HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0397 .. ► • i � '' � " . , t`` �►�- - � ,�.� - < ��r•� � � �r ~ �' � 02"Cl�T2c3.21C8 N0. �'.n crdina.r�ce re1�.L�r_g tG tre con��ructif,n e�f sad;;t:-3�_�.i�� e�n� ps�ovidir���; for tY!e payment o� the ec�t thereo#'. I The City Council cf t�e Cit;� of Ren��n uo ordain a� failows : S�ctir_,r_ I�In the cit3► o� Ren4on,�ashingtor, t_n.E bu�den and expense of constru�tir:g as�d repairir.� sidev��,lks a3�ur:g the side oP o.ny street or other public pl��e s�all devol�*e upon and be borne by the proper°ty direc�ly a.but�ing trer�Qr�. Section 2�'��er.ever i.r the judgmen� oP t�e of�'i�er havirg the care and superi�tenclence of the stre�;ts and public pl��e� in the city of Renl�n �I�e public coz�v�r�ier_ce ar sa�et;� r�qu�ires tha� a siciewa�.k be c�nstracted • �ther or re�aire� al�ong either side of any atreet o�° pu�ii.c pl�.ce in +�ie city oi Ren�o�. said of�icav sha�I i�znedi2tel�� rep�rtthe �«.ct to the city� ;:��A-�;::b;_ c��:' the �aid. city of R�n�an ,and i� t?�e city council sha.I.l deem the <.���¢f$5j�„��;.c�n or repair c��` �uch �idev�ralk r.ece�sary or c�nvenient far t'�e A.�- �;��z�i�: i� ��4��1,� �� r�solution oruer �ucr sidewalk conutr�c+ed or repaire�x �z.�. �lY�a�.I cauaf: �. ����iae ir. �+rit;ir_;� to be served upon tY�e owner of each �o*,blaclt �r parLel o� ia.nd ir��meai�.�Ely a�iutting upon that poi•t,ian ana sic:a of �ucl-� �tr�eet or public pl��e where saic� �:.ci���ra�k ib to be caz�-� ��ructed or rep�ired re;�uiring hi� �� ccnstruc¢ cr re�air :9zc�y� �i�c�����.�-.'� i�� a�cor•cia�c� ��ritr �uch rescl.u�3c�n. I' S�ctic�n 3-- T?�e reso�.ution and no�ic� p�ovided far= in the pr°ec�u�r-� i , section �h��.1 ciescrire eacY�. �.�,': ,block �r parcel of l�nd i�medi�.t�ly �.`�9:�- tin� upan tha� por�i�n �� the street or a vher g�a�li.c pZ��ce where sa:��= �ic��vra3k i� ord�red �o ae cor��=tricteci or• repairPcl and sn.a.l�. s�ecif�r th� kind o� sid?wa�k re;uire�,tre s�ze and d���nsi��� �f t�e saxne ,t�!e me�roc� ar.c� th� ma.}�ria�. to b� used zn co�5�truc V�c�n �r re�i�.ir and. s�.a.I1 r.ort�.��:F: an estimate cf' tk�e +:ost ther�oY,ar�d the no`.ice sha�:t s�a';� tha+ v�a = _�:_ t�e sidec��Ik is con�tructed ir_ cor;�pl,3�.�t.�: .�yi�.�° ��se �:�u��c� ��i(i ;�.ar..`ri� d reasorra�al� �:�e ther�i�. �r,�c�.�i�;d ��id �i�e�ial�: =:�r3;�:i. °:�r: c���x��x°°acAc;c� 'r;�.� t:!~t.e ci!�;r o� Rentan and 4r�e ���t aY�d �x�cnse t'-�ere�i a.s:es�sd a}�airst t�c� proper< abut�;ing tr�re:��g �:Fecy ���::�:�;�'::�Pjri :�� �:�a�r� ���`-.ice-e _= . .. .: � l h .1 . � ��y ... 2 �'s�1 1��`i P�, �� � • S�cti�ri �� T��� r�vva.4� �:��or�ideci f�r� i �¢: �;rec�<<�b:�u ���Lie�r, ��_��� �� d�:e�r�ec� se2•�eci if d�liv,�ered to tne o�rner or reput�d av�rer af Each ls:�t a �ract ar �areel �f Iand ai'fected, or te, the autti�cri�:en agent o� s�.���� a«�a�:�, • ther�o�' � or �f a co�y�lpe left at tr�e usual place of a�cda of �uch ovrrier ir_ t'r_e citJ �f Rento��� :�TitY: a per�on of suital�Ie age and di�cre�ior_ residin� thereir:, �r in c�.�e such ov��rner is a r�on-re�i�er!t of ��ie ci�:.� of Rent�fl anci hi� pl�ce af` residenc� is i�no�vn. a capy of such n�tice �rall be mailed ta su�;ri or in case the place of residence owner addres:�ec� �o his Ia�t k�awn place of r��ic�pnce�d.f s��c� avanar is unknovr� cr if tr.e otrvr.er of any lo�,rlack or pa.rec�l of Ia.nd a�'f�etea is uraknol�n then suc� notic� sha11. �e ser�,oed �y publica�ion ir• two tiveekl�r issue� of �Y�e official revrpaper of' the city of Rentos�. Such notice shal.l specif�r a reasan�ble tirne vlit�ir� whic�+ sai� �ide;f�al}� srall �e c�ns+�uc+ea the ��� or repafrea wri�r_ in�ca.ve of pu�3ica.t�cri af the notice sral� .a� be�less su�� t`��jGY1. �ixty days f'rom the date �i t�e first p�blicaLien ��`�;�s� no�ice. ;�etior_ 5- Ir� ca:�e the no�ice prov�d�d for in t%�e pre���ling se,etien th�r•ein ����il rsot be co�:plied wifi� within the tiLne�tspeci2ied the of�'icer hatrir.g � charge of �tr�e ��ra �.nd �uperir.+�er.dence of tY�e streetu and public pl�.ces in the c��y of Re��on,shall p�oceed to construct s�.id side�vaik forv�ith. ' ����d sh«.1Z s�ep�ir�t to the city `��unci? of the city of Renton at its n�xt ~�gul�r �esting or as s��n trereaft�r as is practicaY�I� ai� assessment rol3 �_.a�;�ir.g �ach lov ,bloc'•� or parcel of land ��ec�i��ely abi.�tting upc�n sa�� � s�.�ewalk,tre name of the a�vner ther°�of if kncvvn,�,nd �pport ir�r. the ca�t of baid ir�praver��nu to be a��es��c� against eacl� �x s�zch 1�'�,k:Iock or parcel c�' land and the city ecun�il sri�,ll th�reupan set a d�te fo� hearing any pro�.e�ts agains� s�id pragased �;a�;�a������t rol.l �::z�: E��-�.,�.:la ��:��,�;�: a no�ice of the time arYd pid�e of �ai� �i�a.�',;�„ ta� '�.r� �Y�k1��is,��;.� �`::��° tYro successive �eeks in the of�'i�i�.I r�e,��spa.per� of �I�� eity ot Rer�t.�,n, �aid tne da`e �f $x�3��hearirg to be nut less tran t�irty day� fr��. the date of tre firwt publi.��tion �f said r.otic�. Sectic�n 6- The City councal sha.Il at the ti�.ne of said �aearir.� or a� aa�y adjournmer�` ther•eof by o�°dir.a2�.ce as�es� �re co�=t o� cGnstruc�ing or° repair�n� said sid�v�alk: a�;air��+. the proFerty imm�dialel�r a�vt�,ir.� `: �:���_�.�.� in acc orciancf, �ti�h the benefi#.s thef�eto aisd such a:se�s��nt sha3.? - �,�ti . ,:T� ( 1 • ♦ t i c 1 � . • ;i�:�,� :� �7.�N.rF>c��9� c �.i�n upar� t�e reap�c���� Ic�f;�,bloc�s �r par�c��� of 1.ana a�c� s�ha2:t =:��F �c�l?e��ed in trie manr�er provided by l�.tir and ordir.ance for the callec+���� o�" Iccal imprt�ver���ntg asses�nient� and sh�.11 bea.r° ir_t�rest aL the rate ��' ��x per° c�nt per aiYr�U.� fror�. the date af the appr�otTa3 af said as::�:d�,r�.�`=�s, �,�l r.-�e•E:�T:. �':C%�t:i3� i'--�=i$;F` `�,�'=� �ii:tl"??G$$: .�"`.T T�._�1� 0�'C'i].T:u^,21CP, c"�.1�. 1�7`C7U�T'�;y �"�c'd.4T:a.�:':�,'s � at�Y fr•ontage on tre sicis or mar�in o�° #�� street or o�her public pZ�,ce sha2� L�� r aeemed abutt ir_g property,and such praperty sh�Il be cha�;ea��le ,as prov�.de�r �r this ordfr.�nce,•.�rith all �C�Cs cast� o� canstrmcti�r� ar re�iair of any �orn� ef sidewal� improver�An� ,hetween t��e margir� of' said str�eet or othe�� �:u�l�� place and the roactway lying in front of and adjacent ta said pro?�e;r'�,;r �t�� the term sidevralk as usFd ir_ thi:� ordinar�ce shall be eonstrueci tt� �ae��^, v and irelude a.ny �.nd all structure� or for�s of i�pro�a�ent� ircludeci i� ��@ .ST3%�t_'A `i�f;'_�:'���c,y-; #l�� �+.������ ynal^�i�°` .^rp-�� t1�,-�,' I"p�t7lstc'�ti �fTtC�'.�2? s'�.`�:r '��"� �S�l��'at'r-s'_� �L.X �.X"�`�.s Sectian �3-- This ordirar�ce sh�ll not be c�s��tru�d a� repe�.�i�;� ��° �����ding any ordinance re1�:�.tir� to tre impW=v�Ye���=+_, c�� s�re�d� �r r,:_x�,���r �,��_�es �y speci�l assessr�er�ts coremonly knotiv� �� ?�z°�.? ��SA�p�=t�zr����;+� ��:�,����- dt,c�s , �d��x���xafx�r.�s�x�xxntzu����xi�xsa�r?����tx�r���rsxxx rut shall be cansi�ereei as a�.���.it:ic�n�,I. le�isla,�ion anc� ��i?=!�ry therPto,a:*�d �hap�er I49 of t�e ses�iar laws of the 1��t �e��ian is hereby re�'er-:��:�t to �Z��c�x3a�S�yr�a�x�R�ix��xa� tr��,d' t�� �::_°g:;���i�s��:� �:r'��ze=:�i� ��-:� :��. enforced in the Cit,y of Ren d�%�. � Section � All ordi�a�c�s ar= x��.�`�� �o' �r�����;��:�:�, �� ��$9�"�:.'�;'. ����; x> th�.� �rdir�ance �rehereby reg�aled. Sectior� ICJ �his ordir_aa��e sh�ll �a��; �f r�`�c$� �.�c� ��c�� �� ����r� :, ��.�:�.r� a.fter i.t:� pa�:�age,apprc,val a.nd 1��aI publica`�€;vj� P����� t?�is the 2 2 day ef �� I9I�+, A�x�r����d the 2 2- day of I9I5 --__ � __ _�f � // _ _�'��- ,,�a__�;� �������, / AttE�t - ., '��.#� �,��,.�_% � �_ -- - — ,a �_�, .. i , ,� y^ { � �-- f �"- �`�5.�'�.--��fC.-�..�. w..,�,..��..c.�.'� ; '�� � �. . ���`�- ° o �.,�• :.rj.. ;� ,/,. .,1 � ; t � ..� ���r//�i�-�j L e��� /�� � z c t ` �� �� , O ��j � � �, �:' � <<_ .i��-;