HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0933 . ' , { , . � . , ���,� . ��� 1- ` � C�2DIAT,��?C� �70. . " ,- � �.��.���,� AI� Oi�TT�,r,c��VC:� C:r' 1HE CITY Or � +'VTOIv, `��IASHINGlOIV, I,IC�TSIi�TG �Aiv� REGULATING THE S�T,E, C�R OTI�R DISPGSITICN, OF B:E�,"'T3S, �S, PORT�+R, �"fl.i�T'.uS, OR S II1�II�AR �+'ERTtr�NTED T:i1�I,T OR VINCU S LI��,,UCR Eii�D .�'RUI^1 JUICE COi�T�ITdING iu�ORE THl�id GNE�HALF OF 1 �ER CENT, BY VOL�, CF A7�COHCLy Ai�TD NGT �riOR� Ti�'AN 3.2 PER CENT OF AI�CONOL $� ti7EIGHi. T'rIE CITY COUNCIZ QF THE CITY CF RE?��TON, Th�ASHI�,TGiON, DO�S ORD�IN �S FOI,LO:�S s Section 1. It ahall be unlawful to sell, gi�ve or otherwise dispose of or del��er to any person under the age of twenty-one ",t � years any beer , ale , porter , wine ar similar fermented maZt or vinous liquor and/or fruit jui�'e containing more than cne-half of cne per cen t by volurne of �1coYiol, and not mare than 3.2 per cen t of alcohol by �eight . � , Seetion � . No beverage dispensary ae hereinafter defined sh�ll be situated within a radius �f within three hundred feet of a:�y grade sch�ol or high school grounds , or vv�.thin a radius of within three hundred feet af any church exce�t �ithin the territory bounded on the north by Second Avenue, on the east by Cedar Street, on the sout� by l+aurth Avenue and on the wes t by Burnett Street. Section 3: It shall be �lawful to �ell, barter, exchange I �� ' or distribute �r�y of the �f'or�rnentioned beverages containing more t�ian one-half of 1 per c�nt by ��lume of alcohol, or more than 3.2 per cent of alcohol; b�r weight, without hsqing a Iicense so to da, as hereinafter pro�ided. Section 4 : Restaur�nts ` and/or place� where meals are served and sold: A beverage� license may be issued to any restaurant and/ar place where meal� are served dnd � old, with a seating ca�acity of at least� ten (10) people , 1 . '1`he li cene e fee shall be .�'ifty I �ollars (�50.00) per year , payable in advanee. No draught beverages shall be sold from euch places. Bottled beverages �hall be kept in se�led ca�rtons or ca�es , and �uch , -1- . . , � bottled bevera�es snay be sold in ca�e, or cartonu c�ntaining one or more bottles. No beveragss shall be sold t'r�m such places bet�een the nours of one (1) orclack a.m. , and six (6� ofclock a.m. , on vPeek days ; and between the hours of one (1� o *clock a.m. , , and one (1} o *clock p.m. , on Sundays. �ectio�r 5: Be�erage di�pensaries : A '"beverage dispensary°F ' iti d�fined as a place tivhere draught b-eer or beer be8erages in uncapped bottles may be sold to the customers, to be can�umed �F�hile they sit �t tables therein, or while standing at a bar. �'�OVIDED: Ihat all beverage dispens$ries must be provided with tables and chairs for use by the cu�tcmers if desired. � _,_ , _ _ _ __ __ i_,__„ L _ _ - -.a �he fee tc be One , --- � Hundred Fifty Dollars per year, payablz in �advance. Bevera�e dispen�aries shall serve only beverages , bottled soft drinks, cigars , cigaretts9 and tobacco , and may sell merchandise, food and bottled beverages to t�ke �ut. Beverage dispensarie� shall be open to the view of the public at all tirnes and no s�ringing doors �hall 1�e perrnitted. Such places �hall be clos ed bet�reen the hours of cne �l} o*clock a.m. , and six (6) otclock a.m. Section 6: tse�erage Stores : A t'laeverage�° or "beer" store �hal:L mean a pldce where �nly bottled beverage� are scld. The license fee shall be 'Z'�rei�ty-five D�Ilars per year. Bottled I beeerages sh�ll be kept in sealed cartans or cases , and such bottl�d beverage� may be �cld in ca�e� or cartons containing one �r more bottles. No draught beverages sha11 be eold from such place� an1 n� beverages whall bs opened or c�n�umed upon the pr emi ses. Sectian '7 : �istributors : ine Zarivilege of diwtxi-�uting oeverages shall be subject to a license fee �f One Hundred �ollars per year. A distributo.r ma,y sell �nd distribute beverages only to the trade (that is , licensed places � cr to residentw of -�- . . � . . . , � the city havin� a dor�icile, I�<� distribut3r shall conduct cr be interested in any store maintained fcr the retailing of bevera�es. Section 8: Ne person shall sell any bever�ge or liquor containin� more than 3.� per cent of alcohol by weight except upcn prescription in acc�rdance with tne laws af the United States and of the State �f '��ashington. Section 9 : It sha:ll be unlawful f�r any person to eell, give or otherwi�e dispose of or deliver �ny beverage enumer«ted in tYiis ordinance on aunday , between the nours of one (1} o�cloc�, a.m. , and �ne (l� o'clock p.m. Section 1�: The City Counci 1 �iay, in i t� dis creti on, issue a twenty-four hou� permit for the sale of beverages , the license fee to be not less than r'l r�% (�;;�5 .Ou) Doll�rs , and no twenty- four hour permit, or license, to sell beverages under this ordinance shall be i�sued exeept upon application of lodges �r other organizations de�iri:�� to have the priTrilege to sell beverages for special occasions onl;�. Section I1: It shall be unlawful for any person to drink any be4erage in any pudlzc place nct licensed under the pra�ri�iona of this ordinance. Section 12: �ny person v�i�� sh�ll be guilty c� vi�lating any of the provisions cf this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upan convictian thereof, be fined in a sum not les� than iwenty-five �oll�rs and not more than Ta�rc hundred �lollare , or sha11 be i�iprisoned for a period of not less than five days nor �nore t?�an sixty day� , or by both sucr. fine and impri�onment. Section 13 : This ordinar.ce �hall be in f'ull fflrce dnd effect five (5� dayg from �nd after it� pa�sage, approval urd legal publication , as pro�ricled by lav�. -3-� . . • . , . .. . AP;�TiQ��D trli� l�tli d�y cf �lay , 19�3. ,� � ��,��..�`�=�_�_,��������/ -- i��AYG�. - - .r,�S�:��;D this 16th aay cf i��'ay , 1933. . CITY CL:�'RK �-_ _.._ Apprnved as to farm: � City �Attorney Date of fir�t publicaticn: 1G:ay 19, 1933. Date of �ecord publicatior: �ay 2E, 1933. I