HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0482 .�: � �� � � � � �� (I�nproveuleut Ordinance 13onc� Forni.) � � APR 1 3 1�20 ---- ��` -------------- City Cler!z --- ORDYNANCE N�. __ .---- ---_ g� ORAI��NCE PRnVIDI\G FOR '1'1II: I\IPROVE�'[E\'1' OF �ir�t :�Agenu� ItiT�xth,:in th� �city Qf,�.��nton;a'Jaehin�ton,�y .constructin� concret� sid�y�alks • iz� front o£ and along the fo7.]:o�►in� named lats ,,and blockx abuttin� upon said Avenue td`;��t; "' Lot :ei�ht ir� bZock ;one �c�f Ca� :��rk� °Addition to Re ton�T�� � �::' �1�a1� six of °:S,ar-tQrisvi.11e AdditiQn to Rer.ton.a� �t-: one°'of ; o�: block , �zr�� <of Rent.on Fax� P�at a�d 1ot �ne of block on� of �enton F�r�.,;P1a,,t . , ' all in accordance witli R.esolution \o. _�5_�_____ of the City Council of the City of ltientoi�, creatin� a local '� iniprovement c3istrict therefor, an�l providinn that paynient for saicl iii�provement be �n,�de by special a�.sE�s.�- ments upon propert�� in said district payable bp the tnoc�e of `'Payme�it by I3onds." � TIIE� CI'1'�' C�OI'\CIL O�� '1'IIE CI'L'Y OI�� RF\TO\ DOF.S ORD:�I\ ��S 1�'OI;LO��'S; Section 1: t'1�-�t F°irst Avenus Tdorth, in. the City o� Renton,�la�h�n�ton, be improved by constructing concrete aidewalks (six �°eet in v�idth) in frant of and along the follo��ing na.med lots and bloeks abutting �� upon saici Avenue to vvit; Lot ei�;ht in block one of Car '�Yorks Addita.on to Renton--Blook six of Sartorisvill.e Addition to Renton--Lot one of block three of Renton Fa,�m plat « (n��������ac����c���°����°�f����n���R n�o Farm Pl t � ������x and that such other 1vor1� be done as n�ay be necessRry iu con>>ection there��itli, accorclin� to the plaris and � specifications therefor ��repared nnder the clirection of tl�e City I�:n;ineer and on file in the office of the Citv C1�rk. s,�ich sa,id pl�.n� and specific�tions are hereby expressly approved . Section 2: 7'hat tt�e eost and expense of said improvenient, ineludinb all necessary an�� incidental es- � penses, shall be borne by ancl assessec� against the property includecl in tlie a�sessiuent district liereivafter � created in accordance �vith la«-. The City of Renton shall not be liable in an�� i�i��m�er foi• any portiori of the � cost and eapense of said improvement, eacept as herein provided. � � �����������'�� �ixl����� Section 3: Tha ,t�ere �s hereby establishecl a local improvenlent district to be called "Local Iinprove- nient 7Jistriet No. ._��__.____," ��hich said district is described as follo�vs: ��� "All the propert,y between the termini of said improvernent abntting' lipon, adjacent, vicinal or prosi- mate to such portion of said streets ancl avenues to a distance back from the inarginal lines thereof, �s pro- ��icled by law." Se 4: Bonds bearing interest at the rate of ._..._ ..._._.. >er cent. � per ��nntzm payable on or before •-- - -�__ yea.rs from the date of issuance shall be iss zed in paynieni of the cost and espense of this improvenient, which bonds shall be redeemed by the G�lection of speeial assessiuc�nts to be levied znd assessed npon the pr rty �vithin said clistrict, pavable in ..._._.d_...._____ equal annn�l installments tivith interest �at tlie rate of _________ _ _ _ _ _ per cent. per annuin under the mode of "Yayment b,y Boncls," �s defined by la�� and the charter and rdinances of the City of R,enton. These bonds shall be dclii�erecl to the contractor in redemption of warrants on the Local Improvement District I+�und issned on estimates of the City Enaineer, or the City of Renton mav, at its election, seil saicl bonds ancl make sncli redempiion in casli. Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force anci effeet five (5) da3�s froni and after its passage, ap�roaal and legal publication. � �pproved this ......��_�... ----- ..._ day of _�.. .. - . -.•--._...- -� 1`��--• , /r�a�f���� ...---- -�-�- .._... - - - -�- - ._...._.. --� ------�- - - -- -� -- ---�-- -- � �Tayor. P�ssed this ....---•�._•- ..... day of - --...�s�_______�' I .................. 19f�4---• � •'^ �---- ----�------ City Clerk. llate of first publication ., ......... �._ �,._— � '� �'�._/.r,�. �� ..-t'---`�- -------------------- ; ----------- --...�----- ----