HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0836 +`� ' . S '+rr 0�D�I�TAl`dC� l�TG.�� _ �N' ORDIN�NCE 0� iI-IL C iiY G.� R:�if iGIJ �UiHOR I�II�TG 1 '�' 7s'I�YOR AITD CI�TY CI:�RK iC ISSUE �CNDS AGfiIi�?ui I.�Ct;AI, I11�P1�O�TL+�s(.�;Ni LI�iRZCi �`dC. 164, CF SyID CIiY, I'�O�TIDI1iG �+'C;3 �'HE ?�A.ii, OF IS�i��:3ESi SAID BCIv'DS Si-�LL ����l�i�, '�:.� ')�.i� OT' ���IR I�StTE AND �:'I-L`�IR �-�xziUi3Z1^Y hND ?UiHG:tI�II�TC '_�IR Sr^�I,1; Q:3 DELIVE?�Y ?C LHE COT'diR��C^0� T��.�.KI?�G '�'I� ITi�'RO'II{�P,'�'R,T^ IN Sh.ID DISi'�ICT. 1Hu CIiY CCUNCII� Oy ^� CIiY ON' ?�+,�TiON �OES C�I7�IN AS rOZLOuV�: Section 1: ihat the ?Ta.ycr �nd the City Clerk cf the City cf Renton be and they ��re �iereby �.uthorized �.nd directed to execute and iss�se local impro�?ement bonds against I,ocal IrnprctTement District Number I64 , of the City cf Renton, and trie property included �lerein, which district was creu.ted by Ordina.nce I�Tur:�ber 815, cf the City of �Renton, tn the a.�gre��,te sum cf One Hundred Forty-three Dollars and seventy- fi�re cents (:�143.75� . Secticn 2 : aaid bonds sYiall be in uenominaticns as fcllotivs : Bcnd numbered 1 to be fcr �43.75 and bond numbered 2 shall be fcr the sum of One Hundred �ollars (�lOQ.UO) . Saicl bcnds sr�.11 be issued on cr wfter the l�th day of �ecernber, ,192� , a.nd �hall be paya.ble cn ar befere . tie�ren years after date of trieir issue. i7iey tihall i�ear interest a..t the rate of ei�n� (8) l�er cent per annurr: frcm �he date of their issuance until c�.11ed f�r �ayment by the `ireasurer of sa.id City, �:�hich iriterest shall be payable annu�.11y and sriall qe ejridenced by coupons attacned tc sa,id bcnds, une coupon fcr each ye�.rs interest, all cf m�hich said coupons �hall be subject �\ � a � � � to the terms and conditions of the bond to which the same are attUched and if any bcnd shall 'oe c�.11ed f cr �.�ayment befcre the mG,turity of any ccupon tha.t ma,y be atta.ched theretc the said coupon �hall beccme �raid. U�.id bcnds shall al�o ecntain a. nctice of all cf the �a,cts required by statute to be inserted in the face cf the �onds. ;�ecticn 3: ine bcnds is�ued u�cn the pro�risicns cf this crdinance may be scld fcr cash a.t nct le�s than p�.r ��u.lue or may �. t the elec�ion cf the Ci ty be issued directly tc the ccntractcr rna�;in�, trie imprcvement in said dist;rict , cle:ii�rered t� nim by the City Clerit irrunediately u��on t,heir issue , � upon tY�e surrender by nim uf �aarra.nt� issued a�ain� said local impr��ren?ent district in a.n ar.mcunt equ�l tu tr.e bands sc deliTrered. ;ection 4 : inis crdinance shall be effecti�re fisre (5} days frorn a.nd after its passa�e, �pprova�l �nd lega.l publicatien as by law pr ov id e d. Passed by tr�.e City Ccuncil cf the City cf �?enton, ?"dashin�tan, February 28th, 1928. Appro��ed by the TJiayor this 28th day cf �+'ebrua.ry ,1928. /// � � �`�� --- �yYOR ; �,�,--,�„ � � �,.�� � �y�� # _ L'�1 II i�d;aL1.[lS��,�.L_. �i iY CI..LR.Y ._���>;:c�r�:,� .,a lc �,o�,�; � G���= � y�- � C I`iY �.i iGRNt+�Y �'ubli�ned. �arch � ,1928.