HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0941 i 4 ` � .� . w ' ..w '�. > wrr �r O�DINA r�C�+; � 941 _ AIS 013DINANC'+� iti�I�rrl'I�dC'f TO IIJ��J:�iICt`�"'IrdG LI�:r,UO�S� PROHI�ITIi1x TH::� :?ti1�TI7F�sCTU?�,�'�� POSSESSION, SA ��', �R Ur"H';R DISPOCI'I'ION '1'HuRLOF, IN THE CIr'Y OF R��UTON, �,XCEI'T Yi`T C�'ftTAIid CASES; PBOVIuING Y'+1VAL�!'I�'S FOR THE VIOLe�TIO^; ^?-I�'�?�OF� AiVD �"tF�P�ALIidCr ALL QRDINANCES AAT� PA�iT:� OF O�i�I�Jai�dC���a I�T COTdPLIGT H;n'��°fITfi. TH.� CITY COU*d�IZ 0��' TTi� CITY O.F �'N�T1'�'�N �0 ORDAIIT AS FOI,LO`i1S: Sr�CTIO°J l. LIB�'�RALLY CO"�S'�^�UL+3}. This ordinance shall be deemed �n exer— cise of the police porler oi the City oi Henton as an aid to the enforcer�ent of the :��ashin�ton State I,iquar xct, and all ofits vrovisionJ shall be liberally construed for the accor.iplishmant of that p�zrpose. SYs'CTIOi�T 2. D�:^Ti1I'�'IO"� 0 � T�'S. jn thi:; orc:inance, unless the context other���ise requires; (a) "Alcohol" is th�t subst�nce known as ethyl �lcohol, iiydr�zted oxide of etnyl, or spirit of wine, which is cor�ur.only produced by the feriaent�tion o#'�or�, distill�.tion o:: ��rain, atarch, mol�s_+es, or su�ar, or other substr�nces, includ— ing �11 dilutions and mixtures of this substance. (b) "Beer" me�ns r�ny oever4ge obt�xined b�* the �lc��r.olic ferr�lentr�tion of an infusion or decoction of pure Yiops, or �ur.e extr€�ct of ho�>s ana pure barley � malt or other wholesome grain or cerea� in ��ure water co�itainin� not r�iore than four per cent oi �lco�ol uy wei{;ht, and not less th�;.n one—h�lf' of' one per cent of �lcohol by volume. �H�or the �urposes of this ordinunce, ar�y s,.cn oeverage, including ale, stout and parter, containin� �ore tn�,n four per cent of alcohol by. weight shall be referred to as "stron� beer." (cj "Spirits" mer�ns �,ny �a2vera�;e which contains alc�hol obtained by dis— till�tion, incluczin�; �vines exceedinrf seventee � per cent of alc:,hol by wei;;ht. (d) '•?i►ine" means any a,lcoholic bevera e obtwineu by f'Qrmantation of fruits (grapes, berries, apples, ete.) or ather a ricultur�l producte containin�; sugar, to which �ny saccharine subst.:,nces m�y have b en added before, durin�; or after ferr�entation, ancl cont��in.ins; not more th�in se��ntee_: 117j per cent of alcohol bv v�ei,;ht, includin,x sweet win�s i ortified wi�h �vine spirits, suct: as port, sher— ry, musc�tel and an�elica, not exceedin�r seventeen ( 17) per cent oi �.lcohol by weight. (e) "I,i.�uor" i�icludes the four v�.rieties of li:luor h::rein defined lalcohol, spirit:�, wine and beer) , and all fermented, spiritous, vinous, or m�lt li:�uor, or eornbinations thereof', and mixec, li,iuor, r� pc.�,rt of whien is farnienteci, spirit— ous, vinous or m�lt li�uor, or otherwise intoxic�ting and ev�ry liquid or solid or sen.i—solia or othar suhst�nce, patented or not, containing alcohol, spirits, vline or beer, �nd a11 drinks or drinkable liquids, �.n:. �iL �rapo,r�tions or mix— tures cap�,ble of hunk.�.n conaumption, anu r�ny li�uid, semisoliu, soli:., or other substance, which contains more thttn one per ce�.t of alcorol by wei;ht shull be con;;lusively deemea to be intoxicatin�;. (f) "�odre�" means the li.1uor c�ntroi bo�rcl, constituteu unci�r the '�ashing— ton 5��+�e Li�iuor Act. �g) "Consutne" in�.ludes tne �uttin�� of liquor to di�y use, whether drinking or otherwise. (h) "�entist't means r� �ractitioner of dentistry duly and regula�rly licen— sed a�nd eng�.g d in the practice of his profession within the st�te �nzrsu�nt to Sections 1 b3(�-10038, Remin�to�l's Revised �tatutes. li) " Liquor" means beer, strong beer, a1e, stout, anu porter, (j j "I.:,prisorunant" means cc�nfinement in the city jail. (k) "package" me�ns an;� container or receptacle used for hol.din�; liquor. ' i —1— ' . , � , w . „ @ .� !w'" . rrr ' �I) 'fPermit" me�ns a pexmit for the ptizrck�se of' li�uor under the 'uJaehir�gton St�te I,iquar �1et. (mj "Persan" mean� an in��ziuidual, cop�,rtnerahip, assaci�tion or corporation (n) 'tPhysician" means u medical practitioner duly E►nd re�ularly licensed and enga�ed in the practice of hi� profession within �he state �ursuant �Go Sec�ians IiJ008-10025, �emington's ?�evised Statutes. (o j '•preseriptian" me�ns a me,_;orandusn si�n.ed by a �hysician €�nd a�ven by h.i.rn to a patient for the o�taini.z� of liquor purs�z�ant to th� ?�ashir��ton Str�te �iquar A,ct far medicinrzl pur�o�es, (p� "J?Liblic Pl�,ce" includes streets and alleys; buildings and �rounas used for s�hooi purposes; public dance halls and grolznds adjaaent tnereto; those parts of establishmunts where beer may be �old u.nder the '�Vashir�ton State Liquor .�ct, soft drink establishment9, pul�lic builain�;s, public meeting halls, Iahbies, l�al2s and dinin�; rooms of hateis, rest�urants, theatres, atores, gsrages and �'illing stations which are open to ana are generally used by the pu:blic, and ta �hic�Z the public is permi�ted to 22ave unres�ricted acce�s; rail- road trains, s�ages and ather pta.blic canveyances of all kinds and ch�rt�cter, and the depots and waitin�� rooma used in conjunction therewith wnich are open to u.nrestricted use and acce�s by tk�e public; publicly owned ba�thing pools, parks, and�or playgrounus; r�nd a17. other places of like or sirnilar nature to whic� t:�e gen�ra�. pub2ic has unrestricted right of aceess, s,�nd whicxi ar� �;enerally used by the public. �qj "�tegulatians" mer�ns re�zlatitans made by the bo�zrd under the '�ashingtan State Liquar Act. (r) "Sale" and "Se11^ include egchaz�e, barter, and traffic; and �lso include the sellin�; or supplying or distributin.g, by �ny means �hatsoever, of liquor, or of any liquid known ar described as beer or by an,y n��,me whatever epmcnoMly used ta de�cribe malt or brewed liquor or wine, by any person ta any persan; and a2so incluae a sale or 88�.�.121� �nithin the city to a farei�rz con- aignee or xzie agent in the city, �s� "�ashin�;ton State Liguar Act" means and includes Chapter &2 of the Ses�ion Laws of �iashin�to:�i, Extrac�rdint�ry Sesaion of 1933, SECTIflhT 3. LI�,UORS :EX.�,�?'r�pT.��'�. Nothing in txiis orain�nce �hall apuly to wine or beer manufr�ctured in any home for consuinption therein, but not for sale; nor to arzy liquor in ti�e possession af any person, kept far pers�nal . use but �at for sale, �t the effective date of �he 4�aahiz�tc�n Stats Liquor Act; nor to ar�y lic�uor or prepr�ration� exempted under the t�ashin..;ton State Liquor 8et; nor to ths sale of �beer in the City of Rentan un:ler the pravisions of existir� city ordinr�nces durin,� the time that ths �ale thereof is permissable u.�.der the provisians of the Waahingtan �tate Liqucar �ct. � S�CTION 4. U��LA��'F(.7I, PQS`��'SSIQ'.�T OF LI.:'JOi. No Iisuor shrll be k�pt or ha�3 wi�hin th.e City oi �?,enton, unles:- t�.P packa�e in wnic:. tne lic�uar was cantained .had, ���ile c�ntai_�ing t�ka� 2i�,uor, been sealed �rith the affici�l seal prescribed und.r th:; ''�ashin�;ton State Lic�upr �ct, exce�t in the case of; (�� I,ic�uor im��orted by ths state li.quor contro � board; or �b) Liquor m�4nufactur�;d in the Cit�r of !�entorz for sale �o the li:�uor control bo�.rd ar for exuort ; or (c) Beax �aurchased in accordance witn the �rqvisions af the �dashin�ton Sta�e Liquar Act; or {a) ��ine, beer flr liquar exempten in Seetion 3 i�ereaf. :i�,'CTZC?'d 5• I�T..;;LTC)?? NG�' "'0 ?3�, ,�;C?li`a?+,^'�77? 2:'1 �T?�T,IC t'I,AC�",a+'. E:�:Cept s�s p8Z'- initted by the 'tJashin�ton �tate �ic�uor Act, no �aer�on sh�ll oppn t�ie package contai:�in^ li_�uor or aonsur;�e liquor in a publie place. �,v�ry p�rson who viol.ates rxny provision of this section shall be gailty of a misdemeanor, wntl, on conviction thereof, sh�ll be iined not more �ha.i Ten T�oll�,rs (��10.00} ; far _2- . � � , < , . - . . . ° � � a second offense to a penalty oF not more than twe nty-five dollars ( ``25.00j ; and for a t ira or subsequ.nt offense to imprisonment for not more than thirty days, with or without h�rd labor, in the city jail, without the option of a fine. SECTIOiV 5. No peraon who is intoxicated shall be or reraain in �.r�y public place, and every person who violates any provisiorL o� this section ahall be liable, on conviction for a first offense to a pen�,lty of not more than t�n dollars (�.?10.00; for a second ofiense to � penalty of not more than twenty- five ctollars (:�25.00) ; and for a thircz or subsequent of.fense to imprisorunent for not more th�n thirty days, with or witpiout hard labor, without the option of a fine. S�CTIO?1 7. SALE TO I�T'"OXIC.':T_�'J PERSO�d PROHIBI'�. No person shall sell any lic�uor to any person �p�rently under the influence of liquor. S�CTI9T�J 8. SAIa�S "'0 �TIAi0B7 PROHIBITED. Except in the case of liquor given or permittea to be �;iven to a person under the �.ge of twenty-one years by his parent or gur�rdian for bevarage or medicinal �nzrposes, or administered to hfm by his physician or d�ntist for medicinal �urposes, no person shall give, or otherwise supy�ly, lic�uor to any person under the age of twenty-one years, or permit a_�y person under that age to consume liquor on his premises or on any premises under his control. S�CTI��1 9. ILI,I��� TO PROCUR:� LI�?UO=� FOR IN1�,I�I�I�Z� P�RSON. Except in the case of li��uor admini:tered by a physici�n or dentist or sold upon a prescription in accordance with the provisions of the j"lashi:��ton State Liquor Act, no person shr�ll procure or �up�ly, or assist directly or inairectly in procuring or supplying liquor f'or or to any one wYiose permit is suspen�.ed or has been cancelled. SECTION 10. mA:�I�l= ORDER$ �0<� LI:�UO�t P_ROHTBI_�. Fxcept as provided in Section 42 of tna ���ashin�;ton Str�te l,iquor Act, no p�rson sht►11 eanvass for, solicit, receive, or take orders fer the �na.rchase or sale of �ny liq�zor, or act � as agent for the pur chase or sale of any liynor. SECTION 11. HO''l OFF�dSL P.+tAY �� �ESCRIB�. In describin�; the offense respecting the sale, or keepin� for gale or other disposal, of liquor, or t7�e having, keepin,.;, giving, purchasing, or cons�:_mption of liquor in a.ny compl�int, sumr�ons, conviction, warr�nt, or proceeding under tYiis ordinance, it shdll be suff'icient to simply at�wte the sale, or keeping for sale or disposal, having, keeping, �iving, �urchasing, or consumption of liquor, without stating t�e name or kind of such liquor or the price thereof, or to whor� it was eold or dispoaed of, or by whom consumed, or from whom it was purchased or received; anu it shall not be necessary to state the quantity of li�uor so sold, kept for sale, dis- posed of, had, kept, �iven, pu� hased, or consurned, except in the case of offenses •��here the _u�ntity i��ssential, and then it sh�ll be sufficient to allege the sale or disposal �� more or less th��n sucn quantity. � SECTION 12. :��;SCRIPTION IPd "10�_DS OI' ORrIP7l�^IC� S�.JFFICIF�TT. The descrip- tion oi any oit'ense under this orc�inance, in the worde of' this ordinance, or in �ny words oi like efiect, sh�:.11 be sufficient in lac�; anc. �.ny exception, exemption, provision, excuae, or ,;,ualiiieation, Wh�th2r it occurs by way of proviso or in the deacription of t�he offense in this ordin�nce, mrxy be proved by the def�ndant; but need not be specified or negatived, no proof in relµtion to the matter so specifiec� or ne�;atived shall be required on the p�rt of' tr�e complainant. S�CTION 13. SUF�'ICITNT :PROC1�' OF CTNLA"l:�'[TL S�1L�. In any proceeding under this ordint�nce, proof of one unlawful sale of liquor sh�,ll suf�'ice to establish prima facie the intent or purpose of urila�afully keeping liquor :'or sale in violation oi this ordinance. SECTI�N 14. ACTIO'1 '"!I'^�IOL?r:' LIC��F UIdLA��H�'UL. Every person doin� any act required to be licensed under the �;�ashin;ton Sta�e Liquor 8ct without hr�vin� in force � license issued to him under that act shall be guilt,y of a misdemeanor. -3- � . r M . w . T s� F � w � �� SECTION 15. SAI�n BY DRINK 0�? BOT�'Il a P i0HII3IT��. Exc�pt as otherwise provided in the aJashington Str�te Liquor Act, every person vuho shall sell ar�y � liquor, other th�n beer, uy the bottle or pr�ckage, or who shr�ll own or operate � , any still eh�1 1 be guilty oi a misdemeanor. SECTI�`i�T 16. SAI,� BY BOTTL� 0� PACK�GE 1'�O�i�BIT�;l). �xcept as otherwise j� provided in the 1�ashin�,ton State T,itiuor Act, every person who shall sell any ` • J liquor, other than beer, by tha bottle or package, or who shall own or operate � any still shall -be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECmION 17. S.�IZ:,'� ZI�,UOR ��0 B� TU���:� OVr�R TO B0�`,RD. In every case in whic'r: li�;uor is seized by a police officer of the City of Renton, it shall be tne duty o� tne chief o� police of' the city to forthwith repo�t in writing to the board the p�rticulars of sucn seizure, and to immedi�tely deliver over such liquor to the board at suc:� place ae m�y be desi�ted by it. SP�CTIO.d 1$. GFN��L P�NALTIF.,�; �fiiSCHIBID. Every person guilty of a viol�►tion of �r�y of the provisions of t:iis ordir�nce, for whicn no psnalty is specifically prescribed, shall be liaele, on conviction, for a first of'fense to a penalty of not more th�.n Threa �undre�t Dollars (�+300.00j or to imprisonment in the city jail for not more thun sixty (6Q) days, wit�i or without hard labor, or both; and for a second subseqkent offense to a �enalty oi �'hree ?iuncirzd �ollars (�300.OU) ar�d to imprison�nent in the city jail for not more thµn ninety (90) d�ys, �vit� or without hard labor, S�CTIO�d 19. Tf an�r provisio:� of' tni� ordina:ice or the ap�lication thereoi to �ny person or cir�umstance is hQld invalicz, the reina.inder of this ordinance and tne ap_�li�Ltion of such �rovisions to €�ny person or circumstances sha11 not be afiected thereby. S�CTIO�T 20. �h�.t all ordinazces ana pt�rts ot ordin�nces in conflict nerewith be and the same are heaeby re pealea. SFCTION 21. `�'his oruina_��ce sh��ll be in full 1or:e and efiect fivs (5) days from and �fter its passage, ap�rovwl an,: leg�l public�.tion. Passed this 27th day of ��rch, 1934. � �`--'`_ "?�`� � , � ,. � � -a�c.-�'.-.7 c�--a-C,..r----=- r.�AYOR Ap�roved this �7tn aay of �viarch, 19�4. ,� 'd '--��L.ri��t.�-� /� ` C I^i'Y-CLERR� V� Ap�roved as to i or1n: • � v City-�sttor3sey -4-