HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 0438 �--= ---� � ' ' . ' } " d � �` . , �f �" `�-�+�.f �., � ��' ���«;. OrdinancP Nv. tr�•'' ' � / An ordinancs regulating the sala. of alanh�l for mechanical or chemica,l �x�xaa u�es and providing penaZtiPs for the via2ation of this ordinance. The �ity Counc3l of the City af Renton do ordain as follows: Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person,.firm or corvor� ation within the c#.ty of Renton,Kiag county��ashin�ton, to se11, giv�: a��ray or ot'nerwise dispose of alcahol,except �vood alcohol,for ch�rnical �r mechanic�l purposes to any pe .r�on�:�irm or corporatio� unla�s a permit as hereinaPter provided, �ha1l have bePn issued tnerAfor by the chie� of police�or in hi� absenca some men�ber o� the Polic� Departm�snt of the City of ��s Renton,or in any such , or more quantity greater than the amount shown in a�.tntt�permit „ �, than one �ale or deli4ery under such permit. Seci;ion 2. That any person,firm or corporation deairin� to purr ena�e alcohol for mechanieal or ahemicaZ purposes shall make application for sueh pureshase to the Chisf of poliee oP the City of Renton,such applieation to be under oath,sworn to before the city clerk or a notary public oP the State oP '�Vashingtor�,and shal�- contain the name oP the applicant the location of his res3dez�oe or placs of bu�ines�,and if made by an officer of a corporation or member of a covartnership,shal�. state tne name of such cor- position or poration or ca-partrier�hi�� and the afficial���xa��� connectio2� �a3c�¢s#�tt�xx o� the person makin� sUch statemQn� ��v1th such � firm or corporation,�tatin� the purposes for �hieh �ueh aleohol is to be txsed and the quanti.ty desired for such purpose ,and that �+ such alcohol is not to be used as a bevera�e or kept or to be u�ed in violation of t:�e 2a�ts of the State of �ashington or tne ordin�nces of the c�.ty of Rentan, �nd shall state the place of residence o� such applicant,�nd t?�at such appliaant is over tne age oY twenty one years,�nd shall also state the person �.fir�n or . �• ao.rporation from whom �uch purc}i�,se i� to bA rnade,�in the city of Renton. Section 3. That it ahall 'oe the duty of the Chief of Police to file e1�ch application when pronerly sworn to,and givP the same Paga 2 of or3inance a serial num'ber and iesue to such a,pplicanL a per�it,for which he ahall eharge a fAe o� ten cents,in �rord� and .f�tgure� as fo7.l.ovrsz to �rito " State of �Pashin�ton �ountv of King City vf Rentdn ss ...._._. -.- _ ._._.._. residin� at Renton, �.foresafd,i� hereb� permitted to purchase tram _______w �_�_.___�__in safd c�ty, alcahel not exceeding _„���____�_ __,�, in quantity,the •ame to be ussd only Por mechanical �r chemical purpo�ss,on delivery vf this� permit to said party. This per:nit can be used �*,� �P�ru no e sals and shall '�e vofd tsn days f'rdm date o� isaue. Dated thie day of rI9I Chief of Police vf tne City of Rentan. " Sectian 4. That the Chief of ?'olics shall file �uch application jpit�. the City Clerkg�nd as each �er�nit is ie�ued,shall indorse d"`' such application "p�r�it issued" with the date oY issuance. That the per$�rl selling such alcohol sha21 at t�e tim� of makin�h � saley�aneel sueh permit by writing across t?�e face thereof�{"ean- tJ�t�a� c�lled"with the date on which it <<i-s presented and such alcohol sald��►ith th� signature of the p�srsvn sellin� the same,and shalt retafn such permit �thic'n shall be preserved by him for a period of at 1Past six montns and subject to the inspection of the Chief of Police ar �ayor of the City of Rento3�,�.nd �ub�eat to the right �►� tne ChieP of Po13ce or tne Mayor wit'nin such �eriod of six months to dema�nd and secure possessfon o� such permits for filing in the ofPice of the city clerk of the city of Renton. Section 5. That it shal�. be un3��rFa1 far any person ,fi�m or corporation to purchasg within the c�ty of Renton,any alcohol for mechanical or chemio�,l purpoees,exeept Kood aleohol,�ithout first securin� €� permit as provided � in this ordinanee. Section f. That in any case �+here a per:nit has benn issusd by �he Ch3Pf' of Palice and it shall appear t'nat the person securing �uch permit used such alcohol as a bevera�e,or sol� ,pave away or 3d page of ord3nanee other�isa disposed of such aZcohoi in violation of any ordinance o� the city of Renton or ia��s of the State of �ashington,he shalt haveU�right to rer�se to iasue anotner permft to any s�ch person � • � p that he shall have a right to refues to issue a peNmit in any ca8e Txhere ha know� that auch applia�tion is nat made in good faith and that any statemen� made in such applic��i�n is untrue. Section 7. That the provisione of this ordin�nce sha11 not appl� ta ,;,� the sal� o� alcohol at ��holesal� �o any retail dealer engagea in the business o� selling alcahol for mechanical or chemical purposes. Sec�lon 8. That the pravisione of thi� ordin�nce shall not af� fect any oP the the provisions of ordinaneea respectively �z� nambered ordinances �To , or ordinance No. �Z� or ordinance T'o � ��3 � x#ia�xsf#.�cx=�ci�t�x but sha21 be taken as an additional regul�tion tnereto. Section 9, Any person who aha11 make any false stateaent in z any Qpplication for �.ny permit provided for in this ord3nance,or shall violate any of the provisions of this ord�11Ai1CP, shall be D� deeme�.� Quilty of a misder�eanar,ar�d upon convicxion thereo� shall be �ined in any aum not eaee�ing one hundred dollar�;or by�e a�d imprisonment for a periodwnot exceedinp� thirt,y days, or by , , , �: � . • . � . , � � , x` . .�:, both such fins and i�nprisonment. " , , - - � .� , . �':,�..�...�l' i '�-*e,�,�„{..,��, x„ � �., . Passed this -� � day of January, I9I7 • � _ . � '�• �(,,���� � Approved this ,3 �� day oP January ,I9I7. r .��/ - MaJor Atte�t _ _ � /��'1-��'� City �lerk Published �,�� ���,. I9I? i