HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0476 , � ���'`�-� � ��������� �Q, ��j�m ; fl\ Ot�DI\A\CE PROVIDI\G I�OR TIIIi Il2PROVE:l1��ENT OF That portion of Yes]et� Strc;et bounded on thc Last bv the Wcst line of Itail- road <lvc,nue �z�nd on thc ti'irc�st l�y the �Vest line of Grant At�c- nne, b�� �;radin;- and �i�aeclli.�;;� thc salne, all in accordance with Rosolu- tion No. '?�8 of the�'-itv Couneil oi thc Citv of Rcnton, crcating� :� loc:il im- provement distric� therefor, and pro- vidin��•thttit pa,yinent foi� said improve- mcnti :�e madc by s��ccial assossments ul�on pro�x�rt� in said distz�ict ��a�-able u�- the �node of"ImmediatePayment." � TFiE CITY COUNCII. OF TFII� CITY O�'R�N_L'ON,l�rA5I3I�rGTON,DOl?� �O�tDAIN _1S FOLI O��"S: Section l. That thnt portion of Ycsier S�reet bounded on the East l�y' the �r'e��line oi liailroad 9venue ancl� on the V4'�st b� th� ti'Jcst linc of � Grant �venue be i zn p r o v e d b� gradinn• and �ra�-cliing thc same and �hat such Jother �vork be done a.s mav be ue!�essary in connection tliere- with, according to the plans ai>d speci- ,fi�atio:is therefor grepared undex• the i �direction of the City L�ngineer and on file in the ofiice of the Ci�y Clerk «-hich said l�lans �iLd ���ecili�a��ions arc heret,y expresslt- a�ppi•oved. Section 2: Thai the cost �nd ex- pens� cf s�id improvement, includin� ali necessa.y and incidental expenses,� sha;l ue borne by and astiessed a�ainst' �th� prope:ty included in the assess-� �n12n' ciistric� herei�aiter creatEd in ac- �cordai:ce �`:it3i ia�v. The City oY Renton shail vot 'a� iiab'_�e ir. ary mauner �for i � ��any�p�artion of the cost and expense of i � �said improvement, e�cept as hercin I. �ro�ided. � Se�tiou 3: That the^e is hereb�� es-, �tablished a 1oca1 in�proveinent district; I to be called "Lacal Improvemer,t Dis-i �t�•ict No. S3, �chich sa�icl district� �is descriUed as follo�vs: "All tl�e nro;?erty between the ter-� �ini�of safd improveinent abuting u�- on, adja�•ent, �icinal or proximate to stich l�ortion of said strects and� ave- nues�tc� a�distance back from the mar- (;;inal�lines thereof,as�,�rovidodb�la«�." � Section �: Th��t thc cost and ex- �pense of said improvemeni shall be cle- I tL•.t��cd b�• ���ecial asscs�ments pa}'�tL;c �b�- thr� mod<� of "Immcdiate Pa�rment" �� �as�?clinedb�- la�.�- and the ch�,rbcr aild �, �ordin<lnces o� th� Cit,y oF I.enton. l� �irant5 u�u!�•ir�� interc� it tli� rt�tc c� S per c< it,._ ;x i �tnuu,n until paid, Sha�l be i�tii ed to tlie co�tti a;'�.oi for ti�t; redenii�t�on cf as ma.i:�- oi' �hc war- raa7L, issuc�I or tho Local Impro�-c- � inenL List:ri�;t 1�'uud on estiin�ites of tl�ic �Cit;�� I+.r_ri,�=;er, .�s m.t�-rotUeredeemed �in c.ls7i. ��ection�i: 7'iiis ordin�nce �hall be in f.ull Yerce a,nd effect five (5) days� from and after its passage, approval� and le�al publicaticn. ,�pproved this 21th dw�y of F�bruary* 1�20. `�T�T. TOI�TKIN. Mayor.� !'as.�ccl tliis �Yth da�� of Feuruary� 1'.3'D. W. J, ti31ILLIAMS, , � City f;]erk. »ai r, of tirst publication Febru�r���' `'1,1�J'?0. Bai c of �nd publication, March �, 1930. _ ,-o ., ..>._ . ' �.., r- � __. . . �`` '�' �.=� ;' i � .� � �' ;-ienton. I ti�t. J, a��.l lianis,Ctt�; C,lerk and in for the Ci��S of Renton � as'r�in�;t�n,c�o hereby certify that tYie forP�oin� is a true and carrPct ,opy oP Ordinance No.47��,of the cii,y of Renton,as it a�pears �n fi]e �`iF<��y �ffice,and �o further certiiy that tha same h�s been publishec� aecording fi o law,In wit.ness whereof I set ��y halid ard affixec� the sea� of t'�_e Cit J . � 1,�:w��ra ^� 1" % C �T'N:'� .i[-L;, �� jAC.���',Si.Iyti�.is `7 / /�c� ,� � . . , ) ��/�/' : - , r�v. �._.a�. .�.��_e.�__ �,�._._.. ..�_<:.�,_.. � . . :`.,t 'y: �'!�F��:;._- II