HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0964 . � � '�( . . i � i. . � . : ��` ORDIivT�N�E N0. 964 AIVT OI�.lJINANCE Ot+' iH.�, CI`I'Y Or ��.N'PON, ':'ASHI?�1GTON, REGULATT`" l'HE PARKING Or &IOTOR VEHICLES ON CER`TAIN STR��TS AND Ay �ROVIDING A PEIVALTY THERE=HORE AND REP�ALING ORDI�VAa�TC�S ' :�TO. 700 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS 0�' ORDINANCES IN CONa � r'LI CT THERE��ITH. , �, THE CITY t,OUNCIL OF !'H.� CII'Y OF R�I�'T'ON D� ORDAIRI AS F�LLOb�'3: I �ECTION I . Tha,t bet�eeen the hours of 8:00 o' clock A.M. and 5: 00 o� clock P.i��C. no motor vehicles shall be �arked for more than �ne hour at any point on Third Avenue between the alley East of '�;`ain Street and �:orris Street nor on �ain Street North of '�alla ':�dila Av enue and South of Secor�d Avenue, nor on 'Nells 8treet North ���` `�7alla VPalla Avenue and South of Second Avenue, nor on Willzams �'=.:��u ���rth of 'Nalla +�alla Avenue and South of Second Avenue, nor ::r � . � �ast side of B�;y�� �-� �u.� � , _ .:�y� _. . �-_�::� ��.���, ���.��.,.��a a�::�. ��utr. �f Becond Aver.��<:�. :�:�TION II. Park� � r; -"- _ _ __ ,. _ - _. -- �- ---- _ � _ _ ___ � _. v_ � _„�,y� ...� ,c�._ _ y��� � : the curb c�ith right hand eide of vehiele parallel to curb. ���TION III. That no motor vehicles shall be permitted at �:��y tirae to park on any Street at any point within twenty feet �f a y'�re hydrant nor shall any motor �zehicle at any time i�e permittec; �.,:: park within twenty feet of any Street Intersection or Ar�t Stop sign. Tha� no vehicle shall be permitted at any time -� in front of the fire station situated in the City Hall. SECTION IV. '�hat commerical zones may be established in front of business houses on condition that the tenants occupyin the orem- g ises a.butting the streets mentioned, make anplication ta the City Coun- cil and if, in the opinian of the City Council, the area applied for should be made a commereial zone, the co uncil may allow the same upon , . K � .� � . . ♦ � . r the ap�licant procuring proper notice or si�ns to be approved by the Chief of �olice anc �lacir.; v�e s�:::e so �s �� r-�ive :�orice a..n� �:�a,rni��� to the public. I ��CTION V. In vie� of the great hazard due to ,�arkin� of � _ .. along ?Ralla ��Valla A�enue and endangering the life of travelers �-_ � _ that thoroughfare, no ca.rs shall be ��e� � � ti�:s }� :;�� �r:_� .�;:'_ r ;�,�,.G �Val1a Avenue. S.ECTION VI . lt s:ai1 �,e t�e duty of �:e pclice iorce to en- force the provisions of this and other ordinances regarding the payk- � ing of cars and aIl other regulations in connec�ion with the use of motor vehicles upon the hi�hways and to tag all viola�ors vaho Pers:.�. � in disregarding the provisions of the ordinances and it is especi�__ made the duty of the police force to arrest a11 �ersons driving attempting to drive uvhile intoxicated or driving in a reckl�� and b ring the case before the Police Court to be oassed u�o��� S�,CTION VII . Any per�on convicted of violating this ordinar sh�,ll be fined in any sum not to exceed One Hundred Dollars or be � .:- prisoned in the Gounty �'a,il for any length of ti��e no� exceedinM thir+ days or by both such fine and irnprisonment, SECTION VI II . That Ordinances No. 5� . <-, __. _. �, . .. _ �.�._� �,�.� ., ___�. Ordinances a,nd p�,rts of �rdinances in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed . S�,CTION IX. This (7rdinance shall be in full iorce and effect f?��n (5) days from r_.: . _ - - _ . �orovided by la�% ; �. , iayor Px�S�D ' _-- �,� T � ��:-it �3.r� d�y .�l �une , 1�3c; . ��� � Approved as to fo�rn: City i;lerk Ci �y Attorney �at�.�,;;A�'` .�.st � P�.��1%catior�.;.. ��tly �,.;1936 -2- - G, . -�. -