'.� by the �outh lin� of Fif th Avcnue �.nd on th� �outh by the (Inse��s�tr���s��'�i�6rtions �1 ereof�o�b��in proped) by�(spec�fy ng na ure of C�pro ement�� NO-- boundcd on �1�� cas t by tl:e ca�t line of Smi�t;hers Str�e t anrl on the wes t by thc �ast lint of Tr�ct A �mithers Fifth �cidition pr��.uc�d south by �radin�; , cuxbin�; and pavin� the s�a.�n�. and doing sueh other work as n�a,y be necessary in connection therewith, all in aceordance with plans to be prepared by the City Engineer. 2: That all persons who may desire to object thereto are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a nleeting of the City Couneil to be held in the Council Chamber in the City �Iall in the Cit�- of Renton at ---.7._.-3_0. o'clocl: Y. PI., on the ----1-6-th-------------- day of ---------ApTi1---A.D.----------------- 191�-----, �I wbieh time and place is hereby fixecl for hearing all matters relatin� to said proposed iinprovement, �and a�ll � objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for said improvement. 3: '1''hat the City Engineer shall, in the manner provided by law, submit to the City Council, at or prior to said date, a11 data and information requirec� by law to be snbmitted. � 4: That the cost and e�pense of sa�id improvernent shall be borne by and asse5sed aaainst tlie propert�� ��� liable therefor, as provided by la«-. Approved this .���-_��-�----- clay of��7ct��c �7 --.........--- �---- • A. D. 191_Y__. , �—� , � / ----� "�GJ--� - -- - -- ... ._..'"- - ��- - - __... 11<t����i•. � � 1'�issed this��----------- �lay uf�7a_7"�_l7.__.--.-- ------__..---> �. 1). 191�__, � __-�� �,. � � ; I � __.-��- � ' •�/" -'� .-L/�.� ____'__'�'/�"__"_" ___"".'"'__""".�...................................""".... ��lt)� ���Cl'�C. llate of fit�5t publi_eatioii �' .'�. � .. _�..:.. _ __ . _ ..._ - - _ - � �- . - .._. � ,; - Date uY second publicatiuu ...;:_�.2'��._�.........-----'--.-- - � � ,3� � �,�,"..