HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0901 � '� • - � , � �, , �} ' '' . .� (Im�rovement Ordinanc,e Bond Foi•iu) � OI�DINANCE NO.---�---�--�---------- 3N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE I:17PR0�'E1�ZENT OI' :�11 of the �.11eys in the Renton Farm Plat; i�enton Far� rlats Nos. ��,3,4 and 5; Car "7ork� kdaition and Sartorisville , lying within tize bounclaries as set forth in Resolution TIo .445� adoy�ted on the � �3r�. dav of �ecez,iber, I�30 iin5ei•t sti•eets or port�ions tliereof to be iinproved) by (specifyring na��ui•e of ii��proveii.encl �r�.ding�. and ��r�,ve1�nyJ� - �311 in accordai?ce �vith I;esolutiari \o,__.i.. �..__ of the City CounciI o� the City oP l;enton, crcating a loca2 improveinent district therefor, and providing that payment for said improveuient Lc> u�ade b; �peciai assessments u�on propei�ty in said district payable bq the mode of "Payment by Bonds." THE CITY COtiNCIL OF TF3E CITY OF RENTON DOES ORAAIN AS FOLLO«'�: se���o�� i: �r,ac all of the �.1�eys in the Renton Farn rlat, r�enton �arrn 'I Flats Nos .2,3,4 and 5; Gar '�dorks xadition and Sartarisville , l�t�_nY � withiza the boundaries as set torth in i�esolutia:� ?']0 .4�_5, •�.d�}.te3 ~ on the 2�5rd day of JeceTnber I����u (insert sti•eets or portions thereof to be improved) be irr,pro��ed b�� i�pecif�in; r.�,ture of ii�ipru�-e;iie��_t) ;rading and gravelin.� and L11at such other �vork be done as may be necessary in coniiectioii tlieze«�iiil, �>ccordiiig to ilie ��laiis atici �pecifications therefor prepared ttnder the direction of the City Engineer and cn file in the office of tlie Cit�- Clerk. Section 2: Th�t the cost and espense of said improreinenY,, including all necessary a:,�d inc;dcnta? expenses, shall be borne bv and assessed against the propei�ty included in tlie assessment district l�erein- after created iti accordatice with law. The City of Renton shall uot� be liable in an�- manncr for �niy por- tion of the cost� an�' expense of said improvement, except as hereiu p�o�-ided. (insert apZ�ropri�ite Droviso for contribution from the C-eueral ]�uud if an��) Section 3: That t73�0 is hereby established a 1ora1 impro�-ement district to be called "Local Im- provement District No._._L______._.," which said district is des^ribed as follo��'s: `�ll the property bet�veen the termini of said improvement a,butting upon, adjacent, vacinal or prolimate to such portion of said streets and avenues to a distance back from the marginal lines thereof, an provided by law." Sectian 4: Bonds beariug interest at the rate of-__.8.-._.__-- Der cent. per annum payable on or before _______._7__.__._.___years from the date of issuance shail be issued in pa,yment of the cest and expense of thi� improvement, which bonds shaii be redeemed by the collection of speciai asseesments to be levied and assessed upon the property wiChin said district, payable in___..�_...__equal annual installinents �vith interest at tiie rate of__._._�_..._...__.per cent. per annum under the mode of "Payment Uy Iionds," as defined by law anct tlie charter and ordinances of the City of Renton. These bonds shall be delivered to tl:e contractor i�� redemption of warrants on the Local Ilnprovement District Fund issued ou estimates of the City Fn�inear, or the City of Renton m�y, at its election, sell said bonds and mahe snch reden.ption in casl.. Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days from and after its passage, approval au1 legal publication. Appi�oved this ------- 27tY1_. day of---J��--- ------ --� 192.��..�`_�.. . _� � � r ' /�:�-��L._L�C�:.�� �- - - ,..�. ---- -- � _lIayor. � r-';...k., T PAssOd t1i15 __.__f-.� f i;:l t�r.31e�T• c3�• - ---- day of __...._ ...-- -- -- > 1•`1�-- � - • -- -�-=--_-------' --=----- - - - ------------ --- City Clerk. J�.3i;� . e3���1� 1.�.�.:i1,e Date of fiist publicaiion.-------------.------_----------------.--_-- ---- �