HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0850 1r ' o : �...., � _ .,.. ORDINANCE �TU.�!�.� AN URDIN.ANCE OF iHL CITY OF R�;NTOI�T, �1ASHINGiON C�i�NGING Ti'� N1�I'JL�;S OF CERTI�IN SiRL.�'+�iS AND AVEi�T�JE i IN iHE CIiY OF RENTON, tiVASIiINGiOI�, AND R��'E.AZITTG AI,L Q�DINANCES AND PAR i S OF ORDI3IANCL+'S IN CONFLI�i ?iE1�aVI'L�H. iI'�E CITY COUNCIL CF iHE CITY OF REN�OP1 DOES ORDAiN �S ?+'OZI,OTNS: _ Section 1: That the name of tha.t certain street heretofore des igna.ted and known as"Secti on Street"be a.nd the same is hereby changed so tha.t the said street shall hereaf ter be known as "Seventh Atrenue: Section 2r That the name cf tha.t certain street heretofare designated and known as"'Center Street"be and the same i� hereby changed so tnat the aaid street sh�,ll hereafter be kn_wn �.s'�Eighth Avenue: Section 3r �i^hat the name cf that certain street heretofore designated and knawn as �Electron Street� be and tr�e sasne is hereb.y chwnged so that the said street �hall here�.f ter be known as "Ninth Avenue". Section 4: i�at the nr�,me of tha.t certain street heretofore designated and known as"Yesler Street" be and trie same is hereby changed so tha�t the said street shall hereafter be known as "Sixt3� Avenue North". Section 5s ihat the name of th�.t certain street heretofore designated and knc�sn as"Alder Street" be and the sa.me is hereby change� so that the said street shall here�fter be �nown as "Sejrenth A4enue North". Section 6t That the name of tha.t certain street heretafore deuignated and knawn as'"Coal Street" be and the sa.me is hereby changed so that the said street shall hereafter �ie known as "Ei�hth A�renue North". Section 7s That the name of that certain street heretofore designated and known as "iobin Street" be and the same is hereby c�langed sc that the said street shall hereafter be known as "Tobin Avenue. '� �. F � , ,.�„r � . '"'�►'� ` . .. F � . r/�` Section 8: That the name of that certain street heretofore designated and known a,s "Logan A�enue" be and the same is hereby ch�nged so that the sa,id street shall hereafter be knoan as "Logan Street". Section 9s That the name of that certain street heretofore de�ign��ted and known as "Pelly Avenue" �be and the same is hereby changed sc �hat the said street shall rlereai ter be known as "Pelly Street�. Section 10: 'i'Y�.at the ndme of that certain street heretcfore design�,ted and known as "Park Av�nue" be and the sa.me is hereby changed so that the said street sh�ll be hereafter kno�rn as "Park Street". Section 11: That the name of thu.t certain street heretofore designated and known as "Garden A�enue" be and the same is hereby cha.nged so that the said street sha�ll be hereafter known as "Garden Street". Section 12t That the name of tha.t certain street neretofore desi�n�ted and known as "Brooks Street" be and the same is hereby changed so tha.t the said street shall be here�fter known as "Brooks A��enue. " Section 13: i'�at the name of th�.t certain street heretnfore desi�nated and known a�s "�arion Street" be �nd the same is 'riereby ch�nged so that the said street shall be hereafter known as �Ma.rion ��renue". Section 14t That the name of that cert�.in street heretofcre designated and known as "Renton Avenue�" be and ,; the sarae� is hereby changed so that the said street shall be hereafter known ae "Renton Street". Section 15 : That the naane of that certa.in street rieretofore designated and kncwn as "Grant Avenue" be a:nd the same is hereby changed so that the said street shall be hereafter known as pFancher Street". ,,,.� t '� ! . ,. a � : . � Section 16: Th�.,t the name cf th�t certain street heretofore design�:.ted and knccvn �s "Smith ;treet" be and the same is hereby chan�ed so th�.t the sa.id street sYiall�be hereaf ter knocvn as "Smi th Avenue". Section 17: i'ha,t the name of that certain street heretofore design�.ted and known as "Broo�s Street" in Adsits In'�ke Washin�tQn Addition to the City of Renton! be �.nd the sacrle is hereby char�ed so that the said street shall be hereafter known as '�J�,shingtan Avenue". Section 18: That the name of tha,t certain street . heretofore desi�na.ted and known as "Morgan Drisre" b�e and the same is hereby changed so th�a.t the sai3 street shall be hereafter known as "Grant Street. �'. Seetion 19: Al1 ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the �ame are hereby repealed. Section 20: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect fi�re (5) days from and after its passage, approv�.l and legal publication. P.A�SE� tY1 i s _��c�ay o f May , 1928. . / � C I iY �71ERK 1�P�O VED t., i s � 9 day o f �"Iay , 1928. --•-�--- � i �SAYOR A:i'i�OVr�D AS i0 FOI�Iti"I! ��r��, , � CITY hiiGRNEY - DATL 0�' I'IRST PITBLICATIOTS: / 9 ��