HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0855 r �� � � ORL Ii:AI'3GE Tu0 85: Arv_, 1�%�! OF�DS �'��iC;� 1 i:L�.1�"�';C: �'0 T?�'" M(TI�ICIPAL WATER � - -�- ,;; i 0� Z'HE CITY OF REl`��C�", FEGLiLAT ING TI� USE dF ?�'ATEF: i'HEF:EF�ORi y PF�:OtiTIDIT�JC� I'�'R T�3E S1-1LE 0�' SAl'��E� FI�'�IT�TG TT�-iE F�i ICE TI3EF'=OF .' : ... PFOti'IDIP�G A A,`ETI;O?� OF COI;I,ECTI�SG RATLS T�-�F.EFGF, PROVIDI:"'; PENALiIES F�'T= V�GLATIOT�S OF THIS O�DT�IAI�TCE A��D FEP��,LI�;G A.LL BF�DI;�Ae.;CES OR P�F1'S T�F.EdF IPI Ct`T'FLIG�' '�F�-�.��I�H. T�-L' r`T`�v r�T,�. �Tr, pF �'�'�' r I`T�, �,r ��T T CT.T �-.r,'-'� �Rr a?"T �. � � AS �b:[,�.���'�.'= � � SECTIQi•; �_ @ `�.1�: .�C?'�:_ rt5i:i�}����i:2i...=�.C_..,::'i`� �,....�_C., �r;:f' .. :� __.:. ����,: G! �.�_ n�.nce sha11 �e '�e�d and construed ta �e�n thE S�.zper•ir�endem^_��., �: Tr��.ter of the Gity of Renton� and any act in this ordinar�ce rea7�� ' ired or auth�^rize� t� he done b�� hir;, may be done o:� his ��ha_.�� b� any autnorxzed er�iplcyee of the ���ater• Depart�?Ent. 1he wcrr� ,, °tper•son" � where�rer used in this ord.in�.nce sh�.ly �e held tc� I and include natur�.l �ersons of either sex associations ' c�� p�.rtn�rships and cor•�c�r•at;ons , w�ether ac�ing �y tnemselvr-:.� _ by a servant, a�ent or employee ; ti�e singular number shall �_ . held and construec� to include the pl�xral and tne rlasc}ali�,� pronoL�n to incl�..�e tize feni�ine . SECTIOII 2 - Any pa�sQn deviring to have prer��ises cennected w�+` . the water supply system of the City of Renton shall mai�� .: _ . - � ication thexefor at f,he of_fice of the �Jater DEpartm�nt. Applicatian� �herefor snail i�E made u�oon a printed for�.�� furnislled fo� that pi?rx�ose ' which applicatian sna11 contain �, descr•iption of the pre;nisc-s where �uch �aater supply is desir•Fd' and shall �'�z11y state a11 af tl�e purposes for �hich the w�te� is to 'o� used, tl�e n�y;rr.bE� of :`amil�es to �e supplied 9 the s�L�� a�° thE service pipe ana t�� num�er a�za �ind of f�xtures to ;�� connectea thereto� �nd shall be sz`�ned by t'r�e owner of the pr��.�:� ises to be serv�d ar his du�y authori2ec� a�ent. At the time of f il�n� such-application. the applicant sn<:m_". ,���r to the City Treasux�r , flr t'�e bersan ��pc�intee� by him ior the purpose of ccllEcting ti�7ater rates , the fees for instal.la�iaA� o�' �aa�er se�vi_c�: I��r•�zr:��'��r �rovided. sEc�_zo� 3- The a�plication prc�vided for in the precedin� section sh��.-: caiy�ain a contr�ct o� the part of tne bErson rnaking the � sar�e , to pay for the ��ater a�nl�ed f'or at f:he r�.te and in �he ' manr�er• specifieci in suc'� cor�tr•aet ' ai�:_a sha11 res�l�v� to t;�e C�t�r af F.�ntcn the right to c�.ar`e and collect the r•ates al�d enforce the penalties pro�7id.ea i oz° �n this or�:�_inar.;ce y �.n the mann�r �zerein provided�r to cha��e i,he rates at any time by ordir�ance, to temp- orar•31y discor�tin.Ue �th� service at �.ny time ��i�11o�.t na�;ic� to �he consumer , an�. sha1.I speci�y �hat said coratract �_s su� ject ta all th� �revissons of this erc�.inance an� of �.n.y or•dinance of t.' G?ty of Rento�� ��EI�.t�i�.g to thE sub jEct� '_�er�a.i ter �assed, and s��all provide trat the �it�r of F.et�tof.z sha'1 not be he1_d z°c s��o��= s�'�1e for an� dar�age �y ti��ter or �t�hex� cause resviting f:ro�ri defective �ltz�.r��ng or a�pli�.nc�s on �v�e pre�ises su�pl�eci �ait�. ��rat�r , �nstallEd by thE owner or• occupant of sai� prerriises9 anc� shall provide t�:at �.�3 cas�. fi�:��e s�pr�ly a:� water snall '�e inter•- r�a�ted or fail by any reason� thE city shall iic?t �e 11E1c� liai�le _t or dana�es fcr• sue'� interrL_ption a� fail��re , nflr sn�ll such interruptions of f a��.ures f'or any reasonabl� per•iod of time b� �c1d to carstitijte a �breac��. of ccrztract on th� t�art of the city ;r i� �nST dL�a.y r�l�e�r� -t'ze con�?�_mer fro:-,_ �e���c�r�' �rt�: t�he r��1;_,r�t�.on� o.� ni� cr�<tr�ict� t ^� ' . � SECTI�I'j � - All c�ntracts s'�?all -cake eff�ct fT�t�r� the aay thesr are =�?�ned an� rates shal� �= ch�rt�ed frc- -���L .�L �__L r;�>r���r_=� ;���; c�nncet�d �rt,t�h t?�e c�_��Y $ � ?ra.t�r s�.?-�n�t_,rP ` - SE�II(3N j � Up h.t� �s,:_. . �.�c �..�i,���r� _,� �i _. �._� . _.�� c� i �,� S i.7��r���-v��'�r m ��nt , of �'�i �x�a�t�rc� � s rece�pt z�or• i��ze ir�.��allatio�� �ccs } t:nE Superintendent sh�ll c�use the pret��isEs �escribed in the appli- cati�n �o rE c�n4�ec i,c� wi�h t�ir czty' s tiaa�.�r• ;�:iain by a service �� p�.pe extendin.g at riGht angles fr•or_: th� maxn to the p�operty �ine a��.d inc:����a.ri�. a stop-coc'_� p1�.c�c� �:��i i��1in the lir�es af the s�:reet cu�b� ti�hich connection sha11 �hereaft�r• be ma3r�tained and 3��=��t `aitnzn the exclusive �ontr�I oi tne cityT. ' No pre�i,�e�; v�ill be allotia�d to have more than one ser�esc� conr�eetion a�1c� n�; s�rvic� connectian �aill be a11o�5,ed f�o�� t':e � city�s mains to �.�.y prer��ises supplied b, �;rater from any othe� sc�urc:e unzess s�e���,1 perm�ssion is �-3ven by the Super•�ntendert � �sr�ich special per��i.ss�on �ay b� terr�iraat�d at any time th� Supem '� rinten�.�nt ma;� Elect. �th�re the�°� a.s a ��a'��r main. in fr�nt of any premises ever•� ��cuse supplied by cit�,T tr�ater �ust instal�_ �ts o-�rn sep�r�.t� service ce�.nect:�on with the cityr ma.in9 and the pr�mises so s�a�p- �ied ta3_11 not be allo��Ed to sup�lv �,��ter• t� ot�er �reraises , except ten�v�rarily where there ar� no m�.ins in tne street. Pra t- �►ded that such xes�r•�etions sha"1 ; nct �np�ti- �o �erv�ces already irstalled unlEss in the judgr��erat c�f the Super•int�ndent} for the ��ood of th� s�r�-ice or �o set�le a�_sputes or f��r �;.�e separate meter��,` o� v�ren�ises , it is founc� necessar� �,o �r�force such prcvisic��s as tc conr3eci�cns �,l���ady mad�. Proviclec� f°tzrt��Er•' where two or r�o?�e bu�ldin��s ar�� �uppl�c:c� by one service through a r�eter not le�s than tlze mini�nta.a� �°ate sup�lied by meters l�ereina�'ter .�rov:iuec. �or , sh�ll be ch�.r•?�eci f�� e�ch seFar•ate build.in� or• �reLnisEs s� suppl��;�.� SEC�'T(?N 6 - .A.11 persons connEct�r;g �o city sErv���� or ��,y7�ng t"r�e�_�° o�*n private �i�� shall �e rE�ua_red -�o �2se onl.y st�n�?�.r� ��a�_v�:�_�m ized ircn pipe up to and in�lua�ng twt� (2) inches in size ? �:.::a�;:"_ all pipes shall be �aic�. �.ot less t�.an t�,�o (2) feet ��1���� t;�� surfacE of the gl u�,.n15 ex_cept that in ungr�,ded streets wl���� 4'b�e grade is alr:�.dy es'cablished , �aid ser•vic�s anc� �?p�s shG,l� b� lazci at least two (2) feet �:elow said est�blished gra�es. The Superin��ndent �ril1 r�ai�tai� �rz��atc services i� strc�:-�-� which ar� being graded or r���aded and t1di11 hav� such access on pr�Zvate nroperty a� sha�l be zxeces:�.r��,T to ::�ainta�n. such ���-e::, during the work9 and sh�Il as soon as practicabl� uporz t��� cce�� � p�etion. of �;lie .r-or�., re-1�,T s�.id �ipes ir� t'ne strEet. SECTIC��� 7- No service conn�ction less than �hree-fcurths (3/�+} inch iL� size sha11 be installed.. �'he fees far the installation of' vrate� ser�ice ��., ;���•�m ��,�e�'o_e pravided shall be as follows: �'or a thr�e��'o?�rths (3/4) i�.eh cr.���e ct����, .;1;.��;;, , , , m r`V1 Q. OnJ,Ci ��, inch �connecti cn1 6 ! i !t�'�t�/�1��O • � O 0 B O p • p 0 0 O 6 O ?�or sizes lar�er t"Yzan a one�I} �rch co�,r_e^tzon, or �,l�ese ��ti. i��:-c�:-�es necessar�, tQ o�en� ar-�v� ar �unnel a�.n.ct�r a pave� . 'ti ' ' street� th� actu�.l cowt oi :�abor and material used ii�. �.�9�Ting � such a service shal�. be char•�ed. In suc?� ca,ses th�; cast o�' labor �.nd �aterial s�.a11 be �sti- mated by �the �ur�er�.i�t�ndent a.nd such estir��attd cost s�al1 be ��.�d to t�ie Cit� Tr•e�.sure� ; or tsze p��son a���3��tc� by him for tk�sE purpose af mak�.ng c�v��.ections i ar the �nlater De?�art�rser�t' �efor� thE �aor•k of co��anect?n� the main �Jith the pro�Er�,y is �egun. Prcvidea� that ��hen�ver �hE estimatec� cost �.s no� suff icient ta cov�r� the t��al exnerase �'or labor anJ. m�.ter��_,;.ls the deficit s32a1� be c;h�.rged to the 1�roperty l ar �rhich sueh ins�allation was mada and to the ow�er• ���3.�reof' and �rovidEc� �'ur�her 9 �:rzat� any excess �a�ent sha11 }�c :cet�.zrned �a ��,� r�:r�c���� �.r-r���.?�.� far t�,� �_�st�.I�- �_at�ori. 1 SECr IC�; L - Bef or� ��ater w?11 b� turned on to �. ; �. . , _ �, _: ��- teG ��tn tile cs�y� s m�.�ns ; ti1� service ;�i�.��:s =,�;c�L:. s�zc�l �rcx�i;� , must be r�ade to confor•� to th� fo11ow3.ng reGulatzons: The sFrvice �ipes mus�; b� sc loc�ted �?�?a�; the sz�p�1J :r:'or° each se�: arate house o� premis�s sh211 bc cont�c�lu e�. by sep�.rate stc�p ��aste coe�s of th� best s�fanc�ard mai�e, a�prov�d ��T the S�peri� - tende�t , witY� e�_tension s��.ndle ' prop�r•ly prot�ct�d from frc-�-;- ;. ar�c: so placed �,Tithin �''.e �r•et��ises �tha.t al1 service pipe� G-_ ` fix�ur•es may be thoroughly drained during fr•eez3.ng U�eath�r e tti�here saV� or depressions cc��u:r• :�{ ����=� �sx�� �.�~.t'. ��.; , Y•;�.s�e is not �uff icient �;o fully czrain alI the pipes ana f��xt-� i �.}�°4s wit'r�in the �re�.ises, �.dd�.tianal stop a c� waste coeks s �.=ith extension '�andles9 �ust be so �laced as to fully drai� them. In cases wi:{ere :czo fixtt�res ure ;�lac�c� betw�e�. the prope�ty , la.ne ancz the base:�lent t�.e �to� and tiJaste cocks n�ay be pla��d in the ba��ment9 ps•ovi�ec� sGaid bas�me��.t is nof less than si� (6} feet in heig;rt ana is �rovided with s�arrw�ys or nt3�er �eans o�' acces; ther•�-�U; P3°o�ided s L�rt'n.er� that �aher•� Naser:�er�ts are encl- osed in woouen walls the st�� and 1+laStE sna11 be pl�.ced at leas� tr�elve (12) inci�.�s �ie1 ow t�ze surfac� os the �:rci,�nd ar�d shall �� prov�ded with �.n extension handle. The c�nnectioil betweer�the city' s pipes a't th� propert;y �in� and the service �ipes on tl�e prer�:i�es must be r��a�.e �rith a ur,.ion. SECTION ° - I '�r�enever th� owner or aecupant of any pxe�iis�s cos�.nec� ?:ed with t��.e city' s �ratcr supply syste�n s�all cesi�� to use the Vrater �ie snall n�ti�°y the S�x�eri��.tenderlt ��nd rE��u.cst t�afi the caater �;e turned o�� te� sa.�d �re;:,.ises . Th� Q�,rner shall_ leavE hi�� �ortion of t'ne ser•v�ce ex.p�sed. ir. thr, t;e��.c�� ui�t,_l it has '�eEn in,spected a�za th� water turned on9 whe�. he shall i��ea�.atc:�.� cov�� -���ti _��.pe, S�C�'ION 10- It s�.�.1.� ���e unlawful for any person whose pr���s�s 3r•e supplied wit'r.� ���«.����t to iurnz�h wat::r ta ��.ditional pre iwes �anlEss he shal�_ z'al°st �ake appl�c�.�ion ir� �rritin� so to do upon � a orinted forf_� i L�r-nisned �'�r �he purpose , anc� in the same manra.er �.s an ori;�����.? �.,:z,�?�eat�;,�� �'�r �he insta"latian a� �,�+ex s er����_��e SECTIC�11- W�.e� t.�_�__�.{�.��,�_...? �r_...�.,� _ v, �ar°;: � �x r:r��c e. ��,=_�i�o�t t:�w ��p3ic�.tion presez�ibea in the preccdin� s�et�on� such pr���:���_a�� rnay be char�Ec� a.+ dou'�le �'r�� rat� i ar '?�: ��m.�they a��e in LL:�� � �nd th� ser•vice may be shut off ana � ch�.rge t�f ttiao do� lars (�2.OG) ��.de for s��tt�n� o�f ar,� turn�_n�,r on suc'_r s�rvic� . In case water• s�.a13. be turned off as provide�. in th�� ,�c"�"?��19 -���., sa�e s�lall no� be tur��E� en aga�.�z until al:�. � �,'::s �:;^r c",_�=°�c;� �.;_'�.?I7,S� S�.�Ch ?,^8r;-:-°��cEs 1^,^��7� '�E�T2 �^�tiC? �11. :F'L��_�. ,_s ti Y • f � sEc�z�r� ��� Whe� �et� builc�ir�gs are tc� ��: �rec�Ec; on the s�.te of c:id orles ar�d it is desirEd �ta irxcrec�c tne s�ze of or• c���.nge t��e 2oca�ion of -��� c�1c' ser;�3_�e ca����.ec�ion� or ���?��re a serti ic� cannectio�i ta �.ny r,remises �.s ab�ndancd or �� lon�er L�sed., th� � Super�ntenden� ma;� cut cu�t or re�:�ovc s�;�h s�;rv�ce c�nnect�c�:c� � �ft�r :�thich, s'_rculd a �;;rv�_ce c�rznect�.on be requ:i.r�a �a said' .��er�ises' a ner�� ser V�i ce sh�.l1 bE �i�ced or�l� tx�o_r:_ �h� �,rt�rl�r Y_��;�-_.;;� an a�plication arya �ayi�Zg f or a rxeUa ��.� �r� �t��.e x��ulax� ��:�nner. Wnen �. �,���r �ai n is 1a.iu in �,�Zy �t?�eet ; o�;�r,ers ai �r•E�:,_��v � Qn said stre�t ���.o are beiz-t� supplied �.>ith city tArater frcm � �rivate :±Zair� �r a cr��,.x�ct�or� to � �riv�.te service sha11 �ake a�plication for t�.� ard sh�„1.1 cc�nnect up ��ith scpa�ate ser�Ti:ce co��recti��rl te tf�e �i�..ir i?:a. f�on� c�' ��rF��;M;.s��� . SECTI�I�T 1�- i �In�nevEr tt�� o�f:�er o� acc:���,,}���, t,,�' �z�F r,_�_.�,i�e� e:esxre� , to ci�scantinu� �he use of ta2�ex fc�r a oLr��d of �,ot lesL th�,n one moi�t��. �.� sha,ll �:,a'_�� �:rxitten applicatian �o have the vipater �urne�. off anci pay al1 arl eara�es in fu11, ��?E ���ater v�i11 �e turned c,ff a��� tur�x ed on a��:in9 ��ith�ut �h�.rge9 but �c� rer��+_s�i.on of r�.t�s wi11 'a� r�-;.�.de �or a �er��d of l�ss than one ^�onth� �r c� wotl�c�a� trze ap;�' a._c�.���ri �iescr��b ,d ' -�r -, F s_n thi . � s sc�fr..on. SEC i IOIVT I�+- �Ihen ti�r�,t�r h2.s �aec-;� shut off for �.ny' caizsE 4 �.n�. i� �urn�;� cr, �,gr.:zn or• �.l�owed Qr eau:�e�. to be tua nec� o� by t:�.� o��ner, no rer��ssic,n o.i r•a.�tes �ri�..l: 'a� ��a�e �n acccurt af' L�s hav�rg been si�ut of#'3 an�. the ��'pEr•inten�.ent ;n�,y then shut e�°f ttle �vater at t�ie ma�.n� or re�?�ve a port�_on of th.e s�r�Tice ccnn-� ec�ion 3r� th� st.�eet �,nd s1�.�13 char�e the actua? cost ai cut�tir�g out an� reinsta'Gin� the �,�at�r supply to the �z;t:;^,.�� ^�° t i� .^ra�e�ty. SECTIOPI 1>- All water r•at�s za�:ill be ch�rge�. aga�.nst �:�,e prer��s�:s ='-�x ' wh.icrl the service tiras �ns�a.�1ed. A?� c�.arges fo?- t�iate� ��rhEn t�.e same bec��me G�t3s�qu�nt anna unp�,ic: s��,l� �e �: li�ri �. ' ' , � �a��nst t�?� premises t� �:���c�l the s��e l��.s beEn ��z���ishec� . I�, case a��;r c:har•gEs for �.a��� sh�l� bec���e a ��.en �.�;azns� an�T 11rer�ses � the i��.ter shaz3_ bc cu'c of'f` until such cn��gEs , with or�e (1} do7.lar a�.c.itional for �as��: ��pense of turning the ZaatCr off and o��, are paid. SECiTCN 16- All a.ccoux�ts �'o� ti�aater• s�lall ti� 2;ep� �n t��E name a�° t�.e r���ne�� o� �.rie ,�r�r:�.�_� fas �Ar1�ic� �`,:�e sex�vice ti=�as inst�.11�cl� an� nat -�n t�.�E name of anv tenant� Prav�der�'j tn�. c persans holding �anc�er• rEc����d ?�t.,�e r�a-,- bc szt���_ed or their aia�n acccunt 4 u�.c; zn such cases the S�per��r;�enden� may �°equ�re sucha depr�si� of r�nney zait}, the City irea.�urer a� �f� n�s ju�.gment sha�l �e necessary to prottict �he c3_t;yT �.��inst any and al'_ ael�±n�ue�t an�. un�aid c�1a-r�Es .�c�r ��a.t�r•, Qr ot��er char�es , a.r1 accourlt cf suc� s�rvice. S�C�T^vN 17- It s1i�11 b� tl�e c�uty of the �erson �2atifin� in cha��,e �;he issuance o:i' latz��..lc'�r�� �,�rmy�u -�� ����~�+ tc the Surer�n��nc�tiz�-� of I�datex the ue�a.��nin�;. c�f cc�{structio�a. o� r�pa�y s cf aI�' bu�ldin�s in the city� �i�;�i:��.s� thE ofricia�. ,�.c�ust n�;;��cM �r�c� WtrEEt ��ame9 the lat' '�leck �.��.d �.adit�on. Glater f'or '�uilc�i�g �u.�pos�s �riZl c�n1�Z be �'�?_rr.��s��d u�or�. �he a�;�licat�on c� thr ou;i�er or ��uti���°ize��. ��el t oj t�c pro�ert� and. t11E Superi.r�tenci�rkt sl,all r�r.;?x�r< ����i��ez�t :��j ���TT<<�ce �f ar�v r�a.s��n- �1�Ie sum, �.ot �;,ePe�.3ng ten aoli�r�(�1p.GG) , in LL�}� case cf an;y o�e buzZdin�, -� or ti�e jh7�.ter• usEd iza cc��str�ct�on, an� f�o�.� t:ir�e to ti�+_e may rec��uirE ad�iticn.a? z�avmen�ts � z�li��n r,ec�sNar� �r� sc�ax� the Wate� Departr�ent a��inst lass. �,L�_ I .. . � � S�'C1IC�N 18 - It sh�.l1 'aE wnl�.�afL�� fo�° �.ny pers�n ta mra�� any conne- ctions with any :�Ex�7yce or �r�.r�ch �ipe �herecf' ar r��.��E �,ny repa�rs a�:��tions or altc?�at�cns oi ar�� p�pe , st�p� or �r�.ste ' or• any fi�tures eannected ar �3esig�lecz to bE conr��ect�c� s,�i��� t�le c�t�T �Jater s�,=�t�no exc���t �� cor��p��.�ncE ��ith thi:� ordinanc�. �.�CTTC'�ti l��- � � ,� � `�'he G:�ty Coun�il in cases c� �;��zer�ency tiv��enever tne p. b1�c saf'ety� heaat,'z�9 oi the eclit�.b?e :�-; w�.:i���utiorl af �;J�.te;z° �o c�e�:a��� �ay d.irect t'�se S�,pFrin��nden't to chan�e , r�duce , �r lir��it the � tinle o�° �iscc�,�i s�ue t,"�c use o� t�at�?� �f' �n ��:s juag��rent pabl�.c n�cessity dem�.�:xs t ' �shenev�:r tY�e?�c� -�s ' i� the a�i�.?on ei ��e �u��erii�.tender.t , ', an insuaficit�cy a�' :y�.�:.er °�o supply thc consuiners l�vin� U�i�hin ' tne lim�.�s of i�t�c c��ty� sa�_c. �up��i-r�.�E�z1c?cr�t s?�a11 :�ut a�'f' the watEr su�ply fr•c_�;_ co�i�t�r�crs � ivi�;: outsi�e t�.� c2ty �i�i?ts in orca.E�� �.� �.a'�E u� s�ch insLf� ic�ienc°y. Ir. sh�.t�tfir.�g of'f ;t�at�r f'ror� -�.;�e o�tside cons�zmers refer•r�� to thos� �r��.c ?^�a�c use� s�ic� water for th� lt�noes-c perwod s�iall be giv�n tl�e pr<�f erez'�c� and, i:o e�fet�� :a1c prer er•e�.ce, �he S�aper- intendc�� shali_ s��_�zt a�'.� tl�.� T�:,3t;er �'?�c��� sai�. cu�si�� users can�n-� �n��.r�� ��7ith tli� ��s� car�nected w:��������x�.����� .�.;;th the city �° :A�a.ter suN�lv. SECTIQN 20 - I� sa��l� ��� u�2y�..�t:afui a'�r any pErsa� willfully tn place any a�:tcr�atic s���.�r_kl;n� c��eviee� or• �a�11fu11 yT �c,, �1.�:.ce c� ho� c� a�.y hose in suc�. pa�it�.�n �r• r�a�:.ner t�at ti�rater �herefr•c:�? fall� on �.ny person t����.`.1�.� on anuJ �uYslic u�t�eet or sic�t:�a�:�:. S�CTIOI`t 21- T� any person sha11 violate �ny provisian of ti�� �recedi��g �ect�o�, -�he SuperintEndent sh�.11 s'�ut af��' t��.�. .:�. :�._ furnisl�ud to �1z� vre��s�s u�on t�ahich such violation i� �iad�9 anc: shall chr r�e tl,io c�c�l�.�s (2.CC?) fp�° s�iut-�in�; e��`.s:' �.�ic� agair.� t�arning on sue:� �.r�,�ei. � SECTI�t� 22- T�e �ase ai t��azer i or irrig�tit�c�. �.nc� sprir�klzn� i� ;�s c�- hi.biteu. e��c���t �e��3e�r� �"e lZour� �f 6 a.�.. �.nd � a.��:. a�� � p.r�. and 8 p on�. anc� i or � vio1�tzcr�c os th;; a�c+ve rule a pen�.l�y cf �'wo Dall�.r•s (4;�2.00�} s��all b� imposect �na th� w�4t�r s��at cff arzd not -�urnEd oa� ��=��_i� z�,�t�.l svch ier.��f� �ias ��een �a.i� . Pro�.-ic'e�. I�c��rever s �nat the abave hoL;r•� do not a�pl�% ta , m�tered serv�c�s . T��� e�ty res�rves t��E righ� �.r� case o� a shortage of tvater frc� a�.�� ca���� t� ,����,'==.e an �r�er for��i�airig er susi c��zd�ng the use of s�ater fer spr•i�lir��; or irr•i�ation� or t� cr��.n�e the hci;.rs d���ring V�hi ch th� s�r�e �r�ay �� dc�ne, �� c�v�.n� nc��c;c t�rou�� th�� I city offici�I n�+„tsj��p�r an�. an.y rEr�sa�z v�ola�ti�.� such �;�der I shf,,11 �� su�;;eet to a �e-��a.a.lt��r of �T°Trrc Dollars(`'-�.CO) ��rl�ic;1 sr�al3 �� �mpose�. i� t�c manr�er ��.Qreinbefor� �rovidEd in t�is s�ctic:�. S�C i I0�3 23 - It s�1�11 '�:�c ?,�.r�3at=,ful :�or �.�.y �,rvc� t� us� ti�at�r i or �rri�atic�r� cr sprin.kl.�n� ��uring the �r•a`res� of any f�r� in the city� tinl.ess fa� t�le ;�r•otecticn Q�` grnpertJ�, a�.d a1 ,. zr•��g�.tia�z anc? spr?nk�ing sh�.11 s�top tahen ar� �lar•m o�' fire is soundadi and �h.�.li rc�� l��c- bc�ur_ ���:�_zn l�nt�1 �a�c fyre �,: t�-= ;,�`,;u�u'.1�:�. �J� I . . - I" y sEc�zo� 2�� - I !'he c?ty 2'E';�21°'�,TP,S the ��ght �a at anJr ti�ne � ���.thout ncticE, shut aff thP �4ia.te�� su��a1_,r for• rep�.ir•s 9 �<L�er�sions � nonpaymen� oi: r��tes� or any ot���r _��aso�.� �a�nd �'^��: city sha11 rc�t k:e ?�esper.si��c; s�r a.�� ci�.r���� , suci�_ as �ursti�g af �oi�=rs su�a lied ,,, - � P �;� dir�ct �or�ssure ; +:.he break2n� of an;i ��pes o� f�xtures , stopva�es er �.nterruptic�n o�' ti�at�r su_^p1.y? o:� any ot�Zer �a�mag� resultin� fr•om t,r�e shu�ting oi'w oi taa�er. ��:G`..�IG�� 2 j - The se�vice n�.�es ' conn�a�tiofis anc� ot'�er u�Aa�attt5 �ritrin. an�r �riva*�e r�r�r��i�u� �.ust }�� ke�t i�; good r�p�.ir :�r�d pretEctecl 'fr•om freezing at tr�e Ex���.se of tl�� ojan.e� or lessEc , ��'�o will b� res�a- rxs��le �or �.11 ��~�a�es xE�su� �ir� f��c�e� +Ea',.s �,� : '�r��ks. In ca�e of ne�lec� to loro�ptly r�p�ir• a����. serv-ice or fixtu�e c� mw?Pe an ` 9 � c''r�a�ges cr alter�fiic�n.s rer�ail�ea i�� this or�zn��.�zee � the Su�erin�endent shall "nav� authcrity5�ahen c?eer�iEa. nvicessary, to �Q on the �remi�es arz�' make or c�t�ie to "�e macie sucl� c���.-r��Es g a�.�er��ti�ns �r r���.�:r� ar�d char�� t�.�e :>a<.x�; aoair�st the �xe:--�ises �r�u t��e o�>>r�r th�rof.:' Tne ow�<�r of any servzce co�;.��ctior 's?�u11 �e resp�n��bl� f or c=.n�a�e �;o met�rs se.�tirin� said pre�iscs c�.u�ed b� hot wat�r , an� sh�.11 ':'i� C11czZ`�E�o f'C;I' ' i�c'.�_.i� fJ :::e�7���i ;; CczUSc;1 u�r S1.:iC?1 C�2T"?.€',E• 4', - ! �?ii:l�mIGN 20 — It; �1��.1_� �:� �.n�_�.�•��'ul fer an�T �ersor� to ���ste *��at�r ar a11�w it tc� be ��as�ed by ir��perf�et �r �.�aY�.r:� stc�?�s , valves � __?��nes� closet� 9 f�;ucets or ��h�� i ix�uYes � c; to us:� -:�ater• ciosets wi�'ri�ut self-c�os�in�� va1��s � or• zo allow �.���,r �;��es cr fa�.cet� tc� runo����.� to �rev�nt the �erviee fror� �'reezin�, ar for any Qther reasc�n �r t� use tlz� watcr• :f'o� purpose� Qthe� t'��.n those n�.�e�. �n the ap��.ic�at�.on u�on wh2c?� th� r•atc� fo.r �,�a��.� are ��asEd, or f�r any otY�ler x�ur��se �han tnat ��r l '� , . . t�Zz h ��s cor.tra�t �ro�Tiaes s or tc� use i t i� vZc�.��3t�or of �:ny p�.°ovi�ions o�' thi: or;7.inance. < S�CTTCPT 2 f •. '`';; I �, Servic�,� for fire �r��ection ?�us� be m�te��;cl a�; the expe�.se of the otirner and f'itted �,rith such f� �tur�s onl� �s are� neE��d �o?�� fi.r� prctec�ion �,r�c� ent�rel;;�P discen��c��� f � rem t�sose . u�ed for ofi�her �urpos�s . Pe��sons i�a��in,� su�;?� s4r�vic�s s'�all be ''. ci�ax�ec� not �Ess L��,1Z t�.E �n'_�~aum?;.m r�.t�; char�e�a ior me�erer� s�r•v��e. �To cha?�gE T,�i11 be t.<ac3e for �r��er �.�se� 3.n ex�ir�u�shina. �'�r� ?f the ���ner• or o�cu��.nt of' th� �remis�s rrherF s�.c'n, fi.re or:curs �ive� written nc�txe� t�� thc offac� of trle Svperi�.t�rden�, ��Tith�n` ten ��.y� fron� the t_��� o�` svch �Ire. In no casE ttiT.�11 ar�y tap be �a�.e upa�a any pipe usecl f'�r .f�re service purpases ! or any tank con���cted there��z�ch; nor sh�.:11 the us� of �n� ��a�.�r be perr�,itt�c+. �hr�ugh an,y fire ser•vic� r�o� �:f�rou�'1� anY p���s� -tan.� or• �b�h�r fixtz?res th�re7A�ith', cannect�c� fc�:c� ���i�T y;,urpose e1 cept -�;he extinguis%��n� o.f f�r� on t?1F prem�.s�u. S�CTIOPd 28 - ?� shal.� bE unl�.��rfu� fcr an,y person to f�,3�, ne�l�ct or refuse to uive t=�e Su�,�ri��fi;endert ar his d�zl�c aut��cr�_u��. repr_ �s�n�ives fx�e ace�ss at a11 reasonal�le h���rs to �,11 �arts of premises su�a��2iea 5,�itsz v��,ter fro�1 �h�: czt�'s j;�a�Yl� fo� iw:� pur•pose of irs�eet3n€r the candit_�on of ipes a� d �x ;, � p � f.� t,._r,,s _ 1 n�tin t�e a�rount o�' ,fi�a�ex° i�sed and t��ie ma�.ner. i�. �rh?c'1 �t �s uaed. � _�_ �. , � �.,� . . SECTION 29 - If any oV�ner or oecu�an� of any premises supplied with city water shall violat� �ny pro�, ision of the �receedin� sect�on� the SuperintendEnt rna� s�ut off suc�� service9 and such owner a� occupant shall b� required to �a�T an� and all deliquent and un�aid charges a�ainst such premises to�ether wi�h a c�arge of T�{10 Dollars (�''2.00) f'or shutting off and turz�.in� on s�ch water bef'c�re the same shall bF a�ain turnea an. � ..... .��.�� .r, �:.�.,a , -,.:� . ...��, _. � ' � . , .. . . _ ���... . . .. .... sEc�Io� 30 - - In case of violatian of any a�' the �re�eding sections the St:iperintendFnt may cause written notice ther•eof to be served on the owner or occupant of the prer�ises whe-rE such violation takEs place s �Jhich notice shall requ�re the ��.yment of the char•g�s here- inbefore x�ro� �d�d4 and if such charges bE no� �aid �rithin twenty- four (2�+) l�ours fro;.�� i,he time nf t�7� sErvice a� sucr� notice9 the water shall be turned of� from suc�1 �re ises an.� sh�.11 �n no case be turned on un.til the char•�es `have 'been paid. � sEc�°�o� 31- � � � Al1 r,�eters in services of ccnsumers within the city limit�' unless othertaise �.uthor•ized by the Su��,erintendent! sha11 b� ard r•emain thE prope�°ty of the city and w�ll not be removed unless the use of water on t'�_e premises is -to be enti_rely sto pEd or the serv�ce connection discantznued or a�andor�ed. In all cases tiahere meters are lost, in��ared or �roken by carelessness or ne�ligance of owners or occupa:�ts o�' �remi�es9 they shall bE z°�paired or• repl�.- ced by or under the dir�ctian o�' the Superintendent and the cost char�ed against the owner or occupa�.t9 and in the case c�' nonpayment the �aater sha11 be shut aff an� �ril1 not be t�.r•ned on vntil such charge and the charge for turning o� the z�a�Ler are paic�. In event' af the meter oettin� out of �ra�er or fa�.ling to r•eg3ster '�raperly the consumer sh�.Il be charged on an esi.imate made by the �-��erinten- dent on the ac�er•age monthl� consuz�lption during th� last tilree (3) months that the sa�e �ras in gooa order or fro� ti�rhat he maZr consider the m�st r�1z�.�,Ie data at his cc�mr��anc�. SE�T IC?N 32 - Ldhere �I�.e accuracy of record of a water• meter is questionea� it shall be r•emoved at the consume�i s reques� and shalZ in his prE- sence be tested in t�.e shop of the t�Iter Department , by me�.ns of the apparatus �here prat'ided4 qnd a rE�ort thereon duly made. Both parties ta the test must accept the f zndings sc� made . If the test discloses an errar a�a�nst the consumer of mcre than thre� p�r• cent on the meter' s �e�:is�ry' th.e �xcess of �he consur�lp�tion on the three previous r�adir�gs sha11 b� credited to the ccnsumer' s meter account' and the Wter Departm�nt �r�11 bear thE entire exper.se of '�he test� and the deposit rEquired as hereinaf�cr• prescril:ed sha11 be �eturnede �n thE other hand' �There no such er•r•or �s found9 the person who has requested the i est shall pa�.T the ch�,rge f ixed for such test. Before �2aking a test of any r�eter the �erson requesting such a tes� shall9 at tn� time of �°i1in� his requ�st Urith the Supe�inted- dent 9 make a de�pasit wit�. the C�th �'reas�.�er of thE ar�oul�t charged f or such test, sub��ct to the c�nc�iticns hexein stated9 �rhich cha�ges are as follows: For testing 3/�-i- " meters . . . . . . . . . .�1.�'0 PI it tY I1 � • s e • o � • e • r �• 0 tt tt 11_�t ge e • . e • • • • • • �. • �� 2 For 3arger met�rs �1.00 �er inch of size. _ . _�_ .. . .. �35 =- - : _ - , , ,�� , . ��a r�et�:�� sn.�,l� '�� re�io��.:Ec�, o�� z� a��y ti�la� c�isi,ur�cd, no7� tl�L seal broken excer�t in t�e presence or under the direction of the Su�ersntendent. s�csle� 33 - I'Zo char�;� wi31 bE made f'or �� he; o:r��;i��.�=�I ir�stal�G.t��n of any meter unless such in.stallat�on shall be of a temporar� nature , when thE SL�perin'tend���t may r�qu2r•e a deposit to �over the cost of �.nstallation anc� removal. �Ihen it is desired ta have a ��Eter removed ox reinsta�led the own.er of the pre�.ises su�plied ar to b� �upplied by such meter �hall f�le an app�ication at thE office of t?�e Superinten.dent and shall payT �the cost �n f'v_ll for such removal or rein�tall- �.�l�ne .SEC l'T�N ��`:- Th� city shall have the ra�;��t at �.ny time it na�r desirE to change from a fl�.t rate to meter rate �n �ny connection no�a or here- aiter to k�e �iaae �o t'r�e city wat�x s�stem, ana �nstall a neter 9 and thereupor� the meter rates wi11 be char�ed far �uch conncction and the fla� rate will �e da.sco n�inued. �TC�IOP� 3� - � � � �'':�e ra te s f or use of �a�ter shall be a s follows: r��LA`i �-:Ei�LSt� : Priv�.te Fesidence. . . .�1.25 per nlont'r�. Hotels and roo�.in�: 12ouses f'ror! �2e2J to r:�.2� ��r �_�o. Tene�ent ��oUses . . .�1.2� per month far each fa�ily. A tener�ent hause shall bE he?d to mean a house whez�e tzro or more fai.�ilic-s live under• the sa�.e raof. B�.rbc� Shops. .�;'1.25 p�r mon�Lh, �ith an additional char�c os � .25 �er month for each �ath tub. , ='=�.tcher Shops � Lunch Roam� and Restaurants 4�2.2� per mcnth �usinEss Offices ana Bvsiness Houses :;''1.2;� �er r�ont�. I, � Pub11c Ha�.�s '"1e�� �.r• ��nt'�. "METE� �ATES'� � ��r �11� 1 �."v�t.: vvt,:� i... :�f.: ... d- .� _, l• i..'.�� i�; J �,.,�C�. 1�z..�.,1.C1.Ui'i trii� 1.�:::.�.: Gu.�.��1,G..L p�.rt thereof. . . . .ti 1.2�� ` Pr•ovided t'��.t U�here two or• r�ore separate build�ng�, or premises are supplied by the same meter the �?n- imun r�.te sha11 be �1. 25 �er month f or• each such �uild����. or pr•er�ises , as 1on� as the meter remains on the s�rvice through which thE water i� suppl3.ed. Exceeding cC0 cu�aic feet per month� �er hur�dred cubi� ieet � 0.06 Exeept that for manufacto�ies a laundr•ies � motors and elevators � the rate f or all ��ra��r used in Excess of 30,.044 cub?c feet shall be 9 �er hui�dred cu�ic feet �0.0�+ Water used f or alI other nurpos�s not her•inbef oree enum- I Erated sha11 be �'urnished and char•ged for either at m�ter �ates I or• at a spec�al flat ratE to �e fi�ed by the Super•interd�nt. � In computing meter rates � as -��rovided above� rEsults ending in onE or two cents ��ri11 b� counted "0" � results �nding in three' four, six or seven cents will be counted "5" � results endi.ng in eight, o-r nine cents will be counte� "IO" . n a��a r ♦ � �J � . . �a, . _ � , ;. � � . . �� ' 4Y> r ;� ' ;�} � .,'�.,x'3y'. All rates a.u� for Taater• are �o L� sub�ect to a discount or r�bate of � 0.25 ( i'�,�en.ty r ive CEnts) 3f pai� on or bef'o r� the fifteent�. da;5r �f ���� month in tti��icn t�1ey are p�.ya��1�. SECTION 36 m The rates fc�r ��rai�er su�plied t4 premises not Urithin the city lz�.its sh�11 �e as folloti<rs: F1�� rate for e c �" , a h fam�ily . . . . . 4�Z.75 per r�onth �_ _ . M�t�r rates �o be, �'ar• the first �?00 cuvic feet or less per• month or fractional �art thereof. .�l.7� Provi�.e� that vahere t��ro or r:orE separat� buildings or �prem�ses ar•e suppl2e�. thro�.g,� onc r�et�r the r�i���um ra�e sr�a.11 be w�1,75 p�r month f'or each such sep�.rate �uild�ng or premises � as long as the r�et�r remaii�s on. the service t��rough ��hich the ��aater is supplied. Exceedin� k�'CO cu�ic fEet per �onth, p�r hundred cubic feet. . 4;��.10. All s�::r•vices outsid� �th� city l�..r.�its rnust �e metex�ed Uahere there �s suff'icient presstzre on the service ta justify thE installa��on of a meter and �.1� auch r:?e�ers sh�.11 bc furnishe�. �.t the e�pense ef th� a�aner of thE premises served. The aboti�� rates to ou�side co�sum�rs ar� su'�.ject �a thc sam� c�zscount or re�ate as to cons�f�ner•s �Jitni�� �ne city �.�.r,_, t�. SEC3'ION �`�j - AIl flat r�i;� rentals Uiza11 I�c c��e �.nd �a�,=able r�or��hl� in advance and shall be paid to the City �'r•easur•e�� ? or to th� person d�Iebated b� �im to r�ceive ti�at�r :re�lta�s ' a� the City Hall in �he �ity c�f Renton. A3l meter re�tals shall be due and �a3%able on the �°irst day af each and ev�ry r_�onth fcr the water• consum.ed during the p�e���ous mont�l and shal3 be paid ta the City Treasu���' or �o the nerson dele��f.ed b�= hin to rece�.ve water rental s' at the City Hal? in th� ��ty of Rentan. �� In a11 cases Urhere the fifteenth of the month falls on ��� Sa�,urday or a lE�al ho1�_day �he Ci�y Treasure�9 cr the �e�son delegated b; h�.m �a receive �frater rE�.��.?s, shall gr•an� the rebate or discou: t on water rates s:i raid on the � ollowin� �usiness day. SECTIOI�t 3� - On the twei�t�.rd�ixth �ay of eac� �nd evEry nonth �� shall be t�1e c�,uty of th� person colleeting �rater r�.tes ta n�ak� out in duplicat� ane: deliver to the Su�a�rintendE.��t of�T�.ter a list of aI1 c:elinquent cor�s��ners � wflich list �ha11 ��ntain -the nar�Es of alI delir�quent "Flat Rater' a�.� "Metered" corsv,me'rs and sh�.11. desi�nate and lot �.nd bloek occupied by eaeh such del�nquent consumer. Upon th:: recei�t of suc�� �elir�c�.�nt list it shall be the duty of the Si;;�er��-t�ndent to fO�trikrl'�'�� s�,ut off the su��ly of consumers sho�rn on saic� lists , r _g�. i , _�. . .,.�. , . . _ I � 1 ti� •4 • w SEC�ION 3� - �' Failur� �v� receid:. ��!�.�� „�1? _�}�� �_�_ � eco�;nized as a va�ic� excuse fc_r• f�ilure to pay r�.�e� ��hen due . ChanUE in i o�rnership of' �ropErty and chan�e An mailii�g address�� mu�t �G filed in �rrzt�n� ��. i.:he office of t'�.e Czty Treasurer. SECTION �+0 - It sr�.I� ce unlawful l o� anyT person except when a?-.Iyy author�ved �by �.he Super�.n�Encle�t� or z:i]�o sha?1 �e a membe� of` t:�E Fire Dep�,rt��er�t 9 to open9 operate g cicse turn on� turn, off' interfere Y���t�, attach any ��.�e cr hase �o or connect anything with any i:i�e ��.ydrant, sto� v�.l�ae ca stop cock 'r��longing to the city. SECTTON �-I- it s�.a.11 1�� tz��la�dful for ar��y ��rsor�9 unless du�y authorized ��r the SL�perintendent , �;o �isturb� interfer� ti�r�-�h or ' danas;e any wwat�r z;�ain' ��ater pi�e , ��.ch��erTr' tools' r�ete�s , or any other appliarcea � buil�ir��s cr �,.ro�r�.ds bElonging tc�' ccnn- ected wii,h or u�der �he cor�trol oi Li^� P����n?cibas Tr'ater S�%�t2m of the Ci�y of Renton. SECTION �-2 � ' It shfzll be unlawful for an� �ersci;. tc ��atl�e in or throw a.ny s��.?st�znce �nto any r�s���;oir , ��ater tanY or i~�x�ou�l�'=r��, , dams of the �r_,�.��aicipal ���t�.ter Sys�er:: of tl�e C�ty �f Rentan a ' s�c�zor��t;�� � �-3 - ��� It shall �e unl.aVrful for any ��rsor� to obstruct �he access to an.y fir�; ��y-d�ant or tc c�er� ar opErate any f'�-�E river.f.��i; , or attempt ta araw water therefr•o�i� or to wi1�f'u,_?z: c��° L�re- , lessly inj��.re the sane. S��.T ION �- - Tt s��all be unlawful �`or wny person ��� ��iake cannEct�c;Y�� ��iti� �.ny fixtures or• conne�t any gypE with any �k�ate� �a�n or water pip� 1�e1c::ging to the a�ti'ater S�Tste:-ig without �`zrst obtain���� perraissic�. s� �ca c�o from the Superin-�Er�de��t. SECTION 4� - ', ihe S�p�r�r�tendent shall have �.�t�or�ty t� c��ca_de �.r� que�tion �dh�cr �.azl arise an� ��hich ys not fully coverec� irL t�i�il ordinance, a1 :,. .� �.� �u_;;c>�.=�c,�: ..���:11 ;r: ;�zn'�_ _ �.... s '��; �`�y��1.. � SEC�Tot� �-6 4 .Any perso��. v3cl�.�in� �.z�y o�: �cs�t �.�r�vis:�r���s o� �t�_m� ordin�.rce sha�ll be ueemed gu+lt�� o� a misdeameanor• � ard �a�t��� convictiar� ther�of 9 s��all b� punssh��. uy a finE iri any su� �tc�� exceedin� or;� hur�dred do2lar�, or i�prisoned f oz a ter•m nat exce�di���; th�rty days , or 'ae �ctlz sa _f�ir�ed :�_nc i��r�scner�. SECTI01�� Z►-7 - �11 �r�.i�.arlces or parts o.� a���izi�.r�ces in con�lz�;t ��ith th� pY�4^ry ��P ;�" C)�' �'_?`!C ^Z'r�i�i��.C°E: .^_7s:, _�r.r^'•��,r Vr�' � : .. 3 .1 , �a �.� _ _._ . ��� �31. :�.�.E}�.e ►��C'.l'Z�� �i� 1��.Z.'. .�i'��..�..... 1� ....... ... _,���, �_�� �,,. �ii .0�i� A�-,.F✓i �..;, i�c.t,r., ..�i_'�''�~'.L= g 1 V G C�.c'�.jj'S ��`�iii c�.I.iCi. ._ _ ��_ _' -o-i.;� ���c ��' . Y y'�3-�t:'?,i .._s'i� �;�.�z �i"t����t.t�<:. l�.,_` �.S C7 7'C3`�11.C�.�t�. f�"'.1;j �2.?`3 0 � PAVJU��.J rlS1.Y.37 e o • o •AQ• • O • • a e e���ii�L l.i�' e � ; . « o c o �si��� = a c a.L%Gv I Ut�r �, APPF�OVED �TsI� . . . . . . . . . . . . .DAY OF 6 � � . 6 . a b � o o .��,�c�','� 3 � � City ��e- � /s/ �. W. Bean�lo�so� ��I��C?�' Approved as to form /s/ A�n.vs ije Richmaz�c�. I, C�.tv A�ty. ' L ___ -