HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0905 .. � 1 r � . ti � . . ` ... ��..�4'�r� � ' y'1*E.T q?.. �S^. F T!� �q ' F,��'�'``+�,.1.L S'd,-4i.j�.v._. .:k'�.J• o����,; ,��, .�� � �.9-'(` .f' .. .�... . .. , �+ . ...a,�. 'tv..,...'�a�.�L:�.i� ._ .�.. ... . ..,._ _ �'i'v�«c.i.r.ir.r'�ti �`�1.� s.�v.:..".1.aai��� ., ......L,•�. 9 +...'�i,�� 2i1�L Gt'td�ii �Ca�.i�r.R 01'� 11—'...:..`� �!3lil S!� yl:���2�7�Vt� �a.t�'al.J „'Si VV1L.11��}V` ��r.u�iti�rL.�.+ri.�'+iJ ��� �1iu Y�1�.�t�kt.4V1Y ihi�W 1.:r�S'�• ��' _�.' ��','.��i.�i�.�a�.�''� i3� ':ii:y. �r�i't.3�a�r�L �,�_ 1.�..,. �1'.3.'�1 �:1:' .��. i:`�^'t" ..r, <1:.+.,� �.���.l�}.:Alv+a�.si• �I ����t��r �a �°t ;�.:�.��. �� un1aU��u+ �ar r.��,r w��::��n ta o�y�n �.�+, a�nduct, c�arry on or operate as own�r, �ns�;er, a�en�, �te�ler, �2�rk sar e�pla$ee, c�r �r���h�r f'c>r hire or x�c�t, �ny �amt�lin� �a�se ar �em� oP chanoe �la�*�d �ith c�r�s, d�ce, or any ather c�evide cr ur�;� scheme or dev3.c� ���ereb�,r any ��,ney 4r �xr�y �ro�erty a�C c�ny �..�?.-r:-:�ntr�ti�e o� ��.ther is ���, haz�rded or �v��Zed on $ny uneer- t�in er cor.t�n�ent event. �ection 2: It sh�ll b� unla�;Yi�u�, fba any p�:rson 'tcx h�v� i� ��t� n���es�ion or r�rr�:it to �e �al�ced or k$pt i.m m�y bu�.lc�ing or ��mt or urt therecf c��a.ed l�aaec� or cccu ��� b - him �n t�b1e � , F''' . , � 3 . Y : s�.o�-�s=echin�, or �r:y ath�r artiale, �,ev�cse or a�p�r€�tu� c�#' a lcind comnonly u�ed �`or ��blin� or o�eratec� F�r tkze l�sin� or t��innia�g cf�ny money or prc>��rt�r or any xEpre�+�nt�.tiv� aP eithes� uFog any ch�nce or �n��rt�zin er uc�rtin��nt event. ��ctian 3 s It s�.all be unla��'�zl �or �.ny per�c�n tca a11ow to �� us�d or be in �a�se�irn .o�' �ny buildizz�� �ae� r�r vess�l. or any parL thereoP or knowin�iy permit the sam.� or sny part th�reof �o b� used for �ambling, swind�.�.n�, paol-s�llin�„ Qr book-makf.u� ar fo� b�tt3.n�r., wa��rin�, or haz�rdin$ ffianeg or progerty o� any represen��- ati�� c�f either� upoa �n3r ��me, scheme, or �e�rice or ugon the resu.lt of' any lat, �hanae, or unaertai� or ao�tin��nt �ve�t what�ver. ::>ect3.o� �: It sh�ll be tbe duty of' all po'�ia� o�'�iasrs to search for and seize all tr�ble�, s1o'� maehine�s, or nther article�, I nachine, deviQe or a.pparatus of the k�.nci eo�monly used foP �ambling or operatir�g for either v�inaing Qr losing mo�ey or prop�rtq or any .. . . . _ . � _ �m��.,� r��aresentative o�' e 3.ther upon any oh�n4� or un�ertain or �ant�.r�gent �v�nt, �:r�<3 �11 ��°o��r�ty u��d in the ���r�.tio� or m�:�.�.�Gan�nce r�� :� bueke� shop, �.nd take �h� s�une befare the ='a3.iue �ud�� or J'u�tice of the ��ace of the City o� ,t�nt4n. ��, in the �u�,�nt oP �u��. �u�ti��;, any of auc�. �r:�icle+� ��y be u�e�'ul as evidence ir� t�.e t;�i�1 of any c�se, he �sy orcier the s�.+� ��ld f or such tri�.1 �r deii�aered to the CSty �;ttt�r�ey; at�.�rbwi�;��;, �:� s���:.;.11 ora�r the �anze to be forth- .�.��.�h d«��troy��:.i. .��ft�;r t::t� �i.i�I �<. _� '.n� �.n�? �.�.s����:_ca.tion o�' �►�.� c�.se � in �hicYz �sy of ��i;:i �z•t�ile� �� �� �eld �r u�ed as ev�dene�, wheth�r sac��. a�se re�ults i�► a canvict�.oz� or �c�uitt�l, th� Justicc� havin�, ,,uri�dictior� o� ;�ueh ca�e sha11 far�:°s��tith orc��ur :�11. �uch mrticl�s d��troyed. �ectfon �: The �rorc� "person" her�by us�d i,z this ordinance � 3�i�21, ;rr��n necsss�ry, �ie helu �.nd c�.���truac� �t� �A�zn �n3 i�.clude n�.t�ral �ersans oF sither se�, Qs�c�c�,ations, ac�-p�rtner�hips, �nd oorn4r�tion�, wheth�r geting z��.r th�3Il8E��9� ar b� «�ervant, agen� or e��,��yee; tal� sin�uiar nu�aber �hall, �,•:':�en n�:c��s�rys br h�3�d �nd constr°aed Lo inclu�le the plural �nd the ��so��zlir�e �ronoun �Q in-- � aluc�e tne feminin�. :;�etioz� 6 0 .�,.nY Pr�r�ara viol��ti�� or f�.�.13.n� to comply 4�r�.th any oP the provis3.on� of t�?is t7r�inaace �hall be deemed guil�� oP a misdemeanor �nd upon canvict3.on thereof' ��.���.�. b� nunishsd b� a Pin� ir. s ny �um not a::e�:�di� Gne Iiunursc� ��11�rs (;���.�O.G�i or by i�n- prisr�nm�nt in the �3.�y ail not ����edin sS.�t - t 6G� c�a � or b r.� � � S Y � �' both such �fin� and im�risonment. ,``•�•�CL;l.q31 7: �h�� Os�i��c�e J d.::�ll uc� �,x ��.61�. �A or�� g�r�d �ffect Piq� �5) d�ys fro� enc� �.f��r it� r�:�s�a�e, �i�wrov�l ���? 1��1 �ub2ica- tican� as by law nrn�rid�:�l. I 1=T�.� .���'.k �lY�� �r8�ii1 �.�� ��~ .�i'.�l l� �'Cc�1s �e ',,. ��':::.:>.::��.�:.����, �!ayor .,.3.��,.,. > �i;,a.: � �a;3«.�, - O?' A�]C'�.l 1Je31. - _ _..., v c� sw ��4.,u�d i:��y .':a�o>�:;.3 ...;::..':ii��! C��,�7' C�.�'.�'� :=.� �roved �s �t� for�: ��r_e� ,:. ::�.v�.rnond, City r�ttc�rney. �.x�t� o� fix'st {?taa�ic::t�c�n: . y � =' ��'1 `:.�:;.';� .:_, , .