HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0989 �!. � M .� . • tif • � . �,� .� ' , •- . - , ORDINAIVCE No. 989 9N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RE]Q'PON PROVIDING FOR THE I,AYING OFF, OPE.°�ING, STRAIGHTEIVING, S�fIDE�VING, EXT�tDIPTG 9idD ESTA�I,ISHING OF BRONSON WAY B�R"a'JEEN I ?�fAIN STREET ADTD �IILI, STREET IN THE CITY OF �ENTON; PROVIDING �'OR T:� ESTAB- I,ISHING OF TI� CURB GRADES OF SgID AVENUE; PROVIDING FOR TfiE ACQUISITION AND PURCHASE OR CONDF�lIIJ9TI0N, 9PPROP�IATION, TAKING AND DAhiAGING OF I,ANI3 AND OTHER PROPERTY NECESSARY THEREFORE �ND Pl�VTDING FOR TH�, PAYMENT OF TgE COYP�ATION PAID FOR SBID lCQUISITION AND D9H�fAGING 9ND 16ECESSARY EXPENSES., INCIDENTAI.� �- TO FROM TI� GE�IERAL FIIND OF TFiE CITY OF RENTON. UlF�BF,�tS PUBI,IC NECESSITY �NND CONVENIENCF D�tlAN�D THAT the above nam�d Avenue be laid off, opened, widened, streightened, extended and established as a public street and high�rqy; and �tfiERE�S, such improvement will be oP a general benefit to the entire City of Renton, NO�� THEREFORE, TIiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, 'AASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVV�"a s Section l. Bronson t�tay bet�een �ain Street and �iill Street in the City of Renton is hereby laid off, opened, widened, straightened, extended and estab- lished aa a public street and highway over the following ]c�#�a, blocks and �racts of land to-�eit: g strip of land, or right-of-�sy, 20 feet wide more particu- larly described as followss Commencing at the s outhwest corner of Lot 6, Bloak 11, Plat of the To�rn of Renton, as recorded in Volume 1, Page 135, records of King County, �fashington, thence north along the west line of said Lot 6 15.06 feet to the true point of beginning; thence in a northeasterly direction to a point - which is 35.45 feet north of the soutneast corner of Lot 11 in said Block 11; thence north along east line of �aid I,ot 11 14.56 fest to northeast corner of said vot 11; thence west along north line of said Lot 11, 13.69 feet; thence in a eouth- westerl� direction and parallel to said northeasterly line to an intersection with the west lin�e of said Lot 6; thence aouth along weat line of said I,ot 6 27.12 feet to the tr�e point of beginning. Containing 6425 square feet, more or less. Section 2. That all lands, rights and prenileges and other property lying within the limits of the lots, blocks and tracts of land described in -1- . � . .. _• . , , , . � �� } Section One hereof, be and tne eame are hereby condemned, appropriated, taken ' and da,ma�ed for the purpose of a public street and highway, said lands, rights and privile�es and. other property are to be taken, damaged and appropriated � , only after �ust c�pensation has been made or paid to the owners or into Court for the owners thereof in the manner provided by la�r. � Section 3. That the costs of acquiring the right-of-way provicled for herein, together with the necessary expenses incidental to the acquiring, shall �I be paid from the general fund of the City of Renton. Section 4. The City Council be and it is hereby autnorized and directed to acquire the above land by purchase and agreement,and in case of failure to so purchase and acquire, that the City Attorney be and he is hereby directed i to begin and prosecute the actions and proceedings in the manner provided by law to condemn, taking, damage and appropriate the lands and other property � neceasary to carry out the proviaions of this Ordin�ance. I� Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in iull force five �I days iror:� and aiter its passa.ge, approv�l and leg�l publication. I APPROVED T��IS �day of December, 1937. (_ �l. �i�/ �� -� � �+tAYOR PASSID THIS �day of December, 1937. � CITY-OI,ERK APPRO VED AS TO FORfl�t: . CITY ATTORNEX -2- I