HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1076 �`������/��/�;, r`�-�,��� � // � T� , �� (� � �_.�:�.�:__1,���_ ��o. �1`� UFti�il�li,l�Ci� ULF11;1Ti:G ��..i�;�� r�L�JL��'I'1��ii:� 'T'.'�i: �i�iu�l��:,� 0=' �#'�Y CLEl�iING �'�D DYEIi�G, ��TuD Pl�QVIDING F0� TH�; COivSTRUC'TI.OT3, P�1hIN- i T;�1�1i'�.I�CE 1'�PiD INSP�CTION BY �hE CT'TY OF LRY CLE��.IvTNG 1`�1��D DYETi�G BUILUIi�:GS 1�Tdi� ESTi�BL1.��'�,���iTS _�?D PROV1ll.iT�4G P�i�;��LTY r'UF� Ti-�� VIGL��TIt:�i OF TF:TS OR�IN1�JCli. Trie City Council of the City of Renton flo Ora.ain as Follotivs: S�CTION l. That the business o�' cleaning or dyeing �s cieiined to be the business of cleaning, spongin�, or ayeing cloth, clotr�.�nF;, i eathers, o-r any so�.�t of fo.brics or te�tiles b5r tYie use of c�:.rboY� bisulphide, gasoline, n�.pth�., benzine, benzol, or other light petroleum or coa.l-tar products or inflammable li�uid, or cle��r�in�. �.nd dyeing or spon�ing by processes kno�pan. as ary cleaning an� ayeing where inflammable volatile substances dre used. Spongin� shall be the remov�.l o� dirt, greases, etc. , by local applicGtion cf inflammable licuids. hny �erson, firm or eorpor�.tion cwrrying on the business of sponging as above defined, solely or in conrecticn vvith, or as a part of any other business, shall be deemed a dry cleaner, and, as such, subject to tY�e provision of this Ora.inance. S�CTIGN 2. No person, firm, or corporaticn shall d.dverti�e as dry cleGners and dyers, or �ither, as defined ir Section 1 hereo�, � , until such person, firm ar corporation shali have mude applic�.ticri to the Cit,y for permission to eng�.ge in such business anG. y�.i� tr_e fees �.s herei�nafter providea.. SECTIGN 3. i10 room or structure shull be usea for the busir_ess '� of dry cleaning oi� dyei.ng, as ��aove defined, o�=�o'r the storage I =�_ � ; of inflam.rb.uble or volatile subst��nce for use in su�ch business, until an application for permissi�n to do so shall have been filed �°rith � and approved by the City of Renton. I -J __ _ I � St�CTIGT� 4. Uporl trie iilin� oi every ��ch �.�,���_ic�_.t�cr�, t'rle aNplicant shall pdy to the City �. filing and inspecticn fee of f�ve (�;;:5.00) dollars. ��CTION 5. Vuhen any applicaticn is fileu v��.th the City and � tYie fee paid as abave mentioned, the Crief of the Fire Depart��ent, hi.s deputies or assistants, shall m�.ke an inspection of such room or structure; and if' the same cor�fr�rr.:s to the recuirements of lav;� and rules wriich may be prescr:�.bec� by the City for s,ach places, trer the City sha11 issue a permit to the applicant for the conduct of such business, i�vhich permit shall e�tend t;ntil the first day of January next after the date of the issuin� of same. S�CTIUN 6. The permits m�ay be renev,Ted a� an;� tire ��ri�h-�.rl thirty ddys af ter the termin��ion thereof by the filing of an application for such rene�ral and the payment of a fee of five (�;�5.00) doll�,rs therefor; provided the �.pplicant ior such reneVra.l permit has complied 1�ith the provisior.s o; t�:i� Grdin��.nce, �,_nd •.�:ith t'r�F la�vs of tne City of Rerltor_. SECTIGTd 7. t�ll permits �.ust be �����-.bitea �cr ii�::,.ect�cn tc ti�e City officiul, or any of nis deputies or assistants, wrhenever recuested; and no one except the person, the iirm or corpora.ticn to hrhom the same are issued shall havs the right to oper�..t� a business or establishm�nt un�er any permit. SLC�'IOTd 8. Permits m�y be reiused, suspended, or revoked by the City for fravds in pracuring the same, or zar a viol.�tion of aT1y la.�ry Of the City. SECTZON 9. No bu�lding used for drg cleaning purposes shall be loc�.ted within 10 feet of any other buildin�s, unless sepur�-.ted therefrom by an un�ierced fire jr�all. till roons or structures used or to be used for the purpose of tre bvsiness of dry cleaning or dyein.g, as above d.efined, sha1J_ be of fire-resistive design and -�- corstructiori, and r�ot exceed one story in height, wn3 shall. be Vrithout base�ent, cellar, or oper� space belo�� the ground floar. ; No dry cleaning building shall be used for any occupancy other thun dry clean�,ng, dyeing and reclaimirig gasoline. '' SECTIUN 1Q. kll walls of such dry c1e�.ning and dyeing rooms ' or structures shdll be of brick laid in cement-narta.r, or of rein- � forced eanerete, not less th��1 faur (4) 3nches ir thiekness, or o�' stone laid in cement-�ortar, not Iess than sixteen (16) inches in thickness, or of other non-c�mbustible material constructed of a thickness of no� less than tv�relve inches. The roaf of such building sh�.11 be of fire-resistive construction. No cor�bustible material shall be perffiitted in the construction of dry roons or racks. SECT�GIV 11. There shall be no direct sei��er connection v�ritn I d.ny dry cleaning, dyezng, washing, extracting or re-distilling machines or vats containing the material used therein and the floor of all dry cle�.nir.g est�.blishments shall be of cencrete constructien, � laid not lower than the surface of the earth surrounding the �rall. SECTION 12. A vent opening of at least ti��snty s�uare inches area shall be provided at the floor level in each wash room and drying room, near each machine and opposite to any door or other air inlet. Such openings shall be covered vlith 12x1�: mesh, No. 16, galvanized wire v�reb, and shall be kept clear o� all obstructions. From the vent opening a flue of at le�st tv�enty s�u��re inches �.rea and non-ccmbustible materiul.s, built into the wall or floor or securely fastened thereto and free fron mechanical in�ury, shall conduct to and tnrough a sparkless e�hdust fan, to be run cantinuovs�y, and which sha11 be or sufficient size to completely cha.nge the �.ir volume every three minutes. All discharge outlets of vent pipes shall be provided witr� a 12x12 mesh or eGuivalent uire screen and loc�,.ted pvithout hazar•�. to sur•round�ng prorerty and a.ccepta.ble to tne -v- l�1ty O�f'1C1c.Z.S. U�t��':P VC'I'�t.1i'c.�1Y1� .c.�''SL�r[i li�ci,ZJ �K)E S11rJ.�..t7.tU��Ci. �Qi the above which shall completely change the air every five minutes in the roora, whi�e the plant is in oper�;�tycn, _:�ovi::�ed s��r��e :. re approved before cQnstructed by the City. Skyli�hts �.nd win.doti�vs must be of t�°eir•ea glass in �r:et�.l fr��r�e�, and provided v�ith fusible link conrectin� to an automatico.11y cics�.r� device, and shall be covered with l�'xl� mesh or euuiv��ler.t brass �n�ire screen to prev�nt spark or other fire entrance. Necess�.ry precautions shall be taken to prevent the cloggin�, or in �.ny v.��,y tt�e stoppirg of dir passage through such ��vire scre��s. SECiIGi1 13. T��at, as d. means af fire e�t�__4-_�.i s�u.c:r�t in �..r.�� such roam or structures, thQ s�.me shall be ecuip�ed v4�ith ste<_tim ci c�es located near tne ceiling. Tn these pipes shall be not less thar t�vo openings, all of vrhich shall point tov,�ard tnP ceiling. The steam su�ply for such pipes sn�.11 be cor.tinually �.v�;.ilable far service �vhi.le the pl�.nt is in cper�,.tion, ana shall be suffic�ent to conlpletely fill the room space in 1�ss ���_�n one �=-_ir_tste. ::�_n �ut::ie_� screVl and yoke valve sn�.11 be placea ir� t�r:�= s�e���- s:rvice line or lines outside of the building, and to be accessible for oper��tion in case of fire. ���'here feasible, such fire prot�ction snall be extended and cannected to extr�ctors, �°Yashers and tumblers, so th=:�t the fire extinguis'r�ing a,gent may be admitted to tr�e interior o� sl::c'r� machines. An approved system using d f'ire deterrent chemical or gas may be instslled in lieu of a steam exting�zishing system. SECTIOPd 14. kll steam or hot wa.ter pipes must be protectea by tivire screens oi otherw.i.�e so �s to prevent contact of pipes ar�d infl.ammable goods. ti.11 j-�indows, ctoors, or other opening in the dry cleaning building or drying rooms sriall be protected with a c�,ired glass in metal frames or fire-proof shutters, aoors or co�,rcr•s. Interco�;rsunicatin� openings shall be provicied �.���itn st::_nd��ru self- � _4� cloNin� iire doors ke�:-t cicsed except �-�rier. ;��ssin� trroa.�h. i�10 airect cpening betti°4e�n cry cl ;;_��1ing and dry roo�s si1�.11 be ptirmitt� :i .� All c3oors, �vindo��rs, shvtt�rs, screens and grills shall be �rr��nged for re�dy opezlzng fror� �ither side in case of emergency .^rhen in operation. SECTIO�i 15. �t l�ast one approved ;zand chenical extinguisher, �s�ccially efi'icient for suc� conditions snall be p�ovided for Uac��� 200 s�uare feet of floor spa.ce. SECTTUN 1G. �11 dry c1e��.{.ning, u;�si:�.ng, extr:�_ct��g ana reuis�illing sh�.11 be carried on in clos�d machines, dvhich shall be fluid tigr�t. In tivash rooms only the necessary appliances for tivasrling, extr�.c�in� and r2distilling shall be permit�e��., �:�� -��:_ys sr�l��? :_�o� i�� con�t;rued as pronibitin� tn.e use ti^�ithin ���asr ��oc,. 01" u�;y�n� t��:�.i��.��:��s of ot:�.�r than ti�e blo4;�T�r ty�oP. Tumblprs of the suction t;��e shall be ecuipped �tirith c�eans for the acit�ission of ste�.m v�ithin the cyiin�e�. V��ashers and extr�ctors s�:all have hingeci doors, and s'rlall have att_�.ched to covers L�asible links so tnat in case of �.n explosio-n the door ��vi11 automatic,�lly close; such �achines snall �.lso be provided v�ritn means far the reli.eving of any undue pressure th��t :.���y be g�nerat��. ti,rithin machine v,�hen cover is cl.�sea. The tr��nsfer o� alI li�uids s'riall bQ tiirough continuous piping, pipe connections or �cl�re�..cled j oints sh:3.11 pe rnade up v6�i th li tharge and �lycerine, �,�nd all outlets or cirain lines shall be dr�.ined by gravit�r to set�tli���; OI' Sl�",O1':,`;� t.:;.C1�iS. L�C�1:it�,:C"'Ct,iO'1 S�-u�� I7� S"..<C�l ��i_.� ��1Pi� .:1.i_� �^ i10 e�posed 11.��"J'l�i 1.SSiJ.i.:lb fiO:�i .^..1'_'.i1.i'jr:;Z' Or' �1;�L1.�1� �'iUt', t_i�.S S�«z11. not be construed as iorohibiting properly guarded gl•-�.ss in �ight iee� For clari.�'�ers. Glass gaugQs sha11 be �rotected �.�g�zinst �iechanic:-�l irljury by means of suit�:Able gawrds, �Zd shall be e�ui�oped �f��itn v�.lves arr��ng�d to close autor�atically in case of bre�:��::�e of �lass. Tdo __ �.ry-c�eaning lic�uid sh��.11 be settl ed in any open or unprotecte�. -5- i v�s�::�s o� ��.}�=��. hll pi�i.ng �.na ull metallic p�.rts oi e��ch niachine snall be properly groundeci by at least 1�?0. 10 copper insul._�ted v�ire to a v�Tater �ipe or oth�r grounded cievice; belti.ng, if used s��ll be groun�.ed by means of collector rings inst:�lled on sh�,fting, Scrubi�in� and brushing may be periorr�ed in the dry cleaning roor�, but not �nore tnan one gallon of vola�ile fluid shzll be used in any one container; and such vol:�tile s��bs�:.�_c� ,�'�;;_l�_ '�e i�:,t�_�r�z-�ci I to the settling or storage tanks �... soo�-� �4s ;ii� l��r�._s������ or �le��lr.i���� oper�tion is co��letect. AlI goods remeveu from �•Jas�ier to extr�cto� s��:.�,ll be kep� in tight mPtal pan.s ,vizen used with una�r sid� of bottom covered tiv�.tn wood, �.nd no goaus or �r�ashed stocks snall be taken frorn wasn room until v,rashing lic��i:� h:,�s ��e�iz »L:r�ove:1 i�yr t'_�e extr��kctor. �?11 �oods dried sh�,�ll be ��m:,,vea _�ro�:: �,:�s�_ cto:� -�t I close of oper:�.tions. , SECTION 17. �t the close of ti�e day� s operations all lica�d contained in �vashers, extr�.ctors, stills ar oth�rz�ris2 s�iall be retur,�ed to tne :�ndergrouna twnks. ThE location of a11 tanks, b�arieci or other��vise, �n�a their contents and haza.rds, shall be pla�.n1;� ' marked by si�ns as approvad by the City Chief of Fire DeN�,.r��:i=u:l�t. Th� cl�aning o� �'loors ��ri th i�zi L:�.�m,.ble lic�ai� or licuias i s iie.r�by I proriibited. S�CTIOIJ 18. No ste�;.m b�zl�r, furnace nor ste�.m gener�tor, or heating device, exposed T ire or other sp.�rk er�itting device s'riall be allowed in any washing, arying or distilling roon, or in Iine with va�or travel therefrom. S�CTI01�1 19. �L11 artiiic�.al lighting s?�iall be by incandesc�nt elE�ctric lights. xll electrical e�riring and ec�uipn�en� including motors, shall be in accord�nce ���it�� tne National Electrical Code. S�CTIOi�1 ;�0. `I'he heating of such builaings sn�.11 �e secured only ?�y �l�e us� oi st��:u or riot `nd��ter syst�r�s. l -�- r`":'i�+.,' �'1- T _. ;� _,ys �:;�� :l v:� ,:;1. 1'lt�...:1� r'001L. � 1 i�' i;in'k��" t",i�c :a_'.Ill�: I 00� �.� i-"p � V�1 �.4y cleaning and �yeing room, must 'pe s�parated froi.� such rooms by �. �j iir�-r�si stive wa11. Et The er�trance oi such dryin� room or rooms � snall be provided ivith st�.ndara self-closing fire doors. Meuns for the ventil.ation of such drying room shall conform to the conditions provide� in rel�,tion to dry cleaning and dyeing rooms and the p�ovi sions for fire Pxtingui shmen t r�us t be coniol i�d tvi th. I f the I drying room be a sep�.rate building, it r�ust conform in all respects , of construction and ecuipinent to tne conaitions -��.- r��a ���-1::�tiv� to dr� cleaning and dyeing roor:ts .;:s ..bcvL ��:�cri;�e�. SEC'II01V `'2. xlI Vol_.,.t=a+� s�_;�st�_��.�� r_:c,._v��:_ �or ,.s� in ;,��� business of dry cleaning dna dyeing as above defined, shzll be stored in steel tan.ks, tne steel of �-rhich may not be less than trree-sixt�eriths of an inch thick, u� to 4,000 gallons capacity; one-f�urth, 4,000 g��llons cap::tci ty up to 10,506 gallons capaci ty; tne exterior of such tank to be co�ted T,vith �.n approved rust prev�n- tiv�; tanl�s when rivited shall be 60 percent of the strAngth of the sheets, and all joints shall be caulke�. or v�elded in an �,pproved mann er. SEC^lIOI'd ;�3. No storaoe t�.nk shall be placec�, construc�Qd, or ��,�i�_�t��ined under a public side,hralk or in a side�s�alk are:�. ��CTIQi�� ti4. xll tanks shall be buried anderground to such �zp�th as to secure a covering of e��rth of at least three feet =�bove ti�e top of tne tank �.t the sarface level of tne ground. SECTTON `�5. All tanks shall be provided vv.i.th a vent pipe not less than one inch 1.11 di:�.tTlQter, ext�n�aing iro� the top of the tank to the outer air, and discharging at a point not less than t4��,o f��t above the roof of said dr�r ele�..ning and dyeing roon and also be provided �:�t the discharbe end �:ti�it'_2 an inverted "Li1 cap or �oose- � - r- nec�, op�nin� of vrh�ch shall be scre�ned, ,,^���ich s��:�ll be co��st�uct�d I of corrosive resistible r�et�.l. I S�CTION 26. All s?ich t��nks must be Lor�vide�. i°::i�� a fillin� 'I pipe of nat less thun one inch in di.:�.metar, extending fror� top oi I the tank shell to �rJi thin one inch of the bottom of tne tank. Sucr� �� filling pipe must be laia Z�11�''ll 1T1C11i1ation to���rard the tank to secur� proper arainage. The int��ke end of said filling pipe sh.a�l pe fitted �,�ith a controlling feed cock or v��.lve, �ivhich shall be kept closed except �,�hile in use, and the intake end of tne �ipe abovn sueh coe�i or valve sh�.11 be provided U�ith a serPv�r cap to be sac�_..rel;� scre�ved on the feed-�ipe inlet c��hen the sam� is no� in use. Bot�� thP controllin� cock or valve �d the feeci pipe inl�t must be inc?o��:� in an iron box or hooa set level or above tne surface of tne groulZa and be kep� s2curely locked dT�hen not in use. Such feed pipe inlet a.nd controllin� cocr� or v<::�lve s���_:.11 in ��o c�.se be loc•�.ted ins�de of any buildi��:g. S�CTIOV w7. :�11 ?�i��s connected to ti�e s��i�a st�r.���� t_�nks Us�d in saici dry cl�aning and dyeing business must enter or be att. cred to same at their tops. Service �ipes carrj�in� v�lutile substances from the storage tanks to the dry cleaning and dyein�; �achines or a�paratus shall extend from the tob of the tank shell, and th� controllin, coc� or v�lve ii-� s��.i:� sez°vi,CP yJ��vs sh��ly b� r.�pt closed wrhen not in use. SECTT011 28. No volatile subst".nce sn.all be c��rried or conver��� i.nto the dry cleaning and dyeing roon building or any of its rr�achines or appar�.tus, or be r�turned to the stor�.�e tanks from such devices, except through s�rvice pipes as above described. Tn� movement or transmission of such vol�.tiles t�ir�ugh such service pipes shall be � secured by purnps or sy.�hons only, silcn delic�s to be so loc �e� .�.s -8- to insure the return of all volatile subst_���c4s re°.��::.���in� in �ne i service ioi�;es .�hen delive:�y i s sh��t ofz t� the s�;or�-��� L�_n�2s by gravitJ. SECZ'1U�1 �;9. ido carbon bisul�nide, gasoline, naio�i-��.:,�enzi�ie, benzol, or iight �etrolQura or coal-�a.r pro�uct used in tne r�ry cleaning and dyeing business shall b� distilled or redist��lled in corinection with the said dry cle�:.�ing or dyeing busi��ess, exce�t in a room oi iire resistive construction. SECTION 30. That shauld any building, business� ar est�.blishment of ciry clp�.ning or dyeing a.s herein definec7. be discont�_�::�e� or _lot c�rri�d on in any building T�rhich does nat conform to t:�e ;�r��r:isior�: her�in set forth for a perio�. of thr�e consectztive mont�s, such business sn�.11 be considered as having been abandoned; and before the same can again be carried on in such building, the s��id builc:i.-n� must be so constructed, rep�;:ireu or re:�v_lt �.�s �o cor�''or�n to t:r�e provisions af this ardinance. S��TIO�I 31. �Il buildings, struc��arv;�, pi��es, s:;or�.oe t��.n��, electric�l rJiring, connections and app�.rat,as constructe�. and used in said dry cleaning and dyeing b�siness sn�,ll be inspected and approved by the Cr:ief of the Fire :�e;�artment or a deputy or ass�st��.nt before being use�. in s�id dry cleaning and dyeing business. SECTTOi�� 3`�. �Lny person violating all or any of tne prcvisio.�s of tizis Ordina.nce snall upon conviction tn.ereof be guilty o� ._�. ��::i�- demeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed �100.00 or by impri son�ent in the ci ty j ai 1 for :_�. ;U�=ri o i r.o t ta e,�c e e� <�0 d�ys or �ot�1 sL.c� iine -:nd ij��pris�nu�ent. _g_ i ' • � S��'i1:0i�1 3�. Thzs orsin�.nc2 s�1�.11 be i.n iull lorc� �n:�. qif�ct five (5) days irom �.na after its passage, ap�roval and legal p�u.bl i ca ti on. , npproved this 19th day of September, 1939. i r`2 . �� ; _�!'y_���.d�`�r��_✓�i_�LG2 y L'--- ��=-YOR P�ss��d �yT t�ze C�ty Co�ancil of t�1P City of Renton, u�in. , this i���_1__Ci_�.y Of �`.�''�-�t:'_:i�JFT'� 1���`�. li CI' Y CL�I'v�., __ _ _- - ----______--_ _ , hPP�O �' i�S T FORt�iI: ��� CIT �1TTOR� EY u '��� D�ts of Pub3i cation: � 7:._ � ��; � q`� � , �